New York Clipper (Mar 1877)

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^6 O Xj I Maboh; 24, 1877. ■■^•«BrUani& Par aamB •4m la to- dJ^SSSjU^^'Wd <<>r tha tlB* ot tuertloB, tud ™ ■ BdUor ud Proprmor. cfuna Bvnnna, Ocntraud Leoiuud rtnau, K. Y. n Bat* or BnuumoiL—On Jan. 1,1877. - u« tha Una of *n oaaiplrad nbaotlpUoni r kooka will ba aitandad In oonlonnltr with AMUSEMENTS. tHE NEW YORK CLIPPER ALMANAC Por 187T^ XS ICOW BEA.I»Y MD OAV n obtjlihsd op au sBwaoKxiJiBa AMB AOBITSL PRICE 15 CENTS. THE ALMANAC FOR 1877 CONTAINS! TUB OUFPK& TIM-K-TAB I«K ■ IMMtneoriadUna la aana-taolaa, TntUac Paotnc „ ^^»ia»f, iMhteeha^ng. BowtoE. Banning . WalMafc .Blur- ■ ti iMIiil ■adbrPliMocliiaauidBaaaCoaipulai.a and ttfw 8tann,aad IiOoaaottTai-, Booardaof Jamp. Itf, liiui^iba PiliMtDCBaUbil, Ban-ttTowliw. Click, at, BfflfBda, BUHhooUos, Sklulaa, Olulas, Ttsp-ihaot- lac lypMattlBS. BtteUajbic, ata OteoBlala. ot Impoztmnt Thsatrlosl Bwaata ftor tli* Tamr ISTS SporttHg CnuVBeloKT for 187e< nairtall TTiTT Beaaon ot 18T6, Olwliig tlte Flsyara* Awengaa Mid Racard of Itoilal OBmea. A Uat Of Tbemtrea Oeatxoyed Ity Flre< AstieaaaaloKl. QUaalatlaiiaotEollpiei, tha Poor SaaaoBi, Moniliia aad Bi«>lac8tara,0hmii(doslcal Crclai. MoTBbla PaatlTiIi. •ta^'PISBata, Appuat and Xaaa TIma, Blaa and Pall ftida °—'"g CalaBdair, a of tha ItabJ dnoa Iffll, Oxford and OaadiTldca r ainoa 1S9, Hrf"** ohamploa* tikif ttf ^totaariooal Ouvdmil niaatratlraj. iBOBmrnunL na MUX. of dktbbs. fHB COUBSE OF TBTTB LOTS. fHB DAHOnta GIBL. THB iUD POETS QKATS IK aBBBMWOOD. tHB^OHABB EN OLD QAUIi. TBBBAW HAISBIAIr-^MT OKIY COKIO BONO." THB DOa OP If OinABOIS. on ABT BTIfDIBS—ICO. 1. XValO; ITo. S, TSAO- BDT; Ro. a. COIfKDT. THB PILOTS HOmnCBMT IN OBBSNWOOD. IHB rfFAKT PBODIOT. PALUTEAPP BBDCCBD. ABBA..OP UinTBD STATES ARD TBBBITOBIBa. BusiAi. OP am JOHK xoobb. and pabodt oh ■ABBBALL-THB BBASOIT OP UTS. OALBtipABa OiUtinbAX, BXPLAXATIOW OP ojuojioLoaiFia' tebobibs op datb opobba noH. QiT.KWniB FOB ALL TUB. OAUBOrS TBBAT.THB OBmS OP A OLOWR, THB: Adraaea Aaaat Sloiy OSASB rv eLD OADI., THB BAVOOia OIBLS, THB—Poam. fBBHdB:I>nABTIBS ABD BOVBBBiaHB. momiS QUBKHB OP BHOUm. UOHXaiHa SALTB. LOOUBZ. ISAB. ■ILL OP DBTBBB, TH B Pu aa. ■OBUMllHT TO KaDOITALD OLABXB, THB MAD POBC. - ■IBBB'a BAUD, ^'BB; A TBADRIOR OP HALT. ■AU TIMB. BV ., TO PBOMDISIIT OITIBS. MT •RLT OOMIO SOBO—Poem. ■ADO SQITABBS OF ABCHDfBOBS. ■OB-aCLAMMABLX PABBICB. ■OTBIKBHT IB VaBIOHB ABTIOLBS OP POOD. OLD VBAB. THB-Poaa. POeiAOB. BATB8 OP. BIO. PAMIOB-OBIVBH-^ Bomaua et aa AHlat^ ModaL nidm MOKUMEXT IB OBEBHWOOn. MVUIaATlOK AKD BXPBNDITUBB PBB HEAD OP mPPBBBBT OOUIITHIBB. —Til'flT"" DBKOHIKATIOHB. BAJLWATB. BCAIIBTIC8 OP RAUBZIOS OP POPDLATIOB. HMFLB MODE OP OOMPUTIHa HITBBBST. ■OTKBBlaBB OP BVBOPB. ■OTBBBlaHB OP Booix.Ain>. ■BABOHa m AUBTBALIA. tBBOPHILnB BBOWH. A lanod at Matiaf-boaia THBATBIOAL ■"PPI'Ti^.™. BXIKIIBTrB PABOT-OOODSBliPOMnM, aas AKD S40 BOWBBT. MBW TOttt Plain aad kntaadad BUka. Ballna, TalTala, JflaAaa, ahUa aad eeloiad Omadlea. Tkilatana, Bwtaa, Oold ud iilrar Tlania. nioiainaied Oaata. Anor Cloth. Oold TaMla. Luaa, Stan, Bpaaftaa, Orawna. Chatalainaa, Kaeklaoaa, Hoaa. Silrar Tlanaa. aad Bllw Friaaaa. BrilUaata, Jawalij, Bnoelata. ato. TBBATBIOAL HOSIBBV, tha moat al( mant. Snperb ambrsldnad allk and Llalr TIakta,Tnink«, naablBaa,ela. noaaolDX lacea In real and ImltatlOD point. Dachaa^ Thnad Lacs, black and whlta Laae OTaiJiaaiaa. Blaara- iHa Jackata. apaaUh Talla, ate HoTdUea loeoatamea on band and nada to arder. Coplnl from Parlatan dMlana ai moai raaaonabia tanu. BVEnNO DBB8IIB8. 8WIA8 AND LAOS OTBB- DBBBSBB a apaolallT. Fldraaa. Jacketa, ata. laiaititTlea In BfmnaiT and Draaa TrtmmlaaialwaTa on hand. Bond for prIca-lIA and Ulnalialad oalaUfna asd aamplca. AU oidara moi C O. D. wlU be pnmpUr s> tended ta BLOOB'8, W AND 848 BOWHBT. ALB. I bara a naw apadaUy act, atf dam aaan la tala oonBtry. A anra hit, and bu aalary (oanolaad. Jnat tba thlu lor ladlea or gaoU Intattdlng to go on Ibo atan;aa H la aaallr leanied. Inoloaa two So. atampa tor tall daaariptlOB. eare BOI33I, Ctlcaio, lU. Bt-li •«g tni .-r .-wr.-rt. QPEHA-Tl A1 .1«. DBaRArp,o^ JVSr COMPLETED. Will aeat410; town. 1.000 iahablunu; drop^nitaln: ftill aat Ot aoaneir, draaauf-reoma, Ucket-oOco etc Bant k>v. Addiaaa A. WBLLBB, B».It» ■ DaOtaff.O. TO OIBOUS BIA2TA.OBXM.-I.BM QITILLCf. the Worid'a PaTorlta Clown and Ooulo.«loaar, can be an>wad ler tha aaaaon. Addiaaa OalllpoUa. O. it« "WAHTSOJ, Olown. Pantaloon aadMonkaj Salla. AJdiaaa. wllb prtoa. B. B.. Blatlon g. Bow Torfc. M-H» UHABLBR MdDOKALD, HOT Btma comrBCTBD Wna TBB COUBBUM ABT MOBB. partonaanwIU plaaae addraea thair laltarm to MANAOBB OP OOUBBUM, ClQclnaall. O. Pnrthannera, will all Ihoaa an(a(ed bj Charlea BoDonaldtor thaCouaaninno- tUr me at ooeo, and aond their letter ot eaaajrameat ao that tha7 can be proparlr booked r P. BUCHMAHN, ~ prlater. FIBaT-OLAflBparteimna wanted. .Pro- ax-it "WLLLJUXBl OOXtXtOXT can be ascaced brreapoelble maaageia onlr for JOTENILX AKll OTILITr parta. aeaeon *77-78. Addjcaa care of CLIPPBB. X>XS10» OP.e:RA.-X3.0T7SE3. DIXON, ILL. Joateompleted. Capadtr. 1.000. Poll acanaxy and drop.caitalnidre8a]oc-raoma, ala. Addreaa iS^gf H. J. 8TBPHBN8 JB. or P. A. PBBBHAN. rro O'S'BXNALS'X's. 0. H. HAWKINS, No. IIS Eaat IStb atreet, Naw Tork, maker ot Ormnaatle Appanuoa. Horizontal Bara, Btael Centra Dmnd og Barxela, Leaping Boardaand Bare,ete .ata. Bead eta-up lor clmolar. 48-131* •X'BIEJA.'X'Zt'E] OOnCIQTTf], Sprlnifleld, O. BIDBHOUB A CO., rnpneton; Otaatlaa Barr.BoeiDetl-manener; Johnny Bartlox. 81ag»aanager. Plratxlaaa varjatTtaieot wanted at all tlmaa, eapeolaUr ladlea. Salarlaa moat ba low, aa thajare anre. Addreaa PBOPBIBTOB. Loekboi 854. Sprlnaield. O. BMl' ANNAPOLIS, MABTLAMO. ' Baatlaaeapaallj.flOQ. A iDll aet of acenarr. drop-onrtaln, footllgnta, ate Amqla draaalng-rooine Popolatton. UXO. Tama naaonabla. Addreu O. A. ODLTBB, Baoetary, AnnapoUa. Maijland. «o.ut THB ST. LOtns BILLPOSTEB. OWNS ALL THB BOABDa Addinaa. No. S3 North Third atreeL ZO.A.O'XO.AJCt aiAAUF.^OrE'OR'^ _ variety oi vfuy clennl lOoaioaa, Punch.andJodj Flgnrea and TanttlloqalAl Beada, alwan 00 hand. Balarnd^Wlx- arda* Wondeml Cabinet, chock foil of woodara: aU trlaka and iiutmcilona lor all teiaa othera. with Magloian^a Oban. lagaadCondadlDJiSpaaohea. Free b/ maiTfor ZSc. Dnr. eoport Bope Trick, 7a. Inoloae atamp lor prlce-Uala, or Us. for two Una lUaitnlad eatalonec Addreaa 4S-UI* W. J. JODD. Ul Heniyetroet, N. T. TBBATBIOAL COMBINATIOya. MOBTBEL AND VARIETr TBOUPBS TO OCCUPY MOZABT HALL, HANNIBAL, MO. Antranpaa thla aaaaon bare been larored with crowded booaaa. Tema to aoit tha tlmaa. BUlpotlDg by the naw billpoater Ftank Bandera. WUl eDdearor to make It to Tear Intereat to ntOD with oa. Addreaa bj mail or tela. PBOPBIBTOB, Moiart Hall. Hannibal. Mo. 47.iat» THBATBB, FHILADBLPHIA. PA. J. J. TAYLOB PBOPBIBTOB JAMES COI1LIN8..BUSINES8 AND STAOB HAM^dBB TBS LBASmO TARrSTT TBEATBB OP PBILADBLPHIA. PLATING TO CROWDED H0U8BB NIGHTLT. PIBST-CLASS TABIETT STAB3, BDRLESODB COMBINATIONS. . . AND NtfTBLTIBS af ereiT deaorlpllon will ploaaa oommonloate at ewa. Partloe applylna for datea recelvlnf no replr wllhin aarea^aya, ooaildar allaace a poUie neaaUra, bat write ■ u.Ut* axon tr^asij TBBATBB BOTAL TO LET, BT TBB NIGBT OB WEB^ BMt Al>y^^_»haj>rejeila«or. BB8B JdSBPH, MontnaL THE ST. JAJtXES t:'^ra£.?8S".^!'.'!!!'.^'^h'^?!r:V5^e.or THE BOTBL adjolaa Sam Hagna'a Mmatrela, is wllhin Ihiea mlmilaa of tha laadlna theatrea aad rail way atatloni, and l a. th erelore, partlcnlarlT oonrenlent for TBANS- ATLANTIO PBOPBSSIONAL OBNTLBUBN. The Amer- ican Bar, haadaomelT fomlahed, with readlog-TBom, lara- torlea, eta., wUl be foond an capeclallr dealiahle reeon. Bngllib and American theatrical papers on Ma. CUT'S B-AX^Xj. ^ LEWISTON. MAIMB. Ttii la a naw baa, Ikcdtar the Fare loauad OB thraa atreeUL andlaoBe of the bestlallain MewBajjland. WBl eeS l,BOD. lAraeandeommodlooa ataaa.wii& annwHiMn luu i auiatn a and a tan aat or aoenarr. Brtiuantly U^Ued wttn no, aad fonlabed with arerreanrealenea tomake It flntaiaaa. Thirty per cent redaction tina IgA Taar'a ptieea. For datea and partlmilara addjees CITT HALL.L«wlaton,Ma tfJMBUBTS BABS-^BamlnlSBaBaaof llMXulxDaji of MtaMniay. USEFUL BUZSS FOB THB mwmniTgw WBtOHTB AND KBABirBBS, TABLE OP ; BBALT<8 BPAULDIBa>S SWISS BBLL-PLATEBB. OBT lUBTOB'S OBBAT STAB TBOUPE BFBBBHIAB MOiSIBBLS. ..«HAHBbBr. MILLBBA CBAHB,THBATBiaAL GOODS. N>DBWIira BABBBALL-PLATEBS' OVIDB; TBB BBA- BAMB, SBBTCH ABTISTS; TAN FLEET. PBINT. HB; BD. JAMBS, BFOBTINa GOODS. >-fltOK AEHTIIBB, SKATES, BABEBALL, AND BPOBT Dre^OOODB. ■ TABBABT: A. CO.. SBUGOIBTS; BOB STEPHENS. IprsIC; > "DB WITPB ACTING PLATB;" W. . /DDD.MAOIOAL GOODS; AMEBIOAN HOTEL, FRAaXLIH.PA. V ■BBOHABT'S OABOLINO OIL. . aaa iiiiiiiia UMiraappUaaaananal threajh their aliiilaMla I OoplM WlU be BC»Ue4t imaaan laaalpi at PBIOB, U 0EITT8. . r Pnbllaher and Proprtator t^OuBaKSJB. nandtOCaslreatieetiNewTork ^; g|n^n 4..nd,»Tlneatr,«.Fhlggoigh^^^ • BUBOESS MABAQBB TABIETT ABTIBT8WABTBD ■ AT ALL TIMBB «Hat» tkSrW OHXOA.«j»<»i_Tl=l PI A TB.'B, aHIOAaO..-OPBN DATBS APTBB FE B. B FOB OON- auilmmnunoNBjciifBti^ aAPAOTTT. una. a beautifpl TBBATB& . ror ^^«^;wSFto L. L. SHABPB. MoTIe^aCa Th«Jrt. .JMJhZVA.O'flRS OAlXT .A:Dl>mBS8 MBS. J. B, HACEBnioropea datea ata Bait 41h atreet, N. Yl. or Blmmonda A Wall. dO-Ut* OIXCOtTS PROPSRTZ' FOB BALE OBBAP.—One Pola-wacoo. one Bagpica-waaoB, one Plaoik.wafoo, one TIcfcet-wagpn. All la complete ofdar. Addnaa WILLIAM H. PIDOBON, Aaeat. «4.Ui' Blnitown, SahnylBll Co.. Pa. ptne aaaoronent^ot^trloaa for^ataire^or ^arlor^ alae^^og. lUns.baUa.knlTaa.atn. AUgoodawaUOnlshed. SaodU for Ulaitialad catalone, or Seta, lor THOH. TOUT, Wo. aa North gth street. Pblladelphta. fm. 4».|at« OEBOX7S XjIO-XZ-X-S. KI D DS' PATENT LlOff PBICE8 BEDUC are the OHBAFBSr, BBSr. AND MOST DUBABLB. SOLB AOBNTS, TATLOB A BBSSEMIB, 48»» ■ >T0Uffauea4,N.T. BRXDCrEPOXtT, Ot.. 0PBBA-B0D8B. B. B. STANTON, Pnprlelar H. H. 8CBIBHBB, Agent. Terma. SU oar nighl, Ineladaa nahtn. Blags kaadi. Janitor, Light aad Heaung. q-iSf TO JkJSA.TBimS.-'WIO'S, BBABOS, HOPGUNBTILLE, KT. Naw; seats 400: laU loanarT; patroaage good. Oily on rmllw»y,wHh».000 popolatlon. «».13t* FOR SAJ^B OHI3A.P, 0O8MOBAMA. Addrea A. BOBBINS, 80 Loomla atreet, Chicago, IlL U-4t XTEW teiela.'pre: BRII>0£1> POBT, OT. HAWBT OPEBA-UODSB. Bradlon began last Aoanst. WQl be ready, to book aU first, class entertalomenu aAer April 20. On grDond floor. Seat- ed with LUO opera.chsIra. For fuU partToalara, rent, ahar- log terma, eta., addreaa JOHN N. NBAB, Baalnass-mana- ger. Ol-m A FIBST-CLAS8 B-FLAT COBNBT-PLATBB. TO DIBBCT AND TAKE CHABOE OP AN OLD- EBTABLiaHBD BAND. A PEBMAMBHT SITUATION FOB THB BIGHT MAN. FAIB B A LAST. For partloolare addreaa T. W. TBATia, ■ M-g Ioekbo«7a.HaUek.l ■W.AHTE1T>, ' LIVINO CDBIOairiEB, to IraTdwllh JOBB O'BBIEN-aSIX SaOWS OONBOLIDATBD. Also Snt-olaaa Lady 8erfc>«omlc Slogar, a Man or Woman Flab, a Premler-ventrUqqalai, and a Lady Wlraaseen- atonlsc Address BATOHELLOB A DOBIS, n.Jl* IJOT Chcatnnt street, Philadelphia, Pa. TWO BI.T78XOX.AJNS want to traTSl the oomlag sea son In some CIBCnn BAND, TO PLAT 20 VIOLIN AMD ALTO, AND 80LO B-FLAT OOBNET, Address H. H- ABMOLD, B14t* Cory Brothers* Moslo-sloie, PrOTldaaoa, B. I. SOT£IBlI»ra lOCCL un. ABOB^STBEBT TOATBB. 'tin ( codot iiaain. BuSraS A WALL, I o Unloa city. ZroXUPOIiK. YABIBIIBB, KOBFOLK. .TA. O. T.TOOEBB .....80I0 Proprietor HABBT BJBFFBB80N^...^...-.-.""Btagejnanager OPEN ALL THE TBAB BOUND. . , MawlnthetnUUdeoi soceaaa Ftm-alaaa taint mnlad ^ aB tlmaa. FSHALB TALENT ALWAYS WANTED. WaiTB AND OBI A DATB. „ ■ . ABIattarsanawered. Addressaaabora. 49.1s* (HOIAB AND , THB OBBAT MA- PONOH-AND-JUOT. PBBPOBHKB, la . j^^, tSdt* on«B Ibr aaMamanU the omlac Canting dnai LVn Canndelet arenae, St. Cools, Mo. VCtA' SAX^ OR RENT. Id OAOSa OF FINB ASSOBIBD ANIMALS, wUh the best parteralna , , , DEN OF rOTO IiIONB :iXVO BUIFEAHTa AND TWO OAMBLB, , „ an ta lir e e o uA HloB; aagea nearlr new. Apply U J. M. FUBCH, Datmt, MtolL:or. BBHBT L. BnESBIBB, 10* B. BUraaih slisis, HewToia. dS-tf PBOVII>JB2TCXB OPJEIRAl-BOXISSI FOB BENT, •r win day oa> akarea with lltatnlaa* eDBblnaltena »4t> t^pera-hoosa. WjkJCV'Pfins-i—0XTRX08XTXE8 SO^Siia BALLOON SHOW, aadClnaaslsa:ala> from aeme Utile lady, ud other Adnrem and aand pholaa. to Franklin. Ky. U tr -wj^Tjem. EH>R rrELB obiginai. bOUIUAMA. JnaiLEB SINOBBSAND BBASSBAMD. Udlw and gentlemm of aaknowladfed abOUy. - Pwpla, withlna apadalUaa, that can play btaia and aulncpm- Ada«eaa.riaingV„.«.,Ijgr.^ BATIS. '**' DtawgriU. Kaiamaioo. Mich. ■WA»TBIX>. ■Int .lMCMsa. Old Woman, Chambermaid.'JayeaOa lady, UAi OoBOdyaad Heary Mao. to sepport *^ . r.-jVjHABLIB 430LLINB IN 918 BBB: and OBIUINAL PLAT OF • - • bdubka.- • . .• . i: . iMjil.diiaaiiiseiiil eliiiiiliiii Inliiiilimm Salarlaa tnanlt tha'times. Addreaa. ataUaa UnraMaal* ■ Ml • WILLH-'OUNM. tare of CLIPPBB onee. I 'WA;nTEII> 'A.T TBEATBB COXlqUB. Bloh BCmd, Ta^ a good Tarlaty Leader, one who slnga baaa Baaaaasbla alary aad long angaiamant. Talent wanted, •paallthaieab W. WVPOTNAM.Pmprlator. DBLPBIA, FOB REOVT— OABNCBOBS A DtXETS elbtbnth-8tbbbt opbba-bousb, .pHiladi will be fob bbnt on and aftbb mabch zt. by the nigbt ob week febst-olabs PABTIE8 DESIBING TBBMS AMD DATES vinplaaae addreaa OBOBOB BABBBB, Tiwesmei. tl-n BlaTonth-atreet Opeta.hoaaa,Phlladalpkla, Pa. rpaxi coBu:x>'r ox> LBHONB, low playing at HaTIOKBR'S THBATBB, ChlaifD,IU., GBEAT 8U0OEBS. M88.eeplaa for sale. Apply to L. L. SHABPS. 81 itagMnaaaaer, llaTbikar>a Thaalie. City BlUposicia. eoatrol all BUlboaida and FooBea In tha dtT. TherarooldlUe to bear tram a good nanyto play Maich SO, FaatDay. A Pantomlmapr^srred. n-ati^ P. O. BOX sTWeat Meridaa. Ot oatss* opera. oobepait-x', ' uNdbb manaoembr op mb. samuel coltillb- . Lyeeos ThaaUe. New York. Hanh 11 aad M, InoInalTa. 'WalBDt-ltnet Tbeaue, rhlladalahla, March ai, 31, In- clnalve. National TheaIrs, Waahlagtaa, AprD I,T. ladaatTa. Grmnd Opera-booae, Baltimore, April 9,14, tnalaolve. BsTerlT'a naatre, Chicago, April U. 0, iBdaalTe. OPEN TO NBOOTIATB FBOM _ ■ APBILSO, lor MQwankee, SL Paol, Mlnnaapolla, Oraad Baplda, Toledo, Dauolt. Indlanapolln, DaTten, Oolnmbaa, Wna^ Inc. PtttatwrRToTonto,Baitalo. ifiMitieal, eja. Addreaa SAM UBL COLTILLB, .. n.R ' 04 Ponnb aTonaa, New Tor*. KBX^LiT A; Xj'EOjR'S OPBRA^ HOU8B. Twanty.thlrd street and Sixth aTBnna. The ahOTe theatre TO LBT by the night, week or month, alTeiT reasonable terma. Apply to H. A. BBOOBWAT, sgeot lor KeUy A Leon- B-H« THE HENRICOS ' '•x<HRE3E3 XN TTTTaiBEB, wm be atUberly Is negeUala with naniftn for Ua tsnl- IngiaaaooaBer AptllT. . *^ BiniTKEB8* OANNON-BALLS, SPANISH TB'ANOA. HOBOONTAL- BAB. DOUBLB-TRAPEZB. nOMIO STlLTa, JUG- ■ OLINO. BALANOINO. ETtt . . . Addreaa . J. HKNBiaQ,» ' ' O'gianlfort atreet, Bceten, Mass. DEED'S OPERA-HOUSE, TICONDEBOOA. N. T. ' ■ B«ta BD; ataga, lBi4S a.; iU sale aoenarT; wen Ughlad; goodahaW'townof «,M0. Terma raaaonabia. 4S4t* F. VBBD. PraiiMar. JUGGLERS' GOODS. Shajmon, Mer £ Crane. noomas ami* uanupactvuis of TBSATKECAK OOOBS, No. 48 Maiden I<ane* Kew Tork. IflUBDOOTTONTiaBTS ABBIBT8,.pvsel,..8t TI ■ownia BBi BTa, eaah...** oe ts 4 10 BOWIHO TIOBIS1W .aom aa aa aywaroa. WOBSTKD Kjm nOHTS par pair... • M W0BSTBOTiaBra,BHIBTB,LB0TASD8l . aad BOOT OBXSBtS Jesea,.. ■ so BBBT SILK T IOBTB . OOrTON TOPS iO WOaSTBD TBDNXS p<r pair... 1 » BB0 OLOOB. p«palr,..tala •! M to 4 10 OLOWN SUITB ttcoi SO spvaHs. STBIFKD stooinos p««alr,..Si If and spwsrdL BPAHOLXB, pvlh. (IS BEDIiL CAPS frWB Tie. each, spwatdo. SUrPOBTBBH. - each... t 00 HaKB.1IP BOXES S SCh. 81 OU A ( OV PBBPABBDBDBNT COBS A CLOWN WnTB,> . „ laBarBorK.K.M.aadlll^ ~J-»"*" ■ HBoaO VIOS aack,..*! WSS 10 aad 0 tO CBABIOTBB WISB, tram »* OO apvaid* HVSTAOBEa, .. .tm it to lOe. WBISKBB8 an4 BCtBOB,. - pvsN, aa la « n> BOXING OX.97B8. ...pcrMtof tvopalra, bom OS OO epvoiea. OALP STOOEIMO PADS, .perpair... -i 00 CALF aad TBIGH PATB,. .pnpalr,.. 10.10 LORo snBLsson soxb a sanox saoxs, { . „ la. U-aodurincbai .TTI paIr,.* le WHITB OANTAS CUPPRBS, TBITB OANTAS OAIIBBS..., ..per pair,. ..par pair,.. 1 t ii THBAIBICAIh nUTABT A BESAUA GOOOB IN XVEBV TABIXTV. ,' ' FlMa.BaaBan; BswlagBalia; Bear, Meatsy.Prea.andc«bv flata: •niMlihiil J«v«liy; PaoteOfMha Boadj aad WOK PIfarsa ta wder: Oembu Sweidi; Llocn Thread Ibr BpaoiUef; OUl. Plalsd end Tlonl Prlogni Ijtam, OIspo, Brolda. OMds, Stars, Taaals, Breaadm; BBbn4«naa, Aai- uisij rsrletr ~ Satin Dottlaoei. aad Wit* Masks; PoltPaptf aad 11 Paptf and Capper FoU: Sandals, As.; Satia Opws and Bllw Leather; BesJ BUpesrs sad Theatrtal Beots; Oeld ff^a:^. Fhi""<t- tt Papkr-Moebe; Posdaf MaUolala; Wmedaad8UkPnaiai,TaaBb,aa4 Boaoer 81U aad BoaUaa: Spssia, IijUa, An.i Bray PattapBcC Hat tseidari BscssPlamB flMli S«Bt C O. D. ted far Ctreabr. aojits THE ORIGINAL I 3 1.. I V L> ij is.: COMBINATION Continues Meetlii? frith SncceRS^ NOW TKAVBLIKO ON TBB LONE STAS BOUTB THBOUOU THB DBNNISON (TBXAB) CRESCENT wys: Ttao Hsjweod Broa. mado theLr «pp«*(mnca lut nlcht b«ror«aorowd«dhoiiu,aBdfuU7iUt(Alaed their repaU- Uon u flnt cUu ATtUu. Wli«ra erarjoDS did eo well It would be iQTldloaa to go loto fDllerpartleulara. TBB MABSHAIili HBKALO (TBXA£) aaya. This adminblA lroD|^ giira one or iheir ODlqae enter- talameDtS At the Opem-houe to « rerr large aadlenae. Tor nxiety, rlohnoma aod IstAreal we tMnk il aiceUed enr axhlblUoo th&t hu ever beeo her& THE LITTLB BOOK (ABEANSAfi) DAII.T aA2BTTB Tfae HoTwood Bras.* in>ap« performed et the Orand Opem-hoaee. end to Jemmed eoa pacfcrd wni the audleoce tlikl Dot e TBcaat aeat oould be eacured \>j thoae who came late. The camhlaiilon put « flratacUn nrlety ■how bO' fore their patroDi, whloh wu well, roceired, oTery piece being foUimed by an eneore. The alfger bnalaeaa la the beat aeaa here thla aeuon. An the coermoten wore well aaatelned. The doable trmpexe«etor the Ytctorellla wma e wonderfol performance, while the closing eitrarm^nn of "LUe Among the Black UDla^wu perronncd In auch e manner aa to aend the eadlence away el the oloae inz with mirth end leu|ihter. ills wifcumi^^ sHBlivEPOHT iLA.) TIUBS: The Heywood Broa.* Combination performed toftTery latKe aedience. and all went away bettowloit the highaat compllmente. while no email nnmber pronoonoed u the heattronpe that ererTlalted thla place. The entertala* ment oonauted of mlnatrel aeeaes. aU ot whloh wera new, trmpeie end acrobaUc-afita, necro farcea. dog dancing, etc Maoyol the ecu were very ftiQny, and never fkUed to oUoU onboanded applauso. THE HEYWOOD BROS.! COMBINATION vIU make a finramer tour. rerUltlog tha acenee of ita former trtompBa, and fliai-claas perfoimen <aone othen need apply) can addreea, ontU April 1, to Qulnqy, UL, TmX. ELBYWOOZh* O.U Manegerand Sola Proprietor. NED WERKERd MAUD SimilEY TSB BBPDfBD OIiASSIO AND COMIO MUSICAL SKETCH ARTISTS AND INSTRUMENTALISTS. MAUD STANLEY, AMERICA'S FATOBrrE SONGSTRESS AKD CORNET-SOLOIST. NED WERNER THE VERSATILE COMEDIAN ANB ALTO-HORN FLATEB. Bellahia managars, addraaa NBD WEBNBB. 8S Bantlngtnn stfvet, Cleraland^O.. n ntU April U. after that c are CUPPBB. - 5i.ll« SHOWMEN, ATTENTION FOB BALB, 'TO PAT ADTANOBS AMD STOBAOB, LARGE TRUMPET-ORGAN ABS STEONG LIGHT WAGON, built fbr P. T. Bamam. la eqoal to a foil bnaa band, aad faetUng la Ita flae oaee) forma one of the nNESTTABLEAU WAGONS FOR SIREET-PARAOES Call or aend aome one to examine It, aa It must be aold to pay adTaaeeaand atofage. which are a email partol lu nfoe. TBUB6DELL A BBOWN, Baokera. W4l 108 FUthavcnne. Chicago. IlL IN BIS WONDBBPUI.INOIAN-CI.UB JUOOLIN'O and ABTI8TIO Jia AND CLOO DANCES, can be eaniied by reiponalblamanagtrs. Addreaacare ol CLIPPER, li* i OPERA-HOUSE, NEW OPERA-HOUSE, PBANELIN.AND OIL HEOIUN CIRCUIT. Flrst-daaacombinations wlshloa time, 1mm one to two weeks, address SAM T. JACK, BanaECr, Oil City. Pa. Open time In April and May. l>2-3t» T HE EDWARD JAS. S. AND KATIE4 S Bellnad Dnal Artlsla. Henck's Ball, Cloclnoatl, O.. tws weeks; Central Theatre, Baltimore, to loUow. 62.11* OF TBB GBEAT 8O0TBBBN TBAM THE CONTINENTS FOUR, WELSB, BTAN, BARBTS AMD MATTREWS. In their rul'Ini PLANTATION 80N08-AND-OAN0BS and QUABTETBTATBE-ULOO. HaTeJasteloiadatwoweeka* snecessfnl eniSKamant at the MetnpoltUn Tbaalrc. Newark, N. J. Open at Park Theatra, Brooklyn, March 19. one week: open at Theatre Camlqaa. Broadway, New York. March is, one week; other datea in follow. - First open data. May 7. Addreaa e nt OLIPPEB OlSca. tt-li* MISS MARION FISKE, SINOIBa 8OUBBBTTB, OPEBA-BOUFFB AND BUB- LBUQUB, AND T. J. MARTIN, LBAOINO ktAN, oan ba enaaaed lor remainder of aaaaon. Addreaa COL. T. A. SBOWN, B-lt* 9 West Poarth ati«t. New Tork Olty, MARTZNHO I.OWANDE, TBB BBAZILIAN SBTBN.BOBSB BABBBAOB-BIDBB, can ba aD|a(«d. Address B-It aa Foulkrod street, Franklord. Pa. HIMT 6. aiGHIOHD, COMEDIAN, HBW NATIONAL THBATBB, Philadelphia. Pa. [1» CHASLtESTON, S.C. OWENS' ACADEMY OF MUSIC 63-tf Address Frank Arihur. Burinesi Manager. BEN COTTON Wood'g Husenin, CblcaKo, IIL Wanted—Artists oi ability In all hianchaa of the pnlaa- alo n. S alary sore, b ot m ust ba low. Also wanted— UTINa CUBIOSmBtl FOB THB MVBBOM DE- PABTBBNT. Addraa aa sbora; send stamp to insnra an anawer. ai.Ut BBM COTTON. Bole Pro>rrialor. MENDELS atTr1n>h1e'a,Plttahnrc. OPEN AT TBE ODBON, BAIf TIMOBB, iTaBOB 19. St-lV OUR HEW CATILOGUE OF Pis AYS ■rtrea the nnmber ot acta end oberacien, eoatnmea and aoenery reqalred. and tine ot rapreaentattonof eaoh pUy, aent free on applicattoii. Tableau Llyhta^lSa eaoh, or Ore for SL; Burnt Cork (the beat made), f Jo. per box, or >1.7S perponnd; Monatachea. SSc and iOo. (the beetl; Wl^a, Bearda. ete, ai low prleea; Hake-np Botes, with dlreo- tUmaatl: Face Preparailona. etc.. «to Bend tor aeata^ ktaofil Addreaa BAPPT HOUBS OOHFANT. 49.15t Wo. 1 Qhambera atreet Wew York. THERE'S TROUBLE, apparaoUy. aiBOBnl the baqjndejilera, bol ereiTbodyae-. knowtadaaa that the best pnIesslonslTamt>nartnee 1M.IM and Bonos lase . or both for(9)aremyDiaoaac<lir«L Don'l and Bom lnr«et It. _ra9)aranyG toB' STEPHENS. Detroit. MUh. COIJSEUM oSan lha (FonneriT Lowen Oardea), CINCn" ■ CINNATI, O., tandmnat attractlre rarlety andnndarnia pcrforaunc«a ever pot on the slacn, Flrsl^lasa nrlaty. spaelslty and norelty artlsu always wanted. Thla niae* hat tha Mat amn«edcallin« for trapau perfoiman. U-lte STEiNAU JEWELRY CO 70 W. 4th St.p Cincinnati, O. Tlie only lianae In America mailing a Specialty Of the Uamnfitctore gnil Importation of CHEAP JEWELRY. THE UTEST NOVELTIES AND THE LOWEST PRtCES. Dealers In Oeoeral Merchandise. F»«X<?"ife "lJ2i''t2VJS And Valuable Inrormatlon In oor NB^T UXOSTBATBDPWOB- LTBT. 1S7T, Id book-rorm.contalDlniorer ljfll)0fjJl.aUodenfr»»lO|aor the latest slylaa or all kinds at Jewelry, Watchee. ato. MaUedtraa, ■"' S?'gfrSiA'3aS'Km the E-ar Wo.t and Oeaie^ STEINAU JEWELRY CO., Box «1A -W. ST., OIHOrHIf A.TI,^0. luqu & lajli's Grand Combination AND THE GALLANT SIXTY-NINTH BOYS ISfe^-S&R^J^fgfSSB^^BKF^-f^At^^ BABBIOAN A BABT harlna renewed their lease of the THBATBB OOMIQUB. will. U Ua BOBClailOB 01 inair Jt:»i;!f::±fL^_^^j^Il^TorkMr1yln thaPalL All haalnaa ennmanlcatloBa pleaaa addraa tnTeUnf mix: oRiGHisrAL KAXAOEB FOB SCHOOLCHAFT & COES' mnVSTREIsS AHD BRASS BAHD NBWLT-OBaANIZED, AND OONSISTIHa OF SO nXtST-CLAis*© AltTISTS SO, WlU atari on a general toorot the New England Slates APBIL2. Tha oompanyoonalsu ofthe following weU.known ITWKK SCHOOLCRAFT. OKOROB H. COBS, ?55,?^k*'?io'lc SBAB-ITER Ann SUAVIlf. BBRNARDO, ARTHUR COOK, D. BARON. A. J-„_ , J A RIL,KV J. DAVKHPORT, J. DWTBR, wm nntorplayonaharlDjrierma. U — Porta* n?o"th.'N. B°,9, Amert:^:Kino;-aiSi^e"r~,-irTn,; a:Biliira:^iif^^n2^^Ai^ rsfB n rW| w BOOTB AHEAD: tawrence, Bass., April». ksahna, N. B., S. CooMrd 4^«eter 6, DoTCr Ue . 6. Portland T. I IIS cbCBT STBEET. BOSTON. MASS. HOLLIDAY-STREET Uovolty Theatre, BALTIMORE, MD. TO THAYELIKG COMBIRATIOKS, MINSTBEL BAKDS, or any FIBST-CLASS ATTitACTION ABOUT TO TlSrr BALTIMOBB. CAN BB BAD FBOM MAT 21 TO JTTLT 7. Thla theetre la the Bneat of any In Baltimore, both In r*> gard to LOCATION and ACCeUMO^ATION, having during the paat dUaatroua aeASon played to e boalneBs aeoond to none In thla oonntry, and U la patronized by the elito of the Honomental City. WUl offer UBERAI. CEBTAINTIES OB mST-OLASS SHABING TERMS Apply at once to W. J. aiLMORE, n-tt Sole Proprietor and Manager. BANJO TICB.-My original almpll- fled method for banjo, en* Urged to 100 pagea, will net be ready antU Hanh 10 or a) itbe book they all ropy). Prise, Uc by mall: aame method lor nliar now ready. Sua. by mall. BLBO ANT STAOB aad Box.0 BANJOS aad FINE OUITABS, wbole- sala aad retail, Irom to SAO. Send stamp for Ulnstrated pamphlet and prIce-llsL No notice taken ot i)oatat<ajda. Lmsodsoo baDlosodgmltar. Blennt Reeeptlon. Instmo. tlon Pariora and Oalesrooma. OBO. O. DOBSON, x.xse WAjsaiiwoTON ST.. TO BIIaS^OSTEBS. ooua w vur olDoa a Btstai^enf oi ogstlni faclllUea, the nnmber ol bUlboari'si. and loaatlon, uo pr»M tor poatlos, as follows: 1 No. of Hatf-sfaeet Bills. No. of OnMheot Sills. No. of Two-shoet {Bills. No. of ThroMhoeirBllli. No. of Streamers, size fiioin 10 to 30 Sheets. It-tte est PasrI street. New Tork. Ing Beds Basy; Bis. Send SS.W; U-laeh Sooj(and.dane« Shoea, ~ ST: Dnich ClocaU: Negro WIga, SI; Snmt Cork, nor boi. fiOa; Falaa aons- tachee. fiOe.; Bosewood Bones, TSe.; Tambo. SI: Banjo, AS; Trlaaile, lOc: Month Ofgans, Tte.; Plr«. eating Prepaimllan, per i boa, 0OQ.; Pli^s, 1 Wc Jig Olog, and Braakdawn Dana. f Amnaaent Oood^ ■Istered latter to _ ip tor Bamlt by P. O. ord« or SD. jSmES, Clippar BnOdlaa, ga and 90 Centra street, N. T. B£KTHOTl]N BLIIjLi, WASaiNOTON S«.,0PP08rrB OLOBB THBATBB, BOSTON, to let bj the sight or week ts Bist^lsa •»«hlnatlena. It u weU stored with seeoery.snd fDmlahadwtlh araty oonrenleaeeior dnmatloor musical entertalnmenta, and baa a sesUna capaolly or i,eaa. MuMnraoraiieaudaalr. log dates addr»M J. J. HAIBY. Proprtetgr. fl.lSl* Beelhoren Bali. ARTHURW.FRENGlk la WBITBS SONOB-AMD-DANeES AND ■ ■ XK BD8I0AI. SKETCBE& MM BRIDOBPOBT. OT. TO MANAGERS AND STARS. EAST AND WEST A BOKANTIO AMERICAN SOCIETY-COMBDT, IN FIVE ACTS, BY JAMES GOBEEBT. A play deslloed to become sitractlTO sod popntar. The snthor maintains a thrilling Interest from the opening scene to the dnala^MIDDIjESBX coi;ntt dbmoobat: Sparkling srlth bomor and pleaaaatiy, and abonndlna In pasBurs of tender paihoa aad traa aloqaeaea.—NBW SroNswick DAIUT PBBDONIAK. ^. , ^ ^ It WlU need same euttJng.down In dlaiogna and other alllht ohangea, and will then make a arst.elaa acting play. — DRAMATIO NEWS. , . ^ „ . "Bast and West" la the IlUe of a new pUy by Mr. Jamea OorkeiT, which la said to pomass consldsrsMe merlL— NEW TORK UBRALD. , ■ ^ , „ All the reqnlrementa ol law hare been falflUad. Man. Sara or atan daslrtnga powerful attraction WlU plaaae drasn aAMrfllL^RBNCB A BON, aa.jt* lg Nssssn street. New York. mm m-m, WOOSTER, O. RBW and FIBST-CLASS In all Its apoolntmenta. Boat on STBBBT LBTBUaad niad lor TUBATBICAL PBB. F0RMANCB8 andCBirTDSEa ONLT. Coniliu of OB- CUEATRA, OBOBESTBA-OIBCLB and FIBST-BAL- CONY. 7M npholstered, Iron-fo'.dlog opera^itialra. Capaal- tyof hanie,1.0ta Stage. SOiteft, which, wlih aU lu ap- polntmanta, waa deelgncd by and eseented nnder toe Buperrlllon ot D. Qraham of CblcaoD. architect «f Mo. Ticker's and Booley's Theatres of Chicago: WhIlneT'a Opera-honse, Detroit: and Bnolld.aTenne Opem.honae, Ofereland. O. It has sreen.hatze drop and botntlfhl aet. ennalDB, a eats of seenery.s seia groorss, traps, grannd. lights, and woTklna.brMge In the stage, and set pieces na- eetsarr lor tha pndacilon of all aocleiy.dtnmaa aad Shakespearian plays; Ilgbtad by gas: the auditorium by a 4&-bnmer aunllgbtreOeotorandprlsmatloobandeHers: the stage by tbe most appmred modern gaa appllancaa, i border-lights, 3D bnmera each; tbot.Ughia, tS bomera. There are 8 large dressJng.rooms, esah .supplied with gas, and hydrant-water, oxKrbla waah.atanda and Ingrain car- Eits. Water4loseu on each floor, and eToiy oonrenlence ndlng to tbe comlori and accommodation of the profes- sion; two are pings on stage, natural preasum tolDoient to delnse tbe siege and hall In a moment STAOB IS LBTBL AND SETS PAINTED FOB "BOX-IN" BOBNES. The honse was soeeersfnUy opened by Bllaler's Dramatlo Com- pany, Irom Enclld.aTaDiie Opem.hnuse, ClaTaland. O.. Feb. 1,2, a. followed by Hiss Jane Coomhs, Dsly's Fifth. arenoa Company, both of whom pronounce the house most oomplete In all Ita appolntmeoia. "A perltet gem," "The parlor home of comedy of tbe Siata." Apnlloations ler rentiog or playing oo terms should be addreaaed to B. P. hatBS, sacraiary, Wooster, O., and aocampanlad by aallilaetar; referanoei. None but Orst-elaas eompanlcM and ICHlUmataentertalnmenta will ba permitted ortoler. a^ by the manaaement- B>-lt ABEURDO LOWANDE THB BBAZILIAB S0MBBSA1TI.T PAD-BIDBB, can ba eamad with horse lor the aaaaon ot U77. Addr«M 48 Foolkrod street, Ftankford, Pa, n-n H-ENRir C. TRTOK FBOX BoTICBBB'B THBATRE,' OHIOAQO, AND Is. I.. GRAHAM, FBOM AOAOBMY OF MUSIO. NEW OBLBaBS. LA. an prepared to palat. In arst elass melroBolltaa alyls. BerBory lor tbeelrea and pnollo halla. Addrea for the nreeani BENRY a TBTON, or I.. H OBABAM, City Onem-honse, Tror,Mlsml Co., O. Permanent oiIiIiim: <&ra MeTlcker*s Theatre. Chlaago. Aa we are "blrtt el paaaga," due notice ot c hange of addreaa will be glron. Beapemtnlly, «8H> TOTON A OBABAM. "TA-TJOHT _ BAIL BT OHABLBB DOBSON (TBN OBNTrT, CRAMPIOW BANJOIBTOll THE WOBLD,aadtnTenlor ot the dimple method. a,aOO tones now nady. Send for prlattd catalogue A nmple tone, with Aill esplanatloaa, only lOota and a Set. stamp. The most nnmoslasl oan play lha baaio by this method at sight, witbont the aid of a laachn. Best strings. SOcts. a tm, -DOBSOK'S SILTBB SLIM Professional Banjos. S9); eaU4klBheada.l6liieh.U. DaedoK uoaht and vnplls prepared for the stage. 0HABLB8B. DOBSON,aOBowerr, Mew York. a.U TOILLTBWORBIGENTS WANTED DIMEDU.TELT, A FlilST-IMSS AfiINT FOB THB HOI.I.IDAY'-STREET Uovelty Theatre, BAJZ^'X'XBXOXtX:. BCD. « MXyBT A. LilVJU BAAA, WELL DP IN TBB THEATRICAL BUSINESS. ABLB AND WILLINO TO WORK FOB TBB IN. TBBB8T OP TBB THBATBB, GET PLACES FOB BILLBOARDS, ATTEND TO ALL PRESS NOTICES, AND SEE TBAT THE PRIHTING OF THE ESTABLISHMENT IS WELL POT trP AND DtBTRlBDTED— IN FACT. TO SEE THAT TUB TBEATBB IS ^BOPBBLT BEPRESBNTED To Both Press and Public. APPLY AT ONCE TO WMa Ja GILMORE, 'SOLB LESSEE AND MANAOEB, HoUIday-street KoTelty Tbeatre, BAI.TIMOBE, MD. NOW, TB WOBBTNO AOENT3. WHO SPEAK 80 LOUD IN NEWSPAPERS. WHBBB ABB TOUT dMt No Paper on the Wall. BIEHUiLGR'S OFERl-HOH, SANDUSKT, O. Kanagen wUl take notice that thla new and admirably amngod Opera-honse wDl be ready for oeeupanor on or aboot May 1, 1877. Beating eapaally. IJCO: fbrnlshed Ihrongkool with opetB4haln. Siage.StilO feet. Fllteea changeaoTsoenery, allnew,wlthahTflJngmaohlnery. Four prirale boiea. Two broad entimaoea, waterworks on the sisga. snd all modem Improrementa. Apnly to JOSEPH HOWBB, Proprietor, Lock Boi SI, Saadoaky, O. 40.Ut* BANJO! BOOAITS SILVBB-Riy AND AOSBWOOD BAKJ08. of aQperior tone and Anteb. Tambonrlnei. Bonea. and eu Unde of mujical lojlrumenta and elrlnce teot O. O. D. Bo- K'e SlrapUflod Baaio Manoai, the only method of ibe leTorpabilthed, eontaiDlof 69 popular aire, with dU raetlone for tanlof, flnoerlngand fretting tlie BeiUo. ThU meibod le not by nolo, bni uo «lmpl« aa to «Dabla the pupil to play ai el«hL Prloe« bonnd In doth, Baolo. Song- and-danoe. Jig, Clog, aad JrUb JlgMlanclnrtangbitorihe etage. tiend etamo for pnce-llst and eample of banlo mothod. JOHN J. BOOAM. 10) K. ttouton meet, N. tTIu* CHARLIE COLLINS, TBB ' POPTTIsAR COMEDIAN, IN TUB NEW AND OBialNAL OEBBAir- AHBBICAN DBAMA □E XJ R E IC WBTTTEN EXPBBBSLT FOB BIM BT MAJ. As R. CALHOUN, THE CELEBRATBD AUTBOB AKD DRAMATIST, WILL OPEN AT NBWARE,NEW JERSEY, APRIL 3, 1877, snpportad by a eompany ot flrst class arllsta, and fhU Orohestm and Brass Band. WILL H. OUNN, MAJ. CaAm.BaB,Bna8.AgenL IM.4t«| Manager. IVPOBTBB AND MANnFAOTVRBB OF THBATBIOAIi, BOATINO AMD BQDBSTBIAM 00008 aSO BOWESR'S'. NBAB HOUSTON STBBBT. N. T., has canatantly on hand the most mmplele assortment to be found In the United States of silks, satlne, relreta. tar- lelana. lacaa. gold aad sIlTartrlminlnga, allk, eollon, war stad and Usle thread; shirts and tigbia, leoiarda, elown ealu,monkeydrassaa,eto. Slippers and ererythlngnaeea. iaiy tor A oomplete wardrobe, PADDINGS A SPBOIAI.Tr. OoodaaantO. O. D. to any part of tha O. B. W-Ut* IXVING CURIOSITIES FOB JOHN BOBINSON'S GREAT SHOW, to trsTCl wHb the aldaahow at Bobot SUekaay dnilag tha season of 1877. I would like to hear l^m the Wild Anitnllaa Children, the Wild Men of Borneo, the Axteo Oblldran, and all othw DESIBABLB COBIOSfnBS. Address^ ^ „ BOBBRT STTOKNBT. No. as Serenlh street, OlnolnnaU, O. FOR SALE. One7D.root BOUNO-TOP OAMFAS wUh all aceeatn- menia^ good aa naw. The Wonder of lha A«e, THB OOW BBADTT, hartng tiTe (8) less, three O) horns, and two (I) tails. Olraa ntllE tram the top of bar hack and nndemaath. One PBBFOBMIKO BOO. One PBBFOAMIHO OOAT. . One PBBFOBHINa SHOBT-NSOK HOBSB. Will aeu anj or aU at ahore at a low nrioa. • "-"a** BOBBBT SnOBMBT. PUK OPERA-HOUSE, STRAC1TSE, N. OPBBA OHAIBS Am NEW BCBNBBY TBEOUOBODT SBATINO CAPACITY, LfiOO. NOW OPBB TO FIBST-OLABS OOBBIMATIOMB ONLY. The Largest and Finest Place of AmPB ement in Central New York. THE CULT SAFE HODSE IN STBAOUSB. Thla honaeU not bdlUoa lha aky floor. Two large en- No more monopoly, to '!f.5''.!5?'i'*'?'"«^"' wUlahareon laTorshle terns wlUk Bnt^laaa eueog oompaslas In Sjiieiue or Aabnra. Address ' B. K. BIOKBT, Eyimsue, N. T. Or p. H. UBNBN. ^■ Busln«sa.manag«r. Anbnra. N. T. ■ANAOBBB JAMES IMARTIN & SON,^ ••Uta Maanftfltorae cd Cinraa 'asd-Shew Oan' nanel& UAOoeamarelalatnet.Baatoo. PBI1B LIST BBBT FBBX The nnderslgned an now prepared, after long eipe- rleneeln their mannftetnre, aad In aaatlng oyer twenty pnbUo bnlldlngs, to fnmlsh CHAIRS FOR THEATRES, . OPERA-HOUSES, eta.. In any part of the eoontry, and la a great rarlaty "in^lffiiuon to tha ordinary ohAir wllh foUllDg-saai (whl^ they can tnmlsh at rales far below any ot their oompetltors), they manofaetore NOLAN'S FATSNT OPBba-OBAIB, with folding taat. back and arms; and alao anewohalr (Me abora oats) with folding .sat and back, the back aad leg being aelf.locklng by maana af a '^aVlu'nMupaiued fkclUtlea, they bsllare they can all ordera al lower ratea. In leas time, and fire a better ebalr than anyone else In the boslne.a. _ . Samplea oan be seen at al Pnlton atreet. New Tork. For catalogue and prioeJlsi aend to ^Sebabiist a JOTOB MFO. CO.. B)tolOMorlonandt;ioaOlymaratrMtB. U-ISf Btoohlyo, B. D., N. T. B^^JVJO MTJSIO KOTICEa Owing to other huslnees requiring my wbolestlantlon, I am eompaUad tor tbe -preaent to wliMraw ftpm tbafliUd aaa leaSier. My SOLOS, tabiations. DUETS. eUL, can be obtalnadtrom the nnlraraally aekaowlaged master ot all bai^olsta, MR. FRANK 8. CONVERSE, whobaapcFDanenlly located in New Tork. and engaged In taohlng the banjo. I aheermUy recommend bim to my pupils and othera desiring mnato or In.tmctfon. (S.U» AI.. BAUB, Brookrllle, Jefferson Co.. Pa. Royal Opera-IoQse, TORONTO, CANADA, WILL BBNT OB BHABB. A FEW OPEN DATES TBT. Comblnaltona wishing time eui sddress UtUt. JAS; FBBNOH. Proprietor. THE TOLEDO MUSIC HALL, us TO 141 BAST MADISON ST., OmOAOO, UX. BAYBOND BALTENBACa •iV v;S-5^42SS ANDT MOBBIS STAOE-UAMAOBB Alwaye en opening for fint-claaa wblta-taoe specialty art- ifls, gymnasts, serio.<omlo yocallsts, etc. e> dt* -map' -HLO.J.HAWBACH ■"'^ ^^H.L■i■.■)iL^H:A.FA BANJOa TBE HIOBBBT Premium awarded at the Centennial ElblbltlOD to the BENBT C. DOBSON PATENT _ CLOSED-BACK BANJO for the finest workmanship and the most brilliant-toned Banlo on tbo face of the eartb. Rosewood, elegantly sHTer-meuntcd. No. I, t»: Ho. 2. tSU: No. 9,tM: No. ^ SHl Sentonrecelptof pnce.orO. O. D. My simple method tor banjo enables the most unmuslal to play instantly without the aid of a teacher. Bead atamp and IDn tor aampla and caiAlogna of 2,000 tnnea. Instmetiens given on banlo and guitar; also all .tylea ot dandng for the stage uunhL Address aH ordera to tfS SIXTH AvEMtlB. New York. td-U SHOW-PAIK T IKG S. S. FKASKS, SHOW-PAINTEB, ta prepared to cater tor all his old friends aa well aa new for coming aeasoa. Palnt-roonsa, Vfi Ttne atreet. Addreaa B. FBABXB, & B. oor. John and BetU ata., BMl« Clndnnatl. O. MANAOBB& GIBBOKS* HOTIX, corner Howani and Saratoga etrwrte. Baltlmon. Hd. Termi to proteeaionele, tft per weeks The labia tbe Teiy beet tbe market efEordA SPORTING. O-ABXXl XH>W].le^ OOC7KS A^iy HBN8.—Also, early Stags aad PoUets, trom sualna el my own Importations. Warrmntad thoroughbred game. J. BL ASBFOBD, SOI CaUowhin street. Philadelphia. Pa. 8S«l* jF<jkJR.BS SEIE:X>8. CInnlara of Bhiod- ed OatUs, Sheep, Bon. Poutrr, Sporting Dogs, etc, frev. N. r. BOTSB. Farkaahnrg. Pa. BOHt .BO. —The yetaiSB Haalar of Ceraaonlea, o: wmaandianreoetplot >«,Sa.erSafer ■ ofBOzniaob O OUOVKS JSM3R « OLD BIUC TOVBB, the Terr beat, per OLOTBS to ear Mate eapreaa a aaperlor set In the union. OtoTea aleaned aad repaifed THB ABT OF BBliP-DBFBNSE tlSikt b^ MB. TOVXB, edtharathlaowB or the pupO's " — tarma. _ .Myrtle aTeciM Pluk mad, Baabwl*, Braoklyn, L X. P. 0. addreaa, Boi aaa, BnSklyn. — Tha Da Kalb aTsane cam, Folloa F«iy,taka yostoUe old —**— • •-• F. GROTE a& CO., Tmraera 'snd Daalera Im Vturv mad Maa- BilaetaTcn of Sportlmg Ooeda, U4 KABT.1«TII. ST&BKtT^ Opposite Aeadsmy' of. Hoale, Sew Tork. Fsio, Roulette mnd Centre Tmblea, Roa- lette mad Pool Wlsealn, Iwerjr mmd .Bene Fare aad Poker Ohecke, Spraisda, Board* aad Oae Keepers. Boxes, Raeka, Ae. i39.<3te PgtrlB M ataal Pool Maekl aes iter gale. ■w A •M-«n» BLA2rO.A.X« OS< SPORTING RULES, LBd-ball, """'ir. QooUa, OOTsmlng Polo, B a fk e t s. Caatna,-Trap Shooting, Boating, Frlae-iliu Bunnlni, Bantdle, Walkd'r ^ Shuffle-board, La Cre ~ llni, Foot-baU, Haad — Shinny, Swimming, etc Third Edition, nrlsed and enlarged, pilee 60aU. The unal dlaooont to the trade. Addreaa X:X>. JAJkXES, Put>llali«r, t^eow OUoper Building, 88 ana » Centre atieet, B, T, We mannfactnre aad keep eon isianUy on hand erery artkila knowi to the Bportlag Frateralty, And need by tnem to WIN wllh In games of chance. ♦ J>2 «>«ae. One Carda, Lsyonta, Cue Boiea, Cheek Baakn SSjj^'SSf^v^^ SSJ"*,"? Roulette Tiblea, Bo^Ieu: Poo> Wheela, Jenny and Needle Wheeln Faro gVecks Poker CbeeS, Fkr^ Cart^ p?k«r oSSt v-.''J2S,'^ ""if* *'»SS' laketiTSeeTe MaeUaea; Tost Machlnea^DKB, Shinera, eta., eta. ^ ^ _ PLATINO CABDS CUT TO OBDEB flir an Banking and Short-card Oama., Bouada and Btnlghta^ BnelS; Wedgea, Btrlppera, et& We Ukewtae fereoohMdalMoVaSofairGniof """^ SEOONXS>Jb3L A.KI> T001..S. for sale toit ehean. We also publish a new boak an gam* UlngenlalnlngAIXtheTarlanabeneflu and adranucea playad la erery game. Send Ibronr Mammoth Clrrnlaraad I Sample BbeeU Yon can oaTe money ,^^TtBS!*^dSj; H»^''AB. ^t^Kw Hoa. as and 87 Nassau street, H ^ ^x, . NowTorhOlly. ■ Calllafarteiy npatalra. tS.!!* + AT REDUCED PRICES. - Cheek Rack., Cue Cards, Card PreiiBiB«! Faio, Poker, and RotUette Tables, Ron. Jette, French Pool, Jenny and Noedlo Whejla, Paro and Poker Caida and Checks. Keno Tools, Monte TlckeU. «ad short games ofcvecy description. RYDBERG,GRONHOLM&CO., 02 Market 8t., Ohlea^o, III. ■ L_ dWSta ISK STlfB!r»:»ip'p«rpair. KdnnU. Obamb«ra_and Oebnrn. fS^%i Pig Pane and Dof ry Thomaa' do.. Sl._Fl»tiann. 7»a lLylo.Oc. SBrS^'«»'5?«S*#oVS $i^£5L]^oJnL^S^^ Bhom. sua oiua Sk5Sj£SjiS»Sj8. OTart-aPMant^BoraeClipper,ta. THB QAME COCK A paetlial treatise OB bTMdlng,-. Una, oniln« dlseaaaa, ««acrtrtJon of- bSjcs forall parte of the world. tUS-, . , , „, , rCBJaSjt'r~rro cm vlt fawtal. IVa-Uke ekrana.cratla with tha tMok; or on Ana paper, UilS, pries "dr^OOOPBB'B WOBK OH OAMB FOWU •«. errBBLBPUB^ warranted, per pair.SA BPABBIBa '*PlTrow'!!^aii.?Do«i Oaponlatn«T*oIa.Sa.^ — —a— ~~id^Btamp tO) tralnlnct kaod. •to., with FH Bamlt by P. O. order, ana wn :er. UO ewdWmp tor prt»J«- Bast Bampton. Maaa. 14/ _ N^tSiil^tai^^Siy" I wfl.dlspoae ofcaaior two St rnf-we ilue" OAME ^J^^jl^^^ ^ ^ iri»sTloirr5s~momBBDB8iBBs na^ngagemt. «■ yg»y^^f gi£r..w. J. O.jaiXE5»-P0BB BBBD ATO HBAI.T|T. SU. TO^JWB VBsfiLSSf BABBBAIi OLBB AB A LBFT-FIELDEB. Addreaa ^ ^ ju^axt.l g.t^a Balllmnre. Kd. MISCELLANEOUS. THR ORIBNTAIi SBOBET SHOUI.D BB KNOWN TO aUwho^UhlTgiftMaUoyfd afleetlon. Can be used sec^Ur N^necanSslstlum«nellolnaoenca Price.|L R^rrd by coDnighL Beware of tnltatlona. Address B OTwa or "P^ig^ FBANOIS ATBE8. Boston. Mais. -n/~vi'AT7'O SendstanpfbrestalognetoOentralBoek BOOKS. Agency, Uf So. Tth at, Philadelphia. ». B OOE-LISTaod Colored Photo, one dlmfL None free, y^it' M. SHABPB. »U Vine etreet. Philadelphia. SCABCB GOODS. BOOKS. NOVELTIBS. PHOTOB, etc Bend stamp for catalogue to _ B2?iti 0°™%1LL1Am5. Atkinson Depot, N. H. c GRRjkT laOVE-SGC&ETe Bow to Cftaelaato elthor aei. "mpiJlo^Tand admlrallon IKBTaHTLT., Br mall, lO elA^ PBTEB W. WILLIABB, Chicago, IU. folf ' lOUNTEBFEIT COIN Isdeteeted at once by the new, !qalok"uiS POCKET COIN PFNOU^ jJT.. sn Instanuneooa blaok marfc oa allbad ooln. Sent O. O. D. at se per grasa. By mall. SI per dozen. Single penell, ti eonta. B. M. IDNI S handsome lalse moostaehea and goatees, ne. Oanol ne Halr.aOc J. L. Semmera,Newark. N.J.« TTNCOMMON BOOKS and NorelUaa. AU-paaeoslalogoa L se nt tree. Mssa. Norelty Oa. HarertiliraAss. [81^ . TATLOB. 30 Bowery, N. T. Ft < '^TiroNDBB OABDS."—Onrlona aad TalnabIa (kela In W science. iltentnre.amasamenla and aootalmatien. lOo. Addnaa W.O. BBOWH, S Grand St., N. T. 6l>.Ut M 'ABI.Va UP FOB THB STAOB. ^ . , A DracilCal article, protnaely tUnatrated. and other at Llre'^ind wfttl Ihlo0 In No. t of ELO00TIONI8T9 JontiNAL. Only lOeta.. ot any newadealer or by malL ttTUt' JES8B HAMBY' a pp.. llSMaaM rt.. Nia - " 'OW BBADY. ONIQUB PICTDBB. Scta.-, Coaa- trrman'a CIoihes.pln. Beta, r the Norelty. lOnji :cal». imeLSaar C. qDBEM,9 Bloefc atreet. frlSt * Try me lOcta.* worth- Btoneham. Ujum. A a week In your own town. TermaandSd-ontfltfiee. IpDD H. HALLETT A CO.. Portland. Maine. »ai AC'C A'T^aveektoAanata. SlOanttllPree. P. IpOO ^'9t to. TIOBBBY Augnsia. Me. tua a>1 O A DAT at home. Asnnta waated. Ontat aaa terns tree. TBOB-ACO.. Angoata. Maine. »«t THB TOIaL-OATB I PBIEB PIOTOBB SENT FBBBI An Ingenious gem I BO ohJaotato^Snd I_ Addreaa. eltk atamp. [QJOt*] "" ' — - . . ABBBT, BnSalo. N. Y. AOAperdayathomeL Sampleaweithtstree 1>0 ^ ^^yj SnNflON A OO., Poniand. f .Me. attt TWOBCBS legally and vdetly ODtnlnad tor tacompai^ X/^hlllty, eta.; reatdenea nnneeeaamy. Fee attar decna. U yean*^ eiperMooe, A. OOODBICH. AU<y.at4aw. IB D^rbom st. Chisago, PL 4MB PBOTOS ot Actreasea,Sentimental,eta.,10tnr]ia. Olr. enlanolBooka. 018^30. B. B, Loddan,B. IdseMn, Ba M.Ut iRIENTAIi liOVB aSCBBT.—Bow ta fasnlnata alkv aex; compellowe a nd a dmiration IN8TANTLT. By mall.ll)eenla: J. K. PIBTZ,Boigd.Aahlatid.Pa. «m» TBICK BBOK TIES. —Ca n be won the same sa any TIB or BOW. Magic Tran.tomatlon, the InrWMa made Tl<lbie, Sljon Art OaUaryJBa- nhsnlwl Beauty, Minor Charm. Be«. qnet ot Flowers. Comlo Hnsea, and Cblnaw BnnlFhsx. All In each Tie: 23e. each. S for See. Choice ot color. bta:k or blue. W. T. BILL A CO,, AahUnd, Mas.*, S14I if i 'ANTR1I Sntlt ■* '"'^ aad nn to Dealcn ow IsBpgeeda. NOPEDOUJIfi. Salary IIbml tasU nsa nsiB.acau Becsl and traT.Ues .spcases paid. 7 iOSiroa ump ocas Mala St, CngaaiMTiisM i) $984 Uailc by one Anient In s7 nays. Unewi ,iirtlclcs. S amples l*oe. Address, 3 mumiGTOH, gatiea^^* C. H. $3 WATCHES. Cbcapest In the knowat worm. liamUt mtSth md osofr /w t FortennaaddressCODI.T£BACO. S89 Each week to Asanta. Sooda Staple. laJB^ [testlmonlala recclyed.Tenns lil>eral.Far-X tlcnlara free. J.Worth ACo.Ut.Loala JloJa I AO If BOBestRe mJS9\M IVOne Sample rara&M. ATKINSOirA' Selling articles In the Wiril *'i n«e, aad an orda (aad OO., a Clinton PlscebTlY IMStaeew . Pr«r. Han'e BBisale Oeneiua Is the only preparsllon.ooepefksgeof esMS wOl force the besid to grow thick snd hsny on the ■moolhiaf ftca (wllhont ln|uy) la fl days In erery esse, or money e tandM.» j-y-g;^Etoili?' «-Bl» B0YLJt|LJ"^n^ABVl0M FACT. U.3>* SIMPSON A SMITH, at OonrtlandlaL.B.T. ROTiL HivM mm 1 w^ FlS^'BwPP^^y BVBBT U DATB , lP>laeefnmoaa.lPiteeei ( " - ■ I nrUaef Sia,(Xn,BPTlgaaofr ~ and n» other PrUaa, amoai inil fatonsallon fcrelahed .r... oimo, i>ni— audMd, taaalak baakhUIa, dnohlaoBa aad aomaiu '7.''f.""' _ ^ TAYXOB A C0„ ^-t* BankamU WaUatraat.BewTWk REOOMM H W DUD by ttao FACUIiTT. 2i TABBANT'B OOMPOBNO BXTBACT OF OUBBBS AND COPAIBA Thla eoBpooad la aaim l a » L any preparation hlthvta a. I rented, eomtrinlng In a tsit Aklghly eoooentnied stale tk. medical piupei tleaof the Cabefes naadOopana. One reonniffleiii^ H tlso this preparation enjoys ot« laD othera la Ita neat, portaMs '—■, Bnt np la pota; lha aods ah&h H may be taken b beU - laat ana oonrealeat, behig lha Cun of a pasta, taftale* and doaa not Impair tbe dlg» Ilea. Prenred only by TABBANTA OOr. Jsta, STB A an Oraanwlck a., HewToi SALB BT AU. OBCOOIBIB. 1X1 sew. A. S:VX^BSX1>a> OI»I»OIlTTnHIXX TO WIN A FORTUNE. FOUBTH OBAMD DBAWXNQ, UTT, at Naw Orleans, TOEBDAT, APBII, 9l LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY COMPANY. Thla lasthnlloa was regularly laeorporatad by the Legh- latorv ol the Btala for edncatloaal pnrpoaea In UOL wtlh s pllalot {l,IXD,<aO, 10 which It haaauoa tddedaneerrs SUS.Ooa. Ita anand Sliis(l«-niiJi>- will lake plaaaawaUly. ITNBT- fond ot bep P ra wltr BB n"*'"" OBtf lit* 1,0 Ht—. Look et taa fbllowlag schama,^O.AJ?XfK^Ss.JPRIZEl. N-40.000. _ LIST OI^TBIZBa 1 CAPITAI. PRIZE .TT. 1 CAPITAL PBUB I CAPITAL PRIZE S PBIZB8 OF SLODO B PBlZirS OF 100 SO PBizBs OF 100 lOO PRIZES OP 10 HD PBIZBS OP U 1,000 PBIZBS OF a t. APPBOXIMAXIQN PBIZBS. B AppnUmallon Prliaa of VB S Appnalmalloa Prtsed ot Ms S ApproTlmalleii Pilsaaoi 'eO:..'........ ••S amoonUnt to. ..^ »«• Write fbr clmlan or send oiden to M. A. DA.OPBIB, P. O. Box 6M, •i-i. . . ■ . ^ . OBLBANS, LA TiakalB foraalaaad prlaaaeaahadbr W1LL1AUS0N A CO.. Agenia, SIT Broadway. Now Tort. <*»»»»«1 Btontlily ]3rawlr« TDBSDAT. May 1, OapUal Prise, «&,aoa. TlcketvlP BagateDe. Jenny Upd) and Ptgeon-Hole TaUea. COLLENDER'S STANDARD BEVEL TABLES PATKIITKD JUBIB «. IBTl, AITO DBCBBtBKB. BB, UTS. Bans, CB68, Clitti and «Ter7tbiaS apperlaiBlBC to BOUaria. *W>>g i >i < g rtMi «iwMetUT»giT«ittaisttM«s»adgai>laBg»TOM.wMsiseaMtassiB FUCT4ILA8B WOUICAHBHIP. PBI FOBim T OF OONBTBUOnOB. AJn> DUBAaiUTT. Hh oomEsiymxsit- vtjs^^*-''' ^ ■ ^^»^a«*«*«*» \ s TBB1I05T BOW. BOBTOB. nxpSTBATHP PBIOB USTS 8BWT OITAPPL IOATION £, Roulettes, Club-room Furniture ANB ALL ARTI CLES TTSEP IN Q AVP g OF CHANCE. lapge stock of goods of our own make, we ofHsr thenn*' RTSSl.'a''^'" «»»an any othep house oan. and parties will find It to their L'Ifl'2i-i? "£"'* J<*'".:»«^''»»**» goqdS wanted, 'tittore maklnB thow BumHaasaa B.. : S-.l. . . .'^ head Of the TiBt, M thot' t,M In the trade, wM<* PMFonases, . For twelvfr years wre have stood at the head of the liSJSJf* and moot reliable house In the trade, MASON & COf i 64 Dearbbrn ist., CWLCAfiO^