New York Clipper (Sep 1880)

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SEPTEMriEE 4, 1880. CI TBE OTSSIHO or TSB BK18DS IX Boaros, Kass:, I. tliiu reviewed by onr coimpondent, who wrote Aiur a* ■■TbednnuticKaaoniiiaf lwaildtoli»Te eanmcBeed aoc. a of.^«»«'2P op«»to«oothat u^tnt hu been eiitM7,n(mllt,«nd en tun imiia'. ^mniilimiii'wr* *^hwniahtii^»«A—immi c^'2?^;;sn»ainiw> to te tbe ii*^s?S£irs£ jllSiMd In tlili dV^Th^BoAon nemae. wtiltib opened a K kept In »oeh «ooa omaiuiaa tlut the nianaimnait ^^bt«ud th«iuelv<s «ltn radeeomlns tli« mam cd* inaee. vbleli&innUeatnet to tbe Uhkt <]oon bu be«D newlr adonied, (rmd >iul pUuun bclBt ofiiold. blaa, sod poiple-J'^e en patntcf In taapeb- mn red.bordeieilwuh maw^ior and foU.and In tbe piff panels into wtiicn U fs dlTld«d pUtnna of tb« Xoaca ban b«rn piiintal br Albert Habentroh. Tbe tleket- offlee* contain nevwlndovi oi i>Iat»sla«, wHb marble tiftt- pnuatabj nickel plated ralla N'ew carpetlnn bare been laid ihrooKbou the booM, tbe Beat £aod» Ucr baa been eleanaed, tba itaire and tbe aiee uiuu m ud dR*dnK-nanu bare been fteilalr carpeted, ani an anlnt haa been emted orcr tbe Vaaon atmi ratranee-. Tbe atttacdoo for tli« prcllmlnarr mi' WD et three weelu' dnmtton li Jamea A. Herae'a •Hcaita of Oak.* Tbe aoaptora of tiUa play mav sot claim (br It either gnax orlxinalilj' or fnahoeiw. bat «e rauit confeas a llklas for It, the story being ^ciliated to moT« than lnt«Ten an areraev an. tUenee. albeit toe comic element la not tuffldeotly prom- IMatiboogb tbe cniractenor Oven GUToway and Cnue pary lo part aopply th)a defldency. Aji i;lTan b^re, the feaiu: attention If.Attttlied to the manner nf lu pn>- ^actJon, vblch'u cnrea^ecta imrpanafa anyihloic before f^n at thiB then&e. Tbe flrKt act reprcaenta th^ ooaat nf Varblehnd, with the surf roUinr npon tbe b<ac:i, tbe i;;iiitboiiM. mOTlnv cloods, uid real rmlo. betnir th* muKt realiatic vimesseo, the rain UlllDc so coplouHly that 4be tarpaulin-coTeietl ealkira wnv coc loo well pro- Tecttd. This erf««' ma twrlc^ or thrlc« rncorwl tueh tTcclo;. EijoaUy good In tbelr way were the in- tenur ot tbe mill, vb(>re re^l water waa aitoln em- iloved to torn tbe ^aiwlieel; the borne ol Terry and JbrysXsJ. which, with lu o1(J-la5hlODvd rumUhlOEr, real bftby. cnc and eatables, made a mo^t tratblnl picture of liome-llfe; and the roItotrlDjc wa-tIcw and chorcliyar^ fb«:«DA both belDs; aa nainral aa la possible on tbe stace. Th<! actioi; wa< i;i>od in the main. Tbe Oireo Garrovay of Kr. Heme was a capl-,al charactcr-n<<nin,iiIon, bf^any, good-tempered, and humortiOR, and r^nlly pAUietl': In the litfooiter Hornet of the lafft actfl. Prank E. Aiken aJ- iboaph rather bard lo the earlier Rcenee, came oot veil intbemtemew with biB danithtpr io the chorchrard, sod gained an entbnala^ilc recall. Oenerlere Rosen waa a tn3e orerwebhted aa Ch.-yttAl, bat her eam- «£mef^ and care tbrouzhout entitle her to com- meodatlon. Harry Malnhall aa Eahy waa a frank and manly aallor, tboDgb aneven at times; and W. H.Crompton aa Unole iMTy, Litue Altec Uamllton ut littleCbrymal. and tbe baby were amonc the beA played parr.^ In the piece. Jeannie Harold, Pauline Doffield, tr V. Pratt. J. S. Andrews, William £,awTence. T. narrey' J. Sberman nnd T. Oosfmon filled tbe other pane. A. male choraa waa utrodnced throoRboot tbe play with rood elTect. Tbe orcheitza was nnder the direction of J U. Wadiworlh. owlne to the absence or Xapler Lotblan. Boslnera opened well, and IncreaaeU throaxlinat tbe week, aotwlthatsnrtlne the extremo beat. Sept. 13, F. K. Cnan- Dran opens In 'Kit* for bU ninth annnal cOKagement. Mark 3L Frlm baff been T«.ennced mm one of tbe nock company .The Park Tbaalre opened lu season 21. imder the enn- tlnaedmatusement of Abbey t Hcboenel, aided by tbe following.ataff: Beodrat monajier, John B. SchoelTel: treasurer, C 8. XeCleUan; advemalne agent, E. R. Byram: ssatsrant txeasnrcr, O. W. Floyd; mnalcal.dl- icctor, E. N. CatOn: scenic artist, J. 8. Schell; master- mublneat, J. D. uindy- aaa eiwlneer, Oeorge Reed; property.maker, Korral Eobb; chief usber, Edward J)oimelly; doorkeeper. J.^F. Vila; progrmtnmer, Bobert JoboMD, Dnrlnff tbe Stnnmer recesa the theatre baa an- dcryone thoroagfa deanslnr In all parts, -and. being compantlrely new, bat little else waa lentHred ex- cepting tbe repainting of the entrance, which la now refplendent In bright, aott colnm. and a new wain. Kotlng of polished wood, which haa been placed noon the lower part ot tbe Ude-walls of the andllorlani where BtanderalaaTe their mark. Tbare are also obaemd ioot-resu ntider tbe rbalra tod rabber carpeting In tbe main aisles and sides of the boose. The gteatast Im- {iTorement la the new act-drop, which has been dlmlaTed or tbe first tlmee, and fhralmpUeltT, rlcfaneaa and strict bsrmony and contrast with the deeoimtfpna of the andl- torlnm Is nneieelled by any In the dty. It lepraenU bearr folda.ol white suln held apart nyftpaae. wboli. standing on steps aboTO tbe croand-IIoor, andtt Is snr- ronnded byadark maroon bonier of the same matnlal Tbe artist u B. B. Bort. who haa matartally addedM hla lepDtaMoo by his skiUfnl treatment of the saMeet. The stsfO attraeUon waa WUlie Edonln's Sparks laltered S to Sparks CompanT)ln their new conoeltT'Iheams. or Pim In a Fbouarapfi-nllery,' written by Nat CbUda and Mr. Edonln. the mniie br W. A. Bostctter, Woolson Horse. B. E. Bice and Hany Bnliain, and the woida or aereial of ff'v'^^ T'Sn.^iS?***' ^'SH'^ ChUda, John J. HcNsUyand P. T. RohmsoB. The piece Is notstrongin ttoty, and maybe brl'Hr snmmarbed aa follows- John Antonio Blnka, a rellrad farmer, bia wile Ruby and her nleee Kitty. In their comfortable home on a WInter'a algbt, aresnrntlsed by tbe nnexpccted arrlnl of Thomsa. a«n ot Aibn. his aecond wlf»-Gran-and bis son Fred and.fab wife.Hand. Tbey trlng snbstanllal eat- ables and dflakiblei with tbem, and have a ramnTi^ mecbas, songs and Tsdtations to enllTcn the occasion. Dunne lbaa« tssttrlties an addition to tbe (kmlly ot Har- old, an elder son ol Thomas, Is discussed, and a anm of moDey u contributed by the fkmliy aa a gla to tbeex- PMUdnewatrlTaL After the Tlaiton have departed and ihs Iidy iDmatai have retired for the night. JoK atari to psnake of his nigbt-cap and ncnlng'; sinok^lSlls ailtep, and drams of the Incidents which follow Io the sen act. At tbe rise or thecnrtainon the following act 'f.V."'"'" "be photographic stndlo of Grabltan. Chip, Cheeky. The Tarlons eharacurs here - ^ - ?!?*">^-** treaannT; J. A. )lenard.tlekef-sgeBt, B. OUtct, dooTfceeper; Ceone Hart, chlel-nsbs; Oiarles Bocbman, pmcrmmmer; Ferd. Tan OIker. musical director: E. In Boas, aemlc-attlst; Peter Henderson, masler-macblnlst: Tboma* Nelson, gaa - engloeer; sn<l JL Haogbtoo. special - oflcer. Tbe InltlsJ attnctloa win be the engsgrment of Mr. and lira. Geome 8. Kolaht In "Otto^ » Geraiaa.' it baln« ttKir ena Pfranee In ■ ...... neyvill he since thdr English ragi^neata. Sept. IS by B. Lorfct's ap» dattr Ccmipan^. Tbe 'loQowlBg attractiona ate gavO, and wtn also appear dmine tb«season: TheSuw- an Ptamllr. Smith k BeaUyer'a Tonrlsta. Annie Ward TlOhay, mtchelFarirasare Party, j. Clinton BalTaStiat. ecvts. Alice OaM In William Sayinaar's tiew irradaeilno T^sr Branch'■eO Burgos and eaaMny In 'Widow Be- dutt,*^ Gtu wmiams In the reoonstracteo -Onr German >>enalor,'and the Jollities CSomblnallon, wbo appear Dee. 13....Thea:tefaxloiulntbe aiobi»Thrattearcmneh moro extenslre than at Amt **niertalned, and comprise the reno- ratton and l e d eco ra tlon of the whole boose, both before and tieblnd the cartain. Tbe stage la entirely new. twllt of hard pine and eonatmeted Id sections, so as to be low- ered or elevated at wiu. thus doing away with platforms and bridges. An additional room haa l>een added by the leaae of a building adjoining on Hayward place, wbab will be nlUlced aa a re«Tpuc]e for scraeiy. The most marked chan^ la obserrable In the auilllotium, whlcb, with iu Dew sdommentf. bnght but not l^udy colonog^ and tbe e.xocl:eoc usre exhibited tbronghnnt. renders this one of tlie most attract- Ire aDdleoce.nAms io tbe counriy. The ironts ol the proAcenlnm boxe^ Inclodlug the arch, represent lollagc*. rowers and bIrdK, tarred In wood upon a whito CTOund .and covered wirh gold leaf. On the top of tbe boxes on eacli aide are gilded idobC!*. and medallloiu—one renreficntlng 6bakef:pettie. the other conirdy. Tbe cur- tMi iH aieof cherry-colored H.itla, Iwrdercd with old.frald a yard deep, and surrounded br a lamlirefiuin ol the Fame color and materal, on wblcb Is a piloting rep. renentlng tbe Aenloa ot America jiurToumlcd by nn- m»roii« emblens of the drams. Huth tlie proRConluu and t':e ine^tatjl'ift toxos are similjriy uj'holKtvred. As before mentioned, the place lor the muitlclnns dur. Ine dramatic permrmances will l>u nrnier the outside edge of tbe suge. the leader ocly belcg nsible to the aodleoce; but when the orchestm la re<)ulred for uiii^ioil plKCCf tiielr plae<- wlU be the nld-lasltiooed nnc, their or- dinaiy position bein:; coucealed by clierTT-colnreU Fattn cnrtalna. Arm-dislrs (furty-lonr in oumbcrt will nrcitm- mndaie a^ many speciatora when this pl,ice U nut fliled by miuiclADs. Tbeorchefitni Feat-H—tboreo'theparque -sircle and iwo rows in the bslcoDv—xreupbolKtcredln red, and red-velvet chairs hav^ been placed In tbe boxeSj while those in other parts of tfao houhe will be covercu v,ilh leather ot tbe same culor. Xew tafieiitry carpulinffA liaro been laid In the luhhies a:d alslrs above and below ctnlm, the colorings twlng red and blue, bordered wl-.h black. The gaa.fliture<, as liefore, will bo of crystal, with silver. Elated pipes. Tbclront lobby baa been much Improved y removing the low seat at rhe back, and In Its sLead la a black-walnut aimcture, twcnty-eLx feet long and elab- orately carved, reacnlng from floor to ct-lllnc, IncloslBZ two lull-length jilcr - glasses and three large mir- rors, with another mirror afllxed to the walT nn the lefL Mauve and irold - colored satin draperies dec- orate the arches of tbe dressing-rooms on this floor. Tbe (Toot Teatlbole. which waa eluborat«tv flnlali. ed last Fall, has been newly irescocd by Orr'ln Rich- anls, new doors and chandeliers have been btug, and over the lobby-donr a aboe of liie troiler Maud S. la nalinl for Inck. elegantly surronnded by scroll-woric The box-ofllce ha* new windows and a clock on the exterior, and new four ana three burner lamp-poeta are to be placed opiwsl'e the Wublngton and Essex street entrances. Althoogh the work Is fkr Irom completed as yet. the theatre wlU be In readiness for opening Sepr^ S. when tbe aesson ummenccs with "My Partner."' acud by Louis AldrIcb,Charla T. Paniloe and the »m^? given Isst week. Tbe succeeding attraction will be Uce's Extravaganza Company, who nlay for two weelM, com- mencing 30. producing ".Vemeals." Oct. 4. the Klralfva' snectacles; a. Hobaon and Cnino; Nov. 15, 6trak™hl iTesa Opera Troupe; 22.,N. O. Goodwin's Friuqnes; »«. a. Sarah Bernhardt; and Mrs. Ecntc-Siddona, SalvlSil.tbe Emma Abbott Opera Trouno. the TokesFamllv. Bala- bury'a Troubadouni, etc The aucUon-tale of auts tor the onenini night at tbe Boston Moseun took ?Iaco li the HsU ol Calilnetii nnon of 21. With the exrepUon of twenty-fopr seau trserved for tbe press and twelve seau and two boxea for the managanent, ihe whole SS?*^"". "P" '"J bidding. The first choice for 2'ebestrajseau brought SLU over the esubllsbed price. •U and six seats were sold In tbe third- row oentre; tS aas ptemitiBii tanged ftom'tbat nilea down to flttv eentm and n«rly th^oto otJBie l«RJ?,S!S5n of 5? 5!31£7t;^!.fi5'?l!jSir- J*" Ptwnlnms have been divided between tbe Boston Firemen's Charitable Asso- ciation, the New England Hospital tor Women andrbu. dreii. the Fnnklln Tynozrapblcal Society and the Boe- ton I«d«o B- P. O. »l3. There'is a UkeUhwd of the now dosed Novelty Theatre being leased by a party In this eil>- for the prodactlra of bop lesqaecomie opera and similarlucbt encenalnmenta. "•i'f *■.■!- '{'.nnox .Ir. and Josephine E. lAntens were married In this dty 21 by Bar. 8. 8. Wilson.. .Tohn" Addamshsa written a piece called -An Evening's Metrt- J"."* Psrker and E. B.lcbaralS- laiiu and 'Bestored' lor Bam Luoa. wblcb wiU ha plaVed In the pnvlttws, commencing Sept. IS Frederick Belioiwhoae -Bandom RseolJWtlons of an Old AcUif AMUSEMENTS. HEW PAcSw Ei^JSPSS*'- «>. Ma "'"^'' iS^P ''^doo In a roar- .. "yneeaalnrdaratl M-it* j.^^awKt"^'™ ""arAVJiNtB tukatkE- 'f-leS^ht ^-''-"^ sasiiusigil Isu'Sd'a.'^JJ'.f^ii'P~ent <^KBllA.-HOUSE, -"* Twanty-thlrd Jjamm and Manag POOLB t I>OST§S.T.*^' ^ _ third street. AT vviFJ? Ji "''E'* AWAY at t\ KBV PERKORMA^-CB. J E EMMET EMMETT. IIKiET^.^>8EV X'AXm. raBATKP. Every e™nlnguVa;ji;ofdiV-,i:^^^^ ^V!?i''-vP^'i, SCCCES3 EDGEWOODKOI.g^-^-'^^^^ J^IhZWhLY^^'^ .MBLOS-OARDEjf TnEATRE. E. G. CILMOKE Proprietor and Manager Grand ComJinaUouio^i^Keir Se^^^^^^ b!e for tbe oMenalblepnrpoac of being photograpb- td In lancy (sostome^ bringrnc with them their nresses. During the sittings the lan waxes warm, each of theper^ formers pennnatlne vannos diverse characters, and three "£ 'SSS/S^ i comic drama eaUed -Ccnitancy. or tbe Child of Mlsrortnne.' While this farrago Is seemlnxlv ailu height the scene revolves, and ooe leans thatthia 11 simply a dream which the elder BInks passes tbrougta sod he is awakened In tbe morning by the arxini of hla wU^ children end their pm^ny, wTio ^iSio"<i,"h« Ui. ".S*f'"'..•^S,'""!? J." nfllarold la adonbleont- a (Irl and a buy baby. In cummeoUng on the work ol Uie anlhors. it may be said, primarily, tSat the flrsTsit li too talky and long, so that It would become weail. tnrne were It not enlivened by aome bright and witty dlalpgne and business; but It wonld stand mSh mon caulngthan lthasidreadyandetBona. The malnattiiuv uon naturally lies In thoIastacCwberethe real"terM centres. Hsre the various anina have an opportnnlty to display their several talenu, and they mdnl^Mn so mnS fooUng and nonsense that an audience can hardly faU to And sometood lor Uughter. Its saccessdependinShollvon- on tbe dever aetorr.wbo are caat aa followa: John Antonio l^^'K"^ "^Ef■>••«? TO- W""e Edonln: Thomas 'J""^"!. ■EP' Jw^oee Kmger; Fiid sinks, •^^^•_*!"'<"i Harold Blika, agSl i£ Ceorge Le Claire; Bob Bitibltty. office-boy to the BInks, Jamea T. Powera; Rn^'BlnfcE jSSn's wilt iir'piS;i^^'o*i?"5SS= S.*^ B'nkiliev nleMTj?- Acrlt—,<46(*anl^ohn Antoofo BloU; £(t«lf,lUlplk Hab- enon. & tUIaIil, Hod. Oeom FltxsJmmoaii. a trump, and Foo Shonfr. Chliuunu. WUlle Edoaln; O. Pickleback Gnibltan. pbotogr^ber, Cliarlej Dano. a oweU. and RMn< nj Baldrufl; drau-maoMV, Jacques ICrux^r; OUn Veiy- dtz7 (catch thtt Ideal, aad Jack SblrvrjoiTtlmbera, Prank W. Sailer; Cbip Cbeeky and Policeman 133. Jamea T. rowcra; Ponar. Walter Wllliamaoii; notij CbUllnetnD. See 19, HaiTi tbe child of raurortune, Plower-glrl ana erbert AltamoDt. a citynrell. Alice Athenoa; Vlulat Faiadhata and Max SUoger, onerarteoor, Lotu Beltnn; IsUlie Socootaata,with sontta, Ida fihaplel^h; Mra. CbU- Unfffon. Offly eoooflh to knov beUer. Julia. Edouln: Hor- tense. Frencb maid, Aoetta Dn Mam Mr. Edoom a Old Blnka la a atrlUnfr picture of eccentric actinjr, while bi« aaiumptioD ot the varlntu characCera m tbe dream are comical and extraTannL Alice Atbertoa vaa not seen to tbe cufilomaiy adrontaffe aa tbe tiderly wlt^, ber true forte btalnR the -ll^bter actios o( ue lat- ter portion of the play. The Breateat popular bit vaa perhapi. made by Jacqtiea Kmper and James T. rowers aa the photo^rmphcr aad bis aulstiuit, the furaer makloff one oitbe succentes of tbe eTeulDR by bis perann* ■don of Charley Dunn, a'*XnDcy*'di7eDodscIerk, and the lattarby hU aj^lle dundnj^ aod moTemeola and bigb kicking. Ida Shaplelch poMeues a good and well-trained tulc& and ber vucaf selecttonn were redemandisl. A novelty wma dlacloned In tbe pbeoomeoal tenor Tolce of LottaBe1ton,ThoasaswaJ]ow-talled TocaJiFt sanff tbe oldsoueof "Come ioto tbe Oarden, Mand«* with all the power of one ot themale perraailoD. It may be added that pelcherot the aboro ladies la a flnliihed artUt hlFtrlon- . laUy. Mr. Sanc^r added lively actinjr In tbe first act aod more prooonnced and taomoronfl m the last, and Julia Edoum, Ametta Du Sfare and Oeonce Le Claire filled np the enMmble rettpcctably. The accDeir and appolnt- nrats were lo keepui^ with tbe bonse, the rerolvinjc iceoe beloK a skUltm piece of mecfaanlun^y J. D. Luody ud PhlL w. Qoaxeher, made imder Mr. soouln*B super- Tuloo, while tbe taney ooatomea were brilliant and showy, SI well aa costly. The theatre opened to a crowded audl- csc«, and, tbooffh boalDeM waa affected by Uie beat, an «• eellent sbowlna has been made for the week. 30. Jarrett A Rice's 'Fnn on theBrlstoL* Sept. 13, Barton A Conley'a 'Lawn .Tennla* company; then Clara Morrla,who may oresent Edgar Fawsett's new play 'Arnold and Andre*.... The work of flnlsblnfc the KpwBosiod Mtiseom In time for the annoanced opening of Its fortieth season, evea- iof of 2S. wu a herculean task, and would hardly hare ■cemed poMlble twenry.foor hours prerlooa, OTer one hondred workmen belns employed night and day for the last week In puiUDg the lu-c touches upon one of the mon beAotUul temples of the drama in tbe ooanbT> I'nder the nubUued reflection of the gaaUffht the honw Drciients a cbeerAil aod brilliant aspect, tbe pr«tIoDiinant colors — olive, old - cold, and rrlmsoa -liCbtlng up brilliantly; and while the general ef- lect In the audlcorinm Is hrighc. It In no wayde- FCDerutes Into tawdrlne^ or gnrish glitter, erl* deocenof tbe bert taste In tbe selection and disposition or^Iotii being always Tlslble. Tne exact seatiog capac- ity oi the theatre U 1.601, and. though thu make* a large auditorium. It Is as compact as before, and tbe aadlenca Is u near tbe stage and actors as can be demred by *ltber. A detailed description of the Interior has been jbrca lu the«e columas. bwt what has been vritteo Cslls 10 do Justice to :be manv beauties observable thrrmgb- oat, and ther muKL be personally seen to 'be fully ap- Kedated. An audience cumptctely filling the bonse ac««mbled at the Inangaratloa to witness the ren- mentsUon of The Scboul lor Sosndal.* Promptly on tune the orchestra vcre rung In, and Mr. nra- bam on taking his seat was warmly applaadcd. Their presence was tmseen by occupants ot urcbesiro- chAin<, but tUcT were beard as disuoctly as they were vbeu KOAted in their old placep In front of the Rsge. At tbe conclusion cf the orerture the green-cloth curtain was nt*«tU and the new aetr^lrop, painted by PblL W. Ooat- cber, wd» dlnplayed and elicited great-larnr, and on that belns drawn up the wire curtain, marked distinctly'"^ra- prooc* utlsfled tbe assemblage ot tbelr complete safety In ca&e of the presence of that dlBtiirt>lng element. Tbe comedy was played by the stock company In a bru* l^t manner, and as no other theatre n the couDtrr can pn:«eat it, the rollowlog full cafttbearini; out the truth olthe as.«eruon: SlrPeierTeaxle.Wm. Warren: Chsries ^urrace. Charles Barron; Joseph StLrlace, J. 3. uawortb; i^Lr Oliver Surface. Alfred Hudaoo; Sir Benjamin Back- bit. B. R. Orvham; Crabtree, Oea W. WlL«nn; Moses, ^n.Seymour: Careless (with soDgkJ. B. Mason; Bow- Irr. J. Burrows; Trip. J. Nolan; Snake Otis flrvt appetr- ucv), \y, S. Manon: Sir HarT>- Bumper. J. S. MaiHtt Jr.; SlrXoby, w. E. Dans: Sir William, W. J. Cbirk; Servant 10 Lady SaeerwelL Chaa. B. ^ogle; Berrani: to Joseph f^offace, Fred Ham: Lady Teazle. HbuiAnnleCIarke; Ure. Cudoar, Mrs. J. R. Vincent: Mariav Mist Sadie Martlnot; Udy SneerweU. Miss Mary Shaw. Tor the B<Andal scene C<9rtblB occasion only, by courtesy of Miss Davenport and otbem): Lady Betty Corxlcle. MlwMay Davenport; Lady JaatModiah. Miss RoseTemple: Lady Dondlzzy, HIM Kate B;aa; Ladv Frizzle. Miss May Russell; and Misses Bap- cood, Jereiby and UUL The reeeptlona accorded the favor- was as cordial and hearty as It each was a per- Maal triend, and Mrs. Tinccnt. Mr. Wilson, Mr. Warren, ^if^Clarkeand Mr. Barron, aatbey made thelrentrancei), *«re greeted with long-continued and cennlne applatise, vhich must bare beeu extremely flatterizg to tbe reclpl- «(!>. Mr. Barron was specially called to the stage alter bis e\lt In the KTcen-sccne. ana again Ruremooed before tbe cnrtain a£ thedose of the acC in company with Mr. ^uren. Mr. Haworth and Miss Clarke. The acotiatlcnmp- Arties of the bonse are all that waa claimed, erery word at- i^Tcd upon the etoge being distinctly audible in tbe moet <llMant portlonp of tbe gallery. Tbe exits are ample, and ibelDimense audience were dismiAscd fWun the house In 1^ than four minutes after the final tall of the curtain. Tbe oiiicera and attaches for tbe season are: Manager, K. ^- Field ; stage-manager, WUIiam Seymour ; treasurer, W. Blatcbford; business-agent. Cyrus A- P^ce; Uckei agenc, C. B. Wbittemnrc; leaderof orchestra, John •I-Brnham* BceDlc-artlsls, Thoross B. Gle^islnr, William GUI and E. La Moss (i«peclilly engaged); marter-inachln- m and carpenter. Matt. Graham ; assbiUDta, Geor^ «1I and wTuhun Mozart; cosiamer, .<?arah Ortn^nd; Pnjncnr-man, Joseph StUUvan; gaaman, J. Wlth- *wu;. chler-usbers. William H. Eraeo'.. Edwin C. 5»tley and Mr. De Koch. Ssrdoa»B play * .DaDgcrous G«De' WlU be the first noTBlty.S) A pamphlet of forty PiKefi,conulnlni:ahlst«Tyof the Bostou Muaeom Irpm «">o tltne or lu locepUo^ till tbe pre*fOt date, was dis- tnbnted to the audience 28 The mother or Manager ^«Id died receauy at Centre narjjor. N. H..^.-.^o *Paatlc bni waa-presented at Halleck'e AJhambra 23 *ad Week, conslHtlng of Trial by Jury* and 'PlnaXore,' bvsbcnor Bn»coollnU Ltssetta EUanL AmUe Irjah, ^e BocbeUe, Wallace McCreery, John Kaah. William Daniels, Sttiraea. John Btnart, *J«d^ Fiear, Harry Siandleb, W: D. Spearnuuj. » ^nis of forty Toloea, and an orcheatza, ot thinr. pieces, tmder the leaderAlp of Christian Eransa SH ^Pnw octlon oi Tbe Chimes of Kormandy* by the Kor- <w«a EuRUsh-operm Company...... 'Piiiarore Aboard- *Upi reproduced at OaUand Garden week Ot 33. vilD oearty tSe orlgtnal cas^ J. B. Burnett singing Ad- 5^ Porter. The^yer Blatccsi, Sam^LoiM, and Fred T^^u give the Snnday oonfieria, and The Chimes of \«. ng the carrent week by xr"— I u appeared In 'Pinafore, vnme waa offered at Fora ^JPa«twe«k:«^obmpanybemgBahoolcTaft ud Goes, ftVlcker SolUm the Part " Normandy' will be aonc the cnmnt week by materially ue same oraanlaadon aa appeared In 'Pinafore.* A S.'»l«bt laHety programme waa offered at Forert Ouden ihjr**tm>^<noompanybemKlVihaolci2ft and Cots, i^cVlcker an? SnlUyan. the ParE filatcn, Emll OoToax, -uaLynwood, Joe Hut. Bngeant Tbomas, Kicae oa^on, s>>dAndy£3rltt. For the Bondayooncotti the American nsad an ennsed. aad the aboTe-named Taiwy son play Veond n^m^iMncUiKaO nn cosy liule Os3e& 4nin«theSDnunersolsaee been tuther beutUed b- - £°Jcions apendltnn of^anj tor iiew_palnw^^dl carpeul'ud'oBaia'^^mo' the oobnnnogi inaii- -''^•^B.*S*TOtk, mWod br his ion, Cbaiia *tueu ot Jai IRM-SS and I(OM7.......Prod flUoson has taken tli. Plsce o« Charles EL Thayer at Forest Garden, snd wm condDca the bnsioesa or that resort lor the rwtaf iheSommer....Boston Lodite, ». P. o Ellm. meet 3 for the flm Ume ilnce the euly Snmrner ud iTni "SKfi^ K •?«°"' dedication ol the bSi' Clara EUard. bnldsa appeanoff in tbelr last season'a piece, -A Poellctl WoolK.^re'addeil S tbjfr r??JJS?r^ !B?f!!!'-^.'!'?!?*?f'•'^I'lle Satordny,' by thraame X^^al prpcecdinn wer. rom- " *~ ' A bnncer, for antbor, Charles P. Pidgin. '?*''f*i?' 'n PldelD TS. Bdouin Ue lntain«nnent of a copyrlRhted title to the word ^Sparks,'and the case went Into the United Sum ciirait Courta William H. Crane and wIiJTm jSfwhSm ■pd two memDen of Bobaon t Crane's CoDipany leave this city SI for Dfiroit, Mich., where tbey oSSn thflr sc^ rest ot the comDany In .Sew yorl,-. and then proceed i^'^" •'o'ln H. noughertv, employed at the BoSon Theatre »< I'her. will probably accept the position aa iroawirerwith Harry Bloodcood's OomblnaUoi^ ..."joho PIlKrim, sonoftheoldnationalravoTlte JamesPUnrlni. Is ^:^<f°,lT^^'-?i^- •'■ T''°'"'«''compsny. and will \Hslt this city the comlDE month Plano-playlnn In the ftverof the Boston S ooe of the newer ieatores o: tnat ooqscl'' Eco9.—Aa CjoMrte Parker of C. L. Graves* Com- bination was ilolns her very neat BonK-an(l-<lancc KfS'^'r'vi "T!;* Seasona" Au». u iu the Walnot. PbUadrlphla.twoemwere tsrownst ber Irom thent iu IndlSTutlon at this contemptible trick by eallins the lady out torn-omes, and benoiflng on bw t^oTnSfion- tboalaatlc appUosa. The perpetrator ol the ontiazewaa Shis? h? Ii5?'>.?"" *" ^^*"J9 » police vSmIod. ykin"? BUf ^ J"?» ■i.'??- Welch, bis residence Chennnt BlUUa soburban dUtrlet of the Quaker City— andhls am aa n yein. Hegave baU Id tiie snm ot SOU to answ^Tie^obanto or assaolt. Ulu Parter had h«n thfl mnnilninf , ^pw . ^ . bna s^sll ht^i^^^v^ apply at once lordaiea^ that nlfffat she vonld be hlited by a party of boya who had been engsiced tor the porpoaa by a oertaln woman, aod that something even more annovlnv than hisalnfr ml^ht be done to ber. Mnndar nl^bt psBed, bowerer. and nochlnf of the kind occurred. On the fbllowlne mornlna Ulas Parker received a number ot obscene and ininltlog po8ta]<ards. and that niffbt tbe eass were thrown, aa stated. The actrc^a was convinced ihattheachemeto annoy her oHfvlnsted with a Mrs. Bose Btmaer. proprietor ot a profesalonal boardlng- hoase. where Miss Parker had been boarding prior ro taklnicnpber realdenoe at the Blnsham House a week or two aao. Rhe stated to a CiippiR correapondent that when about to leare Mrs. Bunker's she requested that la l7 to rrturn a pair ol bracelets, which she (Bniuter) had borrowed from Ulas Parker. This Mrs. B. retused to do until Miss Parker paid ber aaren dollars, which she claimed to bare spent In bavloa them re- paired. As tbe braceleta. aa is alleged, were In perfect order when they left Miss Parker^a possession, she {iromptlygot oat a warrant for her qnondam landlady on the charne of larceny), who, belOR unable to obtain ball, spent a day in durance Tllei and then restored the braoeletf, whereupon she was released and tbe char^ withdrawn. Alter the egic-tbrowlDg warrants were Issued for Mra. Rose Bunger, Herman Bnnger^her husband—Sadie Mclntyre, a woman board- ing St Bonger*s, aod Wm. Welch, on a charge of being concerned In a conspiracy to harrass and annoy Oeorgle Parker Arado, professionally known aa Oeorgle Pttrker. The myrmidons of Itutlcewerennahle to fled the male Bunger and Welch; bat Mn. Bunger and CUdle Mclntyre were arrested, and elTen a hearing before Maglstiaie Pole Ang. 27, at which Sadie Helhtjre was discharged, and Hra. BuoRer waa held In $l,au() ball to answer at oourt. Being unable to tnrolsh tberequired security, she was sent to prison. Where, at tbe time this is written, she still re- mains. The sendlog of obscene postal-cards tbrottgh the malls renders the person so offending liable to a five vears* Imprlmnmeot In tbe penitentiary, and Miss Parker aod her msnager, O. L. OraToa, had at flist in- tended to pu*h the case nn thatomnnd; but Mr GraTes sUted to the Clippeb'b PhUadalphla representatlre Aug. 39 ttiat the persoLS mentioned above as concern- ed in the affair had besgod to be let off. and say that lithe nits are withdrawn tbey wlU publish an bumble apolo0 In the dudUc preaa and pay to Miss Parker the moftSOO. Young Welch comes Ota respectable Gamlly. id Mr. Orares says thai, out of respect for his parents and other relatlTes who are bowed down with grief and shame at bis conduct, the case may be settled. There Is no truth whateT*r in the story pabllsbod In the local papers that Welch bad been a lover of Miss Parker. Tnelady Informs tbe writer that she never even methlm more than ODca, and was then merely Introduced to him across a boarding*bonse table. There u also no truth whatever in the repwt that a lady In the theainoal profession prompted the affair out ol lealousy. Miss Parker says that the hracelet-Bnngcr oo- currenoe detsHoil above Is tbe sole animus ot ibe con- spiracy. A teleg a n irom oiu correapondent on tbe night ot Ang. SO stst«s that he had lust been ulormed by T. J. D>cbU counsel lor Miss Parker, that the case nas been settled lo tbe manner torcahadowed above. A Kbw Plat. —Ada CavendUh and company Stayed a week's engagement In the Academy of Inslc. Baffalo, N. Y., commenclnR Anrr. 23. 'The New Magdalen" was presented iz3.24,2fi and 2a. A new play. In foar acts, entitled *'Wifc for Wife," written especially for Miss Oavenaish by Sir Charles Yoang. Bart., was produced 26, In the presence of a large audience. Our correspondent says: *'It proved to be entertaining, and waseffectlvely acted Dy this strong company. Tbe movement is rapid, toe plot decidedly interesting, and many stirring climaxes made it popular, xtie atoi7 and charac- ters are nomewbat lUoglcal in tbelr sequence, and' one Is a little Impressed with the saggestton of a crippled moral in the plot. The story, wblch la of the domestic, emotional order, rons aa follows: "James Marvin, aluut RaJfnarxl.l^flctltloualy married to Edith Selwyn. thendl'cards her, and la again married. Re Is conftonted In the first act by tbe Iruureil woman, laughs at her. when, with sudden hatred, she swears vengeance. In theaeconilaetsheappcaniaaMrs. L^EKtrunca, a wealthy woman of tbe world, and again captivates Marrln. 6he encnuraires bim, and In tbe uext act contrives to have him de^areblinxelf while Uls wlie is within earshot, aod then brines them fare to face. This Is bor revence. and the scene is very effective. In the fourth act Miss Carendlsh appeals as Mra. Ordclt, the wile of a high-minded gentle-- man. who guesses her s«-cret. but will not allow tier to make a oontesalon. Marvin, who lorpotent reasons was obliged to leave the cauntrr* returns In rags and beat upon revenge. He InsUts that tbe marrla^ with him waa genuine. She will not believe It, and calls lo ber has- hand lor protection. Wllkie Way, a comical rascal, who was first Marvin^s valet and then Ordell's butler, snd who performed the bogus ceremony, appears and explodes (be villain's story, whereupon, with illogical and ludicmDn buddenness, tbe baffled villain growscontillCj and his wife la ushered In to take part In a general reconciliation. Miss Cavendish Is given an opportuulty for some artistic acting, and acquitted herself In a creditable manner, being most effective in expref^lng her scorn aod detestation of the mon from whom aho sought revence. George Boniface gave a powerful rendenng ot the riilaln^s roir, and the other characters la the play were ably stisulned. Tbe ca«t was: hdltb Selwyn, Miss Cavendish; Cspt. James 3larTltt, Geo. C. Bonllbce; John Ordell, James r. Hagen; WUkle Wny. Harry Marwond; Major Bullflower, K. A. Eb«frle; Daffodil!, Xohn Mathewn; Mra. James Marvin. Sara Stevena; Mrs. Builflover, Mrs. E. A Ebcrle. 'Wife for Wlic* was also given 27. 2S, and for tbe matinee "The New Magdalen* waa repeated. Business thronchout the week was good. Route ahead: Rochester, K. Y.. Sf, one week: thence to Philadelphia, one week, snd to New Tnrk, two wei'ks. CommencloK Aug. SO: The Collier Com- blnaiion In *Tbe Banker's Dauehter,' for one week." The scien'ce of xDrERTisiNG, aa displayed by J. H. Mact: and C. E. Blancbett, In annoonclng the advent of Haverly'fl ''Widow fiedott" Company In Stm Franclaco has already been comment ed u pon by onr correspondent, anci the appended extracts, copied from California papers, Bhow that bis pralfie was not exasgerated: One thing most noticeable In Haverly'swonderiulareer la his chooeiDv competent men, who onderktand their business, and he could not have made a better selection among bis lieutenants for this ooosc than Messra. Blaocbeit' ■ad Mact How to "bill a town" anJ how to display ad- TertlsemenU in the newspapers, so that not only *^he who mns may read," but ao thai he who haa eyes may see, is a •dencetnat Mr. C E. BlancfaeU haa perfected, and It la to thi» ability, which has been so-well displayed, that a great portion of the enormoiu aucoess la dae.—£an JmncUco JTeuv hetlCF. Aug. 7* HAvm.T^a "WIDOW BxDOTT."—She stares at aa from erery wall, sometimet In the great green calaah of a by- gone f*ahlon, aometlmea in her widow poke-bonnet. Sh* la cenenOy in oomfortable proximity to a rtrlUogjy good anhoaette of If r. Harerly, or sometlmea, ahoni o'aU stage tomry, Mr. KeU Borgesa hlmselC It was not strange so nnlversal an annotinoement that the whilom dMertad Standard waa filled on Monday night to lu — Mdtv. and htmdreds turned away.~"BgTaT B.-" ETolir and Impa rtial U dj-crlUo of ArmaM. ^fin_ €L B. BZaOVCanT, who has so cleverly heralded the JSi^SSHit^'m "Widow Bedott." ia deddedlr an oSivSaad wide-awake man. alive to the neceaalUesoI the tlmasand the b«t maana oijroenting his annctlon to the pnbUe.^-&m FmneUeo Monung CaXU ^5*-> ^ HiL AN*i> Hbb. EUbbt 08B0BKB and dramatic company will plav at Little Fana, K. T., Septi fi» omttmiA onpoire 167. XTM. ,l.i.^Ji'„S5)&;^^^•^«^^v^^"a„f^-^>'^i-' -^^^^^^ 1 ., . SUANXOS AXD EDE80V lothenewi attcotncdy-drainii """"-^ TIC Em ti T"y^O-^y<^^^^i^r^'^'^^ The Emotional, DramaUcKovelty of tbe season erety fiatlnws n-ednesdar and Setorday . J4.,( STEELE MAOKATE THEATRE EIGHTH^ P"iilel iVirewdenL **•'■ EICaTH EIliHTU MACKAJ-E-R COMEDY-DRAMA UA7.EL KIRKE. HAZEL KIRgE. MONTH MO.VTH UON-TU BICEA^w"'S^|^Ai-A^C^fiaiJ?AT,0-V. OnMHl prodnoUnn or tbe _Boa< aes opanft om a_a.ji^o Kr.u. "it JOHN E. CAMNON ^Ci*.^ A BWr.Tli".^.1rt,d Unghable b^,:^'^'™ "0«CAK,ib. Auencan Unaet. In new WEDWEBPAr. MATIWEES. HATUBPAT. 2«-lt NATIONAL wmn loe UIOHAEL HEDHAKK ARTHDB8PRA0UE BILLY DB>-ERE. THEATRE, Sole Proprietor Btage manager m-M-. *- Buelnesa-mansger WILL OPEN FOE THE SE4S0M OF 1880 AHD '81 ON OE ABOUr OCT. 2. THE GEM OF THE BOWERY. WASTED-SPECIALTY ARTISTS ot recoenized abllltv to ronimuDleati.- immediately lor the ODeolos wrekZ in p erson or b y letter. »penieg NOVELTY theatre; BROOKIsTir, £. Da, NSW TORE. Theall & Williams, Managers. ADDRESS ALL COMMDinCATIONS AS ABOVE. 2tMt THE LONDON, BS and 237 BOWERT, 7 . ~..2EP£'i'* I^nce street, .New Torlr. ASTlSfSoP ABILITV A-vB HEPUTATIO.V HASRT MINER'S NEW THEATRE, Nob. 165,167 and 169 Boireir, New York. Specialty Artists, Llnnir Ourlnettlea and Nnroltlce of all Descriptions, address HARRY MIIifER, 2a-lt-tl Sole Proprietor aod Manager. jmo'X'icje: to manakehr-mullivan aso HARRUt'OTOM haTUK separated, MB. J. W. HABRINO- TON will traTOl alone In fbtnre. His spedaltlss will be Eccentrle Irish sotigsand-dancea. Also (flalect Imitations of allnailonalltles. llansKera can anjwce this asotleman to produce bis neat Yankee eomsdy entitled 'Vroocklna MuosoDi Esq.," In wblcb character and dialect he Is pei- rectloo. Uanajrera ot eccentric eomody oompaniea. bui^ Iwiiia partite, etc., can -secare a comedian of tare ment by addresslne this artist, ss he has no equal In hla eccen. trie-comedy bnsloess and dialect ImltaHooa Besoonslble manaiteta will pleaaa address J. W. HARRINaTOK. formerly of Sulman and HarringtoD, 30 Oranae street, Prortdence, E. 1., or care ol ULlPt'B R. Zl-U." ....Sole Proprietor ..Bnalneeo-manager PADUUAU, KY. J. H..IlOaENTHAL J. C. MfRPHY ORAKD OPENmO. SATUUDAY.SBFT. U, lOa WANTED—Male and Female Talent, 8erio.corolc, Sen- timental, I)oii0a-aod.dancc«, Jias, Reels. Double Sonv- and dance Teams and Sketch Axtlsta. . MODERATE SAL- ART. Write snd arrauge date*.* MUM FiT»XArr^:it/i- BAKITONK SINQRB AND ACTOR (with wardroh* and abUltn, GOOD FI.«N1ST, I the capable of lesdlne In opera and drama. FOR FnUT-CLAsS^COMPANV (CO ail Tacandsa), LEATINa CRT TO-MORROW, WKDNE8DAT K(X>ir. CALL TO-DAY AT M-lt» laa WEST HOUltTON BTREET. CITY. e3PJE:CX.AJJ OI^fESR. Sweet Maosle Oor- don. Wonls and Mtulc, Including Orcbestim-parts, fiOo. LIEDBR'S Mnslc -house. 60 Chat ham st, W. Y. [M-lt* ■vXxjr»EViiytJS rcrfv.A.rr: 141 we.<;t wasuinoton street, indianapolis, ino. o. e. fiaon proprietor ALF. GIBSOy MAJ<AOER BPECIAI,TY ARTISTS WANTED AT ALL TIMES, ESPECIALLY LADIES. SUt OX.<X> FAMILY UEUSTKaO. By Manon Carleion. Tho ffreatest bome-sone erer written. Price, 40 cento. 24- rt« T. B. HARMS* CO., 819 Broadw ay. New Tort. COM- alao Double- X>RA3IA.'X'ZO PANY.—Wanted, an Old .Mau and A«ent buss and Tutw-player. AddivKS 2|.lt J^.^-.y LLICQTT . Clarlnda. Iowa. MAGICIAN AND TUMBLEHd.MCON ARTIST, la at liberty to arrange with Brrtcluis managers. Would like lo hear from some i:<fod museum. Address 3U West Fllty-third street, 24-lt» New Tork._ IIA^'ERLV'S MASTUUUN MINsTKELS.—One of the most orlgtnal of all the comic perfurmsia waa Mr. McAn- dreirs, woo Imitates the nefioes ol tbe Booth m a pos- ItlTely wonderlul manner. The ftrln and chuckle and the chlldLsh gU'e ot tliereal "colored mliutrel" Is seldom at- tempted, and Is not always successful when tried, but Mr. McAndrews hss caught the very spirit, tone aod character of the real nlgcer. The rollicklnir fun ot bis "Water- melon Man" could hardly be nuir^ssed.-ERA, Ana. 8. * * * Alter wblcb tbfl best sketch of negro character I ever wiinea:f<l Isclveo by Mr. J.W. McAndrews, enilUed ■Tlie Watermelon Man." It Is worth a Tisll by Itsell to Fee and bear this delineation of Southern negro life.— TUE SPORTLVa AND DRAMATIC NEWS. Ang. 14. 24-It KABE CHANCE is offered to anT person dealringtn BECOME A PARTN'ER In a well-estabUsheo Variety Theatre, now doing a One business. A partner will be taken In on rea-mable terma. Address JOHN O'NEILL, w zt Albany. X. Y. ■W-AJfTEU— AN IRISH COMEDIAN to double with me. Must be a man ofeood repntatlon and reliable; also good singer and clog-dancer. No budeers or cranks nt^ answer. Address JOHN MARLOWE, 24-lt» Pon tlBC, nL BUSS MLiAJVCHE SEKXWRICJCS, WALKING LADY AND UTILITY, cau be cnxaged by addrmslng FRANK M. LINK, dramatic sgeoL Chicago. Sl-lt ASSISTANT (Patented June 29, 1880.) TEACIIF.S PIANO OB OIIOAN PLAVIXO I.N 1 HOUR. 6 hours to become s pertormer. Fonns a beautiful ornament. Made of Metal, .sent [wstpald for »1. 24_2t D. TIIAC\, Macon, Ga- ~\FJk.TiT'^'ti. COLORED MUBICIAK8 for RHAT- TUUK^ J CBILEE illNSTREL COMPANY: One Am vio- lin, a good re.der snd arranser; one E JIot player, to lead baid: and one tuba-player, who can play aoobithbsas In orchestra. Mun olf W biMS Md wrin^ Only class mosldana. Appl.c by telegraph, lUtiDg Inmu. monta pUy«l u>d lowest '"^CfactOlk Manager. 24.IC* l.:tl7 Sta ts »t reet, Cbleago. IU. Dramatic Comgagj .S«»n enj^^«^ M-it b UiMU--"" * jg}Broyiway HewTorlc . t~iM.X^iXTM. UO-t^TS—Indegendant Cal' olSLliStSJ^EJrtNlnthSjreefc^ Aetnreia ol onro Oiygen Gas, Cslelnm Ugbta, ralrlnm - uSrAjpaJ^ MSfcl-nterns^tereopUeim* e -WxiSTJErt-rat.SBR RB^D CL^ AJ«D Songsnd-danea Aitut. THOMA8J. EVAna^ M-It* 4SI Carroll street. Brooklyn. «- T. *^1?gSS^fBfpia„ CAN ALWAYS OBT DATES BT AODBESSIKa l^NO. Proprietor ol Long's TatKt^TbwBr^ 191 M. B.LSSAVITT'S ] GIGANTIC VAUDEVLE m SPECIALTY ARTISnC EXGELLERGE A MODEL Most OP ECROPB A.VD AMERICA, Our Go: THE WONDERFUL QARETTi jksrx> Iran IBACINO A. OAUUCY OP THE Specialty Celebrities THE GRANDEST COMBINATION OP VAfDETILLE ARTISTS EVER NTKATED IN ONE ORGANIZATION. Brilliants;: THE GREAT, THE ONLY AMERICAN FOUR, copia of M£.<:sr.3. PETTl.VOILL. GALE, DAILEV KSV IIOET, I MISS NELLIE LARKELLE, i The Accompllsbcd Operatic Vocalist snd Soubrette. I MESSRS. MOORE AND LESSENGER ' The Inimitable Teutonic Imperf onatora. CHA8. AND ELLA JEROME, The Topulsr rrauan ArtlstJ. j MR. Ss HOLDSWORTH, I TLe F-Torlic Chsricicr and Deacrlptlre Vot-Ust. ; MISS LIZZIE DALY, I The Greatest of all Lady Clog, Jig and Reel Daocvrs. I MRs C. STALBAUM, I Tbe Well-known Muilcai aireccor. A VOin B IN A.tON WITHOUT A PAR ALLiEL. | ■will EUGENIA, EDODAHD AND b''APOLLO. MESSRSs WOOD A BEASLEY, | Tlie Km; Mnslc-i MISS LOUISE )EN, The World's Famoits Ssie-soloiic MESSRSs DONNELLND DREW, The Acknowled Emperors olFIieelaltlcs. MISS NIMMliWT, The Cnrlraled Sklpplngk&ncer. MORELLO Br(eRS, Prononiiced tb« Chnniplna HeAd- end the most DiLrln»:aoaGrmc«rjf Acrr>beu 4 fore the public. TOUT PASTOR'S NEW GOHFANT TONY 00 W£ST ON THB EMIGBANT TBAIN* A MAGNIFICENT COMPUMENT AT SABATOOA. THE LADIES ATTEND IN EVENING C08TUME, PR^STINtt AS ELEUATiT DISPLAY OF WEALT H, COLTCBE ASD FiSHIOX. ALBANY EXTENDS A WARMER WELCOME THA N BE FORE HUNDREDS TURNED AWAY AT ROCHESTEB ELMIRA AND BINCHAMTON PERFECT OVATIONS. THK KETURN "VISIT TO BItA J>V O»P. A CRUSH UNEXAMPIsED IN HISTORY. AND THE TRIUMPHANT ROUTE GOES ON, THE GREATEST NOVELTY SHOW THE WORLD EVER SMfc H. S. S-\XDF.K.SOX. Manager. laon J. A. DPGESS, Agenu MINSTRELS aionaay, Sleot. la. ' r York, I»l«:t<»l>iir»e, JSalttmoro. WnMtalnirton, Clnj ^fuiatl, ClifcaitOa e(ioiil». stnd. ' M. B. LEAVITT Fmprletor CHAS. B. ORISTE J. Haoager tJao i>rliacli>a-l OltlOM Ol° apDear at ^Itlym Park TTlicatro. ono woeic, comsnoncInK Monday. jCu«. SUi X m^eatrv, PXvlInaolpIxIa. ono wook, comuienomir | " - -- — ™—XjiiltoS 1 l2*-it; Accnt I .Treasurer e02T<» ♦♦HITS" TS% SB.AJSOW W-'oi-—"117 Ovn Peculiar Strle. loosed and snng by Chas. Diamond, «0c.: "Sveetlla] i," aong and dance, snng br BIII7 Bmeraon. SOc.; "H neb Does the Baby weight" Bays, sona-and-choms, brT. BJ>lu>n.3aa.: Kean In da Hladle ob de Road.' a, sosg-and cbanii, snng br BlUr Keraanda. «aa; ••a 3we«tllnslc>>song' andKlance, br Ed. C- Smitb. sui r Mar Vernon. Sac 1 "Johsna Loolsa UcOnlre," br Lti . Duncan, Me-: "Uj HSr,? •ong-and-choru Frank Dnmoot,3]e.; l-ChUdhood's Homsr<' ballad, Pc r, Mc; "Ob. what a Raantr." by One Williams, mc:' kllmla'Jacob's lad- der," Falrchud, asc.; "KelLe W . Hajs, 39c: "Little Lo|lCablnbrde8traam,"Radcll Ic: "Don't Forget a rrlend." Oonean, 10c (iSO. O.« lALL * CO., Clodn- natl.O._ Ig-ijft-eow. T*^Aj»'i''Sio — Set ofrrman ml'hiual OLAS^ Address J. C- P.. care rillianu' htc.un Bu- reau, 238 Wdahln«ion street, Boi Ksm- a4-li* MAjaxowETTiSS -fHv __- .^A TROUFB or MAR RTES ffl. TWO AND A HALF FEET BIi . KICBLT DREflSBD. snIUble for halls or sldeshon. ILL BELL FOB SI&. E>;ny»<uig complete. Address T E. H. GOTTnOLD. ABE LEAVITT OANO. B«hlp. "WAjxTjars, FUNCH-ANlfDY and MAOICI. who can talk at door. Address OEQ^aE STEEt EN ROUTE FOB THE SEASON. ALUIAAGNiFICENTU UNIFORMED. 1 GRIND mm mrnvm through the em THE FINEST AND LARGEST COMPANY ON THE ROAD. JAS. 24-11 V. CRAVEN, Xlusslnesia-manafror. JOS. Ii. M0DONAI.D, A.d.'vap c a a ge nt. U«LTREL»L-S. Elllogbam, ir« 24-It. If ust be low- Ralary sore. CMEfcjk-iTOH:— ixoiriZ nbwbubo-on V"> only flrst-e semmundatlona for THEATRICALS and traTTlIng lUc In the cltr. Best location, tiest rooms and be.t la Special anangementa can Do made. M-it One Roond-top Tent, tsit., wltbeata. One aDft-iUTL or lars.r; alw "OH08T MYSTERY." all cor eU and In good order. Addrcu, wliu fuu yarticulan L. M. 8 SWOOD, Mansoer. Eelma. Ala. Address vakikty l dbb, AT LIBB Y. P HALL BTRERT. Brooklyo. L. I. OPJEIRA.-XIOTJSE: BCUUYLERVII t. R. recentl.T Ojr^ned^. Large sup np new ac«n^.ry. neat £00. MannfactiirlnR to^ dress OPERA-UOl'SE- _ E-nat Tuba, Piccolo. Clarionet Most be Oret-dsss. To Join immediately. Route: Col ibus, O., Sept. I. Mount \ernan 2, HaseUlon 4, Akron , Sharon, Pa., 8, Mead- vuie 11). M. c. 6 Eton, „ , M leal Director, 24-lt. r -Forepaugh's CIrcos, LHTrlE-TIIJt; W'xiSf^STTS — UEOKOE. *'A decided hit." Sucomslarb uod their most asngulne enpectallon sat tbe Olym pic Th tre, Albany. K. Y. | 24-U' ^-A^ OIl.,l> Newspaper M 1, practlear'prlnter, with tnr.tncal eioerlenee, wanu pi^ tlnn as Adrance-arenL Address B. LISLE . 1,111 Cham bi 1 St. . St. Louis, Mo. 124-ltf A LADY PABTMER „ _^ ,. ^ P )B DODBLB-TBAPEZE. jsnBC be good In ue boilnen, ai 1 welirti not orcr one hon. drcd and tweocj-flre pounds. ^Ig tSa4. and acood gucement all Winter. Addrcu fiLif. OZNOLA, 24'lt* Standard'OMZQMIno.apoai BEND ME YOCE ADDRESS TO FORErAVGH SHOW. SPRAQUE^S OLTMFIG THEATRE M SOUTH OliABK BTBBET, CHICAOO, ILL- Z.-W. SPRA.Orrs - - gk>lo ri e aa ee GRAND REOPENING OP FALL AND WINTER SEASON WITH TONY PASTOR AND HIS M'.A.MAEOX'B STAW TROm»E 'Wanted for Spragne's M lnBtr elg. No. 8, ONE B-FLiT AND ONE TDBA'PLATEB (COLORBDl. MDBT BE FI1UT-CLAG& Write or ulegtmphaton2»i^_ . ___ te. W. SPHACHDE. A LEOrriMATE VARIETY AND DRAMATIC BNTERIAINMEST. ATTRACTIONS ENGAGED. :;K uid a cnn*! olio. Addn ONLY riKST-CLASS ^tbU week K- T. O^lncL In bl. great d.«n, JOST^I?^^«^';j;;°-^°t'^.Ay^rg,^^. Y.. ew Population, WUI a,IU). Ad- 2<-8t THE EIGHTH SEASON IN HAVANA, CUBA, OF ORRIK BROS. A CO. COMBUISCES OCJT. 1. 1S80. atttHe QTtJLTSXt XL.BIS17. WITH 8PAW9H OPKRA-BOCrr^ W-BgALTIM ^^^^T^oS,!^'^ lltTER- FIBST^LAflS 8PECI klS A tNVSstArio5.K?ELTlE8 W A>f E^^^^ Udy s|i^*kn'i3iira'^»aft^«ST^^^ San act ffatan bedoiViS a theatra^nd dMs_nrtd^pend_ onjho EtigUshlanguage lorsuccess. Tbeanor* ^Hokea. Educated Dogs, c_ — — —. f'f^. KngUshlai la tbe only date tor specialties- Telegraph, write, or apply '""'•'"'•"J'r'^jk B„og K..B, Inclose no stamp- Consider a week'a alienee a polite oegatlTe, Asbland House, New Y«k.^ SlIorfRMliLl HARRY WILLIAMS' ACADEMY OF MUSIC, baa Instcondcded » two week.' cDgaaem.nt with me- I cbeerrully recommend bIm. Uls spercbes conUIn all topics of Interest, and occupy tho stace longer and giro br far better satlsuctlon than the malorlty of double peo- ple- W. C. TOBMER, Manager GUinore's Zuo, Indlaoapolls. Ind. Address Academy of Moile. Toledo, O.. untU SepL IL i2t-1t WANTED IMMlOIAm'r, A FIRST-CLASS COBNET - PLAYEE FOB BEASS ASD ORCHESTTA. Telegraph CH.IS. O. WHITE, Colucum Varlity Tliestre. or7|. TWi-^lt. "Irn. »XG7S OF THE EUECTRIO 1L.IGHX. H. W. TVTLUlMi Sole Proprietor and Manager. SEASON COMMENCES MONBAT* SEPT. 18. AIX ARTISTS BNOAaBD FOB THE OPENING, SEND BUSINKSB AT OSCE- RX2HE:i^«l9i%.X. lO A. M. MONDAY, »-*EFT. J^S M-llB CONTRACTIXO AMD AI>Vai6e AUENT. Rest or referencea. Last two seasois with Bnrdlck i Allen's Qnsdtuple Combination. Adicesa WALTER Ik MAIN, Trumbull, Ashtabnl aCo..O. / 14-lt » ° SOITaS-.AJ7JD^l>.AjrC^9 JDBT OUT. 'She's Ro Captisatlog ■' "Whim UieBagnollaa Bloom," 'LIUle Rogulsb Eyes,'' "I'm ^ost Turned Slxcy-tbree" Tua roar tor (1. MRS. PAULINE LIEUBR'd MUSIC j^j^. 'Lurk Lays Orcr Brain," "A BUtch In Time Bares Nine," 'Take Things a. TLer Come," "Ttcklnr Ol the Clock." The four ibr SL LIXOEU'S MDBIC-HOUSE, O) Chatham stTML New York. 24-lt. WJ^n'X'ja:j>—E.M>AUtS91SMTIl FUK MV W£Llr- KNUWN CORTUMB RECITATICIS, at SID per night, or tISO per week. Pictorial printlrg and a tlrst-class show. "OellghUul eniertalcmenta."-IRISH TIMES (OnblUu, Nov. V, ms. Permanent addrea care oi CLIPPER. JAMES OWEN O'lXtNNOR. N. B.—Hall wanted In New Yoik City, on sharea. 24.It A number or bandMme SILK and SATIN DRESSES, good Tobeaeec between 10 and 3 dally lor evening or stage, at 34-lt. I am pleased to recommend MR. BILLT WTLIB, who boa lust dosed a two weeks* engasement here, as a OOOU IRISH CHARACrrBR-PERFORMER, and In lila new and orlgtoal Irish PUNCH-AMD-JDOV 3BNDmON be prored himself a fine dialeetsr, and g.Te satlalactlon botn tomysell andaudlenoe. " ' "~ J. B. 34-lt. jdaS^^^THE WMlStS '} MASTKB LOVIB l,SlOB. Totallst. opens season Sept « at tta.TBeattn I>etnlt.,anillBei>I.K. UOUSE, 60 Chatham street. Nee York. "WA.WTED-TWO OR THREE F IRgr-CLAaS SPECIALTIES lor on. week. b.i;lpnln«SepLjy PROPRIETOR ADD MANAGER. Tbe manag-ment takes pleasure In announcing that preTlona to bU t..ur ol United Stateswltb the tollowlog oompanjj JOHN MUHBAY emd G«ACE CAMXT-AJil*, SUPPORTED BY THE CONSTABLE HOOK COMBINATION, BE WILL OPEN CARIX'S MA.QNIFICENT NEW OPERA-HOUSE, The house 1. one .rthe handsomest In the 'SSi\^^.ir^^-i:y!:^^'inS Si:Sji^f:'^T^^ OREBT TUBM AT EVBRT PERFORMANCE. THE THE CHEAPEST AND HOST FASmONABLP TAILOB IN AMEBICA. aS3 nOWEUT, cnr. X*x-lncosit., 303 BOW£, opp. Xtl-vlnarton St. BRANCH STORES IN BTROPB: 12% per cenL Discount to Proresslonals. 'i HISS BURNET'S, M Wot Hourton strw^ City. Very reapectAiUy, KBLLIB BORDEN, Manager Knickerbocker Theatre. Loulsrllla, Ey. TIB8T OPEN DATE. NOV. 22. Addres Box StS, Usmllton, O. Hits SECOMXk AJNH XyjkXa PORTER DBAMATIO ALLIANOB, SOPPORTINa MI8S MINA FRERH. WANTED, A FULL COMPANY. Aodrcka, staUng lowest salairj. W. B. PORTER. »4-lt« P. O. Bo^gaO^ West Troy. N. Y. 8EBTCUES, BONOS. BTO.. TO ORDER. »l-tl J73 BllsatMthstreai, Now York. TV.A!i7'X<£:T>-CURI0SrTIES AND NOVELTIEiS lor FaU and Winter Season. C. A. BRASBNBURO, Jl-Zt* IT Bowery. New Y ork. ChTtEATT CUHIOSITTr FO"R SALE. A HYBRID ANIMaU IIALK COV, BALP SUEBP. and covered with wool: has four horns—two buck'a homaon hUreet. Apply to JOHN BRAGAW. 24-lt* Ous thsrvllle. L. L. N. Y. lkCXS» BUIVIM-B CXJMMl r«aS. AT HIUULAND3. N. J. DATES RAPIDLY FILLING. "Sutpecled." "Frou-Kroa," "Adrlcnne," "Juliet," 'Lady ur Lyons." "Leab." ''.School fur Scandal." etc- Prlntloe, Lithographs and Wardrobe nnsurpassed. Will ne g iilate with a manager to take charge- gt-lf NEW mwvt fmm, AI,BAN7, N. 7. AUSTIN MULLEN.. JOUN UAMHUND.. Proprietor ...UnDager BenutlDDft] Seno-comlc Slngera. Soos-and-Uaoce aod cteTcr Bpcclaltjr Ladle*, good EnAmen, Sodr and-dBOce and Comcdiua can neffoilat«. State loweatterme. Sum- mcr aalory. No Iudcj pr icea. S^laiy certain. 24-If Germania Garden Theatre, J. p. KING A CO.. FROPRIETORS, Nos. 337, 339, 341 State Street, yow ID tbe ftjil tide or aocceia. Opco the year around. . ArtUU of ackoowlediccd ability etpecially ladles, eao ahraya aecare dat«fl by addreailDg tae mmacer. aa abo? e. • ADELPHI, R- J- LENT Lessee and Manager JOUN SHEPARD Sta^ manager Will Inaugurate tbe Dramatic Season MONDAY, OCT. 4. Stars dealring time, address aa above. Wanted, lor the stock. Leadlng-JuTenlle, Walklng- Cent, Old Man, Comedian, and good Leadiog-lady. Must have good wartlrobe, capable or dressing sny cbsr- acter. Uood Specialty People can secnre dates at aoy time. Also wnotcd, Double-bass tbst can play tuba Id brass, and Clarionet who can .^lay E-flat comet or clarionet in brass- 24-lf HARRIGAN & HART'S NEW SONGS. Prioe, 40 Cents Eaoli. "HANDY-HAIRED MABV IN OUR AREA." "SECOND DEGREE. FULL-MOON UNION." "ALL ABOARD FOR TBE H. O. P." "RODERICK O'DWl-EB." ■■LOCKED OUT AFTER NINE." ■■MARY KELLY'S BEAU." A besuuml sentimental song, with orchestral parts, tree | to theproreaslon only, ror 20 cent, posiaae. Inclose caitL WH. A. FOND & CO., 14-21^ 2a UNION SQUARE. New York. "MONABAN'S SHEET-IRON BAND," by Chas. A. Burke, 3S eent& ■■TOO THIN," bv C'Rananntang, 3S ns. "BILLIARDS ON TUE BBAIN," ladlea or genta, worda by Caroin. 30 cts. "WHAT IB HOME WITHOUT A MOTBER-IN-LAWJ" waltz ehoma, by Nuti, 40cta. WM. A POND A CO. Z4-2t* 2S Union spnare. Vew York. I XIO^RS OF jr ^ ^ T - » - 3^ ~JL~ JC^ JBm JCA ■(> FRANK S. McNISH, THE LITTLE LELAND SISTERS (Rose and Jennie). IN THEIR NEW AND ORIGINAL SKETCH, WBrTTEN AND COMPOSED BV F. E- McNIBIf. ENTITLED STOLEN FUN, INTRODUCIKO eOS'aR-AND-DANCE8, (iROTXAQUB SPECIALTIES. THK LITTLE BOX-TRICK FRANK E*. MC.NIBU'S GREAT AN1> ORIOLSAL II>EA OK liROTBSQUE DAJfCINU, votlUed '*t4ILE.N'CE AND PUN.*> Bead what Manam- Hamaaaya: '*Jfr. McNiJib and tbe Little Lelaa4 Oaten played for me my openlu week Id their akvtch RTOLEN FUN, and made a decided hit. I hare re-eiicm**<l them for four f4t more retom dates uarLnc tbia eeaaon.*'— WM. UARRIS, Howard Atbenivum, BoatoD. lfaiU|(ftr Frtd Aiou of the AJhambra. Philadelphia, aava: **Ut. McNlah and the Little Leiaod BUten opeoed at onr houe Au. 16, and not ooly made a bljr hit, bat cafrfrd tbe bona* br Htorm. Will play them at aoy time."—PREO AIMR, Aihambra, PhUadelphla. P. H.—I am the dm one to ou a DRY* f s'OODG-BOX. aod the oriitaator of all tbe work Intrbdueed Id oar acta. Vltaee understand thla. TUne la ODed ap io Dec a Addreucare of CLIPPER, or R. FiTZOfciBALD. SU Bowery. New T«rk. 31 lt« J THE WESLEYS-JOHN AND LEW - alter drawlnit their we«k'a aalarr In adTanea, aoU bornTwlog $5 from Mr. Murphy, my trcararer, lamped the rity on Satorday, withoac KlTtDC me uy notlcr, aod leaTmcmetn the loxcti. I will nlvf tSU to uyone who can imtbAiIlf aay that they did not set every ccni Uueithem. ^TVit* ^IT M ROSS, FOX'S THEATRE, ROY ALPHONSE, FRENCH ATHLETE AND AQUA PEDESTRIAN | T«-ei>gafced at Prlce^s HUl. ClnclnnatL alter a leaiion of fire coDsecatlTc wceka, la hla coebanted-barrel perlorm- ance. alack-wlre and celUocr-walkloK. EXTRACT FROM TUE CINCINKATI FJ^QUIREB, Hay 29, 188a WALKING ON THE WATERS.—Teaierday a yoaoc Frenchman named Roy Alphoose performed the featol walklniron the watent of the lake at Borne City a dlnUDce of ihree-quarter« of « uille. Tlie performance attracted an excanlon ot from thre^ i<* four thouasnd peo- ple. The walMnic vhn done on a lance lake, aod the por- tion over which he wiclked U aUJUt one hundred leet deep, lie wurevlioea thirty Idc1il-« loni;. elifht Inchea broad, and six iDchea In height; at the toes they wer« lour locbee wide. The walking wan very Hatliractory to thooe who witnessed it, AJphonwt Ultlns hU lect s<|uare1y from the water at every step, althongh at one time he waa walking aoalDSt the corrent, and tbe wmres itmck sbore his knees. Tbe act la entirely orielnaL and protected by leUen- patent. Z4-lt* TO TiBiETi mms I F. CRAJ>X>OC]£. BOBEBT FOX Hate of PJiilailclphlal (LATE LTCEUM), erraisx:rr, ciiicvcio. iil.t^ MOI^E: l.IZMMEn Mansjier I ED. lilLLIEK Dusiditms and Stace Manager WILL ATTEND U'lt THE LADIES AND CEXTLEMES OF TIIE BTflCK COMPANY ESGAiJED TO OPES BEPF. REUBABSAL AT II A- II , O.S WEDNEKUAV, KEPT. 1. HOWARD AND ALTON, SKETCH AND SPECIAZ.TY' ARTISTS. have entered a copartnenihip villi Or:ORC»£: FRBDERICKM, X>roprlotor of Kilo Apollo Oax*<lon. Mt. «Jonc;|>1b. >1o., .od biiTrlcaMd_ri?ftio^ rE^lk«ats*c^<.'Ofltl41tlo atHTre city, wlilch ha. iM^-n i;otlrely rvuii^t-ted. -S'eltlier pains nnr eipcose ha« het-o .parM to mak • IMIic ctjalettt trewntorst Louis, aod it vlll ojten under the tilli; or ITIE: A.1>0X^I.0 I'MEIA.I'MI-j <in t>4iN- DAV. SEPT- 6, iSSU, wliu the lolluwlng coiii|iany: PHILLIPS HROd., MULLL.S' AND MAURETTl'S. FRANK CUM- MINOS. DAN WHITE. MIKSE!) Nl.SA BACH, GRACIB KHEHWOOO, ADA RENO- LILLIE CdNN'Ullri. ADA ELLIOTT. TUE CAMPBELL HISTKHP, AND A CORPS OF TWELVE L4DIEK I-\ TUE BALLET, uniler the dUreUoa of tbe reuowoed X*r4>niI«ro 31iaio AMMc>lut4^ A.1-«'X*0^''. A BAND A.ND OKCUE.-<-1^A OF TIIIKTEEN PIECE-S HAVE BEES F.MIAGED FOB TUE SEASON. N. B.~AI1 enga^inents made lur tbe aikiIIo^ Oji^rden^bold fi,f^f['rjhe Tt^.tre. I4-U* :t:i>'WA.Ct.r> JIOWA.KI>, Uiss>lsio<sn.iiutna(C<»r. or musical nerfunners. A rer; attractlre MUSICAL 6EETCU or OPEKEITA for two pMple rmale and female) for sale cbtap. for cajih. Is from tbe pen of an esubllsbed author, and can be marie a siroDit festura on the Tanetj or rauderllle stag.. Address OPERETTA, care of CLIPPER. W-lt THE MTNARDS, MARE AND OLIVIA, the greatest J>oublo-trsp»n performers In America, are now Ln their third week at the Tiroll Oardeo, PlttsbUfg. Tbe greatest lemale pymoast and wlre*walker now twiore the pobUc. For open dates Rddrcss 2*:if MABR MAYXARD, aa above. GILES & POTTER'S UNCLE TOM'S GUIN COMPANY AND JITBIXsEE SINGERS WlUtKketllOloadooor atooat 8BFT.a,toraTOURol tho UMITBD STATES AMD CANAD A^wltb Naw and Elsguit FBINTINU AliD UTHOOSAPHS. Manaseta ot flnt-cUss Tbeatres and HallahaT ln£ open dates wUl pl^ia address OILBS * rOTTE& Care ot TOBBT t CLARK, Pttntara. 14.1t» land 4 Bptnoitteat, New Tort City. A nB8T-«I>ABS VAST! TO FLAT TAIB mOBTS, iLKSandU. Bent per nlcbt. ttt HAMNAADUr- —I, Proialetois of Opan-boua, rankUa, Tl. 2t-lt* $100 TO $2,000 ■ - - ■ Fairs. r'ork. -81 to Inveit la show boalneta. Address Tanetr, Dramatic, or Fairs. HONZBRT. 143 Forsyth street. New York. aiie Tlieatre of the -Wentem Couotxy. TUOVAB K£IIP. ProprUlor). VL'KT ai-ply lo FRANK ENZEsSBPEBGSIb - ■ K. rJTZi;tKALO, — " -— --^ BusinvsR axent. or All Offers inade by otber parties will ooi bo reecgnUed. Bus try. New CAID TO TIE FPLIC and all artliu wlhhin;; engigemeDts at tl:6 GftAND CEUmi THEATRE. lEADWLLE STMT OFULAR COUBDIAN JOHN DILLON IN MR. J. B. RCNNION'S SPARKU.NG COMEDIES, THE BLSCTMC Vm (A "LIOBTNINO" SUCCESS-, OSCAR MAlrLAND file of the Cast-lrnn Cheek-'; JOHN DILLON MS Al M BABHSIa Nfi W in US BUM. THB IiAimONTS, LIGHTNING l*ETOR2*EI> TO j1.3IE:RICA. AFTJiB A HIGHL7 snCCESSFITI. TOUR throoih GREAT BRITAIN' FRANCE. flEKMANV, PRfiWIA, BEI-OIUM, UOLLAND. SWITZERLANb an<I ITAIV of FIVE TRAILS'DURAT10.N-. M:ina(^as wlsblOB tho atjjre, applj to ..__,.-„„.-* R* 3t X*X^2SOE:R^X^I>, 29ft BOWEBV, NEW VflRK. (AN UNMISTAKABLE "CO.") JOSHUA JINKS C'Boro lur Oicat etm:. «!•••■) JOHN DILLON MISS IiAUBA \rALLACE. MI.S.'< EUliENIA BLAIR AND MISS FA.SNIE DILLON. " K03IIK-AjL.'>IXt.U* CARLL'S OPERA-HOUSE] DEIsPHI, INI>. BOW BEINe COMPLETED AT A COST OF fSofOOO, WILL BE OPENED SEPT. 1 BEATixo CAPAcnr, sm. Tina Bum. Beenery and Draaslnc-rooms. Msnaffoa of Beaseetabla CoBbliiailoiu will do well to ■ppl7 at ooee. Will ahara or mL AMraa^ TTie oewlr fonncd arm at nARRI.<. HEitTZOG A <:<>. hare leavd the lante and exlrn.lre tour 'torr Imildio^c Nr-t. cu, fsraod >H W. B^ilmuf* ftir««t, the b«»t location iD RiltllDure. will open ItM same sit s ciu.cum on or ateoc Oct Ii. No exiwnse will be sparc'l to lorure sticce^f. A larve number of attractions. iDcJudin^ t;,c Fcnr-biasd ftilld harealnradr berro secured, aod oiLrra ar« want«d. Partita desirous of encaaf'mrot snd those coatJoUlDC curloKlUcs wUI please address I>.A.T ll-AJtUIl^, Manacor, wa« liirard Uuus<,Fi,iia,ji::phU^ Pa. E. A. KIECKHOEFER, Lain Leader Theatre Comi^oe, Kaosas City, Ma. and now at Cremonla Fait, Deorer, CoL, coDdactloff lbs laracstand llneatofchestra In the State. Can bb enoaced poe the oomuo beasoh. Alio on uppir orcbvtn. AddJcas £. A. QCC* CraaoBl* FarK "•It* D«iiT«r.Col. A.*!" ZaTBSXi'X'h.'. CHAS. LEROUXp GTV.VABT ANT) ALTO TSt BBAfla. Aiidress Boa M0» Wsiertmry. Cu. or care of CLJPPEE. [1* WANTED IMMEDIAiaT, rOB OASH. A PONY SWING TJX <jK>OI> OXKDESB. Additai with Plica O. H. HEAP, Onaonta, H. T. M-U> PLATKB& MAMUPAC- TVBBII W BANJOS AND TAMBOURINBa. A C ZEIMBB . U IPOBTEB 0? KUBICAL UIHtllUMEArV, snUKOB, ETC., Na t a. Balsial smsi, Cbkago, m. jkUi KUDSOI Halsiad street. Cues ntaaoBle BnOdlnc.) r afSTBUMSiTS b: BEPAIBKD. M-lk MISCELLANEOUS, Boir.i ■ .rauatao,!. J. LIST ran.