New York Clipper (Mar 1877)

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410 Mabch 24,1877. MEW YORK CUP PER. BITUBDAT, llAioHfii^VlBti. TO CORBEttPiVDENTS. <f^^r*ett«iw Baaklus into TiuiL—I. II 7wihM»tUMSfi rmr w «iAt MUlu tL 9. PrfcM i«r dftnulM r ■MUert of prlr«i«eonirmei, ftM vary m w Olvf f>o BO mAr« daflniu MmUm u aj ftvm liVpAT tMon opwwA llvoaMi «P0D tbo BAlml <ltUliftOKUOBS W* lh« Ml* IntormKtlon tiwanhruD. . - Tinibftr»UUla*4 rMruinrmlirevih. «iAt MUlu tL X PrfcM i«r dfttiulM liiininioB an ■MUert of prlr«i«eonirmei, u4 vary m tkal vo ou ^ - 'WtiktyraDn , ■4eB(lr«lr nod thii iptf* ADylCUADIOBt 1 BptaklDi or 4«<l* lor Ittraku ik «QnH fvqnfn Mfor* luklai » ^ _ the lonith or tko — - An woai'i mLut r«|wiailonMriibnu7. f i^rMTBBdiha ttprkool lhaiUf. Li ^rrood««ttiir«lr BiMM hl« r«|wiailon 4lO)Hk« lakeiachMibr tlie «lu'a r««etuU, KadDBjaMi tfWB upOTiMi. ir uQB Mrulalr.hU H)»rr vroaM ivor- ft«t fm »U tn $w Mr wMh. BDd all umvotlBS f ih«iim«. C IVodonoitlMlluUKikB, D. D. ft, Aiictum*. Kr.-L lUbm T.Hlkin»f Bjrer. dlvd IbTiu CLirrn ikXhfi Julrai. l|>Al InZanM- vllle, O.. on ifaf^ dU^I of J<itj 6, IffS, inmed k d niMo •Ofuffuqli iirrr iw^tiif>r>tur nnrioa, ind (he dmunM «l«ared Id iktleap VH«iBlnr-A>DifML ThU wAMrowhfi >of brolBttttn protBlnOBl cltlieia ol Ihil inwp.«h>i(« aimeavaro pnuied Itf Iho BdvwtUraMl. L wrlio in John RoblpHin, CIncroBUl. O., (br HTlknlin nactrainf thtnwdar. 1 ThMrfitnpaDrwIU llilihl A Ca.'aOrMI ■oalbera CIrcuB In 1171 lirladtd Jaoiea n'ird. iuk Imw. S«. Ooa 6bftW. W. H. Bnr4eaa, Ihf !lc«U Brkibota. J. ara.Thonaa Rob4rt«, 0. Rllinn, P. AdRma. Kd. Nana, O. HwIbh, vt. Beann. M. Fnlioo. 17. HMdiMnD, Ihich VIU», Jaeob lUloT.JMHfllia AnattroBjiaad iaaaU foa^ •our, B. f. F. fjRaxLL.!ft Loolt—"Vfcat liulMdanalotha 4ollo«lac our T Holo t, 6n. I; uji ibai 'II k dmd bill bo •lae BB ooUlr ball. Il aboold bacoqnied u oae ul Ibt Dln« moMr balla wbtrb BtBU bdiIiIb ib« Birlbor Xo n hB««.' Aio. ^plajmhallbspuionU tw'^ beran.orniBbBMrfd — awr baU.*-" (in.OTmm.ibr ball whkb bA> ■amca dead bj atflklai ibo baUmBa'a mnm. fur lauaoea, MHBtaiMbaaaBafalrbBllrH la i9 ba rminled u »ffrh: ud. Bboald 11 hBf^aa ioba tba' aloih iatilrb*ii. a lui* ■laatbBClTOB Ibe •trfker. Thladoaa ooleoatttci wlib iba val«,aau«Alypi«blMubaaaab>a(ng nm, Bviibonilrfa •palladbBJIa , PiuuPL—1- IrjoiimeaDlB ibia psr( <A iba asiinlrr. dbarldBfaBBBiewBi Oeoraa Earksr. Bad ih^ trial cnk BlKOalPJcalvood fark.lbiB olir.Mar IB.I8K. Tbft un. «erukta« wu lo rid« SOI mOca IB IS bnnn. uitDf Ihlnv korB«a, bai ha tailed lo oofar mom ibaa tM rallw. Btml. tar auapia wort n»d« Ib BajilBad, California and aU«- «b«T« fiNra balbra. > Ib JaBa,lBil,rr«BhrfrKlinrada Ufl mlJi» laebdun U Blaoua 90 aeoonda. wbtcb wu •ibaoqBODUjBofpuaedbr Joba Harpbr. bolb trrrr^rm- •ocfaublniplwoBlPlealwood. 1 nedMBOlpraflAiMir auaapiihaOD-Bllft leal ham C BaadToa Curraa Ak* ■AR40 lor ruihor iBformaUoa. EaiCK.-!. RT«tTirtek moMb* haadMallarcirdaara all up ai paBuebie. rurtbtnnora In boba cnierle* ibe i«»i- «cr orihlB rale, niber than lu tplrii. la hr corttrw.! at r.>liiibug*L B ma alikar imi ftrmiho a tnX . t IiaaitiaodlOfrtBtA. -Tbiuivtrbk'i reftmea Co rw|oli« that Ibe hcadlOR b« dose «Ub Iba pttTer'a bleb- 4Bl card. allhODih bt may have tvaller one* tbal vonid -«ih« Ike irtofc. l There U eoBtldarable dltreraaea M- AntB^tvo-baBded paanchla ftn4 Una-bended o* ^nr- uodod-«a mB«baa lhara ta batweao racuUr penochia £1 iba BOBiirelpaa bvown u doQbla-pnochla.fB which ter oBiT tniBp-leada ara u b« headed ta Brtmi emrrio*. TlUUAJ(.Trt>7.—I. W* bAllera thai both wera bora In dUJ DOQBlrr. 1 PrtdO. CorblDwsB roratlmeuvlitanl -aparrlBC-lBilroetnr al Otilvnin-i tTmea^iioi. ibla city. Ba bu aot-tA vtih Oenrie R^iofca. Rtavalkrlor end oihrra ■M pBblla exblbiilooe bora. 1 Tboofb aadonbirdijAOMOd ■•iner.DOBOTanlaBMatfrtr'JrflrBi^BBBBD. 4. ^eara «aawBrt tbai Dkk Liatoa ar«r von iballtla of "chanplOB Ufbi «cl«H or Canada.'* and hr U not llkalr lo do ao ■vvHaTfvr. Wo-via" noaiiBB |b Monifaal W. JL a, Klchrn.tnd.—**ir 1 'bnlldB' aareoa la obmIbo, Vhiaoiennpelltd.eaordlafflalhenileant ••alr^ that'aercB-bnlM'hia dbii ptar, provlddd beeaBBOt Uh'-Bnrelhar trick en the IaMoU ueUiMf AJlbere la a trior anew haL ve aak jnota daddc" Aa thia lolDtlattBled.ihabat beloantolbe Barly whoBaanw ' Baaatlr«flltbabtL TberalaonalblniArudoTbleb Bol b««n ooTftrtd In the taraa of the %, (1.—Wa hava lol tiai to bnotoar arvoptli of Iba ploinr"lfAMr^Oblld.*<Botbat vaaaaaaiwrr fuuUii wuk, bgt will ttinfpr Ia d« ao la oar aui Km* «n. H.-trabaiaaetUaracolpUorihararlaKai •Mj?- *9icii Wii'uiii.KiibOiaUK. ItfinAlhtr ntthtl Hma> . . ^ ^ .. Lnnil, ClBdonuL-rnMueM Jokl-nri >htk ud II. H. J., ■■oniCllf.-lluplPM as btprociirtdltl. Iiarrr, Hudlir-nvt U ao nmt kapt i>l .ucb ml' X. . pabllibM In bM-lm. „ . . Wioia. Wuno.-Joko 0. Httua died Ontn rlnr 8111I0D. Vy. Tar., OcL U, lat). W. B. T.. rblit<lilpbli.-Ttt pwtiin SI nonli nil prftcDul 9tih otber. ... B 0. C, l.riis.-Ko work of Iktl bUd bu bm pni. lUbad Ibli !**T. 0. A. z., tttrthaua roloL—Aa oaliMer'a moa»y ttf ■ II ibaiiamajtoaa. HabaaRoiblnalaiar. , , Wiloll, BMtOD.-l. Tbll.CldOdPOtCOQDL 1 AciO claim lb.- dial, u B emild lo Ibi uber «w. ' M. •, XinrilL-Ha noiol do II. uileu ba bu • lino lohlibaid. 0. W.-TM llMii brilor ulu, U Ibl btl «u u (« Ua re.-iol PKildanlll] ajKlloB. , II. II. B., Ljidop.-Wa boon nolblai of lb* ptrwa B<*ntloo(d ..... . Kmu. Pnipnn-Air vbalmla daiUr or luialac- liirar»rtoT-tMi;ooalc«poopplj/oa. W. a. rilubori.-Saa auvar l« "Roprab, laeuo," lo tbli lua& R. r. S., Trar.-Tbi Ka* Turk 6UI0 Ttli la UlS wu blldlDeimlrm.Birl.I7u>Ckt.l. , , „ P. J. O.—Ji eaaaol ba duaralDid fOL Than bra eoo* leuad wu la Iba wa/. , ,^ _,, . .. Coaniai ll>ioia.-8bi li Iba wlfi al Iba patiao fiiinail. iDd her mildaa oana «u Ella CUtwb. K. D., Bviioa.—Tbaak yeai wa iball mala ouof II aarif Id lbs wauD. . Mu. W. MoKP, ■oaqoibuaa.—"PIilUoi," Ibe oilr brok eoBialnlDilhal laloraillOB.Iioalol prloL J. A. &, PbUL-Uoa, Jobs MorTluof vuool oo Ua amiiiirf It alL H. M W.,Ollalol.—Wflll U Bobbr Vowmb.lB art ollblaoaica T. a r, PblUdilpbla.-iniaa «• UM baud ol Add RIoclir be na lo Oalir'>rola, P. S. B, Ooibn.—8be wiu probabi/do 10. Wil«faoar . END or TOLUHE TWatt'tOVB. Wllh thla (ma alOMi lh« Iwtatj-ttntk tunal voloiia o( TEtHtw Tou Oinrn, «tu«b, vt (nut, tau boea (rallfal oi lafotmaUos ml aaJoTmtnt lo the latdar, nt fsocaa «hloh hu atttnled vi darlBf tba jtu Jut elaaa4—on* o( tha moitlii- ulnae lo bsaloou Inlareala thai hara baen n paitenead la a loDg peilod-ahova on what a aoUa (oiDdiUos Tn Oupra gov naU. Va bava A.a.Paia»b«it-"fliiTwaOipb«i"biin.iibaio premlaaa to make fop Ih* Mm, tuOxn "'— Ilia l« uj that eonlBf tglaaai akall aot ba beblal thoM tbat bata (ON baton. Baeh dob- bar »a Istaad ahill ipeak tor lUalt Wa Ibuk OOP friaoda la all |aita ol tba warU for the aaoonniieffleBl tn4 isppert thtf bare ao Ub- •rillj aiUadod to u, te (bo -atlHaiift (bap hbTa ao kUi41r ftpaa bj (laatailltlfif (0 oa the Ulaal aewa wUoh eano nadar (halt Imaedlat* obeemUoa u tber (npalal bom pltoa lo pboo, aid (Or otbar aualleilaUoaa of latatoal la (be wal (bra of oar paper. W« an not aamlodtal of Iba TaloiUo aaiTloea (bay bare pandand nt, aad va Mlalhaakoatdlaada, ODatadaa,lM Ibdr food oOcei. WauD lalaadad U mf ioaolblBc wttlptboal (be aaw OabUut, aad (haatitarial It la oompofadoti ba( aererbl coailcal iriltan, wbo bare ao lafaid for olhar baarla tbal will acbo, bare got abaad o( oa. VoDlgbt cunallrtaaatk.hoirerar, Ibu Teaoea- iM leoored Iba "opea leaiamo" at Wuhlagloa ba- caoie that BUU latiodaood the proper Kep. WBia "Oca >iii" came lo Iba otber dap and told ai Ibat Iho hud tlaiea had eo affeoted the moakepa np at Cenlril Fuk that (bap bad bees forud to eat (balr own talle, we aiggeilad lo the ^OQtb mildlp tbat that wu aa ap<-oei7pbal (ob. And arsr iIbm we kbpe baan Itjiag (0 nake him aae It. r baL va aak jna Co dadda' •olDtliatalad.lhabtl ' .ma aaaitltv at Iba bat -baa BOt baa* oorartd In Iba urau of Uia wiaar. m. p., Wladaor.-Wa bare puaed kaill Iba Pdl « Aa Aaolein rUt. lad alaa biblad Ibil an Ua Canidiao -alda. bnl oarer beard ar ProC Tpsdill er aapaoa alia ^vonju tnm lb* Araerleao to Ibl Cuadlaa ibora. uo. darlbarallBollclaiaia." AllUa labai of laiiaC»- .fDHlaai." balirr rarer II t« loaMoi alike Palia Tba r iii lb aai r map ba a r>od avtaair. ar ba Blihl biia eioind aiir 00 Iba botmo, aiar PaoniA~I. D. BolA,eu mil iima Tba halla TfHibaiail.aD A-llU.II.f aadl-eooolbolll; lodu a aw ■all Iba iM" bot Iba I aad t. U followi Ibal 8 hu •L L Tbal U a nailer of opiiloo. L Bo eiBBOt plar acala. 1. ;i la a "Kralcb." K Tba beaar bead, aa ibo<ra to Iba board, ukea Iba pot. 1 Tbi phpinf a? nnltbll '—> BM BUI] Iba pUplDJi od lUiiMoabia. 7. Tba IbebUadudiuiddla-llliellliB'ii . laoaebaBtedbrlbebl J. B.. PbuJalpbU-AboBIIMI Oloar aioaa. a part- E' 01 HeBiT Rack*aU. ivda (bar bona% bot ba dli nol 10 auk wblla oa Ibe banaau pAamanal thai Ideal tba prcaaal dir. Ba wu a unar. aad a trial lonret bonaa Bi pardiaaid a ihamfhbred cboiool croTir.iralB-^ *-* UBd toraa ^ Ban Baaed KlitvCmar.tralBad Iba Bare, aadunjihi •Ama^tortd^ Haalao nda a "Wfld ladlaa Act," ba> ^tbea tba beat to tbUa»naUT> BaaeuB eDiacnaaKTwoDla-Tbo ll|hlraiioekay «a «r«rbaartol via Eliohaaar, aad lha levaat waltht al vblcb ha nda waa la tba ran tor iba Wort iBibaa Siakea. At Aaooi. Ebk. Jaoa 9, IM. Ila wu lhan haovn aa TTlor." and ^la bodnr«el(bl«Ba OBljM.anlbatSft lud-«el«ht waarff^airedla brfof bla op toLhaMft al vblahbarode. —• r JOU BiHiLiix.TilvtDbarr.—L Tba rvlaa tw BldJ^botd anatllaiaar: "Soi^ii iball ooanlnBloMoa* of iha'DO' doAaaU ihaU be ibttm talrir oa hb f«ck. Themaa •boaabaek airlkM iba Soor tm aheU leaa.aad all ai- t*aptau pall or torn bla oppooeBi o?or aban noimunL" X u br "rvuiheBod toBbla*' job aaan "caieb-aaotrb- ■an," lha rnlala iha aaaa. . fLaM-B • UoU-L Tba Beaua dUaa.) TbMln aaau UTS; Boolb'aTbwUv. Caw fork, I^. I. AdellBa raul •BBBtDcad b(r BOBlal earwr la ibU Moot/r.Bod hai mat iB all 01 tbeprlndpalcUlw aadtavpa to both cnn ^otaod opera. 9 FMbterBorar piarad la **MonuCr1«lo" '•■lAudrod aosaeeaiira Bl|titj in BobIao. KBia. /.r. M.—Tbararoraa'aderidoa In the recvnt wreallloi .aAiebbaivaaa McLaacbllB aad BBunral t'llea. It, T.. "WaaualtherorBar vaatbavlaaar. Whaterfr BrTBBCf>- ■ aaat ma; hare anbaeqaaailr beeo nad* bf itao eoBtm. . «DU^|jid Doihlof to do with Iba detUlvo; cop»a*|iiantlr. ' A SoBioaiBBa. Oraad Ialao4.-TMB OurnawlU pob- Irf^i^* amaofaU ibelcadliuMBiaalaef ihaaMaoa.aa iUtbarto, whether o( LaafBo ctgha, AllUnn. Iniaroa- in«a ala.-ar AaaieOT. Bead Borea of all ■Iorio fiintra toll, bat ODlr the aoorc of lOBlon of double- Ofemi more ibia aloe loolnn. iilBdalpbia.—L A male-dmwrna a Ibealr* amid ba ailMctcd tnaltand to iba wButa nl all the lentic- Ma la iba evmpeor. Few U ur era aaplof ad aova- &fB. The aur voold uwt hlnua eervaol. Salarr. iiva $10 par>f Mk apvarda. 1 (Tie prapund Freacb «blu iiorua eABplciloo. r. B. UP OlfbUadelpela—1 Blflbariae Iba deal Bi la sol endbre. it la ali-baodod nooaeoa^, aad, wbllf ^ .._ ^-rr_ jneflllf for amaiemant, la aevar played a«- (alDeatberaaroBonilaiforll). beloc coo- MlfadlB .aot^laj to ml] 0DatcauaarHtlBaerd.-BlQeeri>n cbeaalo aiddlaapro tlao opon f*v bet, yoo cab oedde tbeniUtflrbetwMP •oanairea. /for aa to lake cocPttaDtit ol that profiin ■vaald be ta anitu aa oplaloa. vhkh wa are not doloi la •ttaaaooloiw. rAia PliT, WaafllleL-l. Uaraa bad S.747 mejoritr lo Cblo. % \rouldprafara(Klonafeatbaaaarcb.oBlaMibe MblMr la.laporfaoL & Haraa, appaiuUj. d. A rrMi iaft alatf nan arrfar bloiacir IdId ofllce nvtrr dajlnihr ««ar.^ADbal tbadralaaihan aerBmBllan ol (bra OUTmBa.BaJtaBflnav.—I. The ouraborlBprobablr -more ib|c B nldwBj belweoe the two aiUTBca meoiloaed. Bt woalV Uha waaka to ajoenala.aawa ebould hara u vilta tf Baaoe.rblUde1pbla, He* Orlaana, and ether ^laa- T WedoDolBaadose; ibaak yoo. T.f TmlML—1. At etrep-ap. If a player deala oal or adnrdaalaaabaealled for. whether irnDp lua bceu 'lOTML L ApUfV WhO,hATlB| lOO BBBy «rd« blebaad, rorniu wbaiar/r pelat or poleta be < a.. .a. the «*r hara aade, and hia oppitaeau acor* what the/ <■( J.<L,BL AafUilBa-—BwlBalbafaaa, bBfflBf 6f la «ooil wkDe A aaa boi U, with a 'Viaub" oK Ibe ae«dBolUpMhaUtf,ataea A mn vmrr (1. logriBn opao' O.^T.the Dala polai voald ba ... .^ .. M|e ftu nbaaaoaaU/ ahape four ooarBO acoerdlBj to 'wmkt lODpnrralobaiDMtaoooeatful la. < KproralobaiDMt aaooearul la. Ampl any Mia* tbataarbeorarad. Two Fanm, Fclsnbari.—She la a daaiblarol Col. -ApaiacrW.Oone.iaUotibair. B. A. ObbboT where Mra,Bor flrabtraarraaace. bprirateUlaibaljHra. •^iffS^,. ...... . ,.8 W. K^B.-irmw11laddrea8aUUerel laqalirloJ' ^r1|ht,at |balbeali«rHOBBa.iBct<>tto>aaUmpror Y. BevOlprobablraaad Toaabtll of tba oeouioa. i oaotaparaapaaaiepubllablba caatlolblajlapartaeBi. BVBi0Biau»iakaaeld —Oa leaerml pnacJiilr*. 0 eoatd Liar ao/ play lalo «bleb he bad baea tad by l;iUe play on —lapaitoiB; batlBtblilaataJwa tbarawnaUbenoiauar Gihiedolat IL Oa bad traaped the Utck, aad thU Milled li- WAinaTuaa, naaUtoa.—Tbeealy cbaaploa-beU ever MUaadaAlortoeellaraaBd-albow wraaUaila Ihtaooop -firnawoBbyJ. IL MoUajkllo. a> DetntUMIth.. InlBTD. ■Md wa baUan II ua baaa la bla ■ >«ef«loa arar aluca^ PTi frr— lha Terrier. ■ **Ib Ua iBallibl'a 'Dttea Lbalra.**"*8aBaBltoBal Ureeebaa rart.>"*Pata'a 'aatoBBaia," 'jUUlda^a B<mod«" ''Ooloiod Slaa'a Paacy 'Vaal ... P. B.,Maw Bares.—Tea dee*l aaaa 1» andanlaod -whatwartqaln. QlraUadata thalaaylRMpaperrorait i^yoor ton, BOd Uaa add toola aheai. Lei aach Itaai ft LH., Haabaa.—Slaoa Uara la ao eiplaaaUoB offkred. ■taa ralaraa allar alcaJoa," oa Bartleolar Ub« aAar aleo- ■CloBhariof baaa apaoUad.Buaioahatd toBeaoUeoD' •l^pncUcalntaraa. Tba Uaya bailor wlaa. OaUa>--L BlitrEdwarda beeaae Ufbl-vilableh ■Um bj dafaadajt Bbb OollrerAec.l4.liB,aDdbaal Mbaa-daTealad Ua latlar la cbBaploBBhlB BAtobn- . - lODbllUanilaloreblolaW iblehaa- twlm . L _1870. 'W, Qt Di ¥7t Raw Albaay.—A balai • aad B A la a RBae iT.aUr ' *^ daTealad Ua latlar I #oaa9b Oaipar waa ebaaploa bllUanilal W, Qi Dm T7t Raw Albaay.—A balaa • i «l 7* aUafoon. B la oal II ba nada blia abu mp-, »maai* .^v l^j^uny dfrided, and A karf o( dall Iba eani. oa Ja«k a bl|b aod low, taae be* IMQL DATiBLBiaar. PbttL^aotia R. BobemethorB Jr.. AeciaUiTOlibaM. B. A.,eanbaaddrc*aad lacaraaflhU A> T. AJn> Q. K^Nawtrb.—Tbeia ara babp panona wbn Jf>'T^!^fi.T*oWtBble"oeca»tobalty. A dot appura In BtoH-MoWade'e reratop. €tAUaeuia, Baaloo-—Tba Ibyu aaa won ibe aooey. Tour ladlrldoai ludnaal, er eora, la u empty air la the Jwaor thptelUal Uajaattu la ibe rretldepaBl okalr.. ^r. M, JL.lf L)»aakca-B>IL aad f, wla Ua aoaoy, If B ob- ^ttd^i^^ cat OB Ua yah erua play ar who hada rifbi ■9. B/B.a>Baab a ahlld eovld baeoaa a fkU Aaartcaa «UMbilwaBty<oaaTaanofa«f.aBdal ihlnr^raBl|tat teeaaa FraaMaalof iba UaUad *>lalaa _ ^ BvrrniATaa, PawiackaL—Tbraa al a klod wQl beat a alnJibL dnltuli baa baaeaffwdthai aelral|blabBllbeat bbrcaorakjod. T.-IL Ot. RMbaitar.-tl tM aot pobUabad. Bdwla Adane 4b Ua owner. Wrilalo AlaneadiAWall. RalPUnloo ^auBra, Ulacl(ya- 1)LS UoiiiBJairTeB.—Thp Ibu & Eddy waa orar BlL 71b. bUtfTaaTlbtfbaaB atleui ulSib. Wo keep bo aooarau MMAivueol or the euiure of profeaaluaBl paopla. ^b 0.,'imBklrk.—Mo one caoarvkalUo prearai pop' ■MM ot Caaada-la. I«ai rear II waa aailaBM al A.H. OL, WaahlutoBe^tf roB saeaawbalyoa bara uol via., UaTraHdaalUl alooUoa,bo wloa no bai Bj I'bi OB' eb paMMlbIa <l,'AJ4i,0rawbar«.- ^'araaB, BaBklo—la laAU waa bora U Ulooltr Nor. 7. bp a pocilbli blbndv^ tUh tTi, B. 'BaoUi U Iba aldef brolbar of Bdwla laMk,aad ba.wu bora la UtL OiM ■uut.-B wiu laia, udMB ke oaa abew lueb a da- . Wa biTB ao raooUeeiloaedhartag eo deeldad« evu OMlbli blonder. . . —J4,.0ra«ubar^—w* ouaet gad ear work of tbe . #lBitalib«iabibe ootopupuieldla hara bad eeaeeaeh fank leraajaai their leiiruloMaia. . flaa. rrBoLau. Jiiwark.—Tba Ooddau el Llberlr b (jbe ftM aod Ibe etgle ue liTlal aa Aaarleii MlTir ^%a»l MaktUlK—L Aaiwaraulwuk. I. Pneoaoeed •a u niiAled 0B<'Bew4, t. Mlu Amp rawaM diad la UU «Mr«erN.ufA ^UMadpeBeiHaiua^anld olibirgKa aaa or run SaelMftw^BW^"*** '*""'"*' " fesiwA'OaiBOT.-Tke adnrtliaaeBtweald eeaigl.B ' —I lawnioa. Koiiiae eepledlrss Mbar papera.a liaa tot aacb iieanloiL yj^ riiubora-Pail leU iMleaa Tbttire. Uk, Fa., bad Lbrae laen-lke lower or orcbu- ~i.'i97KS%a1ae!!o>*ad la wilka eUle darlai Ibe laiiir etQraoakaar.aadanMbarBUi la tba brgianieffoiiba IksarvlhampaeaurlBfanalolaobMrwidabaU, , Conran ftaaaaa, llanftwd—1, MiuMalvokciu wood CilbuaaimauaooaiBaad Iron WlieglNpar walk. L illberea^ oaln-MaVaMIke B!idniiileBllre.uda(laet ad- viMmabaal aiwtlBgliilkaiiMrkeilaMaBlBlk Oiip. If L-Toa bana'i praaaiad II wllb pow uaal ura, «adwiibiikweeasiafraroob*uarbfoallUogli. Doa't Biibi.d!,«r.,.rSrKr.vM.-.. .„^„.,^ woaad a, Bapt. 'iS.rirsi'ffio'niTl.'iJ.vti-w ^t^^ir, Iran Iba Aaiaor pMaUbee weaadi •^(Tujjilim Mm^RolCmaamii^iu'StMi"^^ "Soanlat fraiatB,PhileOltf.-Tka*aae«UoaV',u pea ' IkwiaraVlradVpOaaerflfUumliniaibUbeoa. illp pabliabed. Up pabliabed. -,lItliilUD.-l ■ed4oailaallnk>/aaknaiBllua i« Uwraeeairaiaed Montaedrwr kia •ihiwlik * fl'*J5ii"'¥^'.'J« aoi.lke biia^aaaerml ihle saariTiabaama Ue balfoatat Ua baaamaa'a uadr' "AaipVaaaj^Wa look paiila a pso al Uekakaa la IfiLaefjbagtma ww pUperueraune arloariaan reamw Ou^ lAlarflle.--We here Hiwerad Ikle ■MulM 0Ba% Wrila ta BKaiic, m wa ibaaM ■anwdeujadaek wMwBi VIA IMIIM Wft llwoaldba qnlto pnporloaffarlhe CovmnftaioiB, Hb<ob.— Addraa Ibe Slataau/aw. cirr (Vt.iBBperadrerlUeaepu Bio RiVOTi Omaieillla.—Ko. Tot Ctimi Auivao will lofhrm TOa. N. v.—Call al Ult oSeo and etaalao Tub Ourria Biea, whirh hare amral llmea aolred ibli problea. J. A. H., CnTlDKtOD. — L The dO| doaa Wt haro lo **aBmirh.'* 1 ThetbrMacoawin. taaiiBum.-^roBly.flra eeoU a llat« aad bo fever Uaa three llnee will be accepted. J. K.. OaUeaioB-—Kexardlni tbea aa two rlrm, aad not u Iba MUanorlaHlislttlppr. ife* Carver la Ibo looier. M. W. B.e Iforwlcb —Atali^ird BrlbbAge,Blaot«<acaa- am ba *'he1d la bead.** P. B.i RoCNanaa—Ha acoraa too, nia |qIo| bIobo aaoDniidton'HblDf. Haaar. OU Clir.--ll U<1y a chair. Taaai'tBeTBa-€all al nadaora,BBdetaBlaolboUar- oeaetrleal record for a yaar put or looxer. copm* r Riaoaa, Oonr.-'AU ibreo aro c<iaaTlf laaora aad wiawrL. Jos Biar—L Tbabaad of Uo Oarda Bopobltaalaa of Prmpc^ X Xol oonamUrdy^oo ade la aub booL Tea Ouaa. Aabttn.—Toa Baran waa boraalMaUeo, Brlibton. Rna. May IBd. aod died Nor. 8, UU. A. B a—Wo hare ao koowladfo wbaiarar of Iba cob* cern aaafd. W. P.. BoaloB.—When wa taal fcurdot JebaBamr'a Mmptny Uey were perlorailof la Prv*ldeMi L L H. n.8..Camllioo.—Wodo Boiieallapeatan. WriU to eone prIotlRf eBc«L RoBDaa. aBanaoBla—Wa kaow of do poribratr of Ua aaaa yon mvoiloa-., 8oa«ceiaaa,DBllaa.-4.VlrBacnf»dtoaal|hL & Tba pin la DOl lo M apotia^ H. A. D.-l. Bare forwarded noraaad reorbroibVa 1 No: barraoi heard of hiB lately. U P. B.. Bob PraB<iaoa-8«o Ouppsb Auiwio for t877. JL A. 0.. OairntoB.—WebareaoaaaBaol aaeerulotBf. J. C, AobnrB.—Wa bavedealdadDOlCobaraoootbm B. R.-ABTibiP||bntBeaa wlU beaiaeaaal poher^lofc O. 0. T, WaBhlBxtna.-.Wo pay no atuailoa lo ibaaa. J. C, CierelBBd.—Thank roo; bat we are aopplied. P. O. It—It will bo itrta IB nar oeik Thank yoa Bm WBm)f.^orrTnaeaBael aaad ToaaedW. W. n. Am II. K., OirreUod.—SapchA boada p«in<a BTBaaaoiT. New lUTeo.—Blib deali at ewhr^ W. II. B.I lUadlne.—AlaoBioo blfb-jBck-iBma. Bopacaianu Ceainl air.—Ino* potblpf ol Ik O. A. k, Pbll&—We bare ao rooollectloa ol IL P.. MarfWeaborou—Il la prooopBCtd Jop-pei Braiooaa-Bdward BarrlgaB la ant laa& J. Oabt.- II la Boi 10 be had la book-fonu B. M. JJTvO-.Chlean.—He laoutonblib. J. B. W.I PblladatphlB.-He raunoi do It Picino—ItauaaBothla^ Too aula. P. M. B., fit. LonlL—B. wlaa oa aancaa ConratTT IUiBao,Tnr.—B bom pay. Nawaaa.—, f. eoani aoroBtMa. W. 0.-1)0 noi know bta wbaraaboai& Bbppo. Harirord.—Ontt«)l Johnoy. B. B. Pall Rlrar.—Bayaa, ItaoaBkL B. in A., Jeraay CIly.—B wlaa. Oiaa»ATL—Tba Ur«a aoea wla. P. B., Arilat-Rot at proaaak Hitiaa. llli)eniowB.-A wint. O. T. Joaamir.-4)alorpHBL & 7- B . Phtla-Orer a mlla. R., ICBBchaoiar—We dti ooL Ebib, Wanaw.- a baa Inet. 0. T., Cbkaio —Na awlaa HiV. Cler^Unii.—8 A«nnoL Oeo, n.. Nuhna.—A vine. L B.. OrcKDTillA.—n iMea. 0. r. C, ''blrarrt-S wlOB. J. B. nr'.rnii.—V'i'i !rt*e BL 0.*R.-Thajuk. IBENE t THE SLAVE OF THE ARENA AND THE STASE. In noik voofc'a Cutpu will bo eoauDOOOOd b ttorj beariog (bo iboro title, and wrlttai eAfn aaly for oar oolomDi by Wm. II. Bmbnoll, Ei^a Aa IfaDagor Daly would oay, It U "a atorj of eoBtam* porasaoDO faamaa loloroat." flUftd vltb itinlsg In* oldenla, tbe IntoroBt bejBs ntlntalneltbrobg&oat Tba boroloo, IroDeg li a clnao'rtdorg and tbo daugbtorbf Ibe down ot tbaoompaiv, vboaond- den oalt Irom tbo ilage of lUo tbnwa lha jonog gtrl npon bor own roionioaa. and mnoTiDda ber wiUi conatint danger and peril. Tblt 11017* wllb kbat now rannlDg—"LII7 HoItIUo'*— wlU uHil In mafciBg that faalare of our pftpar mora than nnillx lotoraatlng and ootectalDlnge We tblDb tbit n«w»- aganla may order oilra copleo of No. 1 of tbo bow Tolnme wllbontfouof tuTlog tboai xBiuln on* aold. Fboh tbb tut rovL account of Ibe life ol tbo lata Uatllda Bono, which waa printed In tbeoolniBDi of Tbb Ozjppu loot WMk. It wtt iooo ib*t tbe Udj left ItlUo ornopToportT.albolt ababAdnoalfadA very largo anm of money doring bar pntfeaalonil career. Tbo (aot oaggeala aaew tbe on-repealed aa- aertloD tbat the mijoritr of lotore and aotretaoi die poor. Tbe canaop wo tblnk. ia to b« attilbnted to the orrrabundaot geoarotlly ol tbe dianaUo pTO> faatlon. lU mambeTB rarolj train tbimoelvfli In tbe Bcbool of oconomyg and tbalr wara'baArledneii fa apt to lead to an open-heodednetawblob toe often rodacoa tbtm to povoTtpe Wonld It Dot b« wise lo draw a lenoo ftom Ibecamr of tba dead eotren, wblob many nambare of bar piofeealon D17 Itke to tbamwlTaa wllb profit Y An aetcr wbo oebJaTM OTAn tolerable anoceai can lav* loaathlng from bli aalary, and tbna lay tbe /onodatlon of a modaat fortDoe. wblob wUl Inoretae alowly. poTbape, bat inraly. Tboee wbo win tbe Itfger prlsea ol tba profenlon find tliem golden* ud from oat tlieir aboodaacocan euUy lay uldeenoDgb lo proTlde for tbe IneTllable rainy day. Ve are not Ignorant of tbe aanllold temptatlou to ex- IrbTagtnoo wblob baaet tbe pathwiy of tbe lotor; wa know tbat opportanlUei, U not neoeeilUee. for apendlng money (ireely. preeent tbemeelree almoik conllnailly.Biidwe wiUlnily nuike dae tllovanoe for tbe natural tondenoy ot moat men to be prodi* gal wblleforlooeimllei. Bat aoooer or later tbe KOddtu la pretty oaTtali to ftown« and tbe aboter of gold toma to rain. WbUe tbe geld tula, then iNi't It wlee to prepare for tbe tain f 1 THE TURF. BnTBIBB AT .IRRONK PAIIK. SA.UA- TVOA AND DALTINOIIK Thaitalap imhS of l877,Jnil|log b> Uia lodlcV ibler of I ^^J^ farabbed bp tba uoprecrilenti^ aunbcr ot* al Mo-Kaaala. M, T Olara Tnllit, egad ii. oonBlUaMfnIeldaatBiltlDora, Md OeorceT, Blaklep waa .Tan oiar aad killed oa IharaUiaad al Ibe Balap E»^>», MJ7.....nraa; Tba Pact Pitt BoUer Work*, CI niUbnrg, ra.-loaa 1140,000. lo* aoraacalW.OOOi Mwtla Rer'e dwalUei, la tUadlr —loaa n,O0D, lannvl for 19,000. ,*mUmlh It: gaaool Oair Ball.taU the Batbon (Pa.) Melloul neab, wu aaalaaaed lo l«a paain'iBpilaOBDaalftr OBbtialeoeat A ■ _,.,in. n..iin« .^mi locomoUraaiplodadal Kepwr. W. Va.,killlBf Ana- KS''« P"°?,' ttn 8ple«r,aaS badip auldlng lhmotb«n.:,.,.A irff'iJX.J^'fV all boara- (Ibl wu ilaud to hare uken placaba- !*,'•,{" !i!.'.'?i^S twi«> (ha Arke ud Baanlani. both ildea loalbg fl'.w.„^^^ J-»«lp Daaati rneDe.a«il rt.aad hie el.l J JJ?'^J 5^ "'"J"'» "'^J^^^^ Maria. ag adM. .arefitall y baniedlalb le oil,. | f/.!:'A'ir.2SiJS.:'rlfiri.'y.J52, DEATH'a P0IXU8. ^••kl^ Reoorel or thn D«o«aa0 ol Prominent In^llvMuala. eoBPuaa amaaiLT roa tbb bbw toaa auppia. IPPLSaATB, HaniT-For orer alalr paaia a real' ZS ."ii'V," i'lX ""aln of alilp anlriea. wblob ta IblrMD more thai SSLi?2t? •''•t«l<><>' '''•I'l'IS^'O*?'^* y^- •»»■« "'•n Wag boreaa ol e blab 52?*fj;lK!Jf"S,°J*^;'^^/y<??'^»""' claaaof •icallean. comprlelng Plddloillok. winner ™^i>?*.^fJ*^" ."":_£t'7^'iil?.^^'*"'*S» "» •»« Boblne Blake.; Freaboolar, wh«Boa,baTlag pnicbued aaklff, banwad dawn I nie, Rafom. IjtbI, ' - tba lira lotto fineen Clip. Da waa Ike IHand ot' ' »»^>. Oeaaial WlUlam Binip Banlaoa, and aim ol Jadga '■•■-^ ■■ ■ j^, anlrlea to Ike Tiriona ataiea op.ocd at Jerom Park, iantog.. Daltlmoia, aad olhai promlneu raoBleg Deailogi, promlaea to be oae of greal ■ apol Harab le Iboenalomirp atakea for Ibe comat pear a i alt (ba inaat raclba cMliaa, aad we ba«a paMlvad Tbere aiaku opfaad bp Iba Aoartna Joetap Clnb,at Jerome Puk Spring meellop, na ta lant uttt, Tba Wut- ebeeUrOap, whiok tbia jaardoaa aotconlala eap penaltlea ol ailta weight (or wlaneiB, aa In prarlona peara, hu nineteen enlrlu, amoaff tben esoh dIellainUbed pobllo perlormera uTomOchll' Iraa (wbo won It luCpMr), Unllaoa, Parole, BL Mar Ila, Tltll, Brother t« Ilarrp Ouiell, Fellowcnrr, Aorobat, Alietlne, and Artalldea, and Irom each a brinianl lot ol reeaia a larpa Held of etartara map ba looked for. The Fordbam Handicap Staku Taa pair .ebiodb rinu whloh oeannad ia a chnnh edllee In thla ollj racontlp ahowa (bit the dinger of inob erenla la aot ooafined to theatrea aodplaoaaofamnument. IfheoeTai a aomanaa conoonna of paopla are coUeotad, whether It ke for IhepnrpoaaofroUgloo.deTOttea or wortdipra- liutloa, thaia alwapa will b« loaad Ihoaa wboae nerroaa tampanmaau euDot aland tba alliblut Jir, bad wbo are thrown Into a panlo before thep hDow the came of elarm. Saletp llie only In pre* Tenting Irlgbt, end, ee far u tbie can badona bp ha* man agendoe. It bu bean dona bp our thabtrlcal tuanageri, Tnaniaianootoljolntforprlie-llgbtara. Thaia la a deed eel mido egaloit Ibcm, and thop ire pal awap Jail u tbongh IhcTtaaTa "no rlghla which other people are bound to reapaot." Tbelamba bare great oinia for complaint; aad, If Ibclr adrlce li of aip araU, tho.e on the other aide ol Ibe big water who oontemplale a lo tbIa conairp wUI prohablp hold oror nnlll a mora Oiling opportoaltp olfen. If the law wu dealt out u aameillp In erarp oueultli In Ibatol the eiponinU of the minlj art, bow aenoelp ever;lklag would mora along, aad what a bippp leiollp we ehoild beoonia, Ol la iTxuui, IhlrtMB glatlan kara called npoa nadallp dating the put month lo Inqnlra whalber wa wanted blue gl... put Into oar aanotom win- dowa. TPa Uke Ihli opportoaltp of lanonnclng that theaaguUemen bbre bid their Ironbla forlbelr faiHi,aadao will all olbora wbo call onaalmllar errand, Bloaglualauudloetreagth.n the latel led. VTbere the Intellact-bnt norir mind our rea- eoni. Wa don't want anp blue glial I Bruwanwinare oal. Thar are eiobaoged for onrreaap al the rata ol three for a gnarter, and no qnaelloni uked, Tha earlp arrltal. of' olonaTegaubieie one of lha raaaita of Praiident ilepM' oonclll.lorp pollcp lowarda IbeUoonp flouth. 'Lat oa hape peaoa," eald Qanaral Onol. That re- mlndana thataoolberreal! of Ibaiano poller mep ba aaaa la tba aow pau which oraamiat the ala- dowtof high-loned ratUnnnt*, BaraaAi, nnaonin rnouatHD noLLua warn i*- oanllpglran lopnbllo oharlUaa bptbi will •( klUa Hup Daneeri lalelp dK.uad, And now eomu forward oae Boltb Dancer l« dl.pnta (ho wtlli be'a aa allogad antia of lha dacauad. TTo think II woald ba wall t« pia a law of n«D-lnletpaalloB bp onolM la oaaai of. IhU kiod. Bslatlraa who aero aerer heard ol baron eome to light wbia i will oomealo llghL Lat na bonnca Ih.m, OLona are aUll Irampa, aad Ibo fallnr* to eoaplct Ihoaa oaaain who wan racaatlp andar In la one of oororlBlnileoarIa goal lo ahow (bat t good dad dapeada oa how lha deal la nidt, Now, Ibaa, lal Ohilallaa bnlhraa orgialaa a acclelp for lha pn TeatloBoC endip to onr fallow-olUaana. "loB" Ooaiia la old to 'ja raaaing a lilka In Anbara prlaoa. Ba wUl (be. hare ample oppor- lulti l« l«it Ul wduiac* ibili la loiuu* rUii Ooa Jn. waa raqnaKad togeinpaluhloaaril- ole for tbe aaUghlaameal of onr ladp rtadara. Ha begaa la (hu wapi "Bprleg drauoi are (rlismad wllh flau, gillooU, and otber wralohu." What ho ihnU baro written wu "Bat galloona and nobea." Thla parmlla him lo atep down and oat Waaa wa adnaced lo make a apaooh, tbe olhar dap, to Ibo haathana who Uaa lha oorhalonu of Wall itraet, a kladlp-dlapoaed man offered to hold aaraawhat. AaUwadlda'(knowwha(hewaated wtthll. Xhataad-epad aian had teal oa "the lata alaoUon,'* How nai tha Piaaldaatlal anaatloa haa beaa ait- Uad.baiaball will hatha Bait agllaUoa, Whalaia- UetlhlawtU balo Iba ooaatrpl We aayba par- doned for aapiag that blB»glau ipaotaolaa tia aol lo be worn bp plajan wbaa ta aeUra aarrtoa. It ana that Ohirlep B«aa ha* aarar baaa fonnd, and that Iba (hoaaanda cd taladnphla raporU ot hla dlaooraiy aaod eoaAiauUoa. Wllb aa murgr od panonnnoa bora of daaparaUon, (ho detaetlTN ooallnae ei (ha loal ona'a Inok, Tiour are begtonlag to apnni, bnl (ha efforta required (o ralaa (ham randar Ihalr onltlralloa hai- aidoB* and aipeulTa. NEWS OF THE WEEK BOILED DOWN. .a.OnManbU: TheCablnetheldtuantmeet- ing, aud kleean. Eraila aad Sohnn wen appolnlad acommltlaa todrafl ralea for (ba carrrlog-ont of Prwidant Hapea'plan ol OlTU-aerrlea Beform Senator BImoa Oamaroa rulgnad, to make room for hla eon, the ai Baoratary ot War WIlUimH. Oila, a lawpar of thla dtp, waa diabarrad for traob- erj to a client laoob laaa wu nportad to ban oommltladaaloldaalBangartlM, K. T., tbrongb feer that bla ohHdren would aaad him lo Ihepoor- booae DorlngaAght lo Madlaon Oonnlr, T«nn., Sepntp-ohariai. W-Fnaaall waa klUed and WlUlam Aaderaon wonaded bp (he PaUta Brolhen, ud An- danoa la turn klUad John Palate William Porter, Oo. X, Third Infaalrp, wu anutid el New Orlaam, La., eharnd with lha mntdar of U. Yoorhlu, Oo, B, Thbrtaealh latutap, John Dwper, aged M, a nUnad-walohmao, w orarand kUladat Patanon, M, J I(n. Harp Lpona of MlnneapoUa, Xlnn., waa maidarad. Her hueband, Daalal, wu amatad on aaaptdoa Matthew Ingram and Jand Pratt wan IdUad bp a enow eUda near Alia, Viah, aad Baarp Johaattt foal bla life bp a oarlsg-la la a mlaa Bear than. .a Uanh 18: Ae eoalaal orar Oommodore Taa- derbUI'a wlU oeaaad, the dlaaaUiSad bain wttb drawing their oppoeitloa A fljo la thla edlp tartlallp dialroped Iba Trade BoUdlog, oeon- pled br Townaend k Tale, daalan la ladlw goodi: Baldwin k BaooD, daalan la ololhi aad ), B. lAoka and Bullocke,lmpoTt«nofdi7goodaiaaUn*tedlaae, neulp BltO.OOO, whichlaooTevMbrlaanniue...... Other firee: A warahonM,eeonp(ed bp Jeaaa Tr'tr k Oo-, and W. S. Bohuita k Oo., Salttmon, Md. —tou $10,000, partir Inaaied; a drehonao S the Wbiltantoa Hllli at Taualoa. Vaaa.—loaa 130,000; Elllolt'i Opera-bone* and tba Hoaameat Uouia, It Woooeocket, B. I loea tOO.OOO, In- luranca IM 000; Walarman'a oU-relliiarp. al LoO' don. Got.—lou $10,000 Jamb BInchdeld wu killed la Boeton, Hau. Peler lUUtr, An- tbonp Olbbona, and Cb wlaa Domepha wore arr«alad OB aoaplolon Ei-Beor«tar> ol War J. D. Cam- eron WH ananlDOualr nomiaatad for (railed Buiaa Senator from PaoBiplTanla bp a canona of Bapub- Uoaa. ThoNow xork port obirgB* ware deouted uaconaUtaUonal B>-SeoretarpHorrlll wiaooa- armed u OoUoctor of Onatoma for tbe OlBlrld of Porllind ud FalmoDlb, Me Mlnbaal kbrrlmaa of Booh Oreek Oaalre, lad., while laiani, abot ud killed hU eon, aged lb, perbapa IbtaUp wonnded aa- otber, aged 10, and then took bla own Ufa A man named Moon wu killed on the railroad at Bt. Simon. Qaebeo.Ouada. a*. Hanh Id: Telenima from Bt. John, It. B., aUted that tha bodp ol a man beileTad lo be Jamea Slagan,the laid and p'^rk apeoal^or who dlup- oapa pnvlonUp, had k near Weldfoid ela- tion, N.B. The throat wu oal, and (ben wu a ita)>-woand behind (ho eer Tbe wrooktog ol the b wk lonabarabna, from Unipool to BalUmon, Md., on Lookool Baoala, M. 0., wu nporled. Ladwig Lar- aea.aartar Jaoobaea, Patar Johaanaea, Uirtfa Jo- hunau, Ingold Zrlokna aad aa nnkaowa man parlahad.. ...JohoWalkar,ooloied,arTWtedroran atlempi to mnrder Hn. Btookeli aear Dnlan Bldge, raan.,wulakea fromJaU bye mohaadhuged.. .. Al ladaMadanaa, Ho. Dr., Jouph Langdon wu acqnltlea of (ha moidar ol William Waiaoa WhU* tk work la a tnanal U BalUmore, Md., John Bheehaa and John Hurphp were killed by a oarlig-la of eaKh Tkaaap Btawart ot Tobi Ooaatp, Oal., wu aeqalttod ol tba obarge of altompl- Ing lo bribeai-SecniarpOhaodler TheKhedMre ol Egypt nnewed and eoadrmed hla lalhar'a gilt to Oraal Britain of "Oloapatn'a Needle," which will be reaored to London Jama OUmu wu dnwnedla the SDmeof the pnlp-mlll at Bkowha- gan. Me Lord Baibrln. OoremoT-gaaaral of Cuida, wu aererelp Injured bpfilUng on thopiTe- mut In OlUwa JamM Millar ud lilu Hanla- hu wen drowned aear Lladap, Oat . ,-. MaJm, nil. Reform, liirpi, Tlrglnlui, Inroloe, . - . . and Oeplon. Tbe JuTonlle Blibu, for Iwo-paai^oldi. bu thlrlp-ili utrlea, or lu men Ihu lut pear, among (hem (ho prdlnca ol the ponoit alalllona Uirry BuMtl and Sing Emul, wboie ilock han Barer pet run In publlo. The Joekep Olub Budlcap hu thIrtp.nlBe enlriu, or olirao men Ihu lut pau, ud among them appear Ibe aamea ol Tom Ocblllree (who woa It lul pear), TIgll (the Dlile Bitkei winner). Brother to nirrp SaiBialt. St-HarUn, parole, Bhplock, Helorm, Fef- John OleTea Bymmu, wboae funeral he allendadill belag a procaulon la koel-boau bom Olnolnaatl lo MonhBead. Bhortip altar raacblBg OlnclnaiU ha porahaaed tbe lam In Oraan Townihlp oa which he dIed-Manh 19, isn. aged a). ALEIkNOZR. Jimu B.-AI one lime Bute Bina- lor from the rm Dlitriet ol PhUidelpbla-thm, Minb II. aaad 3g. BnENNAN.Jcba-AmauUr of the Thorau E. „,,„„. „„„ m.u.u, r..- "ti' ""^ •J5',?i",l?" O""* ifatloBil Biadlcip Bleepleohui hu ten en- and lailnil TIclor Emmanuel ud Qailbaldl-lhla iHoa-BolliI, Trouble. Deidhead, nMolute. lud tba BilJriS'vJ" ^ . . .V —. • debnUaU Fredericktown.Keawood and New York R!??'J''f^"^.'*T^».¥??r'C'*4"?£'" h»"'»»»»»B" """I- The All-ige Stakei. run for l8SL?fl '!!,4?'""' *' F»'»'«Ti»,«. I—then, at t£a Fall meellni, bu forlp^ne entrlei, ud nSSir/JSI. -J . . ... ,. , . I among them we obeerre aome Of the ooll nnownad n?n??'n''^**"*i*r^°Vi?*."'iJ''!'."'.?'K*'^ h'°'w«<'» Amertcan lurt, The ume lUkM for SJwT-*'?"!!'"* "5f'!•«•• doeedwith tbirtp-alght aulriie. Altogelher. W.'?.'^''"!lL*"l*'A*i'*'''.*T the number ol enlrlu for the Jerome Park Spring Si.°!?l!K??!iT «« iM».»I«ltt«»>» *U«d nnUI meeUngeicaeda thit or lul pear bp aeTenlp-thtei hla death—Oalway. Inland, KanhT, I hone. .?*nT?.'L'.'S^"~I*?5f" "* *» Sintoga, tbe Incraaae In Ibe number of honea 'J-il'<>^P-< ilinh 10. I aatend for Ibe dlfferral bIUh thai cloaad March 1 ale: . aaAO.,1 ABiaBTTMia. K. B.-Wldow ot Bon. Jean D., Bright, Benalor tnm Indlua-Oall Bsnae. Looli-1 TlUe, Kp., March U. ' OTei thoie of lul pur le equallp aratirplUR lo Iboee who are Inlereited In tbe proeperllp of tbe Aineilean Brnc'r;;ir,:a~Vu>v w - j. . ■ 1 turf. Tbe fimoui Ulle-udqoarlir BweepeMkee, wJ?.^??(/'^;?;~*""'*Jf*T?'*J"J*,?"!i '•>'•'> lotirlablp brtoge togelber the apaedieit fctta k do, awUoaeen-thU oily, Manb U, iged horsu oa the turf, boep^ np Tli dliUncUre ohino- BxpM .u_nn 11 u » I t*r,loramonglhelwenlp-llteeBlrlM(fonrmoMlhin _S^PifS!^l5S'!^i~'i^^.•.^^.'^?''"' '"'j^^^ Ibenamuoreuch (ul dpera u whoU cndllad with beloi the father of the cheap- Tom OobllIrM, Parole, nbadamutbae, Vljtll- Midge, ^t^^^ .1.. iT.i.^ <i «u .i. I yj^,^ gultona, Ollilpt. Freebotor. Fiddleellck. Pruton, Atgerlne ud Warlook. TbeFluhBlakoaror two-peir-oide hu tbIrlp-flTo enlriu, or eloTio The Saratoga Cnp hu . III more lhan In 1876. Tom Ooblllree. Arlelldu. OllUpa, Sullua. Va- fS?l!!!!u'^l?°V*^f ".?'"2!°!?w"*v*™"fi I W. B«ther lo UuHll, Parole, Acrebat, Si2K?.iSS? "••J't"'* OlrU Wu heaerred Peiiowcrall ud Alierlne are among them. The '%Vm'',I!"V*!i'*>''"'°J~H'';'4'?i'''^'!' S**".! S'rt" for Ihrae-peir-olde bu twenlp-io«n ..?J'"!S2!"'*'5;rJ*°~^°'''".''.. »^.'".!°'' oBlrtee, or bIbo more thin lut pear. Tbe Bum. ulhor.bnItaowBbealbpreuoBol hla wile. Maip nor dudlcap hu lortp iereo horBM entered, Oowdan Ouka.!>o«iii. .hn.. "Oonoordanoe of | being Iwenlr iircn more than lul aaiaon, andoom poatace ayalem ta Ibe Dulled BuIm. She wu the , danghur of Ibe Hon. Benjamla EaUatt of OiUrrUlo, I ](au^PhUad«lphla.Hirchll. ..u .™-™. JSSh'ilS I? 2[.?!'^''I* 12»I"J»' »»«BlP-foar cBMei, or Hi SSSSL "J?. ttr^'^S^'iL'^'y?' '•is. "•'■•"T'- Tom Ooblllree Arlelldu. O Btanaa, the Allda, the Oommoaontihe Armenia. peared tram thla oltp a lew < oeu fooBd on the rallrmd tnek i loB Bonae, al Wbiie Bulphar 9^^' The Pep- bnmedi Ion 190,000, Inannaoe $b,0OjL' ' * .a, Harob It: Paler B. Bweenep of Tammup Ball notorietp* arrlred at tble port oa boerd the French elaamir Labrador, after u abaenoa of about BTiyean Blephen B. Joou, proprietor of TU Aefl0li-PA(loiepAleaf/oiirnal,wu ihoidiadatOhlaa- ^0, III-, bp a phnnologlat nimid Pike. ... Tbe of Eb( • ■ ' ■ bodice I bineter Large ud hla bob Joha, who an aappoud to hare beu Tlctlme of foul pier, waro fouBd In (he rnlBa ol Fielder Magrador a Blare, near Wuhiagton. D. 0 BU Ohloamen ware attaoked bp wblUa Bear Oblco, Oal,, fonr of Ibem being hilled udoue morUllp wounded During a Bra adjololog tba Amerleu Bouae, Bee- ton, Mau., Uwli Blca, pcoprielor ol Ibe bolal, died Iromlrlght Uenrp J.TIttn of Monlrral, Oan- ada, fUled, wltb UabUllluwLlmaledal$US,00O Tbe Oompuliorp IdaeaUon Bill beoime a law In Ohio Flioa: The Ulnera' Hotel, Weelarn Hotel, ud other building., at Blamarai. Dakota—lou $M,0CO. no lunranoa; (he Doiou Ohimloal Worki, South Brooklyn, N. T.-lou $9,000. .. Blanlep Hittbewa wu nominated bp tto Ohio LeglalaUra RapubUoana lor U. S. Benalor, rice Bbcrmu, re- Blgned. March 10: Four negroee—Nelson Brown, lu- cluaThomu, Adam Jobaeoa, ud John D, Dennli— wen bused at Aiken, H, 0., for mnrder ud araon. Mijor-general Qeorge B. MoOlellaa wu aoml- niled lor Superlniendut ol Pobllo Worka of the Slate ol New Vork Enoch Thonuaon wuMu- uuccd to be buged at Oolumbia. Tun., April 97. lor the murder of Rufui E. Jukion An eiploilon at BaBlar Broa.' uwmlll, at Woilh- lagtaa, Ind,, cauaed Ike dnlh ol two o( Ibo Brm ud three otber penone Flru: The Codmaa SuUiUag, pooapled br 0. 0, Sawyer ft Co. ud other Arma, at Boalon, Maa.—loaa $11,000; Iba cation alumerOor.aarlud.elBed Fork.TeoD., four pauengera ud tba cargo being loit; T. M. D. Pltchar kOo.'i furullure-fulorT.ud ao adjoining Albttu, 0.—low $30,000: Zelglei'a flour. iDg-mllle, al Obeuoa, III.—lou about 119,000, Inanrad for II000; a row of f rime dwelling., eto„ la Wut Trop, N. T.-lou $8 OOO; Mijor BerhdlB'e ruldenoe, al New Roobelle, N. T.-lou abont$l8.000. ...MIcbael ZlDK.aged 60. died al Buffalo, N. T., from iheeffcotiof inhilloa ilore gu The Ohamber ol Depallee, br • role of 9(6 to IIT.gan IbaFnacb Oorernmenl luiboritp 10 proiecule Deputy Paul Di Ouaagow rorTloUilng ibeprua lawa Jamu Keegan ot Brooklpn, N. wu aenlenoed to Bre lein' Im- priionuul lor robbair Back k Blooebraker, porb-picken of Bigenlown, Md., lalledi lieblU. UN, $190.000 A coNuer'e Jury al Chicago, lU., loond a veidlot ol murder In Ibe dnidetree agatnat n.O. Pike, wbo killed 8. B. Jonu.ud that kiri. Pike abould be held w u aooeuory belon tbe Hot .a, Uuoh II1 Tbe U. B. Biaate cooSrmed Iheap. EoiDiment ot Fnd Donglau lo ba United BUtea lirahil of Ibl Dlitrlot ol ColambU, four BoutbBrn DoDiocriU TollBg for him While tenponrilp louBe, Oalbarlae New. aged 89, drowned benelt In I oleUrn at Bliaabatb, n. J DeteoUve Jamu Wblu ol OindnBall, 0., wu Buleoeed lo Ihlrleen montha' InprlioameBt for oomplloltp la elecllon rnnde John OummUg wu killed oa the rail- roid at Jimilu TlUage, L, I The .turner Florence Heper eink uruty mllu abore Utile Rock, Ark Tbe aaairaraary of the birth ol 81, Patrick wu oalebraUd In New Turk ud otber loillu Connt Von Araim wu nporled lo bedplu al Hloe Tke property of TU OuntttU Publl.hini Compeny, alWublnglon, D.0„ wuaold by auotlOB (or $a,000 The V. B, Buale ad- jonm.d P. B. B. Plaohbaok wu, bp a TOleol 99 to I, aipalled from the Lonlelua BopnbUcan Ou- tnl aommltlea laau Berliaar of Baltimore, Md„ poleonad binuU wllbpboepboru B. M. Aibmore'i aonilng-mllle, atObululoBi III., were dMliopedbpSra—Tom $19,000, laanruoa $<,M0. Marab 18: Tha alaamar Bnilud of tbi Bad aUr LiBawu nporled ubonat LooaBruch, N. J. Thoee on boudwen eared, bob If wu fiarad that the ateamer will enre a total wreck The Jury la the bnioh ol piomlee cttt, Wealtbp M. araea ti. Joha T. Biiigi, al SoohMlar, N. Y.i lendeiad a rardlot of 18,000 (or tbe plalnt- l( Peler Begnaa of Newark. N, J,, wu nporled to hare attomplad lo kill hla atap- aliur, Harp Malthawa, beceBee aba would aol OowdeB01irko,iK<NoTeUo, whou Shakaapaan" kaa baaa ooa of the moat raloabli ad- dltloaa to ataodard tait-booka—Ouera, Italy, l(*nbl9. ' OLTDE. Oeorge W.—Of the aleaauhip firm of Wil- liam F.OIydek Co., Phlladalphla-lhae, March 10, aged 98. OI7NBAM, AnaUn-Of the Arm of AniUa Dunham k Oo., wool-menhuU ol Hulfoid, Ot, ud Dua- bam k ITU of Haw Tork. Be wu alao oloiely Men- liaedwltb muy hanking, Inioruceul maanfac- turing compulea. ud wu one of theleadlog mea In aonneotlcut—Hartford, 01., Much U, aged 71. DUNHAM, Hn. Hiry-Aged neldut ot Olea- tUIo, N. T.— there, Mmh U, egad 109. BAO&H, Falrlok-Well known among aporllng-mea la thU dly (or a aumber of pean put, ud at one Ume proprietor of a pabUo-hooae oa theaorlbeut ooroer ol Broadwap ud Houatoa atrcet He bid come here from Albenp, H. T.—thU clip, Harob 16, OR033. Thomaa—Tnm 1948 to 1870 npcMoated i —v..™ — -a - -• -r-™ —■- Ibe Third Ward of Jeney Oily. K- J., la the Board I Buenoa Ayru. eome of which had|been Irted by wap prialog the flower ol tba American turf. Tbe itakei for two-yiar-oldi Oiled with thirtp-flr* eulrtu, agaloet twoBly-two lait yur. Tbe eiceu of entriM for 1677 orar lut aeuon li eiaoUp lereolp. Tbe Marplud Jookep Olub enlrfw for their Spring mMUngIn Map neil eihlbit a decided Incriueerer pnrioue rem. The Four-pur-old Hudlcip sukee oloeed wllb twenlp-two nomlnallene; the Ttarae- peu-old BweepelakM wllh twentp-ilB; the Daltl- monOupwltb Ihlrleen, Incloiling lul reir'i win- oer (Tom Oohlllree). Add, Tlitor. Parole, Burgoo, ud Algerine; the Drickenridge BUku for tbree- pear-olde with Iwentp-ali; ud the Dlile Sukee ol 167Swllb aUlp-oae. HACIlTtJ AHD TRUTTINC liOTES. Ia FnBu there U eucb e uarolty of boiaee ex- lellBg for caralrp rinonnu Ibat the War Office bu decided OB Imporllnr a aumber of hoiiM from feolM. The foUowlBt eome In regnlu order i •■The Kalckaneaker«."-Ia oldu llmca the reapeclabi* ramlilu wbo woe pread ol thla same rolled ulna- sin, aomewken la (ha TillageofOreoowfob, which la now Ibe NloOi Wardi bnl la IhU PJfP^'TiidS'"' geBllemuwbometODlheaUiyBoftheEmpinOlnb oa Hanh 18 dtganUdd a taspln dab, ud gsTa II (be abore auK alUr aeleellsg the following oflt- can: Praaldeat, (he raloru buabill plaper John Qrami lrauurer,r.B.Benioi.'iwoi(h| re;nUry,V, Nlion. They eUrted off uadar good anaplcet. aod ofAldermu. He wu iheaonof ai-PoUoeOominl.- iloner Orou—that oily. Kerch 10. BDNTLBf, Abner—Had originally beu a realdul of OonnecUout, wbaaoe be ramored to Cuba, Alle- gheny Oouatp, N. T.—then. Hanh 8. iged 108, LE TEST, Hme. OeUrto Walloa—Well known In metropollua lodety at one time, udoompUmenled by the Harqnla De Lafapatte during hi. lul rlalt to IhU ooBBlry, In 1836, She wu laUmate wllh WuhlBgtoB Inlag, ud at the angguUon of Lauur- Uae Bhe wrote a book enUUed "Sonranln of Trarel," belngareflaxofharownanerleBoe*. Berfalherwu SorarBor of Florida, aad TaUabaaaee wu eo aimed at her anggutlon. Bergrudlatbar, who bore tbe eama name u ho father (Oeorge Walton), wu one of lha algnen of the Deolaiatlon of Independence, ud afterwarda Ooremor of Oeorgla ud a mimber of the Supreme ITonrt. In 1636 ehe married Dr. Henry Le Vert of UobUe, Ala., ud during (be ad- mlnlelrellon of Pruldeat Jackaoa ihe wu much In WuhlBgten, ud oouplououe for laklBg nolea ol of eiperimeot aad fouod lo anewar. They coat rerp mile on tbe epot, but the eea royaga le ao long that tbe price on their arriral U conildenble Thi well-kaowB reeehorae Pompep'a Plllu. 8 peare old, owned by A. Waddle. Bprlngflild, DI., died from luflammalloB of tbe boweli on Mareb B. Be wai tbe wlaaer of a mat muy ncM la Ma three ud foar year old form at all dletuooi Tbe (honugbhred blaok mare TIcloria. by Uncle Tie eat of Capllola, Ihe dam of KIngAlfonao, died lutwMk at the atabla of her owner, htr. Footer of FUat, Ulcb Fourteen borau out ot Ibo leren- teen entered fUr Ihe Leringtou Hudlcap 9UkM, to be ran at the Spring muling In May, harwacceptad the welgbte Impueea by the budlcapper, Ibaa (ur- nUhIng a flattariog eompUment to hie iklll ind Impartlalltp In adlnaUog the ImpoaU to be-cirried. Mr. McOolMck. u Auitrallu gentleman, leoenlly pardiaaed In Bnglud eli grBybounde it largo pricu foreblpneBl ta Ibat coloay. ud'offered $9,000 In gold tor Ooomaaala, tbe wloner of Ibe Witar- looOBplhlaBpilng^bBt IbeofferwudecllBed Ooogreulonal debatu. LaUr aba apent aareiat , i _ , i yeen In the leading olttu of Europe. At the oloae I VOm, Oolumhaa, and Olarelud will giro running of tto OlTll War, itmuetaool whloh aha bad re- mnUngalaMayaad Jane, la ladepeadeBt aaUoo inalnediaHobUe,BbeweottoWuhlBg(oo tonefor of IheoeoiaaponaadbyBaflUo udBooheatar Ib pardon for Oenanl Beaaregaid, ud aobaeaooBUp I (he matter Moamnga reouUy aold la Callfor- ahanaldedlalhUolly—Au|iMla,0a,Harcil3. I Blaat(iom$l.t»lo$l.76eplac* The race bone LOUQHBAN, BeT. ffklil^^-AuUtaal paator of I Pnag wu aold at aaeilon oa the traok al Ibe ooa* the Ohanh of the Bplpheay, IhU oily. Borain I clnelonof IbaSaTUaabncM, ud wu punbaaed Irdudla 168$, ud name lo AmarioalalSID, Bit- I by Oapt. John Fiely for $110 The wirhone lag atadled la 8t rku^a Xarlar'a.Oollega, thla I Freetown, that oarried Oeneril g. W, Pierce of New dip, he ntumed lo-Iramid, wban^benmalBed tork tbnogh tto battle-Oelda lu Minland, Tlr- tonryaan, ud Ibeaoamelgala tolblaeltp. aradn-I glnla, Seutnckp, ud Eul Teaneaeee, died it aUagfromBl. FrancUXartir'sOoIIeie In ISM, ind I the home of ua owner. In Aieonett rillige, oa eubiiauuUp tolng ordalaed al the TTor (N,T.I I Waablualon'B Btrttadar.ud waa buried In a plne- Bemlaary—tola dir. March li, agad 41. - I boi la the OeBeiBl'atamlly lotla theoemeUrp.... UOirraOMEST. baboipk a— Daoghtar of the UU I The BpringI muUng of tto Oalrwlon Jockey Olub Bamuel WooUer of Long Ulud. N. 7., ud widow of I oommeuou AprU 94, ud a great mup horsu bare Oapt. Jamu Bonnw Honlgomeiy—Norwalt, Ot., arrired at tba traok lo prepare for Ihilr innage- Manhl9. ^.-O. I menu Mr.BufonTe aonea IB EoRtudarare- MZLLB, WUlIam 0—Eqaeatrtu, (Bee Olrou)— I ported In better eoadlUoa thle Spring tbiu Ibey Euua, reoutlr, Bged 93, I wenatuy Umelut aeaaou. Both Mala and Bay O'MAItA. Hulls—Father'ot Ohlar-detaeUTO Boger I Final declared onl of the Newmarket Daodloap, tor O'Han of Pltubnrg, Fa. Be wu for twenly-tre I whloh ther were walgbled at loilb. MaU alio de- yaan a lealdaBl of (tot olty, aad died there oa olared oat of the Newmarket Inleraatlonal Hudl. March II. aged 70. I eep, for which ha wu welihled at lOlib U, O'OONMOB, HlH AaBle-Eaown la rell|loB u I Delatn, oae of the oldut ul moat prominent anp- BUUrHeryofBtJohnCbryeoalom.udfornurleen - - - Taanpulamamtorof theOrderof theOoodahep- tord, Newark. N. J.-tban, Hanh 17, aged 31, O'OABA, Ber. Thomaa—A priut la Ohloigo for tWBOty-thiea yean-at. Joaeph'a Boapltal, Chicago, Harch 16. •-.-». PIOkSD, AugniUa-He woald bare bwn 110 pure old on Manb li—Boebaster, N. T., Hiroh 18. PEOS, Oeerge-Bae BIUlarda-4hU elly, Kaioh 19, aged 97, porten of tbe French turf, will ehorlly relln from ft. ud deroU hlmaelf to breeding racehorau for Bale, BepoueuHaOaeeeUleaeartoTcrialllu, ud as exleoelre ud weU-uleoted atod Buccaneer, an Englleh-bred boru, atudi at the beid o( Ihe lUt ol winning rtalllon. In Qeimuy, bU prodnce harlug woa u,931 marka The pooi-aelllag prlrllegu of Ihe Mubrllie Bloed-hoiae AuKlalloa for the aeuoa of 1817 hara baaa lattolmS.B<lde, Hoalgomery, Ala A Mil to prohibit pool.aell- POST, RairMBaen-WIfeotDr, AIAedO.Foe(of 'og bu beea lalrodnced lBlo(he OaaadUa Pariia- tbU oltp-ben, Hanh 19. PORTEB, Dr. B. a—A leading pbptlolu ot Tm»- wwda. Fa.—there. Henh 17. of apopleiy. POBTEB, Aadnw W,—One of the oldeat bualaaaa- muof Honion, Hub, Hewuadaaeon oribeOoa- gregallonal Ohurah then ainoe IBM, aud tba lut lurrlror of (he orlgtaal (raaleu ol Honot Bolpoke Bemlaaiy. Be wu bom a( HIddletora, Hau., la 1799, ud ailtled In MoBioa in in»-lhan, HaroBU, aged 89. BIOE, Lewla—Proprietor of (he Amerlou Honie, Boi too, Died of beart-dlieue laUulOed bp a Bn tbal broka out Ui abhUdlag adJolBlag hlibolel- that oltp, March IS. BOSAS, DonJnu HuaelDfr—From 1899 (olM6 Ooreraor ud CaplalB-gaoeral of Bueso. Arri Atoat 1619 be wu foned to flu lo Ingleod, whai with hi. dau|bter, he had redded erer ainoa. Ia I 1661 the Ooart of BuoBoa Apru lormallp aeoUnoed | mutudtbenUBTerrpntobUltpol iUbeoomlBg law Oeorge Wright of Oueda lutwuk aWp- ped from Phlladelphra 96 flae borau for the EoRlIeb muhal by the ateamer Domlalea. Ilia olalDOd (tot a aarlBg of $10 par head U effecled bp Ihli note W. B. Owen of Ibnato hu parebuid' Ibe nu gelding Barrloue. by Tbaader. ud pat bim la traulng for tba Qaeu'a Plate, to be mnlbral Pruooll la Jnlyneit Tbe aiporta- Uonofkorawfrom (he TThlted BUtea lo Eoglind having proved a highly Buooeulol bnnch of Infllo, It la now followed up by the eiporiallon of muiei, urenlMU head of Sentaoky.bred mnlea, of Urge aUe—folly alilein toada high—harlag reciBllybeao ahlpped for Olugow, They an to be need for dnyparpoaaa^ ^ FBRALTO'S RIDB AOAIIfST TIIIB. Tbe well-knowa Heilou botsemu ud polo- hlm lo death. He wu deeoehded Irom u udeal player FraaoU Fenllo noentlp aadertook, for an BpuUh fmllp.hnl be(pn lUe_u a oaj(le-drtnroa | alleged pniw of $1,M0, lo ride 600 mllu lo ODooU' Ibe Bantb Amerleu plalna—SoathamploD, Eng. Much 14, aged 80, BMITH, Peler—Ei-Seaatar, aad biher of ei-Beaa- lor Stephea J. Smith- He wu preildeat ol tha Bukettatowa (N. J.l Baak. ud flnt Tloe-prMldent of tba Lap Electoral Oonrennoe of Ihe MethedUt Ohurtib—WaUrloo, N. J.- Hanh 19, aged 8B. eeonUra hoan at OUmon'a aiidea, la tbIa dly, lo be allowed the nu of twealy honu. The truk le 991XyatdalB leoglh, ud coBaaqnuUyMnnlapa were required to oompleU oae mUe, ud aaeoee- aary arenge of Iwelve mUu per hoar lo aooemBlleh the aUpulated fut. Be oommenoed hli tui oa „ , HoBdiy erulng. llinh 19. el go'olook, aadoom- BHITB, Oapt. Uuo—Formuy yuri a ihlpboUder I plated halt tbe dUUaoe, 800 mllu, at 7 mUatea Ib Hobokea, N, J.—Slog BUg, N. Y., Maroh 16,1 put 8 o'clock oa Tuudap erealng, harlbg tbea BgBd 80. I f mlBBlu to tha good. OootlBnlaB In Ihe aad- STAOa.Hn. Banh Uealar—AnaanUereildenl I die, he oompleled $17 mllea, aad then lettred for of IhU clip. She wu the molher lB-Uw of the Bar. I rut, Wa phpalotaa, oa eiamlaatloa, ord.riog Dr. Aathony Too Broeok and of Pnf. Henry DieUlar | Mm to aleep ud reerBlt,» u to avoid breiblag —But New Tork, L. I., Much 19. eged 89. | dowa eaUraly. He realad all algbl, ud' raeuBed BOOT, Tbemu—Philadelphia bllllird roon pro-1 bU eeal la (be eaddle (to foliowlBg nonlng at prietor. (BeeBiillirda)—that ollr, Uarohll, aiuig. l eh. ud 10m„ulrelirad lo hli dreaalag-ioom Ibr BNlFFEN.Hirk—An old ruldint of Ue roar-Itu mlaalu after oomplalUig $78 nUea. At thla leenth Ward, Ibli dlT, ud one of the flnt man to I sUgaol lhepettormuoe,Ilr,BenryBergbiwhow1lb work e Boejinaa-thia dly, Hanh 16, aged Tl, I bU ofllcare had bun Ui alaoat ooBBtuf alUadtnce, SEROEANT, Anguitaa—Haener ol the women'a I InterlBred, ud ordered Ihe veterinary inrgeon ol department of the Connly PriaoB, Chllidilphla, | Ibaaoolelyol whloh to lapierideat toeaamlBean aloce 1891-Uiere, Uanh 16, aged 64. I Iba borau, ud If uy wen crippled aot lo ellow BALLADE, Aodrew U.—A BaUva of Baidlng, Pa., I them again lo eome on (he truk. He unnly where he wu admitted to tbe bar. At oae lime he I eommuted u tbe perlormuoe Iteelf, which be wuamemtorol the Stale LegieUlnn from Berki I declared wu fotteuap aolelT foritbe pnrpoaa of Oouatp, and during Iba Olvll Wu he wu a pay-1 gambUog oa taa mnaolu of (he horeu and tha muter lo tba Dnited BUUa Army, wllb tto rana ol I poor rider. TtUi enmlnailoa oooupted 60 mla- malor—Uarplud, Harob S, aged 19. | niei, ud ttou reralto again moaoled. Ha had WASaBUBN, Emory-Ei-Oovarnor ol KaauohB-1 Joel oompUled dI7 mtluwheatheBllotledlOboBn eetu. Bora la LelpeaUr, that Bute. Feb. Ii. 1800. I wen eipind, tbe lut mile belag doaa oo Oairillo'a graduated from WlHIema Oollega In 1817, admitted I (amoui bluk mare DoUy Ui 9:19, the Ibalael mile of 10 the bar lo 1891, ud prwUoed hU pntoeilon In I tto nee. Allhoagh nnanooeeafnl, Piralto'a ninck Leiculer BeieB yean, when ha nmovad to Worcu-1 ud mdaruoa wan nnduUbla, ud tbe ful la Ihe Ur. He wu a member of tha HauHbuwIU aananl I giealut ol Ibe kind erer attempted In thla ooantiy. Oourt fnm 1896 to 1697 ud again In 18961 and wu I It wu, howarw, beaUa lut moatb ia igrioBltunI Judge ol the Court o( Oommoa Pleu of Ibit 8UU | Hall, IiUagloa, Loadoa, bp aMeiloaa aimed June from I6<4 to 18<7. Be wu elided Ootenor o( I Leoa, who nBleitook, wllh oalp Unhoiau, loride UanuhoaelU In IBM. In 1866 he aocepled the Duuep Profinoreblp In the Gimbrldge Law School. He wu rice-prMldeni of the MaiBaobnaeiU Ulilort- eal Society, a Fellow of Ihe Ameriew Anllquiriaa Society, and a memtor ol Ihe Academp ol ArU and Soleucei ud of otber leiraed bodlu—OimbridgBk Hu... M arch 19. Taa Hiua oa Bioroiaa.-Tha alileealh neeUag, at dllfeient dlaUocu, tolweu John Swnud David BliBloa, tbe aotad BagUeh bIcpolUla, look place at Ltllie Bridge. Loadoa, Uanh 6.ud for Ihe alt- teenlh time Reea wu vloloriou.. The taller pol- l.hed off hla Aral mlla lo 9mla lOaee., leedlng bp tbeiamedUluoeaadlB IheaametlneuPenltola Ihe piuaat loaUaoe. Ha failed, however, illbangb he BooomuUabed 609 nulea la the 6ft hoan. Feral- to'a ulaal riding lima la thUiaal wueaHlly 93h. 19ffl.6le. Taa PooL-auma Bm,,—LeglalatlTe anloB ea Ihe blU problblUug poot-uUIag allll buia fln at Albuy. TIgonna protuU from Ibe Amerieu Jockep Olub, Ibe Beratoga Baelag Aiaeolalloa. ud SronlBnt biaeden udboraa-owBemInIbUBIate eve beea arewaud to (he Seaite, befon whloh bodp tha bill BOW la, havlBg puud (be Aaumblp bp a voU of 80 lo 10, TtoAmeriouJoobeyOlab, lalu He wu u _.....— r . , the dejB wbu tbeold Wublojiloa Oourae waa la Ita prime, loag pnvloai (o (be war, ud moat vlill- orv lo tha Ohuluton isea-neeUnga from the Bonlh aod North havaenjoyad hla open-huded hoapllalily aA hu elegial home In Ibat dly. Among the race- ho.'we Ibat ha owaed, Ihe fimca. man Alblaa wu eoB.'eaudIp the but, bar lUiaUonal .riotorp ovir Pline<,lnaraee al four-Bile huU alObwluion, .tamoiughar u tbe but nearer ber dap. Blnoe Uii oloH' of UiB war Hajcr Cuter bu been nnceu- big Ul hia afforU torarlre Ibe raeing tori In Cbulea- Ion; bat bla aerUoae tore nd beu atltaded wim Uie auecau .Miep meriUd, lau or luciaoaara Siorrto.—Tbe pobllo eile of radog Block b'loBglog to tbe well-bBowa Ohio breeder ol thoroai.'ihrodi J. J. Oroair. at lilB farm at RlillklBBlck,ncarOhlillrolbaoB March II,wu inddiBlp bronaht tea UmlniUca la conacqnonce of tbe lack of bMdna, There were 91 bead aO' nouocol for eale, tha produce of Iba high-bred alil- llona neToirerbp BoTcnne, and Ohllllcolho by Lei- In.tea, ud ell d them were out of maru that hi(1 pnvid tha dama of wiauire. In Ihe abicnce of bupen, tba lilda wan al encb prepoaUronely lew Bguree Ibal, In iheer dliguot, Mr. Oroun itorpeit the lale. Only Hi yaanigo Hr.Croaia eoldaalngle Iwo-rear-oid. nrap Pluel. for Uie laraa piloe of 110,000lo 9lr. Belmont. Ciilprpper, Dualoeaa. Huck- leberry, aad other well-bnowu ancccaitnl race- borua were bred bp him. Exniomoa or FaBrTnoTrrar-—Barely hu eucb a collectioa of (ul trolling honca. wboeo nrorde go low down la aod below Ibe tveutlea, beea wlt- Deaia<l at ouo Ume u wia eilillilled at Ollmon'a Oirdea oo -rbundap avealog. Mirrb 11, on tbo oc- oailon of the lillnonld beneOt lo J. Dunn Walton. The ilrine of Atari comprlM-1 Hopeful, with a pub- lic record or9:lV><: Thouiu L. TouuR, 1:10: Benry. 9:10.K; CuUe Boy,9:9li Flub Fergnion, 1:93: Un- known. 9:13: Otleot.9:9l; Oeorge, 9:9<; Triumph, 9:14; Wblleilooklng. 9:24: Tanner Boy. 1:14: Grown Priure. 9:16: Nellie WbUob, 9:99: Lady Diblmu, 3:97: BlDp limberaoo, :::i; Dan Brpul,l:97: ud tbo Eurney coll, 9:18. All tbe iboie era ownsd In thla city, ud thilr uUmatid iggregila valne U $100,000. OcToLiTZBAL Tuomito OiBctrTT.—ThlB droolt, which compriiu tba mtung uioditloni of Olere- lud, Baffilo, UUc RocheaUr, Floelwooil. Bartferd, Bpringfletd, ud Poughkeepite. bu mide eome Im- porunl cbaugM In the proaramma ot pniau for Ihe oomluf oimpilga. Tbe Irea-for-all puna U now $9,000, ud OolJimllh Hdd la ao loorer barred from entiriog. Bar owner, however. B. N-6mltb, deolaru tbal he will not allow bar to pirUclpiU In uy free-for-all pniuM next aeuon, after the Aaaoda- lion hid oaca prohlbllad bereaUrlBg for them- The 9:19 pane U now $9,000; the panea for tbe li9], 9:23,9:91, ud 9:97 BluleB, $9,000 each; ud tha 9:98 ud 9:81 panu, $2,000 aacn. Aaurraia—Tbli famoua aon of Leamlngloa ud Brnsp. who won tba Wlthen ud Brrokenridiie Staku ud Keitnoky Derbp la 1871, hu receitlp bean Ibrowa out of traUleg ia coaiequuceof the eppAaraoea of a rellat on hla lott fore-leg. lael Bwion It wu the right fore-leg that wu tbe aonree of trouble lo hli trdner. neceulUtlcg bla nllri- ment from the turf for Ibi bilance ol Ihe eampalga, which he hid m briUUntlp commenoed bp buUBg the renowned Tu Broeok In the foor-pear-old ewMpilakei at Lerlngtoo, Ey., two mllu and u ilgbth. In the (ulMl ilme en record at that dla- luce, A* aioirT-iau nor, (or £100 a aide, hetwMB Ear- rta' brown man Polly of Lead, ud Horley'a bnwa man Rou ot Darby, oima off Feb. 96, over the ilmcal atralgbt road totwaea tha vllligM of Bawtry ud Doncuter, Eng., atarting Irom (bo (ormir. Beaa woa eully bp three pardaiB 94mia. Mho. Obulei CoBqueat wu aUrter, (Imakuper lad relerM, Taorrmo nt CAiiroanu.—Tbe pioprielori of Oaklind Pirk, Bu FrucUco, offer a puna of 16.000 In gold, lo be Intled for April:i4 over that track, tor a race of mlla buU, but Ibree lo flre, In baneu, conditioned npoa Ibe enlruce of Occideat. 81. Jullen, Barui, Oakland Maid, Bodlne, ud Bam Pardp. Bxicon Paaa. Bonox ^Thle trolUog park bu been leiied bp Mum, F, T, Birkir k Co. for a pe- riod of Ave pean. Theyclilmtbe dileeot Jonel9 (o 18 tor their Bummer trotting meeting, and Sept 11 to 14 lor their Fall MNling. wirfpiap rbelr Anrf preoUca geme on Mardb ». "The Barmonlqa"—Al HarmoBia Hall, Dnoklpa, the dab which bean Ibia aaraa ornulied lut week with twenlpmembon: ud,u II huaomB exp6rt bonlen, there la no doubt It win become Ihe friend- Ip rival or Ibe onee-powerful Mniaila, Tto foUow- lug in thn otBoen: FruldenI, A. Dehtan: aecnUry, E, mile; treaaarrr.L-Hliibelb. "Ewen-atreet Olnb" —aootber pnpeay of Ihe pel week—eatered bow- rtni-drtlea wltb IbB following olBoen: Fnddent, P, dsKow: Ireaiunr, M- B. Loiter; aeonlary,A.Halh. "Sernlabcr Bowling Club."—ThU olub hu ipning from Ito Binclog aocioty of thraime name. whIoB hm a widn-inread local repuUltou la Ihe Eulera Dliirtot, anit will play only aodal gamoe. The lol- lowlnii oOi-en were elecled lut wuk: Pteeldent, H. PeHmu: vice-preildent, 0- Dnenweg: aaeretary, T. Wopgudt; Ireunrar, P. Oiuodler. aaaaane awALLXT.—There la u alley aear Ifew* lowu Creek, kept by a bliilT old TeutoD, who olU 11 ooculoDBliy with pelroleum. Not long ago, after Ihoprrceuwu flnl'hed.a parly of Brooklya boy* sinmhioj In there, and, aeeing alleya, pnlled off Uioir outer garmonU aad - commonoed a friudly game. The Ant man lo nil came down all la a . iBBD, while hla bill wu miking truka (or tbe gnt- - ton *he lecond followed anil, ud th(r other (wo went !„ lurch of ehalea, ud they eamobwk with roller-ikatu, which they bitched on, and' Aolehea the game amid criu of "Oreue poor one," "Don't go over the lino," much to IhedUgBitof the Jolly bellovor Id DiBmank'e policy. THE TRIGGER. OOWLINGe aOlNO FOH HOBOKBN'S WBAL-TII, Hoboken hu followed Ibe oiimple eel bp BiiU' more three weeka ago. by ihewtog e epirit of illwr- alllp lo giving priiu (or towllng. On Mareb 19 Hr. Oerduol tbe Otto Cottage. Boboken. gave one hnn- dnd ud Ihlrtp dollan, divided Into right prllea and two pramluma, aubject to the foflowlog coudl- tloni: TlokeU. Iwentr-flre cuU each, good for three throwe; the bolder of Ihe but Ucbel to baouilUed to the flntpriu ofllS: the aecond belt, IM: the third. $16: fourlb, $10; ttlh. $8; ilith. $9; eareolh, II; ud eighth, $3; the bUle oaedlo to 6K Inch-, aolld (no nolei), and tbe nomber ol plua niade by each ball lo ba credited lo Ue bowlor. II wu old-Ume lupine, bringing one back lo the daya of -Tenpln Jobnop" and Jim Cook; ud. u there were ao raetrtctlime to the numtor ot cbaueu a peraoa could take, of couree acme paid manyaquarlerfor tbe privilege ot trying to head tbe Bccre, but II did aol tollow that thoee wbo rolled tto meet got Ibe hlgbeet count Tba con- teal coamenced at 9 p.aud ended it II r. u., aod duriBg Ibou alae hoon tbe Cottage wm paoked with people, ud whea Ume ww called tbe clerk aommed up the foliawlog ruulb: J. .llecbbuh. Ant p^ie, for maklni 80 plna with the Ant Ibree balla. Oapuin Oenlimu, who utonlibed our dtp Terpaiohorw oa Feb. 7 la tbe match belweea Ihe "Terpe" and Eudaona- ot New Jemy by tbe peenllw twiiu aud oarvu the bill wonld uhe aflir luvlng hla hud, ve- celTod aecond meney for maklug^ three twulp- ninee wllb the Ant nine balle. W. Taylor, wllh two twulp-Blnea. oama third: ud for fourth and Allh plieu than wa* a Ue of 99 ewh bitwun B. Taogemin and W, Bloa. which ended la their flipping np, end Ibe fcrmer, gaeuing "be*^" got foorlh monep. D. Homu oirae daih wllb 18 twice, aad tba aeTenlh ud eighth prtiu ware Hilled betwua 0. Melobloa ud M. Hoop by a cat of tbe carda, they toring two twenty^ereu euh. ud the latter getung the lait regular prin. The flnt eiln premium ot $26 fell lo J. Alecbbach (at making 114 plua out of a poaalble 190 with IB bdb; ud Ctptala DoaUmu. who wu doee tohlBd blm wllb 149 pIbb, received tbe eeeond rnralnmof$I6. Daring the nine boun there were ,M0 tolla rollad, J, Alaebbach wlnnlag two prlxu, amonnting to 140. ud OipUla Denlamu two, araonuUng to$38, lb* other all wltb one priu euh. TbIa Ib tba largait amonat ol mooey givea la priiM In tbie riclBHy alaee bowllaa hu riaaa fram tbe elumbei aader which It haaldediumlBgformuy a pau. 'WILLlAnSODRO wa, PECK BLIP. ThlB Bilob, Which wu to have eome off on tbe alleyi ot tbe Broadwap Olnb on Miroh 14, wu poll, poned unUI 91 oa ecooaat of tbe dutb of a member ot tke Wiuiimihani Olob, The peek Blip team Inraed oat very itnag, ud,.aot wtiblBg lo dlup- Solal (tolr frinde, who aUeaded la numben, thep Ivlded euong IhamBelvu aad bowled a remarkably good game for aU on a aide. Ur. Klloben, wbo la oneof IhebealroUenla tbrteim.had tbe miafor- lone to make two "tbmlliu" with bU flnt ball In every Inning, ud Ibia aecounU for hie low econ; bnlbiaupldn made np lor all deOcleBCIu ud had lack by going tbrongb Ibe fnmu wllhout a break. Oa the olhar aide Fedden led the .core, whloh I* aredlUble lo blm, u ha le yonng in Ibe ul of toirilug, Ibey an niy eangnlae ot winning Ihdrmalob wlUi Iba young fallowa who tollla for the WHlIemiburg Olnb, bnl to-morrow night will tall lha tale. The foUowUig la their lul acora: (loaon'a Btoa gflbuli. Sbnaaaker. Rlleben Xriiie Hnetl Elnire ... Jll ,.. IM ,.. no ,.. irr ... 193 ,.. II3-D6 Aiworr*. Fina Aibeir Tbumio Bcbroedir Peddoa Holman Dull IM lis i9e ;e leg -637 TamBaToaSAT Niona„—BIribdapa eome ollea In thla dab, aad, aocordleg to tbe rnlea, UiBy ue aU calebnied wllb tto eama «lal. Tke lut wu a deal celebraUealnboBorof tbe natal daya of Pruldent Mennr ud Trwiorer OrMutreai bat on the 17di of Hanh Ibe boya turned onl In honor of a private la the compiBp, wbo hu beea a member of the origin- al ohib alBoe 1861. Mr. Boguena A. Houlle com- pleUd bU Iblrtp-lhlid bIrUidap on Uanh 17. Amoaa Ibe Invlled gaeata wen laembin ol the Jovial Olub ot Brooklpn, tba Butoion and Terplechoru ot Haw Tork, aad alter two taami wen aeleoled ud a game diapoied ol, (he worthy hoot led hU friude to a well-apread Ubie, whea the balinee ol the eTuUa wu apeal la doUig boaon to oaeof the oldut mom- ban of Ibe dob, B. A. Houlle. Aaneied la tha loon. Thep roll (to T. H. T, Olab of Hobokea. w the Blatol Mareb, Oreaalree,, Moolle BOOAIIDVS nilBAKIJta OI,AB» BPilEUBS. Though Ibe home drcle pruenlod grwter atlrae- tlcn than Ibe muddy, water-aoaked atreoU of Hew York on Iho oranlBg of Fridap, Uirob 16, then wera . conilderably over one thoB.and paopla preaut *$ aiimore'a Oardu, when Oapt. A. B. Bogardua ww aanouBced lo attempt the ful of breaking oo* thoniud glue belle, thrown ap from tw» tnpa at a Ume, la (wo boon and forty mla- atee. The captain need a gun mamtulBnd bp Bcolt of loBdoo, Eng., having two aaU of bar> roll, the carlridgu eonlalnlog tbree ud a half grain* of Dlilmar'a powder and uequarler ounce of ahol, Protoblp there wu not one emoni the audleBoe wbo believed ttiat It wu pcealblefor the champion wlag- ehot lo uhleve anoceu la u BBdartaklag ao atn- fiaadouau thla; ud If then wee, ao enewuwIU. 01 lo tot uytbing like evw money tbat Bogardua wonld win, Thla wu toton the eibiblUon be- gin; but when the cipUln got falriy ta work, ud ibatierad glau begu to bll rapidly befon tbe muilio covered woodea wdl which bad beea erecled at oae ud of (be girdo (or tbe reception ot the ebot, M qolck wen bU moremenU, and eo ulonl.blnglpflnehU eieoullon, (bat opldoaa be- gu to chaage; ud, aa hundred alter hundred of (be deUcate .pherta wen amuhed Into tnflroeaU InluBdreimed of Ume wltboot (he ahooUr ihowlag algna of waariaau, hUgue or watering, wigen wen offered oa hie viclory. aad at Ihe eiplratlon ot u hour tba InvlUUooe to tot were ell tbal way. Oolog OB aUadllp, and with dmut nn- errlng dm. In u hour fortp-lwo mloutea and flttp aeoonda. or flllr-eevea minoiu ud tu eeeoada abMd of Ume, the Ihoauod bdli wen broken, ud Ibe champion biuklel tolng luaUlp ohured bp the ipecUtora, imong whom wen maoy wdl-kBown •hoU. The tollowlBg Ubular aUleneat ot Ume ocooplcd In ahooUng al euh hundred, with tbe re- lull, Il of laUreit, and bindr for nferoBce; lux llrala jriuol I 1(0. DMUlriixJ. Flru 71 n Eifhib n a RiMOd II 19 Ninth M 1 Third 91 « Tenth M 6 rmrtb 91 IIEIereothlaudSO 111 B rifln tl 9 — — l.iib a II Tolali Ijm 196 »-v-0lh M tl The Ume of the Oral Bvehuadred wu49mIo. lOaea.i .econd,I3mln. Hewudio Umed ai breaklngU balla 1n one mionte, aud 31 In two mlnatu. The balle wen aot Ibrowa frem the tnpi dmul- laneonilp, bat ther followed one uolher lo quick luccenlon. Thii le tbe Oral Ume Bogirdui el- templed Ibli tell, aud to deaervea to to oongnta- laled opon hie encceu In a Uak wbleh few men, If Indeed npone but himielf, would nndarUke to perform. 8. H. DorriU ot Chicago wu releree, Mllw L. JohBioB itteoded to tbe helled gnn-birrela. Dr. Talbot pulled the tnpa, T. 0. Duke and W. B. Orover kept tbe acore, ud Dr. Santora wu tlm^ lieeper. ^ A-VEIIICA wa. inRLAITO. The Amateur Rifle Gub of tbia clip, dcalnui of accepting tbe chalieBge eeal by the Iriih merka- mea propoBlna a fourth InUrnaUonal miteb, bar* Mot the ippinilid drcnlar to the leorelartu of va- rioui riffe duba Ibrooghonl the coubItt ; DaiaSil.—Aa Inrltalloe bii hera recelred br thle eUb, fmn the rIBraeo ol Ireland li Ihe ridanen at America, to ■iMola nalch lo Ireland lo Jona BUI, nnderihnllarooo- dliloailtlb^iajiofAroliR Ibe Irlib.Amerlan nulakaiol 1871-1 will jour melelr Mod oni or nan men le rapra- ioot Amerlta In iblireni.ilt Raeb man aelettod u ooe nl the leim will be rcqolred in bear hli own eipaoraa II laeipeeled bla dub will provide (or blm In ibea.lBBlof 8300. loM. riiAii lar ihli niiiir allure rnor ndeip, aad eomoiiiolenle 111 iB.wer h.lftrn iba In ol —" — -' la n^eaiarr thai Ibia clob iboold boow >rn oeiuai II Ibal lloia I? wbelbar a rapre*aolaUn turn caB ba gnl lanltor or Bot The Anulaur BlOa Club aarneillr daiire Ibe ictlreoe. F oparalioa of the rile clabi of Amirlcm lo lldi mailer. ' Bp order of Ue EieniilTB CoBBlllaa. O. B. Mncaau, 1 <l. 8. Seni.HBBjieBX Ja.lCoaalUea. B. B. BlBrnu, J Josira He maB, Becreiag. Paaa Harca,—Local Bewipaper edilon aad rw- porten ue eligible to compete lo a ahool for a pMrl-bandled gold poa ud bolder. wMch com- menoed lo BrooUyn, It, T., Harob 16, ud wiu ud April 19. The ooadlllooa an: But three targeU, ol taa ahoU euh, 100ft. dleuace, off-hud, up Craed- moor rifle. The beet aeon mada np totbelMh mat wu 46 out of a poadble 90—eight let a 4 ud a - 3—bp Beary Chadwick, Tai Amaiua Bon m Sma Aaaoounoa ot Ibia ' dly elected the lollowUig ofllcrre March 11: Pred. dul, Oeorge H. Creed; vlce-prcddeol, Joha Flem- ing; treuunr, Ohu. J. BUwarl; aeeieUrr. Bamnel B. Apmar; eiecullve commltUe—John H. Butpbin, John H. Crue, Tbeodon Bogere, WUIiem S. Cogt- well, Jamu P. Dany, Altort J, WatklnaoBv ud Wm, 8, Elmendorl. A aooisTT for tbe prolecUon ot flab ud game WW formed at BtJohn. N.B., Hanh Ik, theloHowlBg omcen bdBg dieted; PrealdeBl, Jamu A. Harding; vice-pmldenu. Jamu I, Fdloww ud Jarau D* WoKe Spnrr: lieaeunr, O, T. Btoaa; council—S. B. lldl, J, B. Parka, JobnW. Mlcholaoi, S.B.Birle, Oao. Berleaui, Wm.Bueu, J. B. Pollen, Ju, Baa* ler, Oonnt De Uury, and O. F. Smith. A eoortx OP nox-axrcara-O. H. Tbilbr, a pork- packer, ud Jacob Kafu, a butcher—abot amauh at VigeouB, Ave bw eecb,91pdB, riu, 80pds. Ian, (or 190, at Treulon, N, J,, March 8. The ouahillfnl dia- play ruulted In tbe detut of Toller: ecora, 3 to 0. AfiUATIC. Etenao.... DeMreei.., B. Bella... Jack Poder niipairlek, MeT<>ur.,i., Iltisbea. laa la Vi III Ui 10-160) H. Onb W. Rnlle Baetl BhnllB riltllmmOBl,. Wallace-..., 141 It6< 198 (7 81 ll» 141 in-mi Taa ATHLRioa.—The membaia of (hla teana^ bir^ lag aowB tbelr wild eau long ago, an now la ateady u a reck, aad la tbdr bewllag bll Ih* toed- Bin u rigalu and oartdn u alookwork, la thilr lul praclloe-game tbe bowling of eaoh member of tbe Uam wu away atova the avsraga, ud Ito aeon winipukforlUalf, They wieh It ondintood that any tum or memton ot a team belonilnc to the Auoclallon who wlH wialt tbim onthilrraadar nlibt-wbicb la Frlda)r-ar,d Jdn In the eianlM, will be received In the (rue epirit of weleomo. The acore foilowa: over 100 yarde;bnt from thla poIotBUnlon, who pnlul.aUtu thai lu annual priiu and nwardi for ' got off bidip, begu lo oreen np elowly, ud the Improvemml ol the breed of raeeboraea aow got wllhia twenty parda ol Kun before to com- amenat to 180,000 par unam, ud, being aehw- dieted hie third mile, tl wu IheB a rue raea be- tared iBalllnUon, It protuU egdnit Ihe exiesilon jwua tbe pdr for the next two lane, Stanton dnw-1 of leglelaUou over lU own properip and gnanda lug up Inch bp Inch until lu the third Up of I almplp beoanw oerUln abnau have bun futored the fourth mlla, oa lha nllway aide, be onw I by Ito prulloe ol balUag la plwu ol genaral ud np level, and by uven oxerlloa gel In front, | IndlBCrimloal* pnbllo reiort II therelon BoqueaU and tor Ue aeil two mllu they ru la clo.e I the eumption ol Jenma Puk from tbe openUon oompauy. Juat at Ibl. point the gnund b.cama otlheblll.aoutodlowpool^elllng on tto conne aaddoBly enveloped la gloom, Mick elouda ud daring Ihi race muting*. A delegiUoafrcm (he a abitlloa wind tolobening the appnaeh of a I Jockey Club, ooui.Ung o: Leonard Jerome, A. 0. atorm. Ererybody uempend for cover, ud dowa | Uueoa ud W. Oon.lable, Buell at Dlieetaad Ly- oame a bury abowar of rdn and hdl, Ihnngh I man P. Smith ot Buffalo, appured bofoaa Ibe oom- which tbe two rldere had to cooteat tba nmUod-1 mlltee ot the Binate lo whloh the bill la aalemd for ar ot Ihe race. Kom, with good Jodgmeul, did I report, on Wedaeadav, Hanh 14, ud osged a modl- aot atUmpt to lake tha lead again, conUnUng | AaiUoa ot Uie Fool Dill. At their aollolulloa,lar- blmMltbrJuat keeping lunarotBUalea,Bhaller- I ttor baariag by lha commlllee wu deferred nalit ed from Ibe wind, aalll, la tto lut lap, when ea-1 Harob 91, wnan A. Belmont, W. R. Travera, an* lering lha atralgbt, be name out and ehiUinged, I otber npnunUllvu a( nolag anooUUoaa will to. ud, alter a Bne Aalih, but Btutea elererly by I baud agilnit lha hllL banly lha length ol hie mwblne. There wu very I , _„. »^ _„ ^ . lltUe talUne, and during Iba raee A lo 1 wu offend „JS^E? L n!^lJ2,^ ..K«a. <!e.,W. AUIaua ofll.I.l.d.M Til--, I Sl^^'ft^tf.^Ti'la^ri'u'S"^h"l?^^^ be made on or totbn Feb. 99, harvabeen declirid OS, PItidlog w. Moilir Mnllenbiuef..., UmekMpar, ud aUrler. Time, ABala. Meeo, Hntaa va. BAVxa.—The QraoivBemui wruUlag maloh tolweu Tbletond Banar ud Wllllim Millar la lb* athleUo aveal ol tha eamat week, Ubing plue at Ue HelrspoUtu Mdlag Aoadeiap, Third avuoe, IhU (Tnuda)) evealag, Mereh $8> The prladpal. have beu dolia good work tto put Ua dapa, ud an npmutadlo ba lefutollar oon- dlUoa thu upon wy BaaTtoua ooeidcn lo udara theaaveie tug of war which tUi raoeaalat thrul- aaa lo biUg aboni. narry him, ud then abet blmuli, perbapa ta-1 Tbohai Faana, a vataru ertckalet ol RotllBi- Wr fuN KmUwh kUl*d wtB« iiUigadlkio,b|.,dlia,UH*llaioh$,a|*4'|l, OnaetlheooaAMIooeof tbe na* apeclfled Itob tto eatruoe BOBey- (1600) muit to paid at the Ihne of entering, ud^u many of Ito aabecritore kUed to comply with HU* reqainaaal. (he racawuabu- doned. Taonm* Beatt aaivaa' Amootknoa.—Thle new orguliaUoB hu flted apoa Bept, \t, aa »od dap ud tneh, lor their loaagnral neetlag. lb* place ahiia IIU (0 to haU(o toberaaliac darlgaated, Tbe profiimme eomprlau a aUk* (or (brat-yMr- oldi^aaske for foar-pear-olda, and aalikitor flva- ytu-dda. Tha enlruo* (o atobia BMLand Ike Jraddait, Oharlu BaohBas, idda tUO la Ibl Bliki litm-yttc-oMi, - . 190 . IIS . iir . ID . 119 nichlrdlOB.., Behllcb Dilap Buptes WIIIOB .... Ill .... ill in Ill 179-1917 TnlCuaan on Henh M mel oa tbdpowa allipa for pnollca, aad, iiuough abort ot OoDerar'a aod P,Biku'aaeTvioM,Ue> roHadap Ibe .aloaUblog aeon ot 1,638, ell pin. maraibultoyevermad*b» 'ot^ The bowllag of Uu veUran oanmM wu won- dirfnl, for II la vary aeldom Ihil a caplilB leida the '*"FPl»Fiai Hulada en tbe Hit at lha Empire AUays, ud Ihalr nail cdl will to from Hu- n'eteam. ThafonertkagUthairlulaton: R-JPTT'-V"* S4 IMlBOB ID f-Oboreh m \Att*..."^ Z iS i,Or«m. m T. On...'.,.."..." IB w, nnm m Ij, Clercb III-M» J'TW^ eon p aai d of aaamban of ihaOaiiar gab. bW aeoBUUal Ibdr elUpa, 69$ HarA 19, wllh Ih* lOUowlag naaHi . Taa Umiaa. i Boaave*. "lalbeo fit .. airelabof... .. U4 ■♦■d"! jw _ Tan BadOB... . Sj Walbel Ill- «(|Larau |St|_ m TaaiBo»*Biro-Tkl*latt*kladol «kMdUie leTMlcboBtbold, forea Fitday neit Itof roU th* Cnilai*.nd(beyan dratdybooked IomII (toSJ Inmbluof Bnoklpn ta (hiea weeka' Ihne. and (to Jmdre*tefbur weeka. Oipdia Charley Kirmu la '•*»l!»^.'».'*"5,"i»**' prmtloe for (haeomiBi areBlB, all ot wbleh (he Idly "larpa." an In honu oroapiarlBg, Matcbu Poa raaWan.—Tbaloranof bowUnc caapayibtir laooy aad lake (hdr dioleadarlni Ihacorieal week.ror oa Wo'laaadty tto HaSaai ud HnlaaU hare a taaUt oa Uii BmplrtAlhin! J^'w'?. ""A "»»«»»»•■• WUIiimabania atop fle PeokdlB Olab. On Prldap tbe Otluiaklatud MiUmur* PUP al Blatir'a, ud Uie laraiStborw ud Oatlta loSl iko bilU «n iLt lUtja olOiiMait. OXFORD-wa. CAMDRIDaE. Tto elghu of Ue two great Eogll.b nulTeralltM have been for tu dan put ddng Uidr pnpanUnT rowing apoa the waCir over which lelo Uke pleo*. OB Hanh 94, tto auBoil race from Patuy to Mor*- lato, BlBce Uie rival cnw. have beu aua en Ih* river tbe dark-blue oanoen from tbe M* tova made a big lump (orwaid In tbe lietUBg, (be paoe ahowa bp Cimbridga act bdng ao-good, ud Ibey not appearing to to quite ao arrongand luting a bedi, TarlUM of opinion aiUU,bowavuiud (to LIght-blne era aol wllboot coafldent followen, though Ibe atau of tha betting on. tba 1,71b, u a cablegram Intorme ub, wu two to one In favor ol taloid. The opinloni of wriUre couBeoM with the aporilngprew of Londu an nitoled la Uia following dlepilcb of Ibe atova date: £>iri !>(/',, lo.dir.caBBenliBB oo the lalvenltr boat ^1 °"l Balurdap en tto Tbamaa, aari II billOTaUat Oilord win wlu-aa opIUoa wblob II aapaliooolrnied bTthariTdlelol meuol Ihe rawloB-oiea al i;"'",'/-^ I<i»ila«d Ifn/fr uyi ihii Ibo odde on Ciloid arelulllad,TMkep biia ibowii the baai paaet bet Cam- prloge cao Inpreve miirh. ta. Ffurilitg Ommtit upai fnollcBl oanviiB al ruiney alniuM imBOltuealrtOfor Oambrldae. Oilord era >iron>, biil ili are Oamortlie. aod tothTiBBilbe added the larllhni Canbrhlaedlaolar larbellerilrle.'* Porlhela reai-iin nir(7oai»eii°K(a le MB Oambrldie wlo Mmiwhal umiv. tA. Jaerfniaiei- peoU Oifhrd lo wiD wllb eau. and wllb liraer Odde laid 00 Ibem ibBD oa any craw ror Bona peara, The race la.lo to aUrUd tolweea-elshl ud halt- put dgbt o'olook a, h, ^K.^lff""""* OnuAaimm flop pmanted, fl?"Boaey, by Uia pnpilatore of TAc Kt»- taiOt (Eng.) Ckronlctt, wu to bUB bua flnl com- fl?"'? "oaay, by Uia pnpilatore of TAe ooiUe IBng.) Ckronictt, wu to bua-bMa flnt com- peted tor Manb 17 ud IS, tbaooufeebelug airdatat- awap, from the Muilon Bouae (o-BeoUwcod Bna- < penilooBridge,onlheiyne, Tb«-aaeepled enlriu. »,7,' ""A ?".""> lumadoo. William Blliolt and WllUaa NlohdioB,.aU nodb-ceaaUpmen, Ihti napu belBg wllbOBl a nprMaalaUve. Bold wu, lha Uvorile at lul advlaea. "HonBW Ani»na>,"-^The third edlUoa ol this ueefBl work, by H F. WllklBaoa-of lha L. A, O.aodi athleUe editor of 7b (DoBdoo)' UM, bu made Ita- apoaaraaee. laaddiUu lo Uiaahaplenoa the riia ud progruo of atblilio apottala virioua oounliie*, the muagamut ot muUnga, (ntalog, InalruoUona la walhiag, rannlag, Jnmidng, kamBar-lbrowing. elo„ ooalalned In Iho. pnileue edIUOB, parUculara of ndoua Balhoda ol haadUag wilghu an-now given, logelbu wUh a Hit of amiUnr ohaiaplaBi, uduananua altarUIOBa tova baeb mide necauiry In lae tablu of bet proteaaloaal ud aaaUu par- lorauoe*. TbU aUII.Ueal aorilon ol tbe boofclTu ealdeally bean aomplled wltb a arut deal,ol can, !2J5*ff 'ft.'»")r? »U*WUtr- Tto woifciuom- aaada lUelt la all loven «l athlaUa exudaaa. Bionu Tt.K>au,—At Agrioullinl Ul, Lob- Fag^ CO. Feb. U, David Btuloo andartook lo ride one boadred mUu atalaai di (raUlng honui aad cuna of Bloloiloai, doing (ha dltUoce la lb. Ma. 17a. Ba*a u aoddaotal fdl la. the torly- leBiath lap, Btutoa rode tha Bnl $ny mllii wllh- eii(abalt Oo tha Klh, BUalua ooabuded In a atlT-mlleaatok agalait W. Oann ul J. ThonMk aaehof whomwutodoteBBUaabytara.. 8Ua- lea again oama off vlotorioai, aaaolaa Uii fiOf mllMlB9b.($ffl.41Ml. / OooaiHb—A aalB batwus f«aU awaad napwt- Irdy by New Jemy ud Raw lark leaden ww ooa. luted at Bliaabatb, R, J„ ob (ba algbl of Hueh It FoBrleutottluwere fOBgk<bla»$roua baMlaul $1,000 Ihe mda, and New letMBeeBa off BiBl-ball hp aaoon ol elKbt to alx. Aaooana MAm, pilv*t*> Mwaw Hew Toik ail PbIliddBhUblrda,wu eBaah( Hanh 1$, Hew Tort winning^ a aeon of >fir«a(UeB lo toar. All (hi blIda wa n dear gam»-aota riiBbway aata ga*. then. 'HAasAh-Oir tkaaki are Itadtiad (a Job, B, TaUm. leq,, of Second Wud, FhlUddphIa, far a eoppet "Himaal al (be Oonadla"*! (to! olty O the p«ar Igtr, Taa KaiiToaa Otaa of Ibia dtp art t* hold tbij' aecond aaautl bdl at Wdhalla Ball, Re. tt tA<B Orehttd timli M TBMdii aTialBi, AprU I,