New York Clipper (Mar 1877)

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Margh Mf . Cr.T- --r- r-I (ho Odeon, Baltimore, Mar^^ •^""'••'^ TBxvxLna oosomAnon. .ml^atid tmnna*' or IDT otbarflnt-cUiieompulMwhopnnoisTliltliiB Siltlisore. Md.. us notmad that tben an Ttcant dKes at tha HoUlday-atnet Tbaatra from Hay Jl to .TqItT. Fortenii»,«to,adaw«iW.J.ailmoi»,pro- nriator and maniger. A enausw Am Uoffandfor aalaIn»caid«!■«- FsBFOBicns are wantM at tha OoUMun, Clnclo- siti, O. Chaa. tCacDonald la not now conDact«d with thtt booM. ua artlita tn tliarsroTe nqneitad to apply to tha manaiar, who psbUitiaa In anotbai «olnmii Itema of Intarait to tkoa* osdaz aono*- (sant then. ^ I. DATzan, akatcli and loag wilfai, etc., pnbUiIiaa bit addnaa In thia taane. Tas Loauz Bnoe.. who hara baan mieeatttallr ptrlorming doilog the Wlotar aaaion, eonunance an asgagmncnt at tne Thaatn Oomltoa, it.i. dt. UtTch 19, after which they loin FonpaDgb"* Show at Pblladelphla, Fa. PsBroBjm, ladJn eapeelallT. tra wulod at tha -White HooaeTailatlca.Flttabaig, Pa. Seeli.Spreal'a «ard. Tbe Onoia-HacaB, PawtnAet, B. L, wis openad for a aeaaon March U with tha following eamDanT • irelch and (jhlalda In hayaoat uenlaea; Lewimd raallneParker, akvtcfa-axtlatarHartlD and Wllllama, Irish «; the iOmpaon Blaten; daet- tltta; IJzzia Blehmond, aorlo-comlc; and £rwtn Thomu, pcdeital elos-dansar. L. W. WisHsuna's Specultt Tnoorc ta to exhibit In WUllamsport, Fa., Uaich 26, Lock Haven 37, BeUport 28, Altoona SO, Hontlngton April 1, Oolnm- Ma -J. loncaater 9, Roartlng «, AUantown 6, and £uton 6. lUns Stakut, TDcallat and comet-aololat. and Vtd Werner, oomedlan and alto-ham-pUTer. pnb- ll ih th eir addieaa In another oolnmn. Tbs Tictoszlus and Annie Bnddon, who an tnvellng with tbe Haywood Brotbera' Combination In Texae, can be addr aesed care of this offlee. Toe HSTwoon Bbothkiu'Cowdhtatiok la TeiT ta- Torably noticad by Sonthen Joamala, extraota trom which are pnbllahed In anothercotomn. Ftnt-daaa jerformera 'deatring to engage with thla oompany for a Sommer tow can addreaa, until April 1, aa per advertlaement.'' CeuM. O. Qatxs, Icdlan^dnb Jngglar and Jig and ■dog danc4ir, advertiaea for an engagement. Cnsccau^ vasixn mzwb to Maroh 16 la fomlabed by onr oorreapondent aa appended: "The treah an- Traannoea ac the National Theatre Oomlqne 11 were Palsar & Co.'a 'Stack Crook.* I.iicy FoTrealer, and Joale Zanlratta. The dnma, which waa played aa •A Tale ol Enchantment,' waa prodaead In Tery etedltabla atyle, lo far aa acting, ballet and anxll- laitei went, and tha aoenery waa anperb, tbe prU- . matic fountain and tranaformatlon accne being ea- pec.'iliy noteworthy. Mlaa Forrester TocaUzed Blc'.'ly. and on Ulaa Zantretta waa thrown the tarp- :clchorean bnrdan of the apectaele^a Tlllle Antonio woi called home on Uondayby the death ofarala- tlTO. Boalneaa good. Departnrea 17: Tomer and Ceyar, and Tommy Nell, all for the Toledo, In Cbl- fsgo; Moxrla and »FleIda, and Lnoy Forreater. To open IB, EdgeU and £ldrldge, Onaale Uo- Caln, Lon Howard, John Baynor, Bla Hayar. and Tmedell and Byrne. The "Black Crook' .icenery will alao be ntalned to nrodaca 'Alad- din.' Jnllan Kent opana 23 In 'Wild Bill.' The new addlUera to tbe attractlona at tbe Ool- jtonm 11 wen Bfax Walhalla. Maurice Heppard Jnlla Walcott, BeiUe Blnehart, Ida Htyden, and Lealie and Aahton. Walhalla and Heppard made a floe Imprtaalon In a symnaatlc aot, and afterwarda m pantemlme. Mlaa walcott and little Bertie Blne- hart gave acrlo-eomlo aonga In good atyla. Lealle .and Aahton on tha doable bar, and for a aaoond turn aa 'Tha Two Oomitnea,' proTed flitt-claaa. Hlu Haydan'B danrlng waa of a veiy dlfDcnlt order. Bis good. ChailM UoOonald, who haa been mana- ger of the place Ace it atart«d, aeTcred hia connec- tion with It thl^waek. Departniea 17: Ella Mayo, for Toledo. To open IB: Bolaaatt Family, Jamea Welch and Mand I>emolne The Lee Family, -Chalet and O. L. Banka ware tbe addlUona at Eenek'a Tbeatn II. The Im Family, dTa In nnmbcT, did aerobatlo. Joggling and atatneaiiQe acts, and prtrred an attraction. Chalet la i veiy lair ventilloanlit, with talking pnppeti Mr. Banka made qnlte a hit in a bnrleaqne atnmp' epdech. Bnalneea good. Departnrea 17: Frank CinBton, Olereland; Maggie Bowen, Philadelphia; -Gawthome Children, Iionlanile: Senotlta -Tlllafrez, Sollalo; and Dick Mack, Erie. To open 18: Jamaa 8. and Eatle Edwarda, and the St. Felix Ballet Tronpe. Johnny Max, Dolcb comedian, Ella CNell, Harry De Lave, J. K. OTfeU and Ed. I^nch wen the lecmlta at tha Winter Garden thia week. Biz fair. At tha Eldondo, Frank I<. Boy, Boaa Und, F. WlttefleM Howard and Weat, and Eatle Hnnter wan added, doaine 17: Boaa Lind. F. Wittafleld. and Howard and Weat. Opening 18: Charles OaHagber, and Badmond and SeTore. . Blx fair Tha oom- monweaith performancae at Bhlckllng'a Ball ended -with thoaa oi laat Sunday. Alrin P. Smith, who aoted aa treaaorer, la acenaed of decamping with ■cms money for aalariea. etc Work haa begnn -on HencVa Kav Thaatn." AroLi0 OXBSXH, EnnrrtUe, Ind.. will be opened for a Sommer aeaaon May 21, and flnt-daaa variety peiforman dealilng engagementa an rei^neated to addreaa John Albecker. proprietor. MiKiaxBs dealrlng to arrange -with Jamea Welch and Mand Lemoine for the production of their Irish drama "O'Connor'a Oath" and thoir bnrleaqne of •"Irish Mazeppa," can addreaa Bob Mack, agent, aa per card. Vjlbibtt amsn an wanted at the Collaenm, Co- Inmbna, C, which haa Jnat been opened nnder the = baainoaa-management of Harry ColweU. See ad- Tertlaement. teBVOBXBBa dealrlng engagementa at Add WaaT' ' «r'a AdelphI, Hartford, Ot., an reqaeatad to -write to Mr. -WeaTor and aecnn a date. .At KooBua'a VAUzma. Philadelphia, tha new w^iJ? "^J^" *™™ TmiTBm. BaUimore. JI!?' "<'•">•" WM good. Andy and Annie IB ^»Jf2!*.*~"J!° Irish atetchea, tfarryBiJait ni.ISS?'*'^' Emmeraoa and Clark In ''The f2fS5lI?*J'f»^' BUlen in mnaleal 55fi??t ^»««'* Md ElUa In Tectonio •pedaltlea. Edna Marklay In choice longt met with hearty "eta" end tee aa the mn^oal mokea. The American Dwarf "Tommy" by Clark ?i„M.^J*"?»'. Soydam Brothera on the donbla borUontal-bin flnlsbed the olio. ThebUl concluded with "Boaa Mlooel," with EeteUe MorU- mer and D. A. KeUy In the leading rolea. Depart- nrea 17: Andy and Annie Hngbet. to Pitubug. Pa.: Harry Bnant, to Beaton. Maaa.; Wataon and Ellia, IfewTork; Adama and Lee.Baydam Brothen ani UeFoy SItten, destination nnknown. To open le- Edud AUOB Momy, Marie WhiiUDgbam and Master Newman, Lany Tooley, John Carle and Fanole Y. Beynolda. On March 14, Manager ailmore'a room at hia hotel waa forcibly entered by thlerea daring hJa absaaca, and a lot of Talaible dotblng wsS stolen......At tbe New Central Tbeatn a good but ***<>£>nd. opening -with a famtle-mlnilrel scene: not. Pharazyn gave feata of legerdemain andTen- iS;"^!";, aho»ed aome manonettea; MUe. ZltielU -roctllied; UtUa Mao gave an essence- l^ylor,arMn and Taylor appeared in an esterlaln- IngmQite^ sketch; Walter bray In hia apecialtles; Bomera and EIrk aa "Tbe Botlentots;" coDolndlng Witt a laoghablelnterlnde called "Bounce." with iJS >'o■f^ee Jimmy Lnsh. Cloalng Maroh 17: Mile. Zl(- teUa. Somen and Kirk. Prot. Pbaraxyn, ^l•atInation anknown. To begin It: Belle Norton. Wm.N.Grlf- nth, Jennie Belmont, Jamea Btoome, Hantn Bitten, Harris and Carroll, Mile. Alexandrine and Fannie Lncllle At the Odeon bnalnaaa waa Ctlr. Emma Brennan, Little Jotla and Allta Sheppardsanz aongi. Dody ZanfretU -waa Been in graceAil dancing, and the Bennatta In a aketch. Separtorea: Emma Bran- nan, Alice Qleason and Little Joeie, to-New Tork; Sheffer and Slaren, to Philadelphia, Fa.; Alice Shep- pard, no engagement. To open March 19: Harry and Leona Mendal. Hlnnla lee, Blanche Roaelle, Belle Cashing and Walter Wentwortb. Letter of March 17. ATTBzBoTUTOHMcmxDit, Boatoh. MASS., amon than ordinarily good programme area aat before the patrana the past week. The perfonuanee began with Bcanlon and Cronln'a aketch "Since Terry Joined theOang." Then Nellie Brooke gars a nnm- Iwr ot aonga, and Worden and Uack groteeqne iones-and-daneas. any Linton aa "Tha Mad Butch- er" conTUIaed the house, and had to raapond to aer- erml encorea. SoTeral statoee-TlTanta wore ahowu, aome of them Tery pretty. Lney Adams aang a number of hnmorons aongt, and tha Clark Bro- thera aa "The Hangry Mnelclana" eiaated a deal ot langhter. anllTeDlng their aot with quite a Tarledaa- aortment of mnaleal exhibitions. \lm. Scanlon aang motto-aonga. and the entertainment closed with Fanny Herring In "Tha Fnnoh Spy." Housea crowded. Edwin Frenob, although announced, did net appear. This week Bam Seven and Harry Hontagne Join the company At tbe How- ard, the drama of "Kathleen Mavonmeen," with Georgia Langley In the title-role, formed the chief attraction. In the olio, Jamea MoKee, cbaracler- vocallat; Allea Somen, |wltb aong-and-danea: the Oaron Family and their troupe of eduotted doga; and the Daly Brothen appeared, the performance closing with T. O. Bigga In hta aketoh "Home mm the Black HlUa." Billed lor 19: iMter, Allen, SnUth and Waldron, Harry and John Kernell. the Field- tnga, Lnka Sehoolerart and Geo. B. Ooea, Edwin Fnneh, Jamea B.|MalBtt, Willla Cobb with dogi, goata and monkayi, Banlord and WUaon, and Jen- nie Engle, Paor. HnOHn opened at Beethoven HaO, Boston, Mao.. March U. with hia EgyptUn Myatery and four oomblnatloua, via., O. W. Bowier'a N. T. Oomady Oompany, Ida FhlUlpa' Olaialcal Artuti, Geo. DavmpoH'a Novelty Company, and Leaslnger & Uoor'a OUo Oompaay. On Monday eranlng Myatery did not work, BowBar*a and Davanporra Company tiUad to pnt In an appearanea. and Laaala- ger & Moor'a Olio Company coatlated adaly and en- tirely ot themaeivea. Tha hall -waa olooed after Wedneaday night Ths Vnmm Jama, Albert Oayer, and Com' mlnga and Hmes oanattcnted the reinforeementa at the Oomlque, St. Loula.'Mo., March 11. Albert Geyer, a men boy. danced a clog, which-waa noted for good time. The Milton Jaapen (three In num- ber) were leen to excellent advantage In gymnaatlr performaneaa. Mlaa Marie Jaaper appeared In? aketch eaUed"AnlDnB tA Mar** "atiA Imnjmuinatiwl and-danc«a of Cummlnga u7 Hlnea met wflhjnach i Iicea on tha lath Inst., wen Sallla BenneT, Fanny 'amoTj, Snale Lane and Jennie Horn. Tha depart- nrea on the 17ih Inst, wexv Jcennette I«ewla, to Koifolk,. Va.; Bella Cnahlng. to tha Odeon, Balti- , loan: and Nellla Weaki, to Scnnton, Fa. Thoaa announced for the 19th an Mile. Yendemoiit, May flexaon and Mary Gaylord. The entertainment la well conducted tbnughont by M r. George Hall. I At t" Obasd 0IV3AI, YABmr THZAno, Phila- delphia, the moet attractive programme of the aea- aon waa given during the week ending March 17, Including many teah ftatnree. King Barbio ex- 'hibited his accustomed akill on tha tight-rope: Fayette Welch In the opening farce ot "School" and hia mnaleal aot -waa wen received; Jennie Tea- mana Jn bar aerlo-comlo aonga and John Ballly In his Irlah aonga made a deaarvedly good Impraaalen; the "Dig 4" excited roan of laughter In their eo- .eentrle song>-and-£ineea, and the aketoh "Bhlnoo- caroa." Tho new ballet ol "La Fasdnatton" la , dooa capitally, and favorably Introduced MUa. J<^ fcaana; and theeoneludlng budeaqne. eotltled "13ia :Two Cvphana," afforded a ran fund of amuaement. j Tha Muee Combination, John Wllllama, the Bioh- I mond Slatan, Bark and Man, Oamll and Barry, ' MUe. Leontlne and Jeniile' Mlaeo open hen on the >19thlnat. At th> New Rasoxa^ TazAraa, Philadelphia, •the attendance laat week proved that the afforta of th> new management an thorongbly appnclated. Mlaa Manhall, Jappe and Fanny Delano, AUoe Ben- nett, the Levlno Brothen and Ackland Boyle wen thenewtsoea on tha 12th Inst. Mlas Manhall—a debutante—made an unmistakably good Imprea- ■ alon in aerlo-comlo aonga, and Ackland Boyle, who also made hia lint ap pe a rance, made a hit by bis actlDg and make-up as Hop Sing In Haizy Blch- mond'anawaotof "Waahee, Waahee." The Levlno I Brothen in well-executed earicatUTe-akalohea, Miss Alice Bennett In ballade, and Jeppe and Fannie Oe Itno In their pleasing muafcal akelchea, alao ' formed Interesting Itema of tha lengthyprogramme. Jennie Morgan, Frank Lewis, John and Maggie Fielding, Tom Granger and the Levlno Brothen dosed 17. The new artlvala 19 an Pat Beon^, J. ' W. UcAndnws, Walton and Morton, Prof, and Baby Bindley. Mlaa Lee Walton and Maater Dunn. J. O. (Fattix) Btkwast haa had his variety aatab- , llahment. Broad and Cherry atneta, Philadelphia, nmodeled and renovated, and will reopen it on tbe ' 19th loat. aa the New Adetphl Thaatn with an en- .tlrely new eompiny. Including the Mlasea Kitty Allynr, Frankia Howard, Esther De Puy and Carrie ' Lewis, Tom -Vance and Dan Oakley. loirr PAnoB'a Tbocpb will play a week'a engage- Bent at the Walnut-atreet Tbeatn, Fhlladelpbla, commencing April 2. - ' PHiUkOzuBiA' LioiMiB or Elzi give their lint an Dual Invitation ball at HortlenlRinl Hall, Fhlladel' phia, on April 3. AT'EHdcHf T-ABizina. Thiladelpbia, a lengthy proenmme was given !aat week, including aa freeb fealnrea-an exceUaut aenbatle act byFrainklln and Sluicade, Mlaa Ada Btanwood'a ballads, tha "mye- tlc-chtnge"actof WlllH. Stowe and hia deverper- forming, do. e. Bualnns continued briak,the sen- ••tlonal sketch of "Si Salem." with lU French dances.'Iielng the melnmanet of attiaotlon. Mlaa Kitty Oardnar. Ehelfer and Blavln. and John Forbes will be added to the company on tbe 19th Inst. Thb laTBB^cATioifAi, Mouc HALL, PhUtdalphla. mi» very well attended-laat weak, MeOolo^ h Hughes,-tho proprteton, aueceaafaUy atrinng to male their place of amusement seoond to none. Winona Bridges, Fannie Davenport. Emma Deven. aoldle, Steele and Sallle St. Olalr, ProL Bex, Morrla and Nelson, and Cuny, Fox, CUfton and Forepangh were the new acrlvala on the Uth Inst. Ooldle. Steele and SaUle St. Clalr'a artistic clog-danolng waa highly appfedated, and the very devar borlzontal- baract by Carry, Fox..CUftonandForapauih sup- plied another attractive portloo of the programme, and waa eameitly appIsDoed. Conway and Kerrigan open on tbe iSlh intt. Unxnt'AWiitTBB Oaanav Tbxatbb, Fhlladalphia, ncelTcd a llbaral ahan of patronage laat week, the programme preaented Indodlng John Paady. Sadie Dunbar, Lew and Lena Vole, and La Petite Eatelle aa the pnnalnent and novel featurea thereof. The Bunasement of ttds aatabUshmant by MesxiB. Bur- «na k Clark' desaivea a Una of pnlaa. Tha lol lowlDgnew people appear ben OH tha 19th last,: Blanche nenhaoi, Ada Mortimer, Hnrley and Marr, Susio Warren, Kitty Norton; Plynn and Enaon, and 'ohn Beeae. Tbe OrEBi..aeiras, PUI Blver. Maaa.. «in ba open' •d for the season April 3 with George WInshlp.late ef tha Tbird-avenae Tbeatn, thla dty, and George Warren aa pnprlaton, PerfOrmen can apply to «eorf e Wloahip, aa per card. Saut Bi uAwna , comedian, who la now Invellni; ath Waahbnm'a Laat Sensation, can ba addreased re or thla ofBca. Janne an wanted ftor Maroh 3d and later datea * tbe Fourth-avenue Tbeatn, Plltibiiis, Fa. See •drtrtlsameot. ^orreTABizm, Jaokaon, Mich., la reported to we dolBg a good bualneaa with the follawlng com. faty. uharley Meyatt, ataga-maneger; Billy Allen, >l??:>i'><>Bald, McMUlen Brotbera, Millie Boat. «(> Ada Burnett. Parformen dealrmg engagementa ■'■Rqoeited to addreas Enoa Hoyt. proprietor. ATTaa Thsaxbx Coicqob, Cleveland. O.. the pait ■in* commenced with tbe neual fint-part. with 5"ly Oinlven, O. Oilday. Tom Martin, and Jamas on tha ends: Uas Bella Norton In aeriiMoale ff*(>: Ollday aod OInlvan, songa-and-dancas; £*<>dia Slion, aarliMiRnle; Tom Mardn; Pnf. Ball ^iih and tduoatad dogs; Joe Buckley, aooga-and- S^cea; Fanny Florence, BODgi-and-daneee; Jams* C^l^jtg-dancar: and closed with "Forbidden h^r°?'" '^™' ^- Onmth and Bene Norton w ue leading nlea. Boaineas good. Departnrea to.i%.'°'"°l*<>°'toSprInclIeId. O.; Wm.N. Grifflth ao H i° Norton, to Baltlwon; and Jamea Dufly, «• V*i?'li"°B- CnderUned for 19: Turner Broth- ~^';E. Whltfleid; and Frank Oarllon. ■tiS^i^oSo^ sEuo-ooiao vocAUan, Udlai.aM XSi?' Hatty HlU'a Thaatn. . Sea card. IgJr?™" AMD EisocASS, senaatlonal acton aad 3S?7i5L?^**»' *" daaaical brother act. ma- ^ inDeuid Inggllng, can be engaged. Sea card, fcy^f^iiwantad for donUe-tnnaaa boalneaa Tna ixanaa rainma at~the AdelphI ThaalM,. Chicago, HL; Hareli 13; waa "Tha Boat," with E. T. stetson as Wn.Hartwall, and a Judldoua diatrl-. bntion of the nmalnlng charaeten to the Adelpbl Tbeatn Company. Ed. Barrett aa Toby. Maddlna Hardy aa Sallle Maaon. Geo. Breen aa John Hlgglns. and Llttie Minnie aa Nellie fitted tbelr parta admir- ahiy. Tbe play waa preceded by a lively variety blU, introducing Mlaa Clan Bidelle, change artiat: Haley and Weaver, dog; 0. E. Charlee, muelcal mimicry: MoUer and Masee, Irish team; Johnny AUenaod Johnny Gilbert; Ulaa Erba Bobeaon,baI- '.adlat; Mile. Marretu In eqnIUbriatle feata on tha tnpeze. Friday night "Neck andNacfc" -waa givan; Saturday matinee, "Bobert Emmett," and night, "The White Boya" and "Neck and Neck." March 19, 0. B. Morton opeoa In "Poor and Proud of Chicago." Moat ol the late people remain. Mile. Marretta soaa to the Moseum. The arrlvala an Frank Gibbons, Maggie Gny, P. H. Seamen and Maater Jimmy McSee Bualneaa haa been good at tbe Academy of Mosle, tbe patrana of which nave had no reason to complain ot any lack of novelllea. Qoss and Fox, Sheppard and Whitney, and George and Frank:CoUlna auppUed the rsqtitaita Ettilopiaa features; Miss Bote Harland and Harry Franklin did aome very clever sparring; Dorr and Bon gave aenbatle feats; Emma Olllford, Jig-dancer; and Mlaa Nully Pleris, with Fitzgerald and Byan in Irish spaoitltles,oomprlse tbe ouo-litt Agood pro-. gramme waa offend at the Coliseum, the entertain- meat opening with a very oredltable minstrel per- formance, which waa ancceaded. by the naually at* tnctlve list of variety talent, tbe moat notable of which wai Dick Bowe In leata of contortion on tbe atage, and alao on the tnpeze, and. Dick Gorman aa a. dlatact artist...?..Ban Cot- ton, aa proprietor and manager, opens the Museum March 19, with J. H. Buiule etage-man- af;er. and P. D. Hlldreth teeasunr. No smoking or drinking -will be allowed Tbe Globe Tbeatn, having undergone thonugta npain and refitting, waa formally opened—under the leaaeashlp of Clynas & Ferrine, with J. C. Fanlne aa baiiDeta-man- g;er, Engene Gorman aa etage-manager, and Harry endenon treasunr—March 14, wltD a fine com- pany of apedalty artists. Next (this) week Mile. Oamllle Dnboia' Trsnpe: Miss Ida Devera. Le Favra, Miss Susie Starr,< Hawley and Thompaon, Cbts. W. Toung, Mlas Frankie L«e, Mlaa Ida Vincent, Eogene F. Gorman, aind Boss Howland. Letter of March 17. LiwBEMOK SuTEBS, tnpsze artlata and gymnasta, announce that they have no open datea at present, tbrlr time being filled for the season. They open at Tony Paator'a Theatre In October, altar which they can be engaged. Bee card. BiPLET, taacEar of trapeze acta, adverUiaa slie- where. »Tbe ComnzBTAi, Fonn—Welsh, Byan, Harris and Matthewa—aoag.and-dance and atatua-clog daaeera, who are now engaged at tbe Park Theatn, Brooklyn, N. y., can be addreaaed care of thla office. JobnL^Claib. acrobat and Juggler, oo mmenoed an engsfement at Shelby'a AdelphI Thea tn, Buffa- lo. N. T., March 19. Mu> Ennx BaZNius, aerlo-comlo vocalist, now at Tony Paator'a Theatre, and John E. Inoe, perform- ing at the Theatn Comlque, thia dty, an at liberty to arrange for datea to poform in their apedalty acta and sketches. n>ey open In Oindnnatl, O., Maroh 26, and can be addreeaed can of thla office. Two LAST amo-ooino vocausn, with apedaltlea, a baaao-alnger, a leader of onheata, and genenl variety artltto an wanted at Oowan'a Open-home, Ottawa, Canada. Bee advartiaementa. Tbb Oaani Baoa., oompany ot variety artlata eaU for Havana, Cuba, Mardi 31, by the ateamer City of New Tork. Tbe troupe. Including thirty people, ia eompoaad of axeeUent matetlaf, and the Ontn Bras, look forward to a proapenna aeaaon with the attraoUona they can offer to the Habaneae. Part of the company leaves New Orleana, La., and will meet those aaUlng bam New Tork at Havana. The art- lata engaged an referred for partlonlan In regard to atll&g and baggage to the card In another ool- nmn. -we will publish a full list of the oompany next week. Atihx Albambba, San FrancIsoo.Oal., John Dil- lon, Wah chatactar voeallat, and Mlaa Addalde Bar- ntt, voeallat, have recently joined tbe company. Bel Muxab and Mlaa Martha Nichola, pnfeulODal ly known aa Martha Antonio, wen married In Tole- do, O., March 9. BraoiArzT ABoan oan find Immediate engase- menta by applying to Davia & Co-, agents, Cincin- nati, O. They also advertlae an elephant for tale. OaABLSS'>WBisim has been aDgam dafbg the mat Wlatar'at ths Grand Central TaHety Theatre, PhOaddplda, aa' the doorkeeper, and hia retire-; worked even better than during tha pnvlaus we Closnree 17: Landla Broa., to Chicago; and (be h 4it2! *»'.'>'<w«1>. who advertltaa Ota v;7~?r" T aHrarm. Noridk, Va-. Amy Hharl- &r ?.*"'*o°'■hd the Lewla Sistsn an falllsd doaan . Tale and Lulu Leonard an to 4«nr^;^J<ank Haaaauai. HoTlokar and Baa* favor. Tbe Landia Broa., Larry Today, and Emma Bretto filled out tbe bill. CeUlnl'a ballet and march " eek. Mil- ton Jaapen, to IndlanajwUa. Bobby Newcomb, Erba Bobeson. and Mile. Letonrneur an billed for la Nonewfaceaat Looney'aaud the Novelty. At the Winter Garden, the WllUa Slaten, I/ou- lae Elmer, and Prof. Berger open IB. Advlcea of March 16. Ths in:w noPLZ at-the AdelphI. Toledo, O., March 13 wen Bd Maeab In a flre-manlpulatlng act. Mlaa Ida CUfton In aonga, Mlaa Kate Leslie In ballads. B. C. Hart cloaea a long engagement at thla tbeatn, and Ukea the mauagement'of the Atlantio Garden, Begarding the adultery case mentioned laat week In Thb Clivpeb, we would aay that Mr. Hart waa hon- onbly discharged 13. Closed 17: tbe Antonio Fam- ily, to Detroit; Ida CUfton, unknown; Homer and Holly, to Grand Baplda; and Bel Mueab. Stage- manager Charlea O. White arrived from New Or- leana It, and aaanmee hia old poaltlon at thla thea- tn. To open 19: NUea and Eraxa, John and Amy Tudor. Sadie Hasson and Moas.Nlblo At the Comique 13 the new peopla were Charles FosteUe In female business; Prof. T. A. Wiggins In slelgbt-of- hand act; Foley and Waten In dogandjiga; the Newton Slatan In aonga-and-dancea; Guaafe Mc- Cain, aerto-eomlo; and John D. Kelley In a mtialeal act. Oloalng IT: Foatelle, to Ohleago; Onaalo Mc- Cain, to Clnolnnatl. Col. Bdwarda will also manage the Allantte Garden. Billed for IB: KlU Mayo. Ornete May, Amdia Mao, dalr Slatan and J. G. Wnlt- Add. Letter otManh 16. t. H. HoBZDOB'g edition of a "MMt Korsaa Traupe** csme to grief In Troy, N. T., at tho doaa of the parformanee March 13. Tbe hones contained about (300, and Uortlmar paid hia people one week'a adary, owing them for the four pnvlone weeka, aa they allege. Pending a wrangle for more money. Mortimer left town. Tan Amom of tbe Opera-honae played the people IS on the eo-operap Mva plan; but tbe papen having announced the troupe aa "boated," the "dlwy" waa leaa than one dollar per head after paying expenaea. Thepeople— eonsiating of J. F. Baymond, Mr. and Mn. Jerry Cohan. Qmlter and Qoldrieh. Barney Beynolda, five tableau ladlea. five muddana, a ealdnm, prtma and tableau man—left tDrNew Tork at midnight 13. The entettalnmeat waa a vary good one. Letter ot March 18. At tsbThzisbb OoicqaB, Washington, D. 0„ the new arrivals Manb 13 wen Harrington aad MoGlone In eongs-and^ances, NeUIe St. John In favorite bd- lada, uid Bid C. France In hia plays of "I>ead to the Worid" and '•Markad for Life." Barney MoNoIty, Will H. Marten, Charley Lord, Jake Bond and the ballet remain Ihvoritea of the ttit aire. The depart- nrea 17 wen Bid C. France, destlnailon not learned, and the Blehmond Bisten. to Grand Central, Plilla- dolplila. AnnouDcemente for *r«,-..ii lO; Burton Stanley and the Grlnndl Children. Bualnem luge. At the Avanna Theatre, the new taoas ware Wm.' Gaylord. oontortlou-eqolllbrlat; Leo Gordon In aario-eomle aonpa; J. E. Campbell, banjolat; and Chas. Toung, ventriloqalst, all meetlDg with fhvor. Departorea IT: John H. Carle, Joe Mack, and J, X. Campbell. Annonncements for 19: Harry Woodaon, EmilGoroux, and Mile. Adeline. Attendance fair. At isx ATBXBZini, CdumbUB, O., Maroh 13, Manager Chas. L. Howard waa tha redpient of a benefit. A crowded houaewaa the result At tbe doss of the entertdnmen Mr. Howard was present- ed by Johnny Sbsy, on becdl of tbe company and dtlsene, with an elegant gold watoh and ehaln, add to be vdued at t2M. Mlaa MoUle Somen, on be- hdt of tbe ladles of the company, presented him with atmuUfnl bouqnet of ran and costly flowen. The bootblacks and newstwys of Columbus tolned In giving him a badaome silver eiip. An InCtormd re- ception waa thenhdd byMr. Howard, and those preaent mlogladln the mazy fignna of the dance until an early hour. Of the new arrivala. the Fontalnebleaua an very fine. Little KUa (klr- ly taking the honae by atorm; Edgall and El- dridge ahow marked Improvement since their laat appeartnn; Mlaa Lon Howard In eonga waa wdl recdved, as was slao Miss Zorie West. Tbe arrivala for 19 are Den Howe, Lizzie Bhelton, tbe Dutch Twin Ststen. Bussdl Sisten, Bedmond and Devon, the Beeda, HoUle Somen and Johnny Shay. Departnrea 17: Miss Lon Howard, to Oindn- natl: Mlas Zorle West, to Loultvllle; Edrnll end Eldridge, to Natlond, Oindnnatl; Dave McCoy, to Clevelud, to take charge of the TlvoU Theatn A new variety ball la to be opened ander Um iaao- agamuit of Harry Colvine,Maroh 19. The foJowlng people are announced: Mlaa Clara SIdelle, tbe By- rena-Pnd, Llide and Alton-Law dark. Oilmora and Gibson, Jeffrey Bros., and Millie Antodo. Lew Clark will pi«'3Bbly act as atage-managar. Letter of Manb IS. BABim h TBB Pbbbt BuoTHBaa' OoimiBATioir performed In Germantown. O., tha paat week, and an billed in Miamlaburg 19.20. Sprlngbonugh 31, Lebanon 32,33.' Fianklln 24, thenoe Into Kentucky. Mr- Bartlne writea ua from Germantown on Maroh is thafBobartM. Any. our agent, ran off Horn tis. taking with bim aU onr printing, vdnad at over (200. We engaged Mr. Any to meet ua In Orsenvllle, O. Thla ha did, and we atarted bim with over three weeka' printlng.and money to pay railroad farea, ata Hebnied four towna vary poorlr, and at Camden,O., left a few bllla with an ouulde party to Iwputnp. He received men money from ua then, and then left fbr, parta unknown, not leaving ua any- thing In the way of a letter oi maaaage to know what to do. At Ettontown, befon nuhing Camden, we recdved trom him tha route be pnpoeed to take, and of eonrae we tried to follow It; but when we ar- rived In MIddlatown no oontiaets wen made or ad- vnttdng done, and people looked surprised to aee ns eoming Into town. -We did Bot ows Dim any ad- ary at the time of his leaving lu. and we wan doing a nice little budneaa." .„ . ^ , , ^ Habbt 8. JsnrBBBoa denlea that ha Is married to Mlaa Alice La Farga, aa reported. Tbb Wallaob BmxaBa are to appear In Wheeling, West Ta., Manb 80, SI. ^ Bbxd Lb Clahb a>s Masob Aistsb an atm per- forming at the Bella Cnlon. San Fnndsoo. Cd. At Tannu's Tabirib, Pltbburg', Fa., the oew appearancee March 13 wen the Irwln blaien In akelchea, which won vary fsvonbly reodved.and Prof. Lawnnea'a Statue Troupe, alao galnliig ap- plause. The Snydam Brothen, for aome unexplained reaaon, did not appear. O. W. Herman waa aeen In nno eceentrldllea, and tha performapo* was bnnaht to a eloaa wllb the Imrleaqaa of "Lnrline," Id which Bolllu Eowird, Maria Sherman, .Blanohe. Cllltou T.W.Baaehev.andEd.Heeneyanatdnedthe nrlndptlcharaolen. Daparturea 17: Boby Newcomb. toSt Louis; BolUn Howard. T. W. Hanabew. Blanche auion and Ed. Heeney, to Cleveland. Arrivala 19: Bartow Brothen. Mile- Etta. J5?»e«t,f Lindsay, Chaa. ArIxona.Editt WelIln|rton,MUe. Ea- tiiierthiDUtona-Jamaa and Snde^BeUeThomaa. Msmie Clifford, snd BtaUa pirard. On and after Manh 19 Manager WUIiama Intends maUng the fe- mde-mlnstrd scene a big featun In the show. From Sat totaSnrard tben *1U be twenty ladlea In that KeneT—-At the Fonnb-avenue Tarlety Tbeatn the programme opened with a femde-mlnatnl aouie,w£ehVent S Very weU. barring the fact that It waa loo long dnwn out. '"^y** a good Juggling act; Tbomaa and little W|n- 5etl madi "ova In broken German: Mlas Adale LMiadiniawedea waUmepentlsaeleeUenat Nina N?Si dirriii««r«=t fdrly; Harry Stanwood gave ciotBent baaJo-aenge: Tommy and Eddie Bdey made a hit In their negro aonga-and-danen; Chaa: TIncent aad Oeorgle fiord! eketch entlUed "St. Tdentlne'a Day;"'^he Aak- Sx Di^peetor" waa performed by Bheehan, and Jonea; and lUnnle Teruon aang aerlyiomle •J»8» aaattdhsleiyBaanner. Departnrea IT: BosaBomont and Nina Nnan, dastlnatlan unknowB. Aiitvda Maroh V: Andy and Annla Baghea and Kitty Alira*. I«UeK«f KHObU, now have ITEOKO MINSTRRLiST. Lzw JoEBtoM'a TxiniBsaiB Jcbilbb Sikobbi on a totir through the Northwestern States, no vscant dates until Jime 1- Mks, Bkktz's Fxhalb MntsnBLS sn to show In Memphis, Tenn., Manh 19, ClarkavlUe 20, Naahvllle 31, BowUng Green, Ky., 32. LouUvllle 33. 34. Frank- ford 36, Lexington 37. Mayavllle, O., 38, Portsmouth 29, Ifonton SO, and PoB>eroy 31. Bualneaa U add to continue good. Habbt RoBiKso7T*a Bfrnarana an to ahow In An- bnn, N. T.. Manh 17. Oawego 20, Syiacuae 31. UUea 23, tod Little Falls 23. The company la oompoeed ol Harry Bobluson. George Boblnaon- WIU Lavake, Geo. Ode, Will Belknap, Bert Allen. Gilbert Baroay. Thos. Saddler, Wm. Manb, Ddoa Clark, 0.8. Sey- mour. Lem Wiley, Chaa, DearboTB. Willis and Kelly, and Chaa. Cay wood. E- M. Ootthold la the sgent. At Bwuthau & fbaseb's Mihstbxls, Phllsdd- phls, "The Green Moaater" recdved Ita laat repre- aenUtlan on the 17th Inst., after a ran of three weeks. HuoHXT DovoKBXTX hss made his reappeaianee with, and Mat Wheder haa left, Oamoroaa ft Dixay'a Minatrels. who will doss their season in PhSadd- pbla on Maroh 26. They commence thdr annud tour on tbe 27th Inst., playing at Beading. Tianrss- ter, Harriaburg, Altoona. PttUbartr, Cleveland, Wasblogton, Bdtlmore, Brooklyn, and Boaton, HAVXBi.T'a MmsTBBLS. Harry Clapham manager, tn to Show in Wamn. Fa.. Manh 18. Tltnavllle 20 OllCity31, Parker'a33,Mlllerataw^3a-V'-'-^^^' and Waahlngton, Pa., SSkr ' ' „ AT TaoTrN. T., Kelly k Leon'a Minaliels an blued for 33,'SajTy Boblnion'a 24, and Oallender'a Qeorglu 29. Bm.T BWBaaon'a HiKHxana perf uiai ed In Toledo, O., Maroh 16.16, Noriolk 17, and an blUed In Cleve- land 19,20, GdUon 31, Akron 33, Springfldd 33. Day- ton 24, Oindnnatl, one week commencing 36, and thence to Chicago, to open New Chicago Theatn Aprils. BCBOOLOBAR & COBB' MiBviBaxs wlE Commence a tour of tbe New England Statea at Lawnnoe, Maaa., April 3, and ahow In Nashua. N. H.. 3, Con- cord 4, ExeUr 6, Dover, Me., 6, Portlend 7, Porta- moutb, N. H., 9. Ameabnry. Maaa., 10, Olouoeater U, Lynn 13, Sdem 13, Neabnrpott 14. William Cdder la budneaa-manager, and the oompany wUl Indude Luke Bchoolcrdt, George H. Ooee, Ben QIl- foO, Shaffer and Slavlu, Bernardo. Arthur Cook. D. Baron, A. J. Lacy, Jaa. Fox, J. A. Blley, J. Daven. prrt, J. Dwyer, Moiu. L'Afrieaine, Becket, Blanch ard, B. J. une, W. Jonea and E. A. Larouoh. Hall proprieton an referred to Mr. Cdder'a advertlBe- ment. Tbb Esoooob Mibstbzu played In Fort Wayne, Ind., Manb It, Norwalk, O., 17. and an blUed In Cleveland 19, 20, Akron 31, Springfield 33, 23, Day- ton 34, and Cincinnati 36, one week. Fred Warren la tbe generd egeut. Thb CouMotrwBAixB UnnraBLB and Braia Band, under the direction of Ame Lampman, an to make a thoTt tour through Ohio, oommanolng tn Book Oreek 26; thence to Warns 37, Burton 28, Gamtta- ville 29, Charden SO, Geneva 31. The company In- eludea Phdpa and Blchardaon, Alf. J. Btncntt, A. Benham.Fred A. Pbdpa, Prof. A. H. Knoll: B. W. ScovlUe. O. B. Leek. Will. £. Beeves, Blchardaon Bros.—Tony and Charley—A. D. Oatea and A. A. Benhan. CIRCl'SBS. To Circna-mamagara. Such managen ot thowa that will travd doting the coming tenting sesson as may dedn to have a list of their companies, olDcen, etc., together with a description ot thdr ontQt, and other matten of Interest, recorded In Thb Oliptzb for to- tun nferenee, an respeoUoDy notified that by """iiig a detailed description thereof to tbis offlee, at thdr earliest convenience, such information will appear In the nextinliaaqnentlitoeof TubCufikb. W. B. Oabboll abd yASfiLT, equestrlana, Indndlng Ulaa Annie and Muter Willie, with their horaae, in tbe variouB acta mentioned In their card, an open for an engagement. EwL GoBoox, Juggler, entree-rider, etc, whose address find in another cdnnui, can be engaged. Mabtoibo Lowaxdb, Brazilian aeven-horae bar» back rider, advertlBea for an engagement. . A oossPANT of riden, acrobata, tumblen, mtul' dans, etc., an wanted for Goldeoberg'a Great Uord CircuB and Egyptian Canvan, which wUI take the road about May 20 under the management of O. P. Hart and William Wawnw. Addreaa Billy MansOn, aa par card. WiLLiAK O. Miiis.—Thla pnmldng •qoeattlan died of conaumptlon, at bla home In Eanaaa, Jan. 14 laat, Intdllganee of which has Jnat reacheid na. During tha teutinc aeaaon. of 1876 he traveled with Cooke'e EngUih Cinus, and left that -company last Fdl on account ol severe lllnees. He wee 23 ysan of age, and commenced him profeadenal 'eaner aa a pupU of Dan Btee. He waa an azeeUent rider and generd performer, and gave much promise of futon excellenos. Hta aaoy lilenda In the profeadon wUl receive the IntelUgenee of hia death with alncen ngiet, W, W. OOLB'B ODon ta to oommenoa the tanting aeaaon In Memphia, Tenn,, April 3- Tbb KmocAns Faxilt, equeatriana and acrobata, advertlae that they oan be engaged. ... A LASOB xatnipxT-OBaAB and tableaa.wagon can ba teonred on payment of advancaa and atoraga by applying to Trueadell & Brown, who advertlae. Ln< QonxDi, down and eomtc vocdiat, wbcae ad- dna find In another colnmn, oan ba aDgagsd, TBB Hxmoos—three In namber—advertlae that they can ba engaged Cur the tanting eeaaon. Busi- ness: Cannon-ball aot, Spantah tranra, horizontd bar and doubls-tnpeae pnfbrmanees, eta. Chabus W. Fish, Innbaok-rider, ta engaged to tnvel tbe oomtag aeaaon with Bamnm'a Show, aad not with Fonpaugh'a. aa nported. - Tbb rHBBHOLoaicaL paiviLxaB -with a aldeabow tnvallngwlib a drciu ta wanud by Pnt, O. Max- wdl, who adnrtlsea, J. O. -WzsB advertlaea that he can be engaged to take charge of atook, canvaa or transportation. Tbb Sotdahs— Frank and Eogene—have engaged for the Summer eeaaon with Thayer'a CInua, SnxEBOw nurOBMSsa and candy-butohen can secure engagementa by sdrtreasinn D. F. Dunham, who alao advarttaee that he would like ta hear from Oney Hart, Thomas Batay, OockJIaxvdI,and J>an Beadly, balloonist. AaaioBiio LowABSB. someioadt pad-rider, whose addieta find In another colnmn, can be engaged, with bis boraa. HrLUABD k Bimnra have pmchaaedthe ring- stock and wardrobe of the lata Oeatannid Show, and they will ahortly put the Great Paclflo Clrous on the road with a flnt-daaa outfit Fad-rlden, leapen and tnmblen an advertised for. MBS. Casblli publlahea a card thanking aeverd. dnus-msnagen for offen of engagement to Teaus aod Adonta, and. stating .that they .are engeged.tor the eeaaon In Havana. Habst SrsioBL, Germm and Engltah sideshow aoUdtbr , whoae'addreaa find etaewhara, can be en- gaged. Am abimaz. mab and a fdnde tight rope arttat an wanted lor the Gnat Metropolitan Olympiad Ex- potttloo Oongrtw ol Ednoated Broncho Horaea aad Animd Bhnw, and theontdde and candy prlvlleftaa with tbla drcna are offered for ads. See Manager J. H. Mick'e advartiaementa. Masikb F. J. Bawut, asrtmaot, laat aeaaon wllb Cola'B Clnos, can be engaged to make bdtooa aecenalons on bar or In baakei. Ha advertises that hewouldllketoheartMmJ.O.Wdib. . . Thb Phllmab BBonBaa* Saw CIrcoa and Venagt- rie etaria from Bnftalo aboat April 36, They have a saw Sevan MBlrs-pola taab raent friw that podtlon waa markad by the pnbUs' pr^aentadoB of^a handsome ebony ivory-bandted cane. Jamea Oolllna—on behalf ot tha donon, tha nahen ot that theatre—made a neat and appropriate apeecb. and a well-timed reaponae waa called forth from the redpient. Jmo. BoBotoB's Waoob Show goea Into the moont. aln regiona of North Carolina and tha eonthweat- em port of TlrglBla, working In by way of Eastara Eentncky. Wm. Mobbob hM been engagad by tbe Fonpaugh Show aa equeatrian director. Wm. Duttau goee with tbe ehow, but trill not aot In thatcapadty aa wu Intended. FBABX G. Wiuos wm tnvd with the advance «f the Fonpaugh Show. JoHH O'Bbibs ta paving the way tor a tonr ot tie New England Utates. P. T. BABKim'a Bhow seta through the Essten Statee during April end May, going Into Canada, coming oot via Bnffdo, thence toOlueago, and west- ward towards Cdifomu. A FAB-ms with small capltd ta wanted to tnvel with e circus. Bee Col. Melntln's card. In which he offen a canvaa fbr ade; dao a Brazilian monkey and macaw bird. Last ASCsnsioniBn an -wanted for Howes* Lon- don Oirous. Bee Story & Harrta'card. Howxs* liOBDOB CiBaDB opeii8 at Angnsu, Ga, April 10. Employes an requested to meet st the Ashland Hooae. thta dty, April 0. Bee J. J. Farken' advertisement, . Mllb. E17A, oontortlontet; -Wblston, humorist; and Mr. and Un. Joe Harry, have been engaged lor the co'mlngseason with Pollman & Hamlltou'aGnat London Sensation. LvxB BivBBS. leaper, tumbler and gtnartl per former, advertises for an envagement- JOBB FosTcn haa been added to Uagoin'a Cali- fornia Minatreta. San Frandsco, Cd. MISCBI<I^AIfB01TB. Aboitt TBB Eixs.—Sacramento Lodge No. 6, Be- nevolent Protective Order ol Elks, waa csganlaed in Sacramento, Cd., Feb. 36. by T. W. Keese, Grand District Deputy of the State ot OditomU and Ez- dted Bnler of Ban Frandaco Lodge No. 3, assisted by Charlea Cltsby, J. C. Mitchell, W. H. Bogle, and John]Redlconof BanFtandseo LodgeRo. 8; alao by Oolond A. E. George, chapldu of Netr Tork Lodge No. 1 of New Tork City. After the organization was oompletad, tbe vidcing brothen were escorted to the neneh Hotel, where an excellent eollation waa aerved. The officen dected wen: E. B., W. T. Crowdl: E. L. E.. E. M. Oogltn: E. L. K.. H. 0.La- throp: O. L-, 0. Ewen; T.. M. Gllman; aacntary, A. T. Wetaglar; treaanrer, J, Keber; I. G., A. Eppd- Ilne Tbe fint annud l>all of the San Frandaco Lodge No. 3, B. P. O. ol Elks, took place at Cnlon Hall, San Ftandaeo, Cd-, Feb. 27. The oommltteea wen eelecled aa followa: Floor-manager. Hurry Wooda; assistant floor-manager. John Redlcon; floor-committee—T. W. Keene, B, G. Lutton, C- W. OogUl, Cbrtatlan GelaUer, Joseph Gavin. Fnnk Boward. Samuel Neuman, L. F. Blackburn. W. H- Bogle, A. M. Blade, Frank Mortimer, Jacob Wdlace, and George Lynn; reception committee—Charlea Claaby, Joseph tidlns,Geo. Evans, Gee. Ball, B- F. McFSrlsnd. Alfred Perrier, Fred Oooper,-and F. Le- vantine; hononry committee—Frank Moran, J. F, Sheridan, J. W. Mack, Edward Georgia, John Hart, H. C. Lathrop. Otto Ewen. T. W. OraweU. Ittdon Towneend. and A. J. Bhoala: oommlttee ol arrtaga- menta—Mony Woods. J. N. Long, John Bedlcon, Jeeeph Gavin and Fnnk Mortimer. Opsba-ohaibs. —^TheQDemared ft Joyoe Manofao- tnrlna Company atata that th<9ean fBralah the or- dinary Iron chain, with folding eeatt, at pricee below thoia ot any other mtnnttotorer. They alio make the Nolan patent oper»«bdr, with folding aeet, back and anna, and a new atyle ef ohalr, the back and lege of which an eelf-locklng. For lur- thar partlculan nad thdr tdvartlsemaat. Wbilbb OrsBA-HALL, De Graff, Ot, haa Jnat been completed, and ta now open for nntd. It will aaat 460, and la advertUed aa being famished with all the neeeaaary scenery and oonvenlenoea ot a weU- ngulated bouse. DATsa can be aeonred to play on aharlng terma at Coatee' Open-houae, Eanaaa Oltyi Mo,, by applying to M. H. Hudson, aa per card. F. A. Dabb, advance agent and programmer, can be engaged. See advertisement Qcsibt OrXBA-BOTiSB, Wooster, O^, which waa opened Feb. 1 by Etlder'a DramatloOompany, ean be nuted by flnt-daaa companlea by applying to E. F. Batea, In whoae card in our advertising depart- ment can tw found lull datdta In regard to the Hf- potntmenta ol the bouse. Tbe seating oapaclty Is I, 000, and the stage is 30 by 46It Thb New Acasxkt ot Mueioi Bcranton, Fa., which -wUlhavea sedlng capacity ot 1,460, ta expected to be ready for dedication on or about April 3. Tax. —Elliott's Opere-houae, Woonsocket, B. I., was totally deataoyed by Are on tbe night of Manh 13. The fin originated in a Ibrultore-atore under the Opera-house. Hiss Nkujb Holbbook, docotlontat, and Pnf. Livjngatona, vantrlloqulet and mimic, an giving aniertdnmenta In Oallfomta. AwoBxnia aoznt ta wanted to superintend the printing and bUlpoaUng and attend to the advartia- Ing ol the BolUday-atnet Tbeatn, Bdtlmon, Md. Addnaa W. J. Gllmon, aa per advertlaement. Habbt Moobb, billpoatar, Watertown, WU., Is- aerta hta card In our bualneaa department S. B., WBOAPt aaiiiJa , wanta to pnnhaae Clown, Pautdoon. aad monkey aulta. O. Oactrrr, whoae address find elsewhen, wanta an engagement aa progtamzaer. . HxTwooD BBoe.' OoimiNAnoB perforaed ln| Atis- tin, Tezaa, Maroh 17, aod ta billed In Paraona, Ean- aaa, 20, Fort Scott 31, SadallaJIfo , 93. and Bannl- bd 23. ' iL j- --\. - • MAaiaii,.usis>'x>«, mariontHtea and a rvoeir j»a rMuy^ahow an advertisadl'tnr ade by Mn. Nicholson. .... . . . Ths ZooLOoiciL Oabbbb, Fdn onnt Ftrk, Fhlla- ddpbla, botata of a very large: )nd approptlatdy domiciled coologlcd collectiira Indodlng many rare spedmeoa. A mwsan ov azxioaiobs wan r Mid ata.Mnsla- ble'ssde In Phllsdelpbta on the Atb Inst. Bans Mazabt'b picture ot "Yenlce Paying Hom- age to Catartns Cornan" ta atlU on exhibition at the Academy ot the Flue ArU, Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Muaaum, in tbe same building, will xemdn on exhibition until March 31. TBB"SiaoBOT Pabis" haa diseontlnned Ita exhi- bitions In Pbltadelptala. PBor. WnuB Is in Phlladdphla. giving hia veo- triloquld and magical enlertdnmeot at private psrtlee. FOKEIGhN S50W NEWS. .- > DRAMATIC. "TaBBoAnii«orraBBHAnKOH"l« tha title ot ■ new Irlah plec«,.by Edward Towen, which waa fint prettnted at the Favllloa Theatre, London, Eng., Feb. 24. The aattoa commencea in the atudy of the Earl of Mnchroaa. from the wlndowa of whioh a view of the Sbaimea aad the ndghborlng country laobtdnsd. From tha convetaatlon of tbe Earl and Shaun O'Donnd, hta agent. It appean that hta lord- aliip ta entangled in flsandd difficulties, tnm which he dlowa tbe wily steward to eitrieaw bim by tbe advance ol money. Shaun at once uaea the power which he acqcirea over his employer by pennadlng bim to aend away trom the caatta Maurice MoLaugh- Ita, the tutor ot Lady Catherine, the Earl'e daugh- ter. Bta object In doing thta ta that ha may press hta snit with ths young mtatress, with whom he ta ardentlyln love. To hta amazement and chagrin he, however, diacovan that Lady Catherine la tbs mother of a child which has been placed with Bha- lah McFay, and that ahe and Maurice bave been ae- eratly married. Bbelab'a avowd that the tafant ta ben eanaaa a ahook to her devoted lover, Barney MoMurphy. a boatman ot tiie Shannon, who never- tbslsas. dtarwards. In the most disinterested and daring manner, tries to discover and restore the child, which haa been stolen by O'Donnd. Sbsun. the Earl, Manrice and SLarney take part in nbelllon against tbe authority ol the EngUsh; and this leads to the Introdncllon of many eiciHng scenes tepra- aenting confllcta with tha military, of whom Cap- tdn -rhomley and Sergeant Jonea are tbe moat prominent. Alter many acta of treachery, and villduy O'Donnd la tolled. Shalsh Informs Bar- ney that tbe child which had caused eetrange- ment between them ta ' Lady Oatherine'a, and he lovea her more than ever for her bnve and geoerons conduct. The ao-called Captain Tbom- ley, throwing off a oapadoua doak which had eov- ered lilm, nvaaU a richly-laced coat and procldms bimaelf tha Lord jilentenant, and expldna that be who haa been known aa Sergeant Jonoe ia the red Captdn Thomley. In the moat princdy manner tbe -Viceroy ilvea a tree pardon to all the rebels, reatorea the Earl'a loat estate to bim, ai^d bleaaea the reunion of Maurice and Lady Catherine. O'Don- nd makee one laat deapente effort to gntlty hie tblnt.for revenge by again ateding and attempting to drown Lady Catberine'a child, but ta defeated by Barney, who climbs up the tower of the caatle and anatchea the Infant from the would-be murderer'e bande Just aa he Is about to throw It Into the river. In which be himself finds an appropriate end. In the cast appeared H. Lynn aa the Earl. O. T. Bur- leigh aa Shaon, Jaa. Oarden aa Barney, J. CItften aa Maurice. F. Charlton aa Captain Thomley, P. Thomas aa Sergeant Jonea, Miss H. Clllton u Lady Cathe- rine, and Miss J. Granger as Sbdab. Thb Ddes's Tbbaibb. Holboru, London, la to re- 3ten Manh 31, nnder the management of M. L- ayer. with a new seuaatlond drama called "Tbe Two Mothen." "BioHABD thbTsibd," With BdlffareBt representa- tive of the hero In each ot the five acta, was sn- nounced at the Theatre Boyal, Blackburn, Eng., March 3, Tbb Labtob Tbbaibb, Elmberley, South Africa, which was sold some time ago for £3,000. ta agdn open, as is slao the Theatre Boyd. Cbablbs MoBTBCOTB. promptorat the Odety and Open Comlqns Theatraa, London, died anddenly Feb.37. Tax FtmmAii of John Oxentord, dramatlo oritio and author, took place In London Feb. 38, the remdna bdng interred in tbe Boman CathoUo Cemetery, Eenadgreen. The obaeqnles were hdd at St. Oeorga'a Cathedral, when was performed Harr Mayer Luu'e Requiem, the oommaer hlmselt pro- dding at tbe organ, and Father Beeka condnctlng tha solemn aervlce. Tbe coffln, ot poUabed oak. -with braaa crucifix, bandlea and ornamenta, bon a Slate with the Inacriptlon "John Oxanford, Ek- led Feb. 31, 1877. aged 64 years. Beqoleacat In pace." Tha foneral waa largely attended by memben of the theatricd profession and notabUl- tlea In the world of lltentun and art "AarruL Oabds," an adulation of "Tbe La Cle" ol MM. Lablcbe and Dum, preaented six weeka pre- viondr In Paria, waa fint aoted at the Gdety Tha- atn, London. Feb. 24. with J. L.Toole In tbe lead- ing part—Robert Splcer Bumford, who has been a 'gay dog," apant hia own cash, and married «lady rho dolaa out a quarterly allowance to ^ jeyhlm trom gettisg into further acnpea. "BABia IM the Wood"— now called "Babea and Beetlee"—waa revived at the Strand Theatre, Lon- don, Feb. 24, with John S. Clarke aa Jenmlah Beetle, Mlaa Bdlle Tamer as Mn. Beetle, W. H. -Ver- non ss Frank Bnthton, aad Mlas Lottie Yetmeta Lady Blanche. GABsnfXB CoTBB the comedian, while npreaent- Ing Conn In "The Bhaughnnn" at tha Wlahaw Tbe- atn, Eng., Feb. 26, bad bla face severdy Injured in oonsequence of being shot at at too abort a diatance. The wadding atrnek him cm tbe right aide of the f aee, a little bdow the eye, and two noun after tbe occurrence the wooqdwaa ttlll bleeding. Few If any of tha audlenee notloed the aoddent. Forta- natdy, tbe eyedght vraa not liOnred, and Mr. Ooyne waa not compeUed to rellnqutab hia profeadond doties. Mr. Coyne vtailed America aome yean ago aad fulfilled star engagementa In many ot tbe prin- dpd dtiea and towns. "AniLA,"a new drama. In vene, haa been com- pleted by M. Benrlde Bonier. "OoBA," another EngUsh verdon ot "L'Article 47," waa flnt acted tn London at the Globe Theatn Feb. 38. It haa been adapted by Frank Manbdl, who has compressed the piece into a prologue and three acta. Tbe prindpd charaetan wen dtatribut- ed si followa: Cora De Lille, Mn-Hermann Tezln; Manalie, Mlu Tdbln; Oeona Do Eamd, Jamea Fernandez; Victor hladller, E. Leathaa; Potato, Da- vid Fiaher Jr. Miss Cablotta Lbolsbcq wss on Feb. 36 jnar- ■l«w, >fci O i I 1 1 1 .AC. n» Mt..i-j»l-l ^- p-1fM - Taz^ Eng., to John Nellaon, pnfasdondly known as JohnNetaott. Both an memben ot JohnOhOte'a invallng company. Oattaim Wabd Bbabax, son of the celebrated tiDBar John Braham, and wdl-known In theatricd ana literary olrdee to London, died suddenly, from iBflunmatlen ol the lun^, at Beading, Eng., Feb- 36, aged 60. Ticiobibn Sabsoo ta a candidate for tha vicint aaat In the Flench Academy. AaatisllSB Coireapandeace. We an In recdpt ot the follcwlng letter trom one ot our carrespondenta: SvDSXT, H. 8. W., Feb. 9,1877. Soma OP Tan Cupraa—fJaar Sir: 1 aend yea a aum' Tenoata. Carfolla De Banly, Eirnnon nMa - and Maria Ds Booal, BliDorf' Fleio faladnl, Bdooardo Camen, alimS; Oambella. OarUnp Ceaail, Aosuto TeaudL Cratoforo Pabrls, and Anfclo Oeaella. The di- rector Is to bs oar aid Aadrdlaa favorite Blioor Cuninl ~ " Tbe leaden ol the baUet are Sl^noiar r. Glorza- Paala and AlA«*o Bordat, well week of npeis-bouie eommeoces -Olrone-Olraaa."aad "leFaiUe ■ At the OMra-Emse e lan- Ibi e ■ Marie," sod Muiame AB|iat'* will eloaa tbe epera-boo6e. and paolo- eveatng wtth ■X.BPine'' mine aeajoa. tbe eodre company depanlBjrCof a term la Adelaide, tuder tbe direction o> Jamea AlUaon. whsae specalatloD, In coDjnctlon with Mr. I^ar, It la. Then will commence Feb. 13 what promlaea to 6* eae ol tka moat brllllaat djaaatlc acaaaaa In Attatralla. The flm production wlU he "The DanlckeOi," with If Innle Wdion (Mrs F. Lyaier). Ada Ward, and Ljlloo Solkere (who Uielr came (torn Eoflandl In the chid parta. Mils. En- Ecnle LegraDd and tbe popolar eomedlan W. O. Carer are. Amoor sererd othera, aJao beBi> eogaied..M..Tbe dramatic seaaoa at ttar Academy of MoaM ia te-eom. BCDce Feb. » vlih "Tbe RlTala." to <l Mia. FUiwIUlama, laieol the Bajmarkel Theatre. liOado».ls to make her Bret appearance Id Aaatralla as Mn. Malaprop, and on the loUowlDf Saturday U. Wdton. a new actor trom Bnabnd. will make his InllUI appearaoce aa Blv Digby OraMtn Albery'a "Two JIaua,'' tbea to be eisl played In Mel- booroe Tbe Royu lUusioDlala, at 9C Oeorse'a Ball, doseibetraeasontblaweek. Itmaybe tnlyaaiddtbe» that Iber are tb« be*t In tbelr lodiTlduai llnca we bave crer had out here. The lUoalooiala medJlate, I belletera proTtDClal toar. It la pnbllclj noliacd that their bnalsem relallona wlib Iheir manaf er. Al Uymaa. wOl eloae la Uar neii. .-Cooper. Bailey A Co.'a Oreat Intcrnatlood Allied Shows. Circua. and Menagerie haa Indeed eaoaed a 8ena»- ttoo. Dot only with refvd to Ibe pdbUe. but also to tb» treasuries of the different places ef aiauseaani nptown. About a fonnlgbi ago tbermadea gand aireet-parade. anC aluactcd at au points ol tbelr route orer 80.000 pereena Such a crowd baa net been eeea In the sireeuiiBce the 6ni arrlral bere of the Duke ol Edin- burgb. Their nenaierle, aa you may aurmlee. altracta tbe moat aiiention. aa 'Touna Aoatralia (and many old ones, too) nerar had befbre an opportunity of ■eclng MO manr Ur« animals. Tbe ''Seenca la tbe Circus," too, eicel all oibers. Jame; Robiosoa and bit llitle plnclj son are real wondera. The enlerprlae of tbe propneiots will I am sore, be weH rewarded during ibelr jtaj bere. Tbcrsl^e two perfonnaDcaa, daj. and arenlng. and are well pairoDUed The Aunraiastan Onmallc aod Musical AssocUiloo taielj held tbelr aonnal meelinx at tbe ua/a .de Pans, and 1 am pleased to record tba:iha report eihlbiu a most promlslnt iiaie of aCalia, Ibe permanent rund sbowlng'(lnveit«it ana not InTested), easb £1.17$ Its. Id., wbicb, witb other aseeia. make a loul of £1.907 12s. 7d.. eiclosi'e or « acres 9 peiebes ot land on tbe banks ef the Merrl Creek, oo wburb two eottagea an bullL ADOtber mailer, loo. In connccaon with tbis Aa- BOclatloD bas takeo place, and ool before It was required. Last Tear, by a flake and the waai of attendance ot the wardens, a petiirocglDg lawyer's clerk and psendo theatric- al aaeni atulned 4be position of Deputy Master-warden, to the wonder ol tbe prolesslon. tbe ——"-^^l ol Ibe public, and the partld deirtmaDi of the Aasodatioa. The wardens, waking up when ibe l^luxy was deae. de- termined ool to ouke a qaorum los baslnesa. if tbe mailer (Hr. Copplni wai oot prneai. Lncklly, the mssier'a absence only oocnrred iwlee. snd—bow slnsaUr I there was no quorum In the room u the time the meeting sbou'.d hart commenced; and. mil more slngdar, a uani- ber or wardens were aboat tbe pmlses. This peraoo could net take tbe bint, and would not resign: but wss vary summarily deposed at a meeting ol the wardens a few days ato, wben Oarnet Wdcb was ooaotmoosly dected aa tfr. Ing is still raglDg. Some few days liack a wealthy retired butcher or tbla city, James reliy. boajibt a block of land, on wblcb sra Are shops, on tbe Bonrke-itreel frontage, heal to tbe Open-bouse, and at tbe bsak, on Little OoUTos street. Is tbe weU.kDowB Uont Club Hold. All these are locome down to make way for a large theatre, to ba bollt to the most approved American atyle. It la area asserted that Slans are now absolutely ready,aad the architect will soon e appointed Cbarlet Weigotman the man-flab la doing nothing The Canndlnl Troupe, with Wdter Bbarwin. are maaloga lour tbroagh tbe Ballermi district; business so-so. Thepnrlncid towns an hariBtqiilie a gda timed It with opere and opera-booffe Ai the Tbeatre Bojal, Tbb Aor making an appropriation of $20,000 to the Pennaylvania Muaeum and School of ludtuttlal Solence, in Philadelphia, was defeated In the Penn- eyivanta Leglatature on the 16th Inst. Adam Evarly. formerly a wdl-known actor of Phlladdphla, but now In thered-eetate budneea, baa been nominated as a tnistee ot the Pennsylvania Museum, to fill a vacancy. Tss EnncATBD Flzas dosed their eeason at the Auembly BnUdlnga. Fhlladelpbla, on the ITth. Maoqib Mirott, Bged eighteen yean, weighing 811b, and 37 tochee to height, can be engaged by ad- dzesdug M. Minott, aa per card. MoBvoT'a HmKaaiOA and Hedy'a Irish Hlnatrata ecenplsd the Aeademy, Charleston, 8. 0-. March 16, IT- TheygotoBavaiinah,aa.; therontotiom there ta not dedded. Pbab. Bau-wih gave exhlUtlona exposing apMt- lullam In WheeUng, W. Ta., Manh 12, IS, and ebows la Plttaburg, Pa., 19.20, 31: thenea throngh the oU regiona. Gbh. Tok Tmnn'a CoHBHUTToif wan to Hasttogs. Minn.. March 13, St. Paul 13,14, Hadson 16. Minua- apolla 1«, 17,and labiUad to St. Peter 16, Mankato 20, OwatonnaSl. Eli Psbkibb ta to lectnn In Grand Baplds. Wis., April 3, Ellbonm City. Wta., 3, Creseo, la.. 6, State Centn 7; New Sharon 9, North Plstte. Neb., 11, Cheyenne. Wy. T.. 13, Georgetown, Col.. 14, thence to Calltamla. At Bloom's ThxatbhiaIi SomT-eross, adver- tlaed to thta Issue, all ktoda of theatricd goods, In- dudtog ailka, aattos, hosiery, millinery, dress- trlmmlDgs, eto., srs always to be found. A price Ust irlll be sent on application, and artldea can be ordered O. C D. A PABOBAKA. of the Ceotennld ta advertised for Bde.' Thb kabiobxtts BxHnmoB known ss McDon- ongb & Earnebaw'a ta offered for ede by G.K. Good- win, who advertises. Babib the magician commencea a New England tour at New Haven Maroh 36. Elt Clarke Is to be tbe buslpesa-manager. E. Bosenbanm agent, end Frank Lawton prognmmer. SBow-PAiMTnias can ba ordered at J. Brace's ad- vertlaed addreaa. ' MicBABL MoOoBiacB died to New Orleana. La.. March 3, of conaumptlon. Be waa programmer for tbe Olympic Theatn, St. Louis, Mo., during the psat sud a part ot the preaent season. About three months ago, by tbe adrioe of bis pbysldsn, be waa aent to his home In New Orleana, when he died on the above date at S o'doek .ln the aftamoon. He knew nothing of the hopdeasneas of his esse, ss fif- teen mtootae bdore be died he waa planning to re- turn to St. Lonta. Hewasfor a numl>erofeeaaena oonneeted with various dnusee In the capacity of blU-dlttributor, and waa well liked by hta friends, of whom be bad many to tbe pnfesdop, snd who will be patoad to hear ot hta early demla4. Be waa 23 ysan of age. TccxBB Bbos. announoe thtt they an prepared to recdve all orden tor ehow-patotug at tuelr ea- tabUsbment advertlaed elsewhere. CiTT HoTBL, thta dty, offen spedd Indueemeata toprofeadondstomsksthathoaaa thetaatopptog- plaes. McDoBouoH's BoTAL KABTOHaijas, which open- ed to Martto Hall, Albany, N. T., Manb 6, lor a week'a stay, came to grid at the termlsatlon of tbe engagement, owing to tbe dlaappeerance of the manager, one Gorman. He tdt town 13 with all the week'a reedpta to hia poaaaatlon. leaving the peiformen pennlleaa. Tha effecta of tbe ahow an In the handa of tha Sheriff, and tbe people are allU In town. It la propoaed to give tbe latter a benefit In Martin Hall 19. It ta add that George E. Good- win of Ftalltddphia It the owner of tbe properties, ete., ol toe marrionattea, and, be It aeema, leaaed them to the abaeondlng Gorman. 11 eucb be the ceae, the property will undoubtedly be redeemed, snd tbs Jndgmante of tbs performers amicably ad- Jtisted, as llr-'Goodwin Is well end tavorebly known by tbe profeadon-' Letter ot March 17. Thsooobb TaaoH lectured on "Maater Motives'* In MaahvUle, Tenn., Manb 14. to a email bnt well- plesssd audlenea. QinzBir ft Co., whoee card find dsewben, have maglcd tricks for ede. Lbcttibb EnoAOBSCBWIB^Mr. Oough: Owego, N. T., 36, Elmlrs 27. Rochester 38, OassBdalgua », An- bun 30 Sew-'Beary Ward Beeeher: Bondoot 26. Patanon, N.'-J^ 3T..:;..B«v. T. DsWitc-Td- aiage: Cnba.' N.T.; 27...... Rev. W.H-B.Monay: Prioceton, N. J., 29 Mrs. Msry A. Llvermore: Waonaocket R. I-, 29, New Medlord, Ot. 30. LOABD OPBBs-Botnx, Albany, N. T., during tbe monlbe of May, June, July and Aaguat, can be mtad by apply tog t» J. W. Albsngb. as per card. . FLTOia BOBBBS are adverUied for ade by F* Wood. bHASsa,'leoparda, byanaa, birds, snd variona anl- msta an to lie Obtdued at D. Bums k Oo.'s. Ad- dress pnbltahed dsewben. A COLOBBD BBABDan-LADT CBB be BOCUred foT B tnvdlug exhlbitloo. See J. A. Bamett'e card. ABIATBFIU "Leva's BAOBiFica" waa preeented by the Wheat- ley r^-nrtiiT ftasfttilatliT- ot Philadelphia-on, tbe 14tb loat. Mrs. Chaa. Henri as Msrgant Elmon.'and Hr. H. F. Oltytes as Latont, exerttog themaelvaB aacoaaafaUy In tha prtocipd pane. . Thb DAVzBTowr Cum ot Cincinnati gave a wev- farmaeee at Bobtoaon'a Opera-bonae 16, conatating ot "Married Ufa" and "My Piedona Betay." 3^ tbay gave "The. Honchbaok." The EmmeU anb ofCtodBnatlperfanBed «Xha Coltaaa Ban' ■tB«liIug(i'8CFera-li0n8an>' ' -VARIEXT - BAI<IiS. - AoDOiGn TO AMmcAB OxmAsn.—We take th* following from Tka MamdUUer (Eng.) StaminertI Maroh 7: "About 9:4S o'dock laat evening a sariooa aeddent to two trapeze perlormeia ocoaned at Ibm Alexandria Made Bdl, Peter Btraet.Manehaater. A large aodlenee WW aasembled-wltaeaalng tha faata of Jensta and Alliert Lament, 'American gya^ DAste.'npon absv wlilch waa bung Just to front ea tbestageatabdght of about thirty feetfromth* graond. The aame parfbnBane*had been giveaxo^ < eeertilly on Mondayaventog.andwas betogwatcbaB- with maeb apparent totereat by the speeta-.. ton. At on* polot Im tt the LatDoato aeataS themsdves face to frcw opon tha tnpeze bar^apA then, throwing tbemadvee baebward, haag tasad* downward above the people to the pit, toetr fee> betog lacked togetoer alwve the pit. and thua Ff»- venting them from falltog. They had gaiM thnaoll thta operstton once, amid tha apptausa ot the spaeto* tan. and were attempttog la again, wben thdr feat tailed to lock togetoer, and both teU to the floes,. The f^n fell upon one of the fiddlen to the orchea- tn, and Inunadtatdy got up agato. Imt alter atag- geilBg about a moment, he fen down nnconsdona. IbeladT fdl with he* back acreaa toe Iwn*. cade which BurronndB the orAestn, and Instantly heesaaa ttoconsdous. Aa- soon ss the aoddent oo- oorrsd the whole of the specvaten rose to a body to tbelr feet, aa if abeat ta raab towarda tbe unibrtB- oate gymnasta, bnt lond criee ol 'Seep yonr saata I' from some of tbe cooler peraona present pnvaaled auch an Imprudent proeeedtog. and only a taw peo- ple went to the asdstance ol the Lamonta. They wen ea-ried behind the ssenesstlUwneansdotis.aBa wan tocn at once conveyed to tbe Boyd Infirmary In aoab. The next Item ta tbe prognmmeat the haa- was brought forward dter the twogymnasu bad t>eea carried oot of the houae; but the epectaten re- fnaad to recede It, and rttaed laceaant ezlaa-eff •Bow'a the lady?' In reepens* toi tbeas'deBiaBdg^ one of tha. officen of tbe eeubltabmeot come tot' ,ward witb the annouuoeiaanl that.'thara waa tias cause for erest alarm, as both the lady and gentto- man wen mnoh lass tarioitaly lii]ond than n^bk have been feared. The etetement waa recdved with applause, and toe remdnder ot tbe entartatomani then allowed to proceed. On tbe arrivd of the anfr ferers at the toflrmary tbey were promptly attendaA . to the members of the mealed ataff present, ho ascartdned that no bonea were broken, anA toat ndtber case appeared Ukdy to reatilt tata^ ly, bnt toat boto toe tojund penona, and pedally the lady, aeemed to lie snfferlng oudy from genenl ehock. Wean informed the proprietor of the Alexandrta Eall had advtaad tha Lamonta to have a net spread benettb than dnrtog thdr trapeze performaqca, in order toattbor - might not be hurt abouldtoay tall, bnt toat toew decUned, thaix reaaon for dotog ao being anppoeect to be that when toe dement of danger waa removeA trom thdr performance It waa vtawad. to their opinion, wlto leaa totereat by toe public. Thsir frequent axhibltlona of toe aame feata to Am«t» Stve toem confidence, and todr ancceaatul npett- on of them on Monday night appanntly JoatlllaA todr nply to toe proprietor ot toi. ball." Waisoh abd VmaE, Han.fiah and Water-qneeo. tailed trom Havana, Cuba, March 10, lor Ttn Oraa^ Medco. From there toi - go to Brazil and South America. Miss Ella Wmisa and G. B. Barconrt and MIbb Eate O'Connor were performing et the Palace of Tariettea, and toe Oamtta Family at the Alexai^ dn Btok. Notttogham. Eng.. dnrtog tha week ea^ BsllaTal.'lbe Slmooseo Opera Company are now located, ipsny eoBslsta of the sprightly Madame SImonsen. veTDon, Blaocha Harris. Minna Ftsber aod Cla Tbe company eonslsta Agnes Vernon, BIbdl Browning; Messra. Cbarlcs FlorenCA (tenor), B. Bodasoii (bassoi. Stelnbaeh. B. Lerlioa and Darbrahlre. Martta Slmonaen Is director, and W. D. Kelih la Dosloesa-maoa. ter. Another onera-irenpe. too. is trm*ellns round the in- ind towns with BIgnor Carmial Marley aa the prinelpd tenor. The West Austrdlant hare taiely bad a new sen- sation by a professional visit cnnn the Tower* Psmlly. Mr. Towers was lately the Bunager of the Adelaide TDealre, and aner nearly iwaveari in thai capacity be dearad not lor London, bla only oeavy loss being oo the nnancceaa- ful ensmgemeni of Bias Wdllams. diaa "Lltita Nell." Mr. Towers* tour tbrougb the Swan-rirer District waa a finan- cial success, bat his ide ot tnTela Is pitiable. With bis cJerer dsugbur Bosa and hia wile, the ei-maaager Is now en rente lor Bogland. The TaamaolABS are now eoloylns a tboraugb legitimate treat, the Tbeatre Boyd. Bohart Town, being occupied by a dramatte irenpe headed by ~" ■ They opened Jan. S, end the lU The company oonalsta of Mi HoUoway, atage-manager. and his wife. Kate Arden, maryof sbowboslneaaal the Anilpodes. Cooper. Bslley A Co.*s Clrcaa and Menagerie, alter four weeka or very floe boalness bere. folded their tenia Jan IS and sailed tor Melbonree. openlnsthereon 18, and are still playing there to large business. They have made the greateai succeaa that has ever lieen achieved ta Atialialls: and, but lor the heavy expense d transportation and loss of time conse- acent on tbe long distance between towns, tbey would car a deal of money At tbe Tbeatre Boyd. Sydney. the pantomime ren foar weeks, and waa withdrawn to make room lor the flral ap p ea ran ce ot Ilsille Roche, a Cal- Ifornla atock.aelreaa, who appeared aa a star In '-Camllle.'* "Tbe Lady ot Lyons," **£aat Lnne" aod "Othello." sop- poned by the general faTorlte O. J>. CbapUn and a eome- wbat tacompeicBt stock company. The engagement waa afallnrcaad the non*sneccts waa aitnhnted to ibewant 01 ability ot American atara. Miss Roche and tbeeompany have been eent to Kev Casile.and tha theatre t* no« occu- pied by an Italian-opera Company. Tbe singers ar a wbole are very good, bnt none are remarkably brIUlanL The orchcstnand cboruaare oot op to tbe mark: but how conid It be eipeeted otherwise, when eborna-slngara get only 910 per week for aloglng erery nlsbCand moslelana get from 87 to 890 per weekf Neil week.aMra. Lottie wllmot makes ber Ard appearanea here In a plen called "Tbe Rag-lalr." At the Tklorla Tbeatn. tae paota- mlme no Ave weeka to good boalness. and waa louowed by a burlesque called ''Tbe Lores ot Mephlatopbalea.*- wblch would probably hare been a fallnre bnt for the elever actlas and ainglBS of Annie Pliley and Bland Holt. Tata Kaa louowed laat Katoiday by theengagemeni ot Mlas Clarm Slepbensen, a Colonid sctreaa. who opened la "Jle- dea." Bheie tae best actma we have seen here. Ber coatumlng waa at fadt, aa rbe dressed tae part in tbe most aoraeous appanL * Pauvratta," edied *'Tbree Montba lliider the Bnow." waapiodueeo Monday; bet the eomjiany were imperfeet, the piompier being frcqoenily beard. A. Dampler, a vary area! f:ivor1te ta Mdbooree, aod said to be by far the beat actor that haa been hen since Wslter Montgomery, U to open Feb. 10. In "HamleL" Mr. Dsm- ftier Is managed by that geold geatleaaan and Colonial •rorlie John Bryan, whom nearly everybody knows and llkea. Bryan's weight la now 3371b. and wben be appeara, which he sometimes does In low comedy, ha la enremely fUnny. and la dways son of acnwded bonae... .To give yon an Idea of tbe very low salaries which acton are recelrfng In tbla country, we offer the salary-list of a leading tbea- tre, using tae namea ot characteia Instead ol Indivldoals: Othello, aiuo per week: lago, 817-00: Caaalo, BIS; Men- taoo.91Z.M: Rodengo, 82Ui Ladorlco, 8IS:I>nke,8l7.a0; Brabantlo.810: Antonio, 87.60: DcsdemoDv star-, Emella. 8<IL Can yon wonder that ading la had hen? Tettaere are many ffood actora Idle m the town Want of eompell- tlon Is tbe trouble bere Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Bates hare lost reiuraed from a tonr through Kew Zealand, bnt, 1 am afraid, flnandally poorer ihan when tb>y aiarted. Lrtion Bot here aod Minnie Walton will oeit week pndace "The DaolcbeBs" as Lystar's Open-hoosa, Melboorue. Levy ihe-cend-piayerhaabeenbereaweeh,bniaa yet nothing la known dedutdv ol hta movements. Taenia said te be some difflcdty between bim and the manager to whom became consigned Corbyn's Oeorgla Minstrels are In Ibe Inierlor. ekarldan Corbyn la in town^ looking after bla tntarest ta some lead tnuble L'Eatreoce. "taa Ansirdiaa Blondln.'' who baa lately returaed Trom Osllforhlv la giving bli high-rape aseensloas on iheDo- mdo,aad wben the weather la fair bis boalness la one. Last evening, wben In the midst ofbls grand dliptay of firewarki, some oTthe fkUlngflre found its wav Into tnemanaine.aud esploded a tot of powder and chemicals used In the prepa- llooortbeflreworfea Thereaultwaa aevere Injury to two lads, the auroing of part ol the lent, and a genenl ecare amongtbe eonpleor tboasandspectatore....John Wilson's Circus and Uiupodnma u m Aaeldae, playing to lerylne heoses. Tours :rely, TBaPaearTSB. "Thb SBOwiua Asboad" writea oa as follows, un- der data of Mdboorue. Feb. 6,1876: Dba« CurrsL—The Internatlond Circus and Mensg- enedosed lu aeasobat Bydnay Jan. 13. and adled U for Ihlaclty. Thrre wsaa three diaya' unpleaaanl trip down theroogh Austnllancoast, andltarrlred hereon the 16ih. An ampblthcaire bad been erected for It. a proceaslon waa giren 18, and the eiblbltlen opened on tbe erecina ol that day to a light houae. Since :hen two perlormaacei have been given ddly, the aftenooo erblblilon being lightly attended, but teoae of the nfgbt bave bean crowd- ed. The pricee hare bare bnn 00 cents. 75 cents and 8L3S, aod Ibe racelpta average 83.00) per day. So far the rUltlo Aualrellahas been a decided aoceess. although ths coDCen aa now orxanlxed la much too large for ihu coun- trv. and It la onesuonablawhelher it will pay after leanng Ihlaclty. Ita sesson will cloae bere on Feb. 17, wben i; will travel byrdi late Ibe interior, msklnr six and taree two-dav sunds. After wblcb It will reinrn to Melbanrae. and reopen at "papular prices" Tba enmpeny Is in flae ooodltloa. al! of Its memben eitloying aood bedih. Tae privileges have done «s:i. Hr. Hlddietoii. the proprleter. amaaalag a email for. tima. Tbe sideshow and cooeert have been crowd- ed daily Tben are three theatres bere—tbe Itoyal. the Aeademy of Mnale and Ibe frlnee ol Wales At all of Ibem psntomlmaa have been rnnnlng aloce tba iTid ~— ■■- Cbrisimas holldaya. At the Royal, the pantomime wDI %e reutsced by an IUllaa.opere company, while Lytlon Sothere soea on the boards ai tae Academy on Pes. 11. The Royal ninsloalata—Keilar. Llog Look and Yama- dlva—are also ptaylog bere to targe baslnesa. Tbey close on Feb. 13. tako a short ron in tbe eoontjy. and proceed to AdeUlde... .Bakerand Famn. Joe Emmet. Mre 8esu.aid- 8eons. Hawerta's Hlheralcon. the Oaveaport Bntbara. and a number of others are In New Zealand They are crewd- Ingoneanotber, and none of ihera are add lohemaktng money. Witaon'a Circua fAmericani ts u Adelaide. Cor. hyn'a Original Oeorgla MIoilRiB closed after a abort sea- aOB In fi^dney. and are not si praseni doing snytblas. BespeaiuUy rours. W 0.0. Fbok oub saoTLAB cobbbspohsbbt In Mdbonrae we bave recdved two letten, dated Jan. a and Feb. 6. We give toe latter, and excerpt portions of luter- esl from the otoer: Mxtaoualia,Feb. t.\tn, Fbabk QtrxBV. Eso.—iV^or Sir; Bloce my last the pan* temlrae eeaaon haa nearly run Its too long career at our tbeatrca. and the mansgerv, one aad ail. are gird Ing up their loins to provide ir*^ uoreltles lor the delectation ot tbelr pdnna attbeAeademyol Mnale, UtssLydlaThompsoa'a version of "Bloe Beard-' baa bren -.he attraction. Mis t«. W. B. Lewie Mar Roaa Edoaln) made a charming Sallm. and aang aad danced eioeUently wdL Fred -Thome, who recently lolocd tha co mp a n y, baa tiardly ahowo enoagh to display what slay there la ta bim in the part of the Heath- eaChlDea. bnt fca olayad with mocb qnid hniDor. "t, Wallace aa Blue Beard waa rerr pood, and kept hlm- aell om ibe beat el larma wltk hia aadleoea, bla catch llae. "That's tae kind of man 1 an." coUartag them oa each at- tereoeB,..,..At she Tbeatre Royal, a daamAile aeason wlil best eontlane r.p to Feb. II, when Lazar'a Royd lultaiMpem t-'ompaoj; will take pnsicvlon ot tae po a ida . Tbe araaen is anneunced lor tblity-«ti niahta. aad great pieparatlona are bdng made for lu The operetio torn la a targe one, and locladas Bignor Carlo Or- landial (kaaband ot tae laie Acatha 8iateai. StXDorina . AngnMB Oniaagabil, MartA Carantl Tiia, Margbaaw tog March 3, Axann >iOAii PzBTOBafBas A"-"'",—^The dotoga aoA whereabouta oi protaadonata who ban orossed th« Atlantte to qneat of addltiond fame and forlnn* are written abont by "one at 'em," aa followa: LospOB, Esa. Matdi ft FaAVB Qpaaa— Dtar SYr; Tba WUsoo Brotbere an mam at tae New Marble Skating Blak,at Notilnghaai. wheiw lbs Lamonta played aaaoceiafhl engssemenL CsaflaM aad Booker are al the Star. LjverpooT: Fred Wtlaoa at CoUtns'and lbs Raglan. Londen. Major Bnrk goea ta Parta soon. The MantaettI Troape an still al the Friocesa', tae Olrards are at the Alhambrm, and tbe American Team, couslstlng of Wayne, Lovdy, Coiies aad BIrdue. d th« Surrey Tbeatre aad Pavilloo. Billy Aaheroti Is recovering The Broa Jea are at the FavUlon and Boyal ForreslejaL Btswan Dare and Tony Ball have made a dedded dt at the Oilord:AnsUn and Baas are akating at tbe Caniar- and Boyd Ferresien: Barry and Jack Talbot aiw bui Mra. Oladsiane. haa been escellent. J. HoUoway, Bioart Bolton, Messra. Qeorse Gladstana. A- W. Boota' man, Brewn, LIsion. and Peter Manacrgh. Irlah come, dian. L. M. Bayleaa Is sole leaee and manager, and Mr. Leaver treasurer. Mesdamea Lilian Bverard, Nelson. and Kate Douglasa are also amonethe troupe The popular 0. S. Mtaatrels,oomprislngMeasra. Louis Braham, rampbeU, Amery, and G. w. Bockafeller, with Charley Hour and a few other good men, an tonrtag in tae^norta- eastern dlstrlu of Ticlorla. nuaicAij. "Le Timbbb D'ABOXirr,".a fantastla opera, to fonr acts, worda by JuUes Barbler and Michael Cam, mualo by OBjnille Bdnt Bsens, wss reoently pnn duced at the Lyrique, Parta, France. A correspond- ent writes as follows sbont It: "Tbs enrtato haa not long ritsn wben the spectator petcdvaa that the hero la s couslo-german of our old friend Doctor .^--luatus, and the current, of toe plot emphaataea luore and mon toe too strongly marked sndogy between Gounod's charming open snd tos prssent work. Mephistophdss, Marguerite, and even Tal- entm an sgdn nproduoed, but all to such dimln- iahed pToportions that toe charaeten of thta piece msy be sdd to lie toose ol 'Fsust* whan looked at throngh the imng end ot a Ideaoope. The Doctor Fauattu Is not sn old savant like hie prototype, bnt a young Tlenneae painter, whoae works snd tdent give promise of cdebrity. Conrad Is alBIdsd wlto toe greet contomporaryplagueolsodety—toe gold-fever —amslsdy tost hsrdly renden an arttat very Inter- eettog on tbe atage or off It. However, toen ta a certain excuae for Oonrad'a tbint for 'fUtby Incn,' wwMM ponns Austrian ooncdveea videntpaa- don for a oelebratad dancer named Ilammetta. whoae features and gncefol form he bad traastamd to canvas. Mon outeriaUat than po w Fauat grop- ing to quest of toe Infinite, Conrad wlahaa for opu- lence u the only metna by which ha eao obtato pot- aeedon of the beauteoue ballerina, who, Uke Sana of old, -will only gnai b«n- tsvon to nan wlkan iboT court her under toe form which we an told vraa formerly assumed by Don.-Juan-Jupiter. So violent has tbe young men's passion become that It bas en- gendered a red illneaa. accompanied t^ nsrvouscri- eee and hsllndnatlons. Bis ardor hss ■mordered deep,' snd It ta tbe dream, tbe nightmsn, of one ot thoea long, nposdeaa nighta to which hs ta con- demned thst tbs antbon have transferred to tbe stsge. Just ss to 'The Bells' the dresm of tbe guilty Burgomaster ta rendered pdpsble, to "The Timbre d'Argent" dl the crestlons ot Conrad's dls- essed brato are reproduced bdon toe spectator to a series of beautiful tableaux, of which tbe follow- iDg andyata will convey a partld Idea. The portrdt of toe beautlfal dancer still banga on the waU of tbe young pdnler'e etudlo, when Bplridlon—a gen- ntoo Mepbiatopbdes—sppesn to Conrad, and by bis diabolic power Infuaee lite into toe plctun, causing Fiammette to descend from toe fnme to susment by her seductions ths smorons delirium of tbe artist. The tempter makes no coneeslment dther of Us schemes or of the rigorous eonditlona of toe bargato wblcb be intenda to impose on bta victim. He preaenta to Conrad toe tdiaman by dd ot which be can lay all tha mllUona of tha earth at toe feet of tbe dancer: It ta a allver bell. Let bim only strike on It, and tbe forttmete pos- sessor will find hta wish, no matter what It may lie. promptly redlzed. Only, toen ta a price to be pdd for tbla Indulgence, for etoh aound of toe magle bell will be paid for by a human lUe. Conrad atrlkaa. toe bell Bounds, a plarctog cry la Ita echo, tbe wlataed-ior gold ta tben to aheap bdon bim,bntbe- elde it la dao a eorpae—toat of the f atoer ot tbe girl to whom be ta betrothed. And then all the Ind denta of tbe patotar'a dreem nnfdd toemedvee. Oonrad Imaginee that be gdiu totroduotion to Flammetta's dreastog-reom, when be finds her nx- rounded by a court ol gdlsnt admlnn. and among hta rivsu ta Bplridlon hlmselt, who adopta dlagtHae after disguise to push the patoter down toedlppezy patooteitnvaganceanddladpatlon. They pUy haz- ard, and Conrad loaes. Tbsn ensoee a contest of prodlgdlly between the two Joven ot toe lady, to which etch outbids toe other In hta off« to obtato ber favor. Tha artiat bas exhausted his tresaure. and, wlto ruin and deapdr befon him, hss so resouree lelt bnt to spped agato to toe homlddd bell. Be reatata and daea to a vUIaaewhen bta bavt bland, Benedlet. It sbont to wed Boaa. toe sta- ter of hta own fiancee. Doable, however, to rsdst sny longer toe prompHnge ol bta pasaloa and Jed- ouay, be tonchea toe fatuMll once more, and Bene- dict Idle dead bdon dl the weddlng-goeata. Tha printer becomes a pnyto remorse, and. almoet de- prived ot bis senseB, wsnden stiout toe streeto, csrrisd sway to a wild, wild whirl by a band ol masks who an celebnttog a eamlval-nlght with axtnvagant orgies. Bplridlon sppesn sgdn, calltog to bis dd dl the seductions otbevlee of evU spirits under the form ot danotog-glrIs,and etrives toeom* plete tbe artiat's rain. FliuBmstta, of eonrae. ta amons them, and Oonrad aeema irradakaably loat, when toe flgnr<a of Hdane, the young drl to whom he ta betrothed, enten, ^aped In rallgloua garb, tbe easred croea ahlntog on bar breaal. Bhahaa coma to atmggle with the demon tor . tba aoulot themansbs loves. Attbesennd ot hsr votes the consdsnce ot toe patoter awakea, and, disgusted wlto toe guilty eourae ha baa lieen punutog. he breaks tbe sUvst bsll.' The ttod oUusa of toe terri- ble bargda he had oonduded wlto Bplridlon must, however, be ftilAlled. and tbe ball, to breaklnjr. brings deato to bim who had nssd It. At tost Instant Conrad awakea. He ta surr-.BBded by sll hta friends, among whom atsnd Hsiene's fstoer and Benedlet, hta two victims, wlto Rosa aad his betrothed hendf: Fiammette ta tben atao. Inanimate In toe gilded frame upon toe wdl, Cound pereelvaa with dsllght that tha whole drama In which he bad ptayed eo herribta a role waa merely toe olbprtog of ImsglnatlOB, tha cridi of hta fever bas passed, and the doctor d» olarea bim on toe fata way to oomptete le cu r eiy . But It ta not bta body dene that baa been cured— his aonl It ngaoented also: ha will long no mon for wedtb, but will marry Hdane, and will devote bimaelf to work- Mas Abbib Gooiuu^ opentle voodlst, died to Londtm, Eng„ Manh 1, aged 38. She waa bom at Shnwsbary. and flnt made her mark as »tng<m soubntte at toe Tbeatre Boyd, Liverpool, when ebe flnt upaarad on toe etage ae one of tha ebll- dran in the liallet. She eubaequently appeared at toe Surrsy and Ijaaiui Thaatrsa, London.and toen became very popular tn toe eame line of bustoaoa. At the Instlgstlon ol George Petrin she fOnook the dramaUe atage. and devoted bereelf to opera, but her suscata waa mllltaled agdnst by lU-bsdto. Sba was In Aaarlea Sir tome time aa a ratmbai of Oharlaa Wyndham'a Comedy Oompany, Thb Ofbba OmnqirB. vianaa, Austrto, -was to hava been offend at public auction Manb 6. Thb wOvBmrr te anct a monnmaat to the mea< cry of Thdberg at Haplaa, ltdy, waa atartad by Lanro Bossl toe composer, Mas Mabt Cbatikbtob, dsnghlsr ot F. B. Ohat- tertofl. was aimaiiBeed to mske bar fint aopaaraaea In pablie aa a barptat st St. George'e HalL London. March 7. Mbl Asaks tha Amartaaa tenor haa been engaged tor Carl Boaa'a BagUsh-opsn Oompany In thdr tour tonugh Englaad A MORBiiaBTtato-ba erected al Haples, Italr, to toe nlemory ol Thdberg. Sia. Tambbbuk next sassoB ta to mske hta flist ap- pearaacatoLondoB. lnc-;tortaa yeaia, hs.Ttos ae-. cepted ta tBgasemastiVllb Mr. Kaplscon. MLLSb FzoHTga, dsughtor ot Cbartafj Fabhtsr, made ber debot In open at the Opm Oomlqoa, Paris, last week, appearing tn "Mlgrjoa." A dta- patoh to n< y^ald aaya: "A.i aa si iiaas. Mlaa Peobler was amlnantly aneeeaaflU; aa a atogar It most ba add that ths haa bnt Uitta volca, fiaa tW unnnllorm." TBI Pabis Gbajd Otbba ta Vmcted to etaaa tha aeaaou $30,000 abnt of expcnaafi. THB SBASOB Itfltaa epTA at Oovaat-tatdaa London, optog ApiUS HBd^ tha aaaaaaaaat 01 MbOye. . Moore A Burgess' Minstrels. , work aad receiving bad pay for II; some of tae boya 'ea^ tamptate ruantag ta Amarlsa next FalL John Morrla, eliange artist, U ta India. 014 Johnny Booker haa got ■ -"^ " In la- back to London sde. hnviog lett the Carson Tronpe 1 dla. Mostof IheAsatt- oa performing In London antlet pate a trlptaieoghDtfprdTlncea thla Summer. - CanflalA and Booker go t^--wrtf'snd. taa Team to Paria. aaA Fred WUaon to Bay's Cryald Palace. Birmingham. A letter haa been neelved at tae 0.8 O. Club mm Iko Benson iiarty, who ware at Madeira, where taey stopped, en ronie te the Oape. saying "dl walL" The weataer haa- been cold tae past few daya, and aU tae places of amnse ment doing a good bnstneas'ta consequence. Tha paat^ mlma season Isdnwing to a close, which will threw & Urxe namber of mnalc.ndl people Into tae naarket, and salaries will have te aome down-Thai wUl make It bad t&t tbe neweomora, ot whom I hear taere are manycoatev- Stattag a visit nest Summer. I am afnld tbey will ba Isappdnted. With kind ngards mm year many dd IMenas, respectfully, Toaisa. F. 8.—."Ince writing tae arlthin I read in this moralnrt DaOv Tdtffraph, March 7, tbs ^smonu, tnpeze pe ifliiii » era, fell (while periormlojr at the Alesandra. Maocheatas^ a distance of SO feet Into the orchestra. They were' heia. taken up Inaenslhle, and conveyed te toe hospital. The Idl extent of damaxedone and panicdan were not givca. . Youia, X. i mSCBI.I.A.'VEODS- - Paor. Bbbmasb Bailed from Bavana, Oaha, for* Uaxleo, In toe steamship City ot Maxleo, Maroh Up AMUSEMENTS. Noa. est and 1167 Broadway. TOUT PASTOR'S WORLfk-BBNOWHKD OP BTABB. OUB -WTLLIAHS. WATSON A KLLTB, r. BBNBT BICE. DB aLTB BISTlBa. ADD RVMAN. MISS JENNIE MORQAN.^ B. O'RBABOON, 8. BOLDSWOBTH. MIBB iXXA BRRHNaM. TORT PABTOB IN NEW COMIO BONGB. - Our Fair Irish Olrta." "Coddl See MyMarta Agata." Bine Olasa Reformation," ''FatU Abroad." *Mrraeld- taumb." "The Firaie's Dream." "Diafcelsplera Bludsn.w Three hoars ot eleaaot eomady aod dellgbtfd vaudeville THB BEST BNTEBTAINMBKT IN NEW TOBK. FAS BION ABLE ManiNEES . - , _ TUESDAT AND FBIDAr. Opera-glasses procur e d In tae rotunda of Ibe thaatn. Carrtaces for Ibe evening reoreseniationamay beerdased at latD. ttdt TONT PAnOX>B. CONSB .....Hsasgtr JXlBX^O'a OA JtJ>E W. A MBRITBD TRIBDTB OP BEBFEOT. OBAMD COMFLIMENTABT BBNEFIT ' MB. CBARI^ WBTTB. TBUBSDAT AFTERNOON. MAROH 31, IST. WONDERFUL SOFPOHT OF TBB WBOLB PBOFESOIOS. ENDORSED BT TBB ENTIBB XANAOBMEMT OF THIli METBOPOLU Waw Teas, Ma^lh 18. IfBT. l>aAa 6re: Having leaned «t lb* eompllmeBtarr bacBt to be tendered to yon al Nlblo'a Oardeu on tae dteniooa orxhnrsday, tbe lid Inst., we take pleason in exprsastug onr personal appreciation ef the testlmoold. aad wlahtag yon a snoeeaa eommensunle wlto yonr acknowledged merita as an artist and recentzed worta aa ao honored dlizeiL Remembartag how onen aad elllcIanUy you hava. Elveu yonr eervlcea at the behests of yonr pnlesdond' rethm, taa many elalma yoa luva upon the playgolac • pnblio by reason of your long and honorable career aaaa artist, and the fraterod spirit wblcb prompts yonr many friends and admirers In thla pubUo recogdtlon. we ba^ «. leave to add our personal aaanrance ol Inlereat lu talseon- tempUted praetlcd eipreaslon ol good-wIlL If tae mast. fesiatlon equals onr desires ta your behalf, it vriU baa tribute to your genios of which yoa wm led proud—a ta^ gihle proof taat tae pohUe whom yoo have ao tangeatar lalned and tnsirected are not tugiatefUUanda demonstr^ tlon reflecting honor alike open all who participate in Ibw -: proposed ovauoo, whether before or hehCnd tha r/-i.^iigfcn Wlta sentiments ofkind regard, Fraunally yuora. THEODORE MOSS. Wallsek'a Theatre A0OD8TIN DaLT. Flfta-avsnnsTheatre. JARaETT A PALMER, Baath'a Theatre. SHOOS A PALMER. naien KasnThsdra. JOBB HART, Eagle Theatre. POOLE A DONNELLT. Oraad Opera-honsa. TOKT PASTOR. Paator'a Theatre, OS Broadway. N. ROBERTS, Olymnia Theatre. HARRIQAN A BABT.TheatreComlana. BIRCB. WAMBOLDABAOKnB.BroadnyaadI ty-nmta street. E. O. OILMOBB, GDmore'sOardea. COL. WM. E. SINN. Park Theatre. Brooklya. To CHARLES WBITB, Comedtaa, el& A HOST OF ARTISTS WILL APPEAR., eomtnsfrem PHILADELPHIA, BOS I ON. NEWaI BBOOELTN.TONY PASTOR'S, TBEATRE OOMIO" OLTMFtO TBRATRB and BAH F&AJiCISCO, STRELB. PRICES OP ADMISSION: - Oeaeid admission. .BO cents I Reserved aaata —.91 6w PamQy-drcle, 25 centa NOTICB,—Tbe Boa-ofllce win be open on Tuesday aaf Wedneaday, mm 11 A-a. to 8 r. H.. where tieketeeaa k^ •X'JiLJsLA.'X'ZiB- GOBI kO DM2. Sll broadwaX HABBIOAN A HABT M. W.UANLET , BARRIOAll AND HABT. b BD.BABDma.JOBNMTROACB.aDaDICKSTBRLBT ■ in Edward Harvtcaa'aarcat bit. entlJied H MALONS'd NIOBT OFF. I Xuslo by Dare Breham. Beeoery bv B. L. Weed. ■ DOFFT TO TBB rtOST. EL NINO BODIB, taa traly wonderful Tight-rape Altld. LBAH.Openlle TocdIaL OHABISB DIAMOND. T.war.m BB0THXR8. HABBT and LOTTIE MAOABIBT. A hit ea Ibe eensatlon of tae day by BD. HaBBIOAN. THB TELEPHONE, bleh HaiTlcsa ana-aart.-I<eUI«. jMe«. AnnU Mask. . . Mar Binait. J. F. Croaein and JOha Onwrn -., -.^S ^ <.T. i>^i;:>lia. OAAjaEb OJf>Jb:KA^Al<> EIUHTH A-TENDB AND TWENTX- The moat MagnUeeat Theatre i OBOWDBD HOOSbBT . CBo CROWDED HODSES; - CROU te witneea theired neeeis nl tba asv, THB'nrO ORPRANd. TUB TWO ORPBANH. ■ MIBB EATE CLAZTON MIBB.KATE CLATTON ta her oHglnal aaaiioa,. LOmaB THE BUND OIRL. MBS. M. WILXIMB. lhaorigind MMB. PBiScBARD. . maON-aOOABB THBATBB CABK BBBBBTBD BEATB. 80 OBNTB, ' aac ui ed twe weeka te ad vaaee. MAT IWEESWEDNBBOAT ABDBATPBDAT. OVER AT lato.' ejbalpt brotuebt ad^taUon ef tae great FarU aad Leaden esau tarextnvaga... ^ TP TBB moon. _ 0FFCNBACU>8 MBLODIEB. Orapdfidlaa BsUet.etc ' ETBBT HIOHT and BATDBDAT MATIHEK. lB4t FA.m91AH V.ARIS'X'IBS,. BIXTBB.<<TU STBESr A!<I> BBOADWAr. TEBPLB OF OBinlHAI. MOTBLTIkA MLL& OCTATIA'd FEMALE MWBTBBliai LAB MlBnfiiB. LOTBBB IM A FIX. Ea..yCavdla>.«Ir>l.|dr«a. sFamOr. Devare Bnthera. LawSpeanr, PraakWalla. Chaa. Bdbaat.- - Kinal^Etia: AlloeOtrard. Luaie IMMa,,. AmyBeaodt. _ .. MUa. CasflBw ,' . . LtsaUBraadt. end Osna da BaCsL BBS ymrm oa sau». daTBB loraltrastm ladias aad aiusuet mmIL AUnm maa.- ageraaahen. _ 6»tt» v^^.Baf-a BBOADWAT; BTANDINO-BIM>M OMLT. I Mtaaagnilvaxlpjj-pjgy^^^ Admlaaln,Bleta: enkadim aaata.T8ala.:_^assT.SMA ': BiStaEBS WSDNBSDAT AND bIiWEIIn^^ . tUtlneaprleeAi ia and to centa. at-U w.wztw.ATWrb #^'l»~Bns»l-M^-rV«f^ — " ->.- ALaAMT, wm laater plvaa-aka.-iag laims dortaa the waM ar'"''* May.JaBa.JdpaadABgad,-Address - . ^T^sr-j; j.,w. AisAmraL. ,v< «t«ffaad'>B.-W%f. , utiho srAmK,^;^^," CtarkBretkssB.. J" ' * The-CavaliMk