New York Clipper (Apr 1880)

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CIRCUSES. Prof. E. Hamilton's Great ITew York Cib- crs Is to give Its Ont exUbitlon Id Orwell. O.. M;i.v 1. ' ' Welsh i- Sands' New Orleans anp San Fban- CltsCU ClBCrs AND ROTAL ENQLISU MENAGERIE liave lie«D wintering In Topeka, Kan., and are to ojH-n tbeir searon In Leavenwonli April 13; ibence l» AlchlKoD 14, St. Josepb^ Mo., IS, Latlirop le. yrSto. VraDch paototDlmr down; O. H. De Castro anj ilkk Oulnbv. donii-, Mmr. Dc La Ccrtu. MUc Mimm- Iciia. Mil'-. tUr*. line. De OareoD. James Botch, C. W. Fnnjcle and Slona Ma^r, ct;neriu pvrfonncni; ttlr*n tuintili-n aod Irapen. A aTel>unier electric lletit vill be UMd. Thin Ktiow wUI trmTel by vuodh, rlaitlng cmaUcr towDif, n • menaeeiie being attacneil. TIM U KiTTH lea Chicago, UL, April 6, lojoin the W. W. Cole <;iraiB in St. LrfMils. CiRci'8 Suva nm m Wf»r I.vnixs—UArxAarxs PuMTu Kim, W. 1., Much il, IM>.— Mk. Fha-nk Qikcm— Dearstr: Thinking a Utlie ueva mifibt be awptable, 18co4 poKca of C. 11. Castle, general agent; F. H. Roue, |ir<:.'<s.agcn[; Geo. Mclncosb, contiacclDg-agent: ¥. Koikfelter, llihogniplier; Ceo. B. Pratt, clilef of l>a<'tv-brlfpaJe, and elipht aaUatapti*. , OeorifeaiHj drew WbCrlsmnt. left Ldvande'a Ci-mpany and joined Cop- Couipany, at pre»<nt in tlieir lim ptTToruiantt 1)11 (; R ApiLDiKn iiipn or ton nt/iin/>b i> u Tlioyliavt hecn hereiwowetHB. ThecompanylDcluiln ,i^,;l^,fiJvJthrJ^^!:r^,.iK^, O'ClOCIt P.H. Shrjuion nr.*. Hounburu Ram (JapAnitc), Andi April e at the reslueoce of one of tiU former part- -. - . -s r^. iiers. David Bldwell, In N'ew Orleaiu, Lii., where he iiuil ivcn In a precarlona conOldon Tor several , u'eekj*. - . . - . The caa!<e of bis death was cystltlH, from H'liicli he had suffered a Ions time. Bia blo(paphy iiiji' be found upon an oulHlde page. ( ui'P'.s C'iRci's did a irood bosloesg attlie Eicpoiil- liuu UuilJlog, LoQlsnile, K7., last week. Our cor- respoDUtDt buys: '-Among the most noticeable uf tin: uumctlODs may be mentioned Prof. Fryer's rid- iDgdogH anil goals, the Japanese Id their balancing aud juirgllDg fcute, Itot Fryer's perlorming ponies auil bruiicl.t. horxcs In their military drill, Napo- Ivuu's gilded coach, Jjmina Btokep, equeeirtan: Mme. Lottie Belmont, t>a]aDclog trapezlat; ana JamcA Melville's remarkably clever bareback rld- lui;. .Mr. Coup has alsoa fine collection of animals." THE ui-EiriA.s'K, euKuged for the Van Ambnnc left that evening for Valley FallHTKas XuIoSd^ j^>p FlIklDslsln town looking after the Interests of the ' - Coup Show, which Inaugnrates the tenting eeason here :!0 The Seas Show foUon-H ID Hay. John Robinson's Great World's Ezposition Asu ME.SAGEBiE 18 billed ID CommlDiiTtne, O,, April U, SedaoBTUle IS, Covington, Ey., 16, Fnltoa, O., 17. New Kidimond 19, Augusta -m, Hipley 21, MayHvlUe, Ky., 21, Manchester,. O., 23, PorLs- uouth U. A TOBCDLioHT PBO(xs9iON was given In Pblla- delpma on the night of April 10 by the united Cooper & liallej and Forepangh Shows. It wan a splendid paeeant. All along the route flreworks were con- Mtantlv being sent op from all partsofttae line, mak- ing, with the aid of 1,200 torcucs, borne by a cotre- Mlioiidlng nunilierof men, the streets as light as day. TliLTe were knightn In armor, ladles on noraebacR, several bands iif music, cages, lablean cara, ele- phuDtH, cameb«, and many other features to attract attention and e.<cclte adniliatlon. Tbon- iiandri of people occupied the windows, door- Hteps, lionHetop-t and aldewalks, and loud and freiiucni were the expressions of snrprlse and delight at the elegance and beauty of the coxtiiiueH, ca|>arlsons, and parapbernalla of all klnd.H. The procesalon as a whole surpassed any former effort of the kind by circns people In the Qnakcr City, and was a titling Inlrodnc- ilon to the opening there ot the two allied great »hon'a for a Iwo weeks' eeoKon, which begins 1^ Ke^ircscnlatlvcR of the press partook of the taos- pliallty of MesTK. ForcimngU and Cooper i. Bailey at Hie Clrard llouHC, where an elegant repast of comfurtlnK Kollds aud cbccrlug uqulda wiia en- Jovod. and from the windows and balconies of which lio.'iiclry the knights of the lead-pencil re- vlcweil the parade. Aa the proceasloa wan paening Hie corner of Uroad and EUaworth Htreets, one of I he eiuplo.vcH was thrown from u chariot andcon- uldcrahly 'hurt. ACCIDENT.—.V corre-ponden! sends the following urciiuiit of rtniarkahle cudurance on the part of a shiiwiiian. uiid hd assistant editor of a local Journal vouclie** for Itn tmth; "SIgnor Montaulo, manager •if the Original Arkansas Travelers, and one of the proprietors of the Great New York Show, now or- Eaniziug In Smith Centre, Kss.. met with a serious accident at Stockton on Marcli ii. While perform- ing voine of his daring acts on the tight-rope, twen- t> ■el;(bt foi't from the ground, tbe rupe pirted, ^nd he fell iviin great forcti, alighting on Us feet and broaklng sevvral uf the boDLS in uls right heel and four, lie waR taken to the hotel, where he had tho liest uf medical attemlauce, laid all the boues re- set, anil, although In a nearly fainting condition, went on the stage at nlgtit aod played bis part or the prograiuiDu through, but fainted twice In so do-' log. Uc wa.<: taken to his home the uc.vt day, and IH now at hl.s farm near Smith Centre, doing well, with everv prospect of aapeedy recovery." TUE itirkv ftwiS. have the sideshow privileges with the Dr. Thayer Show this bcusoil Keatinu and liVAN, vaulters, tumblers and aerial performers, advertise that they will be dis- engaged after May 1. ALL TUB TEOPLE engaged for the Cooper & Jack- sou Shows are ordered to report at lluici's Hotel, SL IjOuIs, Mo.. April -a. A. lady trupeze or Dying-, ringa artiat Is wauled. See calL | I'EHFonHBRS and others engaged for Robert Siickney's Imperial CIrcna, Museum and Uenagerle are requested to report at Pittsburg, Pa., April 22. See Manager S. E. Stlckney's card. Tub uhbat New Yobk Show, now organldng at Smith's Centre, Kansas Is announcetl to start out June 1. A namber or performeni, Including manlclans. are wanted. The privlleses are also advertlwd for eale, and Jaa. Robeits is requested to write. Uappy Jack Lawton, crown, wbo Is speodlDg a few davH witb his DroUer in at. Lonl«, Mo., will travel this aeason ycitb Col. Uayward's Circus and Ulppodrome, whlcb starts from Pana, DL, May I. Cooi-KH A Jackmk'm ohkat Parimiajc Cibccs and EiikT'8 ^k.iAuaKlit AND UiKnm la urganiied as fol- luvn: O. V. Cuoptf in peiicrml BoaDaffrr; Ponnu II. tlluan. aMixtant manajier; l.yman X. Jurkaon, ma*- arrr; Martin J. EUIa, Ahantant tieuurer; COas. M. Prait, prru* aceni; Hiewait M. Darbi, eqaeatrlan director; lluGier B. Corral, doorkeeper; PruL Add. Vo«eU leader orclicBtra; J. M. Barry, aoperlDlcndeui of liorvs; J. U. Uoriiuni. mpKrlotvodrot *it caoTaa; Paul Edsooada, stew- ard. AdTauce brijcade—W. C. Bo^ geaeralannt; J, B. Keiinrdy, ■M'lHtitr.-. oeent; Wm. II. Suitoo, dlrecwr of rutt:)calt<>Qf ; Ed« uil CUlMtlaBil £. J. LukiDA, ntboarmiib :eutK; J. A. MuTiay. cMef bll]paaur;and K. U. Oabajp, iMUg and rvrry £:'^cTellH, anlKtAntA. Performeiv: BABVim's Boom.— At no prevloos season of P. T. Bamnm's "Own and Only GreateBiShow on Earth" In this city has the patronage l>een so lavish as that bestowed daring the early performances of the brief series of exhibitions Inangntated In tbe Amer- ican Institute Thursday afternoon, April 8. To give bis patrons a foretaste of the treat In store for them, a giand procession of gilded cbailota, onute animal cages, elephants, camels, trained stallions, a calliope, an orchesnrlon, ponies, the lai^ cannon from whlcb Zazel Is shot tbrongta tbe air, and nnmer- ouB otner attimctlons, which lack of space forbids as to mention In detaU, made a deloor April 8 tbrough many of onr principal sticets, wblch were crowded with men, women and children, eager to catch a gUmpneoftbepatslngsbow. On Friday night, when we were preMOt, noionly were enryicat and all the avall- md A Wataon's Tianaatlantic Coui MATa;nirze, P. R. They give tliel , ' Muy. Sunday. March 21. and leave 22 ff»r t^outh Areeriea. - t ^ -fL udfBlhn _ . _ . ^pADcHc). Andrew Watrlcant, 11. .X'elwn, Wm. Conrad, Vim. Watran, Senonta Ondliia, and a few .SpaniardHwhOMMxameii I liavcnotyet bcmuir riuiilllar with. Latkh, Harch ;3.—Tbe Porto Rico L011017 dma-inpi CAme olt to-duj, and lloumburoKaiu (JananeKe) hit one partofthe capital prize, whlcb 1b$13,QU9 —^ -r . (one part in oue-tenth of tbe priie). Other prim have position. fi>r a lonit time t«ther than pmtponc to a Aiture b«vu wim by the compaej, but not laiie eoouch u> men- ' perfonnalice their opportunity to witnna tue anow^ - t-r-".. . I. . excellent orchewri. under Uie direction of Joaeph able •teo'^lnr-rooiD occnpicO. but extrm dialra placed near th» arena failed to aeoomtnodats the laRUslBC etowdl.alul the minaiement wa* compelled to close the itreet doon shortly aner elcht o'clock, and reAiae admlMdon to hnn- drrda or pcrvona who tbrn blocked the aldewalk. Men were perched on the lopa ot tbe rarioui e-Fes that aklrt the aides of the lai^ edlflce, malntalolnp uncomlortable CITT SDHBIAR'F. Edwin Booth's engagement Is provlna to be one of the most snccessfnl which he has fUUlled In this city for some years, and since onr last report Booth's Theatre has been liberally patronized. "Richard III" (ttom the original text) was acted April 6, 6, 7: "Othello," with Edwin Booth as the Moor, Jr. C. McCollom as laoo, and Mrs. D. P. Bow- ers as EmUla, 8, and wltb Mr. McCoUom as Otbello and Mr. Bootn aa lago matinee 10; and "The Fool's Revenge" S, 10. Heniy B. Abbey's energetlo man- agement has contrlbntod in no small degree to the jiresent prosperons condltloB of aflUts. JlACOlE MITCHELL aiiiti her combination, acting "Fancbon " did a pretty goud business at the Grand Opera-house tho past week, but not near so lantc a» that done by Ucr predcccf.sor, J. K. Emmet, who rose totdc position ofublginyproiltauic star many years alter "Fanchon" was flrst piuycd In this countrv. 4iulttlU's palace, wblcb Is far more lnf^ti>S ttom a a. J tc nil ectnral and decorative point of view on tbe Qdeon stage than It ever was or conld be 00 the uiSol tbe Danntte. Attlhi, loyoas at tbs Idea or proving tbe grandeur of tbe Uunnlc kingdom by bis aUIance with tbe Western Emperor, Is im- patiently awaiting Honorla's arrival. Tbe .Consul. Ka^mln, Ambassador from Rome, appears, b«t tbe Princess la not wltb him. The Ola pamclu^ dlfnltfbadreawakenied, bad revolted attbettaougnt of conferring her hand on the bart>arlan, and the marrlaKe *1U bot taki place. Atttla Hies Into a, terrtflelary, ttmatana tbe envoy, promises Jo wage war asAlnst tbe Bomans (a menace be loUlllM in history, but not In tbe drama), and then in a splen- did *pasa&se proclaims bis aml>ltlon3 projects.' Tbe action now proceeds more rapidly. Bumllla- ted by Rome, lepndlated by Uonorla, Atllla gives ItiU rein iq bis passion, and, tKlng refused tbe alster of an Emperor, wUl selzo a captive, a King's danghter. Wltbont pMley orjreamble, he tion. llr. '^'elunn made a hit, an uliio did the .Shedinaa Una. Beepeetihlly youra, W. a H. To>n' PAJ4TUR extcnda Ma thankn to the management of C«K>per, Bailey ACo.'a London CircuA lOr tltelr courteay w fo umlDf; their parade lu Philadelphia. Pa., evening of April 10, that they would not interlere with bla company's EiTfunnaneeaaiiheWalnut-ftreetThaatre. Mr. Paatorin la card lUalea lliat "It la a compUment ftralcAdly appreci- ated." P. T. Rarnl'm's Show Ia to exhibli In Rridseport, Ot.. May 3, New Haven 4, Ilanford S, Kprlngfleld, Maaa.,«, tVor- ce«ter 7. Providence, R. I., S, Bonon, Maaa., IQ, one week. GKO. K. Cou; or Cblcajto bad been enimced to maua«e' the concert, aa heretiifurcjwlih Sella Broilieni' Ctnua; but,. owlOK to a recent tnUDDderMADdlns aa lo termji, hn Mija; i»e« with BujrRobblna in the aamii eapaelly. Hairr- jkwith aaya that he ia to nianatfe tbe concert wltb R^jo-j bina' CircuK, aa heretofore. . . ONLY TWU~WE£KJ4 LUNeiiB. P. T. BARNUM'6 OWN AND ONLYGREATESTSHOW ON EARfH, EVERV AFTERNOON AND E^TEKIN*;. _ _ _ ra. - - - - Wlthem. entett&Incd the auUlrncti ontU «lRbt o^dock, xrbm the perfonauKe ooniDiei^cnl vUb a rloK proc«»- ■Inn ud btumI entm by twentj-fbor Uain ud mn- eU-phajitM, camHn, zebnu. etc^ aftr.r wolct were Intmducwl tbe llTlnp . , trntenns tlictaUooed Greek: Col. Gorhen. Riaot >la,b. dwarf; and fcmr nmtlve Znlu^ brnitclit Crom LitntloD, Eop. MRIOM Crhird avenue and Rixty.thlrd atrc«t>. I pledvn my reputation and perMmal word that thia In th;-most novel, beautlhil.eiteiulve and marreloua enter. laliimenl that 1 have ever presented to the public. i: r. BAU-STM. Tills pledge la endoraed by press ana public Hundreds turned away! A thoUMHud cEtra numbered chairs addial to accommodate the rush of Tlsitors. The London and Parisian Seosatlou, greeted WITH WUJ> EKTOL'SIASMl Her woaderAil AERIAI. DTVB from the topmost lielgbt of ibe Institute aod her EAOLB .IWOOP tbrouffh rald-alr for nearly lUO feet has created a |>eTfe<' ZAZEL, ZAXBI., ZAZKL, ZAZEU ZAZEl., ZAZEL, ZAZEI., ZA;!BL, ZAZEL. The entire praoraums exciting tlie audlpnce, their pleasure manllestlne Itself In wtvos of applausa. Hme. DOCKRILL, Mme. KELSON and her flock of TnUoed Doves, tbe ZULUS, Mme. UARTH A. BHH A LAKE. SIgnar SEBASIIAlf, ROLLIS and the entire Phalanx of^Anhiui enlhustSHUoally received. I Doom open at I and 7 P. v.; Performances at 2 and 8 I p. M. AdnilHslou, flu eta.; Children under nine, :l&ctH. Re. ; ser\-ed numbered ClMint 35 eta. extra. Ladles and Csml- . lies are aiivioed to attend the lesd crowdeil altemoun per- . formances. The TbIrd-aTenne Bievatad Ratlroad cara deposit \Taltore at the door. 4-lt | inStice of 0PENIN6. ALL PEOPLE ENtiAGED WITH'- SELLS BROTHE!tl8' MILLIO:«Af BE CONFEDEBATION OF STLPENDOUS RAII.KUAU SHOWS are notlllnl to be In lepefea on or before April It. to pre. pare for ihe orBNING, wiudi will be on TundayrApriTS .ALSO, ALL P£OPLE ENGAGED witlioarNea'Ballroad Show Number Two •bouldLreport at Topekaby April d. to be lo reading for or>en><inRi~ Tuesday. Aprn U If In doubt which show you are" en. gajed with, write immediately: a.*Jt SEL1.S BROTnEHS. Topefc*^ tiemen, elephants, camels, zebraa. etc. afte.r wuiuj ' itmduced the llvine curlusltle*. viz., Capt Co«- , . . ^ Queen iHf brroneht hither _ „ _ , by Slcnor ParlnL The Ziilna gave an exhibition ot their ahlll In throwing assefmls across the rina at a tantet. This at flrsi created some little commo- tion among that iMirtlon of the audlenco In range, but was speedily allayed when ihey percelve4 the. un- errlnir certainty of aim with which these nilisllea were hurled. The ZiiIuk also RaT* a cbaraclerlrtlc war-danee. They have fine, alhletla flfnuet, wblch are ioaewhat scantily dad, their sarb being adorned with ostrich feathers, which llttewise form a conjplcnooa part ot their beadEear. Mona. R. M. DoekrIU Introdoeed th* trained ctAlllons Hormaliike and Pacha, wblch were coospie- nnus features of the show last seaioii, and which proved to be aa eotertaiDloK as ever. UUe. Leone dla- niayed her skill In a prbielpal act of eqaestrlanlim, a]. thouKh she was unable to do heroeir rnll Jnstlee. because as she entend the arena It was noUceahle that she limped —probably the mult of a recent sprala. John Bobloaon as the clown kept the audience well amosed during the hen the lady rested. Hme. Martha and Uerr ■■•TUB Little Dbtectivb," wblch consUtnted the anaonnoes to ^i}<>*'r^.^^-^\J*rL^T^^^.j^ attraction at the Park Theatre, save at the matlneo will make her ■•«1<'«;.5SIi^?r §f Anill 10 when "Musette" was repeated, was sent, notwltbstaniUng ber love Rir-Walter and her wlthSrewn 10. Lotta has diawn larger audiences borror for sncb a bus-band, he •™P'o/8 "P: rtiirinff her nresent en.«ngement than during ber ment.tbat capnoiran; irehedoep no* yield to bis nrewona vlflltsfcr som?y^^ wl»f. ""1 with every intward appearance of doing tbe Park Theatre Is to be entirely redecorated, tbe '« J» *f aaortflo^^ tbe P™»?KSf?? be? Wr walls and celling are to be elaborately nrescoed, tbe f^5?<;i?^'TiJ^ SatdSa ll'ldto tows ftxinu oftbe tleA are to be changed, new and more £fo'47he"di«^S£^% ttus'lm'pS^^ so resigned does she appear to her lot that Herric and tbe Burgondlans inislaketbe motives that have led to her consenting to the union, and nnlle In cursing tbe heroic martyr. Walter alone compre- commodlous chairs are to replace tbow now In, tbe prlvate-bo.xeB are to be reDimlabed, a new drop- cnrtaln Is to be painted, and newcorpefs and mat- tings ate to cover the flours. A new front to tbe theafe Ja also, to be built. JIat9gcT Abbey In- forms us that tbe Park In point of teauty aod com- fort shall hot tie surpassed by any theatre in this Clt.V. . _:: _ ■ Intervals Neyeaard, Mme. who made their Atnerlean ._. debnt, dolojr dniihle manciie act. nrovid to be graafhl and okllled and tbe 1ibenJ>^^aan sboweied upon ihem attested their success. Kelaoa Family In acrobat- ic and pofftorlDfr rcau won dcMrred applauu; Uszl« MarceTluH in&lnt*lDe4 ber h\^h rrpotalioa aa a rider diirlDK a prtDclpal >ct, and J. MeCaitj did well an tbe down; the LeoUirdM, ffTTDiuata. wtaoae ekccllesce la known to OUT r«aderH,«Toke<a llbemi apn1iiiiHa;Orr1n HollU rode a bareback act. diftpU^loR mocfa daab and' fearlrMoeu, and atlntf-iTalji«l)cht duwDHalmoA oonnxUed tbe upectatore with laiifrhter by ihelr antlca; Monn. Nelson and nooa Elaved TlollnH whlla pe r fon n loc a aeriee of^lfflcult acro- aricfeatJi; MlMErama Lake rcccWed aconlal welcome, hrr maneiie act arooKlne mueli eotbuklann. and at It* clove, when (tbe retired flrom the arena, her hnrM unlns Its bind Iccn onlr. the applanwe wan almoit dearmlni;; Mme. »lMn Intmdncr^ a number of well-trnlned dOTt-e, which circled throncb the air and retnmeil at her btddinc, perchlnfT upon her nhnokleni and head, and nubaequently Errfunned a Taiiety or (rldkH. Mme. Dockrtll. one nf tbe CRt tlilem tbnt ever appeared In America, completely eaptlrated tboM prevent ity ber in^ce and dnrfna. and ut the clone of ber principal act xlie wan recalled at leant hnU-a-tlozen tlmfiter« the torrent of apnlauMf which Mie had excited waa luUed. Later In the orenlnfr nhc rode fmir harekB':ked horMff.«ilcrthe manner of mnle equentrlnns. The eoihuuljum she croked watt m InroniilHptI that it oniyrniind vent lo chccra. Charleti White Lniruducod a ipltlve Doreltr In a couple ortrnlni^ oxrn, almost por- ed r *- —* ' ' - ~" " TEMPERAKCi: , BOOV. .AjatX>'v-atloA by tfae nrdmpefrsaoe y 'People. •■ ■' ; AN OBIGDIAIi TEBIFBBAfiCB D«AM^ Holdlnif spth^mlner ofnataie^and Hfe, and trutliiviuy reflectlna the csrse ot IntemperancA (wrlttao abd owned bra Keolucky poet ifid aovellst). wltb an (aUlnal teopw- ancosong. *ro be played under the auspices oftbe tem- perance societies, and for tbe beneSt ol tbe .tempetanea. 'caaa. ■anylnvintions accepted. Ho moner denunded. iSogldesit capital lunlahed. Prominent temperance men loieraoted. Treasurer to,be appolntod. Oavactni;! ex-, 'penses to be deducted. Rnlendrd company, flne vncMlsbi, maeolflccnt Lcostumos, full orchestra and allver-CAmot 'hand. Togo on the road In September. Speotaculsr iscenes, original ' orcb oatra moslc. ^i^m^ha, B^ermalJn. bchds tbe devotedness of ber he adores, whom be canbotdonbi and. bending bis kneebelbre her, ad- diCasesherln a somewhat preteDUoos bntcbann- tngly-woided paaaage that was warmly applanded. The tbird act Is oc(;Dpled by tbe weddlng-fbast, a plcturepqve scene very effective In Its simplicity. AttUa arranges the details of the ceremony blm- selt We see tbe captives dcfUc before tbe new Queen, all angry and dladalofnl, except Walter, whose emotion Is-overwbelmlng, bat vbo never for an instant Inaea confidence In bis lady-love. When tbC Ibstlvlty'ls at Its height a song In asked for from Hiuido, a poet and soothsayer In ordinary to Attlla, wBodeelaunsliiliii'llItoTentstyleenoiigb some verses In bonor of the axe. wblcb are a worthy iiendant to the. ballad In which the virtnes of Roland's • .vend DnrsndSI are enBJt in "La PlUe de Roland." TtjBjpuoaat JB cUttaollHstlc, lUl' of local eolorv if Ad tOBsMliieatlT ^9 Kln^'ln wDoae ei po». recils' maicht-. _ . .. he lullv as Intolllfien:, docile and tractable R.Mthciii>H 1 aa rvnsrds color and size. The.v provcHl to Tom DEf1IR£8 TO GIVE PUBLIC EXPRBfldlON HIS m&. wm. tm & ^ or THE 6REAT LONDON CIRCUS. AND niEIB COURTEOUS BEPliESENTATIV E. JOHN W. HAMILTON, ESQ.. FOR aE?fEROU8 CONDUCT IK ADVEHTIBING THEIR PARADE TO PAfSTHE WAtCTX-STREET TIIEATBE "In time to allow the anaembled crowdit" opportunity lo wiioea* Tony raator*a Rreat pcrfbrmaoce on Saiurday cren- Injc. Aprtl lU. an act ot proleastonal courteay worth"' of «»• uLitlon, and m eompUmrot greatly appreciated. ~ 4-lt lrn|r>c«iiioTVCAthat wv haTcwItocwwd. Tbry knelt upon the fioTe-lcccmonnted pedefitxOp.plHclnfiODo foot on anclcTatvU po«t, nnud with all their feet np^m amnll Htnndft, nacendiMj and deftcendc-d nmall fllnbt of doubleatnlrs. flrcd a plFtol, PQlllnp a Btrlnic with their tOMh and playcnl at hih^miw. FlgnnrSebastlao ftitly FU*<taln«>d bin well-earned reputation a<i a drut-clanii equeptrlao. Uuloc a barehnck net and a carr>inir act wltb lltlie LouIk. A borne and n nta^, called Lniidficer, electrUled tbe nudlence by Icapioi: over the bnckn of other bnnea and over ouiitacli'S placotl at IntormlH around tbe rinr- Tlie bnttoatc leaping by the ninle mrmbera of the company waa a leaturt^, and their leader, John Batidielor, turned a dooble aomerKault over scTeral elepbanta. H. M. Dockrill Introduced the Black Tnkene atalllona. their Tarhjua fuata provlne an Rttractlro aa hitherto, and the oerformance term- inated with the daring feata by Zozel, who made her American dehnt, belnjc aMilrted by 8lfmor Farlnl, her In- atnictor, and the InTenlnrol'the apparatua uoed. Aaceod- latf tn nearly the roofor the tmltdina, nhc walked upon a Kmall wire rtretched acroM tha entire audltorluiu. uttlnir durlnt; ber Amt pamacc a JnpaneNe umbrella, but dlacara- Infrlt durlDffher rotnra; ahe neitucendedtoatrappcc. and performed a number or dllllcult f^ata: then inonntca to a stationary platform, from whlcb ahe dnrn down- ward bead flmt, and allnhted In a net placed behtw. She then mounted to an ele,vn«d platform, b«^neatli which waa suspended In the air, bv meana of wire ropcf^ a larce Tnonar, which rhe entereil net for«moRt, and woa cperdlly kMt to view. SIffnnr KnrtDlJ ntandinc on the net bvoeath, and holdlofc In hU hand a Ipnp wax Ucbt, anked If fih« wu ready, and, recdrluv flnjulrTnitlve r«ply, applied the torch to tbe mortar, whlcfeVaa didcharsen with a loud t9- port. Zatelwms aeen to \am throuch the air. and fell unliOorcO In th^ net on ihd oppocltc aide of the audito- rium. Tbe botkUDK-u not: veil adapted to diKplay thla fenttolta t>eA Mkrantaiie, fa there are ao many obrtntc- tlonaluuiKlQif down from thu roof. The act waa In every wmy KueceaftAil, a«d receive^ fervid appleuw. Durlne Ihe evenlne Mr. Bamnjn appealed In tbe arena and briefly ad- ,dn>Med t&eSfidiaDoe. who became quite entliu5lafitlc. Cool Buare«a jJaa appeared vltn uncorked face, ran|; a aong ^wldch.qi^^ « bit, and anpinunoed that on April 10 the •COfl: Buraaaa Coocrrt C< opaoy. wblch bad t>een en- -W^'w'travel thle m> .vm. under the direction of -A B.' Bunnell, «ith thi^ Bomum Show, would com- f^iOenco -Hi flerlea of uerlur fiipRB. T^c irounp. bealdep mtt. ■'BBartgl^-^clnw* -'^lQ: naoda. Kred Hallen aiid Enid Ufxt, Oeorse Kurtz, . VIII H. BInwe, John W. niiliiton. ll«Rt«r KeltOD. J .O. GattoII and Nellie Brfwk*. Jam^'B. Cooke, the enucctrluD director. dlHCharccd tbe duUea'oT rlnionavUT to, t venial and affiablo manner. Oeorfe K. Bailey la the 5 riii manager, aod WUlukm £, devUa, ajKet«,-ctc:^CUtnot completfd. Spdclalty peopio wanted. Prominent temperance people and maoafem ot. balla. aand InvltatkAa to DBAHATIRT. cara of Mall-car- rlerNo. 7. LouiavUle. Ky., author of the romaooea and pMuna **HnjiUui In the Twlllcht.*' "That I*rekt: Raby-bov.» "The BeautlfUl PoundlloR,»' "Whose Sberv **treuy Potoa»b«" "Tbo Indlaa-fftrl Bennt;. eta ; 4-U WftLDM ANN'S OPERA-HOUSE, Would be pleased to hear from FIRST-CUSS DRAMATIC STA8S I^AvlJiflC open dates ^^om April 1. 4-lt Addrcw' tBKD. WAI.PltAyN, Manager. ) ori9aii.esr- ao^nas"wan>e<i niin inai a pioi is oeinir' omuoca and ^ pared agalnAt bis IIA). All' Itie captives rcfnsc bSSSt "SL rellase ia^iuuga'a. treaaon.' Walter. how« IVOTICJBL Ail propls coitaRcd with the COOPER ± JACKSOV SHOWS are reoufsted to report at llursi's Motel, St. Louis, KrlJar. April 21 WANTED— , A LABV TRAPEZE OB FLVtSG-BTXtJ ARTI.^T. <■"* ^ COOPER & JACKSOy. Robert Sticlsitey^s Ihpqiui Cntus, Mbsom mo ilatsuiL ROBERT SriCKNEV Sols Pnpriator .CALL.—Pcrtbnners and all others enjtaffcd will report In ^ttsburi. Pa., April 22, IMl. at 8l Clair Hotel. . 4-ltf SAML. E. STICmEY. Mansear. NETTIE BURT AND ALICE LIVINGSTON, THE ORIGINAL FEMALE BOXEBS. IN THEIR ACT THE ART OF SELF-DEFENSE, "mi^' s^TTIE*'K'Sr hivlnJ°Kld^th. CHAMPION wiTO, naainsuj eauugu, in uuic picaasu uu miu uio medaL fof IT« .n"e^?iv.^" n5.-eniided' » SOU Uiat nartleular spot at snch an hour, calls on nenipossasslaa of the same; also to tbe title of -. —~ ~- ~ - - CHAMPION FEMALE BOIER OF AMERICA. The above statameni la a jioaranty to manageri that onr buflnuHS Is PIR$n'-CL.\fm. and uut utade to call forth a chaUenvp lo a OLOVE-KlriHT n^m a party who bait bfcn bltlnl'^^atnplon of all Aiuvrlca," with Dotblos to nhow for It, and who la now neekins notoriety upon the sucugth of my well-emmed reputation. 1 Fur open datea address NETTIE Bl'RT. ' 4-lf c»r«of CLIPPER__ MEMORUL HALL, National Soldiers' Home, DAirrON, OHIO. Sie contract to fliniliih the DRAMATIC GOMPANV Ibr atiUMVBIt SBABON at tbo above-oamed thaatre hav- (Bir besn awaided to me. I desire to annonnoe. for the bena- flt of tlie Ladles aDd Oenilemen who bare fiiTored me with tberr coFTupondencr, that my address is as follows: Daovllla, lUL. April IX La^yclte, Ind.. l^U)«aaflport, lod., 17. Columbus, Ohio, 19. Newark, Oblo, 20» BalUmore» Md.. as. one w«ek, Bo^n Hay 10, two weeka. BURTON ADAMSp with miton Kobles' Comedy Co. IW^W. THE K aj _ _ . - . - Mil*'. Aunle Worlaud, Utlr. Psaa Cordelia and Bile. Eda l>L-v«Ti*. iMiiie^trirnnea; HJie. SUniietia. irvn-juw iHrrfimn- vr; Mile. Ir ranees Banr. wlrr aaceosloDhft; W. H*. MchoU, N. A. Lonaudiand Auolph Muuclilu. cMU«^lana; itiftiaw iinil Ali'Mi. L)roiher-act»; J. I* JLhivenptirt,Chna. Itiyec uud ^att. Ktliuoiidii.clownn; Wm. KLni.'uide, Loriey and How- unJ, •ItiiiiL-o Elm>s Wm. KMr>hry, Prea Oaatte and WiUle l.mii. Ii-rtpcra and toublrnt; wiu. Weunia .lud Edwaru I^'oUT. (*uuf*>rtlonUtf»: I^*r«iyaud Adanu, vi>minllMUB: Eu- kriie Carl Zewartz, UIuslotUKtL Mile .Stella Curl Zvwaiix, <|iif>-n oi rtrr, and rn>^ Ucx-iir lluut. nreonatit. Theynin I. II iii<>ir «twn prirlloiri'ft. Route: Missouri, three weeka; tbt'ti lo I)Ilnoi« aud Eiint. TnL <iKEAT i;a!<t£RN Snow wns organized In ■n iirN-.-uiH Marth 'A l^^>. Tho.-<. \Y. \ lofuu ui the uian- a^vr; .1. K. Ma?k und KntK*rt .loitii>w>n. a«siHtaut-manii|ient; II. Ii. Cilify, irrui^urcr: i.'iih t;. MurriiS [:vDeral-a:'ent: Will II:inh-y, ttf4U::iut-a};eia: w. Mci:t>rO. s. Hailley and }l. ilyvi», bil!)^>torn; Jobu Wardt^n. |>roprrnminur; JLaw- ronn* W»'.iii;r, proi»prtit-*i; J. W. I'age, privllcces. Per- ((.•inuTS: Ki*.iiii<irv and Boyd, OiPiiljlc tmiM.*ze anu acrobatic »ili>t'': riiil t;<il«lfi>, |n.-«lL-iiUil clu^KOdJIg Utuiccr; Cliurleft liroi'Snard. with EdisuM^a pnoiiucrHph; Bob JuhnnOD. arro- biitic cluwn; the lK'lmi<nt Brvs., Johnaitn ami the Stanley HruLhi-rt*. li>irixuiitAl-bat»i', Ciiorlvd aud Cnbc (^aixlciikaf, cuiiiic vocaUaia; Archie FiUmure, p«d|;Rtal <;lub-sainf:ing| prnr'. Dollniont, creoIe p:ini and MTungman; lluber auu Vius-vn, i^iHrcialty pcrlnmtem- Colilt-n i.ttd Kevnan. twiig- and daucc; ^tnnley Buyd, ttyin'^ rin;r^; I'rof. Delatzba. n:a;:ician; and Cllloy'n .'^uilii^rn MliiKlrcln — Annaod Vvo^vv. Jamea *kli>dviiu', J. B. Grinuot:*', Tmiu Williuot, Bob Mack/w'Ut U. SInuuona. G. K. KonrlUe, J. O. N'caviJIe and Tiio^. flaoi^y. The sidcshuw L* under the mana^^meni of J. .M. pA(;v. They |>«;iiorni«d in Btnix-n Br.J^a ^Cf'^ ^ Lafayette 7, I^vrilltO. ChlC'tvllle lu. and arc dueiofTcr- grecu 12. WtuthiniTton H. Opduusaa 16, Kaicbez 19. Op BCHPICK & AI.LKN'd QlWUKCn.!: COMBINATICM BLnllck & Allen are the ptupneioni and laaQa^r^ni; £. Li^pold, director of anuaciucota: D. Ciepp. coDiractlng auT^ut: Frrd Hin^r.chleluf paatti-bricade: P. DouKherty, It-nder of band; J. Dorbeny, master orciovad-Bur- tilciw, mx*arr ofiftock. r«nurroeni: Mona. I<copoid. Ndlle TboFDtf. JVttitt and White, C. C Fwltitt, Uvry Wenth- worth, the Lorendo Hroa., Jerry Nicely, Dua AUen, £ph niirdlck. They hare twenty horwcs, 66it. top and 3Sit. miUdle-plPce caovaa, two horM-tcnta. twelre wagons, four mvn in advance corpi. Thoy open in A5bLabnla, O., May 1. Lcapers, tumblers. Epeuolty people, etc^desLrinc en- pa;;ementa can addrcM aa pa( adTartUcraeuta and the feitlephow prirlte^ijitorcnL PrHPORiiKRd and ntcnrrinn^nf merit are wonieilby tlie OrrmBrutUere^C-Q.IurMavaaaiCuUk ti^GU^ SPRAGrES COLOHUL ClKCTB AND CitmAT ELKCTRlb- L GII7 Siinw ts to beicin Ita keoson on or atwut >lay l, the Una fttaod belnfc at Dundee, IlL, where the troape ka now fonnlnc. All detalla are not yei complete. Z. W. .■^propue l« tbp proprietor and manaser; E. < • Thurber, trcahiii-or: William Ma^o, dlrvctor; Wiaah BIodecUL rcu- eral-nceot; A. K. Wood, master of blUpcvnlnj; bnsaJe: E. P. Youn^. prerta-Acent; M. A. Thurber, Ihhoi^Tapber; Ilank Wine, hoiti^canvuman; H. A. Kinccade. eque»trtan di- rector: Jamen Kbiccade, hnrdle and li diaj rider; MUe. Lee Etta, eque^tilau; the Lanea — Cnurlei and Uer-. ' il^trapczc and hurlxontal t>ar perlbrm^ni; fTbarles Bow-j William Wectpa. contortlODlat and liuteler: I CREAT THEATRICAL HOUSE, BLOOMS' LIKE PHtEMIX EISBX dry, FBOM BIS ilSBES, 01}B a£NT IS AfiAM IN FULL ItTew TBEATBICAL DEPiRT- sna sltowa no traces oUho lato In at oar MlablishmanL except that a grcst manr excalleat barnlns of allshtlr damand gbodaueaelllDsoffra^nUcsflAreoator.Talne. . v ■« ' o We quote a. few prioes, vizs: :VIX3B COTtOH TiaHTSI 7. i... .^LS n.B8HoorroN sniRTs ^2. WHITE (XMTOK TI0HT8 , jj WHITE COTTOK SBIRTaJ L» ENOLISU SDFEB 8T0CT FLE.<!H TIOIITS. l.« BXGLISU SnrEB STOIiT PLBSH SHIRTS I.«D BNOUSH Snperflno TOK COTTON TIOIITS, » !.(» BN^Lian Enpnflna PINK COTTON SHIRTS 1 gaa|«. 100 teerouBH usi^E thskas TraHra..'. s.s RNOLIEn LISLE THREAD SHIRTS a» rRBMCH LISLE TBBRAD TIOHTS 3.751 PHENCU LISLE THREAD SlliBTa im WORSTED SHIRTS AND TI0HT8, ALL COLORsi UEATT OB FINE GRADE.. J.(D WORSTED LEOTARDS WOBSTEO KNEE TIOHTa _ 2.50 I ENOLISa SILK FLESH TiaHTS taSXt ITALIAN SILK TIOHTS, ALL SHADES, HADE TO ORDER XX EXTRA HEAVY FOR EQUESTBIAHS 10.00 SILK OPERA HOSE. ALLC0L0R9 6.W to S.0O 4-U* .-'^tlRQPEAN NOVELTIE8. v' ; , ' Vooea <i>Atti^<r Ji ' ' m four-act dwna, by Uerrlc De Bomler.'waa re- Aatfr prodo^ at the I'Odeon fTli£atA, Paris. Mt:l^'s iAdlows: .The ctirtalui flee* biua plc- tureaqne scene on tbe banks of tbe Dannlw, con- Teylng a fUtbfDl Idea of tbatwlld region rendered deeolat^tof tbe rtgoTS'Ot Wlntar and ravaged \>x tba' boTTOTs 01 war. Hatnr« Is an mde In aspect aa ara tbe mea wbo afflict what imder anoUwr orddr ot tlUogfcmlfhtlielierlilrboe. Tlieepoobistoward»' the year -us of onr era. Attlla, Kuk of (be 9iuia, "TliaScdiiTse'of Ood," as be caire<l olmseic wbosq ^bpniidejl vnbltlonaDdtblrstroEwaraoaiaplns made him tbe terror of all natlona, has conquered Id turn Oensans, Oania, Roioans, and uotbs, aod comes back to his Hansarlan tkstneasea with his savage bordeg and a liiure booty. Among bis ^u- oners are Heme, KUw or tbe BnrgiuidlaDS,andSU- dlga, bis danlcbter. This girl, wbo la known in bls- tjtry aa Ddloo, Is made id some GermaD leoetids to be danghter of a Elnit of the Franks,, and III others of a King of tbe Bnrgnndlabs; whereas Hangsnan tradition bands down ber naoM as Hl- koltb, and glTes bar a Frlnce of the Bactrlans for Ikther. V. De Bomler 'has adopted the fbrmer ver- sion. Tbs groop of captlTes will soon recalTa. an itfbCtlTe in a blgbdsgree." T^T ^^t^ff mini] a deep, onde- tdkA saSpielon nuikMai^ $Aca the opsortiinlty' of this mte to oBa tbe itrlaoDers their lib- erty; lie hopes by this .luana, to,, probe the d^^.of'HlfaUoa and Walitf*8 sebfe^ aod.Hnni d^hSs'wamed^m' tAat a' plot' Is being -pre- " ^ All' Itie captives rcfDse, for - » of t^Krt^ however, t.^Us the monster Ibe use to which t-e will pat thb liberty thos accorded him, and nis tirade, which breathes promises of revenge. .In'evedT." ■iim.,is afclc -80 Arhlent In Ua li:.^^^ ^ aiBOier noancAs of •which.people's minds ''arv; mtn or loB mil, that tbe antflence seemed to to.*.. pellance acertain nneaalness, and tbe speech' nalk' .Walltr's aadacloos langn^e In tbns beanl- Ine the lie' in his vcrv den leads to ttla tjein^.con- d4dned to ditath, and AtUla's eldest son, Hennock, notawbltleiisferocloiis than blmselt claims tbe prtfUegB or<>beliig the exegnttapgr ot tberjoi FiiaK KMKIWi'BOd bla fatnetatvv (l>V)4 ^i^r^cowardly Office.'^'Wbpi- the rnii uiit'us- w*lia Is dead, and there la no hope that Hlldlga will be saved ITom the embraces of her savage lonL She Is led to his apartihents, and tbero^whUeawaltlnithlB antval. Prince EIIalLaie Klngayoongec sod; a-yoath who had been deeenD- ed or gentle natore and good principles, comes to rescae herp he wishes to snatch Der Irdm ber'borri- blC'iate by making her bla-own bride. UlMlga re- fuses. So« baa resolved, like', anotber Jndlib, to slay Attuaf and has received lh>m a Parisian wo- . man namad Oerontla, one of tbe captives, wbo : seems to eiiloy.very complete Uberty ln tbe palace, : the same axe by whlcb waiter bad perished. Thla weapon'ia faUden- behind a cartaln'.in the nuptial' cbafflber.'. IDldlgs'a reiusal ai once snggestK to i EUsltwtaat Mar pacpoae is. She avows ber project, anS bldel.hloijIi> hisdnty by denounotnghcr, when Atfila appcM^ Tbe Qneen retires, and the King, who, natotaUy enongh. Is Uttle pleased to find bu son in that particular spot at such an hour, calls on Ellak to explain bis presence, and tbe yonng man, In his endeavor to warn his Sither without mining niyHga/^ridg'bj conflmaing his love for the ^neen. Then Attlla, who. to. tell the truth, has,bcen paint- ed tbToiigiiont ae a paQent and lowsnlRTlng monster^Ustenlng to the most atrocious Insults with sublime tiencvolence, fliea Into another fletcc taotrnm, Uiltatens bli son with execution, and also tells blm that bis mother, who bas been long In exile, shall be put to death as welL The gentle- minded youth accordingly goes oll^ thinking It may be as well for his own (nterests to leave tbe anthor •rtals days to Bildlga and bis fate. Tbe rest la soon told. If blstorr may be believed, Attlla, after a heavy l>out ot drlnklDg dnrlng his marrlage-fSast, died In tbe brldal-cbamber dnrlng tbe night, snflb- catcd by a broken blood-ressel; Oornellle accords him a natiual .death; butH. De Bomler prodnoea .onsotthe moM telnig eHfeots to bis drama by ttaa way in which me King, etmok tall lalhsliodybT tbrfaxe wblch -the yonng girl seems to wield like a woedtnan, alrnggen onto the stage tram-Hlldlga's cbamber, to proclaim to his amazed followers that he bad tbrown lumselton the weapon, and has ntkt mien by a woman's band. In vain does the Qoren call out that tbe Ihtal wound was Innictcd by her band. Attlla forbids the crowd to believe her, and stota bls'son anil the soldiers who are abont to selEe bis mnRiaTciia.' Tbe Ham considered that to be killed by arwoidu was tlie height of dishonor; tbe body of hny maa wbo had thus perished was thrown to tbe nog^ aad his deaeendnnts were disgraced for- ever. Atuja'sassertldnthatbehsdcomtnltted sui- cide does not arl^Xromanj Inexplicable umdetness to>lBrds HlUlga, bui; la piompud by his desire to savo his mekiory Iron In&my, and his sons from degradation aad dowaftlL- Aa he Is expiring, the Franks, irtao have aiuprlaed bla army, rash npon the sceuc. and the barbarian monarch dies In despaif, hls.oyeli'ilxed 6n the trtiunphant banner of Lnteta, as Paris was- then callea. Tbe -cast In- cluded ■. MarHs as Walter, U. Pujol aa Kliur Her- ric, aifd Hlle. BbnseUU HUdlga. SPUN .lUCK OPERA HOSE. PLCIH COLOR. » INCHES LONO 2.30 CALF PADS, OR 8TMMRTRICALS 3.» CALF-PADDED TIOBTS SOD CALF AND TUIOn PADS aoO TUIOH-PADDED TIGHTS 6.00 PADDED SHIRTS FROM SJO to &00 CANVAS OAITERS, PER PAIR I.iO CANTAB SLIPPERS, PER PAIR 73 CANVAS BELTS S5c. AND OP. FRENCH SPANGLES I.JO PER POi;ND. i»«r^lS^i'lh;SSlf;i?i«!S?l''.V,-'.^'^T.¥^ PARBIAN novelties In stage wear, and are better enabled than ever to eapply the moat mhiata wanu lor either male ot (knislo characters bi tho praftsiuon. OUR THEATRICAL COSTUMING f ORESSMAKING 18 THE MOST COMPLETE IN THE COUNTRY, staada wldiontarlTalasrani;di ooir^ in ACandanlsh. REASONABILITT and pnnctoaUtr. OVR ILLUSTRATED Catalogue SENT FREE ON application. — ATHLETIC AND AQUATIC OUTFITS. LOWE.<fr PRICES IN THE COUNTRY. .. . BLOOMS', 338 AND 3-*0 BOWEBY. bctreon Bond and Otcat Jones slr«t«. AMUSEMENTS. Importsataddldon in the liersanoraganantyo'nDg 'Prank genera], called Walter, who has come to At- I la's camp to ransom Herric and Hlldlga; he will thelrllbertybya heavy welc^t of gold, or, Irtheconqnerorprelers, will deliver blmseirnpin their stead. And De.lherefoTe. boasts to tbe Hnnnlo I King that In tbe battle ofChaIoiis,wbereTbeodorlc i and .Ctina rolled back tbe tide of invadera led by ' Attlla, be (Walter) bad done prodigies of valor—an Impnident'vaunt, fbr tbe barbarian King bad no 'cilvalrle nottons, and accordingly considered the young Prank as already hUprlaoner. Walter, as may tie aoTmlsed, loves Hlldlga- He had seen ber in tbe time of Heme's prosperity, at tbe Oiand Palace of Aries, and Is ready to aacrlfloe himself for her. sake. Attlls, however, refuses his oSkr. He has formed a secret passion tdr bis Ihtr captive, bnt does not wish to avow It, for he is expecting tbs arrival at bU barbaric court or Honorla, sister of Valentlnlan, Rmperor of Rome, who Is promised him In marriage. That lleentlons woman bad in ikcL history tells tis oflbred herself to tbe terrible Attlla in revenge for bung banished on aeconnt of an Intrigue with her cbambeflaln. In the drama Attlla Is expecting her coming, wbidV will be flattering to bis pride, ahd be aanooiiftiBXIiat be will not surrender HII- Idlga, because lunoMtlnes her to be a companion to the Vreetem prinoess. - The cartaln luis on this command^nlch admits of neither reply nor dis- cussion. Tb^etpbslUoa given In tha act \u clear, and Uieie" are two or three striking jepl- sodes In Its conrse. Tbe second act Is perhaps tbe naeai In the work, we are shown a vast ball iliUUC 1880 rO&N BE HAP OF A U. NE WiBiDEAljaB £Sa» '..;f'?W?™r nr'jwBanRi-iiannsibnie eiraired lfita<BnWiM oovw MB last year; nearly an the matter is new; In the chronoloKlee will be tonnd a, oondensed bnt oomjplete b&tory ot itmis»- .menUi,lit A^'vl"a (!nnnj(. the past year niaoot ' ttaejeadluceventa in aportlnaalrolw; and .tba teopnia ortBsteet time, etc., tmrei UMi nieparal wlui'otir'^tiBnAl oare. ~ Uxeir .supplies of tholv -^^SiW- I sale asente. Copies, inaned rronx eixle ofitoe on re«etpc or prtoe. lO cente^ FR^ISTK QXJEElsr FUBUSHER ASD PROPRIBTOB. ' 8S and so uencie street. New Vn>k. P. o. Box 3,18a ""WW new York.