New York Clipper (Mar 1877)

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March 24,1877. a Fi KL o L X F> i^* JB tha OdNS, Btlllmon, Ud, IiAvitmo oouumtnowi BlBiliil iroopM, oi Ui pUiw anUiliu compulu who pmpoM tUlllDg ditai *llb«Hairidtr-ilmt Tbtitre (ram Mij » to .'oljr T. Jot Itnni, aU)., kldnu W, J, Ollmon, pto- fiilstof ud nioigtr, A imaiu.TT un It of and fot ill* In k cud alia- mhm, PnroMina mwinlad •IthaOollmm.Clocln. luU.O. Obu, UioDoiald la not bow oonnacMI with tut bout, ud ailliU art tbirafoia raqaaatad toappir lo tbamaiifaf, who siMlabuIn uothar ooloiDD lUmi of lolanat to uoaa godar angaa*. nael Uian. I. DiTiiu, iket«h Bid long wrlUf, alo,, pnbllihai bla vidiau In tblaUino. Tac Lnut Baoa.. who hm baan ncoaaafollj parlornlDii during tsa Wlntar aaiion, eooDtoea an «ogiRn><Dt at toa Tbaaira Oomlqaa, Ihia oltr, Uaich lO.inarwIUohtbajtola Totauagh'a aUow at Fbilidtlplila, Pt. Puironiiua, lidiM aapaelill7, ara wantad at Iba Vb lla Douaa VtrtoUaa, Pllbborg, Pa. Boa L. Sprotl'a «ird. Tm Onu-Beou, Ftwlubal, B. L, wu optnad for a awaos Unch 19 with tba lollowlnv ooapuT: Weloh and Hblalda In biraool iicnliaa- Law and PioilnaPtrkar, akalob-titlau; Uutlii and Wlllliraa, Iriah ■png-and-duca; tba lllnipion Bliton, dnet- tl(U: Llula nicbnond, aariocomlo: and Biwin Thomu, pcdeaUl cloi dancer. L. W, ^SlaDDUna'a8rICULTTTsoori la lo tiblbit In ^llllamaport. Pa., Uirch 30, Lock Baron 17 Ballpoit M, Alloona 30, IlnnllniloD April I, Oolum- Lla i, LiDualar 9, Boding 4, AUantown «, ud £aatonO. ISiVD BTiKUT, TocallBt and coratt-iololil, tod Dad Wamar, oomadlao and allo-bam plaMr, pnb- Uib Uitlraddriaa Inanolbaroolumn. Taic Tlciouuni and Annla Tt^addoD, who ara itsvallDg with the Haywood Drotbera' Oomblnalloo In Ttxu. can bi addrcarcd ctra of Ihit oBlce. Ton Bttwooo Dnonnu' Coubikation It rerr fa- wortbl; noUcod b; Uouibom Jonmali, ailra(\ta Iron vbleh ara publlabad In anotborcoliunn. Flnt-oliai Jterfomera doalrlng to aogiga with tbli oompuT or iBunimtir lou can addicat.nnlll April 1, upor «l*trUieuant. Oeu. 0. Qim, Icdlu-dnb jagglar and Jig tod ^og dtnoir, advertlaao for an angagamant. OotcixMiTi visitn KEwt to Haioh It la fnmlsbod or onr oorreapondent u appanded: "Tbo liaab ap. Btarancoi at tba Halloul xhaatraOoinlcino II wm Valmer & Oo.'a 'Blaek Crook,' Luot Forratlar, and Joalo Ziulralta. Tba drama, wbloo wta plaied at *A Tala ol Eiotaintutnt,' wai prodocad In tarr creillUbU ilyla, lo Itr u acllsg, billal and amll. Itrlea went, and tba aoanerj waa aoperb. tba prla* malic foubialn and traoaionntUon accoa balug aa. pccMilly iiolaworlbj. Ulta Foirattor vocalltod atc';l}-, ud OD Ulta Zinfretla wu thrown tba t«rp- ■Icbortai bnrdan ot tho apeclaola^ Tillla AnloDlo waa cillad homo on Mobut by the doilb of a rela- tlTo. Builneu good. Daparlnraa IT: Turner and aojar.asdTaoimT Noll.allfor thaTolado.loOhl- - aago; MonlB and tFlalda. and LuoT Forrailar. So opan U. EdgaU and Eldrldgt, OnBtIa tfo- Cain, Lou Howard, John Rarnor, Bla Majer. ud Tcnadtll ud Bttdo. Tba 'Black Crook' actnory will alao ba relaload to prodnoa 'Altd. din.' JoUan Kent opant 33 In 'Wild Bill.' Tlia now additions to the atlractlons at lha Ool- lionu II woia Uai Walballa, Manrlca Beppard , JnUa Walcott Berlla Rlnabart, Ida Bajdtn, and Loallo and Aahtoo. Valhalla and Heppvd mada a : ana Impraaalon Inanmnutlcaol, andalttrwarda Inpanlamlmo. Mlia walcott udlltUoBtttia Rlna- bart UTo acrlo-comlo aonga In good aljla. Laallo ud Atbton on the donbia bar, and for a aooond tarn u Tbo Two Oomlinta,' prored Bntclut. Ulit naidan'aduclngwaaoraTarTdiacnIlorder. Bla good. Cbirlea MoDonald, who hu baen mua- gai of tba plae* alnca II tiarted, loTtred bla connac- ' tlon with It thia wtak. Drp«rlnreal7: BllaHijo, . fcr Tolado. To opan 18: Dolaaatt Fanllj, Jaoot Walch ud Uiad Lamolna Tba Loo Famllj, Obalat ud 0. L. Buka wan tba addlUont at Heuck'i Tbsalro 11, Tba Lao Ftmllj, tra In ' nnnbfr, did acrobatle, Jnggllog and ataloaaqna acta, and prorad u atiracllon. Ohalat li a larj lair Tantrllooolat. with talking pnppala. ULt. Btnka mide qnfta a nit In a bntlaiqna atoop. iplecli. Bualneaa good. Daparlnraa IT: Frank twiBlon, CleToIud; Uaggla Bowara, Fblladelpbia: Cawtbome OblldroB, LoolaTlllo: SenoriU Villairex. Buffalo; and Dick Mack, Erta. To open 18; Jamea 8« and Batla Edwarda, and the 81. Ftllx Ballet Troupa. Jobnoy Mtx, Botch comedian, Ella O'Nell, Birrr Da LaT«, J. K. OUall and Ed. Lrnch ware lha tecrultaat the mnlarOardan Ibia weak. BIr fair. At the Eldorado, Prank L. Roj, Row Und, F. WIttelel'l noTBid ud Weal, ud Eitlo Hnntar woia addod. Clotlog IT: Boaa Und. F. WlttaOald, ud Bowaid uiu Wtial. Opening 19: Cbtrlaa Oallagbor, ud RadniODd ud Daroro. Bta fair The com- monwaaith pcrrormucoaatSblckllng'a Ball ended vltb Iboae ol lul Boaday. AlTin P. Bmlib, who uted u treaaiirer, la accoied of decamping with aoiDo money for lalarlea, bIc Work hu begnu on Ueuck'a Kev Theatn." Apolxo Oaidbm, ETaDsrflle, Ind.. wlU ba opened foraSnmiueraBUon Uay31, and flrat-dau Tarlety perlormera daelrlng aogagomonta are raqnutad to addreia John Albeoier, proprietor. Makaoibj daelrlng to anuge with Jamw Welch and Uand Looiotoa for iko production of iboir Irlih dnmi "O'Coonor'a Oitb" ud their bnrlraqae of *'Iilsb Uazeppa," can addreu Bob Mack, agent, u per card. TaaiBTT tanna ara wanted at the f^llunm, Co- lumbuB, O., which hu Juat been opened under the ' btulnou-nanegement of Barrj Oolwell. Sea ad. TBrtlument. - . PcaroBHaaj dealrlng engagemuta at AddWaaT. ' ar'e Adolpht, Hartford, Ot., are requealed lo write lo Mr. ^N'earer aad aecore a date. At KuoKiK'a Tuixms, PblladelphlB, the now \ facaa on tho 13tb laet., wBre Balllo Banner, Fannj Oroiiory, Bnela Lane and Jaonia Horn. The depaxt- nrea oa tba ITib loat. war* jMonatte Lawla, to Norfolk. Ta.; DaUe Oaahlng, lo the Odeon, Baltt- , non; and Kallle Weeka, to Bcrulon, Pa. Tboeo . annoancad for the lOih an Hlle. Tendemont, ICay Pleraon and Karr Garlord. Tba ontertalomut in veil conducted Ihroogboot hj Hr. Qeorge Hell. i ATTnaOuMnOcjnmAi.TAnixTT TBaAoa, Phlla- dolpbla. the moat atlfutlTe programma of the aea- aon wu given during the week udlog Uarch IT, Indndlaa mtnj freaU featnrea. EIng Barbro ax- 'blbtied ulB eccoatomed aklll on the tlght-npe; FajeltB Welch In tba opening laroeof "Scboor'ud ,hla mntlcal ut wu woU xecalTod; Jeula Tea- ' mine in her aarlo-oomlo eonga ud John Balllr In ^bla Irlah aonga mada a deaerrMlj good Improaaion; the "Dig t" exolted nan of langhtar In tbalr eo- .ceBtrle aoBge-and-danoeo, and the eketob "Bhlnoo- caroa." The new ballet of "La FuolnetloB" la tdonocapltallf, ud farorably Introduced Hlle. Jo- hanu: ud tboconolndlngburleaina, entitled "Tbo i'Two Orphana," afforded a rue fnud of amnaamaQt. The Hitco ComblnsHu, John WllUama, the Rlob- Biond Btalen, Uurk ud Ifara, Carroll and Bury, mio. LeontlsB ud Jennie tf laco open hero on the 'Ulhlnat. At TBI Niw Hiitexu. Touni, Fblladelpbia, liba atteudanoo lut week proTed tbat the efforta of th* now manegeneat are Iborooiiblj appracletad. Ulu Meraball, Jtppe ud Funj Delano, Alloa Ben- nett, the LoTino Urotbera ud Ackland Boyle wan the new facaa OD tba 13th Intl. Ulaa Uanbtll—a debolaLla—made u unmleUkablr good Imprea- idon lu eerlo-ooulo aonga. ud Acklud Bofle, who aleo made bit firat appearaBce, mads a bl( bj bla ftcllDK end make-niT u Bop BIng In Barrrlllcb- tnonl'anewut of "wuhea, 1?uhea." ThaLerloo iBrolbart Ib walloieculed carlcttnta-akatcbu, Wet AllcaBennetllnballade,udjeppo and Funle Oa luo In Ibeir plaulag mnelcal akalobu, aleo fomed latutetlnc Itenu oftbt lengthjprognmme. Jennio Uorgan, Frank Lewie, John and Uegilo Fielding. Tom Oruger ud lha Lovlno Biolnen clued n. TheuewarrlTels lOanPatRoonej, J. ' v. UoAudrewa, Wallenud Uorton, Prof.udBaby Oindio;. Mlu Lao Walton ud Muter Sunn, ; J. 0. (PiTTU) Stcwuit bu bad hie Tarlatr aatab- , Ilabmont, Oread and OI.erry alreela, Fblladelpbia, , remodeled ud renoratcd, and will reopu It on tho \ Wh Intl. u tbo Now Adolpbl Tboalro with u en- .tireir new ooopuj, Including tbo MIeua Elltf Allyor, Frinble llowtrd, Eatber Da P07 ud Carrlo Lewie, Tod Taiice and Dan Oakley. TonyPama'a Thocfb wlllplayaweek'augago- nenl at the WalBUt-atrett Thealis,Pblltdelpbia, commBoclBg April 9. ruitaDXLrDiA LoooB or Elbb giro their flnt ao- Bnal lurltatlon ball at HotllcnItnnI Hall, Philadel- phia, on April 9. AT Ekocbc' Vaunin. Philadelphia, a lengthy propraurae wuBlven lut week, Including u frub fealureeu eicollent aorobttle act by Franklin and BIntcaile, MIta Ada Btanwood'a ballade, the "mya- tlc-ohaDga"ut ol Will n. Slowe udbia cleTerptr- formlDf do.e. Bnetnree coBllonad briek, the aen* •illonal sbeloh ol "81 Balcm." wllb lit Francb danrea. being the main mianetof ellnollon. Mlu Klityaerdoer, Sbelfer ud Bltrln-and John Forbu will boartded tothecomptOTon the l>tb iBat. Tub l:i7WB:iATioi«aL Uoaio Hau, Pblladelphia, mu itrj well alicBded lul weak, MoOole^n h Uugboi, the pioprletorB, tnecaulnlly alrlviog to maje Ibeir place of amneanient uoond to none. VInont Brlilgea, Funle Barenport, Emma Deren. Qoldln, aitsle and Btllle 81. Olalr. Prof. Rai, Morrla and NalaoB, end Corrr, Foi, ClUlon and Fornaugb verethe Bew trilvala ob the 13lh Intt. (Midia, Claele and Sillle Bt. Olalr'e artltUc clog-duoing wu highly icpreclatod, ud the rary claTar horiionlal. act by Cuny, Fob. Ollflon and Fonpaui h aup- pllad uolbtr altracllaa portion of Iba programme, •nd wu Mroeally applasded. Conway ud Seirliu open oB tbo jnth iBti. Uiixrjt'KWiHTiB Oaann Tauna, PbOadelphIa, (acrlvcd a liberal abera of ptironaga lut WMk, lha piogramme proHnlad InolodlBg John Prady, Sadie Ilnnhu, Law and Lua Cola, and Li Patlla Etttlle Be tba promlBont aad norel faalnraa tbareol. The naniaeuentol tbla eaUbllihmantby Ueean. Bur. £«i c Otark daeetru ■ Una of ptalae. The fol- wing new people appau bare on tba IBIh Inet.i Blencbe Tnbbam, Ada llortlmar, Bntlay and Uarr, 'Bnale Warrao, IIU7 Norton, Flynn and Eutoo, and John ReofB. Tbb OriiU'BODti, FBlt RiTtr, Mass., will ba open- *d lor lha atuon April 3 with Ueorge WIneblp, lata •I IbeTblrd arenne Thutre, tbla city, and daoige Warren u proprlatoii. Fatformen oan apply to Oaorge WIneblp, u per card. SiatT Dioawm, oomedlan, who la now InTolIng CItU Wuhburn'a Lett Beaution, cu ba addraaeed ureoflhia offlco. JaniTt are waBled (or Uaroh 98 and liter dalet *t tbo Fourth aiune Thulra. PllUbnrg, Pa. Um •dnrtleement. ^OTT'a VABiiTiBa, JaokaoD, Hkh., la rtporlod to <• doing a good bnilBeaewlih lha follawlBg com- t*art Ubailoy Ueyatt, alaaa-managari Billy Allen, mi?: ^■">>ald, McUlllao Brothara, Ulllle Rou uo Ada Buioelt. Performeie dealilog angagtmanta *'a>ei|aa>ttd lo addreu Enoe BoyI, proprielor. RAT TBI TiBiiaa OoMiaDB, OleTtlaod, 0., the put etk eomuenoad with tba ninal Bcal-patLwIlb >"y OlBlTen, 0, Olldar.Tom UarUB,aBd Jamai r.'lvon lbeiuidai Mlu Bella Notion Inaeriooomie ffagai OWitj ud OlBlvan, ioosa>and-duoMi wucbaDlion.aotlo-oomlci Tom Uaiiin; Prof. Nail K'^'^'^ueaud dogal Joo Buokley,iooge-iod. R^;*'! faiiny Vlotanca, BOBga.aBd.daBCM| Jamu XO-dBBtari ud eloeed with "Fotblddea •.*?!<■'«," wllh Wn. N. Orimih ud Dello HorlOB n.Bi* 'tading nlat. BoiIonb good. Drpirtorra u\ni'?.""I»»nitoBprlDgaeld,0,|Win,t(. OrlBlth ^ Utile Korton, lo Balllniore! and Janae Doffr, an I underlined lor 19: Turner Btolb- bV... 'T'l'IIUd, ud Frank Carlton. %iaiJr^''^b BBaia.oaiiio Tociuen, 5S"2'« Harry Hlll'a Theatre. 8m card. tuH^ii Eiaooani, UBatllooal tolora and lUi. .ill '0 Iheir clualeal brolbir ut, ran. A >l.i? ".^ l°(l»>n|> <*n be angaiad. 8m card. 1 >>iI^??S*.".""l** '<" donbla-Inpott bnalneu 'ii^!l;«a",nl«rtb,whoid»ertleu. di, {""I a Viaiaiiia. Norlnlk, Va., Amy B»ari. 'at iitHi •<"> I<a*la Sletoia an WUid <XeaaM ^"^ I«>Batd anl« *•<*«t<B^ iT*^ u**^ , noujneTBaKT Toiatib, BilUmora, lid,, lul week, bnaloui wu good. Andy and Anole Hngbas war* lun In Iriabiba'.cbae, Barry Bryaat la TaBlrlloBBlin, Emmttaoa end Clark In "The W'f"''^ toten," the Foy Blelan In BBaloal ■^tlcliM, Wition BBdEllla la TantOBlo apKlilllet. MBB Marklay In oboles loage met with heirly eocoru.uilaodldAdamaaod Lta ulhemnalul motu. Tba Anarleu Swarf "Tommy" byClirk 9">!>* **• tBDny Tba Boydam Btoihare oa the donbli boiliOBlal.bin llBlebed lha olio. Tbe bill conelndad wllb "Boot MIonal," wllb Eitolla Mortl- merand O.A.Iilly In tbo leadlogrolu. Depart' urei iTi ADdyudABBleBBibH, to Piiiebnrg.Pt.i nartT Biyael. to Boalon.Mua.i WaUoa aBdKllia, New Votki Adane asd Lm, Boydam Broihera ud IhaFoyBlaleri, dulloillonnnkBowB. TuopenlB: Xd.udAUoaManay, Maria WhiiUogbam andllaeUr Neanu, Unr Tooley, John Oarle ud Funle V. RaiBolda. On liaich It, Muager Ollmore'e room at hie boM wu forcibly enlered by tbI«Tei dnrlBg bla abaaaot. ud a lot of ralBabla clolblBi waa etoleo,....,Atlhalltwaenlral Tbailre agood bill wuolued, opening with a lemala-mlnitrel aceBa: Prol. Fhataiyn gaaefuu ol legardemila udTen- IC!"'!'!'"'.*"* ahowed Bona mafloDaltoai Ulle. Zitrollt loeilliodi Ultle Uw giTO u uience' nylor, Qrotn lod Taylor appeared In an enlerUln. Ingiunalealaketcbi Walter bray In blaapeclaltlu; gornere an.lKltk u'Tha HoltentoUi" conolndlag wlthalangbaUa Interlude called "Bonne«,"wllhLl£ tloHu u Jimny Luab. Oloting Manh IT: Ulle. Zll- tella. Samara ud SItk, Praf. Pnuaiyo, deatlnaUon nnknown. Tobegin It: Bella Norton, Wm.N.Grif- Mb, JennltBtlmont, Jamu Draome, Hauu Blaten, Uairlt ud Ctrrall, Mile. Aleiandrlna and Funle Lucille At the Odeon boelnete wu fair. Emma BreoBtn, Little Joele aodAlIleSbeppardaugaonge, Dodr ZiBftolta wu eeea In gncefbl duclag, and tbeDennetle loaaketcb. Departatu: Emma Bran- nan, Alice Oletaon ud Utile Joele, toVewTork: Shelfer and BIitoo, lo Fblladelpbia. Fa.; Alice Bbep. pard, no ebgagement. To open March IP: Barry ud Leona ifandal, Minnie Leo, Blanche Ruelle. Bella Onebing and Wallor Wenlworlh. Latter of Uarch IT. ATTOBBonaroB kfoaBBW, Boalon. Mue., a more thin ordinarily good prognmmowu eet before the patrana the put week. Tbe perforiutneo began wllb BcanloD asd Onnln'a akelcb "Sluoe Terry Joined tboaug," Then Nellie Brooke gare a num- ber ol aooga, and Worden and Uack groleeque eonga-ind-dine«. Qny LIulon u "The Usd Oiilch- er" conTUlied tbebonee, end bad to rupood lo ur- eral eocoree. Bereral aUtuee-rlranle were abowo, eoma ol them very pretty. Locy Adama aaag a Bomber of hnmorena aonga, and tbe Clark firo- then u "Tbo Bungry Muelclena" cnaled a deal of langblor. enllronlng their eel wllb quite arulrdaa- eorlment of nujlcal oiblblllona. Wm. Bcanlon eang motto.Bongs. and the enterltlnment cloeed with Fanny Herring In "Tbe Freneh Bpy." Boneu crowded. Edwin Frenob, altbongb unouced, did not appur. Tbla week Bam Darore ud Hairy Monlagnojoln ibecompaoy At tba How- ard, tbo drama of "Eatbleen MaTonrneu," with Oeorgla Lugley In tbe Utle-rola, formed tbe chief aUracUon, In Iba olio, Jamu MoSee, characlar- rocalliti Alice Bomen,|wltb aoag-ud-duce: the Oaron Family ud their tronpe ol edncitod doge; ud tho Dily Brotben appeared, the perlormence doting with T. O. Blgga (n bla akeleh "Home fram the Black BUb." BIlTad lor IB; X«eler, Allen, Bmlih Oeo. SaTUHnt'a norelly Oompuy.ud Leetlnger ft Hoor'i Olio Oompuy. On Kondtr BTtnlng Out Myetaty did not work, Boweat'a ud Daruporra ud Waldron, Harry and John Semell, tbe Field- Inge, Luke Schoolcraft ud Oeo, H. Cote, Edwin Fnnch, Jamea B.piaffltl, Willie Cobb wllb dogt, goata and nonkeya, Banlord ud Wllaon, ud Jea- nie Eagle. PBor. HooBia opened at Beelboran Hal, Boilon, Uau, Maiclt 19. wllh bla EgypUan Hyetcrr ud foor comblnetlont, tU., 0. W, Bowter'a n. T. Comedy Oempany.Ida PhlUlpa' Olaaelcal Arllala, » .._ J. ..K ndLeeeIr BTtnlng Darupi Oompuy ftlled to put In u appearuoa, ud LoeeJn- ger ft Moor'a OUo Oompuy coaalated Bolely ud en- ilrely of thamaalru. The hill wu oloaad aflar WednoBday night, Tbb Httnm Jiraa, Albert aayar, ud Obb- mlBga ud Bleu ooBatltnted tba nlnfotoemola at tbe Oomlquf, St. Lonia, Ho., March II, Albert Geyer, a mereboT.duceda olog, which wu noted for good tima. The MlltoB Jaapen (three la num- ber) were eeao lo eicellent advutaga la gymnutJ^ parformucu. Mlu Maria JusoT appealed ln~ ekatcb called "Aailona to Marry,''ud ImpatMBalad flra dlfferest ebaruton Terr olarerly. Tbe aoBga. and-ducuofCnmmlnga and HInu met with much faror. Tbe Ludla Broa., lArry Today, ud Emma Brelto dllad out tbe bill. CeUlnreballat ud march worked OTcn better than during the pnvloua wuk. Cloenreall: LandlaBtoe., to Chicago; ud lha Mil- ton Jaepen, to lodlinepolla. Bonby Newcomb, Brba noneioB, ud Mile. Letounieur aro billed for 19 Nonewfaceaat Looney'a and the Norelty. At tbo WInUr Girdeo, the Willie Bitten, Lou- lee Elmer, and Prof. Berger opu 18. Adrlcu ol Mireh 10. Thb ifzw noFLi at the AdtlphI, Toledo, 0., March 19 were Rel Ifneab In a flre-nanlpulatlog act, Ulu Idaffllfton in aoBiB, Mlu Bale Lulle In ballade. D. 0. Hert cloeea a Toag cngigement at tbla Ihutn, ud laku the management of tbe Atlutio Oaidu. Begarding tbe adultery caie mentioned lut wuk In Tbb CLirrcB, we would uy that Mr. But wu boa- onbly dlieharged 13. Cloud IT: the Antonio Fam. Ily. to Detroit: Ida Olllion, nnknown; Homer ud Bully, to Onnd Baplda; ud Rel Unwb. Blage- maoager Cherlu 0. White arrlTed from New Or. luna 18, ud auumu hie old poalUon at tbla thca. tra. To enen 19: NUm ud Brace, Jobo aad Amy Tudor, Badlo Baaaon ud Uoaa. Niblo At the Comlquo 13 tbe new people wen Obarlea Poetelle In femalo bnalneu; Prof. T. A. Wlgglna In elelght4f- bud act; Foley ud Watera la dogudjlga; tbe Newton Blaten In aonga-ud.ducea; Qnuro Mc* Oeln,aerlooomlo; ud JohaD.Kelley laamoalcal act, cnoalBg 17: Foaltlle, to Chicago: Cnaile Uu- Gain, to OlBolnoall. Col. Edwarda will alao manage tbe AUuUo Oaiden. Billed for U: EUa Mayo, Oraolo May, AmeliaMu, Olalr BItton aad J, 0. WUt- Held. Lellarof Marahld. J. B. Hoarma'a odlttoa or a "KaII aCoraAa Tronpe" ama to irlaf In Troy, K. T., at tbo dou of tbe porformuee Much 19. The home oootalued about IJCO, ud Mortimer paid hia people one week'a eaiery, owing tbem lor lha font pnrlone weeka, u they allege. Peodlog a wrugle for mora BoneF, Morllmorlefl town. Van Aninm of the Open-hoBta played tbo people 19 on the cv-opera- tlre plan; hut the papen having unonnoau the Ironpa u "bnalod," the "dlvTy" wu leu Ihu one dolluporhotd after paying expenau. Tbopoonle— oonalatlng of J. F. Raymond. Ur. ud Un. Jerry Cohan, Onlltar and Goldrleh, Barney Reynoldi, Ave tableau ladlea, ftTe mnalolana, a oalelnm, Prope end tablnn maQ-4elt for New Tork at mldnlgnt 18. Tbe ulattalnBOBt wu a vary good one. Letter of Uarch 18. ATTBlTBnATBB OomQUB. WublBgtoo, D. 0., the new tninla Uanb 19 wen Harrlngtoo ud UoOlona In aonga-aod-ducu, Nellie BI. John In latoilta bal- lada, ud Sid 0. Fruce in bla playa ol "Dead lo tba World" ud "Marked for Life." Baraer UoMulty, Will H. Morten, Oharley Lord. Jake Bndd ud the ballet renilB ftTorltea of the tbialre. The depart- area 11 were Bid C. Fruoo, dutlaailoo aot lumed, ud the Blebmond Blalan, lo Grud Onlral, Phila- delphia. AnnoBDComonte for March 19: BnjtoB BlanloT ud tbe Grlnnall Oblldnm. Bnalneu large. At Ibe Areane Theatre, the new feoea wen Wm. Oajlord, contortlon-oqnlUbrlali Leo Gordon lo urlfroomlo aonga; J. E. Campbell, baDjolat: ud Obaa. Tonog, Tentrllooulel, til mHllng wllh faror. Dapirtnret IT: John H. Oarle, Joo Maoi, ud J. S. Campbell. Annooncementa for 10: Hury Woodion, XmllGoroBX, udMlle.AdellBO. Attuduco (air. AT iBi ATBBiiBuu, Odombue, 0., Uaroh 13. Uenager Obu. L. Howard wu tbo recipient of a bentdt. A crowded honu wu tbe runlt At tbe eloee of the anterlalnmut Mr. Howard wu pruant- ed by Joboor Bbay, on behalf ot tho company ud clllune, vlln u eiettanl gold watoh ud chain, eald to be TBlned at %W>. kllu Uolllo Soman, on be- half of Iba ladiM of Ibe compuy, pretealed him with abainlllnl bouquet of tare and coetly flowen. The bootblacbe and nawaboya of ColnmbBa lolned In giring him a hadeome alher onp. An Informal re- ception wu then held by Mr. Howard, ud thoee pnunt mlnsled In tbe muy fignna ol tbe duce nntll an early hour. 01 toe new urlTala, tbe Fontalneblaina are tery Ine, Little Blla (air. It taking tba houw by alorm; Edgell and E|. drldgo Blow marked Improremeat elaca thdr tut appearun i Mlu Lou Bowud In eooga waa well reoelred, u wu deo Mlia Zorle Weat. The atrlrala lot 18 are Den Howe, LIrile Bhellon, the Dniob Twin Bitten. Ruuell Blaten, Redmond BBd Devon, tbe Reeda, Uolllo Somen ud Johony 6bay. DepertnrulT: Ulu Lou Howard, to Olnoln. BiH; Ulle Zorle Weet, to Lonltrllla: Ediell ud Eldridge, to Matlond, dnolnnatli Dare McCoy, to aarelud. to take obarge of Ibe Tlroll Thutre A new Tarlely ball la to be opeoed aader lha BU- aganaal of Harry ColTine.Mercb 18. Tba followlBg people are enaonnced: Ulee Clara SIdelle. the By. roni—Fnd. Llixle and Alton—Lew Olark. Ollmore and Olbaen. Jeffny Brae., and UUlIe Aoionio, Lew Olark will piw'jably act u atag»BUtger. Letter ol Uanb 18. BiKim k Tsa Pxbbt Baorsna' OomsfATioit perlbrmed Ib Oarmutowa, O., tbe put week, ud an billed la UliBlabnrg It. 30,8ptlngbonngb3l, Lebanon 99,93. Fnnklln II, tbuoo Into Eenlocky. Ur. Bartlaa writu at from Oarmutown on Uanb 18 that "Robert U. Aiay, onr agent, nn off Irom ne, taking wllb him all onr prinllng, rdnad at orar 1300. WeaBiagedMt.AnylomMlnalnanentllle, 0. ThiB ha did, ud wa elartad him wllh oror thru weeka'printing,and money topayrdlroid larM.alo. Be billed lonr Towna vary poorli. and at Oamdan, 0., left a lew bllle wllh u outelde party to ba put np. He reoelred mora mooey from ue there, and tben left for ptria nnknown, not learing ne uy. Ibing Id Ibe way of a letlor or meeaage to know what to do. At Eitonlown, btfon reublng Oanden, we reoelTed from him the nnla ba ptopoeed to lake, ud of ooBtie wa tried lo lollow It; but when we ar riTtd In Hlddlalown no oonlraolawen mideorid. Tntlalngdona, ud people looked snrptlndloaee Be comltg Into town. We did aot owe bim bbt ad* ary at the lime ol hie lurlBg na, ud we were dolog inloalllllobuelnen." HaaaiS. JarrauoB dulMtbalba limtrrtedio Uln Alice La Fargo, u reported. Tbb Waluob Bmiaa ate lo appear In Whuling, WMt7a., UaRbSO, 81. Bbbd Lb Ot-ana an Maoob Aimii ara atlll par (onnliig It the Bella Union. San Fnndeoo. Oal. At TaitnLB'i TaanTin, Plltaborg, Fa„ the new appeeta«w Uanb 19 were the Itwin eleien In ifcelcbee, which wen Ttty farotably laoalTCd, ud Prol. Liwnnoe'e Blaine Troupe, elao gaining ap- plauae. Tbe Bnidam Brolhen. foreome naeaplalned reuon, did not appur. 0. W. Bermu wu eeen In nogro ecetntrtduu, ud tbe performuoa wu brangbl to I dole wllb tbe bnrleeque ol "Lnrllne," In whicb Bdlla Howard, Merle Shermu, Bluobe Clllloo T. W. Hacibaw, and Ed, Buner aulalned the prindpilebaraoien. Departnrae IT: Boby Newcomb, loet Lonlai Bollla Howard.T.W. Buebew, Bluche Cllllon ud Ed.Heaney, loOlardud. Arrlrda 18: Barlow Brotbin. Mile. BlU. Big. Fruola, Jennie LInduy.Oku, Ariiona,ZdBaWelUaBton,l(Ue. Ea- lelio.lbeDillont-Jamu ud Bnila-BellaThomu. Mamie CIIITord, and Bldla piiard. On Jid aner Uanb It Manager Wllllama Intande making the fe- mila mlBBtral aceae a big fulan In tho ebow. From tbil date forwwd tben will be Iwuty ladlea In Ibit ecue At the Fonrib aTenne yerlety Ih'alt Ibe pregnmme opued wllh a famalemlnelnl e?iie, WlSch WUt off tery weU »«'^»« that It WM too long drawn out. Jacob Biray ahowid a Bood iogillBg let; Thomu iBd Lottie WIp left mad'a"l»e la brokea Oermu: Ulu Ad.le Laenird aucoaaded wdl la openllo aalecllonei Hlaa Nana did a elaioery aot Idi^fi Hury S'anwewd aara eiHHent bBDjo eongi; Tommy aad Eddie Iftley nuaa bit In thdintBro aonge ud dencn; Oho' Vincent ud Georgle ftonll gare a clerer ekal«h enllUad "SI. Vdeallne'a Dtyi" "rba Aak- h«i iBipealor" wai petfotmad by Bbubu and JoBMi ind Minnie Votuoa ung aetlo-ojmlo aonga In aiBllabolirTBUBir. DrpanuulTiRMiDnmoBt and HbTft Hnnn, daaUaaUen naknowB. Antiila Manh Ml Andy ud Aanli UogbM aad lllly AUpaa, litMolKuokn, Tea UASDs imtnaa at lha Adalpbl Tbain, Cblcaao, III„Mirah 19/WU "Tba Bom," with t, T.BUIaoBuWm, Battwall.andaJudlelonB dlalil- bntloBof IharamalnlngehincUnlo Ib* Addpbl Thrair* Oompuy. Ed. Buiatt u Toby, Haddin* Hardy u Biina Uuen. Oeo. BfMB u John Blagtai. and UtUe Ulnnle u Nellie ettad thdr parte admir- ably. Tbe pier wu pnceded by a Ilrely TUleiy blll.IulioduelagWu Clan BIdelle, chaaga arllal: Haley and Waanr, doai 0. E. Obarlu, mualctl mimicry: Unliat ud UagM, Irlah ttam; Johnny Alleoand Johnny Ollbert; Mlu Xrba ladlal; Ulle. Uarralu In eqnlllbrleUa (MU on the Iripeia. Frldaynlabl "NeckudNack"wugl<>ani Baiuroar malloH, ''Robert Bmmett." ud alght, "TheWliItaBoyi'' ud "Neck and NMk." Mareh 18, 0. B. Morion opaBi lo "Poor and Prond of Chloigo," Moal ol the lata people itmUn. Mill. MirTetta gou to Iba Muaenm. Tba arrltda are Frank Olbbont, Higgia Ony, P. B, Bumoo ud Muter Jlmny UcBea BBdaui bu bMugood at the Academy of Undo, tbe pitrima of which bar* had no reuon to oompldn ol any luk of noTaltlH. Ooee and Fox. Bboppwd ud Whitney, ud GMrga ud Fraok:Colllna lopplled Ibe reqnlall* Blbloplaa iMluree; Mlaa RoM Bariud ud Barry Fruklln did tome Tery ctoTer apirrinai Dorr ud Bon gan acrobatle fula; Emma dllfford, Jlg danoor; and Mlea Ndly rieria, wllb ritagonld ud Byan In men apeoiiltiu,oomprlee tbe ollo-llet Agood pro- grimoe wu offered at the OoUeeam, tbe enlenala- meat opening with a TBty creditable mlnilrd per- lormuce, wbieb wta aaecaided by the nindly au IrtctlTe lilt of nrlety tdent, tbe moot notable o( which wu Dick Howe In luta of contortion on tbe alage, aad aleo on the traptxe, aad Dick OonBaa u a dlalaol artIet...:..Ban Oot- toB, u proprietor and maniger, opene the Muaeuffl Uarch It. with J. B. Runle elage-nu- ager, and F. D. midretb trtuurer. No emoklog or drinking will be diowed Tbe GloboThwln, having nodergoDe Ihoroagb repaln ud nflttlog, wu rormdly opened—under the Itaaaublp of Olynu ft Ferrlne, with J. 0. Petrlne u buelneu-maa- aper, Eogeoa Oonnan u elege-aiusgar, ud Harry Henderion trauorer—March II. witli a flue eom- piny ol apoclally artuii. Next (Ible) week Mile. Uamllle Dubola' Tnnpc: Mlu Ida Derera, L« Favre, Mlia Boale Starr,* Bawley ud Thoapeon, Chu. W. Toung, Mlai Franhle Leo, Ulu loa VlncoBl, liogene r. Oormu, and Bou Bowlud. Latter of March 11. Lawrihcb 8iirBu, trapete artlata aad gymBula, annouure Ihet tber bBTa no open datea at pruent, tbrlr time being ttiled for tbe leuon. They open at Tony fulor'e Theatn In October, allot which tkey cBB be eagiged. Sucud. RirLXT, leacber ol tnpexe uta, adTeriliH alao- where. »TuE CowrnzBTAL Ton—Wdth, Ryu, Eairla ud Melihewe-eoag.ud-duco and ilalno.clog ducen, who ue now engaged at tbe Pub Thoatio, Brooklyn, N. 7., can be idiireeeed cue of thIa oflloo. JonnLBOLiia, acrobat ud Jnggler, oommanced u ongeraneolu Shelby'e Addpbl ThMtre,Bnff^ 10. N.T. UAiob 19. Uiu Euma BancHAB, urlo-comlo TOeallit, now at Tony Pulor'i Thutn, ud John E. Inoe, perform- ing at tbe Tbutra Comlqno, tbla city, an at liberty 10 BiTuge for datu to perlorm In their epeddty acta and ekelchM. Tbay open In Clnclnnatj, 0., Manh 38, and ou bo addrenad can oflblaoflloo. Two LAST uaiO'Como TOCAUan, with epoddtlH, a buaoalDger, a leader ol orahutn, ud guetel Txrlety irllila ue weoted at Gowu'a Opara-honie, Ottawa, Ouada. Sea adTorllMmeata, Tbb OaaniBiaa., oompuy ol Tarlaly artlala Bill for Bbtui, Cuba, Uaroh 31, by tho Blaamir City ol New Tork. The troupe, Inoludlag tblrly people, le oompoied of eieouoat material, ud (he Crrln Broi. look forward to apneperanaaeaaoa with the altrutloDi they cu offer to tba Babueae. Part of the conpuyIUTeal(ewOrleui,La.,ud irlU mnl tbou atUlag Cramlbw 7ork at BaTua, The ul- lata engaged ue nferxed for parUonlan la regard to aalllDg end bagiago lo lha card In uotber ool- DBU. we will pnoUaha loll llatof tba ooapuj next WMk. Attbb ttgewnai, Bufrudaeo, OeL,JohnIlll- lu, Irteb cbinotar Tocdial, ud Mln Adeldde Bir- rett, Tocallat, bare reoentlylolaed tbe compuy. Bit. UnuB ud Ulu Uuina NIchola, prafeulond ly known w Hutha Antonio, wen mirrled In Tole- do, 0., Uarch 8. BnoiALTB urxaiB ou And Immediate engaae* menei by applying l« Darla ft Co., agula, Cincin- nati, O. They alao BdTeiilioudepbutforede. NBOBO MinBTREL.IT. Law JoBBioB'B TxmiBaau Jobilbb BniOBBB, now on a tonr throBgb the Northwutam Statu, hare no Tacut datu nntll June 1. Uhb. RBBTZ'e Fbhalb UnttrtBLB an to ahow In Hemphla.Tenn, Hatch 18, Olukerllle 90, NuhTUle 31, Bowling Gmn, Ky..93, LooUtUIb 93.94, Fruk- ford 98, Lexington ZT, HayeTllle. C, 98, Portamooth 98,1/ooton 80, ud PuLcroy 8L BnBloeu la Bdd to oonlloBO good. Sabxt Baamoi'a MnnraBLi an lo ahow In An. bum, N. T., Muoh IT, Oawego 90, Byrunee 91, Ulloa 93, and Little Falla 33. The oompuy la oompoeed ol Barrr BoblMoo, aaorga Bobloaon. Will Larake, Oeo. Gale. WlU Belknep. Bert Alloa, Ollbin Satoay, Thoe. Saddler, Wm, Ukrah, Daloe Cluk, O, B. Sej- monr, Lem Wiley, Obaa, Daubora, Wlllla ud EbUf, ud Cbu.Cayvood. E.U. Gotiholdie the agent. At SwiATBiic ft FBABU'e Uneiaau. Phtladel- pbla. 'The Onen Houter" recdred iU lut repre- unutlon on the ITIh Intl., aflei a run ol thiae weeka. Hdohet Dooobstt hu made hIa ruppaaruoe with, ud Mat Vhaoler hulell, Oamorou ft Dlier'a Ulnatrela. who will clue their uaaon la Phllaoel- pbla on Uaroh 98. They oommnoo their unod tonr on the TTUi Inat., playing at Reading, Lancu. ter, Barrlabnrg, Altoona, Plltaburg, OleTclud, Wuhloglon, BuUmore^ Brooklyn, ud Boalon. HATUu'e MmeTmBij, Barry Olapbam muager, an to ihow In Vamn, Pa., Itarob 19. TUnirlUa 30. 011 City 91, Puktt'el3,Ulilenlown.3a.P*k'»a3a, ud Wuhlugton, Fa.,3n.- . . . AT TaorrK. T., Kelly ft Laon'a MInatiala an billed lot 93, HatTT BoblnaoB'a at, ud CaUudar'a Oeorglu BiixT Zvaaeoit'a Mtmrxxie performed In Tolado, 0., Uanb K. It. Nonolk IT, ud an billed la Olere- Und It, 90. OdUoB 91, Aknn 99, SprtngSdd 33, Day. ton 3t. OlncloDaU,one wMk commencing 38, ud thence to Chicago, to open New Chicago Thutn AprU 9. NcHoouBAn ft OoBa' Mmrana wlU oommrac* a tonr of tba Mew Englud SlatM at Lawreooe, Uau., April 3,ud ahow In Mubna, N. H.. 8, Con- cord I, Exeter 0, Dover, Me., 8, Portlud T, Porte- moutb, M. U., B, Amuoury, Uub„ 10. Olououtor 11, Lyan 13, Sdem 13, Newharpoil li. William Odder li hndneu-muager, ud the company wUl Include Luke Boboolordt. George H. Com, Bu Oil- loll, Bbaffer ud Blavln, Bemudo, Arlbor Oook, D. Barau, A. J. Lur, Ju. Fox, J. A, Bller, J. Daraa- prrt, J. Dwyer, llone. L'Afrledne, Beciet, Bluob- ud, B. J. Lane, W. Joou ud E. A. Lalouoh, Ball proprlaton an refemd to Ur. Cddar'a adTetUao- moBt. Tbb BBzaaoii Kibbibbu played In Fott Wayn^ Ind., Uerah It, Horwdk, 0., IT, ud an billed la Oleroland II. 30, Akroa 91, BpnngSeld 29,93, Day- ioa3t, ud oindBuaU 38, one wuk. Fred wamn la thegeoeral agent. Tbb CouBoiiwxAm Unnraau and Bnu Bud, under tbe direction of Ana Lampmu, an to make a abort lonr thxongh Ohio, oommanoing In Bock Oruk 38; tbenee to wuru 97, Borton 98, Oamtta- rllle 3t, Obarden 80, Guen 81. Tba company in- cludM Pbalpa ud Rlchardaon, Alf. J. Bancnn, A. OanhaB,Fced A, Pbelpa, Prof. A, E. Knoll, R. W, ScoTlUe. 0. fi. Leek, will. E. Boeru, BIcnudaon Broe.-Tony ud Charley—A. D. Oatu ud A, A. Benbu. OlRCl'SKS. To Clroaa^manBgeTB. Booh nuagin of abowa that wUl traTol dnilng the coming tutlng aeuon u may duin lo bare a Hat ol their oompaalu, oilcan, ato., logelbit wllh a duorlpUon ol thdr onUI, ud other Bitten of lotcrut, recorded la Tan Ouma fol (n- tare nferuoe, an xMpeotfally notlSed tbat by MndlDg a detdled deacrlptlon thereof to tbla offloe, at their euUul conTulenoe, anob Information will appeu in tho next aobeoqaen t laane of Tbb Curtu. W. B, Oiuoix, ADD TAifiLT, equMtrlauf, Including HleaAndeud Hutu Willie, wllh thdrborau. In the varloni ula meatloned In their card, an open lor aa engegemeDt. Euii, OoaoDX, jBggler, enltee-rfder, etc., wboae addrcta find lo uothar oolnmn, ou bo engeged. UABmao LowABOB, Bnxlllu aoTea.horee bare- back rider, adTortleu lor u engagement. ■ A coBrABT of ridera, aorobaia, Inmblen, mod- olana. etc., en wanted for Goldenberg'e Grul Moral Olrcna ud Egypllu OamTBu, which will lake the roadabontUay 30 under the muagement of 0. P. Hart ud William Manion. Addrau BUly Uuion, upereard. wiLUiti O. Vnxa.—TbiB promldng eqUMlrlu died of conauDptlon, at bla homo In Kanau, Jan. U lut, IntalllgaBce of wblcb hae Jort ruohed ne, DnrlBg Ibe tenting suaon of 1818 be IraTeled with Oookea Bngllib Olrcue, ud left thit compuy lut Fall on accooBt ol laTeie Illnue. He WBa23 yure ol age, ud commucad bla pnfeMloail carMi u a pupQ of Den Bice, Be wu an excellent rider ud ganoid puformer, udgaTemneb pnmlie of fainn exoelluM.' Bla muy fileadi In tbe pnfeeelon erlll reoeln the intdllgenco el hi* daalh with dneen W, W. Ooia'* OtBoui U l« oommeno* the lenUng i*uoB lo Ueoipble, Tena.. April 9. Tbb XiHociDB Fahilt, eqnulrlua ud acrobali, adrertiu that they ou be oBgegad. A uaoB ranerBr-oaoiB ud lablMB-wagon can ba aaeurad on peymeni of adrucM andtlvraieby applflng to XrnMddl ft Brawn, who adfertlu. Lbb (jbiLUii, dowB ud oobIo Tocallit, wboH ad- drau Ind la uolbar oolnmn, ou be ngaged. Tbb Baiiaicoa—Ibre* In namber—adrertlMthit they cu he engaged for the tenting aeuon. Butl- nue; Ounon-bdl ut, Spuleb Iraoca, hocliontal. bar and donbia-Irapou peiformueu, eta, OBABii* W. Fiw, buebuk-rlder, la tngaged lo Inrel Ibe oomiag aeaaoa wllh Beianm'* Snow, aad not with ForepBBgb'a, u reported.' Tbb raaBBOLOoicaL tbiviuob wllb a ddeihow IriTellng wllh e circna la waalod by Piot. 0. Uu. well, who adrartlau. J. 0. Wbbb adrorllau that he ou be ngaged to take chirgo of Block, cuvu or tnaaporlatlon. TBI SoiDiBB—Tnak ud Biigene—bava engaged for tbe Bummer eeuon with Thayor'a Circna, BinUBDW rsaroaiiBaa ud candy-botcben cu aecura uaagamuta by addnulng D. F. Dunham, who dec advertleu that ha would Ilka lo burf^om ODaiBlrl, Thomu Relay, bock Muwell.udSiB Hctdly, balloonlit. Abiuboo lowaBSi, Hmamnlt pad-rider, wbcM addrua Bad In uotber colUBn, cu ba eagiged, wllb hie hotae. BiLUABo k BtniTnra bBTo pnmhaud the rlng- alook ud wirdrabe ol the lata Cealinnlal Show, and Iher will ahonly pat tba Great Paollo CIrcua OB the reed with a Bnt-due oulSI. Pad nden, laapen and tamblan an adTertlMd for. Uu. Oaibiu pabllehn a card IbaaklBB aarard olroBe-naaagin for offera of eogBgennt,w Veaua and Adonle, end aUllBg that they we ugagid lor the leuoBlnBirina. BABBt Briioit., Oarau ud BBgllth ildailiow BoHcltoi, wboae addreu And eleawben, cu bt u- Begad. Ab ABmtL HAB ud a femtle light np* aiUak ti* wuled for tba Orrat Metropolllaa OlymplBd Kb. peellloB Oongrew ol Edncaltd Broncho HimM ud Aalmal Show, ud the oalalde ud otadT priTllegM wlthtbl* dreni anoffired for ad*. BMHinagar J, H. Micb'e adrertlHBUla. MiBiBB F, J. Rawut, aanaant, iMt aaaton with Oole'e Olraua, cu be eaaaged (a nat* billooa aaceDdoni ob bar or Ib bukel, Be BdTerllaai thai ha would Ilka to beu from, J. 0, Webb, Tbb FotiMAB Bannaa' Haw Olftii and WiBagi- rl* tIAiia Irom BuBdo about ApiU U, nirUllA aiw Ulta MBli»(el* UaU OiABUt'Vnrm has h*tB «imM dtrlng th^ paatWiaUr'it the Onad Caalial Varlily Thaaire, PhSi• neal pmanlaUeB — . , cue. JaBMOollIn*—OD bebdfel tba doBon.tbB Pbiladilphla. ai Ibi dsotkNptr, ud ill tBUr«-> neal fiviBliialpoalUoo wu aarkad by lha pabila pmanlaUeB of^a budrom* ebony Irory.budlad .sue. faBM<lolllD*—OD bebdfel tba doBon.tbB niham of that Ihutn—made a nut and aporopriatd apeecb. and a weU Unaad rupoBH wu called forth fnm the radplinl. J«o. RoBneot'a WiooB IBOW goea lata thi mount- ain reglona of North Carallaa aad the aoalbwut- em part of TlTglBla, werklag la by way ol Eulera lalnc"-- Wia.L ■howu Iheihoa Ib tended. XealDcky. Mm . aqua - - Ibe Ihow, W wlllnot lol la thalctpully u wu finiBOB taM beu engwad hr tba Forapangb luaUlu dirwtor. Wm. Dnllon goM with Fbawb a. Wiuow wUl tnyal arllh the adruo* el lb* ronpaugh Show. ' JoBB O'BeiBB It pawing the way foraioir o( III New Eaglaad blalaa. P. T. BABnii'a Sbow gala Ihnngh the Butafa BlaiH during April ud May, nlng Into Ouada, coming cot rlt BBffila,lhuu uOluitf o, ud wait- ward towardi Callforata. A rABTHBa with amall capllal la iruled to Initl wIthacUoae. Bee Oal.MalBtln'a oaid. In whiek ha offen a canria for atle; dw a BratUlu monkey ud macaw bird. Ladt Aaoiaaiomia ue wutad for Bowoa' Lon- don Olrent. Bw atorF ft Earrla'eatd. Howu' LoBDoa OiaCDI opent al Angoita, Ot, April 10. KffltloyH an r*quuted to mut at tba Aablud HouH, tbla dty, April 8. BM I, J. Pwken' edTertlaemeat. Mixa. Etta, oontorUonltl; WhlaloD, bumorUli ud Ur. ud Mn. Joe Oarry. hare ban ugaged lor the comingeaaion wllh Pnilmu ftHtmllton'tOritl London Buutlon. Loat Binae, laaper, tUBblar ud ganaru pa^ (omer, edrertlioe (or u ugagemut. JoBBFoercn hubeea adJed to Uagulre'a Odl- (omla Uloetroli, Sao Fnndeco, Oal. BOBOBLUIIBUVR. About tex Elu.— Saonmento Lodge No. 8, Bo- ncTolut Pntecltre Order ol BIka, wu oganlBed In BaenmenIo, Od., Fieb. 38, by T-W> Eeeoo, Grand DIelrict Deputy o( the Bute o( Odllbmlt ud Ex- died Bnler o( Ban Frudaco Lodge No. 3, aulaiad byOhulM Cluby, J. 0. MItcbtll, w. H. Bogle, ud Jobojnedlcon of San Fnndaeo Lodge No. 8; deo by Oolond A. B. Oeorge, cbapldu of NbW Tork Lodge No. 1 of New Tork aiy. Alter Ibe orgulutlou wu completed. Ibe vldilng brolhen wen oaoorted lo the Fnnch Hotel, when u excellent collation wu urred. The oBcera decled wen; B. H.. w, T. Crowdl; E. L. S., £. 11. Coalan: E. L, E., B. 0. U- throp; 0. L., 0, Ewere; T., U. Gllmu; tecratarr, A. T- Weticlu; Ireuerer. J- Keher: I.O.,A.Eppd- Une Tbe Irtt ennedbaU of theSu Fiucleco Lodge No. 3, B. P. 0. ol Elke. took place at DoIoB Hdl, Ban Frucleco, Cel., Feb. 9T. The oommllleu were eeleoted u fdlowe; Floor-muagar, Marry Woede: euleUnt toor muagir, John Rcdleon: Aoor-comralltn—T. w. Emuo. B. 0'. Lntldn, O.W. Ooglll, Cbtlatlin Oeleller. Joeeph Garln, Fruk Bowud, Samuel Meumu. L. F. filtchbntn. W. B. Bogle, A. M. Blade, Fruk Hortlmw, Jaoob Wdlaoo, ud lieorge Lynn; Teceptlon eommltlae—ChulM Cluby, Joaeph liellae, Geo. Enne, Oeo. Bell, B. P, McHuUnd. Illiad Ferrier, Fred Ooom, ud F. Le- Tutlne; bcnonrr commlttM—Fruk Moru, J. F. Shertdaa, J. W. Mack. Edward Georgia, John But, B.C. Laihrop.OtIo Bwera, T.W. Onwdl, Iiadon Townuad. ud A. J. Bhoada; oommliue ol arraage- But*—Uarry Wocda. J. N. Loag, John Bedlcon, Joetph GBTlo and Fruk Mortimer. 0»aA.«BAi«i.—Tbe(Demtred ft JoyM Uunfu- turlng Compuy aUle that tber cu faraleb the or- dlBiry Iron ehalra, with folding eMta, at prlcu below Ihoie of any other munbctnnr. They alao make the Nolu patent opera-chdi, wllh foldlag leat, back ud arnoa, ud a new alyl* ol obalr, the bKk ud lege ol whleh an *elf-locklo|. For fur. tber partloBlan nad thdr edrertlMmu). Wbllbb Ofuu.hau, De Graff, (K, bu Jatt beu completed, ud le now open for nnld. Hwlll eul 180, ud It adrertlied u bdag fnmlahed with dl the ntoiBatrTicuirjud coBTaaleBcat el a wiU- naultted bonie. Datx* cu be aeeand to play on abarlng Urmi at Coal**' Ojen houu, Huiu City, Mo„ by applying to U. B. HBdeon, u par card. P. A. Dau, adruce agut ud be engaged. See adrerilumant. Qcinbt OpxBA'BOTjn. Wooeter, 0., which wu opened Feb. 1 by Dliler'a Diamatio Compuy, cu be noted by Ant^ltu compulu by applying to E. F. Balu, In whou oaid In cm adTarualog depart- maot cu ho found lull deUlle In regard to the il>- rtlotmenteol the houe. The iMlIng eapaoltyla OOO, ud the etage la SO by 4411. TBI Ntw Acasibt or lloao, Bcrulon, Pa., which will hare a eeetlog capacity of 1,<>0, la expected to be ready for dedication on or abont April 3. FiBX.—EUlolt'a OpenbooM, Woonaockel, B. L, wu tetdly dulrayed by Are on tbe night of Uuoh 13. The An originated In a (nrullnra-alore under the Opera-houe. Miu Nbllib Boloioox, elocntlonlak, ud Prof. Llrlngalone, rutrilooolit ud mimic, an gtrlng aniertdnmula In California, AwoBBiBO Aom le wealed to npeilatend Iba firlnting ud blUpeetlog ud attead lo tbe adftrtle* 01 ol ine BolUday^treet Theatn, Bdllmon, Md. Addren W. J. Ollmore, u pu edTertlaemeat. Haabt Moobb, hUlpoeler, Watenown, Wis., la- aerta hie card In onr bnalneu departmenL s. B., WEOASTiBTtaia,wut* to puRbuaClom, Paotdooo, and monker ault*. 0. OnciRT, wboae aJdreu And eUewbere, wula u ugegement u progmmm«r, , Bbtwooo Baoe.' OoniifATtov perforaed ln| Aua- tln, Texu, Uaroh IT, end la blQid In Fanoaa. Eu- eu, 30, Fort Scott 31, BoddlBijfl*., 99. ud Hannl- bd a. ,- .1 ■. Uaoioai BBriomxtea ud a mirau- _A-«uar aaow aie edretUaedl'ior ado by Mn. NIeholaoa. TAB ZOOLOOtOAX. 0ABDB5, Fd: delphia, boula of a very luge' domiciled soologlcal oolleolfor I'oank Itek, Phlla- nd cprapriately iBcludlDg muy (fold alacoBila- rare epeclmenB A Ktmsu or iixioATou .^^ bla'aada In PhlladelpbU on the Itlh Intt, HAMa Uiuti'B picluia of "Venice Paying non- age to CaUrtaa Coman" la aUU on (xhlbltlon at lb* Academy of tbe Fine Art*, Phlladelpbla. Tba PenneylTanla hluienm. In tbe lame building, will nmdn on eihtbltlon nnlll Uireb 31. Tab "Bibob or Pabib" hu diicontlnnid lta exbl- blllona In Phlladelpbla. Pnor. WiiuH la In Phlladelpbla. giving bla ven- trlloqnld ud magical enterldoment at private pirtlM. Tbb aot Baking u appropriation of 130,000 lo the Penaaylvula HDieum and School of Indualilal Soluce, In Phlladelpbla, wu deleitad In the Pena- aylvula leglalelnra on the ICIh Inel. Adtm Everly. formerly a woll-koown actor of Philadelphia, but now In thereal^lite budneu, bu been nominated u a trntteeofthe Puntylvanla Mntaim, to All a TBCUOy. Tbb Esucatbd Fuu cloaid thdr aeuon at the Aaaombly BulldlDga. Philadelphia, on tbe 11th. Haooib UmoTT, iged ilghleen yean, weighing 811b, ud 9T InchH In height, eu be engaged by ad. dteuing M. Hlnoll, u per card. MoBTOT'a HiBBUiUA ud Bedy'a Irlah HiBilrel* oconpled the Actdemy, Obwluton, S. C, Much 18, IT. TbeygotoBarunab,ai,i thenutelrom tbtre la not dwided. Papr. BALnrm gara exhIblllonB etnoiing tpirit nillim In Whedlng. W.Ta., Manh 13.13. ud abowa loPltUbnig, Fa.,19,20, 91:thenN thnnghtbeoU legloni. Oar.Toif TBmfB'aOoHBiBATioBwenlo BuUngBi HlnB.,Uanh 19,8t.Panll9,14, Bndaon It. MlnnO' aioila ]8,lT,aBd la billed loBl.Peier It.Uukato 30, Cwalonna 91. EuPBtBiBtlBfo leotnn In Grud Bapldt, Wla . April 9, Bllbonm <3lly, Wla., 3, Oreeco, la., 8. Blale Centre 1, Ntw Bhann 8, North PletU, Neb., 11, Obeyenne, VIj, T., 19, Oeorgetown, Col., 14, thence lo Oalllorala. At BixnM'B TBBanioAL tmut-ntam, advai- Ueed lo tbla lune, all kinda of tbutrlcd gooda. In- clndlng dike, utlna, hodeiy, mlillnery, drua- trimmlngi, ito., are dwayt to be foaad. A price Uit will be eant oa appllcatloa, ud utldu cu be ordered 0.0. D. A PABoiAxa of Ike Oulunld 1* idverllied tor Bde.' Tub KABioirrrTB BraninoB known u UoDon. OBgh ft Earaihiw'a la offend foradebyO.E. Good, win, who idrcrtlieB. HAitn tbe maglclu oommuoM aNewEaglud lonratNcwBavu Uanb 38. Ell Oluke le to be the boelneU'maBagir, B. Boaubeum agent, <ud Fraak Liwlon pngrammer. Bnow.rumniaicu be ordered it J. Bnce'a ad- virtlaed addreu. MicBABL MoOoauaB died In New Orleana, I*., Mucb 3, of conanmpUon. Be wu programmer for tbe Olympic Tbotlre, 81. Loula, Mo., during the put aad a put ol the prMUt aeuon. Abont thne the tdrloaof hie phyddu, he wu unl lo hie home lo New Orluoa, whan he died on tkeaboTaOtUat S o'dook In the aflemoeo. Ba knew nothlBg of lha bopdeanan of hie oau, u Bl- t«n alnnttt hefcieba died b* wu plenning to re- InratoBt.lMlB. Hewulor a nambwofaaaaona MnBMled with virlona dnnau In tbe capully o( blU-dlttribntor, ud wu wdl liked hrblafriuda. of whom he had muy In the pnfudop, and who win be pdned to heir ol bla (uly deulit. He wu 99 yean ol eg*. Tbobbb Baoe. uboum Ihit they an pitpired It receive dl otdan for ihow-pdatlag attuurM- ubllebmeat, advertlud elaewben. CRT Boni., tbi* dty, offen epedit Indnoemania loprnfeadoBaii to nake that bonaa thdr itopplog- plae*. MoDoBoDOB't BoiAi. MABioBBrnt, which open, ad In Uuiln Bdl, Albuy, N. T., tlucb 8, lor a wiek'e etay. cam* lo grial at the termination of Iba eggagiminl. owlo( to tba dluppunaoe of tbe BBBBger. oo* OorBU. Ba Idt town 13 with all the week'e receipt* In hie poeeuelon, luring Ibe performen p«nnll*ei. Tbe effKla ol lb* ihow an In Ihehandielthe Bhirlir, ud the people treellll In town. It le prapMed to alva lha laller a beaeAl IB Martin BUI 18. It la aald that Oeorge K. Good. wlnolPhileddpblnlathtownerol tbe praperllM. ele., ol the nanlotellu, ud, be It aroma, litMd them to tbe ibwondlng Gorman. II lueh he tbe ciM, the propeilf will undoubtedly be redumed, ud the JndemenI* of the perforoiere amioably ad* Inaled, u Mr. Goodwin le well aad fevorabiy kaown by IbeprofndoB. Letter ol Uarch IT. TBXonoBB TiLTOii lactortd on "Uuler UoUW la Nubtllle, Ttan.iUaicb II, 10 a amill but well- pleuad audience. quBBB ft 00.. whoae card and daewhen, have DBgleal Irlckalorade. Lxctubb EBOionnm.—Mr. Ooogb: Owego, n. T., 38. Elmlia 97. Rochealer 38, Cuanddgai 39, An- bum 80,,.i..llef,'aeaty Ward Beecher: Bandoal 98. Palenoi, II, 7„ 9T..;...Bev. T. DeWlli Tal- magBTCnba; N.r..]T Rev. W,B.B.Mnrrayt PrlBcaloa, K. J.. 38 Ur>. M<ry A. Llrarmora: Weoneockot, II. I.. V, New Medloril, CI., 30. LtUBo OrBBA BOBaB, Albuy, N.T., daring the Bonihe of Mey, «one, July ud Augual. can be mUd by applylig lo J. W. Albaugh. ae par card. Fltibo Boaaia ue adrcrtlud lor ul* by r Wood. BiiAUt,Iiopird*.byuu,blrdt,ud vtrioni tnl- jala are lo be oblalaed at D. Bamt k Co.'B. Ad. drut pnhllehed daawben. A coLOBBO axiaBBiMAPT CU b* HCBred for a tnrallug exhibition. Sm J. A. BarnaU'a cud. FOREiaN BlaOW NZWE DRABIATIO. *^aBOAnUBomB8BiBBOB"la Iht tlUaol b i*w Iriah place, by Edward Towan, which wu am PrMiotad el Ib* Pivllloa Thutre, London, Eag., eb, 31. The ution cOBmencu In Iba atady ol Iba Earl ol Unckfou, from lha windowa of whioh a view of the BhuBu ud lha ndghborlag conutiT le obldued. From the ronvenetlon of tbe Barl sad Shaun O'Ooand, bla ageBl, It appun that hla lord- ship le eBluglsdlDSaiBclaldII)lcnltlM,fioB which he diows tbe wily ataward to ealriotM bIm by Ibe advance ol neaey. Bhasa it once bsh Ibe power which he acqoIrM over bla emplorer by penusdlag hiB lo und awsy Irom the culls ManrrceUolaogh- IID, the tntor ol Lady Odherlne, tbe Esri'sdangb- ler. Bla objul In doing this ia that he may preta hisanitwlth theyoBug mlatrau, with whom no I* uduUylolove. To file amuemnl ud cbigria he, bowarar, diKoven that Lsdy Oatherine la Ibe mother els child which hubeen pluad wllh Bbe- lah McFey, and thai she lod Uanrlca have been aa- eretlymtrrlid, gbelah'aavowd that tbe Infant Is hen eanaae a ehock to her devoted lover, Barney UoUorpby,aboitmaaof the Sbuooa, who aever- Itaeleu, aflerwuda, lo the moat dlalnlerutrd ud daring manner, triu lo dltooret ud reitore the child, which hu bMn sUlan by O'Doaael. Bhann, Ibe CBrl, Uenric* ud Barney lake put In retwUloo Igalnil the aolboritr ol the Englleb; ud Ihit leada to the iBtrodBctlon ol many eicIllBg Kenea rcpre. nntlna conBlota with the military, of whom Cap- lain Tnomloy and Sergeant Jonu we the moat pvemlnant. Alter many wti ot treachery aad TlUday O'DoBBd la foiled, gheleh Inlorme Bu- ney that the child whldi bad oanaed utrugt- ment between them le Lady Oatberine'a. and be lovu bar more Ihu ever for ber bnve and rienerouj cendncl. The so-called Osptain Thorn, ey. throwing off aoapadona cloak which bad cov- ered bIm, nvula arlchlf-Iiced ooal, uo pcoolumi bimidfihe Lord LlentenBst, ud esplalua thai be who bu been kaown u Bergeul Jonu la the red Capldo Tbomley. In the moat princely mannat the Viceny alvM a ItM pirdon Co all the rebole, ruloiu the Eari'a loot ulate to him, ud bleeew the nnnlon ol Maurice ud Lady Oatberige. O'Don- nel make* oae lut dupeiale effort to gnltly hie Iblni for revenge by again etedlog aod itlempllag to drowa Lady Catharine'* eblld, bnt ie deleatad by Barney, who dlmbt nplhetowirol lhacuiltand inalcbeetho Infant from the wonld-b* murdtrer'e hude Juat u he Is abont lo throw It Into the river. In which be himeelt Snda an appraprial* end. In Ibe cut tppured B. Lynn u the Eari. 0. T. Bur- leigh uBbeun.Ju. Cardan u Bwney. J. Clifton u Maurice, F. Ohulton u OaptUn Thomley. P. Thomu aaBergeaat Joaea, Ulu D.CIiltoa u IiSdy Oath*- rine. ud Ulee J. Gruger uShelah. Tbb Doaa'a Tbbatbb. Uolbom, London, Is lo ra* open Uwcb 31, nndw tbe musgement of M. L. Idayer, wllh e new unutltnd drama called "The Two Molhen." "RioBABs maTanD," with a diffennt lepretul*. live of the hero In Mob ol Ibe Ave ula, wu u- nounced at tbe Thutn Boyal, Blackburn, Bag., Much 3. Tbb Lamtob TncATax, KImbortey, South Africa, which wu add some lime ago fot X9,0OO, 1* tgdn open, u Is slao the Tbutr* Boyd. Obablbb Nobtbcoib. proBptaral lha Odely ud Open Oomlqne ThMtru, London, died tnddenly Feb. 37. Tbb ruBBBAL ot Joha Oxeafoid, dramiUo oritio ud anihor, look place la Loadon Feb. 38. tbe remdni kdng Interred In the Romu Oelbollo Cemetery, EenadgrMU. The obaequlu were hsid at Bt. George'e Caihadid, when wu parformed Btrr Mayer Lou'e Requiem, tbe oompiwsr hlmsell pn- aldug al lb* orgu, ud Father Boeka eondncting the coitmn urvlee. The coBId, ol poliebed oak. withbrau cruclAx, budla ud omamuta, hen a Slate with the InaoripUon "Joha Oxenford, Eaq., led Feb, 91, 1BT7, aged 84 yean. Baqnlacal In pace." The taneral wu largely atteaded br memben of tbe Ibeatrical prafuelon ud notabUI. tlH In lb* world of lllcntnre ud ut. "Abttdl Oabsb," u td^lallon ol "Thi Lt Cle" ol MM. Lablobe ud Dura, prueatsd alx weeka pre- wloudy lo Psris, wu Ant wtad at Iht Gdety The. Bin, Loadon, Feb. 91, with J. L. Toole In Ibe lead. Ing put—Hobert Splcar Rumlord, who hu bun a "gay dog," spent hie own cub, ud married a lady who doiea out a quariarly allowuceto keepblm from gelling Into lorlhtr acrapu, "Buu IM Toa Woon"»now called "Babu ud Bullee"—wu terived at lha SIrud Tbutn, Lon- don, Feb. 94, with John B. Cluko u Jenmlth Beetle. Mite Bdlle Turner u Un. Beetle, W. B. Ver- non u Frank Rnablon, ud Mlaa LotUa Tune u Lady Blanche, GABDiifn Ooitin the comedlu, while repruent- Ing Coon In "Tbe Bbanghraun" at the WIehaw The- atn. Xag., Feb. 98, had hie ftceieveidy tidBred In oooaeqoence of being ahot at al too abort a dtatuee. The wadding etraok him on Ibe right aide of Ibe face, a little below the eye, aad two boon ellerthe oecorience the wound wu tUU bleeding. Few U any of the audlenoo notlMd tbe acddont. Fortd- DUdy, tbe eyedght wu not Injarad, and Mr. Oorne wu not compelled lo rellnqalah hie proloeddod dnIlM. Mr. Coyne vtalted Amtrica aome yun ago •nd lullllad eur ngigemutt In muy ol the prin- dpd dllu ud towns. "AniLA," a new dnma. In vene, hu bMn bob. pleled by M, Henride Bomltr. "COBA," uotber Endleli veidon of "L'Arllole 47," wu Ant acted la London at the Olobe Thutn Feb, 38. It hu bun adapted by Frank Manhdl, who hu ooinpruaad the ptto* bilo a pralogno ud thne acta. Tbe pilnolpal cbataolan wan dulrlhnt- edes lollowei Cora Da Ulle, Hn.BermaanVadn; Uarcdlo, Ulu Tdbin; aeorg* Oa Bamd; Job** Feraudu; Victor Uulller, E, LuthMi Polaln, Da- vid Fleher Jr. Miu Oablotta Lxouboq wu on Feb. 98 .bu- • fM, n fc.i..>..w ai_afiiOuAi-JA.nAiepw. w/irh. Eng., lo John Nelleon, proiudonany known u John NelaoD, Beth an inamban of John Ohntt'a travollog compuy. Oaptaib Wabd Bbabab, son o< the celebntad ainger John BrUam, ud wdl-known la Ihulrical ud lllertrr olrolu In Losdon, died anddenly, from maamoatlan el the longs, U Beading, Eng., Feb< U8, aged 00.' TiCToaizH Btapou la a cudldite for the vtcut sett la the Freneh Actdemy. AuetrmllSB CofTeapondenee. Wo are In recilpt of the loUcwlng lelur liom one ol our corrupcndenU: BveWBT, K. 8. W., Feb. t. IBTT. Eoiroa or Too Ourna—ZtarSfr: I lead rooaium mary or ebow bDileCM al tho Aollpoeaa. Cooper. Btlley A Co.'aClnaa eod BleBiierle. eller foor weeke or very ODBbatlDeuben. Celdedtheir leDls Jbb ISaod ealladlor ,. KiMnen . Itii'i faladisl. lanbatla, yseUB* Venesla, Carieita Ol Bsnlr. Maria Da gcaBl, llmotf n« Oamera, aiarmav, OaBabetIa, Oi . ^—-.. - TMiadl. CrMtoforA Pabrle, lad ABgdoOeuibk .Tie dl; nctor l« 10 b« ovr nld Aailnllu Ciforilt (jmt -=,-- P. Oloru. Tb* iMden ol Uo taUct an mm Batli* - fcoOtoni l ww w«)lw««korop«r*-boultonantii«ti •*MtM«hb •"Olnllv^IroSB''ftid "La PiiiliMtrio." 104 "LAfRltdt H«difflt Aniror' will c)om tbe opfrt'boaf• »d nlms iftioB, (hi onlr* coapair dopuilt^M' • tot* U Adoltldo, uBdtr Iba dlrcciion elJuiM AH 1«od. vlMO* ■DKfllaitaD, lo coDlffDCilOB vlib Mr.lAiAr. HH Tmb will coDinonco ftb. la wb«V prmuu lo » t m of lb* noit brliiraol dnntllo aeaiioa lo AoiirallB- Tbtflrfl ttrodBCilOD will bo "Tha Dankbfffa," wllb MIddIo WoUoo Mri F. L^iitr), Adi HVd. ud Lritoo folWn (vb» MalrcADomn BBglaod) ro Iko eblil ponv Mllt-Bo- etolo LtfniBd «ad tbe popsUf «>mtdiaa w, O, Corof ■T«,4moorMT(rs)oibin, tlio bMo oo|i|od Too dnintila irAioo ii ihr Atadrnj or Muaio lilo-ooa* mtock Pib. > wllh "Tbi Hlf ■li." lo U Mn. riliwIlUomc. Iiioot ibt Hftynwkoi Tbniro. Loodosja to ntki b«r flm AppurmoM la Auilralla u Mra HoUprop, ood on iba follijvlof 8»turdiv H. Wallon. a ona leior from Boibod. wlllnoko bu (nllhl ippianoc* u eif Dl«br Oraoi lo Albery'B "Tao Jlotfi/'ifaod to bo Dnl pUytd In Vol* boaroB Tho Rof*) Illdtmotiu, a! Bi. Otcri* i Ilill. clotoibvlriMjon ihiawtok, Unaj bo vnlvuidol tbtn IbAilberKroika btai to iboir lodiiitluil linn bave or«r bad oui b«rr Tbe lUniloaiiU neditait. J b»li«ro,» prorlncUl tonr. It li pniiltelr aoildau ibei ibrir bnsloeoi roleiloDivlih ihftr miDiirr.AI IIjdibd, wUI eloM in Mar ntit. ..Cooper. Delliy ACu-'iOreil lettroiilontl Altlod Bbowa. CIrciii, ondMnifirlibM lodted caoiidaMoa*- lloD.DOi ODlfwith regard to ibe pablla, bulataolo ib» trcaaurieaof (be dlffarfui ptacea •ramuacratBt opiowo. Abrut a rortotfbi uo ifaar nedo a iraod auteiaparodf. end aiirBCiad at alt piilau ol ibelr route orar 10,W pariona. Bueh a crowd baa ael boao aean Id tba airenaaiico ibe Drii arrhai btro of ibs Duko ol Edin* eurgb. Thtir Btaiierie, eayon naf aumlae, aureeie Ibo Bioat eueanoe, la toubi Auarralla taod tdenj old ooea, too) oarer baa baiorf en opportuBltf ot aetiBs *n naop Ifrr aolnalk Tbe *'6«fDta la tba CircQi." loo. aicd all ctbara t^etBe* Robmaeo and bii itiiie plDckp aoo ere rtal woodrra Tie anirrvrlaf of Ibe proprlriora will, I am eure. b« wrh rewarded durtoe ibalr tXMj bcra TdfrglTe twn perrornaocoi. daj-epd afaiiiBi, aod ere well paironiiid Tbr Auiiraiaatto UnDRllceoO Uuaioei AaaocUiioD lateip beid iheiieoBual meeiini ai tbi uafe da Pani, aad I aiapieajed lo rrcont tbai Ike rapori eablbluaooii promiaini aiaitof elTaira, ibr pcrmaDeDi food akowiB|<:iBf eitrd eoo ooi iBrtiied). uab £l.irS lU Id., wbteb, wlib oibii aaaria. make a loul of tiMSi 13a. Td.,etcloiiv*oM ur«attpcrtheioi land oo Iba baoki of ibf Mcrrt Creak, ob wbKh iwo caiiaiea we binlL AnolhOr maiiar, loo. lo CMoi^aioo «-llb ibla Aa- ■iicUtlOB ba< taken plafa, and b«i betort li w«i required. Leal jtu, br a fluke aod ib» wkbi of aiieodaaceol ibe wardaDa.a peiiUouiB|la«;tr*aclerkaod pacndoibratrie el eieoi aitaioed 4Be poillloo «r Deputp Maaiar-aardea. to ihe woniier ot Ibe proieailoo, tba acaudal ol ibr pubHo. eod Ibe panltl deinmoui of tbe AiaodaiioB. Tbe werdeoa, waktox up wkfo Ike Iniufj wee d»ae, da- termioed obi lo nake e ^aorun lea bualneaa. If ibe meaier {Mr. Copplot »aa oei praaeoL Luekil;. ibe Diaiier'a abiioc* eulr ooeurred iwiee. and—bow alegular t there waa no quorum Ib tbe room ai ibe tine tbe neeils^ ahodld ba*acoBmancad:aDd,aill) mora aiegutar,eoiiin- ber or werdeoa were awoi ibt prcmliea Tbta peraoo oouid 001 uke Ibe blot, and would doi reaiio; bui waa verj aummerll; dapoaed ala neatlDiolihe wardeoaelf~ aio, wbio Oemel Valcb wai oBaolmoaalr elKied ^ Copplo'a obrr ipo. Tbe laio Oepuir*nuier appeare lo Ibe rerller reporu of ibe AiaociailOB aa It. B. wifioa, aod 10 ibei iQit iiaued be fiiurie la Bople KobertaoB Paltf. Tbe maaie lor bDllolDi more ibtetrea lo Ualbouree la ailll railBf. Some few daya bach a weelibr retired biiiebar of ihta eiip, Jenet Peiiy. bouihi e bloefcoTlaBd. oo vbkb ire flre akopa, on tba Bourhe-itreei frooiiiia. beil to iheOi>em<boua«. aad aiihabaeb.OD LiuleOollInaatreat, 11 Ibe wall-kQowD Hunt Oluk HoieL All Ueee ere loeoioe down 10 make we> for a lerie ibeatre, lo be belli lo the moat epproTod Amerloan airia |i ii ereo aeaeried ibai pleea are dow ebeoloteiy raadr.eed ihe arabltca wUI eoeo be eppelDied Obarlai VelibiueB tbe men-lab tedoloi , lib ffaliarlberwlo. [erai diaiMei ; bualqaae noiblof Tbe CarandtBl Troupe, lailnretodr ibrouib ibe BaiU the eonpioV eontlaia bl ibe epriibi^ Jedane Blno^eao^ . _ . _ __ ualnai ao-Bo. Tbe prariooiei lowoaen biTiniaoite egele line' .. .^.e. .. '^i^Thj^ire Boii . are oow loealed. , - - , - - iBIQi^ . , II wllb opera aod epere*bouBe....- . .ai IbeTbwire Borel Ballerei, Ihe Bimoaeea OBtreComi Atnei fenien, Bleeeba llerrie. HlBDa ('iiher end Ola BrowotDj: Maaara Cbarlea Plorcoce (tanor), H Hodtwii iLauof. Biiiobarh. B. Lertaoa sad Darbrablro. Uertlo iimooaen la director.aod V. D Kelib la Doataeae-naofr ter AooiheroDtrm-irenpe.teo. lauaTeiiot roved tbe id- ind lowna wlib BtfBot Oaralol Merlat ae tbeprloolpa) Icoor Tbe Wen AoitnltaDa bare leielf had a oew een- aeikiD hr a proleaalooal Tiali irom the Tower* Panilr. Kr. Tower* waa lateir tba naDagar ol ihe AdeutdeTeteire, aod aner nearlp IwoToarilB tbei capaelipbediared oui lor LoodoD. blaoalr aeara loae belBg oo ibe aoioeveaa ful aocM«meBiof Alaa wnileDe.allaa "LliUe KeU." Mr. Towera'iour Ibrouih lha Bwea^rlfar Dtairlot wueBotfl' ble ule ol mrela le plilabia Wltb bla derer deugMer Roae aod bla wlla, Ibe ii-meeafer le oow ea route i»r EoilaDd. Tbe TaiuuoliBJ are oow eolprlDf a tborouih legitlmeie treat, ibe Tbeeira Ro|e). Hobait TowB.balBf oeouplad bp a drvnaile iroope beaded b; Mra. Oladaiaoa. Tbej opened J aa. n.aod ihebnaloeae baa beeo eieellent Tba oompanr eooalata el Heiara W. J. Ilollowep, atage-manager, aod bla wife, late Ardea, Binen Boiioo, Meaan. Oeorit Oladauoe. A. W. Booib< meo, Browo, I*Ut0D. eod Paler Manaergb. Irleb con^ dten. 1*. M.Be .leae laaota lauae aod manegar.and Mr. LetTer treaiui t Maadenea Lilian Bverard, NelaoB, eod Hale Doual ae ere alao amont the troupe Tbe popular U.d. Hla irela.coaprliiBgHeaara. Loula Brabta, rempbell, Amari eDd 0. W. Bockareller, wlih Oberlep Hollr ood e few ouier good nta, aro loorloi Id ibe^aorlb eaaien diairfci of Vieiorlh Halbourve, ope bIdi there oa 18. aod aro ailll plapiog ibere to large bueleeea Tbe* have mode iho griaieai euteeae tbel bu erer heaa acbfrred In Atuiralle; and, bul lor tbe heeTyaipeoaeol iraoaperuilon end loMOf line conaA' aueni OD itae long duiaoce beta tao towsa, iher would earadeal olnonep Aiibe Tbcaire Xoral, Nrdoep, lha paolonlne rao four weeka, aad wea wiibdrawo tu make room for Ibe Snt appaarance ot lleille Rorbe. e Cel AMATBl'R* _^ "LoTB'i Biobipiet" wu pr(HD(«d \j ib* Wbal* Ut DruBftUo AitctUtloa or Pbllideipblb oa tb* 14lb iDit. Hri. Cbu. BcDri ii llir|«r«t Eliuor«. lod Hr. B* r. Oliytoa MlAfoDt, oierttoitbgniMm lacMtBtallp la «b« Mlaoipftl puni TUB DATgRMBT CLUB Of OtfldlDDill fflTB * Mf> fonaifoi it RoblnioD'i Opirft-bont* IB, eoDailloR of **)Iirri«d ur**' gad "Ur Pr«clooe BtUfe" » Ibtr liT* "Tbi IlDDobbiob." Tb« Kinmill anbofaDdlt&bU p«ffrann»d '*Xbft G«Um Bin" U B^UssBS'BOHn'bMM IT. Ifomla aiock-teireu, wbo appeared ae a aiar to "Camille.** ''The Ladp ol Ljoai.*' "Eael LTose" aod "Oibello." aup- ported bf thegeneril faToriteO, D.ChapUo and a aone- wbai Inconpf ml Block oonpanp. Tba eajtagereiDiwae e tenure, and the ooB'eucccaa wee aiinboied to tho went or abilltp ol Anericao aien. Mlea Itocbe and ibecompeop beve been aeol lo New Caaile, aad ib* theatre la bow occu- pied bj ID IlalleB'Opert Conpeop. Tbe alBrara w a wkolcere Tery good, bui oone are renarbablp brIlllauL TbeorcbeairaeBd cboniaereoot uplo thfoitrb: bul bow coold It be cipeoted oiberwiac, vbeo ehorBa-elo|ir* get oolrtlOporweeh for iloflDg eterp olgbLaod mnalcleoa eel Iron 17 lofSOpcr waakf Nait woek.aMre. Loiue wHnoi Dukeaharbnl appaafaoeehero lotplacecalled "Tbe Rag'lalr.'* Al tba Victoria Tbeeur. ibe panto- mime reu fire weeke lo lood bDaiBoet, eod waa lonowed br e burlaeqoe called 'fb* Lorea or Mepblaiophelea.*' trblob would pnbablr bare been a failure bni lor tbe olerer acilog aod aingtoffof Aoota Plalep and Bleod Hoiu Tala wee loflowed leetBelurdapbptheeBreirmeotolMUa Olara BiepheoaoBa e Celooial acireu. wbo opeoed lo *'Me< dee." Bbala the baai arircee we bare b«#d here. Her coatualDg waa al fault, ea^be dreaaed the pan la the moat gorgeoua appereL * Paurreiia," called 'Tbree Moolba uooer Ihe Boow," waa produced Moodap; bei t be eompeop were Inpatfeei, Ihe prompter beioe frequoBilj heard, A. Dampler. aTerrgreal laTorltoln aelbaume. eod aetd lu bebpiarlbebearactorlbaibae beeo bare eloce Wilier Moo'igomary.leioopeo t^eb. 10. la "Hamlet." Mr. 0am filer la meoaged bp ibel eeolal faBllemen aDdOoloolai urorlte Jobo Brpao.whOBBearipeTerpbodp fcooweand llkea Brpau'a welgbl la now SlTb, end whro be appeara, wbich he aomeilmei doei In low la eiiremely ruBop.end laelwapa aureolaerofrdedhoua«-...TogWapou en Idea ol the rerplow ularlee wbiob ecton ere racelriog iBtblaeouBirp.weoBariba ealarp-iUiol aleadlae thea- tre, uilBg Ibeoameeol cbenciere leaieadol lodiTidoelei Ulhello, fllM per week: lago. liroOt Ceailo. Bid; Moo* iano,ial0: Rodorlgo, ilu: Ludurko. 91&iOube,CI7.flO; Hrakkotlo.BlO'.ADionlo. |7.W:Deadeniooa,atar: Emella. •ta Can ruD weaderibiiecllogla bedberer Yciihare feromaoyfOodactoraldlalD the town Went of eompeil- Iton la Ibe trouble bore Mr. and Mra P.M. BeloahaTO |uti returned from a luor tbruugh Kew ZeelaBd, but, 1 era afiaid, flnenclallp iioorer then wbro ibep aurted Lviion Boihem and Mloole WbHob will neil week produce "Tbe Deatcbafla" ai Maler'e OHn-buuaa, VelboorBa. LoTp the ceraet parerbaebeea B»r«ajreck,balej pel ootbinf la kaown dedBlielT of ble moTeiseDi*. There le aeid lo be lume dlDouUy betweco him and tbe raaoagar to wbom bi»came ooDaigoed rorbpo'a Ueergle Mloatrvla em in the Interior, flbtrldea C'lrbpa li lu town, laoblog ■iterbi* lotereal In aomt legal trouble L'Eitrengo, "tea Auaireliao BloBdiB," who baa laiolp reiuraedirom Oftliromla. le glvlBg hla bigb-rope aaoonaloee oo tbe Do* maln.and wbaDtbewfeibertaralrbfebnaiBeai la ana. Leal ereniDg, wbee Id tbe mldilorhlagranddlaplap offlraworka, aowe ol the riUlDgflrt foaod lla war lolo tbenagailoa, aod eiplodedaloiurpowderiDdcbenlcaU naedlnibe prepa* tlon ofibe arewerha. Tbe raeult waa eerera iBlerp ui two lade.iheburolBf ofpertof the leBi,aodaieneral ecare emoBfthe vmpwof tbonaaad fpe(tatore....?obBWIIaoD'e I'ircue BBd HiL>podrome u in Aoeltloe, plapiog to f erp flue hoDBer. Toura irulp, Tua PaoMPiiiL "TOB BBOWKA]! AUOAS*' WTttM US U fOUOWe, VD' der daia of HtlboiUDe, reb. 0,18761 Daaa OtirraL—Tbo lalarBtilooel CIroua end Menag- eneclvaedlUeaaaobell/dnarJan. U.end aalled II for italacllp. Tbrrewaee Ikreadaia' uaplreiani inn duHii ibe roBgb AoalmllaD eoaat. eDdliarrlred here on itie iBib. AO aqipbliheaire had baee erected tor !i, a proceiiiOB waegltoD l0.eBd Ibe oiblbiilon opened oo Iba e»eciDg ol that dap to e Hgbt bonie. iJInca iheo two perlormaBMl hBTo been glreo dallr, Ibe efternooo eiblbltlon being llghtlrelleBdcd, boi iDoae el tbe nlfht hate been crowtf •d. The prieaa here bara been SO ceau, 75 renu and •1.0, and the recelpUBTaraie 11000 per dap. Be far ibe Tlili to AuatralUbae been a decided eu«e«u. elibouih the cnocero at bow oreeniicd IB much loo larga for tbu couu. Irp.and II laqneeiToBBblawbciber U wli) irar aner leafing ihlBClip. IiBaeaaon will cleae here on VaV 17, when it will irarel bp rail (atolbeioierior. mahlpp eli oBi-dap end Ihrea Iwo-dep aiaode. Alter which It win reiuro to Helbeome, and reopea ei "popular uricca'• The eoBpenp If is dae coDdllloD, ell ol lla membcre enjoploeabod kealib. Tba prlrllegee hare dooe wei). Hr. MidoleuiB, tba pnprlalor, amaBBlBg a aaall for- luaa Tbe aMeahuw aad ctiBOM have beeo crowd- cd dellT There en ibree ibreirea bare—iha Roriti Ihe Acedemp of Muile aad Iba Prised ol Waira Al ell olihem pxBiomlmee have been rnenlDg aince Ihe^ ChrlBimai holldapa At ibe Ropal, the paommtmc w||l oe rculaccd bp ao ilaliaa-opara companp, w^ne Lfthio Hoibera loea oa Ibe bearde al the Acaderar oo PaV II- The Rorai lllnefoDlilB-Kellar. Lloa Look end Vama> din-ar* alao plapioi her* lo lamt biurneaa. ^ Thep etoat on Pe*!. 11, laheeibori roDla ibeeouoirp.aDd proceed ^o Adelaide..,-Beheraad Parreo. JoeBnmei.Nre 8eeu-aid< Moaa. Mewonb'a UiberalODB, iht Oefeopoti Brelfcera. and n Bumber of othera are Id Raw eealaod Tlep ere crowd- ing oBaaBoibar, ted aone of then Bre aald to be making mooar, Kilaoo'e CIrcua rAoericaona at Adelitde- Cor- Orn'aOrlgloai Oeorgla MtniirelaolDBBd afiar a abort aea- *0B loBpdae/.iod are eoi it preaeoi doiBg •apthtBg. Beaptciiuilr roura. W 0.0- FaoK en biocui cokbUPOHDSifT Id Uelbovroo we bive rocelrad l«o lattere. dated Jio. % lod Feb. 0. We glvo tbe latior, ud ticarpi porilona of loter* eel from tbo olhtrt ^ . v - HiiBOoaiii, Pflb. I. lV77i FaiPK QoiBffi %»%-'J>*» Str: Bioce np laai ibe pao* toniae aeeaonhu nearip run l'» loo loaioarecr alour llieatree.andibemaQa|«n.ooraadall.areilrdlagupibelr lolna 10 provide ireab neieitlra for ihe delcvlatlon ol ibeIr pel roe a Al ibeAeedim/ol HoM^ Mlaa LpdIaThompeoa'e melon oM'Blne Brard''baa been the eiineilon. Mr* u. W. B Lewia Inar Roae Bdoula) made a eberming Bellm« and mng aed danced eimllPDtlp well,. Prid Thoroa. who ratemlp>Iaad tbo «^lpan^ hei hartlp ebowo eoopgb to ditpur what atap there la la him In ihe pert ol the lleiih* o una 01 mBBiMBv wniariuH leeoi oo «<cn uf lerauee Al tboThaalN Roral.adpamatio aeaann witl beai coallane r.p lePeb. U.wheo Uur'e Rotal luilan-eperaCompany «rili ube eaaieatlon ol the boatda Tbe eaaaoo la anpieuneed for ihbip'ala alahta aad great pnpArtiioai ere being nede mr it Tbe openllo Mircc la a large oov, and ladudea lignor Carlo Or< lendinl (boaband ol ihe ia<« Agatha Btataai, Btgaorlaa AmuMa QaadMiUnlt MvlK Cartail tlta* Hi^iniA nUBlCAL. "LxTxMUB d'Aboutt/M fiDluUo operg, lo toxu acU, vordibr .JnUea Btrblar ud Hlobiel Oarr«, moelo b7 QaDllla Balnl fibuB, wu rooeaUp pn^ dDdod a the LjrJqoe, Pirli, Ituoe, Aoonaapood* entwrttoiu foUowi about II: "Tbo oortAln bu DotloDH riioD wbea tbe gptqUtor peroalrei Ibae ttid bero leacoualO'gtraiuoronrolaftiaDd Doctor r'lQaiui^aod Iba onrrent of ibe plotempbulsu more aod oinro Ibe loo ilrooglp raarhed inalogr Oatweao aoiiLo4'a obirnlog opan and tbo piuul work, UepbLatopbflM.UgraaorlU. and otsd VU* oDllD erea(|glDreprodDoed,batall lo gncbdlmlD* lahed proportlooi Ihftl tbo obtracten of UUe pleoo mar be aald lo b« tboee of *faiiet'«hon looked «t throngb Ibi wroog ud of a loleioope. Tbe Dooior Faaatni la not u old larut Uke bla protolxpe, bnl a yoDDg VlunaM ulater* vbow voria ud talut glTopromlioof oelebrHj.Ocnnd laafflloled wllb tbo great conlamponrTplagno of aoclety—tbo gold*fdTOt —amaledp tbat baralp Tendon bd artUI verp Inter- eeUng on tha itage or off it. llowiror, then li a oeturneiODaeforOonrad'alblnt (or'flJIby Inoro/ * ■' V * *h» wnnnm Aiuuiao ooncolrooaTtolent pu* aloD for a ealobraled dancoT &am«d FUmtQetla, whou faataru ud gnoetal fonn be bad inncfaniM to euna. Hon materlilUI tbu po» Fuit grop* iBgloqaaitof tbelnflolUtOoDtad wlebea foropn* lenoa «a tbe onW m«ua bp vblob bo ou oblaln poi- aoeilon of tbo beioteou bkllerloa, who, like Dean of old, will otilp graal herfaTonionen when tbt y coart bar nndar Iho form which ws are lold wu fonnailp lunmed bj Don.*Juu-Jnpltor. 8o Tlolut bii tbe jonng nu'a paaaloa bocomo tbat II bu eD< geaderod a real Uloeaa, acocoopuled bp naYTOOicrl' lei and ballaolnbttoDa. nia gjdor faumordond aleapt' ud It La tba dream, Iba nlghimare. of one of tboea loDB, npoaelaai nlghla to wblcb ho la oon* demnid tnat ibo antbora here Iraniferred to Ibo Bligo. Joit u lo 'Tbe Oolla* tha dream of tbe BailtpBargomuter li reodared palpiblg. In "Tbo Timbre d'Argaot" all the crMllona of Ooorid'o dla* eaied bnin aro nprodnced befon Ibe ipooutor In a eerlea of bMatlfDl ubleaai, of wblob the follow* loganalpela willoooTepapuiJalldaA. Tbaportrall of tba beiotlfnl ducor aitU bug* on tba wall o( Ibe poong palntor'i aladio, when Bplrldfoo—a rod* Qloo Uepblatopbalea~ippMUi lo Ooortd, ud bp ble dlibollo power Infnaaa Ufa lalo tbe plolore, eaaalng FlimmetU lo datcood from ibe Inmo lo luameoibp ber lednelloni tba amonua dellriom of tbeartlit. Tbalampier makoano conrealmut ellbor of bla icbomee or ol tbo rigorona ooadlUona of tba birgato wblcb be lolendalolmpoieoD bli victim, ne praiaote to Conrad Iba lallamu bp aid ot which hr culap ill lha mllllOQt of iba urtb at tbo faei of tbe diocer; Jt la a allTtr bell. Lol bIm onlp etrlka on 11, and tha farluala poa* aeuor will And bla wlab, do natter what II may bo, firompUy nalited. Only, then la a priea to ba pild or tbic iDdolflenoo. for «uh aoood ol Iba magto bell will be paid for byahumu Iffa. Oonndalriku, tbe bell loundit a plarclag cry Ib lta aobo, Iba wlahed'for gold li tbere In itaup bafunblm.but bo* aide Ula alao a oorpee—tbal of loo falbar ol Iba girl to wbom be la betntbod. And Ibon all tba Inol deota or Ibo palotor'a drum nnfold ihemitlvu. Goorad ImaglDu Uul bo s^oa JnlrodnoUon to FluimaltA'i druilog-room, when be flndaber Bor> ronnded br a oonrl ol nlliot admlnn, ud UDong ble rivali u Splrldloo blmeell, wboadopta dtigillao after dligalu lopaab lha palotirdown thiillppory pub of iilriTaguoi uddlHlpaUoD* Tbipplay ou* ard, aod Coorad loiu. Then eointa a eontutof prDdlgalllrbelwoao Ibo iwo loren of tbo lady. Id whlcb each oalblde lha olbar lo bli oOan to obialo ber liTor. Tbe aiUal bu aibnitod lila trauoro, ud, with ruin uA deapilr beloro blm, bu no rtaoorco left bnl lo ippul agalo to tbe bomlcldU bell. Be reeliti ud flui to o vUlicawboro bli bdg|frlud,Buadlel,lBaboatlowid Rou, tba alo* lorofbiB owti flaocoa* Voabto.bowaTor, lo rotlal uyloogartbo pronpUngaol bla pueloB and Jul* oQiy.ha tonobw the fatal oell oooe mon, aodll«oo> diet fella dead befon all thoweddlDg'gneati. Tba pclnlerbecomuB preplo romone^udfalmoBlde- prlTed of bla lenaofl, wanden abont the alroelB. carried away In a wild, wild whirl br a bud ot mukj who are oelebnuoi a oarnlTa]>olght wttb eilraTagtot oriloa. aplridTonappeanaftlntoalUDg to bla aid all tba iedacllooa of oarlu oi evil splrlta noder Ihe form of danolog glite, ud airiru tooom* plete ihe arllat'B rnlo. VfuanalU, of eonno, la among tbem, and OoonA uema Irroelakaably loal. wbon tbe figai^ of Belene, tbo young girl to wbom be la be^olbed.enteie, draped Id rdlglooa garb, the Burod crou iblnlog on bor breul. 8bobu comolo ilraggle wltb tbe demon for Iba aonlol Ibe mu Ibo icTei. AltbeBonndof bar Totoelbe conaolence of tba painter awaku. ud, dlarnetod wltb Ibe gnllty oonno bi hu bun bruke Ibe allTor bell. The final olaaea of the terrl* ble bargain he bad concluded with Bplrldlon moel, bowereri ba fplfllled, ud the bell, lo breaking, bringt death to him wbo had niad II, At Ihel lulaot Conrad awkkH. Ue la anmnndeA by all bla friendi, uiong wbom alud Haleoei falbar ud. Buedlol. bin Iwo rlotlmi, with Uoaa and bik bitrotbod benelf: Flammella li then alio, inulmato In Ibo glided frame opoo the wille Oonnd peroelfM wllb deUgbt thai tbo whole drama In wblcb he bad plared ao borrlblo o role wu merely Iho offaprlBg of ImaglniilOB. the orleli of ble ferer bu piwad, end Ibh doctor do* otaru bIm on tbe falrwiF to oomDjile recovery, Bnl II IB Dot bla body aloBo tbat'bit bun cnrad— bla eool fi ngeoented aliot ho wUl looa no non for wraith, bnb wlU mArry Bilone, ud will deroto bimiilf to work* Uiai Amn Oooukii, openllo Tocallit, died In London, Eogi. Maieb l.agMl 39. She wu bom al Bbnwibary, ud flnl mado ber mark u alnalog Bonbrette al iho Theatre Boyal, Llferpeol, woen Ibo flnt appurod on Iheiiige u one of tbo ohll* dren lo tbe ballet. Ube labiiqnently appeared tl thegnrrey andLywnmTbulrw.Londoo.ud tboro beoeme very popnlar lo Iboeamelineor buloaUt At Ibe IniUgBilon ol aeorgw Perrln ibo fonook Ibe dramatic elage, ud darored taeraelf to opera, bul bar aaoeiH wu mllltaUd kgtloal by lll<bitllbt Sbe wu lo AmirJoa for loma Ume u a fflimbu of Obarlu Wyodbam'o Oomedp Oompaoy. Tbb Opbba Oomiqddi fi«dbo. Anitrla, wu lo bBVB bun ofTerod at publle loelloo Uanb 1 Tbb wOtbmbht lo irMt i monnmeot to tbe nea* orr ol Tbalberg it Miplu, Italy, wu atarted by Lanro RomI tbe oompoiar. Hui Uabt OHirnaTQVi dughtor of 7. B. Ohil* tertod. wu inoonoced to fflAkonet Aral upearuci lo public u a harpUt at 81. Oeorga'a HiUi London, Uaroh 7. Kb. Aoiin iho Anarleu ttnor hu bun engaged for Oail fiou*a Bnfllita*opcn Oompuy in tbelr ioor IhroQgb Englud. ^ A MomfMBin Ii to bo irwtea al MiplUi IIbIj, lo tbenfimory of Thalborg. Bra. TiMvnut oett uioon le to make bta flnt Bp* peiruMin ZiMid«B.Kok.jii«r««d fBirt, h«,TV|l*< cepted IB eBglg•B«ot^lrl(k VitmpIM^B. Mum. Fbobibb, Aeogklor or ObBttaft Tooblar, mode bar debnl In opeH ol Ibe Oprn Odmlano. Parle, lut week, npvurlog In "Ulg'jon," A dlt> patch to Tht HtTM iipot "Aa ao ectroto, MM Feobter wu eBlnioUy inooriafaK u moat be aald tbat Bb« bu bnl Uitf o toIm, Okd UU. nnnallormt" TBBPiBti dunOtBBi Ib eripeetoA loeloNlbB leaun 130,000 ebnt of otpoou^j. Ton igAMK «(• ItfUao OMn ol Ooriil-gBrflgi, London, epesA AptU • aa4^ ihg BUBMinMl w UE.are« VAlllKT,Tf foUowlOB from Tk» MtmUMtr a^a.hammmmm ■ Marobli "Abont 9M d'olool lairatBniBy»i rt iMi •oeldositotwoinpeBo flbrformofrceBBfiBaatttr • AlBMBdrla Moelo Ba», Uia Btr*B>. I f B B B t i j i lBf ; A hrgoBodlancowu aBurablod vmdMtBf IttB fkotg ' of Jennlo «&d Albwi Umo»\, 'latmtB BUU/npon B bar which wu biag JooitofrBWdf Iho sleje et a failgbi of nbeol ibfftF fMl<M lk» ; greond. Tbo tame perfbrnucobAd boos gtTMoa*^ ' •uafnUr oo Monday arenlBg.BJidwu botogvokBg^ wllb nmeh appareoi Jattreu bp lbe,BpMta> , ton. At oM polot IB H tbe L*oonCd-BdllM - ibiDMelrw face to hn opoo tba InpeubBt^BOft. tbU( throwing ibemaelrai baokward« bug buAp downward above Ibe piopU In tbe pit, IbafrlM^ ■ belog leohed togatbir ibore Uo plt,ud iboapi*'^' vutlog Ibem from falling. Tbey oadgono IbraBA-' ' ibJa operation ooee. amid Ibtfappragwef tboipeeto' Ion* ud were elUmplIng 1^ agiio, vbaa ikour fea> filled to lock logotber, and botb feli to tbe Socc Tbe r «n fell npoo one of ihoflddJin In tbo onbo^ cAdo iH^eb annonnda iboorobuira/udlnitanllF tra. audlmmodlalolygot op again, bol, aAePBlBf^ irlag iboni a momiol. ba fm down noeongelona. fell vltb b«p buk acrou tbe banW bcetn* iBcontdsii*. i» looaulb* ia*ldenl< earrtd Ui* vtiel* ef lb* lyecKMn rote lo e bodf to Itelrreel, u ifibml t»nib lawerd* UwuDMitk- D>l* tTmniiU, bol Iod4 oriM ol -Xeep jom e**l* I* (rom eeo* ot Ibe eocln p»fa«B* pree**! pnniUA eucb u ImprodeM prooeeMair. tai tulf • (ewMK pi* weelto tbe Maliluct ol Ihe LunoDl*. Tber wen ecrled bebind Ui« ie*ii**>UI)Bniott*daii*,iM vera tbea el once coDTerxl to Ibe Itojl iDlnnuris • ub. lb* neil Item hi Ib* protranm**! tb* b*a • '' wee broDibt f oiw*f d illei lb* two »ni M*M bi4 b*ia curled out of Ibe beui*! bol tb* ip*oUton i»- need lo ricelV* It, Ml nkad'llceaut ttltft •Bow'* Ibe ta n*>ab*» 14 lb**rd*lttudlk *se or Ibt oBcen ol lb* •lUblleboeDl euneroi^ .werd wllk tbe uaeuDoeuDt Ult.'UM .Wlik**. ■ ciuit for ireet*liiiii,i*baUilblltdruiil(*nUr,. BID wero naob lee* lerlenlylQfQrtolbtaiiilgbv ber* bHD l**red. Tbe eUlemeil wu reeelrftf «1UI. *ppliQBe, *Dd Ibe reroeloder of tbe eotvrUmttOBft ' tben tllowetf to proned. Onibe wrlnl o< lb»<a^:.. > leren illbelsllmcn tboiveripremf UrttMldfd, , lo b' Ib* member] of IB* medlul iliff |miM% wbo ftecerUloed Ibtl oo boDee were brob*s; *IM > Ibtt neltbei et— appetrea lUetT to leeolk Wt^, \f, bul tbtl bolb In* Injarad penooe, aod ••• pedillr tbe lidr, teemed lo be lofferln* Art' ' oaelj troB geoertl eboek. Weare iDforaed l b a > - tbe proprleloief ItaeAleuDdrU Hall bid •driaaA . tbe Laooot* lo bare a net eprsid beoiilb tttm durlD) Ibelr trapete perfonaaici. In order tbat Ibey . > Blibt not be burl ebooldtbaj tail, bni tbat lb*f., deollnid, Ibelt reuon lor dolni ao belni mppoNA'' to be tbat wbeo lb* elemaat o( danger wu f*inoTi<l. from Ibali perfomaDC* It wu rlawed. In lb«ir opinion, wltb t*u Intirwt br tbe pnbllo. Thilt '' Ireqnenl eiblblllon* ol lb* earn* ftau In AmnriA {era tbem cosldenc*. ud Ibelr anueeefol repetW Ion of tbem on Uonde; olfbt appareoUj JatnlaA tbelr repl7 lo Ib* pr*prlet«rof Ihi ball." Winoie AICD timnc. Han.dib ud Viler-tnetn, tailed Iron Henna, Onba.Uareb 10, lor VanCbmau Heilco. riom Ihtit tbi go It SrtiU aad Bonik Aaerlci. MiH Eui Winmi ud a. B. Hircout ind Wm Sat* O'Coonoi w*i* ptiloimloa at lb* Pa)a<*of Tarletlu, and tbe Oarrelta Tmllj tt tbe Alesafr- dri Bilk, KotUagbtm, Bn|„ daring tba weak ea^ logHarcbS, Imaioiii Pnrouna* AaioiD.—Tbe dolnp tsA wbaraiboil* ol proleeeloDnli wbo ta*T* oro***d lb* SHI of additional fame and fertoM Atlautio In ara written bont b/ "one of 'en," aa followa i 1,4100*. Ena. Manh t Faiii QunR.—Aor J/r: The Wdaoo brolber* are*— at Ike Kew Hartla Bkeilo* Klak.el HolllDibem. wberw Iba LaBont* plired aiDoceMhl eDUfemeaL CaatM aa* Booker are al Ibe liar, Urnpogn Titi Wlleoa a* OolllDl' and Ibe HaiUe. LoDdoa. Mtior Berk loee lo Part* eooo. Tbe Htrllaelli Tnac* are anil al Ibe Prloeeta', tbe OlfvOi are 11 Ibe Albenbr*. asd ibeAmrrkaoTeaB, cooelBllBi of Wajae. Lnrel;. Oollea and BIrdae. al Ibv Borrer Taealre eed P«,III«d. BUlr Aeberellte recotertac, Tbo BTree. Joe ire al ibe PafllloD eod Rojel roTreMeim Btavan Der* eed Tonr Utll baeemidoadectded btt al. tbeUllerd: AUMIoaDdlleuare ilalloi al Ihe Caoter. burr aid Royal Porreaure; llarrr led JlckTelbot arw wllb Mwro * Borseee' MIoHrete. Beerroea le al barA work aed racelrlo* bad par lerll; H*Beol Ike bon'c*^ templala reluralaj lo Aaierlea eeai PalL Joko Monlc obaoie arllel.UJo India. Old Jskner Booker baj foi ._ Jii _^ OaeteM - „ „ „- 10 Pana. 8n4 Prod triieoD 10 Dar'i Ciretal Pelace. BlnniDikaa. A leilir bu beea reeel,ad al Ibe 0. B 0. Oiub tna fkm BeeeoB part*, wbo war* al Madeira, ' BD routB lalBB Oape.sBrlng"a]l weL beea oold Ibe put few dare.and all ibeplaceaof * BBBldolacOfoodbailoeealD eotto^uBBec The peol^ back 10 LrtodoB Ble, b.TiBgieii lit Caraoo Troape Ib dia. Moal Dl Ihe AtBAh oaparroralojio LoBdooaai pale a trip IbroeibD^i.NvUee* tbla SoasmBr. Oaet aad Booker |e |a"^,.;aDd. lb* T,ai 'a, wherB IhBl aloppBd. ralL" Tbs waalbBr h-^ Btme laaaoo'IedrmwlDjf lo • olBM.wblcb wllllhnw» lurio BuDiberol tBDilo-ullpcopla IbIo iba laarket, eaA BBlarlei will hiTe le eome dovD.^bal will oule II bad Mr Iba aavoomBrB. 01 whom 1 bear ihere are auareoatam*. plallQi a Tiall Bail flonooir. 1 evt alVald ibe/ will km alaappolDled. Wllb fclod fegardi ft«B year aeof old < IBBoe. reipeeUallr, . Toeiu. P. B.-.n|Boe wrillof Ihe wllble I road lo lbleniomlt|V ' Da/hr r</ipraph, March 7.lhe ^anoole, IrapesB perlOll^>( ere, Fell Iwbils perlomilDi al Ibe Alaiisdra. MaechaaurL adIalaaceofJOIiellDlolba onbeflra. Tber wart'b' latee up iBeeoilble, and ooBrayed iolbe bonll ' lull eiliBi of daDaiadone aid panloolan wet* ni . B0UJ1, r*'bMS L Tb* . mSCBLLAKBOOg. Pnor. Emuil aallad fiom Barua; Onb*, Itr M*ileo,lnlh«tl*«iBtblp(HtyotM*ileo,llawhlO. AMUSEMENTS. A HBRITBD TBIBUTK OP inPBOt:. OBAMD OOMPUHBKTAST SBNBrif vn. 0ERaDa, HUproHT uw JBZ B)IDOBaBD''a#'TUB' ENTIBB MAMAOBMBNI OP IBIII METBOrOUK Ma*; lobeieodirod loroaeiUlbto'e Oirdeu ooibeailenMB, orTburidir* ibend Ibil.wi uke phejanloeipreaerar oor petMBtl apprecUtloQ ef ibe inilewolal. ud wf***'— DfAiBii: Barlog leaned et ibtovnpllneeui iDd wliblag- kDowledgea an boioiM ..HgDil _ _ eliliea. RaniBberlD^ bow of\«B ind eOoleallf |oq kerf fireo rear aenlcee el ibo bebeiu of roar proleellooai DreibreB«ttae maor dilme job Uv« opoo Itae pleygQlas pablM br rusoa or jour low eod bosorable cafoeruaa Iriesdi end edatrere Id ibii puMto recogolilea, we bee i leave leadd ourpertoail uMinDceollDlerui lu IbUeo^ lenpUied pnelteel eipreulOD of |Md*wil|, Jt ibe uani*' fHieiloo e^oAli our dMlres In jour betielf, U will boa irlbnieiDTour gaoiueofirbleh roe will (eelpmd-Hiia^ glbieprtMiibetibe poblle wbomfooheTe to Irmgufer utoed ADd laiiroeied era ool uagniaA]l,aBd e demoeMr^ iloD nflnitoghoDorellke op«B ellwlo penlelpeiela lb»:i propoitd oreiiJD, wbeiber bifore «r bebud Ihe f"0'rtlft . Wllb MDilmtDla efklod raiara. PnMtfBBli/roanu. ■ - THEODORE MOSS, Wtlltek'eneureT AUdOBTIN DaLT. rinkeTeDuenaeire^i JARnbTT A PALIiBB. Booih'lTleelra BIIOOK A PALMER, Dntoa MUreTbUin. JOBU HART.Begletbeetn. ruOlaB A dAnWeLLT. Orud Opere-heoea. TONT PAATOB. Peaior'eTbeeue.WBmdwBr. N. ROBERTS. OljriBpleTbfalre. HARHIQAM i HART.TbUinOonlqae. BIAOII. WAUBOLDi0AOKUI,lr9advarUdTV»i„ Ir'QlBth BlreeL _ B. O, OILMOBB.anBore'aaaHea. . COL. VM. B. BiWn, Park Tbeetre. BreoUfa. , To CHARLES fVUnB.Oomedlaa.elA'^ A. UORT Of ABTIBK W'l't APt^AF oomlBg rrom PIIILADELPKIA. BdSrOfC - BROOILTKaTONV PABT0a*B7fB OLTMPIO TUKATBB and BAN BTRBLB. PRIOBg OF ADHlBBIONi. Oeaeral admliitoa..UoenlaI Reetrred euia renUr»lr<lo,UMBta NOTIOB,—Tbe Boi-ofllc««lllb«open onTuadaf aaff. Wedaeide/, fromII a. a. ioI r. where UeUUMli had. Bm_ BRBHNaM. rOB IN KBWCOMIO lOltaB;- > ' la'a Dnaa,!' -Slakeliplel'a BliH*li' Noe. ltd aad 197 Bioadvar. _ TOUT PASTOB'S WORLO-BBNOVMBO. OONaUM am vfLbiAMa,*^'*^A'taoK t zuM B. O'RBABDOM, B. nOtDinOBTB, MlHi BIIMA BRBMNaM. TOUT PABTOB IN DBWCI Oar Fair IriBb Oltlo." ~" Blue Otaaa BeformaU^. IhuBb." "The Pirale'i Dn>a,>' "Slakelipleila Bli^lai^ Three boore ot elBtanlBomBdr aed ^ollfkinilTaaderill^ THB BBBT BNrBBTAINIIBlIT IMIIBir XOBK. PABBlOKABLE MAirmEBt TDB8DAT ARV PBlOAf^ Opera-fflaaaeBproeoradlD Iberolonlaofaetfcealre. Carr1iB*eIorlbeerBalD|nDrBBeBUliooama7beoi«e*«A al IttU ■ tt-lt BARRIOAV A BABT «.W.HAI,L«T.^.^j...^..^...y... BD. BAkDIHO. JOBRBT DIOEBTBaLKV. »C«.ebr»a«.^^b.j^^B.y^b,a- " EL NIXU BODIE. Ike Irul; weiideTAll TI|h|.rope AMM. LBAH.Operalle ToDBlleL OUABUUOIAMONO, LBBLIB BROTBBRB, HABBTa»d lOmB MAOAJIt«r; • AhIlOB IbaBBDUllooor Ibedar */ BD. UlllRIIIAJI. .BB TBLBpilONB, _ Itaa aad Blrl. Nalll* Joi May flluart. J. P. OioaelB aad Jobfl Ijaeeii .;-m [ Id whkb Barrll Nam* jonoB, Annl» .oliAMB.-VAf.toit.i^J^: e» BIUUTII ATBNDB AJIP TWBUTI Tbe noBlMaaoIloeelTbealrBI OROWOBD IIOUBBa. . . OBI OBOWDBb UOUBBB, 10 e wllBBBB lb* ffraal •occi TOB Two OHri Iill TWO ORPI IIB8 BA7B OH *OCMl,nl lUOk,., OHrIf ANd ORPIIANH. B OLAZTON MIBB BATE OLAXTUN la bar e/ljloal erwilo*.- LOUItB MRU. INB, - H v»ji*ri IIIARD. , ^ . BATlBo BBBBRf BO BlAta, IB OBNTB, i MMl lOK-AQO JIBBRTK MATMEB B WBDnBiArAW BATOtbAT. iM> V. •; , IIRALfViBOTUB-. ^plallee *l lha ireal Parle aad Loadaa reiuaTB^aaia. .....yA^tlt'Sp&DIBi.. B.BBr BialiYHft'laTVfe'xyMAtlit.BiiMt : OPPElif *" ^"^""'"^M^iiimonAto^V- Ban* 0*nll*'tlllrrB|dniaa, .i.^^vC- ''^"^ CUrbEn*b..*.^lf».:„: SeiereBlliSei ^ -i . The CarHER^i,^-^, " "~ ■ ..■'.lU'.ll OecDe lacoale. Praalwaiti, Alweairaid, ..«0*.,.d.I*aet^,^, lerallrtUn ladM* tad iniau«t suit, CheeiBjltitrtJ^' r*i» i'> ■er.einmwn iHiee eu eniH^vi. . ffwf^JW'. t- — SSSiipmtnnBl]