New York Clipper (Mar 1878)

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lliABCH 30, 1878. THE nXTE^W^ o* Dai" wa* Pr*??'*li"* tlio_ Ctoestimt- ..■ed __ ''>*''w'^'nstlns ttiAt part with a dae smoant or )*^rie feeuS«- Glover lent able "fJheatre, PhUadelphla, March 18, and en- •"^j • run durtas tte -week, wniliuii e. eheri- Y>^^ieliuA the part of_ tte hero. Hanr Kava. ^''•'fSh "ime drama waa lUtutrated br bean- f^rTaA ■neil-eooBtnx<ABd scenerr, the quarry Moklns lo*"^ tokena of approbation. James K^Srkln was specially engaged for the Fair ILSTiuDid Us characterlBtlc Bongs-and-dances liberal apprOTOl. "Hnch Ado Atmnt ^Jl,p" irtll bo produced as, and "As Ton Like >*^oUo«ed April 1 by "The Cotslcan Btoth- It-a iIEn»™ BOTtE, snpported by Miss Flor- ilrFalrcbUil, played an engagement at the fSnhl Theatre during the week ending March **.oMarlng in the drama entitled "Zets. or SiJSiSd." On March as "The Bagplck'er or >™5rtui be produced, with Mlaa Florence Falr- ffStni O. W. Mlddleton In the leading roles. it^S^MBOE t CO., dramaUc agents, Chleaeo. J^Srertlse ror a nrsnjlass company to support Stritodjesto arter April 22. "^OMIVIUJ. BOOKBS, supported byF. E. rz^a dianatlc company, is to commence a enaage'ne'" at the Arch-street Theatre. «?;.i„M«. March 25. In "Hand Muller" •«»;,rpSa, March 25. In "Hand Muller" HSriiBiso OF TESTDio>-T In the dlTorce caae 2iiile ra- Sarille, now pending tn the Court or irmoo Pleas Philadelphia, has been eon- Three wltneeaea. including the plaintiff. (!<^uTUle, were examined berore the special W^r, J. P- O'Neill. In New York, and the sum 55rmb6tance or their teettmony was that the de- SSiint. John O- SoTllle, had been seen to enter ESS or lll-repnte In New York with temalea. O^Sxr McWASE during his second week at the Jn^phla Museum acted the title-role In 551-OTiore" A"* "Blchard III on Horseback Jnotcbl." Edwin Byron appeared at the maU- Za StB- Bogeis and Mlaa Mattle Vlckeis SvniMilng at his boneOt 22. Mr.:McWadc will Z^St as Blp Tan Winkle during his third !3i lut «eek. "Jack Harkaway's Adventures In iLumr and Among the Btlguids" being given "Jclnitlnees. "The Two Orphans" 25. IT FOX'S iXEBlCAS THEATBE, Philadelphia, the Jf.e«k'stresh reatnres Included Sellon and El. In Irish eoDgs-and-dances, Miss UUIe EUU riri<H»iDlc80Dgs, Harry Brooks la his pedestrl- .tMis and Mlaa Charlotte M. Stanley in her iotlUcd "Too Late." The now races 25 ^!^oo3. Florentine, Hiss May Marshall, 3. Doty, 2 Hernandez Foster m "Jack Barkaway." f r MacK-it's suit against the lessees ot the n^at^ireet Theatre, Fhlladelphla. wUl eoon jfTricd In tbe Court ot Common Pleas. The in the case have been filed, and contain rrlVivement entered Into between the parties. trMsckay alleges that there la due him $ 1,455 u aalary under the agreement. 1 GOOD ecEXio-ABTiST can secure a short on- ,u«ment by addressing William Nannary, as per SnnKemen*- Tissr DATiatronT appeared In Toledo, O., ^uch 21 as BosaUnd, Dayton 21, Columbus 23, J^opensln Pittsburg 23, one week Char- hosThompeon played In Toledo 22, 23 and mat- M to small houses Mme. Janauscbek Is to ^tar la Dayton 27, Columbus 28, 29, SpringOeld ncieveland April 1, one week Kate Clapton CuiDoanced In Toledo April 2. «IBS OPEEA-HODSE, Bocbestor, N. T., Pror. . 1 Baymond exposed bogussplrltuallsm March S 19 20. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Williamson opened Bin '"Struck Oil," which held the boards the rest 3 the week. Business good. -IBS DiAonULACOH" Was acted by the Firth- Tbeatre company or this cicy in the Provl- i^oce (B. I.) Opera-hOQse the past week to fair igiliins Hiss Clats Uorrls and a company is Uned ror March 25, 28, 27, and Maiy Gary la •loorJo" 28,», 30. f H0UC3 Obotxb Is to run excursion trains (nm Wilmington, Del., Chester, Fa., Mount HoUy, BuUngton, N. J-. and Trenton to accommodate ' nnoDS or an extra matinee at the Walnut-street {^ine, Philadelphia, Fa., March 27, when "The jiUcs" Is to be perrormed. TBE WBinxa OFEHA-aousE, Holyoke, la to be Micated Horch 25. IBE Aa>13 WALLACE-VII.I.A COJtBIKATIOS is tO rigf in Schenectady, N. T., April 1, 2, 3, Olovers- illlel, S,6. SEVEUAi. PEOPLE are tranted for Bosers' Comedr Ounpanr. E. O. Bogvrs also odvortlsett tor an ol>- V kogtcnt. I0UCICAt?I.T'9 "SHACOHBArS" COMP-CfT, Qnder E. E. SisTens, showed in Newark, N. J., March 22. il, and matinee, to good houses. They are billed b Harlem, N. T., 25, Newburg 26, Poughkeepslo S Boodout 28, Troy 29,30, AltMiny April 1 to 6. TBOBXZ'S CoifEDY CoMPASnr are billed In Mon- ■keUo. Ala.. Unrch 25. 2fi. Birmingham 27. 28. 29, n J. W. Hanson, asslstant-aeent, joined 18. UABT A. Cabb, a lady who states that she has Uent for tragic and emotional parts, wants on Ofagement to learn the prolesslon. See address la another column. FBANx E. AiEEN'a COMPAirr. supporting Geno- ilcre Bogets, play In the Arch-street 'Theatre, Phlladeliihlo. this week, Lancaster April l, 2, Beading 3, 4, PIttston 6, 6. Mr. Aiken InTorms nsnageiB and others, through our advertising depanment, that he has re-engaged Miss Bogers tor the season or I8T8-9, and that she will then ap- fear in a new drama, entitled "Carte Blanche," vrltten expressly ror her by Fred WlUlams. Tho present season will close April 27, and the nest slU begin Sept. 2. J. E. EmiKT and a company perrormed In Mas- anoB, O., March 18, Akron IS, Toungstown 20, Wheeling, W. Ta., 21, Newark, O., 2a, Columbus .B, and ue to open in Cincinnati 25, Chicago, 111., lptlll,St.Louls,Mo.,8,foconeweekeacIi. Ohas. Z. Bergman, leader of oichestra, joined the oom- nuB In Cleveland, O. IBE arFABT SON ol WlIUs H. Page or the stock mpany at the Walnut-street Theatr.'i, Philadel- phia, died March 15. This is the thlnl child Hr. .thyor th epufe Tca!S^S^Mg?&^BoynrJende, OoHN A. Steteds In "Unknown," snpported by (le Arch-street Theatre company or Fhlladelphla, cored a hit at the Academy ot Mnslc, BuOslo, IT. f., last week. Crowded houses at the first of the week grew to the "Standing-room Only" order before the cloee. W. H. Southard, Harry Colton, l| Frank Jamison, Sidney Smith, Frank Crane, P. J. Sullivan, Julia Banchett, and Angle Griffltbs flU the principal chatsciersacceptably. Boute, under W. Udy's management: Erie, Pa., 25, 26, San- doaky, O., 27,28. Toledo 29,30, St. Louis April 1, one week The Baoowltza Qerman Dramatic Company oocupled the Academy 31 (Sunday). Haggle Moore and J. C. Williamson one week, be- glanlDg 25. Letter or March 24. 8. S. SAKFOBD's "DHCLE T03i" PABTZ plaved% In Psteison, N. J., March 21, 22, 23 to crowted hooscs. BoHte: Morrlstown, N- J.. 25. 26, Bah- «a727. lay off at Philadelphia 28, Salem 29, Dela- nre City 30. Elkton. Md., AprU 1,2, Fort Deposit 3, Havre de Grace 1,6, Newark, Del., c. "TBE DsjnTQ" was acted In the Leiand Opcra- hoose, Albany, N. T., the past week to very latr boslnetfs. The Opera-house remcdjis closed 25, tt, 27, and the stock flUa out the reSt ot tbe week. Stetson's "Bobln Hood" Combination play- ed In Martin Hall 23 to a large audience The Leiand Opera-house Company, headed by Man- ■<«r Albaugb, Inaugurates tbc new oi>cru-house uBol;oke, Mass., on March 25, playing there three nights. John T. Batxond and a company occupied the Blchmond (Ya.) Theatre March 19, 20, 21, appear- faig In "Bisks," "Col. Sellers," and "Loudon As- •orance." to fair-sized audiences. Hence to Nor- folk. "A Celebrated Case" Is to be performed 25, K by a Baltimore company. JiUCAcscHEE began a week's season March 18 in the Detroit (Mich.) Opera-house, supported by ZUaler k Canning's company from Cleveland. . Bmlneas only ralr. John MeCuUough comes 25, lor one week,when Manager BVivoys company will he tho support At the Orand Opera-house, Helen Blye began 18 In "Bertha, the Sewing-ma- chine oiTl," tor one week to very poor houses EUa Weatbetsby and N. C. Goodwin Jr. and company are to appear 23,26, 2T. Hiss Mabx amdebson, supported by John W. Sonon and a company. Is billed In St. Joeeph, Vo., March S5,26, city 27,28, Leavenworth, K*s.. 29. Omaha, Neb., 30. Mme. £. Neutu,i.e, whoe.j address find In an- other oolumn, offers a rour-act sensational play fo r Bo le cheap. Tbe Lenten eeasok, more strictly observed, perhaps. In this community than in any other in the UnltediStatee, and the reaction which roUown the carnival season or gayety, have both exercised a manliest depression upon the buslne3a or our Uwotres, wrote our New Orleans, La., correspond- eston March 19, adding: "Miss Boee Eytlnge at ll>e Tarieilos, however, baa been honored with lood-slzcd audiences, and has given some ot her highly-appreciated peisonatlons, the theatre heing crowded last evening to witness the produc- tion ot 'Antony and Cleopatra.' A tribute or ptBlse ■> dae Jlonager Hall ror the elaborate setting and oretul attention to details which he has bestow- ed upon the piece, and the prospects are good lor ^Pmperous run. Miss BTtlnge appeared at her Mt hi the .role of the -Egyptian Queen, and was Xwarded with enthusiastic plaudits. The sup- £oitwasln no respect adequate, and even J. B. ftadlcr, whose Pierre Michel wos one or the most ''nished pictures of acting seen here this season, osde an indifferent Antony At Bldwell's ^<3>d«my ot Music Frank Mayo has appeared In 1>«vy Crockett' and as Badger during the week, to houses not at all adequate to his merits. ■Bund Love." with Mr. Crockett In the principal JWe, Is announced tor 21, 22, 23. Colville'a FoUy Company open 25." MlTSICAl.. „ ^ ."ISSBebthaEbhon. contralto, with the Swod- lah Lady Quartet, and Christian Erause, violinist, *lUi the came party, were married at the Curtis "OMe, Ml Vernon, O., March 18. Hisai.EB*s SWKniSH SiNaEBs, who were in can- 2". O., March 19, ai« to sing In Wooetor 25, TllBn Z, DeUsnee 27, Chicago 28, 30. The Philadelphia philhabmosic Clitb con- onlzed In Heading, Fa., March 18. Cbables Pabdee MAXaoK died March 5 of con- nrapuon In De Buyter, N. T., aged 43 years. He pisred tiie comet and violin, and, besides Slvlng ""ruction to numerous brass bands in various f*™ ot the country, he traveled with the rollow- «gcircuses: J.M.French's, Warner's, Springer « Beadetson's and "Yankee" Bobinson's. A ?4S3 VIOL Ain> TtiBA can be engaged by ad- "M^lng Abe Fielding, as per card. jebby Wall advenisee an arrangement or the I <lae Dannbe Waltzes and the 23d Beglment March J *« the banjo. . ^ lontti LADY to play the piano and olng is ■ *<mied by "Piano,'.' who adverOscB. • . tbe Ladies' AiiPiNEQCABTFr and Monello Con- Company sing in West Brookfleld April 1, Bteokneld 2, Spencer 3, North Brookfleld 4, War- 'en s. Palmer c Monson 8, Amherst 9, Ware 10 and Springfield 11. ASEC05D VIOLIN and E-nat alto-player wishes •h Migagement with a circus band.. See N. H. ™51d'scanl. ^ . UNCLE Tom's Lauest," by Geo. Thatcher, ^ngat the San Francisco tllnstrels vlth success, "js mnslc by Mollaly, and Wnmbold's "Pretty „ r<d Bo9o," also a tavorite at that honse, and the " eong-and-dance "Sparkling Bolltalre" can all . ne Obtained at Fred Blnme's, asadTertlsad. .A TioLoasT, leader ot orcheetrs and teacher ot - ^SS'-band desires an engagement. See ProL F.'s A B-riAT 00B5Br-PLATEB deelres an engage- . mSl See Thoe. Brazendale'a card, j^uffi. claba BBDTxmBOFF, ooneert prlmo- S^>nA, can be addressed aa pet card, QX care of _ this office. . -J'CBrEL jAi^ LomsA," "When Chartay'a In the ipV "Perhaps^" and "Will Mother Know Me in ge Bky r* -are- oU In-^iear k Dehnhoff'allst of 'Vest iseues of popular songs. Bee catd tor price. THE HEse EMOLISH-OPEBA COXPAKT attracted a large attendance at the Arch-street Theatre Phil- adelphia, dnrlng their second and last WMk at IMS theatte^ "Martha" was given March 7? M ^^^iST^jR??*""'" ^- "The Bohemian GirV'S 23, "The Chimes ot Normandy" being reoeatfd 21, with "Fra Dlavolo" at / mSu?«> ra"^^ popular price of llf ty cents admission and dtty cents extra tor reserved seats was also snccesstully adopted here during this troupe's secondWeek "THE APRIL 8HOWEBS8CH0Tn8CHlS,"byM F HUM, dedicated to Genevieve Bogererwh<4e i»r: trait decorates the tltle-jiage, £ published by H. Fitch, who adverxlS prtco, etc ' TEE PAPPEHEEIX-AS1M8 company inaugurated °} .°t?°^5 O'^'* thSTid^f SfM^ orSh?^*"'?>?'*^ 18. with the performance or the opera "Lohengrin." Wagner s opera "fil- SJ^K^f ^^"i 20' a»>» *as repeated ^^.".S' * n^atlnee performance or "Les Hugue- Blven March 23. The low price ot ad- muwlon—fifty cents, with one dollar for reserved seats—was an innovation that reenlted in a stftis- tactory attendance. JVTHE nmoEB Fajolt tbocpe wui be in Salem, Maas., March 29, Beverly 30, Haverhill April 1, Law! rence 3^weU 3, Manchester, N. H., 4, Nashua 6, J^n. Mass., 8. NewburypoR 8, Portsmouth 9 Dover 10, Lowell U (Fast Day), PoriUmd. Me.. 12 13. The y repo rt business as large. THE auTCHI^-S0N FAHILT gave a concert at As- sociation Hall, Oermantown, Pa., March 21 for the benefit of the Oermantown Hospital Charles Jarvls gave hla fifth classical soiree Matx:b Zl, at the Natatorium. Philadelphia Miss Adah Sampson and the Philadelphia Harmonic Club appear In a concert at the Natatorium Ball 25 Habddio'b new publications, Bobby Newcomb's new song-and-dance "Little Cherry Blossom " end the march-eong "Our Army and Navy" are advertised in this issue. J. CHASeET advertises first violin copy for sale of a medley lAucashire clog; also orchestral ar- rangement. IN Chjcaoo, III., the Thursby Concert Com- pany gave a concert In McCormlck Hall March 19, and are to give another 25. The Wolfsohn testimonial, at which Miss Thxirsby, Mrs. Frank Hall, I Miss Fanny Blumenreld who made her- debut), Messrs. Jas. GUI, C. A. (Enorr, A. Boacn backer and full chorus or tho Beethoven Socletv participated, took place In McCormlck Hall 20. * Lbwis E. Cook, agent of tho Hyers Sisters, re- ports business good, and gives route of party as follows: Larayelte, Ind, March 29, 30, Logansixin April 1, Kokomo 2, Fon Wayne 3, Warsaw 4, Go- shen », Grand Baplds, Mich., 10,11 The Lo- gmnd Novelty Concert Troupe has returned to Grand Baplds, Mich., alter a (raveling season or over two months, with fair success. Miss Cera MlUer, Legr^nd, the Barker Slaiurs, and will K. Peck stop there, while Prof. C. E. Cliorios and wife go to Ionia. Two SEW VABIETT soxos on "The Dollar of Our Daddies" by E. Mason Jr. are offered In manu- script to periormors at tho advertised price. THE Whitxei Coscebt Tboupe gave a per- rormonco at St. Louis, Mo., March 19, to a vor>- large audlenco Miaa Emma 'Thursby sings at Mercantile Library Hall 28. AH E-FLAT co&net and second violin player wonts an engagement. See C. Ward's card. Bbooblxti >ote3.— At the Plymouth Church concert March 23, Charles B. Schulor, Mrs. Anna Holbrook Boaan and Fannie Palmer api>earod— tho latter in readings Miss Arabella Boot ap- peared In a ballad concurt in Association Hall 21. At tho same place Prof. W. A. M. Dlllcr, Mrs. Tuttle. tho Mlssos Clark Pierce, Novlus, Do La Pierre, and 'Woods aud Messrs. Whlttokcr SiMtngler and Woodcock appeared 19 The Washington Choral Society concenlzed in tho Washington-avenue Baptist Church 20. Mrs. Louise H. Oliver, A. E. Stoddard, and Oonzolo Nunez were the soloists, and E. J. Fitzhugh director Cionteruo's Twenty-third Hesl- ment Bond will appear in concert at the Riuk 28 A concert complimentary to Mrs. Flor- ence Bloe-ICuox was given In the Academy 21. Anna Granger Dow, Oeorgo Werrenrath, A. E. Stoddard and J. E. Haynor assisted. Ferdinand Dttlcken was conductor Tho Hutchinson Family sang In the Hanson-place M. E. Church 18 The arcadian Society gave a concert at its rooms IB The Hess English-opera Compauy at the Academy 2C Goo. W. Morgan, organist at the Tabernacle, has had a raid made upon his salary by the trustees of the church, who, BotwlthstoAdlng thoy luul oLronily cut htui down from $2,2U0 to $1,800, proposed a further re- duction to (1,200, which lie quietly accoptud, to their surprise. They are evidently bom on dis- pensing with his services, and threaten to go to a lower figure, tGOQ a year. If ho Is retained. His patron. Dr. Talmnge, la In much distress, and tho upshot of tbe matter may bo a glad surprise to sensible people, as there aro ruraun of a contem- plated* roelgnallon on tho part of tho i>rcacher with the eloquent pedal extremities, he having received a caU London. Eng. Miss Akna tebesa Beuoeb met with succoss lu Music EjM, Boston, at the concert given by Hall's Brigade Bond on March 17. Tho press, in speak- ing or Miss Betger, safe: Tiie cuQcvrt Rtvoo at MuhIc Hall Iwa evening by IfaU's Band (D. C Hull, cooductoo and varinus aji-drtUDLs was one of unuiiujd mellL UUk Auds T. lkT,^r guvu cumtjt SulOd with dLnlngulith(.*d ability, the llulyV pluyln;; beiUf: extraordlnarllv good. In itoctenuto nuuiben;—«uieli. fur Insuince, uJi "Let Ue Dream Agi^lir*—ML«d Buntvr HurvajtsiM her more dorid pajwiften. and tbe (lb>plmy of Hvutliuunt wori Oilly e<iual to tbatorunyijoloconiettlAtwe baveovcrbuaid. —Hatty Trattler, March 18. MlM Berser playii clic comet with mre ability, and her elforta were the niorc plea-'ilug ftom the (act that nut long since It WOM lUipiMMed tJiac tite comet wan beyond the luog- puver uf woman. Tbe hoIo "FaclHta," air and varlatloux, and the comet polka "Yuiing AinerlcH," werv vco' eutbu- idastlcally recelreO, and encores were deoianded and given. — Botton i'bcc, March IS. The Chief bonon of the evening wcie borne off by Dim Anna TcxedaBeiger of the well-knowaBciBer Family. MifW BuxKer pl.yed Mrverml miUm on the cornet vlth a degree uf grace and skill that the bent male players could nut aur- BUQi. She has Improved macU nloce she was hut hcunl ere. tlbe wo. bunoied wltb a double ancoze In une lu- •tanee.—BoMon Jounuil, March 18. w>-«T>-.T. .„Kr^,,„ r,^^r, «f<w.. are as un- der: Hla EmeUe VelvOle U to make her operatic debut In Bos- ton In the new opvru "Chimes uf Xurwandy" April 1 Mme. Gobrlelle de la Uocte, aiuliited by Ume. ami MUs Field, Angust and Wulf Fries, J. G. Lennon, and d. Tuck- ennon, gave a private concert mt Hawtliome HaU 19 The filth concert In the coume given at Sandctn' Theatrt^, Cambridge, took place 19. Theodore Thomas and orcheit' OS and MlMMathllUe WUde were the attraction. Thedxib and Ion oecunAprllZl Ceoise E. Whiting gave the fourteenth oivan recital In Comurrvatory Uall ai; bu next will be given April 2 S. Llebling, planlit, gave a concert at Union Hall 21, assisted by iUsn Fauny Kellunr, uprano: Ernst Fersbo, plonkit: Curl Ffieuger, Jouepb Glaus, Albert Van Raalte and Madame Leootlne Amot Cohn, who gave a recitation olOelavlgnu's "Death of Joan or Arc" Theodore Tbomas* two popular concertH at Music Hull 29 and oftemouu ol 23 were largely attended. Bviildcs tho orchestra, the following soloLfts appcartnl: K. Letach. trombone; Ml.ssMatlilldu Wilde, sopmuu; Siinior a. Ta^rllapletm, b«rlloDe; and Madame tlouulloo tSchiller. |ibinliit........H. CouJ&sg&ve hUthlr^^^ o^aii recital lefure the BoMon Conservatory or MuMc anemuun a. Mbu Fanny Kcllop;?, sopmno. Miss Florence llulmep, eouiralto. and the \Vel>er Quartet cave a concert at tliu Boston Art Club rooms Z3 The HtmUel oud littyuu t^o- clec>- render "The Creation" In Mu^c UmII 21. with the aid uf .Vllo. Marie Hote. W. H. Kexwnden and Myrun W. Wlilt- ney. May s. Verdi's Bequlem Mans, by Mine, fuiipenhelui and other snloLOS A. P. revk's sunuol benent-concurt wiU take placo at Hualc Uoll April 22 WMlhim II. Sher- wood announces his flrwt grand concert at Union Ihill April i. Mme. LuuUe Capplanl and her pupils MUr Annie Wunz aud MLiri Fannie Lorertsg appearing IC T. Rcvd'H iwond dime couccrt will be clven In the UeloUAOn 3IarCll 27. .Mr. and .Mis. Madkun Obivy, MKi A- M. Gu.<tln, Arthur S. Kendall and T. II. Kobln±>ua appcoiliift ML«jt LlUiuii Duntun makes her llivt appearance In B'lrtton since her return from Europe at a concert In Tremunt Temple April a. She wUl be aulsted by Dlsby V. Hell, the New Vurk baritone; Miss Anna Gunther, contralto; Lnuis P. Flbo, tenor; W. U. Sherwood, pianist; Lyman K. Brack- otr, olfranlst and accompanist; and llowuid M. Dow. dlreciur and pianist tieoiire V. Brooks gives bis an- nual concert ul hlii rooms la A plitno rucltal will be irlven by John Orth at I^nlon Uall anernoon of April 4, Wuir Fries, Ml.'U Lillian B.illey, and C. K. Ilayden ajukit' Ing The Apollo Club give their next enocertii at Music Hall 27, April 2 A concert and tendini; will bo given at Union Hall 27 by George B. Kurd, elocutionist: Mrs. A. J. Horrent, pianist; Charles B. Howard and Miss Ella C. Clevel.'md. Tucalisti James M.- Tracy gives a piano reclul ot Miller's Wareruoms 3U The Howard Musical AKtnclatlon give a S)*mpbooy concert In Musto Hall arternooii 2S l>uoday ooDcATts: The twenty-second concert by Browu's Brk-ade Bond mu^gtx-fn In-Beethoven UallZL UeoigeR. Titus, basna: MUs Edith Oiri'tle. child rlollnLit: H. C. Broirn, oumat-aolulst; MLia Kelllo a Banlett, mider; Joan ML«- sand, clarlonet-sulolA: Jacoli OUcher, flautist; and Fred J. EtLsOs, planLft, a.tslstlng. The Last of the series will be KlvenSI, ass tesdmonlul to tbe band A concert and rvadltuTwas Riven at P.llne Hull 24 br Ulss MUlle Mayle, sopianu; G. B. Milton, baritone; and several unknown ehicutlunbits Tlie Loulsbma. Truubadouis again spfiear at the Buyhiun Museum 2L VARIETY HAIaW. GEOBOE Wild, a performer of repute, on March 17, in company with a number or variety artists, soiled across the bay rrom Fensaoola, Fla.; to Santa Boea IslandUo tuuhe. Mr. Wild swam quite a distance from the shore, when a large wave struck him and carried him out to sea and he was drowned, and at our latest advices bis body bad not been recovered. His roal name was Holstnd, and his home was in East Saginaw, Mich. For two sessons ho had been stage-manager ot the Bay View Varieties, Fensacolo. and prior to that he hod managed Wild's Opera-house, Hot Springs, Ark. IN MESIORIAJL—OEORGE WILD. Come back Irum memor>''h tnoimilnjc nm. And bIo.-« my sight again; For O! In rcstleM dreams 1 tun To clasp thy hand. In vain; I bid thy gentle spirit comu And look once more on me. Bat thou art slumbering where the foam Buns madly o'er the nea. Alas! how soon nnr better yean To tempest winds are blown, Aud all our hopes, and Joys and feara Alike are widely strewn— Sh" rests in yonder village motud Who was thy beauteous bride, WhUe thou art sleeping neath tbe BOnnd or Ocean's llowint; tide. • „"•?■ THE Seables BBOTBEns — Thomos, Masters Haneyand Bobby—played a successful engage- mont at the Theatre Comlque, Washington, D. C, last week, appearing in their eongs-ond-dancos and triple-clog. OILHOBE AMD OIBSOX, breakneck and grotesque eong-ond-danee artists, publish cards from Man- agers Eoenberger and J. W. Decker of St. LouUi, Mo., recommending them as paying attractions. FOB THE Gbeat AtlaHteajj Zoological and EquesO'lan Exposition thefoUowlng porformera are said to have been enraged: Mile. Com and M. Austin, tbe VlctorclilB, Frank Elvers, Sani Mc- Flvnn. the Maurittlus Broe., Nell Smith and his performing dogs, John LesUe and Louis Tosour, John Lowando. Lorberg and Dlnkelman, B. Po m- er. Mllo. Victoria, Annie Braddon. and Col. BUly Andrews with Bimon Blackchlsr and hla troupe of Tp/nan performers. „ ^ ^ Habbt Osbobne, who, with Fanny Wentworth, nerCormalnlrlah sketches, was recently reUeved oTa tape-worm, said to have measnied nity feet, by a Fhlladelphla physician. . . ^ WK. DOLAif in Irish songs, Wm. Dwyer In Dutch songs Emma Bronnan, serio-comic, and .the O'Brien Brothers, clog and eong»-M>d-dancee WOTO tho new features at the Opera-house, FaU Biver Mass., March 18. Departures 33: The Fianillns. Leopold tad a«tnn, Mme.^a Jaa. Le Clair. Nelllb Thome, Emma. Brennah, toJ«ew York- Wm. Dwyei" and Wm. Dolan, untorown. Coming as: Ja^ Heame, Oibson and Blnney, Uadame Volanta, Seamen and Morton^ AIinSE ACADEMY OFMTIBIO,MobUe, Ala.—Jamee Hnssor. proprietor and manager, and Johnny ^nHcer sWe-managei^^e company Includes Ki^MiSsb5ii,loM^ thefltuanB. Irtaa Swwh Brtlatfl: Tmcox and Olbson, sow-and- wTd Joblmy Foster, motto TO<»ltot. Oloetag 16«^ Hensley and Johnson and Edith St. cyr, to New <frleaii.and tho Stnarts. to PensacoUt, TO opSm» :.«>»<"• Clarke. Clara Moore,- Sme EliSldge, Klncade and Baaton. Geo. Bow- man and Dr. Weeks. . . m AS mE ADELPBI. THEATBE, DanvlUe. UL, the hiSt anlvalB are Bllao BUnDeon and SheUman SsSrs J cf.SSmihy, Mellle Watson, HatUe BtlnS^ein OJleaSdJoiin and Kitty Taylor. ATIHBBAT VIEW VABIETUS, Peofiaoola, Fla.. the arrivals March 18 were Ida Carlvsle, Lizzie wbalen, Mollle Archer and SuUlvan and Oreen. Departures 16: Ada Clifton and Hedmond and De- vore, to New Orleans, and TUIle Bouton Chey- enne, W. T. ■ THE Loiroos, New Haven, ct., collapsed Manai and the managers—John Crowley, William Crowley, Charles Murray and John Hammond- disappeared 22, leaving, as reported, salaries and other claims unpaid. At tbe Church-street Opera-house the departures 23 were NeUle Vin- cent, the Gorman Brothers, and Maggie Nichols. y'^f.T.^**"': ■"•<* Carrie Wilson, ^Brooklyn, L. r; 25: J. w. Bingham, Billy Soott, WU- llam Dolan, Mulligan and Weaver, Minnie Bogers Tbeabbivals at Trimble's Varieties Theatre. Pittsburg, Pa., March 18 were Professor Palmer, the Gurellas, and Baynor and Murray. Busi- ness fair MUe. Lottie and Ed. Baldwin, gym- nasts; Parker Sisters,song-and-dance: and Frank l^wls, motto vocalist, were the new attractions at Harry WiUlams' Academy of Music la The at- attendance was large. Closing 23: Carroils and Jennie Engle, to New York; Foy Slaters, to Chicago; Foley and Shelfer, to Baltimore; and nanJc Lewis, to Cincinnati. Commencing March 25: McDowell BUteis, Maggie Gray, Ida Burke, Lucy Adams, Guy Linton. Murphy and Mack Seamon and Somere, and John Williams '. Harry Montague, Duncan Sisters, and Miss Jose- phine Shanley continue at Tlvoll Garden next week, and Mr. Norman, the English tenor, will be the only new appearance 25. Attendance Utteral. THE beikfobceuents at Word's Opera-house, ^ewark, N. J., March 18 consisted or Wesley and Eldrldge, Fred D. Harris and Fannie Florence and Kate Montrose and John McVeigh. Business good. Closing 23: Wesley and Eldrldge, Fred D. Harris and Fannie Florence, Kate Montroee, Julia Beimett. and John McVeigh, to New York. Com- ing 2S: Billy Maloney and Mabel Gray, the Lodets, Sparks Brothers, Lizzie Edwards Adelaide Ed- wants, Nellie Sargeont and the Sle'grlst Children. At the Metropolitan tho new faces 18 wcro the Sanyeahs, Carlotta Banks, the Leotards, and Conway and Kerrigan. Business fair. Depart- ures 23: Conway and Kerrigan, the Leotards, the Sanyeahs, and Carlotta Bauks, to New York; Charley Bumham, Philadelphia; and Lizzie Ed- wards, to Ward's Opera-house, hero. Oiienlng 2J: Lnzetta and niplcy, Kelly and Byan, Miss Buck- ley, the Counland Sisters, and Ida Baymond Harry Healey (late ot the defunct Adelphl) Is to benent at tbe Opera-house 30. AT DccLOs' Folly Thutoe, Chlciigo, lU.,busi- ness has been large, the appearance ot PnBllne Markham and the production ot a new extrava- ganza being enough to fill tbe house. "Little Bo- peep" la a clever three-act spectacular piece, able In construction, witty In dialogue, and garnished with choico music and handsome scenery and cos- tumes. Mme. Duclos Is entitled to credit tor tho work. Pauline Markham as Elng Pretty display- ed the same beautiful form as ever, but she is not so good a singer as of old. Maud Branscombe made a sprightly Little Bo-pecp. Maud Lovell Invested the pan or Grlseldlua with some humor, and Lou Sanlord mode a charming Fairy Queen. Press Eldrldgo acted the Emperor in good style, At. Murtlnettl made an excellent Demon, tho Ar- nold Drothets were efficient Pages, Charles Theo- dore was rather tame as tho Lord-chamborlaln. Tbe Introduced speclttltlea or a musical act by the Oroasl Sisters, the gymnastics and harlequinade or tbc Manlnettl Family, the triple clog of the Arnold Brothers, tho sklpplng-mpo dnnco of Ida Slddons, and the ballet dauces.wlth Pauline Martl- nettl, Lou Sanford aud Marian Grey as princi- pals, were each and all good. The Amazonian march, Itnt by Paulino Markham, was brilliant In costuming and effective In execution. "Little Bo- ]>eep" will continue another week. No deiiort- ures. The new s|>ccialty artists beginning 2fi are tbe Foy Slaters. Hugh Fay and Carrie Lewis. At the Coliseum a very ralr business bus been done. Tho rrcsb faces have been LUllan Forrest, In cbnmcter change songs, changing evi-n tights with lightning rapidity; Algebrome Urabe In gymnnstlc feats, tho Howland Slaters In songB-imd-<lances, and George MotkliT. well sup- ported by the company in a rour-act drama en- titled "Bummer Bowers* Gold Discovers'." De- partures 23: The Amonns, to Fort Wayne, Ind.: John Williams, Pittsburg; Algobmme Urabe and George MetklOT, no date. Billed for 23: Elsa Car- nlssa, MuUlgau and Morris, Marie Wblttlughnm and MoHttit* Newman 'The Arnold Brothers (now At tbe Folly) and the Collins Brothers are to sliurtly combine tbolr forces, forming a quin- tet for suugs-aud-danccs and clog. Thpy will j start out on tlio road lu at>out four weeks under the business direction or William Dovere ! Charles Uenton, advcnlelog agent ror tho Folly Tbeatre, will Bhorlly close his engagement. Lot- to or March 23. Tub D.uiBncoTOK Bbotheiia have gone to War- ren, Mass., to Join Hoy wood's Combination for the Summer season. Fbane AND WlNyiE HA3SALL, Sketch, double- He and epcclalty artists, are now in tho seventh week of their eogngemeut at the Tbentre Com- lque, Blchmond, Vs. They can be addressed caro of this olllce. M.VJOB BCBK, the sensational military drlll- pertormer, who left for Europe on Saturday lost, publishes his address in another column. AT THE MetBofolitan Theatbe, ludiannpollfl, Ind., tbe new races March 18 were James Collins and Martha Wren, and Barker and Beels. The I bill concluded with E. T. Goodrtch in the drama or "Just His Luck." Tho attendance was only fair. Mons. Cbarcst met with an accident In his celllng-walklng act 19. The suction gave way, precipitating him head-foromost to tho floor. He struck the net with eulBclent rorce to snap one or the ropes sustaining it. A bump on bis head was, rortunataljr^ the only damage be received. Closing 23 are E. T. Goodrich, to Buffalo; and ElttyForrest. Coming 23: Mollle Williams, Sheo- hon and Jones, Vic Boynolds Tho De For- rests—Frank and Josle—and Miss Coni Havre were the fresh attractions at Crone's City Garden The Scamans, to Lonlsvllle; Ada Palmer, to SL Louis; and Bob De Bar, to Cincinnati. Arrivals 25 are tho Castellos—Charles and Ado—BUly Han- ley and AlUe Smith. Letter of March 31. The La Hue Childbbt —John and Willie—are open for dates. Those juvenile performers ap- pear in flirtation sketches, introducing .songs- and-donces, also double acrobatl&olog, and have t>con well received. Thoy tan tie engaged by ad- dressing Wm. La Hue. as per advertisement. MINNIE Hainfobtb, motto Vocalist, announces her first open date as May 13. See card. JOS. Cablino, the lioy-carlcaturlst, wonts an en- gagement. Address him coro of this office. WEBB'S Tennessee Minetbels and Jennie Dcmorest's Variety Combination and Brass Band Is the title of a new organization, of which Webb, Demorest is Co. aro the projirletots and mana- gers; A. B. Walters, treasurer: Geo. Harper, stage-manager: Prof. J. Blitz, leader of orches- tra; W. L. Harrington, advance-agent: and Jas. Harris, programmer. The company includes Norman, Gardener, Fllson and Harper on tho ends and In specialties; H. Spearman, lutorlocu- tor; Master H. Webb, Frank Gardner, Jennie Demorest, Hose Dumont, Ida Leslie, Maud Nel- son, Daisy Bemlngton. They perform in Elgin, 111.. April 1. Bolvldero 2, Belolt, Wis., 3, Mudhion 4, JanesvlUe S, Watenown e. THE GALLAGHEB BBOTII£IlS—Mau and Billy— grotesque, breakneck song-and-danco and Lan- cashire-clog iwrformers, will be seen at Schlck- llng's Academy ot Music, Cincinnati, O., April I. They can be addnmted as per card. THE VicroBELLis—Henry and Eldon—and Miss Aiinlo Braddon aro now lu the eighth week of their engagement at the Vaudeville Tbcatro, San Antonio, Texas. They announce their Unit open date as May 13, and can bo addressed care ot this olllce. A FmE DISPLAT Of elaborate pictorial printing, especially iirepared tor Tony Pastor's Traveling Combination, is now on exhibition in the vesti- bule or Tony Pastor's Theatre In this city. AT ENOCHS' Vabieties, Phllodolphls, the now faces March IS were theQuluettes in their double- trapeze act: M188 Emma Henry In serio-comic songs; Master Willie In imitations or Mllc. Aimce; and J. U. Brodrord and Jennie Parker In tho con- cluding sensational drama, "Branded." The de- partures March 23 were Goldle, Steele, and SalUe Sc. Claire, J. M. Bradlord and Jennie Parker, Master Willie and Emma Henry. The new arri- vals Maroh 2S are Leonard and Kearney, Belle Cushing, Morton and Lcavitt, Horry Moddou, Dilks and Bryant and Nellie Baticock. James Pilgbim's drama "McParlan tbe De- tective" will be produced at the Grand Central Theatre, Philadelphia, April 8, with Wm. Corleton in his original character or McParlan, and James Pilgrim as Mulrooney. BoLLXN Howabd has doubled up with Miss Josephine Sbanley, and tbey will make a spe- cialty ol operatic duets. PHILADELPHIA LODOE, No. 9, Ot Elks, gave a banquet at their lodge-room at Tenth and Chest- nut streets, Philadelphia, Maroh 17, the aimlvor- sory ot the founding of the Lodge. THE HEW PEOPLE at the Adelphl, Tolodo. O., March 18 were McCauley and Bell (Toledo boys), who show marked improvement since their last visit; Guasie McCain, serio-comic; Louisa Murlo In ballads; Marts Whictlngbam and Master Kew- man. who sang duets, and are favorites. The performance closed with MeU Burgess In "My Mother-ln-lnw." Closing 23: McCauley and Bell, idle: Miss Marie Whlttlngham and Master New- man, Cblcago: Nellie McDonald, Sandusky; and Nell Burgess, New York. Opening 25: Fernando Fleury, Frank Jones and Alice Montague, Ella Hefllu, Annie Clark, Stella Bertram and Dan White. Business good .At the Coliseum the only new arrival 18 was Dan Cooley In Dutch business. No one closing 23, and no arrivals 25. AT MABTiH'a GBAHO CENTBAL, Troy, N. T., tbe arrivals March 18 were Frank Campbell, Keating and Flynn, and the Etzeltlno Bisters. John Buck- lln'S benefit, March 22. was largely attended. De- partures 23: Kluy AUyno, home to Canandalgua for two weeks and return; Smith and Byrne, to lay off for a week in New York. Lottie Brown Is hero seriously 111 ofttbroat complahit. Booked for 25; Fanny Beynolds and CoraBartley Stet- son's company at a hall 30. Billed in Bochcater 30, Buffalo 27. CoL. Eo. F. DAVIS has secured tbe concert and sideshow privileges with tho Altantean Show. THE THEATBE OoHiquE, Washington, D. c, was well patronized the past week. The rresh ap- pearances were Kelly and Neary in Irish songs- and-dances, the Searles Brothers In clog-danclng and songs-and-danoea, George W. Thompson in his drama or "Yacup," and Minnie Farroll In serio-comic songs and character changes. De- partures 23: The Eggman Statue Troupe, to Phil- adelphia; George W.Thompeon, to Brooklyn; Ida Burt, to Fluabnrg; Kelly and Neary, to Now York; and the Searles Brothers. Announced for 26: Lenton Brothers, Glrard Brothers. Morgan and Welch, the Brunene Female Minstrels, Bey-' nolds and Walling and Faimy May. TUfTT. GOBOOX states that he Is the Inventor of the comic-bottle act performed by him, and has applied for s patont on the same. He warns aU parties against copying this specbilfy. He Sin be engaged to give this feature, also performances with the globes, croea and barrel and high-pedes- tal luggllng. See advertisement. VABIETT SPXCIALTIES and circuB talent are wuifed tor the Orxln Brothers' show, now.per- fonntng In Oub a. B ee car d. AT spBfux's iranx hoitbe vabiexces,' pitts- buig. Fa., peHormexB can find engagemenis by applying to Lawrence'Bproal, proprietor. - ' JOHIT SISIAH, Irish comedian and vocalist, phpllshea his permanent address in onr bUBlnefis dopartment. ALF. BtTBHETT, the hdmotlst, announces to hall- owners or others desiring to engage hlseerrloes that he can he addressed as per card. -\ ■ THE Tbeatbz CoiaquE, Detroit, Mich., now be- ing rebuilt, will open April IS. Bfago-meaagii 2Uck KoiMB adTenlse« tor talent. A OOOD BtrsiNESS was done at Shelby's, Buffalo, N. Y., last week. The new people March 18 were H. a. AUen, NUes and Evans, Fred Warren. Ben aufoll, Blanche Selwyn, and Adela Franzlnl. Closed 23: Morgan Sisters, Crosslcy and Elder, and Adela Franzlnl, to New York, and B. G. Allen, Baltimore, Md. To open 2S: Chas S. Bogers and Vattle VIckcrs, Harry Kennedy, the Lorellas, Hllo. Cora, and Austin and Laur'A Leclatr The Boyal Jacklts-chys, at Su James Hall 18.19, 20, 21, drew light houses, aJihougb prices were lowered to 25 cents ror all parts or tho house. Liz- zie Byron, serio-comic, quit the company here 21, going to the Metropolitan, Detroit, as did Foe- telle and Boyd (orchestra leader), who joined Fos- ter's (Detroit) Combination ror three weeks The Japs and Burton and Ddell pursued their Canadi an routo given last week. Advices or Mareh 24. Onr Bocbester correspondent says: "They are hilled In Corint hian Hall Mareh 25,26, 27, 28." AT THE Tsbatbk CoxiQrE, Providence, R. I., billed ror March 25 are H. F. Juleene. Frank and Clara Mara, Geo. Eunz and Nellie Brooks, the Stuart Bisters, Harry and Clara St. Clair, Clayton and Weston, Eugenie HamUton, Mile. Letourneur, Faimle Lucille, Marie Gaugatn, and Addle Ora^ ham At the Washington Varieties the arriv- als 25 ara Edward Kendall. Will and Jennie Frank- lin, Williams and Sullivan, Edwards, McNulty, Cumm lngs and Hines, Wambold, and tbe Bodlnes. TBE tbceatbe OomqnB, Detroit, Mich., Is being pushed to completion as Cast as poselble, but since onr last changes have taken place. Manager Foster retiring rrom tbe management, and Chas. M. Welch assuming it. The latter beneflted March IC, Manager Foster, with Cbos. O. Wblio as bus- iness-manager, puts a troupe on the rtiod 10 for four weeks. Routo: Ypsllantl 25, .\nn Uarlxir2C, Jackson 27, 28, Albion 20. The rollowlng Is the list or the company: Foetelle, Harry and Mary Thompson, Coimere and Kelly, Lillian Howard, Wlnfleld and Gregory, Mary Olive, Walter Boscoe, and Joe Tltmettl's brass twnd and orchestra. At the Theatbe Couqce, Richmond, Va., Maud Sbeppard was the only Orst api>eanince March 15. She Is a ralr singer, dresses neutlv, and has been well received. Mo departures. Belle Falrmount is billed ror 25. Business good Manaobb WILLIAMS or the Academy or Music, Pittsburg, Pa., states that after May i bo will be prepared to arrange with any good attraction to play at ttiat house. For the present he wonts lady specialties or all kinds. The Davtons announce that they have met with a generous appreciation In their musical burlettas, introducing their character specialties and Instantaneous changes, ranking them as suc- cottsful society Bkeich and duo anists. Tbey ap- pear ihls week at Tony Pastor's Theatre, thisclty, and bavo been performing ot a uum'<criit tbc lending houses tbroU|;b tlio countrr, a list of which they publish elsewhere. AT the Theatbe CMmiqde. Kansas City, Mo., Mollle Somers was the only arrival Mareh 18. De- lianurea 23: Nick Norton, Jennlo Southern and John I.. Manning, to Detroit, Mich.; Amy De Brent, Chicago, III.; Cnstello and Walsh, St. Louis, Mo. Billed ror 25: Tho Itoblnson Family, Haley aud West, aud Sam and Jennie Colo. ANKIE JOHANNA HEMNE33ET GIBBONS, daughter or the Into Ned Gibbons, and grnuddaughtvr ot Annie Gibbons, the well-known clog-doncer, died In Ccntrfil City, Cel., March 14, aged 14 mouths and 12 days. attueall & Cahton's COMiqcE, Williamsburg, L. I.. Emerson, Clnrk. and DnlyBron., MolUc Wil- son, Dan Musnu, the Alleu Family—W. A. Allen, Masters George and Johnny—and the Mettc Bros, open March 'IS. George Kainc, Nick Murphy, Au- ulo Hart, Emma Steven.*:, and Tlllle Blauc.i con- tinue. Kelly and Ryan, Frank Bell, Harry Wood- sou, Cbos. and Carrie Austin, and Tim Rogere closed 23. THE ONLY VABiEnr entertainment given In Boston, Mo:<s., last week was that at tbe Boylsloii Museum, where a goo«l business was done. Tliu performance opened with the Army and Navy Fomalo Minstrels. Bones, George Kurtz and James McKee; Interlocutor, Louis De Mar; tnmbos, W. C. Turner and J. D. Rooms, with Vic- tor Itlgby, Nellie Brooks, and Carl Heyer as solo- ists. Miss Lou Vavasour opened the olio with a ballad selection, Butler and Mnckle gavo a plan- tation 'Bong-und-danco, W. J. Walton intro- duced his Musical punch, George Onrlund niid Chcrrlo Chapman gave their sketoh "Golug to America," J. D. Hoonio again thrummed the ban]n, tho ballet ot "Paradise Lost" was (lanced by the Miles. Letourneur and Vlro Farrand nud the Misses Ida ltoi»H. Emma Houe. Lou Hunter. Carrie Wllluugbby and ballet cori>8. Geo. Kuriz and Nellie Brookes npiieared In their siicclnliy "Tbe Spirit of 'l.'8 and '76," Sam and Carrie Swolu gave acrobatic snngs-nud-dnnccs, and Little Bertlu KUluehiirt sung serio-comic songs. Tbc new star.-* 2.1 nro Pat Rooncy, Sain Devero, Colcmau aud Parks, and Al Docker. Lettor dated 24. THE NEW FACBI at Bmllb's Opera-house, Grniid Baplds, Mloh., Mareh is wero Nellie Zoe, serio- comic: Emma Hoffman, vocalist, Chas. A. Duu- can, sensational vocalist; W. N. Grimtb. G. A. Pike, aud Miss XelUe Pike lu "My Awrul Dad." Departures 23: MInulo Italnfortb, to Detroit; Ella Helllu, Toledo; W. N. Grinilh.ioCievelaud. Basi- ncss fair. A OOOD coHPAKT served to draw largo audiences to the Comlque, St. Louis, Mo., during the week commencing March 17. In the challenge donco Charles Seoinon and Dick Parker did some excel- lent ]lg-danclng; May Irwin song scrlo-comlc songs, and was loudly applauded; Nelson Curry gave a capital performance on the double hurl- zontal-bar, and was assisted by George A. Hull In good Style; Clara Moore bos established herself as a fovorlto; tbe ballot ot "The Queen of the Flowers" Introduced the DuvalU Slstors In hlgh- klcklng, and Irene Sontolla and troupe in new dances: Seamon and Somen In songs-and-dances were much liked; Carrie Lavamie sang the same old songs; Ferguson and Mack have made great progress, and now give a very amusing per- formance: the Bobinson Family were seen in a musical sketch; and the show concluded with a skotoh. Departures 23: Bobinson Fom- u. 'LU iimiii ''lV'q. .^vi ismn, tw<' _fVir i ers, Cincinnati: and the DuvalU Bisters, George E. France and Frank Foster open 24 The new appearances at the Globe were Clara Vane, who was released after the lljst night; c. W. Murray, who was also cut off on the third night; and Hattlo Ellis, who Introduced her troupe of performing dogs. La Pauline and Emlle Ames were retained. No departures. Ada Palmer and Alf Barker open 24 Venora Trav- is, scrlo-comlc, and Johnny Carroll, comedian, be- gan at the Tlvoll 17. Tho O'Donobuo and Fon- taine nre still leading rcaturas May Irwin or the Irwin Slstera was married March 14 to Fred Keller, superintendent ol tho saloons at the Com- lque. The ceremony was performed by tbe Rev. Dr. Eberhardt, the rrlends or tho contracting parties belug i>resunt in large nuratiere Mau- agerTW. O. Mitchell uf tho Comlque has organized a specialty troupe, and will take tho rood at the conclusion of bis regular season here, which will occur about the end of May. Lettor ot Mareh 22. A BTBONO BILL at tho Brooklyn Volks' Theatre WIU rewarded likst weok by encouragingly largo houses. In the way ot freeh attractions Pat Rooney gavo his Intorpretatlon ot Irish character; Horry and John Kernell mado merriment in their own iiecullor way; Boynolds and Wulllng were seen lu their specialties; the Glrard Brothers danced, the Langlols Brothers Juggled, and the Carlton Sisters fosclnatod. An Increase In the admlsslon-prlco enables Managers Hyde Beh- man to present flrst-class porrormers. The an- nouncements ror this week Includo RobertNlckle, Jennie Hughes, the Fleldlngs, the Sanyeahs, BlUy Hart and tho McDormott Sisters. AT TBB OLTUPIO THEATBE, Brooklyn, the Ireeh appoarauces Maroh 18 were Larry Tooley, Ella Mayo, the Tudors—John and Annie—Barker and Mills, the Allen Sisters, tho Moroeco Family, Bar- low Brothere, Hannah Blreh, May and Porter, Dan Mason, and Little Floretto. Good bouses were tho rule ot tho week, although the business avemged somowhat smaller than usual. PIcree L. Jarvls. the efficient business-manager ot the house, will benefit by the performance of Maroh 29. The new- comers' thUf week are the Austins, Charley White, Lou Vavasour, AVortlcn and Mack, Tim Rogers, William Hayle, Miss Ransomo and Mr. (2srle. TBE MozABT QABOEN, Bfooklyo, Offered lost week. In return for a dime, a long and dlverslflod bllL The newcomers wore Fanny Sandford, Maud Gaston, Rosa Cterlto, Altwn Lawrence, Miss Bernard, and Alice and Dick Do Stelllnl: Miss Stollinl is a prime tavorlto with Mozart patrons. Her singing Is above the average of music-hall performers. The attondanco continued good. Announced for ibis weok are James and Leona Le Clair, Stella Beaumont, the O'Briens—Charley and Dan Bene Stcadmnn, Allle La Monto, Billy and Nelly Hasson, Grace Arnold and Kittle Bello. AT THE New NATIONAL Tbeatbe, Hartford, Ct., tbe fresh attractions last week were the Stew- art Sisters, Emma Bretto, Emma Verne, Lou Wil- liams, Nellie Turner, Lulu Church, C. M. Bassctt, Clayton and Weatom, MlKhell and Gulltoll, C. L. Davis, Dan Nash, Harvey Collins and Frank Era- ser. DeiMtrturos 23: Emma Bretto, to Williams- burg; Clayton and Westorn. Stuart Sisters, Mitch- ell aud Gulltoll, Providence; and Don Nosh, New York. Billed tor25: J. J. Dowllng, W. T. 3tei>hcns aud.'dogs In backwoods drama "Texan Avenger," Alta Hallett, Lconoro Bradley, Harry Ost>orne and Fanny Wentworth, Chase and Davis, and J. W. MoAndrews. SID C Fbancx, In "Marked tor Life." was tbe only new arrival at the Mctroiiolltaii Theatre, Louisville, Ky., March 18, where, business con- tinues good. B. C. France closes 23, aud goes to Iniliana)>olls. TBE Pabkeds— Lewis and Pauline—perform shortly In this city at the .unerlcan Theatre, and state that they will there give a now specialty, with a peculiar change. Introducing tbe song-and- dance "Old Ike and Liza Green," tbe music being bv Bob Slavln and the words by John B. Kelly. Mra. Paulino Parker will appoar hereafter In whlto face. Their appearances In Phlladelpbla and Baltimore have secured for them the endorse- ment or Managers Taylor, Erugcr, Kernan and Howard as successrul dramatic and eiieclalty art- ists. They are disengaged May 6. iiee card ror routo, eto. w. c. Mitchell, proprietor of the Theatre Comlque, St. Louis, Mo., puts an excellent organi- zation on the road this season, under his personal management. They are to open at Uaverly's Theatre, Culcago, III., during May. and will go as tor West OS Omaha, Keb., and then return. A number of well-known artists are included In tbe company, which comprises Sanford and Wilson, Harris and Carroll, Manchester and Jennliigs, Kelly and Byan, Dick Parker, Olto Burbank, Eu- genie Lavelle, the Irwin Sisters, Sam Deartn, the Bohee Brothers, a ballet troupe led by Hclcne MenzeU and Irene Santella, a company ol sailor boys who perform various drill evolutions, and Harry ' Baxton's brass 'band and orehestm. A number or coryphees are wanted. See card. FBED CABBABA (Fred Byron) writes that he did not cloee at. the Adelphl Theatre, Toledo, O., Maroh 6, on account or inoompetoncy, as stated by otir correspondent there, but that the true reason was a pecuniary difficulty between OoL Edwards, the manager, and blmeell. AT the Ditebiiatiional coaaqoE. Philadelphia, tho new taoee March 18 were Thatcher and Hume, eong-and-duice men; Ulss Annie Francis, serlo- eomlo vocalist; Cerenl and Benon, acrobats; the D'Alre Bisters, sketch artists; Miss Jennie Bre- mond, serlo-oomlo vocalist; and Leon Whettony 'and his animals. BoUln Howard, the stage-man- ager ot this establishment, closed Mareh Busi- ness has contlniied unllormly good. Master Bar- ney and Harry Clark, Miss Jeimle Teamans, Charley Bumham, Morrlssey Little and Tony Far- rell open 2S. A show calling - Itself Washburn's Last Sensa- tion appeared in Lowell, Mass., March 21 to poor bnslness, Manchester 22, Formnoutb 23, and will be in Newbnryport 2S. B. B. WASKBtlBN publishes a card stating that he has no Interest 1a tte show now traveling through Hvtr EnjUn'd and making use of his name. ^E^T'S FEXALE MIN8TBEL9, the RiS- ford Brothers, parlor gymnasts: Ada Stanwood h a l l sd l s t; and Spencer and Maurice, song-and- dance, were the fresh appearances at Sew Cen- tral Theatre, BslUmore, Md., Maroh 18. Spencer and Maurice closed attor the fltst night, liecauae of the serious Illness of the latter genUeman "The Bagged Edge." a clever sketch by Harry Llnson of the stock company, held the boards through the week. Business fair. Carrie Lewis departed 23 for Cblcago. The Peasleys and C. K. Mortimer are underlined for 25; 28, beneflt of Bobt. 3. Parker, treasurer, and Charles Howard. business and stage manager. The new faces seen at the Odeon 18 were the Wesner Slstets fancy dancers; AliceGleoson.vocalist; BoityandGray eccentric eongs-ond-donces; and Dora Dawron, the double-voiced vocalist. Buslneasgood. Lydla Bosa closed 23 for New York. LlUle Howard opens 25 Tbe Gold Boom, formerly a free show. Is undergoing extonslve alterations, and will shortly open in a legitimate manner. Ad- vices of Mareh 23. Fancy dascebs and song-and-danoe ladles are wanted atthe London Palace Varieties, Baltimore, Md. AddreasOeorge W. Wray, stage-nunager. BiLLT WxuE, Irish comedian, is engaged as stage and business manager at the Churoh-slreet Opera-honse, New Haven, Ct. anotheb capital pboobamxe was given at the Grand Central Theatre, Philadelphia, last week, tho fresh features thereof being John and Lea Peosley In Jlg^lances, Ulsa Maggie Gray In seno- comic songs, Therese and Alfred Springer In a clever cat-duet. Miss Annie Hlndle's swell songs, and Lewis and Pauline Parker In a condensed version of "The Pink Domlnos." The entire specialty company closed Maroh 23, being fol- lowed by the Count Joannes, Avonla Fairbanks and dramatic company, who commence a week's engagement March 25. Habbt MEBEorrH, at the close of the regnUr season at the Walnut-street Tbeatre, Philadelphia, will play a star engagement at the New National Theatre, In that city, producing "Oliver Twist," with Mrs. E. L. Davenport as Nancy. THE New National theatbe, Philadelphia, was attended by large audiences during the post week. The new people were Charles S. Rogers and Mattle VIckers in "Stage-struck," Tommy and Annie Dayton In character si>eclaltles, De Witt Cooke In a club-swlnglng act, Healey, Con- way and Ella Saunders in clog dances and the drama "Peep o' Doy," In which Joseph T. Fan- nin figured (Ls Haro* Kavanagh: every other char- acter being fairly represented, while the mounting of tbe drama was excelleut. Charles S. Rogers and Mattle Vlcken, tbe Daytons, Healey, Conway and Ella Saunders and De Witt Cooke closed March 23. The new arrivals aimounced ror March 25 are Leonzo and Byan, Frank Busb, Mlas Adrl- enne Grey.MIim Lizzie Dniy.the La Rue Children, and Prof. St. Elmo wltb his trained dogs. THE SKELCTON recently found In tho marsh near New CMtle, Delaware, has tieen Identified as the remains of Dan Howard tho bunjolat, who was accidentally drowned June 24, 1877. Articles kuown to be In his i>osses3lon, and found In close in'oxlmlty to the skeleton, led to his IdcntlBcatlou. The remains will be burled In Mount Morlah Cemetery, West Philadelphia. AT MiLLEB's Winteb Gabden, Philadelphia, there were the usual largo audiences present last week, the lengthy bin lucludlug as novel features tbesi>eclaltlosof BlUy and Maggie Fields, Roselle, Lizzie Richmond and the Parker Sisters. Jlilc. Julletto Noult, Ml.HS Nettle Bolmure. tho Fields, and Lizzie Richmond closed March 23. Nick and May Hughes, .Annlo Hlndlo aud Lew and Pauline Parker oi>en 23. negro Simmons. Klocum & Sweatnam'.s Hlnstrels gave a matinee and an evening performance in Owens' Academy, Charleston, S. C, Maroli 20, to llgbt business, Slocum as mlduie-man. Lew Slinmoiw and Billy Sweatnam as end-men, Gohs and Fox ns song-ond-dauco men, Eddie Fox In violin snlun, and Mb.<>srs. Sbattuck, Wolz, Kelly and Stoveiis, tbe quartet, gave a show which takes the front placer in tho minstrel business. The company go to Columbia 21, and thence to the various towns on their rouu to Philadelphia. This clones the amusement season In Charleston. J. M. Barren, tbo manager, has gone to ]oln Soihern as buslness-mansger. There Is a doubt of bis return to this city. Mr. Warden, the treas- urer, has gone to Maryland to visit his people, and will return noxt goaiton. Letter ot March 21. LEW JOHNSON'S TEN^tESMEB Jubilee StNOF.ns are billed In Newfiort, Ky., Mareh 26. 27. Hillsbor- ough, O., a, FalrUel'l 20, Mudlsonvllle 30, Cluclu-. untl. O.. April 1. one week. Waku Blodoett, late of Georgia Mlnstrcls, can be dddn^ed as pur card. THE DOBSON BBOTBEns' MlNSTBEL.4 Open In Trenton, N. J., April 22. The performera engaged arc referred to the VAtd published In this lb6U« requesting them to reiiort. Jos. Cbonct, nccut, is particularly enlolned to report Immediately. F. B. Dobson 19 tho manager of the coni|>any, W. Henry treasurer, and, with C. E. Dobson, they Korm the proprietors. A leader and bass and laritone slngere are wanted. DUPBEZ k. BESEDlCr'S M1SSTBEL3 Were In Lyons, la., Mnreh 22, Clinton 23, Waterloo 25. John Mitchell, clarionet-player, has joined the company in place of George J. Lennox. Business Is reported most satisfactory. Emebbom'6 M1N8IBELS played March 18,10, 20, to good business at tbe Memphis (Tenn.) Theatre. Billy Emerson as Morlany, aud the Big Four- Smith, Waldren, Morton and Martin—in songs, dances and sketches, were tbe leading features. Big. Abccco is a good vocalist, but his selections on the hnrp were rather ancient. Charles Hey- wood, the femalo Impersonator, Is also a good singer, and has an elegant wardrobe. They were in Little Rock, Ark., 21, 22, 23, and open in St. Louis, Mo., 25, ror ono week. SIMIIONB, SLOCITH k SWEATKAM'S HIKBTBELS are billed in Memphis, Tenn., AprU 3,4, 6, 6. CABNCBOS8 <: DrxET'S MINBTBELS BllCtsesded In drawing excellent honsea at Ford's Grand Opera- sketch of "The Blacksmith's Shop," an entirely now ono, was heartily enjoyed. They closed 23, for Washington. Eabry Robinson '8 muihtbsls showed in Previ- dence, R. I., Mareh 18, Woonsocket 10, Fall River, Mass., 20, Taunton 21, Clinton 22, Woroester 23, Weetfleld 25, East Hampton 26, North Hampton 27, Holyoke 28, Springfield 20. The Elbventh-stheet Opeba-hoict and Arch- street Opera-house, Philadelphia, were both closed last week, leaving that city without a minstrel troupe. Callendeb'9 Geoboia Hinstbels entertained a fair-sized audience In Wheeling, W. Va., March 20. ZanesvUle, O., 21, Colombus 22, Dayton 23. HABBy J. Claph.ui states, through our business depanment. that be closed his engagement with Harerly'B Minstrels March 23, and will t>e on bis farm at Flemlngvllle, TiogaQ>., N. Y., until Aug. 1. EMEBaoN'9 MiNaTBELS appear at tbe Opera- house, St. Louis, Mo., during the week commenc- ing Maroh 25, and Barlow, Wllaon, primrose & West's Minstrels occupy the Olympic on the same dato. J. U. Lalne Is ahead of tbe latter party. AT THE NEW CHICAGO (ILL,) THEATBE Haverly's Ulnstrols did a good business during tbelr second week, although not so large as that of the flrai. Harry O. Blchmond will make his Orst appear- ance with the company next (this) week, it t>elug their third and last. Then the troupe goes direct to Ban Francisco. Chas. Diamond and George Thatober ]oln the party there, and Manager Haverly will accompany them. Harry Clapham, the manager or Haverly's .Minstrels slnce4helr flrat organization, leaves them here. Letter or March 23. THE Obioinal Visoinia and Old Dominion Col- ored Minstrels ore to be revived under the man- agement or Jos. A. Cook k G. H. Garnett, who request those desiring engagements to address them ns per card. HATEBLV'a New Obleahs MrNSTEELs; who played In Kenton, O., March 18. Vrbana 19, Bell- rontolne 20. Sidney 21, Plqua 22, Greenville 23, aro billed In Newcastle, Ind., 2S, Anderson 26, Ma- rlon 27. J. 8. WHITE k Co. have recently Issued a plan- tation Bong-and-cborus by Frank Dumont. en- titled "Down on tbe Oconee River." It Is dedi- cated to Chas. Callender, and has been sung with success by Areble White or Duprez & Benedict's Minstrels. They have also published a sentiment- al song by Jno. T. Rutledge, entitled "Nearest and Dearest to Me." "THAT GAME OF POEEB" Is tbo title Of a new song issued by Pond k Co. It appears In a hand- some lithographic dress in colors and character- istic . A viOLiN-PLATEB and a clarionet performer can be engaged by J. H. A., as per card. Simmons. SLOcim A Sweatham's Minstbels are billed In Richmond, Va., Mareh 27, 28. BRTABT'H minstbels occupied Tweddle Hall, Alttany. N. Y., Mareh 22, 23, giving a matinee on the totter tlote, ond drawing large audiences on each occasion. They appear In utica 36, Oswego 26, Syracuse 27, 28, Rochester 29, 30. Ei-OENE F. Oobkaw, fiutlna-eololst, straight and middle business, stage and business manager, can be addressed caro ot this office tor engagements. CBABLES W. FISH, Frank A. Gardner, the.LiV-. Ingston Bros.. John Murtz. the Kenebel Brethets, Thomos Clifford and James Donovan, lately per- forming with the Orrln Brethere' Circus, arrived In this city In steamship City ot Washington 20. Henbx WuiE, Imes-canvasman for twenty-flve years post, has been sick with rhenmatlsm In Manslleld, O., the past Winter, but Is now recover- ing, and win travel with Pref. Ed. Eincalde's Combination Show this season. John Fosteb bos been re-engsged as principal clown with Van Amburgb k Co.'s Circus and Men- agerie. This will be his seventh consecutive sea- son with that show. CANDV-PBiviLEaE KEN are rererred to Harry D. Smith k Co.'s advertisement. This firm has a new and complete line of gift boxes, and tbey offer special InducemenU in the way of might and exf^ress charges. w. J. MoBCAN k ext., lithographers, Cleveland, 0., Insert their card In another column. Ed. L. Bbannan, candy-butoher, can be engaged tor the coming season. See card. ArtHTiN auAiuii, Albino, advertises for an en- gagement. COL. F. H. BaIlet informs us that be is not, as yet, engoged with any circus tor tbe tenting sea- son, although reported to the contrary. J. E. Wabneb has quit the dreus buslnesa, and is residing In Lansing, Mich. Bumor says he will protuibly be a candidate for the Mayoralty there. MILES Obton, rider, and hlsthree children have been engaged by Boyd k Feten tor the mming season. PBOF. GESSLEy, the armless man, who aocom- pUahes a variety ot surprising feats mentioned In his advertisement in another column, can be en- gaged by addressing care ot this offl<». CHAS. Labocx, gymnast and acrobat, the special features or whose performances are noticed In his card in this Issue, desires an engagement during the circus season. The press notices pnbllebed place a high mark upon his exhibitions of nerve and daring. The niPB ot John B. Doris ot Bachelor k Doris made an application In tbe Coun of Quarter Beselons, Philadelphia, on Maroh 23, for on order to compel herhnsband to oflbrd her needed sup- port; but Judge Terkes refused to make it. VaK AMBtJBOH'B ClBCCa iSD MEKAOEBIZ la blUed to perform In Chattanooga, Tenn., Marcb 27, Hnntsvllle, Ala.. 28, Tusctunbla 29. Corinth. U18B„ 30, Memphis, Tenn., April 2, Brownsville 3, Paris 4, ClarksvUle S. C. EU Boon Jr. Is press- agent. A FOfALE LION-TAKEB18 wanted by C. W. Ful- ler, who advertises. MAaAOEBS making balloon ascensions a feaitnre i ot their BhoiiB ore referred to "Aeronaut's" card. The osbin Bbotsebs,' Metbofolitai.- Ciaoce Is reported as meeting with snccees in Havana, Cuba. They are now in the eighth week ot their season. Leopold and (3«raldlne, La Petite Oerald- ine, and Will. H. Stowe, with his performing dogs, commenced Mareh 13. meeting with snccees. Liz- zie M&rcclloiis, equestrlonne, began 14. and Venus and Adonis 16. WoodaCook. somersault rider and Millie Toumour, equilibrist, were to bave ap- peared 20. "Pico," trick clown, took a beneflt 13, on which occasion tbe place waa pocked. Irv- Ing's Boyal Jacklts-chy Japanese Troupe are to tw the next attraction, opening AprU 1, which will Inaugurate the second year of the Orrln Brothen' management In Havana. These advices are under date of Maroh 19. The siozshow and reserved-scat privileges ore to rent with Dr. A. W. Hager's Show. See card. JAS. T. WOODS In brother-act and tumbling is o pen for engagement. See advertisement. Te»T9, paintings, curtoelUes, etc., are wanted tor a clreus as per card of D. and W. Leopold and Oastoh inform us that they are not engaged with Dr. A. W. Hager for his Paris Olrons and Zoological Aggregation, as he informed us. and we so published in our past issue. PBINCE JIM, sword-swallower, juggler and Are king, can be engaged to show in ring or sldeahow. See card. THE FTSEBAL Of J. MUton Paynter. formerly of Forepaugb's Circus, took place in Phlltulolphia, Ef-.-..^**"'' McGonegal, Sam Cox. John Phillips and Obarlos Hill were the pallbearers. Our Informant does not give the date or cause of his death. Sebastia:< Quaolieni publishes a card In ah- other colnmn refusing to t>e responsible tor his w ife's debts. THE ABTisra engaged for the Orrln Brothere' Circus in Cuba are requested to been t>oardthe steamship City of Washington, at Pier 3, N. R.. early on the morning or Maroh 28. George W. Orrln will return to Cutia on that steamer, and the new company are to open there April 1. THE Bbown Familt, including Mme. Louise Brown, manege act: Little Katie, principal and concert; and W. C. Brown, musician, can be en- gaged for the coming season. Mr. Brown also ad- vertises tbat bo has three horses. A BAND CHAKIOT, Ucket, property and several other wagons and a variety of cirous property are for sale at W. J. Metuliear's advertised address. BnSCELL.<lNEOUS. AT Blooms' theatrical supply establishment all articles requisite ror stage wardrobes can t)o ob- tulned. They ndvertlso a reduction In prices. Habtz, mnglclan. Is to perform under the man- agement of Fanny Marsh In Lewlston, Me., March 25. Bangor April 1. BIddeford 8. one woek each. JOHN E. LEWIS, programmer, now with tho Jo- seiih Murphy Combination, advcrtl!>ea for a posi- tion after closing with that company in April. Ho le highly endorsed by Manager 3Iortlmer. FUANK T. Uahbis desires an engagement as assistant agent or programmer. Ho advertises that ho bos bad considerable newspaper expe- rience. CAnNCR0.<;s t DUET'S Eleventh-Street Opera- house, Phlladeliibla, Pa., can be rented for the Spring and Summer season by tho night or week. Scu cord. CUBiosiTiES are wnnted. and also a Indy phre- nologist, tor tho annex attached to tbo Atlantean Clro-us and Menagerie. See Geo. Cook k Co.'s ad- vertisement. WILLIAM D'Abtbet, the Belgian conjurer and antl-splrltuallat, having Just returned from Eu- rope, Is open for engagements for a tour. He furnishes nn entertainment or mnglml Illusions and gives nii e.vimse or spiritualism, with a spe- cial feat mentioned In his cnni elsewhere. BRITTON AND BCllR'SCOMBINATION', who plsycd In Lancaster, Ky., lost week, are to amuse tho Eubllc of Lebanon the present week, thentw to llznt>clhtown and Bowling Gteen. THE Pei:manent EXHIBITION, Philadelphia was visited on Maroh 21 by the members of the State Assembly of New Jersey, and also by a num- ber ot tbe mumbers of tbe New York Legislature, In compliance with an Invitation extended on tho port of the management The Zoological Gi.r- dcn, Falrmount Park, was well attended lost weok; the birth of the first monkey baby In America north of itie Gulf of Mexico ocourrod here. It is claimed, on March 21 Dr. Uoardmnn dellv- croil his eleventh locture at Association Holl March 19. his subject being "Genesis of Eden." FroL EdlMh's two latest lurentlons, the fdionogrnph and tbe lmprove<1 carbon teloptaono, wero exblLiltod March 20 at tho Franklin Instl- tuto Joslnh Heiison, who lays claim to being tbo original Undo Turn, preached in Union A. M. E. Church Mnroh 'JO J. Elliot Condlct lectured on "The North American Indians" nt Association Hall March 22 Cuarlee U. A. Esllng will locture on "Rem- InlscenccH of Italy" at Musical Fund Ball March 28 Mrs. Emma Waller will give readings at tbe Academy of Music March 28.,...."The Siege or Paris" is still attracting a fair attendance in West Philadelphia The Philadelphia Society of Artists win give their annual reception at the Academy ot Fine Arts April 1 The Rink Is largely attended by the lovers of roller-skating. Judge Bick, an English lawyer, last week gave a scries of his "Rambles About London" in tbe concert hall ot the Academy or Music, Balti- more, to moderate audiences. The lectures were illustrated by means or tho euryscope, by wblch ho was able to show dissolving pictures twenty- nine fe et In diameter. AN AOEirr for a historical panorama is wanted by Capt. Adam Poo, who advertises. THE ACT prohibiting the opening ot places ot public exhibition or amusement on Sundays In all easee whero a tee was charged for admission came up on final passage In the Pennsylvania liOg- islature March 18, but was defeated by want ot a constitutional majority. A number ot remon- strances against the passage ot the bill was pre- sented, headed by one signed by Right Bev. Arch* bishop Wood, Bey. William H. Fumees, and other ot the clergy. Another act prehlbiUngthe VjeiiMft"»r m £ fr ' i &"iHwgt"i^ THE I2<DEPENDENT DBAKATIO ASSOOATIOH glTO their fifth and last performance for the seaaim at Paine Hall. Boston, Mass.-, March 26. when "Woa at Last" and "A Change ot Bystem" wlU be p«c- ro nnetL The Wheatlet Dbajtatio Absoozatiom ot Phila- delphia performed "Ooim" and "The Spectra Bridegroom" March SO Tbe Mirror Dra* matle Association presented "The Bevea cierkr* and "The Roagh Diamond" March 3L THB GABBICK DBAS ATIO SOOETT Is the name ot a new organization In Bronklyn. Tha following oflloen have been chosen: Preeldeat, My. Charlea Morris: vice-president. Mr. C. H. Hyman; secre- tary, Mr. Budolub Couiant: treoauzer. Ur. &' Htintor. FOREI&N SHOW NEWS. DRAUA.'nc. "THE Nk'ex-do-Weel" was withdrawn attar six performances at the Olymplo Theetre. Lon- don. "In compliance," says Manager NevUlSL "with the request of the author fW. S. GUbeit). who admlu the Justice ot the comdemnatlon by press and public on the occasion ot Ite first per- formance, and proposes to entirely reconatract' and rewrite the latter portion ot the phur after which it wlU be presented with the least peeelble delay." Tkt En says: "In consequence of the failure, Mr. Gilbert has voluntarily offered to re- turn to Mr. Sothem. for whom the plcco was leaa a enm than one tboti- sand guineas of tbe purchase money, and that he has offered to release Mr. Barker (who had bought the country right for twelve months tor five hnn- drvd guineasl from his agreement. Thn latter has, however, decided to hold to his bargatn." A FOOTBALL ii.\TCB between the Manchester and Liverpool membereof the theatrical profession brought a profit ot £90 In aid of the fund for the relief of the minen In South Walea. "The HoncHBAtx," with Miss Netlson aa JoUa. on March 4 sncoecded "Twelfth Night" at the Haymarket Theatre, London. SAMtTEL LooBN, manager of portable theatres In the English provinces, tiled at Northwleh March 5. AN EPISCOPAL DEFEKSB OF THKiTXES.—The Bishop of Melbourne writes a long letter to tbo Melbourne papers defending theatrical amuse- ments. He says: "It la sometimes naked, fur In- stance, whether St. Paul would have shown him- self at a theatre. No, certainly not at hoailien theatres, where the performances were usuallr connected with heathen worship. But if the question be whe'Jher he would have attended a woll-conductcd theatre in a Christian land, to witness a higta-ioncd |>ertornuince, then It might 08 well be asked whether St. Paul would have at- tended a. cricket niatcb. a ebess tounuiinent. or a spolUng-bee. In his dreumstantieii It is unlikely that he would: but It Is equally certain that ha would have called none of them unlawful. Amusement is necessary ttr youitg people, and It would be equally unreaionable to forbid one boys to play at cricket at<d to require gmvo di- vines either to Join In tbolr sport or condemn It." The Bishop concludes by raying that ho desirce "to do something to make the drama what it should be—the handmaid of religion imd moral- ity." ^ MUSIC.\I<. M. PREVXL of The PariM Kgaro huh drawn an Interesting comiwrlson between the result of tho first thirty nights and of tho three most famons operas-txiuffe. "La Grande Ducbeose" brought. It seems, 132,601 francs, and "La Fills de Madame Angot" 149,456 francs, while "Le Petit Due" has attracted no less than 162,102 francs. The com- parison la a fairer one than It ut flrat sfght ap- Iieors, for each ot the establlahmenia at whlcti theso celobrated operas-bouffe was produoed holds about 1,200 porsons. On March S (Hanll- grns) two performances of "Le Petit Dnc" wore given at the Benalssance, and the receipts were £452 6a. 6d., tbe largest sum over token thero. THE DEATHS are aimounced—Ot Btroahurg, of Victor Wel>er, aged CS, a well-known professor, and for 35 yeara solo viola at tho Opera; at Paris, Alexandria, aged 80, for many yean treasurer at the French Opera, and or Dieppe, aged 70, tor many yeara professor of the trombone at the Oon- servatuire; and at Lei pete, ot Ludwlg Papier, or- ganist at St. Thomas Chureh. Lolpslc MLLE. ALBANI WOS Bhametolly cricked by a fel- low In ParLi. who applied to her In the name ot tho editor of Tht Figaro for a cborttable contribu- tion. Mile. Albanl aont a checJc on Uoaan. Goutta* Bonk for £20, and beard no more ot It Tbla was nearly a year ago, but the cnlprit was brought to book a few days bock, and the Correctional Trt- bu nal g ave him five yeara* imprisonment "The Golden Cboss," j. p. Jackson's Eng- lish version ot Horr Ignaa BruU's successtul opera, originally produced In Germany some years ago, was first performed at the Adelphl Theatre, London, March 2, by the Carl Booa eom- ptuy. The cast was: Bomltardon, Aynsley Oook: Ooutran, J<»oph Maas; Nicholas. G. H. SnaxeUe; Christina. Miss Julia Ooylord; Teresa, Ulsa Jol sephlne York. ANOTHEB new opera, "Entemla de Meealna," by Bandini, has proved succeasrul at the Tbeatre Royal, Parma. The composer la only twenty yean old, and the snore Is hla tint piodnctlon. It contains many beauties, which lead to atrooK bones ot the composer's future success. SIGNOB ABDITI, Who daring the recent wed- ding rejoicings at Madrid, Spain, succeaafoUr oondncted a second opera, an experiment never before trted there, has received the Cross ot Charles III from King Alfonso. There are ramora tbat he will become conductor ot the Boyal Onera at Madrid. ^ VAKIBTY UAUjS. Habbt Bbahak and Hiss Llaale Watson are la LondoiL The lady was advertised to open at the PavUlon and CambTldge March 11. Floba Webioh of the Weeton Blstere, who has been tlangeroasly ill In London, Bog., tor some Ave weeks past, is now pronounced out ot doag^, nient on Sunday was Introduced U^rehlO. and' referred to Committee on Vice and Immorality. THE GAZETTE SHOW PBINTIIIO-HOtJSE, Chllll- oothe, O., announce that they are going to deelgn, engrave and print plate poeten an<l do all kinds ot printing for the next six months at such sur. prisingly low rates that they put it aa being done only for glory. Their card tells the story. Managebs and agenu are referred to the adver- tisement of John B. Jeffery's "New Showman's Guide and Directory." THE HABMON OPEBA-HODSE, Coriy. Pa., hOS been leased by Harmon, Glbbs k Co., proprletora, to George H. Glbbs. Jas. Owen O'Oonkob and Geraldlne Page are to give readings in Camden, N. J.. March 33, Vine- land 27, Philadelphia 28, 29,30, Horrlsburg April 1. UiaBY Wabd BCECUEit lectured In St. Louis, Mo.. March 21. Tuos. W. YOST advertises that he manufactures magical apparatus of every description for parlor or stage. A SET OF SCENEBT Is Wanted for a large hall by Wm. Nannary, who advertises. "Josh BiLLiNoe" lectured in Galveston, Texas, March 20. In Chicago, ill., James E. Murdoch gave read- ings In thn Jefferson Pork Presbyterian Cbiuxh 19 Miss H. E. Hopkins read at Union Park Congregational Church IS Mis. Mary E. Suy- dum gave the "flro test" seance at McCormlck Hull 18 Prer. Carpenter has been mesmer- izing at tbo Weet-end Opera-house the iiast two weeks, and on Sundays at Hcrshey Music HalL "Acus" and "Everettlam" were in Hooley's The- atre Sunday evening, 17... .Pror. Walter C. Lyman Slvcs readings and recitations at the West-end pera-houee in the regular dime course Sunday afternoon, 24; and at the same place perform- ances will be given 26, 27, for the beneflt ot C. O. Miner and H. 0. Chapman. Pbof. a. a. Cecil, exposerof splrftuallsm, per- formed In Brattlcboro, Vt., March IG, IS, Putney 19,20, Newport, N. H., 21. 22,23, 25. and Is billed In Hlllsboro Bridge 26.27, Concord, N. H., 28, 29, Flahorville SO. AprU 1. SHAKES of rarious kinds, a pair ot taplra, and a white monkey ore for solo at P. Mooney's ad- vertised address. ALP BUBNETT's COMPANY Is w Show In Alex- andria, Vo., March 26, 27, Frostburg, Hd., 29, Washington, Pa., April 2. BBOOKLTN ITEMS.—"St. Fatrfck and Ireland" was the subject or a locture given In the Academy March 17 by the Rev. Daniel J. Shoehy T. Do Witt Talmage returned home 20 after an ex- tended loctnrlng tour through the Bouth "When Will Ireland Be Free)" was the conun- drum proiioundcd by Alderman Keima In Alliance Uall 17 Henry G. Spauldlng gave the seventh of his art lectures in the Art Association building 21 Ladles' Class Reception at Burntiam's Gymnasium 20. Only the girls performed Corporal Tanner at the Academy 28 on "The Sol- dier In War and Peace." De Cordova In the Tompklns-avenuo Church 21. THOSE in search or magical goods or any de- scription are rererred to W. J. Judd's card. JoHH C. CowFEB gave bis peisonal reminis- cences of James K. Andcreon, Charles Sean and Charles Mathews at Parker Memorial Hall, Boe- ton, Mass., Mareh 17 A second entertainment, wltb John Vandenboff, Henry Webb and Charles Fechter as subjects, was to heive been given 24. Christian E. Roes, father of Ctiarley Boss, Will give the story of his abduction at Tremont Temple 26,29 Walter B. Stuart, the armless and legless man, late of the Boylston Museum, was presented with a gold watohimd chain valued at $150 by the attaches Nearly 1,000 entries have beea made to the Dog Show, which Is to be held In the old Theatre Comlque building 26,27, 28,29 George Biddle will give a-reiullng at Hawthorne Hall 25 Bunnell's Museum ot Curiosities ho^been exhibited at Beethoven Lower Hall the past week, and will dose with tbe pres- ent Profe»sor George W. Bllah Is to receive a complimentary testimonial at Tremont Temple 27. Readings will be given by Mn. O. L. Bloncb- ard, Mra. L. Wheelock-Bllsb, Miss Altco B. Bnml- ooat, Mra. J. L. Wanerboehr, Miss NelUe Bart- lett, F. H. Pope and J. W. Brown Proremor Boben R. Raymond will receive a like testimonial at Mechanics' Hall 28, when he will read "A Mid- summer-night's Dream." Madame Leontlne Amot cohn will clve a French dramatic recitation at Hawthorne Ball is Slgnor E. Cavonanghl the magician gave a private exhibition at Mu- sic Hall 19 A collection ot laoes and em- broidery b> being exhibited at the An Muaetun... An entertainment was given at Wesleyan Uall 31 by the young ladles connected with the Music Hall School or Elocution tinder the direction ot Professor S. B. Kelley. AH AEBIAL 8I»PENBIOH APPARATTB. Wltb Oil tbe proiiertles. Is advertised for sale by C. Depay. AT Wahhinotos Ham, Providence. B, I., W. J. Metchear, the proprietor, well known to'^jiro- teeatoiials,.offen special rates and invites aaents to call upon him for terms, etc. ' WOOD'S Thhatbz. Cincinnati. O., can be tented for the night or week by applying to Davis k Co., theatrical agents. See canL A THEAXBiCAL WABDBOBKcan be pnTcbBWd by applyi ng to a dvertised oddreae. ONE HUHDiai> WAX'FiorBZS arranged-Itt'his- torical groups can be obtained at low prloea by addressing B. H. King as per card. A ssr or 8CEHB, drop-c :.iaUis. etc., are olbred tor sale by Lowell k Co., who advertise. ' John Johnbob, scenle-aitlsi, will be atUbeity shortly. See card. AMATEOR. JOE Betsolds, stage-carpenter, and Dan Con- nelly, property-man. ot the Memphis. Tenn.. Theatre, take a beneflt AprU 10. A feature ot tbe entertainment-wUl be the debnt ot Mr. Uonla Bonflelil,.s nmarkBbly clever comet Imliawr.... The Memphui Opera Clnb are actively xcheanloc "FlaDlavoIo." AMUSEMENTS. TREMB.SOODS AND OVBRWHEUUNU TBIDHPH OP THE ORBAT —v-rn va LONDON HHOW, SA.VOra^ ROYAL BRITISH MENAOEBIE DOCKBILL'B PARISIAN CIRCUa^ GKA.VD SPRINU SEASON. CNPARALELLED SrLB.NDOR. . - ■ MME EU9E DOCKRHX hi her ononUhlnic iilii)rlr-honw bardie aod erond wnm- llnnal foiir-hnmescts. MR. JAMES BOBINSON, mort fltmnuH Uirvhitck rider In exUtcnee. COMME.VCIN(» MO.WAV, AFKILL -A" iTJ"*"* iieniMUIonAl set, fcr the lint time lo the LnUed f^tjttM, —« .« MEFIIISTOPIfELra SnOT FROM A CA.NNON, wtif notJibiK IcKn tban Srinc a human tclnm wltb etectiia "Jm JiStV"*^'' "udllne*. a dMsace or ou led 1 WILLIAM GORMAN. X rennned harvhtek and hunlli>.rid*r and \ Hh^i) PAOLI.SE LEE, a oounlgeouii and Onlf hed Junllng equemtenne, wtUi over \ one hundred ntiiem. .V .» ,MATI.N'FJ! DAILY. AdmMpn 90 ami acbi Childtvn half-price.* RBinAM A .THE iSOMJti^UE, .Proprletsts ..^..Manager 614 BROADWA' HARBinAlt A IIABT. —'"•» M. W. IIA.NLEV in'^iyS^^lii?.^ * CELEBRATED IIARD CAHBr inBIiWw'iTJtnSi-.inEO'^AKD HAPjflOAN J^RlJL^S^tU^miXja^.^ ,^i-,i^TO.yF HART y^'riSfS^SSTi^^'^^'^ ™"ETRAthe Kitty O'.Vell In her onennalcd dance* r1o-c«mlc_roej»llj«t: JLxrtnw Bmclii Eimna Bretto. era. ffTMt Boreltr art- ■-"i V,""!^''^!*"'?""'EU'lnpl'n couiedbin; CairoTl ?^ y. R. M.. Edwhiir and MuJtr Richard; SxirtiSKSaSi- hntlc marvel*: Dick Rowe, king euntorttontot; tnuul Morton, mined nenwlnn enirlqne. ' ^ W".D In snewMcb. u .. A CELEBRATED HARD CABE. Kathleen Wednmday and MUinlay at ^ P.M. 1-U TOITjr PAS'I'OR'et. ' ^ „ _ . TONY PARTOR'R. ^.J^t rSSl'y Rnelely Vaudeville Theatre nl Kcw York NONE BCT SUrBHIOR AKTISIM AirfikB IlilB ^ , , ESTABUPBMENT. " brwa "•"^•"'■'•r the preaent week wUI em- ^T,^,?^^^*^* SMrrnsos, NEIL BrjUIBX>. JENNIE MOROAW CROS.'^LEr and ELDEB, '""■•>"i moboah, i>TTr.r HARRIS ind CARROLL, BILLV BARRY. THE DAYTOHSi^ „ , THE FREEMAN SISTERS, * WOOD and BEASLEV, . . BCANLON and CRONIN. LITTLE ROSEBUD, ^wni.-i. TO.VY PAKTOR and hla PAMOCB TROtmi ' MATIN-Eta TUESDAY A.ND FRIDAY. Mt POOLE A r>ON.VFXLY.T/7„ Li.M^ZjlM Reserved Seats (OrehMra Orris sod BaleonylTMe/ ""fSjSSxPiUP^ RUfSSfYET PRRRKNTED. lo.ta.,1- '£'?o" Py-»^CELLSE OOMBINATfON. loelodlng Sol Rnilth Rmwll. Oeo. ». Knteht. HiW Hon- S^.^?5S,.'f°'J?*'J»S'*'»J2'<'«'*»- »■** thlrty-.l« leading artliU in tlie Am<^ran Oprra-boaSt. In three acta EVASOELINE. TO.n^J'S^J?'i^''A* '^O SATURDAY. FRIDAY EVENIKO. hrnrllt nfMln Fl/>RENCE ELLHL SovnlVTfS.'W V*2.'Si£C."*i^'*K nHBEBMAlir^ MONDAY, APBIL I, BCBEN'.S OaiNO EKOUBH-OPBSA ,. TROI.'PE, wheii will be premted. »lth -erery aorne, ~^h t and appohitmenw endtrlr nnr. ' «mHini«,»na . ... -. TBE B'IHEKTAN OIRL Twelve princi pal artlala and a choiua of flH y vole. Mt ANOTHER CHEAT DOOBLEbSjL FIB.<?r OLD-COMEDY REVTVALT The Celebrated CnmedlsD. J. a. CLARKE, as ' DR PANOLOHS. L L D. and A. B. R, in Colefnan-a Fivr-act Cimiedr. . •THB HEIR-AT-LAW And (by geiKral miaeiit) as TOODLm. ■■ Mt IIELIJEFVS -W-OKl>E1tS. LAST WEEK ilii ."wT "«h-»veooe HoceL DAySI ' HA TDfEE WED.N-ESDAY and EATUR- hS5y1*5b^?*^:^'"^ L^-ISS^i^i THIBTOTH TO THIWrTCflliTH P^fSwS&CBOT^ "OUR BACHELORS." ROBSON "and crane. ALSO BACHELOR THOB.S IL BA CHBtOB ByAB& . BACHELOR Rims. BACHELOR CDLLUoT^ TON. MAIDEN ORANOER. MAnWH . ML'ROaCK. MAIDEN BOnoK. ' MAIDEN WAKBMAlt . . and . . LANDLADY BAXE& i EEATB &BCI7BED _Me TOT DA VB fw ATiri w/m . BraadwavandThl m a na iil J—^- W. HBNDEBSON. '.TTTrSSeaad Maa«mr DArB'^^?0%'XK'S3?'^«* ♦^•^ MAi mal_ will Appear la h*r JSMUCHEIJCi iemitcheij: It tol* at SnpiMrtedbT WM-'UABRIS aa USdtmrrilii Hmb«. LevlA. f>iDcr;.gcpU; Hqinai. Mlieji Hs ^we u^ Baivett. , , „ Mail* PtMenn sad CarMta Brein: D r e M t i snd ApfOliitnent»