New York Clipper (Sep 1877)

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September 8, 1877. O I=L O 187 BASEBALL. KpL s»pt. Sept. g>pt H«pL Sept. Sep;, •ept Vpt. HfpC aeut. ivefiC. Sept. K-Pt. Sept. Hapt. Fept. Heor. Sept. Sept Sept i!*pr. Sept. Sfpt. Sept lSe|.t .«ept Sept Kept ii«|IL Sept Sept sent flept ilept OABDBS TO BB FltATBD. 4. sr. LoqL^ n. Boitnn. at Botton. 4. CblcK«>'Ti«. autfonl. »t Bmokljo. 5. St Lnuu v». IWHitoD. at BoiiUin. 6. CUIcaffn r« llarttnnl, at Rroolclnt «. I<nqtirillp Tn. CiDdnniirl. it CIdcIddiU. 0. ('Llenzo rr. Boetnn. at Bn»ton. II, II. Si. Loularp. IlBnfonJ,at Rronklyn. B, LuulcTllle Ta r.iaeinoail. at clQcaaoatl. OTUKR CLUBS. 4, TnitlaDapolLi v«. Syraeuae Star, at f>.Tnca*e. ' 4. OiCeolATj. Commonlpair, S. J. 4, nr:rrtial re Coloo. Hnwhljn. 4, Sedancv n. Eekrord, at Phllailelphta. 6. Athletic vR. Cbl<»i:n, at fblladelpbla. 5. Lin Oak Ta. .St Loala. at LfllD. 5. lodlanapnlU v%. Korh««t«r. at Roclt«at«r. 1, <l>«olaT». SlarorOrarnTllle. at amoTlllB, N. J. A, WlioKa va. Cbe|p«a. at Brouklrn. 6. OKCO*a Aluka. at WtMt Bnantnn. It. L tf. Athletic TA. 04*rDiaQto«ii. at lMjllailrtpbl&. E. DcOaacr ea. Mutual, at l>lilUdeli>hU. 7. nenitnn ti^ McCIiidk. at Phlladrlpbla. 7. P. R^-clti-Kter r". AJI««hrDr, at Allochenv. Pa. 7. Roehei*ter Ta. IndlanapolU. at Hnebeaier. T.St LooUti. nhwla iJand. at ProTld«iia>. 7, OMCsola Ti Tuluoterr, at Puiu|bke«pnle. N. Y. 7, Quickjitep TK. AmtCT. nt llaahattanvtUe. 7, vritoka Ta. Pn<i« Nine, at Prooklm. a, MoolU*«Ue T^ Alpba, at Jef tOT fTlty* A. Crystal n. Winona, at BronklTn. K, Lifarmte Ta. AtaUnta. at Ailorla. L. I. a. II. WlnoaaCllpparTi«, llllvanke«. a, AtbtetleTa. Sliinial Philadelphia. 10.11. Ruclieatrr Ta. .Standm), at WIiMllnr, W. Va. 10, II, Browna Ta. UooUTiile, at Tern* llaqie. lod. 10,17, St Looli Ta. Baalal«, at EUiabelb, N. J. ' THE CHABfPIOirSBIP CABCPAIOlf. Tbe flnt sarlM nf battleior the last eampalEti of the l^on* Ciaba Eaat tbU reason ended nn c«opt, 1, on which d^T th« LouUtUIhi flnlahcd tfaelr camea with the two diibA ol B.H.ton and Brooklnt Ploahed wlih Tlcfnriea ochleTcdoatWeat fmm JuljTto Aoir. U. durlax which penodthay wna fnurteeD out of ilitecn Leajtnit fntmea. tbej enteral upoo ti-.eir laat Eaatera toar too cvnfldeot of ncceaa Co be in proper trim to tneat tlielr opponoaca of BoatoD and Bronklj'O. The two ninea of tb«ne clllea wet« placed In a poiffCloD reriQlrloK nerra and rallylo? furca to viD, and tbcj* h:ul the narre to car<T tbem tlinmph hoc- AMUfdltT, aa the appended rc«ord of the Leaxoe a^mva pla,Ted by Ibn LiTiiuTllIfa ahnwfl; Aujc. 17. Boston va Loulcrlllo. at Boston G to I Aftg. SD, Brooklyn th. LodrvUIo. at Brookira & 1 Anr. 21, Bronkirn t* Ixinl'Tii'a, at Broouyn 7 0 Aoff. a,-Hrookljm TV. LoulMTlIItf, at Brooklyn 1 1 Aujr. 3a, B'^ntoo TA. Loularllle, at Boston j a Aug. 77, Hon^on th. LoalATllle. at Rostoa 6 0 .Kne. BoHltm th. LiHiliTllle. at Boston...' 4 3 Autf. 31, Broukli'n Ta. LooUrilJe, at Brooklxa C S Toialt .S3 11 Thn reaalt of the LiatsTllIa*A dUcnmfltaie at Bnitoa ^od Brooklyn aa abown br tbo reaterlal cbanne which liaa gakenplare In the tvlative petition* n( th« contmlnx ninea In the pennnnt-race In the two tabloa itlTco ba. lowournadi-rawill le* "h^w tlielltt}* JokerUea." The lUat table IncluJfri the Cinclomtl gaiaea. 0^ T nine .1 17 1 ai I C I m 30 i a) 1136 Thitivlng 9m tli« clDclnofttl Club camen, the record ■hows the leOubtTlIlM In the nn by ono ipime. and tbo lUrtfnrd.^ tlili il hr a »linU*r licore. IB I IM I 21 1 la M9 I 93 Tvo nore t«bl«:!« IclTeo liolow nhoir wbu 7PC buto ho iow. Tbeflr^tahnwm the number of fc»tnes jtt to be ti*red. eoonthia the CloclnBM L g»mei' Oamee to pU r - I U I 111 U I W i 12 \ M This v«*k CbicAco waA Sit . Lniila pte^ In BrooVlni. the former on Sept. 4.6. ud the Intteron theBch. wBUa the 0L LoqIb pUr Id BottoaTaefidsy and ThuiAlar. uid the OUoffM on Satunl&r- The lBtematIona.1 Cli«inploulilp* In oor lut \s*UB we presented n table nbowiii^ the flsnree of the nomber of iteHcfi *ii four vamee each which eachetnbhai competed. We notice that aereral papers KbUib records which Inciode and connt extra mmes. r the InftinDatloa of oar readers we %\wb la brlet the ehimpUoshlp inJee goTemlos the incematlonal cbam- plouhlp: 1. Ttast tbe P^awiB for racb Rames fihalt bo April to October, the 13th of the latter munth belne the doslnc dar. 1. R<rMr |9>nebr enntMtlilff nlDM la th* ar««ia darinic UiesmoD CAUDtsu a etiamploDiiblp cune tintll the re- qalred oamber have been pitiyed. 1. Each etab nhall pUr four sitineii with ererr other olob •QterlUff the Ilau. and tbe ilnit foursunee the club play loKvtbecwiu alone bo coanCv^ ^ .. 4. Two of tbeee cmmes must bo played oa the home Db'fl KToand.'t. & All ftirfHted fames eonnt wber« tbe amplre agreed mpoD awards the Rame. & Diawo, tie or pmtponed nmf a xhall not eoaot as one of the series, bat may be played od* berora the expiration tftbeseasoo. 7. ThesnatMt nnmbrroT won fmmfs of the series of fonr each shall decide The charaplooivhlp. The Bockeye and AHeirheny CIods bare Dtayed Are xames. Orcoame only the dna fnur coanL LeaTlui; out sUtheiiaraca which are In exceMof tbe reynlar serlca, the r*eord opto Sept. g stands aaloUnwiir Camea low | « | « | 7 1 K I H I Ul II I M The extraicamea, which do not count aiv: Ao& 30,1,lTa Oak TV. 3f ancbcarcr 3 to 0 AncSLMancbaeterTa UTeOak 7 3 ADC. 14, Bnekere n. Altegtaeny S 7 Aug. 30, Tecnmseh Ta. Bochener S 3 AJbLKOHBirr wa. ST. iiOins. niteen Innlnca, without an error upon the part of the kMlnc dnb. Is the recotil of a itam* contained br ibeae elaba at Allcghenr. Pa., on Raturdar aXemoon, Hapt I. Blank fuUowad blank until tourteeo lanln^i haj been plSTCd, Dot Uia nma wai won Id tbe Uleeath. Ooodman opened ont with a dear baae-hit paat short, taklnir third on a pretty two-baaeer by McKelTy;bnthe was canjrht nap- ping by Blopc, who ca.AC the ball to McGearv, who touched Jake out Clapp, soon alter, let a ball allp thronoli his bonds and rear off towards the acorer'a stand, while Clapp went alter tbe ranawar leather, McKeh'y Improred the opportunity, and. amid the breathleaa silence of the spectatoTTt posaed orer third and made a dea- pmt« daah for home, which, by a too low throw by Clapp, who hail aecured the ball, to Bloufr. coTerln^ home-Dlate. he was allowed to crtMS In safety, acorliiK the only ran made In the fame. The BrowUHwerequlctly retired; and ao the ftreat game was won by tbe AUeshenles without an error—an unprecedentcdly aood record. ALtEOH'HT. T B.lR.rO.A,B. lfcKelTy,e.f 7 .Xelaon, a. a. S aalTln, p... 6 WUlla'n. 3b. & Fulmer, Sb. 3 I>olaB,'0 a Greuner, Lf3 Byaii.r. r... 0 «oodm1i.Ib 7 Total9.:.a2 I S 43 13 0 St. Lodei. t. r. x. norftaa. r. f. Clapp. e 7 VcOeary, Sb T Croltl f.... S Force.aa... 6 Rattlo, aub. 6 Blonir, p 4 .Mchols, c f. 4 Deblman, lb a Totals...M 0 S 43 23 7 AnnEbeUT.... 00000000000000 1—I 8t Urata OOOOOOOOUOOOOO 0-0 BtTlkeacaned-off nalrln. 39: Blonz. 49, Balls called— «naalTla,9: Blon^. 13. Out on striked—NelSOD, OalTlD, Cieamer and UcCearv, Blno^ Baltln. Baaas on ball*— a Umpire, Mr. Bolbertnfthe Alleiriienlea. Tlme,2h.Um. The White «ue,N.T. BralL Hotallny, e. Oeer.s. a... Blsb am, r.r. llckln>n. lb. Parrell, 3b.. If •Corm'k, p Monsell. L f. HalLJdb... CUaton, o. t. SrAlt. -ra. VHICA4M>. StockiDRS bncked acalnst tbe Stars at SyTa- in Aup. 31. and were beaten. T. SL lB.rO.A.B. 4 I 1 I I 2 CB IGAOO. T. K. In. PO.A.K. Rames, 2d b I McTey. p... S \nBon.c— a Patera. A a.. 4 Hlaea.LI... 4 Eden,r. f... 4 SpaJdlofc, lb 4 Bnler. e. f. 4 Bradley, 3b. 4 I X I B 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 10 2 1 1 4 0 2 1 IX B 1 4 0 0 I 0 0 _ Totals...37 » 8 27 a 3 Totals...39 1 9 27 2D 10 ■tar • 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 3-3 Cbieano 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 o o—a Bans carneil—Star, 1; Ctalcaeo, I. Donble-plaja—Uan- eall and Hall. I; Peterm Bnaldlnsao<: Bradley, L Wild PItchea-MeTey, 1. Bnikea eaUad—eff SeCormlek, 35: XcTer, 4a Balls esn«l-on MeCormlck, IS; McTey. 14. Passed balls—aotallnr, •; Anaan, 3. -Fliat baaa on erron -Star, 3: Vhieairo, 4. Two base hlts-Mansell. I: Brad- ter. 1. liOltonbasts ntar, a; Chicago, 10. Bimck out— Btar,9; Cblaffo,3- nmpIra,Joe Tonojc Time, aitlOm. On the fsllawlnc day another tztel took placa, when the White* maoaced lo aTecranM ttaelr akillftil aotannlsta: CstoaoOL Titln.roLAB BameauldbLS 0 0 0 X1 McTey.p,... » I □ 0 7 1 Anaon, o!... 4 0X4X1 Fetei*,a.*.. 4. 0 0 4 0 1 Hlnea,Lr... 4 1 0 3 0 0 Bden,r. r... 3 0 I I 10 Enaldinc, U> 3 0 O IS 0 1 B^er.eif.. 3 0 0 0 0 0 Bradlsy,3dbS 0 1X30 Sub. t. b. Hotalincc. 4 1 1 6 3 X •leer, a a,... 4 0 0 3 X X HlKhAm. r. 14 00 I 00 McUnn' 4 0 0 13 0 0 Pairell.tdb. 4 0 0 1 4 0 WcCmick, pS 0 0 1X1 JIansell, I. r.300100 IIall,Sdb.... S 0 I 0 4 3 CUnun. o.f. 30 13 1 1 lotala.. 33 X 4 27 1» ^ Totals.. 51 "s 5 1» "5 Chicago 0'I0OO«0OI-2 Star 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 O-I Wild nlteti-McTey. I. Bcrlka* ciDed-off MeCormlck, 34: UeVey. 34. Balls ealled-oo HcCocinlek. 9; HeVey, II. Passed ball-Rotallne, L Fifit base on emra-Star, 2; ChlagD,4. nr>t bw on called balla-CblarvL httt n_;-i.—."SSf Chicago, 4. Btmck ost-Surja. Um- pire, B. A. Woodln of Anbure Time, ih. ^msoVA. -rm. inDEPBIfDKllT. nearly ona tbnoaaad apeetatota were present at a nme of Korwallt Ct. on tbe latter s grotinis. Sept L The elslura obtained a eredltabla TictotT. WlSOSA. B. Fllnn. o 3 I 4 3 0 ■eiUmer.r. f... 1 I l o Bnrtaett. lit b. 0 113 o . oui,c r 110 0 0 Palmer, a a I s 3 s 0 ThaU'oitLSdb. • 0 X 4 ~ Baas,iin> S 0 4 I Connelly, Lf,.. U 0 0 0 Bjan. p 0 0 I 1 ctory. bDiruDan K.-lB.roj ^lbeeliaQ,Sl b. 0 I X 0 0 Byrnes, o 0 114 X 3 Totals 7 82715 3 Totals .I'iS'e'i bdepeDdat.... 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 o-l Winona 0 0 0 X X a o'O ll? , B miie aiiied—Winona,X UBptoe^O. F. Aiken. Tlma, Banks, Lf. ^■rren, r. I.,,, Raaiwo, p.... nnosla.2db... Bouten, Ifltb . J. O-Kiain. A a. PinA, e f. 0X101 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 1 10X10 0 0*01 5 i " « 0 0 0 I 0 0 _ CKTSTAIi T8. ACTITE. .Tnteataamamet In BrooklyB. !•. L, An*. 18L when the Asafnretnwerebeaten: _ CBTBrAt. B. ln.rD A.X. Boye. B 1110 3 Bod. lit b 3 2 9 0 0 iiccoraiack,e.r4 4 0 0 1 ■Alor.L r. I 1 » 0 b 0 0 4 0 J 'JST'.*"" » ? ? » Aorm, B, Sbdton.Aa.... 1 t o 8 1 HeFlanU p 0 1 a i i Ha74eB.I«b.. I I 8 0 1 . - I .0 I . 1 I 8 3 3 0 0 0 XXI _ T"t sls, Crystal..., •»al»e.... . Vmptra, 2L*e«tTe, CTOal.Jj ■—•1127 8 10 • ...3 0 I ...... loo CaTla.adb.. l(mltli,Sd b 1 o a a 0 0 f 0 xuninc, e. fit! 0 1 1 o 0 Beon; c Jnoea.r.f... Pelierlla.1.1 Totals.... SOS • 01 0 olo a 4 .00000 1 I 1 .0 1 ."s'ss'a iS 0 0 0-9 0 I Vmptra: Mr «... " O-*^' ' • • *-• (STtfifa'Ai^u?!".* '"ned-CryitaJ, 1. FasMl balla.^ «T»«ai, 3, Aeu»e, i. wun plteh-AetlT«, uTlme, a. UnmviLlaK va. HAKTFORD. Ttte Iimat Oamo af tlie Merlea, Toa I,ouUTllle Club's last Eaatem tour tlila seamu ended witb tbeir twelfth aahie with the Hartford Club on Aui;. 31, as lar aa their Leaoue-clnb iramrs were con- cvmed, anil the promli*. .t a deeply lutereatlnir and ' Closely eunteated mateliled to Iho lannat atteoUaoce <>l specutora ae.n on tbe Union (Iraanilatblsaessun Inlly 3 On |iet>ptc wltneaalnc the c«int;«t Tbo llartlunls pre- seuceu the sirommt team tliny harp p1ac«*l lo ibe fleld tills loar. llarlildm's c^ntre Aeld dlsplav In this camn beinir a model evhlblilon lo that positloo, while Ker- jnison. thonch but lust out of a sick.lied, ao atren^tli. ened 'the nine by hia oresenre In t<je team and hla line plar at the bat and In the Held as to mase the Tlctory of the llanfiirda laraely due lo Itia <,.n n«rTlc«*a. The game was practically wnn In tbe drst fwolnnliiiia, alt<-r whldi the LtmlSTlllea hA<l no show to win. uven with the daraa;(lng error by which they eac.-tped a bl^nk In their sixth. Bunliiek n;>eaeU thH cooteat with a ballioUiT- hardt on which he waa neatly thrown uat Then llarbldce beltau the punishment Infllced upon lleTlln Inth. flist two Inulniii: and, as Start folhiweO anlt. two earneil bwM-a were occupied and two plsyera were out—Carey hHTlnfc ainick out—when VervuKon came In. It waa Juat tlint perlial In an Iniilnz'a play when cuoiiiraa and nerreareas neceasaTTT lu liaotllloj^ the t>at a. In the dcllvrry' •»! the ImiII. Ferenaon wai I here, and Devlin waa nut. and a Aife ball rare the former hlabnaeand Ilatbltlxr Ills run. Yurkfuliow. ed with another safe lilt; but by Bnnhick'a concliinR of Start a chance waa clTea to D*it uut Start a', hnme- hase, a fine tbmw-ln by Crowley doIn7 the work pretili.v. This waa an auspicious opcnliur for the Br<KAI>ls side. The LonlRTitles now to<ik the hatand Latham opened with a good-bit ball to thlril base, but Fenrnson trsH no hand, aud Rtart held t^ ball fehernro Latham reached hi. bsa>*. By a bad muff of Carey. Uaaue secured hia base; but In attempting to run down lo second he waa captured by CaTe.T Irom Alllaon's n>od throw: and aa ll;tlrs opportune aafe hit to ricbt field waa prettily cauidit by IJarbldce. the toDing ended with the scoro at 1 to V In 'aror of Uarc- fnrd. Carey opened the second Innlnc with a llibt hit, the ball eolng slowly to right short, and. tliou;h Oerlianlt tried well for It, be could not detd It In time, and Carey earned hia base. A^ln Fer^aon came to the rescur with a telllDf hit to rialit Held, and. as ShalTer fumbleil tbe hall, Carey mt ronnd to thlnl Tnrk then bit a ball to Oerhatdt which tbe bitter found It Imnoaalble to throw home In time to cot off Carey: so he did the next best thing, and pat the striker oat Ca.t«lily now came to the rescue with a hot gronnder to right field, and on llhaffer*a wide throw to drat base Pericuaon scored and CasaMy mched hU third. Allison ahio hit to right Held, and another error br Shaffer sent CstwidT bome and gare Allison a life. On Larklu's lilt to Qerhaiidt n double, play was made, ond the Innlnjc endetl. On tbe oclier side, thnuab Devlin caned hia baa. and nerhanjt utok Itia iin called balls, no run wax scored, no one belnz able to back Deriin np at the bat. apparently. Thla left tbe score 4 toO, and a Tlctor.T f,ir Brooklyn a fiireonne con- ctoslon. ]n the third inning neither aide scored: hut In tbe fonrth lonloir York opened pmr by striking out—or rather lie would hare done ao ha'd not Snvdcr let thehnll pass him on the thlnl strlke On Ca.«aidr's hit to Lotliara the latter ftimbled the ball.and waarhercby prOTented Irom putting York out, thnmrh he capt^.rrd Css sidy. A wll'l plleb sent York to third hose, and, on Alli- son's lilt to Crarer, York scoreu \Aa unearned run. Cnrer throwing out Allison. Larkin was then caught our, and that ended tbe BrookI>-n run-cettlug uotll the nloth Inn- ing. Tbe |y>nl«TlMcs ngnin fallnl ru score, they civing easT chances lor out« to Allison. York and Carey, the let- ter's bad throw to HIart nlmoMt. yielding a lire. In the fifth Innlne one of the finest douhle-plara we erer aaw made from an outlIrM pociiiun was scored bj Ifarblilgo. In this Inning, thongh llurbi jge tnaile a lilt alter Burdock had been thrnwn out and Start lollowed up with a base-hit. ilie side was put out lieloro aeorlnir. Snyder throwing start out at second and Cerlisrdt putting nut Carey. It was In thia Inning that the Loularllles got In a good posUlun to score a run. After l^batfer had lieen cnnght nut by Start. Gerbanlt lilt a safe ball lo right field, and I^Ter lollowed It op with a grounder to centn*. and two men were on ililnl and second bases when RD.rder lilt ao apparently sa.''et»all to lelt centre, on whlrhlmth men left their banes. Ilarblilge ran In tor the bsll, took It apleodldlj on tJie fly. and. bv a prompt and acciirati* throw to Burdock at arcond. caught Craror there, runuing hack to aeeonil on the fly-catch. This aplendid piece nf flehliug elided round aner round of anplau^. In the sixth Inn- ing a damaging error by Cassldr—who haa made rery few this aeason-gnre the LnnlsTllIes a chance to esrapa a blank. Tba Brooklyn aide were easily dlapodcd of by Clerbardt, Latham and Bneder, nod on the other al > Snyder was easily caught on the fir by Ca- rey, and Crowley waa finely fielded ont by Ferguson. lAtbam. howcTer. led a forlorn hope with a base-hit, but Hague followed with a high ball to Caasldy. which fell Into bis handsesslly; but unluckily tor hia aide, fell ont agaliL RecoTcrIng tbe ball, he trlnl to offset tbe error liycaptoriDR Latham at third: but tbe ball was thrown In low. and Latham escaped. A wild pitch br Larkin sent Latham home and eare Ilairne his a.-cond bav. and on three called balls nail took his base. Then Derlin hit to Pergnaon. and by the letter's low throw to Surt aooiber Ufa was KlTeo, Bsgne scoring by the error 'Shaffer then hit a bard ball to Fergnson, who again failed to get It to S'art In time. Then It waa that Devlin waa cap- tnreil by a well-plared point of .\lllson*a. Derlin was at third, and aa Shaffer ran doim to second, Derlin, seeing Allison start to throw for second, ran for bome. As he did so, Allison msde a feint throw, snil, turning suddenly, sent the hall to Feignson, and Derlin was tnnclied on re- turning. Three unearned runs, howvrer, had been scored entirely thronch the failure to hold Hagoe's eaaj- fly-ball; for, though other erroni assisted aftervaidi, bnt tor tliU firlmary mlsplay not a roD would havw boau scored. This eft tbe totals at A to 3. Kclther side added a run to their score until the last Inning, when the llartfords addeil 1, and the contest ended witb the appepded score: ■* ~ IfOUIBVILLE. T. R. In.rO,A.BL Latham, lo. 4 1 1 18 0 I llof-je.Sb... 4 10 110 irafl. I.r.... 4 110 0 0 Declln, p.... 4 0 1 0 0 1 Shaffer, r.f. 4 0 n I 0 3 nerhsrdt 2b 3 0 I 1 S I c'mrer, a. a. 30 1180 Snydrr.c ... 4 0 0 6 I 2 Crowley, cfSOOIlo Totals...40 « 14 77 IS 8 TotaIs...s'3 "3 27 171 Hartford 1301 0000 I— E LonlarUIe ...0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0—3 Bnns earned-Hartford, 2: LooL'n-llle, D. First bate on errors—Hartford. 0; Loolorllle. 4. Put out by catches— Hartford, fi: Loulsrille. II. Runs scored by errora—Hart ford. 4; LooIsTllle. 3. Dropped fly-ball—<*aa«ldy. I. Wild throws—Fennuon. 2: Shaffer. I. Passed ball—.<ioy- dcr, 1. Wild pltetalng-DeTlln. 1; Larkin. 1. Two-hase hit—Barbldge. 1. Donble-plavs—hr llarbldge and Bur- uook. and by Crarer, Oerhardt and Latham. Rases on called balls—Hall, I; Cerbardt, I. Struck ont—Hague. I: Shaffer, 1: Carey, 1. Run out—Surdock by i^erhardt and Hague. Tieft on earned bases—Ferrnaon, 1: Tnrk. 1; TTar- bld«e.3; Larkin. 1; Start, I; Hall. 1; (lerhardt, 1. Bslls called—on Larkin. 19: on Devlin. 9. Foiila nneM—tmm LarkiD.B: from Devlin. 19. StrikaseallrJ—on Larkin. 23: nn DcTlln, 17. Umpire, Mr. Kenny of the old Atlantic Club. Time, Ih. Urn. BlBTruKD. T. B. IB.PO.A.B. Burdock, 3b. 3 0 I 1 1 0 Barbldge,ct 3 1 4 3 I 0 Start, lb.... 4 0 3 II 0 0 Carey, s. s.. 4 I 1 3 3 i Pefltaaon,3b 8 13 4 8 2 York. Lf.... 8 112 0 0 Cassldy, r. f. 4 I I 0 0 I Al ison, e... 4 1 0 3 4 0 Larkin. p .. 4 0 I I 1 1 QAUES PlaATED OUr.SfiPT. 1.,,. Below we prearat scores of games contested la Brook- lyn. L. I., onSepL I: lavqoe«r wa. DanistleaBi DArNTI.X!l& B. lB.rO.A.B. -Verlns. c. 2 2 7 E J Corcoran, lAtb. 1 X 10 0 1 Dunne, a a I 3 0 3 3 Darlcy. 1. r 0 I n 1 i Rsmpy,.1db... 0 4 0 2 4 Golden, p 1 3 3 6 f Rrcnnan. e. f.. I 1 3 1 0 Monre.r. f .... 0 1 X 1 P Johnston, 2d b. I 2 I 2 1 LcucBKR. It B. V. will*, r. £... I I I II 0 Irrln. c I " ' " ' Dorcer.2d b... I Slnnha, I. r.... 1 J. Wil|a.a.s.... 1 _ . . 'irinnen. lat b. 1 4 In 12 Phillips, 3d b... 12 2 1 Lynch, c f..... 1 .4nhda1l, p I 2 8 3 1 I 4 SOI I I 8 .1 0 2 8 1 Totals 7 1» 27 21 12 Totals 9 19 17 27 in Danntleaa 102400000—7 Lnqueer 7 0 1 ii I 0 n o 0—9 Runs earned-Dauntless, 1; Lniiueer. I. Flrat bnse by errors—Dnuntleaa. 3; Luopeer. 4. Stnick ont—Dauntless, 2; Luqnecr, I. Umpire. T. Bannen of Hudsona Isafmyette wa. Nameleaa B. IB rO.A. B. 0 0 3 a 1 X 2 I P 10 13 2 2 0 114 0 0 10 n n 0 1 4 0 r 0 0 0 0 0 0 JoncB, r. f 0 1 0 N'AMBLXSS. Slade.e Lee.If Krlaon,2db.... cisrk. s. s Ronca. 1st b.. . Plmie.c f...,. Benner, p Haydeo.3d b 0 s II ll 0 0 LAPATgiTi;. itlnro.A.x Bon-I.xd b .... 1 Rogers. I.r 1 Fredericks, s. s. 0 UnTenach. lb. 1 AapRll. 2d b.... 0 F.ddl»r.C X Mark, c t 1 Rnddy, r. f..... 0 Jackson, p 1 3 3 n 0 3 I II I 4 3 I I Totals 4 4 31 • 10 Nameless 3 Lafayette 0 Umpire, Mr. Fox. Hndaon wa. ni7II!HI5. B. lH.rO.A.E. B. .<lmlih. L r.. 2 2 O 0 l> R. Raleigh, r. t. 0 I 2 0 3 Joe Parrell. c.. 0 I • 3 u Sehenck.Sd b.. S 3 1 0 n J. Parrell. 1st b I 3 12 0 I Oslpine, B. s... I 2 I 3 2 Morgan, c r.... 12 10 Pacfn. 3d b.... 1 0 3 3 0 J. Kaleish, p... I I I 3 0 Totals 7 II 21 II 14 0 0 0 1 0 0—4 3 3 0 0 0 X—7 WKolM. WITOKA. R. IB.PO.A.E. O'Plynn, 3db.. . Clare, p 0 (Trane. a. a I XcCord. e. f 0 Sweeney. Ist b. 0 Dwyer. I. t 0 •tpencer,2d b.. 0 llosach, r. r.... 0 Uanbland, c... 0 2 I I Totals 10 16 27 12 8 Totals 2 8 27 12 IS Hnilsnn 0 2 0 I I I 0 4 I—10 \71t»ka 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—2 Runs earned—bndson, 3; Wltoka, 2. Umpire, Mr. Dn- charme. LateyBtte va. Jeircraois Lapatbttb. r. Powell, a. a 0 Schat^ranL p I Whearlty, Sdb C Taodewater, 2db 1 Cramer, c 1 Renshaw. c. f. P N. Cochran, lat b 1 S Cochran.Lf. n Wohlaika, r. t 0 jBrraRSCt. Pasco. 1st b ■Tones, c Flnimtn. p , I'rlichard. c f Kerler. r. f crollman. 2d b McDonald, Sdb Gallagher, L f Qerhardt, a. a Total 4 Total Laiayetta 0 0 0 2 0 Jaffersnn 0 0 0 1 2 Called balls—Schappard, 8; Flntgan. 17. Wilson. Time, 2h 3<itit Proapect'TB. Uyitlc, 0 X 0 I Umpire, 0 1 0 0 I I 0 ... "4 0—4 0—1 Ben PBoancT. McCsnn. p Brennan, 1st b— Shearman, c Lubr.Sdb Carllo.2d b Boeram. I. f . ■. . McNamara, c. f... Collins, r. f. Parrell, a. a 0 2 0 1 1 P n 0 Mima Morrhy. c P. McLaughlin, p Rodilen. lat b O'Mally. a. a J. McLanghlln, Sdb.... Hhajer, 2d b Ryroe, c.f Rellly.r. r McOInulss, Lf. Total I Pi its p ec t. 10 1 Mystic 0 • 0 Runs earned—Prospect, 2; rora—Prospect, 3; Mystic, 4. Time. lb. 4£m. Atbletle ATniignc. Northrldgr. c Drill, cT Febra, r. r , Brown. 1. f Cnndclln. p Fhiher,2db Smith. 3d b Croiler, a a..... Wray. Istb .. 0 .. 1 .. 0 .. I ... 0 . I .. 0 .. 0 .. I B. ... I ... 0 ,.. I ... 0 ... I ... I ... 0 ... 0 ... 1 Total 4 0 0 3 0 0 I—s 1 2 0 0 0 1—4 Mystic I. Flrat-basa by er- Umplrc, Tbomaa MoCann. I l4»fayette. LarATBITB. Malleo, lai b.:... Curren, Sdb., Desmond, p Keraey. c r. Wendorer. a. s nrllBn. 2db.... J OurTea,r. f. Riea. 1.1 Banetce Intel 8 Total Athletic 0 X 0 1 1 0 0 Lafayette 1 0 0 3 X 0 0' Time, Ih. 4Sni. BIorBBlay Star Bleatsir. MoBRixa Stab. dine, a s Bell.T. I Easroo.r. t Harper, e. t Need, Istb Bole, p Ilenti.2db Nolan, e , Shirts. Sdb I 0 2 0 I 0 3 0 I MB.'noB. Freed, p , Talman,2db.. Shew, a a Helper, e , Atwood.3db.. Lee. I.r Root Istb Bright. Istb... UcNeal, e.t.... B. ...I ... 0 ... 0 ... 1 .... 1 ... 0 ... 1 ,...l- .... 0 ... 8 0-8 B. ... I ... 0 ... 1 .., 0 ... 1 ... u. ... 1 ... 0 ... 2 Total 8 Total 6 Morning star... I 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 4—3 Mentor 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1-8 Umpire, Mr. Bms h. _ aOBOKEN WB. PDTRABI. Thast elnbi plated atoodgameat Jersey City, N. J.. Sept I, the UoDokeus prorlnff saecesanil by a single run' BOBOKEM. Clajrton, p. 1 1 S 3 U ClayU-. K. HadlaT.ld bO 2 4 12 Lawler, c I I 3 * * Lewis, L f 0 1 1 Beck, Istb-... 1 014 0 0 W. Hadlry, c. t 0 1 O O I Campbell, r. I. 0 0 10 1 C. Hadley,'a. a. 0 0 1 X I Donobne, 3d b. O, I 0 4 2 PUTHax. Bdwarda, r. I. HOBdlej, p... •:art«r, a. a... Cax,2<l b..., .Nelaon.L f..... Oannt, e O 0 8 _ BBileaa.3db... 0 0 6 3 BwtmiM Ist b. 0 0 8 0 Bedmond, r. r.. U 0 0* B.lB.PO.A.aL 0 1111 1 0 I I 0 10 4 10 3 1 I Totals S 7 27 IS )0 TotaU X S 27 II 8 HobokMt I 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-4 Putnam 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1—2 Pint base by emm—Hobokenjl; Fntnam, 8. Passed holla—Hobokea. l; roBan, 1. vmpli*, Mr. Hhannnn. Time, Ih. 43m. VOIsVHTBBR ws. BITD80H. OaAsg. 31 the Bndaoaa of Brooklyn went to keep ale, N T.. and altar a tooth eosteat witb ibe teerswerebaatsa 07a tioglB mB,«laT*D InnlDgi rfioieOJ. B.lBPejLB. Payne, rdb 0 1 I 4 (1 B. Mmlth r. r.. 0 0 3 0 0 B.Italeigb.e... 0 S 0 8 2 J. Panell. 3il b. O 0 3 4 I Murray. Istb.. > 0 14 0 0 Horpby.A a... 0 I 1 1 1 O.Smith.e.r...'0 0 0 0 1 HArsan I. f....: 0 0 10 0 J.Balttl8]l.p... 0 0 3 7 1' Pongb- ToluB- being VoumoB. B.IB. w. Lanslnfilb. 0 0 Coulter, r. t ... 1 0 il. 8loddard,aa 0 1 W 8toddaid,2b 0 1 noiden,o. f.... O 0 McCany,c I 0 It. LanunK, Sb. 0 1 waian. p.7..... 0 1 MeI>oaaId.'LC 0 0 18 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 1 S 0 1 too 8 11 4 1,0.0 17 0 0 0 0 Totala 1 6 S XI 8 Totals 3 8 S3 31 8 Hudson. 0 1 OOOoeoo o O-I TolODlcer 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 1—2 BAI.TIlIOnB wa.»R. I The Baltlinorea manazed u> got tba liaav of Tneker'a I plicblo^ lur th« first time lo their fourth championship ! game with iha Excelalnra. p1aye<l at Haltiuiore. Md., Aug. 27. and be some gf*o«l. safe t>atting. coupled with the nu- mennia err>-ra of the lat'er, tliey BUCCcedc«1 In defraring tliem for the third time. S4>me portlooaof the game wero . rather slow and uninteresting, whilst others were quite , exciting. For excellence in fiybllug th- palm must be atrardetl t*> lllldebrand. who t.1aycO a atn»ne« poallliiii al- most fanlll'SAly. Tlis cn>et>liig was tip top, slilinugli • both hail some rery wi'd |-Itcnli)g to attend to. Maliino : nl.-tyad hia tviKitinu in the beat atyle. aa did Praxler an<r Mataleu. their throwing to tIrAt hardly erer bnlng vx- crih'd. In the absence of Taylor, Morgan plaved flrat. and certainly playe«l It wall. Snyder sttended to hia work brilliantly. Klllmnrc's onl,r chance was readily Idk^n after running close up to second. ScharITfieldr-d wall, although he had one error. In f:ict. each of the Kg. celalnra made one or mnro errora. their floldlng. as well as their iKittmc. being below their usu.l1 standard. Hail, d'ick'rt pitching In this game was mora eUtic;ive than Tucker'A. FxcKLaroH. p. Id. po.a b. Vaaklen. M b.. 0 1 2 E I Tockor. I I 0 (I I 2 Oulaney. I. I... 2 0 I 0 2 II Idchrand. 2b. 118 2 1 SCliarff. A s ... 0 0 2 2 I nerbrlck.c. f... 0 I 0 n i Qreirart C 1 I 5 7 S Roche, r. f .... 0 0 0 0 I Smith, Istb.... U 0 9 0 4 RAITIBOR)!. R. IB. ru.A.x. Fillmore.-c I.. :e u I 0 i' Mslnne. a a.... n I 3 4 i' Morwin. lat b.. I 3 8 O 1 Juues, 2il b I 0 I 0 3 Snyder. I f. ... I 0 4 0 0 Prasler, 3d b... 2 2 14'' Hosier, c n I 9 I .■< WelcJi.r.f 0 I 0 0 u Uaddoc'if, p.... 0 I 0 2 1 Totsls 7 9 27 II Bl Toials 8 4 27 IS l.f Baltlmoro 1 1000000 0—7 Excelsior I 0 0 0 I 3 0 t 0—3 Runs earnad—Baltimore, X. Bases on called halls- Baltimore. 2: Excelsior, 1. Two base hit—Haasieu, I. Stmck out—Ralilmure. 4: Bxcelslur. 0. on baaea— Flllmnre. Malnnp. Mnrean, Prsi<er. Roeler. Haddock, Scnarff (2), Uerbrick, Smith (2). Umpire, Mr. WUIIa. Time. 2b. lOm. They met again on the 31st to play Uielr fifth champion - ship game; bnt. as Ta.vlnr, BDsley, Vratlcr and FUlninre did not make their ar^neantnce. the Baltlmorca wen om - pelted to play their extra man, Welch, and thre^ outsiders. Poutz, Willis and Jonea. Only three of the 11altim»rea werelnthoir tegular posiliona, ami. not belog in proner condition to do themaelres liistice. It was dMiliIel to play an exhibition game. The errors of the Bsltlmores were niimnroiisand rifrr costly. Tucker's pitching was such that Kfthler wasthe onlr one sble to make a aafe hit He waa well supporterl by Steirart, whose hands wero sore, andwboplared pliicklly behind the bat eren alter n*- crlrings shtrp fonl-tlp npon ths Smith showed uo In floe form at the flrat, ^rhllat Maasl«u plarcd wlttiout an error. Of the Halllmores. Koblsr did well at third. a|. ihonglilie bailf'iiir daroaglog errnra. His proper posi- tion Is at centre lleld, Malone, Frmtz and Snyderdid some goTMl work. Welch wss out of trim; conseq'tcntly h ■- did not piny np to tlia mark. BxcRtston. n.iB. ro.A.B. Hssslcu. Sd b . I 0 1 I 0 Tucker, p 2 0 I 3 I Dulnn.T, I, f... I 0 0 0 *• .Olevsrt.C 2 I 13 1 E Scham. as 0 o I 1 2 Hlldehraml. 2b. 1 0 0 3 7 R.-nilh. latb I I 10 n II Roche, r. t..... 0 I 0 0 I' Matthews, c.f.. 10 10 0 Baltivore. r. In. ro-A.K. Valnne. k. s.... 0 0 13 1 Kohlcr.Sdb .. Vomn. 2d b.. Jones, c. f . 2 18 2 4 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 n u I) Snyder. I. f.... 0 0 2 0 1 Foutx, 1st b n 0 II 0 1 tVillla, r.l ... Welch, c .... tladdock* p. 0 n 0 n 0 .. 0 0 e 0 c ..00132 Totnia 9 3 27 8 11 Totals 3 I 27 10 IS Kxceblor 0 0 1 0 0 4 0 2 2-9 Baltimore ...0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1—3 Rsse on Kills—Snyder, 2; Jones. 1. Oali'vl halls—on Tucker.Zl: Ilu'lduck. 11. Csllral atrlkes—off Tucker, 10: lladdnrk. 2. Strock ont—MnA]*teu. Tucker. Sciisrff. Ma- lone, Knhler 10. Jones (2i. f'ouiz. Willis (ll. Welch. Had- dock. Loft on biaea—Stewart Sch.irff. Smitlt. Roche (21. Miiiran Border (71 Fouik. Welch. Umpire, ilr. Morsbsll ofEasleB. B. C. Ilmc.I!:. RBACOHr -ra. ICINQ PHIL>1P. Tho Rfiacnna ilcrcltcl tbn Ring Phlllna In Rocklsnd. UasA. Sept I. quire easilr. the King rnlllps being nnabio t>, h:it Trne'a pltclilng with anv effect anil, though their tirst three batters nis'la aera-eh ba<e hits, ho sharp was the IlKicons'flttlilini: that nn run waa scored, and J. Madl- tmn, in the ninth Inning, mad- the only solid hit on his aide. The Beacons were more auceMaiul witli Thomp- son's pitching, and they also declde<Ily oiitfleldrd their opponents, hut their greatest aupsrlorlt.v was In hase- roonlng. I.ln.vd. T.vrg. Douglass, ami J. Maillgan led al till' hat. and Unlllns. Tli.iTcrand Strong oftheflracons nnd Wheeler and Earea of the King Philips did good work in the field. Tlie game excited a gorMi deal of interest In tl-e toim, and it was closely watched bv tlia spectatoiw. bnt raucii ur ihe pleasure was lost by the Incompcaoey of the umpire. " " RgACO.V T. R.IB.PO. A.B. r.lay.l,3db.. 8 12 2 10 Thsycr, a s. 4 I (1 fl 4 0 Tvng. p .... 4 I 2 I 2 I .iltTOng, Ist b 4 0 1 8 0 2 Lalhom. 1.1. 4 1 0 fl I I M<>ore.2d b. 4 1 1 3 0 0 itlhbsid, r. f. 4 n 0 I u 0 Rollins, c. . 3 0 I 13 I 4 Bayley, cf. 401100 K'O rniLIP. T. K.lB PO. A.B. nniiglaa^, r.f 4 I 3 I 0 0 Wheeler, c.. 4 0 1 8 8 7 J.Ua<llK'n.c.r 4 I 3 1 0 I J.F.TIi'os'n.pS 0 0 12 0 Loud. I. r ... 8 0 n 0 0 0 R D.T-p'n,2b 3 0 U 7 0 3 R.Madlc'n.lb4 0 0 S 0 I Kales. Sdb.. .1 0 0 3 2 2 Jenkins, as.300101 Totala.. 37 2 8 27 10 131 Totahi...38 8 8 27 » 8 King Philip 00010000 1-2 Beacon 1 I 0 0 0 I I 0 I-fi Baaea nn errors—King Philip. 4: Beacon. 7. Base on railed balU-KIng Philip, 1. Rimck ont-K1ngPhillp,S: Beacon. S Rails called—on Thompson. IS: Tyng, IX PaaaaU halts—Wheeler. 2: Rolllna, 2. Wild niteb—Tyng, I. Umpire, Mr. Clapp o( South Weymontb. Time, 2h. Im. BIAPI^B laB.AP TS. TBCCSISEH. A match between theae Canadian dubi was played at Guelph. Ont, Aug. 39. and resulted In a tie The Maple Leaf nine Included tiiree amatenrs. noiwltlistanding which the score atood at tbn end of tho fifth inning 6 to 1 in their favor. Then ensned a lilsgracerul scene, the Te- cnmseh nine, with two exceptions, abusing the umpire ahamcfulir, with the object 01 onnerrlng the amaieuni In Iheonposing team, and thua win an exhihltinn game irom their oM'tlme rlrala. In thia they tinrtl.e succeeded, the score at thedtueot the ninth Inning being 8 to 6, when the Tccnmsehs had to run for the tram Maple Lg'r. r. n. ir.po.a.b T. Smith, l.l. 4 2 2 1 0 0 W. .Smlib. p. 4 0 I 0 9 Maddnck 3b. 4 I n 3 3 Lspham. lb. 4 X 3 13 0 Oiilnton. c. 4 0 a 8 1 Gillespie, .lb. 4 12 18 3 Welsh, a. a.. 4 0 0 I 2 0 Watkins, r.f. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Ooldle, c. f.. 3 0 0 0 0 0 TRcrM.*iKB. T. R. a.k. Pnwera.&A.c 4 Gotds'ib,o c. 4 ninnen. 2db. 4 llom'g,!. llh 4 3 Brsill'r,lb.l.t 4 Kuowdell,c.r4 Doescher,'ib. 4 Olllean,r.f as 4 Lee, e., r.f.. 3 3 3 0 4 8 3 8 14 A 1 II 7 14 0 0 0 1 3 0 ISO 0 12 Totals ..33 8 10 27 30 II Totals...3] E 3 27 19 13 Maple Lear,..,. 0 asoioOOO—6 Trcumseh 1 0000300 2-8 Strock out—off Smith. 7: Bradley. 1: and Goldsmith, I. Sti Ikes railed—offSmlUi. 41: Bradley and Caldamlth.SI. Ba'la called—on Smith. 12; Btadler anil Ooldle, 32. Paaaeij {SSt&a'.f.»^i?Sl!'!&&^afT;^.ltf&An. P^l baseonetTOrt—Maple Last, 3; Tecumseb,8. Umpire, J. T. McholA Ti me, 2b. DOSTOl* 'ra. CINCIKXATI. A small gathering of stiectators witnessed the tenth game between theahoreclottaat Boston Sept 1, when the Tiaitorahad again t'r bite thndoat. RmtTON. T. tClfLrOA B Wrk;lit2il b. 8 Leonard, 1.1'. 3 l>°R<>urke.c.f S White, r. f . J Suitiin. s. s. !t Hiind, p ... U M'irrlll. 3d b. 4 Miirnan, lb. 3 Brown,c... 4 OlNXlNATTI. T. R. IB.PO.A-XL Pike. c. I., 2b 4 Man'ng,s.s.,p 4 ■lonea, I. f... 8 Addr, r. I... 3 M'y' 4 DonlU, Istb 4 Rrroth, p.. c. 4 Fiilev.Sd b.. 4 il'stuigs,c,cf 3 0 a una 2 3 2 u 1 0 1 2 .1 a 14 0 3 0 3 2 3 4 0 2 0 Totals...41 8 13 27 14 6 Totals...37 3 10 27 IE 12 Boston 2 I 0 2 0 I 0 0 2-8 <;inclnnatl 0 0 0 U I 0 0 1 1—3 Tliree-haM hit—Jones. I. Strock ont—Brown, Pike. Jones. llastiDgs. First base on li.ills—Morrill, Mererla. Pln<t twi-e on errors-Bi'Ston, S: Cincinnati, 3 Balls call ed—on Bond. 18: Booth. 24; Manning. 3 Strikes called-; Booth. 13: Manning. 3. Donble-plays—Foley and Gould. I. Passed balls—Brown. 3: Hastings, 2 Wild tbrowa—Morrlll. Brown. Sfeyerie, IJastiugs (3). Umpire, J. U. Sumner. Time, 2h. ISm. AMATEUR va. ECIjIPSE. The champinorhip of Loularllla, K-),, waa contended for by tba clubs sbuve named on Aug. the Amaleurv com- ing out ahead. AMATLUH. T. K.lR. rO.A.E. TTalJ'm'n. lb 3 1 2 10 II I Lnmhert, a.sS l 2 I A l Koblnsnn.Sb 0 II.McElw'e.c i Pesrce. r. f.. 8 0 n U 0 u nrlcr, L f... 8 2 3 2 0 U Harlngt' s ' " " " W..M'Elw'ej 5 Kennedy, 2b 4 0 7 2 3 12 0 0 2 0 9 U 14 0 Bnuriii. T. R. lu. ro.A.B. Rrowolng. p 5 O 1 I £ 1 Horn. s. R ... 8 1 2 I U I Zim'man,2b6 I 0 4 I 2 Arot r. f.... 8 a 2 I 0 I Herciua. c f. 4 I 1 3 0 I Prollfer, 3ilb40I340 Malone, Istb 4 0 0 8 0 2 Rrerly. I. f.. 4 « 0 I 0 3 Walker, c... 4 a 2 8 I I Totahi...44 9 12 27 20 Ii Totals...40 7 9 27 II 12 Amateur 0 I 0 0 0 0 8 I 2-9 Eclipse 0 0 3 I 3 I 0 0 0-7 Flr.t.t>ase by erroia—Amateur, 4; Bdipse. 8. Runs earned—Amatenr, 8; Eclipse. 2. Two base hlts-Oyler, Browning and Aroc. Three base bit—Boro. Lett on bases-Amateur. 3; Eclipse, 6. Umpires—Mesata. Slater and Robinson. Time, 2h. CHICAGO va. BI)PPAU>. Nearly three thousand persons witnessed a eamo he- tweeeo the Clileagoa and the Buffalo (N. Y.) Club, on the letter's griinnds. Aug. 2j. The match was finely played, but tlie.superlorl y of the Whites, who did not du their b«i«t towatua the latter part oftlieconte^, waa mauireat Bl'ppalo. t. r. in.pojt. k. McGlynn, c. 4 Shetzlloe.c.f 4 llell'ert, lat b 4 Nsy. s. s. ... 4 Piinaer.Zdb. 4 Ro-iman, r.f. 3 llllliin. 1 f... 2 SmIley.Sdb. 3 PhUllps, p.. 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 14 II 0 I 8 0 2 4 0 I 0 0 4 I 2 3 I 0 0 8 CaiCAGO. T. B. IB. PO.A.B. Eden, r.f MeVey, p... 4 Alison, c ... 4 Peter-ks s.. 4 nines, 1.1... 4 Mi'Idlog. lb. 3 Eggler. c. tr. 3 Hradlay,.1d b 3 0 0 2 I 1 6 I 3 I 0 0 IS 0 1 0 1 Uatiiaii,2d b. 2 0 0 0 Totals....31 2 4 77 17 12 Totals.... 3t 4 8 27 13 4 Buffali 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 U—2 Chicago 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0—( Balis ca1led-oo PhIllip^ 18; McTey, 14. Strikes eallcd- off Pbllllna. 10: McTey. 9. KIrock out—Chicago. I: Buffa- lo. 1. Two-base hit—McOlynn, 1. Umpire, C. W. Nichols ofWarerly. „ ROCHESTER A floe game waa playeii by 37 on the Rochester Qrouods ROCUISrgB. T. R. 1B.FO.A.B. Rrady, 2d b. 4 Ca>kln,3db. 4 Luff.c. I.... 4 Jonklns, lb. 4 Kennedy, c. 4 Sbattoclt, r.f 4 Dixon, A e . 3 Tloper. L f.. 3 BoTkalow, p. S 0 I 2 2 0 X 0 IS 1 8 0 J 0 o 1 2 1 1 wa. ADBITRK. tbe aboTe-named dobs Aac. the score ataadlog 3 to 1, ACBOHN. T. K. IB.PO.A.B, Boms, 3d b. 4 Thomas, I. f. 4 Tobln. 1st b. 4 ManseU, c. f. 4 Dunlap. 2d b 4 Macuilar, aa S Wailey, r. I. s Keenao. o... 3 Crltchley, p. 3 0 3 1 X 1II 1 I Totals...33 2 8 3711 4 Totals...32 S 8 27 9 2 Rochester 00000002 0-2 Anbum 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—3 Mirnekont—Dunlap, 3; Eeeiuui,l; Luff, 3; Jonkina. I. Wild throwa—DnnlAp, 1; Kennedy, I. Passed ball- Kennedy, L Two-ltasQ hits—Caskui, Z Bamed nana— Auburn. 3. Umpire, John Shea. The next day, hoHeyer, tbe Bocheatera took ample re- BS^ester 3 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 I— £ Anbura 00000000 0— 0 Strikes called—off Bnrkalow, 9; Crltcbley, 16. Balls called—on Burkalov, 14; Crltchley. 30. Struck out—Luff, 2; Kennedy, I: DIxun.S: Burkalow, 1; Bums, I; Watley, I. Firsthasaon called balla-Caakin. I. Passed balU— Kcenan 4. Twivboaehita—Junkins, 1;Tipper, I; Manaell, L Bun eaned—Bocbester, L Umpire, John Shea. ATBLiBTIO ws. STAR. The Atbletle Baaeball Olob ol Mansfield, O., bare reor- ganized, and played tnelr first game at tbo Atbletle Park Ang XI alui tbe stara ot Marion, wbom theydeleated aftor playing a Ter> intereatlug game. Tbo reaturaanf tba conteatweiaCox'a rery stTectlTO pltcblngand Boop'a floe welilrut MairaPlKLO. B.lB.rO.A. Berlngton, & a.... 0 0 12 l.alrd,2db..-. 110 2 Bumi. L f 1 1 I u Cox. p 0 1 X I Griatb, Ist b 0 0 a 0 Johnson. Sdb 10 3 2 arubaiicli,a r.... 110 0 Roop.o 1 Mosey, r.f X 1 11 2 3 0 0 ■aBIOS. B.IB PO.A. Dameady,2d b... 0 0 8 1 .'^llOTt,S.a 10 0 0 Dice, e 0 0 IS X Johnson, in b.,., 1 S 3 U Lacaa, 1. r 0 u I 0 Famwortb. Id b.. I I a 0 0 0 0 0 Oameady,r,I0 0 10 Uammar, p 11X0 Totala 7 8 37 « Totala 4 » 37 S Atbleue 0 0 0 0 e 0 1 0 0-7 Star 000X1010 0-4 Umpire, Jack Hade. . On the :!*th and Mih, at Ibe toomament beld at MtTer- oon. tbe Athletics tvloe beat the ML Temonafor a prlia orflftTdollBn,tlie aoorea being raapectlrelrsata 8 and 18 to 7. FAIala RIVER -WM. BRISTOI^ On Ang. 31 tba Bilstoia of Neir Badfurd. Haaa., went to Fall RlTer. and, thongb playing a good same, wan onabla to do battle with tbe local stare Oar* DswBB as tm mt% a w BanmMP v 1a a » 0X30 FaLLRITBB. K.IB.PU.A.B. Ubhy. Istb ....I 0 18 0 I Mack, p 1 I 0 8 0 Haoloo.Sdb... 0 Oore.c f. 0 Smith, c. 0 CaoaiT, I. r..... I Mutrie.Xdb ... 0 Hackttt, B,I... 0 „ _ _ , SIOOM— . 0 0 0 0 lloie.3db 13 1 ilCtoweU, c. BaisTOL. B.ia.rD.A.B. Punlogtoo. a.s 0 0 I 8 0 : b 0 0 3 1 1 r.l.... 0 0 10 0 0 0 3 8 1 0 0 10 3 Phillips, Lf..., 0 0 10 0 Bamwa,e.f.. 0 0X00 Rlcbmond, lb. 0 0 I( 0 0 BgBler; p • 0 I 4 3 Totala S'8 3717.3 ..Totaa .'o'oHisT Fall Hirer o u 1 0 1 0 0 0- 1—S Bristol 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0-0 Btrlkea—off Meek. 34: Rggler.18. Balla-oo Mack, 10; Eiqrtrr, 9. Straek ont—BrlatoL 3. Baaea on called balls— FaUBIrer. 2. Two-base hit—Smith. Eainad ma—Fall River, L Umpire, T. Myan. Time, lb. S9m. I 0 0 01 0 0 10 0 0 7 U Carpenter, w,t. 3 3 0 0 0 laOinsVIIaliB -wa. BARTPORD. An exblhltliin gams was played by the Loulsrille and Hartford Clubs at .New liaren, Ci, on NaiurUay, Sept I, wlieo ten Innings wen required to decide who was boSA The Loularlllea atarte.1 In on Larkln'a pitching rery hrary In the first Inning, making lour sale hits and two earne,l runa. In Ihe fourtli lunlng tbo llartfurda made four bsse-hiu and tlireo earned ruoa The entire gauie was oxclting. particularly ao In the ninth Inning, when the L.tnlsTlllea tied ilm acore Tho HanPirda lalleil lo scorn in tlih tenth Inn'ng. and the lAtulirllles scored two run., nneor which was earned. Latham oi theLouls- rillH. anil Kerguaon nftlio llartlords did not play. LiiL'ISVILLB. Nichols, 9db... I, afferty. p II. ill.l r .. l>erlln. lat b.. Shiffer, c. I .. Gerharilt 2d b Crarer, r. f Snyder.A a... R. 12 13 I I 0 3 1 3 3 U 2 3 12 I 0 12 0 U 0 8 1 I I 0 0 I Crowley, c 0 I 8 l> U S l> I 2 MahtpuUO. Riirdiick. 'lid b.. R. lBLro.A.B 0 1 Hiildswnrth, 3b 1 I tart. Ist b. r'.arey, a: a — York:), f. Caaaldr, r. f.... llarbidgcc. 1.. Allison, e Larkin, p 0 0 IS I 0 3 1 2 S I I E 0 I U 3 0 8 3 0 I 0 0 0 8 Totals fi U .VI 17 4 Totals 4 10 30 13 « LnalSTllle.. 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2-8 ll-tnrnrd... 0003 0 0100 0—4 Earned rnns—LouUTlile,4; Hartford,! Umpire, Bobett Maihnws. TImu. 2li ISm. t-i^t^ UAKCHB8TEK wo. I>IVK OAK The careless fleldln'-e ol the l.tve Oaksof Lynn. Ma*s.. In the main cau-ed their easy defeat by the Mancliestets at til* above place Ang. 31 Mancii'tkii. t. r. lu po.A.a Kelly, c. ... 3 a 0 7 0 3 Walker, I. f.. S 2 3 I 0 ',1 0'Rnurke,cfS 13 10 0 Dolley,s s.. 8 2 I 0 2 1 4 3 0 10 0 I Wooillied. 3b 4 0 0 4 10 Linnehan,r.r4 0 I 3 0 u Snigg, p ... 4 0 0 0 7 0 West,Mb .. 4 0 0 1 1 2 Lira Oab. t. r. IaLPo.A.sL .\daBiI,Lr.. 8 0 1 1 I 1 Lcarr. p .y-- 3 0 113 0 lluller.a I.. 8 0 1 X 0 1 Allan. 3J b.. 4 0 2 X 3 0 Maaon, r. f.. 4 0 0 X 0 I Rellly. 2d b. 4 I 0 I 3 8 Sweuoy, lb.. 4 1 1 II 0 3 Thompson.c. 4 0 1 3 J I Tleraey,a.s. 4 0 0 3 0 2 Totals..40 7 7 27 11 -8 Totals .. 39 "x "7 27 U U Manchester 4U000X10 (^7 LlreOak OUOOOOIO 0—3 Two-base hits-Walker. Leery, Allen. Flrat haae on er- rors—Msncliosler, 4; Lire Oak, 8. Left on b ase s M an. Chester, 4; Lira Oak, 9. Struck ont—Manchester, I: Lire Oak. A Pssied balls-Kelly, X WUd throws-RaUIr, TIerney, Swoeney, 2 each. Ralls calml—on SnIgg. IB; I.eary. 9. Strikes called-off Snigg. 14; Learr, 12. Um- pire, Mr. McEenny of Manchester. Time, 2h. 8m. LOWELL Tfl. LIVE UAK. A terriblo defeat waa administered by the Lowells to their old antagonists the Live Oaks, at West Lynu, Mass , Sept 1. A tumble by Knight was the only error made by iheLogelln: LoWKLL. Crane. 3d li.. 8 F.Whltn'y.l.l.l Killer, p 8 I Sullivan, c.. 8 0 A. Wlilc'y,3b 4 1 llawca, c. r.. 4 I I'l-j^olt, lb . 4 1 Wright, s. s. 8 0 Knight, r. r. 8 2 ltlB.PO. A.B 3 2 2 3 LirsOAK. T. B.lB.rO. A.B. AdaiMA Lf..401001 Leary, p 3 0 llawkes, 2b. 3 0 Allen 3d b . 4 0 Ma.aon.c. f.. 4 0 Riley,r.f ..4 0 Pagarty,.Ib. SO. Thorapaoo. 0 3 0 0 In Tternsy,s.s. 3 0 10 1 0 0 3 a 3 1 4 8? Totals...42 10 IS 27 9 I Totals...31 0 8 37 12 9 Lowdl SUOOOOaO 2-10 Live Oak 0 0 0 I) 0 .0 0 0 0—0 E.-iroed runs—I.owe'1. 8. First bsiwr on errora—LIro Oak, 1; I.onell. 4. Two base hits—Mason, K. Whitney, Knight Home run—Fo:er. Struck 6bt—Crane. 2; Sulfl. ran, 2. Willi throw—ilsiiiy. Double plsys-^llawkes and Pugarty, nnd Leary. Thompson and Alien. Paiised balls— TiMimpson. 2. wild plldiea—Leary. 2. Rolls called—on Foley, 3; Leary, 9. Strikes called—off Foior, 9: Leary, 21. Umpire, Mr. Sweeney 01 Our OoyA Time, lb. 30m. RHODB ISb.'kND -ra. CINCln!gATr. A rery creditable victory was obtained by the Rhode Island team over the Clnnlnnatla nt I'mvldence Aug. 3i, tile play 01' the ^'ew Englnndcra imlog the bosi at all points, Kbuok IHL'U. R.ln.pi>.A. a F.vans. r. 1 1 3 2 0 0 .Sweajiy, 2d b... 0 I'earco, a. a 0 Keasler, c. f.... I C*ir.r. p I Stone, I. f 1 0 4 0 0 0 2 1 I _ 2 0 . . Klnb. Istb.... 0 U 13 I I 3 I 8 (I 0 1 3 0 1 Du.-jnn, e. I Kevme,3db.... 2 2 3 1 2 ClNCIXN'ATl, Pike. c. f. Manning, p... Jnnea, I. f. Addy. r. I .... Heyorle. as... Gould, Istb... Booth, o i^mith. 2Jb.. I'oley.Sd b H. .. 0 0 3 0 I 0 0 0 2 U U I 0 10 0 I 14 0 0 4 1 1 3 1 I Totals 7 9 27 IS ; Totals i 8 27 14 8 Rhode Island... 0O33000X 0-7 Cincinnati ....0 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 0-2 First base on errors—Rhode Island, 3; Cioclonatl, 3. Left on tiosea-Rlindo Islaod. 3; Cincinnati, S Pa.-<seil bsll—Booth. 1. Baaes on called balla—Rhode Island. 2; Cincinnati. 2. .Struck out—Rhode Island,2rCinclbna*l, X. Double-piars—Kirtb. Rwessy. Pearce (3). Two-base hits— Stone, I: Brans, I. Strikes called—off Cory. 23; Manning, II. Balls called—on rnry, it; Manning,ZS. Ktrnednin —Rhode la'anu, 1. Wild pilch, I. Umpire, P. Butling. bam. Time, 2b. 43ni, CniCAOO va. ROCHESTER. Tho cliamplooa met the Rncheaters Sept 39 onthelat- ter's grouous. but not till alter a stubborn ten-Inning game bad lieen fought did vlctorr perch on their banner. RociliMTBR. T. IL In. ru.A.iL t'nicAGo. r. a. IB. ro.a a Rradir.^d b. 4 0 n 3 I u Fjlen, p 8 0 I 0 1 3 Ca<kln,Sdb. 8 0 0 1 3 3 McVey,p....8 I 1 3 3 I Luff.c. f ... 4 0 0 4 0 I Anson, c S u I 3 2 I Junklns, lb. 4 u I 10 0 0 I'elera, a. a.. 8 1 0 3 4 1 Kennedy, c. 4 0 I 10 3 I Mines. 1. f.. 8 0 0 I 0 I Shattuck.r. f 4 0 0 0 I I B.iroea,2db. 4 0 3 3 8 1 D'lon.a a. 4 0 0 I SI Kggler.e. f.. 4 0 0. 3 ll 0 Tipper. 1st b. 3 I 1 0 0 U Xradley, 3d b 4 0 0 4 3 I Burkalow, p. 3 U 0 I 7 0 Glenn, Ist b. 4 I 3 12 0 3 Totals...M'l Isolsl TotaI«...4l's'i30i7 n Rochester. .000000010 0-1 Chleaico ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 2-3 Sirikeaeslled-nff Burkalow,2it: McTey,I7. Balbiralled -OB Burkalow, IC; McVey, 17. Passed balls—Kennedy, 1; Anson. I. Left on basee-Caakln. I: Luff. 1; Junkloa. 1; Burkalow, 1; Eiten, 1: McTey, 1; Petera, 1; Hlxes, I; Glenn. 2. Flrat hsse on called b.alla—Ctskln. I. Two-tiase hits—McTey, 1; Barnes,!. Umpire, Eugone KlmbslL PAI.O AL.TO ws. POTTSVIIalaE. Oq Uonday, Aug. 27, tbe new raoiganlEed Palo Alto (Pa.) Club appeared In tbelr bandaome new unKorm—oonalstlng ot white ablrt and kne«- brercbes, red siocklnRS, red belt, RDd wlilt« cap- on Dunn'a Ornunde, PottsTllle, ngslnat Ihe Potta- vllle Club, and, attor a well-conteated game, tber came off victorious by tbo score ot 3 to 3. Seldom It ever betnre was there auch an exhibition ot Ritchins u3,caifbiiULZlti>B<"8<> Inthatpanot »e (»untr7. Aan uuiuk t>iv~-<Ab^^ Blaco In^the new club, and the pttcber'fe pfBlMoii DSng^oen- ptsd by that hartl nnderband tlunwer Heckler, No leea ihnn fourteen men struck out behlntl tbe bat. Ash being one of the coolest and flnest catch- ers that ever nileil that place, although this was his third game In tho poettlon, he always playing sbort-sinp In the ol<t clubot FDliSTllle, He la a promising young player, nnd. witb careful and eolwr practice, will make one of the best catcbers who enter the diamond Held. He has caught three games, and not an error to mark bis play yot, and he has a bard plicber to catch for. POmvlLLIL H. Sinclair, a. a U S- bafer, L f I W.Eckert, e 0 Hutchinson, r. f. 0 r^nsrd. p I llalpln. 2irh P Siilankerhorn. Ist b 0 F. Eckertct 0 Luniberskln. 3d b 0 PaLOAltu. Kneehles, a. s 0 Heckler, p I Hroderlrk, 3d h 0 J. .Martin, Utb U A.h. c 2 W. Bsrtln. r. f 0 Bowe, 2d b n trarr. I. f. 0 t'uitelto, e. f 0 Total 2 Total 3 Potcsvlllc IIOOOOOO n—'t Paln.vito 0 I 0 1 0 I 0 0 0—1 Runs earnea—Palo Alto, 2. PaASed t»alls—Eckort, 4; Ash, L LOIVELL. -wa. L1OIII8VIL.I.E. 'Wedncaday, Aug, 29, the Lowelhi succeedetl la cleaning out the LnuIsrlUea for the second time this season. The visitors led Uie acore up to tbe sixth inning, and Devlin wss In the beet ot spinis: but tbe boys took bold ot him In tbe sixth round at tbe bat, aiid batted the good-na- ture all out of blm, scoring two runs, oneot tbem oamod, on toursuccesalve boae-hlts. In tbe third innlns, with two men out nnd Enlght at third, Whltuey drove a line-hit along tbe foul-Une to right Held, which Crowley l»rel7 touched with bis Angers, but enough to change the course ot the ball and cause It to bound to toul-ground. The umpire decided the ball foul, much to tbe dis- gust of tbe spectators and tbo amusement ot tbo visiting club. The umpiring was, on the whole, unsatletactory, LOWkl.L. R.lB.rO.AB. Crane. 2d b 2 X 4 4 I F. WhiUng, L L I 13 0 I Foley, p 0 I 0 I 4 Stonaliton, c... I 1X22 A. Whiting, 3b. 0 1 I 3 I Hawes, c. f..... I 2 3 0 U PICEOtt Ist b.. 1 I IS O I Wright. A s.... 10 13 2 Knight, r.f.... 0 0 12 0 LncisviLI.B. Nichols, s. a u llsitue. 3d b.... 1 Hall. Lf I Uuvlln. p I Sliuirtir. r. f 0 (lerhardt, 2d b. I L.-iirvr1y, CI... O i^nydar.c 0 Cruwiey, 1st b.. 0 R. u 0 1 2 0 I I 0 I 0 I 2 I 0 0 I 2 1 1 I 0 0 0 0 1 6 1 3 0 n Totals 7 9 27 13 13 Totals 4 7 -J7 7 II Lowell 0 0 0 0 U 2 4 1 0—7 Loularllle 0200000X 0—4 Cslloil balls—on Devlin, 13: Foler. 2S. Called strikes- otroeTllD, H: Foley. 28, Fouls strucii-oirFoley,3d; Dev- lin.22. Pa-aseaballs—Stonghton. r.Hnyder.l. Double plais —Stoughton and Plguoit and Wrifht, Crane and Phcmtt, 3. Earned raiia—Lowell, 2; Luul<rille, I. Struck nut- Crane and Hague. Oases on ca'led balls—Loularllle, 3. Umpire, O. D. White. Time. Sli. lOu. RBD CAPS MIM«Ii:APOL,I8 BRUWITS, A game remarkable lor heavy batUng on the paixot the Beds and line displays ot flolding on both sidce was played at St. Paul, Ulnn.. Aug. 28. DimcQlt rnnntog fly-catcbes and astonlsblDg stops aeemed tbe order at the day, tbe fleld-work ot Sal- isburr, Uagner, Ely, O'Leary and Elllok being prominent. Elllck scored a clean home-mn on Hoffman by a ierrlllc hit to right-fleld fence. Rbo Caps. Gros', o Hack. s. a ... Elllck.Sdb. . Msgner, r. f.. Allison. 2db. Kly, L f Deaa, c f.... Oaiilt, Ist b.. Bohn, p B. B. X 2 I ..331 .331 .113 ..lis .0 3 3 .110 .. 0 3 IS .210 BHilWmi. B. B. O'Leaty, r.f... 0 3 3 3 0 J. mea.aAn. sd b I 1 8 3 I Tuelle, 2db.... I 0 1 S 1 visner, Istb... 1 .1 11 0 I W.GIeason, l.f. 0 0 I 8 0 Walsh, C 114 0 3 s. s... 0 0 0 1 0 9aliahury.p..a.L 0 2 8 1 3 Iloffman.cL, p. 0 0 0 1 1 Totals II 18 27 U 3 Totals 4 8 37 IS 9 RedCaps 01S0S004 O-II Browns 0 | 0 0 1 O'O 0 3—4 Earned nutt—Beds. 7: Bnwns. L Fitet base on ermra- Beds. 3', Browmi, L Two-base blta-Mock, 3; O'Leary, I: Kly.l. Home-nm—EUlck. Double-plays—W. Oleasoa and Vlancr. I; Hoffman and Walsh, L Umpire, John T^ia li of St PanL Time, lb. SOm. MAIVCHBSTER -ra. RHODE ISLAfTD. The local pets were compelled to swallow a bit- ter does at Provldenoe, B. I., on Aug. 38, throngh the creditable exertion ot the Mancheatera, who proved themselTea masteis ot the situation at all points. Makcbbtbr. It B. Kelly, o 0 1 8 3 0 Walker, r. f.... 0 0 S I 0 0' 1110 0 Dally,AS 1 0 0 3 1 Coggawell, lat b 0 X 14 I 0 Woodhed.Sb... 0 3 14 1 Gallasher, I. f., 0 0 0 0 0 Snlgg. p 0 0 0 3 0 Weit.2db 114 3 0 RBOna ISLABO. B. BvanA o. r..... 0 dweasy,2d b... 0 Pearce, as 0 Kes3ler,3d b... 0 (Tory, p. 0 iltiine, L r. 0 Firth,Ist b.... 0 Pearson,r. t.... O Oorsan, e 0 Oil 0 0 1 9 „ Totals 3 yniS 2 Totals...... 0 8 37 » 7 Manchester. ..,00100300 O-S 0000000 0—0 -- - ■ 19. Caned balls— Rhode Island*.*! Oooovvug o—0 Called acrikea—off C017. IX: Saigir, 19. Caned balls— Bnigs, 14; Oory. II. Btrack oot-Msnebjatar, A Left on baaes—Rhode laland.8: Manebester, a. WUd pitch—Cory. I.. Passed baUa-Doigan, 1. Two baaa blla-O'Boarke, 1; CoggswelL I. Base oa emrs—Manchester, L Cmplre, J. A-Croaa. Tims, lb. 40m. SHORT STOPS. OamesBlajsd on Aug. 27: At West Meirton, Hasa, Onr Boya va. Star, II to 3; at Fall River, Man.. Fall Rivar va Metooomst, lo to 3: at Onage. N. J., Wllkesbarre va. Orange, ll to 3: at Elmlia. N. T., Blmlra ra. HomelL 10 to 4 38: AtEllsabstb.N.J., WUkesbarrsTABasolat*. 7» 3; at Masa, Live Oak ts. Clipper, 3 to I: at Newark, N. J., Newark ra. Dtlca. 8 to-0; at Roaton, Maaa, Cbleago va. BoSalo, 4 to3: at Bpwklyn. L L, Atbletle va. Svlran Star, U to 8; aama place. Vanderbllt ra. Goodwill, 14 to 13 JB: At Lynn. Mass., Live Oak va. Rhode Island. II to 3; at Mt Temon, O., Cbamploo Olty VA Buckeye, 7 to 3: at' Rioneham, Masa, station va. Oen. wortb.0to7; at'OreeoTllle, N. J., Amatenr of Newaic vs. Star, roar innings, I too 90: At ML Ter- noo, O., Cliam,4ea City ra. Boeki-re, 1 to 11; at Wheel- log, W. Ta', 8l LouIi ti. SUndard, 11 to 0: at Brooklyn, Ia I., Crystal va. flald nine, Ave Inoloas, 9 to 3 29: At Baaslo.N T.. Nlamrm ra C.Utoo. 21 to 14 Sept 1: At Brooklyn, L. L, Osceola vs. Creaeent 15 to 18; Inde- peodant va. Superior, 31 to4; Star va Steriing, aeven In- nlnns, 28 to 18; Junior va. Oolnmbia, 13 to 9; Mar- ried Men - va. Single' of Fonrth Ward.- 22 to ai; ReMliita VI. NeveriBeat, aven ln"logi, IBtoC: CoUlna * Co. va Hatfleld A i;o.- 13. loU; Yooog Meteor vs Prospect No. 2; 14 to 8; Alpba va Unlnne (fbtfeiu, 9to0: TaaDgTe<amaetava.Mlieala (forfeli),9to0 .. Aug.31: At rateiaon. N. J., lodlanapnilsvt. Cbe(*ea, IStoS; at Brooklyn, Star tb. Jackson, 4 to 1 23: At SemopoUa, Ala., Alabama vs. Hlaslsslppl, 24 to 12; at Mllleiatown, Pa, Dnion vs. Butler. 23 to 9 17: At (hmnberry, N. J., Defiance ol rrloceton va, Mutual, 2tto 3 28: At Trenton, N. J., Dcflance ra Trenton. 22 to 9. 29: At Priocaton. IMflaace m. Motnat of Pen- nington, 28 to 4 Tbe Harlem and Clipper Clube are to play en the old Union Grounds, Tremnnr, N. Y., Sept. R. the priKeeds to be giren to Mrs. Qulgley, mother of John Qulgley, who was fatally lajutrd In a game between the Clippers and the Actives at WapplDg- er's Falls, N. Y Tlia Enterprise Club lately elected tbe lolIowlDg ofilcera: President John £. Ready; vlce-piesl- d.nt Fred. w. Grube; recording-secretary and treasurer, Maurice Meyer: financial recnisrr, wm. Bare; ser- geant-at-arius, Uermso Rnchel Tbe annudl Summcr- nigiit's featiral of this club will be held at Hamil- ton pars, ibia dty. Sept. 2S 31, at Worcester, Masa., Irving rs. Mutual, 12 to II Scot 1: In Masaadiusetts: At Lawrence, Atlantic ta Emmet. 4 to 3; at Can:on, Norwood ra. Ed. Tan. II io7; at Fall Rlrer, Lagrange va Huntoon, 7 lu 8; at Beveriy, Grant va Rover,4 toS: at Maiden. Kear<argeTA Alert, 10 toE; at Concord. Hudson ra Wallham. 12 to 4; St Rockland, Beacon vs.- King Philip, 3 to <: at New Bedfuid. Meta- coroet TS. nristoI.Eto 8; st ijiilncy, pioneer ta. Associa- tion Nine, 4 to 0: at Melrose, EgleabiB ra. Alpha. 20 to 4: at MIddieboro, MIddlcboro vs. South AblnztoD, 11 to 9; at Ipswich, Essex ra. Actire. 10 to 0; at Haverhill. Monitor TA Rberldan. 10 to 2: at Montrale. Oen. Worth ra Una, 12 to 11: at Cambridge, Bookblodoni ra Pressmen, 18 to 8. At Blnghatnton, N. v., Indlanapulbi ra. Cricket 4 10 X At Wakedeld, R. I., Rhode Island rs. Pasil me. 11 to 1 At Pitts- burg. Pa., AlteKiienr rs. Nt Loula,flneenlnnlDgs,l toO .,. 27, at SyracuMi, N. Y.. Star v*. Indlsnapolla, morning, 9 to 0; altemiion, 8 to 3: at Buffalo, N. v., Buffalo va Buck, eye, 1 to 0; at Tern Usnte, Ind., St. Louis va Terra UauU 8 tol) .... .9). at Syracoae, Star va Indianapolis, 4 tu 1; at Ciilnmbua, 0.,Sl Louis va Buckeye, 3 to I 29, at Wliaellog, West Ta., St Louis va Standard, 8 to I 30, at Auburn, N Y., Chlr.lgo va Anbum, lu Innings, 4 to 4 SI, at Auburn, Auburn ra Rochester. 8 to a Sept I, at BInghamton, Indlanapolla vs. Cricket, 4 to 2; at BuIEbIo, Rochester rs Buffalo, 3 toO.^ Bbowst evockixos vs. Picrbs Vinb.— On Ang. IP ths Mohawk Brown Stockings played a nine composed ol fonr members ol tho Lndlow Cluo and five outsiders picked ont on the -grounds at Cindnnatl, O. Dcagle, Meyers, Scbrooder and Bauer of Ibe Ludhiws were present but re- fused to play unless paid fur so doing—a demand which. In view of the fact that the game was Ibr a charitable pur- pose, and ihey had not to qnltwork to play, waa not tu their credit The Bruwns won br three runa Brown OOUOOOO (0 4—3 Plck'dNlneO 00000001 1—2 The game was plavcd for tho Relief Union's iMoeflt and, as tho attendance waa ll^bt, tlie Browns added IIS to the gata-xecelpta. which wero only 833^43. Stab vs. ATflLBTa-The return game between the aboTo dnba was played at UreenvUle, X. J., Aug. 30. the surswlnnlnj. Star 00183001 2-II AUiIete 3 0 0 0 3 I 1 U 0—7 Base-blta—Siar, 13; Atblela, 7. Three-base hit—Bur- hans. Two-tiase bits—Burhaos. Clarke and Trvacv. em- pire, Mr. Morris. Tarlck Club. Jersey CItv. Time, ah. 3Ui>i. CRICKET. 8TATBN ISLAND TS. SX' GEORGE. Uantors* Dny. On Tuesday, Aug. 38, tbe flrat match between Juniors ot the St, Oeorge and Staten Island Clubs took place at Hokraken, N. J., the event proving to be <iulte interesting. It was quite a trout to ihu lovers ot cricket to see tho game plocod In tbe hands ot boys. Instead ot being monopollaad by the "Old duffurs" ot tho rmiemlty—thu Manhat- tans will please not take offensu nt tbe term—who soem to consider boys or young players quite out ot place In a match game. The earnestness with which the young ooniestonls In this match en- tered the lists was Interesting to witness. Thoy were no sooner on the ground—ood they were all on hand bright and early—than they wanted to got to work In tbe Held at once; and when one inning bad been completed, they were anxious to commence the next without any delay. But tbis unwonted energy and promptitude was frowned down by the "old boys." What I have game ot cricket without any delay? Why, It was retielUon against time-honored prece- donis. The lest tbe boys exblblted, tho life, activity and vim, were a novelty te the frequenters ot matches at Bohokon. Itonlytooktheyoungsleta a Uttle over four hours tu play the entire tour- Innlnga maicb. Including Intervals between Inn- ings and the intermlsaion for sandwiches nnd lc«-cream. Tbe contestants Included Uttle i^aiia iust entering upon tbetr teens. Oneot the Island- ers, Master A. Rich, who made a neat catch, la but twelve years ot age, and Master Norman Camp- bell ot theBt Qoorge team baajusi turned twelve; and to see him "cut a ball tor two" in neat style waa a sight to see. Little Havens, too, who made Ove catches and Ilelded in a style the old boys might toke example from, la less than lltteen. Then there were young Houghton, a regular cricket chip ot the old block; and young Surand, a natu- ral ball-tosser and very promising cricketer. But It was Herbert Campbell ot Ihe Bt Qeorge eleven who made himself the cricket-hero ot tbe day. He la a coming cricketer, beyond a doubt. His bowling did the damage to the Island wickets; and as tor nis batting. It was a display ot all-round bitting which put ulm ot once In one ot the senior elevens ot Ihe club. A feature ot the match was the success of young Qrlswold ot the Folytet lmlo Baseball nlno ot Brooklyn as wicket-keeper ei the St. Qeorge side. It was his flrst crltAet-matcb, and yet he made the second-best score on bis side In both Innlnga. Toung Rich and W. Taylor went In to au up the eleven In the second tnnlug, they not being on the St. Oeorge list ot Junloxv. Young Olaokweira Belding was a very preuy ox- blblilon. Tbe two clubs, and eepeclally Messrs, Houghton and TallMi, deserve credit forgetting up this school ot young American cricketers. Kimt Inning. Sr. Oaoaua Secoud tuning. H. CampbelL run ont 18 c. Durand b. Houghton...43 Uaveiiae. Duorb. Itlch... 3 b. H.iugbton 1 Dlmockb. Rich 9 c. Thomas b, HooRbtoD.. 3 IJaua.-linx b.-mofnas I run oat 7 HIackwell b. Thomas 0 run out I Grlswuld b. Thomas 13 b. Thumaa 7 N. CauipbcU c I'oolc b. Camill 3 b. Tbomaa 3 Frotbiniham, not out ... U b.Thomas I .By;^li^baeot O b. lluogliton 3 Kimball, absent..*! T.! 0 abltnt^.'.T.. .T.T.:rro Byes 2 Byes, 8; wldes,9 14 Total 48 Toul 89 First Inning. Statbb Imlano. Second Inning. Rich l>. II. Campbell 0 c Ilaresa !>. U.Campbell. 3 I'oulcb. Ilavcna 3 b. Maua^ling U Carroll c A. Rich b. II. Oainiibell 1 c. Harcns b. If. Cam:>bcll. 0 Wosterveltc. II. Campbell b. tiaveos lb. Havens 3 Tliomas v. Havens b. Cauipbeli 1 b. H. Campbell 3 Dunind c. Havens b. llauaallng 3 c. and b. Ilansallng IS U. Campbell 0 ii. II. Campbell I Hiiogbton. not out 4 t>. Ilausaling 3 Diter c. Uavens h. Camp- bell 2 c. Taylor b. U. CampbeU.. 0 Fowler & Dlmock b. D. Campbell 0 not out 9 Taylor c. and b. Ilanssling 2 c. Griawold b. Ilausaling.. 4 U>e, I; L b., l: w.,8 8 nm Inning. rvABB. Beeond Inning, a. B. Smith tnEoglbih.... X b. MePheraoB BnleHSia c and b. McFber- _ ., ^ aoo 0 CL Reason b. EngUab Kenoedyb.McPherann.... O b. MePberevn Shay c and b Englhdi.... 3 h. MePheraon In Jeffries b. McPtaerson .... 3 b.English MlubeUc Benaon b. Eng- lish S c Armonr b. McPbeison Fnler b. MePhPrson 0 b. HeFberaon S Wbaien b. English 0 run out 0 Morgan b. English 2 b. Engllsb 3 Harrison c and b. Engliab. 0 not oat H. Smith, not out I mnont Leg-bye 1 Total ...18 Total .....38 PEOESTRIAMISM. Total., 27 Total 42 FALL OK WICKETS. ST. OIOBUX-ls'. Inning 11 30 21 21 40 46 46 46 46-16 ia luuiiig 12 IS as «u 70 73 ei a> id- t> 8. ISLA.S'D—Ist Inning 0 4 4 10 11 11 19 21 24'^7-27 2d Innlua 4 17 22 33 23 31 32 32 33 42—42 Umpires, Meicira. liouiihtou and TaltHitt BTATEK ISLAND tb. ST. OEOROB. Tbe two captains ot the second elevens of the St Oeorge and Staten IsUnd Clubs managed to bring tliolr roapcctive teams together lu a game at Staten Island on Aug. 30, Mr. Houghton belog fortunate enough to collect a very atrung team to sustain theTeputatlon ot the Island, anu to oOSet that whipping his Juniors had received a tew days before; but Mr. Talbot, even with Frank Satter- thwalte's assistance, could not get out his best second eleven, and the result waa that tho rival ot the Island took his turn in enjoying a good smile at ToltKM's expense. The day was nne. and Broirster had as good a wicket laid down as the Island gtuund wlU admit of, those atBt«teven tellotvs. In their dally practice, cutting up tbe surlace very badly, Tbe sport began enrly, con- sidering that it was a Bt Oeorgo day, and tbo Islanders opened tbe contest by going to the bat, Jarvls and Q. Moore beglnulni; the bauing, with Sattenhwatte and young (;amp- bell In cborga ot the bowling. Jarrls was got rid ot cheaply, but Miwre and Irving wero not lutrted until tbe score bad run up to IC. Atter that Kess- ler and Henry Eyre got in together, and they broke Taltiot's heart by their cruel puntsbment ot tbe bowling, the score being run up to 90 before they were parted, Kessler retiring tvlth 4U runs to hlB credit, whl:b throws him light out ot the Island second elOTsn, bejond doubt, Tbpn Dodge came in, and, atter Byre had scored 20 aud Dodge 13, the o:herB were conteut to retire tor sin- gle flgures. Houghton had prohibited the lay- ing of duok-eggs; so even Davldge bad to soore, he playing "without a fault," (vhich la not alwaya the case In his lawn-tennls games. In which he so gracetully excels. Long bs- fore the Inning had ended, nearly every bowl- er In the team bad been tried. The tact was, there were too many captains, tor one tblng—Tal- bot being too easy with his team—and then they dldnotqult,» agree In thelr-vlews ot things la general In the management ot the field; and when an eleven "gets lis mod up," they're gone In, as a general thing. The total ot 13S was too heavy a load for St. Oeorge to bear In the abeenoe ot their f .jnhman and their Sleigh. They tried to over- come tbo 80 runs lequlred to escape tolkiwlng their Inning; but Sprague was totally opposed to that, and they bod to be content with 'ti, ot which Ollea Jr. made a good 33 and McKlm 18. In their second Inning Sprague broaght out hia scythe, and he mowed down their stumpa tor 40 runs. Eyre assisting. Statbb TStA^O. Jarvli b Sattaribwalte... 3 U. Mooreb. Boaring 10 Irving b. H.Campbell.... 13 Keasler b.UIIee..; 40 H. Kyrac.and b, Ollea... au Dodge c ConoTerb Sat- tertbwalte 12 Shawb. Giles... Uaoghton e and b. Giles. 4 Sprague c Uiiea b. Sattar- ibwalte . 4 Crosaley, not out 3 Davldgs, b. II. i^mpbell. '1 S ,I8;Lb., 4; w.,4;n.b., I 33 Total.. ig. HT. CaTldge b. ST. OkOBOB. Second Inniag. Flrat lonlni ones Jr. Kessler . ConoTer L b. w.b. Uangh- tun , Satiertbwalte b. Jarvla... Taltwt c. Darldge b. Bpragns 8 b. Sprague .. McKlm c Croesley b. Uaughton IS b. Spragne... .133 32 b. Eyre 3 b. Spragne.. 1 b. Eyre .... Bichardson b. Spraguo. Bowring b, Bptagus Campbell c Moor* b. UaugtatOD Keichum b. Sprane..... llausslliig.Botout Oriswold c. Irving b. uauirhton. 3 not out., 3 b. Eyre 9 run oat ' 0 b. Spragne 3 c Darldge b. Byre 1 b. Spragne.. B., leg-byes, w., no balls.. 17 Bysa.2: leg-byes, 3. Total .. ~ .. 3 .. 4 . 40 7S Total PALL OP WICKBT9. 8TATIB ISLAND. Flrat inning 4IS9(MllB10311B138m Uft-lSS St. OBoaoB. First inning U30 3S 44 83 O 71 73 74 73—73 Second Inomg 8 Id 11 13 3J 30 37 S St 40— 40 Umpires M.-asra. Ja neaand tF. Bivwa .r. Oonover's fleldlng was a feature ot the St. Oeorge play. Ketcbum also doing some good long-stop- ping. Tbe SLOeoiRB lacked a good wicket-keopor. WBST^ARRBir ws. WIRE. The orloket clubs ot theee Haaaaaboseus towns played a match on Ang. 35, the Warrens winning by a BOOM Ot 68 to SI. Tbe gnnnd was in bad con- dition from rain. Vttst Inning. WBsv Wabbbt. Second Inning. Enalisbb. U. iTsmlth.... S b. H. B Bmlth .1... '... o McPlianoo. run oat 10 e. Morgan u. Smith IS Wm. CampbcU b. B. E. _ Smlm 0 h. B. E. Smith a Giant L b. w. b. H, E. Smltb 8 b. R..B, Smith 3 B. Talt L b. w. b. H. E Smith.. S e, Xonanb. Smith I J. Campbell b K. Shay.... 3 b. E. Shay x J. Talt b H. E. Smltb 0 rmi one 1 Bwlnndrlla b. & Shay 1 b. B Sbay 0 Brnwa b. H. E. Smith,.., 1 not eat j Annoar. not one 0 b. B. Bfaay 1 Pasco e. and b. H. E. Bmlih 0 e. Sntdlffe b. B. Sbay 9 Bye ,. 1 Total 27 Total., ,..S1 THE "WAlaKINO CHAJKPIORBHIP. BBnla to 0*Leisry. John Eonls of Chicago lonmfdi tunsibefoIlowlognlU- matum, which reada like baslnes9;and astbewrilerbaa duue Ilia beat In the effort to meat 0'Leary*s ideas la —..f matter of stake-money, and 3300 Is asum net to be apura- ed In times like Ibe present, tbe latter should close with the uOer. and glre Ennis a sight for bis cash; „ _ _ CBICiuo.Anr.SI, 1877. FnjjiK ^cB», Esq.—i>ear »r: I am nnabla u lalM raiire than 8400, for which amonot a side I eballeng* U'Lcarr to walk lUO mllei, winner to take all or twb- tiiiruaof gate-money, the walk to lake place in Chicago. 1 j (C!"!l%'*'?"l*7s after algnbigartldea. IwUlwiMfor W. B. Curtis to act asstakeholdir and rafereeTor ear ■iiher responsible pany O'Leaiy wlabe* to choose. The SSU now In IBB CurrBB ofllce, and which waa aent with my former challenge, I wish to apply to this: the bal- "■««^»4«»,la ready to be pntap aaaoOBaa anlelesare signed and stakeholder aelected; asdlaa SfiOOa aide u sa ff?ri'JSf*f.S"^«^"*««» walked lor lotheoonntry, lli'.ff'Ki'Jf' '""•"to meet me in a match It wUI eet- talnly ahow he la atrald and luwotthy tbe title of ebam- pioo pedestrian of America, who shonld stand raady to ?Skl l';'fhia"!iL!«'''^^ asplranu for^lSiSSik" r'V.^-.'i °°** Bet bring Dan to tbe scratcb. I will leeljasufledlnasanmlng what he U alfiw tSlfTi me a A.;Sri.,if.hBf*7'is?is*" cbarJs^^s'iKisro* Amenca--wiilcb I will be prepared to defend sgaust all for irom K8J to •eoo a aide, winner to take iSTrtwb- thirds ol the gate-money. " ' Alter tlie abore waa in type we recolred tbe (oDowinc telegram, rrom which it appeara that EddU baa aaoMded in raising (lie thoasaoddollais: .iu«rueu . ^ CniCAOo. Sept a. I send a fifty dollar dnft, making the forfeit on de- posit, accepting O'Leary's challenge for %\JXD a side. Balance to be staked atter signing artldea. 3ota EB.via D0L« ArCBPTR—On Miinday, Sept 3. we received the fulluwlog from Lester Dole, the champion sbort-iUstance walker, occompanlcd by fifty dollars: Xiw Havbx, Ct., Aug. 31,1877- Frank Qcrbk, Esq —Dtar mr: In answer to a chal- lenge iif Mr. Kenoett of New York, offering to mateb an unknown to walk melTom fonr to ten miles, 1 accept on tlie following condiilona; Tbe man to be named at the signing ol articIeA thesukea to he aa he wWica—flve hun- dred dollars a aide. I will meet Mr. Benneu at Tax CLir- I'KK ofllce on Friday. Sept 7, at 1 p. M., prepared to sign ariiclea. I inclose SM to cover Mr. Bennett's daposTi. Respectlully yours, LxsTKR C. Dole, Champion. SrKiNTixc AT Pnii.AOXtrHiA.-A foot-race took place Aug.'J7 at the New Bunting Park, Phihidelphia, between tdward Dyer of Fnuikf.ird and the "Jersey Boy," thedhi- tanco being one hundred and twelve yards ond a half In mine hundred yanl race between lliem last March Dyer wiin by a few inches only, and was allghily tbe lavorlte In ti.e present race. At the atarr. which waa bv report ol l-lsiiil, Drer Jumped off with the lead, and held it np to •tuebundredyarda, cltisely previHrd, buwerer. FTom ibia iiolnt the "Jersey Boy" made a deaperaia apun, and final- ly wun by about six Inches. Robbbt HiBDLS, tbe noted Scottish pedeitrlan, arrived in this coiuitr>- some days ago, and made hia appeaiaaoe on tho running^ath at tbe games of tbe Boston Caledo- nian Club Aug. 30, when he won the half-mile race by a yard la tbe slow rime of Smin. 19sec., both the contest- ants making a waiting race of It until Hearing tbe flnUh, ahen the noce waa a cracker. HiDdle also entered lu the mile run, bift, not levUng well, he dropped out alter going a qnnrter. T. TOBIAS, a merchant of Pltubarg. Pa, complains that JamcA Wheat, colored aprlaicr. whum be backed in bis (Wheat'si recent rocu In that city, "went bock en him" npon that occasion. Unfonnnately, that is a frequent oe- eurrence among professional rnnnera. and we see no way to prerent otliera being "taken in" In like manner here- after. W. Tab Ripxb abb V. Morr (the latter a member of Ihe Harlem A. C.) are matched to walk saren miles, for a medal, at the groonda of the K. Y. A. C. Mult Haven, Sept 8. On the 32d Inst Messts. Bcrte, Hanland and Bonton are to contend at twenty-five mllea lur a gold medal on the same grounds. A rooT-RACi has been arranced to take place at the New Uanting Park. Phliadelphto, Sept IS, between the *'Jers«y Bor'' and W. H. Adaetta: distance one hundred and lllty yards, tor tim a aide; winner also to have all tbe gate-money, TUEBB IS A lbctbb in onrcsxe for Cbaa Book. THE TRIGGER. PRACTICE AT CRBBOHOOR. The American. BritUh, Crescent dty and Amatenr Rlfle<lnb teams practiced st Creedmooron sereraldays ut the past week. The British team appeared oa the groonds for tbe flrst time on the 281b nit, when the wind and weather were eicellrnt. and ibey ipoke Uxhiy of the range, while doing tolerably good shooting lur strang- era. J. K. Milner made ue highest score of anyime on the team-30U, F. T. Plagott scoring IPk. or the American team. Gen. Uakin led wlUi 310, while six oibera Eot above 9D each. Of tbe Amateur Club W. M. Farrow and L. Geiger scored 303 and SB re- apectlvely; bnt Dudley Selph, the crack ol ttie t^rceccnta, tupped the heap with 112, and loit fire more by hitting the bull's-eye oa the wrong target Ue also made a bull In an off-band shot at l,OUO yanla. The American leading eight mado l.CIO against l,S43 fur the British team. On the 29tli Mr. Mllner again led on the aide of the foreigners, scaring 200, tbe highest eight scor- ers agEregating I.S72. Of the American team. Gen. Dakin made toe highest score ever nacbed at i^reed. incK»r—21s out of a possible 12S, IncjAiillng ihlTty-»la bulls-pyes. eight cpnires and an Inner, while seven uthetM reached over 310, and two more scored IfO each, the hlglieat eight acorea agcrvgatlng l,GS. Mr. Selph m.ido twenty.four bnli*s eyea In succeajlon—a clean fifteen at KB yards, and nine at tfUO. Be scnred 146 oat of a pos- sible ISO a^ the two tangee, and 210 out of a poaelble at a t tho th r ee distances. O n the 30 th the BrtlLah ed Sharp's Bifleworks and othei 'placfa' "A ihVVKVL,- partonk of a clam-bake, and ei\)oye-J tbp hospltal- illiai of P. T. Barnum. On the Slat they Ttsited Elm I'ark. Ninety-second street nnd Ninth avenne. and watched the Weat-alde dun Club contest for the lllldenileove medal, abootmg at cloaa balla. previous to which all hands triea their skill. In a dunbla handed match Milner and Hailord broke 13 to Gildeislerve itnil Scliweyer's la On Sept I practice at Crvedmoor was again In order, tho British rillemen on this occasion lar exceeding their previous work. MeMrs. Miioer, Femson .ind Humphrey scored 2j7escb: Pigcott, 2li6: tirana. 2Li3; <;. Fenlon, S<2; J. Fenton. 199; and Blcby, 19S; lo>al score !•>-higbestel^ht, l,6±i. Wm. Afms and :selpb oftheCreo- cent team scoted ai7 each. TOB Irisb-Abrricaxb.— Teams ol six men each, rcpre renting respectlrely the Irish-American Rl3e Clubs of this city and Greenwich, ct, shot a match at the latter place Aug. 211. Each contestant fired ten abocs atXOOydA, with the result below shown: New You:. Clarke , Ward , I 'aranogh Irwin itutiy... Kneeland.. ... S9 ... 37 ... 33 ... S3 S2 26 GttBKZSWICK. Bolei June Powera Tist Barton Rich .. 42 .. 38 .. 31 .. 29 -. 37 .. IS Total 200 Totol 182 The prize at Issue waa a sllrer cup rained at SZS. Upon the conclusion of tbe match the victura were en- tertained at dinner br the Greenwich marksmen. TUB iBiau-ABERiCAiv RiPLKCLtrBhadtbelrnsnalSator- dav shout on Sept. I. the prize at issue being tbe dub medal; disisQceaaiuand Ml Tarda, any rifle, but iportins weapons handicapped 100 yards on the second range. Ser* geant E Bums won. his total score l>elng 82. The other Korea were: MAlor E. Dull>', Lieut. S. F. Kneeland. M. M. .Maltby. 49 each; Lieut J. Regan. 48: Capt. W. U. Mur- phy, Sergts. J. F. McHugb and N. D. Ward, 40 Bin S(»>aE.—In a competition between members ol the M.Hiiacbuselta Rifle Association lor places on ttie team vblcUls to lake part in the Inter.8ute nutch at Crced- luuur Aug. 29. .fames Wemyss Jr. scored 216 i-olnts ont of a |Hia»it>Ie 238. He made liiuneen bull'aeyes and an inner at an yards, and twelve buU's-eyea and three cvntree at l.Otx) yaida THE RIHG. MiLLKRA:tn DwTER.-In response to the paracrapb which appeared In our past laaue. Prof. Wm. JSIIIer Je- Hre« us to say that he U prepared to make a matdi tn epar Johnny Dw5er, champloo. In aiime pul>llc hall, for a cupor belt ut the value of Slal, sometime In Koremker next; the match to constat ol six round^ and to be decid- ed by the number ol points made and the cleaneat hitting. In addition to the prize - mentioned, tho win- ner will take the uate-muney. Miller will meet Dwy- er at TiiK CLirrsB ofllce at II o'clock a. m. Sept 8 to make the neceaaary arraogemeota. Dwyer'a de- sln: Is to flght with glovei lor tJOO a side. In prirate, each coutesiant having twenty-five friends, and putting up 3SUU for them, thus making 32,010 I'ur tlie wnner. Be waiiis the fight to continue until one or the other Is •leaieo, which ne believes to iw the only way to satisfy ths public aa to which Is tlie better men. Each cnnieatant to apiaiint two gentlemen, who shall select a fifth person to act as reft-ree. RiLLY EowABDS la mstlcatlng atWayneabon, 0.,aad will prubably be tendered a benefit at Canton Sept a. Wb bavb a lbttxb for JoeOeaa AMUSEMENTS. Mussnm Cnrlosltles of all kinds Ibr long or short engage- ments at tbe New York Unseam. Coco all tbe year round Address TILLOTSUN A JACOBS, Mew York liasenm, 201 C hatham square, N. Y. I4.iia :^H'xxSjO£SXAi»flTZ Ninth and Cbesmut PHILADELPHIA, PA. JOHN O. NOOKAN , Pnprlelnr OBO. w. wrat ... ... .stage manager Thia Theatre Is crowned with snesess since Us opening. This la without exception THE BEST SHOW IN THE CITY. Good people can aliraya get a date by wrltlog here. , N. B.—AU letters aoawered. 34-lt 34-3t* dalyT^ fifth-atenue theatre; SEASON OP im-'TS. MJe:'\v ikA.l.t. AT ELIZARETHTOWN, KT, ^ BRYAN. WARREN A CO. hare Jnst completed their new hall, and it Is now open tn the public The hall la aSiSSft, 16ft. oelllng. Stage ISx40ft., with scenery, etc Seating capadty, soa Centrally loeat«l, with mn ae- oeas. Tvrma low. 134^1 OOOD EXaiBinONS WELL PATRONIZED. i*EI>AJiTO, TIUHT-HOPE ARTIST and only successful Gynmaatlc Aerooant in lbs country, i«ifbiius on a trapeie-bar two mllea hiffb. Is now cresting a great sensation lo Pblla- delphlawitb bis ilght-npo peiformance aeruss tha Schuylkill River br tor^light WUI aiiortly be at liberty to arrange tu FBlt^ etc Address WIBE-BBIDOE HOTEL, Palnsoont* PhllsdelphU. Pa I NEED A FEW MORE Living Curiosities and lUions to complete my tbice shows that 1 shall atait FOR THE FAIRS MONDAY, SEPT. la Addieaa 34 It WM. J. METCBBAR, Washington Hotel, Prtrridence, R. L 3i-l t*^ 101 North Hlgb street, RalUmnrs. Md. THE IINGABOS AND COMPANY. MBW PABK THEATRE. BBOOKLTN. Sept III to 17. 34.1t SHOW PAINTER, n OOtlBT STBEBT, BROOKLTH, K T. Costtatract can pass tbe door 34-U* FLAG OF HONOR. ADH mATBE, CHICACO, AUeUST 87, TWO WEEKS. IMMENSE 8DGGE88. rSONOUNCBD BT PRESS AND PUBLIC THE GREATEST SPECTACLE EVER PRODUCED ON THE AMEBIOAN STAGE. GRAND BALLETS MLLE. DE BOSA, MLLE. LETOURNEUR, N AND FUU CORPS DE BALLET. WEEK SEPT. 10 OPERA-HOUSE, MILWAOXBB, WR, nasi OPEN DATE OCT. 8. .7. Mansgara wishing to seeme thia attisetlOB.thagna*'.'. est on the road thia seaaoti, plea an addnaa E. OHBaox A ca,m -j.i MORRIS SIMMOroa 10 Union agnate. New Ygfc ■ 38-H':-.. NOTICE TO MANAGEBS^ OF FIBST-«LASS THEATRES OKOt.' . L NEW YORK BURLESQUE AND C0ME6Y coMPAmr. J. p. JOHNSON , . . BosinesS'iiisiisger GEO. S. SEWCOHB Treasurer OBO^tNIZED AND ARRANGED FOR THE REASSII OF 1877-3 FOR A TUUR OPTIIB PRINCIPAL CITIBS „ OF THE UNITED STATES. A carernllr-seleeted company of LADY AND GENTU- MEN .VRTIRTS Irom the leading theaxres of Europe aad Ameilca. Tbe whole under tbo superrlaloa of THE ACKNOWLEDGED MASTER OF AIX BUR- IsESQUE COMEDIANS GEO. K. FORTESGUE. For list of compaur tLod iDlmlUbla ivp«rtoIn ot Bar- le«>qamuid CoraedtWp ma Yarare uooaaevmeDts. A fCDod Comedian, and MTenl Versstlle AtxImib WAlfT- ED. aljio a compttunt L««der ot Orchestn. MaiA b« dni- cUm. Addrcns bj leuttt GEO. K. FORTESGUE, BBOWK & BASNES, Agents 8M BROADWAY, N. T. ^uenIa^d chariot, COMPLETED TBIS WEEK AMD OFFEBBB FOR SAUB CHEAP, I wUI,antll I dispose of said ChazioC, Anlab She e. with six (8) horsea, phimaa, el£.for Miniti«la.Va- r Combinations, etc.. that rlalt ProvMaoce, & L • '" " WM. J. METCHBAB^ (ahowman^B Bome) Washington aatti. and same. riety t Address L PROVIDENCE SUNDAY DIRPATCH, SEPT. iTltTf. Yesterday our nponer foond Mr. P. U. BUI. tba well- known soenlMri 1st ot this dty, aoaged ia pntalaE ea tbe finishing touches to one of the nuesa band - ehaflota erer seen in this city. On inqoiry it was ascertained thaA' tbe wagon waa boili for Mr. Wm. J. Metcbear et this dff, who propoaea to let It to sbowmea rlsltlng the though oi course It Is Uke any praperq-, tor sale at a ttlr prlce. Mr. IHU eipecia to have the chariot teady tar tha road this week, ana certainly when it does appear, bash Mr. Metcbear and Mr. UiUwUl see aouietblng of which they may well tie proud. PROYIDIUtCE SUNDAY TBLEORAM, BEFT. X W7. A brand-new wagon haa Just been nnlsbed lorDr.Wn. J. Metcbear, which will be let to traveUng shews aad eaia- blnatlona. It la one of the bandaomennf the kind evar drawn through our streets. Icia richly decnrwted, glUed and IVescoed. besldea being oniamenied with over any earrings representing appropriate flgurea. lalsohareagreatTariety of Circus Property, oobsw- Ing of Wagons, etc., that I wilt seu cheap for casta, a le&.e on per cent Kend tor a circular. 34-U CINCINNATI, O. COaPAlIT i5S K luunjBKVi^ _ throDvtaout. vUl open for tli« F&i U77 and'TS. with ths LARtiE^T NOYELTT that ever appeared In any Weatem diy. READ THE NAMES OF A FEW of the most . PROMrNE.VT ARTISra: that are engaged for tbe opening: MR. VAL VOSE the great premier TenttlToiialst MK. PaT ROUNEY, the nnriralled Irish vocalist and comedian. . . MR. J. W. McANDREWS, the Water Melon Man. MK. andUtts. R. A. BKkNNAN, Cant <IEO LIABLB. WALTERS and HUGHES. TuMHV TDR.VER. EDMA MAKKLF.Y. LULU FRANCES, MISS MIN.NIB CLYDE, LIZZIE MULVEV, and a boat of others. Sensation Stats, Dramatic and Variety Oo mh l nitliw ahdBnrlesiiueTranpes can secure daiea by appiylngis the managers. All letters answered. • 34-H* TEMO LSRiNDI, fllVlNl. The celebrated BERGER FAMILY, CONCERT TROUPE AND LADY ORCHESTBA. bare been engaged by the ORRIN BBOTUER-I for a sea- son in Cuba, tu commence at tba above theatre aboot Date's Ibr ComDlnailoos (xoltsUe for BsTiDa),'lUi» irela, CIrcuaei*, Menageries, Jopaitese Troupes, eta, etc In theatre or bull ring extraordlaazy scfisatlonal spc^ altles alwaya waiitetL Silence a polite neestire. All oommunlcaiHins to ORKlN BROTHBK8, 34 1 1 AshlandHonse, Fourth avenue. New Torit TWELVE GOBYPHEifS WANTED. MUST BE GOOD-LOOKJ.NG XSD FIBST-CI.A33, DLONDES PREFERRED, FOR ORRIN BROMItS'mP.M, m BAVAMA. GOOD ENaAaiQIE.VrS AKD FIRSr-CLAfB FARES PAID. Apply Immediately to A. BLANIIOWSEI. 24-It 88 Clinton place, X X MAY FISK STAR ENGAGEMENTS AsUr. ReDtonhiw fal«dto ke«phi» coninctwUbBBg I am aitlibony to nugoUai« with mpooalbU manapenL ^1W lfia< p. Ifipa and unall IJiha)(rapb«. elfl^nt Wmm^ r obf. Addraw flao Slxih ATSPue. Sew Yurt. g*-it» ROBERT FRASER BEFORE THE AMERICAN PUBLIC SINCE O. L. FOX.— NEW YORK HERALD. I am prepared to fbinlsh tricks, wardrobe, propottaa, add play tne following pantomimes,, to famish the p ar- formaoce ot either DRAMATIC, YAKtBTV or MINBTUb ENTEBTAINMBNTS. or give tbe enil te bl U 11 dealred. e. L. FOX'S ORKIINAL HUMfTT OUMFTY, an played hr me in lia original boma, THE OLYHno TBBATRR. ifew Turk. One Unndred and FUty Nlghta. THE ataXS MO.NBTE^ THE COlUKCBaa. AND MAinr OTRKIO. I^He JIo11d»v Weoksi y»t opeia. For date* addieo Union-plane MnttiL New Terg 3Hg - thmhiical simit. PANORAMAS, ETC, PAINTfcD AT BEDDCKD. BATES BY J0HN6ANVAEDJB. fOracrly of AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATIOH and late of BROADWAY THEATRE. Terms half cash in advanee. balanceO. O. D. 2<-lt« once I JIt Broadway. N. T., Booaatl. PBILAOELFUIA. MISS CiBEIE WOODS, ftovwcomcr, rarpriMM cvottooo Id ba rapid cliaoff«a*f- teaatltnl costuscn, tba oreha^tim haTlniTbanllr tliaal*-, turn tbfl isQiilc. Her BiiDn ol * V* and **£»methUi£ I . an a decided •ooeru.-SuM DAY PRUa. ^ Tb«ae so>«ji «m wriltM nimM) j tar m; amt I caoOaa •TcnroBo agalnn iIdsIdv tbem. M4P -< fHK BKLLE OABRl£ii£E CXtlttBIN'A.'nvN' hasInal rinacil a if11 iiiiii n iil iiiiSMiiiiinT at thalbfr- stra Comlooe. Waahlagioo. Reewbat the managwam: TO WBOM IT NAY CONCBIt.N.-I take.pleaaa gy M teeomnwnding tbe BELLE OABBIBLLE COBBIMAmX to managers in geoarnl. Tbey are fint-daaa anboaK ibeir miHlcal aoifinbar acta, aa well as pantDalBilstA od ban a rich waidrobe, JOBN pJlOOERa. . ^. Ma n a ge i cf the TbeaneComkine. Wsa MBB ti ai .il, IX.. Manaaem wUblng to nestnlateadteaalMNotthBlt^ street, Baltlmoie, or to thelragenj*^ ■• . _' . ■ 34-lta CARM BLB A CATBBLT> NswTmt. A. H. SHELDON AMD Miss NelUe Sandlbrd la the roDantIo anuatlonal dttaia' In lonr ad^ WEALTH AND CRIME. For open dates addrsaa A, H BBBLOON, Na S7SVM. SMh street, N«w York, or BBOWN A BAB.SB3. .I4-U> , MISCELLANEOUS. EINLABUBanddaralopanypurtlMiuf We l>uly Im aanS- I "Peiialane." WieeBl'ponpald. Rahablii ius&^Si* Address Dr. Va n Helm, 181 Coortrt., Bsst.n. Mat CCAOCB OOODB. Booka, Photos, ate. Catalncoa tola |3 taaa P. W. WILLLAMB A:.'.., Chteige,IlL 3lrlP