New York Clipper (Aug 1880)

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TO CQgBESPffiapblBHri S. "Tiuatrieal Cecun.'<\ ^^63'' ©i A.—B In« b«caa>e of hi* ukaovMxment that A'* ilcQCai bat him. He fbot bin own hand oat apoo tli« coodlUoa ibw A sliowm deocn. IIcmt<te two muiuc* —«b« flnt wan In doobtla? A*ft Tord by ane>-iofl that pa held three dancea vbea be uld be. held o°>I'*.C*'f: and the ucood oofutned msajlDs annbtwatau awot Xt haixL The properm«ytopUipoker ff"•5™'!.'? t*m canla. and not talk aboat what U held. A man on aaTthalbabuldabntdeiicMwbenhebolda ><TSJ?i. JS? wlD br ahowtnc ten. beoAn «h*r<»u a>r*elal niie per- mlulDicbimtoiDlieallhiaowBbaad: '«5«?"»iS. that MTinlu a pUyer to aay In pm DentVbaiut l« Snoa, and In tb« neit 5 iP?im. P. McK.. PnUadelpbla.-Seeai>Jwer to »-"-J^'S^, den."Inliitweek'apaper. That aMW dictated thla qoemloSTSw'''»»,S:f„i?K,'°'to( fliStS' that. man bora la thj DUtna of Colombia, lot CUUmlnc - ""Iter»eSSdlitote'"r tl.eo'mw oi Prw*d«iiof ihe ^^SUSoMSm -yrttitoaU bare to conralt^tbe Ote. ofSShoSSS day tlUT day. aa "after the Poland inrCTU- Su2?.S!5. minr je:iS:: We ba»e no U™*J» «!• KTSooMooe of t&MC bettorl baa read of late tbj«batb itMHSenbaTe to naud, and poaalbly be baa Men al- ISdS5ii«totliateff«t. Wemarhav»»e«nthe«amo SSte. trat tbat wonU not hmUJ n» In dtcldiog tbe bet Tbeatuonenu mar be lalw. and the «xtiaeta eliber iartiledorwhoUrmuiobctiunL Tbe papen tbenuelrs Soold be fanncked. and It U aa .obHEatury opon one bet- tor a* men tbe other to make tbe aeardi The lllaa can onbablT be foond atthe A>tor Llbnit7. ' lS?TrBl5wSSVuie.-U B Uaea. I? he coeaat that It did not weKfa eaaaly IMS., or thatlt «l«''«i""<'".«5i!2 lllaX.b«nSc«qolredlo aayao. What be reallybel waa thatltdMnotvelKbaamncbaa that Z Tooat«leavn- at& ML^^Weeo the Rcord u boaien alter Tua Ai.- iu3a?in«d. When the record la bMt«n, TB; Cup. StiiiJSSairomwoek tx.mtfk wai cjaomcle the p«- loraaneca. a. Hohai copleaof Uiat»ort L E. Myera' poruitlinot In It. 4. Perklna' one-mile time U the bat- • "t'lTarDenTer.—L The CoaatltnUon prorldea that Eenaian. OoncRUmeo, and all execotln and JudlcUl oSena of eithar tbe Dnlttd States or any Indlrldnal Sutaateaboboond to sopport tbe Conatttntlon of the CnliadStatea. bat that thla blndlnff may be done either br oath or apon afflrmatlon. It aba prondta that no idlitooa teat ahall ever be teqaired aa a qoalUlcatlon to "■aroBlaeor pobllc tnut onder tbe Cnlted utuea- r In- ivneU eonld make an alflrmatlon, Initrail of takiotf an D. J. F.—Ed. Hanlan bu not been "ruled off any eonne." Hoaerer, a few daysanbacqaently tu tbe anneal ■ Pounh-ol-Jaly recatu at Rotton. Maaa., In U77. the epm- mittaa and Jndiiea who oSclared thereat held a mcetinK, aad among othtfthiogs recommended that he be debarred Com paiucipailon lo any future rwatta bald under the ■oaplcaa of the Cit; Government. Banian wrote a letter tanladetenae. expUnliiff hla poaltlon. and any disability aodervtalcb he may hare labored waa remored by those la aotliortty Chen. rP; V. H-Lawrence.—1. Theage Is not tranaCcrred, onlen ItbaabeanacreedtoDlaythatway. 2. Ifthapartlesknow kow to plaj poker, there Is no danner of ail paaalng alter theisansspasaeaoat ot tbe game. 9L Stnigbia bare tba Mme^nloe In stralsbtpokar a< lo dnv. In some co- ' «Kia a straight will beat three-ol-a-kln<L bnt lo most It win beat bat two-pair. Before brslnnioir play It shonld be . Ktead whether the straight shall coont. and It most also bo agreed aatojust what it shall beaL a7c_ PliUaileivhiA.—Any pen on who hu onmpctfd lor a money-pnze or against a pruiesslOLSl Itr a prize of any kliid, whether to gamra conllned to one club or open to an, would n *t be dlaible to cmpcte at ibe sports of any elob or bi.dy oi clnbs who recognize the amaiear •tm- nlUon.aaadopted by tbe national As-ociaiJons of Ama- teur Athletes and Oanmeo. irthsfpctawereknowu. toe eo^ of such panon would be refusid or pr'>t^-iiinL Qsigiso •It !s pro jrT to play an ace rat of band no two dMCeb on tbe board, aod c:ill tne pjle' lire.** T«i:unlcally. tbIslsoombUilnit. An<iipo«lai( playerco-jldn->w play au ace on Chat pile and call It *'Bbt-*' Technically, this would be bnihllng—that Is. adding to a plie alreau^ made by someone e-aa. Tbua one player cumLlnes, und bis oppo- nent biDlda. TTie player who cumblne* cin nererDuUd ' oo that eomblnatlon nnlcaa an opponent bki liailt upon iL - ■' w;G. D:, Toronto.—I. It 19 abiMit a mile and three quar- tan ftom the Cosmopolitan ilotal, Chambrn streec to " -FDorteani^ street and Broadway. Union aqnare. Z. Itis nUttlaover tvu nuli*s and a quarter irum tbe same part of Ibe KOaiie to tie nth-arenue euinnce to the neotinl Park. &' Thcie are about nine hundred and thirty acres lalbaCaotnl Park. ^ . . , 011X18.-1. The dealer, ornperly. aboald discard before ba asi!ta at>ybat:y. 2. It not called, he who opena a Jsck- rtiinad show only enouiih to justiiy hla baring tipened. It ought not 10 be a "iierMch''^at aneen ball pool If the atruerplay* with an object^ ^-alL As hi) can galo nothlns br It, be utaould Ime notning etcepl tbe itnke thu^ wastetL B. IL; Jersey City.—The inn pier at Coney bland Is l.cCDit, In lengtb, ftartioi; from higb-watar mark. Tne aliore«ppinaeb and' the bulkbead aire it an extn^ne lenithoraboutlJOUIL, bat only abont l.lZSlt. ol this be- Tocg ta th) pier proper, aod but JfOujft. Is of Iron. The Loiu-Branch Ironmeraaborter. ^ jTiL Kbslsb.— netlmelnwh:ch ?he fire contertanu la.'ib6'baxcbfin* toimament for a champion belt at Biid(epan.:near. Chicago. SL, Mav-, u, IttV. did their wm wat; Charles Lsyden. am. 4£i.^ Mark Smith. Sm. lla.': ThaLMnlmony.Sm. Ms.;Mlke Jiartlgan. 7m. 2!a-; Boat iroolaar, 7m. \ J.'kL—L 'wecannotdeeldethebet, ttfcre being a lack oTatatistaca. The cenns-taker does noe ofl»n go aroond . InthaieoootiT. St PeiembnrK bad csnslderablyiewer than Tn^ODiababltants In ld69, and we du not believe that - aba' baa one million now. Z in pulnd of population. 'PnifiL Pnnea. li tbe second dty In tba wcMd. H. B; W.^ KOifoDL—In the case ot a tnladtaol atseren-np feu iaoptional with the non-dealer to eltlier taliathe deal or ' Mnd.iba bail. "If the game Is three-handed, onBur-hind- ed,th4-iioa-daaler for the porpoae of ttilo rull^la that tot tar- E. P.. Bt. PknL-The last €art_ truiop at aSttaSBr onless by;'mnPH ftltaaUehUmioli&d«hew&t^ ,fc,i_n i-i K._The batter. •«E5,« "SSjSS^L -iT^^hSK aiiiaa mi and^onld bedeoarcd cw kc otmM^axDl ■ JL. aiSmSw.BnabntT'-aaa amwarto "DIdt A-.TT.' Fk^cKcSSntL-Slxe* anMgb atpoks-d^^ K R SnSe^^uSvw Jnbnsoo tna impcacbHI^, 1 THE TsJ; E O I=L O August 7, IS^ Tax Devu. la dead. At all erenta, he ku been beaten In tbe second nee tbia year for tbe Kngl l a b I>erb7'. Tbe inyeatlgatlon aa to urhetber Bend Or waa arwasnotTadeaatertomedwbollT oponaqnestlon of blazes. If Bend Or waa not Tadcaater, then no blaae ahonld Have been seen when the- ai^aient anateber of the flrat Derby this year went tbe wlnnlns-poat. It on tbe other band, BeniM'r ?sa Tadcaster, thea • Maze had to be^eeen; uidone who profeaaed; to know all abont Bend Or swore, tbatHe aaw a blaze tai Uie tsce of the taorae ttat polled the Derbfont of the lire when Bobei t ,^e , DerU'was a( his heels. • The stewards of tbe Sroijeer CInb, who were the Judges of the seeoadDert^-dtil^ year, have nerettlkeleag nnnniin nnaiy decided that •the tirst Derby of thla year was won by the chest- nat colt Bend Or. It la probable that the owners of Robert the Devil based their protest mainly npon tbe mlachlevotia or yengefol gabble of aome ostler or other stableman discharged from the service of the owner of Bend Or. Haptt EzccBaiON'isra.—In order to incrsaae the patronage of one of oar latest watering-places. It la proposed to nin a feny from the Connecticnt ahoie to Oyster Bay, L. L This wonld Increase the dangehtoftnTellDgon Long Island Soiudontof all proportion to the need ol ancb a rente, and would Intertere with the regular tiafflc east and wesc Foga have the right of - way on the Sonnd, and It wonld be wiser for the Connecticnt people who wish to bathe in the Atlantic Ooean off the I<ong laland ahore to take the Kew Tork and New Haven BaUroad and the estaUlahed feny at Thlrty-fonrtb street. East River. < Kavlgatots up and down the Sound wonld feel all the safer were there no happy ezcnrslonlsts crossing'their path over a route ten miles long. Thoe should be a check somewbere to the ambition of people who bolid Summer hotels and sell batfalngB-aulta over and over again without once buying them back. TBE OBELISK Is lu hard luck, besides being In the North River. Kow that it U here. What ahall wedowlthltt Ought we to vlMtltt It bad no sooner got here than one of the Park Commlaslon- era, who were expected to take it up carefblly, cany It tenderly, and lay It down gently in Cen- tral Park, spoke of it dladalnltilly as an old atone^ not worth carttng through the streets. It Is a lon^ Lane that has no turning, and now that Conunlo-; sloneris doing penace In sackcloth and aebea.' Bat the monolith remains in the stream all the same. Is there no one to welcome it with hos-. pliable hands to its new; home? 'WhatisBamum doing, or going to do r He and Yanderbllt could, utilize It as tbe comer-stone of their new Uadlaon- square Garden and Hnseum.' Eastos Hies the pennant. Thla la tbe bapUsmal name of the carrier-pigeon that last week flapped off 476 miles, a trlfle-TDbTe or possibly somewhat less, in '28h. som. elapaed time. An allowance lor the night intervening would reduce this consider- ably. Unhappily,. It la not known'how long or sUort this porticolar night was made by Easton, and therelbre the caloolatlon that tbeactnal flying- dme waa aeventeen bonra Is not worth much more than the calcDlatlon thai the distance was 476 miles. Thla is not the Ihult of the bird, however. It is man, and not the bird, that does the timing, and man should have an soch things down liner. Gabfield must be beateni. Our Democratic ex- changes charge that he plays poker in secret, in' stead of npon the Iilghway. No man who is loth to be seen "drawing to a flush" in the light of day has the nerve to be President ^VinSeld must also losel Our Bepubilcan exchanges allege that he swears when he is mad. The man who cannot *make believe pray when he gets mad Is not flt to be President In an age of advanced moral ideas. The Oteenback nominee drinks, ami in Wash- ington he wonld die of thirst. Therefore the only available candidate is Neal Dow. ■r next to the dealer on the tauer'a lalL 'GL^'IUuinioxa.—In point of popdlation._ —"In tbe Union until the caaaoaot] ' bad bean fourth, tbeu-fllltiL'Bas*^ ^^ent tp tbefbre;. imnsla,Iai« bt) -."A' ■ i u-.^ --. -r-. .-J sgaia^.dMi-- *- * • rben The nominees of both political parties took eo much time to write their letters as^to convey the Imprewlon that their edacation Tbe iffwvcBKCz of the ctr^ was iibown at a rope-walk In Eaaton, Pa., Jnlf 2S. Tbe Ix^ em- ployed : fwantcd to., attend a\clrcus vblcb bad inatpttdiedltB tentibere, bnt tbelr employers de- clloed u^permlt tliem to leave tbelr woiK; bo it hecaino jt'^nestlon of circus or rope-walk, and the dreos canted it, while the rap»walk bad to close opt. 'i^-:^ ; r ^=r£rj-;^i t'.'' » t m * ■ • ' _ '^.^SlV^'Bu^iaf bas devlaed a mmdf mecbod of stop- IfCSg-A^itteet-nght. She aeods. ant.*'flie-englne •ad iqatrts a ao^d .stream tf^raier upon the bel'-' UccKnt crowd. .^l^TasiAtii^'ei»jifKw^iuantg la balf a aecond ^ ttw ald,of«:ta4|ers]atb« ought to be equal In aome 'u ew ■ i t f. j'.to OAail' any emer- gency—andU^^^^^^^^^^j"'--; Bkacbe we don't bear much about tba doings of tbe knights of tbe green clotb at On iashknpbie wsterlng-placcs. It muat not lie ima^ttied that the 'flger-keepera are Idle. On the coptniy, they are dobug • nle«, quiet bnalneaa, ImrhUflftbe sbanger Bnm btelgn parta pota dawn mote tliaiktie takes <K>oirwooD~wasagm^^cej^^f^^^ bonas iBZnglaiid. If'Lormn^toiiiiign'.aimtber Ainerlcaii, Blcbard Ten Broedc, la'aBiljiAdlr BOt In the dumps—thou^ be Is being earriedQifUhe Ihmt by English hoiaee, and not by AmcMlipL^gs, as was his aole ambition a quarter of a oebtiii7 ago. CoiniTBT PBOPLB who have no ruial lesoits to resort to find their recreation and Bmnaementln 'Visiting the' varlona moral circoaB*'iidw going through tbe Sutes. Any parent ri^jfim^^ to give hla fiunlly a blow-out at the circus:!is not recog- nized by tbe reat of tha «v»tninnnlly, :1^^': The CABLE compialns-.tbat ^^JdnSTsbowed signs of unatesdlneas" aa a abooterai^taat.tbe fbr- eign riflemen. In their desire to w^iAsKftblng on earth, the Americans should not oltiolj^mget their logic How Is It possible', fbr a maii'r .'to be steady and Rockwell at the sami.tliner ^-'i ' Hiij> puBisHMZNTS loilow _ine&0otnj(j>p the torf In Cleveland, unless the iiiljktiifp.iiiiiiii mi to be a pacer. On the trotters the'liid^B,.iet up, but on tne paceia they seem to come jfbnr'bs heavily as tnrf law permits. All Is not foiil that goes npon four legs, apparently. ' As A0AIN8T a locomotive, a bonie ought to have a start of lour feet In attempUng^to etbaa tbe_nUI- road track before the Iron-hotae c<)^e8 up; but reckless drivers ask no odds . of^ier steamer, and push right straight on, reganllesr4>f the possibili- ties of a c oUlalpn. _ ■ KKipBT-TEMPLAB, the thie^^^Id who began the season by lowering tbe tiua|^ijjart«r-mUe run- nlDg record, has come to a'l&e halt, and the hopes Itased npon him have l>e^4battered. Hav- ing sprung a tendon, he has hail^^to'be retired Oom the tnrt' TILLER. 8amnr1-^Aa old and respected reridaito* Philadelphia. I'a. For nearly »ls£r-«T» janbe had beat Inbnslneataa a p'«»»*»H?««^l .*^.SSJ^Si£rfrt not* prlndocbr did mucb work tnrtbsHaka aBonrtlS^- eounfir-Camdeii, N. J.i July ^r^- THOMAS •rT'nhn I..—An old. iMlil iiil ar » i lHnHW ,- TBL-MBtfLLTJoaepb-A mfmberoT tta KtW.T w* BtoA Bxcfaance and prondnaatfy known .tn^fmaaost cvoea— lt»wBriebton.a U JnlynM«d lAPT. wmin Tnnan—An olo nptdfstof tUadlTia^ a prominent number of tbe XaaooSe arder-boa, Juyl^ *'»iSfrE8. OspUlD Jamn A miaent of^blladel- phla. Pa., whobad aerrcd In tb<>-|^<mT aa captain of -n eompaay lo the lUtb l'*niyyI«la"Volpntaera^dio* panlniirariyaU eftb^3r^P>> haMaa ftniAt br the Armv of the Potomae-rtlladelpMa. Jol y.a «lt* d «»• ^ WHABTON, PbUlD -piilibotirM—A 'weg' know a artbt of Philadelphia. Pa- Ha bad stndled bU proaaalon In Patla and Siewln), and was one o( the origmstoTK and a man- ager ol tbe PbUtdelpbla Sketch Club. B; T?;,«lso a nra- •Idan and a composer of mosle-PhUadelphla. July S, *^^vbRLL. Harmon—A leading realdent of Amater- dan. K. T.-there. Jnly 28. . ' , WARNER, Jdhn H.—A faadlBS lawys of Baltlmote, JfjL-VVIImlcitan,1M. JnlyAagedjau _ ' . . . WABBEM.ETertaK-B tf a t i K ary ofTae aimf^l^mt- fuy of BuOklOh M. T.r-rrott Omiiot, Mlrb , Ja^A aged M/KNZEU Adnlpb S.—A wammoCT ' ■«a Ut iit'ai'"nnlU- vao ConotT.II.'T. He had bald-the odlca Of Superrlsor for semal yMnytaDd wBatwiia alactail to the Aaaembly- Calllrooo. N. TiTSly A and O- " ZUN.qEV. Emkaeh—A HsBgaiia> sdeniist and Judge of tbe gaprRDe CoorWaly U,ai«d<> A^yATie. I Bcnn Hiu T^oar Cu* mim .U^^nn^ t«. _- . o ff Urns lalaad, Boaoo Ranv.'J6lr>SI. imKata aurten In th<i OrsMtaBi. two 'to the aeeoDd. aad twals tbeiblfd. oBd tbe flrst busts tai'Mdi tnamve home a-ola», VTm. p. Bodsfclaa' Edtib; seeood. imons' Indapcndenoe; Uiird, H. P. Johnson's ATHtETIC. A oBCSASE against cats is tUSixiitit In this vUj, and, If what a crew sold of the^ depredations on their steamboat Is correct, th'e'wvement shall have' OUT'hearty support. In the vianguage of Sbak^' npcare: "Tabby or not Tabby, ^t la the question." ■ ■»» TVr "Coke Into the garden, Uaiild." Hlckok, driver and part owner ofSL Jallen, 'WlIl trot him againat Maud S. for either Ave or ten thouaand doUataa aide.: If Hand will not come in, any other horse on the turf can forage on St. Jollen'a rich paatore, SoicE of the chickens tisMl as lUnatrations br political papers need trlmmtiQi;. II a^_s>terprls- Ing engraver would get up a decent cut of a game- roostier, he conld sell a goodinany copies to those papers whose motto is "De&h to grants I" Let US not look npon ciuigrmen as bright and; sblnlng esamples while tlie^^;ue taking their vaca- tion at the seaside or ln^<t^''yitv'fc' ! There are bnt few of us who can irt(^(sand the temptations thrown in onrway dotiiigji^ dog-days. Some of the beantUbi: are wonderfully made Bp'~ water; bnt when tbey fearfoUycollapaed, and at Long'Branch they approach tbe therefrom tbcyare aa an old rag. DiAiXMiiTX.—FIrM play the fiddle on one SeeonaLUtteOirli • Kate can play the piano Spain has agala;0.a1 time In too short a ttme, sing the staiB-and' '^m wUIbeb lather can f waa anything. Our t'oitt keyl" Tnas HnxsD&UB rboatta. Our correspondent at Hinsdale, Hlcb., forwarda the following account of the regatta, open to all amateurs, held at Bawbeeae Lake, that place, last HIITSDALB, July 28.1880. EurroK New Tobk Curpzn.—Orar Sir: The weather to-day was all that conld be desired. The lake was still and smooth, not a ripple disturbing the calm surlice of old Bawbeese. The races stvted from between the two large grand-stands, and were seven-elgbtha of a mile and letum. Tbe flnt race of the afternoon waa for Junior aingle- acullera, one-mile and return. In tbiarace Fred Connor of BlUadalCObas; O0le-ot-|taishal, and A. A- 'Oalfraes of Wyandotte atarted. 'QblltiMa got waur flrat, but Connor aoon passed him 'Otd gained a long lead, all ateering very well. Connor turned flrst and ronnd leisurely, having the race in bis own hanOs, and 'winning In l4mlD. 2Haec Oulgues was second. In 14m. Msec, and Cole was third. Oarsmen pronounce Connor a good one for a boy .Next waa a six-oared tnrge- tace, the Hiiladale and Bawbeese crewa enter- ing. It waa a very close race, and a Rreat deal of interest was manifested. Tbe Bawbeese won by about one boat-length in em. 24M8.; Hlllsdalcs' time, em. 32 Ka Tlie next race was forjunlor donble-acullera. Tbe Goguacs and nilla- dalcs started, the former getting the lead, turning flrst, and winning In l2m. uw. The Hllladalee came In In 12m. MKs. These were two new Hillsdale men. who had only once before pulled s double- scull boat. A pleaanre-boatraceandswlmmlng- race finished to-day's proitramme when the cham- pion Hillsdale fbur rowed over the course on ex- hibition amid tbe deafUiUi 'aKiiBiisc of the many apectatoia.' '•^- ■. '--rr-.'^''' ■ . _ ' BniCBDAi.^ Jotv 2». - The weather to-day waa all that ennld lie desired, belnit warm, with a allebt bieeze. Tho water waa al>a In very line cnadltlon Tlie streels of HlUadalP hare been rarrly ao crowded aa they were to-day. Ereiy train to.blffht braght In lante numbeni ol neiaons, and th* Erand- stands ware packed lo an alarming rxtant. A lboogh not ennonrased, tbert was more p'X>l-seIllDr on the ntcen than thee* was at the Bay Ciiy mntta. The champion lour (Hntadalea) wri« barred In all racra, and only roved an •xblhltlotL Theflr>traceot the nfternoon wa^ ihn srnlor alngle-scnra In thU r^re Fre<4 Connor of Hillsdale, Fred BoKs of Port Wayna, Oeo. Gaiael Kew Votk and John EoU« or Fort Wayne i^iarted. Kelley p>t tlie water flrst, bat. naliel aoon collared aod- 'paraed him, keeplnir tboraoelnblson-n bands nil the rest of the wnv;v The «XJ<iiamentnr the rttce waa between Kelley and 'Connbr Ibraecoad place, a< Bolt! waa anon found lobe nntoflt. Connor and Galicl turned togeihrr, bntb s((>erlDit vrll. Oalaal' woo Id 13m. 2^: KePey luwi^nd. In 12m. 3!;^a-; 'Connor third. In Um. 969.; BoUx fuurtb The next r^c^ was between the Junior fnur-nsr*-d crews. In Ibis were the Zephyrs of Detroit, the Excvlclora of De- tro't snd four picked men from the BDUdale Olub. The Hlllidkles took the water flmtand led off, turning flrat and wlnniuc In Ilm. ExcrlKlora s'cnnd, lo 12m. 11K>-; Zephyrs third. TheExeelslors clalme I a foul, and' the empire rvserred hla decision till the dme of the re- gatta The next race was for senior double-seuUs, be- tween tbe nillsdalas and Oocuscs- Tbe latter got ih'e better surt. bnt sieered a liule wild, and by so doing allowed the Hlllsdidea to collar them. Bolh pulled well aft«r this and they made the torn together, wbrn tbe miudalea picked up and quickly lea the Ootnscs In tbe r<«r, crossing the lino first In lltn. iZ'^s. Tbe Goguaca' time waa 13m. This waa a fine race and waa enjoyed by all The cnbnpions nexrt rawed over the coarse on exhibltinn and made verr fart Ume. crm«lng the flnlsli- Unelo I0m.&2;.{a. The Hillsdale and Bawbeesealx-oared hams next bad a race, orer which there was a RT«at deal of local Interest The last nhell race ol the day was the senior fonr-oared contest between tbe Excelsiors of Deimit and the Wynndoltea nf W.vandoita. The latter took the rf'I.''™',^'"'.the lead, turning a trifle ahead. Tba Excelsiors got the lead after the torn and kept It. until near the flnlah. when the Wyaodoitea made a flae anurtand eame In first by a third of a boat-lengtli^. The Unieor^he Wranilnttes wu llm.zoa.; BxeelsTofn, lira. Ba. A tnb-rac*. aa usual, closed the regatta prooramme. attair which ImplreJoe Sterling of Munme decided the Junior CMir-oared race In favor of the Excelsiors and dia- QUSllBed the HlllMlsle*^ on accouot or tbe foal. Thctw wai aveiraatlslkctoryattenilHnce at thla regatta. Tbe recelpta barn been lame and the wbole afteir a nicceaa. This is the third r'tlte grandees k< .-/:'-'.'^r' .WARBimTOS -wa. B'TRSES. '' ■jny' people were tad to believe that the annoiraeed maaeh b e ta te n these sen was redly for the anm of are handred doUsta In Mate aad a ehample»hlp tropby. and considerably overeM ttitm s a ad wmrimAessed with the Ueatbat.whettHr (hct^ wenany attketnpor not, tbe m^'vtlng betwaelvtba.l»vatlomr.dlslnwo lunners waa c«r. tain to produce ^ja^wnllilitDlDg •Jsoner to witness. CoBsequenUy thfir paMrttalr. alfinti^r fifty cenu to pass throogh tbe KSta. wllb a qnaater otra tor a seat on tbe eoTsred stand—to the Hanhattan A. C. gronnds. this dty, Jnly 81. wtthoat a mnrmor: bnt a more dbsppolnled and ttMronsbly dlspu«tcd body of people than they were when they left the Inclo^arenerer fell victlmsto the tricks of not oTaacmpnlona prolesalonal pedeatrlanaand their eompaalona. The ao-nllrd race waa atarted Jnst alter halffiast flvs o'cIo<A. L. B.-Hyers sundlnw itferee. snd Bj i uf toftk tbe lead, which he held, with Warbunon sl- uuat t^fadlng on his hrell^ until the tbIrMap octhe fiitb mn<t. when the Englishman ran past him st the club- houstfttini, and was leading by two yards at the end ol tbadLrcalt. At tbe close of the sixth lap of this mile Rnnea aoddsnly stopped, and. amid tbe Jeers and tmole-'appUuie ol tbe veetaton. walked tlironab the, hundred yards stra%hi; and m^ostd tbe »t»ps to the' eInbAoasa Warbortonwastbeulwentr-flreyatdaabesd, andafter doing another Isp he dnppad to a walk, but wsa Induced to start on a ran again, i^ileh he krpi an until ha had covered fire miles and three laps, when he ftll Into a walk. He coirplain(>d thnt the ashes trom the trmck had woraed Into his sboesnd hurt bin foot- A halt was made opiwsiie the stand while an aiteodanr unlaced ti>f» shoe and removed the fine dndi-rs c^mplalnvd of. While he * as ihusengaeed tbe Irishman emerge from tbe rlah-liousc. and, com! ig onto tbe track again, re- sunied work with n burst of speed which seemed to Indi- cate that he Intended msklnga genuine .-ace; but this sp- ptrent elTort In the rl-lit dirr><*tlAn was short-lived, as. sfter running six laps and a balf. he heat an Inglonons retreat up the club-house steps. Watbnr- ton ran easily on until he reached the home straight on the serentb Ian ol the aevenib mile, when be slackened op, walked aceoas Che aeorv aod Mt disponed lo stop, but. being urced to continue, resumed, monlne a Isp. then walking ones roimd the circuit, and. after dang two laps more on the mn, stopped. There was no neces- sity for his cninc ahead, as Byrnes had gone thmagh the form of annonodng that he would not go on the track again; but still It would have been more to his credit and have giren the whole affair a mora genuine appearmnce, as well as afforded at least hslf.way satisfaction to those who had parted with their money and got nothing worth seeing In exchange, bad he listened'■> the' advlco of those who wsntad bim to give an exhibitVm of bis powctn. The loser cannot oflbr want, of condition as an excnse lor deleaL seeing that It waa hla boalneas to get tboraughly flt. and b< will not get ronch sympatliy trm those who. npon the score of nationality or his prvTlous record, or both, bet their moner. more or less bard-eamed. upon him. In the belief that he would be all right an tbe day and would mn to win. Despite lack of condition. It was quite ap- parent to us that neither man did the best he could, and thsVs Just the resson why the su^vtatora In general wore so Indignant over what they with al- most one accord denounced as a u -wnrtgbt awlndio, giitlcn up for tbe purposo of filling the pockets of s few more or less Impectinlonslndlrlduals st the expense of the iiiuch-hnmboozled public. Under tbese clrenm- sunees the victory carries no glory with It, while the c*iarAclernf the sffslrcannot creat1.vsHd to the repnta- tinn nf the prlncliwla. We hellcre that Warhurtoa could ar the time the late aereement waa entered Into, and can now, be backed against any man In the world to run from tweniy to filly miles, lor a big slake; but it doea not ap- nenr toe ex-snldler hss men behind bIm who hsre •urticlenc confidence In hla ability to auke lor hiro In a genuine match with the Englishman. Byrnes IS R heavily-bulU man, with a splendid, roomy rlieat, and e%l'tently great lung aa well as leg power: buthlssetton Is ungraceful and seems too slognr. tTsrburton Is a finely-shaped sihlete. Is a vnry e[a>tlc, gmcefUl run- ner, and can probably * down'' Byrnes lo a real race st any diatsnee. The record of time of the leader at tlic end of OMcli mile, pofsr as kept, won as fdllowa: Ono, Brmes, .1m. !C.'i«.; two. Byrnes. Ilm. HMr.; Ihree, Rvrnes, 17m. 21'4S.; four. Byrnes, 2im. 3*'4ii.; five, War- burton, S9m. 39s.; six, 37m. S2s. A UNION RBOATTA, under the snspices of the Newburyport (Haas.) Yacht Clhb, was sailed on the Merrimac River July 38. Itere'weretorty-one yachu In the sqoadron " " " isetutwentv and nnder MEN vs. H0RSE:S. After having been envngeU In running oppoiilllnn enier- RrlM^s riirmnnihn past, J.ll. llareily nnd Daniel O'Laary ave «^ncliideil tn conKolldnte tlielr Intcrosl.'i, and, with Fred Kngplbardt as iniinsgrr, llip.v will be )nlot prr^prlc- tnrs ol luture pedestrlsn. athletic and Klinllflr tourna. ments. commcnelog with the Inien-stlng one-hundred- and-flfly-Klx-lioiirs' co'ss-yoii-plpasc contest. Intended as a tmt race of the relation endiiniiir pnw«.-rs of men and linraea, n hlch Ik to ta-e place at Chicago, ri., Aug. 29 to f^fpr.'I. Tbe prlce-lli^tncgrecHtes ronr thimsand dollars, and onlysix horses will ho Hllowed to enter, the horses to trsrel on a different track fVoni tbst used by the men. Full particulars regarding eniry-prire, where to enter, etc., will be Ibund In an advertlf>einent In this Issue, snd brliiw we presi-nt the racing laws and special rules which will gorom the contest; 1. No coaching will be allowed. 2. No Joiitllng or any Interference whaterer will te per- mitted. 3. Any competitor strivlne for the lead mn«t ta^e the outside, wlilinut cmwiling tlinae eotltletl to the pole, and must have a lend of at least ten feet (hofse, 3 lengtlia) be- fore he lias a rlclit tn cross over to tbe pole. i. A competitor following a leader must be cnreflil to keep siilDclentIr In the rear to avoid treading on bis heels, or otherwise Inlurlrg or annoying him. a. Leaders, In order 10 re:naiu entitled to the advantage of holding the pole, must keep within two fieet (horse, 4 feet) of the Inner track-line. S. No two or mote competitors will be allowed to travel together abreast when tbay are deemed to obstruct the progress of other participants In the race. 7. Competitors who ar« Jndgad guilty of a breach ol nieavlllbe penalized by distances, trom one lap up- wards to permanent removal from the track, at the dis- cretion of tbe manager or hla represents tire. Sl Oompotltora ure held reaponslble for the conduct of tbelr tralneia and attendants, and if either, through mla- bcbavtor or Inlringamsnt of the rules of rsdog laws, it GVS HU.I1 TV AU. Tbat«xee«dlnaly dever clu;>-i4wittger Ons. RIU cmli*^ at this oBee Aug. t with his backer, a geetlerosn well and tsvesably known la the metropolis aad throughout ibeStataa,iwbo defualted twentv ttve dcilata with the fouowtna ehalleBc* from Gus. if this defl be not ac- cepted wtlfeiB araasnaable period, tbc^^VIll WlD be tally entitled loaAx Ite title ol champion tsbla nave: Eorroa Nn- Yaw.Ciirrca—/'car Mr.--Ibereby chal- lenge any man In kh* world to swing Indian eluba with me n>r el^ar^llmCj^le, crnce, movementa. csduraaee. executlonorcombiaaglonr. rort2S0tn (l.tOIaaide, dobs U|weirtii»ii)tC5B.. I will ^ .▼■iiFSpo JMO that I swiBrpalr of la bonra, and »wager9|M) that I I will alap'.^aia , l^daba tar aim^acceaalve against eceaalve (■UE.*rpair ore» cioD,. inr loree aays, lire mlwnies la ereiThni ' ISA. but not I'-sau f will bet saDagalost aUO tha swing a heavier club than any man living To sh V mean bannns, I leave a depoalt or IS In the I1 Light and beavyoimhinsiinn dob-swinging and Ju^lei, winner 01 iH rampetiilona, 26 medals, M silver cupa and champion l>elt. CRICKET. OAMBS TO BB PkiA'TED. Aug. 3, Manhattan TS Newark, at Pmspeci Park Brookl Aug. a, rateison vs. New York, at Fatenoo. TO0SO8TBRS wa. ULJ> BOVsj. Tbe grand aiatcb inoneurated last seaann at t.». Grounds. Bngland, on the occasion ofthe Orarr teiiVit nial mauh, baa bean made an annual onirai m.i f year It Frovad.10 be a cbwe contest, the "I'Odtr Thi.,' etowbentlBB the •■Over Thirty" team by two run, on rUDBo Second IdqIdc. loi Isney Island -^iJSollars "to the' ^wwi.,. "^e the pwvose two flyeiB tnm looib to 110, wnich I Under in the manageis. ^H^SirtSlSffiL'SS- "•"ttcrTiSbS.S^tSS? Wa°i^'^h'?S'oSt^S^-»^^^^^^^ 4 Hutch- iifc7oi5-~Be^rnV5?nteii.*„"?'lf''f «»»ot IK* wTtot he cannot lo«M for StS^^,"'"*" «nalir mollsh the Idea tbiibj »id i SiSatati"" wonid be to le- j5dTom^tn'e^^U»«V'-S2«Vrf whue tbe n^^ Zn^ °' '?EBtt»P8 yon haf the days are now I The nlgbta, on the c l&cotton- er<a8ala'to toricb a. t^ntidoed how mnch shorter h^ were six weeks ago. ^Hre longer. Like a leaky vesseliDt^ In water. The witerjeltm W to break his listUMag tbaj Cutis'^ I'-,ih.2in.4 lit; ism. iL. ^Tm. 12s., "Times, Ui.\T», "iry little wind lo cairr the was er conUnues to take i^"^' >n the fleet and tS. -tS?""^- ^ Which he ^uT^ o^S-T^^K^ - ?L'!'« fl.'??'''* boats iie: FtSt '''r^.?'"P* mal:e tbemaelvea oblectlonabia 10 other competitors or our patrona, they wiu be atuimaTlly removed from the tnilldlng. 9. Tralnen and attendants must remain within the apace allotted to them, and will not be permitted to pass the llmlt.llne lu aerrlng their principals or otherwise. 10. Competiton must b« properly costumed, and It shall lie the duty of the manager to remove any competitor . ^m Hu* tr ac k wh o shall bo a o negligent In his costume aa jjjw^ —■'"1 ho-* , ^ ■m^'^ .wtfcrai't or i^ii^ sr»'S.?b."gsr^V; tho led "T^i-rtde"rV";r,'\^=.^J,Ji<>^«»2^ CONNOR'S BENEFIT. I J?L J*".'""'fl.'f,' toChsrles Connor, miner and h?f .!?V.'A'-.r'U,**,''*f'*"»' the grounds of the Slan- ?..iA° Athletic qub. under the auvpicesof thalornnl- Ttal SCiiS" enmmendng at 4.30 r. >l. ™ii. ? '"'J"' '^'f*"" handicap; one-quarter^ Ihi. rti!?.'™ i"""* fl'O.-have never won a first prits at fnr ihil?^?^.'? *" "I^n-e*""''"""": ooe-bair-mlle run, 7*" have never b«t*n 1 mInntesandJOaeconds; miu^TJ"/"' ^""""'n: om^nille walk, kandieap: three- Sii •m^lS^SH.""!" ',''■? beaten at minutes S .mit^^"2^ ••'■''•Jon to the foreeolnc. lhrr«-wlll h« a match race, one-half mile, snd P. J. McDonsld. ex- y?!?"; '='"'"? <"'. Kt™ an FihlbltlOD tto^mne inn. the In'i'i'^^iiVllj ^'liLI*^ are slw announced: and as tbesport protnis-rd Iscnod (s nnmberof pmounent sthlrtea Hi. and the benVflclary aesrrrlng. day *** " the gronndbne.vtSaltir- 'WARBITRTOW TO THB WOmjt. ■'"'"wE. Warburtnn nl nisckhutn, Lan- Tr thi '• I*.",*'''' '<""ar« at ihls olllce In support of tbe challenge which appears iK'low: vl™?.*.«'L'"'1*''T''^-?"': bIipb dSfirouJJ^fe. ini^^Ji,"^ "i'lT" f.oel'.nd, ot arranglnt a match With ?A ? k7.£1* '"L'^f ""^Inc long-distance mnneiaof Amer- Si. iV'^^''anrnian In the world to run a rwaJLJ??! '"'ntJito Any miles, tor ss mach as one tbouwindilpllsrsaslde, atsuch time and place aa mar SSiUtS'^''^'' •"S:?"':- ' hand you a dSp!.alt" fifty rIII.„J^.*'"'f»""*'r hope that someone may speedily 2t™„Lf°'' sppolnta time to meet st yoor omee and sign articles. Respectfully, J. E. Wabburto.v. ,4.U-I^5'-}"*. TornirAiiEST.—The Park Garden, Provi- dence. R. I.. Is tbis week the scene of one of J. H. Kaver- ly's pedestrian entertainments. The principsi event is the sttempt t)t Edward Payson Weston to cetlpse fe best slx-dav rernrd, which began at 1 a. v. Aug. i The re- mainder of the tournament will consist of runs and walks ranglncai^m one 10 flitvmlln. Manyol the prominent pedestrians ot the country have entered for the various events, and the atcslr, under tlie management of F J En gelhsrdt. pronilaes to be a great success. Amonsthewalk. era of note whohave entered are Ed. Ilolske, T. B. Arm. rn5"«- ^'S? ■'V'-J'"'?/- ^-7 Dsnlels. O. A. DrliSll and M. J. Ennis. and the list of runners indudes J. B. wsrhurton Charlos Free. John Ralne. .Vorman Taylor, John Hourlhan, .M. J. O'Toole, John Powera and .11. J. Ilap' peny. WiLLiAMSinrRC ATiiLBTtr OirB.-Thls dub win hold handicap games on their grounds Aug. 23. st 4 r. the nillnwing events being open to all amateurs: 100,220 and 440 yanis nina half-mile run lSi>.yards limit). I-mlle run, li^J * ^P-r*"!' hurdle-race IIO hurdlea 2li. 6ln high), ^mllo bicyclr-race and tug-iil-war (In unirnrm. IfS°."''ii''il""U",i."'''i"."""'"J«" "'lowed: weight lim: itfd to.Wlb Gold medals to flnt and second In each game, and a gold medal to each member ol winning tuc- of-warleim. Entrance lee. M cents for each came-tuj- o'-wsr tesnis. S2. The rules of theN'stlonal A'socistlon "!!! l?^? T "n'w- In ease of storm competitors will be Informed when games will take place. Enirles rljvje 12 p. M. Batnrday Aog 21. Addniss seeretary wiuiam«bnni Athletic Club, 11 South Tenth street, Brook- lyn, E. D., New Tork. J. MrOiBBOir ilefented C. Orshsm In the second game of their bome-and bome anoit-match. for tieo. plaved at the Ahhey Arme. London, Eng., July l». The enndltloos were to play two games ol sixty-nne points, Graham to receive ten points In eai-n game, with ouolts not to excreil gtjin in diameter, st 18yds. At the conclusion nf the game In Sontlaiid. Grsbsm led by seven points; this, added to hla start of ten. ciinaed him to be n strong farnrltv, 6 to 4 be- ing oirere<l on htm (or tbe day's pisy, and 2 and 3 to I on the came right out; but the match tnmed ont a very one- sided sllalr, for Graham provxl 10 be nulla out of form and he was bea'eo by a score of 61 to 42. A rom-noi-R GO-ss-TOr-rLiusK rack took placo at tho bsll'gniundi'. Bndfnrd. Pa.. Friday, July Zlundcr the mnn- sircmrnt of Frank^Goodrlch, for a purse of $ICD. dl\-lded. Al arge onraber were In attendance, and there were slx- lopn aurters. The rollntvlng is the anmmsrv: John Cox. 31) miles 4 laps: .1. nnrty. 29 miles 6)ilapa; Wm. Lane 39 miles 6 Inns: w. M. Bennot. 20 miles 1 lap. The contost for iu>cond place bet<\'een Lane and llurty was einse and exciting. Managor Oooilnch Intends giving a series ol races during tJin latter part of August. ArcoRPlNn vo Thn UanehfMtcr SportIno Chronicle, the match In which "Ohoppy" Warburton has undertaken to run thirty miles In three hours, for S-VS) a side. Is going on all right on the other side of thn Atlanilr. each side huvlng posted S125. John Llovd of the Victoria Hotel, Rochdale mad. Msnchestor, finda the money for Warbur- ton, and Harry Lynch, also of Cottonopalm, stomds be- hind FailierTline. O'LEART'd r.^^o^R Rai-k.— This event commences at the Penrl-street Rink, Buffalo, .\. Y., next .Mnndav, Aug. 9, continuing six days of twelve hours dally. Iii defer- ence to the wishes of some of those who purpose taking pan therein, the date ofcloKing entries baa been post- poned until Thumdsy. Aug. A, up to which tiate they can oe made to Daniel O'Leary at the Mansion House. Buf- falo. K. Y.'s LATK.ST ;3-honr bicycle tournament (twelve hours dally) was held at the Sands, Carlisle, Eng., July 17. the distances accomplished by the lour leading men being AS follows: J. \V. I.imb, l.tra miles 71aps (the best penormsnco ever achieved In a contest of this' deitcrlptionl; R. Robt^rts, l.oou.l, J. Battcnsby, 99Z.1: C. Terront, 810.8. The winner broke his nose by a fall. KCORg-BOOK.—A conveniently arranged, seatly printed, ruled and hooind srore book, wblcli cannot but he appre- ciated hy alt whose bttsloess It Is to record the doings of our atliletea. pedestrians, etc.. haa been published hv Daniel D. Comes, athletic printer and stationer, IS} a* wjp be aeaa by tbe appended score JPrstlniAs- V'.xnxR Thirtt —mes b. Oiaae- .../a b. Barlo' MidwiDter A 'riad«r-lC:> jwace '«.--!..,.. M h, Orace .Sibdd b. Cra«».^. J3 n. Rhaw Sateac. andb,'tnaBK:...'S cPlnderb. Emnirt; ;koiionb. EiinBett.'r:.'.'.;:*! b. EmmeP "" Royle. run ont 4 b, Shaw Veraoa b. Once .90 e. and b. Shaw Onnn h. Emmett U not nut Flowers, iwtnut 0 b. Bhaw Pillingc PInderb. Shaw.. 3 mn ont. Morley c. Ueara b Shaw... 4 e. Wild b. Grace Byes, 4; leg-byea, S » B, U; |.b.3; w, 1W Total OvRR TiiiRTT. Second loni'ni''' ToUl First Innmc. _ W. Grare c and h 8»n'ld.Jl b. Flnwera Parlow e.Vernon b. Morlay 3 e- PUIlog b. Jforler" Oscrnlt c Plllmg b. Stodd 6 c and b. Flowera I.ockwood b. Barooa-' ftl b. Flowers W. UeatD c riiuog b. Hor- ley 9 b. Flowers mnett b. Midwinter 4 runout J. 6. Russell c Bootlon b. Morley 0 c Temon b. Morley Selbrc Bate* b. Morley... 2 not out wild h. Midwinter 7 ran out Finder e. Royle b. Morley..13 c. PllUng b. Morlpy Sbaw, not out 3 b Morley Byes, 9; leg-byca, 4 13 Byes. 7; IeS'byes,3. ToUl m Total I'mplr ti s Farvanda and Pnc«. Morley took nine wicketa (br 118 rans and Crace eight lor ll7runs, Sbaw taklfirslsrurS4. aw ta| -taking six fur 64. ST. 6BURGK TS. 8TATBH ISLAJiD The return game between the bome-guard pisra*.., the above elnba. captained respectively by Mewn llSJ and Houghton, look place on July 31, on which onuS the St. Oeorgo team had the tablea tnrned nnuo tia? owing to tne aoceaslon of E. Kessler to the iSs team's ranks, he being a brother of Mr. Krssler oral SUten laland eleven of 187*, and a fine all-round r' - Just out IVom BnglaniL wherv he has aoeclallv gnlshed himselfat Manchester. lie scored the lop of the day's plav, fielded finely, and also ■howe.l b* goiid bowler. The following la tha acorn of the play which decided the matcli St. OgORns. nnsford sLMotire iKHoogh' ton 23 Giles Jr. h. Donald 0 Moenn c and b. Kessler. .21 Tslhntb. Houghton 8 Richardson. 1. b. w. b. Houghton 3 W. Ruthenurd c. Kessler b. U,.aghton Ssdier e. Waller b. Hongb- ton. Broailway. this dty, who con supply 4H-psffe books at ifi cents. SfWpsge at DO cents, and In-page at $1.23 each. A rwo-iiocR WALKING VATCR, for S290 and thechan- plonaliln of Kent-, Eng., between George Jones and James Lowdell, waa decided st the Relham flmanda July 17. Lnwdell won, with a s-oro ol 13>i miles S7S vsrds. his op- . covei-lne IS.f miles 120 ^' Wa!..'K » tri J aw'M ftr ^*Sr. o-.Nelll an/ Mtm —— I?."! e wind 10 car??Vn""i3S'A^,t" ilief Tire TIME Is ihst itpproachliir when~hi„ i. pampklns and squashes wuS np L"s'pL'clal S Batb tiincles that before the next nriio,,. he wiu drive Mands in-12 or S^^IJ^^**/ possible. in .12 or better. It Is barely SmTl4r:T??ndc1SS»=""''''«i^ Honr. 3b°11,riSrf«ri?S^ei:£^^ •"'week J. WriRht: vIce-commtSSrTri^Sf ?''2,'*'^'™wn captain. N. a WaSonV^SS.^'^^A Oreen; fleet- to ygn tbSlM^-ySt^S^^V^s' orVSblSwSlaiSr^SuiJdmS,",,""'"' ""«»omber aresometlme^Si51bSttMb3J^/W.S!^ Estimates £jg«.«-d. P.ny?;s'ti?'».?sj-j^^of Jl K., Buflislo.—We th^.:s™ir-;2dS-^rt^-^^^^^ rather qneer acknowledgment f^SSkx™ WOOT.D It be in good taste to cau the aiTso-. „ .. £2™"'«e*--A-'E. aTOn''*in^j2;"^S»'<>w; hSS flsht tostaatnrdsy ''another Si«mLh ^ ' ^- Wilkinson. -^"enstna WInsor and 0. ^^^^l^^^J-^'^^^^^r'^^^. I o, ™.-™.nrt.auiBxu,make DEATH'S DOISGS. x*romInoxtt coHPiLZD axraassLT fob ADAMS, ontraget" , ^^i^^^^-^^^.j^ a,^,^^^,^^^^ champion scnner who l« «!?«2ri Anatr^Uan Hanlan on the leth of ".ISS"!*?'wl"> don on Monday nlffht n. wS?*" •frtved In Lon- 1T> "i.~«P'- « looks »«mar«'.K»— —K at »«W TOMt ClIPPiB. ADAMS, Lieutenant Prank T-yir .v ~ - cah!MJ,j,«;im'j,5?S^*«hbl«h(» 01 cipaa- He Intends to remain q^'t foJVrlSPJf^"^ welL recovers tnm the toUraa of hi. S'^ be then probably SleTgi?i°on'the5»Pn^T'll ssged in a ra?e on th?D?rawaS. i£Ii?IS'J'''> Si!S !?.??ester Island red bnoV » ot too Naw Tort BlAT In Ittra wasDuutiniBji.nndthai I alreaJvKuiB.fc """P" wno have I to^hmond icon after 1^^^ — Watsrwo^ta-wba^^VtS^^ Thomas ted-- • groom, allowed wUb Mch bone"bn''t'on'!;*.'"'' •"<" «"o be permitted on the tnek or ofitflrfi*15)'.5°« P'raon will MK?r^|£HeS« Isdge street and Wytbe avenut b^l-i'LTO"',?'' »' Sf£"jrh^;on«S^^-d.«l^„^^'sS'^£"^ Flnal^heat: Bmllb, L In j'r.iliH.'fi'r, ^"'^{^5^™;;: rl?^S'"''~'^7.i"'5?.';'^r"Hn''A"''"'" I. A.'T., 2, In Rm. ■ " • W. H. McAnascy, BBMi'A - ""I"" 5VS»<».r. Putnam "aSSSSr'Sal.'S?'^, ^'•""'^ there comTuiktSTta^ '^^* ™?^5^{fi?i„»gSgt^uW°„'i?" »»'«• • ""•"•"■PUB being made toiSke t^»„„. v ''lSfJi««?»!!U«?^if it-^^^^^ np with the heart Cone rea«Li.v^r"*l'**' Bood In a beach maV y^Z^^^t.^^^y""^^ ^ OnaaaofiVMriSnJ ^I" "or dediion 5,"-^°io'5?:e'^-^^-^^^ b& ?:.•fe23S.-u^t■wT^nn£k'^^.d'^' for rood are altogeuier too lon^ lnn^ng^ «,d not that they woSd The PBOPLK <» U^v-T _ ;W!«?lP«g-L See «»- - I nn,: ^^^^^^ Wish to ^"■•-TLEifeei-i-^^*^^ I wlS'^-Vb^an^ o^'SnlJ?'S=:./?!??B"1.'e ?'2Jr,«f«l>lnB,Li ■A retired merchant ib.«iino^'^rS^^rsho?ra'2^«'»„«»""»- 1 more afloat on thVwa^«, „rr i?"™'*' '^?Sl5»,E:*S?n"n to?.5S2 ''"'"ce. One hundred talk of a reantta aa . ™1 or.Lachlne, and v..T?550CTo»-"-A draSSt ml-.,. ... —^ ./*f°™ "* » means of brinmnir bim f«. OBthaaaaia day ™" hecbooaea toslart in toSndslnahSTssiiS. looght tw.^ ^C. A. W,. Pblla.-L Ed. J.mea. , . »lli*»«nclyo?"-^ 1?^^.7''^^S addi»s» is ad- IbrSileeBta. jl Itii ?Sjri2S-of Sporting Bale." ■»^I,S. igsdaT ""Whant 61 tWaaty-hare, London. Kd'Ch ^a*^'^- ^^^^^^^^ -engthe^vlicrru^^"- i thne the bet was k*i;r^»JiR*pr'SSS?e??i"S"""»»"»«d«^ .„^,i2S9fflSfcPlV. ButajS?SSJ»Z^***-"<> When It ^^^^jStb'^fs^jE^^SjyS^yoS-^^ l numlsthesnbJectVf tie;~".-"'^'>'^«'»'"'e ;- -?SKS'^'"H'iS- =^~-.-.7;,.bu.hvdin ItisweUtotaowtSlf ""^ :.' 5fiSa« the' tattSh^T'ti ««il pool tha . TW»ter be ta ao Indited? lM«»ad ofiho up. this. ■ agetio. CaL.Aug.I agedS: weakl, ^^v^"^°'«*°^^^fturtS'^tt? »<«<». ^aaa, I Bedford:MSs:;yiy:iS'. ham-hr '*'''^''^<''^'<>^^^"^n,!^\«^\^^^^^'^ the match be »J3V"--.-A centenarJb-ilSn' -.5. - - Kmrnalia. Z I 'i^it^'k^h^^^ IS «T'pTuiS.?bi^^Sfi^,'i!^L^„K^ I iv^XSf^',a'd?'h.'?SSft Ji-i^ff rui.tinuieiy, tne matter ban been .«:rr" I *^'^*'l''''*' '""y « Mie« Ott^^ Baaeg A, C.; J. KienC E C A e -' .-i S' 5>"'«"t»Si Ri?^h^.o;i:',~TO^-;g^^^ T>«?hj2;';SI?S?2^^^^^ mle-V- F. Adama. Amailcan A C. M o fim.TK"'H,'» («™tcb), a. (121, T. English, Empire ( ty A C Sl * c. «5:t,^ j'T5;!;'.e?An^-'""- race, two mllea-EddIo SolnirnSr.^i V'A iL- R'Hei- 2;-'S?'*er-,ln r-celni of |- a: crirannJIV-^ i-. #S?wEn???^irSr^^^^^ «^fe..?^„•;^..«a•i^'H"&tS"P^ t.«..ndexUlbluiL'^SrcrpIliS^b*.%'J5i?i^L'"««'° nftua .V.-- ■r~> a-™ ) to take place mi twl ^,rJJ""8'f'"r?^lJ^* Bouse, Bu^a. I *'4oO'Leary at"t"i;f'>fP".""'i?»«^«T» at tbe Manalon Bouae, Bufli_„ ..M5r^"hVd7.S'J}?,?.f^?,U°'n'£5'"K"'«^^ f "rto or tho w,?,cS.ttrn;£»;'Tn'''"-.•''■•' ^tTLa. . "«°°''' •'•™«tO thirff" «"^" Of »W I wSker^'lS:'^ ^J*^ " Hemck b. Houghton... Gulon b. Rankin B. Eyre, not out A. Eyre b. Rankin Byes, 4; wide, 1 STATK.V IaU.XD. Mooie b. Hoeran M. Em b. Moeran.... Kessler b. Moeran.... Irvlngr. Waller b. Klcliui sin Webster b. Moeran..".. J. Byre e. Rlchardua k Satller Rankin e. RIchsrUAOQ" Moeran Donald hit wicki Waolston c: Mot ler Wsller, not oat Houghton b. Sadler... Byes,22; Lb., 2; w., 1 Total FALL OF WICKETS. . 3$ 79 108 W 122 I3n 110 148 14.4 172^ a -'W 51 37 6D 74 81 90 91 sT^ Totol Suten Island.. St. George _ ,. Umpires, Allworth and Lane. In the bowling, Moeran took twickeu for a ran<_ Sadler 4 for 33 on tbe 8l Geonp; side, Houghton taklai for 2U rana—the best average 01 the day, PROFESSIONALS wa. AMATfiCRS. A match la on the tapla to he played In Phlladrlplns il Fall In which eleven English proteaaionala ol etu_ American clubs are to pla.v against eleven amateurs t>r a. • Quaker City. A contemporary in commenting on ik match refera to It as one between prolesslonal and "an. tirmen'* playera This term "genUrmen players" lia Enullsh technicality and la out nf place here, where a cricketers on supposed to be gentlemen, tbe only a - tinctlon being pmltisalonala and amateurs, all players a proltsslooala being nmpetly known aa amateurs. ~ pmresalonal tvsm will prubably Inctode the r<d.owlng era: Giles of SL George Oltib, Kew York: Lane of&u Lsland; .N'orley of Manhattan, Brooklyn; Breirtter of I crsnn; llallls ot Newark; Bromhead 01 Germanp Philntlelphia; Tyen ol Chestnut Hill, FhUadelphia: ( Wricht ijf Loogwood, Boston; Sbaw of Boaton; Bi^aja 01 Girard. Philadelphia; Oldham of BalUmoie: Maito Trenton. N. J. CRICKET NOTES. The English tour ol the Canadian crickelera, unsucceo- fill thmu'hiiui, has terminated, and the team hare »■ »4irned to thla country. The enterprise was Aomtheflrvt a luzarduiio one. and Its IhUure can cnuio little surprise Abe Bradsbaw, mjn nt tbe veteran professional ta that name, now living at Lesvonworlh. Kas., ondwbu vai the predeceasiir of Hurry Wricht at Cincinnati, O., Mia l.'US t • 1862, was the chlefHOrer In a calue recently niayetl st Cumilen. N. J The team the I/mg«-ood Club wiO tnke with them to Mni^treal nn Aug. 7 Is as follows: Out. tr,n, Farley, Fay. Bixhy, Kimball, Hubboid, rickmni. Miser, <°aton,'Tyler and Peabody. Mr. Uaughton. St Island CrICKet <;lab. will act as umpire Mr. Mot of the Rt. (ionrge Club hasrecclve<l a letter ftom the i.. ager of tlie Australian teiuu now In England. In which t... Intter names Stfpt. I3and 14 fur a grsnd match In thlsdty between the AustralUns and twenty-two of New Tork. Why, not play two games, one at Hobokeii and one at Btaten Island, each club to select Its twenty-two r The Austni'.sna of Igpttook homo with them SaOLlXDl exduslreofexpaoaea. It Is questionable whether the present team will more than realize tbelr expmsca, the English cloba baving partly Ig- nored ihem In renembranee or Aoatrallan offenses sgalnst I,atdHarrla'team ThenewAustralian teamlatwderdlifer- eot manaoement ITom that of 1878. and there la no UkcU-. hood of there belog any more "kicking" against uiopb Sossex beat Leicestershire In one Inning this ye sc-ire,267 to99 aad U»... .TAc (London) SporHiig Ufi! a "The Canadians played their last match on Monday Tuesday, July 12 and IS, at Stourbrldoa, beathig the ^: team oy 28 rans. In all they bare playeif aarven' matchea; won Ave, loat five, aevcn being drmwn. 1 Trelnar (one of tha team) aaanrea us that alsce tbelr,'! rival In Enjclsnd they have not played aidngle two e match without rain, and the gat»Tecelpta of noi the matches ever paid expenses; tharemra tbe . has been compelled to break up lor wantofAmda.". Five gamea were played at Philadelphia on Jtlly S, one mot(t deservlnB 01 mention taking ~' Chase, where tha local club waa defeat* hr.Ki.1.'■.'"'^■^^■''''^•♦'h the totals' c'.5la; if_--w.»._Bf54^,u».__«o« ilereated tbe second Inning, with 23 ftil heing: 8berwood,rH t oenial, acored isT, thi l^riSth';'j2sJ,'2:s.^^>rSiay ««1 the L«u«low-Sr, in i .SSSS! I and bowIinga7ef;5SiTPihe"S ,|-JiIl«_^:'j?L""."..<^uboT'cincin" bcfw«n ^',Bea"'?„'K'Sf ^^L' f' "•'"«. N. a, recently about SHyda, in Jmm. u^ecT '"""er won by ".H^'l^wflM^nleis^'than fh'"5-''''!X.*1 attempted lo I ««ha millamshuri It! I V'''c*S;,M»^. Jt the ^ont^S' «8m. SOa. to do Ave mUes. '!">" alter taking llPryiSa^mikVrhllTril^ffKW "^wowed upon W E aia.».~i^'5'n»nl''.!?.-*-^^ rS^SS^:?»frnS?s other ever t »l calling the race or ohlSfp.rnl!!?po^^.?lw'°EV^.\.4"-pJLr Walker. N.Ta, Wt^^t^rlJM- . STRAT SHttTH 1 onTSfe'STuT^is'^ro-f/b't l""f«^'- s^'v. sryeri^KfA'S-^lT'-'ir^ waa held nnje?the auwfiSfof'Stl"'' ofthe Branawick * BaTkrcSm..«?",^'*"«'»» *> conteatsnuaro acarcelv ktSSSK^'- "•mea. coist playera of mirt iid^i!i? fS,Si " "«»• of t.. .aa-Terr:u and tte S.rn?'?.!!.'?^?"" la kntnrn barelv know. Canada, baa - WUUttn Jano, battle betawn in&Jt«r uivi'Jt!^!5L* a.^-* w«ll.|(noTra trainer ftnd •« .fj.'''*',"^?i'.Mn?tbe'r»qutrS John J. tniiaSg""" May Marahall, John Oddyand THE TURF. to pay on thei;i: to other iSrdZ It iX" ""X^ the courts, which havV bmwv? Jt„ **!^ t<™1 whether pUving p6o*\r^m^'}^:i'iS^ '^iV second and third. It was fniTi.^''''i'l'J borween j^-iyMiddi«on nw^TsInniS:??;''?,"''* (iw>. NeiSi^a .«i*=?i i»«ih in uii;dtr ""^A^iiSiiu ' -aituM tooo^ha&ot the'i;rThi.iSM."''^',!"«'Ms laec. for one million dollariL -^t^f^^*^ •Cwdtotfvelttohli'"'- of the three mora all cash, either, h" i.^.jl^"''°«*"0'want •mve thisViiit ".or■S^^!?i^i!SiSS'''' erohably Uwym I a^W N. s., who nfmSS^&^ti: JC'r?ln»o« »ewd to give It to him. _^£i?5!l!«%;=Th« Start ol S' Be Uyrmiag to accept a part of I Buda-Pestb. JuinVVi^ jf" BEACOX. BetOamS-A^ Lorts ^ar^ffif-SSJJJ{?n»^"--T^-haT.v;; CHA3. How«ii.SaSuOr!iv«'T«^iV €hin«nonI)o/oS3|iSy?IfrW^ -nut. mSSlS^'" "^"^'^ Haya iS",£5*suie In 1378 au^4:'-°'"°"''^-n»l'«tUvnhIIf puywa. notrts" inj&Jk ""•"ra-John Swlatonthe jonmallst X * a ■ =^™d—The count at ertbhage I Bw£iJ^'Jctofl;i'7'r'°,"«„"»'. troulng," genera] flnanceZ 3irar;d Hi' ——* -ntenarjan-BraxIl. Ind., Jul, Rs.T2h''&.Ml=I/'sra - - very bigii^^j:;:-! <ia: a«n.i „mV:l.^S?r. iTmS"',??' '.h«,"«'"""*"«»''"sare base.1 that pien-e LorlUsrd can b t"h^^°l"°"."?-«>on«nUde npon the 1 t la now an ei ' ertbhage la six fbr 1.1, , la 2:I23f, by a lew months ago. and Jtmrnmotm. *°***""<«»bywhlchtoanawi ''^T?^^-?SS?Sv^!iSS^ «» ttme mad. AS^^ijaS^ISX*™"*^-'"- «4ftivSS!^iSJ-'™=»« aad.Tanke. s,m, "m",^^'^ hav. nee ^ --nnerS.a^~S^-^^fe^^^^ ...r...._ ---..bis year... 'fS^^.S^lI^S .^^^^ times memh^ofth.llli/oS'SSSllSJSi^^^ | iL^^i^f.^ ^^^^^^'^"^^^ Uie at Saratoga. ■The comin,. ^'T' wonld, give to the^^enS^r s^S."''"''''^"'''-^ akin to that attacblmr .o .h. ^L^*' °° Importance mile heats a, ^eepXl, -^e «f f.ur- THisUappBgrcsslveage, and 11 lav-A. . aealtosatlsfriL lUnmlMtlng vLrin. , mclty 13 the totest bit of ^ns^ '""^ EdlsThSinev^li^^ir" meyo'r 'SB PiBsr Stazb Bnrean a never been bom. to transmit to the Censns tMRTahftiri; . "^"^ lattleRhody <««rre^b^^"^«««» tbe matte™? month toBttaW^.IL^'" before. «<« «!« flhs bad tho yea, Sprlnstlmen .«o »; wTnu*","" 2"* '^"»«>W»»UT»lBttoHBl«btf^; * other KL'5' ., I III, wheie-he te a mernN. Jul.r to. ased ; r -- - Ir Jnly .— laland L AS DON, Rev. Seymour—Ons nf.v ■ •' the «meuSi1,?S S25a'!2J5Ai!Ki!Y ^kII^ • - vn l^tUB VD July 1 \l iSSZ.'^' *"l>I»r. Is the aupe. £j?':»^'.?-.Ni<k.iiV^%'1l.',^^^^ Jnaalta Ada ~ »''«SiW hVatrB°b^j1;,,Sn'"l- 5^^ ^V!^<i- <rt^"f^S:^"":"p*'??,^*i»'g»t^Adel»hl^ K^him^'^ •I'os.A-A. Cdcieatedteam J32S:/"'j.M;?w'ri?vV?'SS5%,5' d5?7.",i1-'?°.H?J"" Blwkbn ror i«eoDd neeia to the othera at the nan kV:.'' '■"nice ahowed and Oovham ("b" flivot?tS^Si' r«»J»«i«d by iSt tha ord« Kihe'si X°?Ki^%5«k.i«^^^ owed her Itery this rate's. ^^•i'-T- F!na"i ^ a':^; ^-'^ « ""nd pfaU 11^^?^ f ^";r'i. GiTord, .\. PA A 1 1 Baney,I,A. A.C,2. Time. llhi. li,.'^- *• A-A., I „ JDONAHOE TO CARROT » On Monday, Ju'- •» . ./l'?".'**'''!., for at a picole at l^^iT5?€e1illF3?lcS^^^ Mr. _B., who hlmnei^;M,'heTa5er"'£5,",ii'« I*'* ""'""'i to^S I t **<»,'«■«• ^^nm'i OorhanallkVdf.Jr„ti^..^^«'C2J^onbyel,ht l?n?S «> 1" 'fJ^J""; tbrESIfSt'^Srud "So" ?o"»i?.".l?L-'Ll\°f^^^^^^ itoelngaonblna llt>. «,"2i^SL''if.'f<?!?'»»l»««il "on i> oa"ld. track were all that '-~oi inortlils r^y^hl thi rSlv^^ry^HJggrani Pl_^™'^*>lne flags—ana Anm Ik. L, fituo P^aS, I Ji" -"^ *l atidir ■ V '"^ TFSr K"" taManma iSSlSS; pre- V book I woTOSroi? f^tSa7^S^Jt^^*^ .tor •sedta -orthla dty™ Wanaa amiti, .r=>?>"- i.>tor a thraiunr Warn f&nlth. oiS?£iil*?L %*^e»4nn» aeawmt have won bad atrlirt^iBii..>l!r'°f «hst Donahoe would am PrepsiSd to bS' MiSf.S?*.? "■"I* ■ "■«» stale I mu to «rrM3. i«^i."'**..*'L"<"'•'">« agi n»t Mr Car Jobs ifB W. T. :n%eT.'rS,Vr"'4*i «£W^I4»V r'.;).r.*:.rT'h:ts.?d'Ti';°«^S wi.h..utoelny.rnbTn"rkg'.'ri^?f^ Ci'l-'JI' tL'J 'y^;'^ii"S; .'h'iC.OCk * Co... THETRI66EI?. to oSiSiS «Seuc' ?h5;2"v?;'sr%''" b«nuMriL^i5i7SLvi«~ 5? ' haniller of heavr la» BSSott »Sff J^l'' f^f^ be can come to beaV ^^^t^^^l^,^^ •pectalHea at tK which *30 to second; wii njit^ .Sti"£i','"'r *-'">■ "f ants. The flrst to awiSi ?he ^ea^i/.«!l el^'n contest- whoattheon«rter-nnIew;ai^»J/;.Vi.9?.?*illa Lilian rpsi. We"f."h?A' fK'-lfP'*^* the former mssed four klllld* Zeiler. kltlpii oii."V»Ifc""iY; (!• "•''■I and W. Durkloz S'c°.J?'i>'lc C. tvin«rr, 1. Colter, H. koock'etPivefSvfa'^iec?- T-KeUe« Which >«-.„-.iSn??J-r,^^^^ I V:t^^m^^^lni"^^n^-V I'ZTJ Irwin's BeWo°K?l£,V«:'ih't,^:lii?J''?.t»°- K«?yea4 I n*^?*' Salem Wilder, 200. 0» K?iro^,S?JI*ff "^."'e Maiden Clob defeated SSS; ilrff."'U''i'"'""i««er Club In a match at 100 balla at Boston. Mass.. July alSttre. B ifwiKi;B.Tr?oiK?aDi::ihei:?oriS's..??r^^^^ get better than third porttloo wJI?VjT:i?'''S« ""^ «o log most or tbe time, lid belniSt.?!!^!:' ? mna by Brown.'a bS ^11*0^^"''^?'ML'loarter A handicap nnrdle-raS «S nf^i'.v I^*- •so to tbiri a mlle^ iSli nJi-".'?,*? !S,««>»d snti last race ol the day. and hid i™?™!!!.•"■"''«!. "as the ASon-a Jndltb Mi IJ?mrt tob.T^5SiC^«2iaS a benn lortnnaaly hltSe St htSSS ^JTW? S""" "hen throwing her om orh«Ii»JS.!57i5L?" 't* homeatioteh. maa'arfctliator *^^r ">* I«ad toEnoS^ ■—— •—liaB waa aeoond, and Jndltb third 2SdtotlS''i2I21'iii-:i-"S^''H?' at-oaanemare, Tog loartaenUi AlthoMttNro tovfS22!?l.?*"3*P«'' Wrectoiy." PraBogBT_What A _ naopciMd-..., II.S, and evoy raaddlataBc/^ A ISjti 5lJ"~ ■■' eooDlnTrnuTLki