New York Clipper (Apr 1870)

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-.0 ^lipril jl6,: 1870. irafw' '^tik ctlippeIi. SSSSMWItb large and niricTotis aiorea on tto gmvai Sf^it iMr and • pronilnant New York Boniwer U Jimd a« S» OB Men noilored tlie manimeniciit." ■5m cLmiN Wroaa and 0. B. Blaboparo to open »t th?^*™ Uoilw. ElmliV"- Y-i'or a .hort aeoton. onth« liui inatT Snder Jolin TrVoidJamanamnient. >"=.7V>Ir._. udmi an Twiiiraii were "billed" for ^a;".^&;SSiVlDSi^UO'TCiSTgir were •'bUlcdM n^kDoH. lU.. Ibc 4111, Itb, and 6th Inst. . _ nomloH'i'Knw Opib; Jlorai, Lynn, Maai. Inwra- 7 i»S iti lltrt remlar (Iraraatlc waaon JTondar, APHi'*! ' Sa nilwWtanaing Ilje Icarfnl alom tbo Uoiijo waa well Su*I...Tbc opanlng p ec. w^^^ "lUp Vjn WlnWC." w^th WuKj/DSnowe, uiwea Emrna nalU nello MonlrMo, UtUe kormy, Mis. D. Konn«, M " ^SfJil,*;:' wltb Jobn Vorroy oa niana«er and Cborlet A. wing agent, on -AniwST evening, 71*7 the tonao wria pacjcd, and SUSnSSra wmSabla'to rnln admltu^^^^ BkaweU and Joale Orton open lot alz nlgtila on llie lltb. OraAJricJslSiSoinclSnaU, dated the 8lh Inat.. mn ■a IoUowa:-"PdwlnAOaraBbaa teen plnjflng Ibe Bicond ZaSii week of a gncocaami enBsgement at Wood'a Thca- iS: ^ocb Aiden' waa not only run tjio cnllro opening Veik. bit Monday and Tneeday of iwa week, ft haa been weupntonand weU awtd, and deamcd the encceaa It mt wli. on Wedncaday evening, 'glhc o" ™,Blvon, wuiMr Adanaaa lago, Sottnold aa Othello, wwrngoii Oiaalo, Annie Wall* na ixadcmona, ud CTiariolteJiiinip- tonaaEmUla. Tbe lago of Edwin Adama la t Je oneTjam"- ftriTcn.wlioM>1Uilnywasao arpareBtthatOltaolDlvaa ixiramoly blind not to we It; bnl It won a vorv erfldlvo rtMoof acUng,and pleaaod everybodv. 'Miwbcm'lfaa aSienthe following (lost) ercning, and probably w«Bbn S. wfile rreaSUclo'ry. To-rngbt iKridjy) for Ijli bon- eai.Mr.AdannwUI npocaraa Hover In ttlldOam,' foL loVcd by 'BreiunB orDcluilon,'In wWcb AdoiM plBw Bemaitrnarlclsh. To-monow (Salnnlay) the bill la lucb. ■nl III,' The auuport of Annio Wolte in tbo leading fcmalo raJu hai been excellent Kext(Uila) week Hadamg Sfin. Tcab,(be ByoinjBt,la lobe Ibo aUrocUon Ur.CL, Davenport mllcd to open nt Ibe National this week, being coollncdin niisbnrgb by an attack of goat, ao accident wblcbwaaagenuine diaappolntmont. Inconaeqnonoe, Lit- tle NeUlo wiB ic-eniiajTed, lOgetticr wKli aome other attnc- tlona. TnoTonc8brothen,(LcoDardoandEnilllo) irapeie ptrformeia, bnre bxn perronnlng here all the week. •Katlierlne and rctrachlo' and 'Ireland as It wai' were llrtt given, with E. >'. Thome oa reinicblo, Cloia Horrla u (Ee Bbrow, and Llltio Nellie ns Jsdy OTrot. On Wednesday evening ll\is Kallo Tllston appeared aa nam- .lel, inalnvesile on that tragedy, Tlth Edwin Wight as Ophelia, and Ada Dow as notatlo. Hamlet lookedprfde and pretty, and was enacted wllh Bplrit. It has been kept ooall the rettofihe week. In addition to the barlcaqne, Uitle Nellie has appeared In a Bnccesslon of farces, and also In banjo solos, and the Torres brothen have given thtlrgymnaiUe eznlbltlons, Hr. Davenport aUll remains ULandtliomanagtmcntlsrathcrpnt toit for allnctlons for next week, utuo Nellie wUl piDbablj be r&engaged, Ihongb this Is not certain." IiAimii Kum will appear In niehnond, Ta., on Hay 3d, and among other aiiracUons wUl prodncs "iroi- Fron." Hiss Fimrr D. Fnci'a residence near Elmlra, K. T., being nnocctiplod, was entered by bnnlan on the zrnh nit., and a large amoant ofpnpertyaloren—direr ware, caipeia, beds and bedding, trunka of dothlngi Ubniy, Ac This Is a Iisavy loss to the yonng arffsM; woo Is now flillog engagements In the Bonth. Bus oonunenoes an en- Sgeincnt ai Baton Konge, La., April IStb, auppoited by s Vlckibnrg Opera lloose company, Tns Lisi wEBBa DLOifDX BcHLEsquzTnocra appeared at New Haven, Conn., April 8ih and Mh, and created qnlle a Mnsallon In that city; Ibe blondes were well received and drew two Immense honaes. "Ixlon" was presented on the opening night, after which a variety oUo was gtreo. In whichUr. and Mis. Biconan appeared In their aong^ and were enoored. Neil appeared the song and dsDco attlsis, Dclehantr and neiigler, who were called oni llva Umea. "Dora Dclli" waa given on the following nicht. In which RIghlon appeared In the title rolf. WOOD'S Stir Coubinition opened at Stamford, Conn., April 4tb, to a poor house. Thoy were to have played ai Norwalk on AprU 6th, bnt the organization disbanded. Edwin FORUsrwas annoonctd to appear atDurtlng- ton, la., on the lib InsL aa Hamlet, anil on the 8lh as Richelieu, aided by UKs LUUe and w. Oarrls, under W, IL UoUanil's management. Hiss Auce Piacids opened In Trenton, N. J., on the Tlh Inst, with "Fllzaboth," toacnod honse. She waa to opto la Boidcntown, N. J., on Ibo llth inst. In "Elizabeth." At BraiKonaLD, Ilu, Edwin Forrest drew erowdcd booses on tlio Isl and Sil Insb, and UcEean lluohaoan and Iroupo did good bnsLneea there all last week. Lleam thiengh onr .silL a oomplk '-n, ftrjrUch ofr 'iS9 wat^utaeat chain by the preali , —, — ...^ codndlL _ _ _ dUuns of Utile Ilock. To-night la fortbs'BMMnaiaie ,fuia>gcnen(, when 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' Is Bs HlL'f' J/ Tub PiBi TOBiTBE, Brooxltn, did a rood lm___ lest week. The opening nUbt wis Conwan baneflt, and despite tliQ morm lbs attendance was flattcrliut. The per* rormance was the "School for Scandat" inib ib. and Hn Conway ss Sir Peter and Lady Pearroalioll u Joseph finifticc, and Bales as Charles Surfaoa. Ori Toesday, Wedncwlay end Thumlay "llncif. Tnm" played to lUi bouses, end on Friday and Saturday "OHvuTwlst'i drew crowded houses. On Friday Mr. QwnU took his bentlt, and "atsndhif room only" was' lM Older of Ibe evening. Ue played fagm In ''Oliver Tvlsl" tot Onely. "The Hake's Progreos," one of the lenMltMul a jiool of plan," la snnonnocd for this week;/ Hn. Boweia will ahortu appear ai the Park, ,'./ , A KBw PLtr entitled "lllnnle>ildek; otiha Upa and Downs of city Life," has been wilMoldrXeona Cavender, by John Drougham, end wlU akgstl; M piodnced In the neighborhood of New York, z, . ■ ANNU V0R.SF0BT1I, tiiiilramii iilif.' now traveling with the Lisa Weber Trsnpe, eaa, be tddreiaed as neraa- Tortlsement Owm Fawcnr, lev «a«(idlaii. laU of Ihs Walnnt Street S.Vi^.'*l,"^,V'2'"^;*'>»» •» «»• HaUonal nealre, IBOBIDN are thns cbronlOed by v_ilolaans," under dateof Aprtl nhi— I muted effort of Ucssra. Donelcanll 'leed at Selwyn'a Theatre on Hon- II Is a play which, In a Ulenrr point Vaahlogton, D. 0., TniNoe Tmii~"' Mr coirespondi "'Lost at B^a; aid DyroOi'i— day cvcnmt, n _ _ f/^iliiSWll? eltbefgcntlcnian'einglyVbntSe'lng J!'Ji!!SP..rr''**'0*'^ns,lsadl8iiracelothon. Infect, afi^Jdu'^-'arymerit whatever. Tlioplot la not new,Ibe ejjjUinjnran all of the alandard typo, and the dlalogne Is ■UvUrU'weaki Yet, with the sdluncu of Hue aodng and ■NMuUI aeencry-both of which It has received at Belwyn'i -j^ltwanaien to achlere qolte a ancccsa. As you have had IbepltflnNcwYorklllaanneceeaaiyfor me to raoount le plot. Thecatt al Uelwyn's draws upon the best strength of ISO company. Frcdcrlo Hoblnson acts Walter Coram admirably, pluylng with a quiet dignity and reOne. neni. w. j. Lo uoyno has a part alter file own heart as Doctor Jcssop, sad li Is needlcas to say that his performsnco was as near perfect as one could well wish, Stuart Kobson os Jim Bmyley was vary funny ' and very artistic In acting and make np. Daly plaTed ■awUngs In llret class Btyle. lira. Danywss very pleas- ing and natnral as Xaty Jaasop, though the part doeis not affoM very great opnorlunltles for displaying her Ine tdenu. llcKce llatikln aa Lord Colcbrouk was only fair: Haiy Wells gave another of her admirable character act- ings ss Hia. Jcaop, and Virginia Buchanan dU well anongb as Unra. The rest of tlio osat was alsowoll done, but Dceda no espechU mention. The aoenlo eObcis wire flist class, as everything la al this house. Espedal men- tion Is dee the gienl Oao scene, which waa wonderfully lesl and thrilling; also the pier at the Hungerford Bridie, which wns a perfect gem in lis way-a most natural and llfe-Uko pTctare. Tlie banUng room of Hr. Frank. Un was another admlnble aceno—but. Indeed, the whole play was completely and magnlOcently mounted. It deserves for this alono a long run. Barry Jo- ■tphi IB to rejoin the company next season, I hesr, At the Hnseum, 'She Bloons to Oonouer' con- tinues 10 drew crowded houses. To night, Qeorgo M. Baker, an amatenr with several amatonr aaalstanisof lo- cal note, will give hlB original sketch of 'Dos Dooa,' and, as he baa given the samo sevoral times before quite so- ccplably, he wUI doubllcss have a good andloooc; I omit- ted to mention above that tho farce of the 'Widow's Vio- Urn' has preceded 'She Stoops to Conquer' at every per lonnancc, la which Uatdcnbcrgh Imllates In a capital alTle aeveial noted actors, among whom were PoncslT Fechicr. 5SSlSfi«^?Jl""°\. •'"'..»"'"'«• (thirtwcrt 'Bhe Sloops 10 Conener' continues Its attractions. Un. Howard Paul IB to appear hero on Saturday evening, April iwh. asUdyUacbothand Hecate in 'Uacbolh'..Tr. .T£oOi™' •ite was opened Paat Night by J. D. Booth, with a porilon of nu'iShf,?''"'" fy^rany. the play being 'fcuilerthe Ojs UghL' to see whioh a very fair audience was gather M. Loula Aldrlch was only moderately encccwnil oa SiSf'STl notreally dolns hlmsoU JnsUco. As for Frank Ji^|[.*-"»;Tr«iroid, It looked about as mnoh like one of XBO Mw York bloods as a Cbhuunan would; It llict. It was sjraply an absurd perforrasDco. Weaver did very well aa Byke,uUngurelUUyand with tsite. Hagalnneasmods a fair Hantrdl, Hn. J. D. lootb looked ehannL^lyu uun Cortland, and acted Uio part capitally. Uolen 2Jacj looked prelilly as Pearl fcirtland; ind that Is about all that can be said about her, lUoficI Noah was •dmlnue u Peach Blossom, acting with great vi- vacity and humor. The pcrformanoe closod with the Iitoh farce of the 'Happy Han,' In which D. J. Usffnlnneaa 4kl very wall aa PadSy IlnrptiT Charles Feckter to- ooy completes Us second week at the Boston moalre. Ilo juajed on Monday evening the 'Lady of LyonB,' acting ajaada Hehioue. l mut any, although I know llU horcar, •J!,'J'"'.''J"""'^""«f' ToraeWs gestures an mcah- ingless-thero are altogether too many of them. He do- uven bis apeeehes al the audlenoa-never, or seldom, ISj''"?'.v<"' *' *'"> Witness at tho SS? *t' Panllne dlaooven that '>^i deceived and Olande tells the story 'Wleng lore for her, ho never once looks al hir-hls 'Peech la deUvored like a soboolboy's declamaUon iowards the audience. But of conise It Is only bad taste !"i!!f''".'J''* andlonocs fnily appreciate him, 6n Monday SSL f-lf? "'l?'' ""' together with Hiss leciercq, ».iSL??J f'i"" eot, end then rose In their Beats, cbeorSl, )iJ!L.V.!i''''''''''>dkercblefS, and so on. TUs Hiss UCIercq BSriJSJr?" 'X. 'echter. ut has nellhor the form, voice SmiS £.'..f?"5SJ P""-""" exqulilie. Inovorsawa "Mier Pauline than hera, and I may lafcly any 1 never wSm.t; J' Parfeolly aplcndid, and I con linrdly nud W**J'"- Dange mcdo a vcij good Bcauscani, Soil*! Hi;uil'''5j5»'!'«?'»'''«W'luf Mol- Sa a;.ii,I '"'r2S''"'.7" " Ola*'»' " Murdoch (toin.S'^l '''*"° A«<n was Ten good Indeed as SSffiJf ""W^tnt Un, Mono wu nS at ill an" SmTi.lSKr'^""" Deschappellea. On Tuesday Feebler BSm'!?Sl"«J!™wi»llon of'llaralct,' whichSewavery OaytMSitL^Z" Pcrt-otmnnce Ihroughont oBineln fora remUUon.and ^LiuSlP^ well nndeied. UIss telilorcq araln 'kwsetntsa, • gesUeneaa dellgbtfal to see. OnThnndat gvenlng 'lady of Lyons' waa pven again, and last night iBamlsl' was npeaied. aacdot udref_LyoBa Thlaaflenoon another perfcm' . Lyosa.' Reit Monday, lltb,'Boy Blaa,' On Fast Day aflemovn the stock company gave 'Not OnUty' with iha aaalstsBce of the Harrington Qnarda and aiunors's Hand, and the aana Is to be given to-nliht, u It la qnlle popular. Joe Jeotnoa follows Ferater on Monday evening, April li. In hla apcclalty, 'lUp ran Winkle.' At TJeorge W. Blatehfonl's benefit at the Musenm. on Batuday evenkig last, 2d Instant, an exceedingly large audience was aucmbled to witness the eighth represenlallou of 'She Stoops lo Conqner'—a worthy trlbnie to the aervlcaa of a man who for Ihe laat eighteen years—Ont aa assistant and niterwardsu full tfeunrtr-hss dons his duty well and falthltlly. Ue waa Kresented with a handsome gold watch and chain—on the nt of which was tsseribed "0. W. Blateblbrd, Dosten, from his friends, April id, ino.' It is mmoied that a troupe of French actora la soon to visit ns for the pnrpoae orprodiclng <Fion-Ffon' in Ihe original—when, I can't aaj." Lio nmsoN, one of the Miaeppa huolnea, eonelnded her engiflement at the Academy of MusK^ Omaha, N. T., on the M Inst, and had the mlsionsno to loie two nights through sickness. The consequence was that It waa not proOtable. In LODumur, Kv„ the Opera noose for tho past two or three weeks has been doing oomparatlvcly a small bus- iness, hot notwlthstandhig,the dimunltlvo andlencea, and the nsnsl Inll la amnaement matlcra during Ihe Lcnloo season. Manager II. o. Datea has nightly presented at- IracUons which at any other neriod would have fllle<1 the hoose. Our correspondent "Aenraw" writes:—"On Mon- day, April 4th, 'EuMh Ardcn' was given, Mr. E. T. Stet- son appealing In the title roU; Harry unOold as Pldllp Roy, Mr. Pierce as Orammelt, Mr. Nichols as Den the Boniswaln, Miss Minnie Monk as Annie, Miss Ada Monk as Mlrtanijelo. On Friday night, Mr. C T, Nichols look bis beneflL The bill for Ihe oocaslon was 'London Assurance' ud Spectre Drtdegroom.' The .Intermission be- tween the pieces waa enlivened by a ballad sang by Mr. J, W. Parson Price. Aner tho comedy, Mr. Nlchou was pro sented wlihapnneof greentiacks, and we are conllileni that had lis bulk been double. It would not havo been ap- iiredated aa much by the andlenco as Ihclr 'Nichols,' Next this) week Buckley's Ulnstiels have posacsalon of the ^l^erallpuse, the company opening Ibe peilbnnance with KusB noLT, Buppoitad by narrr Ward, began a week's engB«enicnt at tho Oriewold Opera House, (Troy, N. T.), en the 4lh, opening In "LnaellaDcrglB," which held Iho boorda fonr nights to good honses. Hiss Holt's appear- ance on the atage la veir "taking" In her tight auiiig cos- tume; she pUiTB with a great deal of abandon, ana her style Is mudi like Lotta's, only that Miss Holt Is a little too "lend" foraoaudicncocoropoeed mostly of lailles. Hntry Wall made an Immense hit as Lucratia Borgia, ami was nuornf several tunes In his songs. Miss Fanny Preallgo made a success oa Onloa; Hr. B. A. Eberie was excellent as JubetU, and the Utile |iut down for Hr. Harry Evcritt to do aa tbo Dock was well done Manager Evcria's farewell benefit on the 4th was a ronscr. Tho bill disbed up for this occasion had tho efltot of calling oat one of the loneat housca of the seaaon. "A Son of the llcpubllc," In which Yankee Robinson appeared; the buheeque of "Lncretla Borgia:" Indian clnb awlngUi«byProf, O'Nell, Bluging by a local bvorlle, and a dance by UtUe Siiale aoodwlneenaUUitedUiebUl, So writes onr correspondent TiRiSniD niKen broken for the new Opera noose In PlKsbnrgh. ■Peompany for Its erection has regnlarly organized nnder the act of Incorporation. When com- Eleled, we are told, It will be one of the finest theatre uUdlngs In the conntry, and lla coat will probably be'lo the neighborhood of |4CO,oao. Mr. a D. Ueas, present Manager of tho Parepa Koaa Opera Company, will proba- bly lake the Initiator; manaiierial control of the opera bonie. M3. Corrra of "Fron-FroQ" can be had of W. nepbnme, who odveruacs. Euiu ORiTTiN WIS In Detroit last week on her way to Ban Franchico, OoL, where she has an engagement. Miialoal. Toi DiRon Faxily Swms rill RnoiRS an still pnaljing southward, and at last accounts were meeihig with considerable success In the principal towns In Ala- bama. Tbcy were In OreenvlUe In that atate on Ibo 28ih Sdnthaiu, and, belog the Int troupe of bell rlngera at ever visited that town, they naiorally met with a good recepilon. Tbey closed with a thieenlghls' engage- ment it Edwards' Opera Home, Belma, Ala., on the 3d Insk, where they an said to have been favored with the best bnshieis that baa been seen In that hoose alnce lis opcnlnf. Concerning their Ont nliht'a performance Ihe DaQu lima of that dty aa;B:—"Tne weather was very nnpromlslng lost night, bntwo have seldom seen a larger and never a more teOned and Inleiugtnt audience In tnla city than was aasemblcd at Ihe Open Houao on the occa. slon of the Irat appcanoce of the Bcrser Family. And It the Individual and coucctlve opinion of the audience la to be taken as ao evidence of the quality of tho entertain- ment, the Bergen may congnlalau themselves on having famished the most elegant andpleasingperformance ever given In the boll. We nave never seen an enteruinment where there was so much to commend and so little chance to Had feulL Tho selections of music, the behavior of the petfomere while on the itsio and the wbole perform- ance evince Ibe most rcflned taste andlodgmont. We can honestly assure onr readen that if they fall to see and hear tbcni they will miss an cntenalnment the like of which will not be met with afilu hera soon, If aver." The aame paper of the Id Inal. speaks as follows conccrolog their second night:—"AMMhcr largo and fashionable au- dience greeted the Deiger Family last night. It Is scarce- ly necessary for us lo repeat what we have already aald about the entertaliunentii of this'company. Each member of It IS sccotnpllshed la bUor her line, and, alloge'Jicr, thev fom one of the most perfect maalcsi combinations to be leuad anywhere. The lovcn of dnemnHo, either vocal or loitmmcntal, win mlaa a rare treat If they fall to hear Iham daring their prtMnt visit to the dty." The Selma if as si w of the 6a says;—"In closing their engagement inlhki city the Bei«en can carry with them the aaaurance tgat their entertainments have gtvenmoragennlna oatu.. ■btlon and elicited more hearty and aincen encomlnms Han any troopo of whatever ctiaracler thathaaever before visited Ibe city. And well do they deserve It, for tbey are almost nnlvciBol gculuies In whstever department they are placed. They form altogether a party the most varied and entertaining of any that we have ever met with. We have already angken of the Individual merits of the mcm- bcre of this ooropiny, but not In half such terms of com- mendatloa as they deserve, and this morning wo merely wish to recoiamend them as Indlvlduallv and coUecHvely poBsesslng rare mnalcal acoompllshmenia, and to advise the loven of chaste snd elegant Instrumental mnalo and sweet snd dellcloas vocallzallon to never let the oppor- tunity paaa to hear the Bcrger FSmUy. We commend themtoallmaalo-lovlng peoplo as a combination of ran moalcal artlsta." Thia company waa billed for Marion, Ala., 4lh and tth; Meridian, Mlsa., tth and tth; Maeon Mh: and Columbus, Hiss., llth and Uth. Afteradefour northward u far aa Jackson, Tenn., they resume their travels towards the OuU of Mexico. AnamrBcaiim, late of Spencer's light OuatdBand, ofPebria, III,, and fonserly with Qran'a Opera Troupe, died at Peoria oa March 2>ln. As ha was a good moslcun and much liked, Ihe band gava hla Ounlly Ihe benedl of a oonecrt on the evening of the (th Inst. A MDBiciiN, who can play twth string and brass and who Is capable of leading a brass band, la wanted by Lord & Wilson. Bee adveniaement OuBciLgaveaooooertmWaahlngten, D. 0., en Ihe nh Inst, snd wssssslstcd by HatUe Baftbrd, Wm. McDon- ald and Edward Hodman. Thi Parbpa Oriu tiioun commenced a week'a en- gagement at the Opera Aense, Pittsburgh, on the 4th, opening to a large, bot not onwded andlenca Dalfe'a open of thtf "Bohemian Olrl" consUtnted tho bill, with Roae Hence aa Arllne, B. 0. Campbell as Coont Amhelm, n. Moidblom aa Thaddeoa and l{.Scgnln as Eevllshoof, Our coirespondcnt "J. B. U." says:—"Miss Rose Uenee hss Impreved since her visit here last faU. She haa be- come an oxcellcnt actress and at times ainga exquisitely. Her rendering ofthe song, "I Dreamed 1 Dwelt In Marble Ualls" was BO satlatactoiy aa to elicit abundant applause and an enoorr. Hr. Campbell acquitted hlmselt admira- bly. Uls alnglng of The Heart Dowed Down' was wann- Ir applandcd and a rcpoiltlon demanded, Mr. Smoln'a DevlUhoof was thoronghly artlslla Mr, Nordblom mads an acceptable Thaddeua As an actor, he waa not snc- ceafni; bat he beantunuy sang Then You'll Remember Me.1 The choruses and orehestn were ftill and emclent. 'II Trovaiore' was prcaentcd oa Ihe 6th to a much laiser audience than on the preceding evening. As Leonora, Pa- repa Hoea was accorded an enihasiBstro reception. Both her vocallzaUon aad sctuig brought forth gener- ous applause, Mra. Seguln waa very happy as Azuccna. At vanous times she was most cordial- ly, applauded. Her doelt with Casus In the fburth act waa one of the gems of the evening. Mr, Caatle'a Traubadcnr was a delightful penonatlonT^ Ho de- aervedly ahaied with Panpa thehononof the oecaalon, The operewaa very acceptably pat upon the atage. Flo- tow'a 'Martha' composed the bill on the ath. The audience was one ofthe most fashionable and critical of theaeaaon, Tho opera throughout was capitally rendered. Faropa as Uartba, Mn. Bagnln as Nsncy, Hr, Oaaile u Uonel and Campbell u Plonketl, all gave the ntmoal satisfaction In Ibo representation of their various parts. Parcpa's alng- hig of The Laat Rose of Sumnerr wss londly moored. Tho English fair scene was pleasingly prcaenUd. A crowded and brilllani audllory assembled on the tth lo vllnese Mozart's master work, The Marriage of Figaro.' Parcpa's Interpnlatlon of tno character of Bassnna charmed even one. BcaldOB slnglngsplondldly, she acted with avlvacllv that seemed lo take all preaeni by aur- prlae. Huso ilenee acquitted henelf creditably aa Ibo Countess, and Mr. Seguln, aa the page, Cherablno, was exoellont BaKe's opera of tho *l<ose of Castile' wss given en the Blh to a hvge and appreelailve andlonos. Tho ■Dohcmlan OIri' will be repeated for Sslniday'a nuiffner, and, by general nqneat, 'Msrltana' will be aubsututed for 'Dcr rnlaobuti' on Saturday svoning, Bth." At DmoN Hill, Tauntea, Mass., a concert waa givsn by the Mcndelaaohn Quinlolle Club oi Boston on the flh Inst., wblrb was well attended, 'TUI McOuLLucu and Drlgnoll Italian Opera Troupe ap- peared three nights In lUchmond, Vs., commencing on Die 4th Inst., when thoy prodncod 'II Tnvatoro,' Ths business was 00041, notwlthstiindlng Lenten seaaon and Inolomoot wontncr; Ith, 'Luda dl' Limormoor' was aung to a aehict audience. It la proper to state hero that tho Iroupo ten- dered only Parlor Operoa, greatly lo tho disappolnlment of the people who witnessed them, and who expected, ftom tho toneof theadverttsemenis, tooeoaraod(Moras. On tbo eih,'Lncretla Donria' was glvon with markca Improvement In Ibe singing. Big, relrllU as Duko Alfonro did well. Ho singer and a clever actor. SIg, BrIgnoll'a voice haa lostagreatdcal of ila wonted awceineaa and clearness. IB a fair singer and a clever actor. SIg, Brignoll's voice has lostagreatdcal of ila wonted awceinesa and clearness, MISS McCulloch sings but fairly and her aellng Is tedlonsly tame. Mlsallednelsgood;sheaaDg'Oialnl'wlthuro, Tin company dhband In thla clly for awhile; Miss McOuUoch ODCS to Olisiloslon, S. a, and Ihe rest go to New York. Alter Easter they will n-ergoolM and travel throngb the South." So Writes onr correspondent, "J, D, B." Oli nnu, gave a concert iinthatUilnst.atibeConcotdIa Openi llonae. Dnitlmora. Tho veteran violinist waa re- ceived with Ibo ninost cordlalliy, and his perfonnanoe In oertslnselocuonselloltcda Irlplo enoors-^la "II Trillo Del niavolo" (new) waa auperb. Hr. Edward HoSknan ren- dered some plosBlng piano aclecllons, as also did Mr. Wm. Macdonald some vocal onea. Hlas llattle SaSOrd, mnso s:4>riiflo, snog a earaUna Item Ihe opera of "LucraUa Bor- Ba," and alio the romanzaof "pen alor D'Amore." Mr, acdunnld's singing of Ihe "Fair Enchantress" wss warmly applauded and rop<»tcd, At TUB Orani Ilousi, Chlcsgo, the "Msgtc FInte" wss Ivcn by Ihe Concordia Mannerchorlastwcex. Noexpenss ad been spared In placing It upon tho stago; the sccnerr was now, and the cioalog tableaux very Hue. Ihe ahulng and aeUng showed care and study, snd wen qiula credit able for an amatenr performance. The operettas nnder tho illrtcUon of Mr. QroaBCulih, Ihe now IcadOLorUie (k>n- cordla, anil it gave him an opporinnlty of displaying his mnsloal sblllUes; hla deOul has made his high position In musical elrclc& Tbo last pcrrormanee of this open was toi rau, Bi., Vxmr BVTti Bka R»aiia ^open in riun^ino, FiL, April nilL and arobUltdfor Koffuown, llMlloBaiBeny, K. J., IKh and ltui| BnrUnfton, iMh; Boidantowa, lUi; Prtoeetown, itth, and Maw Oruns- wlck, iMh. ' FR1N0I8 U, ODiLunr, mnsle teacher, of Philadelphia, was seotenced to three monlba' Imprisonment en tho tth fotaassnit en au tueglri. 'Vnrloty I3billa< A BAD OlSi has Inst como toonrnotlce, thopartlcnlanof which are sent na by an niuulu of the Cumx now In Han Fnndsco, Cal. Writing on ihs 1st mat. he says:-"By a sensational and qilte romanUc notice In the Momtna van of Uds dty on Hanb ath, I learned that a female member of the theatrical profeaslon had, the day befon, been ad- mitted lo ths county hospital, sick, and without money or mends. As no name was given I visited the hospital to see wbo It was and give the CLirria roadcn the parilcn- lan. On entering a small room conlalnlng three Iron bed- steads, I found anon the one In the left nand oomer Ihe tnhleet of thla notice, who proved to be OraoeDsriey. Uer feeUnga overcame her at sight of me, and It waa aomo Une befon ahe spoke: when ahe did, It waa In a voles ao pltuai, and her words wen so feeilBgly expressed ss 10 mors ths most hardened, ntr story la a aad cno. She wu bom In Inland In 1I4S, and appeared at tcverel of tho provincial theatres before ate visited London. Then sue appeared as a serio comic vocalist at Doilon's Music Hall. Shortly slter this she Was engaged at Ihe Lyceum, playing small parts, snd did well In light comedy. When Ceorga Ucagle vlBlted Europe, lale In llM, In Bcareb of talent for his Varieties Theatre, St, Louis, he seeiirod this lady, and arriving In New York she at once visited St. I,ouls, when ahe appeared for about three months, but ths climate not agreeing with her shs revisited New York for the impose of relnmlng to tng- land. Iteo happened lhatflhern Corhyn, who was In (his city at Ihe time In aeerch of talent for Ollbert and Dort'auirmnleTheatio, Ban Fnindseo, engaged horror the Pudllc Slope, whither she went, and at which place of amusement ahe opened abonlJuly, iet7. Thereshoplajed In Ibe variety company three raontha, dnriDg which ilrae ahe appeareu for one night only at Ihe Hetropolllan The- atre, Bon Francisco (her dnt appeornnce on tne boards of a lepUmate theatre In thla country), with the fall variety company of the Olympic, for tho bcncllt of Mr. Derf. Mnlalilng her three months' engagement at Ibo Olympic, she look a mp to Sacramento, where tlio remained a low weeks, bnt did not play, Hon aha met a prcDilnsnt Sen- ator from Sacramento county, who fell to deapcnuely m love with her that bo w|s anxious lo marry her, but she received hb prtscDta and kept single. She rotumcil to Frisco for two weeks to ilie Olympio, and phiycd In Pocn- honlas. At this time Bhe was an Immense favorite with the public. Ucr company was sought alicr by the snons of the town, and no one connected with Uu> Ban Fran- dieo stage at that Urns hod more thvon bestowed upon her.' Unt like a great many olhen who are antrounilcd wttn tampttUon, aho partook of late auppen with friends, drank tteely of the sparkling champagne, and this wea kept in nlait aflti night, nntll It cemmeoced to ten upon her.' Leaving Frisco ahe went to Virginia dty to play an eaogefioaitiU ripcr's Opera Uousck but opBurnl only obfr'nlght, as'tSat fdl .desiroTcr )rhlc(,«ade her her own wont enemy caused her to lose her engagement. She noxt appeared at a Helodeon eallod Tbo Black Crook,' In Iho samo clly, a pretty hard 'dive' Hero aho grow from bad to worse, nntU she hod to leave. Hetomlng to Ban Francisco, she was er.gag«d at Iho Delia Colon, and ftom there went to Iho PncUlo Helodeon, both concert haUt, where ladles are not admitted excepting behind the curtain. Ondually she commenced to fall Uf cgllipa. lion o\ qeowfip Mid ffulillc, dwlog to ber 'iTeakDiM,' nntll She was Eompcilctno earn a living In those lemble nndergnund 'dlvet' whore pcrformen get from I2.W to t< a night, and what tbcy can make In the wine-rooni. When a woman ouce eotere these places she leaves sll bone behind, and It proved so with Orocc Darley, for, after eking out a miserable existence In these places, she ap- Biared for the last llmo In public at Brooks' Canterbury, arch llth, and sang several songa. She waa then taken ao slrk that she took to her bed, and the doctor attended her until what llltle money ahe bad was gone, when aho was re- moved to the County Uotpllal on Frandsco street, on March 3tlb. The physician at tne hospital Informs me that she ban got chronic pneumonia; that one lung Is entirely gone, and that ahe Is In rapid consnmpUon. Hs enter- talnanohopesofher recovery, but thinks ahemayUvos couple of weeks. When 1 flrsl looked upon her I could not hdp remarking 'nhstawreck,' ibr she is bnt Ihesem. blance of what ahe was, and Ibe curtain la fast falling up- on the last act. Excenling Dick and Kilty CNlel, not a alngle professional liaa called npeu her, or offered to assist ber with a dollar, or console her dying houn wllb tliclr presence. The profession all know It, out Ihe excuse Ihcy give for not BcelDg her Is because she had lethendfran down BO low. The doctor has told her that she has but a short time to live, and then she lies on ber Bolitary couch forgotten and nneared for by her brother and slater profes- sionals, excepting Dick and Rltiy O'Kell, who vlalt ber dally andtake her many llltle daluties." TUB HoNZERT FiuiLT, Variety artists, advertise thai they con be engaged together or scpantcly. TiiB VioiSBinui OOMCKBT UiLL, vlckBbanr,Mlas., Is now open, wllb Qeo. C. Thompson aa stage manager, and a company conalatlog of Frank Lynch, Billy Simmons, Kitty Diveaport, Itosa Dunnd and other anlais. Talent la wanted for this hoose. lI.iaHir MicinniT opened at the thcaln, Tlckahurg, Miss., on April 4ik for four nlgbta. J, M. MoimuBR, variety agent, Philadelphia, Pa., In- serts his card In another part of the paper. 0. W. Hi nniY left on the Mh to Join stone and Mumy's Circus, snd that's one less at UcOryslal's Vsrlcilcs, I'hlla- ddphla. Hany KumeU leaves soon, and It Is reported Tom Homy Is In his Uist week. Tds Bowasd ATnBNAUMTHOurEwaaannoBnced to per- form atthe Aiheueam, Taonton, Mesa., on Ihe mb mat. NlUJl AvnxBSOM made bar dchut at the Vartellea The- atre, PltUborgb, on the llh; NelUe Taylor re-appeared on tne same evening, Mlaa Andsnon sings a ballad dov- eriy and la the redplent of a fair ahara of applaoae nightly. Marls Zcel haa greatly Improved In dog dancing wlihin the last fortnlgnL Sae has Introduced a noaber of new .sisnsandnowglvM uttatkdlODiiA-'be na*^ «k* .prM man Blsien ana warmn liaten continue and their various acts seem to plcaso the andlenocs. The balance ofthe oompany Is as folk wa:—Mile. EmeUne, Viola BowanI, Messts. Conelanllnc; Dan Horrla, J, J. Dougherty, 0. W. Uernan, Cbas. Benedict and Chas. Whllton. OUB OiKanWATi News, uplo the Ith, bi famished aa Ail- lows hy our correspondent:-"The opening of Ihe now Tlie- airo Comlqne, on Sixth street, hss been SMSln delayed nntll to-moiTOW evening. The hall Itself will occupy tbecround door, where a very nest stage hss been flited up. On the Door above are a billiard room, wine room and drtsalng rooms, while the basement hall will probably be occupied by a bowling alley. The design la to make ibe place as at- tractive as possible to farmera At IheAlhambra, the only changes thla week were Ihe departure of Lew Cavana for Nashville, and Ibe engagement of Annie C!avana, vocallats, Cavana left on Wednesday, Inatead of Batunlay u orlglndly oentemplaled. J. P. UlU took his vacant place on the bone end, faced by Tom Adams aa lambo, with Mareh Adams In the middle. May OUrion, Lulu marten, Annie Biaddon, Millie Angnsta, Bobby McKown, and Henry Vlctorelll (gymnasi) still remain. The proprietor, Mr. John Ryan, Is now at work on a buse brick summer thesiie, in ibe rear of his present hall, which la promised lo be dnlBhed in about two weeks, thoogh there Is llltle pnbshUlty that It could bs opened before the Dnt of May, .The Academy of MaHo on Sixth streethas been closed milium JUD* *wku,u«u .iwu wai^Hio, u,^U4f among the latter Maggie and John Fielding com menced ihelr second engagement at Ihe Race Btnei Vart. etics on Hondsy evening last and have met wllb a cordial receptloa Sevani of the old company have departed lUa week, vis., Ndlle Belmont, vocalist, for St. Louis; Harry Watson and Uzzle Sherman, for Loulavllle, and Annie Florence, who la still In the city. The rest of (he company la nndtanged. A picca called ihe 'lUndoo Princess' Is to be played noxt lUiH) week, Dlz. contlnuea good Charley Bhay'a (Inlicnplexal, a very various variety troupe, opena for a week at PIke'a Hall on Monday next, llth MllUe Basoure, who haa been dck for a couple of weeka hss been tendered a boneQt at Iho Albambra (o- nlght. Bhe and Charley Bartlne have enraged with the Van Ambuigh show for the tenting season, which beglna at Cm- neravtlle, Ind,, about the jaih Mr. Rran'anaw variety theatre, tho Amambra, will be the largeal variety Iheairo ever opened In tbis dty, Its dlmonskins being sixty by one hundred and lirty reel. He fnllr expects to open by the Uth, and will want a fWl Irat claaa company," AccioiKT TO Birrr lUou—On the anornoon of Ihe tlh UiBL, aa Hlsa Betty RIgl, danseiusat ths Adclphl, Boston, wu going through her performance she mode a misstep. In consequence of which she fell heavily to the stage, striking on herlefi hip and elbow, dislocating ths Isiier. AssUitanco was rendered, after which Hiss RIgl was con- vercd to ber resMcnco at the Wul End, Tbo accident will probably prevent her appearauce for aome time. WutLa TOB Liai WisiB party were In Boston a young girl became enaniored of Henglcr, and followed Ibe com- pany 10 Uartfoid. A Boston dolcdive was Bent on by tho girl's pannta, and he found her about as toon as aho lonnd her lover, end took her back to her home. A Kartfunl paper Bays:—"IIenglcr Introduced her hero aa his wife, and had aecurcd rooms for herst the American Hotel, where tho detective found ber on the nlgbt of ber arrival hero." Wasn., CnABLB and wiluah Antonio left Chicago with the B, A. UoKlnslo party the pest week, for Oolee- Thoy play hi all towns (torn there to Albany, thence Andlcs," takes well. It Is Hie flntiieio aoog and donee rar 111111, r.riL-, ru..uu uiu oui, miu mo recvpiiDaQiiacHe that has been given there In some time. Dody Zenrrcua Hivorltes was nil thoy could dcslra. Tlio l.nricsqna alnglng and Uagglo Wcsnoraro among the favorites, Afunnylll-' " ' ' """ tie akeich called ihe "Jolly Coopers," in which LcbIIc, Porter, Hart, Haggle Nichols and Ndlle Bdwanls sppcer, IsvoTTgood. Tho entertainment conoludcn Willi the pan- tomime enililed "Kathleen Carvonla." Chrissle Uorrcll ajipean on tho llth, Jeunlo Do Mara, In hor vocallam, Is plesslng. EiKiEsiA Ri'ssEii, comloBlngtrsndbaoJolst, advertises that lie con bo addrcascd at Bt. Louis. ''^^Bour 0 o'clock on the nigtal of the tth lntt„ patrolmBu McCarthy noticed a yououaan, atlire djn [c iaafo apparel, about 10 enter Moiart llall, finnaia^boguardlBn uf Rubllo Donis took the supposed offender to Ibo station ouse. when It tnnsplred that the party arretted was Art Uglstcin, the "female charador" performer, Hol- adtolald that, at the close of one of Iho acts, a Mcncl asked hlin outside lo talk lo hUn—hence bis sppeanuice In female costume, and that he was about returning to the hall when arreated. The captain ordered hla release. In KisnviLLi, builneas at tbo Academy of Music contln- uea good. The company consists of Ihe four Msraltaa, grmuosts; Joe Davldaon, only C. Hart, Fred Shaw ami an Griffln, comedians; Fnok Dillon, facial artist and eonle vocalist; the Foy Bisters, Hiss Minnie Italnfonh, Miss Fnnk Draw, Hist Maud UeLaaco, Hetty Parker, Ihe wonderful child artist La I'eUle llensley, and HUs Lizzy La Qrangb For Monday, llth, live new fkces, never lie. fon seen ft Nashville, wen nromlaed, vie,. Tommy win- nelt, Bong and dance arllst|Lew Oavanna and Mlsa Csv. anna, from CIndnnall; Miss Kate Atwood, bom Atalants, Oa., and Miss Lewellen, from Memphis, Lanr VooALisre, conio slogen and vsriety talent an wanted by IV. 11. PauaelU, who advertises to Uiat ORhct, Louis BnuiBn, chancier, protean aud mudcal artist, desiiea star engagcmenta for two weeks or longer. Bee advertisement _ _ .„ attub FaoNTBmzErTDBiTiiBCMiiiqDi, IialUmon,tlia cry Is, still they come—an acquisition of six mora wu CVil-nstropho" nnd Ihe "Siamese Twins." Mens, Btpllstsn lias nrived tUc ".Shoo Fly" iMilet, and also inindnced sndber cnliticil "l£s Ooriands." In the former Ihe dan- cing It good, but Ihotinging is not. "Lcs Uariands" Ui very hniiiltomo. Tho 'llansvondimaergropengcisenSon'. of 0. A. OsrdUicr it one of the most amusing Ratorcs In the prooramme, and Iliok Parker, In his banjo aoios snd hllaatilio limes. Is popuUr. So writes OB ccmspondcnt "Don Juan." CANn.—Atthe eondnslcn of the neiro Bkelcb, eotltM "Old Jell at Home," at iho Howard Alhcnicum, Iloaton, on Ihe night of the Id Inat, as Charles Howard, who per- aonaitd tno nndcnl darkey, was shout reilnng from the Rtage, he was called back by Ohariea F, RIehatds, who, In behalf of a ftw pcisonkl friends, presented lUm wllu a riohly wrought and valnablo gold headed cane. It was a coniplelo sarprlKo to the recipient, who expressed hia thsnks for Ihe handsome gIR In a neat speech. The Icttera "0. II., 1810," ato engraved npon the need of the cane, and npon the plate aupi Aratne following inKripUon}— "PnsenUiil le Charles Howard, Ihe ackpowledged cham- pion Old Nig, by hiB Boston Mends." Dbatt iNO IfraiLCT's Female Nlastnli wen an- nounced fbr three nights ihe put week al Roekford, UI. The grnnssls, Antonio Brothen, and tho Iferd Slstera, are wllh tne tnnpe. Ada Wrat wu not able (0 ting at the AmtrieaD, Phil- adelphia, laat week, owing lo Ulnoaa. Bhe doses her on- gsgement there on (ho leui, and opens at Front atraet Theatre, Balilmora, on the llth. U. 0. Dates la on Ihe look ont for talent for next acasen for hla ihsaircs In CIndnnall and LonlavlUe, and atara aa well u combinations are referred to his card among onr adrerllsemenb. At Dnook's Opeba Roubi, MemoUs, bnslnaas Is bettor than It has been for six weoka Tne company (Ihe lady lonlon of It) Is snporior to onv that hu ever been at ths liouse. Among them are oeila Berrr, Tllley Beaumont, llelene UoVere, Ulllle Bonnetl, MUlie Lolla, Olivia, Fanny Vera and Banna. Tin male memben ore acceptable JImny Schools bu opened the old thestn (Vsrtetles The- atre) and Is doing a nubing bualnest wllh Aline LaFavro and party. He haa the laigtal hoose In the clly and every venwille company, and his place is nightly attended by admiring crawda Johnny Thompaon'a Faricr Mnaia Hall la not biliind tlio age In attnotlon or receipts. Johnny titaup all uighl "pulling op Jobs" 10 gel the beet of Iha other variety nianagen. Lady AmiBTs, voonllste and other talent la wanted fbr tho rnrlor Uoflc UeU, Memphis, Tenn. Address u per ailycrlleeoient, TWO DAKdKa I.ADIR3 and a tinging lady are wanted for UnmlorPa Varieties, Ktmlini, Pa. Bee aildress. THE Palace VAinmca,Toledo, hu nover since Its open- ing had such nn nrny of lolcut. In the Iroupo nro Harry Wooii, fomole penonator and Imrlesqne actor; Ulaa Kate Leelle In mnalcal genia; Johnny McVeigh, song and dance man, and olhcra. ATTUiTnuTHBCoutquz, Detroit, Mich., Horr noltnm opened Aprtl 4th. He uoca aome seemingly lupoadble feats with Ihe alxly-lvo pound cannon balls and throwa Iho thirty-two pound bolla aroond u though Ihey were no heavier than base bnlla lilt Indian club swlnglnE Is ulso One. Fanny Archer cloae<l on tho tth lust. She Joins Blllcy'B drcus, witli nhuui she hu traveled sevcrsi sea- tons. Tho perfomianoc closes with tho threo act drama of 'Nick Whines and His Dog Calamity." Emma Clifton re- anpcan April llth, Bbo hu Jut ncovercd from a sevoro altnck of Bickncas. Mat OiPFoan, vrtmitr aanstiue, and Johnnie Weaver, eccf utrto comedian and chancier comlquo, advertise thai thoy can be engaged. AOORBEsro.MDESTivritlng (Irom Fort Scolt,Knnias, nnder dateot April eih.aars:—"Tho (}pcni Ilouaela aim doing well. Tliu week It baa changed luinds. Messre. Hart and Dayno are now tho propneton: Frank Bleelo remains ss stage manager. The latest atiractloiis ore Mlaa Maggie Hagulrc, Miss Lilly Mdvlllc. llnny Aminr, Elhiopinn cemcdhiii; Joanuctio lla^ Mllo. Siillle and Aunio, Julin- ny llawlcy. Hatter Fnnk, P. II. Scuman, Prof, Cook, 0. V. Uribrecnl, Paul Fisher and James Conn nn among tho company, iicliultz Ferguson, violinist, has Jutt recovered mm a six weeks spell of sickness, anil the company have ralseil n liberal purw loscnd bim to his friends. William Smith, the former proprietor, Intends soon to orgaulze a variety tronpe to trevd under canvass throngb ths In- terior of Kansas. Wed A lnsley, song and dance and gen- erel perfomer. Is eflmeil for tho Opera Uonse." Joim Ubmku, gymiual, comic panlomlmbit, elo,, and Maihile Wlllclt, aerfo^ulo voeallat and protean artist, ad- vertise that Ihcy cau be engnged after the 10th InsL NcBPO AUxistroIsy. Hoanis Dbothers' Minsthru gave a perfonnanco at the Opera liouse, Einiin, N. Y., on the 0th Inst, to a large sudlencc. Hr. li. Alnsley Scott Is middle man, and also docs changes, while nillr Sweutnamaud BHIy Morris ore on the cikIs. Tlie)' wenl to Ithaca from there. InBanta Fix, New Mexico, a correspondent Inlbrma ub: There la at preacnt a Iroupe of mlnalrcla performing known uihe 'KiiooKllcs.' Thedlrectorandenaman,wltnbones, M.T.DavIs, la an excellent performer. Tbebnnlolaslsoons ofthe^CJt fciiiurcs of tbo 'outllt' M, P. Boyle,fonoy dancer. Is 'Ducno tauililcn.' The olhen an) ftlr. Mln- Blrel huslncas 'don't pay.' If they could apeak the lan- guage (Bnanlth) hH would be wcH for rocka.'l ARC.'ibTUEn'OPEnA llausL—This It tlit name of a ttruc- lure eboui to be erected in Philadelphia, and to bo occu- pied by a iroupe now forming called "Blmniona and Slo- curn'sUlnstrela" Hessra. Lev Simmons and E.N.Bio- cum, llie nronrletore, were, fur the post six or seven years, connected wllti Canicross and Dixie's Mln.sirela, In thai city, bnl lelt mat troupe a few wccka dncc, and nro now pcrniruilng at the Theatre Coinlquo, Ibia diy. The Arch Bircet Opera House will bo erected In Arch slrcel, above Tents, a vrrr One locatlou, iiy-tlie-by, nod will bo com- menced vrlihm a week or two, posscasloo of tho premises having been niarantced them by tbo 18th Inst. Tlie size of the lot Is Uiy feet frontiige on Arch street, with a deptli of one hundred and sevcniy-Ove feet Tbe plans nud epe- cUlcallons are already In tbe hands of Ihe bulldcia, and Ihe work is to be pushed through wlthoni the leul delay. The entrance will be alxteen fact wide and forty feet deep; on each side of Ibis entrance Ibero is to beastenotlBo samo depth. The auiUlorium wiU contain a parquet and two elr<«i«a, M«tlo0 about.out Iboassnd petions. The slag* WUl be ttreniy-ali feet irkle and thirty feet deep; height of pneccnlum, thirty feet; In the rear of the atage will be drcaaing rooms, property room, carpenter shop, etc, andeveiyililnals to be provided tbenln for the con- venience of the pernmneis. The auditorium Is lo bs llted op with sll the modem Improvements, snd nothing will be left uudont lo Insure tho comfort or the pstrons of Ihe establishment The Ifont cleVstlon of lbs bnilding will present a neat and Imposing appoarancs, and tho entire siruciurc, both In Its exterior and Intertor, will compare favonbly wllh any similar houe In the country. Thear- chliect fa Hr, E. F, Iiunng, under whoae anpervlslon the coDlrtcls will bo carried out. II la expected that the cs- labUshment will be ready for occupation the lailor pan of .^ignsL Messra. Slmsiona and Blocom aro now engiigal In looking onl for talent, It being ihelr Inteutlon to preaeni a Ont clBAd company lo every respect, and to give an eU' tertalnment thai cannot tall to please, San,^ Sanfobd, the veteran mlnalrel manager, hu temflorarliy given up that oalimg, be having accepted a podilon with nanlnaL.aDd Forapangh'a Clreua for Ibe summer aa writer and nowspaper correspondent A now Slace Is to be opened, huvever. In Obeslnut street, Phils- elphls, In Notcinber aoxt, we on Informed, of which he is lo be msnsger. Dam Sublbv's MiiumBU sre reported u doing s good busbiess in Illinois. Tlicy were at Morris, 8lh; Ottawa, eth; " ■• then. liAno _ . . . aim Troupe, Bdvcrliscs for a number of people. He would also like to hear from Ucu Drown. LoN. MoHiiis, we undereiand, liu leased the PlUsburgb Academy of Music for one year, commcndng next sesson. Bah Cole, song anil ilsnce mno, wu to leave Chicago In a few days, snd reach Kow York on or about AprU 20tL A teleohau reached San Frandsco, 0al„ on March 30lb, annonudiig tho denili ufJoe Murphy, the well known inln- Binl pcrfonucr. The report wu false, u Joe came down from the muinitnlns and rouchcd Ban Francisco on Mareh mih. Ho hud been very sick wlUi the mouutaln fover for four days, but he ralllol, quit tbal dty, and aa soon u bs reached "Frisco" the diange of dlmuto cured Mm. Mr. Murphy Informs us that be liu qull tho minstrel business, and will iieroaftor ap]icaron tho legitimate boards in white fkce. He InteuilB Icaviug Ban FraucUca on April ViUi, for New York, In order to have some pieces written for him. He purposes taking a trip to Europe. Thb Drabdoiin Teuplb of mlnstrdsy, Ohlesgo, com- menced the past week to an oversowing honac. On March 3lBt Dob Hart was the recipient of a handsome benoflt Tho andlenca was one of (he moat fuhlonable ibat hu oa- scmbled In thollicnlresloco Us oiicning. At tho end of Hart's stump speech, tir. J. R. Kouible stepped fonvard anil presenicd lilin with o msgniflconl watch and chain u a token of ealccia Item Mr, Manning, manager of this Ihcnlre. The evening was a pleasant one for the audience ns well u the mcinbenof tho troupe. On Monday eve- ning, 41I1, It I> Manh, Iho trouuier, took a benoilt, and had a aplcndid house. Tho two notable evonis or the weeks' pioiromnie wero tbo re-anpeannce uf UUlaL_E<l- .. . . ... . Ho docs isbiess in Illinois. Tlicy were at Morris, 8lh; Ottawa, h; and they play at Kowanee, llth: nolvey, lltb; and en go 10 UaMoines, Is.; Omaha and Kansu Clly. Lard Williabs, who Is organizing Ihs Souniern Mln- dlc and ^udxilcKee, tbe song ami 'dance man^ nut posscraaa good a voice as Knienou; hut what ho lacks In aong lie cxccI.h in grotesque dancing. The bur icsque of "ilubert Make Alrn" wu prwluccil, with J. It Keiuble oa lloliert, and Hon Cotton u Jake Strop. Culuns, IIUI.11ES AND HoicmEn'sHliistrols and Brats Band, with their iiveat snecially, "Hang Chang Iho Uieni," wero at Belfilchcni, Va., on AprU tlh. Harry A. D. Wllllamalstho adviuice npent, and Is visiting, for tho to flow York dty. Tho Antonlos have been pleylug at Wbiteraardcn, (Jhicogo. Akteh an absbnck of fonr or Ave months, nariy Hart re.appcared at tho Metropolitan Hall, Waahlogton, D. c, on tno Ith Inst stage manager Porter hu now resumed lilB position ns Interrogator, and Ilsny Leslie and Harry ii Han have the ende The "Slioo Fit" duet and "nrcclan ^ Bend" act by Minnie Ony and Nellie Edwards la elill on Ihe bill, and tho comlo Ocrman duct by Harry Lcsllo and Miss (Iroy Is one of tho best thmgs offered. Uagglo - - - , - , Nichols, la her ncrfonnnnco on tho slack wire, la well re- J6th of April. cdvod, Harry llnrt In the song ami dance "Utile Ucm do'r Ahi.isuton's MiNSmBL't hod a crowded honae In Far- flfteeiith time, the towns of tho Lehigh VgJIoy, In AUDITION to tho rognlar minatnl performance at Hodey's Opera House, llrooklyo, I'rof. Sylvcstor will ap- pear tnls week In hUi voadorfnl Illusions, 'The Talking Lion," "Uasksand Faces," 'The Aerial Suspension," etc., assisted by Hiss Angollque Bchott > MUN ii's UiNnrKKiji, composed of five bo^i aged flrom 8 ive an oxiilbltlon In Toledo, o. on lie etk Inat, but ,..jred lieloro empty hciichea, Bwcoun'B Uinstheu wen booked In Toledo, 0., fbr the loiiiB urvu ueiu lag moflicai iwiiTsii ino rug e beta kept lo dsUy praotlce, while the per- ive been geltlns In oondlUon. Thisoraanliallpn ) u follows;—Lclhy, lAiko, Baker, and John wll- rarlliili, V.tio, l'a.,un tlio eib,luid the receptlonoftbeBe of ArlliiRKin, snd Lnnbsrd's "Dcauiitui Louise" were gnoted with espedal favor, "Lay Mo In my Lluio Bed," by Hatler Auiouolll, nith full dioms, wu effcetually eung. in Iho second part Ibe dondng ol^Morion and But- ton, "Shoo Fly" by the company, and Arlington's extra- vaganza of "New Year's Colls" olldled hearty enooreii. 1- HANCis Viou, Boprano^nd burtesquo urtmn ibmiui can be eogngeil by respensiDle mansgais. uls addreu Is care of ilils unico. LEW llAHDV, banjolsl, who hu several specialties, In- cluding his original old undo Ben, can be addressed u peradvcrtbKmcnt Aslikoton MiNsrans are billed lo appear at Ihe Open Iloiito, Detroit, Hlcb., April 18th and I4lh. JuuNNV liiiioiT, Ethloiilen performer. Is In town, BnvAxn' Cauet or uvsioal Obiui' a oheap colleellon 0; Iho music and words of ineenaengs bubeen pnblUh- ep by U. M. Uo Will, of (his city, IlAHiiv CAiiFBNTRn, who IcR Nowcomb's Mlnstnls so unceremoniously at Mew Haven, Is not to assist Mr, Hed- ges, agent ol Arliogton't NUutrela. Neither Mr. Hodge* nor Ihe Arlingleu know anything about tuch apeneo, and certainly do not wish Us services. Allen and I'sttinuill's ConrANT will give four per- formances St Uocnrt Hall, Cincinnati, commencing on tbe 18th Wood's Tlicetn bubeen engaged for tae entire month or June by BUly Honnlng's company Oharlos A. Morris was In Olndnnatl the put week. Ills Intention wu to bring Ills company there In Juao, but on learning of Msnning^B engagement he dropped the Idea; for the present, at leut TutRBWAS anyqnanUlTof aUnclive acta, Ao,, ontho bill St Uuprcs A Denodlcl'a Opera liouse, FhUaddphIa, the pant week, Ihe "Paris Hnilnor," "Scenes at the Con- llncnial," and "llunky Dory," being Iho most prominent Mr. Chss. Uleason gave snqther now banlo solo, "Jogiing Tnrough Life," ana Frank Kent made n nit In (he "uash- i big Belle." 'The Aflemoon We Met," wu given In their open wu made on Monday, 4lb, to tho compuy, vis., Sam (Xillycr uanal neat manner by MiMrs-PagkhuntJUift CelUna Mr, to be given on Friday eTenlog,8Ui, when Iho Opera HouH snd his sons, BaracyAsron and Jas, B. Edwarda, and Dick Frank Dumont hu been mado oirvdlout amnsimcuts. will be dosed for one wcok, end tho Parepa Open Troupe ' Parker, EUdopIao comedian. Bam Cellyer and his boys, In Mcuis. Reynolds and CUloy have a Joint beauiit on the will tpenil.Ihe coming week In rocmlUng, when thoy wUl thebr triple dog dance, nightly elldt a doohle snoorv. Bam Mlh,,,,,lOamcioss and Ulxey run on Ui thelrsmoolh, open al this honso on tho Itlh of April. . a'to sppesn wlui Barney Aaron and Ihe cntim tronpe In a even aort of war, giving atlraeUve bills, bnt natiiing cs- BLiNU Tun, Ihe mnalcal proillgy, drew Ihll honaes three grand sparnng match, wllb Barney In Ihe ehaiactcr of peelaliy new, Mr. Kennedoy, a promlmcnt member oTiho nights of last week at Bimpson't llaU, Ooulia, H, T„ and Joe KIdd, a champion prize lighter. Edwards and Parker oompany, wu to have been nUddlo man, but at tUe ptti- wu to go thinea to Counclisinix I have totrodnced two (uiiaj ttttobti. called "Cbt-tlepuc enl utrng J, UWuncrwi tccnplea Uiat pMiUon. .KRwomh'i HbrnTfoaM-min to ikov tt MMdlbll, nnnmi, Mtsa., on Ihs llth Inst ■ • •» ..AH-SJ.*?" 'j™oiiL's MmsnEU opened ai Vuenio llail,.mtbargt, ontheOlh,loa crowded house. Tkken u a wholt Ike wopany alve a gnoil entenahimtnl, nt qoartat, eontlsUng of Messrs. Jukton, Tyrell, BMkau and Otrard, is Iklly up lo Ibe standard olltlnennt mlutrel companies. Dlileanx, Ihe bartlone, sings very devenr. bntfiia Tocainuilon Is sadly impaired Ihim (nclttlon: Alirn and FelftngUl an utlsroctory end man, and there is aomelhlng dccliledly ninshing la Allen's olio perform- ances. UtUe and Wllkea danceacoopiabiy, and the coBile- nlltles of Campbell and Ctnrd didi hearty applause. The troupe hu played every night to faU bouae*. Clrousos. Linrr, Ltn Jt Co.'a oriat ovirlaiid onotm and MRNAaiBui, now tihlbltlng on the old drcus lot on Jack- aon street between Monlgomeiy and Kearney slresls. Ban Francisco, Is one of tho largest and most coropltle organizations on Ihe read Ibis saraDer. During the past few months the stock hu been qnartercd In tho old drena pavlUon, comer of Peal and Stockton ttntts, when regu- lar elROt perfOrmtncu wen given lut winter by John WUson's Orsnt World OreuR. In this nammolh bnllding (on tiMsimcslte oomer to the Mechanln' Fair Dnlldlng, where (nilnllla Urso held tho mnslcsl festival) the rioig Block have been kept lo "-" formcn liave" lamadeap , , , eon, proprtaton; J. It Marenall (who wu manager of ihe "Japs,") advertlilDg manager; Mr. Ldhy, tieuurer; Abe OgdcnandBlilyOreen, paste brigade; K. D, Boone, ben canvuman: D. D. Acker, boaoatler; Omar KUiieleyJihe orixbial "Ella Zorara,") eouestrtsn manager: Julo Kent and Oeorge ConsUble, clownai Ihe lUzarelll Brothen, MUe Fnnkco, U'lle VIctorinc, the Mohammed tronpe of Bedouin Arabs, IL OllUan, three hone rider: Mr. Williams, hnnlte rider; the nravlao nrolhen, tno Bsmwells Bro- then, Muter Homeo, tumbler; Mssior Ferdinand, pony rider; Hester Cooke, the Infant Momus; M, Tremalne, Droderick, Jonoa, caNcs and Tonson, acrobats and gym- nuts. There are one hnndrod ring and baggage horses, twelve ponies, a camd, Mma, (ins Isrgest ever seen In Araarlca), and a don of Urge performing Hons, for- merly the properly of Aveir Smith. Thero aro twenty- four of u giMd pail, bare bock and trick hoisea u can be found In any conoem lo this country. Tho proces- sion maile In Ihe Bircets by theeoncoraIs pronoonccil vety Impoelug. FInt cemu the golden chsriot,,maiiaCactnied o.xprcsaiy for them by Klmunll A Oo., of Ban Francisco. Ulaa bcaatlfni nouir, twenty feet long, acala nve feet wido, and onn comfortably bold llltcen peonlo. Stretch- ing over tho Itont an two uvago looking dragons band- Bonicly glided. On each side Is a lion's head heavily can'eu, ami two hems of plenty, white projecting from the renr aro the teibi of iho dngons, also heavily glliled. Tno bond alls In thla chariot, ilmwn by twenty liandsomoly caparisoned white horses. The tableaux car cemu next, npon whioh Is perched the large lion, then follows the pri- vate carrlngcs containing tho pcrformore, Ibe luggage vans ami anlinnl cngts. .The band chariot cost t4,si)0, and weighs l,a!is pounds. Oroal preparations have iiecn mode for Riving Ihe nliow Id an attractive manner. The canvu Is a r:o foot round-mii, with a 4t foot cmitro plec& lb order to (Tlve plenty of hdght for Iho lUznrelll Brothen to do Ihelr Bitliil buMiicss, ihcra haa been pitched tlio highest canvu ever seen in this country. Thero la a 60 foot liuk, and M qnartcr polca. Tho BIdea of the canvnn aro 18 feet high (double (he nsnal height), with I cenin poles, and both in ootsldo of tho ring, just over the cart;. This Is a great point gained, u the ring Is kept clear of ell obalracUons, A wooden fence has been erected around Ihe rtog curb and drapery coven It The Intertor of tho pavilion presents an inviting appeannce. Tho quarter noloa aro beauuyiilly decorated with hanging llowere and ban nets, whUe tho nine hundred Jets of gu make a plctnrcsqnr^ht A raised plstform hu been bnllt on one side, and chainflU thlsspacolor iheaiidlenco, Willie a drdo of private boxes, hnndiBomdy tlite<l up and numboriag thirty, occupy tho oiiromohickoftho circle. On the other shlc Is Iho legulnr upright and plauk ecnts. On this aide Is Iho cose or performing lions, which seta back and can bo seen by the audience. Directly over the passage rroRi Ihe dreaslog room to tho ring, when the com- pany enter, Is a ralacd pratromi, eleven feel high, for tlie orclKBlra. Aronnd the enUre canvu and lo Ihe rear of aU tho soots Is a promenade eight feet wide, Evetytbing be- tokeu comfortandelegance. This oonceralntenosnmahi- Uig in San Frandsco unUI about May 10th, when It darts for atrip through thomonntuln towns and ovoriandto Neia York state. The concert party Is under the manage- ment of Add.Weavcr and Fred Sprang, and consists of Fanny Weaver, J, 0. OampbeU, Charios onarles (brother of Uco. Charles) and several others. They will perform under Iho blgcanvss. The sideahowie under Iho direction of Hike Dougherty and Chris. Dristte. This party consisis of Anna Swan, tho giantess. Prof, Joseph, the glaut, a dwarf and Clrcatslan girl. A lOu TiiL'MB OABRiAai, a pod hone and a pod saddle aro advertised for ade by J. Hnichbis. 'OAnDNBHANiiVoREFAiian'sCinoui pitchcil tent In tho (luakcr City on the 4Ui Inst, aud bail a )I(0 houso dcepllo the unaeaiHioable snow storm. From tlienee tbey started for Pltisburgh on Iho tui of Aprtl, and next go lo Cleve- land. D, BARBER hu become proprietor of the Central Skating Park, located at llroad and Wallnce streets, riillndolphia, a birge and sparious eiiclosuro well adapted lo dreue per fOmioneos, and which hu been used for that purpose hure- tofiire during the snmmor and fhll scoseu. FiiANK lUVEiLi, one of tho oldest tud most experienced showmen in tlio profession, hu been engnged u advcrtlaer fur l-'reudi's Circus, aud will alert out on his mbnion In a few days. Hr. Iliirora hss been many yean bcforo tbo pub- ilo, boUi ss nianiger and agent; he hu seen nil sidesiiftlio show bnslucas, tbo hrighl u well u Iho dark, and like moil of his doss lie hua bad hla npa and downs, Ue ought to be of great service In hla preacut eupadty. Tub ItnAHBL).! Drotuers, gyniSBsts, anlTld In Bon Fraudsco, Cal., ovorland, on Kaieb to, nnCet eagu (ement to Lelby, Lake and JobnWUaok'i^rnnna. TaBrEaroBHBBa engaged fiirc. W<^Oyes'01icasan requested to report at Now OrlMa oaths Uta loK Mad. LioroLD and Ueo. Le«peH,OMaitt:;Mro been engaged for Jos, T, Johnsoa '•MSW'VldMl'Iimus and Menagerie. • '.. •? . YANKXiRoBiNiox'aBnow la to exhibit at Ohlcagd',nL, on Uio glorlons Fourth of July, on Itanddph street, the Wost Bide lUnk. OUR CiNONNAii CORRDPONDENTlafoimina that "Adam Foropaugh hu atarlod his menagcrte and dreu wllh veir OatierlDg omens, u he hsa been plarlng here aU Iho woei with splendid weather, giving exhlbltlou each altonoon snd evening, and having lila canvu well lllled each Urns, Ue bu a big menagerie end very good cinros. His pro- cesdon, led by a haadsomo band wsgon ud lbs Elephant Itomeo, makes an ImpcaUig appearance." Iliey open In Loaiavllle on Monday, llth. Oeo, W. Db HAVEK'sdronswubUledforOammUiavUle, Ohio, a subnrb of PorkopoUs, for llslurdar, April tlh. llBMHINaS, OUOPBR * WOITBT's CiBCini AND MRNAO*- BiE wu at Loulavllle, Ky„ during the past week, and allows In Loxlnglen this week, JAUB8 HOBINSON'S OBXAT OIRODB AMD ANIMAL SBOW, alter exhIbltUig a week biOtnclnnaU, commendng about the 20th Inst, goes immedlaloly serou Uia CuoUneni lo CaUfomla, showing al Ihe principal Intermediate staUons. Ths contracts un all made with the rallwaya, and the com' luihly organized fbr a succcsof01 lour. Btonb a HoniuT's OiBoua show st Now Haven Ooan., on the Itlh. Lent's Cimiob shows at Now naveo on the 21st and to be fallowed by Oeorge F. Bailey * Oo.'a Olrous and He- naacrie. W. J. MRonEAR A Co. win be Ihe proprleton of the drcus which staru ftem Boston on May Mlh, and not W, J. Metchear alone, uataied Ui ourlut Isaue. Van Ahburou's OiBOtni and Minaobsii open In Oen- Donvllle, lud., on Uie loih but Notes' Cresoent Citt Oibodi opens In Qalveaton, Texua, on April llth, for four days, ITom whonoe It gou to New urieans, when Uie company wlU lay up for a couple of weeks. llBUHiNos, Cooper ams Wnrnv's OROtia bu been ddng a line bnslncsa In Loulsvlllo, Ky. On tho eui there wss a largo crowd present lo wHneis the naming of the baby llona. OUAS, ASBorr, down, can be addressed can of this offlce. MlsooUtUk oouo. Martini, the wizard, oBhlbiled during the week endUg on the 'U Inst, at Peoria, III. From tncneo be wont to CanUin and Keokuk, and la to appear at Burlington on the IMh Inst, after which he will travol In central Iowa. ANNA SWAN, the gUmtees, J. Bean, Ihe giant and Major Oroen, dwarf', arrived in San Fraiiolseo, Csl,, by tho over- land route on March lllh, Tbey wero lo be put on exhibi- tion In I'lBU's Hall on April ith for a llitio wbUe. TiiaN. Y. CoiJ-oASALOirp Snow opened in TToy, April 1st, for tliree nights, when It re-orgunlzes and goes out uuiler cunvu. w, HEED, biuilness manager and advance agent, adver- Uscs that lie can be engaged after tho nil Inst JaursTaylob, couIo vocalist, and Itobt Nlokle, pres- tlillultnteur, aro traveling through Canada, Thoy wero at Ht Mary's on the 8lh and tth, and appear in London on the llth, I2lh and I3th, Bundu, I4tb, itth and letb, BLIND Ton perfumed at Nebiuka Clly on the eth, and appoan at Ht Joeoph, Ho,, llth aud Utii, mm whence ho goea through Kansas. Uniswoiji'a OrsnA House, TVoy, N. T., Is advertised lo rent for llrel dUB operatio, theatrtcal and uliistnl enter- labimonts. VLAunn Db Hatbn, oontnoUng and business sgont for tho doubio-hoadcd girl, will be at liberty after tho Itth Insi. and desires an engagement Address u per advertlso- mont A SIDE Bnow Is advertUcd for tale or nnt by S. A. Uunton, Piuip. John ITAnT,eloeuUonlatsnddromsUo reailcr, and fidllo Johiitten, vocalist, gave anonlerttlnmentatNew Idiand, It., on tho eth Inat Tub Faxir or Ispadan waa to havo opened at Padncab, v., Anril lat, bnt detenllon on tho trip fram llendenon .uscda disappointment to those aasemblcd^ ..1 Iho 2d for (our nighls, go town. III., Mount Vcroon, Ky, k Tu ity., , Ho oiieneil [onr nighls, goUig Itoin Ibero to Shawnee- jnt Vcroon, Ky., and ao on up tlio river. Tub Uiisaanr Pabilv are nt present In San Frandsco, Oal., preparing for tho tenting seaaon, Tbey raaohed that city eu Manh 28lh, from Portland, Oregon, oRer a senes of (roubles. One evening during their ongngoinont In Port- land, Mr, Orogorv hapnenod to atep on a bag of oxygen gu used for Uio culcluin llghbi Ui the shadow panloinlino bu- sloess; a terrible oxplodon followed. npeelUng Mr. Oreg- ory, knocking a Hal upon hlin, and liOuring his right leg and fuel so Umt bo bu been laid up for some Umo, nnd Is now slowly recovering. At I'orUand ho touk the steamer Alax with hlBfamliyfor "Frisco" on Mareh llllt. Tbo trip u generally made In less than fear days, but on this It look nine. A gale struck tho steamer, and thoruddor and rudder-post were carried away, A Jury rudder wns riraed, and after going Ibrough conBldorabia rough ecu and enduiliigBomo suffering, the patty reached "Frisco" safely. Tub Katblbbn O'NEiLTnotm start from BanFiandsco, Oal. April 2>Ui, for a tnvelling tour, stopping at Eureka, Humboldt county, OaL, Snl, and playing In Ihe new Iheatra for two weeka. The party goea thence l« Oreteent Citr for one week, llitn erora the mouoUHu to Jaekson- vlHe, and lake in oU the towu on tlie way, to Portland, Oregon, and Vlcterta, Drilish Columbia, returaing to Ban Frandsco by the old rIacervUie route over the mountsius, Tho party coodatsofKlttrO'Ndl, Uule ShelUin (fonucr- a Peilto Loulso), Charles VUicent, O ogulll Md Ooonor, ..—J, denceandclogi Koto Vincent, DlcnrROiraild three pieces of mude. AT rni Martland Injtitdts, Ddtlmore, on Ihe tth lut, John n. Oongh lectured to an orerflowlng audience or8,aoopenuuonlho "Lights and Bnodows of London Ufe." On the tlh, the Sabbath lehoel of the UnlveisoUst ehoroh again packed tho houso with an exhibition of re- cItaUons, siniring tableaux, etc, F. Hoimnn, protnaer st tlmor, elalivoyaal, an ttirel with a gift ihoir, TUrweie at <ri Init. . , ^ ' ZotiWA Adu, ontaaatsn lidy, U Frank Cffber u per sdrsrtlsemenk PowTaatnor leading theatrical P. Rlehardseii jrno inserts his eanvm auuines Lu HALty Obailcstown, W. Ta., wni tett.-L hnndred-people, and Is advertised to rent J\i HieimuillBr TiiiMiuONiAN TAEtHAdx Wen lobs aulUt«ia^Ei sen's Hall, Onaha, N. T., on tho Mb Inst, . ^1*^, „AL» BinnnRTrmclsl contortionist, iiMad to BaUk- Naah, comedienne, and J. w. sharpiay^- tobottOaMLBSf good honiMa attU Ibegtre,Omaha,H, T-Te*OMMTli and eth mat .v^. Dr. a, O'LBAHThuodBUiiBneedaialeiQf tsBlMlBaNli atB nilngteld, ifu "^^^ ■ ..flZ"?*'?? ■HboB and taaWkilaeegarrtaiBtae •••""'nt at Buimrotrt, Conn., April Olb. • Tna FrntBmon Mtriuit is eiiloylat • He ran of bdris neas. The prindnal ttiraetlou uil^fiw AnarwS3' tho mammolh glrTj Prof. Rlcharda, the mxnfllh: Mr, dTS Redmond, champion glan blower; John Ololi ud itt ednoited trick dogs and Utiklngplg; guu iBlttmiNiitt£ anlmd happy roaily, AuttailaD TtlElng Unl akOwT^ caaa or llvfng anlinala, and boa Donsti&oia, ^iMndu and auigatora. Besides thou menuoncd tbn« hi a Im number of obior cnrtoaltles. Malor Butnell wu IsumS at when ho announced his taitenlion oT estshdsSSra mnteum in ntlsburgh, but his eObrlshave been nriiisafil and DOW ha hu a museum aad parlor menageria thai data that city credit Mr. Job Mobtiheb, rhRadelphla draioatle agtnt,' baa completed dl hla dreu engagauenls snd hu mads ea- gagemanis (or people who have already become ntvoittea there. Mlaa Blaodie Stanly at Valar'aand JohaHaitM al Fox's, have bees avccennil. TnEOERMAN BiopLisno Taocn gire two moN atw rmanccs at OonooMla llalL nilsdeiphia, on Ika'lSl and Itth, Ineonjunctlon wlihWm, Heyntn, agiaaiaSn HtlOD 75UK — maa wrealttr, wbo Uivitea compsUUon Car tlie tmn titft handled doDan. ' . AN Aoint, wiui a ftaw hnndrod douan. Is waittaf iotft variety company. See X. L. 0. K'l adverUaemtat , 010. M. LioNAJU), blU potter, Qraod BtuST UySbJ • Inacrtahlacatdlnanodiercolanui, ^^niiSnowDoouEipiBUadriitiied ftrbjrJskalf^', Bim Hat's Indiana trodti appealed In WHmUittiL'- Del, OB thetlh; Cannsniown, Mh; and (meatar, tth,* - ' Had. Leopold and Oeo. Leopold have styled uamielTet Ihe "Chsmplou of tho Double TTapeza," aad itata lai card that they an prepared to conletttha title wllkani other performers. , AN AaEXTlaailvoniaedfarbyBlaA.EUU. Poop. ItoiEim, mannXacturcr of dreamt of UIosloB, tt,i hu removed lo 7U Broadway, N. T,- E.M.D10AN advertises for uls a hat rut, which man* agora of places of pnbUo amusement might do weU to lo- troiluce. , < TuiWooDwoRTn Simaa appur In BanUngtoiL fi.; on the 12lh of April. Tlio troupe conalsts of fonr sMtn-^ Alice, Etta, Ella and Utile Belle. A PEriTB PBirrv 01 bl Is wanted to aulst a prtstUlgUat' tear. Bee Lester's adTcrilsemeot 1 A Partnib Is adrerUaed for to take an Interest tn a Dnt ulass show biisiucsa, TtiEsR IS NOW on exhibition In Toledo, O,, a woman 2S yean of age with a heavy beard, aoft as lUk, bnt, stnngai lo ny, mustachca never grew on her facsb Tni LAunt Familt of pontoffllmhtls, alx In nnoberi have aiarted for Ban Francisco, overlaad^' They open al Ihs Alhambm next week, under ths management of W. II. Bmltb, for a season of six weeks,- and ibtn go to lai> nana. Lewis Baomiu' Grand ODUtntATtoN shows at Als< Sin, Mich., on April llUi nnd itth, and go tnm Ihenc* to rand Rapids, <n nniu fbr the Lake Buperler reglona. TnE Banjo and dandngla taught by Fred. OUiroid. Bit adverilHmiiit . _ Amatotir. Tub BnAStspRARi imAMAno Association of Fhll•de^ pbia preseplsd "Cute" en April Tlh, with Ur, Veraoa u Hawlree,-Mr, Dartnun as Ecdes, Mr. Brisbane us D'Alriy, Mlu Baydoria Folly, Uu Everott u the Mainalse, Mka Hughes u Esther, and Mr, De Oonrsey u Bam Osr- ridge, "Tho Loan of a Lover," the afterpleee. wu weU played, wllh Ihe cxotpllon of MUi Sovdcr u Eraestlns. '■Caste'' waa hndly cut and poorly played, Bertram and De Couruy bebig the only onu deaervlng of credit Tns BuoTUKNiAH Dramatto AssooiAnoM, of Fhlladel* nhia, on Ihe Tth Inst, played "Kobcrl Macaln" and "Tha itouih Dlsmond," In Ikd former Mr, Uayhurat apt u Hacalro, Hr. Roberts sa Jocones, Mr. Borah uDoDonl, Mr. Hackell u Ohnriee, Mr. Johnston u OeraeoU, and icqnes, Mr. Borah uDaDonl| nr. nn(BC,» H i/iiuiii-d, -jar. JohnStOn U OemeQll, I MISS winten as Clementine. 'The Rough Diamond') 1 well played, Uf. Hoboru doing Joe, ad Mlu Winter* Margeiy. - . Tub AMATicRg of Three Riven, Mlob., In coDDesUoD with Anier'a Comet Bend, gave enleitabiments on April 1st. sad 2il, under tho monsgement of. Oeo. Hitchcock. Tbey produced Daly's "Dndor the Ou light".-On ths tth, a complimentary benellt wu extended brlha-dtt- p.ens 10 Mr. liltohcoek, and/klso lo Ihs Bcenle antada^ Messra. Fuhtcson nnd Saxten, open which occasion ths houso wu paokcd. Mias Keltey's Lann Ooitlsndwua lino pioce of acllng. Hlas Bnroh laalao deurvlng of credit for hor Peach Blouom. Mr. Kdsoy u Traffbrd did Ibe part Justice. Oliehcock's llyke brought down Ihs hooM. Wil- cox u Bnorkey wu alac good, Forolsm Bbow N<s^m. Inn London TuEAvnES.-WlUi the cxceplloo of Iha Adelplilsnd Bmnd, no change bed taken place In tho programme of Iho vartoua Londni Theatra during tha week ending March 90tb, tho Lenten aeason operating dlsadvantageontly upon the dioerant establishments ana not watraotlag the producUon of anytl)Uig fresh, bat Buter Is detuned to witneu ths bitroductlon of nain»> . rons novelties. The new fonr set domestic dnma, bjli\ Mr. n. J. Byron, anllUed "The Prompter's Box, a Btonj of '*« W^Jllirtl* «-1 thn Wwrin. fi wj. hMnjtil niiM At ihe'AdeMmToo th# 29d iilt......"8lstertjr Servloe>4 and'a nawa.elia act icomedlelta by Messrs. JobD Oxen- ford and Horace WIgan, called "Wldowa' Weeds>/pr were being performed at the Strand, The Istter Is • ' very lively Nt, apparently uken from tha French ana rueaMUig many, playa by Bcrtbe and olhen IK Ohaalham's new drama "Devotion," wlu MUs Marrtott u tbe heTdn^ had met wllh snooeu at Sadler's Wells, where It wu produced for tho Oral time, for Ihe mansger'a>ben- ' ellt on Uie aitt nit Tho estalillshmont doieil for Ihe isa> sononthsMUi..—"Formou" wuthe main atlnelion at IheBtaadaM, followed by the burlesque of "The Vottj Thieves.". Mlu JuUa Hatnews wu shortly to make her anpearanoe In a new buriesqne, "Ooy Faux," the produc- tion of which wss to eclipse all the manager'a previous efforts for dlaplay "Slio Bloons 10 Conquer''^ wu In Its Iwenly-ftinrtli week at the Bt James .Mr. IL Reeca hu written for the Olympic a melrtcsl dnma, or diamaUo romance, which wUl be prcdoced at Euter. It Is a nov- elty U the drama and will be rapreaenled with daborala tpeetacnlar arrangements. ' :MiS8 Pools, tho well known voeallat, recenUy met wlUi an aoeldeni which wlU prevent her appeortng open Iks staoe for tomo Ume, Bhe wu driving ont In a poai ehaue near Blongb, where the hu been long resulng', • when Uie hone took fright and the vehlde wu upset wlih great force. Htat Poole, who wu thrown tnm the scat, received some severe contndons, and her medical atiesd- snis stale that a month must elapse before the can fnllD any professional engagenenla, TBS vnuiT rapresentallon of R, Wagaer'a optit ef, "Lohengrin" took place at Binltttioa lEo aid ulk, laa' obtaUoa a brIIUaot anoceas. Mr. Stranob, of Alhambn renown, hu obtained pas*, sesdonof an esiabUshment In Pails, which he Inteniu to devote to similar purposes. Ubrr R. Waoneb wHl not, after aU, direct ths a«> proachlng Beethoven FesUvu at Bonn, Ihe eommltlos having nnanlmonslysdooted nerr FenUnaod HlUertoflJI that pealUon. Oahbt Sullivan bad tppoared m a roniid ofSbakst speerean ehanelen al Ihe Theatn Royal, Blrtnbigham. • Mlsa Susan Dbrih wu playing at the BradftndlTorlt- shire) Thutro Royal, hor engagement belnjg for tw» weeks. On tho llth ult ahe wu tendered a beneflt nndv the patronago of the 8tth Royal Baux, the bond from tksi regiment aliendlns.' Bho penooaled Clauds MelnoUe, and en the auocecduig evening nppurod u LncreMi Boi^ gla. On tho 9lst, 2£laDd ISd I'Medea" wu given, fell lewod by Uie "Uunter of Ihe Alps." OrriNEAODis lut open txngt la enUUed "IiS Oitnd Lama.'! AMUSEMENTS. aiiAvm opxinA botKsb, Ccmw at TveolrUilrd ilrvtl and EI|bUi aveoae. JAHRS rlSK. JR, JOUM r. COLE. iibiiii 'mw fratdbeS' ' tkotii week of tbedlminatierrnilnrihoan,lbo ^oifa,^ tivki.vk teuptatioks,^ TWELVE TBIIPTATlnNK wliiiMffd from Ftbmvy TIB 10 A^l tlh (N npraasBlAUoai) hya^ wards of It4,(ni I tlelllhliid TI1II41V, being lbs UrgMl audleocci orsrAiaambled la a ■Um or MDuanniMit lo Uio aKiM iiunbar vt eoumuUvs BlsbULV' •: [EN FABIUEnR . BU BECONDER, IWBNTT-7ITB COnTFBn&< :V niBOBB^AJA^ DBHON OAN-OAK, D OBANb gPANISn BALLET. OeLEEATED DBlJ, IIALUCr OBEAT BNAEB BALLET, VMS NUIT A LA, BEAufiVoL SOAK? PANOB, TBRPsiaiionRAR .oBoarAnca ORAND TRANBPOHMATigili ETBBY NIUIIT AND BATUBDAY MATINBB. anotIish RHNBATION. ... .„ . IMt Wl, A Naw BONO ontlUed "Uy a Clear and Rippling Btnam- let or blue Ejed Lotus May," It advortlud foriale by F. BmlUL snAKNON, AND Obani, dealen In tlieatitoal goods, 40 Mslden Ijuie, H. Y,, an prepared to fhmlsB ths leveral wants of Iho profession, For futUti' partlonlaia road thdr advertbiomeola. ARoniBD'a Panorama of Rhode Maud oi^tiladalFreTl- dence. It I., on AprU Itli, for oue week. ' Till srniusfsaiii gave two perfonnthOM la ttw Ooayt Uouie, AUenlowo, Ps., Apru ith and Ml A full and Mnnku HPANIBII BALLBT TnOOPB, •nilfllr - , ' enjCMel . ._ ipptaimim will be dulr aunouDccd. . SOPS, coptlitag of •li Premten■nilflllyCorrtibmi,are now enpne Ibr Ibe uulsa Huue, uBitrr enjcMeiHnl 10 Ihn UrtDd Opeia llouaa. nelr Bnt Mxiw vonK cxaave, Pourieeaih iireel, oppoalle Acadeiar of Moskb L, B. iBHT .."!Tr siiedsft HATINBRS at 2U, WBDNKHUAY AND BAtUBOAT. • ' LAST WBBI OP TUB ClllOUa FimiT WEEK OP R gnOKNIiy _ . oa Sll Btftbttk Haiats BecoodWaekbflhaairelMlllurTQrrhHlim, MLLK. OAHOLINSnOLiaNn TUB OnKAT MKLVILLR AND INFANT BON. IIIK I.KVANTINB DHOTIlBRSi . " W1LUAM CIINIIAD. IIBNHT NOBTH, TIIK TIUIUpII or BODOATEO 0008^ THS ADirilAUAK PAUILY, AND TIIR MOST ARTIsnO CIROPR nODPR' FUBmVBLV Tlin LAST WEBK Or TH_ Adaalaalnii.ia out Olilldiia ooder Its, IS Uai TIeU Bfsluati. OPEN BTBBI DAY AND BVRHDia RVBRT RVBMINO AND lATmpAT MATmn ■ , Raw Orrnulo, BeeeaUimsl, SporuAltr BuilatqatL with gpltslll oeiierr, UoaluDcs and nffecti. enllUsd , TAB BOIIBMIAROnU . Inlxododof u eililttU and aonl Fair Baca& wlls s aaaktfct . JlTINO WILD ARIMAlS, w1» win perrona a Tsileir of ibrQllBi faala In eir« of nraiprlaol IrmtDan. _ DOIIBHUN niBL. . A SraOIAL WniTB OaV lUTlMBa . ■ _ _ BVUTBlAi; ThtBnil ■ _ ON TIBW AT AUi U0UH8. ■ ThsUrioiWlMAnioiaU. _ TbeBMiiirslBMa.. ■ TbaObBBbefolUonwa IksliiniiiaOni1<»lllafc..Mlj, RWa FIPFl j, ' Ui ' j, ' H. ArvxarvjB re: — raoir ITBAT BTBKTKj ItTuo^ pirchtsedef sUenlkapttalaleMwmMlbatseaBlsgur: '