New York Clipper (Aug 1880)

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I jA» wovkmxbs. bvPaxUDel«tr. WM leeenOjflirt*<^a»' ^JKbertfiSa maependenee rose I? an M- SfMwS. *Boilall«niwaii In tlie zmlth of Its ii itwiwHim m ezBCttonB knewi* boondB, 'and erontbe King iitmaeU w»» not the master (or ' MUuans to tbe cluteaa of one of thoie bangbty ^tStKUV.Is lr»«ouie, and who aecordlnslj aeto S> apeOTCourt of bis own, blnda iiU brow wltb » Sid'tf^Stf coronet. Be bad been to the era. £^ i»^owlBK old In hla contempt for rtrU^ Te«.jm»onhi»..3keblm^ TMtottootawWehthejtrwMP^iy;*'^. obU^ >oi ibe oclipaml "•"^■SSiSim ^ont ehuKlnz » feature, eua Mn Almerl or to W* «P^<^^ Be tongjit to beqneatb tbe rocceafflon lo bis title and to bis beavj iiroird| In tbe Tema of SHANP, liLlER & CRIUj^ Ho. 46 KAIDBS LASE, ]Iev TmIc aoldtad8ilnrLaaa,IHn(m,B(iw«Iei, Stu^TMsla, H«tt, Aoei ud ivm^sj. — 'go^mefiOood*. ctockof tlM to te fivBDd aBTvkcn. ■ OoedJt tao.D. 338 and 340 BOWERT, ISEW TOBK. THE GRAND THEATBIGAL SUPPLY ASSORTMENT OF EVERYTHING TO COMPLETE A August 7, 1880. J/H- HAinERLY'S AMUSEMENT ENTERPRISES. J. H. HAVBBI.T, rropri«e« »na MuUUCtr. HIBbO'S OABDSN THBATBB, Hew Tort " jThl HAVBM^, Proprietor ud M»aM«r. HAVXJU.T>8 Broaltt Tn Tb ttrg. o»: J<>''?yi'J?*.*»?'' iBgtoan. J^ H. HAVimLiT, Pr»pri«orjttd Mm HAVBBii'TS TBEATBB, CHIOiOO. eor. Devbon HATBRLya trajTBD MASTOpOH MIK8^^ RATERLY^ CUnRm-CBOIB UFEBA 00. BAVBRLrS jrVBNILE OP KRA OO.^^ HAVERLVn "WIDOW BKDOTT CX)lfBDT 00. J. H. HAVBRI.'rB ansd Athletlo and Pedouiu Bd. UrpiiH. PBBD. J. EXUBLBAmjrriluianP HAVERI.'nS OOLOBEO OBOBOIA lOnBTRSLa.* ' i^TSS nnMbeSs telrrbntonly on tbe express ^<^n 5it BbewM never to rte bim. Never- -S32S. tt?poor iiSmre,wbom the anther ba; "SSSSedViapowerB of divination that remind ^S5*aEnliiimaim In "Ua Bargrave*" la al- SSnnowUnTatiant tbe cbatean,and this very ^iTidlSyncnwr of tbe motl^ baa a g»od do witli tbe progreaa of tbe plot rae -Bawn'a choice 1» onlj too "»«'J;J» ■",'L.*?° ilSeri- to Cailn on tbe flret omportnnl.^ fiE t^JTStt Toong nephew, whose taste Is aU for XlenS and^carnagc, and who can see no -SrttothS the alSrorblB crossbow a more eon- -ISnlal to bis own brutal natnie than hla elftmlnste Son. The occasion Is not long wanting for decld- Imr the late ot both young men. A deputation of SSlTO bonrgeolB come to protest to the Baron • iJiiStthe inireasIngdepredaUonsandexactlonfl. of bis men-at-arms, and call on blm to come to -, peaee^tb their city, which Is ready to conclude ■ iwt on teruM tovorable to the Lord of Sept - auUC :Baron Herbert bids Almerl and Garln pro- noance their opinions: the former nldeu with the denntaUon and condemns the violence of the sol- dlerv aealnst the people, while the latter advlneH bis oncTe to hunt the delegates back within their - ieiilia »ie«sndtoconilnnehlB fend against them •andtbelrlBllMV-cltltenB more bitterly than ever. BerbeTtr«co0Llnesln.these words tbe Inspiration •of the'true Sept Sanljc blood, and, while he ills- mlssea the . d^patatton with menaces, adopts nailnsB bis Bnceessor. and banishes Almerl, to :}«an>maiiliiienbyl)gbtljlg against the Saracens 'InFklestlne. At tUla moment a band or Moorish ~ «iattan and dancers, led by an old Jew, comes to the castle. Ajdodit them 1r a yonng wo- man of captivating beauty, the eternal Eaa> era Pilnceas w« are so weD Acqoalnted with, who b*d l)een ravished from her parents dnr- imr period of perpetnal r^lne and war. Buon Herbert, whom Saladln conld not have cowed, is fascinated by the llery glances of Alscha, -'avtbeVonng gipsy Princess U called, and, like a '/•mraUlman as he is, he immediately makes her "bis wl*. Carta also U smitten by the ISIr one's «wms and thecnnaln falls on the prospect of do- mestla tjoublss In the CasUe of Sept Sanlz. Alscha niaes Gann to mnrder her hnsoand. promising 2,?:dd M^lKu. be.ld..,hU ft»i<>2fv«*^» ^l,TZZj:Mit mm* drtzliullCT. Boldes Ibe eamlc ""^JSiJta^M Of hearty pialae the t«t "-"HjaJJ* i1SlSiSoraol>n»oiiii4 Power*. Thie w»» unr-ftDd-dsnceorJobneonaiidPowen. ThI ^be jRrkT BsU." end. WM ejitTeme^ dsocM «lT«ii between e«eh veree _i ^ _r SSfStfapo«lble to the taunsn ?SjJ??<ff: SiSeSoetSrM and aitiindee chsnged » repldlfth^lt ^diacoUlortheeT»t» keep P««w1tli „ — .i^fJtie ■ anntber'impieDeewifrinii and the CltitiSn of i boxiDg meUhby the asme antouwu n- | wiMcet mirth. lerformers. nui oelTed with the < 'mges Gann -Um kenelfas bis recompense, and the yonng man '"has only to perceive the Baron asleep in an orchard tooany ont Us purpose. -He snatches a crossbow , . Iin- k restore, eueeeaoioe ladodee IHB MOST ELECAST LINB OP SILKS. WORSTED, W^k^.^tO SgH^^Ltr*^""' LEOTARDS, TRUNKS, Etc. HBWEOT SHADES OP SIMS, SITISS, BB0CABE9, YBLYCTS and PLPSHm. nvvm^MB3TS.-A«il« type m»«u«, 14Un« to »n ShS.|iS3E3B cents per line, the »«oie no««»»»»5"2: SlSr OTMonlT. AdTertliementji nndOT the headol fSnamcST^Ucentoperllne; M l Me llan fO usmnd.Sport- £i Ad?irt«S»ti20 cStsperMlne-^ eKt ■Jdojg OOB tISiMS AffiCASlL-AilTertueineoi. to be for '^:]'t^^^*^^^^^^''^^^ money by man. we -IS^^SlSoiimtTOsto iTriirt*? their lettem orpco- .jdie«.U commonlcatlon.^^.j^ qdZKN, Editor and rroBiistor, p. o. BoxS,aeD, or CUPPER """VwSv^* ^ffliDd80Centrai<ti«ui;ewysif- . Tinr n-lPPERil for iCTlolB LOSI>ON. ENOI^AND, ■* ttoAS.£tol.]&cll^.S9 spnmd. CharingOr»«.w.c THE -CHEAPEST AfiD M OST FASHIOBABLE TAILOB Bf AJOSICA aaa po-WTB ycY. c<nrj3P*li»«j«t., BRANCH STOBXB IN OTB OP Bt U)f percent. Dlieonnt to Profwrtonila. ° t AMUSEMENTS. '.from a BenUnsL sends a shaft throng bisnncle'i ' lieaTt. and then kills the soldier to prevent his tell- ing tales, nnder the pretence that he had canght blm led-handed in bis crime. Garln and Alscha .. are'mauled, and while Abel stlU remains absent Calh becomes nndlspnted lord oi Sept Banlx. But bis nuptials are never completed, whenbewoald enter &e bridal-chamber the spectre of bis victim «!ipeanand calmly tells h im that Alscha shall never apSd her nights with another bnt Itself, throwing lis arms round the widow and bride as It speaka ..''Theyonng man is terrifled out of his senses, and *i»rha evidently forms a very poor opinion of him -as « hnshand, for the vision Is apparent to him «nly: and when she ihlls senseless at the base of a, pinar, she has no Idea that, in the morderer'a eyes, the sune pinar is the ghost of the Baron enlacing the boMilooded little lady In Its icy arms. The * imforttmate Garin, thwarted In the possession of tbe woman he loves, becomes wild with rage. Almnl comes back tram Palestine in tbe dlsgnlse ' as some other stage heroes have done ' He has apparently profited by his experience, and is ready to light fbr any- tnst anyone. At the head of the citizens he will inarch to do battle lor Philip - - which «f THK SffiW YORK MER MJUNUG For 1880 OAN BE F*^ OF AUj NEWBDEALEBS AND AGENTS. PRICE 15 CENTS. It appears in the same handsome colored lithographed cover as last year; nearly all the matter is new; in the otironologies will be found a condensed bat complete history ot amtiso- ments inAmeiles daring the past year, also of the leading events in sporting olroles; and the records offasteet time, eto., have been prepared with oar oaaal oare. N^ewedealers-vrlU please order | tbeir supplies of tbelr -w-bolc sale agcezi'ta. Copies maJUed fimm tbls office on receipt of price, IP oent g. FDBUSaER AND PROPBIEroB, 88 and SO uentre street, New Tork. p. o. Hot 3.8«>. rc-BXi 'vroRXiD-BEra'p Vija Jb:i> DUPREZ & BElSfEDIOT FAMOUS MINSTRELS, Military Eoval~ Brass Band, mart out trarellne aboat the ntet week in September. Wanted, the followiog talent tor the entire eeaaon: ONE eOOD nRST-VIOLINIST. who can play alood, fiiB eeoond B-flat coraec In the band. It la not required he ihnaM be an amnser. ONE FLUTE AND PICCDIO-PLATER who can play either Alto or Tenor In bias.. ONE E-FLAT URNETmT, who can play a good Kcond B-flat comet In ocche^a. Also wanted, a aecond-vloUnlit, who playaagood B-flat ""'tWBTEAIIIIS of 80Ne-AND-DANCE MEN, whocandoaaneelogandnento^ aonirand-daoce. MuJt be of mfill""! aixe. ThoM who play braas preteneo. THREE mo VOCALISTS, one hlsh. atroni nrtced Alto, and one Tenpr^d one Rood Bailtooe. Tlioee who cmi play braaaprereiTBa. ONE BAmiNS INBMAN,_ - , , who can pUy brw in the bud and play a sood baA^o In a bani^trto^^ vtmSSn BABOABt MAN, to take care dfbamse, etc. Onewbo canplaybraas In Alt tbe above talent mnrtbare nood InMrnmenU and waidiDbe, and be atiletly temperate and rellablein every ra^^ AU engasemeau am binding fbr the season. SaliriMpaidmreweokly, moderiM, tocor- re«pondiirtthahow*oalnMs g«neiallT. Al appUcaata ie- eelnng no reply In two or three weeks wlU pleuelo on- dnttud otheia have offered better terma, and In tbat case tbey wiU politely pleaae to UKe alienee fbr an Jjawer. Anplr Immediately to Iiowell. Hu... until Ang. 2S, etat- ItSrnnfVmlown^ ftiU panloolara ol ablU- S5. a«iJh?rt<- married or naUonjllty. oto.. w CHAS: rt. PnVltBZ. Uananer and Sole Proprietor. IB-st FULL "aSo wtrSltoc. ttSun^^^^ additional number ot LEAOtSO ATTItACTION^and alwrnjii reidjr to nerxi. FOB MALE AND FEMALE, ot Every i»esonptionM«ae to order A^^r^- t Parisian De- Blsns at Most Moderate -Xerm*. ^araJflroa A«D PBlCR-UgT. fflOIT OK APPLICATION. 1«- TWO STHMEBS NECBp FOB THE MASTODOKS!!! ilaverlj's lliei Nastolon lUrels. J. H. HATEBLT, Proprietor. BjEAB THE FAMOUS WH. FOOIX, Manager. BOLiti-CAliL. BfflKsnKfiiAbft?^ HHtWranrai'i^ffltpuns,ibd.o oa., « FOOTB. XAaaJter. BARRT EIKa, ShXT^IKSI^t, oborob wo6d, BILLT RMEBBON, BILLiT BICB. SAM DBVBHg. i. W. X0ANDRBW8, BU'LT WBUCH, JOHMNT BICE. PETB HACK. , BARRT MAXWBLI<, TOM SADLER, JOHN BTILES, BOB HOOLBT, DAM TBOMPBOS-, FRED WALTH PRANK WBST. BUOBNB BTBATTON, JOHN LEB, JAMBS ADAMS, T. B. DIXON. CBA& 8HATTDCE, E. M. KATNE. JOHN PBEETH. 0HA8. RATMOND. JOHN RAPIBR. OEOnOB HARIiBT, RARRT NIBU>. HARRT ROE. VrM. BBLKNAP, JOHN H. MURPHT. • OBO. W. HDNTLBT, PADL VBBNON^_ CHAtJNCT OLCOTT, FBANK CAJBBT, HABBT SHIRUT, W. W. BARBODR, LEM. H. WILET, EDDTQtnNN. HBNRTMILUBR, J. B. MONROB. OHAS. PRBBMAN. BS. BROOKS, OBOBOB BABBOVB. OBOROB WIUTB. CHAS. BOSS. E. K. MAB8HALI.. UB. BROOKS, S. KATNB, R. L. RATMOND, M. STILES, W. W. WELCH, B. WILEY, B. RICE, E. McAKDRBWS, B. DBVERE. B. R. WALSH, Fl^^Or XtXVISXO?) aaUed on eteamer Canada, KaUonal Una. Wedneaday, Jnly 7, for London iHrce, WM. FOOTE. Manager. In chart*. lJ.13t« CHAS. Cul^EBand'j.'MoNARMAitATAaelatM A({enta lMSt< TWBT.VTH YEAB OF THE POPOLAB AMU SUCCESSFUL COMPAIVT. AND |[.nl«fl «2.«heoSSn««aaon i^ well-known featured of the ■- ONB OP THE BEST COMIC AND CHABACTER VOCALISTS IN THIS COOTBY. IHB AOCOMPLISHED MEZZCVSOPRAKO BALLAP IST. O. W. BREWSTER, THE WOBLD-PAMODB TBNTBILOQDIAL UUMOBIBT^ THE POPULAB AND AJITISTIC BASOPHONE SOL OIST. M. HOX^BTtOOIi:, THE CELEBRATED COBNET yiBTOOSO. Donll tSi^XSSS^S^i^^Mi^t^^^ "^^Sy^^ one or more nlghta wUI pleaw addrew „„,„.„_ , MR. MR. AFRICO-AKERICA ASCENDANT! FOURTH WEEK AND UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF THE OieANTIC COLORED CARNIVAL AT NIBLO'S GARDEN THEA1RE. NEW YORK MARVELING OVER MINSTRELSY IN ITS MOST STUPENDOUS PROPORTIONS OTTAWA, CANADA. ThIa bandaome bonae haa been repainted and fltled np with tbe neweat eqolpmenU tor tbe approaching aeaion. ETerythlng Is Now In tbe Most Complete Order. apply to JOHN FEBOUBON. grand Ope>a.bonae. Ottawa. For terma and datea a>-4t The Bbeahst Hit ms Litest Attiuctioi. LAWEli AHD DBEW8, MUSICAL, TABIBTT AND SKETCH ARTISTS. In tbelr immenacly fUdny afterolece, entitled MOLIWpN'S.BOABDIKO-HOUSE New ploiorial brlnung. Foi datea d C. DRBW8. HAIXEN & HART'S riNAFOBB IN U KINOTBa. «-lt» Time fllllDg rapidly. "aoJ? 49 Baat Dlamond"atreet, 'Aiie8beny City. Pa. EVDOS," » money-It i Monnet^ally as HanbaDt as tbe Baron, Ule. Ufflhy as Aiseha. HUe. FsTBrt as Almerl's mother, and Mile. Reich emberj; as K3\x. Salsbubt's Tbodbadocbs made their first bow 't>eTore an Entcllsh andlence at the Royal Alexandra Theatre, Uverpool. on Uonday, July 12, and met -with a.most flattering welcome irom a large andl- ence, who were creaUy amnsed and anplanded fte- 'qneiitly dnrlnic toe perfbnnance of "The Brook." Jambs UioDurON of the Boyal Orlslnal Marion- ettes, and Ibr years In the theatrical proftaalon, died jmy • In England- Tbs Coxsvs Tbeatbe, London, closed Jnly IT - vltti Mme. Kodjeska's slxty-ihlrd consecntlve ap- ' p^iance In ■'Heartsease." The Flytno-danceb Ariel, who Is playlnz in the Sden Theatre, BmsselR, Is thns spoken or by tha. ceireipondent ol The (London) Bra: "On the «aa» eyenlnK .AAel, the tlylng.dancer, made her 'first appearance with great sncceas, apparently ' noatlngln mld-alr. It Is said that this lady and ■'' uer siner. Hiss .£nea; at the Chatelit, Paris, have the sole right to perform this teat in Enrope, hav- ing seenred patents In the varlons conntrles. At anyiate^the peTtbTmsnces of atlval entertainer jittheAWDhra have t>een atopped by an Inlnnc- Uon. Ariel's appearance takes place In the tiallet -' Fatmes,* by O. Bletra, arranged by H. Eapln- ' osB^jtho was l)allet.master at Dmry-lane t:nder theE.T. Smith's management. The elltect of the . wbUa' gan^y costomes. designed by Orevln, espe- .' euaij when inamlnated by floats with red glasses, ' id plctnresqne; bnt the probability Is that, > IT tbe leenc were changed ttma ■ Bmssels to Lon- don, the Lord Chamberlain woold Intervene." AMEBICINB m.ABB0AD.—Charles E. Temer, snp- ' ."ported t7 the Mlases Clara Henderson and Flor- ^ < anoa Rlchmpnd and "a strong dramatic company - directItom America," were to have prodnecd "Dr. , '-Cljde" In the Qneen's Operetta-honse, Liverpool, . Eng^Jaly 20, > - _ SMUB Bbbnbabdt began an engagement in the .'nrKTheana, Bmssels, Jnly 16, acting Fron-Fron. sXttft And Fabbon began their lltst engagement In Liverpool, Eng., Jnly 20, In the Prince of Wales' ' Theaq«. " ' ^ From India. <- ' OOl.'-Ibe ABSIIn, formerly of the Ansun Brothen:, -sliBpsbooters, writes to thz Cufpbb fk'om Bom- ^ 'l<4y,'in(tla.'Jnne' 26. that be has entirely recovered itom all the 111 effects of his having attempted to take his life while anfrerlng (torn a snn- r-«3«ke. Be-has lea Dave Carson's tronpe, and, vaioed to' blBwlfe, has'been giving entertainments ^- -lb-aeOBlei>-Theatre there. He-was to have left . jnne 28 to perfbrm his feats before the King of Ee- - roda and his' obnit, by special command. Be has engagements to petfotm befiiie eight Indian j gB ri e ea,'aBd these reqieotlvelj will occopy his 'dnttTtor 'ahonC three months. After their con- clnalonhe intends visiting China, Japan aodAns- tralla, retnmlng hither- aj the way of San Fran- cisco. He confirms the report in Mr. Arthnr's let- /ter of the nptate In Dave Caison's company ' •VTohn Wilson's Oirens has had a very prosperous season, and was to have left for Colombo. Oeylon, - * Julyl The Stanley Opera Tronpe are In Bom- -.bay,;Idle, owtog t9 the seyere Alness of Hiss 'U.Hostvr. • ■k*— »4»J 'mjfiicAjt,. ToBBASOB," a one-act comlo open by- ^dam, was recently flist perlbrmed at the . de la Monnale, Braaaels, Belglnni. toake 1 ., ^ , jBd beat boalneaa centnaawlMaai S^eabn,tnnl by tbe beat bollti vfSSSt w'^ ^SB&padnad.wblnhtnTsneatbebeeccoonaT,a l i H ii i w aa ac» worth aarthlnir In tbla luie. The Great ViGtorellis The'^Cliiic^o, Milwaukee and { St. Faiil Eailway '™'S_TS5„-i£StJ^.SF'^I' IN BVKBT .PABTICDI.AB. TRAVEBSDJOTHB yraaiS/^SisTmFrmt^ OBBAT NOBTHWEST BT^^^HTW^ The only Northweetem Itae ■•^S.iMfSrSia. wfalctaarethe egnala oftbebeat. Ita Cblcacoand XUwankee are the beet In tlx wScfSMS whole e uulpmen t of the beat qoaUty and t—S'^f^™ Bates ai Ubenl aa a B any other Noclltweatem Une. adTaatasea asply to TIM B. OHANDUBnB set, Chlgaso. nC; t. A. 8MTTH, SB Roadway, ■J. RTHnaON, ks WaahURten «net. Beaton; Wood'aOi alxtb ^ Opei eetl Addren H. ira-honae. _ I^advllle. 1CTOBBLLI, lOO c o L O R GIFTXSD AMD FAIVEOUS ■A^i - . . - FR£«1> HU<RT O- BBROER. Manager; BBRNHABT G. BEBOBB. Contracting Ageat; O'EO. a. SAWIN, AdTertUlns Agent. A. HIT! A HIT! A. CHL,OIHOU» HIT HADE BT THE HI L.1L,I I»S OO M BI TV^T lOTV .b«.r«.f!h,SsU.e™BU.ejj^-wyU.^gJ^e^ Sftmn weeka' enaagement at my bouse, and Jbare found nium w««». "!*!J2emen both on and off tbe atage. and lOO 20 3 40 4 2 ENDMEN. MIDDLE-MEN FEMALE JUBILEE-SINGEES CORPS OF SHOUTEBS, COBPS OF JAWBONE CHOBUSES In all the leading .„_uo;~. =-r •!==—r REA.I> WM-A-T MATr.A.O TO MANAOBRS-^e PBtLLIPa BROa, aODg-and- di.«l^it!? 1^ NTnI BACH, halladlai; and^MIS.^ OBAOIK SHERWOOD, aUpplng-rope «tirt, hare Joel clMed a verv auoceaafbl engagement at tnla eatabllibmaot, M^fr^ th?BEOTPE£^BMERaeTer seen In tbla city. They are endorsed by both the pijaajuid publlu aa being ladlea and gentlemen both on and ofltheetage. I booked them for a retom-date early In the coming and cheerfully recommend them aa being a GOOD 0.—BDW. HOWARD (Of Bowar4 and Alton), Slage- have booked FalL and ' CABD.—1 "SSSxi OARDEN, BT. JOSEPH, MO.-TBB PHII/- LIPS BR0TBBB8 are undoubtedly the atrongeat team that baa ever graced our buarda. Irrralatlbly comic hi ttelr Bthluplan cbaisctetliatlona and aplendld amglng. MISS NINA BACU, who atanda peerieaa aa a TfflttlUtt of the hteher daaa, alao MISS ORACB SHERWOOD, the daata- lu aerlooomlc and aong-and.daiice artlat, making tbem the atranaeit uara that haa ever Tlalted our city.—ST. JOSEPH HBBALD. „ LONDON THEATRE, OalTeaton. Texaa, June S3, UBO. TO MANAaBBS.-The PHILLIPS BROa, double Mng- and-danoe artlaia and general comedians, also MISS NINA anojoanw J^JjW™ ^ MISS ORACIB SHERWOOD, them ladlea and genu« ~ -t--'^-,^ MAMAOBBS AND PBOPBIET0B8 OF TfiBJ^RIETY ; J. D. BOWIiET,fitage-mani acer. ELD, PROPeSioN— I hereby recommend the PHILLIPS BROS.—John and Chailea—aa flmt daas nerformera, and among the moat uaeflil and veraatUo gentleiqen I hare SetTT have been a performer Ibr the last 30 years, and I am known In this profeaalon aa an old penormer and ■ nquallfled of Judging a performer'aabll- gentlemen have played two engagements thia seaaon, and ate tbe greatest cards that have appeareo In this thestre- They are not only perfonneis, but periect ..AntLm.n Th.v slwAVB Tetum t* anvplace I am BANKER BACH, opetauCTOcallat, among the moat uaenu ana veisatue neniieniiu '""vv SetTT have been a performer Ibr the last 30 years, and I >wn in this profession aa an old penormer and manager, and amquallfled pf Judging a performera_abU; lUeaTrbe above ~ and gentlemen. They ei'n'alw^s re'ium to any o »nnected with or manage.—ReapectfUly, ED, '•vaDDEvSlE Tu'l^TsS^'i-EW ORLEANS, LA.-The PHILLire BROS., MI88 NINA BAOH and ORAdE SHERWOOD are Ibnr of tbe beat drawlng-cardR Iba%e laved.—OEOBOB WELIJ), Pmprletor. irplayed.—OKOKOBWEi.iiB, rrnnnoior. COLISEUM THEATRE, ntatlon Sllrtn M«lo*lyon » Sc able ■Ro-oroA-a.cWoxt. of "I>ax«y t>»ke. Barnyard, and. on [SO-Itl R.hlA brake, TIME RAPIDLY FILLING. Scale Beyond Parallel: — X.ill*e In "tiko Oomfiol<li Oane* 100 8 L O R E D 100 An, Inlxait. 20 3 40 4 2 . Hio-v-ee and Flatt>oatl ■A««nt. THE embracluj rrXME ■ST'VT.T.-F.T* Ul? TO PATHFINDERS' MUSICAL 5iS! ODDITY SCRAPS, the following artuita: MARIE JASPER. MISS.JEAN MNTFMW^B^ HpjmKO, J._NJW^ H. a MILTON Ji i,,,^-,.^ ';5iS?iT'TnK'54S?pS<i ?^d"ih5?Sta"S"«'?M«leaSa'M«bVuVrt fiViri the WAijCiACKS." Ail!iNTA WNOTrnmo^^^ ?l"FMSe U a SipS. djSser. coltlvated vocalist, ana ajeryclew Ktn ATi^Nl*- SV.'SSJaiJJl.'JJS' i^ckerand much better than Llngard or HnlBmltb BnwU." oAV^HAR^nRNiNn NB^VR.^^ aa—"-The mo'roVe see o't the Wallaclis the betier we like them." SAVANNaI MOBMNO nIws, A5k^-"Fi^^ voice U highly trmtned, and she excels In opersL" roiLiSi BUB KNOUIRER. FeV 27—"The beat tronpe and greatest anlsts ever seen on our stsge." ¥SoMA8VU,LE ?IMEl%a«h ia"-l<7h?^^^ e.cel slmlfi^mbinaUon whUU^hM been herr - „„d Conl,«tlngAgnt« A^jeyyesd^on^^a^^dMo RENTFBOW, 25T Baat Bridge street. Grand Baplda, Mich. silent part. Address J. Proprletora. POX'S NEW CHICAGO THEATO (LA.TE LYCEUM), XkEC^PI^nVS STREET, -WANTED. FI^KASB ADDBB3S PBOF. IjOXTXS B~E1CK, Leader of Band. Bella Bros.' Great Rnr»ean «*•■ Boote: AtUcn. Ind.. Aug. 9, Pem II, Fort Wayne llj U* Clark street. New Tork: J. — — . or A. V. IL CABPENTBB, General Paasengcr Agent^Mll- wankea, Wla. Chicago Depot, comer Caaal and We MadlBOn stteeta. In the heart of the dty. ^ 1-3K llkNA8ERS@AGEIiTS OF C0HBI5ATI0RS YISITIKO THE WEST win (hid It to their Interest to call on oraddteo J. H. MOUNTAIN, City Passenger Ajient CHIOAaO. BOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC a B.. No. H Soeth CUric atnet, Chicago, lor reduced rata to Ban FnndsoOiDeBnr.Chey- { " ■-- " " — Leavanwoith, I OPERA-HOUSE, RICHMONDjlY. WAinm, GOOD HINSTBEL TBOtPE for Fair Week. brw^iQ. Ang. 10. on LIBBBAL Milng terma. Addreas at onc«° a. C. OBBBN, Manager. B>-lt- enne, Oma >]nah% f.rtwwi*!! BIuSl Atchlun. City. DeaMolnea, Rock Is land, Peocls- or aar point TBB BOOK ISLAND BOVTE haa moncoodahOir towns on Its hne than any or Ita oompcttton. PtTLLMAN PALACBBLEBPING CARS an attaded to I all Express Trains, and run throogfa between Chicago aal Peoria, Sea Moinea, OonncU BlnOi, Kansas CItr. Caana- worth and Atchison. THBODOHC^S alas fui hSwaan 1 wl^hont change Tla Uie' .'* Wo alao ran the "MU- MUwaokee and Kansas CIt; wankeeand Bock Island Short Una.'' ._ _„ finestdhiing and reauorant cara naed on anllioad, sod Berremealatnmblll-of-ISreateeTenty-flTeceaueaeh. No other route can giro aa good rates ana aceommodatlona. . aucDXL A. Bsnr, JoBX SaaasruM, PzasT Oumw, Penn. Paaa. Agent, City Pass. Agent, Bo.BaatPBsa. Agt., IIS Market at, eOSMalnsL. UDNonb Hlgbat, Philadelphia, Pa. Kansas City, Mo. nrf—t—. o. . CLcnoMJoaxa, B. F. BioaaBMOK, W.'H.'JBnfCT, I»BO»«. BOWS<8 oroat 'Woaitem Orolaeflrtra'and BandI>epot, ZaneavUIet O. Being centrally loeated, our Mends In the West will doweU to order through ^ thishoose. Bee notice In another Send stamp tor catalogne. •^ATS'^EX* FOR TUB Eagle Palace Thoat BHAKESPEARE STRBBT, NBAR BBOADWlf FBBDBBICK LOBUR Bolem ALF. MILBS BUg»-'« Openlnac Date, A.uc 30, TAILiBl IN ALL BRANCHB8 OP THE BUSINESS. Srst-dass people need applr. Write at once _ „ . FBBDBBICK LOEHB, »-m Bagle Palace Theatre. BalUmir BANJO O^in tniT. ASnt, oii BaiiSSKi: Vn'&iSiAV^m. I ^8"^^ C- POBSOn, proaowaT. n-w Toi is^. iHRRy MINER'S HEWTH Dobaon'a New Patent Open-S Banjo; also New Book bf Methnd. SI For dicnlaxal HENRY C. D0B30N, 1,Z)7 Broadwar. Now YvTk J Idtess Council I-Ct JOHN, Oc&Tkt. and Paaa. J^t., Chlcaga RE, NOS. les. ur and IS BOWERT, NBW TO _ BOLE PROPRIETOB AND MANAOBB-. .BABd OBAND BBOPBHINO MONDAY BTBNIHG,/^ New Upper Gallery I NewOpera Boiaal " ^ New Orebeatr* and ranueiler TARlB THE LAROhST VARIETTTHEATBBIN New Cnrtain and Scenery, by Edward mRG.WilSBII!jm GREEN In hlfl sreat Mnatlon dmoA ; COUNTERFEIT, THE SnoOESS OF THE PAST SEASON- , New and mscnlfleent ptlnttng. Mr. AKLAK will coin, raeooe his scuon Sept. ax ^BEBPONSIBLB managen wishing to arrange, time ad- | W. T. MEIsVnXE, jaij KaUa^il Prtnthw Qi,. OWagoJU. CXTmoiT->11>e dnma entitled '■OOunTEB. and Uechanica] Effects, by^jools Bonfond- FIBST-CLASS SPECIALTT ASTIBIB. LIVKI TIBS, and NOTBLTIE.S of ALL DB8CBIF1 by latter to HABBT 1 „ Sole Proprietor an. P. B.—Menageries will find good Winter qa dressing me- Slmmta Stage BIOSL I apply FBIT," tta scenes, etc*; I claim aa sole prooctetor. it bar. a> been wrtttan espeOally fbr me by Wm. vetahayjor Al- , wny. It is lolly oopytlAted. and aliy Inftlncttnent ol mr rUita will be ylgtannaly praaeciite<L ^11 - AARRY BBB-'tflffU UaiTBiaybe told In these fewwotds. ^TioIfBanor, a retired tnn-lljihter, thon^ mntied to OBTOllne, la not too IhltUhl or deyoted to bar. This otrcnmstanee favors the plans ol Tracoim, who, to get a tete-a-tete jrlth hla former love, makes in'sirtiBnilnn fnr Don Belflorwith adansenseof 'QcOpeia. 'The Don icaTee hla wife on-the pre- tence of a meetlna of members of bis STOftssTon. : ;t)iiiBleavlns the. Seld clear for his rtnl, who ar- tanses with Oanllne to InforrD her of all that has ' passed hetween her hnslnnd and tfte Caaoet by means ot pteoonoerted airs on hla Bote. While tlie ban-lifter enters by the door, Tracolln depans over the wall to gain Information of bis little games. Presently, while Don ffeinor Is reconntlng what has passed at the meeting, his wUa bean the ' • promised aks on tbe Hate, and, precendlnir to con- sult the cards, tells blm Jast what he has been np -. ta'and what she tblntB or him. to nisnner discom 'fltnre. " . VaBIBXY maa s.s.m. CamxLo AMD BooKSB, their wives. And the three Lament Biatbeis sailed Irom Liverpool Jaly 18 In tlie steamship IDlnals for America. Thm BRaMANS SiSTBBS were to have .opened In the Oale^ Theatre, Manchestst, Jnly IS. Tea aasnTAB had closed an engagement In the Ellen Theatre. Bmsaels. W. DAZIAN. • □frOBTBB AND MANTTFACTUBBB OP THBATBIOA OOODS, 280 Bowery, New York.l etc. Gold aad BUrer Armor ■RBORO milgTRKIAT. WbaiTbzt Think op oint Uinbtbbl Bots ik . . -ENo mmw—BngUah newspapeiB are not prone to lenew the peilormances or soangers with that twblohlsacharacterlsUc of AnMilean Jonr- ; ttenoe little had tieen said In 3Vut Bra con- cnmlng the merits of George Thatcher. Johnson •Bd Mwen, and E. K. w«n who bad been playing ' JBi suBie weehs with Moore & Bnigess' KIbsIrIs, ' nntn Its Jssne or Joly is, when the ronowlng yer- . vdlotwaaieoorded: ■ W»Il»dte. Moore, Walter Howard, and esreral of the maatpo^BTartinaat the Monte A Surgeaa mnstrela arc dmtat IhaStandanl Theatre, an opportnnlty U ar- :«>.tha l w «ii»t <j i a of St. Jamea- ICl of bearing ' Mialya uM iMii l eandoriginal pTO auMia Mcsan! jcMaea.Fasraga.sjd Hall aiveaoMUanswho ^ wsddhS«lIoana iianfbem,ana their reoepttoo by the a^MBSSt tbe Moon A Btngesa Minstrels was quite en. »»—'-^t. mil ippeaie to Incnaae in cordialiiy with met pMnnaoea, K M. Hall has made an ntTaanUBair hit hla banlo-playlng. Be maybe called ikepaguuni : V tMha4o, Ibr nerar betbre hare we beard that bstrn. I .\ —ii-l -TirTr''-*— fai snch an anlstls style. Then Is a Had of tentastle poetry In the way Mr. Hall pU] Ox banta-' R* makes the loKinmcnt prodoee both p. tkatia and hfmoffw effeeis of tbe most norel kind, am in fell nslBClpal solo, a sort ot eariatnie of Thaltaetg' r ■ . laiisiii^iMila iiiMnilsi 'iIiiIimTj ' nnnin nwwtTIniTii .',WbH4ta]tndaeed seme of the most original paoagrs , 7'.. iiMHweiwlMn] upon the ttanjo:oranyvtfeertns^ -^r I USUI Ksaviag the melody all the tbne, be Blaytd an ac- '•-1 .^oMsaateeatcntliiaotbcrrtniKi^aadaoawugvaitetlon* ■t .f paswgrg igart lnc .V andaneoft>e>a!y.s» iiM*»h laft»tigwo<|>jsp|t^w»ta. 19 Bond St., New Tork. , Opera I Perforated, Plain: n««re*t i Foot Rett Hat Beat Se I (ague. Made i i. H. Andrei tandlBTWal p C^DO ^* 10 Bond at. BAKER, PRAn&COj tCo., rTork. lArchai., TjdE CELBBBATBD ANTIFOD^ GYMNAST, TIOHT-ROPBI AND- J onuAsnq wh'i pertotms on a alagle traf hlgb, la prepared to make i PAIBS, BDMIfEB-B Addreas BMfl DNADT, sorallea nents for auka, Batlns, Vdrets, Tarletans, nnminated Lsoe Bbawla. Saeqm, Orerdcesaaa, r Armor CloOia, Bracadai^ Ftlnr Stan, Spanslea, Jewe]a,Fmbrcld«ls^ete., a Cotton. Worked and Lisls-thresdSbiitsaiidTMita, r.„ dings and French Ootton Tlgtats a ^edalty. Curaa and Leather BUppva, Oaitera, Sandals, Clqffs and IThceaot all deseripUonSL Branthmg neceassirlar aenmpletevanl. robs. -GOODS SEirr C- O- D. A DBPOaiT ECBOOIBBD ON ALL OBDBBS BT HAIL. I6-Ut« PENZANCE PIBATES IN A NUT J 2D-lt< MR. E. C. DUNBAR. THE WOBLD-BBKOWNBD MELANIISE MZNSmEL AND thanks proprietors and managera lor their idnd olTen, ^ senicee hare beenaecnred by HJIDIEB^ESO., for the season of 1880 and I8SL B. C. DnNBAR returns to America p« S. S ^Iseonnn. arriring on or abo'it Ang. 21. All eomaramcattosis to be aiMressed care ol H. MINBB, BSO. want: HAvlDfc ennped both Ton«r and Ttmi ko«n. Wu. (tna only halls that amoant to dty) for the week ot the Korthem WUooi FatTs eommenrloff 8epL U, lor tlx toll ' a flnt-claas Pantoinlme, Spec Troope, or aii7 other good atcncUon ) Braaa Band and Orchcecra, either on a tenna, for the aboTe week. PUejw u and KtTe all p*nlenlara aa to companj The t«rnu moBt be EBaaonable or nc ~ of the offer. WUl occopj ooeof the _ with my great B«n Ootton Company, other ctemtattnction on the road xa. woold alao like to eogafce a flnc^claas wedc. Pleasa-addxraa me eare " pany , Chicago, lU. [i»ftl ' FAY TEMPl£TON I In Osb- (In the ultnral itoen- Mlnairel I flrst-dass y or snaring umedlsiely, "T bnsuesa. I be taken I the week liWoL-'l bud tor that ' IntUifC Com- i FORBES. Prlni ■UNO'S OPERA-HOUSE I TROY, W. Y., for Beat or on Shares to FIrtt-dlaaa Ooratalnatloiu. Has affcn will picaae apply fbr datea to G. RA]n>, lO-gt* ProprlBtnr. Loekboi M. T>ny. w. r. THE FIBBT OP THB I S^ BnUre flxst-dsas performsnfa OFBBATIO AND DBAMAT^ K. B.—Artists, Opera-house Msl _ dress to my Bummer place. Mostmc N. ¥. ClBai«l tlatest J8SB8I Jld otbe . _ rBockUi I Co. EMPLB >N. BANJO D0B9NB1 TTF'.T.TnyA., aCOK'X'.AXC.A. TEBBTTOBT. MING'S OPERA-HOUjBjE will be finished shoot SepLLUaa HeatsdhylBmaesaBd I llghtod with pa. Elsiant stage and dr«a<a«aoma. The bouse Ihnlned with patent chalra sad alrmedsniim. NEW PA- FOB CnCDtAB. i.Tir |kT OPBN-! .BANJO. twsT. NewTw BOO-AJNIS BANJO MANOiL, molt nnmnsicslpsnon ^ .sight. Contains OtaniB. ensbUngr proToneata. peering In Ihc Thabeat- wm cUher tent or appointed ^UyeomlSaatlaBoroBoastamty. For icnns tddroa aut» PAUL O. BUM. Agent jE2ata,t>UalMKi TOCH BROS., • -_ M BOWEBT, BBW TOBK CIT T, •OFFEB TO JCANAOEBS AND BCEMO-Aatms, thetr wvU-selectnd STOCK OP OOLOm. BBOsIeS, GUJES, Eu. whkh cannot be stttpaased la qnaUty, at 'C15-13t« AND OUITAB LBiVoaB, BLSGAMT Instinmente, terinn'-Boeka. Sheet- .mnslcete. aeadfir BdokorTeatlao. Sbo. a DOBsaii, BANJO Send stamp Ibr ptice-llst ot Froleaslona] Baifrl.^ g>-lt* J. BOOAN, 100 B. HouslOB Oxt tiS^^ •WAJiTHD FOB fiMTPH'S OPERA- GRAND RAPIDS. MICH., A- <300]> I BCA-ZTJLGEIEt Ibr coming i 'ROIT. miCHIOAIV. Season Commences Monday, Aug. 30. OaiCA.<30, TIuT^ _ doubled, and when complete It wiU>.o . .■^-w.«i a THE A-MUSJEMEISTT I»A.1L.A.CE OF AMERICA; w-El pbsir^EEi S?S^oN 8Ai-xjRi>ii.Y. SEi-r\ 4, 1 seo. - .iMliml ahllllT.Jrrltf at onwi. Address ROBBRT rvi. asapnrs. avif Arfi.t. nt RCkTtft SAN ANTONIO, Addrru a^l communlatlons tatl|f COLISEIJU THEATRE, Oeirolt, Mich., end oblige respectlully WHITE, CH^S. O. EN ROUTE AND ONLY EN ROUTE 3 lES VAMPIER8 3 The Famous Parisian Grotesque Daacefs, Contortionists and Lolly Kickers, NOW PLATING 8VC0E88FUL BNOAGBMBNTS IN TBB WESTBBN CITIES, AND AFTER CLOSING AN CK- PBECEDBNTED SNGAOBMENT AT THB BELLA UNION TUBATBB AND WOODWAKD'S OABDENS, SAN FRAN- CISCO. CAL., OP FOBTT-FITB CONBBCUTIVE WREKB- For open dates addreni 2011* a< and 48 s. CIstk street. Room 7. Chicago. IIL 1880-81. FiTTIE AND BENNIE ANNIE WARD TIFFANY COMBINATION G HIN N E11 IN BLUOTT DAWN'S SOOOBSSFUL COMEDT DRAMA MISS AWJVIE ~WA»X> -TCIFFAXTX AJS NEMO miE A-CrTRISSS. CoiapOt^y now orflra-nlzlnor. I^thOfrni'Bn'* and jpjRntlnir en wbloli will be flrst^luHS In ever>- rocspoct. entirely now. For daton, otc, oiAAxvhh " Union square, New York, or OXtEXSPTEl, X3XjILiX01"r' X>A.WT«', Msnsgers- SSASON OF 18SO A-IWX» '81. nClie SeautUvl and 'X'ft.lontcdl Yo iinaf Enorllab A.ctreeiH supported by auuneihil company, composed of tbe following prominent and popular artists: H5- PHANiCwBSTON. MB. CHAa._J._PrFFE._ }iRi G.. T^OLMERr — M& EDWIN TABBBT, MR. BALPB DKLMORB, MB. O. T. NICHOLS, MB. OLIYBB WREN, In the original Bomantle Drama in four acts endUed T. OLML_ . MBS. J. W- BBUTONB. MISS LIZZIE MAT ULMEB, MR- W. H. HAMILTON, MR- E- C COVLE, and MR J, TUTTLE, WOMAN'S OR OREGONIAK IJFE IN '65, BY WALTER E. FITZHENRT, Esq. N. B.—Mr. FrmnK M. Chapman, formerlybi islnsss managerior Mr. Aoiniatln Daly's Fiflh-sTenoe Company. Miss Fsn- ny Oaranpoit ana Miss Maiy Andaiaoo, and at present manager for Miss Agnes x^ai ' " oBsrd, amftures mi unbue thnnsnoot the United States that no labor nor expense win be spsreo to make MIB8 AGNES LEi OOMPAliT one of the best and meet sueoesstni oigaoiaaDons ol the season. Moat attracure Llihograplis eatli^ new and orjfliial. of latest designs. FBANB M. CHAPMAN. Bnis Manager and Propi anafiers and the LEONARD AND W. WOO] ongliial. ILCOTT. Bnslnea-mansger. 16-Ut« i ana Printing, ansgerand Proprietor. Address DRAMATIC AGENTS. New Terk City. AJVNOXJNCEMIENT EXTItA.OIH>I]V-A.ItY. »^sjrreL, oriirinai -wA.x^i>Ropr, TJ'&S. and. BfA.ST'Ell OBONTSr, Only M:A.»TrN, HOW OPBIV FOR EnrCA&EIIIIElVTS HTEJW PRirt'X'J^G, WEW I^IOTaOCrRAf BS. FIRST OX>£IK I>A-TJe OCX*, as. Bear lo mind we hare no coniiectlan with any other minstrel organization. Addreas all letters to 70 Prince aticet. New Tork city. ai-lt THE WORLD ON FIEE. EVERYBODY CRAZY. We conldnt help It. We hare done it. We irlU do It again. HENDERSON & CRANE'S MAMMOTH DIME SHOW wblcb tak«a tfaB md acmln on about 30. PUjad to the iMgutbouws ever known m the New England CIreult, and ncelTed eTerywbera the blgbeu enoomlamB of ibe prcaa. THIS SEASON ETERlTHIStt HEW. 82 PEOPLE A5D BBASS BiSft. ■WAJSrCTEXD—TVO G OOD BONa-AMD-DANRE KEN. thoae who play brasaprererred. ALSO MALE AND .-..^ .nr^nn "«1DMBN whh meclalUes, and M0SICIAN8 who play braas and H a lsflse mtiat oe low, as tbey ace sure. All communications must FEMALE BPBCIALTT ABTISI8, TWO GOOD BNDMBN wttil •tnng. MO BUHMBBS OB LUBBBBS WANTED. - be addreaed to po-It*] 1KB SMirB. Manager, ICCbardon street, Bcatoo, Masa. HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY OF MUSIC, . WILLIAMft ...... • . . . Sole Proprietor and Manager. SEASON, COMMENCES MONDA7, SEPT. 6. lownt market prices, Ooods sent C. O. D. Pnce-Usu on applleaUjn. BMUO TBANBAOnXa-i ■ iT-w -• ^•■■■*{: »t( „ . JTOVEJ/nr, srp.\SL», rx .AJRririsa:<S.dadTla( datea, addles tin Anit. so ^daie Plttaburg;^^ WASTED—. MBW BBTBLEHEH, CLARION OoITpL AAa -ATTBAOnVZ BPBClALTIEfl F OB OH B WKBK BACR, BBPl. t, 13 AND 3) NOHB BUT T HB B ES T. A FIBST-^LABS BTmOFIAN COMEOIAK FOB THREE WZECSL OOXHERCIIIO SEPT S. U-ISt* ' aBL. JOHN U 129 WEEKS, (^fiLc^dS NK^ {. .^AD eoRapaidaiee please addieaaOAKES BB(Wl, Dentnr, m,»tnr f 177, Largest seating eapulty In ■" Telllt "• burners _ renowned vlollnlat WILDBLMJ tic quslillea- All sireet-car ilni neighborhood. Terms low. Address 'O-ac J. H. SRHAEFER. polntmentaailnav. Tbe Igfaly praised the aeons- centre In the Immediate •S; U-lncb Song-and-danee Shoes, SS: Dutch Clogs, (2.M; Fngbt Wigs, %i; Burnt Cork, per box, 411c:; Pslse^ous- «taehes, 39c: Bosewood r Bones, fiDc; Tsmbo, Bsoloy t3; Triangle, Americ— Zither, Dancing S^ade Easy, 2Sa ^ - Hlnatiel'a Golde, 23c. End men wigs, 9Z each. Bend stamp , Megro for Prices ot MlnsMI and Magic Gooda. Musical Instni- menta, etc Remit by P. O- order or reglstereil letter to ED. JAMBS, ClIppwBuUdlnjr, aa and ao Ceo&e streetTNew Totfc. I-tt HAIsIsEN Ac HA&TS PENZANCE PIRATES IN A NDT-4BELL. JO-lt« ENGLISH'S NEW OPfiKA-HODSE INDIANAPOLIfl, nmiANA. Wnx E. EKQLISH Proprietor and Maiu«er. Tbla ffTUd baildLnflT, oow In coonie or erection, la tbe centn ot ibe etor, vlu be oompleted br September next In muolflcent style, ud wlli be b/ far the flnent theatre In Inoiana, and one ot tbe flneat In the Untied States. It mil be on the gTound'floor, with eleitant reUilng-rooma, apaelooa lobbies and promenadea, twelve proacenlum boxea, loarteen eleg&nt dreaauiff-rooina, aU wide exlta on all aldea ol tbe aodltorlom. with oomfbrtaUle aeata for 2,000 people, perftet TentUauon, flnt-daaa atafe appolnt- mentj, aoene-room wltb capadty for elgfatr peira or flata, fltace to rlgglnff floor ffl ftet blali, with »nfM^iiai. for drop- Slii^aceDea,an4 In tact nil tbe modern ImprorementA. lanageia ot flnt>claaa oomblnatlona onlj, addreas aa ebor«. 8-lA* SKETCH AND BORLBRQUE ABTITTS, are open for eDga««nenta. Addm HBS. A. ORIKNBIaU 10-Ut care of CLIFPEB offlc«. ttW GRIH OPERA CO FAMOUS SPECIALTY TROUPE AND DOUBLE VAUDEVILLE ORGANIZATION. Three nammotb and dutlnct ornnlaatlona cooaoUdated into one Honner Moalcal. Terpalehorean and flpccincular Affgregatlon, embndnffflO Lyric end Dramatic Bean. cola. J. H. WOOD. Sole Proprietor. • Will bM[ln eeaaon on or aboat Aojc- liL Wanted, a recognlied Prlmanlonna, capable of plAjInfr in barlcaoae, U dealred. AddreM CLAUDE DB HAVEN, 1 9 2f National PfImting Co., iUMonroe at., Chicago, lU . TO FmST^LASS MANAGERS. FERNANDO FLEURY 'Character Change Yocalists Also well op in Dneu snd Qnsrtets. No oblectlOBS to traTsL Address care of CLirPER- U^lt MISS ALICE HABSI80N, LOUIB HABBIBON, 5vik _ KISS CABBIB OAN.'aEL.<', MISS THEBEBB WOOD, WILLIAM TBOMPaON. OEp. GASTON. HBNBT WABBRN. onder tli« maoagameat ot MABTTN W. HANIiET. pre- ALBEBT E- BEBNHABOT. Musical Director, aenting sn original mualcal cocentrle comedT br B- E. WOOLP, author of "Mighty Dollar," "Mlllloiis," etc, entitled "PHOTOS." For time and terms plesse sjlaress MARTIN W. UANLET. IB-Uf Byan's Union-place Hotel. New Tork. Sampson's Opera-house, RONDOUT, N. Y., for rent or on shatva to flrst-daaa Comblnatlona- Man sgeta will please apply for datea to PHIL. SAMPSON, l«»«^ PBOPBIBTOH. T¥IIjLiIJJIlS' ATTICA, H. Y. .Tilt Jf" »n<l„I>Msalng-rooma. heated by steam and lighted by gaa. Bcmea on flats, and all tBoaWnnue Im- proTcmenta. For rent orJiniiiaree ta Flcst-cUi^iS iia.^^ MANAaEBBwmpjp«,g,^^j^ 35th SEMI-ANNUAL. 35 WiU be at Uberty for Pall and Winter to JolAr compwy as agent and adremser. Tlm^ n,^^' can addieaa J. J. _ FOBT ELGIN, BBUCB 00 OMTARin ^i^^ «» anaw-er «nn'S,SS.'i7I5i?,"i,b», ilTARY COHPANIE S AND BRASS BUD Uniforms and EqiM^ FOR SAXE CHEAP. . MOt«>w* CHA8L H. TOWNSBW . 24 Tcsey siiesL atwW I.AMOS t' V WASHINGTON IIEADQUABTB JEWELRY New petlema Joat Tor our new Confide lar, contalnlDff erei la the markat. B mention Confldsbt to Stmtmen and i CHAMPLIN'S LIQUID PEA An unequaled loUet prepsrmtion. Bdstoras and beaatifles tbe complexion. Used and r, Mrs. Soilt Blddons. Clara Loolse KelloiK; 1 chek, and hundreds of others. Contains will Injure the most delicate skin. Sold byi 60 cents per bottle. Beware ot ImitatJona. mteow CHAMWJN A CO.. Piopr'a. 1 WHITNEY'S OPERA- •WHITNEV OSCAR WILLIS .CJ^N ALLTHETEAJlEOimD. TETB MOl ATBE OP THE PAB WEST. Wanted at an tl class SpeclsltyAitlsta. Good Serlo.annuo and! dance Ladles wanted Immediately. Appply aa al TO I.ET, TBDIBUra YIBIEIJES riTTSBXTHQ, TBE I iDcIudlDg Bolei, Bar and BUUard-haU. Will . cheap. Inquire of JAMES P. QUINN, trujtae ot I blee»ut>, 161 Finh ayenue.rornfrQnotmna To Clrous n tiO RBWABD wlU be psld Cor sneb InKniaU.1 rATEirr cfntScs lights niesiiiS^^ >™»| OEOBGE TAVLOB, Solel^ntand Maon) CIRCUS-LIOHTS nrtces reduced, are the cheapest and moat dun Ag ent. GEO. TATLOB. a O oM stieet. New TciS BART SMl AT LIBERTr IS iDVAHCE-ACI Practical Bewspaper man, expedmued manager. nnrly all tbe n. a. reliable and tempoate. ei aaiaiy for GOOD work. Maaageta of «rSelLs tlona or aitnetiona only need addr^-^-Z^^ _^„. SMITH, Boxm. CEUVa 1880 • SSAjSON. J P. P. MACKAT AND MISS ijoxrsssi isrsci^ES). Vt THE ORIGINAL j And their new three-act musical oomsdg _ OUR PlaDtTATIOl »^MM",SlSaiP0Palar =.ela4 SoleMuiacer..... _ , BO.MONDBABBOW;,NO«B^^ C. W. BARR-^ STABBING TOUB ISO-USL AND HIS NEW DBAMA OP ROPED SCHMIDT Sc TOmi Sireet-men, W. p. BATIS; & (LATB OP LAlfOS i( CO.) makeaspedaliyolsnp|ilylngStieat.aien. with Otcasea and ShnrCsASvuSS! TMl tiM, Hotiona, etc.. ai>4allSiiSrCuSitf? wholesale rates. dauSgSI^ SMieies. si UH LASALLE.STBEET, OPERA-HOUSE, GREENVIUL WSS. ;;iliame«aas.lne,ecqBei7aisdaIl<cnTeiuaia>. a — > - w.-A-F -Timtiy nuiiiiii, BAZXEV £ mcAPOBB nr -u Mmuns.