New York Clipper (Sep 1880)

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September 4,1880. DAZIAN'S THEATRICAL EMPORIUM, 280 BOWERY, NEW YORK Oaad BOJO. ■Uccnt wtetT ot Sugc Jawelry In Cram, DliiltBu: Kn-. uo. WontZ,LUIc rrenchCboon Tlgtiuand of EUBBOID- ■^4*°? ™?*™ OA0ZE8.ete. TheUrntuiilniM^- ■.Pandr— — Nc^ oar indiienneiiti for ihaeamiog^nk: THiffitn bRiBl "Ann TfcBT«: •5T^"''%'&.!KfS?"K*^« «hglish lisle ™iflflTSf|l& Slack SHIBX8AKD MTWd. Me^t lor ttw CeleteiSftSieScStoi I»h? WmSSA'w'I.k''^ "^SE^' CEOTTS Sum BoflMi DorettT—THB JEBS^T-^mnT^rtStS^^Ji".!.._£I T^."^H »*eli«nlc«I DemoD CNlx) BmOm. The 189 ■Kir W. DAZIAH. SAMi^ES AND PBiOT-Llm'oi5'It?^?lSoi»T' 280 Bowery. ITew YotIc feiiTKICAl lilRTiS iW, 338 and 340 B6WEET, Poraidi e telnlnc to. ' rAJBI-JXiili WAKTED U> <Jo , WSTBDMBNTAI, OBCOESTBa. MpKMDtlnau FtmndMcCmL. I> open for aa eninn. moit from Ahlbom Home, SO anil SO Dopont iSm 14-U* LKB8 WANTED »OR THE W. C. COUP BUOW TO on BOOTO^ Pot^pMilJ3«r. .ppl, to jlSijESMI^^^ FOB TUB HDHOABIAM UDIEif LADIES TOB yiOLINP'S?'i!f^^?5S£f AMAND08 PAUL- Bonw, 321 and 3a ibe nmcdtorUie Kajon el IW andw withSS dan Mbiab^ 9atU Addrtai «U Wea Hftr-tlihth creH. New York. 21-llr " FROM THE WEST TO THE EAST' AND SULi WE UVE AND RISL THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY VMOIIA TRIO 1IHR,VUMDflMl$ UNPBECEDENTED SUCCESS THNOOH THE HORTHEIM AND WESTERN COUNTRT XtO'CT'X'JE: * -mr- a -p., „, weeks; rox'a Tbeure? ChtaiiiDLl Sec is 1 wiik- pijinplcl1i«atiC?ort WaynClni. Not. i 2 week.-oJU D.c.imc.111 week; Monamantal Tbeatn. BalUmora AOhambra, Phlla<SSStarP™St ormLpATE. JAtl. SL Maoacerii, app 7 at oow. care or boilMa aU nawand_;oaJ&-our^ Wbere UChaa. H. KiJK th« banlolrtt 2<-lt HEiSSlUnfODIIIATllST. THE s f com4ets W THEIR QDAINT. NONSENSICAL ABSURDITV EK. "FRAGMENTS," Litrodncln? Comedy Flaslies, HurcheB, Eoeentrie Original Danclne, Punfl, WltttcbmB, Etc, Etc Xapandble managna addreaa oor lola aathorlzed aB»nt. FRAIVK GOliDY, M-li' 3Un« r'a Thaatra. 16a. 1S7 an d iq Boarety. N. Y. PERHAM'S ORIGINAL SETEN-HILE MIBEOB FOR SALE. S!!i^»a^?f^ 5?« Panotaina..ot a ttlp »om Boflal^ of Siffooiaj jiiwr'TniflllfiiyiT^mT' m iiiiiiiiii a3dciuaa,-*aaeaninlmora tbux ibouaDd), waa azhlblted lor two conMcntlTe Taan la PbUadelpbla, and over saO.QOO p«ople Tlaltcd It bi Bdatm. HaaiUTerbaaiiaaanWeatarlnEtiTDpe. HaTlns Iain Idle lar the last twen^ Teaia, the preaent owner thlnkait ahoald bo a«atn exblblted. WID un at raaionabla price, and take mortgaRO on U lor one-half pnrchaao moner. ConttDoona sceDea, 12 foet high and from 25 to 46 feet In leiwtb, and an artistic repreaentatlon b; a weu-knowo London artlit, the whole makloic an eiblblUon ol two bonia. and all leaor lor exhibiting. Preaa-noticea from Ibe leading New York, FbiUdQlpbl. aad BoMton papara. Addnai lor paiUeolan and price GEO. A. JONES A CO. Lectore. *U Moatcal Agency, — - • - ■ - Han. 28 School street, Boaton, 2t.U TUB GRfilTSmTOFlggOl WILL ABBIVX FBOX SYDNEY, N.S. W., AUSTRALIA, San Francisco, California, Ser ^tJfle Kail Bteamablp CompaoT'a Steamer Cltr of I i.fflS'w?!^'' Vis," 4^ ^-win to the leading dtlea of the United Etaica and CanaSiu ' McLEAN'S AUSTRALIAN JUTEKIt.E ENfiLISH-COfflEDTl AND I COMIC - operaI (PROM THE LEADINO THEATRES OP AUSTRALIA). The Most IVonderfoI Organization of the Kind on Earth. Managera of Pint-claaa Theatna (only) addreaa JOHN E. FULTON, " T"* Proprietor, Palace Hotel. Ban Ftanelsco, CaJ (FOB ONE YEAS), (a« NO. 1 ADVANCE BUSINESS MANAGFR. SiimOII, MILLER & CRMIE, Ko. 46 HAIDES ILkSt, Sew York. OoldanlBanrLaea,Prtncea,Bpana>ea. BanTaada, ^SKoT'^S^Ifeddlnga, Hata, WHa. Bhoea a nd JewgiT. *°.fe.?g!^Jg7.y^. .^.t c. o. p. i"f COSTUMES IMD FEMALES made up in 1 •tilae lor ERA, lEOY GRAND TRAI Y STAGE. m\m t period. C^TIQUE and ,TES IB the only 1^. We Import ~ amonmentof VELVETS JEWELS CLOTHS SAUZES LOCATED IN LONDON. THE BI66E8T AHD BEST Di THE WOBUI. THE lerican Uiel Hastota lislreK H. HATERLY, Proprietor. NOW "PEKFOWMrNO WM f OOTE, Manm:; Jk-T LARGEST THEATRE IN THE LARGEST CITY OF THE WORLD. RECORD OF THE PAST A BUARAWTEE OF THE FUTURL Champlin's Liquid Pearl io need by Aelnaaea, OperaUnfen. and Ladlea ol rm^xm ,0 ereaii tbeOIBllN6UE »PP««f","',,"??.^."S.^l2 by ererjone. By lu use the n>oBhert rtlnU made lori™i the pn^, radiant teitoce of joothtU beauty. «b« UOOlD PKABLaooorlmc to dlncUona, and you need no feoier ~Srt£nof a freckled, tanned or ruiUc wmplM- l;;»*BoM%^lldiu*r«- Me^M^^^^ Be. THi: COLJLENDBB BILLIABD TABLES, SPANQLMLETANS We are eenin 1 .Jtpda Igwer than any other hooi <" SELK, WON UHLE an( FOB TIGHTS, FL£SHI^< IBIS and TUB HOUEBT stand wlthoDti The JBE8ET. lateit norelty. In Bill inted, in all laahlon- ahlaahadaa. ( nted Catalogue and ptlce-lUtaent: rpUemtlon. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR SALE CHEAP. TH« Ba jreton olc ana l=Iur<llo Some B^-WAGOy, 1 TICKET-WAGON, 1 BILL.fVAGON, 1 ALLIGATOR. WAGOS, 4 BAGGAGE-WAGOSS, PLASK.AND-POLE WAGOXS AMD ALL THE SEATS AND FIXTURES, POLES, ETC., belonfflne to SUITS, PLUMES, BANMEfiS,' ETC. ALL IN OOOD ORDER. 338 and 3iO BOWERY, NEl ORK. Barlow, WilsoD, Primrose I Wesl's MAMMOTH MINSTRLS. Ill DMA-KS, ROME, GEORGIA. i^,Ti:i"pio«^.^-^"|iiTS{P3t^! ENUlRaR and deTeloi "PerfOilooa.'' Price t., ,— ^_^„ ■itw Dr. Tan Holm. M Tremoot Ba». Boaton. nimaatttaw. Boatoa. Maaa. 1*-Ut* PU0T08, BOOKS AND NOVBLTIBa. OtiSS^^fit* P. DTTOBBY * CO.. aa State itieeu Chkaio. IW llnhted. ventilated, and aU modem impioremenu; beautl- STftSio and carrid work, fine etage. acenerr and die»- luiuc^ - -IB to the comfort of artora and ploaa- pur BaloDDy, '' ren >ab..^ , Ina-room.: all lookitjg to the comfort ^ -., nn ofthelr andlenan. Population of Roine and ad^jln; mgSiSrti,byn?8?CenS.Joiitaken.7.<m ConnecMd by iSwaywitt 8elma.,Ala.. ChattMooga, Tenn.. and At- lita, Oa.. and acknowledged to be one 01 the beat '•ahow tSna'Mn tbeSontta. Bent moderate and liberal iharinf teme to flraSaai attmctlona. The .following, among "™r t^pjrS»?e<l to flne audlenc«alntbUiclty the paw SUoiTllcKee Rankin. Otao, Kale Thayer, Barae? MlSSleyfH5Se?rJoe M..rphy,>rede,i.* 1^^^^^ lowTwuion. Primtt>oe A Woet, Doptei. Ford'a JnvenUee and Lonlae Pomeroy. For dates, etc. addrei a M. A. N£VIN. Proprietor. Rome. Oa. PUT US IN YOUR ROPTB. . C5TT/%T>aVHAND made easy. Benttrefc B GOOD- S H UK r BiS. wllU.m«boT«. New York. »V ne Elaaanl Cbromo aO Bampa. AgenU . k. N^J. CaiVa, nol .Ilka, with name, for street, Newark. 1WIU. SEND on retalpt of fifty eenu mil InttnieUoni ft^tulnadra. Can be performed bra mere chad ^Ih- n..tfa^^3^W. MONS.'^MONZOXoV.Qulncy.m. M-lf nnmrSwS<StRow.Boston.BaM. (Oop yngBteq-t 1» Tan (CopyngtiMq-i la-Mf Outfit 2l4t» STR0N6 IN EVERY DEPA. THE ONLY PEBFORMANOE EVER PRESENTE TIRE WORLD SO COMPLETE AND PEEF DIFFERENT PHASES. lEMS, FOma & FIEMINB I IT * o'vor con* ALL PEOPLE ENGAGED BY B. C. HART i°''j?S"iKli2t?,'dfv"l," "Port'or REHEARSAL at VLETCLV^^."!lg;^^M°■^ap «?,r,^v• ~— ;eneot U canceled. B. C. HART. liens Falls Opera-house. Best Show-town In Northern New York. SS_ *lP ™««to Canada. Snedal RallinSi. COKKINS A IiAB' Jg''5»!^joshareor rentaddrea PBEi rtoprietom KM ""-mm. Northfrn Kew York O irenIL aBt" ■ ^ >■ ■ ■ ■ SAW PRICE, DR. A. B. EENNEDY, JOSEPH FOX, JAMES MACKCN, J. J. KELiiE T, U. J. SATEBS, EDDIE FOX, F. A. ANDUES, WM. L. KiBSH, JAMES ATKINS, F. J; PELHAM, WM. H. WEST, HAPPY CAL W/lNER THEATRE COMIQUE; ST. X^OJJTt^ BIO. ' W. H. SMITH Bole Vansfter THIS PAVORTTE RESORT has undergone EXTENSIVE lUPROTEVBNTB during the Summer, and will open tor season of ]£aO and w September 12, with an ENTIRE CHANOE INETERY DEPARTMENT.. NO WUiEROOM^NO WINEBOrES. NO RESTAURANT ATTACHED TO THI8THEATBE. WflttTED,MANAGER loUkv the iDaiia«enieDt of an opera company, formerly I aa tbe Balawln Baby - open company, acknow- Mxedbyboth press and public*^ In princfpar cities and Swtaa and.Canada to be anflxcAHetr Repertoire jQiy' 2«-lt Patl- Llltle Dnke" and "Trial by either by letter or telcvT»pb, ■ttca^i ud "Plpaiote.* InrehaaraiiL Address, eitucr by leuer or telcvxsp] B. c. OARDNBB, Hotel BornB, Bjimcaae, N. T. SAM K. HODGDON OAKES BROS.' CONCERT CO. 24-It.-tf Empire Hall, ALLEGAN, MICH. FortenniuiddiUt addretaO. H. ADAN8. Itwiu afford meplcasaze to my bcsi rSbrta in securing good hontCA Icr partlea ttoeking this town. Z4.3t» TO HISNT, INDUSTRIAL. HALiI^ THE LABOBBT AMUaBKENT HALL IN PHIIiASEL- PHL*. on Bxaad ptreot, wear the Public BnJldingB, and In tbe oen- trail the eltT. Tlill lull la mtable for any kind ol axhl- bltl3ps.aadwlllbaRatedoo a peroentage'or any way to —— — H. J. DOBBINB. Ledger BaUdlng. MABEN'S OPERA-HOUSE, y IKjIOTS, W. "if. . Fine an^torlun. Including.galleries; ample dresslng- noma; atage, an. br ant.;. scenery complete: lighted wltb gaa; capacity. LOCD. This Is a manotactnrlng town OD the N. T. C. A a. k. B. PopnUUon, 4,000. Street-can eooneet with Prankfort. Mobawk and Herkimer. Bern- mgun works In Aill operation. Pay cash. No aorip Issued. - . - ' , ^ ]• ■ »••" " _ For terms apply to . MABKN, Manager. 24.3C* BANJO! , sEiTsr) sTajvcp for I PRICE-LIST OP BOOAN'S PBO- 1 PEGSIOKAIi BANJOS, and other Instmmenta. Beat seringa, I2cia. each. Bogan*a Simpllfled Banio Manual will enable any pciBon to play at slicbL Oontaina SS tnnea. Price, tl Dancing Wlthoot a Master, comprismg Jig, Clog, Irish Jig. 8oag-sad.daiiea. Price, Mela. Ban)o and sta« dancing laught. J. BOOAN. 100 East Houaton St., New York. [H» AGOOD SOPRANO-SIXGER Desires to Engage with a SmaU Company. Mctlo-slng^ra need not apply. Address SOPRANO. 832 Soulh eighth Btmiet. St. LodIs. Ma :4-lt« JVOmCEl.—AJLJli 'BTJtSmfESS COM- MUNICATIONB fbr OEir. TOM THUMB mnst be addnand to bla SOLE MANAOEB AND AOENT, STLVESTBB EiLEBKBB,-«M Tanderbllt arenue. Bmok- lin.B.T. ■ . Mi a* pnuFKSsnniAL. ' BANJOS. NEWrMVBIO, . SONOS, BOOKS. ETC. SEND FOB NEW PAM- _ PULET AND CIRCULAB3. 8. 8. BTBWABT. OS North Eighth street. PhUadelpbla. Pa. NEW BOOK JCBT OUT, $1. 2<.lt« ;_»1; WAI.DMAN*S NEWARK OPERA - HOU8E. FB£D WAltDUAN PROPRISTOR AMD VAKAOBB .Open dates for FIRST-GUASSPRAMATIC STARS; lao NOVELTIBa for tha SPECIALTT DBPABTUENT. Konebatardsta otrepatallon need apply. 23-lSt JAlffBSDOPQIlAB. Boslness and Btaae Manager. PERMANENT ADDRESS, ORHiir BROS., canol gurPEB ogee. New York. B-tf . THEATHIOAL WIOS, AND LAD1K8' HAIB GOODS, go to SHDn)H£LM'S. B GRAND STBEBT, NEW YORK, *X*]ae IkTBnuflintiiiMTa'. 8BMD FOB PHICB-LIST. I»-Ut» nsniii mm uwsk IBANBACrlNO AMOaSMENT BDSnOtSS olall kinds. IT.iat* l»TMaaiaoDatreet.CMtago.IU- 8£2Ason OF xeso a:hx>' issz. Bird andAnlmal Imitator, dealrea.«nengementa for the FUl and Wmter seaaon with flnMlaaa Variety Theatres or a_ rtapoMlWe TrtTdij^^^njB«.i.'BnslnM_fl^ B addreaa 101 ■Cl«»ehuid. O. ttAi* BAND UNIFORMS out Trimmed. Black or Bine Indigo Cloth. Coat-coUar wd Bleera gUclaea; Pania. both lea gUt-btalded; Cap. with lyreandiUtband. AllIbrNineDoUan. autaow* CH. TOWNSERD. M Teaey sl. Nov York. BKHBTC. NaW 'HaieBt Opm^tark Bell akia :H«v ' Book by ample •g&. For dmlan address 'un BroJwiy. Her Yotfc »-tr BABVIM K Kjaail'B BAIWOB CAN OMIiT BM BmVwVa h^olthamaniifutOTr, >. ■ joa BiGBBrr, U OC Hath rath «rcat,rhlladalph]i,r>, RTCiythlng will be coodactcd In a drat-doas manner, I will be open every nigtit and matinees FOB LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. and N. B.—Flrat<lass combinations, sensational dramatic Stan and specialty artisu 01 lepatatlon (male and female) wishing time, address as above. Consider silence a polite negative. 2a-lt-ti THE HARRISONS. PHOTOS BY B.E. WOOLF, n ndor the management of Hooley's. Chicago, Ang. 23. one week; Grand Opera- hoose. CincUmatl, a), one week; Olympic, BL Lonla.BepL 6. one week. Sampson's Opera-house, RONDOUT, N. Y., for rant or on abarea to flrst-daaa CombtDatlonL MaD* as«n will please apply xor dates to PHIL. SAMPSON, li-Ute PBOFBIBTOB. WILXilAJUS' ATTICA, N. 7. Fine Stage and Dresalng rooms, heated by steam and lighted by gu. scenes on data, and all modem ata^ Im. provemeota. For r«ot or on sharea to PIrat-claaa Combl- nationa UAMAOBBa wUI please apply fbr datea to IS-Ut* CP. WIUXOIS, Proprietor. VINCENN£S, IND. GBEEirS OPERA-HOUSE Is Id ttaorouj^ coane or nmodelinKt uldinx new Balcony, proscenlnm^ Prlrate Boxea, Poldtoff OperSr^lialrs, BtaRS Eotruce, Dome in ceUltu and eatlre new Elevated Stase; Dressinjr-toomaand Sceneryaspedalty, by Noxon, Ualley A Toomey of St. Lools. WoiuU like to bear from a flrst- dau company to rededlcate eariy Ln September. - WM. OBEEJI, Proprietor. :il-4l* MM ■ ■■■■ UUSICPORTHB HELLION. Bonn ■V ■ ■ for tbe stage witti orcbes&Bl paru aspeclaltT. PnblUberof•TbeBand ■va VB M Journal," a monthly paper. Send lor complete cataloc^ie (over 1(D B-fl&t paru). J. W. FEPPERp PubUsber. 9tb and Filbert sta., Fhlla.. Pa. Sample copies ol songs sent free. SCHMEDT 6l FOOTNEB, Q'4e Sroadwa^r, ITew 'X:or'k, Ton pee and Theatrical Wlgmakers. Character WIgi from •3.611; Beards lh>mSI.U; Boostachee, ate. to eoc; Negio Wlga, nL, SI; End, tl-EO; Oentlemen'a Pine Wigs from »ia: OooJs sent G^. D. ■ 19-13t Rl»Ti«t>H«lie<l.. X848. »TOCH BROS., — r— as BOWEBYiNKWYOBK CITY, OFFBR TO HANAGSBS'AND SCENIC-ABTISTB, tbelr weU-seleeted STOCE OF COL0B8, BBUslBSB, GLUES, Etc, which cannot be surpassed in quality, at lowest market prtcea. Otmls sentO. O.-D. Price-Uste 00 appllcatJon.. flB-Uf BH ne M SHOWHEN! THE STATE PAIR OF NORTH CABOLINA AT RA- LEIGH. OcL 18 to S. Cheap Ezcuralons, all dlractunr. Great oowds from eooniry tvctlona. For tetinj of priv- ileges and map nt grounds, addrena C B. X»JSIN80M, Seo'sr. iLtLI Leigh. C. W. BABR7'S STARRING TOUR USO-LSL ESOAJPJBTD FROM RENO SIIVG AND HIS NKW DRAMA OP ROPED IN, . -Or tJtko mk%MtB» 3ffew York. U Uc* AddlCD 6B8 Sixth aTenneg New Torfc. laiiii im, eiiA-iE Popnlatlon of city, 20.0X1. Seating capacity of Hall, SOa Dlmenslona of stage, Iti9 leet. Scenery, ll pleoea. Hall heated by steam and lighted by electricity. Tentuatton For pattlcnlan addreaa AGENT, Wasbboro Building. Yonkera. N. Y. perieet. ^Mt TO cntcrvs ajvx> sxdxisbow MANAGERS. JAMES MARTIN & SON, Manntactnivn ot Olrcos and Sbow Cannaea, BontiBA FlsASieCe; IMCommendalsMeL "''^'^ wMM^tP, ^ FBIOB-LIgr SEXT BISMARK OPERA - HOUSE, BlfiOLAJatK, 3>. 'X*. BAM WHITNBY. -. -Bole rnrprtetor oScAR WILLIS Ma nage r TonUC ALL THBTBAB BOUND. TBCB MODEL TflS- ATBB OP THB PAR WEST. Wanted at all tUnea, Ont- —8neelal9Ai11stB. Good Serlo-eomu and Soaa-and- ^ r^disa wanted launedlately. Appply aa ahova.i7-m* #^¥TTFn A O OBO. a D0B80NV Now Guitar GUITAR ssfeSki^iiysa sss^sss fbr pnc»Uat or 1.000 aBSOf rlfgrn. tnsainnmtfc alaoelMnt Banloamnd eight dlBbrent booki mr t he ■ ma ^T^DoSoHTl.U* Vrtriungton street. BcMOD. Il-t portaatton) J. —anoe ■g e nt. UlRRT C. LA>'SING JDHS DOYLE, WM. H. IfAUD, E. B. FITZ Jir., FRANK HOWARD, J. W. BENHAH, HABRY SPERRA, 0. W. ABTZ, L. P. PAGE, S.G. WATSUN, C. H.£LLSW0RT1I, F. WA DSWORTH. CABK OTT or om cERsi " =«3f«C?^*- H. PRIMROSE, MANAGERS^AeENTS OF COMBINATIONS YISlTING THE WEST MlJUro jSto PiCIFICtB.,?^ Southraatt mooH ChlaS^ loffeduted ratea to 8;n Frandsoo. Denver, Chev- enneromS^ Council Bluff.. .Atditoon. Leavenworth, Ki2^at£^Molne».Rockl«land^i Peoria, or w West. TUB ROCK ISLAND ROUTE has more good show towns on lu Une than any of Ita competltnia. \ pSujtAN PAUICE flliEPlNO CABS aroattachedto all Expreaa Trains, and mn through between Chicago Md PotS. d5 Molnea, Cooncll Blu&, Kansas Clty.I^en- w^aidASlioS: THBOUOHdAM also run between Milwaukee and Kansas City without change via tbe iiii- SiSlS Sd Rock Island Short Line.- We aL» ™ tte finest dining and rtatanrant cars naed on arallnad, and wmmealatrombUl.of-tanatseveoty-avecentaeacb. No 5her route eui give aa good rates and «"i»"'><>»if,»i^. SaHOBL a. B«A, J0B» SEBiBTUW, P™" O"""'*' PeiTPasa. Agent, City Psas^ SSrSS^WiSft- llBMarketst., a» Main at, ISO North Hignst., PhUaddpbIa, Pa. Kansas City, Mo. Columbus, O. CIj5?S« Joiia, E. P. RICBABDSOS, ,W.H.Jg!Cm. oViflTrav. AgSt. Oen. Eastern Paaa. NowEngUndPasa. U^'FjiffilS:' B7»ay, WSW^^ion*.. ^S^^m ''""b: ST. JOHn!^°- ConneU BlSlC I*- Oen. Tkt. and Pasa Agt.. Chlcaga MTt $777 A^iS^p.rv^nisXjuSS'i^a 14^8TOP ORGANS, SUB BASS f?e^o-*if*««S?-5iTi*Sf B. HAWKINS, )aN DALT. BO. W. TUHNEK, riLL K. LATAKtf, EOBUE GALE, EO. SAMPSON, P. INGHAa, C. CAYWOOD, EO. C ROBERTS, IELD8 and HANSON , AS. WENTWOBTH, 7» BROADWAY, NBW YOBK;l aTATE OT.. CUICAGO:,17.SOUTH Firre, WAREROOMS: LbUia. JOHN CHRAUAN, Philadelphia. Agent. Oontlneatal nwtal Haul. THE MOST gXTBN SIYE BILLIARD MllFllMffiS IN THE WORLD. RECOMMENDED BY THE FACULTY TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP CUBEBB AND COPAIBA. This compound Is snpeiior to any preparation bllhcno Invmt- edToom^nlng In avcryhlgtily concentrated suta the medka properties ol tbe Cubeba and Copaiba. Onerecommendatlpa this prepanlon enloys over au othenUlU neat, portable ftinn, put up in pota; the mode In which It mav be taken Is both Eleasant and coovenlect, being 1 ihe form of a pasl^ tastoleaa, and does pot Impair the digea- tl„n. P«l«{giS|ir^«Zo.. ^ HHE MONARCH J. M. BROTSWIOK AND ^^aiS'bT AjLLDRUOGIBTa W ai&i^i rt mum Hu«i an.. Ail- WHEN, IN THE COURSE OF HUNAN EVENTS," Theatrical. Opera and other companlea ol artlrta travel | protaUonally. money Him. convenience and eomimt nart. an the oblcSa sought. To make money It Im neeeoaiy to Sit S.. CSst £id belt buBlnen «ntr«i«dplearere iworts: to have the others, travel by the best built and SS^SJid^oSd which inverses the.bestcOQntnr, and unit- •n sn^placea aa an worth anything in thia Una. The Chicago, Milwaukee and I St Paul ™^Bl^BS??J?Jk"#H'?Ll^V^^S^ I OBBAT NorrawEST bt rre vawous UNm Tb. only Northwealeni Une rannlng Ita own sleeplng-cara, which ai» the equals of the best. Its parier-oaia betwea Cblogoand MIfwankea an the beat In the worjd. and It a wtaide eoulpmant of the beet iptallty "d^track^ perftg. Bates MlllJeral aa any other KofthinrtOT Una aU theae advantage* apply to T)^^M K CHATOLBR.« Clark street, Chlaun, nt: I. A. SMITH, assBrasiaway, N« Y5k?7. ^^Pf. WashagUMi 'O^JS^.i - - -r* "■■T~rTlTn JgenJ Passwger AgqitJtU- 1 idney PAD A f-llRC for the mott prevalent and fata! rtlc- e^thVt afflict mnnkina FOCKD AT IxAKT. internal nirdldnes"Overdid nor n<-vei^ai.cure KiDNEV dineahe. *'S;'*«J!BP'*, Saya Kidney Pad AX ONC'E. and be cured of InVo&Uons of tbe KMn»a. Orinarp Ornm. it is ine only treatment DEBILITV. and that distressing cotnplBlnt. •BACK ACHB." It will nnnually aavB^many THE BALKE COMPANY 7»t BROADWAY, NBW YORK. SCHUETZEN PARK, P EI I r>AJDElX^PH I A. MONDJk.'S'. SEPT. 13. mjm rw pnlZBfl OPHK TO A l i I , ""' ENGLISH GAMES. UnJerdlt«tlonol ffc. ORDRR ao.Na or BT. QBOUB. Bicycle. Pat Men Icned, and Back- plug. Onc-bonr _ bandlcapa. Eulrance.wc, w ^'r—; .- . . tr1e.lor*U0»da. handlg« dc~ II. dlreeted_to MM. WBIQBT, Secntary. 1,0BS WATERLOO phla. _ . street. PbUadal COLUMBIA BICYCLE. AW2N«pffiSncaftas YBIIICLE.and tbe number to^ i5 u B&IBLV INCBEABWO. feaslonal and bnsloeea mm. •••«» Ztar bslth or pleasnte. all loin la bearing wttnesa 10 Ita merits. sSTthrefrcent rtamp fotaiu^aga*. with price IIB and (nil Infunnatloo. " 'the pope MFO CO. fln Hummer BireeC, Boston, Maaa. thla'new dUicovery »nd^i Ia™e irord of moat niiiufcable curee. sent ft'ee._Wrlte for It. DAY HIDHBV rAX> FECK & SMDEB, Humfiutimnj 124-126N3SSaI^{L HEW TORE. ' We woold call tbe attention of all interested In Theatrical Goods of any descriptloil, to Eire as a titel, befora parchaslng elsewhere, for Uielr Wigs. Beards, WblsketB, HooHlaclieB, Burnt Cork. Colored Fires. Grease, Paint, Carmine, Roafte, Clog and Soogand Dance Shoes, Caps,BUk.Wors>ed or Cotton EnltOoods, sake np Boxes, Ac. Fnlly lllnstiated, and prices efaU Oooda In our BewCaalogn*, I9Z pages, too lUna- tratloni, sent bj mall lor 10 centa. atr - THE BBS^PA« SHOW IN THE CIRBOMTE UllttP AJSI> THE Only Sensational Show in Leadville. COLISEUM THEATRE, MONTALDO ft DODGE, Lessees and Managers, Late 01 (Jalety TiieAtre. New Orleans. La, Good. Specialty A.x-tlBtei -wlUa Sennatlonal A.ct(< Wtantod. Xminodlatol v Flnit-clasB Fonauio 'X'a.lemt Wa.n'tAcl at a.U times. ALL letters answered.* FAI..I1 AND irilirTEB OPENING. ABNHEIM THE TAZLOB, 190 and 192 BOWBB'S', ooraer Sprlnfc street. No CoBiiectlon wltll Any otber Store on tbe Bowery, 299i BBOASWAT", betir'n Beade and Dnan e sta., KEW YORK. 157 SOUTH ClaARK STREET, CmCAGO, HX. ELEBANT, SHUSH SUITS, Hade to Onler, $18. RNE IHPOinEO CASHMERE PANTS, Hade to Onhr, $S, ARTISTIC CUTTING. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS WHl BE MADE TO PROFESSIONALS. SABCPUiS, FASHION-PI^ATK AND HVUEB FOK MKASCmEBIBNT Sent on ivx>j7llcatlon. IMSt* SEASON OF"X8>90 A.:MD '81. 'Z'lae Beauttlial and ITalented Yoimg 'F'.ngltwh Actro*?* ' MR: EDWIN TABRET MR. BALPB DBLMORB, MRS. J. W. BRUTONB. MB. E. C OOTLE. and M& C T NICHOIA MB. OLIVER WREN, MISS LIZZIE MAY ULMBB. MB. J, TUTTLB, In the original Romantic Drama In four act a entiUed . ^^^^ WOMAirS FAITH, OR OREGONIAK UFE TN *55, WW -w WALTER E. rrRBSNBY, Esq. - ■ Dalv^sPlAh- , , aasnrea managera and tbe H B.—Mr PiankM chapman,foimertybnslneBamanign'tarMr. AngnsonDaly'sPtfih^venneCompany.Mlu Pan- ianoii« ana Mtaa Msir Anderson, and at present manager for iflsa Agnea Leon«^^ Snbui'35S?SiS5?the'T;5SM SiUi thitno labor nor eip^WiIi'be spro^m ms^MISB AONES LEONARD AND ^isPMiY oiaarthe bMi and most ractesaini organisations ol tbe season. Moat attractive Uihogranks ana Printing, Sui^^«^^<^^ "^««"'«^»- PRANK M CHAPMAN. Sole ManagwaB^a Koprtotor. _ W. WOOL PRANK M CHAPMAN. Sole Managerand ftoprletor. U-Ut* Addieea DBAMAHO A0ENT8, New York CUy. THE DRAMATIC ATTRACTION OP THE DAT FOR NOTELTT THEATBES. rcsus roPTJXtAJt S£svsA.'X'xo3rA.i4 staj* In hlB nusterly ImpenonAtion of <*SIHON EEKTON," tbe backiroods hero. nmirr.irTRRRT THEATRE, BALTIMORE, JAMMED TO THE DOOBS AT BACH PERFORMANCE. THUNDERS FRONT^SBlfl APpLaUSB. an UNEQUIVOCAL TRIUMPB. -R^noirtorv tor the Sea«On X880->SXl "SIMON KENTON/' "NOT TET." 'TBIED FOB TR^BOK" end a new drama, now being written, enUUed "GENTLEMAN OEOBGE, THE GAMBLER OP CHANCE- ifuunta of flnt-dass Novelty Theatres dealting to produce the aboveMileaae send open datea. terma. etc Address MMiageraotnr»«i— , ^ y chabTtbOBCTON. 1« W. Fourth street. New York City. P. B.—Lambs, beware of the wolf ol Richmond, Ta. A word to tbe wise, etc 2i-lt* The Monarchs of all Horizontal-bar Performers, itwiUh tbe Cooper A Jackson itr^TC-ER In thair Oolden Act on the Triple Horizoolal Bar*, now playing a sncceufbl engagemnt with the C( SSSV^ ae lor the Pall and Winter season. "^^^ * Permanent addteta, M Franklin avenue, 8L Louis, Ma, care of M. J. MOORE. 133 OA&ES BROS.' CONCBBT CO. 133 Proprialata iDdMaugeia. 133 WEEKS. OR 931 NIGHTS, COKSTTAJNT AJTD ■pWfTA.VH W .rWO STCJOCT. Illii -f-'-- r |1mi s Jl isas T>ITmr"T' " ■■ »—»■«—«-» OF oxtpjOBarnftA. catablb op playtno a bust JOHN B. Ol ■- ' OF Xt-lt viauN £l0. and mosttfao play someln suumeui w braMtwad. - Paidaa aBswettag this ad. pleasesute capabllUy udiowaSniarytnfliit letter' Addren all lettln aa per above addreea. ai-if o. irWeow New Stocic FOR BURLESQUE AND OPERA. The largest anaortment ot Tbre»w.det Cola for Comic Opera aod Burlesque In the United Btatea. incloding **8m Cadet." "Madame Favart," "Fatlnllaa." "Little Duke." "Pinafore." "Oarmen," "Chimes of Nonnaniy,""Oirofle- OlroOa." "Madame Angot." "La Mujolalna," "LaPerl- cliole," etc. For Oenteel and Sensational Burlesque I have U Pemale Pimirea and4 Male Plgnret, each S sheets; alsoaS-sbeet and a t-ibeet gronp of Pemale Heads. Neuir .11 th. aboYO cntM are new, having bean made late last season, and were used but Uttle. Also a nnmber of Stock Litho- graphs for Open and Bnrleaqne. Black and Colorad. DON'T SEND FOB SAMPLES. WUI All a small order C. O. D. oreend Prloe-llst. Address J. B. JACKSON, 21- tf care of A- B. SEER. 36 Unlon-sqosre. New York. WAKTED FOR THK Eagle Palace Theatre, SHAZZSPBARE STREET, NEAR BROADWAY. PREDEBICK LOEBR Sole Pnnwietor ALF. MILES atage-manager Onenln g Pa te, Au«. SO, X080. VARrE'l^Y TAUTENT IN ALL BRANCHES OP THE BUSINESS. None but flnt-dass people need apply. Write at once Address PRKDERICR LOEHR, ai-Ul* Eagle Pslsce Theatre. Haltlmore. Md. TThKi HEALTH, STWEIIOTH, A FEW RECEIPTS FOB PRIZES CASHED IN THE JUL! DRAWING. Received from the Kentncky Stat. Lollefy FOUR THOU. HAND SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS, In fllll pavraputofprtte ticket in Joly drawing. J. O. CARPENTER. •«,ea>. SS OLNEY sr.. PBOTIDENCB, R 1 NEW YORK. JULY 3D. IBSa Received from Kentocky State Lottery tbe sum of TWELVE HUNDRED AND SBVEKTY-PIVE DOLLARS. lor smonnt of prite tickets Mut for collection for Wublng. ton, D. C, accoouL B. K. MRANH. ti.ITS. FOR ADAM8 BXFRBSS CO. NBW YORK. JULY Jt, ItRi Received <rom Keotacky Rtal. Lottoy Company tbe sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLABB. In paymentof prta. ticket (cost SI) drawn In Class O 4nly 2L tl,On). OBORO SICHBBT, 8I» BABT IITH sr., NEW YORK. •CINCINNATI, OHIO. JULY SI. UBD. Received trom the KentaAy fliate Lottery Company ONE THOUHAND DOLLARS. In paymmt of prise ticket apaymmt of prise t NATBAH INLAU, ciNonmATi, OHIO. GMMTHOPfiRA-HOUSe GREENVILLE, 8. C. W. W. A BELTON OILRBATH .....Bole Praprletnia ONLY OPERA-HOUSE LV THB CITY. Elegantly iTncoed. Lighted wUh gaa. Pine stage and elesant scenery. Dressing-rooms with all the modem Im- flrovementa. rtearlng capacity onrly eOO; Aaadlng-raom Or I.ooa Pint-class combinations only, address n-17f BELTON OILRkATH. Manager. drawn In Class O. •I.uni A nunber:^other raeeiptt at oor ofllaefrasn parties who do not desire their namca to be pnhllahed.- THR KKHTVCKT STATKZATTBRT CO. IS drawn In pnraoanee of an act ot the General Issiiiililj of thsBlats Ol Kentucky. Nut drawing I.AMOS & CO., 7T WA.SHINGTON STRBKT, CXIICA-GO. I 1.11a, HEADQUABTBRB FOR JEWELRY, Etc. N'ew patienu Joft oaL B$a6 Tor oar new CoofldenUAi Circa- 'w, coDtAlalDjT CTcrytblnff Dw ID the markaL Be mm uuS raeotluD CODfldentUl ClreaUr ut StrMtmeD aatl gtt boUom- pnce*. 18-131* To Circus Men. tSO REWARD will be paid for snch lulormallsn aa Ml convict any partlea maklnir. selUog or lulng KIDD'S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS illegally. OEOROE TAYLOR. Sole Agent and Mannlkctnrer CIRCnS-UGHTS, orioas ndneed, at* the cheap«at aod moul f1iin^>l«. BdB A«uit. OEO. TATIiOli, S3 Gold street. New York. 14-13t* MUD'S OPEM-HOUSE Cor Bent or on 8Iiam to PIrflt-cUuCombinatknu. Mab- agerB will ple«.<i« ftppt^ Cor dAU>« to 6. RAND; lO-St* • Proprietor. Lockboi l». Tmy. N. Y. Sbowmen I HAT2 MOBB PICTORIAL STOCK-CUTS than all other Bnotera In the United autes or In the world FOR RAMAB. MINSTRELS, TARTETTE8, MAGIC. CIRCUSES HENAaERIZB. Etc, AT PRICES MUCH LESS THAN USUAL. All kinds ol Slitnr Printliw. Wben cedeia will warrant. NEW CUTS FREE OF cS^B. Send sUmp fivotalofua and price-list. T. R. DAWLEY, Mansger, areat American Engraving and Printing Co.. U-a»t Nca. S» and »«Oold street. New York. SAN ANTONIO, T E X ^ S. TURNER HALL largest Beallur capulty In West Texas, burners from celllnr. Stage appolntmcn renowned viollnUrtWILIIELMJ highly praiaed the Lit up by snn- tlntmcntsallnew. The ac qnaiitieA. All nrMt-car lines centra In the bnmsdlale nelgfaborhood. Terms low. Address la-OC J. H. SCHABPER. It ED OR BIjUB CriOOS, S3; 15-incb Bong-and.daiioe Sboca, aft; — Doteh Cloga, «2J0; Pnght Win, {ft; Burnt Qork. p4r box, «)e.; PalaeSooa- taebea, SSc: Rosewood Bones, CDc: Tambo, f3: Banlo, t3; Tliaiigle, il; -American Zither. 91.10; Plr»eatlng Preparation, per box, Xn.: Negro Wigs, iLJSeach: PtanSE. Dandng Made Easy, Be. Nsgro Minstrel's Onlde, Sc End men Wigs, V each. Bend stamp lor Prices ot Mbsoel and Magic Goods. Mosical Instm- menta, etc Remit by P- O. order or registend lettv to E& JAMES, CUpper'BuUdlw I-tl as and W n<,nlr» utiret. N>w Yeek. Opera Chairs Penoraled. UphotstsreJ or Plain : ae«est stjlrs : wtth Foot Rest TWiag Back aad Hat Rest Send for Cata- logue. Kada obIt bf A. B. AB*r*w» ACo., and m Wsbask AwMM. U Bond n., KewToik. BAKER, PRAHfii CO., ' 13-Bt A IB Bend ai. >sw Tesli. us Ardiat., Fhlla. Oipiiaia. $10,000. t&,aaaa%s«D. turn, sad 1,871 other pflaea. amounting to tttXTtDL Tickea, 91. For fuller partlcslais sddtess G. UPZirOTON, em BROADWAY, NEW YORK. OR M. J. BICHMOSD. Covington. Ky. W-If and not wear ont Sold by watch - . makers. By maU^ lOe. Cmnlar of new goods tae. J. ABIrchACa.SSOeyst., 10-lS>-«enw CHARLES S. CARTER, AttorneT and Con Bselor^t-lAW, BOOM 39, COOPER INSTITUTE, NEW YORK. ' P rompt sttentlon to legsl matters . 17-Ui* JOHN tt. BOTD, A. M., M. D., B. C L.~, OOTINSELOR-AT-LAW, OLIpFBB BOIL DWQ . M AKD flOCERTBB 0TBER ITEW TOBic cmr. Attends to Iml biulnMi In all SUtaud UoltodSUCat Ooafta, and ritcs apadal attanUoa to win ciiw, MCtla- ment ot —tat.—, and eaaes IdtcAtIbv qnestioiu of madleal InrUpnidenoa. 1-tt EDHOND B. PRICE, COUHSEIAR - AT - XA.W SKW TOIUC CiaPPEB Bl7n.DIlVO, 88 sad 90 Ceittre St., Hew Tork City. Praetless la all the Coorta, Olvll and Criminal. Special aftmtVm given to the eoUeduon ai claims and debts of all kinda,the preparatloa oJ sgreemenxs and other legal pa- - T. l-tf L.S.L. LOUISIANA STATE LOHERY CO. Chartered tor tweniy-flve years, 1S6& Oooflraed by pnpnlar vote and imbedded In tha Stata Coostlmtum Dec X mv. IT. BEVEU gCA UH OB F08TF0HES. ONE HUNDRED AND TWBNTT-POUBTH MONrBLT GRAND DIBTBIBUnON, New Oneana. Sept. U, UD. —Tprtaea. total aiUtM); capitals KOm tlbfiOa. SMiao, . 1111,000 tieksta, two (■>> dollais; balvss, one i»U dot- . Apply to M. A. DADPBIlf. Nsv Ofleaas. La., cr same person at Sf Broadway. New Toik. ».» SPORTING. HEADQUARTERS _ DS an vtUes used in Games of Chanes. AdvantSfS Oai^ Dies, Keno Seta, Poker Cbecka and Cardi^Boale^ CkidPreuea, Cue Cards, Cbeck-hoIden.Paro CardLCna KewneiB. Fuo LavouU and Boxes, Compieased. Ivory sample- Cloths painted to order a^rmny ^me. sheet mailed iree. Addrca BENEDICT BILUABS TABLE CO. STRACnSE, N. Y. Send for eiioilsr. TOWaT IHROM FBAOnoait ..AND CLVB-SWIXaBBD Manu al, p oet paid, tor wc OOMPLBtBHiUIDBOOK Ol AND WBESTLINO, flftv a gravings, pries fiO cants. AddiM. ISD^ lUL Bex JCUAf RULES lor In aod oat door TUB Moor OARSMAN so tngravlatl. Ma — JAMBS, Pnblliher, CLIPPER Bmldlng, m and so Cootrs siimI. M. v. WELLING COMPRESSED PS( MANUFACTURMS CO., 251 Centre st. New York. ^UABO. POOL aad BAOATSIXB BALUL MABJIB. OALB RniU. POKBB CHECK*, ■LBBYXISt. TONg^^jfTBRB etc. eU^ DS-ntsj^ TOOLS AT BEDUCBD FBICBB. Pan BoiM, Layonti, Ca Check Baolo, One Carda. Card Faro, Poker and Bovlatte Tablea. Boa^ Ifltta. Fnooh Pool, Jtanj aad Baefla Whaela, Paro aod Poksr Oardi aad CliMki. Kane Tooli, KontB IlakMa, ud ■hort gaufla of ntrj doaoilptioiL ■Bn> ><oK FBicK-uar. BTDBESO, GROHHOLM ft 00. ao ut* m flsrket at., crkleag., IU« _3Soslsasr Oltrvea tor Sale, neTfte ranM ssteroi O wsn na iis. old bu pn^TsopvEr set ^ &Sifa'(ri,o^rB8^ uyVC' to the Union. Clo ve, rt c n w l and iwp aliwd. TBB AST OPBELB-DBPBIBEtaaghtbr MB.TOrTXK allher sS his own or ths pgpg's it st dm ea i po tssMaaiB taima WM. TOTKB, Mntle awne Plank road, Bashwtek, Bnoklyn, It. I P. O. sililiiM, Boxsao. BrooUyn. The De Kalb avnoe ears, Pntton Pesry, take row eth. old gentlemaa's nsldsnoe. FOB SAIiOOXS. Now ready and tor aals, eotosed cbnno-Utbo- graphs ol JOHN J. DWTBR, JOHN <;. nSENAX TOM RAVERB. NAT LANOHAX. TOM PADDOCK. JAMBS MARB. BILLY KDWARpg. ABTHUBCHAMBiOa Framing size, ITmim. Price, prepaid by mall. each. SI. N. B.-.Vo other lUh*- ^phs of pnaHiisa fwaale In England or America. Imperial Phntogiaphs ol Joe Oow, Paddy Byu,aik» DoooT.m andOeorge Booke from life: price, gc dseh. SMSUOaedtft: Patent Seamless Olovea,Jl ustraied Live, aod Battlea of the Champions OS RSg- ""uiiSmted Ufe and Biltlee of JOHN C. BKBMAN, ta- eludlng bis great light with Tom "arerji.™ .. luSSiitirflifr™ d Bsllle" Of TOM HTER. ax^ksplM of A m^rlra. who loosbtftr tbe largest stakMoorwDed. champioo pugiivK. J«emb» of CS«st<j». BepsSjsyJa. DlunratMnLUe and Battles of SIB DAN DOHnLItT, Ireland's grmtwt chaaoioo. aad knighted icrkis taaiaij. ?SSc^SS^,H,'?^ ^oojS:^ sattswionD. EST MAN IN THE WORLD, over aCD v.«w; (wles, Mr. V n 13 r: I : CLIPPER BDILOIXa as and W CesBe street. New Ysek. XUastrated prioo-llit sent to any part of ths world cn r. eelpto stamp. >e0« DAVIDSON A (X>.. 7B Nssssa street. New Y<rk. VAN FLEET, 'New ITork CllDDer BuU^UiurJt-t FARO::KENO 2CAS02T & CO, 84 Searbon St. Chicago, SL Manntsetiinn o( a fan Una o( CLUB BOOH FTEfilTUM, Fafl>Tssls.CI»dii,BMMta(.KaM(:IPl^<^pla^ Am* owiytAtog swe* •» < !l j H, ' « fa g *OTt. If fsi liiiln oar Mm fieadib W«m slallMtntfa.