New York Clipper (Mar 1880)

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s&s: ■'■^.■^^ QnmiOJS THAT BO SOT BUCH THIS OFffTCB. rVTIL ' JBHfBAT XOmSO WIU 50T U ,A3U)W UZS USTTL THl . Too are BmnmnDlnjcthMr ftncy to .or elM bATC read somevhcreelM B to ihU JoDnul. Of all papers that vera um f^Hrtnl TiT"^ ] "•■rhiinrrrrr Midntflacottliiff'ttwblctiMtamllJtbeldliiK* iTTopecC' <«eartb» game about to be played.^* On the oootnir. U . , ^0 nil' " 'iml tkat toe hljtfauA canl In tlie fcame aboot to .> te^iV«dlalbfl hl«lwrtfi>rtbe purpoweof mttlng Uow «taB«0ald tt dflcMe, u It haa alvayi done, that the hlghnt In eoOlnir for deal at cochre U the filttfacat eochre- «aid. which la ia^f X. Toaun ontalnlj dreamlnvvhca joa-itatv tbatHojIe myn that ontll the lanie hai actaaDj flOBUDOKed itac caiditnuiiiiKaji therooiutm- In the padc* •L t~, th* ace bdnjr low and the klnp: hU:b, or word* to tliat L Ko one of the piany Uoylca that bare bmi pab- 1 within the pavt jkmik ha< crcr nacd wiwds to that cAbcL KevrrthfllcM, we tvcosnUo th« lanffoajte^ It nthatBKilby anevnwwr In rapport of the theorr that lowwlna the deal, and tbeklofr 1h blah In cnatzoc. To won 70a wTDng, we qoote Crom probiuiJy the only Hoy that JOB ercr taw, rlz., the book caUed "American Horle ^tena-M—In cattlBK, the sec Ls tbfl hlfftiMt cud.1' *'SL tr«ix—The deal belODn to the pUyer who tutu the blRi "Cet cani, Tmlacd In aocotdance wub their rank In the Ram an beloff blghntt and the ten next.** TbU work la BOt law to na, fur Tuk Currsa was an anthorlty opon $nnla many Tcara beXbre any "American Hoyle" wai i>ab* fiahcdTanu wv quote fkvm Itooly todem<mjitTate that It coohloot have laid down anymKblawaayoaamimiL a. - XtXacasy enonjrh toaoawer your fHend^i query. At crib- ban, wnnhttwe take the nonnal nlae of the eanU In a Mck ortbelr ipcclal Talae In the e^nie, the lowest card la Ihe att> which never counts more than one. There being BO AaiKe fbr a dlnute on thin point. It woa uwlees for 3pnr. ftfend loaik the quretlon. lie might as well bare •tfkedltaatocanlno. UaU ho ajtked on which wlna the -4ea^atttlbbace—a. klnir or a quwn—we should hare an* swedthatTtheiie being tenth cards In tho game, they are ' a tlCLaad the players uurt cut Bj^ln. Bo,tuo, **Ameneaa H^tf^wu wootto ajuert: but within a few yeara,with< ««taax anthoTlcy wbatcrer ur without sounding a note of wamlnjb It has promulgated a n«*w law, tIz., that, the cut Whff unhand jack, the Jock wlna. Tuewnrrantfior this B not come ftom the icenulae Eloyle, of which It _ _ _ _ J to bo a Tcdex, and the change In merely arbk- vary* Uko its law ibst nt encbre an aiwlsted player can go . alone, that at poker a straight beato ihrcc-or-a-Und abso- ntely,, and that at seren-up the hIghcM. card wins tho veal,, whereas In an Engllau Hoyle of UQB, now bclor* va, low card wins tbe deu at Mvcn-ap. There Is at least con sistency In Tiia.Cui'raB's rule of making high dal at «Tei7 game, and of mnklng tbe valua of the cards In the name to be played their Tane In tbe act of cnttlnjr, save as to fbr^-flTeM, In which the nhiea of somvf cards are not fixed. "American Uoyle" and thane who follow It arecon- tbutallf In a muddle, lor that book states that in wbltf, for esample, tlio card of the lowest Taluo In the pack wins tbe deal, at seren-ap the hlzfaest card m tbe game wins it, at ■txtytlx and at scat the highol mxty-slx and tbe highest ■cat card wlna It, at calabnuudla tbe lowest mlshnmrUa canl wins it, while In fbrty-flrut and sundry other games there Is nothing to indicate whether hlgU or low wins It. Shat low deals sbould always bo the niio with that book, or merer. Bat It is Just as easy to make the rale in IkTOr «r high always dealTog, and It would be more In accord with common sense and CTcr^'-Uay practice <*pIto of any prtnted roles to tbe contraiv), since hjgh wins at ererythlDg else In life. J. M. St. C. St. JoMh's Collette.—Tbe "fifteen game'* can be accompUsbcd in huudmls of Just ouch ws/s as that. Ifont peoplo bare an ermeoosldcaas to It. It L»noC TCfT dUflcnlt to ■hnllle the blocks.lace downwards as yoo "would a pack of dom 1 noes, pick them n p at random one at a time, place them In the box, bes^nninff with No. 1 aqaare^ and so ^mHnqiny ^jod then, by a number of changes afier they are all In, bung them oat in regular order Irvm 1 to 1^ readinir fknm len to right as to each row. The great ftat Is to place the flm thirteen numbers In their proper r^^Tir^. butNa U in No. 14'b Miuare. and Kol 14 in ho. U*s square, and then cry to make the whole lUtetai ran in nKolar rotation, without having the blank space any- where but la the sUteeoth square, and viibunt turn- lair the box partly round. Tbeie are people who be- Uere they- haTO aecompllsbed It. We can aoconnC fiir thdrbcllcf In this wsy only: Immerved in tbe **paixle," Aey fhncy that two or three moves hack they mured er- loneouslr, ud they proceed to retrace their steps so as to comet tnelr cmr. Indolng this, while ss matter of fact they do not change 14 or bl^ they unconsdonsly pick up aad transpose some other number, and thus rvnuer Itpcw- alble to reverse 14 and U by a series uf movcx. There can be thousands of knots as stnbbomas 13-15-14 In the last row. That is given merely because It Is the most se- 4lactlve of all. Tbe Urst thirteen nimibera bring In their proper placn, nothing would seem easier than to get U aao 14 in theirs by a very few moves. It probably cannot be done without taUne either of those numbers or some cCherone out of the 'box. and putting It down in some sqoare It vuuhl never have occupied, reladvely, if It bad been merely shored slong the box. Watebbcbt, CL— Yoa hare submitted aconnndrum. In* „ It is quite possible lOr a man to play Ibr sofe^ at flitcen-hsll pooL hit no ball by that stroke, and yet incur 00 penalty. We cannot ereo'gaem whether yon comprehend such a case. It Is when be has aoddenlally touched an obJect-lwU, it being held that such touching exempts him from tbe penal^ usually prescribed tor not touchlnir It, on much tbe some principle as when, the striker's ball being In contact with another, he plays away (him the latter without Incurring the penalty of a mlMM, It bein;; held that In having bevn In flxed eootocc with tho otuc«t-hall the cue-baU bad already hit It fbr every purpose of the stroke. This point as to coucblDg on ohlcct-Dali at pool and then Mttinj no ball with tho eno- nll In a stnwc for safety has, buwerer, alwayi been a fwmewbat vexadooa one. Good armaments can be ad- Toacedpro and em., but the highest authorities years ago nettled It that no **scTaich" should be chanced the striker. D. R. L., Boston.—Your remark that **aayoa agreed to the decision of Thk Cuynsit you shaU pay the bet^' shows "sotonly that you mlsimdervtuod us In the flrA nrr, but that you stabbomly persist In mlsnndenrtandlnguA. So fkr ftom Riving a deoslvn, we have reCtalncd (kom one— flrst becansa we thought we ml^t not, ikvm your bare iitateinent, have mlflclently grafted the merits of the cose tojnst^y any decision Ikom us. and next because both par* tlcH to the dispute had not inrlteU us to give a dedilun. 80 Ikr as we could e:cp r w w an opinion, however, without prejndlclnp the right of 60th partl«fS to sobeeqaently sub- mlt the carie to us, wo bare heretofore used language that oertalnly does not Justliy the Idea that we think you ooeht to loxe. Guided by your statement only, we have rlrtosily exprwedthe opinion thatyuur antagonist cannot possi* b|y win; tnit we might not hare said tuat, had he suomlt- tcd his statement or tbe case, or signed yours. Hence, we repeat, acaicb-bet may or may not be binding 0. w. W., Uudson.—^1. Aatou hare wurded the question, Jk.losea,lfltUlelttooardcclalon. 2. Ahavtng beconthe auu^wlthout having spccUlcally contracted that any par* QAlarperiKm should acnaally wtn, xbm la an.cqual obliga- tion Bppn both bettors, and a drawn match makes a drawn bet. The &ct that A had bet ten dollars to Ave makes no dUTerence. The bet was conungent opon a dochdve scttle- ntent of the thing bet upon, and there was no nich settle* menu Consequently, nu muney passes. Each bettor gets his money back. In the absence of any pruvislon that the money of bcMb bettors Is to be pot tugecbec^and then di- vided equally. In Kngland there Is a rule, which is of tcvt aenerBl appncatloo, though originally designed lor a sped* ned purpose, that A would hare .to lose two dollars and a half as a result uf the match being drawn, and In some parts ofthlsconntTT this Is also law on the ruiming curt It is none the less nonseuse, however, and, as a mle, Americans will not stand it J. C. AltDooa All points made except by the side or the player that had seven raids are to be counted. It was his du^ to see that he had but six belbre he played any. Tbe Ikct that npon counting the cards a total of twenty- Are were found where there should have been but Cwency- ibur Isprcsnmptlvo that tbe extra caxd had Just been Intro- dnoeduitD the hand chat held It. There belnj; five bun* drcd cards m the pack la no reason that one pb^yer should aoddcnlally be dcmlc aereu, but then being twenty-hve Where theru should be only twenty-four Is reason to bvllevc^ In connection with scrcn being In one haniLa s orreptltloos «haJt had been made 00 anutho* pack. The state of the gamevoold show whether or not there was a motive for SmI play. A Ibul deck will ordinarily annul play, tmt not when one of the parties tuu* bvea taking ch oners on more than thej)n^»er cumplcment uf eaida. E. F., Ctdcago.—Yoa were hasty In saying The Curm cr sold anything uf the kind." Insplitt your antag- hi probably wrong In saymg that be read it In Tuic Curm. It laaopud many yoia Mince this paper boa aald iirit ever saldlt, and It certainly did say It if tbe qnvs- toa ercr came up) that pointa not scored bya player at crib- bage eoiUd be ouonted by his adrervaiy. The practice long ago became obsolete. Of late yean It has bei^ held to t>o punishment enough^ In this country, fi>r a cilbbsge-playcr n> lose tbe polnu be fidls to score, and hence you hare never seen any oths decision trum It Is not likely that your opponent hai^ either; but, neverthcleiM, throogh your use of the word "never," he may have you on a questitm of Jhct that yoa thoughtlemly maue nredJoudy broad. But It dcTolvcs upon him to ihow that Tux Gurru has so dft* cMcd. C. U. v., Eytacnsft.—1. lie cannot count the tblrtecn-ball natil his own has stJipftcd rolling; In this respect there Is BO dllference bctwe*- n the winning shot of a game and any other. L Be la not allowed another shot, and the next man playa. X Ko two or any other number of pool-play- «rv can hare a monopoly of a pool-table. Unlike player* or bUliaids. those who play flftcen-ball or ahy other pool do not acquire a temponuy aad exelnslre right to the table. They merely stcuro a "lifb'* In tbe game that Is playingr and anyone else not sodally or morally obJecUtm* able is entitled to come into the game. Anyone who ol>- Jects to his coming In on the graund that there are already Cttoogh in can retire ttom the game. Kam*s ll£An, Wajddngton.—Hccnan aad esyera did not meet imtU they entenrd the ring at FarnburuuKb. Eng., April 17, UBO. Itv statement in The Sporting LUt of Lon- don that tbcy had met at Owen Swlft*s on the nl^t of Jan. !tt was incorrect- In a letiiir which Ucvnan vn Feb. Id wrote to Tua curriiiK ikom his tralnlng-quarterB he states that he had not yet seen Sayexa, but expected to meet him sf theUaceaiidTrsTersilgntyeb.2L Jleenan «-as pres- ent at said min, butHayeiawas not, having. It was statnl, remained away becaoice he did nut wLdi to meet Heenan, he IbeUng ofTtoided ut the American not calling upon him while In X^ndon. . a. G.—If yon expressly bet that you would beat him, and he did nut as exprc&*ly bet that he would beat you, he is la the position of baring aasnmed merely tbe nopulve of your pmposltlon, aad not the cunrerae of 1^ and a iJe makes yen a Iosctv IT ft Is left to our decision. Had you bel thai he would not beat jrou, and he had said ootblag, a tie would have made hlmloecr. Had both used tho word "beat" or lia equivalent, or had neither used Ii, and each hod simply aald "1*11 throw you," for example, then the obligation tu Win woold have rated equally on both, and a tie would have made a draw of U. Jim BraMX, St. Loola.—The poem copied Into XOHltnaui. and credited to TAf JMlet OIL) AvuUm, was written forTBB New Yobk Cuxm byoDO of Its regtilar caatribmon, and paid lor by u«l Oar utcnllou waa called to Iho tubjcctsome time ago, when the JoUet paper not only published It as uriglnal, but stated aa an IntcrodlnK ^ct that, the author of the poem waa then scrvinc time £n JoUet prlsDiL The poem has been araund the wnrid sines Jtorixmally appeared m oar eolaxnna, aiMl a aecond trip U now threateued. Thank you iur th« imecvt manUbstod SL Asm SC., South Bend.-In the artlrles originally drawa wpUwaaan tmlaiown *ifwhom Johnny Clark wma aatcbted; and had Jack King tamed out asUdwazdaacul Chamber* had hoped, tbe lauer woold not have CMiaht CUrk. After the arrest of the parUcs In l*hlladelpfalaa fleah Bgrecment was drawn up ami aljpKd, wtdeh it was oootracted ttiat, if It became adrUable to make a diange, Chambcn oboold be allowed to bceome Clark's oppoocnt, and wear a dove to |.AitKt Ma maimed hand. 1*AB0LX, WUkesharre.—I. Tbe flm attempt to lay the Atlantic <^ble waa in August, U^,the secondInJonei Vm, and tbe third In Joly, um^ tbe first message bdng aent on An^ & This cable was never of praueal — and In un another was laid. This also proved na 4althongh l e un ae d and availed of In Sept., UW), and the fiiat wucftliis cable was laid In 18S5, the first mesogelthe first also since UBB) beiiv sent Jiily37o! thatyw. X Uccaan and Bayers hHigbt ui uaOL K. W. W., Han 8aba.—L There la neither right nor vnmg about it It la played in one way In one wcallcy, aad In another in a dlif^rcat way, and both waya anawcr all practical purposesi There can never be a univctnl eode Air tbe government of games that are strictly gam* bUag onea. Tbe banker la usually a law unto ►''"'■r'f, whether the game la Ikro or monta or sweat. :l Tbe qiin. ttm of aathorlty la a simple one In appearance but In re- ahQr somewhat eompUcaxcd. Mothuig la authority fbr aone people, while flar others anything la an authority tttt tlwy chooee Co accept as soch. A ScHSfnuaaa, Philadelphia.—Tour horse eoold get " TOiad " imoQfib to cotudltute a bar even if he troocd In a <ynfiri i i , tf the race waa for bet, purse, stake or.priae, and were wms a Judge appointed. Ueaeed not even win a beat. TQold be enuu^ for him to make a dead beaL It Is not ■ ataU nceenavy that the track or the fir^sfaoold be- liMg to the Narional > —Of ooume, the bar would <p«ac«;9nly on tracks of that Anodatlon. It would not «anl to snne other cornfleU. - , anana.—We cannot. Ko record Is kept of snch nles^ 2liSiiS?"*'^.*''»«J«le»"»w "Pt to oefictltloaB. In aj2f*f2*«f tbe brceifrrpresenttti by the animal pat up toJUwsnahmecr pmons not Infrequently bid InouUn- ■WL J»>mmalls thus madeto^ Inthe nswspapen 5S±^r™ y ■™ » »hilo in cash it brings scarcely ex- ^T^T^^H^*^ or poaslUy It is not nldat alL the halj wBm^aSliSS?^^ SJdSS S^S!SlS^^yS(!Si?^^ ^^^^ Oorem- Sti^S^ JUlli»litaBd ate la tbe harbor, bat not tofllL ana game—one to p^yJ, &tiltate«i(o(t;*-ln thlfl'i entfBtea:wli(itttha fltts_ 23?? S^T"* "f'^' y*" bayovwrn the loser behicfthat pajl7.«hohaa aKttietimetpewlnnet'.lifwi T p fi i fcutf pii,' ■• Ooom Hall, Jcncy- city.-^A: wtaa. : Tbe match wUh campana was ainioaaaed as te a'stake, aial who he Ibimd tbttheankt not win tairt waa paid a certain amramt to eqattnae. Iikrthe otbefcootestthe winner received thrw fcort ba of hall the grtas recdptiv the loser taking the otbtf ftairth. J. C. B., MoalgomcvT^At euchre he must deal to al aUke, either two esrds arouud first,~flr three. Moreover, If he begins the oamo br dealliijt In twos firvt; he must always deal In twos flrsL He cannot take advantage of a posslbte **sUcklng" by himself to deal to suit his'knowledge of the locsllon of particular ouds. No SioM-nraa. nttaborg.—A loam. The spirit of the bet eonlemplatad a fUr election. The result of the contest over tbe seat awarded C in ^e first place Is final proof that he was not elected ftlrly, and oonseqaci:tly has not been Alder* man In rixttia of an elcolon. Z Bend address, and papc* will be fbrwarded Cbr moufr reoetred. Old Epobt.— Tbo qoestloD was responded to In onr Issue of Uarch 6, trndv the bead of "8extnS|** amouf ibo answov to coRespondentn on onr amusement page. A^ eordlng to Harry UowardLfonnerly Chlefetiglneer of the Fire Department, ConkllnTUna died Inlloiranl street la theFalfof UCa. J. H. U., Richmond.—The first to call oat Is out at eaa. slDO. Pointa do not have priority, as al seven-up, nor U thA Ckct that ooe maa hu mmde rtiora than cnoogu of any bclp to him to wtD when the other man has made Jnst . enongtt. As soon 1^ cliher bad inado 2^ ho shoald hare clalmrd the ^amu. C W. W., Chlcaga—At enehro thero cannot be two lone hands at once. At the mongrel game called railroad eu- chre there can be, and It la pOMdble fbr oiteof tbe lone play- en to make foor points by getting tbrce tricks. Vour com* mnnlcatlou sayw Dotblngafiout railroad euchre. COXSTAXT KitiDBB, Chicago. —The neateitt Ob^eo made In a six-day gD-as-you-pIcase pedestrian contest Is 609 milea 165 yardiL by "Bfoweri* Bro«-n. I>anlel O^Leary has the tMst record fbr six days^ ihlrwalklng, viz.,619 miles I,aasyards. J. K. W., TlootJirUIe.—J. E. C. loiwa. The lady's tesU- mooy that idie had no preferrace for either brand Is cer- tainly not to bo construed Into meaning that she deddex, as J..E. C. bet she would decide, that one bracd Is superior to tbe other. h'o RjUNjLTiniB, Port JerrlN.—L Tbe mere fsei that a man ftlays bUilards for money does not make a profesKlonal bU- laid-plsycr of him. 2. A rmllraad conductor need nut be a prof^iielonal pool-player because be plays pool, wheiher for money or merely lor amu*emeDL B. B. C, St. I^ols.—Those papers are published In Eog- land, and we presume tho reasou ihey are not seen In ynur dty u beotuMi nobody nabceribeM lor ihom. Ynu on ordor tbem through the Iniemailunal News Co., 31 Beekman •lr«eL, thU cUy. Toe Rouaas MnoRR amd the StumkkIToxx.— Some- ooe whose note has got mUlald wUhed to learn when the steamship Homo was lost(OcC 9,1KS7), and when Mary Bogera waa murdered {body fbund July 8, 1041). It was never settled who It was that killed her. J. P. M., Klver Point.—Forty-fives Is among tbe gnmes treated of In Hoyle. Itflcnred not only In "American Uoyle," but also In the genalno HoyUf of upwards of forty rears oga Both works treat of It so sparingly and feebly, however, that they might as well have let It afono. iNQriBKit, Petersburg-—!• The ^lahnaloffan, finbllshed at Slelboume, Victoria, Ausl, dm'otes more attention to soch matters than any other Journal at the Antipodes. 2. Charlwood k 800, Bourke rtreet. East Uelboume, are tho largest theatrical and show printcm In Australia. TSRHT Bow.—Parolr, now In England, ran second to Tom Ochlltm fbr tbe Grand National llsnalcap at J .-onie Park, S%i mUes, Oct. &,1S77. On the 13th oT the same month be again ran second to Oddltree-for the All-aged Stakes. Ik; miles, at the same placa. £>. AXD H., Sc LonlH.—Daniel O^Lcary> best sLT-day rec- ord, S3D^ mllea, was made In the tlnk go-sH-you pleane race fbrtheAsUey belt, which he woo. It took place Id Lon- don, Eng. He had prevloualy fi&lrly wallcod filfl mDc* 1,085 yards In six days In Ijundon. defcatlne Wesiou. J. F. Carboll, Bacramcnto.-1. Danld O'Leary and ^P. Weston have competed ajialiutt each ftthcr ciirv« umua— once In Chicago. uL. once Id Loodoa, Eng.. and once In Han FxancMco, CaL, O'ltcar^' winning each race. 2. Can't W. F.—llanlan's bert time for three mUes, with amni, is 30m. 27)^; fl\'e mllot, 3am. fiO^^s. Courtney's Ikstest three-mile time, turn, U flfan. ll^as.; five milen. when he was beaten a length and a quarter by Honlan, In SBm. £bL B. F.. Essex TTouse.—Tbe making of tbe two be ^re en- titles A to coont his high, which goes out before B's low, even though the latter was made before the former, and also before A made his tihow Poku. UaxtfunL—B, sitting In the seat of A and playing fbr him, u not to be guided hy A, whether the gamo Is pok^r or anything else. If A wishes to Influence the play, be must take bis seat and let B retire from the game D. F. A_, Lawrence.—There can be several results in case of a misdeal at casslna It woold seem that some persons are afraid to state exactlr what they wish to have decided, lest the statement should Influence the declidon. W. P., St. Louis.—L Uanlan was bum In 1S6, and Boyd In ISM. 2. When there Is a call at poker, all the hands in- volved must be shown to the Atll board, or at least to who* erer aishes to see them. Ed. Jfrujcf, Troy.-Thoscore-sheets and affidavits to hlch you allude have not bei>n delivered at this office, al- though we have seen Mr. Fabregou, who made rio allusion to the marter. 3Lia—There Is no penalty In case a player at plnpool clalma poulFben bis scorowtll not Justify the claim. B must have been fi»oqrloa that be was playloR "all.ont^* at eaiwlouor plouehle. In which a fklne call furfelis the pune. Sl'BsCBiDitR, Columbus.—A was oat 00 his caU. When It comes to calllnj; out, a sweep Is as good as an acoor any other point. There Is no precedence as to polntK, and cards do not cotmt before anything else. P. U. Gaii^obkr, Derrick city.—1. Tlte position Is vn^ cant 2. BlUy Edwards and Arthur Ohambers fought OQCO only, the latter wlimlng on a claim of louL Tbe fight took place on Canadian wU, Bv^t. 4, V5FL £. 31.—^V1len It Is agreed v* plsr straights. It should also be agreed upon as to what the)- wni beat—whether tbrce-uf- a-kiod, an la the rule In some outcries, or but two-pair, as Is the rule In ma^ "Fimicc."—The commnnlcmtlonH of Frank X>umontand Peter Schaefler. in which they claim correct Hulutlons of the '"Gem Puzzi^'* will be given next week, with analyses by "Ofteen" or "murtrai^* membersof our own KtalL BoBkirr Bvrru, PbUo.-L 4fl. Mn. Is the bent amateur •tandloghlgh-Jnmp la thU country. 2. W. If. Howa* alleged Jump or 4R. iOln. at Montreal, Csnada,1n ltf7d, was uut authenticated. W. F. Patterson JfLjAttlca.-1. Address Ed. James, m per advertisement 1 Tho time yoa glv« Iioa been repeat- edly beaten, and by coming East Butllvan cnn secure a match for as much money as he or bis friends will put up. Coxin'AXT Rkadkb, Chsppel UUL—We do not know of an anuueurltcaring that name: and aa the club 10 wblch be saysheibeluncs never had an exl^leQCO bi KewYurk, we fancy he la oaUlng UDder false colura. GkORGC WOBULO, Fort EtcroaaoiL—L Joe Wonnald was bom at Poplar, London, Eng. 2. Do not k-now. When a list uf the rninpaoy engaged for the aeaiiou of IfflO !d re- ceived. It wUl be jtmbllshed In TuK CUPPKB. OLD PATKO.V, BniioD.—L "Blower" Brown has the best pedestrtan reeuni, go-an-TOO-please, for six daj-a, viz., US miles 170 yanhi. 2 and 3. See Cuppkb Aulajuc S. Apply to a tbeairifBl agent Ifc J. K., Galmar.—Cards will count out aa soon as any Other point If the came Is two-handed, the player wlio necilii out three polnu and has twcnty-aeven cards can call out at onoe. . J. C v., Illbevnla.—Having a seven In Ids hand, B can change hu partner's build of seven Into sorens, imless It taken his only seven to do It J. B., Warren House.-L It Is not ea^ to guess what yon mean by "average run.** The bcHt rrun SchaeArr has made la ffiO, and his best average Is SDK. 2. We cannot say. Ka:nu3 Crrr.-Tbe score made by Erb lu hla recent match with Bof^rdus Is tbe host of which we have any rec- ord at that distance. BoewvTU. Loulnille.—Unleewi there has been some sort of agreement to that etfect, a euchre-player who Is assisted cannotolay alone. - OLD RiLLDER, Hanolbal.—John C. Heetun and Jim Mace sparred at the Varieties Theatre, fit LouIm, Mo.. March 23, DBCLirrao—"Dear Ones at Home,*' *Tbe Last Tear I fihod," "The Dylog Shame,*' "A Word to tho WUe,*'"Uow I Broke l» Bank."' W. Im. LanHlDgburg.—A. Oakcy Hnll Is living. When we IojO. heard of hla oocupatiou, he ww a Juunudlat in this City. O. W. R., GreenojiUe.—The stakes were £200a side, and the flcbt andetl uaaaHjnScuully, UidatAkea being autMcqueat- ly drawn. C0.X11TAXT RKADER, Troy.—The ace of bearts being led at fiHty-flrtat, and »piule*t bvliig tjrumpa, A nerd nf>t play a heart when be has no trump. K. a:xd b., Hartfbrd.—Let those decide It who deal In tbe eommodlty- It may tw^rnardcd oa butter from one stand- point and not as bolter from anntber. •V Reader.— L There are several ways of speDlnglt Z You can throw away until cards are all np at plnochla 3. After cards ore op, yoa must beat tbe card led. A. v., Uonaton.—UavlDg made a pile of seven, tbe play- er cannot at his next play chance It to nine or ten unless meanwhile bis antagonbtt has bmlt It to eight or nine. C. F., Chlcaga—Such appointments are usually for llfo, subtect to good behavior. We do not know that there baa been anyspedal provision In this case. Z. O., TItusvUle.—L "Time Out" Is written on the wrap- per when your snbscriptlun aplrea^ X. See notice under bead of Dramatic. FRarvCATB, Allked Centres—L Wm. Muldonn^a height In stoekhig-feet Is fift IQ^ln.; ordinary weight, 2Uft. 2. Can- nut say. 3. Th. Bauer does not keep agyninaMlum. 81X-MILB FSRRT.—Jim Mace and Ked o'Baldwin weie to have fooght at Collier Station, We»t Va., Aug. 21.187% and they met In the ring, hot did not agree upon a rereree. Lo:«o Boat.— There has ni>t been a race-boat one huo- d/ed feel In leagth built or rowed at Boston, Mass., within the iMwt thirty je I s handed. El W. W, ball tb'la aeasbh. 2. h'o Is Bid that Geozse Wright win not play ~ " be caimoi pitch etfectlvely. leO- BBjUk—Parole was sold a yearling loPterre LorilLud In U74. and his last race In this conntir was run f)ct 12,1878, as a flTt^rar-oid. lie runs this Maaon as a aoven-yeafM>ld. E. J. ¥.t Boston.-If your opponent did x»oC fspresaly aay tbat he wu betting his money oniDuflir a vlnnlnc, you lose your money. Constant Reaskr.— Tbe Bmuilaiu* defense of Gabaatopol ended In September, bsBA. they retiring and the Allies tak- ing poAseasfbn. vrLr — D.,8t Louis.—There will 1>o a national census this year, and then it will be known how many iRuple, without exagceratlon, 6l Louis and Ronton each holds. ECBUCRiBicR.—We have heard that Itwss sent back; but aa we are not In communication wiuh the KbedlveOT with General Sherman, we are imwllllnc to decide the alleged bet O. IL—Jim Mace dcfteled Torn Allen In 10 rounds, 44 mlnalert, at N'ew Orleans, I^, Hay 10,18^1. As Ocn Friend.— No one can tell you when the steamer CltT of Roston was lost She last left port on Jan. ISfOi F. R. O., Memphis,-Too are wrong. Jack tnraed up at seven-op goes out before high made In play. A. L. L., Towanda.—OoI<flmilth'a Maid's beat time Isa:14, made at Mynlc Park, Boston, Sept % 1874. WoBTBiNCTON.—The bct Is oftT There was no scnllers* race between Uanlan and Conrtney lost Foil. S. T. &, 6t Louis.-A sweep Is a legitimate point at cai- slno, and a player can count out on It „Ll EL, N'ew Britain.—Tbe steamer Great Eastern 1b about dBOA. long and fiSA. beam. . BrBscuBu Patervon.—fV» Thb Currka Aulajiao for pwolailons of leading dtlea. P. r. W.—The Grand Duke A2exls arrived here In 10J1 on his hunting expedition. - Jaa. R. Carboll, EastbamptoiL—Tbe challenge will keep until yoo send 00 the depodt > W. D. v., Baltimore.—Three slxei, a deuce and an ac* count twelve at cribbage. JoHif P. B., Westerly.—We never saw or heard of snoh a book. F.'H. F., WaterbujT.—Tes; the capital Inreoted in bust ness Is taxed In this dly. C. 8. 8L, Hlchsplre.—Ed. James^ who advertises, can send yoo one for fifty cents. ^ HiDxrr Cub, South Boston.—There Is a nu of six In a; ^ ' J. U. X., New Bedftnd.—We cannot alTord the time to solve p usxl ea. FtnoATOX, iT^iifaT —F-i<wwi K"n 1 * n "Trmt bsnrind In all hts ASoBBCRiBR, Lexington.—See Curru Aucaxao for records of UA lallroad time. .B.,'A-T.—It hasjatomed somewhere on every Bt Pat- rks s Day. S. W. F., Woodbrldge;—Please say to which contest yoa relier. A BuBSCBiBXR, East LlrrrpooL—Ttax Curpn Auuitao wiU ^e you the desired Information. W. WaUjLCB. PHtsbart-Ram Hurwt beat Tom Paddock In a match fbr the champtonahlp of England Nov. A, Ufla Mod., MontnaL—We do not know Rn)tey*a addrooL WBI endeavor to putyou In oommunlcailon wlua htm. CAtfADiA3.—WercferyoutotheadrertisemenUclsewhsie for the beat mettmL C. H. AnAini,MariboroL-H. not obtain a UL M., Elmlrm.-^>nr ad' C wins, aa HoMahoa did — —iverttslns ratesyoacanflndonoQt- ai^me. For twico, your cardcoeta CK.Ui E^m,T BbTnlnghsm —Arthur Chambcra and Johnny "S*Td *o when they fought, last Spring. F. B. M., Hfllsrtsle —We aimply ftimbh credendala to coi I uponden la. - Bkaocr. Bellalre.—It would take about fbnreolnmnaof OTir qwce to print the mlea cribbage and whist —^r*^5^*^T5?^» ea»e,lf yoS have one. Apartr can and cannot win on *% sure thins.'* A. M. a^Seneca FaDa.—We donoc rvqnire one them Pi.oCKjBammore.-HeUinAnburniN. T.)prison. M. T. Hmw— It.wu u HI MitfahM fii iliii mill liiiiil in BMateocaiMteMZ.^ tbanma wbai Iti odainal bolder iMMMoS*^ deottf itc pnltwl flutw. wlMthtrtUi ftfgr hiS y,!^ ^ I ouf mMlth, tn, might imnmrfc Wilt Hv^tiw ellaabea i ttvbngiliiiaBtflniiilnatestieSxeiregotourldaiii.' BABKBAU-PUTna wen a good deal dlaoonngcd tcoentlr, wben find wtmtligT made tbe diamond ■qnaie look -mj mdirrltliis Inilnoil. If a ■otieni* could be de,taed by wUeh the Canadlanimtbei^ propliet mlgbt be pat.out of the way, areiTtliliiK woold look brtililar. if Bome Bnataa eenumiiiist eoliU be bind to tie Idiit to a kes or diriMinlta, and then tood^ blm. off wUb a dow-aateb, an wobU bit wtO. ;_. — . OHi JIacxr;* lo d e t o ner, baapaitfbased^rtJi IJood'i Intenat m tb^OoiBetoidiiiiliietir'flmiill- UoDS of doDan. Iliia la; tIiaUidewlil6li,tBkBii'at. WUH tb^^fiseiit tMoe.or TBz^iitunTB'begiiis its twentjr-eiitrth aiuiaal Tolnme. Vetr smoouiljr and preeperoodr'doesltaall Into t&e wateiaoftlie la- Xjat. Ubaa 'canled Its caigo jalwars eo saccess- tony tieietoS>n tbat tbcte cail' tliaii«lrt of danger now, nor any qnestloaas to leacblng port wltn flying colors Tbe consclonsneas of tbls pros- perity and of tbe Becorltf ofooreianiBplenfflntln tbe extreme; bat It win not caoee a moment's re- laxation of that xateblblnesa ind can wblcb bave llrom tbe flrst been dl^Jajed by tbe men at tbe wbeeL' Tbe bero of tbe moral melodrama, as well as tbe Tocallst of tbe Tartety stage. Is apt to teU ns tbat we live In deeds, not jreara. Tbls Is a very nice eentlment, snlllelsntly tnie to float It on tbe ocean of in.^m. Keasoied by years alone, Tnx CliF' m Is no tijntiinj To-day, to be stue. It merges It- self Into a new Tolm^ wltbont a pereepttble flatter toi mmik the transition. Bat we ban hot foisotteii that the taralng of the yean past was not always aecompUsbed wllb so, macb of case and graoe, From the . eyile of oar present greatness we look back with a sort of mingled compssslon and ad' miration on tbe straggles whlcb attended the craft at tbe ontset of Its voyage. A good many mistakes wen mads in those old days, no donbt; bat a pnrposa wbs kept in view, and laltb never lost In tbe olCLmate saccess of tbe experiment. We can aflbrd tbns patronizingly to pat oar yoonger selves on tbe back, and even to point oat tbe folly of tbe past, becaase by so doing we sssame a saperlor wisdom for tbe present. Ko; TheCliF' PXB Is not a bantling. Its lUb covers twenty-seven years—and they an yean of vast Importance In tbe world's bnsy record. And then,'.wben we come to measnn the paper's life In accordance with the adage alnady promalgated—tbat is, wbea we recall thi deeds of tbls'perlod—why, It really eeems as If Thb Clippu bad lived as long au Uetbaselab, and almost as long as onr good old^fHcnd Uncle Tovec. Wbat a history It Is that Ues written In tlie pages of these twenly-seven volnmes I Hen is the weekly record of the stage, growing from'an Inalgnlflcant beginning to a .blstoiy of cyclopedic dliaenaloos. It marks tbe prognss of the ''scene-painter's art, of tbe npbolsteier's aklU, of the costamer's reign—In short, of tbe rise of Uecbanlsm to the level of Art, It shows by '.what gradaal development we bave reaebed the- present era of nallstlo set- tings, costly adjonets and enmptaons sarroaud- Ings In American- theatres. It contains the gen- esis of tbe variety show and tbe palmiest epoch of negro minstnlsy- It notes bow pabllo taste bas'tarned, in these years, from a strong Ilk- ing for beavy tragedy and blood-cordllng melo- drama to a stronger cmvtiig for wbat is llgbt, eflbr- veseenti/amnsUig. Here tbe student of onr flies will find tbe story of the vandevllle theatre's amaz- ing growth, and the lackless flite of those amnse- ment eateren who sought to stem the tide of popu- lar favor by forcing opon the pnblic what the pabllc no longer wanted. He will discover, too, the vary- ing fortones of the Immortal clrcns, the aps-and- downs of Ibvorlte artists, the tiiompbs and IbUares of all manner of amusement enterprises. If then were nothing but this record of the stage and sbow-lUis In Its volnmes, Tns Cuptbb In its eotlrety would still be of tbe greatest valae and in- terest to tbose In any way concerned with tbe amasements of the country; but Its theatrical his- tory Is only an Item among tbe treasures of Its col- omns. In these twenty-seven yean the world of athletic sport'has undergone a Ibr greater change than the.stsge. Tbls change, with all Its growth and persecution and slow but steady pushlng-for ward towards popular &vor, finds Its only complete and anprejndlced blstoty la tbese files. They show tbat from its initial volnme The Clipfbb baa been a steadlkst and consistent champion of all manly sports and paetlaes. Tbey show that a quaner of a centaiy ago a strange- ly perveiseVpreJudlcc existed against the most barmlesB and heallbfoi of games; that *c was no easy thing to battle tbls piejadlce or to over- come tbe loag-seated opposition to tbose veiy pnr- suAs. wblch have since become honorable and bene- ficial; that, following the uatunl law of reaction, tbe Americans, ^Urom being tbe most Indlfibnnt people to athletic sports, bave become the most en- tbnslastlc and skllllbl. Here In the past volnmes we find the rise'and marvelooa growth of baseball— a game which we are proad to claim as pecallarly American. Here is the fou account of tbat Ibmoos Famboroagh meeting, tbe result of which two great powen of the world awaited with an In- tenal^ of interest tbat a younger generation may never t>e able to andetstand. Here Is tbe proad record made by our Columbia College boys when, for the flmitime in gqnatlc history, they snatched victory from an English nnlvciBlty crew on EnglLib waters. Here we come npon tbe Go- rtons achievements of the American BUfr Team, who taught their gallant rivals abroad that the Tan- kee eye la toleisbly^good atelghtlogagan. Here we torn to the victory of an American mnnlng bone on tbe Eo^lsh t;:rf, In a race wtilcb for many yean has lieen counted among tbe most eventlbl of the calendar. Hen an the reports of the great trotting contests In onr own land, and tho steadily pro- gressive displays of speed which have cut down the former records by halves and qnarten until a mile iias gone npon record as having been made In s-MK- Hen la tbe narrative of pedes- trlanlsm, with antbcnUc tables of the time made In the greatest of the matches, and the resalts of the thoosand-and-one minor contests which have occorred since this foot-fever seized on tho peo- ple. Here, in a word, Is tbe hlstaiy or evciy note- worthy event In the whole world of eport careftilly gathered and correctly told. Add to all this mass of Information, absolately anattalnable except In tbese columns, the foil and comprehensive ctiionl- clesof the advance made In billiards, chess, cbec- quen, cricket and numerous other popular games; the Interesting and Instructive answera to hundreds of thousands of correspondents; the varied assort- ment of original stories and poems and sketches; the many columns of advertisements. In themselves a bright and readable record of the doings of pro- fessional people generally—pat all tbese things to- gether, and we think we are Jastlfled In saying that the flies of Thb Cuppeb afrord an abundance of what good old Horace Greeley used to call mighty Interesting reading. In this t>rief restime of the past work of The Cuf- PBB we bave so Ibr pressed npon onr space tbat there Is really no room to set forth tbe great things we may do In the fbtnrc. Perhaps this Is lucky, after alL We bave cultivated a wonderfOl Ihcnlty of avoiding promises. And, besides, what t>etter prospectus could be pot forth for a new volume than the Ibeta that bave been pointed out respecting the oldr In tbe words of onr bright and mnch-es. teemed contemporaiy Tt>e Sun, we can say tbat Thb Clifpxb will deal with the events of tbe com- ing year In Its own fashion, now pretty well under- stood by everybody. That, we are happy to believe. Is a Bufflclent guaranty to all who may take passage with ns on our twen^-elghtb annual voyage. That we are on the road towards an intematlanal boat-race of some kind Is quite evident from tbe notices that occasionally And their way Into the papers. We have oar, and rnmora of oar, ftom Trickett, In Australia; Boyd, In England; Hanlan, In Canada; and the United States yet to be heard llrom. These propellen of the spruce are widely separated, but that sbonld make no dUftrence to gentlemen, and scnlleiB who mean bosinesa wben it is not such mean bnsineas as marked the pro^ ceedingB on Chantanqnaliake last year. TheFi«ai> dentlal campaign and "the great boat-race" ought to make thlngB lively next Bununer. "Tn Saltation ABUT" Itom England arrived here Manb 10. The army Is composed of one male captain and seven ftmale Uenlananls. "Onr JIA" waa amongitboee who gave them a hearty welcoue, and waa an Interested listener to their singing, preying, etc The boy says that they will find New York a large field to operate in, and Its people the right kind to salivate. AiTHOUOH Pace-on Weston Is credited with hav- ing made five hundred and fllty mUes In Condon, yet In San Francisco he conlddo no more thanCour bun* died and ninety miles, which goes to sbow,lflt shows anything, that the foggy atmosphere of I'On- don la better suited to long and wearisome pedes- trian perlbrmanoes than la the ••fiMoos cUmate of Callfonila." _ , . Thb Buhsb sibxm."— Fall not totakeinthls exelUng romance, commenced in tbls number of Thb Cufpbb. The story Increases lu Interest with each chapter, onlmlnatliig in one of the most liUensety thrilling scenes ever freaentcd to the leaden of tales of fiction.' Ir BHOWZD irtadom and abrewdnesa In giving the Liverpool Cup race to tbe second Inrse In, tbe American bone Parole, who was In advance of Advance, being barred out on account of not acUug on tbe aquaie, the two leaden slajisg at "croea'* THB bkbht Observance of David's Day, Haioti 1 developed the humiliating act that the Welsh people are very poor echoiarB, very seldom spelling the most trlfliiic word otnrectty. Whenwetenyon tbMXitaBjepiaiKuemvitfiM-wmtnbawlgooaia thSTMe. -- -.- - ^ IT.xxKFS them buay mnmlnatlng St.patuiOiuig Intokanof thegiateftilBenae of'theeommanlty on IDe mrajb of another great man Stvm the hand of tiM jhlB is good Ibr msauactunn of ^TB- HATif .sent .jiM|Mge-at*iB»H«t^ scuuen, ebssameiit yiicihia, Bl9^rebooters,^«V>>; sod now we aresendlienoe-hoimlaEngtaiiidl Ajsoiie might say, now "ths.dilu'te'iuiier to the man.'' DEAJja PS P OIMCtS. -WeeUsr R«oar<A or *Jie r»ecoMO oT ooKnucD BffansLT. roa tuk sbw took currsa. ALLSBAIJGH. OaVmel WlUlun-^ IcadlDR KsldeDt of KoiTltfan, Pa. Ho had pulldpalnt inlba prindpal t»t- tlssof the BebellJoD, and vaa*twiceBtuaDM oNaxTlflton, lu igSS and 1IB7—.SoirtlUnrn. Slareb J7,.ascd M. ABCH1£B8R, Plcroo—.An a|:cd and widely-known dll- i»norphUadelpl>la,ra.—tba»,MarchlT, agwlsa ABBEY, Seth JL—A. promlneat citlira of Cln-vUinil, O. Hevaa In early life an editor Id Watettown, N. V.,and vent to Clereland almat ISO.' Ho lllled a nnmtier orolBcea, IncliuUnKtbatof JudR* of tbe Police Oouzt in Clervtand- ^B^'ANf^-l^ljomja^AprinnlnentphyvlelanorOltlcago, lU., wbenibe waa one of tbe medical ataiTof tbeCoolc County Hoapltal, pnlnaor of bygienc In tbo medical eol- tm, and the anlbor of ienm medical worka—Ctdcago, Harch 15, aaed ftl.' BELUDr.Tbomts—AnembiratEatllibnataralUt He waa a siembcr of many European and American KlenttSc Mxiotioa, autbor of numntMU worka and monuffrapha en natural blitunr, ud woi a contributor to tiie tnuactlun, or many mclctice—cablfr^liroatcli dared Uaxch IS, aged 08. BRXKaHUROT'. Joaepb—AleadlBitcltlaenofWilmlnaton, DeL Uewaa preddentot tbe Baiilc of Delaware, and one ortho dOcetoni oftbe Fhlladelpbla, WUmlugton and BalU- morv Railroad Company—Wilmington. Match 14. and 73^ BAILBT JB,. aeorve—A prominent dtixen of Baltimore, Md.—tber«, Mairh It , . BUELL, Colonel Abel B.—A well-known rittzen or Vlica, K. v., and one uf llie oldeftl Irvn ulanufiicturera in tlio coun- uy—Utfca, Matrb fl), .f:i-d GL BROWN, William—An old cltlien of Philadelphia. Pa., and an aMenor ftir many yearv of the Ninth Ward of tbat city—therr, .Marcb 19. nrad 72. BROL'SE, Holivrtwndeeortbe County Court ofPloaaanU County, Wert Va.—tliere, March 13. aged m. . . CAMt*BEIX, Caldwell—One at the oldeat and wealthleat inddenta of MaUlaon County, Ky.—there, Matcli 13, aged 77. CECIL, John B.—An old and well-known rtaldentortbla city. Us waa at one time a dlrMtor of tbe Metropolitan Gna Company and other lutltutlona—here, March 18, aged a). CHEICHTOK, Fraoda—A leading lawyer of CambrldE*. O., wbeie lie was MTetal times elected rroKcuUng Attor- ney—their, Marcb 10. .... CLARK. Robert—A wcU-V-nown clUien of Phlladrlpbia, Pa.. Hctookgreat lotvreat In variouH charitable Inatltu- tlona, especially thoao In the iMullirm KCtlon of that dty. and waa proraloent IntboMaMulcOrder. In tlio year. Uffd and UI77 bo waa Grand Haaterorthe Grand Lodge of Pcim' liylvanla-Philadelphia, March IS, aged C3. CIIAPMAN, BeixJaoiln—An old oud respected resident of Nuntlcb, Niagara County, N. Y.—there, March U, aged «0. DERRICK, E. M.—A well-known arcliltect. lie waa a pupil ol Blr Cliarleii Barry, on euilneat British arcbltucL lit- came to tlila country In IHSlI, wait tho arclUtect uf the Bnioklj-n Water-wurkH, and took the dm prkxu In the Gorenmipnt olfcr Air com|>etltlon fur deidgna ftir tUo New York Pont-olflce—Pateraun, N. J., March IS, ai;ea 43. DAVIE6, General Tbonuia L.—A prvmliienl clllten or Poughkcep^le, N. Y. He waa elected u Tru.tee o( Pougb- keclMie lu 1D13, and at one lime he held Ihu puMltlon of gen- eral In tbo Uutc mllllla. Ue wnii prerldi-ni uf Iho Piiugb- keepnlo Naliuual Bank lor dfly ye^ra—Puugbkeeiule, Morcb 19, Nged ffl, DAVlrt, Daniel W.—Deputy Pnhale-JuilEa of Franklin Cuiinly, (}. He wa. one of the fuundi-rw uf The Columbus (O.) .SUnilav xrerald—WcuerTlUe, O., March icl, aged 43. KERKIS, Wllllaul Uawklna—Formerly caabler of tlia United HtatcK i«ub-treaaury in tbl. dly—Bruokl>'n, N. Y., March 13. agnl St HENKY, Thoiiinion-Ono of the carllcxt acltlera of NoHhrlllr, Ind.—Ibere, March lu, o^ird ajL UUEBgCIIMAN.S'. Dr. FnneU—A pmmlncnt pliytlelan or Milwaukee, Win. He wan a I'rvKldrutlal Eleciurlmm WiKonjilu In ItdA, Htid wan apiHihited Ity l*n-*'ldent IMcm.-, In 11133, KiiiH-rlntendeiit of ludLau Atrnlm fur the Nurtbem Dliitrlct—.VUwaukee, March 21, sgnl til HIRiIT, William L.—A li-Bdlnjt Uwyer of Clilcngn, I1L He waa admitted to the bar In I'bUadelphIa flltevn yean ago, and later went to CblCBgo—Cbleago, Match 17i aged 40. JARBOE, Ucutenant Cbarlee W.--or the i;nlled SUIca Navy. Ue waa Iwm in Mairland, and graduated from tbo Naval Academy In U& He atubied the rank of Mancr in ISTO^ and for three yeara waa attached tO' tbe Brooklyn on tbe European otatloo. Ue received hla commiaaloa aa lleotenaut in 1103—Mare Inland, CaL, Marcb 17. JOYCE, Joaepb ARhlbald-^ weU-known Jouraallat of hy retired merchant of New n.iu.1., J.. ^*^t ^•*»»;" *6i aged 77. JONEH, Samuel Taylor—One of me futrndent of the Bap- tUt MUilun of PbliadelphU, Pa. Hu cuniributcd liberally luallcbanilea-PbUadcIphlB, Malcb 14. KIBTLEB, Stepbm—A mlUlonalm refldrnt of Eaat Stnudaboiw, Pa.—tliere, March 17, aged m. KELLAKI steplieD—A plonifer realUent and prominent poUrtcUtt of NtfwtM.-ni, Ind.—there. Marcb U, aged e&. LEABOCK, John Bruwn—At one lime a prominent aportlDg man, with an erttennlve aoqualntanct.- tiiroughout tlie Lanand ^th—Uniiti>n, Mow., recently, aged 9a L.AT1IROP, A. J—A weU-known ordiltect otUUca. X. Y. -there, .Marcli 16. LANOGL'TII, Ferdinand—A well-known planlut and or- ganic of Lalkyctle, Ind.—4lHrrr, M.rrh 19. lutt-d 44. _MEKEDmr. John L.-Ca«hler iif thu^lnt N.Uonal Bnnk of Timr. O.—tlierr, Muieb 19, aged 02. McCAFEKTY, lliuniv—Onr uf the uldent and mint pniplncut rcKldenu ul UaUl|»lln, O.—there, Muivb IS, a»dn. MacKEEYER, Rnmuel A.—A prominent yoong loumnlint, who Imd liecu cunilecled with uuny uf the nf PhlladclpbUi and this dty—Fori Ketd, Fhu, Man-ll 19, aged33. TMWRE. Jnmrc-A weU-known clllien of Philadelphia. Pa., who had keen fur innny yearn In charae of the urcNi- ^"^ISS^'f-'I^V^ "'»' dty-thetr, Marcb 19. nifod n. MEYERLE, Jacob-A well-knowa atliea of Pblludel- pnla. Pa.—tbm, March 16, aged tu. I-OTIER, Juupb—A venerable and highly enlcemed rml- dent ol Wnlerly, R. L, whlcb be bad trpreaentcd for nov- eiBl ycaia In the General Aanembly, aa weU an In the Slate Maaie. Hewanaoptalnduilngiho Warof I8U, andfor a "^SSS" "Judge-WeWBri}-, Manh 4. aged S9L POPE, Mix Colemoii—A ones weli^inawn aetras (ho ''IKJSi:;;'"!)''"*!""^ '"d-. Match IG, aged 71. ROVCE. bamuel—A Unngarlaa teAigee, who cam* to thl» country and was eogued tat nrera] ycara In leaeh- ingatTerreUautoond Lafiyctta, Ihd. In tbe latter place be itartcd a German paper, and In ISTUeame tothla dty and engaged In writing ■ book on "Dvtvrluntion and Boca Edneath>D." dm publbdicd in 11(77—here, March U, aged CO. "RAPHAEL, Dr. BeitJamln I.—A noted anrgeon of tbia dty—here, Marcb 17. aged St. BTEraoN, Dr. Jamea A.—An old mident of Oolncr, Uana.—there, March 16, aged 74. HLOAN, Oolooel William J.—Medical Director oftbe De- partment of Dakota. Uc ata a native of rcnnnlrania, ?i!S^?"".P'"'"¥^ iLuln«it nuinron In the army July? IKS7. In Uocember, U% he waa mado nurgeon, and alter ncTviiig In ^ew Mexico and other pbuxn waa raide Medical DIreetar. Department of tbe Northwcat, In 1MB.. He waa pS?Mfi5^ias?i?'i'7»^.'* «"-»h«3ib;rti«.rYi63s: srEPIlENSON, Her. ChtlKtophrr-Theaailatant-mlnliter of bLAnn'. lYotenant Epl>a>pal Cbuteb ol BrooUyn, N. y.—Bruuklyn, March 19, aged 46. ' STICKKBY, E ^—An uld and eateemcd mident of Cbl- ogu. III., and pmldent of tbe Uulun Stoek-i-arda Bank of that clt>-—tber^^Marcb at SALrZOABER, W. V.—Lato ranbler of tbe FIrat Notioaal Bank of Lebanon, led.—(here. March UL BIl^NEV8K.Y, lamaU J.-Profranor oftbe Unlvenlly of St Pelcmbiin, RiimU—there, tioently, aged OL SjlHAEFEft l.-r»derick-!Awia«ly.liiJSrriSdcntorWy- andotte county—there, March U. tiVMMS, Jomen—An old renldeot of Miami County, O., andone of the largiat lasd-owncrs in that aecUon of Ohio- there, March 13, aged 7U. t.£E"u^i^i.-*'"*'l^—merchant of thladiy— here. March 15. aged 64. ''^.^P'if^'"'"'"l' l'<«"r-Oiio of tbe beM-known and monl biRlJy reapccled cliUcD. of Pblladclnbhs Pa, When the Rebellion commenced ho wna la Eupup«^ bit he nt nuco rcluijed, and. Joining IbeTweuly.elghlh H>dni^t of Penn- .ylvahla \ ulunieei., wan crenual a Molor, anB dlnplayod c<jn«l«ciloil« bravery and mUHiry «<Ul In inCny l^iilrn, enpeclally at ADileiam, wbera be waa vcrerely wounded. Uo ymm iiu«cf-.>ilrcly sppulnted Ueuicoant-culiinel, brtca- dler-eeoernl aud brevet majur-general lu rraiRDlilon uf hU acr\'icen In the deld. He reilred Ihini biwlncaaln IWil, and bo. .lace Uved oulctly, tlerutlDg much attCDtlou to the nlildy oTceraiuIai. Ue waa one of theiudgen of iheCeuleonUl Exponlllou. llewaaamember of the Academy of Natural Sclencn, nod one of tbeeoratnn of tbel PbUoMiphlal Bo- dety—PbliadelphU, Match 19. aged ». THOMPSON, Oavld--<>neoftbe earlleitt nettlera ofWatue *'S!'i!Sii?i"~ V ^'H'"' ■W"! ««- THOMAS, Lcwin—A prominent merchant of tbln city, where be waa widely known and renpected. He wan the prlndpal founder and moat liberal contributor to the Webih R",?"?' 1° !!"'" T""'* be w»a a tnutcs-^eney Clly-. N. J., March 1^ aged <a W nj^S, WlllUm M.—A prominent rlllzen of Indlanapo- Iln. Ind. Hp wnn provont-man-bal-grnenil of the Army uf the CiiiDberhiiul, and allcrwaiTln aucceednl JelT C. Davb aa 5?'°"f.n"'' 'JO Twenly-i«=c«ind Regiment—Indlaoainilla, Match 19. aged 46. * WHIPPli, Matthew j.-A well-known dtlien of Boxton, Man., where hp wan at niie time the member of a tirm of hooknellern, imd altenrards a dealer In artlstn' materialn- Bonlon, March 16. John—A veteran of the War ol 1812-Porta- moulh. N. H.. March 16, aged 82. '„wn pool ployer-thl. WII.SON, John L^—An old and tnuled offlclal of tbo Bal- timore oud Ohio RallrDad Comiuiay fur the pant thirty-lbrco yeara-Bsltlmore.Md.. March 19, aged 6a i""™ "S?*^ •"^"i'' 'hlef operators at Chicago, DLjOf the Wt-i«nl Union Tdegrapb Compuiy—Chlogo; ii?ifi^2t*£' °'lS!,™'-A noted Oermnn autemnan —Berlin, rcb. 0, aged GO. THE TORF. PAROIiE AUD THE XTVEItPfMI. CDP. Acablegram ftnm London dated March20nayn: "Tlte aportman ud BeU't ZVe concur In saying thai It wan tho nneral opinion In thepaddock and in the ring yeAcrdny that the ntCHKlds would award tho race Ibr the Llverpoul Spring Cup at the Liverpool Spring meeting to P. LorU- Urd'a Parole. Both Joumabi say thUro waanndoubtrdly fuul riding, but nut more than bi ncquently passed over wlUiout notice. But, If a hard and Aut line U to be 'i'*?™ il'''*"''"'' P' objection o«n be token to the prece- dent The steworda wbolnvcntlgated the case vesverday were Lord Covrntn-. Lord Senon, Lord Marcus Brreafui?, W. GeiwI and ^loncl FonMer. The reporter of The Timet, Id his dcKriprlfln of tbe race, says: '\Tlien half, way up the distance Advance tried to get through on the "'.''v^'" ^''*t« "om. and tho Jockey. Ardier. who todehlm, bad to poll round both strathblaine and Parole.'" _p!( MOXSAT, Manb U. tha bifh waur b> tbe dunlxirUnd Blver cummenccd to orerilo#Tbe racecourae at NanhvUle. Tenn., ud compelled aU the Ihoreualibrcd.—.Isty in nnm- belwio flud qnanera elsewbera. The stable of Dwyer Bnn., csnslsunE of Bramble, Rbadainaolbua, Wardeld Charley Oorbam, Jericho, Lake Blackburn, QiUto and Ellaa lAwrence, were shipped from that point io Lauln-iii. on the ICtti. TH* CBi ofOlenroiie, to Lexington, dam Solly Lewis, has been leased by CoL H. W. Johnxm for ISSa he Mvlng Cant Franklin,OoDalln,Tenn.,tl,(n)IhcrelSr BbairtllEebred Ul Enquliu-, wlcb tbe hopes of geulng another Benaatloa. Glen rose la a fliU slater, to Soaan Beano, the dam ol Seiua- tlon. AOVAICCZ, winner of the UreiTiaol Cup, tan implaced for the Grand Interaailonal HuidleRace at Crvydan. Ens March 3L At thiameettaig the cnas-countiT Jockeys Jones and Adama wen badly but. WATlB A Op., Loolavflle. Ky.. have opeoed a mnlnal com- bmatltm pool on tbe Derby, Loubville Cup and the Mer- chants' Stakes, which win be doaed on May i. THE TRIGGER. A HATCH tor «I00 a side was shot at Bergen Point, N. J^on Uarch 18, when tbe weather was of tbe finest^ The contestants were B. I^mpleton uid B. Knowles on one side and G. Godftey and Dr. Wilson on the other, and the conditions were that each man shoald shoot at 11^ Idtds, from five gronnd- traps, aoyda. rise, 8«yda. lUL both barrels, English rulea. The best shooting waa done byTempleton, who knocked over 39, he and partner winning by a total score of 03 to Godfrey killed 3si THB FoiniTAiir ami club of Brooklyn, K, T., held their rMular monthly shoot on MarchU, each contestant firing at seren blnlB—three at ^ds., two at aoyda., and two at aiyds.—soyds. tail, l)io£, shot,jdnnge-trape, with this result: E. HTuadlson and o. Slane, e each; Cbeyy and Smith, 6; Wlngert and Harris, 4; Dnoy, Conover and White S: PaTcs a nd H tmter, a; Lemken, l. Belferee, H. Goodwin. Trb mokthlt shoot by members of the Long Island Shooting Club Ibr the championship cop took place at Dexter Park, Long island, Haroh uL ^ . _ , ynUiT. Broadway Daweo, S; O. Klttrldge, 4. In the ahoot-clTJfadlaon won. BFOar AT BUTPAIO, W. T.—On Kaicb U memben of tba dilfercnt spcramen's ehibs of Buffalo met at Byioa • place, BuOUo Plafau, and InOnlged In sereral A fctnttlnc aa fiiDov:-FInt *ireev,flra bitrU , .xiyaiuil4Ao«i«dollarauiaoca: r. nitaerofthe AadobonaandArtlrnr Coonbaof the Q ueen Cltya divided flnt BOBCT, kflUns ilvehlnla ooA Seenad swwtp,! —' 1 same esitiT. Sv*. btrds; J.- A- INngau Sockov of tbe *"^t l ^1m B kuled ftvo b&dai mid oweep, oame fwolltuma; Hanr Howard aarf Snekow- fcnied five tarda each. Ilea trf tn, hnotj-tix ytda ' t tweu Rsnlted la Howard and Sockow tUvkUnc flitt money. Fonxth sweep, three blrtla each, twcniy-dlx latila'rlse; DIsgcns and Backsv Ulled tbiteUrdi tadi. •THM coMiitiio" a -rmm ••Bimmofyfa Jtilfi^' at vIS^ Hiil!taBcr.' Boothn. Haia. OD yards, BsniUng, ^m&Ma^ntttwSf^Su^ia slwu per man, on gSSSvlSich « hroughVti«tb« an nnmoiallr larm r^dmi deld of morkmien. The sboatlnK m fine, the bettarataoftbeleadinadlTlsloa Iwtnir: Wm.M. Farrow, 5?P H^olton.4sTTr«ti,48: A. HubbcL. 48; D. Klrlt SJoS: «: J. W. Todd,47: r8.*Iumner,47: B.V. Blchoid J^46- K fT Darldi 46: W. Howard, 46; E. W. Law, 4«; jSlSolJ, 46; C. irTayawr. 4»: B. B; SouUier, «: N, ;f(Sbb«r&, 44; W. A. Robinson. ii; C. N. MdgE^|43; E Wblttler.43. THE R1MG. mm cHAarFT EHTXm.TAinBIEKT. , sruHnoo-Mluare Garden waa ixowdad on Baiiii^ even- In? Mareh SO, and aa nearty.evety apedalnr paid IJfty cenu .n?,^rbrdie privilege of eut<Lrlng,lbe Snanclal aucceaa rfS2^?Slg tiu^iSSiSlIbrIbtbSreaiof tbo Irinh.ulfe.- wmTunqoeslloned. In other respects, too, lu aucceaa 21 eonally gtwt ibe array ofptofesson of the aitof "rtop, KSTsSS gM Ko?' being uif almost unexampled brUllanOj iS^&ptoys gcnoraUy exeellent and the inanagemcnt Ji.iiL^a IboioDahly satlntkclaiT. Barney Aaron acted STSSltS of ««rSSilea, andnilrtalucetf the ahlnlog filhS^ the pugilistic arena to the mnltltade alter pSt McClcUan (the originator of the entettainmoit) bS attended tS their wouU In the diwslng-room, «-hlle £.^1.1 Hanr UUI of tho Buo do Houston naw tlut !f ""^LSlSSIJr. atteoded to business while on tbe iI;LS^dnSSU «UBS««teO In tho ccDKoorthemoln 5°cEF"!Sd tbTSfSS; Sf the nroft^lon. Uncle BUI Toveo, iS^m" dlsiwniable addition to tho corps of capable otB- dlSa^Tho llnit pair to tieod the^booidi were Bob rh^ii .nd Hob Cuinan, who led the dance In a man- iJTSblS gaVo thS^^Statotw an Inkling of thn good Odni In "WTO for tli«n, and alter a good (rtve-ond- tJi^wlnd-upthey made way Ibr Jimmy KeUy and oS5«SuU>r, the latter a boxer of the same hije a* was M^SJSeoXof oldV and anxious to gain laurvlarinilUr to Win by the Illustrious antngonrst of Tom Cribbwhen t riwHI«h>lng was In Its glotj-. It waa » capital bout of u SortHJldo?length, in»f"S,J,>{ to ■« pjod ^^^^ celved. and Hill's clmr protege IBllni to effect a lods- mrnt for anything llko tho number of right-hand sw pi-s wlilch ta hhi bouts with tbe paleHices he Is usually credited w tlL Jack Mooro and Pat Lo«ao, both ttpm tbe went- nlde then battered each other Uke apair of animated roma, Sie tli^ rSuuda being slog, slog, without a let-up or much retnml to Klencc, but Uielr earucstneM pleased tho people oiute aa macb an It wanned themselvea. Theywerw siiccttded bya brace of llgbtweigbt slaisln the imons of Billy Madden and Palsey hheppard. than whom one mlgbt Iravel from Maine lo CnUforiiU and Otim Land's End to John o' Gruatn and nut dnd a cleverer counl., nur a capable nf middng « more puraly Klenll- flc Mt-to. Bueh being tbe our, va need scarcely anure all whu weie nut ihent tnni tbclr display wnna treat tu wlincsa; and wben wo nay neither had a whit the lietit uf hln oppuu- anu It la auMcIcni praise for bulb ladu Madden takes a bcueOt at Illira ou Tbumday attem'nn, .March 23, when odmircrw uf tnixbia- will bave a chance to See him perCum with Mike Donovan. Tho next couplo were l>roC Austin of London and Frank Gotuley of rblladcl- phla, the Ibrmcr being tbe Urgtr man, but .getting rather ihrwoiwtofaset-towhlcb waschataeu-rized more by hard thumping than akilinil dcilveiy, drftnae and cvaalon. Next cuue Billy Edwards and Pat Jouidan, who In point of science an about aa for apart aa tlio North and BouUi Pole, in consequenco of which the exhibition tbcy gave waa Ihrdcal in the axtrcmo. Ed- wards simply playing with and making a laugtilng- siuck of Jourdsn, who In personally a good fellow-, bnt. If he dnn'l know It, descn-i-ntubel4>ldlhatanyrepuutlou be may liavc iiuide seriously sntfers wben be presumes to stand be- fiire so accoiiiiillshcd a boxer as the ex-ebamplou. Johnny Rellly and Johnny Sauiidera wet« tlte next to doo tho mils' and the exhlbltlun they gave, was Ilka unto the many tiiey have i:lven before—venr pleaslog to look at und nhowlug tlieiii to be well up In tne art ul using their dliilts, and planting blows where they will dn iiiont cuod, but tictra>'lng tun plainly the rchulu ut niient rencuiwils, and being utterly* devoid of exciting fca- turfs, Thn set-tos of theso "pardn" would be mun ap- I'rcvlatpd lrtb.y wnuld thruur mure Are into the wurlc, and get iiut>lde tbe Iwilen imih uraulunnlly. Jiist by way of variety. Let one of them tr>- It on. and then tbe other will mrvly fotluw, in w-hlcb event there's a chancu that one at least will get a hurtful punch. Men of heavier calibre and more Irapnsing appearance werv next IntroducriU thn Mune being Joo Gons, who ha. fought lu the P. K. mure times than hu has dngen and toes, thncv ladiiE that'paragou of skill and qulckuenn Jim Mace, and Taylur, whu, although mnrv than unce apoken of as a oindldste for the. highest honors lo be won In tbu sniiamldrde, hasyci lodutr bin sblrt for tbe Drat time In "the ring." Tbe ex-Coroner ITOm Jvney City may, how- ever, be said to bave won bis spurs on tLe sparring stage, and he t'TOved himself to be a fueman capable of making Blr Jintepb of Fort Hamilton keep both eyea wide open, nlthuugh, as Guns Is in trminuig tbr his chomplimslilp battle^ they purposely "played light,' avokling anything In the shape or"rouglilng," and yet mak' Ing a pitnlculorly sclentldc and erOoyaUlo dbtplar, wlillo Joe's uulckness surprised tniiny wholiad been led to look upon mm as too heavily handfcspped by age to have an e<iual sliow with Ryan on the occasion of tlieir fbrtb- comlng May-party, lie certainly span as well aa ever be did, and It remalna to be seen whether or not sraleness will crop out and Icssi-n the power of his blown when In the riug itropcr—something which we know Ills backers do nut urvnd. A middle-weight pair. Ell. Mcfillnchy and Pete McCoy, were the next to apprur In undress uniform, and the antojionlsm bvtwet-n tliein manifested Itselfat unce, science being thrown aslilo and the purpose of each being to lieat Ills niun by slogglug •wivly, and It wan unly bccausu McGlmehy poss^-nne. uiorv velglit and strenntli than Fete thnl lie obtained tho best oftUuengugemeut McCoy In the stralglitcr bitter with bfitli hands, and, other tlilngn t^lug wiual, he ouglit to "down" McGUncliy, but he lacks beef and muscle by thi- pound, and Isn't likely to catch up, and conseqaenily ha con hardly expect to get S4iuure with Ed. At this Jundare the entertainment w-as varied by the appearance of (lus Hill, who gnvu his club-swingiui: act, handling mvtlluto-slaed and i-xtm lienv^* Indian clubs .1th consuin- mate ease, und In so sklUAil and graceful a manner that Applause was most llU.-rally tiesiowed. Wekhowofnoonu who can swing thesu liiuscle-develuiiets alongside tills youtlilUl pvrfbnniT, whu has won several piluai la cuoKiits with both Muateurm and professionals. Put Jack Lnrmrus Slid little Jerry Murphy were then sent on to resume tbe sparring. There was a time when Johnuy, before be bad attained such breadth of twam, could handle nature's weapons as skllltully ss the best of tbem—a state- ment to the truth of which tnuMl who tcmemt>er tbo set-tos between blm uud his bmtlier, Capuin Ilanr, will bear witness—but lapse nf yenrv, lack uf practice, increase in avotdupoia, and other things combined, have caused hi. bonds to lose macb of ibeir cuuDlug, and reodei^ tu- wieldy a onco BDpple body, and Young Mnrphy bad far and atvay the best of the bout sltbotlgb be Is but a fealber- welgbt After them came Jack Watson, othem-|sekooth-n by the alias of "Dangerous Jsck," anothor colored dls- cliilo of Mr. Pngtl, and Mlkn MuUvey, tbe bout being marked mainly by oounterhlttlog, and no abarp work being done, as jMk was haDdfospped by a partially, disabled right Itand, which rendered blm leaa ilan- geroua than tuaal, and Mike r>e(Valalng Oom taking advantage of the accident which had belkllen bfm. Tho nenteam were to bare bfco Jimmy ElUott and George Booke; Iwt Ic woa announced that tbe fonnrr's eyea ircrein a bad way, and In consequenc* bo would be iinaDle to keep his cngagcmeDt Joo Gsas, always guod-natun-d and ae- commodatlng. V(>lluitcerTd Co go on again In Jim's stead; mtu^ be sold that be showed to much better ad- vantage ttiMD did Ifliraniagonist, although tliera may have heeit and probably was, good n^sMl tor Ueotirc not trying to make a better linpreiisloa oo tbe onlookpra than he (Ud; at the some time, all who bave seen him in tbe ring know full well that he can Sght better than be can spar. An exhibition of collar-and-elbow wiTstllng ma then given by WlUlani Johnson and Charley Murphy, residting, as did tuelr recent Diatcb at Terrace Garden, by Johnson winning two fUls in succession In short onler, one of them being gained by a lock wblch was a new smnkloto many present who thought they were posted In all the catcbui and movements known to stiuan^bold wrvatJera. John- son's play won sharp and vigorous, and be did bis work In a clean, workmanllko uiannur, which very tkvurably Impressed the spectators. They were fuf- lowcd by Jack Cash and M. Bums, who made a neat set-to. greatly In contrast to the exhibition made by their succea- aorn, Murray from New Jersey," and "English Harry," a brace of rmigb customers, who knew bat to slog, and, knowing tbls. kept nt It fWim the moment tbey fat^each other until the Jig was up, creating no end or lUn for tho s|>cetatoin. but out cnhaDclng their rcpDIatlon as raastera of tbe niajaly art. Tho noxt ooupla wore J. Plunk.u and Young Elliott, wbofwerv both sklllfUl aod willing to. ninke tlilnipi lively. 'K-hlcli they did throughout three btuitJIiig rmmdik In wbicli tho work done was about niuaiiy good, and, and so pleased the unlookcni that they w-ere constrained to oblige by glvlnir on. more round. The sncceedlng |ialr were wUllara Miller and Paddy Ryan, whlcb, ituttoul of being the Interesting set-to wblch had been expected, and which would have ahuwn Just how Ruud a boxer tbe ehampliin is, wss nntlilng more than an unsdentlfle scramble, the men making no attempt to spar, but ddlvering rapidly irith both bands at close quaitnn while the]- were uu the stage. At the dose of the seraiid round It vm» onununced that Ryau bad sustained an Injury wblch 'muld prevent his cunilnulng—an annnnncement which dimaxed the disappointment experienced by the spectators. Oue seemed quite aa wUllug as tbe other to go luto the hammcr-and-tnnga business, and. In vli-w of the Important engagement Paddy bason hand,he acted unwisely In taking the cliancea tbat be did. Rlng-Sghtlng Is a new experience to hint, and. although posscMod or some l(dv«otaKe^ lie ought to tako every precaution to Insure his being thoroughly well on tho day upon which he meeu so old n Sgbter and so great n general as (loss. Therefore It will be wbie on hLi pan nut to throw- a chance away or take any risk of accident Tho condnding bout of tbbi memorable evening's entertainment followed, and wan between tbose old nvohi and tlirice antagonists lor money. Wm. C McClellan and Mike DonovanT Their ap- pearance was tho signal fbr uproarious applause, which .TP?™"^ *' termination of the veiypleoauiB set- to which Chry made. touUly dUferent tbougli'lt wan Inchar- acier lh>iu the glove battles whlcb they huve so stohbomly contMcd. Tbo management had l)ecn so good, one event foUowIng another so quickly that the wlioie did not lost more ttuin two houni and a half; and the assemblage dis- persed highly pleased, lieldom If ever before have the principals In two Importunt mntchcn sparred at one en- tertainment prior to tbe "da>- of battle:" bnt thkn. for- tunately, the same cause has not operated tubriDR tbem tagelber. Tb« total amuunt rvalliej for TAc lieraSt Irinta Famine Fund was f2,(U). »«.™a Padot Rtu had a fUllhouse on the occasion of a show L"? 'f Opera-house. Jeraey Wty. N. J., Mareh 13. .hcboilna was done by the Elron Brutdern, Alfea and Me^ Dcrmott, Jim .Murray and Jerry Murphy. Jack Watson and Johnny Moore (a glovo-aeht). YoungSngllsliand "EngUsh ern both). Dan DoDgherty and Jack Watson, and Ryan and 8te\j Taylor, who gave the wind-up In a way that pleased thelMys. Lyman and Bennett also oaog. and DiuJeToveo saw that everythlngwcnton right wii>j. suveo _m"v!^ .¥*"'>?'''8 't*'pBg. witaUtogond variety flMlval wU be the event ot the present wick In ring drSea- and as the attract ons are great topping oIT with a sdm tide display bv Mike DonoS?7nSr'?Si?<£rt wl?b rSS and Madden, It ought to draw a big crowd to Hany BUU'i on Thuraday aAeruoon. MatchO. ——.jojji. Rooul ASp3>OKOT.sK.—Tbe third deposit afasaoa side la the matjA between Hike Donovan ^^OoolSoHMki' fc°-ii5S".""'\'"*«W''"*'^P'<'"blp. most beta tSeiSake: bolder'a bands not later thu 6 r. ol. Saturd^ 3lareb37 — ■— ■ • • ■ nj, I OaD.Nn«LD of Blrmlnabani. Eng.. In reply to' jiat MuUina, Malta that he baa odrlatdUaKckent^ make a match untu he regains the luw of hbil^tV^ wben he wUl give MuUlns^itot" oTtb? a^SitSr ..2i*J?Sii?Sr-fiS?hl2'n*Sfei,,'i???5:^ if T- "-'^Se. 'n2r"«»2I andHS/lraSliS!'' '"»«'«•«»■ Blchoid Goodwin v.f?TiP2!"" nwMTTNBss are the surest kws to snccesa in business, and In this conneS^ ?* *i>t» '^o'«« In regard to Geonre P Eowell & Oo.'B newspaper advert^ btSSSLNo MSpmM street,tblsiS. TotlSlrentoSSSeth«; V"f^'''P'*tau>tAmeitcaa newspanenwbleh a^ ISOS they have published andCTtt?titte or NewsiperDt^to^r" S.a'^iSch are found to be among the most reliable Mft^n..^ books Of thbi cisss tfft pSbHshere hifve o?^^?^ uje.«ad invaluable gulfes ti'Su btSS?^'^i who are tor enough advanced to duly annreclaSi the JJdne of advertising as an assist^ £1heiI- S<tor* that in the two yeara In which Meaara. RiwpIIa tSi SSSJThLSf expSnS^tSdlS to thS ESSisitTSl^l^PIS of in&mauon coiS^Sii me onaineag in which they are ennaned niun ima? mJ^SS*^ 'S* ertiSd^lSS^nSS?^'toei Mt Income was larger than dtulni uiv other two y^ of their bnsliSas flf tSS5 J52S'!?«Slf .rth^^PJ^I^^"" d^^^TtholS.'JS "TSE'P* of cTiecka for bills ren- S2P2l_ - "'"Vof the annoying delanwhlcta «:-*^o°^'Am'^uSS SJ? .S?*"* «eouilng It, Is notidl fleSln?-^w? .SSi"" newspaper men, But there- SSILndilJw'M "n»?xmt thelmoney the <£J- }^5.?JK is? ""k often decided him to accentaA onr Ibr belowtke price be ougbt tohave receive? J^STSSSL^* everybody topaytlffSi^ liiLS5SS?Sf'yJ2.**' that^oblaln noaSvM- S2SL^J2"*'iSS ««»wiahed eomnlaiion. nor do¥e J?!™,?V-,^^t wewan^andmusthkireftroDr w^S^SS}'^ PrtS; and when *5ta«ttSt tSfSSH??!?- ^•■ra^nltewen aware that tte 6«* pap ers are, as a general nde, the cheapiMt.>> Maiylebou v< lellewliigdaya. The bdlet esiraRtl br naUn week tliat Uierfr vnld be a gWroq becvm^osvB uid Tlgnmux* la fj^orUM foraw {iiavcr'M ahu^oaineBt of hope. Home llk^ to be well- bDDtJeiL There U nothliijt itb«olut«ly dcfhine kiKnm. It was cabled on tbo ITtb tbat the trnable m to » raf«R« {taU meultedJn an ananaFincnt by which there woold bp two rermH.-*—an American amiteur as th« nominee orS3o«; win. and Lodcn Plot aa the Domlnra of Vl«P»^-antl SSt the plaj-er who nhoald m*ke the llrrt eight hu- drJd polnu would have the nrivllem of oaralDjr the referee for the odd orlartelnhtWdreU polntK. fliU li In Mcmlnjc conflict with other IntinnaUon, which U that tbeyare to play but foor nlffht*«, or one thoownd potntTcVery nljtht Inrtead of b«rtaaliiff on March A ffieyarot?iw(j*nonSatunIay.ApriiaL Upon the unWctt of a choice ol referee. SU-wn wMt« oii nwcJncUy >a fhUowB- "If nn Impartial referee can't be had, the nmc SSS never be plaT^»«» ^ Amcri» wlUiout BtrStlni a balL VUtnaux wanU a tbonniith Frenchman whomTio can manipulate. Once, and once only, haa he canSit me napplnff" He named Ohlbelln whom I u- ccpttd. AftcnranK to my antonUhment. I Icvned thJiL yonileur O. doe* not jpeak a word Qf Eb«- IuEl and for that ream I decUned to bo on with the cnmnletlon of the dctAlLi. I next named Albert Giumler. but tlmaux Tery noalUvelydecllncd to accept b*oa. Then I DamedOoDRtant, tbe Ideotlcal sentleman wlio nf^reed the KextAD-YlKiMux mntch, ud Vfjcnwu accepted blm; bat ilr. C. Bald that under no clraomiitaBeefl would bo CODient to act. Then I nametl Walter WhUlnf , who ^peaka both luRDARTit, luapcrmanratreffldvnt or PbxIii, puva a.flse uDBtttir came, and comcii welt rvcommended for the ponItlOQ. He was not acceptable to Vlmnx, how- oTcr. Xext I named I>octor Byur. a Tiieli-tmnded, honorable Rcntleman, and a realdent of P»n« for nine yearn; bnt for aU that ho wan not acceptable to \Vnaux. All the penwnii I hare named npeak both Frencband Enpllnh morvorleMiflQently. -Vlenauxbaflm Ikr Dominated Manfrin, Plot. Ohlbelln. and two or three othcra wboae namen I cannot recall Juiit now, but not one of whom apealm a word of BnglUh. I cannot make aprop- onltlon, and then give my reawna fbr It. without being In- termpted about a hundred tlmca by frlendn nf Vlgnanx upeaklDg In French, and before I tcct thrvogli my Ideaaara *fnockod higher than a kite.* All I am contending for In A lerel table and good cn^lona, a new cloth, a true Mt of bnllii. and anlton^A. cxperlcnwl and competent reforec Tlie CoUcnder Uhle whlcb I brought wltli mean Ikr aa Ut- etpool han not yet reached Partii, and coDwquuntly I have been unHble to obtain any pnictlee. I bave endeavored to get a mom to practice In. bat at flmt the nrlce aKked for It fur twcuty dnyN waa one thooaand ftanca 1 Afterwordp the prlco wan reduced to eight bandrcdl I did nut buy tho building. I bad expected to And a room, big enough to bold a table, that wnuld co^t me little or notblnp, nlnce any fon^lgn player \1altlng .imcrlca woold have a room andatHMuptaccdathliidlJipOMJ; but I now fear that Ujt the privllvnc uf prrtctlclng, nf> matter where It may be. I plinllliavp to pa>'In Ruma ranging from one dollar a day npwords." ^ STBAT SHOTS. Here In pUylng that waa dune by amateura on Mareh U Rt aiowy't nmm, fit. Lnula. It cnutd nui pnculbly bo dooe hyaiDatcum In any other mom In the omntiy unlea* dur- ing the brief Intorral In which, wltlta baring a match on hand, one or t«'o nf the leadUur cxiterta bave to keep their 5raciIce-table In flmt-daMi onadltlon. There In nne table In luiwy^ room* where all the table* are ahraye Id tiptcp oundltlon, that baa Invariably a. tkulUeiM cloth upon It, and a Mt nf bnllM aji nfvly perf^ aa piMvlble. It la m kept for tho UM of the mora fucUlAil amateum who flronent that htnue, aa well- aa for atronger-nroftMlonala vltttlnff tbat city. Apart fWim thU, the playing on the Iflui> waa done under fitvorable drcmuataiicea, Inasmuoh aa Cat- ton, who then averaged 16>f. made a grand-average of leaa than S In laatJanoary'A tournament, and had to take Hcond place to nnu who did not average mi much aa he. Tlic beat dlDgle-averajrc In tbat tournament waa only6.*4, made by nne whnac place waa no better than third. The moral of thia la that the atreogtb of a man'a game la never to be Judcrd by I he hlvh run that bo make*, or even tbe average. The came (ii St. Louia taat week waa atralgbt- rall, whlcb la not Bcncdlcfa arroog point, and nevenlidesa ht) tent In thrv« runa oboro 1(D. Ue miu re<iiilred to mak« AUD to hla antagpnbctia 290. and be did better In tliU way: BENEDICT-^ U, 17, 1, 2,119, 3,1, 1,30^ I, 0,13, U3,101— SOX Oattov-O. is, 41.1. 9. 6114.9, la 0. a ftC 16. a-Z2D. Tbe «1nQcrV averege waa 3ii^, the table being of tbe recQ- bir ntzr, or 9x10 Tba tuumament In aid nf the Irlah Re- lief Fund la In becln at tbe iwma of the O'Coonur Bruthera to-itlEbt, Mareh 23. The oDotealania are firhaeftr. Bexioo. Carter and llcl«er. The came la airmlgbt-rmll, 6DD puluta up, and the wlnntfr-lo-chief will receiver hafiilwnme medal In oommemnratlnn of his victory. At the gamo cbuaen tbe winner ahnnld be 8chaefer. nnleaa Sexinn, eivaplog defeat at the handa nf Helier, who la now really ibeIonge«t<nmnlng niirMTof theloi, though ihepooroi'i geoenl player of tbe luc, abuuM grltihla teeth, play Hai«ty on Jamb, andauaqiieezeout a victor^-. Helxer 1h about due to crt In a run of five or alx hundred, and the time fur aucb a player to get In aach a mu la Juat wiien It will do blm the leaat good. Rudolphe will aluA take part In the tnumament. bat It will be aa an exhibitor of fancy ahota. Daly will llkewlae participate, bnt In aplrlt only. Having boUa upon hla neck, be can- not make drmw-Khota, and ao cannot gather tbe baJIa fbr a Journey along the rail. Carter fknclea tbe raU*roDte no more than Rudolphe or Daly, and he wanta to know what Scltaefer Ih going to do with all the niedaia that are gotten up for him. There will bo alx games In all, cxcluhlve of a poKalble tie Thomaa J. Gallagher la to withdraw fknm tbe Merchanta* Exchange Rnom, St. LouIm, April 1, aod rerame hU Jflramallatlc tmt over tbe race-tracka ol thecoimtn' Yank Adama arrived In thla city on tbe I6tb *fmm rhiladclplila. He la to appear at the AraerlcaD Theatre, Third avenue, thla week. Maurice Daly, bar holla or parbolla. la fo ai>HJat him. They will plav The Champlon^a Game on Tliumlay niglit. LiuAwecK Adama played four nl(^ta at Boorh'a Academy, Newark. X. J TheO'Connor Brathera have aecured a new leaaeof the Unlon-fnuare Roomit. \Vhcthernr not the lenim of th*> ColumbUw Boom wQi bo renewed la atlll a matter of donbt There la no proba- bility of a longer leare than one year being lutd ad to Kloa- aon^K. Tliu preml«f« ore tu be torn dou-D Id ItVU It la not certain that Ubert t Sthaefer wUJ renew their leaiie..... Lance Wagner of Baltimore Ja to come to town tbta week. He mill be the guest of Yank Adama Jamea Uazlctt, foreman of Mumey'a St. Loula Accncy of the H. W. Col- lender Co., nn .March 16 accnmpUabed what la aald to be an nnpaialieled feat. In having in flfty-nlne and une-half mlnnteft taken off tlio cnahlona and tbe cloth of a ubie In .MuMey^a room. plaMter-of-pariaed tho ilate-jolnta, acrapcd them oif. put a new cloth on, ittretchcd and tackitl It, pat the cnahlona on again find leveled up the table, ao that In one mlnotu afterwards two akIllAil amateura, beeinnlnga long game, proD<iunced the table perfoct. Haclett did UiU on a bet with tbe superintendent of the room tbat he could not do It In one hour. The usnal time la aald to be one hotir and a half. Clark E. WUaon died In the oaylum, this dty, lato on tbe night oftbe Hth Inat Amand Darlot, who exhibited but week al tbe Village Honae. thla city, and alito at '*The Brichtnn," waa to bare placed at tbe nKima of the Cllntoo Club, Brooklyn, on tbe nlKht of Ihu 22d Engine Co. Xo. 2 of Waablngton, D. C. who fell ahort a few voIm Ibr the bllilanl table In the conteA among the fire companlea .at tbe W. L. I. Fair, wet* prewitcd with m doplloite of the one woo by Na 1 Cnmpanylbr Ms\oral citluna—Meaatn. Jamea WUlett, W. M. GBlt, Anthony Buckley, ajid oibeni Tlie boya feel very grateful for good wiU abown them by tbe dtUene, and am now Juat aa proud as Engine Company Xa 1. ATHLETIC. TRK ROSE BEI.T. The pntlwted wcimil eumpetltlnD for tli« tropbr woo br Amy llowanl loia DmiDbrr la oO, all the paitlni vho bad poMrd thedny tloD.niniiccmaiT (orcniliTttanu rllclUcto cmnpetc havloic wltliilrawn Uiefr inon«y. Thla may be at- tribute tu the flillur« to ln<]uc« osyone poMMadnii mcotia to undFrtaki! the mana(«ment uf a cooiKt wblch did not PTOioli« Tery Rnmt pccuaiAry raull., and tbeUck ofAinda on the pan of the IntendlOE competltoni, each or whom wo. miulred by the rulm to put up In odTonce an tquol Klioiv or the amount mrcewair to pay the expenm or niTTlni; on tbe lounnunenL Another caoMi wu the In. diiecment oiTcrcd by the douororiho belt tu hare the holder And other praralnuit fiunMie pedMrlMu. vlnU the PaHdc '^.l '^4 IvtKlpale lu a tournament promoted hy hbu, ^■tilfji, 11 U fillr to presume, prured quite otnine enoVh lo Howajdond. webe^r*^ ]ladam« Ln ChaSille. uMed rJr fki", *^m''^-P^V?";J,'? " >» probable that th«y will ^orOy b. fbllowvd by ]lwl£me Oiipreo (Who van about tbe only ml onffuer by the mUinne of unoKemeniii br the coniert at Wotcener, ahe harlDi Jounieynl .11 ihe>-.y <ta>n Colondo puipoely lo ivtlcf- Kle), andoneortwoolbeia. Hod tbeiillijrbeni miuuunl a bai>lneM.|||;e way from the Mart, thU roult need not have ocmtmr, and the blame fur tbe IknuiT! wlU naturally be pbiced upon the .houldera of thoM who flcnml thi more pniinlneoUy In tho airanRememcnta. Jlmlsmllh la- roim. UH that he serered hla connection wlih MlMUiiH-ord when iihe teftlHd to train, three wcrka ajm, ulnce which llino iiothlnsbaji been done, everj body InteriteaTeemlM lobsiicrfectlyalBealaieKanllathemattei. HA.VBIU.'r>S ENTBBPIUSES. . Tho Initial tonnicy of the aerie* prnlecied hy that lire ■unuMmenc aUcRr J. II. Harerly, Willi Fled. J. Eijf^ liardt an aOUutont-eeneroI, la onnonsced In adreitbcm^t to bo held ,durins the week commendns April jTwIn- Ikntry Hall. Pro\%nco, B. I. The iiuSrSr »SS In Bold to uirFre<l,toeether with a diamond medal and ftce eniruce to tho lam grand tmco of the i«rlea for the Ttctorlou. oedeT trUn. The Aral man wUI rec»lv« tasa .ocSd JIoathhS •90. and Ibnith ta. While «W w11i5*0TS The San^ tnvela the Rmint dManee on the laat%y, and there irtll be a l.rUo or » Ibr the trainer who keepT^il. mai In the monpnMnUbleoondliloD. The eotiuce-rce to «»: and "".If^T ^'^ 'IS^ ftp'" ^ '^"> r. J. Kngelhortt, nSSim- •ett UoteU Ptovldince. R. 1. ArraninSenfi'ha^lSS. mode for ncarlytline mnntha to comeTond. no weU aatlxM Engelhonlt In tbu p»«t, and ou much Ikltb lu!i«. lUi th^ucy WW or sn entecprlw for which Mr. Havioly fnmtohw the.lnew.or WW-and offer. «icb llberalprtS? thS many eutriea or prominent men bar. alraady rectfrcd, on the stmigth of tho adreitloMSut In^ToB or March aijlnumber«iiSfSinSredln^B work of uettlDit theUMlvn ht for the eampSS^d «mJ ^thv?^s!s;s„^,:^r"^ AconttmcthSTbSf^sSd; ™" S^:.*'"*'''' tent-maker or BoAon, Hao,.. tor the mannflicture or one of the larBeiSTvSoniSrlJw ud snmjPHT TO JOHRsoir. uSS.^'^i^SSS'tSi^^ «f WartScoUed SSSLSl'J^^ *ntenn(t Into nich a matc£ I-5l5 IrSf j'S.SlSi'"' »?'>ou«l» ConnOT b not myimlSSrS. be a real ren!rM -nr> J-rTCnnZ-^STr rr?" i^^d pay no . jg ^r.^goh^ ©•Lkibt jkSD Wdtds.— Our San Fnndm. crf iwpondenthaa thto tony or th«lat?353S^cSi«^L puST^iSS^S ««^ ir .2S?K™*sa2?S3&J^S JTHlVSi't^Wt^S^^S^^ eaally by four It^lJ^^^:^^^^^}??^^ yarned) iTawea haa forfeited hto pMlUonu mSIlS? Same time and place a dead-heat In aTlinSr^J^ R. B. Holev and'j. P. T^JwrnT^'^^SSiiVS^ alx inche. In the alleged Uni. of UBkS. « ™*^Sor55£ .J? Sporting Lift of March 10 appeara the l611o«i»r- =^■^s'^J"'SS?t'J^&^^--'ft^ gf.^^^srsisse-'sss^ good m Iwtniy.flTe gamaT^ and Coo^ a ikdm week, P. U Von HcSTjiJ I. lv,H!^ to tliemedr™ thli othm competing InViSuar iST^' ^ and ^ Koil Informed our Sui w... ■ ' that OB AptU s he wm IrLUi^SS,!""?'^ uai e apuu dent B. I. , " nuKfnr, tai w. HahniMyof NovjoC, liningilma on Chnw 8i]M)*Uiapabilaba.>ii.i ag«rbaT.eicelSl»SS6:.''«l«!*iS! •uccem. while tK i5SS?>«?l!S2 .extra bidocemSi5Kd!?.«ift^S pnformancm hiSreTjll!*"*?2?C nwa In the^I?' »S^^ tho eompetliam Sill v."? "Wi^ifii any the] thoofrh have takrn plmlEm'S!!L?<«^73^<Sfi the comfort or wiSiES? ""^rt^SfiSS f5SSll^f1g£S&P^5^^ tlMment ^^^^^ ""^ hfcJgJSj A JomplJ^'SSh'h^^S* '^^5». day* oco. between Jo^f PSJ* iG?'' man ifKoM name wn IS»t£!I<fl»j< " wn. a plnobi Uanllu bSiEK?' W Urn clurvd lift. iiCi^^'^SJynPi We wa cieajtn 1311. 41n. ku\rz^'«iPL k IC doing 1311. llin. wi" M Vt^&.'^i r«lllT W. HTOUtw orte^ 53^1 In thto vlrinlt.r i„r a i^Sw L"*«h!i Emerlck of niUanlL 5K "J"^fi *W liar match at jiJtJb;™ J^'iSSW ILunlltan 1« alirJS , S*"' 1 m ifSSlS hSSXthert 52b^^';'*<»««li?*>' called at IhU offl«'5S'iiS»»or{J2-«! to tttheadquait^^SaSylBifcT^ F. C. .Saponoa (xbo»i. ™,?S'«»iSHS« haidlf nraiwary for mito^'i*J*i5bS'<< count.T who may be temeS V"?]^?)? know "Ibr »tat|SC«S (Tucmtoj) evening &hS^5*iSfr* gAl, but the winner, hod omS; iSi James RKnn»%r ,• - ■ James REDmx, amllfiiLY' '. aide. Time, fib. of'firwWf:*^ JiuSss'-i'-S deoce rbik to« ^^^ A^^HVl! D. O. Ron and J o ^"■•w at Slaitln-. OpeS-boUrkfiSy*^- wlnnlng tbo aSTtbSdSdS^feoC Jonx OobT. B. Srlrall. naAriL: Jock are to eootend In a IwtuS.iSP'U. lAwrence, Mom., April x^^^^i^i, J. Baisxaff, Boiiton jl r im. the Emnln,City/Cc toifik^J2S belt, held hy tfie Utter" ™* ■«*• nxoRoiacTox toiui<diah».<L.i; • aOmHea lu Bfty f^oanSjiSSji!^^^ OXFWBD nBWEATi C4a».»:M 1 "T."!?^ anniial efntOBdM^£S*'^i dor. the itrnxcle betwren ts,tSS!£^^ w of OiforU and CaiaiSfc^Skffi" lIaRhS(havlni: been poJfSSS'SSlte? Tlouii n conwuuence of a lhSl2K?*«" dark blani turalnrthe ubln (n Ib?a2l2_ Cam. The cable fbreliibn the uSLTr'^^d The rw, waa orer ihe e^^SS?2S»«^ rulory to Xotllake, adl«iiSe«f5S,^Sw and the Klaft wa^ nude at iSsT^mS?*^ very uniCiTiirable, adrfaalbg SljZi ?* Man. pebank«ortheTli2n«^iSSK5<. mauofproplc. At leneik tke SuS'^hS tho Ion J. graceful .belu of Ibe iSSTSi* two walermen 111 their IKUe ittSrJSk the laUfuad biWge, awiRto. ThTJSlS,, Iblnir raoml In anonleriymuuT JiSt* ■■ nictew. The lalda beton; iKbS S. ""S oroxfbld. a. thjy appeattd tob, to iSi?iiN taDpnTement during the m (w> marked. The dllfrrrace of^jMt or the Oxford crew waa pm»iHbrii,B re<nilt or the nee iwtDtTirK netrednal rtninilr uid «PMt«d iSSnf lean nyle or ruwlnx adopttd biSiSd?^ the admlntton of tbe \»cui2i-?! WE.» and ™ln(5. They pai.^ u,, tiSlm.S. lenjith,aheadAftheOantalw. Tl»thM^?^ foDowii: Oxkml, llm. a.: CadaSaiS?' naniea of the conlc^lni: crm nt^StS^ Poole, Bnuwomr. bnw:D. E. Bfnra SSf .'a HariTOlTea, Kcble; II. B. SeaSwS'^^'^ Klndrndry, Exeter: (;. D. Boxe. Crii ton, Macdalen: L. R. Wm, ciirtS_» W. Hnnt, rnrpnm coimlo. (kaSSu^l : sandfoid, St. JohiTl^Si a Dayl;, Flrn Trinity; B- D. iWftSSft'? lie,<. nroke; B. s. cHAt^ SuuiJS TbU U the nlnetreuih time thu ih> Mda prored lo be Ihe ncmqifld oDQlauotx r won In rerentren ODt-^^cflL a dead beat. TboM who Jerirtto ntofc 5523 rormancc* of the rival ualTmlslf* ma ^J^U Clipprk ALHa-VAa Boih ercn M tei?u3 Swaddle 4: Wlluhlp nr Scotxxood. ncA^Z/SI cimf*. are the iwrae. vU. : Leaeth, St M'te height amld«hlp^ 9 liKhe*: htleliiitdie . hFli:btattbenrra,pjLicha. nelnaintEM] Klldlnc-wau, bnt the onlUiaiy lud biUiTb^ heredio. . KENNEDT CH&UXSGES _ FIrat to come to the ftimt fur themBoM IrcrowlneiwaKonorUNl li tbr—f;^^?^^ MUlterJnbn A- KenncdT.ftvmw.^.,„« 22, received the appended cholajetolarii Xall City, who .waa brao^t lato vaBtaaa RlTrroairananchlrDy by rtwosofUi Itm^il o. w. Wetrgerber, In Ihe llmof vbkk u vhllo In tho tm> ftnowlox b. wt» h ■ beotnL AcenmponylDg the chiDnnniMk. btindn^ and flltydQllaiKwblchvttacffflllnl corend hy the wberllnicHe, vbohasndta^|3 never abown hlmcelf nnwonhy tt cBtkuMr pox^ EDrTOR or TH« CunuL-OnrMr.-I ._ lengciMr. LMto Fdnlnff oTWbeelUK Y.Tt,»Hii three or four-mllv Kulltoce tor $UOt tOdt 1km take place lietween June U aad Jojr L Atealn, Y.. OwaMO. N. V.. or Pnvldran LI: > 1 iB Mr. Felnlne expeturs to row tt SUis i» doseyvHiVSO aa an earant or lnBtfka,atM propooltloo open two wevko. Vorlntr. It TRAjrmiasi tbat Initead of Tll,kiit^i^4» nged M. F- Davia to train b«r roharifToolkM lander bad gone to tbe Elm CttyidhtfaSriOl^ malnod lolu; enough to Rbov the eaddAi k«l the light blue boat how to ue blimlM mkaoi wetc-uKdbyValeln-thciice milk EHTStkcw and will he nltcd tbl. year. S. \r. BnuiDH of the Bevoly (HuOTldtaiUb log built a novel yacht, after the artorfiUkM the "Irlah - Kliherman," dlffntag nv ibc lo iMrlnf^rrrderr. namrvudl... ft» hL tbice leec lose on the watn-Une, nd lilainlkii log. DAinn. A. I.KAHT tbe Ru Fr m toii 1*,^*^ for the Knllem* raceto take planflO tbe M"^ rnvldenec, B. I., June ir, for a pomtf THB KATIOKAL REaiITi.-WB. CW* Kcnxaxj or tlie ScliiiTlun Katjr, In m»> commanlcatlon to th« ConiiiiUln » tendence and Police of tlie ft^S'jS CommlBslon, reqQcnliig cattlaimBP^ requisite to Inrate the raecot o'*'H5 Ins leoatta of tlie Iiadontl iaDdana* Sffioylkm KlTer, " sole control ' regatta, and - boatlionaes for Uie accomnodiM - - oarsmen- a lante (t™nd-«laBduBo«n*g shelter-tent below tlie IWta brtNR O" H Blip at tbe stat11iu;-polnL Tin am ^X ot tbe Kadontl ioKn*; iTer, said Prt^rtler*JiJJJ' or the conns oatleWJJ I permission to creel '•B rnr the oeeoiamodtda a ^ meeting Harcb l», at wUcIittt<JJ5 was read, and the matter refcnedB^JJJ tendentofthe park, with POTOteBj""' sach prlvUenes aa he may dttmsW""' the saccess or tbe regatta The AXALOSTis Boat Cict*5!S a, on March 13 elected the MKwgJff Pi!ssldent, G. A. MdUwnnj: i^^j^Za Corson: corresponding ■bdmucB'S— 0. B. Clark; recorting "O^P'.yS treamiier, H. Nyman: c8^lh^ w. i-.ESM niBt-lleatenant, a. e- ™™ijErj"iI»M P. W. Page; financial efi™™£Sc.^ der, McD7i>oniila-<a, and H. %""EE*Il" beiBblp committee—CoL 8. b. Kaishall, and J. L. Rohertaon. - ^ Uississtpri TallktA. B. ^^zS^uS adopted for the annual reg«iuo«»J^i to he held at some place to committee not later than APjif Jg^ July 22—lunlor palfB, focus, i^^^jtt 6lz-oaicd barges and afiwlioinlifi>»^ Senior singles, <«oaW«.J>»"\Jj£»» glga and a tubraoe. JSw »t;*nJ£Si» amateur races for slntfes, doHilJ JTj^ The ELKcnoK Ibr offl«i» •'SJS Tacht Club of PhlladelpUa nwj;» If Commodotr, J. Roach; j"»f2rS«»' F.UaxweD.i. Sharp;^. F.<lahO,i '' and O. W. Cartlair- PIONEBB BOAT CWBOf Btg^j^lj dlrectora, ^ — Alex. GDiitber and F. 0. Swai. A FEW XBiaEBS Club held a meeting F.aSwM. ^rif power. TBE HEALTH Of P. L WUCMt ^Sfi at to admit of his rowlns, •» Ucm'S able to imdertate the SZJii>tt^ \* teptesent tbo conego In «'^,r*rl^*>{ ym. MtTMAT of the SafiS^^ Blver In May. _^ . npl^, The Howabo ^''^^^^SdS^JS- Chariea Ware, ^; vl»jw><^>gjftr '80; treamuei; W. B. Tli««..'!l'*irt»»j oott BvartB, 'd; captain, «er These abe mow *5'52,^iid!t2t dube belonslng to the Kau<uB> ^mk^ I. B-jMlln, J. Wataon uid A. W. Hayes and A. E. Ireland. ••OFF."—Not tho «ri^e<««"?™,^ land thla Maoo. bot th* Mf^uTwIfL ellnhiEtogooniflth l«t«*SjSBii*" SSsrWooTd b* placed •i^SS^tSL^ npon to mttt the I'^i^'^S^Sx'^Srbl t£iiot distant Ibtnn SlJ^SiS'>'^ better pi«pandtl«i,«hrra«»" . , ■ of Or«^ j rltaln'g ball-telil ^ -r-^^jl^J^ DB wnr'g a»?»iSLSSJ&S^ Bne«da«helMl»jy^^ggll)ggi3>K