New York Clipper (Mar 1877)

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Maboh 24,1877. CLIPPE B VABI ETIES. CodtprtsbiK Ballads, Roun aid Dance*. Comlo Songj, QIJ BIH », etc wBirm UD Mtuii» rot till m you eurna. TAHBO'B DIVOnOB^ASB. iRmiMSTOB. — Staott iMkonlDn mtkt looa Madi tbM hud tliDM, Mr. Bosh, Bona.—Wall, I nabet molioBaa on ■ Mtnd nt bnl what I round him lAoH, Taiuo,— I hwr dtt Brnddar TUnudga iron't go to do iaa^hon no oo' on kla BoBunai TaoaUon. InT^Wtarao? Tai(Ba^b,haean'l batr to haar dewltdwsTaa loar Ob Baadaia, caaa daj lamlnda blm ao nnoli gb Babbilh-6r«lrin. Bona.—Spaakin' nk dal pnia me In Bind ah a ennnndnim dat atnok ma wiias I wai Babla'. IjTT.—L4t ni haar it Bona—Wbal'a da aifforanM bahraen an anila worm and a ana4fh I In.-^Ioo daap. Bonn.—Wall, da oaaworm) da book, and daodar bookadawonn. In,—I baai that tbe aalioaoman ilala thak Iba planal Yolcan la loit, Bona^Well, he'd do battoaaa lo ba oat ao lata, TAina.-Dld Ton »bei Una vbat a bunUfnl laa< aon da alaia teaon na t In.—No: what lilt I Tajibo.— To wink, Bon*.—Dal gola dtm In a bad babll, too, Tmso,— How'a ditt Uoma.—Why, lo n°n (IK lil<(iclnllIUta). Baa II? Ti"?? ""i'' 'l'* »■"'8'''' "">» "W Mn, Sin- nal lataW, Ur, ^otanaloi. m.—How la thai) Timo.—Vb7, aha anad Dig for a llmltod diTo'co, and 1 wu laibed wid a uup-lurun lo ooma to couxt. Bona.—Cooit vhoT Tuaor-Da conrt whab do Jndgo aata on: dar lant Baa lovplurtm. Int.— Oh, I aaa, 700 moan a aubpnna, Dat I think joQ mnatmean a lammooa to appear. Turao.—Soltanxari, A>a< one brosghllt tome, and aald I mnat come, rain or iklne, to ahow caoaa why w« abooliln't be made two, IRT.—Well, did ;aa xo 7 Timo.-Taai: and my lawyer got me ont nlca. IHT,—How did bo mtDago It ? TiKBO.—Be proTad dare waa tan nb na alteadr. IKT.—How did he make It ont ? Timo.—Why, dat do old woman wu one acd I waa nnSn. In,—SlgBor BaaiRO will faror wllb Tht PitxIlBBra Rotnrn. DiOUUTBO TO MiSlni. HoBQAR 150 laiSQ Niticn Annan. . BT ROBERT McKAY. Kcartr and oemrrr I ilravr to iheacenea, where lo joulb'ahappf li,iuni I nfif n illiinwin: KMrar lod nmrer 10 rrieDda tod to kindred. Nearer loeartb'a deareai, aweftitai toot—Home. Faro'nrib* ucean IhelanrnI Knriiina l*Ta aauibl. but bar amllra bn^l no lor itronabt to me 1,11a Ihnt I once knrw In Ihadarsfilr&lldbood, In BfiD, the Ememld Itle ol ibe flex OAanu.—NererMpIn Irom Ihee, Erin. I'll wander, wbnl e'er ray Int In. content I nball be To dwell In Ibnl loirlr thatehed cMlaee o'er vnodcr, lo Erin, Uc Emerald Iile of Ibe Hat. on aa I miiae no thv Oaya anne rArarar, A awcal aiulllof Ciee la tny mniloaa rimh ereep; *T1n the U«e ol fair Knlblaeo, my own llilla colleen, wbo went when I left bar to crnan Ibe blue deep. Ob. aball fnenln to ihia boanm n'rr bald ber Wbeo nitbt'aalwinr nwnile lalla loAo'er Ibe lea. Uadar itaa while bawihnrn'a aweel-anellini bloaaoma. In Brio, tba Emerald laleor ibn flea. CAemi.—NararaialD from EriD I'll waodar. eto. ratberand molher.oh. will theyrilaoorer, wbeo Ibay look upon ne with ibelrated eyaa, TheiDnAoB trho lalt tbem andcroaaed the wide eeeaa Ta aaek wealib nod rliilon 'neath aluo akiea r will Ibay wllb klod.epokaa worda aire me welcome. While my heart beala la ny boaom with alee, • Back io Ibe lowly tbaiehad cot of roy cblldbMd— IB Brio. Ibe Emirmld lale ol Ibe H«a t Aonu.—SererafalB Iromlbeo, Brlo,ru wand«r,el«. MRS, JOHN DRBWS FInt AppoaraBco on Uio American BUge. We append a copy of to adrertliement whicb ap- peared In a fhllidolpbla. Pa., Journal daled Bept, 36,1<27. Hlia Loolu Lne (now ^ra. John Draw), than a Utile gtrl In the ninth year of her age, acted the Doke of York, From a Pblladelphit paper pnb- llabed Friday alternoog, Bept. fS, 1817, we eicarpt Iba following from the orluclamof tUa perform- BBoa: "If piccedona talent It IndleallTe 01 matnre excellence, Ibe llltia girl wbo played the Snhe of Tork (Hlaa Lane, we belleTo, ta her name) la dea- tlned to become one of the higbeat obtractara that BTtr adorned a alaga: lor narer htre we Been the part repreaented to affectlToly—with ancb propriety and dltcrlmlottloD, Bhe ta an utonlthlDg child, ud the moat beutlfbl IllUt erealnra we bare erer aaen," Shortly alter Ibla, Ulta lane appeared In many of Ibe leading thoitrea of thla oonolry aa a •tar. Her repertory iDolndad Illlle Flekle, Dr. Pangloaa, Oolddoeb, alt cbaraolara In "TheAelreta ol All Work," aoraa In "Winning a Hnaband;" flra In "rwelre PrecIaely,"'Alblna klandatllle lo "The Will," Ibe Pour Uewbraya, el«. Paper oonlrlbnted by T. A. Brown ol tbU city. PnilADELPniA TIIEATRB. WAIiNDT SrnBET. IB fuiare the deora will be opened at hiir.ptat 0, ibe per- formance 10 mamanen at 7 n'ebtck. HB. BOOTH'S FOORTH NIOBT. Tllia BrEHINO win be prraeoled f bakeipeare'a iragedr ol BiouiBD III, Ob tub rattlb or BOawORTn HELD. Dahe of Oloater Br. Booth Blchmood Vr. Smltb . Iln« lleary (fhimtbeLoDdoB theatrea,btaflrat nppearaoce Id America) Ifr. Anarll Udy Jaaa Bn. Cewell To conelQde with the farce of • X. T, Z. Kaddr Brady Mr. Cewell In eonaMntaea of the conllaaed ladlapoaltleD ol Mr. liambllD, It la Impoulbia tor him to appear on bla reiptUr Blahtf: boldne no:lea\Tlll bofllTOD of bla Oralappeaimoea we append a copy ol a bill of performanoea given foe ber benegl, In the aama oily, tbirty-one yeaia later. Of tboae named In the bill, Ura. D. P Bowera la before the pnbUe u a atar; Peter Blohlnga, F. D. Oonway, Besjtmin Toann, John Drew, Ur*. P. B. Oonway, kfi*. MlehoUs, Dr. Cnnnlngton and Annie Wnka are dead: 0.0. Bontfaoe la a member of one or John T, Ford'a eompanlea; L. B. fihawall la mana- ger of Iba BoaloniHiat.) TbnUei T, J, Worrell It pheUdng law In Pbllidelpblai W. A, Obtpman la Before the pnbllo: Bam Hampla la aeling lo Phila- delphia; B. £berla It alaga-maatger of the Oalllomla Theatre, Ban Pr*nclico,Oal.; Un.O.O. Bonllacela In temporary lallromanti Hra. BUabee la now Mn. W.A.Ohapnun. Bill coatilbnied byA.B.Wright of PhUidelphla. HRS. D. r. BOWERS' WALNOT-BTBEETTnBATBB. Bale Leaaee ail DIrectrea Mn. D. r. Bowera auae maaaaer Nr. Hlcblnia QreaiSbakeapertan Rarteal fnrthe benefltol MRS. JOHN DREW. TDIH ySIDAY ETEMNU. BAROn lO.iaU., ^, wbeo wIU he prti^niad. lor the Dm time la Phlladelpblt Sbakaapeare'abrllllaolconady. loOraaela, eauUad LOVE'd LABOH'S MST. ■loiolNaiarre Mr. 0. 0. Bonllace 2i^iViua:!'-""»T,Jl?' ""• '(^.'iiF.a DutulB,...) ).... ....Hr. Benob Beret IL^rdaalleodloeoB tbol Ur. Toaoa Mertade.... I frloeciaof Kianca I Dob Adrlaao Da Armado, a fhataallcal Bpanlaid, Mr. Bleblon SIrKatbaBUI.a oorale ..Nr^orrell HobircrBte. a a<boi>liBaalar Mr. CbapaaB Doll, a oonauble Mr. Hampla Ooaurd, a clown Mr. Joho_pnw roreeter .Mr._B. Bherlo Prloctiaaol France Mr*. P. B. Con«ay SaSirina. : 1 ''I"""- I Mr*. 0.0. Bonllbc* JaotneBalt*,a eoonirrclrl Hra. NIobolla Duiloi the eveolni, ropalarOptrBllebelcetlona Bribe Orabaatra Laaderaod Mnakml CoodBetar, Dr. OnnnloltoD. Belwcan tbt cemtdyaBd Imt MRS. D. F. BOWERB will appanr, for the laai lima, in Monk Lewla' freak tnglo meoolwiacenllUcd IBB MANIAO. , , , The perlormaoce eondodlog wllb, diil line In PhlU- delpbla. a new and onalaal mite, la oae act, by Joha Madlaaa Morion, eoiltled TAKB OARB OF DOWB. ^ . ^ ^, repraeeBled al the Tbaatr* Royal, Baymarket, wllb dlt- tUfOlabcd aueeea« „ MlTohrUlophcr Oowhlnlo HrRemple Obtrlea Ramaty. blacoaala Mr. Beach Mr. Wallop, a acboolBailer Hr. Jobo Draw Joho. a fivom ...Mr. Eherle Mr* bowblilla Mra. Boniface Fanar, ber alalor ..Mlaa Wllka Ml*. Wallop Hra. SlUhea mim. n-uvv SATUBDAT. TBB SAUOBISB OF THE RKQIMBMT BaUBRALDA. THE DEroBHBD OF VOTBB DAUB, IB rabaaiaal. aad Will ahortlybe pivduced, a aew aitd mIgtBal drama la threaaota^ aa perloraed al the Adelpbl Tboalra, LoBdoo.onilUjd TUB aOP-FIOKBBB. . , Frieea of tdoilaalon, 390.; aeourod aeata In dreaa-drole, RMa: onhaalml aeata, tome m of which bare baea lo- iBodelad aad reeothloocd lor ladlea. EOc; paniuet,3Aa; aaau la orirale boiea, lOo. Boi4llloe eoea from 10 a. a. lo ) p. w. Deora open at 7 ?j!2;fi':!.'*.'.°..T!":!^.'^3riiEfl h. uuiouibon ' BVNFLOWBRB DIPPBD IN ObVBI. BxaratnTulxr DaoioatBD ro Laaar TooLxr, BV WILL II. rlRRONU. AlB-fMila DIpptJ In Dtn. 1 Tin alng ahoued a Dutch lal. Vat I met dee odder nlde; , Uod I fall la lofe, nr flenda, bal I'orhapa dot ran ool ridei Bbe keopa up mil dec laablo, ' Uobaaallrara aoBiedinioaw- Bhe raraa ao oroamaDt lo ner boanel Dot Tie a "eanllower dipped In aloe." aub*.-Taa. dolraa a One llddle gal. Darflrilbltaa rat I met her rae ad a ball. New, tome ol rou mide diak d«iTaeahaaabail,rorreBlcnllcd ber name ebemadaa "ahort-alop." Eftrrbody knowed I voiUd "c*tob her." Bbeaaked me to gnlliera drlok of raler, ood I read nad eat II oBd of der ''nltaher." Den re rent lo htfe a diace, BBd dot TOBt dlog 1 nerer rill lorgol—rea dot mao called out "olrele all"— Okenu.—Her blod waa all the gare me, (Break) Uod dot alnooat made ne craiy t BulIcao*dbelpdol.oeuld yoot ■For aha bad oa rM4lrlpedaloeklB|a, Und a dreaa ofoary-blnei Uad dot orbatBant In bar bonnet raa A "annOowar dipped lo ima" Ta danaed abend an hour— Xraaofbl tired deal gbe aald 1 "Vat time, Aofattaar* Uad I tola her "Qnarter enf tto." gbaaaldflied'ttaaamutnlk-, 1 doa'l Oh re aboni dat daoea, do yon t'* I-loldhar ne; doialllllted , „ . . Tea dot "eonlower dipped la glue." Aaakt^—Tea, ny Irladti re reed ond nndbad allddia yalk la dar BooBllda, nad aioeBf odder ^aaalloae I atkad karol aka ronld ba my IllUt Oowi but the did aoi an. •••'•*>« .... ekerw-Der hud rttall tbagara ije, ala 1,0, B.T 0. DBal-lja»deeoand Boaea.H.a.auawoodandJ.BiTaat Datl-'Tba Ninon Bllll artTollltf," - , . Fmok Howard aad Warrea Wblle BoB«.an<|.eherua-"Tke Cooa Bool" B. A. WeUt SoBg-aai.dai.ea-"MI«tiiayL«Bg'< (la ehaitoler), Jariy Biyant DOT OltOW. WBITTBN BT O. A. LODBR. Daaicinn ro tbb Caoa Aiaoainoa or RBiniao, Pa. My Btmn It Wat John BotaBllL nad tl Itrmlnit I workal I come fno Peoaaylraala, lo doeoaaly of Barkai 1 btilerea main aotlaiIlia omaaaor ataaa Till 1 aee mit my ayeelo der paper aone llaea. My wife the belieraa In aTerfdlng rot aba would, und toeonrlnee barehe'a wroDil delta til rat I oouldl Bui on good TBI II all, lerakt al ne would irowl. UBd ear aome loed will happen rta dal anw be would kowl, OoeBlibtlraa readlsg da paper I got By dot mall from da altr rothrlngia big lol. Ten mi flow aba apeak op aad aay dia to ae: "Joko. da crow howla-eemedlni bappeoa, yi I keepa oa readtog. and aat mlooi rot aha aay, youaea.'* DUMBOIiTOll'a BITHIOPIAS BBRK- ; HAOflRB 111 ia49. 01 iboaa wbo look pail In Ibe eiterlalnDont, i wommme ol wUeb fa glTtn below, farTTBrranl Sled In Ibla dly, Bam Well* died In Tlrflnf* illy, KeT„ and William Park*r,^lloodFBIanwoodaad Sr, Talantlne*t*al*odaad. Frank Howard and Warrea While are tiring In Boelon, Ifata., or Tlolnlly. Blflk BiaaoB.. BOVION aUSBDH. Vo. 87). Kol DUHRnL-raN>B BTIflOPIAR BBRBNADBRK WBDNBBDAT BT"" BaaeBlof bteeare.' BTBNINO, ADO, 8, UIP, JBRBT BRTANT AND SAM WBLLB fBoaaaand Mnboorleel. aaalalad br DR. VALBNTINB. PBOORAHMB-rABT L ,.aA. Weira ,.W, Wniia Qalekalea (iiom lladti,,,,,, gie^"Tea'll BteTbem oa tbaOblo,".,.. SoBf—"Duidr Broadway HwelU". Roog—"Oeod-bye, gaily Dear*' Phantom Okora^"8omntfBbnla') „,ddnpaB> Bong-"! gee ntrll tea Window",.., Wm. Ptriar Boog-'-ald Joe" yX'AT'YlJafTyBlyaal Dr. Talaailoi will appear la a rarlaiyol aktlokta, Ib- laraportad with aoegt, rmll*thina,al& PABT III ..a JL Well* *,..Jerry Byraal RmbooiloeBela ,,...1... inlaiioa Faallnl aad Jia^^,.^.^, laireducUen aad ilewmotaaeBU'''bor* )(al"..rBUIIaad ■*t*BBda-"0tally Wkiui" (Iroa "Do* Paagula") rf*ak Hawaid Fori bcirdolemwoneainonitolume lui Bqi mj win ihi Jnmp opllle iDfdlag woeld, uad nja: "Dt cnw rot bowlloi—lonfdlBir bappani good.' InUop nil njiel/,«Ddlo«Uooi mil derakj, Uad Ml do moon abfotDiiobrlihl Inder blfb. Uyonv ha voi Ovlog uound dm Iniillfl. Uod wblDi k ooiH kt dw ncwn lU der rlla: luuUmlna hoftd lo. nndinr Irowur lo na tvieo: 'Dot crow keapi bowllnc—wmwIlBji aow bippani otot,'* Bnl de mv be kef pa flfloi uDaoirdaro all olibl— Und JobD, I al««p sDoi BOW, l«r de crow ba rca rlnbL" Veil, I xaf I bMk 10 mr bed. nnd I ilupi atl da nlRbl, Uod Ten I flu wake iliecrow bo«l« ill bla nlibi; Oai looD I Rlu up. far d« lun ba wm rlia. t ud Viet lo mtoe brtakliat, flll«d rr.ooh mil nrprlia; Mloe fro* »ha look bApPJ und abaarfal aod iiood, Ufld ujra: "Jabn, dntorow bowliaoloadroibeeouM~ Ton out mlnda to! I uy.Aldoujib I apeak blala— BoinedfiiiTiitH>dbAppana,r lall you aiala." Van da oeii p^per oomea I opan blot wide. Uod rcAdi riiihi away Qotek roi I laa dare maldt^ Bomedlnicood bipp«n«.Juit u fnloa frowaaj—,.' A man ha nnd a dalfar drnvo In Pil<«nai\eUtr. Ro rra made up mind op u b' > ' In d»n dlap Dot vonacrow hotrU liKmedlpyt[> . . rfnat. YotiaiMii mine frow dellma, und I di n I'lifrtw^ BomedlngKood bappeoirao acmrbo '' '.^ff, MLLB. RACllELi AND Clil' \\ OTTB CUBIIMAN A8 TIBOB. F. A.Searla of BottoD, Hui.. lODda ni two blUiof the prodnctlon of Uia tAiiio pUrla the Doatoo (Itau.) TbMlra, tfae orlftliiil la the Ftanoh laognage, Mted by Rachel and ber compuf, and a transratloD, acted bjObarlotte OoibraaoMd the roKolarcon* panr of that tbeatn. Ulle, Btobol and Obartotte OoflDman bare both paued away. Tbe FroDoh eompanr retnmod (o Fnnca. Mile. L(a FeKilaa aUter of Ilactael, and la itltl UtIdii. U will bo no- ticed Id tbe Eaglleh bill that Visa Coabmao waa aonouncod to make ber lut ippearaoca on tbe Boa* ton atace tho follovlng Bataroar. Thomu Barr/, Uary Dorlln (Mra. Edwlft Boolb), Thoniaa lU Donoan, and Dan Setobell are dead: tbe otbara are llvlDg. DOftTON TIIP.KTRB-MLLE. HAOIIEL. fnooBifqaaiKeol preilnDi enakifneoU, will appear lor one weak nnl^- m Ine RnpiinnTnutra. WEDNRilOAY EVRNINO. OOT. 31,1810. wlU be prraam^d ibe ii)od»ro dnma. in flra 4oti, ol AMlIELO THE TYRANT OP fADUA. 67 Victor L'ttto. Anietn. TfraolofFadoa U. Lalouoba ITomO'lol M. Cbarlalne Hndn1ph4 U. RaodouiIAaaftato U. Retiirallflt Un Pane Noir U. Dleodonno Un auelleur De Null M. Chorl Inuno (Taiarlnl Brasadlnl Mile. Lla Pelli R^aloelta Mile. Dure]r|D«riia Uma lAiouobn ThlHi Mile. Aacbei TO-MORROW, TllURBDAT.wlllbapraBeolod ANPROUAQUe. trandy bj Rvlna. naimloDe TT Mite. Bacbel Dooraopaoai7U. Curtalo rUaaatS. Prlcei or AdinrMioB.~Balcoo7, 93; parquet aad flnl ctrde. 11; aenod drda« |l. B08T0M TIlBiTRB. Tbomaa Barry Lcaaaa aod Vaoafer J. B. Wrigbl AuUtaoi Haoaier A KEff PLAT. Lait appfarasea In Boston boi three ol ihevreaieil llr- iDjtactrMa. MIfLS RIIABLOTrB CUHHUAN. who will snroaln. for Ihe Bnt iloia bare, a new cbaraolar, aopportad br tbe diatlnnvlahed ingedlia 4IB. E. L. DATBNPORT aod a nRST-OLABfl DRAMATIO COUPATIT. MIttChartoiie Ciubmao an TbaAdraae Ur. B. L. Dareoport ai Tbe Hpj Hlaa Mary Oerllo a« Calarlna Mr. John Gilbert as Tfae Oaka Mr. 0.0. Boolhoa aa RoHoiro Hr. Dnocao aa ^ Taica Notice.—A boilatbe leooDd tier baa baen aailpiedlor Ihe waof cnlored peraoof, whocaa only be adnllledlo that pirt ofihe tbaaire. Prirtie toiaa, M; paninel, baleonr aad flnl tier of b«iea,fiOcla: Umlly-alrHe.ZActa.; ampBlihuure.lBeta. Doora OMn ai >^ pulTo'dock. Parionaaoee will com- maoeaaid- THIS TTEDNBSDAT ETRNINO. JONB 9. ISSa. will ba perlonBad. for tfaa dratllneailbialbeatra. atracle play IB liur aela ol lateow Utarait (takea ttWA itaa Freacb). eoiIUed TUB ACrRBSB OF PADBA. Tbbe, an acirau. by Mlw Ubarlolle OoabDaa Aaoncloally reprcacDUd by ber al Ibo UaynarliatTbea* tre, London, for raaDT nffbu lo crowded booaaa. Caiarloa MallOerl, wlfeof tba Ooraraor of Padua, br Mlu Mary DerlfD Amodio, a Spy. by Mr. E. L. Dareoport Ae^alo Mallflarl. Ooreraorol Padua aTtdBnrayot reoica,b; Mr. Jobo Gilbert Ilodolfo,abaDUhedLord,wbeaa naraa laBrtatloo. by Mr. O. O. BoolCaea Ylrfllla Taaea. Llaalf ami lo Aaielo, by Mr. Ouacan Anafeaio. Rodottn*a Irliod, br Mr. 0. Jobosoo armradl«g«r«by.Mr. Vemay |Tfalcherby Mr. Pino gSV'".-!: I CUarl.a, b, | »:^,L"OT^ iQlbaedoneAf ihepiay: Roto aod Cbonia--"lD Obo Oeaaeleaa Happy SoDg'*—by Uaaaia. Wheat. Wbiu. Bra- iln. AlklB, aad Opara CboruJk Laal icaa^De Pnlaadla. Fnti naoma TUUASDAT—Lail apnmnnee bal two ot MI88 OHAl^LOTTB OUSBMAlf. FIrat line, a n«wdr«nia eoiliiMl LBS80N8 OF TBB BBART. The prioelpal charaden aaataiBed br MiM Cbar^ lAtie Oaafamaa. Mr. Bbawall. Mr. BatcbaU. Mr. BUhop, ato. Teg nnclode wJib, by apodal re^taeal, (be aaoood aad third acta ot ODT HANBBKTHa. Men Marrlllea by Mlaa Obarietia Caahnan Jnlla MaDoarlRK MlM AniiaOru|H ftocy Bertram by Mlaa Derllo - " ilbj Ur. R L. Dareoport Mr. John auoert 3aady Dlnmonlbj... [>oniala Bampionby HoBrr Bartrmm br Mr. Dancaa Col. KaoBariBK by Mr. L. R. Bbavell Dirk nauaratck br Mr. 0.0. BonlEaee Ollbari Oloaalo by Mr. T. B. MnrHa rRTDAT-Ftararell b«iDtBl of MIBB CBARLOTTB ODBIIMAN. "lleonTIir aad "Slmpaoo A Co.'* HATURDAT APT^RNOOKaiS o'clock.aiBa ODflB- UAN'b laat appearasMOD ibaBoaloD aUne. WIIT DON*T YOU TAKB THB CHILD t TO MISS MIRA 0*NBrUBY EDDIB 0. RELLT. 0 Dom*Dlck) Uka iba baby. Don't yoa baar me what I ' aayt Ha'athe Imtseorblafalbar, liwbal IhawomeB aay. Boi there yoa alt eoaleoied, eo mailer how ba'll aquall— Sure yoa oovldo'i thlok mwh leaaol bla If be waan't yoaraaiaU. noma. 0 Dorn'olek t lake tba baby. Do you bear ma wbal I ay r Wllb Ibe rabblD' aod tba acnibolo' I'm oaar morderad all the day: It'a not a bit of rait I bare—It drirea ne oeaily wild— Arimb, bare yoo aay ralsoo, taao T Why don't you take Ihe child r loReo beard aboot Ibe men.and fkith It'a eo by yoo;. They tblok a wodud Id the bouae baa ooibloi maeb to do; Bui, Dom*olok, If you bad lo nuiaa yoB*dbe lairlygolof wild— Tou llllla know the bother Ibat'e cooneolad witb a ebUd. l7A«nu.—0 Dom*Dlck 1 take Ihe baby, etc. Tbere'aaomelblnielae about tbe nealt'ilo younell 1<U tell— Wben a alrl U yoany aad iloile they like ber rery wall; Bui la tbe matriBOolal aula ibay uka bar ralber nlld. And ibey alwaya aelleu lorlag when abe'a tnobled wllb a cblld. CA«rvi—0 Don'nfck I take (be baby, elo. Oh, bach a bnab a babby. and bob a bab a br— Tba way yoor falber lieaU you It'a ao waadhar Ibat you'd No wwihmr thai yon hick and acreacb.aBd drira yoor DMthar wild. Tboofb thare'a nuay a falber Urlog would bepnadof aucb a eblld. t^raa—O Dom'alck I Uka lne baby, elc For yo« X left mr "papa," aad my lorlag "mamma" loo. And eroaaed Ibodeap AtlaDtIc In afarryboal with yoo; Intbedaya wbeo w« ware iparklBg, and mj youog heart you bafniltd. 1 lllUe knew iba llie I'd lead wllb yon and wllb yoorcblld. CkonUL-O Dom'Diek I uke tbe baby, elc It'a to Ibe maglelraloo I'Hjio, aod diroreemeot I will get, Aoa ru bare tba otallarfliadtor youta auli myaall,yaa bel; For lo the Uwyrr'a paper I'll hare It olaarly atylad ' 'hat I ean take my nteket." bal that yau muai take tba child. - Ckarva—O Don'otek I lake the baby, elc Amb.Dom^l^. doB'tyoQmlodme.DomallarwhatIaay; Sore. I woatdn'l laara yea. darlln* for all Amerlkari Tbare'a naoy eaapleaatwrue, but we'll ba recoBcliad— Tbe dlTU A/ault I tad wHb yoB-U'eoalr wlib the cblld. Otffna.— 0 Dom 'Blok I lake the baby, ela WBI<OH*0 VATIO!?A1j OIROVB In OlevelMd, O., lia IBM* Herr DrlMbach la In fatlnmant, keeping a hotel In pplaOreeb, Wane Coanty, 0.; Qan. nuina Welob Jed Id Fblladalphla, P*.. Deo. 6, I860; J. P. Oad- wallider la In rotlreoaent In tbe lut^named olty; David Blctaardi, Ta UoFarlud, Maiter WiUluna. Alei. Bookwell.and Bob WJlUamaare dead. WELOB'R KAnONAL OIRCUB. BATUONU A CO. AND DHIRBRAOU A OO.'B UENAUBHIE9 UNITED. 0. Barry Hanaier WIIX EIUIBIT AT OLBVELAND, on Erie afreet, near Medical UolleM. ON FRIDAY AND BATtJRDAT, Ihe JtHh and Silt dayi OP JULr.lBU, Tbe pnblloare raapedtrelv Intormod that lhaaa two raat menagarlaa, onliad rorlba pteaent aeaaoo. form by far Iba Urgcei eollooilooof llflDg anlnaljeTer eiblblled lotbia or auy other couBlrr- OYER no ANIMAU AND BIRDS ean be eeen onder thilr apacloua parlllon, 2Sfl fttal In lancib, lor onn price of admluloo. Uoura of asblbltlOD from a to 0 r. v., and 7 (010 la iba raolnx. ' Admlulon,2ftcenla No ball.prka. Tba cortege will arrfra In town on Ihe monlnit ol the aOtb Inalant, abaullO o'dook. and (he carrlagei, cagea, van, elo.. cooIaIqIdi tba anlmata. DrXwN BT 120 SPLEHDfO II0R9P,8, ItS^DBD BT lULL*ri AUHURK HRAAA BAND, will paaa Ibrouab ibe principal aireeta, aOorolog an op> pononiiy nrbenoldtoroaa ofthe moii OOROEOUA AND 1UP08IN0 PHOOBSSIONB of Ibn kind ererafrn. A DOOBLV PBRFORMAKOB IN TnKBB IMMENSE PBRPOHMINO OF.NiL . . EBEB DBIBBBAOII IN TWO, AHD 8I0N0R UIDEliALOO M TBE OTHER. IB the oeurae of aieh oitilbltloD llerr Driaabach, tbe ter famedlloo klny,wDl eater Iba daoaol bla wild tan* ""'LtoNB, LBOl^AllDrt, frOBlIB, CODOARS.BtO., and aire a dMplay.ihe lane u when ordered by the annlal eommaod of Queeo VIclorU. Leola Pfcllltppe Tlaie Klog ol Iba FreachC Emperor NIcholaa of St Patera- bnra, aad Ihe Royal Fanlly ol (be Uapabnrg Bonie of Auairla. 8IQN0R UIDBBALOO will alao paKom bla btihly. (raloadanlBkala,iaperale aodaallraly different from Uarr DrIeebacb'L abowloi tbe dIBereol powan of niod over Ihe aniaul oraailon. WBLOR'8 MATIONaL OIBODflL ^ Tba proprlelora oftbla eonpaoy hare effKtedanea* nMmaal vltb Iba ealabrated aqoeilrlaa Iroona ol Oeo. KaluB Welab.abobH foriha laal Are monlhb baeo per- fbrmloa (o laryaaudleoaee al Ibe National Amphllbeatre, Pblladaiphla. oompoiedof iheallie and faahloo of that dlya Anoog iba eenpaay ean be Ibuad lhalaUowlog will'haowa ■niala, riO ... J. P. OADWALLADBR.tbegrMtaalfoar aadiU bona rider In the world. ^ ^ ....j DATTD RIOHARDR. Ibe dartogbarabaak-ridar. BWBBT AND LIPMAN, the beat acanio dellaaalora now T. h7paR%HD, Ibe r«*iwl tumbler In the world, bar. thrown Ibe napreeedeoud number ol 78 aomareauha la rapid aoeoMaloa. . ^ . . MAST. WILLTAH& Tbil jaroBlleiaoelbeieentobeap' preouilbyib.pob^jtj^^g^ AdBlatloD, oBl; tl eenu uibawboloeoniblaedetblbl- '-'ne abOTO eODpaar will eiblbll at FalBaarlUe oa ABrt' dar, Jol/w. III nmnno a Mil o( jpertormwcat al the Wal. BnCatlMl Tkaatte, Phllidtlpbla, F*„ In IMl, In ntS^ ilSi kfaroh 10, we ataled that Hra. Hoaop w*a nw Ura. John Draw, The Un. Kotaop wbo Imrsd tn the Mil waa tba Brat wire otqeorge Hoeaop, luTlnl bean preTlooiIr Ura. Vmn ■nllbl. Sec mtldtn name wia Kllen Kent, Atlai lepuatlag tnm Otaift Uoaiop abe beraoaUn. Dn^eauTaad f»Ui*4 fltcn.Uia profeealon nanj remaao. Oante Uoaioit did not nm Uie ladf saw known m Un,!ebn Drew ulO nlwal im, iM b«ln| tkia Mn. Binry Hui, IIUSEHOIT lllllS-CllPPn lEBIES 10. Till. NUETEEN TEIBS IT THE LTCEDH. FROM JOHN BROUQHAM DOWN TO BARNEY WILLUM& OOHOUIDID, TTaDaok reanmed SepI, It, lUt.oB whiob dale Un, A, W. Tonag made bar dnf appeannee, u Winifred In "Tlolilltb Timet," Ulaa Fannr Uoianl Joining on Jan. 94, INO. aa Ulle. EaloUna In tbe now "Romaaoa ot a Poor Tonnn Uan," Leelar Vallaali baiinc Injnrad blnatll In tba Itep In thit place, "John BbU" waa anbatltntad on Feb, 16, nad on the 301b "Tbe Poor Tonng Uan" entered onoe more np«n nit romantlo oaMu, ahd Utdtna Anbnr'a pewly leara ranmed tbtit low, lom Ttjior'a "Orarland noole," pla/ed ttm Umj U to Jnna 10, wnsnd np tba ragiuar taaaoni and on Jnnt 39, wearing tbe toggarr pnrobuad at Ibe tale ol Ibe lata VUllani B, Borton'a eBtota, W,J. Flerenee ainffodblsualfoit and anpeared In Builan't neat tdte ol OapL Ont. UeanaTlmolbjToodlee. vioranee oloaedon Awg. 99, and horn Ang. 37 to Sept, 6 Ulia Jane Ooomba and the decetaed Qeorge Jordan held tba boarda, euept on SepI. a, wben Ibe lata Obarlea TFealem Taylor look bla fbrowallol tbe tttie aa Uai Iltrk- twar lo the Qraoa of Ulte Eenrtella Irrlog, wbo Iban made ber annonncad Int appowanoe In New York. . . Wtllack'a lutteaton wialnaDnnted on SepI. 19, 1800, Ibe play being a new one,adtpled from Borlbe, and antlued "Tbe norallat, or rorly Yean Alio.'' It wu plijed alone nnlll tho I1lb,«ben tbe London noTollr ol "Flliamjibe Hell" wu added. Ibe per- forinen not baietofore aientlooad were Ulu Tree, Un, W. H. Heeru (the and her aon and bar dangh* ter Fannr bad baas there yean before), John Monro, 0|]arl<trtnloeir,tndOtor>ePaike>. "TtaeBoyal- Itt" wu lut played on Oct. 1, and Tnarday, Ihe 9d, uw Ihe dnt prodnctlon of John Brongbtm'a "FItjrIog with Fire," whieh ran eoaieootlTely until Not. 17, A, U. Dareoport, wbo, ae PIncbbeok, ap- peared lor Ihe flnt Una tbie teuon, retiring on Not. 8. and W. B, Floyd Olllna tbe Taeancy, "Pity- ing with Flra" wu aeon tpttmodlcallT for a few nighta after Not. 17, anil on Dae, S tbe late George P, Ftmo'a "Uodel Bypoorllo." adapted from tba deceued EmlUeDeOlrardJo'a "Tnrtnffo." wu pro- doced, affording an opportnnlty for tho profeulooal debnt ol ao amateur, who la now In rollremant aa the wire of Lonia J. Jennlnga, London corrrapond- ent of nt IKorld ol thla city. Bhe played Joan- netle. being billed almplv u "A Tounn lady," Bhe la heller known u Ulu Uadolclne Uenrliinea. It wu a remarkably aoceeufnl flnt tppcBiaiice, and Ulta Henrliinea aod W. H. Norloo wen the llfeol tbe pity. An adaptation ol Un. Tncbhold'a "To Utrry or Not to uarry," beaTlIy cut, wu brongbt ont oa Deo. 17, and on Deo. 94 wu pro- dnced Leeler Walltck'a tdtpltllon ol "Fut Uen of Iba Olden Time" (bclog merely "Itochciler" n- cbrlaleoed), Thomu 8. Hamblln Jr, at Cbarlea I making bla flnt appoartoce at thiathulra. Other revlralt followod nntllJin. 19, 1S01, when "Tho Laily ol St. Tropez," another romaotlo dnma ol Freooh orlglo, bad Ita flnt American prodnotlon, Ihe hit of thoplero falling lo Uary Gannon, On Feb. 4 nTlTBla wen again in order, ihe llon*a ahare of the work falling to Slake, neynoldt, Ur. and Un. Waleot, Un. Temon, Un, filoao, Un. haavca, and the Ulaaea Uonnt and Otoaon. From Feb. 14 to Utrob 0 Letter Walltck'a "Central Park, or tho Bonte with Two Doon," wu preaented « "a new cqmlo dnma," with tbe antbor u Vyndham OUa and Ulu Hanrlqnu u Flon UyrUe. Bo- Tlvala apalB held away from Uaroh 11 to 39, aod on (ho 3Ttb a French adaptation from Ibe pen ol the lale R O, P. Wlllint, dnmitle crlllo ol 971a Kenld, wu prodnced, and gare aeope for aplendld aoling on the part of Latter Wal- lock tnd Un. Hoar, retpectlraly aa Emlla LelaTre and Henrietta. It waa at Dnt played aloie, hot on Asrll 8 Morton'a now Ibree of "A Begnltr Fin," wllh Ohtrlei Watcolt u tba hero, wu anpplamantad, - On April 91 "Eenrlette" ahdioatad tbe alage, tnd on tbe 33d It wu aunmed by nTlrtla Ihat.oloied only with the ceiutlon of Ibe Wallack nglme, on April SO, wben "SImpoon k Co." aod "JeuleBrown," with tbe Intarltrdallon ol tbe pipen of the SeTtnly-ntnlh Beg- Iment H. t, B. U., formed tbe bill. Tba aanlor Wal- lack dellTored a cloatng addreaa. The ibeam waa reopened by tbe company, wbo on Uay 3 tnd 4 gare a baneBt for the Union Dereau Fond, and prodnced the aamo hill u on April 80. Aanpplementalaan* aon, with "Jeatle Brown" u the attractleD,wu In- alltnted on Uay 0; bnl tbe gloiy of tbe hoote bad departed, and on the Uth the onittln fall Anally oo ''Jeule JBrom," Bobert W. Bntlar opened II on Uay 93, ler.l, lor Tarlalrperformancea, under the title ol Ihe Btoed. way Uoalo BalliWltii Uont.La Thoint u ttage- manager, and anbatantlally the aame eompanyea mentioned In the bill appearing In Tnn Oxirm Tivcnxa ol Uarch 10 laal, eioepl that Ayaalay Ooob, AnnelU Oallettl, J, 0. Bellon, and the late DIIlT O'Nell, Xrlah comadleo, wen ileo In tbe foregronnd. It wu not a marked toccew; and Bntlar olotad abont Jan. 99,18C9, baring compromlaed with Wal- lack, On Feb. 10 lla.doore ware reopened by a Oer. man Opera Tronpe onder Ibe direction of Oail Proob, whoae aole prodnctlon wu "Dar FTelaohnti." Bechrlatenlng It "The.New Fork Albenenm," on Uarch 1 Qeorge Byer tnd the late John Lewie Baker opened It wlib e new Tonlon ol "Doele Tom'i OabiB," which place wu then nmnlngat the Winter Oarden. It wu Inlarpntad at the Athennnmby Barton Bill, th* late Bher. 0. Oanpbell (who, after getting thnngb nlthUy at Bryania* Ulnitr^, croued the alraet and aang Id tbe lut act), Ur. and Un. 0.0. Boward, ObariM Bala, T. L. Ooonally. the Ule Ur. Fonlal, Loltr Hongh, W, ILRoyd, Un, F. 8. Ohanlran, Ura I<. F. Band.Un. Ohariaa Walool. little Uary Bollock, J. W. ColUeri Qeorge Ryex and oth- en. Tbe Athennnm pnaanad Itaelf nntll Uaroh 0. On Uaroh 17 the wu opened u Uary FtOTOat'a Tbeatn, Samnal OolTlllo and John L. Baker being the mtnegen, and John WUbM B«rt0, u Blobard .m, beginning hie only eniagemant In thla ellr, thongb on one tnbaeqnent ooratlon he played hare 1b "JuUna Oaur," with hie brtlben Jonlua Bmtot and Edwin Thomu. The apeolal anpportlDg arlltia wan J. B. Allen, E. L. Tllton and Un.O.P. Famn. BoothcloiedonAprllStnRlohard, and Uary ProTOat appeared nnlU the 19lh, on which night, owing to ber lllneaa, Ihe bonaa oloeed, and that pullonlar managementoollapaed. On the 16lh, B. U. Cerroll, now the bead of the Oamll Family of growing mldgeta, danced "a match lor 1900" with Tommy Peel. They wen then Jlg-dencenatrlral minattel ballt. Peel won thla match, and went to Anatralla aod wu hnrled In tba aame gnre with the BlUy O'NeU apokan ol u being al Ihe Broadway Uoalo ntU. nom April 31 to Uay 10 Ihe bonae wu called "Foi'a Olypplo Tbeatn," tbe proprietor being the noted Homply Dnmpty now Urina re- tired in Brooklyn. Of bltatockwenUarylUlota- all (Un, J, W, Albangb, and elttar ol Uaggle tnd Emma), Fanny Herring, 0. O. Boward, and ihe late Ooraon W. Olarke and O.K. Fox. On inne 90, when Ulu Uary PnToal,reintned mm Earope, appeared u Uedea, It wu e^ln reopened u "Uary Proroit'a Theatre." Walter Bcnn, L, F. Rand, Ulloea Lerlck, Oeorga Byer, WUhim BcaUaa, Un, Fluik Dnw and othen were partldpanla In tbe nncartalntlea ot a aauon that oloted Jaly 0, titer permitting Ulu Angnata Page to make ber metropolitan bow u Jollol,noharacler In which the baa slawmontha baton made her dabnt In Boffalo, nnder tbe ana- pleee ol tbe ablnollona and lamented Jonmallal, manager and aell admlred actor IWM 0, Pny, who bid ruppaared In Buffalo alter an abtenoe from tbe atege ot nearly eli yean. On and alter Sept, 10 the lU-alamd utabllabment wu called the German Open-booM, tbe lale OatlAnaohsUbeIng alike lla chrlalenar and lla Tialblabeed, Ume. JohaaDaen WM tbe baUa ngnmt on teonlar nigbta, bnt at the "taondMvnerta"ol the Sabbath Ike main can) wu tbe pennnla] Ume. Anna Blahop, Tbe aeuon ax- hanaled Ittelt on Jan. 10, len, bnt waa ruomed on Feb. 4 and maintained tor tonr wceka. On Uanh 10 tbebonaewuneonTertedlnlonrulety hall nn- der the management ol Ueun. Fox k Onrraa, who nTO It Ike capUrsHng Utie of -nbe New Idu." The oompany wu many, bnt not atghtr, and bnt law ot them an now before Ibe pnbuo. ,Zeka Chamberlain, now daorkeeper at the Unlon^inan Tbutre, wu tbe head ol tbe "Co." nndenlocd to he propHeton; the attge-mtnager .wu the lale William' A. Wnr, alepnther ol Ida Wray, n- tlted Toeallat and wile of John Wild the warlely oomedlan: and Darld Bnham, lbthar.ln'law of Edward Htrrlgan ot Harrlgao it. Bart, wu tbe mnalcal dinotor. - On Jnly 0, lha Uartlnelll Tronpe, who had originally appurad hen In 1B48 wllh tbe IlaTela, and wlib whom now wve OnttaTna aearr and W,. B. Burltoa the Tocal- lata, wen added lo tbe forcM. They Tanlahed en Ang, 3, and on tbe 17th, In a beaaflt to Ita tola manuor inobert Fox barlog wltbdnwu and gone baok to PhlladelphU), Ihe New Idea altoTanUbed. Itwu reopened on Sept. 7 u theRow TorkThea- tre, with the Uartloellla In tbe pantomime ol "Baonl" end "Ktty the VlTandlert;'' on Cot. 10 a Terltabla gat-bag exploded, aerlontly Injuring two emplOTU, aod eanaleg other damigo to tbe extent ot about 1300; and on Oct. 81 Ibe doon won again ahnt. L. B. Lent then look a laate ot It, remoTOd the ooey boxea from either tide, bnllt on tho tlago a torty.foot ring full of aawdnat, aad ohrlatened It anew aa tba BroadwayAnphlthntn, hia atara being Ibe UelTllle Family, Jimmy Ileynolda end Joe Pontland u clown, TOm Klog the raulter, Ume. Toomltln. 8, F, and yonoji Bobert Bllcknty and Wallaoe and bit mined bean, Lant opened on No*. 10, and oloeed oo April 0,1R04, lo go traTrllng. George Wood tbe Oloctnnatl mtntger, and who bad titorecently eiperlmentolwllh IheOld Bowery Tbeatn, thla oily, now leuod (he building, and by a liberal expendltun ol money, bolb In repain and In nwtrd of ttlent, miond It ipproilmalely to lla whUom atiraotlreoou and.patroBa^e, Ita Ulle wu now "Broadway Theatre." Beginning Uay 9, there wu a pnllmlnary uaaoD ol two weeu with Sim-' Dona the maglolan, who on tbo Ulh "out off bla own bead." The regnlar aetaoD began on the lOtb, tbe attraction being Ihe Bnt pnonotlon on tnr auge ot Fnncea Ann Eemble'i "A New Tngedr,'' the ttan being Ur.andUra.D, W, Waller, and ihe anpport Bblrlty Fnnee, George Perkti, FradWII- llama, Blmooe Lee (wbo many yeara bafon had Stayed at Ibla bonu aa O. 8. Lee), Oeo. Boeeoe, , Poet, Bowerd, Uacly, OampbeU, Uaiwall, and Un, Sloan, It ran n week, and on Uay 33 F, 8. Ohanfnn. bem In Obarlie Oayler't "Our American Oontln at Borne," tba anpport now Inolndlng T, J, Ueindon, Jamee Uartin and Maria Boniface, with Fanny Brown (now Un, William Oarlo) alio announced, bnt not appearing beoeuM ol lllneaa,' OhanMa cloeed onJniy 4uBa]emBend- der, with Jenoy Parker (widow ot F. U. Bent, and ■Inoe married and ntired) ta Zee, the baring flnt appeared then on June 97 In that obaruter, Jamw Se/Donr wu Pete, Pont Ihe McOloakar, and Un, Sloan the So» Bnnnjalde, On the llth the late Btltn Weatern, maklog bar Aral ap p u r a n a n ce lo thla oltr aince the daye of "^a Three Fut Uen," InlUtleaaSnnDorteuoOiWbloh ahe oanlad along tor four weeka almoet wholly deroted lo "Don 0MardeOaitn,""l)aunlBPatla," and'ThaFnnob Spy," On Ang, 90,1804, Jno, K.Oweat Inangnnled theeea- aon and carried forward probably Ibe moot enoeeatltal engagement of bla caner, termloated alter Ibe per- formtnoee ol April 14, 1809, by Ihe oloelnir of Ihe bouuaifler Ihe aaiaatlnatlon ol FrealdontXInooln, Be bad begun u Benry Dora In "Uarrlod Life" and Solon Shingle In "Ibe Feople'a Lawyer," aod cloaed u Oalab plnoimer In "Dot," which had been pro- duced Uaroh 18, The late George Jamlaon wu a apeolal engagement lor John FerTyhlcgle,end olben 01 the oompaoT were George Obtplln, 0, P. De Groat, Geo. Uelblff, T, B, Rnlgbl, A, H, Oarenport, Barrr Peaitoo, F. G, Uwder, W, J, Flemlog, Sol 8nlln Jr„ and Un, T. J, Bind, Un. d. F, Tymll, Alice Plaolda, Battle Oibome, Un. U. E. Bunougha, ihe late Ohwiotle Oraoiplon, and Ulu 0. Adamt, The bouM, In eommon wllb Ihe other New Tork tbealrea, wu not nopantA nnlll April 39, whan Ur, and Un, Ohca. Keen, who had not been aaen In thla olty einoe the ttnpenoona ptodnoilon aod ihiee weeka'run ot umobard ni" at the Park Thaaiira In Jaooaiy, Did, opened u Oardloal Wolaey and Qiaen Sathtrine tn Vanrj TIU." In "I^nla XI," pndaoed daring ibla eagHemant,/, r,attboait.(leo. EranU, ud MlM Obapmaa, wbo had aooompenled tbe Keana In their tonr amnnd the world, gni appeared In New Tork. The Keana oloeed Uay 0, and (na tbe 8th t« Iheatlh J, B. Owent oeoaplad Ihe boaide prior to going to England,, The theeir* wu elaaed on tba Srllh to prepan tor John E. kloDonongk'a epaotlole of "^e Baran Danghlen ol Satan," whiab, prodnced on Ihe 3tlh, ended lha regnlar aeaaon on June 13. Samnal OoMlla entered on Ihe llth npon a Snnuner aoMOn that terminalad wllh bla beaaflt on Ang. 14, the atan In Iba Interim belDg Ur, end Un. Hany Watkln* tnd Hate Balgnolda, the lete W. H, Bedley Smith tunearing on Jnur 34 u Goramor BMctali la "The dbldlet'e Danghier," Be had al. ready appeand at tbe Winter Oardonu DaridDeant on Hay.l, 1809, lor tbe beneSI of Ua dangbter, Un. Bedley Brown,. Ur, and Uia, ObariM Eaan began Ibe ngnlar tee- ■on on Ang. 98,1800, Ihe eagagement belog thata' lut in America,. Frank Dnw appeared on Sept, 9 and 0, •ad Boolluord Falroloaah on Bept. 39, on which aad other Satnrdan the leana did not pity. They oloeed on Friday night, Sept. 93i and on Ihe Zllh Ume. CelMte made Ear Aral bow In thla city alnce Iho Summer ol 1803, appearing in "The Wo- man In Bad," with which the alao oloeed Oct. 7, On the Mb F, S, Ohaatan benn la T. B. Do Wat- daa'a "Bam," than ftnl eeen ui New Tork, and In wblob 0. T, Panloe JTm F. J, trtnt (tnuonnn d u llrat appunnoe In New Tork), and W. O. Forhu, W. O. Hamblln, Barry Joidas, and Thomu Bladn De Walden (all lonr dudj, together wllh OUre Logan, Ulu Uerry, Ulaa H. Otbom, 8atdeeOole,aod an. O, F, Tymll ippured. Tbe pleeenn nnlll Jtn.O, 1800, tided by a nriral ol "Uote," On tbe 8lh John E. Owene, ntnrned from Eonpo. appeared In a reconalrnoted Teralon, enlarged from one to three Aola, ol "The Feople'a Lawyer;" nnd In tho oonrto ol hie tlay, which extended lo Ibe matlnoeol April 98, J, W, Albangb, Thomu W. Seene, J. K, Uortlmer. and Un, Agnu Bind, bin, Hnmpbrer Bland, 0)lla Logan, and Ulu Joale Tyacn, not bentofore men- lionedduriig the Wood re4rtme,wen>lBlblo. A Sum- mer teuon began on April SO, tho attnollon being tbe late Adah laaaca Uenken in "Uazeppa." "The Fnncb Spy," and William in"I*ltck.eyedBnMn Tbit wu her lut engagement In thIt city. It ended on Uay 99, In oonaaqnenoe of her eorloua llloeta, tnd then wu no performinot on Ibo altornocn ol Ibe 96tb or that nigbl. On iho 9l)lh Balen Weelom nanmed, ending on Jnne 10, the aeuon winding np on l*^a IBtb wllb a benafll to the atage-mauiger, Ibe late George B. Gllberi, when Elolte Bridgu appeand aa Belen Uagrogor In "Boh Hoy," and Uenken anae from a alok-bed lo play Willlaffl In "filaeh.ayed Snttn." Kathleen O'Nell alto ung ber tpeoialty "Rltiy tnm Cork, I oh I I oh I" to repeat- ed en cow. Alter nearly a elxyein'career In tho Atltntio Blttei, Kilty went lo Cilllornia, aoil teenia lo hBTo been loet to tho proluilon tomawhore In Toxu, Jareea Blark, u nicbellen, began tba aeaaon of 1800 7 on Aug. 20. J, E. Niglo. a. 0. Dtrenport, U, W, Lefllogweli, John Jack, a. W. Bead, John Nnnan, Frank Erana, Ur. and Un. O. W. BiUIdtrt, Ihe lale W. L. Jamltcn, Un, Heory Chapman, Un, O. B. Gilbert, and Cella Logan being ol the anpport. Ae Uarioo De Lormo, Uln Helen Oolomau wta an- nonnced u maklugherilnt appoartncoln New Tork, althongb the bad lelt Klchmond, Ta., abont 1818, when eno wu neatly twenty yean old, wllh the In- tention ol coming to thla clly to adopt tba tiage u a pnleaalon, Sho ntd long had a londheu for the drama, and on one occaalon, while praotlclug the dwth-taU In niohmond, had the nnnttenble mla. fortune to cmah tbe Ule ootol a ftTorite cat Id the famfly drole In which abe realded. Aa Fnneola In "nicbellen," Ulu Alice Gny, now of Dalj'a Filth, arenne company, wu announced u making Arr Arat appearance In New Tork, bnt ahe had been a faror- lla ai ihe Broadway Tbeatn aeren ywn belon,and at iba Bowery Ihuln nine yean tKfore. Oa Aug. 90, aa iba Count De Uoor In "The Bobben," JohvJack wuaanosnoed u making bla Brat bow In thla city: and in bit oaw, u ihay may hare been In that of Belen Oolaman alao, the bllla won right, we opine. On Aug. 90. Stark prodooed the drama ot "Napoleon/' anoonnced u "for ihe flnt time In America," It wu nprtaenied u baring been wrillen lor G. V. Brooke. The plKO bad been played Iweutr yun before al the Wklnntalnel Theain, Philadelphia, whan II wu not called "Napoleon," II wu not written for Brooke, althongb It came Into bit poieeealon. 11* anihorwu tbe Ute Obarlea FawoeU, lather ol ibe comedian Owen Fawoetl. Atlle origintl pnaonta- ilon, O. W. Cooldock wu iha.NapcIeon, Beo. G, Bog- ere the Ptpo, Uln Kate Wemyu tbe Joeephlne.'and iba lale George F. UanbanI Ihe Onelare. It wa then called "Tbe Painter of. Brteane," and lla behit In tbe ppaaeulon of O. V, Bnoke, and thenoe In that e( Jamu Stark, la io be ececnnled lor by ibe Ihel thai Ur'FawoatI loaned • copy ol II to tbe'ltteJ. Hall WUten, the agent, whoee memory u lo ihlnge borrowed.-WM aomathing prodlgloue nagatinly. SUrk oloeed on Sept. 8, and on ihe lOih, u Robert Landry In "The Dead Heart," Edwin Adama began an engagement-that laabed until the 93d, dnriog which he prodnced, |nr thaflnttlmelniblBclty,tbe late Jadge Pohert F. Oonrad'e tngedy ol "The Bef^ tic," wrulen lor Edwin Forreel. but nerer played by him. wehelleTO. Ftom Sept. 34 to Oct. 9 the late J. B. Backett held tho boarda, tbe lite Dan Rymona on the flnt-raenlloned date, wDr. Catna la "The Uerry Wine ot WIndaor," making bla (olllal bow In Amer- ica- On Oct 8, Uaggle Uilcball, with Jamu W. Collier al ber back, began lor lour >»eefca; aad on Not. 9, anpporled epeelally br J. W. Iau. argan, ObulM Dillon opened, cloalag Dee. 1. On the 8d, OllTO Lcnn'e "Anntdale," with Sate nelgn- olda u Ulu Gwllt, wu produced u a noTally, and it anatalned itwll nnlll the Datlnee ol Ihe 8tb. From the night of Ibe 9lh to the loih E. L- Daren- port played, and on tbe llth John B. Oweaa rwp- Seand, witbdrawlug Jan. 13, 1897. The Worrell laten, with Un. O. P. Fairan and Welth Edwardi In ihe company, played from Jan. 14 toFeb. 33, and Ur. and Un. Barney Winltma tucoeeded on tbo Utht-D. B. HarMna then nrlklDa bla flnl appear- ance at that lbfBr'.'"*iF^,2'''«» In "Tbe Airy oaecia.-' un 7pril 1 BirOvy WilUimi became ihe leueo,Ttoe George .Wood; and Aa.i.a.TniiUm A. Uoore, u ataga-managar, Ailed the Taeanoyocea- aloncd by tbe death of Ooorge B, Gilbert on Deo. 13, 18M, UaMta UltcheU. wu Ihe alar lor tonr week*, and J. B. Backeiufor Iwd, end Ihe regulir uaaon ended oa Uay 39. Ue lite LnolUe Wealern, with Battle Thome, J. V. BlaiadaU aid W. 12. Bbaridan u aupnori^ Uur 37 Inangnntad a Sum- mer aeaaon under w. A/ Ueon'a managemani. Ulu Wutem oloeed on July 9, and Ibe Ute Jniia Dean Bayne ruppeand in ibe metropolla, after a very lengthy ahitnoe, on July 8. pitying Julia to the Sir Thomu Ollilerd ol UoRee Bankln. On the lOlh Ihe brongbt out Wllkla OoUlna'"Woman la White," and on July 37 aha wllhdnw, Tbe tetaon oloeed on July 30 with ■ beneflt toW.A, Uoon, wben Ulu Bijneplayed Oouttnoe In "Tbe Lore Ohau," LuelUe weatern anted Oerirnde In "Ihe Loan ol a Lorar," aod Utile Ella Obapmaa twanged tba banjo. On Ang. 9,1807, WilUam J, Florenoe, wbo In tbe litigation thaienaned between bimaell aad Later Wallick tutUed that he bad mamotlied tbe play alter eeeing it prodnced at Ibe Prince of Weiu'Tnea- In,London, and ftom Dumory tranalerred 11 io pa- per, prodnced the lale T. W. Boberlton'a "CuU" for lne flnt ilme in Amerioe. Later Wallack, who had reoelred the play Iron II* anihor, aougbt to enioln Flortnoe, bnt wu non-tnlled nnder ■ defeollTe copyright law. The piece wu ainngty outi Eon, George D'Alny, W. J. Florenoe: Sam Gerrtdge, Edward lamb; (hplaln Hawlne, Owen Uarlowe, alnce deceeaadj Ecelu, William Daridge; Folly Socia, Un, W, J, Floreacei Eathor EcclM, Un. F. B. Obaafnni tlarqnlie 81. Uanr, Un, 0, H, GUbert. It kept tbe attge nnUl Ang. 81, when other engagempnta ot the Flonneu tnfomad It* wilhdrawaL Ihe regnlaraeuon wu began Sept. 3, the atar being Edwin Forral, who, except on Salnr. deya,playedloralxnighta, lbOHSatnrday*Sepl.7, 38, and Got. 0 aad 13, beneflt* wen teken in Ihle order by Un, F. S. Ohanlran, J. W. OoUlar, Barton HUI and Barry Bf Uagai while on Saturday, Sept. 14, "Iba Uarble Burt" wu played at night, and on Bept, 31 'The Dmnkard." Fnminent among For- rut'eenppcti were W. E. Sheridan (•pectaily en- gaged), John Jeck, F. f. Srane, O. 'W: Bloddart, yonnaGeor(eJordan,B. Boward and John Uoon, andUn.G.B. Ollbari,Un. 0. W. Btoddarl,Un. Barry Ohapman, Uln XUa Turner, lubalia Free- man, Uln Blaladali, Ulle Care (probebly Fanny) and Eate Newton. Ulu UlUe wu, u nnal, Fotrul'a maln-alay, and for a time Ume. Ponlai, u enatom- ary whanarar aha wu anllable, c»opented wllh him. On Oct. 14, Jnlin Dten Cooper (Inatatd ol Bayne, nowl bagaa what pnred to be her lut en- gagement In thla city. She wu aapperied by Frank Liwlor, ud oloeed on Oct, 39, being lollowed on Ihe 98th by Ibe IIorencM In their drama ol "Inaharogne, Of Ihe Wearing of Ibe Graen," HoEee Baaklo wu added u Hawk- ahtw when, on Nor. 10, Florence rerlred bla Win- ter Garden ineceu ol Dob Brferly in "Tbe Ilcket-ot- lure Uan," which drama carried the Flonncw io their oloeleg night, Deo. 14. Oa ibe 10th Oharlu Beade'a dnmallzaUonolTe&nyBon'apoemot"Dora" wu flnl prodnced In thla city, wllb Un. D. P. Bow. an in the ilUa-role, aad Theodore Hamilton u Wll- llam, both being nawoomen. On Deo. 30 Un. Bow. en appured u Uary Sintrt In Edmund Falconer'a iranalalion ot Boblller; on Jan. 34, for her beneflt, ahe played Juliet to Ihe Romeo of ber tieter, Ihe late Un. F, B. Oonwayi tnd on tbe 39th the oloeed, lot- ting in Lotia on Ibe arth In "Little Nell and Ibe Uw- oblonea," Lotta flnlabed on Feb. 93, and on the 941b F. S. Ohanlnn apneaied In "Sam,'' whieh ran until Uarch 33. Ontno 34th tie companion-piece, "Joe," alto by T. 1). De Walden, wu brooght out. During tbe engtgemeoi of Obannau, wbloh extend- ed io April 11, the addlilona lo the company were 0. T, Panloe Jr., T. B. De Wa)4tn, and the lite Ofaariu Bale, Fnm April 18 to Uiy 30 Ur. and Un. Barney WilUama played, aad fnm Jane 1 to 6 UalUda Heron appeared In "Oamllie," whioh oloaed the regnlar eeuon. On June 8 a Bum* raer aeuon wu 'iBaiitnled by Aug. Daly with bla aenaaiional drama "A Flun of Lighiofag," in which appured, among othen, tho lato Ilarry S. Unrdooh aad Min Amelia Harria, J. W. Willlamton, J, H. Jack, J. E. Uortlmer, B. 0, Ilyner, Q, F, Brown*. Jama Otrdes, lonng G, Jordin, Blanche Gray, Ella Turner, Ellly Blenebard and Ulaa OtTe, II ran until Ang. 1, and on tba 3d Barry Walklna and wife prodnced the lotmer'a dramaiiaa- Uon ol oae ot Klu De La Btme'a ("Oolda") norele, here called "Troddtn Down, or Under Two Fltga." On Ang. 94 Tonl Plai" wu produced by Ihe aeoed- lug company fnm tbe New Tork Tbutre, beaded by D. B. Barklna u muager, and embracing Ulit Uary Walla and F, O, Uaeder. and the late LoBlu Bawtbome, W. B, Whtlley and J, O. BnrnttI, J, H, Juk lad UeEae Bankln wen addl liana lo tbe eeee al ihe Bnidway. An effort l« rulnin Bark a ftom playing it led to a oonllict, behind the aeenu, between ataae-enployu and tba SherllTe otlcen.aBd tweolTbetbrnarwenabolhy tbeial- ui', Iboligh hot fatally. Uatklna, whom the oflleen ot the taw were aeeklng, bad leil ihethHln,and, hi* place being fliled, ihe play proceeded. Ii wu Bonolcanll and B*ade'a Joint Teraion.and on Ihe next nighl a ranlcn by Bonoloanli alone wu anb- tiltnied, In deference lo an injunction u lo Ihe ether. After the performinceaot Aug. 97 Harklsa and bla oompany raoaled, and thu the teuon ter- mlnaled. The receipt* for the Ont Ibroe month* of ibla year, teoordlag to the pnbllahed rerenue re- tnma, were $13,118,191,8X1 and $18,884, iba bonon Ihna falling to Leila, who played Irom Jan, 37 io Feb. 33, The lut regnlar tuion began en Ang, 81,1800, wllb Un, F. W. Lender In "lillnbetb, Quun ol England," Jamw Oarden, J, B, Taylor and the lile Ulu Eate Newton being tmoog hir eupport. On Sept- 98 W, J. Florence auccceded Urt. iMdar, prpdnclnfl "L'Ablme," a dnmillullon ol "He TVoroniiban." Un. Flonnce appeand on Oct, 90, and the twain gave way to Un, Luder, wbo opened on Not, • In "Uarie Anieleeiie," which wu kept on for two weeka, Ur. and Ura. Daioay Wliltana be- ginning on Not. 33 and cloalng on Jan. 38,1800, bar- Ing on Pee. T pndaced their new drama ol "The Em araldIUog,"Dy John Bnngham, which augguted lb* idti, carried oai at Ibe anbeefnent Satardey matiaaee, ol prainlina ererr lady apeelalor wiln "an emerald ring," From Jan, 90 lo Feb. 18 John Owena nlayed in "Solon Shingle," "Th* Tiellma" ud ••!£« ure Indian," aag lb* il*r ftom Fab, 19 to Kanh 8 wm Harle Zee, wbo bNOgbt ool "HIU" (prodooed In Ike prior Norembar tl th* Fuk Tbuin, Brooklyn), ud wu followed by Kale Belgnolda In "Ina Shadow ol * LUo" on Ihe Oih, ThIedfBmawuaUtedtobaTebeenwrllteafoT bar while abe wu la Loadoa, Eag. Alter ber came 0, W. Ooildock ud bit alBce dectaeed daoghter, who played tram Uanh s$ toApril 3, udon Ihe 4th Ur. ud Un. Baney Wllllame ntomed. On April 38 Barney WillUma bad a banefll, when, oelled be- ton Ihe enrtaio, he prononnoed the Taledletory ol the bonte. Al Ihe mallnee of the 94tb, In "The Fairyarele," tbe WIlllameH cloaed tbelrengage- mul, the lut ol all In ihia timehonored epoi, and al night J, 0, Wllllamaon bad a beneflt. On Uon- day, Ihe 90th, Barry Pray, the Ireunnr, tMueflted, u did John Jack on Toeaday, when he plared Fal- tttll in "Benry 1T|" ud on Wednaaday, April 98, 1800, the lut performancee took place, belog lor ihe beneflt ot Wllllia A, Uoon, atage-mtaaier, ibe Wllllamiu appearing la "InluoAalinu," th* Flonaeain '-Th* Retomed TolnalMr," Ihenigl Slaten diaeing "Tbe Klu Walla," Abatr S. Brady ud J.R. PIciaring riding a Taloolpede, Ulle. Bon- fuU ud Big, NoTltalao axeouting a pa*-de4anx, ud Ihe Ute tlock oompuy winding np with the petite comedy ol "A Game ol Tag," THE DISQDISE8 OF AUTItOBSHIP. ooKriLBD roa tat aaw roaa curn-a. (Tbe Btmu baring a • alDieil are tboae of wrilen wbo are known In be daail. Tbo t nfflied ln,llealn« thai the wrilera arc or btve bean conlrlbolora lo Ibe aporllng preta~Bo, OMrriB.1 ^ Ananoi, Fny Anioolo—Wuhlngtnn Irrlog.* Abpobs. bfAcIa—Dr. aeo. W. lUaley. Aoare-WblleUw Reld. ABP. Bill—linn. Oharien 11- Boillh. ABlit,-Otephwt Vlaks. An OLnflTiOiB—Unonaell B. Field* AOBT KaRHr—Fancy Barmw, ALUriCK,t }(ekel-jL,hn Cooper ValL AtlOH.Ooiiiln—Urn. Alice B. Haven. AOTnonaT or TUB Baaaariar Taau—Otirer Waodell Unimex Aohlxb. Max—Ohnrlen II. Clark, Aactaar, OUrar—Robert V7. MeAlplne. Aifooal {LonimRporilm Henry Uort FelaL* AI-ntliaiN RooaKr~D. O'O. Townloy. ACRiB-nan. J. \7, De reyater. AeoiHt—Hr. Oahea" of BoatriD. AtBODKOa—TbonwJ Ntehnla.* AaaoDioa—Thadnna W. Slelabnn." AlfAuiauaia—Btron Jean Htpilata;* Aerixa—Hrik Aimd Babe.* ALtxinOBB roB CoBuicioo—Attuoied by Alal. OrodrB.* Aoni!«. gt.--1liinnro r|n galua* ALa.M. 81—llnnore de Baliaa* Alao wnte u "M Do Vlalletge." Auaia, wnilbad-Wllb'Int IIarlo|,*Oernuo oorelM ABRHPiutnt—Hush D. Uiln.rrw, TL Batabp.1— PmnkllnJ. OlInraoB. noniaiott-llalhnw ITnJaRmUh. IliuLow, HnaeA—J.mea Hub«h|1 f/)wan, Bkhnaho. Can.llln—UadAine Haurtl. nncyrrOHo, Burke—Nmhan D. Uraer.t niLti:(o..,Jo»h—Henry W. Oliaw, Koto, Relle—Mra. nanlloge. Boa—OhnrW Dlekena.* HaicRa. Ueorae Waahtnatnn—J. B. ITnleber. BARnBTT, Waller (Hrrkr-Joaepb A- Soorllle-* BaowH, Tom—TltnmiiH Hugbet,!!, P, RuTToraf—T. Z C, IJuwIea. Btrnr.JiiR. Ketl-E. Z. C, Judaon. RRnanx.i Cnrl-rharlea Aalor BrItled.* . BlowitB,! Vandyke—MMro R. Cook. . HjLmuH. Clant—liriL Felirrt Dnroibea Ilemena* ItRABVAnkD. Tbao.—tlenrgn KaoL* BnirTLK. uuh-nuben W. UcAlpiBe. HKR.|ioNTiiH,t Tbo—Onl, TboBuia 0. Tborpe. RtnBDDAal—Ctwrie*T. Ilanla, , HanHiKfimF, P. cllniiin^iillua Warreo Lewlt,* Bob 0' Udt.iabI- Robert H, Oiveley. n.iiMacutt-W- W. rrflww. R. Uacaixf—A. Mnnbebner. RnoODBB Bonaa—Jobe P. Boot!.* Rkli., Ourrei^GbarloUe Breatc* Brll, Acton-Annie Bnnle.* Bill, RHIa—Emilr Rmoto.* RtOB. Calhherl—ReT. R. Bradlrr. BnoWB TUB YooBoaa. Tbomae.—TbomuMocme DaBD. Tbe—Edward JamtngbaiO.e BowLia. Calherlne—Jlra. HoMlber.* Beawiva. llliaUarr-llbuAdelaldaAuPnHar* ' StnoxiTff-Tnonu CloaeUa (ol £mU), Bbkb Tor—Oenrge Btftll. BatcB, Tilut—Au/vetne Neamto.* BiuHatiAB—.Angualoi Wtuera. BoaiiT, Ulta-Hadi aw D'Arblay,* BlcitatTArr, lauelkieaplSwirLf . RiNixB Fokr—Obtrtia ffpnjut of.Boatoa.*. BLABCiit-Hn. E. B. I'Uld ISmniaii J7«M.. !; . - ■ CflARCBLLOR,Tbe—Biftburi 0-:Belaeae ■ CORRrO'LAnca-JohBSUDloB,*,, . ^ OuTRM.^Mn. Mtry-rCtreUoe Balllda (gtantbori) EIrk. OaiBRLB. Hjrn—Andrew 0. Wbeeler. OABLTOR.CBrrle-lfn. WaahlnfloB WrIabL ■ . Oajutor, CoitaU Bay—Uli« U. A:- Etrlla.' - naai-rox. Elbel-MIMOIIMB KIob, < OABlnoN-Obarlee Carlploo CoOId. OoAB—Amadae De Kee. . . Cbatob. denlTrey—Waiblnrlcn 1 rrlng." CoaawiLl, Btrry—BrTBB Wilier Pnicter.* ■ HBOiua-Joaepb R«Jbi*b Drake.* Rroihb JB,-Flli-ar>ue Hnlleck.* ntoABBB A Co,-J. R. Dnke>aB4riu.amae llallMh.* OBAroR. Forte—Mr..8lnlben.- .... OoDjtnr fARAOX-Rar. A. B. II- Boyd. flBBTTOB. Peiil—J- T. Tnwbrldae. CaowriBLO', Cbriaupber—Ura Harriet BeeeberBlowa QR.CKt—11. 0. Grkkworo. CoBioatuox, Aodreoeey (Panee UercbaBI) — Joaepb a Moore.. Oaboal. TherJbbBjlneBwood.* . OrraaaR jB.t—Ur. llawea, a lawyer." Oarkt. MaUiaw—Aogiiatoa R. Oannrmo. , OAOwAiuoia (Brooklyn Difit tnd Ohfen)—Wlllltn 0. liudaoo. OuB(,Ada-llra J. P. Koyai.i.w JtoelfeElbeBaT.* OABloa. BpB—liOBry P. ObMvart (eor. PblU. flmdoy Jter. nrrv). OArTAiif^e—William 0. Oorer. OaeaoA. ooUa—R'>bert Mitnty." Obowooill, a.— Alfred Porreater.e Bnalleb bonorlaL CAotncObrlalopker—TbomuGreeo /uaaodeB.* OAoaauR-Oeaa Siein.* Oaupib, Ura. Utraarvt—Douilaa Jerrold.* Olabioor, JobB (ike Sbepherd of Banbury)-Dr. John OanipbeIl.e Oaiapoa—HaJcrO- o. Wheeler (Brooklyo ISaurO] Otbdr— rrederkk 8omerby*(lD Hoaloo rMl). a.x-1-O.—Fonr latterB wlib wbleb Addlaon* railooaly, OBO al a^iai»,-^l A ,!, A fcfa ..wi-i— ewa Aie^tAir, UOBco II bu been lopfoperlyaaaaned ibiP'CIlO" wU hltiena rfepfw. fluo—EdwiB J. Retlly, „ OHaBooAL 8BRTcnBA!«-Joa«pb 0, Koal,* tolhorol "Obar ooal Sketcbea." ^. ^ OAirtxiL, Ellen A K.-Mlu Abblo Pltonei* of ML pleaa- am. O. Bhe wu Flla-Oiaane HaHtok'a onbuowo td- ■Blrer. The two eorreapoadad. bin Barer neu COBjc-Law RurflRM—Ebeneiar RUIott.* nooUDOB, RBaan.—Ulaa auaao U. WoeUer. GtiTiQOB. Le Fritce de la—Aaaumed by Jala Gabriel Jaoln-* _ CoanDHAOT. The Lllermry—W. 0- Bryant, O. O. ver- planek.BB« RobertBtndi. BeaMaad<FbBieor"fru. cU llerberu Eaa." (InArrTl—J. 8- Feed of BL Loolt. Ooanoex. Utrk—P O- KeUogg- 3>. DlttAicDBD ToLoanBB—Joaepb Barber.* Doaannt.lO. K- FbllaBdel^-HonlmlrTheapaoB.• DowNiBo.ualor Juk—Bebaflnllb.* _ DowRlRO.MiOorJack—ObarluAofititiuDaTla* Notb.— Ur. Darlt wu lha aecond, tnd bla letlen wen wrltlen iron Waablnalen lo tba Arthr ArfwrKwr ol Ihbeliy. DABtotv Naei HAR-JtmaaU. Batlay. DoooBB—Feler Thorn paon. Dor— Jtmea O. Conoollj. D.ABOio*->lDupb noward Jr.; alao "Ueatlenr 1.* Da U.4 O—Cept. Ilenry, U. 8. Arwir. DiRitt—omerr In Royal Ctnadlao itlDe Ooipe, Dbad BBAT-^oiepb lloward Jr, DOT jB.-ElbrldRa O. Falga* 600 Wn.rl—L. D- Bmllb- lOOBRBt Jb.— Jebn Broaxbam (la ZmUn), DauRET. Mr*.—Utry Ormnrllla, DABPriL-George LIppard.* Db. RoBiRROR-^anola Uanoetao-* Da. BtoRaoR—W. A. FelorR. DauDNBT. Le VImmIe—Ume. GlrardlB.* DaiTA-DtTld M- Molr-e DBBOoaina Ja.—Robert Bnrloo,* DaAPlaa.M. B--Dean8wm.« _ nuR-naDRBRB. Aniutlaa—Fraf. Wlllltm B. Aylou.* Da. Btbtax— Arablbald D- anrdOB, D. U'N.-Daolal O'Neill (In Pliubori DUpalti). _ DoRBtr, JobB—Tbomu Duan BnillBb. Non.-.Ba wu alao apoken oTu ibr " ArlMlduo," barlBgadllad amag- ailae ol lhal naoie, X). LoalaeOktBdlerUralUa, uor, aaono-Uia. Uaorie Ueeiy Lewu (tM "Tiriaa'O, •r* Mtrlao BraoL Biratul (cbei]uara>—A- J- Daoleb. R&BeiTOB.t An-Ool. Tbomu Plotcou EowiR—ThooBA Vautba.* ErnaaaBAl—Edvanl Pllaylbbon. BoBBroR. Wlldt-Biwk UeVleker. . . ^ Bene Cioi. Tat SIreraiont ot-Wiltlea uonymoualyby Btytrd nyk>r (In AI/on<r< JtoMllk). ErTBicB SRarHtaB-^amu Uogg.* BarBiBLLA—Robert Roulbay.* tfool—B. JobaaOB of CloelBUlL V. riOBTTB—Mlaa UarloB 0. L- Reeeaa, _ , Fat OoRtBieena, The— Wbi. Makepeace Thhekeny.* Fat CoRTBiaoTOB, Tba—A. W. Orlaweld. jTAWaKaf, Ouy—Ed. JanaR. raflR. Fanay—Urt. Barab Payaon Partoa.* _ „ rcBRBaTTB. FtoBy-Mrt. EbU/ 0. Judaon, naa Eany Obubtinck.* FoBiBtnat, rrtBk—Reory Wlllltn Detbart* FlOABO—lleoirOlapp. _ ^ riratoooia, Et«.. aeorie-Wllllam Mabepeaca Thick eiay.* Fbakco, ITtrry-ChirloaT. Briiga Plarbtb— Kennnud Fhllp.f FLaRBUB-Bon or tfol. (Ireea (In Boilon i*eiC- Fatbbr Floor—Rtv. Knncia Uakonty. FuooaFAHlLT.Tbo—Tbnoita Movre.* FHiaRD or run Fault. A—WlllUm Ayrloo. FnRtHAR, Hra—Ducktaa of Harlboreogb.* F. p. or ''Tub 0ROAU"t-U0Dfy WlUlam Ilerberl* > ''FaoinALiar," Tbe —John Jar,* Jaaa MadlaoB,* ud Aleiauder lltiaUtoo,* coBlrlbolOfi to. O. OfiRBRnoBR—OeoTxe Thompeoo.* Oalooti— BdwardF. Kendall. Oab (of N. r. »nKA-R. K. (Itreiynakl. (lATB—Gaorn Airrad Ttowniond. - OLrRDOR, Ifnwtrd—Mlaal,anm 0. Reddeo, OauRwooo, Ormcfr-Ura, Uanb Jioe LIpploeetL 8 at, aelly-Ura. Wllllim RenneiL BAT, Btny—B. n, Onlln,* Ooerr. Ooliy-Oiia Fbtlllpt. o. w. B. (II. T. lyihowi-ueono W. Smalley. (luroRl—B. Younir. Oapltibb, Beo—I'ror. Wlllltm EdmoBdaloue Ayloun* aod Theodore Unrlln.* Glaub, Hrm.-BlriJobB UIILe Alto aald to ban bean titonab Oltaat.* GBBBVRaB Tbatblbb. ne (Amerlcu eor. Leaden IVaua)— Halbew L. Darla.* O. W, B.—Oeone W- Blnal In Etmlng PotL Ubaooatb or OxeoRD. A.-^obn Hoakln. O.RB'a Baat— lion-Edward JeoblBA, M, F. flROWLBR.Tho—flpenoerWallaoeOato, - (looti, Uolbtr—llbtrlea Parriull.* Fairy lilea. OootR, Moibtr^Tbomu Plni,*eonpllarotblaiBOtbar-la. lAw'a nuiTtry rbymt*. Oalaat OLOi,Tbe—Orlaiully. Herb Twalai aftarwardj, Don Pbll (iB auUtvi' niBTtriiLf OnBiBiloga . . _ Genaair, danolaa-Albart Brilalu.e SwIiiaBtbv, JEI. ilimaint—Tenon HirtourL - - oil r llann.Rret—Fnoflla B- Itane. IIAMILTOB, OtII—Ulaa Ablaall Dodge otHtmOloa. irABURD.MirtoB—Hra M. VlrtlDll TjrbBBt HowABD, Dtley—Mlaa Myr* Dalay MeOron llieaBar, Eto..Fnoele—Wllllui Oallea Biylnl, Gallu drvarpltnob*, aod Bobert 0. Baada,* BiTwABD. Richard—Frederick B. Gotieaa n. Il.-llelen IIiioL IlltirAl, Jokn IUenl)-MliR DIaah M. Maleck. IIABIAWAT, JaoB—Bracebrlriie llamyait. ll0TBT,Wayne—Will lun Joboaton. Xa. L. E. LL-Lelllla Rllaabelh loBidOB (Mra. MtelauX* Ifc O- M.—Loulae Chandler Motillna, LBAmtaaTKiiRin—Dr. — Dolby.* Lb PBRBlR-AumiallnDalr. Lb TpiLAt-Vol. ThfHiiu IMetim. Lrb, Ilolma-IUrTlrl Farr. Lbb, Minnie Hary-Mlaa Julia A. Wood, LinLlfOR, llirk-A. Ktnntdy, IjTRR, Blher-Hr*. RlbelLrnnBotrA IilBBlRl-JobD L. Oiiaaldy » LwTAtD.Ttnny—Mma. AdolphSUbr, Ltooor-Hm A. Brlfht. LaRDRr, Mela—Mra. I'rol. LtwneM, |!br, Alice n.-Mlat Bmllv Biadley (Mn Jmpb 0, Nul),e l,AaRrR*—Oaorye Alfred Townieod, Larr, Jere-ny—Dr. Lorten Otbone. Lima, Tbomao-ThoBiM Moore.* LARoararr, Laooeolol^aaMe Rlrka PaBldIM,* la eon. JURclloo wllb WtllhaB*iBdWa*blB|toB* mlag. Liaiol, R. ().—llesry Arcolariu* Bl, BaABBCiMat-TbaedofeF. Oooh. ^ ABTAlT.FIorane*--Mrt. loatAaitk, BAaTai,)b-DoBaldU.I(liihtlL ABTtU B<oli-J. Dawaon Findlar,. Maauna Owan-1. BtM alwaf I«ltei, Sewtuew, tooia«-MrK Oltn M«a4J-» raru, Mhtalo-Hlaa Anea O. Jabatian. i'!tri^ffA"S»lM lunhuKBibnh ^ HABnaoAU, TTawaer^ohn J-Jleipjr. MAFBUt, Mn-Mra. Marie T. Richard* H.BOB Toriet (H.j. t«Ru«WobB BwlalA HORADROCB—dr. Mlobolt, HALAiorr—W. B- JobeiloBib Haboiralia— Edgar Allan Foe.*. , _ . MACcBLorul-OairlulMinyLttaadOSauBraltaunB). MAJOB,Tbe-Ben: Ferler Feon. MDLjifrDcklya nail-WiniaBi U. UaMoea. Mt Fir (N- V. FM)-Oileb Doen. ,„ . MARCtLim.t F. H.-fleorge Oroa miller Jr. „ _ . ^ Haob (ol ClndBnall CMHiminO-Jowph B. UtOaOoogh. UiO-b. B. A. MoOeteby of fHaAtabarat. MlUB.t (Utaa *dlu>r)-lllron J. ljualuae. Moanaaal-^. M. MorpbT. MB.8rABtowoBAai—KredenokR.OonaiL . , MAR AaooTTowR-WillUni II. Meldnra (Rraokln »"), , MoBAT, JobB 8.—Aogoatua B. oauomB—(Brooklyn An] MOBLaT.Mra.—Qneaa ABoaol EaglUd-C < MoMIt, Faler—J. O-Lnekkart.* .,'. '_ „ _ MBLBOOR, Ualor (Of Ibe Hany Arilll*iy>-Fiuk *>■ MAR-PBBLAn. MM»lo--Unkoown. Bupnotid U> baTt baea JobB Fanry, or Ap neory. eteculed In BngUad. MAnlOA,AooB-Mri. II. Cowley.* - HiBiL*, MloBl*-Mba Barab M. L. Biyu (Mre.& M. B, Flail). MABtLB.I Utlor-RearT P. Obearer. HA"oBownBa,UalacbMllrWalter Scoll'a* aetntl aen Ma^i''optbb Roam—Auumid byJohlaaGtoria Be- Biann,* a OennaB writer. Mortalto. LobU da-Bar, ABlelte Anaald.* Nortu.* nbrltlopber-Frnf. John Wllaou.* Noanl. W. Banie—WIIIUoi H. Newell. NAaar, rolnlaum v.—0. R- Looka, N. or Aa»ARaitl-Mr. — Nolao.* NRrrOROII—RtPjaraln Rruce. , ^ NRrT0RoBf,-HenJ«mlnO^l|lo Taylor.* Nuna-HIr Rlcbard Hleel NCTALit—Frledrkh run Unmannen..- uamwii i„^i. N.BBODl-Cbarlta Jtiaee Apperley* (lo ^murlt Kittrt). OuBBrtat—Renlamtn Rptce. . _ . „ nafBBTHnt—F.i-Oor. Renlamla Ogle Taylor.* O'OaTARACT, Jebn—Jokn KeAl.* Olmttlb, deol, JoMlhan—WaahloitOo IrTlog* Orrio. unrei^wllllam T. Adama l>olOA-Mlu lie Iar Bann O'DOHOVAR. Hra.—UtR. O'tfftnoTtn Rotna. O'Hriut, Frlrila Ullca-Cliarlea Ornbam ITBlplne.*t O'Qdill. Hanrlco—Martin Van Bnren DIutew, ■ O'Oowft. DtrhT-Mr*. Kalo iMhj* OLpOnau-Henry Okadwkk.t 8U>tOOR. JonRlfeRB— ld8oout(-1I. R- Merrill. Oa rNRHoOAaal— Wbi. H. Ceddlogloo. O'FARR-Kraiik A- Maliunn- 0'llARa,Ab«I—Jobn Hanlmlhedramttlat.* (I'llABA.llArneR-Mbiliael BanlnUr.* OLmCHOOL, Ollter-Malhao HanienL* ULnrRLLOW.t Alfreil— O, D. V.t-Jnhn II. Maek- 0. n. Urr. »-Jnhn II. Mark. „ '. . . O.-0l0»RtR,U.rla.lell'->lrj.MRriaBre<ikl.* „^ ^ O'DoainrT, Mnrgnn-Dr. WIUiRm M«|ltB* ga Suhmi). OL.raal—OllrrrUlbbiof WaablBitoo- I». PloR, Mr.*^oae])b A- Pcnvllle,* PAiii,Jobo-Ob»Hetll-W*hb.l I FA«l Juo-Jtan I'nul Frledrkh BI'bKr* l'AOL.Uimi(j(d>enli.reR ni )-Ror. Jtcob AbboL PtARART BABD-Oeorge IIIIIJ* PaaAToR Rao .1 Faol-nol. Tn<4. Plnnn. PnM d "jVant of PIpeollle-Riapban HaiulL FOBBROT, Briek-Mnrk H. FomeriiT. . i, PABUr, Feler-StmiiRl 0. Oondrkb.* - FAiooiB.AnlboBT—JnhB WJIltaoiR... ...v. PiUbi», Feler-Dr. Bnbl. Moplgoatry Blid.*. AB|>, A. F. I.—Ilennr W. Faioa.* PaiTimaf-(Sinrle« J. F«tef. FnuoRRR-K. 0.1'. wnkloa.* I'ORIROOB—T-Aleb Dnno 4 FxaxiRI, Bll—Uelellle n liindOB. Fabtiroior. Mm-I'. B. Bhilltber. Farraa. K. N.—Jtmea M. Hnrrbi FRBcrrVhranro-Un Eliubelb A. Alan, FiiiB-lfallKil K. Browae* . , „ _ . Fribbii, Birtlbbar, Jobo-Oipl. Oemgan.Derby-* Piocaa, Rut., Obawlea jRiaea de la-W. M. Tbatkeny.* FaaooT-CbtrlaW. MRrab,* FicoAolu-T—Flem B. llonrd. Faonoil--—.OarraJbo. FtRRARl-Cblrloe najjock. Finnot—4lon. L. A. Retrdalee. FOOORUt—R. L. Orlen. FORCvm*. Fele^-Wllllaei IMMIL* ^ . F.Pm Clark of ibla FerUb-Joba Arbolkaoi* flRoaB.-FeUi^r. Jnbn WoleetL* niualou-81r FbUlpRldnej.* Faoooir, Toay-Jobn WllllaoiR.* Pltblit. Feler-SMjer gmllh • PoBcoriRW, Peler^Wllllam OobbelL* , FATnuoRTFater (Edited by "Jededlah Olelabbelbtm.r wblob aaa)—BIr Waller BcolL* ■ , FHiui»riiRaor ana UBRROBB-Awooed by Lenll OUuda Fi Jin. A-Uult H.""cdUobalk* (ID JlbRlla JfeeUb). FonraAiCFArxu-aecne William Ourtlt (In Jib FkaKntolil'A-aeonie John Doulltn (Juifbtlt, Doke ot Ariylo, Bod ruber of prsaeot Uariinla at Lone, PUR0*f-3..M. Balnea. ^ naaTt-JannT. Bndy^ vaRCnta.tMarh-ObailuU.OoBBOIiy, .' iiTBB-Tlinolby Dywo- ^ Rate. ObrlalUn-Mlat Fnncea 0. ritber- ROBARot-Re»-F.J. LenlbtB.* Iloiaamoi^ohn Randaraoo.* -' I Rin.B t-^*eexe H- Bntlar- B.E Miir-Mlae M- WaWoabam OnaK R.00X1.1 a.—BrIdiM.Wi anllb- RoVSr. Illcbelltu-iWUIIiin E. Boblaao* RiRniii JiMTtTJtSiLl''.!'L' BoaiRTPcei^Roben HerrleJ.* B.O-W-.'-RlehardllniBl While. — BBriiol—OllrarP. MaitkaO. -Bl. Aurn, Oeofie-Hma Oaderaat (nU Anion Ab^ndl** 8JBD,'7oiet^BlaBtBdiuaBdMBe.OniaTUl I - Stbbrb. Daalel—Oounuae D'AiviML BTAor, RaroD—Mne RalallL ... Boaitaa. Ptuif^barlfa AuanalHa Dtrla.* BLiBoaar, Fhlllp-NilItolarF. WlUla-* Bia*>iT(-flco(l Bulloo. . Hardiu. Rlebtrd-Brn|imlB Fnahlln.* r^KK?..*TiuiilwSrin, Mtbepaan Thuk.ny.* S:fi'^:,&Vr!?i'trV,lr..lerB.B0.lbwmb.. HniBLRT—Jobo HkollOD. 8ATARtLLA-Hra MRry llewlBt BanhaaL HBRTIRBI^WIIIbin II- liwui- MfflWiA.KS:\J'«ssr^iy. ^. HUCB, Bam-Jodga Tbomia 0. Ka-ltborteB,* BAORxrTfllarrt-Andrawlllioo. B.rAO-jRmeti)aTlA(ln K.T. WorU). . Brabcr, Edwlrd-AbrabamTnebar.* BAiRnRi-Joaeph XtTlar BonUaeo.* Kr. UlLAlat/Hanyi ile-KDillo Man UlUIre,* BiLTBRrBR-Bllia Meleyaid.* Brr IB Wa-uiirotor, Ibo--Milll{w U DajU* BaRrlRBRTAt iDtBt, A-HiTiT JlarRood leBClu BaoitOa-Oopt. neorgt H- perby,* BXAILB, Jinnary-noone a Fbllllpa. Rl Bieaoal—Ueary F. Obeorer. BaiBRRB. Mo*.^ Baira. Ba«.,l Jobn-Baba Bnllb,* S5o.ilRVX M, BnU BBkCTTBReot-Blepbea Minball,«dwinOtlaier. v-..B> Cgaiiknw Wawvatnap BB^ WIlllUB Hnor ^'Stut^lff^. 4-Ika chea lien ie «el*Bae Baai !rllnBa.^oa UTeiwria tlu^ulo wrMuip oorTooraey leraiiy BoilWieroerMeheuphllataUjB, Wi R. UAueexAAcnpl ear meet beariy iSnl* lar iho BBBben of year Taluble "Oban JcBraeL" L D. J, a.-^Tbe aaoai eparbllsg ud trea-*- yei-and Ta. iwA ujBUgoBUi Twar aa«l .'W,''Hii;Tiuji'Fo*LBL—We ahenid k* lepladrltadorMr, HatoB'apmgreaa B, Leia.-WbeByoBirriio:,-£tt« netbaawikMra*^ tniny non," we tppliod lothacebc . ^ iny non," we ipplioL _ aio. E. Otaraana.—We ban lUIIuilbarUTlue. kgrTMRept-BiepBeBWtnBRU,Jyw»rBwai yn r,*wwM*» YouoLUtllbew Newcomer tad Wlllltm Bpiraln, lU Ire* Vnebylerl.n dlrhiu aateOlw BoIaeodllaBt, Rota tbe lollUltef Ike oimet, aaballtulin'dodUa ■ Bpdraiet, lobeopjllu noie in. ioiii*i*«» •""■"-iS'fl^jbll for IF. See, alao, "0. L. I. 0.1" ud Talrl,'' mwH BBi'ni k-iutT r. W. Irtat (In JlMk JIbalAhrX a R. 0,-BlUlmiD a., a W.-StBuel Ward of WtablBlloa. j,"''fke-WrillaBaBoenBeoalrbyaeon* id Jamea,* kaowa u"Tbe Belliary Bone- aW.-8aB»eiwar«orwta«iBroa._., BCBiiuBOt Hortlont-Jobn Arbulbnol,*Jautbu B*in,e and AIntoder Fop* * ••SniaocrPaABU,"' FaineBatuforl ■BiuiooRDi"—Bee "Idanoeloi Lupuft" fOr oohtrlb- Qtoralberelc. _ - _, m BomABT aoBUiAa, The-lea"8iriagof FeaiU" T." Tbb Max Who Earn Uu Eru am BuiOi WanBeecher, TiTAO t—Daolel E. Onlt.* —Heaiy TITAO 7—■/■niw s. TawutetT-WIUlim Forter Hay.* TinAUii, MIfbart AMelo-Wjl- Tu T*oBAt,ABale-Hn f aader Oadllp. TiBTO, dlok-Fnok B, Ooodrkb. TIBTO. una—rr.DK a. w,mirn.B. nmmt, TImoiby-Dr- Joeuh Ollbert DiUud. Taoa, FtoBy-HlaaMary Aitotib Bb*rb TSRALLA-Hai • Tarr Bayard (Rarfcc TwAlB, Uirk-«anoal Oltniaa TooOBRTOBB't—JobB Dante. TODP.lAurle—OnfitTborbarn.* TaoBrtt-Or- J- 0, HcOolleB. TalRCoto—Andrew <X Wbtaltr, ... j. . TAii BOB or Yoaat-Winltm T, Porter.* »Ofn-N« ■ nmTdaflaw, boi aike''FeIbrIIooUBl>'la Oonlllu .Mitbtwi.'^luA of thi North" leRlrWtliernooiL lerBooii, I ..ltlleVl£ yeikini .Malhawi,'"Wli*M or lae noru" u I'lrwiuiw "WtiniBer Boy" u> Roa. Thonu Oorwha, <*Lltl . UiB''ta Heory J. BayBosd, Me.) applitd by elki ItUReLB-Fnnb Bellew,* TwpiBBoi^FraBela 8,Baillh- Tun-HnDrBdnrdBoblaaea |m< n*reuAlb*rtin* boua TOO Jakob), . ' TaarLB, Laaaoalot-JobB AraelnBg-* Ti^LBB^TlnMbj^-Sjm, • a lawyar-U Bl Two BaoiSiaaZ-Ohirlu ud AJAnd Taanytoa . . ■ V. DBCl«TotT-B«T.Tobb|Jlfan.' Vrou Bobrriuib t-O- H. Ocntolly. Vuuif,^n;r?,'By(>unt-Fritudtd yuMlahtr al OiaUk Ma*e Jfoyoa'N', ^ 1 I T • V.rlAR-Oeorge llMry Lewaa. Tiooan D'AtBJRa-HBie. Rtiaiit T.ATOa t-BeoJaiolo Otle TajkJj.* . - TiaoiBU OeBraaBRAi»--A.M.»« ey. TiTBBAR OBtRaraa-li. U- MiDlOald. Viooc«-Col. Obarlu AJbioD llaBhloa. -.^.l TaTBBiHABUBt, A FroritaloBal-Fral A. S.Oepaak. ViTAiia-Krlk (Jobarg.* TioaBeRn,The—Adaa Badm ' 5!rrK;Sli!Rr.!!M!?:!ieTh«keny.. ' WiaaiBoiex-WlllUB H. Bobloion.- Wabo. Artemiit-llbarlu Famr Woooraa«,Whinle-Ua7 w, Bianley Qlbaob Wioa AwABBl-Ueorao W. (Pony) Ueore, WaNii BRnBRt-JiibB M, Mojre.* WiLUAW UnRT-Ura. M. A. Dill, WAn«FORT,Tbe-Jobo Ttylij.. Wbtiirbiu, Bllubaib-HiM «oaaB WtrBtr. W..AaroR., qi»oe-7Urj Anlhony ledd TbOBUa^lwe HeohhaB Ualbcrloe Byarley).* , _ WaARToR, Ifhllip-iller aoo)-J. F. IhonaeB, WuiatLXOBAR, WUllRB tod Bobert-JobB W. H^u!-WIIIUn IleolT nailbnt (irorU)L WOHORB,Ton Tuah, ZaoiTn»-Hlta PanBella B. Vlalaj, XATiBB-Jeaopb XarlerBooHkoaL* H. Tooao lUriD>-Ool. t. Alliloo Brown. TOOR0'VMTbe-Hr, Bunban,.. Vbrda, Mol--Thomtl Adnw,* Tuon, Rydoty—Bydnty 0obelL* , _ , „ . YoaBB:blbai-2Fr«uded publliher •( rt%m'ilii<ult4, K. giaxi—AmoaJ. CBumlegR. ZaORUi^-Iileol- UorrlaoB, K K. - . . l*xA.Barry-Ooraeorfe U.BoUtr la Faaama «»aB* . OnwB* iBlar* oecealon w* ibaU nak* lUa'lirt men Buily complete by the addiUca ol aol only each anae* u may ba oommnaloalad lo na by ont raadan, bnl alio of tbcu already al enr oommaad, bal lor whioh we bare nol epeoi la IhUiiau, - , IiTauUimAT-In connriaHOBwllhA.I.DofUfi M long ago, ba Inlormid'Biathal ha had come »0H » elrip el cenntrythre* mlM wide, atntcb-. eeroM a etfip or ooBuirytjiiw bum muw, iagMaiheulmm IbeWillamiiie BtT*r,BMz9ra. gen aiy, lo ihe Oucadi moinUIn*. wU^Jb » ulaiil lloaey.produclag dliMol, lalhatootUb ol Ihe monatala* lb* hoaey-dew, wbldi I* ptenlUr to thi* dialriol, witbia Iba bonadariM If boTin, lalU u beoTUyu to incrual Ibe foliage, nuongb-, out thla bell ot oonairr beea an betUr ovibu boM in CIOTOr, lor Ibey lllerilly "ripe np th* nidy- made hoaey, ud, alter fllllng their hWa, bolld and All comb on Iheomaldo, Ur,Dnruraayeth*llif WW elghtT pounds ot honey taken from thennda^ aide ofk pole atrtlobedacioHtfeoce. II weald he * Tiry iBiareiUng rbgloo lor t«lorallala to UtiIII- gate, MpeOIAll/ M no ettltfaetory •olnilnn ytMo Shaaomtnon hu erer yel beea reached, th* thi* Mpeoltl loeeilly eetma to derelop Ih* aO^^ed boaey-daw year alter year In remarkable qdutlly. —n* Airaateafa tlKOri-Onim, A Bad Oodob.— Ohuln Lamb wu eaa* itdUg In i aiigcooach la oompuy with «M el lhaaa aymnlhlxlag mibI* who m *T*r ea.lh* look. ont m nopperlnnliy io ooDptaaleaM* aWeUCB. 'What a bal cough yon b***, ait I" *M th* tDpatklUsg on*, aiUr Umb h*d no o m ed tnm ■ -* ■ eoaghlag. "I kMW II," nfiiti h«b«*«ratBd*.» *Twaa*AaBBorbal(adoieDoeBpceen BrtagwtoM ' make good leur-Boten, eTtB,"—& XapA fbewearnw- aay ku omb etaapllooally Maaeiet lor Ibwn BWir* toBpcean. treiy one el whom bu vrand hi* aBllly M Eetinet not nenly • "good t-mtn," but ea* *f **!>«■ g exwUeace. _ - lilCerary Cbete T*anBaat«Bt> ' For the norpote of adrwelog ibi Htaialara at ekaae, ud oiHBlag op a new aald to the adBlien ol lb* gaae, fm A/ubrJffeu'.andlRg tba Oeid ol pnbleKa ran U*» ooibly woikad.oflenlba foiiowlog prliu M a DMitry eoapeililoB: $91 la gold lor the beal ongloal abretMen, JI38 fageU Ibr Ibe but orfglBtl cbeueeaay,aad tSAupU or the btetcrltiBal chtu Mary. OORDIIIOXI. I, Comptililon itM to aiL X Ro raiileilona u l« the leaatbol Ikaanldta. 8. AmirlcuconpulloiwBBal aead lo IbalrooDlrlbullou oo ol beloie May 31, IQ?- Aod la^ tin cumpelllora, on eccauBi oi dliiaoca.wlil be tUewed 000 Bonih looger, brlDglng II la Jooe W, 1(77. 4. ne nrltet will be awarded byaooaBlllao tppololtd by the odiior ol IbU oolomo. (UartM nRita.-£u Curru] 9. The cOBlrlboUcBa or eenpoallloea are lo be lb* ei- eloalre pnpenr of the edilor, lo b* uaed u be pleuaa. 0. The pritei will be awanltd aad uld u Moa aa neg bit iftar Ihe Toonay la doted. 7. Ike Btme el tbo aulbor nualattDDpaay lbl*nlel«ibBl wU boi bo aaade poblMwIibml IboooBUBlfcl the wrller. I. Aoy enial* anieted loreompellUoa laiit hare *aollablwaeadlig u a dlaiioiulBiiInx Ban lerlbe conreoIeaH wl the «ub- lulDgoominlllec -'-^ BnUiBK No. I,OS0. ' ^ FIrai prlie problem la tbe Waal aermu <»«a nwbMm Touneyoiiefl . . ar BRRB Aootr aAtBaanonini ^ aiqa,QB9, KB*,' qi.. KBi, QII kkib. at Q9. K Kll,QBT,/flO, KKtt,,QBT.4B 4, J$. WblieiapUyaodglraBti*l*teu<m«T« kad*. 11*11 i i." Prwbl*ni 5o« ],OS0i' '' ^ Oor Oeoiennlil Fnb. Tonmrr Sel. . Oedlmted I* UIno, u Ihe lail rmalolng Cb. Ed. of '-faaoLDotoaiaa." ; , BLACK. _^ . Oam* Noi l.OdVa ObboI Ibe caaaia nUrae ol oor UlefrM CealMaljl Tooner heiweaa Jic Haaoa ol New Tern aad J. Bdwaid Orohardal Boulh (ItroUaa. ' Mr'Tlli^ l„FWK4 !.F-«4 FRBHOU OFBRTNO. Blaak, ~— Ur-Onhtrd. PloK* F-at- KCt-B 8 Ihsi _ ,..S.-.t.+ «B^. FfolSFxfm _B-Kt9^. B-ii»~oi;i-8'8' BxluatKtFBB. r.qk F-g* IUIC4lJ|F-ilB4 laif K»-;il-»- iIIIXi>l(/)2B X Kt KB-B4 r-qin 19..dL. U..E-Baa( lr..g-4er} (L.tSt-D^ ■- F-KhS ••9-Bt+ ' I..F.«(t« D,,l]-Il* 14..a-bar( QlC-Iai U.,K.Itag- O-harBl l«..K.blaHl P^E.BO.. •■..■•bUB J lii..r>KB( Mr. Maton rulgatd. ROrat mow wBtriiiijiaa rArai*,' (a) II (-F X F,HUcknplleaF X F; r q £110 E I, wbleb woold be „ _ faronblelorwkM (tl BlaebderabiraOral blaqUL „,,.-, . (a|ll,-Vuilu,uidUll,-Floq 9, U..q teat aaa* Bielereble. . .„ „ (« While hid Ume to pnpan for eaaUlag, ^ gJ U,.K4 teB(.M BtoKlo.or BtoKlll ll,.aatUet.-, . (SlmoTaol doubilolwladon; ^ loB 4 lU peihap akh •^111 la that Bore IL — Ion ofthe EL (»i Ke<*Miriiy,pni*nlory ..— toEtl. (I) UttapBeaMOfaarlaiihaBt (h) Tria to poatpoae Ihe ihreaiaBed njtlaar—B ta B&. viory to tbt alluk el Ihe El ky q Oam* playtd at' 8k Keela,(Beg.i belweu Ur, Isr coBUIbBlor Uarr H. Ma; IBBBObUAB ^F W- 8..QK>-B8 iB-B< (..f-eb{ I..K B-Ktt.:|Eb-Ki iDoco Fuira_' _ i?rk'¥'j'Ku^r.¥"" O..KIPK A V-Bb{ r..K-Kii gB>fl - Ji »» B (JU Tb» aiiMft'i hwdlo&i diib bu wnofbibU en nib, Bl*wno«:wlDibyi0red.. • . " i CHEfiUERS. , To OexrwepOBdaaUA J, LitAim, BlaahalB, Oai-Ma WIU flr*y«*ra*a^- alaaooa, B,J. Ooaaniarr. W.M.BicB,Beibl "llc."OiMBburg,lBd.-AddrewBd. Jaaan . ^ .^OorreeL laheok—On flie Car etaBlatlUa Tlt^oallr dnwB, t We doa'l haow pndtelf i neb i kl y tbealllheart, 8, BoluiloBeerreel.„„ TL>hlUdelpbU.-5u reply tt ••Me" T. FdlUM, OUreluA-Tho dial la ——* w— aa t*U j^bg 10 dnw. .lolBileBi Blaak, l.'.lj (Til a lou U. t, 8**uaiu, fn\ •'Dyke" It ihut lomtd. Bluh. While l!'6'ui«nt iliee t^Si ItcxiabaMrrieilBthe 4. To "Ox" the Bta ea the boi board, II woald beBt.— r y M relie,ao ikai th* athB d* **! IFblie. Mr. Embra*. Il.i I >. 10 I4„ll 10 a 8: U' H: 19 11 (c) li * While, Dr. Deelaaay. MnEmbM Oiaa* Ho, B9, Vak M> Flayed at Dee Holaea, helwna enr eamapadai A i. BmUeudOr.DataejNjj;^;.. Blaofc. ■ — '1.. > ll IV.l Xal a,. I 0 I!'r XI, ■,iBi a4~ . .. . .Whltea gotu ar tua aoirpau (a) iiioieurnn by AndertonUlbe,„, *io a, Wblle wlna..Bee VariatloB ». aecood llalibwAedMtoa aorapayili tiTeaais>*)thie| .5) He "ABue np the hall," A deaptr aindy we alown! wieHlad book, wllb a.deWdedly akaip'potal. Mr.Eabnefalrleo ' (c) nt pelat ol II ilreaWbiiei lllack pUya tlogglret Wblle Ibe (<<! Black pUya wt ru4r liUaUBeo bItduO' . M The Bine la paat nd tmptloa ouipUytbltoppoBtnthate.. jif- the buok.' Iba etpUrSi al lU Blaik. heanfarUleellttaJioa.. „. .. , wllb gnit aaHk ba> the '•ah*4*» ah itadUI." ' • ' MUtMB or FotilloB Ro. BU TM^M* ■ eTB.Bt ifMAW. 'li:' Wbllk ..1*10" - B 10 II > if t::'tt' ' 'MBtlMb aflAtaAiii'itib 8i.;<v«i. M* iP^i 'J H^ ^ WhiUiBB bla.-BB, VaiaMe 7^ . irbji alnayaud wia. . . uiv '' IMtiua Ua. »M.' Vol. afta1 . /layeda,.haTji'5."A*:ii.WJ?!CU;,i<«kiii» bonioB dad A. velnaai.. 'jffiSlt^i'v-.