New York Clipper (Mar 1877)

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Makch 31, 1877. THEA TRICAL RE CORD. ita, BaslBMa, mmA lacldenta o* tbe Tbestrtcal, Clrcna, Maaleal mad JUBat><cl Rr«»r««il<m». THE CUPFEB. PfMT-OKVICIS. • A STAJCns BTrnAPz, pUlDly «ildr«M«d, mart ^ 1 for cmeh and cmy letter, and the line of biuloen 1 by the psfty addreaed ihonld b* tlTen, In ordor C^jnecDt-mlnakaL "Man.-^^PnfytaXoaaM wd othnm ^boald beax In mind ^k*t.brkl*taehufvln the pMUl Uvii, all letten, et£.. -la tmMlt between the T7Dlted Sum and Canada*, wuut -3ew**9a4d. otbcrvlae lh«y an Dot fomnlvd. ' X<Sm«oc)r«dftrw«ekendincsr.>., MonaT.KirA LADIES' LIST. «II(B,1I Kn. Uralnl Vallls ~Bort" '.Aiitnnlo.1inie AfllB(ton, En» Jlatanlo. Mattha Jkarae, Kittle O) JUUvon, Mande ■aldvtn. Xta. & 8. SaladvU. Un. Ja naPeak. Farrarm, Marie Oatwaln. MuU (illinan, AdA CIoTrr, rtalllla aaldeoer, Ida OordoB, Nellla GT«7, Ada V. (tragedienne) (remuin,.Kellle Hawtlwnir. Jlar llowanl, -^u" Uemnann, Mn. Addle nowaM. Mra.-&'C. Ylrclnia E. lliuit,£Ua SjiBim Katd (of •jbcBvoy'a Ca) . Minnie kcrbolt Clara Anna T«- OmIiIhi. Belle VkKUiuttir. Ml*. CknOa, J(K. Ocia- Cnpenter. Ida ^TftlB"*. JCau (ol GattfiinlV Co,' J VteTO,-Lilian (Mt- ■«^^t~*- ailni.g. ' Oa ni trl c hu Mr*. _,IleWllt,Lotulf. JXnun, Mta. Ada 'JSmmpoTU Uncle -Staple, -DoUle'' BBTtoo, "Allle" PT,-Mni. JJ.E. ■ Baal ^OerUe , Mamie -<'>Miiili, JlUeJe. Vk; Anele MrehlM, Xi XIAavSate Uarrlnon, Mias H. . H. Be HuMier, Jobanna Hllltott. Maude Ilannom. Zeniby Howard. Minnie IlopklnikCUra A. itL Marietta Irwin. )Int..SeIdeo Jatan, Emma liare. Mm. Amelia Kltb;..AdeIe ^ Kunzwell, Johan- 'LottiS" I^. Mlniile Lockwuod, Vn. Oella LawrcDoe, "Lfln^ UtUe. MHe. Lynwood, Ada Leak, Ann E. LMtle. ••Vonie" Miller, Adelaide (2) M«l«an,Ettle(vlUi Vcijier Oo.) (XI Melbourne. Adab MuTTmr. A«la^ Ma;, £ua ^ Miner, Hra. A._ Mm (actrexar Mooir, MaUle IL ~ McLcan,Mta.KaU>' tine Mnluy, Uszle 0<;ood, Kittle Pl'.ree. Kmma F. ntoB. Hia. Alwai- tea Pendy. Vm. Joba Po«Cmi«. T. a. Pennoyer, Kate Perlcv. Josephine B^noldi, rannle RnnelUe. Millie RubertMO.BIanche Rood, Nellie Roaa, PatUe Raitabome. Jo*1e Rlchloca- Bernard, Mra. Rice. Emma Ft. Felix. Leanora HhepparO. Allle Slate, Mn. "Pete" Flmnconflftcra Sldelle, Clan (2) Klewart SIi^uta tantley, Mable Steele, Mn. J>ot» Uordon Stond«*ttemyer, Anoette E^ulrvn. Mad. (branMIady) Stanley, Kittle An. S«l- Btella, Row (31 Stetson, Mra. E. P. Stewart, Elolae ± . JeoDle >ltrec,-Hron' A. Saolbid, -Loa" Felix, Madam T1iomp*on'a Co., Mana^rr Ta.vlor, Mi«. E. C. Van Zanilt, Inex(7) Vlrlan. .Vra. (laic orNvw Orlcaniii Weber'f Co, Bui. Manac. Llita MoTelle. Pannle (ol Wallace-Vllla Co., Aiken, TtankE, Akecco, Slf. wUken, Albert .lllen,Cbaii. N. - anm, Wm. M. J UwelL W. C. *AlTTCti^ Harry Abncy. Frank .iniaon. a W. ■AOamsa Lm Sockley, J. K. BaiT.Hieo. (madC' lanjai ^Laibeor: B. W. Jlotith. Edwin Soltleno'M Co.) Ajmn* (2t Manen, Mta. Clan tVarren. DoUle KeUon, Annie 'onZnula, Mile. fMarkiOiam, En;:.)|Zittella, UUe. CENTI£MEN'S LIST. Baker. W. F. Xmn- eiclan) fiacley, Wra. Bivwn, E. B. aa^Jamln, U. P. Q T, J. A. ■awl. Pra. Joa. Tmij, *>Tom^ (down) .Snrkr, Wm. (with Torepau^ -annlt, L. wrant. **NeII** U. tV." Feeler, **Jo1inny' Fonl,X J. Frlnk.^^aa. Fux.J. W. Fotffrllc, Chaa, Forvater. Bruce FL<cIier, HaxlL FaiuilD. M. FiircHtvlI. Chaa. (ionrlrr. J. U. Ooulihiian. Jaa. Rardlnrr. E. M. Cerrv. D. 6. Goodyear, -ChasJC. ai (;iddena,0«a <;i««jioo. P. Conn, W. U. tiurtiux. Emile Ulraaon, "Billy" Grlltin, Jfaalcr Gllbrn. J. IL (eojard.) Gurr, narxw Glcw, A. Galea. Chaa. C Urandy. T. (ofSol- <leK>lCo.) Bdxfar. "Bob' HudHiB. (;«o.B. CS Hopitt. V, D. HuRheil, Prof. IlDtchlDii.Mr.<aIde- Boe, U. TV. rbow -blx") Bootle, Enc) Newcondbe, "B6b- by" ■Olney" OKden. J. E. Ogdcn. B. Dorccy Orrio Bma. Powell. Ed. (prog. ■crm) Paddock. M. J. ro!iry,Z.C. Peele.!!. G. HriDdlcJoliB Prlce.rol. J. a. a rlckett.L. K. PuFf. J.^. ■■arkrr, J. n. Porter, B. C. Park^ John ()u!lter t Uoldrlcb Uuhir. T. (ofSul- dcne'FCo.! RIclimood, Heniy Ruftbby, Jlonce RolilDNin.OllTerS. Ryiin. Bi'lTll (2) Raokln, McKrr Rccrrs -Tim" (rrliih "bU'") Ro«ney. P. Rller. tSeoL Stark- KtJ>iiiran;G. c. S. Rowe, (i. L. " - (or Boant, "Biny"4af.RalL Hiaa. (orC4.!Rolllnii. Uo«'anl ayanlAWIUianu) Urtnrlcault, Dlun maarr.T. MUluon. J. Salea.IL -^"Sckky, E. J. -maaoa,rtol E.L. a^eca, -wub" jahjawurtli, Ftank -IXeraaber, II. C. f Wonen. Clareoee Bnoka, Joa. K. 3kBsanx,E: . "Iminr.R.y. aeetUa,fia ijliiiin. IK Dnnd CAen, G.(orCobea 'A Tarneri Alla(jnO''aUiLl Campbell, Looiiil> CaUlnaA>fcore12e. \ Coddlnotoo, Uarry --OoDwny, W. U. «uabnL If. (with •^.AU" Burnett) , Geuiuu Op.Hu.,SanFno.) RoMniion. H. (of Uarrluatoo. J. (of HobloMD'aMlnn.) Ilarr. A McGlolo) Rlcben. Geo. HulchlnMn, A. B. UmniM or Jba Bame*. Cm. Huaimer. Wtn. Hedfrt. T. C. Ilarrry. Jno. H. UuKvr. Fred. Hhoii. Tlton. IC Harkinp^ vr. S.Cc Hale. Obaa. HOdRTK. D. & llall.T. A. HalU MlIlvO) Howe. Frank (ra. rlely manacer) llernry. "Eddie" laiek,Pio£ 4a1 Howtn'Rt. M. E. (Wa or iiarrla. Frut. D. Ijnmmec.-Vm. X. nuuMin. Harry John«(»n,Geo.l«hov ••blx") Janod.Chaa. JelTnT. J. H. Jooea. Wbcvler IL ■johnaon, •'Lew" Row, F. Uakef. Roberta. N. D. Schuliv. *- ^nivw. Paul. 8uiitiin, \Ve»ley fc:iickney, Sr.. S. t^chrnurrbofll, Jr., t:eo. s. BtuUl. J. G. :tumlDer«, "Th. Sheridan, w. (of Slieridao Broa.) 5(\dler. ••Tommy" Stewart. W. (arm' leva man) Sdiumaon, — .(uaDBfrr)- Sloepel, H. Shirley. A. J. :i^nronI. V. F. Suydam Broa. SnIllTan. ' Michael Sarbney. —("Dane Idc Quaker") teolon. Wm. Beaton) Ch AaaCniy'af.o.) 1 loaAt^anda) jOoper, T. (oTKtMtnotlv, H. (?en-Sliliiey, (}eo. S. * CuoDerBioa.) trlloqatst) Stanley, Emeat Kelly, E. (of Bur-lKiufuTil. IS. S. Cooper Broa.) Cronln, Wm. ■TV"l"'ntPlirr*t €hm|>ben.J.IC OaUlnswosd. J. H. 'Caieneniv. H. «ale. w. (or cola'a . Clr.1 <T1lfli1er. CliaiL OflMe. Harry 3L iSark. "Bert" ■C f i m w. Wm. (dr- csa -bli") 4^teT60B. J. F, Crooln. Jaa. CaiTOIL C. (Act. , 'TeoDcaii. tnn]^ , <Soopcr, UarT>' iValon, Jamea - -Ooal^y, XTm. etldc- abow "blx") ~ irk. R. (of Add- 4iL ' CUbcKin, AtCK. Crowley, w. <i. Oanm. Jaa. A>e, Wm. rapw. J. E. Cbue. "BUty" 4teieT, Thoa. ^oorerae, Frank DeWltt. "TotD" ^narldaon. Joel £. : Dante, Jaa. A. 'JhaVtn, Wtn. .WMkcaon, W. F. ■P lu^ e a^ Jno. A. TIaly Brotbara Ttewuaeai.inaex ■nmr. C. H. JkatiiB.U.a .iMoarin, Wood .'jaeI,aT*n, Oimm. '^Btkbm, Geoi^v Ha^ Ja.. (dita. Joefaaek, (Hiaa. • 3>eiebanty A Uenff- llJliaan, O. (of Ma- Moak DIxoD) .Jtearinf^ "Sam" 4 Sobaon. F. B. nana. Lealle Jlevllnsr, Joa. J. 'VDBirarc. H. . Hentfii. J. a IMaliM, J. H. JNniloDe, Onorc- wle 4C. ' Abdod, Frank Ole ronret A West TWahinty, W. IL Kent, C (late of 6and«, E. (orKeat- un A Kelly) Kln{:catlf. Jaa. 3c. Kent, Frank Kelly, J. (oT Wal- ten A Kelly) EUrad. (>war Kalcht, R. L. Kendall. H. A. Knicht, Fled. W. Krone Jna. IL Kehne. "turn" D. Klnroaa, W. H. Kalcbt. G. S. Laurent, J. P. m Levino, "Uulpb" (2< Lpnaa. John Lerena, Frank •Ldurent. J. BL Lra>llt.M. B. Lnnc "Billy" Li>tenxn A ^-^ajk aieopokU J. (S. LaUrrlh*. Lvmnn Leorohl. <U-o Sc. Lerfno Brothen _Lc<ipoM>Bn,a. (oT^LaBgdOD, W. H. LlTlDcatone, Adnlrh Lealle, DarU Little. OuM. Ltmpu Wni. Montage, narrr MItclH-ll * Weber Hiirrla. Uvira .Murrar, Jno. (clr- eiia |WO|».} Matt1u*w*. O. C. Muriay. T.iuriliir. lay'a Cltvoa) Melniyre, Jlac taonp-andHlanee) Mllea. W. a. MantbalL tLiaCeti- Satirord, Jur. (sym. iia»t) (Ullea. John Sothrm. E. A. Stmnit, H. C. saiea. Arthur KtralehU "Ne<l<> Showlea, J. J. Gearlo, Muna. (cymoaat) Tyler, (i. H. iletuc'aCft.) Markbod; Joha Uon^, Frank H. MacEToy. Fred. Markham, II M. Morcan. "Matt" Miller, It. (iir Hat erly'a MIojO.) McFurbinil, ■ A. (ol McFar.<'-4>m.Co.ijtVuil«. EUiUeC. Taylor. Harty Trrlver. J.(onUce*9 Clrcna) Taylor. Jaa. ("comlqoe'l lie. Tlialclicr A HtAue, ".Ved" Tlltoo. Chaa. (ma* 7? WBrft' j S ' ,''"ife gr| ^M"Ss-'^ (II Tucker. Delarpe Traatewe, Eucene inc. Towner, 11: N'. Tharcr A (To. TarJeure. <• W. T1i.,\rr. Dr J. 1^ K'ffnet. Frank- Vincent. Ci'a>>. A- Villa. s B (S) Van Amlinn:. Mr. tclrrua "bU") Wiiea. R S. Wpclwartj, ''Lew" wart!.nim."Tony"' (nrtrnphbiiTo'tCo.) tVelUnp. AI*.>«^1 Wrmrr k Maude Stanley. "Ned" Welllnr.Xriorilar. eHy'a MinrL) (2> Werion. " Bobby" i><TaTie.>.V.CIiy) Weber, Geo. (mtnat. "bli") Waebtel, Uerr (tenor) Wtlllamaon, T. BL Wlkrot. Wliinock, Pmnlc |Woo<l. Oo. (2) .Vataon. E. C. .MurtuD. J. K. MowT)', •'Xell" Melrllle. W. A. Mayo, "Dau" McuoTcm, M. UaachU it. iftftn. J. W. Macanley, "Bat* □ey" 'Xmott. "DIck^lMcOuay, J. H. ■bin Mickr COtlONt Shntf T -<■*!««, Alberta ZldridBP. J. lofEd Ct3 £ EldndM Tmr. UuGh XiiU, ••Uttle Tom •mj" nooat, "Lew" J^erentlne, Mona. I>iirhlaliL C: E. f OK. J. E. (or £>it|k. • -A Ben. Mio^l.i Vtvd. Ueonla -tcndx "blx"} Woltera. Cliaa. Wuhlibont, Leon \v«>i, o. W. (of : WA)4ibun's Co.) {•Warlilogton. P. C iWunzur. Jnu. L. 'Whitman, CIuih. Wa^er, CliaB. (mluAt. •'biz") Veaeer, P. S. WAltney, Fnnk T««t, ffank Oikat- Mukey, C E. j>lelDt>-zv, Uufb D. It) k3) Manln, Master (2) Vataeo.EC(oiWa: Mjukley. Fred. lace-Vllla Co.) dl (comeiL) Weat. Frank Mnuc, J. (of Stb Weaver, "Eddie" Aw. Co.) Wiley, "Ltm" Seliulr, P. J. Wellln!:. W. n. (of llerrlne, Ge<#. UryMiit'n MlQtL) Munnin, "Matt" Wlleox. O. B. lIcCIII. W. (oT^e- Wlnsileld. John • :lll ,t: Btron;) WHlhice, J. J. cn .McCloiu. Peter Withen, Joa. "■cTarty.C.tuCGrlr- (leader) doA^cCaity; "S V. Z." Vuun^ 4.*haa. W. Tlmilc'AIir LTiTFi^ In the Detroit (Mich.) Po«t.oaice tor Vai3:<eRirera.or Holneira Vo.: "Dick" Derlln. of Mac- Eroy'a "Hibemi'ron;" J. W. Aver>-. aiivnt oi" Auatin A Ot.'Oilnp: Wm. D«wayrr, -rircuA-nmua^er; "Lone Ulck.'° or"iiiinkUi BUI'S" Co.;;BdC. ■:. Long, of Ed. Biu*B't j.\l. nil I ' go to tuddaiu! And wo ml^t add, en paaant n^ch UnniBee.— Ed.1, tbat Xanjager Fryer, bkvlBff failed to fniflll lUB promlBe to produce "DleWalkore" on Friday eventair laat, "got np and cot^ the foUowiog day, and the entire company became "Flyliig Dutchmen" In real- ity. x«sBia LnzB. •Tlie Flylns Sutctaman" pleased the tolkS Who lore Wasnerlan action, -WtUi "tat and/orcc" Pappenlielin «The SMaot nttnctlaail" ... •, ,There*a nothing like keeping tip irlth the times, and we may even l(X>k ^th a lenient eye upon those -wbo take Ume by the forelock, and, by extraordinary means, get aJkMid of their fel- lowcitiaens who belong to the same perana- Blon ; and 00 we ate not among thoee wno sav- agely «oodemn a daily paper of this city tor crit- icIelnganaUegcdperformaneeof "The Lady of I,yons," at Daly's FUth-avenue TTheatre, last week, when no sa(^ performance took place. It is no fault oT the critic's that the peiiorm- onccdld not eventuate. Bor is liis critique to be despised and sneerecl at because "It cannot was." The geotleman meant well, and the paper aeantwell; the fault lies wholly with the theatre and its «ompany, who went back on the retarns, and secretly counted out "The Lady of Ltods." Mor ehould we be so hypercriti- eal, because occasionally our friends the play- ers do not agree on some unimportant tact Here is a cose in point: Recently there died in this vicinity Vr. Wlndust, whose hostelry in Tears agone was the resOrt of old-time play- goers and playactors. In telling a little story about a man who was taking a quiet metil in that rcsTAutant, John Brougham declared that it was a beefsteak the man was partaking of, when Cooper the actor, an entire stranger to the party. Insisted on his eating mustard with his Etealc, and,whenthe latter failed to do so, the actor swore that he would no longer sit ut a table with a man who refused to eat mus- tard on his tteak. John Oilbert, in telling the same little story, agrees with Hr. Brougham in every particular save one, and he declares that it woe pork-ehopn the stranger was eating. It shows how the greatest minds may be de- oeivecL With all due respect for our versatile friends, and without any desire to intrude our superior knowledge upon the public, we would verv kindly state that the little incident did Ttot transpire at Wlndust's, in this city, but at a restaurant near London; that it was no<-Mr. Cooper who sought to foroe mustard upon the stmiigcr, but the elder Hathews; that it was neither beefsteak nor pork-chops the hungry man tras partaking of, out boileaberf.' to which mustard oelongs. And after repeatedly sav- ing to thelpnr^, ushe placed before hfmthe cup: "Jltiislc^rd. sir I" tfnttUews became so en- raged nt the rufuaul of the potson to use the musuml that he exclaimed: "I'll be d—d if I remain any longer in the house with a man who refuses to eat mustard with his boiled beef!" TVe very much regret the necessity that compels u9 to take Issue with our gonial friends Brougham and Gilbert in r« the beef- steak and pork-chop story; but our respect fortruth ana boiled beef must beour excuse for interfering No, James; no man named Cole ever - played Captain Cattle, that we are aATUre of; so your proposed Joke about Oole'.i Cuttle wont 'irork I Bose Eytinge appears at the New Park, Brooklyn, this week, in "Miss Sarah Hulton." In view of the prevail- ing ideas concerning names, wouldn t It be better to call it "jfiss iio/fi> Multon.»",. Sometimes wo get tooled awfully. One day last week a man called to see us concerning the depressed state of business everywhere, and, after we had listened to him an honranda quarter, we volunteered the sage remark: '•The times are out of joint, it is true, but vou must take things as you find them." The aflllctcd one went forth, and ere long we dis- covered that he had taken our advice, and got away with a four-bladed knife and a pair of scissors, the loss of tthlch we have since deeply felt and sadly deplored, We don't care who (iails upon us now: nobody gets any more advice from tu.' Prejudiced parties who insist that show life Is not looking up, and that the amenities of circus lite are not of a more refined character than those observed in form- er years, are wrong. Among the fresh adver- tisements in this issue of The CJlippeb is one from a gentleman eonneoted with a traveling exhibition, in which "talented and refined art- ists to work on candy-stands with the Anstra- lian Circus" are <^alled for. Before the circus obtained its present position among popular amusements, such parties would have been advertised for as "candy-butchcis, side-show blowers," etc. This new departure from old rules is destined to exercise a healthy moral influence, and to uplift the hereto- fore indefinite character 01 the gentlemen entrusted with the management of the prlv- ileftes nllnded to And talking aoout "The Flying Itatehman" and other celebrities who dropped out of the metropolis last week reminds us of a musical "saloonist" we inter- viewed recently concerning the mvsterlous disappearance of Oakey Hall. He said he knew nothing about the dtstupeorance of anyone, but of appearances he declared that seven "htats to a bar" was the dally average laat Winter t Duke Alexis Is with us again, and of course we are putting him through the usual coarse of metropolitan sprouts; but, since the royal Duke was last hen:, h is momls 8ee m_tft, opoos. AimeA's singularities are singularly naughty—of that sort calculated to draw the sinner from the wise and prudent coun- sels of Brothers Uoody and Sankev, and fill hie mind with the subtle artificialities of life and taint bis soul with the,bane- tt>l thoughts of gentle woman's deprav- ity. And so, as soon as the noble strangers cast anchor in our snag harbor, they went for Aimee and her foscinRting sprites, and supped their fill of sin's delightful pleasure, as it were, Kowjnstyou raarkthls—when theerratlo Aimee rXTROOl'CTORY. IloNDAT, March 26, "77. IKis is Holy Week, gesecally looked upon as detrimental to the intetvsts of theatrical man- Mgas, IcsoLir as the irelleloas eeremonies at- 'teadent upon the closing of the season of - ^XoDt (induce a solemn cirfaeervan(ie -ol those f i o oB duties which all seed CnrlsUaae are . Aannd-to xespect. Among these may be<enu- ''' xienitedaime.of onrBhaw.bnithren,whase^ev- .«tBncetfar the 80leiimltie«.<it the lost days of : aadanon of fasting and pnij-£r may be aeaEtin ., -theiactthat several of them will give no jier Setmaa.c» CD Oood Friday, nfclle one house— JHanth'B—will be kept cfoaerf living the emtke • meek! .What a blessed pritilefie It Is to nam- lMr.OTch good and pious men -among those -«h»«ater,for our nmtueraeat; bow the pres- • -cnee and prooions example a< sach holy tniaV- -«n serve to leaven the whole tiatch of mana- -CEilitiaictators, and teach usliM7;toltve In the 'm- aveet 'fellowship of (^onseions innocence. IliiBm;, yoD knitw very well what ve mean— • • .tlteatra would close up Sir a single arigh t il business were soeh es to Tn- r 9>e;,nj»naKemcnt against loes; the bonses ttrt give no performance ea Ooad Fridny . n<c^ «hatein because the Iossm would be I £BaatArtf ithey opeuid; and those tftat </o in- -teadtDopen, as usual, on that ni^t,<do so not ^ JwjLiiMi Shelr managers are less jtdy than - 4>thagi, bat ibecause -they hope to jdek up a -d(dlar4irlBU> by the Oosureof othtt' iriaces. , 9ils -im tbn :tiue stot)-, Jimmy; but that is ■■ omffhin it tlw outside tv>rld can knov nothing tftont^ab we«tedit. our dear bretlitea isr the :«tegewJfk being good aad pious when really' ;«*» WBiy jwickedi] Not olono to Ihclr r to be «s«n)iied in nierence to our k>csl ties .aad ««MnpaiiIes, but so deeply im- jntsed witk 'the imptntanos of the odeaakin M P ao meet owe awD-ineplrfog manogentkat tb<T have'^ called fin their ttavellog ti u uu a s, t aod ordered them to refrain Crom all irlveil .-Vtarkdniliurth* ewrentweekf WhatanoMe tfMiaplel HowprotMlwe ou;ght to be in the yofKffiloa of. such- shluinc ligtta, eaobiholy it might be. £Jimmy. considering tte advantages you poisaeSs over your fellows UfUa.MDg the tntb. It l>«Drprl8l^ that you abofM a.\nlblt such Ignorance. Tbelraveling liuvyuu hdve been ceiled In becausetbey have feaa* taelng-ncney; there U AO more ptefy, no 1II0BB Biorant}-, connectetl >yitb the movMDcnt *h»a the» is with von.-] ;-rr:-.'^iir Jim,' after' IMwntngto thte diapsody about hard tfrntw at oar theatr««,«ilyslt is no wond«r. then, that fInOBteaTraape, after eBdeavoring to "getnp* leaves, her place is to be occHpied the intel- lectnni nnd refined Anna Dickinson; and just »s sure as yonr name is John or Julia, or any- thing else, just so sure will the Duke and his IKirty make themselves conspicuous by their abecnce. Fcru'Msee ,. .Which goes to show Iho simplicity of human nature: A few days ngo a gentleman from the For West visited us lor the purpose of getting some information concerning the fltting-up of a new theatre he \rns about opening. With that (lecp sense of obligation which obtains in The Clifpeb ofllce, and with that blandnees for which we are proverbial, we told him er«rj^ing, and thereby saved him much wealth. When we REsurtM him that he must introduce some hox-<n teenen, and tfU, too, upon his stage, the look that man fastened upon us froze our voung blood and made every hair stand up libo quills upon the friRhtful porcu- pine, as you may imagine. "Dozing scenes and aeta-ioT' he exclaimed in a disgustful tone of voice, while his eyes tiuivered with painful and \1rtuoa3 indignation; "be- fore I'd Introduce prize-flghtors on the stage of my theatre I'd cheerfully see it burned to the ground 1" There was innoeenco tor you I "Our Jim," with a consideration we had never given him credit for, smothered the gasping smile that rose unbidden to his lips, and made his exit as though he had been (tolled to par- I take of a free clam-chowder. Then we locKed ' the door, sat down before that innixient man from the Far West, and quietly explained tlto difference between "box-u" scenes, and "t>ox- ing scenes," and "set scenes" aid. "sets-to. His gratitude is deep and lasting—every first big pumpkin be raltses, we get; every newly- ripened deer he kills, the entire canuiss is sent to us: every new- child he pro- duces is named after us I Now, who could help loving such a man, and appreciating his fittle attentions? Ape-re-paws, as the school-girl said when a monkey in a menag- erie flow away with her hat, we ought to mention that Tony Pastor and his fuinous troupe wiU soon be on the wing. His dosing entertainments are among the best he has ever given us. One of them we recently at- tended, and it so pleased us that we sat down upon the first curbstone we came to, and pen- ciled on our thumb-nail the following clever lines: BIS BILI, OF FASE. Of late the tncful Tony cauglTt 'em nea-ry— With mirth and ealdimis was his place ablaze. And In ttte bill M fare, so appetizing, Tlie CDCSta (Mind ^Ket imud up in mimu teayir Wonder If this Js true? Manager Daly says "The Piinesess Jtojral," which Is to be shown up In poihlle -oin Saturday night of this week, has been neoriy oru; year in preparor- tUmt Wecanltbearto doubt the manager's word, for he belongs toaclass who, llkeyouth- tul George, cimo< tell a lie; but isn't one year .stretching the Imsglmtten a trifle'too much 7 We get hold ot some pretQr green people tnow and tnen. A long-tost cousin found us llaet week, and of «oorsB we took him to a matinee. Before solng is, he looked at the Mil. and read "Seats eecueed," "Why," said lie in amazement, "do they think people are going to run awar with thear seats?'* Tou may tuulerstand how foaUah It Bade us feel before a eattnd ot fcri ks who Icoew us . There is shortly t0ibe<a brief eeasonofUallan-open atthsAcnd- emytcr Huslc, and a tteaiise feature of tt 'will be In tthe presentatton o{- s Segro in theeast. [We (Ought to say, fa jwBtlcs to the manage- meKt,'.thst the party' afexred- to is not areal nen» dslnstrel; his vame atHeggo, bnt he hfai- seUle inUte,—£D.1... And sith this expCa- natloa,-TM eloA« this opening introductory of the twento-fitth volums of Tu Xbw 'Yobc Cums. A mew FBoaBAimB 'was ptvaented 117- Bobert Beller at his . Wonder Theatre, Hatch IB, which as a whole excelled oU the oibeis bltherto given by him. The flrat-part Inaladed Svs tricks, en- tlUed Card-manlpulattoa, Cahallatic Oxikery, Leo- tard, With an Orange, and the Uorrelous HatftiL Icotatd la a mnnhaTiltBH automatim that performed teats upon the uapeae 'with quite as much ftraoe and skill as thewondettol performer alter whom It was named did in his llretlme. The hat-trick, although an old one, received ttesh vitality from the clever mimner In which It was performed and astnrtllii^ novelty at its dose. Atter taklns from the hata larce quantity ot black doth, niunerotis bonbon boxes, many handballs, a great many silver caps, three large cans ot toaiatocs, and several lighted Chlneee lanterns, Mr. HeUer flnolly drew forth a laree piece of red cloth, which, when unfolded and held up by his assistant and himself, nearly osnoealed their entue ngurea. Quickly wrapping this cloth mto the form ot a bimdie. It became apparent to tlie spectators tnnt It contained eome bulky article. Oradually unfolding It, the skirt of a dress be- came visible, then a bustle, oonet, etc, an<l upon raising the skirt ot the dress, which was heia at some distance at)ove the stage, a little girl some nine or ten years ot ace glided gtacetullyto the stage, and, kissing her hand to the audience, pass- ed irom view. In the second-part Mr. Heller per- formed ui>on the pianoforte "Home, Sweet Home," with variations, and then related im interesting stoiy ot incidents which iMtell him daring a visit to the (Old T><fii«t» town of Canterbury, and finally translated the story In muslo un- der the title ot "Storm and Sunshine," which, at Its termination, 'was greeted with fervid and long-oontlnned applause. The third-port opened 'wlin a little dtamatlo sketch called "Mrs, Eoptlc,^' charmingly iwted by Miss and Mr, Hellor. Its themo was spiritualism, and during Its perform- ances exhibitions ot table-rapplng, chain tlpplng- and moving, slate-wrlUng, the blood-rod writing on the arm. and other so-called splrltuai phe- nomena were given so dettljr tnot the spi>etatots were completely mystified. The Tnrtlan box-trick, given In a greatly-Improved style, coacluded the entertainments. The attendance eontlnued large. Mr, Heller's season has thus tar been so snoecss- tul, despite the hard times, that he contemplates reaialnlng here during the season of 1S77-8. The"Dan'l Dbd(X" OoHBiMA'noN Which Jsr- rett ts Palmer recently sent to Ciuiada met with so Uule etMouraseaient that they abruptly closed their tour Id Montreal, and leinmod to this city during the post week- QEOBOE WOOD, It Is said, la anxious to dispose of his lease of tho Lyceum ThtMitre. Oeobob KUVICEL, an old minstrel performer and manager, who recenUy acted Dncle Tom In this city with the Mrs. O. C Howard (^mblnntlon. Is to have a matlnee-beneflt at the Gnmd Opera- house, Thursday, March 29. Ho Is a deserving performer, and should have a large attendance, TH£ATiiicAL LiCBt'DES.—Several ot the managera of our leading theatres in May, 1874, bTOugbt a teat suit. In the name of John LcetAr Wollnck, to resist the paymeut ot the license-tees ot tSOO a g;sr to the Society for the Beformatlonot Juvenile cllaqaents. The case nwontly reached the Cotnt of Appoola, and the declifton was that tho payment of such license-fees was properly vested In the so- ciety named. While the suit was iwndlng, no Ucsnse-fees were tiald by the parties to the null. During the past week appllcallon was made by tho society to Judge LawrentM*, In Supremo Court, Cban<t>et8, fur an odlusiment ot tho damages re- sulting from such non-pnymont, and one referee was appointed for all the cases. TOE Sak FraN'Ciscxi MiNSTOELS freshened their programme the past week by the revival ot the sketches of ••A Slippery Day", and "Blstorl's Medea," which gave (Thorley Backus, Bob Hart and others ample opportunity to display their mlnh-provoklng powers. In the flist-port H. W. FrIIIroan sang ••There's no Such Olrl as Mine;" C^rl Budolpb. "Five Little Mouths to Feed;" and D, S. 'Wambold, "Sweet Bye-and-bye." Business good for tho season. IKJBKcnoN DiBSOLVES.—A Short time aco Au- gusttn Daly pttxnired a temporary injunction re- straining Hart Jackson and othera from oonUnu- Ing UA performance of "Our Boys" In tne Broad- way Theatre. The motion why the Injunction should not be made permanent came up for a hearing In the 6uperk>r Court March 12. Judge Freedman dissolved .the Injunction, with costs to the dotendanto. TONT Pabtob presented his patrons with the fol- lowing fresh attractions on March 19: Miss Emma Brennan, a very fair vocalist; H. O'Rcardon, who gave his well-known and ortlstlc performances upon ths tumbleionlcon; Jennie Morgan reap- peared after a short abeenoe, and lumg quite suc- cessfully songs of a higher order ot merit thim ehe has generally hitherto given: the S'Alvo Sisters, who sang duets with their own ttanjo-oooomiiaiil- ment, meeUngwlth fair suocesa; W. Henry Bice created much laughter In burlesque prlmo-donna business: and Watson and Ellis, who elicited shouts ot merriment by their clever grotesque Dutch business. Theentcrtalnmentsalsolndudcd a freshly written stump-speech by Add Bynian, which was humorous and mlrth-provoktng; Sam Holdsworth, Frank Olrard and Jeimle SaRerlce In "The Pirates Dream:" Tony Pastor sang a new song descriptive ot a fast mim with a diamond ring, and, in response to numerous recalls, gave othcre which had (already received the stamp ot popular approval; OusWllUams also gave a new Dutch song, depleting his grief at losing Lucy Jane, and repeated several of his latest successes and the sketches Of "The Mew Man," "Home/ Begular Fix," and "Our Bash-house." Bui good. THE OLTKPIC TBSIA'TBE 'Was BUod durliig ttte past week with audlenoes that were app^«nlly well pleased with the manifold autsctlons'pre- sented In the pantomime ot "Jack and JUL. ..'%he variety portion of the entenolimient was'.treah- ened by Prof. Sawyer's skillful pcrformsnoes oh musical glasses; the daftly executed f cats of the Langlols Brothers, Egyptian Jugglers: the beU- playlng ot the Sawyer Family, six In num)>er, and attired In S<x>tch costumes; and John Began, Ethiopian comedian. In his spe cialty ot "AlahuMc - loKHr&t ciTT sraxusr* AT TazXisicioiT, this weO, Ike Ireshseople are Taylor. Oreenjtnd Taylor, Jhha'and May Cannon, Allee O il—nn ,lBrank Lewls,BU|yand Tommy De- vere^,CoaTC)r:andDaly, Barbeeko^Buntrf. The following oriast^eek's company will be retolaed t Sf lie. Zlnell^ Baaker and KUIo. IClle. Mmalle, Jknes O'ReU, -Xfkt Melts BrothenL and Qairlea CMadle. AK APFEAI, t0 OEABtTABLK^W- W. Itow- ooab, a» oId-tiffle-«UnBtiel manacer and prr- tsnier. Is now lying Iwthlsidty, dIaaMed from ike' ijit>i«i of a broken leg, wcehred while performing In-Bsoley's Opera-hona«; Bteoklyn,. L. L. some. tlnM«co- -Belngtn pecnoIsr°*dlaueas. he<tesIiM wappoM thrangh Tbs cuvFirBto his fejtow-pro- Itsnlnnals tor assistance iociba\iKrl|Imt«i«ecun proper medical attention. Bueh'^penoAsadmay. (Ml Inclined to aid htm may send'their cniUfibU- uoas'ioUmiacaieof liiiBonce. -.'>:-."' niua' Lieaa Frenunmonga and-dai\c«:< were tDtalncd from the pKivlous week's company. Miss Ada Boshcll acted Colum- bine in place ot her Bister Louise, who husgone to Havana, Cuba, wltn the Oriln Broihcra com blnatton. The FBEsa ATTBAcnoN-a at the Theatre Comlqne since our lost report were Erwin Thomas In a clever exhibition ot pedestal clog-danctng; £1 Nino Eddie's agile team on the tlgbt-rope; the spec- ialties otBolbtvok and Ryan; Dutch and othes character-songs by Horry Macanhy: the Leslie Brothers in series of difficult acrobatic feats, skill- fully performed; and Charles Diamond In songs- and-danccs to bis own harp-accompanlment, solos on the harp and doc-dandntr. Besides these, Harrlgon and Hart acted the chief characters In a sketch which had been rewritten and lechrlstonnd "The Telephone," and also In the closing sketch entitled ••Ualone's Xlght OIL" In the scene re- presenting a treoand-easy, in ths last-named piece, Ed. Hording, BlUy Slndalr, Johnny-Boach and Dick Stelrleysang popular songs; Billy Carter gave banjo-songs, with Interlarded witticisms Emma Hollman, charmingly ctMtumed, sang c fresh collection ot songs; and Billy Barry, aided tjy other members ot the company, performed the sketch called "The Sick Actor." Business good for the ]>nien season, Manaoeb John stetson of the Howard, Boston, Masa., was In town the past week. To:tx Pastob has renewed the lease ot his thei^ tre. HLMaiLi'iA IBVIKO, late leading lady ot Fnr- bish's Combination, Rosa Wilson, and Dave Pey- ser, arrived from tho South last week. AT THE 'VOLES' GAiiOEN, last Week, the company induded Mons. and Mmc. Lojral, liindera and Fields, Dolan attd Sullivan, B. 8. Hodges and Louisa Bliss, the McDerroott SIstere, Fanny Pres- tige, Nellie Amon, Bam Norman, and Signer Con- stanilne. BOOTH'S Thzatbe doeed March S4, when "A Trip to tho Mnon" was performed for tho lust Ume there. Miss Florence Ellis refused te perform tho character ot the Prlnoees Fantasy on Saturday night, and her place was Bapi>llod by Mies Jenny Hughes: and the chamctcrof Asphodel, hitherto acted by Miss Hughes, was cut out. The theatre is announced to reopen April 2, when John Mc-Cul- lough Is to begin an engagement, acting VliKlnlus, Fob etobt weeks "Our Boarding-house" has at- tracted goodHSIzed audiences to the Park Theatre, (md it is announced for continued representation THE PaoTlEB.BaUed for England March 20, te fulOll pmft^ional engsgemonis. Senobtta Mabcia, Bertha Harland, EvaSloman, Mettle Stone, Carrie Newton, ConstanUne and Lo Clair and Adams and Howard are the newoomera at Egyptian Hall this week. The SAHE'TABiErv of attbactioks are offered at Columbia Opera-house as during tho past week the additions to the company Indudlng J H Graham, Chos. Fuller, Jos. Hutchinson, Jennie Ward, Little Josle, Blanche Wilson, Cora Lewis, Emma Beed and LUlIe Fearing. Mt;cH AvcsQizNT Was afforded the epiectatora in attendance at the Broadway Theatre the past week, when the tragedy ot "Medea" was pertormed In such a maimer as to evoke shouts of laughter. Mrs. J.-H. Hitckett In the UUe-role conclusively proved that she'was not happy In the choice of that character; while Miss Mathilda Medina, an- otner novlc^ who miule her lltst appeanmce as Crausa on Monday night, was so overcome by atage-Mgbt that after uttering a few words she fainted away and fell upon the stage. The cur- tain was lowei«d, and after the unconsdoas ama- teur had been removed the burlesque npiesenta- Mon at the tragedy proceeded, anottier lady mem- tier of the co mpan y reading the part ot Cretua. "LOMSOS AasDBAMOB" Was produoed at the Fifth- avenue Theatre Mareh 19 with the foUowlng last Sir Boroourt Oourtlj, Charles Fisher; Charles Courtly, Charles Otghlan; Max Harkawsy W Davldge; Dazzle, John Brougham; Meddle, James Lewis: Dolly Spanker, w. H. Crisp; Cool, F, Ben- nett; Solomon Isaacs, I. Daveau; Martin, Mr. Frauds; James, W.Beekman: LadyOaySpanker Hiss Fanny Davenport: QraceHarkaway, Hiss Em- llyBlgl; Pert,Mtss8ydnsyOoweU, Theoomedyas a whole waa very well acted, and attracted a liberal attendance. It lam during the 'week, save at the Saturday matinee, when "The Lady of Lyons" was given. Mr. Oogblon, on account of lUneos. was unable te appear Tuesday and Wednesday nights, and W. K. Crisp then acted Charles Oonrtly. and John Drew Impersonated Dolly Spanker. Mr. Drew acted that character the rest of the'week. •The Lady <x Lomns" Is to he given thts week. On Ftl- day the theatre'Will be closed for that night, and onSaturdaytho new spectacular dramanitltled '•The Priaoeos BoyalT will be produced. ' "XBE Two OBPBAKS" 'Was withdrawn from the stage ot the Grand Opsra-honse' otter the p#r- formanoe ot March M, 1^0 onendoncc fell off oSnsldetablr the post week. Miss Sots C»axton reoelved a benefit Friday nlglit. This week "Hiss Malton". wlU Soon the attracNon. The company wlU:Indnde 'Mrs. Marie Wllklns, Mrs. jVw. Thorpe, the Mlseea Eata Meek. Louise Sylvester, BUou Heron, Laura Thorp, Helen 'Vlntwoi, and Oten, and Meena. a. W, PleAr. J, Wilkes. H. B. rhilltps, and J.-Bnikee, Fbaick Evans aad other memban ot the Yorie- tltt Theatre oompsny. New Orleaas. Lo.. arrived lB«Dwn March as. ■ • ILBZKBT PBEKOsot the wetl-known play-pnb- Udilog house ot Samuel French' k Sob has exper- leneaa a aad liereavement In the death ot his wife, Jenny C, which occurred In this d^' at four o'clock on Sunday altemoon, March SB, She was Ihe.daoghter ot Frederick H. H, and-Ionise Mew- .:.TbsMxi0O aoKBtVAtiov,MDole BogleiChmll Mid-Banr, Alice Bannatt, (ha Oontlnemal Four. /sQnle: Mloof and' Eugaas. BUta are^ to be at the Theatre Comtqiw this week.' 1 MBS, WASH NonoN Jaaves the «<ty this week to Join 'her hiisliand .at Clndninail, o., whetvlw !• naw performing with K^imaa'Mli\r.m\ffig MuaroAi. NoTEa.—The Wagner Festival eentln- ned at the Academy ot Muslo during the past week- "LobenOTln" was npeated on Wednesday evwlng, and. "Der Fllegende Hollander" at the Sattuday matinee. "Tannhaniaer'.' vras given for the fliat time this oasson on Monday, and repeated on Friday, with the cast indudlng Mme. Pappen- helm aa Qlzabeth, Mrs. Orlmmonger ne Yenus, Miss Cooneyas a shepherd, A BIschoff asTann- hauser, Mr. Welnllch as Herrmaim, Felix Pretis- ser as Wolfitun, Wm. Formes as Blterolt, Mr. Ur- ban as Walter, Mr. Lenoir as Helnrleh, and Mr. Wagner as Belmar. Tho producUon of "Die Walknre," which was to have closed the eerlce, has been postponed until April 2, wantot suffldent time to properly rehearso and prepare this massive work being the excuse offered as the cause of the postponement Aimee waa heard In ••Madame L'Arehlduc" on Monday and Tues- day; "La Tlmbale d'Argent" Wednesday and Thiusdoy; ••Mitdame Angot et Ics Demoiselles," an operetta new te our audiences, a play upon the etory of '•La FlUe de Madame Angot," forming a ootnlcal appendix to LeooCQ's well-known work; and "ta Boalangere a dcs Ectis" on Friday, the occasion ot Mile. Duparc's benefit; "Ia Yle Pa- rlslenne" at the Saturday matinee, imd "Glroflo. OlroOo" on Saturday evening Mr. and Mra. Carl Felnlnger gave their Qfth and last muslc-re- cltal this season at Cblckerlng Hall on Wednesday evening- Bach, Schumann, Haydn, Raft, Yleux- tempe, Lncantonl, Lindner and Felnlnger were the compoeera ropresmted In the programme ot vloUn, piano, and vocal numbers The seventy- eighth organ concert at the Church of the Holy Trinity on Wednesday afternoon had tor the ex- ecutants Samuel P. Warten, organist: and Mrs. Yloletta Andrews—l)ettor known as Miss Yloletta ColvlUe—OS the vocalist Mrs. Dora Gordon Steele and Miss Kate K. Fowler, soprance; Miss An- no A. Watson, pianist; Wm. Castle, tonor; Joe. Hor- ten, liaritene; E. Gilbert, boss; nnd Prof. 3. Jay Watson, violinist, were heard In an liitcresUng and varied programme given at the concert at the Fltih-avenue Baptist Church on Thuruday even- ing, under the direction ot Prof. G. W. Ck>lby A charity concert was given In Btelnway Hall on Thursday evening for the benefit of the French Evangelical Church, Tho selections were render- ed by Mme. H. AsUe, pianist; Mile. M. E. Hatl, so- prano: Charles Seeker, tonor; Fred Steins, luaao: U. Laurent, pianist; imd a |>ortlon ot Thomab' or- chestra, conducted by Mr. Ueltrlch The ntth Phllharmonlo concert occurred at the Academy ot Music Saturday evening. Tho programmo Includ- ed Haydn's symphony, E-llat, No. 1; Liszt's sym- phonic poem, "TasaoLamenteeTrlonfo" and lu noweoqud, overture to Oberon and vocal numlieru by Handel and Beethoven. Miss Ida HubboU was the vocalist Miss Arabella Root gave the fourth concert lu the eerleu, -tor the beupHt of (he iioor ot Mow York, at Chlckering Hall, on Friday evening. Miss Boo^ soprano, and Mr. E. SUbcrt, baritone. In the vocal selections; Big. C:arlo, nuilsi; Sym- phonlaQuartet; Wm. U. Pratt, Manlst: and Flora Auld, child elocutionist, were Uio entertainers. A teaUmonloloonocrt tttndfrred toMlau Eniiiiu Colla Terry came off at Chlckering Hall on Satur- day evening, and enlisted tho services of Harrison Millard, l>arltone; D. W. McAnceuy, tenor; Oax- ton Blay, violinist; W. F. MlllH, jilanlHt; Entll Sacllngor, vloIontMsUlst; D. F. Tully, orgoulst; tmd Mme. Eugenie; 1). Lossou, cuuduclor A concert WHS given by the Loulsluiiu. Jubll(-e Slave Slugers at the Grand Opcra-houtxi ou Sunday even- ing.,....Jerome Hopkins' Orphouu Free Choml School will give their Eustertldc fcsUval April S at Trinity Chapel. Mr. Hopkins' new sacred npcm ot ••Samuel" Is to Iwbroughtoutat the rcgulurSprlug- Udetcstlvol,Mays,ottheAcoiloniy ot Music. AT ToMi Pasiob's the new arrivals Mnrrh 2S are Htirry and John Kernell, Delehnnty and Hcngler, Harris and Carroll, Fields and Boey, Jeppe and Fannie Delano, Lou Yavlsourr (md Frank ond Eva Bennett. AHONO the featcbes Ot the Parisian Yarlotles may be-seen the Morosco Family, Tliomosiuid WatsoB, Horace Wesun, Louise Murlo, UieCuvel- las and othera. A new burlesque, entlUed "Pj-g- moUon," Is to be given this week. AT TEE OLTIIPIC THEATBE tho trcsh arrivals nre te be Prat. Slegrlst and dogs. Muster Bonnlo Bun- nole, Dtmbar and Lowande, and Soutord and Wil- son. ORAMATIC. UlRS SOFBIX MILES, Willie performing In Oodrr- Ich, Ont., M^oeh IT, was prvwrntcd wlib u valuable ring by Mayor Flniay on bebolt ot a number ot her admira ra." ' CHABLBB AlKBr hsd a benefit In the Doadwood Thtatn, BlMk HUls, D. T., March 10. Tho com- pany Indudea E. B. Oolllns, J. B. tangrlshe, W. J. Orosa, t. M. Martin, W, F, Trucheee, J. N. Griffith, Mr. Mason, Mm. J. S. Longrlshe, and Mrs. Kitty MutteU. A correspondent, writing about Dead- wood, soys: ••This la o thriving little city, com- posed ot all nations. There are two ••dancing- academies," one variety show, and another In course ot eractlon, which will bo open In a tew days. There arealsoatheatre, a church, aschool, ond any quantity ot gomblliig-housrs; but, taking everything Into consideration, wo ore a very orderly and weU-behavedoommunlty. New towns are looming up In every direction, and building, lota In good locations bring from $100 to $S,aOO tor S5 feet front rutming t>ack 100 feet." AL .SWABENOES Is buUdlng a theatre In Dead- wood, Black Bills, D, T, JOHN Jaoc and hte oompany were playing In Walla Walla. W. T., March «. W, S. Habxins and Miss Leonora BIgolow, of Wm.. Nannary's oompany. In Biilltax, N. 8., were married: March 14 tiy the Bev. Oosicllu Western ot the Dnlversallst church. Miss Pearl Eytlng and Botry Pterson-were bridesmaid and groomsman xeapoctlvely. In New OBLSAK8, at Bldwell's Academy ot Mu- sic, MUten Nobles Inaugurated an engagement March 18, appearing twlora a crowded oouse as CairoU Graves and Jim Bludsoolu "The Phoenix." Mr. Nobles achieved a noteblo success on the oc- casion of his visit here alwut one year ago, and the publtc, then amused:and edincd,were unmls- takabl* prepared to welcome his reappearance. rfmtfc*3rainion^5«e5hiEJf9ies««a.J»fim!^ I^y's Leslie bloIIKnrnwas niioly ooncolved and iVeU acted; anovBe other charactera were well Hustaloed. ■•Diamonds In the Rough" Is under- lined. O. D. Byion Is to commence 2S The Yarletles Theortre dosed with tho pertormonoe ot March 19, the occasion t>elng the imnuol boneOt ot J. Kluredgc, the treasurer. The ploy was "Oa- mlllc." and the audlcuco woe the lurgcet seen at the Yarletlos for some time. Miss Rosa Hand acted the title-role with a skill and tact which en- tMed her to commendable crltlctsm. The rcmalud- urof.tho cast'was as follows: Armand Duval, J. P. Rutledge: Mons. Duval, J. W. Hague: Mouh. De Yarvlllu, C. A. Rtedman; Gaston, Harry Howk; Gustave, W. H. Wollace; Louis, A. Torrlonl; Mes- senger, J, Davidson; Olympo, Miss Lo St, (^alr; Nlchotce, Miss Emma Sanderson; Ntmnle, Miss Ida Lowla; Madame Prudence, Mre. KolUo Tay- lor. Letter of March 20. RICBXOND C. Hill advertises that ho la pre- paxed to moke dramatic tmd other translations from the French language. Lawboce Babbett Is to play in Nashville, Tonn., April 9,10, Tbe Bt. chables Theatbe Tbodbles.— James Flyime, the manager ot the theatre reterrod to In New Orleans, La., sends us a letter dated Mardi 19; but, aa It does not disprove a single statement made by our correspondent In that dty In previ- ous lettere, and as It Is mostly dovoleil to personal abuse ot our representetlve, we dedlno giving Bi>ace to It. G. £. WILSON'S Dramatio CoKTAin are to close their season In Cortland, N. Y., Mardi '26, thence to Homer 29, 30, SI, Ithaca tan nights, commencing April i Wif. UASBLG'8 (^KBiNA'noN closed a Season In Kaoson, Minn,, Maroh 21, thence to Waseca 22, 23, 24, Faribault, Northfleld and MIniieniKillH. DEBAB'sOB.u;i>0PEIIA-H0USE,St. Louls, Mo.,wss flllod nightly last week by audlcucus who worn pleased 'With Lotte's IraperBouailon ot Musette. De Bar was prevented by illness from appearing as William Bokus, and tho part wne nicely played by C. W. Butler. George B. BurroU's Timothy Tllt<srs made a hit, John W. Morton, Charles Krone and Florence (%aae were In the cast, and tlio piece ran the entire week. ••Zip" 2C A fulr business was done at the Olympic, where Charlotte Thomp- son has given her powerful impersonation ot Miss Multon, supported by Rose Osborn, Frank Weston, Ferd. HIght, Charles Plunkott, Minnie Moddern, and Adah Pluukelt. Miss Plunkeit's excellent pcr- formonco ot Jeanne De Latour was highly praised. It being Iter tint effort In a proinlncni part. The "EvangeUne" Combination 2C. Advices of March 23. AT Fa>'NT Mabse's Theatbe, Portland, Me. Miss Rose Eytinge ployed tlio post wi-ek in ■•Miss Sarah Multon," "CainUle," "Roso Mldicl" and "The Hunchtiack," winning favor for tier artistic Impersonations. The comptmy acquitted them- selves with civdlt, considering -how heavily they have been taxed; espodal praise telng duo Messrs. Gossin, McFall, Sutton and Theodore, and the Misses Bailey and WUIlams. ■■Aladdin" end ■'Na- val Eogagcmenta'^ are announced for this week. George Hlgnoid begins April 2. Miss Carlotta Evelyn has l>een engaged tor Juveniles John T. Raymond Is to ploly In the Music Ball 30,91. Letter ot March a&' The season at the Academy ot Music, Buffalo, N. Y., Is to dose April 28. The Alice Harrison CombliuiUon open April 2, John T. Raymond 9, "Our Boarding House" 16, the Florences 23. AT THE GBISWOLD OPEaA-HOOSE. Troy, N. Y., Ada Gray is to play April 6,6,7. The Florences 10,11, "Our Boarding-house" ComblnoUon 12,13, It. The lint three nighu ot Easter week are yet open. THE AoNES Wallace-Villa combination is to perform In April at South Norwalk, CX, 2, 3, Dan- bury 4, S, Mertden e, T. Joet F. HZBMZ, lately with the Eiralfy Bros.' Troupe, Joins £. A- McDowell's company at the Academy ot Muslc^ Montreal, Cimada. THE MOST xoTABLS EVENT of the past Week In C3ilCBgo, 111., amnaements was the appearance ot Dion Boudcnult at MoVlcker's Theatre In "The Bhansbraun,'? supported by Hiss Katharine Rogera as Claire, with the remaining charactera Judldously assigned te the stock company. The drama Is lobe contlpned another wecK. AlHav- erly's Theatre, BondcauK's Comedy Comblnailon opened In ■■Ftarttldden Fruit" March 19 to a light business, which Improved later- Tho cast and s.'enery woe good. Next (this) week MlasChar- lotte Thompsbn In the title-role ot ''If hw Multon,^' Bupportad by the Clnctenatl Grand Opera-house Compa ny,' Letter ot March M, ''PATOHWDiiit" was felven by aalsbnry's Trouba- doun last week In Detroit, Mich- Oood business was tha 'rule iBachsliMacaoIey played-two nights and one madneeatDetnlt 29, V, Boppaned by herown'Ctoclanail cathpany m "Bomeoand 'JalMt," ."Fron-Froa," and "East Imtttl." The nave not _been large:. The-hUya were audle OUB BOSTON, Masa., oorreapoadent thns ■•rings the changes" under date ot Mareh 24: "AttheGlobe the past weekoperaawereglven. For Miss Kellogg's benefit, on' Friday evening, there were selocuona trem 'Hamlet,' 'Faust' and 'Martha.' On Thurs- day evening Sir Randall Boborts made his flrat ap- pearance In this dty as an actor, presenting ■Don Qesar de Bazan' and acomedlettaof his own, en- titled 'Dnder 0 Yell,' In which letter Mlas Ethel Oreybiook mode her debut In this country. The Impression had got abn>ad that Sir Randall's strongest claim te consideration lay In his title ot baronet,but he gave a very fair performance of Don Conor, while In his own ploy he was very pleasing and natural. Miss Greybrook la very pretty and gracetnl, and made a good Impression, The same bill was repeated on Saturday evening. On Monday Mr. and Mra. Florence for two weeks... At the Museum 'MaudlMuller,' with Miss Oenovleve Bogen In the title-role, has been played all tbe week. It Is an Interesting and effective play, appealing strongly to the sympathies ot the audleiMe; but we do not seefwhy ItlecaUedan American drama, aa there Is nothing »t all dis- tinctively American al)out It except the tact that an American wrote the poem which suggested the play. It was Hiss Rogon' firat appearance In Bos- ton, and she made a very favorable fmpresslon. While she was exceedingly natural In her Imper- sonation of the little country-gtrl In the firat act. In the later scenes she displayed a strength and power ot emotion which often moved her audience to tears. Mr. Warren's Nate HiUTln the trapper- poet was In his best vein. Miss PhlUIps as Theodora Wayne and Mr. Barr as the Judge were very good, and the halt-dozen other smaller characters wore well rendered fay Mra. Vincent, Mlas Francis and Messrs. McClannIn Cotter and C^Ios. The entertalnmont began with the com- edietta ot 'A Ltttle Change.' Next (this) week the bill remains the same. Lotto Is to shortly appear. At the Boston Thoatre Mr. Fechter was an- nounced tor Hamlet on Monday, but, owing to a severe sore throat, the bill was changed at the last moment to a performiuice by the stock com- pany ot 'Rory p'More' and the farce ot 'The In- quisitive Darky.' On Tuesday evening he hiul suffldnntly recovered to play 'Ruy Bios' with aU his accustomed fire, which was repeated on Thurs- day evening and Saturday afternoon. •Don Cesar de Rozan' constituted the bill on Wednesday even- ing, and on Friday, tor his lioneflt, ho presentod ■Hamlet.' The Saturday-nleht bill comprised •Richard III,' -with J. B. Booth as Richard, Harry BlcxMlgood's specialties, and tho force 'Sarah's Young Blun.' Beginning from this Saturday even- ing, the prices at this cstebllshment are to be re- duced to tho same acaie tbattheMuscum has held for several yeare, and which the Globe has recontly (ulopted. On Monday next tho grand Wngnor Fes- tlvol will be Inaugurated with the opera ot *The Flying Dutchman.' On Saturday evening Mr. George BIddle, formerly of the Boston Museum, but now ot Montreal, will appear In 'The Romance ot a Poor Young Man,' In answer to o request from Henry W. Longfellow and some halt-dozen promi- nent cltlzotis of Boston and Cambridge. Mmo. Jaiiau(M:hek will follow the opera, and on April IC Olins. Fechter wUl begin another engagement." MaNagebs desiring to communicate with Sir Randall Robcrtscannddrras him care of tlilsomce, MR. SOTUEBN Inaugurated tho scccind week of his engagement at the Arch-street Theatre, Phlla- dt-lphla, on the 19Ui limt., by appearing In "A Uomnt's Nest," which was then iiroduced for the nmt time In that city, and waa favorably received. •■Lemoka" was repeated at the Chcstnut'Street Tliootrn, Philadelphia, during the post week. H. J. Montague commenced on engagement ot Mrs. Morrison's Opera-bouse, Toronto, Ont.. play- ing ■•Fali>e Shame" March 19, 20, 21: ••Our Idol," 22 ond matinee 24; '•False Shame" and ••Idle Toara," 23. Business fair only. Alice Wj-ndham supported the star as Magdalen Ath(>rlelgh In "FnliM) Shame" and Madge Hesketh In "Our Idol," ond gave o faithful representation ot botli chartu:- ter*. A. U. Hudson and C. W. Stokes deserve credit for their valuable support as Ca\. Howard and Earl Dashlngton In •■False Shame." Tbe re- maining liorUon ot the company—A. FMzgerald as Bradlelgh, A. Roberts as Frank Perey, F. C. Hum- phreys OS Ewort, Mra. Vernon as Omstauce, Lizzie Anderson as Mrs. Howard, Mrs. Marlowe ss Mary, A. W. Gregory aa Philip—did fairly. Nothing billed for 26. Mn. an<l Mr. Wolcott come April 2. Advices dated March 24. "Sc:NLiaHT" hold the boards at the Euclid-ave- nue Opera-houBO, Cleveland, O., the psai week, with Imogene In the title-role. The character ot Meg was such as to afford Imogene but a poor op. portuntty to display her ability. Her club-swlng- Ing, which was excellent, served vory pleasantly to break tho monotony ot the play, which was rather flat. Tho support by the regular stock was as gO(Ml as usiul. Business light. Imogene vis- ited tlie dty alone, her manager ticlng confln(!d In New York with o sprained onkle. March 26, 2T, the opera ot "Lucretla Borgia" Is to begin, under tbccoadudorahlp of i.'*r. Purhlngor. 2fl, first pro- duction ot Miss Effle E. ElisIer'B new play "The Heroine In Rags," written for her by Bartley Campl>ell. Letter ot March 34. JouM MCCDLLOUOH commenced an engagement at the Walnut-street Theatre, Philadelphia, on the 19th InsL, appearing as Vlrglnlus, which was re- p<»ted ou the 20th Inst, ntid at the matinee 24. The bin for the remainder ot the week—the con- clusion of the regular season at this theatjre—was ns follows: •■Jock Cade," "King Lear," "The Gladiator" and| •■Richard in." Mr. McCullouch did not attract large audiences, the t>cst attend- ance being on the evening of t^ 32d Inst,, when ho appeared as King Lear. A nupplementery sea- son will be commenced 26 by the Gates Engllsh- opora Troupe, followed April 21^ Tony Pastor's Troupe, G. F. RowE oded the past week In Montreal, Canada. IK TOLEDO, O., JanouEchek presented "Debo- rah" Mareh 20, supported by a comptuiy from Rochceter, N. Y.. under J. Clinton Hall Mn. Rachel Macaulay played In "East Lynne" 21, 33, "Romeo and Juliet" 22, to small houses >. Robert McWode appeared In ■Rip Van WlnkleC* 24 Frank Mayo Is billed In Davy OrockeS ~"b1fia UAV risir is ^ — ~-X matic Company In Providence, B. I., Mareh 28. [ Arocsnx Dalt has two comiianleM on the road ploying ■■Lemons." For future relerence wo a(>- pcnd the cast of each company r Ccimpanv So. 1. .M«lor (Soowberry.. .Otren KawcetL Jack frrrvn D. H. Ilirklns.. TU-Dnle Stark O. Parkra t,On] Lollus, r^mmmer .... John Mirgarrt <ani. Sum.... Msry Stark... Bon ha. ,.C. Kockitell., Crmfianv Jfo. Z .C. I,eClcrCf|. .M. liarrv-intire. .». T. Blnninlil. a p.. Balnbrldse. ..I. 11. RInir F. Wlllanl. .R. W«rnrr D. SiilUvan. MIra Ms)rKanM....MlMM. Charln. MIn Alllo r,r<>y Mliw Mary Wclla. Mlm Ada Oilman..Mm. Loiilw Alien. well acted and well placed upoi|.thq'st«iitl.' CHABLIB OOLumi; Dutch comadlanTis billed to produce laNewark, N, J., April 2, a new drama, entlUed ••Bunka, or 0 Search for Himself," by CoL Chlhoiiii.'lhe author ot the military drama ot "The ColorOnard-'f.-. . - .- TBE AOMIB 'WaUUB-'nLLA COUBnfATIOH WlU perform In South Norwalk, Ct,, April 2,3, Daubury 4. S. Merlden e, 7, For list ot company see odver* tisement. AT THE OPZBA-noOBE. Rochester. K. Y.. daring the past week, the management, taking advantage of tbe excitement created by the tempetanca revi- val going OB In thedty, breught out "Ten Nlghui In aBiinoom," whleli held the hoards to good bus- iness until W edn esday, when."Saratoga" was pro- duced; ThniBday, 'Beauty and the Beast" and the tscoe^"Vy Uiule's WlU" were put on, and con- tinued the attraction the remainder of the week. Uarch 2a Sate Fisher Is •■Vazeppa." MlMEIIiaMooro ...MImS. Boyd. SlKld....^ MImC. niiuialt ...MImR. Richmond. R. FnCTOK Ri»tsFJ.L advrrtlHcs thai ho can be engaged after May 1 for the Summer season. A STAOE-HANAGER States that he can bo engaged for that position eras business-manager. Address S. P., care of this office. 'Wm. H. Bbent bfiglns a five nights' engagement In Detroit, Mich.,March26, Inthepewtemperance drama entitled "The Fatal Cup." The following compose the company: The Mioses Nellie Barrett Bllgh, Hattle Hunter, little Grade Brent, Measra. J. L. Asliten, C. B. Barton, James Matthleon, Walter Marah, R. T. Elliott, S. D. Hough. They will after- wards make a tour ot the State. MBS. FnosT THOKN, ner Lily Ylnlng Davenport, 'Will reiumAo the stage next season, and will most likely be engaged ot one of the Philadelphia thea- tres. Clrcumetonoes, the resultot her sad bereave- munt, have compelled Mra. Thorn to cteit herself In the support of her two llule children. Lily Vlnlng Davenport waa a very great favorite In Philadelphia, ond her return to the stage will be gindly wclcomod by her ronny friends In ihot city. Howe's ■•Fifth AVES'de" received its last rap- resentetlon at the Klraltys' Broad-street Theatre, Philadelphia, otter a falrly-successtu I ron ot three weeks. Lonlse M. Ponieroy commences at this tht^atre 20 in *'Romeo and Juliet," iMing sup- ported by Charles Walcott and other membcra ot the late stock company at the Woluuvstreet Thea- tre. ATFOBD'sGVA^m Ofeba-hocse, Baltimore, Md., laat week Edwin Booth and oompany dosed a suc- cessful two weeks' engagement, acting In ■■Rich- ard III" 19 and 24, "Homlet" 20, ■■Fool's Re- venge" 21, "Richelieu" 22, ■■Ruy Bios" aad ■•Taming a Shrew" 23,^-Mncli AdoAbout Nothing" at the matinee. Clara Jennings, on Sunday night, Man:h 18, loft tor New York to attend her child, who Is very III. Nellie Cummins ot Ford's company acted In her stead, imd readcred efflclent sut»ort to Mr. Booth throughout tho week. March 20, Daly's Fifth-avenue (Company lu "Lemons." J. H. Haveblt Informs us that his loose of Hooloy's Theoire, Chicago, III., docs not exptro until Julys next, and that the rumor In dreula- tlon that Hooley k Qulnlan were at>out u have tho management ot It Is Incorrect. JOHN E. OWENS Is to l>ogln an engagement ot one weak In the Memphis (Tenn.) Theatre March 26. AT HAVEBLV's Theatbe, Chicago, III., there are open dotes from May 21 to July 3. Manager J. H. Baverly, through a card elsewhere, requests that all communlcaUons be addressed to him person- ally- ■ A LABOE AUDIKNCE honored Monoger Greenwall on the occasion of his annual benefit, Uarch 15, at the Opera-house. Galveston, Texas, Over 1,600 tickets were sold, many of the holden not being represented. The Fay Templeton Troupe ten- dered their services, appearing In "Mons. Al- phonse" and ••Panpa-Boso." The condudor ot tho orchestra. Max Fehrmann, and lady gave the quarrel-duet from the opera ••The Mason." On the following evening the Fay Templeton Tronpe offered ■■Rip Van Winkle," In which John Temple- ton particularly distinguished himself In the tltle- role. Lenor ot Mareh 20. Robebt Fox, the proprietor of the late American Theatre, In Philadelphia, has filed hIa claims tor eighty thousand dollan against the Insurance companies. The totol loos by the destiucUon ot the theatre was one hundred and forty-seven thousand dollara. and no steps will be taken to- wards the rebuilding ot the theatre until the in- surance risks ture paid. The inquest In the case ot Frederick Neumonn, whose death was roused by tbe tolling of on adjacent building to Fox's The- atre at the time the latter was destroyed, resulted In the ]ary dlssgreelng and being discharged. A new luquest will be held, commendng Monday, Mareh 26. MISS Mabt Ansebson, supported l>y o. C. Boni- face and meml>eraot Manager Ford's companies, appean^ at the NaUonal Theatre, Washington, D. O., during the poet week to a gtMd attendance. Tho plays presented were ■■Romeo aiid Juliet." ••fngomhr," "Macbeth," "Berthe. or the Daughter ot Roland," and ■•Guy'Mannerlng." As Juliet and Lady Macbeth she seems to have pleased most the eriilcal porilons ot her audiences. It was as Par- Ihenlo In "Ingomor'^ thatwetoundracsttopraise In Miss. Andenon- Uiss Anderwn goee to her home m Louisville'tor a rest. B. t. Montecue com meface s Mareh 26. Letter of Marrh2S, ' AT THE PbOVISENCE (R. I,) OPERA-HOtmE bnst- n«M waa excellent last weak. "Forbidden Fruit" was given Ibe first three nights. At the close ot tho performance Wednctday evening, Mr. Boact- cault's agent appeared and pat an Injunction upon Mr Morrison's oonipanyftiirther appearing In this pUy, Dr. B. olalming sole right to k For the remaining three nights and Saturday matinee Mr. and Mn.^. J. Florence appeared lai •■The Mighty Dollar" to large audiences. Mr. Block treaonnr ot the Opera-house, Is to take a benent March 2«, when "Partnera tor Lite" and "Pretir Piece of BaiUieta"wllI be given by Morrison's company- Aimee is anooonced for April 2.' ' MWOMXT HOWABD opened at tho Pittsburg (Pa.) O^em-house March 19 In "Swoetbeatls" and "Btlth Tredgett," vrhlcHahe repealed ao: "Mar- gaeriw't ma the,attiBctk)n 31, 21 -Ulas BoTard appeared aa Bomeo -e. March 2« was eetaiiart tor« Joint banoaciaBdered to Miss Alice Hoatl FoBBiHB'B nyTH-AVEN UK OoiDAHT performed In 'Wheeling, West Va., March 17,19, with a Satur- day matinee. In • ■Our Boys," te fair business; Ne w- ork, O., 20, ML Vernon 21, Akron 22, Toungstewn 23, ond MeadvIUe, Pa., 24, Edwin Booth travels through the Eastern cir- cuit, performing In New Haven, Ct, April 3, 4, Watetbuty S, Hartford S, 7, Springfield, Mass., 9, 10, Worcester 11, U, FaU Blver 13, 14, Providence, B. L, IS, two weeks, Joseph L. MCDouoUgoes with him as business-agent. SiONOB Vallo ot Plilladelphla, whose address find In our business dspartment, preitarea pupils tor the dramatic and operatic stoge. FBOH CINCINNATI our Correspondent writes 23: " 'Lemons' bos been played all the past week at the Grand Opera-house to a medium btuteess- The performance ot the tarco was good, and the play itself extremely htughable. Maurice Barry- more as Jack Perryn was the notable success, play- ing'with esse and dash.' Charles LeClercqmade a success ot Major (]oosel>erry, which, however, he somewhat marrod by overacting thedrunken scene. B. T. Blnggold. C. D. Balubridgo. Un. J. H. Allen. Mary Wells, Meroe Charles and Nellie Boyd took the principal charactera In nloe style. 'Lemons win be continued but the week. Tomasl's Juvenile Opera Comptmy 26, ■Evangeline' Combination April 2 Hon. W. F. Cody and company opened at Wood's Theatre 19 In ■The Red Right Bond,' which was kept on till Friday, when -Life ou the Border' was subsUtuted. The gallery oudteucea have been large. Emerson's Minstrels follow 26. April 2 the Bouclcuull Combination In 'Forbidden FrulL' Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Price have signed to travel with Douctcault nest season." A. H. SHELDON and company can t>e secured to perform In Mr. Sheldon's seusatloiml drama ot "Wealth and C:rlme." See card, A copy of ■■Miss Multon" can bepurchased of c. B. Kelly. See card. THE ElIMA LELAND COKBINATIOX IS tO play In Union City, Ind., Mareh 26,27, and then dose their season. Mr. and Mn. Turner go to their home, at Wolkerton, Ind., F. H. Mack, the agent, to Ander- son, Ind., and the rest ot the company to Chicago. Lawbence B.^bbett dosed a week's engage- ment at tho Lulnitd Opera-house, Albany, N. Y., Maroh 24. Buslnera during the week was not prolltable. ■■BIchelleu" 10,21, ••Man o^ Alrlle" 20, ■■Hamlet" -.22, ■•Darid Qarrlck" and •■Merchant of Venice" 23, and ■■Othello" 24, comprised the prt)- grammcs. On 2G Samuel R. Reed, second come- dian of the regular company, takes a benefit The Union-square Comedy Company — Clark, manager —appeared at Martin Ball'23 and mat- Ineo 24 In ••Led Astray." They were announc- ed for three performances. Including Saturday evening, but, business being so tiad, tho com- pany dlstuLnded after the matinee pcrforman(». The cast ot ■■Led Astray" embraced Messrs. W. U. Thurne, Chas. Mcstoyer, G. M. Lewis, John Morrison, Miss Selun, Miss Weotheisby, Elinor Howard, and othera. Letter ot March 2S. W. J. FLEMlxa and company In ■■Custer and his Avongera" appeared In the Patorvon, N.J., Opera- house March 10 to poor business, owing to the In- clemcnc y ot th e weather. J, G. STrmz and company open In Washington, La., fur Bvo nlghm Mareh 37, thence to OpelouBoa for two weeks, there closing their season. The fibst bepbesentations ot ■■Lemons" In Richmond, Va., were given March ID, 20, by Daly's Fllth-avenuo Company. Both the company nnd ptay were the best seen here for yean, and gen- eral eotlstacUon waa given. Mr. Fawceti's Major (looseberry was excellently well done. Mr. Bar- Sins created a fine Impression as Jack Stork. Geo. Parkvs iwd C. Rockwell did well. The Misses Ada Oilman imd Alice Gray pleased. May Nunez ond Elsie Moore came In for a share of the applause. The attendance each night was good. ••Tho Big Bonanzo" was uneiooptlonolly rendered for the farewell pertormanue, 23, tlie<x>mpiuiy going to Poteraburg. No announcements tor tho coming week. Letter of March 2S. SAMUEL L. KNAPP.—In Brooklyn, L. I., at the house of his, Mr. Parker, othiUt-past eight o'clock on Mareh 22, the spirit ot this actor winged Its flight. He was a native ot Boston, Mass., where his father hod held the jiosltlon ot Clerk ot the PolIceK»urt for over forty yeors. He was educated for cvmmcrelal puraulta. In 18G4 he came to this city. Having had considerable practice OS on amotour actor In Boston, and loll- ing to procure employment lieie, he turned his at- tcnUon to the etage. When George Wood open- ed Wollock's Old Theatre under the title ot tho Broadway, May 2, ISS4, Mr. Knapp was en- gaged as the prlitdpal ticket-seller; but, flnd- Ing that the {xisltlou was not compatible with hiB tastes, he resigned It and went West, where he made bis debut as an acwr. He was good In (fccond old men and character ports. He married a daughter of Bam Parker, o well-known atnor now In reUremeut lu Brooklyn. His funeral took place Sunday last, at two o'clock P. v. The CiNClNXATt Elks gave a second public ex- hibition to their friends March IB. The pro- gramme was varied, and much enjoyed. Oca Califobma leiteu, dated San Francisco, Mareh 18, Is as apiiendcd: Lutntxkthe thritrcK liail a dell titne, and tbe critic* wten given llttip toHtti-r tliut at all iDtvrviitlng to write about. Tlie perfomiknceii at the Calll'umla, iiave two, were for bvotrOth to worthy iwrtioiu who JrHrrvcd tuorc than tlirvgot; but, unfortunately, nelttier the playeniDor the ■rtliig wu uf a lilyh cInMt. aod tlie lIcvnM allowed to tlfnlt* Of tills kind iiermlited tbe gluw of lenient woctls. WlH, that known Ileor}* E!d«anlit would ajutodate bifl talenta arltlillif portrayal uftlie huDian mystery Oiaot Kuiico? Vet Chit* actur, who Is pre.einlDeDt on our stage la ^bu domain of Btroo|r, clear, bcaltbrul natures, wlien maiclDg Ills annual appeal to the public oa tbe Uth, curiously enougb selieu upon the dark designs of tbe subtle Italian for the display of bla ability. What elM could roUow but dlMppolntnieDt to ti*,th actor ODdsudlencet Another actor's nvak waa the expennirot- ine of the meloUratuatlc John Wilson with Rip Van Winkle when taking his benefit on the 14lh. About these anotoalous undertaklni^s there waa a deiiTVe of norel- ty, cenajniy, which was altogether abvent (Tom the ordi- nary efTorta made In "Fanchoti,** for the beneflt ot Alice Klnwsbuiy on the 13th, or In "Loot at Sea," Ibr ths benent of T. J. French, the ttvasurer, on the 16th. Ttie only night that rrlttclsm wua In order waa on the Uth, when Mus Rose Hon. who lairlv/mada her debut as Camilla, camo fornrd anln to cbalMhce optDloo la a leading Bait. She yt would saying uw^aclTu we aAA-med tha^he baa no eenulne dramatic feelbn; but that feellnic, such aa It mas- be, has now very crude and nnlmnresslr* otteranee. Itia Jew words. MIra Moss has placed heraelf Inapoaitlon to benspcctiully but Arm ly told tliat she must first atndr and practice the rudlucnta of tbe dramatic art before abe canererboprtowlniamrasanaetRM. Mbs Nellson, who was to hare appeared on the 19th a* Juliet, la compelled to del»rhcr eneagement on account of a saretveold. eon- tracted on the orerlindjouraey. "Lost itSta" la to be acted by the stock eompaajr ootU MUa Kellson rrcorera her health.. — If no money waa made, eapensea were at east cleared, at tbe Grand Opera-taonae with the Intcreat- Inc proiluctlua of "A Tour of the World In Eighty Days," and In view that a new piece might absolutely fall at thisseuon of apatby towards the iheatrea, Vr. Wbcat- telch baa conduiled u keep the spectacle on tha boards, and lu 44th representation will occur Uardi 19: Althouch '"'.^ "SGi",,*" contracted to paint for Bildwln'a ThcIltB under McCullough, he bi by a provision In the articles atJU permitted to work foroatsldi, parUei^ aad h« U now-*D- caged in itttlorup "A Mldsummer.nlght'a Dream" for the Opera-house. Tbe production of this piece win probably be tbe last venture of any Imnoitance the existing man- ager wUl undertske. Mr. McDonald la tired of tSeatslcal butloesa, and -alll reslsn tbe theatre to anyone who wanta It some lime during ^ay. As for Mr. WbeaUelgh, he will shake the dust of Calirorela oltbla Itet, and go to Aostra- ll*. Where he U belter appreciated, taking 'srllh blm ifr. UniOfleiCQ Slstem Business bas rmpTored a little with the ralnstnis at the Opera-house. Frank iloran Is steadily winning Ibr himself quite a rep. uratlon as ead-iuan, antf Sheridan and Mack pev- rorm their speclalMm with signal aacceas. Cbeevers and Kennedy are to appear 19 Owing to lllnesa In the company, but one tmh opera—••Robert le Dlable"—was sung IMSL week at BalUwln's Theatre. Dl Mncska. havlne succumbed to the elTects of a cold, U In temporary retlri meni, and ■The Mtgic Flute"' Is to be sung lo-Dldit with. outlirr......Amni;emenu hare been made for weekly promenade concerts at the ravUIoB. the Srat of wbkh la to take pl»« on it Dl Murska and Camilla Dno have iK-eii enaaged to take part. The prices hare been Oaed u low aj» fldy and tweaty-flre eenu admlaalon. MVSICAI.. THE EMMA ABBOTT OOKCEBT TBOOPE gave their third and farewell performance at the New Chica- go Theatre Mareh 20 to o good ottendonce The Verdi Requiem was produced otthePlymomh Church 22 by the Beethoven Society, the solos being rendered by .Miss Thurston, Miss dl Pel- gram, Messrs. Dextor and Blrgsteln, and the or- chestral ports supplied by H. a Eddy The Ole Bull Troupe gave concerts 23, ond mati- nee 24, ot Mccormick's Boll, -to large houses. The company consists ot Miss Thunby, Messre. Ben- zlger, Ole Bull, Tom Karl, and S. Llebllng. The vcicran violinist was serenaded by on euthusl- Mtic delegaUon ot his admiring countrymen at the Grand PaclOc Hotel on Thursday night. TnE Swmusa Lady Vocal (Juartet are to sing In Reading, Pa., Mareh 27. ^ CABLSEN-Tzot Philadelphia has cirganlzd a mil- itary hand ot forty pieces, which Is to be known as the Flrat Regiment Band, and wlU moke lu nrat appearance April 19. A TENOB-URimcEB deslres an engagement He also ploys violin. Address as fiercardot N. N S TnoifAS H. DE WITT, leader of orchestra, wh(j3e address find In another column, can be engaced THE Oateb Opeba Tboupe performed In Trey, N. v.. March 19, 20, Springfleld, Mass., 21, Hnilt^ ford, CT., 22, New Haven 237Brldgeport 24. THE SWEDKH L.M(V QtjABTET, Under Manager Mlshlerot Beading, Pa., are to perform In Allen- iSyjS- ^' March 26, Beading -a. Pousvlllo js' WllUamsport AprU 2,3, Wllkesbarre 4, Bethlehem 5, Lancaster 6, and Beading 7. THE H0L1IA&- Opeba Thol-pz, under Manacer Mlshlcr, are to sing In Wilmington, Del., Aprll ie. Reading. Pa,, 17, Lancaster 18.1? HanisbSrg 20 Pottsviile 21, Allentown 23, Easton 2*. Scranton 25 28, WlUteebone 27, and WllUamsport 28, PiAijisT, Who advertises, can be engaged after April 15. Hahdel AND HATSN SOCUTT Of Boston. Mass. !f" J^.T* Hondel'B oratorio ot ••Joehua"' at Music Hall. In that dty. on Sunday evening, April I, assisted by Miss EmmoThursby, soprano. Ade- laide Phllllpps, contralto; Joseph Maas. tenor ■ and M. W. miuiey, l>ass. BOeoboe a. OrviKE, trombone, or E tiaas and sec- ond violinist, advcnlses for an engagement. ' .^^^2''° ^CF"'? tune Is offered by the Dime Banjo Music Company, who advet'lae THE SOLDEN-E OPEBA THOCPE began a season'of five nights m the Academy ol Music, Busialo N v.. March 20, pUkylng lo a large attendance. Ma.Mk^W «nc«rtsln6..u,„^. THE ABCADiAlis, SwlBS beUrlngera, vocalists, comedians, etc., .will dose their fourth travehS AiP'JJ Ji-S?* oommenco another season June 1. e. C. Beedle, manager, can be addressed as per card In another column. ""«fe»*eti CHABLn BESTON bsi becD engaged as advance. A iMi*™ri^"..^F^'*IFSf "^''""J** 'Wandl(iale.f<ir <\l,1.'2fl?l°his ;2?JS»n°t^ " '"- «"''"•• »«' stago"S?8"AjSu? '"^ >«°i=°« >he ■ iSm. :Essipt>FF'ana C(impanr. asflst*d bv tha ^"TaE_ETAXOEtlNE " Oomia'A'no^r opened . In M«»uler* Theatre, Loubvllle, KyT. SSh M and filled out the week t<.gbo:l butineMrSiiS' Tni'it;?rruiftoi^Faay 5Sib SXi CH.iaL» UABNcr, eUde-trombcne and tsiritonr. IS^.*^ <»«• Of this oflFe«,^SL?S; SS: L. xoBLXB, B and B flat comet-pTiiyer and vli>- Unlst, advcnlses for an engagementT^ • • LEW JOHXSOS'STESSESfEEJOBILEEBlSnElMaWl started ona tour of the iSteiW towni? ^ W H.OLOE^.olarlonet.and rllir iriaTrr'^didiiia.. for an engagement. ' - ' , ~ ;.^-^r^'.."TSvf«*" -IRbd TibLonoR.i •eeeBa.''«io;ini>t: onTk^i*!' Dedkuxtos.— The Academy of Music Scranton Fa., la to be dedicated April 3 with o concert hJ thefoUowlng weU-known artists: Mme. Gulao-P-' and Miss Beelw, sopranos; the Misses Drasdll Finch, contraltos; the New York Glee Cl>jb an Madrigal Club and Kale Quartet—Messrs. Slmt son, 'Wilson and Ellard, unora; Messrs. Sohsi Batrd ond Aiken, baritones and basso: Mr Xrl buckle, oometUst; and Mr. Colby, planXsian musical director. BICE & QOOBWEI'S "EvangeUne" Oombin-I tlon showed at the Grand Opera-house. Indiana oils, Ind.. March 19. 20. ond drew crowded house- OEOBOEC DOB90N, teacher of banjo and deaw In banjos and other mosteal Inatrumenui, Insei his card In another colomn. Roe Siephehb' latest lasuesot popular songs mentioned In his <ard In another column. A PIANIST. Violinist; comtweer and arranger vertlses for an engagement, together with a prano, serio-comic and character-vocalist, plains' etc. See Prof, W, Eopplts' card, CASni-LA UBSO and comjiany were giving coi certs In British Columbia at the date ot our iat«- odvlces, Morch 9, and are reporied as doing liuge bnslness. Urso was to have returaeu li Portlnnd, Oregon, March IS, and hove given i benefit tor the Meromtlle Library As3ocla:lo] there. SEPOBTim MCBDEB OP A TOCAUST. —Mifs AII^. Wren, who comes ot o family that has numtrou: representatives on the profeaslonal stage, anil whi has ot late t>een traveling with Mme. Con' Troupe as a vocalist. Is said to have been Htrnngii to death at the Cape of Good Hope by Kmc. ikn on account ot Jealousy. It is sold that Mm Cora had been cried, oonvleted and eentcnred death, but that tho sentonce was commuied soUuuy Impalsonment tor three yeare. This Iq^ formation reached here In a letter from .\u-<irall! dated Feb. 4, and the writer says he obtained i from the Australian papers. In our post iMiir we published letten Irom our Meltmumo curres pendent, and two othen doled Feb. Q, and not eue of them referred to the motter. We think ibi report needs confirmation. One ot Mbis Wren' Histera, Mra. F. M. Bates, waa In Australia at Uii date of our last advices. DEAKIN'S LILIPITIIA:* BUBLESqrE COMPAyy OC- cupled Ford's Opera-house, 'Whshlngton, b. c., during the past week, (toing a paying buslnf-sn the matinees l>eliig unusually well attended. Thi pertormauce of tho company In "Jack tho Glnn; killer" are not only ludloroasln their absurdity. iMit ore excetKlIngly meritorious in on nrt'.:iui point ot view. CommtMlora Nutt Is on odmlnibi( odor, and as a singer of oomic songs Is e.\cel|PDL_ Little Jeunlo Qulgloy la most bewitching in nn songs, and dlspla}-a much tdleut as nn acimj Major Nutt Is olso o cai<able actor. Thulr slnglni ot aire from popular operas ond eongtt of the iia; were duly enjoyed ond encoivd- The rr^iuiai-! oud properties were elegant ond In keeping with tlie iwrfoi-maaces. Tha company remains auo'Ju' week- T'ARIETT HAIiIiS. AT WILD'S OLTUPic, Syracuse, N. V., King Sar- bro and Miss Lizzie Mulvey arrived March I'.i. aud proved good attractions. Kittle Stanley c"r(> '< Erie, Pa., for one week, and then Joins Com. i'uAe'L^ pony OS pianist. Messra WlUIotns and Sully and Miss Nellie Gormen also go to Erie. New arrlv.iis for 2S: Crumley and De Forest, Bussoll Slaters, Lou Souford and Belle Folrmond. AT MADAME DUCLOS' AUION GABDEK TBEKTBE, Reading, Pu., buslnces has oventged fair. TLa now arrivals 19 were Bobby ond Alice Dolly. SIgnoi Martinez and Bose Ulchoel, On 19, during ihe performtmce ot a force—"Bottnoe"—In which sev- eral performera tiro thrown through o triudow. Bam Melville received a toll, causing a tntctuiv :.| the shoulder, through earlessuoss of thuee behlnj the scenes who were detailed to catqh htm. On IT, Wm. Derscb, property-man, while ehileovorleg to extract the load from a pistol used on tlie siiact. shot himself In the hand, causing a pninpil though not serious wound. Pepfirtiiro 24: T. D. Weeks, musical director, to Now lurk. To oixo 20: Searls. Beggs and Master Heaney, oud Minnie Leslie. Louis Prestond has been engaged mualcsl director. Letter ot March 24. AT Ward's Opeba-Hoose. Pateison,^ N. J., tlis ottractlons last week were Cordelia and VlctoKlll on the horizontal-bar, Bam Martin In one-legced eongi»-and-dancc«, the MacUeys in eketchei*, 3I»- l>el Pearl, Drew and Lowton, Lulu Mortimer, aud Fairy Vernon- Dejtartures 23: Cardelht and Vic- torelU, to New York: Bom Martin, Bupilo; Drev and Lawun, Boston, Annonnced for 20: Fetui and Whlto and Paddy Murphy. Alico Foetes; aa nounced tor last week, failed to appear Franklin Wtmier's Combination reappeared at the Opera-house 24 to good business. The com- pany comprised DoUle Sharpe, Naonl, Hariieranl Stanslll, the arionell Children, ProL Quitm, Ju. Connera, Gorman Br«>s., FOstor and Seuuedj, Chas. SIrby, and F. W. TnmbulL BAlifOMD AND WILUAMS, song-and-donco, ven the new faces at the Theatre Comlque, Blchmoni), Va.,Moreh 19, ond proved to be good canls. S( departures. The Martlnettis, Add Tole, Muckej and Tooley, Lulu Leonard, and Minnie Clyde are to open 26. There bos been no tadling-oa In lU attendance. Obchebtbion Hall. Detroit, Mich., Is still en- joying good business. Ou 19 appeared Annl* Clark, serio-comic; Nell Smith and his dogs: Min- nie Ralnforth. vocalist; Jfttm 'and Mory Cannon la Irish spedaltles; ond the D'Omera In sword teats. At the Comlque. 19. Bel Mueab tailed to come. but the Homers In Irish sketches, the BenneEaj Brothera In songs-and-dances, and Josephine ami Edwin Browne In totoes gave satisfaction u loisi oudlencea. Advices of March 34. HUS CARBIS ADBTIN (ot Chos-ond Carrie Aufda) has been dangeronsly lU tor the past two vetti, but Is now pronounced out ot danger. CHICAGO VABIETT NEWS to Man:h 34 Is sent as appended: '"Poor and Proud ot Chicago' bss been very lolrly represented at the Adelphl Thi tre, O. U. Morton In the leading pan. with strong cast and spoiaprlata soenoiy. This w preceded by a good varied bOl.'openlng with lotignable act entlUed •Opem-boulfe,' followed h Miss MUUe LeaUe In serlo-aomlo aonga; Jhntnj MoKee, Irish specialties; Warwick and Layioo, nagrolsma; C. E, Charlea. mualcal pyrotechnksi P. H. Seamon. ventrlloqDlst: and Frank A. Gib- bons In his eqnlllbrlstlo acta on the trapea. Next (this) week the Duvalll Blsun. C. F. CouiX Chaa. Hall, Bam Blckey, Wm. McCarthy, VW« ClUMn, lAny Tooley, Einma Bretto. Hslttv Lesllt, Thatcher antt Hume, and Barney Ferguson The CoUoeiuD comes to the front this week wiin a programme of more than ordinary eicellentv, opening with the OoUsenra Minstrels, having Diet r^'S^E?" Bones, and Joe Lang as TOmbo. Billed for 2«: Thompeon'a new play, enUUed ■Electlon.oi the Returning-boord;' Irwin Slaten, Cora and M, Austin, Mclntlre and Heoih, Prof. Frances, Leons- ra Bradley, Ban Lily, and Chas- W. Vouii^ The Globe Theatre has again been cloaed JOT further repaliB and Improvements Tlie Academy or Mualo tovoped Its patrons wim Clark and Fletcher In eccentric spedalUes, Eaia Howanl and Josephine Shanley In songs, Dnis BerUe Bhinehart, serio-oomlo Imitations: Ui> snow Brothen as parlor ooobals: Ooas and Ta m tho musical sketch ot 'Two OS-onee;'AnsUs shootlng-teata; Fltcgerold and Bjat, doable clog; the whole oondudlng with •RscIdJ S? *J^»*"";'"^P1>'-' The-Museum opentd Morch 19 under enooungtng ausploea. The cur- tain rose on 'Dodging for a WUe,' with Koben ?imS^„(;„?- .°"'l' J- h; Bennle, and SJif'.f^'S''!** This was toUowcd t» S???fii%"*'Sr Weaver, Miss Annie Morjn, liiif^sift-^iJ?."*"' Marreuo on tho u* peze. Flank Wllmarth, John Peudy and THUS t?!??'?.' ?J,e«(">ls) weak J. a Murphy and Join Bandall will appear," AT TOOKEB-B VABIEIIE8, NortOlk, VS., SISS* Sheppard dosed Mardi23, golns to PhUaUelpbi'. ^i.Si'' !i>.^*«"2esba«eT^:Vi 5fiI2f5'j?-2?''J^***?^ Marahall are to cloeeA K?°^' Davenport, LouIaaDe LouLi and Ida Melville. Two L.iDX donoera ond two lody slncrrs ai« rS?**? Arbeltar HoU, Allegheny, Pa. &» Ka» ndka & Llns card. - <• • _ TiJl^fl?"?^ wanted at the Cosmopoliiai TheaOT), Indianapolis, Ind. Address Harry k. Beswlck, proprietor. fJll?^^\^*^?^^^^' Jockaon, Mich., CliorW S5^i f«.*?r.m"J5 solos; Billy Allen's Jlg-daaclm 5?Jl?.?!' S""'e Rosa's serio-oomic songs, CfcarKs 4.tJ'*f?^"'>»' Stlnnto Boeodofo'a douclDi.V Ada Btirncus male ImpursonoUons, McMlliaV"- one. songs-ond-donoes, and Flora Mason's com- My (lets were am'>ng the lUtracUons offered dut- dafi, SJ^'^rv"^ Vsriety performers can s<*uis dates by applying as per card. B,ini-?c^r?„^^™'' Bufi'olo, N. T., the ne» SJ^ViJ. SH;'' •'obnLeClair, MoUleDcinar, Eugene Blltx, Qulltor and Ooldrlch, LUllo Hall, S»Si^.°ii?' Vallctrez(the lattor dldlSTt appear unoi Ttiesdoy maUnee. being hdd In Clucliinail ISLf^1??^r*°"'«i'' ""^Wo to moke roB- S^^^if^."?.'"'- Business ruled good. Clceed ^"fi^M,;iS5.'?li''' ^ ^«««>": John Ledolr, Cliiclii- nflfV B!in„'l?*J"^'OolJrich, Eupers. SI- ■5SS"'%,*,V'?'*"»'. *°* and Hoey, Iff SSv -Bi;,„I'"*f"'' JfewMlW Mcculloch aad tauey. BostoD. Announced 20-: Cool BurcfS, Soonlon and Cronla, EtzelUno BtstotaC^ MaitS GmivS »»d GUday ui naV.^w^'Sr^' Ct,. Gibson and Btn- SSt^?. i^if constituted the tresh «»• tractions hiat week. Cloelng 24: Alllo Drayton and S^"'*'..\1°°"°«>* lor M: Uxslo Richmond, Bro'?K.4i°'* MS^John.B^eU•y^SdthTL^Sp«S f The AtlanUc Garden, a new place ol on Market airoei, was opened 24 W J;?"* SE?'*'™^'"'Frank BaTrSoira nti Sff w„tri'?f°"e'?l'5°™P''^^'t«ySharpe, Fas- uie Moreno, and Frank Harrison, vocalists: C«* Nebhoe preeldea at the piano, wwch«niiliut« i5rt,e°r'?f"Sa^hS:' - '^"^'^ fi^" PBooBAmtE was presented at l» JS??.^ iL*"i? Newcomb were received wlik applause: Erbo Robeaon'ssUiglns met wlOiwair*! Lelllui s l*ilei "yueeus ot i« aiosl-W^I^-d ^'tS*^i:'„*.'°"'7 ^'1*' Letoumeur, Who preml* es to become o favorite, A local travesty on iM funeral-scene In ••Hamlet" creoted ade "5f loujS- ter. Cummlngs ond Hlnee, Larry Tooley oud in- ma Bretto dose 24. To open^M - vii HeynoKl* « itS Si",.^'"'"^^ ■ •:••■• •the i4rtormancts sf.,2S tnrnlahed by the Sm:t» ^l^r'-^"'^,«Wn>ond*n^ George Hairla 'Pr-earai Looneys VaMedes 2S: llsijls ??«i?K5r'i^V"^- rte Mwren Bret, ,c SI!5^f Oarten the new appearane* it^i!^ .'i'' ^'fcr. balladlei; the Witlls Sl»i"»» ?f55.. .■f"'!*'!-'"* I«ulse Elmer, vocalist W tax ol Slarch 23.'. ■ - - .'K-Iiil"*3'*tHe.tTBE COMUjuE, Dansvllle.IlLt "^^^TP^*.*£*•'"'■ 'l>P**™n««s ''ere Billy Maiuiisr anttMabetOny. DepanurestCallenandBariisr. .to Bloomington; Charles Maden. to Join Alteu'S AnEtaius Troupe: the Gradya, to Chicago; an* Master Uarry. to Springfield: . ; i ■ • ' _.?j.S*^5.5?'"^t'">>^dlBd ln the General Ht» pli^, Btiiraio, N. T., March IS. - Ha had been oon- "ccted »lth the Canierouty Yarleiles, there, K-r • number ot years. The company of that iheaii* attended his tunsraL Be left a widow,. but as Children.'. • - * . ;|fcmoE8 AND LOUISA; Bioss, Sketch arllsir, frenow.pilaylng at Volka' Oaxden, ihla city. ,IHE CABBOLU^fouc In.number—have a tt* open'Oates in AprU and May.-. .^They ara to oppest lOL. 'a. new: sketch, cnutled ••Macaxool," bgr R. ^ and E. H. CaiToU, who warn sH ipanlesito rerpcc their rights to the aamet .they havingconyxighu-d It. .SeeadvectlkemenUL- ,', <i •>.-1 .i---v-■ ?EBFOBlIEBSMMWUa&, «k Wma, SIKttjr Aii^ a»pX»^ Tt)itain, at»UB§Jifmi' See card. ■^;•l-.^'-..■.T~-.>.^• ' '—-. .•I'-vwSi oi/1.; .'.- —