New York Clipper (Sep 1877)

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186 NEW YORK CUP PEB. 8ATDBDAI, ■SEFTEBIBEB 8, MTT. September 8,1877, TO GOBBBSrOBVEBTS. Xro Aa«W«n Dy BUm or ITil^ ilof DStrt4)e held . and thr om- bul •truck > Hot odC Wu ot the Ant d»- SJff tSe SSi™ oat arm catch B>d«!k .mm a bad OelderUitlie ■nSnir. JuMTfUe.—"A coBiiarea third baje. Man at b^MUtath^ tSldlneili- to Iha^raoBd. and tha badbooiMla hSiubaaB. to not numar out br being hit with battjd ba£aenMuis to into VI. ate U? Now. In thla caae, tb* ^SinoUedthe baU foal beeaoM the ninner wai bit SSaaonrool RtooDd, and allowed the niiiiier to letara tSbShit. WaTciSpliertgbtf The baUwaa fool: bat therannerwaa oat beeaoie hewaa "alt by a baued ^SLErHlHT. Naibu—L A. Tan Ambmsb, the "Unn- laaer," dvd In rtiUadelphla, Pa^ Not ». UU. The deehant M«»iiit.«i thalainfteTcrlntblii cooour.dled taTc^aTUlei Md. Mar I, im while with Tbarcr « Horea- Cticax It waabraoabt to thUcoopor In UM, and via tor maar yaan with the \ in AmbOTKh bhov. X £ni< ■nii dM In miaddphU Aoe- X. Wi. BBOOKtiTV. E. D.—L. Cbarlee 1£. Coortnej the o&nman wad bon at Unloa Sptinm. N. T. 1 lie nerer wu In KacUM. 9k A inAn'.onali or ooarae. 4. oaeaa jrou'Te BOtblm mLud up with Triekett, who la looked opon aa ehimpiiai oi the world becaoae La dcreited Joe didler alter the latter had won the chanpionablp prize In theln- IcraatlooBi BcaUafa* Kaoe at Uaillax. H. &, In um. 0. C <y, Bunington.—L Ton can onlir >ue her (or breach-of-promUe, and, bavins prured year aue. can probab!^ tpt an award Irom the Jiu7 oT tlx oenta dam- aeea> £■ Uoto them with a atralshtforward story, and aflk for bcr oind. Hat or whu uie now, ilncc she henelf de- canra IV lo OD with the eagaRwnent; C. H. B., Phlla.—t. There U no peroentace anlaat the —* ■ who mi icaeewr in tnenln;! a copper. There are people utai that there U; batu they cannot teil preciielj what that pfTcenucQ la, they of counw are really unable to demoDstnle that ther^ la-any percentage at alL 3. See CurpzH AUUVAC the time beini; f.a. Wm. B. CoiaiDijria, Brooklyn.—When Courtney paid hlacntnaee ite ot SlOO for the ptlTlIeee or competing in theRcent boat-race at Santos be had no longer any claim tiponthe money, whether be rowed or not; contc- iinenily hemoficbarewon 990^ the amount oi the atako andpofaoL Ooii9rABTBusitB.IinlagtaiL—I. Hecninnenc "broke spoatthatwrni •tanding In the ground.''but he hurt bis hand body by atrlkins a stake In his light with Jolio Mor- itaey. wepmameuutlswhityoailladeto. X-Wedo net know who weua the larseatdiamond'pinlnthe coun- try—an don't. ' T. B., West rhila.—1. The boond-cateh li lair, coming Cram tAegmod. & The oOch is not out, no ball caugbt from a iSace^tceeor a building belog a talr catch. 3. It wonld be ont on rout strike. 4. Not out. lie was entitled to tbc bate he wna running to when the cruwd stopped the ML 8. Nocoat. IL.E.W.—Uelatobechanted wlthooceatthebat. He Bar in that period hare stnck it a ball and mlsaed it, or had a sirtie called unhimror not Mrlhlngai atalrball. The chances axe ben to one (bat MMocthlngof this kind dot* not occur, and thertfare ItlioalyCUrtoctiirKeblra wHh one Hme atthebatwbeniaklog base on called balls. ■ P. C &, Aogustn.—t. Piorlded uuu B has not ooos faiad. ha eaneither take the -widow" or hare It tamed nv (he ncKt player ahead or Mm baTlng rapped. X No pEytr can taka the "widow" atkor it haa been exposed by Mng toned no. it aw , ... , Accept at'flnt any salary wmch may be - When yoa hare made some reimtatioo, ask tor ' KTako p. ■e^lad.-lf yod aoeoeed aogemmt oflBltd. • Wh get the opportonlty to appear In pub- c«ed In pleaslog; Uien tirandgetan ' OKAULSr BOS9, Patersoa.—Toor strntcvent dlfTAza frem thatoT J. r. PaacncJc iwhe U answered claevherr), bat we (K mm to Uie nmc tolng. ir a man pays an ' eandcompetee knowingly against proitoMlon- ^tu'ha tm a imslailimal whether be wIdji a beat or not JiBtu F. rsACiocK, htetson —It do« not make a man apeoAilslonslil.wllhoat lta\ing entered for the race, he ^urnld ran against prorbaUotulsslropiy to test bis speed, vd-hsTlng no dilm to the prize IT be .nhonld arrive Unt •trtbe tofv. --Qonar Cirr. Ctncinnati.—L Kew Tork City Is In Now lackOooaty. The whole o( the city Is the whole uf Uio eoontr. t drooUyn la In Kings Coonty. Klngii County la that part In whlefa Brooklyn, tocother with UAresena, Goofr Islmd. etCj Is dtoiccd. O. "T. K.. Bcooklyo.—An expelled member Itom any cinb to da Uui e d fhun playing until reinstated by the aau>- dattaa the dub brloogs to. No Lesgne, International, or Ceigiie-alllBnoB dnb can pliy an expeaed player In lit, nines, and no ccimtable club will play such any way. IkD.,CuhuabEa.—The pctnt taken by you In regard to tain bi agood one. Alter rain bos (ollca dTe mlnotes the ampbc—at the request oi either eapuin. but not oiher- «tB—liobliged to niKpend play: and IT It contlnnes to rain for hauan boor be muKcaJl the game. W. H. T.. BoHon —L We do noL r The roUowlng U a battdrnlna: White,e.:Dradtoy. p.: start, 1st b.; BatnrN. al b.; VbBuaoii, Sd b.; O. Wrlgut. s !>.; Leonard, L I - ■lititdge,G.r.: 8paldlDg,r. C 3. Do kaonmoihln. .•M. T. PeekskllL—It a c'ub goaraDtees a ceruti aaonntormanay to i vliltlogclub, tliey staould pay It In OB bonor, uaieas there Is a special agreement about xaJo. The home club lost luthlag out procnlAvd ncclpta. The vlsttingnlne were out traveling expenaes. - & S. IL—The isBtstcd player cannot go alone, and "cadlnzfor partner's best'* la not eochre. It belongs to a gunb puyeu in smoklng.can ind on sieamboats, and de- vised lor the onwarr. A. B., Iioiidaa.—Of llaeli; the son's birth abroad would iuthnpalrhiiellgU>llltTto the Hretidency or the United apucs. No party would be unwise rnoogh attempt to run him ror that odlce, howerer. , , . A. v.—1. Ko relatloa whatever, unless the fkmlltes had BcoiKlilBd baron that DUiTiig*. Z. It would be proper, flbectmld also properly use her own maiden initials dur- Ids her huaband'a lUailme. ^M. a. (Xn, BalUmoie.—Addt*« Oenlo O. Scott, this cttjt wtiocao give von gtml odrlcc In each natien. We «e avene to tecommonSlog bocks, vr other merchantable ailliilta In tlirsa O. v.* GlasgtiT.—There Is no such boOk. Tfts TUrr nddantf'Araspnbllshcaascpanteyearlyvohnn^ whloi ewHalna the reoanli ef most hotaeainthaiparilcalirrear Smsiraa. Sooth Bostoo.-1. It wu a buo-hli. J. H. C. Wlnntboio.-L Tha otoa ntadng to pUr lor- (Utbrsioa XThebsckeiaorthocaabioae. J cLLAadaa—ThoBockeyeadereaied the AlteghetUea, —• Id do hot It ^tuoi > not kuuw what ha.-* CaiT.Ot. Boaten.-The poem of "The WatamUl" i pobUahed odob » mogrammo used at the Howi Atkttnqp«anrlngtao past season, upon the occasion Oua Wnuaoia'bcoeflt. , . Lnrc BBADca.—The proper way Is for the dealer to ask each pisvcr. beginning vita the eid««t hand, if he InUnda ta ann Uie noL Tbeie tiiooUl be no Umwlng-iway ol hands ostU it la known wliat is to be done with the pot, W. B. Sk, Broeklyn.—We have had no Inlalllgenc* of th« deaili In BOoih Aaeriei or BobettA^Bodenwhlle; fKWtlmHI,'"3clux Dwyer Itiplalns," -Ua .OOKBUvr .RAAOBB.—L The poem does not possess In- ' t tbc. IhanieiBi reader. X The paper ol that date is r ptlttL X We thank yon for the ofTer. bat one cor- ndott Is an that we require in your city. . . B.. Giand Baplds.-L l:l«, t:Wi, Z:is. Ooldnnlth Xatd. BoiUlo. N. V. 3 Bams **EOt In nrat" In last thre« oCKwr bmu, m 3:a^, t:Uii. ud l-JO. atjOaklaod fark liia Fmoelaeo. Tbe Uald woo the diet heat In tas. ..T. U. £i» ftalrio du Chien.—L Ten Brocck has tbe tast- Mt ifcnd lor one mile, rannlng. 2. Tbbi Is the time the word rurmtn^ being again nerd. X Our. us^raeoid o( isM.ij. XT KiBiBr. Bsrtrord.—Ha Is from Philadelphia, ladlaatcryteitBpruter, bathe can't get down tu the time joa mention, trom a standing start, let alone "beat atuf.". J.lfc—Harrr Jennings* canine rvpo8ltoi7t9 located at sn Broome Bueei.thb city. By calling upon or addtrsa. lag 1 letter to him, yon win lecdTe mil Inrurmatlon dioeobieet. A. a. C, tit. Cloud.—Tbo dob telling the other to bring tbolrompljo with tltem bad no right to object to tlienjau . b'lvaabt Deuaso tLey bad round a man to sojt them in thetncantlmc -Bncr'Br-A^D-BTK.—L 6ft. Sf^m. Z. Mathews is in town. Hioks has lectrod irom bs^ebsll play. J. if Is nut forced, but can xetum. Ko player Is lorced except by the 1st or the bat-iman in striking s ulr balL J. B. .C. Wuat Aleildvn.—k'ourdccUlon should be ac- copted i£ flnal, IT the matter wai lelt to yoiL There Is no ^TOl ourandoralDg or condemning that decision. ■ left to yoa—not to ok. Diced.. B>aaon.—.suica it can be a record ror berbnt oice. wo should make no Hpedal note or her performance U alurinide2::4 every day. B. A. W., St. Itimla.—Except by mntnal a^^reement, taete can b« no tnimntoraed unleaa, ahead orthattmmp, iheio aio cards enoogh to give three to each player. ,J, W.—Behaa at present no engagement to reappear here, nelstooavei with lln. Cbanftan's CombliuiUun thlsseaeoa: COCCIAU, Cincinnati ir thelady has rather or brother, ymr liicnd is apt to become "hot" ehooid be (orwaid ifaoeereraea. B. It., Wostfleld.—We know nothing about the law. Ad dm the tSeaetair ol btate tor that iitata In which the flahing-plase la aitnatad. 'IULaB1>,PltIaae.'d.—Keltherwiiu. As soon as either, ia ooom of ffUy* had got points cnongfa, he should have CurrBB,6eymonE.—L Give one, ^ve all. X B, ineu. chitBgA««lio boa pliyed alone, wm score two points. Vice* can bo bat one leoa liand. Br-U A Btibea to lee the einli, B mast ahow them. B.msrnot hare two pair,' or he may have more than that. ItlsA'arighttoaeo Jnst-whatB has got. 'O. Dr B.—Wa think Ueorga Paidey Is In retirement Wetanaocboard tram him lor some yean, A letter iridrwsBedia earaol this ollice may reach I'l" -BnuaBzai, Lueuter.—Acnes Wiliace wu at one l(me»Biembero< (he Wallace aisicrs'Combination. She Ifboo ortlM slKV^n % P MIi Jult hlx-Thett'ire other igwiU who mike BOCBUgeroclmwAins. Applytothsm, ITycradonetcate to OBivlor tbe eoea yoo meotkm. CoaaEAJir Hasnaa. Albanr.—A losea. The game wu OTKiorUieiiaipon gflhi beCwheo nine ftiil innliiei liadiwwii played. 'B; Oianau., Sealinth.-Mace won his second dght with Tttm King. The latter dedlned a challenga ror a third jC. C. M.—B laaea. The bat contemplated Ave games, not ■Is er sixty. This dedstun asiumes that the tie game wu ooh ol fire or mere inn logo. JC.H., Oondcana—She wu revntly sln^gln Texar. ^^eridftaiedtotaerlnaue or this office will mch ^r.XA.-Woemac—1. It Is ponly a mitter of opinion WBD loathe bt ot ea ntortloolst now berore tbe public. X *^*r^nrinnstl—Copyright yonr songs acd acta fc ft ie {Pnftnnlns theq ^ .poUie. Patent your iuun- 7f. &>K, Bth lt e uurt. —The Aaerlcan buebill-pliyen did Mt loee a idagle gana M otieket In Bnglsnd They , von »ar, and three were diawn. ~'. IL, Uayentawn.-Xha third 0ma-3 to 1-wu an "•l loey ine. one a( the IiOolfTUlapliyIng In the Cln- HWWIBf I —L Benun Is In lUendABei Bpai hia mother, vbalBoa her death bad- X How can tall? Theante- cadsotaoT tho man muit answer Uie queatlon. ^laacnm. Gteenlleid.-The ttraoce lact ia practically dffnontfnted In nearly every same In which such curre- fitdmu Laikln. Bond, and DevliB play. '8. J.—Wt head wu (bal. and be losea the pot. Bo ex eeeOBAI oeenr hndshlp eu'iet indft the mie. .u r.M..Attfehacak—we haveno Uen whatihemcau ■enteocb OTCkiu, PitBUo.-AiUralli.1 letter to him in cue or this ot&ee. , B. &. Biyiat% Pond.—We wresnme the show bu col lipswl.uwp have heard nbthmgot It ror some time. Ji L. U^ 'Padocali.—Batter cousalt so iao a u e who bu heea In tbe boMsesn.- J. W., Fhllidelphli.—nieie ire both tvo-misted ud three-mastod sehooom. ' J. <)_ BIgin.—When the President makes such a remlsltloavihe G ose' n or cannot weJ avokl bonoriog It. ^Ba^ Denote-P dou not hare looilrer throw for that P. H. O, Kew Haven.—We do not know what the popa- latun«rTblnlavctuia,thlsdtv,la; nor docs aojtMidyeliie. . K.jC, NortUk.—A la ont. bvety point at eaulno is a ^K IL—noCryatal Palace, this dty, wu homed Oct, S, _f. f. BL. Mtoun atj.-liVi, by John McDerUt, In 9Bir 0.—Tbe dealer havbig dedired hinueir "ilone," no o oi>ea a go alone a^lnst bin. Totm ▼uux.—The tni»poaltion can bo made from tlis inlor O minor ketr. or vice vena. T.F.JKOSBoa.-"U. A. Dickeun, Boehester, BeiTcx Oo.,^ .Tto be called Rir." Cou>nx> JuksonvUle.—Tho lines qnoted are spoken In "Xed AftnTi!! ""I '<> "Divorce." E..W.'1B^ rtillnVilphia —Porty-nre cenia for each In- .r.e,/..Mv OrlaBaa.—The lady wu In this dty Ang. ZL A fetter directed care or this omce will reach her. ^LH^Qneco, HL— Thank you; li shall have an early *'wvVr. U.P aikB JU K-—AJI radved, md they win be given ahoallr. SUIT-THIBD SrSBir.—B oan teetily hla error it any llnie belnre tbe trick Is lamed. C.aH,Kcwai«.—TbatlsnatCTfbbsge. SUtetheexact nature of tbe dlspam. v. if^ lodtan Ofchard.—Jadge Pallerton the trotter Jatwelwyeaniold. - W. S.- M .Chicago.-The time Is not official In England, and theralore nut of record. CU^ KirUoci-Joe Lohnin wu bom In Ireland 3oly Mm O- B., Wtot Honot Vernon.—If yon used the title cfthe DOTd. yim craM not coavrlght that tltle.- Q,-r..Bliilr.4'FliUadclphla.- . 4M«T-'"ftinimtrTr**n's Isnio a., .BWtWl.r-KO answeri br miU. bf mall. «e« The Hatchlnson FfemDj vow yerehUrtfn^Bg In Malna.' BL9;-Ct:.llwti«ll.—Ikey played InBagUndUhi JolySS the fllkh waat, end doee nut, thertlbie, conot. ■.—When lBtnlnlng,Un|fenow«tood within ITbaDdalBhalgfat. . M J. L, ruix—Mo hnrnm ibU eouBtiT, to oar fenow- ledte. t»a ever been sold for gaa,QDa K P. P.. Wallham.—It Is tha most won gamce. not moM sefioLthUaine the pennant. , O. B. R., MandHaler.-The nine tefulng to pUy for- IMtnl thsgame, ttoa , F. C. BnxAlyiL—The Orimean War wu begun In IW. Co!nrr.>i.-r Rason. Washln)itan.-B with bU lowjaefc. A. P. U —Ha loM one. This U the medera pracdee. HauKA. Ark -We an not fkmlllar with that nme. F. 8.. Fittsbar;:.—Under oar mle. yoor fMend loose. W. & I,., CariUle.—Then is an open of that name. J. T. A.'<D T. J., B<irefca.-A coald not play alone. Jack. Cblcaoa— B la ont on bla bigh-low-gime. Bcocuin.—They have no right to saU lli^T. J. C, Hansfleld.—I. Only one error. X Tea. O. B., Baltlmom.—B can sepante the bnlld. J. A., Beaton.—They are prefcmlonala. 8L a., St. LoabL—U la out ou high-low. D. a. OllKT.-Tra: sent as loiaeatod. W. P. C, Phlla.—We give It np. Sobs.— certainly there can be. BowTDii.—B scorn ror nme. A- P. Paoo.—Out or prlut. J. J. C, Ottawv—A wins. MiLUSPhUa B leads. J. A.—St ale Uie wiger. THE LOSS TO THE STAGE. The death ot any man who ban achieved honor- able dlotincUoii In his Une ot llle mtiat be ra- gBTdod no a common mlatortnne. It snatten compomtivoly UtUe what ehnpe genlos aunmee— whether dlapUyloK Itself In art, Illeiatnre, states- manship or wartore, lis loss Is to be deplored bj the world at large. Not music alone snffered when Uozsrt died, nor art when Michael Angelo bresUied his last. Oenlus has no naUonalltr, and lor this reason Its loss affects all mon. The civilized world, andnotOermany alone, monmed the death ot Ooothe, Just as all the world, and not Fnmoe alone, will raonm tor Victor Hugo. Oe- nlos. In whatever form It manUesls Itselt, Is a gen- eral bleaalne: so Its loss Is a general misfortune. The Cuppeb this week is csUed upon to chron- icle the death ot an old and esteemed member ot tbe theoDlOBl proleselon—one who bad been long Identified with the American stage, and who bad won distinguished honors both at home and abroad. Hr. Davenport leaves a name which will be long cherished, not only becanse at his trltunphs In art, but also becanse ot his blame- leas lite. It is not our purpose. In this ooimec- Uon, to sketch the career ot the dead actor. In another colnmn will be found a thorough ac- count ot his lite, troin whleh the reader will be able to form bis owni eatlmats ot DaTenport's proteaslonal standing. While, tbeietoie, we lesva to othan the task ot determining his position In art, we cannot retrain trom paring a trib- ute, humble though It be, to the character ot the man who has passed trom our midst. Ur. DaTenpori wis a true trlendi a desirable com' panlon. and an upright citizen. -He was thor- onghij conscientious, both In his art and In his deaUngs wllh others. To this txsit, more, per- haps, than to onT other, was due tbe sooeoes which crowned his etrorta. WhateTer he under- took ha did with all the power he pcaseoaed. Nothing was too trivial to be alighted. He worked laboriously during the earlier days ot his career, and in s meaautv be reaped the rewanl which comes ot honest and persistent effort. The friends he made were lasting ones. His success as an actor was not sudden, nor was it al- ways uninterrupted. Uke other men, he met with the reverses of fortune, as well as Its smllee; but whether In adversity or prosperity he clung fast to the golden maxim ot his lite, whleh was to do well whatsoever his hands found to do. It was, perhaps, unfortunate for Ur. Davenport's tame that his talents were ot so dlverslded a nature. But It si>eaks volumes In his praise that. In turning tbe sharp aagles be did, he never once alighted the work which for the time engaged his attention. The talents en- trusted to his care were hlddeu under no napkin ot Indolence, nor burled In any slough ot vice. They were put to the best possible ose, and they returned abundant Interest. Now that he lies dead, the many good qualities ot E. Ii. Davenport will be remembered by all who knew him. A sincere, earnest, honorable man, loving his art and treading always In the path ot duty, he leaves behind a memory bright with professional triumphs and fragrant with gtx>d deeds. It wonld seem that the American stage Is called upon to mourn almost simultaneously the loss ot a number ot Ms old and dlatingolsbed toUowen. Benedict De Bar's death, which preceded that ot Davenport by a tew days only. Is to be deplored none the lees deeply becatue It was expected. Hr. De'Bar was a tepreeentatlvs ot the old school ot actors, which bos wellnlgh poaeed away. Like Davenport, he had won his spurs by the dint of bard work. He began at tbe foot ot tbe tedder, and m<|pnt<xmowly. jievei; two runnds at g Ume. Iran'd the prae'nt knew htm, and. knowing Um, they appreciated hira. Ben De Bar—for In any more precise form his name eounds uimatoral—vras a warm favor- Its both belore and behind the footUghta. A reference to Tbb Clippeb's biography ot him will ahow that his career was a dlveralOed one. If, OS a director ot theatres, he suffered some re- verses, he gained a goodly share ot success. He was a clover actor, s capable manager, and a reliable man. His life and character may be studied with proOt by the younger members ot the prafesaloD, aod especially by those who aro overanxious to snatch the crown before they hare BOhooIed themsolves to bear the cross. It Is to be admitted that.of most arts, the actor's brings the least enduring tome. Even the giants ot the English stage In the golden era ot the Sld- dons are known to tho great mass ot the people only by name. Their strong points, their favorite characters, their peculiarities and their distinc- tive tmlts are already torgotton. We cannot hope that either Davenport or De Bar will be very long remembered In this bustling, torgettul age. Tet their loss Is a common loes to humanity; and to those who knew them best, who held them dear- est, their memoTlee will remain forever precious. assAT coMPKmiox between the old broad- gauge and new narrow-gauge railroad lines from Philadelphia ta Atlantic City. On Sunday last passengets were carried for trom twenty-live cents to fifty cents each/or Ocrouniirr^/ Thous- ands ot persons availed themselves ot going to the seashore because the tare was so low, and many a man spent a week's wages after he got there I Houp-lal SINCE tbe acaUlng-iBce at Saratoga was decided In tavor ot Courtney, all Interest In tbe tete cup ot dosed tea seems to have subsided. TAsaa ASVAITZAOB ot the hard times, a large number ot biulness-men and savlnge-bankB ore making money by tailing. WHOM the goda love die young," yetBrlgbom attained a npe old sge; so he IB not one ot tbe loved an d lost." "EBEIIZMETEB'S BBWEHGB," WblCb IS OTOWded out this week, will bo continued In onr next HARLEM ATHLETIC CLUB. TJ'.'?J*°'' usoO flsld-meeilag of the above dub wu held at the greondsortheN. r.jCb., Moit Haveu onSat. nidayaliemnon,Sept. 1. TbeptngrimmeSSsa«wdne one. embracing no leu than a do^n evenaTSch" wbl?b aued well,thettackwasin capital conditliiJl£d7u the weather wu dillcktlol. there «u a tolei»w7 IsJieii. semblsge or those who admire atJileUc pulfalui iSe compeiitlou were tffnoraJly very lnton»«log, wUUe the rour-mile walk and several or tho race* were onlie ueltlng. thongh la,.the majority of loslaoees the Gtvoritea vo'i, Bxc<lleot ronn wu tbowa byvonnr Uelsknln the mile and four-mile wslka, bothof wbla NEWS OF THE ITEEK BOILED DOWV. On Aug. 9T: It was rsportsd that on ths 24th a bond ot Indians, eominanded br Chlsfs Joseph, Looklng-gloBS and White Bird, attacked two Montana partlesi kllllDg seventeen persons. Hr. and Mrs. Btaphen Barber wen atatad to have beenshotat their bome. In Belmont, N.T.. by a tramp, the former ttelng killed, and Uie latter perhaps mortally vronnded An exhumation ot the remolne ot J. H. Mackey at OlnrlnnnU. O., showed thot'death resulted trom congestion ot the brain The body of a man found tied to a block ot granite In Bristol Harbor. B. I., was snp- poaed to be tbst ot Ezra Baxter ot Providence Solkers threw a rallroad-traln trom the track near Hooesdole, Fa.. Engineer Hnlr being sllgbt- ly Injured James Eiady of Batesvllle, Hiss.. was stated to have bean shot dead on the 3Stb by Andrew Porter, whom he had mnrderoualy as fstilted After attempting to murder his wife, Iiouls Dash committed suldde at Saint Paris, O Oovemor Hnbbard denied that Texan troope bad been Instructed to pursue Hextcon marauders across tbe border Wm. Undemsnn ot Newark, N. J., oominllted suicide because his wife had deserted him Tbe dead body ot Valentine Lemm, who bod shot himself, was found In EvetgreensCemetety, Brooklyn, I.. I. Fixes: Tbedepot-bnlldlngs at Camp Doug- las. Wla.. with Brown'a Hotel—loes about $17,000. Aug. 98: I,evl Fosselman, a retired mer- chant, formerly ot Baltimore, Md., was reported murdered on the 20th, near Wichita. Satisas. John Haynee iras fatally shot by Uartln I,anghlln, near Aurora. Ue The tallurs ot ths State SsTlngs UiBlltutlon ot Oblcuo. VI.. was an- nountnd An engine fell through the open draw ot a rallcoad-bridgfr at Weet Farms. N. T.. the engineer. James Uawn. being drowned At Blehmond. Ky., ex-Bherlff Waller Sands and Jack Ballard were killed by Town-marshal Ous Edwards and others Cable news: Ths Turks won the earthworks at tbe opening of the Scblpka Pass, after desperate. flghUng, the loeses upon both Bides lielng enormous. Oreeoe gave pacific as- surances to Turkey. The Poles are Inclined to remain quiet. A telegram from Vienna said that In eeveral churches In Hungary a "To Daum" has been celebrated and prayers ottered for further Turkish victories. The Vatican has Instructed the bishops to prevent this In future William O'SulUvan, sexton ot a Soman Catholic church In Chicago, 111., shot and Instantly killed Hiss Kate Branneck, and atierwarils committed suicide. Sarah A. Davis, who had procnied a Utah divorce tiom her first husband and married a second, was toimd guUty ot bigamy in the Oltoult Oouit ot Oampbell Connty, Ky., and sentenced to three yean In tbe penitentiary Newton N. Brown, a tamer, blew out bis brains with a sbotgnn at HlUbrook, N.T Cborles Brown vras fatally shot at Bristol, Ct., while In tbe act of oommIKtnc.a burglary John Eocles, a miner, was killed, and several others Injtired. by a railroad ooddent near Pittsburg, Pa Tbe Sixth HorylandBegtment voluntarily disbanded. Gore Blook, at Paris, Ont., was burned; loss C',ts,aao, partially Insured. Aug. ai: A passenger-train on the Chicago, Bock Island and Padfio Ballroad fall Into a creek near Des Holnss, Iowa, twenty iwrsons being killed, and many, more woundM Brighsm Young, bead ot 'the Hormon Church, died At Bolt lAke City, Utah The return to the United Statea ot Sitting Bull, with one thousand war- riots, was aimounoed. Fears are entertained that be vnil tinlte wllh Chief Joeeph Cable news: Ths Houmanlans have croesed the Danube In tone, with tbe purpoee ot outflanking Osman Faeba. The Gerblan army was ready to move. It was estimated that six millions ot people will die of famine In Southern India. Lulgl Do Lueo, a pronUnent merebant In Borne, Italy, bos failed for tMO,000, and absconded. Oen. Grant had arrived at Edinburgh, Bootland, and was the guest of tbe Lord - provost Ballway dis- asters: Passenger and freight - trains collided at the depot ot the Hudson-river Ballroad, in Hudson, N. T., Thomas Byan, fireman, being killed, and Engineer Obarlee Somen, Injured; cause, caxeleeaness of a flagman. A trelgbt-train ran off the track at Hansen's Station, O., George Heogle iwd Flllmon Pagley losing their Uvee, and two others being t>adly bun. An engine and a baggage-car were thrown from the track near South Berwick, He., and badly wrecked A mim named Steele, trom Wilmington, Dol., was drowned while bathing at Cape May, N. J nank Sharran, a horseman, died from injuries caused by jumping from a third-story window at Fredericton, M. B The body of a man named BIley, who had boon scnlded to death, was found at Nantucket Beach, Mass James Putdy, color- ed, was shot dead at Coeoob, Cl. by "Tink" John- son, also colored Theelvlng-wayotascaffoldlng at Montreal, Canada, precipitated A. Benond and D. D. Longlols a distance ot slxtr feet, causing almost liutant death Suicides: John M. Eunckel, aged 61, ot this city, by drowning; Hr. Horeboll, prompter ot the Almee Opets-bonffs Troupe, was stated to have jumped overboerd trom tbe steamer Labrador at sea on tho 26th Fires: The vlllsge of Ashland, 111., was nearly consumed—loes $35,000, Insuranos $10,000; the Hamburg Dt^tUlerr. at Pekln. Ill loss $25,000. Insurance $5,000: Levi Wilson's new bouse and bam, at East Thompson, Ct.—loss $10,000. partly Insured Barney Murray, a blacksmith, was bnrned to death atPokln, IIL **a Aug, 30: An excutslon-traln ran Into a group ot persons at Balem, Hass.. Hr. and Urs. Joseph Swasey. their son Wilbur, and MIu Baeh- el aifford, a sister ot Mrs. Bwaxey, being killed. and another person Injured Chas. Johnson, aged 3T. was shot dead liy Eptaratm Williams, aged IT. at Southwlck. Mass His. Anna A. Hanlon ot Milwaukee was stated to have commit- ted suicide by taking poison at Stratford, One, on the 2Sth Hlohaal Ixmgot Newark. N. J.. took bis lUe In Uko manner Uable news: ■ninrBlisao-BetbUb ainuce, Tbe Russians be- gan a forward movement In Armenia. Two thousand Italians have offered their eervlces tb the Greek army. The Governor ot Crete denied five hundred lOhrlstlan families permission to leave that Island. Tbe report of the death ot Takoob Kban of Casbgor was oonflrmed; be was assassinated by the son ot the rormer ruler of Yarkand Fires: Eighteen buildings at Ash- land. III.—loss 631,000. covered by Insurance: the railway lumber-yard at Perth, Ont.—Ions $33,000, Insured for $3,000; the pattern-shop ooimected witb the Palo Alto BoIUng-mllls, Pottsvllle,PD,— loss $10,000, partially Insured. Aug. 31: Ten thousand persons witnessed the dedication of a monument of John Brown at Ofsswattomie, Kansas John Costello, aged forty-seven, shot himself fatally In this city An Incendiary fln caueed the deetructlon of ten blocks of business nod dwelling bouses at Paris. Mo.. Involvlug a loss of over $1,000,000 other Urea: Oeorge H. Williams' country residence, near Baltimore, U<i.—loss $1S.000, Insured: Fllger Son's wood-bending eatabllahment and Shearer k Hoo<lley's dwellings, at Kew Sprlngflold, O.— loss $13,000, uninsured; Botsfonl's splce-mllls and other property, at Wbeoling, West Vo.—loes $13,000, Insured Cable news: The Turks drove the Russian Army of tlie Lom from three Important posltlonson the 30ih, Meheraet All commanding In pereon. Bulgarian executions wenstlll going on at Adrlanople, tbe batcheeof victims averaging four- teen each, and the majority being of tbe wealthy classee. Tbe freedom of the city of Edioburgb. Scotland, was presented toOen. Grant by the Lord- provoeL A military tribunal hss psssed sentence ot deMh npon H. Lyaz, who acted ss Deputy- mayor ot the Twelfth Arrondlsaement, Franco, during the Commune, and was guilty ot Inoen. W«eU7 XtMorvl or tbe neoeaae ol X«poiuliien« IndJ-wlAixal*. ooniUB BXIBIBLT roa r.i s m voaa numa. ADAHB Alvin—Founder Of the Adams Express Oomponyl His Brat start In the business ot ex presisge was in IMO, when he eetabUshed an otfaTfir BoMon In oonnecuon with P. B. Burke, who at the end of six months withdrew discour- aged. In 18U Hr. Adams eslabllsbrd a branch office In this dty, and placed W. B. Dlnsmore In ctaoKs ot it. In 1843-3 £■ S. Banford became agent ot Adams In Fhtladelpbia, and later, through the agency ot 8. M. Shoemaker of BiJU- more, an ospreu was established from Phlladel- ghla to Washington. In 1M9 Adorns t Co.'8 Call- imla Expnss wss Instituted, aud In IBM Adams A Co. wen consoUdated In a jolntstnck concern with the Harden Expreu (W. F. Harden, the original exnrcaaman, had died In 1U8), Kinsley « Co.'s. and Hocy fc Co.'s, the title of the consolidation being tbe Adams Express Co. In that year Alvlu Adams purchssed an estate at Watertown, Hsss., and retired from business. He bad a epiendid ooUeettonofetatnary and pointings. Among it is Powers' "Greek Slave." He was bom in Wood- etoek, Vt, In 1801—Watertown, about Sept. I. ALBBO. Oeorge A Ot the well-known New Tork grooen Albro ii Bros.—White Plains, N. T., Ang. wT ATBE8, David—Proprietor for many yean of a large sawmlU In Newark, N. J. In 1869. and again In isoa. he sat In the State Leglalature—Newark. BepL a. aged about GO. BIZ&BBI, Cardinal Gnlseppe Andrea—Bom at Pallano on Hay 11,1603, and ralaed to the purplo by Plus IX onkarch 16,1663—Italy, about Aug. 27. BLANCBaBD, E. Wyott—The eon of a clergy- man ot the Proiesunt Episcopal Church, aod bom In AnnapoUa, Mil., In 18'J9. He wss a lawyer of good practice, a Democrat ot sound standing, an unswerving opponent ot Enow-nothlngism, and In times poet an honored member of tbe Baltimore City Oouncll—Baltimore, Aug. 29, aged 48. nn r.T.T TT, William C—Bom In Jefferson Coun- ty, Ey., In 1793, and eon of the Alesandor 8. Bul- litt who In 1799 presided over the eeoond Oonstltu- tlonal Convention ever assembled In Kentucky. Tbe son repreeented Jefferson County Id the third OonsUtatlonal Convention, held In IBSO. He bad studied law, bat shattered health early forced him to seek ntuge at his farm, where he remain- ed until bis death. Two of bis aona. Judge J. F. ond Thomas W., are prominent membera of the Louisville bar; John O., another son. Is a lawyer In Philadelphia; and his daughtere are Urs. Dr. Ohenoweth and the irldow of u. S. Senator Archi- bald Dixon—Ix>ulsvlUe. Ky., about Aug. 39, sgsd 84. / BDBDEN, Dr. Jesse It Son ot the late Dr. Jeeee B. Burden, a former Suite Senator ot Peimeyl- Tanla. He waa a brotber-In-Iaw ot ex-Foetmaster Falrman of Philadelphia, and about 1873 married a niece of Jonfes Murdoch the tragedian. He wss graduated fiMn Jefferson Medical College—Phllo- delpblo, Au^ a. CONBtTABILS, Count—One ot the most emi- nent ot Italian orcbmologlats. Be vras bom In Perugia. Italy—that oouniry, reeently. OBEEVEV, Copt. Jomes H.—Ot Herlden, Ot—at sea, Aug. 13, aged 49. OCNABD, Edward—Second son of the late Sir Edward Cunard, founder of the Ounard line ot steamships. He was tbe brother of Sir Baehe Ounard, who has been spending some time in this country. Killed by a coUlalon of borees while playing polo—England. Aug. 30. COX. Sir Edmund—Fourteenth baronet of tbat name. He bod many years ago aerved Id tbe Elghty-aeventh Boyal Irish Fuslleere. oud, Uke so many ot his brother-eoldlere, he settled on holt- pay In Canada—Quebec, recently, aged 80. DEXTEB. John T Ot English literary note, and a regular contributor lo The LMdan Athaiaum and other loading publications in Great Britain. I>esldee having tor a number of yesre l>een the regular correspondent of 7Ac Evening TVJtffniph of Philadelphia, and a contributor to ne American Ardulectot Boston. He bod also, for quitsa while, been the private secretary of Sir Charles Dllke, M. P. He visited this country In inii In the In- terest ot the London Journals—London, Eng., Aug. 13, aged 36. DAVENPOBT, Edward L American tragodlon, (See "Amuaement Annolb.")—Canton, Pa., Sept, 1, aged 61. DE BAB, Ben—Veteran actor, and pecuniarily the mos; successful manager, as regards length- ened service, tho American stage bos ever known. (Sec Amusement Annals)—St. Luuls. Mo., Aug. 'iS, aged 61. DAVENPOBT. H. H One of tha Davenport Brothers whose "Cabinet Myaterlrs" were a aen- aatloQlntbls country about a dozen years ago. Hla brother and his wife, the daughter ot £. D. Oavlee the ventriloquist, xurvlvo him—Sydney. N. 8. Wales, July 3, of consumption. EMMONS, John S.—Dcmocretio politician of Pougbkeepsle, N. T. Uo was twice a member of the Legislature, twice .\s80clate Judge ot Dutchess County, and seweol times Supervisor — Pougb- keepsle, sept. 1, aged sa. FBANCIS. John— a colored centenarian. Be was a slave In Maryland for half of his lifetime, and about 1833 obtained his freedom through the death ot bis master and tbe klndneaa of bis mas- ter's widow, who sent bim North by means ot "tbe undeiground rallivad," Since then be bad re- sided In or near White Plains, N. Y.—"Nigger Hill," Harrison, Westchester County, N. T., Aug. 38, aged 103. GIBT, George W.—Ot the U. 8. Navy, and a na- tive ot Philadelphia, Pa.—Brooklyn, N. Y., Aug, 30. aged 43. OABBI80N SR.. Major A. T.—V. B. Vlce-CODSQl at OnayiBU, llexlco. Ho was a native gt N< Jeney. oatead aerved In the Seminole and Hex. l^'BSSGriS&oeflofofJhe'state Ho was bora at Elizabeth In that of Hew Jaijey. State, and was graduated trom Princeton College In 1810. He at once began practice ss a lawyer In politics hs was practically a Whig at first, but farther on t>ecame a Democrat In eym- Palby. Ho possessed widely recognized ability as a scholar, and a few yean ago made a tranalatlon of the Book of Job. He was tbe flrst Chancellor Of New Jersey under tbe new Constitution, and served trom IMS to I8S3—Lyons Farm, N. J. Aug 29, aged «s. • » »• JACQUES. Dr. D. H.—Formerly editor of nc Rural OinlMan, and author of suveml works on ogrlcultare—near Femandlua, Flo., Aug. 28 JEBOME, Thomas A.—Brother of Lawrence and Leonard W. Jerome. He resided m the village of Glen Cove, L. I., just beyond the recent sottlement ot "New Jerusalem" on the eastern shore of the mouth ot Hemintead Harbor, and In years past took delight lu yachtlug and gunning. He bad a fondness for jokes either verbal or harmlessly practical, wos a general fuTorlte. and for many a year bad been the life of the dully ulps of the steamboats Arrowsmlth and Rcawanhalia. The past Summer he waa maiilfeatly feebler In his movements than ever beforo, but yet Attended to hla dally dudes. He was an earnest and out- spoken Republican, had heiil a position In the Custom-houae for a number ot years, and bad been Harbor-mastor uuilor Oovornor Feuton Glen Cove, L. I.. Aug. 31. aged Co. JOHNSTON, Hiram C—Of firm of Johnston. Holloway ,t Son—Washington, N. J., Aup. 29. LEPETIT, Alphonse—A Republican llle-senator of France—that country, about Aug. 30. LAZEAR, Oen. Jeese—Ue had boon a brigadier- general ot the Pennsylvania mlUtla, was a mem- ber Of tbe Thirty-seventh and Thirty-eighth Con- He bad served In the Mexican War. alike at aea and on land. Be was bom in Kaiyland in 1809. and Iwcame a mfdsblpman In the XT. 8. Navy In 1836. a Ueutanant In U3T. and aoommanderln less. At one time, while awaiting naval onlen, be eiud- led lair and was admitted to the Harylondbar— Point 4Sear, Ala., Aug. 30, aged 88. STEEL. Jiillo F.—wife of John H. Steel, and dangbter of the late Oaptoln otiarlee H. Tupper— HaHem, H. Y, City, Aug. 29. TIBON, Henry—Ot Baltimore, and formerly president ot a passenger railroad In that city. At one time he was a viee-presldent ot the New York and Erie Railroad—Baltimore, Md., Sept. X TBENCRABO. Ann Barclay—Wife of Bear-odml- lal Trenohard, V, B. Navy—this dty, Aug. 37. TAGOABT, Hon, Mr.—Ho was the father of Major David Taggart, and the warm personal friend ot the late Hon. Thoddena Stevens. He was born in Nortbtunberland. Fa., April 13.1796, and from IS36 to 18S5 was ptortdentof lie l>ank. In 1837 be was appointed Oonal-aommlssloner by Gov. Bltner—Norihnmlwriaud. Aug. 34, aged 81. VENABLE, Dr. Geo.-Reputed to hove been the oldeet homoDopothlo physician In the State ot Ken- tucky—Paducab, Aug. 37, aged 80. WABDNEB, Hon. Allen—Father-ln-law ot Becre- tary-«f-State William H. Evarts. He was bom In Alateod, Cheshire County, N. H.—Windsor, Vt., Ang. 30. aged 90. ^ _ ^ _^ WABE, Jalrua Ejc-JusUoe of tho SupremeCourt. and author ot several text-books—Salem, Mass., Aug. 27. WILUS, Lieut. William AlDred—Ot U. B. Navy— Wlcktord, B. I., Aug. 9«. , ^ _ WALLEY, Hon, Samuel H.—President of the Be- vore Bank. Boston, and prominent ss a railroad man. In 18S5 be was tbe Wblg candidate ror Oovsmor ot Usssachuseits—Nantosket Beach, Mass., Aug. 28. YOUNG, Brigbam—Mormon prophet. Bis fath sr. tho son ot an army eurgeon, was a farmer, wbo bad ten children, of whom Brigham was tbe ninth. He was born In Whittlngham, Vt., on June 1, 1801, and In early life labored on bis father's form in Sherburne, Chenango Co., N. Y. Af terwords he became a pointer and glazier, and at tbat trade be worked uutll 1833. In the follow- ing year he was converted to Mormonism by Samuel H. Smith, brother ot the famous Joe Smith, who, like Samuel, was about ISM murder- ed by a mob in Nauvoo, 111. Joe Smith was tbe founder ot Mormonism and tbe expounder of the •■Mormon Bible," which purported to hove bad on ancient and more than earthly origin, but which there 18 reason to believe was nothing mora than a romance written In Ohio by tbe Bev. Solomon Spauldlng. thenoutof the ministry and running a small iron foundry. He wrote it for his amuse- ment, and In the BlbUeal strain. It vras at a time when so many mounds were discovered at the West, and Dr. Spauldlng, taking this fact as a cue to the title, called bu romance "Manuacrlpt Found." It professed to be a history ot ancient America. It was never publlshsd, but Dr. Spauldmg frequently read It to his nelgbliore, among wbom wore Joe Smith and Sidney RIgdon. and Smith on one occasion. It Is alleged, borrowed it tor a week or so. AtMut thirty ysan ago the Doctor's widow loaned It to a atzanger wboee proteeaed object waa to expose Mormonism, and she never saw the HS. again. Those who had compared It with the then published Mormon Bible osaert tbot the two ore substantially tbe stmie. Going In 1833 to Klrtland, O., then a Mor- mon beadquartere, Brigham Young was chosen an Elder ot the"Oburchot tbe Latter-day Salnu ot Jeeus Christ." and on Feb. 14. IB35, he was ordained one ot the Twelve Apostles ot tbat Obntcta, of wbtcb apostolic body be In the next year liecame president. From Klrtland tbeBalnts moved to Independence, Ho., and trom there they went to Nauvoo. From Nauvoo Brigbam blmsslt went to England to make convene, ar- riving at Liverpool on April S. 1810. While in England he reprinted tho Dookot Mormon, estab- lished a newspaper called TU ilUlmnial Star, which IB Still In eiutence, and gathered lozetber seven hundred ondalxty-nlne proeolytesto Mormonism, ot the head of whom ho sailed for America. While ho was temporarily In Boston, the Nauvoo Blot occurred, and Sidney RIgdon proclaimed himself president after tbe murder ot Smith. Returning to Nauvoo, Brigham deposed and cursed RIgdon, and eventually led the bond in search of newquar- tere, which, after repeated hardships and many deaths by the wayaldo, tliuy tuund In Salt Lake, where In 1818 he proclaimed hlmsoif "Prophet, Seer, Bovelator and President of tbo Mormon Peo- ple." In September of 1850 tbo territorial govern- ment ot Utah was catabllehed by the United States authorities, and President FlUmoro appointed Brigham Its Governor tor tour yean, to which, altera brief Interregnum, he was reappointed by Presldont Pierce. In the Spring of 18&7 occurred the Mormon War, wblcb, so far as ooncorna the cbtet object ot it, which was to aaaert tbe notional au- premacy, may be regarded as atlll In abeyance. The Mountain Meadow massacre. In wblcb Brigham Young was Implicated, is fresh In the public mind bocauae ot the recent execution ot John D. Lee. Under Brigham, polygamy was tho salient feature of Mormonism. lu 180C he htwl twenty-nine wives. Bow many he had when he died Is not known ontslde of Mormon circles. To ascertain how many he had during his lifetime would be extremely dttDcult oven In Hormondom —Salt Lake, Aug. 39, agod 76. THE TURF. diarlam and ordering'illegal arreatfl. M. Gam- Bf*". »nd had been connected with the Bank of be won. Pormley imd Curtis mads a great ahow oi strength in the hammer-throwing, the Utter also Dresslnir Rsporuu bard In tbe dnal beat oj the handred-ysxds run and K. SIOTgin raonlDg bst. smng. and with admlnbia judgment In the mliesndthehaU-milCK. Following la ths^ return: One ABnfntf vonlr rtn.—Flnf htet: P. Sainrtu (H. : 0.1,1: WnLHolUeoiAtfelphl A 0.1.3. Tlmaril>au! Artwuf heat: Wm. fl. c'unJa V V. A. O.), 1: 8? LiJu?: (H. A. r.). t: B. B. Koote (W. Y. A C), t. Time IlSe? rinalhrat: .laportas, I; Cottls, t Tliie, IO«SS. Onf'mlle run—B. Uofxan ill A. ti i l • vmb*,. (Yonkenj».<Li.l Tlm'JSuilivi^ Vor^ ume*t5 tbelrontlntheUstlajt. One-nlte waU:-B. C. HoUkstH. A. C.I, I- W Bsrasa Itt A C.).I;T. B. Bates (H. A. C. . i ' "^iSe.T™ SSsec The contest wan close and solrlled thnmEhouL and tbe wmner. wbo walked in ku cuiuimarr t!lr avie! deserved oil tbe spplauw be receiredT^ ^ njxncinn (Ac Aonmo-—u. O. farmleytPrisoston N J.), (Cnt;tv. B. •.-urtls.TSrt IMn. Anuunrtn^ier'i thrawa measured am. 2in. —i-or ■« rarmiey s OaarUr mat m~rlnt lieat: William B.CTUTea (Scot- tlli-American A. C.i. I; T. C DuUy iH. Arci2• Wm Child* (H. A. C), 3. Time, Msec. Stana Aeot-T Rob^ ertatNew york>. I; U.J. Stoke::m Acot-t Rob^ _ 4«ec. TUrd hiat-J. Uom'tBlectric^ and A' o k walked over. nariA htal-J. n. Feigusnu (Y. A. 01 I rimU Afot—Robarbr. i; oriSrn, I. TiSie. Km. PD(«*aulUnfl.-L. Preemsa (Tom VeiebiK 8ft irin.- Wai.IrTlne(V. A. C>. second. • oiw i m., XMrts. "'"■-I'- Sapottaa won the Brat heat. B. Uerrllt it; \- ■*i."-''.'il* Mcond. and A Audenwa ri. A. A. O.i the third. «nal A«u.-fBiactaa. I; Jlerritt I. Time, IKsec. F^ur-mUf mo't-E. e. Ualiike.i:T. H Armstriogill. A. 0.2. The winner traa closely presaed liy Arm,4r^oE. tromwhora bewon byuottwoyanli. TloH.XimiB. ■ J?^'"'!.*'J^''"""'--'''llllam T. Livingston lU. A. C). IStt. Iln.; r.JohosoniU. A.C i. ISt. 8lo. oi)e-Aiindra>.vaFdirun.cIiitAand(cap.—FIrtt Jkau-J. D. Rlbiet, « yards •lart. ILiisec Seanut rteat—T.C. OiilTy, ».!'cf"*.'iv?is!'iriiia^w:!?'?tme:x.*^ goVrnJle run. CI04-B. Morgan. 1; F.Bonham.l , V- ^ "2'r¥'J?' relrree and Judge of walkloc' jndgea at BoUh. Saml. rickford «nd A. llTCurtli.; ilme^ K"!*.'?'" H. Pierce and Kd. Plummer; clerk ol eoursel H. I.K. ^endriok; assistant, H, c. Kucsier. belta. St the examination before the Judge d'ln structlon In Paris, sold he accepted full reepon- slblllty for the publication of his Llllo speech, but prote-ited that in making tbe speech he did not Intend to sisnder or Insult anyone. Sept. 1: Dr. Lewis Stein, whose son com- mitted suicide In this city aome weeks ago. looped from the Niagara Snspenslon Bridge Into the rapids, and was drowned Cable news: Fopkol was reported abandoned, and tbe Rnselan poel- tlon completely turned. Baker Pasha (Col. Valen- tine Baker), who led tbe Turkish cavalry charge, and who bad two bfrsas shot under blm, was re- ported missing Mary Ann O'Hara ot Newark, N. J., was burned to death by tbe exploelon of a csn of kerosene John Westereen loaped mm a tourth-story window in this city, and was Instantl/* killed Tbe Ssndwlcb Savings Bank, Boston, Msss., was prononnced insolvent inendeov- orlng to prevent the eecape from prison at weib- enceld, Ct, of Benry w«'"H'' and Dill Allen, Night-watchman Wells Shlpman was shot and mortally wounded by the former Fred Web- ster accidentally shot and perhaps tatAUy wonnd- ed bimaelt near Catakill, N. T. .*a Sept. 3: Brigham Young was burled at Bait lake 0It7, Utah Bobert Bell banged him- self at Horrlsbarg, Pa. Thn boy Ous Lever- ing, wbo wos token to PhUodelpbla from Clarke County, O., upon tbe supposition that he iros Charley Boss, was pniaounced by Mr. and Mre. Boes'not to be their son Joseph HonteUce waa sored and liamplsd to death by o mad bull ot Albany, N. Y At HaUtaz. N. 8., Ar- nilbald Bantllller shot two men named Mc- Leod and Ferguson, tbe former totally, while thorwore tiylog to rob Bnntllllor's dairy. At HoTTlsonburg. Va.. Louisa lawson was found guilty ss accessory before the fact of murder in the lint degree In the killing of her husband. D. O. LawBon Business tMSnree In.Europe: F. E. Field Ic Co., bonkere ot Franktort^llobUItles Sl.OOO.OOO: Ellas- Oaskell, couob-eplnner ot Mel- lor—lloblUUee (300,000 The Stondatfi OU- works, at Long Island Olty, were damaged b7 lire to the extern ot tT.OOO. *•* Sept. 3: A fire which broke out In th« plono-toctory of Joseph P. Hale, In this dty. de- stroyed the block bounded by Thirty-fifth and Thirty-elxth streets, and Tenth oud Eleventh avenues. It was thought that nearly one handred lives were loat. Among the buildings oonsmned wsre a number of tenement-hoiisee, wboee occu- pants loat nearly eveTythlng. ricxAs PLTI.vo.—Tbelollowing fly took plice i sdeloti a tbe past week: Monday, Aog, 7r, irom 1 to Phllaiiolphia. Alcy-eleht mile*, by the Phils A.iaxvLL WOBI. recently Isined by the Bonveslr Pnb- IlshingCoinpany, Bible House, Kew York. U-*the Travel- er's Couipleie Note book." being an ewy aysiem rur re- cordlnit events, ineidenia,places and oble<us i^n and met Willi 00 a tour. It Is eqaoliy uelul tor btuiatas puiposes and for commercial Crwvelerm. ., TH« CMPipsSBir WltBRLi.-The anonBt one ban-' drsd dollars a aide, placed In oar h<nds on be^nl the wTcsillnpmaieh Iwii ai en Jomea Oweua --^t Cuailea U Hurpby. to take pltee hi Boston. Sept. 19. was handed br OS to the aaslstakeheldtf, lUehardX: PwiwO, ooB^X at PMI- . Reading , —- r -- -jlty^leht rallen. by the Philadelphia Lnlon n{;eaa-nyla;r Soclely. for three money pruea. Thsre went nlno entries, all ynnng birds bred iai>t flprine, andthe resnlt waiasftillows: Peter Kersbaw, lh.IIm.10iL: Jno. Dsltnn. 1.27:40; .lai. Orint, I.Z7:«S; Jno. Parker or West Phll.delphla. I.»:10: Jno. Grist. I.°2:br Arthnr Chambens l.s;:SO: Jno KerwIn, 2.14.-00. Another entry was made by Arthur nhambeni and B. Lnoney, bntlt wasruled ?i"'-vir2:^*i'2'' iy* Kershaw were uwemand K'?'^!r5!?T^"5^.'''»- Judceiat rnlladelphla. Arthnr Chamheti>, John Psrker. Jss. Orisl and Stephen Kershaw. Another flv took place on the ath. (mm Read big. for a nine or SJabenreen Simon Kemp or ManarunkTArthnr Cbambem. and Pred Smith.' Jno. Daitou was stakeholder and timer at the llalsb. and Bill Evans timer at Resillnic. J/"?"?!"! •Il'l? an ssli-colored bird, which made the distance l" "h.-Vm. 4S.1 Smith entered a redchecker; lis"' 'it- tr° Kemp entered an asbxolored bird; f me^h. Wm. 3S». Kemp flew Irom Maoavuok, havlmt allowed nhambers 8m. sin., ami Smlib 8m. Since the rore- P,» "il Smith flew a match (bra pone of »I0. (nm Manavunk to Pliiladelnhla. seven miles. Cham- bers'bird came In ahead In am. SSsr Chaspion'ship Storts.- The entry-list for the eighth snnnai Kail games ot the Kew York Athletic Club and the s<«ind annual chami>i»nshlp ot America con- tains Uie namu or about all the athletes of promi- nence belnnchig to locnl clubs and oicanizatlons in other cliles In the with several representative men ln«n Canada. This Iniuires a flrst-class meeilmr at «ne Moti Haven Oronnus on 8siuiday, Sept a, aod with so much "talent" on hnod tfi»ro Is every na«un to bellevo that, under bvorable clrcnm- etnncc^ the present reciids will be excelled lo a Dauibar or lonaoeea. The ereota. with tbe namtKr oT entrleareceived lor encli, are: lOOydi. rnn. thirteen: atyiis. run, ten; iMyds mn, aeven: anvtuiTnin. Bve: mile run. aevea:,mlle walk. An; 3-ml!« walk, alx: 7-mUa walk, lour: biirdle-nRe. lUtds.. six; p4e-lrspln^ elglit; H!'"^,'!£','" hammer, Ave; pnttlnic the shot. Ore: ran- nlngnlgh-Jnmri. six: rnooing hrood-Jaosp. eight: tng-oT- war.thne nasgsosswUlcomnsacesttwoo'eleckr.x. Waynceburg. He moved to Maryland In 1802, ond was senior member of the firm ot Jesso Lazeor A Co. of Baltimore—that city, Sept. 2, aged 73. MABSH, Bev. Abraham—One of the oldest Con- gregational clergymen In Connecticut. He was for some time the president of the Connecticut Bible Society—Tolland, Msss., Sept. 2. McMAHON, Ellzatioth—Widow of Copt. H. J MoMahon—Brooklyn, ^. Y., Aug. 31, agod 31. MILLER, Theodora—Daughter ot Judge Miller ot tbe (>>urtot Appeals of this Slate—Hudson. N. T., ADg. 31, aged 18, MUMFOKD, Rev. Thomas J.—He was a native of Newport. S. I. but passed his youth In the South. Early In his moturity ho came North and wos identified with the ontl-slavary movement. Be preacbed in Douolt, MIcb,, and In Dorchester Mass., and otraut 1869 sncccedod the Kev. S, W Bush OS edilor-ln-chlet of Tte dtraliaa BigUterot Boston. Be was originally nn Eplsoopallan, but afterwards ethbroced Vniiailanism, and studied for tbe ministry In tbe Meadvllle (Pa.) Seminary —Boston. Mass., Aug. 29, aged about SU. MiLLBB, josiith w,—aember of tbo Prodnoe sxchonge ot this city. Drowned while owoltlng tbe orrivol of his wife on tbe Red Bank steam- boat—Pier 33, North River, this city, Aug. 97. HINEB, Judge John L.—Formerly of tho Su- perior Court ot Ohio. Dropped dead on tbe side- walk—Cincinnati, O., Aug. so. MDItPHY, WUUom D.—A resident ot theSeventb Word of this city tor over fifty yean, and at one time a representative ot It In tbe Ck>mmon Coun- cil. During the civil War he was chairman and treasurer ot the Committee tor tho Relief ot widows and Orphans ot Soldiers—this city. Aug. 28, sged 81. * PABKEB, Capt. Louls-An old settler on tha Island ot Galvraton, Texas, whore ot hue yean he bad been a soli-manufacturer, Cnder Gen. Sam Houston be panlclpated In the BatUe of San Jacinto, and during the Mexican War be was the guide that marked out tbe advance of General Scott'e army into Mexico—Galveston, Aug. 22. ROSS, J. B.—A leading Southern merchant—Ma- con, Ga.. Aug. 29. sged C9. SMITH George Towosbend Smith—Organist ot HelMord Cathedral, and aecretaryand organlxer of tbe calebrated Tbree-cholis Featlval—England recently. ' STANTON. Edwin L.—Son of the late Becntoxy ot War ot that name. He wos bom in Pennsyl- vania, and was graduated at Eenyon Collsge. Ohio, In 1833, with tbo highest honors ot his Alms Mater. Ho Immod lately entered upon theetudy ot law under the direction of bis father, and was admitted to tbe bar In Washington In January, 1668. For several yean he wss tbe counsel of the Baltimore and Potomac Ilaliroaa Company, and managed Its bnslnsas with much ability. He was Secretary of tbe DIatrict nt Columbia from May 1, 1871, to November, 1873, and Its attorney trom July, 187«, to October, 1876—Waehlngton. D. a. Aug- 29. SHANNON. Ex-Gov. Wilson—Since I8S6 he hod practiced law in Lawrence, Eansos. He vras bom In Belmont Oonnty, O., in 1803, and was educated at Athens College, In tbot Siaie, and at Transyl- vania Unlveralty. In Kentucky. In 1S3S be was Praeecudne-attornpy for Ohio, In 183S-M and also In 1842-1 he wss Governor of that State, In 18U he become' Minister to Mexico, In 1893-S he sot In Congress, and In less-O he was Territorial Gov- ernor ot Kansas—Lawrence, Kansas, Aug. 30. aged 76. SEMMES, Raphael—Commander of . tbe Confed- erate cmlsar "-.290," better known as the Alabama, which was sunk by the Keoisarge on June 19,1864, and which in two yeora liod destroyed about $6,600,000 worth of property In merchantmen. Prior to this he had commanded another cralser, tbe steamship Suinter. of which be tnik command at the outbreak of the Clvli War. after resigning his position of secretory of tlie Lighthouse Board at Woshlngtoii, D. C. After tbe close ot the war be. began praetldug law in Mobile, Ala., but waa Indicted for treason and token to Washington tor a trial tbat never occurred. Since then he bad given lectures and bad wrll'.en books, the latter comprlaliig "Campaign ot General Soott in tbe Volley ot Mexloo." "Service AOoat and Ashore Daring the Ifwvirsn War." "Tbe Oraloe ot the and the Snmtar." and "Memnin ot BerrfceAfloAtDailaff tbe War between tbe Btaiea." SARATOGA KACK8. On Ang. S, the twentieth day of the present radoc season at Saratoga, the heavy rain in tbe uornlog caused a poMponement ot tbe sport nntll three o'clock p. v.. at which boar the weather waa clear and pleasant, and the attendance remarkably good. It proved a disastrous day for tbe bickeis or lavoiltes, ror not one or the roar was ■HffreavfUI. "010 Smt race waa a dash of one mUo and an eighth, lor thTes.year-oldL lor a pncas ot tSD, to carry Igft less th anthe rsguba- welgbt for sge, winners at flara- •™' b. c Vennont. I(Ba>: T. W. DoewVlrsbTg. bS"- whscker, 1051b: Rice A iethune's b. g. Dr. Llvleg- rtone, lloib ; 0. Bowie's b. f. Catacsiy, lOSft; art ^'''!?'£'■ *> 5- Bombsdler. I08». Tho betting men se- L'"*',.^'','""'^"*'"'' " probable wlnne?! and be brooghi In the pools »17S to St. Janes' SI2D, Wash Bootn'sSTii. Vennoot's *v. and tho Uelil'a »«l. A good start wss hsj. Bushwhacker at flrat sbowlne the way; Jl''\,if?".."'l;'' '■•^ >?«hed ilie sund SU James haJ ru>.hedio tlio front and assumed t!ia lead. He steadily Increaswl Ills advantage nnilt. at the mile-pole, he wM two clearlengths In front or Vennont. Cstscaiyand Bosh- wliocker.whu were racing together In n bunch. Cotnlog upuiehomestrelch. Wash. sSoth Joined the last^amed ""5*''.'""'* eosuod. tha lot gdlnlng cercntlbly on St. James, so that a close llubih wm anticTpatS^ Thi iwoluto rldlnsol Clark on St. Jaiiios MSfed him to malnialn Ills posltloo In the Irad to the Cnlsli. and he won the race by hslfa leogth (turn Wash. Booth in 29)IK; Bush- whacker rourleniths behind Booth, and the uiiie dls. tance before DrXlrlnfaiooe- The winner Is by Lexlne- ton out or Banner and Isoneol tbe flnSHt-bred colts on '*'?i^.?."Jf'"»."'"-, ,">"''«' I««>I ticket, on the winner paid *ll.»J. .V«t rolloved n biuidlcap-taco toralla)^ (or a |.ur» of 93*1. of which »J0 to the :Scond home, iSui aud a quarter Fi.ur horse, .tsrted: J. H. II«rb«:u'. b." i?^iV' i"i*.'''v''JV.'* W}mi""'« b. c Courier, ll;ilb: p. McDHDiel'H b. C l.adv Sal.vers.mib: and L. Han's cTl Clemmie O.. lOSIi. Tlin Mlssuuninl eolt Courier was mails a ftronc ravorlie la all the pools liild, brlnelSgiwTto Herl' ram-.SI'<»• Cleminle G'sfco, and Lady Sslyfr's »J. When the flag roll Clemnile II. was In Iront. with thrnivariie LadySalyeta and Bertram following. Belore thoyhid gune a lurloDg. Bertram, uodc-r Daa.Spariln;;'s gulducc ruahed tothe Itoot. and made the p'sce ."rone" ;"i"e Clcmmli; r,. three lengths as tliev wont past i&Judi.'M' '""!"• S'"*,. ,Salycn. third. Bertram, tor a wiiOer. w<. In the humor for running on this day. and kept richt along and allhouchOourif r eh.llenged 'him oppotlto the nooi-stanj, he stiook him oif wliboutdlBlcaltv, and won ilicricn bj- two lengllis In Srls'i; Lady Salrtks tolrd. a length belilnd Courier, and t«o length, before (jlem- lowin. thu°,ii"iLf"'"'„'"'™ »u thewlnnVr. f". jowins this race was a tlicee-qnarter-mllc hent sell- ing-race, rur a purse of UOO, weight allowancu k- Mrdlnj to the eutcre-lscmog price. Four hTSSSTcame to the piMt, weighted as (ullnws: D. McDanlel's nn- named c. r. l>y aien Athol. gm: C. W. Medlniil-'s c «■ Fl™t Chance. S9»: J. u Campbeiri c. i)i^^n?^1>V^4 T. W. DojwelPs h r. Grecian MaldTo&i. Fint CIiSmSS nx-er the field In all the po«l^ which avemcrd ror hUnKBS; Grecian JIald aod QoeenMnwn, STDeach-and McDanlHr. Hlly.»Ji Th.latt«r\sd,tUen;?ntagS,VjJ^^ r." '^£?''.Jf,?S"" QueenMown a ebm length behind FlrstChance. and Onelu M.Id las" In the up with tbe Olon Alhol Ally, it being currently rumored that hs hod not tried lor the preVlou. heat, the flgurS got off badly when tbe flag fell, the Olen Athol Ally Immediately going to the front, and, wlthoot ever i?'i°.?,'?J?i7''.''?Si""*"*'»"3"J5.'«« 07 four lengths Inl:l9<{: First Chance .econd, Qneennown third, and f.'i^'"S "'tf ■>''«»»Md- P'" -loner-a. olTered foViSl. attactlonanertberace;bDl, there being no tdvancs on rS*Jitr*i"f.''f?iR""=V" »?«'.»'■• returned unsold tS jM^ff"*"'",;'"••''!.•• I*" mntnalsthe winner paid «A60 to purchasen betore the flrst heat, and tlo »W*n the second heat. The bad luck whleh had ariended the bojem of favorite, so far did not deter them trim plung- '°i"'J?iy,!j'" l" «f^l«Uaso ror a pane of sSoi. ol which tlOO to the second hone. In the hope of recover ng their prerlon. losses. The entrlen were J/l,awlw'll b h Moonjwne. 133Ei: C. Reed's b. g. DoubtM, ImI- y fiTi""^'!;''' Waller, IMffi: and Hart's ""B. iSddlog '""•"r... 'If""' ™ unrelUble coloredjoclcey named 'Towson-:* (set sii.plclons In Itaelf. and SilS "*."''"'« favorite, althoagh Waller had the call beTore t became known who waat^ rMe him. Redding sold for SOD: Wille?. SoT lS>"5uY *'2iJIr"^fi'* 't"^ J»mil^the"wMer-S!p -.BeddlPg l^ll and wss out or tbe race. Waller takliu the lead on tii: cittMiniiC* Md holdlpg It (br son« dht&ncs when he tw> tho wroog way and had ta tnm hvk aes'n! thereby losing so much RTOnnd that bis chsnce or win- ning was gone. This gave Vooostone the race, as he had In * 47; Donbtfnl second, snd Waller third. After the race, lheJuilg..s.notb*lacsatI>flrd with Towun's «iplsna»^ u to the csnte ot hU tsWng ths wrong eoune, and be- 1 CVlng *^*-* *hn T«M hart Kmh «— K->.*-T?_ - . onhlaborse heshotawny and,wltbuuteverbelnrtnuen- nl by whip or tpur; wop the race^by bair,o length in 3 -.a- Conner ■ ' ' behind, dash ~ asces J. D. V. — b«^r« Uadga. anil Aosttallod Ikr d. MatasTnooIsoo the winner paid S'jn A mPe- ror open*, el tan, lor all age*. aelMBg allow- accordlog Co entered price, bronght ont su »i art era: Canpbeirs eg. Qoaenstown. lOA; D. MeDaolel'a c. r. Sister oTKei^, mti; <:. W. Mediocer'so g. Chance. k«&; J. H. ITarbocli'a b. o. Bertram, 111*: Blaa A Bethose's b >. Dr. Livingstone, Kllb: and D. Mc- Danlel's Olen Atliol iSalllo Watson fllly). 77». In the pools Bertram aolil (torSXn: McDanlel's pair. »l«0: First Chance, fit: QueeastowD. >ls: Dr. Livingstone, SlU. The Jockeys defladau tbe eflbrtsol the stnner to «t them oir together, and openly reiuted to obey him. When they old get away. Sister ol Herey made tbe rvmnlng. with Qneenstown next, ror three-qnartersofo mile, when she quit, and Swim sending Qneenstown along at bis beat pace, be won the race bv two leoElba In 1 ;44; Bister ol Mercy second. FlmtChancs tklrd.andBrrtraralonrth. Queens town waa bought In by his owner ror 89S9. WInnlngtlckeu on him pald$r«7.ia. A hurdle-race handicap for all aeea. for a pnr>e of KSO. nt which SiU to tbo second horse, mile and a quarter, over five huidlea. was the laat race, aod brongbt tbe meeting to a successful termination. Threo hotws ran: Fisher A Canon's br. g. Kelso. I»lb; F. 8mythe> b. h. Waller, IMB>; and J. T. Blanehani's b. g. Bambino. IBtti. Waller sold ror 8400; Kelso. tZ75: and Bambino. •T'. Kelso took the lead, and held It over the flntt three hur- dles: at the roortb Waller was almost parallel with him as he cleared It. and the same as they went over tbe Pltn and last hurdle. On the flat Kelso drew clear away, and won the rmea by two Isnctha In 3:213^. Bambino savaral lengths sway. Mutoal pools paid S9 on the wUmer. Jons Corvxx. a wen-known turfman ot this elty. dlfi). bis r«*ldaace, at SalEerns. N. J., on Ang. S, aiier a lo^ HDdpalnftil lilneoa. He waa for some yeara ttio ton 2? <ed««at« of Capt. J. O.Mooi*. He waa highly «ul|£ byatsig«e1rclaortaitlti)MtslMendr. t-^mtt AQUATIGv THE HBWBORO BAT RKOA-TVa. Tbe annual rasaua or the Xewbanc (N. ' elation took place on the liudf^m River Aug.: rough water havlmr c ' BIONKODTH PARK RACES. The Aognst race-meeting or the Monmouth Park Asso- ciation commenced on Tuenday, Aog. 38. The weatlier waa flne. but sultry, the track In capital running order, and the atteodaoce fair In number. The flnt race was a dash of threc-ouanera ofa mile, rora porso etStto. or which 030 went to tho second hone: maidens sllnwed. If three yearn old. 4lb; If (our years old, 71b; Uve yean and upwards. I2n>. Eight hones entere<l and ran. vis.. E. K. Norton's b. r DucheMi.9!llb; W. R. Bshcock'sc h. Egypt, laib: Mr. Boras' c c King Hee. Illlb; O. Lnngstars b. 1. Turkshire Lnss. 1131b; J. II. Rncry'shr. c. Leamington the Second, 1181b- J. O. Beibone'H tx g. Dsllgal.lan, lOfllb; J. R. flebney's c. ( lodianols, 991b: and R. Bliea's b. g. Cyril, lUlb. Yorkshire Lass waa the favorite orer the fleld when pooi.selllng com- menced; but when It transpired that £van. wootd not ride hsr. anil tbat her owner was publicly buying the iloid against her, she went hack In public Ihvor, and the fleld had a strong call at teato$ia Alter some drlsra start was efTvcted. OucheHi twlng In front and Cyril left behind at tho t«st. Little Tom Rayera made strong run. nlng with Dochesa. and waa a clear length at the ball mile pole, where £^pt and Torkshlre Laiis were her Im. mediate at'endaow. Hallway np tbe homestretch Egypt closed rapidly on Oncbcss, and, when opposite the pool- stand, the lonner swerved onto the latter; but the Duchesss retained htr stride and lead to the fln. Ish. and won a capital race by a neck time or 1:18. bgTPt wss second, and kl .. Yorkshire Lsss a had ronrtli. The mutual pools on the winner paid $14 70. The second race was ror a pnrsa or 83911, flrst hone to receive S'fTS, and tho second horse 879; nmlden allowances: mile heats. The starien wera O, LongstafTs br. h. Partnenhlp. 1341b; J Bevloa' c f. Uattla P., llSIb; J. O. Bethane's b.g. Burgoo. 1211b; and W. R. Bab- cock's b. e. Woodland. 1181b. Beloir tbe race. Partnenhlp sold lor 8<0: Burp»o.M); Battle P. 8U: oan Woodlaod.lU. In tbe flnt heat Bursoo and Uatt le r. ltd all the way round into the homestretcb. where Partnenhlp eloaed. aod Bnr- ro*. tailing l>3ek left thence to theformerand UattlaP. dose SnUh resulted hi tbo latter wlanlng by half • length In 1:4TX. Boicoo tbat distance behind Partnenhlp. PartnerabiD was stniiha favorite at SJOto SUover thf fleld, which the distancing nt Woodland reduced to Bar goo and Haule P. Borgoo forced ths pace lor tbree qnsr. ten of a mile In the second heat, when Fartnet«hlpchaJ. longed, and beat him to the score by a length In 1 zL^Ji. Any odds were now forthcoming on Parinersblp, who bad only llattle F. tor an opponent. Tbe favorite made the running throughout, and won hands down In 1 :U,V. Uattle F. not being distanced, on sutferancs. Tbe last race was over hardies, mUe taaata, (or a pnrso or S3Sd, of wlilcb 875 to second hons. Outv three started: Lawrence'sr. h. Rltk. 153b; Lyoch'a g. h. Der by, 152ft; and UoGolre A Brother's o. Ii. Kew York. 153ft. Risk had the call.selllag (or SM; Derby, tV: and Ifew York, 819. Ia ttie flnt beat New York showed the wmj over the flnt thrve hordlea; bnt at the Mailh Risk war a length ahead, an advantage he kept to the flnlsb. win nlogln 1:59. Betting: 810D to 8n) on Risk, wbo led Irom start to flnl.h, aod vet>' easily won both tbe beat and raea hi I :5;K: Derby second. ^ ^ The attendance was largely Increased on the second day, Ang. 39. and tbe programme comprised four excellent races. The lint aras a selllng-raca for all ages, (br a puns of 8B0, of which SMto tho sccoodbone; weight allow- ances according to eotered selling price: mile and an eighth. The slxhora-s that entered aod nn were Jeter \ralden's b. g. Cyril, lOSlb; a. LongstalTs b.h.6bylock, l»lb; J. O. Bathnoe's b. g. Dallgalslan. lU&Si: SI. Byme'i c c King Bee. UBIk: W. R. Bibcock's e. h. Eg>'pt: and J. R. GIbney'sc. f. Lovo (Tbase.aift. Egypt hod tbe call, selling lor 8Jil; Ghylock. Ut: Cyril. Sid; Elng Bee. *IE and the fleld. 811- Dallzalslan, with Egypt In im mediate attendance, made the running; King Bee, Cyril and Love Cbasa In a bancb, and Sbylock loat- On tho backstreteh Cyril and Sliylock took .ccoud and third places, and, Dallcalslan being beaten »oon after enteringthe homestretch, a hot nruinile ensued between the vnuDg and old horses, which l:ii.teil to the stand, Cy- ril winning the rica by anecKlo 1:57. UallgHlslan wag third. Klog Bee fourth. K^pt flfth, and Love Chase last. Mntnal pooU on ihe winner paid 532.25. The second raco was one of mile beats, for a pumor83S0, of which the second was to receive S75; rur three-year-olds, to carry lUOIb: 31b allowed to Allies and geldlocs. Tha Uve Etarteia were G. Bsrbee'sc c. Auburn, w. CottriU'sh. f. Aunt Hetsy, C. LoomtatTs b. c. Urasmar. J. K. Ulbnoy'sc 1. lodianola. and P. M. Hall's b. c Dick SAHSccr Auburn sold lor 81110; Aunt Betsy, tW; Brwmar, 820: and the fleld, 819. Brae- mar made the running In the flm heat for three-quartera of amile. wheahe wAsbesten, and Auburn won the beat by a head In 1:49 tnm Aunt Ketsy, Evans purposely draw, ing livery flne. Bettlogi 811^ to 829 on Auburn, wbo al. lowed Aunt Betsy to lead for three-quarters of a mile, whan be pamd her, and won hinds down by a lensth In 1:5I. Tbe third race was a dash lor two-year-olds, (br a Bursa or 810O, ror which three youngsters started, viz., D. I. Wltben' b. c. by King ErncHt, dam Mlmi; G. Loog- stafTs b. c. by Baywirad. dam Laxy: and Kelly A Puiyear s c c by KarraganHCtt. dam Minnie Ulniir, all carrying llOlb. King Ernest colt sold for SKD; the Bay wood colt. 839 and the Kanagansett colt, 839. Tho two latter raced to gethor bead.and-head for a qoarter or a mile, wbL*n they werejolned by tne favorite, vho had tfaem beaten In a rew Btrldea, and galloped home a winner by an easy length and a hair in 54 seconds. The Bay wood colt was second, halt a length t)«rore the Narraoaniiett colt. The last raco ' raeo f 83 ' ' ' was over uurdlea, lor apuneof 8390. or which 890 to a ond horse; two miles. Five nn—31. Donohue'sb. h. Dead, bead, IJEft; D. Lynch'sg. h. Derby. 145ft: J. O. K. Law- rence's c. h. Resolute, ItSft; J. McCnlra A Brother's e. h. New York, 13Sft; and Dr. Cattenach'a b. g. Bencher. 135ft. Deadhead aold tor 8110: Resolute. 859; Derby, St7; tha fleldfSlA Resolute showed the way overthe hurdles until the last one on the flrst mile was reached, when Dead- head and NSW York closed on him. tbe latter gnlog to tha (kent on p*—i^fO^^ jf*"d fNl "T^'Pi'** Vew York, w ith D eadhead uu^ oiResalute and Derby :\Sit'^MLIfe.s ■iiu«aiaibijii« Ihem as soon ai ths homestretch was reacbed, and a pnolsblng Anl.h ensued. Deadhead bcatloff Derby easily by three lengthaln4K)l<j: Resolute thud. .,.T!L*r""'*'"''"'»""' noeand (hvonble nn Aug. 30. the thltjl day ol the meeting, and the racing was witnessed br ?/*'jr,*L'i'!.'lf'"*'- .Ths^flnt event wsa lor a purse ot SUU. orwhlch SlUO irtnt to the aecond hnrte. a haodlcan for all apea, heats of a mile and an eighth. The entrlmlrcre M. B>Tnes' c. c. king Bee. Wft: J. O. Betbnoe's b.g. DaU' ?*'iH"'J"^• 5- »»bcock'« b. c. Woodland. ItSki; and J. J. Bevlns' c. r. Hattle P., 1090). Elog Bee and Dal'gal- Man worn In turn (arnrttes. but at tbe flnlsb the Oirmer had the call. Mil ng lor S'J5; naltgalslan, 87il; Woad land, 830; and llattle P., 82fi. .\fter Mvcral tall. ure. to pet a cood start, the Hag fell, wlOi nattia P. In the lead and the otiiors In a line rlou behind At the quBrier llaiUeP. silll led. Dallpihlan and Wood land running abreasr. and King B«o brln:;iu« up the rear AS the hones entered the homestretch. Woodland fell back beaten, and King Bee. dashing to the front, gal- °S!?^ "Vi"!? ? -^"^ winner Cv two lengths In 2:U3)i : DallgaUian second, and llattle F. third. There was lliile lietilng before the second, the offered odds on King Bi>c being Slin to ».'«). wlt£ rew takenL The rider on tVoo;»l.nd woscliaand. Hughes having the mount Dallgablan rushed to the (Toot the mSai°St Ilia "'•'S.Jf-"' V*'!".."'" " strons as he could jriiTi Woodland and llattle F. next, and King Bee ttSllrS Intnerear. At the halfmlle Uattle F. had thot her bolE fhf n-nll!^* '''■WBco got on even trrn» with the leader. Uallgalslan. aa they raced amund the turn D;&'„'!*i'-T^.'i^:?.' ^L°f??<_P»J?e<lA«"»Pany with flreft _ ond, \voouland third, and the flUy last. The second race wsaonoofmllo heal.over hanllcs for a -• talslan and e-.dloMd bomo a «rj- easr wTonor br •n-th" In i^ik. tlie Irish named horse a»i? W oodland third, and the flUy last. The semnd nSe waa ono of mllo heat, over harUlcs for a putae ol S40Oor Which SlOOto tha second hone. Only i^n^horwtiti. cepted the Ijandlcapper s welgbto. vlt, ™ McGult?a £',"■,^5?. yyjjf- J^^L-i O Bethane's gr. h D?rf bv. I4jft: and ' J. a.' luib. Tho last was Derby.827; andNew York. „ the flnt and second bardies together, (oor leni .uawrence'a r. h. KUk. hot ihvorite, brlnglog Slui Rl.k and }icw\,- ' , 821. rcvlng that IhB 1MB hadbttn pnrpot«fyIost.declda« to exps Blm firoin tlie cSUKe of tbe Ssral/iga Ass-ieiatlon. which roles binioir every olbtr eourae In theeonntrr. Motaal POOU on Moonstone paid 8 iljto. ~«™iu"o. Sr'S'iJlV*'*"*''"!!^"® hive beeurdn^lii which 422 horses started, and of that numberTlVwera d'?. aron the closing day waa quite pleasant, the track wU In good rannlng order, aod the attendance tsraoTbeooei Vng race was for a pnrsa ol 825n. foTti^viS^Mll^^SXL IWJi; nsnol allowance to flllf,; „d ^rtdfiTCT-^iSSJS St Santo™ tbli rear exelndsd: Ave (arionSi =rhi st^ era wera C. Reed's b. C Ronnie Wood (full .IMer to S5llri> n? ^'^t 'ff'^Sch'JSS??'?,''',''* f- Da'MS' R&*Vbnfe-sb.'t'rruVcaS/|eT„?^^^^^ lei's Fly any and Bopnle Wood Wer. X;i2?ty flroriEi In the poo's nntu before the start, when Ube^ras? hiui . stronjaill. selling for «ian: Bonnie WoSJ 8;ofsSSSli tlon. SS: and Dnoean F. Renner. 830. flneenlatiaii^V^t to the front soon alter the^iUrtlEd he^Tthileil uStil rounding the torn Into the homestretch. wheivKe wa^ Joined by the FTy Ally. After a sharp^to "Jkm" roriong ijole. Bpeealatlon waa done Toyftonnle wS5i then took her place and roaolntely challenjSd MctffS? lei s flllyjhnt she conld tiot qnlu m np, and the Flyflllv won a good race bra bead In 1:04;^ Itennia iRuiti.n/iC..> HMcu£tlon threel«igths forsi^^S^' puS. vStaS^I,o,5 race lor three-year-olds, ffr a pane ofasso. orwhteh OMr!, the second horse, mile a i d a qnarler The rnnne?.^™ DUonA Wlmm.r'str Brart«ia??Ki07ft^^?'fi;g?nT?l" bcMsJor Eaner, 1081b: C.W. MedUlccr's h etfii. Booth. lOSft: D. MiiDanlel's b. f. Klv SivJiirfmikJiSli J. Lawler's b. o. Booihsdler. 97ftrBT^a5SMiT5A ^ h2 call over the flald, aelllog lor 8IU' HcDulePs i^aov (Ot off Bm, and at the nand obtained alead afalx Im^i^ Whleh she held >o the quancrTrte ra'orlie belSrSSSTi and Wash. Booth third? On the bLklSSftih lidf «37era began to tire, and the ravortte. piloted by SwSnrstSftlS gained on her. noill at the three quarteii s^ wojToS ►ven terms with her. Major Barker e1am> npon "em both. Coming up the stretch Lady BJyer's^t wS shot, aod She ie)l bsck. bcr euble-coinnanlon jfallir Barker rTinnlngso str. ngly astolook inrmMsble: At the riirloog polo be, too, quit, and Bradaraante callnped home an essv "Inner by two lenirthsln2:lS,'i.MsJorBsKr list iEP-"'^^*'' hair a length for second place. The thtrtrao; was ror all ages, ror a purse oTSSSO, oV^ch »so to second horw: to tMTV lOCft; no allovum'wlDnsn, Si ^fSS^J^^^-£' "JLi'SSle, n» S'lhr^au" of 81.010 to carry ,ft extra: mile and a nnsnsr The startera were Dwcer Bros.' bk. c. Rhadamanthns' Dixon A Wlmraer'a b. o. Cnnrlei P SinvthST» Madn. and p. McOaniel's c7i£ >K«JiilSd.'^B5£aS-hS come speclsiw trom Monmouth Park to rtdo Rbsrtn- Bianthus. anf lane odds were laid on that hooi wiS: nlng. he aelllng away over ths field for »CTVT3nrtlr •7»iSJa'l«i.«0:and Ao«r.)lnd.»30. WithoutaordMTv y.S^fl.."?" •ff'eted. Conrlsr taking the Sa. aSJ' wTth Bhadamanthna and Madge In anendanep hS^r tha rannlag at a Strang TlS?^SSf^uioS iJi letscibbem'eilielhTncitaat ths ««j «iii». -„i J7™S ~ opthe atnttb.AastnUM eane^Sh^tulS^iijiSS^ urktook roiv Derby; who'was rannTag'noder'a pirri.''TfieVblri hurdle was taken by ibe hones In ths same relative iSmS tlpns, but on the lower turn .Vew York iSV clearbf ."'"iJS."'"'' 'he last burdle a leogtb ahltdVaSd^- l°PJ5? a winner or tho heat V thrm le^hSTo J;"/,."!^",™""' «•■• ravortte atSim tTftSiSinrt the «eld, and, with Kew York at his side, took tSeB^Ti i'"™,''.V»*"a'',^">"' '^^^^ Vork Oi'eSVent S> tbi Iront, showed the way over tbe temahiing bnnllaa:^ ta'f'aiAJ. "* ''I^'»"»'«"mifoni^iS The meeting was brought to a dose on Peot. L Th« aluraorthe Taor-mUe-heat race wasa source of dlSS polntmenc The flnt race waa a -"i-ihiif thrtTlT._ •.TTr^ a mile, ror a pane of 8l0a or wbTS «JS ^SThe^n^ if°^S?,-,'VJ^i.*«*i'/ ""owed. It thSeyeaKoIdfS" whf?r.,=s5,°i^cnV£::^i?.'b7'^irh?ii:^ Ijumlfuton the Second. KloK Bolr, II2ft; ~ IlSft; T. W. JDoai third, The second race was a dash ora mile anK quirter for aU ages, tor a puns of tao. ot which wcoodt^M to have S5l; wH«"»^ aecotdliufto eniSJ? tTatue F., I03ft; and W. R. Babcock'a h ? wi^' lo-?Uf?>rlM!fin,'^"^»L^4&« Woodland. 820. Belore tbe ' , . >il .. -attle F.,'82S: and •'srt, however, fihyiiick be- came the (k^riuToVer tbV fleM ^tVloJ to'sw^sBl.S galloped home an easy winner by tlx lenathsln i-iiT^'S^ beating King Bee four longth. I&r S^SSSmoSeV^-rh™ SS'.°l,Ef VJ""" •nteSa°?E? hPwi; not sold. Ibe neit race waa a handlanW aU a^ to*thi • -"-•* —' ■* ""^^TsS. <!f wblLh^ Cdttreil' 5?^. li?*r ^' uou^tau a or. a. ra itu e iali ip. 124fi- anil o. Bartwe's e t anbam, 196ft. PartneiSlo wsi tha'iS? ebol«, bringlngSIOO to Aunt Bet.y> salBorBoT iSs'lSd Anbum. tiff. "Partnenhlp won by twolingtBrfn J'iSS: known aa the Aabarn •rcuaO. six lenctha belors Aunt uluiy. and Bur: goo ItsL The ileeplecbate-bandlcap, Bw a pSi Sm. given by the pooVsellen Kelly A Bllaa, aod knSiSiAa tS ... . D. Ly •.im K.t.S"aKR^S'5«5lr?f*"ri«e. Elvenby , Hobuken Parse, had Bve rannen: D. Lynch's i h nntiV 142ft; Dr. Cattonach's h. g. Bonclier. ijoft: H^ulreSSh' play wen arouMd, the arrangement belog that Derby 5iV^Srf?h*.2f*'^*^ IS^The pS«UI™»hrt?rSJ the truth of the ramor. (br Derby became a long tavoriu over all thereat of the fleld. Thi pSSmme wwlSSid ou^ and Derby weat along aod gallooed boms a artfll^Irir «J39. Beaeber and New^ork.'SgrioiSSdefaSlf ble. went over tbe conne, the fomer comlM In^SS: ond; but the Judges retuseJ to pliST hlfS.^ thei!K stonn or hisses aod cat-calla at this diimeeftd ei lilbltlon. and everyone expected that tha %i£n^^_.Ju tll?'."if.'" dl^pSar'S"^ «»>*• SSe^iif^tSSh. ment. they gave I>«by tbe race, and ntterednot awoni or diMpproval of the conduct of those who hid InraSt disgrace upon tho coune. uiuugni HARTFORD TROTTIirc MEETIITO. The August meeUns at Charter Oak ParkmnTmJ^J^ fo?"apV^.V"5^v5a'1.5SS^HlS li^-AStii£?*-9«^^^ Sfllt1,Ta'."mX'Sb-'^°2»r2i^^ rsf,VndVbffl^th'S V'-isT" altf"^"" «coA"S,i'ni;,'ili^y*iSS. ^flinVe'rTJu'SS '?n1S second d.y, the flrst race waa lor a pi™ of stMO dlvW ni^^i.°'X" K"'!^ tor wAlchlbar MaSid in^^ SfST^'fet? "o? the Bm heat easily In °:J7«TSS"^ ?2."iJ." ,**X' "d the third In i-Jg. Tooog *U«m io^?S'^JS2;''l"""^^' till "5id (Sfiiy 'ilirl!^vu''r^''o,'*^XSI^:?L''2^^^^ Y.) Rovioa ^"e"* 3'. Sept.' „ ----^ ™nsod thepoatpun,-inent ot allbo, oneoftheevsnta Oxed Inr declaioa on tbe secand There waala large attendance noon each day. comn^' tlrelyfgwpeniaia trom III her cities being r'nsent.hoii2. er. Among those wbo tonic part In the wverai rac« wrZ' some oarsmen of eoBslderab<e repnte: nut as a en! oral thing they were not acan at their betit, not Ea>° Ing. with two or -' thre* exceptions, laken pains J,' pnpoie ihemaalvas ibr severe rowtog: couHvqaeatlv iS. raon wera not.aa a.whole, ao exciting ashvl h^T ■ "'rawal. -.r. anticipated. . Among the withdrawala were Cbsa". Ceunney and Plea PlalSed ttnm the single«»i|. the flnt day, and BIglln and Sngfeban and Pauit,^ and Reagan f^m the'pair-oar rsea on the third. Thm^ mer event was cleverly taken by tho dusky oanmaa im- the Hub. "Pienchy" Johnson, wbo got blmsvlt rlakt for? and defeated Ten Eyck hy a long distance. John Sialln flnlsblng. Tbe perfbrmaneea ol BIglln were Mor^ through, he and Hlcke.v starting In ttie do.ihl„.»!^„7' also, but pulling ont when tbey ww thi-v diiin't ha?r ghost of a chance to win, BUIa and Dan Ward (bllowh^ suit. Brief aeeonnts or eseh day'a racing follAw-^^ ^ FIRST DAY—TnCmSDAY, ADO. 30 ' Tbe weather was pleasant ana the water lo prectv sml condlUun. The flnt was <dnelF-scnll race for honaSiS twenty yean old. In wotklng-bnau; dlsiuce. iSill miles. 'The flnt prize waa woo by Frank E Ten Rv#iri5 Peekskill; AL Darragh ot Newboig. second. Tlmlam. 90s. The second r mll«s.and i Kewark, N. . three lengths behind. The third race wasasingle-acnil shell tor protonlonsh distance three miles. In which seven surted-as toUoCT F. A Johnson (colored) of Boston; John MtiZi of Cresskin. N. J.; James A Ten Eyck or Heeksklll 7 Y.: George Uoamerof Roston: (Mo. Fanlkncror Bono?: John BIglln or Kew York: Michael Rj-nie or Bafl£° Johnson woo the prise (81501. beating Ten Kvck by iMm lenetbs. Johnson's time waaiSmla.. and iW lir Eyck, who took the second prize (Si5), 23mln u<tc Um! mer tooktbetblnlprlzefSiO), b1. ttmetKlngztailn. hT keel was fourth, and Faulkner fifth. The other two dM not finish. ^ The roiirih race wu a donble-scnll. three m=Ies,WDrkbw boats. There were nine entres. and (our crew:* stantf Arthur McGinn and AL Darvarh or Xew York woa ths flrat prise, 890; James A and Frank E. TenEvek^ Peekskill the secand prhs. t29L John RIelln and jStm Hlcker or N. Y. CUy and Daniel and EHis Waid of wait K. T.. pnUed out. being tar In the rear. ThsUial' waaSm. «3«^. GrECOKD DAT—FRIDAY, AUO. SL lecond race waa for amateur single aenll .hells, thrte ud was won by Goorgo W. L«« of t lio Trhno cins k, N.. J;, m am. los,; ThoA Feaion or Toaicn Tbe water waa very rough, with a heavy south wIqs was rowed, themt bring eon. Only one of the fonr race* wi Peek.klll, Bates and Oeoman of Hewbnrr. EmedlavsM Downing of Brooklyn, Darvach and Mntinn or Niw! horg. Kosher and Dolaon of Flshklll. Devan aad Bat fleld ot New York, and Parent and Habbard nroorer^' Darragh and Meyinnwnn In Sta. lis. beating Bmti and Downing ton lenetbs. Parent and Hubbvd's bw swamped in a rough sea when within halla rallsor tte flnlsb. Tbe othera palled ont of tbe race. TbewlaiM boat shipped coaMdetable water; bnt thev pulled to a raft, hailed ont, and reiamed tbe nee. Ths fint ate waa flu, the second Si-V " THIRD DAT-8ATCRDAT, SEPT. 1. The flnt race was ror amateur rour-oared shslls. tbtv* miles, a gold badge to each member ol the winning trm Fonrcrewa entered and two of them started—tbe Wot* venhooks ofCreenbdsh. K. T., and thsEnreks.ofireavi N. J. The water was qnlto smooth. The W'^iveobv^s drew the choice or positions and took the Inmdc n* Eutekas got a alight lead at the start, but at the eadtf the fint hair mile the Wolvenhuoks were thiee Iranh ahead. The Eureka, then ermscd the wake of thrir co. Knenta, and. raacblng still water In shore, mm ndaod e lead to hair a leagtn. The crews malBtaiocd ttin^ po. altlou for somedlstsnes. rowliic easily and wstchlagtick other, saving ibeir strength for tbe homestretch. Ai they neared the stokoboat at tbo mite and a bait tbs Eurekas crowded up and lapiied. bnt fVom their poiltloa ware compelled u go ont (br tbe outer stak boat Ket. withstanding this, by extra effort they reached and can- meneed to mm at the same time as ib. Wolvta. hooka, who rounded quickly and puded avav on t^ bomenrretch fonr length,* ahead. At shermna'a Dock, one mile from the finish, the two boots ooeapl^d ;ha i«as relatlvo positions, the Wotvenhooks pulling iheqalcktr stroke, and bair a mile from tbe flnlidi tbe latter hid widened the gap to seven lenotha. On thelsstqnanrref a mils tha Wdrenhnoks mads o spun, while the EnnUi slackeneil, the rormer finishing a dozen leogtba la id. vanee In 20m. ftL The sinaie-Bcnll working-boat race, open to an. hsd 4i starter", and was won by .fames A Ten Evrk oT kill; AI. Darragh ot Newbnrg w.-is second In tte Ealr-oared shell, the Blglln-Eneleh.rdt aod Psnlkntr ecan crews did not appear, leaving onlv three n. tries, two of these crews being comiwsed exe'nidTvlytf membera or tbe Ward ramlly of r>omwall. One ol Us Ward crews took the flnt prize, S^IVI, and the other Wirt crew took the second prize, 850. Time. 22ai. »b. DAVIS CHAltl^EKGES BIOLIf. The Portland. Me.,oar«raao Michael P. Darli Is dot. ronsortctlngthe skill and iramlna or John BIglln. a appears from the rollnwing ehHllenxte. In support which wa hold one hundred dnilan: Faufic Q(7iii(5, Esq.— Dear sir.' I herebv challenge Joti A. BIglln ot Nen-Yorkto row me a Kolfen* race lor tb sum or SSSO or S9dOa side, give or take expenses to nwii thevteluityot Portland or New Tork; ortorowhalfnj. each paving hla own expenses. I herewith deooslt oor handred dollara In yoor bands for Mr. BIglln to com leavlrg the challenge open for one wrek; and If be vd s:ive mo fbnr or five davs' notice. 1 will meet blm atfD CLiprsB ofhca at snch time aa he may appoint to amap prellmlnaiieA Toon remctftallv. M, P, Davis, Portland, It. Tasnn Boat Club. Lowsll, Maaa.—The third taeiil the aenson under the aasplci*. i^r the Tesper Boat f^ nocurrcd Ang. i9, at LoweU, Mom., the enntesUats Ixi* Fred W. Sticknoy, F. V. Lee and Cbaa. W. (Tuihlog. m course was tha nsnal two-mlla stretch on tho Mflerisut above the dam. Hall an honr before starting.'the jliv waa alive wItb boata or all deacripilona. a generenssptl* ling orthe fair sex being ehservtd; a coiuldenhleraa berorinumtedspeetaionalao lined the hanks on lb east sldeof the river. Thetwata wera inline attheia pointed time, and at the word *'0o" stlekney took lb water beautlftiDy, Cnshlng second aod Lee last:bot.k a lew vlgornns stroke*. Lee overhauled Cashlsg la preaud on altar Stlekney. who waa polllnc a neat and (is sonke. The race waa lioc tietween Stlekney and li«e tnm drop ont and not work himael/ very hard, as It was ei* i.Ji,.^waa "distanesd." Hikkner eraased the llosli hrSi iiri!^i!:«'rf »'"• being; I7mln. i\wte. a(» SSSlSS-wSSf,^ Lawtim were Jndmattbe ddi 8toV?^*,5ii5«5LP'""'''"^'"" " ..T?* AasociATioy—A second meeting oT tbi Mot»poll anAa«)elailoa ofAmatwir O^JSSiWbSI K,-"'?„r''^»".t''°^?,'"" • thhi city, on Thunday erti I A5fi*5lS,''"^"''^*^'.''™'>l»C>>"»S»- Nautllos sod la. I v!lL. I"'' AneouaoU ofBereen Point.X.J.I i.'Tw.SfiJSPx?"' 1- li- of Brooklyn, was I VlkIn???»iiSl.S«f"£S*^J.""" •f»'«rth Amboy.tsll S. rSn^ I?- •'-'. '••Ptono of Staten W .ml ul I Kiii^; S^Tif'j?" ""h ?"* "watta be rowrd oo tkr I ?Ki'J?v.{f°Jl'v*"'* » hair .tralghtawar.ftral SSSItii'w%':l5.?S"*'"-"J thoentranceto xSraik &yu41 I21i!5i'li5i"?^*''^°"*''i.""' October next, wis I StilSl.""' after some dlKCoaalon-adopted. It wis ua I r5?i5£!L"'.'"'*'"'"'*.*°""">'t'"n so a. to admit or it* I of execntive offlcen. said ofllelaU to be elected br its I mStet appointed by the ExeenUve Cos I fo?2,*,?r'.'?"""' .Hi!™-''** negotiation, which biL riivI.Jl.'.iS.^f"?'!'")!'.'* between Eoh Moms and DsF K'i^JL'JSJf »' CllPoef <:"ub of Piitsbuut) tennluW f iEi,ff\IIfl!* "•""'ir on Tuesday. Aug. ^S.whtolbsl jSr,?ii,r,r* i'r • l^e-mlte r»ce for tbe titles I ;S?I?iI1..7..!I"','J5».i'""m»>"' dollara a Tbeanidal ISiif "i" '»'• MorrU..<!char(rntt I J^irt--2.'v'""."^'"^'■"»«">"• and the nrivisimw I mS; .^ill^" 7"' li* "wed at Hn1ton.on the AOsdiee I OctTlk " " Pittsburg, on SalBitbJ.f"??'?"*.,'"" between Prank Deamsnh •( | Ii™ iS-Sri^Il^!?'* Andv Kelbert of the aipner I HI?., rKl? i^!*!* ' "IJ?' «"T on the Mononeifch I I rl.'JiS?!?/"^''!-'"-.^:'"' «»'ordavaltPran«i,.'!«it I hnoTiJSJ'iUjl ""^"Ith tha l»ad. and .t the end ofiss I -M,in?.i^.Ii'^ three Itorths ahrad-an advsoiipl IIl.n?.rMP*i1''"" "•"Itol'selbett smashing blslcs I r,Jl!£SVr''" boathouse of tbe Clipper Clnb, sbMltl fi.ffrl.Vmlifc'."" 'ho finish, s?lbert eav»np,Bll ihLlSSSJuIiVn.r.•'""«• I-r"*!*" ..ESST"Sr—^Th» great time made bydfl ESS?,'! ?S:?*°'& "'0 Wblto 8Nj^Lln°fi5SQ3» I town to New Tork. bi April last. 7 dsva tih. STmla., I« I Sjriv5".W V 5rttannir<i to.«mell5%*| arrived U Sandy Hook at 11:06 r. Aug. IA hsii« I K?Vl?^,E*''5*rJ"j;"*V»""'' nmln^mrStSe, b«» l.T?-,'iS2,"i?* .9«™»nlo (hrtv f..or mlootes. «} I «H, 401 and 390, the total distance 1,801 milear I v^^tH^o" "•«*•> has been msdebftsW I Wallace Rosa of St. John. N. B, and Edwaid Hsain' i i^JlSZ*?'*** inoetober, Rnss to receive 8»tl la en* f mtlonereoc>«Mitlna to pqU (ho race onTonnuBV.L Thtnniltof thli race aUI isttle tha eham»IaaiU>< I i^'fi-«'»«eu. sn»it,B*ng came off at silver 1*1 JlS::.-*?*l?;r<w rrls«» ot »7S, sa and S:A T«n a* , SK'StJ^b'' •'^^ was aT follows: W. Lradi J* I ESS;flJ5~ second. P. Orisklo third. Hosmwanb^ | second, tmt waa mled oat for fotdlng Drlact>n. I Daarsrr debated Bartraao aiKl McRIrny in a twt>w» 1 taralng.rsee on the Allegbeoy Blvar, PlttsboK «ts«« | rrom nppoaiie Forty-third street Sent. 1. He won byB- ' jj^^n^jjrom^artman, who led XcElny flliy-flva aeem* /w^i^'.'2.12i?»* *>>'• •••ton hy the Dottbe* I Sh!SUi??Ji5'"'> ~ «»"«^ Sept I. off City MA 2iiEL'!U,iM?¥5 •nbrlea, and the winnen In thessnoj ilao? Snnheam. Tbilaiau< j r^.iSu? ^' !'"f«!««Y defeated F. W. Lee and Cksiia* Sft-Eli' *' Vesper CInb-In a worklncboat B" ( ™ii..^ TiST*'?^'.*' JoweU, Moaa., Ans- 31 Dtstaart, f mllea: time, ISmln. Usee. ■ ' ( l?5,".U'i'''^J'^.C°'^»l'''**« rtaSi (t^mSsadyHj* 1| yjhuhip at 8 o'clock p. u. Hvday, Sept. A Tha !*» Draadnaught. Banbler and Testa an entered, liiff" ^'J^'*^"' Brooklyn, N. Y..whlla imHMj ii??.^*"".'*"' »■> '>'• Charlei River. Bitoa,BspttM toto^ihe water and wsa drowned. Ula body was BILLIARDS. tbe faTorite, BiralchtheatJt. ~ moae; and ibem. Ma^ Bfrd iakli« (..urth. for wblcb Blx pot In an ao^ von e»AUj — &viV*''3''* .<"hi> belongs :o the owner of ( Ifffi"'."'?, awdlng thirt "money b In three second fomee) . kJS?,"*' 'wt'een A hurdle race for a ?o"nr.oS'.e5Sk'L"d';l'\J^^^ ^^Mv^! ^oH'IfHSS-- won In rmir heats bv jl. JpJZvii , waa Time. aauX 2-Sv »ij ?J2-* ^ '•rsander B-y. ?r'sc. a Hannit a^SjTirri^UJ?^^ '^ moMy. Tl™ race, mllebeatsi Se^'tfiSfiS^SS^^^ J:l»t8a»,l«.^^ " .T~?™«««»loonli. nma,8:aC iTBfS.^John Murphy boa relwiied tnm (lsa*Q£ I Philadelphla......Ja™tSliS:nS>hbnsy snpertosSN rSfi'Z.iL^S' OaWe'i Oonrisland. Msg D^y, whose Summer rentore at Saratnga was net^ S,«tPl?« withhU expecuuona.Is flnStihir iheiag " Ca^a ...Kail BrrmSTwho ii Kept 10 wfflej«3 Jll^MSS* Theatre. tl-U dty. aa Btyanfi Opera*«««;S 5i.Pi'!?? A'fTt^dwJ by the brItUenass of the tlmS.T"! rietyponlon of hla show Kohodv seen-dkBO*; HISJ!?,!!!^ »°* E'*'' ""ton for the medsl. T*"* ".j!!; '.^^iS'"'? potting np 8M»IW0"*''2» and patting It up twice'for two.'who-vrr PJ"** thonsaod. Instead or one-hsir that, saves Ja"JSii ^•mrs Palmer hoii abaadooed hla petite bil laidrww" the Permaoant Eihlhition. and removed thsitBW two toblcA _ Ttowatrx vs. Skxtd,*!.— The 8300 blndbigWliiisB^ ton'echallengetoMan^ieeTliiisrr.i a MS fUherJ this ronniTT or la Ixmdon; Bn». wera on Sept. 1 f™*"?"?? dlT«liloo to roitliv hlV^ , Irnee to the world" Isned about lour moDtbia^B | C SS P'>»™P'I» caned rorth tlie nrapoalUon In | blch the loregolng sum was staked. ..^"■tfiMSaXTOs.—After bis Summer vaiatitj;^ i JJISO* Is "O"*™! and Boatnn.thls pliyerhurSfK toDanStranfaandtobaalnesaat the room coinzr""^ I vwilty place and Fonrteaiith su i et. this ciiv. ^ _ SfoSTB asD CHowsaa.—The police or tho ninth Precinct an to have their annual r. wr_.—o— . orore, Mnrt HsvwjV^ 'clock A. s.. a wnreor sii^- nbla soull Whiteh.ll sM the — rbarpenad appelltea « 'i'tTtrl nt "tbo force'' and Invited gursi. '^%S-I 1 with rnndry and divera ptatea ol '^V^^^ I re pared ruder the pennnal .op^rrislsn » I Wadnesdav. Sept. t, at Bueaa Commeocing at eleven, o'eiocl. - ... „ . spnns. consisihic .er double-Mull Wblteh.ll »?*3i 1 oared barge raeea, a lOOyda spin for fat mrn<w-f^ I awlmmlne race, will take plsce; alirr which, at^ | o'dtjck r. " ...- . ' - bera of n-aaed ' der. p r e ii ar e d _ accomplished lo tbe myst'«ri»n. art.' Tne c -^-^Mtr I Of amogtraenia cnnsliia of getaeant f**'"'!** ^so I man). SiTEmint llamlltnu f>«cretarT). JtooodsoM ■ ovan and Watorman. J. Phillips sad U. Fnut- Alex. Wllllama will ba the Judge. . "TBAT nima*:rn orltiai" toamong theJstasti^^l tlonaby LaeAShapanLBostim. It li a hook wU0^ heiMdwith both Inietest and profit. The'aaw>-'-