New York Clipper (Mar 1873)

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V'w-.'. ^ A>1cln0 liiCbnE — • ^ ■■■rlini Wbowlaitlubetr' *?^/Ji;i . --SofUB «iok«a amUeJCc docUI»oji. mad mute* to;^ ,CS3it5i5[ wtDMT. Upon ibe mm hMd. It Jmrnrraef V?Ve0lra*tao4UlaUfor»pU7«rol J/« Ulil , . -Sv^nSapSuiu J'« 1>^1 wonid co either Iota - <VMkMer UblT Upon thoniber «« • •ftteeunsm ihefrnvor: uduonbor J.*a jBtAniAC«*^*ecnieb,**«hlQh porhApi neither BsaeDfltwapUUtfwbra the«H«rwu nude, ao od« of l.^«tei»awvth>|J.won1(niol«hlinMlt 61111 ftDotliar r ta ^Torof B. la tb&t u obleat-batl that nnit oontlane te BUTakBoi b« »nald*r«d as pocketed within the aeep* amdailrlieflhatKiBa;andbeeaaa«of ibepoekMlscof hi* «WB biin, th« o^ast-bKU holed J bad toln pot back on ^%*^!%MaB. Wleh.^ When uithArHlea dlffsr. a pv«- •mndwaoa afeoBldbe the itADrtard; snd vbor* lbai« Sen.MOB4«tmne«wthe welohtlar aathorllle* ahonld (ov- .«mr Thu Webater, ft Inknmpber. ud fferi. an tif- ■■uiiitlL oboatd b« reckrdwl u bcUn- utborHj' tbAS .5m£«T** **VamtlA VsooaL** Tbo UUn-woold sMm In vtohATo bcsnciudMl aomft«h»iby''KnJghia- Bat "emBt** la &n a^lJeetlTO, ud as aoeh never . ■haniMllaffirm wb*i«a«"Kauthta-tempUra'* la»eom. yond of iwe aoana tbal ban escb » alnKoUr and » plQ- ' "ami form. A^do Fmrn thU Tin v. oommon uaues dactare* . .tefhToroC "KDlcht»-leinp1an,'>uaj(KliuLV£iilchUrUm* yUr.** 1. TbU departoent U open to all Inqolilca. and - J. K. PlitabarRb.—"Irelud'a B«a>rda of the Kov ; u tha beat lundard work, and oooulna maoy : 'Vompblaa ofaoton and actreaea. Itle a^nry -'^racv, uvlncbm onffln ■ Ivte twolaikoTolanica. __ -Sn. vaeaanoefiraTonadOf^. _^ . ; ^ ff*. Koblla—The derialon la wronf. D oaanot pUy ■Sou after hb partner had luda the tnmp. OdI^ the ■larar vho aaaaraea tbo rupoBBbOttr of tho tramp. 07 ■Marlag ap. tailor np* or maUag tho tramp, can plar J. W. T.- OIoTOland^L CouT*1t am ncsllat withoat do Wv % Waah thorn In watorlD vbloberodoaal ammoniac ' Snrtmd, haa boon dUaolrod. X PIro llaeo will coat 7B ''«Mta tor farh toMrtloa. 4. Canahle of moeh tmptoTo- - ^ J. O., OboTeo^—1. Theflnt atcamertocroaatho At- " tha floTaaaah. fibalalt KowTorfc fbrLiror* rlnrbm onitlnallT aold br aobKrlpUoo onlr-It - * Ujouwlll nmit to Ihli oDee ■nlJatrU. U19. and made tba pane^ la tvoatT-ali ■9aj*. & Crrna W. field accomnaQfed the flrat oxpodltlon flto-thaUrlDCof tho AtUatle eablo ielevnph. ._0. W. T., Watarton.^TniRtso in MS: Lady Tnlton Id IflW, CapL IfcOowas In 1046: John Stewart (twice) Id m; aad Hatilo Howard la 1871. haro all inttad » mUea Vlthlit the hour. Q.B .; Port Bdward.—If A. B.*a bona won Pnroo Xo. 1. ■loihiuato tho hoar for tho eloalnc nf parao Ko. X, then BalsnoteUslblefDr tbo latt«r« hRTlni bcateoamln. 11 mm VOB aflar tho Utter paraodooed, then ho ia ellrlhla. J. Bl D.. Bnek Iiland.—If a team beat thraa miaateo to- nlher. neither of tho bona* la ellflblo aaparmtalj for a Ihroo mlant* raro, aceotdlDg to tha nilea of tho Hatlonai ^^irt'Hg iaanrlallnii r. W., Mewmrk.—C Hnio nenr belongod to tha Earalcaa Tha Blno plaven were Bralntnal, Ltnaon, B. XlUa. Fen- ^Hgtqn , Borihinp, Thomaa, Oallawax, uulewood and O. B. a.. Bchenoetadr.—The nlea of tooUlnff and of -Jdag an dlatlDO and pnbllabed aaparBlalr. For trat- ttig addrais D. I*. Loogatroet, FiOTldeoee. B. L, Ineloa- : -tnSaaatAudatsnp. W.W.-—Thar wer« not legal nnleea tbe aaraa of the Blovth of Joiy InCbleaoowu between "plcfced nlnea,** ta mhUb aaa Addj did not Tiolata the rule*. If tbef - WTO dob nmea, bo did. It. & D.—Addrea a letter to Theodore HamllUni, man»> gv riko^a Operm-honae, Clncloaatl. O., enclosing saffl- dacttopar too po*tAe«,asd requeathlAtoaakoomeof Ua atuohee to (orwmnl usm to tiiq. KaiuOAD, Wormmiib.—Tbo fkateot imllroad time to .Aaarlea la 14 mlt«a la U oiloateo. br loeonotlTo and «tK ears, N. T. Central nutd; lnEDgjaDd.l0miIei in U —■—*— epnlal irmln. Paddlnctim to alongta. Wbloh i» thapnodeat tltXa, geotlattaa or ihbilY Vfaaft la & gantloman—tev can 71m really dlatfscQlah hlmY A man OUbS* lioU a gontleman beoauio be dxesM to parfactloa* For that mmth of tba gentle* man ha'la Indel^ted to bis tKlIor. Hla polUbed man* nen an boqaantijtnit on t^ gnrtue, and may be borrowed ftom ethers.' Tbar i% takai "tbroe genarstlons to maka a geatlamaa.** Oonstent aaeo- ^.t ftfafi tram blrtb vltb -blgbly-otdtlTatod people mnat of eomaa glTo reflnement and «aM» and that la alwaya bigbly priced by eTeiyono, paittimTariy by tho Tiillna iTat f too blgbly prized. by tbem aom^ times. It la easy to bo a cratlaBaB 'acooTdlsg to tbe eoamtm aoeeptatlon of tha vord* bnt It la veiy dlfflcalt to bo a man In Its UnM ftA mw^wfwg . Begant gngmnitrtlnga, money, eto.* vfll make the onUiury geotloman, bnt It la a Tory dUEannt thing to be one at heart. Honor ta tha flzit rtal Ingre" .dlBi)t...A^man^how«Tnr poUahod he may bo. If he eontinitaUy baa U on hla tongoa that be *'ia a gentle- man," la not one. and he fcnowB It inicordlF., It la eonadence that eentlmiaUy teOa him he la not what be'afEeeta'to'beT that nulfea'hlm alwi^'iuxIoQa to Impress It on others that he la what he ■fMwtif , When a gentleman can place bla band upon bis haartand say "I am a man." there la aome- thlng to be proud ot—by the man who can aay he noTer wfllfally told a Ue; nerer caoaed another* human being pain; that, haTing gained the meana to rank as a gentleman, noTor forgets that man, and not gentleman, waa the real creation of Ood. To be % nuk in the tme aense of the word ia to aid the nn- fortunate; to help thoae who cannot help themaelTes; one who. when he lays hla head on hia pUlowand comita np hla rlohes, can say not one penny did he erer obtain by trlduiy, bnt for ereiy atep np Fortano^s ladder be had held ont bla band to those that were below him, so that he, being at the top, oonld watch the others who were by his sid looUng'to the same height. The man with a handsome £we and lovable ways that can aay ha never dishonored one woman, bntbadceaooed many—whose outdoor oondoct would bear the Inspeotlan ofbls innocent wife and ehlldre&— Oiat —**** f% 'n himself a gentleman if he likes; bnt a man, after an. la tha proudeat title, being the title boetowed upon him by hla Uaker. Thb Axumo ouLB rarely fUta to be amnairg when, not content with the profits aooruiag from a redtU of bare Cuts at one dollar per word. It *'rla«a to explain." Kate its tag to the statement that the Bank of England forgera bad been aantanoed to penal aerrltnde fbr Ufa: "This is the hlgbeat penalty hleh eaa be Imposed under the Iswsl" What a pity that. In ao elTlllEed an age aa thia, George Bid' wall and the three other acoompUihed penmen can- not bedrewn and quartered, or—blown, Sepoy-Uke, from the mouth of a cannon. J. IL lC.,Omaha.~Pawonnn wen flm traaapoHed by ataam*powor. In tbla eonnby, on Balthnon and ^hlo Ballrood la U30, by a looomoilro boUi in Baltlmon bf Fotar Cooper. ISQvnHL — Wo do not aoawer qaeetlona by maU. AAwmSmlnM enrtAiaa hore been aaoa In aom« few lo- attBeaa,bal nem- In a atrlctlr flnt-elan theatra, aad . tfMr have ever fkllad to gira Atwbctlon. H. B., SL iMla.—L Apply to the maaanr of one of the "wwxtaty Ihealna In jour cltr. Show bim what yon can do, aad aoUdt aa onpigement. 1 From 929 per week op- Tera Useu, Raltlraon.—The hand go«a for nothing, •each being n. and A baring apadea. bfg eantno, and one aee, aad B holding little caaalno and three aeaa, the carda balngeqnaTIrdlT'ded. • BauiOB, Broohlyn.—The aeqneB«e4,5,6i,TaBd8beata -that of 1,1,8,4 and & We don't nadervtand jnnr laat WmiamtbvTit—L Tbe British Ooreramtrnt eao- ■sot daun a BOtnect wao haa beoome a natorallMd Ameri- can ^laen. iC Beeannot. J.T. B.—Tbe Belmont Stakes at Jeieme Park,vatae •Moe, !■ tho largest stake won by a rannlng hone this B. B. S.. HarisoL—Tou eoald not taka back the tan and the king; tho cvd waa azpoood, and moat be treated nssaeh. a., Glerelsnd.—The draler cannot cUlm a point for eha earda ranntng onL He la orldeatly ignorant of tho .^£Vw.-l.TasiBowllag*iihnsori:t9£; l:«SX.lslhe boat mllo-heai time for a tbr«e-year«ld or any age. X .Alaim Is now fooryoara old. _ . F. K. Bl B.— t. Wtld DaTreO wrm the Cefrtyln 18a& X TnHtrrrr*- theDer^talSL WiU endooTorio anawar jeer other ansatlos next wack. _ W.J. XoK. aandwish.~Tbo time of tbe 3:11 noe at Boftle la Aagnat lait waa SJBX; iM\ t^SKl P. T. F.« Kaaalagtoa.—Vomlnally they did aot^ bnt In UBitherven In rmaliiythe ehamplon dub of thoooon* «r, kanog defeated every dab they had played with. Ik 8^ waoornia.—A, only wanting one point aiu maklagthetwohe^va for the pUeh, goes oat beOtn 3*0 low. AxATRei,Clayt/ni.—Heoaagbt the bar of tbe trapeto vlth hla haada. bla bo^bancinR below, aad then ha n- - _. _ _ . _. Tha" -■ Tas UosooLUH who in California aonght by a double murder to diguliy his quite commonplace exploits as a cook. waa one-half faflnre, being aue- eeaafnl with the pistol only aa against himself. The otject of hla mad adoration was proof agalnat tzipUoate of boUeta. She owea her life to the very artlole of wearing apparel that, aay the doctors, haa kined thonssads of women. Her stays «<ayed the bnllBts, and hence it ia to be remarked of what this lady tighten a about her walat that 0/ omei's a good thing. ABDRnxTHnrLT from Sing Stag. ■'Stonewalls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage." Thus In ancient times sang a poet who evldonUy under* stood his business, while seemingly all that our prl to n offlelals nnderstaad is that "Etanal vigUaneo la the price of liberty." As they stand In need of no other liberty than that which woold be implied were they diamigsed from their posts, they are content to remit the Tlgllance to tha convicts, who do all tlie vatohing—for a chanoe to escape. tmpexe was not gared. H. A. D.—L Wo eannoi alvo you the anma «( tbo lowat- L We cannot aay wheibar It baa been patented la JaadornoL If not, yoneoold nae It then. „.B. W.—We never aoawcrqaeatloaa by mall, nor do - w* gtn optnlona aa to the reUtlvo mailta of profeaalonal jeiwrmera In thla departmopL FesT. Btmlr^—A atiatibt flnah onlyoovnta aa aa or- /floab.nnlan a apeclal agreement otherwlie has ^aoBmaddbolbnoemm'meinffpiavv ^ ^. r. H.T., c.nwkijn.—Nli«.VatTaUaaa acted In **Oamea* at HIblo*a Oardan. bat dorlo^ hrr laat raoanocnt at that thaatn aha performed only lo **Bb1 Dftownkn" Jak.— Hatfleld throw IS yarda In i;inc1nnail, and 138 la SraoklyB. Tho otb«rA«aenlntt la oorreci. Bar throng bar• Jag nn the basts in 14 aeoonds. Xoan.—Apptrlo penAo to aomo mlnatnt orTmrlety- nagor. show him wh*t yoo can do, and aoUolt an f FOrt Laramie.—Wb«n the eenaoa waa taken lo ' UJOlBL I^ntahad a ropolallon of S10.WI. aad Chlagn of .98577. Tbeaeanthelateal ralUble flgnrva we can give. Toil Sathbs.— L There ar« aboat CK) newapopen piib- llsked In New Tork Cltr, inclodlng dally, weakly and ■emWwo^ly papen. S. Wn dn tmt know. IrfwrCanK.—C Oompbcll held tho tlllo* of champion ocnUar of BoRiaDd tonver than aay other man who ever poMesvd It—AnesLeonseantlTo ycara, Kanas Crrr.—1. A man bfittlna nn a eertaloty aamrcd- ly wina, pmvlded ho b^a mpffived no firmod.. t. Teu win the bet on noldamlih Xald*a Ume. Jas. T., Whenllog.—Bill Lane mn a mile, part down bin, Ia i mia. 1 Ban. and beand BUI Blaharda oovend the dlidanea. level gmnnd. in 4:17]^ O. B. C, Qnebrc—Tfaanka. flooh Information win bo acceptable. 8. It ta eElremely doahtftilu any of the par- ■tiaa mentioned wHl vralt yoordty. C B.—1. It waa not dnaed. t. Ko. X flame as the ethe r thealna. 4.InthlBdtr. BaadflL BeadTnCur- Bm, Smivten DoyrlL—Tt Is no bet. for ss A did not . dad aro h ow he wanted O to TDte,no deolalon eoald bo r.T. B., Dallaa.—Ooldcmlth Vald and Amerloan Olrl anboth bKT«; ibefbrmar Uluada ia height aad the Ut- ter tally IS hands. bwrax, cladnnatL—Addnaa Btepben Boberta, SO flboth atnat, thta city, who out anpply yonr wanta In Oat Una. B. Bom. San Fnadaoa—1. It Is not eopyiliibtad. X Tm, X They mnat nadentaad mnale ta aaeeaed wolL A TaL Covsun BaiDR.—Tbe fhateat ttmea In whlchamflo -ftaabeen nn an 4mln. ftc&, part do^ hill, end 4:17Xt level gmoad. Jon Fotxr. BoatoiL—The nee betwasn the Parli mw «r 8L John. If. B., and tbo Ward bratbrra came off at fcrtDgfleld. HasB.. Oct. f1,18B& Tbo 8l John fonr won. XI.B.B.. Baltimore.—Ton an right. It la not a legltl- •mate cat to tak« tarda from the centre of the pack and .flaee them on the top. jtM FsAvurr.—A deposit la neoeasary to oemra an la- ■srtloo of tho challenn. Bbhdwd O., I«evlstan.—Then la tnch a company, and tkotrodlee laat the nnmbermentioned. BKsnt, Brooklyn.-^onjnl t tho dlroctory of yonr own 8-, Weathaven.—We think the party would be - U^la to a criminal prooecotlon forlarc^r. ' OL F. Ik—Dagger, whoae poaltlooa In tha race wen 8,2. X beaU gloepy Dkk. who wan 5.8. X Faao.—The oreled bet on tbo qneeo la to be paid only. p!ayv eoald only loae one bert. and can only win one. CnrcmrATUv.—The dealer cannot play alone alter bla pattaar haa ordtrod bIm op. BXBOS, P. D., Plattabnrg.—1- Hot vpon rvoord. 1. We 4o not veqvin one. OuaLasiowK.—Tom Bayera waa 39 yean old when he died. A. P. H-—BIDy Bvyco'a IzliJi ta the CSatatt pacing time O. P., Obloaga—8n answer to O.W. T., Watertown. All tha honaa named pertOrraed the feat . r 1 wlt&ont otopplng. . XAvvut.—In throwing r^flUa, with dloa, two aad a 4 beat two 4*0 and an ae& W^^ Wdbrvn^—la a tie fbrgame at aevea-np,the A. Boaton.—1. Tha near or right-hand aide. 1. AlarB*B Iri^. at Barathea, TAnAOAw.—Dexter never trotted with a nnalng mate anlan Bthan Allen or aay other hora<t. '^joee RAWABTTAir. Oiuwa.—Tea; the original Baa Bice ^tnvallag with that ahnv. A. li. B^TBanU Buaa.—Thsr an placed about IA fbel .Kew&vlL—1. We tblak nnt. L Tea wimU re* ' ^^tn • alBKIiif ^afld ofst Inn W,OOQ. 'VffmAMi, Bilttmom.—TbelMorthecDinpufwebiTe ■liwilf iiiiMlttini.n1 r.nni# Tf^rt thi rfmm to npat It. SAUr Habub. Cl.Qton.—TuekyoaftarTgar offer, tat v. do not raqtUn oae. K. WALucm—We ban alraedj hid eomethlofon tlut ,0]iUei la a elAlU r vnla. BomFOua.—"I« n poeetble u pat tws tettan oat at •lie lime In Itie i.ine nrrTlr^rtT* Va. ■ J. W. XoJ.. Bnoirn.—It to ntbor naereiilr eeoslraatad. «d4 le thei uRJi u deoltncd. r. S.—'^Dfslded" ham eeeroelj point enoofh te Mnen] IntaraeL «. r.. SaTrnDDsl -TkB aot*T Sea" Uaotnp to 4k.ntarktbr publKstloB. 9. a. Voooo. XerloB.—A leMr i Mrii Me l ia ear can «fllJ«Hth -hUn. J. B. W„ Kellek.— TmiImi. Sb», <e the UrfOtellr In E^'Sltubeth.—**BeIlreom Compemoa,** 91, wUcb Chuioh noPLZ tcmB up .iwininj after thdr Biibi< nuT*! ttcilo, tt m*j be uan bj glinning at tha mMk and I0VI7 oa. Vmj pan Into tba Tarlou lanctaailea vltli whloli thla wicked metnpolla la oniamentad. da paiton look eliaeitii], aloe, olnaa tliatr tatoni. obowlDg tbat a lUtla tecieatlon aiarta a healing lU' flnaoae on thooa who era it to aaTeloelaa. It la to be hoped that pev-holdan be leoa ehnrllih to itiugan.hoeaRar.andgln thorn a ohinea to hear the Word. Th> nwsB of tanhnnltr to eaooa mloehlef voold laem to be on tha InatMie. Week before loot no Ian than eight men dlooharged platola with fttal efleot, on MooonA . ^attloeei at two. 'Ja dx Of theoe niea. the man not onlj oenteaaplated hla own death, bnt olao that ot hla wife or hla ladT' lore. AH tha men but one ore dead, wfada all tmt one of the women Uto toeall the platal Into plar again after a proper period of monmtag. OOT. Six doea not differ matorlollr mm moat other people In ""'"""g that onr blaa^oottad gnard- lana of the peace ore more likely to render effldent oerrlee hj bnndlihlng clatae than by pointing Bern- Ingtona; end oonaeqaently the ex-oolonal of the gal- lant Berenth Beglment will not llgnre at the head of a battalion of ooldler-pollee, I>nr-7ea mind I A incwKT oaaim noouBT waa oheerred, a few diya ago, ponndlng with a brisk the ehell of a tnctle InfrontoraBrotdwayreatanrant We expoetnUted with the man for hie cmeltj. "Be Jebbeio," eeja he, "the btrd'e fluht; Fm Jlit breaUn* the box tm let him ont." ' _ _ IzBKOw WHjob Coum who becomea tainted with the charge of plagtarlmi. A Hra. Hooper of FhOadelphU laya olalm to the plot of "The New Uogdalen" u being that ot her atoiy, "Under Falie Colore," SiBt pnbllahed three yeare ago. SXirS OF THE I fEKK BOILED DOWS. Tbe premlue Vo. 139 Ninth etieet, Wllllamabnrr, Ij. L, wer. dljcovered on flra on Hepu 4. and » uanb die- dneed ibe c i i j ped remilne of Xemret Heremlll. It te bellered tbai ehe wna niuMerad. end tbat tbe bed npun wblch ebe 1.7 wee Bred to bide tbe crime. Jemre end Sejmb Menifen, bn^bend end wife, wbo oecnpled tbe premleee, bere been erreeted open eojploloa 01 beTlog penMtreled tbetiecd ftnm mollvee of robbery. The de- eeeeed, wbo lo Tonner year* bad beMended tbe Merrt' gene, li Bald to bare el were bad money In ber poieeaaloo. «*« Tbo mntlUted remajne found In Oyeier Bay. and be- lieved to be tboeo of tbe mlulnjc CbarleeO. Kelioy. who 9*a COB eot of Bd. JemeiL wbo edrartleae. M.4t. a.,'I>eirDli A pellenneB hoe the eame aoikority •eeeo B etetle la maUav erreete. - nejeeeg. BToat:7B.—Tea on go t hue by the Long Idnd BedKad end by etaia. ■eaSySiiiSSi!""*"^^^ Ptr*. ITbw Toik, kai on -'•P-J- Newton.—Tbe ed<haa woe WUIieB Aehton, mi aBw,«t.lL.ele, Mo. ..V ^fye> BoB«a. piuUL—See aoOca at «ke bead of .«££3!«Sr'S«™"*"-~***"' ma«ed aa le- «J«t"i^:ulSt»-r"S''"t'> •••We fc-eel time. •gg yK^. ** IP*'' ^"J^ Soeua. Janet*. ISn. -Am^'Mki^^rirlit'' «""•'• mimp or Urow away x?tl?«taS^y VJl'"»*»*^'*«>'eeeitled. I- UT^ ■empkie.-Toa aa get tken of ear pkolo- -JVJf.'j>J!!>^)>ie le.Mdetbe«.int; In : _i aah. allr aeld ber te iia eoVibrma °' r*!?-gemeii a BAvaigTeanadsL '^r^^'^ w wm«d I TbaBoetfl • Ti-theferreder of Ooldaahh Maid^rlgln' •^OlK-OUl^ffaHMa it .^■fll neelva eaid la a dav nr ti ^. BeK.—Watao««f ae a - Fort Wi -^^^ 4 p^r»--**M'?»»»caatetWtaean"e?rhMonSL' - Jtavr.Baltlmon.-rtlothelb«ltof thaneweagMT^ 4 .A*K.B—Snoba^th^ancrarheaaacabapUabod. to hand aB right. Toe brUntaaMU^Ua , CbelBea.--ThaaU: bat w« do not raMdnlL . a—It la a littloteo aevm oa the , FnvldonoeL—Wa an alnady enpallod. BlArhamton.—B*s idM^raaHahL : Bi will .—We cannot apan tbe apaae gajcua, iiyna.—Bon la tbla city la iBSL Haaarffl^—A caonot'elate na^ ,flDnCJiBf Ig^*^ eaaaec JniiagL Till C*hvteea nlaa or Bnohifa.. KnXC.—FBed flveart* pabHaatlOB. . feucA^-^ecarnal**aaUaBdvoid.** .- yirgiC^^FIiB^tfptita HadM. . aa tarred and feathered laat FaTl, and la now iboairbt .. bave been mnrdered to aereen tbe perpeiratora or tbat nnaa oatnge. wen on ffepL A toterred lo the Cunlly bury* Vog>gnaBd at Uuotiof ion. L. L. In preaeaeeora large eoaoDuraa. Tbe ooioner'a Inquaat la atlll In progma. and a strict anrvelUance la being kept>pon all wbo an Boa< pceted of baTlog participated la the tarrlag and leather- lop «««Ur«. Jooephino Vowland and ber atepalaler. UUa Bapllata, oharged with ajaanlt and battery, atao with ag gravated aanult aad battery, and finally with aaaault and baiterr with Intent to UU. all apoo tba peraon oftbe Oiat- aamea womao^a ■Irpdauabter, Mary Howlaad, wen oo SepL A. in FhUadelphla. Pa., roond anilty aa to the flr^t two coanta, and aeqaUted aa to the third. TbepnnUh- mant ttnpoeed la ImpruoDmeDt for three yearo. aod a floe 01 tl.Cin. It la thougbt that tbelr coaacal will more for a new tnaU WIMUm Keaghan and Joba Taylor, aa tfatj atylod thcmMlvei, were armlM on Sept fiapoa tbecoBin of having entered the drrsalog-roofa ft turn ballri alrls at NIblo'aGarden, In tbUdiy. and thenontracedtbeper< eon of Hla Bott Flii'.ey. one of tbe daneera ennaged In **The Black OroolL'* Wnen dlaoovered. tbe unfortnnate Ttcilm waa lo apasmaand aoff^rlog lenibly. From other lodtcallooa. It waa a4jadged that morphine had beaa ad- mlDlatendte her. «% Marx Haoac. aged flflT.thna, aad naMIng with bla WTfoand fborcbttdrenat HA B. Twenty•cicbtb atrrct, in thla altr, attempted to kill both hlmaalf and wife oa 6«pt. 4. Behad bern drlnhlag heavily (br spwafda of a week, aad, retoralng borne at aboot tJMi on *be eight of the 4ih, betook aputol from bUpoekeUand flrat abot bU wife and then bImaeX It waa thoogbtat tbe time tbitboib woatd die, leavlog fooryeang cElidreo orpbanod by rom but aa we go to pna tboy an In a lUr way to reoorar. •%Honte FarplL waa amatcd at Philadelphia, Pa, 8ept.A, npon tbeeharcaofhaviagacl Bn ta tho Faahlon Sled Stable at Tnotnn, K. J., by Ibe baniliig of which to maar valoab!a homea w«n loai. Pnrpll, who had been employed at the Gtahia, vaa dlaehaxged, whennpoo. It la alleged, he ottered threata to the efeet tbat the Stable would not be lelt atanding another week. •*«Joba Brodcrfak, who waa atabbed by hla Ihtber, lll.*bael Bradertck. at tbe aame time tbat tbe latter killed hlayounrer aen. Jaraca. eacaped fVom Ballerne Hoapltat onGopLl.* Jt la aald that toewonodod aua had beard that tse DUtnct atlnrnoyparpoied bavlng bIm Indicted for peqar7 la rl*^g teailmooy exonerating hia CUberat the Coroner*! ukQueiL •%Thenanlmated old iteamboat Onnlte State, tem* porafUy raDnlDg belvreen thla port and New Haven, Ct, la plan ot tbo dlaabled Elm City, atgnaimd her r^p. paaniMa In eaateni watera by catting in two the tog.boat Vixea, while paaaing thnugh Hell Oate at L30 i. b. on Sn>t.7. Captain PerkJa^of the tog waa dnwBad.aad the eoglDeer was badly bnrt aboat the bead. plyloK betweea Cleve- f ibe mea wan dnwaad. flue, aad laflletaag pnlmhly fktal Iqjo. ^ «%At8LUmli, Xe;oB ^* «^ iDiL, AnbfbaM Dne. -m.aUbortngaaae,ahBthU wire, the ball enurtnchar Kelt Bde and eomlog pot at tha right. Hathaa ahoi^is* aeirtatbobead. iTenberta expected le live. •%TbanaaItor the State elecUoo in Oallfbrala la a l>cmoantleanU.rmlInad trinmph. Both hranehao of tba I««la1atanan Demooatie. aad thenanbaUavedtobe oBoaldanble galea la ponly toal oOcea. A dlivatch-from^aabay. India, datad «apt. 1, eaya tbu a fetVT-boat ea the ladoa: while erantng tha river noar Kalrah. opelied and aaag la deep water. TClnety poraooa an reported ta bave bean drowned. »*«Tbe papcT'mni of Stordevant A Co., at Monni Fiatmit,N. T., together with theaaw-mUlor laaao Long* year, vaa bnned oa Bept L IdOia. aboot taA,Oi»-, la- ■araaco unknewv. Jaoob M. Jonea. eolontd. wbo klllad Cbarlea WRaon, alao cnlorvMl, waa aeateaeod at Harrtaburg. Fa., oa IIopl.«. to Imprtaoamaat In tbe Beaioa FenltaotUry for life, hav- Inxbcen foond goUty of mnrdar la tbe aerond degree Additional partlciilartaa to tbe great atom on the Bofm Seotla ooaat an ta tbe clTeci tbat then wen aluy- alz mon veaaelaatraaded than npeitad haretoforai. aad thIrty-Sve mon aaflora UttL •*• William Burke, eoavleted of taavtog ent OOeer Ho- Eaocleof ihla cHy with a Amorknlfo, waa on Sept. $ aeateaead by Jodge Salherlaad le fln yean la state Prlaon. a*« Aa »t— u U of the prematan eaploaloB of a blaat at New Inawlch. K. H.. en tbe SOih nlL. two bmtbera nanad Daniel aad Foster MetriU wUt la all probability loee Uielr eyealaht. •% A yawl*beal enetatntag nine men wu on SepL 1 ran down by tbe ateamer JayCooke. -- — Unit. O., and Poc-ln Bay. Poarof.. and a firth had bla ahoutder broken. •% On Sepc 9 the Manachaaetta Oemoentto Suta Oon* veatlon nominated William Oaaton for Oovereor, and adopted raaoloUoaa In banaony with the dectarailon of tho Ohio Deraoerata. Tbe oornaer'alarT In the natter of tbe Allien balld* Ing la Wcat Elf^enta atreet. thla city, whereby tho Uvea ofacverml worbmen wenaacriflred, haa deolared the coo- tractonblamable. and Ibe eoraner baa held tbem to ball. Palleemaa Prire. wbo on Ang. 90 abot and hilled Jamea Kcobaae In Pbtladelpbla. Pa, waa on Sept 5 ad* mttted to ba4L Tbe polloeiran, at tbe time the fatal abot waa find, waa atiemptiog to qnHI a dUtnrb«ac«L Bowland IliU oF Tnatitn, K. J., while oat on Bapt« (bradaT*a ahaotlagwltb aome trteada. atcnck the bam. merof hfignn agalntt the a^t of a wagon Into which he waa getting, and diaobarpd the ennteota Into hla heart While Cant Voa<t*)rheyJ«a of the ateamablp Tader' land, lying at Pfaltadelpbla. Pa., waabeinc aarenaded on SepL 4. two of tho cnw, engaged tn waltaloff. fell over* board and wan drowned. UarrlB' eaw mill et Woonancket. B. L. waa on Sept. 5 tho aeeooor aboHer oipiAal<tn, wbkb killed one man, aerloulr hnrt anoihrc and a hoy, aad no lojond the fireman. Patrick n*NAi:.tb»tbedlM Inafewmlaoief. •% A ablnet ahop. tng«»ih«r with aeveral ama'.l taoameot hnoue, waa bnroeJ In PL Loula, Ho., oa Sept X Locs, " ttwoeo t}Xm and SI5.unO. A dlapntch vta Liuidnn. Eng., 1. aay* tbat eUbt peraona wen killorf and Ofteaa othen ban by aa aoddaot OB the Lniemborr BaUway. Mn. PaoDvIfyda. «hA la awaltlog a aaeond trial tbr lb* mnrder of George W. Watano, ber employer, waa ea Sept a nieved rmm euaindv. anno 92JkD baiL John Kay'a atablea, and alao a pan nf hfa hotel, at Wnt CatakOL N. T., wen baniod on the Sd Inst Lost »J,ODBL Tha Varrtmao Honaa and atablea la Ifaahna. V. H. ownrd by Qeo. B. Boiitwcll, wen banedon Sept. S. Lou, tlu.UDO: loaiinnre. tr.OOa »** A. Krtboff k Co.*s bardwan eatabllsbment to Coliimbna, O., waa baraed ao Sept 9. Xtoaa on atock, 915.00: total loaarance, 939.00Q. Jnbn Enns, colond. was on B^t S seeienced In Orneral Seniooa of thla city to ten ynn In State Prison for having atolen $78 from Chrlattan H. Knobb, •*« O^nrral ntd^lcohaa roMlipied the C apta i n•geaw i ml ablp nf Madrid, aad Qanaral Blgoaen haa beaa anointed bla anoeeasor. «*• An esienslve fln la Oikoabt Wla.,on 8ept4,de> airnyrdahlnrk of buildings and aovani talii^- Lose not aa*«rta1ned. •*« Tbe rhnols Flannir-mill, Chicago, neeoplad by Holt* Blander, Bnndel A T>an|«la,waa ontlnly ennaumed on sept 4. TiAsa. abnnt t.l7.UU0: loimnd Crtr |17 OOa Ta Tmy. N T., ScoL b. tw«l«o hooaea wen bnnod by a fin tbat originated la a barn. Loss, $40.00; liuar< ance, $9,000. A tnraadn awftpt over nimaby. Ifaaa, on B^t 9, do- mol Istalflg one honsa, onroofing othera, and deatnylng tha crops. •% ConUoned heaTrflrea In Boaton, Vaaa., have aronaed tha aaihnrltks tmhe necessity for a thonngh ori^aita* tlon of their Fire Drpartmeot •*«OnemaBwaa killed aad aevaa othen boned bra _iliisroa oa tbb Atlantio aad Ofeat Waalam Baliway, Sept 7. BlUab Miller, eolnrrd. waa mardend by Oeo. Chase, alao colored, at tbe Bine Bell Tavera, near Baltlmora, Vd ,oB Srpi 7. _ ^ A tornado la Vaaasoboaetls on Bept 9 deattoyad haras and other farm pnparty, besldee dcmoUshlag a sehoolhnnso In New Boston. •**Pnnca has bean oOlrlallvnotified that tho oooat- tion ot Fnnch terrlioiy by Qerman troops la legally ended. Five men. charged wllh being »gaged ta a plot to aoaasalnate Don Carlos, wen execnted at BaleUa, Bpaln, SepL & Tba meUon for a new trial la the Elllott Clerk ao- rial-erll case at St Loals, Ma, was ovemled on Bept ft. The case will be carried to tbe Snpreme Coart on appeal. Tbe Maaaaaolt Heave, at Atchlaon, Kansas, was deatroved oa Bept 9. Loaa. $29,000: tnaorad Cor$17.00a »% John Sbertelle was slabbed, U !■ feand fhtally, by F. P. BlKlr.plnmb«r. at WashlDgino. D. O., 8epL 7. A flra la Newcastle, Pa., on Sept 1. caused a loss of $76,000: nne-hairinaitred. On Bept U 9.3L9 emlsnnts arrlTod at Castle Oardea tnm differant parts of Eonpa. A coilieTT nvploaloB at Swansea, Great Britain, on the moralngor Root L klllad flve n. •*« A fln tbat caneed alouof $300,000 Is nported from CalU del C«bo. Valpar»i*o. •*«Tbe Mlanenota Farmers'CooveotJoa, hold oaSept 3t nominated Asa Banon rnrOATcrnnr. A talecTmm from Boma. dated Sept fli, aaya that Pope Flos (0 again ladlsposad lo health. •%The Faltoa clralo Elevator, at Chicago. TIL, was barned on tbemnmlneef tbe 7th inat Loss, $119,000. •*« Oa Bept 7, la Lonlsvllle. Kv., tbe IMamond block of bolldlaaa was oooiomed. Loaa, $50,000. WlUIara Dwyer, tbe prlso-flgbter, waa atabbM and klllad by John Harrington, In Ban rrandaeo. Cel., Bepu X •% Tbo Bslsmaoder Pln-brlek Worka at Albany. H, T., wen bant oa Bent. & Loss, $90,000. •*« At Bnffblo. M. T., on Sept 0, while Arnold BarrlSi a aarbor poUeeman, waa lying In wait for aa waa approached Inm beblno by a roe^h named Deals kla- ..- oeghi bony. Tba latter. bavlDgasanmed a belllgorent attilnde^ waa ordered to haiiaadearr«Dde& ThU he reAised to da, whereopott tbe pnlloemaa fired, lastautly klUlag hlnu «% BiiUof lodictiaeat for manslaagbler have ben (baadbrthaOraod Jory of the Cbtaaco, 111., Criminal Coart, against Paffenharg and Beaa, rcapeotivaly eoct aeer aad coadoetor of tbe flelght'trala thai canaed toe fatal coDtxloB at lAnumt on tho Chicago aad Alton Ball* nad. A cable dinatch via Loadoa, Bag,, tan that tbo Mall ataamahlp Madfw. ftam Hnag Koag for xokahaaia, ■trackaasr Ibe Tbme Cblmaey Heads oa Sapt 6, and soa- taiood aatven damage Tho mails, apeala aad paaaaagofa *^^ne Teiaa Democntle Convention met Sept d, and, after danrmadag tha back*Ba1ar7 eniarptlaei, called for theresteualloaof all Tnaaa Oongraaimen woo badao^ ■m mTrtd te the aedDsileas of aa oaerpected incnaie in A fln that bnke cot on Aog. 90 aad raged for two daya la the mine at FotiavUle, Pa., worked br the Oak- dale Coal aad Mining Compaav, has throwa a large aam* bcrof workMo ant ol employmeat, bealdea eaaslns a loaa ol aercnl hondrad Ihauaaad dollar^ •% Oa Sept U while Patrtek HeConaiek wasta a tevern «o Bnad atnaa, Phltadelpbla. I*a., be waelhtally woonded bya platol-ball that, Itlsa11cfed.camethncch aw1n<iow, aalfftomiha emMfte aldeef the street The aflhlr U aanovttdedwlth mvaterr. „ _ « „a% The AnUetam Papw Mllla, located two miles cast of BMratowa, Md., aadownad by Mean. Stonebreaker * J^BUta, wan baraad Bapt A Loaa, $9tU)00; Insaranea, ^it:J^^ ^H* HeCarthy, charRed wlih baring klUsd Xordeeallaa^aeLwaa <^led aS Sa^d^Bich. Shafti'Sil^!^* «ai Oct lA 'ffianhy WiU —'^f'*J!'"*^S**''*«****»P*»Havaoa,Caba,aa4 knewn nttenuaTater.wasM aSaolmaeoaidy Id all^fbar DEATfl»S DOEIflS^ 'WooUt' fV«oor<A of Alio I>ec«aso of ODsnuD aaraaasL ¥ voa tan nv vons otzrm AFPBLMAir. CoL Hiram—Lata Boentarr of flUla of Coonectlcat Died ttom woonds received at the battle of Aatletam. la which bo commanded the Eighth Coaoeeti- ent Reefneut—Hyatle Brtdre, Cl. BepC 4. ATME. Dr. nenrv—Well'UowapbyslclsnofVorrlianta, K. T.—^at place. SrpL A BTBON. Bllcaorth Mary, Bow sg er—Daogbter of the late Mr. Saecberenl Cbanana Pole. ofBcdbonrae, Leicn- tenbire, and married la 18IB to Cleorge Aobod. aeveotb Lord Bynn. Mother of 0«om Aosoo. cuhtb and preieat Lord Bvnn—Ktrby, Eng., reccotlv, aged 79. BABBtHOBA, Oanl»rMoreaa-*Bara to Oabama Coao- tr, N. C and Id 182$ gmdnaled at tbe UnlvetsUy of that Slate. Having chfM^ the law as hla proresaloo, he betBB Its practice in IS9. and In that aame yaar was elected to the Lectslatnn. Buldes tho services be nn. dend as a member of tbe Onnvcnilon wblcb met In ISU to am^nd the Bute Cnnailintion. he npnaooted bla State InCoogreaa from lW9tolBt9. Having In tbe Ut'er year been appointed Mlnlsrer to Spain by Prcildent Tsvlor. he e^ntlnnrdln that pnsltlon tbnnihont tbe Preaideoey of Millard Flllranre. Onblsniarnto this ronnlry. be waa aeain el^ed to tbe Leglalstan of North Camllna. In 18S9, declining a nnomloailoo, he ntlred to private life and the ponult nf iiteratnn. tntt aeverthelesi loond time to Mrvo as a delegate ta the Peace OoDcressof 1961, and ataotolbe National Union Coaveoilon held InPhlladel pbla. Pa., In 1909—White Balphur Sprlnga, Ta.. Sepu .l, agvd ahoatTQL Tb; B'i»wn r»| rfi „. _ _ Bank of Alleabeoy. Pa., in«aldent of tlie Gas Company of id for many yean Identified with the rannl* BLTSB. Dr. W. W.—Onnn, N. J., Sept 9. aged 9L BBOWK, John. Jr.—Pnaldent of the Beoood National ui27oarhataB4UQkM oereMVi^^^ Mlu ablta throagta ahSU la oardflOl^ tJlfroagh tte.wl«d«r^ao!ng OUti^ mUng OBr.ehaBber and atagtng the Bvarrfeanaehaaatlriagmoskoetarr* ,. fol!ewiaieinnm«n!cettoB to the prntar. *S^^2itSf- that dty. an d... cipe! aoTrnment, barln'f .erred In CooocUa eud fliled eeToral other psblle patlileoe le the csmmunliy. At the time of bf> deetb he waa a member of the Poor B«>ard— Alleebrny. Fe., Bepl. L BRnCE, n. Amniy—Adraaa ageat for iliewe, etc (See XlHellaoeoua Show Kewe)—Boiton. Meaa.. SepL 4. COt'IHaTON. John T.—4er>ed dorioe the wariniee foaitb Bf)|lment K. T. T. (Flrat 8«oit Lire Ou.nlal. n' which he be amee llenteeant—Brooklyn. N. T.. SepuS. CARDO. Jeenb N., Sr.—Tbo oldeit IItIdk editor la tbe Sonthj barlor for oe^rly aereaty-flve year^ '>ern con' nected with 'niariMton. A. O.. ana Parannab, Oa., neira par>«r«—the Utter olty, Ao(. 30, aged tl. CREED. William u.—Member oflba Edward J. Sband- ley AaaocUtloe, end elwt of the Touna Men*. R C. aernl.Bt AuocltUon, both of tbla eliy—Here. SepL 3. eeedS. DWYER. William—Fiiilllft (Bee Ring Department)— San rraneliien. Cel., Sapt. 9. a«ed 34. ■ FOX, Jnbo—Deielled ee court-offlcer In Jadoe Walih'i Coart. Bronklyn, L I. Had been on tbe police force einon IS7—teat city. Scot. 7. ORANOEKIB. i>ardenne do U—French Jonrna1l^t.en(t cnotrlbntor to Im Fiffnn and £it Otiiloif, Dnrlnff.tbe Frmooo-Pma^leo war. he orcanlied tbe "Ambulance de U Preaae,'* which reo'lered eSrlent ecrrlc. In recline the hnncry end relierlne tbe wnnoded eoldlery. Torihli be ntlred Ibe d.cAr.ll<^n of the liocloo oi Zloaor—ParU. Frince. Air. in, eeed 38. noLD.iMrrH. Hia. Meria—DaaclileT of tbe Ute Ber. John OoTdimlib, D. D.—Scwtoo. L. I., Ane. 30.' UALLAOURR. llherlee C—Vlco.cbancellor of M.'rrtle Lodee. Ko. 2,Kol|ibUor Fvtblaa, and well knowo ae a iwei.ii<«tear or JacbaonrlUe. Fla tbat place, Avf. 29, aged 18. O RAVZn, normr, W.—A well-known cltlreo, end eiKO a member of tha Bxeelslor Klahloc Olabof Ihlacllr—here, Sept. I,*xedaz. ORBOORT, Mre.—Kntberof A. W. Ore'OrT, low com- edian et the Capitol Theatre. Albaoy, N. T.—Baflalo. N. T.. Septl. BQBBARD. Hon. Demee—Elected to Contreee In 18M, herlne prerlonily aerrod two Teen <d ibe K- V- Slate A*- aembly-Symnia, If. T.. Sept-1, arod 68. Hir^VAN. Robert Alniletou-TA noted ehareele'- in WaahlnirinB, D. C . In former yean, end earlonily koewn, ramble TopnlRhnnm nf drru. ea "Beau Hlcksaan" and "The American Bivn BrQDimel"—WaiUiigtoD, O. O., Anc 30. e«e^ eboot 60. HILLIARD, Rer. Stacy W.—Paelor of the MeUiadlet Epiecopal Chnicb et Perth Amboy, N. J. Hed been pre- eldlne eld.r for meny dlatrleta. end eUo a delexete to tee Oeneral Conrerenco—that place, An(. SI, a«ed 41. nOPSON, William A.—BMen eon of Ber. OUrer Hop- eon or Heenn, a..—<blee!iy, Aof. SI, eced ST. HDDSON. William—An eld and reepected oltlien of Hartford, CL In early life be wee e printer, end la aeld to have printed the flrat Bible that "".""l.^ tnm a praa In tbla cnontry—tbat city. SepL t. JOKES, WiillamT.—Hemberof EnterprlaoLodie, 5o. 39, F, and A. K., end alao of the New Jermey Yacht Club of RoNlkeD—the latter city. Sept. S, a«cd <a EI.NO, Fdwani—Of tbe llrm of Bhodee, Kiu t Co. of Ihieellr-berv. Ana.SI. LAIIONT, Cherlea A—Tsllnesilal member ofthe K. T- Etock Eicbaeiie- Fell ft«m a window of bliteeldeBce— thta dir. SepL afei) 47. McILUAHOY; Obarlee—Brotber-la-Uw of Ibe Hnn- Jobn Kelly, end promlneotly Idanllfled with tbeDrmoe- rMyof tboweet .Ide, beioe e member nr tb. Mlotb Ae* aemblr DUtilet Qenenl rnmmlllin iMi dty, SepL 1, *^(SoLS. Edwlit-Ei .aldarmaa of BrooUya, N. T.. aod MB Of the lale Saanel Mkhola-Hempataad, Ii. I., ^V^&Ni^Vnutarn—Sergeant trmnpetar In the Brltlah array, having aerved nader the two Genrgea, WUHara the Fonrtb aod Queea Victoria. Ha waa with tbe army dar- ing Ua occupancy of Parte, aad aUoat Waterloo—thu dty* nnderlbofoiegolDa,cliram»U«ea. acd k"»jn|^"f.V am BO longer a aoldler of tho Orr»«a. I ahall have » draw DOB yoorploua brigade Thenlbn. plaaeeaooept '"i.'iTf/.'^SS'ri-wio wrtle. letlen ft«nTt««K SStWI^WpXT^raJ^^^i^^^^^^^ Ser. I waa datij and waoled to get ™h»i-4*S; ahowed me lota a lavatory Cor tadlaa »b<1.o(Bc»<i"1^ poai^out water, aoapod a towel and aaddenlf took lao by tho hack or the noek and waabed »T =?• w" •larad nnt open my eyaa nor month to pntaat. bat mayoe ^"Ko?Ahwof "Bnrof Thee" waa onoe a »" «f waallta and rwd aortal P»*»lte». apeot hU foriaoo aoJ waa cast off by tbe lady he lorea. Wharefon the ooog-worda •'O'l aad for Iheai be recMved about $100,0001 wmrda locked op lie Neweaatle prUoa oa » e>»»«l®' gaiT. aad uon died of a broken heart befon ha waa vraoiht to trial* . Tiwm mea lately aaade a bet that theyeoold remala awakafer aarea eoaeetalva daya and e«hta: and one of them anmeded In the nndertafclog, thou|tb he loat twen- ty.fl»e ponnda of fie»h. Two fell aaleap at tbe MP*'*"" of onebuadrod aadtblny bouta; another waaatucked wliblaflaranutlon ofthe lanva andoompelled todofln: and tha other fall aaleep on bonebaok. fell off, and bnke ^ —*Tba following aentence, written ont fall, waa lately prononnced by a juatlce ofthe peace In OalnneU C«,, O^: ••lot tbe primer BiaN Up. yo. air, baa bin Fonod Oullly. ft tried avtbeOITenBanfahaltn at yourNabor.^ Tn abal theabo took ftnm tbe bar OT thla onurt by tha bononble baleefoflblaeeurtandarTyed Into the adjieea eoanty av nk-Dale, A tbar yn ahall nmaln In Bverlaatin banlah- ment fbrarer twm tbe bononbU; coontf of galnnett" ~e a teteennbopentor, after aeveral fatlle attnmpU to HUbiuh oimmankatloD with the neitoflloe, when tbe opentor waa a y«ang lady, at laat aueoofled la getting a reaponae. wbenapon be telenanbed: *'I have beea trying togat yon for tbe last half honrl" Tewhkh came the prompt nply: -Thal'a sotblnc. Then U a roona maa hen wba*a been trrlng to do tba aame thing for the laat two vcan. and he baan't tot me yet" — In aoMking of oar prmanmrorm City gnrennent an evenlBK paper aaya: **Thn cliV debt goaa on iDonaalng, bnt wedon*tmind It. NewTorkenan people of large 1dAaa.and thelrbobbr la *prinelpla.* Tbny*d nlherhan an 'boDoat maa* ta effloe and lose ten mlllloua year than let a roKue ateal tea oeota.** Aod It doea aoeraaatbovgh the man who wnte that knew aemetblag of tbe matter wheraof he wrote. . ... ..i... » — A verification of the aaytng **ICanvanla bnt Utile.** eta.,narbofQandln tho caaa ofa man wbo for tao yean baallvad alone on an UTand In Monaehead Lake. Me. hla dwelllnit heing a drr-^ooda boa In Bnmmer and a boga- haad tn Winter. Hla food haa been of the wild predneta of aatan, and hla dr«a baa eoet him BA for the whole ten yeara. — Jeoklna haa gone to the ooanlrr. and In a letter 'Srritee np" a anojftt aa fbllowa: the lengthening ahadnwe merge one Inlo aootber. betokening the end of day, the ildgea and aplraa of tbe dty aoem girt with mol* ten gold, vrblle the mellowed light of the deollnlog ana hila npoa theai, aad aooo apoa all a raby tloge o^er- Bowa." -~ A, Verapbta Jnallne lately hit npon a novel way of aet- tlloganao bn^gbt befon Dim Involving the owneiahlp of a gwMA. the bird bains elaJmed by both parties tho ■ntt AfterpaUentlykearlngall tbe evidence he tbougbt Itooly **Jn«t''to take the gooaa himself and fine eaoh of thedalmanta — Already an tti^ beginning to talk of balldlng term bntela In PblladMpbia for the aocommodatinn of expected Tliltorato tba renteonlal Eahlblttoo. It la propoud lo bnltd *Hhe Urgeat hnUl la the Onlted Buiea" on the cnand now oeoapled by the Penoaylvania Ballroad ^^IJtl^gend, who waa bora a Bnaalan anbjeet In 1749, and onn waa enok for Catherine Tl, and alao aerved In tbe rvtka In tbe Ruaalan army from I7M ta IBIi. lately died, leaving a yoethfal eon of nlnety-ati to ablft for him' aolf. — A yoonr lady of lAwnncerlUe lately (hrealeaed a fickle wftoer with a anit for breach of pmmlae. bnt oora* promlMAd fnr all dnllan and a new awlleh. And one of the oppAaltft aav, who *'hDnwa hnw It la bIraaelV eaya **nnr^nltad Ion la tha tootharho of the aooL'* — Ao Inwa editor lately *'nado one'* of a cnqaet party^ and nnwbe oinnrnabManae he bnan*t a **pea pinched by the qae*n of fblrlea fTma tho brif htRat and moat gar* gennaiy tlnu^d taft of the bird nf panidiao, and dipped la golden Ink." to write a deacriptlno of It. — A nader of one of oar religion* weekllea aaya: **0a aay qneatinn Involving tbe helcht of «candlattlck. tho hreadih of an aliarcJoth. the lengib nf a genefinrtloit or the depib of ao alma bann. lu fervor U apoitoUo and lu logto Ar1aU>t]UtL*f — Anrilonia yontb lately told hla cweelbeart not to vnrita ra*h warm letter*, bccauae. ahoaUl tbey never marry and tbe offnalftDB t»e nad tn ooart In a bnacb of prnmlie eaae,-abe*d be anra to obtain damagea. She doean*t wnta to blm any mon, and he la ocbaDpy. — A ITentDrklan belnr very alck and. aa he aald, *'aboal to<iblp to,** aeat ff>r a mlolater, when hla patient wife re> marked that It waa all nooaenae: all of bia family had dindand cnnn tA—(when nlrlaterean not aappoaed to ■o). and abe dMn't mr^ any n.m*t tn dlTfillna th^m. — PbUade]phia.Jndelngfnm Ibe deatb colnroatof lla dally p^pera, nnst be aclir of nl<l fnlka. Dorlncthe flrat half of the pra«4nt year T>.^ PMlc Z4^9*r baa aooonnced the deeeaaeof thrre bandred and Iweaty-elgbt penoaa who were over ilabty ya«ra old. — Three braihera In Naw Bampahtn lately married tbm ladlea, their relatlooablp belog mother. dan«hter. and gnnddanahtftr; and now thry an nnhapny becanae they eaaU UU what relation their chUdran will be to each other. — Pa aa e unei ■ oa one of tbe North River vtmmera wen nncb amnved00 elate trip by rudlni tbe following ne- tlee. poated lo the eviona: "Loat—a Tallao cnntalnlncaev- eral manoaeript lerraooi tn wrillor, and other artlolea of Qlothlnc. Inqolnof Rev. J. P." — M New Londoner baa beantlfiod bla carTlage<boa8e by Enttlng tbereoo a weatber^raae mT*reaenilng ap-ckof onnda In pnnnlt ofa deer, and ooatlort2,(n>. It la aald to be **a beaatUul plrtan, and the hoatler takea It Indoon at Blvbt" — Thenan aevmty-flvemateh fhcioriea In tbe United SUtea, la which 1.600 peranna an employed and a capital ef nearly two mllllnna of dollan Inveatad—their pnoacU amoantlDc lo S3.GUD.QQ0 a year. — Mr. W. GliUner, a Jonraeyman aboemaker who b» eame popular tbnnab the feandinc of aa odncatioa leane. la to be a eandldatn for mrllamoat at the nut gaaani eleetJon In BIrmlnghaaL. eng. •—A market nrdaner baa the fotlowlor aoiloa watad on bla renonft: **aentlemen and ladlea an reaneaCMl not to Btoal tnr^lpa.' Othefperaona, If detected, wUI be proa- aEmlad." — A Pottavtlle fatbartboa advertUea: "FairOffer.—To tba Poblla—I have too many boy* and no girla. Two bon eame to my booae laat nIahL Tbey an twlna, and I Will awnn one or botb nf tbem for a gIrL W. U. B." — In Parta It la Dntnd aa a alngolar fhct that tboae Amaricanawbo aooneat aalo a koowledfte of the Fnnch langnan an either alngle men or married men onacoom* paaled by tbelr wlna. — An Oregon chip nnt long ago took hla wife that waa to be oat fnr a ride and dliputed wlih tbe tolUgate keeper for overcharging hira, whereat tbe lady became ladlgoant and nfuaed tn nUr> tbe eogagemant — SiK weekaaco ao Illlonla widow fainted away at tbe gnvoof ber bnabaod, aod all nlchi lay In an uneonacloaa atatfr—her a^oae* have now retuned, and abe la the happy wife of another hnaband. — Pmaed brleka with enameled face* ef any denlnd color, with a anrraoe that can bo cleaned like giau and le Impervlona to wateror acldi, an being raaaoractared In Pltutnirgh. — On aouant of the cholera, an Alabama Ann an. nnaneea the daea nf tbelr af>da-wat«r aland, bat their "tlckeuwlll be redeemed with a nllable cholera mla* tare.'* —A novel fealen of tbe Caledonia Clnb gamea at Beraoton. Pa., waa a fU-women'a raco^tba prite a oew bonnet Tbollthtcit ef the competltnn. of whom then were fonr, weighed isnih. tbe heavlnt2Sl. — A goaalpor from one of nar waterlng-placea aara the belle ofa Ute hall"woraaahnwy whlio are«a ealfreoed wltb piDfc, wblch waa la harmony with her Jolly good nainro." •» '» — **6beet and pITIow-caao niaaqnendea"anbcromlae qnlte "oimmon" at waterfog-plaee hotela. No doubt tha ■beeta and oaaea an "oommon" ennngh. — Caoea of abonr with knob bandlMoat of which come email allk fkni bandmmely dtKwnted and edged with laoe. an the lat<>*t of Inia dotcUIm for ladlna. ^—An arcbltertamlrriile aaya the plan forCbteago'a new Coart'hoaae lookallkea "cluar hoc with a pickle-bettte at one end, aod a lot of pepper caatora on top." — A Leong Tataod convrAcatlOD lately held a apeclal aer- vice to pray for rain—moai of them got a thorough aoak. Ing at they were homeward bound. — In forty yeara tbe popnlatlon of Lnndoo, Eng., baa donbled. and the namber of firea have trebled la twoaeon jeara, — Itlaeatlmated tbatlK>,000 children an emntoyed In the racjoriej of New York, their arense earalng belog about B3 a week. ' — A Long Iiland placlcniiurlat fJiamatca bti prnQufor the pan four yrara at half a million dollar*—and bla bujluei* larapidly Increaaloe. — All old maid laya ahe knowa by ber own eiperience tbat the aaylnc "man propoaea" la a haao lie—abe'wlahea 'twaa tbe tnitb. — The cream nf Long Branch aodetynfreah themaelrea wlib buiienniik pnnch. — A faahlooable trimming for wedding dreaaea la flowen ofmoibart)!' pearl. — It haabeec noticed that tha moat ertnvaeant people at Sommer rrvorta are old mea with yonng wlvea. — A Mexican plaut which will cun Daldneaa baa lately been diwnvered. — Tho Vieooa Eipoaltinn balldlngscostaboQt$10,000,000 —tt.UfU.OOU more tbau U was eKilmaicd tbey would cnat. — A court martial recently decided tbat It waa ungentle, manlrcnnduci 10 murder A man. — Tbe cook at a Lafayette hotel * la anzloaa to wager tbat ha can kill, dreta and cook acblckan InaU ninaiea. . — Several yean api large aooui oi money were loat In a acheme for aupplyiog Loudon with mlla tlirougb plpea. PxTOB n THX Pot. —A matab for a eopper came off at Kliig*a* Weat Forty-aeoond etreet. tbla dty, on the 30Ut DlL, the contaetante being lUke Walah and Cbarlef Williams agalnat Tommy Johnson and Johnny Wooda (wbo played Instead of Frank Kar- ahall. who waa Tmablo to oome). The match vraa wltneaaed by a large erowd of the edmlnn of thla exdtlng game The Booreatood» at the ooacloalon— Willlama and Walah. Cl; Johnaon and Woods, 40. The largeat nn waa 6 poloU. made by both Walah and Johnson. Gonaidenble money changed bands; Tom Devlin end Charley JlnkalnelnThcavUy. WaUh, who waa decidedly the more aUUfol player, won hie pile. Wooda waa verj nervona, and pliyed badlT. The aapper came off on Wednesday eveningp 3d InaU Two QUOIT UTCBsa are to be played dnrlng tbe pieseotweek at Jamea HcLaren'a gronnds, Ko. 2Sb Ogdcn street. Newark, N. J. The flnt labetween HeUy Peanon of Fennaylvanla, and Donglai, a Scotch expert, and will oome off on Taeaday, 9th Inst. The prlnelpala in the aeoond. whloh will take pisee on the lith, an Pearaon and Balph Hagiu of Patenon. Eaohmatahlaror$200aalde. . Sent XagedBL' OLNBT. Di , — officer, and bpm la Paris. Adoptlog tha name mother, be bevan adalt liraaa a leader of Un< gaagca. and aahaeqneatty became widely known tbnogh* ont Great Britain in oonnectlon with maeh and ether Deacna. James—A foramoat member of the Flrat Baptlat - Church, Pawtncfcet, B. L—that place, AnK. 31. OWBNS. FnC Ttaoraas—Maglelaa. (Bee KLscellaaeoos flhow Kewa)—8t Loola. Ma, Bent X _ _. POROUET. H. Poowlck do—Boo of Captala Fenwlck. an Bngnsh " . — . . - of bla - ^^reat B rtuin in nnnecl ian~withr l^neh and -—- tanlfp ecbeleeUo weike. Wiat tbe text Bay yeue or hie lire be wrote eod nnbliebed opwarie of enuty worke. tlie ben known of which U " Le TKur." lou t tait beok la th. Beetua eehoele—Louden, Bee., noeaUy, ec«l TT. , BBID.Oheeter taheB—PDnnerty}<id«a of the CImIt Coeit ot Boeten, ud ncmtlr Altoniey-jieBem eod Jadn ofthe Beperlor r-onrt, Heee,—Whlt.9uphw8pilB^ W. T>.,EepL a. Bind eboDt Ul ^ BINtW, Hoa. D.—Flnt Chlef-laetlee of Aifcuuu, ud for tweleareue O. S. Jodee of the Baitern PiMHa of Afkaoaub-UilleBeek, Arfc.,8ept.8.eiadn SATBB8. AtUaa—dletvor iVe let* Bot. OUbotH. Auto, D. D.—JetDilc, I. L. Sept. I, end Th.^ TITiFkeB. Bneene-SoD of the ^ee. Mr. Tackar, a B*p- tinelenymenoT Braaewlck, Ha. Dtawnad while baib- laj-ttei place, Aoc 30, aceS a ~TAVIX)B, cWlee —Kaown la Ibe elreoe arjaa ae Cherlee Orabam. (Sea Clme DmattaeaU—SI. 'aaeph. Mo.. Sept. S, ated M. . ^ ▼BSTBia^ Cario, Coast of Timii * loaBbar of tha ealebratcd veetrle fhmfly. ud onea a fUBoaJi daoea^ Flareiie<,luly,neeat]y, andtr. ' . VEDBTO, Cherlee—A deucUea attached la the Caabal PajkMOa. Braoklya. L—Uat oltT, Bejt. a, ued 41. WlbUBUI, WUIIam—A weH-kaawa catUe-dealer of Baltloiora, xd. CommllteA ralddo—Koul Uvf Ba- Met. Md., Ao(. SL . . _ WABD. UtC Cero'lne "BrowB—Belhil af'lhajata Dr. Sameelli. Werd-BeUeTlIIe,II.J.,tepua, andn. _ ^ WABO, Thoiaae C—f=oB ol the lata I>r.Tlaaa ward orihleOiT—Detnlt,llkh.leBLL WIDBIf.Oeptaln Joeeph—3].d ftSB.laiall' fkam tha anloelea of u* ttfi»T Q«oqi« 0 Best. II. AUaatle ra Malaal. at Bn>eklea.l( T. Brut. 11, rhlledelphte Te. Soetoa. at nllede'.phU, Pa. BepL U. Allutu ee. Pkltede'ohU. at Braokiyn. W T. 8cpL U, K^ul n. l■hlladelphI^ al Braokl>iOi- T. FHIbiLDKIiFIUA WS. ATBUBTIOl SB :PBII>AI>RU>Bua mK-SCOUE. S TO 0. (ricuL.¥iiraTC« to, »m« nw raac currn. ■ The .Utl><)i!>inploDiblB.caiBa batweaa thaelaM aboTaaam.dwupUTi<Su Uia Bcooaii at Jeffenon and Twenty-flflb atreeU. PhlUdalpUa. Uoadv.^- tarnooD, BepL 8, <a the preteasa of naarlr fbor taoa. aand peraona. Tha weather. aUhenfli elDOdy^wu tamnbla. ani tba graanl In hit eondUloD, ai- eapt tha eatdiet'a poiltlon. Tba Phllidelptalia woo the game la tbe flret lonlof, meklog foar no- aaraed moa by anora ol Anaoo ud UcOury. ud Ualoia'iudHerarla'igoodbattlsa.. Intliaiecoal and fonith lonlua tba Atblallci earned aloglea by tha food batUof ot Bntton, McHolIln, MeOeary aod Flaler, nd Is tba tblrd Inning tbey aoored three nnvmad mna by tha poor play of Meyerta, Fol. mer and Wood. . Tbe phUadalpblai earned tbelr only ron In tbe Iblrd Inning br » twe-baee hit of Beobtel'a, ud aoeied tbe winning mn In the eeTenin InslBgby Cnthberfe gMdhltend ll»ea«»»em him at aeMni baae by Seaeb udMoOeaiT. ne AthleUa ontBelded tbelr opponenU nOer the flnt Inning, HcMiUIn doing tbe beat pUylng. rolmer did the beatfteUUng for the Pblladalpuaa.^nie^am.waa B.lare.1. 1 1 I ' ....0 0 1 ....I 1 t ....1 1 T ,.. .0 0 1 ... .1 1 * ... 1 I » -..0 1 » ..0 I 6 u exoaadlngly exciting one. * Tbe aoora Paiunnrata. WoMl.tdh Meleoe,e Meyerle. Mb. Bechiel, rf... Pulaer, ee..., TreMy, ef.... D<nlia,letb.., ZetUeiB, p.... ■.Iaro.1. .1 s 3 - ...1 0 ...1 t ...1 t ...I I ...I 1 ...0 I ...0 0 ...0 0 Anuna 0 jreOeary, e e... -'lleBrlde.p \neeB, Itl b.... Filler, let b Fl.ber, rf. floltno.Sdb.... nepp, e Marnaa. of.-... TeUIf. Pblledelpbia. ... eivjr a letale » »1 ! • • <» 1 2 2~S Alhlelle' ...0 1 S t 0 0 0 0 »—* Boaeairied-Atbletlo. J: PbnadelpblJu L Beje. on e"i!l.A»hIeHe. T: Phlledelpbl., sT Dmplra-lf. B. Tenag, WaehlDftea Club. Time—lh.flnn. BOBTOIC we ATl<&HTTO. ■ (er ntaoaApa.) The metnb on Sept. 8 at Boelen, Kui.. nfultad In a TlototT for the Boitoni by tbe following eooie ot S J ^ S 'S S S S=iS VBplra-Mr. IioweU. _ ^ BnjTCAXi we. mTIlTOTOV. Tbeee olaba bad a praetloe game togetber at Brook- lyn. N. Y., Sept. 8, wblch reaolted In tbe anceea of the Matnale by the appended MOte. Ifgler waa eb- aant. ud Pbelpa played tn tbe Untnil nine In Ui iSoi. The AdutK. are to pUy tbe MotmOa on oiiaraday, Initead of Wedneaday. u aimonnoed In the daily papen. tbe cbwge being made on aooonnt of theUloon aaoeoalon on Vedneadar. Tbe Mntnala play tba White StoeUngi on Satorday; tbe AtluHcs play tbem the preTloni da*. I«Bie, XCbi iai, U, _ rccelred O. WaU'-St./ Tn Bnna Aeeooune held tbelr anooal plcnlo It StMldley'i OtoTa, Bererly. Haaa.. Sept. 3, at wblob aerara] prlaaa were offered fbr oompetltlon ud awarded aa foQowa: Bonnlng isoe, J. Bowe ud Hr. Condon; Jomplng, Xeaan. Condon ud T. Dally: tbrawlag Ulb. wetAt, M. O'Connell, wbo coreied Sift, ain.: dandng, B, T. KaAny and Hlaa Uary A. I>BnnwAnB aas Waus played a oaolt match at rtankford. Pa., Sept. 1, for $Wn aide, tbe former winning by a acere of (1 lo M. TRIGGER. TBa naaon KATOH between Obarlea Townaend of XngUihMelgbberhood, H. J., and Tbomaa Broad- way of Maw Totk, for S2Wa side. 30 alngle Mrdj eaoh. ai Tarda riae, n yarda botmduy, l]{oz. abot, nnd. trap aad handle for each other, came off at Oonsy laland Sept. 8. Aftar abeetlng at twanly- thiee bteda e«d>. Towniend kUllnglT'Ct hla utag- Vet'a la, a dlapnte oceoTred. and Broadway refna- Ins to oontlnne wbu ordered to do ao by the ref- oee. tbat ofldal deolared the atakv fbrfaltad to Towmead. Befeiee, J. H. Wlngata. Jndgea—H. A. Orean ud Weetbonma. 'onr WoLB an Wtea Bwzimran abot a pigeon match for $100, flfty alnglea (Mb. U yard* rlaa, 80 yaidabll.las abot, plnnga trap, at Omlooa. Iowa, Sei*. 1, the fbrmer winning by a aeote of 48 tod8, oneof hlablrda ftlllngdeadontof boimda. Bwaar^ Ingea bad the adnnuge In blrdi, and, ill thlngi eonaldared, the abootlng of Wolta la nguded aa Ihr npeilaT tn that of hla ulagonlat. Xo«D If naa of BelleTllIe ud S. K. Qnlmby of Morrlatown. N. J., abot a plgeoil 00 .i. gT. Mrda eaeb, ai yaida riae. 80 yarda ftll. \}i<a. abot, H trap, for $300, at WaTarly Paik B»t. i. Kyen woBiUningSatoblaaBtaconlat'e 98 oat o(4L A. Tan TaUanbnis of Kawux wi* lefcm. MOTOAL. Phelpe. r r illfbem, e:..,.. HelOeld.1 f.... Biert, l.t b...., NelioD.Sd b... AlllUD. c f Mailbewa, p 9 3 Oedoey, 2d b 1 I Holdiworth. ••...1 5 a.lB.ra.A. TanHonv. B.laro.A. . .1 0 e 0 Orawfard, o 3 0 6 I ..SITS Bailey, c f. 0 DID . .1 a I 0 Joyce, ee 0 I 1 3 ..I I 4 0 Blockmee, 1 f. 0 0 4 0 ..3110 McOoTem, Ut b..l 180 ...J 1 t OHutmao.Sa 0 0 4 0 ~ ~ I I Uojlblln. Id b....l 1 0 » 1 1 itnyder. r f. 4 I I 0 1 I n. CampbtU.p....! _1 J J Totals n 19 17 6 Total. 6 S 37 U MaloalT..... 0 S 8 3 1 0 3 0-20 IrriDltsa .0 DOOllIOI—e Pint b.M by «mr.-lf«laAl. U: IrrtniBon. t Bone camad-Motnai, 6: Irrlniton, X., Telel Beldlnt errtu Mateel, II: IrTlaetoo, M. Umpire—Mr. SwudeUef the Boolute Clnb. Time—lb.a)ni. ATHiATio we. WAsnnroTOir. The Weehtngtona conolnded tbelr week'a tonr on flept.8, etPhilade1pble,bypUylog there tha atxih cbampleneblp game of tbelr aerlea with tbe Atble- tlca. Tbe weather waa eool ud pleaaut. yet tbe attendance waa Tery email, few peiaoni knowing of tbe "flitare." Tbe Atbletlee bad won tba Aee pi«- cdlng gamea Tery eeally by the reepectlTO acorea ef 11 to 8, Ii to 3, 30 lo U, 14 too, ud 7 to 3, ud were backed at long odda to win tbla eonteat In a eonpla of iDnloga. Al Beaeb waa played on tbe Albletlo'a Bine Inatead of Hnmu, wllb a Tlew to alrengthen- Ing them at tbe bat, Anaon atialn playing aecond baae, and Flaler flrat. altbongb a change tbr the better might be made by Beacb and Anaon eicbug' Ingpoeitlona. Tbe Atbletica batted Tery freely, aod with ooDBldeiable effect in thla game, eapedally In the eeoond, tblrd, flfib ud elgbtti Inolnga, when they made fonrleen mne on fl/teen baae bita. Flee fleldlDg enon, bowarer, preTentad mora tban three mna belog earned. Tbe fieldtog or the Waablng- tona waa Tery ebarp In Ibe other flve innlnjn, Init three errora being eommllled, aod in two Inataneei tha playen tbo* reaching Ibe baiei were "donbled np." In the aecond inning of tbe Waablngtoni, Thomaa drore a fine ban to left centee for three baeea. and ecered a'nm. elded byClapp paestoffa ball, the other ran eoored by the Waabloglena being In tbe ninth Inning on baa4blta by Bellaakt, HUM*, and Donnelly, ud u error of Aneon'a. Tbe oateh* Ing of Clapp, ud aeeond.baae playing of Thomaa, wrre tbe moat noteworthy featnrta of tbla game, which wu Impartially nmplred. We glTe below tbe acoie, tbe Athletloa decidedly ont-plajing tbelr op- ponuta ATatma MoOcary. e a 1 MeBride.p I AoBon.l b ....1 PUIer, lb t Puhcr. rf......... J Bolton, Sb I Clepp, e 1 ttriSi. at I 1 *.laro.A- WAaaiBUTon (lleno, 1 b. Bellasal, rf..... HInee. I f. Donnelly, c f... Tbfmae. lb n.Iaro.A. ..• 0 a ~ ,.1 I I ..0 I 1 oil .lis .0 0 0 Crbeldt. e e 0 0 0 Wunn.Sb 0 0 S Snyder, e ,.0 0 3 ^El..ifTiJtSi M.hlhtDiA«.'lMVew Aeka woold SSadMntowU^PMUl*. Sd tBIoStaSTroStStb.bat U8.W. Rtt IB tba flrat and aeerod tinning* a play by Bamea and 0'aonrke_Jiata«^ the only (tatare. On tba third losing the doable annia of llaoUi.rernaonud Pierce, aeei SSS^iS. SXraeTUth inning tbe Boatona SSSa »??lVe by £ood t«ttln& Cg*.?.'^ going to the bat, Ibe game »«» J^.«» £2^?* Sl^nt UTmatarlil ""t-""V„V* 45! £Sjf25 wan^ictorlon* by B acore of »J»i;, J*» Ibe part ofthe Boitone wta ptoed tody. The e-ort- lent pitching of Spalding aid *S»*'^J^*i^r* Wblteweretmportutfeatniea. FortieMiato«.tje pl?;^";maeratcutre.flaldwaa the only tedJMBj ing batoreof tbelr play. Pergneon mala atrem jOg flne pUknpa. BotToa. O. Wri|bt.e e.. Bareea.ld b.... JS^n-i'^i'}::::: While, c O'Reuke, let b. Addy.rf ficbefer.Sd b.,. U. Wrl«al,eC. - Xhe fbllowing U tbe acore: ■.lB.roa. .3 3 .« 1 ..4 4 4 1 ..4 3 0 1 ..4 4 11 ..14 7 0 ..0 Its I ..B 0 a 0 ,.3 3 f 3 ..4 a 5 e ATi.Anl& Bexlew.a. raaica, a a...... ■Mb. r f Pei«eaB.Mb.. Bai%ck, Id ».., Bfllt. P Oeblmaa.Iilb.. Pebor, I r. * ef 11 0 r-li .0011 .0 0 3 3 .0101 ..0 13 4 .0 0 3 8 .0 0 0 3 .1 1 13 1 ,.0 0 10 ,.0 0 S 1 1 SX7S 1 S-S I O-l Touli J3 38 tr U lolale.. BeitoB 0 a a 0 1 0 AttuUe 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - Buna eamed-Boetsa, a; Alleetle. a nnt baee en .^ra-Boeten. 8: Atlantle. L Tetd enet*-Batlan,3: Allutle, Uk onplre—Ur. OemoiaeL tuae In —■ TRB) CHAnPIOXSHIP II=<X>IID. Tbe following table glTta tho ctmca played np to data, eyeiT game being nadlttd aa a TUto7 to tbe oinb haTlng the larger aoore, iReepcettee of uy qnaatlonoflegaUty. which wlU be Anally aettled U the doae of the aeaaon. AlhleUe Atleniie BeJtlmore...... Beaton MeTyUad Meteal PblUdelpkla.., Beifllele WaaktafitoB..,. Defeela., ..luiaiit'iiii ami am Miit» CTiA Beeton. Atbletle: PhlledelpbU. Baltlmoie.... Mainal ■ Weeblncton.. Atlutic . .JS ...JS ...J4 ...JS ....a ....33 71 71 SS 6S 67 43 U 8 Z.IS 196 Lai ITS i-in Ltd TotaU J4 17I7 8 Totele 1 S 17 16 Athletl... _....0 6 3 0 4 0 0 3 8-14 WaeblB|ton....0 1 0 8 0 0 0 0,^, 1—3 Bona Mrned—AtblMle a. - Bi e e e on e uu ie Atbletle 8; WublnelonS. Umpire—Wm. Mcl,eu of the CanaTU Clnb.—Time—lb. Ibm. _ BTDTVAI. wa. ATHLBTIC. The fifth ebamploDiblp game betweu the Untnala and Atbletica waa played on the 4th Inat, on tbe ground of the latter clnb In PbUadelpbla. The weather conld not baee been more ihTornble, yet the Umltcd publicity glTon led to a amall aaeemblaoe only being preaent. Tba Atbletica took the lead In the Moond limlnff by making a ooople of rone by the good batting of Flaler ud Clapp. tbe latter bitting weQ fbr two beaea. Tbe Mntoala made a alngle In the same liming by u error of Fialer'a and a ebarp aafa hit Ity Oedney. Tbe Hntnela took tba lead In tbe third inning by makiag three mna by three baae blta and errora of Snllon'a and HcOeary'a. Anaoo'a and Fis1ar*a good batting ud Holdaworth'a mnillng gaye tbe Atbletica a mo In the fOartb inning. In wbleb tbe Mntsala earned one by Eggler'a aplendid three b a ae bit. The Mntoale Inereaaed tbelr lead In the eixtb loolog by aoorlog uother mn by errora of Sottoik, Anaon ud HoOeary. Tbe excitement waa intaoae wbu the Atbletica In tbe eighth inning tied tbelr opponenta' aoore by the good batting of iuaon ud Flsbar, tbe latter Baking a apleniUd tbree-baae bit and coming home en Bntton'e lilt mtiffed by Holdaworth. The Atbletica were blanked in tha ninth inning, althongb HcHolUa bad beu mlaeed on the fly by Oedney, and the Hotnila than won tha game by aoorlng two mna on errota l>y UcOeary, Sntlon. ud McBrlde. Tbe Mntoala won by their anperior fleldltig, the Atbletica doing tbe beet bat- ting. Below la the acore, glTtng all further parUco- lata: Tbe BTersgea In the bbamploDtblp aienn to data abow tba foUoElsg plarera tn be In the Tu: Hamm. oi. SoMH. aUU. Jrm L Ota. Wrlihl BMsn. Jl 71 18 1. Anaen S. Wond 4. KcVey a. Enler.. 0. Hlnra... T. Boyd.... Bbobt Biora.—Tbe Olympics of Mew Tork defeated tbe Baltlca Bept. 4; acore, IT to 10 Tbe Weat- fleld, V. J.. Olob Unsior) waxed the Payobe of Greeu- point. I,. I.. Ang. 38. acoring 13 to 13; ud on tbe 4th Inat. tha aenlor Wealflelds pollabed off the FnnkllB of Babwar; acore, 19 to 10 Tbe Fly- ewaye beat the Arcllca of Greenpolnt Sept. 3; totala, 23 to 3 Tbe AdlTea of Brooklyn, I.. 1.. wnxe beatu by the Peetlmea Ang. SO, tha flgnrea lieing 11 to 4 On Sept. 3 tbe Bongb ud Baady of JeuaeiUe Imt the BUInearflle (Pa.) Otnb, acorlsg 81 to as The Englewood IV. J.) Clab took tbe Knlck- erbockera into camp at Holwken. Sept. 8; acore 31 to 18 On Ang. 96 the Arllngtona of tbe metiopo- Ua Tialtad Bcruton, Pa., ud defeated the Hodoc ClDbby aacoreofOtoT, On tbe following day they ucountered tbe JelL O. Derla Onb. whom tbey Tao- qnlahed by a eoore of SS to 9. Next day tbey took the Enrekaa into eamp. ecoring 38 to 14 On Sept a tbe surer Stara of Kew fork beat the Qnel. daa of Onnge, M. J., on tbe fbrmer'a gronnd. Score, 13 to 8 The Sblbee got away with the Eeyatonaa Sept 4atPhlUdalpb4a, aoorlng 37 to 18. TT.MT\»,TT. Hatch. *Tbe match between PhD. Gaaey ud Jim Dnnn of Brooklyn, Ii. I., end Jamea O'Brien ud Jamea Fenn of Cblomo. beet aoTen In twelee gamea, twuty-one toes eaob, waa eon- cloded et o*Briea*e Cowt, In tbe Pbanlx City, on Honday, Bept 1. Instead of the Chicago men win- ning the irst inatnllment on Ang. 18 by a aoore of 8 to a, aa we were informed, a tie was tha resnll. each aide taking threegaraca. On the Itt inat, howerer, tb. Cbicagoana aoored 4 to a, tbna wlnolng by a eonat of 7 to 6 la tb. wbd. moriam. Tb. plm^ng tbmngbont wia aneh aa to alamp tba oonleeiuta u perfeot miatan of thla toTorlia paaOma of tha sons of old Ireland. There was qolto a anmeiona attend- uoe of apwtatora p eaaeot npon aoAb day. 8.T.Tal other malebee ware deolded daring the week, the leaolta of vUdi bad not bean zecalTed before going to prei TBa CKaimoiRBir 'ABnn.—Speelal Ingoiir Into the OMea of Addy of tb. Boston nine, ana Poainelly of the Wtabington. has elldted the lart tbat the former on Jnly 4 played In a pleksd-nlne match, aod tbat the lattor took part la a aerab match. Mdtber, therefor., Tlolated tbe mles, aad eonaeqnently the gamee of l»otb ehibo are legal ud will tie conntcd In tbe regular aeries. At Ibe meeting of tbe Jgdldary Committee in Philadelphia on tbe asd inet Ibe caaa of tba diabudment or the Resolato nine wUI be acted upon, ud moot probably Allleoa of tbe Ha- tnala aad Booth of the Atlutlcs wlU b^ abaolvad Iron tbe penalty tbey baTe lnenrTed,and the ICotoal and Atlutls games In wbleb tbey tMik part be made leslUmato eonteata. All tba Reaolato and Harylud matebee. howerer, wHI be throwa oat, aa aaltber -bib bare played tbelr qnota. ■Baaan HoQuans, the aooompUahed player, fbela rather aore orer tb. dueat of cwy ud Dnnn by tbe Ohloago ex:»rtB; ud be barlog ex- preaaed a desire to try one of the latter bimaclf, a depoelt bee been left at tbla oflUv In onppcic or a challenge from him to Hr. Feaion. or uy other man, to play the beat in aaren or nine gamee—home^nd- bome match—(Or ftom fl.OOO to (3.000. If Mr. Fearon la agreeable, he can eud articles ud a de- poalt to Tan Cuma.- SzATca IaE.Am tb. Ooifconn of BBOOKX.7ir.—A oloaaly-oonteated game waa played between these cmbe on Sept 8 at SUten lelud, ending In a TlcK,ry for thelalAod nine after a tu Inninge game. The acore by Innlngala mm followa; Cooeord 7 10000003 0—10 Staleo lalud 0 3 1 0 1 0 3 0 3 Z—12 Cl8falind.«bianaLauii.^Si£»l^ • Mooot depealt, tw a^*XB AftUATici TBM place la the vSUsSteS^,L of Baratoga Lake oTTfaAdlr^^S eniT«t weA. Sept. U a;?i?»illR! nrlona parts of tka «onatT»tnrff*V one or mora ofthe flre re^ .^SL? ' log to tbe aOblr a ebtR^%* !llck..l: Potamae.faU;^;^b'*Vti MeOeery. ee.. McBride. p u Anion, 3d b 3 Fllle,-, lit b 1 ruber, rf. I SmioD, SJb 0 Clepp, 0 1 Miinien, e f. 0 McDuilln, ir. 0 0 6 0 0 1 I 2 11 2 0 0 2 1 3 0 3 0 3 . MOTOAL. Bexler, of. Hlgbam. r f. n.taeld.Sd b Butt. Ktb NeleoD, Id b Animn, e Sfetlhewa, p nednee. If. HoldAWortb, ea.. B.lB,ro.A. 3 110 ^Totale 6 7 27 14 loUle 7 10 17 7 Atbletle 0 1 0 I o 0 0 3 0—6 Muluel 0 IXIOIOOX—7 Bane eameil—Alhletio, 2; Mntaal. I. Baaee nn emre— Alhlellc. 3; Untiiel. 11. Umpire—Charlce Folmer ofthe PhlledelphlAs. Time—2b. BXCKI<BIOB wa. R!TGL.KWOOD. Tbe old EioelaloT Olnb of Brooklyn took tha field tor tbe firet time aince tbe Spring of 1873 on Sept 4. when they accepted an InTitatlon from the gen- tlemen ol the Englewood Clab of Mew Jeraey to Tialt that anborbu retreat Ttkiog tbe 3.16 train tbey arrtTod at the Englewood depot and were cordially reoelTcd by the Englewood CTttb. After a well-playcd game on a Tery poor field, tbe aoore of which la ap- einded. tbey were entertained at tha Englewood onie, tha Excelsior OlaaClnb H.iighfing the gneata with their exoellent ainglng, Sxcauioa. l>. Cbenocnr, e. Petcre, p. B.lB.rO.A ..I I S 3 .3 3 0 ~ O. Chaaneey,Iatb.S 4 11 Fleleber,Id b. a 4. | Lawreoce. Sd b. Dohrman, e e... B«rl.«f......... Sbeipe.r f..... Weod,lf. ..1 I 3 .3 I 4 ..I 4 0 ..I I 0 ..I 0 0 TeUIe.... Becelifora..., Bnel. EaquwooB. iqi H. Delud, r f...... Demuest, 3d b... .3 Xoaroe, o 1 P.rkn. let b 2 R.Deland,Sdb....l W. Humphrey, If..1 Dene], e e 1 Jonee,p 0 E. Humphrey, o f. .2 110 0 3 0 3 4 0 13 1 3 0 I 1 2 0 I 1 3 ..It 18 II U TotaU It 9 24 7 4 8 .3 6 0 0 I 0-14 ^ I 0 4 0 I 1 S 1—a First beeebye iim e Bicelelor. 8: Bot'ewood, 10. Rob. eerned—Bxcelilor, 4; Easlawood, L Bnne glTea by field- IBS error*—Eicatstor, 9; Bnelewood, 8. Umpire—Mr. BfflllharthaKnlckerboekerClub. Tlme-lh. 4ani. CHBUKA wa. STATBiK IBLA1TD. Tbe Cbeliea Clnb of Bnwkjyn, M. 1., Tlilted Statu leland on Toeeday, 8n>t 3. to play tbelr flnt game with the Suten laland Clnbud after a well played game they eame off the Tlaton by the ep- puded ecore: _GunvIsLA». a.laro.A. VcCormeck, r f....4 wm, Id b a Hetealle. a e.. Oeryr, 9d b Caaatdy, o f. Boaeb, c nnorljcan. If Dacbaime, Istb. "ule.p I 0 3 0 0 1 3 0 1 3 0 7 0 I 1 14 I I Worth. Id b.... Maarer, let h,. Rom., e r.. Doilaid, a a.... 116 1 ...I no 0 ....1 I a 0 . II 3 8 Jeskaoa.Sdb 1 18 1 SBrs«ne, p 0 0 0 3 HilcEoock, 1 r. I 10 0 BeaTen, e 0 1-3 i Araetreor, rr....O Oil Ttotala li 917 ul Totals 8 717 18 Chelsea I 1 3 3 3 0 0 3 4-14 SUIen Talaad ..8,8 0 1 a 0 0 a ' 4- a Umpire—H. Dehlmaa, Atlantia Clnb.' Time—Ih asm. A THBAXKICAX, QABR. An exalting ome waa conteated at the Beertatlon Qronnde, 8u Frudeoo, OaL, Ang. al, betweennlsa liuuiuuaed of membera of the GuUomla ud the Al- bambra Tbeatie companlea. Tha aooie: Blee. p Lehman. Sdb..., Bymn. r f We]ch,e , Beed, If Mee,Vdb RIakey, a a Coreoran,eC.,... BaeiwS.Iatb.. Tbeatie companlea. Tba aooie: o. IL OAuioamA. ...8 8 WUIbumauB, '.'.la a ...4 I ..3 4 ..J 1 3 a ...I 4 ....a ..J ..J. ...4 jtto«,8*h::;"i 5nloy, If. 1 Woods,rf... s - , p......, noamani8d a.: , Bow,... Beniy, ef... Walker, a a,. LoB^Ieib., Hairtofl Totala... .......17 s Totala . Alhembra I P 4 1 4 6 OalUbrela 4 1 8 8 3 0 Umplf»-J. HalLBapiia Olnb. - Coyne. Tlma lb Bhn "HAJMB OF THB tVSKK. „iSf *!S*™'i!« '•»^ Pmfeartoaal coateaU took ptaos dniiag the naat week: ■2!: 1 AK!lS!C''/t'!?*'»«to"v" Phnadel*a.l4 to 7 SSI" a A^?"!""^,i«*!?«bi. •IBtSiklyn 8 3 Bept 3. Ilntnal tb. WeshlBxtaa. at Brookln Bet*.C BoatoB T8. AtUntIo, at BcatM m < Bee^ a. AlhleUe n. Wesblagtoo, ei Phlladalphla. .14 f Tbla week tbe Boatona pli^ tb* Hntada oa tbe Unlpn qronads oa Tnaaday, and tba Allutlea on wadnaadaj. THE RIMGa BXliUY DirrKR FATALIST STABBED. A telegram ftom San Frucleco, CU., abates tbat Billy Dwyer. tbe well-known mMdle-welgbt boxer, waa htally elabbed in tbat city on tba nl«ht of Sept. 6. The diapatcb merely aaya that Dwyer and a nun named John Harrlogton engaged ia a fight In a aa- loon on Jaakaon atieet, the proprietor of wbldi man- aged, with the easlatance of othria, to ejeot Ibe oom- bateata firom tbe premleea, ud that, after reaoblog the aldewalk. Herrinuton drew a dirk ud plnngeS It Into BUly'a breast InBletlBg a wonnd which caased bla death abortly afteiwarda. Tbla IntelU. aenoa win Im lecelTod with extreme aoriow by Dwyer'a trienda In thla part or tbe conntry, where hla name was almoat u familiar aa on Ibe Pacific Slope, ud where he bad muy warm frienda. wbo will ainoerely hope tbat tbe report of bia datta ia wltbont fonndation, tbongh tbe contrary. nnXortn- nately aeema to be the case. Dwyer wee bora in Connty Clan, Irelud, on Chrlatmas Day, 1838. ttood. 6rt 7yin., ud bla weight in condition was 1370). Hla parenta emlciated to this conntry when Billy waa yet a cblld, ud located in tbe Foorth Ward. Mew Tork, where be waa brongbt np. Aboat the time be attained bla majority Diryer aalled for tbe Land of Oold, ud In tb. year 18C3 be made bla de- bat In tbe prise ring, bla antagonist being Tommy Cbudler, wbo baa aince obtained mocb celebrity a« a pnglUat The battle look place near San Fruda- oo. Gat., Jnne 6 of tbat year, and efler finbtlog 04 roanda in 1 bonr and 24 mlantea. when botb were too mnch exbantted to contlnoe, tbe referee de- clared It a draw. Hla next utagtralet was Johnny Walker, ud tbey fongbt for fSOOa aide, Oct 8. 1863. Dwyer being awarded the alakea after battling 3 bonis, the nnmber of Tonnds conteated being 106. Shortly after tbla BUIy aune EMtud on tbe Utb of October, 1804.,foogbt Jack Tomer, off-bud, for a atake of t400 ud a liet of tOOO; bnt at tbt close of tbe alxtb nmnd tha police pat u eod to tbe sport, and the atakea were drawn. Soon after- warda deeeased again left Ibr Callforala. when in U70 a depoelt waa posted for unther match between blm ud Otaandler, bnt Tommy deotlolng tn go on wllb It Dwyer reoeieed forfeit In 1871 be paid uotber Tialt to the metropolis, ud was one of Joe Oobnra'a eeoondalntba latter'a meeting with Jim Ilace In Canada. Hay 11 of aald year. Daring bis stay, wblch waa extended bnt a few weeke, Dwyer opened negoUatlona with Owney OcogbrgaB for a match, bnt tbey Uled to come to an agreement Shortly snbaeqnut to bla letnra to ChUfonIa, BDIy pn^ caeded to tbe White Pine DUbrlct, where ba em- barked In tbe ealoon bnaincea, in wblch, wdtMllere, he was atlll engaged et tbe lime of hla death. He last flgnred in ring matteis as tba tialner and aeeond of Jamea TrerlllUn foi hla match wiih Patsy Hogin, aeTaral montha ainea. '' Amtbhi i b FmiAn."— a book besrloK thU HUe, with tha antbOTsblp cndlted to the EdltorofTn JL" T?."?.*'^!™'"eeently been lained from the pnbllablng bonae of B. H De Witt We teke u urIyoppoTtanllyto tUto tbat the work lans< by tbe Editor of Tbb Mxw Tons Cupna, that he knew nothloa of it nntU It wu pnblisbed, and tbat the nseof hie nsme U wltbont wsmnt ot authority, ud Ine itn ae b le nnder any circamstaaoee. We deem thla ootica necaaaary la oider that lb* pabUo may netbemUledaa to tbe aulbor. Mow tbat tbe matter bw been brmgbt to the noUeeof the pnb- Uaber, It la to be preanmed tbat tbe klalflcalloB will no longer b. peraUted to, bnt tbat the work win be »laa >n. And the obJecttonabU Unca omItUd in fniaie editions. Bnnuiia iQBHimov.—Bill CleaTer, proprietor of tbe London Pnbllo Bonae, 834 Xtghth aTairae. offers a llTB sheeji fbr competition by dSTOtaaa ol the old-oonntry game of aklttlca, the eonteat to take £Iaee there on Wedneaday. Sept 10. A great game I expected, u. tbe fbUowing experts bra made knowa theli IntuUon to eompeto: Ait Cook. Ted. Broom, Tom Taylor, - Blackmoie, Ted. Jones, BID Brown, Charley TbaiAnay, Dick T i a d s eu , Jad Woods. Patarson Joe, Tom Bing, The. Thylor. aad tba worthy boat The Teteiu knight of the daarer. DIok Bnckley will oOdato aa mfbrc*. A new aet et nine and ebeeaea will be nioTlded for the ooeaalan by Dick tba tnrf prophet. Open to all; utsaaoo free. DosoTAB TB. HuBKAT^We haTB BeeslTad two oom- mnnlcatlona la lalbrsDce to tbe lato IntomiptM mill as Pnint Airy, In the Delawaia BlTer, opposite PnUadalpbia. tba wrlleia of which claim thas toe pnblisbed cepnrte thereof mlaTpteaant the ikota. They aay that while Hniray entered tba Ting bat fonrponndaabore hla ngnlar figbtin* weight, Don- OTu was twuty-one poonds over bla. and waa con- aaqaatlTia aotiimtoflgbt; also, tbat wbOe Hike w aMlpnnlabed In thelaaa, be was u able to con- ttons tbe atnwgle as Jim. and that many of tbe apeo. toton wonld baye been wllUng to bet npm blm. DonoTU talka of w,.v<«g ^ fireab match for $600* Bolt DonuT wut as psaaeager en board tba PBd&> Hall Bteemablp Compaay'a steamer Oohm, wbleb left thU pert for AsptonUon Friday, Bept 8. A namber of frienda aaaembled at Pier 49, Mortb Btev, to bid blm good-bye and wlab *H" a tjcaaant Joazaoy, a praflUable aotoua la ta* laad ef nUL sad a aafe letnm. W> BATS A uxm tot Homer Xjoa, lilCB.. i; rowBiaeeraMrr*ton t\7Wta Brooklyn. U I., I: Ta i?^r|vl.^A ije K. T., I: Molaal^Alh.;. i.>JjB«2!; Keasaa of Harlem, N. T.,V: uSSfS^ Foni>«arsd Rem-AriniamT^f b Do<ioeaneofAIl5bany.Pa.i:^"^. Potomeoof Qeorsetown. I; !,.— >" Ballatoa ofBellatM. N. r., I: dSiS!?'' DonbteemU Bace-AryuuolVrT^*4 wyek of A!ta^, 1; MbibaI or juC.**,*<! Toraoto. 1. •i.Tta,, J. , Fnm tbla liat ttwinb. oWm ^• utrtaabaTe been made fer tuHnir^ race. aoTen fbr tbe fotiiv<aj«A. < ecnn. ud two for tho Vt't^nltfil^ ' for tbe|anlorelng1e«eaUiar«tltud]^. ud are tu In ntimber; bnt, notEiS'' ofBdal list, we cunot glTaUiaraM^! wbo propoee to eonlendfcr tSenS 2 talut preautad tbore readan tvT, u aaanred saecraa; ud la the , soTeral commlttsea appointed by Ih. elation bara labomlwlth na] lii! naenta looking to tbe oomAnt sa both ptittelpula and apedalon, i that uy wbo attend will han ecL maktog tba trip. A oomiaodloin i Iwm erected by the Aaaoctatloa n i easy of access, and ftom wLkk a 'c eoniae eu be obtained. Mei.nwu '^ is felt beeanae of the apathy otMBW amatenr eanmenof tba City of £igS,'< thla isatler, net a aoUtary tatrtiaSif celTod ttera uy ot tbj dnbsbelauluii km Mary. Di next week'a Cu»n*Vr. apaaccniatsiepoitof tberaee.'. ^ TDB TORONTO RBOsni I Bongb wtstber, tba Hmlted UBste . J and rather bad management cml^^h* the international regatts at T<>nau>.o!L,J able flxile, aenial of tbe prlaeirla' programme falling to coma ott sua ija. feating bnt IltUe intereat tai lbs ti:j^| l Sept 3, wu tbe opening dty,|^i.;te for flrat-daae yacbte, for Ut Oatm, medal ud champion flag ot Tonatf^i, added. Ten Canadlsn yessels iluM.i Stuley arriTiog home flnt rorly bSib, tbelBa. Owing totheweatombooTdjtaJ bowoTer. it waa declared no nm, aMm. aalled OTer on the 8lb. when the IrUhem j in forty-flTo minntea befoie ibelsa " Tbe&nr-oared profcaalonai noa,CL day, did not take place; hot tso u peered for the amatenr ftonrmand . piliee were fonr medala preeenlid bj He a Oeneral, toar ctipa ud a piece ofpkte-i TBhieof gaoo. The race was wmbrtteL Clnb, the Aigonut Club's boat bmUM i der and iMoomlng nnmanerobla. Ite t tore for the ematenr donblfr«Dll tm Canadlus. Tbe dliUnce was tas ; the piiie two oere Taloed at 173. & la Lambe won. Tbe donble-acnll pr two mOee, for a pnrae of 8150,.« i Henry Conlter ud Epb, Monlt otH Tlme.lSHBX- If thU U coitect tad « tally two mllee, with a Inm, the time la,«<lti| exception, tbe bMt of which wa ben i The nwing emU eat down for tbt ttta did not lake place; bnt three aaUlnia trated. Tboae for outre-boaida tad l were deolared off, bowrrer, becaaas I bnoy was again mieeing. Tbe eeooaS taoa tn tb. OoTaraoi^^enetsl's moAd,. with frar lesaer pilsea, had six cna OlpsT of Hamilton woo, Maieppa i Kelpie thiidL Tbeie waa a beary yaabto were diamulled. Tbo apoetwma SJO P. M. on tha 6th. wllb tbe pnta' aeon ncs, two-mllas, fbr piixea ot| Tbe oonlsatsntowareBeniyCoaltarmil cla of Plltsbaigh. aad TlMmea Trwd a a Barry «t Toronto. Oealter won by tat k Horila aecond. Tba next lace walsi doable ecalla, two mOee, for two caie. andtlS. The entries were BLud H.1 Aigonant Onb: J. V. Sehalee ud Henyl the Mew Dominion: aCerrigu the Toronto. Tb* Aigonant won bylHy Dominion aecond. Natatobia^ Ooamis.—A eome«talia8i ToiT attiactlTe apedacJa waa preaeatadal of tbo Hailam BlTor oa tbe momlsg K when B swimming contest rams off btteai of yonng ladlee, fore ellk dreaa -niaaSU taoee one mile. Tbe fklr enee wkeovtaed prlie were u followa; Hlaa DeSUb Oeboav, delphia; Hlaa Haxy Tbatobe*. ItaMk, Hlaa Ads Vreelud, Mew Tork; iSlita Ijnehbnra. T..: mas HolUa Dma. Vl Ireland: Hlaa USnle Cotton. Baeln., Itoai wii.i, Pendergaat, Baltimore. Md.: MlaBnr^ Mew York; and His. Catbeiine rUtk, Kcwl Mesa. Tbe first-named carried off tbe pilm lut etylo. Ibongb abe ml^bt not have dae not MoUIe Duan, who wta la Ibe fial I a«me distance, withdrawn from tbs itct ii to aid in tha leacne ot a yonng maa it ihllu orerbiard, ud wbo, bat for tha Had} uce Tendered by tbla ttir ud eonr<geam < kjmib, wojid probably baee beendneiii ' Cujtou came home eeoond. Tbe winnerl tin 40 minntee. Tboeo wbo wltneeicd the bsnie Mlaa Donin at onoe took ttepa to prtieol \m gold watch aa a reward for ber befolsoL bsi' afternoon of tbe eame day a race cama off.iSi of Fllty-Snb alieet, E. B.. in preatDos ef i gathering of apedatora. Wm. Allen tad Ma were opponenta, ud the oonteet wee tbr tuce 440 yarda. ABu won by eleven ' Thb St. Jobk Bsoatta.— It haTlag mated in aeTenl JonnaJatbat there witsKnaa of the approaching inleraatloDal towlai wp» St Jobn,M. B..nolpiOTlnga snscess.tktiirt ot the committee, Ur, D. 0. Smith, teltiiqt"*) tiadlotlon of tbe statement aaanTlni ae Bsr event piomlsee tolw u great a aoeoeMU gatta ever 'held In the PioTlDcea. Tba •he different oommltteea are laboring slla labod leal to eecore tbat object, and the: tbey bare reoelTed from oarem.-n In vtzlem are, we are informed, Tuy enconrulBg. M Iln, Bobert Fulton ud Oeorge Btown bm— for the alngle.aca11 shell iac»-prltes.t«B^I'i —bnt It U probalda tbat tbe letter wiUellMBte bele matched to row Biglin three diyibbt J Mew Yorker will thna enoonoter the "j?"?' era of the Provincea, and mncb uxldyeul byhlatriende to hear tbe reenltot the death Ins. For the fonr-osred shell reoe-pti"«*52 $S0O ud $200-tbe Parle, Uclarea. lagsfcg*; aerveial American crews bave enteieo. ■■Jv, atruge to aay, Halifax will, from pieic Ji ^n il ancea, be nnrepreaented. Tbe other nets 'f'rS a donble-ecnlla (amatenr), fonr-nered lep*"^? i| canoea udtnba. Bntriee cloae on O^lw'r'!^ ud the regatte takea place on WednodiT.» weather permiti Ing. BiouH am Bbowh Haicbcd.— AtlatI Ibi"? ' of agreemrat for a acnilera' race between Jme T: lla of tbla olty and- Oeo. Brown ef Ealte^J \ have beu elgned, eealed ud delivered, IfS''] niu haTing agreed to Jobp'e proposal to r daya after the St John legatt^ On the U < made tbe neeeaaary allentlon in Ibe p I"'^^ taobed b'j utograpb to tbe docnmeni ]f\rZ e'goed by BIglln, which wia then f ui aa j j"** temporary alakabolder, B«n. Jcha V'lK'Z eompanlsd by a depoelt of tUO. Tbe Biba 8I.0M a aide, and la to be rowed ovarti"S eonxee. one-tnra. to Bedford Barlo, hatbor ^ - bx. on or aboat Sept 30; Ibe enm of 139816 ^ toBlgUatnr expenaeenpon bia si'l«'*;ZjiS Tbe men are to tan ecpsiato atahabcaa,ae^ flnsl slakehiflder la to be abosan on <bsB(«. prerloiu to the raoa. in whose hands tb* $000 a aide win at that time be pooled. - ■ Wonu> Ts. Bbbau>. —Fonr.oe.Td eieesj^^B ot eompoeltois employad lo the oflkee ol f* '■ aod XMt Btrald reepectlvely, nnlled * Harlem ~' - - on HcCOOmb'. vwu, wn wuiiMi www -w — ^u—m ne Wartd fonr were flrat to get dxi, t;^^ lead and keeping there nntll tbe flnKk,<)*<^ ofponente vanabont ten lanatbe lo tb*''*'' m; tioate were.manned tbna:' irerLt-OesdATZ HaclMtb. Habr. Kalla, atroke; Ottta^J^^ Om/d—Dntl'm. bow: Hanger, UaOoioa, e" atioka; Manden. ooxawala, A aix^lBSD BABOB BACB camS Off 0B^*8>2 Pblladelpbla. Ang. 3D. b't**2'S' repieaantlng the Cieeceot. Pemeylvinla "'^^ Cloba. It was a norel aflUr, the osremn tiled In "storeplpe" bale aod Unen '"■■^^S tbem to present a Indleroos appcaisan^^^ created mncb merriment amona iboesTBo. bled at Iklrmonnt Park to witoros th* Tbe Fakon took the lead after re«In|i * SSHulX ml]e. ud won by eoTeral lugth*, ■•doUT.'^"" mllea in ISmln. 26tee. p. Dunn Am Comcnis, oarameo of Jo^iSTJ rowed a aenllen' race on the Allfib^I"^ - Pittaborgb, Pa.,Scpt8, fnr 860 a fide. qnlehly WUt to the front, ud at the ten*-;^ ahead, bnt nnlnekDy, fnaled a bridge P>^7^ gave bis opponent u advutane ItflV" ud. Befbme, A T. Foiie. A POOB-OABo InriggcdXlgs.ftv^^ «. came off on the CbaiWWJJ^ n iiu ncma reepectlT*]y, pniien srrv^ua Lilem BlTer, tnm tha powder Iwet to Wednesday, Sept 3. A orllUIen "STrf A>omb'eDam, (orwbleh both wentebbSS so, betweu the Ooop^ Tbe former camabOB*^ a aide, tbies miles, Boaton. Haas., Ang. TbrraMoTiu erewa. a Bklnnte ahead. ^i. WM. SCEABPV baa not yet made the cbaOenga isaaed seTanl weeks baea wr- TuEycfc. Wbetetbiee . Thb F aiaanaaip Boax hold thdr annnal legatia at Pleaaut VaUty, on O*^^ thla (Taeaday;«ftenoon. ¥lae aport U aniw-r Tbb anans for the Matlenal 8n>*t£,2CS to be held on thsBcbnylkUl BiTtr^atnnjJ^S Ps.,ODt8,e]oaeontbe33dlnat Iii^penV^TJi, A BowBo BxaATiA wOl take plu* *t£S5* IT. nnder tbe ensptoee ot tb* T«» Ind., Septl A cBAixzHcx oonn was <»n<e»t** SLSSw* ben of tbe Baltlmoie. Vd.. Qnolt RlTBT View, Sept 1. Tbeio wrio » •""iil. petltois. and Jamea Bond won, Chas.BjJMWJ-5i SSt pitehed at a box 18xT ioAmJl^Utamo^ eompsitmute, the outre of wblehwjujteo".^ tbe others three. Bond niade seven nj»"rjj^ threes Heeod Tboe. Pbllbnm tbon^ltawne. . for $80, Bondagaln winning; score, t Tbb BawFkAvaaco Oasbib are to «*JL*^,« Uea driUs at the Academy of Xoste ^SS^* ing the cnrrat weak—tbe flist on tbsevBsrT. Sept and th* second OB tbe lOtk