New York Clipper (Sep 1880)

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Septembbb 4, 1880. SASEfiALL. .. 7 ts 4 ...9 6 At:loul n. Bodicner. at Wublninoi CAates TO BE KiATBIJ. ^ . Yr»y7»- BoWod. at Troy. -™uuia«i. ^ ^ ■ ^"^rmSajS!^ " Cl.ral.nd. Ao^. siySept I, n«j-mit:cii vil Udiod at Tmr IStl i- J- ?fS£?!^ "^J^*"^ alKltlBore. Jjepu ^ AtUcCK w. Knicaerbocknv at Sao FianaSS. TbaBaatoiu ended thdr aarlea irith th. iT^iri* Slturtv, Aug. a, wffSSa mS oat or th^S^.."" FZooe, Juue U>....llo<u«o Ta. BuiTaio JaaeIt....Ba*toa n. BoOalo «Tan«3 BcRton Ta. BolfaJo Joly It. ...BoaoD Ti. Bairalo..'ir.' July O BoROB n. BniTalo.. rfoly n....Ba«too Ta. Buffalo An*. lS....BoatoD »a. Buffalo...'." Aug. ir —BoMon T». Buffalo... Auc. » Boaton ts. Buffalo -.Uvatoa,., -Boaton.., .JoOalo... ■Boaton.., ..Bo<ion... ..Bonon... ..Buffalo.., .Buffalo... ■BnHalo.., Juni-L!....|iaflaIOTa. Boalon •{"ne • • .Butlalo Vf. Boaton.i ....UOfttOD ...Buffalo.... ■ ■■.Buffalo... I i 7 4 4 U II 6 i Ul ? i VATIOSJX ▼«. ROCBESTEB. Tlielr lAst JOmtela la BnM.klni. blbTuoD ofimd batdDK and fleUlW of all the p>lsratb«r r"i'J"','** f"""" of Bnwklyn. la aa loUoir* • Jane 10. NaUooal ra. Rocb«rt<-r,at Koehr^trr... ...» i •Jon* U- i"lo"al Ta. BocbMer', at ltocta»^ l ? i'^lS-J^J'""*''"- »«ionai^at wa.wnitii;:;;;"9 ' JnneS.RorbaterTa. National. - —--" '5^™ ? Jnn«3Qi Aatlonal ra Bacbe«t«r Jaly n, National n. Boctaetter J"{J- a.K«tlonalTa. bSSSict July U, Boctitstcr Ta. National. ■J**- !t S^tional T». BochHucr. Aug. 12, >atioDaI ra. Borhom-, J* -J^tlonal T». Bocbencr, ■fix- SO'''*^*'' National, ^ ^ 7!!£-1^ S"'.."""' BochMttr. atBmnlib-n JS- 5«5"««f TIL Union, at RrooL-lrh >"tlonal. at Brooklyn.... •»n^. 30, Nadonal Ta. Union, at Brooklyn ..... V"*-i!'J?'*^""*'BBioklyn ... Ans. a, Rochotrr ra. Union, at BirMklyn a- S*"™*' Union, ai Brooklyo^... AOK. 29b Union Ta. Bocbeaur, at Bmoklyn. £• «-'nl'>n. at Brooklyn....■'.'."" Aoir. aj. National Ta. Raclieat«r,at Bruok'n ailnn i 3 fluott von by National In matolien with Boch^trr Oania won by Bocbmer In matcboa witb jSt ooil ' s Total aMTj of nma by NaUonal In matehea with BocDCftcr m '^•'^."?>«'?' »™ byaocbCTtar lo Daiibiiwiui ^atjonal .... . >. Total •core'byNetlortl.., -** Total acote Bocbeaur. tln,on5ilhjiS;S ro»n« ootfbSi to Uie •pmaiora T'-i 18T tilled." TbeA Ilia roMe Clnbat Oakdale Park. PbU L««.SLbyaianre«r 7taa PuaMlbacn I villi Um Athlrtic ■or tbe dm time lb Rntaa inclouol Barber, t^jlckrr, B bddar. THEA %,9ao» 191. Cbowded w.-islnieiut, PUladel- Plila. Aug. 2S, trt Mr Uie season of 16S0-S1 witli Wn n"* Electilc-llj?Jit Combination. Pa mbliutlon bestna KOTBS FBOX (f.—TUe Clercland Open Company, t •aemeht of L. O. Haniia. are to ■ rcuinNS of Xor- maodj" In Canto l Tbs Cerma- 9) ..s ■ei which tbVNiaoIi^jS!.*'"!?!, <l«li««>t n. indlS aaraad -T-" r°??'" ""de a fiui abate of bain.Mtr. " T. a. In.K>.a.K. COTUtning clubi. Place. icua Troy Troy ClndnnatL. Troy Troy Troy, June 4—'toy TA. c'uicuuaLi, June A,...1tay Tu. Clndnnail, June 8 Troy Ta. Cincinnati. JumsSD Tny TB. Cincinnati. Aa«. 9....TroyTS.Cincinnati, Aug. 6 Troy T».,Cuclonau. ■*U3- 7....Truy ti. Cincinnati •f 21- • ■ Clndnnau Cinelanati Aug. r... .Troy ra. Cincinnati ClndnnatL' Avt.a... .Troy Ta. Clodnoatl ClnaanatL' Aug. 3....ClncinnaU va. Troy Clnclnnitr June 16....Chicago tb. Worcener...Worcene" June l7....CbieajjOTa. Worce««r...Worce«ier June l»....Chlcaso Ta. Woiceiitet..WorSter ' Jni.»« .chlcasOTa. Wor«iit«r....ChlSSo ■£?.''**°"-J?<"e«^r-"Chla3o ' .Ch cajroTa. Worc««er....ChlSi!o .Ca caRO Ta Worc*ater...Woroaiter Sw"^£? ff<"w"»-.. Woiceater. Cblea«o Ta. Woreaatar. ..ChlcagD JuoeSd. June 31. Junes.. July 21. July a.. Aug. 14. ■^"',' i?—-2''e«*oTt. Worceater...Cblaio July *I....Wof«««tart». Chicago...Woiwlter Ana. 30... .Worcenter vn. Ohl.-iiao. Ohiri-i 9 a 4 I 4 S II 3 13 i 7 II R 4 4 » 4 3 2 » t • 7 0 • sill Mcnel;n,aa. » 2 2 11 u BradyTM bTs 1 u a 31 9 MorrlAey,3b. 6 I>erhy, p A Powell. In b. 5 Snydar, c. f.. 8 Lynch, r.f... s Baker, e 5 Oerliardt, 2b. 4 1 0 I 2 12 2 6 1 2 I 6 0 2 llDcaley. c. t OlHeyptle, lb. B OlKen*dy,aa 4 ' Clapp, r. r. 4 Rawea, 11. 4 "oche, L f.. 4 Daly, p 4 0 0 4 4 0 I u 0 0 I 0 I 3 1 I 3 0 0 I 0 0 1 Gardens b. lI'"*— ajiower fDI baritone Toli join the Holman Opera Co., wbo opi in Toronto Ont., Sept.1 Un.a lUiHaniaMcLalD bave retnmed fro ...Maiiaxer Ctias. Hoffiwmsteadaeal Tlie MenOelsaoIin Qnartet, ProC Ale] Mter Max Bendiz and Mlas Eine Sten rpiantecta. "Old FajiiLT Bai iae-aoBir by Ifailon Carieton, la publlake mi k Co., who td. Tertua. WansBS BlCHAnne noelet and chai«et«r- Toealltf of the HeNi neait. Compiny thU •eaaon. CoLonan Hnnciaivs IbrSbattnck'a Jubilee MIoetnla. See E. M. "TucT's Mcsicu. IB learning the piano or organ la adTCTtiMd Daan.—Oeorge A. F if pneumonia in Lead. Tine, CoL (date not na burled by tbe mn- •Iclaoa attached to I heatrea theie Aug. 14. 31r. Florence waaawe ler-of orcbcatra, and bad been engaged In ^.Ihcatrea—dramatic and Tarlety~tn thla a S'a widow, a profea- atonfil lady, who JO!IEra ALI, liberty. Mrsiciiicaare want toaai^'a CIrcns. See )fn!ilcal-dlrectnrILC^ A NWBSR of tbe m longianpnhiubedby George D. NewbaU A < iniH, who adrertiie a llet In another column. '. k A srr or aosiCAL c .vanted by J. C. P. who adrertlua. .*>'.. S. 9. Stkwart baa a Ipira baqlo Junt leaned. See card. BLauDELL's MmBT ad' Peak Bellrlngerii — 14. Red Bluff IS, and Si^eS»?d^^«S3H^i^^^^^ ' "^^-r^O^^^'^am^^ concert OlTror, 2d b OlScbenck,j>.. ' ~ IjCllnton. Lt. -.w.Bw^ »vwunw „ I «w«a nina. —™« ■ bill Share of baaO'hlta and JLfJii ^S"?-?'*^?* Brooklyn the S-ulon^i;'dl? P<>nW»-lUnwnmTof^ffLKS'*5?~v "waatheoB; ?n7^L.",';a.S-X'1.5S5SS^^ opened with some loose play S«CI«llan,aa s on both aides In tbe llret three innlnna. the n^^fh I >f»naeirr f 5 being a little llTeller then than aftarnrdL Bmh^ l^or^an.Sb' a ,'hSS^'5,'» Inning the Wdrngm.pi5°?f gerSTi'."; I the pitching was ezceUenR ann as for Ue bMQof itwu I Powell, ib j either herd-hit diliT.cultera nr gnod. aafe bonndeni thf I Baker, c f s TP^f'^fforOT-c^uht*. From the third to the elerenih Inning not a ran was Morad on either side and "'J'":;' of DeaJley to «£ch a hSind foS.hST tipped Item the bat that theVatloaaUescaMd hiliJi ?!,; ont for a blank In theeleTenlh. PoweU SSRSr abSL^Sf alter he bad had a me given lilm, id S.def SSdina tlie runner home by a t^to-baso hit, a parnd ball 'W- The feature of the Bochesters' fleVSSg wu the biJi' play by Bradr. Daly also doing good work m nl-ehTnS' berby pitched well, and Bake^^jSt no lo tf^^l^,K inning, when Snyder went behind the bat.' The iJo^?"" " i i Totals KatlnnaL Union a. lB.Po.a.A| 'Usioir. i I ii oIpike,c. 1... I I 0 I 0 1 U 0 0 3 9 2 1 2 0 0 0 Rayea, r. r. 3 3 3 1 S I 3 7 3 0 2 3 4 10 0 4 10 2 4 10 2 4 3 2 3 0 4 2 2 3 .1 7 13 27 14^ j| Trtal....40 U II 27 10 10 2 0 0 - - Bocheaua-Clot Time?2k Bm^ *" etci:6?omTinTTln -Onr Kallroa<f MeiC^atbe uStcb MeSet and Kadle Hasson InepetlalUes fomSl fbe a^ractloM -"S^ «• igS Globe Theatre, St. I^BtJUM^vJ!SSUi£f Mendels (to Cairo) audits.«.« ciM«l» John R. Weaver and Bedmond and Clifton open "9 ....The newcomers at ftberla Alhambro 22 wire l^e Haatinipi. Johnnie Beese anU Baby SJii^iii. George DempBier. Ada Mor>mer, EmmaXeeland,Allle Sheppaidand Guiry Hopiwr an amnnr tbe c mbanT'. Aimoanced lor 9: SSlla yS^ Kius Su^Sr, iraller Wentwortb. Hart and Emma Uwpold. BnBlneaa con- tHJSa^Si ..Rnwr'B Oanlen and tbe Kew <»n£ibm?:"u.tb dl^ abo«, are doing lairly. JkJd b^^J'poui,^'' rnnnlnii: .■m of W". V. Malmbnrg died here Xoi, 19 of.PDenmpj._l.;^TTie,TemaU« ^Jim^A . iii*'in MefoiSi^^^^ "o*"' Profemlon nlaOfcheatraijhUlefltatHaltwortb'e I^a'ettartMto^l5?eSSrfSjImposln^nmeral, Garden« h. Lfaaeesea a power- SS. J W Decker U completing arrangc- menta to etait ont hbi "Iron Hand" Combtnatlon °o° I. HrSiU aceomnany the party, learlng tbe rioiU T^trennder the Bnpervlalon of tas eon, SSSk 6p Dlcter!.....Toni Pastor's Comblna- S^J«n in ae O ^iplc ■Aeatro Sunday Ang. » for one wees -TlS CpmlqneJlieawlsm^^^ dersDlnE eztanalTe alteraUona. and will Te<»«i aSS?i?iu5ertbe contlnned management oriir. -.^mltli. TABiBTr NEWS ffom Chicago, ni^ »PtS*-^ .J aa tinder: "The Academy of Music <1om not teirin Its reason nntll Sept. is. Manager Emmett ^nmr iStengagIng tie rest of his company. Nick M^n.^S^B to be bnalness-manager tbe ?6mliS sSii^ returned from EvansvlUe, lad^ un^s^go......Fox's Theatre to announced wSmveWto opon Sept. 4. Tbe roster " !Si?5 given, of offlcere, opening company and spedallT OTille. I that lie la at ATHKiBTIC WW. OUiWe T^nV]SMnt^m&'\^?,^ A-- ^ " nlnea, and received aouoLf ^iSuS ihi-^h-.'*'*"'''* ' = on the fleid. The AtliilH,?Lr_^''' *hen they appeared Both nines b-iSid heMU, aid ^h^^l^f.sSl^S _ATBt.eric. T. R. Olo«. 40 3 8 S 16 12 n 0 0 1-3 0 0 0 0—2 KatuTday'a nmca euunl luiuui . _ Club. "Troy Prondence... -Chicago BoiOon Ctufr. Worcester... ClsTeland.., BolUo , Cincinnati... withCloTCland.theWo^SawS their uStthtSwli'ar ennatl, Prorldenee Ihelra with fliffS^. MTTro?Mth ■Cliiciga . PTOTldence bids lair to bare thS bert 5f ihS •UM week s work ol the club campaign li the W«S ThISS ^mesTrUl end the matches of the East»rn mnaJwiS .^SIK'."/''.'"^""?''?'' theCmdnnatl t»S SiSJSi^ wX^i SJSrj"'"'^ cbica,oirJ?,ir "SriKi wliUe the PTOTldence team atop at Worcealer urf i£ J>.)«ons at Troy. The full record tn"a?; i?^TjiJS?. '*» •Chicago. PTOTlU'e Tr«v Cleiel'd. Wocce«-r Bortton. Buldlo Cmcln'ti Igw..^^JU!2«|aai33:3<;«2i47ll2l9" lltJIZII 12 I U 2 62 Z2I 60 - 0 61 9 ii lie! 22I 33 IiraUII 61 2lC3i21 CO 1 la 21 42 U 61 a 37 „ .Totala .. 44 3 10 S3 U J Totals gs'lnnal 10 10 0 fl u Boche«er. llOOOOOunniLo Fint haw by erToi»-VatiooaI. 4: Rncbesir, L EarSw vW^^ Wlre.Mr. IHllry. Time, 2K iim. with the exception of one game, the uriea at ^nt^. In which the National and Rwhester nlS.. MmXt?riilTnd??; b^lS'nVJJSuXSM with theoioeptlon of the of the last gaine-^Ja^ftfifJ^i totbe standard of the League baUlnewe aawi? laat uwnr^ H JfoVSa"Th? clSK Kourke, L t. 6 Hague, s. •.. 3 Mason, I»t b. I Pu]mer.2d b. 3 Landla, c. f.. 9 FouB>r, Sd b. 3 O'Brien,e... t '.apernon, p. 4 Ryan, r. t... 4 1 1 3 0 2 11 3 6 I excellent, — 0 U|Ba°.S?,\db.I-'S'o"W3 a Lomaa.Sdb. S 1 1 I o n i ranMe'r"?:! I 1 1 8 ? SlWhldng, c... 4 3 0 6 3 n OIWeaTer. p... 4 1 3 0 4 0 S Pog'P.r-f.-. 4 0 2 3 1 u S JjoWens, lb.. 4 1 0 11 11 J Berkle'h, Lt 4 0 1 0 0 0 0hlt>lcker,aa. 4 I 2 2 3 1 AthSU?-;;.??.'?" ? %, T^i -V"? ^ ? «1 Olobe 0 » u 0 0 n ^ J JeSc"?l2dWp»IVsi'''^l5j.'g£\«^^^^ Tan Meter (2) WlSung, B<S^PlSibfie^SS^r^*T.'!^ tetl<; 4; piobfct BM.JS aj^d iSlfJif,^:^'?;:^- with the exception of tbe of the last to the standard of the League batt laat at Worcater and Pnrideoni. .now uac ue club. 12 nSmm'Stl'""' Saturday tor aweek'a plaftherfand taMUmore-we propose to hare a word or two to sar ab<ait t^e pUvera. "The majority were ettanaera^ n. pereoaally until we saw them plaJIn theMa^^ Un it Is 01 these we baTi> to say snm°thUif. FKttM?Sr?rt i5 the halterlea. Baker and Derby ire a Hnelh?n^?l5i? ssrj ?5^fe'"b;rs'issi ''^srJ^^r^'^'^^'- 1'yt •.rH«-,s»'-ss^ ^ubWa>^£?J^VSSr%fiSr^^ andLelfettB. Umpire, »uiiam Coo " TlS!?, jh.Tiii^'"' Umoir T». BOCHESTER. baaes Powell guards flrat yei hapdt IsfliUy abletof - Momsey la decidedly .".S^f .''-f wo^kjulcUy, aa doea Powell ai»ri»th hjuig ui^ f-w. _„.fc McCIelUn.loo, "'• Joe, who la prone to talk too much flu'th»T;iS"i?l!^-i",? J" «h«other,Ide. The«or»: nu the hill at second base; while I U.nios t n. i» » i! '..d,Srfe*'"S 'h'"";basemao, who Pike. e. f„.. I 2 2 ~ o aa doea Powell also, both h*in,» I k«i.A« . . j i 7 « . ■■IBo cBsniaa . The eunieat between the Eau and lae tveai nuw i.ianaa HiTtr ol tbe Eaat. aa will be aoen by thi« uble: Prorldenee, Troy , BonoQ Worcester^. Lost Chicago. .... CleTslaad... BDOalllr... iClndnnati.. I 9|g|30IS4IO»|II,Mt.. while beltjg a aritreiVh^si^?, U « reillSt m Stb«i io^'iSS.'&JS™ »»c "Id MmeTe%?rm" w?„S?ii;'^i'"''".'",*'"5'"»"«* InthooutaeldMiSsU bore off the palm, Baker doing excellent serrlce at c wui fleld, and Lynch fkir flelding at rlghu Snyd"r tilS m play centre two or three Ume^ but hia neldliS WaTnVt Lt all op to the mark ol bu brlUlant work behlSd Se hat I or the Rochester BlaTerawehaTe to «Me that ia icw~n ^,S.iS."''fS' Daly the latter la by odds theiore effwU^S ffifSfi. ^•yonointtrftom Rochester koowSnotblniw hiSd'?^J'i'^'-^i"KP'"*L'°^f rtmplya swli? unde?- ?i^S fT".""' ""A whole otUect appears to be to send M.Un'iU''.H?."l"'J'" lTeKp«tl« of ihV 6?yu of Of of the ealelier'a abll cytouD- 1.^ k • This Is not. ot course, nrat-elssa pltchlSc ilSeJ't-Jfifh;,''-* T"I, rHcherrand'l)S21°ev h!^??.£' Il!f° •"'■n'robly. in iict. the team irauiS if h<.«:7 " ""W hann-LlM toaelh- ^JSS^- .h"e"h1| I'n- tiJ-ffst Nelson, a a . 4 Troy, 2d b... 4 Rep, e. 4 Clinton. I. f. 4 Behaoek. 3b. 4 Hayes, r. t.. 4 Farrell, Ih... 4 arlffltbs, p.. 4 . w OlBrady, 2d b. 4 1 3 3 0 Farrifl,3d b 4 0 2 2 2 DeaaHr.o." 4 2 C S 3 Meyerfe, lb. 4 ? 2 ? 2'S"»""y' ■•• « 1 3 s OlOlapp. r. r 4 2 ,0 0 0 Hawtl, i. t 4 0 14 0 1 Roehe/Lf... J 0 14 Olcaly, p 3 palm on T. K. 0 3 2 1 1 7 1 II I 0 0 2 1 3 I 1 0 0 ,„ .Totals..J7 3 10 27 17 6l Totala » moreelfecUre Union 1 0 3 0 2^ d n 'n^ RMhester OOootoox First base by errors-.Union. I • RocheatM. « w-_-.i roua-Unlon.s: Umpire, M?. balle?!^ TlS^'ih. 9 4 0-* 0-3 . "Pl.TAFORl O.V Tllk _ the Park Oardeo, Prorli new operm will be bront hold tbe boards at tbe notice At the T '-Fatlulba." and "T week, with LeTy in cot . HanRinaN A Hanr i Wm. A. Pond i Co., w i also pobUab a list of o Major Po:«D*a Co^ t Colby as musical.din i lloniie, Clnclouatl, tbi buslnevs. "LlKDT Din, OR E:ople reads as tollows: d. - ' , Robert Kos, manager; iijd. HUIler, business and stage manager; Frank Skiff scenic artist; Hany WilUams. machinist, B'aae-carpenter and master of properties; Eugene CaSson, (loorkeeper-^bas. fi. Adams, prompt- er-the company :T. Vlnston ilnrray and Alice p'kclde as attrtctlons, Ed. Bar«tt. w, To WHAT to beUe\-e<l to have been tbe largestan- aieTO eva-as«mbled wltbln Its walla, the Grand cSSL vSletyTheaW. •'«»^«iS!?',25SuK the season of 1K>-81 Aug. a Witt FJedertCM, uloaa and Le Vaii,^lArtT Toolv, Hriene Snuw. Billy Harden, Wm.T.Dwyer.Ke't^SSTniiT HeDaTenDon. Cerlnl, Leslie and Kennedy, HaiW Ctarke £S?r and Alfco, Ella Sheldon. SeUto SSy^So^LroeoH!? Woods and tom^^ui^ saiAe company the current ^S^ r"'^ .;,SSSt well commenced a suit tn eortty Atar. SB "SrVi; nilllam J Gllmore and William Gallagher In tte <5.urt of ciSJmon Pleas of Philadelphia. He claims Uiat In AprlL l«n. be «oo»» J"2«- men°no.e for $4.M4, which GUmore ow^^d bta Mterlng up said Judgment In the fo' owlnf aipteSber, whereupon an exccu""." »»5,'?!°Sj: 2n5 0Um(ire-8 personal property. l^'^Xuim '^e lease ol the theatre, was announce* for Sheriffs nSelf St. 14 1870. But the sale was prevented by S:*Siment between Gtlmore «nl Steawell to She <^ that tbe Ultar was to be bookkeeper and SsWerof tbe house, receive •niaummco^^^ Stbe boiMiBce and tbe bar. and out of JJ- celpto to pay aU the e-xpenses of tto "«^U»^ ment whosoever. ■ Including $30 per week aj a uiary to GUmore. Alter all these expenses bad S^Bnl^d.StedweUwaa to ««»2iSfSi" iuT tin hto tadgment was satlafled. StedweU fa- ther calms tbaTGllmore has JeP^S him or tbe rtgbts conferred upon blin by this agiw- S«t bTaoiwiderlnB hto lease (and vncMff^l new leasel to Wm. Gallagher, now known aa the SSm who kMwlngibe 'agreement between splScy with GBmore'to Injure •O"!/"*"'" SW- welU Again, plaintiff lUleges that Cinnore baa JtatlrtlffpSllctbatStedwell will not be allowed to exercise control of the front of tbe bouse,.and sbould he endeavor to do so, P" o?'5LlSS building. The plaintiff ptavs tbe Court to decide that be IS entitled under the agreement to ttke charge of tbe trout of the theatre, and recelvj and i<S out tbe income thereof: thatthe airteement be- Rien Ollmore and GaUa^cr to null »»? To'^* and that, pending such decision, a receiver be SSSolnSd w taira charge of the receipts of the hSSae and apply them in accordance with the ?< ™ Sf?he agreement between plaintiff and Cll- ind lastly, that Gllmore and Gallagber THB JOLLT lK««»-FraBk E. igSSi JWiS* LelSlStotera. Bfa. «»?'«»^»-^^WSSS52 of by tbe manai^ra with whom tjiey baverty** for the clevemeai of their *SS!r eommenOatory notes are -""h/^SISS column. "Stolen Fto" to ie aflo «£ "» rte^ in wulch they intnxtBca their •Pe«l<?«lM; "J**; sides tbl«,Mr.McStohhaa a scene In thownyor giot.snne daoclDg tkst K9 calto-^ue"* J >iin." which to not the least of hto iitlraeUonft. THB Oivmyic TaaATaa, Padueab Ky.. OPfM Sept. 11. u- Boeenthal to the proprietor —a J - ".Murphy stage-manager. Peitormewarewa meq; A I.ABT-PABTSBB for do«We-trape«e to wantsa by Mile. Oinola, who adverOsea. _ ki- BnxT WTUB. Irtob cbaiacier-perlbnner. In Ua iriah pnnch-iuid.Jody speclaUy, anneoaeca n> tat open Sato as NoV. a.*HeadTeTttoeaetoewhjie. is LkADTiiiK, Cou, business at aUof tbotbe- atres toreporw? as being very Ugbt. and SSperfomniaieslck." Mimle Loder, wbobaB Sen Mrlonsly 111, lea there .\ng,Sl tor CoCtofk- woodSprlngiL , , HKOBO aOHSTKBUBTr aodevcnlng, and a batter average entertainment SfttVundSas not been given •>«'r£'r*» Y«°L^ TtaeaisMtartwas mad« partlenlariy pleadngbr ^SSffVndlbnSSewoi aiu Baitow^oS^it son Bam Prtco and Cal wa«ner. who wara ^ SSSk!* bj^ inteiuwnioia. A. tftMne*r an« ORTllawUBB,whlto tba vocal oi oe«a» gJ^. SinkHowaPt J. .J..Keny •^J^S^S." ana sTin—, "Ost. Fox, WartJCartflii. innne^ nSr and Uovlo In songs^d-aanow, "J*?'.J^J Jombawlog, which proved to be » «22ffi SS£ one exblblflon of amsUe posing «™*™,i!gSl ing In addition. Fields and Hanson gave a mnalou- iSoke aS?irSue cal Wagner, Bartow, •St'SS; Smy generally lalused "T"?"?"* »I«°\!^'?S Sesketch, 'FunontheBrusseto,' ^WchclMjtltto Sow.!"5la«rty's Colored Mlnstreto opened l>ei« Stpt. l." Ide as Bpei:iBi nuiatnv"", —'nl'lmore: ana lastiy, .VV"""" 'IIIT;"™-' I ABEBLB'sMisstaBLS are billed In Nashua, K-H^, H Danvers, Charles StanleT. Alexander By- enjoined ITom opening and run- ^S";,„' =««~ll»t skills Vraenn MKL nariT 1 0='^'J*!S".Tr_-.ii:»l<«f>ii<hernrJeroftheConrt. I rany has lost rtcclred leil-knovn house or H. E. Myer, HaooTer, Oert if Tbe Bnert flutes ever Imported Into thU eoon ■Bnnlactnred »pm<- ly tn order, at a coat of H-an Informed that It IS pronounced by eompt sto tw the most beautl- nil Instrament which t Bm baa CTer asnt nut. The Oakea flute-soloa g the m<^ promlaent leatnres of tbe Oakes Bi looeits. They adTcrtlse for a leader. Bak K. Hodooox is w ikce Brothera' Concert Compsny. A KAliAOER IS wanted edirectlon of tbe music- al party formerly knowi vta's Raby Opera Com- pany, as adrertlsed else|B. 0. Gardner. In entirely new company. BooA!i's professional 11 adrettlsed In this Issue. Thr hcxoariax Lad ainusTAL Orchisvra, at present In San Franc , adTertlse that tbey can bs engaged alter Not. prefer Eastern engage- ments. A SOPRAXO-Siraga w oiaagament. See "So- prano's" card. ~ Pbrforxers are want M>Bontanan Ladles' In. stnimental Orchestra. . Paulsen's addresa else' where. BRgrnoTRS's beantlft sm Pathetlque** was the prlndpal feature of the aVseooeens sttheMsn. nerchur Garden. PhUade Tbe eorrent week Is sn- nnoneed as the laat but ' be season. Tbe Mnnner chor Oarden orehestn d ig. 38, and will bo succeed, •d by iheO* maniaorch •g.30. _ J. Fbxd ZlBHKaifAN' DU'JuTenlle.opera Com. pany appeared at the I n E^ihlbltlon. Pblladel {ihia.aArnoonsorAng.: nUa;piaientlBg"rlna. bra*'and "Failnltxa" on atr^— Oko. W. JtntR or Indi hi, agent nrRlce*a BUoa- rtSSSyrwr^J Cllmbre at a stlpSited weekly ^'S'^'^t^Si^MV^O^^^^' 9E»»»«- SSri;f?h5^mle™n "--^"f "/"il^iT,'y,ruS Sfd?M2i!r'^^ l?'BeUiw» FalU. VU. 2, Jfiddle. TTbatever in the boufCT and that be win nie nta i . • - ■ rnSllrto Stedwell's suit within tbe fourteen days "'^MiKD'^iP0ll3.Ixi>.. npto Aug, a, ourcor- respondent wrote: "Noiwitbatandlng the extreme hea't?.gooq.«li«l 4" *^%^V'i Gil- OT, Charles' Benedict, SaUle bason, Mrs. nairy " "^^Jg^trenntllUhefurtherorderoftbeCJnrL ^ a^^^ _ IlVier and Miss Annie Byner^pec alty people; ^fSf/o^iii^SSer, lessee of tbe •a}"9«S"'^f HaverbTlLMaaiL. e?Newbuiyport T, Lawrenco 8, Chai Grear and NeUle WaMis, Tnidcll and Ilowan^ is? demaSdca SW.OOO sccnrtty IMro Stedwcll {ISJcll"'iJUiuceitir 10. Lynn 11. Slffi'ulJU^?MlSsJ^'t^^^l^^^^^^ I ««»l.'"'"i'i';SL£L°»''» ?!??.11!JJ?.'= 1 ''trb Nkw OBLBA^^e MrNt«B.u..a«Jpbe mSW; CTOcomedlS Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe CrSmer (Miss Maggie Ohrtstle), died at Hougb- ioo. Mich., l: S.. Aug. 12. aged eleven months, and was burled there, so Mr. Creamer informed me, caUlngonAng.». He and hto wife openatMon- roe'B30...-.^Sony-Pastor's Troupe comes to the °TOAT''?Sro™ TABtxTT H0C9B the Howard 1 S,^';;^,?SST'llTeSJwto^^were^^^^^^ ASInaeuXBoeton, Mass., never looked fresher Xraea Dalton, Alue Smith. Dooley and Tenb^^ 5iannowSlt8»ew attire of paint, gliding and J^Jfon and Mile^ consUtntlng the best romj^^ S?Setlnrf and under tbe continued management ^Ta whole, that baa yet »PPC^^»* JSIlJSlf^ S^iiiamHwrlB, aided by Frank Wright, stage- f^n^ boU in hto burlesque 'K?'? ""'^S'iim maniierT^P^on.treiiurer;W. H. CaWgher, J™Se hearty laughter. The 5f°E'",i«*c^V ™ , SSfsto^t CharlS SeymwiT, advertto ng-agent; Tcai-ey the Piper/ '^'J'•"".S'^^Sib^^J; s<;KArFRR'sBRLLBi.vo are reatln g at their homs ^ijv Saxton. mnslcal-dlrector; P. H. HiU, scenic- Everybody closes, Dooley I Amheret,K.H., are t la toursept. 10 with an H"^.'5^'Jigrts, stage-machinist;!^ Frank Bell to Toledo James Ual nt.-i,- .T ' Sl5 gBtman;WIlUamO' ,on and Clara Wagner to I^^"'*™"*- vm«L>eIlce (^oatnmer, opened the new aeason 23, t<,n and Miles to Cleveland. Bined for wf?b"the fbuowlng coipSny: Frank Bennett, g'a'^.agherand Mack, HetUngerMd W^^^ 7iiS Sardirer OrmJortr and McDonald, Annie gSg^^n. Addle Evans, Leon Whettonv. -rho * rAKi.-.»» » ^yd FSnkE." MrSub. Kose and Jennie Leland, IfSjSSuts to the Zoo, which are being pushed See BiUy SSf 'a w Sawyer; Reynolds and WsUing.Mln- {ipwiy, wlU be completed by Sept. I*"";--™ bobinsom MiHin JJT i« 7ha Big Four-Smith. Waldron, Cronln JSuIm company so at the Academy of Music piJpnetore and managera-are bUlej and wlrt nl^lce Somlre, Alfred ValJeAn, Allca gSSe's" Oar.len Theatre) comRri"! ^hMlea SBd l^'stpt. «, YorkTHBrtl*"* IStem?"and WIUIs Plckert. Edwin Bany, Prot xeSnle Reese. Irvln T. Bush, Bolton and B^oi^ ^^wn 10, Cumbertond 11. CTtort lSimlirkeraBd*>g»andBenOlirolL New staia Ka, Chrtssle (for the season^ J^^ „. „„de, » Mill- ^"^bnny Allen, J(SnTUI, the four Diamonds- gmnie Kaye,fcditbLyle,HavrtlnsandKel^.Prot the NBWOBtB aus V^"*"fiV^"Ji~J^'i, ^lirk WitsS?. Brevarde and Sawtelle-Fred Le- c. A-Chance, leader ol oi^heatra. .^^At the management, are reported omeeUBf^^th* 1 Sanubr?h?fimr Sbamrt^ks-Conrw. Daly jjnd | divlUe TheWre^Banj Sumvja ag^^ | beay^r reception-ln thefi^Matern:lonr,_n» tot; '"thb'"bio Foub MisaraBLS are annoti|M«l* lo ^J'^^Mc•i^Sii5S■bSi ^ a stroM hit 111 Lon- Sir Msgatys Theatre. Htowtfd-Uipwncbai^J- Bketch^lhe Watermelon Man" t'tll^HiJ!^^ tbe moat anccessIUl potato ot Prot^^tJFSS pre^^tncto pnblisbcd In another column an an evidence 01 hto popuUrtty. t sr xr t..- I 9diSuo oioprtoS;tnarie8 B. Bleks, actlng-maa- irttb James Dalton as Casey. |*JJf^'/^?P£"u^ ie«jer of band and orche^ and _ Tenbrooke to ,„ ^pen their wason Sept 2. . . . ..^ . , .-«i,. WOODSON* ALLBN'BMlXOTMJare^^^^ ton and Clare Wagner to ^}*^f-^°^- " and Miles to Cleveland, fined for - —A Uaev npttlnoerand Nibble. EC. — ■ "4,„.„,„_„ A pr^BB to wanted tor attaight bualn .nMoaiaet. Bee BiUy Florence's card. MiHiiTBBLa—Robinson srnmeu billed In Columbia, CarUsIa Ba- les Whlutotbtt Sn?i^ardi"Fi'rf^'"5!^vi'i''^',Y''.'L* ciiihl.,Sd ftorey, lb.. 6 1 1 12 O U iaJTutTu. TjJITSri./fr'^ "*'] Tho ouiaeldera 'iwln. a a.. 5 1 2 2 3 0 ? 2iH5i:^,:.°?J"5"'*' Aaron ClRop. Hawes Is Dlck'son, c. f I " " " - S.S!''?*.??^!^ >•'»!■«'■ •nJ .• Tcry smart bsse-roSiiS: hi: Whitney 3b. S WORCESTER vs. CASS TheTTorcestersTlsltea Detroit, Mich., Aug 27 and had SJS'^H"'"""'^- TlHU'berls L. P. Coullaud. an easy Victory over the local club *a»wy,Ci fHrfii.' r"."'" I l^''-Msss. ^' were made by tbe hii^etli^ i?dSrnV^h/^"'S^^^^ The t,ATiBTi;o.icAL . Gh.ney and n.T.calches bT .Iohn»D. iSShSJnd ?nH%£f "'V''""'"" •''•''^ n altern.ii»l In the Ditcher's mltToii and o^riii"^ , „ *• CORMtr.pijiTiiR I nted lrome.ll«tely «t the Co- Bushong caught dnel"i>d'^l^ke,;;5%?,"Z.^f.«^^^^^ "«=um, Detroit, .Mlchfdress Charles O. White, man PBOI The .I16IUI22I27I84 of amatenr champ _ _ ^ implonahip . . ^ler tlie auspices of tbe Long Island Amateur Association ended on Aug. 28, with the success ot the Nameless Club as wlnnera of the silver ball and the cbamplonsblp, the CommercUls standing second and tbe putnams are placed thuU. Tbe recvrd In rail la; 10 to 9 16 14 Tbe Polytechnics and Stan hsTOTet a game to play, but the result will not change the relative position of the <lubs. Toe record ot each schedule-game played in the biiimsf is OS fiillnirs: May 2S, Commercial vs. Lafayette llsy 9, Oauntleas va Putnam May 31, Comlnerclal ts. Dauotleas Jane 3, Naurlesa vs. Dauntless .Tune 9. Putnam vs. Commerolal .•line 5, Polytechnic TS. Lafftvette June 12, Nameless vs. commercial June 12, Putoiun vs. PiilvtechnlC June 12. fltar vs. Larayette .Tune 19, Nameless vs. Putnun .June 19, Commerdsl vs. Star June 19. Pulyierhnic vs. Dauntless Juoe2S, NameleiisTB. Btar June a. Dauntless va. Lafayette June SS. Commercial vs. Polytechnic July S,NsraeIe«TS Latajette July 3. Putnam Ta. Star July 3, Dauntless vs. Otmmerclal (10) July lU, Dauntless va Star Jd'T 10, Putnam v;*. LVayetic July 10. Polytechnic vs. Nameless July 17. Dauntless vs. Putnam July 17, Polytechnic va. Star July 17, Commercial va Latkyette July 24, Commvtdsl tb. Polytechnic July 24, Putnam tb. Namele&s July 21, Daunilcas tb. Lalayette July 31, Nameless ts. X-arayette .Tuly 31, Commercial tb. Star .luly 31, Polytechnic va Patnam Aug. 7, Nameless Ta. Commerdsl Aug. 7, Dauntless Ta Polytechnic, lorfeUed. Aug. 7, Lararette vs. Star, lorfelted Aug. M, Namelesava. Star. Aug. 14, Commercial tb Dsnntless Aug. 14. Pntaam vs. Lsfayette Aug. 31, Nameless va. Dauntless. Atig. 21, PuWJun vs. Star. Ang..3l, I.alayette va Polytechnic Aug. yi. Nameless ts. Polytechnic AU?. W. CoiAmerrtml vs. Putnam Aug. ±i. Dauntless TS. Star mlAlVi^li^., ™". very smart tisse-ronner, tw- I Wtiltney, 3b. 5 £2h?.''*i!?5 outOelder.and Clappflllsthe bill at ' ' nghtfleldanely.beingasuong and usihilUiSJir Th« wtenu Mererle attendtid to flrst base flnelv rTU? Brouth' Sin2^=Vl*w''Jr '""""'S «'■« Rochestera Ts their ShS??»*J'.tt Wcllng; and no matter bow weU they may W.SVtS'o'iSln't: •^""'^ I Kich'd, r.r.p. S BushoDff, c. 5 Moore, Lf... 3 Cory, p.,r.f.. 3 Creamer, 2b. 5 3 0 0 2 1 0 I 11 1 0 3 0 1 0 National, o. t.b. b.h. b.h JfeClellan. 11 Sl m .w MaDselL... 11 31 i .176 Mortlsey.. II 3D " " Boyder.... Ii 4« I3 Lynch G 24 4 .166 Baker. 11 44 9 .204 Oerhardt.. II 40 4 .100 ROCH'ilTrB.T.B. B.H.AV.B.H. Kennedy... 45 ii zt* Deaaley.... 46 II .na ^Biyly....::M 10 .198 .BD rtoche;r;r.v2S — Clapp 4S 9 Bwlne IS 4 .211 ParraU 21 3 .142 Weldman.. 19 3 .157 Daly 2» 1 .094 _ Totals...4S 12 13 27 23 0 Worcester 2 0 2 Case 0 0 0 . Cass. Johnson,2b. 4 [Inward, lb. 4 Wise, p 3 Troy, Sdb... 3 ninney, c... 3 Pl-her, a a.. 3 Henri ban, Lf 3 RccO, r r.... 3 Arery. c. f.. s T. R. •.Vnibethe nresa- . the coming season. ^□Ilnued the attracuou at R. L, tbe oast week. A S........"Atlnllia" win ind Oarden tmtll fbrther lut Coliseum "Pinafore," iRT" were pndDced last OS a special attraction 24. _iiiirA«T, sppeared at . Ol Aug. 23, to moderate X," a comic song of the | Webater »B»oSI?nd"iraiirKi^^^^^^^ "SSd^aTa\dK«e fe^mTfTri ."o^'Sp'SS^i'ouiJtor^ TnS« the tS«« LamonlB, FleldB and Leslie. John m closing 28: Ella and Pear* Jeb«i«fi"J S^. baverecalved: ^ . v . ^.n h»<. fc=£^?reprteWthrAlSro J^Vp; l wrand-WanchV^re,-^^^^ MS^MdShefbaveleaseStoeTO^ the Leon Slaters. Srwriby^d*Ka,iJK^ 5?e' S^.^SsomP!^J^l}?.Jt^}^^^^^^^ reSy^»'^S?.?^ks.r^^ SI?S?rtSSl?IM~^i^rX^^^ BuUand a.BrandonS.MIddlebjrg 4, rettu^n^nk cammuMg^i-u^^u.^^^ 1 Maucheater «w« «2,»!.?fS.-i'i;r--5.;;-'if;™M^^^^ 1 '^l^^^f,^% Ftinrtnm JilSSltteSAu^ *ABBBI.B'SMAymiTH.Ml5»8TBBLC01IPA>mB DOW on a tour tbrongu uie East. nwning-The PbUlips Brothers. Mullen and Mau- , .SSSii^nkCQmSnga, Dan White. Nina Bach, . Bosoa are pnblUhed by f?""S g,,._ooj saaRcno. UlUe Connore, Ada ^.u» . , enlse in this Issue. They Oracle SJI'^ampbSu Sistcra.'and a hanetunderthe ??" ""pSiine iui^rDan and QussW _ an, comic song.. f recUoB Ol SSo^ An orcbtstra of thirteen uleces ^«°'^a,Sre. H.*" Eigan. Chas. Oildden^ Wjer "tL'^lSSaud 1 |gSjSn«ngj«ed.^Enga^^ \ ?oTer., and_Lmi.n Howard, .Cb.,a,p.;^bl« la ward Howard, hold good for the Apollo Theatre. SSBLBAKBB * BENTOK'3 KUMTIC COSSOLIDA- a?iai,DaftBi» w tlAvtln trail Alhanv ?ur^;?',vrr*^,^"n!;5s?.;.Tn?ii'd^"r^^^^^^^ Boa-1 N. v., Aug. •■it. Our correnponUent aaya: -The I llamm, ' „ „, A LRADSR Is wanted i dramg^c company. Seesim- moods A Brown's card B. A. KiiOKUOKrifn. leader of the Theatre Comlque, Kanaas City. Mo., and r at Oremoola l-«rk. Dei'ver, Col., eau be eogaved fo e eomlog sea-ton. He adver- tises that be cou also so|r an eiAhesira. mrtetv performance waa very good, while the closing bnrlestiue, 'Prtncc Prettypat,* was pu? on In creditable shape. Tho performance eommenced at 7 a) and did not tcrminnte until after eleven. Rotite- North Adams, Mass., 30 Piitafleld 3i. sSrlmrtcld Sept. l, Hartford, Ct., i. New Mertrten 3 N^HBven 4. N'orwlch 6, Worcester 7. g, M^n- ^?ant«r""TT.o''d«rk««re ar^ Dan Whipple, Pierce The stage-carpenter, Jos. Jamison, left 21, f-I .f«nd the fonerff of bis fkther In hfw voTk- he mnriw » Walter Mugridge. alter Sjffting t^elvr scfSea. wentOT to New York flnlBb the I^baon and g«s inrom tbe«e tn vnsiiBb'n Now Opera-house, Inilianapoiia. i ue e%c?5c Hibt la contracted for but wlU not M flnlshJd in time for tbe opening......Col. J. 11 wood of Wood's Opera-houae, l-ejdvlllo, CoU. "■vIslHng bis friends and looking alter Mare"'- ID A» «Ha r-nmln.1A evAFTtntnff wsuiran VARlfr HAJJja M. B. LEAVITT'8 ttrDEVlLLB AND SPECIALTY COMPANY as organia for the present season In- cludes the Garettas— igento, Edouard and Young Apollo—Wood and 1 illey. Louise Linden, Don- nelly and Drew, the ore'lo Brotners. tbe Amer lean Four—Pettlngll Gale, Dalley and Hoey— Nellie Larkelle. Moo and Leaainger, Ohaa. and Ella Jerome, S. Holdi rorth, Lizzie Daly and c. Stalhaum. Cbas. B. C late i s tbe ma nager; M cheater Lawrence 10. Ixiweli 11, Boston 13. The L'ute iS thla city At tbe Comlque eventbing imerlor of thia hall has been iplnted in oUve having lea nothing unJ^^^^ colore with drab trimmings. The interior U to be "cSretbe approbation of hia many frtenda lor the Totals .29 0 3 27 IS 8 4 3 0 0 0 1—12 ^SHSl i!''''Ty'<''^'«'> 7- Two-basS hllS-D?ckeJSlS'n'' Three-base hits—Dckerson Trwi,r/>i:^.. ... 6 ... 13 ... 27 ... 13 ... 19 ... 21 ... 23 ... 23 ... Id ... 12 ... 21 ... 14 ...30 ... 1« ... 10 ...IS ... 31 ... 2 ... 11 ... in ... 29 ... 9 ... 17 ... 2S ... 19 ... 16 ... 23 ... 7 ... 9 ... 9 ... 9 ... 7 .... 14 .... IS ... 3 ... 13 ... 10 ... 17 THE CLOSfi UF THE TOUKNET. X&tlonal ws. Union. The baseball tourney "lor a set ot silver"—not exhibited at TltTany's—ended on Aug. 21 with the htxt game of the t.>iirney between the Unions and Nationals, leaving the record ol the six garoea played as follows: Games lost .1 0| 21 4 11 e|E3| 1136162 It irlll be seen that but for tbe lost match, when the Uiuoiu made 14 erron., their average fielding wotlld not hare been much less than that of tbeir more einerlenced opponents. In batting and flelding, howerei^ the Roch- eaters take tbe lead. Only one run waa earned in the en- tire six gamea. This speaks well for the pitching. Tbe reootd of the games played la aa rouows: , . . Aug. IS, Roebester ts. union S to 3 Aug. 19. Rochester va NsUonil f * Aug. 3D. National ra Union ..- 1 0 Aog. 21, Rochester TB. Katloaal 3 1 Aug. s, Boebe«l«r tb. Dnion. 3 2 Aug.H,Nattonalvs.Union ---,r ..0 tbe last game ot the series ttbs the pooreet of all. tbe Union teaim baTlnrg SkTftry bad "off-day"—teama tiaTe these kliul of drewbaaa oocaslonally. Inat aa indlTMual playOB haT* tbem. Haje<t-lata ol the Ba«le OInh of Baa FroBdaen—eatight from OrlAths' pitching, while Pike waa absent fram eentre-llald. and Bcbenck's poor play there was euch aa to make Plke'a serrleea missed Not a ran was eanied. and oulv three ba*e-blu were made In the Are Innlnga in which the rnn-pctlng waa mode. De- tailed desoipllon of a contest like this la Motrf •■ ■ lag. I oil thv 1,1 _. .— — — . In tbe last three innings B<r the lint time aluae lUa InJurr- Only otM base-hit waa made off his pitching. Natiobal. B.IB.FO.A.E. nmog. Hotrlaey hon off tbe palm on the National aide In field, lag, and Derby at the bat, dlnton being the only player on the other side DOC eharfed with etrnra. Lynch pitted ]icClellaB,a s. 2 ](aaaell.Lf.... I Momsey. ^ b. 0 Pow^Jjt b..'. 0 BuTder. e 0 Lynch, r. C. p. 0 Baker. F.r. 0 n«tia(dt,Zd.b. 3 Totals... National.... Union... 1 1 0 0 0 3 2 0 1 IS 1 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 .7 6 27 IS 3 .. 0 1 1 ..0 0 0 ramll. Sdb... 0 Nelson, a a 0 Troy, Mb S Kip. r.f. 0 . Hajea, a,. 0 OIBehenek, c. f... 0 " J. FatTCil, 1st b 0 Clinton. 1, f.... 0 Onffliba, p 0 B. la.TO.A. B. 1 1 1 3 1 t 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 14 1 1 1 0 Totala... 0 3 0 0 0 0 .. 0 5 27 13 14 I 0 3-7 0 0 0-0 Fitat base by erron llr..Daily. , . -National, S; Union, 2. Umpire PROVIDEHCIE ws. djETSI^AKV. Tbe twelfth and last ehamplonship >5«?« above-named chtbawaspUyedon CTeTeland, o.. and resulted lor the fourth time In the locol team being blanked.' Thevlsltore were '^'bo't' Psmli s Tlcea, and subrtltuted Blnea at second base, while Houck fiuS^tbe T««aney at centre field. The CI"«Is;ds, out- side ofSbairer, could do nothing with BiaUlev'a pllchlngj making only lour safe hlta oiT his decepUro *Bllvery. and Shaffer was CRililed with three of tbem. The »l«tor«, who fielded tlirenaoont without a slogle error, buncneu five of their seven s.ire bits in the fifth Inning, when they scored fiTo runs, assisted by errors of Dunlap, Hamon and Glasacock. CLkTZLA.VD. Dunlap, 2b.. 4 Shaffer, r. r.. 4 Botalliig,c.r. 4 Banlon, L H 3 PhiUlpa.Ib.. 3 Ketmedy, c. 3 OlasBcock, BS 3 lI*Cormlck.D 3 Ba'Uns'n.3b 3 K.I3.PO.A.E. . 1 3 0 0 I 0 2 0 lU 0 5 0 ■ 0 1 0 2 I 1 Bines, 2b... 4 1 1 1 2 „ 0 1 Start, lb.... 4 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 Peters, s.s... 4 114 10 0 1 Ward,Sb.... 4 2 1 0 3 0 0 0 Gross, c 4 0 1 S 0 0 0 1 Dorwan. r. I. 4 0 I 1 0 0 3 0 YorLL f.... 3 0 0 G I 0 « 1 Houck, Cf.. 3 1110 0 3 0 Bndley, p.. 3 I 1 2 1 0 Totals'..i0 ~0 ~4 24 is "5 TotalS...SS 6 7 27 9 0 cierSSd. r:.. 0 90S2SSS<^i2 Prondence 0 1.0 0 5 0^. 0 0 EaSJdliiilproTMenie.*. Two-base hit-Ward. First base on balla-Dtffgsn. ' First base on erront-i-rovldenc* 2. BtrnckTnt-^VBradleya^ Mto called^ St; IIeCoimicg.84. itilkee nlleJ-Bredley^g; McOnr- mick,Sl Doablo-pltf—Tork and Grnw. . Fasaed ball— Sennady. CupireTwalsb. Tiffir,lb.3Qni, BOSTON ▼■. BVFFAIX>. On Aug. 27, at Boffalo, N. T., tbe aboTe-named clubs played off their tie-game ot tbe preceding dsy. Ttntt commenced catching to Foley's plicblng, but a foul In the Ant inning landed on Trott's left knee-cap, ItiJnrIng him so badly that Powen bad to don tbe uollorm and support Bond. Tbe home-tcsm led oiT.with two earned runs on Richardson's slogle. Hornung's three-bagger, and Moyno- han's two-baser. The Bostons oilSet this by making three runs In the second inning off a smcle safe hit and costly emra by Kearas aadWeldmsn. The lead thus gained was retained threuglmut. the Bostons msking two addi- tional mos on four safe hits and a wild throw by Kirhard- son, Willie the Bugalos scored once on ornirs by Foley and Burdock. Rnln stopped tbe game before llie ninth Inning euuld be completed. BOSTOS. T. K. 1B.P0.A.E.I BCFF.MO. T. B. ID.PO.A.E. Jonea I. f... 4 Jas. R' 4 Foley, r. r... 4 Jno. R' 4 Burdi>ck.2b. 4 Mnrnll, lb.. 3 Sutton, 3b... 3 Bond, p. Powers, c. u 4 0 1 o 2 0 UlCrovlev. ct. 4 0 nichsnl'n.Sb 4 Olllornunci.f. 4 0|Esterb'k, lb. 3 O'Moynah' 3 " Stearos, r. t. 3 VVvlduan, p. 3 Kearns. c... 3 Force, 2b.... 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 0 11 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 I Totals...3i S S21U 1 Totals... 30 3 8 24 17 A Boston 0 .1 1 0 0 1 0 P—1 Buffalo 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0—3 Knrned mns—Buirnto, 2. Two.bsse hits—Mornstann, John O'Rourlce (2). Ttiree-bsse hit—Uorouog. FlrMbsse un balls—Buffalo, 3. First h«*e on errori*—Tir»rt<^n, 2. Struck out—Pnffslo, 3; Boston, 2. Balls called—Weld- man. S4: Bond, 71. Strikes called—WelUmnn, 211; Bond, 10: Doiihle-play—James O'Ronrke and Morrill. Passed balls—Kearns. 1; Powers. 1. Wild pitch—Weidman, 1. Umpire, Do*chi-r. Time. 2h. lOm. The cordudlng cbamplonsblp contest between these clubs inak place on Aug. 23 at Buffalo. X. T. Rowe reap peered as catcher for the BniEalos, while Keams was laid off. Jim O'Rourko and Moynahan hit very bard, and the former made all but one 01 the runs credited to the Bos- tons, while Moynaban*a two-baager sent home the only runs made by trie local team. The Bostons won for the ninth time. Score: RCITAtO. T. B. iB.rO.A.E I BOSTO.V. T. B. IB.PO.A.E. Crowley, cf. 4 Rlc'dson.Sb. 4 Hnmung, 1. f 4 Ksterb'k, lb. 4 Rowe. c 4 Moy'han, S B 4 Steams, r. C 4 Weldman, p. 3 Force, 2b.... 3 llJonc^ L f... 4 0 Jas. R'kc, S.S 4 ul Foley, r. t... 4 0 Jno.R'ke,e.r4 2lR<irdock, 2h. 4 ItMorrlll, lb.. 4 OlSulton,3b... 3 OlRond, p 3 0 Powers, c... 3 0 3 0 2 0 2 2 1 0 0 14 2 2 0 0 0 S ToUls...:4 2 6 24 7 4! Totals...33 4 10 27 IC 4 Bnfl'alo 00000020 0-3 Bo/iton 10201000 —4 Two-base hll^—Sultnn, Mnynahan. John O'Ronrke. First bnse on balls—Boston, 1. Flr^t base on errors—Bosion, 2; Buffslii. 2 Strack ont—Boston. 3: Buffalo. I. Rsll.icall- ed-Weldlnan. 7<l; Bond, 97. Strikes called—Weldman, 23; Bond, 11. P«>ub1e-play—Bnllale. I. PMSMrd halht— Powers, 2; Howe, 2. Umpire, Dosclier. Time, Ih. Mui. TROT vs. CI.VCIKN'ATI. T>is game between the above named clubs on Aug. 27 st Cinclnnntl, 0., was very closely eoniesieO. pspeelslly up to The sixth Inning. The clnclnn.itls scored the firetnin on safe hlu by Pnicell and Say, and two siiccesslre outs In tbe rlxtb. and they addeil another In the lollowing Innlnc on John RclUy's single, Fcrimsoii'sfambi* and Tobln's wild tiirow. Tbe Troys tied the score In the seventh on sate hits by Fexrnson and Connors, and errors by Say and Wheeler, and earned the winning ron in the elghtb Inn. l"e on Trthln's thre*-.h«BKer and r«nnora' socrlflce-hlt. Cl5Cl!ntAn. T. B.lB.rO.A.B. PuteelLp.... 4 112 4 1 J. White, r. r. 4 0 0 4 0 0 Clapp. e 4 0 I 3 0 0 .. 4 0 1 0 S 1 Smith, 2d b. 4 0 0 0 4 n Wbeeler. LL4a0101 Reiny. lot b. 4 1 I 12 0 0 Carpe'ter.Sb. 4 0 2 0 0 u Scmmere,e.f3 0 1 2 0 0 Tbot. Cassiay. c L 4 Tobin, Istb. 4 Petgoson.Ib 4 GUlespie,l.£ 4 Connors, 3b. 4 naaklns,a s. 4 Evans, r. t.. 4 Keefe. p 3 Holbetx, c... S T. X. 0 1 2 17 1 1 Totals., aa 2 7 24 11 3, Totals...34 3 S 37 21 3 Clndnnau nnnoOl 10 0—1 Troy 00000021 —a Earned run*—Clndnnatl, 1; Troy. 2. Two-baae hit— Pnrcell. Three-base bit—Tobln. Fuat base on ballfr— Ferguson. Bolhert. First base On efroia-ClDcUuiaii. 1; TrOT. 2. Struck oat—Cincinnati. 2: Tny. L Balls called— Keele. 73; Pnrcell. lU. BDlkeaealled-Keefc^SB; ForceO, 41. Wild piteb—PnrealL Umntre, J. C. Chapman. These clubs me- again at Cladanatl, C, on Aug. 2& when flmlth's poor play demoralised the home team, and they were consequently badly beaten. In the fourth Inn- ing Bmlih mla>«d five aocceaalTe ebaneea, letting In thres men and two more to baoea without a siDgle bit. Then the mtot the nine broke op, and m tbe next Inning six more damaging errors were made. A slight rain tell dtirtog most of the game. Welch pltahed effectlTely, and waa well bfcc'^ed up in the fleld. run-Stovey. Lmplre. Geo. H. Bradley. =ome- BASEBAlil. IfOTES, Avff. 14 mt San nmnclKco. CiU.. a buve raoner wu attempt- log to MAch RcooDi). wben the itrlfcer, with an idea of buklDg the catcher, drew Dock hit bat MDd made ao awk. ward att«inpt to hit the ball, which multed Itt the h«ll belnv mnffed. while (he ruDoer reached secood. The areplre was erldentlr iKOoraut of Bee. S ot Hale 41. which mra that tbe "bataman la ont If be plain. I7 Kttempta to binder the catcher trom catchlns the ball eTldentl; wlthont etTort to malce a fair hit." Drlscoll baa been releaaed by tbe Bnnaloa. and In hli atead \rf MmaD. late of the Bochuiten, baa been ensa*ed,to- oether with hlB catcher. Keanu Tbe BoaioD BaMhRll A£8oOatloa claim to bare vpmM to tbelr plu-<»ra $22,000 orer and above all tbe pate-receipts In both Boston and other localities during tbe laat ten veara. The pub- 11ahedTepo:taot the treaanrer nfthnt ontsnUatlon, bow- erer, stiow tbat the i;a e rcceipu each aeurou have greatly exceeded tbe amoLnc p«id oat to player* for salarfCH, expe- cially la 1874. when th^ melpcs were S3^i6, and trienalarles 817.90U SaUlraa or the \7orc««tcni l* re- eorerlng from his recent upell of alduiess The Boclc* eyen of CinduoAti, O., and the Keoi of LonlsvUte, Ky., met on the rormer's ground Ang. 23, when the home team won bv u Hcore oi 9 to l. F.lllcV In now pliylnj third bsfie for the Biickevea Richmond beads the battlngarvr- Tj) of the BoATonnup to date The Roiich and fUadyn Alma, CmL. defeHtcd the Sacramento nine Aug. I.inn the foruier^a eroiind by a ncure offl to'7. The? plsyed fur a pura* of HftydoUarA The CloclanatH hare ri- le k^ed Mansell, who goew to Akrun, o., and ibcy vlU pmhaMv oDRn^TA In lila s:eKd Aaron Clapp, an excellfnt ontAelder TheBosioa Chlciisogamps In Chicago, ni., week beiore lH»t atmctcd It).w0 spccTBtvn. and the Bos. tonHbagged fl.siuiWrthplr ^hare....AcoDtrowreyaniite In the Kulckerbocker-AthlcUc irame at Ban Francisco. Cal.. on Anir. 15, rtrpectto^ a decision at flnii bar>«, the occupant 01 tbat poiut belnc obliged to l^nve hin baac In order tn sMura a urlldly-throwD ball, but dropploK it Im- mediately on touching tho mnner. Arconlinu ro rhe League nilea, the mnner waa oat. The rulea of the Na- tional AitaocIntloOe howerer. require coat the ball miiAi be held by the player alter touching the mnner, and ondrr thatcnde (he declBlon would be *'oot out.*' Ewtnc. btte 01 tho Rochei^ers. has returned to Ma home la Cincinnati. O Burke la In bualneaa at Albany, N. Y., and doing well The Cincinnati papers a*y that Chapman^s umpiring loat week waa tbe btst seen in that city this aeason The Bostons rlsltcd El)r1*i, O., un Aug 23, and defeated tbe local nine Uy a acore of 18 toO. The Elyrlaa made but one safe bit off Botid'a pitch- ing The first game of a new series between tha riTal clubn ot Akron and Xorwalk* O.. was played at the former town on Aug. :£S. when the Akroua T.on by a pcore of 4 to S, The Akrons hare re- ctutty engaged Kemmler and Mackrer of the dubaodvd Kanaaa City Clnb and Maosell of the CloclnDatia, and are connldered one ut the strongeat aeml profeaslonal nines In Ohio, bavlcg won sUteen out 01 eighteen games played thU reason The RusJtell City and Rnnktr Hill Chiha contended for mperlority at Russell City, Kas., on Aug. Sl.wlieothe former won by a acore of 21 to7. Lewis and Parrvll. formerly of the Bay Oltys of San Fran^l^co, and now weoiling their way Ea^tward. were Indudeu In Ox- ninkn ol the Hutwell CItya on thIsoccnMon The Chicago-Worcester game on Aug. 23, at Chicago, ni,, was puSttiOiied on acconnr of rain, after one InnloK and a li:ilf hnd been played. They commetired playlnif, too, rarller than axual, hi an to get tbe gate-money. The Worcesters got on to Corcoran imm tlie start, making alx bits and tltrpe runs In two innlnga. Tbe ChlcHtrnn w«re blanked In their onlv lonlng Tbe Kanaaa City Club and the Weatema of TnpekK played two games at Atcbf- flon Kas., Aug. 19 andSO, before alnn^e attendoDce cnch day The \Vc«*ern» won both camen by the respective HcoreKoflOto 3 and 16 to 2. The batting of the wlnnera waa terntic ihey maUng twenty-four aaie hits, inchidloc five home-runs.whileilie rCnnwiHCity team only ancceeded in maklDir a^ven aale hits In tbe two games. The Kansns City Cluhlias be«n disbanded, owlna to tbetallnreot lea slocUiOldem to pav thrlr proiultcd Mbacriptlona. Mc- Sorl^T Kemmler. OTay, Cory and Llbby have r^tnmeU to their resoectlre buniKs, and the remainder af the team arevtlU atTcanaaa City The return gnme between the Crickets ol AnnsndaJe and the Standaida of Eagle- wood. N. J., took place on the Conner's ground Aug. 28, and was won by the Crickets by a score of 12 to & The Englewood CTuh defeated the Paljs^e Club on Aug. SB by aaMraof l9to7 A strong feeling la manlfeated In &^or Urof«««I<>nalnlne lorDttnrt. MIcta., aextsea^ SOB. and ft namber of premlnent and wealtbyinjQ hare slSlflfd their winingneaa to glT« the entwpriM the pJcmn-bacKlng. With a good nlnep properly masaged, ShSSTlino rionwhyltahonld ^fiJ»l^^:f;^'^^^^£L ...DKk Pearca has been playing hall (or tbe Urt tweatT-flTe rean, aad area bow be can ontflcld maay of th??2inJKnr7...Acnrioaa mddfnt happened in a te- rljdit down to the ground, and BushoDg, who waa SShhur. >*ach*d orer and aiwrnd him to Mt u Ho handledit mSSt of the tool Une*. «» SS U«»MP«l him and went fooL WUUamsott ran for Sit liid?& tl«nr the b^to CliicnncaTi. T. m. lB.paa.z PnteeD, p... « JWblte.rlSb 4 Clspp,c.... 4 Say. s s 4 8mlth,tb,r.r. 4 Wheeler. LC 4 ReUlT, lb... 4 Carp*nt«r,Sb 4 3 Trot. t. r. 1b.-po. a.k. Csasldr, ct. i Tobln, lb... » PervnsoB, 3b 5 itUlesple. LL S Connors.Sb.. A raakina, a.a. 5 BTana, rS... 4 Welch, p.... 4 Holbert, c.. 4 1 z 1 11 0 s 'TOUIS...SS 3 4 34 13 16 TnUIa...42U BOli i rindnnatl 0 20000D0O—2 TroT. 00961100 —13 Two-bsse hlu—Wheeler, Sommera, Olllesple, Caskint, Welch. Left on bases—Cincinnati, 0; Tm.T. s. stmck ont—Cincinnati, S; Troy. & -Bases on called balli—Cln- HDnacl. a; Tr^y, 1. First hase on errors—Clnclnsstl. 1, Tmy, S. Balls called—Pnrcell, 11^: Welch, 7:!. scnkes called—Pnreell. 32; Welch, 21. Wild pitches—Welch, 3. Umpire, Chapmsn. Tune, Zh. 20ni. 'WEBSTER, -vm. DEXTER. A closely contested Kama t«ak place at Webster, Xau., on Aug. xS, betveen the local clnb and the Dextersof ProTidence. R. I. The solitary and vinnlnK run ot the eoncest van scored by the Wet>stors, vho were atreneihen' ed by Torbldy uf last year'a HolTol^fs. WtCRSTBR. T. B. lB.rO.1.*. WllKht,c C. 4 110 0 0 liirbldy, a. a 4 0 I t 3 1 Kewman, lb. 4 0 1 14 1 0 Dnral. zJ b.. 4 0 0 0 4 0 H. Porter, p. 4 0 I 1 10 0 SolllTan.L f4 0 1 1 0 0 White, e 3 0 1 C 2 I A. Porter, r.f 8 0 0 0 0 bsxm. T. R. Cndworth.-lb 4 Anthony, tb. 4 KeOly, c 4 Doyle, p .4 Hcaly. a. a... 3 E. B'rlVeA 3 Tanner. L (.. 3 merer, t.. 3 F. B'rl'g><).ct S 17 0 0 2 0 0 11 0 0 0 11 0 1 5 0 10 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tatals....S3 1 6 27 X2 4 Totals...Jl 0 2 24 16 BartorT.. 0 00000 0 0(>-0 ^Sb^ii..-—... 1 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0_-l 8tnk«s emnei-^orter, 21: Dorle, 17. - BaHa «ne4- SoTlSL M- Porter, 44. Donble-play—Tnrbldr and Kew- miir Bainalraa-none. Umpire, IC. XcQoald. Time, Ih. •nheneimMtwntariml IMiriDplebadmsedthetytna tnST!:.!?0»m Wrtahl hM been^iMenUj iDtemew.d; andeipresa^lmseastrondTln IhTOr of a retnrn to the - - Sf?orsti«K(hi-aim pitdilnf. addlaB tb*t with the sent amdnnderhan^ tbnwinc a Gsse-hlt la only loby rtSce. It Is his opmloo that .Cnreoraa. wm Uk Wudud tlcConnlek ibraw the baU almpat direct .tt7JKuld"£dXoldbetn^fd;^^ .n.r»nMi "flTa-men ai u es ui eiu" asontiBdeooa, with oQtnxeoQS. .The Woinestcra wnn mani old style "f «tr»ieiii.ann nitcnuK, aaainB that with the p r esent made br_ chance. Wblti ■ ftom to the ao<aIled "flTo-man "heir .enUemanly d«portmeni both "J^J o« the ^^^^hi;•■•^^w'lf«r•t.%..^^ ?h^e iSfchSSifuilSShliihnmb so badly In one of the lSLM 5!S1i?BSSirthatltl.doabinau he WlU play Kv!?nV» ii<ls season A hotM eama took placa at sSfnSSS 3ll»?Ani a In the shape of an old-lbhloned V^21dS;eTt?5.MBl St the benem ol Fi«.k H- AMttai. in^dtlma hSl-lo«seT. Tbe ZooaTea conshaed of the S^MSSehS. Sne. "Jfj^" ?J?1«?5? SKSo?'th J the Benecia Bots comprised moetol the players of the StonehuMof olden times, who wj« then the ehunplona Silbe suite. The name was won by the yocu pUym by « .cS-. S « to IS In thlrtT-sIx Inobca tfrer the ipte Irthri^.lnentjincetotheChlcaau'a irond U painted Jhe^ortS-•^hfAmeiic.o neldSport",, President Hurl- butt eT^MtiTihiokstho wonlJbMetoirtoo^^^ The nV^lelir-linlied Havniaiieia of Troy defeated the SJ^ if FortSwaiS, K. T., an Ang. 27. by a score oflS lo defeated the local wm JibcSImS aod enuie saUsiacUon exprTs««l with the mlS^sSeStif the dob. It waa derided to nin the dob Sn«S neat year, althongb some changes Tnll be made r??h^lSr it S»anoCMC«d tbat not acentwas o«ln« Siyof lbe ptaycrs.slthoo8h to pay the asJailes steadier thJ»>J^khulriershad been assessed. TheKatlonals and S^Ji5j»,"iwSuSrweek InWashlnjton and Baltimore. aSSSSSmW cxenralon wlU be glTen m Sept. I» for tneSn^ of the Kallonal Clab The Siara of Ball. ffi N R leSntly defeated a nine from tbe United SSie^'ship ^nstltntlon" by > «od» ol 18 to I Th^dlnnted icore ot the CleTeland-Chleaao aame on Ju&loTao^aSydwldedbT K. E. Toun« to STiioO. tal^?rI »aMclaimed Vthe(aileii«5«. Bccretary ^nTsaya: "Ihe game conld not end or be called onul tlMn&rKilch wonIIwaa cfunplaed. Hi^there bani tto» mm on bases when Dnnlap made hUhome-rnn the .rSVVwb^all bare to cannt and be, recorded aathe "oreolthertme. Had the game ended aa soon aa01a«- SS^mSedaebome-elata, yoa can aaewhat a eras S^taaUttltwoold hare been to DnnUn, u be vonld bare hem deprtred of tbe record to wtaicb hewssJuUT en- reftc'KC^"Vii<l'rtiiwBtea generally. Theodore «^u™t"y^HF ^^^^^^ ^ The «!om- reirc8co«._ _ „ne„in„ ol 1 ?ff *ianT la as followar BanBtimanand Bnt- MoViicr remains as manager The opening ol " e Novelw Theatre (Harry Wood's), wtilch was to have occnfretl Sept. 6. has been postponed nntll the 13tb J. J. Mnsters will be the gtage-machlnlst and James Thomas BConlc-artlRtJ' TnE aBasoN at tbe Tfceatre Comlqnt Prorldenee. n I %.|1l open Aog. 30 with the foHowlng com- Siny: CbafleaT. Eflto. ClaralIoore^BUly OtaM, ?«1ltlSJ.Tho5eTd:MiiiSi; o:,liw ind Frank C^^^ cmcDSEB. . , i« T Bars-x-m'8 Show is to cxhltiU tlila week In a. I Si^ JerMTTllle. 111.. Sep*. JaekionTlUo ? 8^i^"d 8:iS?Jtnr• WnTlS?li U3 TBojiafl leaven Bamnm's Show In 8t Lonim Mo.' sipt-4. to fuIflU an eugngement a»aa»^^, SoriSago with J. il. Illcwya 'A Flock ot09fe»- *^THB''li'BMAC« AND nTODLB-HOBW CBISIW. irJ^na and ?il2«. «»tii and fljtnrts tor • ejnvM nrefor sale fay Lewis, Poller & Fleming. "rtK that they bav?aliio boUs. banner., otc, to ' "^^S 4 BA.SD8' cmors exUblted in m*Hetoil, . Front-street Ttieatre. Baltimore. Md.. during ttulpaiit week, were Frank Lewis. Clark GIbtw. jotmi WUUanu aod George Cary. tbe Hogan Brotbers, Oiarles Tbomton in tne drama nr "Simon Kenton," ted Charlea Redmond and oeorgle Blake, uin lost two In place of tbe RnsscUs and Pnncb Walton, who du appointed* The closnres were Commotlore Foote, to Kicbmond; tbe American Fonr, to join Leavltt'a Specialty Troupe In Brooklyn: Jobn Williams and George Caiy. tb Boston; Hogan Brotbers, to Jtewark; Charles Thornton, to tiew York; and Charles Red- mond and Georgle Dlake. To open Aug. 30: The Fonr Emeralds—Olbbons,Rnssell, Kennedy and Mc- Gee—Allen and Hart, Thatcber and Hnme, aud K, T. Stetaon in "Kenlack." Boslne!<s bas been good, despite very warm weatber. 8. is. UaTldson, con- nected In p»Bt ycnrs with tbls honec as general- agent, has secnred a good position with tbe Con- solldated Gas Company of Baltimore The Moore Sinters. Charles Freyand Florence Mantiall, and Mrlcs Morris were new at tbe Odeon. Charles A. Lodcr anJ May Antonio closed 23, for Kew York. Ko announcements. ATTUR IlisMAHCK (T>. T.) OPERA-HorSR the Com- pany during tbe week ending Aug. 21 Included Den lou-c. w. 11. Davenport. W. A. Dickson, J. w. Uav- enport, Oscar Wlllls. Ella Howe, TrI.ty Vernon and timule Thomas, ncsslo HcMlebcnt licgan 23. Clos- ing 29: Trisy Temon. to BnOalo, N. Y., and Oracle Thomna. to St. Paul. Minn. TnE VinaiNiA TRIO—Tamer, Welsb and Harris— ?errnrm In iil. Paul, Ulun.. Aug. 3o, ibree weeks, hey are saccessfUliy giving their opcclalties In the Korthwestern cities. In another colnmn Is published tbelr route ahead to February, 1881. when they will be open for dates. Address care of this oDIce. The abtists encaged to 9pen wltb B. C. Hart In Cleveland, O., Sept. 8. are requested to report for rehearsal on the morning of4uat date. See call In another department. Ko Baby.— In our Isane dated Aug. 14. nnon In- formation sent to as, we stated tbat Mr. Conway ol Conway and Farrell was recently presented by bis wire, at Ko. 37 BleecEer street, t^fs city, wltb a seven-ponnd son. Wm. J. Conway, tbe person re- ferred to. writes IVom Pbllodelpbla, Pa.. Aug. 28. In emct tbat be knows nothing of the alleged baby; that neither be nor bis wife has been In Mew York City for ten mootba past; that tbey have baen mar- ried only a short time, and since that happy event they Imre never been separnted from each other. Ned Straioht advertises lo furnish sketches, songs, etc., to order. The Four Comets nawley. Manning, and tbe Cooper Brotbrrf—can be engaged tn appear In their comical specialty entitled "Fragments." They are arranging dates through tbelr agent, Frank Goldv, as per card. J. w. Rabrinoton wIU travel alone this season, having separated from hlB former partner, Mr. Sullivan. Uls specialties areeccentrlc Irish songii. and-dances anil dialect Imitations, He bas a Yan- kee comedy, "Broocklns Mnnson, Esq.." In which he win appear. See advertisement. Ray ALpnossE, athlete, slack-wire performer and ceiling-walker, who has oeen re-engageil at Price's Rill, Cincinnati. O., after performing there five weeks, pnbllslies In onr bnslneas department an acconnt of bis latest specialty—walking on the water. Be has patented tbe act as performed by him. At the Alhambba, Philadelphia, during tbe past week, were Cbaa. Watenield, Leonard and Jouea, Lottie Grant. Foreman and Lord, Alice Oleason, Frank Bnsti. Geo. Edwards. W. T. Bryant. Fannie Prestige. Cbaa. Tonng. and Loa Edwards, Large attendance. Cramley and De Forrest, Emlle E. Orandln and Josephine Bhanley. ProL Wm. Pillare and MUe. Oeor^a, Tonng AtboL Jos. Kearney. Emma Blc«, aid Qoa Brooks Clarke come Ang. 30. Mn-Ln's WnrrXB OABMir. Fblladelpbla, waa well fllled the past week, the Bbow Iwing gtven by Hany Onion, Tony FamU. BUly SaUlTmn, Marie SBelller, Ons Bill, Canle Howard, A. Adams, Edith ainclalT and Ed. P. Barnes. OeorglA iJngtrd, Chas. Storms, Tommy and Annie Dayton^ Richard A. PenneU, and LlEde Blcbmond. To l>egln Aug. SO: Frank Moran, Frank UvlDgstone, Etta Morris, Charier Shay, Warren and Ward, Mary Bice, and Price Bros. ........ Wx. J. TBOKPflON aaya the route abend of bla Eleetrlc-llgbt Combination la Washington, D. C, Theatre Comlqoe, Sept. a, one week: Baltimore, Front-street Theatre, Sept. 13, one week; and Bos- ton, Howard Atbenseiun, Sept. 20. one week. MASAOBB Dam Sbblbt and bmlly of Bnflhio, N. T. were in Pbllslelphia last week as the gnesta of Wm. Henry Rice. Ttaer left fbr Kew York Ang. 27, and left there for BnllUo 2S. Tbe new paces at Caln'a Oem Theatre, Brad ford Pa., Ang. 23 were tbe Love SIsten, Maggie Murray. Malmt>niK»iMl'Blalr, Prank B: Carr. the Collins Bros., MUe. Marda and Ida Attn and Tom O'Brien. An extra maanee was given 28. Mulligan andAdamsclosed23. I>epaTtnre8 23:Malmbnrgand Blolr and Haggle Hurpbr, to rhlladelpbla; Love Sisters and Frank Carr, Buffalo; the Coilliis Bros.. Detrnlt; Mile. Marcia and Ida Alb, Grand Rapids: and Tom O'Brien, idle. To open 30: Tbe Olympic Quartet, Carrie Homrd, Nellie Herton, Homefl and Malcolm, Ada Homes, Chas. Peltier and sua Edna. _ The coxpavt at tbe Katlonal Tbeatre, Hart- ford, Ct., played to good business the past week. The departures 28 were T. F. Thomas and Lottie Russell, to Bnllhlo; Ed. Heeoey and Kitty Gard- ner to Kew York; the Powers (Jen and Georgle). to join the Rentz-Santlei Company: Howanl and Sanford, to Brooklyn; and Emma Rice, to Phila- delphia. The reguur season commences Sept. 13, nnder the old management. A iniBiCAi. SBErcH or operetta, anitable for vari- ety artists, Is'advertlsediKr sale by "Operetta." Bavi' Oak?i"'john~i)r6rim-£rLi'nii> «[ar Bart: 1 at ^om tTaiiSTimd- Hfo Derwk » I ""/'MpJ^Si'B Show Is to bo In HIBsdato^lUcK, leullstS^ Sadle Bernart Eogen^a Ort^^ Wafne, Ind. To S^t.^SM; Sept". CoMwater a. Adrian U, Monroe». Flint , „■■. ,i. '^'-^---^ M^Byn^^egm^n dancer, also character change-TocalUt; anwM^^''^^ THE LA3foirra, acrol ftom Enrope, are open EsoAOEXzirn for the, Tllle, CoL, can tw madd zensperger, or P. Fltiy' THB WciVllUll 'Lol tn this issue. AX IKIBB COXBDUX to doable with Um la have Just returned gements. See card. Central Hotel, Lead- applying to Frank Eit- ' as per advertisement. ' George—adyeitlse jnted by John Marlowe ipeclaltles. See card. pariner. See T.-J. Evans' card. THE Bboadwat OPBRA-aoirsB, Padooab, Ky., vras opened Ang. 23 with the following companv: The Marr Brothen, SeUon and Bnrna. Magirie BurseL Bertba Waring, Connors and IfcBrlde Jobn Carr, tbe BeUinger Slsteta, Florence Miller, Kate Carr: Prof, win Emery, leader of orchestra; Eugene F. Gorman, stage-manager; and Mike Moron, master of properties. The kew people to open at Long's Gaiety Thea- tre, DanvlUe, lU., Ang. 30, are McGill Ryland and Julia Bennett and O. A. Osborne and Rattle Walte. None closing. Nellie Clark, clab-swlnger, who was with Van Ainbnrgh'sClrcns. Is there on the sick- list. Specialty people are advertised lor. Hyde & Ueuman's Tulathk, Urouklyn, T. I., formerly the Brooklyn Volks'Theatre, was opened for the season Aug. :3, and dnringthc past week It was well patronized. The company Included Billy Barry, Hugh Fay. Chay. T. Ellis and Clara Moore, Kitty O'Kell, Benurd McCnedle, Kate Morris, A. T. Talbot, Jennie Satterlee, the Brighton Quariet, Little Esther and Theo. Jackson. Tlie orchestra Is in charge of Prof. T. rogler. Tbls week the new people are Snnford and WIIhou, Nlles and Evuns, Georgle Koine, Mclntyre and Heath, Gnr Linton and Lucy Adam?, E<1. nnd Maud St. Clair and r^ydla singleton. The tbeatre has been bsndaomcly painted anil decorated, and considerably Improved throaKhont. The new faces at the Apnllo Ganlcn. St. Joseph, Mo., for Ang, 30 are J. II. tarkin anil Ireno Snm. mers. Closing 2S: Jennie Montagne, to Kansas City; Johnny Smith, lo St. Loulu; Harrison and Leirv ani Blanche Ilanlson. to Denver, Col. TnE ADELPBI Theatee. Toledo, o., opens tbe dramatic season Oct. 4. A number of people are wanted for the stock company; also specialty peo. pie for dates doring the season, and musicians. Address R. J. Lent, manager. Sneldakek & Bekton's CoifBiSATiON may be looked for In Korth Adams, Mass., Aug. 30, Pltts- fleld 31, Springfield Sept. 1, Hanford, Cl, 2, Heri- dcn 3, Kew Haven 4, Norwich 8, Worcester, Mass., 7 and 8, Manchester, N. U.,», Lawrence. Mass., 10, Lowell II, Boston 13 and week. THE REMTZ-SANTI.ET NOTEITY TBOtTPE Is due Ih Portland, Me., Ang. 30, Haverhill. Mass.. 31, Law. rencc Sept. 1. Gloucester 2, Providence. R. I., 3 and 1. Newport 8, Fall River, Mass., 7. Brockton 8. Chelsea e, Worcester lo. Sprlngfleld 11. TnE Theatre Coviqi/E, Washington. D. C en- joyed a large patronage the past week. The ITesh appearances were Lonis and Emma Alfredo in as- tonishing evolutions on the horizontal bar. and Lonis Alfredo In feats of strength, handling large cnnnon-halls; Sharpley and West, musical mokes; Miss Corallne'B statue troupe, and the Lamartlne Brotbers In clever acrobatic exercises. Depart- ures Aug. 28: Thatcher and Hume, to Baltimore; the Allredos, to Philadelphia; Charles II. Stanley, to Kew York; Pat Watson and Thomas Sedgwick, to Richmond, Va. Announced for 3D: Prot An- derson, Care.v and Mack, Harry and Emma Leon, Williams and Morton, Ida Uanley. BtUy Williams, and E. B. FIckes In drama. 3SELBAKEB & Benton'8 Co.n'SOlidation strnck Troy, K. Y., Aug. 28, during a hot wave, yet a fair attendance at tbe matinee and big at night. Our correspondent remarks: "The entertainment gave excellent satls&ction. At one time three distinct acts were In progress—Little All-right In his rope-slides, the Brazier trio In Majiltonlams. and Idaletta and Wallace In their unk-leats. Add Weaver did not appear, bntwas In town. Ada Lynwood,al8o advertised, did not appear. With theie ezeeptlooi>, all wis dose tbat was promised, and all was well done." TBI OBBCt Bbothbbs * Co. begin their elgbth session in Cnim Oct. l. They tpea In Havana, at tne Teatro Albtsn, with a Bpanlsh opera-bonOe. specialty and raUutrel compaay, to be known as the International ComtilnattoB. In November they win open tbe Metropolitan Hnsenm there, in- trodnclngan klndaofcnriosltlea, and the combi- nation wUl then go on the nad. The clrctu aeft- eon win not begin nntll December. They adver- tise for perftraiers and nevelfles ofaO kinds. THBPiopui penbnnlns at the Olympic Theatre, Albany, N. T., during tlie past week, were tbe Bayle Brothera, Mayo and Talbert, Oracle Batten, Oraee Arnold, and Frank McLsne. To appear Aug. 30: The DelmaniangB and the Wlnnetta. PeopTe are adrertlsed for. THB Mat)iabd»— Mark and Olivia—donble-tia' peze performers, are now in the third week of tbelr engagement at the TlvoU Garden, Plttstmrg, Pa. They can be addressed for engagements ss per card. Miss Maynaid also performs on the slack-wire. The wbslbts— John and Master Louis—in con- Jnnctlon wltb Mande Leigh, open at the Theatre Comlque, Detroit, Mich., Sept. a. They an ar- laiiging dates for the seaaon. "Two Heabts that Beat as One."— Charlea 1. Gregory ot the Gregory Brothere and Miss Delia M. Dows of Royal Oak, MIcb., were married Ang. e In Bnnham, Mich., by the Rev. Mr. J. Glbeon. WALDlLiX'S Mijukbbt-btbeet Thbatbb, NeW' ark, N.J., opened Aug. 28 to a well-fllled andlto- rinm, the enterialnment proving acceptable. Mrs. Jeffreys Warner is at present Ul, and canceled tier engagement for the season. John Pendy is to close Sept. 4, to Join Ollyer D. Byron's Comu nation. ' The coitPAyT this week at the Oermania Garden, Chicago, HI., inclndes Tmdell and Kowan. bone- clogglBU; Emma BeU, song-and-dance; Cavana and Mason, Uatcb speelaltlea; Annie Ryner. serio- comic; LiUle Gay. Uie otilld wonder; Dan Ftaton, Irish bpeclaltles; Charles Lament, jig-dancer; and Leonza. Juggler. People are advertised for. A PABTNEB ts wanted for an establlahed variety house. See John O'Nelll'B card. A KoncB of rehearsal at Fox's Theatre, Chicago, HL, Sept. 1, la pnbllBhed In another colnmiL The house opens*. Sbhatob FBA2CK BsLL Can be addressed as per card tor engagements, Bpuodb's Olthpio tbeatkb, Chicago. ID., re- opeas SepL-«. with Tony Pastor's Company as the attraction. A co^le^player and a taba.plByer are wanted for Bpracoe's lUnstRls, No. S. Bee adver- tlsement. I At tbz VAiniKTiLia Thbatbb, indianspOUa, Ind., specialty aitlsts are wanted. Includes Ned dram-sololst clogandjlg , Master Arehle Mason, musical specialties; Mrs. Mason, sketch-artist' and vocalist; Butler and Les- ter, song-and-dance; Viola Clarkston,. balladlst; and Prot A. Warher, leader of orchestra. B. A, Gage la the agent. They played in Milton. Vt,. Ang. zs. westtnrd 28, Falrlhx 27. Cambridge 28, and are due In Fletcher 30, Bskerstleld SZ, East Pairaeld SepL 1, Falrlleld Centre2, Sheldon Creeks,Enos. burg Falls 4. Enoshurg Centre s. Snrlbaker ft Benton's Co](Br>rATiON,according toatelegtamtoTOE CUPPER received toolBtefor imbllcatlon in our Issue, began their tour In Vonkers. N. Y., Ang. 23, tiefore an overilowing an. dience, tbe streets In tbe viclnlly of the hall Iwing crowded with people who were unable to obtain admls.slon. Tbr MornER of George A. Annabel Isanxlons to- lesm the whereabouts of her son. Chas. Thobntos will appear during the coming season In the sensational ilramas "Simon Kenton," "Not Yet," "Tried for Treason" and "Gentleman George." the last-named being not yet complctetl. He can be engaged by addressing as per card. He opens at Volks' Garden, this city, SepL 8, for two wi-cks. IjORBET and Howard, horizontal-bar perfnrm- en>, whose address find In another celtiran can he engaged alter Oct. 28. They are performing With Cooper t Jackson's Show. Georoe France A Sax Lewis aretbelemiees and proprietors of the Stockton (Cal.) Theatre, where the company on Aug. is Indubed Kera Ver- non, Flora Franks, Carrie Llpais. Lonlse Duntiur, Jessie L<e Senr. Zoe Bentham. Josle Lewis, Burns and Elleford, Wilson and Ford. Morris Welch. Mathews and Mason, George Dingle, Billy MesrsTer, and George Fnnce ami bis dog Don In "Wide Awake." IIabrt Williaxs* Acadbxy op Mrsic, Pitts, burg. Pa., opens Sept. 13. A notice to those en- gaged for the opening Is published elsewhere. Dates are offered to stars, comblnatlomi, etc. At the Coliseux Theatbb, Leadvllle. Col., specialty artists with sensational acts are offereil engagements. Female ulent Is espedaliy adver- tised for. Death op HAoaiR Crat.— We give space to the following letter, which will be found self-ex- planatory: Nrw Tors, Ana. M. PaA5K Qcras—JVar Fir: Ifavlofr lookea In vain tor the annoancsDient In ynnr eolumnsotthe death ot MIsa Ma^xleUray, 1 TcotnretofriKKesttbatTaa CcirriEB per- form a duty which, thivueh niUiaken Ideas, the dead to- ctUsta'Mends haTo neclecked-adnty toMaogie and to tke nabllo—tliatot announcing her losa to the professlnn stie loTCd. and In whose ranks slie baa hosts nf friends throuahnnt tbe States. luufitefrom TAs >>io i'ork Rev- aid of July 6: ' GtaT—On Miindsy, July i. IW, Maai^e A. Oarter. ynnnitost danehter i>t .MArcaret A. and the lal* Owen W. Gray. Fnnerat will take place Trom the revldeoce of bLT mother. East Houston «tr«eL on Wednesday af- ternoon, al 2 o'clock. Prleivlswlll please accept thi*no- tkflcsllon." I have only to add that Miss Gray was In- terred In the family plot in PalraiT Ceme'rrr, LODi Island, and thai the nnmeroiH beantilnl and cnstly floral ufTenoKS wt>lch hid her casket ljum ample testimony tbat she was belored by many. Hoping that yoor next Issne wlUaiuouDce In some form the df athoi Magkle uray. serlo-ooinlc Tocallst. I remain her admirer and yoora. 8t. LOCIS [During the pant few years there have been at least two ser:o-comlc vocaJlsts of this lume performing uDon the variety stage throughout the coontry. We are nnable to aild any Airther partlcolare to tbe almve announcement Ed. CurrxB.] PaoM Ci.tcissATi, O., oar coirespondent wrote Ang. 28 aa appended: "UetMk'a Kew Opera-lioaae waainango- rated ai by Tony Pastor'aTnTeHogCompany. theapaclvaa boUdlae l»lay paekad snd hnndrada rrfhsoo adfflUlav — The two perfonsaaees Bwere hot repeiluons ot ibe scenriL and. aotwltnsiandlnir Tery vara we " luHise baa b«eo onwded Dlsbtly. Tha Iniarior n maaalTa, handaoma appeannee nnder the talegnm dated BomeneL fIl* Ang. 37, says: "D. O. MelviUe, M. J. Morton, Jaaea Parsons, T. J. Baker, DIckBorion, Scott Fe tg e i s u n, Wllllam> Wilson, Jobn MaynanL PhlllD> wiyer. Prank FennlmaD, and James Uarnngtoh, attaeluw of Boyd i Peten* Cirens. were placed on Mai to- day on a charge ol having committed an ontram on Miss Salome Bnrketi, at ShankHvUle, in Jnir lasL On motion of their counsel, the,r were al> lowed separate trials, and James Parsons was se- lected as the Brat to be arraigned. Alter bsarioff ttie ovldence In bla case, the Court ordered the Jury to be sworn In the other cases. This was done, snd the Jury then rendered a verdict aoqultuns the prtsoneia, and they were all discharged." CA^rvASXEN AND HoaTLERH an wanted for the W. C> Conp ttaow.. See Jaa, Melville's caitL Notes about the Fombpadoh Show.—M. C. Sexton Is now leading the band, having socceedca James Bnrsell AdamForenaugb paid a flying visit to his home at Fbliadelpbla during tho past week AttbemsanreptrJormanceln Chicago Aug. 20 Adam Furepaugh Jr. was presented with a valuable walch-cbain, a gift lh>m tho attaches or the privileges At the exhibition In Hancle, Ind.,. Aug. 24, the Herbert Brotheis were welcomed hoihc by the erection of an arch of evcrgcens anil bunting across tbe principal atrect, a ulbnte oP tbo citizens to tbelr lownsmen. Porinlts of th* three Herberts appeared amid the decorations At Hellefuntalne, 0.,3i, Frank Meiviiieand victor Lab^lle paniclpated in a two-hnndred-yard (ouU race, Melville proving tbe winner. Ueorob Stbbi. is requested to send his aditnaa to M. Lamkin. See card. PopR RATTLBSSAgES Wen bom in the mnseim attached to the Van Amburgh Show ln°MilIbrd,lU., Aug. 24. ^ bcBB ROBBiNS' Cucini and Msnaobsib is due in Pertland. Mich.. Ang. 30. Lyoni» ai. Maple Rapids SepL 1. SL Lonis x ML Pleasant 3, FarwcU 4. Evans 8. Red city 7, Big Hsplds a. W. C. Coi'p's CNtTBD SHOWS performed In Rteb- mond, Va., Aug. 27,28. Route: Sonih. niBCKIiliAHEOIIB. Das KoriIis Bi'lutajCs Xiaaoa or Ibbubd nhlbit«4 In Urand Porks, Dakota, au«. SI. 23, Jt, faTsaa Palls. Minik. 38, 28; thence tu Xlnneapolla, Xlnn.. fbr on* week. White perforwiloic IQ WlnnllMir, ■*"■»-*— Mr. Morrla otfemd two medals—one of gold abd on* of ailTn^ totbalMsilucalJiadaiioerlnacompeiiilTemBicfa. Ilanr On«kwon the void medal, and Mr. Xorrla tbeo gttsra il blm an eaganement lo traeel with Uis enmpany, which ho aoeepted. Mabiix'R OroU-BacsE, nino, N. r., deacrlbtd ta Xaa- aiter W. a, Maben'scaid in aantttercnlumB, can be secnred by cuDbmstions, etc It seat« 1,0UU people, and baa & siaavZsn. byUft. A aer or jsauo^sttbi are offered for sale. Bee C n. Choirs card. Tui: Mabtlasd I.iistitctx, Balilmofe, X'l., baa bees remisleled, snd Is adTcnlsed by A. r. l.usay as beUut In e.tcellvnt order, haelDi; a new staav, soenery. dresslns- rovma, etc, and Uie aiiiUlorlam haa bean Improved l>y A new raised floor. A Puacn-Aao-JcoT performer and maelclan as* wantcvl by Wesly Baluns. wboadvertises. Tnc UBASiiB HOTBi.,.N»wburg,IL V.,oaanaecammi>- datlona at special ral0 to the Ihaatrlcal protcaaloa. IM otfd. Waltzr L. XAis^coBtcaetlDg and advaae* aient, ad- Tsnises fur an enfatfemaut. E. C. TATioa. maal ei s n , el oasd a week's seaaon la Enreka, CaL, Ang. U, going tbeoee to Anaiia awl Pata- -sla. FxBHAJi'aOaiai>Ai.BBiBB.HiiBXiBaoB,a paaonaaa which has VK bee n ealubltad In years, la to be pot oa ta* nmA acala. A nniehaaer or a party to taka lae-hoU la- tenet iswaniad. Mteeaid. Tana, ocganL etc, are fat sol*at Wild Wood'a addnsa Saaeaid. alaeaavertlBliicfoe Jaf(l«n,tie.,aiidapaitav at lbs tabs. KHrm Hau. Altaean. Wok.. I» «* laat. siiil iithiii ill lafttti II III r H. liliM' r'—~ thediapoiT aadsceaaiy by mCHa^es aod cnnaln by Mr. Beniitaa were maeb admlr«d. Mr. ranor-a ahow waa UentloU with thai slvea at the Oraad n Jime, tb* 8L Palis Blaten barinti iclolnc« him, and reigplfa no farthar nenlton than to aar that eacb and otsbt a*e waa sveelTad with entlmalaaD. They doe* 3^ Oo» Wllllama In "Our Oermaa Benaiev op«s at tbe mat- IBse flOBday, V. rbarlea L. D«Tla In *AlTla Joalyn' fiol- towaSept.«.andP»iahMsyo in TsB the Vlnpnlaa'13. .Tie tctnlar aaaaoa attiw^ ■ o p sDsd 11 to a paekad boosa, and bnaMos has ruled good all tha week. Dnring tb* recasa tbe boUdlss haahaen nflttcd and painted thusishuai. eUs new praae«ileB boxca have been eosiaincted. andlh< ^— — tctnlar toanad c«k. Dnring tb* recasa tbe boUdlBCha " . -. . - K praae the sta*e baa been snmeahst wldeneA sod deepened. Tl» ofBcen ara: Charlea H. Tal*. director of^naoscmesU; Paol PMaa Uitii efe«ca<str»;andflnaKa«ter.caipentOT. Thepro- ErammaopcnadwIshaflrst-partahDWIna eishte«oy««u odtes la a pretty thoafh scanty onlform, with J. J. Rilsy aa Intattoeatoe and Billy Bsebley and Cbaa. H. Tal* on tbaeada. C'afa?riBoi(4>7.I)enirnn>eraDdrKai» ly-na saoa k«ii..^. the anal betag Hatriaan and Bart'a Poll Moons.' The olio embraced the sDedaiUee ofMas^sn aal Kollea. who did an Irish act eniulert ■ChrUtmsaEre:' Billf Malooey aad Kabel oray lu a moaleal act; MU*. Zoa oatha 8yloc rliixa: a ballet, beaded by Ires* ban- talla and Lonlse De Lout, with Bertha Wataon. Jennie Xomn. Lirsle Palmer, ranrle Mlonerly, May IHattt, Kaien'Utno. May WaUaesandMUII' Barrett aaeseypbcts; li» osnalamy o( Unng pictanr*:and TucallssMby Ml.*. Desire*. Msame Bllao and DdU Tnmer. The bor- leaiue of -rh* Ma«4c aUppar' einaad tbe bUL De- psjton: Mil*. Desire*, lo Deoott. Onenbur an: Ten Bmeck and Oooler Manager Oebrtsl Taatad the Eldorado 33. and took bfs.eampany over to the place heretolor* known a* tbs folks' and Kshera Vew Palace, which he calla tbe rtwnU Thaair*. The EldoraSo baa been torn down, and a handabSL e little thmiT* u to ha erected en lu site, under the npct- tIsIou of Mr. Dttffy. the architect ot ueock-a ic u to b* completed ao as to open six weeks from today. Tbenew people ai the rh<enli were John Brae* aad Dick Baker, MHnedlasa: Sheridan Brotbers. aong-and-danca; aiu Geny llairtnictoii. To ral l st Bosneaa good. DepartBrcat Ada Adair and tbaSbertdan Brothera, to PoriWajna. Ind.. and James Goodwin. Openlns 30: GUmose aad Tnesy. BUly Batler and Ed. and Battle Monoa .stUI B. Call, Bymnast: Ed. Bheehan aod ADoe Rvaos In skeUbca; Annie 'Oaklay, aerlo-eomie; Tom Caasldy. sons-and dance; LUlla CarroU. vocalist; aad Jo* AI len and Panl Blee la plaDtaaon acta opaed Brand's Mosle BaU 23. Ifo ■fc^***— wtmww.^ Bi naa* talr Tb* Peopleia Thaatr* reopened as a ten-cent show, with J. W. Berkeley, stace- rr; W. A. Brooks. Prank sad Joala Da Porxest, sad XoBoek. Harty COataa, Jenm* XaTaire, Xaa- itoa, Benha Le* aad BUtU May. Bnataca mo£- ...^ikOdlandBykadoMnattUCollsenm 90.-.. --• - :tMkcrlort]i* CbonkeTbom- lBODBTBlAL Haio, nuadrlphlB, pa, aa* k* Sanaa gcreoiM*orasy way to aolt. It to aitiallati latkla. AstmBaoratLS asd baub i ■MS Baran'a adTsnlsed addieaa. Howottra'B BiaxjuiCA asd Ca op«a tkalr seaaon In Madfocd, Maaa., BapL» Tk*s paay has been ealaised, aadth^wtUpnaaaSaaaaitaWF' oaw eotenalomast. Bun's DIHB Eistsmos, la fj ssy wllk K. M. Wla. aloa' Mosenm, eaklbltadoa lb* fclnisaails la Bsliiia. C east weak. ■VISIOSS or TESICB," ParneyaniLMallMorsB^was Zoologlcali Oaxdea, etna Baatlv t will probably baeoatinoed dnrlag I fcspoBdaaS aaya: -It cDoalauos s^ hues Tiav, np i ia s u tlBg tb* Adnatle, brtdgee. etc, u ma s at iidby app icivund aa 'aat plaaea' Is tba caaala or* i w*^, »iijl iieh^*jw.rt»ii»H.j w<M,.at«^ attalrlalamalnuand liiia«Mf,aBd •—' larslr lb* aiat weak. >- A Bizu>-cr kinder antaal.bair sharp.wtth wool, hiwns and caber daat iiafallafUMB, la adreitiseil Sir- 1 aa edslaal aoraltr dariga**^ s^friTsa aa um Uaa eCth* sale Joba Brusw. L. MosuBTSilrert tha shew bn^i iTcttlsts that k* bsa aoaey I* InvaM n w. HA>BW.llMTuaAOo..aB«w Bra. bav* leased tka- ftaar-ttofTbotlduigcavarinK Um |[roandUNDa.a^al;ii< W. Baiumor* street, BslilBore. Mo., and will op*B It aa. -■ amnsemn abootOcl. la. AllractloDaar* aaatad. Ad^ dresa Manaaer P. Hams, as per adTerlisi BuaL Cabll's OrtBAHwrsr, Celpbl. ind.. la ■i nm a n i a d lo opcn8ept.L Isiaanew hoa««, eodUd«aatb«daabal]lc femlalu-d wuh a floe staoe. basdsom* senety. and goM dfsaBaf.moiu. Cumblnailona can seens* dataa hf a^ plriok lo Ii. Wcuenswin. uaiiacar. Tb*. booa* aaais BO "iT'sL Bsaawoon advertises tor teals and a *MtiaBS XTltOT,'* rsTBB r. Erxca. msrirtsn aad IsailiUiiialBlill ptl- fbraier, adTcrtlscs «0r an eusaiciueiiL. TUB orzBA'BorsB, Hchaylemlla. X T_ eai by apslylns as per card^ acau MSpMU. B. Lisu. wtoaa adJrsaa Sad Bisswhsis, w eas->mnt a« ailv<BC* agenL THB I.toBrasoasT uaichumjor Ooai-AST a that tbey are pnpaied to flirnhk SBlfliifii lights, at«i» optlcuus. etc . A nixT awno Is wanted teaMdlataly^ 8«S Ik & Vead-scard. gUCUni Tbet lof Xr.aaall i dd* w aa entered oppa»,bpt.gwln ^^ Mr. sndbaker^a severeIIlB«M,"iMluSsBieBthaa"yette«n'»naooBeed. Ha la omralaaetBs id. Kalley aad Ida Bsrtha are In tt* etty. Tb* tonaae la at mils from LeadrllJe to Kew Toik, vbeia he daatdas vUh Claitaos Baitoa.'* Tin Cuo Clcb of Clndaaatl vlsUad XlddMaaa, 0_ Ana. ZL plsylng fir a BStiac* Banlay CaatPbeU's TFMa^n and la tho erenlns C. & Callahan's saw WaataaittaM% "Foas'sFtsry." Thalauarplee* was plsyed tecnaW oaatin Ludlaw. Ey. 13, aad U aald lo £t* mad* aK THB CAnTAi.ciTTOoHsaTCoarAjR, inat ersaaksdlA CkavaalaeudthaAiUDwlogoac ~ a H s jaaiiai i W. a. Dnniilngton, proMa tnunrar; & T.