New York Clipper (Mar 1871)

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THCATBICAt RECORD. 4r OtfM cupper Poat Offloe. »1 mum •mm, ^hi»iTi«lii»ii ■»« » UDUrUiT. ll«wu«,TMn« ■taiTUtfia) Tkyior. Mr*, v. O. Taraonr, tfn. TboapMD. MutI. Wvlfnb/. MUiB. Woed. Ainta Wood, JUfta WaJbT, Uiit« ra, ABni«(]) Bliau, Boll ««anl«, Ffuk Idwardi, Ova IL rei. Vn. 0. rinb. E^vtfd roller, J. W. Wbi T« _ I. AmofT a. MoL Ick tdiOI. ObiUt* moui B. A. B«ipr nfflUr, Brawo A Sui4m, ' Bwboar. V.«. BMtmr. 0«a A. Ban baa. 0.0. BMiu, Albeit^ BfoWB, Obi& J, Broww. Bdwla Btmra. 0. f. Blum, Jol Blum, Jobn (1) BrtiM, WtlUM IOU.J. M. Bptelt, B. 0. -1, ju. r LpallU Owsv, J. W. Br!%bu. A. POftD*, K. O. pKiai, Tnt. DOOtldMBj W. B. (1) DoWD, FnbkF.CI) DtBtar* Joka (3) DevolBd B. ?M4ffWa.i Jr. nieta.TliA rgi. Hal FraM, H»U 0) Oarr, Hinr omn), Fnok 0) Olo|«r, Ltv aimti i Btkv, annt, Hwrv Oailonl, J. 8. QUaionffi), RurTn. r. HarrlMP, Ja& ninrlr.J. H.(I) H«ffMr, rnnk neteM, B4wu Sam. O. UMkli, W. M. HIMkr. Alt. HlUtfl. Uird) Iloiranl, J. 0. 11u»Ur. Prer. UlfClili. W. 8. J.E(£ Jul wo. John JlAiMo. T. U. Jou*. Jt& 1. Ktlchum. Oca F. KtDdlJI. B. P. KlD(, TdQA. iMr*. Va1*BUII« L'Arrkalu, ■. Lauil, B. L»lor,.Nr. F. Luc JohBDr ■cOIII, A. man. *. It Sutla, IIM. W. tlflU*. Waluir cDoonuib, U. VoDUofd, Fruk VtKbuier. H. K Harrti, Jo& B. kfAiulra. Jta. il«DoDild,Tom JonUfQi BiM., newremb A ArrilM NoiUU, C. KklulJ. Cku. T. NoraJLFraikJo. Norua, Joo. IF. Odu4o>f. P. J. Pukcr. Dick P>nloi,aT. FkllHV.h.a Fbiilin, neiL Tmr,j. a PbBi Sot (0, PMk, wai.iBr. lIiiIMn, Paul KoblOMl, eilu F. ■ttUMllaL Bumell Kklurtm.Uw'^ BT»n. Pfor._ Srallh, Ur. V. .A. BurniiJoo. A. flvulBAn. W. F, HUWftlLO^O.W. SibajvLb. Ballr.naafT HnAlaam, J. B. SollA. Fruk U TbonpMe. Oca W. TIdbU, WaIIIT Torek, ktufoiO) Tuba, Btrrj TarlMRi 0. 7. TlioiBMa«, 0. 0. TjirJiri.T. TvotDblr Jm» uOtaar. fnok r>ii,aiiu<(D WI1IUD«.UU Winer. Oal. Vinit. BUM Wlck»lr', J. K. Wrlcb, FferMU Hood. Hj. B. lOo, Walkrr. JDa H. WuhborB, B. L Wllaoa Bra*., Wu<J. K. W>rt,Jai.T. mUM 4 ClAfke, Wood, Obl& B. (]] WtldiOB, O. 0. Wood, Joo. ^ Whiuosih. A. J. WIUlAon, Uta. Waid,WB. Tbo Mo BAlur whal IbllML WawaaUBdaalbv.ok, diUfkll _Ua nUf m a Muabcr; Bol unn ber b utaad etna aloBL Aad ni* oa twA a oaabar Flanpla iba *7o, ibra nada oa sav AiomlatnplioiiaL No', llaaoibarnriaarool l7>,aBlrl>lbvU7lL iincAl OnaaiiKDt ■laMt tFair wmk, aoma or U« gaoiler MI, I.Ob o( too iirncr. r«ilonii«n irlio, t rav jtm i^l- ''J'.t """"f 10 PUJ for » MtttiniF or mirtj or fonidullwapcrwe:t,lQiiiaUacta,SDw baju lo mat iigtar, uil aoma fair liATt inttdr ttuinad luoa uhI (or- tnoc. The mliulial prorcailoa baa coolnbaiad oaiU 1 nomlier lowarda aweillog iba tit ol auii, uti otben Ai« prtpulDg to lOATO ibo black boira for tba iiuipcaa of ap. peiitngiu nbluontba Kglumata auga. Yoa aaa that ilBoiojklnBjoiinslallcrororilio wij iborai Wall, bo waaamlnatrcl. on a limited ultrr, onij a ;aar or two aoD. Now ba U ona of iba baat drawing alaia od tba rag. Qiar ftago and carna bla tbooaanda now wb»a hnodreua auacad Mfort. la it injr wondor tbal oibera acot lo fol- low blaexamplot laItanijirKlogUiataonaol "Ibaboia" Ulk of "abaUDg" Iba con and donniog iba "aook and bntUo.i'oalCworot Uoraa not. Sobaallonal plaja aia All Iba rage, and aian of areaur or lera magoliodo now lud la b.iming brtdgoi, rallroiil dbulor/, horilbk) mur- den, and ao (brtb, a lourco of profli wblch tber noTfr obforraa biforo, and prarwrlKbla ara kopt quiio bnv In coniwing plaja and Invaulfog telling aliuailooii, Tba In uro la 0,-ion Co all alike, and wblia aomo or Uio diw aian luait Ibii, otbara, agtun, will naai mib aoraauccaaa. Let ua mako a rbjma or two ABon niM. Wfaal dlObfaat optalooi pM^ bold About Iba cimmuocu of a ttir: Wfao ti fu rou by iBiQj will ba lo.dl Hora ronuniu Uaa oibor aclon an, But Ifaal oplBtOD. ernalBlj, ll wnns— Hiaia Bra not *'lllad" la wall a< lolia bara Ihoalbt tbaOL lr4 hoow thai •on* coBid nwr itt abitij If *tiir aclon did Bol wall i*pftrt Ibeo. lotrodiiotory overcurea HoiisAT, lURb «tb, 'n. Tnwmui wMcb tba annlTaiurr or BL Fiirlck'a tlittdar oocua la aeldom coodoelre to good buinaaa ror tbaaliaa, atoimi otarlj alwaja praralUog; tba put weak, wlUch Indodcd tba natal ilaj of tba patron ailnl of old Iraland, wu aboat u mlientMe oa anr we bare axpen. nncad In mail montba; la ta«t It waa a baafr vat of tba fliM water, glflig people ibe bine), inHscua, aon ibroalB indmuTOlkarlUaibaldeabbbelrto. Illanotaniprto- iDf tbat our managan' ooflnteoancea waia not llgbtad np with tboae baalgnanl.BDllaa wblob tbrow abaloAronnd ill auTonndbig objeoti^ and glra u air of tnnqulUj, dallibt anilJ07iinapeakableto tbe temple or tba noiei udotkaiabow abapa. St. Falrlok'i dar wu a lagnlar taailr, drlnlr, ntnr, miiddT, dark, damp, aid otberwiae depiaailng, bat tbe natlrti of tbe gnen lale and tbalr de- aoendanla did not permit tbelr ardor to be dampened bj tbeeoDlentlonaortbeelemenM, ao Umt ttimed oat in ■nob nnmben aa tbej never abowed before, and tbdr en- Uinaium went np ai tbe diopa went down, and tba l)tb «r Haicb, l>n,majt>eaetdoima(ablg Pndax Oar colored fttenda and breibien abonld leam to aocnatom tbamaelTn touaptCDllantleaoronradoptcdolUzenA. On tbe moroing of Bt. Faiilck'a birtb dai an Emerald lalandcr, ftiTl or good bamor aad Ibp dew ol tbe morning, •ncMUtiered a aon of Bam as bawaa prooeedlng along tbe Dowerr. WUbIng to abow bla noUfenaai on anob an V-iOt." , tbe biggeit tewa or toedar, ror tbe "najgniinra tba otter a " wipe oter ibe gob," la ba ezpraaaad It, and in atiBPiOtooa dar, oor Irtah mend itfd i " Qood morning, nav-dnr." Tblt almple act ol pollieneaa otuted one ol "ilgieit tewa or u " lime tbao we are lading to tell It iba man o'f oo'.or and bin irienda were laid out aanloelfaa tbooib annn- dniatcr bad dona It, and It waan't a good dar for laj- log ont people eltber tt tbe preienl weak opena wltb fair weaiber, let oa bope tbat onr placed ol ifflnae- nent maj be better attendtd—and tbal Iboie wortbr KnUamanwboubecaraortbaHnaneea foranch eatab- bmenta ntf not find ibe time drag baaTj on tbalr banda, bnt bo cntbooaed wiib a rnab or pairona aiob aa no one can ao well appreoiaie, lare tbe manager bbnacir. we dIaUkt 10 come acroB a tnoinrerwhen nnalotaa la dnll—ba doaan't lecm at all like blmitlf—vemln tbat eordial groetlog wblcb beipe to make ror Ibe wortby mobled offloial ao mini rrtanda—we fall to ducct tbat aweet and aipmalre amilo oreaiuracUon wblcb la narer wanting wbcD " ereir eaat la flUed, and atanaing room la nt a premium." Let oa tell In a lew alople wotdi tbe cbaraolerUtlu and peooltaiillce of Ta TUAIDBkX. n« I* tb* eoT7 of Iba Dio, Tbaptloratllb*|l>li, B*«ui«a allilfriBAdUBoed pla, Aod il:h '^rparlao ouria'* To all bll «T*rF dir lanarka IlM lUtMn dolb ba bov. For btjIaOMV doib coBim, Tb* naaon'a Tatr olaar. Nfiaind ttabta«"'«tit* ikta w« ii* tOMMiaed to. OTaealdplaiaaBlU 1 iflak aailalld oa tlialBtiMi Tvaa hart, twaabaaii *lir«a craall Aad inilf Biie a* ooa of Iba ObM acun laa daaL Hbtla at Ik* abow va mw a iirV- Wa wlakad, and tban *ba nBII*d— Aad lb*a r*boib laekad diffavai vanL .fnar filler,!' bakokid wtM.) VMt^daFa_*'P<r«oal'' t^gmni City eiimmnry. At LrXA Enwt.i'a TaaaTBi Dioro wea no cbin;e lo Ibe protfiaome duilng tba paat week, ir we oioept aome alignt Tarlalion In Mr. Uogaid^ akatobea and torjouo- tloba. An eijtlre obaage ol blii, liowerer, la atuiuoccd ror tbe prtaent week, oonilaling or "Harai Kogage- menia," a new aorlea or akatobea bj Hr. Lingatd, aud ihe Itrta ol "LiltleToddleklna." Tba builneaa ol tbe put week hu been laige. Tsa panniT wiix wiu bi mi lait bnt one or Bitcb, Wembuld, Beroard aod Baokaa* prea:nt minairel aea- aon. During tbe put week rair andieocn here Bieeted their eoorta to amoae tbe pnbuo end aome lew cbangci occurred In the prog Uonid a ballad enilu occurred In tbe programme, among whiob mar be man< Uonid a ballad eniiued "Hack Nell," loog br 0. Temple- ton, aad a ballad bj Owjer called "Ploaae Bot Hr Lul B* laAbilllUola»nr IB wOBon, ntofaaod "nad*"— Ttwuib Knlaor Huy b* bli piil^ Ulii"Ulll*Kl"b*a**d*: Tb* -larftat boflui" »lllb* m, AAd oaTtr Man BBDacrad. To ilimonri bo'i oof oedaDI*^ got. 111* blacbalfi, "niarrad." la inll**, la dm*. In J«w*lf7, Our buo"* alwari PI I Bbi b* (111 ka*p la toedM looki ToamtlbtaialiiK To OB* who lrl«* (0 *'b*at** a "paja,'' Ta TnuBiar dolb aart *'II 1* tn nIB. roo aao't 1*1 ta, V '"rkAtlllbat'itba Buair-MFr' If IKkatbarmblm vcald likl, • Tbtra ulbl* oomfortfrioi Tbal, ir ba oaoBol |*t al tbto), Tb«r OBBOI ni at bin I laeb nI|blblliti*Blbno*dta lUlly A kloa dolb bi ippaar, Abd mar blalobjicu BBltlpI/ Formaaja coalBi y<arl ne bigalertog wind* or If aiob are good for one thing. If notblagelae—tbe/enable tboae Innootntjoung men and gnllileaa old raprobaiea wbo atand oa Broad- waj comen lo bave tall maar an opponnnltr to Uutltule comuilaonB canerming glrla' lege, tbe wind blowiag wbeieiiiletetb and matlagaad baroo wltb ibe olotblog or our oltf bellea. Ob, let ui Meu jt blotrlag gala tbat comea In time when "egga la cgga," j» giotiona time when bowling wluda diaplay ao matix lemale legt. Wbo I diapoia Htnb lie renown, lu title u je obler of blowara, or, that It makea >e dual come down, or, 'tli tbe pilnee of eiocklng BMiiont None can denj ltd bouier- ou claliu: none can diapote ita lawfol awaii e'en glow- ing ion II dim ontrlgbl, for It con abow a giand ar rsj. And talklog about glrla, we don't deaplae Ibam na a olaoa; on tbo conliair, oncolaawbuewa permit oomtlf lo be oyolad by them, and, occaalonaily, wo go rar aa lo ^-iwilbir ^ - aI . lailr like Ura. NIobe, aba wu all bemlntbolrdoep griet Ooadaydur. peat week we were Tiilied bj a awcel, bln^eJed 1 II fj^tgf^f ijj^ji eeTonieen. latllia lag the paat IHuedamael, whoaa " ■■ 10 dar, Uw al . taai). Now, U Ibtra'a aoytbing calculated to loneb • TeeponatTo chord or aympatbj in hardened man'a atlll harder bieait, It'a a waeplog womaa-lfa wane, tea uinea, tban a orylog ebild, and tbat, you'll admit, la "pleen." Bbe approubed na u though aba wu tnna- greailng Ibe bounda or pmdcnca, but we reaaaored her ,wltb on* of onr bitndeat emlica and itQueated tbe ralr one to be aetled. Then ebo epake. We were rearlui tbat It night be a oaao or "ontnied buaband," li ibire'a annblng we bale, It'a tbia oulragcd buaband bueueaa, beeauM tbeie'a danper In It. Bbe told btr itorr in claoilo lore aid her aon and penalve worda hdi a ibiui to oor heart Benwuaoaw of "relentlcB landlord," imieae ahe nlitd onaen doUaia before noon of that day die wonld be tbnial "out In tba atreet." Her ejte looked u IT aba vai null a TicUm of lapocloue landloidlam, and uabegUMtntatbedepthaetourioal, nodoubt, u wellu Intotbeaitenlot onrpooktt boot, ahe cut open na one of tboaegtaoeu wblob neror Tall to do thcUr work. Then aba plaoedoae or her amtll wblta bandi on our off band. " obTalri" lald abei "I onlr hope that you may nerer tnbw lb* Mnga or porertyl" ^ tf we Aniin'l kiowA IMm lent agol And then, u U to Impreia ber word! man roiaolynsoDiia^ aba plaoodbar outer little band Oft evr near ibotuder,and tiny teindnppled adown ber MMti. "00 on, sou gnef^inoken lady," we ex- elalifi, for we began lo like ibU kind onunf, which wu aa* to na, whoa* f Irtne la onr own vwara "Lalt on ofMu tl an eony ag%" aba contlnned, "I ban bene all tbl mala whlebBnmaid an orphan wUbonl a mnrmnr. I bar* wuhatood *U tamptatlou and now to be cut Into ibeiUaet-n Ob.nteoia. Now, ueoonldn'lpierentber banda reeling Whem tber dMt im cooldn'rteU ber jidonti" le* eouMu't—^« uirell, too knew bow It u TOiiiioIf.i' a; ehe pocketed tbe dltV loore, aho Uild, •■Ob,air,roabaTe ui*d an Innootnt glri-to conylnco jonor tbe traiii ormT itoiT, come tc ny room Ihia eve. nlng, at Hp, IW Baat — aliect." And then, wliha BWHleromlleltuniM had erer acen beroro, andafer- Tonl preanraof the harni, aba lan. Mow, we thoorht w« uonid ail nooo bar, Juii to aoe how ehe una altoaied, aoybow. wiall No, we bad no etncr object in rlew, Honorbilgbtboyi—elawuabaanly, and bid made ua «MI alrtn«e,l>at we're not or tbat aort. Bo, we draacd in anew anil we bad Juat purrbucd aod made oniaeir look loleimblr wall, aad took our eharluble way lo No. wn. She wu there, and ao far her e:or; b re ihe ImDRua otinih. BhelUTltcd na Into ber room; It wuooal bnt not gandyi a table, a bodatead, two ^llalr^ ud a etore oomprlaedtbe mmliareor Ibli bumblo abode of aaan- gel. And here thiB orphan lived alone. Wo hadn't bora thora more than a couple or boure when n panel In Uie wall cnned and auoibrr m>n appoAml on tna aeenr. Whkinlloaradttaaranolln a proper rramecfmliid to dlioleaa. Bnt It icaa a ciae or "cuirogcd buibind," and w* btve almoal vowed never again to In auiliy ol a ebar- It^a aoUen There'a many a roan Id This o'ly vlollni- lied lotl u we have been, and ir Hr. Ilorgb or aime other well-dkpcaed bentraoior or hie race were to or. ■anlieaaooMiy ror (he protection or, and prereii'lon ul SwUj M tuwou nei, we aboaid have far leu of thcao Paper." In tbe aecond part Hollln Hovard laog 'The Cavalier at the Ball."compoatd bynlmaelL BlilyBlrcb and Cbailey Backna appeared lo an aol entitled "Otbcllo and Uacbetb," while ''dcbool'a In" Inuoduced all tbe principal membeia of tbe troope. AxoatotMALDBAMArrom the peo or Aogualln Daly la annoooced rorita flial production at tbe Oiymp o Tbeatre, on ToeadAV evening, HARb lut It le In are aoia ana entitled "uorlioD," aod will beplaced upon theatavowl h new aceoerr, ud It will Incluae a panorama. The rol. towing Block company hu been engaged expiaiair for Ibe drama: Hlaa Agoei Ethel, who hu neeo loanfd from Ibe Filih Avenae Thutre; tbe Hlaau Ada If irtonii. Lain Prior, F. Beane, Lee, Hmea. J. J. Prior, Anole Yeamana, B. 8. TaiT, and little Jennie Yeamana, Meaaia. Oiiirire Wneallelgb, 1. B. Stndley, II. B. Teeodale, U. Waralok, 0. B. Bindi, & B. Colllni, Ocoige Beane, J, L. Oebonar, Jokn E. Horllmar, Han Con aay, F. Obapfflau, F, S. AMI- boy, W. H. Pope, John Peody, B. B. Pratt, AUInt and Oeorge L. Fox. "Blcbellen of tbe Period" wu witbdnwn efter tbe perTormance or Saturday aight, March IB-h. Tbe theaire wlD be oloted Ihla erenlog, the Mtb. J. 0. ffiixu'iuoii, the comedian, u engaged lOr next aeaioB at tbe CalUoinla Tbeatia^ Ban Fraoclaco, Oal,, for lilt comedy. OiOBOBLioroLD, Ike nmnast, got Into a quarrel wltb aome roogbi on March loib. at a certain hooae, and wu atvenly beaten, both or bia ejea being gouged, and II la aald that tbe ilgbt ol one ol them IB eniliely diairoycd. LncuN BASXaa, masAger ol Tilfflble'a Open Bonaa, Al- bany, N. T., and John H. Meech, one or the maoageia ol tbe Academy of Moale, Bnoue, war* both In tb* city dor- Ini the put week. uiFBr Am, vlollDlit, and Alfred vol Recbow bla manager, were u tbe city doilog Ibe paat week. Ouva DoDP BTkOH commenced ao engagement al Wood'a Mouam on Mendav evening, Haiob (Stb, wbeo J. I. HcOloekeyia dnina, In three aota and a pnlogne, *n- nued "Acroia tbe Oonttoent," wu aned In tbla ci^ for tba drat dme. Tbla drama hu been acted tbe preient aeoaon In nwrly all ol tbe provincial clue* of Ute conn- 117, meeting wltb almoat unvarvlng aocoeaa. Tba play wu well mounted and well aclaa, each oharactar aeem- lag BHdBlly adanted to the per/ormir, Hr. Byion aou the character of Joe Fenlavriib much cffoct Bohua clear, mualoal voice, a well-pioportloned llgure, and a frank, manly appcafaice, Bla elocution la eicelleni and ennodailon dlitlnct. li la evident tbat be bu devoted much Ibooghi and atody la tbe oharacter, and tba per- formauce of It itampa him an actor of more than ordl- nuy ability. T. W. Keene bad an aconiate conoepuon or lobn Adderly. bolb father and aon, which ware uted wltb force and vigor, L. J. Ueatayer, la tbe dalfrlum tprnunaacene or tbe prologoe, dljplayed algaal abtncy, ■bile bia perloimanc* or Tom Qooiliiln, Jr., wuple**' big and evinced care* Joaepb Belton, u Oeodvin. tbe oerctant piuce, waa dignlded and coiiect J. H. ward oonvnlacd the anillence vlih laughter by bla bumorons act- ing ol Ceaar Augnatoa. Tbe qnotailona wcro delivered with much eObci, and oecailonal ImltaUena or prombicnl utora added piauaney to the aceoe. 0.0. Obhrlef. u the Watohman and Oiovannl, wu etiecUre. Little Ada Benon played Doloro obarmlogiy and won the appioba. lion oflho aodlence. Tnedancea In thecelluacena by the Hiaaea Alice Hatrlaoe, Tberees Wood and Alice Athenon were enoorad; Mr. Oeblll u Dennla O'Dwyer and Knuckle bone Johnny diaplayed much ability and created conalderabla merriment; Ulu Annie Firmln u Agnea Cooatant aad Lonlaa Ooedwm acted very natuiauy aod displayed mora artiallo ability Iban we dteuied ahe Siaaeaaed. Hue EmmaMoabler wu carefaiand pain*, klug wltb Oitra. The ploce 1* very effoouve, the lan. Kaga la good and[tbo Inoldenta are lUlirulIy ananged. e repreaentatloa occupln two boun and a bair. The bnaloeu or tbe week hu been good, and we think the pior vlll enjoy a protracted run* We had the atory of Ihe drama In type ror the preeent laane, but Ihe preaa of matter compeu oa to derer Ua pnbUcatlon nntu noit week. No xmnmiBLionAXOB occurred at tbe New York Olr. cua doring the peat week, yet eo eoloyable performance wu ooered, In which the principal peirormei* appeared In their vaiioofl apaclalUe*. For tbe preeent week Jail, en Eeot, a olown or repute, will oreate tbe mirth or the evenlsg. Oeorge Donald will appear In blebBTohaok aemeiaaults. Jeannetie BllBler wlu perrons evelatiuna open Ihe Ilgbt rope, aid tbe omx ol lupen will por form, , • . ^.. atToxt PA>tOK>a, dorlBg iba put Week, tbe Hub ap- peaiucea coulated of Dnan O'Lynn, lilah vocallat; H'lle Looite, dram aololat; Ailo* Somera, aong tnd danco: and BI Mine Eddie, Uabt rope. BrKn O'Lynn nnga well end won tho favor or tbe andlcnc*. M'lle Iaoibo bu evi- dently praoUaid long ahd aaaldaonily lo airlva at that degree of exoellencewnlon ber performane* ejthib.ted. Hub Alice BomeiB la a nvonto at tbla hooae, having oltan played brlaf engageneiia bere. Bbe wu well re- ceived and reapooded to two or tbieo eneorra. El Nino Eddie, who daring bla abaeaoe from Ibe city hu grown 10 man'a atatura, acoonpllBbed aome daring feala upon thorop<LWiih and without Ibe old or Ibe balance pole; among tnam the taming of a backward aomeiaanlt nom reel to foot wu a dlatmgnlablog reatore. Be remainB Ihe preeent wMk. Tonr Futor aang twoortlireenew oomlo unga and aeveral old onca, all or which were fa- vorably received. Tbe Feoale Uloatrel acene eontlonee a prominent featui*. Wild, Keroa. Rlgga and otbera ap- peared In a variety of acta. HlBaKatelle oyama, Tocaliai, will appear tbla week. An AUtOR iimna oiunoB or naoBAian waa offered at Bryant'a mlnalrela during Ibe put week. In the Ural put, Hr. Dempiter oang," When Boae* Bloom." Dave need, wltb mnob hnmor, endoiaed "Uontron bur tbe BelglneJ' DiAltierle ooailaned "Dnhlln Bay," " Under the Bnow," wu budb eoeourelr bjr B. Nermao, u wu " ITIU you Meet ma, DarllDg,'> by w- F. Blanley, The flnalo oonililed of."no Oiroua." "Shoo Fir,"br Dan Bryant aud Dave need, wu revived, ant waa ro- celved wltb qolto u much enlhaaium u on lie orlgloal prodncUott. J. W. MoAndrewa gave a floe peraonatlon ol tbe old darkey In "Tbo Oharlelton Biilo." LtUla Mkok petfomed tbe " Baby Elephant" and the monkor In " Coco " and a " Oomlo Eueuc*." A new act emiiled *' Loa Qeorglennea," br Sianley D'Albene, Nclae Beymoar and Dan Bryant, wu well received. 'TbeAolmatedBaok'* and "The uva Indian,"wltb Dan Bryant u tho Indian were alao on the bllL COLT. A. Onowv, dramallo and general agent, n> aod TlODroadwar, hia aeveral adverllsementa lo another oolnmn, to woloh we reier managen aod Ibe proloaalon, and the following artute aod porformeia are nieparea 10 atcept engagemenlB ihrougbhim:—B. T. Blolaon, wbo wllb bS seniauonal piece, "Neck and Neot," la blghlr apoken or br tbeObloago nreaa, ud wbo bu a lew weeta vacant Umo from tbe middle of April until JuneiEatle Potnam, comedlenno, ler abort engagement ftom April 10th:UonB.Tnde, Iroiiei* and bar porloimer; Bnma Qratun barloaque arfiife; tbe Romoill ramlir, Xraptu arilaia and general perlornierai Bidl U'JAlma, contettlon. lat; Gen. Oram, Jr., dlmlonUvo aong and dance perloim- ariJoeChildgandlda Wallaco, general performcra and oerio-comlo alngera; Bamueua and Hontague, grm* naatB,wiih oomlo acta, broihor act* and other apoolal- tlea; nanv King and bla wile, doable IrapaiUI/, ndet* AO.; and win. Oarloton, Den Monla andjeooy Qilmar Irlib aod general buaineu. A fliat dai* enl man la wanted for Ban Frauclaeo and Aanrallo. D. W. BuoniB, alter cloalng hlaengagement wllb Lent'a New YorkCMroni, waa at onco engaged by Hr. Janea E. Keller, one or tba proprlobita or tho -'Van Ambnrgh Ool- den Uooagerie and lloire'a London Oirona, ror uo ap- proaching tonilDg aeaaon, PnBo. LAWMKOB, who IB cngBgtd for tho approaeblsg lonilngKBaon with "Forepwigh a Zoological and Equu- tmn iggrcgatlon," wu In tCu etiy to-day, an nuta t« Fblladelulila to Join that abow. _ TUB BAiBDirA ROTAL JATAKBU TSoVTB, nnmbcrlUB aome Iventr-IBne performcn, wbo bare rvoentir been playing to verr large hnalneia tn tbo Bouihem oliica, nUI make ibeir lubut In Ihe melropolla at Boo Fruolaoo Ball on April SJiOndor Ibe management or A. Rolg, who bu been enabled to rreaent them one week earlier than we annoonocd In a put laane. They are aald lo excel au Ircupea tbal havepfevlO|»lr Rppeareil bore. Hiaaaa. ntoos and Firociiaid, dramallo and variety aaonlA, 613 Droadaar, wiicac canla flnd cla-Whore, an in nf*dorOralelaBav«ri«tyari'Biannde«IWI«iIlea. HBsaaa. cohhimuoah and Dov, dramatic aconta. eu Druailnay, are agtnlB, aod rrepatoil to ueiotlale engage- inenta lor aeveral or tbe lrailtnga<>n>auogal atora, aiooog whom aro:-^uo. 0. Campbell, ch-raclor actor, whoap' peanln "Poinpi'iR. T. Hieiaon, trogcdlani W. II. Wbi'ly, In I. J. Uorloakrj'a dnmo, "TiUloriho whoapiean 1 Ber enii" Johnny Alien. Dnloli cora'dlan, who budle- UngnKbadhtmaeitin'''Bchnaideri" Jenny Iiouaon,oieg- gl-i, and CoL RioUi Qcahi a, the giant comedian. AT' ilB'B denilng to amar in a new dnma enllUed "ffr«at> Hog Joei or, Ihe Bui y or the HlneB," or W. B. LanidOD and rh Up 11. aiii»ib, an alao noaeotiid lo make apj^lic*- llonloMeiaM.u. *U. . loninrr TBomoN appeared during Ihe paat week at tbe Bowery Tbeain in a aenaailogBl protnn dnma by J, J. MeOMdker eotiUed "On Band; or, Trae to the Lut," to wblcb b* acted tb* ohamoier of Jack Honon and Im- peneoaM (P (M njlfM VT \» dnnu aliht other ebar- aetare, aaannHdaiflagitlaetnroarrylogonttbeploi, be- BUlee playing aolo* upon tbe oiarioneC Oblneae flddl^ bonnonioon, tovTlolln, toy trumpet, harmoor dalOi a oowa bora, bau viol, baojo, harp and oimei-t-putou, ilnging eevenl aonga and daoolog Jiga and cbanolar dancea. lilaaOdomihai aoeh varied quaUdeatlooa an round noitad lo on* penon. In tho vBrioni tUagalEca u° aumad br hUn he ponnjted marked indlvldoBMir or ebar- ootor. In any one or which there wu no irAco or rcaom- blanee to aoy of t^e 9)hora, which la bigb pnlae, bnt, lo awarding it le bim, we io not wlab to ahau one Jot or utile mm tbe fulleet algnllcalloa of tbe worda ued. It IB an andeolable fut that Hr. Thompion poaaeasea nnoti dramallo talent, whlob, tithougb now lo a compin. lively crudo atale, only rcqulru pracUce to fully develop It The experlcnco ^ned upon tbe mloitrel aiaga nu giiren bim npoie, and 11 wu only In tbe cbaiaoteror Jiox Norton proper that bla elocution up- pcorcd at laolt, wblob a iltue uio will correct Hia ejn»opoa the diamaile aiage hu been barilly or twelve montha* deration, yet during that brjcrapace or Ume bta Ifflpnvement hu boen marked and rapid, Bla mualcal perlormaneca dcaerve higb oonmondatloo, u he appa. rently poHoaui a thorongb knowledge ol Iho varioua loatrameoiB upon which be perfom«, anil baa not boon "Darroied" to play ooe or two aln only, oonvlnclog prool or which wu given by bla performtog iorerol atfi during the erenlne that wen not act down upon tho pfogramnr. Uo rcoelvcd eiiloloot aupport from the itock company. Hn. W. 0, Jonea duplayed her niujl excellence in the obaneter or the outciat wL'o, Lacy Uarbloaan. Hisa ivily Booth acted Olan Nevule with muoh vivacity. Ulas Eaie Pnnce wai aa uructory u QeotglaDa Norton, while MUa Fcnioo, u Bl^ldy Uoolebao, wu exceliobt. Tbla young lady dliphyd much aolllty In tbe ImparaonnUun niunlre obaracien, ber being very quaint. J. Win* ter acted tbo villain, Oarnlnaun, witb vigor and roioe, and deeervw commeodaUoo. Oeordo France, aa an Eagilab aerrant, created muoh mirth during tbo evenlig. He la a great favorite with Ihe audlcneoa. T. Barry u Otiarlea Norton, Ueurlce Pike aa Pbdlm O'Uo^, P. Connolly oe Bloodgood, Ubarlca Foator aa tfr. Norton, and W, 0. Raymond u Haoy, acted their aeveral pofea irith are. The drama contalna moo; effeotlro eliu- nilouB, and, OS an early effort Irocu a nBlngdrauiat:it, niar be awarded pniM. In protean dramu wo do not look lor lltenry excellooco, ami tho ooe In queailon will com. pare ravonblv irith thoae from tho pen* or mora akilled ai d practiced nrltcra. Ur. McOIuaicey poaaeasea a good kuowlodga of BituatiooB, etnge boaluea* and effeol, aod if be uoei not attempt to wnio loo mnon and huitly, he will, we think, obtain eminence among American dn- matte wnterd. TiiobualocM of the week huboeo large; even the alormy weather did not dampen tbe euihuatum or the audleucu which fliled the entln aodltorlom nlghily. A nurfnee wu given oa Bt Patrlck'e day. AT uoorn'B TniATiw, "Uuch Ado About NolhlDg" wu wltodrawn after tbe perfurmanooon Baturday night, March Uth, It BAVIng been poiformrU alao at the imdwe 01 uiat day. "Othello" will be performed tblB evening, Harrh 'iOtb, and dnrtng Ibe week. "Lis QkOBOiBNUBS " bos been perrormed daring tbe put «eek at the Qrand Opera House. The onlita having oecomefam Uaneiui lbrtrro[;f,thoperrurfflanceiaamooth and ODjoyeblo. Tbe moslowlna upon the popular ear and already tbe ponilar aln an belog wblailed in toe itreeie. It la aunouDceo lor cununned rcpreacnuiloo. On Tliura- diy a inia^fnre rebearul wu given by Vtsk, Jr's, Ninth Bsglmeni Band, and the eleventh coucvrt by the uma band au ilvea on Bundar evening. "La Perlchole" wu perlormcd at the Batunlay nudnee. It IB quim raoBABLBtbat "aanioga" will be witb- dnwn alter the aith Inat, onlen another nld la again made upon tbe box offlce by tho orcat public, and aucb anumh.;ror Boaiaiecorod that Manager Daly vlll bo compelled lo conttone It on the bllla to keep lUtb wltb tbepurebuera. MUa Fanny Uavenpott reeumed bar fi)lrorouulM or Blue Remloglon during itae nut week, r. Jamea Lewli wii; take bla aecond auooal oenellt tbla evening. MatchMtb. "Jeubei" la ready lor producUon when tne popnlsr volca eball ao dioiate. BiBrn,'' wblcb wu annenncetl lor production etWal- lack'a Thvaire on Satnrday eveolog, Harou isib, hu been poatponed, bnt It la probable that It. ilU. eboiUy see tbe ligh'. Toe paat week hu be?n devoted tb' a Krie* or ovmedlea, which an ebout to receive their llnal represeniatiooa. Un Houday and Wednesday evo- nlnga, t'eo ibe Batarday moriner, "Komatca and Reali- ty ' wu npeated; Tneacar "John Bull" wu acted; Thoisday tho "Vlaudoitino Marriage;" Friday, "Har- ried Life," end Buturday "Onia" wen peiTonned. Miss Maiib BaaBAcn, notolibaianding aba wu an. nonncedto take berfanttetlol tldaclty on Toesdayof laatweek,at* nullnee perrormanoeat Wa'lick'aTbeo- tn, la annonnccd to "eloe* the afaaon" at Fourteenth BtrtetonHirch20tbandaiau Alewmonperrormaoeee might peaalbly be given by "apectal nqoeMt" and ".'or tbebeseatoi;"ele. The word''lanwell,'' Inconnecilon wllb ibeatrlcAl performucei^ bu lost lie atgolloaace and lu ua la farcical. Mb. J. E. Oaxbbl, a planlat or npnte, gave a concert at CbickeilBg'a Hi:i, on the IbUi loai., au&ted by Mlaa OAr- ler, apupli, Madame Balvotu, and Heaan, nitsch and Foznuakl. Ubkbt Bnaa Icctnred on "Crneltr lo AntmalB,"at tho Union Leagu Tbntn, on Ibe IBrb Inat Am abatbob rBBnBiiA.NCB of "Everr Body'a Friend," for the beneli ol tbe ansenta In tbe war In Prance, look plaoe- at tbe Dolen League Tbeatn on tbe letb luit, and wu largely and raablonably attended. The cut ff u u rollowa:—Fdix Paatherlv, A. E. Peat; Hojor Wellington de Boota, T. Einnloutt; Frank Icebrook, J. 0. Barrett; Tnp, Heater MUlot; Mha Feaiherlr, Ulaa HU:et; Hra. BwandowD, Un. Q. 0. Benett; Hra. de Bocta, Mn. L. V. Hsmton; Faaor, Mlu Joaepbloe Barrett H'Lia BBBTBi, premtera CanuuM*, aod Blgnor Loud*, Juggler, were the nub racu that appeared at tbe Tbeaira Oouilqne during the paat week. Tbo rormor uaumcd tbe poemon In ike IdUel diogrllaaerwfu made vaeaot hv tbe termluuon of U'tle Leah*a engagement on Manh iltb- Favored br nature wltb a pretir lace and ebopelr lorm, she bu leaned In ibe acheols of art aucb grace and knowledge ol terpalcborean movements u, comnmed wllb tbo abore, tend lo nader bet an attraotlve and pleuing dancer. Blgnor Louda displan muoh ekill In nis pro- fejaion. Be keapa a number of email belle and gUttenog kolvoein coastoat nvoloilon In tbe air, and alierwarda Grforma Bomowonderlul leala with oopa and balla era very rge aire. Ilia catoblog, on a alcoder cane, a large aolld globe, aome ten loebea ua diameter, thrown to bIm br an uilatant. prove* conduilrely tbat be tboronghly under- etandatbelawBorcqnlllbnuo. Ho also keeps a number or flaming itrcbta wbuling aroood bla bead aod bodr with Ibe greueat dcxterliy. Tbe two latter ruu an ao- compllsbed while mounted open a pedutal, the upital or wblco ISBcarcely ten incbca la diameter, a alight rootbold open wblch to nvolvobia body while pmornuog bla eklll- fol fulB. Aahcrolt and Morton performed anew eoog and dance eatliled "The Dearcet One ol All," wblcb met with larer. Bughey Dougherty appeared In a aong and daoc* entitled "Hip Tearing Johnny," which earned bIm aeveral enoores, ThobalauceettboprogiammeconAhited of Ohailoy Eimle'a Tcotonto warbllnga, Jamca F. Warn, bold'a henlo boIob end eongo, Miaara. Btewart, RatUer, Ooea, Hyei* Mlaa IJardy aod olheta In eketchea, Atb- erolt's "uoalcal Darkey," and the Lanri Famllf in the aame paatonilrae u acted the provlona week. The rrcab aiinouona lor Iho preaeol week mil conilat ol ihe re- apjnancca of J. B. UUbum, Uie London comle, aad Blo- gnet and bla two boya. Hiss Pahuhb MABxnAii re-appeared In tbe ebaraoler ol BtalaelB, m the "lllaok Crook," at NIhle'a on Monqa; evcnlog, llanli Ulb, 9n. <(• Rmf mo Rninelia Family of acronta, coutattng 6i Unrneit Haonelb ud hia Bona, made their flnt apneannce and perrormed a variety oipioailogects. The MaltltonB ud Hoe and Ooodncb appealed during tba week. On April loth a vcn.on of "ItlctaMd 111," u; Mr. Charlu Calvert, manager ol the Piince's Theatre Hanoheeter, Eng., wbleb embraoea ■ gteaiporUonof tneorlglnaltextwiTibeacied. Itlaantlcl' paled Ibkt iblB will run until Ur. J. E. Emmeit commences an engagement, early In August At the conotnalon of hia eniagemenllt U Ihe pnunt Intention of the man- agen to again revive the "Biwk Orook" in a atyle of magouicance •upasalng altber Uie preaeit or flrst pio- dncuoo. A BUHOB reaches bb of a contemplaled brief openllo aeaaon, to commence at the Academy of Moelo In uo Ut- ter perl of ApriL The four pflnelpsl arUiu wlUbefrom iholioupe now nenennmg la Havana, Onba: Hme. Ida Viacontr, soprano: Mme. IJImela, oontnllo; Bignon V||. Ianl,t<TiorerobiiiIo,andCaroslllI,ranoredl9rafla. It Is preinmad that the otbermemben of tte mope will bo recmlted ben. Tna SraAsaouBO BBtiFir ooKciiir, gtveb at Btolnwaj Ball, rtallaed $B,S9fi: fram which ISOT expeoae* wen de- ducted, leaving * bilaaoe or |a,IM, wblob baa almoat all been remttled; but rurlberooninhuUoni an belna made. HUB BvtuB KiBBt, late of the Areh Btnot Toeaue, Pblladelpbia, Pa., and of tbe FIttb Avenue, In una diy, hu recently rtcorered from a uvera alUek or bemor- rbag* or tbe tanga. Bha anoonncea ber Intesuon of not ntuming to Uia atag* tbla aeaaon. QioaoB F. Bbowms, or tb* Firtb Av*one Thettn, *nd Maiie Loolse, bla wife, dnrlog tbe put week wire called open to monm the loea of IbeIr UtUe daughter, Harle Lonlae, fbmlllarly called "Dot," who died on Wednesday, Manh lUb, at tbe age ol nine yearr niee montba ani elxdeya. The fanoral took plaee en rndoy. Miaa Katib PtnNAU, (tylea "Tbe Peerleaa," aceompa- nled by Edwin Branne, her manager, arrived In town during the put week. Tber clooed tboir travebng sea- SOI—until Blisr Lent—at Auoat*, Ob, on March Uu, TBBAVBIOAl AFFAn* In Bt Lools, Ho., BfO tUos VTrltten about br onr eorrespendeot" Agn," onder data of Hareb inb. At the Olympic Theatra Hn. D. P. Bowers ea- Isred npon the second week of ber engagement en Mon- day,tbeiaib,wtlhtuidtiiilnlahedsacceai. Bbe Is exoel- lently snpponed by Mr. J. 0. McOollom. On Honday " Queen Euiabeth' wu praonted: Tuesday, • Udy And. ler,' ror tbe leat dme; on Wednoadar,' Mary Btuart' wu produeed, wltb Hra. Dowers u Haiy Btuart, J. U. UoOol- lon u Lord Ilonglu, Mr, J. 0. Ball u Roland Oraam^ Oeo. HcnonuLord Diradale, Hanr ElUa u HorUmer, Deule Olilton u Lady Dooglsa. Amelia Wangh u Oa* thorlne Beyloe, and Hair Uaddon u ElUabeu, Tbni«- day night ■ Queen Eliiabelh' wu repealed- To-night Fri- day, tbe nth, aha will appear a* LaJy Teoile In' Bchool ror Bcandal;' Bainrdar, ror tbe maflnee^ ■ Queen El|. BAbetb' will Bgalobeplaved,and atnigbtibe'Bunohhack' and ■ Dick Torpln.' On Honday, Uie loth, HnJaa.A,OaleB' Comlo Open Troope eommencu an engagement At De Bar's Open lIao^^ Ibo Flonncu contlnne lo at- liaot tbe lovera or Irish and Yankee comedy. On Honday night, tbe lB<b, Hr. Florence gave bla vciylauhable nndtllon or Mylee Ka Ooppaleoo, In *Oolioen Uawn,' wbflo Mr*. F. appeared u Anne Cbole. Danny Hann received qolie a cndltable peraooaUoo at tbe banda or Ur. J, Wealey nillj and Mr. Krone wu a very good Bbn drea Oregon. Mrs. Poat, aa Un. Orcgan, wu u oomci aod palanaklag aa has been ouatomarv with this excel- lent aoire>a alnce hrr connectloo with IhiB theaire. I oan not aay tbat 1 admired Hia B;lre*ier In Ihe role or Blly O'Connor ao much u In many o her parts I have Hen her aisume, ret Itwss a carorul and wortbr performance. This bill wu played Tocsdor night alio, anJWedneidari ■KaUi'oen Uovourneen' and Ihe rarco of 'Hotonieil Yoltniieer' wcro pot on, with Mr. Flerenoe u Teteoce In the roraier aad OUl Jooe* In tb* l*lter, aud Hn Florence aa latbleen. Thandor night 'Inabavoguo' wu repealed, sncoeeded hr tbo rsroe or 'The Yankee Iloniekeeper.' la tho former, good aupport wu given by Ur. Knno and Miss Silvester. To-nlihl, Ihe llth, ■ IrUh Aaaunnoo' tnd 'Thnco Married' wIlTconBUtnie the bill; and to morrow, tbo ocouloo or tbe leat opnearaoce of Ur. and Uia. F.,'IlaiHlr Andr'and'The YoungAc- trcu' will bo pcrfurmeii, nith' Kalbloen Uavonneon' lor the miiffnre. On Monday, ttia 30ih, Hiu Lucy Rusbloo wl I pnhetily aiipear.... lail Bonday, tho ll'.h, a perlorm- nneo wi.a given at Doliiir*eai ao'clooi In the afternoon, nniicr the euaploei of the ilennan 0[>cra tympany of Ibe Apollo Thuuo- A speech wu dellvend br ur. Uockir, ana Uadamo Jonaosoltck r^clieu n i.oim In uermsn, com* iioMd b; Mr, Drachioiiel. In. the evening tba opera ol ■Fidello' was glien oy the Uerman Open (Mupany. A perlhroance nuglveo al tho Olyoiplotboaani* evening, managed and gollen on by Mr. Ble<rlBt and son, and par- tlelpa<ed in, iTlielpBlly. by tbe dormau Turner*, who ptinrmed aon* vary tutateclof gyauu.lefeaia, Mia March liib dnwn very welL Agnu Bobmaon, * elevtr TocaUst..wt>o bad be«a Mcnrad nr lUasusSon, gave soma b*aatUbl aonga, wbleb wan SLlf^^%i«oUl7'TMnAit*oKear/*Ui, OllMI wi^^SSiavmSA IB• deubl*elw 'Owing,totM narrornue* oerCwlngpnp*rlr*«v*itl*e4, uwe'lu lo {be manyMnnViiii^^^ muiUtgdleflMw*iti ''•mfooBWOO'i wu tbe tUiicUon at Hoolej<* oner* Boa*4 Brooklyn, Ui* put w*«k. Ilila U a Husulooal play by Wtkl* belllos, ud It I* not onupnur well writ, bi: bai ppeseiK* aererol sinking Inddenu and acene* weA oalcKlatedlo wort upon tbe Aelloi* or an andlono;. Mr Kellyhifplaced l«<'P?Bll'»iW"i{»»'»'2[fax's; Itahio atyle, and ror a flrti P'MMtw'dn "''fcy' Vi' perrorioancea eventhing poaacd oOf verr crM u^^^^ Kellv aarorlaed oa with bla performance of the hero ot Ibe plaV.^llSVeil hu linea nn gneir, enlunij the KUon W tSe word very anecoiafollr. ^Uls likeness To the por- trails or tonia Kapoleon, when dreued u the Oonnt, was remarJiblf. Leon wa» the heroine, and cons derlng Ibe diSonllr or atienptlng a aenous cbaruler B'tor »long an ezpwieoco In bnaJ hnrleaqne, be tnoat orcditably a(>- qnltloU bimaelf In bla novel role. Bla coetnmlag was Sallo a ICBlure. Tbo plot of the plar la Inleroillng. TbO ecene la laid lu B*. Domingo, where Ihe Iron rule of cute onder e s ave sntcm Is supreme, or wu once, pe Ouunt visits St Domingo with a aorvnnt nnmcd Dana, and there meets with a ladr bo had accb m Ue nlons or Parti. Of ooum* he mila In love, ond^os a rnolt excl-ea the Jfalenar aod nveoge of one or too ^lana Pbinttrr. In the opening ect of tho pl«r a handaoiao Creole la introdnceil. who evenlaollr turnaool tp be bo molner of the CoolI bra lormar maiter. Tbla ftcl U elicited br a death-bed confoaalon, of which Mrs. Mllnnra iLoonl snd weeiorafi (well Perf?™*?,.gJiJlilSLfr; hidden Uzlenen Tbe flnsl nanlt Is that uo degniuai Bocnt Is dbcovered and tbe Oonnt Is aboot to ba ahipped u a Blave, when he la reeeued bv Mr*. Hlibum. and afier- wBrd<, It being discovered ibat his moUier wumade rteo, she oveatuBilr mirrea hlo and ihingB end uilefacioniy 10 Ihe ptinolpal charactoi*. Intbe market acene aomo vsneir biiilocn Is Introducod In uie form of boUrl danco by tbe Bt. Felix family of lurant dancen nod slogiog ud chsmcter obaniea on Uie Dornett pilndpio by OrvOle Parkor. Pordv sUio donnps burlesque "pos charo^ lerlitlcue" In bis uanal atrle. The Parker addition woold be m'<n appropUato In tbo Intioduefrr perlormanceo. Tne baoar, too, ahould bare been preaeoled lo a garden eceno of the plutatlon nthor than In the market Tba drama Is suu on, and this wsek soino now reaturee|«lli be addod. Thettwacei during the week wu verygood. A local Journal ipeBka u follows or Leon's nske-np u ' HOMn'roraai Uona.— "Ib 8L DomlBlp" Loon look* Ilka tbe Cnola la bli Diake-BPL Koll of palaklB aalkn,Jailoul 10 Jb* amotofnordfr, K loiarto wboB lUolod wl A ua for.ioaano wli*B luokod aiafBil II. ao aBs*! *b*B nibducd, a oarll vbto m*Vd!!^UIitbrs«^ ldaoraUr«le,a»l IbtaUlbi ldi> L«oa sin* Iq bU nake-Bpaad lobliao'loB. Eallv. lo^lavfrF luctaaifal la all, aad bu baea baona llBC* HOBdny nlsbtaa Ibo Boirior. Atutttbvrlllaooaor lb* Bwat lararaful diuaia Ibat huor tau brea pn**ol«d-folt «f nlnb, romaaMaod H*lrr. H caonol fall lo b* plouaal aod praeiabla. Tbli wfli or pnloniaBn, wbleb ll oowlu BloiUBJj, andwhitb waa loaotoial*d it Uia boua* OB Bondiy UM by ibou eneriulo pioplr, Hmra. Killr *Bd LioB, ta fir prttViaM* lo Iba old uyb of Dloilivliy. Taodnll* la Iboncooflbadar; aod Ibcao naltiiBro aia i**lev«>HMab 10 ip- pmuullaodaolaiconlloslr. Tb* dun** woco byUr. lioiiin lb* Bo*l *le9Bt aad cosily arar a4*B to tbla or aay olbar city.- Avit^B tn^ Matrh IIIA. DBAUiTio AFFAiu IH AUAHT, N. T., an tbos Written abouttiyour eormpondeut, "Hcnuilo," under date of '■■Pomp,' at IBO Trimble Open Uens>, baa . 'ClL Mr.J.O. Campbell u too hero and Joe ZAig ai Liu Jane, porirar tbe soatbem.darka lo perfection. Waller Keehle apn ored aa Joe Uuoter, Joha Webeicru Oeoigo Gnyioo, J. P. Bioier u Pomp. Br., W, L. HIreet u Dick Rallston, C. Lovedaj u Col. Onyaen, Ulu Raod u Locy Onyaon, Hi*. Hinor u Ihe Voodoo Qneeu and Jennie Clifford u Nuoy Biegga. On Ibe mb Ihe 'Sea of Ice' will be brought ont at this bousp. It hu been hi piepanuon shout two oontbi Beroandoz, Foiiert Oo. have not dnwn very good boosn at tbe Academr of Huilc Un Ibe Ulb, Idlh and UU< Ihe bill comi-rlsed ■CouilnJoe,'BConei iron 'llompty Dnmpiy' and aecond act ef 'gee4aw.' On Uie Itth, 'Jack RobloBon aod Uta Honker,' with some oloer attnotlooa, wu to have been played, hut Hr. Fraok Foater, being Induposod,' refneed to go 00 the stage. On Ibe 11th, 'Robert Emmet' and ■Jack RoblnpOB' both appeared al tbla hooae. Laal eve- ning thiaptoce cloacl Ua uoore acd will uot oreo ontll tba Bd or when Johnny Allen opena ncn In -Bchnelder,'" TOBAiiiiciL Ai>rAiiu In Indlannpolla, Ind., ara re- ported BI rollowa by oor eorreapondeot "Vagnn'e," wrIUngeo March nth:—"Hra. W. R. Uiley, an old Itvor- He bora, waa tbe recipient ol a brueflt tbla week, wbleb Broved a beneot Indeed. Tbe BInnger' wu perf irmed, I which Barary Hacanley, of OtncIanrU, appeared u iheB noger, Un HeUlyu Ure. nailer, and Sirs. Cola- man Pope u the Conutesa. A word ahould oe aalil In fa. VOT of J. UcDonitd, a yonnj actor of tbe modera achool, wbo la BotDclenUy consclenuoos lo be invdrlably p«rre<t lablsparia. Bla Fnnda wu admirably played. Mr. W. T. MdvUle oblalned mora laughter ror hii nodlllon or the part or Peter than KoUOne would baveuncltened. Deiaknabenefltonihe ilib, when 'Peep a> Day'will be prttMoted. Oo Monday, 30ih, tbo Wyndham Comedy Troupe will open at tbe Academy with tbe 'lAncers,' to be followed by nobcHaon'a comedy of 'Onr*.'" B. O. gLABBB'a Dbahatio CohfamtIs snnoonoed lo pier tbe "Street* oINew York" In Teonton, Hasa., Harck wn; Lowell, 3lal; Worcester, ad; Bpringfleld, 23d; Herideo, Co^a, MB, aod Brtdgeport, inn. Obobos Roscob reccnily Joined toe Lisa Weber Bur- lesque Troope at Chicago, I.L, u stage manager. BitiT KoiLALY, or Uooley'B Utnstnia, Ohicigo, III., Is uid to have been engaged by Lisa Weber ror ber bur- leque troope, wblch be wui Join in about two weeke lo the capacity ol moeloal director. B. B. Bnow's Dbawatio CoicFAiiT plBycd "Eaibleea Mavonroeon" and "FdmUr Jan," Uarch ITib, In Lowell, Meu., ud It billed to perform then again on March uth. nxBL'<BOH's Ofbba Uoubb coufaut cloMd a flvo nlgbta' aeaaon m MoRlanlle, N. T., on Uanh ITih, Of a wbbubiitb in BALngoaa, Ud., our corveioond- ont aenda oa tbo lollowing report dated Hareb ITth :— " The LfdlaThoDpeon troupe, after an ataenee or two Irean from oar city, opened an engagement at the Bel. Iday Street Thealra on Honday, Ittb hut Tho bnr. le*queef'P*ni, oriheApp:oor Dlaoord,' wu their lol. tial prodoclton. Hlas Lydla Thompion Impenonated the dDol role of Fans and Aleiander; Hlea Eliza Weath- erabranpeaied uHercnrr; Mlu Fanolo Wbuileigh u Juno; Hm Jcnnv Arnot u Copid; UlaaNellle nender- sen u Venu; Mua H. Oleno u Hinerva: His* E. Wood aa Diana; Berrr Beoket as £none; EdwardOhapman and WilUe Edonm u Cutor and Pollnxj 0. E. Forieaona and Oeo. Oner (of the Holiday atock) u jnpltor aad Man, and otben. The mope wu greeted with an enthnaluuo welcome, aod opto dale have drawn audieocea large In number and respectability. Tbe applauao thattbry elicit la ol tbe moil oheeiing and unaolmona daialpilon; their Bonta, rhynea and dancea an Invariably encored. ■ParM* ran nnul Pildar evening, when, for the bencQI or Mlaa Thompaon, Iho openHo extravaganza of the 'Orlg- andi,' with Mlu T. at tbo biliand ohier, A'lesudro Hai- urool, waa acted. Tbo performanee commenced with the Piencb come<It«tla called a 'Uar in Paris,' In wblcb Lydla Thompson sutalnod flvo oharaotere. Id tie ox- tnvazania or tbe 'Brtgands* Ulas T. Introdoced her re- nowneil rifle donee, wriloh wu vebemcnuv encored. Sat- urday mdnnee, •Beautirol Parle' and In tne evening Ihe ■Bhgandi' and a 'Day in Paris.' On Honday, 30tb, 'Lnr- llne.^ At tba Front Street Thratn Comlque Uie latest novelty Is tbe RinllT Troupe ol Hungarian Dancer*. Tbey have nichily appeared In tho Bungarlan aenutlonal haUet entitled 'Hagjar Cnrdaa,' and the Scotllsb ballet called 'Thaioictnm.' In the lOrmer they elicit mocb aoplauae. Bach rapid pini/tutt and Ugh kletlog, UFre1IUtbemu:',;n^>.riil evoiauoSI,U elUblud br tbla tnnpe, cannot h( anipasscd. But In the Bcoltuh dance, when bolb the Klralfra and tho ruiuel of tbe Front appear, lo my lunklni^lio lAdles tf Utf luiiy need not be over auxlouaabontzbelr la"rol«. iM Ufan:! .'em|l|4 UbutrelBconebuboenchuged from the middle ol Srogramme to Ue Inl part This wltb tba Elraify Tnnpe as altraeled crowded oouaea during the week. Ben Ootlon, Inbu medley clog dance, hu made a palpable bit Ud ll Invarlahir sncomt Tbe same may bo uld of Uie double aong and danco ot Mutera Ben cotton and B, 0. Archer. The lolerludoof tbe 'Mjateriooa Bauiage,! with T. & Bdwarde u tbe loeplrcd Aolhor, Bo^loea aa the TloUDlzed Publisher, and A. J, Talbot u tbe Machine Feel, IB a very dIveiUng teataro and much eiuoyed. The Fncmaa Butcn, In tbeir character duel, ' Driven rrom Homo' Uld Uedley Bong*, receive a large ebsro ot appro- bation. Ulas Ada Wny Is extromely popular In her seno- oomlo Booga and baolo solo*; Miss DlaBch* Stanley, In her plalollve melodloa, hu given uUslaoUou. Tbe weokl eotenalnmonta have conclodod wltb tbo nautical dnma enutled'Uome Again or tho Sallor'a Returo.' Tbo cost embraceeJ. S. Bdaardii, uJack Biaoley; Welter Bono, aa Black Lennox: Oeo. It Edeaon u Blonoby BUI; Jouph Whtttakar u 'Ola Soragg*; Blla Mtry Ealello u Lizzie Stanley, end Mia* Sallla Apt u Pollr Bright" AT rna Br. unAxm Tuiatiib, New oileana, la., J. E. Bmmett hu been drawing eron larger aadiBucva tban lie did a year ago, wrliea oor correepondent "creacent. on Haroh isih, ■'wnen<Fntz;or,OnrcoulnOenun'wullnt Introduced lo a New Oricana andlebce. Dnrortonaiely, lowardB tbe end of tbe week. Ur. Emmeit contiooled a uvon aera ibroai, notwithstanding whioli he eon- Unnedlosctbis Ikvotlle chanolen nnUl Snoday, after which, taking tbe advice of Dr. Dnw, be conoluded lo tjko a short leattng spell, In cotucqoenco or wblob the romantio drama or tbe 'Three Oosidimen' wu prounted this, Monday, evenbig,wltb1hesnfflecutuatMr.Norton'i beneot all ol whom rondered their several rores In good style, especially Mr*. lUlohell Alhangb. u Lady dewlnier and Ulu E. O'Oonnor u Anne or Anetrib In my laal letter I mad* oonsldorobl* ol ao error lo tte amonni whlob It wu thought would be oleaied by tho beneOI given at tbe Bt Obarlea Thutraby the combined com. pules In Now Orleana, for 'Tbo Utile Ohonb Aioaod tbe Conor;' uutead ol tie being imder laoo, I am happy to Bsy that tho amoBotwu |w>, and tbat tbo aamo huSeen aentloNew York." Oaiu>.-Fbaiix Qduf.—Dxas BiB.-ln Bcardlnyiinr lut Issne rrom a penon algnlog barsell Elmira Jehisloo, and wbo eutima to he my wife, I can only make tbe rol- lowing alatement In Juatmeauoa of myeelf. Altbooah her memorr u very vivid In regard to aauppoaiUous marriage betWMB herself aod me, i have not the slightest leo jUeoUoo of it, and deny Iho allegauon of her atfldavlt tn fold. As for the other poraon mentioned In Iho card, aod wbo alao^ a few weeie ago, claimed me u her has- bsnd. but wbo now, au omrraire, calla heraeUHn. Jemea U, Brown, sits knows what onr relaUona were, bot to hide a bad act buoAuaed eonBiqcnble newipaper scan, dsl wblch don not add muoh to her npntouon. But wllb tho qnaUloaUoa olacleareonaelenoalleaveUiom to Sght It out between tbemeolvea, anil, like the Kilkeuuy Oata, may tbey waale their atrongth In a conieat In whlob ndtmr oan oem* ont viotoileua. Tonn teipcoi Iblly, (We prenne thai Ibe qneBllon oan ven eulS'^e e'ol- Ued by producing tbe certlDeate ol marrUiie, aboaid tbe Udy be in poaaeulen of It-Eo. Otip.) ■*»°' Tn* "BU OF loB" la annennead u tbe ailncUon at tbe Boial Lycenm, Toronto, Ont, for the preeent week. Tna Bavbi, MAATmrri pentomime Ironne ocrformed U Bndiepert, Oona., March ITUi and IIU. ^J. F. BnaaBT'* Naw Yobb TnaAnuoAi Cokpaht pe^ Ihimed lu Darrlabnrg, Pa,, during Uia put week, and la aouounood to eomnienee a seuon or flvo nights lo Al- toooa, PL, on tbe 20tbi of seven nlghlB In union Ball, Johnstown, Pa., on Har«h Uth. B. T, Btbibok, who tppetra to bo meetlag wtth moeb aucoeu by hia perfomance of Ibe ptinolpal ebarMier In onarlea Feater's dnma enuucd "Neok and Neok," com- mence* u engagement ol six nlahu at the NsUonsI Thuue, ffuhinglon, D. CMann nth; then at ibePlti*. burgh Opera lloneo, Pittabnrirh, Pa.,- bIx nlghla, com* menclog AprilM; laen Do Dai'aopen Bouee,Bi. Loula, Ho., April loth, aod will oommence an engagefflont at a Broadway Theatra In Now York City on June lib. A DntuTio cokrANT, ooneUUng or Uie Hlasea Mabel Leign, Ulnnio Cook, Hngglo UvibBalon,Mra. R.O. Oiienoo, Moure. O. W, Ualiaborv, W. U. Piiieilo, R. 0. Orlenon, W.T. Uolilt:e, J. UoUonald, J. A. Lord, and Wllaon. under tbe maiiageraent of W. T.MelviNc, oommeno-da brlel eoaaoa in Ufayelte, Ind., March Ulb. It la aald Uiat Ihlsooropaey will inpport Je.'.-.Murphiilnatwowoeks'en- Eaemeut et Welslger Uali, I.aolerllle, Ky., commeoolni rob 17th, aad Uteo play wltb |Eole Fithcria tbe piin- elsal towu of Ohio, eommooelng ApM llib, at Dayioo, Mnna. DATD * Co., iheaincal aganie, Oloelnnsil, o„ BUie, thnogb thair oard, lhat they bav* a numhor of honeeu'arorial*, and they would Ilk* to bair from u- list* wanUia tBgagenuUft eogaRenent, opealng In tho ' Lady of Lyona', and during the week-liny Bna' will bo presented. Itieilkelrthal No TbofoogiiiBn'Bnd ■ Oamlile' will alao be gtveo during 1. Dioifr or BonoK Tbutbioau 1b aeit ns^ u nans), by onf reanlu ooir*«poBdeot dated Manb iHh, Ua •arai—"Iba HiBlllar Mils UulbaTa beldtkoboardeataU Iba Ibntft* bo loog bav* oontlonad,dnitog lb* pan weak.andlnoooBtoneooe I have Teirtltu* aewato la- port Atlhtaiob* ■SantoA' ooupletekiufouruiweek to4*rBadth*iMHiia* perMinuoo tbla alternoonwUl fie lUluL Then wu a change of cut in on* rola, owioa to tbtlbohann ot Bony Jeaepb* on Meuday evenluB lut 0. Arstedman belngsnhsulnted. To-night 'London Anniuoe' wlU be give! wltb an enormoua cut: Ur*. Ohumn, u Lady Oay; Htu Price, u Draco Barkaway; Joele Orion, aiPert; / W, Wallack. u Daasle: LaMoyne. u Sir UarMuxt; Floyd, as Dolly Bpankct; Orimihe, a Max Barkaway; FUkeTu Harkkeddla; Vandenhotf, u Charle* Oooiuey. It u oeldoD lhat a play reoelvea a cut like tbat Hlu Prtoa dceea ber engagemeut bote this evening, bnt Joele Onon remains lo Ihe oloao ot the sea- sob, tin Honday text, lem, 'Oliver Twist'wUl be given with new seenery anil a atrong cut Wallack Is, or coorae, the Fagin, snd Mr*. Obanlntn wHI try ber band at NsnoyBikis. Daly wlu ploy BUI Sykes; OrUflUis, Bum- ble; Flite, tba Artmi Dodger: Le Moyne, Ur. Fani: Marr Oary, Oliver Twist; Vudenhoir, Honka, and Hra. Hone, Mn Oomey At tho Boston Thestn the Twelro Trmplallons' departs tblB evening. Tbo Bize or Uie aadieuceahuBotbeeolargoataoy ilme, oz- cepl dnrlog Ibe lint two weeke, when Uiey were Uideed Immense; ainco then they have been only fair. Nezt (this) week Ur. Feohler and Hue LeOlercq conunenoe so ■ f^^j J, ,nd during presented. It i* likely thsl le'will also be gtveo during tbo engagement Tbe Olymplowu opened on tbelTib, Bt. Psirlok's Dar, bra companr rnm tbe Beaton Tbeatre. * Robert Emmeit' and ^snlir Jsra' formed tbe hill, H. A. Wwver, BeriT PuiaoV, Shirley Prance, H. B. Hnnloch, Rachel Noah, Bell* Oodley aod others Uklns pert To- night Fvanoo bu a benedt when the'Tioxel of Leave Men' wui be prewnted, with Praraon blmoetf u Bob Brierlv Tbe Huaeum conllnnea to dnw large housea wltb Fred Williams' apleodid vonlon or ■ Lidr Audioys SecKt', snd ea yettnenarenoalgoBoriuwUbarawal. 00 Toeaday noxl, Iltt J. n. Rlog will have a nenedt, at which be will preeent a'VlctIm orotr:amat*ncei'aad • Bliahrr and tnihar.' ' BIrUi' will aeon ho produced, u alao 'Colleen Dawn.' R. M. Field, the manager, aalled ferEoropeihlaweek, lundenuod." • AT Foz's ABBoiOAH TuBATBB, PhliBdelphla, the man- aicmcnt pcome determined net to max In It* efforu lo place bolon tba pubUo ao evening'* cnteiutoment of tbe meet varied and pluaing chanoler, and tbat the poblle appreciate tbe enterpnae Is shown by Ibe large aUend- ance nightly lo be aeen tbeie-tbe put week bemji no ex- captlon to the mle. A welt arranged DaUet by Mr. Oea w: BmlUi, enltued "The Brlgandi," waa produced lut week for the fliat time, and wu placed upon theaiago wlu allibataiteuilonto choregnphlc dlaplar for which tbla eatabHahmeotbu long been fsmooa; Ulle. De Roaa, aided br a corps or roung ud bandiome oormhttB lo tbe llghl and Birr coeinmo peculiar to the houef, dlsplar their tcrpaloborean skill In a coosteot sucocaalon of anlmaled and well execniod dancea. Other atiracUou were br no meana wanting In order lo alford a pleupnt varletr; the admirable humor ol cool Baigeea, Oharlea Uoward aod Bob Harrlaon being abnndutly diaplayed In the aketcnea or "Tbat Bag or Boone" and '^OldJeifat Bome." Pror. Ubarpler aod Hr. W, Brlndley appeared In a conoertlna duet Mr. J. B. Chlldere lalned much applause brhls nest Zouve drill act, whiTe tbe BedoulD Arabs snd the Fonpsufb Dntben supplltd aU the novelty needed U Ibo acroosUo line. Tbe entertainment concluded with tbe pantomime ol "Jocko," In which Hona. Alex. Zu- Iretu Boitained bis ctlebnted chiruter or Jocko wltb a couiderobto amooot or putomtmio talent and In a meat homorous manner. Cool Burgees, tbe Dedonio ArAlA tmarle* Howard and Ibe Feicpangh Brolbera concluded their engagements at tbla cstabltibment on tbo 181b but, and ootoe autb lut the aorvlon of aeveral aUdluonal aura wUI be cnllaied In order to give gnater brUllancr to tbe scene, among whom an tbe Victorellla, tbe0mnuta; Uie Lawrence Troupe In their living loMrauz; chorle* A. Bootb, the veloclpedtst; Hlu Lucr Adams, aerlo-oomie vocallat; VTOeon and Eernett aong and dance men, and Oharles Seamen, Jig dancer. Ilus Kate FIsaer wUl shortlr commence an eogagement hen In the drama of "Hazeppa." AT niB CBBsmoT Snikcr Tobatm, Pblladelpbia, Haaalngtr'a plar, "A New Warto Par Old Debia," aitract- rd largo andlenoea oa Honday, Thunder and Bainrdar evenloga el test week. On the evening or Bjtnrday, tbe ISibluL, Fnildantarantandpir:y occupied a private box at this theatre The nmsutic drama ol "Bt Hen; or, lbs Boldirr ot Fertone" conultnted the programme on Tuesday and Filday evenings, 'Town and Country" being plared on Wednesday eveolog, and at the muinse en Baturday afternoon. During the present week "A New War to Pay Old Debts" will be repeated on Honday aod Wednesday ereouiga: "Damon and PytHia" en Tbonday, tor Iho beneflt or the Enlghta or Pythloa. Oo Friday evtnlng Miss PblUls Oiorer will have a beneor, appuiing for the flnt time u (losslind In "Aa Ton Like 11." OnUonday, Uie nib, "London Auutance" will be Erodneed, with oveiy atteotlon to rceneiv, ud tbe cut iclnding HUB Fonnr Davenport, who wlU make-her flnt appearaneeattnaOhealnuiBtieet Theatre. OnHonday eveaing, liio lUb last, Hr. E. L. Davenport wu agree- ably enrprlaed by tbe presentAlton or a oandsome stage sword bvarewfrlendf, u a alight token ol tbo ea:ecm wllb which be la regarded. Tub PmeaoBOB, Pa., foblio, saya tbe OtirPBa'a cor- nspondent writing on Hareb lltb, "wen rormalty lotro- duead to 'UUIe Em' oo the ISUI, Kib, letb and Wi, at the PIttiburgh Open Bens*, with BUiart Hobwn In the Tole of Wl kloa MIcawbtr. Tbe play la soperbly moooled snd all tbe ebancten aro ably readered. Ur. Bobeon's Impenonaiton of Hlcawbcr la one or the moil artUUc aa- anmpilona he hu given us. Tbe Bttendance bu been slim and Hr. Robton'a angagement bu been aoytbing hntaauoceea,pecnnlanir. Tbla ta to be ragntted, u tbe genuemu bu worked extremelr bard, aome erenlngB appearing in u mur u four pieces. But lour perm*, nent pisoee of amusement are too manr ror Pttiaborgb, and aomebodr mnat autfer, no malterwnat olaima mar bfr preeenied lor paMio couldennon, or bow formidable Ibe attracUona. Neil (Ihlsi week will be devoiad to ben- eflla, u foUowB:-0. T. NIcbola, on tbe 30tb; J. Bdwin Ir- ving, Stat; J, M. Qottbold, m; Treuurer, 33d: Oeorgte Diouon, Ulb and aocmo oitlata, Uib. On the 2IUi but Uzette Bernard appun u tbe alar tor one week, who wUI be followed on ApiU Sdhv Joe Uorpbr for two weeks. Tbe Worrell BIsten burlesque troupe opened at tbe niih Avenue Open Bonse on the llUi. The .'Ulotb of Gold' wu presented to a good boose. Tbe perroimuce paaaed off utlsmcloiilr. The ume bUI wu renested on the Uth, ud ODtheieth, al the matinee^ *Rlp van Win- kle* waa preeenied, and tor tbe eveoing'a enlertalnaent Boloo Bhiogle' and 'Oirl ol life Perfod> conuilnted tbe auraoUon. Tbe'Qrand Dacbais' wu prodoced on tbe letb, and eo the Uth, lor the beneflt or tbe Worrell Bis- lerA 'Brother Bill and He,' 'Olaok Eyed Soaan' and Uie 'liallan Brlgamla' will be given. Amoog tba new oomera next (tblBi week will t>e Uafllit and Bartholomaw'a pan- tomime mope, and lAzelle end Hillson, gymnula." TOBATBIOAI. ATFAIIIB Df TSOV, N. Y., BrO thOB reponed by our correspondent "Hoso," writing on the istb:—"The week opened at Ihe orlawotd Opera Uouse wltb a compllmentarr lealimonial to Managen UltcheH and Wilton, which wu a perfeoi ovaUon. Tbe Operj Uonae wu crowded to orerflowlng. The great at: tncUon wu Hn. Scott Biddons, who enacted Julian* In the 'lloneymo'.n' ud lolanUie in 'King Reno's Dsugbter,' In both or wblob ehe wu very ancceasruL Between tbe Elecu tbe vciuUle OermAn burlesque wnt«r •oeliy oolt' ROltad a Dulcb poem, which took |i Hobday night inh, wu (in the ust DlgUof t *Si?aJ™'>JL'l« «^5S; "uroMap. Most au nemb{n ar» n ^„ walUng lor soneUiUig lo torn op- am. UanHyronleltrerNewYorkontbeiiih. Ur. Deo, 0. DsTeonon ud Hi. John Ferns an both engaged Bt picseni In uatraoilag two anatenr dramallo clubs, Uiji^Maier ui Laniinghargb snd tho lauer In 'Kerth Dulcb poem, which took liBagnaalr, ;.mt!K yaw wwoi tSfiijSIJi e or,„y^y uniae np. mosi bU of tbe Both of thme gentlemen have «lsa been en- gaged by Mr, Mcooli l« play In Ihe 'Black'Oreoki'whleli wtil be piodooed at tbB Opei* Boose In April His* Loan Keene, wllb * fli*t-clw* compaliy, opened at Uie Open Boise on tbe Itib for roor nlsbta and a rnatlnee, 'llonted Down' wu preseoted on the Itth and letb; the 'Bohool for Soandal' on tbe iTtb, and 'Our American Con- sin'on the I8Ul The atiendsnco hu been ntber Ilgbt Managen Hitobell ud wuten's lease or the Opera Boom dou not expire nntll Juno 1st and nntU that time they wHi present a variety or aluacuons In the way or combl- oaileoa and companies, locludug the 'Black Crook,' John Owens is alao annoonced lor an oarly *ppear*nee." OF AUtiuMBNiB HI NiwABK, N. J,, our coirespondoot "Ilgvar," wrtung nader dsle or Hanb uth, aoya:—"Mr. John Hurrar, witb a dnmaUo company, gave an enter- lAlnmut at tba Opera Boom on ihe litb lost, pro- doolng 'Rip Tan wmklc A ralr andlenc* vru in at- teniiance, and tho play peifonned tolerably well. Tbe aame companr wu to perform Uie new aenaaUonal dnma of 'A Han Without a country' on tbe Ulb, bnt for some tuknpwn reaaon left town in a eomewhat andden manner. B. 6. Snow wu tho manager On the Ibth lut, tho groat Uarleton OnmAUo Company, which hu bten btnlded ail over tbe city with AamUig posten and mammoth eols, presented themselves at tbe Open Uoue to play Ibo 'nckot-ol-Leave Han.' At bair-paat eight tbe house contained about one hoidred people and a lltue later the onnaln rung np amid lend applinso. The suge preeenied a garden ecene, wltb three or lour bcardlou noths BOd a lltUo girl In cloae oonaullauon. Afuruiey bad viewed tbe audlenco lor aome Umo, one yontb at- tempted Ui reolle bu llnea, but with inch poor effect thai ttio audience langbe I at bim. At the end ol tao flnt wt, the muBlo lelt becauH tbey bad received no pay. Tbe audience new uw that tbe abow wu a 'beal,'and com- mrnoed going ont to gat theu money backi bnt being aasuiod that tho play woold -•' — light, took Uielr eeata wu aboot tbe woiat L , met wlUilhalrJuBt reward, and 1 do not think wUI ever again vlall tbla olty." Tan ooNPmoii of tbi dbaiu 1b Obleago, D1., Is made nanlfeai in the following letter trom our regular oonu- Kndent deled Manb lelb:—**6ens*Uonal play* aaem to tho order of tbe day at our aeveni tbealrta, and dea- plt* Ihe lenten aauon, the amaaement exellement con- llnnea nnaboied. At HoTloker'e Tbuii* tb* err ol 'Help' oan ho plalolv bean every evening, wltb Joaepb Murphy In Ihe front ranks, Tnu nntloman opened at Ihla tboatn on the lUb, In P. O.ilaeder'Btei.saUonal play of 'Help,' and baa created a verr bigb and luiing Impreealon wllb onr thulre-goon by Ela bb- perior voruuie aollng. The play aoswon tho pur- pose fbr which It wu willlen admlzAbly. It give* Ur. Murphy ample acope lor dtaplaylng hi* eumlo abUlly u an IitslimaD, a Datohman and a negro. Hr. I gel loeiT noooy oacaj ont ooing ly woDld go on and all would be la again. The play did go on, hut ; I Qilnk, ever In town. But they eharaotenbe assiune*, Intnifuolng voir ohsmoierlaud aongi and dancee, ud never allowug tbalntereaioftbe play lo flag lor one Instant rrom tne rise to tb* fau of th« onntln. Benuni*do»deeldedblt«ndmays*felrooaat nponagoodbnilnosB wbcnovcr bo sees ai to relom to Obioogo. The other charooiera lo the play an not or maob Imporlanoci but wen locoesalolly hsudled by Hra. Hyet*. Hn. Oowell, Heean, Book, Stanley, Itight aod Eveihatn. ■Help' init hold tho boards tbmnihout Ur. Horohy's twelve nigois' ensognment Mr. B. T. Btalaon con- Uoues tbe ei*r at Aiken's Uiiieun nhe ournut week, aod " 'WK* lyge ihan ol pnUlo patnnego with 'Neck ud Neok,' Ihe banging scene, the well worked np nll- nad sceno, elo. Oreal credit iBdaeUanagorAlkenTorihe voir eoeoUve style la wbiob tbla pieca le niaecd npon tho etsge,andlolbo commpy fOr tho exoellent aupport ren- dered the alar, notwltli;iandlDg Uiore is hardly a good part In the plooe, Hr. Steuon le ialiardworklng, parnalaklng roungaelor, and withal agenUenaao-weliiweithr otaoo. fi' ■'owBde appeanfn lup|on the mtb for flva nlgbu, .... JJB. Roberta is|tlie nrgning sutr at|Ali«Bt' oiobeTneo- tn the preaeol week, iriih 'Cepialn Kid' uiihcip ar. The pleco la handaomelj mounted and oaihttotn aenuUonal enongb to dnw, but, and to say, it hu received but poor encoungemont In the war ot large audlencea tbua far. Tbongb an uagnlelbl role acd oao verr dlOooll to Im- P'Tjooaio lo a uileisctorr manner, Hr. Rober.* hu auo- Sf'^?'.I?.">"'l'>fl » optoaolnlensUngpoint Hlaa Millie Wblloor put In aont appearance to thli plooe and bia ereaicd a pleuing lmnio«ion. She Is a piquant Sratty Utile aelieea, and will nndoabledly pnve a volu- te acquisition to tbe oompany, Mr. BobertBramalii* another week." , ODABiia Par* and hub AUm Onr, nipBoilojl by tb* dranBlleoonpBOFrromliaucate*' oper*{lIonB^ Kinsu OliP, plared Sve nlghla In Uavsnwoiw, Ajuss, <BdUi« HanbiTu, encea and Ooono' Wuhlngyn, D. a, last inS, ifiSj^ oSi^^ ucted navMTKnLSHnibS waa anaialnidV^^^MSS Hlng-coji.JyV;j£55ra aoeoBpilahM HwTawthSn?*!!^ Jgned to Hn aratt*n7AnB« 0bifi'!'Ve5»aS Burton end rfewkint •fSSwu.TiL'fi"'^ ih* lOllewing evenbigVnd SjJm'fewnetl/ll I''?'«l».Jhe.Hih, tneflmffi.a'fgiiffi?-* 'i-aunaay, the lltb, toe ttn'tM^.J^^mS^S DoudcnnJl'* 'Loit *i8ea'«ySjJ"*V.'2J'*!ot^ btymonnted, and, wlu iheeS;!to.J^.^"<T(5l? • dMtloaflretrenVneniaueo,»'^!i>wfi?a deed. Inordorlo giro add i onaTM'PlSbt ptodoclion, tbe London coicdjlL«?'?*<«?ui wu aogaged to tfiBOoaloTe chJ'eSi,?r*'a>taS quadf. Seeiop. the Hungerlbrd bSSS'JL* SSi otgbt, prepared by Hr. Ooii, wu iST.iS "^Slto bunilnjretJcaiop'e house and tfa^S-ISS^WiS Mr. WSter, the airurorfret! inSi "^^.^aSft ling aod excuiogaeeoo. Nr. jiuMT!15*«aiI; *dvuu»e and created noliiiie neSliSfSf^J'wS wu oipllally uauoed by Mr. Doifird^S'; J""*!" vliuin, Rawllnga, wu aduirablv Bu.'u!ii''f **3 Uug. The otbir pans were oxMediS!,^,''!^ Ucularly lu IheosuioiHluUawthor^iaTS'l^O •■ l»buE.0w,MUaa3nii'rSJ?J^'ii«Sn£ m error inaiating leat week that WiS*" ■*! ' 19th utile .Nell, tbi Callfotnia n..*''' «a i lied, Bopeered at ib'o N^"MlC•ta^S^^" 4 yUld.' on llio following tiiZriaSl*S* termmated. Haiie Beebacb &0 CTijSJ *w S df (Jerioau artlats ceoimenced oo ibeii^^i!^? during the balance or theweek. Ch eAioM?.?^ girt eotetuinnent was gtveo by Ur w u'lSsSi wu tormerlr Darner wiliiinu' aeent ft. .'''•••»ti play or the *ortj llileves,'and j5r Elaenienalnmeot called • lead! ot t^^Si?*^ luted tbe bill. Barren or Bear. toMrf oii?2S ?^ or pnzw wendlalttboied with a tanabb^ Sf* vui audience ore'cnteppeired to cokj ibTLSJ * ment LeonI tJavenJerls announeod u aaJ.*"*"'*' ath. In 'Ulunle-a Luck; or, ibe UiSTJod ifiSj »• LUe.' Mlu cavendcr' wu lvS«^,^JSS*V^ Treuorydepaitmeotto tblicity, andI ifO.'*,^* ingloo U her home. In Mil ,ii "« a m2I"J^' MIM corps at tbU theolre, or niher u It •un?' * Orover'B. Nodoubt hero'i,»ajcm£t1i'|S'.^Sa on^ ror many will atlend lorthi parpoaeTr fiJTS ulvancement aho hu mode doting herSaaMbwJl ioZMM BooaANAH oppeand In the ebira#i».,. let In HBCOO. Oa., on UarSu4ih,^the mSSSS 'olioBloBieuafenSj!?. formuce:— □uiiar.-Mr. MeXaaa Bucbmo' BOit aoBdcrful croallofl ' aaa Bucbmo'i naeaiea hMHAi.,. Iklaof Rni'iBd'i ml l5i iS.lSti-''* alBlmltdpWaota.llo» „Wa'l,ll,„^, SSvW^J** oadid to b* U* bail liilBi UiBikl in 'b*««drbaiW^?K*' ll*T* Ual bl ll Hr. Baeiraao'a nniln iTltTlaul^'' ** ^ to U* 1*1 nuw wllb Ua qaiuT Wbln^alU^ UbbKi van ofUB upoB lb* iia(r, bul la wkoJJJ £125 ' BSKBiad br Ur. Bmbiaaa, n wtra dnrJflamuSS'i'' laal, aod nealrad BiKb rVluaUa leiUvitoB ufuaiSA'J? BaBrdlBl«Bll raaaita wllb wit-b Ui n^jKSt!^'* faarflir. Aiwaiuiadnii»idi,,llr.B«SSS»r toblifoaeepUeooruaebarMtmhaiauaHri^ Uanlal, ta BUBrn^ aalikaibal tfaai wbeo ba bai doBA LizziBWiiLiioB>,uaedlenBe,uveryreveiDlruiai ^1 S^.EPf'**^ """*' »«"«« l»o«i lilffS pobliabed Id aootber coloron. IIOBT. BoTLiR. clown, 000 be Bd iTCied al thi lk»i Bouse, Louisville, Ey., where be u al prsKm |tiiSi» °£'b. j. S. LAKaBunBlniendstocteetsaaBUaibBk Deuver. Cel., doilag the conlogsaraner. ~~"w TUB OouBAif CutuRi.f perrormed u CmUA Pl MsrchlSih. and Sbippeoiharg, IIIL ^ Una. Scott Binpom Is receninare maav noauii-; rorreadlOBBihstltIaprohabiei^iewdi notiMviaiS slago sgAbi tbU aessoo, altbooah oirere htva^ieauii her Ikom the Olobe T eatre, BosIod, Uaia., lod-oSa promlDoot Micairta. Tbetowoaabe rUlis wlilbeiottd tn car mlacellaneoua aammary. Mb. aho Una. Haubt Watxikb '^'" •m\ s kiM season In AUante, at., on Hareb lan. Fox AKO UaHIZR'B PAlflOUtBB TaOOFS. llaTkf Ik "Three Bllod Mice," Uannonoced to perrorm la im Ban BOH, Uarlam, March mn and Hit; undkeun, Oeai. 22d and ISd, aud New Uaveo, lltb uil lUh. Tea Naw OrxBA llouia nowlntbecooiaeireiicB* lo Rocheater, N. Y., li **inoaiccd to ha epenilea Ibr lat Mr. Thomaa cut will bo the letiee aad main and anlsia deeinnieogazCDeota can addieuUauS adverltaement Mia. 0. P. liOTenwHlbeibeirainai, Tbb WAit.AC* Sistbu' burleaque troupe tieHdmca. ngemem at all olgbi* at ibe FaiabaU Opna Oobk niuBville, P*., on March isto. JonK Dxxna'i Qsleile Comlqoa lieope Is aaaoaaeit to commence ao eniagembnt i,f three oliblihi nt» vHle, Pi., on Hareb »ln. JBBWoaBBLLStsraas' bunoMDi mupa anunidt) gay ibrc* oigbta u Titusvillo, Pa., commebdsi EsrA FBAnB, who aeceded nrom Uie Vslesi ibM Theatre, Eansu Cliy, receeliy opened Fiukl Dill li thst city wlUi a dnmallo cgmpany, playlBi ihe '-Ikl» ol-Leara Man." SatOBM lawiH BBd bis dramAtle oempany w« |liiU| In Bloux City at onr latest advloe*. Miaa HABiBrrA Ravbl C'lmmcnced en aBgignatat It Central Oitr, Col., March 13th, uoder the naaaiedBcotil J. B. Langilahe. Mb. oTw. CouLBOck tod hu dauihter niapni dramallo enterlainment in Denver, Cel., UAn* IHa. Tbb Ooafham Bianu akd a B. uasor buMns troupe commenecd a aeiiea or ronr perlorasaMS al ll- gnato, Oa^ on Hanb Ulh. U'LU ZOB and her dramallo cooipany pnferBM la Rcnove, Fa., March inb to leih, ino:atlve, deUoUai i new balls Wl'lUmsport ITIb, ISib ud Itib. JoBX Dit.u)!( wu pluing tbo past wiek *llh ouitfi dninotlo comraoy In H'lwaokee, Wh. Mb. E. TaoBBUMD Barot, a draostle aolbor.iko lu WTtttou Hveral comedlie ud dramas wblekkiamM mdace maeagen to produce, recelvea ikelr<ie:ali im hnmoredly and aoU lonb a deacnpuon ol hli pndMUeia bl oor advertlalog colurei B. . OiKCLsMATi tbbatmoal ulelllgente b ruistak^ai U< lowe by onr comapondeut up lo the iitb:-"I*iMieou Inally cloaed ror the eeaaon on BetordaTenBliilsB, lltb. On Ue lotb Hr. D. J. Bargenl. Ibe iBAU|tr,had a Eood botue ror bla rarewoll beaeflt and wu pnsmtii y bla company, throogh Ohailea Tlnoa, wth a aw mounted cane and BU elniant ring. Ui.SaiieMlaakqi BP a flne compuy ever auice his debut bet^ eoiiittBB^ ecu bu bean very flueiuatlng, owing to the taaeejMU locadon or the UiOAU*. Dnrloit bUlasiwieliMadifM Ihe plan of giving away lioo nSihUj, and ih^ lejBi" _ They Save engaged ler tbe prMqw Jlaok Orook,'In Pblirtclpbl*, ilmi™ 4rnL-wn—u Sargent's company u In Loolavlilo, niaioited eroan WUlis, heller knowo, perhani, u Aagaal* tamiieiitu la hi* Inlentlon lo vhdt lYe piinaiul W«*«"225 am remrajl ClnoiohaU nezt AlL _* 2?*Jg tnm her*, e^zed br Hr. Snmii, H. E. J, Hilu la tbe leadlog lad/, )•'<> lUtl<>!^*i^ hall In Plena, Ohio, on Honday, Mib. TO mMUB ■ under Uie Immediate managemebt or Jebn B. uiw, ue lata Iruannr or the Natienai *t Woedn n«w oointer atlneuens. cbatlc«T.Parsloe,lL._j.-^ Baiiler Solffen, who does a «niBrtable long laje*" for sneb ao Inlani, appeared In the aire« a«e» w Hondav, Ulb. 'Han ud Wl^^' dremitlzed rnia wuu OolUiul n(iv«f by Hr, Haro, wu put an tor Ive njij to good houae*. The pregpo!.''"?, 1?"S.''_2?«S Reede'a plar, ud som* of tl* local fi"*Jf^Jr. ami BlBUke. It la-a verr geod aeasitleul dnat Sii ofthe BiWiollona htW "i^J^^ SfS lenenllr wu Ireab and tM*T,vana^a««^ two bos seenes. In the <*"^I,'Lf^Si'S mum, a cool, nonohalut "'-••'■I'', •f'iJknffi feofiy at bome, invea'Jog ll wiui both loice aid n'JJ at Omw. The aeena when he wacUen »™ " Indian elnha wu a good example ol Mi '"•f"'';^? cbBncten In genonl, wlUi en ozcepiloa or taji <<^ good banda. An« Bflveater wu rendered wlibWTW Br HUB Bauer, aod the Arnold lIrlB"on««'''-fi^ ronghawua good piece ol legiuoaw acUM. wo eanfrlo cbaraoier ol BUhopnraa, '.B^W iili«i ™ capitally taken by Ohureb, andhiiberg nudeaiur » tempt al the dlfllcult POl* or Sir PatrlAWw-.W" . leoaten in rrmto Hi -1.— •lieu, ud deaung liberally lo courte, »B«"S°J2 mendou oembal*. It thererore ^^,J^,^'Sa* Mayo ahowa to adnnun In the duhlng MV*™; oadet b* Peria, In wkfiib he dlspliji ««;'" About Uie beet oharaeicr 1* tbo P'lJi.JJJ'Iui! Amont a plain disciple or Do"^"''" ™?SJIrSoil- dene to poifbctlon by Harold Persberj,snsc»r »e^ ,n .HAh Avaniri,, Aharaaian rorivw: lolae f"" •kl(»«M remana, coniinting oi 'iwoor* avu^^y •Bhamns O'Brien' by Bnrrowa, and thau<>j»- - a China Shop,' witn Mayo u Dagaboi. W- gagemenitermlnaKB to-morrow nlghi, BM <wib>~^ Sib, Juanscbek opeu in Ecgllah ai Mary suw^*^ Kried by L. B, Bhewell, Bbe bu already artlrta, b» log under eny engaiement thu week.', ..u-o. pM. A UATIKBB will be glTen ol Ibe Acadeiny or>l°!»^ Molpbu, 00 thoarurooanolihpli:hloit,uii;£?23 to be contributed to tbo mod Hi aldel tbemnta Oerman anffenra. The reipecttve "JJH.'H.^ib* ObHUiut, AnhandWabinlBireotbavevolooleajnj^ oervloea, u addiuoa loBlmmona and moenin and Dlxeya and Bam Binrotd'i "'"'inS',., onuauH WIU b* rtirnlBbed by Bcck'a hand, }}*^'\J^ua Bsnd, and Oberklreoh's Regimen al baBd. lowj^,u. or toe allraeUOM pnl rorlh oo tl'lf «S?i2b belSiluP bio Objector Uie entertalnmoni will douwicaa o*o»" ly ooknewledged by a orowdwl hoaao. «B0llfl««* MOB HliUB FtiuiBBbu heentendeiod »»»gSJi tary beneot at Uie Sevonm Biiee t Ol»5»H<'!!*i."biei* phia, on Ibetld, TblaJfnogladJbadthe n" fie burned aenrolr while In Ibo dieehaimM "1'^ ,^ BUnaldnUes at IhU oiiabliahmoot A grai ^ tow arUalB have tendered their ,gnl»l'>°; "SSJ wU the varied entcrtalnmeut pn'>'<<^ ■"'SS^IoaueM doobUOBIoduaeagoodlynomher ether maodaio 1- fortbahelplagbinil, _.„ .,.,.vii milliiaei ion Tn* AMBBICAJI MOBBOll, MII«'"«'JJ'i',5Sdcd by I*"!! on BUnoUve plae* or reeotl aod wai attonoeo ^ nnmben doitgtbe paat *«f»-„.^''iL'Se (Si*"'^'"' Bearded Ohiia on theiateat odd «eos to the llvUig ourloaiuoa. Tho domwuo djiaia« ^ tho Jrtckei" wu eaaeiJS J'/lSliJl or ■'oun" "J dar, the soih lnsr.,the ™i7.,'5«(SSiion wS hePt* Fsir Bur," aller many weeks' P"PJf'SSi itr, i dueed, wltb enunlynew K""t,!S,i'Ti*rn1i<d"Jf Baker, tho atage manager»'"» ^JSH'fi" oeerie » Bpeotule. A gnnd UilW, Bmn«ed ijy.»ii "jj',f^ SnStbTwUI mifodnco Hlla. Mitune aad a uoapi "nVA appeared at the Anrti ,8'f"'^j^Ift 'wSS aiii:erf'iv."Fr^^^'.°.s°a?jKffi^ indlanou. Unnsutfcan bu been }^^.V^niD»i KSSFrtnd general effecbt ff„W?SS' Pin Fly, wai en iclO'lp)|l'0'"j",V tba audleoee*-^ *• oanner tbat Utorouanly <'<>"8''!j,,„Ji, ouaii''**''!! tnalg, wbo, amongitlua tnaor adnlriwa q™ posiMBe* toe m><*t tmporunlooeof baeg oin. ^ e!?-T!S or a poor \«^^<^"l'*X% SS\ IBM* or Rake, Mr-.Jwia aelol with BU ^^,„ BdlerorRake, Mr. Jamo aoio. ■•''» --j ^„i«wf ■nooe and oonaelenuenaneu- The ouer ooi it ontnuted lo eBloieol represonlsUvei JjySaBdft K»»;ili.tih«^^^^ MiaBA . wSu wAi1* lo peifirin llio o»""'!ISiirrBsL";io**? molSp lui w*ek- "° 2,?"dV.:iSSi 0? W*** man to John Uioogaam's drainaiuBiwB v