New York Clipper (Apr 1880)

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^RIL 17, 1880. O IFL O X_. I 27 'irTvRDtS v«. ATI EJfCUSHMAjr. we niccivol from captain Boganlns a 1^ hoDcl for which shows that be t;"""' f ,r the speedy raUflcnUon or the match Flic Hiuion has negotiated wltU Urn uli'-^JSmniUuianreslUlDSln St. Lonlft. Mo. rfjjOSU * g'""'- ClllCAOii, Iiu, April 6. IPSO. „.rr-c r«o —IVar Wr; iDCtuced And SUOB) to f»'.'^,?:.ul.■N■t;v.^•n mcandths EncUihiDMl. SSJU M (a: il ' "', ,1., ..rhcr Saw r..r liw »X|>eiiMii. I r»iiulre Wm July 10, ^'""^"m 'iSnn. •nnTBi-N was contended for at Bergen Point, *,'?„riiT cacli conteaiont flrlnB at ten birds, ''■•'v.iv. A-U Lone bland rules, and W. Unibam MaliLv ticim: on elitht birds. In snooting *^,ttie MaltKy secured the gun, ''^ - \l-»?UIVCTON ARTIIXEBT Ct^P WE-S BhOt lOr ,1 N'" „j.,1.>rxT"> Ki-,-j||---^||^-j— t:r?,.„ Ml a>ft d... wm.-won hy tlio Serenth , V J M.. n-<irJtr .TSS asBlnst tlie 371 made by E<^*. 'ilj.itifnl li-;i'n. Thr SliaipV Maccb, luUluo '-' •"'■iiiiT.h" »■"" !>tc•Ten^ and iLc Cartrldur ■r^ jifl J-i-'. "'"■S" ^ 7, I'liBiTlN*; w':i-'* in ordiTatrroedmoor, L. I., April ^I'i'iiw J'-i't-''^''*-*" coiiunoncwl wlth a coo. 111-. ■'S^r urlcanit. La.. April 4, each man flrlng Are •• ^ u-Tr "OOviK and M many at SOQyds., and Elvv S*Ipii wlnnlns with a store of 40. ^riTSTiiN KirLF.-K.ixiiK.CamdCD, N. J., waa opened It.'miii^'in siiu^;un. rtX), 9i>)and 1,10) yard^, . .,1 t-.tfit rtin;;f. F. II. lldlron wnj* the top. j'«.nninL-« llh II'J piiint.« out ol 4!S pOMible. An .'j^;", ,„.IM.;ual," llW, ao, axijUi., wa< wun by ■^H.' i-.,l>U»'i"«'<'t"''^ -^ATRICAL RECORD. DRAMATIC. Coniiiiurd from pagf 31. i^rpn MiKriiY iicsan an engagement at the ■ .tWatrc. rhIiailclpUla, Aprils, In -Keny Cow,'' 'i. 1, foriiifl 111': •>"! for tbe week. Attendance ' 1 n'f Tliii Trazudlans of Kalamazoo open ^'i'l' in ••"iir Scliool4lays." • It seems settled '",1 ilat tlil> ilitatre will be controlled ne.\t pea.«on I 9 ircll-Ki>"^"> I'liiladelptila caplUkllat, who has Lnlarfl'' interested In U since the time when It ^tnil'(iiamc:eon-Ilke. from a minstrel hall to a ' miie ofTlK-splH, hut who, Ijeing engnsed In other , illil unr wlHh his connection with thentrlc- * 101« luade public. lie wlU have as a partner Vsrr nc<>. K. ciKMlwIn. his present one, or some ':^r iiiyiH:la>.~ manager, wbo will make the con- m K w'lih slant and combinations, and whose „.|)i lie used as the lessee and manager's. T^Tn><i» IT'"" l*advllle, Col., uptoAprni:-'MlS3 rSLi McAllister, formerly leadlni; laOy of Tntmr'n i^Sr-boniie, will, aided liy proreRslonal mends. l,Vt a lientilt to the widow of Charles VIvlau S i» cb«tnut-BlTcet Tbiiatre the early part of next 'J'fset.t JtBsle Brown,' with UlHa BeUe Gll- hr- ill iiie ilile-character. and Messrs. Roche, Lan- r^^M Sullivan and Gilbert In leading roles, Is in«ltu; crovdcil audiences to the Tab«r Opera- JrJ,.^ ....-lllackeyed Susan'and 'TlcKet-of-Ieave Sia.- with Charles Eilwurds, C. H. Thomp.'wn, '^mvH uruver and May De Lome In the leading Jiaractcr' are meeting with snccess at the Grand fTjirjl Te.xas Jack In 'The Professor's Dangh- irr'supported i>y John Dunne and Emilc Ames, Is ibr altraclion at the Chestnut Mr. Haley of and West, who has liecn conflned In the Sls- ir-.°'llu.:nit:il sulTerlnj: with a fractured shoulder, 01*1 by falllnit through a trap while pLiylng In Tic Km tianted Mine,' Is fust recovering, and will rer-ive a Irenellt nt the Grand Ccutral shortly TK'c>'ll.''eiiiu will n-'Kpened shortly by Messrs. forrh 4 Caddlgun with u variety troupe from the Ei-L"' j(f. M. IlESSETT, o-.vner of the Philadelphia prop- (iiT uiiill recently known as Fo.x's Standard Thcu- m TiHue Inlervlewert by a CLirPEB correspondent oj'tnril 10. said: "All the sMrles published by the riiLiileliilila paiicrs uinmt niy baving leased the itrnitv to lliiverly, or nbnut negotiations pending MsM-n liiin anil nivself with rennrJ to makln>r ■br fniiit portion of the building a storr higher, are KtullT wliliniii fuiiiidatlnn. I have positively de- ('4..rniii 10 lent the liulliling to Mr. Haverly nor lirone cI.'m.'. The propeny Is only for sole, not for rcEi: and I shall ulluw It tu remain Just ns It Ls till I cju sell it. no matter how long a period may i^jiHo lA fiire that event." ylT. STk-TKtiN announces elsewhere his new play ••RfniucV," written hv J. J. MctHoskey, and puLs II tirwani as a piece of more than usual merit. lie n'jis in lluston, Mass.. April VI. and throngh the Ei^vivk of le, opening In Chicago, IIL, 26. He <dD w addressed as per card. iri. E. Tonn. now with the Jnlla A. Hnnt Dram, arir I'Dinpauy, will be at liberty May 1. He plays (zj. or second low comedy. He can also lie sc- rtml as advance or assistant agent, boslness- jcmager, etc. Address cure of this olllce. .>iiLLiE UiNTO.N', the talented child vocalist and a<iivss, reappeared as "Uttlo Red Rldlng-hood" In 1^ I'ay of that name at the Academy of Music, rtilailelphla. afternoon uf April 10, supported by ih "Uriirlnal Fairy Juvenile Troupe," under the naiuiienient of G. J. Gillespie. She repeated her limuersucces!). receiving an enthusiastic ovation bum a crowded bouse. F.iiK rACTS alraut the Arch-street Theatre, Fhlla- dtipbla. last week, are that ''FalrCix" was produced iirllcnry Abbey's Co. for the tirst time there t, ami frtrea to good houses throughout the week. Culllcr's Company in "The Banker's Daughter" 12. )(.\N.\uER GEO. K. GooDwi.N has Improved the apiKarance of the exterior of the Walnnt-street Tocatre, Philadelphia, by cleaning and painting Ue ItoDL Xanauer J. H. Havsblt was In Philadelphia April 10, to see the •orchllght parade of the aoiied Korepanghand Cooper A Bailey Shows, and gilD iherefTom some new advertlglng wrinkles. iuL £>MiTn Russell Intends starring next season In a drama, written expressly for him. entitled "blnwood Folks, or Connecticnt Conntir Ufe," ssd he will be supported by bis own combination, o( vblch Fred C. Uerger Is to be the manager, J. W. Lancrgan stage-manager, and W. W. Kowler aronL .Vanageru desiring to arruoge time are re- IctTCil to the advertisement. J. W. SHANNON'S COSUBT-DRAKA "A Golden Came, or Spiders and Fly," with the author and Oeo. K. Edcson Id leading roles, sapportetl by a well- roDsiltuted dramatic company, will be on the road Uie coming season, nnder the management of AV, F.Sinn, manager of the Park Theatre, Brooklyn, N. V. The printing Is said to be especially One, and tlw play to be an aitiavtlve one. Dates con be ar- taoiRd. See card. .V.NN1E Fox, Juveniles, advertises her address In Uiis Usue. IDed B. Malcoh. bnrlesqoe artist and female impcr»)oator, has closed his engagement with the "l-iloo'' Ilnrlesqae Troupe, and advertises that be can l>e engoged after April 19. TouHY AoAMs publishes a card stating that a hil.r caHlng herself Jessie Adams Is not his wife. niLL GiLLBTTE In "The rrufessur" was the at- ■nction at the Grand Opera-house, Milwaukee, Vu.. the paHt week. Business liiir. Announced Ul9. 'JO, 21, E. A, Sothern. All Gray, supported by the Watkins Comblna- ■ioa. vlU perform in Flint. Mich., April 12,13, East sainaw 14.16, Bay City 16, IT, Cairo 19, 20. Tto LA0IE3 for burlesque—soprano and alto slng- f^i-A comedian wbo can sing bass, and a leader of DTrbcsira are wanted us per card. BraroN Adaus, with Milton Nobles' Comedy C,',eipany. hns been awarded the contiuct to fur- Dblilhe dramatic companv for the Summer season Memorial Hall, Katlonal Soldiers' Home, Day. toa. u. He publishes his address In another col ""no for those who may wish to correspond ulth lia in reimrd to engagements. Dm Giuus." oue of the plays In Miss Marian KnidaaQt-s repertory, and in which she has often >l>l«retl. is not open for appropriation, but is a •"P.Tlithted piece; and In an advertisement she ^aiM ibai she will use all lawmi means to protect D from piratical attacks from wotild-t>e dramatists Ud OIlllTS. Is Ui.vNEAFOLis, Minn.. "The Galley Slave" Com- nuiiou pkiyed a successfbl engagement Aprils, a, ^In Ibe Academy of Uo-slc John McCuUongh opeart S In "Virginias" to a crowded honse. The fwreliant of Venice" was to have been given 9, Joe Gladiator" 10, and "Jollns Ciesar" at the "•■"ee At the MetropoUtan Theatre "Romeo udjuiiec" WOK repeated «, with good effect. Mr, appeared in '-Kip Van Winkle" 7, 8, "Es- •njed" 9.10. ^ •^N EVOTiONAi. DRA^A for a lady Star Is adver- «•! for sale by "Journalist.'' ScLLE A.ND Jaues M. GILBERT bave bccome "'yriies both at DeadirooU and LeadvUle, CoL, iwir Impersonations In the drama of ''Jessie trnvrn" DiectlDg with especial favor. The press of ^wJi ibwm are full ofpnuse of their pcrfunnances, « vill b( t,- extracts published In another ■•narniient. *"TOE Academy op Music, BalThlo.y. T., com- aeocioK April 6, fur Ave nights and a matinee, the *jnic Ward Timiny Comlilnatlon plaved "The "w-sttaier'' to Cilr business. They open In Lock- rl^ir "'■■^ 13,14: Ideal Opera Company, and '3" fest of the week '-Fnn on the BristoU" 5. S'",*'-*'-"^'' Slate" CoMBiKATios played In nnP"'- -^''un., AprU 8, 9,10, and are due in Wl. moi i'ubiiiiuc. la,, 13, Davenport 14, Kock J^Jiij.. 111., 15, cedar Haplds, la., 16, MarshaU- toa"!!* Stetexs. who closed his season In Bos- a rifJ";''*-- presented his agent, Dave Peyser, wltli com^?"^ l>AviD.soN- has engaged the foBowIng iii^'l °J'^^sopport him In his new drama en- FA>-j.-r Datespobt made her Urst appearance In WUllamsbuTg, X. Y., on April 6. when she com- menced a week's engngemeut at the Novelty Thea- tre, and proved to be one of the most attractive stats that the managers have presented this sea- son, Btandlng-room being in demand at every per- formance. As Mattel Kenlrew In "Pique"'—the piece produced—MlBS Davenport fbond ample op- portunity for the display of uer talents as an act-, and also for the dlsphiy of some expensive toi- lets. Her succers In both directions merited the applause with which she was greeted. The com- pany traveling with her render very efflclent sup- port, and Measrs. Theall Jc WlUlams performed their part well by giving the plav a handsome smge-eettlng. Utss Davenport end compaiiy go to Uaverly's Brtraklyn Theatre, and Lawrence Barrett and company appear at the Kovelty this week In '-Hamlet," "KlchcUen," "David Garrick" and;-The Merchant of Venice." AN ORIOIXAL TKMPEBANCB SRASCA Is nOtlCCd In our advertising department It Is stated to tie the work of a Kentucky poet and novelist, and is to be performed under the an.iplce3 of temperaore socle- tles. Special Inducements arc offered. A dramatic company, vocalists, orchestra and comet Imnd are furnished, and the entertainment goes on the road In September. Some of the features announced are haudsome costnming, striking spectacular effects, and attractive music. The cast Is not yet com- pleted. Specialty people are also wanted. Sec curd. Abbey's "Hdujtty Dujutv" and Spanish Stu- dents' Company has won a place as one of the most Buccessltil traveling combinations out this season;. Excellent business has greeted them from thestarv last December, and the cntertulnmcni they give bos so many attractlvo clemenu In It, and 1m brought to the attention of the public In so liberal a manner, that we do not doubt tbat they will have a long lease of public favor. Through the country they ore uiectiug with a repetition of the New York verdict of success. ABBEY i, lliCKEY's "Humpty Dumpty" and Spanish Students drew Immense audiences to the Luland Opera-house, Albany, N. Y.. since April 8. wrote our cnrre.'^ndcnt on the loib, addin;: '-This organization is Che largest and most complete of Its kind ever seen here, white the entertainment fur- nished was Ineveiy way worthy of the large patron- age liestowed on ft. The Spanish Students scored a success, and are a very attractive feature. Route: Utica 12, Scranlon, Pa., 13. Wllkesbarre 14. Eastou 16, Trenton, K. J.. 16, Newark IT, Fblladelplila 19. for two weeks. The Leland remains closed the first three nights of the coming week. J. Florence and wife appear IS, 18,17." THE Tragedians op Kalamazoo in "Oar School- days" begin a week's engagement at the Grand Opera-honse, IndlanapollH, Ind., April 5. and, says onr correspondent, "a fairly good audience was present. ThereaRer, however, the patronage ruled moderate only, neither the piece nor the manner of Its presentation fulfilling the expectations of the polillc. Abont the only redeeming features of the entenainment are the Introduced specialties of UoB BmDo, the singing of Louise Dempsey. and the vivacious acting of Gertie Graavllle. E. M. Gotthold Is the manager The Grand will be closed week of 12 It Is said that Alonzo Schwartz and Louise Dempsey of the Tragedians are aliout to enterlnto a matrimonial union... .Jas. B. and Geo. A. DlclLson. nianagetsof theatrical Inter- ests here, returned s from Detroit. Mich., where tUcy perfected a partnership with Joseph W, Brooks and S. M. Ulckey, the object of which Is to control a circuit of considerable uiagnltnde for next season The Pallas Theatre, Columbus, Ind., burned some time ago, Is being rebuilt Col. R. J. Fllklns will, it Is said, rejoin Haverly next month, and go to Europe In quest of novel- ties." KiCBMOND & Vox BoviE's COMPANY appeared in the Comstock Opera-house, Columbus, O., April 9, In "Our Candidate,*'uhioat matinee 10. and in their own version of "Doctor Klnus" at niglit, to large andlences Chas. .MunniL stage-carpenter has left the Grand Opera-house for Kansas Cltv. Mo., and George V. Snider lias been appointed In his phice. TnE Wilkinsons arc to pcrfonn "Uncle Tom's Cabin" In Big Rapids. Mich.. April 12, CedarSprings 13, Holland 14, Itangor is. So. Haven 16. .St. Jnsisph IT. lliisliicBS Is reported large. Mr. Wilkinson writes: "By the late lire at Searlc's printlngoince In Boston. .Mu:»a., I was a serious loser. All the cuts, blocks, clcctroiypes. etc., that I own, being ■'i:c accumulation of many'years, are destroyed, to- gether with a large stuck ot printing. Loss prob- ably $I,2aa" JouN McCci.LOFon opened In St Paul. Minn., April 6 In "Vlrginlns," and performed In "The Mer- chant of Venice" and "Katharine and Petrnchio" 7. "The Honeymoon" at the matinee and "The Gladiator" evening 8. to large business. He played In Minneapolis, 8, e, 10, and Is to be In Dubuque, la.. 12. Davenport 13. Rock Island, III., 14, Peoria 1$, Sprlngfleld 16. nioomlngton 17, Jollet 19, Battle Creek. Mich.. 20. Muscatine 21. Grand Haplds 22. ST. PAUL, Mink., is elated bccaose at the Mer- chants' Hotel, there, on Sunday, April 4, there were gathered In the dining-room the com- pany of John UcCatloagti, Uariley Camplieirs "Galley Slave" Combination, and Haverly's Ciiurch- cholr "Pinafore" Company—more professional tal- ent than had ever before congregated In that city In the same place at one time. Specialty ARTisrs. gymnasts, performing dogs, maslclans, agents, a lady rope-walker, and on aero- naut are wanted by L. w. Wasbbam, wbose address And in another column. The privileges with bis show are also to let, and he requests tbe Moorcs, rollcr-skatern, and Shirley and Byrne to write. '■Thb Bakker's Dadobteb" Combinatios played their second engagement this season In Baltimore, Md., lost week, at the Holllday-street Theatre, to well-ailed houses. The piece was mounted In fine sty le, several new scenes being used "Fairfax" by Abl>ey'8 Company opens April 12 at Ford's Opera-house The "Trouba' doura occuDV the Academy of Music this week. CLt.STON Hall AND company In "The strategists' open at Macanley's Theatre, LoolsvUIe, Ky., April 13, for live nights and a matinee. The Fay TexrLEroN Stab alliance played In victoria, Texas, April 3,4, Calombns 5, «, Houston 7, Waco 8, s, 10; thence to Coislcana 12,13. ANN cnntlnued bis entertainment In the of th" "Pera-bouse, Toronto, tbe flrst three nights CriiiL I'*-'''week, business continuing targe. The li^.^D.^-oinedy Company filled out the rest of 'b " Freaks." Business satlsOictoo'- The j^a,oer.-i>T.c;oo.iwin Frollqnes are announced for ^-....■•Humpty Dumpty"and the Spanish Stu- U uu>. mauaccr's name not given [Not Abbey * oii; ..'^'^''- CuprER.1, are to appear in the Royal ''Ptia-hoii-H: 12.13.14. sifii'i*"!^^""""' "<>I««"S thclrbtwlnejs- ^"S^ ,'■> Enuland fruio Au^)tIallll .March IB. the rt^r^lir'''*^ r'U-a>am and oue or "the quickest on record. i'iUMTT'i ..•"*'^"*-'"-'=:*l"''nt lo tbe D*jke'itTbcntre. Lon- ■■•Ih-^ - • af'lUK lu "Cunradond Llleltr." Jtefiirence a«t,L ""'"N « made In a cord In our business dcpart- *;fll'j''J"'r""?"'^'= 1' Opera hocse was occupied ■ M- •■■ !Jie Li..i,n.'u-J CicoTer Co. In "Our Buanllng- ■ - ■ KOQd boos?. At Low's ■School" played , ,^ J. Florence ore (XII tnS*:^'^ '■• "i- the Bandmanns occupied tbeThe- ^irt'i li.iiJ J?"" *' «•"' Acmdemy of Music jti iii.|,,''*'*,''''"I™ny aanif "The Very Merry Maruer" *'nCin.r."°'' " "natlnee. commeneUis April 7. Ftdlx 'o«V t '""'PuuyopenlZ. iw.'.i^i" V '*°'"« Flrailn arrived In ParU, ni-^vv '5'''=^ ■lurinjj the WMlt eodlDB Marrh 17. Si'-.5.*HKKTT and company held tbe boards of t>nn-n " "v'"'.T- ^"blpBioii. 6. C. tbe put week. ''•aoni.^'^'' ^e Merebaut of Venice." Dion S-^wti. ■ "K-mberor tbe company. Excellent ?'><«o!iin?l.V"™''--,-,-"-^* Trai;edlami of Kalama- l^^t^ ^'^^ t «ni?Sen>en' In Ford'. Opcim- ^««to».^.J?"..h«'i deferred one week on accoaniof ».'>«liS5S'"f Tbe Pliates of renianca" ComnanT. ' KKOdiJ',^ T.jthe.BCTiterramUy and SofSiiith JSIii 1? Si,''^ " Vnetini'B Opm-bouiw ApcU a uua ?5»to th^' Criietion tomrty Co. ►''■TmiJ- '■™?!' eorrCTpondentMyn: ffh tSK'.E"""''"^ »r»be Opnrn-bouae of that oanir, •teST-V"'"'"*'' remodellnB of Uw theatre duiinc r'^tak..'^ .i-uminer. Tba Inltlauiy Repa bare olreadr *<lta^/!..'"V'^S*''e arched exits Ihim Uie iBbby. '^ PUcucut an extra stalnreyiuibestnec," BIITSICAI.. The Esviy Parlor Concebt Compant, compris- ing £. A. Ervin. comet-sololat; Homer Weeks, eolo- vlollnlst; Miss ZelmaFannlng,soprano; and Barry Shields, comedian and character vocalist, pUyed In Hastings, Net)., April T, Harvard 8, Sutton S, Exeter 10: thence to Dorchester 12, Crete 13. . Prop. Armstrono, leader of the St Lonis (Mo.) Comet Band, aided by local talent, gave a benefit (place not given) for the poor of Ireland, which net- ted S4I. That sum was paid to Rev. Mr. Bnisess, Catnoltc Bishop of tbe Michigan diocese. ALP BtrRNETT, who amosed die pabllc of Oswego, Kaa., April s, and of Paraons 10, is blUed In Osage Mission 12, Chanu'£' 13, Independence 14, Hum- boldt IS, Gamett 16, Barllngton IT. "Come Back. Darling Eilbes," a song-and- choms by Frank H. Clayton, Is published by white, Smith A Co. See card. '■The Keystone Koncert Kombdy Kompant" closed at Emerson, la., April 3. The Doty Brottaera and their Helicon Band go to their horae'in Crcs- ton, la. J. C. Brelnn makes bis headquartera In Marsballtown, where he is organizing a bellring- Ing concert company to take the road for the Spring and Summer. A comedian Is ailvenlsed for. & SicHEL, secretary of the Halifax (X. S.) Acad- emy of Mnslc. has leaseil the Exhibition Building, and will give concerts during the Summer months. Isaac Sallxs has rented the Thornfleld Gardens, HalUhx, N. S., and proposes giving open-air con- certs daring the coming season. Sia. GiULO, leader of orchestra and brass band, advertises foran engagement. Bebrt Bros, k la i;abdo'8 Komlcal Eoncert Eompany are to perform In Randolp'u. K. V.. April 12. Jamestown 19, Salamanca IT, Ibr iBe benefit of the Salamanca ComeMnnd. J. Maoez announces that the second edition of his "History of the Banjo" Is now ready. See card. "BOCACCIo," a comic opera b^ Fruu Von Sunpe. waa brought out at the Chestout-.street Theatre, PoUadel. pbia, April 5, for the first time m America. Tbe Mary of tbe opera relatv* to Bncoccli*, the character from whom the work dcrlvefl lla name, on ItaUnn poet and oovellat who bna ridiculed all tbe married man of Florence by depleting them In bis norela as henpecked bojilfandit, and tbry bare Towcd to tie even with blm. He loves a clrl named Flametta, daughter of tbo Duko or Tujicuny, who retama bla love. Bocacclo and hla student companions meet with Pietm. Prince of Pa- leimo. wbo baA com* to Florence for the parposo Ot wedding Fbimelto. and they lead lilm Into all MirtA uf HcrapeB, by Juduclo|f hbn to make lore to tbe wife Of Lottorioipil, a cooper, and making blm believe tbat ahe 1h only tbe niece of that perrionaRC He ia captur- ed by tbe married men ofdie city, and lliey, mUlaJklDehlm for Bucaccio, ^vc bini a |-ood tbnmhlnir. Bocacclo then writes and boa perlurmed n muck romedy, which presents the praokd of I'letro In Hucb a ludlcroua and dbj^ncclul llRbt tbat the prupoMd match between Fumelta oud tbo Prince Is broken otf. and ahe la left fTee to marry bcr be- loTet] Bocacclo. TltU Ibrclcal plot |9 WTDusbt With CUD- flumuiate skill, and the mirth U faat and tUrloua from drac to laA. The characters are clearly and ebarply drawn, tliot ol Bocnccio Mpcclally b«lu^ a merry, deril- may-cire. quick-witted Hubeuilun. Tbo muide Is doUtrbt- mu and has a cbuinpagnv >|uaUiy that cxhibirates yuu and maketi you feel aa !t yon wanted i<> juin Bocac- clo In some of his mad :jti>H*blet Malm'..* < ^fiolc-opera Company did fuu Juptlce tu rlw* work mu.ilcally and dramatically. The prindjial inirtlon of Die com was glren In lost week's Clipi-kr. Jennie Wlnaton wan a roUlckins Bocacclo, and aant; with floe taate. All c« Uosmerwuia modeAt and uoaKsumlnzKlamettJi: but aa she was Bntferlng ITom a severe iioarseness, which ban annoyed her for Nome time past, all her mualc bad to l>e cut out. W. A- Morftan was sulllclentb* fuppbtb and longaid as Prince Plelru, giving a ver>' smootb and bar- moaloua rendition of the part. Vincent liugnn waa all that Scalza demanded, ana Hnttle RicliardMrn san; tbo mujtlc of Beatrice nwectjr. A. H. Bell na Lambcrtucclo. FredDlxon as LottcrlnghUood Fannie l*re6tlire as I'eronel. la, contributed neat blt;i ol cbamctifractlnir. MaricSomer- TiUe sang and acted laobeUa, the cooper's uii'e, with much Kplrlt. Beriba Foy waa adaablns LAonelto. and Adolph Fraooscb a pompous Duke or Tiucany. The RonjXSOXADE" and "The Lark" drew airly at the Bofiton (MaM.) Muaeuoi duriut; their secund and laM week, endlnz April 10, the two periormanoji (SI belnji; crowded Tne third and la«t week cf "The Maele Slip- per" by tbe Cnrinne Opera Company at Horticultural Hall haa been eiiiuiUy an auccea^jui aa tbe previoun ooea. "Pin- afore" will be revived 12. with Corinne an Llltle Butter- cup, Ida Mulle as JosepbUie, and an otherwise ittronf; Juvenile cast The concert ctven la Hooley'a Theatre March 21 snelled tbe Irinb Relief Fnnd to the amount of 933n Maty Andenton ban boil a new waltz dedicated to ber by Cturence stemberger. and It wan jilayed by Lothlun'aOrchenra In tbe Boston Theatre the Kant week Ida Mulle of the Corinne Opera Company an received tbe offer oJ an engaiivment from Manaprr Ford, which ha^ lH«n declined lleoir M. Dunham com- menced hin aeries of orpin recitals at Music Hall 0.wlth the awlttunceof Mm. Jennie M. Noyea, TocaJl^t; the neeond will be ciren 13, Alf. Wllkle, tenor, appearinic.Thecantata of "Kutn'' van minit, under the direction nf Mr. BenFon of the New EoEland Conservatory of llualc, at M'alnut- •tteet Cliapel, Burton Illi;hl3nda. 7 Emert Perat», with the ansintance nf nnntAvDnnnrenther. vinllnlst, cave an extra piano matinee at Wenteyan Hall 9 Adam n\ritkl, \ioiml5t. liaa be«-D vlKltlnir tbe clt>- A nacred concert and rvadiofpi will be ciren at llooley's Theatre II by Dura Wiley, nupmnn; Mliu A. D. Crain, elocutionlnt; >liMi A. M. Crain, contralto; F. 11. Pope, elocntlonUt; the Welier Quartet: and T. P. Rrder, arcompanltft The fourth concert by Brown's Bneade Band and Orcbestm occurs at the Gaiety Theatre ll The aimual benefit concert of A. V. Peck will Iw gtren In Munic Hnll 14. llieartlflts beln^ Oertnide FrnnkUn, soprano; EmUy Winant, contraltu: Ole Bull, vIollnUt; Rafael Joiefly, Eianlst; and Tiieodore Thomas and orchestra Tlie iHt two octn of "Tlie Bobemlnn Girl" ar« to be nDnc In .MuKic Hull 29 for the benefit of the Irish Relief Fund by the .MI/'HcaManniret nricketi, Kate KUey, and iheMessm. W. C. Tower, T. Clllford, W. Packer, and a cbonia uf forty voices all under tbe dirtxtlon of Dr. O. A. tiuUmeite. Tiff: FiFTu-AVENt'E Theatkk CoapANT, under the m.-in- HRementof J. P. Pond, are to slnir "Tbe Pirates*ol Pea. znnct:" In llartfnnl. Ct.. April 12,13, Meriden 14. Danbuty U. Uridtrepnrt 16. New llttren 17. PT\>v1dence, R. I.. 1?. Okau's Fhe.vch-iipkha Coupaxt In the Leland Opera- botise, AllNiuy, N. V., AprU 6, t>, 7, attracted only a mtMler- ate hiibinejtii. Kamccu's OhKltA COMPA^■T are annoonced to produce The Sce-cadet" at the Koyal Opera-boufie. Toronto. April l^ 16. 17. The FisK L'MvEESiD' Ji'mLEK SiN(>ER.«, Under .Man- ager Mlnbler, ore to HiDK 111 ]£n>ton, Px, April 19, Bethle- hem ax IleflillugSI, LancniitPr Nnrrif^ou-n 23. TUKMctilnKNEV Fauilv Kins In Mbhler'a Circuit nnfn'- town: Lanaintcr, Pa., April IS, 20, 21, CoatenviUe -J2, WU- mlnctun 2), 21, PhcenixrlUo 2fl, 27, PottiitowD 23. WiNPfELD Pjedkukt. comt't-soloist, left Colnroban, O., for Nanbville, Tonn.. Aprils, to accept a positlun In the Gninil Opem.|lOuf^^ In that rltr. QCARER SEiiigrAvsRS.—In Phllsdelpbla Clarice Vaa=h- an, Fred s. Law, Cynthia Bare, Meduna Ilennon and Alice Law. TociillKta; Fr^ Derleth. vlollnlftt; and tfeorue All«n Jr., \'lo1oucell.stn. cooccrtlred at tbo Academy uf Pine Art^i April 6 The Berger Family and S<d Smith Ruiwcll will cuut«rtlzeat tbe Academy of 3lunlc LI Undertbedl- n>ctlon uf Matllllde Cultrclly and the mann^ment-of G. Atnherg. the New York Thalia Tlieatre Opom Comimn,v will prtiducH "The Sec-cadet" 16 and altemoun and errn- loir 17, for the first time, under Ita urlgliuil name, Id PbUa- delplifa. Giuc'd FRBccn-oPEnA Comkaxt bejdn a week's en gaRciucnt at the Wnlnut-streei Theatre. Philadelphia 12. AT TUK BNOAO-STHEET THEATRE, Pblhtdelphfa. "The PlrxteK of Peoianrt:" closed .^prll 10. "U. M. S. riua- fore*' In to be thrived 12. ■•PRINCESS Toiu'' WlU revived at the North Broad-street Theatrv. Pbllmlelphla. April S. and mn durlnc thu week to light buslnesn; tbe cast being the same as when It wiu Aral pruduccU tjicro, oume weeks ugo. iSiune blU llie current week. The ALICE Gates Oo]iio Opera Coupant notnrrivln;; In Cblcaco, IIL, until lour o'clock In tbe afternoon of Apni .1. "The Little Duke" waa given evening ol that date In Spn;nie'n 01v*mple. "Fanvbette" wax civen on and aller C t.) etioi:-jlze(l audiences. Itprured lu De "Ber Seeodef under a new title. The company comprined tbe aame peo- ple who recentl.v appeared nt llonley'ii. They eo to Cbiclo nail "The Klvnl" continues at lloiiley'sl9. AT THE BHOOKLV.f ACADKSiv Mspleaon'a Opem Com pany appeared to a larije audience In "The llufnicnota'' April 9 The French-opera Tmiipo utng In "La Belle Ilelene" ".^llcnnn" at tbe matinee 10. and "Le PctU Doc" at nbfbf. Hu.ilncjin mtr. Tiie Academy wan crowded 5 to hear Ole Bull and tlie Boiiton Temple Qiinriet. On the 6ib Joseffy'M concert, with Carlbcre's urche}.tm, at- tracted unb' half a huuae, but the entDusiaam wiui UO' unuul. Frkd nBROER's connection with tbe Sol Smith RukwII enterpriso wlU not ncxeMltate the reiireiiieilt i»f the Berber Family. .Mr. Berver In already filling lime for the concert company, and It will be ori:iialKi>d on n larger scale than ever before, several new and novel nttrncLiuDS liavlGv been heciired in Enrupe. Fred O. Berber U the proprietor, and Ilcnry ti. Ber;ri>r will be the uiunncC'r. Willi B. C, BerKer In ndvance. MIm Etta Murciui. Murl,' Rulle, Emma Anderson oud MLis nummcU wUl bo re- tained. SPAt'LolNO's BeLLRINORRS ar« reported tobe playing to crowdrd linitKeH In the \cw Enclund circuit. They per. fbrm In Aimtun, MiiM., April 12, Dnrchciitvr 13, Ncpunset 11. f>'iinonu-t IS. Canton li;, -Mnjb'lleld 17- C. K. Stevk.vs. tuba-player,latenfthe OakesBros.' Com pauy, advenlM.1. lor un eOKtM;ement. Pendv's so.mi:* anu UALUAiM cau be obtained at llcnry J. Wehuian's addrei^n. THE McNeil KL-n-ER-H'CnNOERTCouFANT Is duo InLlcn- nlcr, Ind., April IS, Kendidlville 10, Butler 1*, EdKnrtnn 19, lliyan. O., *J0. They are tu cIumi tbeir aeadon Ibe latter partof .Miiy. TUE BosTOif IDEAL OrERA COMPAiTY presented ''Fa:! nitzn" and "Tlie Sorcerer" In SymcuBC April 7, S, to luivo audlencca. The HERiiERS AND SOL SuiTif RrssELi Commence a week's en;raA*mcut ut Ibe Pork Theatre, Pblhidelnbla, April 19. THE TB.VNRSP.EAys aro to slnQ In Prorldcnce. Pa., April 12, Hyde Purk 13, Taylllr^vllle U,Muscuw l£,StTuudnburB li<. THE EVUA AUnuTT EyilLkiH-uVRRA CO. OCCUp; tile Uul. Uday-inrevt Thentrr, Baltimore. Md., t'.ie prts.'nt week. A. Bacr's nublicMtiuon In tlic wa>* of baAio sonjpi and mitnlc seoendly are noticed fn bin card elN^wlierv. A M*3f UER of T. B. Kelley'ri melodious son£^oinposlllona are nutlecd in bU canja elacw*faer«. ler parts were all aatlalaclorily filled. Amonc tbe t noticeable narot>era uf the opera n,ny be mentioned 'My Inspiration Cumen Ihim Yuu,'' nunff by Bucaccio In tbe flnit act; two aereoadea, one auog by Lambcrtucclo. Lottennghl and Scalza, aud oue by Bocatxio, Leonetto and PIciro; tbe diorua "Come, Wonby Cltlzeoa, Come;" "TuMyHuiband I'll be True,"sung bylnalwlla; and a mnrch septet In tbe Innt acL In tula luit-named num- ber tbe author baa Houcht to repeat the nucceaa or the famous "Charge! Charpel" trio In "Fatlniuo." *'Buote- cio°' can nerer ue as popular as "Fatiniua," liotrever, be- o&uae Its iKtbdc la of aitumewhat higher grade, and hence cannot be no easily caa;;lit and remembered. "Bocatcclo" will be nunz until lunlier notice, lb? .Mohn Company re- maining till May 1. James £. Murdoch, the vi-teran Shakespearian actor, bo;;ins on eDf^aeement May 3 in a round of le:;ltimate purtn. IlA\-EKLV°S CUCKCU-CUOIR "PINAFORE" CO. Closed a two niRhtA* engagement In St. Paul, .Minn., April 3, to IPkh] buNlncva, but, nuyri our correspondent, "the cuiupany did not Klve Ita wuoted HatLtfactlun, theelionulbelngamaH- cr than usiuiL Ilayden TlUaJolne.1 the troupe here 3, and la tbeevculD^aMUDieUtbe rvJe of l^olph Ituckstraw very accepubly. relieviiik' Ed. De.\ler, wbo left same date fur Chlca^. . Tbe combination bi hereafter to be knuwn as Haveriy'a Cburcb - choir Opera Company. It In to be under tlie management ul Juu Mack, with Ilnyden TlUa as stage-maoagiu-. Ada Somcni and John Mc- Wade leave for their bouiu In Chlcajto tbla week, but the cuupany Is relnfnrccd by the arrival of Mku Oeor^e Conolin, MIm Jenulc X>elmar, O. £. Skiff, Jolin Benoltx. and Edward >foulton. -The Bohemian Girl' Is to be sung. The Clilines of Normandy" la In aciire rehearsal, ond tilrode-Olrufla' imd t^annen* are to be added to tbe repertory- 'Ploaiora' will be continued for a abort wbUe imtll the aitliitri aru profielimt In tbtdr new parts, when It will be dbuarded." TBK Tbcxsbt Concert in Lincoln Han, 'W.aahlngton, D. C. April 7, attracted an overfiuwiog Iioum*. miiw Thunhy and Ole Ball will appear at tbe name place In a comblnatloa concert April Zl, nnder the direction or Mau- rice Strakoncb "Tbe Pirates of Penzance" waa pro- dnced lor the first time m Washington at Ford's Opero- bonae AprU 6 bv one of D'Oylcy Carte's onmpanlen, under tbe management of Mr. Lunsdale. Chas. IL Keeahln la advance-agent. The success of the opera was soune<inlv. ocol that the eoinpiuy haa been ra-eiumgcd fbr tbcprcnent week Tbe Emma Abbott EngUsh Opera-company open at the National Theatre April ^S. Tax Emva Abrott ENULidU-orzRA Covpast opened In the Htebmond (Va.) Theatre April 7 for four nights and a matinee, appearing in "Fauat.". "Chimes of Kormandy." "Romeo and Juliet," "Carmen" and "Paul and Virginia." Owing to Indhipusltlon, Wm. Caatle loBed to appear as Robin More In "The Chimes of Normandy," and bla place was acceptably fiUed by TVm. Hoo( fomierly uf Bal- timore, but now a rcsldenc ol Richmond. Tbe engage- ment pccunlarllr waa thegrcateat auccesa of the neason. One of D'Oyley Carte's opera companlea In "The nmca of reniaDni"^la blUtd u, Ibe lour wghUb TARIETT HAI.I.S. At Shelby's adelphi, Bntiaio, N. T., the past week the attractions were ({allter and Goldrlcn In songs-and-dances Jessie Boyd In songs, Lottie Wlnnett In a Jig, Levantine and Earle In acrobatic performances. Belle ClUtun In songs, dances and skipping-rope exerclses,Kltty Gardner in vocallsms. Max Anioldin Dutch songs,dancesand recitatloiLs, Johnny Patterson In Irish songs and witticisms, and Harvey Ck>lllns in a sketch. Business gooiL Departures lO: Harvey CoUlns, to Washington, D. C; Levantine and Earle and uullter and Goldrich, Bradford, Pou: Max Arnold, New York: Johnny Patterson and BeUe Clifton, Philadelphia; Klt^ Gardner, Cleveland; and Lottie Wlnnett, Clncln- natL To arrive 12: Ulnnle Oscar Gray and W. T. Stephens, Daisy KemeU, Carrie Brewer, Harry Uack, Alice Sherwood, Harry P. Wmiams, Steve Evans, Chas, Lathrop, Master Louis, Smith and Ohimer and John Parkest At the Oaroen Thbatbs, Indianapolis, Ind., the past week, the drama of "Diamonds" monopolized the greater portion of the programme. Fred Hober and Kitty Allyne sppearea In an attractive sketch; WlUlam Manrlttins manipulated Indian clnhiand later displayed bis pantomimic abilities; and Han- ley and Logan gave songe-and-dances. Jack Bech- tel, offlcer of tbe Boose, beneflta 2L The attrac- tions 12 will be the Uayles, Little Harry, Mao- rice and Ryan John H. Greonert of In- lUanapoUs baa purchased of Scott Laini—con dltloned on the renewal of the license, some time since revoked — the lease of the Adelphi Theatre In Qnlncy, 111., and expects to open It in abont two weeks Jacob Crone ap- proprlatelj celebrated bis thlrty-flltli birthday e. Sam Cole and Dan Powers have formed a partnerehlp, and wlU be known as Cole A Powers. At the National Theatre, Hartford, Ct., busi- ness tbe pant week averaged Iblr. The arrivals were O'Donagbne and Hclnnls (their flrst appear- ance on the professional stage), Emily Sylvester, Llbble Ross, Carrie Edwards, J. W. McAndrews, the Seamans, Lon Sanford, Lord and Van Leer, Harry Clarke and Satsuma. Leaving 10 were Sat- snma, to Join SUckney's Clrcns; J. \r. McAndrews, to Philadelphia: the Seamans, Troy; Ross and Ed- wards and EmUy Sylvester, New York: Lon San- ford. Providence; Lord and Van Leer, Springfield; and Harry Clark, idle. Coming 12: Tom Sayers, the Et2elUne Sisters, ProL Kel Mueab, TlUlo Antonio, Dob Allen, Sallle Mason, Rob V. Ferguson ami Press Eldrldge. The arrivals at the Comlqne Theatre, St. Lonis, tlo., April 4, were Mark Hughes and Ben Collins, Charley McCarthy, Sadie Hosaon and Robert Nlckle. The Hurd Brothers and the Canadian Atliletes were blUetl, but failed to appear. Closures 10: Mason and Sally, to Fort Wayne, Ind.,; Hughes and Col- lins, Sam Lang and Dollle Sharpe. LonlsvlUe, Ky., I.esicr and Wiuiams, Kansas City, Mo.; RobeF> Klckle, destination unknown. To come 11: MnUen and Hagee, Keating aud Flynn, Fred Uul>er, Kitty Allynne, Chas. King, Marlowe and McBriile and Sweeny and McCarthy F. H. Cross in 'Enoch Arden,' supported by the stock company, and the usual olio, In which May OUve, serjo-comlc, and Don Santiago (ilbbonnolse, contortionist, appeared, drew fair audiences to the Globe. F H. Cross, to Evans- vUle, Ind., and Olbbonnolse, to Chicago, closed 10. Alice Placlde and Wm. M. Pratt are to open II. Tbe Acadbht op Mcaic, Wheeling, w. Va., dur- ing the past week, was crowded. The only new Ihces April 6 were Hackin and Coleman and the Dolan Bros., the Mnrpbys Iklllns to connect. De- partures 10: Sheridan and RIeUy dhd Frank Liv- ingstone, to rbUadelphla. Kew people 12: McPher- son and O'Ncil, the Warrens—Tom und ElBe—Ma- son and Wesly, Maud Leigh, Mons Veutlne and wife. Smith and Btraseer, and De Witt Cook. IIndeb the proprietorship of Maurice Ileppard and Frank O'Brien, the Falrmonnt Summer Garden Theatre, Philadelphia, a notice of the reopening of whlcb appeared in tbe last Clipper, did a Olr busi- ness the post week,wlth C. King, Maurice Ileppard, Bessie Leon, May Raymond, May Edwarils, Annie Andrews, John Peny and Eil. Andrews. The arriv- als 12'will be Tony Porrell, OUe Kaj-mond, and Car- rie La Monde. Ueppard i O'Brien are thepro- prletore; Maurice Heppard, business and stage- manager; Ed. Andrews, advertising agent; and Prof. Nolle, leader of OTche.stra. Time passed pleasantly to tbe large number ol Qnakera wbo attended the International Comlque, Philadelphia, last week, while witnessing the acts of BlUy and Kellle Uasson, Amy Santley, Stanford and Price, Joyce Mortelle, SIg. Novlsslmo's Ballet Troupe, Golille, Steele and Sallle St. Clair, James Goodwin, J. H. Graham and Jennie Ward. Those begttmlng April 12 are Cloonoy and Ryan, Billy Moloney and Mabel Gray, Black Diamond Qnar- tec, Maggie BurreU, Roach and Fash, Ed. Lynch and Louise De Lulnl, and Cronln and O'Kell. The season at this honse will close 17. It will be re- opened for pool-selling 19 by its present proprie- tor, James McColgan. Slg. Novlssimo and his bal- let troupe, having closed 10, leave 12ror Deadwood, in the Black Hills. Tbe party Inclndes Slg. Novls- simo, Senorltas Bareto and Glovlana, Rosle Wln- thers, Amelia Gorenflo, Sallio Wesner and Amy Santley. Miller's Winter Garden, Philadelphia, was moderately well patronized during tbe week end- ing April 10. Scllon and Bums, Louise De Lntst, Julian and Albert Martlnettl, Belle Gabrlelle, Pau- line Grossl. Ada Stanwood, the Dutch Mendels, Uz- zle Daly, Frank Ward, Lizzie Richmond, liarry Gulon, Clark GIbbs, Charley Reynolds, and R. Y. Jones giving the show. ' New faces 12: Laura Rus- sell and d7b. Emery, Welby and Pearl, Fernando Floury, Prot Anderson and Harry C. Horton. A Joint complimentary benefit will sliortly be tendered by Proprietor Ueno' MlUer to Harry Gulon, busi- ness and stage manager; Don Fox, treasurer; and Frank Wclblo, sjieclal-olllcer. The geutlcmen arc aU obliging onicials, and descr\-e a bumper. Tbe cream of fu.s was ladled out to good andl- ences at the Alhumbra, Philadelphia, the past week, liy the Hognn Bros., Lou Edwards, Alice Shenvood, Elolse Allen, Emma UoSluan, Boyd and Sarsfleld, Geo. Edwards, W. T. Bryant, Cbas. Young, Geo. Elwood, Blanche Cleveland, and Pete Donnelly. Stan to shine 12: J. W. McAndrews, Mons. Leopold and Wm. Maurrltus, Mile. Lottie and tbe BaUIwln Bros., NelUe Thome, Carrie Lewis, Belle ClUton, Loalsa Jewell, and Fred T. Shaw. Goodly numders attended the Gnmd Central Theatre, PhiUidelphIa, during the week ending April 10, the blU being lUled by May Zimmerman, Annie Wells, Cent Havre, John and Maggie Field- ing, Major Burk, the Megatherlan ElghtrHavmond and Murphy, Billy Lester, Blandowskl's Minnet Dancers, James Ueame, George A. Mill, and the stock people. Billed to open 12: Mclntlre and Heath, Frank Bosh, Lottie Grant, Cronln and Sul- livan, Alice Bateman, Suydam Brotners, Jen and Georgle Powers, and Alice Somers. Jones Ai<D Mack, musical mokes and comedians, who con also play brass In band, advertise for an ensajtement with a tt^vellng show. Nettie Uvut and Alice Livinoston can be en- gaged to give their act of self-defense. Miss Burt pnoUshes a card elsewhere In regard to Iiet status aa a boxer, ana aa cm aiDacuve i«atiu«t Waldma^'N's Theatre. Newark, N. J., did a big business last week, the drama of "The Argonauts of 'W proving qnlte an attraction with the new Ikces—Harry Merrr, Adelaide Roselle, asd Little Josle Brlttain—in the cast. In the olio Cronln and Sullivan In their sketch of "McCormick the Cop- per" made a bit, and Fannie Davenport succeeded In pleasing. Departoree: Cronln aud Sullivan, to Philadelphia; Minnie FaneU, to Baltimore; and Herr Louis Aliredo, New Y'ork. At Waldinann's new theatre, called Waldmoun's Nen-ark Opera- house, the following people are to open Alprll 12: J. Z. Little In the drama of-'Lost and Won," Larry Tooley, Fannie Davenport, Mile. A. Tlssot, UtUe Rose- buil, the Bolsset Brothera Jlanchester and Jennings. Charley Shay and Nellie Edwards—Booth's Acad- emy did a paying bnslness all the week. George France and'Etbel Earle in tbelr drama of "Block Game" were clever, and the piece was well acted by them aud the stock company. May Diamond and the Crlmmlns Brothers were also entertaining. To depart 10: May Diamond, Frank Morosco.J. T- Powera, Chas. Moro-sco, and tbe Crlmnilns Broth- ers, to New York; George France and Eibel Earle, to Washington. To arrive 12: Howard and Coyne, Howard and Sanford. Lulu Wentworth, Josle Lee, Chas. H. Duncan, and J. P. Winter in drama of "Daniel Boone." Waldmann's Mnlberry-strect Theatre will still continue to play combinations as booked at that house. Corrcspondc nee dated 10.' CINCINNATI JOTTINGS Up 10 April 10: "The new appearances S at the Vine-street Opera-house com- pri!%d tbe Coglli Brothers, excellent snng-and- dance men: Tommy Adnius In character songs; Maurice and Rynn In character changes; Jacob K. Riley in feats of Juggling; and Annie Raymond, seiio-comlt:. Business good. Departures: Virginia Ross, Capltola Forrest aud I.nura Bennett, for Lou- isville; Hetlaw and Alton, Maurice and Ryan, the CoglU Brothera, Jacob K. KIley, Thomas Adams, and Anule Raymond. Opening 12: Morris nnd Green, Charles 11. Stanley, Ilarry McAvoy, and Emma Kogera The new appearances at the CoUsenm 5 were Charles Thornton In the drama of -Simon Kenton,' Jnlius Buislay In ceillng- wulklng feats, and Jlolllc De Mair In scrlo-comic Rongs. Buslnei^s fair. Departures: Charles Thorn- ton and Julius Dulslay. Opening 12: Everett and Daly, LotUe Wlnnett and Marlon Vasquez; and the stock company play -Eiuit Lynne.'......The new appearances at the Eldorado were Pearl and Ellu Janette In songs; Eva Itoss. serio-comic: and Harry Sprlggs, comedian. DeparturcR: Harry Sprlggs and Allle Sheppard, to NoshvQle; George Macauley anil Allle Elliott, l.oulsvUlc; and Barney Mullally. New people not annunnccd The wife of Slegmund Gabriel, proprietor of the E|. dorado and who was a non-professional, died 3, and was burled 5 In Spring Grove Cemetery.'' Largs al-diesces greeted the foUowlng new peo- ple at the Central Thciitrc, Baltimore. Md., last week, viz., the Moore Sisters, James Curling. Carrie Howard. Spanl.ih Students, and Zoe In '-The French Spy." This was her third engagementtberethlssea- son. Charley Howard, stage manager, and J. C. Mul- laj. advertlKlng agent, bencllted 8, anernoon and night, and their friends oiled the house at both per- formances. The entire company and many others volunteered. Charlev Howard assumes the manage- ment Mav 10 of Lucille Campbell's Burlesque Co. Closing: 'The Moore Slitters, Spanish Students and Zoe, to New York. Carrie Howard, to Join Nick Roberts' "Humpty Dumpty'' Company at Heading, Pa., and James Curling to Washington. Opening 12 (which Is last week of remilar season): Seamon and Somers and the Glranl Brothers, the Clipper (luar- let, Bingham, Minnie Fnrrell, and George A. Hill In the drama "On the Trail." Frank White and James M. Bradford benefit afternoon and night of IS, Manager Kernan has commenced Improvements on bis bouse, which he Intends to almost entirely re- build The arrivals at the Odcon were Josle Farren. Kitty McDenuott and Frank Lewis. Clos- ing: Billy Mulone and Mabel Grav, to Philadelphia; and Doolcy and Tenbrookc, to wnslilugton, ]>. C. Opening 12: Hurry Fielding. Maggie Walker, Mons. Henrico. May Aruottand Dick Smith. The Uovlston Musecm. Huston, Mass., wns crowded on tlic afternoon of April S and at the sub- sequent performances, the ft-csli features of which were J. D. Roorae, banjolst: AVIIllau and Claudia Ripley, parlor acrobats and athletes; Nellie I>arker. serio-comic; Dyronand Wll5on,hlgh-kloker3; Favcr and Shields, Irish song-and-daucu; J. D. Itoome's skctcli "The Arrl\'al of Neilson;" Add Weaver and Nellie Piirker in the sketch "The Old Man's Drunk Agnln;" T. F. Grant, one-legin:d dnncer; and Fred Macavoy's musical novelty "Frolics, or Paddy Miles In Irish Opera," performed by Jerry Coban, Fred Warren, Harry LInson, M. llyron, Eva Constan- tlne and Emma Murdcn. New appearances 12: John D. Grliun and Morgan and Mullen The Rcntz-Santley Novelty Company drew large audiences to the Howard Atheusum during the week. The variety prucramme was concluded with a burlesque on '-The Pirates of Penzance,'' written for this company by Sidney Rosenfeld, and entitled "Penn's Aunts Among the Pirates." Tbe company that Manager M, U. Leavltt has gathered about turn Includes Rosa Lee, Llda Kenyon, Lulu Mortimer, Fanny Florence, Kate Vaughn, Hattle Forrest. Fannie and Minnie Kent, Frank Bennett and Nellie Rlcbards, Charles and Annie Whiting, Thomas and Annie Dayton, Mabel Santley, Fanny Harrison, Marlon Requea, Blanche Maeder, Kate Raynham, Victoria Norih, Sanford and Wilson, Lew Benedict, and Sam UoldsworttL E. T. Stetson In "Kentuck" opens 12. A FINE PROOBAMUE attracted large audiences the past week at Slensby's Favorite Theatre,JiIII- waDkee, Wis. The people appearing were Fred and Annie Barry In musical sketcbes; Julia Em- monds, serio-comic; John P. and May Carroll, sketcbes; AlUe Jackson, serio-comic: Sunlln and Du Rell, sonnn-and-dances; Louisa Bllsn, ballads; and B. S. Hodges, character-sonin. Deiiartures April 1: B. 3. Hodges and Loalsa Bliss and Fred and Annie Barry, to Chicago, and ttie Carrolls, who lay oO: Announced for 12: UcOlU and Ry. land, Jnlla Bennett and Gracia Thomao: At the Pack Theatre the following people appeared: Ma; Linn, serio-comic; Tmdell and Kowan, songs-and dances; John and Delia Shepard, sketches; Josle MorvlUe, serio-comic; and NeUle West, vocalist. Mons. Niblo, Aggie Clllton and Nellie Hornlngstar are to open there 12. Tbe new variety tbbatbe in Louisville, Ky, nnder tho management of Arthur St Olalr, which Is christened the Standard, makes its flnt call for pubUc patronage April 12, Car correspondent says "It is the most attractive variety theatre in Louls- Tllle, the haU being large and the scenery of the newest and neatest description. The company on the opening night will be Zoe, aerial artist; Hawkins and Kelly, Samoel Lang nnd Dollle Sharp, Charles W. Young, Unghcs and CoUlns, Capliola Forrest and Lanra Bennett, Red De Jalma, Jessie Merton, Tom Harper, the Park- er SIstera and Clara Relnman New attractions at the Knickerbocker April 12: J. li. Manning, Jennie Sontllem, ihe Coglll Bros., Ophelia Starr, Richardson and Footc, and Maurice and Ryan. Closing. 10: The Hugheses, the Lee Bros., Grace Garland, ProL Held and J.J. Qnlnland. Large audiences assembled nightly at the Metropolitan Theatre last week. No changes are announced there." Wm. J. Thompson and bis specialty and dramatic combination opened at the New National Theatre, Philadelpbla, April 6, for one week. The specialists appearing were Lew Simmons, W. Uenry Rice, Aine Drayton, Ronoldo Bros., Chas. anil Lewis DockHtadcr, Harry Bennett, and Carrie Lewis. The dramatic company which supported Mr. Thompson and bh) acting dogs Hero and Hector In tbe drama of "Fur a Life" Included W. S. Norman, Jerry Tay. lor, A. R. Phelps, Harry Bennett, Chas. E. Worley, W. J. Irving, La PeUta Marie, Lottie Forrest, Ella Bascombe, Clura Fennoyer, and Jessie Harris. Charley Worley left the company 10 to Join Ninon Ductus' newly-formed party. Frank Moran and Lew Simmons benefited e, when, In addition to the regular bill for the week, Charley Rcynoltls volun- teered, appearing In a sketch with Lew Simmons, and Frank Moran gave bis stump-speecb. The house was crowded. Wm. J. Fleming begins an engagement 12 in "Gen. Custer." J. M. Eabn- weller Is again press-agent at this house. The new faces at the Standard Theatre, Minne- apolis, Minn., April 6, were Connors and Young, who closed 10, going to Milwaukee. Trndell and Ward and Maud Trndell are billed to open 12. Busi- ness good. No changes at the Taeatro Comlque. Tbe Albambba Varieties, BuitaIo, N. Y., Is an- nounced to open April 26. The proprietor, John J. Humphries, advertises for performers. Fhof. Neil Smith and performing dogs are en- iraged for a tonr this Summer with the Pullman Show—tbelr second season with it A card from Manager Miner, published elsewhere, speaks of the proficiency of Prof. Smith's canine pupils. AT BOBDWELL'S OPERA-HOUSE, EOSt SagmaW, Mich., tbe company the past week inclnded Con- nors and Cannon, Joe Creamer and Maggie Christy, Leonard and Flynn, D'Omc and Du Belt, Leonora Creed, Blanche Blancbard, Maggie Leroy, tbe Qnlnnctte Family and Harry LesUe, manager. Dc- Eartures April 10: Connors end Cannon and I'Ome and Dn Rell, to Bay City; tbe Quinnettes, to Toledo. To open 12: The 'Mortons—Ed. and Ida— the Ralls, the CarroUs and the Shcerano. BOBOWELL's Opera-hocse, Bay City, Mlcb., was reopened April 6 with thefoilowlngcompany: Frey and Marahall, Carlotta Banks, the Halls—James and Ode—the Morions—Ed. and* Ida—the Macks— John and Ida—Ella Edna nnd Charley Peltier. Closed 10: The Halle aud tbe Mortons, to East Saginaw. Billed for 12: Connors and Cannon and D'Ome and Du Rell. JonNNiE PuiNOLE and Sam K. Hodgdon, with the Oates Rrutbers' Concert Company, report that they are meeting with success everywhere In their tour through tbe West. They return thanks in a card In this Issue to T. D. Kelley and Ned Straight fur what they have done to make the song "Ireland To- da}°" attractive. Performers are wanted at the Eagle Palace The- atre. Baltimore, Md. Sec card Quite a youno man 1h wanted as partner In end. Sketch and clog business by "II. B.," wbo advertises. AT the Coliseum Theatre, Fargo, D. T., which was opened for the season March 17, nnder the management of Reynolds <t McCaully, with J. Ger- vln as stage-manager, the company at our latest advices inclnded Jennie Wade, Bbincbe Granger, Maude Clifford, J. D. O'Hara. Clifford and Skelly, and QerlB and Hayden. Frank Stcotte, trapeze performer, was to bave oiiened April S. The Female red-stockino Minstrels played in Columbia, S. C, April 6, 6. A Youxa ladv who can sing and act Is wanted as a partner m genteel sketches by J. £. Dole, who advertises. I.jtnv artists and other flrst-claifl pcrformera can secure ciigucements ut the New Olympic Tbeu- trc, Springfield, Mass.. by addressing F. A. McClane. business and stage manager. The aouitions to the company at Berry's Thea- tre, Brooklyn, E. D., Itot week, were Calluban and Coieman In Irish songs, dances, etc., anil SulUvan and Smith, sung-and-dunce artists. A min.-itrel first-part was given, and oflcr tho olio Bella Berry and George Harris acted tho principal, ctmraoters in a three-act piece entitled "New York by Gas- llgbt" Agood business was done. Billed for April 12: Georglo Melnotte, Amy Hoey, the Continental Four, and the Williams Brothers. UNOEn THE management of A. J. Talbot, a variety entertainment was given at Eggcr's Opcra- bonse, Frankfort road and Adams Biruet, Philadel- pbla, April lo. JOHN J. Tati«b, who was manager of tbe Grand Central Theatre, Philadelphia, dnrlng a portlun of the season of 187S-7, the entire season of 1S77-8, and a part of the season of 1678-9, Is managing a va- riety theatre In Leadvllle, CoL Ume. rentz's Minstrels and Vienna Orchestra are to be in Wlnsted, CL. April 14, Ansonla 17, Bridgeport 10, Danbnry 20, Norwalk 21, Meriden 22, Mid^etown 23, New Haven 24, Norwich 20. Hbalet and Uaceet open at Harry Miner's Theatre, this city, April IB. Their performances In Irish Bpedalties, singing, dancing and imitations of Hivorito actors gained them considerablo fitvor in Brooklyn, N. Y., the past week. See card. The i-atest abbivals at the Bay View Varieties. Pensacoia, Fla., ore Annie and May Campbelfanu Van smuYan. Habbt Williams' Academt of Mrsic, Pitts- burg, Pa., continues to do a large business. The newcomers April 5 were Delehanty and Hengler, Alice Gleason, the MarteU Brothers, De Witt Cooke and Louise Vavasour. The American Four did not come, which necessitated Manager Wlluams mak- ing an explanation to bis patrons at the head of his honse-bin. Departures April 10: Delehan- ty and Hengler and John W. Ranaone, to New York; De Witt Cooke, 'Wheeling; Louise Vav- asour, Baltimore; the Sparks Drutheio, Detroit; the Marten Brothers, to Join Sells Brothera' Circus atTopeka. Ess.; and Sheehan and Jones, to Chicago. Arrivals 12: Jennie Hughes, Cmmiey and De Forest, the ManlnettI Troupe, Llllle West- ern, Mulligan and weaver, Conway and Eagan, Dan Mason and Dan SuUy. FiBdT-CLASS COMBINATIONS COB secore time at Hyde A Bebman's Theatre, Brooklyii, N. Y., after Mav 10. The managcr$ announce their stock com- pany as Including BlUy Barry, Hugh Fay, Jennie Satterlee, Frank wills, Dave (Jaks and L. C. Un- gsrd. See advertisement. • IN Memoriam.— Barney Fegan and Lizzie Hnl- vey, wblle mifllllng an engagement In the Adelphi Theatre, Denver, CoL, during the laner part of March, started a .«ut»cripllon among professionals for the purpose of erecting a tomljstone over the grave of William GInneven, lormerly ol Glldoy and GInneven. SuOtclent money having twen raised, a handsome stone six feet In height was purchased, and on April 1 It was placed with religions cere- monies over Mr. GInneven's remains. Tlie ln.«crip- tlon gives the dates of his birih and death, to which are added the Initials B. P. O. E.. of which well, known order deceased was a member. The Merrv Acstiss' --Tin Wedding'' Pabtt were in Clarinda. In.. April !>, Shenandoah 6, Rlv- crton 7. Essex 8, Vallski 9, Cuming 10, anil are due In Alton 12, Murray U, Melrose 14, Tracy IS, Knox- vine 16. SIgourncy 17. Charles Landis, InRint son of Chnrles landls of Landls and Steele, skatorlal snng-and-dance performers, died In Woshlnirton, D. C, April fi, aged oue year. Mr. Landls has lost five children within tbe past sl.\ years—two girls (twins) and throe boys. The Polttheama. an open-air theatre on the lawn at Myrtle Dank Sanitarium. Kingston, Ja. maica, is open for artists In varions branches of the profession. Manager James Gall advertises that there are many Inducements to moke tbis a desirable place to visit. English artists would meet with more (hvor tbere than American, and tbose In delicate health wonid perhaps be benefited by the change of climate. Tbe Rentz-Sastlev TROirpE appear In Brock- ton Mass., April 1-2, Newport, R. I^ 13, Now Bed- ford, Mass., 14, North Attleboro 15, Providence, R. I., 16,17. The COMPANY from the Howard Atbeneenm, Bos- ton, Mass., are advertised In Fall River, Ma.S3., April 1-2, New Bedford 13, Brockton 14, Portsmouth, N. H.. 15, Portland, Ue., 16,17, Bangor IB, 20, Specialtv artists and attractive people in nil branches of the buslncsfl can find time with the Orrtn Brothera k Co.'s Show In Havana, Cuba. See card. The Colisevm Theatre, Kansas City, Mo., Is open for dramatic stara aud specialty arilsts. The proprietor, H. D. Clark, would like to beor Itom some dramatic star having short sen-iatlonnl plavs, and be reqnests oil llrat^lass performera to write for dates. MOZART SuMMBB Gabden, Baltimore, Ud., will reopen May 17, under tbe management of W. U. Ruinpf; with Johnny Booker as stage-manngcr. Variety talent Is adverilsed for. E. D. GoonrNO has a benefit at tbe Brooklyn (N. Y.) Opera-bonse April IT. He advenl.ies that he can t>e engaged for business or stngo manager. Tonv Pastor's Tratelino Company Is due in Albanj- N. Y'.,12,13. Poughkeepsie 14, Pateraon, N. J., 15 .Tersey City 16, 17. JOHN E. iiassett Is leading the orchestra and brass band at the Coliseum Theatre, Atchison, Kas., where Baby Rblnehart and Cluirles and Lulu May arc among the chief attractions. 'TUE NEW FACES Rt the Theatre Comlqne. Brad ford, I'a., 6, were the D'Alve Sisters, the Barlow Brothers, tbe Morosco Brothers, Lew Baker, Aubrey and Dasbway, and Llllle Howard. Departures lo Aubrey and Dasbway, to Detroit, Ulcb.; Llllle Howard, Troy, N. V.; Daisy Kernell and tbe Morosco Brothera, llnOUIo. Uookeil for 12: (Inllter and Goldrich, Levnntlne and Earle, and others. A troupe of performing dogs are wanted by Dr. Jas. L. Thayer. See card. NO pautob, however tony, was ever more wannlv welcomed by the fdltlilBI brotbcra and .listers of tbe Quaker City than Tony Pastor was when be opened there at the Waluut-street Theatre 6 for a week's engagement The audience overflowed the audi torium, and the acts of Harry and John KcrueU^ Bryant and Hoey, Perry, Magrew, Curdy, and Hughes—the Four Eccentrics-St. Felix Sisters, Flora Moore, the Rankin Bros., the French Twin SIstera, Fanny Ueane and Chas. CUdav, Lena Tet- tenbom—ber first appearance In Philadelphia- Bonnie Rnnnells, Chas. Diamond. Tonv Pastor,.ond Frank Olrard were applauded till echoes returned the sonnds of approl>atlon. At THE AcADEMV, Cblcngo, 111., bonlnennwaa large the past week. In the opculni; olio llumer and Holly, Tom and Maude Slorrlaney, lliirr)- Wootbton. and Karoll and Auf^unta Ordey presented their nppclaltlen, the perfonn* aocen concluding wltb John R. Wearer and tne stock company In **Toby." All atara done. Opening 12: Em- iiienmn, Clark and tne Daly Brothers, Sheehan and Jones. Muater Rice and Geo. C. Chnrlca The Collins Rruthem have renewed copattnenhlp W. H. MnrrU of the Olympic ThORtre. Port Wayue, Ind,, and Mrs. Vnl Luvo (Nellie .Ma>kelll of the Theatre Coml'iue, Kansa.i City, Mu., have been In town the pant we«k engaging talent. Olcar WlUlaarrived S and left 9 lor Baltimore, where be has contracted lor twelve people fbr tbe Gem Theatre, Dead. wood At the Amerlcnn bunincM ban been good, Stage- manayer Gus Dutaoln baTlnga croa-ded house at hhi bene* fill M. Closing: Pete Brady, Mlino Poncho, N. B. Shlmer and Flora Bingham. Opening 12: B. a Uodgea and Louisa Bllna, Billy and Lydia west At tbe London tbere was an aTerage gnod attendance. Departures: Nellie Moralng. ntnr, Jnlm F. and Mmile Prince, to Milwaukee; James McAvoy and Kelly and Welch. Arrivals Ul Dellno rancbo. Otla Buwera, flco. M. Pellmore. Ulna O-NcUl Fenton, Alile Forbes, Randolph Children—JImmIe and LIzxIe—Cont Cuabman, Frankle Clark. Hairy Beck. with realims the management of this theatre 26 At Monroe's there were lair assemblages. Leaving: Hawkins and Kelley, to LouliiTllle; Turn Harper and Jennie Merlon remain In town. Coming 12: McGiU and Bylond, Julia Bennett and Helena Wentworth. Tea TUKATBE coaiqi'E, Washington, S. C, did a fair banlnena the past weelc. Tlie fTeah appearances were Clark and Edwards, Ckinway and EKnn, Hawley and Man- ning, Frank Warden, Mile. Mabrena and Landis and Rteele. Departures April 10: Hawley and Manning, to PlilladelphU; Conway and Egnn, Plttaburg: and tllle. Mahretto, Idle. Announced for 12: Doolcy and Tenbrooke, tho Leona. and Georgo France and Ethel Earle Our currespuDdent sends no repoi t of the Arlington Theatra. Laror AtmiKNces weru nightly In attendance at the Cnll.<eum, Deiruit, .Mich., wlicre April 12 come KosteUe, Keating and Sands, Reno tstcdmon. Tiro Kogera, Mile. Mar- ciA and Ida Alb, and Murinn Mnrdaunt In "OurCllrhi." Jt rumeStaiiiilll has been on the Bick-liiii lately, but la now convnUf«lng- Cloalne: 10: 3larlnn Mordaunt, to New York; Resting and Randn, RenoStedman. Clevelnnd:TlniBaKera, San Fninclaco; Mile. Marian and Ida Alb. Naabvllle; Fus- lelle remalnn hero one week, bin wife. Belle Foatelle, open- ing here I:', together wltb Geo. It. Edeaon, PioL Steen and Tilo, EiL Banker, Florence Welki, and Sparks Brothers. TUE BROOKLYN Ofera-uocsk close.t thin week with ben- eftt perftirmancea, one on April 12 to Charley Ilarrlnon. the Hcenlc-artiM, nnd the other 17 to £- D-Goudlng. Tbo buildlcg has been sold lo a cluthing firm, and will be OI>cned an a Iatko alore May 1 At the Volka'TheMtre lo.-t week Ibe company appeared to excellent bunlneiia. ThU week the Eight Megathcrlana—Gibbn, Kelly, O'Brien, Lyons, Mngrath, I'urka,Xear)' and Sherman—the Philhar- monic Qiiartel—W. Dbcon, Add dork, U. f' and If. Campbell—the La Bona Brotbers, Allle Dayton. UIck Kalpn, tbe Murphys and Mluule Hanleyare the firesb at- tructlons At the Olympic the Female Minstrels, under the manneement of CulllnH k Foster, arc the feature. Miss .Nkllie Woon has been dangeroualy Ul at her retl- dcnco In St. Louln, Mo. John MoHltis and wlfolFloreoee Irwin) nrrlrcd In Lon- don, Eng., during the week ending Uareh 27. TiiK LoNi>oN PALACK Varicties, Albany, N. Y-, 1a re- ported tq be doing n good buxlno^a The company playing nt thin houiie tbe pnjtl week included Paddy and Clla Mur- phy, Bobby Dally, Ma(;^e nnd Annie -Murmy, Mile. Ce- rlnei nnd Ulll>-'llogau. Depanuren April 10: Paddy and Ella Murphy, tu Bnajklyn: Mile. Cerlnl. to New York; and Billy llogan, on the lusd Rllli a feinalfailnstrel party. Ttt arrive 1:2: Dan Reean. Ada Forreni, Annie Mamland, Minnie Kerwin and Sadie Irvlu^. Manager Austin Mullen advcrtines for perfoniiers. Leading fkoi>le for Lorleaquo and specialty aitUis are wanted by Ninon Duclo.-,, a.,* per card. SiiKsnA.N- AND Jones hare recently brought out acomedy nketdi. In fbur acenea, by Con Murphy, entitled "Looney the Wrestler, or the Unknown." It was produced at the Academy uf Uusic, Pittsburg, Pa., recently, and Is cred- Itt-d by the press, according to extracts publlahud else- where, wltb havln;r rande a hit. It la aald to be fbnny and clever. They perfumi in It at the Academy of 3ltislc, CJiicngo, IIL, April 12, Ibr two weeks; Oetrult, Mich., to follow. TiiK TnsATRE conIQI-R, Provldcnce. R. I., presented the rollowlug perfunuera liuit week: Bobby Newcumb* Bob Al- len, MItchel, Flunk Bolton aal AdaBradfurd and Tom Say- en. Frld:iy evi-nini; Uennlevreene tuok a benefit, when tiiere were aet-tiis between Oney Creamer and Carltsa Boy, Jack llogun and Hilly Kent, tireeno nnd Yuudk Murphy. New faces 12: Hicliutond Si^tera. Mollio Wilson, Ida Morris, tbo HenneaNyn. and Luulae Monta^nie. Departures 10: Bob A lieu and Tom Sayers, to llartfurd: Frank Bolton and Ada Uradfnrd, tu New Vork; aiid Mllcliel, Idle. Jl-LiAN Kent hit'eui bardut the Gruud Ventral, Troy, N. v.. In "Wild Bill." the past week. While here be copy, righted a new senutluiul Ihree-bcur drama entitled "Dead-shot Hurry." A young nctor named George W. Wnrren surprised bis friends by Ills i-emorkablc persona- tion ol Old Gloat, It burder-lrapper. The departures 10 were Shurplo^* uuil \Vv«t, to Spriuicdeld, Mhas. ; Ada For- rest nnd Junon Kent, to Neiv Vork. Tuupen 12: K. T. Gondrlch, tbe LcamuilS, LUlle llowurd, and tbo Uogan Brothers. AT TUE Treatrs Cosiqce, Richmond, Va., there were no new nttructluns the past week. Miittie Bllsa closed April 5, going tu Philadelphia to Join Porepaui;b*H Circus. Eliu .Newton Is to leave Helena, M. T.,for San Fran- cisco, Cat, about AprU IS. to organize a company tu travel tbruugh Montana. Lizzie Watson and Ifarry Braham bej^n an encnge- ment In thu Britannia MumIc Hall, Glasgow, Scutland, March-29. AT LONQ-a Gaibtt TiiKATRB. DanTllle, HI., tbe new peuiilc to oiien April 12 are Manning and Drew, Tommy Adunis and Annie Raymond, FTx-d lUteblo and Doda Zan- iVclta. Cloning lU: Andy nnd Lottlo Amanu und Jeiw and Wade, tu Cairo, IIL Business Is reported guud. Specialty people are advertised fur. Lew anu Fhank Collins are to^lbcr again, and are open fur engagements. See e.ird. LOTTIE WiNNETT, Jig-danccr and burlesnue artist, lias lust chucd an eogogemeut at Slirlby'rt Adelphi Tlieatre, ButfaJo, N, v.. where she met with no favomble a receptlun that tbe management liave buuked her lor a return vLut- Uer address Is publinlied In lier cart] el>«wbere. SKETCRES, suoHS, etc., can bo ubtalucd uf "Olp," wbo advertises. LiuuY Boss and Carry Edwards, feminine e.vponents of the science of self-defeuse, are open fur ensugemeuta lu vaiiely theatres. See curd. Major Bl-hk citiennat the Volkn'Theatre. Brooklyn. N*. v., April 1',:. Ills .Mcgutberlan Nine appear also, ftlving Zutiav-t drill, cloe-dance.-*. Jigs, singing aud burleitfiue cir- cus. -M.-dur BuTK Introduces Ills weU-knuwn apcclalty tbe lii:hnll)g drill. See card. TllK 3IONCAVO BltorilERS. perfurmer* on double-bars, etc., advertise fur engagements. Harry nLOOocooo's Minstrels are tr<pertOrm in Salem. Mass., April 12, Manchester, N. Q., M, Law- rence, Mass., 18. Barlow, Wilson, Primrose k West's Min- btbels continue to repeat the same old story of BuccessTul bnslness wherever they perform. Tliey win be m San Antonio, Texas, April 12,13. Hous- ton 14, IS, Conlcanna 10, DaDas IT. Tbe New Or- leans press, extracts from which appear below, ^ve tbelr performances the highest praise: AcadUT op Mrsic-The Barlow.kWUson. Primrose A West Mlnstivbi. underthe management of Mr. 11. J. Clap- ham, opened at tbe Academy last night to a laire and ap- ireclatlve audience. In brieL It can be snki thin .s he best minstrel troupe tbat ban rblted New Orleans for Eeara, conMdenng lU apecialty talent, sweet sinsers, art- ttlc dancerm, and Ihe f\in-maklng nhmty uf ITS come- dlans. Barlow and Wilson and Wagner and Pricv, all old flivorlten, moke n strong double team uf mlnh.pit>- Tokera. The vocalinu ar« nil excellent In tbelr line, and the orcbestm, by Eddie Fux. Is unusually good. The iir- ganlxatUm u In all riatpevcs cumplete, and tbrr best kind of mlnatrel enienainnieDt Is tbe result of tbelr work. The m'n"'rein play itor one wcvk.—A-eui Orlean* Plcapunr, Murcbaa ACAnesT or Mrsic.-One ot the fluent minstrel entcr- talnmcnis given bi Netv Orleans In many a dav waa wlt- nessol by an Immense bouse last night nt the Acidemr. . " coarsenesa, humor without broadnesji. can be tnithlUllv acrordM to the nionarchs of mlusin>lsy. the Barlow, ttllson. Primrose 4 West Mtosttvls. This ixrel- lont connteliatlon. composed of the cream of the bumt- cork profossion. stands to-day without any superior—Indi- vidually or rollectlvely-on tlw ntai;e. Tills A a sweeping assertluo, but nevertlielens It u tmth. Last night tlie programme, Ijroin alnha to ome^ gave evldemv of the high degree of pniflcfeney to which this brandi of amuse- ment liHS arrived. Nut a stale luko. nut an uld gag, uut an 4ild sung, iiur nn old act was benrd or seeiL Again to- night.— Sew Orleans Tlmes^ March 30. ACADKMV OP Mfsic—Another large audience last night greeted the fnninus iiilnstrets, hcadt-d by Hnrlow, Wilson, I' A Wei^t. We see no rea.sun to recall our opinion, fonned from ibo first appearance of the troupe, and after seeing them nsain and ngaln we cnn but reiterate what we said at first—that they bnve never beonniirpas.scd, and Ml dum. II ever. i..|un1ed.— A'no Orleans JVMOcrar, AprU 1. ACADEMY 0¥ Mt'sic.—"The bert iuin*trel truupe that ban visited thin city In very nuiny years" Is the unirersai verdict of all who hare utteniled the Academy during the lu.,.t two evenings. The Barlow, Wilson, Primrose JkiVest MljistreliS who havecaUed titrXU sncli positive expressions of opinions from old citizens, while not being us large as one ut the mammoth oignnizatiuns on the rond. Is never- theless laryer than the luiOurlty. aud eiubmceii mure first- chi-ss artists than any other- U Itli ten flrst-cl-iss comedlnna as --end-tucn," they keep up a fire of wit that con\'ulses the audience with laughter, and which Is only softened by tfie sweet tones of their iKillad-slngers. Ourreaders sliould not mlsM ilila unique eotertjilnnieiit, -nod bear In niinu that their eoga^n^ment Is but for one week.— New Orleans Price Current. March .-)l. AcADEiiY OP Mt'Hia—Tbe Barlow, Wilson, Primrose A West Minstrels «-lu>ed their remarkably suceessfUl week's engngeiiient nt the Academy lost night. The boys iniikmg uptldsorgHnlzstlnn hare given a first-class, huneat show, und they will bo welcome when they return again another season.—A'ew Orleanx Picagune AprU 5. ACADKMV or .Mi-sia—The Barlow, Wilson, Primmae i West Minstrel Combination cloned a very snc^saful en- gngenient last night. During Its stay the compaay has mnde many Orlends, and leave the cliy with the endorse- inenl ol the tbeatru-golDe pitblle, that It Is tbe tKit show ot Ihe kind whieta bss struck the town m years.-A'eis Orleans J>emocrat, April 5. TRkVU.VT OPERA-norsc—The minstrel Ironpe of Menara. Barlow, Wilson, Primrosn A West waa night preeted by a large audience. That tbry axe by all tMiLs the best troupe of minstrels that have visited this section of theSule In years cnnnnt be gainsaid. The sln'.(inB In pan first was excellent, and the gnuid finale. "Our Plnafure." made a hit. The son^-andHiance act thatfolluwed, as given by Mr- I'htcnlx, was un apt illuatratlon ol tlie poetry uf motion. Fields and Hanson, In tbelr musical net, were Immense, anil Geo- Wilson's uratoiy os laughable ma can be imairlnf^. .Messrs. Primrose. West, Ken:iedy, Doyle, Fux. Ward, Pensley and Venetta, as dniicers, delighted the audience, and tlielr conibttt dug was uno uf the rtnest acta yet seen upon tbo minstrel stage. Taken as a whole, the tnittpe Is a luost e.xcellent one, imd everything nupenalnliig to Im- mode.sty Is carefully e.vcludcu Aoui tuii perlunuai:ce.— Oafrerron News, April 7. Billy Allen, endman and comedian, can be engaged by HppKioK Its per utrd. TiiK Orhin Bkotiieks Co. oifer good engagements lo lierformers in llavuna, Cub:u See advenUemetit. -1 HE OKini.VAL New Orleans .MiN.'fTRELs uud Gorton's Gold Bund (A. D. .Miller, bu>lness-mantti;erl clus^-d a i*ue- ccssriil non.sun In Mlddletowu, .V- Y., -^prll la They ore nuw In New Vurk City, reorgnnttlng f,ir tin Ir .*^tlmmer lonr, commelldnt: April 2a. In uddltli,u to thi-lr regular cuin- psny, tiiey have vni.';ise<l the Clipper Quartet. Sl-K.\ul*E's GKuuuiA MlNSTltELS uiiueured In Detroit. -Mich., April i, li, 7. NEGRO BIlJ)8TRei.ST. TnE MECATnERiAS MINSTRELS, oftcraBlx weeks' eifurt to establish a permanent home in Hooley'a Theatre, Ilostou .Mus.-*., ctuscilthclrseaion Aprllio, business the lost iveek being only fair, esccptlngo n Fo-st-duy. BiLLV McAllister's Minstecls, tinder manage- ment uf Sorclle Pearson, are to perform in Ueards- town, IIL, AprU IS, Virginia 13, Jacksonville 14, Petersburg 15, Havana 16, Lincoln 17, Atlanta 19. Barlow, Wilson, Primrose k West's Minstrels opened to a large audience In tbe Opera-bouse, Galveston, Texas, April 0, and, our correspondent savs, "tbe entertainment was exceptionally One." Tas Eclipse Minstrels, says our correspond- ent, "bave been deUghting largo audiences In Uall- fiuc, N. S.. during the past month. Keating and Ryan, acrobats and aerial tlng-performots, are to leave tbe company May I." DnpREZ * BENBDicr's Minstrels are expectod in Sherman, Texas, April 20, 21. Dennlson 22,21, GalnesyUie 23; thence they go thiougb the ludiun Territory. ^ ... . ^ Cabncboes' Minstbels commenced their trav- eling season lost week at Ford's Grand Opera- house, Baltimore, Md., where they performed to good nouses. Onr correspondent says: "The com- pany la not a strong one, their sketches are old, and the songs wei« ImUDerently and carelessly rendered, and the onlv things worthy of com- mendation were -The Skids Ate Out To-day,' by the company, and Mr. Camcross' ballad 'The Bluo Alsaclan Rose.' Matt Wheeler and Hughey Dongb- erty occnpy the ends.'' They open In waablogton , (01 oue we«K> SrSARl-K'S COLOSSAL ClRCtS A!Ci> (IRRAT ELECTRIC- L GHr Sbot la tu be^ln Its aeo-son on or uuout Mny I. the first stand tieing at Dundee. 111., where the trontsf U now forming. All details aru nut yet complete. Z. W_ Sprague la tbe proprietor and manager; K. C. Tburber. treasutvr; Wlllhim Mayo, director; Wash Blod-.:elt. gen. etal-agent; A- F. Wood, master of bUlnusiIng brigade: E. P. Young, press-agent: M. A. Tburbcr, lI'boiiTttrber: llanlc Wise, tmss-canrasmau; 11. A. Klngu-de, eiiuestrian di- rector: James Khigcade. bunlle and Ii diai rider: Mile. Lee Etta, c<ine«tTtan; the Lanes — Clwrle* and Ger- tie—trapeze and horizontal.bari>eribrmcni; Charles How- Ut. leaner; William Weems, contunfcmlst and Juf^ler: NIblo. Piencb pantomime clowu; O. II, De Oastitt and bick Oslesby. cluwna; Mma. Do La Costa. MUe. Maita- Icna, Mile. Elhie, Mile. De Gaicon, Jamea Rnarh, C. W. Prlncltf and Mono. Magny, nneral perfonuer*; flOeen tumblers and leapeia. A dve biimer electric light wtU be used. Tlibi show will travel by waauus, visiting amaUer towns, n • menagerie being atiacneu. Tia L. Kin-u icit Chlemea, lU., April 6t lojoht the W. W . Colo ITIreus In St l,ouy. CiRCTS Ness Rim ibx Wmr IxniB—MATTiAam PuKTU niCII, W. L,MMcb'Jl, IftU—MH. PRANK <^t'EE»— Bear sir: Tblnklnga little newanilgbt beaccvnlable. I send a few lines. Lowande's Brazilian (^ivmi, wblcli gave tea penUnnnncea here, lett for Punce, P. R., W. I., ca\-c eight perfonnances tlivre. and then went to (^mw, Venexueia» S. A., where all nre liemmi'd In on account of the rcvolu- tloD. Tht^ Shednian Bra.*.. Wlnfiehl and t'feor:^ aild An- drew Wiitrigant. left Lowande's t^.mpanr and Joined Coo- md Jfc Wataim'n Tnuuatlantic Cnnijiany, at pre^nt m .Mnvngueze, P. R. Tliey give tbelr last porliiniianca t,>-dar, Sunday, March 21, ami leave ±t fbr South Aiiierica. They have been here two weeks. Tbecurapanylncludestba Shodman Brua.. llousabiiro Sam IJapanme). Andrew Wuirii^nl, II. Nelson, Wm. Gnfirnd, V\ in. Wainon, Senonta Ondliia, and a few SpauLinUwhuM^namfs 1 liavenotyet become familiar with. Later. .Mnrcli ZL—The Puno Rico Lottery drawings c.-ime "If tu-dA.v, and llonsaburu Sam (Jafwitnie) Idt one part of tho capital prize, which ls3l3,IJUI tune part Is one-lrnth uf the prize). Other prizes have bevu wim by the ctuiipan,r, but mit Iarf;c enougu to men- tion. Mr. Walmniimdeabit, as also did the Shednian Bnm Kespeetrully yours. W. S. S. Tont P.\stor extends libi tl^' :ikn tn the management of Cooper, Ralley JtCu.'s Lund- - •''^eus fur their cuurtesy in &0 timing tbelr parmdu li . '"hla. Pa., erenlugur April 10, tbat they would nui Interi. .-^rith b!s company's performances at the Walnut-filrvvlTUei.'.ra. Mr. Pastnrin his card states tbat "It Is a compllnieut gmtcndly appreci- ated." P. T. Barnps's Show bi to exhibit In Bridgeport. Ct.. May s, ^ew Haven 4, llanfonl5, SpriDcfiold, Ma-sa., 0, Wor- cester 7. Pttivldenee, K. I., a, Boston, Mosa., lu^ one week. GEO. B. CoLB uf Chlca^ had been eugai^ to innnage the concert, as lieretarnt«,twlth t<ellb Bniihem' Cltvu*; but, owing to a recent nilaunJerstantUng as tu terms, be says he goes with Burr Bobbins In the same capacity. Harry Brckwith says that be Is tu uiauage the cunccrt wltb RotH bins' Circus, as heretofore. > l>l I CIRCUSES. PROF. E. Hamilton's Great New York Cir- cus Is to give Its first exhibition In OnvelL O., May 1. Welsh & Sands' New Orleans and San Frak- CISCO CIRCUS AND ROYAL ENULISB MENAOEBIE have been wintering In Topeka, Kaa., and are to open their season In Leavenworth April 13; thence to Atchison 14, SC Joseph, Mo., IS, Lathrop 10, Hamilton IT, ChllUcothe 19 Macon 20, Palmyra 21, Clnrksvllle 22, Canton 23 .Katokia 24, Comlon 28, Centrevllle, Is., 27, Lancaster 28, Memptus, Mo., 29, Keokuk, la., 30. The advance brigade is com- posed of C. U. Castle, general agent; F. U. Rose, Sress-agent; Geo. Mcintosh, contracting-agent; F. ;ockIl;ltcr, lithographer; Geo. B. I'ratt, chief of paste-brigade, and elgbt assistants. Dr. o. R. Spalding died at ten o'clock P. M. April 6 at the residence of one of his former part- nera, David Bidwell, in New Orleans, La., where he bad been in a precarious condition for several weeks. Tbe canse of bla death was cystitis, from which he bad stiifered a long time. His biography may be fonnd npon an outside page. cocp's CiBcoa did a good business at tbe E-tposl- tlon Building, Louisville, Ky., last week. Our cor- respondent saya: '-Among the moat noticeable of the attractions may be mentioned Prof. Fryer's rid- ing dogs and goats, the Japanese in their balancing andjnggllng feats. Prof. Fryer's periormlng ponies and broncho horses In their military drill, Napo- leon's glided coach, Emma Stokes, equestrian: Mme. Lottie Belmont, balancing trapezlst; and James UelvUle's reinarkatdy clever bareback rid- ing. Mr.ConpbasalsoaflnecoUectlonoranlinalH." Tbb musicians engaged for tbe Van Ambnrg Show assembled in IndlaoapoUs, Ind., AprU 0, and left that evening Ibr Valley Falls, Kas Colonel FUUns Is in town looking after tbe Interests of the Conp Show, which inangorates tbe tenting season here 20 Tbe Sella Show follows in Hay. Jobn Robinson's Gbeat Wobld's Exposition AMD HKNAOBniB Is blUed In Cnmmlnsvllle, O., April 14, SedansvlUe IS, Covington, Ky., la, Fiilton, O., IT, New Richmond 19, Augusta M, Ripley 21, .... „ ^ _ — Porta- MaysTlUe, mouth 24. Ey., 22, Manchester, 0., 23, A tobchliqct procession was given In Phila- delphia on tbe night of April 10 by tbe united Cooper k Bailey and Forepaugh Shows. It was a splendid pageant. AU along tbe ronto flreworks were con- stantly being sent np from all parts of the line, mak- ing, with the aid of 1,200 torches, borne by a corre- sponding number Of men, tbe streets as light as day. There were knights In armor, ladles on notseback, several Bonds of mnslc, cages, tsbleaa cars, ele- phants, camels, and many other features to attract attention and excite admlrotioiL Tboa- santls of people occupied the windows, door- steps, bonsetops and sidewalks, and loud and ftequcnt were tbe expressions of snrprise and delight at the elegance and beauty of the costumes, caparisons, and parapbemalla of all kinils. 'the proces^aon as a whole surpassed any former effort of tbe kind by clrcns people In the Quaker City, and was a llttlog Introtlnc- Uon to tbe opening there ol the two allied great abowa for a two weeks' tieason, which begins 12. Representatives of tbe press partook of the hos- pitality of Messrs. Forepaugh and Cooper k Bailey at the Glrard House, where an elegant repast of comforting solids and cheering liquids was en- Joyed, and ITom the wludows and balconies of whlcb hostelry tbe knights of tbe lead-pencU re- viewed the parade. As the procession was passing the comer of Broad and EUswortli streets, one of the employes was thrown from a chariot and con- siderably hurt. ACCIDENT.—A correspondent sends the following account of remarkable endurance on the part of a showman, and an assistant editor of a local Journal voQches for Its tmth: "Slgnor Montanio, manager of the Original Arkansas 1-ravelera, and one of tho proprietors of the Great Kew York Show, now or- ganizing In Smith Centre, Kaa., met wltb a serious accident at Stockton on March 2S. While perform- ing some of hla daring acts on the tight-rope, twen- ty-eight feet from the ground, the rope parted, und be feu wltb great force, allgbtlog on his feet and breaking several of the bones in his right heel and foot. Ue was taken to the hotel, where he had the best of medical attendance, hail all the bones re- set, and, although In a nearly fainting condition, went on the stage at night and played bis part or the programme through, but fainted twice in so do- ing. He was taken tu bis home tbe next day, and la now at bis liirm near Smith Centre, doing well, with every prospect of a speedy recovery." Tbe Ricky bkos. have the sideshow privileges with tbe Dr. Thayer Show this season. Keating and Ryan, vaulters, tumblere and aerial performera, advertise tbat they wUl be dls- engngeu alter May 1. all the people engoged for the Cooper k Jack- son Shows are ordered to report at Hurst's Hotel, St. Lonis, Mo-- April 23. A lady trapeze or fiylng- rlngs artist Is wanteiL See call. Pekformehs and otbera engaged for Rot>ert SUckney's Imperial Circus, Museum and Menagerie are requested to report at Pittsburg, Fa,, Apnl 22. See Manager S. E. Stlckney's card. TuE Great New York Snow, now organizing at Smith's Centre, Kansas, Is announced to start out June 1. A number of perfuriuera. Including musicians, are wanted. The privileges are also advertised fur sale, and Jas. Roberis Is requested to write. Happy Jack Lawton, clown, who is spending a few days wltb his brother lu St. l.uuls. Mo., will travel this season with Col. Hay ward's Circus and Hippodrome, which starts from I'ana, IIL, May l. CoufEK A JACKSON'S OKKAT PARISIAN ClHCCS AND EslET's .'IIE-VAOKKIE AND Mt'SEUM Is urguutzed an ful- lows: C. P- Cooper Ls general inana;;er; Furman II- Sloan, assistant manager; Lyman A. Jackson, treas- luvr; Martin J. Bills, asaiKtant trcMMurvr; Clias. M. Pratt, pivss agent; Stewart M. Daris, efiueslrlan tUrector; Homer O. Corrnl, duurkeeper; Prul. Add. Vugel, leader orchestra; J. M. Bnrr^', siiperlntendeiii of liursea; J. O. Baruum, nuperbitcndent of canvaai Paul Edmoad.s.atew. ard. Advauce brigade—W. C. Boyd, general uguit; J. B. Kennedy, nKsislsiit acent: Wm. II. Sutton, director uf publlcutloos; Edwunl Ellintt and E. J. Lmi kins, lithograph aesnts: J. A. Murray, cliiel blliiaister: and E. II. Osburg, Geo. Lung and Perrv Stevens, asslnuiuts. Performers: Mile- Auiilo Worland. Mile. Rosa Cordelia and Mile. E.Ut Deverv. euue-Htrlennes; Mile. MIniietta. Irun-Juw perfomi. er; Mile- Fntiiees Uairy, wlre-ascenjlonbt; \v. W. NIeboK N. A. Lowondl and Auolph Muuclilu, e«iuestrlkUs; Hetlaw and Alton, britther-ucls; J. L. Diivenpuri, Oban. Itoycc and Matt. Edmoiitls, cluwns; Wui. Klngrade, l»ri.ev and lluw. ard, James Elms ^^'m. Kursbe>-. Krvd Castlo and Wll le I. eun. leapers and tuinlters; wm. Weuma nnd Edwaru Lester, ctintortluiilsts: l,<-ruyand .\dAiiiK, euinedhitis; Eu- cene Carl Zewartz. lUuslonlst; Mile. Stella Carl Zewatu. nueen uf rtre; and PruL UB<'sr Hunt, areuiiaiit. They mn nil their own privileges. Hume:. Mlasuuil, Ituve weeks; then tu Illliiola aud Hast. THE GREAT Eastern Snow was organized In New Orleans March a. lojU- Thus- W. VIOMm Is Uie uian- oger: J- K. Ma:k and Hubert JuiiuMjti.assislant-maiiHgers; II. 11. Gliley. treasurer; i;ua I'. Murrls. geiieral-Sicent: Will llHllley. assUlant-sgenI: W- .McOi,rd. s. Ilullley and B. Myers, bUlpusters; John Warden. proKntininer; Law- rence Weaver, propi-riies: J.W. I'age.prlvlleges. Per- fonnera: FlUiufin- luiil Bu>'d, doiiljle-ti'uiH.-ze uua ucrobiitle artists; Phil lloldon. lUMleslal clog uud llg dancer: Charles Brouxiard. with Edl:rf)U's ptiuniigniph; Bub JuiinMin. acto- Uatlc down; the Belmuut Bros., Juhnsiiu and tbe :>tanley Brothers, horizontal-bars; (?hurles aud Gabo GarUviiial, coiulc vncalUta; Archie KlUmure, pedestal club-swinging: l*ror. Bellmunt. Creole giant nnd strougman; lliiber and VInsen, specialty perlurners: Golden and Kevnun, sun^- ■ Stnoley Boyd, fiylng rings; Prui. De latzka, . '.,"Av.*fl iS..tiil,Mm Mliiwrri,l,t — Amianfi and-dknce, , niaglclan; and Gllley s Snuiliem Minstrels— Anuan< Veaxey. James Modesie. J. B. Orlunaoe, Tom Wllluiot, Bub Mack, Will U. Simmons, (I. E. NeuvUIe. J. Ol NeuvUla and Then, llsnlcy. The sldesUov Is under the management of J. M. Pbk*. -rbey l>er10rmed In Bmux'a Bndse .April a. LaGayetle 7. Roy vllle 9. CblculrlUe 10. and are due inSver- ereen 12, Washington It, Opekiusas IS, Natchez 19. Op Buuoick £ au.e.n's Qi-adrci-lk combination Bunllck A AUen are the pnpricluta and managers: b. Leopold, director of unosemenu: Dl ClepB. e™;»»cUnf agent; fted Mlnger.chleluf paste-brlgaile: »-D?>ff'SI?' leader of band; J. Durberty, mnsterotcanvM, H. Bur- dlck. master ofrtock. Perlbrmets: S''^y,^f!SS^^S^ Thome. PetOtt and White. C. C. '^'•"Ife,?°S7.y^*;-S worth, tbe Lonmdu Bros., Jerry ^'wly. Don AUen. tidi Bnrdlck. They bare twenty burses, an. top audaut. middle-piecee«ivas, twolione-icnts. men In advance corpo. They open In As^jtabiua. O.. Mar LTilJ?^!^nibl?nt. ''PedalWPMple eta. tteilrtogen. gaeements can addreas as per adTortisemant, antf the sli^how prirllrm ll to rent. , „„„,„,k„.v. Pekmhibciis and attracUona ol merit are wanted by the OizlnliiuihctsJtCu.rvrllaTana,Cuba. bveotnL aaSCEUiANEOVS.^ \ . Master O. A. Osborne, under the manogtmcnt of C. U. Wheeler, Is to give readings and imita- tions In Anrora, N. Y., April 19. Holland 30, Arcade 21, Ulnsdole 22, SpringviUe 23, FrankllnvlUe 34. A. L. BinT esblblted bis panorama of the *'Bootc of Revelations" in Colombia, S. C, April e, T. Canvas and poles are for sale at Burgh's ex- press omce. See canL DowoBTH's HiBEBNiCA Is to Iw exhibited la Trenton. N. J., AprU 13;, Gloncester City 14, Con- ahohocken. Pa., li, Noirlstown 10, PbccnlxvUIe IT, PottsvUielo. TnB Opbba-bofse, AUentown, Pa., la dosed. During tbe Snmmer It wUI be enUrely remodeled, and greatly Improveil In stage-room, dressing- rooms and andltorinm. and wlU lie reopened Sept. 1. No arrangements bave been made at present for the opening of the bouse, but Manager Uagenbncli Is In correspondence with some of the best compa- nies In tbe cotmtry, and be icqnesu managcra to write to blm as per card. This nouse was the first opera-house ever bnUt In that section of tbe State. Dl a spirit of enterprise, Mr. Hsgcnbuch completetl it when tbere was considerable hazard about tbe undertaking. His example was qnlckly copied, and, proUtlng by his experieace, those wbo follow ed at Reading, Easton, Betblehem and other filaces did so on Improved plans. AsMr. Hagen. luch wishes to be abreast of the times, he wlU en; deavor to make his bnllding safe and commodloun, elegantly flimlshed, and adapted to tbe presenta- tion of any play. The Blooms qnote some of tbelr prices In tbelr cartl elsewhere for theatrical nnd simrtlng oatMs. It will be seen that tbey have articles In tblB line at uniisuouy low figures. Tbelr extensive stock offers a chance for almost anyone to lie sultetL The Eng- Ush super Btont flesh tights -priced at $Le9 in tho liSt elsewhere should be Sl-60. GDBiosiTiBS and specialty artlBts are wanted for Alton's Mnsenm nnd Theatre, to be located at Coney- laliind tills Summer. See adverilsemcnL Wabd's silk and worsted ttchts, shirts, etc, and other articles In the way of ontflts for profes- sionals end amateurs, cither theatrical or sporting, are noticed in auotber column. lndlg>s Lady Royal tights, an elaborate article, 1h speclaUy men- tioned. This bouse announces that they luive an extensive stock on band, and that It is of tbe best description. Bbcce's snow-FAiNTiNOS are advertised In this issue. J. H. Connors annonnces tbat be can bundle to advantage aU the latest noveUlcs. Sc« canL John Alt a, advance-agent or manager, can be engaged. See advertlsemenL SiONOB Bosco, wizard, wbo perfbrmed In Green- acid, Mass., April«, 10, lis, WlU be In Nonbamptoa 13. 14,16. Professionals leaving town can store fbmltnre, etc., at the adtlress advertised elsewhere. Rooma can also be secured at the same aiBIress. The Olvmpio Tbbatbe, Brooklyn, N. Y., can lia rented by applying to Hyde k Bebman, as per canL Tiiknev ACAoniTor Mrsia Norfolk, va.. Is now be- ng built, and will be ready fur occupancy Oct. I. Tbe new building, according tu the onaounevmenln, will have all tbe most recent Improrements, ond will be fitted up Pmerally In hnndsoine alyle. Tbe aeatlng capacity wlU bo Oa Seo 11. D. Van Wyck'a advertlaament. Te.NTS AND aluuatobs Ore adrettlaed tot sale by J. W. Couclu Peoanto, farmnaitle aenmaut, Ugbt-rope artist, etc., advertlsen for engagements. CuAHLis BBNTO.t, buslncas agent, can be addressed lor an engagement as per card. COL. robirt a. laoiRSOLL's new lecture "What Must We Do to BeSavcdT" wlU t>e ileUrered In the National The- atre, Washingion. April IL Cantas, pules, curtain, lights, etc, are for sale at F. Donaldson's address. See canL The DvrftoiT astoonumical clock la on cxtdbUlon la tbe Globe Theatre. Cleveland, O. Prop. Zera gave eleven performances to average larn aadlencea m Heading, Pa., the past week, lie metwIUi a sad affliction In the loas of bis infknt aon. who «Ucd ot braln-fhver- TOB Tbdmb, wipe and TRom appear this week at tbo Dime Museum. Bruoklyn. PlIUL—Tbe Opera-boune, Petroletim Centre, Pa-, was eis- tlrely destnyeu by fire AprU IV. AN-VA Dickinson gave a'dramatic reading In Wheeling, . .._ .o . ..... ...^ . "DoeaDemtlt W. Va.. ApnlS.. End .\11 V^9. . .Joseph Cook lectured on * The Jerskt Crrr (N. J.) OrERA-Borsi can be pnrctuued or leased by applying to W. 11. Butllong, aa per canL Laxoo a Co 'h ubpot for cheap Jewelry la advenhtcd In tbIs Issue. They make a specialty ofgoous for showmen. Prop. d. J. Dare Is to frive bigh-rupe ascensions In Aus- tin. Texas, April 1^ U, 14, Ileame Culvert leL Waco 17.19. AN iiTrERTAi:iBE<!T lu Rid Of the Noitbcra Literature and Art Rouuin was given In L'nlun UalJ, Boston, Mass., April S, and consisted of stereoptlcon vlifirs of Scandina- vian art and sceneir, and Scundlnavian mizslc only by- Mr. and Mrs. W. IL blierwood, pianists: Fanny KellugK, suprano; and Otintav Daimreuther, vlolmlst "FazkT* was read by Miss Emily C. Morse lo CharlestownS An entertaliunent in aid of tb« Cluuining. Memorial Fund was given In Union UaU 9, which wan par- ticipated In by Mrs. Julia Ward-Howe, Flora E Bany and Percy J. J. Cooper, vocalieia; Teteaa Caireno Campbell, vlt>linlst; and Maiy W. CampbeU, pianist A whole, captured and fcUled near Pruvlnc«towo, Mann., la on ex- hibition In this city Tbe Nautblua, tbe Hide etaft tbat crtisscd tbe Atlantic, and tbe talldng-maehme am on ex- hibition at tbe Old South Cliurch George BIddle com- mence* six readlnip at Uawibome UaU afternoon of lA with "TheTempesl." CFRlosmn. paintings, organn, tents, etc, ai« ofTercil for sale by "IV lid Wuud," wbu caji be addressed core of tills ottlco. Magical ArrABATrR,Juj!gllogtoobi, etc, ore manniac- ttired by -rhoraan W. Vovt, wbo advertloeSL Davis A Co., collecting agents, wbose address find In another culomn, offer tu collect claims anywhere In tho United Staten. Gkoroe W. CoXEV. who had been an ageoiforvariona troupes, died In SomervlUe, Mass., Dee. 12,1X79, and this Is the flrst loiitnaUon we have bad ul the occurrence. Miss (iBuKOtA Cayvan U to read In Belfast, Me., AprU 12, EUnwortb 13, Biicknpon 14, Wstervllle li. AT TUE Ri.fx, Philadelphia, tberv was a lancy-drcss car- nival on roller skatea April S Jan. P. Boyd lectured a£ A-soclailanUallSbefoivtbe Y. M. C. A. an "Tbe Weather Family." John L. Stoddard lectured at Asaodaiioa HaU 6 and 9, and wlU sneak-again at tbe same place U |m<l 16 about bis travels In Bussia, Spain, and Eg)-pt Tbeiv will be a fete at tbe Permanent ExIUhithm May 1, Indiul- log a May-pole dance by cbddren In the afternoon and s hop In Ibe evenUig lor tbe i^wn fulka. The Exhibi- tion people have decided not to reopen the great show foiinally on the IDIh of May. as has always been dono heretofore, tbe Board of Directors baving <w- dded that there is nothing lelt lor ibem but tu oimply with the order of tbe Park Conunlsalon rur th* removal of the building. A meeting of the Park Commission, held Uk however, may alter that decision, for at that meeting thcro wei« passed resolutions uUowlug lectures on mechanics, nclences and similar nubjects. literary dissertations, pea- furmances In magic, playa. opeiaa and conceru to be invcn In tbe Bxblbltlon Building on week ilaya, while apcdal permbetion la tb be obtained fTom tbe Park Commlsslbiiem fur boUoon aacennlona, bops. Utas4tiieradca, and dis- charges of artllleiy; nothing tu be allowed in tlio bulluing on Sunday that U not Allowed in other parts of tbe l*ark, unless authorized by ap«clal. action or tbe Park Cummlsslon. Tbe resolutions also release tlie Exhlbl- tlun Company ITom tbe reuuirement to raise a restoration and maintetiance fluid of 9lUd,UJU. and state tbat the no- tice to quit will be revoked when the building and ita gTounds are put In good order, and tbat there nhaU be no lurtber Interference with tbe license of the Exhibition Cumfiany fur three years fVom May I next, provided tbft grounds and buUdlngsarekeptln sausfactory condition and repair Wallace Bruce ufNew York wiU lecture at Aasucia- Uou llaU 14 un "Landmarks of Burns," tba lecture being prccvdcd by a eoncert. In which TUlieSuimners, Joaephlno Marie, Max lleluricb and Gustave Uezzberv will take part. At tha Catholic Phllupstrlan Llteimtr Institute II Stephen Farrell repeated bis lecture am "Tbe Drama of the.Xne of Elizabeth." The temperance men pre- scuted Frank Murphy tbe temperance apostle wltn a handsome tbre«.ntory house. No. J,G3U-Nonb Eighteenth street, elegantly luruLdied, lU JTrvt Arpenter KLve SCAUcen m wngiietlsm at llai^l and Uaydn lu' -,- — .. -_. and iiOl every nlgbt of Ibe past week, except 8, wdl continue them tbe current week at the Elev- enth . street 6peni-boase John B. Gougb win lecture at the Acad;.-iny of Miule U oik "Tempecanca Keform In England." Tills will oe the cbailng eniertain- meat ot Manager T. B. PoKh's second "rltar Cuurse" of the present season, both ofwblcb cuuraeahavabeeaeTciL mure tbun usually succcssfuL ALPBCRMnT's little party In Its tour through the West Is still winning good nnlnlona fort beexcellenceuf tbe enter- tainments ortervd. which lncluiletl.» rapid change* and faehil nrnianatloon of .Mr. Uurueit, tne vetsstUe aciinsor Miss lleleu Nash, and J. W. Sb:.t9ley-»masi«al specialties. SeeoinL A .VFUBKR OP PAiNTiN-ca Ol curloaltles and dllbreai- Blzed lights ore advertised fur sale by Meyvts. AMATEUR. A ooNCEirrand reading, compiluicuiaiy to Miss Minnie A. Dkiyle, was given In t'niou IIhIi, Ibntton, Miuvt., April is by talent from tbe establlslmieut of C. P. Ifevey A ^u. Mes«ta. Daniel Banvurd aud P. C. Edwards. mnnaceRl Tb« Appleton Bniiilatlc Club gave at a prfVAte residence & scrats fhHU Dickens, vuctu and wbi>tlliiB selections, tba luroe uf "TLe Riaiuese Tn-lus." uud a tulilesu of "Bliia Heard.-* "Tline and tho Hour" was fierfurmed by tbo Khus llriimiiilj Cluh ut L-ulikU llaJI 7. befure mcjubetsuT the Bo.tuii Vuiiiii! Jlen's i;hrlstlsu fnluu. -1-HK Uavuakkhs" was sung In Uncon Hall, Somer- vUte, .-Uaas., 7, 8. by lucnl andnuialeitr talent. THE Camukidiie coueuv Cobpanv played "Tbe Two Ori'halls" nt lustllute llall. East Cambridge, Mass., Fatft- evvning. THE frankun Ati.NSTKELS. perftwDMd lo FrtinkHn, ^TmiOKASi-vTicCLCUor the Knlcbtsof Father Mathew of IndUinaisills, lad-^ plaoied --Tbv TIckct-uFlcare MonT in Audenuin, lod.. Apnl lu. "TIIK Bells op Counvville" was sung in Harubid, Ct., April by the Uartfurd Ajuatear 0|>eim Comrany, to a MuaU audience An etdoyablis entertainment was glvenat tbe Kttrcata byE. n. Euunons* orchestra,aa- Blaicd by local nusical (aleuL To Atu TIIK PAlutRLL Kl'ND thft Excclslor Dimmatlo Union of dila city are to peribnu "The Tlcket-ot:ieave Man" and "Tlie Sbunese Twins" la Ttmce Garden AprU U. CaowoED Al-oiENCKS mrceted tbe uttfcera* Dramai a Club of tbe Nlnety.aeventh Beglment In the Arademv of Mutic, UallIkx.M.8..A*cUI.% to viineos 'TheCritic." '*Tl*E CUUIES or NuRMANOV" wm. be given at Llbrrry Hall, IMttsbtus, Pa.. AprU IS. by a company oompoeed ot home talent, imder the direcuon of ProL Tetedoux. A PLKASirRABLB ErrsRTAiMiE.'rr was gtvea by the Scotia Masonic Aiaocbitlon at Lyric IlalL this dty, AprU & Tha prflcramma included Meson. D. B. Dtysdole, J. A. Adams, J. Qaddia, Harry Faulkner, F. J. Utllfilhs and O II. Pattefson, and the Mlanca Bcader, Mrs. C. W. Oakley. MriL A. C-Taylor and Mlsa Jenule Townaend llkvucala^ lectlona; D. W. Howell, Miss llatUe Anderson and Mainla C Dannie In racltaUoiia; and a sketch by W. W. I>niilap and Thos. Fowler. , _ . . "IIABLET" was ployed hv the Whcatley DramaUo Ano- ciatlouof PhUndelplila / pr.l 7 Fur the benefit of thai Newsboys' Uomo amat4.-uni gavo "Sweethearts'* ^aniL "Weak Woman" at tbe Amatcuc OtawlDg-nom I inalLa '