New York Clipper (Sep 1880)

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SEPTEMBER 18, 1880. THE :iVT E! "V^ O AQUATIC. VESPEB BOAT Cf<irB REOATTA. To nse the laiMpaaKe of a CelUc gentleman re- Ardlsa St. Patrick, Loirell Mant., i>eople can sav irltfi tmiB "tbc Vesper reoatta is a olcxer mab than tiie Fonrth of Jnly." Ve;pir-<Iay Is almost ao irreat an event as In(]ependenee-<IaT. and It wonlil fitm ai^ rbonsli toe Intireat Increases Irom rear to Ti-ar. Xeilnesilaj, Sept. 8, the Vespers' annaal Heotta occnrrert, and was a saccess in every par- •irQlar. The (list race was started prompt!;' at iJSO r M TiiW wa«a Joiil;>r race, ani bad flTeeDtrle»— F R. conlp. W. D. GUker. H. T. Hose. J. A. Case niiii J. ^Vells. It was a spirited race, and ■B-ia won b/CSKe. he rowla? the two mJles In ■turn. Hase, MCODd, lem. 38s.; Wells, third, l-'m. *-'■ First pil2c, sliver cnp; second. sUver medal- The seirond race wan for doaUe-scoll work- tu-boats. for a prize o! stiver notriets. This was 9-,fo a coo<l i>ce. The entries were John Walsh and E. 3. SbennBH, and D. S. Coddard and W. A. enemiaii. etiennan bojs are without donht 'th>> »e9t oaimnen In the dnb. and. as tliey were dl- rid^ in each hoat. considerable Interenwas manl/eJteil. Boib ciews rowed wei;, bat the former cro:>5e<l the line tint In l»m. 42a., ten and a half cecoDds ahead. The thiiu race was for slnjle. E^-oUd. fcr championship cap and silver medal. shcDiev held the champlon-shlp for the past two Ttais, t>°t- >>e was abaent In Earope. there were bnt two entries—Balf. F. Brazer and E. J. Kinron. Einvon withdrew, and Brazer palled at^lnst the best Vesper time. Mm. 10b., rowed bj SUcloiey In Brazer. in companjr with his coach (HcCarty of Lowell), went ov er th e conise in Mm. S9s. Thu occusloned some sorprise and many donbts tint The a'wve Is the offlclal time. Lost oii the lis; was the fonr-oared race for sliver metlaB. Tlicre were three entries and mach in- tereft was n:on''<"rtc<l. The crews were as tollows: White—Paul BnUer (bow), W. D. Perkins, J. W. WellJ, Ben J. Huiler (^troke>. Bloo—T. E. Parker C. P. NIchois. C. L. Knapp. Ed. ElUnswnoil, (inx(kc). ^ ellow—John Walsh (how), D. S. Cod- dard. E. S. Sherman. W. A. Sherman (Htroke). •mere was little choice in the three crews, but the Bines were somewhat the ibvorlteic Elllncwond. !,-TToke for the Blues, met with sn accident on the day of the race, a sUdlng-door failing upon bis head, and wh>n tin rooK his place in the bnat he was still samring fkvra the effects or ihe Qcclrtcnr. TWf> was not generally known sad manr along the conne were sarprlsed ai the poor showing made by the crew. They sot away well tn{;ether. the Blars steering very badly omo; to the IndispnfslTlon of Ellinfrwood and the bad rowlnst of Parker, who seemed somewhat rattled. It 'n-Tts soon seen that the Bloes were ont of the race, and the battle was between the Whites and Yellows. Here the superior oarsmanship of the Sherman hoys came Into play, the Teliows winnlDR the race aner a stubborn contest In 14 minutes. The Whites crossed the line In Mm. K'-i!>- The Yellow crew pulled a magnificent stroke at the finish, seeming bnt little fatigued. a<Tliongh this was ihelr second race of the day. all of them rowing In the doDbie.scnUa. This ended the regatta. The weather was cold and dUaareeab;e, and the water choppv. Never- theless, the anendance wss large. 'The boat- honse, boats and all along shore were tuiUlantly lUamlnated. the dam especiaUv showing to ad- vantage. Chinese lanterns being hong its entire lemrth: and as the night was intensely dark, the ■ effect wa*! very pretty. Berry's hras-shand fnr- nl:<hed in'i!:lc dnrlng the regatta, and also a con- cert In the evening. FlreworKs were discharged for a mlnntes from a barge anchored in the river, ami the .<cone was brilliant in the extreme. All or Lowell !>e%med centred around the Vesper boat- and it was almost Impossible to get In or on:. The whole aliair was a success ftt>m begin- ning to end. and reflected mnch credit npon the Vesper Boat ( Hub. BOATirrO AT THK CAiPITOI<. The following lettcra have been received liv the -Citizens' Committee. In replv to Invitations ad- dressed to the boat clatx) of Washlni^n, D. C. to take part in a foor-oared-sbell race on the Potomac River Oct. 12, for the citizens' prize, consisting of fonr handsome gold badges of appropriatedesign: Wasdlictos. d. c. Sent. A. leax Sir: Tour cntnmnnicauon of Uie 4th limL. Invltlns the Tnznm»c Boat Clnb to put'ripiitp In a repmtA and for a prize lEiTen by ch^ ci'l'cns of Wuhlnocnn. D. C . was thiii Mr vfr^irfi. The clQb uike plemsnra In noswerior von th>t they wdl present a fnar-onrcd utaell Hnd ct«w at time sod place 10 b« bemfter a m i' Bd np*n Terr mpectfbib*. Frank Josks. Chtlrmin'roremhtee. To Ja9. F.Willctt, Es<i., Colrman Cliiirna' Commitwr. Wasqinoton. S.fpL 10. 139). ■''\MV P. Wiiiwrr—Do/ir Slrr Yonr letter nf the 4th In^r.. acklnvlr the Colombian Boat Clnbirftatd enter a OT'v f<^r a ronr-cared ahrll-rmcn on the PoTAm»c River on or abont <Jcc. 12. waa r«celvrH yesterdnr. Replying to the aV'Vecominunlrntion. I b, g tossy that onr clao beinvnr- ripUMi ip'p in the season,and the hon^ennt beln? in mdlneflS for •"rira^ or b(«i4 nntll quite recently, we hare no: porcbascil a fonr aired ah el L and conitenneDtly bare none. However, •hA„ld we he able f o nroctire a boat In dm- for a riaaonabla unonntol PTactlca,the directors or the Cnlan.blan Boat Clnb would cb*fmu]ly enter a e-fw. A boat ftatUractoiT to the crew cannot be pro£iired from the nMiidor* mn pS„rt a notice; bat ire ai^ tnlUnc to do anything within nason to elvn pleaaorc to tneoda and chtr citizens wlio offer tbe prize. Verv re^oecrtullv. a. W. UowoATl. for the IMrcctora O. B. C _ _ WA.'iii.vr.Tos.Senr. tl, lisa Ja-«»» p. Wili.ctt or CiTi7.«!V!<' CnsmiTTKE. — /v<ir Str: Tonr ^'vnimnnlcatjon of the -Itb Inviting the AnalM.r«n Boat '^'nh »o enter a rr.»w |i,r a two-mile mce to h- r wed ah • be 12th m October next, lor a prize to be olTered by .-i nntoher of oor -.itltenR. dnly received. I t«l:t; pleasure in Intormlns ytni tbat at a meeting of the Analos- tan Boat Club held tiitn evening I was Inetructed to notifv yon that your invitation is accepted, nrd that our club wUI enter a crew. Tervr"»"".-rfbiivv.tirs, B. C. MoKzsaar, Becrvtair A B. C. I ■fiTPi'WSffttiff'Vi^ n.eeripn' fiept. U, kindly ^.^'wC^*ethtwcl TlUiri.t] i<li l isl la i J3 ^^ mnON BOA* CJAJIt. ■ The members of this dab. with a large nninber of luvlte 1 gnests, enjoyed their second annual le- mtt? on ihe flSleS klver Sept. 11. ™ ^ one mile stralghtoway. rowing down from Macomb-s Dam, and the water was In capital con- Stlon The result of the nlfferent contests is here Bhd^- P»lM*Tedglgs-V.R- I^by and Charles McGinils 1 in7in.«fi8.;M. B. Kaesche and P. J. Enwl ° hv tT?olcngthS. Slngle-scolls-CharlesH. WoKord won by alength In 8m.. defeating four iIhere7DSSble4cnn »lielIfi-Tas. IjfcCartnev and A. Maehler l ln«m.4«e.:8-VanZandtandH.lLJBCk- ° by li^ yards: Jas. Gallagher and C. McClnnls tomed iSffist a bridge and broke an oa|- F-mr- oared tri?»—Won by Jas. Gallagher, P. J. Engei, M. B^KaeschTMd A achneldirjSeatlng three other ?re" TinS: im^ 44S- Slx^oared bargts-Thos. C. G^i>h J r ilartln. P. e. Tralnor, w. H. Connell, ! J Bim i?d A^chneider. 1. in 8m. IDs.; Thos. i,Vif i^lSnier K- A. Wltteman, H. G. Connell, T M LaigS^Saa. McGlnnIs,2. l5y ,b length: J. H HiJSiSiE.i.ConneU.J.Udtadv,"W.D.Kelley, ? T.\Sor^andS.T8n Zandt. 3. A tub-race fol- loweti and afforded much amusement without l^l^wSnby any one, all cap«l2liw- R^fSf ^ ?f Bi^T, C. F. Naething; J adge. Stephe n J. Phllbln. TRITOII BOAT ClaVB. This Xowark. N. J., clnb held a regatta on the Papsolc River Sept. 11. weather and water being good and the lovers of hoaUngtumlnT ont In large Bumbers. The course In all the ^^^3 w^"Be mile, and results foUow: .Palr-oared elga—wm. Van Honten, Wm. H. Webster Jr. (ftroke), John Uovd (coxswain), 1, In em. SOs.; TTltons-HeniT C. Kommel, Geo. b.'smnll (stroke), Y.-J^J'^Sid^' (eoxPwa!n), broke stretcher and didn't finish. Palr-oired glgs-Mystlc-F-Van Nes.s, W. Bris- tol (Stroke) GTD. Small (coxswain). 1, In em. M9.. Pacsalc-cl lI Winters, G. H. Phillips (stroke). F. S. Smith (coxswain), 2. by a length. Senior slnele-scnlls—F. B. Fortmeyer, 1. in em. fls., t. f. Lowden. 0: H. C. Hommcl. 0. Jnn'S'' A w Conkim 1. in em. sis.; D. M. McKay, 2. by a ltu^h!^°»?rS shelli^G. D. smjd L Tan Se9i», W. Bristol Jr., H. C. Rommel (slToke), r in si. lis;-, P. P. LowdenJMw), ChaiTowTiley. P. E. Townley. F. PhllllpB (stroke). \*^«^-J^' ^ w. conklln (bow), O. H. Phillips, A. S. Brtengan, F. R.Fonmeyer(Stroke) 3,In7rn.^ SIx-oaredtorgM —Benedicts. 1; Bachelora.2. The wlnnlrg crew was composed or U. M. McKay, AlexMitfer Eagles I..E. Saumer. J. W. Combes, J. W. MoireU, F. E. Ton ley, William Slmonton ( cot.). TBS BTCB: -r: I.EE. To nnt at rest a question which has lately arisen, James A- Ten Eyck of ree'sW"v5VhrPhH?e VoW following challenge, on account of which we hold twentv-ilve dollars: ^. .f.. Sept. ii, 'so vn.vv Orrpv—A"/ir.Slr; Trtere havinit been confld- dlittance ol"oe:>rre W. ■iee'or.Ne'waric. N- challeafe Mr. Lee to make a match to i^tS'bi fcrt W-b«l .boats, over » dL either three, fonr. or Bve mile", lor. from ssn to SM) a aide. Tims end P'^f'.J" ajmed upon. 1 herewith gtace »» in of _ -JSO _ be mntnally ... vonr hanla as _ at Tna cuppaa olBceti tioch time aa he mav name. ollwpUnjC^on a Monday, to a tor;eli, and win meet hi VQch time aa be mav nai-' tiraw up and sign articles. ■Srw YORK CanOB CLOB,-The anmial Fan re- gatta of tliis Clnb was held Sept. 11 off the dnb- fionM atsiaten lauiad. The weather was perlfcc- flon1t«lt and the racing was enjoyed bj parttcl- Snts and those who went there to look on. pe ooorses were the game as in the races of Sept. A and the results were as JbUows: Paddilng-race. for ealllng canoes—leiaey Bine, H. J. Stephens, 1. in lOUL lSs.: Sandv Book. w. P. Stephens. 2; Keloo- The Oceanic Yacht CLtn of Jersey Citv, v. J has elected tbe fbUowlng officers: Commodore G P. Everson; vice-commodore. C. D. Wejrman' pres- ident. IL V- Everson: secretary. W. w. Polaiiti: reasnrer, L. Heller; measurer. T. C. Banghan. W. E. WOLTCBS, secretary oT the Golden Gate RowiBg Clnb or .San Francisco. Cal., writes to sav that the distance rowed lo lUe fonr-oared race be tweeh said club and the Ariels was two miles IS' stead of one, as lias been stated. ' The tacbt Daist Iwat the Wlil^er in a match race, Sioo. on Long Island Sonnd. near Bridgeport Cl. Sept. 11. She won by 2m. 223. CormJET- AND RiLET.—The match between the« men has been flied for decision on Owasco Lake, >. Y., Oct. 5. ATHLETIC, JOHK BfcBEASTEB'S BKftKKlT . The handicap games held on the grounds of the Brooklyn (X. 1.) Athletic Clnb Sept. 8, and tendered tiT that oiKanlzatton as a testimonial benefit to their trackmaster and trainer JohnMcJfaster. who by his competency and taithfolness bag earned their esteem, were witnessed by about three hun- dred persona- Kot a speck of bine eSy was visible irom morning till nlgotlisU. and a cold northeast wind swept over the grounds, making contestants and spectators alike nncomfortable, and detract- ing from tbe merit of the performances. A return follows: On«-ftundr«t-iKirTls run—First tnal heats, flrat heat: J. S. Voorhees, Uanhattan A. C. (scratch), and J.M. Esqtilrol, Putnam A. C. (Svds.). walked over. Second heat: J. H. Rliaroer, Suten Island A C. (2), 1. In 10 3'SS.: J. B. White, Manhattan A. C. (3). 2. Third heat: R. A Block, HanhatUn A. C. (10), 1, in 10X8.; B. H. Tobev. Brooklyn A. C. (3). 2. Second trials, first heat: Voorhees 'and Es- qnlrol reached the tape even, no time being taken, second heat: White, l. In lOjjs.; Toliev, 2. Final heat: Esqalrol, I. In 10?is.; White. 2. ' Batf-mae ttanateap >-un—W. Kewbrougli Man- hattan A. C. (45yds.), 1, In 28Jis.: G. S. WheaUy, Brooklyn A. C. (44), 2. <tuartfr.mae run, tor non-wiuncrs at this dis- tance—W. C. Richardson. Essex A- C, 1, In Im. 4Jfs.: J. C. Anstln. Briliklvn A C. 2. Tliref-mtle ualX—F. G. Tmntett. Brooklyn A. C. (scratch), 1, In 21m. 5s.; F. P. Murray, Brooklyn A. C. (.scratch!, 2, In 23m. 303. T'rf,.hunare i-nna-txmt<i tjar^i> rJin First heat- J. McKlnnery, E. C. A. C. (12>-ds.). wallced over! Second heat: J. s. Voorhees, Manhattan A. C. (scratch), and J. M. Esqnirol, P. A. C. (71). trotted over In company. Final heat: Esqulrol, 1, in 24>is. McKlnnery. 2. One-mne nin. for medal presented bv W. F.'Mc- Coy—J. H. Gilford. Irish-American A. 6. (.scratch) 1. in 4m. *!is.; F. J. Graham. M. A. C. ISOyds.) 2: j' Saunders. Br. A. 0. (15). O: W. C. Rowland. S. I. A. C. (60). 0; R. Berry, S. A. A. C. of Jcrsev Cltv (80). 0. T'to-V-irar, teams of fonr men. S-Mlb, club cramplonsbli>—Team Ko. 1 (j. Hudson, G. S. Wheatly. F. Dolgeand B. Stockum). I: Team Ko. 2 (C. C. Knowlton, C. H. Bammon, W. Blair and A. W. P. Merritt). 2. Tiro-hnruma-ana-turimlv-varaa run, for employ- es of Ansonla Clock Company—W. Klnnerv 1 In Sl^s; J. Lloyd, 2. " Sunning Jono-Jump—3. S. Voorhees, M. A. C, in an atteinpt to beat Ills own best record ^led covering 21A. 6I1L One-JUf<r run—Wm. H. Robertson was to have attempted to beat the record, but he was not well and stopped after mnnlng five miles. ' WIl,L.IAjngBI7BO BICTCUSTS. On Saturday. SepL 11, the Williamsburg (L. I.) Bicycle Club held a meeting on tbeirKronnd. be- tween RutleOge and Bayward streets, Brooklyn. Several hundred spectatora were present, and the rwelvc-lap track was In good condition for racing. Few wheelmen took part in the events, and the management offered prizes for other contests which helped to fill out the programme and en- terialn the vlsitois. A retnm follows: Three- mile bicycle-race, open to all amateurs—Fred KeUer, W. B. C. (scratch). 1. in 14m. 65s.; M. Laznre, Mercury B. C. (5(^ds.), 2. bv seven laps. Two-mile bicyle-race. open to all amateurs —Ed. Fist W. U. C. (150yds.). 1. In gm. 12>,'s.; G. Hooper. W. B. 0. (80), 2. by 20yds.; W. Rudd. Brooklvn (90). 3. One-mlle race—Walter Smith, W. A C, runner, allowed 2.':( laps. 1, in 3m. S3s.: Geo. Ohlqen. W. B. C. bicyclist. 2. bv isit. Ponv- racc, half-mile beats—J. Broome's Fanny won in three straight heats: F. Finn's Lilly second. Time, im. 203. Donkey-race, half mile, last in to win— (George Bond, on ' The Flying Scud," won In 7m. SEEN wa. HORSES. The tournament Instituted bv Daniel O'Leary and J. H. Hiivcrlv. who offerod prizes of $2 000 Sl.OOO. 3500. S250, S150 and $100 for a go-a»-von- please contest of one hundrcil and flfty-sK 1ii>ara open to men and horn's, was flnlabed at Chicago' III.. Sent. 12. with the following score: Men—3vrne 6T8; Krohne. 535: Colston, 529. Honef^Betsy B.-iker. 568: Rose of Texas. .Mi: B:irthman's entrv S2T-: Dnnn'e 521. John Dnh1i>r withdrew from tlie contest on the 7th, ostensibly on account of lame- ness, bnt probablyto reserve bis powers for a futnre event and R. Vint quit ne.xt day. Tlie horse Speculator also retired niter the fourihday, and on the Ilth he died. Bis owner alleges that the ani- mal was drugged. This performance does not compare favorably In point of merit with that of the horse Pinafore, which in a similar contest, of 144 hours, at San Francisco, CaL. last October, traveled 599 3-7 miles, and won by nearly 185 miles, the second horse, Kellie, doing H34-7 miles. So that the resnlt of the race at Chicago cannot be re- piVim ns hai tyg seniedjli e^qn estion of the rela- OTH£Rl^ - TH£ mm. hv^JSf'Jv^;^^! Avn Tojf McALPiSB were greeted ^ Sfi^r?'!l°^i''« n<"»e art on the olraslon ColUnt-S tS^*"v"* WalhaUa Hall. Uenver iSd j^t Qmi.iP'J'^J'?? Ja»n-ed were McAlpine SS pfmibl? SL/f.* McKlnnerand C.H Wibb 5SAiDine fSvthe''Ji?'°y iiaMen am fif/^fiJilJ^ i.l,i*?"''"''J*- which was bothseiennnc jShniv !ivcZ^.l '^"elfclartes return thanks to Sblr^nd entenilnmeni). ^bed On^hB?th vSSS;^ li'i" favors shown them, un tne stn Madden made tils dehntasa waiki» o ?^.^.Vl„f!?'~".t" 'MuolDg bim to Snl^i^ I twenty-mUe walk at Denver Park. Verrnnex miles. Mccarty won, coverlngao mUes In 4h: l8i£ The Late "BENDico."_on Wednesday afler- ?n7,S- he's- c«ine?for^ffi,ghSS- thi^eMh or wim'i??i*"» Beeston, Emi-. toucS?g "^nd?iS ."^,h."'il™P°?P»<>''. iSettCT known as hSSJe'^Sper'^S f^^S^^l'^^ ?,?»5?"' Hett^rve'lL''St??K'°»'^»'^^^^^ i?i?^.J^Jld Sf.'^e'"*wltUBeScSmJt. ?il.r,fj?5?^..'^ temperate habits. Verdict, 'Accidental deatb." ••Bendliro's" remains we>* la^'Sic' m£?,;V?uTon!'"'°^ '^ "OO^S TIM COLUXS -WABaiED BT enasTiff.pfj, fined In In that In ahon order ed pai« Tim Colllna. who at tbat Time waa ran *VIum lor the Imiane In Maaaaehn- encuualer McCab., wu badlv punUh- li-'J?*..,"**' ■ >>'!:>Te Arthur was out of bed, and Injisiirt on pntting on the iiloie. with the latter. sicCab. pe.iectlv eober, and. knowing that If he d'd j«.ffr him be trould neve? bear he end 01 it waofe head. ,11,, •loimu;!, he rained »ueh a ihowar nf •evere blnwa that McCane liirlr eSneil rSf hJSJth i,!! tween bits, and alter belns knieSd''?!' ^vcr ,""" **" WKa alruck to bla kneMlni.H. ,1.1—..Ti.jJ'^V.?* SJf.TSr!jl^''l" \<"'''l''">' «hlr.7«eoondi Thitfw" ^EARV bids onletunp o^sft o°:kV.t"r,';nSoS r,;e'ii^°h\^^f^°ie'py^^^^^ iL Onlv 2'iT,ii'<r" '^.8"»e?fbead.,.unchlSrtoeeui? Ik. few wltneased the mllllne. wl.lcblanted «ml ?n1.-'h\'?l°..."'Wj-dr««em7ln ",nto a "Sliltij «J nSli".''-'"- "i"*" combauntj were »»:ln bettei; trim for anch work Sin Ne!S5, had*bS beat oftbe milling towards the finlah. SipnONS' Slorsz benefited atOwnevCeosIiecan-^fDort. iueid^d 2By-'T.'bl* cl.y. S./t-TwhSTthie'Sho thJ5.!S.-H""''.5'*?"' V «■»<»« ■">•! entertain them Jb\"rndtt^i^;ri?.w Un''cI?°T?vS^-c"'' '""^"'^ Vo'un7E?;illS,' -iF.'iSK.''K!"Y;\r'?'^''*"?T""'^** " Bethlehem. Pa., I^'i*of tbe bar and blUlard-rooni or Sss-.5.s.t*;i,=sj;i'?bS;.ss.?.?'.'^SS s^=^f«Vnrvi;,«te!»'«^'^^ i:d'c.iS;U/?ic'iSS£lir'""'» °l Dan FBIEI—We are called npon this TSS!^ i? '•"■onlcle the death of Daniel friel, or fh. p„„!5,-■wgsaffectionately caUed aroiind the Fouith aud SUth Wardsol this cliv. Hlsdeath -o'^n;^'',./'?-about 50. Dan was an old New York boy, well known In the poUt- ical and .sponing world of twentv-five years ago as well as of the present time, tie was a nepliew Of the esteemed Matron of the Tomlis, Miss Foster antl wa.s a member of Dahlgren Post, No. IID. G.' A. K.; Washington Encampment. No. l, v. S.W V • anil Perry Lodge, No. 134.1. O. K. T. Bis funera'l will take place I^om All SoInW Church, corner Henry and Scanimel streets, on Taesdny. Sent, u at balf-past one p. m. j . "^i"- The fahilt of the late Billy Donnelly benefited troin the proceeds of a picnic held bv the Maurice F. Holahan Association at Jones'Wood Colisjum this ciiy. ScpL 11. Many city omclals. and pollii- clans who are willing to have honora thrust upon tliem, were among those present, all moved by a desire to contribute their mite towards the fund for aiding tbe needy. There was ax entertain.mest given on l>onrd the D. s. training-chip Minnesota, at the Brooklvn Navy Yard. Sept. 9. consisting of sparring, singing and dancing, under the aupen-lsion of Professor James lloss. master of sparring. It was a com- plete success. r.NDEB THE Weather.- The rotund and jovial instructor In bo.^lng. Prof. Ottlgnon. has been troubled for some time with malarial fever, which rednces him, he says, faster than a course of traln- mg. Charley has lost forty pounds, but keeps on his legs. , ' ■ lAh. -C. B.yaax, S. Paddllng-race, for paddling canoes—Kin Von Knll. K. U. Putnam, 1, In lom. ao».:- Onl Vive, J. F. Weat. 2. Salllnc-race. for aaii/itg flannea—giochette. Wm. Wbltloct. 1. none of theothere completing the coarse. Unset race— KlU Von Knll, K. k. Pntnam, l; Jersey Blue, H. G, Stephens, 2. Tei-kett akb Latcoci.—a cablegratn Irom London, Eng., Sept. lo, gays that Thx ^nmutn conMpbSdent at Kewcaatle writes: "Even after iSSS^Sll anowaneea for the BtranReboat and acnueltbe display byTrlckett and LascocK the IStJiuanoaiEmen, on theTnte. JSLSSJ^^w^ pointing to tne general body of spectotora. we heard an oner ot $ioo to »so that Edward Hanlan ^ the lend in the flrat lOOyarda. EUlott baa Sieimo strong training for the Intematlon^ re- iaS on the Thames, and ordered a new boat" Habbis as* DtiTttA won the Continental Clotb Ing-honse Cup In a race of over a mUo and a nnjtf- ter with a turn, at naverhlll. Mora-, Sept. 4. iTiej Towrd in paJr^?cd flat-bottomed btfats, 22 J«st on th? Vater-llne, and came In a length and aualf ihead^f wklton and PMIMI* J^e cap. whlcM valued at S30. ba.s been *'"S.2K^!e amSSic and Dntra. who belong to the Merrtmac AthleUc *^H?'d. wise recently defeated J^. Ramsey on Toronto Bay. Ont. Both incn nsed 18(L InrtCTed siSS, and Uie stakes were $200 a side, l^e cotme was ISOydB. short of 3 miles, with J?^^ the lead at the start, and gataed a^nt three lengths, which he maintained '>=^i"??iS? tnralng-bouT. when he Increased it to six, cross- ing the line with that lead In 24m. 2SKa Mans avt) ttOMof Haiuai, N. S.f have been matchk to rowa t5n«;m»'fi'fle-MiJl «<»i^ and a half miles and return) tSr $aoo a side. Mann has latelv received a new boB«vllrain Watere * Co., Troy, S.\., with Which he Is w«U pleasei It Is probably the lightest boat ever built, weighing bnt aiBi. Tas Amateub BowiMO cioB oi Ledlevine, B snhurb of Toronto, ont., held a conpleofjawa Sent. A with the followlnff Tcinlt: InilgBed skum— S'b^V; J. Pri«c2:Ta. Mawh,0; E. Carter. 0. 14.feet RhooUng aUlS-ffi. Marah, l; O.Morley,2; T. Heartherliigtoii, o; O. Lang, o. GiuEBT Loso, a member of the New ToiJ LIT^ saving Corns, on Snnday. Sept. la, encawd In a aifSSwliiSt, indamSl wlia padtUe, tell«er 1, Itorth River, at MB a m.. ?nd retamrt alwut n ?. ^ bavins inade the olrcnlt of Ifatiba t mp Island wloont leaving the water. . . The band of Arizona Indians who bavebeeu >„ this vicinity for some time have not succeeded In accomplishing anything startling In tbe pedestrian line since they left their homes In the llir West. However, their backers have so much confldence In their powere that they have placed a sum of money on deposit at the office of T7i« Spirtl or ttie Times to match one of them against anv pale-iace in the land to run any dUtance from teii to twenty miles, for a stake that may be mntn- ally satuactorv. If Warbnrton Is pining tor anch a match, as was indicated by bis receif challenge, the proper course for him to pnrsuS would t)e to covet'' the amount now up In the haiids of our contemporary, and thereby start the ball roll- ing. ^ Ofp.— The flneen-mlle match between E. C. Holske and T. H. Armstrong Is off, the Holske party falling to come to time with the second deposit of $100, dne Sept. 9, and thereby lorfeltlng the $25 pre' vioualv posted to Armstrong, who was prompt to Ume. and watted fifteen mlnntts for Holske to show np. The latter called In later In tbe afternoon, and appeared surprised to learn that his backer, who was at the omce In time, had not put np. He stated before leaving tbat he wonid see bis backer, and It the latter was willing to stanilbalf tbe loss he would be prepared to make a ftesb match with Armstrong. The turn which affilra have taken suggests that neither side was anxious for the match. DCFtTB TA Ross.—On Sept. 8 B. M. Dufor and C. Boss engaged In a wrestling exhibition at Kllev's Opera-house, Marlboro, Mass., and a large crowd gathered to see the show. They wrestled In mixed fashion. Dumr being avrarded the flrst, third and flilh falls, which were contested In col- lar-and-elbow srrle, and Ross taking the second and fonrth. which were governed by catch-as- catch-can rules. Rose snbeequently challenged Dufar to try It again. In coliar-and-elbow, catch- ns-catch-can. and side.hold styles, lor the nsnal '•$500 a side:" and as the first affair paid well, the people of Mariboro or the region roundabout may celcniate npon having another chance to see tnem In harness. Michael Dosahob called Sept. 8. and was sorry to leam tbat Bolae had sent for bis money, as he (Donahoe) is quite anxious to give him the chance he says he wants to "get square." Mike a money Is still In onr bands, where It will remain for a week to bind a match to wrestle In Boston, Mass., for $100 a side. If Bolac Is etIU willing to adhere to the terms of his own challenge, he will please cover Donahoe's $25. and forward articles of agree ment for the latter's consideration and signature. AT THE ASSXAi. ELEcno:* held by the Lawrence (Mass.) Caledonian Club on Friday, Sept. 3, the Job lowing offlcers were chosen: Jas. Robertson chief; David Brown, first-chiertain; Wm. Skllllnm. sec- ond.:bleltaln: Colin Kerr, third-chlettaln; Richard Ellis, fonrth-cbleflain. The club Is In a flourlsbmg condition, and have a good gymnasium. W. Slateb and J. Dean engaged In a flfty-mlles go-os-yon-plcase match, for $200, at LUIle-brldge grounds. London, Eng., Aug. 30. the former, who Is 5ft. 6Kln. In height, weighs 119« pounds and Is 24 years old, winning In Th. 27m. 18s. Dean qnlt after traveling 45>« miles, when he was atraut seven mlnntes to the bad. DENNIS Ubiscoll beat T. H. Armstrong in a flfteen-mlle walk at Lynn, Mass., Sept. lA Ann- strong qnlt before completing ten miles, ostensiblv on account of the roughness of the track, and, after walking eleven mllea In Ul 33m. 2^, Drtscou was awarded the race. A LACBOSSE MATCH between the Montreal and Toronto Clubs was played at Montreal, Canada, Sept. 11. and was won by the Torontos In three straight gamea. . B, S. HaIiET of the 01.vmple Olnb Is stated In dispatch to have run 2» yards, on a rough track, In S^seconds, at Bay District Parle, San Francisco, CaL, Sept. 11. PatbickI^ SutLrv an finished five yards ahead of J. E. Warbnrton in s mile-race at Fall River, MasA, .Sept. U. Time, 401.41KA Wb havi lettbbs for E. W. Johnston. Holske, F. J. Engelhardt, J. E. Warbnrton (2), and R. Pegiam. THE Cl IXTOS ATHLETIC CLCB Of Brooklyn, L. L, wiu hold their Fall games on Saturday, Oct.-23. THEATRICAL RECORD. C!o;it(nu«t/ront page 207. niTSICAIi. B. S. Stewart's BASjt>s, books, moslc and mu- «cal merctiandlse ara advertised in this Issae. —IT " ^-'^ tenor. Js reqtieated b y A. 8. 1, "H. Jf. S. Pinafore" 8,9,10, inJ "Chimes Normandy" ll. Basiness was light. Blaiboell's Mebbt-hakbbs are to dlsliand in Helena, M. T., Sept. 12. Mr. Blalsdell goes EA'-t to organize a minstrel company to travel through the Territories. Bis ntmlly remain in UelenA TARDSTT HAI<li9. AT THB Olympic, Chicago, Dl., Tony Pastor's Troupe, comprising the same excellent anlsta who recently appeared at Haverly's. last week flUed the auditorium to overflowing nightly Fox's The- atre began Its season Sept. 4 to an andlence Oiling the house In every part. Alter the overture by J. M. Colton and orchestra, J. W. Sheppsrd, Chas. H. Adams and Alex. Byers presented the sketch of "Waddy Worried by Spirits:" Annie Ryner gave serio-comic songs; Tmiiell and Rowan appeared in a bone-dnet statue-clog; Charles A Greer gave dialect Imitations; Charles Benedict, assisted by Ed, HiUier, Alex. Byen, Chas. H. Adams and An- nie Bvncr, the sketch of "Yes, my Dear;" Nel- lie Watera, songs-and-dances; the Marr BriS- thers, character Sketches; Dell Trodell, double- voiced vocallsms; the three Ronaldos, gro- tesque leg-mania; and Alice Placlde. supported by the company, played "Money and Misery." Departures 11: Tmdelland Rowan and Dell Tra- dell, to the Apollo; the Harr Brothera and the three Ronaldos. New 13: Joe Redmond and Ada Clifton. Engenla, Connora and Cannon. Leslie and Gentry, and Henrv Belmer. The attendance has been only fair since the opsnlng night Busi- ness Is reported good at the American. The com- pany of the past and the coming week comprises THE TR166EB. o X-. I E i=L. Q03 K, Louisville. Crandell and team; Nellie :abel Gray and eencs—James Gallagber and ires 12: Cran- AT THE K>1CSEBB0CCEB T| Ky.. the new aces last week, Eastwood, the CaUromla Tei BotvanLJIgandchjrJCter da BlUy Maloney In a sketch; tl andLydIa—In Irish sketches West In a negro specialty. Di dell and Eastwood, to Chlcag V and Malouey and tbe Shecraas. to Indiana ; tiaUagber and West. Idle. Arrivals 13: Mor nd MuUen. Min- nie Chapin, the Dutch Mendel >lth and Oblmer. the Mlltons. Ada Adair, and Ji Wheeler. Busi- ness excellent At the ] Ingham Theatre business has picked np. ' features SepL e were Mile. Zoe on tbe Ins-rings: Adrt- eime Gray In operatic so Sella Conpar, seriOM:omlc; Delia Turner, ' Us; Clara Wag- ner, song-and-dance; McDon ^ tnd Williams, higfa-klckera; Master Hanlev, g-aad-dance; and James Dalton, comedian. De arts 12: J. O. and Cincinnati;: iTirnerand Mile. Zoe, St. Louis. Arrivals 13: tar and Mnrpby. Mile. Olympla. Viola Ray, th iruns—Frank and Ella—the ^Lambertlnes, Jei Vest and Kitty Laudley At tbe Masonic mjeTony Pastor's Company are billed lA lA I At the SimxERTBEATBKI niTX, Washington, D. C. a big bnsiness was dot ibtpast week, the attraction being the Electrti gt* Combination, and an oUo which introduced ef^damBrotbeis. CariT Lewis. T. M. Hemdei WHenry Rice and Karfky and Ansnsta Orde ie show closed with the drama of "For a i ie.wlth Geotge W. Thompson as Leopold. Tl Bkataders, who ware billed, did not appear, l tmngageii for tbe s^on with Camcn>3s> Mim lel Departnres ll. The Electric Lights, to Utifre. Announce- ments 13: Sheridan and Rleirja Kent, Borih- wlck Relrt. Chas. WaterflelAd- A Parkhunt, and Chas. Foster in the drama SVcd at Seven." BOTD ANo WAnE, ecccatrfcomedlsns and specialty anists, and Georgia Jia, balladlst and ]uven!le-lady. alter a long enganent at the Adel to ad'lress them ss per advertlnent. The St. Felix Sistxbs wcontlnnc in the future as a trio parrv, . and v not flU the place made vacant by the death oflonora. They are now with Tony Pastor's Tnvpg Company, and Mme. St. Felix pnbllshes a canf information to those desiring to secure tbi as an attraction after Nov. 1. In contradletlolf certain reporis. she atAtes posltivei.v that ttfour young ladles were nifttera and her dqutltt/ ~ ~ bleon, Kansas, au- la, offers engnge- .-nesira Is wanted, sted to write. See TBECOLISEtTH derthe ninnagement ments to variety nrtlj The Hale Vrotbers card. The K. H. K.\-—E Brothers—are pertori come popular favorll I eraoL Clark and the Daly glnCngland, and have be- _ . wltl their audiences. A nnmiicr of e.xtractsfom .Hp English pre^s, pub- lished In our bnslras de|artment, give ample evidence that they rve male a "hit." They are now at the Cnnterbp' Palace. London, and expect to return to this cintry about Sept. 15 to fulflll engagements prevusly made. A luom lucrative cngngcmcnt In Paq. France, was offered to them, but tlicy were convlled to decline In view of their contracts here. L. w. Washbci Coblesklll.N. V..f Valley 17. Rlchflt Norwirb 21, Unad Zoe Cattox. fat engag'mtn. Clippeb a haniiL that city, sarroui theatTiS and bi oar tbankr. She w. T.. Sent-1, a: Charlbi hah through The Ci and toe cnmtni Loulsvll'e, Ky.: Hart of Clevela: to assist In pri James Carr, wl tery. Cincinnati The people Theatre, Ohicaj 1 PATiLtON Snow Is billed In . It, Sharon Springs 16, Cheny S£rkig3 18, Coopcrstown 20, recently concluded a Bucce.<:s Leadvllle. Col., sends to The elyttaire l lithographic view or ' by pictures or tbe principal s-oouses, ror which she has I a brief season In Cheyenne, leftfbr (Hilcago. III. ' ot Harris and wood desires, n,to thank Borden & Baker if the Knickerbocker Theatre, Bulger of Plttsbtirg; and B. C. >r their contributions of money ring a headstone for tlie grave of was buried In Wesleyan CemC' .. Aog. 10. past week at the Germanla uL, Included SDle. Eugenia, AT THE HOWABD ATBEXMCU, Boston. Mass.. Sept. 0, Manager Hams' new attractions were Conroy, Daly and the Western Brothers, calling themselves the Fonr Shamrocks; Bartv Clark, Irish comedian, vocalist and dancer: John B. Wil- lis and May Adams in a sketch; the Gtcgocy Broth- ers, gymnasts and hori2ontsl-t>ar performers: John Walsn, Irl«h balladlst: NUes and Evans, song-and- dince; Nellie Richartls. characier-vocallst: Rich- ard 3A, Edwin H- and Master Richard CnrroD in their specialties; Llllle western, tbe miuical ge- nius; Ornmley and De Forest, grotesque song-and- dance; and William and Lon Uayle. trick and reel dancers. 13 and week. Snelbaker i Benton's Ma]e;tic ConsolitiaHon: SO. W- J. Thompson's Elec- tr:c-l'g It Combination....The Boylston Mmseum re- opens for tbe season is. under tne continned man- agement of Dr. G. E. Lothrop, asslstetl by Tony Williams as stage-manager. Entenalnmenta of| the variety order will be given each afternoon and evening as heretofore, and the price of general ad- mission wUl remain at ten centA The manager will soon lUumlnate bis theatre with tbe electric- lights, each being of flfteen-thousand^andle power. 'The opening company will consist of Harvey Col- lins, Gcorgle Linganl. the Megatherian Eight— Kenv, LyonA Parka, Arnold, O'Brien, Lcaty, Ma- gratn and Hannlng—Walter Braj, the Olympla (tnartet, Klnnle bwton. vred warren. Alice Gleason, Emma Mardcn, XelUe and May GUman, and Tony WUllams. To.vT Pastob is billed at the Grand Opera-house, Indianapolis. Ind.. Sept. 13 At the Academy of Music the present company doses ll, Oatea and Kaye. to St. Loals; Phmip<i Brothera, Nina Bach and Grace Sherwood, to BvansvUle: the Mortons and Murray and Morphv, to LoolsvlllA New 13: Time Graham and Maggie Wesner, Billy Maloney and Mattel Gray, O. A Osborne. Gas Hill, Mulligan and Qnlnlan. and Blanche Belmont. Ed. Chrissle's stage-management says onr correspondent, "Is commendable. It will be a week or so l>efore tbe Improvements to this house are completed. LIquora are again dispensed In the aaditor- lum. Attendance moderately fair At Gil- more's Zoo the comranv 8 compnsett Hlake- and Swann. Viola Wray. Clerk HlUver. Con- non and Young. St. I,eon, Coglll Bros. All close 11. Rlakeiv and Swann to Cincinnati ami Viola Wray to Fort Wavne. Billed 13: Frank and Clara Mara. Frank M. Clark. Llllle I.lnden, Billy Wvlle. Battle Watte, and Chas. Glldden. The additions to the Zoo are progressing as rai>- idlv as possible, and tbe brick walls Are now going op. W. C. Tnmer. the versatile man- ager, is painting the scenery. Basiness con- tinues irood At the Vaudeville Amly Amann cloKS II, to St. Louis. New 13: James and Lvdla Sheeron. Llllle Connora and Millie Roze. Attendance go<>d Two amateniB performed at he Vinc-strcet Opera-house. CincinnRit. last week. ;>klng tbe names ot Hettinger acd Nibble (See onr Cincinnati letter frr a different spelling.— Ed.], who have not l>een to Cincinnati tus season, and are now here The city anthorities have prohibit- ed the Zoo band ftora parading the sidewalks Llllle Ros.0 and the Jennette Slstera are at Davy's Coliseum." From Ciscivnati. O., wrote our corresponilent . e?t. 11: "The new people 6 at the Vine-street Opera-house were the Davenport Brothers, Rey- nolds and Walling, and Hettinger and Ncblie. [See our Indianapolis letter.—En. Clippea) The ser- vices of the ust two named were dispensed with after the flrst night. The well-known acts of the other artists were successmi. The Ihrclcal comedy of 'Wine and Bivalves' (Where's Shannon^) closed the pcriormance, J. J. Riley, Charles U. Yale. Liz- zie Smith and Clara Willonghby being prominent therein. Dnslness good. Closing: DoolcyandTcn Brooke, to Cleveland; and the Davenports. Detroit. mog20: Al Decker. Annie Hlndle. Fannie V. Reynolds, and McDonnngh and Williams. Charles 3. Smith bos as!:nmed the business-management of the theatre. Manager Sneltiaker lenvt^s to-night for Boston to take in a performanoe nf the Snelbaker ft Benton Combination The newcomers 0 at the Phoenix were the KIrbys—Hen and Emma—in song-and-danceTpeiformer; Cavana and Mason, Dutch speclaltla; Sam CQle, haiuolst; Joe Mack, comedian; Fras De.Forest, German comedian Miss unswortl jig-dancer: Emma Bell, serio- comic singer; Leon20, jsggler: and John Rlck- ett In an Irof-jaw act,. Performers arc want cd. The propnstor, J. P. King, also wants people for his new hotsAwhlch opens Oct. 2. CLOO.pANci».'-^b WOaon defeated Jobn L. Smith for a pas« of OOO in Valtlmore, Md.. Ang. 24. in aclog-daiclDgtoaniament which lasted one hour and fonimtnates. he winning by two points. Mat Fisk, nanager ot the well-known troupe of blondes liearilg her name, and Annie MenOuza, a fltatue-anlst, were .lirrested and tried In London, Ont,, Sept. 7, for baling given on Immoral and in- decent show there 4. The police-magistrate found them guilty, and Imposed a flne of $50 and $6.lo costs on each. .An appeal wis takon. Lew Ei.WABnB, negto. comedian, song-and-ilancc man, etc., and Lizzie Edwards, slack-wire perform- er acd Jugglci, advertise that they are open for engagements nnder canvas. IiiNES AND Blossom have been with the London Show during the Summer. They arc now at lll>- erty, and can ha engaged to give their Ethiopian eccentrlcllleA Address care of this offlce. GoLDiE, Steeu and Sallie St. Claib Joined Snelbaker ic XKnton's Majestic Consolidation in New Haven. (JL. -Sept. 4. Route: Boston. Mass., Sept. 13, Phllaneiphla, Pa.. 20. one week each, TBMEBa are wanted at the Alhambra, See card Good pebf( BuOhlo. N. T. MBS. Sab Palestine. Mrs. Jeniii MilubI died of general congestion In 't-1. She was the mother of 'Aa Annie WUllaiuA ~ p. P hiladelphia, cheered _T55neliaSA^=SiS. mnnd. KaisteriUllT. 'Mtf-and.Mrs, .Bj:^'Bien- nan, OwC^ssecdVe Liable. De Wiu Cooke:-Bobby ' AUee ? t Barry Mills open BepMA Dbtboit (Mich.) tabtett news Is as follows: 'The Coliseum has been doing a good btulness. Arrivals Sept.«: Jennie Farron. dancer; Gns HIIL.. an expert Indian clnb-swlnecr: Fannie B. Rey- noldA balladlst; Geo. W. Hemun, Etbioplan eome- illan; Allle Smith, song-and-danc«; Annie Hlndle In spectaltleK Mile. Marcia and Ida Albin a wrest- ling act; antlLllile Hall In the bnrlesoiie 'Hassan- br.d' closing the programme. TlroFarrand was obliged to cancel her engagement. The depattares 11 are UlUe Hall. Allle Smith, and ChaA PosteUe, to Ptttsbnrc; Mlle. Maicia and Ids Alb, FortWayne: .Vnnlc Hiadleand Fsnnle B. ReynoldA Cincinnati; the Flcldings (who were re.eiigaged for foor nlgfata this week), St. I.oais; Gas HIUl Indianapolis; and H. w. Eattan. Toledo. Arrived 13: Frank Bolton, Ada BratifbrtI, WardeU, Holmes, and Malcolm. Vran Slstera, Tom and Henrietta Mumy, Mlllle Mabn- burg, Rosa Blair, AL W. Fllson, Joyce Uar- tella Mabretta. Ada Hnlmes, AUen Sisters, and Harrr Sinclair. The Bmsh electric light will be completed and used is for the flist time at this bouse, both Inside and oat At the Comtqne 8 came Seigt. George W. Lab. bree in a bngle-call act; Lester and Honock,an Iriidi team: Fred and Annie Barrie In mnsical acts; Sergt, W. H. L. Hamilton In a Zonave drill: the Wesleys-Jobn and Lonls—In a sketch; Maude Leigh, serio-comic: and in Fame in a ahootlng act. Closing II: The Catletti^ to Grand Rapids; and SeTKts, LalArcc and Hamilton, bo destination. Arrivals 13: Frank and Ella Morton. Mar Rajrmond, Jniia Emmona and Geo. Watson Closing at the Academy ot Music II were Florence Bell and Lon (^risman, to Toledo. Arrivals 13: Cbas. and Emma Devore. Etta wuuams, MoUle Martin, and Allle Clayton." I^Ros cBowns attended the Monnmental Thea- tre, Baltimore, last week. FBnnv Louise Buck- ingham appeared In "Mazeppa.'' and the follow- ing people In their specialties: The Melrose Sls- tera. Sheehan and Jones, coi. Borthwick Reid. Chariet, Ellis and Clara Moore, and the Lament Family (gymnasts). All closed 11. Announced for 13: Elmer E. Grandin and Josephine Shanlev, tbe Carrolls, John Till with his maisonettes, Fred- ericks, Gloss and La Van. the Barlow Brothers, Minnie Oscar Gray, and Wm. T. Stephens and dogs In tbe drama "Saved from the storm." Miss Bncklngham's taoim James Mehille, ridden by Miss Ward (her sister), won the fitst prize at tbe JElaltlmore County Fair 8, the lady ridera of Baltimore and vlclalty being the contestants— The new people at the Front-street Theatre were the Big Poor—Smith. Waldron. Cronln and Manin —Mme. Victoria and Maude Forrester and o. B. Collins in "Muzeppa,'' Ada Forrest and Major Burke disappointeil. Closing il were the Big Four, to Chicago; Msnde ForTe.ater and 0. B. Col- lins, to Cincinnati; and Victoria, to New York. Geo. and W. J. Thompson's Combination open 13. Lou Va\-a?anr. Eugenia Natowitz, Harry Builwonh and Geo. Nelson were new at the OdeoA Closed: Jennie Lindsay, to Louisville; and the Ar- nold Brothera, to New York. Business Improving. Tbe Leavttts—Harry and Jeimle—open lA TBE KBw PACKS at the Adelphl, Butblo, N. Y., the past week were the MnmyA Lottie Russell, PeasTey and VenetU, Dewitt Cooke, Clark aud Ed- wartls. Young Athol. Rose Blair. Mlllle Malmburg, Mile. Georgia and Prof. Wm. PlUare. Business excellent. Departures ll: Prof. Wm. Plllare, Mile. Georgia, and Young Athol, to New York: Clark and Edwards, to Rrailford. Pa.: Maggie Mur rav. Rose Blair, MllUe Malmburg and the Mumys. to'Detroit, Mich.; Peasle.v and Venelta and Dewitt Cooke, to PhiledelphiA To arrive 13: Sid. C. France, James Welsh. Frank West, Morton and Miles, Mlle. De Lange, Jessie Forrester, Jessie Bovd and Rav Eveleth At the Alhambra the Cloisnres ll w'ere Chos. Hunt and Rose Collins. Ojienlng 13: Belie Cushlng. Lew spbnceb arrived In Denver, Col., ftom Son Francisco. Sept. A HIS Wife (Marie Zoel) came to Denver Drom LCadvllle, and joins iiiiu on bis Jour- ney East. KEDiCkvioN or xy ELita' Rkst.— riillsrtflpbla lodpe. No. 2, R P. 0. Elka. dedicated their lot "Elka' Rnc" in Meant Merlah Ceinetcrr. one of the tuo^t lieautltui of the MoBTON k Hoxeb'8 Bio foi;b MoimcB Me«> OTBELS are nowtnveiingthrong the Sonth, where they are meeting with succexa. Nat Homer la the manager and J. S. Shepmid btislnesB-liiaiiager. The company la compoaeil of excellent material, headed by the well-known performer J.w. Moiton, and tbe management ore sangnlne, from the receiv Uon that has already been accorded them. Of mak> Ing Ibis season a mpet pteimeToiis one. Bavbrlt's CoIAkd Mikbtbbls are due In Toledo. O.. Sept. la. one week. East Saginaw, Mich.. 20. Bar City 21. Detroit 23.24.231,28. BABU>w, WiuoK, Pmmoas A Wbst'S HEf> stbels occupied Ford's Open-honse. Baltlmoni, Md., the past week, to Urge btulness. Our cor- reepondent says: "The troupe Is Tecy Btrong, and the songs and witticisms are for the moat part itew and taking. Barlow and WUson on tbe extrema entis and Cal Wagner met with iraod recepdou, and the combat dog-dance waa a featore of the eit- tertalnment." SrvxBAi. colobbd sikoebs ate wanted for Sprague's Georgia Minstrels. See a B. Hlcka'ad- vertisement. BiLLT Pnis banlolBt, Tocallat, endman and alto> player In brass, advertises for an engagement. Colobxd MiNsrmxL TAuar Is wanted by Ed. Rey- nolds, who adveiTlses for an advanor-agent also. The '-OBiaciAi."irKW Obua» MccaiBELsaie to plaj In Montreal, p. Q.. thta wec^ WOOI>90» A Au.BH'B lAxBIUU IMTC COBCtadCA to extend their season aa Mlowa: Bnadwav. Va., Sept. la. New Market lA Lniar lA BetTyruie. w. Va-11 Sbephenllttown U, CUarMMown It, HUls- boro SD. Bloomfield n, LeeetHUs, Va. (tklr). 21, SS, 34. and then close. _. _ BILLT McAixiBTEB of Troy baa engaged wltn Beard's New Orleans Minstrels for tll« coiicnt season. ABBBUt's MiNantBis perform In Provldenae. R. . Sept, lA 14.1ft, Brockton, Mbba, IS, New Bedford 17. Fan River lA Dmn k Br(EDICT'8 Mncsrr.xL3 are annonnccd In Stamford Ct.. Sept. ss. Cabncboss' Minstbbls piesented avciy attract- ive programme Sept. A on wtuch date tbey opened their regnlar Fall and winter season of iftM-ai at their Opera-boose. PhlladelphiA Among tbe moM notic«ible foatnres were the singing of J. L. Cam- cms* and his pnpli. Master EdJIe: "The Order oi Fall Moons." annv b.v tbe entire eompanr: Walter Phoenix and the Dockstadera. Tbe eniertalnment concluded with a (bony c.xtravagomn callol "The Jnv Birds' Excursion, or the Colored Picnic." Busi- ness was Immense the entire week. Irish sketches: Erwln Thomas, pedestal clog-danc-1 Q^fi^^rcTira liiS^ ahlilttwlaeea Ibr the aeaU. Sept. ir, er; Billy Wiley, Irish comedian: and Fannie I ,hich oeeaalon the beantSul monnnient erected in the Da Lorme, vocalist. Busines.-! good. Departures: nilmore and Tracey. Ed. and Battle Morton. Julia Bennett and Billy Wilev. Undcrllnetl: John Foster, the Mavnards and the Sheridan Brothers Tom Edwards and Tom Larkins. comedians, and Carrie Ross, vocalist, opened at the People's 8. BIZ moderate McGIII and f^yland, Dick Mack. Ed. H. Sheehan and Alice Evans were n;w at , — - -,£,,-k^.,^,.„.,i«„ „_, _„., Bland's MUSIC Hall • .....Charley Bartlne was in ff^^^'o'n'f-a'lSM''u^.' w'Si.'"^«lS,°''ilcS'''."d town this week, hunting a leader......The New Sie letters B. K O. E. irom tbe other. For the dtdl- Eldorado is being rapidly rebnllt It Is to be re- cation cereiuooles a lani* apace outside of the In centre of tbe Inclosure waa nnbllclr nnvcUed. Car correapondi-nt naya: "Tbe plot la In the fbnn of an Irrenilar triangle, each ot lu aldea being a dlt- ferent lenRtli. Its tenc* coniUta of twenty poau ot Richmond granite, with a tubular rod i4 nairanlxed r>n rnnnlnn through them at a distance of abont tvo and a half teet trotn the ground. Every noat baa oarred niMn It one of tbe worda naed aa the motto of the order, and each ot the rode U ornamented In tbe centre with a opened Oct 9.' Opesino op a NEwTnEATBE.—The Novelty Thea- tre. Albany. N. Y.. was thrown open to the public Sept. 11 for Inspection priorto Its being Inangnra'cd as a variety theatre 13, imdur tbe nunaguineiit uf Harry Wood. Our correspondent says: '-The im- firo'.ements are butpanlally completed as yet. and n order to do Justice to all concerned I am obliged to defer extended notice of them until my next re- port. Tbe theatre Is In such shape, however, that it will open as advertised, but It win take the best part of the week to put everything in proper order. Tlie oiicning company announced are the three Gorman Brothera, Larry Tooley. Honr M. Parker and dogs, Kitty and Ella Love, Frank B. Carr, Je»iTe Warner. Nellie Richanis, and Claudia and William Ripley, and George C. Charles In 'Irish Assurance,' supported by the regular stock, which includes Josie Crocker Brb'wn. leaiilng-lady; Minnie Wood, sonbrette; Harry Wood, leadlng-lovenlie; Harry Ciiiford, comedian: Ned West, comedian; Alf. A. Wallace, heavies: and George Lascelles. oldmetL The of- ficers are: Harry Wood, sole lessee and manager: H. A. Brooke, treasurer; Frank McGanghan, as- sistant; ProL Flero. leader: Alt A. Wallace, stage- manager: Ben HayeA business-manager; James Thomas, scenic-artist; end James J. Matten, ma- chinist." doaure had been roped off, and within thli apace a atand had been erected lor the aecmnmodatlon of Invited gue^tn. The lot proper van re<ier\-ed lor tnem- bera of the order, and at one aide or It, and panlallr vltbin it, a atand had been ervcted for thoa* por- ilrlpailos In the exerclHK. This aland waa draped whh blMclc material ahure and below, and with Amct- lean flags at tbe aldee. The black drapery vaa or- namented with white roaette*. having a black border and CTDtra. At the baw and sliica of tbe alaod were floral wrealba, itavlog the mottova 'Charity.' 'Juatlce.' 'Brotherly Lore.'- and 'Fidelity' worked upon them Id purple Immurtellee. There were aJiio email hiack nenanta bearlnz tbe worda 'In Mcmoriam' In white lettera. Tbe dedicatory acrvicni tie^n br placing wreatba bcariDff the altore muttoea on the northeaat, nortbweat aoutbeaat and aoutbweitt poatn ol the inchwore. In ac cordance with tbe ritual of the order, alter prayer had been oiTrrcd by Uio. AiiVed Stlmmel, acting chaplain or I'lilladelphlaLodsn-. UliutTUIle Somera, aoprano or Bev. Dr. Alien'a Old llno-atreet Prertb\-terlBa Church, aani ■Therelea Oreen Hill Far Away.' Rev. E. L. Magoon. a prominent Baptlat clernman, made a prayer, after which the clonma ode ot tbe ecdcr waa snog hy all tbe membera. Chae. V, Jonea, marmliall oftbe day. then pr«- •ented Brother Frank Motaa, DlalrleC Deputy Exalted Grand RiUer tor the Sute ot Pennaylranla, and Pait EX' ailed Rnler or rhUadelpbIa Uidge, with a lerles ofieaolu tiona passed by Philadelphia Lodi:», expreaaing their ap- pndailon oi bis devotion and aerrlces lo the order, and in rtcoanltlon ibertol conferring upon bla tbe honor oftuveUlog tlie monument Bro. Moran retoraed tbanki, and, by pulling iipon two while conla, pro ce eded to remove the A meruan flag wblcb bad bltberto eoncealed THE VARIITTTHEATBB8 In Newark, N,J., under Sr„'»;Si'^M'iS."^r«r.S°."^^^ the management of Fred Waldmann. did a good Liness tlie past week. At the Open-boose Miss TliainWTart ^ 111* deapta pnrltlprt "That FftrreU, anil the three Nondi tores, and they all left fori~ :ll. Billed for |we. Matt Green, Ada Forrester, waa iotmd to conilit of a massive baee Oi Richm<iBd nau lie. lurmoimted by a pedeMai or matie biocba. oa which BtandBaliie-aU*fl«ai«oranAm»rlaui<lk. Thltelkiaoraa axnalaamailonof vanons metals, waa maanlaciured Id Bal- Hilm in-* was exhibited at the lata ceoteDolal Eiblbltlon. i.,!» H - ! L ' -i.. ' —rt- bpnatio n of a real oennu alccf. In unedgranite,on aliliTln liowalia iiiiiiiinool- Lpdge, Ko. 2, B. P^O^EIka^ by Biwber ChiSnrr^ CIRCCSEtt. Tng LoNPOX CiRcrs exhibited in Johnstown. Pa.. Sept A A correspondent -writes: "Atter tbe close of the arrernoon exhibition one hundred and flity of the company and attaches. led by the bran band and tbe managers Of the show, and followed by the tallv-ho coach, draped with American flaoa aud contaimng the ladles of the company, went la procession to Sandyvale Cemetery. There they grouped themaelvcs aronnd the grave of Jamen Casslm the clowa..who died there May 1A18TV;aiid after the band had played a cnaple of dlrgcA tlw ladles strewed tbe monnd with flowen. wreaths of laurel and geraniums, and the Georgia Cabin SiRve-slngera vocalized "The Sweet By-and-bve." After that the procession reformeil, and marched back to the tents. A large number of citizens ae- companled them to the cemetery, and were appar- ently much interested in the ceremenleA" Van AMBtTROB A Ca'a Mbhaoebr axd Cimtnm Is billed in Mineral Point Wis,, Sent sa. PUttvllle M. Hazel Green 2S. Galena, III,. 27. EBxabelb », Saranna 39. and In Marengo and RocktonI dnrin* the IhirB, Tbe Rice Brotben and C. O. Hones left the show recently. George M. Kelley itbe leaperl and wife and Edward Billlnoii have Joined It and the sideshow has been reinforced bv • Iht lady, a remale dwarf, a bearded woman, and George Caab, with hlR snakes and alllgaton. Tbe STXES8—ProL Charlea S. and Matiha E.— ralnd.readers and iiioaionisis, traTellav with John Robinson's Cirens, now in Kortb CaroUna, are re- ported as meeting with mnch sncccra. - HAHtLTON'a New Yobe Cibccb, which exhihlt^d in WillUmsport. Ha, Sept ll, la billed In Clear Spring 18. Hancoek ia ■ P. t. RABMrM's "ORBATsar Snow ox Eabth" Is hilled in Vincennes. Ind., Sept SO. Oiney, HI., n, Centralta 23. Cairo afl, Dutinoin ai. Belleville 9A Wm . Cbosr, Iminrter of Bnrmese elephants, wild animals, etc., oObn several elephants for sale fn his cards elsewhere. He has one of these anlmala at his place In Liverpool, Eng., It having arrived there recently. W, W. Cole's Cractts -was in Saerareeato. CaL. Sept. 10. II; thence •» Anaheim 18. Ban Itemardino 14, Los Angeles 1ft. Bakenfiehl 18, TcrsollalT, Fres- no IR, Mereed to. ADAH FoREFAcan baa pnrehaaed the valuable propcrtv In Fhlladclpbia known as the Richmond csT-atatiies as permanent Wlnter-qnartera. Dnring th'e Summer be has catised to tie erected nine brick dwellings, and will Inimnllately pot no a brick block In the rear of his new pnrcbaae. The flnlsll- ing touches nre now being put on three new stoiva and an difice In the rear of his itweBing, wblch will uuswer the double purpose of aa elegant stable, with lode for the mannfactare of vrardrobe. etc.. on his own premlacs. Forepaagb'a Inreiit- ments In real-estate In Philadelphia daring the past Summer reach, it Is aald. In round ntunbers, {SO.OOO. CiRtXB rEBFOBVEBS are wanted bj tbe Orrln Brothera for their show in Baiana, Caba. 9«« canL A TtntBLEB to act OS spvlte is wanted bj J. Leon, who advertises. A XEW MCSEtm Is to be opened In Brooklyn, K' T., Oct II, The place baa been leased for fl«a yean, and will be nnder the direction cf Meoara. jnkes 3c Nathans, witb Jba T. Jnkea as auperlB- tendent. Living curiosities and artists who can entertain children are wanted. Bee card. The Lokdon Srow exhibited In Allegheny cnij. Pa., Sept A T. Onr eorrespondent aaya: "Tna atiect-parade waa nnqaesttnnahly one of the moat Imposing ever seen here, the manaoerle creditable, the hatiy eiepfaam being the most attiutlve ftattu* to many people In this department, nd the arenio performancea were of • blfll and refiiMd order. Tbe only oblectlon tbat was beard to tbe entlra I pa,'' with Irene lass added to til I street house J. B. to, .aua Forrester I Th-'i;-.,^; :7»;i..-' IL-;^- -•>:"""■'" '■"■^ t. k uul ' i .j w-jM«-ii* douWe elrcos-rtng.andcomplalnta iAt_the.MnlbetTy. | S^lf.'Sf .'i' E^??.?.*^'.™'.««;<»LC«iRndoiph»,!«eood. I ond there was a materti d?op?^ Vic. Leonzo ^fa The Tea- and AuBe. ,tiib..» ..w.j ^.wv^uoviiu id. ■ ^ut^o, auu tucv aii leit j FEBfOB! ne fliMiiting engagements are referred 13: Niles and EvanA to Ugm Ji ining.'ialke'H card in this issue. WUUara West Lonu S'Oji'i'yi '''s specialty, can be en- "od Fannie Loi •'sSvSJ^ agenjs, Ligon and Thomdike, as " adve*fr^K<'5«; At T.trA'Ntvrrw OPERA'HOrSE, Green River D I??"' nouse J. b. moin and vie. Leonzo in l "■•"=»."«>: »na Msrrr L. E?anal»aaD_ l nBr..'..^r_'T» .-.-k- T., recenuy'ytpened. the oflScera and pertSiSiere are I'^JfP'o"" " «™ng attrac linTlti^rea" rSSSSS '!S;^''^'^f'•' ?T''tI^^''-o"*ia^n^ hibuion oM^»i ^^nfii'T* ^f«» «»?*> fcr tbeei. R. J. Truaff^ ^^ISSW'S ■'anies Wtltfieid, stag^ ?"S ^fT* «fe Amott Sletire, ChiS. i^Sn^fftf'ordSr itom°ii'oIJS? •„'""?'<»> """^ J{^>5?? C''2P*f * B»He. " " manager; 'not. (fiab, leader of orchestra: Belle ?4^Ti i„h?i.Sff ^'»f=«' LanSer U^i c«"«,'J5Se 52? Juvenile 5"i?? idV'SS'"'!; "IZ^^e Maggie WlUet l'\""'"«b E. o. S - ..'-"■.?».--^f^'' «T Ood, u. ibe.,' I pn'J . vocalist- S*'"* ^"'y Haason, Waltere antlWella anil '•^^**^nerorifiwi lames WhttflelA .bagJoUt and comedian; Charles ^'^^ Munn At MetropoUtan HaU the man. J"EJ?!.""=e' W Wilson, general perfo rmer; and Geo. Bell, dancer. S"'? ''S* «tianged for tlie past two wSS" i bri^i ^Jri;^ ^"(.."""'•'pi'ia^todM, iod-mS; R00BB3 4 CAjgjELL's PATILI0.N- SBow'isbiiii | j:«>f^ Dana, wniettlst. hw an nnlimlied enSrel I rtiSfiuiti?''.?- .hror°d5r cb!ift^"..?'Ls"" icroS''^!uartet"had5oJ"' '""••'"t iens*. After CosLET'3 Va^ties. St Panl, Minn.,Is open for I Theatre, Bradford, Pa the nast I on«'i«i'n" oM^tMti^jRt^% e'l.'IK ir -J prie'ldlng ottlcer, Hllr, E. iC or Fhlladelpbb tures orthe oUo were the Aratit t sisters rhiS I -No l, then dollrered a h'utoriii aiMi^ f'?fU<>n of Cooper * Ballev's Great London Clreua • sSfa Re<lniond and Georgle Blake Ads llnS'er5?fH S^l,'*rtLS:^J'J^'SJ" <"itwpixation to the pfSSl »Jf Saiigeni' Royal BriUsh MtBAgnSlSruSiatU Davenport, serio^mic; Wilson SlMerarrf le 5]?,?? ."VlS^""?; To f/Jlve wflliSS'WlS?!" l".rwfiS'^'S" ^-"T,M2d'Ttiil'B°,S?tS'i":!: %'iJi''B^^''^^^'''S^.^r^P^^'^ pertonnerB: J. B. Howard, character" vocalist: rSJ-'iL'SfJ-^""" ^'^^ Walten and^ells and ly;^^°"°'«>^^"'t'^i^'^i'^^^or%,i^ tritSSrt wM?Ha™2m'..'*5^il.'?R»»' James Whttfleld,.ban|oUt and comedian: nhari..; I Ceorge Munn At MetronoUtan Hall th» m." . I JntE»!u<:e>i by the prnidlua oMcer. Brother^: | cIrcnsS dledlnSyia Foi^pauBh'a and other bnrtedw in Uverprwr'^ir thif e^.** , It Frrzo Aald wants clreoa artls's booked at iita After I "gency to notuy him when tbe/are at UbeS^. „ ■MCB U.AlfgQPg. THE BITBTIS OPEBA-BOCBB, DavenMrt lA Ima been rebuilt, and Manager Hi Bnr^ sbstM thar» the season, and le manager, P. Conlev, desires to secnre specialty irtlsts and others forl'iitnre datei^ To those who plfy at his honsa he ollien also two weeks In Mltme»oIiA AT THE'i{Ca\tral THEATRE, Hamilton 0. Bols ..The Academy begins Its season 13 with a large dramatic and specialty company The Apollo wlU not open nntll 18. „ ., AT Htde a Behvan's Theatre. BrooklyA L. I., the new laces Sept 8 were Murphy and Mack, Murphy and Shannon, Frank Lewis, Add Ryman, Kitty McDermott, the Murphys—Paddy and Ella— the Whitings. Fields and Leslie. Dick Rowe and Kate KclsoT Departures 11: Fields and Leslie. Dick Rowe MurphT aud Mack and Mnrpby and Shannon, to New York Oigr; the Mutjhys and Kitty McDermott to Grand Centtul Theatre, Phlla- delPDla; and Add Ryman. to Albany, N. Y.. to Join "The Flock of Geese" Combination. New fltcee 13: The Ten American Students, ValJean, Louise Sher- wood the three Mllo Brothera, Gibson and Binney. Walter Mack. Mowbrey and Hawkins, Frank Jones and Alice Montague The people engaged for Saturday and Monday, 11, 13^ at the Broadway AT CAlS'a GM( THEATRE, Bradford, Pa the past '^^'«* ""•'•"■'a or an add^STby HevrSr E'L.°St Kate Montrose In ballads; the Barlow Brothers in spngs^ud-dances; thePo'nrpi^ndi lirX".,!" peared to good buslneaa>*<&tTle Howard was nre the compa ythi past week Included Ida Martlii' "nted 10 with a florarottering In the shape of a' Josle Wadt -he Great RoaeUe, Frank Stanly. Mag- Joneshpe. Departuns U: Kitty Gardner W Al-1 gie Clair, Ii.» C ston, Moy Marston, Johnnv Brace SS°y= Barlow Mothen, Baltimore: the Fonr audE. M.Brya4 Prof. Oouch Is leader of orches- S'"?"";'"- Pittsburg: and Kate Montrose and Carrie Hotvard. New York. To appear 13- Clarlt Vol i52r.n!?''if"'??""' "1" DrewrDoIly Foster, Nell e B^d. May Vernon. Smith and Leopold LotI tie Grant, and Oily Audley. *^ ' whl.^ the Elk. id the 1?.»;d« «n,S^'S5.^SSSS^^ »»»5;Hng, Uroin ten to fliieen tbouMSd 5KSlJr«- .umedwth. city in-peclaj ?^.i.aiu ,A aocfiT^.l^ tra. Chas. LEBorJ gymnast, can be encaged to give his varied spec Itles. taclnOliig tbe trapeze He advertises In thl issue. *^ C. Morelkid. Ja-BeiyinTaU.'wrB. p2S^^^ la. nurd, Bovroo, ' ti~*^_ n ■_ • -f^- thani,. A. E ~ Tlodale. Power. uoancsT. White, Thomu Oaraor'w^ opened Sept.i ■ -. , —d wo have a re- .'L'TT'l'n**"^^'"' the beat there was » ii^t^a uif.'bnia Marr Mitchell Klttv Peaslev I Amerlcon Uffe, 1 offered as a strong card for nov- I ^i«-*"'Qr-*"~;«"""""':: wutcn lawcs i ;i:ti'*"»J" l!"^"?^!! xuoni' We^M'i^M^e? Mch^'^d m elty theatres/i --yrt.sementSred^ SMWd'wVS,SlS"^av"Ai..?°J ^:r^T^'ii^":^liS^^t '"a^^^ j ^^SSS^ S£^^i^*S''*^^''^^ I ^ J'J3? PtSwit. 'TfWSdltSJSmSu wrrre&ri«T w'hheTVtS^u'o.n'^^ See advertisement ^^^^ :5BE AitpoN^OP .49H. Merry's drama of I ^-e^,?|•^SSif5?M^fo•Al%^«'«»h'."5 »' I ES-^°1?2'S"'°^I' S^tb'^' "•SI^Jl'^.'S^ Vn^l^^il^^^^^^'^^^^^^^^c^ Td for nov- Ku« s?nt la' a~''5>S:fr™;, V;„7"'f''«"^« Wti^M^USeV.T&aSTh'^JS;S''w"2»^..5?«''«^t urerA.T.'wensjS'scalrt in^ lS* Vr'i'^y »c'"tlea forMltpost- ent Calclum.Ilght CompanyT^ ' independ. A BBA<ow, or manatee la for aal« at n « ntn>* .tery th.- ,Phil--.l7hl.- ■|jS.h7r.-"-Su"Si&'d'''23r ''^TJS? jSSJS!;.^^^ " «- S- Exalted ^-'»iJot,uJ^ ,..r^,V:^j£S^ ^rrihl^^^'^P^^^}!^^'^ Adelaide Resell ani^Ittle Josle Drlnaln sustain the principal to ta In tie piece. Vabiett i>Er"~ Theatre, this cl FoLL HocsEf are rule for thepalt weel DanvlUe.IU. G.AOsr to IndlaiBpolls, Ind. are Jesde Adams, t! Cooke. |A leader is ad' SPEClIlTT FEOrLB XE ab wanted at the Novelty sried as having been tbe t Long's Galen Theatre, 1 closed Sept 11, and went ^ people billed to open 13 an Sisters and Delia 1 for. _ Wamboltl. May Antonio'rii'ar'lM'a'^ I £?• Brown. 'Ba]timnr.'La<&efNo'7'waa reo! AT COSLET S Vasietieb. St Paul. Minn., tbe I by Wm. C. Rameron mni uSl^ T.u^'''F!SS'!itSi!^. the) 1 first class straight-man Hyde A Behman's The- can secfre engagemei atre, Bnoklyn, S, Y.. addressing the managerA ATTdBTHEATBECc iluE, Richmond, Va. Har ty Marten nowoOclat ss stage-manager, In'place Th. vi«H„ii SP.3/1°'1,?"""'*<"'' Departniesll l?K_"?'S'? ^G"' MInneapoIlA Arrivahi 13: John and Daisy Donaldson. -"""-lo i». rr; WUiUm U. JoDee.Inner-fnud: Cbaitea 5H..7.*2.V »ald to be oflkredInpremlnmA v?i.S°*,i-i,J^ ■S?'"' ■»«'»« Eft«m«i Leading lor two weekA The openlii? exerdsea wen ^ck^E^^teS^Sutiffi-ChSy^^ J. Balea. tyler; SMIIHMortr-cimRore^^^^^^^ I StSMS^'^'^^ ""^ "^^^^^ I iru&'.Sf'''^^^"^'2^'»"?'^^^^^^ I "0^tSin » 1^ 11, goUg to D.anvlile 4>e Stanton si«pW^nrt " °°*..^'''^* " Slstera, the Hogheses CToi ni«Jt?l:,Pl"¥'??^*!f"™-'*''*«'*'='"^»«!^ •■•«■- JamesTanleerbpenld " sl«tere nev and Ryon. and the Alft^dos-Lonl^fandfimmA PrSk^M^S'n^ Penn5l?eii; I T. D. Vax abtbs adrertia*. fo» .„ . „ / MtTftSitT'cM ^ known as bn*sSl2."Wv»'?.'»^?»'"«S^°^^^^^ -rh^tr^-iEastem District) are Tom GronmrAndv JenmSAndrews. serio*o|c, and Cfiaries Welsh in i?»5?a™^i'/S''S;i.'^"''^""""'^es ' -'" " ■ ^'"-<^'^- vi^^iAt^xISaSiy GomTT^l^ih and of the VlrgimaTrto-Tnr»; Welsh and Harrii- ThPiVnHj^SSl^ Performing there. Comns, Kenned^„aniH«Jey. Green a _ ' 5o%nilaV"rr aM^^^SaH^^ w^h"Kfol^i*^'lli!r®Sept- Min the Steamer City Of Tbe«»««ameranowrnntoHaVanB i^V2SVi5S2J^»A"<?fon™, thereby V — and Orndorff and McDonald. At THE GBAND CENTRAL TBEATBE. Philadelphia, dnring the week ending Sept 11, the attracUons were fielene Smith, Kelly and Ryan, Augnatus J. Bmno, Billy Hayden, Andy CoUom, Clooneyand Ry^n, Geojrgle Welnotte, the "Fonr Star Gro- ELIiA Wesseb. who sailifTom Liverpool. Eng Sept. 4, In tbe steamship Sada, is to Jolji Tonv Paster's Company 27. \ ' ' A tiDY FABT.STB IS WaM by a malt. ImiMlr. Bonafor. See Maud O. Valis card. """"P""^ EIM BA-VKER AND FLORAtBLLS puUISha COm- menlntory notice Irom ttaVr— -~ - ■ moniea choice Inatrnmetitai muilc , Uennanl:! Orcheatm. nnd.r tbe direction 1 premlnn ijuwuw um» uu» uewa BO larf Bec^ Jli^ ufbSi'''*'*^'^*' .J^'J^*^" .Opeba-hodbb. HamUioD. Canada, opens Dec. I, It can be secured hy applyliufto^ R- Spackman, as p erce nt w *. • ,«iedk«ione«i». I ASETornABiosETTE notrBEBahd seennr'ani Loit-rarew out those nnk^MmStSa^*' °' I ?llJlt^.l^.*J¥?J'^'*"f"''' P^^fomera MdSttracuSS TIB HARBI3ES—Emma addieased care of this offl' TBE FOITR SHAnOCET Webster Brothers—have Tommlc—can be oy, Daly and the Jre-engaged for an- qthensnm, Boston, fery sncocsstai in I be foitnd in an- of various klnda. .kI^L*"^^" Castral, Troy. N. Y.. opened fori the season Sept «, with the following coinponv ' Bu^lnew daring the week waa gei lX>ira-RAX6B SHOOTDTG In the weekly competition lietween membera of the Mflssachnjetta Blfle Asaoclotlon at Walnnt- blJI Bnnge, near Boston, Sept S. the folloinng splendid scores were inade by the four leading contestants: J. p. BBOWN. , , . . „ 6 ft S S 9 S S 5 S 5 5 4 S ft ft—74 ftSSSftftSlSSSSSft S-TJ S4SSSSSSS4ftSSS S—73- WILUAM GERRISH. _ S44Sftft3ES64SSS 4—71 ft4SSft3ftSSSftSS5 S-74 _ SS94S44S3S49Sft S-^l-aW W. CHARLES. _ S5SSSS455SSS4t S—73 SS44»4»ftSSSSSS4-71 ..4 S ft 59 ft.9 4 Sft SSSft ft-n-ns . J. A snjINEB: _ . .34SSSft4ftSSSftftS 4—72 t4 49 4 9 <S9 999 99 9—n _ _^ /.'...JSOftSftSSSSSftftSS-aJ-Ol Tbb honthlt SHOOT for the diamond badge and cb^plonablp of tbe Fountain Gm Clnb took SS^'seita at tbe Brooklyn (L. LJOrlvlng Park. Slneteen membera shot at seven blrds.McCbandl- 2S Sm elsbtv Tarts foil, and C. w. Wlngert §lMe(Sv^BUO"«>onigs) ThOA Kewiedy(B). DrrMbotpO). a*'* (*» *™ed six "sKVHiTEEi KEHBEBS Of the long Island Con OBV*«***«-_ , „«-ti,l«-ahnftt for a nn At Ellis and Clara Moore, Ned Barry, Fred Levantine. pX Dalr. S>>»T>1W »nd west, Frank McNlsh. Paddv and Ella Murphy, tbe three Laments. Chaa. H^dmoSSaHdCMSSfeakeandKltty McDermott "«2^-fA?:HAiiBBA St Lonls, Mo., did a fiilr I otter week at^tbfl^Hoi S^3^£S.&A«S?^frtlr^°^^^ LltU. Eosebud »P"l'I'2!.~SfESf" ^Jtr. AHa Pinvd wiu be I ajgieaied In Library Hall, Ptnrg, Pa., an the past week, to a very slim attt-— — 13, 14, IS. 18, and Tony Pastoi the week Harry WilUan _ qiens for the season Sept. lAh tbla 'company The Four DUmonds—Ctot *€n, Brevarde and" Sawtene—Ada Forrest, ProtU. Sawyer, the Four Emeralds—Gibbons. Btl Keui'idy and Magee—Ada Stanwood, WUUaJnd Carey, UlUe Howard, Charies Lord, Allle &, and Lucy Cllf. ton, I Mat F13e'8 Specialtt Cohtion opened In Toronto, Ont, Sept 8. for sights. Business icoderate. ^„ ^ AT the Alhambba PbUadi shine Sept. 13 are Weston Br Florence Well^ Wm. Maurittli imORO BIIITSTRBIjST. ...i.ii. " uuulI^ lucrciiT I "ATERLT'flCoi-OREDMtsaTBEiB appeared In To-I ?ht uSftSS'S'r'SS." "iS^, "^"•S'n^Si; r??;o. Ont., daring the past week, to wTeltent iS- loe united states on WeOnerday evening and 'ties*. ^ "* ""^ I _ I Bablow. Wilson. PBijfBosE A West's Mik-i STBELB are to appear in the Richmond (Va.) Thea- S?.«o^'"""«""- »• - , _ SrcCESS CBOWNTO the efforts of Bariow^ WUson. «i15?7ff i?EIf!^ 'J!* mannfteturere, advertise — ujujwuiv I Primrose ft Meat's Miiutrehi to nlease t6« naiiT ^ atage-wear, which ther state ^ao^n'^uliSS'^^^,%l^'-r''SP'^^ •"'-"'taawllllS.Snbmerie^' S2.MS?."?»*«« «o«rStoexcipttoSLjy Delmanning, Ford and Knowiea, Kitty P«»»*xtraeta: j"~»wwnaea ueA The Jener, ao article tbey have lii evnr Bheward, May Diamond. Grace Reynolds and Ada .Bablow. Witao.v. Paiaaoaa A wmr. wr»~^ I "lor. la iOIIMtlllBg Iher dlnct tha anmtt^.^ Monday. This is tbe I season in Havaiu. They I or apwtBallsa. opened In Toronto. Ont. Sept fl. tor oneweeAtnt brooabt to a dote A wa* P.K Wr,"JS^ .i^?'S2;i.5!2r^. iheatn* ally large, and the ImprovementTlnlhe K«ule I ™?Ci' de'^^5''25d 2^?™'7"°<'"e»0'^'>MdAn- ™db£.-dtiiiJa-ti=^^ Th?d?i^Si421?"-""* not appear, though billed, a-yr. To aaythat Barlow. itUmu Prta™S4lRJ{3 out tne rest of | Diamond Klttv Shenmr.! .•.;=__"'.,.-?/ I that bava ahown in ll, BaUlmoreiI»^alooiMSiii^to? Majtoiaai. It u a boi eempl^ tin cBlr one I to advaB. tbataeeni irlonpha g»«ber. Ib«flnale-anab«inlpan>dy on the TSSIh oat the rialblea. Mr. EdiMe Po« in bla thmial melanra waa veiT dam, and George Wllaon. who lollowed, dme tn*„*<wis op to the bewl with bla comical enilooa, droll sooa and ln>lesqar<. u. u aomeihisc on tb. Oeorie TLatcber Drder? ^ . TbSB Poan's.- Ll^e'HattUlgA Ada Beno and Ada Floyd wUl be a^d IJlTr.Edwln P. HUton In "Brought ?o ^v" WM theitar Ifcature at the Globe. He remilM another week. Redmond and rimnn TitMal 11. to Chicago. Business mod- erate. Ca^tih Sid mSmL, Emina BeU Eva lErtb Re^n Bemis Heywood Slstera, Emma Brad- SJ^d Lou £l?mnM come foUow- tn^ wribUled to have appeared at the opening S^te SiSl^ue ThS« IlTl^.Fleldli^^ SndMuSrie-lSiIpb Levlno, SeUon and Bums, fSJniB^tes and Minnie Kaye, MUe. Deslree, S RySi mie? VUleftez, Eillth Lyle, Hanle BuJSil /ohn McVeigh and^ate Montrose, Keuln- and NlbS the Burgesses, De Omer and SSaS? Mi^Sh'este? and JeSnngs, Geo. W. Beed ' we' wSpliLt- SiBTEBs-Grace and Jeane- ind reel dancers, are o_pen fbr engagements. SSSlSr Wc^ParkVr of tfc American^tre, Manager v*.. endorses them. See card. ' Of DiimiSi Kltty"l'b'S;^3?idfhe*5^'Sfjth^!? «^ 2^^™'^ SL'Sifl': ToVn'JrAllen an5BS5°tS Moo's 'S^^iiU'St , ., .. . —.— -uslne-ta. and were Inconven. lenced In adjusting their accounts." i. 2if?f^1^^^^' "ileportorial Repartee" iE*u ™et with considerable «?t'ri5J?^°°.> "S^- be seen by an ei- 5?^i?mSit PubUshed In onr bnalneu Iversary of I a,1b71^ViSiJS*?S5.'^^I?£»At^'.'»'ent are wanted tbe Stan to Banker and Mackln and and In honor of tbe occasion MesBTA Wm. Mayer and Frwil managem agemint, I Stamford, Ct. SeptTia! Dinbi"?? li^si.nth'vSi.'it I IntiKii 'boi .Twiyi; rayuTinli b*i> or ih<rtr :ertulns<i | l«. Bridaenort 1« Wnt*,i.""^."v^'Slril^^** I R*^, I? tbe el-w daoelM - th. btnadiword daoc»- tliey did tbe moat artlatle piece of beel-tapplaa that can be ftniglned. rivld and nanaoo lo "loatramantalOeiutia DUigniwi'' made cT«at fan. and did stMae remarkabl. cymuastleaon .very kind orinicrameat Dreta acolTeeoot to a baoja Tbe erenlor waa brooabt to a happy tcraln. only a good tleal mur. ao - eame tba dABdog. tbe flrat relay of which waa abnflled ont i>y Jfcvmi. rrlmroae. We^t, Fox. trard. DoTla. DaW, Turner, and Maekm. In tbaarataei '^rbeCaUentr«lding."tlieybn>sgbt dowaihe-r aooyarda... 900 yards... 1,000 yards.. 80Dyatda... 9t>) yards... 1,000 yards... 800 yards... 900 yams... toaoyoTda.. 800 yards... 900 yard*... I^OOOyaidi.. Clnb SgaiSedln the monthly shoot for a gun at nSSe?5aSrt,Jamaica, Sept A Each conttMtant SSfttl^n^Sr^dltap rlae. 8gdt,ttU5,lWe Dexter'a Pari S52,riSda iutwdir^^S,) won. fining aU Us birds. ?*P"£l52r^SdTvngenl Kitty Sheppard, Uzzie made themselves leaturCT ort John iio<>^t£*^lT?^lrt'j^J^bmK£mdVeT Katie Howard Athememn, Bostoo, 1 g''?,V«W kSv, S^e^^^s. A°,^^ A StJ^™. OF ™~B«B3_i fa^d Ito F^cr Fio'ren" ^1«''' f"? M^eGliStouA A number ofpeople are wanted, Jr^Sivii* A rehearsal la called for Sept lA ' ■"jKI^^BOiT'^^oman with the Iron jaw; ' piS:wi£2iiPl5arelnhls sensation act of ea*ch- PTOL _ /.annnn- and Tonnff AthoL _.*>> KlLWAriK TrastBsaad their bmbnn ttf aww Tmk wer. aireo a recppUon and tMlval by tb* TuiiSS Society 01 aom.<B. Vaa. . at Forwc Oafda^aScaL^K Mtartalnmret wae made .pet ■ymnaailS.dEna^S" lor, innrumental Bo<ie b? iheBimmi. ArSr "^^ •ddi»«« ofwekome by Mayor Prim. Tba vlaltaSa if tuijedbon.7.... J»r. H. a.Ta,!S!ftrtltiSoSSSS^lSi he knowa aboot raadng at Mnale BaO H fSvSJSS: Tnrrert celebrate lb* two bamHwdaadfllMShaiST^ aary or the amleraem of iho elty 17 bvao wnm7 fand*. They will gtva repreMDtatloM of iiiilrYT' tjrial taU;aax. to b. fcmuniSTa^SSS-cL !m UlomlaatMl alonw the ioau br eaWumnSia. o2?»?Sf *J** work Tbe MaMrbBjrtta HurtMltMZru^,^ Ti ssor s ADTOMATOs nncBB. a cnnDlot. Man ami phoonarapb arw offnwd for a2» byiSi OirlS^liuSS;^ wbotaabeaddivaaerteaeeoftWaoaie. Breuiaia, J^?^'£^'^ 55ta5a.n«o,,.T«Dd"«»traetlBran«. •"venjaea for aa anaaiaiaain * a'^. ArUngton-s Minstrel and Con vertised In this Issue. LOOE Oct Fob Bin.- a self "Charlea Forbes," also ' same aheet baa written to ' '^'IfwiaSoBADOTHAATBA Cinclnnatlj . «iSiis Oct ^Specialty people can find eigage- at the above Bbnae and at the Ptenix S,«^ln the mne city, both being andw the ^"HSVnSitofsaabriet Secadverttseniat. ""rSflS^Pra^" Tlvou Theatre, Ajany V T ttepaitweek, were Howard and Cone and Risers andDean. Closing Sept U were t SdSSnTselile Vincent and taiTle Broi !Er..%?lbvDlamonil, HOgan Brotbers, Kli ^"l5W Aine ind^euie Wood. is elingA aa stage-manager. Fj S^vertSd tor. BuSesa U reported, "w L. BOOT, voealtat, and >ed OUver^ aiSVoSiedlan, «lveillM in ttos iSmiciAMA HTinnaatB and bUlpoaten IMt^ij^WaafiWn'BBbow. See card. resenting FEB, but that maoagen have ; arelncllnedto bellerethat tbe l with a mild form of Insanity, merclfOl to him to have blm an of having bis mental condition t3 pbvsIelanA We know nothing i and caution all nanagen that 1 spondent of this joamal, nor la 1 lieen, in any way coimected with ter was dated Baflblo, K. T., Sept c. B. FoBBMAsi adreitlMS ■eT( dramas, which lie la prepared to pi theatres. VABIKTT raortz are wanted mania Oartlen, Hoboken, S. J. Aj J, ABwottb. appear in Hartfo"^ ft.". siVt IS WiSS^Ia' «»if^jiJf!S2?i*5«"''«"*>'«'"e Bncklngham The. jJ^iS^VtiiS^^^!^ and engagements at the 5?f^iH??2^iIfi*^"«"' nn<«er tbe control ofCnrieyABenslnger. AddiesaGasDuboU,man- reSlfiSt'SiV* E- Saginaw. Mich., reopens Sept 27. A stage - manager, orchestra bvSfflSS ''-'a^'j2?^W^"enBordweU, proprietirT lOy sklBed I „AT TOENrw OLTMPio Theatbe. Xbanv, n. Y., SSL^'^.'"*"*?'''^"*^ Closing Sept liriSy ^■J^^S^PP"<i. Bnalaecs is reported excellent. Perfonnen are wanted. SeecatdT elS^, PABTorj TbocpB visit IndlaDapolla. Ind- Sept 13, LonUyUle. Ky., lA ift, Colnmb'aaroTlA PUtalKirir, Pa., li, is, Baltimore, Md., JO. ^ weekl IBS.f^f* a new eomlc plecv, written !SP*f'fS^''>'J"» company by JmMBainS, en- titled 'Tony Pallor's riTty." """"i eu Wed forBUIy ^pany, as ad- I hlm- on the several at he has !8 In St byrep- lE Clif- InL We I afflicted I would be rnatever, ' acorre- ne ever I last let-1 tdonal iTBtlety RAlaTT>s Halu Mteoa. Ga,, bas-he<* rmovaieA and W. Da. atlon byao extimvainat akeicb called "Fan ea the Bras- "^i?" «» UieatiVia pooda areiiMleadlB •fla." in wblcb tbe whole company took part Tbe Sn':^."?''?"'- H»oa«» an nuiiSn^SSrS SSmS ••TherilllXooOK"«<u1nswbIehab*ranliirai>dbao<uiu$ U th* Utast Doviiiica In the maraat—aTthTCaalSSS membera or a n'«ede«lor«l lectet nntar naradfd is IbU •optima On- Baa teijrtrlotA and Ihs JatMa a r«talta-wasarcana»ancee«a. TberewmCSSEs^'S "i*?^^ "••"•V. a davandSamiday.—&iKiBu>re.ABer<ea,8rp«.7. PLAVFAIBadT<nl<»to|i>v>lnauwataaa lai Foso'tt Cbas» OrxaA-BorsB.—Tb. Initial p*iiaraiaiieii of Barlow. VUsoo. PnmroH A Wett's Great Xtaainl Jf?t?W_SL?"*?;* KlBia™»B,l» ^mmMwa and airyaodltoelam waa lileially packed toom nranec to Petttlt. Mich., tbla week. — to0l]*i7,aadanwere enihosiaatlem tin nmSnl: L,.C!nosrnc»arewBni.d&>r tbe tlona ot opprovat Every prania* ol tbe prmtmSZ. C. A. Brmdewbari'atarA ntTMrdliuiliy btUlant tbclugb they were-na > ooirraacTiM-Aoaris wooted by denAaodtae soceaaiof tbla mammetb aarraaUan^ 1 av*""**- ' _ bnrat-eortianiata waa laataotaneooa aad dSdST^rbm . '5?*"'?^'!!*6.«S. - ntaybeabetur trtnpe of tbU ktaid s«aewSm iniS! U ajvanlaedfcr aaj e by L A WaUaee. woAt btit It baa not yic favored ■altinSTwKb ufpiS: a ^r!,* ^ifiS!If2 'f?™" g wnwa otmMd — B.,.<—» u —. * I >,ui uaiau- I g, Tbe atieodaae. tbe flrat waBka»wfaw.4oTarT35ia3a^ ^Habv. inaKlelr dm- aiMtlwV enca.—CaI«»oref.rjIA8epL7. »-jneatie niianw tB«atatw».fcaTM«g.4eT»Tjgadi^ PoaD-s-mwTaxuL-TbemamBMthmlutfeltrannaof Lrll^!; g'S'^VH. «gP«M» la Baabna. H. H.7aaBLaL Bartow, Wnaoa,Pnmroae A Wtu OmTSSSir^S^Sl \'''^^^r^hh.^^i^S'S^J!!^^ aodlenc* to tb. Grand Open-botue last nliht. Tbe lisa Orat-pait-amnaing tonci. >ke* aad daaml«e«ned u «a«^BMet tbe to««of theandMaetClSId tbi w^ kept ap and not aOowwl to flag dwteg tb. entUe perform. ancs. ,Itl>Vf'^,?***'*'°''toiaythaithUiroapeormS- «3|riaUby odjitbevery b«t mtheeoantif^'d a ™5 totheOnBdOpera-bon*. wlU prav. a an^ cnielorthe ■iwn.—BotdKsra Jtaea. Sept 8. . Tbb Mibbtbeib at FOBV^—Ad aodicace nnmtwitoa nnyt«pib<naadpmaa«wa« urn.nut laai aTemlaw to S>°f. "g. P^fae m e nc ea cf Bartow. WilaoB. PlianM A West'a MI^cl Coopooy. Tbe pcogranme was ran of Cievsr Blnnben. An om-o(.doara wm a n Onm tba t aj e tl e u packBd th* street with aodttaca-AiUtiior* JMB. 8*rt T. ^''SEft'-* BMisrnoBwffl'hi abona furu in WnUboci^ H. H., Sept U, FomlBitaall TBBCUoCixa otOaelaaitl dUt