New York Clipper (Apr 1870)

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RmUfbtBtmrta B(S%lu tiuofi bid IXKMI4 bin. j^fvpOdS ofbUbaia iBUa D»mlii4." Wa IbnibL u n loebid bin uconlr IBi fkaiS^bO Mit Bom'voiM IUm brtter U> blB s nuMc(>nboloocanMIU». UtitobttblBkief tih* |glb*Vnb<iip<lliL UIMbadwbviblili v:t:v la< Mw tel «r M«B41f Uik wu doM ■ VttiioubtoorMlmwnilriiif. ■UwtSS'OH ctab In Ui< ■uwU (UUu OM," i«nted rut lb* 4oor nkaew vtn tr kl>a Ij ii« BonlBf b*'4 b« inu MV. »rBE OLOWITB STORY. ■Tod wAoldnt tUDk It, u look tt btr now, tlr," uM ite m vSn. H U Ibook tiM uha oot of Ui bhcktoed cImt; «igtStdim wu onee u htoilnm* a womtn u Toa'd §a fttnUj^tloigdaj. Itwuan.aMiaenC tbat tpout Inr ^rSnatknwuiUteheil to»Ilia* eiinumiii codiimdj irtth irUat I fbneo in dulsg ■ rammer lUj'sneda- _ , . hi wuwkkabln. Tlie treap« tad bblted it » ' nidM<lim,wliu«IwudiWdUiigovernir dnpit mid- d»nMl,ii>dbTUioUiiieIliad imoked mj dnr In hia rauuianihlp ttig olown ud I wen npoo i TooUng of notbtem a UtUo •tnck bj tbt womin of wbom be nok). BbtwuUUtodtUm.uidbidioinclhUifOf afor- ^ralook, u I tbombt Hcrniiewu cbleOj renukable ArilMpunnilImpraalonwblcbIIg«nto » atnnjitr. It wutbelboeof ftwomiDwbotad nndeivone some grett Una. TbeideklTialorof (HettlnwumidgooBnlcaoDi . bitlulieeUobil^tnoaoniie luge buck area, ud on one cMaklkenwuaicai—tbemitkortamtdeadlj bait In- "MamrVSdandltaidtlnllada UUlo war IMm tbe tmrvbenllM itat or ib« coopanj wan lUll oocapled 'wttnUielrfriuildlnBW. Aatnicborianu ooaunonlar Monaa-andaeemadtotBTltoanmbK. TbedowaDUad HtttpaTaad walked on, medluU*elT- I took oot anotber "^altafUlMmlionebaokUiatgaTabtt Uiit Karl" lUM. "Akllftombonebaekl Hadame DelaTantI I Mo, all, ttutnamoBbereMekwumade b; tbeelawtoi a Unr. 'U>i nUiei a cmlou aoft of tUaj, and I don't BUnd teUlu ILIf m^d like to beat 11; bnilOribeLoTd'a aakedontlet ■ iirlDawl'rabeeiiialklatabaat joo ilioald bap- BaWwnnaonalalancawttkberwbenToa go backto )i«itilwiiia a dinike to being talked aboatr> , InUerUilnkibebia. Ton aeeibe'a not 41111a nght In ' the appaitoiT, poor wnl; bnt ibe ildea beaiitliu;^, and dovn't know what feu meana. You'd acanelr believe how baadaome ake looka at nigbt wben abe'a dmacd for .« »»-«in g Her Lue tlgbia op alnoat aa well aa It need - 't0wiainana(o,b^onahebadtbe acddenL Ab,ahe wtaluiidaoinalnlnoaeOmandoaedtoba mn afur bj alltlNaenUenenllkeinai Bntabenererwaa abad lot, DtreN-wUd and aeir willed, boi nerer a wicked woman, aa 111 Blake my lift. I'to been ber fnend tbrongb Iblck and tiiiii wben abe needed a Mend, and ITe nndentood tier beacrtbanotlieii. _^ . "SbawaaoniT twelve jeaia old wben ant alie oame to na with ber (fcUier,g noted Uon tamer. Ue waa a nan tbat diask baid now and tben,andwaa Ten acren wllb koMBnckUnua; bottbealwaja bad a bnveaplillfaDd lUTtrkiiawbeTtoQnallbeforablmorbefonthe beasla. Bbeoaedtolakeberabanln all tbe oM man'a peifonn- lamM, ud «beo be died and tbe Uona wen aold off oir ptnnetcr kept a ileec for ber to perform wIUl Be waa (MeleTarealofailuie tnlmala,bDt a «iieer temper, and tt seeded a spirit Ilka Oarolliie DelaTantl'a to face Urn. Bbe nda In Ike drcoa aa well aa perftmnlng wltb tbe tiger, andabe wuallogeiber tbe memTalaable member or tbe eoapanr, and wu Ten well paid for ber work. Bbe waa algnaen wben ber Iblner died, and wltblo a fear of bla daaib Um mauled Joaeph WaiUe, oar acene palnitr. •Iwunlkeranrpnaed at (bla marriage, for I Dueled atraUaeraltbt bare done better, ioewas iblitj-llTe If hewaaadaj—a pale, aandj-halred fellow, not moeb to look ak andbynomeaaaa aeolna. Bnt bawea awfbllj toid of Carolina. He bad followed her abont Uke a dog OTd Aice Bbe came among oa, and I tbongbt aba married bio nun out of pit} tban loT^. I told bei ao one daj, bnt abeonlrlaofludand aald:— "•He'atoo good for me, Hr. Watan; tbafa tbe tntb. I dOD't deaerTe to be loted aa be loTea me.' "Tbe newlr oaiiled ooople did Indeed aeem to be reir klfpj together. It waaa treat to aeeJoa stand atttae wlig and watcb bla wUs tbroocb her perfonnanoea, nadj tomaahawioTerber pretij wblto aboolden when Bbe had done, or throw bimaelf between ber anil tbe tiger In etae of nlaoUef. Bbe treated bin In a prett;, patronLdng aeita(waj,aBlfbebadt)eeneTerBo much yoangeriban ^k«r, tamed efilxteen lean bar aenlor. Bbe uaedlo aland _)iBe a Matt tbe tope of ImproTlog bla poalUon aa be ImprOTOd IB bu art, and be tbongbt noulng too good for bla beaoU- iumngwllfc. narnidTeTTComftirublelodgings about ball kule Horn tbe manolkctailog town wboiv we wen ■uuoied for tbe winter montba, and lived oa well aa MmueroUiBeed Uto. ..... •'oar manager waa sroprlotor of a second tbealnata aaapoittown, ffitr miles awaj mm tbe place Wben we watemailoned; and, wben pantomime time waa coming OD, poor Joseph WajUe waa ordered off to point tbe scene rr lor this otber theatn, macb to bla grief; u bla work waa Utelv to keep blm a month or six weeks awav from Mswlft. It was their dnt parting, ond tbe hosbaidfNt It deepUr. ne left OsroUna to the care of an old woman who toot uo moneTLUd wbo ntoCeaaed a ver; warmattaoh- mait for Hn. wjUe, or Madame DelavonU, aa ibo waa calMIn thebllla. "Joaepb bad not been gone mncb more tban a week whin I Began to notice a jromig offlcer wbo was In front areiT aTenlng, and wbo watched Caroline's perfbrmance wllh evident admlnuen. I saw blm one night In vcrr close Mnvenatlon wllh Un. Hoggleton, the monej taker, andwii not over pleated to hear Uadano DelaTaoU's name menUoicd In the conrae of tbelr conveiaatlon. On the next night I found him lollaring about the siaie door. He was a voir handsome man, and 1 could not avoid taking nolloe of hiD. On Uiulr; 1 found that bla name was Jocdji, and that be waa a captain In the regiment then tlMoned In the town. Ue was the onlv aon or a weallhf manabctaier, I waa told, and bad plentx of monej to throw ahont "I had inlahtd mj performanee earlier than nsnal one night loon alter this, and waa waiting for aftlendatihe stage door, when Captain Joceirn camo up tte dark bj- stnat. Booking bla cigar and evldenllr waiting for lorao one. I fall baa Into the ahadow of uio door and waited, feelingprellr son tbat he waa on tbe watch for Caroline. I wu finb Bbe came out pnsonuv and jolnod him, pnu ting her sand under his arm u if It wen 40IU a usual thing ftir blm to be ber eaeort I followed tbem at a little dlatanoe u tbej walked off, and walled till 1 saw Joe's wtik Bale wllhln ber own door. Tbe captain detained her onthadoorstep, talking for ofew mmutas, and would fhin have kept her then longer, bnt aho dlamlased him wllh that pnllr, Impertoua way she had with au of ua at tlmeo. "NOW, u a veiT old friend of Carollno'a, I waao't going to itandtbia sort of thing; aol toxed ber wllh It plainly neit day, and told her no good could come of any ao- f nalnlaooe between her and oaptaln JocalyiL 41 lADd no barm need come of It ellhor, you allly old fel' low.'sheaaU. Tva been oaed to that aort of attention all mvUto. Ihtre'a nothing but tbe moat Innocent girtatlon liehrMbu.' "'What woalAlMlliliik of noli aq Umoocnt (UitaUoo, Oanllaal'lMkod. •"loo mult learn to put up wllh such UilngB,'ahe an- ■wered, ■aalonguldomydaly whim. Ioan'tMvo wllh- ontezottement and admuatlon, and that sort of thing. Joe ought to know that aa well u I do.' " 'Ilbonld have thought tbe tiger and tho horaea would kaTeglnn yon enough excliemoni,aanllne,' Itald, ■with- nt numlnghila wono dangen than the rlak of your life.' ' 'Bat they dont give monalf enough excitement,'ahe iniweied; aodthenshetookoutaUttle watch, In a Jeweled eaat, «admk«l-al Uaail ttaenatme,ln a half boastful, - half anzloiu way* "•Whj,wbalapratty watch. Carry l> said I. la that a praesl from Joe V ^ ... .. ■"^ if yon didn't know bettor than that!' ahe said, *ooonli7 scene palmare cant afford to buy diamond walobea for their wlvca, Mr, Waleia.' "I tned to lecture her, but she laughed off my n- preachea: and I saw her that night with a bncelet on her aim wbleh 1 knew moat be another gift from the captain. He wu In aatags box, and threw her a bouquet of oholco towen afterhtr aceno with tbe tiger, itwaa the pretileat sight la tho world to wo her pick up the nowen and offer them to the imn-looklog animal to smell, and then snitoh them away with a laugh and ntira, oourteejtlug to the au- dleneeaon glandngooiiuettlihly toward the uoz wben bor admUtr ut applauding her. .'Three weeks went by like this, tho captain In (nut nttj nlgbt. I kept a oloee watcb upon uie pair, for I thought uat, however she might carry on ber Olrtatlon, Jofa wUb waa tree at heart, and would not do blm onv deBbemto wrong. Bbe wu very young and very wilful, hstllfeiKlcdinT Inlncnoo would go a long way with her In any deaptnle emenrcncy. 801 kept an eye upon her .' and her adsilnr, and Uicn wu rarely a nlgbt that 1 did not see tbeoaplaln's back turned upon tbo door otMn. WoyUCa lodglnga bcfon 1 went homo to my own supper. ■ voe'wu not expected borne for another week, and tbe legUBOitwu to leave town In a couple of days. Caroline told me Ihia one raornlig with evident picasun, and I waa ^.■,.^«.uiathaiuweB«Med,htatto man took do "Sgyaataoftoiwaid I wuIwaglBg la»«!;!2«iIiS rtngwhSSioUnewebtttomgh l»r«5ia^,P«£™»S«; £^fcrw"iSa,i5!arur^^ tbTDltUwuJuepliWayUo'a face, uhy pale and Oxed udeMb-«fMe that meant mUchlet . .... '"ShulSTtdsSnetblngagalnat hUwife,' I thooghu TU na round toblmditoctly Icangel oot ot the flng Ud make mauen Bfluate. Some coafoanded icondal nong™hiagotholdorhlm and bu been polMOing bla SutfahoSeSiSuieandlheeaplalD.' I »»•»«{[«" J2« been a good deal of talk In the theatre about the tw»- talk which I bad done ray beet to PUt down. "Captain Jocelyn threw hla bouquet, which waa receivM wliha ccqnetuah aralle and a biliiht upward glanoo that seemed to eipros pcofound doUghl I knew that thia wu SeSwge pftyVbutbowmuatll hare looked Wtbc jcal- "uam^oTSlarlng with mod ey«a P back of tte pit I I tamed w look at blm u the curtain l3l\ilH)B tho stage, but he wu gone. lie waa go^ug SioiS^ doubt. ' •««■, mediately and went to prepare ber for tbo interview, and. If needful, to stand between ber and her hnaband'a anger. "I found hor at the wing, tiUlng with Iho Imiquet In an BbecntwaT. , ^ . '"MavojonaesnJoer iMked. ,_ ^ w.. i •'Ho,'ihe anaweied. 'lie bun't come hack, hu bet I didn't eiMclhlo for a week.' , , . "^1 know; my dear; but be wu In front Jual now, look- ing u pale ua ghost. I'm afraid somo one hu been talk- Inff to urn about yoQ*' ••She looked reier frtghtonod when I "M iwa, " Tbev cant uy any harm of me If they apeak the trntii,' ahe aald. 'I wonder Joo didnt cone atnlahl tome, though, bateadotaolngtotbefrootortbobousc.' ^^were both wanted In the ring. I helped Carolina tbionih ber eqoealrian performance, and uw Ital ahe wuallUlenerrouaand anilooa about Joe'a retoni. Bbe did net favor tho captain with any more amliea that eve- ning, and Bbe told me to be ready Ibr ber at tbe alago door icninlnulas before tbe performance wu over. -••Iwant to «1ve Oapiain Jocelyn Ue allp,'ahe Bald 'but I dare uy Joe will come to me before I'm twdy.' "Joe did not appear, however, and ahe went home with me. I met Iho captun on my way bock, and be asked me UI had been seeing Mn.Waylle home. I told hlmree, and that her burhaod bad come home. Joo had not ar- rived at tbo lodglnga, however, when Caroline went In, audi returned to Ub theatre to look forhhn. rioatago door wu abut when I went back, so I inppoKd UiatJoe bad gone home by another way or was cut drinking, i went to bed ttat lught very uneuy In my mind about Caro- line and ber buaband. "nerewuaneailynbeanalora new inlerlude next memlmr, and OaroUoe came Into the theatre live minotea afterTgot there. She looted pale and UI. Uor buaband bad noi been'home. . "'I think It must bare been a mloUke of yours about Joe,'ahe aald to me. 'i don't Ihlnk It could have been blm yon aaw In the pit laat ulgbL* "'I aaw him u surely u I see you at Ihli isomcnt, my dear.'I anawered. Tbon'sno poesibllliT of a mistake. Joe came back laat night and Joe wu In the pit while yon were on wllh tbe tiger.' "Tbla lime she looked really Mghlened. She put her band to her beail auddenly and began to tremble. ■"Why dldnt be come home to mef she cried; 'end where did he hide himself laat nlgbt f •I ii>ai afraid he mul have gone oal upon tho drink, my dear.' •< 'Joe acTer drinks,' ahe aafwered. "While ahe stood looking at me wllh that pale, soared Itoe, one of our youoff men came running toward us. " 'You're wanCedTwaten,' he said, aborUj. '"Wheref " 'Opetaln In (he palntlog nam.' " 'Joe'a room P cned CaioUne. "nun he bu come bock, in n with yon.' . .... "She wu following me u I croaKd tbo stofo, bm the jonng man tried to atop her* "^ou'd heller not oome Just yet, MniWaytle,' be said In a hurried way that w^ straop to blm. 'It's only Walen that's wanted 00 a mailer of bnslnesa.' And then, u CaioUne followed dote upon ua, he took hold of my arm and whispered, 'Dont let ber come.' ' ^I Wed to keep ber bsck, but It was no use. ' 'I knew It's my buaband who wania yon,' she aald They're been making mischief about me. Von aban't keepine away from blm.' "We were on the narrow Btalm leading to tbe painting room by ihla Hme. I cooldnt keep Caroline off. Bhe puhed paat both of oa and ran Into the room before we could stop her. "Berve her right,'mutleied my tompoolon. 'It's all • domg.' _ I hean ber scream u I came to the door. Then was a Ullla crowd In tbe paluthig room around a quiet figure lying on a bench, and then vru a gbaatlv poolofbTood npoo tbe loor. Joaeph WayUe had cut his ibroat. "<Ue moat have done It last night,'said tbe manager. Iherat a letter fOr hla wife on Ihe table yonder. la that yon. Mia. WayUet Abadbualneas, lan'tltr Poor Joseph I' ■Caroline knelt down by the side of the bench and atopped tbei* on ber knees, u still u death, till the room wu clear of all hot me. '■ They ihtnk I desene this, Wateie,' ahe aid, lining her while face from the dead man's aboulder, wben ahe bad hidden It; "but I meant no harm, aire me the leuer.' " 'You'd bettor wall a bit, my dear,' I said. ■■ tlo, no; give )t to me at ones, pleaae.' "I gave ber the letter. It wu nrv abort The acene- pointer had oomeboek tolbe Iheatre In time to hear aome portion of Ihe Interview between OapL Jooelyn ud bis wife, lie OTldeolly had beUcTed ber moob nongullly than ahe waa. " '1 think yoo moat know how I loved yon, Caroline,' he wrote: '1 cant face life with the knowledge that you've been lUae to me.' "Of coona then wu an loqucat We worked It 10 that the Jury gave a verdict of tomponry IntanltT, tuid poor Joe —1 boned decently In the oemeuty outside the town. __MBM0l4.the wauh and tbebnctlettbat oapt, Jocelyn' had'glTea heNn order to pay for herhoBband'afUneial. She wu Tei7 qn:;t.and wont-on with the performuoea u usual a week after litt death; but I could see a great change In her. The test of Ihe company were veir aard upon her, u I thought, blaming her for her hnsoand'a duth, and ahe wu onder a doud, as It were; bnt she looked u handsome u over, and went through all hor Ktformances In her old daring wi^. I'm aore, tbongb, bat she grieved slnoerely for Joe'a death, and ttat she had nerer meant u do him wrong. "We tnroled all through tne next summer, and lato In November weat hack to llometalelgb. Caroline had aeemed tapplor while we were away, 1 thought, and when we were gofog back she confessed u much to me. " 'I've got a kind of dread of seeing ttat plsoe again,' she said; 'I'm alwaya dreaming of the painting room u It looked that January morning, with the coM light itrtamlDg In upon tbat dretdtgi figure on the bench, The room's scarcely been out of my dreams one night alnca I've been away mm Homeislelgbi and now I dread going back as lf-«s If be wu abnt up there.' "Ihe room wu not a partlcolarly oonrenlont one, and had been used for lumber aftor Joe'a death. Themaawho came alter him didn't care to paint there by hlmielf all day loog. On the Snl morning ofonrietnmdarollue went op and looked In at the ilaaly heap of diauaed stage fUmltore and broken propertlea. I met ner coming away from tbe """^h, Mr. WBton,<the said to me with real feeUng, <lf he hod only waited to boar me speak formyaelfl Tbeyall Ihkik I deserve what happened, and perlitpa I did u f or u It wu a poDlahment for my ntvollif; but Joe didn't de^ aerve auoo a fate. I know It wu their malldona talk did the mischief.' 1 ttscted after thli that her looks changed for the worse. ovadcyed to Did aho did not reaUy can for OepL Jocelyn "Wot a bit, yon aUly old man,' ahe aald, <1 like hla ad miration and I like his prooeols, but I kuow thoro Is no one I'm vey^d the regloont will in Ihe world worth Joe. be gone when he comes back. 1 aholl tavo had my bit of ftu, na know, and shall teU Joo all about II: and, u Oapt looeiyn will have gone to tbe other end or tbo world, he oaht object to the prosenla-lrlbuica oOOred to my genius, THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. DANQEROUS QMUND) -A^pril 16, 1870. MJIREtJBlSTERS OF WOOD HOUSE FARM THE FieBTnO BLOSDE. l ai ii u loaiaaaiw veuama, BT joegra J. duiiT. Mtibeubtbnr aiock s^iMta did iw™*''!. ■3S|SSrt.««« wlUi aMwaeumlieO but.! WlibuolnlUm vB Dir aoul to UimNei Bbe looted m nml r, r> •ananMI diluil, BttSTwbWi fMll cmid 1, ir •b«„wm BIDO- Ueea iutoeaa mr mlad ww iDOrt rdlw, "wl» ber y* UiU enr), «> d"la«l myniiiui: an lad DB 00, tad r •> •>B|>ld,MlBd,l„ la the oaplalD oaya'ln his noto.' "IMtbyo t by 00 meana sure that Joseph Waylle would con- Bast to his wUfa ntalnlng iheso trlbulcs, end tdd ber u mnoh.' " ■OL noaaeue,* ahe said; ■! can do what I like with Joo. IieU be tnlte sauslled when he acca Cspl. Jocclyn'a lenedfulleltere. I couldn't part with my darllug little waba for the world.' en I went to tbe theain next night I round the lalandlngtaltlngtoCarollnoJoit In^e the atoge Be aeemed very eameat, and wu bnglDg ber To ' do aooatUng which aba saU wu Impossible. It wu his last nlttt Ui the town, you see, and I have very little doubt nut he wu uklughcr to run away with blm, for I beUoTS the Bianwu over head and eon In lovowltb her, and that aht iru pnltmg him off In hor laughing, oo- qoBUtih way* ."'1 w«'{ toko loor anawer now,' bo ttW, veir aerl. OBilp 'iBtaU wall for you at the door to-iilghL Tou and that tbo had a ncrvona way In gnng through her equestrian performances, u U then wu afOTernponher. I couldn't Judge svwell how she went through (he tiger act, u 1 wu never on the stage with her, but the bruto seemed u submlislve u ever. Ontbelaatdoyof tbeyoar aho uked our manager to let her off for Ihe next night. ■It la tbe UDlToraary of my hnaband'a death,' ahe aald. " 'I didn't kDjw you wen eo prooioua fond of Mm,' be auwered with aaneer, 'No, Hn. WayUe/we can't aSoti to diapcuie with your serTlcee to-morrow nlgbt. The tiger aot la one of our atreog foatorea wllh the gallery, and I eipeot a full bouae for Hew Year's night.' "Bhe begged blm vtty bud to let her off, but It wu no ate. There wu no rehearaal on New Tear'a morning, and the want to the llttio cometery when Joe wu burlod —a three mllea walk—In the cold and rola In the eve- lUng, when she come to the wing, tar eyea were brightor than nanal, and she shivered a good deal ffloie Ihta iTlked toaae, ■<I think I mutt havo caught cold la the cemetery to- day,' Bhe aald to me wben I noticed this. >I wish I could taTC kept this nlgbt sacnd-thls one night—to my hus- band's memory. lie taa been In my mind ao much today.' "She weat on, and I etood at the wing walchlag her. The aodleuce applauded vooUenuly, but ahe did not make her accnelomed conrteay, and aho went about ber worklnallalleu way ttat wu very dunnnt from her nsual spinied manner. Tbo animal seemed to know this, and when she bad got about talf way through her tricks with him he began to ropond to her word of command In a sulky, unwilling manner ttat I didn't like. This made her angry, tad she uod ber light whip mon freely than naual. "Oao of Itat tiger's oonolodlng trlcki wu a leap through a garland of flowere which Oarollne held lor blm. Bhewu knoeUnglotbecentnolthe stage, with tbla garland In her honde, ready for the animal's spring, when tar eyee wandered to the IToul of the house, and ahe rose auddenly wllh a ataiUl setcam and hor anna ouialretehed wildly. Whether tbe aniky bruto thought tbel she wu going to stnke talm or not, I don't know; but ho sprang lavagely at ber aa ahe rote, and In the noxt moment sbo wu lyhg on tho ground, heMess, and tho audience Bcraamlng with terror. 1 rnthed upon the stage, with half a doaenothen, aud we had the bratemuailedaad roped In a few breath- ICBA moroeoto; tmt not before he bad Com OarolUie'a check and ahoolder with hiaclawt. Shewulnienalble when we carried bor off the stage, and she wu confined to her bed for three months aftor tho accident wllh btalu fever. When ahe came among u unin aho had lost every veallge of col- or, and licr face hid init set look which you mutt have ob- BcrvodJuttnow," "Tho fright of her oocounler wllh tho ilicr gave her that look," 1 aald. "1 don't moob wonder at II." "Mot a Ut of It," anawered the down. "That'a tho curi- ous pait of tho etory. She didn't think anything of tho akinolih with tho tiger, though It qolto apollt her beauty. What Itightonod bor wu Uio olghl of her buband dlling In tho pit, u be tad eat there a year before, on tho nlgliX of hit iiealh. Ofoouraeyou'lluyltwuedolntlon, and ao wy I. But she dedarea she aaw him Bitting among tho cnwd-amons theui, and yet not of then, aomehow, wllh a tort of ghastly light upon his face ttat marked him out from tbo rcaL It woatoo tight of him ttat made hor drop hergotlandtndglvetbat ecrcam and ruth tbat frtghtonod the llger. Yon see she had been brooding upon his death for a Ring lime, ud no doobt aho conluied up his Image oot of her own brain, u It were. She's never been quite Ibo same Usee Itat fever; but she hu plenty of pluck, and Itan'a soaroelT uytbing she can't do now with Baber, Iho llger; and I Ihlnk she's fonder of him than of any human creatan, In aplte of tbe scar oa her chock. If I am correct in bcllovhig Uul Uilt house la u much HISS oarraway'a u your own. If not more so," anawered Philip, with a studied Insolence which Increased Hiss nap- plaiaii's rage, u fanning a fire augmenU the blue, "I feel Syselfjutillled in appealing to Iflss Oarraway to nnrtect ne from your vlslence. I am a wdcome If not a favored visitor, and yon arrived at an opportune time, wben the dear girl wu about tocenltulhe continued exlitenceof tbat lovo for me which wu once on all-cotaumlng ptttlon with her." . ^ "la Ibu true, Fanny t" oaked Hits Happlnian. "It It, Indeed, dear mend," antwcred Fanny, covered with bluahea. "' '—'' ■'•—'■• ">—-• making the c loottliTnottniat alMe to deny to j —, - complaint hi tho peat, but when PhlUp expresses hlssor sow, and Is sincerely penitent—" ■ ■■That ror bla peniteuoe," Inleirapled Hlaa Uapplmu, snapping her flngera. "iud promisee to make me bla wire," continued Fenny, Rgardless of tho Interruption, "all my reseotment melts away like ice before the suoBblne, and I am irUUng to for- give and forget, and become bla wife." '■Kever, with my oonaenll" exclaimed Wm DapMnun, wllh eoeigy. "Tnla la modneu, Iniataatlon; call It wtat you will, exooptaaolty. This la tho waygtrlaaaerUloe their iiapplnett to nllaloa who betray the sacred trust eonllded to tnen, and give the silly creatures causa to regret their folly u long u they live. I caU upoo you, mychIld,bT tbe memory of my brother, wholOTedycoubbiowndauglitcr, todltmlaattatman." A featfUl conleet, which may be deacribed as one be- tween love and duly, now took place la Fanoy's breast. Mlas Happlman wu really grand In tone and manner. There wu a malenial majeaty hi tbe attltode she assumed. At lost fanny gave way. She could not reatot tbe appeal to the memoir of her kind friend and benetiotor, wbo night to looking down from heaven upon her with ittytng gizo. " Philip," she aald. In a atomer voice than ahe bad yet employed wben speatlog to blm, butwblcb wu not whollv deprived of toadeneas," yon moU go. Oblige me by of- fering no rcaltunce to my wish on (hit occasion. I will commuotcato with you In writlag." "Tell roe, Fanny," exdalmedPblllpDuhwood, who bad retreated from tar dde, and wu now standing near tbe fireplace, ahowlog by tbo uneasy, rcsUen expression of hlB face, how much onnoyed he wu by what had tap- Eincd, " tell me If you beUeve ttat I am the (Use, ahillow- earted fonona-hunter which tbla lady haa thought lit lo call me. If I have your good opinion I shall go away tappy, believing tbnl I may yet trluopb." " I have not so bad on opinion of yon," answered Fanny. " I believe ttat your regret Is tlocen, and your peoiunoe true, and In your absence I will Bghtiour utile, and en- deavor to reroove tbe unhappy prejaolca which my dear good Mend bu conceived a^ilnst yoo; bnt yon must not slay. It Is Usa napplman'a desire that you abould not re- main here, and 1 b^ you will go without any further com- ment on wtat hu taken place." "Certainly," he replied, "you have only to command for me to obey, and while we are separated I ihall know Ultle peace unlU I bear Itam yoo." With a bow to both ladles be took op his bat and stick and went away, rage and denalr fighting for tbo msateiy In hla heart, lie could have laid Hus Happlman dead at hla feet without the allgblcst compunotton. Fanny hod declared uat she loved him, and his only cooiolailon wu the hope ttat her love would In the end conquer her duty, which, when appealed to by Hla Hap- plmon, tad proved aoannoylngly vlctorlont, nehadeal- eulated upon a triumph and a speedy mtrrlaga. A dan- destine one without any prepanttoo. pomp, and parade would tave suited blm, for In a few abort days the terrible Mil which he bad forged wu coming due, and ruin, dle- groce, exposure, with apeedy pualihment following In their track, wu at hand. lie most tare money, ttat wu a settled tact, yet he did not aee how be could obtoln It, unleu he made himself master of Faany'a fortune. Thu Hlas napplman's detor- mluod oonduot and aagadty had rendered Impoaalblo for a time. Certainly, If be could aee FUmy again ahortly, he nagbi mtka uu apptial in Dbr for mtiey, though this wotbd lay him open to a charge of being mercvury, ani '.^ogh he might obtau wtat ho wanted. It woulininuaps Inlura hla prospects and throw Impedbnenis In the way of hla marriage. Ills mind wu a ctaosof Ideu u he wended hla way back to hla friend, Uany Barton's, ohtmben. Barton wu out, and ho threw himself Into an arm choir, lighted a cUar, and amoked aavagely, lUnklng now of Fanny, now orthe forged MU, had the probable nge of Sir Ocrvaao Fanatawe when he bad discovered the Illegal use which had been made of bla name. A dead allenoe followed Philip Dashwood's withdrawal Inm the apartment. Fanny wu IncUnod to ciy, and a few lean old force themaelvca Into her eyes, but aahomed to show her weskneea, ahe checked bar grief and drove Ito lean back. HIat Uapplman paced Ihe room resUealy, u If deep In thought, but unable to moke up her mind rcspectUig a matter of tho laat Importance. At length she stopped and said:— ■ Yon believe, my dear, ttat this man's love for you hu nloreed. IbeucvenotnliigortbeBoit,andamofoplnlon ttat ta Is a bate fortanobontor, u I told him; and I am further of opinion that he would ooon apend Ihe money my poor brother left yon. If M had the command of It." "I with 1 had no money," ejaculated Fanny, peevlihly. "Shall I tell yon how to have, andyot not have anyr' aokcd Hlaa Happlman. "If you will obligingly explain to cunningly devised a riddle I am sure I thall to grateful (or your klndneasei, rtjolne;! Fanny, looking up wllh Interett with her tear- laden eyes, through which she saw wllh dinoolty. . "Two hundred a year will be snfildent for your wants," oonttoued HUB'Hspplman. "Hoke over the remainder of your fortune to ma 1 will reaadgn It wben the danger Is put You can trust me, 1 hope, and acquit m^ door, of any Intention to Impovoiish you. When this Is done let tbe young man call again. I will see him lint and prove to blm that yon only have two hundred a year, which I Her InuB, fair, aoileraiUoUy I twilxl, B>i lad DB 00, iDd fn •'■'l''^'Ml''*,!,,—-, BvdBv, by «ie«'. b« f«uin» •J*' Ibpt wllblotaeb wbtn«'rr tbs did ippsr, Iroui&K wutioltcr'BUMran dart DmudadlofberwbyiklidMtplInt Why Slo/onn na of the miit? boir nida I But tin aba na ao unlaotld ror na>P>lon, nnwoirbarBloTaaodaUwkaatlluude ■•SuSd«»rfo»lJeiidl iun4afl"etled.l;cirllbw«r, "untbtbTakulll I'll o<aba iby bnla a pood I ttmv, I BBy, Ibou DlDdBf, rbrmla dlnw I Pn atMlaTboopui lilillBi bBoda I" Eorruo, Ha wbi Wit , ■ ^ , , A. OriANCB AT EUROPE. waimii roB tub nw vou curm, DT A TBAVELINO BUOWHAK. Sight Stfilni; In Pgrli.-No. 23. rniJiantii Dts Pukt£»-Th» Winb MiaiFr-Cpiron BrToniMAiH lu PBU-TDBABcn or Taiunra- Toi Uirrooaoai-TBa Bois !)■ BOULOOjiE-TaB VAB1BT1B3 TUBiTBk—Sr. VtOiiS. . The Jardm dee FUntes, a bounlal, loologlcal, inlnerd- oglcol and geological muteum.and having a cablnel of com- MnilToanatomy,elc.,wuthenext place TlBlled.LouU the Kurtecnth founded it, and Boffon, thonatutallBt, wu the flret superlntendcnt Aa a menagerie the Janlln Plulei docs oot companwiib tbo 2odoiilcal Oardeu In the Regent's Fart, London; but as a Duteum It u muca aupertor and rants sbove every other place of the kind n theworld. TOattompttodescrito only ita mostvalutMe cbledt of Intoreet bore collected would fill a volume. The mnieum of companllvo anatomy contains a number or eteletona of remartablo penons: one of a dwarf, ihe skeleton of tbe Syrian who ataaatlnaled Qeneral Klclber In Itept, alto the completo akin of a men unned. The ohlnet of anlhror OUR 6A IIE BA G, Qolden aieMtaB»-H«rr7 Thooghte-Wtoe Pi^Tcrbi—Fan and SratlouBta A TCHnaiRoi BnoxT Foilid.— Tbe Auburn ifnu tolls agoodetoiy ofBamnm, Ihoahowman. It tappenod aome yean ago. Bamnm, wbo balea Hquor, wu gong by nil- road from Auburn to Synonao, and noUosd an do man dilntlog from a bottle. Bamum begged for tho bottle tard. Tbe dltpnle grew hot. rssatogenerowded around to see Ihoiuort. Tho old miuwu getting hilarious. Final- ly, Just u llio train loacbed Bennot itallon, Barnumgot the homo. A pint of whlakey remilnod wllhln. In more pay to yoo, and which you can abedutely call your own. Vou get fihy pounds a quarter from me and no more. Orer tbe principal you have no control wbatover. Then you ahill aee him, and II ho does not slier bis tone and endeavor to tack out of this oObr of matrlags, I am egre- gloualy mislaken hi the esUmato 1 have formed of the gentioman'e character, that it olL What do you any to my plan now that yon an aoqoalaled with lit detallar' "I am charmed with 1(" aald Fanny, "and agree to It without any tunber detaw, As to my mlitmsting yon, bow coold yon toroor aooh a thought; you wto aro my beat and only friend > Let PhUlp to put to this test, and {t be dooa not come out of the oideol like gold Itom the crudble, doubly refined, I shall think blm unworthy of my love and dltmlsa blm nom my thoughts, however muea tto itniggle may pain me." ■'Excellently moken. Tou an (till my own darling cUldi" cilou Hits Happlman, much gntlflod, u ahe embraced her. Ho time wu lost in earrylng out the detain of this scheme. A lawyer wu ooinmonloatod vrtlh, wbo In tho oonne of tbo following day hod Ihe necessary deeds dmwa uy, and uw thom duly eiecated by tbe ponies thenu. ranoy nllnqulahed ber tight M the three thousand a year which Hr. Dapplmen tad to geboroualy led her, and beoame dependent on hla alttara bounty tor anything more than the two hundred ponnda per annum which Hits UappUnaa oovenantod to pay her, Bhe wu an helitu no longer. A letter wu wrinen to FbUlp Duhwood requesting him to tall upon Hlaa Uapplman, which he, growing more despento day by day, and eager (or any onance of obtain- ing money, gladly did, hoping that his aUrwu about to shine with Uioreaaed brighlneea. of a pnulon than Iho gnnt thownian wu ever belbre aecn, he duhcd Iho boltio Wdcnily throngh tho open window to the gronnd, FAcrybody looked coilottiilr out, sxpooUog ■,^.^^ wivw luj uiwn, uuvuuoj 100 uuwor muai to eeo iho bolllo slilvercd Into a Ibonsancf pleecs. But ao* h,.w._. .. ''•''dltadedonBeotlBiiot,andJuetQlttatmomontasoii broke away from him hnnledly, 'Hark,' aho aald, of Ertn.patdng by, spied il rcpodug between the ralla vf I* the overture, and hi half an hou I moat bo open ! n bnneh track. I'al pickcil It iin, uncorked It, tattod of in..„«,.i. 1 .1. . ^ . . I ""ytontonls, and, wfthBcomloully JoyftilaadwondcriDR I Ihe captain in tta dark passage and a few grin, carried It oirinirlunipb. The oor wot lunrraror ,^HStff!t!S,'i''^l!SfS'*Xf'''* ■aotfitor at tliounoxiieolcduiiihoi of the mailer, and Bir- T'i"5?*'Jf*^ brsathlag sounded lUe. num, with a tl«h at tbo prevalence d Iniquity In Uio a penon %ho hod been manlni;. Wo bruthod wofld, tubilded enUrtly for \ho rut of tho Jonrno/ Uls Jannty air wu gone, however, and hit ordinarily handsome lace wu careworn and haggard, lie aloopod In hit walk, and his drtte wu not so natty and tutetnlly arranged u uul. Hit aflkln were coming to a orldt, and ho teemed u If ho did not can who know It, On ontorlng he looked tmni the room u IX expecting to tee Fanny, and evidently wondered when ane wai. MlH Happlman divined tbe motive (Or Ills rcellcas looki, and leUovod hla anxiety by saying;— "Ton will have tbe pleuun of teeing Mies Oanaway pneenlly. For tbo pretent, Hr. Uoshwood, you mutt ooolent youratlf with my lodety; and I want 10 have a little leiKUt oonveraallon with yon," The dviuty of her manner, and llio conciliatory tone In wtloh ahe apokc, romadtated hla dying hopce, and he to- osme mon animated, auwenng Ihnlhcthoulahave much pleosun In plodog almeelf at Iter aorvlco for u long a polod OS the olgbl doslre. "Thank you," said Hlu Happlman, drily. "Yon an right In suppcBlog tbtt Hlu Oarrewoy—" "Fanny—call ber Fanny, If you pleuc," ho lulemipled. "It Is tbe nmc I tave alwaya been accuatomod lo udareu ber by, and I love II." "At yon please. Fanny Is sllll dltposcd to regard you wllh favoring eyes, in splto of your crnel and despicable betavlor. Hxcuto me III make use of strong language, but my IndlgnaUon ruu away wlib me when 1 Ihlnk of the crudty w which my IMcnd and ward wu tubledcd by you. However, she laya on oxamlning her Uoait ttat ahe still loves you.'' "I will give her no cauae to repeal ddog to," he aald, Bisnmlng a conlrtto air. "I irutt not; but I tMnk It due to yon, Hr. Doihwood, to Btato the'ulnre of Fanny's real poiltlon," "I know that yon are prejudiced agiljiit mc, and bcUere thai I am In quott of a wife wllh money,'' aald I'hillp. "BUll, It Fanny had not a talX-pcnny I ihuuld love her, I should lBdoed7' "And merry herl" queried Mlas Happlman. "Oerialuly. Fovotty would make no dlOhrence la my afibcMoo. lamnotwdloffmyialf, u yon have doubtlets hoard, but I am young and conld work In some way. Blnoo Pinny and I pailed 1 nave reproached rayaolf continually for being weak enough to be golded by my father; had It not been for klm I should nellhor have deceived nor dt> acrtedlier; but It la useless to talkotthopnti, TV) tho Eresent, If youpletu, Miti llspplmtn, which la the hat- Inoer and fbna hope of 0 hoppy tnion." Ills cyea lighted up once more, and he was ovldenlly congratulating himself upou tho favorable turn aoain had lokon. "Will yon oblige me by reading Ihoto dccdat" said Ulu llipplman, drily, u aho placed befon him tho doonmenls wblub tbe had Jual nicclrcd from her lawyer, TO IE ooimxDiii. muieum contains a large colleclion of gaol mtLt, Indodlng a piece of metoortc Inn welgblng 1,304 pounds, whichTdl neir Paris. There Is also a fine marble ttatue of Cuvler, U tho costume o( Otancellor o( the Unlrertllor. The menagerie of living anlmala is a fine col- lodion from all parts of the world, Including alllgatore, crocodiles, llzarus, chamellons, anacondaa, boa constnc- tore and several deadly serpents. Tho horllcultaial gar- dena are very carefully atlended to, are well worth seeing, and ore open every day, admittance free. neHollBauz Vina, or wue market, came next In order. It coven an Immense space of gronnd, laid out In streets, wheraall tbe wine ttat Is used Is Parltmuat tobrought and dnty paid. A little hirther on briogi ut to tbe Abbey, or, u It la sow called, the Chureb of Bl. Oermam dcs Pres, a monument of tbo greatest Intorest to the atranger, u he now looks upon all that remains of one of the largest and most andent monosllc eslabllshmento In Paris, dstloii from the year 1,000. In one of the chapela Is tbe tomb of Jsmu, EailotDoDglas, wbo died In in4,B0d wbou figure In marble Is redlnbiif on a uroopbagnt. In another ctapel IS a monument uthememoryottbe Earl of Uougiu and Arran, who died In lUI. The dlmenslou of the church aro 200 by u feet, and 00 feel In height Letvlog the church and turning to the ten we reach an open apace, where stood, odUI a few yean ago, "The Prison of Ihe Abtoy," where, during Ihe firet revolntlon, Ihe daughterof a noble prlMuer went to petition for ber Ihther'a life, when tbo miiiaton who nt there ac Jodgee offered u thdr tcnns uut. If she would drink tothe health of the republic, to a glau of human blood, tor Dtlher ahould be lltontcd, otherwise he wu to to guUloitoed. Tto bnve girl pre- foned to drink of tta fearful cup and thua saved ner fother'a life. The stones tofore this prison at ttat time wen nearly alwoyt covered with brood. In Febroary, l(M, tta mob broke It open, lltonted tbe priaonen and dotied ihem from Ihe ehope in the neighborhood, and when payment wu naked presented s knife or plstot They also broke the tore from the wlndovrs, and, taking out every movable thing, Ht fin ttonto, and all wu burnt the Louvre, we once more pau through the Champa Eljaeea, at the end of which beauUfUl avenue la tho Arch of Triumph, one of the great monnneolal worka of Napoleon the Flni. The flnt auna wu laid oa the Itth of August, INe, the Empcror'a birthday, bnt-the suuctun vru not completod until July, Itae. The central areh la M by W feet, the transvetsail tl by Si and tbe height of the whole building lU feet long by U> broad, and depth M feet Oo the Internal aides of toe plere ntoely-alz vicwrtea an recorded, and under the transvenal are tta names of genenla. Four gronpe of sculpture grace the pien, each figure In Ihe proportion of eight feel. One repreeents Ihe departure or the army In irn, another the rolalance of tbe Frenoh to the Invaders In 1914, and a young man Is represenlcd In Ihe act of defendhig his wife, children and father; another greup commemontes tbe peaceofiait, In which a warrior Is shealhlng bis aword, whlM anottar la tamhig a bull for the purpoees of agrlcal- tore; also, a mother, with ber children at ber feet, while Minerva Is shedding her loOoenco over them. Then then an dhen Rpreuntlog tto paaaage of the Bridge of Areo- la, tto taking of Alexandra, tho death of Qeneral Uar- ceau, the Battle of Jemmapea and the Battle ot Auatorltte. Afilibt013tl Blepaleadato the top, fromiheplatformot wbloi aOnevlewor Faria may to obtalnedi The Place do I'BtoUe, In which the Triumphal Arch la/altuatcd. Is tbe aaltn> •ointof tamrsvBnue^ one of wlaob, the Avenue^ de I'lmporetnce, la neariy to a line with theubamps Dyteci, and ilmoat eqnala It In bcanly. It la 1,300 yards long and 100 yards wUe. A short distance from ben wu the Hip- podrome, a large, open anna, noed for equestrian epecto- det and mllluty shows, but this Immense bnlldlng wu destroyed by fire stout a month alter we left Paris. The Avenue ot Ihe Orende Armce contlnnea tbe line of the Otampa Elyicet toyond the Arch ot Triumph, Nearly at the end of It la a railway elation tolonging to the line which makea the drcult round Paris, Juit within the Une of foftlficatlonB. We now psu toyond the walls of the dty through the Porto IMupblne and entor the Bole de Boalogne, where a scene ot splendor bunts upon the view that u totally In- poolblB to describe. Thirty yean ago this wu a wilder- neu overgrown with rank vegetation and a few apologies forlieca. How it U one of the most superb porta In the world: long avenuct, shaded walks, splendid drives, lakes, waterAilla, cascades, cafes, restaurants, aflneraoeoooiae, the pte^talan, a place ot mualo, and other moltlfatloua resources ot refiethment and out of door amoiement Wllhln tbe prednctsot the park Is Ihe Oaidcn Zoologlque et d'Accllmttloa, the grounds of which an thiny-Tbree acres to extent and buutlfnily laid oul, wben allroRlgn animals an brought to to tamed and acdlmated, and those who visit this place law In tto afternoon tave tbe pleuun ot seeing tbe animals and Urds enticed Into their variout reeling puoet tor Ihe night We now ride down a beautiful avenue, at Ihe end of which la a beautiful wtter- tall lasolng ITom a gntto and taiung Into tho lake below. At this enchanting (oot a neteon can llogcr for boun and then to loth to tear hUnself (Tom tbe enjoyment of aucta a scene. We next camo to two toautUUI lakea, where a road croeaes tbe space that eeptnus them, and when iton u a Eretly tuttlo Swiss ocltage, at which ntiesbmenta may to ad, and the eiquldu beauty otthe sylvan acenery In tbe vicinity of the lakee cannot to aurpaased. All threugh tbe Iear, wlntor and tpring, summer and autumn, whatever no weather, the afttmoon'a most important rmuteniout mutt Invariably to the Bdsde Boulogne, whereon to be seen the gay, dublog, elegantly attired French woman In all tar glory. It It from three until five, P, H., that tto ftshlon of the nation ibows Itself In the park, wben the ruth of vebldei, ot all slice and stapes, goes on, from tbe close csrrlage of tbo nobility ol the court and camp ot Louis Hapoieon, the park phcton wllh lu duhlng pair, tbe pretty Uttle chariot driven by a lovely female, down to tbe modest one horse llacra, hired by the hour by the humble pleaiun seeker. In the evening we vlailed the Varieties Theatn, on the Boulevard Montmartn, a pntty little the- atre, which will bold about i.eoo pemle. The antortaln- ment conalated of light moaical burlcsquea, vaudoTlllea and oppcrettu. We apent atout an hoar there and then went tothe FantalsIeaParmennca, on tto Boulevard des Iioilena when they give yon comic opera, vsndoTlllo, oomlo tinging, pantomime and burlesque. This place Is mneh frequented by atrangen, u tbe enlertoinmont is lively and Bometblngon tho variety order. The baUdlaa great fOature In the French tbcatrca, u tho Frenchman Is very fond of diadng and delighta la the plourelles and poaea of ttolffmlere danteute. The next day we alarted tor St Donia, elluoted on the 'Montora Railway, atout Ove mllea from Pans. This Is one ot Ihe oldest towns In Fiance, celebrated tor lit Abbey, the (brmer Htutoleom of tta klogt and qnceu o( France. Itlsaqnletioldfaahloaedphice, and with the exceptlou ottbockurch there la nothing worthy ot now to to teen. Tta Abtoy of St Dealt dates from A. D. 1144, and elands upon the site of tho ctapd of St Denis, founded A. D, m Asaspcdmen ot archltocture ills greatly admired. Ho sBoteif builillag la all I^ce wu more fearnilly desecrated or Injured during the flrstyeanof the rovoluUooary period than this. The national Oonventlon, July 31, ms, having decreed ttat wherever tta tomb of a klig of Praace ex- Uted It should to Inunedlatoly demolished, the work of tavoo wu Immediately applied to St Denb, which, tolog wllhln a then distance of the capital, draw tho whole pop- ulation of the lower ordon to the npot The enibsltned bodies of many ot Iho klnp were torn from their graves end labl atout the streets for several daya. The bodies of Henri ibe Fourth, Louis tbo Thirieeuth and Louis the Pouitccntb, having been embalmed, won lu a good ttoto of prcservaaoD, but the body of Louis tho PUtoenita, how- over, wu to trighlfully decomposed, ho having died of smsll pox, lhal it conld not to emtalmed, The bodies of many of iho earllor kings and queoua wen but Utile decomposed, and Ihoir features were without much difflculty discerned. Tho lend ot tho cofflaa, OS well u a largo portion at tho roof, wu melted down Into bullete, and the bonding wu converlod Into a gonarol ruin, but wu partially restored by Louis Phlllippc, and acvoral of the monomouts replnced, but workmen aro slUI engaged on It and to this day It Is unOolahcd. Tho magnificenoo of Its atmcturo will be per- ceived wben It is aaldtbat the entire length la SM feet, breadth UI, and height H. In tho Interior are tho tombs otcbaricmagne, Dagoberi, Louis llio BIgbtoontb, Charles tho Itntb, and toveral of tho old Frenoh nobility. In tbo aacrtttv 11 Ibo crown ot Utariemtgne. The throne ot Dsg- obeit, (ho crown ot Marie Antohiotto, the crown of Loub tho BIghleonth; the sacred vessels used In the chnrcb oereinonlea, ot solid gold and sliver, sinddcd with prcdons stonu; the orioammo, or ucred banner of Oh&rlcmagne and hit successors, wu kept hero, and no oiher church In France at one Ume wu so rich Ui sacred ornamenis and relics, It wu too Inieniion lo place tbe Rmalns of Napo- leon the Flnt here, but iho tomb In Ihe Invalldea harug ccet to much, and It bdug more appropritw for blm to to among bla old companioua lu arnia, tho change wu never made, nor la It llkdy Iteverwlll be. In my next I will give a dcwripllon of Bi, Cloud, Vcrullica and yontalnbluo, Hons. LaTbokiii. CONUNDRUMS. Wmrli Udla mompsoa like a eelebratod ngt per- former! Because the Is a bloado-lawalUag. WET It an ear of wheat and an oak almllar la criglnl Baetnao Ihey toth tpilag flom a com. WaTltawomtnwhohuloither lover Uke a whale* Because the Is a se-crelsr ot great Blghs (alls). War Is tbo letter 0 like a geoeroos fklryr Because It tarns uh lato cash. . wniTlsgoacnlly thofikvortteaoto of a pubUo Blngtr' A wnor (tonner). WaiT docs a hnitond't promise atout giving up tohooeo end Inr Why, Inimoke. BREVITIES. To FiMn tta height of amUHon-Veuora Ihe man. A CI.VT1UL ATTBionoK—Tho pannier. Tu DaOAOWAY BCBC—Tbe paeumtUo lunnd. OmM A LioDT RkriST—Menial food. Lost it Bu— It found ubore. Um mn Aobb-IIow many acres to a man t to SOUND the depth of tto mind-Bore a hde through theakuil. TBI girls atandoned tbo Oredsn b«nd tocaue It never brought a Oeau. He that tath rovcage la hit power aad does uot uto It It a great man, BVHBT man mtgnWet tho Injuries he hu nM:cl7€d and leticni thoic be hu Inflicted. Wb Bbonid uot forget ttat life Is a Bower, which Is no sooner Mown than II beghia to wllher. A oTKio saya that modem women oaat off tbelr guments and their bnsbondt with equal ItcUity, when theygethlan of them. PiBAWxia are Irrecondtablo. A lady Intormtnt ttat otter giving her hotbond a piece of her inlnd, tbe hod mon peace. Oirm.BHai('8 spring bats will to very large Ihlt year, la order lo accommodate the constantly Inereaslng numtor ot "iwellcd beads." BtUEVB your friend honut to make blm to, If be to aol honest; shice, U yon dlalruat hhn, you make his falsehood a piece of Juilce. To nlte and then diuppomt reaiotable cxpectallont, It a degree of cmdly which no terma of ladlgnatioa can auffldently reprobate. It la utonlahing with wtat fodlity our feelinia aceom' modato themselves to our situations, and catch their tone from sumundlagobjecta. BBiimas often die old mslda. They set tuch • value on thcmtdves, ttat they don't Bnd a purchaser before the market Ui dosed. Eorroaa, however much they may to biased, an fond of the word "Impartial." A ConnecUcut editor once gave an "Impartial account ot a hailstorm " A UiHMtsoTA land speculator, hi describing a lake In that Sttto, Bays it is so dear and ao deep tbat by looking uto It you can see itam making tea In China. A LtrrLE toy who was praised for never taking bis eyes off the preacher, auwered with all ahnplldty:—"1 wanted 10 SCO how near to wu to the end." Tnx woman wto Is bent upon marrying a man because he Is a lion, Rhould rememtor that it does not necessarily follow Utt she will tocome a Uoneu, WniN a soldier Ui tho raata Is the firet over the enemy's breastworks. It Is a spedmen ot prtvau enterprise; but when a commander-la-chlef wins a tattle. It Is a geaeral adrantagc. IT Is a common saying that the lower order ot animals have not Iho vices of man, yet It Is certain ttat some ot the Insects are teckbllore, and all the quadrupeds art tale- bearers. "All monlug blUere tavo a heating Undenoy or ef- fect," said a doctor to a young lady. "Ton will except a bitter cold morning, won't you, doctor!" Inqoltcd the lady. A PBiBMD once told RufusCboate that a certain lady had a terrible eye—"an e/e," be said, "ttat would pcMtnto a two-Inch plank." "1 tee; you m Cboate. A OitTnoN TO Ypuxa Mbn.-^To a lady embonpoint In figure, and not good looking in fhce, yon ahould be careful of Baying anytbing which one might coaalder "plimp and mem iodlbs, roixiEs aid FurcOi MrLOVEANOMY HEART. -Mt'nsSf'BVil.'sfL* Bbe WBj ptaufBily muc, Aad tbB lovad my Ullla ibisMf For our uataa wan BynMiSauT In iba Old tad btpn oSS ' Ob, Iba bBlkda I ban wiflSn, And bare Ingbt my lora le ales BoiByloTBabvlaallueB, And ay baait'B ■ ball ot BlriBg. Would ab« llaUo 10 mi offer, Oo my koaeB I woofd Imowt Atlncenaadrttdypniftr and or mi " Of myba Aid Maw mr bearl bardtloiynliin plain." DicmoN and man may err for want of due 1 , even tbongh sometimes a Idlteretlon, will, In Ihe long run, more oftoa coaduct to success, than a dow judgment ttat comes too late. MERRY MOMENTS. RiTDxa AwxwABO.—gl(p<Me Toung JUOiOor (miking call)-"Wdl, Master Fred, yon don't know who lam." Ibo Canam TounQ jropvuL—"Oh, but I do, though I You're the otap ma says would to such a gooid catch for our Hary." In Araick, U any one cemee before a king wiihoot a full dress cosiume-ttat It a straw tat and a ring to tta nose— hit head net Into the watto basket baton be can wink twice. This must to sharp work for the eyea, at the old woman told when the can wheel ran over her note. Woin.nN*T Btdid It.—a aman old weatem lady, totog called tow conn u a wluess, grew Impatient at the anes- riona put to ber, and told ihejiSlge that she would quit tne atand, tor he wu "raly one of the most inquisitive old gen- tlemen she bad ever teen." OLoenio RBHiBks.—Tho following remarta wen ottered by one Morgan, who wu recently banged at Tern Hauto, Indiina, and appear to to a very aullable doalng for a "valedictory." well," said he, "Idon'tknowthttltave much to uy, except ttat I had totter to going." Ue went A DmoBBOt^s Btr.—When a Chicago womtn wonto to getamanona breach of promiu case, ahe makes a tot of a kite with him and loses. She pays him tho kits in the presence of a witness, then sues him for breach ofpnmlse and trUUng with her affeeilons, and ao forth. Look out for 'em when Ihey offtr to tola kiss. Anvsimauia.—Some one uked Lamartlne whether he wu not spending too much money In advertising his pub- llcatlou, "No,'' he is reported to have auwered, "ad- verllsemento are absolutely necessary. Even divine wor- ablp" (in the original, la oon Dieu) "needa advertising. Otherwise, wtat is tbe meaning ot chureb tolls." MiTWBONT vs. SiMOLB Blbbuniss.— Young buaband: —"Formerly, wben men would stare at yon like that, yon would drop your eyea and appear to to annoyed by It but now—." Young wife,—"But now I can stan back, tor Iftheygotootarlnthelradmlntion, why, I tave a bua- band to defend me. I should so Uke to tave yon fight tor me; it would to so romantic" Monox Obakteii.— At the Decemtor term ot tto Bu Enme Court, Judge Barnard presiding, one of Ibo coouel I an hnportant case rou u make a motion In favor of his dlenl, and thus commenced:-"Your honor, give the devil his due," Whereopon thejndge Italantly replied:—"Mo- tion grontod." And the bar and the audience JoUied lo a hearty laugh over the Judge's willy response, A Fiooiis or BrBtOB.-"Tommy, my son, fetch In a slick ot wood." "Ah I my dear mother," neponded the lootb, "tho grammatical portion ot your education hu been aadly neglected. You ahould tave aaid:—"Thomas, my son, traupon from ttat recumtonl colleclion of com- busilblo material upon Ihe thtettald of this ediflce one of Iho curtailed excrescences ot a defunct log.'" Dnole Diva's Oon '^at's a good gnn of youta, alraugcr, but Uncle Dave bere bu one ttat beau It.'' ■■Ab I How tar wlU It kill a hawk with No.« shoti" ■■! don't use Bhol or tall cither," anawered Undo Dave for himself. "Then wtat do you use. Dude Dave r" ■■! shoot salt altogether. I kill my game ao fhr off with my gun that, without tail, the game would spile befon I could get An Akbcdotb Is nistod of H, Tlvler, who wu recently tovlled by the Emperor to pass seveitl daya with hUn at tbe camp at Ctalons. On the arrival of VIvlcr the Em, penr toned to hU aldo-da-camps and aald:—■■oentlemen, hen Is M. Vlvier, lake him and Irut blm u It be were ai home!" H. Vlvier leeponded-,—"Pardon, she, I would ntbor not to treated u 1 am at borne i" H. Vlvier Is evl' dcnily a married man. Dauaa—To dream of policemen Is a sign of the bluea. To dream you are a monkey la—auggealive. To dream your head la toing "punched," and on waking to dlaeorer tbat such Is not the case, la lucky—for you. To dream that you tavo eloped with a wicked femato gboat la a sure dgn you have taken bad spirits (the over nighl). U a "gentleman of the press" dreams or donkcyt. It IS called s "neddy-to- rlal" vision. To dream ot auct tnows a fat-uoos mind (don't do II again). A Pulsation SonEwnEBE.—A short time stoce, in Alba ny, Ibo wife of a ccrtoln omdsl entored hit offlce oulie nU' HATonLBSs AiT-A "Boroili" woU palntod. A NiooBB's Idea or TBE Ilbotbio TBLEaBAPD,—At the railway depot In Lowdl, not long since, "Look a hea. Joke," said Bambo, hit eyes dllatlug and hla rows ot shin- ing loallbProtrudiDg like a nglmonl otpetrls, "look a hea, Jakci what you oairdem ar!" "What ar)" rejoined Jake. "Deni or I Itpolniln tot" "Ucm ar 11 pcatov' sold Jako. "Whit I" iifd Stmho, lentolUiig hit head; "dem are postCB nld do glue!" "let, de tame kluHoij," returned Jake; "Ah, but you acos dem ar horzonlalwlrts!" "Well," obMrvcd Jake, ■'do potto suuporis de wires." "Ocsh (I totca you, nigger," dacnlalctl Hanibo, olapphig his sMcs, und both selling up a loud ■■Yah, yah." "But what'i do wires for t" sola Bamto, ifieraptuse, "Do wlret," i«- pllod Jake, couiplolely atnggercd tor a moment, and at a uonplut for a reply to tho nhilotophio curiosity of 1 rolliir Btqibo) but suddenly lighUng up wllh more itaa Dhiger Are, he told "dt tofret («ibr to hetp dt poiln up /" cxpecledly and caught tho naughty man In tho act of klsa- tog a young and Intcrctllng female, ■■Why, Judge, what aroyoudorngt" she uked, "Why—ah I bieae my toull You SCO, my dear, tUs young woman wu token tuddenly III, and 1 wu Jutt feeling hor pulse." "Well, Judge," said that oxcellent tpoute, "you feel too high up for toe polio. It's bl her wrlai—uot oa her lipt I" CaowniNO HiH.-■■Whcroliyonrbousel" ukcdB trav eler In tbe depths ot one ot Iho old "solemn wlldomcttcs" of tbo west "llouBo! I ain't got nobouBol" "Well, where do you live!" "Illvelu the woodt, sleep on tbe Smmment purchase, eat raw boar and wild turkey and rtnkontof IhoMltalsilppl. And," ho added, '11 It get- ting too thick wllh you folks about here. Ton'n the second men I've aeon this lut month, and I hear Itat tbcre's n whole tninlly come In atout any miles down Ibe river. I'm gdn to put out In tho woods sgaln." FsiiiNiNE BNDUiuNaB.—A sludcnt at Ann Artor, Mich,, having nmarkcd tbat men hud more enduranoo than wo- men, a lady present answered that she would Uto lo aoe Ihe Ihirtecn hundred young men In the Unlveraity laced up hi Bteel-ribtod ooreots, wllh hoops, heavy skins, mils, high heels, panniers, chignons, and dozens ot talr plus tuoklng In their scalps, cooped up In Ihe house year alter year, wllh no exblUratlng exereise, no hopes, aimt, tmbi- llona in life, and ate if iney oonid itand it u well u tho girit. Nothing, uld she, but tho fkot that women, like cats, have nUie Uret, enables Ihem to aurvlve the present regime to which custom dooms Iho sex. Tub FsMoiD-iN HoLB.—The tand-masterof the Academy at West Fdnu previous to a concert, sent to the si)|ulant a manuscript of the pieces to to performed, Itat copies might to oode. Tbe flnt on tbe pregrammo wu the overture ■■Fdtenmuhle," the EngUth oT which It "Mill on the Kock." The adjutant a man with a certain contoopt for Oerman, trtntlaled ■■Fdsenmuhle" Into English, that the audience might know what Ihey were Uttenlng to. Imagine Mr. Band-mastor's disgust when the prlaled copy oflhe pro- gramme commenced:—!. Overture, "The Feaoed-Ia llul^" Itom DesBlager. The adjutant probably thought I woQld fli »wedd)og riof— Bat ny leva aba U a klltco, Asdny baBrt'aabellofiuini. Take a wanlDg, bam lorar, Fran Ibe nani lull Bbow( Or too lata you owy dlaoorar Wbal I leaiMd a noBib an. Wa an aenlebad or wa tie bituo Br tbe peta 10 when wo chef, Ob, nyloveabBlatthlaa, And ny bearl'a a boll of autn^ CRUELTY TO A WIFE. In the Court of Divorce on Thursday, uyt thaLeMen Bnaday rirrut of March nth, the cats of WalUni at, wot- klna wu heard. It wu a wifb's petition for a dlstdnHsB of her marriage, on the gronad of her huabosd't adulloy, crudty and desertion. The jgetlUoner, a ttyllthly dretsed woman, depoted that at the time of her marriage with the reipondent she wu b widow, and possessed a loigv amount ot moaey, and soon after the weddhig eta set- tled tan per annum on tho respondent He retUM to consumnuto the marriage, slating ttat he hod made a vow that be would not do so, and ttat ha loved another woman. He kicked tor oot of bed,' struck her lepeatedly, and on one occasion tbrear a glau of wine over ber. He never would lake herouL and when he dUied wiu ber he went outof thehonta toon afterwards. Once witoess found a woman's poilitit In ber husband's pocket, and, on sneaking to him about the matter, be struck her aad aald he never wonld to a husband to her. One evening, when at the Strand Theo-' IR, the noticed Itat one of the actresses (Miss Lydla Thomp- son) wu wearing some ot her Jewelry, and on her teuing Iho respondent what she had obaervM, he got a ring hacr agato for Mr. wiiUam Waton aald he wu vdet to the t^nndent He knew Mlu Lydla Thomnson. Wlineuwia Inrcxpoadent's service on theSd of May, 1801, tadwia. to tave gone with him to America, where nls muter waa golag, u wllneu believed, vrtih Miss Lydli Thompsoa. Wtswllh Hr, Walklta In Jermyn ttnet, sad Hits Thomp- son used to come to tee him, or the retpondent wonld fetch her mm Ihe Strand Theatre. Had known Hlaa Thompson come to tbe bouse wllh somebody else. Th» reasonto dkl not go wllh bis muter to America wu be- cauie ttat person Slid he might to a ipy on hit (Hr. Wit- kita') acuoni, and wiueu left wllh a very tbcrt noUce. Miss Thompeon lived In Haddox street Mary Ann Kor- ean, a workgirt In the employ of the petlUoner't mUUney, uld that la Juae or Jdy, itw, she wu In Middoz stteet and uw Mr. Watkint go mto a house. She went and tdd her mlalrets, who communicated wllh tbe pellUoner. Ihe respondent came out of the house with a lady, and w«at wlihbortoKuhn'srestaunnt, In Regent sinet A eet- vant named Honoo, formerly in the employ of Mrs. Dong- his, wllh whom 11 wu alleged the rtspoadent commltled adultery, atld that WaikUis used to sleep with her nla- treea. Dr, Dcane, who hod not croaa-examlned any ot the witoeaaes, said he could not reoiat the evidence. Deen» nisi with cods. Lord Penzance saying there wu eridenee of adultery with Mn. Douglas, but not suffldent u to adultery with Miss Thompson. Miss LTDIA TaOIIFSOH IN TOE DlTOkCI OoiTBf.—4ll Thureday the caie of Walklta vs. WalUna wu heard. 1h« peUiloner wu a widow of contldereMe meant, and settled £300 a year on tto respondent on ihe marriage. After the ceremony tbe butana perelatently Rfused to consumoMla tbe menioge, and frequently UI tnaled hit wife by besHng and kicking ber. Tbe retpoudent's valet proved ttat Mlu Lydla Thompeon, the well-known actress, wu In the tahit or vltltlug hu master, and toat on many oecaslons he saw long fair hah' on bis master's face aad coat oiler Miaa Thompson'a viBlla. The r^pondent IcftEniludtogoto America wllh Hln Lydla Thompson, and ditmlased wit- ness, u he said he wonld to a spy upon him. Evidenoe wu also given ot his adultery wlin Hn. Donglia, whkh, behig mon coudutlve than ttat tgahist Hits Thompson, thejndge Ordinary granted a decree nM on that gnasa with ooeta.—London Wtaiv rimes, ifarcA St. Thepabllcallooofthe atove hu caused a letter and at- fldavlt to to published, from which we quoto:— Tba naaUoo wblch la nada lo the vikle of a«n« Jewelry bavlag bwo ncalTed by na «bU« In Eoalaod, aa well aa tba mlfgirioa I* lbacaaelalbaLnidoiina<<orHuvb»<k,la«blcb II la nld, "n. aflamrd eana 10 Ibo knowleilsa or tbe aclitaa tbat tbe Jawcliy wu ibe prapalT of art. WaUloA aad aba Immcdlalaly rvlurud It 10 ber wllb a Ulter.i' btf a ncallad 10 my ivmrabiweB corlaln diniai* auaoB, which ar* ambodled lo my aaneud aflldaTiL Tba Mala- meala uanlD Bade can be abaodanUj aubilAOUatcd by farllao la Bo^lABdandlBlUaceanlry. ' A Oesa ItxHOTas.-A New Hampthlra divlno condnded a funeral eermou Uitaly:-"Why, my fellow Chrtsllons, he kept hosBca, sad run 'em; be kept cooks, and flt 'em; snd u^o wImmiD, Itt his wldder, who I see a-iettln' In a (nut pew, tfsUfy. In ihort, aftor a dlUgeal Inquiry Inlne Ibo perllckeriara ot hit korriktor and oonduot wnllo ho resided In this village, 1 bev come to the conolualon ttat atout Iho only good thing that kin to ttldof him at all It ttat he wu an aoUvo mcmtor of tbe engine company end occo- oloually good at flees. Tho pall bearen win now proceed to boor out Ihe corpse, while tho oholr will sing, u aa ap- propriate hymn, llio thlrly-tblrd hymn, second boot, ihort moire, four verees, omitting, it yon please, the Sd aad fid ilontu:— IMIaTlnA wt relolat ... ToaeoibeaoaaranBTBd,' With the final Doxology," Ilea iHoanoM'B Amnim. CUtatid Camtti of Jlem IWt, Lydla TiMRDpaon, bdssdoly awoni, dtpoaes and aayai—I am ibe mjuaftnaa or Jhe 'lydia ThompaAO Boricuue TToup^aod amal pftaeolRaldloi la lhadly ar NawVark. lo Iba year IsB, while perfonnlos ao rapsenant at the SMad Tbealiv, ID Loodon, I mvfTCd a prtBant of aoaie j«w- cItt rram A pcnon unhoowo 10 or, wblch wu ImnadlAUlT Riarwd 10 tba addreaa of Iba donor. Sabac^uenUjr aome lawtl/y waa aol to meaa"aoDmpllnKnlloByn)ei1laaaaartUL" ihla piuut I ac ofpM, and Bllboaab Iba nana oT the finr, with Iboaa of Buy olben wbo bavaGboacB t« dUUoauUh ne br atmUaralUolionj^ had rorlbamomtBltuacdcDllRlroulor nr irmcmbiafic*, t barBDAW BodoabL rnn Iba nawioaparafltdca whlcb haTaapr — Boaleiplldlof wb|ctaluvr '—' —*— , ibkbl ibtfpaidttioibaa^n bappeoad thai after iba mctpl of iba pmenl II came lo my kaowl cdtBtballblaJcwelrrbctootcdliia Hn. Walkloa, aad I Ibaiifon iBDodlalclj aeal II lo tbe lady by ny alalcr, logtlbcr with a Itt- laroreiplaoaUw. To Ibia letter Hn. Walkloa replied la arair bind 0014, wblcb la now In ny poaoeaaloo. lonffaidtallr, WaUlaa, I would mj tbat 1 aaw vent to bla raoau. nor wu I ereralooe In bla oonpaoy, aor do I know anythlag wbAierer about bbo. funher tban 1 bare auted abore. Lvvii Tbodbow. SwaratabefoiBmetbUTtbdayor April, IgrOi—UauiILMASav, KotuT Public for tba city and county of Maw Vork. THE MoFARLAND TRIAU The trial of Daniel HcFariand tor ahMlIng A. D. lUch- srdson lut wlntor, la now In progrou before Reieorder Hackett, in this city, and, u may to tupposed, hu elldted a great deal of luiereit and curlotiiy, so that the court- room bi crowded dally. Frollflc evluence has toen pith duced In tbe defence, Lndnding the tollowlag letter froai Rlchardaon to McFarland'a wife, which canted qiiiu an exdtcment and aympathy for tbe prisoner:— aiOBAxnoN's iHTEacEmD LErrsa. HABcaa,Aeap.M. I lecalTad two boan afo, dArllog. touib of yeat^nhr. AI naoa I ^aUed TOO Iba AlluaNcTor Haitb w Na n Tbla I land lo care or Mr. a, faoplDi that you Bay |el It lo-Bonow. Don't ba dlatufeod mailed too lha AlAiartc f , BoplDi that rou laay f about your famDy, IllUa |lrL FaBlllea alwaya itapoct aaompUahad racUL (Hy Lobby, you know.) I ooca outnccd mioea srealdaal wona Iban you arar can youra, and Ibay are Uie ilnltcil a«et ar PurttaBa,bulUBaBadaltallc«incL Bo you couldn't 10 to Hn. IL'a till Monday, and couldn't bara mj noa. Ba paUent, UtUBftH, aodyou BbmU bare lo|1re, not lake, ordaraaboul nriwa. Fsatfy about Ullle and tbo yauoy lady lam aopcBd la itr-' By theory Uul you and MoUle onler your aenp book on Moaday, larlAlandccnuau or Iba oaw book wIlbiA the oral few wackj ItonlycoDtn Lmra all you cmo aboul Iba ma. LwllbiA the oral few wackjL for we may want to anno UDoa II in mj book. Pltaio raawmborual lleaoklfoAncrplaolyorbuDor.aiidtballtnkaf bareaoBo bofm& If yoB iBooll rram lAm you abaU not do Ibaa. Oarllns, I anikd at ny belag "ptnlof and burL" Why, lam like a nan wbo baa |0t rid af bla alepoanL I weigh 29S, aod an llthler heariad IbanI bavabeaoraryaaiB; Indeed, iTeltaa Ifn weltbl bad b«(o lined rnm ne, eren l<i«rtyaur awrai lota cama to awMtea aad bleumyure. AU Iba troubia waa lhal abe tboutbl aba could not kt maea l^ntato, wben aba and 1 Oral nmatoselbar, I aald 10 bar, wewlllBakaooTOwaloloToeacboibaraliiaya—or that wa cannol loU. I wUI only aaact tbal you icll mo ibe ptr/ta iruib, wbetbir II kctpanaug«l|^roraeptjiuaua; andsbe itplled, "OodbelploiBBB, I will" ■ ■" bar bta , complain... . „_ llwoaldbaTaBadBnodlObiTDce tbare;lAul aceaa na ended abe did bar beat, and wu vaiylaiidarandloTlns, and 1 hara In tba world 10 complain ar. ir — " - II woo" aao. I Uka II In Uia end. „ ^lag you bad not coma 10 mc, lltUe girt 1 tbare; lAul aceaa i^a ended long IlwlllnibtrittnlaHii,a, woa'lll,d<rllo|l 1 thinkabawul lo; out Iba leopard conld ool cbaofa In apel^i ■ ' Tanoihl a not coma lo me, lAul aceaa na t Hl,d<rllo|l llhli . .. .. ..inccrul and kind, very tlad yoo fa for It will do you mncb (ood. II la a srrmt, bnesy, realfuplaca. wbataiooalalllaabDutniycomlotboBe. O/eowaal Ihall como wbanOTcr ny buabieu coapala or wUllalma. What JudfBcnlabaUyoufaar, dolntoo wnn|f Tbo dretuMlaBau nabe. It ri|bl and uBaolkeabla, and I wlU oolalay awnyforllMIOOMn. Orvndya I wUI oot BHiaclworfc lo cook, but It la qallo paaoltto I may bara lo cent nait weak. IbavBoolbcaa walUnt for you,dar. Ilof, all Ibeaa loot yeara, 10 wear hair doUi and aoni icven yean BOW. I want yoQ altraya. A bundnd Umea a day By anna aeen to ilrelcb OQl toward yao, I never aaek my pillow wllboul waallof lo (old you lo my bean, far' a i«od nitbt klaa and bleatlnf, and Uio few moolba barora you ca& openly be mtoawUI bo long enautb al louL Jio giaaa abaU grow uodernyreet;bulI aerer l«l pnbllc oploloo bnuy maablLoad " ao, Boobeam, I abaU eoBo wbenavor I can, and alay .., IwUldKldaaboBltbaaanincrJaal , ^ Can probably aumlia l^ Monday or Tucaday. Uarlliu, I ahoold bo iVWd If you bad faadBAtcd ma In a day or a week. TB« (reel whkb flow loan hour bare DO deep root. Oanl bellcTB to be DO lore ofa noooday hour, but (or all tune. Only oaa lore arar nvw ao alowly Into ny bean u youn haa, and ibol waa ao, lender and bleaaad tbat bcaron needed aod look 11. My daTllns.yoa have yoo, Innuid,. BorerBcan ul ao, Bonbeam, 11 aa tons aa buauaaa will perailt. u aooo u I ao, darllof. O bellcTB to be DO tore ofa noooday hour, but (or all tune. Only br aro all 1 would baro you, aurilyvrbal 1 would bare yoo, w uuw,,. body aod eatala, aod nrUrvd bcnrl floda lo you laOnlta ivalasd rlebea and awtoloeaa Qoodalfbt, nylove, myowD,my wife. Bum Ud»-wlll you nolt SUICIDE FOR LOVE. Lift Btema to be a burden to thoae fair bnt (tall oaea whole virtue hu been stcrlflccd by hearllett man, u is. evluced by Ihe frequoooy of auicldca by femalet, whloh we are too often called upon to recon), and of whloh the fol- lowing it only anotber tad example. It appeim Ibit AUea Feobody, who commltled suicide in Boston on the litList, had a lover named Fred. W. Dlrch, who became ooquiUited wllh the lost ot Pord'i taloon,on Trtmont street, atout three months ago, tolag bilroduced to her by a mutual Mend. Uo tad undeniood that prevlou lo meeting her ahe hod lived \D a not very reputable house on Phillips slroel, and according to the beil ot his toiler hor career had been tomewtat checkered during the year before his acqutlot- onoe wllh her began. At her nqoest be said he procured a room (or ber at the bouse where aho thot hetselt, and nied to call upon her wllh cotaklsnble trequcDoy. Eo alto thloktthe hu been actuated by Jealousy for some time, aiul be knows she had set her aOectlons upon blm and entertained for hhn a passion whloh ho did not fhlly redprocate. The fervor or ner feeling wu sometimes ex- prcaicd in lean when reproaching him with Inconttoioy. A day or two ago, heiaji, thoy had a ■■liltlejaw,',' when the told him she trlthod ho would leave horithat be did to and went home to lOs house at Ihe South Gad, Oa the ' Bight ot Ihe a«Ui the seat him a letter, of which the tOUow- Ingitacopy:— Hv FaiMa—WDI you coma down U> the bouae tbla aveolof, Ibr I waBtlaaeeyouboraraltDbomol Fred., I abould think yon nlfbt bavB come down lulay. Tou mlfbl bars Inld mo ibal rou wu In innblowUhafttlbcrorayoudonowbalyoudld. Pnd,bowdoyou Uilnk 1 leal, allualodUlan,lo bare you leaTomeuyoudldl ir •—peoa lo mt, rBBOfmbar, Frad., you aio lhaenuao orJL you would |o baak on mo lo tbla wny. Wben ibr aoylbUix bappei dldnolinlnfcyo liaktur rcacbu yau 1 may be gone to ny long bomr. 1 know you wlU foi^ fiTo m^ tor I an llrod of tbla world. TbenUDOouatlit niM f» BB now. I bare Uinwn my Ufa away. I eannol bo aa I waa onoa. InyyouDfglriUiallaiood-Byadrlca la ibtl abo keep ao. andtiat 10 ua way Sal I bata Maa. I doao by wlablo) Ibai yoo will cm and aee no aa aooo u yon set tbla. From Aata Wiluass, tt Eaaai itraeu The name alinod to tto letter wu tbo glrt's ojloijju Blreh uis, aal he alto itotcs tbtt her r. it name wta AlicePubody, u botora mentioned. Upon ncelvhiglhe lettor atove quoted, Bireb, fearful that tho girl would nauie away wllh Herself, and hoping to avert tuch an not, hat- toned to hor tide, and wu wlRi her from ThjirsdM after- noon up to tho time ot her death. On Thuradoy mghj WM tolklng about shooUng benolf, and had prevloumi talked atout poison, but Birch says ho had iio Wt»'Jl*; rtouBly oontcmplatod suidde, On Ihe lit !"««••;?„'','■ packed up a bundle and had her Jaokot on, apparcntU u- hodhig logo out, when abe asked him to go and get nei tome wator, whloh be itsrted to do. But he sort "'haMJ, the report of Iho pistol almost Immediately, MtLrutuag back to thdr room, (bund things u bofon ilMotlhjd. Tw glrlhadlhiownoirhot jacket and torn open hor d""'M, plyingthemutileot UiepUtoLto UuAwh. "JS^WaJ bsmlta hlickuiod appeamnoe la the ndghboihood gl u»