New York Clipper (Mar 1879)

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V 6 a? n E isr E o ^ttiirFncAL RECORD. I , . . C[tJVPKR.FOaMIWI0X. loS«d te «Mh mad armr letter, ud tte Up« d teilKU ft^ kiw^aijiMttgjiLity mddiomt iboold tn glmi. in onler *^CTi^^ii<l»lMnT» ud <>U>m,>h<i<ildjMar In mlDd atl:.braUtaefau»In tte potBl-Unjill Icttni^en^ sOlbcnilnttan'annattiimidca. „ nSSiSftrmkfwUncsr.llosi>AT,l(«Rlit4. J(Ilrd,S]<ii>» AUrn, 0«arvl« (to- KtlUe 9 atalla Z«llU« BueUaghiiB, An- - nie 1«- jjtxktam, Mn. C. HiiBil ymti'T SnrLMnlllalUa CMM^r Mn. raa- PotcDs,'Belle _ OarlAiidt Ontt 0> Oi — Hertmnd* Bimb H*'**"'*! 3fAnde<|L o,ca.I<oiidan,Biif.) Bowmid, CaiTlQ(of OomJqoe, Clerfl' land) Hlndla. Annie Jerome, Bertie . Knlabt, ruiil*<of Howvtli'* Hlb.) Kel- . Fe*rl BUfimiis, Urn-_ IMtkinioaj^nBa E igiloR4«R)e»>>lp- meth,K>nft rej^Jade crecel- FW dln ic, Kra.~]fa^EU> VMrSuin.Addle Fieinoat, tUnde friui^elMiatar) TfixTCn. Ida ' (cfaucft-ertUt) en, CUlle I^nn, LdCtle ■ Sder. Tt»T ■ (eluuigo«rtlct) ' Llndeej, Jennie LeCleir, iMxm (of ' Olympic, Fort Wajne) SCerton,' Emou (3) Hmdden. S(Us tp.a. iw T^wiilwn , Exi|L) XonCMpie, Annie (orHM? Op. Cal Uenhall. Fteniee Mortal, Tinie AnUn, Oeo. (etb- Aimee* CUlToid AMemOenL D. A. Atkln*. Wn. A. Andn*i,'W. B. Xuimr, 3fim. Alice Xutene,3imie(To- CBim) afcenn, Jennlt ^ Croeallit) JUnluIL Xn XeCelL ZjIbTc FlnnnnCa) Xejer, Bonnie GBNTLEXSiS' LIST. Xorrlmr, 3 N'ereombe, Ada Ii. XovrlH, Mr*. Cbae. Nevalr, Jennie Parker, Kittle Faiker, Uole (of Parker BUten) FlMoe, Marie Balniud.Alloe<p.o, - n.Londo^EBC.) R^rnoldi, TannT Boae. 3tlle. BajDond, N'elUe Baynham, Kate ^ Baynumd^AonleA Bar, Jennie BernoMa; Vie Rabford, Alice Ht, Clair, Leanora SmHb, ■ ABIe (or Aead.Miu.,-Btad- Dird, Pa.> St. FeilK. Madam fltooe, Mta, Amy Sherwood', ~FTor.' (or SherwoodSUt.) Stanley, Mable aanboome. Ada; ' Sebon, Aajtle Tbompaon. I«nilan Vestrall. Marie Sc. TeDoa-A AdonlB9e. Wallace-TUla, Ac- De« Wataon, Bertha Wa11ac*-vuia Co., Xanajnr ^WUton. Mrs. Marie (ol Zanltena, Mn. Dodj AI|raodt,Ckri tffTaiWUT,W.B. ^_ .. Jmttnpf, H. (fH Onnt, & H. Hart*aCa) Glbbooa, Wm. (o( Adama, Tommy Tolkee (lanL, K. T.) Adama, Tommy Ama<,W. H. Aniar, K.H. Brrant t Smtttia Bitaiier. W. P. 9e. Boyd t Peten BanTmon, -Man' rice H. Buali.LV BInnhaDU J. W. Batler, Bd. BovmaiLGeo. B. Bryant, U. J. Brmbu BDJa Batch>U«r t Doria BUa,FTanoolB R. Barlov. M. a. BrafrW. H. (2) BooUkee'k Comb. BcMlcr.B. J. Brook. Tom (with Ward'BnM.) Barrr, John (eons- ana-danee) Brem. B.C.(stage- B^nel?.(ofDon]e[Iloworth, John BldweH'aCb.) . " ■ -Brown,— ( m a n i g JancCoomlM'Co,) Bingham, — (ren- tHIoqolKt) Borke, John M. - rier.L. P. Braoin •■deir> Bd. (the- atrtcal-manager) Bariow Broa. -BdrkF, M^. John E. Baamy,.Ft«d Cummlnjca Bllly(p. o,m.DtihIln,ff«L) Coefcr, Tboa. (or Cooper Bxo«.> . Chue, Chaa. W. CodJ^ Hon. W. F. Ctaike, Kl(CB) Coope, — (of Tan Ambonli*a Clr.) CarTola,The Coop, W. a rra»trie. W. C Coney, flan. W. nai1[,Bo)> Calioe. Myron (O Chanbnn^F B. c£)(KW. (ofMc- AUUter'a Mlnit.) Chambeis, Aithnr Chapln,a(olLonl>a Dnm. Co.) Cilrk. W.J.(ofBay. ■ead<aCo.) Cllik, Del<»(maal- Conlla,Bat> (rope- ■rtlBt) Clan, EUae P. Clailu Jaa. W. Cattor, O. U. Coaler, Joa. CerinU Hany Qmnnaat) C^BaU. Mamnl Carlton, Flank Cla»,0. (ofOatca' Op. Co.! Cdti W. W. (2) Canard, — (caic HanrKeUer) Dod«e, Ben DeBar,Bob(orHall « DeBar) Dar.aH. _ DeLonne, A. C. ]>Dpre% C. U. (& Do?*, J. Arthur . Dal)-. Wm. (ol DalyBraa.) DiUoa. Jaa.A fiorie DfSaldcBilndleA I>DhKin.P. a XHDon, Jaa. DrlaaoL Jeme Edwaida, Lealle Kmcrson - & Clarke EUUeek. RE. Lyona A Imr MoTpby.Coo T. £«a(tA .Uarcy (o( Maeoeri Fnnk C llowv*a drcoHj EmiL C. U. (gym- jsm^CbacT. KrkDak'OttaLB. £01llfl,'Jobft ~ :W--;(ort Edwsrt^Bddla:. Ftelae.A. Forabnit Hanld Fogb. P. a driah t«iMr> 0) Fieldlnc- . H. (n( Fielding « Walker) Fursman. <3eo. (Z) Korbea, Cbaa. . Fllcb. T. {at Cole> Fortiee, Kcd iMamoler, Barney Flomnee, G. A. * Mottta, W. (or Cal- Gormnn. MHn Gaylor, Chaa. Olbba, Clarl^onliu "bli") Glbnoy, Prank Qenter,Max (mual. .'dan} Oaatoo, AJbert Garland. Jan. (9 Olhaon, Frank Goodwin, Blch'd aiiaid Bioa. Goo* Fox anhert, Wm. J. Ormnger A Wcntoo GlM«wd. A. C. Uoy, Sr., Gea Hall, J. Oakey HIcka. Chaa. (or OeomiB Mlnm.) nQgtiea, Robt. fBob- by Newoonihe) Hamllto-<A8argent Hyland, W. H. IU^aa..(orUalI BUIy !bar) Homer A HoDy Rail ft DeBar Hogan, Wm. (lead er) Uaniaon, Eugene H. Hamilton, Wiley 9c. Hodgca, D. B. (Nient) Harrla, Chaa. (or GaetyTbeaL.',New Hann) Barerly.J. H. narxlaA Wood Hanler, M. W. BaBetL I«w (com Howe^a London Circna, Manager Hen, O. D. . Han, H. F. (ol Howorth'aHlb.)(3) Hayden, Joe HUdnth, F. D. Harrhnan, C. A.fS Ho«wd,Bllly (late otRenn Uoiiae, K. T.) Ja ggu e ^ Andrew Jonea, J. (oT Jones A Cieaton) Jerome, C. (oT Jer- ome A Cameron) Kendall, Ed. (chaue-wtlst) Kent, Frank --.a^, BUUe A Mln- Kell^^aXorWaten Knight, Geo. (ma- nager) . Kelly, Dan A. Kotuer, Loula KelleE, Uany Ketchom, G. F. Keena, A_ (or Ken. dall'aCa.) Llley. C. A. Liawton. Happy Jack (9 Lewlfl, J. B. (ma- L^ft^C. M. LeC&r.Sbcd lcnkea,)L U. I<oreIIa,J. C. Ungaid, W. If. Urlntcatoo, P. (oT XJvlnEntoa Bran.1 Leopold A Nellie Thome Lynn, W. V. Lrofiold, Mona. LncT. Chapln (mo- Hldan) (» LaBatte. Chaa. Leach, niineaH Lyona, MUton P. LorvUa, Tom Logrenla. — (raa ^clan)_ Mai^m, Waster Ed die MtDooald, C. H. ' (manager) 9c. MlnwTIK. ■nyo, Fnnk (31 Man^n. Frank L. Mack. Bob (manA' gen VcDonald, Jaa. A Baby . Maait, Fr*d (with Orrln Brw.) MonlBey, John (of Wyman. A1L(2> lender'a Minn.) Miner, F. (or Ten. ncwMe Co.) MoocTleCMaaterd) Mack, Haiiy(ritle- •hot) Mtnebeeter A Jen- Mealey.J. (of Kar- low A Moaley) Hnipby, Joe (of Kerry OowCo.) Mocgmn, W. A. Mnnr. Jake (oTK. O. MIntit.) McMlab, Frank E. MarM«, Ed. Moony, Ed. A. Manly, crhaa. A. Mocrfa, W. W. Maaten, J. E. .Mack, J. (or Woodn A Mack) Marlow A N'eair Mactigan. E. H. Marlow^oho MaycW. (or Mayo A Faiih) ManrimiH. Chaa. Monroe, Frank KauntuB. A. Nubleis .MUton NelMon. fThaa. (IrlKh ."bll'T O'Learr, Daniel ' Orrln Broi^ (Men, J. E. O'Brien. Thoa. (of O'Brien Brw) Omohondro. J. U. rttllte. ChuL (csr- netljft> Peody.John Potter. .W. J. Palmer. Joe Plckert. WUlUt <2ueen. C.(orQaeeD A Bell) Rvao. T. J.(ofKelly A Ryan) Renard. s. F. RonnelU, Bumcn Ryan. J. (nf Con. non> A R>'an) Itow, D. C. Raymond. J. T. (2/ Ring. Ceo. R. Rice. CoL J. II. (SI Riley. J. J.(or Oill- aeom.Clnannatl) Rowell. Cliaa. . . Redmond. Joe Rngby. Oeo. (of Oate*' Op. Co.) Rcdpach, D. C. Robldiao, Bllaa F. Rlchardj«on, John Bwoocboume, C.lf. Sell rck AGO. Starin. J. II. (S flmllb A KeDy, AlC Samuehi. A. R.«i ShleldiCJohn L. . Sliepard, B. (of Emet70n*a Min.) Spragne'. —(o(Spn. goe'a MInm.) Smith, Nell aamoelU, Mr. Sanford, J. L. Sklft M. T. Sandford. J. J. (imnnaja) Seel, L. (or Cay. lord'a Mlnnt.l Sfmcoe.C.inrSprs- ' aue'a-Mlnnt.) Sliennan, Jerome W. «ehmln. n. (of Mapleooa'n Co.) SulllTan, Mark I^ieppanl. B. Shaifer, 0.9c IflvalD, M. C. Strong. Rod. (com- edian) Tryon. W. P. Thatcher A Knme TIeice. LoaU Tnmer.U.(of Tuxn* er A (»eyer) Tayltnte. C. W ® Turner A Welch TreTlIle. Walter Thome, Chaa. (or Bnitklo BlU'iCo.) VaojcltanjAlftTd VUla.S. 6. (»3c WlUlama A Sully Wood A We«t Woodward. Geo ft. WatKOD. Wm. (of Pastor*!! Co.) Ward. F. (Of Ward Bra.) WyirUtd, W. (Of Bond A Wylfurd) Wylle, Billy Wentworth. H. (contorttnnliit) Wllry. L. H. Wiwda, J. U. (^UMMun,Clncln. nntU MoTTlacy. Thoe. date ofFlttHlHiiiD Morton, J. W.(eod- n) John Wentworth. Walter Walton. Punch. Wall. Uonee Wagner, Cal. Wandena. C. H. Wood. <;eo. II. CauUg. rnd Altner, Grimaldl Cticna»_ FoateOe^Ctaaa. ■ ^oanagei) Thxhi 'wzn LBima in the Burlington (Iowa) Poat- •tlc* on -March mat V.i. Miller, Madge Butler, Sid. UldsandJ. W.lAnnogan. ,.. HONDAT, Uarch 3A. '10. This issne of Tob Kkt Yobk Cupper, the great Ameitean tlieatittal and pportlng aatborlt;, begfna tlie tweoty-wvantli annnal Volume of ttUii popular oiunal. To glw addttlonal Interest to the occasion, ana to appear, before our readers in Ijeflttlng^^o^ tome, we bav«Sloniied a complete new salt of tj-pe, er^ijtlUnKlielngftcali and becoming, and gl\'liig ns a tnl^t''&td dteeiT look.fknm flgnreliead to stem- P'M,' We ftel' aasoied, dear readers, that yon wUl Hbaie otir joy as yon behold ns atttied In ou- new atcte-ctDtlwa;: and Umt yon wm give vent to roar DnHlngsln one long'peal of entha.<>la.<itic approvaL , Had we the piDPCTlensth of hand to reach yon all, wc^honlil experience the great-joT a warrior fcete In glTlng Toa.tbe grasp of teu^mnlp, and mnkliigyoa ic?ltze°tha« we are an as one bind of brothers, with Dot a single link mbntng to Jeopartllze the nnlon which has no long and so plea.«antlr eicbtetf between no. 'WrtTQSt, however, that yon will accept the will for ttie (teed, and believe ns when we sav that we have a heart Ihn of respect and good reeUng for onr friends in all parts of the civilized world, thonaanda of whom we have never seen, bat wlio, nevertheless, ate cherished members of oar barmy family. . And so, with theK few remarks, 'we iinU np anchor, and once more nail oat npon wtiai' we tnut mav prove to be a.<> calm and pe^cetDl waten as those we have tnisted onr cran npea for the past six-«Dd4wenty yearn Lent Is approaching Its end, and with the coming-in of the aeaion of tssflvlttes we- maj look for corresponding changis for the Itetter in the theatrlcal and mni4cal woit£ The choTch^^holr •^Pinafore'* partv now en- . giMed at the Bioaawaj Theatre are coming forward wwi a mail. Tbeyare generallv acksowledged to be the best and most complete slnsen that have as. yet been heanl In the popnlar comic opeia In this coaiUJ7.w,£wlL.iBeintier of the tiDnpetsaTocallgl . or the bigtiest oit;«r, and whether In solos, in daeta, In MOH, In concerted pieces, or In fnll cbotTia,'tbev are one and all deaeivltig of the nnstlnted praise which has been acconlctlttacm. Their li«sln«<s has steadll.v Increased Itom week to week, nntll the Broad- way Theatre andltorlnm, large as it Is, Is "hanllv ever" large enoogh to accommodate the lovers of Eld jmoc who seek admbiston. We coiunatnlate nasctn Edgar A Fnltnn on their Rnccam In engag- ing a crew that can not only-"ham a bit," as Ralph Rackstraw says, bat. can ontidng all other "PIna- Ibre" ctewis who are already feeling the dtsastrons lesoits df oomlhg Into oompeUtloo with the ploos coiaiaAy ttom the goodly eny of Philadelphia. The Staaiord people are becoming seasick, while the layOMni and Olytapto crews are (fearftil of going ash^. Lines atioat ' THE TTNEFUL CREW. At the Bnmdwiiy 'Tlnf Ploafore*' All people mneb admlrr; Too can buy tbe mnidc by 41je rmn. But It'n nir^ there by the choir: ....^..\Vhae ma.-«lailly incllnetUwe cannot reftaln Itom expressing onr opinion of Georglana Den- mood. the vuDOg lailj who Is CDdeavnrlng to walk twelve htuMlred half-miles in an eqoal nnmber ofhalT- koars. PerTonDBSceaxd this Und reqnlre cbeerthl DDiic^t 'lnlhses ftesh life into the limbs of the 'weaQ' walker, and assists one very -materially In BnoCeaandly accomplishing the ffeat aimed at One njgbt last week Ceotslana got vexed at the German IHdMsot who -wag imflinj awsy at the piano In Otto Cottage, Hoboken, where the walk Is oanspir- Ing.' It seems that the Professor persisted In piay- . log folemn pieces, mora in accordance with foneral •ernoes.than with pedestrian efforts. <ieornlana mUOr remonstrated with' the sad-hearted one In his •eleotlon of accompaniments, and kmdly reqoested klig* to clonge his pn>graiame and perform some mqiSatep in the place of the minor chorda. So ONiliilaiiB got npon the track again and began to ttep ont in a llvtiy and Insplrltiiig manner; bnt wMfc- was her snrprlse and dlsgnat and mortl- flcaaon 'when' she heard the monmltil player strike np "Hee as a Bird." Tou know what It Is, denHjonT 'Why, no soldier or sodetrmanls ererxmldeRd property interred if the band doesnit plar^'Pfee as a BM," as a sort of deplorable mrt- bgMBd-off of the deceased to the happy lanil be- jond. aeor^anacoaldnt fesep step with u at an; It Jnqitaledperaplna heap, thrsw ner off her bel- aoear'aa R weic and Anally bronght her to a regnlar grfffifcittiif siielooked Bttlisinuliu a BOrt ordls- aaOrileit'niood, hot'WM in anptoni at Ua wnk/rnpt <m as If he eakiyed.tb ^wime- thtng a tUOt more Uv^,". ahe said.. <^I>ara ole rtghf," lie nqnnded; "I vas now gstf yon some- dUigsTat make ytm shnmpi" Bo ooce more she toed'the maifc, and began her chserthl tiamp to the ezUHantlng mmdc of—what do yon think t—<The DeM-Kaich- In-Saol!"-Hien-ahe grew angry, crimson dushas mantled 'her cheeks, and she qnletly .lell the track, bat presently appeared on the platfiirm wliere the musical nndertaker was going on with bis iaolemn stiBUu as if he rather e u)uj e d the eternal lltneas of, things. Then (^rglana drew forth a whip, and commenced to lav It on nnmercUhlly, ontn the sorrowftil cortege hoirledaway from the Otto Cottage, as lie ought to, In donblMinlck time, with the lively corpse a-slash- Ing away In nnmblakable 2:4 time, the Professor howUngUke a bbed moomer at a fltst-claas foneiaL Whether he slnmliers In the silent waters of the Zny- der Zee, or Is wrestling with a pianoforte In Chtystle street, Georglana knoweth not. The lad,v has onr sympathlesandoarapproval. Letotherdead-march chaps take wsmlng There is another thing where the parties Interested didn't chime in together harmoidoosly. It was In Baltimore where It hap^ pened, and a menagerie the scene. It seems thatthe Erapttetorof the show was the possessor of a little imb and a large lion. Being of a plons tnm of mind, he proposed to Improve his opportnnlty, and Inenlcate a beantlfal moral lesson. In showing In reality what the Holy Bible only mentions as a re- mote protabUltr; so he' conlUlently approached the csge wherein a hnngty lion was a-rearlng and a- roBilngaaheluid been prevlonsly Instmcted to do. Then: he.tenderly took op his tender little lamb, which seemed to be llv to the racket, and liever once winced as it gazed throngh the bare at the angry one. The showman smoothed and patted the Inno- cent oreatnre In his arms, and then, taming to the andlence, remarked that he proposed to show the Uon and the Iamb Ivlng down hwether as If they had been friends aU'their lives. The man looked very beantfhl while maung this brief speech, and there was a sort of benlgimess ahont his Ihce that showed that his thooghta were "In that h^py land, far, Ihr away r* and that he longed for heavenly rest and peace, rtv'e wonld here tske occasion to say that-OS showmen are not natarally 'wicked— that now and then we come across an angelic side- show man or menagerie man whose every look de- notes peace 'with all the world, and an abiding fiUth In the merits of his show and in the conlldence and "sappott of the press and the pnbllc" This Balti- more . man was one of that persoasioii Ed.] So when he had aroosed the Interest of the spectators as weu as of the Uon and the Iamb, and seemingly t>reathed m silent praver or something, he lifted a single bar of the cage and passnl (n air iambi and everybody expected to see It chawed op in a minute or two ij the raging king of the forest; bnt the lamb didn't mind It a tAt, seemed to know aU atioat the real statos of the fetodons creature, and gave- the lion "a bnck In the ribs that sent him tremliUng 'With fear Into a comer of the cage, where he moaned himself hoarse with fear," to the great sar- prise and wonder of the entire assemblage! It was not nntll the small sheep wns lifted ont that the Hon resnmed his warlike and ferocious aspect. We have since learned that some wicked person lad tampered with the pen wherein the peacefol lamb reposed, and snrrepiltlonsly changed it for a Ogbtlnglamb. Hence the nnlooked-for discrepancy In the performance and the faUare of the toactdng scene representing the Uon and the lamb in real Pres- byterian close commnnton En.] It Is pnlnfOI to note the strange effect the saccessfUl "Pinafore" has upon the legitimate stage and the eqoau.v leglQ- mate old-ntagers. We propose to make a few choice rhymes showing HOW THE NEW THTNO WORKa N'ow doth the baagbty actor man In town and "on the wing" Rhe op and euiK hU deaHny becauM be cannot alng: Xow doth the merry chorlKter hhi time with glee eroplor In warbUng aln In "Pinafore" and coanttng caah with Joy! ..Gerster Oew the track at the Academy on Sat- urday afternoon last, In the first act, and the mun- agerapologtzedifor berfnrtbernon-sppearance. We enter onr protest against this Infraction of operatic rules, becanse there was no ph.vslclsn'.s certlllcate read to Indorse the lady's plea of Indlspositlun. \ny omit the certificate when It conld have l>een pro- cared without any trouble, or by merely selecting one from the disabled bureaa In which such thln^ are kepty Getster owes ns an apology Theoddplaybv Stanley McKenna, to be prodaced at the FIRh-avenoe Theatre on Tharwday, miut lie of the same class ss PanlBpvtoiL Wbyt Because It's "Whims." (Usre- till of the rights and privUegeo of nur readers, we may make It plainer by saying: "U svlnar'—Eo.), ... "Onr Jim" wishes as to inquire of Jenme Hoptdns whether "Samnel," his newopera, 1h In any wav con- nected with the lad of "Utile Samuel Wuke" renown. The Coimt Joannes, who ia really a better actor than the mischievous habltoes give him credit fur, is to Imitate S4ithera this week In Dandreair. The Jim hoy, on reading the announcement of the'per- formance, in pn^Jed br the doMlng line, which reads: "The Connt worw ns Sotbem.'* It should be The C^nnt vereos Sotbem."......In one of the Salibath papers someboilv advertbes for "a party with flft>- dollars to Invest In a flixt-clsKs dramatic company." Why not make It a hundred* Fifty dollars won'tgofarwltha !<econd-cIas.scompany,let alone a drat "So Awfully. Thin" Is one of BUIy Birch's favorite ballads. Now, what does BUIy know sbont (Afiipeople T—we should like to know. Make It "Awfally Thick," 'NVUUam, and then sIag......Uian- ager Duff did remarkably weU whUe he gave his atten- tion to his <'Plnafore" party, and mustJiave realized a good many trade-dollara at their fltandain valuation; bnt his venture with •■The Little Dnke." at Booth's. IsnotlUkelytosddtohlsstore. In sest^ring langtuge we might say to the manager: "In The Unle Duke' you wUl not, probelil.v. find a ■sugar' plum, DniT" Wouldn't It be sad should the profits of "Pinafore" he HwaUowed by the "DnkeJ'' When we remember' how quietly JIanager Henderson went forih from the Standard Theatre and made no sign, we "Deel ■Ike one who treads alone some banqnet-hall de- serted,*' and so fonh: and our great grief L<i by no means asynaged when we think of "t\'hat mioht have been." ire wonld Mn Indite averse of po- etrv to nnr who ■wah left. O II«nden>on! O Hrndervon: on you It'M really rough. To tliink that yoa refused with scorn a pametwhlp with Duir: For nightly was the Staodard thronged, although the scan- on'rt Lent, Yet fhjm 'The Flnafure^' sacceiu von only got your rent. Handsome dresxesand much real Jewelry do notattncr such attention a.4 they formeriy did, nn- letui they flgnre en a pretty face and fom. Calico ilresKCK and dollar Jewelrv are snfflclent to earn; along the posvies.'or of plimlcal charm.x C. KT Gardner having endered his resignation ss bnsliiej>.«- manager of the Arch-street Theatre, PhUsdelphIa, Mr. Mendnm hHA been appolnteil In hii^ place. It thought tlut. If the afliUrM of the house have not been verv prosperonsof late. Uis. Drewhopesto make the new manager Mendnm Tony Pa.<ttor seems to have a rich bed of Bnttereupa In hl.<i iMin.oerratory on Brmdwa.v, as he has alteadr favored his patroiiK with four, MLv AUce Seldler being the current biunl>oat woman. Tony's burlesque "Pinafore" shonld be seen and heard by all tboK Who have taken In the opera In Its comic presentation ...It Is with a feel- ing of pride we point to the great American ple-blter as the winner of the twent.v-mlle mnnlng race at GDmore'B Garden last Satnnlav evening. The rosHt tieef of Old England helped to pull Simpson through on the ten-mUe go, bnt pies helped TsvloV along for the long distance, which goes to show the snperioritv of American pies over English beef, rare. Hooraw. If the clas.<>lcal JanatLochek no longer finds legitimate tragedy remoneratlve. might she not Ira- Erove matters In- adding the roleof Mother Frocbanl, I "The Two (Orphans," to her repertorr? The char- acter offers a wide scope for the ventUatlbn of heavy Imsliiess. ...... M»^^ : FACT AHD FANCY FOCUSED. It 1.H Stated that Bob Hart the minfltiel "has been con- verted, waa baptlxed on Sunday. March 16, and will be- come a clergyman." It la oar Impresslcm that the Sena- tor stood In no need of oonveralon, aa he had done a httle bit In the way of preaching before he took to the stage The piepaiatlona for the production of Rubinstein's **Fera- mora" recall that flfly yearn ago a drama, also derived mm ■'Lalla Rookh," was performed at the Berlin Coort. The present Emperor—then simply Prince William of Prus- sia, baring bnt little chance of ascendlnwthethrooeorbla Cither^-jilaycd a prominent role Jointly with his cooaln, tbe Prince Loola Radrtwlll RoweU, Eanls and Harruoan ocapiedprinte boxes at the Lyceum Theatre on tbenhtbt or March 18 Miss Elenora Kopp. who is a pnpU oTBlg. AllUi of Chidnnati, and goes to Eorope shortly In qneat of final moslal tramlng. was the recipient of a luvweU con- cert in Melodeno Hall, that dty, March 19 iMoard Appleby, a New Jemer rollllnnali^. and fiatber of Remien Appleby, proprietor of the Central Park Garden, lUed at SpottswotM, K. J., March 17, afnd 81 years Rubinstein Is In a tnrmoU over alleged uotair treatment by Baron Htd. sen, manager of tbe Royal Theatre at Berlin. At one of the reheaniala of Rablnstein's new opera "Fermmors," ■ Fran Malllnger, tbe prima.d(mna, who liad to sing dorlng tbe baUet. suddenly refused, fearing ihat her voice might be affected by the dust arising tnm the performance ot the dancers. RnbliistelnbecamesoeacltcdBt herdcclaratlon. fdven In accordance with a pterloua agreement with the Baron, that be threw down the mnsic andmbniptlj left the hotuie, denoondng the theatre aa a barracvs wherebi there waa no apinedatlon or icnod oompoaltiona Mme. Boaslnl's liqi u e at Ibr an asylum fcr French and Ita|. Ian musldana at Passy amounts to 2,3Bi,aD fVmnc*. It Is In accordance with ber husband'a wDl.. Sig. Muslo tbe imprvmrio Is (o aan for Ennwe on April 2, in the steamer Labrador MIm Avonia Botmey of Boston baa recently achieved a noteworthv soooeaa In Italy, In Tetdl'a **Er- nanL" She is a gmndoangtater of George the Coont Joan- nes, has been stadylng abroad for ureral yeara, and tbe Italian ptTss praise her voice, exccntlon and acting Henry L. Abbey, In order to bring Alm«« and her troupe oot on April 7, naa leased Booth's Theatre (Tlan Mor- ris cootemplatea a renewal or her atmgglea with Lady Macbeth-next aaaaoD ..Die Bun Is again going to Bn. rope, and annoonces one or those "fkrvweUs" fiDT March U. at the Academy of Music Brooklyn Lotds James la not going to San FrandiW aa leading-man. ... ...To.nlg1ie, at-the-St. Jamea Theatzv, the Count Jiannes beguu hia loDg-promlsed "sqaring'' proceM with E.' A. Sonera by munldng the. latter In hIa ten- dervst spot—Dondreaiy Miss LQlan Nortcai, who ac- companied GUmore'K Band to Europe, was a few days ago to have made bar debot in (vera In Milan, Italy, as Zerilna in "Ikn Giovanni," underlie psendonymot aiguoNoidlca. .-The achooBer John N. Colby was cliartered-onder a monthly rate In November. IBTV, tocatry Murray's Cliaia ftam yew York to the Wert Indies and Sooth America ftM tfiD per mooch.* The vessel was ahaent five months, and fen than flJIDwaa paid. Bbewasseventydayaatsea.and the rest of tbe time she lay at rartons ports whUe the drcua was perlbrmlng. While li'tirr In Flnxhlng Bay tbe cargo was libeled Ibr lbs money dne on the contract. Among the things 84ixed were foarteen hotaes, the dahxianta or which IxutUted that they were not caiga Judge (Tboate tias decided agalnsi the fiilmanok and ordered a rererenoe to ascertain toe amount dne, which wiU be aboot SZJflO Miss .Adelaide Lennox began a oonrse of readlni^ In this dty on tbe zlst Inst Hermann Llode, Hliakespearian reader, sailed for Eorope (Vom here on the Qd Maurice Xevllle, Shakespearian actor. Is In this cHy W. E KherMan, who leaves the <7heetnut-i<trwt Theatre, Fblla- delphla, at the doae of this season, wiu enter u^oa a star- ring coarse next Autumn Rose Oshlan Is to play tn San Fnndiw next Summer Slgnorina Tereslna Singer Is rewaided m Nice- as an nnoommoo singer. She ia to replace Clant Louise Kellogg In the Strokosch Troupe. A revival'or W. P. GITbert's "Palace of Trutb'Ms among tbe probabUItlea at oor Park Theatre befbre the dose or the season At the rnion-Ieague Theatre, this dty, on the afternoon of March 22, Geo.'Vandenhoff gave the tliud of his readings from Dickens—"Martin Chnalewit." Haydn'a "Stahat Mater," with a eholrof tbbtr voleaa and an ordaestrml aooompanlment, waa simg at tbe Chnrcb ofSL Maiytba Tlifln. (his dty, on Sunday night, March S The Paris Gmfofj, according to a cable dispatch. from -l.oiidoo. Eng., imder date or March 32, annonnoea that Sljc Mario, tbe once Ikmous tenor, has become in- sane. Mario in hlB old age has been the sport of all' sorts of rumors, and this may be another. A Bbagolar performance recently crowded the Immenaa bonding-or tbe American (^rcns, Paris. It was'a lecture by M. Kaguet on "Divorce." The Icctnxer has long been legally separated from his wlf^, and wishes to obtam a (Uaaolatlon of his marriage, which is notpoisDiIft tmder the exuting French code. Ju his vast andlenee was composed of married men and women, there Is a snspldon that ae Is not tbe only Frenchman who Is In fkvor of dt voree "Fflgrlm's Prcgress," dnmatlud by the Bsv. Dr. ^gfeqtoo,lstobeperiormedln blat^bnichorcauistlan' Endeavor, Brooklyn, Y -Adelaide PhDIIppo la an In- valid in this dtv O. Fawoett Bowe has dramatlxed tbe novel of .'<Tb« Leavenworth Case." It la reportadof I7U: CJVittiau tnteatgatcer that It has so fkr yielded to sound sense With regard to tbe Stage as to asnrt "th,f wb^ men or women aro bom with drmmatlo taleioB, those tAlaats most be regarded as divine en- dowments, and Christian Kopla shoald treat icpotabte actota as thar treat artists." Mlia Teresa Ksmnnda Is to lead W. J. Coihett's historical poem cf "FOotenoyat . tba Biocfelyn Academy oTMuslo March 2S..':...Henry. IrrlncdUsrhegeta through with "Bvnlet" attheLon- doifLyceiuD, la-|vdoublcui>ai"Il>e Condon Bnihictx.^ ....wnhahnl baa retnmed totbla dty,andfbrawliUa in "hang op.ds' fUdle and de bow." A Son- day-fU^t osDcert ths, relltf ^ the, nlKnm tbe ffiemdln catastrophe la aaiURiiieed for Match at onr Academy at Mnale. Gerater, Bcce, Hank, Farodi, " 111, Del Pusnto, Foil. (Masai and n.m|i.,ih.i arete aid. In. oontnncttos with Aidld'a ofcheatrs Of 8nlUvan.wbo recently ventured upon King Lear at FnnoUl, Del Pusnto, Foil. (Masai and flamitanhil are to be-Ee«Jj^ " -—■—- — ^e'^heatn^IfoyBl, Edlnburgtu .a oltie rccfuua; "Hla performance waa carefbl and interesting, Imt not Im- 8reaalre." At (Alckeiliic Hall, sftcrnooo ot March r, A. P. Buibank ia to lecHe "Rip Tan Winkle" IVom memory...'...At the same hall, on the night'of Match S, a lady who takes the name ;of Marion Talbot is to mako ber first bow In recitarions, CTFT smDEAIl'X'. In BlemorlmiB—B* C» Porter< To onr hearta tbe sodden tidings With a palnttal awUtaeas Hies; Once again the ranka are beokeo And a t» dies: Brave and ktnd and genlal.hearted— victim of a vlUaln'a daed— Crime so heartless that our natnres Cry for vengeance aa we read. The Intelligence of the mnnfer of Ben C Porter and the wounding of Maurice Barrymore, an account of which may tie found on onr flrrt page, when It reached this city late at night on March ao and spread from theatre to theatre, aroused a fetilng of deep indignation in proHanlonal clreles. After the petTormances at onr theatres were concluded ttiat night an Informal meeting was held by a nnmber of actorn, and It was rest^ved that proceedings be taken at once to raise a snm of money suffldent t& defray the fdheiai expenses of tbe deceased actor, and to aid pecuniarily nis immediate relatives, who were dependent upon him fur suppon. More espe- cially was this necessarv because Mr. Porier had dor- Ingthepaatyearormorebeen rather anfortnhatewith regard to' engagements, and what sialary he recei\-ed was Immediately eaten np in dettaytng his household expenses in Pamnpo,. N. t. On the foUowlug morn- ing a letter was published In rTie Herald from Wm. E, Sinn, manager of the Park Theatre, Brooklyn, suggesting that a lienefit be given for the purpose of raising fands to defray the expenses of bringing Mr, Poner's remains to this city, and the balance, if anv to go to the fiimUy of the deceased. He ahio stated that he bad that morning telegraphed to Mr. Barrv- moreln HarshaU, Texas, to draw on hlmforflf^ doUara to be used In defraying the expenses of trans- porting BIr. Porter's remains hither. A second meeting of professionals was held Saturday after- noon, Blarcb '.£2, but, owing to the matinee perform- ances engrossing the attention of manv acton and managers. It was not largely attended. OoLT. Allston Brown was appointed tnalrman, and a formal meeting was caUed In Clarendon UaU Sunday afternoon, at three o'clock, which was largely attendeiL John P. Smith sras>cha«en chairman; <^L T. Alhiton ' Brown, secretary; and Andrew Dam Jr., treasurer. It was decided (o open sul>. scriptlon-lUtH In tbe variuns theatres to raise a flind. and a list was opened at the meeting with the foUowlng result. [A. M. Palmer had sent a letter to Col. T. Allston Krown, at the meeting oii Saturday, regretting hU InabUltv to be present, and Inclosing his check for $M, and therefore his name was placed at the head of the llst.1 " " " — Mr. and Mrs. Mortlannt.. f 10 •■ 10 2 10 2 2 i 5 S A. M. Palmer Morris Simmonds John J. Sheridan Tony Pastor E M. Holland B. Nathan Nelson Deck«rr G. fLSprague J. W. Rh.tnnon Richardson A Fo*m J. G. Hagan G. W. Farrvn J. I.. GoNiln Ilarr)' Dutlleld J. J. Spies MUnes L«iick Charlei* S. Dobson Josepli Wh(^eluck Mr. and Mrs. Carlwrt.. . S90 s 2 20 3 20 2 1 S 10 2 3 2 2 3 2 S 5 Frank W. Sanger., .Sill Smith John P. Smith E C. CbaraberUn ■•Friend" .signer MaJcronI BartOn Hill James H. Mead , Cljarlr* J. EdmonJit.. A. P. Merrill Thomas Jriferson W. 8. Harklns. (ius Heckler Kavmoud Holmes Krank A. Tsnnviiili... Welsh Edwards J. K. I'etem A letter was read from Mrs. Marr Porter, the mother of the murdered man. to T. Allston Ilrown, re(]utMt- Ing him to take charge of her son's trunk and all propt:riy lielunglng tu him, Kndlng her lils private papers, pocKetiKxiK and ke.vs. A telegram was re- ceived from R. E. Stevens, who was ba>ilnei<.<uniniitt- gerof the FurtiUsh Fllth-uveniie Ckimpany during the seven years that Mr. Porter was connected with it. and al.<io with the Bouck-ault "Shaiighraun" Com- bination, of which Mr. Porter was stsge-manuger, expreiUliigblH sympathy with the meeting and sub- scribing fli towanLx a fund to lie raised to secure the conviction of the murderer, Currie. A dlnnatch IVom J. W. ColUer. In PhllRdelphIa, pledged Sis to tbe general suliuriptlon. \V. E. Sinn of telegrapheil hLs reudlness to co-operate. Managers Lester WalUck, Henry F~ Abhe.v, 1>. H. Harklnsaud Harrlgau A Hart, through respective representa- dve.o. stated that thev were reatlv to do anything In their power to aid In carrying ont the purpose of the meeting, which had their bearilest appro\'al. BESOLtTIONS. Bsnon mil of the (^Ufomla Theatre, San Francis- co. CaL. offieml the foUowlng. which was adopted: Resolrfd, That wedesire to offer our sincerest thankii to the citizens of Marsliall. Texas, for their Hymjiatliy and ns- slKtnoce to the dranialic company or wlilcli Mr. Porter was a memheron tills ssd ocaiioo. and that we flrmly liellerc they will do all In their power to bring the wauln before the bar or Justice. Col. T. ^llHtun Brown then offered the foUowlng, llrhlch, after bebigread by Mr. HUl, was alKoailopteil: ir^mw. By the ruthless hand or an assassin we have lost a beloTtfd frieod and associate, and whereas, srhilr se bow Willi humility to tbe behests of Almighty God, we nro- (buodi.v regrrt the loss of such awann-hrartedcompanldn, genial geoclenian and true loan. .The iotetVKt lie «r«r msnlferited for the profession commanded the respect and regard uf thtkie with s-hnm he was surrounded, and iMtiind hini to them br tbe .Mrongest ties of unalloyed Iricndshlp and 4n«term: th^reftm-. . Rtmlvtd, Tlmt wo e.vtend our heartfelt sympathy to hU nnrros'lng family In their hour of bereavement, whoKe loss we know cannot be llKhtened by ordinary expressions of oondolenoe, but hope that the svmpathles of sincere friend:! will oot be an Intrusion on their grief. ' It wasdecldinl to form an organization fur the securing and ilLiposlngof the flind. tu ronsIM of the managers of thU city, with Lester Walbick as presi- dent nnd John r. Smith' vice-president, with huIi- commlttvcM which should Include the maasgers throughout the conntrv. A committee c«nRl.'<ilnir or T. Alhiton Brown. James H. Mead, MurrlK Him. inomLs, J. W. Shannon and Hartryratkbis wasap- pnlutnl to get up a benefit. Anoihercummlltee was selected to wait npon the ladles of the prof(^4.■dun and wllclt their aid In the movement; and after electing J. w. Shannon, (George W. Farren, Chas. E. Pnrtrfsh. F. A. Tannehlll, Charles Ftister. T. A. Brown and Frank Sanger a committee to meet the body on Its arriral in Jersey Clt.v, tbe meethig ad. jouraed. ARRfVAI. OF THK HF.MAIX.S. In response to the following telegram: "n.\RRi.4- Binr. Pa.. Mareh 23, 3 o'clock p. M.—Meet me at Jer- sev Citv at 10 to-night. Ilnve charge of Porier's btMlv.—.\ijiERT Mi'RDDCH.'' the Committee ohove named and several other professional gentlemen asiiemiiled In the Pennsrivanla Railroad depot at ten minutes paisl ten Sunday niglit. w-hen the train arrived. As tbe colIln. Inclosol In a white deal box, was removed fTOm the beggage-car to a track the bystanders ancoveretl tbclr heads, and 81 it was wheeled down the platform they followed It In a procej^slon, many of them shedding tears. The remains were conveved across the Ueslirorises-fltreet fbrrv. thence to stoltz's. tbe undertaker, -JST Bowetr. . THE Fl'MHIAL is to take place on Wetlnesday morning, March 2a, at II o'clock, from the Chnreh of the Transfiguration ("The Unie cniurcb Around tbe Comer"). T. All- ston Brown, James H. M(^ and Morris Simmonds have charge of the funeral arrangements. Tickets of admbslon. without which no person will be per- ffiltted to enter the chnreh, will be Usned. The iLshira 'Will be Owen Fawcen, Ovane C. Davenport, <>Uver Wren. Kelson Decker, E. Holland, J. Alex- ander Brown. Frank Lamb, H. s. Uuineld, J. F. Petere and Wm. James; doorkeepers, E. C. cniam- heriln, Welsh Edwards, John Sheridan, T. E. Mor- ris, CJharles E. Furbish and Frank A. TannelilU. pall- hearers, Charles E. Fnrtilsh. Lew Barker, Wm. 'Thompson, James Barnes and Frank E\'ans. The mnsIc wiu be fhml-shed by the Church Ci|Olr "Plna- fbre" Company, now at the Broadway Theatre, and Miss Anna Sanger (a sbter of Fnnk Sanger, an Inti- mate friend of the deceased) wUI sbig "Nearer my God to Thee." Dr. Houghton wlU waive the luual (fee for opening the chnreh. The Internment wUI take place, in the (Jemetery of tbe Evergreens, where a lot has been purchased, adjoining that owned by the B. P. O. Elks, a deed of which wlU be presented to the mother of Mr. Porter. ALBEHT MCTtnOCa'S SfrATBMKST. Hr. Murdoch, a memtier of tbe tVaitIc A Harry- more "Dlplomacv" ComldnaHon, who accompan- ied the remains' of B. C. Porter from Marshall, Texas, to this cirv, savs that the ladv of the com- panv who was Insulted was Miss Ellen Cummins, and' not MLsa Josephine Baker, as had been tele- graphed. Mr. Murdoch, at the time of the assanlt, was In tbe hotel about flfly feet distant from the res- taurant, upon the steps of which John Drew stood. As the last turned ran Into the restanraot, Currie, It Is said, aimed his pistol at him, bnt as Mr. Drew begged for quarter his life was spared. After shoot- ing Mr. Porter and Mr. BariTmore, (Carrie pointed hhi pistol in MlKS Cummins' face, saj-lng: a mind to shoet von too." - She, trembling with fear, pleaded for her life. Currie fired four shots In all: the flrst one, aimed at Mr. Banrmore, and tbe last at Mr. Forter, inlK9ed, Tbelnstdt to Miss Cummins was addressed to the proprietor of tbe restaurant, and Cunie tried to force n>th Hr. Barrrmore and Mr. Porter to resent It. When Car- rie di^ his pistol Mr. Barrymore rose and said he was nnarmeiL but told Carrie If be wonld lay down hbi pistol he would give hlra aU the aatlsfacdon he wanted, and then commenced pulling off his coat. Carrie fired Instantly. Although he iras nnder the InflaenceofUquor. Carrie was not deeplv Intoxica- ted. It Is tald that the foUowlng day Carrie told his keepers tliat he regrett^ he did not kUl the whole lot of them'.'so there wotdd have lieen no wltnessei. Ur. Murdoch leatbe cltr on the night of U to rejoin tbe Ward i Barryniore Company In NaahvlUe, Teni^ BXETdr-'OP iOI.' SABKTMORIC, Uanrice Herbert Blythe, professdonaUy known as ManrlceBarrvmbre','Isa taatlve Of England. He waa giltdtmled at Cambridge University, and sebsequent- lystndled law. ConilngtoAraerica, hemadehlsfirst appearance tn thls-dty In the FUlh-arenue Theatre, Sept. IB, 18'&, acting Talbot Champneys In "Our Bovs," and he continued under tbe management of AngnstlD Dal.v, either, as a member of the Flfth- avenne Theatre Company or as one of his traveling oiganlzatlonB, untu Mr. IMy retired tnm manage- ment.' On Dec 31. UM, he mauled Miss Georglna EmmaDrewlnPhnaddphlSpPa. Last Fan, with Mr. Warde, he organized '^e Diplomacy" Combination. ITKTHBR STBSCRIinONS. To-dav (SJ)—lAwrence Barrett, tSO; T. Henry French,'fjO; and Cha riea Abb ott, tS. f'LOBA WBrroN ot tbe Weston Slstera arrived from England In the steamsldp Canada March 21. and la stopping at the Didon-sqaare HoteL She Intends sbbnly retnmUig to ^'glahd. ^BOROR McDonald, who went to England I7i|cle Tom vrith one of Jamtt Ic Palmer's com- panies, returned during the past week. Tbb Olympic Thbatrb Is to let from March SL Sei U. C MeineD'a card. GBacib-Euier, -walking ladles and tesponslhle boainess. Is open for an engagement See card. W. tv. BlAiTiucB, late stage-manager and comedian of Urn. Chaniraa's CombmaUon, has been engaged fbi; like poaldons tiy John T. Raymond Ibr his tour, Joining blm In Pittsburg Mareh SL Thb Westebs Tsbatu Compant played in Platts- bnra.Mo., Blareh IT, 18, U, 2D, Lathrap 21, 22, and are to open in BamUton St, for one weelc. '"Dick Ralfe can be engaged to appear in bis drama of "Our South." He opens at the Bowerr Theatre, this city, March SL He can be addressed throiufa his agent; J. w. Jackson, as per card. : a. Rakdolph Oamdjsbb exhibited to na the past week a copy ofihls letter to Mrs. John Drew of tbe Arih-street Theabe,:FbIlade]phla, Fa., resigning his position as bnslnesB^nanager of that theatre, tn con- sequence of hla Imalneaa at his Kew York agency '^~ig his nidlTlded attention: and also li copy of fs acceptance of tUsrealgiiatlon. Mr. kntuue to act far that theatre In a fe Vaaine as he does for other 6nt-of- to replace 'Thro' , the DartL" in the L-arcnnc Theatre ifarch n. At To:vT PAsnm'B Tbsaibb LotOc Wataon dis- played her strengtli of Jaw In a dUferent manner from that nsnally eidployvd by. the maiorily of her sex; there -waa no "ffiboee,'* bat during bnpresslve alienee (be performed a series of interesting ffeats, sastainlng tbe weight of varioua ponderoos oltlects by her teeth, aivl meetlag with blrsuccess. Alf and Lulu Wyman, who made their metropoUtan debut In a sketch caUed "Kari and Gretchen,^' proved to be capable exponents of the broken-English school, the Dutch dialect of both being good. Mr. Wyman has a clear and powerful tenor voice, which he nsea to good sdvaqtage in bis mnsl^selectlons; bat Ltdn. owing to severe hoarseness,-was nnaUe to display her vocal ablUtTes at their besL UoUle Wlhion sang a nimiber of popular songs tai a dnshlng manner, ana ber -welf-roimded, petlteflgare, tastUy attired, aflbid- ed pleasure to the eye. That tbe I^wrance Slstera have lost none of their grace or daring was exempli- fied by their startling performances upon theliigh trapeze, their laaiwTor life, from hanif to band and from a fl,ring bar to a single cord, eUclllng Uberal ap- Slause. Smith and Byrne mat with their customary Ivor daring their phtylng upon a variety of mnslcal Instruments. Oeorglna Smlthson sang a nnmtier of descriptive stings, making rapid changes of costume appropriate to each, which received the emphatic ap- proval of the spectatotB, and she acted Buttercup in the buriesque of "Pinafore" quite eOectlvely. A troupe of marionettes, skUlfully maiUpnIated by John TUI; afforded mncn pleasure, and the animated skeleton'whlch scattered Its bones about the stage, and subsequently replaced them In their appropriate positions, completely mvetUed the lookers-on. Har- nr Woodson, wnose Impersonation of tbe aged pbin- tatlon negro we hare frequently commended, was warmly received. These coinprlsed the arrivals of March H. - The sketch of''"The Cooper's Appren- tices" opened and "Pinafore" closed the show. Jen- nie Satteriee has recently been playing Hebe quite satlsfactorUv. Oas WUUams keeps the Interest In Sir Joseph ijiger up to fever-heat by frequent Intro- dnctlons of itesb Jokes and witticisms. Business was exceUent last week. "PiNAFOBB" saUed Into Oerman watera in this city, reaching anchorage In the Oermanla Theatre March 22, where "I(mperbl) Mfajegtr's) Ship Pinafore" was sung for the benefit of EngenlerSchmitz. Fbxo F. LxvAKriNB, a skUlfhl equUlbrist, who with his hands aitd feet, whilerecUnlng upon a small elevated platform. Juggled three Urge globes quite deftly, and snbaequantly perforraed a series of did), ctdt feats with a' table about seven feet in length, terminating his performances with rapid erolatlons of a barrel, all. eUdtlng frequent applause, was among the chief attractions at the Theatre Cteinl(iae last week. Miss Minnie Farrell, a 'comely vocalist, sang popular airs, attired la the garb appropriate to her .sex, and after a rapid chaiige of attire reap- peared, made-np as a young man of the period, and gave farther eVIdeiXce of her musical abumes, making a hit; 'Ilemiey, Cronln, |iester and Allen re- appeared after a short absence, giving their pleasing negro eccentricities. These comprised the new ar- rivals IT, when an extra matinee was given In honor of Ireland's Patron Saint. Performances npon mu- sical ghisses by A. w. Sawyer; Reynolds and WaU- Ing In a musical sketch called "Onr OIil Armchair;" and tbe sketches of "The Live Indian," with Johnny Shav In tbe chief character, "Iteke It and Don't Take It," acted by John WUd and BUIy Gray were the other featuies of the programme, and "The Mul- UBun-guard RaU" concluded the tenth week of Its run. BuHlness continued large. ''SrANDiNO-ROOM OSLT" was dLsnlaved in the vesti- bule of NIhlo'B (ianlen during the entire expired week, "The Black Oook" remaining the atlractton. Vie are as.snred that the advance sale of seats con- tinues large, and, an It Is the intention of the KlrallV Brotherx to Introduce from time to time fresh speclal- Ucn and new scenerv. It Is probable that this popular spectacle will have another prolongeil nin. '-TnRo' THE Dark'' held posseKslon of the stage at the Fifth-avenue Theatre the past week, and, as Us di- alogue hSH lieen pruned and compressed to some ex- rent, the performunces terminated at a more season- alile hour Mian hitherio. The altenilance, which was meager during the early Psrt of the week. Increased sllghtiv towurd.s Its close. On and after Wednesday I'eier Van Slink, 'hitherto Inipervonuted liy Frank Hardenlierg, was acted liy Steele Mackaye, the author of the drama. In quite a respectalile manner: liut Alired Mertun, who replaced Cieoige U. Chaplin as Harr\'firalmm, was nut lu all respects Katlsfkclor)'. phof. w. \. F. Dr LEAi'HonNY Jolueil the San FrancLocn MInstreN March IT, appearing with his face corked and pla.ving upon the dther, an Instm- ment Uiirequently heaix) Ui places of public amuse- ment in this coiinti?-. "Lkiten to tbe Hocklng- liInL'* with v-arlatliins, was so admirably performed that be was recalled, when he gave a iKitpoiiri of more chiMilcal muMic, wtilvh enabled hlni to more hilly dlsnlay hbi wonderful manipulation and com- mand or the Instrument. The other changes In the programme Included "A Handled Fathoms Deep," snng I>y H. W. Frillinan: "Little D-Jisr," by D. S. Wambold; "Solid DUheK to the Front," BUIy Ulrch: 'Tlie Valley of Chamounl.t.'' J. G. BusseU; and. for the finale to the flist-part, "I.a Maijohilne." Attenil- ance large, on some nights vtamllng-room being In brisk demand. Tub kxtha matinbb. performance of "Rugageil," given by Henry B. Abtiey In the Park Theatre Mareh •JO. for the accommodation of tbe ladles and gentle- men engngcd In other theatres In thU city and \1clnlty, was liberally attenderl l>v them as well as by non-professlonabi. An excellent biislnesK was done during the entire week. MANAdF.ns Chariea E. Locke of San FranclKcn. Qui., and J. II. Haverlv of Chlcagti. III., are In town. Ni:n Bahhv. Juhnson nnd Rruno. Ilarr\' nr\-anl, the Siiydsm Brothers, Lulii Delmav, arid II. R. Archer are the arriv-ats at the Theatre Comlqne March 24. A new sketch liy E. Harrignn, entitled The Great lB4oe-nstural tl alklng-match." Is tu lie acted for the first time, and -The MullIgan-guard Hall" Is to continue a feature. The ciii-RCH-cnoiR "Pinafore" Company continue at the Broadway Theatre this week. JdSEPH Toocrai has relumed to tdwn'and resumed Ills position of business-manager InlUnnth's Tlieatre. Pat Rimsm-. Clias. Kogeiw and Mattle VIckerH. l.aro- T<Miley. J. W. Binghnm. Harrnr llnilwonh and Louise Hontsgiie are the fresh appettrHncei< At Tonv Pastor'ri Theatre lhL« week. The iHirlesiinc of "Ploa- fure" enters upon the sixih week of Its run. Franx Mayo and combination are to net "Davy Crockett" lu the Grand Opera-house this week. Some .veam have elapwl since Mr. Mhvo actcil tliere. "E-N'OAiiRn" wlU continue to amiLse the patrons of the Park Theatre until fhriher notice. J. w. CoMJim I.1 reported Ul in Philadelphia. "THE OcTOK(»N" was the attraction at the Uower\' Tlieorre during the second and last week of F. !>. Chanfraii. wli(K« Salem Scndder ns a lilt of "char- acter'' acting ranks among bLs happiest linperwna- tlonK. The IilII wils lengthened each evening by the stock company sncceivilvelv appearing In the dramas -Brian Horolhme," "Junatlian Ilradfard" anil "Slxtevn-string Jack.'* Charles Harriman the pedestrian was tendered a compUmeniary lienellt March 21 bv Manager Hofele. and was greeted with loud cheering when he was Introduced to the audi- ence. Harriman, having declined to accept tbe re- ceipts or that evening, was pnlillcly prescnteil the •lay follow-lng lit- Manager Hofele With a handsome gold watch suitably luscribetl. Wm. J. Fleming commences 2t In the realistic drama "Custer,'' fol- lowed on 31 br nick Ralph In "Snimv Sontlu" At Hakrv Minwr's last week the'features deserv- ing of commeniUtlon were ninnle Beane and Charles ailday's sketch "When the (3ntv Away the Mice will PlBv;" the Courtland SLsters' duels: Wood and West's skatorlal songn-and-dances; Joe and.Vn- nle BuigesM' sketch "Trouble m the FBmUv:" Living- ston Hrotliera and John Murtz's gymnastic fkats; Frank (Errand Lulu tVentworih'ssketch 'The Happy Pair;" McCauley and Howe's double harp Hongs-anif- dances: and Hiss Uarrie Durell'H vocalUm. Arrivals '24: The ZIg-Zags, Lomont and Ducrow. the Wtinans, Nellie Thome, Awata Katsnoshln, and the Ainerican Foor. At the Ttvoli the entertaliiment provided last week pleased large audiences. John and Maggie FieldUig In Irish sketches; Billy Mahonev and Miibel Gray In songs, duets and sparring: Emlle and Fan- Ibie Ames In character sketches; KUes and Evaus In their act "Comedy Mixtures;" and "Yank" Adams In his peculiar digital blUlard-shohs met with well- deserved applause, and the pertbrmance conclnded with the burlesque "Walking Tournament." Sand- ford and WUtMin, Chariey Banks, Peter Lnwior and HtUy Madden, Emma Brettij and the Springen open Ma roll 24. The Vous Garorn continues to cnlov a good at- tendance. Tlie new faces last week Included George and Nettle Wood In 'The PoUceman's JubUee:" Miss I. O. and. SIgnor Elviro in their trapere-lialanclag act; Pettit and White In songs-and-dances and as ■The Two Extremes;" Prof. H. J. Campbell In feats of magic: Mile. LuclUe In her original songs; Ben Dodge In Impromptu vocaUsm; Minnie Lee In Ed. Hurrigan'u latest songs; and Mlnide Clyde In serio- comic songs. Oiwnlng 2t: John McVeigh, Kate Montrose, UcNIsb and Kay, Ada (;astleton and tbe Jeromes. Tbe London eamed a fair share of patroiuge last week. The novelties Incluiled Murphy and Mack's "O'ShaaghnesHy Guards," Constantlue and Law- ton's "Sublime and Rldlcvlou8.'t j. w. McAndrews' "Watermelon Man," PoUy Daly's serio-comic songs, Satsuaa'H balancing, Lizzie Daly's clog-dances, the GIrard Brothera' songs-and-dances, and the after- piece " Murphy's Dream." Fanny Herring. Seamon and Somers, Viola Clifton, Harry Beimett, and the Carrolb are bUIed here March 21 J. w. Collibb's "Celebrated'Case'' (^mlilnatlon constituted the attraction at the Grand Opera-house the past week, drawing good-alzed andlences. Tbe company, which has bean fNqnently reviewed In The Cmppkr by our respe e Hve eorreapondents, gave much satisfaction. Keuan Decker snpplle<l J. W. CoUler'8 pUce, he being detained in PhUadelpbla by iunesp. ' R. J. FiLXi.s'S, who caUed at The Currira ofllce March 32, informs tu that Manager J. H. Haverly Is to open tbe -Lycenm Theatre March si with Alice Oates' Qpera'Tronpe In "Ihe Utile Dake."' Mean- time the ftont of the theinre Is to be painted white, and a profOalon of gas-Ughts win he pot In position to niumlnate the Immediate ndghtnrbood. Franc JUbdks'bbrg and MUs Laura Don left for Boston, Mass., tbe past week, to support Charles Fscbter during hb forthcomhig engagement In the Howard Athencuffi. ' ' - Harrt C. Fbakck la rapidly leeovering from his recent illness. ' Hraicai. NORS.—The Italian opera at tbe Academy of. Music gave tu "La Sonuambnla" Mmnh 17, "B Flanto Mag- Ico" Ut^'Buy Bias" IS, "Faust" 31, and tbo Brat act of~l Poritanl" and the third and fburth acta of "n Trovatore" at the matinee 23. Mme. Qerster at tbe matineo nerfbrm* ante waa compelled to retire "In coosequeuca ora senre oold" after the first act of "I Pnritanl," and Mme. Roce was snbstltnrcd In "H Ttormtore''to fm out the perTorm. ance WlOlam Courtney gave hla second ballad concert March 20 at Chlckering Hul. having Mme. Loolse Gaoe- Cooitney, Mta. J. L._Rotyitaon, Carios Florentto*. the '^'^J'S't' T**'*^ «b* planut, aa the perform, era. H. O; J arvis waa the conductor, and B. Paine preskled at the organ. Thepngrammewasqnlteanattractlveone, Intndncbig many of tbe better-dasa ballads. Max Plooer and Dr. Damrosch gave tbe fuorth ot their aerie* of concerts at the UnTon. League Theatre Mareh 20. Dr. Damroach'a riolin and-Mr. PUiner'a piano pUylng-were the chief Afatores. To these wero added Um aUigtng of Mra. Sarah De Land and C. F. Tt«t- bar, and Fred Berguer's 'eeUo Interpretations Cb. FrlhKb, the Unor popular with both the profession and irnbUe, offered an exceUent but at hla benefit concert at g2nw» BaU March 22, enlisting the aervlcea o? aT E. St odda rd. Miss A. Heane, Mra. Imogene Brown, XlasDrcha, Mcaara. Prahn and Beraio, vocallM; Mme. Helm, O. Wal- ter, E; Agramonto and Fnna Bnnnnel, pianists; and L. C Kapp,vloUnlst; besides appearing himself... .The Sunday (March S) concerts hiclnded one at Booth's Theatre, in which SIg. D'Auila and bia orchesttm appttred, supported bvBIine. Teresa Carreno, Mlas Gertrude Frankuo and Edouard Bemenyl; one at the Grand Opera.houae, Mme De Munka lielng the principal attraction—SIgnora Pas- calls, firom tbe Harana Opera Tnmjie, made ber Snit ap- ;Ut- ID pearanoe In this dty on this occasion—beskle* the above artl.-4a. TagUapletr*, Sualnl, Boenatl, Kapp, MliaMark- steln. Hill and Colb^were In the programme: and one at the Broadway Theatre,_w1tb Clara Ismise at^t, mono, sopcanovocalut; Miss H. Beere.cootiaJio; SbrTMarato baritone: J. Graff, tenor: and A. 8. Carrlngton In drom- Bolo<'. Manager B. B. Abbev opens-Boutb'a Theatre with Almee and an op•ra.bollffatIOopeApllll2.:..'...Le- eaDq's conde opera 'The Uttle Dnke" teoelved itii first pieaentvtlon in tbl* dty Maroh 17 at Booth's Tbeabp. The oftn has not been saooeaaftal In drawing other thaamaU- Biaod aniUenoea OottboM Cplbenr's fifth sympaonr concert took place at Chlckering BaU IbRh a OermSe Fniaklln and Josephine Bates, HUln, her fint appear- aasehen.wenthe NloMa, >T™''™ de AU-rlgfat, are to appear la BtacS CTOOt" Nlblo's Arden, oommendng Maicb M. dlfferlar entirety »Qo aU otben hHberto issued fkom this StBcaThave been sent to every ACTBoamo ooaaiarpas- UTof the New Toax Currn. Manageri,agents,;doar- keepen and others an respeetftdly requested no* to ^a>d whk:h lire hi IbUo fbrm. of BED Moaoono. having on the outside an engraving of Tea Curran BciLDiso printed In cold, and oa the hislde, npon tloUT-OREXX.rAPXB, the names or tbe dty, correspondent, etc., signed bj th; Stopnetor of the paper, and the stamp of the oOlee, dated [ardi 1. 1S9, affixed. A pbotocnphU: Ukeneaa of . the correapondent la attached to tba lower left-hand corner. Tb«e oedentlals are not trafMfenihtc; and, if they an pieaented by any person other than the one whoaa name and portrait they bear, managers wUI confer a fhvpr if CA<v wdi niafn tAeai osd return »m Dtmail to (Ate oJIof. Manaaera can aave themselves from imposition by de- manding npon aU occasions an exhibition of these ere- dentlahL Applicants for the poalclon of correspondent should Indose a photograph, not mounted on card board, showUur head and bust <mly l ira of bead, ftve-elgbths of an InS—and If no reply Is sent they wUI plesse consider sUenoe a negative. Taa Curraa neveremploya tratvUntt correspondanta. At MACAtTLBT's TUKATHB, Loulsvllle, Ky., last week, Uendeiaon's New York Standard Theatre (Com- pany in "Almost a LUe" drew only fair houses, Utbough the business Increased steadily alter the flrat night. AstlstlcaUy, however, the engagement was a complete success. The compaiyr playa In Cin- cinnati week of at, Ihiyton 31, Springiield April 1, Columbus 2,3, tVheeUng, W. Va., 4, t, and Plttsbnrg weekotT McKee ranMn and Kittv Blanchard In "The Danltes" open 24. for one. week W. S. Schmlu has returned from his Western tour highly gratified with Its result. He wUl play a three nights' engagement at Macauley's immediately after the close of Lent. CHARunTBTHOMTSON, snpported by her company, opened a season Ui 'Wheeling, W. Va» appearing successftdly in "Jane Eyre" Mareh 20, 'The Hunch- bMck" -a, "CamUle" Xt, matinee "Jane Eyre." The audiences -were large. Charlotte Thompson was warmly applauded, and admirable support was given by \f. H. Cooper, N. W. Gregory, J. L. Wooder- son, the Misses Hattle- Baker, Ida Lewis, Little EOle and Mrs. Louisa lA'atson. The company bi blUed In Cleveland, a, '24, Buffalo, N. Y., 31, Rochester April 7, each one week. The ColvUle Folly Company occupied the Opera-house IT, 18, presenting "Robin- son <5nisoe," with selecUona from "Pinafore" and "Babes in the Woods." The attendance was large onthefiiHC night, tiut on the second wasofsmaU dlraenslona. They played In ChlUlcothe, 0., IB, Day- ton 20, Columbus.21,21 t^ARH AMD coaaiSATiONS desiring dstes at the Grand Opera-house, thla city, are referred to the (sard elsewhere. A FOiit-ACT DBAMA 18 oOfered for sale by w. F. K., who advertises. HiNSix Ci'MMiNGS wUl msVe a tour through the West under the management of O. H. Van Wormer, with Harry -Weston as bnslnesx-iDanager. Her repertory, published In her card In thla Issue, Is re- ferred to the attention of managers. Pbtrolei-m V. NASBY'a (D. R. liocke) new Hardcal comedy, "^Vldow Bedotte," Is to receive its first Sresentatlon on the stage in tbe - Providence (R. I.) pcra-house March 28, 2>, with Kell Burgess In tbe title character. ' Mus Mart Anpersos and company, nnder the management of John w. Norton and S. M. Hlckey, are to perform tn Ponsmontb, N. U., Mareh 24. Sa- lem, Mass., 2£, Lowell '26, Lawrence 27, Lynn 28, Chel- sea 2B, New Uedfonl 31, Fall Hl\'er AprU 1. AT THE OFBHA-HUltlK, St. LoUlS, MO., (iCOrge C. Uonlfacc has drawn fslrty since March IT. 'The Soldier's Trust" was played the entire week, and deeplv Interested all who saw It. Our com^ipon- ilent °8a>-s: 'The character of the old corporal An- tulne is really the best piece of acting Mr. Boniface has done In SL Louis. Ktpeclally was thbi the case In the second act, where his pantomimic action was more eloquent than words. Young George BonUhce ranted too much. He bus imdoubted talent, and if he wUl only tone down the force of bis delivery somewhat he will find that his acting will give more sutlsfacllun. C. L. Graves' traveling company far- olshes eltlcleot suppon. Dion Douclcanlt and com- pany 23 At the Olympic Urge aadlences nlghtlv greeted Maihime Mudjeska, who appeared In 'Ca- mllle' IT, 18, 'Frou-Frou' is, 'Adrlenne' 'iO, 'Romeo anil Juliet' 21, 'East Lynne' Denman Thompson and coin pan V begin 24. AT TUB HcrKupoLrTAK TOEA'TOE. Minneapolis, Minn., "Kolwrt Enimett" was given March 17. The Theatre was closed 18, (br the flrat time In sLx months, to admit of a dress-rebeanial of "H. M. S. Ploafure," which was produced for the flrat rime 19 tu a large liuu.-<e, and will be ountlnuetl untU farther notice. TUK Dbmji Golden-Thoite pla.ved In Te.xarkana, Ark., March 18,'ie, -S). EMILY Mav.nakd, Juv-enlles, walking ladles and singer, can be addressed care of thhi ofllce, for en- ingements. The lady has latterly been with a i-oiicen party as reader and vocalist, and was for- merly vonuectal with Wood's Museum, this city. At the PuKTuuiD (Mb.) Theatre Salsbnrv's Traulmiloura dellt^hted a fine audience March IT, a'nd they propow returning April 10 Man- Aniler- sun made her firet appearance In that cltv 21 in "Inguniar:'' -it, at matinee, "Romeo and 'JuUet," evening "R\-adne." Iliuduewi good Geo. A. IIIU, supported by J. C. Myera' company, h« to plav In Music Hall 24. •& The company comprises tS'. T. DiilHiiey. Geo. W. Shicldi, C. B. Rhodes, Edwin Mur- phy. Waiter Cr>-stal, Hurry Blanchard, May Wyncoop, and Sadie Dulunev. GE0)u;e Fawcctt Rowe. supporied bv E. A. Mc- liuwell's company, Ls bUlt^ In Muntrval, P. (J., March i», 'is, 28.27. "llKNHY ^■"■waa presented at the Royal Opera- house. Turonto, Ont., March 20, with James Green, a native of that city. In the title-role, to a bouse crowded to the doom with tbe personal friends of tbe star. Our correspondent says: "Mr. Green Ls little more than an amateur, this lieing only hLs ihlnl appearance on tbe dramatic stage. He gave a furellilc representation of the character, his elucu- lion licing clear and dbitlnct and hb< reading <»r- rect. Hbi defects are few, the principal one being a constant shaking of the head In onler to emphasize hhi word. Tlie support liy the company was, with a few exceptions, only fair, W. C. Ilunalibioii's Fluel- len, Adelaide FUnt's Rumor, and Mrs. J. K. Vemon'.s Dauphin being the oulv ones worthy of commendation- The scenery and effects were' all new nnd appropriate, the wardrolie being expressly liiiponed from New York fur the occasion. Th'e company Intend to make a tour of the Province, opening In RellevlUe 24.'' SMAi.i. AiDiENCBi were drawn liv J. C. Wllllamsnn anil Maggie Moore at the Wuln'ut-Mreet -Theatre, Plilhidclphia, last week, where thev paveil "The ElucruliI Ring" (by permission of lira. Bamev WU- Uams) and "The Fool of the FBmllv," in which Liz- zie Creese reappeared after he'r Ulness Tlic connection -with the theatre of Harrv Mer- etllth, heavy man, closed snddenlv March 'la, the parts fur which he had been cast being plaved by Charles Walcot and J. P. Deuel B. W. tamer. second old man, had a benefit on the afternoon of March 'JO, presenting "The Marble Heart" and "Fam- ily Jars." Mm. Charles Walcot, who had been orig- inally cast for Marco, was sick In bed, and, out of compliment to her as well as to the beneficiary, M:b8 Glover kindly consented to play the part. She re- ceived a lieautlfUI basket of fiowera fTOin Mra. Wal- cot. ThLs was the only Incident that occurred dur- ing the benefit F. C. Bangs begins a week's en- gagement March 24 Florence Iravenport, daugh- ter of Mrs. E. L. Davenport, has recovered ITOm her recent Ulness John T. Raymond appeara March 31, foUuwed by the New York Standard Theatre 0>m- pany In "Almost a Ufe" April 14, and by Mrs. Bar- ney WlUlams May S, who irUI then make her flrat appearance since the death of her husband. A. C. Irving, agent of Texas Jack's Combination, was taken severely Ul on his arrival at the Reed House, Erie, Pa., Febk 8, and was conflned to his room ten days. Our correspondent vrrites: "Al- though'he was without a cent to pay his bUhi, the kind-hearted and generous CoL Ealsw-orth, proprie- tor of the Reed House, gave him tbe best of care, and he was attended by Dr. J. L. Stewart, one of our bett physicians. The' troupe having left here Vkib. IS without leaving him any moneyTne was, by hht own request, removed toSt. Joseph's IIosplul, where he remalaed untU convalescent, a few days ago, w-hen, stUl being -without money to pav bla -way home, Juhn S. Dunn, superintendent Erie' Traiisfer Compaay, and C. J. C^ugney, manager of the Opera- house, took the matter in hand, and raised tbe re- quited amount and sent him on his way rejoicing." Maggie MrrcHEU, played In Fort Wayne, Ind., March 21, and Is blUed In Loganspon 22, I^fhyette 24. Decatur, Dl., 2i, Bloomlngton '2a, Peoria 2T. Mr. and Hb3. GEa S. Kkight and company ap- peared In the Opera-house, Pittsburg, Pa., the past week, In "Ono," to Umlted patronage. Our corres- pondent reports: "The pUy ran smoothly, the acting was even, and altogether tbe entertainments were enjoyable; but aU these commendablefi-aturea wonld not draw a good week's business. 'My Sun' wlU be Srodnced March 24, 25, 28. 27, 'Risks' 28, and 'Col. eUera' 29, -with John T. Raymond In the leading parts." Jobn McCnxoroH closed a successful engage- ment In the Memphis, Tenn., Theatre March IS. On bis last night be was escorted to the theatre by the Chickasaw Gnatds, headed by a brass band, as an acknowledgment of tbe counesy he extended (hem last Fall WhUe In <»nctnnai1 by inviting them to at- tend Ihe theatre at which be was then playing. Warde A Barrymore's "Dlplomacv" Combination are bUIed for 24, 2S. The klllliig of & C. Porier and wounding of Barrymore may possibly cause the canceling of tbe engagement. The (SolvlUe FoUy party appear for four nights, commencing 20. The fi-nerai. op Jams PiLoniM, the well-known actor, dramathit and manager, took place tram his late residence, I.mT Spring Garden street, PhUadel- pbla, March 19, and -was very largely attended. The corpse -was neatly dressed In a suit of bUck. The floral designs were numerous and beantUhL Host Kimlnent among them was an anchor, the gift of , PUgrlm'a chUdren; a harp, sent by Mra. Robert Fox; and a cross ftom Mr. and Mrs. Jos. T. f^nliL Tbe fUneial services were conducted by Rev. L New- ton Rltner, pastor of the Eleventh Baptist Chnich. The paUtiearera weie J. P. Johnson and w. H. Danvera of Fox's American Theatre; Alex. La-wrence, late doorkeeper of tbe same house; and Uob Harrlaon of Ihe New NatlonaL The Interment waa at Cedar HUI Cemetery, near FrankfonL Many of Mr. PU- grim'B professional flrlends and associates were pieaent. W. E. Powxa March 28, 2a. OLtvKRDom Btbon foUowed tbe. swimmer Bov- ton to LonhnlUe, Ky., from Cincinnati. O- In a sUiL He opens March 24 In BellevlUe, DL, with tbe Slm<Hi ComUnatloiL Manaoxb Steblb of Clnolnnati, O,, managed Law- rence Barrett, sapported by the St, Louis Olympic Company, In Terre Haute, Ind.. Mareh IT, U, Maya- vUie, Ky., 19, ao, Lexington a, 22. '-^ TOKY Dkkibb's Pantomime Troupe In "Bnmpty S^'"/.'^"*'™^ * •■!?• attcndaniw to Martin HaU, Albany, N. Y.. Thla, company ranks among the best of Its Und. Ooo. H. Aduaa tfM- maldl) la a llretrclass Clown, O. P. Fox an amnstng Pantaloon, Wm. Eunice a sprightly HarieqnlnTand AdaBoeheU a beanteons and gncefOl (^dnmblne. The Tule^ people are aU good, and comprise Vic- toria North, eerio-comlo; PhU Heath. ventrUoqulst; Lester and. Williams, .eong-and-dance; CaUfam and Fox, acrobats; Emma Motuton, clnh«winger: Venus and Adonis, velodpedlsts; and CbariSI^Dlamond. known as tbe MUanese Minstrel. Route: Hudson 24. Sarat<^ 2i, Cohoes 28, Schenectady 27, Troy 28, S S'L'^Ar^^^iS?* ^Pf" ? • Itochester 3,4. .77..j! 0. and Hia. wuuamaon in "Strack OU" appear In Martin HaU as, 2T. ^vir^ .nrtT„I?!LJS?S°¥'''6P^'Pl^ during the week ending March 22, Joa. T. Faimln appeuS to moder- ate andleneea aa BUI SUr-em-np in ^^Stclp by Step, or Ihe Cone of Drink." Mr. Elannin's teiiaitlon ome W'^'^,^S>mhleone,»aihe waa ably supported. March 24 Oeo. U.,Sh\'B adaptattoa of fia 5S dnma "Onlaare, or The Lite ofii Fireman,"iS tbe cpmeiir of "Delicate Oiotuui". wiu w£ bUJed to play in Aurora, Ind. Mabov a JfOBOAN'B "Uncle Tomt; OofflUnatlon are tiavelingthiongb the West andareajjd to be meeting wlOi a Sir dagiw <rf aiwoMa. T*or w SBoOTua, O., March 24,28, Shel^ 87,3 Tlflto », 31,Mdai»booked In Aubuiii, ImtAprtL H.A. a WlUlams hi In advance. ^ PBILHABMONIC HALL, which is fitted Op With scJ?e"^Sd Ughted by gas, to aie mMt poptgar amusement resort in Demerara, w. L Weaclmow- ledgetho receipt of a liamed pnotojpaph of Itt in- teriM-, by which we see that tbe lower floor U supplied with cane^eated chairs, and the stage piMents a roomy and comfortable appeaiance. Dbsman Thomtson and company pentfrmea in Grand Rapids, Mich., March 20, 2L Ann Arbor 22; thte week Uiey are In St. Lonls, Mo., 24, thence to Chicago, ni.. 31, one week. . ,^ Ha(Wib HrrcoBLL and company acted in Rlcb' mond, Ind., March 20. Fort Wayne 21, Logansport 22. They perform hi Lafavette 24, DanvUle, IIL, 2S. De- catur 20, Bloomlngton 2T, Peoria 28, Springfield 29, Jacksonville 31, Chicago AprU 20, two weeks.. - Chablottb Tboupson's Combikatiok performed In zanesvllle. lU., March 18, IT. 18, 'WbeelUig, W. Va., ■20, 21,22. and show In Cleveland, 0., 24, one week; Boffbio, N. T., 31, for a like periotL ■Thb Damitbs" Is to be played In Nashville. Teim. March 24, 3S, 28, by McKee RankUi'e company Warde A Banymore's "Diplomacy" company Is bUI- ed for 27, 28. 29. „ J. H. Slatik Is requested tocommuidcate with w, pervard. A oOMBiNATiiiN Is Wanted by C. J. Sherman to plaj about April I. See advertisement. Auox Oates and conipanv during their second and last week at the ARh-street-Theatre, Philadel- phia, sang "Glrofi.p-Glrofla" March it, is, and mati- nee 22, "Chimes of Normandy" la, 20, "La Maijo- lalhe" for benefit of AUce Dales 21, and "La Peri- chole" evening of 22. AU to light bnaliieas Mr. aud Mtx. Oeorge S. Knight commence March 24 In "Otto." Chaa. A. Mendnm to now-managerof tida house; John Goldberg to manager's agent. There to mnch feeUng over the recent aawamnted attack npon tbe late B. C. Porter and Maurice Barrymore, w-ho to the son-in-law of Mrs. John Drew. The Ut- ter's wife, Georgia Drew, who for sometime past has lieen Ul at her mother'a bonne, to 8ei\-erely prostrated by tbe news, though on March 22 a dtopatch was reealved' ftom Mr. Barrymore stat- ing that hto. wound was so jdlt^t thai he shoald play in NashvlUe, Tenn., on tbe 24th March •a the foUowlng notice, which explains Itseli; bear- ing the slgnamres of W. E. Sheridau and Geo. Hol- hind of tbe ChestOnt^treet Theatre, was! posted in the green-room of all the theatres in the city: "A meeting of tbe todies and genttemen of the dramatic profession wUI be held at the La Pierre House, Broad street, on Monday aftemoon, March 24, at 3 o'clock, for the purpose of arranging a benefit for the family of the late B. C. Porter, nie ladhs and gentlemen of thto theatre who may desire to asstot the project are Rspectfully regnested to be present.'* Manager GemmUl of the (^estnnt has oflhred hto theatre for tbe proposed beneflt. "tsoAUBD."—W. 3. UUhert's Tet^■ fanny burlesque- comedy contlnnes to draw crowded bonsea at the Cniestnnt4itreet Theatre. Fhlkidelpbla. and will ran Indeflnltely. There was a fire in the cellar of thto house on the night of March 18. caused by a lighted cigar-stump thrown throngh tbe iron grating on Chestnut street Ignlthig a rabbtoh heap Into which It feU. There was a large audience preient at the time, and, the smoke ascendbig Into tbe auditorium throngh the furnace leglstem, cansed a slight panic, which was quickly suppressed by Manager Geromlll, who steppei! 10 the front of the dren^^Crcle and told tbe audience to keep their seats, as ttiere was no danger. Tbe Are was promptly extingiUshed and tbe ptoy proceedcL At tbe end of the act Hr. Gem- mUl came before the cnriain and exphilned tbe oc- currence. On Thuiwlay, Mareh 27, a special matinee of "Engaged" will he given, to w-hlch Manager (Gem- mUl Invites nil membera of the proftaolun. The cur- tain w-UI rise at 1.30, to accommodate professlonato ITum New York. Tony Demer's Pantomime THorrE. with Geo. H. A(Ums (Grimaldl) as clown. Is now- In tbe twenty- ninth week of a successful season. The company will he reorganized fur next season, beginning about Aug. 2&, and propositions for engagements can lie sent to Manager Denier, as per card. SALSBcntY's TNoraADOins are bUled In New Bed- ford, Mass., March 24, Taunton 2S, Lawrence 20, Man- chester, N. H., iJ. Conconl 28, Biirilngton, Vt., 29. JoBNKY Barker, comedton, has had vrritteo for blm by Fred R. Johnson of Maiden., a three- act comedy called 'Trouble on tbe AVlic" CHARiJai H. TUAYTK'H Dramatic Company to to ap- pear la 'Manchester, N. H.. Mareh -U, Htchbn'rg, Mass., 28. New Be<lf6nl 27, Taunton 28. Brockton 29. Lawrkkcb Barrett commences a New England tour In New Hedltird, Ha.<«s., March 23; thence to Providence, R. I., afternoon and evening 20, LoweU, Mass., 27, Pontond, Me.. 28, 29. He wUl appear In "Harebell" and "RIchellen." supported bv the fol- lowing memtiers of the Boston Museum (!tompany: Georgia lyicr, Sadie Harilnot. H. R. Graham. Alfred HndHoo, James Nolan, Wllltora C. Cowper, W. Nor- rls, J. H. Pitman, Frank Curios. G. A. HUl and M. Dunn and J. A. Smith and T. j. Martin, specbUlv engaged. Tbe company which Manager Aliliev of the Park Theatre. New York, has organlzetl fo'r a tour with "Engaged" performed last week at Tlieall A Car- ton's Novelty Theatre. Drooklvn. K. D.. to fair bosl- nes-s. As smooth a performance as that given 1^ the New York company was not tn be expected, and some of the artists sllghtlr marred the eflWct bv at times forgetting to treat the •.■fhrclcsl snhject In a grave and earnest spirit:" liut we should Judge that when the company liccome more tbmlltor with tbe iiuslnesa of the play they wui appear 10 much better advantage. Katharine Rogers' conception and de- llneatlnn of the chnracier of Belinda Treheme to deserving of high praise, espectollv as It to not a .senile Imltatlun of Agnes booth's ponraval: but a further etoboratlon of dvtaU wonld make It yet more enJo.vable. Anv criticism of George Parkes' Cheviot HUI would tie unfhlr. because of a severe hoarseness and cough which troubled him all the week. Frank Monlannt was an excellent Bel- vawney; but Jame« Dunn did not baniUe Mr. Svraperson forall he was worth, and John Manhews' Majur MacgUUcudy might be Improved upon. WU- llam Heriien's tearful Angus MncaULster was fairly snoil. Emily Delmar acted Minnie verv wen. and Mrs. Bratone and May Rowere were seen to ad- rantage as Mtw. MBcmrtane and Parker. A ftirther study nf Scotch dialect and a more dLstlnct enuncto- tlon would have made Genevieve Rogers' Maggie more enjoyable. The company ptov In Allenv thto week, and Collier's "Celebrated Cs-oe" Cominny to the attraction at the Novelty. ABoiT the theathki In Boston, Mi>s.s.. our corre- spondent senite the following, dated March 23: Miss Llpir Wrhsterwas itTeetrdbya larnr audience on the occasion of her fsniTcll hrneOt and last appearance on the Boston stage, at the Globe Tlieatre 17, wlien "Con- t?.'' Corsair" rraired its flrxt and onlj- prtfonnanco br Rices Extravagania Ooniblnatlon. noraIofft>rincs,JeW. eiry, silvemre and books were presented tbe lady to Ihv- Uh prolhslon, and she villcarrywlthberto ber new home thebmt recanls of hosts or Bostoii fHends. Rice's (tar- prlse Party, fresh (Tom an unpreeedentrdiv lone engaae- mi-nt In 8an Ftanctsco, and tlirre nrvks of success in riilcsdo. came to us l^ and pmented for the Srst time In Risiton the extravRgBDia by WlUlam OIIl and Willie Edou- }n wiled "BorToni." -Hie thread on which the story u hune it veir elastic and frmoile: but It Is com- posed of no much hin, nonsense, glitter and song as to mslceltTery eidoyablc. and, with the pfTsent compAnr, prollfle In comedians and slnfem. can hardly (aU to please the man astute amons us. WUlIc Edooln Is of course the central flirore. and Is Inderatbcablr whether aa tbe sleepy courtier, amateur ssUor, or drunken traveler. In each of these characters, «-hlch are assumed dtirlas the trarlrsque, nothing strikingly novel Is pivsented; but his own Innate and spontaneous spirit of fim Is predominant, which car- ries Ihe audience to thaextremeUmits of mirth. Miss Alice Atherton was severely ill IS, and was attended by a phy- rk: ao Ihroaahout the perihnnance; ber Fnnoe Aehmet did no snfferoa that acoount; beractlngWBslirrlyand grmce- ftd. and the aoug "Nauabty Clara."given hi the true Lon- do I mosle-ban style, was received with ocotinned appnba- thin. Wm. A. Mestayer has a Sua sense flfihe ridiculous, aa was exemplified by an exceedlnj^ humorous characteriza- tion (>t the .Paxsee aatrologer: hla catch.words "Keep It 5"* A'^."*"y become one of oor popular phrases. "•PlA"^*!; 'Tf ortdnal as the gouty RIbenlan BAlah. and with LouU Harrison as Zoio. a JeMer, In adon. '"M'T """'-^*'"*' ""n several encores. Louisa Baariea' abllltlea as a vocalist are weU known, and ber songa were well rendered. Miss ElU (Aapman, with her petite flmn and wlnnhig ways, Is as much of a fkvonte as ever, andher dance with a skrpphig.roM eiKlrcled In Sanies was fully ezecutrd. Marion filDKcr hi endowed with art musical voice, which U used to great advantaite, and her Klrcled In flames was grace- r hi endowed with a rub and S,'^?2*S.'! '"^SfV I^JolIe Housekeepahewero enjoya- £*''l!J?J^?'V'.»»^ni ore and Una Merrme have parts beneath thelrablUties—every opportunity Is fanprovedTbut jtla hoped they wm be better prarided for m the Itature. The remalnlnacharactera are well done, vocally and dmm. atlc^lly, by tbe rest or tbe company, who add materlaUy to the enjorment of tlie burlesque. Loula Harrison to credited with the authorship or most or the wonls rnr tbe twenty.ieven mnslcal nnmbets, and Dexter Smith, Wool- rf Childsand Edward R Bice lorthemnsic Itself, the Utter gentleman wirldlns the baton dnrinic the entr acte, when a new march or his own cnmpoaltlon called "At Sunrise" was played by the oiohestra. The attend, ance lus been very large, and "Horrors- 'has been «o suc- CTwlUl thus (kr that It win be conllounl a seoond wvek.... Andre rortler" has been continued at the BcMiton The- atre to bushiess not at all oommenanrate with the merits JiiT.TP'"**'•?* manner of lu production, or the aetinr. It will fie continued another weeC WItS tbe afteroMn performance of a, at the Boston Museum, "H. M. 8. Plna- fore^Mrcelved its elihty.thlid and last pert-ormaniv^ a rm dS?J?^'SJ,T?JW"*,?57- ."wasprewled by the come. sl"lV-'* ISf- On the even ug of a, for the bene. ?4?I.?K^r'i.'T,""^'.v'^ """be iSSirth," .^t."^*^Indto" and the Ut« Jamea PUsrim's "Umcr- Ick Boy," together with hnltatlona or aetota byjCTwil- son, were Riven to a crowded boose. M. for seven peribtm• s?!S.»J?i'-7^ ^s"*' oFMi»rj5SiScuS. Medea" and the quarrel and screen scene* ftom "The School for S<9udal:» SI. "C'UTla,''for sU perftraaoon^ April 7, "My^:" 14. the fall}-musical spmaelTadap*- edrrod "Le Chat Bone" (Pass In BootalTfTTxSa. Fecb- ter commences an extended eufcagement at the Howard Atheninim 34 to his own dramatliatlbn at "Monte (Msto," SKS!I?'f5;U J5""? <^«" tT» "ew Vort S^JV^S. Company oommenoe an enaanment at the S«!;t^T^treai ;'Wl,lm».J'^Amon^tS;topaSj^.ar? ~ave itob_._, ^ T>,i.ii^-n??'^-'-'-^T'" Tompkins' of.the' BoMoo KSllSS'S'**"^?'^''"''!" oneatofDOTeltlc*.... SlTJS? 5> ^t"!?: '"•n connected with Manager 2!Ji:21iJ.'V.i,°"** " bashie«^mana«er aloce the «£. S^2*^?"" the pteient season, assume* a like poaltkn with Manager Abbey of the nSt Park Theatre timor row. M.. .... Manaaer R M. Fields of tbe Boston il'JI^H.'" tieen oimflned to hU houebynineas the T*"twe*»------Louis James has been re-engaged as lead• n«maaatUi«BortoBlb«tpe Co- neitSiSE:.... .The teL'tt"' 7!^ benefit to a week-a perform- ancra at the Oli^ Theatre, eommendntc April at- H!?2^n'^i?^Jl'' ■'• ITolenSe and Alhi Harrison In "The MIshty Dollar." .Mlsa Geonila tl..?' *5? ,Ho«on Museum baa received aJ^feJ '«^'"tfi»»S'»" " «b; Brooklyn Theatre next ae^ ^-.j-.L!a:'1'?*'S!» "arttaot has received a beantlAd !2i5Si*'5?5*"25!r.^'*'"' ?L!^ BostonMSSSilS C*SE"$l'^"*L'*^,""T!^"' Pe««»mta« tbe (hre« parta '^ili"'.?' ^ Flnafcre," owtoc to the inoeaa of tbe ladle* orWoally onnignced IJltl* loo Tnttio of tbeBonS V'^^SLS^^Jl^. to "Dnclo Tom s Cabin" at Ke^ed? S!JJ;1?*" ^SSSi- ^»** '"«'>« Prerioils to the K!?*™'51!L?'^J""5?° Museum eieningof Sthe efKlsiT, OMBie W. WUson, was tariSl tT TioSrs where a dlimer was spread, and a nnober of _ .v*'"-**^J'^""'' through harry A. MoGlenen gave UiB astonished comedian a handsoine iioM waMi and ■ chain, ws ma aiiu. th. —r_i.;rr nrrt.^V™ Bote), . frienos ^ a aj_ B ..—.......iiiTT Kon WBICn OS- £i T^P^Ot at t'C^hSSS .new sUk Itat and an elegant aoufoto SSS^St'JkfSSlffS.'iif ""■'««i»n with tfiTBoWWid wSSS^SJiHSif'** of the ptesont seaaoo Madame r'S'St,."^ oompauy. Mra. John Drew, Mr. udMn - -riven at our new ^rk Jctcomedy-rSTtaiitaT^TlVo-:^^^^ Pl<« for AUc« Harrlaon Sol Smith Bwltbure: omed the.Berger FamUy An oper».£«!SfcJindSd m stars at the Globe Theatie. br a Kew York campany,wUl bo' k1\ Theatre in Jm»,.;.,.B. Woolftas completed a thm~ KIm^SP^JS?" nnder the ut« Henrf 'WUUrd, Thiira- is>¥:^«riin3Stfas;rorSS SSfSSSi^SalSS.^' whkaSiSS nS;SS5r%?t'Se'ia^^ the staae In a traly nugniflcent manner SmS^,^' storm of pniteat and denunciation It has txdted^!?:^' is conceded to be one or the moat snocefMtUI and tell eveTpresented.andlttothe uncontradicted t FROM THB PAomo sum oor eoReu npon amusementa, dated Son FranctocBw to aa appended: Aathoaervlcaa of tha east engaged to <^ were Tequlred at Baldwin's to nppoR Mha iSa that-wonderftd ptoy waa beooghf to a ootMarhsi 1 tmnhiaHmafterIM l e pi ese n totioo U.- Itwasua termlned by ttw management to pivaent It ii^uS! Ueenrioattyand totereat to th* pUrhad hemfhS*^ ated: but. aa Miss Bittoge wm unwmtasr tSStSS"*; longer her appearance at Baldwin's, as ant25iS.S. Morse, Rltasrl to aUow the piodactlon at hU MCl',?Sa withdrawal of the original cast, and aa James K^!<3^' in personatlnttlboBavlonron the drat pradoetkiEr!^'!!* ptoy tommd the wroth of the press andpolpiLu^V oblected to baring any other actor aisnme tbe ^iSsT It was at the last moment dedded to be the beiti!r!9^'' to withdraw the pUy for tbe present. la rieLfTi ever, ot tbe Immense attaiMlijMe. the merit t.^^- and norelty of the preduettoa. It wUI, with a added, be a^ato produced on Easter Monday, ted pSm ed Ih slTwfio witn wed It that no <mer<nristbin or'S!£!£^* see and listen to "The Passion" wlthoot behnuS il9*: for it. Before many mouths Mr. Mors* totends rf ^'Wtir the play to New Yorii, where seetagwni be belleriS*"' Mtos Boie Bytlose was dotUillesa {be happiest SanPtanelscoonthe occasion of her flnt anoeiju!: Baldwhi's, the eventog of UL Long before thethSirrfifl. curtain tbe house was lUled In every part by a tulEIiffi and:fHendly andlenoo, whoon Miss EytlnsevrSSSS- ' Kteeied her with the mort enthusiastic appiausTsSH most smothered the lady wit h the floral oB-erinn tn£2b showered on ber. She displayed her tilrnUandaSK dnbOi to tbs very best adrantsge as Joan LmS??- "TheJ Pesde c Derrick, James U'jieii; xian uivne. James A. -BmS^ "Ovid" Craddoek. J. W. Jenninits; Sydoey BloUmSS; ForrestRnblnsnn; mderhin. F. Brooks; Sam W1lHnIlr& Redley; Bob ^les. J. W. ThomoM; Jodson BswilISS' Ravel: Aniee Barbolme, Oiler Wet; Lix DalhocsSS- Ineroicnrsn: Mjg. May WUke*; Ssl. N*;iy WetSertTli presented at Baldwin's, thto ptoy wUI hardly prove a -tiii ■ salt is heavy, alow and tiresrms, and contafan tan nS trdk and too little acrion. hotwIthitandtoK lUmaulKin however, the theatre stoce lu first prodankmiZu 1!= tbioniied at every perfannance. a hxppy state oraflalnS which Mr. MaenlTe can thank the talent of the ladyut £ excellence ofthe support more than the merit oftbetaa? As "Owld" Ctaddoelb Mr. Jennlnta had a part la wUaw fairly reveled, and his Imprrwwatlon was, next to tS7 Miss Eytlnge, the feature oftbe ptoy, and the one thuiZ reived the most applause. Dan Lowrie. thornoehlr nltS Mr. Herae's talents. - and his make.up and pimiomuS' were Intelhoeut and well.nlgfa perfect. rmittSSi. son portrayed Sydney Elphlnstone, a yoonc nuaSr' Kood actions, with an easy and QUlrt coiue^n. r*'- seediedexaetlrtofltblm. andbis antog was loe' as to wUi hhn a recall beCm tbe cnrtato. J. w. Tb portrayed Bob Style* In a very able manner, and r,^_ an unexpected round of apptonse. Mlsa Mnin*^2.' surprised everyone by her neat and artistic lam!! ' «a snnatloB of Judson Bate*; and aa on eridenetir & the appreetotton of ber talent she bos since tttuJ SS an offer for a iv.<n|iacement at this theatre tOr next aZ', on at an Increased satory. MLw Olive Weit, a t«M -f. debnlante,wasonwIselycastail AntoeBaihobne.Berai.'' - ' ceptloo waa decidedly unsatlstkctocy, and ber jniSm - amarrorlsh. For Lewis Morrison's benefit, 17. 'The BaS back" wiU be acted, with Base Bytinge a* Jolla. Bow wS. AS Helen, L. Morrison as Master Walter, and James OnS < as sir Thomas CUfford. after which "Robert Eaw? "The Honthback" will remain the otttictkm uiai> ' ' - i when, at Miss Eytlnge's requeet, "Love's SacnScei* wink'- . r presented for two eventog*. "Oliver Twist" witl be jil. ■ ^ sentedSi. Tf hqidness shoold ramaln good- it Is mjmm JUL pnihable that Mln Eytlnge wiu extend ber "niiiiiiiM ' - another week and produce "A Mother's Heart." Ajia]n3 stated to The Cumm, Miss Hose Oichlan. leadiAh^- Wallack's, and bersbiter.Miss EUyCdtfalan.and MIse'^qK' ' , Varton wUl be membem ofthe Baldwto Muoa. With the ric«ptloo of Butt BoUItu, vIid bia: f ^ prumlJied to app««r mt tbU theatre darliiK tbe jiulj. yrar.Mr.MainiuedorsDOtlDtendlDthefhturetoiMvatlS- l^J «ith any more utam. Ue iDtendA to wcun a fliA-daa-' f^" cmnpMnr Thr Nrw York FDloo-Mtumrv OomtHnS^- h^K the Oallromla hare not prored to be the wwcewfr wd ilfi -ZS ed. and nxr ikr ftvm belojr all that the pobllc tkucy jmSi^' sC them. Tbe tnanafcem^nt haT« done erriTthlnK in OiteN '^ power to make **Motber and Son" a uneeew^ ereik-to-->:>'!2E nendlDff their much^abiutedKtock company on atripthn^;<> the iDterlor, bat ulim attendAnce hiw been tbe nE durtoK the enttfv week. Id their efforta to plmw «Bd ^'^' attract the pnbUe. the maoaircment ban Indacvd JOm ' JeffreyB-I,eww-3f aitland, a denerred fkTorite m thu dtr, |b- conitent to an en«»|ieinent an leading lady for the iMt ■ week of tbe eniputement of tbe Kew Vork Company^ ■ sifted artliTt wm appear In **FerDaode** 17. U, **MaL Froa'' 19, 2D. and "The Mntber> Secret" 21. a, and ndL nr^. Harcli Si BuflUo BUI appeara tor two we^lu^ . which. AprU 7. thlA theatre win cl<«e for one wrfk In m$tt' to undenco a tbonmjth porlllcatlon and teftaniphlnir: ni 14 Plon Boudcault will commence an ensn^ment of te week*. Fanny DaTenimrt wtU follow Mar 12 firt- a twm weekn' enitagempnt, during which ahe win be rappactii by oar old :^Tor1te, T. W. Keene. Lawrence Banttt fnllown 2K, fbr three weekA. and daring bin enjcam^f. will pmdnce Bayard TayIor*« drama of **Don raifaHj* - which Willie Seymour hai^ been tor many week* boaW, enftafced In prantnv and revmns. • iMter Walliofc U poHltlrely ensajred for theCalUbrala Theatre, a^ WlU make bin flmt appearance Jtme 18, Almre tm' been enieaced. and wUl dmibtleM make herflwt "pw- ■ ance an **Patlnlta**Vto July .The clever and em- comic Weatheniby'a FroHqnea; with Nat iloodwlu. hn ' had ODlyaMlIm aitetHlaDoe dorinir tbewe^k to ■iriif **nobbleR** and *lUmblem** at the Buf^-Areet Theatm The uble tmupe known m the Hrerp SUtent, cnmprtite Madah Hyprw. LoulM Hyen, WaUaee Kfnir- BUIy Nuidit, J. W. Lnca. Ura. Dora Klnjr. WUlIe P« Ljle.lto ■ Grace Orerall. Mbw Celeatine O. Brown, and J. J. fawff^- make their apprarance 17 In "Out of Bondaice." Wns • Peace, who made a rerr plea^lnir ImpreMnon u.tms ilurlnff the occnpatton ol ihU theatre by the HamlT^ Mlnjitrela about a jrear aoo. U now engaoed la n* '- box-otnoe The nanrbty cancan waa produced ta* the flmt time dnrlnf; the preaent enicasement of tke • Bentz Mlnatrelii at the Standard Theativ. and Alaee'lte- 9ih the theatre ha^ been entirely too umall to aecacno- • date the many hundreda who anend tblanewpamooDiv. Standlnjc-momonly biolithtlyannoonced. and In orwrb ' obtain eren a jdlmpiie of the atatfe. In lieu of a mwnH ■ eeat one mart attend at an early hoar. In cooMqataBt : of ItaeoormouiiimcreMi, the cancan will remain ai* tbe tf* traction for next week^ On Uarch 14 M. B. Learltt. Xabd fUntley, Llda Kenyon. Hattle ForreA, Rom Lee.Etft. RaTHham, the SIcDermott BUtera, Zirtena,Ada WencS, - Lnln Mortimer, and Flora FllmaoU were arrertfd m x-. chance of TlolatlnirpabUc deeencr and moralx Tbfy.vfrt - brouvbt before the pollee-coort tnl« morninc bnt. ai tbv demanded a Jurj tnaJ, were celeaaed oo ball, bondi filed for SSm each for tbeir appearance. TM . Maeder and MIm Rena have attracted lame erowd* totbe Bella Union dnrlnjr the week to wltn««a their aHi ' imperaonatlona of the Pioneer SoOQt and Haxel Eyr la Ibi, Maeder*a melndrwma of **Klt Canon." Pattl RoM^li: KaUor'H hornpipe and new aonfct. and CnmmlnjDi and w-■ rlnjctoD In a new fon^-and-danee called 'The DUappoiaM • .Mai^lient,*'with new ntedaltieit bribe other membecM the Tarlety compasy. bare contributed to the en)onwi< '■ of their andleneea. The female tioierawlDcootinQeta^v for a few nlffhtd durlnjr next week; and Cturley Be*d|tte. i i ^. sti Richmond iilUteni. the VaklU SUtem. rofflminoand Har- rlnjtton.and Florm Frwnkawfnappear lD«peclaItl(«...rLn . Jr-j tlie AUelpht Sarony. Watera and Kelly hare nudeabttu ' .>j the three danrlnfrCnaakent. MUw LottaEntan lobrn^ . plmr-rope dance Ktln remama a prime fkT orite . lAvaaae ^ Bromlwthe appearance 17 ot the MUaeo WDUam^ J [avandN*ormWe*>toa....IftATBit. MaRCS MathUdf treily. the &Torite aoobrette ofthe German company, Take ber fiireweU benefit IS at the California Theati^j lady, for one performance each week, l e u t l re a $av.. month, two clear benefltn durinjr the year, and baa aBL _ expentte^ paid to and ftom Germany Katie KubM,- . wUl arrlre here fttmi the Eaat ld......F>ed W. BatVa^ .^X ihbi city petfectlafcarranjeementK to take a Aiaogti^*- /; panythmujrti tbe interior to perform "Tbe PaMloa^pIv- j ->'-^ .J. KSorrldfce han donnK the week flgnred tajat: : rvt of the cancan at tbe Standard Fred Ljat er ■ buxU>- enoaved In preparlnfc tbe laat London veBtBTt- ; "aSew Babylon.*^ for an eanr pfodncilon at BaMttnft.- j.:. OyrU Searle win acoonipanjr MLm Eyrioce ta v X - AUidralla by the tfar ateftmer Harry roartuH and wire win take a fkieweU benefit In tbe Gnbd V.-. Opera-hooKe April e. Aa Mbw Eytlnge decitaM - to perform oo Sunday nlffhta. 'Tnder the OasLUiji^ t ' -' with tbe rvfCQlar member* of 'ttie oompuiy In tm v; c««t. wiu t»e HobatftntTd Ibr *Tbe Miner'* Zkancbttr." ~ r'.. JulloB Kahn. a atave^tmck youth of elffhteen. CHajt : Shylock at Baldwln*a S The F1ar«ooea are doisf» xpfendld banlneiat throuirti tbe Interior Joe Mnrpoy I;. bM been In the dty for the paat three or four darA.>v **<;uAaTnn AdoIphoan*'«nd**A3lldwlnter'a-nIshtDTTam'' are Che tltlntot twoofMnal dxynaa of p ower Ai l Inten«t. J;:^ Which Ralml florae Is In bopei of prouudnic In thUettr Hior to birt departure East It waa imnewbat of a «»■ < j'^ nddenee that JoiHe Manafleld and Edward 9toke« tthoola ^ hare been prewnt laat Tneaday erenlnjr at tbe CaUftinila *^ Theatre, or which Ftank LawW U one of the manacm.- The manafcemeDt of Woodvmrd'a Qardeni aa- >cf< nounce the enfcairement of Del Maaarto, the modeta-.ii^f) ijjg appwaatt MephUtophelea, 18l They hare - alw re^iuDMi^ the Bnlalar Family. MUe. Therve, Leon BamweUand the Vamplrea. hTX V"* Clapham, boplnem-manacer ot tbe Barkrw, WIIm^ -j'- PrimrrKe k Weat'a lIlnatTeUi. aalla 19 for Portland. Or„ where hlfi company appear for one week, canunenclnRSL -<* They are enoa^ed to appear In Victoria, B. C April U. Boee dabome, on >be comp letio n of her preae nt n- ^ nent. propoae«rolnsto AoBtrmUa on a wau l ug xtm with (Teorne D. Chaplin .The California Tbcatve, wbb * of nineteen hundred, can ooml a aeatlsir opadty of nineteen hundred, can oomfortat^ hold a Si^aaD audience Tbe Itallao-opera aeaMma Baldwin^ will be Inannratcd duilnir tbe Boqclqnlt *r fcaitement at the Callfarnla *t)llTer rvtat** wm bi. prenented at Baldwin*^ 21, with Nancy dykea t>y Roae^' tlnire: Bill Sykea. Jamea A. HerDe; Puln. J. W. Jennliip: AriftilDodger, H. A. Brown: Charier Batea, Mollle Ratri; OUrerTwlfit. Ida Aubrey; Bnmble, C. B. Blahop: andXA Bedwtn, Kate Denln Harry J. Dam, a local poctna theatrical critic of oonalderahle Ikme, U bnaUy emplOfM - writlnjr a comedy. CaiCAOO, ILI., THEATRICALS Qp tO MAIChfltR ttaiu« reported: At Harerly'fl Mr. John VcCulloogh, apedaUy rap by Charle* Barron and a more than ordinary food __ pany. ^yed the nawt week to fair Maemblam. H.A and matlne« 19 **OtheUo'* wma vtren, ^TharleeBamn peariu aa lajco and Mlna ^mUy Garln aa Emilia: matUiec C***!;'^*^*'^ - - ippitrrtlny company only appeazTd la ^'XaTal Enmementa.^* They coj^ nmtQffton. ItL, and Mllwmokee. wlk -- fodieaka and company bi ' Bflpment of two weeka hen M. oftenlnw In "Ci Mcvlcker^a company were la Qiuncy, DL, 20. Tub 2<atioxai. Tbkatiu, Waahtnxtoo, D. C, ' week. Stuart " " ;ed by tbelr own comuby, appeared tbt ^ ttieDromloA u 'The Comedy of Erroci-j g« comedy wma preceded each erenhur by the fcio» f St Cup of Tea," In which John Marble appeared to — - 'nnlnlas"and"ABll>- larnx-,"S, "Blchard Illr' a, "lUcholleo." The em- nany Indodes John A. Lane. H. A_ Laogdoii. JoU: P. Aitton. WlUhi B. Faite, J. H. BboweU, H. C Bsitn N. MeConnelL J. Bobertaon. a W. Vance, H. G. Uak, Robert AUen, Fnnk Lane. A. J. Ollllan, the MLueeHi- tens WiDen, Aonista Footer. Tlridnla Thome. Emat. Stockman and Ella Wren. McCnlloogfa and company i*-. nialn another week At Hooley'iiXocU presented'!* Chtale*' all or the past week to a rery food attendaatt, . with tbe exception of th« matlnn 19 and erenlnit peritm- ance22,when the sop ■' ' "Sweetbeaits" and Sprln^eld and Bloomtoffton, the comlnir week. Modfeaka and company beitln an t • ■—■--CamDle.-'.." . did a foa*. boslneaa the past week. Btnart fitobaoa aod Woi. 8. Crane, snpponed by their o«i entire we«k as tbe l>romloA in The "A < . „ adfantage. Joaeph Jetfemon waa a freqnent rMtor do- ^ Intr tbe woek. and seemed Kroally to enloy tbe perfo» ES ancr. as dkl ereirone else who wltneased Ii. IK^ ahead; Clndonatl H. one week, Rt. Loots 30, rro ^ Joseph Jeffenion eommencea a week's enaagemecl H>* 24. Camems'MlnsneU open for a WMk sa H "BSOAOU!'. was siTen at Ford's Otand OMn-ho^ KTi BallhnoR, Md., the past week. Owim to t^ Iieoae gi. Mosom the boslness was not so remnnentlTc as lu mMia Bj demandadL Thaeaat waa one ofthe strongest this (sUA &] embraclnsT. W. Keene aa Cherlot Bill, Geoii^ Hoeyai », BelvBwnoy, M. Ijnaaan as ^inpenon, James A. OtO^ way as Midor MicsOlkiiddr, diArtM WnTedern.^ MaealUster, Henrietta Tadm aa Belinda Trebeine. K->» Rtnart as Minnie, Mra. Oeimoo aa Mra. Madiarlane, r^'l ^ adrra as Mann*, and May Wallace aa Parker. -I role was so finely itim that It may seem InrK- spediy the Mantle of Bmrnn Vaden; tnt, tbe -•'S! romparatlre sfiaqier there. It U bnt dne to her to uyom the character waa olyen In a mcMt winning and KialS manner, with ■ nalrete, tAo, that was reiy pleailsf j^l- AT THE Brooklt:! Paiic Tbcatm last week ^5 Fanny Davenport appeared to good booses bi "n4'^ and to fair booses only In "Dlrorce." Tbe mathxtta both ptaya were, bowerer, oowded. She waa «P assisted by Messrs. Hardee, StnaR. Edeson, ami Do of the late stock company at the Park, as also V*? Rand, Mra. Prtor, and Miss Tuner. This week a ley appeani as Undo Danl. assisted by his own c nmp i 'a and fi to be ttallowed by Joe Jelfeiaon SI At-.^* Coort^mare Theatre Mra. ChanAau and the company^ : n«« Clifton ITaylenie appeared hi "P*!"? _!5 "Aonrm Floyd" to onb- modetsie boshieas. This Mrs. Cbanftan appean to "Flnalbte.'' . . li. M.\ooui MiTciULX.andcompany^ayedlnCoIamtnij*3 March IT. 18 The ColTtDoFodyCtmipanyjplM«i and ma ll IMC B, and open In Memphis. Tenn.. SS, »» rest of the week: thence lo Kew Orleans, U. McDoziocoH A Linn OD1IM5ATIOS hnTO been e^-^ byMlshlerAMUIer to produce "M-Usa" In WUaM^ Del. 24, Bnrllncton, N. 5.. Bi Trenton 3S, Konf»t<'"^Jp enion jo, flor™*^"ji,i icasterSI. Lebanon Apnii| ' pUyed March 11, I* |? 2r, PottarUle BcadlnKSVLan' KiTX CLAXToir and eompanr played IndlanapoUa, Ind., to large DuiuieiB. AT the OrBKA.nocBB, Bocbeater, K. T.— Micanley.and company opened a thniMiIabU'e|ua«»S£ to "A jtesaenger bom iarrls Sectln^ A IL ConncUofTe^ oraTlslt to the Hons of Malta," <**S2- doced; Itwas written bytwolocalJoainAllsts,and^^.. .MaJchJJI* , -_ kwu uj *„*J iw,i»l jw m i. "" —^ -~ qolte amnslog. Mar^ 27 Fanny DoiTeDpott opeiv three nigbta. -uiii Kick BoBEns' "Hnnpty Dnmpty" Combloaiun In Syracnae, K. T.^arch £l and matloce toIhiebwivS RonU: ntica M, Watertown S, Oswego SS, Loc«P«n "' Dnnktik a. Brie Z>. m Bnuacis' "Undeigronnd KallTOAd" In BeMt. Whi., ManbV, RacUie S. S, MUwaakseSL. ^ Tn AURS WAUACI-YaLA OOaBlSATIOS ».°«K|r. p.,.MaKh M, s, UbilchirrlUeft "•'V . nowuuDvnujwn, v.. Mann u rhlUdelphUsas,Cadliai, April L TuxPOBTKn BCSETIT U t.~.. . — —. ■ -1 m.™— - ■ m held Match X«, vtiencammtlteca on■dTOtistng.e^^^'S menta, fhiance and mcado vere appointed. m^^-n pliee and attncthni were toltui the nrtina'■n^s^' Mr. and Kia. Ooant B. Kalght TOlonteeted thett' T>B WAL<reT-BTBBBT TBKATU O^tTATT ^JukS^I |iiiU.Tu:, t«ke the rand April U to Pl»X "Tbe Ki'^>f^| Vwo or three weeki thfoogn PennayirBnla. ^^ tM^<^| CoxBtnnoATioss icUt^re to eug n e o ienttattt^Am BgSon pnrk Theetie or the IttST^ thtw"^.?!; Mditued 10 H. E. Ahhey, u per CMd.