New York Clipper (Sep 1877)

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September 8,1877. THE ^NTE^W 191 AoiM'lXS LBS. mulosl apadaltr mrtUM; eon- aHM* nooenrul two waaks* «Dsa«oiirant at tba aladi 9 Oomlqae, this clt7, Sept. 1. A. cant tram Maamew Hanley, publlsbad In «ur bnslneaa de- partment, cndwaeetlialr act anvtttactlTo per- tormance. Ttuy open wlib Brrul'* KUuizels at BiTiuit'a Open-iiooaa Sept. 10. TBS TauTBS OaMiQOS. Ijog Branch. N. J., la to close • aeaaon ot twelre w«eka Sept. 10. and the aompanr ts to appear In Behenectady. N. T., 14. IS. Itwul fee known a* tbe LoDKBtmnehOomblnatlon, aodlsontanlaed as follows: Loots SchmDUln^, Snprletor; W J. Potter, atata-mianamt: Frank nns^ Fanneotler and Ooewer. Andy Shields, the VaTor Brothers—Wash, and Eddie—Annie Oor- mon, and Ante Vood. A x,Al>T PABTifZB ts wanted to laam the trmi>exs baslneaai Bee Frank De Moss'owd. A. H. BAXTEB sdTenlaes tor a partner In clog and ml danctng. IjDO^AMn Ajn> WxzoBT. the Irish Smlcrmnts, in •lelr Ilorth.oMreland. ipeolnltlM and I.ancaahlr» tfoc, ]lg and reel dancuv. are open for engace- mento. They pabllah la oarbnaliicBB department • list ot iheir Tsrloos acta. BAU.XS-DASOEB and ladles with spedaltlea are wanted at the London ParlUon, Hatttord, Ot. Ad- dress Hanr Lester. t<n«in.i^ r»»n.j yT PEBTOBXma oaa seoare tine at the HetropoU- tos KoTel(7 Thestre, Newark, It. J., bj addraalnc Tred Woldmann, the proprleB>r, who adrertlses In ttlB lesne. FE9CAI.E Tiuarr Is wanted at Harry HUl's The- ooe, this olty, eepectaUy • eerto-oomlo slngtr AT LBOK'B TABIRBB, Loout Point. Hd.. the sompony at our latest odvloes Included MoUy Lame, Harry Butler, Little Nell. Lee Walton. Lena Detorrees I^ny Shelton, Nettle Carlyne, Jennie Wells. NelUe Leon, Allee Floraace. Johnny Hen- nlnss. Viola Howard. Bessie Turner, and Jerome Whitman. WK. t. uiLLa, soreltr aniat, can be addressed are at thle office. UADD Stablet. Tooallst. and Edward Werner, aomedlan, in their bellringlns duets, etc., can bo engaged by addressing as per odTertlaement. Two zsis-iizM. a banjolst, a vloUnlst, soog-and- danoe men and a tent ore wanted by D. O. Oarle, who adTerrtwee, Tan BoBiMSOR FAmLT—Llsile, Nellie and Uas- tar Clok—haTing ]aat returned from the South, an now open tor engagements. See card. Johhsoh Ain> Bbdho, acrobatlo and contortion artists and linguists, are now at the Bella Uuloo, Ban Frandsoo, Cal., where they hare been suooesstnlly pertormlng during the psot six mnniha. See okrd. FBOK THE BLAOK HILLS WO haTe (he following iBtelllgeBce, dated Deadwesd, Aug. at: "Stere Oooney and wUe. Oeorge Bedmond. the twin alstets Yaldls. their mother and agent, lelt Aug. U by mtile-tialn tor Oheyenne. which place they OKpected to reach In about thirteen daya. The Oem Theatre here hns reopened, but bnalneas U bad. The Bella Union Is closed, but It is to be opened for beneflio—Frankle Lee's ai. and OUday and otnlTon's 39. Business of all kinds la doll here, and money to very acaroo. Baby and James XoDonald are here. Idle. Hr. IfcOonald was pre- aenled by his wire on Aug. U with a ten-poond boy. AtmTeUDgoompanywlllIeaTeherelnatew dsjB for the Bed-rlTsr oonntiy. It Is orgonlvd as follows: Plannle Beane, Carrie Lewis. Ftankle Lee, Ftankle Howard, Oeoige A. Beone, QUday and oinlren, and an orchestra." - CiMOTC>ATi TAitixrT cnxLuaEtcz Is tnmlshed by our oorreepondent dating 3Ist ulL. aa ap- pended : "Wood's Theatre Is being painted Inside and out, and otherwise reStted, preparatory to Its opening Is by Ueeers. Alms BlUIer. The Inaugn- XBl company, so for as engsged, will comprise Fat Booney, Wallets and Hnghes. J. W. UcAndrews, Tommy Turner, Oapt. Oeorge Liable, Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Brennan, John BoobneU, Edna Hork- ley. Lulu Fronds, Lizzie Uulrey, and Ulnnle Olyde. No Uqoors will be sold WlagHeld and Otegory, bortxontal-bar and barrel performers, Xr. and Mra. Fred McAToy In a sketch called 'Kathleen,' Johnny Morrlssey In his Ethiopian act 'A Troape of One,' and Jerry Cavana In a sketch 'The Baby Elephant,' oomprloed tbe new people at Henck'e Opeia-house 28. Business large. Departures Sept. 1: Ony lOnton and Lucy Adams, Indianapolis; Charles Diamond. Baltimore; WlngBeld and Oregory.Ohlcago: and Lotilae Unrlo. Opentoc 3: Hilda Thomaao, Iferd Slaters, UuUigan and Morris, and Tommy h'elL The new people at Scblckllng's Music Hall this week hare been Eat«- Montroso and Vlo Bey- nolds, pleasing vocalists, and John Fisher, on ex- aallent comedian. Biz good. Departures Sept. 1: Parker SIstere, Chicago, IlL: Billy and Uoggle Bay, BransTllle; and John Fisher. ArrlTals 2: JoeKortoD,BlIly and Minnie Kayo, Cborlee and May Loder, De Leon and Showers, and Adrlenne CrS7 John and Amy Tudor In a sword-com- bat dance which was a feature. Pauline B4W- nard as oconmpUshsd vocalist, and Zoe ZeonetU and Hons. Searles on the trapeze opened Aug. 27 at the National Theatre Comlque. The drama ot 'Cartouche,* with Walter Bonn lnthetltIe-roIe,oonaUtuiedUiewlnd-iip. Biz good. Departures Sept. 1: Etta Hay, Chicago; Cordelia and TletorelIl.Buaalo: Thatcher and Hume. Chi- cago; abeehon and Jones, Chicago: Zoe ZeonetU and Mens. Searles. Columbus; Cbsrlea and Hay Loder, Shiekllng-s Hall, dty; Annie Warlleld, Pauline Bernard, and the Tudots. Opening 3: Hullln and McOee. Oeorge W. Hunter. Nellie Blchards. Once Oarland. Agnea Sutherland. LlESle Bomtt, WlUlom H.Biar.and BndworUt and OQhn In 'The MolUe McOutres.' Ida Dearln, seilo-oomlc, and nankle Sidney, ballad- 1st, were the new appeoranoea at the Eldorado 20. EUa Hill and Uzzle Dans doeed. Nellie HoUoway opens a The Blxford Brothers went to Bvans- Tllla yesterday The OoUaeum Is announced *> open 23." Tns ATTBACHOif at the Olobe Theatre, St. Louis, Mo., during the week oommenotng Aug. 26, was Frank Jones, who presented his play ot •TThe Black Hand." On the nr»"<«e night the audl- dlence was so large that many wore turned away. The play was put on the stage in good style, the ra ll m ad-scene in the second act being especially worthy ot mention. Hr. Jonee broogbt with him Hiss Alloc Uoniagne and John D. Wearer, the former appearing aa Alice Hazleton. and the lat- ter giving a very oonect portraiture of the block servant Bam. Bamael M. Drake mode his flist appearance at this house as DUl Jackson. The play was preceded by a short oUo, In which Haley and Eidrldge, new arrivals, did a very good crog.danc» and a eoDc-and-dance. Sadie Dowllng closes Sept. 1, for Chicago. To open 3; TheHendelsand Obsrles King. Frank Jones remains, and plays In "On the Brink." Dan Doudlgon, termerly doorkeeper at the Comlque, nils a like i>osltInn at this house Looney's Varieties oi>ens Eept 1 with the follow. Ingcompany: Hunk Mason, Wiley Hamilton, Lo- mond and Gordon, Daisy Remington, Llmle Bast- ings, Sam Bolter, Jessie Wbtie, May Canoly, Joale Shepherd. Dollle Leiand. Ed. Oaffey ts manager; Bam Bolter, sloge-manoger: Frank Sperl, leader ot orchestra; Alexander Wheatley, machinist; John Max, property-man. Leon Whettoney Is In town. Letter ot Aug. 29. Oabbie WOODS In her rapid chonge-oct, Intro- dnclng eongB expressly written tor her, cautions anyone ssalost using the same. Bee card. ADAH BiaHKOSD'a BcBi.E:jQi;z TBOi;rE played In New Haven, Cu. Sept. C. to fair business. They are to perform there 3, thence to Hartford l, s, Bprlngneld, Mass., 6, Worcester 7, 8. SraaAnoHAL stass, dromatlo and vszlety com- binations, and burlesque troupes desiring to aecoie dotes at Wood's Theatre, Cincinnati. 0., ore requested to address Messrs. Alms fc Miller. O. F.'Josxa Co., dramatic and varloty agents, insert their car-1 la another column. Cltde At.mobe, who advertises. Is prepared to write burlesques, sketches, songs, eta THE OOHCAHY at the Academy ot Muslo, Cleve- land, O., the jiast week was not altered from that ot the previous week. Tbe departureo 'Sept. 1 were Bmma Bretto, to PUIeburg, and MulUgan and Horrls and Dewltt Cooke, to Cincinnati. Bill- ed Sept. 3: Palmer's "Black Orook." Harry Ken- nedy. Howard Dorr and son, Uatiel Pearl, the Etzeltlne Bisters, ai.d Lucy Clifton The Boyal -Japs, Ftank Oeorge and the Hennessey Bros, gave aDtertolnments at ths Olobe Aug. 27,28,29,30. The Thbatuz CoiaqiTE, Blchmond, Ta., re- opened for the eeason Aug. 27 to a crowded house. During' the vaowtlon the andltorlnm was newly pointed and decorated. The company consisted of Mile. BuaseUle, vooollst; Kate Morris, setlo- ■ «omlo; Mile. Henrietta, song-and-danoo; Haxxy Leonard, stage-manassr. In sketches: Harry Jet- feiBon, general business; Iks Anderson, song- and-danco: Hyde Boughman and E. B. Hahn In ilfle^hootlng; and OOaa, Biannon In teats ot strength. - Prof. Volker will take charge ot the or. ebsstco. Stephen B. Embry Is the treesnxer. Unla Barrett and theLowrencss failed to appear.. Baivr anS Gray open Bept 9. Bsngtiman and- Hahn dosed 1,' going to Baltimore. Attendanoe large tbrataghont the week. AX FosTEa'a Couszmf. Detroit, Ulch., the new people 27 were Mons. Alpbonae, Tommy Dayton and Annie Batelle, Hsrry Osborne and Fannie Wentworth, Tommy Turner. Commlngs and Har. xlngton. Lulu Frauds. Departures Sept. 1: Tommy Dayton and Annie Batelle, Hons. Alphonse, Harry Osborne and Fannie Wentworth, Tommy Tuner, Onmmlngs and Harrington. The follow- In^ 'disappointed Aug. 27, oserlng no excuse: Manchester and Jennings and the Lee Family. Bept. 3 the regular season begins, the prices being InoBsaed to 30 and - 36 cents. The new people billed are Angle Schott, VlcureUa aiul Eldon, An- nie BraddoB, Lester and WUllams, Harry Brown, tfie Loverde Blstets. HOoIey and Thompson and OtaoSrW. Tonng. = I Vaubtt pkofohmebs are wanted attheOolls- eom, dndanatl, O.. tor the opening ot that house, Sspt.'!U. Addres»Frltz Buehmonn, proprietor. TBB NEW NATIONAL THKATBS, FbUodelphlB, was orowded to repletion on tbe evening ot Sept. 1, the oecaslon ot Its reopening for the Fall and Winter season. The auditorium presented a mndh improved appearance, the light and elegant decorations and the well-chosen and blended ool- ■ota producing a gay and lively effect well suited v> tbls large variety theatre. A lengthy pro- gramme was opened by the sketch "A Night of Temr," the prlndpal parts being sustained by Alt McDowell, John Boblnson, Ella Sheldon and Lottie Forrest; MUe. .Fontaloebleau appeared In her trapeze act, followed by Olbbeus and Bnasell in tbetr Irish sketctaes "The Caseys" and "The Boys from Sweet Clonmel;" John Kovelgh and Cborles J. Toung appeared In Bthloplon specialties; Mies Llule Conway In aerlo-oomlo sbniis was folioweid by the Clark Srothets in thelrotlplnaloct "I'll See Tou lAter;" Miss Allee Bennett to opvtattc and sentimental ballads, the Fontalnebleau Slstete Insongs-and- dances, and Petrle and Fluh as "The w ~"»rr Xoons. . Tbe .prrformonce conduded with the drama bt *^he Hidden' Uand." with Haxxy Lin*, den as W09I, laura Linden as Capitols, and jr. J. ThombBQn.aa.IUA<:k DonoliL^On Sept. 3 W. Henry Bice openahefie.... AX TEE BOZL8IOX MUBEDlt, Boeton. Mass., Ed- win Byron, the so-aalled "Boy Actor," appeared au the past week, eupponed by a plekod-up com- pany, which dill very well tocnther. "The Two Orphans"- wus civen 'up to Friday evealng, Byron civlog an Indifferent performance Of Platre. On J'rliay lie did Bertucclo In "The Fool's Bevenge,*' and' on Saturday evening Bloh- ard ill. Tills bouse wtU be closed tor eeveiai weeks before■ opening t>'T the regular season The season at the Hovord Atbenieumopen. ed Aug. 7>; and "Joshua Wblicomb" and "Cinder- ella" wereglvenall tbe week. TbeTormer has been much chabged since its Isst appearance here, and Is iu>w a three-act play. Den Tbom peon waa enp- ported by Julia Wllsou, Ii. J, Heeiayer, N. D. Jones, A. Bobens, W.faul, F. J. Heme .and othets. In Uiebnrleaqne' Maud Branscombe mode her flrst •ppeatanoa lit this otty. maklot a very favorable lapresalon. '"lOr next veek. Dotigherty k Mao's combination Is announoed, with- flatoolotan and OBW, Kelly and Byao, and oihsB. AT VOLKB* OABDnr,i.BrqOUjn, K.T., the com- pany tor the week wnuneiwlog Bept 3 In- otudas Anne Hlndle, the Sanyeatis, Mike Oal- tsgber, BlUy West, the MoDermott Bisters, the . wiiuams Slsteta. LotUe Btowo, Oscar WUIls ahd B. Aooodlng. I BiLLT Babbt and company performed In the Pateraon (N. J.) opers-boase Aug, 39 to a poor house. Sandtord and Wilson were announced, , b ut tai led to appear. I Thx LAsm AND OBtn^Ewai engaged for tbe : opening of the Orond Central Theatre, Oolveston, ' Tezao. ore requested In Manager Sprague's card to assemble at the Erie depot Sept. 9. Two soso-ANS-DAHCE MXN, olso serlocomle singers and o leader and a pianist, ore wonted by Manager, who advertises. TBB NKW BIO FODB—emlth, Woldton, Morton. and Master Martin—open In Ban Francisco, CaL, Sept. 3. AT THK ASMuni, Tolodo, O., the new people Aug. 27 were Keating and Bands, tbe Irwin Sis. teta. Master Ode, Minnie Qms, and Norton and CoBsody, two Toledo young men who have adopt- ed the stage, and who gave o good clog-donoe. Cloelng Bept. 1: Hurphy ond Mock, Keating and Bonds, to Chlcsgo; Oracle May. Detroit; Irwlu Sisters, Norton ond Cossody ond Master Ode. Opening 3:I«nton Bros., Ella Arnold, La Verde Sisters, Chas. Fostelle and EIlo Bertram The new people ot the Coliseum were Minnie Clifton, Charles OrvtUe and Ftank and Josle De Forest. Closing I: Harry Martin, to Clndnnatl; Perry Broa., Lydla Boea,Delia Walloca, to Indianapolis; Joe Buckley, Columbus; and Ada Wallace, to Erie. Openings: The La VerdeOblldren (also announced for the Adelpbl), Millie Bertha and John Mock. N. B. Sblmer, who haa been the manager for eome time post, was married on the morning nt Aug. 35, St the Tremont House, to Hiss Flora Brlghara of Detroit. Tbe happy couple were serenaded In the evening by the Coliseum bond. Advices ot Aug. 31. David HoCAUurr, a variety performer, who has been In Chicago, IlL, tor seme weeks past, died quite suddenly Aug. 29. Our oorreepondent eays: "On the Saturday previous he had an altercation with Oeorge B. Baddlffls, an .actor, who has been ploying the past tew weeksot tbe AdelphL During this altercation be struck BadcUffe in the eye, when Bodclllfp retaliated by hitting McCauIey over the head with his cone. About seven o'dock In the evening of the some Boturdoy, at the some saloon, McCouley stole up behind BoddUfe and broke a beer bottle over his head, oattlng It badly. On the following Tuesday McOaoley died, but the phyaldans and these who know ot tbe olCalrore not Inclined to believe that hlsdsoth reeulted from the blow trom,Badcllfre'a cane. In tact, all partlas completely exonerate the latter. BaddUfe went to Ooleeburg, IlL, Aug. 27 to Join the Blanche De Bar Combination." THE NEW ABBIVALS Ot Trimble'a Vortstlss, Plttsbtirg, Pa., were the Monls Bros., songs-and- dancea, and Dr. S. U. Landls, wbo produced his gory play of "Dick Bbaw." Business good Tony Pastor's troupe, at Library HoU. succseded m nuing that bouse to Its utmost capacity. Tber gave one ot the best varleQ- performances that have ever been eeen In this dty. Advices of Sept. 1, AT TooHZB's Vabxetixs, Norfolk. Va., Mettle Bliss opened Aug. 27. Billed for Sept. 3: Bobby and AUeb Dairo/, Lou Edwards and Louisa De Lnlsl. TaKBsLLE Oabbisllx COJiBiirATloit have ]uat closed an,engagement at the Theatre Comlque, Washington, D. C, and Manager Bogers In a card In another column reoommends them to mon- ogezB In general as Ont-closa artists. THE HZTWOOD Bbos.' oombinatior performed In Portland, Me., Sept. 1, ond ore billed In Hon- Chester, N. H., 3 , Nashua 4, FItchburg, Moss., S. MoNB. BXTESI, gymnast, formerly with Zoe Zeonettl, died of typhoid fever at his residence, in Allegheny city. Pa., Aug, 30. EUs funeral took place at four o'dock 30. His real name was L. H. Magee, and he left o widow and on Inlant child. He had not praetleed his profession tor two yeate previous 10 bis demise. AT WABD's OFEBA-HOoaE. Newark, N. J., the Fall and Winter season will be Inaugurated Sept. 3. Wally Ward Is manager and proprietor: J. B. Hntigertord, treasurer: J. Btaiwlll, etage-manager; M. Hurley, scenlc-ortlst; and Frank BTdweU, prop- erties. During the Bummer tbls theatre has boon painted, new scenery has been added, the old re. painted, the stage rebuilt, and tbe gallery enlarg- ed, Tbe orcbestra win be under the leadership ot Fr^t. o, Moore. The opening company will consist of the Peosleys—John and Leo—Alyeo ondYutas, Howard and S.-indtord, Dick Stewart, James Boonle, Berfanto Blstets—Maud and Lil- lie—W. J. Walton and Harry Slndslr, J. 8;anslll Adelaide Eaton, Harry Oreocon, Irene Carlton. Jessie Lee, Oeorge May, and Charles Boberts, who will comprise the stock ot the theatre. "Oliver Twist" will be presented during the week. Matinees will be given Tuesdays and Fridays At tbe UetropoUton, standing-room only has tioen the order during tho past week. In addition to the attrecllons before mentioned, two prlvave boxes have been made on each side ot the gallery, and a second gallery has been con- stmcted, making the seating capacity ot the bouse atMut 1,600. The programme for the past week opened with Oeorge France In "Wide-awake," and It was followed by Hogan and Orimn In a ne* gro sketch; James Messenger, cannon-ball per- former; tbe Newman Sisters In o musical sketch; Susie Starr, character dancer; John Hogan In "Alabaster Bam:" Eugene F. Oorman, solo on flutlna; John D. QrllDn In Irish specialties: and Bob Butler's Pantomime Company In "Humpty Dumpty." On Saturday the farce "A Ghost in Spite ot Himself" took the place ot "Wide-awake," Oeorge France ond dogs end Fronk Foster being under engagement In Philadelphia, to open at the Orand Central 1. Cloeures Sept. 1: Oeorge Mld- dleion, Lizzie Oale, Hogan and OrlOln, and James Messenger, oil to N. Y. To open 3: Qullter and Ooldrlcb, Nellie Bt. John, Mr. and Mrs. K A. Bren- nan, and Capt. Oeorge Liable At the Coliseum, the new people Aug. 27 were tbe Slate and Hodges Oomblnatloa ■ aad -NelUa- Forrttter, and oil met with opprobotlon. Thoee closing Ist were Horry Oreocon, to Ward's Opera-house, this dty; Pet Slate and James UltcheU. An- nounced for 3: Joe Sandtord, who is to be stage- manaser in place ot Haxrr Greaoon: Fanny Uor- reUo. Lulu Besman, and Watson the man-llsh Bolaset's Summer Oarden did not run the post week, as antldpated, tbe chief of the Fire Depart- ment having noUlled them that tbe permtsalon granted thom by the Common Council to erect their stage onl scenery expired on Aug. 35, and could not be renewed, as It waa In direct violation 01 tbe city ordinances. In occonlaoco wlih bis notice, they vacated tho garden on the 27tb. Their new theatre Is progressing S3 rapidly as possible. The people they had engaged bad to look else- where for employment Tony Pastor and troupe are billed to appear at the Opera-house Sept. II. Letter dated Bept. 1. "THB D1.ACE CnDOE" wos tho attraction at the Theatre Comlque, Providence, B. I., the past week, for which tbe following specialty artists were engaged: The Whitings In sketches; tbe Moore Sisters, vocalists; Emma Molten, clul>- swlnger; and Algebrane Arabe, on Arabian tum- bler, wbo makes a hit In his really romarkable performance. The spectacle woe given under the direction of T. Charles Howard. The leaders of the ballet were MUe. Oaugaln and Mile. Corssl. Alfred M. Barras, with legst documents, arrived here 29, and, Introducing himself to Manager Hopkins, notified him that, under the ex- isting circumstances, hs hod no right to pro- duce ' The Crook." Aa satlstactory terms could not be agreed upon, the programme was chang- ed for 30, and a variety bill suoeiltuted. Ths next day Manager Hopkins concluded that be held the upper hand, according to the agreement that had been mode with Barraa' agent, and In de- nance ot Bams "The Crook" was given the rest ot the week. The departures were T. Cborlee Howard and Algebtone Arabe, to Boston; the Whitings, to New York; and Emma Molten, to Holvoke. The following are announced for Sept. 3: xta/.fciTi and Wilson, Wllklns and McOarty, and Josephine Shanley. "The Crook" ballet also re- main. Den Thompson and his dramatic com- pany open 10. Advices of Sept. 2. AT THE OBTSTAL Mcstc HALL, Fort Wayso, Ind., tbe new faces the past week were Harry Holmes, Jamee Dillon, John Taylor, Kittle Taylor, Hattle Taylor, and Busle Dillon. The Daytons left for Detroit, MIoh.; Ella Davis, Orand Baplds; and Ado Whiting, Indianapolis, Ind. SHEBiAjr AND Joi>ES Open at the Academy of Mnslo. Clileaso, m., Sept. 3. They publish a ^rd from Manager Byoms. In which no highly en- dorses their performances as sketdi-artlsis. AT -THE LOKDON PAVILION. Harttotd, Ct., ths ar- rivals Aug.- 37 were Bealy, Conway and Ella Saunders, staiue«logglsls; J. H. Byan, Irish comedian; and Leonzo and Mack, eong-nnd- donee. Closing SepL 1 wars HT. U. Paol, Leomo and Mock, J, a. Ryan and Albert Martlnetil. Billed for 3 are Mayo and Fast, Harry West and Master Eddie Welch. AT THE MEtBOPeuTAiii 'trsEA-riiE, Louisville, Ey., the new features Aug. 37 were Le Vcol«, gymnast, Sheridan Brotheis—William and Frank —In o sketch: Nellie Clark, dtib-owlnger: the Par- kers—Lewis and Pauline—songs, dancee and plantation hymns: Mile. Leona on the light wire, and every evening, previous to tbs performance, she walked on a halt-inch wire from the street to the top ot the theatre; and Miss Oeorgle Kane, serlo-oomlc. Ed. Cbrlsele met with an accident last week. 'While playing a part In "The Black Hand" his pistol wss accidentally dis-- charged, and two ot the flngets on his left hand were blown nearly off. Letha Weber doses Bept. 1, but will remain In the city. The Hendels .depsrt same, date for SL Louis, The antvals 3 are to be SIg. Cappola, Mile. Oznola, Oeorge and Lisle Darlons, John Smith. Molly Bommers. and Harry Clinton...:..Tony Pastor's TiDupo gave two performances before crowded housee at Masonic Temple Aug; 38, 39. The SEASON at Shelby's Adelpbl, Buffalo, N. T., begins Sept. 3. During the vaeaUon the theatre has been almost rebuilt. Including new founda- tion beams, stringers, pUlaxs, door and window casings, while the auditorium has been newly deoonited, and the stage has received o large shore of attention. The oOcets are: Don Shelby, sole proprietor and manager; Wm. Boott, assist- ant-manager; W. A. Tralles, treasurer: Chapln Lacy, leader of orchestra; J. C. Alexander, master-machinist: Ned Bklllelte, scenlc-ortlst; Joe Drew, properties. The permanent company for the season Is as follows: Charley Worley, Oeo. W. Bomum, W. Scott, Hattle Hostlugs, May Hen- nlng and Jessie Boyd. The'stars Sept. 3 are Little Todd. Frankle Devere and Frankle- Christie, the How1andSIsteT»—Boeeond Mouct-Oussle Leach, Millie Lafont, tbe Beedar-WllUam and Jennie— \7. Hayle, Jas. Heame and the Wesley Bros, AT THE SDioma Theatbe Comique, Washing, ton. D. C the oUendence fell off during the ez- plred week. The new arrivals were Dick Smith, comedian, the Ainsleys In acnttatlo songs-and- dances, and .the '.JBollan Mlnstrol Troupe, all meeting with favor. Minnie Forrell dosed Aug. 30 on account ot The Belle Oabrlelle Martlnettl Troupe dosed Sept. 1. Announoemonts for 3: Huber and Glldden, Ftauk Marra, the Lyle Sisters, James WoodvlUe, and Flora Moore. 'Man- ager Bogers'hsste-leased the Theatre Comlque and grounds for Ave years from Sept. 1. TBZ FHHiASKLPHlA 'VABiETlEa, Philadelphia, waa well auended laat week, tbe new faces Aug. 37 being Sallle Stafford, Lizzie Walker, Fannie Howard and Frank CampbeU. The departurea Sept. I xrereBella flushing and Ada ClUTord. The tredb orrlvols onnounced for Sept. 3 ore Laura Denning, Emma Tonng. Eotle Bean and Mock Orogao. Talent Is advertised for. Tax. ikiasm-cattahsasi TBOOPK were afeat- nre at the New Adelpht Theatre, Philadelphia, last week, cloelng there SepC iThe Dncloa Blonde Combination and HoTUatmo'B Ballet Xniapa appear BepLS. r,-v y . .«DBT PABTQB'B TBovia .coiiimencca ^flgpt. Sj^ week's seoson .at tb« Walna(«tieek Tlieatte, Ililladolplilo.' ' ' OORDB'B OPXBA.HOCg]^ Ohlcsgo, flL, received ezeetlant patronage the post week, a good'oUo having been presented, and J. Z. Little, support, efl by Orahom and^'oompany, having acted "Old Sleuth, the DetsoOva" The dosntes . with the week are HOdliTTbdiA'sso; to Clndnnatl: Lluls and Orahad.'V) in» York: MUes and Evans, to tbe Olobe;. W.Ahir Ida Gardner, to the Aaademy: 0. W. Hunter^oiA Nellie Blchards, desUnatlon unknown. The new orrlvale Sept. 3 are: Thatcher and Hume, Prof. Barry Parker and dogs, Wln- neld and Gregory, John Bellly, Julia Woloot. and Signer Olovanni with bis mnaical glaosee and birds. Ben Cotton will put. In a flrst appearance this season, as also "Our Baby." Tho Coliseum throws open Its doors to.nlght. Many and tasty Improvements hove taken place In the auditorium. It haa been handsomely redeooiated. the prevailing tints be- ing lilac and jtale. blue. An elegant new dxop- curtoin has been'provided. The seating capooliy aa now amnged and the prices are as follow: Proscenium boxes, one on each side, oontaltilng four ssats, t3 or tl per seat; porqnet, 352 seats, 36 osnts; parquet-circle, 400 seats, 25 cents; ladles' gallery, 400 seats, BO cents The Globe also inaugurates lis sesson to-night. Great changes have occurred here. Improved new patent-fold- Ing-chalrs have been put In the parquet. W. D. Bterry, the scenlc-srtlst, has provided some new scenee and a protty curtain. The seating ca- padty and prices range es follows: Parquet SM seats, 80 cents; porqnet-drcle, 400 sests, 35 cents: gallery, 66!l teats, 25 oenta The Academy baa been thoroughly overhaul- ed and redeoorated. The prices have been flxed as follows: Proeoenlum boxes, t3; Turkish or- chestra chslis, 50 cents: parquet. 35 cents: bal- cony, 25 centa; gallery, 16 cents. The sesson be- gins Sept. 3 with the following company: Charles Bogers and MatUe Tlckeie, Staeehan and Jones, Goes and Fox, John Carle, Oummlngs'and Hlnee, the Freeman Sisters, Lew Benedict, Master Bar- ney and Billy CarroU, Elolse Allen, Kitty O'NeU, E^tte Howard, Ida Greenneld, Hugh Fay and Charles Gardner. In addition to tho offlceis men- tioned In my last letter are Leuls Molmska, scenlc- artlst; Dan McCarty, properties: and Cyrus Crouse. stoge-carpeuter. Advices ot Sept. I. ED. UILLIEB la the stoge-managsr at Smith's Grand Opera house. Grand Baplds, Mich., and not Don Msson, as our correspondent there re- cently stated. THE OBAND CKNTBAL THEATBg, Philadelphia, was reopened Saturday evening, BepL I, under the management ot John J. Taylor. During the recess very great Improvements hove been ef- fected In this eetabllsbment, the neat ond pleas- ing aspect ot the auditorium showing thorottgh good taste and liberality. A large audience was in attendanoe, evidently ranch grmtlfled with the programme presented, which commenced with the skstch "Turning ths Tables," In which Jacques Kruger, Ackland Von Boyle, Miss Bel- la Olifton, and Hiss Lou Lawrence appear- ed. Then followed Hiss M»H..n Fisk in op- eratic selections. Irwin Thoaias in pedeetal- doncea, Harry a. Blchmond In new special, tlee. Miles. Falladlno and EUse and ballev oorpe In Signer Tito Cellini's new ballet "La Tarabourka," and the flrst appearance in Ameri- ca otJuIeene In his musical character-sketches, the performance conduding with the drama ot "Wide-awake," in which appeared Oeorge France and his tialned dogs, supported by Frank Foster. T. J. Martin. Miss Marian FIsk and dram- atic company. On Sept. 10 Fanny Oladlng Buck- ingham will appear as Hazeppa. ENOCHS' VABimm, Philadelphia, will be re- opened Sept. 3 under the management, as here- tofore, ot Bbury Enochs, for tbe Fall end Winter season. During tlie brief recess this theatre has been renovated and redecoiated, and a nsw stage, new scenery and a handsome drop.curtaln Intro- duced. The opening company includes w. 8. HIgglns, Horace Weston, Smith k Bay, Mile. Olymplo and Mons. Henri De King, Coonors and Ooleman, Fanny Davenport, Johnny Harris, Barry De VanetU, Chas. I,. Banks, May Hamilton, A. B. Phelps, Tom Vance, Billy Hart, John Forbes, Oeo. Conway, Billy Wright, Wally Price, Lou Fmzer, and MoUle Phelps. TBE CABON ANB FBEIBX COMBINATION COU- duded their two weeks' enRsgement at Dougher- ty's Alhambra Palace, PhlladelpblR, on Bept, 1, Hugbey Dougherty and LJitlo Moc making their reappearance during the second and laatweok. A new company appears Sspt. 3. locludlog tbe CO'Stal Palace Opera Company, Miss Lou Sand- ford, McVlcker and Burke, Curry and Hall, and Lawionand McGlono. AT MiLLEB'H wiKTEB OABDEN, Philadelphia, a capital programme auractad large audlent-es last week. The new arrivals Aug. 27 worn Foster and Hughes In soogs-and-dances, Oeorge and Mario Kelson In the Ethloplon sketch "Dat Oal," Matt Green In feats of contortion, Nellie aandror4 in eoDgs.and.dances, Silly "Wyile in Irish songe, and, laat, Harrison and Mandler, two very dever Dutch comedians, who made a decided hit in "Who's Dot Knocking on Dot Outslde-gatef" Lew Cole, Nellie Leslie, Annie Harrison, Minnie Far- rell and Belle Bussell open Sept. 3. AT THE PABK THEATUE, Brooklyn, L. I., tbe company this week will Include Vol Voee, Jonnle Morgan, Sadie Lubln, Annie Morgan, Pat Booney, Fernando Floury, Frank Avery, Emmerson and Clark, Otto Burbonk, the Blchmond Sisters, Dick Parker, Harry Cerenl, and Oeorge B. Edeson The Mozart Oarden Is to be opened with variety attractions Sept. 3. Hale ahd pesals specultt abtisib are want- ed for Ida Cerito's Troupe, which takes ths road Bept. 6. See card. IVEORO BEDISTKEliBY. BPBAOtls Blodoett's Mixbtbels performed In Feorla, lU., Aug. 39, Pekln 30, Lincoln 31, Decatur Sept. 1, and are billed In Tuscola 2, Arcolo 3, Porls 1, Terre Haute, Ind,, 3, Oreencastlo 6, J. E. OBXBI'S MOGEdO-BIBD MINSTBELS are tO open In Orand Baplds, Mich., Sept. 6. SimCOMB, BLOOm k SWSATIIAirS MIKIITBELS reoffUked ot-the 'anli-e4ieeS-Op*cs.hottae, Phllo- delphlo, Aug. 27. The ondltorium hod been ran. ovated and redeoorated, and n r— a n ted a bright and cheerful aspect.' lu this Urst part. Lew Sun. mons and Frank Oushman appeared on the ends. Bill; Sweatnom having been unavoidably de- tained on bis way from California. New ballads, "A Knot of Blue and Gray" and "The Flro In the Graie," were sung respecUvcly by C. F. Sbattuck and J. J. Kelly with much taste and feeling, the Oral-part concluding with a new finale, written by Frank Dumout, eullUed "Tbe Strikers." Welch aud Blco appeared In a new original aketcb, "Oystete." Sandtord and Wilson made their OiBt appearance here In a new sketch, " 'Twas In de Kitchen." Charley Beynolda appeared In Frank Uumont'a nei^act "Making a Bit," which, wlih Lew Blmmona and Frank Cushmon In new spedaUles, aud the now burlesque "Bumblebee's Neet," concluded an excellent programme. Busi- ness good during opening week. TBE Eleventh stbeet OPEBA-BOmB, Philadel- phia, will be reopened Sept. 3 for the Fall and Winter season by Camcross k. Dlxey's Minstrels, who comprise J. L. Camcross, R F. Dlxey, Mau Wheeler, A. J. Talbot, Eugene, Oeo. H. Edwards, James Quinn, Wealyn and Casey, Qriffln and Bice, J. C. Lacey, 0. Templeton, Oeo. Frotblneham, L. C. Mauler, Oeo. Cborles, B. Bosteld, B. Oarlel, J. Beck, W. btreeland, B. Uuckholtz, H. Hodreld, D. Bradford, J. Till and D. Thompson. John T. Don- nelly, formerly advertlelng-agent for the Alham- bra, beoomea connected In the same capacity with this estabUshment, while J. L, Carncroas ounilu- ues OS manager. Habbx Robinson's Minstbtxs show In Anrora, Ind., Sept. 3, Elgin, III., 4, Bockfurd 6, Dubuquo, la., C. Froeport. III., T, Dlxou 8. BABLOW, WILBOM, PBIStBOSE b WEHT'S HlB- strels are to show In Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 3, Ilocbester 4, E, Buffalo 6, T, Erie, Pa., 8 KELLT & LEON'S MiNBTBELS did a good busi- ness St the Olympic, St. Louis, Mo., during the week ending Sept. 1. The comiuuiylsa good one, and their pertormances garogeueral satlstoctlon. The afterpiece of "His Orace the Duke," with Leon In the cast, was received with shouts of laughter. The company opens in Detroit Bept. 3. The New Obleaks UiNiriBELS performed In Fond dn Lac, Mich., Aug. 27, Oshkosh 28, Neenah 29, Green Bay 30, Stevens' PoUtt 31, Grand Baplds 8ept.l. HATEBLY'a MiKSTBELS oocuplsd Ford's Orand Opera-house, Baltimore, Ud., tno post woek. THE CALIFOBNIA MiNSTBBLB, nhder the man- agement of Chaa. Sutton, performed In Fort Wayne, Ind., Aug. 31, Sept. 1. In the com- pany are Chaa. Butu>n, Levlno Bros,, Bernardo, Ml"-*'" and Wilson, Hiram Spencer, C. F. Smith, and on oreheaixo. Business le reported foir. Houte: Dellance, O., Sept. 3, Toledo 4, S. MKE. REHTZ's Fekale HiKErrBELS ai« to abow In Worcester. Mass., BapL 3, Brockton. 4, Fall Blver,5, New Bedford 6, Pfovldence, B.I.,7, B,New- port 10. New London, CL, u, Middietown 13, New Britain 13, New Haven 14,15. LEW JOBMSON'S TEKHBSSES JDBILZX BlNOEBS are billed In Dulnth, Minn., Sept. 3,4. HAVEBLY's MiNSTBHiS,' With Frank Morsn and Bobby Newcomb in place ot Billy Bice and Oeorge WUson, are to open at the New Chicago (llL) Theatie Sept. 3, for sl^ weeks. KELLT AND LEON'S MINBTBELS are tO ShOW lU Fort Wayne, Ind., 11,12, Cludnnati, O., 17. THE DuBSON BBOTHEBD—Frank B. aud Charles E.—are ofgaulzing o minstrel compony, which win take the road In April, 1878. For further In- formation read their advertisement. ••Habs Tuim CoKK AOAiN NO MOBE" was one ot the most popular refrains In minstrelsy in ths long, long ago. It touched the keynote ot long suffering, and Its pathos excited a feeling ot ten- demeaa and eympatby in the public heart which not ini^equently brought tears from tbe eyes ot thoee "unused to tbe'meltlng mood." Its revival would he appiopriato now, for the hard times ot the past were but llgtat In comparison with thoee ot thepreeenL As an lndlcatlon ot the want and auSttrlng which now prevail, we preeent the fol- lowing extract from a communication we hove received from one ot our meet experienced mln- strol monageiB, and one who has widespread op- ponnnlty tor observing the el^ecis ot tho existing depression In business circles: LUWKLX.. IfM... Aog. n.'>77.' ' Editob N T. CLirnR.—ay com 01 -Talent. Wanted," MdTcrtlaetl In jonr p*|i«r, Li oiliMtloc me about Stfrrntj- llTr leuets per day (rum all part* yl tbe cooat^. nom nn>fejwloiia]ii wanUog enngeniCDts for a wholeaesjioo. horlog tbe paA fuur ur Dve day* 1 have rcoelved appllca- tiuiiH enoucii to organizeiil.lea«(tAlrlv auouoolA tnlruCr^l troupu. 1 never had an Idea ilist there waa lo much ul- jeut u:Uis idle. Ttjuaa. dlaaatruus timca am vrldeotJy inaklnB bad wurk In ourproieiialoD. 1 nlab I could eoi filuy tbem all, and make Ibelr baarta leap wltbjny and lapplneaa; bnt I cau only idve positlona to about twenty one ur two, and rlimk 1 will bare my bands lull 10 take cnre or rbem duriof; rhe.wbnle sraoiiD, aj tblnta touk nuir. My company la naiirly e6mi>l4iied, aod will v«Kv auoa coma togetherfiir a veek'a liard retaeatssl before glvuiE our Uni aatectAininent of the Haojwa. 'Voota truly, Cbas. U. Dorazz.. CIRCIISES. . P. T. BABNUM'B SHOW exhibited In Qnlnoy, UL, Aug. 28, Hannibal, Mo., 29, Keokuk 30. HOWES' LONDON CiBOcs is to sbow in Erie, Pa., Sept. e, Cleveland, O., 7, 8, Mount Vernon 10, Columbus 13. Fbane Oabdheb and W. H. Batcheller, leapers. will oonteud fur ilOO at Wheeling, W. Vo., Sept. 7.' Fbane -MOBBis, a memtier ot Enildy's British Cornet Band, tiow with Mootgomery Queen'e CIr. COS and Menagerie, and Miss Etta M. Sickles ot SlratbToy. Out.; were married' In Fentonvllle, Mich.. Aug. 37. . . F1BST.CIJUS PKBiOBiiZBa of every deecriptton, and all kindaot living curloeltlee and a numlwr ot concert specialties: solicitors, etc., an wanted by Cooper & Bailey tor a tour thrangb- Australia. Soecard. '■'' • - ■ • ^ JOHN O'BBIKN'8 SHOW Will exhlMt In Brampton. Ont„r8qieB.*'au)b9i4, Dnddoa S^8iBllli*IIIa4; 'WeluAiriemaliiliig InCaoadll'fbr.aottB Uina vs oome.' Mr. O'Brteil. d'eaiiws us to contradict Uw (tataaaait tkachla show had "gone up." Fatal Aucuiebt. —An advertlalog-car belonging to the Bonlum Show waa attsnbert next to the en- gine of a train which broke ihriHgh a culvert on Four.mlle Creek, three miles west of Alioona, la., and seven miles east of Dee Molnee, at half-paat two o'dock on the morning of Aug. 29. The creek was swollen by a rainstorm, which was prevail- ing. Tbe pressura of the water weakened the culvert's supporu, and it gave way, the cars com- ing down with a crash. Of these In Bamum's car, the following wen instantly killed: George Boekwell, John Purcell, John H. Breese, Charles Thompeon, A- Mock and F. B. Baker. The wound- ed wen 0. Browning, A. West, J. Boksr. H. Jsn- nlngs, S. Dunn and w. Clayton. Oreen Berry, ex- curslon-ogent, and F. Doher, programmer, were in the second ear of the train, and both wen kill- ed. F. A. Xeeler, the conductor ot tbe oar, waa the only one of the Bomum company who eseai>ed Injury. OBOBOB H. MCBBAT IB BOW prsframmer ot John H. Hurray's Clrous. OOOPEB. Bailbt Co.. proprietors of the Great International Allied Snows, have secured the fol- lowing artists tor their Australian tour: Martlnho Lowande and son. Mile. De Granville, Fted Lo- zelle, Jimmy Beynolds, Caaslm^nd Fritz, Jamee J. Maffitt, Frederioo, Jorges and boy. All tbs above artists will leave New York about OcL 1 for Aus- trallo, via Son Franclsco.l BOBZBT ADBBET arrived In this dty the past week from South America, when he hod tulfllled one year's engsgement with B. A. Oounney's Clr. eus In Lima, Peru. He Informs us that np to July 38 ths Carlo Brotheia' Olrinis hod done a One business, and that they hod sailed for the various pertain Chill, and expected to arrive In Valpa- raiso about Oct. I. All the company were en- loylog excellent health. Mr. Aubrey positively contradicts the report, which gained circulation here some time ago, that one ot tlie Carlo Ohildzen —Leotard and Harry—bad died. Cole's N. Y. anu N. O. Oaix% performed In Tltusvllle, Pa., Aug. 28, Edenburg 39, Parker's so, PetroUa 31, Mllieisuwn Sept. 1, and U bUled in Kittening 3, Bochester 4, Stoubenvllle, O., S, Bellalre, Marietta 7. Portsmouth 8, Jackson 10, ClrclevUle 11. John Pattebson, clown. Is thus noticed In Tht Tarmta Daily Lemler of Aug. 18: FXRBONAU—JuuM fATTXRiiox.—This great wit, a new Importation, not ooly a clown, but a Celtic clown, la not ooeof tbeleaat oftlie attractluns belonelDR to tbe Great Loudon Sbow, now to be iieen at tbe coruar o( Elnx and Portland aticeu. Bla bnmor la not only relVeabIng, but aparklea like tho ctfarreaccnee ITom a buttle of newly opened cbampagne. HIa uylDRi are orlgioal, ebaate and piquant—never dczeneratlng Into vtilRailty, alwara ac- ceptable, and with Uall he anltaa the aterling qaalltlea of an educated man. lie does not bellove It necemrr to characterlia hia people—the frith -aa a anobblanlr- dreued, Tulfsr nstlonalltv In order to aecure a laugh. Alwaya redncd and K«nile aa a woman, he la aayone*a beau Ideal of a ■•nnlue. blgbly-gUtcU IrUhman. BnscKiiiiAinEors. SloNOBBoeoo, with O. Fox, agent, Is to perform In Brady's Bend, Pa., Sept. 4, s, e, Foxburg, 7,8, 10, Embenton 11,13, 13. J. D. Dkanb. proprietor ot the Arlington House, Cairo, III., publishes special rates. In his cord In another column, for professional guests. Jausb Hoban, manager Taylor's Opera-house, Jefferson, Texss, Is' iir' this dty, and can tie ad-, dressed ss per card. J.B. Cbooe has leased the JopUn (Mo.) Opera- house, which has juat bean oompleted. It has a seating capodty for 000 peisons. ondstondlnna room tor 100. It la weU supplied with sceneryr ond Is lighted by gss. VltnoBIA C. WOODHOLL, Tsnnle C. Clollln, Vic- toria WoodbuU Jr., and Mrs. Olanin arrived In London, Eng., during the week ending Aug. 15. Jas. W. Cozins, formerly proprietor ot the Co- zlne Hotise, Baltlmon, Md., has leaaed the Sher wood House. In that dty, and will open It about Sept. 1 as a flnt-class hotel for the aocommodailon of professions! guests. He calls the attention 01 tbe profeeslon to tbe comforts ot bis house In o card published In our business department. H. DICKSON'S New Opera-house, Kenton, O., can be secured by addreeslng as per card. The house hss sests for 1,000, Is furnished with modem ap- pliances, has a stage 37 by 45tt., and alxteen sets of scenery, A CATALOouz and price-list ot pictorlsl printing at low rates, and a list of a large variety ot cuts, can be obtained by addressing T. B. Dawley, man- age! ot the Great American Engraving and Print- ing Company. See card. NEW ASSOCIATION HALL, West Meriden, Ct., Is advertised to rent. It will seat six hundred. TUG DEATH Of H. H. Dovenport, one of tbe Davenport Brothers, who gave exhibitions of spiritualism, will be found lecorded In our Aus- trallan letter In this Issue. AT THE CITT HOTEL, NOW Haven, CL, profession- als an boarded at special rates. Since the present proprietor, Hsrry Fiynn, took possession In May loat, the honse baa been refumlehed and other- wise Improved. For timber Information see ad- vert isemsnt. OWENS' .^CAOEm OP Music. Charleston. S. C, eon be rented through John M. Barron, business- manager. Jewelby suitable for street-men and peddlen visiting the fairs can be putcbased ot the Stalnau Jewelry Co., whoso advertlcement appean In an- other column. Jabxb' Hall, Chattanooga, Tenn., can be se- cured by applying as per card. THE cibcuit ot Northern Illinois, undsr ths control ot Manager W. H. Lalng, includes the opera-houses at Aurora, Ottawa, La Salle, Dixon, Sterling, and Clinton, la., and Washington Hall, Mendoia, III. The card in onothertnlumn relates tbe advantages to be derived by adopting this cir- cuit. D. W. CBL.\rT advertises for an engagement as asslstont-agont and programmer. TBE Obunewald MD8I0 HALL, New Orleans, Lo., ran be engaged by Bnt4:Iass companlea by applying to N. Y. Dromatlo Agsney, ss per card. DowLiNO HALL, Tern Houte, Ind., alter tMlng nnovoted. Is now open tor rentoL It will seat I, 300 persons, and Is advertised as having oom- pieta acenozx..aBd as b eing la, ever y way fitted tor nret-dosB entetia fnma tiTsr^ " SooAN's KANJoe In various styles, also his guide- books for dondng ond the stsge, ore noticed in hia card in this Issue. IKSTBt;cnoNS on the banjo ore sent tree by the Dime Baolo Music Co., who advertise. CBonoE HoLUAN bos leased the Boyol Opera- hoDse, Toronto, One, from James French. A LIVING cuBlosiTr, With paluUngs and canvas. Is advertised aa ready for tbe fairs, and can be secured on shares by a party with a small capital. SAND-CHU'OBiia aro odTtnisod for aalo by £. A. Heath. LIVING CTBIOHITIES and attractions are wanted by W. J. Metcbear to complete three shows, which be win start for tho fairs Sept. 10. See cord. D.VNCEUS csu find an assortmont of clog and shoes at A. Le Croix's advertised address. Be maltvs the manufacturing of these articles a specialty. McINTlBE A- 'WlNOENBBCK'S MUSEUM Is to be ex- hibited in Sandy UUI, N. V., this week, thence to Herkimer. Waf. J. Meicbe.kb offon a twad-chariot for sale, and be will, until he disposes ot It, hire It out to parties visiting Providence, It. I. It Is especially refeiTed to tor its beapty ot design In extracts from the press published In another column. Mr. Metcbear also has on hand a large variety of circus property to dUjpoee ot. THE IKTraNA-noNAi. BxHinrTiON, Fatrmount Park, Phlladolphla, was well attended last week, especially on Thursday, Aug. SO, "Governor's Day." The Boyat Marionettes were exhibited Sept. 1. Master Horry Shannon, "Tbe Boy Ora- tor," appears during tbe present week. TBE ZOOLOOXCAL GAUDEN and "Siege ot Paris," IniPblladelphla, each bad moro than Its average of vlslton during ths weekending Sept. 1. PEPAN-ro In his antipodean feats continued to give satisfaction to large numbers ot spectatots at tbe wire Bridge, Phlladelphlo, lost week. MosEtnc cuBioemis of all kinds are wanted by Tlllotaon & Jacobs, who advertise. COMBINATIONS, clTCUses sud Specialty artists can obtain dates under the Orrin Bros.' manage- ment In Cutta by applying as jtercard. Their lint company Is about completed, and will commence In Havana Oct. 1. Bbyan, Wabben & CO. have ]uat completed a new haU at Ellzalwtbtown, Ky., and it la now ad- vertised oa open for rental. It ro nt o lnw a stage 16ft. by Wtt., with scenery, etc It hoe a eeaUng capacity of Ouo. A YOUNO LADY wbo pooseeaes a bnmoroos and satirical lecture advertises for a buslnees-mana- ger to tomlsb capital. TwicLVE ooBYPHEEB, blondes preferred, are wanted for the Orrin Brothers' Company in Havana. Cntw. Bee A. Blandowskl's card. Wir. Oaylobd, contortionist, has been engaged for the Orrln' Brothers' Company In Havana. AH XKBOBSKKKHT Ram Tooy Pastor of Dorley Boll, Bloomlngton, III., as 0 popular and well- managed place of amusement, and ot the popular- ity ot the lessee, T. W. Davey, and the manager, Oeo. S. Smith, Is published elsewhere. Pastor's Troupe performed in Bchroder'B house when In Bloomlngton. J. Batin; show.polntsr, esn be oddieesed as per advertisement, MBS. AS. BoBsrs professional boarding-bouse Is advertised In another column. A vabiett ot stage Illusions, etc, on among the advertised stock offered tor sole ot W. J. Judd's magical manufactory. TBE gband View ofeua-hall, Berrlnger City, Pa., has Just bsen oompleted. and proposals for the opening srs desired. PanlcuUra In regard to the house appear In Albert Vinton's card. AMUSEMENTS. rOOLB * OUNNELLY Ja^i*^ ManaiBts OPBNINU OP REOULAR FALL AND WINTEK8BAS0N. TBB PAVOHITK COBBDLAN, BR. r. f. CIIAM-RAO, HK. K. a. CUANPKAU, ^R. F. 8. CUANKRAU, In bis orlstnil drama 01 Weirtem Life. KIT. KIT, KIT, produced with ENTIKBLY NEW SCESEBT AND APPOTN-rMENTS, A.S1> AN ESTRAORDINARY UA8T OP CnARACTBBB Ua. <>. C. auNIPACB«P«clAllyrB«agedrarhlaorlglnal cbatacur, HANULL BI>N1>. _ UA-flNEES WtDNB-SDAT ANITSATUBOAT. RESEKVBb 8BAT8...(0rclie-tr» Circle)...yiFTY CENTS Bill olDce op«n daily IWim 9 A. M. to lu p. m. zi-it X>A.XtK TJiiCA.'X'JttE. BENBV E ABBBt I^aaae and Manager Opening 01 the Kegnlsr Fall and winter SessoiL UB. SOTUERN • will appear In an original dnuna. In loor acta, by Oeniy J. Byrou, entitled •rrBB CROSS BD TRAOEDIAK," Or Tbe ITompter'aBox. A ata'ry oflho Fuoillvhta and FIrealde. which will be prodoced with s •peclsl (a.<it of ehinetsta. The orchestra will contlDoe Duder tlie dlmtlon 01 Mr. Wm. Wlikera, but will ba placed nnder the alage. BOX OFnCB OPEN FROM 8 f-VLTO lOP. H. S«.H >v. w. TILLOTSON. Tr>ai»ucer. SAW OS'Il-AJf CI^CO MINSTRELS. 8a1< fHA.S'CI.-iCO UINSTRBLS-, Broadway and 29ib atrcet. Beo«5»«d with acreama and ahoula el aii>lau«a. • OUR UASU-BOl'SK. OUR HaHU-UOBSB. BIHCa,^ WAMBOLD A HACkUS' * ■ ales yuANcisro minstrels. ■ • Pitvt sppeaiaoen o< Mr. THUM AS WUJIOr. tenor ballad- lat; Ruarell.FcMicb, Birch, Wambeld, Baekas, Frlllmaa, RaymoDci, Bloaido. ""ll»'Ii-'S''5i™"j.i!lH". •'•".Olb" bcna llnBday.8ept.!l,0(;RHA8B-aon8B. - Baat.»ae<-nr»d. Matinee 8«tonlaratt.» J^^^^^^TOLW BV THE WKBK OB MOBTH. APBlr to JaBltar,.Bfealhepi«BlMi^liea8ialOA.m. aaditeSr.H. JK.^^^T^J^ OOaUAiy^^SM Broadway AriBRWEBRfl ■ ' „_ OF PREPABATION. If ONDAT, SEPT. 3, H>77, , HABRIOAN AND HART In Edward Harrlfan's original If oral Drama, In 3 acta and II aeaius, enUtlcd OLD LAVENDER. OldLavaoder (orlgbial oeatloiu....Edward Hairlsan Dick the Rat TonrBart BDPrORTBD BT A OABBFULLY-SBLECTBD COBPANT OP OBABATIC ARTISia INCIDENTAL HUaiC BV DAVE BRAHAB. NEW SCENBRT BT R. 1.. WEED. WBDMESDAY AND SATintDAT MA-nNEEB. 2«.lt ■WILL POBI tlVBL V OPEN ON MONPAT BV.-!NINO, SEPT. 10, WITH B ADABB ROSINA NBirni,LE>B OBAND PLAY OP l-NDBR TBB WILLOW& IN SIX PARTS. Of CBAKACTEBa: ALBERT DE PATR0LLE8 (tbe aoa wbo loved and the loverwbo won) B. p. Thome ANTOINB TBIBEAUT (who tried to wreck a life. bnt waa wrecked) D. W. Waller COVNT DB PAVROUiES (trusting and fUthnil), J, K. Cr DnKE DB 8BNNETILLB (one of tbs old re«lme, wbo respected, honored and loved bla cblidren). „ ^. Oeorge lietklff OODTRAN (his son, merry yet atsadtaat). fir. Fuller MABACON (be would be a vUbiln, but became a hem), Wm. Uenderaou FBANCOIB (the poiiled servant at tbs Hotel de Par. bil Hr. W. qalim JBAN (who followed the fortunea of the Duke), Ckarlea Luby LATOITRlthe Postilion) Br. BlUer BORTB.NSe, COUNTESS DE KAVUOLLES (her life .WAH Shadowed, but saiisblno came at last) Emtua Waller □ELENB (her daughter, gay la bapplnewu noble In sorrow) MUn Jennie Burdock MARIE idaoshter or tho Duke Da .SrnnevUIr, with blue blood and hoaestheatt)....Blue Dulile Thornton MATINEES EVERY SATURDAY. -i<-lt No. Tta and 730 Broadway, (late Heller'a Woudar Thaatre.) URAND OFENINO MO.MDAV, SEPT. 10. Bvery Evening and batorday Matinee. THE WORLtVRENOWNED BRYANT'S MINSTBELS. Tbe LeadlogStaraor tba Profwuilon tinder the maanage- mealof NEIL BRYANT. conalatlng of tne fullowlng well.known artlata: LTTTLE MAC, CUABLET BANKH. DAVB REED, JUSTIN ROBIMUOK, SEASCON AND eOVBRfl, ADAMS AND LRE. COOL WHITB, BILLT BRYANT. W. U. HAILILTON, A. B. PELBAM, P. BOWaRO, T. C. UBDOBS. PROF. €. COBKU LEAOEB OF OBCUESTBA, joa TKioo. K. sbtro, Vr. B. PABTON, M. J. 8ALAM0N. T. TAN VELSOR, A. SORLIE, B. B. FOSCER, C. 8M1TII, J. MULLUBRN, J. WILKINSON. eUl. Pormlsg the strongest siray of minstrel talent aver of- fared to • New York aodlence. POPU LAR PRlCBa,». 30 AND 7»CENT8. M-lt* ~^,AAyF>b* otu-A.'VfiMUJ!: tukatrb. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. OPBNINO NIOUT, AND (-.VERY BVBMMO, TUB DARK CITYt THB DARK CITVI THK DARK CITT I TUB DARK CITY I A PEOPLE'S PLAY, BT ADGUSTIN D tLY. . LADIES' MATINEE ofThe Dark City''SATURDAY at*. Matinee p rice. O.^E DOLLAR to all reaerred ««at«.|H.|t| MXHr^O'Cit OAAX>JS«. W. J. PLKMINO Manager mond.\y, sept. 3, ^;:d btbry eveniko and saturday ma'h.veb, the romantic drama WILD FLOWER OF MEXICO, prodoced witb that cumpletenew of detail lor which this theatre uodi-r the present management haa already be- come foraoua. X4-lt* BXkOAJ>'WA.V ■X'XXEA.'X'XtX:, Thirtieih atreet and Broadway. Proprietor and Manager MR. JAS. a DUFF Deddvtl liucce^ii of MR. JOAQULV MILLER'S AMEBICAN PLAY entitled TBEDAKITES: Or. HEART OF THE RIERRAR. UA.VITES MATINEE SATURDAY AT 1:30. Box-oiUce ooen from 3 a. u. uotlll 10 p. u. Seat* may be i*ecured ten daya lo advance. gi-lt BXIOOJCA.1Y1M TOLKS' OARDE-V. HYDE A BEUUAN l>roprletors aEIT.S, TBE FOLLOWl.S'U COMPANY: Annie Ulndle. Sanyralia, Mlaa nallaehrr, Blllv West, Mc- Dermott Slater*. Wllllanis Slaters, Lottie Brutni, Oscar WUlia, and E. D. Ooodlnjt: Veslcr'a orcba«tn. ARTISTS, ADDRESS AS ABOVE. Xt-lf. Thirty-rourth street and Third aveooe. THBLBADINO UP-TOWN VARIETY TIIEATRB. Hooaei. crowded to tho tloorn at everv parlormance. LARGE. FIR.ST-CLAS.S VARIBTV AN1> RURLIlliQUB COMPANY. SPECIALTY AKTISTS, HEK9ATIONAL STARS wlthffowd borlOMncaor light comc.1ienaaltable for atleri>lec*a. BALLCT LADIES and good UENBRAL PER- FORMERS WANTED AT ALL TIMES. Addreaa at.|t« J. CUAA. DAVIS. Manager. OXJLiM.ORIS'S CONCERT OABDEN. OPBN EVERY NIOUT IN TUB WEEK WITH aiLM0RE>8 ORBAT MILITARY BAND. SPECIAL PBOOBAMMES SUNDAY EVENTNOS. W CENTS ADMISSION. Baiea. aestlog Ibnr, 83. 1 9-xf COL<UM.BlA. Ot>£2'f»A-H.OUei£7~ COB. WBST TITELPTU 8TREBT AND ORBBMAIUH AVENUE. NBw YOBK orrr, wilt open for the Fall oad Winter season 1877 and Ti Sept. 15. The eompaoy engaged will please aiisemble In the greenroom at Id o'clock Wednesday. Sept 5. Wanted— Talent of all kinds at all times; also yoang ladlea ol good appearance. Addreaa - «i i«« ' 'r:. JAKE BERRY. ~i-^M7kj^ •i-A.i:;i4wTc IMMEDIATELY, eapeclallr agood Sarl<Hoomle 6lnc«r: 1on« encaffemanta to Blogtis or dsncsn wbo are good. Ad<lrem(or call on itoce. maoaiieraTenlDjtii. altar So^elock) UARRV HIt.L-8 TUE- ATRE. c or. Boua to g and Crosby stree ts. .Vew Yor^. U-lt* TROUfE. 6BASON tm-ra. MR. GICORnE nOLMAN MRS. HARRIET HOLMaN' MR. LUCIEN BAR.NES rroprlelor Mutleal Dlr«ctrt.H:t Manascr Tbe only Opera Company fflvlnz STANDARD OPERAS ANU OPERA-BOUFFB AT POPULAR PRICES. MI9.<I SALLte HOLMAN. Amohca'e Favorite Prlma duiuo MISS JUUA HOLMAN, Prima t^uotralto. Suported by a Superb Oumpany and Full Choraa, etc ROUTE: Oawem, Sept. 3. 11, 12; Ogdcntbuig. S, S and 7: Watertown, *, 8.10: Auburn. 13; Syracuae. u. u. Open the New Academy of Muxlc. SL Catlierlnea. Canada, 17. one week; London, 2t, one week; Ham 11 loo, Oct. 1, one For open dates and terms for tbls complete Opera Company addnns, aa per route. 2t.|3t LUniEN BARNE.«l. Mannirtr. ABERLE'S TIVOLI THEATRE, Eighth street, between Second and Third avennca. JACOB ABEKLE Proprietor and Manager SAM COLLINS .Stage maiugcr ORAND REOPENING WEEK. Rentted. altered and eiuhelhKhed at a coar. nrsin,ooa THE HI^ST ARTIST.-i I.N' TUB PROPE<vSION. THE GREATEST SHOW IN NEW YORK. A NEW BALLET TBOUPB. A NEW PANTOMIME CO.MPANY. AN OLIO OK FIFTY PEBFOttMKRS. Plnt.dasH aitlsu (onlyj desiring ilates will addre<ia as above. w-n* HABBT MINEB'S laONDON, SS6 and 287 BOWEBT, Opposite Prloc* strMt, OPEN Alili TF.AB TLOTJUD. ■l^od. mVZR, l^prleior mad Mftn«<t<r. YOLKS' GABDEN 199 BOWEB.Y. 2U1 LONDOB KUaiC HALL OP AMEBICA OPEN THB VBAB BOUND. MBS. PAUL PALK rnnrletnea WM. T. OIESELBEBO _ Manager 810. CON8TANTINB 6-a«e-mansii«r 8TBICTLY PtBSr-CLASS TABIKTY t2iENT ~ IN ALL BRANOHEH none otbem aaeepted siter the lint nlgtit. Business moat besaatlnonewesklnadvanee. Addreaa 8IO. OHAB 00N8TANTINB. 9>.tt Btace-manaoer. HADE A DECIDED HIT aa LITTLE RTEENTE ■ IN RIP VAN WINKLE. Aieb-streetTheatre, Plilladelphla, week endlog.Sept. I, and lua been eajnged (orchildrvn-a pacta, Jotibins at the Walnat-atreet TD&trs. Managers dsalrlng to engage this truly ginad chlld-ait- lat mar apply lor open dat««. terma. ate., tu her mother, BRS. ANNIE OLEX DALTO.V, 34-It^ I jai Vrlllbt atreet. Pulladelpb^a. £sC>£Mcil2:tt 'j^M.t't-ciM. J^xtiy, lead- 1N«> MAN of tbe MlltAB Kobira Combhiatlea for tae a«aw.n Of 1877-n, eommsDClasat Rochester 8apL 3. Letters to the following ailtlreaa wUI be lorwarded: SPENCBR FRITCIIARD. Actor and Dramatic Anther. 34-11* 915 Moont Venion s treet. Pbllnil rlplila. Pa. ~Mia:'*nHiOl>Oie7l'rx» lM<if'VJ65l..'X''V THEATRE. MARKET STREET, NEWARK, N. J. PBED WALDMANN Prontlctar OPEN TUB TBAB AROUND. ii-Ot NBW sono-and-dancb; SOo. per copy, by O'Rearthin. autlior or *-My Dieamot Love Is O'er," etc Hend stamp lor catalogue, ai'lt* llABPINO'S, i39 Bowery, opp. PrliKeatwet. BUtS. BdlOR'R.XMOM'S ORAKD OPERA-HOUSE, TOBORTO, CANADA. The ladles and geotlemen enmysd lor the WILL ASSEMBLE IN THEURBBNROOM Oif TUESDAY HORNING, BEPT. 11, at II o'cluek. tl-lt ■ . HllAR.I.OrrK MOHRWON.Man»CTr. xro'wx^xiMO t±jk.k^Li, TBRRB BAUYB, IND. lulhall. alter thorouah renovation. This fieadbi . WILL HE READY SEPT. I lor FlmKlora Batenalnmenta ol Bvery Dcicrlptkin. 6EATINU CAPACITY, 1.300. SOENERY COMPLETE. Beat eentially locate<l and beautllol hall In the Btata. Pot terraa and open datea addrvaa lt.8t FRANK WcKREN. Manager. . FOR 'rt^Bi X- . A LI VINO SACRED CUW, ■with . ' . FOOB LE03 AMD A HUJIAI(-.HHAPED ARM, wlth'PaiTltlnir, jCanvaa. Drama. ot& Will take a pafittsr wlia-nas hundred dollara.JSnd'dlv- vlila Will rent the wholeonapeieentage. or will excbange tor other ptopoiv or ajMisloeaarss the -praaoutowaerla noahowmaa. Afostanaliu'anmealBa.' ^Addreaa . , jWUUJAJI HAtLUg., - ;/v care dty Hotel. SIS Aieh acnet. M-lt» - ■ • - -. - . Pblladelp>>la. Pa. 1^ IT e*'. -Ul. AAxm^ -xnrsjTS — WOULDTUKB^TO.BBABiFBOM A TQUNO MAM TO DODBlB:4IP WITH BIIC'TO BABOB H I A <!L OO AMD '/' -Jn-iL. LlBAXrEB. MraofCUl TONT PASTOR'S TROUPE. 'ceifmATV isxjoc ^ TIaltlngall •wmuttfrn rrew I'lieat ALL TBB STABS BBTAI: B£n( QUS WILLIAMS, . Tlaltlng all tbe principal eltlea prior to opening at . •,_ Tony I»a««oi** tCew THeatrp. OSS A. tsftv Ba roiUt wa.y.^earlg' In Ootobexw ^ ALL TBB STABS BBTAINElJ. TUB 8a!mB BXTSNSTVE OB01HUA.1.0K. BEHOLD TBE ABRAY OP TALBMT: TbsOrsstTentonleComedlss, and OenasnTocaUlt, and Master Ponstsr. «aater nuaw. ■ HARRY KERN^ AND JOHN KERNELL, Ohm Irish Comedians of the Unltad Statao. WATSON AND ELUS, The Ottat Oermin Team. FiaOS AND HOEY, :MBCleal Fbenoinenooi. Comlo ItMiimn and DELEHANTY AND HENGLER TkeMottFamou Boa^-uuH-^MBcm ArtUta In AMome^ THE AUSTIN BROTHERS, The OieatWastamSHABPSHOOTEBawtao pertinBtha most wondstlbl sbota with a rlfls ever aeeo mi illi ti sa HARRIS AND CARROLL, Tba ArtIatte^B«pt«aentatlvea ot Old Boatbeia SartJM. FRANK BENNETT, EVA BENNETT, Tbe Host Yanatll Fiotaan ArtlaU In the Pietaalaa. MISS CLARA MOORE, Sbs Ocest Cbsractetlatle snd DMcrlptlve YeesUsL FRANK GIRARD, ThsTaTaatlla Artlab ToxTsr i».*.«'X"oi«» Pro]—■' prletoo. The OreatModeal Fbenomenooa, Comlo Dansera Comcdlana, JEPPE DELANO. FANNY DELANO. Society Sketcb Aitlits, MB. B. T. DTRINO. Leader of Orcheatra. N. D. ROBERTS, Boslneaa Manager. TONY PASTOR*S SEASON IN NEW YOBK Wltilj COMAIEIirCEl IW OOTOBBIB. BOOKS FILLBD TILL Ot^BBB 8. Aitiata dealrlng anftagcmenu wUI pleaae addreaa B.U TOKI P ASTOR, 585 and 687 Broadway, New York. KICK ROBERTS' CELEBRATED Ain> WELL-SNOW HUMPTY DUMPTY comic TRICK PAIirTOMIIHE. NTOK ROBE:i<.T'S _ _ . _ _ Proprietor and BCaiiaaer ORUIALDI Director of AmusementolA. L. BRYAN Matleal UrsrtK BOB HONEYWOOD ' "i^—f SIXTH ANNUAL TOUR, - oouirE.vciNa at rroirs*'or's opcir^.so'osxl new y obic x oiiitjtK, eiESP'X'. XO( 1S77« YISrriNO AIX TUB PBINCIPAL CITmSIN THB UNITED STATBS. NEW TRICKS, NEW SCENERY; NtW WARDROBE, NEW MUSIC, NEW PRINTING, ETC AIX COMPLBTB AND FIRST-CLASS IN BVBBT DBPABTMBNT. Some Ot lbs leading leatarai ol this oigaBliatlan are the lellowing Star Aitlata: ORIAEaJTjEMl ...... Tbe Best Clown tn Amexloa MISS LOUISE B08HBLL COLOMBINB | CHAS. ALMONTB rAXTALOOH WM. EUNICE - HABLEQUIN I MISS ADA BOSUBLL.. OEO. ALMONTE All Ladles and Geotleineo CDCBceil for the comloe ssason srs lapectlbny ivqaeited to ausmblalor at TOKT PASTOB-8 OPBRA-HOCSE, TUI7BSDAY, 61 ' ...PAIBT iCSB, TUI7BSDAY,^EPT. S, U77. HIT! HARD HIT! THE EYENT OF 1877. CROTTMlfe SUCCESS OF TBB SMITH, MORTOir, (LATE OF WALTERS AMD MOBTOKJ WAI.DROX, MAST. MASTUT, (OF JIM-JAM FAME.) The pobllc> nnlveraal verdict; Kew Blip Fonr takea tho cake without valklni; for It. Thanka to bubj their kind offers, as they sie engsged *l>b Emerson's Mlnntrrls, Dsn Fianeitco. SepL 3. jM-lt Lettere may he addressed EMERSuys OPERA-HOPaB, Ran Franelsto,'CbV NATIONAL THEATRE COffllQUE. CINCINNATI WILD OVER SHEEHAN AND JONES, the (amou Irish sketch utlsta. BlfXist hit ever mmda In the city. Open u tho ACADEMY OF MUfttlC, CHICAGO, ILL., SEPT. 8. The above gentlemen are great cards, and can open at tbe above hogje at any time on'a momeofa aolloe. NA.T ETS-jlLBDS. 2«-It "WATiTEO— HIN^REL AMU VARIETY TALENT AMD HUSIOIAKB. Salarlts sure. Would bay or rent a tent for sideshow. D. C. CaBLB, tt-lt* NUaa. Mich. OBUUEiiTllA for Diamsilc 'V'scieiy or Minstrel Boil- neaa, Open for engaoement with reaponslhle company, PBrmanent or travellni;. Late with Parlslaa Yarletlm, hUadelphla. PLAYS ALTO IK BRASS. S. A. waa:!, M-lt* 6SI Ketth Thirteenth atreet. PhlladelphU. Pa. ASSIBTAMT AOBKT AKD FROORABMEB. Additai D. W. CRAFT, ai Bast Twent y-sevent li at., MewYert. lHt» FROFBSaiOMAL BOARUINO-HOUSE, 14-lSt» lis Croaby atreet. Hew York. T'WO TCOVJUfjt J^XDxSSDEMBB to Join a dramatic company. Addivsa MBLLIE and LILLA MOBSIS. care of CUPPEB Omca. M-tt BOUSE. KEKTON. O. Stage STit. by latt. Two rowa border-Ugbts, one row foot- llghta, alxtean aeu ot scenery, two prlvats boxes, two dreaalnn-rooma. Seating capacity ol areaa<lrcle. gulery and audltonnm, one tbouaand. Two hrtiad entiancea. LigiimtTgan, repnianoa, stv thoosano. Tiivweekir papera. For rant aiul tarma address U. DICKSON', ProprlMor. IMt Kento n, 0. (MISS LIZZIB, NELLIE AMD MAUTEK DICE), having returned Irum the South alter a long and aoccesa- nil season, are now open lot eo(nmmrais to flr»t-clau mana^te. lo4 HaJIroad aTcnne, 21-lt« Jeraey City. S. J. M.feiw jkjssioci^'ricm SeatlDK ctrauiy, lOl; rtot >U per olghc; lightetl villi gma: p<ipulailou of town, ltl,OU). For further particulars atldrma DELAYA.\° i SPEAKS. Z(-3c P. O. Boi aa. WeatMerltlen. Ct. WiCMrr\feU>-A LADV rARTnKR to learo Tia. pne Oualnns: most l>e llaht-welght. Address, with photo.. FltAXKDHMtiM.S,Sataray«oQat..Loi»taTlll». ICy.« at liberty. OldWomun and Cliotacier Pana Address 12 Killnboro strwt, Uoston, Mass. MISS DBLLA GO.NZA- LEZ. aame address. 21-lt* CAN BK BKUAUEO AS ROUTER, RAILWAY CON* TRACTOR, to order and ship all printing, and snperln- tend all Di^slness In advance of company. Addtew ast» Fonn^ aTeoiie. Moir Vorlc. aO-tt 1=C. WINTKK OAKDE.S. Vine Street, Philadelphia. Flmt cUas variety and operatic per- formers tranted at all timaa. ,N'o fancy salary, Ont modev- at« and aurv. Puid erery MoQdMjr momiog—DvTCr talL S. B.—iDcorapeieai vtnoas will be dlKhariied alter tint nlatal*a apiwa»nc«, and no perrorntcr alloired to run a har.blllso as to liuore a full week'a i;alary. Eenry Miller. Sole Pr oprietor. Oeorge Kurr. Staae-manager. 17-lgf ATLANTIC. IOWA. Saatlne cspselty, bJO. Finest iitaKe and stage aoeneiy In Westam Iowa. Ample dretslng.rootn. Popolstlon. aay ',000.. Terms rea«>nable. A4draa F. B. WUITNBV, ,t Baak 01 Atlantic U-Mt* AOOD. T maldeni BiXiayOA-i.. RfiPOfefiT'OR'K. A variety of very' elegant Uhtalons, VentrlloqnUl Beads, Fint'OH-ANIKlnDrFIOURBS, ALWAYS ON HAND. ALSO, MAOICIAN'S FOCR-TRAP TABLE, price SID. The neat Indian Box and Rack Mystery. nrleeSSO: Magla ntrlklng Bell. tlO: the PUIory, SS; the SpMtnSlSla Odomn Ring and Ball, 911): the great Fire ester, maferiala and Instraetloiu for SOc Bead stamp for pika-Ust, or In- eloae Ue. for lUostTatod 4S-pag« catalogaa W. J. JITDD, m Henry street. New York. ll-Uf Jk^mmi—A Marcy Sduptlcon lor Ume-light, with views, all complete, lor Immeolate aas. Most be cheap. Addieaa B. U. BOBEE, Lalajrette. Ala. — ^- ZMt* LATBBI AMD MOST BBAUTIFCL BONO, "TOU'LI. FOROET MB WUBN 1>M OBAD." Now In the eleventh edition, lOiM eonlea each edition. Sung nightly by Geo. W. Barley. Prica Me. For aale by all mnslc-dealcra, or sent to any addrei>e on receipt of price, bv H. a. HULLENBUBO. Publlidier. 2M Main atreet. Memphis. Tenn. 2Mt ttujEyrctjJE^m. x>xla.bljus, A.crrt», Songs, Stump-xpeeO'ns Gags. Jokes, Farces, Barlesttoas, and Variety aad Mln.itr*l NoTCltlea written to order by L DAVEAU, lis Booth Flmtatrset. aitf Brooklyn. B. P.. N.Y. DAYTON. OHIO. A NEW AND BEAUTIFUL AMUUB- MBNT TBMPLB JUST OPENED. la admirably located In the centre of this thrlvlngclty.andls IbUy sapplltd with aiUatlc scenery, elegant drop curtains, and an modem re- qulrementa. Rent low to auit the times. No llcenae, and special Indacsmenu offered. Special hotel rate* provided. TTut* Address W. F. OBBHART. Proprietor. BCOZAJEfX* WAYiTu HANNIBAL, MO.. IS NOW BBIN'O RBFTFrED AND BBPALNTBa Will be open lor datea alter Sept l.on aharlnrtennaor to rent atreaaonable rates. FRANK SANDERS, tbe oM, reliable blllpoalar,atteoda to poflilng promptly. AJdieaa 2Ml» w. D.^ALLBR. Hannibal. Mo. ^"a. V7x> ta-v ■z-JikEiA.-xrEtf:, la CROSSE, WlR.wlltopen the Fan aeaaon Sept 17. Twogood Nrftro Comcdlana, two 8aTlo.coottc Sln^rra, one Soog- Lady waalad for the opening; alao apednlty atam. Partlpa wanting engagements most state the verr lowest aalartea, as pay la sure. Addreaa TAVDBVILLB VARIBry 00_ LaOtoeae, Wla. care Lockbox 1631 HMt Sidney. O Just Snished. One ofthe flnest and most com- plete 'nails la tlie state. Pfwoaala lOr opening dcalred. CMnaclty. 7UQ. Twelve seta ol fine aeenery, boiOer.ll^t«. tout-llofita, (hMlDR chairs, three dnalat-rooina, heated by steam. Gas, wmiar. Popoiatlon o( town, 4,01X1. Oood phowtown. Railroad centre.- Ocehcalra. braaa band, and blUponer. Fair week. Sept n to S Inelotlve. ZMt LBtrlB A BINKLEY. L WHO VISIT OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Uavlng bnogi'tontSAM OLADSTANE'Sentlralntersstln BILLFOSTINO. I now own and control all boanls and rlTllegea u this city. I will clve you good, faooritt work. T. F. LYOS. Cliy BUIfioeter. Omafca. Nebratka. priTlu ait* TIIBATRE, PinSBOBG. PA.. < LAWBBNCB 8PROAL Leweeand Manager OPENS FOB TBE SEASON OF I1S77 AND Hi. Bepalnt4-d, reStiaO, rcopUoUtercd. entire new scenery, and a magnldeuot nsw drup-curtaln by' the eminent scenlc-artlst John Joboaon- Brerythlng chaste, choice and refined. ■ WILL OPBN ON MONDAY. SEPT. Itt The entertalnmrnta will aiobraca tho gem. of iMpnfar amuaementa—NOTELTT. - YAUIETr, UI.VSTRELSY. OPERA A5D PAKTOMIMB,, ^ . A few open dat.-*for Firat class Coroblnallonaon reaaon- alilotenna. Specially artists writing tor dates must state moderate tsnna Saury ante. ■ AdJreee - LAWRENCE RPROAU n. 2t» W hite House. 78 FlRIi aveooe. FUtabutg. Pa. 'n. zisi<n'ii:'v, violinist and TIST. can be eofaged tor next Fall and Winter season to LeadOcehMlrm. Haa experience In dtamatln and variety buMluesa. Would also play Vlolln-solo with flntt.class eon. c- rttroope . Addrtas » ZBBNBY. Gaiesbunt. 111. Zl-Tt Berrlnger City, ra-.Jost flnUhed. Proposals lur opening doilreu. Capacity, alx homlred; twelve sets nf scenery; borderlljhta snd Rni-lhhti; and thces diffslng-roomi. Pupulatiun of town about two thuosand; g<>od show to.n. AUeitheiiy Railroad within three mllea: eoud c-nveynnca from llaliroid Address ALBKRT VINTORS, Treaaurvr, BarrlOB ^Cftr'. Venanfro Co.Pa. 74 If I~WlXlk.<" engage for the coming seaa>m either a* trofflbone. tnhajit scennd.vliilln Address, with terms, G EO. A. DLVINB. 81 Whalleyavo.. New Haven, nt. U-tl* A. VlOX.iXflXfefX' \VA.I<i'X''W AJM .En^ aAi;EMENT la Blew York. Undeistanda Ute^- variety bostatas tbcxoDgbly. Bober sod stesdr. ; Aditoau JAMBS ROBIB90M, • M-lt» -^ IMBallTOSdavenBe. Jersey nty;H. J.. A" 'XOVMO UA'DX -WUO rtX-WB^SEB ANBWAHDHyaTIUOAL LBCTORB ottanewaadpopo. lar •nHntnoMUkata anaagewlsb% taaalaaaa-maaa- (sr who Mill attvsneo capital Address u-m i I i/..riiBaniB&ie^"sac«QrGUFrBBOflaa. kotice:. JAMBS HOBAM, MAMAOEB TAYLOR'S OrBBA-B0O8& JErFEBSON,TEXA& ' Address No. 17 Lsikyette place. New York,. A AT.r.F.iV QE ACCEPTED. EDITOB NBW YOBK CLIPPER. In yoar Isaac dated Sept I, to my amazemaat I b CHALlBNOB Unsdby FRANK OABDNER, prolkasloiially dnbhed THE OALE8BURO TDDDCP," TO LEAF ANT MAN Of TBE WORU>. HBIOBT AMD DISTABOK for "FAME OR OAIN." To thoee who know him hia ptesamptloo vfll spnssr rldtenlo ui, as It will sppear frnltlsu In ths CONTEST WE HA'VB DECIDED BUALL TAKE PLACB AT lyBEBLIKO, W. TA. TUDBBDAY. Ssot. T, at cor evening parformafa. lor $ia^ half ofwhuh IsBPtr on deposit It Is a question bnt what I sdopt sa nnwtts conxae in deigning to notice the buDcomba ct one so laek- Ing In every requisite that dlatlngulshes an artist, and whoao broad bwk or ample atomach move often fiada a leaplna bed bafote hia f*e«4b^t being la the aaaae com pany. and hourly anblected to his iiiiiiiiiiiii Iniia'aiiil aiaa'iisia ting blab, I And It Impoiwlble to fore^ the pleaaare or saoelchlng bla eoaoelt andjat the wme time, extraetlaic a tew dollan from his not orer-tllted puraa. Ths rssolt ot thepronpectlre content, of bla nerve does notfbnska. him. wUl be Kcnt yon from Whtelln^ Youis, most obedleatly. 2t.It* WM. H. BATCBBLKB. I 'X'AKE GREA.nC PLsEIAJSmCK lo r«wmiu.nulag to Danogvzv of tnvvuii^ oonpaaMSi and the proleaalon generally, DURLBV HALL, BLUOMLXQTON, ILL. I consider It the beat arrmngad. iiHMt centrally toeatad andmottpopularthntre IntheeltyofBloomlngt'm. In regard ta Mr. Thna. W. Davey. ths present lesws. aothlnic I ccHild say would giTe bim grrater pnpalarl^. Ja Mr. GecL 6. Smith, the managar. the pfofaas l oo wlQ find a true IHend and genial gentleman, and his general popa. laxltr In the diy Induces bin host of Meods to attoad all the entertalomenu given at thl( oeautlftil theatos. aythe pnbUc know that nothing hat 1l'y^la^B**f^l^■nl1W eanprocnre I t Very rmly. TONY PAHTOR. ai-lt ~~ltx^. cr>X'M.Eea of -ovh buahuinii-iiuubb." "MISS MuLTON," "DAMCHEFF8." "BABY," etc., Mr sale. AdJima J. BARRY WIUTH. Bhelllrid. Ind. ««-lt» C. F. JONES A. CO., DRAMATIC. VARIETY. MINSTREL AMD EQUESTRIAK AUISHCr, ai-lta 1»SN. Wntfa atreet. Philadelphia, AND BABITONE PLAYEB wishes an engagement to travel with a fIfSt-dass OOOK pany. H. TODNO, No. B Second atreet Now Tort. An actor to pUy JDV B3ITL BB and share ths lesdincfer season; also a CBARAt^R ACTRESS capable of pUyluc old woman. Moat have wasdiobe. Salary modseata, bat SURE. JLddicaaatosce JOHN UOBBAY. 2«-It« Mechanics' lomtnts. St Juhn, W. B of orcheatra and bond, wonld play aceond vIotlD, piano er double base and tuba with a soUd ctunnany: bean vllk Kelly A Leon, Madame Bantz and other flratnclaaa eompis. ntea Address A. E. Oaylord, Leader, Polaakl. K. Y. |U» lllIBtfSMetEa fcSA-X*. UOhT PUT TBE FOOB WOBKIBOMAN DOWRI This la the title ol the greateat motto-aona ever jpab. llshed In America. Written ud corapond by Botty Rev- oomb. WUI beaangtn almovteveiy theano of Use land. PRICB9S cents per copy. If yon eannot set II from your regular musle-dealer. send to the publisher, F. W. HBlr* MICE, No. SO West Fourth atreet. tJINCINNATT. a ON LY9& CENTS. ONLY SS CBNTB. CBORDS. Let capital ahake hand, witli labor. Let the poor have ths bread that tboy essv^ For aorely they need every peony la a laaaon aulto easy to loam. Bemeaher. the poor love their cfaUdrsB. So give them a amlle, not atrewn; Lire and let lire be your motto— Oh. doo't pnt the poAr w<»fkfaigmaa downl ' ' ■ H, B.—noBUmiim by HDdlDc Uialr samavID naMw a cop y nee. im WAirX>KU>— '■ '■ . Two good aong-and-dance men. two good aetle-eoealc idrw- rrs.mait bagoaddnsseis and flnt-daia. to play salt u. abort burlesque. Alao a good leader and plsuut. Addxeaa, Immediately. MABAOBB. a4-lt« P.O.Box4. Beypert. B. *. BUM. fI-X'ZOBRAI.iU'S PBOFE^ alo al'boardlag house. No. 11 Prioce atreet Ooavealaac. to the Bowery and Broadway Theatrae. Flrstr dawiboaraati va ao n a h lerateaL . SH* The ladlea snd lentlemsn aBcusd Ihr lbs opsnl sgof tli» wID plaaae sissmbia at the bis RaUway depoL. ptarBL North River, on Sunday evening, Bept S, at 7 o'tiocfc •■ W-ll* DAN. J. 8PBAODB.. CUEttTNUT-STKEBT THBAIBE, ' '■ PHILAOBI.rHIA. PA. , .... Tbetadleaaadgentlemenen^gedat the ChaidBiatelieHt Theatre Ibr ths i ■ ... SEASON OF 1877-78, wlU pleaae aaaemble In th. Orei-room ON MONDAY. BEPT. M, ' - at 12 o'clock noon. - F.F.MAOHAYr ss-lt • •• ftta ae^ mtna ger- - Bf AOICAL. BUk-N IjlJ'AdJ-X'dMt'tf— A variety of wy elegant aiagw IltaMoaa. .TaaBOoqaiak And Punch-andVody flgores atwara on handt-alaw mis Wltard'a Cabinet of alx vleka, with maglclan*a opaalng* and condndlngapeeehea, sent noat-|iald luraBe. l\>rtabla street galvanic baitstles, wltn electric Ml - pd at* >*r- mennsaantcooipleiaforssa. Enclose Sc. or laceorUhia* traled catalogncm. -Addiese W. J. JUDD. 131 • Henrr- strecl. New York. . H-lt* ATTENTION—FUl y per ernt. nved. Ton eso One a taig* awiitment of dogs. Soog-and-daoce shiies a specialty. Also wooden shoca nt A. LECROIX, Mannlhetnrer, ' M-«t» 7^ Emex street. New TorfcCity. atCJSll'CtUse*, nunesquea un i'oi«<i.r kiMf, for white tir black, ninmii S|iiis.haa, Psilsili aiid.8eag» snd-dancea Dramatlzatloiia and Orlslnsl Diania" wrttta^ CLYDE ALMOBB. Belmnsit Hotel. SprlnaflfM.Maea. |a» Barleianea.Le(iBrea, etc, vrlftento order. Apply to WM. B. WATia — . _ . . . ",1, ^ W-lt» IB Weat Houston atrret New 'X'Xt^AJEaflZIl!: BINOM, Bar. Uivib«r Aaa,So>aar~ saolU taught Also book. 120 enu-rirlDiii. SLM Mm* InairucUona <br ladles. Rll'Uy. a b odo- «t, CBy.. jut WjKTS'X'kSAI Ir'Ott, JL 'AUtAVA::A^XA««- . DRAMATIC OOMPAMT-Flm Old Mau. .lonnlle Mao. • Jnvealla Womaa, WalklDK Lady. andaSoubretis that 1*.°: a good singer Must have good waidmbe. 'No MtBia answered axcapt lowest aalaiy at aied Addiere . DAYIS * COi, The^trtral Aginita. t«-lt MS vine at.P. O. Box t»H«. ffln.tlTnmM.0. eao DSN wMi IKvinklscgiputaaitlesoa spfU oa. Two yoaKladlea that oaa dmrwmnted laaa . ■' ^A'TB M oa. Thaatrlnl AgHA usTbMSK.r. a ■ss.oaot r