New York Clipper (Aug 1880)

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•3? o AtJGUST 7, 1880. THEATRISAL RECORD. iil^^ UBt. ■ ■lIllHIM jfTT. Brnir*"* Blanch* HKtT "i. m«tb.H«» Folrt*. BaldslB, AIM io' Bm-lilnitnin. F«n- w^jfM. Bin'"*- rtalUlpa, Amr l.taI«)r.Aniita I>mikcr.Oeoiste(S BaMiuoo. Joile ariDseU. M««- ■ hS KMT?- Iri»h,K*Ul« J**l. Unte Jontan. M«b«l .oicbek. Mad- CUrte, Doi»b EL. f?nmini"Fi u ^an^^i Alio famjum. Muds I>bTWlii.Don SeBock, BOf • ... DeWlB, Hhmle ])e(nier,lM»W. LaHalr. Ln-te-ro Uewi*. Urn (ol*». tlienfc*s Con-Co.) LaantU, MUU« LeoDard, Gtaiile LeVotna, If aode UnUaa), Jens" Boia Mar. Uta (ot Do- Jro-allliirt.) SUikbaiD. Fulra* tlie State of tbelr tBzea, SSo?SS!{3?^ JJSi!ff51-«? So which«««. giT. io" "i^*- MlchtU preparM PupUi for th» Webtterol balsbu? a Troub»dou»s. She naa uaun « Mbriaccb!, Madi ])ancll,anc« ^ ^ dnmiBJDnreUBr. i-la Brba ^IteUlo BodCT^-Emma Buiil«7. Cbailotte Suele, MolUe Xa- der- _ _ St. Elmo, E»a« Smith. Allis-O) . 'Hbanleya Joaaph-- fitlDioD. Mia-Prw?- TIff>ny. Annla Waid vinccDt, helUa Weittoa, lallla WOaon. XolUe Wallaek, Mia-Pan- nle . _ WUdmaa, Claim WeUcdar.WaTia Wallaoc-VlUa Co. XanaRr Aenei wllaoo.aoUla Wliuietl,LotUe r^ZSim Boar holdlait A poet-mortem over tuem mivcleir DUt nUTlt U nmch clearer than the S^S^'^SEaf^wcii IB for«d down iKar peo. ^ whlS JohB Brown tjliwe body llM tSSTtoKMuaa U to be preaeotea tptheBtate Hiitoilcal Society, Wby not make a rtdesbow or It^dttnBBtve ^veirtodyaehanec to see tbo WWBT IB wluit a wag on the gnUect gtjB. Oj tMTgatigfcctoiTf]. —--—A" nnreUable report illiliw nsSiat a tiankerot London U to marry iStta. It seems Hat etervbody wants to marry totSi ThlB ban»er, probably, w*ata to btmkher rSSr rattier tban benelt ' Vpiat do you thin* of It JlmT" "ABofher He naHed to the bant^e- coonter." rBankeiM»tinter.l....Aiidnowlttot5at manyAraeiican actors In fiurope hejrtn to teel a Slfle nneaay. Traveling Is bo expensive over there Doey KasBte and HeUte-inaOeJh^r^^wrH*- SSSiJS^ln naverly'B Ponj«enttMtr^tm« oe, whlcbwas then openedlWwe JSySg^ex," a "iledley of Mirth. Mnrtc.Ws^WanflJB^J^ entlUed -Balnbow Reyela." SJ^ni^ Jl^W«- them by aaniei wai«h '•^J'TS^ST^tKeSing neskatcti isdentld of P'';JiJ™*5nr livltea his that Caleb BosBn. a lf° iielSleves hrother'. ttree eWM«n to vWt Um^ Stn^rts^ them to be bojs,«■ ""^^LfJ^Jmi UdlctC who to nnd ttat they are «>rtS;^_^i°X lunSeurs, have had aome stage «JP'",t°f7i,»«trlcal warU- SloB dtocovertnn i^V'uf T Mrt« of robe in the honae, '^^J^JSmtltli m<ii*; pranks, nndervBiloMdIwl«J"fKMdec^ to and be, bavlng ovetbeart tff''fiSr?;, ^ve them SvokethealdofhisUsWonJ*"'^'.^"l^uke to aRolaadtoT their OUver. JhepleM w^^^,,, very old tiac« ot"TheViWa^ ^^j. Detter known of late yM" •» i^nrtter alone resB." save that, instead ol »f ,SJ^,e„inthe playing a protean role Stewart Ijne An*.nnaej^^ HaiTl«an ft Hart. The an3si;jh?:StlBi"Si '<iMUy that a nnmberof us have | i^^^t^ja^i^i^ tnnrri!^ t»tu>m reached bard-pan. as It were, snd, I impetsonaiea Kanoleon Bobepplerre M retSmSre^lS^e Mrt totSSeet on Ume. the KSSS?JVJS HkM^Vo^^ibuSSmb^bs. Barney S^nSStfmatlon •"nyfbin. but ch«^ fe^'an?\'^m?.^ ge^ma^^^^ audltoriom >J.2J5«Jrb3Sl2d,the decorations canietsanamaw^J^**"''*^^ Behearaalsof S?-JS^r;i^or5l^'^«»«^"^^' the now P'e«S_OL. iullv notoUie time of opening. •^^S^S ™?fS5f "nveniS^n In prolteSoMl THBCHUFTonooi Has been the probable circles lor so"««™f Sm ^nhSdt here. Per- K^Sf^^I SiSSaSon mly bJdSlved ttom *c ^°Sni^?S%5I^^'SfSnx.!S« (Whatever ^Jil?vXUJiSffepBBA-HorBB Is to be opened for the ^"*'.^«}witti''Frttr" Emmet aa the Btar. •*S^J'.^o?-In the advertisement headed ..S2S!?fS2H'<i^ Aflcendanl" it Bbonid have been l^{??J'V^SSl^lv5BColored Minstrels are now in g^STlSS 2f tte fourth, week of their sea- E°™P«A5»:J,'S^CT wSo'^heads the Minnie *'PSSiStkS^bM tendered the Central rallace Combinanon, u». -hlch was pre- «!bkt m;k:?i'{hiir^ilon m^^^ | ^WrlKn^n^l'Sulfea jM abienci oflny Tallroad between the two points, so tSt^Wrig the UeB on the return trip is Imprac- ■SableTBut all Isnot loBtwhUe hope remains and. ^SelioyB have many Mends overthere, the latter Si/lnw^u "nttiebiautlfdl by-and-byc. overthere STftiS the traveler may be enabled to come back fromover there We have no desire to peach noon the lad, yet tmth and a wish to cmab out Zverv Bemblaaee ol Belflshnesa and meanneKS in miB office compel qb to state that at noon on Thurs- Sv last. havlDB^ bUBlneBS for "Onr JIai" to attend to we flonght him high ond low; but the search was rilUere uiitU we reached the root There aat the boj all uneonBcloBB of our presence, Just flnlBhlng the'last palror abBBketofTnwjIoni. pea*hea^ v^^ S?2{S rf''Lr,."(Sl^in"'Sf°{Sf ^ ^n»e I 5?^S'if'S^KW"-iSM;lbit of leflerson as SSfaV The lad sneaked aw.^, ."luLaguU^r | &ted he had not seen 1 aieiineaiiapriiua-auuin»,w-ri-i:-j^r«o«nt. and the servant; Nonih Mnrpby,»?'rSiJ^^iia iSSSe PrtnoessStella. aherolneotborJesQne. MiiMj^^ lUwmacted Beatrix B^kl^e^fr^^^ a nishins maiden of forty Sommere, riuu«— j Iw*^, a #a8himf youHR lady ""'SJ^i'^™^ff! a Tavfili, a Scotch la^'e: ^l^Moe att« Miss Bon«-andMlanceartlstomebnrleBqueBttge. ^ibs Seine Stewart assumed the 'i^fsl? " Dart, stance BuBkln; BlUy Topj a pag, ^/„f»p»^'y iHRton, an Australian ■*j!5l,,:''5nf,a Schmidt Fits Daddleton, a young ■7*"'rt^iS<5wStt- ' with clog-danclng and son^.?""- duplicate of pet. along-and^lanoe briSmlS^o'er Prince Powdcrpuff.^ The piece was aiaw- SSi'musIc, b?t th^ielecaous were oli Mr^S^^ Acme Boys ^Cfnatroaff BIOS. <mnjildanl) Aiken. Fianle Anlold,AlBO«»- ^ -«-—»»I Toininy imlnu. "btc") Adami. Buk Oaidnar. S-tL Qoodroy, Joim 4 Jaohe aolden. K»m ,.j_„,,,i Oaidner, F. wn^l?.". HoMiaOpeiaOo.) auhert. J. B. Oormlej * llama nanson. rets OradoiiTAMcDon- BoblnaoB'a Olr.) BalloT. T.<ot Ooep- ^rYsaUey) BoUar, Andy BaRT. Dave SaflUo BlU's Ma- naoar Biaoier, W. Ii. P. Baldwin, Harry (31 BaBadlS,Lew BUta.BM«ia Batlar, f. (o( Bnt- ler AI.aalai) XroBO, Aof. L as. Bond, O. t Batlar, B. , (01 Bella'Clrau) ^Cu^dABotAtti Bosnar, Mr. Bi7aat,Fnd. ^^tfaMO" Bait,Oea Burton, W. »Md.Prai* Brnea.— (ahOW- palnter) Booker.H. BnUar, Frank g^una, Joan (painter) , _ BUtx, PnoeolaB. But, Sidney Baiton, Baxea, Chaa--*!^ dilUt) Hill,—(I>.*h*™P" •oQ'a manacari HalLdlnton Hl3«T.J.«. HUUOao. A. . Himt,GlofSalb;a Cliciia) _ HaHiaid.C. BaTerly.Mr. HORCn Broa. Henri. HI HaninBton.Fraoi» Howaid, Tbaa. (BiaDagerXn ■ Bogan, Joa. (of (of SoaihemCoinJia) ■ Hanuon.O. W, Barrej.J. H. Hand anon, Cta*- fOIBoblDaoa'a Ctr.: Hi " " aid O) Parker. Lew _ Pbllllpa, GUI (2) 1, H. (of All' en'aCircus) PbUUpa. P. A. PaEa.fraalC ni«rer,Ai„ Pallet, H. H. <2) Pilea, J. H. Paaxor, Tony Paaaa, Bany Blehanla. Al 'of. Mlp-and-TackCa) Roe. H. W. Blsney, Meatar Blckaby, John Bictamond. Jaa. iaoniC^wTliai) RobaunACnuia EtablOBon, John (Of Baniam'aClr.) Boaa, Jaa. (animal .oalnar) Byao. MattB. Boaa. J. H.^ Robinson, O. ». BUer, J.(ot AUan'e Clicna) Bonaldo, — (man- aeipent) .,uMb<.«<omm<«««.»u^^^^^^ -ikr^S^-^' W«Kiw bla «ldi«a *-7n^i.?SL"i^dVl?5a'u"«l laso "Law., '7'H°p"Bi',*°i-Enz. Lopin died io thl. cllT In ^1872. G. "•. ll\ ^irlS £Beld.-ThgTl.t ia not yet compietti MO^-I>A'T, AuguBt 2, 1680. On the homestretch, and JuBt entering the third and laet month of the Smnmsr series. Now it Is that absentees begin to loot op their trafis with the view of closing out their accounts with roral and seaside landlords—with whom they have •passed a very pleasant vacation—and preparing themselves for the duues of the coming theatrical campaign; and right glad wlU tiiey be when the season openfl, Tor no work and all play make Berious inroads upon their flnancee, which are, at tte ^t,ot rather light weight. In a majori^ of Siea. And we may now begin tolook tor the re- Sroof ournTOfesslonfll friends Orom-sbroad, who Senodonbt longing to set foot once more upon thlSSe^liofAigSr^^^^^ BIc, nnt the seierauu" r" -r;,-c -_ j3"^ri-^^^hoSi|jo^^^^ 1 ^r&T^^riX^'^^^iri^si ^ss •The Bells." bn^ as^«-.«'aje newr in view of the audience IfJ^^n 'SSSm^Mfl was strongly Teralnlswnt ot Jc^ nrotwhMt^^ onlv the evening before, Jim had declared htS'lntentlSn t^^emntate'the bright «amp^ of Doctor Tanner, by commenciiw, on that Thurs- day the fcat of do^ne without foodot any Wnd for a pirtod^lbrty Wli days. ^tWhUe the boss IS taWn' hiB beer. I ought to make some explanation. All told, there was only flOy nwches in the baske^ and the lilea of dividing lli^ among a handred hnnsTT men and tioys mode me lalf; so I snucR ottSd etSe hull dam lot. Had they been green appUB, 1 Bhud have shered 'em with the corpse and tfie boas all the aame^tm Jm.l Two,?' Oae^ Yom ftBo—If your vivid recollection will carry you back that li»r-we stated m tnis department that when AdallnaPattt should bei^.ntofall^and loSe her voice and other charms, then we might look for her In this country- Friends, word has auceoi mercuriauij, oiHj"-r- „^ hervl the anltar lalrly. Is pretty an^Th. l.^fi-n -nia high a key. jhongh they PlJSS^Vortihlre'lrirrkud-the Irish That 'robbbt BDBim was correca »n his stat^ mSt ttot^^mn's iSmmanltt to man makM men are now convlneed, the »n"»«i;?**J??SSI S iSngth commenced to take active »«fP» themfork over the som of «soo for eveiy year tney tovo managed a theatre In the Quaker CltT. Away teek on A^ia, 18«, the Leglflature o'^"^'" ^a paased tn wt to the eireci that P*i«L° Si6agS«»tl»atie orpobUchall bi the common. tresitKi&onldpay annually into the coffers Of the sStetMO a« a special State tax, independent of S5SucSae*opaldtothe local authorities This Mt Swiw^n amended. Flr8^on Maylf. iS: second, on April 14, IBSI; but in BUbetan(>e it iTniAlnB the same as when llrst made a law. Sslt iM>w Btanda, It applies only to theMres and OTbUc halls which have a droiHjun«ln. Knoirtng ffiTsome manogers haveshrewd enourt aroid the law by having a close-in curtain painted 'n flits instead of a dropHJUrtaln. -TOe nrst to Bet tblB«ample was Robert Fox,that wide-awake wrietycaterer. Foraeveralyeara belbre he letl I^lladelphla he was subjected to annoyance at the Suds oAfiJauftortUes. which would WcaM«l almost any other man to succumb long before It did Sm; and though the Uw menUoned above had hMn adead letttrftom the time of Its enactment, SSSfe o?hlS^enSS.lS>aked it up against him about Zi. r.„. .i^an aim and be was Ordered to pay ?.0KMTL£HBM COOHSf PABApE." Each SJ eentn. ProfeaalOTala tWUbk the cll.r an. ji,;tfj g?i'l"AtV' SiKg^^Bj£S;:.°:s>.,J ""l^itaJiSS^f three, prleeSfflO; mid the other pr;^ •'8i2S^ttom8 to 10 feetlonj. prtcesso r«u. prliUes. or«xamlnat^^o.^.^»Ba2EE^rBAT. jiTBonaevelt meet, >>«T«k. n;j.d^d'eondl,l.n.^dd««^^^,,^JAC^ABERL^^ „ .-VTEDO-AJt ENI>MAS ASD A LEADER rOR nwrHESrAASDiRAaa band. NinemoniliK-(Bean. W<a'A'X<b£:«-uaand a,ter Uita date .Mr. wuilti. •Jvera wUl dEaconllnae Ihe manacemenloIlJJe .NOVKLTI thrSjWS. loSiarly Boweiy Garden. AU peifotniei hMto/inmrementa at IbU iheaUewlU pleawMnd S ?^i?5.*°E*ijdi«aa, bualneM and dat» of ensagdmoiL sented to her •*'5S^'^?'^S£?«MoiK during a portion of the paS^hiraStfl^al effect'upo'n t je attend- •*^ifiii<!roMnlaces of amusement then open. "!?2» «k Jon at tM Fifth-avenue Theatre with SS^'aSra^UonTThe sign -^tandlng-ropm (July" ™ dlmlayed two nights during the past week. and -Arlei." flylng-aancers, ate nieces of c?SSe Conqueat Sr., the celebrated English paSwmfmlit S?w in thlaW "^ne»'> is now SfJ^Tiri^iii tjie Theatre du Ohatelet. Paris, in me SS?S§e or^Th?I)2JirsPllls." and "Ariel" is at ^SSS'1'*"oi5SS''M.NSrBEt.3 conunued to bmmtoS^ImS audiences atNlblo's Garden dnr- fS°tte^lS?week. Among the treaheat features «T«r''Saftv • Homer," sung by Wallace King; "R^rt.«??or OUmore." which Vas given as the fliSatotheflrBt-part; andJnmes Bohee'splaying of^Home, BweetHome," with variations, on the '*ToioBA.NOER,who 18 lu towh, Infonns US ttut he Is en ■ aicd for the coming season with the Angle ^'J°B"cSSJ»?-bc amcm.>.rofthe Criterion Coiedv Company, who open their season InChl- "lAkuil^ooL^ii.i.K. who will not be actively en. B^ed in profeBBlonal bnnlnesa UurlDg tUe season Sfi880-l. will reside In this city. „,„„,« Matt UoufES has engaged with the Minnie Palmer Combination. their and oblige, 3D-it> JOHS bchroederI"^''"'"* Proprietor and Maimrr. Inst come to us from over the wide waste Of waters °)«° ^, nocy's best IrapersonaUons. and iSatldd^e Is on the dtfwnPJlde «hat her vol^ '■^Sr^.TALpTs'^iduce ■■Around the World In shows signs of the wear «i<' 'ff' "'''Jl^ 5" scotch Este aid as Prince P°J!S«IP°?„iS.{SI Eighty Day" In N'lblo'n Garden Aug. 30, to be tol. been snl^cted these rtat dlaease has douMe eone-anrt-dance with M MNelHe. Aot^ lowid b/'^Enchantment," "Black Venus." "The marked her for Ito <>wu, and that ere long sue mtervals during the evening wM llbetai^nd lowe ^ revived for the Christmas may be coming to us. the wreck of a once , .^;;j(^j,jr„eBtBharepflt._^^^ M 'S^I J^Ql^ £:^^X^^^ '"^^A.BBS SisrBBS,n Cincinnati bad but If she wUl try a mud bath she may be cured. Seal mnd Is what she wants. „aay,li«a-T. Haiarly. J- H. — —. « HSndaSo.,Bi*;;2^ Hv,. Hanna,JohnB. Babetta _^_«on ^iMTAWcat I '(clog-makefi) .^t^Bohbuon, P- (of Yan Amboi^h^a f>A«T AJn> FAKCT FOCC9EUI. W. H. TanderblH haa made overture* to Gye lor a aaa. ■oa of open by the Covent-ffardeD Company daring the TH- .™= «,.. v. — . Cnivaraal ExhlblUon In thla. city A eaWa-diapauh iioB^lasted some with prospects a llttle chilled, chronldea ibe Ulneaa of Ole Boll, who In ooDaequence uwvw .iimk* ytaarfa Ann lipan nnrwB ... I . . ^^^^ utm a«.iiBK *nnwi.ment Oaa ban- "aSSSaBiS^S) and a few with light hearta andheavy pnrees.... - - Uaa had to cuicel hie BwedUih emtwement 'Biunaatucuanui i ""'^ " ^iniuiii was nleasant-so tSr as tbe .... nrt>« KewVori (aong- BaekwlthjHany Bansatt, Piank Sc. BamU.Blaha Baraom, P- T. ant, Ed. (care . ganiGolyer) Gaiaon. Jr.,Klt . jClaik, Mobby (of Cola'a(Hnma> . Ctaanftan, Barry 1. Oiapman, hank Haiila. J.(Ute^ 1 N. n. Bober- <»■> Howorth, John Haywood. Tarn (minattat) Haaanwlnkla'B ]>ram.Co«} Haywood, Jaa. (manaflar) (2) uwW< John T. CBnpbeB, BartHy ciwk ASdwards Gamll, Johnny Carton, Flank ,maJ?Un) loaner. Ban), (ol a3la* Clieua) BUlyar, Clark Helfen. Walter B. Baoneaaey, fWoJ HenneaaarBroa.] Heyar, ClofWeleh ASand'aClrcna) Barrla. Dtck Haoabaw. John Hall. B. B. . HayB(U^E^0.19c lonSbam; C4A. P- ••J. M. D." (» Janka,HaRr Jackaoo, t. (U*e 01M- Nohlea' Co. Jackaon^TMr C. jBn«a;iL') Olrcusi Unnn-ttOtlB Imlth Imllh. Obaa. Starana. John A. Bayera,Tom BaTa«aj.P..F. 3toq!,.T,(aKantlor< J,w.(3ark'a ban. The week lust Closed was pleasant-so ISr as tbe iempcrature was conceinei and the few placM of amusement that remained open aid faWy well- Theae Included Manager Haverly's two thca^s— siblo's and the Fourteenth-street house-and the ffadSjon-BQuare; the Fifth-avenue conUnued over onenlghtftom the previous week, but on Tuesday Ite Ughts went out, and its -people went out StJle same time. And so, with the open alr concert halU and beer-garden dlspenssries, the ColUna, H. B.3c Coon, (Shaa a. Cfaateat, Ce& (rape-walker) Caitia,Iaaae Crlmmm, Mfke c. (ot CallahanADolao) Ciictla,.(niaa.(iop». waUart _ <aark, Sc. Ccfita Braa.' Campannif' 'flIimoF CaaaaDI. .- John <AdoBlB)*e. Sooi^erty. Bo^- *y _ Ihmbar, O. W. IKwIey, U. (Of Oootey A Ten. bniok) DaHann. Claude (71 I>iw,JIlka . BobBDO. C. (01 Wsllice (Xmb.) Dodaon, Jr., BanF. DIM, iL A. ]>anlac, Tcmy (S) dDario, C. I.. (S) Saimia, Walter I<. Cb Sawn. Elliott Drew, Bike Dockatadeiv Chaa Diamond,-ChaL .H.A. E^aipley, F. (of aharpley AWeaU Btowa, Jobn:F. frITtt. (ihow. man) sneiiiun. r.M OliaTlilanAgaay) Stareni, J. -Ogden Staendan A Beily , Smith. .Ed. (Ofi Allen'aClicna) Sbaliay, Pluay aaniord.8. 8.^ (lnasfts.JohnG. ^333i c ■ (Of. Coap'a Client ■Bands, Dick , „ ijS, .W. H- (of: Eeatlna:, Joba Klialiy Broa. Kramer, John (of AUen*a Clrcnai Kellmer, Aniust Keinz, Mark Kratinx, — (late ol Forepaugli^BC^r.) Lltaent>en[cr,Jobn LeotOD, Frmok Lent, Ii. B. Luando, J. C. Lowande,AberIar^ do Sc. LawTenee, Geo. (of Bayerly^s Baat. SuAldlne'a Bell- SinsaraJIsnaeer SCKvuu H.(muarc- drtd and.forty membera of the KewVork BeblOerbund nienttha earivnait of laatwojk In Buffalo and at Niagara I^dJjL The BnffJoa«oB»Tb..nrthadthamloeh«iBe....^ ThJfhe-ithot E. A. 8o»ham,hu asain be«n prono'in.od ESIwsS4«&rhHnS I a s,;ssrS7^Wb^t:^^:i-^^^^^ Kindon wBrlRhtnn In the hope that a f^S^'Vi^SSl. uonea reatora hu healths...-A dliuatch fromSan Fnn- annooncea that S. W. Pletcy a naw play, antlUad S'5l's7Mr YndrvldusrammieB-^to and SJSa'15^'.52S^'Sp«^h?»UB5 o'r ?SlnSM"tdiT, wedo not doubt that their success wlilbeWired; Dnrlng the brief recess the ITont rf thVthSSrhasbeen P»»°'e<> t^jL^'red merons gas-pipes have been painted bright red. vlilr MrnetahBve teen laid, and a newact^ron reoPM^S^Mt S« Magglora In Switzerland has ElSnSSSedbyWmVVoegtlln. The scenery dlB- Sl^y^TSTneat Sd tasteful, and the attendance m'AkENA.-The flrstof a series of bnU-nghtS, after the manner of gPf*"!,'* ?ong'^f:yi«er,,™thej«^^^^ O.. Aug. 2, and'are guests of the Union-place Hotel EuOENB TonrxiKS is in town. ^dTlob?rtVhen"thT snSmSSi was served on U^- "1 hivi JJdropHrnmin," and theauthoritles {^k'ab^kleau Hehada drop-curtain, though, Md oneof the handsomest ever Ksns'i any^ atre it having been p8lnttd,by the weU-knowTi artlM RuiSell Imlth for the Kew Ameilcan -The^ atre-the flrat one erected '>y-'F»»r^"^S ^^^'J WHS then managing; but alter that iitue oruBn r^jut the fllS-haSreJ-doUar tax that drophejLrtaln w^"never unrolled. When the present ^ew Ameri- can Theatre-now Changing, cWeUon-llke into the Chestnut-street Opeta^ouM-was built to replace the one destroyed by fire, the drop- curtain was omitted enUrely. After their un- snccessmi attempt to mulct Vox, the anthorl- ?leB made n5 detennlned attempts upon Oe nurses of the managers until a few weeks ago, S'SS thiv notifled tKm all to wait up to the cap- Sin's offlice and Bettle or be Pre^^J '° ,^^S Sinsequences. But the managers merely smiled blandly Bang sweetly "Ifs only a guy." and ptir- BMd the even tenor of their way. And now the Atlorney g.'ueral. wiser In his day tthigeneratton than the children of Thesple, has brought suit SS?ni? them S Harrishurg, the caplt^ of the et^ia fnr the BDcclal tai for the year istb. It U' intend^ £^ mike tbeae suits a teft; and if the commonwealth is BUCcessTul. snit Iben be''brought lor the whole amount due for past years, amew«lng abou« The nned managere, on being interviewea, ue- clBied Ibit they woild not pay a cent, but wou'd flgiT^h-rBults to the bitter end. It l»P™P«ied by Sfme of them to pool their Issnee and engage coun- sel to defend their united Inter^ts. j_„„^. TBE Ftvtso paibt.— Walter Prelier Dando sends ns a run deflcrlpUon or tne mechanical «Ppa««H together with diagrams thereof b.v ^^blch o. person IB enabled to perform tbe »•;, ''jL°?!li°, Blr ThlB Invention waa patented by Mr. DanUo iii Great BrttsTn in 1876. uSess it has been patented in the United States, and of this we have no Inowled^ anyl^rsoi who POB«s«s bf manufacturing^ the apparatus fas '? naelt here Without going too much Into mlnnte SI^lB wt may describe tSe apparatus as f()llowB: There IS a platform which can be Buspeniled by ^refl from t^e roof ol the theatre above tlie fly-^I- „f i,i»hr nr thn audience. There are a jJ^^SSl tSj!u?iS'^ar and all |o«oi{5>»-« br JUL *^2Sk^ Rt- Charlea Hoiei^ Bio ad«ra y , Vor^ -a^ " WOBKINC-AOEXT. close contractor and ocwapaper eurreaponJem, lus: olotaj a. "Speelal-. ^^^^ p,^^.^ at llbany. Not ahald of parte bucket and brtih. .SiJ»™ Sod^rat^a f»r c-lnf„*37eTS"M"SrA% BK.<. not "Snapa," addteaa E B. ELLIOTT, iU-It* Kan>a« CItt. M o. PAiJNT HoBAMT has Canceled iVrr and out of sight of the audtence. There are a at the Boston MuBeum, and Is engw^ at D^^^ Theatre for next season. Rose Eyllnge may take around Its lateraledges, aud tblBdlac rnuB Miss Morant's place in Bofton. . h..n nnontwo guiding wires. Theireeendaottherubber MBS. J. J. PBiOB and Frank noberta have been "gf," ijS^nached by hooks to a permanent disc engaged by Geo. HoUand during hU New York JJ'g'i"^,;^, bracket at one end of the platfoim, •'ffi'c'Slpzu.EBar.e.lfor Euro« iuly 3i, hsv-1 while at the oth« end api^p^B^ mum- Ing been engaged bv SImmonds A Brown for MC' Kee Rankin's Company. ^ ^ t.... WIU.IB YoDwo has been engaged by Fanny Da v. enport for next season. ~rrriE Original TOM COLLI.NS, tbe invat Araertei^ Harmonica-pbiyer. HU acta are all orWnaL For ttni datea, et&7adJra M Lockboa 1\0. Windham. Cl. a nt? "TVAJ?^ ^''^"* — * PARTNER to do horiioptaj.K^ *nii rlnpiL FRANK LA ROSA. < M AtlantleaTenua. Broolt lyii. X. T. (JoSekoVAL SThEET. NEW ORLEa.\S.1jl FEMALE TALENr WANTBU; olaoaaroall propotttajt Male Perfoimera. Ladlea ma« be young and eood too). "^"'^ '"^ 'yOHX p. BECBk Tb^lI?a?A®Y'fB^IB>S ,\VnBE WARnEOBE,!t '■5i'l\ '-»°"'»°'''^'^.yAVMpFlX.^"i..1^ "AJ?f ootireMaglelan'aOulJlai a great »chtce,ai slatlniorcurulois Tihlw, WSoe mowoais .ifntriJoqaW fi'Siff'endrooJm^rloi.rtwa. The entire lot lurtS., Ad- dJSa OllAS. E. ORIFFI.>-.AIbla..Iowa. trtll be diaengaaed altar Aug. 14. AJdnm •., Waijja •txMl. BuB-alo. N. , . ■ "•C WAITED IIUnVtETDIATELY ^rl^HiLLIAIlD A DEJIOtfS CIKCLS AND ME.N10- EKIE a Grmna« for brotheracl, Tumblfra iiid Leai^ji, Pie • aUo Concart Peup;e and Sons-and ilance Ar.itt. ThiK who iSSid au Viand. Cornel and Alu.. prtbtnd. AMweTu MEXO.'Ul.NEIi, mS.. Uy dlai-atcL. «n or brTm aSs!^7. LOW EST TEBMa. 51:^, LON UAYLE are ipendlogtlie Summer at ■^CA-N i ON.N. y. ^ Open next aeaMMi S»Pt-S..„ , _ j^j THE HOWABD ATUE X^ EUM. BO i^r OX. a» f '•-l-CTVX? Xi^OK SAIjE —KEARLV NEW^ mi;?Lh^' make. atitUL, poka and all, complrie, $(5; Sea- "on'pSfnlTnV. liSlft^ (piloted by Bruca). aud a Srtt-claa French lllSi'd organ In^irtect* CHARLES WREDE Great Keek. Loot Ii-laui), Sew TotL 'JSaJuoi" ™ favoribly lecSWed «Ppn It. pro- SiblS;e.^iie3-5id iiiaSikaon, bfdlng his time I dnctioi tfua^AUSSiS.Mi ~„ -"-i^^'SS Xen the fell strength of the imuBlcal and the-1 s.^^^m^ Ad^^ea^.ii^Muj* amcal forces shaU again show up lor the enlight. 1 Livenw' on .me r—■. . enment and amusement, of the sovereign people. „... .Bamum'B latest enterprise—the building of" a mammoth amnsement atmcture on the site of Madison-square Garden—la progressing tovor- ablv nrop<»a!s for erecting the same having been SSveitiiSSltoriast week; and It IB thought that the work Will be commenced In the early Fall. The enolneer of "the greatest show on earth" means bnSness Our obelisk has a good <ight fer a nod site near the Mnseam of Art In Central Park. •And thtis are-our withers nnwmng, as one might say- but what otir withers have to do with it Is "whatno feller can nndjpuL''.;._;For the real 'Flying FaliT wall until Tompkins ft HllPsAeriel arrivesHeie. TSk* no other. Wbaa aha cnmca. this flrlnir Aarlal Win. beBwe her, autely cairy an. • IThls Is notlli8t<laas poetryvueltherls It flrst-cJaas ^tber In which to moke poetry. Hi.nre . ITom here lor She wU paaa the remainder of Ihp Siin^ma'at thiLake"rcomo.....Jobn McCnlloogh la to leave LWetpool lor home onAng. ». .; .,vP« euwed byBeBeanplanloraaeaaou of French opera in ^^STMunttv are to aall Irom Havre on OctS Atco- Sil5SS"l!m^lhMme. Ambralato begin aaeaam of ooSeeS that wmcorar all the laadlOB elUea of Depmark SdsWedenT In addition to the leading iuprano ber,jeli. thetoIiowlDg artlrta will coirprtae thacompaoi: Bma. lAblache; Sntialto; Mile. LabUche. aopiano: U. TeechU JSSJFm ' UttoTbultooe; and H«>t Bahrena. haAae. Otto u Uti ti beol the company engaged for thla country by o« HSJiinlao...."" la cabled thSt^delina PatU haa com- ,£ft£,iid "ib sti.ko«h. and that In cnnafquence aha a^KiSllnl trill vlalt thla coontry ahorUy on their Sm hoSt At preaont tbelady u In quoal ot remedial watWa for an annoying nrioga of'rtaeumetlRn viS^ im, who la S) be the leading aopiaoo of Btrakoeeh'a Bogbah^ipera Troupe In thla conntiy next ifViutrTla to ull Irom LWerprol Sept. 23 .... ^^otlo^ofhlalHend Thomas pTlIalany. the late JoIid Broucham'B wUl «a» admitted to probata on the 9Jth nit, and BUa Lanra I.. PhlUlpa qnallSed aa eaacatgrlx^U^ HarrrBeckett la to make hia London bow on Aug. 1 at tki eanlt;e.eom>dy. vf ' " »Oty, J- A. Oa«1a..E. (Ol Bella' taicaat. Lytall. V.H. LUley, Chaa. (lead- en Lenox, Chaa. LaBue, Wm. 9c. lieanox,jr., Wal- LoUoitlne. Harry Lamoert, Clay LltUaUac LUey, C. A. . Lennox, Oao. (of N. O. Mlnat.) Lenox, Chaa (gymnast) Lmnaaton, Frank LcaiittrK. B- 3c Lester, Uatry (rope-walkar} BelnUe, Chas. iBr - . Dlxon^ Oimlston .J>lxon,..Fr*d. (of Bahn'aCa.) Bohaon^Cbaa. B. •Smetklk.H. ^ yii..»t , 1,. J. ^ma. nagerl jBiEn.J.a .Bmery. Will ,Fox. .Jaa. • K. .(ol Fox. A Ward) T»wler,.W. w. fewlar, Harray W. Ja wer. J . W, — JCT.'^dladeaAar) orabnrit. — (of Corner Comb.) naaloan. B. D. FailDir^(ofBi nam aClccns) eieoiy, Fepiando 01 BonLF. F. Bagnsoo. R. T. jrtmnce. .Geo. YM^^, John. A FoRinan, G. Ed. Fltageiald, Wm. BcDonal^ C (of Omdora A Be* Donald) Bularo, Cha^ MontKomeiy.Ellaa Borgan, Edward UcEntlre A Healh Maddam, Blchard Banaoer of Hearta ot Oak Co. •Manager B" (4) ■aaagar Cblld ol the Slate Co. Kclntoah. T. (Ol BavarUr'a Geo. Bliuu O) Myan, John C. UcKons, Ota. He BUea, U. tor Bor- ton A Bllea) BoiTU,Bllea BcDonougb, Thoo. B. Banrittloa, .Chaa. Baokle, Jaa. & Hendal, Harry Boore, Cbaa.<Iata of Orrln'a Olrcual Barpby, Nicholas linrpby. Mark BcOlnnla, Obaa. lIontanqe^ Hairy Xonr6e. Jaa. Hack, £. (ol Tony ,J>enier'aCo.) . «iuH.(ma .dircctorr . Sawyer,.ProL mn alcal^glaaaefl) Smltb.Ty. W. Sbendan. Frank Gueblc,.lsaac V. Smith, .vr. J.. Sbeeney, — (of Al- len's I31rcaa) Stoat, Geo. L. Sheddan, John F. Theadoi«,'Cbaa. Tbominon, J. W. Tt^lenie, Chfton Templeton, John 0) Thayer's Concert Co. Tnnar. Diak Ibompion, Fred (orcule'a Clnuaj Thompaon, John W. (manager) rbe Amedcan A Taylor, WiU (lead- er) Thompaon, .John (p. o, mark Blrk. anhead, £ng.) Tiyon, T. O. (tn*. nagaa) Tncy, Daa'l Taylor, Jim Thornton. £haa. s. Tbomaa, AfthnrG femiiaii, > O. (of Hagce, <^em C2) J7an AmboTBh'a CUrcaa) FnUar, Hugh Bona A Bad BeldavALealle.O Ikencn, Edwu Qiavaa, C L. Greeley. B. flsUsgherrJUke ORgoiy, C. F. OalTln, B. T. «3ioTOr, Laonaid GUbeit,W.J. (co- median) aala^Gco.. (mlna. Caaney,.Biigh OormJay A WU- llama Gaylord. J. (ol Cole'a dagna) Mlaeo,T. E BCAToy, Harry ^iack, J. {,01 ToUy lta»an.Xatt Banly.C. A. Uplntoab, Tom BcADdlla, & J. Momaaoy, John ■BalTlllc Fiauk Nublia, BUton Neacsmhe, Bobt Newell, -"yank" NilaaA Evaua 0'NeU..Gea. Oabonie, Harry OrrinEroa. ' Omn,U. P. ai Ooella.k.BiuilTan Ovcnon. Julm 3c Tborton, Chaa. iSlmon Kenton) Tndor, Joka Xbompaoo, Den manaon I Thompson, John TbomuL P. J. * Taylor, Wm. (p. o. mark, ^.""rt*^**. Eng.) Wllaoo, Ja«k(aoan' lo-artlati Wsjoier, Cal WaUack, Wj^ty Wright. Frank E. Kemble Willlama, Gna (3) Waaka, P. W. Warren, OuB Wood, W. N.dead. en WoodTfUe, Jaa (comedian) Ward. C. P. .Wade, E. C. WUla, J. (Of Wina A Adama) Watkina, C.l..(ma. nager) « WUliama, H. ATB. Warburton, J. E. Wlaner, Geo. W. Wood, John i (agent) Wataon. Sam (equestrian) Wltuam, Fred Welby, Jake (ot N. 0. Minsk) Waahbutn. L. W. WoolcottTE. U. OUditone, 8. (ol O'Brleo, Tommy Oale<a CUnu) Omdoro; Harry (9) lOrrln, Chaa. Wl«glna,T. A Wimiuns Bros. WUaon, Burt W. WUUama, C. D. Wooding. Kat Walker.Whlmalcal Waldnn, Blch'd Watson. Jas. (ol Tluyer'a Oircnaj Winoeit, Thoa. White, Chaa. O. Young AJax XBBsraaa to cuaRKseoimiEiif [With a Tlew of leUerlng the prassira upon onr ragolar •Awaenta. (Ancapondeau" eolamn, #a pnpoaa to In- ■anbeieannpUaataqaaatloaa relating to amaaamenta ■Bek^aartaaaa relate to otba mattetawlU be anaweied jnooTjagnlaBoolninnai and ahaald be wrlnan on aepanu SMtis ul tiar^r ftran thfiaa asking inr InJbiinatlnn eoacasn- laasmiirnrTTi-- .Mo anawar «,aU wlU bema<a, orally. Iij iiiaM III lalmispli to anyqnaaclon that we nay have noBotea ihlDk iBVtuvaa a dlnoia between indtTidaala. A^B Omd VRBi MonaT aiaann wiu sot mm . certainty of Its payment and the snperior char- acter of the water which wlU be fonnd.nlm. Thus, unliftentlonally, has the fasting Tanner opened a new Channel for the development of American in- ^stry- Ice does it, "Hazel KIrke" Is hearing its two hondredth nightatthe MadlBOD-squBreThe* atre. One night loac week tbe auditorium was bo cool that they had to Pat the ice (used torefriger- ate the house) between blannetoi .'When Sals- bury's Troubadours Otst appeared tioibre an Eng- lish audience at Liverpool they set 'em wild. [■'IPTW set'em wild, the audience ortheTronba- dotusT" "Jimmy, you are becoming too hyper- critical. aItoaether!>> "If trying to make some* thing out or nothing Is hypocritical, then rm. a h.vpocrite. Otherwise, the party of the ilrat part is the same."] ."When the various show8:at.Coiiey leland get their prices down to a popular scale, like those of never-ending Sojourner Tmth— two cents, and no return checkf^hen may they : lope to compete with the iree orclieacra*giiap Then we saw in the veracious chronlcics of the dally press that the theatrical campanyfrom Rot- erdam had-"won golden opinions in London,'" we ' irere honestly rejoiced. Not that we have any pe. cnnlarr interest in the Rotterdam company, nor any golden opinions of our own to dlspoae ot %ut lureK' for tbe sake of art—Rotterdam art. And lere, by the wav, are fiOMBTALUABLE OPINION'S. Fnll mtny thlnga In lire are vonh the winning, And to m them people oft^ fall to alnnloa. To Dlottlng, planning, sttlrlng, achemlng. chtiining. The white amblilnn*a tide la checked with not a dam. Gome aeek to win tullffllced riches. And anme to rlae to Pame'a exaltad nichea, And Bome-to wpd an helreaa prond. the which la - A le 4aon to the man who finds he'a got a abam. But of all things alter which mankind Is stralnlnz, Therw lanTAmie so richly worth attAiolnff Aa theae ^nlonaithey annonnca aa gaining to London by tha company from H'ttterilara. Toaav the which the facta do na embolden. For thongh opinlona common are as olden, other ac*oTa «.rer found them golden, Bnt rather (we repeat tbeir words) worth nolerdam!* 'Obserre tbattnl* la the language ol theactnr*—not onia. Our old friend, the only original Sojonmer Troth. U on the Hloblgan lay, taiung to the Hicb> Igandera at>ont the negrthexodos; and wherever gji ■- ——•■■ ■ wake. upon , Do you believe thlE ? They say that the peo- ple of lleadwood are bo high-toned and mora] tbcv reftased to visit'The Black Crook" ontll itwas-att- verttBed as written by Shakrspearel and then Uiey couldn't drive 'em awayl We are glad to hear this nbout the Deadwood bnrgbers, for we had been taught to believe that they were all heathens and vampires outthere. So let us set'em up again.-... They get up some cnrlnns ireaks of nature over there In New Jersey. The latest producUonMs a chicken—a real chicken—vrlth two sets of wings and legal Tbis la wonderftil, even for Jersey; and we are told that the enterprising Jer«eymen oet two sets of prices for every chicken ol thlB per- 8uaBlou.......Why doesn't the proprietor of the aquarium at Conev I.slnnd put In Home 'water- snakea and sea-serpente as snbstitates for the RcentIy.eBcaped sea-Uunst Thev don't cost mnch, and they look veiy well in a tank The "conspir- acy" against Minnie Cnmmlngs culminated on Tueedsyevenlnglast. when thepoorplayetsrefboed to walk tmtn they could llrst see tbe ghost walk. This the latter&lled todo—hence theotSer. (There was a thunder-storm just before this: and some say there waa another Immediately after.] Anil now w e are to ld that the Bemhardt's new clothes, mamOetared expresrty lor her American tour are to cost aU the way from fifty to seventy-five thou- saad dellara. Ve need something in the clothes- line to counteract tte <IemoraIldiig eflbct ol the nnadoraed drama. A wicked devil of a woman says that Bemhardt's charms would not be en- hanced by any undress mlform A cireus cessedtD be last week because It hadn't taken in Its runnfnff expenses. And yet It was started under livorable horse pieces [auspices] Some wealthy people complain of the 0ut of trade-dol- lars, and d ecline to receive them in pay for codfish and other prwlalons which laid the foundation of their riches. There need be no glut, for soon the theatrical season wm open,-vhen trade-dollars will be taken In trade at par. The good time's a-com. iLg; wait a Uttle kmger ^Ole Bun Is 111 in Lon- don, and yet when he left here he carried a reno- vating viol-fn his trunk J. H. Haverly bas Inst engaged a new primo basse proltando because of Edwhi and Booth wUl there retom to Londun la Septembi-r, fy Of Se male ^"Mir, to thT N«7„^^°f "^^«e atre atlietb street and Sixth avenue, July 31. The SSStSlnmfnt^k place In a building recenUv erected lOr the purpose, and calculated to hold l SSuTflv^ihonsaSd piople. ;t«»hte/«°VSf1SxM cled by tlere ot Beats surmonnted by a f of t»reB T^ng around the whole clrele, and In the centre is the buU.Tlng, orarena. about one hundred ftet in cUamet^ Wlfa ring is surrounded by a fence about five feet in betaht, beyond wWch there is a similar boarding, leaving an intermediate alleyof five feet inwldt\the latter as a pla(» of retreat for the toreroswho leapUie >nnef^nce i^?" they desire to escape tbe assaults of Uieir fonr- tooted opponents. ^He building >» r««eBa. Dn- demeatll «ie seats the stock Is stabled, and a Soveied mn to the ring-fcncca openfl a way tor the cattle Into the arena. The Bport, If It can be BO called, began after five o'clock with the en- trance of elchl gandlly-dreesed toreros, or bnll- flghters. who. after saluting the audience and dof- flng their handaome cloakB. piit tbemBelves In aV tenrton. each with a lively-colored cloth in hlB hand awaiting the appearancaot bnll number (jne. He proved to be a genUe-eyed Bteer, ■whoao chief ilUon seemed to be .to get back to hi a atall itBMlestaflon. From this point on the ex- and from there go to Oerioanv, It la thought prob- able that ha will plnv In Rtrlln Edward Comp-> tun woa ni't left behind when AdrlHldi- N>ilaoD anil. ed iroiu here Ut.t week CoL Haplesoa and hU operatic aniKta who are to entenain Amvricaua i ext sem. auu will Mil from Liverpool on RepL 20 a new fan. wheel, for TentUaUng purposes, haa bean put Into the col- lar of tbe Madlaon.sriuare Theatre H. C. JHTrrtt Is to txpexlinent neat rrajwin with tbe Bl^taele ol-"Cinder- «Ua," In the '••tof which sixty p<^ple wU) flxure.: W. E. ShHridttii will ■.•nrtt "The bunltes'* party and sAllfor this CO on try on Sept. 11 —Fanny raven port haa decid.d but to. risk an app..nranc« In Anna Did In- aon'a naw play ot Buaalan life, and In Itn place ^.-i acrepted "Ao Amencan Gin," ajso by Mlsa Dlcklu- aoB Manaicvr Henitaraon of tbe Stand^id Tha- •ire la lo run Rose Eytinn In tha New Ensland district In .Septoraber and October... .Ii Is uui Imprubabla that the Vokeaea will reappear m tblRc«.unO'ytiextsiH>cnn ......MlaaJeOIeyaLewlahaa arrived here (rnm San Fran. dscp It was r.portitil that A. U. Palmar wis aiuong the White Mountains laai week, bnt it may have h*.ei, •.tATXcU lor th^ porpoM „f contnullctina it Ctjtfa llor. ria ta to Wgln an euaeoempot at the (Jnealnat-atref't Tlip. ati^ Philadelphia. Sept. u Rehrarrtir ot the plays In which Bemhaidt la to appear In America have begim In Paris. It Is aald that tbe supporting actors have aU been cbown with an eye to their atneaa, and that the manage ment have been obliged tn aoree to pay them aalarlea "fonr ttmea aa large aa they eon command In France They ore oU artlaa ot ihoruugb experience and Eood record, and moat 01 them hare made their mark before parlalBn andlenoes at the Odeon, Ovmnase and Porte Saint Martin. The leading man, ABgelo, Is a capital actor ornnepteaepc* A vrecodoua iliUe gul.whow aeivl?> wmbanqnlred as little Ranoiys In ■Prnu-Kron'and In otherplayanf XUe. Bernhardt's repertory, has als i bee" engaged.. TbeamalleativleslnalltheworkstabeDieaent. ad. tne managrmeat nroralsea, win be eiiitiisied onlv to «tlaUo> acknoirledged ahillty. _ Tbe diSS^!f?oow !.£ log made tor 'Phejlia.' -Hemanl,' and 'Adrlenne Leeoo^ •nepr.' They will be modeled atrlcUy an«r the«2- tnmes naed In the prodncUon of tboae great c^uln of'tha Preneh ataoa at thi. Theatre Francalaa *• TnaUeaMms^todlng to Bandmann. Ihe story now is that aiSalem. Oregon, he bad a mlaonderatandlnir with a Oelenid 'Uuodryman: and because the tragedian seized hUdotliesand attempted to march orf wltbrtheii he ™ mobbed by Chinamen.. Thai..™.,, .v- -—..v."!""" toiy awarded the Omt •opiano. This entitles her to he rccelrcdat theUnnil ptteo. Acable-dlapatchof JolySOatatea that aU the Paris k,"Kr?A''JSS^'»i^K'*^itei!''S»V.^5'"?^^^^ .u„ vulj ■u.rtii. ■jjonn oy jius. Fimndln at f'*.Sl'"'^?';''" 7"^" pantomhne In a single seen n 'The Belne de CJiypn-s." which seen ™tne othS Journals admit, waa IntelUsently rendered? but provS nothing as to her geneial dramatic abllitv P™^" Dot Bondcanlt Is wlthliU finher Id Loudon Thatahii and Hall aii.Mobnnn and Powers are said to be doing a version of 'The Skids are Out Todav" at B? Jan,«r Halt, London .....P T. Ba,n„„°Sj? „ NewpiS^ ''f^—c-^^"^" mother are snppond tobeBow at Cheshire, Eng. They are to sail for America bv mv uT Egypt (steamer, on Aug. 28.. .. ProL Weral? SVafnfi* auu.In.Uw, Is leading t^a band at the Coney Wsnd It?; •'''.'■,l^ -iU^H'!J"*«?,'^Jf,.'» brought out In Lbndoa H« "The Bridal Tour," will ha In three act^ Insteadof thS wigjnal fire. Mr. and Bra. Constant tTit. pSSd ha? by Edward Aniott and Bose Cogblan, wui n" ha sSJ at aU at the Haymarket. where Bra/ John Wood will walk In the alioes ol Effle Oermro m PaShi^oni: and Linda Dlete will he entiijsSd wl3t ttS^? " the heroine, created byfiteUaBonlS«L - - * DRAMATIC, Otjii sah Fbamoisco, Cal., correspondent wrote July 15 aa under: "Since the departure of Neilson. theatricala have been remarkably dull, and at no time during the year past has the attendance been more meagre. At Baldwin's Belaaco's new plav 'Paul Amli' a rather close imimtlon of 'The Dani- cheOS,' has Ihiled to excite any Interest, and after a week's run will be withdrawn 26 to permit the nresentetlon of Dr. Callahan's new play 'Decep- tion,'with a very powerinl cast, in which James O'Nell, 8. W. Pfercy, Fred De Belleville M as Ade- line Stanhope, Mias Lilian Andrews and Mt»s Eva 'VTcBt will take part. 'An Orphan ol the State' is In active preparation, and wlU doubtless follow De- centloit'.....'Mme. Fnvart' at the Bush atreetThe- otrewlll bo Buccecded 28 by 'La Clrouette'('The Weathercock'), which Is eald to be very amuaing and brlmlbl of sparUlng and lively mtislc The Standard Theatre wlU be reopened Aug. 2 by Haverly'a 'Widow Bedott' Company, of which Nell BurgesB is the star and C. E. Blanchette roan- aBer....:.Tbe TlvoII will next week offer 'The Bella of Comevllle' for the edification of their many nafrons. They have secured tne services of John Williams, a rising and popular young actor, late a spiritless charge now and then at his tormentore, and the fastening of roaettos smeared with glue on bin neck and bead by the Bklllfbl manceuvres of the toreros, were'the anm total of the show. Nine long- horned Texsn Fleers ivere let alnuly into the rlne at different timiS, and went through this pro- gramme. SoT.e, being more iriBky thanotherH, af- lorded a ripple of excrtement, but they all bad ap- parently'but on') object in view—to get out of that objectionable circle In ihe quickest way poBBlble. BeveiiBl of them managed to lenp tlie Inner fence, •nid tUS,' with the ta.<ik of prodding tham back ajgatn to th'e rtng. In which policemen's clubs and .eiKOtatom' nnlbrellao played a part, affbrded tbe lleople lots of'amuaement and drewrorth a fire ''i&arcastlc InqntrleR. The toreros were headed 'a very aclivr, skllllbl performer—Valdemoro— id he gained applause more than once for hia ktsot agility, in evading tbe bom-tbruats of the steera. The others also did some lively work, and tbeir 4tilck, lithe movements were certain to put tum^n sate position eyery time their font-footed antagonlats made a charge. But it was', a bard task to work the Bteere to any degree Of ugliness without the bloodshed and crueltythatgowlth the Spanishbnllflght; and as President Bergh and a namber of the offlcera of the 8. P.;. were Intent watebera of every detail of the affair, the cattle were not allowed to get overexbauated lierare their watebfnl Mend tiod them ordered t>ack to their stalls. The aAlr got to be decidedly monotonous before It was half over, and tha spectatora had to fall back on themselves for smnsemenU and they had It in moat sarcastic style. If the Bpanlsh performera could have ai>- pteclated the beauties of Engllah elang they would have been no doubt highly edified at the many choice leitueats thrown out to them. In fbct, the whole anblr exclted.ridlcnle from the beginning to the end. and a little prellmlDaiy gmmbllng Bt the want of good management In the auditorium. One might from this style of entertainment get a very Iblnt Idea of ttve contests after the Spanish way. Trb No'VBL'ix Tbeatbe, formerly known aa the Boweiy Oardiq. was reopened on July 31. with tbe following coiqpany: Cronin and SnlUvan. Little Todd, the BrazElers, Keating and Sands, Thomas a(d Heeney, Rob. Y. Ferguson and BalUe Magon, an^tbe Fonr Diamonds—Clark, Watson, Brevarde ahtrsawteUe, Katb-Hoktbosb was the recipient of a benefit at Dlok Parker's American Theatre on Inly 31, when namerouB volunteera appeared In a lengthy progianune; The regular season at this establish- ment commences Aug. 16. Tbb Voles' GAnnsN was occupied last week by a company including tbeRusseus, C^ampbeU and Bnrke/Eam l.ang and DolUe Sbarpe, Kitty KcDer- matt, Fanny Sanford and Hark Sullivan. The new fSOBS uinouncttl Aug. 2 Include the Four Emeralds. LattT Tooley, Ned Barry, Charies McCarthy and thedrinnellB. . The sbtzbb xulmebs of E. A. Sothem, which has caused him to cancel all of his engagements In this country next season, seriously Incommodes Han of the BaidwIn Theatre, who wIU play the Notary. ..- ^>,r r.vaW"' °° ' flntf amQie^jiiDeement at the Aueinni, now plyV^g'thcwittSctlTe effect conBlau of a dram having two diameters—or, m Sthlr wort^ a Urge drum and a small one astened ?iS"be?.Aroundihe largestclrcnmferenwo^^^^^ drom la gesr-work Into which a smsJl cty-whwl (having awinch) plays. A wire attached by a book to the smaller drum is fastened to the inovable disc, and by turning tbe winch above aUnded to the India-rubber springs are drawn (jut to their SlatiBt tension, and are then held in bTa bolt which ihoott through a Btanchlon Intothe drum. A wire, leading to the stage or platform from Which the JSlry Is to fly. Is attached to the Jarge drum. The performer, who wearsa sortof bsrneBS Snder her atege-attlre. lasteuB the wire from the large drum to it, and, the bolt above described Wing wmidrewn, the aprlngs in contracting cause the dt^ m to revolve rapidly and the wire to coil Bronnd the larger drum, ifftlng the Performer in the air. In order to sustain the^fsiry in ml?-alr there Is a rubber wheel running on a bracket close to the K^S^druiTwhlch. in the Instant that drum com- iS^ccs a reverse motion, Jams between the drum and tbe bracket and stops It. In oijler tj^ake a descent the wire la colled around t*'eia^''"» and the wire attached to the movable dliw. with the springs at rest. Is again toatened to the small drum. The weight of the performer In desceniUnj, SSwi the BprlSgB gradually to fn" tenwou and they of couree act as a counterweight. The num- ber of springs t'sed for a descent are fewer tban ^°l£5.!S?RJ. S. Cbosst ot the North Broad-street —^ ^ j^i 'ix' 1 F.-SlT-'aS. liEADER OF ORCBES. T^^2: iSi^ ,^!&5JS5 * -S'lS* (Vimpsny. AUdrffS care of CLIPPER. ay. BKNOO laTNclv houaa.soo"' sconery. siaga. dtesflor SSii. Md evJ5tb>>>r^comnlMa. doonty "U. iwl S,"" MwS. M. W. BTOBBB. Proprietor. aola Vi-O >lAJNAGi^« ^^^^^ A TOL'KO MAN WITBOfT BEAKS, _ho must BP South Ibr the Winter, WOULD I^KB TO^^^^g ^ StTlcUj tempante. n-it* ^^^^^^^^^^^ plaaa. comnmnl.aU«. the role d[; Ager Beniy E. Abbey of the Park Theatre, becauae bathe CDCcesuir of H'j. MonGiSi'Tirth^hm*'^'*^R^-*1*''°''''I.°P?'' *!!?'"'SLar ""^ .*S"'*^,S. «'"«b«l with Ant Dalr'a con.paoy... next saaauu hia V .Dr. a. Au>it«n Peatco la to proiluce 'f"!l? Balla Amert- caloe," the libretto of which « OhMlSrBaraaia. n^T,i:,^^t Gounod la rewriting hia opera ot "l> "ASffi present T^ra." ..^Tbere la nme prohSj,ll-tytStfSfSltoS talnments. VDMaa will enma tA AmaHM Jt""'?fT' Awnnnv V wlUcoma to America on prIvatiljJS doanaS boalneas.. ..„At the penormance at the Gaiety. LondSi. io aid ot J. Maddlaon Morton, the ag«d dnmatift. w 8 <','"^JS?iLr°"¥,« r'f.^, dialloanlffM amTenA whi played "Woodcock's LItUe Game." Mm Robert Kcdev •6*^ «aine 'before the pnbllc choosing her old rota ot betay Baker, J. L. Toole being the BooJeF'.!. A series of concerts are to be given naxt'-iej^ ""niS*&?i'dShJlf-.^"£:^F^«^ H-averiy'a Fonr. Eiberon......Ha<!gle MitcbeUgave a party at her Low Branch residence on Joly 29 Tbeie were many prT fcsskmala piwent Bra Finnnce BIce-Knoif Mte Flurence Copleaton tbe pianist and A. P. Burbank t3 hnmprlit, are coitlolntly glvll« concerts at watering PI««« MUa Janet Ednfoo^, af5?ltndjto?ih™a mr the openitic atage. and singing In ooncerta Inlondan! Eng., haa returned to thla coontry Brs. Zddaa^in In wboM bebaU It™ a ftwSSki iS'de?^^ ntended to marry the bnUanapoUs nllnader a"dw!l. lace^aetnaUy became bU brida In St. I.okes Chnrth. Bal- about twenty-nine yeara ot age. Cndl ikSut he waa Master ol 'Tranaportatlnn Stbe Indlana^Ua and J^^.RS'""**"!^*'"- Jtlsmt«idedtUtS«tiJS he will be connected wlththe bnsloess mansgeSiVntTfth? To Omm ,Aa%hatlBed Cax«4jBOBiIeBt»> In the kttoTB please give an notea ahcal ol eomhia*. tlona sgoa wp iii utu jl nrs i trpara; Instaaf ot embeditas 'them In ym lanoa, S. F.—It laOfesipeiuDCe ol eveiyk(Mly>vi£ there la t*t qnaway loawad.lL Place the child al g^o«! In aome lo- «rtlIT where ^»aeannotoeknown, and cautlua her against Ibau Wite at allialon u mt matter. It Is ont of theanaB4 ilaBAaherto»^ea<wrt1rtaotot anrtKidy vLancb a aali-' fasfc .-Oir adnaasraoldkafor yon to mnkaJkunBdantof ttahead. mml a iis' or otherwlae. of the ehnreh to which yt^say beloBce«io«apai nailaially i»;nAjicaltlan to aAeca aehool ihM woaU rally meet yonrViews, and who at tbe gone time would be apt to poaaaes the.jBSoence needed to preveotEnooewey or aoothar, those manl- iba9tioaa ox which yon Juitly complain. T. d^—L Deleha tra nd Baacler were notwhatIs ailed oaehalie ar'cyma*"c songisnd dance peiformets, and thereiOK, althoogh they may have "drvared In skm-kght tioae mat calked an lAair baad> and kneea," aadpoBablv liave tamed aome very queer aomersanlts. It U not bkcly that thavAM "The Haw'io«e»«"««"J'' tbeaunaswi aathatln wkiidi LamuBt and Dua-im have done It. .Tks bet can b» 4>aelded only by aomeoae wno haa aaan tiutk pain dotheaoc. U eveoaiioha per<na can feel aaie bi gtiT , ugadedalA. Z Deli'ianty and iHeglerwece tba Oiat) todo'TbeHr«>wHou«ato«a"ln th-aclty. J. C 0-, ScaDdu-—Ton ean get all the playbooka yon want hv sjilmiikiH Samael Ffeench A Son, detfaca In playa, thla dtv. Addresa Ed. Jaoea, wfaoae card sea In onradTaRlslBgaulamns,aa to the other books, dasoilb- lag what voa DMa by tnlnMnl laitraetlon boota, lar aoas-boaks eaaldivriB be placed onder that head. Kr.—PUnbawOadlsngarranala thla dty Oaa that of ■pinaa." Tbe eo.wudve perfonnances or Bs laoar w«T»£aio«tdoobledIgtboaowf 'TheBlack Crook"aad "Hnrnp^ Dnmpty." ^^riqne'* bad not ao many perfoem.. aneeaaa "Uncle Tom's tWln," nor so many as "Bompty Dampty"ontheIatter'a.'«»lvaL J. B. B., EL Loola—The beat way lor ynu to do Is to pro- core an Intradnetlon to aove reputable taoaacerlnyosr dtr.aadtake hia advice IfTSu eaiuatget 1mm him an cngigeneilL It would be Xif your iniereat to plaa the fatty u a theatre there, IT thai la poa>ihla.i^) as to hare ertuderyonreye. - ' Osa Tao JCsows Hib.— Oia MKVdUnot vut to know where ho wastaat Eptlob Bev^a then equeatilaa dl- . rectorntDc Jamea L.Thayv's Bl.'ov, bnt that did not "cate hia wbeteaboot* la Joly, tier that.ha.Bad not J In retirement. ' Zir, eelma.—L It can be predoeed with the aid or a —ene lamp. 2.- We know of on d.wlar In "gboat" *- 'IhsrwoaldpiobahlyhaTBto tal.inadatD ^'OBtOTla.—J. B. Jrffeiy writes that Us "Anv» 'tfe" Till be Issued saew b> SertcmbCir am - .—^_-jylt« a new street-cross- ing oppmite Abbey's Park theatre, Broadway. Flag-ralainglsaoingon all over the city. iThev have been doing nothing of the Wnd, and the old flagstones are son doing duty there; but lying In thistmderbandmanner enables us to get £(inr toke and a new crosalng without any expense to the city, lor wtd A the -overridden taznavers will .no donbt thank uaJ Ever since CoL Sellers r.ripped up In London, Billy Florenee has telt badly 7or fear hia "Hlgh^ Dollar" skoald stiare tbe same late. Let him rest In peace, for the mighty dollar t»fper Ihils And now another man turns up ("He's not an acrobat. Jimmy, bat a balloonist." "Keif, don't balloonlsts turn up, too?"] :and pro- poses to sail across the Atlantic In an alrsnlp. ThhiiB the man we've been looking for ever since the htst Atlantic aerial adventure, which fsned at the laet moment, owing to a rent In thebaDiran or Bhortness of the miloon in the amphitheatre Tent- acconnt This Is what we Ibund in one of onr esteemed contemporaries the other day: "Ule. Sarah B«.-nhardt doe<i not look exceedingly strong; bnt few even of the strongeet of her sex could sup- port the labor through which she goes. One Satur- day recenily. after playing In an aftemoon and an evening pegfbrmance, she rehearsed 'Fron-Fton' ftpn 12 p. M. nntu 6 o'clock the next morning."' Wetead this over thooghtftillythree tineiLtook off anr coat, sent James downstairs to tell th« J»m(«r to ton on the steam, and ln4m.Ste(tlie Aetest time on record) produced these _ IHMOBTAL LINER 'r' ■• Ibe Bernhardt ■nay tlilafc this latcsi stOK'. fietlbrthlnanewipBpKletter, Btidlelent to Ota ferherJastlog glory,' ' Bot we weWaod go h vans GatteL For ahe, alteraollngfwleelnadajr^ WlHi an Interval «iily to sap. Began at midnlghtvebeandng a play. Andthei foundhavthaysay.ataUnp. TbM's all very w<lir>at w« know of a tonow Who appeared on the Mage all day iA South Fenyslage). sad at midnight mallow ^eUkest*aoeeanata>ay: " Jlnd tbe oiAbt it waned, bet never his power. And he stepp^l not even to sap. And beatlofc-tne Bemhardt's time by an hour, Tber.itniiid'hlra StseTen.npt ......The tnessree In ruiaaeipblB ue la trouble. with nneratlo ironpes. died saddenly In PlasWDgTlZ L July 30. He left a wUa and fonr children. Georn FawcaitRowe, whoatlastkdvleeawaa still la Ton Ice. la to sail lor thla oountry ahnntAng. a9....Mra.C!ol.a. Ah- ston Brown arrived at Uveipoa on July a ^ itia a-atad that John BoCallomjh win next Hptlngact ii lLo" don, at Dmry-IaneTlHBUra... .Mme. KathI Lanner lading logatlhe Alhamhia.thateity^ "The World" la thetlde nranewplaybrnughtoatatDriiiy-IaneonJulySI.'. Wl>e Wolf Hopper waa married last «eek to Helen Oairiner. ..... .Sle. Liberatl bas been seenred for theCblcaco Ezhlbl^ tlon, beginning aboabthe middle ot SepiemberaiM keen. IdcupforsU weeka Bla comet guea with hlm-TlTla esU- ma-ed-hy cthle, ol coni*e-that there were fiwahnniind pttnnna ptesentat the breakthaL tendered on?|]v30br theRovaae dnb of London toaoAaof theAmatlcan acfora Jaibatclly. Barry Sullivan pr«4d»d. aad•U^^lroSlog the "American Stage" as a toast be give JobfllleCnBatien inopinnrtunlty to mpond. Cuaries MinwaMonnrend lor -Tiie American Newspaper Pma," ChulM^Slckeui propoaed the health of the AraertranSllnlrt?r, whoSoke tor hinjiellj and in behalf ot "Amerit^LiSSsra!?'' drased In hy the Earl of Ouuravrn. JiiUan H^wtho^ waaToanoelona W. J. Florence, MeKeeEaiSto J ^ Baymond and W. B. Sheridan were pitMBtT^ ftmiaS UstonoiilTed liora BngUnd on the 1st Insi.. .While bath- iy,*L'?25?.S»y t^"" tbeaotc olt, thewlfetS i^iini ^laljMnted. Hernbte-yearold daughter had the prS^ enceof i^d to catch her bytha hajEr, and the Lil?8 aaeamabcoagbtasalstaooe. When broiutht to the ahor^ Mra Welsh was thought to be de^ ttS*tSiita£imS nnmwsrlona state lor about three bonra Jamea Cooke. Ibe elieiu.mans«er, was arrested In Sag Harbor tbe olhnr day opon the charge of grand larceoy in having removed two of his hoaseauit had been attached fbrdebt. Kr Ooek^explainedthathehadbeeannawaieol the aitacb- me^ and he was ralaaacd, white the horse* went with thacoostabla. , , season there'twith H new comedy by W. S. ailbert, and his engage- ment was fur one huodred nights. - > - Tbe last week of the engagement of the Stew- arts . In Haverly'B Fonrteenth-street Theatre wlU be No change wUI be made In the enter- Oeobob Holland and eomblnatton. acting "Onr Gentlemen Frieads," are to be the opening attrac- tion of the season at the Standard Theatre Aug. 14. Ua^obb HenbtE/Abbet and wife mourn the deatlk'of their-youngeac child, which occurred JulvtS. / 'FUN OS TEE BBiST0L"l8tobe played ibr the binatlon, which will Include John' F; Sheridan, •Augustus J. Bruno, Hark Smith, Hynn Callce, Henry SavlUe, Wm. Conrtrlgfat. Frank TaimehllL Kate CasUeton, Agnes Hanecc and Harion Flske. The engagemenlls lor three weeks. The sbabom of Hav^rlyia Colored Hlnstiels In Nlblo's Gartlen la appro^blng tts termlnstloii. "Hazel Kibke" 'wlU continue to stve healthftil amusement to the patrons of the IIBdlaon'«iiure Theatre. Ebilt Riol. it is said,'Will be a member of Angnstln Daly'8 compaBT next aeasoiL W. Hkndebbon, In addition to i««it»g in|r Standard Theatre during the coming season, will present many strong attracttons In the New Eng- land'clreuit. Uav AOEB J. H. Hateblt Is to take posaession of the Fifth-avenue Theatre Sept. 1. His time there'lB already filled lutll February, USL . io. HAiniAN has left fbrAnstialla, via San Fran. •cisto.CaL A' w boko Date.— The poeten In the enter vestl- btde ofDaly'sTheatre state thatltwUIbe opened for the tegnlar season Aog. 16: bnt as thatdate thus on Sunday, an eirer has been made, 'which, or course, WlU be speedily recCUed. ■ Fbane EmEKBPEBOEB, agent Of the Grand CeU' tral TheatR,Le8dTUle, CoL. Is In town. Lome ALPBioH arrived dnrlng the past week. Habby Uinbb's Tbbatbb, which u now being €I1IAI^ '>''■ ttmvnnnttlw ■ ja— ^ __aaa a.- _ ~' Com J ,. delalde Phnippa. Heffira. Tom ■abeeilfcItonBid, Eammer- and nvthlngtuim, .to play ce" on a grand scale, wfth a By arrange ment with Uaril Kar: lee, \ "Th4 Sef Mhorooghly renovated, will be re i3^.f"55?^ Boston Ideal -!4lf,'S2"iS*»Banrt«**a Beebe; • - ■ cnv smuiAB.'F. JtMtB A. icbad]^ Who Is to be the atase-maiiager of IL B. Leavltt's Bn(mab:«pera Bnrlwne Cmn-/ pany, am Lisa Weber/T^^lns the B^Ssantleyl rompiuy arrived 4nf'' OiaaMUfi-Sgnt Bom Enipand. t*"^n>oor Maobicb De FBtf£ 11. ' Ment of London. BPn.** tfoin « very severe atta?*< Va«; ^ symptoms of ; moza waa sevei _to open the season of pber. ilTom Airope Aof. 1 In •..brought with Dim a , obe Ibr his troilesque Uaa Uarie Williams "oagdr «r the Areh-etreet ■Tlved Aug. a for .a tew ^agementa for the oomlng ^^iflTSoWell bdlah, Frank Chanftan. vHuBdied Wives" Com- KevBda,'.' Baker-and '.IS deeldcd Urxetam \ tour of the conntiy jnd^ \^ Brown |u» KQb to be pn>dti«e;f Sft, %Jn In HaTeriy'B Sour- only variety theatre In this city, where Holmes Grover Jr. and Mav Ue Lome are nightly encored by large and we)l-ple.<i$ed ancllencea A varied entertainment la offered by Dlrector-of-amuse- ments Uaraball at Woodward's GsTdens. Uyllyn appears twice each week, alnging popular twllads. Mile. Bertha In artistic songs-and dances, Signer Roaa In sometsanlting, pos- turing, etc, Profs. W. J. Payne and Lewis Xavier in Ibats of modem magic and the cabinet mystery, the Allen Slatere in dancea. Queen Kittle 10 specialties and Hawley and Bulslay In their leap for lltb, an act that always commands thon- dere of applause, woodward's Garden la one of the features of the city, and the performnnces therein are dlfflonlt to escel. The Callftimla, Standard and Grand Opera-house etlll remain cIgi)ed.....TheBev. T. De WlttTalmoge, under the manaitement of William W. Kelly of Carnival Dime, begins his eeaaon ol lectures at the Metro- politan Temple Ang. a Leaf by leaf the roses ttll, and following In the footsteps oi Jeffreys Lewis and Eleanor Carey, the pains- taking, talented and UBCftil Nellie Wethcrlll has at length conolnded to listen to the voice of the tempter and leave the Baldwin, a the- atre ahe had so long adorned. Prior to her departure for New Tork, where a lucrative engage- ment has been oflfered her, her many friends and the profession in general have tendered her a ben- efit, to take place In the California Theatre 31. which occaafon will be memorable by the laat ap- peanncea of Lew Uoirison, John Wilson, wiiile Slmms, James TIgfae, Kate Denin, Jean Clara Walters, Eleanor Carey aud Uollle Ravel, who aL«o wend their ways Eastward In aeareh of ISrae and foitnne....;.Fnortoher depannrelTom this city. Hiss Neilson presented stage-manager Eberle and Harry Wtdmer with two pins, which the deluded recipients at firat glance believed to be dia- monds! of the first water. Investigation com- pelled them to accept tbe knowledge that tbe wholesale price was ten dollora per doz. Eb- erle has returned his gift to the donor to her New Tork address Compton forgetting to pay bis bllU In this city, wad attached on the morning of hia departure, and the fair Neilson had to liquidate to get him out of trouble Madame Jennie Boyer and Sam Fabian take a Joint benefit 29, prior to their departure for Australia—The support now Ibrnlsbed at Baldw in's Is of a wretch- ed deacrtptlon. Mrs. F. M. Uatea and Mra. E. G. Cotton are offered poaltiona lu the stock company. Charles Funkenstein, dramatic agent, will doubtless manage the next Authors' C^rnlvaL" The BROAD-STREEr Theatre. Philadelphia. Is atUl for rent, John S. Clarke, its owner, wanting aiS.OCO per annum for It. Tbe "Cauforma TuRoron death Valley" Cobbinatiok has been on the road for five weeks, and their Bucccf^s, Avritcs an occa.ilonal corre- spondent, "has been far beyond tbeir moat san- guine expectations until tbcy reached Utah, where toey met many oimisrlea placed In their way by the Kormons, wbn used every means in their ¥ower to prevent the production of tbe drama, hey have played it twice In Ogden and five times In Salt Lake City under Uncle Sam's protection. They are to remain there a few nights more, and then go to Cheyenne. Denver and the Colorado cir- cuit; thence tbey make thelrway East, arriving In New York City about September." DHABA'rtc soisos In Columbus. O., are very dull, both theatres being cloeed. ConiBtock'8 Opera- house Is undergoing Improvements, new seenery being painted and tne auditorium newly treBcoed tbrongbouL Uanager Comstock inteniis opening the regular- season during reunion week, Aug. e, 10.11, with Harry Weber's '-Sip and Tuck" Com- Siny. No Improvements will t>e made at the Grand pera-bonse thla ecason—It will also be opened during reunion week with a Cnlon-sqnare com- pany, Ang, 10,11.12. ^ , . Anma Maria (Icisn, whose ad1reB.i find In an- other column, Is at liberty for leading and general bualncBS. , ... ^ ^ The Claibb Scott Cobbisation, of which the AigllBh actress Claire Scott IB the atar, wlU com- mence a traveling seanon on Aug. 23. The aup- porting company will include 8. E. Cobnm, man- ager; J- B. Klley, John Gleason and Hannah Hunt. F. F. MendeohBll is boBlnesa-manager, and W. J. O'Blennls advance-agent. A heavy-man, a comedian, a Jnvenlle-lady and a firat old woman are wanted. See advertisement. Jt7T.(A De Touko, late of the Corlnne Jnveulle- onera Company, has been engaged by John Rlcka- byfor the part of Fanny in "Our German Senator." Ohablbs Gbates, a London comedian, sailed for tblsxonntry July 31, to Join Rice's "Evangeline" Combination, which eommences lis next seaflon in New Tork Aug. 30. Topsy Venn, alBO an English eonsln. will be a member of the same irentleman a BnrprtBe Party, who open In Philadelphia on the "^Sr^intBA-HOtrsE.—Pltchhnrg. Mass., Is to have a new opera-house—Whitney's—capable of seating eleven hundred persons, witli etandlng- roomibrIburhundred more. Theanditoriuin wlU be forty by seventy feet, with a gallery on tl«e "desoTthebouse, tbe trJnt being thirty-a i feet deep. In addition there are to be two smaller gaJ- leria extending IVom the proacenlom waU to the middle of the house. The stage '»'Yeh'y-*'"" •>/ tarty feet, and the opening twenty-eight by thlrty- elghv Fourteen (Ireaslng-rooms wiu accommo- '*CBAarj!?UaTia, who has been apendlng aome time In ClndijnSl, Q., leB there for New York ''i^nlBOH Eamv" co'ioBATioHU'ttieilUeora wn?^iSny tostartont^orUy. hartngtotheir repertoTrWdiamas "THaIron amfl,"adrraa- tIaSlon of Dumas' novel of "■5*^. JSi •Shadowed tm.DeatlL" a «enBtI(ml_Amert»n SpriggB-Gea Scott, Btella Leland^Aa^urWanrt, ^Ldle Haiaon aiu'ABle Bheppard. C^ViiLJ^ Decker U the proprietor and manager, jugro* mbmdlKB^dnmatle'agents, are amnglng dates fiir the coming tour. See card- R. U, HooLET and family of <?!? y, B under Theatre, Philadelphia, eays he Is stIU nnable to Oanttnwa on paot. ISS. AMUSEMENTS. STEELE .MACBAVE..TT Manager "Siaadlne-room Onl^> In wpite of mldsnmmer, EXTRAOKDINAKY SL'I^CESf). EXTKAORDIN'AKV BL'CCESS. HAZEL HAZEL HAZEL ILA-VEItUY'S J. U. HA^'ERLr OF OPEN' ALL Sl'MJlER. KIRRR KIRKE. KIRKE. KIRKE. 20-11 rOL'RlEE.NTli-<!TBEET THEATRE. Priipnetrtr and Manager SECOND AN'D LAST WEEK ■ ' - igajcen TUE STEWAKT SltiTERS , . . AND MR. R. STEWART In their own specialty entsrialDinent nf rainbow hbvels. mati^^ees wedslsdav an'd saturday. Monday. Aug. 9, lliat reprir<ntailnn m New York, Jarrett A Blcn'a cotiiedy oddity PCS OS TUE BRISTOL. aU-lt lI.WKrtLi if'fS .SIBLU'6 GARDEN- THEATRE J. II. HAVERLY Proprietor and Baosger E U. niLMUKE Associate-manager SIXTH WEEK. BL'CCESa RIXTH WEEK. nAVERLY'.-t OENUINE COLORED MINRTRELR. lOU PERFORMERS. 'At ENU.MEN, 3 MIDDLE-ME.N', 4U FEMALE KI,NGER.S. CORPS OF SlfOLTERS, In tbe Oreateat FIrat-part ever seen. EVERY EVENINd AND WEDNESDAY AND SATUR- DAY MATI.NEES. a).It Staxkd .Aside lor t:Iie NEW JBOBS I NATIONAL THEATRE MICHAEL HENMANX.... ARTIIt'R SrRAnUE ... Sole Proprietor .-Stace-muuger WILL OPEN F4)BTHE SEASON UF 1880 AND 'HI OS OR ADOUT OCT. 2. The niaRlliac«Di etllflce to hvmr the Above natne „. DAW belDc erecttrd un tbe tlie of the "Old N'utlODal duT' lien." Non. IU4 tod IU6 Bowery. At aaeoonnouii expeunf, - . . Pol- and wheo cumplvtMl It will Im TIIE OEM OF THE HoW EKT. bavlDg A Unre. well-fctiicked Mue, with aJI modem uppnlnUueDie. lullable fur the production ol soytbiDK the r«Ke ot tbedar lOHy call for, irom ihe light tarce to the heavy tracedy. Tbe eatfrtalninvot to be fflvenwUlataU ttmea loclude an olio ol apeclaltlea. aecond lo oooe Id tbe city. So money will be spared Id cat^rin^ to ibe comfort ol penormeni. a* the dreMlns-roomfl will be larae aod spaelouB. WANTED-SPECfALTY ARTIdTS ol recognlz«:d ablhty to communicate immeUUtely for tbe opttmoc weeks, lo perhon or by letier, to M. HEN'MaXN or ARTHUR SPRAGL'E. ypoe but flret claM people need apply. • 20-lt< DIOE PARSER'S AMERICAN THEATRE THIRD AVE.Nt'E. BETWEEN' THIRTIETH TUIRTY-KIBST STKEE'TS, NEW YORK, Beopeoa Aogunt Iti with tlie Great PAT ROONEY AND A ORASD COMPAN'Y. JO-Ittt OoodieleTBneeg}'--— — WALTER WIBLE. Ne wton. Kaaas. cooD coMra-vT^ ven. Addma Good ttaeaulcal town. IBW L. GE ROCLP. ~oE5 OrSi^RD. "N^tf ^Tls SiaJd Val«.« M^llnceompanles. lectures, concerts andeiUdl. ^ilng «J1sS7. aa). Good stage, scenety dnu- log°™i5! aS5 gSod immaementa ttBeiMy.\s«A company can do a heavy boslneaa. At pr««o« "™» n?^''fi^^STtt™ct ootlc/of m.y^ daiaa and tarma a dd ress WESL EY (I . »M 1^ . -^sXxSTKiVJSR. OX»I3RA..MOU»i|. Glimmer season, 'andean tw aecured by mana«<.rf ol tric- fiM CTiSbmatloM for Hiori «ason. Bent W. «'Ig pl« eSSIbliulona on ptrcOTtaie. Seaimg capac.rj-. l.Ml •«r terms »PPl^tO-^„,„ .-rai and Agent, Fall Blver (Mass.) Op«ra.hnnw.. ItI2t» •■^liSlfflCAPP'^ to thcattv I P. O. B..aT" Jerwr Cliy. 'Sweet May Bella." Blllv EmanHin'a latest sncrr<s Sr^ *Oh, What a Baautyl'* Qu* Wlllinnta' new aong. 40e.; ■Hon- Mnch Doeatha Baby \7elgb>°> Will S. Hayt, •ea; by T. B. Dixon, lie : "Don't Poiget a Pnend." aunc bj C. H. Daooin. 40c; "Keep on de Ulddle Ob de Road." soog br BUly Ketaanda, We. Also sonaa that "bit," and "L.: hard." "My Ll'.tle Treasure," by Frsnk Dumout, dr.: "Hannah, la Yoo Dar," Will 8. Ilaya, MSc; "Alat I Glad," by Frank T. BrUtnw.Uc.: "Little Log Cabin bv de Stream," by Billy RadcllfrcSSc : "Lltlle Bright E;ea. ' by J. II. Mack, Wc. OEO. D. KEWllALL * CO.. Cincin- nati, O . * ALTO.S, ILL. I'opulaiion ol City and suburbs, IMBO. oa C. t A., I. a St, L., aud Kt Louis A Kansaa City K. R.'a Amu<maieoia well patronized. Flrat-daaa alMiwa rec«iT« crowded bouses. Ball In every respect flrat-clas*, with good ventilation, scenery and drraaiog.rovms. Scaunc capacity for AOO. Liberal advertising will hisnre ibj bouaa. PInct-claaa campanlea plaved on a nereaniage. For particulars apply to LEVIS * DETRICH, Ig.iat Altoo, m. TICIUBUbu, MISS. BBATlMt CAl'ACITY, SB. Centra] location; good stage and aaeneiy. etc. Combina- tlona playing In Hew Orleana and Mobile will Bnd tLis a dsttnibis stand. Bent or shsre. Popnlailoo, U,ODa Address WACUENHEUI A BEBMAN, _lJ.13t^ Propiietota. FOR t>iA.LiIO—A TBAINED DONKEY. A PEBFECT BEAUTY. MRB. OKI.NNELL. 10.Ut ausUrrccr street. Hew YorkCity. AT LIBBKTY KOR NEXT REAMIN, MlSd AN.SETTI GALLKTTI, PREHIERE DANSEUHB ASaOLCTA. A Flrat-class Artist lur Opera, Pantomime and Specucn- lar Pieces. Direct ANNETTA OAXlETn. _17.dt tl Walson street, Baltimore. Md. IVO'X^ICJK TO BlAJTA.O£:itS. W. N. VIVTOR, Mala Bopraoo aod 'Female Impentonalor, can ba aogaged for tbe aaaaon ot USD and 'ftl with flrst- clsjis MlnstreL Burlesque Opera or Coocert Conipanr. Addreaa 412 Weat FItiy-elgtath atreet, Naw York. I7-«1' COTJIVCIJL. BJLiUFFS, lO^WA. . BLOOM A NIXON'll OPEKA IIOUSE has been reltted by ao axparleocad alage-carpanter and acenic artist wlt^ new drMSlng-ruoin* and i nill aetol ninnlOEaceBciy. Open for engaoementa Sept. i, itfiv. Addnr*.. ALOOM 4 NIXONH OFERA-UOUSK 19-It* t »nncil BloHs, la. WALKING UE.S'11i AND SLSOINO PABT8, _ AT LIBERTY, Address 333 East Thirty-flrat atreet. or care of BIMMONm A BROWN, W-ai» ea Broadaay, New Yort. EUKEVEFOBT, LA. HYAMS it FORD Manaceia This ho lae haa t>een thoroogbly ranoTatcO. and will he- ready for opening about Sept. 1. IbSD. Seatltig capacity, T9U. Gooil Khow-umo. Will rant on reasonable terms, or share with flrst-claas combloatlona. T. J. LEATON. B1LLP03TEB. Add:«sa all communlcatloiu lo IS-Ui* BYAMS A FORD. of Plays, Wigs, BeardiL Colored F'lrea. Cork, etc, malUfd Iree. JAS. P. CBOBBES, 8 Latayette place. X. Y. I3-I3t* J»lA.CiIt; - X.iAJ>4TlCr*r<fW AND RL1DE» wanted. MH:dC'Uoterna and tilldea fur aale. lllustrat/ ' eatalogne. ISO pp., and lecture. lOc TUEO. J. UARBACI OB FUbertstrert. PhlUdelphla. Pa. li-SK* S. NOVELTY THEATRE, BROOKIs-STT, E. D., MEW VOBK. Theall & Williams, ManagerSa ADDBESa ALL OOMMnWICATIONB AB ABOVE. y.'t —lodlunapylls and Loots. TUle papers speak <>f ilENATOK PRANK BELL as follows: Senator Frank Bell's speecb Is without a donbt tha beat that was ever delivered In tbIs city, being brand-new and tODcblDg on all topics of Interest. • • • • senaur Frank Uell, who Is retained at the Knickerbocker thb week, la an exoelleot card. Uiaspeach la tha b, at beard here tor many a day. • • • • The chief eaceliance of thla performer Is ttiat be baa gottaa out or the benten path of variety stump.speakera, and ebooaea anbjecta which he handiea akllllully and In a manner la bnogout laughter. Acdreu _ a»-it» rBONE'R NTiWrnEATBE, lodiaoapolU, Ind. JE>A«OF. i-'iiCiO^TTAilt, with hia ALTOMATON STKO and other lUoalona, can be engaged for Moaeoms and Sldeshown by addreawlng JOHN K. HOVItYorPBOF. FEGOEITER, JOIt* Oakland Garden, Boaton. Maaa. Z<rjE:X> MTKAJ.GIiT Compoaea Mualc to Worda or Worda to Mualc Alao Dramaa, Bttrlesones, Leetnrca, Gaga, etc Incloaeatamp, m Bllrahetb atreet. New Yort. fTAXtK-KK'S TUEATBE COMWCB. CaIBO, rr.T. BARRY WALKER Proorlelor THEATRE COMIQCE, PADUCAB, KY. C. W. LAXBDLV I...Proprietor Talent wanted ImmedlaieIr, especially ladies Can plsy giiOd people from fonr to six weeks. Addrea FlAMHY wXl.fiER. iralm.IlL 15^5^ caUng at Lake UlnnttonKa, neu Fbedbick BBTTOMHaa Bfarted Eaat to engage a dramatic company, and he will own Fence opeia- bonse, HInneapoIlB. Hlnn., An?, so. . .' - - • "Panz's" (J. K. Emmet) new residence, netween Trey and Albany, Is being pnalied forwanl. Tat fliBt BtoiT la np and the bam Is completed, Bkbmrabdt'b date of opening at the CDeBt. et TUMtre, miadclpUs, will be fan. s, SfOit WAJ^Jh-, t Tenta. lU Paintloga. Ofgaos. etc. Wanted. Pnnek snd.Jndy men, jDaglani and fir! cassises. Address W< XID BROS., Vem o nlN. J. »-u a i l-: . O ne tent. 29(11 by «1L, (00, complete. Monkeys, (ID each. Ivory tusk, ia »■'' * J. W. COUCH, Chicago, UL PIBST-CLASS MINBTBEL ->».aJ«. ^ male and femsle; al«, MUSIClAsS V"^^ '°"'}-^^^—^-^''tM\UTtljtm Sober people only wsnted. Those that playbrass preferred. ' a>:lt» , CAJttgA JOBN SOK. Lexington. Ky. ■w^alStBS ' FOB IBE PALL AND WINTER SEABOIT. A good Juvenile Man, Heavy Man and Walking Gent, Good pitatelaM Comedian, PlaAbt, Soubniite, Old "Woman and Hl^^f^^AJ^^^ ftwgood Utility People. Salaries BWi'J'P^V**'*'off the stage. HELEN MAMB. 3*4 shawmot avenue, Boston, Maaa. ant* . W^AJt 1<£:]>-TlollsIst who pUys Piano, Specialty AitWaandAoobata to trayel. Stale terms. Expenses P"t-:- 8ANFOBOACO.. MW BSEUxafceth street. New Yorfc W-AJKTAiU FOR PALL FAJBS, A SEOOND-HAND ORGAN', aCticasalan lady and a man to do slelght-oi-hand aod Pnnch-aad-Jody. Addreaa JOUN KEATINO, 2D.|ta. - ■ Care Washbtim's Show, nnlunrtlle. CL "W A. W T E rJ-FOTTB. OOUOXtSD MUSICIANS, who Can play brass snd slag la toaitat. Ad- dress A. B. C., earn CLIPPKR. m lt» nEH OP ATTRACTIVKqUALJTIBS TO EXHIBIT IN MCSBUMS. Engaged by tne month or seaaosi ir satlalii» un. Addreaa, sWlag Mras^ «t«.| BABLOW. care of CUrrSB Office. »l;a TitA-VKLJNG S1AJ<I'» HOME '■ conceded the Great Weatem Uaicl, I.S13 Market sc., Pti: IMi. delphia. Pa., oppnalte Wanaroaker a Grand Det*ot- Il-ITl- ; Burlcaonea, LMoras, etc, written to order. . -» • J, g_ y^TH . I-tl in Heat er stre et. New Tork. MACilCAlj MA-WUI^ACTOB'Sr A variety of very elegant Illusions, Tencrlloqalal and Pun:b-aod-Judy flgurea always nn hand: alao tne Bplrltnal' Padlock, price t7; new Improved Portable Patay-Btar, t9; nev book on Puneh-anJ.Judy. 80 pages, U UhutraUoos, Sc. Send 3c toe price-Uat or 10c IDostiated U>- pase'l Catalogue. Addreaa W. J. JCSD, 19.21* 131 Henry sL, New York. TWO ■WJ^T'ED TO illUE—ONE OB CIKOt'STENTB FOR TWO WEEKS. Address 19 a t E. W. HE WITT, Box d W^tlanta. Ga AToA-DEMir OF' Mcreiioi lis AND IS BANDOLPU BTREET, DBTBOIT. MICH. JOHN P. lONO Proprtetor Open tbe yearnrand. Artlsta ean alwaya Oil time, ea- pecuklly ladles, by addreaalng as abova^ !**_ CAArPEXUBURir' Booth Blxllk A, St. Loola, Mo. Egan A Oropper. Propiietoia. Chris, Katbewa, stage-manager. Wanted—Plrst-cla» Specialty Attlata, male and female. All letiera anawered. l»-«c* OTT A 1VfT»AIOjr COXTSSI-r f AXIW JLL. EICUBERil'SOPEBA-UALLte reotfortheweCK Sept 20taSatSI2.Uper nlaht. Good company will d» welL Pleaae addreaa EICBBEBC BBOS., 19.4t Champalirn, ID. CX'X'Id TTAa .X _ PULTO.V. MO. TbtaoewbnlldlDg, now locuorseof erection, win be com- pleted and ready tor occapaocy Anc U, USD. It wlD seat w> to duo persona. The Fnltoo CaHowar Cotmty Fair will etnnmenee Aug. U. iSBO. Manacvn of combinations, please addreaa to HBKBV BAUBB, Kulion. Mo. l»^t» for the tatiM of l«a Trained Docs, Aciobatle Bonf-anS- danes Men, High stilt Pertnrmera that oao alng and talk well, and ennoalilea and attraetloaa of aU kinda. Peop'a that play braaa In band praferred. Address WM. XA1.N, Tnimboll, Asbubula County. O. 19.3:^ WAJHTJEir*— '■ ~ A CHAKACTEB-ACrOR WHO KaB an BiirAULIBUEU BBPUTATIOK. Such a one dMlrliul to BTAR a good DRAWING SEN- SATION DRAMA tSat hasoade a hit can address lor terms, particulars, etc, WM. H. BAKER, l»tt» AtlaglieBy Bprlnga, Va. WJk^'A'AJAS FOR A FIBSr-OLASB EBTABLUB^ ED TRATEUKO UOMPAMT tor the ataiOD of ISO snd •SJ, Leader ol Orchcaia, VOnr Mtuldaa* no ootslde play. Ing required),, SneeiaUy Artists, OonMs Song-and-^ce Men (bualneaa In black), and One Competent Female Ba:- lad-alnger. AddreasTATLBUB^'BD^ICATICAGENCY, e u Broadway. New T ortt. A SEboND LOW OOXEDIAN SOME UnUTT PEOPLE AT OUCh, Salary moat be low. aO.It^ J. B. ABHTOW, Edenbatg. Pi. EKAHAMj^ rtn.Cana^.. OOOX> OOKIXET. wosld like a situation with aome P1BST-CLA88 COMFAMt A GOOD BnaBB, ifn««led, and Of Steady babiiB. BaveaOiagaurys-a Addreaa WILLIAM GE »-lt» BelleTllle. Ontailn. JUTUOLB LAST. CAR BE EMOAOSD - ^ tetha . 00] AOSBE8B uDma