New York Clipper (Aug 1880)

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August 7, 1880. AMUSEMENTS. nSED TO BEICB-N THA>TtB TO MANAOERS FOB THEIB LIBEBAI. OFFERS LS BEOABD TO ENCAOINO HE THE COMING EEASoX BCrr I CAHSVT ACCEfTANY, FOB I BAVB SIO COXTBACTB TO TBAVEL WlrH HETWOOD BBOTHEBS' . SEW rOBK MASTODON SHOW -TOR TWELVE MO^BS. I WI>IH_TO INFOBX MT FKIEHIM AXD TH&rOBUC THAT I SHAU. fI.ATTHB COMOIO SEASOK A imiBBB or HEW ooSI5rS)LOi J. A. CBEKSTTI.I.E. am VAKTED—ComMUa. I-~hi-- ~^ Hc»^ I nr«Oldy«i. Ctm^Ibn. m« wli"i,i7uy SSS S lerrrt. a TeDor.dmnima-and mu Orcheto ili«duoSl , OHAa. E. DO&ON. Muuccr, >^S337^— '■ ~ BABITON the ru> ' .aobeei 20-ti D. P. rAULD-a Hoale-Mon, LoQl imile. Kt- OI»JEItA.-IIotjSEjfcr OyLTlSifeSLi^'™-^'*- wa^i^eb^I'b*52'S™oJ[:^a: «n»>lch trade pnbmd. Addri!« . P. T. MrOTEL. Knlionio. InJ. ijAJXdr«-»Awi" .Ajxjj vt»«jA^x«-x~ V» ANTED TO TBAVEL with TD«CEI>T8 ASTEBTISINO WAOON. Appir at ones b7 nun ti> OEO. E. TIKCESr A CO . Cooeaaa tre, y. t. 3D-lt At Ub«Ry lor next niaAt«r, Dinctor ext auMn. 81UNOB CABBELI^' Ballet. ^ubSIP"Sii;5L^^£.r'*^A5H,"^" °" AGENT, AddT«M JI L Clare , W. Ta. g Uf • "the idfs^^Bf'ss'Bfsaft;^:^"^-"^^ WAVTED. o'SSi'Syiilf *^>'"'^- _AdJreiu»reot_CLlPPEB.^^ '•o' ^^^^ Jf*"™- «Of "axB«S£5;/6rS7p»».?rtt*Jk. KS'piSh fJtW^fntor MISS MINNIE CVmIIIXOB at hll £SI^;ftU5"'f.'''"'"-of -SUSPECTED." tothemaiiaKementaadallcoaanicd. Jfim ri-WHT«i^<i I UU8 BOTaNER, Treanirer. T.-SL'''-•» P«P«r«l to iusoUat« Willi Dial sera lor ^ SnSPECTED, and A Iirge, brinitat r«p«rtr>ln AldnuX. UHMJUf.asa w. - Tork. e. PrlollDiruiuiirpaiud. Fonj-slxtb atrvel. New OPEN DATES FOR ALL THE GREAT SOIITiWESTEl CiCIHT FROM THE ATLANTIC TO THE PACIFIC and Spe. THE m Pi, PROVIDENCE, R. I., WILL OPEN THE SEASON OF 1880-81 MONDAY, AUG. 30. HARTFORD, CT., MONDAY, SEPT. 13. f ability wlnblni: <>D;;Beemenin at thD mil'1r«B0 HOPKINS A MORRow. l^upr , B. I., or ihelr uuthorizcd aireDt. h Artists of ability -piacM vill ""*"* .. aboTO l^oprietora. FruTl(]CDc«, B. I., or ihelr uuthorizcd annt. MH."r rrTZGERALl>. 216 Bowery. New York. iDclojie no AtAmpa or poetAl-c&rda, as alienee la a. polite Dentlve. Write again. — 20-lt Ml inunisi Tonkers, N- T. PopuIattoD br city. 20,000. Sea:lnjr capftcitj of Hall. 600. Srttiutf capacity of gaUeiy. 200. piramalon* of ataee (between acentiy), IffxSSfteL Sc«n»jy, 14 piecca. HaJl hrated by ntcam and Ughted by electricity, Forpaitlculan, addrens AGENT Waahbom Bplidipg. Yon>er», W. Y. DAVIS & C0„,. AflUMs of ClaljM Collected Thronsh- ■ out the United St .tes. OFFICE, No. I60VINE ST., p. 0. Box 586, dHCIMTATI, 0. .iudTarteiratam. Tbo« wlablogeniiajjemeDta wui «po,»«am.«.M«^^g-^ CO., , ■ „ S.U T heatTlc^lAnen' . IIP Vlne_at^i;iDCHm«M " I»nmstte Stan of UblHtr and Ayat^tiM^ Flnt-dui CmUBitlona clalty Irtbts can secnre dates at aU times liith tteMbwlB^ aanasvre : MiMBM THEME, PHiyDELPflU, FBED AXES, Manager. I MOHENTiL THEITRE, BiL»RE, A. KEBNAH, Proprietor and Manager. HATRE (lOMQDE, WJIHGTON, D. C, BUDD & O'NEIL, Proprietors. JAKE BUDD, Manager. VllLLLm' itJDEIMY OF Wm, PITIMR6, H. W. WnJJAMS, Sole Proprietor and Manager. COUSEDM THEME, DETROIT, MICH., CHAS. 0. WHITE, Manager. OLTHPIt THEITRE, CHICAGO, HI., Z. W. SPBAGEE, Proprietor and Manager. Vlll-mEET OPERA-HOUSE, CWCINNiTI, 0., COL. T. E. SNELBACKEB, Proprietor and Manager. BUCEINGHM THEITRE, LOUISVILLE, EY., P. WHALLEN, Proprietor. J. H. WHALLEN, Manager. JOHN MCBSISSET, Assistant Manager. CROn n THEATRE, WAPOLIS, M, JACOB CEOKE, Proprietor and Manager. ITCHEll'S THEATRE COMIQCE, ST. lODIS, MO., W. H. SMITH, Manager. THEA1RE COIQIIG, KANSAS CM, MO., TAL LOTE, Proprietor and Manager. WOOD'S OFERA-HOIISE, LBADmE, COL, J. H. WOOD, Manager. COL. CHAS. O. WHITE, or W. H. SKITH, Sinclair House, corner Eighth street and Broadway, New York. IV EG A.TIVJE1. 20. U» GRAND REOPENING 5 EVEEYTHING NEW INSIDE. Sl^M^'r^il-G.'J^iTf yarns! ^ "'SS'VaS ^^n??^r-^--—3^^^ THE GRAIiD COMIC REHEARSAL _ OTHERS ARE sM.t.Ms*. *'"'** f»AXFOir" /\ F OA fT #Mtt t T W ^ * i iiBimrffi AIl..S™TrS^r^:^S^^?l?oiS?ro;7?oTn.°u?r.7.tiT.JS^„St«Vri^^ JACOB ~ •erraot, CRONE. I PCTTTICM J*W^"—^ EOBINSON'S OPERA-HOUSE CINCINNATI, 0. All OOUlUJ' ^^^^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^» ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^ —— GRAND CEfiTRAL THEATRE, T/EA11VII.I.E. COLORADO. . . Proprietor. ViSsrTbeatro Weat of "tlie Missiaslppi River. 13th. 159 13th OF THE OI.r>, RET-TATIT.-F-. TONT DENIER'S PAHTOMIME TROUPE STANDARD NEW THE NATIONAL FAVORITES. SUCCESS PILING UPON SUCCESS. THE RETURN VISIT TO CLEVELAND, OHIO, AN OVATION THE RETURN VISfT TO BUFFALO, N. Y., A POPULAR DEMONSTRATWH CBOWDS UNABLE TO OBTAIN SEEING-EOOM. CQM" P A TV rY i^:ew oomi>^ivy of or SPECIALTT ABTISTS, OBCHESTBA and BBASS BAKD GEO. H. ADAMS AJ.1> A FCLL A.\D EFFICTE.ST PANTOMIME, SPECIALTY DRAMATIC COMPANY, OBQAKIZED iSFECIALLY FOB THE NEW DEPARTURE ami pradairttoa of ■ dramatic asd pantoK ic abranlltr. ftiU ef rlb lklcllnc /r>inC7 qnaljitMtarall CDactlta.^e ribearUlor amateur paotAmJiae. aud coadudlDc «l£h ne»- Teraloo of » HdMPTT DTTMPTY done la tbe klflbeat rtyle of the art. with a upleDdlil oompmi&rot flnit-claju naBinmi»ii.i. — Ibe Of ao ^^^^^ Bim BifnTiitihfP^'?si*Tfi*fiwijnB wi« WBITTEN EXPBES8LT FOR TOXT DENIER BT OBO- H. AFIAMrt aone m toe iinbeat ttjle of the ait. with a 'i? "™P»Vo' flnrt-elaM panloiDlmlMj, »'dM hj new aeenerj, trick, and wardrake eotUleu TICKLED, HUHPIY DUMPTY MEWiy HATCHED, = 'i?>''.^'''S COMPAKY BT MB. SCOTT MARBLE. FBOM IDEAS FL'RMSUED Bl UBU. H. AAAMS FRO.M B13 OWK I.NNBB CONSCIOUaifESS. THE COMICAL HOROSCOPE. CAST BY THE GOBLINS OF QRIM: GEO. WADBY DUMPS, fresh ftom school, and called by the boys Hompy Bampy, on ncooant of hb white complexion, cansed by eating slate pencils and chalk, afterwards CLOWN In the pantomime, ^ MB. OEO. H. ADAMS MCiDEMDK PABSOK.C, his tntellectnol dir. ctor-"Ch yes, yon know aU, .^.f.?"**^""**'"^" MB" JOHN O. HALL AUGUSTUS SPARKIKS, his sister's attachment, more of a Singer than a r^JTi'^*''®''EUMCE I'OUISE BEBLIKBA, a beUe of the kitchen, constantly ringing In her Ideas of tragedy, comedy and bnrlesqne, and chinning her Tocal accomplish- ments at all honrs of the clock MISS TILLIE ANTONIO SSUFFEB, the demon property-man CHAELKY SCHILLINO MBS. SOPHROMA DUMPS, the oratorical mother MBS. LIZZIE CLARINDA ni MPS, tiie meek and lowly skter MISS 3' »i"»'i the Illnstratlre wife MISS auKs. BuruKUiiiA uujUTi, the oratorical mother MBS. LIZZIE BET^OLUS CLARINDA ni MPS, tiie meek and lowly skter MISS MATTIE AKTONIO MRS. CAN TOOT, the IllnstratlTe wife MISS AUCE COLEMAN WATKINS TOTTI.E, bmsqne and demonstratlTe MB. JOHN SPABKS MRS. TOTTLE, the sUeot wife Mfss virmniA wnnTii TOTTLE, the sUeot wife MISS VICfORIA NOBTH MB. H.. E. Can TOOT, his own bngler MB. JOE SPABKS BILL WIRE, a telegraph-boy LOUIS PILBER BEZY, a maiden forlorn COTERIE OF SPEOailTY ti^fiUKATED TKIO OF SfiMSH TBOUBADOUIKJ GO *JST> Tizt-fcJ ><LIM A SC WEST OIV THE OF ALL VAUDEVILLE _ TONY MTA. H. S. WANDBBSON. Manager. l»-irj EMIGItAIVT T RATW f-. GREATEST SHOWS ON EJUITH. B Pvojpvtotor. J. A. MNOESS. BBBlnegg'agrot. "A I.A BOKKK HErRE." IHK PHIDB OR THE IRIBH, JABKES HXSARNS, . « . °"E*TEST or ALL IfEAT IRISH VOCALISTS. IRISH JIO AXD REEL DASCEBa ' * PATTERN FOR ALL. I COPT NO ONE. REEL DANCEBa ^^v, aiui. A \jj>rx Uiic RESULT—A GRAND SUCCESS. una. ■e«.«i«.«. ALWAYS FRODCCIMO SOSIRTBINO NEW K\-ERV 8KASO<f. MEW REPERTOIRE OF SONQB AND RECITATIOM FM THE eOMINT :^■ER IDLE; ALWAYS PRODCCINQ SOSIRTBINO NEW EVERT SEASON SONaS AND RECITATIOM FM THE CORHNO SEASON (COPTRiaHTEO), VILt KECrTA-TIOMS I rhen next th. ' (by O. R. ~ WTC nnonBH HeciiatloDA *n coc o. a. 1 will P<M1TIV-ELT proweat. them The paat aucceaa a -«-—»" '— •«— .v... "ROBERT EUMETT.or wncn oei onrea tluu their cottafe-homea** (by O The aboTe Soon aid Reeltatlooa aix tlon, a. I R. Been) aonlTemr, of hU execnlloo Ir»- romei may there be do Like %rt t>«> In IrvUmL """+ir~ ■ " V '• ••«»*-B prviwcaw (Dam lo loe ran ^leDto( tbe law iame undaranj '"rs.'jw^-ar.r.s^n^a.feg/^^'tsiirpj^ ^^^^^^ THE ATTRACTION FOB 1880-8L THE IBON HAND COMBINATION. WITH TWO rowxarrL drahab. ' "THi M HMD, OR THE CM OF COID," SHADOWED mi DEATH, OR SAVED AT lAST." th.^lS?,^ 2?j?o'*om' '^"•"»"'>''«««•>«'<» of AUaAKDER Df HAB* eelehraled «n,t adaptkia of Al£XAKDER DUMAB* eclehraled ami "rfSe a'/ho'lS"*™" ••OMIIooal. nsttolo- MR. FKA.NK IR-VrPTO, i»m. "WM. ti. Tor>T>. AKies eiA.i>iE HA.!^siorf, « principal cbaracten. and Ihelr namee are amiflaeht gnar- •. MAILiMnTrBO, LR'V Sma>w.rma MR. GEO. SCOTT. MIH^ AMiELiIA. WA^TTOET, CAPTAIN J. W. DECKER, Sole Proprietor and Manaser. For time applf tu manager, or - * UOON Ac THORNDZKE. T4« Bioadwmr, New Tork Cltr. »-li- THE CAJiirFOIiWIA. TEAJW, MASTERS ORNDORFF AND McDONALD. •l?^,*^^*^ "J™ raclBc Coait. where ther hare miOUed ——-...^t-'Tj^ . — .-=.phi Theatre and one year at the B.lla l>aloo Thntre San TMcS^l^ST^iiiZ^: montbi innniDa^ •llle_pn Aelr way Eart. the, open rtortly at m. JTlhTprindSlliriSV !£l.SJ^??„a ^i^^A hftTeJu.. M.iTw I. Adelphi Theatre and avit* ••uw. Ban nanclMo. and erea^ r the principal Ta>1eiTUm>m In tnU eltj M. iPlTZoJ IfOtlClD "EIXCTED CLIPPER °f °«It weekj BUOS. Jolm JOSEPT1 SSSiSVAT10Ni5.^IOTEU INDIAWAFOLIB. ISD. For rent by tbe day or week. I foi •HI be employed. AU rech dclrlng to Tialt the MetropoU. of the W^, ffjjSlffig.'afB^wg^WnrTort ~AitFnr,E'S MAMHIOTH M1N8TRBL.S. A . . . ! solo rroprtotoT- ond ai»n»B«ir. /^.^M«ti^^^OTTR OF TBE UNITED STATES ON OR ABOUT AUGUST 16. •treet and Broadway, Sew Tork. i * Wl WEST WASHINGTON STREW, Indianapolis^ J„?e^' C. E. FLAGG '^jjaoaf^er l}£«%'S?ed\V;iitto;i'boVhmVleindlVmal.^^ SECOND STARRING TOUR Of the Celebrated English Aclress i^';?a5?t.^jn5^T«s'7s>^^^ tool Jin. Mary Allen, '••T.^,';"'*''= K. COBUBN, Tde^ph or write ImmedUtely^^ ^b- fj,^JJ,„, obio. fcTfllNOOEMEMBER^ Tie Orltflnal ..gpeoiaXty Trfo. IBTIN T. BI3SH and cms AND JENNIE BEESE, Wd«"i^«wor^^^V^ th. coming ...«=, "^f^ ^^BH iKSJScalliit aod Bas«>. O^eraorBollMQa*. M»2> jJJ^ gt. Lonll, Ime/Rentz's Minstrels, TH\t"«'lSSM"tJ?"S«U Yort atlUi. Lreet ana jroaow j. »^*.-a - - ^——■ - =^ —" 'ooiL-xseum: oi^era. - house, "c-TWCrKWA.1-1, OHIO. „ :P«XTZ.BHf^MA^^^^ Thl.'^".S.Y=Srt^;mp-e-o^.heleai.lma.edramaw^ pI&A^oTcOMEpY^MBINATm.N:^^ .,ar. or th. prore..lon. Dnunatlo PT BAMIBEZ. the Champion Mandttlli4 of the worid. A rt^VT*"^ u of $l,00O to-prodnce b|s equal; ^| utnaing chaU MLLE. H0BTEN5E, the wonderful gnltariWd soprano Tocaltot. «t«^ dlBeri-nt languages. Z' (iUILLERMO, the little wonder Tocallfit and mniGntallst. " LITTLE ODJS Ct^LXJMJN OJSOJLil>. Tlie iiil<].ue. KISS TILLlSkNTONIO, m her eleotrlc cHansces of co4ne o-nd vooaUxation. Jolm. THE S^RKS, Joe. T«E TWO <^0^-^AlL^^^^^d^^V:^*^*'^^ aeU..ato« MISS ALICE )OLEMAN ot THE oox.E^^A«r^«^=«-.i^^^ " CHARLIE SQILLING, DX.A.CK: UMBMGHT.^lx^ oarloatw or Musical BinSS MATTIE ANTONIO, vit SPORTINO. W-l? Addreaa 3W W. FlIty-MeonJ .irct. -Vrw Yo«». THE AGNES , FbEdJ. EnGEIHARDT, . . MlWIiGQi AGRANDTESTRACE COMBIlVATIOIff Commence 13th Season POBT JERVIS, N. Y. REBEABSAI. AT 10 A. M. MONDAY, AUG. 16. 5S5'Ss&di^'-,°rom^°£^^^^^ tbe audience, of the Moore* BargeMaiiu.' -^^ entbmilABtlc. and •Pjf*" ^ SSffSS mSe aiTeitiaor- n™.v.t- — KIT ITLAKftP. .1»n mc.._ TOLEDO. O. Walnnt street alt)OTe Eighth, PHTLADEIiPHIA. uViMK-S WEES ENTIBELY IMPROVED ASD RE.N0- HAM.NO »EE.N.^=J5^,JYhr0D01I0UT, lortheFAIXAND WIKTER SEASO.N OF ISSMl on I PROF. W. i POW, WM. EUl^CE, GO-AS-YOU-PLEASE, SOUBRETTEJmEHA^ HORSES. .. .. uim. emotional acting, can I " whoring, well ;»«E"p:ri?':"lffmnV^ irom enuulUhetl itui. AdOreai ^.fCUITEB. Aug. 2S. netmrneot. K'«Pj";««'5,";iK^ 7,riSS.. and .bowing Saturday Night, WANTED FIRST-CLASS SPECIALTY ARTISTS, „a.\-IffmVelin aU br^^^^^^^ i'aVcbiSSiblUn'i.''^? OT.r«:... r- ,r 1 atlrattlv. '»^,'«^f/,7ona Yo?«^^^ h.rlng *.m. Ttaltora Willi bU nolo. BAND I . -^m—mtlt^ta «>laTKlfMnlC A_>-X> ORCHESTRA. UUSICFOBTnE MILUON. Soniff tor fhe-tige with orcheelral narta i .Vk' JwrruWUher of •■Tbe Wd Jouraal,'' a monthly paper. ( a>.it. du^raotenatlo Oo^^ea^l^ fS^^St^ . BCnSS VICTORlI NORTH, JOHN O. UiLLf ^otor, PantomJinJet an^ante'oon. MRS. LIZZIE RtTNOLDS, .A.otawm and "Ve ROSINA C! rantomlmlat, VooaUst ai MR. W. HA$ONp Pantoi , Proprietor and ManaRtr \LE>"T u stiiK" n.«!n.ii*r \8yEPPARD ..•■y^i^„V ffuoa A-TjG. 1». V<S Ji;n'i:.lS'i/r''nr.;m. a- aho«. * "^nted ailaillf* i-rflrai p"" WANTED, LIVING CURIOSITIES, ODDITIES, AND SENSATIONIIL ATIRACIIOKS. Ad^,.«. with photo^. ^irty.n^L-tfiiJiSf^li Torlt J?ST bpT^c, SaW«"^o!;f Man? ]^il?J.^!'°S,.he^.5r.pa5J^»S«,^A.^r^^^ wj.l*ii;a»jB:o-w JAMES MARTIN SON, Jli||igM Sample oopien oi •ki u.--— > Gilreath Opera-house I GREENVILLE, 8. C. W. W. * BELT^N OILREATH . -iSo,.^^^^^ EcatioR «p>eltr. '<ft,,,Sf Vllh eae. Floe utape and ele- cantly fiviicoed. Lighted »iiu w^: jSodem Im- Snt'^enery. „I>;f; ij-^i"h",„« SnVinly. addreM o, ,hc summer and F''< I rt l I THEATRE COMIQUE. ..Stacemaoager : iJiioT MISS LO LONG ~ tlio riytnif performers In GEO. H. In a new and liovol ^'most ».tonl»lili»» eel- Airy. 30-U MISCEaANEOUS. $250^0. mmm school fuiid OF KENTUCKY. 03iLT 50,000 TICKETS WILL TAKE PLACE AT CHICAOOp lLJ"f AUG. 29, 30, 31, SEPT. 1, 2, Sand 4,1«80, FOB TTHICH * THE FOLLOWING MAfiNIFICENT SCALE OF PRIZES tS OFFERED: FUBSE, $4,0 AND DIVIDED A» FOLLOWS t FBEtST PBIZE, . SECOND PBIZE, THIRD PRIZE, . FOURTH PRIZE, SO-lt* CH WALDON. 1 BURLESQUE ACTOR, nmonleatlons addliaaeo^ of CUPPED office. mmm WiU' n sitowmen -nd mrmnwnm at AUantlc CHy. „.„ p,CTORIAL STOCK-«C-p tbanj^ Twenty- Salary low, ^'t-n^ ARR/lgAVn^rT onawandv S. Y Uai t^or the o-^^jJJ^Siby'i nOl TOIJ»'BOilAW>SIABCHfMOT» g^T-fric,. —TffiW, ■ ......Proprietor Managv flSSlowaAwnafc 8»m. wanted for the (ain. and mr mnwnm at AUantlc • WAKTieD FOR"TBB SEA-SON OF ISWand^U rSra-^xpi-TXM^crM^^^^ MISS KINCSIiAND, ,HE FIBST A.\D OSLTjWBT-MAalCIA.V IN THE T iirmtA an enncement at the Standard Theatre. New ™ .T aeen In thla connirr- OlT«i an S'SSntar e'JMm'StrSS&adw'ne^r-: S'W-i^S.diJ^e ^SSTrertoiia BoberrH«U«• 2^\ir^LS:S?S£SflSir«njTob^ lltl-wryl* °''°.l.S?«.2rhoS^«l2l»ndmStaL Addreaa manUeetaOona, Bom pjiyaic»i ^jgg kucoBLAMD, jj^,^ «M Second aTenne. New Tork Ctty. Ufs HenglerV Granl CiHiQe,! IbIIvE more FlCTORlAL^^OCKjCCTSthan^^ pi MENAoiaES EU^ AT /B^^^^^ ^^^^^ACED W t „ iMVSl. wltli THB OBIOIHAl. ftr the enailnl e««H' "l^U-.o-^um nniJt* OBLEaS: TIES FOB Addreai traimch STtlisilsbtsiaD. ""JKiLi;™^ H.B. JACOBS. oomlo encortalTi- . and Bketon-boo; THE SECOSB ACT OF TIIE PESPOBM JfijNTSj£X>oir, tJ^o ^^^-^^S^t THE wX.iir.- ^EoySSjsrar"-""' TONY DENIER ot Sao ?elxearBal prepM»to»rs ■WltJA bis oarpet>'bflB IDUCES $250,000 IN PRIZES. SBCOOO FOR $10. $ 10,000 FOR $2. FIFTH PRIZE, THE DBAWISO TAKES PLACE | SIXTH PRIZE, SEPT. bMO PwiEs TOT nu n Dimni ui fm- Hofses }M. k UJ 0 X.1»T OF f»IZES t 1 $2^000 1,000 500 250 150 100 •AST. ■ iEADEB' OP B ^^rTBASa AND ■ L.l ^ w ^Mirtrrr of Orolifl.l i 1» JlyjEtE^S??^^"?.^^^^ 24?I£i§ Opening. Tonrr care or TXmUxi6t^^fllpt6omj^ 1 C.\PITAI. PRIZE X <iU*N'> PBIZE 1 UEA.VD PRIZE 1 GKAND PBIZE . lO raiZEB, 8»»««><» EACH.. So PUIZM. BOO KAl'I. PRUE^ •? "V, Sir,,- • 4,000 PBIZE8, lO EAWU. h;5-oo fr.z«. -«---:°:;:.l"rh:"d^^^' 4 -iBorse Entrieslimitedto Siz Iminteii. Separate Track fo r Horses. ERTBAHGE-FEE, EITHEB m OR HOBSE, $S0. ..9SO.OOO xn.uoo lO.oou lO.OMU is.uoo - itf diclr own ^^pfr ^i!r^.^.«ia» a be made o» or bebf* SMir i. to rwy Entries to 21 irith * FBED J. EIGELHtifflT. HAVERI.Y*S THEATHB, , I CHICACCIU.^ ^••S CSRCUIiABS MAILED OS. A^Mksm^^ MW[ ' APPIICATIOB.