New York Clipper (Mar 1880)

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'■ ^'7 ■ THE isr E 'VV TflMiiljlMU. «ai JM pd0» cf n duaen pnramptUelj fic oar ir« reptftt Uut fUzuUof u O to B'b U with % ff— Ala *s oaea wtano-, ud cuurt be nqalred to ■nlar«tMsajD«.u Um azpenM of the iDomkAeptr. oo Cimnctmoo*UttCU SplsT* metyfbruQraUsatMcr .tov boBim, whU*«th«r noplewbowut the table «lt bj CkHrnudi m tbeLr poekeU, A will m<Hieorinor« jlcfaCL'* P>n>li efeijwhen «1m wul be sUd to bew *H Mt th er e U lo ta money In WetArfordl V. T.. tfauayaTRBCurm^decuion u wrons^-'UiAt Is, tbar via be ^mA to bc»r U prvrlUeil that eomeone who Bbooia the Weterlonl money is not Alio to dedde tUe b«bL irettaflODtbAtibo nile bajs tbu "wboenr man* oi > la wlBDer" ia aiMord beemnse of the oM rim attmpt to kBflf It. It the rale is to be taken UicrAllr^ujoa woaMteketttDomiecaiiwlawtao does not makeeL If the ^ne ia cootloaed, mDd A geU a KraiAb, be caa wrm ■sekaSL Aod sficonUoe to toot Tlav of tba mJa be eunot wm tbe one IUtiSk a ■mtcta alx«ulr, B u La tbat fatwitlfal pcalLtoo. and therefore U would net betttt bis iTbe kei>t pUyiBK tor a ,ire«b. ^aboaJd A «t the moet B eoold eUlin* andar your new . Toold be ■ dnv, on tbegrouDd tbat oeltbtr r A ooold nt «. Wie niie, aa T~ W» onlr to ^baC ■ImDlo esse of anUuneae £ wtu&~ttan« IS ootbisc bos eddlUon, tbera being no ^ eom^ebepdwl to necesala^e a resort to roO" I pity. Tu <5uma*e 'dediloD may be wrong', bat it iTaasomaay hnadreds of limes tbat Hue _ _ jlood In Waiarford was not pennltted to e to~tb«2est nwrly tbirty yean accC We bave seen gen- enUna oone and gcAcmloaa go, end witb erery tresb cenamtloo tbon Is ooMlonaUy trooDle oo some pout ibat waa. aMti«L.Abnas£ sees bvture tbelr time. Tney InsUc npcD being n law noto tbemselTei. Tbat Is well enoojth. peoTldedthar * ' " «oeol'.<Mlroi--„. - - know tbemeclTea belter tban tbeauelTcs, and tbry will not aileet one of tbelr own nnmoer to gtre tbe dedaioiL UaTisc eo so oQtelde oi their own circle for a deculoo, tbe ooligntlon rests upon tbem todererto tbatcecblon gnecnilly. «Ten If It be Id dinct opposition to tbe Jadg meat. Tniedelerenoe la doe flnt ae a matter of eonneay, sjid next ae a matter of prudeni.e, lor ibeir own Judgment Is not bonnd to be rlgbL H-1L, ttt. Looia.-^t IS amnsiog to note ot tbe sererml qtuUiona lec^lftd on tbls bead £nim Bt. LooJa, tbat all carefUly abacaln ttam namug tbe game. It is eaacbo- pedro, and oaocho coonu beiurv peora If you ea:l tbe Snme pe4ro Bancbo, tbrn tbere Is some sLgbt reaaon to count tbepeoro beioratbe sanebo* eltbongii it doe« ceem absord to permit a point tbat coooie Dot nre to take pre- oedeace ot one tbat oounta xiib«. Tbe game Is a aetlea of Innoratlons npoQ eU-fuure^tbaorlfinklelemeauol Tblcb bare by common toosent been graeloasiy permitted to eout In tfaeLr tlme-bonoied order. Aa to toe innorat-ooa, wbetbA. tbey nre sanctao. pedio, beruido, or any one oi three cr ftmr others, they take precrd-nce, after bjub, low, lack and game. In the nnmerlcal order assigned tnun by tbecard'prlnter. AkSiTAi.T0B; FbUkdeJpblik—If the so called imsle was ■ot to be done la the presence of B, be sbuald ban eped- AedeoneglrentlmeioriheOolttg-oilt. Deolde tbe matter to Kba tjiesL of yonr Judgment with rMsrd to all tbe cLrcnB' stances; If yoa are tbe arbitrator. Yon can adjudge either that time Hup (ore, or that he Is entitled tu more time, and eren that be may haTo nntll the crack of doom. None or tbe three dtfFareot decisions woaid be abaolntelj wrong, a* Doao would be ataaoiuUiJy ngbt. There an no mlea ui coma ease oCtha kind. There are sliBpl/diirerentpnfce- deiita appljliv u> Tarring cucamsiancca. Tbe raie that wooM Ar9 a doraa cbnetnals to beat a eertaln tune, or a Mettu-plsjer one ibfov to send a ball a gtven distance Hoes not apply to tbe landed 14 poxtie, or to the D. M.. St. Itfoli.—IT yoa go oat of the way to csll tbe game pedrv-aancho, aa eomeone else bae tboogotleniy < ione. tban pedrouugbtso^ oat before a incba doofaU* loan,il yoa gkmejsck-iov-and-blgb, then nois euBbKtocoantnrvt aodbigniaeu Tbe game was ongln- auy pedro. and then It became sancho-pedro, tbe nJn*- apot being added. The n«aon that aancho precedes pedro la Teiy cogent. Both are featnras taoked on to aerm-ap, and saoobo counts more tban pedra Ton m^y be nue li game coonied more man blgn, or low or Jack a£seren-np. the game-point would not be, aa It la, tbe last. The inbereot good eenaa oi plarets woold eanse tbemtolanore ao lllo«lcal a rale at onoe. Tbo attempt to make pedro eonnt, beiore eanebo has proTOd a tisUore en the same principle. OAUEaaaso Clcb.— Blazes and etral^ta an apecaal poker-hands. Tbey cannot be played nnlea there has been an agreement to toat etTect, aad whan there Is such an Bgreement there sbonld be aootber as to what the blaxe or the straight will b«at Blazes oojiht nerertobe plai ed, any more than lianda all of one color (diamonds and hearts, for example) shoald be: and stnl^ta in some coterm are plajed tu t»eat tone oi-a>kioa, bot Lo man to beat but two-pair, so as bot to bare ■^►■^'jMf and floahea *^1"r together lo beat thiees, but beiog Dcaten by ruiis, and tboa loggteilug at onoe a doabc as to wnetner Straights shouia be«t fliubea, or vice versa. BiJiLDr. BuBton.—The ace is the blgnat card In cutting lor deal at eeren-np. Tbe valneof caraadn cnbOntc la tbeu valne In the game, except In poeably a few games where Talnae are ao oompllcutird that it woold lead to dlapntea to apply this rnie, and In tbuee exceptional gamea It U better to clTe the cards tbiu normal tkIiu. loe miatake made byH, as suggested by bis argament, Is that catting tor deal is not a part t>r tbe game to be played. He woo d seareelf argad tbat atrlugins lor the lead Is not apart ot a game of blmants, and yet the two prooessee are eubstaib caUy Iden&caL I<fcvBB5BDICT, wnkesbarre.—The**wldow*>at*hlikey' poker can be taken in its entirety only vben It la^ on- known hand. The moment its contents becoouiuown thinigh tta bemg taratPda;>, it an be barrowed trom one eaid aK a time only. There is aoether reason why « ooold not take the **widow." He bad ooce'passed It when Itwas bta^lTllsgetotake U—that Is, befon It had been tuned. Ins eeouod rvaaoa has leaa fione tban tbe flrac beanse Insome few ootorlea playen waste pndons mo moots by pemlng tbe **widow" tnrve or Ibur tlmaa aploca, ■Hw»K I, Joined by It m tbe long ran. ^* Q^^ C'^ds bein y an np, ye* mut beeil ~* "— ■ ,wm1 " Muibaan. W.; Kactfoo.—Ilba'«oiiBt.d.atdiita)». Bkiluiu nit, wMTbaftiii: • oinip, tbe|uk*adtbt'ae*,T«amatD'— tt^McatnimllH not wx nptcoant, hlahatf goi. th»tt^ tU tb» nme. and bhi ^p^ Mt pUn, A*. t«n tiA-wtpt gooa off tlwulitolii t]^ J. MOB. ItoSSacL—TwoscM eo^d not b* pot opmi Mimmbii bud to as u* ud u ocstoBtliaboaid, ud lo ouka tra. J. H. I.., Anaml*.—Sulal O'Leur'i bMt flnt-d» mt- In&ilz-dir ■S'W-Toa-pleaM no*!. IITidUm uds la tb.. flnt GootMt for tbo Astlaj b«l^ (ud Con' PVKA BOwtth.—L Wbui nmihuara Diuel by tanafit^tbtlrTiIa* ihoold ilao CaleiMdapSf^ U MO* eotstea tb«r «U1 bou ttin»«ra-Elad, but In • Utin majontr, tuiag tb. ooobUt .11 otv, tbey vUl but bat two-Mtr. L A ttnlcbi flstb will b«u Dothlng u ■nnh. mVin Ir tin Unit .gi.iH' in |iT.i It Tb«e u tbua BOaoOMiltT for u M>**n*nt a. to ua valaa. It laaim- plj a Batter of comnoD MnM,aa wall aa ot ny hinnar- Oitbataibooldbeatruw aon or uyUiloff .1..^ bnnff luuto dlAfDlt to gat i^an toor aoejL O. B, L., BcatOB.—Tha naaon va did not annai that qoeatloa befoia la tbat it vould not beip your caao to uo 0O. Tba laaaoa w« Oo not anmr '-ye." ur "Mu" lo It as* u that It Eiglit pUea oi In a pontlon to be mlfondR- .tood aa to aoma analogwu mati«r In tbe nor or noota tolora. All w. iball aaj b that a eat£b<bat» aa too taro It, nuT or mar sot be binding; ud ibla we tay wIUkhu latandbv to bo laiarprotwl aanieanlna tbat tbl. paitJailar bet la or If not a cau a. Tbai«Ujj.Ulatliatthar0pl7aQjt proToot uttlaornoaemoeto'Toa. J. D.t J, C. Btatlon.—Tte ciuid la a dtliea ct tbe Unltad State. !v nztae or bla Urtbbece; bat tbatclinaniblp ovoid be foiieliad b7 tbe facte oi clieam|tanoea orer wlilab tbe cUld eoold bare no eontroU ud aoo br mon- laiy aota upon tb. part ot tba cblld bimaair attor b« bad crown towarda matore jaan. It la merely a bioad pcln- oipis that make, turn a dtlian to begin wub« ud tbat pnndple eonitlmies a role tbat baa a Tacu;j at eicep- W. T, K.. FloihUia.—I. Daniel (TLeacy waa the flnt mu wboi. perlonnatie. ol th. Ijat wam anth» nllr«i«i i i X U m Btta bi waUlug alon.. In tU dna, Wwoa one. eoreied nomlice In iMidon, aud pnbablr Ikldj did a lit- tle orertliaoillMuiLlTerpaal,llng. &. He baa no record tortodiapenarmucalnMewIon. t,TuaHjerd.ieat- ed Yankee BolliTBu In ISO. a. mack Boon la laxthw trom N^TToikCltTthu BuEalo la. 6. W« ballara ha duea. 7. We know nothing attoni*. _ ^ , ^ , •«f n o.. roncbo iSpniiA.—Tba dMl.r havlu eapoMd biaowB card, be iboold be nmoned to take lt,aluelB theoctaualdeal ud lu the diaw. Anjraletnatia de- dcnednrneb u emetgencrmut b* innnable mIta awUEitian. Tbe dealer cunot bo made to knp the cud ^aBatkna,udDl-rurcadto reteetit atuoiher. Aa to ether playen, the nle la aa It tboold b»-uy eud of tSrin rapoicd by the dealw mut be taku belote the draw, and cannot be taken In tbo draw. WjAU. ffntiiT C^t>.—Cbolleiued aa lOon aa the throw waa made, U bad already bMo kgltled by a Tola uf flre to eoe uttha Intereated partlea that It waa not a cMked die. AparttnKnUila,llwaanotone,tnoaropinlon. Brenuit kadbeen a eoeked die in oar oplnioo, It waa loo lata to make UudaimaiainatKo. 8 altar be baa beu allowed Co count It. Badbenottluvwaatotalolitl,theelaun wonUnot bare been made. Haklus the alaim then waa elayli - both aula tgaUuI the niloule, with No. S m the middle. A awBSCBiBBa.—What do ion meu by aakins "Who makea the tnunpT" after ilauig that A deala atd innu Ike aoa oC bearta, which B orden up t Utrtctly, there la aomaklof ol irampln tuehacaaa. In orderlDg It up, B flxeaorestabluhBs thT traoip, which ia tbe aec ot bearta. II yoa meut to aak wbich of the funr player, laada, the aanrer la that It la he who IB next on the latt ut the dealer, whether that player ordered up or not. B.—Betweu *°u esperleuoed aiJeamu for coatom lalkrtog*'ud *'«xpan«aoMl coalom cailorlfigultaaea" there laBat Uttla diuce lur pauja. Tba latter la arepce- henalble coQocauon of word., rvqalnng the oompounulog of "cuatom-taiionng" to renecr It at u InuilUgible. Bocu compoonda an not deienalble when a almpler lurm of ex pfaaainn cu be uaed. D. W.—Chaa Ro.ell'a potalt waa pohUehed In Tna Curma dated March B, Ian.beingengEaTadfnimapictun which lie had taken at our reiiiieat on xarcb 3, thru da>a nlwqneatly to bl. arrtvml u tbi. omimry tb. flnt tlm«. Tne eonteit In which he flnt won the Aitley belt took fXaoB at lladuon*Miaan (then QUmure'B) Citfdeii, tbia sltT, Martb 10 to 19 loUowug. AicATXUB.—TOOT Area ua a Jack, aa no atata It, eoont n 00 what la leclinlraLly bald waa tba Initial beat-of way eompetliloii. B. Km, Cbmieotha.—"StooehaDge on tbe Dor," ■Irtncpolntaeijadgliiir, etc., which la the Mudaid ctf ua. ftjcaiem'iiK bwdMbow In tbia eliy, eu be boo^t liam OrmngeJaZil ACa.thlaeity.rorta. ETaxd B., Fltutoa—Tba following lionea taaya trotted tvraty mile, withm u boor: John Stewart, MeOowu. Tmftee. Lady Pulton, Maitle Howard nils. Bee ourmt AuLuiAC. auwn* BBT. Allaghmy.—1. Vb. bet hold. nod. X. Tea cu obtain the hooka refeired to throoah EdT Jaraaa, who adirartla>«. S. Too an at liberty to beUere aa much or U M yon ebooM. C. M., Baft Baginaw.—The time leAawim. The Uute card, wow oaaleM a. a flub. Then cu b. no blgbar pobw hud In three card, tbu three aaea. O. T., Baat Baglnaw.—We an not poatcd ai to lotteilte, and mart nfw yoa to tb. that appear from time to time In diffennt newapapen. BaDXX.—B loaea. A'a readlneaa to undertake to beat B waa the next bmt thing to hi. beating blm. B bad to playor loae. If awBDKam, Boeton.—1. Then la no ran la 6,7,7, A. X Then la but one run m6,4.9ud &. 3. There la of ooanaanmla<,t,7, orln7, >,<,arS,6 7. Notice. —At nokar three aoia, a nx ud a deoee iMt three aoea, a flTe ud a trej, and they would abo beat thne ace., a flre ud a fbar. O'O., I/ewiatoo.—Unleea It baa otherwlae been aneed upon,ro1y that player eu go alone who makca, orden up or ToinntarUy takea op. M. Macon.—Tbe Oreenwich.«treet brmoch or the New Tork Blenlad Ballroad waa bollt about wa It b»Jnat been nbullL A. T. Z., CentemTe.—The h*gtaeat euchn card, which li lack—aco, kiDg and qaeeo conung next—win. in cnttlng for dealatencbn. B. H. G, BnMon.—In condition, Edwin BIhby weighi about Ift21b, Chrlatol ia noma poaoda bearler, bat we can< not glee bla axaa welsbt. BuXTBB, Morrla.—Yoa wiU flod the mlea of coek-fljcbt- in« In Ed. Jamea' "Muual of Sporting Bolaa," whleb la adrertlMd. NBD M.—We haTe eearcbed oor dice, but caanot flod oat what yon wut to know. We do not keep a record ot ex hioltloDB nrt*iatklnd. W. P..St. I,oaia—1. An the haoda InTolTed la the call are tobeabnvn. 1 Edward Uanlanwaa bom July 12, UU: B. W. Boyd, Sepu 2D. ISM. . Two ErascaiBxsa, sc. Lonia—Tbe Aatley.lz.d.T belt baa bMn tbrlca coatended tor In thu eoaatrr. 0'I,eary wUmioglt tbeflnt omeud Bowell twice. A. R, PbUadelphia—L T. Mnraan, can oi aeoTKe Wright, est Wuhlngton atnet^ Boaton, Maaa, X It haa been fbrwarded to blm. Ooo JOHnsoir, Denrer—Ooae waa aeeonded by Johnny Dwyer and Barney Aaron, while Tom Kelly ud Tom Byan looked aner Allen. w. H., Ondooail.—From fifty oenta lo BeTenty flre cent, ror four lartromeota. South Taixuo.—In 3, <, 1 and 4, there ib no run for the d 4. JauuB Homaa.—In 1879 the Pnneh Derby stakeawaa ran ror on Hay S ud the EpMm Derby on May 18. Mid Datis, BolIUo Joe Catnun bat not been released from Auburn Frtaon. W. B. KTi.n, Chlllicotba.—We haTe handed yoor query to Saperlnteodent Llneoln, who will aeod partlcnlara BauB.—Yodbad bettareonaulta dutlac Allwecu aay la that It would be linpoealbla to do It to ua. N.. Grand BapidB.—Then la no rule, but cuatom sot- eniB m Buch etaea. The arm ahould be tally extended. J. B., Waabufton.—At caolno a player eu call oat oo " t7^ B., CleTeUad.— T1io« tn time BIoibod brothen. All BT.billiard playera, mor. or lo:.. Tbuua— hQuln at Feck A Snyder't, U( Naiian ia««t,4lili diy. OoRBTAaT RnaDBW, Blchmond.—We cannot afford tbe apace foe aneh a llct. J. L, Plon.—He naraT waa. Etdb of thoae oountnea hM a Moanto ud diatinct Grand X,odg«. P. H. C, Central FaUa.—The tkateet time on leeord for a runnmg boree for one mile la IiSjf. B. a. W. WIndaor.—Tb. thrM pnae. go to the throwen oftf.MudM. Then IB nothing Ibr a J. c. A, Fbllad.lnlua.—Huw Sraa, New York, pabllah a work on booaehoid daoomtlona. A BOLDinn, Jertey City.—Apply to the Fenaloir Bureau, Waahlogton, D. C. for information. W. N. T., Troy.—Aa the dale of noewal la May 1, we bare to requeat that yon wait until then. J. J. 8., BarUogtou.-Hereafter pleaae write on only one Bide of tbe paper. A Holt, Fall BlTer.—Cauot iseert a ohalleoge that la onaeoompuied by a moBey.depo0lt, caaiB. HiBUjr, Newark.—L Cbtflee Rowell'a best ree* oidforaalx-dayncelBlIMmllee 77yaidt. T. T., PittBhutK.-We hare nerex beard bia reliabUlcy qneationed. Louis E Dons, ProTidence.—Ten Broeck- won In tbe affair with MolUe McCarthy. W. B. O., Baltimore.— 8m A H. Bendeiaoa*a atatement under tbe head of Baseball Motra. TWO woaxiau boys, Brooki}n.—Addrem W. B. Hyatt, No. a Klna nreet, tbia city. & W. WBm, Cbepaeaet.-It was stated that he bad Iqjared ooe of bla teet W. L., Brooklya.—We an nnible to gWe yoa the weight of the laiweet trout caoabt In Inlud. Dicu!CXD--My Littl. Daagbter," "Waiting," "Ten d InrtnCTi, " "A CoofeMioB,** '^Inonajtuey." T. P., Wallace.—Too nfar, no doubt, to Donatl'B Comet, wbleh wa. rlalble hen la tbe Aatoma oriaoa J. C, Windham.—We know of no ench Inaurance com. puy. HauxB.—The play being nfflas, A loaea. B beat eleren In throwing three thtoea. B. J. B., Camp on Uta Creek.-Noone eu tell when the flrat Aimblu horee came to tbe United Staiaa. J. a, Coabocton.-It la a matter ol opinion aa to which one ot the League team, baa the beat catcher. P. 8. A, pSa.—Du CLeaiy won the Aatley belt twice m auceeeaion. Bawoobt TnaoK, Bmeraon—Tbey donot. Cor tbe rea- aon tbat It would proTo u lulury nUier thu a beneflt. Bock ISLaiin -Daniel O'Laary haa gtren one or meee exhibition walks In Bt Loulm Ma J.J.C, Na<hTlIle,Tenn.—Ton forget to send photograph. P. O. P., WindBor.-Bea answer to'-B. S. W.; Wlhaaor." H. O. B., Fblladelpfala.—We fcnow.of no sneb club there. JoHTi J. CansB, ftaahTlUa.—Bee reply to "W. N. T." P. O'C.. Toroato.—Baa teeords m Curm Autasac. O. B., BamaaTUla.—B<e netloe in clicua department. Jajoa.—Denial O'LMry woo tbo Aatley belt twice. O. W. D., JobnatowiL—We do not know. M. p. D., Boetaeaiar.—Notual May 1. W. MncBBlx.—It waa unt lor. H. B.—We do not know hla age. [THE PABISIAK. SBIISATIOII.] THE BLONDE SIREN: AH AD'DI.TEROITS DRAMA. BT XATIER DE HOKTEPIN. TxmnalmteA firom t3t» onclaiBl 1b "Ije Figaro** or Fszta, iixrussi.T roB thb hbw tobk curren, BT PADIi PRESTON. {Oopi/rtghteO.) "Box" CEiBB.—Alter • langtby UUgaiiaii'kiid ft ■plrtted rtliMiiiBilnni HUasBT .Robait'Fax; 'of the Ameilcan neatre, nillaMpliiBi^baB bceariuapoi- seaacd of hisweH-known plue of poblle Raoit;:and Hr. Beonatt, Uis paiohaaer of the propertr at tli« Sbnlir»sfll«,wsiinied control on Mucli 11. It waa a stem cbaaeiaiulBloiig one. DohT posomr Uie timtincal beneflta to be glren on St. Faulok's I>ar> Kucb IT, In bebalf of ireiuul's ■iiAn& Bbotild eTeiySL FattiaUui In tba ms- tropoUa go one'cje on tbe sbow, ir only ibr » aboit space of ttme^ tban mayweezpeet to aeeaowded booses and urowileil caab-bozes. BHBnto THM "BABT.r—Homben or cutoaa vlalt- ois bave called upon tbe batj-elepbant bom In Phlladelpbla on Marcb 10, and aeeliiK tbe elepbant la now the rage. At tbb ICadleon-aqanre OatdeB oonosnn, St. Pat- tlok'a Daj, onebnndred colored anvU beaters are to strike while IbelroB'a cold. Tblstatbeeraof stilki DEAT H'S D OlNttS. Pronilimit; IxxOl-vlaxuala. IiT SOB TBB BBV TOBK mjm BLASE, Oeorge W.—An Ethiopian oomerllu, Blonall"^*^—" "— ^' -'"^ • ■ — }f.?Sh?*^^"^™^*^^-^'?»'2'«' BBBk Jollna—Proprietor ot TJu Imam Smtav Ob- J^SSi*?*-' <"•>>»«<* <l»«e<l March 8. Ba^BY, Her. Jamea o.-A CangreaaUonalclergymau, wioh.dBorTedljilhe War ol Ui3-Cenir»l FalEa.! ■arch 7, aged 01. la?SfrI.BS'£?'&lASir """""^ nldeatof At. toS.''iS2.*-'',tSfSiJhT^ ""-taownjoumallstof Bo.- COTTINO'iAIf, Caplain Jamea-For tbe laBt flltr years eDgaged in the traosportaUon bnaloetia on Lons lalaod Soana and Ibo Badwa Blrer-Jeney CltyTl*. l^SfflX COBWIN. Dr. WUllam O.-Son of the ftto TbiSiiCo^ wln.OOTctnor of Ohio ud DnItedStatea Senator Irom itatsta'e. The deceaMd waa priraie aeoeiSSy tohU lather when be was Secretary of the Tnaaaiy, ana alao when he was ViulBter to Hexleo. After ntlrlng trom the dlpIomaUewrcIc be.tudled medicm.ud pncUoea at Lebanon. O.-then, March 12, ased U. —v.,. ... CRAWFORD, Robert-Ooe of the olileet pioneer setUcn 01 Soott CountT, lod -Ooahen, Ind.. March lOl CBBElMAIf, peoige—One ol the oldrat teakluu of FayeCtenoanty. Ind—then, Marcb 7, axed M. CBOOBBBOJf. Daniel O.-An old lesldaKt of SUten ft""?'.!"'' known In tart drales-bcra! Hareh 10, and ea -^-v.., COOOtfwBLL, Aann-A prominent elUten of Ipawlch. Maaa.; when he had acceptably flUed muy local o^ces- there^ xarch 10. cqwYNUUAM. Teatee-An old and rateemed dtl. r«n «• LUMSter, Pa.-there, Manh IS, and 7"°™ T£f,'l5d!?thS?lfeh ~1<>"' •» Shelby. D^HIBLL, Rer R^iert I«WT«nee-One of the moat widely known ud b-gbly eataemed dencal membmol thelleUiodiBt Eplsoipal Chmjsh In Amenea. Hohi oflldated aa pastor of cbatchea In Waahinaton. BaltlmoiS: h.wark, J.r..y City ud Onnga, andlnlssrwaa ehaSan prendentol Dlckuuon Collw.. In ISri be wmielMUd secntaiTotthe Board ol MualonA ud thU pmlUnnhe ramplecf op to the time ol hla death-MecTllle, N. J,, MarehB. a ged flo. DmNOYBBB, Peter-The^ oldest clbzsa « Dytroit, Mich wh.r.b. had wrr«l MTaral ternunSfM AldermlB. Be had beu elected treaaarar ol wTtd. County in 182S, IMS and lOl, ud hadlemd u dir Cd mat. trwaorar la ie3»^. 1*0 ISI AadriV Jk££^: thSS Praddeat, appointed him Dnltsd Btataa MarahaL which position be held aota the then Territory ol MtabSan £ cans a St>t^,Ia 18S7-D.tiolJ. Hareh «L ued g^;™^*" "e- DK Oeorge W.-Fcrmerlya aoldlarnnder Napoleon I. ud bad Mrred in the eampaianoriflUaaalnat BuBia. Be afterwanlB Tlsltad many eoimtriea, and bad resided for the peat twenty-flreyean atsyraense H T. where bnpnclleed medldne—Syraciua, March 11. aMd flO. EMBsrw. H.-Clerkoftha HadUon Cltcoit oSnrt at Riebuond. Ky —then, March iOi aaed a. — ■ ™ 6r Thnmaa F.—■ ' Feb. u, aged n ELLIOT. Sir Thnmaa F.—An ^ffllnh diplomatist— Earpl. Feb. U, aged 71 oipiomanst- pN.Xoclns-One of tbe oldest residents of Cham- Calrti. _ EATO: . . palan County, DL—PbUo, 111 FISH, Daniel—A well-known dtlren of Lansingburv. V T. He aerred in tbe Assembly u lata Be waa wedthy and during hit lUetlme made a number of gtfts to obarlt- FldHEK. Capt. B. B—A well haowii dUzen of Cincin- nati. O. Ue was a captain In tbit Putb Ohl* Tolonteera donng the late war-Cloclanatl. Hareh & F&BW', Major Willlani—a, proDwenc olUzen of ntts- boiv. Pa.—there. Starch 9. FET. - ■ " - SB. Tbe highest hand thai cm atcnbbace is composed of throe flree and a lack of tbe same salt sa the funitn Are, which Is on top of the decs. That will cjont 9l Now, U the dealer holds lonr flres and tunuajaek, those oius will be worth 3D to blm, aUhongh to the non-dealer tbe aame carda woold be worth hot 2a. ILF.—Itlsnotamh4eaL Tbe plnyer bad exe rdsed ac- tlen In tb« nms* vid it was tnan loo late co disooTer that be had BIX eardL At any time boiore saying be will pUy or will paoa a cAayer can cUim a miaH^^i, provided also thatba us not looked at the tkoes of bis canls or has nut imiscd- tbem. Dulng any one ol theee four ihlncs ooO' denies the misdeal aud maJcas the )Jaycr*s hand SaoL PisBAanaa Jia»Fort ikeTensoo.—Count the paskone,^ 'orflnroitou in any other way tbat plusM yon. Tna vboie ihUK is aa puely Imagmary as your conntlng eleran ita Jack, twelve for qaeeo and thlneea for kioff. .Tber«.annot elsTen. twalvn and ibirteeuspots onthoee -carts teapccUrtlj. Texy likely the retcxau bad a pack OChlSOWlL _ ■ _ ' _ 4- BoT.nisa. Fort Bandall —The only adnea we can offer ia that joa fkltbloUy v«iiarai ^ottr onty nutU the explra ' lion oCtho t«rm for which yua«oIl*t«L Tliat la th« uuly ' honorable coaiaejoa can pnrsne. and in tbe end yon wul doobtless find that It pays beaer tban "(olnff to Lead- ' viDo to —**^T ntoncy.** . . B. 8. L.. cinebmatL-C wins tbs tids bet. "BsfDia tbe -draw'* luuied lo th. pnaihlr oo the paxvol both b e t to i m . C did not dnw,udtncrelura waa not obliged to abow aa soon aa B did- Ucahlu, "belbie the dnw** uMht, aa B no doubt wall uderMOod, the flre cards onglnaily dealt ssch. H. J. UvSt. LoulB.—1. The allowuoe to the Queen of . England IB £awM> a year, £Aum of wbich ia lor lur prlry yaim, £ia,au lor royal UMutj, £ISi,au lOr aalariM uf ntmsiHiokl. and lor ex puna of honeehnld, leaTlng ia^INO nnappropriated. 1. Only a memitrr ot her mnily . .u taU yoa what her ineom. la. Wan TO Kfluw.—1. u, O'Lmtt twice deteatad P. Croaa- land In heeVud-toe walking marrhe. onre in Bog-ud aiaU0milaa.and ctnce In Chicago,IIL,In aTShonreun- Ifg^ Cnoland daieated O'Leary In ooe maich tn Bog- lud. the distuc being 800 milea. X Althoogh lar train aneslul. bis stjls will pass muster. A. pro. L, Seer Lodge —It Is only wbra a player haa ^m^A If opu to (he penalty of bla harlog hu carda eaUedthatbe cu be rcqolrwl by his adTerwry to play .M Boltwdar one. ThnaacaraMpoeed byaplayercu beoall«d at auy tlm. when the playing of It wlU not cans. fciH. to reroke. r A, Troy.—Tbe Bcetona defeated the Holyokea by a anntf Uio Sin eight Innings,the loeen makingnLoo —«. bus olTFoley's pitching, and earning their turee rona. Too Pttnldsnse dray, beat ih> Holyokea 10 to 1. the lausr lijj^^ Ward*B pitching Balalynine tunea, but earning no "wiTBST, Fbilade1phla.-As biglk-low-jack-pool U now cnianllTpWjed. Awa. oat aa soon aa he got Jack. P— Us bculn apcaiUoB whanee be would ban n^alrtd aamenomt to put him oat thatwousl ban camadaoi <moafinmt.lSjack«oahlnotbaTeBerTWlhlm. ^^oTtlvtlanovoa-Uadaoou—Wadun w know what ha meana, udwe think It T.ty unlikely that yuncoabla.. ~»wiser." be Buhse-iuently wlihJrew bis depojIL g ineanlanatioa or aucb .prooiwHllng' that ha bad ^ 1.^I .TI(Ml W.T H-fi^ Jobna.—L It la customary to eantun twise in^iiBiair walking ud to fur a third rJf e n B a .3. IbeJudgeswan right. The ouai«'tut who Ikbed to sw amth aBtBt heat had no right tu aian in ciihar ot th. '^■r^T^^Sumay.- aB haTlng rssiinl eoce, ami the dealer wow'dialnc it. the *'wlduw" ia to be tumwl so thst all tbe playen but the dealer cu pick uoceCroui it. .The nrstto Sen la oC eonrBO the player naxt ua the Islt of him woo euaed thaC'me. ^E^C. B., CntrtT Valley.-1. In the aix-day g»as.iT)a- ntaae no. fbr the Umtad atatea fhamnlnnBiilp. which Vu^on by P. J. Paudiot, W. U. Dntsher ttBTaled S» ■mlle&radruaootheiilcbtaftheaiarxh day. A Uawaa !a^Sm11t nnnt fur tbo taak bo "■Mf—^'^ He had no wis against such msii,eTaa ll kebad beu ZSTaaasiinuily it tsnt likely that anjboly moUt MMhlsaouL*' o'|T_Tha time at whkb eranlng begiss sad aads ' r day. Llks night, U becus much earllsr B — ^ * 1 ught an Boc tbe LQTa ay.andptop- ■^^jat«s t»u i liiig n.yom Pi^ ^ '•i ' S mnSnrnr laet be. la nan than I "tfDsatattbs In next week's CLirrxB, being No. l. Volume a, wUl be commenceil ibe pnbimaon or one of tbe moBttemaikable aeiuaUoiial loinancea emBBallng ftoiB RarlalaB anthorablp daring tbe paattwenlr jeatB. It ortglaally appeared In tbe columns of .Ce Figaro, tbe moat Parisian of Fiencb Joomala, and oteated a proronnd Impression as an accoiate and ezdtlBg partnltnn of contempotaneons mannen, social, motal and domestic, laylog baie tbe skele- tons Iminnied ftom general view wltbln tbe priv- acy of fhsblonable bonsebolds. The aU-preralenl topic for dnwlng-room dlscnaslon In Paris being for aome yean past tbe etblcs of Divorce^ Monalear Xavlei He Honteptn, who bad pieTloaaly attained a brilliant repntatton as lomancer and dramatist In bla llteraiT BDCcess "lesYlvenn de Paris,*'In bis "Adollorons Drama" availed Mnm'if of tbe at- tiactlTe tbeme as tbe Iiasls for tbat animated com' poaltlon, bolldlog upon it a fabric of Incldcata, nai- nral yet emotional, occurring in rapid succeeeloD tbrongb various pbaaes of ailsUicraUc aoclety, re- plete wltb animated cbaiacteiB typical of tbe mlli g passions of tbe Sublonable world, acton In tbe mysteries of Parislanieal life, and disclosing to the naked eye tbe good and evil Impulses of tbe hnman beartfAsbloned In a convenilonal mold. The Oonnt De Kancey, a nobleman ot ancient de- scent—a Ugb society man, yonng, handsome and a desirable boaband, aa viewed In tbe prejudices of caste—finding blmself a tiankmpt tbrongb loxorions Indulgences, proposes to Uqnldate tbe claims of bis ciedilon tbrongb marriage with a lady of yontb and beanty, wboie dowry wonld dlsenoomber bis atste. tbls barter of title and rank (or aoinlsmon of wealth, vnlgarly known as a marriage of con- venience, nnderlylDg actions for divorce, forms tbe g-onndplot for Hontepln's graphic "Adollerons mama," with Its attendant mlslortimes, miseries, crimes and calamities. Under guidance of a creditor, the Connt becomes aoqualnted with Blanche Llzsly, dangtater to an offlcer of tbe Empire—the laearnatlon of fasolnsllng loveliness, repnted mistress to an Kngllsh peer—a woman of anperordlnaty ahUitlee, and of more tban alrenlo personal cbanna. SUll another creditor pre- sents to bla notice Hargnerite-^ieraonUlcatlon of vligln parity, a crealtire of nattiral Impnlsa towards aOeotlon, loving with mil sonl the Ideal of her aaplia tlons. The marriage of the man of society with this ottUd of natoie hampered with a low-bom origin brings the Coimt De Nancey Into the pomaon of a bnsbind of tbe period—a slave to tbe tyranny ot an Uildt yet uieabiUble paaalon for tbe blonde siren Elanohe, which oolmlnates m the assassination o! a lU'JifDi wUb and her sole male confidant, an In- nocent participator In her late. Acqnlaed of wUe-mnrder, the Connt De Kanccy- upon hla marriage with Blanche, bis lormer en- cbannees, yields to ber dealre to imlae beisiU lotheaodal apbere to which be by heritage belongs. Fauoie to obtain recognition engendera contempt (br a husband pievlonsly despised and ultimately hated, imtll tbe second Connieaa De Banoey, de- scending giadaally In social standing while conttnn- Ing to lelgn as star amid equivocal greatnesa, finds companlonsblp m tbe allorementa of an adventnier momentarily recognized ias a prince, with whom abe elopea. Left Ibr dead on ob3oaie gronnd, where ha baa been tnacheronsly wonnded In his wife's preaenoe in a dnel with Prince GMgoiy, De Nancey Is dlaoorercd and nnised by Allce^ who passionately adorea blni, and at bla Instigation elopes from her Ikmlly to dwell with blm In Farla, while Blanche, deserted and robbed by Gregory, carries on a fast gucer at the gaming resorts 91 Germany, imtll Iklag intenigence of her death leads De Nancey to tbe point ot engaging to many Alloc. Theappear- ance of tbs wUb In Fails, tbe death of tbe Prince during the tronblea of tbe Conunnne, tbe workings of tbe prtvata police and mad-bonses, tbe Cotrntl Innacy, and bis second murder of a wUb, an graph- ically deacilbed, are tbs oownlng oatasnopbes cf this terrible drama. " Newsdeaian win mike no mistake tn uunaatng tiiotr Qidm tax TBI NKw TOBK cuma, aa tba ■taocUng Inieiest of "Tbe Sonde stnat" wO no doobt iiiialii i Uvely drniand Ibr tbe paper IbT' .wbteb tits tiaaaladoB of lUs powotu wok hat . B^rt T.-One of tbe prudpal derka m the Txeaauty Department for aiateen yeara—Fblladelpbia, Pa. March 9. a^w 168. OIUi, J. &—Mayor of Hlchwood, O.—there, Hareh a, aged 61. UAILE, Dr. A. B —A prominent pbyidciu of Norwlcb, CL, wbne he had practiced for lorty yora—then. March », aaed 74. HENDBICKSOK, Jamea-One of the earllem plooeera and moat prominent realdeuu of Hope, Ind.—there March 9. HAMMOND. Oeorge H.—A well-known actor acder the Btage-name or Oeorge H. Hlllmau (aee Dinma)—Marcb ii. HATNE, liaae W.—A pramuent dtlsen of Charlestoa, who bad held the office of Attorney general of South Car- olina for twenty yeara. HewaaagrudaoaoflaaaoBayne. who was exeented at Charlealoa by the BnUab durlos their oeenpation 01 that dty In tbe Bsrolutionary War— Charlealoa, & C-, Manh 8. aged m HALTON, L. ".—A member of the Canadian Parlla- mrat—Ottawv Ont., March I^ HBALT, John J.—A wall.kiiowii raaldut of thlB dtr Some flftou yeara ago. hav ing a m emed a eompeteney. be retired from bualoeaB and oeenpled himaell with rellKlouB ud charltabla lahora-hen, March U. aged n. HUKTIXO, Samuel-A well-know u% ankef, and also a member ot the rmdace Bxcbaage of thla dty—Pooab- keepaie. N. T.. March 11 ^ "-»sn- JONK8, WlDiam EL—A weh-kBowB actor of Philadel- phia, Pa. (M* Drama)—PhDatelphla, Mareh U, aged 40. KINO, Dr. Jamea—A prominent phyaldu of Pniatmrg. Much 1], aiTBd a. mo. Dr. WlUlam M.—(M the ITmled States Kavy. He bora In rhUadelphla, and entered the naval seir. lee u u aaalatut annceoa in UBS., waa eommtnlaeied aa a surgeon in 18EZ. ud promolad totherankofmadlealm- ipector in IB7& Be waa reoently appointed laa fleet-anr- gwa oTth. South Atlutle SqoadroD, bat bU health woold net^mlt hlm^to aaioffle said potUlOD—Fbllsdelpbia, IiUMBLBSON, Charlea B.—A well-known fflUaan of Bal- tiBotn,Md.. where, aereral yeara ago, be waa a member at the School Board and laiaratrastae or Bayvlaw Aaytam —Baltlmcra, March P. agnl K I.ATBAM. Jamea K. a—A pnmlseiit dtliu of flu Francisco, OaL—tbsie, Mardi X aged 4A MOBMAHN, Benty-A well-known Oermu dtlaen of Baltbnore, Md. where he bad resided Cor the past Sfty yeara—tbate, Match t, aged <& HmOT, Joan O. B.—*. well-known dtlun of Boeton. Man., who In early 111. waa peoolneat In hnalneadrdea of that dtT-Boat<m, Marcb MOeELT, O.I1- Tbo.. W. B.—A Icadlnv leeldeat ol Hrd. Park. Maaa-Serutoa, Fa.. Mardi UL aged 6a MAXWELL. Benry—An <rid and reepeeted resident ol Bo boke n. N. J —there. March U, agad n.' METZOBR, Emaooel—A wen-known eltlxfn 01 FhOsdtl- phia, Pa. Inirlog the Botienion be obtained a oontjact to famlah th. Unit* d Btataa wHh caTalry eqaipm«nm. and. amassing a loriuDS, bs became s Isrge resl-estate owner In Pbilailelphia ud at Atlutla Ctty—rhUadelphla, Marcb MOBWOOD. Oeofge—One of the flist ssttlsrs of ladUa- apollN. Ind.—there, March S, aged 91. KOLAN. John M.-«eeretarT of the Boaton Catholic Cem- etery Aaaodatlon—Boston, Maaa., March I4 aaed IS. ODBLL, Lymu—An old and respected metehut ot thu dty. who bad Mrred a term In the New Toch I,ewlala- tur»—here, March t. aged S6. O'NEIIj. Beory— a noted Eoclljib biatorlcal painter- Londoo, Eng., cable-dlapatch dated March 16. PBILLIFB. Dr. H. B.—A Lading phyddu onfaahTllle, Ind.—there. March 8, aged 4S. PIBBPONT. Aaahel—A leading' muufaetnrer ud uld atnen nrNew Baven. Rt there, March C, aged St. P4INB, Ber. John C—A mlniater of the txmgrvgatiooal dennmlnaUon fnr nearly forty yean—OlOTelud, Maaa., March 10, aaed 71. PAKTORIOUe. Waablofiton—A wall known reaident of Oermutown, Phlladelpbla. Pa. Be was a Uneal dea- ceudut ol Prucu Duiel Paatorluua. ooe of tbe fonnd- era of Oermantowo. and a prominent man In the early blRtory of Pbljulelpbia—there, March 14. aged 63. RUEPFBR, Wiuliui Theodora—A noted chemist aud miaeralogljiL Be waa formerly a pnfeuor In Lehigh Unl- Teralty—Bethlebeoa, Pa., March 10, aged 71- lUCe, John R—A promlneot rekluentut Charlestown, Mau -there, Marcb II, a«e<t 71 BAUTON, Alexuder—One ot the moet pronuneot boil- new men aod capitallna of Loekport, K. Y.—then, March 10. and 67. BKILUh'O, D. N.-eute-dlreetor 01 tbe Boston ud Al- bany Ballroad. ud a leading resident of Winchester, Mm —there, Marcb 10. acvd Q. erriLWELL. Samoel—Once an AsMcUteJadgeof Marl boroogta. N. T.—thero. Marcb S, aged 8a. SATTEBLBB, Qrwory- a retired merchant of thla city, sjiq a prooliitBt ntmber of tbe Masonic liatrmiiy, bar- loc Been eiect.>d Onod TmisDr*r of toe Orvod liooge or Now York lo IK7S and le-elicted In 1S77 and 1878-here, KsotaJ^sgtitSS, TVtLCK, Ueoeral John Adam—A noted officer of the Brltlab Army, wbo bad serred for thirty-sIx yean In Indla-ThnlL Peb. lA TATLOB. Brlrester-A prominent Qtlzen of Providence, B. I.—there. March a. TATLOB. WUbam P.-Lata Auditor of Public AcccuU ofTirglnlA BswaslormuyyasTseBgaKsdlnibabsok- mg boslacas lo Riebmocd. belog mon of tta. tlm. canbler Of ihe Buk of Tirglnla—Richmond, March U, aged 67. TBOHPBON, Oeaeral Benry A—Prealdent of the na- tional Bank ol Baltimore, Md., lur tbe past flfleen yean. Be waa graduated ftom West Point In 1S19L ud aerred seventeen years In the United States Army, being a cap- tain m tbe Fourth Artillery when be«reaUnrd. In the Marylud Mllltia be raw to be a Brigadlergeoeial—Baia- more, Mardi U; aged 6a TWAT. William-A Tetetu of the War d 1812—Brook- lyn, N. T.. Marcb 12, agid8D. TATLOB. ChaA Cathcart--A well-known Joaraallet,- 'ho had held for aom. run th. position of dty editor of Tile niaa. FblUdelphiA Pa Be was also the Ptalisdrl- $ti1a coneapOD dent ot The cfncf nnatl OeiMicrclal. Chicago ivuM ud San PrancUoo CAror.lda—that dty. March 14, sgedM WAKNBR, Jamea Hamy—A Tonerabl. and nach re- spect«l resldeot of Poughkeepsie, M. T.—there. Match i2, sgsd 80. WOOD, Samuel B.—A widely-known reel-estat. 1a-n*r ol Bichmond County, N. T.—Oanetaon, & L, March 9, a ged 61 wEEELEB:, John P.—Editor of The Fart SmIA Inae- penatnL Be waa connected with the Fort Smith preas for oTar thirty rear., ud bad serritd aa Coanty-Juoge ud StaUaanaier—Fort Smith. Ark., March 10, aged 71 WATSON, Jamea A well-known reaident of Ctalcago, la—(bein, March 10, aged SS. YOUNO. Samoel B.—For muy yean one of tbe prom- inent cual mercbanta of this acy. Be waa a native of PcnnsylTania, aud waa one of the ploneen m the develop, mentor the cual Intervsta 01 that titate—hen, March 14, aged 47. ATHLETIC. ROBUISOHw*. McOASTT. A match waa Vinade Marab ll by Frank RoUnson of L&wrenoe, Haas., and .Owen UcOtny of Hana- ynnk, Fblladdphisi, to witsUe, tbe lieat two of tbree fSIr back-Ihlls, lueisblre taahlon, at some ball In FbUadelpbla to lie agreed npon, April 6, for SMO a.side, Robtnaon not to exceed 130 lb m weight and H^>uty lo be confined to 120 lb. tbe men weighing at tbe boose of Noah -UaUn- son, Hansyonk, at 6 o'clock, p. m., Monday, April 28, and to be at the. ball selected for the con- test at 8 p. M. same day. Mccarty allows Roblnaon llfty dollan for expenses, whlca amoont Is to be paid Into onr bands with the final deposit, and by ns transferred to Robinson when all tbe stake-money Is posted. We have received $100 from each tide with the articles, and the remaining deposl's are lo be made as lOllowei Tbe second, tlso a aide, on Mareh 11, and tbe final. tiSO a side, on April 12. Tbe parties have omitted ftom the protocol a olanaa providing for the selecilon of a fioM stakeholder, wblcb oversight sbotild be remedied wltbont delay, and we wonld also Inform them tbat tve cannot, for obvlons reasons, agree to name a referee "in the event of tbe principals aiimg to seleot one In fifteen minutes" on tbe night of wxcs- tllng. Tbe winner is to take all tbe gate-money, after expenses. Noah Haklnson Is backlog Mccar- ty and Artbor CbambetB finds tbe money for Rob- inson. ^ naiT.t.iBH vs. MVI^OOOIT. On Marob 9 articles were signed by wilUam MUIer and WlllUm Muldoon, by tbe stlpnlanons of vrblcb tbey ate to wreatle a match In Oneco-Roman style, best two m three falls, according to Ed. James' rales, at some place In tbe dty of New York tbat mav be mntnaliy agreed npon, and wltbln twenty dava fkom date of signing. Miller pais one bnodred dollan against tne elesant badge new held by Mnl- doon, and a clause In tbe agreement sivs that tbe winner of tbe cvnWBt stmu receive two-ttUrdJ of tbe neti sdmlsilon receipts, tbe losing man taking tbe oibertblrd. Theprlndpals, however, have neslecied t > make provision In tbe mstrnment tor tbe sf leotlon uf a final sukebolder, and we would Impress npon them the necessity of doing so as soon as posslDle.* The men are to contlnne wrestling nntll a (all is ob- tained. We hope this contest may settle tbe qoes- tloD na to whicn of these men Is resUy tbe belter wrestler. Sine i tbe foiegolog was in type tbe par- ties uec and arranged to nave the uuutesi take filace at Madlson-Eqaare Garden on Tneidtiy even- og, March 23. THE O'IjEART BSJLT—a SP£CIAIj PRIZE. With a Tiew to lodoee tba competltois In tbe forthcom- ing con:cst for tbe O'Leary tielt to do their btht. oo cbe last uay aa well aa oo the first, the maoaser of th. alTair baa addressed the tollowiug note to the stakeholder, em- bodylDg u offer wblcb oogbt to bare the elfect ot brlDg- lug out all that there may be In the flee field ot tried peldestrlus wbo have paid la taOO apiece for the prWl- lege of competlDg; Nkw Toaa. March IS. 1880. Daax Sir— The entary list lor tbe comlog race U re- markable lor both tbe number ud ability of i a oootaet- uta, ud It Is certain tbat the winner will be comptUed to go a longer Journey than baa erer been seen In New Tork City. In muy six-day nees tbe distenco has been ahortued, aod the pnbllc uterest in the final boon oftbe ooBtMt destroyed, because tbe leading mu wan content to banly win, without miahiiig ahead lor a record- There la no nsson why the winner ol this noe should not mir- pas. all prvTloas pwformuoM, In Boglud or Amer- ica, and Isisrlbe npon bis bslt a record wbose fig- ure, will force his reoosninon aa tbe real champion of the world. For the pnrpnee of Induelor theaa pedea- trians to "pensrsre onto tbs end," snd nib tbs hope of patting on record a Rrand Derformuce, I hereby offer a .Daoar prlra ol 91.000 to tne wloner If be beata Blower Brown's record—USmllea 169yanlaln 110hoursZOmlnotaa I will deposit th'a 91,000 with fftc A>Ir1t on Batorday, April S, ud autbcrlxe yoa to pay It to the wloner if he earaa it, by beating tbe "beit-on-ncord In the world." Yours, ^ F. A. Anati. Amateur athletic ciuba whose ir embers wish to ssslst bi kMpIng th. records of th. comtna rte. ar« raqoMted to eommualeale with W. B. Curtla, P. O. Box OIS, N. T. City, status number of cudldatea ud houn of service. WAliKINO AT ItTira, fiLASS. A twenty-flre-mile race took place on a track that waa 391 feet short lo a mile, under the atisplccs of the Grand Army of tbe Bepnblic, at Market Ball, Lrnn, Maaa., Marcb 8. Tbe etarten were Ed. C. Holske, Dennis Dna- coIL John Oddy. Jolin M.sjrtier, Robert Pollock, J. B.n- coek and J. M. CollloA Twenty niUea waa covered by Rolske In 2h. AOm. 38.., with Drlscoll a lee- oiid or two behind. Uolske bold the lead nntll the last lap of the last mile, when Drlscoll took the front, comlog la foor or St. sscoad. ah^ad of bla pnodpal competitor. Holske waa In a lalnt* ing eoodltiou, but maniaged to reach the bume.linr,whea he lell In a dead ralut in rbear i-e nl bis tramer. Hew*, taken Irom the track, ud it was aome time belore be could be restored. Bis traloer stated that he was in no oonul- tlon for the race. Mr. Sawyer, manager of tbe race, suted that when he wut ta seo llolabe oo the 7th be fonnd him Bick abed, and It required considerable urging to indnce blm to walk. Oddy won third money. On th. I3th BoUk. ud Drlscoll walked a Oitaea mll^fl race on tbe same track, and tbe former, opon fitd inp that too much leniency was .xeicL^ed towards Drlscoll lor his opponset to have aoy show to win. withdrew, allowing Dennis to finish alone. It is charged that he ru the greatar part of the dlstuoe, ud repeat- edly trod on Boiate'a beela, ones taking tbe letter's shoe otL Tbera was no atake-money op, but the "Kate'* amounted to $343. Bderea,T. CarvoU. Bolske t.m not again walk In public antll he meeu Barry ArmstroLg. THE JAMBBTOWir TOCBJIET. Tbe flny-bourgo.aayon-pleaaa race, under Ihe manage- ment of CapL T. B. Orandlu. commenced at the Opera- bouse, Jamestown, N. T., at 8 r. ■ , Maieh U, the loUow- lug starting: Oayon of Chleagp, Barrmmn ot Boaton, Hart ofBoaton, Paoehot ud DulTue d New Turk, Al- bert at Phlladelpbla, Colston ot Jareey City, Walker of BnOkla, Crott of Little Falla, N. T, Byma of Elmira, Andrews of BarneavUle, Ky., Crawford of a»i»tw,mw^t^ lUiawofDaakirk, Cnrtlaof Warreo, Pa.; OlsoaofWoat- flsM. N. T.; Lynch and King ol Albloo. M T.,Huleyud Iiawssn of Jamsatown, Cronh) of Elmira, ud Kionsy, All ru tbe first hour. On tbe eigbtb mile Usrt icok tbe land, and th. e1.T.D o'clock stood: Hut.a)mllM: Onyon, 18: Puohot, 19K; Barrlmu. ISli; Colston, 17>^. Onyoa left tbe track at this time penuanently on ac- eoaaror a q>raln«l kDM. Byra. got Into an altarca'Joo wltb bis tnuer during the sfteroooti, ud waa badly poanded. Be left the track permueatly on the twelfth mite in cons«qnenee ol his infarlu. Barrlman made lOO milss In 19 boors sod 96 mlautsa, snd UD In S hours aod aSmlantes. oa a I7-lap track. Bart, Pucbot and Albert dmpped out of the taea about 4 A a., giriaa varlona exeosea. At 11 o'doek Barrlman had scored 131 mllee without leavlDg tbe tnak, ud Dnrrue. next beet, waa nine mllsa behind. Tbe race closed at tM> r. SMS. Bar- rimu left tbe track at 8 68 o'doek, with 117 mllea 7 laps, m 48b- S3m.; Dutcua, 196 mIlea; Cnwfccd, 188 miles: CroltilT^mUea; l^olston, 164milea. JOHIfSOlf AI9SWBRS HORFHT. Tbe rather ^caustic commooication ud cballange wblcb we poblubed over t-«e signature of "itonr** Mur- phy baa alldled the appuded nply tnm young John- son, who baa lett tweu^-fuurdollara on deposit to »bow thathe la ready to make a match at hla rcwnlar w«>1gbt : __ „ » ... NswToBg, Mareh IS, 1880. Fxajra qesKT, Eso.-Dear Sir: Notldag m Last week's adiuon at your valuable paper a pertinent card Irom ooe John Murphy, la which be states that he will matdi u unknown aaalnst m. far SUO or 9M0 a nde, give or take 8ft. at eollar-and-albow wreetllaa, best two oat ol three ■alls, ud tbat I ought to be tbuktol to wresUs a legttlmat. match for bla moo.y. eto-, .to., now I wish Mr. Mnrpby to dlatlndly udsntud Ibst during tbe short time tha*. I have been a profetalonal wrealJer 1 hare never lent myscll to anything tbat was not legitimate, and I dely Mr. Morphy or uy- bodyelae to prove to the contrary. I don't propose to nyseiregalDBt u noknowo, and 1 am at a Ions to sea uythus muly In trybig to screen Idendty, when I. t. .1 . .1,1—1» . .1... V — . — . . it la poplllTelT known that I stud nady to make a bona, fide match with uyone '■t tny weight. Tic, 14Slb. I sbaS IM extremely thanknil to Mr. Morphy If he will match a mu against me at the above weight fnr tao a.side Youn reepecUuUy, WiLuajl Juoxsos, THE HAVEIU[.T-E1( UELAAHOT RACES. In the busloeaa department of tnli week'a Ciirpxa will be Been an unouncemeut ol great Impnrtuce to pedee* t.-lauB We refer to the lataat rnterprlaeot that will- known amnsement caterer J. U. Baverly, who baa amodated bimselt wltb P. J. Engelbardt, and u* noucea a serlrs of g»'aae twelre-hnur.per- day races for vsluaMe pmea, to be followed by a grand BIX dace rare (111 boare),,for prizes richer thu uy beretniora otfered. it Is the promoter's inten- tion to edipae uythlng m this Ime which has been attempted In the pait, ud, with tbe asslstuee of a mu •o expenecoed and Doastwsed of so much managerial ahil. ttra. Eagelbardc, h. ceitaloly .nghc to sneered In thla Tsntare. great tbonsh the undertaking la. Tha offer of such tempting eHiea should attract ihe leading pedestri. UK of th*- cnnntcy, .nd the condudlna eoniMt sbonld b. a grand erenc. Full paitlcalan are glren In the lengthy advertisement in uocber column, to which all mtereaied are relerred. THE ROSE BBIiT. The gentle'nan wbo repreaenu Madame Tobias lu tbe matter of the approaching comi>etltion lor the nandaome KH flrni walked lur last December ud won by Amy HowArd called upon na March 16, ud Inlormed ua lhat the date oftbeoloslngof (Utrltsfor the come bad, by mu- tual agreemeot between holder and cballenger, hevn ex- taoded utii Monday. Mareh 32. Laat week Madame Auderfon, not belog aatlsfled attb tbe way mat- tar, were Iwina musged, cr mlsmuRged, wfthdrt-w tbe SB she bad pot up; but her pises wss tslten by MiBB Laura Douilaa. whose repreaencatlTe baoded natbe aM.s>iary filly dollan oo March 19. while on the >Atb we received the entry of Madams Dn Preeol Colorado. Tbe latter sent the entry fram Fl Scott. Kaneaa, and In an aocompaDylng note aald she would be In New Tork dnr. Ing tbe current week ud deposit the remainder of tbe lee. Tbia makee four now In for the race, ud it is hi^ib time that aflalre were being put lo sDlpahape. THE TyRF. CROaSIHQ THE OCKAJI. J. R- Keeoe'B atable of raoabotaea left this port for Liverpool. Kng., on March 0, per- tbe steamer Helvetia, In charge of the experienced tralnenand attendants W. J. Bogeia, William Kane and Cbaa. Uttlefield Jr. The dozen wbo are now afloat are SpendUtrUt (4yrB.), by Anstrallan, dam Aerolite; Lord Mnrpby (4), tiy Pat Molioy, dam Wlnooah; Bookmaker (2), by Bonnie Bootland, tlam Jnanlia; Bran Dance (2), by Bonnie Scotland, dam iMitans: Bay oolt (3), by King Alfonso, dam Jamaica; McDon- ala (2), by Bnqnirsr, dam Ontario (brother to Mo- Wlilrier);taay colt (2), by Waveriey, dam lady Wallen- steln (brother lo Wallensleln); chestnntcolt(2), by Anstrallan,dam Alabama (brother to Madge); chest- nnt colt (2), by Monarchist, dam Alala; tay'colt (2), by Anstrallan, dam Hester (brother to Springbok); bay oolt (2), by VligU, dam Annie Bnab: ohestnnt rait (2), by King Alfonso, dam Canary Bird. JOSEPH Tatb, tbe veteran Jockey, who for the past'fifteen years has tieen a sneceeafnl miner and rider in Bnisla, died at Blrmlngtiam, Eng., on Rsb. 11, In his 69Ui year. He had bnt recently retnmed toEogland. jAMxa B. EXBHB was on Manb. 12 elected a tarn. Eitary member of tbe Tnrf Clab of London, Eng. e was proposed by Lord Bosebeiy, and s e co n i lwl by Lord Dmchestar. WoHBHBOOKMAKKBS made their qipeaianoe at the steepleohaae meeting at Anienll. Fiance, Marob T. »IHB SumtAlTB ANiniAL FOB 1880," iBVd hf Tlm Stentng Bpresi of thttatyyiaa worktims BheoldbelnttiebBisdB of eveiyboqrwhojaaaeM of t^^wf i BHCoantUek mannlhcmDf, agiloaitnnl or voUtleu ataUsaos. itisa volnmeof nearly nve btmdred pagea, Bold gt tiM extiemdj low pnce ol ' Tag TWX5TT nvx-xna MSDii; or tbs Wettb-alda Ath- letic Cl.b was aaala eootradcd fbr in a gn-aa-yoa^pleaae race at WooiTa Ctoanda,' Wllli.wiahnig. L L.oananiraay evenlnr, March 13 Jamea Cblsholm wooln fa ami.-Be.. Jemea Baonden being eecoBd.'with *t mileallaca. -The oooieafwaa Interesting np to the teTUteenth mil A D. B. Boea waa uaoanoad to give prlsee amoantlng lo tJW, with' the entruee-leea, for a six daya' RO-aa-Too- plaaae budloap-race, open to malea and temaiea, wbicb waa to oommmoe at the MMbulea' Pavilion. 8u Fiu- daco. Cel.. March IS. The fsmale competllon were to be allowed US mllea apiece. Aw BoWABn won the 84.hour go.aa.y<m-p1eaae race (twelve boon daily) which dosed at the New American Moscum, thla dty, March 14. making 30B milea. Ida Wal. Iseewaa aecond. with 391. ud Cora Cushing third, with jjo oillaa. A almllar exhibition la being giTcn this week "NoBJuo" waa thewluer nl a 71-hour (twelve boon daQy) heat-of-way contest at Glasgow, Sootland, cloalog Feb- n. The scores made by-the pma-wiDner. were: "NoTmac."9S7ml-as1.e37yd'.; MoK«l]u,84Smi]e.3S3yda ; Smith, 398 miles 969ydA; Bobsoo, SB mliss ITIydA CHisv-or-roLfcs MsuBinf or]Vewarfc,N J„ on March ISnoflflMlthe muaaer of th. rink th.iw that h.t«al1er no llorasH woold be grutsd for pedaatrlu contasu m thst dty. jacK ODDT ud Dennia Driacoll are to walk flay miles for a porM ot elabty dollara, at th. Brown-street Blnk, SalemVMasA, Hsreb 17. < Wa Havn Lxmss fob Mme. La crhapehe, Ed. Mullcii, Mr. TaoOTy and J. W.lsbw, pbowoUer. BASEBALL. THE BVPFAIjO CI.VB. This Leagne dnb has completed Its team for 1880, and In looklDg over the namea It will lie seen that the Buffalo dlieeton have eecnred tbe sarvlcea of some very strong players. Beginning with their oatohen and pltoneni. tUey bave In Esierbrook and Poorman a good team, who have played together In the Jeraey City nine lor two seasons, thongh not as catcher and pitcher always, Tbelr otbar. Rowe aod McGonnlgle, who promise to work to- BSiher well. Their base-team ta nndonbiedly a strong one, Walker, Orene and Richardson havloges- celleDirecordslnthdrrespectivepcslUons. Forcewlll vnaM abort-stop.'and for thelrontfleld team they have Hnrnang, Crowley and Radhourne, with tbe change catchera and pitonera to alternate when not filling their regnlar poslttona. Tbe two tnlteries wUI be broDgbt to bear on the teams tbey are most snccess- fbl against. Experience baa shown Ibat every pitcher In the arena finds one team with which he Is iDvarlalily more Bncceasfnl than against any other, and the team he Is ame to pitob against with the most eflect shonld, of eontse, be that one be selected to play atrslast. Thus toe two batteries will tie regnlpr, instead of one belog regnlar and the other the cnange-baflery. Who will caplain the nloe ia yet a matter of doubt Sbonid tbey secure a good manager. It woold l>e easy to name g play- er as captiln who—like Uorrlll In the Bostons— woold carry out the orders of tbe maiuger. In this case the latter wonld require lo be an experienced plBver himself. There does not appear to be any player in the team competent to fill the bill of tbe captain's position unassisted by tbe directions of a manager like Harry Wright, wbo is the real osptain oftbe Boston team, Morrill only being a llenteoant. In fact Tbe Baflhlo team vrlU have the advantage of woitlBg nnder the control of gentlemen wbo have the welbre and Interests of their players at heart,aB well as conrlderatlons forprofltsMe retnrna. In fact, the Buffalo Cloblsagood dub for a player to get Into. BBW TORK COULEOE ASSOCXATIOIT. The orguuation of the Amerleu CoDege Aeeocutlon hy the pmmln.Dt eollog. dabs of ths Atlutlo 6tat«> haa been qiucklr lollowsd by thst of tbe intercnlletlats asio. datloaa. the flm to he Iriraed that of th. oollegea of K.w Tork State, chleflr ol th. Western section, sndi as the Iinion of Bebenectady, Madison ol Bsmlltan. Coraen of Ithaca, eyracaa. of Syracoso, Boche.t«r of Bocbester, ud BamlllAa of Dilea- At the enaveutlon of delegatea tnm tbess dabs, held Hsrcb 13 st Byracnse, ths loUowlog Bohedale ot geme. waa made oat, wbicb promlsM a very active collage eompaign In tbia State for tbe coming sea- -on: May 10, noion tb. Hamlltor, at Utiea. May II, nulon VB. Madison, at BamUton. Mav 12. Uniou va. Madlaoo. atSyracoae. May U, Bamllton tb. Madison, at BamUton. May IX Uolon TB. Cornell, at Ithaca May 13. Syracuse ra. BainUton. at Syractise. May 14, Kochrsf r va Union, at BodieBter. May 14, romell tk Hamilton, at Ithsc^ Uay 16. Rochester ra. Hamilton, at Roche^er. May 17, Union va. Hsmllton. atSdieoectady. May 17, Rochester vs. Comall, at Rochester. May IK, Ryracuae ta <%me1I, at SyracuBe. May IS, Msditon va. I'-nmell, at BamUton. Way IS. Rrncnae va Rncheeier. at Syracuse. May 20 Hamilton TV. Camell, at U'lea. Mar sa Madlsoo Ta. Bocbnt..r, at Hamilton. May 31. Union VB CornelL at Keheneeudy. May 21. Rochester tb. Hamilton, at Utlca. May 32, Colon Ta. Rochester, at Scbcoeetady. Mav 34, Cornell va. Rochester, at ItbacA May 24, Union w. Syracaii*. % Sobenectady. May 29, Hamlttoa ts Brracnse, at Utica. May 16, Madison tb. Svracuse, at HsmUton. May 77, Unioo T*. Madlann. at Schenectady. May 2a. Ma-lison tb. BamUton. at UMca. May 91, Bnchester tb. ByracuM. at Rochester. Jnue 1, Cornell ts. Syractue, a' Ithaca. Juoe 2. Syraease ra Madmoo. atSyracuae. June 3, Roeheater tb. Madison, at Ilocbetter. Jane 4, MadUon ta Cornell, at Ithaca. REOFBimVO OP THE XTNIOR OROCKDS. We bave good newa for the resident pmresslonala ot Naw Tork aod Brooklrn in the (act tbat Manager Cam- meyer desires us to snnonnce tbat tbe Union Baseball OinondB wUI open for the saaBon aa Boon aa the weatbsr permlta, ud that a good eo-operatlve nine wUlbeat oorn omuned to play prolkaslooal matcbea for as much ol tbe season as the amagemuta for the aale of tbe muda win admit of. The delay In the leglsIaaTa action n regard to the oBs of the arouad for the 47th Regiment Armorr admlta ot Mr. ^mmsyar's having tbe ball- grnond mtll August. If not later. This win aaatm the patrona of the game In thla aeigblMrhood a aaa- Boo'B play d at laast (bar noaths, and the best part of tbe eeaaoo at that. It la now In order for the Flrewmya aud other local eo-opentlve profeasleaial du*>B to ontanlie nlnea fbr tbe Unloa Orounda campalgiL Mr. Cammeyer wilt at once get a good Brooklyn team organ- Ised. wiilch will be stTona enoosh to cope wltb tbe Leagoa lanlaBBblp soatches on the Union Onands, ■ or at rnnoMoa. Tb. Woreenier team, wbldi Isto play at Prlneeloa on April 8, will stop at Brooklyn SB toote. Sbonid tbe Jersev city Cfob'a maaaie- Blent Snd any difllculty in aecanng grtmnds in Jer- sey City, they will now bs sbla to utiUis tba Union Orou nda. It would, boweTOr. be advlsule to hara arouda tn Jersey City, uoIobb the o«nen of the property thar. should proTe too gneplng. Tbe nopenmg of the Union Orounda la Ukelytogtve quits a new Impetus to ball-playlngin the metropolis Ibe Capltoline Onund a now In pmeeaa of balna grndad for tha new street ran thnaigfa. Ijat week tbe fence waa taken down, and this weak tha stj«et-rra>1ii only the Uolon BsU-i grounds lett In BitMklyn for tbe use prnltmonal teanuL A strong nine in Brooklyn, wlib Bobby Hathewa pM lu piieher, ahould draw a paying patnmage In matchee with visiting duba OPEHINO THE SBABOBT The local baseball aeaaoo wlU he opened on Saturday next at P irMim it Park. BraoUyn, WMtb.r pmnlttloa. tha occasion being ths flrat of the pr1ia.baU nms. which hare opened the metropolltu season at tbe Park for some yean past. Th«reareqQlto a nnmborof proCosalnttBlpIay m la 'own who an waiting fnr a ehanea to bave eome fl>ld-pract1ee b>n>re leavrng Ibr tbe clube they are eogaged ts pUy with. If the weather la sach aa to admit of play on next Satnrdav at Fnapeet Park, atdea will be chosen at ."-by ^r- f^Bdwick lor a (lama in which a new ball * " " " " t display In tbe dnb-maoagen good oopor- zJr.^Jr "r.i.Tisowicaiora gama inwhicbanewh wlli be girea to tbe pUyer making the b-^t display In t field-not at tbe bat Thaw games alfntd dnb-maoagi inseateh of playen to flU np their teams a good ocv •nnltr to see what the dliengssed playen can do. If the reatbrrUlnanspldonB,tbegameewUlbe played tbefol HARVARD ATHLETIC A880CIATIOIT held their flnt Winter meeting st tlie Hemenway Oymoa. slam, Csmbrldge, Msas , March 13, about one thuassnd spectators belog present. The oompetltlotia resnllsd as tnllowa; Btaodfog hlab-Jamp—8. Conildi:., *83, flnt, 4rt. Otn.; P. B. Keene,'80, Sfcond, 4(t.81n.; C. B. W Fnater, '81 third, 4rc. 6lu. Boilng-Mlddle-welgbt (ItOBi to lODIi) : C. Bnaham,.'80, beat S Bnllard, I,. 8 aoil W. A Oastoo, ■80. Light-weight: T. U. BeUbrou, '81 heat J. J. Tbom. aen, '80, ud F W. Sharon, ■3D, baatU A Plnmmers, L 8. S., the dacidlog hoot tMlnir po.treD.d nnul .next meetloE. HorlioBtsl bar: W. Freelsnd, >8I, first. P. B. Keene. tO, aecond. Tng-otwar, teama of flre meu— Bophomorea (Lawrence, Challut, Fn\tL, Crehen and Warren) tieat the Freshmen icobet, Kip, Hammond, Morrison ud Bnwo) In 40a. ud Im. 6«., the Fresh, men taking the first pull In Im. 40a. J. T. Ilowe. '80, save a pleaalng exhibition of dnb-swlnglng. Judges, Q. A. Ellis, Oeorge Lee ud Robert Bmou. Two AiUTBrR BACBS took plBcs Under tbo au'olces ot the Olympic end FooitMll niaha at tbe Recreation Groonds, Rao Frudsoo. Cat. on March?. Beaalt: XJurds run— Flratheat: & 8. Balev (terateb'. 1, bi 34>is.; B. N. Wal- lace (lOyds), 3, by nlna feeL Seoood heat: S. 8. Em- mons (10). in 3i,'4s; J T. Belcher (ecntch). 3. hyayard; J. K.Lrucb (.61,91 Final heat: Belober.l.mZSKs.; Haley, S; Emmons, 3 :Wanace,4. The race was aaally won by ayard, anditwUl be uaden'xiod that the ground waa not I.Tal. lOOyds. rnn—Flnt heat- ~~ Illy won by ayard^ . nd waa not leTel. lOOyds. rnn-rtnt beat: B. a Haley (scratch). 1, in 10}^; H.N. Wallace (SrdA). 2: W. B. Onbo (t). 3. Beoood heat: J F. Belcher (scratob), 1, In lOliAJ O. Wm^O'Copaor (t). 9; John Rell (8), 0 M. Roblnaon (8), 2; . B. 8. Emmons (6), a Floal beat: Roblnaon (8), I, in It^*^ Haley uxf Boleber ru a dead heat lor aecond plaee; Wallace, (L McMsBOir ABB DoruB.—Tbe eoUar-ud-elbow wraat- lingmatch, lor the championahip of America ud a money- stake, between H. M. IhifOr and John McMahon, will uke place In Boeton. Maaa., on Tuesday sTenlng, Mareh 16, ud than IB evny indication tbat It wUl be a atubbom and BdenuOa Mntest. while it bean the Imprws ot bon- esty. which nowadaya la rather a novelty' In the wrcatlina anuA The gentlemen to whom the selecnon of a referee waa left by tbe Drlndpala, wbo wen themselves unable to agree upon one. tiaTa seleetad John EaDiB.a muwho, we an eaiisfied. fkilly nnderatuds the dntiea of the position, kaa the ahUi^ to diacharge them fklthfblly, and la thorougtaly hnnast ud Impartial. AocnnxxT TO A Biotolisv.— Charlea Manafldd of 6 St. John'B TUiaa, Ooam Oreen. Peckbam Bye. Eng., wai out on Friday evening. Feb 37. when be roue hb maehlna over aome locee granite stones In a prlrate road at Cham, plon Hill, when a large one turned the wheel to tbe ngbt, ud tbe rider fbu over upon u iron fence with ancb Rine tbat one of tha aplkee penetrated the flesb nnder the ebln. and passed deu thnngh both JawA coming out beueath the left eyA Be waa placed uder the care of Dr. Keatea, whoutlelpatadnolhial result, notwithstanding the sari, oaa nature ot Ibe IniurleA KouLUt Tavxok ru twenty mUea In Sh. S2m. lu New Mill BalL Pawtncket, B. L, March 13. D. J. Boas quit at fllteen mUea, nm lo lb. 4Sm., ud Jossph MeOloae gave np at the end of three mOea ud a halt, greatly to tbe snrprlss ud dl^ust of bis townsman, who kicked up Site a rampuB when it waa known that be bad cat It, ank B. Uounes was thnekeeper. OliBABT VB: WBsroir.—Tbe six-days gn-aa-you-plasse no. b . l weau Danld O'Leary and B. P. Weston was eon- bladed at tbe Meehulea' FaTtlloa, Bu Fruelaoo, CaL, March IS, CLeaiy islnnlng. with a scon of 618 raUss 3 Ispe, or tweaty-eu mllee more tbu Weston waa endued with. rW.>, J III« HI.MlA...« —, ^ K. B. ButuaiBS dnfeatad Bnaa M. Oonld mawraatlliw Biaidi,oollar.sod4niaw holds, at nttUWK Mssa, Man i ]S,wlBniBgtbr«elUls. - i— ing bealnA Then !■ now, therefore. lo ol tha fmttlt.^^'iSSSS I bald st Newark if' ^•''.'iF*?* Foresaasre-elsetsdtuthe VB^^-^ilSSSuS' tn AnwuAl. BowiejiMonatloB waa bald, st NatrarJ yeab Wm. P.Tolk waa t«.L I ot tba CaUuUs Inatitala ^niiiay In when for tbe —,—_. andMr. MoDut , traBBurar. Oommpdon FBiea appointed Me and Mallu mth* Jntftnta Club addiUonal utSWl'",'' the regatta eomnltas, and It waa dechltd toaM^P*''' oared glff raea to tha list of ranee at the aonnal tv^Mg* Tbb MrrriL Boat Club of Albaoy, n. z. on Mardi> * eleoied th. fOUowing oflifr«: Preaidut, OeoxBa D. W«la« mao; rlce-pieddenu R, D. Braitiard; secretary, William 0. Jusa; tnaanrer, Jun E. Coodoa; eaptaln, Cbarlce Plepenbrmk; lieutonut, P. J. Caltan; truaiaea, Bngene P. iinvs, 'E. MIggael, B. W. Qerfield, O. L. TbomaA ud 8. D4TU. Ttie dnb u pcaaeaatHl of property valued at 88,0)0. SnacBR aSD '^aai:?,-Tha acullen' race between Wl> Ham Bpobctf udThomaaiirveu. fur gflOOa aide, wasruwed on tbe Thames championship course, Bnglud, on Msr.b 1. Spencer sms behind lorsome time after tbe start, bat Jna. Iwfon reachloir the Hoap Wnras he got In Ooot aod ramamed there throtuhout. flnlalunj betweu three ud lour Iragtba ahead in 21m. 47», BILLIARDS.. STHAV uaOTlt. **Tank" Adams, wbo remalovd lo Baltimore all last weak, was 1b PbUadelphia oo the 16ib. ud was to laacb thisatyootbelbUowlagdaT.... E. H. Cpoiwn,Iauor • Uoieea'. Billiard Parlor. K.wark, N J., haa nurchaaad Of Oil Sharer the Empire Kouma. 27 and 38 Newark BTenne, Jersey City, N. J., ud waa to haT. lormally liegan management on the 9ih Inst SchaalBr ud Buxton an to play on April 33 stTanmuy Hall. O tptaln BnUer. who saceeedad •<MII<a O'BaUiy" (tbs lau OharleaO. Balplna) aa editor of Tht Blllloni Cae muy yean ago, ud wbo eloce then I aa earned u envuable reeord In the tented field, la now statloosd In Balllmoce, Md., In charge ol a recmliing depot...'.Albert Boa haa re- turned to Cbleaoo John vauano. ooe of the partlee who aasaalted Peter Marron, waa arraigned In OenetalSMdoiis early last week, and w»b sentenced to the Feniteniiarr tor Biz moutbA The prcaacntor did not niwe a seT, n snntaiirti ud a ph a or almple avault u-l batteir waa acojpted Ths project fnr u exhibition in behalf of Matbew Dennis will un doubt take dedolta absM this week, a^ Messn n. w. CJoUeoder, John and Joseph OT-nn nor, the Teuru Thomas Morphy BudothBishaTe emered iB -■■ iba fMi work. Tha Snt player to v-Hsstrerwas Ueorge F. SloBMO. wbo on leaTlng hen left orden fgr the purcnaae of a stack of tickets in case the exblnltion sbonid he aiTen In bis sbaenoe ...scoompuled by biswlfs, Moeee Bu^inger ot the Bniuhwick A Balke is by thiB time In Su FrucUco hariog leit Cblcago uu the 9th. He goea to thorounhly survey a field that baa bnt recently been scuned by Kmiuin-I Brunswick with tbe view ol eatabUablog a branch of tbe B. A B. Co. on Ihe Paofic Coast. Possibly Mr. BenslDgvr wUl absorb the vflteiu Jacob Strable, wbo la still a muufacturer In Su PrandKco There is still aome talk ol a match In St. Louifl between Maurice Daly aud Thomas J. aiJlaah.r. OaUagher Is ready to play Murlee the Cbamploa'a C^ue there, for $U0 or even .S3C0 a aloe. It is nuderstood; ud Set It iB extremely dtrobtlul If then will be aiw con- ist of tbat klod notil other bualneai, such as a touraament, calls Msarlce to thst c ty Since our last WliUam Sexton ud Maurice Paiy. fi>!Iowiiitf tbe example s*t by Budolphe, bsve publldy volunteered to play In the propose Ualoa.aqaara 'tournament t'oc the relief oflrelu^ Tbe tournament wiU last for a week. It la thought. itmUhtssvs time ud uonilvto sandwich the Duals exhlbltloa Iq among toevlx data' work to be done lor Inlud directly, Ibe moie aspedaUy aa the Tet#iu Matthew baila Irum that country, anu couldnt be much worse off thu he la now, eren were be ba<ik there Melvln FoMer la of the oplnloo lhat tbe Bsxt time bs sngsges la a foor bandsd boat at bank'ibols on a Snnday nigiitbs wlU not sccept ss partner tba flrat player that otfen hlmsall; wbUe Joan Bwanton la of tbe aplnloa tbat a better thing thu playing'Foster and bla partner is plar ing Foater'a partner sinale-buded at tbat game. It cu ecarcely be raid that the Boweiy teU heavily on that Sooday night, ti-cuse Bwuton. the winner, u bimselt a tTMiaentsr of Ko. 161 There is 00DcarT»nt testimony that the llneA gathering of spedaton at a bil- liard eontast In Pbllsdalpfata wss that attracted by the con- test between Bebselsr and Sexton at tbe Champion's asms, repot ted last week. The membem or the National BItllard Asaodatioo were ont In full tniea oa tbat nri aalnn, and bad tbelr regsba on. Tbs playing was also the flnsst erer seen lo that city, altboogb cbe runs uu aTengw do not m*m to Jastlly that reidlct. It waa com pes. d of oisB work almost alunetbsr, then belog Just SDOogb nms- lag to make ScCaeler u easy wbuiw .Jmph Uerstel atDl eontinuM m Phlladelpbla In Vlga- aux's room m Parla la posted u unooaeetueur to the etr«:t that tnat jplav.r ru 881 la January last Thus at leaat smte J. H. Baynle of Chicago, now In Pans, to a gentlemu in Loodoo. Qe u ' a e F. Sloasoa cahletl bis broJier Leslie trom Paria ou Ibe Mb: "Vlguui raltaies ro accept u Impartlal nieree, uo I hare abandoned boi e of a match." Onr adTl<-m are that SIcaaon, at tbe nomin- ation of Panslsns familiar wltb penaioa ospabie of filling the ofllce, named 'tw.uty dlBen nt men, none of whom Tuuux wifuld accept. On tha wber hud, Vlgnanx nimed three, two of whom an his Intlmat. personal iriuds and associstea, white the other la hia tirotber-ln- law. Slosaon urged blm to put op a larger field to o HMwo from, but Tlsmanx would name no other.. As tLla was tsn or elOTen dsys before filosstm ssnt bis d|.p»tch, there must hsT. be-n renewed etfurta to get a referee before tbe Amerleu ahudoned hope. Ylgnaux's recwrd as a proferslonal is not a creoltabla one, ud tbe wonder Is that Americans horher with him, the mon ea- ptrdally as no (we whose opinion Is worth uything qae«- tloni that, ou fair terms, either Schaeler or Slussiin can family heat him at the rcgolar game, while ereo Sexton, although olThls norsa. wnuM make It rery brely for blm. K«*r Vtiruaux to win, be wonld either hare to be conlrotit- ed with soms u agutjliit of ibe speed at Oaraier or Daly at the re^lsr game, oe else bare a game mUe for blm. Bat, notwithstanding thst Slosaon haa abudonsd bope^ we iodine to tlunk that then will be a meeting betweu him ud Vlgoaox The latter wooM b. lomd to meet tbe American on eQultable tstma, If tbe asms Interest were taken in blilianli* by th. Parlslu pahllo thar^la takeo in tbe United BtateA Aa it Ia than may be Infin- ence enough tn Paris to compel Vignanx, stubtwrn as ha bmo play without barbig matten all hla owb way. Sloa- sonlsalreadT under cnnsiiierable expenae by reaaon of bis trip, aa Tlgnux omitted to fi>Ilow Slosson's exsmple with respect to the balf dcaen eabl»dispatcbea aut to ud lyo aa a pnllmlnary to making the matdi. and lelt the New-Yorker to pay not uly lor Clsown telearama. bnt also n>r tbe French player'A Tbereron, If the Amerl- eu eaimot get a match, «-e look lore serleeot ezhlbi- Mfns as tbe only way oat o^ a flnudal dlfflcnl^, ud ex. Kbltiona In Paris without Tlgnaax woold scarcely !.«r*- muneratiTA Amerlcau bililard-plaren do not ore web abroad. WbUe In London. Bag., Riceson called upon a noted expert, to whom be bad a letter or Introdnetlon. Thn eapurr. wbo waa not to be foond at hla room, waa OTfrtaken at a dlstuee, when he waa givtog u ex- hibition. Dnnng Intermiaaion Bloaon, aceompanieil bv twn ■entlemen. presented bis credentials, ud tbe Bngllah player Invltied blm and bis Iriuds to wllnsai the remainder or the — _- aame. Plosson acoepled, and stopped Just long enoogh to make a show o^ court* wr. It had cost him fiiiaen Brgliah ahilliogs, nr about a3 73, lor blmself and two trienda to pas. the door- k^per, wbo was the proprietor of the room-... Dr. Norton, a well-known amateur In tbia dty, and eon- splfaoos by reaaoa ofhla tan torn ud silvery loeksL died ol pneumoala recently Ai tha Arenl"g of B. H.. Nelma'uewrnnm, FblladelpbiAontbe night of ths 8th Inst. Edward McLangblln. In oefkatlog Jame* Palmer by oato lot made a ran ofia at tbe three-ball game. TUa Is an astoolsblog teat fnr a Pblladelpblan. udabowa that at least one Oi the playen of that aty u getting "tbe raU" down fine (^ark WUson the pool-plsyer Is still lu the asylum on Ward'a lalud, wltb no nrnapset of ever belurrestored to reaaoa By way of ijondnn, &ur., we leam that Albert Oamler la Isborlng In Fraoee In hehalfof thrcnshinn ol William 8i Martin Rmwn haa leased M« r> om at U5 Dearborn atreer, Cbldigo, for aootber year. Eugeoe Day wlU ooutinne in chante of It.. The room oftbe veteran Harvey Doty In tbe Breroort House, that city. Is to be derotad tootherpurrosea.... Sloason arrlTed in Paris on Feb. 28 **The Prodlay," wbo lelt ftexlon's^ sbout a year ago and took charge of tbe tablea at the chea^room comer ot Houston sti^wt ud Beoood STenns. la bock again at Sexton's ••Tank" Adams is notified oftwo lottere In our care lor htm. lowing week. liATBR BASBBALt. KOTES. The Rsrvards will prnbahly play the Worceslen on Fsst Day (Anril 8) at Worcester, and the Bostnns on Ibe two (ollowlng Sainrdays In Boston. Masii Twn onmes have twen arranged betiveen Harvard and Yale—one at New Haven Hay 16. and another at Cambridge May 29. It u said that Harvard and Princeton are to divide eqasllv tbe receipts of their two games, and It is probable tbat the game an- nonnced to be played at Princelon on Mav 21 will be rived Instead at Jersey (nty, where the at- tendance. It Is e.xn«!tn1. will he mnoh larger "."^•'TS^""oeeten announc*a that his nln* will play at Pnneetnn. N. J. April 3, Talu at K.w Haven 7. Harranlast Worcester 8. Brown Colvenlty st Wnrcester 10. and win prt.bablv plsv at Jersey Cltv or at the Union Oroond. Brootlra. 6 and 6. Nichols remains with the Woreesten ss tbsir chaase-plteber. and It Is said that Richmond wUl play srlth that nine In the fint aame ofthe season, and nnt wait until tbe data fixed br bis contract. May 30, before he berios to play. Ab otrer of an enngement waa recently made byOeorn Wnaht. but tb« ProTlJene. Clob ulileoled rV. ralaaa- ing blm trom their reserved list The Cin- fJr,*lii.^1!!"*'.'*,"'C'!f'5tt «** -Element that Oerhardt will not pisy ball thla tear, alihnngh he has ,by the NatlonaU of Washington The Alerts ol linltslo. N. T., the amateur champlona or that dty, won flf*.een ol the twenty-two gamea played test sea* ann. ...Posaaibsch, WUey, Co1eor.l. Barl>rr. Devlla and Deaaley of Philadelphia are wuted hy Pan Frudseo cnata .....Bam Wearer of last year's Woreaatera is to be the ritcbaroi a new dob orgultad by the botdiera of pirard-areuue Market, Phlladdrhla... .'.The PaeiOo Ra<e- MU Leagoe beM u adlontned meetloa Marcb S In San FTT")?^.'^'. ^* "f^r." tbe Aaaoeiatlon waa chuaed to the CalUornla Baseball Leagne, and It was decided that f "'^ SS."?'.!?'?.''' loe^eup the sesson. appnnloned aa lol- lowa:The Athletics, ISgamsa oo Sundays ;&e EayCitvA 16 rameson Salnrdsye; the Enickerbockeis. 16mmeir on Snndaya; tbe Sao Frudacor, 19 games on Satnrdaya Re- nnris ware read from tbe several League oluhA Bsmins their playere, as follows: Su Frudsco—Turran. Tayloif; Mast. Foran. J. Smith, Hsmiltnu. H. Sml'h. KIman. Mc- Cawber. Knickerborkrr—J. Whltssr, c. 'Whitney, Anna nnrpateiii. BatTiie. Bailey, WUIiirod, ttolu. Smith. Bay Q^rr^S^'r. Dulela. LewU. Tavloe. FarrelL J. Rweener, nabls, Stewart. Atbletio—nalvln.Carev. Carroll. Denny WA. Hwerney, McDonald. James XcrhUenry, and one other not yet named Tbe foil tesm of the Nstlooals Is expected to report this week at Washiostnn, D C. (or practlee In their new Kymnsel.m W. unoa.ced some time ago. on tba uthorlty o( Janes Mutrlei that he wnuMmuage a doh at Jersey City this sessoo. bnt hava not bear<1 uything Itarther Inm blm In ralatinn to the pro. lect.whleb wehooahahasnotsbudonsd. Other partlea In this dty and Brooklyn, however, hare expreaaod their Intention of nrgenlxing a team to nlsy either at Jersey City or on the Unlin Onnnd, Bnokl>n. in case Mntrie withdrawn, ud he ahould unouoe bla dedalon at once. "Srauinta's Ovyicru. RsgtaaiL Odidi" has Inst msds Its appearuce for 1880. It la theofflnal pablicailan of the Lrsne. and conuina th. eonatltuiloa, revised playing ralee and Playen' aTeragea, aa offldally ItunUbi? by Recntary Toung. Iteoutaius the complete sebedols ol League camas ftn- ISW. as adopted at the recent League Convention, held at RncbesUr. which maka ooe ol the leadiDg leatorea ol tba book. It also presents the offldalaTaram of the NaUonal AssociaUon. aa well aa aU the prominent protessiosal playen In tbe eonutrv Aside trom Ita ofllclal character; it tnata tbe game asa who], in a camptehenrlTe muner, and seems™ viTer tbefleld for which a book of Ibis kind la pnhUshed/ n eoouine IWpagita, ud aeUs at ten omta. X. o. Sraldlng ARroa. ot Chicago, wboaecard see elsewhere, ue the p^ AQUATIC. EHVIRE TACHT CLUB. At the annual meeUngof tha Empire Taoht c:nb. held at tte dnh.hoasajoot oTOne Hundtwd and Fourth sti^t. Bast RlTer,oa Tnea]ayevanlug, March », tbe fbUowlog ojoeen were^lected lor the ensnlna year: Commodore. Hany Hnl: rica<ommodore, Petsr Emmelcb: rear com- modore, John a MeDuft: president. WUllam O. Davla- seowtaiT^aA MacCiymont, 311 Bast One Hundred and !SS?t: assistant aeentaty, William Rlcbarda: tma- nrer, wyilamC Formu; meaanrer. Andrew L Blw^h Jndge^dvocate, Benry Andruts; chaplain, WiUlam B. —ilf • '^';*?3''S?i Ernest Binder. .M. D. -. regatta-com ?'?**=5'''™^ Cullen, Bobert Miller, ,Tobn WIdder, John ntBlmmooa udTheodon Wenbe: steward, wn. 11am MtiMuns; eemsut-at-armA Bdwanl Pbelaa. Tbe dob Is In a veir prospenus condition, flnsndally ud otherwlee, and contemplate erecting a anitahle dnli- hoaaa during the Spring. Tbe eomlog seaaon oromlaee lo be a very lively one tor the Emplree. aa eevenl raess bave already been arruged to eome off durug the early part uf theyear. Theeluhnownum^ensevutT-flTemembenand hare twenty-fire yachts enrolled, induding the famous atamanaa TarutaUa, Mlonle ud Bdlaud Ibe Juhu Oilpin, this bebig the only club In Nsw Tork wsten bav- ing a ratstnaru nee. Tbb HivBBBiLL (MABB.) Taobt Cm last week elected tbe toUowliig olboen: Commodore, Fairfield Harris: vlce- oommodcsw. O- A. Tuxburr; fleet-eaptaln, J. B. Heath aeentarr, O. H. Stacsy; tnaaaier, WUliam Dremer. Btanirsr^ J. Dous; rsnrttaesBimlttee—B.P.Browiu Baufleld Barrla and 8. C. Buttngleai. . Car«. WBss. according tna cablsmu dated Martib 11. baa SBCoeeded In swlmm liig s Uty tu iiaw iu Bve boaia In tankatthaWeatmlnstar AqasrinB,I«; THE TRIGGER. FiCDEOir-SHOOTxno. Ssreral sweepstakes, hudlcap nsa, five trape, Bngllsk rnlea, were shot by memben ol the New Tork Ou Clob at tbelr grounds, at Bergen Point, N. J., March U. The sport opened with a aaTan blid sweep. O. MorriA 36rda, klUIng 8 birds: Col BuUer^ et 90yds. S: B Knowlea. at S^da, 3; ud B. Clay, at 38vdA, 4 Mr. Morris took the SS stakea Aootber seTan.blrd ssreen. under the same emtdltloaA fnllnwed, resulting In the knilng of 6 blr^ at JpydA hy J. p. Talmu, 6 at 90Tds. by B. Knowlea, 6 at Weds by a. Morris, aert 6 at 30ydA *t Col. Butler: Tb • 817 stakes went to Mr. Talmu on the sbnot-nff. Another ssven-blrd sweeps same conditions, resulted In B Knowlre. at 90Tda .killing6 Nrds;CViL 80rdx.,kUlIng6; S. Morrla. atSSyds., kiillne4: and H. (Tlay, at ISyda, klUllw 4. On the ahoot-nff Mr. Knowlea took thetSsUkcA A foartheweepoTseveo birds resulted lo J F. Talmu klll- Ing 6 bb-ds at 31 yard a O. Hntrb 4 at (Svards, Colonel Butler 4 at 3D yards, ud H. riay 1 at SS yards. Mr. Tel. man took ths stakes Another saven-blrd aweeo, sama conditions. 13 eotriea. resolted ss inllnwa; R Knowl*a, SO Rrd', 7 birds; J. F. Talman, 30 yards, 6 birds: H. B. 'X'er.a TsniA 6 birds; H. CUy. 38 yardAS birds; J. RallameT.:^6ya'<1s,^blrd•: P. Jackann. 2S rards. 4 birds: willlsai (ttone, as yardA 4 blrda; n. Templeton, 30 yards, 4 birds; C. O. Rherwor,!. 2S yardA 3 b'.Ma. Tbe rest re- tired OB their third or fourth binlA Xr. Knowlea won. M**-! TEAH RTPLE HATCH. The Essex and Prellnehnyneo Rifle i;lnhB of New- ark, N. J., met In a friendly shoor. on Marcb 10 at the range of the former on Sontb Oranm avenoe. that dty. It was acloeely contested aflblr, and resnited In favor of the E-<sez, as anown below: PaKLisaB rvaxs. ... 47 J. W.IsinsB 46 ... 46 O. Zimtim'. M ... 46 A. C.Waniaa 46 ... 44 J. K. Walsh «s ... 44 R.B. Beach 43 ... 44 O. Lytal ■ " S ... 43 r. Rnden f2 ... 43 R. Wettevman... 41 ... 41 J. Dennis si ... 40P.Sodu .... 38 A. Walter. F. Helms ;.. J. Dncher J. Doou J. Hengel .Tea Dortn W. Dutober w. c. Cleveland A rrue A. Mudd Total.. , 431 wboinpala doltointoMeWh..''^?*;^. something sootLsMinuJ^''*' HMv^j'IbB ' 21<l«y blgh?B&,?%« tos5»5?r Mween Jack Oallagiier ud^?* sl!!>^S BD^sbman.' Aa ua. ae^i:, ^<>«t«T'ft»2S- better haTe^?°SJ?>^'i^55 the«ombas OWntlnTSn mi •wSSS. nrovdfl UmitJ threleimJ'^l.««?StStT the befl Of tbe muuDT^SL^^S'^S Jtfnalng Id eoBtlane W?ir be'^J "biSS been 8tmok while on ^ i^Ji tes pe referee, who Is tn oUiliS" >T rftSs knows better wbat k rSMlff,*5»5!s5 oeoaslon evinml, dr^^,£%,^5SS nylnBtbe olslS^f^T'^^IJlkS'jfi: Principal received any ^SSSSS"? hands, and It may St£i'*»Bfil!fi S; SS?".'.?5:''-5s^"^!£™fi! knock the le oud sin3^fo««JiiS2»fi Si'SiSil^VilVSrSenS^S^ "iSirong-srmed Mike.™ ^ Tna IRISB FCVn BLVarrr -ev rrangediotake •.l.lZ^PLrJ^ I I^ofredio tako plsee at Mai ably ever bifi^i;TC,"'7.'^'<*all.2aSi S entertaloment, ud r sores the complete i aenae. while tbere Is no doobt ifc.r'.cr' presented ud tbe cbultS^i^<i» t it equally toccetelal flnanddiif*'** **'a,«ta^ Bob Smith wlli studbei^S, nS!l5'^tfts^ as nof s,ble for tbe vSteiiSr "Sl Js odiciateaaM.C. "'■1>«^s3b55}» boose named. I .•"'".I" MubBB ud Jmi ■ lur tba cbamplonshi eip," st Masonic Ball, ri>und Ryu sprained , 5a^raiv3«S?i? THEATRICALREMir DRAMATIC, FBOM CD(CIV»lTL'orM?^SliJ5JH March 13: "The Oancy £UwTff?S»» OrangtirasOlcely BlalneL WiS tto Sta^? *i OranS Open.i£..=a^ :-.i dn» iSJSiS.* » play haa takes weU. a fkot IsimtS?^ h lent acUDgand 118 beantlftiiS£X*«5'» Wmora Msjernnt Is pectUlsriySSSet'SP* Francesca, and played Itwtth teuSJlrt** UlssEsrelle MortlieVs PncbMS'r-.'2& andamnslng, Messrs. pSk eS^TISS? and Thomas Boras were eiceIlestiBtt*^£^ oharaeten. and the minor nim mSJ^S^^ tn. The Alice OBtes Opera ComiJ5^fcS?*< «rand li. Klraifvs 'EQcluon^ Nellson 29 Pike's Ope™™™ aU the week by the mllluiy tSJS,?^ OuBrd.' playeti by atnatenS sMjftoiSS' thelootlmUina. Busln«i^;?SS2lffiSl' Theatre Company In Two Motbeil'tSiiJ^?* McKee IUntW^in'TbeDB5?S^Si,iS;«2; Opera-bonse 8. and has done UeiuaS! ever known there, many peosle betMrSIJS every night. Tb?play ww S^iSSf^^ new scenery, very bandsoms snd uiiwiS! pendl ol Prof. D. a Hngboi. inS mSriJmJ pal leatoreswaslnthemshinisaosasiMf!: with the eacepunn of w. B. Stnttuuff and bis reception was ojttretBdj esuiilkl the breaklnr-ont of the dvUwar Rr a«S_ praying in Pike's Open-boosa. aodti tttdaaaS season he enlisted In the SIxih OUa.gnS rnrmed heie, and Anally rose to asniktrS On M onday evening hLs old oonii«laiinMi!k' wtOr»baodsame flonl remsmtaa&Zaf' nesday nlvht, afwr theperibrmsMaanbM h>m. C L. Graves' ComUostktt Is DsSi Tmst' .pens at Renck's It, aod GDn GaUMi 'was nndnosd Ig Ita nte' (Fa.)< Opeis-boote Msroh I, and eu MMl week to a larae attendSBoa. Onr waSm' aaya: "Mr. Aldrfcb and Fiaak MntaB im Ibvorfles In tbe east, altboosballotiteetaa effecUva work. Mr. CUsiOs ffslnlMgM waa i«allstlc and ihe dioicolt cbmeiagfei .... . "**'.*™l come March JS. Daly's 'inblsa Hnti'i Hartley Campbell arrivsd in (on Hint IM vrilnessed "My Partaer'tbatnlsbt, Ata of tbe third aet a crowded sudlsMS ssaMk Aldileh before the enrtaln snd dsmsiMiaiA He Intbrmed the assemblige ibst its uMf FartBer' wnrooDccaled hitbsieeaBtfaisB oenlnm bozca, snd this sbitenieiilwatiB ^4 BDpIaiise, wblcb bnugbt Hr. CtmfMI talk ba Hb made a speech; botltwuast tuMjIK oretoiy. Among other thliun tltiided Bib* gratnlated thepnUIb npon Mr. EDils Mi* ten so arranged nowthst ootait Beed'tsqp taended'of anvonv dfsplsdst bla hi Otmm mentof theOpetB-bonie II bedotntfDnMt Plusbnrg, which attennce evotid e Dlbnse. It Is lost ten yean iblssw ley Cam pbell's first p',ay was Biedaesd la Hi d|:< tbe Cyoeiim. It was' calMlbs VUdBM'sl the house was cnwded. Hr. OunpWlUitrtt cago afler the perionsBDces 13, MnvB sler was presented 12 with a B«Btly4aBi4ai of lesolhttona, sdoptcif by Ibe TimO cnMi thanUng tbe manager sod his mBiBjMW kindness Id giving theOperabowe Owtran tbe Pamell reception, MM Hai^RtklUI^ brinir of Flttsbnig leaves for New T«t Wbi* days, and It Is protebie stis wOl Dits Uakai^ ber Tesldenee for aome time maiBlbM In the Open-boose are-nowoccajMUMi^ In the theatre. Llbrarv UsS atsliUaiiP 437 Total Atkim match between membenolthe EoszOon CInb of Hewark and the Jersey City Helahtn flnn vlob. twenty men on eaoh side, was shot at tbe West- side Driving Park. Jersey City. K. 1_ March 10. The oondltlons were seven birds apiece, from Ave gronnd- trapo, 2syda. rise, soydA IbH, one barrel, and the Es- sex team won hy a score of M to 88: wuiiama and Jamea of the Essex and MlUs an* Qnlnlan of the JeiMv Oily killed seven apiece. BefStee, CoL Qnlmtiy. DnwHO THB BHcnrsTORX whioh prevailed nn Hareh \1*S° B**"" matches were shot at the-Brooklvn il«. T.) Driving Park. The llm wan between Dr. Talbot and E. H, Msdison, t», ten birds each, single trap, 26yds rise, SOydA tail, and the latter won by a score of 8 to 4. The second contest was between l^bot and H. Height, for 860, twenty Mnls each, other contllilons aa before, tbe result belnir a He on fonrteen. TUB Canadian tbam who are to participate in tbe rifle compeuuons at wimbledoa. Eng., thisvear. have been selected. Tbe team nnmben twenty inen, eight ol whom are from Ontario, fonr fmm Qnebeo, tbreejrem Nova Scotia, one flnm New Brunswick, one tram Prince Edward's Island, two trom Manitoba and one Itom British Oolnmblv Tbb Woosbott Hud abb Obb Ctes of Wsablngtoa D. C., was oroantied Manh S hv th. elntmu of thS foi^ lowlosomeen: President, A- B Evans; rloa-urealdent. Oen. pratnja. B. A.: wetary, J b Church; tretaunr; CoL J. O. P. BumsidA The elab hara norohaseirt the Slendid estate of "Woodmont.'' in Waablngtoa Cotintv d.. coDUloing opmrda of 2.000 aerea of One ludA eotv ered mvrtly witb the nrain forest, and tronttng nvarlv a mile on the Poinmae Biver at Dam Nn. 8. a eeiebratad point for black-bus flabinc Among Un marahen nr tbs club are Admiral Amman, Cemmadore Barl BnalUh. Commuder R. D. Evus, Commudar Barre Tarua Commlaalooer Paine, Asslstut Commlndoner Sooliitle' ud other premment dtxrena, . ' Ebb Devuts ' Booibpbb —A lasauu-match between (Upiabi BoaardUA sisndlngat3D)da rlae. udFredBrb! aydA, each tnan to shoot at lOO sinale birds, tram flve trapa,^using Ikhraa doahle anns, waa deaded et Bt Joseph, Ma .March 11 Brb. coatnry to expeeution. wm byascon of «3 to Boaardus' 88, aod aloHd bvUlh tweuty-two acnight. Tbia la magolflcant ahootl^^^ Wbilb pracUewg raoentlyat Shell Mound Park San Fnnclaeo, ral, OoH Bam Bearev, suudlngst aiOvarda: ud^nslnjtaHotchklaa mllltarj'rifle, scond 48 ontSa We abb nr ascaiTTof aletterfor Ira Papoe. Oocxoia—On Thnnday evening March a a oaod main between BocheBter and Troy, N. cockslthe "ecnna ttlsatason), took place In the vlclnllTof Troy. As Trov won the. bst main only srt9 a des- perate stmogle and a dlspoted decision by the ref- eree, tbe Interest In thla main waa Intense. Tbe m»»n waslor tsoo, and tU on each batUBT Ibch aide showed eeventecn birds, of wbteh tUitew fell in. ^A larm amount of money waab-t, the Trotans hacking tbelr birds freely, t£ir ccadduice ptetublv being dae to the &ct that they had ni>t loBamaln this SAtson. This main, bowevei, was haadsomelv won by Rochester, by a score ef 7 to naxa city people decUnug to flght Vm otber lattle. AoocKSfoMASS between Anbnm and OIoverBTlIle .,, btrda was fbnght at Bkaaeattiea Jimotlon. N. T- a 4 Marob ll. Tto oondtooiks were to flgbt tio b Me ,^ ^ . . - leacb battle and tloo » 8MeantIiemaln.aiidA«- "Mr Pabtnbb" ens K. Mayer. buslneas-msDilw ■",Ew5 y. It la Intended, will be Kpef^WSSS eUenoe of Its artists, sod ItwaitaBi"^ At the end of mss CsvendlAta this dtylt IS said that Dtrllibogiipbismp np by some baiposten, and Id teiwil W<> am all- wlndow-plctores sold fbr ons dtAr aa' PRiLanBLTBH Jornh'oi—Frsak K. MS? resumed bbi position ns pnss-sgralM naa»> BTeet Thes-re I.rneCIovtrhubasiW'' sncceed Katharine Rovers foribsraaiusa PRSSonatthe Cb»ennt«tTeet,-...T»e*y»MB" the Arcb-<treetTheatra held aoadif Kinl* - Ive to u eiease of thehonce wbltbibeBl>«!oBi birentedattoolowaflgnTA itpmatD'" rental la $7.600'per aonniL A«cnBl"''J waa appointed to Invesi^te the astaoil vw of the hntueanil report In iblityds;^ LkATrrr's Obas'd EsotJ6H'Oni*__^ Tronpe Is the title of a new coopan a»v»j ixloH nnder the proprietersblo ofm. Al»n»E w. o. Mitchell: Mr. l^avMfsihsr'— Marcns i pan.v, excellence of Us artists, oftbe maiUKement to make II ■beb>^_j,> Izatlon of Ita klod In ths fleld. Ibgog^ the coming neanon et Htverljl r^S^Sii Theatre, this city, commnolcsaoni*'""'" can he addressed'ss per SitiL Nick Robxbts' oomhlnsHoB otJjS^Sie travtiUog company preseaisoDsanea^SJ;^ ganlzatlona oftbe kind on thensA P v^?^ (inly tbe "Hnmpty Dn<npif "PM^a*™^ apeclalty oompanv. wllblis tbnsa^vJ??!; <tL Dromlo aod Pedro—MIscoMWg"^ Ravel, Haneiioln; Mile. Ortmakajnl<a» r.nln. Fairy Qoeen: wb. A*™t,'S8» Wbeitonv,. animal Imliafor;^BW" rope-nerformer,-Lemnerg sad B"'"S'rtWi en; JennieHlarn. song ud^lsaes « ventriloqalst: Mils. »«ttf«;rtiW HIaco Family—Thomas, Att^"f!J!sr»» tbelr gymnastic periarmtnocs; '^^zJc * aorpenl: Mabel Peari. «'l»f??'JJSff*» Slok Roberts'Wiver Csniet BM*«■» tlon ofU.O. aihler, bnt also wbstjjaaw-^f ihlnkB will prove a senrattonsi lAJ^ - Oerman Studento, who sire a '"'™rrJnml>^. WWeb, wo are-aiunired. is of more UgJ "J5rf IBOCA. The tmone appesrs 'fJ^*** Theatre, Pbllsdelpblk P8.. Msrcjaj" be arrsnged hy addretvloguperaj»^^ y» Bminra were lr«d ft""" ,«^Sill»J! Central Theatre, Phlladelph^ FBrrand, Master RoberiA lil* "gjjrtilg ."'latsTB, Minnie FarreD, .J»5.'!uSS»K While and- Ella Esmond. Lyn^SS ni2 dowskl's Mmnett I»n<*'\i5n^5»t'2 wily Lester, FaniMe V^B»yj*»|,'£2j^ compan.v. Satnrday 'B»tlJJ«'SBltI "* Marcb aoi. tbere being then tb'JJJ'Sj 1^^ ances weeUy-on Tnodsy, »«^«** atiemooo. AnewandbsB^wj^i*.^' laid en the stage* fbr the flrat time the stSeobad beenejg'^ijj Joe Mortimer, doring theflm33^i«S aged thfrhoDse. parchaatd «°»*Sr jS carpet eipreesly for ^*^SSst.S^^ BusinessUnmenae. B»t*f *"2w Sydney Bnrt. ESsle HoWBica-j^i^* sen, Cbaphen and Bnrlte sdFIB" nooneed fnr March 16. BBifi WM. Jv twxmas. "JiS^lHifi been oraanlalng a oomMnsnaB '"^j^y nooBoed tolBBt week's S5II5lcS5i? P>llewlfl*pe<wle: l^'^SftSSBp Dooksiader, Harry »SE5JS^sII**r LewlB, Mrs. wm. J- TMsMJonj-;;^ He IB negotiating with Eb«* ""SS^ » others. Besides a ^-t- present a' each perf'^'TEStfu'Sisl'*!!. "PbraLlfb." lBtrodoels«hi»sa^,,gij Heotnr. The name t,t^»P^^1^' poBlUwslv settled, bnt ""s J'^S^si* call It "Wm. J. Thoro^Mrt Ij'jj;^^ Onrabtnatlon.'' Heas^bewnirjj--4 of handsome »i>i<««"!?!Jniei«i*' WUI open at tbe KewKaUorai^"^ ■ April 8,.fttr one weet ^.auesB***^ %KBI(M»MIOfaDa iODBfOd^r" edby J. M. Llnk,.wbosdreri}J»^j AT W«BBl'8 -««BM*mJB»»^ perfbrmen arfcadveriUsd iw. ^ (js^ THB HABP.T lIKW^T Og"-,)^ IJf^ panyooen tm CaarlottstowBj^JJ"^ Jand, Mare's IS, lor a sjort I Is managr^r, and a P- BM r tenor sm-jer and a sUlUf < Aiar.a n>x Is now I'SSLdib'i Obssriint-snBet Theatre. [■'SM^Jj* Dvont, a Ja, iT,_ro5««^Jf It, ; MUB, Byrla **. I habbt Hom>B wsn |ttlsiratttnMiilaa,u