New York Clipper (Mar 1879)

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3±S Ml?," -i,neM£par na^tMnnia noOcMtotaaln- aB& J^TVanmla mdsr th» bnd of £nuaaiU wrUos- MHwlliTiwminil Sport- I I 111! iiiiiaiin rmnTf IT" lliifl fnr each •ndarci^ ggPg ^-Ji.' SrBIliU« iiW wlxan wMto tto« t'Do^ •^f^^CnlBand (Uk>1w«i1 trpe tn ul- «actli«nme ntesforapAoeoocnnled. CASH-—AjlTwrUjomcnta to b« p«Id Toe Si^BiMiliiBiil nili'iii DDt UtB' thia Dom on Bfttor- Mlim il lll l llllllll III 11 I mill 11 II B cod flO Onttn linB^H** Ton. —M aumsii tat alela liOIIDOIt, KiroiiAirD, at THE NEW YORK CUFFERMIUi; No. 4A MAZDEK I.Am:, NEW TOILK, IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF THEATRICAL GOODS, MIUtai7, Sooletf, Circns and B^;alia Onuments, Gold, SUrer and TInael Trlnimlnga, Laces, Frbwes, Tosseta, Stan, Spanglea, THEATRICAL, EQUESTRIAN AND 8YMNASIUM HOSIERY, WOVEN-ROWINB AND FOOTBAU SUITS, ETC. ~ BrmraBtrtM:Tta«ttiical JantiT, Faplar-mioli* Hmdi and ntnnt to order: Ooinbat in, Tasvla. Bioeadea, BmbrtDldarle*, ate e i iuf nnatr: CMton and Satin oomliMja, Ddala. ate.; Satin OparafiUppom and TboaMftal Boots; Oold and Sllnrliaathw: Baal navk Bamon: Olom. Damai, Boar, Mankar, mc, and ottaar Bala; rxMlsn and ~ ' ^ ' Baaida; Out, Flatad aM nna^ r iLia aa: laaoaa, Olmco. Bnldai Cozda, 8t ti; FoO ^kpOr Uld COPPOr POQ; Anntf> Hauiata. ; '*^l*** KooaaalB^ o*wo.; m^l" upora ouppvn mna vnawum oaasmi WW BBU DiiTW ajHKw* AO*! SkelnoBs and ImtuHoB orrapls-iiuolia; iteoUig laUftaU; Wontol and BUk Fttscai, Taaali, (to.; Banner SHk anil Bantmc Bpaui, Ea(lM, (ta.; Braiy Fattara et Hat " ^ Cto^ Ooo4js aien^ O. O* Z>« S«iaA A>r Olfoulnr'. PBOP. T. A. wiooare. ICAOICIAN, TEHIBIIiOQUIBT, and PUHOU-aND-J [JDT wohkkr, aan taa anitacad Itar ibo taotlac aaaaoB or ISJS. AddrMtonot TWO luOIBS tiMiMliii flnt-claai Opantla and Scaa- atteabflln. "-■ T itai I'tTirtainiTni^ia JfaC Iw good dnaan oB and off tlia lan. n» iiia^nl «fr. taJnmoiTt onmawmolnt May ft. Staialowaat oalair. Ad- dnai MAKAam, ant« 13»g.Ot«an«>w«t.o5ja«a.lH.- ■ DOUBLB BASS A«D TUBA, M-lt" jrKH lor KNOAOEMnna. OBBSTEH, PA.—B. O TaTlOB, rrai>1( axtom Indaeamanti, and «t«it eonnaU MOfiwIuii Card to Atnti and c—-i--on iba tmi TO a buiu ItmAyooBo aru : 1 ta>a plaaaonilnr Trn iiiii i ii id Inc tha tha praprlator at ABOTB HOUax^aa on* ot tka ■toppad OB rov ooeaHoot to tbt latlittotlon eompaoT. BAM a BAMPOBD, Mr lonali, havtaiR km of IB tta IS IffOW REASTy AKDOAH BS HAD or AU. IIEWEa>BAI>eBS AMSAOKNTBl PRICE, 16 CENTS. Tba popalBr featoiea. of the piecedlng edl- ttais of THB AT.iTAigAn an ratalned In this, ta nspoBsa to ttODiamiB nquuBts, ws hETft npobUsbed the THEATBIOAL AND aFOKFIHa CHBONOIiOOIXS whloh appeared bi ttta adlUoiiB ot 1871 aiLd 1B7S, oaIe^aU7 le- TtMd and ampUfled. AHOTHEB WATtinm QCPBOVEMENT m A H2W LTTHOaBAPHED O OYEB OF ABTDnO DEBHaN. ASD PBINTED IN nrsooiiOBa Jgryffl"""*'''- Ttnllrnm. MOTsliIe Faetlrals, •to- AQUAHO FZBFOBHAHOES.—IntaCDBtlonal Eow- IDK BaCBB. Ooneco BagBtts Bacea. Oidlege Uatoh Bacea... KoithweBtam A. B. A. Be aa ttw WtimeiB. AmeitcBn oiuunploiialitp Boat Bocaa. British Beolllnff Qhamploiiahlp. Hatlonal Amateur Begstta Vlimen. Baiatosa Amateur Begatta Wlnneia. AKATKDB ATHIiKTICS.—Wlnnen ot American iBtaicoIIeslate Alhlette Sports. Amazlcan imatenr Champion Athletea. gw giuii Amateur Champion Athletea. ^Ti^jtt«^ ATnatt"* Qhamplon Athletea. Br the Old Stream, flliiBtnted poem. Br aw Bea, UlnstEatad poem. BUEBAIX.—The Protsealonal Arena. Kodel Leagoe Oamee. The Intamatloiial Arena. Kodel International Oamea. Vlotorlea over Leagae Clnta. irotawortlirOontastBOt 1818. OoUege Ohamplonahlp. aaiODT.—Hlgheat Boom In America dnrlng 1BI8. flaT.K MI fcaWI. WUrOBT BEOOBOED TIICBB, Eto. VheTnA Bowing. PedaatTlanlsm. Ocean Btaamahlpa. .Blejcle Badng. ■be Bogtnee, Hoee Oompanlea eta ^Vamping. mui»«liootliig. 'BallioadB.. i^OaaeUaneons. Xtap^hootlng. >g«lmmlns. ■iSalllng Yeeaela. Taohtlng. . BlTer Steamers. -Prise Blng. Weight-lifting. >BaaebalL ■ftiowahoe Badng. ■^ftattng. Setting. Kotabia Periormanaea not Beconls. ^ Sold, Apparent noctnatlona oL r of ^'"""'"'ATita In America from 16M. r Birds and Beaats are Groaped. t Tables. L Bonge Camella. Ulnatzated storr- L Time to Prominent Olllas. Moorish Halden. The—lllnatrated poem. Postage, Batea of, etc Baoelpta ot Seven Oreat Fairs. Rollglmii! Denomlnatlona. ffufff"'— Ot Popniatlon. etc Bcena-ahllter'B Btoiy, The Spring, trontlaplece poem. Bporttng Cbronologr from ITU. Btnamiililr BlsastezB. B KW f" ^*'''''™' 'WnX PIiABE OBDEB THBIB | BDPFLIBS OV THEIB WEOLEBALE AaKHTS. OOFIEB FBOK THIS OmOB OH | ' OF FOR e» A. JB on ItKWT XURT. OAOBS OP WKIX-ABSOBTBD AMIXALB, liwJ.wlB- BBBB PAUI. BOBBOrr'S PBBrOBMINa IWK OP POUB U Oira. the beat In the woild. and tbe rBBPOBMIBa BLXPHAST BDI.TAN. OAOBS AS aOOO AB NEW, J. M. PBBKCH, B-tf Detroit. Mleh. »X7W -EORK, ALAJCOU 11, 187». MT DOO BHUaOLBB la tbe leaplns doc tbat mttn aoeb a aeneatlnn arer^wbera. Uj don do no o(d etale tilftfc i m y own Idaaa, a nd no t eopled flrom anyone eta. BRDfBHABT TB. PABKEB. In reply to a Botioa In TBB CLIFFEB. I obalKBsed tbu woold be Rreat farter panonally. I now notliy tbe pablle tbacIonallennblBi to leap dOKlordos. He can me a ■piiniboard I wlU nie D one. W ow, oone np or staat np. ReapeetAilty. rB9P. B. RHUIEHABT. N. B.—Prol Bblnehart and dosa bavr been enn«*d by the Bella' Broihaia for tbe uaaon. wUb tbeAndenon Buow. U-lt^ 'T EIL, IL, BIS -WB.X3RJB BYA'S OONB,** fcraat **I7DCle Ton's Cabin** eoniti «t-lf QEO. MOIJMBOX. U Ponrth at., Bnx^yn. il. T Bf-r SSets. Oceatcat SoDff-aad-dasoa. byTom Tonv. 40Ma. «l-lt»l QEO. MOLINEUX «4 Poorth at.. Brooklyn, M. T. ILtA.TKST'. B EST , WJE1A.TK1ST AMD FDimiEBT PABODIBS ON "BABT IdNB" and •MBAUDFATHBB'B CUOCK." Oatob tbe galleTT and oonnlM tbe paraaet. M8& eooto> tleaiib.or»srorbotb. Addreaa aiDNBY BUBT. Humoroaa and Cbaneter Yocaliat. O-lt^ Boabojy, GREAT AMERICAN THEATRICAL SUPPLY 338 and 340 BOWERY, NEW YORK. ^lASAuaovsa, pbice-lists, samples and estimates fob costcAes SENT 4>R APPUCATION FREE OF CHABCK. Ba.s fcnu aeeof I Mlita ^orB ATDia. XmAOB, FBDRIBBABDTBnfMIBai OOMA WPBILTBB ~iUinBT. MAJBM FRfiSrCH JKW^IjBX A BPECIAIiTY Wn^al trilii of rjebctL'itogiiih aad'oernun Bnrtar In gift, Una Ibnad. Wasad end nnttiw, latt Importatloo sad a^jreagjguiijiMtn ^ andM^laa an tn aaaat«t«^ gamat fSnr, and EViUJSH COTTOH TXOHT»AHI> SHI&TS, tlaSS eaob SILK TieHtS, ALL SHADES AND SIZES, AT 910, not auellad a*aB bp thoas BaUag elisvhare at aaoh blcbei latea ALL KMD8 OF PADS MADE TO ORDER IN THE MOST SCIENTIFIC MANNER, > OOS'X'WBS, aatlqBaaadmod«,ol •ntpdaaalpaoa.Biadaon tba inn- laa. altar latest Paildanmndalt, at noatiiaaimlilitama. sta., isit reeelyad, bl«fa lUTCUlaa. nsaaaeaddepaltaasllordenby mall. »— ,m»»m.-, j^.f |^ .ji 'i r—*"*^ * BX>OOB18% SaS anA S40 TO WHOM XT I HATB IN STOCK THOUSANDS OP BUEETS OF mmm (OOUA'X'JOSS BOZXUV'X'^). TOrm or 1878 -AJTD 'VO I>AAMATIc'™COMPAinr, B. jr. 0.AjacnsDrrr. J. W. ^*»wrtT.r. etas* IHreotOT J. W. HATLIR Boatoea. Acent " B. HATDBR g enera l Aj^i ntilllllia MSBBOADWAT.HSW1 IMO. THB 0U>B8T ABO MOST wwr.Ttnr.g H0U8K W.DAZIAN, 280 BOWEBT, HEW TOBK, DCFOBTBB AMD KAMnPAOmKB OF THBAlBIOAI, AMD EQCB8TBIAH QOOD8, ' baa omaantly on band tbe most oomplaa i GOka. Battaa, TalvMa, Tarietani, nrnmlnatad Tiaiia. btoea, Floonalngi, I^ea Bbswia, nemuia. eta, Oold aod aunr AnurOSba, BrasulM, PMnsv, Bpuatoa, £nral^ EmbreUenas, eta., Ulk. Cotton, Wanted and LlaleTbnad ' TIgba, Tmnka, iMtarda, eto., Olowa, Baa^ Moo-. J oaa.ate . FAJ ASFBdAliTT. nba. " THE FAMOTKt PtaGSrrp^M Cruahiiig all Conceivable Chance of Contradiction ^! oar Correctness in Claining the Largest and Best Troupe in the World. laverlys Died Hastodon J. H. HATEBLT, PropFletor | WM. FOOTE, Manager. THIS EXHAU8TLESS AND EXPABSITE ETHIOPIAN I3(TEB.TAlHmtniv <ntM IS PB0FU8ELT PBAISED BT THE PBSSS, ^ EVERYWIIEHE EITOLLED BT THE ELITE FOR l]S EICELLEHCE AHO EinEiW C - AND THB REOIFIBNTB OP IHB MOST . '• nusmi ui ninMi m oi mtm of in nni I WILL BBOBITB FOB A 8H0BT SEASON AT THE AfUDXMT OP Mnsio. nbw o nr.wTlL 'M COMMENCING MARCH 23. 1879 ^ f 40 PEBFORHEBS, 40 IN PABADE. 40 FBATUBES, COUNT THEM. ^ ^ •raiOM^A TO. Qaiia,»r^ *^^ 1 4|.ltt> aus/n. ErarTthlngBmairy foraeomplataward- I ^^^^=^=^^^^^^^=^^=^=^^^ saT sasa^iro'segg^T^°L'^ '^^^ 0 R C H E STB A L PA RTS laAJOR BURKy A.OT IjTkllLiITAJLRE. A TBEMBNDOnS SUCCESS IN BVOLAMD. FBAMOB BKLOIUM, HOLLAND. OBBMAMT^ U-lt* Addiea eata of CLIPFgB. Sullivan^B ^ABENTS CIRCUS' MENAGERIE PIOTORI.A.XJ SBOW-BIUl-iS, wlilcli I will sell untU sold at 3 to { , sota. z>£:r 9xxjb£:t. Alio, havlnc porebajied nearly tbe enUie Ktock or WOOD COTS, late tba property or JAMES D. TORRT, wblob an now added to tbe naw block, of my own, I am prepared toofferrare Indacameattonhowmeo. and nizer pnoe. mnob | bahiv snal rata. Send for eatalocoa T. R. I». WLJBY, eo-ir Fropnetor Great American BnsraTiDg and Pnotloff Company, tt and M Gold aDeec, New Tone. COMBINATIONS TI8ITING THE WEST will Ond It to tbelr lotareat to call on or addrsa J E. MOUNTAIN. City Paaeoger A«ent CHIOAOO, BOOK ISLAND AND FACIPIC B. R. No. 66 Soalb Clark atraat, Cbleago, lor redooed rsiei to San FlsadKO, Denyar, Ota.j.nn.. Omaba, Connoll Blafla, AtobUon, Laaro- vonb. Ksneaa Clt^.Jlei^Molnea, Book Ma nd. P eoria, or any point Weat. - - — I good abow town, on Ita llnA tban any orlta competitora. Weowneoraleepen. and cu.fiia onedollar leaperaee- tlon between Chleago and Coanell BloOi, Atcblion or LeaTanwoTtb, tbui any otber rootM. We alM ran tbe llnat dlnlnR and reetanrant ear. aver nted on a railroad, and nrra meala (torn bUI-ot-lare at ayentT-STe eenta Mcb, or pamogera can order lea. and pay In proportion No otber root, can gWe aa good ratat and a fif o mm od a - tlona. E. F. BICHASD80N, A. A. KNOWI.ES. Oen'l Eaatam Paa>r Agent, New England Paia'r Age-it, ~ " U WaiblDsum it. Boston. 2ft7 Broadway, New Totk. PERRT OUPFIN, SAMUEL A. BENT. EES. PINAFORE W. bare poblldied OOMFLBTB OBOHSSTRAL PABTS to tbla popolar Onrs. beaaUfhlly amoged, by B. M. CATLIM, tor 13 tnatinmenta, and elegantly printed on cboloe paper, nieeompleta amngementwill be ready for debTeiTMareb 15, at tba niT low price or 119. net. Alto COMPLETE TOCAL AND PIANO SCOBS. Aill tfzt, at $1 eaeb. Bltbar of abore works not poatpald on receipt or price. THOMPdOlf A OOELL. Moaleal Pablubae. g l-Sf as Tremoat rtreet. Beaton. Maia. ZSAVBS, LEADING AMEBICAN COSTUMER a EAST TWELFTH STBEET, NEW TOBK- fOinlfheM erery reqaialce rortbeatrea,amatear cbeaowili, eia, Wlga. Baarda. SboM, Boota, Tlgbta, Sworda,etc. Uoodiant eyerywhsre. tS-Ut WAA'X'EID-OD RIOSITUE 8 OP ALL B3NDS. Woold like to bear from Capt. Batea and wile. Jofaa and Mary Powan. Wild Men of Bccneo, Banram'a flennlbeli, Anna C. Leak, and Slg. Lowmnda. Long or abort enBage- menta aa dealred. Anawv by talearapb, .tatlng l».)a lanna. Salary aare. OBO. W. HALL, allaa Popcorn Oeene, - Mgaeom, ai Main itoeetTMempbla. Tenn. a-W i Ti PARKER Sm i VOUjTI ST7BITO. OONTOrUSD SU0CBS8 IN NEW TOKK or MISS BEULA MEBTON. THB FAHOnS LADT-COHNET TIBTUOSO. Tbe only la dy wb o raoeeufolly exeeatce LETTB POLKAB. 51 young and brilliant artlata are meeting with u much nscea tbrouab the WeM tbat thay win beaompellwlle | CAlTCEIi AIX TH£IR EASTERN BATHS, UNTIL FUBTHEB NOTICE. BOUTE AFEaD: LfadTllle, Col., alx wMka; retom to Eaniaa City ror fonrweeka; S^ROBf TSEWCJia TO OA.K>XFORIIXA.. 5Mt« BiLA.RSaAJL.:_, BUSINB^ OB ADTAMCB AOl at Ubarty. addrw. Btaanion, HL C3AJELJO. TbeuaarUoD In laM wrek'a CUPPEB tbat I am DTDCO WITH CONSUMPTION la, I am bappy to ny, en- tirely erroneooa. Managera wltb wbom I am twoked will pleaM note tbla card, and reet airand that I will be on Band wben adr eiUa e d . KATE BATMOND.» 1.811 Amboy wt.. Pblladelphia. Pa. HOl^J^Y TREES TABIBTT THEATBB, L1TTI,B BOCE. ABK. WAMTED DfllEDIATELT—Two Lady Performers, good daneeia and aingera: alao twelre wine-room glrla. Moat ■ the ooilneeA Addrea JENNIE BETEBS. ax-it* Little Bock, Ark. nndentand thai TO BCAAA<0E3R8 XZUTJBS AJVT> "FtljOSSOM, tb. n» mm, op.n«] with ms ror one week. I itnmedlAiely RE:,JE:N<SA0£I> TIjLEIM. aattielract UaNOTELTT. Tber are ardnta. and dcatlnad to be ONE OP THE LEAOINO TEAMS of tbe country. NO LAMENESS about tbem, bnt OBIOINAL AND OOOD IDEAS In tbelr nadaltlea. R 0. HABT. Manager Comlene. Clereland. O. :anag"~ -~ PAWTUCKKT, R L Tbla ban baa been tbonmgfaly renorated and repainted; ■taoe enlarged: new drop-eoRAln. entire new ifenarr- Addraa Agent of Battery Ball. B-Ut* FOR SA_LJE A.T A SA.CR.IK'IOE- —A flnt-elaa Beataorant and .Sommer Oarden, with a iaige atracbed. Vo. M Baa Baltimore Mreet, Baltt- moce, Md. Apply an tbe premlaa. 61-lf g W. BACHMAMW. oliARinnoB pearlan Beatala. Oreat ^ At llbcty May A WEW HAV£U<r, OT. JOHX MoFADDBN FBOPBISTOB AND MAMAOEB HABBT MONTAaVB BTAOE-MANAOEBI T. J. MCPAODEN TBBASCBEB **Slnoa tbe opening of tbla new place of amnameDt alt Tbepeopleflock te tbe Oa ^be eoauear tbla wei HBN. JONES ai^ CBBSTON. CABBIE DUNCAN. 80PBIE DUNCAN, BOB ALLEN and HABRY MO'lfTAOUR to- IneladUig FBANBIE CHBIBTIB. VIBO PASBAND. ROSS SIS- BELW> ETT, nui anceeaa. JEUNE PREMIBB HOBACB WALL, Sole "WA-l^Tmi>—A Clarlooec and Piccolo Flayer to play Tenor and Sailton. In Braa. MoBboaobw- Btala alarrOnttlma Mnitbelov. TrsyelwllhBoblsaoa. Ad- iFEAMgBTOWE.HanidenJnneUon.Ohia M-lf Addrea letber with the QBABD HUROABIAM BALLKT, ' 'BBS, and TWELVE COBTPBEBg. (COMMUNICATION.) NBW HA7EN. CT., March 7, 187S. MB. JOHH VaFADDEM.—DBAS BIB: Haying ylHtad yanr OAIETT THEATBB. we wlab to Under our ibuika fbrgiylagtheattlieni of NewBaten scbuea toyliltsflrst-claayirlMyabow, sod wa promln oar atesdy mpport so **-w "r—..p -I""-**—* ^^''^''^^ ym-" ^T^i"if r*..W.——BeiipMUUly yooiB, a it* (Signed) WlLUAM R FOX. and many othm DTICA, N. T. ■OLAM A BUSSELL FBOPBIBTOBS JOHHNTPBILLIFS STAOE-MAHAOEB Aitlata or all kind., ladln eapedally. wUI do well to wnia jpaNNiB PHiLLira. tcrdatea. St-lt* Northern Hotel, Cuea, B. T. PROF. BC. 0'RE1AJRX>OZ«', TUMBLBBONI(X>N, e m be add iia a ed ears of CUPPER M-W HILT Q FINAFOBE. eompletaJOi:. paMpakL , JXL. O. OEOV A. IBELAND^ M lt« 517 Market Mreet, St Lonle, Mo. XxA_BOEeT A-SSOItTMJEIST IN THB WOBLD of Playi, Dramaa, Csmedlee, Fareea, Btbloplan Draaas. Flaya for Ladja only. Playa tor Gentlemen only. WIa, Beards, Mooitaebea, Face Piepaiatlona. Bomt Oon, Jarley'a Waxwiska, TSMeaax, Obatartea, PantaaleMa Goldca to tbe Stage; and for4Amat«nra. Maka-op Bock, Msks-np Boxes. New Flays. SAM'L FBENCHA SON,^ 38 East Mtb Btreet. Union •qoaie. New Totk CATALOGUES SENT PRBEtll al-et Dl OBBAT 8PECIALTTBS. INTBODUCINO DOETS. DOUBLE BONB AND BANJO SOLOS AND ARTISTIC SONOS- AND-DANOBS. are oven ror datea after April 7. Addrea Ml Wen ad ureet. New Tork. Pine Wardrobe. St-lc* TJOflA-TRE, TOLEDO, O., for l^n. Beating capacity. Ha Nearly well loeabedln boalnea part of_elty.^_ Pop niat l o n,gOjMk ATHEN>CUM Ncveltj Theatfe, COZeTrMBUS, o. 08CAB Tf ILLIS ... Biialne88*Buiiager PARTICULAR NOTICE J. a NOBTON. PEBFOBMEUS A.TTEXCiTIOK', BAND-LBADEBR—A FlrM- claa Slide Trombone and Eupbonlnm Flaya daalrea an nt. R LETKR 707 Walnntatieet, PbOa. Hi st* "WAXfTJEID—TO PUBCBASE A OOOD FAHO- BAMA. MUST BE CHKAP- Addrea with foil partlcnlars. »l.It« R J. NOBTON. Mempbla. Tean- TESIfT. "«i~tt* SrHfB kOb'.Tvn N.'Srrenih et. SI. Loola, Mo. FOR s^a-iB-crRcus lUMt roond-M|). Fiu|ieily eompleta^ ALL PRBFOBMBB8 RhaAOBD AT THIS TBBATSB WILL NOTICB TBAT THBIB EMGAOBMBNIB xwwt CANCELED. COMBINATIONS WANTED IMMEDIATELY ON GOOD SRABINO TBBMS OR BEMTAL. Oar yariety aaaaoa oloaa Marob U. Addrea at once nnov OSOAB WILLIS,> Tiiawiia ami niiilnea iiiiniiii PRICE, 16 CENTS. QXTEUSm', PnhUBher and Proprietor, P. O. Box 9JB0, or 88 and 10 Centre St.. Hew Tork. gajk-a-XC—BLAATTFAOTOR'Z' OF oi»e».a.hotose:, btbacusb, n. t. Having leaaed tbla e1ci elaa cnmhlnellone on _ tnily eoalpped and Oistclaa m an Ita appointments targeexlta, and can be emptl«] In three mlnntr' Alt tbla elCKant theaoe. It U now open U nllberal akarlng tenna. Tblali JAS. R WAITR Manager. "WAJSTED—A Sltnatlon In a Clrcna aa a WIBB- PEBFOBMEB; will naranieeeatwactlon. Addiea_ S-«ti Vm. MlMBgUnd«tbUl Coatta, Tt. BtTBINESS-AOENT, DISENOAOED. plica. New Tork Addrea II CUntaa TB.E2 OR EAT W. TOST. HOL a NottbTnnth BC. FblladaphlA. Ps. 4«-iat» | UU Market street, "XVJUVER DOUBT MB, LITTLE DABLDIO,' very On. minstrel aoDg.40cta. Dlaonnt to the profealoE 5».It» QEO. MOLINEUT. «t Foortb st, Brootlyn, N. T. ACAJDEMTT OF MtJSIO, BEDFORD, PA. THOMAS BUBBELL Sole Leasee and Proprietor O. B. MODOMALD Baalneaa-manager (to wbom an letters abonld be addressed). _ Capaelty. LOOa Fsnrnet, DreesdRle and OsUery. Finest Teilsty Ban west o< Hew Tork. Opens Feb. UL Write for ' 47-Ut WEBTBBN HOTEL , opposite Wanamaker'e Oiand Depot, . Philadelphia, 0ITE9 SPECIAL BATES TO THE THEATBICAL FBO- PES8ION. aod U recommendMl by ^eooo's Opasm Oa, Ford'e ■'Pinafore" Co. Masra.Bat<ibener A Dotla, MIgbt. Ingale Party. Cooper A BaUSr and W. C. Oaap;a Btas~ S^cnlnm and otneia. J. K. TBAUCK, iS-gt Proptlatnr. WOTICE.—J. F. DIBECTOB. IS AT LIBEBTT. or CLIPPER F., BrC8XOA.Kj Addrea aa aboye^ e Teilsty datea. Aniattaa answered. vattx>je;vu^i-<e; teu batre, ban antonio. te xar open the te ab roord. wwWAT.w TALENT WANTED AT ALL TIMES. .Addiea l4S-Ut«l F. SFABEOW. Hsnsger. TO CriramASTs. C H. HAWKINS, NO. IIS EAST THWrBBNTH OTMDBr NEW YOBE. MAZES OP APPARATUS. LBAPDnl BOARDS AND BABS OF LaHCBWOOD. H AND OLOBBS. OBOB^rBARRELS, CANNON. BOBIZONTAL-BABR gntEL OBNTBE, CHEST EXPANDEBS. OTMIIASIDMS FTTTED.Eta , . , Bend stamp for dtrolar. AOAI>EBrS' Tbla I ,tbor- rille,16il OF MTJSIO, BfiiiLEVILLE, ILIi. .beantlftal balL eltnatad on PabUe eqaate,' , IM»-o^^3rlorg|5^^^k^^^ LTRE RO'S'AJLi. MONTBBAL, TO LET. FOB DATES OB SEUMJOTBMgk^KjTJJO C.13t» JBS8B JOBBPH. Proprletcr. • A UXj KXlfDS OF OFBRA- ■HOBS and Dancm dom made to amsr. A I<ACBOtt, ] W< Bowery, New il-ut* w>cuuK popKaTION.^»,ODO. . Llseneed. stage Si^DR., aceoay. JOflLUT A ABWOLD. Proprtotoea. 4B -13t* STJCCTESS. MBTBOFOLITAN THBATBE, , A ■pa-snn fr.TTgx TXVOJuI TH TOA- TBE. Eighth street, between Second and Third ar em e. i*y T.A^ ivABinErr'' amtS" 'onlt 'lkSmSbb I MUSIC H ALL I N THE CI TT. OPEN ALI. THE TEAB BOUND. Tbe laiaatt and beat company in tbe dty. _ s> FIBST-CLaSs STABa Bnrlewine, Ballet, OUo. Oyaa- nestle, Fantombna. Flrst-elaa attlsU only dealrlnaaa' gagemenm, wldiea aa abore. fl-tt X>REW _ AT BOMB AGAIN (In tbe American HoteU Borllogton. Tt.), and wtmldbe pleaudtoMeblaoId Menda,and aa many new oneass pleaad may fayor bun wttb their patronage. ■3lttEHtxowT theatbical companiesi oddfellows' hall. 'tebsailles, kt,, to ^ . Beating capdn. HO. Oood eompanla well patnalsed. Fooalatlon. S.OOQ. Addrea _ <SlSg JOHN S. MINABT. Seew»tarT. Vaieainea, Br. JOBS WaSOKt-.^rrT^Wrr. MAMAOEB OPEN FOB THB SEASON. ' Tba oolr Srst-daa theacre lA the Northwest. ■ HORAi^Opantheyearroand. WooId be plaued to | barftomtbepiuftialonatall tlma, B-it_ •vOOX-^X^EEIT DBAS HACHREB, or My Own naeji Duiinw." PSnnie Bean. cSs. ^rSttfui^Vrlfflnea." Bobby Neweomb Ue. "oidKome by the BUUlda" SMIr Se. •otannam and Ontera." valtz..^, Skelly. 3Be. HARRY MINER'S NEW THEATRE, 166 and 167 Bowery, New Tork. _ AwmUyTblni" sangby BUly Bi _ , PBEDEHIOE BLUMR 951 B'dw'y.sboyembst JfXC-M* | MOZAJRT OFERA-HOTCTSE,'"- ■iSsan Cny, Indiana, {S mUaeast of CUogo, on tbe S^T^ Mlehtean Central. IndlanapoUa, Pern and Chi- SSoTaad Lndnffll New Albaay and Chicane BaOwsya. AaJldU^niwingdty of orer aeren tboosand popnJaBon- nSMd&tlanewand centraDylocated; andlenre-toom 1. iiiiiii "• - -r: donble entrance; and baa a aattng a - 'ty of SB to WBD, IndadlnK geUwy: BandnoayttM,aby«XL; drotHnitBln; flnt-elaa adutad^to the nae ot tbeatrlcal and mi nstrel eoDcarta or otber entartalnments. For tono, TwoSwijs be reasonable, addrea JOHN muoEB, ; fgi**^!?—" City, Indiana. 8.»»ow. HAEBT MINEB, Bole Preprlrtor aod THE LONDON. New Tork. BEAOXOAX.I ai.SL»TJFACTOR^.-A -^riw^cf very tfsgant Dlnslona. VeobcUoQalal and P nncb - andJady Flgoea always on band. Also oar ImproTed •tMSSarSerrwisMd'a Cabuet, with MagtcUn's Open- ffS^StoSi aSSch, aoc: Tea of FtSraTsa Bp: Zo- wib?PleRrpotAtS|isir.*«>; HindooOlobssodTan- (SSm-biu; uuiSomily craamantad, Oiav. SSS. Sand (br prio..Ust or ihrSrinnsaatad9».ps«edCatalogoe. Addrea W. J. JUDD. m Henry oBAS. IX- oavert is at UB EiaV gS fcccmaj. aCsyert. 138Hadsonay..» ^-^Ta^LEADKBS. ATTENTION I AOOODB-FLAT COBNBT--IT^3BB TO TEACH AMD m. 'tT w.iy 'A well-advanced BAND; Mewbe has a trade ot woold like to angaceln Tonng maa P'efsmdj^ cHABLBS O. TOND» TblTteentb Brigade Bend. Amsmdan. H. T. &ir»a.rOBOSaEB.»LstAyetteplaterB.T. M-m* ■es rA'W TvsnTa-TBBATBB OOMIQUE. BuJunpnd. T^aSSfifiiftrtbe 1^; sbo specialty ar— hiiaialieiai w. w . rUTWAM. . . - - -a aeat ansMt. m ailed» Ma. rt^fOLTMlTE.« Pr ^Ml] OFPO ttlTB FUiNOB ynw.ww w OPEN iyT.T, THE TEAK ROTTVD wmdawen to , AFFLT AT ONOB FOB PATML. I-tl WE STAND PRE-EMINENT. THE NEW TEAM, ^ BI.0SS01XE LATE OP CmCMINOa AND HINE& CARD TO LATE OP THE BLOSSOMS. MANAGERS. Sonth But PasMoger Agent, FennaylTaoia Paa'r Agent, 4lh *it.. Oindnnau. O. Philadelphia R ST. JOHH. Q. P. and T. A., Ohle sgo. «8-8ai BEHER THAN GOLDI Managesi and trayeUng agenta ot tbeeon, ^erm and show eompanla will find It better tban gold In their poek- eti If they are going weat. north or nottbweet of Chicago to call npon or writs to E TLIET, City Faaaoger Agent I of tba Cbleago and Northwestern Ballwaj, a GLARE STBEET, CHICAGO. This Is by all odds tbe best road between Cbleago and Omaha, Chicago and St. Paul, (^eagoand Mllwaokea. and Chicago and all polnta In the Wester NortbwasL Itdaals liberally as to rata with all show companies, and lipatna- Ued by th. bwt-p'wt.d mujigeim that ooaaa Wat. This Is the only line that rnna the PULLMAN HOTEL-CARS weetot Chicago, tbe FULLMAM 8LEEPIM0-CABS north of Chicago, and PARLOR-CARS betwean Cbleago and Mll- wankee. Its lines reach all tba Important bnslnsa centra or tbe great WaL ^ Boston ollloe, 5 State street: New Tork offloe, 415 Broed- way; Ban Francisco oflloe.Slfew Montgomery etreet. ' MABVIN HUOHTT T, General Manager. W. H. STENNETT. General Passenger Agent W. A THRALL. General Ticket Aaent BANJO MUSIC ABBANOBD TO OBDEB BT lYank S. Converse, antbororthe foUowlojr staod.rd works; **BanJo Without a Master." "The BaoJoand How to Play It," **Complete Method for tba Banjo," and "The Banlolst.'' Ledtlmau Professional Baojoa. Addrea FBANK B. CONTEBSB, care W. A POND a CO.. g Union sqoare. N. T. g it To Circus Men. SM BEWABD will be paid for socb Information as will conviet anr partla maklor. selllog or nslng EIDD'S PATENT CIRCUS UOHTB lllenlly. OEOBOE TATLOA Sole Agent and ManoIhetnreT. CrBCTJS LIGHTS. EEDD'S PATENT LIGHTS, prices reduced, are tbe chapest and meet dorable. Bole Agent. QEO. TAYLOR. M Gold street. New Tork. 51-13t» BANJO TAUOHT BT MAIL. Ctr. Jcolantzee. DlmeBanloMoaloCo., 'an Folton street, Bntttlyn, N. T. FIBST-CLASS MANAGEBS, ADDRESS CARE OF CUPPER «a-)t» SPORTING. . ilmoa areyolntlon has taken place In tbumcal matters. SalstT with andlalniahed eBtbaaasm."—HEW HATBN UNION. Mareb II. 1879. nek Incloda OOOL BUBOBBS. MABBL PEARL. BEL MEUAB, lONE LANG. JEKRT CO- HIPFOPOUMUS, fUriUITS, MUTI. I FARO TOOI£ FOR SALE. TO MANAGEBS. THE MOrvA-RCHM OF Kl:;l-'irVi:i> HRl^XC:iJ AXiXlST'S TO AND COMBIKATIOSS. PEXBACOLA. risOaiDA. MAB0U8. 1 O A. R 3>.''^ b&Tlo|r noilmd the canl Lo last we«k'a CUPPEB from the mAB«KviD»nt ol the VaudeTille Tbeatie. San AatoDlo, Teiaa, bega to state that ber aalary wai not "cot down for Jiut canae.** bat that It la tbe pollof ol tbe preaeot man- acvment U> enffags peoDle trom a dutaoc* at a talr ttliir, and then, wben tbej (at tbem there, cot tbem down. She alao wlabea to atata tbat aba played a alx weeka* en- sanment at tbiB boow laat aeaaoa for Hart k Martin, ana fonad them falr-dealloac men: the managvmeot baa alnce ebannd. She woold alao tafonn Imdr perttowneri tbat tbe7 RiTa a ao-called cud ball every other nUht alter tbe «bow. and they ara obliged to remalo aomeUmea till daTllgbt and danoe nltb Slexlcana, aoldleta, and oUnra Anyladr wbo won't daooe can't play then. Itwaa dna to mfMftbat I aboald make tblflexplautlOD;aad now. u I doD't «oart newapaper notoriatr, I will not ooUo* any mora attaebt opon ma. knowlnjc tbat I anx too well known In mr profeaalon for anything ot ibla kind Co bart me. IDA VIVTKNNE. We. tbe andefalgned. bef to atate tbat tbe aboTe la trae in arery respect, aa we know from npcrlenee. Wm. Qnlnatta. Mlaa Emma Henry, and the QolnetteCbUdren. • Madame Mersons 1 FeinAle Hlppopotamaa. aboat IKyeara old: 1 Male Doabls- bonud Alnean Bhlnoeeroa. abontSyoars old: 4 African Blepbanta. 1 Female Indian Blepbanta, S GInAa, a Anta- looa. rollowlng soeda: I pair Onns, 1 Belid. 1 Ton. 1 Carraeapra, 1 Springbok; I Doykerbok, 1 Aftlcan fbes. 1 Wart Hog. 1 Nylahu. 5 Polar Bean, S BarcbaU Zebtaa, oolet to ride and driye: 2 AUean Zebos. Black and Whlta DionKdsnaa, t Roysl Bengal Tlgen 8 Fnll giowa Lions, 5 X,^rg« Chacon. Baboons. 1 HenMer IMII, nale th. iugea and flnat_perlomilng amoial In Borope; pair A ftir a n Ostncbn, Emos. Uamsa, great qaantlty ot Monkia (all kinds), and small CamlTora; also 7J(BpAlt* Badgregara, I and MTeial tho*isand pair. Zebra Flnchea, and other Ana. ttallan and Indian Birds, yarlons kinds ol Snakea. etc.. Per price and partlcolare appir to MR C. RI>;R Menagerie. i3-4t 130 Commercial road, London, Rngland NOTICE TO CIBCnS MANAOEBS. MAJOR BURK, lite or Eolopean elieosea. can b. ragand ror the com- Inc season. A noyelty ast for tbe American elreoA M-lt* AdOiea care of CLIPPER THEATRE GOmQUE I CHAMBEBS STREET, BRADFORD, PA J. BAUER Proprietor W. M. LTNN SQSiness.manager ED. CHRIB3IE Htage-manafet Ihe Host Popular Plats of Amusement io the Citv. OMn all tbe yaar roand- Baiy ol aocati ftom alJ polota. Good people waoted Immedlately, ladlea ea- | pceUlly. Salarr moat be modaimte, u It la evrai. Crowd- , ed boaaaa nlsbtiy. Addreaa at onoe aa aboT*. and ae- oare an aany data. 4S-13t RETD OR JSXJXJJSS 0LiO09v I "1.B0: U-lnob SMtg-and-daaoa fTTinaa. — ; Dutch Cloga, Pclgbt Wbca^gg; Cotk, par box,fiOBL; ralee Xooa- -taobaa, BDil ; Boaawood JBonaa, 7Bd*L^^^* ^jl AT BEDUCEB FHICEB. Faro Boxes, Layouti, Case Keepen, Cheok Baoki, Cue Cards, Card Ftona, Faro, Poker and Bonlette Tablai, Bon* lette, French Pool, Jenny and Heedle Wluwla, Faro and Poker Cardi and Cheoki, Keno Tooli, Monte noketi. ud diort eaniBB oi eTaiy deuription. BBRD FOR PBICB U8T. BTSBEBO, aBOHHOLM ft CO., M.lSt* ra Bterket St., VBileatso, HI. THE STANDARD AMERICAN IBUUARD TABLE& HOW BEADT, WALKING. RUNNING, JUMPiML TRAINEE F OB THE MAHHATTAB OLUB. ' lUaatnSed. Prteeu,, W. woold eaU tbe a^a,^^ "Li"*"" IntereatedffTj: J^&^SwJest&aSS ^.Jgedswe M» Bow^t1^ [- ipftrthe _ Frica lower than la OOOD OOODS ONLT. Sod for onr new rsisliwa. ■ IMpagea. 700 lllastiauSia*'-' Price, 10 eenta uvu . Feck & Sn yder, 124 Naaaaa s treet N. I, HEADQUARTERS for aU artkda aad m Osmts d Chiaea. iiln.i,,. gida^Dla^EMoeM., PokaObecka aS^As^ Osrd r i f , Cae^rts.CbaekBSdsnLiC?TJS?S. Ohaeka. Ootba palntad toonteteamrnna^laS sndnnplsihsstmsDadftsa. Addrea , ^Ti» BATfflepNAoa, . . 8INsaaas>is st,KswT^ Oamea Time to name. For partlealsrt sand stamp. _ P IT 8T0CE OHLT, T. EDBLBUBT. <l-«c* Pelbam, HmpSSe Oo?&.- MISCELLANEOUS. ADTANTAOB FUtok Carda. wltb key, Tta. pa pea- f packs.»L C.CONROT.SBtaMmbaa^.^'ngti CATAMGUB OF RABE NOTBLTIBS. SCIH. ITn loyeftm, read U- C. QUEEN. Btoniianfi^o.B, PaCTO TinnNO CARIW-Now all tbe rage la Fsib. 1 doien beaouial aUt-edsed .'roandonSiS r tsame and photccraph. only aOc : 1 daaf calsn and s»-—'—•-"— - —- - - t,Now - With yoor name and Fallnanli UlNuai »pi|e book baa E. iiiMKlc&^'; todereloporndocaany [wtot tbe body. Bentpait^ on receipt of BOe., or postsge stamps. AOdrMPraLjSA Tialnere Instltnta. iS BtoadwaTTN . TT^ «.iSi7 RARE BOOKS and Choice Pbotoa-Samiitol'liim.h. SI jS'*'*" •'• * Hobhard OoSt, oSaiS' RSSft. HAyAj.A Lurrmy.-qtand Drawl w. which will take plaoe Apdl A Wll^^ 1 Grand Pme ct ,, }gfSS?SSSJ:-.-.::-..-::::-;:;:::;;::: 8 Prliaot UI.0CiOeaeb m!mS: 8 Prlies ors.000 each SlcbbS! 9AppToxlniaUottaor 4.(noaach SoBimZ 9 Approzlmatlonaof ajODOeaeb SSiSe 9 ApproximaUonaof tsm each ULOBoM 874 AppnxlinatlonFrlfaol UBOeseh..... mmyma TXt.. For fturtberpartlealaia uUna M. A- MABTINB t COukaalaa. si-«t. MWan.trwt.BaaiaiBCMi^e«k. BOOK BXCHANOE, aCABCE BOOES aad Bare FhsUh. aBinnie,9ai tSOaU'Be. Sc. MJSanUt, MtOntailoat.Oble'e O-lk. all/N«me In gold. FTankunCOL. >crtbtord.Ct. »Ut eilSnosdase, aoito, eia; Oiy Cbromo Cards, lOc Na no 1 alike, a » aanit ■■Card On,Hssira.B.T. 41-Ut ^^17 a month and 1 i ie iiMoanarantaBd to A silA Oe^ 911 flitlee. SHAW A 00. Aggesta. Maba. , $10 TO $1,000 sr^'"^*"'^''"^"^" ftae arpUlnlBg 2S-Stt BaXTEB ijWVW lortt JTEB A 00., tort mi a c en tncotb. Doukaiel Addran BukaaJTWaOa..R. T. ' in DUflTAfi ofFeoiale B«aHa.ll]c,eTl iU rnUlUa J. «.IHeti.Bo»ag.AsMsnd.TK>W • PHOTOS t'SrS^fiiuy Booka. etc-. 3c N. L Whltnry, Grand Central Gardens, I.OT7ZSVZIXE, Kir., odatlona for 10.000 jpeopl.. and room for a in be IsttoCIBCnsBBat yery ban a aANDSOMB THEATBB dardeea, with ■■iliii capacity tor l.ODD. _ BTAOB. well stocked with acenur. vnu Stan or reuonsble loAtde tbe A LABOB OoBbmaUona Woold Ilka to hear 'from SENSATIONAL STABS with HOBSB or SHOW PIECES. Hare a good apear. and will te open and mn In connection wltb the Mevopollian Tbeatie all Somma. It Is eentmlly located. Two hna of horae-cars ran direct to tbe gatea. ADOlyto J. H. WHaLLEN. iiS MANAOBR METROPOLITAN THEATBB. VON BOYLE Impersonations, AT THB NEW NATIONAL THEA'TOK^ BB-BKGAOED FOB ANOTBEB WBBK. PblLADBLPHIA PA. L Bi-lt I tbereron pronoonce yonr Boa Baolo to be tbe that I haTO «T«r olayed on. I ehwtlaUr recommend anyone dalioas of getting a good Banjo for ettbet stags or home amoMment to pnrenaa one or_yoDTa. (Blgned ED. DE BABRA Cbampion Banlolst or the State 01 Loolslana. aDdTeaebO', Keller's Bow, New Orleans, La. We cbeertn^aj^proye ol^^ i^re atatamuL & H. STAFFORD. Banlolst. NUMA OLO HETT E, Ban|oiat . JOHN BENNETT, Baaloht. Send stamp for pilee lists c( S. a STEWABTS Banloa, MoMo, Sinnga, Baadi. eta.Sil Anb st, Philadelphia, Pa' itbOntana. 7Ba; 1 — . - .Fire: Pteparmtlc B.; He— from SI each; Jig. dog, and , tM-Ptlca of lUnstrel , menta,eta. Bamltbr P. O. order or reglstsred latter to KD. JAMES, Clipper Bnlldtng, Ml 88 and aCeatte suueC New Tak. COLLENDER, or to PbelBa A OoUaidar, P. O. Sea L8tf. l»tfJ •788 Broa<lws.y, n. "X. THE HOST EXTENSITB BULURD HlFKITllRBIl^ IN THE WORLD. GROWN all , pottttKld,! I Of sraPlSaulF80PIT-- JEWEL WljpL tl each. Sand ttamp sLa Oooda, Mnalcal laatra- CHAllEMm THEATRE GOMIQUE InreRM>naatoaebaDeDveftamMme.iJid«TBon.wblehap-I 7 In re^unaa to a obaDeofe tma Mme. inderaon, which ap- p«ar«d Id your laaafl of Feb. 8.1 telcvrapbed an acoaptanco of tbe name to A R Samaelta, ber fanalneaa-masager, bnt have reealTad no reply. I wonld like to bear trom b«r at once, BO aa to eetUe tbe qa*atton of wbo ii really tbe Lady PedeetrUn Champion. MADAMB PRAMKLIN. M-lt* Par H. MARTIN. Boalneaa-manajcer. ADELPHI THEATRE. TOIsEDO, O. TBIB THEATBB la being tborooghly renoTated, painted. frBKoad. «an«t«d and aapplled wltb KEW SCIENBBT, OAS-FIXTUBEa and all the modem ImproTemeota, and will be open to tbe pabllc MONDAT. MARCH 31. WANTED—WAI.E AKD FEMALE ABTIBTS Ot abUlty and repntatlon In all branchee of the Variety Profeaalon. Talent engaged to open with Weeteni manaoeraare re- qoeatad to write for datca W. H. euiTH. aa-iat Manaaer. HARRICAN & HART'S NEW SONGS, AS SUNG IN THB UUI.I.IOAN-anAItI> BAIA SINQINO AT THE HALLWAY DOOR, THE BABIES ON OUR BLOCK. THE SKIDMORE FANCT BALL. Mnslo by Dst. Brabam. Each 40 centa. U tl Tf. A POND A CO., 3S Union Miaare, New York. NBW BANJO MUSIC— No old oreecond-baad plecea. Oct tbe latett sonn. yarla- tioDi, msnhoi, ope. eta. etc. Poor new ologeIn rti#nmnr knrs msjnr and minor—S eentseaab; 71 oaoia lor Itis fbnr. For oatslocoai addtsii AL BAUB, Breokyllla, Pa. ^ . Brooklyn. N. T. ' VOLKS'GARDEN VAEIETT THEATRE, Uf BOWBET, OFF. BFBINO.^m na London Mnsla Hall <t America. OPEN IHB YBAB BOUNDt _ ... a FAB Ii FAL B - -"^HES L T. onSELBBBa -r Maaa^ anaaRmoDta inort aand xn tMir ddbuwb ooa wa b aa- wySraiay win be er ased na n tbebo^ AuoonnnuaBiBaanawwwa. ^^jjj^ SHOW FAHITDKiS, 8x«j, $12-10x12, $20. BOOAIPS FBOFEBSIO^f- AL, SILTBB- BIM. NICKLE AN D B O 8 B- WOOD BANJOS. SOFBRIOB TO ALL 0TBBB8, AND AT JjOn^rSS^ B^lTBAtUO AND TIOLINSTBINGB. UciaL eedi. Otbv gooda In proportion. All klads of nSIOAL INfimMENtrS SbNT C. O. D. BOaAN<S SIMPLIFIED BAXJO MANUAIfc the meat alniple and only method ot tbe kind pnbllabed. easbllM any person to nUy a tnne In Sye mlnuto. eon. ttlnsB tnnea,wltb all necMsary directions: orlo^ SI BOOAiraaDIDB IO THB STAGE, OB DANdKO -WTTBODT A MASTER, eomprlslng Jig. CJog, Song-and- danee, and Usb Dancing com oleM. enabling any pmna to leam the ait ol dancing; priea. tat BANJO AND STAGE DANCING TACGBT PR M TIOALLT. Bend stunp fbroewprice-list. JOHN J. BOOAN. g|.lt» lOD Bast Hooston street. New York. BOW TO PL A T TH B BANJO and Aye tnnw for prac* , tlca. and a it- OS fX-TX AO TUNES. PRINTBD AND BOUND. FOB tL "The Wakly Banjolst's Companion". oDntalB. fbor late pleca In erery lane. Pnce lOo. a «>pT. linnmbaranowra:dy. Addrea the DIME BANJO MUfflC 00., «B and BB Fnlton sneet. Brooklyn. N. Y. M-lf THE FAMOUS REGIMENT. THE LATEST AND BEST MARCHING SONG. OU> WOODEN ROCKER. Sona.andHsborna. PRETTT BUNCH OF TIOLET& Ballad- IF YOU OITE THB OIBL THE CHANCE. Serlo-comla FINNEGAN'B BRIGADE. Irish mArehlng soog. Artists' copies or any of the above lent by mall on re- ceiptor ISctiL each, by tbepnbllBbets only,» SPEAR A DEHNHOFF. 717 Broadway. N. T. WANTED, A SITUATION AS Treasurer or Assistant with strsyeling areas or ball show. In 1871 was asalstant with J. B Warner A Co.'s, and In '73 with Dan Sloe's. Ad- drea CON. RYAN JR., m-It* la HsJlson STenne. AlKany. N T. BIO mX! HIT BARD! GREAT SUCCESS AT TONY PASTOR'S, N. Y. NEALON AND CARROLL, THB CLEVER MUSICAL ARTISTS. U-It* Kansas City, Mo* WANTED AT AIX TIMES FIRST-CLASS ARTISTS. Artists playlni at this bona may bave tbe adTsntage or | Item '12 to 16 weeka, locludlog Qnlney, Dearer, Laad- Tl>le. Galraion. St. Jowph, Slonx City, and Yankton. SALARIES NEED NOT BE LOW TO COMPETENT AB'nSTS. VALENTmB LOVE. Pleprletor. FOR REMT, IHB ELEOANT ACADEIMY OF MUSIC, Capaolty. 1,200. Heated by steam, lighted by gaa. Laiee stage, fine ecenery, cooTeolent dreeung-rooma. and every attacbment ronndm all Orat-elaa balldlngs. SIda will be received nntll noon April 1,1879. Lmm may be for one or more years. Foeaonlon given April II. ISTS. Addiea LOUIS B. TOUNO, gO-4t CbMtman Commltta. on Academy of Moalc Millett's Opera-House, I atjsthv, t'-f. tt a « - THE BEST HOUSB IN THE SOUTBWEST. FordatMorl I Intormatlon addien C. F. HILLETT. ao-tf Proprietor and Manager. OEO. O. DOBSON'B I BANJO BOOKS, Strlnua. Mn- sic etc. Send stamp lor new | pnce-llsta. 1,139 Washington street, BoatoiL OlFtf THE BAIiKE ntE MONARCH J. Me BRHNSWIOK AND COMPANY, 7M BBOADWAT, HEW YORK. CINOIHNATI, CHIOAGO, BT. LOUIS Send for nias&atad Cataloaoa and Ftioe-llat. SI41 Aaioe Fowla, OOOKS AMD HHHa Alao earl] Stags and Pnlleta, Ikom strains ol my own linpartafloas Warxantad thoronabbred game. J. B ASHIOBD, S44>t* Sot Oatlowblll smat, Fhlladalpbla, Fa. nioaisbtp olT Ikie Worl,A fDAYS' WAlLEINa.TUUBNAMBNT, J. BRrDS A. CO.'S HEW Crown Jewel STATIOMBBT PACKAGE, SI.O) pa m to AOBKia Cheapest in the World. Two aamola wltb jewtjry, by malLjinstpald, Me ILLUdtBATED CTBCULABS < ABLE NovFlUea. FREE J. BRCDS A CO., ae>7 Broad'vray. NEW YORE, i BstabUsbed ISTa ' Favorably known tbroagboot the U. A l-lteow. • BMW Tear He'wadealer fbr I Ba.Baw . A BE CORD OF 8:80 OB BKTIER. vilvattae Name, Color, Pedigree, U redtad thsatksdBt or dead, or over 1,000 Trotters and Paoers. Prloe, lOoenta, at all news sgenclse,' post-paid by tba pnbllsha. A. "W. FRAUENTHAL. I,a0 STEWART BTRBBT,^ _ phOadsiphla, Fa. WE SEND i^REE i^i^ BOOKS on Private Tbaatnoals, B .s d ra t l nn ., yia loiea. Home Amnsnnenla. Jok. Books. .8«omp«l)ad>«^a»- losltlons Beady ReckonaIa^Rsdpa and Oo«*J»S :*ttar-wilttaii. Cooitshlp, Pnnlea, EW>«<?- "JlSl! Oama. Maglo, Fotton.-i.llMa. DiMn booM, Acebusa, Dancing and Calltaig Flsorei, Dsbatlog, Banjo, Kims Books,eta Bendaddrewto DICK 4 PnZOBRALD, Pobluhera, ■ p. O. Bor t,m, Ig Ann scert. New Tott. CARDi SI FOR IaADIBS AnLY. TO TAEB PLACE IN NBW TOBK ORY, COMMENCING MAY IB. I87». nnder the management or A R. BamnfTls and J. H. Webb. FIBST PBIZR. a massive silver belt and SIM In cash. SECOND PRIZE, SH) m eeah. THIRD PRESS, SIOO In cash. Any party entering tbla contest and walking three boa- died mlla wltbont obtaining a prise Is aoaranteed $S In money. Tbe prises vrtn be handed to TBE CLIPPBR one month frior to date ol ooDten. wblob will be GOVEBNBD BY HE A8TLEY-BELT RULES. All aooeptsncea to be rorwstded to " A B. SAMUEIjIA career OLIPPEBofBoe. '«•' BANJO PfiOPII, TAKE NOTICE. J. BBtfCB. Ol COUBT St., BBOOEXaTH. AU pemo. eua MOd to bsvel the comin g s a i in n with AN DESon k CO.'S OBBAT WOBLD'SIIENAOBRIB AND INTBRHATIOHAL CIBCUS are hereby notlSed tbat tbe openlM wUI be la Topeka,Ksnua, Monday. April li. Be '"eKLLs''SB3THEBS'OBBAT EUROPEAN 7 BLEFHAHT MILLIOBAIBBBAILBOAD OIBCUBAMD MBNAQBBIB wia oaen tbe eeasoa at OolnBibaa, O., oa' Monday, April KoBlseagaaad areeipeeted tobe onbandb>yAr~^ JX ■ IM-tfT^ SELLS BBorr FUEHCH'S nFTH>A.TEI)D£ H. H. S. PINAFaRE 00»AOT.lU«h* iaail, ajBgWo^KT. A^ " MAGIC LANTERN and StareoptlcotuL all pdoea Views Ulostratlng every snb — ror pnbllo exblbltlona, etc A profltabia bualnaa for a 1 with small capital. Also lanterns ror home amose- HEALTH, STRENGTH, MUSCLE By mall prepaid, 00a. DUMBBELL AND CLUB-SWINOEB'S BANUAIs postpaid for 9)0. COMFLBTB HANDBOOK of AND WRESTLIMO. fifty en. gravlnjj^prtoe Sueenta I-tt TBBATIBB OR FBAOnOAL TRAINING fv Bnnnlng, ^^aOdng, Bow UUTi Boxing, ata, SQa MANUAL OF BP O S JIHO RULES rorlnandoai door sports. Me THB MODEBH OARSMAN. Clipper Bnlldlaa. 68 and 00 Oantze D engravings. SOa. AMxasTFabllsber, 7<-vage eatalogne nee. tlolan, it Nasean street, N. Y. ment. MOAIXISTEB, M'Cr Op- 47T0«- B<>Jk_l_c*G oriOVJEUS FOB DOBSON CLOSED AND OPEN BACK BANJOS, by smiple method, $3. avenoe. New York. ten new Imptovemeats, Ktented March t, ISTS. ate. O. D. New Book —'nie TsteranMaster or Oeiemonlai, OLD BILL TOVZB will eend, on receipt oT X, S8. or SB lor the very bar — exprtaas snperlorut oTBOnNa OLOVES to any I n the U nion. Olova cleaned sod ispslisd. • ^3E™ 'fHL'" SELF-DEFENSE tiS^t by MB. tOVBB, sUbetst hlsoira or tba papQ'i c2de~ ' ^ BBNBY O. DOBSON, W6 SUtb ROBERT HAMILTON, COSTUMER, 123 EIGHTH AVENUE, between I6cb and ITlh atneta. New York. Theatrical. Olrcasand BaUCoatomeamadeat the flhorteet notice. Coitamea to hire. tf-UC* ACT Is'MUsITAIRE, Late of Moore A Bargea' Minstrels, LondOD, and Bocae's oL Is open ror engafement. In. Addrea care of CLIPPBB Minstrels, Liverpool. I minstrel companlea lent. In American »t-lt» IRENE] ACKKBIUAN JUVENILE INOENUB AND SOUBBSTTEa Addrea eaie HORBIS BIMBONDS. B8-lf 10 Union sqgue. J. M. BURKE ADfANCE AEENT, OR iniSIIESS4UIIA6Efl Lale of the B oHIn Ho ward C omblnatlnn, AT LQERTY, Addrea care of JERSEY CITY OPEBA-BOUSe, Jersey City, N.J. TO OZBCrUS AJTD SrDBSB.OW MANAOEB& JAMES MARTIN & SON, Mannlkstttrera ef Olreas and Show nsiiissa. FiiTi*i*g. Flags, eta. IM Ooiamenlal stieac Boston. FRICE-LIBT SENT PBBB «>.IIt. NOYELTY THEATRE, FIFTH AUD S. FOUBTH ST., BROOKIi-TH, E. D. TBEAU. a OABTON Manaaera I . FIRST-CLASS DRAMATIC OOMBDIATIOHbT^ ' Addrea aa above. t2-t GIBBONS' HOTEL, 52^'*?" SARATOGA STBBET8. BALTI. , HORB, MD.. thirn mlnnta' walk ftom the Aeademy of Mnsle and Fofd'a OperB-hooM- TerautotbaprorSaalon.EiaHTDOLLABaPEBWBEK- I the table Aimiabed with tbe ueit tbeiiiarket afforda The Koprletor baa bad twanty.flve years' expezlance in tbe stboaswlntheeoantiy. r——.a.. tf ist S. M. OIBBOHS, Froptlator. 0l?;;5?e5Ss"5SKS^ FS,T,,tato mtou. Now ready, tbe Tblrd EdIUon, revif ed- enlamd. and lllas- trated, orBd. Jama' work, enutled PRACTICAL TRAINING PLAYS,! SAPPYHOTTBAnn'WA .1 'ANTOMDCEB, labl llalociua ouorad BpaaalMa I^Tto lsao BoeSihasr&r HAFPYHOUBflOO.f ^SSSSSH^mj f^'jt.Ui BANJO. iiiwz',s^^ MRS. R. BuNGE. JOS. BIOKBTr. — — f JOS. RIOKBTr, 2,a» Hertt FUtb atieet, Philadelphia, Fa. OLYMPIC THEATEE SIOUX Cn^TYvXOWA. j'OHB COOVOB.. FBOPBIKIOB I The -best vanaty Show la iWWesb ArtMsor aekaov- ladaedabdl^ can find data at thla'plaaa. All Istters aa- [n4tl ^OHNOOONOE. firtt-clasa boardlng.hoass.with elegantly famished rooau eonvenlent fbr prolssslonsis, and urtleolar. attanllon tbem.- -Terms moderate. - -SO and m Mtdlsoa stMC^e; tween Race and Ylna. PbUadelphla. Fa._ ^MtP for Walking, Ronnlog, Boxing, Rowing, Jnmalog, Wiea- tllng,and all kudsotatbletlocontests, containing iO FULL-LENGTH PORTRAITS Of the world's most celebrated walkers and mimera. In- olodlng Howell. Harrlman. Enols aod O'Leary. TmnT PBBPAID ON RECEIPT OF 10 CENTS: Also cabinet photographs from Ule of Chts Bowall. Ctaaa A Harrlman, John Bonis and Mme. Anderson. Price, 40 oentaeach. OANVAS BALMORAL WALNINa SHOra, tA AMBBIOAN RUNNING SHOES, 19 00. IHFOBTBD SUNNING SHOES, MSa AddiM, jj-^f amoont by P. O. iaiur, , . . . .,.„ OUFFBB BUQiDINa, esandsi'—■ HewTerh. spedtl able talogaa of r srjaasona. Pholia, Cfecla. Ohlag»*l-0». TSTlis-nne I fin. msiiliisl. n BECOMHEKDED BT THE FACOIII TARR ANT 'S OOMFODNS ETIRAOT OP cbSebsandoofaiba. Ibis eomiwand Issnpeslata any prepsraUonbUhartolaim; adT combining m a very b"™. Sueotr«t^date the l~ thiiuepantloo enlojsoiasll other. Ulis neat. poitaMtanb pot np In pots; thsoudsm. Sblcb'tt =»/S"jSE,''£S It and oonvsolsnt^J'*^ Dngglsts and Chi FOR SA SALE BY ALL ^ '^JSiSfi?'A'?0. ^ 178 A » Oreenwtah It, N«2«™- RUOOISTS. lS-t«low_ TAKE ;e5,'teSi.,'S3sr stutaow jj k.S.L TO WIN A FOBTrWE.^ | Foartlt Grand I>«»*»^«'»"«5teA^"rt \ AT NEW OSLBANATri^^y^Br* ,„ j LOUISIANnTATElS™^^ h ,aS!;o«tS"»^,^^l!^^!f'S!»^^ I In 1«8, FOR THE TEBX Of"Jg^ ^ ^ Stats IS ] to which contract the to»loWJJj;^^uj^ It ta,^ J pljkl««l with a OKrfUl ot SU •<=; addoda reserve tbndof sag"" 1 Capital Prbis 1 Capital Frne 1 Capital FTlia:.. 5 Priiiaof «a,IBO 6 FUsact LflOO. SIFnsacr MO. lODPmsaf • BO SPSSS sS:::::::::: l,ODBRaao( ,_10, Or to. ' All I ■" u BiH.eddt»^«w . .