New York Clipper (Sep 1880)

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190 THE ATBiCAL RECO RD. cLiFPBK POST-OPFICK. id.Mhm dunU bor to Btad Mil, py "-r?^ tiBBtti suus im «>,. <tu>. She i» not now. Sm.—VtottmBOata% wad.- Clbbonj. S^^Lirkn. J. F, Allan, Mrt. Ocui- Almn, Maria ArUagtoD. GpnT J, EmmXol p PoUt Co.) Fruk Hn- , T. (ip. Ens.) Hlnman. Huultoo, ItoBo" John*. J^VS'.^ , Alice Balmonc BMomont. U<n> Baumont. Neiua Cwren. Cole. U» omf. JO"* "e>¥««>^'!^^SiS^2^o's: Pandy. Mrs. John TTnaf I Emma Eo«fc I<U Bobena. Mar , Bmn. Laua (to- callit) Bopert. A- B- iauaeoHt SL F<llx> Kadara B?l]a< Clnau) Bt; Klmo. ira sarmaiir, l^eart ThoTfton, Jin. Bmma LlESTwa (We of s«;»i,5t,»-^ Hi*. Botbein'a Co.) nulla Linln. Via. l^ke. Honnana Slanhall. JIajr ICaT. Goasle (13) SConlmer, Anola 'Smu, Millia (■tatae'*bU") MaideB. imma MamfleU. Allca Mendel. MJl. l*o- Nora. Mai (xUis- blover) Flomea,!''*-*^' aB^eBl^ Jla<L<p. ol mark Lmr. Otmliam A Minnie wSSer. TtUla Gnnon, Helen , ' GKSTLBMSirS' UST. Abbey * dicker »li»nt. T- Tney, Hdl*n_ . Tniuer. Mix B. K TraEneek.May TbompaoD. Cuniue Taylor, Mlai M. (eaiaJ.F.Bbeii;) Waiuek, Mrfc Fannie , WoircU. Mia. So- flliiiama, Mn. Ester C., Wray, VloU „ Wlbon. Mlu H. lEDKllabF.o.marki Zoa, MUe. (flying- rings) Arllnelon. BUly Adair, Tom (p. nuicEdinbiuBb, BeatU ^ ^ Anlitey,Robt. B) Aymar, Fred. w. Arnold. Cbaa.Jala orCanada) Abbey, A. lof Ab- bm'i Mlnitrela) AiUngum, Oeo. iABdravB, CbaAW. 'Aetoo, B.T. .Alkea.Joe • Aibton, J. B. (ma- m^gtr) Alarood. J. B.<mn- ^fSatar- - ' -' ASen, V.V. Brano, A. J. C2) Bb<ait or BtQBit, B&dln. J. (Of BoUnan's Open Co.) B'Diiar, FtankCD Bartov, Wilaon, rrtmnaaA Wcat Bany, Joe lObost Benalay. J. (ol ForepaogbaClT. Baldwin, Uany Biasler, K. Bodkin, M. Bergar, Fred Brown, B. S. or K. Btm^iam, J.W. Bnsler, W. L. F. Biaca. J.T.(cama- dlaa) B.-1ttaner, John BolanetFamOy Bojd. O. (01 Boyd «Petsn) _ Bland. Jaa. A OD BraAwayiLaTl J- .rf Kmnler^. L. .. .Bankar, Ed. ' Mmont, C. (ol - Conp*a Cuaia) BaUwio, O. (ot ' IjODdon Clrcna) Byn*. John H. Baan, Pranlc J. Baker, Walter Bratiflrary, John ' Clapham, H. J. (4) ' cnasTliie, J- A.-S) Carrlgan. P. lOfCar- ' rtgaa A Wblta) ' Camll. J. X. (co- median) Cola. .Sam (baqjo- • '.i-la) . CoiaUL OIiaa. OnniaKJIeo .' Oaylon!. A. E. Oale Waller (magl- Oolae. A. clan) Oreicory.c. J. CKBSoty Brothera Garland, J. Garaett, Percy Oi»y. Nell Oiw.C. (9f<J«m Thea., Bradlord, F*-'_ Oale, Walter Ceyer, Frank UaiTett,Joa. let Oeo. (mlnat. •bk") i2) _ . BernAndeKTO. B. * Ball. Ode _ Uendanon, Cbaa. W Helien, Walter B. Banla.C. (of Gal- lender's Minst.) BlgBbUvLool* Bii<iges,B.(or Iion. doa Clicns) aaley,T. lot Poll- man A Bamll- ton'e ClTCnS) ,( Bammmley.O.W. Ealer.Pautek Berwu.d, W. (of Heywood Bna.) HeDglar. T. M. ^ Uovorth, J. (ol Howoftb'* Bib.) Homer, Nat tma- HaSI^. J. E. Him. W. It. Uomar. Billy Bonon. U. U. Heeneaey. F. (ol Uennaaaey Broa.) BaiTls, C. V. (t) Hawa>.W. H. (ma- nual of **• ntm ctaM ™»» >* no* a%jm. Bl* Is tlia glie has b*«fl on tne nage. .i^s&SrnSTS^'-re.-^-oT™! S^:Ss5i^-"ni?jpp5s^-'ss?sss mentcelninns. .jidM. A» yoo snraest., an '^.'^»iSS'o.^'5S?^«Si-°~'8--- "',^k%'^SS<SZ-TS.'!iSn^Pb Jeire«>n 1. not "Ei?S"^2Sn'ir-AdSiSf1S-ln care of TIK CurrH. •^ISlalwebaT. already pnbUshed two poem, on the "S^pS. Lancaster-TbnmgbTHgCupPkEport-offlc*. J J m' flJSSSS-wScSoarTaiietydepartmenL S. oi; Ti SSSllt «»°e too UU to be of use. HOilDAT, Angnst 30, '80. lOT Mfeleptant One of the 'earned oneain^ Sisoni »ppUc»tloii at Nlblo's Gkrten lor tte pSmL TboBlt wUl be seeo that elephBnts erep are beneoted tbrongli the liiBtnimenUlltTof the-i^- neUb»!be ttme nor the apace t» P"»»»« fJJVnrfl leet Amber. The reader » refeired to onr bn«- DMs department foraddlilonal inihrniatloii—or, aa honae-asenta aay, "For ftirtber partttnUara inquire wlthinl" New* comes to na In an aa- tbentle form, an tbe way ftom Anstialia, tot our old mend W. Horace Ungard-otlierwlBc Okm^ Jinks of the Horae Karlncs—baa been adjndced KoUtr of having "Stolen Kisaes," and there has been Suite a stir In those fkraway colonies coniremuia ft. no prevent troable, ought to mention that the 'Stolen KlBse9" l^s latest new ^gJj^^JJ? aMde£??o£n'{£M|^^ii1M'lSB^own sweet Alice br his gldef] TUa la a neat compUment to Ura. llmiard. we do these things very clererly, without slvlhs ourselves away while so ai>ing. Other writen would benefit tliemaelves ai^ the pubUc by doing llltewlao We find a good dMl ol merit in PmI Merrltt'anew comedy^ttMij. Ta.e money It bnngs in will be the reward of Marm, while virtue will continue to be Ita oton rewardr - - Dont lul to take In Leavltt'a attractions tWs i son. He has gathered togetber a bouonet «rfte- male loveUneas which takes the "nen o* t^tmh every time. We have been Pe™>««3J*«'S^J5 aUmnse of but one of the budding beauties, and The opening days of last week were very try- '^'^^ j,eart hae been In auch a aw* aa to tag to theatrical managen, lOr those who were pupitaoon of «Ig«ve^ SSiptTby the late cool apeU to throw open hSSSTrhy^arygn^^^ 188*81 were terribly taken ui anu '^'^ Each male will S a devotea. Minted: for another wave, aU hot and smoking, The diaasaa made lor brsrlty, S^ck is amldsblpa, and knocked us complete- TlSllSSSIftS iwSue^a^eaa was rtng- iT on our beam-ends. The heated wave pounced iiV; gong on the stage of the Walnut^treetTbea- down upon us on the previous Saturday. «<><'k tre, Philadelphia, last Monday nl|ft, a bad ere™ SThoffon sunaay, permeated tne ^IJ^^ai^^J,^ em circuit on Monday, ana made things P'tlcn- ™»JJ%gl|'>^™cS^ The cnlrrtt was caught larly hot for us up to Wednesday, when the .^^ UcouA en was <»««Ped upon a moray heated term culminated In a B»»Da t*'""^"- i^nk, and dlstributeritseU a^^^^ SSX TllSe managers^wbo oi«uedjbe season | the slngej_,pvej.lm a^^^^^^ September 4,1880. o™ ™n™ J*''''™*'«**ST Of the marriage of »h?Si3S&«» Minstrels' new Interlocni^haa drawn forth observxtioks by the andi immiel eoaUUoS thalDfmer ' ' * ^^kT^MSJB^*™ celibacy! nlHtXT^ WPjd's anprcmscy; Chant a lay w^^f f|,p nmvr\miw» kiA. ideally eommentlng on the matrl. took place in tbi> city on Ang. 17. ^ of iha London Tbeaua and Mlo ■ ■ V-lJT Of the marrlaga bloom— nSS tS^nSSw* brlcle, Tallani ibe groom! SSSStAm?.*'??!*^" r""*" '"S rejected St^Sfi^Mja"*" that yon det«et«d7 So7T5S?S»f*"* y*'"'" ebaogc* yonr frowmrd AffSdie-sflrf**"" »*(iBy's smUn-ao jrml.andt v^f£l!l.t«- happy; think how the ITrtnert coy dSJ22j^«5«»'»"°"*«' brooght TOO Jot™ lent day will ertUclsa this paragtam qoallty. new attempt on A. C.'s "tailboard* • Zoanses of tbs as one of aTann^ f Tbla Is an ani lii nMl«SL^**I« soppoaed to be, -on this oc S5l«?'ahanda^e- g~yJnl and adorable man's beait- antlcer ot the typt***""* SOI. SMTTH Bii'>'tj,<B C^OKBntATioN began an eiwagement A3*^}\ the Park Theatre (which wiu then opettA.;''^...t^e season), producing VEdgewood TatuwstaoJd'n?bynMewfiit l««iiia"ihe"dM Su^lnaandIntrodnced In anatoial ^J^^^irt abSBlely dragged in. aa la too otten the ca« In kindred pi«t«ctlons—and there is a motlTe Ibr Ltaelr belns. The P«WP5H cbaractera In the piece are «c2ll«Uylmpeaa>'<« byeipenenced and time.trled SSS? who ^at» thoroughly leaned their art In a anod school. sbI l>eTe lon/c ago cetahllshed their SnJEtSlot Mr. ■««"'• shllltlM as a mimic, hu- SSriS «d vwaW.'a." .reeel^ed the emphatic ep- dMiamentotappiini';'*><>«h the press and the pobllc ~y^^'. J^^ - 11 r lAr FnMnw WASH and fQ^jiy i > Kww PUT-—At Hooley'B Theatre, Chicago. THB TouBMTS began an engagement In Haver- a J^^g presented "Photos." written tor iT'a Plfth-avenue Theatre Aug. sn then inanguret- I'J->"JL'i*E!wMa to^ the first time on any stage, SgS^oJSI^n. A«l£.Sln.ted •»«» 5f»^; ^"^SJ U c7nSn^^^ the blU of thewwK. tag the name of the theatre andatorpe i"""S*I I a vervaood attendance. Our correspond- ofaddltlonid BsaUgbta now adorn Its trout. The J™^'P«?'r,7Rrta the tall cast being: S,!il?ir ptaySrfo?med by this wmpnylf?"?: S^'llLottle G^^nSir^M ^'"^""^SSV Btantlally t& mme as that presented tfii P*b' sf^ ^« ' HarSon; CIm HBrlelgb, wektag iranny son; but, as some changes have been made In the ^{^.^dTrlch husband, Carrie Daniels; Mllly, W a"™.nd the pewnt distribution: Mlffl a dlm^novel hero. Therere Wood; Mers- Bal)T,lDaBC»rrieS*Bln;Mls8Isabella,MissUinlM "sSkSig a row with those nearMt and 7:2iirriSrV-u.elU. illss Jeannette Belfltrth; i^nls Harrison; I|e>j;<L"« Pf'SI' Marie. jlla> AUce Holcblngs; T. Heny Sta?-J^*. iSSjig a responsive heart, R. E. G™^J"jp*S- A. Mestayer; Sir Henry Cashmere,/. N. L*ng, SjniSf, gceKtag a family group, s™"'"?- James Wlnkerton (formed called LnlglContad*nl). 5°°«?Son7BSnaie.8.-eklngcapUve m""'"-, Jl*^ T. WUmot Eckert: Kicb (a new chatacter), Samuel Tn°iwra, » jj<,^,vo,' Harry ^aire'^^^^''"" Swain; Georee. *lamer (formerly callei Jacob .^'Jf_iivia, a Roman vcstoi, Josephine, a ~ —1 t-Bra;; Hans (formerly^caUed Louis ^^n, and Flrat nistcr^Ice OanJ- ^ "■- ' ??""?S°_.SrEmiikrorof Borne, Hasty, in a h^ she funts In the arms of Blla. who has enieied dorlD^ conreiaatlon. Rose thinks that Lacy Is m ia!n tha . with Bile, and has tainted at the (or Joy that It is not he who Is oledse*! to anirt)i.r. t>in that " , •. ««•« f"?hetrHo'5ii^ ■^itBon. Louise PanlUn stags | ^""'IKS'nViriSpeioVof Borne Hasty, In^^^ well, but does not amount to much as an actress. •?R:,r^ore Phlllp.Teft his h's at'pme. and March- On WeJneadaT lught, when we were present, !oh, how I suffer.'Louis Hairlson, she Buiirvriti T. Wumot Eckert the w^er- montcarotnere.^^^ ^ iSlne «5.m 'TTOvatore,'' but did not sing a Bruw^ Rome 8^«ji^^ ^ ^^^^ Spanish song. "L» Colassa," for 'f'>jfll »^*r S?aham-^bluilns,a Romanwarfl iraa billed. J. N. Long's Impersonation of iSioSlald Wrinkles, W. H. Thompeon: Ten tte old Sn in the car-scene dff not compare ren;Datg^ei«i^»^n Daniels; Vandevew lavofably with that .previously Blven byJames ^^Jf^. -Therese Wood; Mr. Sky^ Wng tc Barton. Henry Watson more then made good the S^S'in; riij u u all about. Geo. W. <3a8tou. Itu absence of Mr.Brnno.and his dialect specIaltlM "B? ''"i^Vstinnslcal specialty pieces Of thla ellcltrt acreama of laurtiter. Miss Jeannette^lf- 9^ •tf5„'?g2 brief story t«lng tnat Louie, Clara. ffertbhaamademaTkedlmprovementassuacttra^ SSSre and' pitter. four cousins, are lUeces and aa weu aa ta her musical performances. Carrie |?i^*J? " f. ajc^ uncle, who has left a clause Swaln'a aon^and-dancea In*fcmale attire were re- °*tt!^,?f,Ja"t tbSTsbaU go twice a year to a pho- calved TrtthTavor, and at the close of one ol them {? ^ll',J°SlleS and be taken SltlSSS^SSeSSiuS'fU" hflSfoKSSj^^^^ ']St°o'"»rS"fe*'tnVe*amhri^^ I h™;r,Mtt;CsriA^^ '•!"?<iiii",'5S5,??M" ffl^ra^tffi^tptiephotogre^^^^^^ hl'SrfM'h.r-^-^SSr-^^ 0. U GBAyxB' combtaatlon openrd at the Wabia-- street Theatre, PbUadelpbla. Aug. 23, in JohD r Seara' Amertieaii Comedy '-The Four S«a!ion.«" 'which waa then pTt>dnccn for the flnit time on bdt stage.' The roll cast was: Blje nawkins. an Amer lean Ibrmer, J. H. Rowe; Harry Wbltlng, th> vli lage banker's son, John F. De (^ez; Andy Reean* flrom Onid Ireland. Wm. F. (terroll: Chns. Hahn! from Faderland. Lemuel Xorib; Jenerson Bowen a colored pusson. Oeorge B. Radclinb: Rose jia^ flower, the pride of the vUlaoe. Miss Annie Wak*. man; Lucy Falrchlld. the village srhoolralstrMi Kitty Rhoades; Estelle Celeste, a French ponltn- mald. Lulu Delmay; Susan Sweetapple, a Yankee dalry-mald. Georgia Parker. Of plot there Is but Utile. Bile Hawkins and Rom. (Inwer have been btonzhi op irgether from 'chllili»<»i »j hahaslfam*^ to love her with all the ardor of a ^tmiup nainre, bat her stfection for him Is only that of a <lun ana becomes tntacoated vith Bany Whltlnar, who KtoixMM and Is scceptad. She tells to hrrlMend l.ncy FaliThlu the news of ber betiothaL Lney asks If Rile u the hsoar man: and on learning th<t It Is not he. bat Bsrry Whltlor Blie saspecU at onca that Barry Whiting baa hen . trifling with the affections of La^. &nch is IndvM the case, and the andltor Is even led to aopposa that he ht« betrayed ber. tboogb this Is dimly implied and not dl rt^iy (Utcd. BUa chaima IIktit with hu perfldj. w the latter protesta his Innocenoo. A stncmT scene etuuet between them. In which a blow ftom BUa Is only pRrni. ed by Rose, who brings abont a iroondliatlon. apon wh^ ■ the aci.dnip falls. This Is the flrat set—Antomn. loth*' second act—Winter—It la made to appear iliat Hsirr WhIMnghas taken Lncyontslelab rtdlDg. and-wltb arlev torlddlntthlmseUof her. has made tha hnnw and deicli buTliSSid' of'^SrihVtaro, sbe n^^^^^^ &lcttri"5Se?S.e^S.S^^^ {?o?,?'Mt"o.",K 52.?^S.^SLo^nJ W stage. The audience, many of whom aPP«- S"i?«°'«OTr™ r^^^ elated the aell, recalled her by vocUeroua ap- 25i2c5«Sit nSarreltag Is prevented by theterma the m-nsad yeong damsel Is removed imm theTebide pUuse. Among the fresh musical selecUons were dJ^"JP,: ^li tho seconiT act they vlelt the pho- and rewoted to coDsciousnwa by iw.> of the lam.hsiHU ^rtonttbrtSSwIor many yearirpai.r.-and-tomi.-,- I "iSrt^yed hSiss." a, sung by S*"?,*i'ioo?, and?b^ usual medfey of tan and \ ?/..«>».Jettem -bUj^B^l. SSS^SSJi whSSnotlothe hWhUofpaViSliiiircSi. W.H. Bray, the author of the words and miislc; ??'gJLv«e begins. The flrat act Is quite witty, cx- S?2waspeSum«swBl baeoilrelr norel, whue to those "Our Cholr"a quartet of male and female vocsllsm SP^JfJ?^ „SS?coinedy writing. The second act Is. ^:^^!^^£S^^^S^A''L;;^L^}'''''^^ amredllke'Qualere; -Lah-de-dah.-' ^aong which """""'JJlS remtaUon stri^ of specialties. It Milo Broa. _ . , Mnrtz, J. (of Cole's Circus) Morton, J. W. O'Brien. John F. Osborne. U. O'Brien. Dan (of Murray's Clrcos) Omdonr. tiarrr "Fiioneta" (3) , PUllng. F. (Of Coop^a ClrctlS) Pedanto, Mr. Porter. James Pease, W. 6. Pattenoo, J. P- ibanloisi) Pennoyer, A. B. Patterson, John (dowoj i2) Peasley * Vanneta Blcbarda, J. U. B. Bial A Otmper Boss, Pat unual- cun) BoDSldo, — (man- serpent) (4| Byan, Perry Hipley, Wm. Bule, BobL Brooklyn) Bobert*, N. D. liADdulpn, J. btackney'a CIr.) Boche, Aiet P., Bial. J. (Of Klal « Draper) ub Bainn, Jobu BasscU,J.iaf Stan- ford a BossaU) Sanda. b. (of Kea^ Sn Monday were^ught In the e'rocco and the habitues were found wanting. >o premonl- rion of the approachtag T*ive had been given -Otherwise, postponementa on account ol the ^SJnShed condition of the improvements would havebeen in order, and the managers and stare woSd bare escaped the humlUaUon and mortlflca- (of (Of Sonwhlch attended their premawre opening. On Sie East-slde. however, the weather d()Mn'ttittve Sesame disastrous effect as it has on the Broad- wav belt, and when Buffalo Bill opened an enmaement on Monday nlgtit In the Bowery slope there was an avalanche when the gates were left ajar, and a roar as of a rush of many watere. '-What is thatt" asked a gentleinau who was a witness of the " the gates." "It Is the ^ vi OUT qnlck and wltiy reply. And right would Uketo ask the unbiased -ma) sldere It the fair thing for a conege-i the blower for a sideshow a ifllnd-lns -wB beard this cruel remark made one day I2ek^?CoiMy Island. Was it surprising ttat the taard-worklng blower should come down Irom Bis SJ?h seize the insulting startent .by tho throat, SEd strew bis remains along well-meaning corespondent ."«5«Si^i, I nia callous heart as with a ted-hot iron. FACT AJII> FAHCY FOCUSED. Signer TlaTeUl, the tenor who inad< hlmsell known In London laat seaaoD. U to make himself heard lo this ooun try In the Fall, onder the banner ol J. B. Mapleson Ilclor Majsa baa completed his new opera "Una Nnlt da Cleopstre." Jules Barbler has famished the Ubtetto Mme. Esslpoff has been making the pisno eloqoent In Lisbon The complete literary worksofthe Abbe Llsrt ire n?w m.coanie of pubUcalion......Slgnor Ramirez and irlfeTspaSlrt troubadoora, arrived heie Hforn Liverpool. Boi . on Aug. M Edwin Boothdecllned to share the Sd w'ui C&aries Wamei at tha Mnceu' ThesJre I*n aa old mends. DgW ""e past week liberal applaose, l^modenia ladlM' e<"l treqaent encore* aiicsted huTiniSsJ Si^'netropolls, while tha hberal at- £»ldan»«Tlne«*sS much lor the pUy. Diirlni the nceas the tbaatrv DAd ondergone exteDnira altera. tSS" <Jn the <s««de ol the baUdlog. orer the en- nun. an otsana>ai wooden stmcttire has been oMUd which readtf to tha third story. In tha cen. SToftUa 1* a laiI»Pl«te ol glass of varied tlot».te;.r. K the^rds ''AbW Pej* Thestre^aod 00 either side ofltUa.grlfllnearirfendgUded. When lllaminstedat night UaawearaneaUanractlTe. The former entrance i^^be nEiTbal^aethollsbed. and the spsceonce <^ cuplrt^ywe 'oW^lrcsse Is now odllzVd ss "boT offlcraaawIndowabSebeeacnt throogh tbo northerly wiUof tha vesUbale, In the celUngofthe main entrrnns near the Btre*^ adoagha* been constnicud. and Irtrm ui iSXn hanga an crystal chsndeUer. By the Smoval 01 the (>« box^)fflco and the euttlng-awry of a portion ot the italrs leading to the dr«S<ircle the prtndoal en«»»«»ie. now of the same width from the street to the enlonn to the audltortam. Just Inside emirrg vnnifi ilKeto aslc Uie Tinbtaiied reader if he con- i wm _ir'™':r^*.JV'™«i<ilirmiiiVf iioi»odu1«: Kmbetolfthlug fora coDe«-stadent to b'JMnid"^^^^ the blower for a sideshow a iDlndJnstmment. Tet J™5^, management not knowing what to dowlth bin rr thla cmel remark made one day last 1 aHLijyiSSInoth'sproepecla Itlsunderatood SS"oSSn made to Warner for b^? " luandsurm the new Terslon ot "Edwin Drood." »- ISpS •ome months ago^ by the MoaBoment of the fSnSssT."....Somebody hsa stolen the medallion from SatombofSchnmannat LelpHg......Slgnor Bl«!p. Ma- Soson'sstoging master, has got bsekhera Irom London. r!7'_rzl!!5^? .411 KMrin at fwir Aesdemv of Mosle on laii Bauds) Steabgen, Prank (leaaer) Sellon A Bans Seaman, ProL (prestldlgltateui) aterens, Ed. A. SwTeos, u. P. BerSert, F. (ofl8t«Iey,^0.(orrora- Forapangb'sCir.) Hois, Charlie Uanley, M. W. inca. John Jen)B, Harry . Jeasar. Mr. Julian, Henry - Johnston. K. W. Jasper, ullntoo Kenney,H.(OI Hat- cheller A Dona' Clrcns) Kennedy. P. (of Kennedy A Era. enoni _ Kennedy A Emer son Kaldy. Gto. Knowles. R. O. pauuh's Olrciiaj Sujitb,N.( of Pull- man A Ua:ad- ton'sCiTcus) Stowe. J. (01 Or. too s Cltena) Smith, W . (Of Smith's Bail- Binge re) Stanley, Besry (late uf ShelDy'Bj Sllekney. Bubt. Sunlln,i. (ot:3iu)lln A Kusaj Stone, U. (ot Amy Stone's Cu.) Santom, Wm. EL Siduoer, Nat :jbaw, Fred T. LamrVi l«ram,Tom LaFonialne, Theo. l<>yal.U. JL. Long. T. B. Llnsun, Banr La£y, H. (01 Arm. Cols^fiew - bian.Nlgbts ito) Unnhu J.(or Ken- lATamle, Uany < '.-BSdF A Claik-s Laydao, J. (of GoJ - ■ London Clrciisj Caabman, Frank Leotaul, Fred - CommlngB,—.(ofLaron Bros. <ol CoddlnstaB.Ban7 OanoU A west Keens, Alt (oflStaoley.Mr.motlce Kendall's Co.)10c. I orrOiClBtercd let. KallyA BaleyiX) Loxulo. Tom LeaTlcx, Ben 'A AUama CamB. A Slack) : .Haiiwr, Tbuy Jtanaaa^. r. fiuuZVade ■ tg^- VrawrJ. (Ot Don selQ-AlHew) IHamoad, D. (01 Pastor's Co,y • -3>eLaoii, Leon Pa Havm ^jnando DouLUM, Wm. I>anl«b.W.B. • Pa upuit . Hany (Z) uewiport, a. (Of Forepang^'sClr.) Tbayer'a Circus) LorelhkJ. a Lnando. John (ot Orton's ijlrcov Lawla, Frank ivo- caUati LIngard, Wm. H. LarSa, WW fcTamla. terl Seoger or Sanger, Prank Stetson, E. T. Tbompison, BlUy Th*yer Broa^ T>-inll.Babi. TZ Tninxler. Jos. U. Ttaylor. u. A. Tallock, Win. Taylor, ueo. H. (mualelan) Tyrrell. Wm. B. Touker, J. H. Terry, MUes Tnracr, Ned Tudd.wm. (mana- gert Tney. Dan nyoo, VuL T. O. Tbompaon, D. Woanoa WbiC- combi Tloot^ Joles XcriiniMl.(orB01>- _(OoiijijDd> • - — ■ Torner, Wm. (late with Pinaiora Co.) TUloiaoti, J. K. TtTOO, W. P. Tama. A. W. E^tl ott, R. Fisher _jton, W. (Boy. ■ ton's Agent) iS) Sggleaton. C. W. .Kranka. Joe Florance. Oeo. A. Taeker.stephenA. Trimble, E. U. Topfax. ChaM. bin's ClT.) McDonongb. John E. XazweU, Tom Clara Sc. MarcX M. W. L. Marc, Luoleo Mayon, John . Magee, John (latolToraor, Wm. B. ol Cedar urorclVelno, J. C. B. I.) IVere. Oeo. McMleee, John | iclotqrtsti Maiming. J. (ot Valentine, J. Q Maniuog A Drew) Morallo Bioa. McEee, Andy Morton A Homer ■ortlmer. One StSMUD Cleopatra's Needle taTts tature home In Jnd rthearJSla wlU begin at oar A(ssdemy of Music on S?tS lark ft Aould receive a coat of white- |;ptl..~Tbe price that it is sa^dtheijo^^ WMhl We do not agree with our correspondent. | aiA win to pay.'or Asin^.Jij«ie^.van^i«idtjs t« It would be a waste * tae-u^Se^-S S"d-^S5^n«»^^^ Nellie Power I vocalized but got In very middle of the week. FlUe dn Tambour-maJor. Thb Toubists remain this week In Haverly s FUth-avenne Theatre. "TioTB" is still running at Daly's ibeotre. J. K. EKMKT and his combination ore to be suc- ceeded in the Grand Opera-house Sept. 13 by Ada Cavendish. TBB San Fbimoisco Minstrels are their season Ang. 30. , Thk Kibalft Bbothbbs are to revive "Around the World" In Blblo's Garden this -week. ^eFhSSIi^eWhiy'^^pilwrn-E-ngU^^^ t'b-e I ,new,"u.^^' ki'^^?i'io^^% ^1 SrSrr^'nuVng"''sm'Sl,^Ei.v. i^e don't «e | ^.h.. 1 delis WM^^^^'i^"'?"'' S HS^Sl" ^Seii."p^rrr»v»- fes^"??? Messrs. Long and Eckert, and a selection Itom "La ] '^^'jlj^aiTlson and R. E. Graham parjlc-1 a.& Uarr> v ha nlariy shintag to advantage, while Mls!« Car- He DanleUi tms the richest contralto voice we ever h?arS, and Miss Therese Wood does some mncy dancing. They go to Clnclnnatt Aug 30. R, E. J. Miles'Juvenile-opera Troupe open here 30. 1 ..The Chicago Dramatic company, under the to becln management or the Western Dramatic ExchauBe, to begin I ca,, ^eek in Petersburg, IIL. from Aug. 81 to SeptT4. inclusive Tho George Uaxwe" compaf^leftssfortbe Michigan clrcnlt The _ * .-^mri AA_wut«avr laaVO Tfl rnr 01 HarTT'K oT«roo*t« vhlcb Kuineat was lost hy its ovnn dmiOK the nboTe-mentloned rielKlitne tKnpmat. Rc*^ IscODvlnced that b«T lorer tims acted dlsboDormblr t*. - - • ■ • li.aihIdK 801. SxiTB' BussBK.!. and company are . _ Edoewood Pollffl»» Id Abbey's Part Theatre until _ ^ a Ta — v>MA In *A A«\*V(M1 W 1 n A nP^F .0 act FeUrA7>«riomVhy ielVe 30 for the Ohio i nmll Clriult The J.. H.1?untlcy company leave 29 iS aVita In the conaethe ticket-taker Is sutloned. En. play enUtled "Self-conquest." ,„,„„, nraoklvn as agent. 'All the Rage' has con- SiiSlsnowhadto*elowern()OTthtoughtwolaiTtedo^^^ " * wars, esch snppUedvlth double doors swinging either tlve here abont Sept. 10, under contract to J. Alex- -»v Over these d<)<tt_«well as over thorn In the ves- | auder Brown, dramatic-agent. ^ jBomaone t^"^?w'^w'bS?°tt%'^^^': I sjii^li^Li&iJ'BA'ri*^^^^^^ •^'°£rt?%o>*S'\;^Sde% SfasSS^?^. rhi^EiS^'srcSi oM S-S.So-f.j"a.'i ssi^^-M'-.-y^is a tare Ave Soiuand doUaref Win the rcar-ad- ^TSJJib;" h«s been lett^the mm of abont twelve thon- wiinl nlaua explain, and thereby ease many a Snd dollam by the death of her grandfcther. William inini ruesu ejLpia>>s nineeTolv tmst Uiat I wuimn. (nrmer'v of the town of Bedford. Westchester Cirtart)ed spirltt we sincerely trtuit. ruai 1 wuson. Vha will la dated March 31. isao. and the anager Henderson does not Intend to convert ms ^«^tr. N/^^^'^ i^iSfnT who handMine theatre tato a gambilng-honse, yet wo e««wr^j«ben^'»^i^^gy^^jjj ^^^^ are Informed, upon what we consider tinquestlon- giJiorV'rdL baring bronaht suit in oonseqnence of an able antboritv ^t "A Oolden Game" Is to be SSnthoriied performance of "Alda" In BrosaSa, has SSLnfd there thUi evening Sol Smith Rnesell SeSaawardai i«rdictof about six hnndijrt dol^d openea "*re tma evemux-y. 1 Musical Sclety of Antwerpls havlne a nee made a big hit with his 'Edgewooil roikfl "^J^ ?^"""i^r„ritbyaoaood inUsroieBoUoaTa bey's Park Theatre last week. Solomon In aU bis ?'^„*S?t'tfl id in furnishing a beu (or a ehnrch In mndenr brought down the bouse like a I>08t-oni(% Lowell Mssa. In t«membnnce of blm that bell was elevator and his "Edgewood Folks" eiJo.ved the tolled 'for some hours auer the annoaacament of his bftDDlMi effort of bis life. fDoea thU read write to jeaih reached LoweU ...Poroeaox c^-ok the singer nappiOTeuijriui umii"-exnlanatlon? (Read Is to return tn this country In November next yon. or dp yonslgb for ep'»"7°°L,y^ a olec"of MoMere's skull was abstracted during there write and cipher.) T....^.Rlce POt'»JJ'"-,P°a- *P;;?Vhir?emalnsfrjm,at Joseph'. Cemctety toth.l dln'ibls "Fun on the Bristol" par^jor a third'"""*' ■ ■ — - ■ ■- tlbnle, are large swinimg windows, gisied with cathedral classes, for ventllatlaf pnrpows. A solid wooden psr- tltlon, sutmountod tw » ™||ng upholstered In red vel- ^ plush, baa beea-tiDUt at tha hack of tha seals, which are all new,i quite commndlons tod covered with the same matwlsl as the rslllng lust referred to. The numbers ot Iks sasts are upon nickel plates at their lops, and on the hack of each Is pinned a white tliiv Aceommodatloa lor the band have been provided beneath tha stags, by vhichtheseating capacity ol the orchestra baa bean Inemsed aitj chalta. The two lower oriTala-hoxea on elUHTtlde of the stage have, hy the re- moval of the partition^ been converted Into one oommo- dloBSbox. At their teas u now scan heavy scroll-work, deoirated In gold and .cream color. Tha boxes above remain tha same as Mote—two on either tide on the dress-circle floor, and-one In the gallenr. All of the hoiM have bsea .ranioolBtered with crimson velvet and silk. The pto«atam arch, which has been wid- ened. Is elaborately decorated In dead gold, and di- nctlT above Ibe stags a figure of one of the Moses has been artistically wmghL Two new cnruios have been sainted, both hs u ls n m*. tha one used for an act- drop being aeombluilteprdrapery In three bright colon, andhlghly elfecttvaJMBiilii crystal chandelier has been nut tn. and the wffBFSkve been repainted In neutral tlnu and the treats of the oppei^drcies In light colors, leaving the oichsatra.wsascend to the diess clrele ty a staircase (doable the width of the old one), which dlrargea to the north as lar as the wall of the vrstlbule. and as we traverse a passage raoning south wa And on our right-bsol the manscer's private ot- comroodloai ladies' tollai. Taming aN SSSSdTtDMTMVat Mcvickfr^^ ^nlSf "dSS business, and will be kept on Thomps(Jn In 'Joshua Whitcomb' follows^pt 8. for four weeks The False Friend' ^WDMrBo7rixcAtn.T does not re.urn .0 ?„'J„-Wo%«ll¥^^^^^^^^ sailed from Liverpool Aug. 18. '"J^? Pl?^i'i;e^¥l?°-?ll?^.r%°i4SS^^ b?l Atig.^s» by the lldeieman Novelty Comrany.beg^ - ■ ' . ....At BUtietrfiiy, wards Lucy, and tells him so; but ha denies Iw ur^ c'aresthat ll Lucy—whom be twlleren to tie Ufwi, brr rescue having liean caivtnUy concealed by BUe sn>l Ri^ —should come to him and say that she hsdarlxbtto lalni bis band ha would bestow It upon her. In tbe ibM ct—Spring—Rose and Bi3a suddenly coornnt Hanr vuh - —he last named declares she has a right to hand, he Is as good as his witnl, and allnn hertotake'lL The fourth and laat acl—Summer—Ud«. Tilted to the bringlog.aboat ot a union hrtxeni Bij, and Rose. The latter has at laat dliorered ihst ■be loves the nable.heartrd tiOsr of tha soil, and rrvilcn to win him. which, with tha alcl of Lucy, now the hiDpr wife of llariT. she succeeds In delna. There is a •Ildii underplot which deals with tha luTr-maLIng of Chin. nahn, aDutch rarm-tand. to a Susan Svee'snple. a Yankee datry.mald. and of Andy R(«an. an Irl»hiknu. hand, to Eitelle Celeste, a Frsnch pnuiirr-mald. »hltli per«(>osgea, together with Jelf' Bowers, an old ncgn vant. supply the comedy element. Thachlel bolii-ribe Piece aA a lack of Intervel. the uner uapt«t«. blllcy of tho principal Incident, and the forced tod onnaxnral character of all the aituMkm*. Tha whole work seems snrronnilcd by an aimot- Dbeie or tndlstlnctneaa To llliutrate: It Is impoi. ■Able to gather from tha dialogne whether the bmk[a|. tnroagh the la waa Intentional on the pan ot Fisrnr Wblling or accidental. Roaa hints olmly that th^ hs< discovered that Barrr took Lucy on the slelgh-ilile in nues:ion(brthe purpose of c^nveyUv her to sn ui<sni- asylum, in wbloo ha had made arrangemenu to have her incarcerated: but this 1« so ob'cn: elv put that li U Impov kt the had young great reduDdsccy ... „ ,. Theeharacteii are the merest sketches- J H- Rows wss not hsppr In his efforts to portray Bl)o Hawkins- He wss suny sni prononce, and evinnd a marked tenrtrncy to oveno. John F. De On was a stiff and mechanical Rarrr Whiv log. Annie Wsheman labOTVd cnnsrlentfantlT to breathe the breath of Ule Into Rose Mayflower, and succeeded u well as the limited scope or the part wnold pennIL Qeorgte Parker made a complete success as Susan apple. She acted In accordance with a highly snlit. le method, and showed a (bornagh appreciation of the lights and shadMi ot her role, portraying Ihem —■ —-■ ■* suriiriii. week at Haverly's Fourteenth-street Theatre, clos- ing the term on Aug. 28. They made things so llrelv for the habitues that it wss almost Impossible toc<>nvtace some of the spectotore that tbe show was out when the curtata dropped. Ah 1 It was— but no; let us tell it ta BHTVES. They had glorlona "Fun on the Bri^oi," For their Johas are aa pure as Is crystal; Andthe manager mared. Aa the (30wd came aboard To take part In "PiiB on Ihe Bnstol." We can assure our readere that the Dutch have not taken Holland. Instesd of going over to tbe East-side when he finished at the Standard, It was bis province to appear (d a nelghtwring prov- ince......Several of the newly-organized combina- tions seem to have added commercial pnranlts to their prolfeaslonal stnJles. Sam Lucas has merged "Halford's Sauea" In his legitimate dishes; jirabBbly with the Idea of iglvtag a- more deUdoos flavor to the same. Another prolesslanal Is dotag the "Llrer-pad" feature, and veiy soon we may hearbf tbe''VanDIa Ice-cream Combination," the '■OlaiMhowder Aggregation," "Boston Bean AI- Uanee,"and many others of a similar tendency, we doat know where' the thing is to end.. lAst a_.^.^ 1 formsnces America. M. V. LIMOHAM and is due here Sept. 1. . , ^ . . .,-»r„.i.. MAKAOEBWM.BXMBrrof tbe Academy of Music, . - o^-i-,.,. jegnlar season Chicago. Dl.,arrlvea here last weet Sro^tRnrSgf ^5?^ KaaTPutnam AT ABBBiB'a "l^s^raB E.-r.'(Joodricb is the M^^^^ star for the Presfut week in hU new plw entitle^ ,h*i« ot her role, pori^ying ihem "Just His Luck." F.P.Bullock Is press-agent for °?J{J",'oiJ°Ad?livm!nceIeave8ChicagoStoJoin with rare tact and .Jnesst Lulu l^lmar surpnii. thiShomMS,. I The KkflePuln^omp^^^ S'evSr'ImSlS^n'stTo'S o'f'I.S'.rcel'Ste.-^BhJ'M Bliss wmtaker,treMnrer,takMhl8tenefltatH^ ruehdraiSaric ability aa to convince thos« who saV U erlv'sSept. 5 The Halsted-street Opera-bouse 1 ^t the outset ol hsr career sba had tamed ber ittothefonner TBB Lc.A.n 0-r;iirH0,«;A.bsn^ I S^^^i^^^^^^^i^^^^^ 1 B.^S^SSWl^SS open Aug. SO for the season with Annie Pixley in g,a^, Company." , . . ^ affoifi at Dutch comedv in the part of «nins. Hahn were "MUSS.'" Our correspondent says: -During Ihe pabb 'Tekatbb, Brooklyn, L. L, Is to be nther feeble. Kitty Rhoades did weU all that the char- Summer vacation tbe theatre has been thoroughly -.-ened for the seasonAug. 30. under tbe continued «cter of Lucy Faltrhiid refinireo. in the third as cleansed and Improved. The following comprise ^n^ment of Wm. E. 5lnn with M. B. Leavllt's clever speclaltlea «"f'»S,,V<£Sif,'' .nd oi.^'-" the offlcera of ttie bouse: Fred A. Dubnls tiens- ^^^jue and Specialty Company. During the Lemnel North. Billy Carroll, and Oeo. Habbt Mikkb Las won bis case against Pat Booney. Judge Beach bavlng granted a permanent tajimctlon. DRAMATIC. S3Suy'm'th?°i«v « 'Jn'i.'r' .h. diliss-K^thfS; ^rr;riU. Thomas Hogan Jr as assistant; Michael 1 tKoTre bJseVredeTorated. The w^^^^ WPRJ^.-V? iVu 'irS ?.Un:T~i'.i7"JS.I crogan, chief-usher and ndvertl8lng.agent; John' JJf^vestlbnle are now of a pearl tint edged with BlSM WB.iBBt.»-iUale-'anap In i>nit nf ftm t^in i- -SHOtaaiaeia^b-versfflrnfifKe laraln: ■iHotoISni hot com I Hero's yer mc« hot Mini" And tteycaiTled a kettle of com witn them, and managed to dispose of quite » .fl"*?"^ Vi^'"; . ber nmely-mntn year o.r mouier are stockTand might have <>ono well II a sneak-tbief h,^h h bound. The sprightly one hadn't "walked olT on bis ear." Now give ear I anaimftil ot new plays from English pens Al while we tan of 1 Cehler wlU get Uck here from bigland shout the 3d I Mnrpby, Vsnnetter, Frank NVbeoto A Carnett (pobUshersi West, Wm.tpanto- mlnilst) Fraln. Prank flatuy, Fernando Forrester, Bruce (clarlonettel Peggelter, Prol. Ply on. Matt Fisher Bro^. (ol WdA A Band's Clttnsi MwvWm. H. France, :>1U. C (2i ..-4c.- ■ Fowler, W.W.fma- MurphyA Mackj Murphy, Mark MelTLUe. Chaa. (Of Wells. W. (of Wells A Sylvano) West. W. (Of B.W. 1*. W.'a asinat.) Watson, Sam'l (equestrian) Wasnburn, L. W. (M Watt^ T. R (RKeich-wrlteri Wooa^-llle. Jaues Warwick, J. L. nager) (1) FlelOBA Leslie (2) Kruieh, £Uw!u Fuller. CL.-iA. .Jigent) . . Foradiuer, JaifOb Frail. Huraco Qregory, Oeo. MelTi McDonald, C. (Of Omdorft A Mc- Donald) MUUgan A Qalnlan Mnrphy. Joe "Manager B." (D McCarthy, Curley mIuIct, J.(olCoup*3jwUMioi WmT' (or Clrcnsi - I Standard Thea. Manmug. W. (of) Miuoeapolisi SlUesA Maonli>;;|IWllson. F. mi Our Morrison, Jas. (ui| tiobims)Co.) llaTerl>-'s, Chi.^ Warner, J . cago) -M'Ullaiu:!, '1'.. A. Mdntyre A Be-Athl (sutcri McDonald. CIma. .Wul^uiun, Jesre Mnutanio A Koer-1 iuiua.-dtrecior) man Zevnuo. juau 7i Ties FOLTxjwiTG I.ETTEB9 for prolcsMoiula are in car of t- H. Schlnuder's Mouc 8(ote. :I1 East Bute Ktreei, Uoiiiinbns, O.: Douilnlco Tlpaldl. of Curtis' ^jpanbh Stu. denba Cb; James' Muoru, Kmest (Modman and Charles fichnlllng, of McAUlnter'a MinstTels: i\ Boos. Cliaa. T. filuiu.a, James Mabou, manager of Mrs. Scott-Slddons ct\ ripenoer fl. Cone, ot hAte Clnxtoo's Co.; Mrs. . ojeph P. Clark. Mra. Dodge, Hagzie Fetter 01, U. f. Flu- r.inr'', 01 Mp and Tack Co.; cnarlee T£iA>er, uf Biu 3 jsujUcal Co.: luid ildwlu Banner, of Harry liuUuu Dra- matio Co. ASSWEB.S TO COBRESFOSTDBITTS. 1 With a Ttew of relieving the oressure npoji our regular ."Inawentu (kimapundents" ctdimin, we propose to m. Hart here all npUea to questions talatlng to amueeiuenta. tiaeh queriea as Rlato to other matcera will be annwezed In oar regular columns, and shonld be written ou aepsrate Slips 01 paper truu those asking for InlOrmaUon concern, luc amusements. No answer at all wiU t>e made, orally, by mall or telegraph, to any question that wa may have riasouti> tliisk mvuKas a oupute between Individuals. AU such wil< oe answered puhUeiy, through our coramns.— Ko. tiurrsiH.] S^qtrGSnOXSTHAT DONOT BSXCB THIS OFTICX USTIL MoauiAT Moiun.\a wiu. ^OT bk aaawsasn tnm, Twc ■TJLLOWme WXEE. To Oar Aatliorizetl CorrespOBtleBts* In the fatnie please give an routes aaead at comblnv Uons i^ion sriNirace pt4ca ef poper, mstesd ot embodying , in roar letxera. J L. A-,Xew Durham.—The duties of a sUge-manager are so muUl^rious that we cannot spare tue space to tiearrloe cbeui hero. No nerson can aalistactorily dU- chargo the duties ot the position tmleas he has either had a lonit experience aa a prompter, or during an extended caieSaa an actor has closely watched tue work of the kl*a^manaccr. ■ iT M., PhUaddphlB.—It was answered In tbla column, at uia head of which la a notiflcatloo that we wiU not an- awar by mail <x telegraph. A further rule bi that we most atOlaa to give the addiessra of professionals. In 001 last l«fl, ondf the bead of Cl^ Summary, you wul see that Arthur <>>ok la to be wuh tha dan Francisco Minstnls next Oouvr L Tho bora and ttrombona are distinct Instgn- menta. Vonr mistake will probably be made clear ihnxu h Toorbelne laiorwied thai there are three kinds of trom- bones—alto, tanor and baiL Tbe mnslc Is wntteu on U e respective clefs. W. A. IMnd A Co., S Union sqasn, Keirrork, can supply yen. A See tegular co'umn of an- *x!fB..8L Joseph.—O. T. Brooke did n(* Intredneo "The Oonkan-Brathera" to tblAcooAtzy. It waa flrat produead mAm«leaanApiUll.mat tba Bowery Thasjpe. this city, BOwaid Eddy playing the parts that Brooke atter- waida played as the Astor^plaeeOpera-honsa. B. Baplda.—L John MoCnlloagfa waa bem lnli«laind. X It U probable that be wtHkel at aevenl llihissliiirsii liii siiiil iintTinslsia Hawaa einplondln aPUIadalphla aa-bonae tarqaTieawtill*. S. C P. Bar- sect waa born In New York. J. a. Man lilaad.—When tbe ssasoa emaad, Jamsi »nmn1l was the haodmastar of rocepaogh's Show. Ba emtir M. C Sextan baa bacoma lis bandmaster. Ita adJraacan ahnoatalways ba bund byraCsRlng tooor ^roaacnbunnA Ojr.iL. Dnaihlla Fnrka—When wa saw harm tbatndek «• van not raSldently obaervlag to tasttfr onr attempi- ixm to deacribtt all th wa metlMda. It la qnlto probable that ate never played In exactly tha same way two nights ' '"aJ'trau'^ouston.-Jobn Broogham being dead,tbe Uknllaat-. plaoa to Saa oot If he crer played In Houston, Teiaa, Is when you are. Ah we can say Is that we have tlot«coUectlonol^' ' ''^l'^ Z_ Areada-Wa have Just caeelvaA nnttflcation Oom that manaeer that tha newly-otganliad Haverly A amllh3tandai4 Dramatic and NonUy Combination will start out ftom Cincinnati on 9ef)i.». VVK, Iitnton.—L Address him In eat« Curraa paie.oaica. XWedonotfeel atubertytosay. It labisprtTn^mmake It known in adTuca,andanote •while vre-^-^_^^g BONO OP TBTUMPn. Hurnh tor the Troubadours gay (For they started this thing, 1 preanmei. And for all those Indeed Who followed their lesd. For they've given us l^ellows a "boom." We play to the best in the land, We mix with the heaviest swells. We smoke our dears In tbe flue palace-cars. And stop at the choicest hoteLi. Our "gags" are ss old as the hills, Onr songs without reason or rhyme, But the people who "roar" Kever heard 'em before. And so we "catch on" every time. No more of the slnelng through smoke To tbe sound and the smell of tho beer. We rake in a pile. And—well. 1 should smile— It's lor forty-two weeks in tbe year I There's one thing that worries me. though. And keeos me awake some o' nljhts. This ferer. pertaapa, Mar as quickly collnpi^. And knock ns all higher than kites. A few days ago an old showmnn colled at Tbe Clipper office to have a chat with the boys on the subject of clTcns-Ufe and other matters associated wiin tenting exhibitions. 01 course, "Our Jim" was present, and when the sabjcct of a second piece of pie at country hotels vras mooted the lad vras all attention; but when tbe vctemu of tbe arena made mention of a town down East called Perpetual Pie, James qnleuy left the party, and wbenneztseen he vraa -wrestUng with the balr-Ilnes and other Intrlcaoles of a map of New England. Stace then he has been absent. Thin morning we received the following note from bim: PnTBTUAL Pi IE. Aug. the 31. Voieker: I hav foond IL If I tale to show ap at the offls for a few days, basorw Pm all here, qoln' thru these relDis of bliss. lithe pies hold oat. and the Perpetual Fle.hitBdnn'ttambllto melltUlgame, I shll remaoe the balance of me wacasbin. The pepil dnxm Lere ar geocria toafaolL Hole plea u sat store me at each meet. If Doctor Tanacr's Jora Issent set with his xersblns, this Is the place for him. These la the happlcsL momlnts of rae llfel Youmtllde'h. "Jiji." "A Well-wisher" wants to know if the duties of the head-nsber of a theatre include tbe putting of new beads on persons who persist in taking seats belonging to other parties. An interview with the writer discloses the fact that be ts a pro- fesBloual pugilist Just aiTlvcd ITom London The report ta&t an Incoming steamer collided with a sea-serpent, and that Col. Sellers brought home some of the feattaera scraped off the beast. Is a He I Sea-serpents don't wear feathera. Next I... .When Suppe writes a new opera he knows that It will keep him in rations for months to come—which Is one of the distinctions between being a supe with one "p" and a Suppe with two. Wo know of a score of promising young composers, each with the score of a promising opera in his pocket, and yet so bltad to true merit are these musical dl- rectora that they won't look at 'em simply be- cause they are not Suppes t At any rate, that le the reason assigned by the disappointed scorers. Possibly, when Mr. S. makes an opera good for ra- tions, he does It by a system of operations, medita- tlona and elaborations unknown to that class of I tenlnses whom the world never appreciates—but 1 or Heaven'a sake dont tell the unappreciated that we said so I Suppe is to give Vienna the flist taste of his new work, which he calls "Issllne," and that brings us to the neat little epigram which started ns on thla line, and which maybe descill>ed as A UNE ABOUT "ISAUITB." When flist they behold the new "IsaUne." Tbe CTltlcs will say, lo the criUca' way: This work la by Suppe—of course 'tis a fine, A really remarkable ope-ray 1" Bot II Smith wsflB tha name, and the mtislo tbeaame^ The ehapa who now swear they'd not mias a Una movalof bis remsinsfrnm at. Joeepfi's cemetery tothst ol PeraleChaIre In 1792. It Is now In the pos<es«lono( (^iint Arthur Daaulx, and an American has oifaifdhlm twenty thousand dollars for It. It will probably come to this country, and from It dramatists may be bred The oath of the poUtlclau is quite as thorny as that ol the actor TheSlxtceotli Ward Doion. a Rennbhcan omniza- Uon ol Brooklyn. K. V., has expcUed George W. Wren on thiTrT nod lhat he ransed the removal from ofllco of sev- IrSl^Sibeis Ot the Union. ITie ei-actpr aueits ni-t nierely that toe chsrge is groondiess. but aLra that be was Sjen no noilce of SrlaLand was consequentlv aipelied Without a hearing...... "Lee Hommes de U FloBuoa."a new ^medy of the saUrical order, has been neu-Iy com- Sleted Emile Augier ......"I^ Finances du Jour" Is lo be tbe nam* of the piece to which Ssrdon Is giving the finishing touches: Chicago has ZooloEicA Oardan on a small scale. On the 2S(h Its monkpv became unruly, and after blUng an attend- ant nurly to death It escaped and entered upon the needom Ol tbe atreets. It waafbnnd Impassible to capinre It iJjTerand ucnidlnglr It was shntanilklUed 'MIss Sarah Ton Leer was to have appeared In "A Happy Pair' at the Ocean Hotel, Lone Branch. N. J., on the night ol tha Stb .The widow ol Ole BnU wiU now take up her real- denoa with ber parenta, who dwall In Ban Claira, Wis . W H (jranebasbeenehoasndeaeooofactiaicb InCobaa- aet, Masa. Tbeoiher Dromlo, Stuart Robaon, laonaoflca moienta>a....'..Hsiry Courtaloals In retlrmnent, Tbla coontiy Is promised a visll ftom Haniy J. next year. ~-t— * n- uM.„u nK.. w«*w»j i^^.jMifcafc^ eavl^.' veiBloa la that of me TUiar of London sin. Eaglm of CamU County, Ky., recently walked two mtlea to attend a drcos performaoee. her nklog fhr mat- toraefthat kind having lasted until now. when she la In her nlnety.nlntb year Lotta and her mother are on .. .. ^ f — ^rA bounds The sprightly o 1 Allred _.. . _^ r Jdlnsr. He hss his pockets crammed with scenery and "props" for the operaUc novels he has In store for Americana this season..:....Mme. Sellna Dolaroand P. A. Schwab ro- tnmed by the steamer BeDublle, which got here tmm Liverpool Aug. a .Marie Roze la to sail for here towards tha close ot September "What I Koow Abont Fasting" Is what Dr. Tanner wlu talk about at Booth's Theatre Sept. 9 Oeorgs Benschel the baritone, whose quiet arrlnl from England we tnode a note ot some weeks sgo, was In Boston last week A foreign exchange says that An. ton Rubensteln will In 18S3 pay this country an- other visit Mapleson's season of Italian open at nor Academy of Mu.Mc will begin on Oct U .Prince Oeorge of Prunila has written a play. It has been trans, lated into ItallaJD, and Mme. RIstnK is to hrlng It out In thsthmgnage Miss Fanny Davenport hss at Inst re- celrcd from Miss Anna Dickinson that much-talkcd-of DOW plsT "An American Girl." This work by an Ameri- can aulhor is now poslllvcly annouDce«l for nmduction on Sent, 3) at an American's (J. n. Uarvrly) American (Fifth.nvenue, thla clly) tliestrc. It la promUed, (utthrr- more, Uiat all the actors in the cast will he Am«r:eaoa, of course excepting Miss Dsrenpott, whose b'rtli lo BDCIand will be Alonct) ror.tlimncu her weartng drm*m ol Ameri- can design and maauCscluro, as well as by reason of her being unquertionubly sn American acrress A pisy Is to be constructed Irom "Le Pslefronler," s new norcl hy Henri Bochefort Instesd ofgolug (nio the iitoTlnces, Charles Warner ngnin took to "Drink'' on Autf. 10. this tlDie at (%adler'H Wells. London Hcrve theenm- poKcr has been conducing the orchestra at O^vent-gnrden Thealre. London, in th,»lr DeKonnancu of hia poTIca "The Cilouel."...-...Crook's Amsiour Band wound un their seo- s m ot coneeris at Battery Pork on Ang. 'JT. The Cronko- phnnes deserve ail tiie kindly things that can be said of them, not nloae lor their numemua l)>asts of excellent music, but (br the eenrroas spirit which they evince In catering to thehspplnem ol their overworked reliow-rlti- zcns of the lower districts during the hot nights of Snm- raer Are Mary Aaderron and lirr steptather to be the chief sttractlons at Abbey's fark Theatro, this atyf If not. why has a Oriflia been carved twice <ni the Dont of the building? Oris it intended that It ahaU sufflce tn baveCnfflus m l^onl. Instesd at on the staoe? Miss Minnie (^mmlngn is at the New Jersey Highlands, Monmouth County, preparing that address on tha power of the press and the danseis of slander which, as we sealed with Iran faUing^:halrs, corend with .^eled cloth. Tbe enMace to the gallery and tbe ata there are precisely Ue those ot the dress-clrde, end „drt1tlonB at the back of ^3 seats like that In the orches- tla hSTe t>een put in botti'tf* the upper tiers. The floors the Teatlbnle. Inside ths storm.doors, of the lobbies id alales ibroughout thaindltorinm and the stslrcases - jm bottom to top are coyiivd wirb an elegant carpet of jaHed colnra, the prevalUfc tint being green. Patrons df the Park wUlhardly rtovnlse It In its new dress. Tbe alterations in the vestibulinnd staircase have long been - - —• -'^ord qmto fre* egress from all HI be leas fear ot accidents and'len emersency. Cody) and bis new com- engagement at the Wind- hen was produced for the Cunningham, stage-carpenter; N. Switzer, proper- ties' Isaac McIntMh, superintendent; and John Prltohard, cblef-doortender. Manager John W. fresco-work, and mirrors are hung at Inteirals. The walls of the auditorium are covered vrith gilt and satin paper, surmounted by handsome cor- Albangh has thns far booked the following attnc- Qj^^g *t)ia ieUla^ is resplendent with gold. Uons: Annie Plxley, ^gnes Leonard. Ryman * | ij^gfe are abont Illteen large plate-gloss minora needed; and as they nowJ 8arts of the house, tber* jan hitherto in esse of eri BUFFALO BILL (W. binatlon commenced t sor Theatre on Aug. ta,v Rickey's 'Flock o{'Geese.' Sol Smith Russell.. Oeo. Edgar. Ada (Hvendlsh. Herrmann. CoL Sinn's •Golden Game.' Heme's 'Hearts of Oak,' Good- win's 'FroUqnes,' Jarrett's 'Cinderella.' Comicy * Barton's 'Lavra Tennis,' Mitchell's Pleasure- Party, Clarke's 'XTncle Tom' Combination. Mlnsie Palmer, L P. Barrett, J. K. Emmet, Kato Ciaxton, the Soldene Company, the Knights. Magpie Mitchell. Baker and Farron. Hoey * Hardle's 'Child pi State' Company. Mary Anderson, Lotta, Willie Edouln aniT company. 'The Banker's Danghter' ,.1. »u« I ComblnaUon, 'Fonon the Bristol,'allot E. E. Rice's .ry of the weddlng-dar of companies, the Salsbury's Troubadours, John Mc- ten ycare previous had CuUough, 'Hazel Klrke,' tbo Tourists and S>arab The sBisos at Pence '3Opera-house, Minneapolis, Minn., is to be opened with a new stock compauy Aug. 30. under the management of Dry ton * first time on any stage a four-act border-drama, written expressly for mm by John A. Stevens, and , entitled "The Prairie Fait" The jilay opens on | the twenty-llllh aimiver (ien. Brown, who son , . lost his daughter Bortbi then about Ave years old. While out walldng vria her nurse she was kid- napped, and the laUhfO) nurse killed. The fate of the child was to the lather a mystery. An art around tbe orchestra-circle and the dress-circle. New carpets have lieeu laid, and tbe prevailing tint) of the auditorium are maroon and gold. The columns which support the proscenium arch are like burnished golil. The scenic artist, Harley Merry, has painted fTepb drapery, new panels on the arch, and au act-drop representing a view of a mounuin pass In Grenada. Tbe private-boxes have been supplied with large mirrors ta gilt frames and draperies of maroou satin. Altogether, the house pre.'senis a bright and cosy appearance. The ACADEMY OF Music (of which an engraving may be found ou the eighth page of this Issue), Chicago, III,, is to be opened for the filth 8eas<m under wllllsm Emmett's management Sept. 13. under Wllllsm Eminett s ni£ha?*™et't aepu la. josephus Orimwig; Maj. Bang. Chas. fc. It is now being enUrely retamlshed and redec- coL Jim Dexter. Spencer Prltcbard; Dan. ^"e'ntSKmed^HrrSl^hi^nlobitaedlbe «creV c^r^rer. A-?^"" rl^^i ^o"^^^^ iVSo Baker, Invenlle-Iadv; Mollle Maeder Sjeele, son- conceument, determined to gain possession of her neraon, many her. and thereby obtain position and -wealth. To accomplish his purpose, by threats and bribes he acquires the agency of a worthless, dmaken renegade. He finds the girl under the .^tectlon of an aged IndUn chief called Lont^f^r, who is on bis way with orated al an estimated expense of $25,000. The changes made wiU be reviewed in detail by our corr^pondeutln a tature issue. Hereafter tbe pol- icy of tbe manager will be to present flret-class dramatic stare, and for their proper support he will maintain a Block company the entire and it WiU . be the only one in that the girl, ^ I ensues, and in thmtruggle Lone Deer Is mortally irounded. Tbe mCHans run away, and leave Buf- falo BUI and the lictle wait who sadly I>emoaiili the death of ber blthflil protector, I/One Deer. BuHBIo brette: blare Douglass, comedienne; Bdith Ses- sions. vreUcing-iady; Cora Bedlleld, walking-lady; Carrie Holmes. Annie Wildman, Mre. C. B. Haw- kins, nUUty; IDs. F. Q.CampbeU, flrst-old.woman: Measrs. Wm. JJoyd, mvenfl e; C- A. McDo welU mn iftiiMmTii liliithrnnr hn ii nt tn ITiT In rnj ^•^^■■"■■■'^•■■^^SSIISoSiiS^ where Mr. Morgan waa Summering, and oflbredto 8, Percy Hheiiy, ^ day. but found that the artist's services could not l>e had because of a prior con oomedian; ^U^elboume, heavies; >ercy Shelly, Ira. A fight I second-comedlBu: P. O. Campbell, assistant stage- I r rhaa "titua. M. McCarthy. C. E. Emery and AlC WUUama, utility; Frederic Bryton, lead, tag-man and stage-manager. TEE COBIKTBIAM ACADEMY OF H08IO, ROCbes- i^on I bIu. being" touched' by her grief and ibnelinesa. I ter, N. Y.. opened for the season Ang. 20, under OUSTS herhls protection, brings ber to his home- the managem^t of F. 0. Bust. The attraction stead, and places her tn tbe chat^ of bis mother. The little waif, having developed Into a beautltal girl, is sincerely loveil by BnHblo BUI, and after the death ol his mother they become man and wife. Tbe Danites. directed by Uardte, setflro to the home- stead, and bnm it to the ground. Bufrsio Dill lights bis way out, and with his wills and two companions makes a forced mareh across tbe plains. At length, after many vicissitudes, tbe waif Is restored to her doting father, and all ends happily. The cast was as follows: Bullblo Bill, W. F. Cody; Mark Stanley, R. C. White; Jim Bardie. Harry Clifton; Jack Bardie. George T. James; Onlta, LlQle Fletcher; Sadie, Connie Thompson; Hans, Jnle Keen; Cspt. Russell, o. w*. Cliari«i»; Oencml Brown. Italpli Del- more; Lone Deer, Wm. Wright; E. Overton, Robert Nell; Major Sanndere^Harry Irving; Yellow Hand. Chas. Vedder; Lieut white. E. Booth. A band of Cheyenne Indlnns gave their characteristic dances In the fourth act, BndBa(ItiIoniII(W. F. Cody) gave an exhibition of tils remarkable skill In rlflc-sboot- Ing. . . Harrt Minbb'sTbbatiib was reopened Ang. 23. and there was a rery large attendance dnring tbe Inaugural week, we tally described in a preced- ing livoue the traoRfonnatlon clfcclcil In the interior or this establishment, and we need only add thrt the lengthy programine Included the following ta- vorite.i: Frank Jones and Alice Montnirtie In tho act entitled "Music and Notions:" Paddy and Elln Murphy In tho burletta ol "Irish Felicity;" Cronin and Snlllvan in the sketch called "O'Hare's Amhi- Datch specialties; was Collier's "Banker's Daughter" Combination. Onr conespondent says: ''The company is In many respectsa strong one, and presents tbe well- known play in an admirable manner. The scenery and stage settings were the fluest ever seen In Rochester. During the Summer months much time and labor was spent In ornamenting the In- terior of this theatre, which now presents a beau- tltal appearance The Grand Opera-honsp, with Brooks & Dickson proprietora snd Joseph Gobay. manager, Is to open for tbe season Aug. 30 with Ada Cavendish In The New Magdalen.' Uer engagement continnes one week." •faB Obitebio^Comedy Comfant drew large andleiic«tt to the Academy ol Mui^lc, Milwaukee, Wis. Aug. 26, 28, "Freaks" being presented for the first time there Manager Jacob Knnne- maobcr will pereonally have charge of the Grand Opera-house this reason, and uniter his direction work will be Immediately commenced for provid- ing nddltioBnl end roomy stainvayn ftom the building, and for elaborately improving and re ncwing the interior of tbo audltoriom; also addtag new scenery. Tbe house will be opened Sept 16 with Emma Abbott's Opera Company. THK Wallace- VILLA Co3idis,tios opened at Wagner's Opero-honse, nradfonl. Pa., Ane. 2.1. 'o a fair hous'e..:..Gus Wlllinin^' Coioblimtlou In "Our German Senator" appeared 24 to afull house. Tills was their second stand tbls seai>on. The company Includes J. F. Stevens, Hudson Liston, Arclile Boyd, Albert. Murdook, Maggie ArllnstoiL Emily Blgelow, Julia De Young, and Dora Stuart, under tbe management of John RIckaby. THE SEASON at tbe Opera-house. Wheeling, w. to >iiw^ might eildt an J la.^ulwsokea.—His name appear* as author and oomooaer of the song, but he neither wrote the words nor ^poaed tha mnsla He bought Ihe words of one man, andthe mnslc of another. . . _ . Omr., HsIUkx -We do not make nch re commends , tlons. nor do we answer by mall or telegraph. loor better - la to uiher advertise ortoapplyto aome dramatic staled a week or two ago. she contemplates delivering In Chlekerinv Hall before she starta upon her next starAnK tour Joseph JelTersoD has last pnicbssed a doten shorthorn cattle for bis farm at Kew Iberia, La At the recent choral contest at Rondout, N. T., the Oermsnla JTicnnerchor ol Poiigbkeepsle. N. Y., won the am prize. theNewburc M,-l:nnerchor second priie and the Eintroo'its of AlbauT third prize. The Judges were Dr. Damrosch and Messrs. Oteiner and Oayhardc. CITT SCBULAR-r. J. K. KBMETaud company In "Fritz In Ireland" were the attraction with which Poole & Donnelly began tbe season In the Grand Opera-house Aug. 23, and it proved potent enough to crowd the andi- torlum throughout the week. Mr. Emmet received a cordial greeting, and bis numerous songs wore so frequently redcmandcd that it seemed es If tbe spectators would never tire ot hearing him sing. As some changes have been made in his com- pany for the present season, we append the case entire: Fritz Scholtz, J. K. Emmet; Law- Jer Priggtas. W. w. Allen; Baron Hertfort. . H. Rennie; Captain Heroules O'Doud, M. B. Snyder; Lord Seaton, W. Christie Miller; (marles Seaton. Oliver Doud; Thomas Ooldflnger, J. H. Ryan; Patrick Blackeye. J. 0. Burk: Master Herbert, Little Anna Rennie; Louise Hertfort, Miss Katie Blancke; Lady Amelia. Miss Fanny wesaw'Ml'Snppe'lstoglve Vienimthe to I ^SSiaL*2Bo Biddy O^FwIuria^ I ".''•"Mlimle FMreUlncharMttr^banges. Everett nr hia nnw work, which b« calls "Imllne." and I Henry* Lena ShoUz. LltUeueorgle Snyder. At' Hannv Hottentots" and feats of the Wednesday mattaee the company, minus' Mr. Emmet, perlbrmed the three-act comedy entiued "Onr Mother-in-law." HABBT CUFFOBD has returned to town alter aa absence of fifteen months. Booth's Tbbatbb is to be opened for the season under the conUnned'management of Heniy E. Abber Sent. Ill when "The Pirates ol Paimnce" waYWaSm.T^bi^JSa'SSt'T.SgSi.. I 1 SinVmunOT'EiSK ta the standard Theatre. Obobob Uollamd and combination dosed their engagement ta the Standard Theatre Aug. 38, "Onr Qentlemen Friends" contlBnliig the at- traction. ^S l, Wavmly.-lt Is-neeeasarr, when we eji aaked to decide a bet. that we should know exactly what the bet la, Flaase data the nationality that is bet upon, and also the name. r-■ \ , ^ T. L. B.(Cobmibaa.—wftibowofnoexelaaiTalytheatile- ol pap^atpresent pabDaMdinBoston. Sbenlsanama- teiftheatilcalpaper,a^Stnaretbiee orfbnr muieal papv, AXD P. C.. Baaton—L Sther adrerllie or apply to some manager of a variety lhaatn. 2. Then Is no tecog- nixed champion dow-dancar of the wvrld. •. - - B. B, Chicago.—Siisa Llsale Webatar is Iha wife ot J. Konnamacher. Both an now In this ooimtiy, altboogh during the Summer thay ware In Buiopa. W. F. B., Cincinnati.—We thank you. but tha artlela does not possess snffldcDt gencnl iatenati and would oe- cnpy more space :han we can span. f AiBOSi OberoiL—StaU tbe pet Beeksn aBar curiosities of advertlBtag have a wide A rid IB which to delve ta the invaluable eol- nmlia ol Thb Nbw Tobe Clitpbb. Some of onr rcadeis find • good deal to amuse them In onr busi- ness cards, and never lay down tbe paper until they have gone throngb the entire filty-glz colnmns of matter. Hany go without their supper nther than miM B slngie Une. [Ot course this is exag- gerated, bnt it Imparts a healthy tone to our otber- -wlse chimerical remarks, and gives an air of de- cided importance to the hnglness taterests of onr ■drertlaeiB and other patrons.] we enjoy these curiosiUes ot adrerdslng veiy much tadeed; ta foot, tbey give us abnaat as mncb pleasure and aatialactlon as do the cash-receipts for the same. Only a week ago a manager in advertising lor a band and an orchestra added, as if ta doubt about the temperance principles of musicians, that "no beer-gnzzleisueed apply." As if German musicians could live without their beer. Then there was "a lot man wanted fbr a sideshow. We do not want a soap-boiler." This was a wise precaution, other- wise tbe advertiser might have been crowded to the wans by gatberera of '8oai>-lat and othera engaged in tha'.- business. Numerous are the advertisers who want to engage performcre for "salaries small but aure." 'Where tbe ad- vertlaera .can make assurance doubly sure by of- fering gilt-edged security, good men can be secured without much trouble. Sometimes instrumental, istsare wanted—"those who are up in brass pre- pubUc attention, and tbe Madison-square Theatre seems to be doing quite as good bnstaesa asdnring the regular Winter season. Nor TO BB TOBH Down.—Tbe report that tha Union-square Theatre and the Union-place HokI are to be torn down after May l, issi, to give place. to business taousos, is not true.- Sheridan Shook has obtained a renewal of bis leases of both build- ings lor five yeara from that date. Whether A. M. Palmer wUI continue to l>e the manager of tbe the- atre Is a matter of doubt •'Fvs OK THE BmBroL" was acted for the last time in Haverly's Fourteenth-street Theatre Aug. 2S- MiLTOS Nobles and hla company terminated their season ta Nlblo's Garden Aug. 28. and "Tbe Phoenix" vvlll again lie presemed on a tour of the country, commencing 30. To OBTAIN 8BAT8 In the Theatre Comiqne an feired." Some of "oi ciffittdenceOTe'rators might I early appUcatlon at the iwx^fflce is neMSsa^ as 1 a?t answer tbe purpose where blowing is notaneSs- long before eight o^ockdurtMthe;^ wm : sary quamiMa^ We perceive that treasurere legend "Staniflng-room Only" wasdlsiflayed to the 1 are Bongbt after, but they "must be possessed of ^ — t... —..i-r canltaL" Why, capital Is the stock-in-trade of a well-organized treasurer. First-class people are ktadly informed tliat they can always get dates by applying, etc. Many flrst-class people don't care lor dates—hansnas suit them best [Thlsisa,-,, „ , comical conceitj In another cf °vtbe pnbllc Is I a more seasonable hour. lespecttaDy notuted that "the V ^-Cwvertlsed I ' Rice's new Eztbataoakza Coxbisatio!! are fo asoaTeling with, the Clgantl/ -^-^not the play "The Kew Brangellne" lnHaverIy!s Four- Jenkins who has perlbrmed / ^Swned I teenth-street Theatre for two weeks, commencing heads of Europe, etc." Thlsw . t^A tbe > Aug. 90, 7 ■ .^yo^. tlnn;" Morris and Fields in , Mclutmand Heatb ta the act cnttaeil "Skedad die;" EUa Mayo and Lizzie Derlous In duets; .Add i „ — - -— j-5;„-^-, vV«,« v ir„~if. Ryian In burlesque oratory; Harry Bloodgood In ^"•.!.«^>J?«°PO".^??^hl'A^fh^. t?^^^ the Sketch "Uncle Bute's Home; ' Cbss.and Ella Combination in' A Child of the Stow^^^ Jerome in their act ealled "Comedy;" the Olymplo f oches ofthe house are J-Wes";'™5p8Wr; Jolm Quartet m vocal selections; the Sliamrock four- Foose, tr^°rer^Wm. BIcbanison s^^ Conroy, Daly and the Webster Drothcrs-ln their ter; (jua Franzhetai, cblcf-aaber, ond.lrof. Ir. J. nnecl^tv "Worktaomen to the Front:" Wm. West Kramer, leader ol^rcbestra. fTa Sfior^^S^fk^nellS; th'eTeuimori- . J. Franklin Wabnek-s COMBKA^^^^^^^ %!*?,"^ can Students ta musical selections: and the stock In the Royal Opcra-bon8e,T(^ront^^ company-neaded by A. H. Sheldon and Tllllc Mai- ^eek.ta the comedy of''SpccuiaMon^ veniL,nmeconcludlngdraTna.en.!.l_ed;^e Bed | i.^eTfouV^^-Jre imrodiced Business was large. Ang. 30, Milton Nobles. THE GULICK-BLAISDEI.L CUARASTEBD ATTRAC- TION. No. 2, Harry Webber's "Nip and Tuck." Slayed in Rockford, III., Ang. 24, 25, Belolt, Wis., ), Dubuque. la., 2t, Clinton 23. and are due in Mu.skatine 30, Oskaloosa 31. Sept. I. Crcston 2, Council Blurts 3, Omaha, Neb., 4, DCs Moines, la., 6. one week (State fiilr). Chas. S. RooebsakdMattie Vickebs'Combisa Tios are to open in the St. Paul (.Minn.) Opera- house Sept. a, lor one week. The Hennepin Cnuniy Fair, held midway between St. Paul and Minne- apolis, during that week, will supply cenerona patronage to shows ta both cities. JAN'S Coombs' Cohbinatios Is dnc In Olcan, N. Y.. Aug. 28. Salamanca 30, Erie, Pa.. 31. Meadevlile. Sept. 1, Sharon 2, NewcasUe 3, TouncEtown, a, 4. P. O. WHTTB and company phiyed In Kulguts- town, tad., Aug. 23, 44, 26. Lebanon 26, 27. 28, and are due FrankUn 30, 31, Columbus SepL I, 2,3, 4, Edtaburg 6,7. Babtlbt Cajipbbll's "Galley Slave" Camblna- tlon open in Haverly's Brooklyn Theotre Aug. 80. Mabt Andehsoh and company t>eKln their tour In Oswego. N. T., Sept 13; thence to Utica 14, Syra enso 16, IS, Trey mattaee and night 17. Am OLD-KAN. an agent and a double-bass and tobaidayer are waited for tbe Globe Dramauc Company. See canL BLAHCHB Hkmdriobb, walklng-lady and utility, can be engaged by applying to her agent, P. M. Link, as per card. ObobobHollamv In "Our Gentlemen Prlenda' is to be ta Stamford, CL, Aug. SO, Bridgeport 81. Ansonia SepL 1. Merlden 2, New Britain 3. New Haven 4, W^terbniy e, Uartfurti 7,8, SprtagOeld, Msa8.,10. ^ _ , Wm. EmsoLX Is to be the business-manager of the Jolly PathfindeiB, who ore to commence their season NOT. IS. _ ^ . Thb CBrrEBios Coicbdt COHPAirr are due in Geneva Lake. Wis., Ang. 30. DUon. IIL. 81, Bloom tagton Sept. 1,2, a, Decatur*. H. A. Kjbnxau's Combination Is te open in at Lewiston, HL, Aug. 30, for six nights, Fannlngton, Septa. Thb NfjTBLTT Tbbatbb, Bwoklyn. E. D., redec orated and improved by the alterations noted in our last Issne. opens for tbe season Aug. so. Bar- low, WUcon, Primrose * West'sMlnstrels. although strange to the district, are Ukely to attract large audiences when their merit t>ecomes patent to the patrons of the house. They play there all week. Prank L Fnyne fbllows (iept & JAXBS OWBN O'CONKOB advertises for engage- ments for his well-known costume recitations at tbe rate glveiL _^ ^ Jat Rial's "Hmnrr Dcvptt" Co>tPAST. with Grlmaldl Zelcner, Clown; Chas. Chrlsdie, Panta- loon; Slg. Coustanttae, Harlequin; and Mabel Stanton, Columbine, appeare<l at tbe Academy of Music, Reading, Pa., to very large business Aug. 24. The speclsltles of Punch Woiton, Prof. Porker and dogs. UatTT Wtagfleld. Gormley and Williams and Jennie Miaco were attractive Mrs. G. C. Howard's "Dude Tom" Combination appeared to a large audience ta the Grand Opera-house 28. GILXS & FCnTBB'a "UNCLE TOM'8 CABIN" Compaiiy and Jubllee-stagera will go on their travels Sept. e. Dates can be secured by applying Scar." The retention of A. H. Sheldon as director of nmnscmentfl is a guaranty that that position tvlll be efficiently attended to. Billed Aug. 30: Pat Rellly. E. C. Dunbar, BlUy Carter. Jeppe and Fannie Delano, the Novelty Four, the Daytons, Lament and Ducrow, Louis and Emma Alircdo. and the Seamans. The vartocs novelties presented at the Toiks' Garden last week tacluded Laura Kus-sell and D. B. Emery's dnets on silver I>ells and cornets, Allen and Hart's musical sketches, the Gorman Brothcra' Bongs-and^lances. Matt. Green's contortion act. Lew Baker's nUntation melodies. Mile. Victoria's aerial act, and May Diamond's serio-comic songs. The Lorrellas also appeared in their grotesque evolutions, and the programme concluded with the comedy entitled "Irlsb^ssurance." with Geo. O. Charles and Kate MoffMt in tbe principal parts. Opening Ane. 30i Paddy and Ella Murphy, Clooney and Ryan, Frank McNlsh. Leland SIstera, West and Hanson, Jeny Cohan, Lottie Grant. Hike Drew, Wm. Devere, Oeo. Beyneldsand the Rlpleys. THB PBiNciFAL ATTBACITOKS at Dlck Parker's American Theatre last week were Chas. and Annie Whiting in the sketch entlUed"The Music-teach- ~ !r-cbanges. Everett and Daly in '-The Happy Hottentots" and feats of Iilgfa-kleklug, Clooney and Ryan In Dutch droner- les and ta the afterpiece enUtled "Fits," Don Carlos Federtco ta ibats of equUlbrlsm, and tbe Devoy Sisters ta lig a^d lascy dances. Liberal apptanse bore tsgtlm<ktifte the respective powen 01 pleasinff andamnciiigevldenceir by the above- named speclallsta. The accessions to the company this week are Frank Jones and Alice Montague. Alice Batemau and wilUs Plckert. Coutot and ll the Electric Threo-Cilltii, elnb-swinging match between 0ns Bill and OapL John Honock la annonnced to take place here on Sept. 1. Thb LoHVOif Trbatbb last week enjoyed an ex- cellent attendance. The leatatea were the Irish songs and vritttclsms of Pat Booney, and the re- Tww *nwwTi> RUT which DrevaDed dinlns a mr-1 speettve vocal ellbrts of Mollle Wilson. UUle How. a iTm th«-vainnma •sinMnnn 1 selves creditably Bud earning a liberal, snare Ol approvaL John RobIns(ito is now the director of | amusements at this establishment. TbaattracaonB all of our tiieatrea. After the welcome rainstorm Aug. 26. which sent the thermometer down toto '^■H&SBU''rtu'^Sil'SS"'u!ie rtianof I ftrti5"JJSS£twiiri55rd7iS^li^^^ ^.i?t;^5A"«?an'??b: Theatre I SSS^.^fflS. "Sll "^7f W Brotbna. .. „ THB FOUR EiRBALDe^Ibbous. RusseU. Ken- nedy and Magee—Wood and Beasley. the Carroils, vestlbnle. No change has yet been made ta the Brogramme, that given on tbe opening nig^ having een stace repeated. - At Daly's Thzatbe "note" iraa acted a little more mpldly the past week than previously, there- by enabUng the gpectatois to reach their homes at MUo BntberB, Howard and Coyne. Florence May. Prank Llrlnimton and the Cooper Brothere exerted themselves in a happy and energetic manner to contribute to the amusement of excellent audi- ences at the Novelty Theatre last week. Xew^ces Ang. 30: Jennie Bngle, Frank Bennett an<I LIda Gardner, . John B. Wills and May Adams, Hawley end Manning, Everett and Daly, Thompson and Waldron, and Dick Rowe.;: , ALICE Oate* and her Company arc In the city rebearalng their new absurdity entitled "Long Branch, or Seaside Snmmer Scenes," in which that lady and her. talented little party will moke things lively for theatre-«>era during the season Jnat opening. The exeouflKre of the tronpe are: J. McKenny; manaocn Samuel P. Watklus, act- manager; D. BTBodges, advance-agent; and Radcllffe. These people an taken bodily ont of the plot of the play, and made to represent a oany of hard-np iliev i<ntplr called glps>- eomica. who give a rebesrul m Bi)s Rawklni' barn prior to performlDg befon the cooniiy people iif the nelgliborhood, for the purpose ofrslFloi mnner enough lo release their bsgsage from the elnteli of a tllnty.bearted landlnrd, who hoHs it for a nnn.psld board bill. "The Pour Seasons" wn» glren at erf ry per- formance of the week to mortersta business. Rlte;«j«r. firlso Party loom up Aug. 30. Joseph JIdMl. or the past two seasons biunnew.msouger tor An. nie Piiley. Is now irsajuter of thU hou»e, rharlrj SL Southwell, who lor servral seasons pwit luis flll'd Ihst position with credit lo himseU and the theatre. haTmcr^ signed It to accept the traasurvrihip of the New chrsinut- Btreet Opera-house. OISCINSATI. O., nxMS are forwarded as follows by onr cornspondent. dating Aug. 2S: "Hany G. Richmond's Combination commenced its season at the Coliseum 23 in 'Onr candidate,' which wss contlnuea during the weeic to a large buslncsj. The play has been revLoed snd improved by Mr. Richmond; and as the cast in almoHt entirely new,; we present It entire: Mr. Harry C. Richmond a* — - — "-' *— ^'"' 11—» Chas. b- lel Frogtoes. Alt C. Barker; Hon. Alfred Mapleson, M. C. Frederick Julian; Maurice Greytborae. Nel- son Decker; Pat Doogan, Ceo. W. Monroe; Sbang Hi tbe Chinaman, Chas. McCarthy; Pete McGtanl^ T. L. Hodges; Bludgeon. T. T. WllSon: LlUlan Mapleson, Miss Emma Wever; Mra. Mapleson. Miss Ida Stratton; Aunt Henrietta. Miss Nelhe niiw immnenn^lli— obowed taaii n ss, lesulllng from wss otherwise batter than ever, some of his faults having evidently been ob- served and remedied. He proved an excellent comedian. The support was satishctotT. The scenery was new au<f handsome. Week of 30 the tract vrith a Uthographio firm In Cincinnati, O, 1 SS?P*Jf?n^*^*?''?i*''"*i'..?S"°". '^"'ift Mr. Emmett's aidsare Nick Norton, manager; J. ?>rm •The Ctlld-stealer • In addlUou to which - Browne, ataee-dlrector; and Jolm MulrTtreaa- James S. and Katie Edwards wiU appear In a will also appear at intervals. As ln»*°«« IhrVfleets of phiBlc«i-wi ol Kr. Fmm St'a enttrarineL it may ba stated the enecm oijg^t was nrer. John Mdrbat and gb.\ce Cabtland, supported ty the "Constable Hook" Combination, nndir' Dan Shelby's management, open Cyril's New Opera-house. New Haven, Ct., Sept. 20. The new house Is said to be an especially handsome one. Mr. Shelby Is now arranging time for tbe*com- pany'a tour. His address can be found In another column. John Dii.t.on will appear this season in the comedies "Electric Light" and "Jenks and Bis' Babies." He has especially happy roles in each, and looks for a most successtal season. A FIRST-CLASS TARTY Is Wanted dnring the fair at Franklin. Pa. Ilanna A DuiHeld. proprietora of Ibe opera-house, advertise elsewhere. Losj by Fire Johnson and Cooper, who with their "Sunny Sontn" Combination were playing In Eureka, Nev., when tbe theatre there was destroyed by fire, Aug. 17. lust all their wardrobe, scenery and erects, and were compelled to disband their coinpsny. Juiiiisonand Cooper leftforNew York 19. Tue "Davy Crockett" CoMoi.vAnoN, with F. A. Tanneblll ta the utle.role, play In Winchester, Ky., Sect. 0, Richmond 7, l.ancaHtcr S, Lefianon 0, Dan- ville 10. Uarrodsbnrg II, Frankfort 13. Shelbyvillc 14. New Aliinny, Ind., I.*!, Ellzabethtown, Ey.. 18. MCDONODGU i Pel PJKD'S -'y'LI-S*' CoMBIS.1- I )N this sejsnn will include Annie Pi.tley. Ca3.-l3 Troy, l.llllon Kccder. John E. McDonongh, L. J. Mestayer, William Johnson. Frank Kllday, Andrew Waldroo. A. H. Hastings, Robert Hayes. E)^rt Foster and Charles RafieL John E. McDonough Is the general maiiager; Robert FuUord, ofllce uian- agcr end treasurer; Robert Hayes, machinist; and Charles Thomas, propcrty-msn. JOHN Jace anil Annie Firmin In "Civil Mar rlage" are due In the Mlsbler CIreuIt in Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 30, Columbia 31. Lebanon Sept. 1, Read- ing 2, Pottavllle 3. Allentown 4. Ada Cray Is to play on the Mlsbler Circuit In Norristown. Pa.. Sept. fl. Allentown 7. Lancaster 8, Reading 9. Pottsville 10, Lebanon II.' C. L. Grates' "Four." Cohbis-ation Is to play over tbe Mlsbler Circuit thus: Wilmington, Del. Aug. 30, Reading. Pa.. 31, Pottsvllle Sept. 1. Mshanoy City 2, snamokta 3, Danville 4. WUirams- 'lort e, Bioomsburg 7, Scranton 8, Plttaton 9, Wllkesbarre 10. Allentown 11. Will. O'Kebfe was to have Joined tbe Katie Putnam Combination In Dcot Lodge. M. T., Aug. 27, In place of J. Jav simms, who retired In cou- sc()ucnce of tlie serious illness of his wife in Helena. HicBsiOKD A McElretu's Dramatic Company ore to open In Athens, Ala., Aug. 30, fur one week; thence to Columbia, Tcnn., Sept. S. for a like period, Lebanon 13, Ale.xandrla 20, MurlTeesboro 27, 28, Shelhyvllle 29, 30, Oct. 1, 2. Tbo company includes Harry Richmond, S. B. McElreth and wife. Miss Alice Irving, MlssXellle Clare. La Petite Nina, '\Valter Lawrence, j. a. Morris, Zach Car- roll, Geo. CaulUeld. W. E. Short, J. O. Uudglns, Prof. John Woods, Prof. J. W. Portls, Sam Portls and Charles Martin. Fun on the Pacific" was given at Ford's Opera-honse. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 23,24. "The Two Orphans" 2S, 2fl, and matinee a, "Plnarore" 27. the latter occasion being the farewell benefit of George Denham, who seven hla coimectlon with this hotise. Onr correHpondent etiys: " The Two Orphans,' being wen put oil met with a good recep- tion and drew well, though tbe weather was in- tensely warm. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,'with Mr. and I Ford Mrs. O^C. Howard ta the cast, Is announced for 80. | beanlug their new mnsleti abaaidttj entitled Sketch and HcGill and Ryland in specialties. Effl» Johns follows SepL e, Tbe Harrisons In 'Photos' open at tbe Grand 30. B. Macanlay follows Sept. e, 'Ail tbe Rage' is, Maggie Mitchell 20. 'Tt e Banker's Daughter Combluntlou' open Pike's 13, and Ada Gray opens for two .weeks at Rob- inson's 13, followeil by Rial's '^Uncle Tom's Cabin' 27 Marie Prescott's Company play In Cythlsna, Ky., Aug. 28. and Lexington 30, 31. SepL I. Her repertory embraces 'Mother ami Child' and 'Nancv SIkes.' Thad Varney replscea Walter Benn in'the cast Annie Barclay Is la the city disengaged Ada Foy, who is now at her home in Covington, opens her season Sept. 2T in Chica'io in 'London by NIghL' Erae<>t llarvler Is buslneBS-manager for Marie PrescotL" John Jack and Annie Firmin began the secosd and iHSt n-eek uf their, engagement at the Park Theatre. Philadelphia. Aug. 23. in Sliakespeare's , -Henry rv," Mr. Jack Impersonating that Jolly old non-T«nnerite Sir John FalstalT. Ills acting was' entirely free itom all constraint, and was cborac- terlzed by a completeneos of Jovial abandon and a rich, uiellow humor that was the very cream ot' tan. He won the bt kulght to the life. Miss Fir- nilQ was a gplrlted and dashing Prince Hal. KeUle Pennoyer appeared to advantage HsPrloce John. W. II. Wallls gave an admirable rendition ofHeory IV. having an excellent make-np and lootlci; every inch a' king. Barry Langdon was n manly and ingenuous Hotspur, Willis Page a reallntlc Sir Walter Blunt, and Frank Foster an Impetuos* Polns. Same bill 24.25. 28 and 28. On last-named date, fbr the benefit of Mr. Jack. John M. Perry, a well-known Jonmallst ot Philadelphia, doiued the sock and buskin for that night only, replacing Harry Langdon as Hotspur and acquitting blm- . self creditably. Annie Firmin gave a powerful impeisonatlon of Lady l8at>el and Mme. 'Vine In "East Lynne" afternoon of Aug. 2i, and of Mis* Mnlton In the play of that name 27, when shebeneflt- ed. and afternoon of 28. At the conclusion of me performance 23, Mr. 'Jack was called before the curtain, and. a speech being demanded, thankeu' his friends in front for their presence and applause, and paid a high trlbnte to the company supporting him, saying that In his Judgment Shakespeare's lines could scarcely have been better read. He - went on to say tbat the gentlemen alluded to were nearly all young men togetber attbeWnlnut-strfet Theatre when he first began his career at that - house, and that there they learned the groumlworl; ' of their profession from that cultursd gentlemau and talented actor ttie late Peter itlcbtags P- F. Mackay and Louise Sylvester's Comedy Com-. pany open 30 ta "Onr Flirtations," for the first time on any stage. FORD'S OFEBA-norsB. Washington, D. C, is to be opened for tbe season Aug. 30. with "Fun on the Pacific." John T. Ford is le-ssee and proprie- tor. The business-manager-will' be John Lonls Ford, a nephew ofthe lessee. "UncleTom^s Cabin" Is underlined for tbe week-fbllo'wlnjr ToeNa-- tlonalTheatre will open Sept. 6, under the lessee- ship of J. W. Albaugh. with Samuel O. Kinsley husl- nesA-manager. The flntt attraction wUl be Mead A Magtnley's Combination in "Deacon CranketL" This theatre is now t>eing thorongtily over- hauled and refitted, the wood renatatcd and the vralls irescoetL New scenery (lon^ needtd) is being added. Among the improvements Is the opening of retiring-rooms on the lint and second flooTS for ladles and childian k Denham's Masqnendeia have been re* The Acadeiny of Music is to be opened Sept. 27 with Jarrett's 'Phalanx' CombinatioiL" Cbablbs McOoniis and company plnved ta Syd- ney. Cape Breton, Ang. 23. 24,2t. Bridgeport 28. Glace Bay 27, and closed tlieir season ta Cow Bay 28. A ooxFAirr Is wanted to support KinB Fiettli, under the minagement of w. B. Porter, whote ad- dress Itad In another coloran. TONT DBNIBB'S PANTOimiB TbOOTB (U« tO COB- dnue their rehearsals ta JoUet, DL, ontu Sept. 2, when they perform there, going thence to MDwan. Pranks" in tbe Opera-bouse. Our c mi' e suu ndent saya^'Prora what we have seen of it, we are in- clined to beUew that It will lie one of tbe most. popular sneeesses of the season. It ceitntiilr p(V>' seises aU the elementa that go to make comedy performances pleasing above all othera ta tbu conatiy. It also has some moaical norelUes that are expected to produce a senaatlan. AO the mem iMn of the combination have been engaged on aeeonnt of their lltneu Ibr the parts they will he called upon to perlbnn. The company Is com- posed of Blanche Chapman, Ella chapman, Mamie kee. Wis., 3,4, XlnneapcdU, iunn., g, for one(lhlr) &',""■'O«oiire w. Denham. P. M- week. John H, Jack and Annie Flnnln are playliiit "CIvU Marrisge" on the Mlstiler circnit ta Penn- sylvania the current week, their route being Lan- caster Aug. 80, Columbia 81, LetiaDon .Sept, l. Bfadlng 2. Pottsvllle 3, and AUentown 4. After the MtahlerenfBcement, Mr. Jack and Hisa Firmin will return to FhHadelpbla and lay their plans for the tature. all the towns where tbey show this week, their larM collection of cnrtositles, national cob- tames. pnaants from imwned heads, etc. obtataed dnring their late six years' tonr aronnd the worlfL will be placed on tree exhibition. Wills, Bobert Slaren. c6arles Scbellbr, and Morgan L. Sherwood. W, W. Fnnt u the mnidcal-dlrector; H. Clay Ford and Ceo. W. Den- Iiam, proprietora: H. Clay Fonl, manager: and P. O. CoiineU.T. general^gent. Tbey open the season taHarrlsbnrg, Pa., SepL e. appear in wilUamFport T, Lock Haven 8, Shamokln », Ashland lo, Dan- ville u. GEOBOB B. Pabnswobth died in Saratoga. 5- Y..Aiig.22.attheagcofaboutfbrty veara. He«as l>om In FltchburK. MaaSL. and In his school-boy days was a dmmmer In the Pitehbnrg Band. After removing to Boston and entering menantile life. ^*"'2?,h"S?S*' 'hUadeiphla, regaled Its pa- he grBdnally worked bis way to a clerkship in the They com- as ipercard. Jat r Ln^lgy^'n5SSl?St?"'*°'' I 'ANTO«« COWANT IS billed in Aj-^B^Sn^uoOTTOwmumlnatesthevlcini^ SO.Honesdale Sl.Port Jer- ofthelSdKii^wiw^raSSr where "Hazel Sept. l Susquehanna 2, Bta^iamton, N. T., 3, 4|EfeSSS,ffi^?."^n cause the l^a.^TlWeMS'ty^al. •"^"•"'^ c.;^»u« WtS MoWw^rai i s^sss^'s.s^l'i^w^ , the standard Tbeatie,. SOBIL trons with Sardou and Palgrare Simpson's ~'A Scrap of Paper" every eveiJug and Wednesday and batnrday afternoons ot the week ending Aug. 28. The piece was haudsomly monntedTtheset for the second act, representing Prosper Coura- mont's apartment, renecting great credit upon the taste and liberality ol the management. Mabv E. Baneson and Little Birdie Banksonare with J. W. Collier's "Banker's Daughter" Combina- tion tbls season. John W. Bankaon goes with Col. Stan's "Golden Game" Company. The agses wallace-Villa Cohbination is due in Gallon, O., Sept. 1. Mount Gilead 2,%oy 3. Mld- dletown4. Got. Hott, Gen. Hartranft and other distinguish- ed gentleme;! are to occupy a nnvate-box at tUe Chestant«treet Theatre, Philadelphia, on tbe open- Ing-nlght, Aug. 30. -.':.' »~ Bdppalo Bill and company are due in Milwau- kee, Wis. Aug. 81. Sept. l^L Paul. Minn., 2, Hln Parker House, which he left to accept a business position ta Seiwyn'a - i&mr theatre. He conttaued therefrom Itsopenlng in 1847 till its destruction by fire In ISia. He appeared upon the stage of this estal>Ushment several times; for bis own bene- fits. May ST. 1888, he played Dolly Spanker, ami June. 3, 1889. Wadtfilove in "To Paienu and Gtiardlans," and upon the occasion of a compUmentary benefit tendered John H. Selwyn two evenings later he 'repeated DoUy Spanker. After his connecUon with this house waa severed he re-entered hotel llfb. and was well knotvn in Kew York, Boston and Saratoga, where for a num- ber of seasons he occupied the position of clerk at the Grand Union HoteL His remains were taken Boston, and buried from the residence of his brother-U-law, Francis H. Pray, in the Charles- town District, afternoon of 28. There was a large attendance and many floral onertags irem ps6t theatrical and hotel associates. The services were neapoUsi 4, fed Wing 8, Vinona 7. Lacrosse 8, conducted by Bev. O. T. Walker, and the remains Portage City 9, Watertown 10, Racine 11. Josh t I buried at Mount Auburn. Ogdeu is the bnataeas-manager, and Hany Sellen general-agent. . A BABrroMX bihoeb 'and actor and a pianist are wanted for adiamatlc and musical oinnlattloii, asadyenised. John A. Btevznb and, combination ta "rn- known" are to appear In BOrwalk, Ct, Sept. (L An- aonia 0, Waterbory 10. SpringtMO, Maas., 14, Han; Chester. H. H., 18, Nashua O, Kewbniypoi«t Haa8.,23. ^ '