New York Clipper (Sep 1877)

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l90 THEATRICAL RECORD. J*" " ijaiBiT iitilii—il malt tut LADIES'. a«om ABeii,Jiad. blo««r> Xn lOnT. SUule I Garland, Oraca (otaw- OUmorv, Alice ^ urn. Rom * WUUs ADen. Oaetiie (oT Hcrrise. Fannie AUen'aPtant.Co.) Blaode. Edltb Brookx. Xn. Sat« Bnonan.BmiDMli' Betmoat^UHlnoSc Bnorlar, Xtj. Xaada BldwdL Donle naHOLXailam OooMllr; Kta. Marie Ohm*, AdeUlda oaAoii,Ada - ■ Chamben* Aocns- - to Cllftoo. Blanche Omao, (let-l DeBM.'iiaaslilne IMxoB. Blaacbe OonnA, Slota Delantf, Aimls DKler. Mn. Trar SeAlTlamitanOB Oearten. Fiannle D a «eBpoit. Unda DtT«Te,LldaA ■ OaAtrU, unie DeBtenb Any .IIeBaiin.Xlle. adlldl«.LUUa BDi% UaOie BRietta. Kittle B. XMnm, Cell* ntxhoKh. SalUa HoTcnee, Fanale tTaii»tT*n>l»") Fox, Annie Ony.AdiienBe Wjet euten llaxlow. Rom (p.o. m. E. Indlea) HaiTlaoo. Alice j Hfiwaiil.Xande(o( Eoldene'a Co.> Jeaume. Fannia Jotan, Emma JsnaoKhck'5 Ca, Maaac. Jagper.Vatle Kenvon, I*ld» I«wU.CaiTle Ln. Xiilam La Bsc, Mn. ma Lanrde, Kittle Leontlne. MUe. ■Utebell. Hassle Veil. Hnae intchell. Lottie Mar.Btta XoRtmer, Brtelle MtiBlitll, TlraliilB Btdnej, BtUe Ue. hanena, MIlHa (o( Bcone, Amj Boliblna'Ctr.) ~ ' Baddlir. CalTia Hardinp BovIrT, Mra. Jaa. D. (31 Banaom. Alice Ralofenl, Minnie Bomelir, Mad. Marie Richard.^ Tli^lnlB faetreM) BJcdmond'a Ca, MaoARf Ada BlcbairU. BeUe am.Londan,Engi Bain. Mn. Sophia disc. Stanler, Mande Smith, nettle (of Smith 9l«t.> St. Mar. Belle St. Fellk, Clemen- tine lit. Felix, Madam RhaaleTr'Mephlne SatwTB, Blisdie Betmo, Sadie Romexa. Alice Ade- Maro,Ena(I> McLangtilln, Mr*. inner.'°Mn. lalde Medina, MIm X. ye(M>n« Annie PhUlIn AdeUtde 6c Proctor, Anea Parker, Ceorsla A Llnie Pbmipa. Parker. LI .tide Parker 8l«em> Preetlge, Fannie Btone, Amj Tajlor. Marian Voa UDlen, Bo- tha ac Wood*. Annie (ro- Weeton, MacRle VTallace SMm, Afeato f_ Wehrter. Fluieuoe WbllBn. Mkl Vaile, Mca. Jennie n-ade. Joae (or Wade SisterA) (o(1Weatbenib7, Ellu TooD-. Mm. C. Zoula, MUlle Zanfretta, Joale flgMTi.mrevij LIST. . Ar<eoBa,rhaa. IMorentinr, Mooa. |0'I>oaotiaa,Ttie Atklna, Blllr (cir-'Fox, Cbaa. (ETm-0'Ncil.J. H.(ol Hs- eu'tiii") nut) wonh'a Co.) se. " ' Ftank Prat. Bntt |0'Brlen,T.(olUant. ••Fcmnklln'* ; poller>aTorietIea) Fllnn. John N. O^cn.'Mr. rut Tan Gathree,T.(ofTan*sl Ambancb'a CIr.) Olympic Cir.) iO*BrieD. Tomm^ Anitla, Cbas. Omta AlldcranB, W. H. Anen,Wiawrence Ootthold. E. M. (21 Omborn. llanr (of Andetaon,. x (ma^dan) Alnawortta, P. K. - Atfclnm W. A- Bordeau, W. B. BnrtOD. W. O. Baraeti,Air Benedict, Lew Bder.Pimnk BaR«tt,Leal8 BUB, Franoola R. Se. Bniekwar, W. H- Bmii,0. O. Bloodla, Uer Bernardo, MrOate af Hadef'a) BaireU'a Co., TT'-'y Lawiroee GenoD, Ednaa (R Heock'a Op. Uo.) OriJUo, T. F. Oar Boarding- (^nd, A. (Of CoIe'»l hon«eOi..Mana5. Cir.) lO'lMen bm, ft) OoTmiin,J. (ofGor-iOnborae, llany nunBroa.) ;Omn Bni^ GloTanl.-(late(oi;"»T»"U) Detroit) Millllp*. W. F. acuta, C. B. (oianaseri OroTtr.Leonart |Petei«.Uaa(Dntca GUL Willie I -bli"-) Goq}6,W.J. :Plnk DomlnoeA OrllBn A Rice <V>.. Manacrr Ueoise. Fnnk PrimnxKi, <». H. Garrett, Jot. IPieccy, S. W. (SeromeACameran ({nlllen, Lem (5) Beffealer> Jno. W. (xnlnet.) ' m.John . Jamea JohnF. Blarwhard, O. <TO- eallao Bu1aw,llUt Backler. iot (mtauc'W) Benton, Cbaa. ^ Brooki, W.A. Biandr. n. A6c Barr, (;ee. Blind Tom Rlckabv. John Rernolda. earner Bobertp. K. U. Rothirell.T O. Roome. J. D. (ban- lollR) Bnn. T. J. (ol Kel- ly A R>sn)ec RowelU Wm. BUcnold. gcol Robln»*n. Uarry BecO. 8. R. Sheldon, B. (n( V. AmbaJl|b*a Cir.) Chaie ADarla Cohan, Jeny Oark, HatTT (earned.) Cordora, Harry Oook,Maie (« Cooa,a.B. ODCe ,<Jea. g. ^^i^QmlB|S^ J. CKinunlnH A Wblte Cbyeco, Will O. OncrA Hamlin Uilletta, W. U. Gannon. Jaa. Beath. J. K. Harrla, F. D. Hcrwood, Ja*. Haebner, F. C Hertue. Dan Haley, ^oa. HalLHUIa Hart, Harry Ball, Rnbt. H. Uownrd, Rollln Henrlg, Goa (lead er) , Hawktaw. D. (ol-6nllj. Dan Waoner'i MbuU.Ranyeab, Sam HabbelI.L.J. |Emlili,Fred. O. Hall. A. (of Waidi-;Spra(ne ABIodsett "10 bom^a Co.) Roman, Geo. Barrinn, Ked Sheridan, VUlle Huibruok, Dare Isheppard, rataey Healy, Dr. J. B. iSbeppard, (>. Sort Hodirr, Tommy H.*Mieridan A Mack Hama,W. C. iSmltb, W. P. (ol Head, Harry C.| Smitb'a Bell B.) (telegiam) jSlate. Harry Inc*.j:K.(3) JStreit, Geo. (ol Jama, J. H. (0(1 Howe'aClr.lTZi Boldeoa'a Co.y .BlDcleum, a ip. o. Johnson A Braao 1 m. Anauallaj flc -Jim" i» Sc. tStraniDiy. — Kln»4ev. J. E. iSlieeran. Jamea Keene. C. A. 'SwaDton. P. U. Enablo, Cbaa. H..BUnre. W. H. Eenoodx, M. A. Boydam Bro. O Ketehnm, O. P. ISbermao. RUly Clifton, r.' K. (o) Eeonedy, H. (rra-|Skinin«. Albert FoTcpnnsh*a Cir.l triloqaiat) Gonnd, W. (oTLeicta.Cbaa. Bowe'aClr.) - iLmlht. Cbaa. Carrloa, Tboa. I NaUle OHlTcri GoUUndLyten,W.H. iS ' Camer, J. (eomed.) Cocnen, r. O. (o( O'BMa'aCb tCc Ca<e,Thoa. Ila Cole, Al <or Foce- angh'« dr.) 10c I Lynch, Ed. (Irlah I "bim") Leopold A Wire. Mou. Lavlor, Fimok Leelno, Heorl Lon^e. U. B. (•Iieot) Rohmma Mbut)| :Sbendan, V. B. Showers, Andy A; (Jeasler) (3) 6t« E. (of Whlto Plalnul aamoT, Gilbert (A Bbin; Dare Sprajme. D. J. >lliT!ll,J. II. IS)1C Sbcrldan. KrmakS. Slterldan. Wm .SteieoD. E. T (3) ,61aTlnii ASraltb (Tl k, W. D. (o( Lcariu. M. IL e> ISherman, Jerome Larln, J H.(acnt)l W. Caamtalca. Joe iLenoai^ WaOa (aonx.aikd.danca)-Le Clair, Shed Cowan, W. B. A. Ucpold, Gfoim Gonnlnjihain, FIl- Lerino (boa. (3i day (eontortionlat) OeoD«F,iL P. *^lnclooatna" (dma "Wa") . CliarncF.r. Oody. Hon. W. T. Del ta a. Bam tS) Snltoo, Wm. D anm, W. B (ballaeolat) t O. H. pKk-Selk G^*. n. ■Martlnjlim MUcoTt. E. Mowir, Kell Manaccr W.*' Deakln, narxr - vOLH. VTliaO Deema* Llulpn' tlana, Barry DehellB. Uanr CO Sc. DeailNH II Di T TT Donicberty. & W. Donelaon. Jack Danlcheff Co. Manacer Dalahamy. — date Delehe AUeogleri OockBader, Chaa. R. INbohi.— Dade, Cbaa. Dalian. Jamen EIU*,Sam Bddle^ Corner A Ooldrn Edirania, Welch Everett, Panl EdwaitKWalterP. Bdwanlii, Chaa (Dnteb *n>lB*^ Fla y ue. Prank Fomer, T. J. isdr.. iTaylenre. C W. ^Tothlll, Pm). ■TillolunD, W. W. jTyler, (leo. W. Leopold A Gratun tThompaon. John Leon, Wm. S. (On Uand) Le ii i a ie , E. T. Iniompwo, Den Lntpold, Ed. iTempleton. Jobn Little. Dick Tbtimpnen'aARent, - - - John Tomer A Oyer Thatcher. Ked Tolboit, BaiTT (2) Sc. „ Tbiei. c. O. Martina, Eugene iTroubailor Qoir- MarpliT.Joa- 1 tetxeCo. Hllla. W. J. iTorner. Richd. McAdow, Dndlry ild'oer. Frank Aath- Moroaco Family Iviocent, Felix A. McDonald. Geo. F.iVandeohod Cbaa. HorrU, Mylex iVIctoria Hroa. iS) McElroy. J. (a(;ent:Ticxorille. John and i wmutt ma) 'Whalen. B. MnrTlL "tm IWilMiB. R 0. McKeoKle, Archie iwuiiama, Peier Maob, Hel iWinffdeU. John Morton, J W. (ofjWalaon. Fred. HarrlE.AHartCa.),WoDdeniay, C. B. Miller. H. Bnrt (X>j W<«d, N. S. Morrow, D. (orwebb.Pmt Albert Wood'* MuceomliWanrn. Wm. ip. a Uorria, Tommy m. Cuba) MeKeever, Jno.' Wood * West io>metlat> IWi(:gina,H. F.(lna- MolETn, Charlie > xidan) at MoDtaldo, Cbaa.(3ljWoolcutt, Lem Miller. Jo>>n (Uta|Wbllln|c Cha'. A of Detroit) I Annie Martinettlc, Ed. ^Waeoer, Cal UarMlea, Prcil. Pnnallo, Jno. B. FnnUln,Mr. iwiier, L. H. Wlilin, Frank (of I ColTeraal Cir.) lWooda,C. U. ;Weodi. Giu (sonz- ' KMl dance) McLaln. J. A. MlacoBm. Maekley. F.J. Mlaco, Wm. Martin A Cn. McClarT. Cbaa. (ofWcbjiier. Cbaa. BIce'a (flr.) ;\Veraer. Xnl M'.rton. Praok. iWode, Harry .Mcbolla. C T. Whillaoit. Mai >'oblem MiltoD Nlrbollis B. Ul iltonfie. .■•■•yea. A- C. Owen, W. F. Wtaitlud. Uanr Tnun;. ChaiL w. Tatei, Ben Zera. ProL Zandetta, Alex. S^TtotSfcItF. we iem«rh.d to tha hoWcy • aeason tltftet. unA wbo, as sncb holdeis, was om- to aaenS OTery poifotmniioe, tHat tbo tJiontre wotildbeabtsmine InSnmmer-tlmsUltvasKept OB ieet DldTe langht Did he make tbe welkin nne Willi hit lond and ptolonged Bpplaass at our comical UtUe WtJ No I Instead, ha east tipon nsa wltlierlns looker contempt and dlagnst, and caUM anofflcertoIUtosontl ItBlreatisa good deal Of Dleasnie to learn b; cable that the bouse In which Plerro Oomelllo. the Rencb dramatist, was bom, at Bonen, has beon rwtorod. The cable tails to Inlonn tis whether It was a case of remorse on the part ot tho thief, or a Tolantary auirender of the propertji and no auatlous asked." A man who wants to estab- lish a akatorlal rink here called last week to ask our adTloe. Without hesitation we embraced that man with the same vehemence as though he bad been a long.Iost bioiher with a mole on bis off. cheek- be^aee ekatlOK sounded so. cooUdk and retreehlns. We admired him still more when he solemnlT ezpreesed the opinion that tbe ntw Smlc-U be a nns minklef This remlndod us ot Heller when he qnalntlF said: "Thehattnclc'U ault Otttttriaa people 1" We falrl; rolled In an ec- siaey of delight when we read In a French paper (why, ot amrte, we read French. Jimmy, we dee. pise the mean way you have ol wringing In your dlagraoetnl slurs) that an American clrcns has been glTlns performaneea In Bocbefurt. And when we came to that part ot the article which told about the escape ot a Uts lion, and how he roamed the streets until he was recaptured wlth- ont dolog blmaell or any other penon In- Inry, we turned a fltp-nap,. alighted on the broad ot our back, with both ehouiden a-touch- Ing the ground, ana gave vent to our ^atrlotlo teellnesln an outburst of genuine enthusiasm. Whatever doubts we may have bad as to the gen- uineness ot the Ammcan ckaracter ot the show were quickly dispelled by the recital ot the live lion let loose In the streets, not was American all out. The French people took In the escape as It It was real, and attar that the dreus was thronged Uke It was a tree-lunch of frogs' legal We do hope that our foreign relations now here will not go to see Sothem In "The Crushed Tragedian." at the Park Theatre. In expectation of witnessing a Inoedtf. It Is a oomedy, pure and simple. Mow, mind To show how (flstretslDgly bad are the Omes. weneed only say that the sculptor ot the •Twelve Apostles," "OeneralOrant and bis Fam- ily." and other specimens of architecture, is lying Idle because ot a strike In bis studio, even the wax declining to work, eo that the waxworks are In statu quo. We don't know where this thing Is going to strike nextl See herel In our own private aquarium—where Jim goes a-flshlng every now and then, and tries to convince ue tbat becaught 'em In a meandering stream that makes Its way through mountoln-gonces—there is a brlgtavlooklng goIdOsh, wlih a ngnre 6 distinctly marked In black upon Its back] This Is om- inous l But what does It portend? Has It any reterence to the outoomlng ot "Big Slzl" We have Just succeeded In catching a sevenieen-year locust to see It It had a 6 upon It. But It war not. In Its place, however, wns a W, which denotes war! Can any ot our astninomers or naturallets tell us what significance the 6 has? Tbeyare making a creat outcry "over tbere" because "Our Boys" is In Its eight hundredth Innlngl Talk about TOUT snccaasful plays! Look at "Hazep- Isn't that famous for Its oiorstour "rimr P" The poet Joaquin Mlllor holds a winning trump In his "Utart ot the Blertas," and scores of people throng the Broadway Theatre to watch the exciting play At Egyptian Hall, Inst weok, among the attractions was "The French Minuet." "Our Jim," wbo doesn't appear to make much headway In his studies, wants to know whether "The French Minuet" is any longer or shorter than the American minuet ot sixty seconds It would appear that our youthful aaslsiant baa already begun to worm his way In the back door and affections ot the stase-hands ot the theatre. And the following piece Is one of the results of his affiliation: "PRors." BT O. J, Helesiraly la a man ot nlae and eity mannera, Aa baa to fomUh evecytbliM: from iilpea to praod plannera; Ueirlreiithe actera spooreooa colna, and karda ter help 'em win *em; An ri'ee Imponint lettera, to, tbat halot got natben la'em. . . He mmlahes ths^'bankwet ban)," ana dnaasnt glv 'em notbcn Eecept a wen-r dizzy vine (!) that'a anl the time a lnthtn! Hiaess la Irairaahin vunn, lila "goiden knpV* U ccammon; Ilhebalnttbeserlleonhand.'be'aapttocetadammln. I ihlDk Ida Ilka to be a props—there'a nimthln aobegUIn In torklDg to the hally-pilii, and gettln 'em a-amlllnjr. And then I naedlnt amoke nu atumpa aol coleia, ahapea and niaea. And nedlot fakkll no ole fllea for pepll I dUp,aes: SIS abmpt termination Ot the "pome" seema to ve l>een caused by the ear-plerclng shriek ot the noonday-whistle.— Ed.] She who has so skillfully operatad on others on the lyrlo stage Is now belDgopeisted on herself. PoorTlUenal 8be hss almost reached the Bnalel We came acxoesone of our alleged old-time jokes a few days ago; but It was nesrly bent double with age, and had been BO sadly mutilated by thedlfferenthands through which It had passed that we scarcely knew It. Each paragraphlst gave It a new dress- ing. It reminded us of the old woman WllO, dressed In a now gown, went Into church one momlDg just as the coogregatlon was singing "Hslleliijuh I" Tho old Isdy stood stilt a minute to catch the soft strains, as i\t thought, ot "I hardlyknewyer."and then exclaimed:"! don't wonder, with this now gotrnd on I" A baby- ehow Is to be held at Now (tetlo. Pa., during the fair there this month. They havo been a long time preparing for this show, and hope beats high In many an anxious breast To offset the twby exhibition, Boston Is to have a do^ show this week. This In the Athens of America. O my ooun- trymenl laltforthUI ," [Cntaiiai-loua n aae Ot memory obliges ua to break off at this intr-mtln^ point.—ED.] Could msDogers be called ocro- bata because when thoy get their Fall and Winter sets ot actors they turn (Aor Aunmcr ttU oat of doonf They bad a nnmber ot Qovemora on show at the Permanent Exhibition. Philadelphia, last week: but they didn't take so well as Pedonto In his wit«-walking feat acroes the Bchuylktll, or Professor King, who went up In a l>alloon. Party prelndlce Is toostrong In the Quaker City to permit ot the success of a mixed commission of govera- oiB, who must give up politics It they lnu>nd to swing around tho oUcie and make stands at the Autumn and Winter fairs tVhy doesn't Joa- quin Miller act on the stage? A man who gets his lines eo pcrtect'ouirbt to make a good ebow-actor. We give tbia advice lo those ot our friends wbo go a-DehlDgatCoDey Island in tbehopeotcatchlDg white wbalee, which command good prlcesat pres- ent: Don't use trout.fistalng tackle, nor worms for bait. Nellhcrot these will answer. PtqiumoiJib Siasi will please copy .The modern Alias la Jobn Bteisou of Boston, who Is now carrying the great "Glolie" on his shonldetsi We didn't say that Nick Bobnrts, who manages the "Humpty Dumpty" party, was a son of OUNickl This Is antbentlc Tbere need t>e no nneaalness about the "New Big Four," who have gone to Caltfomla to join Eoirrson'B Ulnstrels, t»r we are reliably Informed that, to guard against Indians, road- agrnis, and whooping-cough, they have taken a good supply of cough-medlclne with them t In tho Texas Jack Combltiatlon they have one ruba Jim. We would inform the timid pale- faces ot tbe East that this Jim la neither "Oor Jim" nor Tuba Dam Jim. This is correct. nrraoDncTOHT. UOXDAT, Bopt. 3, Tl. Aoendlng to popular belief, the Summer's end- ed. It went out like a blast tnim a nerytnmace, scattering Its caloric on all things, animate and and giving every man tbe delusive ap- peaniioe ot earning his bread by the sweat of his baow and other portions of his anatomy. It came upon tia. at .& time when we were cungratulailng oniMlTeB that the sweltering days of the Summer hod terminated, and that we were about to enter upon the enjoyment of pleaa&nt days and nights. It sent back to* the sea-shore hundreds of those 1^10 had prematurely dlsuounted the end of the healed term, and K necessitated tbe hurried clos- ing-np o£ tboea mansions which had reopened at the flist admonition of the coming ot the Autumn term, ot-thoee melancholy days about which tho awieet poet, so well Po<(-ed on such subjects, haa aoDoauillally discoursed. Old Sol upset all calculations, laughed at the alleged arrival of Hioa<i rtajn rtrnnmiiiaTr 1 the saddeet ot tbe year, and-Bade us reallzs how unsnbetantlal ore the oeotloiis ot human will and hutnan hopee. The theatrical sesson, which was Inaugurated with the dosing- week ot August, and which ■'gavo early evidence of futtire excellence." was k ^H^b<M< higher than the proverbial kite as the night lengthened and the heat strengthened, and audlenoss grewamoll by 90 degreea and upwards, and omtlnued to aeenme nnbeantltnlly lees pro- portions aa the Fire King maintained his prob- able tinrelentleas reign. Bvsn those blonde divln- Itla^ whose wardrobe may be Inclosed In a silver tuinfuijij complained ot the enervating effects ot the heal^ and might have even discarded their thimbletiil ol dothlng had there been no law »g»tii»» I n decent exposure and nnde pertorm- aneeik Bat a change baa now come o'er the spirit of •^A Uldsununer-nlght'a Dream." and dellght- fnl measnTFa ot InvlgorstUv aln attend onr wak- mcasweUosoarslnmberlng hooia The old o^thebearer haa been viewing the land, cutting down the ripened fruit, and gathering In Ma har- Tast ot the aouls'of men. Since our last eom- miutlon with our trlsnds. King Death lias been biiBy. Bonm, who were full of years and n- paaad honors, have bowod tbelr heada beneatli' his sweeplog stroke, and joined that Innumer- able <»nvan whose march Is onward toward the 0avw^ To'uthii. Jtisc budding and nnfoldlng the beaatlesot m new life have been prematurely cut down ere yet the sins ot the world had time to tamlstilheir purity and innocence. In another part j>C this Issue ot Thb cujppzBmay t>e found 1h« roll of rare old Elug Death, and many a heart will throb and many an eye will be moistened as the Ilstoit the 4'*d Is glanced at, and the names ot iho'MnM'and lost meet the half-averted gaie ot tlkae»:Who ace left to mourn tbe abeenco of IrleitdCWbo have cruased "over the river." over the ii iiiT'*'"' nver of Death I .Everything la the heart with gloomy tonbodlngB, and make us pause and ponder. We BOW learn that the lalr land of Italy, with Its sun- ny akiesand ^olBV Blna ^ Ih *ore dlstieas, no leea than twenty-nine theatres being tenanlless tor the eamlval linsffrr What a terrible ahow- IncJa thlsl And what has caused lit The prob- lem la not dunculi o( solailon: It la onset the dreadtnl reetUta <tf tli» lata railroad strikes lu Paansylvmnia. Diiring the late heated cam- palsn. the '"seuptiueiBque" EUsa Weathersby, albeit not trammeled with other than ellken tjfbla and airy fabrics, expressed aa ardent de- to "hang her clothes oii a hickory limb," la Older to> give freer pliir to bor own sym B'ettlcal limbs. The charmlnK Blm, hoirever. Is evvsr exuberant, let the Weatfaeoby warm or cool. .... . And this raterenee to sweet aplrluaad their ally - tutdieat nnlfonns Indnersustosivgestthat ■pill t.wzapiBZ84tre the moet fitting aotiunea tor yboskil -■While the spirit move* iis,-aB our Qtiaka r readeia wonld aay. we wish to Introdnoe a veaa at xeadahle poetiy on the subjeot ot LITTLK PEOPLB. *ne Xldxata" i«em to IM Twin aaowman's beoelactloai: And thoo^ thevte rciy ntalt, ■ Tte»*rea«talM«aarac<lonxf ......Ho ma'itier bow hot the weather maybe, no aattarUwe^mowwesbaU be broiled and roasied. ■III. must watHi In the boneatrffoit to take In the tnoauca, and ta^ltuess, tor the benefit of our readers VJuaxeplnlog At Baratoea or swimming at I4>iis CTTT (tUAUlAIlT. jocDB Pboctob, wbo has tMeu In this city for a few days, left for Boston Aug. 31- He Is to fulfill two star engagements here during the coming sesaon. FbaSE Mato arrived In town during the luist week from his Summer residence, la Csnton, Pa. T. E. MoBBZLi., the well-known theatrical pub- lisher, who hss acbleved considerable reputation as an amateur actor. Intends msklog his dvbut on the prufeaslonal stage during tbe coming sea- son- TRX PB£LnaitABT 8£ASo:t at the Fifth-avenue Theatre terminated Sept. 1, "Ah Sin" continuing the attraction. Charles T. Parsloe had a benefit Aug- 31. Attendance during tho week, light. Miss mat Datenfout, a daughter of the late E. L. DsTeupnit, arrived from Europe Sept. 3 In the steamship England. **TH£ Danttes" attracted a lltjerol attendance to the Broadway Theatre tho past wcok. Now that tbe ladles aud gentlemen In tliecastore becoming betterHc^iualnied with one another's artistic i>ecu- llariaes, the acting is more harmoninus, and, as several minor changes have been mode In tho dialocne and atago-bttalneae, tbe piece la more enjoyable than when we first witnessed It. Thz Obasd Opera nocsB is to be opened for the regular season Sept. 3 under the continued management ot Poole & Donnelly, with F. 8, Chonfrau as the star, acting In "Kit." The sup- porting company will Include O. C. Boniface, H. B. Phillips, Oeorge Harvey, W. Meedham, H- vio- lur, L. E. Barker, E. A. Weaver, Oeiirge Jordan, Harry Phillips, George O. Boniface Jr., Mrs. Weaver, Hiss Hay Munes, Little NelUe Maurice. Miss Maurice, Miss Naylor, and Master Harry. MISS PBABL ErnsoB Is engoged as WoUock's Theatre for the coming season. AT THE ToLKB' (}ABDEX. ths new arrivals this week are to be the Troubadour Quartet, Miss Faimie Leslie, Petre Ooebeii, Miss Florance Mar- shall, Sidney Coming, Miss Annie Foy, Frank Bell, and Harry (nark. AT ABEBLE'a TITOLI THEATBB, the OITlTBlS thtS week Include the Sawyer Family, Mile, Letour- nenr. Flyim and Euson, the Monzert Slstets, So- phie (Sirlstlne, Minnie Clyde. The theatre haa been handsomely redecorated, and a new gallery put In. The Fall and Winter sessonopens Sept. 3. AT TEE LostDOV. the announcement of the fol- lowing fceeb arrivals on Sept, 3 Is made: The JUaoo (combination, including Thomas, Jsnnle, William, Josephine and Samuel Mloco; Thomas and Lotta Wlnnett, Ella Mayo. James Bansley: and the tollowlnff of the pest week's company will be retained: Maud Stanley Werner, the St. Felix Bisters, the Continental Four. Tim Bogers. Msster Duiw, Charles Chrlsdlo, and tbe Zantretta Troupe. OiuioBE's OABDEi contlnuea to draw a good average audience with the attraction of the band and the soloists, among whom are Miss Sallle Beber, C. H. Turner, W. T. Carleton, and M. Arbuckle. During the month ot tteptember a epedol series of ooncerta are to be given, the prtv oeeds to form a fund to In part meet tbe outlay and t«qulTemenis ot the coniemplaled-European tour o( the band. This arrangement begins Sept. 3, and a number ot notable artists have been en- gaged. MXB. JANADBCHEK anlvad tnom England Ang. 28, and has gone to Cohasset, Mass. ' tbx ltcedii thzatbe 18 b> be opened for the sesson SepL 10. Tbe officers and company wlU be as follow: W. H. Thome, proprietor: O. B. Thome Sr., director; John Moore, stage-mana- ger: (}eorEe E. Bands, business-manager: Jamea (]. Keimey, leadttr of orctaeaua: Mlnord Lewis and H. W.' CUyo, scsnlc-artlsts; Levi Oumsey, nuchlnJst; J. A. Boesmau, gasenglneer; Mr. Eaves, oostnmer; Mrs. Emma Waller, Mis. Car- hart, the Misses Jeimle Murdoch, Mabel Jordan, Tlrslnla Thome, DoHle Thornton, Jessie Lane. Annie Wakeman, Mary Baker, La Forrest. Mor> daunt. Bertha la Forrest, Messn. D.W. Waller, EJwln F. Thome, O. B. Tbome Sr., Oeorge Met. klff, W. Hendetaon. Fred Percy, F. L. Budworth. J. F. Oroesen, H. CoVlatB, Frank Aliemua. Qiarlea Lnby and Wm. (julnn. A new act-drop, patntBd by H. W. C»lyo, reproewnta the Lake of Oomo, eit- olored In s medallon Inme, and at the base Is a tablet upon which Is pointed In bss rellet the seven ages, as descHbed by. Shakespeare. The prices' of admission are to be $1. TScta., SOots. and ascts. J. ooKnas and J. Kelly were tha oidy new ar- rivals at Egyptian Hall the past week. The at- tiaeUoiis oontlnue the same. Tax BAR FMiSOBOo iDxstBXLB began their thirteenth consecutive season In this dtyAug.Ti oader the conttnaed management ot Blr^ Wam- bold k Psi-kny- The company Is anpa t a n t l a ll y the satne as that ot tbe past season. Alter the opening evertute. H. W. Frlllmaa sang the hass- songentlUed "Bocked In the Oradle ot the Deep" with good effect: W. Baymond. who nplooes Carl BudoTph as second tenor, was advantageously heard in "Till the Clouds Oo By;" Charles Backus sang a oomlcal ditty called "The Absent- minded Blan;" D. B. Wambold, who was in excel- lent voice, song "LttXle Daisy" with suchteUlog effect that the auditors were by no means satis- fied otter he bod responded to an encore; Billy Birch's comical song of "I'd Choose to be a Baby" elicited considerable laughter, and he wss encoied: J. a. BusseU. who replaoee W. H. Hamilton, barltooe, sang "When the 'Moon with Olory Brightens." He has a good voice, but It soems a llttls worn and lacks firmness at Umes, capedally In soatennto passages. The finale consisted of a railroad overture. Introduc- ing "The Champagne Oalop" aud "Pretty Peggy." The dialogues betirsen the end-men—Charles Backus, tambo, and Billy Birch, tiones—and tbe Interlocutor, Bob Hart, witn which the fliet- part was Interlarded, oontalned many freeh wit- ticisms and quaint sayings, besides many which had been frequently beard before. In the oUo. Johnson and Powers as "The Cincinnati Hams gave grotesque songMndnlancee. and later a burlesiiue glove-light, which caused much laugh- ter and a recall of the performers: Bob Bart delivered a burlesque Iscttire upon astrono- my, using tor lllustratlan a omlcal chart. He was frequently Interrupted by laughter and applause. Rlcardo, attired in a loablon- able suit of white muslin, ornamented with silk embroidery In imitation ot brlgbt-oolor. ed fiowets. song several of the latest songs after the manner ot a young lady ot the period: Edwin French, an excellent banjolst. elldted liberal applause by his skillful playing, and his eomlc-sonffs and witty remarks imielved appropriate recognition. Two familiar sketchee. reprodneed under the titles of "The Happy Fami- ly" and "Our Babies." were well acted by Backus. Birch. Hart, Johnson. Powers. French and Ohas. Qlbbons. Ths attendance was quite llbsraL JOHy E. MAODOsovOH Is to produce hlsnsw play "Secret Bervlce" at the Qrand Opera-house sept. 17. going tbenoe to Baltimore, Md.: Cbleogo. lu.. Detroit. Mich., and Milwaukee. Wis. His company will Include, beeldes himself, H. W. Uitcbell, C. A. McManus, W. H. Jones, John A. Bums, Juls Keen, W. H. Danveis. M. B. Snyder, J. N. Drew. J. B. Hunt, 8. Brown, Jsmes Pilgrim, tbe Misses Emma Stone, E. Bolllns, B. Graham and Soyder. MimnE Obok is the name ot a dwarf who will sbotUy be exhibited m this dty. She was bom In Stockholm. Sweden, Oct. IS, 1864, and at the time of her birth weighed only 3X pounds. At two years of ago. It Is sold, she ceased growing, her weight being 10 pounds. When 12 years of ageeuowaa exhibited In Stockholm. She js well formed, has a blonde complexion, and long, curly hair. Mlle. AIMEE and company arrived In this city on Aug, 29 by tbe steamship lAbrador from Havre. The troupe Includes MUe. BortUe Marie, Mesais. Mallard. Logros. OretherjDaplan, Mezleres, Jou. manl. Oistel, Heme, MUea. Duporc, Oueymard, Mmes. Duplan and Mezleres and others. M. Al- mlras Is the musical director; Cbss. Dan7. stage- manager. They open at Booth's Theatre, under Jas. C. Duira management, Sept. 13. On the voy- ace to this port the prompter ot the company, Ur. Marshall, whUe, It Is believed, laboring un. der mental derangement, on Aug. 96 committed suiclds by Jumping overboard. Ogobob SETcntm arrived In town Sept. 3. He la engaged at the Bowery Theatre tor the season, and la to make bis first appearance IT. •■Uabbizd and Not Mabsied" Is the title ot a four-act oomedy. written by Dr. Frederick Uees, wblcb wlU ehortly be produced In this dcy. New Tobx loix>e B. P. O. E. commences Its regular Sunday-evening meetings for the Fall aud Winter season at their rooms. Masonic Hall. Thirteenth street, this dty. on Sunday svenlng, Sept. IS. MiSH v^«^»T.Tg MzLnLLX arrived from Sttn Fian- elaoo. Cs.\., the past week. O. D. Hess will arrive from Europe during the present wsek. While in Paris he purchased all the scenery costumes and appointments for all ot the operas, which he will produce during the coming season. AT tbx Tbeatbe CoBiqnE a good, business was done tbe iwst week. The new arrivals indnded the Martlnettl Obtldren. whose performances were Slopped by the offlcere of the Society tor the Pre- vention ot Cmeliy to Children otter the matinee performance ot Wednesday; Caaslm and Fritz, who gave clever gymnaatlo performances; the threeOormsn Brothers in a statue-dog donee; W.Henry Bloe In burleeque prima-donna busi- ness: Emenon and Clark In a new oct called "Pete's Farewell," which bids tolr to become successful after a Utile more pracUce; Jennie Mlaco In songs and o aklpplng-rope Jig: Pot Booney in Irish character-soDgs: and Johnny Roach, Dick SUerley. and Master Uonh, who sang songs In the concert-room scene ot "Malone's Night Off," In which Harrlgan and Hart acted the chief characters- Jennie Teomona, Will H. Mor- tOD. Adams and Lee, and Nellie Bt. John in their specialties filled out the bill. THE Pabe Tbeatbe is to be opened for the regu- lar season, under the management of Henry E. Abbey, Sept. 3. with E. A. Sothem as the star. Mr. Sothern will set the chief character in "Tho (^Bhed Tragedian, or thePrompter's Box." Tbe company Indudss tbe Misses Ida B. Savory, Nel- He Devere, Julia <Aapman,]IacheI Bayne, Messrs. Henry Crisp, Buasell S. Bsssett, George Holland, Ed. Marble, Harry Lacy, H. C.Curley, W. Culllng- lon, C. Harris, and John P. (}ooke. The offlcera ore W.. W. Tlllotson. traaaurer; Barley Merry, ecenlc-anlst: Hamilton Weaver, master-machin- ist; Oeo. C. Henry, properties; and Wm. Withers, leader of ihe orchestra. The nsauLAn season at theFinh ovenue Thea- tre Is to be inaugurated Sept. i with o new five- act drama by Augustla Daly, enUtled "The Dark City." The cast lududee F. Hardenberg, M. Barrymore, C. Fisher. J. B. Studley, J. Lewis. W. Davldge, J. Drew, E. Varrey, F. Chapman, F. Ben- nett. £. Cbapman. Mr. Eastman, W. Beekman, Master Hogan. Mrs. (>. H. Ollbert, the Misses Ada Dyos, Emily Btgl, Sydney Cowell, SaldeePlgelow. EugenloPoul, Morlau Chester, and Belle V/harton. "Old Lavekdeb," a drama In three ot-ts by Ed- ward Harrlgao, Is lo (.■oostltuts the attracilon at tbe Tbeaire (^mlque this week. There will be no variety nllo. "TBE WILD FLOWEBOF MEXICO" ("The Sea Of Ice") is to tw produced at Nlblo's Garden Bspt. 3 with new scenery, oppolntmenis ond effects. TBOMAS WiL^OT, tenor-balladlst. Is to make his first appearance with the San Franclsoo Minstrels Sopt. 3. TBlBtTTB OF Bespect. —A meeting o( profession- al actors was beld at the office ot Horace Wall, in Dniou square, to-day, Sept. 3, for the purpose of passing a t»orlee of reeolutlons to tbe memory of tbe late Ben Do Bar. It wns proposed that sub- scriptions should be solicited from the membeni of the profession throughout the oonntryfor the purpose of erecting a monument to his memory. The meeting was orgnniisd as follows: Prenldeot, F. B. Cbanfrnu: treasurer, Horry Palmer; secre- tary, w. B. Harrison. An adjournmentwas made until Wednei>day, 5. "The Poor op New Yottx" was octod for tbe last time In Nlblo's Garden Sept. 1. Manager W. J. FlemlDCContinuedhls Impersonation ot Badger during tbe post week. Attendanix larjie. BBVANT's MixsTBELS are to commence aseoson Sept. 10 In tbe theatre lately known as Heller's, which has been rcchrlstened Bryant's Opera- house. The company and attaches are as follow: Nell Bryant, maoager: B. W. ElUson, buslnoss- manager: Wm. Blakely. treasurer: Cool White, siage-dtroctor: Pruf. EL Ck>mn, musical director; W. H. Hamilton, vocal director: Little Mac, Charley Bonks, Justlo Robinson, Beamon and Somers. Adama and Lee, Dave Reed. Nell Bryant. Cool White and Billy Bryant. Tbe quartet will bo W. n. Hamlllou, F. Howard, A. H. Pelham and T. C. Hedges. DRAMATIC. OEO. K. FOBTEScrE Is now organizing a com- pany for a tour of the principal cities. It win be known as Geo. E. Fortescue's New Tork Bur- lesque and Comedy Comjutny, with J. P. Johnson buslness-mnnaeer and Oeo. 8. Newoomb treas- urer. Mr. Fortescue will be the principal attrac- tion. A good comedian, also svveral versatile artists, a leader, and a lull orchestra are adver- tised for. NcoEStT A Obea's -Conor CoarpA^ played this week In UechBnl(Sburg, 0. FbaneCablos has bren engaged to play Gnppy In "Poor Jo" through the New England States with the Charlee H. Thayer (Combination. A jrTENn.E-ixA^ to share leading business, and also a character actiees. are wanted by Jobn MuTTsy, who advertises. THE Fay templeto:* Stab allia^kx is to open the season I n th e BIchmond, Ta.. Theatre, SepL 3. at THE PrmBmo (Pa.) Opeba.hocse "Baha" filled the house handsomoly during the past week. The singing and acttne ot Fitzgerald and Hoganond Belle Howltt, the dondng ot Bonfantl and Mauri, and the scenery were the prlndpal at- traotlons. "Baba" wtu be eontlnued another week. A. GBoesi. balleMnaster, advsrtlses tor engage- ments. bobkbt Mcwade appeared In " Rip Tan Win- kle" at the Arch-etreet Theatre, Philadelphia, last week. He waa supported by a company In- cluding C. A. McManus, Miss Phosa McAllister, Hiss Hottle Arnold, Miss Carlotta Evelyn and W. DanveiB. The regular season at this theatre will lie inaugurated. Sept. 3, May Botrard, supported by Georgia Drew, Louis I,. James, E, J. Buckley and E, Locke, then appearing in Butley Camp- bell'a "Hearts." TBB National Thbatbe, Waahlngton. D. O., WlU be opened Sept. 3. "Baby" wlU be aeted by a company from the Pork Theatre, New York. George 8. Knight and company will appear In "Otto" 10 Ford's Opera-house will be ocou. pled Sept. 3, for one week, by the Jaeklts-Chy Japanese Troupe, under the management of John Peters. THE QBISWOLD OPXBA-HOnSB, Tioy, N. T., hos received considerable Improvements in the way of paint In the auditorium and retouching ot scenery. .While workmen were engaged deantng one of the big chandeliers over the boxea. a few days ago, the whole thing fell with a crssh, en- lalUBg a damage of tasa The Rollln Howard Burleeque ComblnaUon appears tbere SepL 3,4, 6, In olio and the burlesque of "Teast Lynne;" LIngard'B oompany t. T, aud matinee S, in "The Teetal" and "Heart and <Mwn:" "Oar Boarding House" 10. thre^ nighta; Bartley Campbell's <>>medy Company, 13. three nights, and John Brougham 30, three nlghta- OOL. MDLBEBBT SILLEBS (John T- Baymond) has bwome a landed proprietor In Canada, hav- ing, 11 Is repotted, bonght an island ot some two hnndred and seventy acrea In I«ke Muskota. about one htindred and twenty mllea north ot Toronto. The crope are looking good In that neighborhood. It la aold, espeelolly the turnip, com, and blBck-Oycn)ps. the last being In great ahundanoe. THE CBiBP StsTZBS* OoxBnrA'noirpertonned In Oirrlngton. Ind., Aug. 9T, 38.99, Krr CABSoiCs OBAMAna Oompabt is to perform In Halifax. N, 8., Bept. «, 8,8. Thb WALI.ACC ooxBntATioii performed the past week In St. Banl. Miim., and will be in Minne- apolis this week. The (ximpany Is as toUoirs: James Wallack, manager; Joseph P. Beynolds, buslnsss-manager; Hury Webber, D. H. Fits- Patrick. W. J. Duncan, M. Mnrtarty, H.-A. Warier, J. W. Mortimer, E. Oavln, W. BoiceiB, Mrs. 3. H. Wallack, Eva Webber, Minnie aammlnBS, BeHs' Miller, w«n«ti i/eeter, Emma Eytlnge and Boaa Mayfleld. >J ■BIHIBIAH-BBBf DB BAB. IMed A«K. as. 187T. Another addad to the allaot nnmber. .... oSftS "hSt lotteOhonorsih>«5 WraaiMd Id a oiantle of alsro^ riamner. fiS tSublSsSol re«s peacelUlly stiaat. A veteran dead I HU mental algbt bad «aae« Fo?Sirnihrbrforehbi.plrtt pa«i*d.«ay; Tetonr ballel can «atwly eraw. nnalded. This tTaoaroraatlon Into llfelcu clay. OormaBehaaloiitnin ™"l»'»*''!"fJ?r^h„M.. FiomVntthe etown tbat Fame upholjhwilh pride. And no^oJSh'a band, tbouri erir cold sort cniol. Sccmi doobly «o since Ben De Bar has died. A cenial bnmor bU, of royal _, That ahook the playhonne wi^th eleetrle mirth. Ah I nnlle* will ptaa sway, and thouchta jrow graver. When we reflect tbstho bu gone from earth. Farewell, old O-lend; and may you thmoch the portal Of rarertceoea pa«a traoqnllly t t oeace; And.ln the aunllght of a world Immortal. Dwell 'mid a happloeai that cannot ceaae. BEX DE BAB died at half-psBt six o'clock Tues- day mnmlng, Ang. », at his residence, in 8L Louis, Mo. The readers ot The (Jlippeb have ol- ready been Informed ot his sudden Illness while In New Tork a mouth aso, and of bis subssquent removal to 8L Louis. On the moming ot the 28th he wss placed In a rocking-chair for a few mo- ments, and when he was returned to his bed tbe change In bis condition so alarmed his attend* onta that they called Mrs. Do Bar and Mrs. Dex- ter, a danghter ot Mr. De Bar by his first wife. They were reongnlzed by the paUent, who smiled faintly, gasped, and passed away without a strug- gle. The causes of his death were paralysis and softening of the brain. Mr. De Bar's Illness having brought forth many new and Inter- esting phsses, ths leading pbysldans of ths city determined on a pos^mnrtem examination ot the bnun. The autopsy showed that It wss above the avenge size. Its wsight being SIH ounces. Tbe (dentlOe deserlptlan of bis disease is "atheromatous degeneration ot left middle osrebral artery, with .atrophic softening In the neighborhood ot tbe fissure sllvlus, and probabls thrombus in affeded artery." Deceased was a Mason ot good standing, bsvlog been a member ot Missouri Lodge No. 1 tor the post twenty years. HisremalDswsre taken in charge by the frater- nity, who conducted the funeral ceremonies. An Imposing catafalque was erected In the large hall ot tbe Masonic building, and on the moming ot tbe a9lh tbe body ot the late ncror was placed be- neath Its canopy, where It remained In state until the middle of the next day. It Is estimated that not fewer than 35,000 people visited tbe hall dating the days of the 29th and 3ath. The floral ooerings were numerous, and very beau- tlful In design. At the foot of tbe casket stood a harp mode of tube-roeee. collas and other wblta flowers, the gilt ot (Thsrlee Spalding; proprietor of the Olympic Theatre. Two pieces, represont- Ing the Mssonlc square and compass, with the letter **G" In tbe centre, were the offerings of tbe fratemlty. A Maltese ciws and o wreath of tnbe- roses were presented by 0. M. Ellard. The fune- ral was advertised to take ptam from tbe Masonic Hall at r, v., but long before the apiiolnied time the boll was filled with a dense mass of peo- ple. Themembersot the profetslon were pmvldeil with ssats at tbe leftot the stage, and the combined orchestras of the Opera-hnnso. Olympic Theatre and Theatre 0>mlque. led by n, Yogel and A. Wal- dauer, were stattooed In front. Shortly after 3 o'docfc the memtiers of Missouri Lodge, No. I. filed Into tbe ball, the arsnd-mostsr, the Chaplain, and tbe minister who waa to deliver the address, tak- ing seats on the stage. At a signal from the Mas- ter ths orchestra rendered with fine effect "Jeeue, Thou art MvHoiie." The Master then read the lost chapter ot Eocleetalee, which was succeeded by a further aelectlon of music. Tbe Bav. Dr. Mc- Anally offered up a fervent prayer, and concluded the ceremonies at the hall with an addrees which was listened to with deep attention. After the conduding Masonic ceremonies bad been g*ne through with, those who wished were allowed to take a last look at the face of the deceased actor, the Iron lid of the coffin was e ci e w ed Into Itsplsce. aud the casket was boms down to the bsarse by tbe following homed Masonic pallbearers: D. N. Burgoyne, I. Forbes. J. O. Walker. John Brooks. John A OIIDIIan, Oeorge F. King. A- J. Lotz. and J. N. Hatneld. Twenty-thr<>e leodlne citizens offldeted oa bonorory pallbHarera. The proces- slon was hsaded by the bernre-mentloned l>and. who ware followed by tbe members ot tbe dramatlo pnfesston ot St. Lonls on foot. The hearse, drawn by tour boisas, and decorated with trailing vines, was followed by about seventy-five carriages and many private vehi- cles. After having gone some distance, those on toot entered earxlages, and proceeded out to the Belletoniaioe Oemetary, where Ben De Bar was burled in a lot owned by bis daughter, Mrs. LlBotte IVxtor. The Masonic ceremonies at the grave,' conducted by Orand-master Thomas Gar- ran, were very impreeslve, and drew tears to tbe eyes ot mony who were present. A touching featnre of the ceremony won tbe singing of the Amphlon Quartet, and the ploying of o solemn dirge by Waldaner's OrcbPstra. The death ot Ben De Bor is mourned tbmughout St. Louis. 3Cony ot the ahopo there hod o picture of FalstatI, with crape border. In the most cnn. splenous place In their show-windows. The Olympic Theatre bad a card, dmped In mourning, hung under the chandelier In the vestibule, with this tnsolptlon: **ln Memnrtnm—Ben De Bar, We shall not look upon hia like a(mln." Tbe ushers of ths same theatre wore a button-hole liouquet ot white flowers, trimmed with crai>e. At a meeting of the dramatic pro'esston, oomprls. Ing members of De Bar's Opent-honse and Olym- pic companies and others, held at the Opera- house on Wednesday evening, the 30th Inai., the tollowlogrsaolutlons were unanimously adopted: tVA^rror, It haa plnued the .\lml|;bly, In hU Infinite coodneM and vlalom. to take from a« oor dearly belored friend BeofHllct De Bar; and while nnr bearta are flilcd with hattow at the loM thai lia« *«llnn upon na, we bow wUh PitbTnlimlon ta «De «-Ul nf ilim tba»0<.^iH mm* hln that talcerh away; /trroIrM. That we herabr mxpmut nnr appreelatlon of the dfrenKed*Ktn>otaAHanartlit And iiUcharacter a«a man. A/jofrc^l. Tha* In the Irrer-'^rablr 1.>km i list hum ulirn nroo them our heartfelt aympathies aro tendered the ticrvared lamlly. A««ofniff. Tbat the membeni of the dramatic profeffilnn here SMembled attend Inabodrth* liineml eer^mnnle* ol our late beioTCfi bmriier, ami that as s marl: of rs- epectthe meahern lierein nemeO wear a badge of moorn- Inc for the rerlod of thirty dare. BftfUtfi, That n cnny of tlieae resnlniinns be preaented to the family <>f the tl-e*a^'1. and piiblmhcd InTilENrrw York CLiersR nod TTic ZXndnn Kra, ami that the dally rapem of the citv iM* reooeAtrtlto ptibllnb them. CeArce J. BerrolT, P. GleAM>D, MTTC- J. A. Flmnn. Htaze - biana^^cr t'r Operm-houne. Archie Uoyd. Opera-houne. C. P LewLa, F. a. Poiler. Geopce .<». Grav, J. L ITay, a. Whlrlne. n. ve. nlRke. Rich. Jnnr*. rharlo Hinke, llamllinu ITarrlf, Hlere Cnmlib, W. II. .<:mltb. B. Fahey, ft. Brown. A. C. De l.onne, L. R. Warwick, Jaa. Slncer. Jnlin Mulhem. T. C. Raker, Jaw. AdamH. I. N. Bfrt, w D. Tnmer, Geor|te J. .Tones, Harry Fleming, Chaa Plunkett, treaearer Ojiera-.T.-ia Pennnver, J. K Tutile, hnuee. R. M. Drake. J. n. Rchaelte. P. Short.trea.<tirer. Wm. Huches, Fred. Felloo. Olrmnlc Tlieaire W. II. Mnrrl^ Perry Pliinte'.t, John J. Collinii. T. J. Huih. F,. J. Lorlne. erace - minscer W. Riifler, R. McLauclllln. OlrraplnTheatre. P. Finno. w. K. f>owd, Charlee Krone, A. RcMind. .1 B. Ho^an. IL C. Grlereon, ileorcrt Hener. Albert flees, Herbert .Tones, Thomas FInto, T.. F. Rand. J. H Grllfln. H W. ITaoc-. The death of Mr. De Bar will make no Immediate changes or alterations In the msnagmentnt the Opern-bouse. The arrangemenis for tbe s<>nson will be carried out by those In charge at present. A blotcnphlcol sketeb or the fieceased may be found undertheheodlngof "AmoaementAiinala." A Trlbnte to Ben De Bar. A» HONES5T. UPRIGHT MAN. Another dinincnUhed member of the pmfrssinn haa now been taken from ua. It le. iadre<). a hitler addition to the sorrow which mai-thefeltby ererr ailmlrerol the stape KttheloMof this vervatlle s-m ol !4omiis. who wa« wont to set the table in a roar, that no portion of the tAlent of the actnrsoftlie palmy days of the drama remains bc- hlod; that, a« an sddlMonal branch of the theatrical tree iBcuT off. tbe trunk becomes more wirhercd; and that. If not torn up by the mora, or felled by the potent axe of tbe destroyer. It muM die (Vnm want of proper support. CM Yorlck It dead: Yet be llres In our reenllection. We have him before us, with his ro«v. flexible face, radiant with tbeclareof the foolllishts. Who that haa seen him can (brpet hlrat Who that ha« not can hare an Idea of his powera* 1 am not disposed to fnmlsh anecdotes of Mr. De Bar which mlitht tend to make the reader m**rTy, as it were, orer his erare. neither am f Ulepnivtl to add ro The preeent distress ot his lamlly by aldln;r them to recol. lect what he was, only that they mny the mora palntollr recur to whatbe Is. Rot I am dispo«e«l to atslsr. If iwvwl ble. In snoihlnr that dls'refn by pointing the attsntinn of tlie reader to hIa (treat merit as an actor, and more (much Tsnre. because I can do It with the strictest tmth and sin corlty) by nolotlog the atteoilon of bis prnleasionnl brethren tonis creat merits a« .t mso and nitenUeman. He bore a very hlsh character In the pmlM-Inn ^as well^aa In prtrate llie. Few men hare eolorrd and deserved a more lastloi; popalsriiy. Ilenilirfac b* said to hare bad no eoemlea. though no toanwas morn cheated. Ill.nscd or Injared hy those In wh»m he trusteil. Or this he was net always ioeanslble, and he sometimes complatneO, but never resented. Ilia heart wna withoat snile. his eharaeter notalntad with a ahada even of dishonor—trusting and beoevileot la bis natare. a benelkctor without ostentation, and a Irlead without rewrrs. His tender cnnslderallon, hIa meekness and simpllclrv In nro«iK>rlty, his constancy In adrerslty. hlaconseleotioasfu'llllraeotof all he undertook, his patient Indulgvoce of wmoirs.hla athmlaalve leslgna- tlon to Infilctlon. were adralrablo "Of all the legacies tbe dying leave. BemembRinca of their rlrloes Is the beat-** I cannot help llnqer'ng orer his good qualiUes. for I knew him aa a maiMS)u. perhaps, oaly aa an actor. I had opportanlllcs ol onasrvlog his acrapnlona Intearlty: his affectloaate and eraoernl attachment to those who re- ally lOTSd him; hlsforirtvlBgceaaroslty to Iboaewho bad wronacd him. He tiad an Independent spirit; he was pmun In hia otrn way. Bo stood up lorthe cauaeol hla pra(<Bsaion. lie wis <rae of tho most unaasomlog possess- ors of aenlos tbat ever graoeil that proteaston with a life of nndaviatlnff netlmiie aad ffoodaasa. Hia creat and dinlocalsblnn ncellenee lay In tbe nsa snd sppirent nn. conscloomaas oTeffect with which be oonvulsed an audi- ence. There waa ao hard atralnlng, no deep deMnir lor o Joke which come up by lelnctant Instalments and prt>- doced aoonaninptlTe, haJi-stranxled laufth. drlng In Its own echo. Hs was devoted to his art In all its brancbea. Aa a anperlor anthor does tut deaerib* his dromatla ponunv, but. aa It were, himself becomes really each In turn, ao did Mr. De Bar tran^rm hlra«elt Intnall the wtoui p«w>iii«ei>hessvivld pertrsltDra< aad lirlag likenesses It pleased him to present to view. He waa a polyslot of men—now he convulsed hla auditors by bis humor, now be melted them Into tears by hia pathos. He waa a mimlo In the foil sense of the term: be not only Imitated the look, the voloo. aod the external necnllantlea of an Individual to the life- bat bo conveyed a distinct aad true Impxvasion of the nature and disposi- tion of the man. Hla mimicry want below the sortaee—It waa moral aa wen as physlesl. tThlm. aoeentrlelcy, and drolleiy of all kinds ware embodied by him with the ease and freedom of tiabltude. Ilis plasUo physiognomy seemed oaly to become fixed In the mould of an- other maa'i chsracter. A quick petcrptloa of the rldlcnloos, ao oneqoaled talent («>r slD;:lRe comlc-eonirs. and tbe most gratleminly mannets and feellnRs nat orally reodaed bim a popular member olprlTate no- cletT, Boiuht and eonftad by all class**. The rapidity with which be seixed -upon prominent and eccenttlc polnta of ehaiaeter.'and the lelicitr with which ha por- trayed them, were woaderftit- HU field of obserraUoa was baman notire In sN Its ndleas vsilety, and no man ever ohaerrad It to crcater advoitage. PaMlngbvthat lluls ItrlisMlitr of tamper which mnat of na have. Tmay aalbly assert that noperaon pierloaaly o iSramer to him could be Introdaced to aod converse with bIm without ipeedllv eontiaetlsE a reepeet both for hl« bead and Ibr his bearr. II private woith. nnblemUhed and nnlmpeaebable repntatlon. o d talen'a of the blcheat order aaacoraadiansreoraasport to tame andlmmoria]. Ity, ihen will the name of Bra l>e Btr be iscnnled In tbe aonala oTthe ■•ane aa one <irita brlabtest oruaraenta. And tww adlen. Ben De Bar: Forthe many ttonnofln. nooent aad Inatmctlve amnaameat tbon tiaat offered I pmOtr my gnutude; lor thy purliy of mind snd uasollled Integrity, my admiration; for tby warmth of heart, my love; Inr thy loss, my deep aomw. The Joyoua boon spent with Ton are gone, nevvrto be recalls^. Oon. T. Ausnui Bbowt. JTae rorfc. Aii«. SS, I87T. A FXBar ou> MAN, Javenlto-man, Javvnl^ woman, walklng-lody, and a soabntte are wanted tor a traveling oompany by Davis A Oo,, wbo also advertise to famish angacwnsBlB to those anzlotis to adopt the stase. F. O. WsoTB'B DBAKAXIO OOKPAXT performed In Unnola. Ind.. An«. 37,18, 7», theaea to Knli^us- town and Kokomo. . OXBiuaiA HALL, Bldga avenaeand Saraiitaantli streets. Philadelphia, la now tmdergolng the pro- oeas ot alteration Into a theatre, with a wiliiii oapadtyot abonteoo. It wUl be styled the Park Theatre, and will tte opened abont OcLlwliha stock company. IS HBHORUM. B. Is. Dawenportt Oietl Sept. 1,1877. wonraa foa ras H«w tobx oMPraa, OhTnddest. steme^ .play of all, Inwblch the enrtahi Is a pall, Another onswcia to tby call ; Another, wbo hath played hla part Wlthpntpoaeblgb, Who trod the rugsed paths of Art Tea wen to dla. We atand to-day with bated breath To irstch the tiscedy called Death. No aound of muAe brooks the olr. Ko plaudits ring, nofootllchts irlaie. But tnotloDlesa tbe player theie Is lylDV low. What mask la this which hides his face. Which robs |r of Ita wonted grace? Alas: we know That never more we shall behold Tho features lIuMed as of "Id. Which now are rigid crown nod oild. Are these the eyes that Oaslird with dre When passion rei(;nen— Tbat softened under sweet dealre tVhen love wsa sained? Are these rhn Hps. so mute snd white, Tbat thrilled oa with a fresh Helielit, That spoke In Brutus' lofty speech. That voiced the crafty OTcircacb? And IstherenotlilD/ttousleft?— Of honor Is he now bftvtt; Or shall wo say that sU Is past ElDce he bas Joined Death's couDtless caitt Ah. well for us and well for bim That Death con never wholly dim Tbe laiitie ol an honored nauw. Mere prccloos far than all his fame nie memory wblib he leave* i>*.hlnd. Indtutrloaa, gentle, true, and kind. Theae were tlis virues of our f- lend. Whoso earthly role la at an end. Wbo shaped his course upon ths plan or laitlre to Ida lellow-man; Wbo actod life's evtnUol play In honor aod In truth al way. And held. In every shiftlns psrt. His manhood dearer tliao bis art. Po, while we stand and gaxo tJpon this saddest of all plays. There comes, IlkesnnshloethronEh the gloom. Ths cheerlnr tbonght tbat not the tomb Can claim the better part ol him: And thoogh our eyes with leara be dlo, nur faith shall teach ue still to aee The beauty of Death'a traeedy. And sweet for us to know hla memory No shallow mars, Tbat he has Joined that rlorinus company Where all are sta-s!—VASDVks Bsows. E. L. DAvx^tpoBT died at his country resloence. In Canton. Pa., at nine minutes' to twelve o'clock A. K. Sept. 1. His disease was rboumatlsm, with which he had suffered at Intervals for some years past, and his Illness berame dangerous only during tho early part of the past week. Ho retained consciousness until ths lost, and said a parting word to each of bis family, wbo were all with blm save Miss Blanche, who Is now In Milan, Italy, and Mlas May. who returned from England Sept. !r.' He leaves a widow and seven children—the Misses Fanny. Lltlle (Mrs. Fmst Thorn), Dtancbe, May, Florence, and Masters Edgar and Horry. Bis remains sre to t>e brought to thlB dty, arriving Sept. 3, ond will tie taken to Miss Fanny Davenport's residence. No. ISO East Twenty.elghth street. The funeral bos been announced to take place at unon Tuesday, Sept. 4; but at this wrIUog It Is thought that It will IM postponed until Wednesday, and probably it will take place In "Tbe Little Church Around the Comer," Ineteod ot at Miss Davenport's reeldence, as at first In- tended. The following gentlemett have lieen re- queeted to act as palltworers: Mayor Ely, Wm. Cullen Bryant, Edwin Booth, Dion Bouclcault, Lester Wallack, J. W. Foruey, H. C. Jarrelt. Cbas. A. Rand. Frank Mayo, £. A. tiothcm, Judge O. F. Daly, and Judgs John K. Brady. \ biography of the deceased appears under the head of "Amuse- ment Annals." A typographical emrtbere makes us say tbat he made his debut In the character ot Parson Wlndo Instead ot Poison Wiildo In "A New Way to Vvr Old Debts." OCB TOBOMTO (OAK.) OOBREEPONDSNT, under date ot Sept. I. wrliss as follows: "Tbe Boyol Opera-house opens Sept. 3 with Joseph Murphy and combination In *Kerry Gow.' Eilsa Weathers- by and 'Evangeline' (^mblnatlon come IT. Oeo. Holman has taken the Boyal for one year, and will commence his season early lo October At Mis. Morrison's Grand Opera-houw, lAwrenoe Barrett and combination are booked for Bept. 3, 4, S, Mrs. (nianfrau aud company 10, one week, tben the stock company opens IT, Fanny Daven- port being the star, (or one week, to be follotred by John T. Baymond. W, J. Florence, Louise Pomeroy, Domlnlck Murray, Maude Granger, E. A. Sothem. Oeorge Blgnold. Mrs. D. P. Bowers. Dion Bouclcault. Lester Wallack. Frank Chan- frau. the Llngards. 'Baby' Combination, the Williamsons, 'Fink Domlnos' Combliutlon, Lyd- la Thompson. Adoh BIchmond, Kellogg and Caij Opera Company. Hees's Opera Oimpany. ■The Danlchefs* Oomblnatlon. etc. Tbe officers and stock comply oeimected with th'e theatre will be Mrs. Charlotte Morrison, lessee and manager; John Nlcklnson. business-manager: W.B. Bowers, treasurer; E. F. Moore, leader ot orcbesura; P. Redmond, machinist; w. p. Dovls, scenic-artist; B. Wright, properties: Mis. MoGougb, woidnbee; W. H. Southard, A. Glassford, A. H. Hudson, W. H. Hawkins, 0. De Tema, A. Fisher, D. Shins, W. H. <>>mpton, E. A. ElrkW(x>d, H. Dowse, J, Pegg, Phosa McAllister, Mary Can, Mis. Marlowe, Flor- ence (Zomptiell, Louro Leeds, Nellie Irving, Ado BtontOD, Ida Von Cortiani, Mrs. Elrkwood. Mrs. Boweis, Jessie Munroe. A. Fisher will look after tho stage." ciNoiitNATi DBAKATio ITEXS to Slst uit. are fur- nished ss follows by our correspondent: "Effie £. Ellsler and company In *A Heroine in Rags* open at the Grand Opera-house SepL 3. Tbe can- tata ot 'The Haymakers' by amateurs will follow 10 Boblnson'a Opera-house has been newly painted while, and looks like a marble building. Tbe Interior Is also being thoroughly renovated. Tbe oiienlng <»mpany. which bos not as yet lieen atvon tb full, -wiiiuuuoiot or 8. w. riercy, W. F. Oiren. S. O. Wilson, Fred Smith, F. C. Huebner, H. N. Wilson, John Oamer, 8. R. Bead, William YeoroDoe, W. B. Gillette, J. WUlteeldes. J, Ban- croft, G. Ingrohom, B. Whalen. T. Wells, H. E. Meben. B. Mocouley, ^mmo Price, Emma Stock- man, Ella Wren. Fannie Francis. Nellie Boyd, Lizzie aiaddem, Lydia Denier, Pauline Hall, Al- bertine Holl. Viola Aldlne, O. Morris, Sallle Ware, Oussls Baldwin, and C. Cones. Scenlc-art'.st, £. T. Harvey: machinist, A. HuOroo: costumor. T. Dart7: leader of orchestra, R. Maddero. Mr. John Havlln will remain business • manager, ond Tbeo. Morris treasurer. Ttaesiars engsged will be Mary Andeiwn. who opens the season 10, Mary Cary IT, Jobn T, Baymond 24, Hess Opera Oompany, Edwin Booth, Wagner 0|>era 0>mpany, Sate Cloxion. Frank Mayo, Loito, 0. T. Farsloe, John DUlon, Stuart Robaoii and W. H. Crane. "Our Boording.houae,' 'Monte Crlsio,' 'Tempest,' and other combinations John Marble. Harry C. Barton and Harry Vance left last evening for To- ronto to Join the Barrett Combination Tbe Broadway Theatre (»mblnatlnn are announoed to commence a season at Plke'e Oiiera-bouse 17 Manager Miles Is busily engaged preparing cos- tumes.for tho Oatee'Opera Oxnpany Harry Lewie, late trooaurerot the Oroiid U|»era-house. will monsge the Deakln Llliputlans on s trip to California." MisBLEB's ACADEMT OF Mimic. Reading. Pa.. Is to be opened Sept. 7 forabenefit to Manager Mis fi- ler, tendered by prominent citizens. During ths Summer the auditorium hss been renovoted and the proscenium bas been in port repainted, and siigbt additions have tieen made. Exits have been added on Coun street- Two new eels of eoenery and sundry set-pieces by Jes. Schoeffer have been added. UOSE FIBBB and Baldee Martlnot are among the artists engaged lor Adah Bldimond's Burlesque and Oomedy Company. Instead ot Moea Fishsrand Saldee Martlnettl, as announced In lost week's card. THE PLAT of "Onr Olty." performed at the Bow. ciT Theotre during 1873. Is noticed In 8. French A Bon's card In this issue as having been duly copy- righted, and all paittee are warned against in- fringing on tho rights ot ths authoress, Mrs. Ma- rie Walsh. JOSBPH Pboctob's military and professional friends la Boston, Mass., have tendered blm a complimentary tionquoi. to take place before he leaves for thn South and West to fulfill his sea- son's engagements. The committee comprises Ben. R. Enapp Jr., Major Oeorge Oolng, Hon. Jo hn E. Butler, and Major Charles Jarvle. "TBI STCAVOBES" is the name by wnlch o tract of land otrned by tbe late J. W. Wallack Jr., at Long Branch, N. J,, for more than twenty years. 18 known. Bis widow had a part ot tbe land dl- vlded into lots, and they bad been extensively ad- vertlsed to be sold by auction Aug. 30. There was a good attendance ot the sale, but very row bid* deiB. If anager Aneustln Daly ot this city bought three lots at (04 each, and ths sole was then aban- doned. MBS. Fbahbeb (ioazALEZ, old women and character parts, and Miss Delia Oonzalex, publish their address la another column. Bpekceb Pbitchabd. leadlog-mon of the Milton Noblee (combination tor tbe oomlnK seaaon, pub- lis hee h is address elsewhere. LnTLB IDA Olbm. who bas been playing anc* cessfnllyas Little Sleenle In "BIp Van Winkle" at the Arch-street Theatre. Philadelphia. Pa., and is to appear sbortly In children's parts at the Walnut-street Theatre, that city, can be engaged by applying to Mrs. Dalton. as per card. Habbt PiBBSOir Is engaged at the Boeton (Mass.) Theatrv< tor the coming eeoson. Maa. OHABLorrs Mosnmon publishes a card re- anesting the ladles and gentlemen engaged for le coming season at the Orand Opera-hotise. To- ronto, Ont.. to assemble tor rehearsal Bept, U. The regular season will op«n Sept. IT With Fanny Davenport as the etar. Tbe bouse irlll be oocupled this week by the Lawrenoe Barrett 4>>m. binatlon. and Mra, Chantreu and her oompany play there next week. TBX PABS OPSBA-HOOBB, ByTaeuse, K. T., waa opened for the s ea s on Aug. 'JT by tbe Jane (kiombo* (Vimblnatlon. who also performed 28. "Bomeo and Juliet" and "Camllle" were the oiiraotlona (Campbell's Comedy Oompany Is billed torSspt. IT. IS. 19. snd Mrs. Obantnu's Oomblnatlon 31 22. "THB PooB OF NEW TOBK" ivlll be preseutod at the Newark. N. J.. Sept. 3, with Ed- win F, Clark OS the star Jobn Thompson Is billed for Sept. T, 8, with Saturday maUnee. when "On Hand," "Hooea" and *'Zlkes" will be pro. dooed. TBX OLTMPIO TBBATBX. 8L Lonts. Mo.. tnau- guratas the regular season on Sept. S. John T, Raymond appeaHog aa OoL Mulbeny Sellers. Mra. D. P. Bowers bsglnsasesson lo. Charles Farsloe la booked at the Opera.hoiiae tor Bspt. 3. Mrs, U. A. Pennoysr has been In St. loule d tiring the past month. 8be Is engaged at IheBoatDB (Maaa.| Theatre tor the coming season. A. H. 8BXLD0M begins an engagement at the Jetaey City (N. J.) Opeia-heuse Sept. s, piodndng his drama ot " Wealth and (Mme," Inwblch be will IM supported by Miss Nellie Sanford. Tax BBooxiAS BSAsoit at the Euclid-aTenna Opera-house, Oleveloud, O,, was opened Ang. 77 with Hiss Effie B. Ellsler as the star, acting In "Under the Soow," which was snoceeded 3D by "A Heroliie In Bags," with lUsa Qlaler as Jennetta Biaohear. Both pleree were put apon the stage In good manner, sad drew large andlenoea. BepL 3, the Mary Gary Ooiablaatton In *'Faor Jo." HAT FIBK Is ready to negotiate tor dolea to tnlllU star engocementa and play leadlns buslnsos. See card. Call.— Manager N.' D. Boberts noUflcs the ladlea and gentlemen engaged for the oomlng seas o n wltb tola "Humpty Damply" Dsntoailme Oompany to aais lublu Bept. • at Tina Panor'a Theatre. Seacard. WM. MiBBf.ra DBAXATia OQifPAn la to show In Webstar aty. la., SepL 10. U. U. IS. Eampton 14, IS, IT, Mason Olty 18,19, Pauler 71433. CkUner ai. as, w»« Doloa as. a7.28, independenoa Ocil. ^ », *. 8. 8- xwo xooiia LADias dealrs to loin a dramatlo oompany. BeeNelUeandLllUHaasls'oard. A bejcabkable Sooobsb.— Kme. Modleska,wha hss twen In OaUfomla about tour months, made her debnt on the Amenean stage at the Oaltfomla Theatre, San Fnndsoo, Aug. aOL The motive for her so doln^r waa that her husband had pnr- cbased arancheand had been bearlly swindled Id the trauroction, and the lady, to pay off some Incambnnce on the property, appealed to the manager of the (^Iromla Theatre to give her on engagement, which, altera deal ot hesitation and with many doubu and fears, was Oiutlly accord- ed her. She appcired entirely nnhemlded, to use tboatrlcal phraseology. Our San Francisco correspondsnt, writing on Aug. 2d, thus reviews her performances, snd appends other news: At the (^ailfumU Tbeatre."AdrleoDe Leconvfeor.** anew trsnMlatlnn from ths French, wsa pmlnceil Aug. 21. the occasion beloe the debut ot Msdame ModUeeka (Counteaa Boirntal on tb" American 'tape. The thr.ifrlcal trrlier la oa the victim of moral cowardice when Justice demands that he should bestow an amount ot praise tbe limits of which are e^ceeillnitly wide. He shrinks fmm prmlslnir without qualia-'atinn unless lie should ha auspected being Incapable of dlsccmmeot. and ha seeks (or expres- sions of more than *inllnary (nrcoand sl^-ilrtc-tncc- for ihe reason that thev are sbsolntely demanded by the extreme poweraml beauiyof ti'e actlne hewonid describe. Tlils Is *he cue with the relation between thn actlnjrof Mme. ModJeskaand the terms In wlileh your correspondent, wbn would do Itcomr.reteJuHilce.feels thatbeonghtio speak ofiL The Isdv was Intrtnlnced simply to (III a cap of one vrcek. prior to the appearance of Rose EytloKe.and the geoernl opinion retnrdlne her was onAivorabl^. ftn the nrst night the bouse waa rather slim, baton the second nl^ht and for the rest of the week has been conaldered acceptable. The local ^tlca call the event "the most cooflrmed dramatic triumph that ever o<ji;uii e<l In our roldsL" The Snittblnvpresenied for con- •Iderotlnn iras tbe Intslleetnal feat which Mme. ModJeska boa accomplished In scqnlrlngthe Etnllah lanraace In the space of Dine moolhs. and everyone was astonished at the sceiirscy and flnenev with wblcb she spoke it. Her eno n- clatlon sod dlstloer. and mu net Immlred by a naturally pecnllnr acceninatlon, and her distribution of tho empliaaiB was i>erteoL Bhs haa a veiT melodlons voice, dfted wltb a variety of pleasinic modnlatlnos gh- pmredberstll tobesnscirtvaofgreatencivy. cspablanf meltlnr the heart and electrilVlnfr tlie mind. She hss fine lotuitlona, and lonv experience on the Prdl«h stace haa made her a finished artist. Ber llEiire la lithe, sup Cleandcracelhl. Khehasagoodaodvervreflnrdrace.and er power ofexpreaslnn Is remarkable. The scene at her parting with her lover, Maorlce De Raxe, In the third act. and also In the last act. when he letoms to her In time to witness her Illness, her delirium, and her death, the Joy, the anenlsh of look and gesture, were more affecting than any- thing else of the klod tbat we remember to have seen. The soccesslvo cbsnges ot conntenance had the palntul- ness of absolute reality, and at the death of AdrlMine women were mored 10 tears aod men smse (torn their seats .ind brttko the sdllners of the house with aeplansa. Thedehntant wssrt'ealledat the end of each acL The play treata of the love of Adrlenneihe sctreas tor a nobleman: with rho sblitlnff scenes of Jov. Jealfmsr. rage, despair and dealh. 6'ie Is killed by a rlral, a iwlncees, thmoch- the meilliim of a pol.oDcO flower. The vnrions chnr- acipra were very ably sustained by the actors named In the foPoirinff cosv ai the piece; AdricD (.ccouvreur, Helena Vodjeska; Princess de Itoolllnn. Rate Deain: Diichrsa de Aumnnt. Carrie Wratt: Mils J-inven t. Belle Chapmsn: Maurice, Conntde Rose. T. W Keltic; FrlncQ de Bouillon. W. A- Mestayer; Abbe de (Tha- lenl. J. X. Long: Mens. MIchnnoet. llenrr.Eriwanls; Otilnoanlt. 15. K. Thsyer: Polsson, U irrr .Woods; Cttii- hnv, J. Murrv. Ifenf)- Edir.inls and MK« Denlo are dcservlniot snerlsl mi-ntlnn f*tr their excellent persona tlon.t. .lohn Mrrnliouch received n tirrwell honrStZS. actlo-r-'llamlef* in .-vlnnr*-honse. Mme. .Moiljeskaplaved Opiiells wltb much beauty and (Idelitr to Ahakesreare's crc.ition THe' road scene** she played In the I'oll-th lan- onnee. Vies Ro.<i« Kvllnse, who was to appcir on the Zi th, reciinlzinr the senilis 01 th'snrtlst. has cenemnsly s-crl nml one week ot her engacsment that we may see tho Juliet ot Mnje Mfsl'eako. Such a trlbnto (torn so excel, lent nu actress speaks alroDiflr In deft-nse ol the praise cnnMlned in rhis letter. Mlia Eytlnae has occupied the stasc-box everv niphc o* Mme. ModJeska'senpxsement. snd 00 the 23d. In the greenroom, prcrented her with a Isnrol-wieath Mme. Modjeska, ore-come with thit compliment, thrww herself into tllssEvtln^'s .irroa ami wept ir-ie a child. Helena ModJeska (Coanto« Bo. zenta)made her first appearance on the dramatic stass at the ace ol flOero at Cruow. Poland, slxteeo vcsrs aco. and lias sine attained the position ot one of ths preotest actresses of Russia nod Poland. On aceonnt f-f sickness she ohralnsd a leave ol ahsenee for two yairs fmm tho dirtctom of thn Imperial Tbeatra. Waiuw. and was sd- vlAed hy her phvslclan ro take a lorw seo-voynRe. She came to (^Ifhrnla- and her husband haa alnce pnrchased a la-TO ntrm inonn of thn InwerconntlcA Slie expresses her.<elf as tiolnff mnch pleased with this country, and as Its heinp ber iotmtinn to snriender her position nn the Polish stace, aod make ber home in Araerleo. She haa been seojr*d for a lonher eneseementot tea weeks, to suecced Nr?i. D. r. Bowers, who Is to becln an encasement of fnnr weeks on Oct. 19. "Romeo and Jnllet" will be iwoduecd Aoir. and R-^se Ejvlo^e irlll open SepL S In '*Vlss MnltotL** Barton ITlll has pnrchased a rme.half Interest In ,thia theatre frrm John McOll- Inneh- and will control its eotlre olDilrw ditrlne Kc- (^IToueh'a two yean* ahsenee. The latter leaves 39 to fblllll his Eastern eooagements. and win oi^n In Philadelphia SepL ID ... TTu manager of Baldwin's Tbeo- rtv states that that bouse will open Sept. 10 wltb the ntraknsch Opera TVnupe. and the maoajrerol theOrmnd Opera-house hnn annonnced that bis house will open about Oct. I with tbe Celloar Opera Company. Aa the«4r two opera comiianlca possess the same members, and dKTor simply In name, there are many confllrtlnfforlolona sa to when and where Rellofnr and her people will appear, and also when Iheae two theatres will open .. Ac Em- ersnn's Minstrels. ** only** haa been an. nouneed all throuch tho week, the chief attracilon ImIdp the presenlluff ot diamond rincs.coM watrhes, etc.. to the audience. Hilly Warner appeared 1^ Billy Rice apfw^rs 2T. Pat Ronoey and the orlcllMl Blc Poor are nromleed shnnlv. Billy Rmenum. John Hart. CntW aad roeper, and Wash. Vnnon left for a tonr throoch Orecon 33 ... raiODenre the maelclan'a name dropped suddenlv nut of the hills nf the Bnsh.street Theatre on 3D. hot tbe drt hotdne*s still contlnoeN. Mr and Mm Harrv Cnortaine appear in new (krres. Sam Rirker and (^as. MeCanhy do rhc ninny Irish business, and Billy ArllDnon's banja pats In ft welcomed Tl-itali-n. Tom Thnmb and company commence a season Rept-3 At the Adelphl Theatre the cl(Y-bns1nesa will be Introduced 27- Oeo. 0. Thomp. MO and »b- R-rnnMn BmThern are the attractive CaTIIS. The Bella Union Theatre, which has been estab ll.shed for over twenty-two yeara. la advertised for sale bv Sam Setlow. Its present prtiprletor ... James M. Want Is to rrrelre s cnmpllmeof sry baaettt at the Arand Opera, house tcnlcht. when "Peep o* Day*' and "Rketches In India" will hn pmdnced Lewis nsrrlson mode hU first appearance in this citvatthe f:all(hmia Thearro 3a as the second crsvedl^oer In "ITamlet *• Ro»e Fvtlnce. throuch her hnslness.manacer. MarcuB R. Vayer. hss deellnej an offer ro co to Anstra^la Tho rnrollne R'cliinga Oivro rnmp.\nv ot.ened In Virrlnia ritr. Ker.. 24 .tnho J-ck will eommenna n diamstic s*sson at bis theatre. Ralem. Oreirnii. Oct. 1 Ellle tvilton promises to never an utan-lnc aeain—.ton ex- p-n-lri. ....Mnx Strakosch arrived from New York on Ihe erenioTO' till M w. J. oii.wonE. lessen and manager of tho Holl- day.atreet Theatre. Baltimore. Md., will Inoucu- mte his aemnd season Sept. 3. Dnrlns the post Six weeks a host of workmen have been encacoil In renovating th> house and making extrnslTO altoratlonM and tmprovoments. Tbe outside of tbe building bos he»n i>atotod whlt«. In Imitation of marble, nod each nf ths main entnttiees nn the niiiBlds Is lopped with an extensive connecting slen of acrnii-pattrm. on which Is Inaerlbeil Ollmnre's Hollldoy-strect Theatre." Tho old wooden floors in tbe lobbies bove be^n m- moved, and marble tiling hss been laid; o Innts chandelier depends fmm tbe balcony, circle: thn stage bos been extendsd SAven.feet. two new pmscrntnm boxes, omwned with statues 8 tot high, representing Europe and America, adorn each side nf the stage. Tbe entire Interior bos been fresnnnd. The scenery Is all new and fresh. Thenid pAnomma.gmnves have be<>n taken nntand reploopd by thnennt modem style. Anew drop-cnrtaln, ropreeenting a ncene on the lAke Omn, haa besn TMlntAd by James I.amb of Wash- ington. Patent chairs will seat thn T>atmns, and new carpeting and matting bos been laid over tbe entire hotiae. The nr^nlni; epe^altlee ore thn Al- mnnt^Bros., (Tbss. Diamond, Beynnlda and Wall- inir, ErtMRoheenn, Pmf, Zera.Ssjnl. Baylls. Alfred Biimett and Helen Tfash, Barney McNulty. Jennie Teoraana, Dave Reed, Clark Olbbe. There will be no regular dramatic company until later In the> seas n. Cttia. Flemmlng. etaco-manogsr: A. F. 9tesdwpi|. treasurer: John A. Moak. sdvenlslne- ocont: Prof. Biittner. leader of orchesiia; Rord- nor and Davis, manhlnlats: T. 6. Ploleted. ecnnle- nrtlat: Rallnuf and Brown, pmperllee: Renben Marahall, cnjturaer At tho New Central Oor- •len business bas held good. The feataren wore the dlss'ilvlng ntatues and Prof, Leon and his trained dogs. To open Sept. 3: CItnstop Slaters. Rally Mason. Jas. 8. snd Katie Edwards, Rnbt. V. Ferennnn, Kearney and Moron. Tom Waifleld, D. A. Kelley, and W. y. QrllDth and Belle Norton. Advlcer nf Sepr. I, Mos A!i:«it: Hosmt, who In private life was Mrs. W. I. Ollbert. died In the Hnmtropathlc Hos- pital, Albany, N. T., Bept. 1. Our correspondent says: *'Ths deicoased wassnnbrelta nf the Leland OnerH-honse Oimpany during the seasons nf 1874, '75 and 'W, during which time she became a great favorite witn the patmns nf the theotiw. Miss Mnstyn was bora In Staffnrdsblrt*. England, and made her first appearance on the stage, at the early ace of eight years, at one nf the pmvln- clol Ihealrefl. In thn cbonrler nt Puck In "Mld- summnrnlght's Dream." She came to this cnun. try when qnlta young, and was bnfnrn tbe publlo onntlnnouely until attacked by slrknms. Some few years ago shs was married to W. J. Olltmrt, thn well-kanwn oomedlan. Shn was twenty- six years of see. The obsnioles took plaoo from the (niristlau (nitirch atBnd Bock, (Vilnmbia connty, V. Y. (where Mr. Ollbert rmldm), on Sunday. Thn dieonntse was by Elder Havens, and the remains were followed to the grave by the families of Ofnrea F. Learock. E. A. Eberle, and others. Ths floral offerings were qnlte nu- merous, and weiw contributed by Mr. and Mrs. J W.AIhangh. Annie Ward Tiffany, tbe Eberies. and Doctor Sioots. tbe lotfr a particular trlsnd of tho family. Mta. H. W. I^fflngwell, the mother ot Mr. Ollbert. waa also In attendance at ths rtinsraL AT FOBD's OBAHDOPEBA Bonsz, Baltimore, Md.. the regular season Is to commenoe Bept. 3 with a. 8. Knlcht and the Worrell Sisters In "Ottn." Manager Ford has repainted and recarpeted the Opera honse. besldee maklog many. Improve- ments. Two large minora have been placed against the pniaaBBlom boxes In the orchestra- circle In each a position as to reOsct the whole audience. TheregularoompanycomprtseaLon'ls I,. James, Hllnes Levlck. H. Balnfnith, Oharlea Wiwerly, M. Lansfan. Oeo. Hoey. Horry Taylor. T. FJtfeogher Jr.. Oen. W. Denhom. Jnllen Mitch- ell. Walter Qiliier. Eleanor Oarty. Lanra Joyee. Annie Story, Mra. Oerman. and OclXTla Allen. THE OFKBA-BOHBE. Bochester. N. T., opened tor a preliminary saosnn Aug. SI. Joao Coombs ana enmoany In "Clamllls" bslng tbe attractions. Sept. 3 Milton Nnblea and company commenoe a week's eogaitement, after which the regular aea- son opens. Managnr Lempert, with a eorps ot assistants, have been hard at work renovating and redeonratlng. Tha entire auditorium has been painted In white and light-blue, relieved by rich gilding and a scroll of dark blue. The sea's have also been newly nphoIstered.Un nnlson with ths rest ot ths botisa. The two front rows ot Ihe dress-clrclo have been furalsbed Vlth an oma- roental hsad-rmt. The regnlor dramatic seoson win be Inangnraied Sept. 10 with Oenevleve Bogers, annporrad by the new stcek oompany MUBio HAU,, Portland. He., win be occupied tor one week, eommenctng Sept. 3, by John Stetson's Onmtiaoy: Den Thompson In "Jrohna WhJt- onmV'and Oeorge pvmesqne, Nellie lorkelle, Ltaxle Kelaey. Hand Bianseombe, Jalla wiisoa. ▼intle Jackson, and otbeis At Fanny Kanh's Theatre tbe company engaged for talr week con- sists of Miss Fannie Xareh, Miss OraybrJOke. Emma Hayes. Adele Smith. Archie (Jowper. Welsh Edwards. C. A. BaUon.J. L. Voodenen. WlUtam Colder. A. K. Adams. J. J. Oolmsn, O. w. Bwsll. J. Oilllns and, T. Btown. •■Hscnella" will be presented. Thokab B. HAcDostoDOB's adaptation ot "Baby* S?f, •* Walnut^tiaa* Tbaatre. Phlladelphta, Aug. a7. tor the flrattlms In that city. Wlllioo J- Lemnyne as Mr. Tiaor and W. Oonter as WlUle St. Paal (Baby) are de. serving ot eapeelal mention tor ttaelr^pltal aet- iDg, They were ably supported by Tboaus B MaoDonongh. W. H. Bailey. Kiss ReUla TBylor. Visa Alios Wyndbara, Mlaa hdto ▼Man. lUas Boae Lisle, HIsa Allea WanaOeld,aad Fa Ken- nedy, ic waa nlgbily t«oelv«l vim lOtoala ot latigbter. J(MKPH HuuPHiandthaeompaap Ihatneently supported him ax the-Orand Opara.boiias.lnthla tdty. acted "Keirj Oow" In the Leiand Opera^ •'*^:,i'**'^' '«»«'>'««ayatthepa8twiSl and 'Haum Oree*' the lest of the weSkT raey open In Toronto. Ont., Sept. 8......The idngard Oi Mnbl oaWon opens In Albany on that -a-e^ TBB LDioABraAlfD (DMPABT ODBB at tha Saw ParkTheatre,Brooklyn.M.$;;8optIlO. September 8,1877. OOB Okwaoo, Iz,u. oorreepondent, -wa- da of Sept. 1, wrote as follows: At tbe AdripbL Bdmond (lemon's OimhlnaUoa bom civeo -The Flog or Honor** durlnc the past week to mS notlnewi. Itlairomtbapeaol b'EnnetT.aniborot''nas Two Orphans,** aod la teourleil lo have acblavnt i hhimjl St ths Imperial (niawlet Tim-ie. Pari-. Vbawhavw been Its nntrepraenitlo aInAm-rica ItUl.iflveahan seta, and deala with tbe time of B inaparte*! advana ui>«m and nitreae IWim Mo.s:*iw. Tbl« p av depicts the special bravery or ooe panlcniar rseimmt. and tha lovia and trials ufolew inembere of It. Frin -oLs Mandnln loVM and labelovcdby Uarle. Tliediat act sees Uiepresenta- tion of tbe flag of honor to tl»e n-sinteot by the maidens ol the village, and the bora' ileiisrinie lortiM war. Francois has a rival In PreOrrfck Wolf •ho. moved XJpaloosy and a desire fur reveoge.di-erts lila Eother* idamoWoii, ud Ills c luntiT. and Jnlnii the Autiiaa ^^y- . Jbe play than luliowa ibe TlcU-Mludm nf the rest. l'\!L!^.''"»' attempted iMit alwa^vsdpfi-atedtmEti- eriesof FnrderlckWoir.the m.inia;ie of Mane and Pran- cou. and the latter's rapid priMnntlnu to tlw rank of can. erai. Thethicadoftha siorrlaofthe silchieu texture f'.'.".S'"■"""'IL"" '"Wiervnt, and senreHlhe pnrmaoT ?ii,'S?rk''°.V!",".»" eroWlloirt a£dTiSl» fS. Ji^-.^H.^i S". *"'"E''' "'SKsls so well flned.and Ei.riST? fV^,?i, aPi'w'-JL"'"!^"'' erfecta. v«y nkctv !. Fimuk Skirr. The III rd .ict Is eiven up to o lleUdlvertlaement. lo which Miles, li RoiaS LetMr- neur. seven cnodconphece and a c<>ri« de tiallet, eie. ciiie some brilliant dances. The costumes werant fmh deslcn and tastefully rth. Tb, e-S'^JJ^'S^aSrS? J.J Wailac<)lookedondacted r.n B-mspattTirarvSy r^sllstle manner: Francois wsa wen Uune in Wm. UoviL Frederick by Frank Foswortb. Pathl^'Ani™ h^'SS: bam. and ;Ba|>lU<e by Worn-n. Madame Wolf snd .Maris were also civdilobly rendered i.r un> Miaaas StoM and Denning. The piece will be ur*si*a*pj an.,>'iar week. Tlie Texas Jack (>)mblnaUon SrpL 10 .... "Babr'* at Mo- Virker'shas made a hiL Ifo benn bis l.-ii.,iiiliafmite bernrs a good aasamblage. snd tbe honscs have Inoeased trlth every repetition. It In amoslnc. aithoaeh aa eva- neao«ot and (^tliyaa aslawi«ds'sls, mod la 01 piionr aeted by tbia oompany. Mr. McViekmnvo on nncuioaprw,- entarion ol the tutor TmcT (.'ooeh. JoMph Whadock aeted the "Babr," Willie Rl. Paul, cx-xlloat.v welL Bar. ty Pcannn ployed Howard -tL l'.vil with InlmltaUs mock dignity; Botand Reed, who made on rlnsonaslon hl« first appranace In Cblca^m, cave Oliver M-mOl With dueeflecl: nairrLeedld well what llttio wtu rwinlred of him as Charley Atklna. The Mrs. Oliver M.iaaiu irfLania Doowas wellcustumedan<lvivacloiiaJracie<L tin. How. ai^l Ht. PanI was satisfactorily d'loe by Mrx. fltouotJl. What little wsareunlred m the MKues Oraldhie MA>raBd Fanny Price as Mary OraRon and Mndairm Aurelia was eredltably rendered. MI.M1 Alice If oatlnas nnde her rt-st sppearanes In Chicago as Suean. aod seema to have nil tho iteoesary requirements of a lively chambermaid. "Bsbv'* will run auotberweek. Edwin Booth Inlrows ...Mi-^Mory Cary baa presented "Poor Jo" all or tho i4st wwk to lalr twslDCas st llooleya Thmtre The p'eoe plan rather better than **Chesney w«»ld " Mls4 t'erj |q ^ titular role gave a sulBcleiitlr realhulc plci»re er the wretchedcjosalnc-'sweepernf Tiim'sll-alnn,*^. The tuaks- tip, iheemaclstcd ftatnres- the consumptive eough. and tho whole appearance, like that ofawlldoniuiU, wore pas- ticularly perfect. Thaoappnrt as a whole w.-is very cood. Mr'. Ka^, while not so grand as J.inan^hi-k, was uot displrasinc as Lsdv Dedlock. Miss Irvin;; was excellent In action, bat poor In dlolcet oa Mortense. Mus Tbomlos was ratherweakasEa(herRamm-ri«n. Mnrethoaapaoi- loc word nf praise Is due FranU .Moplauut Inr bla eicep- tlonslly fliiooonoeeslon of Tnspertor Racki'l In make up, dinlrctand action It waa the mof«pcn)*et plclnwoi aLon- d'ln cockney we hove everseen ontbestagi*. Asco-id loita way was tbe Ife'cnryor- 11. R. Oavlp.^ Tlie riuopy of Kd Milliken wa,i sn eieellent picmreof a little Pjggllih cad, but tlie diniact was onevoiL Tulklnclinm waa wcU slvpo hv Ed. Coleman. The Hlr Icicrstcr D.>dIock Of B K. Brsdley waapas.sable. The pleeowai iL-tmi-iomeirnac 00 tlie stage. Mlsa Cary and (lomblnail xi trom het* r.> (Hevelaod. Crone and Boh«on open Hcr4.3 in "For- bidden Frnlt ** Lawrence Bar sit to follow. OLIVEB DODD BTBOy and a compauy played lu New Haven. Ct., Aug. 31: attAn<lancrt llgiiL Sept. I, bis very tiod. They returned to Nov York. CALti.—^The ladles and gentlemen engaged at tbe (Thestnnt-strcet Theatre. Phlla<lelphla. Pa., for tbe coming season, are reouested to nssembls Sept. 10. See Stage-manacor Mackay's card. "THE Flag of hosob" WAspnidu-.-e I «ith s as. eess at the Adelphl Thea-a«. CblCHicn. m., on Aug. 17, and Is b(x>ked for a two weekn' run. U will be played at the Opera.hoiise. Milwaukee. Wis., Sept. 10, and managers desiring tosecuis time are requested to apply to E. OetMon A Co.. as per cart. The first onen date la Ocl .s. TEE NEUIE DOTD DUAMATIO COXPANT per- formed In Mooomb, III., thr> post week, and aia billed In Morrison this. Both talr weeks. OBOBOB Lasczlus and Fred Kent are to Join May FIsk's Combination In Amsterdam, N. T.. Sept. 8. r-^ IN BBPLY to J. B. McDononch's recent oard>tB reference to the new play ot "Secret Servloe," Mr. Webber rsQuesta us to give pisce to the following: iirricB -'riaLsif Po*r.** iuliu. Mass .Aug 0.1*77. Enrroa or K. T. Cu ma—XMor .str.- In last wcAis Oi\m» Vr. HcDonoush denies my rjabt to forbid hla nasnfth*«IUe'-Secret Service** on the crouiuU tbst my dalBi to the t'Ue o'my pisy -Veeiet Sen-fee'' U notvahiC hecanaeoi tbe same title being naed lor a pay written aa lone aonaa 1817. I waa aware the abstract of lh«copy- rlgh*. laws which Nr. McDononph quoted, bnt waa not awmre of any prevloua use of tbe ilt*e "rieciet Perrloe** for a dramatic cosapoaltlon. It seems to me tbat tbe Llbro- riao of ffou ia asOi who jtronred me my copvlshL Bbould have reftasedU, Iftheaaraetltlehad been riev'onslyenter- ed In hla llsL I claim my "Occrec c«rrlce** to tM an ar- r ncenient of Inu-llectnal conceptions, oidrvly luw at a icAole. and rbat the tlUolsapart <>^lAiu teOole, which tbe statute forbids oltaen to nse ai auch wiihont By ■<»rmlsaloa. aad to use wlilcii Is an larrinfement. The title of my play **geeT*t Servlcv'* Is ot mv nwn intel- lectual aod mecbanleal eooitrueiloa. as several cas prove who know the corvfulneaa and thought exercised bytns In Inventing o title that would be lu harmnoy with the plot ot the piece. It l-t cnrluaa. to su tbe leait, that I sbnold have anwitclocty ajdoptetl a title too:;oao in use. and that Nr. McDonoajen should likewise have adopted It sosnon sflrrms. It Is alio tfisneetliittlieUhvaiUnof <T.inirTvas should have allowed my claim aa sutker of a play bearing a title which anv other "citiam or resident nf then. 8 "bad eopyrlgbted. FranblynChsmhalalncf the t;. p. Bar says: -]f urb dwcos'lnn tiu been hid u to what eonstitBlea an nolawftal 0*0 oraonther> coprrlght.** My feeble opinion wonld be tbat whatever la likely to mo. tonally damage the Interests of a bona.Sde sntbor ahooM. abovA all tbloRs, eonstltnte an Inirtngemeir. I think It wonld be mtercidlnc to playwriohta and auiboraKeeeraUy to leara whether I have any right to pmtecilon ■fri"^ the use hv another 01 the title "flecret Service." which la on easentlal port ol on orlsloal taappoaed by mo to bO aedcopyrlgliied STTsngsment prsdured bynivlntelleeta^ and mechanical tabora. Most respecunlly ynnra. _ _ . ^ O. H. WssasB. [Having given each party a hearing, we mnstlst this end tbe dlscussloa In this department ot our pot>er.— Ed.j FSON BOSTON, KA8B.. nnder dote of Sept. t. otic oorreepondent wrote ss follotrs: The Hoston iCnseum opened Its doom for the rewular Fall and Winter season Aoit 17. and "Divorce'* wupiw- senied all the week with ibe exception ofSatordoy even- ing, when *Tbe Uuochbaek** was Rtven. Tbe cost Id ' Dlvorre" Included nesrly every member of ih* eom- paoy. As the uid mambcTB of the oonipany bave been seen In the piece befure. It is only Decosaaxy to aay tbaa they arooltied themselvea welL Of the nawcomeia, Llcsle Ilandd. who peilui lued Lu Ten Eyck. has a very pleasant face and cnce/bl manners, and -won Immediate lavor from Ihe audience. Fannie RMvrs* Flora PenSeld v.^a one of the best perTormances of the cbancrer that we h^veseen- she is a pleoainr aitd loiented ortlit. and Is sure to be a favorite here. Caot. Lyodo did not affom B. A. McDowell a fair chance to show his powers, bat tbe In. "IT^'"?-w"'•TO'sbl*. Next (ihia) week. "Baby * la to l>e Eiven for the fltsa time In this dty The Bonon Theatre hs* been occupied all the weak by the Campbell Comedy Company In Bsnley Campbell's new ploy ■',1"' J''"?." f<ove.*' lilaaea Rosa Rand. Josla Bateh- eliler. Estelle Mortimer, Louisa Horse, and NeMia. J. W. Norrla. W. H. Leake, R. Porsberg. L. B. VfUIard, H. B. Strong, and W. Naurlce oppeated In the cast. Vbepleea wa.swell pat on. and net with ttlr success. It will be morioueif another week Tbe Globe will be opened under Us new manacemeot Sept-Swlth Frank Frsyne's Kentucky Rifle-team, with Barry Blooilcood. Larry Tonter and othen In Elocnm.** On the tuth John Brougham is a nnonnced lor one w««k . BniaicAJL. THE HOLUAN ENOUBH-OPEBA TBOOFB asreoT- cnnlzad for the coming season Inoludes Sallls Holman. JulU Holman, Blanche Biodshaw. Ida Oorpenier. Emma Hall. ClazB Lester. Flora CUt- too. Belle Sidney. Ella Wells, Jennie l/oomis, Mrs. M. A. Bradshaw. and MeasrsL A. D. Holman. Jos. Brandlsl. Jaa. T. Dalton. J. Brookhonae Bowler. Fred Dickson. Donald Harrold, H. OUtton. J. Bradshaw. Alfred Holman, Wm. Bdwards and Frank Wllllanas. Oeo. Holman Is tbe pmprlOlor, with Urs. Hsrrist Holman musical dliectnes. and Lnden Banes manaj^r. Their repermry In- trudes over ttrenty-dve of the moet popular openttlc works. They can be arranged with by applying as per card. They perform In Oswego. N. y., s-pt. 3. II. la, OgdensbBig s, 6,T. Watertoirn 4, a, 10, Auburn 13, Syiacnse 14,19, and open tho . New Academy ot Hnsl(% St. Catherines, (Canada, IT. SP-iDLDCta's BKLLBXHOEBS are reponesi to be playing to good bnalness on Cape Ood. Owing to a severe attack ot rheumatic fever, Master WUUe has not yet been able to appear with the com- pany. He is reaoverinc, and will Join them shortly. The troupe performed In Nantucket. Mass., Ang. 31. Sept. 1. and are billed In Tlnsyard Haven 3, Warehom *. MIddleboiD S, Bridgewater e. Abingdon 7. aud Boekland 8. S. A. Waas. leader ot oreheeira, who also play* alto In brass, can be engaged. Addnsa as per advertisement. O'BEABDOM's Iateatsong.and.danee la published by Harding, who adverUsea. A BABrrosE-aiBOBB soUdisan engBgemealwllh a minstrel or specialty combination. See J. B. Moedo nold'e co rd. ROE BIKPEENS' Umboiulnsa aieadTertlsed elsa- where. The bwxdisr>t YtxiAi, Quabtet, saslsted by eminent instrnmentallstB, aro to ooncenlzsln Pottstown, Pa., Sept. 6. w—iSb-g T. 8. Wilmington. DeL. 10, Lancaster. Pa., U. Oolumblo la. Hsnto- bnrg IS. Wllllamsport lA Bcnnton IS. Ithoea, K. T., 17.18. Watanown n, Oswec*S> Byiacuse 34.25. THzBEBaEBFAMiz.T'B OonaeTtTronpeand Lady Oreheetra are to apjwar. nnder the management of tbe orrln Bros., at tha Lsnundl Theatre. Havana. <^aba, about Not. 1. THE SmaEBnsT at ScheuMen Park, Phlladel- Phla. Atic, as and 97, was a oomplete sn uu ess Twenty.two Oerman Blnglng«ixletiea took part Bice's Ookbik atioh appeared at the Frovldenfle (B. I.) Opera-house Au*. 31. Sept. I, laeludlng matinee, to on avcnca good bnalnasa. Ths psr^ tormanoeof "Oonair A."caTB aven batter gaa- oral aatlwfaftlon than "Evangeline," which «as given at the same honae asTsial amea last sea- son. Thalr ronta Is: Ohelsea, Maaa.,3,Lynn 4. Balem 9. Woieestar «. BprlngOeld T, Saramga t, Montreal 10. on« week.- Teranio IT. one week. Oeveload 24, one week. ' A, E.' Oati<obd. leader ot oxebestra and band, who woold play seaond-vloIlB, piano, or double- bass and tuba. adTertlses tor aa engagement. A TBOMBOHE^ tuba or aeoond.TloUn player d» slrrs to engage for tha eomlnsseason. BeaOeo. A. Davlne'soard. THERBoirLAX SKiBON at the AcadefflT Ot Muile, BntToIo, B. T., began An*, 71 with the Hslmaa Opera-tronpOk who sneeeeded In drawing crowded houses thronghoat the week. "La Fllle de Mad- Sept. 1. Tha theatre haa received extenstvs re- pairs atnoa lost season. A new exit bos been bnilt 7 feet wide, opening on Washington street, aad an entirely new entranoa has been built from the fTvnt. The stainrv leadlar directly to toe back of the theotiw Is aevenloen feet wide, insld^ the honse has been recarpeted, npholsteisd aiid redeeotated, the entlra repairs eestlOK nearly six thousand, dollan. No tegular eomnuiy will ba maintained this aeaaon. the Boebeater Opera- house eompany playing here wheolhedraervlcca an required. The wiaiiM ^ m ^ m ^|| ailachea areas follows-.MeechBrob. nanogera: N. K nhn^ treastirer; Joe Knhn, leader ol orcheatra: Fisd BMiOald, soenlo artist: Thoa. Duncan, maohln- set. Oangaro's Boyal Teddo Japannan Troupa open 8 for one week. A Tiounmr poated In the variety buslneM wants an engagement In or near New Tork. See JsB. Boblnson'a card. _ ACXABMNKr AND BABTrOKB PIATKB WlShM to travel With a nrBt-dass company. 8eaH.Toaiiri TABIBTT mULLS. A CASD trom Managers wtiai;en k Gala. Meoo- polltBa Theatre, Loulsvtlle, Ky.. and Stage-maiia- ger ObfttBle. pnblUhed In otir bnaUeas-depaH- meak. talsblr roeommeada the performanoea ik the DotdiMeBdelB'and Chaa. H. Klnc'-The 0«r- manle Trio." , lOss MaBib DATID8, whobas been singin g s» Tooker's Tarietlaa. Norfolk.Ta.. wiltca-u> Ta CL nTKB th at she la abont M nnm to Bnglinfl , and ietliea trom tha stasa.