New York Clipper (Mar 1879)

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394. NEW vaR) n£SS?U iSu^ InwulIuUtT which 7aUoir«I ud SSumthafl^tni not tmL H» sabsevuntij •mU/ tJSSowm. itSJttth*ptoj«rirowBto BO »huiiMid JSm thiow» to tetter It, u In dj«w.pok«r. A« B got hl« KunhrdnwtsK.orbThla Momdthiov.hahaato lat It tIa a .^BuJiigthM a U*,tta«Th>Teto tbrow ««Tjont.. _ - C. 11.1L. ToBklHBDocjc^waio to 7. BlBm*. en^Bnod- njietwix. Fond^Co..SUnioniQtBn, M«rTotk;liar S£ win TOD dijatt rtom this maihoa by uIowIbs tBwthiew*, joa doputtnoi aQ raJa^and«eu giio MdaolooUuttwa coald nuUIrmuln or Jnrtfy. All «■ anvil that It 11 common-aaiue tbu B eoold ctand SitSton hU"ttiU."«i»d iQloita A-,"r»HjSL£*'S!!i tottaraw Mmosca tothilea nr yon plarto thnw Uu«a ^SSaaooa, cinstaauL-Tha bat U Toid, ttia unna b*telSeaalI& nun I* taeholeanr nonehtMu ua bS?ooluSlrA table that may ba oaed lor ban poot U «lm- SfFSedapoohot-lahla. Sr tahia ui a ball-pool tabto v&lattU balwiuwl u mtb. and for ttaa umenunn It MM eauetoba a baU-poot labia while belnc mad lot the tSSRS TSi. tha old faaTban (ama, or (aa It oacaatonaUr SaSiAmiun*. aJiboogh U would BJU ba apoekat- Si^ h!S Xbictbattbmaia tomeama thnat aU-poo l tililM to tbaBu^t * BooDi, ttra eaae woold han pi Mint •SwSrSttPwil.yroTld«iio».-L Theforeed-off b^ bbk^oUoadai near aa poaaihla on thadaap-xed ipot, udlTwrntivtlw IlitM ttaacwvn poeketad,aadow eir. XIMae-ban baTtoa^ aSar ponk a tlna an oUeet- iLma in t a d tha cMhlan. coma In eoDtast with a plajar wfSwaalualsffaaalsit an CDdoftha table, andntonad UM^^SSdStliatSbSTtbaaHlkarloiaa thepoekeudball. VUAUIabatnatada* to tha flnt (iiMRloii, and be him- arif u baridaa, to bo mukcd. Bn-^MMaKl not nlaralonaanlaatanoOiarpUjar •tnnlarandin and laln anything by It. Wbetlur too uSthiaatildtiorfiraaaalnit tha playar wbohadjnit SSSiadaloDahyoa woold ocBBttwoL 8Dehatbla«aaiay. tern voSTplay aloD*. altar tha d«ila-ha4 •iircind ■ T3naatDthaaBniB,la oat of tha qaaatton. Ton mut iSnmmta Mm«tS daalar ooold aay ha wbold go alone, ai^Inp^^ag yon ibot yooxitii cot Iran any nmher ■ mu a aato thatmsSL Jim*ttn&-t.AboatUBIL latti hj<b«tp>rt. & T«i amnl hAT«toDeb«l at aboot wlier* U U lowML a. rbm *wfm»f**iiMM Bothlnytodo wlOi tb« muter. »*• do aatmOm to knor tK< print* b nilng iof ■ * " TBflT oa moan tt» ii»me • XnOn- WlH<b«'ttUrp«rtlCQluoanoBrD 41dordldnoC,«« snDotllkfllytabalnApoilUontokDOV. . . . gQia suUBa BoAoii.*Toar mitiamtcat Is nnml* oat tte *— <wiila..«« Bad .A. atopMd at boyloc tha bone back* ba woold bars flO aod cba bom, wbenu •Iter the flm aale be had flODandno bone. Tbat woold mako 910 winner. Bat In idling tbo borae for S96 be loea %i ot that $*Q, for b« baa now bot $106 when at tint iMbadBomoovT, bot aboneUiatwaawonb,andwti(cbbe •Did, ter sun. B. J. (L| Heoiy.—L Not knowlns what tbo card was tbat madeS we cannot aar* What 70a want to And 001 Is vhetbertbe last deQca,vblcb makes tblrtrone, coobts twoorthno. Itcoantstwa It nnaffected br tbe card tbat made & tbe tbree daaees plajed nnlntemiptedly coont rUbt. X Tbe balJd is *;flTS«.*' and cannot be altemL 9. Mireb.4 wld oaxt lall Sonday in iSSS Tbe time Ta4es tnm Ato to six Toara. 4»:0rJer tt tbroozb a bookstore. CMmiBCToa, Rewark.—b eoold not cTalm tbe eame be- came be bsd 006 sweep. On tbe other band, A coold not call oar, tbe game conslatlog of bat a stngle deml. Tbcre is no caJling-oac at Biiu(te-deal casino. The cards most all be played ont. and he who wins the balk of cbe points, whether the total Is 11 or 17 (ihroajb sweeps), wins tbe gam?. U.ABKT DCTTTT. EiRln.—1. "Corkej^'boUIs the be't em- blematic ot the championship ot Ent^Uod at tbe loofr-dU- tancego avyoa-pIea*ecalc, and Is maiched wlUi Httuel. Bitmn withdrew hla deposlr, and we presome therv ar« good reasons forTanphan staylns oat ot the race. 2. We •oppose Bowetl Is sent twcaoMt be Is believed to be tlie Enxllsbmaa most llkelv to win the belt K6 SiC5ATtTU, WbcvUofc.—L All that A can draw hack Is whAt B cannot cover. tIz., twenty chips. !L The sons become full aUxus tbroogh tbe Dataraflzatlon or thelr , fisiher while they are yet mere chlldcen. X It Is oar Im- pmhlon tbat some one or more plscee bare iuaed aacb a iicensa. We keep no record of legal enaetmenta all over the cocntiy. c E. J. U —NO bnrlasQoe of '^e Sban^braon" was clayed Iirthe Olympic Tb«axce, bat one entitled **Thc 6klOD«ata** was prodoeed In the Theatre ComlqaeJan. 23. IS75. then managed bj Joatt Hart, and an m|anctlon to atop luper- lormanoe was sabseqnently eerred upon blm by Dion Boncfcaolt. G: P.* gantf" City.—Tbe staodard aUe of bUtlard-table lor matches Is called AxIO. In wbioh the playlna sarCsce aomatime* Is Taried, aeoordlng to whether the table Is made .' by ntaoBlaettirers In one section of the coantry or anoiher. OrdlnaiUr, tbe playing aonace of aSxlU is IIL Bin. x 9ft. «1d. Katt 0*B., CoInmboA—1. Ko charm. 7. Will bear It In mbad In fotnra. a. 8be r«appeared In pobUc aOiw yeai« ago In on* of the variety ibeatzea In Philadelphia, aod aueetban has not been beard iiom. 4. Send on a pboco- xranb, according to alxe mentionsd at bead of drunatic J Kew HaTsn.—8lx balia or knives Is aboat tbe Issgeat nmnbar that ona peraon can Joasle m pabllc, nalBg both bands. BigaorOamanl. it la said, baa Joggled lapnTacaflTO balls with one hand. Some very expavt —'nnnan mar sacceed 1a ung el^t balls with two H&LiVAX—I. Jim Haea defiaatad Tdm Allan m a *"»*fh fcr the P. B. Cbamptoaihip of America. X Johnny Bbjsi Isnhamplnnnow. 1 No. ior the raaan that Edwards ■ad Obamben are llgbt-walgbia, and Cobnm and 3boo T Hohodr. 0. Mo; Tom Allan li in bwAKD MiUJDL—When OXaary and Wsstoo walked — —leaobmanhadas^armtetraak. In ttoego-as- 'unMtltumfitrthaAarlarbclt In Loadnatwo laid down, 0B« tor ftanlgoacs and ona tor Tha fbzmarwaa osad b70*I<aar7alo&a,all . hia coa p .■mora do inw tbelr wocfc wpoo the <wber. J. O. a uamffma , Bi si n il i w^Tha twovtao kfllad sera bfada mA attbar shoot off loreboioa ot tlrat and saeond lal iM eg p ut tba nunar together and dlvlda It, as they mar mnttia lly agree. Tbo man whs eoocad e lias no elalB noa atxhar prlsa. J, A., Boiltla—u ''boDdota*' eoants mora than taikdho. Ugooaootbafotetbelatur. Tbe same role appliea to all ttaolnoovatloQs, tneloslvaofpadra. Tbe old potnta—hlcb. lovjaek ud gams owint flztt, and to tba order bars towmm. Canton.—1. Altar the deal and bafon tba draw. XlwanlaaraMto ba ahntDadat dimw-pokar axoaptby . TOteal ai^eement. X Tba dealer eaanoc be leqnired to taO bov maor cards any ochv plajar bat hlmsslT has -drawn. B. B., Chicago.—L A b arlt oua volea is all rUbt for the ■ataaa. & Oat np In aoma spaclalty, and than ahow soma «A tnsger what yoa on doi aod ■oUclt an enssgemeat 3 ttaa oar adTanudnveoIomna icr addiassas or peraons who wrUaskatchas. The cost will be from ft» tofSl^ CXaixxHca Daria-In tha competition lor the cham- ptoosblp ot England belt In October last John Snnisflaished filth, with410mUaa 5Iapatohls credit. Haanfferadfrom litnesa tbe llzat two days, and was off tbe track at ona time Hot nine hooia, we believe. AUAWT.—L Ueenan foogbt Iforrlney in 1SS9, and Sayars in 186 ). 3. Morrlney's last fight was with UeenaiL J0H5 Prxrs, IMtrolt.—we haven't tmie to search oar files and tali yoo **bow many times Banian's name was mentioned prior to the Centennial Be|tmct&** J. J. S.—1. B coonis the game, be belog one of the non- deaUrm. IT A and B were partnera. there can be oodbi- pota as to their right to count for game, althoogh they lie. 2. C doM not get game. Thac tier who was non-deal«rg»ts It-ln this ease B. P. P. MoL. Marine Barracks.-In foor serens and an aea there are twency-fonr; In loar loois and a seven, twcnty- ibor; in lonr sixes and a three, twenty-foar; In foor threes and one six, twenty; aod m four tluaes and a sine, twenty-four. PoUB.—L Between the deal and the draw no player can In^t npon the cards being »hutQe1. or mixed. :L The daa'erls never to tell how many cards have been drawn except by bmueli. aod there is a condiilon of things ander which be need not tell even that. Ca3dRio. Newark.-B could not call oat at riuRle-deal casslna The cards most all be played out. so long as there Is a chance for the low man to beat or tie tha high. CsU- Ing oat Is only done In eames conslrtloE of a given number of oolota. and ealllag for two or more deals. O. W. L. Sooth Boston.—1. A Iose», not because be said B.*s cards were good, but becaoM be threw his baod Into the pack. He should have held his cards until he bad aeen B's alleged three Jacks. 2. That Is valoable for many imposes. There Is no book that Is a standard anihority. P J. W.—We cannot say when and where Josepb Jef- feraon first acted Blp Tan winkle: but be flr«t played the present version m tha Adelphi Theatre, London. Eng., Sept. 4.1365. and acted It for tbe first time In this city In the Olympic Theatre Sepc TL 166& Hasdlt EviB, Detroit.—1. None of tbe dramatic agen- cies in this dty will transact any buslncM for amatean. Apply to tbe manager of some traveling company for an angagemenL X Ton cannot get them. X So. 4. Yes. «. la this dtj- Isqcian, Anoapollji.-1. We have not the seating ca- pacity ot the Academy of Music. Baltimore. Pord's Opera bouse. It Is estimated, will seat l.TJD: tbe GlobeTbeatre. BoatomMasa,2,na X HabasnotplajadlnTVasbingtoo, D. a. ahiee March U. IBM. EisoaNDOoLXXAV.Chlcaga-L Hones are not official- ly tlmad on tha numlng torf In Great Britain. X DonH know his present wbereaboats. We believe bis home is at NUea, MIrhlgan. a. His races having been mostly run froma flyingstartnoracordoftlme has been kept. T. B.. Deadwood.—L Na His raising bia cards before dlscovarlng be bsd too manv made bts hand (ouL 2 A player can never draw from the pot any money of bis ex- oaot so miuh aa some other player cannot cover. HuaBvr, SCreator.—In the flgbt between Mace and Co horn near Baj St. I^mls. Mlsa. Nov. 30. Mace was • than " . Tber did not touch eat^ other at thalr^meedog In Canada In May o( that year. thrown more t A BaanSB.—1. A city In Bsqvland U aaaaUy. IT not In* yariably, tha aeat ot a Blihop or tha capital or the Sea. Tbe namtwr ot Jnbabltantfl does not daiannlne Ic 2. Tht Oreat Eaatern la about 69Kt. lODg. J. IL—AeooldcIalmoDttoTlitneorflTafar best tramp at anytime belora the last crick was lined or played, DntO then he poaobly coold cot tall that his waaturh. W. H J., Lawnnee.—Jack and ac« ai, paztnais. Uo. leaa otherwiaa a iu e id npon, the nine ot cazds to catting rordaalandtothtowlDgaioandlor partneia Is the same ai in tha game about to ba played. J. M., Coonell BloOa—Tea; tha Oamella Brothers, wbo aio now to Earope. ona of them standing npon tba other*. Bhonldan, tom«a a donbia someraanlt and alighted opon his raot to hla orlgtnal position. B. B. &, NawllaTen.—L Jaly 90. 1871, was the data oT the Wastdeld eiplodon. 2. He has not been openly eon- neeiad with U in aeTatal weeks, and la aald to be not m any way. M. J. n., Miehlgunee.—In same gatetaen and the like the height ot Flke's Peak is set down as I4fi(nit.,snd to otbanaaabootl.QUHt leas. B wins, nnloas his opponent can ptore thatit Is not over IXQDtt. Caasiao, Baltimore.—L Can hare two bnllda 2. ho potot has praoadencooTer another. Sweeps can, by a ma- toal agreement Ignonog the mles and tha oitllnary pcac- tica of the game, be laa ont. DBJunn—-Tran tied Fast." •■Dennis Kearney," "Will Ton Sometime* Think of Me t" "Tha Time Has Been," *-ProlcaiUonal Pride," **Tbe Mlastrels are Com- T. K. O.—1. Oen. Lea aarrendared at Appotomax Coart-honse, Ta , on or aboat April 9, 16W, and on the loDowlng AwU U Flastdant Lincoln was usas^loattd. 0. bTf. , Waahinatoo.—The imce between Ten Broeek and XoUle waa fbar-niile beat*, for mora or Issa money, and Sta Bioesk distanced HolUe to tbe Oist heat. W. U. D.—In the aense that the gieatar cirds or clicora- CBnaca moM be oaolde of tha email ona within It, the nan ooes aioond the sqalrral. W. T. O., Fblla.—It waa so naiad. If at all. by toadrert- anea There are bnt fgnr triplets to roar nnmbeiai while thm are six palta Chiukt KosoLUf 1:1.—If yon an wUlIng to bat that amoont, dapcalt aoma money with yoor ohallanga and It wOI be Inserted: otherwise It cannot appear. But B. SawsT, Los Anitslaa—Tbe peilormanea was not '• aathentlcsiad, and Is notarccord. Tbe track waa pro ja- ''Mr coasldarably short, _ . , ' a. A. Pbcob, WsshlngtoiL—John Poola, a brothn oT Bm Poola. who waa killed to ISiS, ra^es to the Ninth Ward, this city, & A. Towns, Newark.—We woold adrlse that yon ob- tain and read a copy ^ "Practical Tratolns.*' adrsvtlaed ■by Wil januA T., Erie—Fleafostetewbetbtfyoaoiaanpain.doabto- aenll. or palr-oared enws; If tha lattaz, whether collage or OClMTWlsa. . J. H. a. TaahlogtoB.—London, Bug. la the laigaiteltr Inthawqrtd \n. pouit of popnlanim it tias three and a jialf mUlloBaat IMSL W. H. B., Blmlzm.—Bxperta stm dliflBr to opinion, not- w1th<«n<1linlhat«eitphot«gr»tlilo««ii«if1nmia InSan C. K. P.. Detroit,—%r. P. Cody Is "BaBhlo BUI." Ji B Hlckok; wbo. was. ssinitnsisrt In Oaadwood Aag. Z, 1874, by Jack ■oOan. was known aa"WUdBUL>' J, K. BanLia, If ontmL—The Chet of yoor having com- peted for money and run In open taeea daban yon Crom compedng to an amatsar cOTiteac Tbe rales era pUln. Ross Joins, BaltOL—Edward O'Baldwto and JLm Uaaa mat to a ring to Wast Tlrgtola Aag. 11, ISri, bat did not UghL r. O. P.. Vvw Badford He Is an Amertean In one mmaam, and an Iruhmsn to another, and thenfore an IrUh-AmarV oan while yet a cltlioa ot tbe Unliad Btaaas. SoBsoussn.—A letter sddfssaed to him m ear* of this ofllee wonid ba adretlsed In the regnlai Uu. D. Z.—We haye no time to dlscoaR any oroblam that calls for the playing of a whole pack of caros. P. & H.. Caoaja.—"The Tale of a Itamp," by S. B. K14dsr,"waspabUahadtoTBBCLDra. A. B. a B., Balam.—B's dlsaard was to the possible best ImproTsmeni of his hand. J.'P. L.,JewoaCltj.—Three atfUteen, and two at thirty- one. s . . . ' ' Viwvt-m, Fhiladalpbta—^At the ^^...j*.*. imma tlaa with the dealer aia a staad.olL Tows.Bau, Oermaatown.—Ina,l, I,3,3,thelaatlhrae makea no aeqonoa. J. H. p., Fhlto—Poor sams'and an aeaeoont twanty- foor. * -. ■ - K. P., New Talk.— Tout card will eoit TSe.. ona time. Por one month. 9X O. H., Iowa CUj.—Tha show taai notyateammaoeadthe ttaTolMgaassnn. D. O.. ficranton.—Addraas John Pltciaiald, 110 Cannon street. Kew Toik. M. K., Flttabnit.—Hona of tha panoni too nima deed. THoa. J. MelL. Philadelphia-Wtlia to them car, of Brown's Brigade Band, Boeton, Mao. IX P.^otadOL—Siaia tha gamp, and thanwa shall know aomathnag aboat IL H. K ., miltaift—ToneoBldotdsrhlm apwtthoDt haying a ^nmp. W. P. J .Bt Idoii.—PithflhdarwonthalaTetpaoiaiaad Natloaal to I87& Tm 810TB. nttsboi^-Edward Hanlan Is ohanplon asalls 01 Amagtok J. O.. PhllA—Zfofaeoffd of tlna made in that wallnlgh datenot deaarlptlaB oTsport hia bean kept, R. H. J. BT.iMa. Chicago,-A **^'***'T Signed by the Jadgaa and seoiaia Is raqnlslta to aaah casea. TigBT STBin.-Caiuiot (tT* Toa hia tutan tuns fbr one mUe J. B. T.. Camp Hsnork—H. B. Taylor, haad-^ngana. 189 CTiilham stiaat. Rev Tork. p. Webstar.—llo answasa by maU. Tbe Belehe Broa.. Mo. at Chatham street, this dtr. oan sopply yoo. " ' '— -ua of this ofica FiSAyoan.—A letter addiassed shoald reach blm. W. P. R.—L The game Is Oarnan, and IB C0T*i«d by no flzed rale. 2. Ac cnbbaga the ace has bat one nloe. Lonsy, Wichita.—sues are high at poket-dlca^ and aoeearelow. BL ISO L., Albany.—L coold take both Jacks, either or neither. J. R. P.. North AltIaboro.-Be«TEl CUPHB AuuaiO'a article on **FlanaaUoa. ol Gold Blaca lasu" Box. Chattanooga.—Only the player spcoUel has the Wstsontown.—Plimpton. Plimpton Building, Eighth street, near Second ayenae. New York. J. H. K., MltchelL—Hare no papen of that date to dis- pose oL Mrs. a. M. Haiutass.—Tbe letter* an 'n oar can. Wa don't know ber pmeot whereabouts. U. L. R., Screoton,—We do not answer qoeMlons coo' cerolng tbe orirate aflkin of profefifllonsi ladleH. AOTOB, San Francisco.—We would adrlje yoa to hare nothing CO do with iL OniiZ, lodlanapolls.—Write to them sgato. and noUly OS of the rcfiolt. lasoRAMza, W*ihmE*.on.—1. Xo. 2. Two. S. Aboat lU. 4. Yea. Pns.MX, Clerflland.—In bis match with O'Ltesxy In £0^. land, Weston walked ftlO mlled. Wx. FLOwaa, Akion.—We hare not beard of Harris for some time. a. A. B.. Korthport—The man wbo walked OAy miles to the Bhort«fitt time won the money. Pkteb Weuiis, PlttsbutK.—Bead THE ClIPrxB AL- 0. JaCKSo.T.—No challeDje tbat Is not backed iritb money can be lasened. Tbb Dacca, Ca<i,too.—A can take all four aces with a deoce. A.,GlOTsnTille.—Awlns. B had to make a shot, which means make a conntjDK stroke. H A., VooDgstoini.-Address the Goodyear Bobber Co. thb city. E. S , Scrantoo.—Tes; landsmen are sometimes taken la the C. S. Navy. D. T., PhUa —All the storekeeper coold bare lost was fire dollan and the boots. J. GTBCBD.—L Twenty per cent. oS. 2. We do not re- qaire It. J. C., Dayton.—James C. Hall's address does not appear to tbe directoiy. B F. B, Port Wayne—The gsme of crib "ones aronnd" consiit* of alxty.ona potots. W. C. O.—It Is a matter of todlTldual oplnloo. and erery man rides his own hobby. No answers by mail. H. W.,BTart—L TbeSL Lawranca Is aboat 1,000 mllea long. 1. The Mlssoorl. probably. TT B. BocBios.—Then has been no yerdlct yet. the Insanity of a Juror baTtogsnspanded prooeadlno. J. r. C, New Torfc.—The llnea an foond m Bobert Boras' dirge, entitled "Men was Msde to Monrn." AXaxauK, Chkaga—Aa we know notlaiig of yoor merits, we prefer not to eapraaa aay opinion. A. E R., FttU Blrsr.—No aoiwet* by maU. Addnas her or her manuar In can of thla offloa. J. A. P., Clyds.—We an not bmlliai with Stata-prlsoa ralea. Bbaoib, BalUmon.—Than luad to ba on* on Karket rtreat| abors FUieaoth, Flilladelphla. F. J. L, OflihaB.—Noanswan bymaU. m | ie g w of tbe noral. If yog like. K. T. &, BrooklyiL—See answer to another ootrvpond- ent aa to those matten. auL—At caadno a playar can hay* two bolUs at OBoa. J. P. P.,Lynn.—Olartnay headed Hanlan once only. B tr p —r'.iynf^ ^niyrt^t t1^ rt*^"""^"** ajip— Curm.—Ws bare no racoOaetloB of aach aa erant. O. VT . P.. Hammonloo.—Be Is thaldantleal neraoo. SlUbasr, Ctoctonan.—We know nothing ofolm. O. O. H , ttoofclyn.—Bee answer to 'Hogtaey." araayoBD. ct -4he hli^eat eochn card—lack. B. C—Kcamth landed Eare to Deeemb) J. li. ShrsTapart.—Too ballt ocRaetly. D. O. B.. Lynn.—^ Is ont on Ills low. Cbicioo.— Sea CLfrrma AutABsn. J. P. Bbibb. HodaoD.- No laooid. E. 8.. Chlea—Tha js ~ a. W., flrfsnfon U a. C.-C deal*. T«i; yoa can W. B,— As neatly aa It la poadbla to daasdha tt la a word, Bwaany's Botal, which la oa tha math alda of Chatham ■Baet, ts 00 the nortaaott earner of that stoeet end Ooana. B. W.. WaTatlr.—Ko aasweia by mall. That play waa wiUtmi for pgror m s n eea by th* O. A. & We kMp no tzaoa of snch mattna BKiir—L Itl* taamlcBllroallail "paiBmbalator," but tha word la ml——* X Tom Thumb was besD tn 1897, Bcobahly. oiBFBB A>D PBiaK, Bay Ctty.—"Tha Pnetloal - Xaapar," (US, wtuoh Ed. JaBaa.whoadT«(tBaa,caD ^"w. J.X.1L. PhllaiMiihtau—Tbayan bothToeallstB,ani toiuiaweraivqaasttoaa r*Iatli« to their domsatlaalklra. ' .B.A.a.Attlabeto.-^ ATOThaiBoachreaiBd. XAay 1 who walk* l«gnan«r (■»«•» Wt M^ lw ) aaimfta- KMnxxB. BiNiliaila TTntH h* ihowihattarttB* thaa -thMtftyra^caBDotb* callad battar than a thM.elaa ^rSDBaaBiBD.Blgln.—Waan not awanthat i InK «i P. Bock datma to hold waa am ikBtM m AS iniFOBTDHATE DISEASE. Obaarratlon leads tiB to the kellef that a new diHeasft has of lata broken ont among.ii}en, and, in a milder form, among women also. In the phraseology ot the medical Imoks, ttato disaaae might tM described as nmia-manageria, A more Soxoa and perhaps simpler explanation would be eraz7-to-manage-a-tlieatre. We speak of the disease as new only In a reaMctod aenae. Doubt- less It has been In the blood tor generations past, bnt circumstances bave heretofore tended to bold It in check. Thoeo clrcumatancos appear now to bo wonting. The unfortunate person wbo la afflicted with tbe disease nowadaTS Is not to be beld In check by anything—unless, poeslbly. It be deputy-sheriff who Is bImsoK lo searoh ot a check. Uanla-managerla has come to be so widespread and so serious that it deserres critic- al attention. With regard to the symptoms, Urst, It may be aald that the patient, at a rery early stage, mani- fests an Inordinate Interest In things which he really knows nothing about. As on InsTltable seqnence to this condition, he neglects those du- ties tor Tbich he Is fitted—It, indeed, it eo bap- pens that be to fitted for anything. When the fever gets fairly Into the system, the sufferer may be found flgnrlng ont the Imaginary proflts ot his rose-tinted enterprises after this fashion: Bent, per week, fSOO; stock people, $100; printing and adverttolng, $200; all incidentals, $300—total, $1,400. Blx erenlng perforxnanoea, $500 each, S3.000; two matinees, $3S0 each, $T00-total, $3,T00. Clear to the management, per week, $2,300. From tbls stage ot the disease Its farther derel- opment is fatally rapid. The Tlotlm either bor- rows, begs or spproprlatea all the money be con possibly command, and, with the rosily lUusiTe flgnres dazzling his eyes, he plunges Into the tur- bulent waters ot theattlcal manncement. The chilling effects of that first plunge are Instantan- eous and terrible. If tbe reaction does not kill the patient, it to apt to cure lilm—tem- porarily, at least. He may suffer a relapse In cose he is eyer again able to borrow, beg or appropriate; bat ao long as Ma affliction to known his chances ot raising the wind are en- couragingly small. This severe treatment, how- ever. Is too harsh to bo generally advocated. It may effect a permanent cure, bnt It does so at a terrible price. The victim wh* has smilingly figured ont a weekly Income ot •1,300, who has ex- pounded to circles ot admiring friends his own cherished views on the subject ot theatrical man- agement, who has repeatedly affirmed that any theatre can be mode to pay U it is only properly conducted— the over-confldent neophyte who has staked his fortune, or more trequently that ot his friends, on his nntrlsd abilities as a manager, who has rushed into print to point out to the pub- lic what the pabllo really wants, and who itotens wlthr undisguised contempt to the warnings of ex- Iierlenoe—^thls viotlm, this neophyte, cannot be expected to undergo the plunge-treatment with- out serloaa consequences. The suddenness of the shock may sven prove fatal. At the end ot one little week his rose-colored Oguree have assumed this horrible shape: Bent, $S00; stock people, $700; advertising, printing, stage-bonds, gas, ushers, scene-palntetB, carpenters, nphol* Bterers, and a thoosand Incidentals wbloh he never dreamed ot in oonneotlon with a theatre, $1,000; total, $3,300. Six'eTenlng performances, average receipts $90, $H0; one mattnee (two 04'* vertlsed, but only three doUaM In the honse on Wednesday, and, accordingly, no performance), $17.60; total, $SS7.fi0. Blzty centa on the dollar to the UIostTlous star—etrange tbat the viotlm ot manlo-managerta should have forgotten all obont the iUostrloas star—$334.80; whlob, deducted from the total rsMlpts, leaves $233 wherewith to detrsy the $3,300 azpensas. Clean loss In one week, $I,8Tr. These ore the flgnree which were to yield $3,800 a week proSt. Bnt wone even than the showing are the loss of that glorious self-oonfldsnce which sustained the po- tlant and the bursting ot the bubble ot vanity. He may be cured ot his malady, bnt he Is rately cured ol the onre. IttMeomeathephOahthioplal todlseorer some leas seven cemedr Xo.c. JBBnlo- manogerla. • ■ ' - - ^ 80 tar OS one otearvatton coes. Botkloc tint a ^.Miiiny plunge Into the waters ot cxpertenoe has ever yet oonvlneed a man- that, U the ehonoe were given him, he eonld not edit a newspaper or manage atheatre. Theaetwoooonpatlonaappaag to require no special aptltiide.iio preliminary tralntns. It Is oonoeded, wa beltsre, that- to !>•• oomea Shoemaker a person must serve an ap- pxentleeahlp long ennngh.a* Isost, to learn the Aitr^m^^^ t,m*mm m »»«wa<t.a«i< aadalsst. Ths botobar. tlie lNkier,«ul em tlie pInralMr ate' •eoh priaeunea Phyal^^^andyftQd-MrrleiK.fra a^finU?ex- peots4 ,1»,.flt t^sttselvee tqr'iUielr ^^peoUve ▼ocatteha; but tias>eUet. Iscgely obtains-that where a .man foils* as a merohont, mechanic, olergyioaii,. lowyer, phy^olaB or liod-oamer, he theiifiby demosstostae bis spedal-iltiiaea .to edit o.'paper or mosoge a,--theatre.. This be-' Ilet Is fiMhded -upon o ratrvehlngly simple method. '01 reasoning. Beollr, there Is nothing for the edltorot apaper to dobot pylntwhathe ploaaas, and pookst the money Oiot Bows In trom sabeorlbera and .advertisers.. It'Is one ot the easiest callings In.'jlts, and anybody can flgure out a hondsome.prollt la the newspaper business so long aa be keeps ont ot It. Theatrical manage- ment Is.eloaaed In the some ootagory. What oould be almplar than to htxe a place ot omnsement, engaige a company, and cotint the dollars as they come rolling Into the box-bffleel What possible need Is there ot training, or experlenoe. or bnsl- .ness toot, or executive obUlty, in snch'oa nnder- taklngl Why should the atanager, who really boa nothing to do but stand In th«.lobby and look happy, burden blmsell with a knowledge ot un- important detollal Why should he kncnr any- thing ot diamotlo art, or pubUo taste, or stag* eoonomyt Why. In short. shotUd he waate-bla time In learning to Hirttnfpii.t. between a Voxed- end and a last, when It is possible to tnm ont •qnolly good shoes'without any such knowledget To the nnlioppy viotlm ot inaTiln —T"n*g— who Indulges In some such argument as the foregoing. Tax Oupm would offer PanA't ta- moua advloe—Don't. Under the meet tovorable a>ndltloiis, theatrical management partakes more or less ot the nature ot a lottery. There are some tot prlBes, bnt there ore more blonks. When on Inezpertenoed band gets bold ot the wheel, the obaaoes are ten thoosand to one that o blonk will be turned. Bo, we repeat, to all who suffer ttom this strange disease, and to all who would be spared tbe severity ot the plunge treat- ment—Dont. Tlgure out tbe profits. It you plesee, on paper; bnt don't attempt to manage o theeitre, THE PEDE STM AH FETEB. The pedestrian fever fontlnues to rage with undiminished violence. Hatches are announced In pretty nearly every town In tha country, and challenges ore OylDg about In such numt>ers that it is out of the question tQ_keop track ot them all. The mania seems to have seized upon women al- most as fiercely as upon men. Indeed, there are probably more embryo Mme. Andersons Just at present than there are undeveloped O'Learys. As tor champions, we have them absolutely without limit. There is the champion of the Third Ward ot Keokuk, who is thirsting to measure strides with the champion of tbe Fourth Ward of Oshkosh; and there is the cham- pion of Tumlp Comers, who to morally cer- toln that he can walk the boots off of tho cham- pion ot Potato Hollow. All this Is well enough, and TBS CUPPEB rejoices to seo the growing popularity ot any kind of athletic tserclse; but, IC we offer a word or two ot advlco In tbls cod- necUon, we hope that neither tho champion ot Tumlp Corners nor any ot his rivals will take offense. Walking Is not only oneot the beat tonnsot bodily esert:lse, but It is also, under proper con- ditions, the most natural and enjoyable. To the man In robust health a five-mile turn In tho braclDg momlDg-air is tbe only tonic he needs. If he koeps bto eyes open he will find tnat hto Jaunt refreshee his mind as well as strengthens his body. It Is not surprising that the art of walking—for art it is—should possess a peculiar fascination for many persons who are not at- tracted towards other forms ot outdoor exercise. Its simplicity recommends It, to b^in with, and Its necessity. In a great many cases, oompels prootioe. And yet very tew penons know how to walk. Vbr tbls reason, tha Impetus which pubUe matches have given to pedastrlanlsm Is an excel- lent thing. The piotssslonal walker wbo, by awakening general Interest In bis performances, awakens also o general deetra among those who see him to master bla art, should lie regarded a pnbUe benelBotor. Bat Just here It strlkee us that a dtstlnrtton Is to be drawn. Because walking Is a capital thing In Itself. It does not follow that e> ai jhu dy bl ss s ed with sonnd lags shoald enter the arena as a profeaalOBal pe- deetrtoDu Becotise OXsary earns his bread by Indnsttloosly tmdgUig aboot a sawdust track. It Is not to be assumed that mankind at large Is to devote bis energies to a similar pursuit. The mistake which tbe champion ot Tumlp Ooraers mokea is In oherlabtng the belief that pedeecrion power la ot no oooount nnleee it oan be dtoployed before on admiring crowd in a public holL Hefolls to perceive the benefits ot knowing how to walk unless they lie la dtvldlng gstiKssoney. Be to Strang In the faith that he needs only the oppor- tunity to perform wonderful teats. He gives him- self up to spasmodic training, and perhaps under- takes a twenty-four-hours' Jaunt merely to ebow hlBtrlendswhathelscapobleofdalng. In this pre- liminary trial, on a track of his own measurement and according to the record of bis own tlme-keep- era. he to credited with covering more miles in the given time than anybody has claimed 10 cover before. On the strength of thto ollcged perform- ance he elta down and writos a challenge to the world, signs himself the champion of Turnip Cor- ners, and feeds his vanity on the thought that he is at last fully launched on tbe sea ot profession- al pedestrianlsm. If it eo hapi>ens that his chal- lenge to accepted, and if he finds backors among his unaopbtotlcated admirers, one pabllc trial to usually enough to satlsty the ambitious amateur, and more than enough to satisfy his backors. Put fairly to the test, hedlscovers that bto boasted powers fall far short ot the limit which he pre- sumably reached when walking for his own amusement. And be leams by bitter experience that feats of great endurance or strength are not accomplished without long training and patient practice. While Tee Clifpeb would not for a moment be understood as discouraging walltlng-matches. It would honestly advise the champion ot Tumlp Comers to refrain from Issuing any more cbal- lengee. To make pedestrlontom the buslneaa ot one's lite to no trivial matter. The man who suc- ceeds in that line mtist be poesessed of rare physical etrength, remarkable staying pow- ei8 and indomitable pluck. To theee by no means cammon qualities mtist be added proper training and a due amount of ex- perience. Even then tbe ohances of achiev- ing marked success are not ovemumerous. IjOt walking be assiduously cultivated, and let the aspirant for pedeetrlan honore strive as iierslst- ently as he pleases to beat tbe best recorded per- formances; but at tbe same time let him con- tent himself with the aattofactlon which hto private elforts bring. Thto should be reward enough without seeking to get his bread and butter out of pedestrlontom. WHEN 3ENATOB8 OOMKLIH AND BUBNSIDB Were settling their differences In their own peculiar way, a few daya ago, in tke U. B. Benate, what would the assembled wtodom ot the nation have thought of it bod the police entered, captured prlncipato as well aa spectators, and toted them to the calaboose? -And yet the Senators were as guilty ot an Infraction ot the low as were tbe manly onlsu who were eo unceremonlonsly gob- bled up In this city early on the morning ot Feb. 33, which, being tbe anniversary ot Washington's birthday, madethe whole thing more humiliating to them. We can see no difference tietween the al- leged offense ot the artists Cobnm and Qoodwln and those of Senators Conkllng and Bumslde. "Slog hey, the gallant brnisen tbat thay are." . yranx waleiho a thousand miles in o thou sond hours along the East Btver front one day last week we paused before o coasting-veesel under- going the operation of unloading. The boss steve- dore came ap Just then, and thereupon ensued this dialogue: Stntiare (lookliig down Into tbe hold).—How many ot ysi down there? Jl<m -BsZoio.—There's five of tiB. Slaedore.—'WtM, )>aV ot yez come up here. WHEN A wxaJLTBT MAK "shnffles Ot thls mor- tal ooU" under tbe Influenoe ot dellrlnm-lrem- ens. It Is politely mentioned In the local papers as a dispensation of Providence; bnt when a poor unlortnnole dies, struggling tn tba gutter, nnder K like "Inflnanes," the aame papers reeord th* event as "Another boirlble death tiom the teirl- We effects ot nwfu-fjtof' l»TT.T.Tt-»T» zxPEBiB are getting their game down to aa One a point as basebaU-pIayeis have sno- ceeded In getting onr national game; and, should the new code submitted by THE OLUPUtlost week to adopted in billiard aUoles, ths game will then posseM as much Inteieet tor tbe spectators as tor tbe principals In a-9atoIt.and that Is What we are striving tor. It's A wonKE that Boston Isn't swallowed ap by an earthanake, ths people are ao tembly wlokedthere. itto bow said that ssTetaltaml* lla have been serlonhly tnjored by eating pork and* toans In wtiuh some manlao had snbsti- tntad pAbblfrAooai tor Iwia, TUo, too, la an eniigbteMCl onuavBitrr Aptbb all the talk to theeflsot that "the Chinese must ge^'. It now appears that Jia ean slay, Presl. dent Habas* veto.l(Ki|bg glvat^S^^l^itsw lease et lite, aqit: saiaefclteilwaii fjiip.'-n/ssiinng that the beaBiiM>fghtliaTe.beed aii! Atghiat a Zuli^^ or a' FreikdCq^;,*<liiit gre at ly to h|y rgedlt, tor be.blmseit bosn^lt, he WHATXTBB.aiyqauf«||ement ;ve may have given to other agtAtla ivorta, we esnaot look with favor upon raoea.betweeo eanal-boots, itor In saoh trials ot speed tbe llvee ot passengers are serlou^fy jeopordlaed, and omelty to the horses to another objeotlanable feature. Better stop It. TEE pabtt Who sent us a treah mackerel, and tried to impoee it upon us as the first shad ot the season, "had better not do It again,'as he is known." We have not lived near an aquarium these many years wlthont being able to tell hawk from a heron. ^' la. vnw ot the-probable soorelty ot pesnbes next Btmuner, oansed by the coming deetraoUoii o; trees by the late tnela. It may be well for onr trlands to Imow that the oiUy way to preserve tnut Is to keep It off the table. Kew BooES—"Ancient Gnnners ^ter Women,' a sequel to "Koden Fishers ot Hen;" "Afloat In New York," a. eonUnnotton of "Drift trom Halne:"'«Hesds of ths People." by the author ot "Tales from the German." Now. while wintry winds are blowing and the toce ot the eorth ond the water Is covered with snow ond lee, to the time to moke up your mind OS to where you will spend next Bummer's vaca- tion. _ _ _ Whbb a febsoh makes np his mind to "take things as they come," It were totter tor the oanse of honesty and morality that be to atonee IB' terred In the silent Tombs I HoBE Oboxltz.— natural batterfllee, mounted on a spiral pin. ore need aa ornaments tor the hair. A socldy tor lbs prevention ot omelty to inseots Is now in order. AK AoniuuLXUHAi, PLOWKAK Of the raging main aasorea us tliat "while large ahlpa may safely plow the ocean, they would to quite useless for that puri>oee on a farm." Hb was a noble philanthroptot. and wouldn't cmsh a worm, yet he would go home and, with a thoughtless expression, crush the hearts ot hto wife and children, Fbom CALonrrA we leam that the Fanjaub Is greatly In need of rain. Horo Is a chance for the Paracraphers' Association ot Pun-Jobbers to get their work In. TBE AUSTBAXIAN cliamplon sculler, Trlckott, lost tlio trick at the lata regatta down there, and he wants anoiher pull agaloat hto victorious op. poucnt. SIXCE the Pullman Palace-car Company de- faulter was sentenced to ten years' Imprisonment, t le small boy co longer wanto to be an Angell I TnEUE waaanollier dam burst In Kew Joraey the other (lay, end It may bo proper to remark In this connection that Wo "never use a big, big D, "OOB Jim" proiwses to eat one thousand whole pics In one thousand quarter hours. It anybody will find the i)les. _ DEAT H'a lM)INti». Weekly XtecorA ox tlie Deoeaae of X»r-oiiilxi«nt Xxicll-vl<luAls. OOXraJD B0BB8BLY POB VHB WWW TOBB OUmB. ' AKDERSON, Jama»-LeaK csaneeted with the National Bank of Yhrlnls Tflrhmonil. Ta_ Pab. tf. ASH. Dr. Josnaa W.—A ptsmtoeat pbyslelan of Phila- delphia, Pa. Hewasoaeofaiamilyof nmatsen ahUdren ~then, Feb. 16. aged 78. AX.I. whan Ilia Ameer of -A/etaanlstan—Dlapsteh tnm Cabal Feb. II, seed M. A I.BB O^Patienee A eantanarlan-Poatar, B. L, Feb. "biSoKa, Dr. M.—la old and prominent physlolaa of MatfUoB, lad.—tbara. Pah^ XT. HROLAMD, P um a sot TIeior—Por nearly fhrty yaana a ri ii la ssi n as us I<yea* Chartemagna—raila, Piaaoa, FebL 9. agadTS BABTI.Brr, J.—One of tbe aaalllilssl laal aslsis MMn la Kair HampsMr^llaiwheMar. IT. H., Pah. 19. BBoVlftBdwto I,.—A wan-fcaewB maaathetarai of Ru- ladatphla. Pa., and a pnmlnaat member ot ths Maaonle otdar-thaf% Pab^ jr, wad O. BOltOAUlNBB. Jaeob O ^raUred iiismniil <d Phila- delphia. Pa.—than, Pabb, & BODniB, Or. Jaaa K—A wall-haawn pbyslelan ef PhUa- d*!phla,PB^-tbai*.P* BOrtOllP. Mra. Bboda—A — at Kaw Washlag- tsB.nark Oonaty.Ind. It iBsald that aha always told bar ehUdnn that a&e would I " - - lllvatob*ahandr«dy**nold and tban die. and she kept bar weed, dying altar bsTlag — ■ ■ " - ana hoadndth birthday— ran twenty day* bavood bar tharsk rab 11, aged un, BLAtSDBI,LT7. R.—Aratlr. hill. Mssa-tbna, reb.ll ag«d at cf Haver- BBDFOBD, Oaom Aogoscoa—A British admlral-.8yd- eabam. Eng., Peb. 11, aged 70. BAILT. EBcr—A promtoanlraaldaBt or Wamn Onaty. Ohio, when b* had filled many oflloaa ol tnst—Waynsa- vUls. O.. FsK It, and 7a BOTHWELIh Judge Jamaa T.—A pnmlnaat Uwyar ol Angosla. Oa.—there. Pab. SI. agti a. BbAKK" Cbartea PMIao — ^eac-eemmaadar In tba Unltad fltatet XsTy-North Flatto, N*b.. Pab. 20, scad SS. BABODCK. Borase H.—Loogeoonectad with the Boston and •Ihany Ballrasd—Albauy, N. T.. Feb. ts BOTER. Mia. Maraant—A cantaaarlan—PhlladalDhla. Pa.. Feb. a, aged 100. ^ OLAKg. Alexander—One of the earlltst aattlsra ot Crown Point. lod.. where be bad slace oecuplsd a proml- neat iMauIon—there. Feb. 73. CAVBLO:). Ctasrles—One of the o1de«t membetm of tha Stock Bichaom ol PblladelDlila, Pa, and forbalfaoan- tnrr idannOeu with tba commercial and a..»-i«i interests of tbat city—there. Fab. a. aged 71. CADT, Coloael Wlllltm H.—The mansrer of tbe Siark Hnosa. Beuulcgton, VL. aod bad nerred witb dtntlDC ilou la tbe last war. He was a pollilcisa of considerable local repa'atlon, aod took a leadloir part In tbe Heoolnc- ron Ci'atenalal memorial ceremooles a year sco—there, Feb. S4. aged 40. RLiAU.SdN. Olio J.—A promlorot youog lawyer of tbls dtr-hne. Feb. 2S. sEed 3». DEKUARD, Cbsrles W.—Tbe Recorder of Deeds of La 8a'l> Connly. III.—Ottawa, III.. Feb. 2«, aged 47 DEL FBADO, Rlcanlo—A well-known mftniber of the 8*T#ath R«wlment, N. S. N. Y., end of the Masuulc order ol lhl« city—here. Feb. 2S. DAVID.soN, Cnl. Charles A.—A proiolnant lawyer of Leilnrtoo. Va, who had HerrcO lo the Cwnfcderate srmy -riinon Rprln|:>. X. T.. Feb. 2i DAVIS, her. E. S.—A Bartbt clerpymsn of irtlca, S. V., wlio bad been for many yasrs principal of the Adrsnced School—there. Feb. 77. OETa:^ Col. Wm. S —A llnuteaint colonel la tbe Coofaderata Army, rlnloe IVom tha ranks as a prlrata— Wilmlogtoo, N. C, Fab. a, sgad sv. DE BHITO. Conitelheiro Joariultn Msrcelllos—An em|. neot lawyer ol Rio Jsnerlo, being PTesldaotof tbei>upreme Trliianitl of Justice—there, Jan. 27. seed 80. ELMS, William—An old railroad man, for seTeral years rosdmastar oa tbe Bangor sad Piscataquis Railroad— D-iTer. Me.. Fab. 34. FLINN, Jsmea—Ooe ot the pioneer aettlen In the vicin- ity of Cineiaaatl. O.—Co1amhla,0., Feb. 14. FRENCH. Isaac v.—A wall kuown lawyer of this city— here. P«h 50, aaad 34. FBEEBAN, WlllLsm—A well.known lawyer and author, and pmhabW th* oldest trrmdiiikto of Uarrard Cotlaoa— CheiryOeld, Me., Feb. II, aged 9B. OALLAGHBH. Cbarles—Aweil.kuown clllzsnol Clocln. nsti, O., for tbe past thirty yeani He was one of the fouodars of the Friendly Sona of St. Patrick of that city, and was well known in tarl-clrclaa la the Booth aod West —ibm. F«b. 14, aaad M. OUIDI, Cardinal Plllppo Maria-Ooe ofthe fire )ilah*at dlgnltsrlpa of tbe Rarred College ofRome, Italy—San Slita, Italy. Feb 2S, aaad 69. OARBABRAKT, ComaUas P.—A pTOmloeut polltlclau of Morrlnown. N. J., who bad held serara! odlces and rapre- rauted bla district for two tarma In the Lmrlslatun—there, Feb 23. scad U. HADtKXJK. Msjor William—The editor nf The Cham- paiffn Ttousff—Chsmpalga, Til., Feb. 37. aaad &9. OLBASON, Henry F —A wall.known citizen of Byracuee, N. T —tbare. Mareh i. HOTTBKISS, Ellaha D —An old and reapected elUuu ol Cioaopati. o, where his father was formerly Mayor- then. Fob. 21 aoed «7. BALLENBECE. Jacob R—Ona of the best-known men In Columbia County, N. T., where he bad held offlcos of public trust for nssriy forty yaara—Oreeoport, N. 7., Fab. 24. aaedTD. HOOK. Henry W—K mueh-raspected oltluoof PhUa- delphla. Pa —there, Feb. V. HABKEtX, Aiansou—Thelanltorol Dattmouth College for forty yaara—Hanorar, N. H.. Fab. 25, aead 80. H46UB0UCK. Boo. A. Bniyn-A prominent lawyer of Etocflton. N. Y.. wbo npresantad bis district la Courreas In 1823, and to ISiO was elected president of Rntaer's Cel. t»ve. a position ha held for ten yean—Kingston. N. Y . Feb. a, axed 88 JACKMAM, Oan. Alonto—A profeaaor of tba Norwich Uoireralty, and Its flist graduate—Norwich, Vl, Feb. 24 aged 70 KRIRB9. Captain neors'—Ona of the oldest realdants of Clarion Countr, Pa.—Beaver City. Feb. 27. aged 79. ERaPOTEINE, I'nnoe—OoTernor of Cbarkoff, Russia— th're. Fob. 27. KADLBACB. Rberlir-A wall.known citizen of Lnban- bun. W. 8.—Balicax, N. a, Feb. 25, aged 84. EOBN, Oeonte B.—A ntlrad merchant of Boston. Mass.-there. Feb 21, aged SI LOHMAN. O. P.—A wall.kBown Oermau drucRlst of demand, O.—there, Feb. 23^ MCDOWELL, Hamlllon—Aoex-trayor ot Bnrllngton, N J. He was a native of Baltimore, Md, and tor many yean was a leading practitioner of medicine In tbat city, wban be amassed a large Ibrtana He ntlied some yean ago and aclaeted a home In Burlngton, K. J., wban he waa alaeied to Ihe Common CouneU and to tbe chlef-maolstracr ot that cIty-Barlingtoa. N. J , Feb. Zl, aged 75. MOVE JR., Nathaniel B.—An ex-Clty Judge of Brook- Irn. N. T., wboM name was promluently befon the public dortog the Beeoher-Tllton tilsl—Brocjuyn, N, T,, Fab. 22, sgad 40. XULTE, Sabastlan—A walUknown eltisan of Baltimore, Md.—then. Feb. 21, aged 7». MABBDItT. Gilbert Jafk«m-A aon o( a wsll-known lawyer o( this city, who had been In the Dnltad Siatea Navy for many yean as captain's deik. He died of yal- low-fevsr-RIn Janeiro. Jan. 18, tg«d 3<. .S."!;''?^ ?i • wealthy merahaat ofthu city, but, havlog met with nveraaa In bnslneas. be had la-ely held a poaltlon to ths Oostom.boose—Brooklyn, N. T.. Feb. 17. ^ MoCLUBE.Dr. Dexter-One oltheoldeatand moat prom- inent Dhynelans of Scott County, Ind.. when ha had pnc- Ucad Ihr orsr thbtr years—Austto, Ind., Feb. M. MADBB. Leopnid-A JnomaiM, tdtmariy editor of The '"SiS^.^'V-^*""^ Neb., Feb. 11. ag«l aa MKTE^ Cu>t F J.-An old and respected eltlian of Canton. O—than, Feb. 23, aged Tit HcOBATH, Mn. Mary—A oantanailaa, who had navar dDnBgharloDg nie,prev1oai to a fottnlgbt ago.*xpatl- aooed an hoarra alcksaaa. She was a naan ol Iralaad. and had 1|^*<l uttt" daring the pait tiraniy-ilz year^ ISobiTAIN'.^uh^ promtoent dtlisn orPhDadslphla, FLfSBd pnudcnt of tb# Tj^im^^fwa^f n^i limxuiMCook- panyrtr^tetty-then. Feb. a, M«d 64. McCDTOBSN. Benry H.—A teaser ot eloeadon to thla eUrtor nearly forty yean, and who had giran elocnllon- ary tostraetloa to a long sneoemloa af towyos sad clern- m a o here. Feb . 17, aged 59. M^UTBlWH, AaroB-Depaty-eoUeetcc af Kewark. N. J.—there. Mareh 1, aged eo. lOLTIN, WUllam-A plonaarHttln ot WallivDI*. 0.— thaia, yw>. ■>, aaedStU MooABVET, Etyan—A eantanarlan. who had Dved loos aooahtDraa^avnge IM toeaehof tht*aeoantiie*-In land Am ~ laad, Sootland and Amsnea. He wkj aald to ba the oldest nae Mason to th* Cnitad ntsta* TimilinTla. By., icanib 1, aa*d lis, tOOBOD. John M.—A. wiD-kBon ntrehaat of nUsdel- phlBiPo., wban h* had b**a ta baataaaaaaaaaddlarand maaaftataiOT ^nllltair Boeda ts ovac torty yaan- t han. P»h . »L sgsd Til, ■ BBWTOB, flelaBKm—A i ss u e uls d ettlita er imrocd. Flk HaleavaaSvasMiriand two liroth*n.whca* ages sgm- g«S™««S5-Mnted. Fa.,P»b.«,*gad7S. "^—^ _BBWlU aB,8a lgMa-A vataatoair angaea ef B*w>i*, I. J.. sM doiMtts IsK vsr vstalaaiT KiiscB4taSS ot B«w tmmr troois-Hmnik, B. f., Psb. aTacadlBi Olty, 11 aelBSJSiasofthe - toTbSiSHlllllU , ^« ay. • --^ ^__B.—Fa>'tety yaan a minuter of the er»a»>ip^fl>«p h — r u fsio wn. Pa.'Peh S. aaad (8. PAIiUSINB, AnbimaDdnt*—Th* head el the Baaatan acBlaataattsal mlaalepln Chhi^ Daring the many yean of h9 raridsDea at Pakla - ha la aald to tiave gained a m on th 01^ oaah hBsMadga of ths hiitary. pbUoaophy, and nllginni (rt Ohlaa than was poMssed by any other Bmspoan scholar —MaiaaOIaa, Piano*, rseastly. FUnUB. Peter J On* of tbe flnt settlen of Sonivaa Oamty. M. T.. and said la be 108 ysan old HI < brother, bahavad to be 110 yean old. Is still Urlng—White Laka. B. T.. Pab, sa PABKBR. Janea 8.—A walLkonwu hotel proprietor, formally conuected with tha Aator Hous* of this city—New Badfoi^ Mssa, Pah. B. POOL, OeoTge D.—A tnomtoent eltisan of Tniraha<h Cltv. M. O.—there. Peb JT. aaad M PB&liaoif. Qeone-Oneof thaoldeatand most la ei iae ta d dtii ana o f Ttoalaad, W, J,—there, Feb. & RATTBNBERT. WinUOn—A Ta<«rv> ot the War of IgU— PnlatPlaassat. W. Ta, Fab. 14, agedSI. SHY. Dr. J. L.—A well.knowu pbTslclan of Williamson Coooty. Tenn. Ha waa a captain In th* Tvaatleth Teo- naawa Raaimant lo tha lata war—than. Pab. 16. aiad IP. BHEPPABD, Dr. Hontlo Davis—An old JoamaIls^ Iwt- tarlnown aa tbe fonnder nf the flnt penny paper pab- llahad to this city—The jromtoo Rut—lu 18A ths publl- oanoD of which waa dhcoatlaaad with thafparteeoth nam- ber.' Dr. Sbepnard was a man well known to many old New-Torkera. but the latter yean of his llfk appear lobars bean spent In eomnsntln povsrty and obscurity-hsn. FehltagedTO ^ SHBtAON. Willis 01—A wan-known yonna oncanlrt. wbo at an aarlv ace had maalfaatad ran mualcal talaat, aad made bis flrst appesr<aca at a pa bile cOnent In Soaton In ISM. balM than butflOaen yean old—hen. Feb. BLaged 23 SQU1BB8, Bohmt—Tbe preaidaBt foraaranl yean of tba Thlrd-aavnaa Company of this'elty—hers. Fab. aa gadM > BAWTBO. JsKaa B.—A promlnant dtlsan of Dover, K. B., wban he had bean th* aeeond Mayor aleoted. and had npreaented bis dlatnot In tha Slata Lealslaton for alavan yaan and had held other offloseeftrnst-than, Feb. 17. ag«d»>. BMITH, Miehael 0.—Well known ai a ipottnntn and backer of racing boraa*. and hia hotel at OiaanTina. N. J.. badbeea for a quarter ol a century a favorite raaart for aporting man. Tha title of "Oovamor" waa otvaa to htm nvaraJ yean ago at Tnntca, wbexa, aa a leader la the lobby, he tmarkably toflaeaoad tha taaaagement of lagls- latl V Mil s-diaanTlfls. N. J.. Feb. 17. SMITH, EsaUal B.—One of tha oldaat aad moat pmm- hunt lawycn of Chicago, TTL. wban ba had been practlo- tosiormon tban a qnaitaraf a eaatsry—tbata, Feb. a, *^BIBNBII.FnokM.-Tba1>*paty United Stotaa Cel- leetor for Marlon. 0.—there, Peh S. SUTTON. Dr. WHIIs B —A pnmlnant yomg physician of Aurora. Ind.—there, Feb. 14, aged SL BTODDABD. Susan R—An aatnss profkcdoeally known as Sosan Flood, and who flirt aapeand at lam Keane's Tbaatn, In tbiaeity—BostiMS. Masa. Pab. V SYMIliaTON. Rav. Dr. WUIIam-A diattoanlahsd Boot, ilsh minlater and pio l eas ot of thedoay at Olaagow Unl Teralty-Olatiw Anotland. Fab. 9. aaad (4. STeINER, John P.—A wealthy and iiiwanrtil Importor of Philadelphia, Pa., and trsasuiar of the Peim Oaa Coal Co.—than, Pab. 17. aged 69. 8IPFA, Thomas F.—AwellkDOwnoHlaaBorFblladslphla, Pa —ihara. Pab. 34, aged SI. THORhTON. Austlo—A waP.known enlomd servaot at tba military baadqnartara, San Antonio, ^xas, fiir many yaara—than, Feb. 10. THORPE, Rav. Mother Antonloaa—8nparioraaa of tha Domlpletn Convent ol thi Holy Bniry of this city—hen, TARTTAR. Carl Lnnia—A aaptrlntsoilent and asrnt for the PhlUdelnbIa, Wllmlnaton and Baltlmon Railroad Company at Philadelphia, Fa—there, Feb. 26, aged 47. TAILLANDTER. Sr. R*ne—An eminent French ednc^tor and Jnurnallflt. whore Ufa bad been paased In tha Inntruo. tlon nt youth flIIIng the position of profaf or at Htnuhiirg, Wontpalllar and Sorbnnne. r#«i>«>ctlva1y. aince 1841—Paris, France, cable dispatch dated Feb. 24, aged 6L TRANTER. R«r. WillUm—A eantanarlan. wbo ant*r«d th« W^layan mlnUtrr In 1601 and alnee that lima had labored aimoat Incessantly in diflerant circuits of U*>'hodl«ni—Salisbury, Eng., recently, ag^d 102. THURNAUER. Max—A prominent and wealthy cltl20n of rinrlnoatl. O.—there, Peb. 25. aged 59. TAN' KOSTRANn. John A —A raaldant of OreenTllla. N J., wbo U "aid to haro b*an tha oriTlnal ofj^ck la "Thi* Tnnoeantii Abroad"—Jacbaonvllla. Fla. Fab. M. VAIL, Beni\mla—An old pioneer of Aum-a, lad., where he op«o«.1 tbe flrat dniR atoT^—there. Fab. 33. TAK TL'YL, Abraham J.—A soldier ol the War of 1.';|2, w^o h«d licen In buvlnPM an a bajilcet.malrer f'^r manr raara In the suburos of FhUsdelplila, Pa —then, Feb. 26, sswIM WaFLH^. Jamea W.—A prominent marina engineer of rbllailelntiia, Pa., who had acted aa UnltM fita'p* lnxp<w^. or ol boll^ra and cnalocs at that port Cram lSS9told£d- tn>ra. Feb. 24 aged 71. WOOOCROFT. Profeaaor Bomat—For nearlT half ■ centnrv connected with the Eajtllnh Patent-office, and formarly prnlcaaor of machlnerr at Cniveralty Colleiie, l.onHon, Fnr.—London. Enr., Fab. 7, aged 76. WINOATB, Air Oaona—A marlatnta for BampHhIre, Eng., who had rendered great servlres lu aettllog upon an aqnltable basU the land.tai and landed tenures of the fiomhav Frealdancr-Farcham. Eng.. Fab. 7. aged 67. WRIOBTO.H. W. B.—noeol the oldest mamben nt tha Houae 01 Commona Bnaland, having repraeanted North AllertoB for thlrty^ne coaaecDtlre yeai»-London, Eng., Fab. 10. agad 90. WRIOUT. Netlah-(<ald to be the o'dent hank-note en greverin this coouQy. having heeu angaaad la tba buBl- neas over filty-two yaara Be waa tha treasurer nf tha Amertean Bank-oote Company for many year*—hen, Feb. 26. aaad 7A WILLIAMS. Heary—4 pioneer nttler of Milwaukee. Wla.. wban ba ainaaaad a lana fortBDa In marcantUaand t«al.astata ventnrea—theia, Peh S, aged 7^ YABNBLL. Mordeal—A profaaaoT conneeled with the Naval Obaarristary at Washington. D. C—Oeorgetown. D. O., Peb. 17. seed O. AOUATIC. THK BUOUBH CBAHnOirSHTP. Detaila oftha aealien' raea batwaaa WllUam Blllott aad John HIgBlaa Itor the championship of Bioglaao, S4V and rhaa>aT<»m ehallaBganp.on tha Tyna. Feb. 17 (the raaolt of wlueh ha* already heaa gtvaa), an piaaented ba- law: Both men looked to splendid eondltlaa. especially Elllatt, wbo sealed only 157B, aad Hlggtoa wslghed aa naaily as poaalbla IttB. Then waa men flddlliig at tha Stan than usual, caossd thraogh BlUott's sanrsMto get away, and thisa tlmaa to a sssliai he brake away aloaa Then HInlna brake away, and altar another Ikin attempt thay flually etartad on avan tsraa, thoagh If aaythtog Elliott had tha boot of IC gstttog taBarhold of the water. In consaqosuce he dnre the ncea of his boat at ooea to the fon. and. rawlag 40 to Blgglus' 98, gatoed Inch by laoh. Blggtos stearad rather aa eiTauo eooisa Car taa fliai lOO yards, and the two beam wan soon wide apart, Ellloct rawing to midstraam light to the awlog of tha tlda. Blllott waa hall a length ahead befora thay had gone WO yards, aad thiabe tooMMd to a length at Wrlaa' " Bk\a) aooa rora thay had gone WO yards, aad thiabe tooMMd to leo«tb_at Wylas' Qaay. From this potot to the Lanar Ban, Hlgaioa kept cloaa In ahora, and Blllott lead to aapt ' Ineraaslng BlUott length and a half, bat BIggtoa, sporting plncklly, onca'again Elllott'a laid to a laagth. Havaithalen, tbe Northeroer, laapoodlng to his opposent's effort, succeeded In naaalag uadar the Radhengh Bridge (a trtSa over half a mile from tbe siart>—time n>. 4(k.—a length and a half ahead. This advantage be aflarwaids tocreaaed. Cooper's Ruira wen reached In 4m. S9e, and the ralle-post (when Elliott had a clear length abead) lu Sm. 6a. to the stntch from Rlr William A iuisuuii g s Works, Blllott, although he bad prvrloosly reoelred the oflloe u "aaayl*' waa row. log S, and Hlgglas ooly 38, and having Increaseil hla lead to three leoathaL be raved ngbt in fTunt of HIagtns. alvtog blm thebeneflt of his backwash. The race (hiinibla potot to ths nnlsh waa menly a procvaalon. and Elliott eveotuslly pad* died ouder tbe Suspeoalon Bndge at Scooiwood tba winner by aboat four leogtba Elllott'a time lor a mile and a half wasOm. 4a; for two miles, 12m. 16s.; to Pandlae Qoav I5m.43s : and for theentlredlKtance.ZIm. la —wonderlblly isHt time, though not tha bai*t 00 record. Elliott came In tor an orallon when he came 00 board tha umplre'aateam er, aud seemed highly pleased at his easy victory. A good collection was made for Hlggina, wbo counts nesr- ly as many fHen.l9 In the Morth aa In tha South, and there wsj; but one opinion expressed before the race, namel.r, tbat tbe bast man would win, and eneh undoubf. ediy waa the cane. lllgRina rowed, as ha always docmu splendid style, and persevered ricbt up to tba end, but was orermatched for pace this time trom start to OnWh. .should the two men meet again, which appeaiR rery un. likely, there In nothlae lo Indicate that the result would be rerrnvA Tlie illstaoce rowed wan about three miUs and a half^tralghlaway, wind and tide lu lavor of the man. Uanlan waa a (|>ecralor oftha reca. and was much pleated wlui the recaptloa he met with. Ruferec, Jobu Ireland. nOYTO.N'S L.ATSST TRIP. On Monday, Fab. 24. Capt. Paul Bojton atartad from ritubuTg. Pa., at 9 a m. on his trip to New Orleans He nached Rochester at 5 36 r. 31., and at 8 o'clock leclored at New Brighton, two miles diMsat. Be eacountered witrae Ic* In cba Ohio this day than any in tha Allechany and was much fatlKucd from hla Isborlooa erTurts. On tbe 26th, St East Liverpool, thirty.ttre miles l^om Pittsburg, he was suddenly ckiight to a mass of heavy cakes of led and badly aqueezad. He tried to Are hla gnu and oiva tha alarm, hut It was covered with Ice and uUetly uwleas. He then began to aie a small axe which he always camea, aud aAer a aavere struggle he got latoclear water and waa soon oa tha bank. Ho was talcau to Wells- villa, tba D*u«at town, and irlTan madlcal traatment thar*. }o the 28th he was anffloieatlv recovered to proceed on his onruay. aud arrived at Wheeling, W. Va., at 3 r. X. Near, r two thousand peraons awaited hla arrival at the levee. ""S lltarally ohokad with heavy lefrfloea. and the Capuin eiperleacsd mauy tlibt snoeetaa oa bis perllnua Journey. Ha lectured lu tbe Opera-house tbat nlgh^and was to have lelt far Bellalre, O.,at3J0r. u. HBlcb L Cbobob HosngR's BSnnr, at lusUtute Bail, Fast Cam. bndge. Mass.. Feb- 25, waa largely atteuded, many of thoae present being ladle*. Tbe aporting portion of ths enter, tainment embraced exhibitions ou the Heeuan patent rowing machines by Franchy Johnsou, Daolel F Sulllvaa. •'i- '"fP*°j.'' j?- Mahonay, Alex. Braley.and Boamerlu •loglaktBe Gooklas aad McOahey aud Hoemerto purai and the craws of the Ohalaaa. MIddleaex, Lakemao. Boston and Bast f^mbrldgeClubs lo loon Sloglug, dancliig. reel. taUous and a Ana fillao out the programme. EOWsRD Habliv, champion (caller, pravlooa to laav- log this olcy lor Biisland, reilgned bimaalf to the tender merciesofihat rtHled photognphic artist Sarony.who has produced a life-like and flnely-exeouted bust picture, to clUzeas dress, of the Canadian wonder. It is totandsd for a frame 24x201a., aud U probably tbe flneai picture ol au oanman ever taken la thla country. Lavoocb vs. TRtcKBTT.-A dispatch t:om San Fnnela. ff' ?M ' f•*' '*' "V- "Advtoss trom Sydney sute that the ebamploo race, <hr the belt and a gold medal. SSVriSS.™"^^' and "Laycock was won by the latter The former aubaeqaenUy challenged Laycock to another contest for £ajo." Malf aUvlcea MntalaW^cS« S this raea wUI he awaited with mach toteresL Tag Cbicaoo qtt.) Tacbt Club held a meeting Feb. 23, wbea Commodon Bredley took occasion to lectnre the memben upon the lax peiformaoce of their doUea The Tseancy caused by tbe reshmaUon ofS. H. Flamming was fliled by the electloa of H. P. GrUwoId. "•"'"^"aa illiV"^ y^^A"* r™"* S"™*"'" toafh 1» to beds •^.^y^^'f?" Jl^b 10. Both man ware reported to be well Feb^19, the date of our latest advIca^ and Rosa was COCKIRO MAIir. A ntnra main of cocka between parties repteaentlug SchenectadvandTroy.N. T., was fought laapltlSatSS loanouMlitho-way piacaa few mUM lh)m the city on the night ot Feb. 27 and early moraing 01 the SSih: The conditions were that each side should^ibow Mtm f^" ^i2!"5 61b Uoz, and 41b 401.. and flght all that leM to for tlOO a battle and (600 the mala, aad imirlJie weigh- lEf .■Si""*'^ 'wnB'' throogh with It was toSbd that the mam was to couslst of eleven battles The ftl- lowing. reeapltulaUon tells tbe story of the nigbt's unig- gle to small space: ^ .■•—a SeSeneetaJt/. 1. Blackred.... 2. <Iny & Beodom'k... t. Reddom'k... Tror. Dirkred... .Blackred.. .Hanny.... .Spangle ... 6. BIteknd. Blackred 6. Beddom^....Whitedom'k. 6. Llgbtred Wbltetall..... 8. Qny Black.rad.... 9. Grey LIghtrsd .... la Blackred. Benny 11. Blackred Bleeknd. Behaaaetady. 7: boy.t. X*. Om. Wen bf. n>. «. . 6 10 Schenectady 11 OO . 6 12 Troy I to ■ * }J,'n>y 1 18 .\l gjSchenectady 7 00 '{4 is I Schenectady 3 00 . 8 OB Schenectady 8 » * 04 Ttoy. 24 00 (6 071 16 081 |BchaaeetBdy 8 OO 6 — Bebeneotady 8 00 5 — Tny ■.. 1 80 6 01 Bnhenectady 20 n «A S955°? "if* J*"?*' »t 'ensy City Haigbti Feb. B. PotUand, Ma, and Bogton. Masa^ batoa eombto^ agalwP«heater,NewHampshln. Tie^SaiU^TOS toahowUiIrtcea eoeks a ilArwelghta naatoir tein^S *>!. to 6» apx., ud fight an that feiTm. iWoTiSStiff »£ *S^3*'>S" 'HI?'' coiiplea m^itehad and taabt. Haw Bampahin wtoning nx, MaMdhnaeM and Mate thna. Tha battle* ware inU^eo^oudaS hard fbnght from flnt to last. "-u »uii.«i»b ana WBsnoBsnB Kbbbbl Club,— The third awraa) bench- i^ow udar the aasplesa of thla dnh to the meSwoUawui behaldatonmore's Gaidaa Ann C ST^IililbSS avan «gortwillb».made by th* mau^eLmt & mfSua'S^ ahen atvn to pnvloaa yeaiTTS azhlhl miyd Byth* rule* neantly adoptad^?^* ™^>jgu ud Wartmtostar Olab*.ud a sale* of mindni^if ttona, tafcoaatlca eosnatntog which naiStSS&^a^Si I wffl daaa_I(Bi^ 28. Than win be ninsty-two ATHLETIC. CBARIXS ROWEIX. Through the eourteeyot the gentlemanly and nnaasnming young Engltohman who has been thought gtwd enough to send across the broad Atlanllo 10 try and irtn book the belt held by Oliampton O'Leary, we are thto week enabled to present to our readers a portrait ot ObarlBS Bowel], the aame being a reproduction of a picture which he. by onr reqnest, sat for on Monday morning, March 8. A sketch ot hto career before the public will be found npon anoiher page. As regards the result ot the ap- pmooblnjg contest, while evidently qnlte eonfl- dent as to the Issue, Bowell to tar trom boasttul, simply saying that It tslr play to guaranteed him, as he has no doubt will be the case, he feels capable ot doing a big pertonaonee: and It he can't win, he thinks he won't be tor behind the victor. His appearance and maimer cannot but Impress very tavorably all who meet him. THB ASTIiBY BBCT. Vpon another page appears on ortlole relating to the competition which to to take place at Oll- more's Oarden, this olty, next week, commencing at 1 A. Monday, March 10, and ending at 11 p. K. 16, between Daniel O'Leur of Ohioago, 111., Charles Bowell ot Cambridge, Eog., Oliarlea Har- rlman ot New York, and John Ennto ot Chicago, the same belnir tbe third oonteet for the posses- sion ot the Astley belt emblematic ot the cham- pionship of the world. The articles of agree- ment OS drawn up in London, signsd by Buwell, and torwarded to the office ot The Tvrff t\tld ond flirm for O'Loary's oonalders- tlon, have Iain at that olDce ever since, and aro unsigned by any of the American prlncipato, wbo decline to attach their signatures, because certain provisions thereof do not meet witb their approval. The chief trouble llee In the fact tbat deQnlle provision to not made for the dividing of the gate-money between three or four contest- ants, neceseltatlDg some alterations in the docu- ment, which win doubtless be perfected at the coutercnce tbat will ensue upon tbe arri- val of Mr. Atkinson, the representative of the donor of the belt and RoAvell's advisor, wbo will probably reach bere March 1 or 8. It Is llkoly that the arrangement for the di- vision ol tbe receipts will be about as fol- lows: If only one man covers 430 miles, he shall take oil tbe money; It only two cover 430 miles, the man traveling the greater distance shall take two-tblrds, and ihe other one-third; it threo men cov<>r IjO miles, the winner shall have one-halt tlie receipts, tho second man 3u per cent., and the third 20 per cent.; If all four cover 4S0 miles, the wluner 10 toke one-half, the second man 2i per cent,, tha third 15 per cent., and fourth 10 per cent. It would seem that tbto should cover the ground, and prove ant- tofactory. In the betting O'Leary to of course tbo favorite, and among the larceet amounto wa- gered are f 4,000 te tl,000 that O'Leary tieats Har- riman, and {3,000 to $1,000 on the neld against Harrlman. Kelly t Bliss have opened a Iwok on tbe evcDt, and oCTer tbe following: 75 against 100 on O'Leary, 100 to 43 against Bowell, 3 to I agaliut Harrlman, and 10 to 1 against Ennto. The scoring In the contest will be attended to by members of the several amateur athletlo clnba in thto vicinity, each day's work twlng per- formed by a separate club. So tar as now known, the following arrangement to likely to IM made: Monday, New Tork Athletic Club; Tuesday, Brooklyn Athletic Club: Wednesday, Harlem Athletic Olub; Thursday, Sootttoh-Amer- Ican Athletic Club; Friday, Manhattan Athletic Olub; Saturday, American Athletic Olub. The floor laid down tor the Arlon festival will remain In plaoe during the walk, eo the conpetltore and spectators will not be annoyed with clouds at stl- ning dust. Special provision will be made tor the aooommodatlon ot ladies and their esoons during the oompedtlon, a portion ot tbe bnlldlng tieuig set apart for them, with offloers stationed so as to prevent the Intmslon ot other speetatoia. Smoking will tw prohibited in this port ot the gar- den. The track will be laid ont to suit the oom- peutors, and a dty-snrveyor will msssnre it In their pressnoe. and tarnish the manogan with a oertiOcate regarding Its length. The ratreah- ment privileges ot the garden for the w4Mk were let on Saturday evening. The bids were opened In preeenoe ot the oompetttoie. the award being to the bidder who offered $1,628.38. The next higbeet bidder was tl,soo, and the loweat t*60. 'WKSTOK'S 'WAX.K. A cable dtopatch trom London, dated Feb. SB, says: "Weston, at halt-past eleven o'clock last night, left Windsor to walk measured mllee In an endeavor to regain hto arrears, havtng alxty-flvo miles to moke up. At twenty minutes past three o'dlockthto morning he had gained ntieen miles, wben he rested for three hoars for sleep, being overcome by fatigue. By ten minutes ot nine o'clock he hod added ten mllee to tito gains, leav- ing torty mUss ot arrears to make up. He will continue at bto task until four o'clock tbls after- noon, but it to not iMlleved he can encceed. Tie Standard says: 'There to no chance ot Weston flnlahlng hto pedestrian undertaklog on time.' A dispatch from Windsor says: 'Weston will lose by atmut five hours, but he will Onlsh walking 2,O0U miles.'" Another dtopatch states tbat bto 1,000 hours expired at 4.10 p. v., 28. when thedto- tonce walked was 1,977K miles. UOtVES DKIPKATS VACOIIAIT ASD LEWIS. The twenty.nix houm' walking conten betwnn Wm. lloirrs. Ueorr Vaucban and Waller Lewb tooa place at Agricultural Hall. Pomuoa, Manchester, Eog.. F^b. 14, 15 Durlug tha early part ol the content Howes aod Lewis spurted against each other mile alter mile, and It was not until the ninlli mile thac lluwe;* 8ucca*Hled iagectlncany dLitance ahead. Finishing the tenih mila tlh. :^)mla. :tjnec.> Huwaa led by lOO yarda, Vaugban being two lapn and a ball behind Lvwls. aod U-iwes overlapped Vaoghao tor the third time Joat oefore compleilug the hlxtb lap of bl« eleven b mite, young LewL^ t>eiDg at this point 150 yatda behind. Almont dliMtly afterwards Howes went to his tent for a few seconds, thereby I05ine hall a lap. and It waa not until Just tiefoncompieilagliiftfineeath mile that he succeeded In orerlappiUK Lawla. Subsequently Howea led by a lap and a halfirom Lewis, but aoutiier short stoppage threw him back once more threa.quartcra of a lap. NavertbaUaa ba soon made up hii loat ground, and floiahed his eluhteeutb mile at lOh. 3dm. 57a., a lap and 100 yarda abead. Yaug^u at this Ume being three ud tbiee-quartcr tape behind. At tha aad of the Moond boor (10 r. M.) tha position of the three mao and tha distucan covered were: Howes, 12 miles ^ of a lap; Lewis, 12 mllea. 6X!aps; Vsugbao. 12 miles4H laps; snd at II o'clock (three honre from tha •tart), Uoaea, 19 miles 1 lap: Lewis, 18miles 6laps; Vaughau, IS miles 4 laps, Howes appeatvd to have got bis two opponents "chained down," for Lewis begu to hang ont slgnsls of distreaa, twisttoghls neck repeatedly, as la nls wont when lo dilfleolties, ud Vaughu was oua- bla to make up lost ground. Each bour the veteran In- creased his laad. uutll at 2 a. u. (six hoara from the start) theKonstood: Howtii,36 mUmiii lana; LewliUmiles Slapa; Vaughan, 35 miles laps. Howea flnlsbed hla 37ch mile a mite ahead, aud tbea took thioga easily. Juit befora 6 A. M. Lswhi became very queer, ud at three mlo- utes past six he had to lean the track, ud be lay to his tent doubled op with cramp for over two bourn. H* than came out ud triad to walk a mile or two, bnt oould only get along at a fiioenl pace, whereupon bla backers, seeing that ha had no chuca, thnw op the aponga. Thun early tha cont«st waa radooed to a match betweea Howes ud Vangbau. At 9h. 46m. SOs tha Oastrlu left tbe track for tba fiiat time, ud waa abaeat 7m. IDs. Meuwblle Howes poached sU lapv the score tbea be- Ing: Howes, 80mllaa; Vaughan, 77milee3lapa, Taughu never gained another TSid aftsrwanls, ud fliially, when he had eomplaiad ninety mUaa and thraa laps, ha went Into his tent and gave op thecontnt, alleging aa his reason for doing so tbat one ol his ankles had given way. Toe turn- stiles, thenfom, wen at once dosed, and the match was atu end, the aeon being: Howes. luOmllaal laps; Tanghu. 90 miles S tops; Lswis,61 mlln4lapa Befon leaving ths baUdlug, to ahow that he was not "ssulad." Howes agreed to walk a last mile, ud this be coveted (less twenty.flve sards) lo Sm. 45 4.5a. In no frevloua tweoty-elx boon' contest han- the pace tieea so fast, evaa (torn the start, ud to thU may be atirtbuied the breakdown of both Tugbu ud Lewis- Hoares' time nrem 61 miles no to 100 was some minntae fisier tbu uythtog that has yet been achieved, ud it Is a pity that he loses the record through a mistake beiug made la the measunmeot ofthe track. TAaSiwrtlng H/t npresentlv*. halore lesvtog the buildlag, ru a taoe onr the track, assisted by "Choppy" Wsrbimon ud othats, and tbe clnult was found to be jyda. 7In. less tbu the proper meaaonment. or witbin a trao- tlon of 26yds. for a mile, ao tbat tbe only recoid w* can rive Howes Is that he walked 93 mllee 740yda In 17b. 42m. iOR.—a performancs nopanlleled, ud which beats bli own rrevlous time (tbe beat hitherto doaa) tor S8 mllaa. viz.. 7h. 44m 35s Tbe wluaer was bom at Falthorpe, near Norwich, Mareh 25,16S9, studs 6it 41n., ud weighs uaih. CHAIitiKNOE FROn RnUjBR. Insteiul of anawarlag tha challanaw iMuad last wee'f br D. C Boea, ud which waa intanded for him and B. W. Johnston comhmed, PraC Miliar sends oa thetahjulnad deO, accompanied by 8130: BALvnOKB, Mo.. March 1.1879. FRisg Qimx, Esq—Dear sir; Inclosad please flod SI(D for the followtog challange, which I lane to B W. Johnston, taaaher of the Young Maa's Cbrlstlu Aseocla- tlon Oymnaalom; John HeOraw. taaaher of twxtog; Mr. Needbardt, taaober of leaelng, Baltlmon Athletlo Club; ud Ihmean O. Boss, teacher of the Lafayette Tnraen* Gnnnaalam. 1 will eompete agaluat the four above-mentioned aibletes In the following six muly rxer- osaa: Oneco-Bomu wrestling; wrestling eatcb-as-cateh- ean. Oreco-Romu rolas, with the tiie 01 th* lot, trip- plug allowed; sparrlug, foll-fancing, aingleitickfencing, and heavy dumbbell-lllttag. Tbe wanner of the majority ot thee* •xerelsea (the foor aforaaald athletaa dividing th* above-mentioned exerdias among them, ud eompettog against me) to he declared tbe victor. As u luduoement for Messn Johastoa. MeOnw. Needbardt ud Roaa to ae- eept this challeuge. I will stake gSDagalast their SI9a I 'wul also stake f 100 eveo money that I will defeat all theaa athletes to every exerolae. Youre respectfhUv. Pbot. W. Millbb, Instractor Wallls Club. Wa have recalval a letter from Roaa, la which h* says: I woold nmtod Mr. Millar that I bars depoaltad *U0 for his eonaldantlon, ud will make a match with him tor ai many athlstlufeatoaaha Gu name on enn tarma" ATEUncs AT Yals.— The Winter athletlo eentasta at Tale aame off Satniday, March 1. to tha gymnaslnm. Tha axeRlna onthshoilismsl-harwen won^ W. W. Bawkea. >79. In th* vaaltlBC Mb, Jewett of the sdutlfla school came oat ahead, deutng th* har at Tit. O. D. Thompson. >7I.atth*hIteh.aiid-kle£n*eh«d9lt. lln..w)ilcb,lf talrly done, IS the beat kick on leoord. W. B. BeoOald. '60, B,, took the tint prli* at tombltng. In the tog-of-war'81 won both haati, the flnt over >8crto Im. Ms., ud the aee- ond with >79 to thiae seconds. Jewatt and Tliomp**il ^tlli^'mmln^ bigh'-lump at Sft. Sto. Inspaztlng, P. B. Tiaoy igl: and W. Parker, '80, won th* trhu-roandi, and Parker the flnaL Tbe trlala to tsnetogwan wooJV F, B. Smith. >79, ud Edward BoathwardT^, aad Bsatt- waid toak the flnaL B. H. aubart.'81. won thsn^ia elnh^wtnglng. attar a doae eoatest with W. B. HfflMtts ameolia. InwnatUgg. J, DuraBd. "81,took Iksill 181 IS l]ght-w«lshts,aBdW. wrinxai.<Sl,ferhaav7. ^ \^ A TBS-iOLa WAix. oMS to all auiaUiUL aad gtW.WBS las*. open to naldaitt of WakafleM ad towaawtthma radtoac!flv*siU«s,antot«ks^a«* UWakaOsUiBoa, Maith 18. Boyd* atthalTr.A. c'lMiMas atBooth'a Tbeu^as hawas pNTSBtadby adsstt iB hk ftailly (HB tMBBg pet /uaip—iTg/'v'aUy, a. p F A.McUnnujSJiloal»S'A "miu^^^ aame dab, sitTiwE. iSi^S^L.'*''- IUjlT* I'.^Stt. for boya iron lotfu: V?iL^,i:piS''niS^ Wlarow and McOoom -Tif ^"byw.lEiISft ofthe olvmpica. Ti«rTO!?SS!5?t''».».uSS stilkiBadowa the laat hrSdk'^ySIKJ^hirSSSP taiwtEe bomestreujh, toSTiKSiT?^ nSSmSS a B.Bharatt with 86,S!a.^^J^»SS.1» CommlUM of Joaeph O'Cou mw. BSSS^iTrbk Sfe gk 5^ _^ CLUB. *™>*TIC Tha flrat Winter maatlw cr Udn .4^ mon-a Oarden, thla eEToa fSS.*5S.u (n yards mn. haSdEJ^ a MJST": SS Ids, I; S B. Pomeroy!l: umrof Si°hS 5"il.,'^*i<", ""O" w\io lu? St'SSh*** Hoeklng. impln City OvmSJSa^TT 5^J» -...•■.■i,. iH uie loregolsg hauL !f *T*,n,'!'?H." acconled aiaria "i^i,"~:r™»ei ft"h »a4^;a:^"i-:.'!Tte & 7lhR«gt..lo toe fini,lu ai^^i^r'S-^t"***' fcat'-'-H^'i rr53^; f i Thlt^ii lu Ini. lUa., and .V. Y. a c bnu a.-^ the tlual la 16m. uys^. The laat .f™—^i — t- t S It all the n^oph^,J?^JSSi &^LS2=' « detrated team, who swooned at ih."io- JJfS""'* HoKxaa Dbfsats JOHxsox.-Tbo^ ^tM±r\,M^ meu Frenchy Johnson and G. H.°BiS?*SS2SS Uitym mstcb.lorarcportad •UkaUlSja^BV v,re Hall. Boston. Feb. M. Bardi 1 Sa SfJif* acarted olT well, Uoimer takUat iSt Ini vSSS!?* abead. he then bavlug covarei 34 miles™yJSSS miles Hosmertook amt atl.u o'doet<«i223 a blister on hb heel. Hosmer was at to lUujSSS ahead, but Jobnun gained durtog the iSm^SS^Z avenge time nf each per mile wu ahonVll£ jS^jS; am came on the track agaUi, buttiaTelalSyooa £u when he retired tor good. Hoamer kept onSShahS made torty mllea lu 9h. 47m. Is. The tmtm^iSi Havdock; the udcea. D. P. Solli»aB^>ioSi? 12! L Baffin; ud the thnakaeperjl^o. ChJfiT^ ^ *** PxDianiAn BXBBCtBaswaii to ante? » miles. A two-houi*' rauning racesaira toss^ known, who nrned out to ba Boimaa Taite Hiiliai coveiad betaw ISmUea and 4 lapa. Wiltar mSrs Obemlsal Engine Na 1 waa tba AvtcltabctkU^^ bla t/loida wen very todlgnut wbaa lhay ttSiS who the atiugar waa. * -'- himii' nl> aMaiaL7cj_ fttUa, who wont 28 mUaa 16 lapa; Pnd aaltadaiS JOEX D. Wins beat C. X. HiVib 1b iirtta Mit for SS a aide at St. Jamaa' BuSw liailiiinhF MisA.MtrehL Blibop left thebad at tba adTS Blmh mUa. and altar golag twamWajae aai oSbml Frtarto tha match batwaaa Wajaa aad nSiS Polay,Coyna. Barker and Stairwalkad a twrwSSi taarraeafora cap oflkndbrWayoe, n* nasasa ^T^*^—thrnlhar ilin l iMS ^^H „A rauBsiBiAB TODBBBV wBs hsld at nttMLta. March L la th e C mile walk ter —< «iJJS batog O. L Tortla. to tha MoUe maldi. Botetf la waa the wtiiner. etoator at II o'clock, bavia oats lAli Sliawcf Plttafldd. ■crcs'a anpaaSr.alStar •xhaostod at tha 90th mOa, bat nturaad B SaM wban Norton waa making the 44lh mile, and mat ala flauh. Thetu.mlle nee waa wim byAP.Isarik lb. OOL 14a A.'B, SrBAOiTB unaaneaa adx^aji' |ii ii jia lisg eompatltloa. OFanonly toCma]aB.to1akBbbcaaa£ia maaagnnent at Balsar'a Hailam Blrar BULOn d cad aad Twantyalxth tfnst and Saaoad anena, eiwHa to( March Id the advartlaad nttaaa an «ai,tma ud SJOi ud Hi* anooBocad eBttlaB an Mian Mm O'Leaiy. Hattia Waldnm. Bella Bnaitoa and IfSltoriWa taiy. A 96-HorR go-ss-yoa-pleaae toonaDntlstoe^Baa a-. BalUmon, Md.. at &IS r. a. MaRh 14. a^Ma iai3 r. If U, la the Maaonlo TemiDe Amsietoatyaa elty off>ra as a prlia SIXI. ThaWlaalacalhlwabanw fa- enterrd: E. W. Johnston. J. p. Msckay, & W. naa, Prof. C. Washington, ud John West A wALKuo.jiATCB OU Satoiday evolgg. Kmli L a ITalon Hall. Liulaton. H. H . batwaaa Wallar L Luta of Lancaster ud Chaa. o. Locks of Poitracatb, tea purse ofSlOO, distance 23 miles, wss vonl^Iartlalalta alleged time 014h. 33m. Lockegavenpstthadaaefila 20th miN on tha plaa of f Ictaieaa i'All COLLTBR is now working at his b>ds,iad,aibt couMidaia that battar than taklagcbaoeaa oa paMtriia tnatchea. ha cave no heed to tba challeaga laaed byDkk O <Hlwln. who waaat Tbb CurrSBoiEaf aa boaretB^ o 1 Feb. 2S, ud then, wlihdrewtngUidapali.leStaTl* Brown Jng," a dissppolnted man. TOR TOBgviLI.E (N T.IATnLKncCLCI bBcvc4an4 • afuUnwa: Prvaldant. John T. Eauon; vice pwditf.F. Van Bentchotau; secretary. H. C. Nona; tnaanw.Et- ward Bnrke Jr.; captato. Hetuy Blrrell Jr.; flnt haafr enut, Henry Uagen; aeeond Ueutcnaal, 1h«a DovliDg- TUX "1NTXB5AV10NAL" PSDBSTaliX fOFlXiXBTl^ ten np by A. P. Bliven and others eoDmSBttd ll ta! Brooklyn Rink, L L, od Soodsy ennUg, UtRk 1 tt a tha Intention of tbe managers to keep it colagbme weeks; ud If the public back them waLtherHdalt ATLOFisriLLg, Kt.. Feb. 17, Gllmtn sad Lsism started with the avowed totanllon of walking tflBlwia lean) In alx daya, but after dolna ES mllea InUbmaCt- mu bad enough of It, and La Favre, wbo via taa n* mllea ahead, soon altar lalt tha tnck. Madaxb La Cbavsllb. after completing ber Sg d 2,700 quarter mllaa at Ilr. ». Feb. s, at Um M^JJ* ti*. Colrago. Immediately startad on an •lliaSDflWw mllea every consecnUve ten mtontes vbleliibaa have accompllahed at 1 a. a. Feb. 2S. TwowuKLtoooTrxsrs took place at Si J»in«|'8* Boston. Mass., F*b. 27. The flrjt. a tbne-aiila vlltv" won by D. P. iSulllvan In 29m. The 6'»'"'S'tt for which there wen ntoe entnes, vai woe by a- nson la 33m. IC-s. A T11.V HiLi UAKCB. for tS) a side, ni wkE^.^ir Herbert and Joaeph Brown 00 a swap oatkatdnTM^ tn Comiqne. Long Biuch, N. J., March L HjJsj™ lnlh.t;ni.3a. Bafane ud amakeepar, B. f. Wlka Jace Gomjiisa wiu be piaoaiw m aMvdsitap" bisaitantlna tn walken. roon«rsandoiheisnga«^ iwrviceaofatnlnar. nacu be (jmpd at th a B Isl inM A. C. Grouda, Eighth avanua ud PUtr-SIItll an* OS MOSOAV. March S. "Sport" CaBpm bwajj days' louraey la New Haven. Ct, "to tx U Mw ^gTL At the aame time "Maiiama"St. Clair im «. S,(,00O.qaait«r-h«i»"ai. ^^^1 Mjia. AiroxBSO.v. under tha naBijem«lofA.llJ^_< n»lle, bagtoa bar feat of walkug 1,0» W"" "iriS ' the saine nombar of consacnilre ten nl««m « ^poslUonBoUdlng, Chicago, Match a. ^ -mm Miss RsntOLoa, who atumpad the '^J'J?^ 8,000 quarlor mllea In 3,010 quaitsr boon at Bej^^°2 . Bo itoo. Maas., was token n« tbe track St t»A B. •» when sue had completed 861 qnsitar mllea j Joa RTA.'C. alias "Wraatlbic Joa."aad •J'JiSE'i Rondoatareuponnced to wtvrtla, co^iaT-an^'2J^ 82.000 a side, at 71 Otaanwich street, this elly, • day, March S,|at 8 o'dock. _ A HATCH betweu A. Wilyn «iJ^SjW'Kl? Mventy-two boon, waa decided at TnBhia, *^'-^^^^, aMarebl. Tha aeon af 7W< boon oooa. wuaa-™ mUea; LoUaar.US)^ mllea Miss A»iB BABTXii caved In Fa*. ■i»|2«'^jdi»- W. ■^-_kll. a.»k V»w>1bm In IDA BRVW Uma Franklin took her place InJ'.'fffShiTpiai wben Miss Fannie Edwards u sdll walkh* 1« a i»~ .tryto '^".^SiiSSeSi rte^bonia at Hoetltsk»<» "'V Mm. Anaxwa la to. miles to as many quarter-boua at Boston, eommendngat 10a. «. Manas. „ ^j^. axOROBA. EDWAvna and.MoiTls IJajay an "j^j^ tbelr collar-ud-elbowwrealJIog match at OU" . atrsat, on Monday aventog. Manh hi Thb BiviBSiDB PBDS emnloja* *™ J'^iit walklogudrnnntogracaaatBeacon Parfcixaw ouManhlA aMfaa^* It was CbarlM H. Freuaa. siid art OiuJJ "J^i,^ woo the champion bdt of New Jmsi *» ma »•"— nament. . iiwisHa LUI.D l««RCommeae«la«lh«<^'S'iS£S-v lo a Ilk* namber ot <inaitar-booi» at Aiwo" n-., Psraa Tas Nxas la Bill tramping tt a* »^ Heater street, tbls city. ^^^^^^^^S THE TUBT his reBld*n«a,Mai«1a Hm. o^r had ben enfliitogatoc* Cbitatmu ftmi»-^,^t»- tlon. but atormlna r°Vo^^^^u&aZ<*^Ji!Ii fore bis daatb, and than aeot* .^"^SmSn*"^ aalt of a walk on the tainc*. It umppojj ^^btrt tbe admlnlstntlon being to IWI. wi»» "^^^a. OJ father of ua pnseut «f,."?5^TiJa^»?^ eral Peel's oonueetlon HSL 1? IV *efJilfl befon this. bU nameJjuriog inj^jh^giirtvg early as 1890. wben bis h<«I«lJJ?'l^£«d segiSffi thon oftha Dak* of Bidimond sM JJTJ-ArtJaM- Ihoogb his stud was small, be had one m «UhPw thiltRSidad tha Two Themttod Oolnaum of Alglenhewon th« Chemr oy^^^^^^ manVnlnre h*bred telsirfJ'«»55'^rtha«S5 n« of the Derby on the dMosiuw^"^ ^ ortuns» BSSdnTSto to 1844. loli" nvSTtSt oLff SSK^^ud to 1648 bu colcn STiSBslJjfgS SSd oil Dada^aad *»S;"'5aiTor tM^Sf Orlaado broke down ^»'^,"itSMO^iS. Cop to 1846. and a long llnJgwjgjp^jjjBg dliuton. came ftom him at the "JfiiSfRrliltia" wSohls stnd wassold. <*^S?L fiSSSSr" ltnallndoverU.<i>ln..aad.theoaii^;^ ^ cva«[2