New York Clipper (Sep 1880)

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/ S06 THE nsrE"v^ THE ATRICAL BEC ORD. tfOvemeBtoi BaslBeaa, and IncIileBt* of tbe Tliratrlcsl. Clreos, BlaalcBl o p H. mnUcnee ItwooldDOt bepn>p*r foru to ' S?r» S»»n wtrelt rouoMble to »api>0M. th»t we coaU alwmn ovt at the tnia flxnrCA. HOT—L Aith»««*of cwenty.two one an I«»Tn to be u actor. — In tfale deg^fnent. In onr lune of Au. H w» gare tlie nameaol eeTenl_teacben of tneoimm- aDc art In tbU dt7. jl_ JlcK., Sjraciiae.—We cannot tell yon whether yon could set a vlloaxloa or noc It u Ut« In the selMn to think aboDt uetcnz one. At the best joa wonld probably hare to wait for a ncancT. Alt, Lecobnr;;.—The Hacnadf ilou ocnired at the AAor-pIaee Open-honw. which bnlldlni 15 atlO naodlnc in the iqnare between BroAdwaj and JFixuth arenae* at EirhUistrceL E. J. O.. Albanr—Do not waste time on a blttory of the theatre, u '-e ilreadr hare it, and cannot apare epace tor ua pnbbcauon. jTb. 6.. Bnwkl; CUF PKa FOST-OFVICK. 1^ A aEucrHD nnLon, plalnlr adrtr^w.d mnat be f^^<*^ fm each and crerr letter, aan the line of btute.^ MIowed by the naitr tddraaed ihonld be ftren. In onier t/orenat nMaken. >OTK.—'e nd other* ahovUd bear In vino ttwr. br n bus in the poatal-lawiL an Iett0% etc, la inndt between tu Dolled Sutei and nr"**^ **" be j aiim l i t iu lm a lao tberarenotlbrwaidtd. ,. iMaanoiiTalfarweesendncSr. H,Xon>i.T.Sept. u. UtDIES* LIST. Albe, Tda .Orttham. LilUe ilfelootte. Georrie Amot£, Ln-ln lOraT A 6teaTeiia.10radorff.Jlca. >'et- AadlB7, Onie MLnaleOicar- I tle0> , Aalenon. Ma>r looaa. Mm. Joa. |FaIn>er'«3Canacer, .Adama, KelUa (efOuntta. Ha/LOP. Minnie Oolden'a Co.) ' (widow of cbaa. jnbbcauon. . Dkln.' . —, - ^ Tfaeacn. now cmlled the Windsor, la larser than that of L—Tbe seatlpg eapacltr or the Stadt mark JAm- Peaxaall, Addle A |iool,E0K>Sa But; tewi*- BUti. Mm. Ennne Onbtnt, CbMi- Utute. Cbapilanear, Ul. OsleC Jennie Ch»ppeUe orLottle BeaaiDOnt,lCfi.C. Bmmel, If ra. J. K. Vlab, Hn. Chaa. Fieldiii(, Mn. ■anio OflAtna. Ziaor Onr. Mabal (or ■alone/ A Orust ai Gorbam, I,ottle Bnrd. Aluetta HardloK Bon HaeftoanBiu Hadflald, Kellie uStSk. NeUle - - jtad. <oi Trio) I0alna,inie. Laabklna, Mxn. dorlnda Lfnwcod. Ads X4omnl, Aj[oes (ori/ee. mnnla Kontagn*. Anola (laiaofHeia'Co.) rt^nnl**fJ Lisle* Lam 07, Ada LonlneA A. Law- xvncv, aoie. Maenita, Mra. Jo aephlne Xra. T. (p. o. mart Iion- don, Ens.) XcPall. Addia Parker, IJnle (p. o. mark Urer. pool. En«.) Parker. Era A. Parker, Georgle (P.O. mark Llrer. moLEng.) — V,f« Jtaj, AAle Hocsan, Jennie JIaj, Gnine (Zj Mane, Vra. Louisa MlUer, EitaB. Manhall. Hij Melnotte, Oeoixle Manland, Anna mtrhell, Msap* OBNTLBMZKS' UST. AimftroDK. T. H. Hem, Ctrl n> .Otter, Wm. Bosemaj',' (4>Se. BlecHaiT (Of Mil- lar's Wlntor Gardenl. BATel,MfB.8apbie Balnford, Alice (p. o. mark London, Eoc) Be^nold'a, Fannie Boblnaon. Mtr. Jnlu asscli. Ida Bhaw, HiDIa Sc. Blino, Era St. Felix. MlB. SIdner, Mn. Frankla Tenbrueck,MaT nc. M>7 anr other theatre In this city. V. F. C..Chlcwa-J. M. Want Is not dead. He Is on the Padfle coast. Miss Anna LereriDic retired (mm the firereAAlon seTeral yean aeo, and is Urine In (SeorsU. W. LWanllsdead. 6. D.—.J. K. Emmet has perlormed with Birant's Mln- sireln ItwassA-statedlnoorlssaeof SeoL 4 last. For- tbeimnre, he has perfotmed with other mUistrel tronpea. W. C. C, HUlboro.—1. Toor ben plan would be toadrer. Use for them. X Tbaaka, bnt we do not require an a^ent. No aniwen br malL Abe:ca, Bnnlo.—I. Hare none so far baekuthat. t We nerer pobUafaed It. and do not Know when TOa oonid get apaper eontalaUig mch 10 UlaitntloiL D. D..Cfaicaso.—SendsflO cents to F. Blome, 801 Bm^. way, Xew Toric, and ha will mail yon the aooff **filtter Beer." M. v., AsbtabnlA.—^1. By retetrlng to onr rarlety deoart- ment yon will see that B. A. Bmuian is in PliUidelphiA. t Ho aniwen by msIL T. J. E.—T wlna. The oij^lnal Arte O'N'eale In "The ghan gh rann" In Amenea waa Miss Jeffreys Lewis. The play waa prodneed it WalUck's Nor. li. 1871. Old BrsfaBiBiB, StenbenrHIe J. B. BaTcrly is not an actor, and we are noc aware tbac he has erer appeared with a minstrel trooiM aa endman. slncer or speculuA. H. C.E., QolncT.—AdeUlde XeUuo^i flm appetiucs at McVlcker'a Theatre, .-. x' m. B. B. B., Petenbnnc—"Bisks' Chicago, waa aa Jnliet, Apnl S, was first prodneed In viaoenc : , Vernon. Trlxie Tane, cnaim TaUta, Mande O. Willec Maqpe (riuoo, innnie Bowley- Wooil, Nettie Ward. May Arnold, Max AlUaOD. Ux. Ailanu,iC. (of D. Soma* Show) Annrvy, BobL Athlon, J. B. Andetson, O. islde.abow ••blx") Annttionff, Bariy Adams, Jamca '*Apollo QoMr- tette" Arfnaaooa, A. A. Btltbreu, J. m. Benson.ll. Wood Brpwn, T. W. (ol Freak's (%mb.) Baldwin. BtiTT (2) Barry, Jta. L. Browne. B. 8. BalmoauNeil BllCs, Eugene Baldwin, This. (tlj|hc.rope "bisnj Blsnop, T. llrlg>- Byran, Joa Baekwith, B. (at •Thornton's Circus) A"!)^ E. B. -num. P. T. Ann 'n. U. M. ^UtM, Fimncols B. Svker: Alf. C. .-Bi-tow i.""' f?- 3olsssc a'smlly, Tbs .TUnr„n. OisA^Cnt- naxeri ^Barton, j. „ Bale's (arcnt) ^Bon. J. (of Tao TtSMl't Co.) Qnefe'ey, BUiy CoJi'aclrcas) CteasTilla, jTa. CookliD,F.(oriii ray's Vlicna) Omaa, Jr, Kit Cox. J. (01 - Clrcos) 9upball.aea. (01 CUpMrQnartette) CtrreUo, Fnak Hareny's Mlnsc- iwlTroope Bendenon. Wm (manseer) (3) Beywood. — (ma. ntgerX.T. Most. Show)3c Bozton, U. C. (D Ueney, Jst. (ol Coop's Cnxcns) Hlnea A Blossom Bocbert Ber. bert Bros.) Hamilton, W. t(ot Hamilton Bnc) Hall, Jas. (of The HaDs) Baley, Boyd A Maggie LaCtttr UenDe>sey,J.B.U. Honghton, Boht. Hardy, C. N. (ma- sldan) Hanley, M. W. Uayie, X,on Herbert, F. (01 Fonpaogh'sClr.) Bonse,C.(of Sells' Cinns) Hama, —(of Har. ris AWoodi Banter. Oeo. W. (comedian) JsctsonTwVj. Jack. John Juitlan, Bobt. P. Jarretu U. C. JoDnston, Harry Kent, Frank lff/.r*i"^' W/lijP-'""- .TeUoag-Feck, Will r»lS.J.C. Ca Ue,o.(olLeallo .P. W.orD. Oma, o. p. ODOlt J. B. CareUl. Chta. Oolepun, M. p. . OIliTonl. UatiT 'Cooper A Jackson's Show CIkhs) Oooka. DeWItt Carroll, Clerer «tUanaar.H. W.fB ^rimmln Bros. 'Crawiud, Bttiy SelaiT Brao. (3) •Dnln^, L. B. oma- ■TtnB^iotM J. Pvpra, CH. ^arls, O. A. (of BoberU'Co.) 0«T(Dpa(t,Wm.H. -Deren, Wm. Denier, Tony Darwin. Beni7 (U. toalonlsc) -Drav,J. (ot Donley AOrew) Duport, aail7 .^Bonabne, Jamoi DaiehantT, T. P. J)lii(ltk Oeo. A. J>anoar, Qto. w. Donean, W. T. -BnniiO. (otHUet ^Braos) Kunetoc WUe. J. K. LalandL*'^*'* Lewlit^'>E Leanu, Ik ^ (»' Benu'vB^ It.) I«3lle!,Baav ' Chleara^ at Hooley'sTheatro, end "Peril" in Pbliadelpbla, at the Chestno^street Theatre. n. L. Dg L., Pooghkeepsle.—h'o siuwen by mall. Ad- dress blm In care ol Tn cuma P<>st-oiBce. F. E., Toledo.—The Fliiltdelphla Lodge of Elks was or- gaolzed In 1871. T. H. P., PbUtdclphla.-StnatU the TloUnltt wu in this conncry In IS7i. B. H.. Cblesgo.—The song.and-dasce "Good Enoorb" was writte n by the Iste BoUln Howsrd. nonnxB, Piiisborg.—Tbe W. H. Crane now with Stoart Bobson has tnTaled with the Oua Opera Troupe. S. B., Ottawa—BnOUa BUI has not been on the stase I elcht years. F. D.. HiDKlale.—Tbere Is none ready for the present ■*i*lf - nerer any as to New York exdaslrelv. O lis have the exact terms of "'4."'15- >" to* names of the panle:i tragered upon. W.K. L., BrownsTllle.-Siich Items will be acceptable. Send rontos ahead In all eases poF.tlble. L. P., HIIIsdaIo.--I. Wa hare heanl no report u to the d»th or James A. Bland. 2. No aatwen br malL .-"SJS,^''''—jname of ■'Oani'Coolt" Is not Cos WUllsms. It Is Cus PhVllips. jg^. S., Troy.—J. K. Emmet b^an playing Krlti in iHc>,^ Jb;^*^3''-';-~??." '■'1>'™< l« neither Irish nor of IrUb decccnt. He Is ot German descent. IBTTRODCCTOnT. MOSDAV, SepL 13. '80. The past was a trj-Ing week for tlicatrlcal man- agers, and no wonder so many of tbcm foisot their S.ibbath-school lessons, and snore like the low cossee of the Western wilds. First, thej were tried BMebbaomXmiie I by the sweltering c«il3 Is a good representaUve Bo nald o. — (man- word] heat of the opening da.vs ol angnst Sep- tember, which sent ice np a dollar a ton and knock- ed coal down in a corresponding ratio. (This 18 a remarkable Iict, that the same atmospheric condi- tions shonld cnnse a rise In one sort of cold and a depression in another. Do yon tnmblefl Then iSSf.^J""'"*""' '^'^"^ P^y^ havoc with the gitreet thermometers, and sent white bats aad dost- era a-whirling throngb onr tboronghlhree like a chowder paijr which 8<;ent» the iKitfle and chow- der aiir off. and hastens to form a JOBctlon. Coney Island and Rockawayaod Lonir Branch sick nnto death, and canceled an dates at th(S«rtlwi. and-gone caravanserles betwern hotel pront^tors "ui'^nt"SS5i*ll:^?»' "!!5.*><>2?^ ?!ty tote" happened Sept. 8 to a mem- Troupe In Wallack-e Theatre. T '-The Grim GobUn," while est. nnder the name of MUe lUstito. during one of herde- toe wirq which snpportedher ireclpltated bead (fownwards tn great violence. Mr. Manir' ler movements, endeavored xo "fjp'e to ?o so, a? her descent was badly braised abont the ■veral of her lower teeth were B Conquest Jr. addressed the t no one was to blame, and ^^°^or1ied the stage, were Itb the machinery. In re. .'S.eiJ season Sept. 11, he re- leartlly glad of It, becanse many accidents, four ftUs wa BBo wauu, WUV B t^UUJUJCIWW UMTCJCl. auc I r'.^^B''?? ppenJniJP. It IS the iU- difference* between the commercial dmmmer and JiPa £?,t i-iPjf.-^Sl."'*™**™ of this comnanv th. ..-.1^.1 .• —I—..«>..._.. I who bad been eneaMfor a ten months'"eason to **''*e° ceotge Conquest nccessl- the company and the can- ements. How thin will af- ijbersrtf the company we Mependenpon the nature if,-°l£ *»r the ok's Theatre or for the en. iniat a sad commentaiy upon the intelligence of an enlightened age! Pat Booney was "the great attraction'' at the National Theatre, PbUa- delphlA, last week; bnt Patrick did not show up at all. and tbe multitude wondereiL As usual, it be- comes our duty to state that Ur. Booney was un- able to fUIUll bis engagement liecatise be liad an In- Jtinctlon Astened onto blm. and this somewhat Interfered witb his movements Wlien a menagerie showo up' In Saratoga, do the ele- phants' trunks become Saratoga trunks f Like- wise are Bymnasts and acrobats made more pliable and light by dnnklng the spring-water manoXiacttiTed there? Ball-flgfating is ex- ceedingly quiet just now. What little there to doing In that Une Is conflned cbleOy to the irail-street bull-pen, tbe np-town stock-yatds being comparatively deserted. Tbe dmmmer who, one day last week, was found In the streets sick, with a vial in his pocket, was not a member or a brass band, bnt a commercial traveler. The difference* t>etween tbe commercial dmmmer and tbe musical dmmmer Is—one beats the tradesman, while the other beats the dram. [Ko disrespect Is Intended to either party, bnt at the same time we Uke to see a man assert his Independence, ir he baa any.] The sIdeshow-man is in bis glory. Agricultural and State and county lairs are o-boom- Ing, and natnral curiosities are looking np. "Blower" Brown In bis best days was never so bappy as are our own blowers during the air sea- son. Ko agricultural exhibition Is complete with- out tbe Dldesbow and its trumpeter. The gangers and tbelr children cry for them Kate Clazton. tbe flre-flend. Is on tbe war-path ajialn, and crowds of Insurance agents follow ber tralL So br tills season the raging element baa done nothing srortby 01 noUce Sardnu the dramatist has bonght ■ ^.^ ... the Identical door which Charlotte Coitlay onened K2.?^J*J?h™!lj',*' when she "went for" Marat. This wlU give Sar- Bebns; SI don an advantage over those playwrigEts who S^ZtO^'iffniJ^i baven't got a doorT Truly may It be recorded SSSL^S^.^r k.fc'SS' thattheCoDquestseasoBatWaUack'sTheatrewasa '^"""^ ' Pan campaign, no less than fonr accidents mark- ing tbe performances of tbe troupe In this cliy. Hllc. Etherla sustained a number of Injuries by ber tan on Wednesday evening last The principal Anotbeb Ai ber of tbe Con| In tbe last ai Miss Laiua Etherla, was 1: bad made se' scents from tbe broke, and she striking tbe stai who was water' catch her, but was BO rapid, face and arms, ai knocked out. G nndlence, saying that bis own HH thoroughly fhmtlll ferring to the cloi marked that he v they bad met wltl having occurred si: who bad been eni return to England 11 Tbe serious aceldei tated tbe dlsliandtni celatlon of fbture e: f.ot tbe Amerltan (Utnnot say, becatise of their engaoemen: mn of tbe piece at ^ tlie Bea.«on of ten mo: JOBN T. RATMONV America since his w pabllc. In the Grand CoL Sellers. The al meagre; bat It Inci perfeminces to that Oliver, Ned "Operetta" a) Omdortr, H. (of Orndorff A Mc- IMnald) Ooden. J. E. O'Connor. J.Owen Otter, Wm. Fendy. John Piekert, Hulls Page, C (01B. W. P. A W.'aMlnst.) Patrick, J. C. PbiUlp^ w. p. Piaff,?. c Pastor, Ton' Perlet,U. H PbUlon, A. (iutgler) Quion, T. J. Icaymond A Leslie members of Manager Daly's regular company be- long to "Our First Families." nils is authentic. "Our Jim" t>ecame greatly Interested in the entertainment given In Aberlc's Theatre last week when he was Informed that "The French Spy" was being presented to the audiences In attendance tbere. Tbe boy was sorely disappointed, however, when he learned tbat It was not a French pie Mr. Aberle was treating bis patrons to Harle Rose Is a-comlng. She's a prlma-donna, and she sings like a lark, and she's just as pretty as she Is good. This Rose by any other name wonld sing Counsel for befense. A. Pemberton; John the Conrt, C. F. Looi Frankle HcClellan: E: ney Barnes; Hra. SI Hi Mrf. Sellers, Mrs. Salo closed bis Bea.<ian with Sept 11, and tbat night and "Apple Blossoms" c The laboe atte>'danI atre. althongh enabling an abundant harvest, cbanffe in the pngnm rscord In the way of novel Alice Bateraan and wr' dancing was as neat and celved load and frequent w qa just nsBweettand, weU-read aa TRi'se iiFhe."".: I hl^TOc'li'^ablUtr'The''e Our nsenil lMend.s, the snpcmnmeranes. complain roininfSJrt S:/if?^l w «n£ serpent) (Z) Bots.ProL D. Hoc, B. W. (Toca- Ust) Bichmood, B. O. 37e. Bonaldo, B. (of Uonaldc Bnaj Rice. P. (01 Alien A Bice) Blal. John (treas. nrer) Byaley A B««d Bowley, J. D. Boblnson,OUTer S. ByLO.-, J. A. Bowe,U. B. (musi- cian) Baniaay,T.(olSeUs' Circus> Blder, Tony snpcmameranes. complain toat their services are notsonght alterwltb tbe same avidity 09 they were when tragedy bold the boards, and armies wl'h banners set the honse upon a roar. That Is tme: the guileless supe does not .<iccm to be appreciated for all he is worth In these degenerate dn.Ts. Were Forrest alive, such a con- dition of things would be Impossible Wonder wtar Lotta didn't play-act while she was In Eng- land? n-as she skeered by the let-down of the Colonel; Charlotta Crabtrce, you must act out be- fore the Londoners on your next picnic over t'lere, else ten thousand men will know tbe reason why. We lln<l it in print that Anna Dickinson "Is Suttfng the ilnlshlDg touches on 'An American Irl.' >> Is she. Indeed? Wen, Is tbat a thing to SiJfJ"?' appearance A t with the London, EnSr iis-bonse Sept. «, acting dance then was qnlte . .5!?."?^'"" subsequent tbat tbe average bnm- e cartwas: Geo. Selby. kins. Frank Wise; CTay (ayette Hawkinn, Oeo. 'ipey. Wm. Colllngton; RuDTon; Uncle Daulcl. |on, jerrv Lant; crier of ~Anra Hawkins. Miss Bawkln.<i. Miss Oonrt- ns. Mrs. S. A. Baker; eld. Mr. Raymond matinee performance TIcKet-cMeave Man" tnted tbe bill. <t Harry Miner's The- management to reap Bsltated but a slight nd left very little to Tbe new fhccs were ckett. whose clog- :fui as ever, and re- .nse, and Je.<^e For- rcception dnc to g'a entertainment 's new senKAtlonal iity," m whicli the n of Dllly Snooks, to good acconnr. ack. Mnrphy and e Kalne. the Del- Gran«|er. Amly terminated with A. H. She! drama entitled "Vice and author ably rcprescntetf tU and tamed his comic pow< Billed Sept. 13: Murphy ai Shannon, the Fonr (^ometii, mannings. Llllle Westenr. Pntlcr, yeUlo St. John, and tf Kow ""fork Vocal QnarteL 1 Laboe Atn)iESCE9 Bppearedlbe dellBhte<l wim the cnterralnment given at a Kovelty Theatre last week. The qiympla Cfulet's vocal efforts were productive of warm aijp^ - ~ wen-known Hebrew character- be bishly appreciated: WllUsi Will.- xa vuc, iiiucvu r i»eii, 19 taut k tninir xo Hiin#>rnw waV tt^^n^^Atw. ^'"?Pil«?^^??o?f'P9wi»'ied<n tbepaSI^ Sl5?L'*di;jS2rt1rGT£?o'S IZ^\ Leon,Joha Lssn, Ton LoreUa,!. a. i>pold,Oe«. L«opol( Lmd, a. (or Ooap^ Glrcns) Loyal. O. J. ■aaalsa. W. (ol Balis'Circus). ^ Learltt, Hanr Manorial Ed. Campbell, E. (oflMeriynn, E. (at .Welch A Band's Bmldv.H. M.rlr W.)l.»«, H'f[IWl"ilii» iFiif. medlaio Uakp.o. mark) W. Bobvlns' Clr.) 'VcNiece, A. J. Miil:Lcmii.J.(oDfiiL. llgan A Morels) Blrilie, Chas. Sweeney A Carter Stowe, John F Smith, Cbaa. A. Stone, H. F. (ma- nager) Sbaight. Ned Fn^ H. I Mel MnSreica.A. E. , . Mathews A NellielStevena, D. P. Baou. W. Sparks, Joe Mead, 'W. data o< Sinners, C. mal A Draper's " Co.) Haeanley, B. (ma- nager) MItcSall. Harry (maaager) MeOonaid, C. (al Orndorff A Mo. Donald)^) McTlcker. J. (of MeVkkerASannd- iSSow, ■ J. (late Marlpw A Me. Bnds) MUSS, B. B. J. Harlow. John HliiardUSuisleton Miliar, Fian?^ Hai>hy, J.(orMar- phy A Morton) Maln,W. Ii. «w-.J'»°r*l'?°'® gnests. The transition itom extreme heat to uncomfortable coolness was or no ineans giadaal—the same was of the qnlck-cbsose ^^I'^'J^^S^J " temperature of nfnetv-one de- grees on Monilsy and sixty on Tlnr^av 1 TOmB great "ilnctnatlons" staggered some of the com- binations on tbe rowl, and dlscouiaged local mAD- „—c— , fP^^" a rtegree nooe of them had boked for when Sbertiuii, p. (of tbe dew was sparkling In the gloaming of a Sxim- a.S?JS£*^^' Sill??^;- 0""/'2;8H''ena were as moist as a aVgent S^i'^S?,'"''*' "'^ beerbecame an nwtnown qnan- - * _ I tl^. nose combinations of fcmslfe lovellnena S?l2f S?"J.?'"S^ translucent charms were Jhi^ fi^ 'i^'^ eaperlenced nicthe pings «. shorn Iamb feels when life mde blasts of Boreas- have not been properly tkmpered to *e cTPosetf JhE^'^*""*y girls, we mean, tod not the- sheep, Jimmy, as your depraved ns.'tire wouliV 8ngKeBtj,wefeIt like covering them with T Fair Sr.SfJfi'i.?'"' "^JPUJ". dark cloui and th^ A'!?«*'P*"'i£?'I''^''« Kl^eb place tosun- fi^'i'? l"." Prosnerlty, and tbe theatrl nKstaii- Ilke Jnpltcr, and Saturn, am] Mars, now UlninlMtr ing tbe ethereal blue ["Etber^ioi l&Si?df'?-t O. J.]—shine all tbe brlghtcr»rtbedarta«es which St.—«-w a I l>ai««lly dimned tbelr efluigencei^ffui. iJS?i?£.tlalr. 6e%bod,^^^rk- Ooldle I ifS at the doer? -It were no*. ItVere tbe throb- bing of a gnllty conscience, or the palpitation ot a SSS^VI"!""'' ^ ■'!f"' "o kSocklil at Uit door. '] But to resume: One of tbe first ABures or J?*iS*ff?,?SS''*'=^.'*"«<* t»WaUack's-T*S^ iJi, S,."?'!.•'"l* a'"e gathers no moss —Dpty co^)- - I S.Vh^H,*^*' pay add'tbat stanfflngMoss" 8omni«rvine.wni. ^theis nflCMqneats. IfweaivcorrecUy OOfDrmed r SkeioinB, q«o. | and we think we ere, the Cenqaest cobu^ oE-^ EiiBjialipant^mists wereenoffed by W.^SSyS^ acting for Theodore Moss, Sr a sreason.of teni months, for a tour in America- Their Faa openlns; " eiuied tn auotbu break—that ot tttt Sc«k°aa, Stoat, Oeo. L. Stetsos.'. £. T. d) StepbaiLi, W. X. SUcknay^ BobL Sheeban A Jones Khowlea. Wb. (e^nesoian) •Scaler, A. Steele, U. K. (di^ I cns-ageut) . -. (of HcVlcker A Saiu- dera) Sweet, J. D. (O Stewart, W. A. Ooldle Bwan, Harry Sands, E.(or Keat- ing A Sands) Bayers, Tom (Z> Behfflidt, Ftlti gd^_^Hanipty Utiles, J- w. Tannehin. B. D. Todd. W. Z. (lAa- nagsr) Tnmonr, ^. (ot Bobbins' Circus) TaylorJV.. ip. o. T"-xk Loudon. l!.ng.)«c ' Uakp.' Fanall,— Fowlar, W. (managari Fnat, Hyatt Pmr3.(ot Conp'B Olr^is) Fnnea, Geo. Frank. Joa. (agent) FleuT, Fonando Fa^n. Barney Fnta^.lp.a mark Murray, H. (o( Tomer, John M. London. Eng.) Feggeter, ProL Fuier, H4of Eony GawCa) _ FUsgarild, W. H. (otActaCs(>>mb.) Fallon, Lawronca Fawont,Owea Frame, J. (ol SaUs'Clreaa) OUlasple. W. E. Ocegucy, Oeo. Oranam, Edward Ony, Mark (gym- Thoniton'B Clr.) MoRta, W. W. MeWade, Bobu Mayo, Frank Hagee, J. (of Ho- woRb's Blbemlca) HcMahon, J. (Mra. Beou-Siddons' Agent) Monla, Andy Homy, J. lof Zoa Commnatlon) :aabee, I. B. ^ McVeigh. John (comedian) Hormn, Bernard (mnt1r*l**> Maredlih, Baity jUliiganA Adama Homn. Wm. a: MalSoaine, F.B. HoiTta, Felix w.iu,.«w B. (of Qulnlan A MUU- Otuner, Mr. (Me . cram) Oaoige, Fied Gcecory Broa. atUfin. Master Orady, Chsa. Orlllui, Hamilton Ororcr, Jr., ~ aSSralaan, Mr. Garland. Joa. Gayar. Frank Hennessey, J. to! Hennessey Bros.) Boopar, C. W. _ Hecben, Chas. F. Heywood. J- (oi Ueywood Sma.) Ol _ Besley, Hairy Hawley. David B. Hanlson.3.(0fl]«r- rlsou'aCo.) qont, Chas. A. n) Harpby. Joa. D. Mom, A. W. Meanilt*. J. (o> Sells* Cireusl McCabe, Ueo. E. Hullaney A Bar- ton Mack, W. A. McCaitby, Cuiley Mubar, John £. Horton, Harry Tumour, Jullna Taylor, John U. Tbotpe. Cbaa. B. Trlmola, H.E- Tiunzler, Jos. H. Tytrell. Wm. B. Tourlson, Wm. G. Trimble, E. G. lagent) ilnfbam, E. A. Tamay, Ed. WKtenleld,C.(Eng- llsb p. o. mark) Waftuniin, L. W. Waldon.Blcb (» Walbnrtoii. J. B. WUllams, F. dale olLondonCircus) Wilson, B.(of ftob- blns* CUvos) WUKlnson, C. (of WUUnson'sDtam. Co.) Walters, S. 101 WaUers A Wellsi West, Frank B. Wbettouey, Leon Ward, J. U. Warner, J. Frank- lin What do yon say. James ? "Aa American 'Glh" is tbe title of a phiy by Miss Dickinson, and there's nothing wrong In putting tbe finishing touches to a piece of literary work. Jamis. you have no play 01 Ibe Imagination. If yon bad, you. would turn tblt Item to acctnint, thus: HOW ANNA CAN DO- IT. ^nw, what Is this that Anna's dung;. My Anna! Fir, Anna: Sorely mischief must be brewing. And somethlov's rerf wrong wltlfHannab! Between the lines we rear that maib If Berealed unt^ibe cynic churL For who shall soy what the flnlablua.touches Are of any American (dri? If erer we knew, we're wboUy foiiconen— Wy, AnnSL, pray.Anna, llao powder or paint or rouge or coamn Auht to do with the method or oanner OffllTlng a sirl her flnlfihlng toncbrsr* Of course it were-coar»e to suggeao that a emet wen a touch of tbat sort, tor our modesty snati la That 11 it were tsnched we coiddnl ecdorswU: The procef a, In Rooih, must be a quoBPone: BM Anna—tut, Anna— If tbe girl is a mateol yours, and a wtr one. She'll be its anna.mate as TanDerr Bnt Lf Anna dnlrrsin truth todnlidi An American giri. In tbe mode of rbatlsy. She Ijm only her waitt in stays 10 dlnlnlsli, Audi the girl wUl be Ooiahed by wasgiag any: FACT AXD XmjCCT FUCCSfiEn. That Johrr Clayton promised to speedll7 return t» tbls countiT seesjs to hare been forgotten bp'Mm, lor onr Engbsh flle> announce itmt he has enten^luto-sa en- meeinent fcrtwo years wl3b the manaeemeotol tte St. James'Thea-jv, London Miss Fanny Darenpcrt has so many dreMnaker^ at wort! preparing her new ward, ■robe lor "An American c:ri"tbat It takestjonnil :ieiueB to hold thcin. Tbis is so like aa Amerlcaogirl ole Boll was a m.-jr of conslde.-mb>* physical stmiRtb, aa<t the itoiy Is therefSre told of him that many yean ago be was traTflllos on a MlssIsslppiiMcnmboat. and tos-n time-bore with patleoco thte sttempiMf two Western awn tiZano? blm AU eI.*-J»TlDjr fiiiadt -he selred tie pair ?? u» necks, and. aft»r holdlog- them over the wWand'SoS: l2*^l^E^.'Uii??*"',*''««'«'.vpnt tbem.back t^noa S'fJ'*^'!^^ almittms M as the y» aboct Cs? , Frank'? [ailons seemed t<r d Caty's clog' Harry MIILt In :h in Rongs-and- nsketches also me was varied dis and Steele, of contortion laltlea bv l.c- t. 7: Pettlnglll. mers-and the D. B. Emery, aeld'e lUUng two slz-fsoter* eff their f««i bj. cSblnc eseh by the- eou-eoasF. aid earrylnj:- thenilnS , pigTc groBKL The ew» wiib which big moi» w .yanked np Icso the alp- by mdhndnals Itss thai tin leet blgb wonU. be nmsikaHe, were u- erS?^*^ anywhere br»- In prtat: On Amr. 2t. \!Sn^ib» K22L°'?i?.oL J*eH»ia'an6ts"w«s SrsannStaMSh boarae. AnsiraUa, then mam-wm tragic rp«s«ft li the £2**taJlrf„*H*i"lj?5*"*<» McOrMoa3«lers<l« bis 5''?S.''.(™'"ir»nd M. Saudry. a member ot the A«iMh Dntcb drolleries. Gibson and dance-o. and rbe La Rue Droibci met '.vlth success, while the proi by the skatorfal evolutions of tbe aerial act of Mile. Victoria bj Matt Green, and gymnastic vanlon and La Rosa. Arrival.') Gale. Dailey and Hoey, Seamon~ Olrard Brothers, Laura Russell t Fannie Sanford'and the Whltlnm. A VAUiED PBooBAMME affordedl large audiences at Dick Parker's tre last week. The Gorman BtotL song-and-dance evoked langhter ai temately: Frank £. McKlsh and thi In "Stolen Fun" contlnnedto keep good humor; Laura Russell and D.I erly executed vocal and instmmei, Ella Mayo's serlo-romic songs drew! applause: the Chappell SIkters—Gi proved' pleasing cfoir-dancers: and made.' much mlrtll> by the wav he' Dutch npeclaltles. The new laces ani 13 Include tbe Kine'Brolhers, Jobn zle Mowbray. Mile. Baretta, 0. A. Gi Xugent. Carrie Howard, and Fran: Uavls. Thb: pbogbamue PROvtriED last -ieek for the patrons 01 the London Theatre Incl deil the fol- lowlET iresh featnrt?: Schnolcralt am Coes' Ethi- opian SKetcb entitled "Music vs. El< rauon," ac- companied tbrooKbont by Irrcsliitlb 5 langhter: Sharpley and West's comedy creation 'Mirth and Music;'' w'hlth also contained the c emcnts for raising a hearty laugfl; Kitty O'Xell'B Ir-dancing, received with unequlvccsl marks of acnroval; the Peasleys' excellent EHsh duets antl dasces: Lizzie Dcrloos' RonE!!-and-daucep. wbich impres.<ied her audiences favorably: and HarTv]L.narIer's canine trnnpe. whose surprising feats well for the ablllt?'or thelrlnstructor. OpcntasSnc- IS: Kelly and Ryan, Guy Linton'and Lmcx/^M. and George Derlons. tv^ BusiNEis contlnueJ excellfendl: square Theatre during the tKcnnlng with "Hazel KIrke"' as thei{:„\avc3 "Standing-room only" woi"'Psatui tbe taeatre four nIgMts (Vl, througUod! ticed several ladles stmn^^ inrouB ^ lormaoce in tbe lobbv, atlflcatlon to nerlcan Thea- I In eccentric applause al- >iand Sisters ^irauditorsin . Emery clev- sl selections; brth repeated i and Jean— any Tooley endered his punced Sept. an and Llz- er, Paddy land Fannie E :fl , September 18,1880, Llfern^55.^^i-;'S"'^r^t"i- 0«?,»lan stage at the LltondoS^ra-bon^* br Miss Agnes Leonard and Frwik^K- * Dramatic Company. Our rn?r^Jr PapmunV •The anlhorto^SlterE?FIiS?2?F*'.'"'*"' known to AlbanlanJknd fh'°7-A sebUer-? tl.^^i, n-H/ff JOSEPHS the coift*dtan. | To oxit a modeiate.9ired audience did tbs Ar^ii Thu "?^? itrtSeV in Boston, Ma.<».. ScJpt. 5,. street Theatre, Philad^Sta own for th^^^ '■SeeItthSo^'"ortoeaeMlab.there after- }Sent. 6 althoughMScS^Jf-hSS^Veet cly^^l ?n^? o ?n a gathering which com- to back her. The act that the attendanceVas sSia well rcsslon-bvVi» M^".Sn%"V^™li^« scene or the play IsTaldin OregM- Si^'i'SS Tht John Redwood. . ™i. . a very bail a suitor for her hand and asrer tached to Claire. iJ'douWpaiLxlo^'ftoVs"^^' iel as"ebS' tolned tSat she Is the KireM of viilt MtawlTrtV East, in order for Redwood to mln A_G0LnEN GAMr Jo^wUbdrawn^ Exhibition Comissioih nrdTSeatre Sept. — , ing Its second week. ^i^iii SoiCHASoE was mniw tbe expired week. In. 'rhc > Stand- pirly dur- WUlls, 0.(01 (nian Iran's Co.) Monay AMniph: miehell. Feidl- Morton, Bex Hachar. J. M. MUler.F. (of Tenn. Jabllea Singers) Mnlgro, Cbarlle N'arcmaa. Jos. M. KerUla. Chas. Newell. Yank Nash, Dan HIcbuls, W. W. (•■inestilaii) &iLd ttkio nas engagement, and not of tbe manager, tke seasoa^ closing last Saturday, and tbe tiiifbrtniiatc pantc» mlmlsts sailing for England on the Mttb- Inst., -with a not verv favorable- estimate of tbe tastes of New 'tork audiences "The Sal- tan of Mocha" is dished np this week at the Union-square house. Frequenters of colDte- and-cake saloons must not inmgine that this cun- coction is based on strictly coffee groniuls, pti, no! there's no such sell here. [Cellier. composer ot tbe opettul. The Globe Theatre vtms- opened last week by Messrs. Fleming & Brien, and. tooagb the public may see "The Hand of Providence'* in it. uie managers wonld prefer to see large- au- diences, without wbich '-TheHand of PiovMcnce" will l)e powerless to save What 1b ibe Society for the Prevention of Craelty to Chlklren about that they tacitly permit ABUle Ward Tisany to an- nounce berself as a professional "CbUd-stcaleri" Have we no rnvrmldons among ns? WeUve In a Stisnge age. (illss XliraBy is not, aetaally, a kid- napper, as yon might suppose: bat '-Tbe Oblld- Btealei'' la a play whl(^ she has made popular by ber vigorous acting.] AfirsKlasssopiano-slnger Is advertised for, and "stage presence not neces- sary." This is a rare opportunity lor ladles whose domestic duties preclude their alieenting themselves iromthe family circle. A few more managers like the advertiser would materially assilst In making home bappy. fdr "What is Home without a Moth- er?" we shonld like to know '\°na've seen Levy in a concert, haven't von 1 Well, that is chlld^ lay. To hear Iiim at bis beat you should see him n a cold, easterly_nilnstorm. aud bear him play er. bnt Greens deed. Saudry rB«lr-it'.rrL'"'^"".'r mcBt ss a me-abArjM-t><Mi»wuv(edy7nDsa it hssoEirady been slhtlRI that "there wa«a woman In thaiMei'' Korwlcb. Enx., tendersAJ* Jatkis Benedlcka ooncsBt, to be held on Oct. IS^ln coiumamontlon of bls.ratlremamt rrom tbe condnctesBtap of i&tktaeUrals at tbac plaooi Mme. Albanl baa been secik:«d for tbe soprano role Is Arthur SulllTM's new.canta>a> "Tbe Martyr of Jnaloobt" Mile. Bartct ot-tbaCsmedletFrmncalse, wbo Is to appear In Parisnr3[tWmterln."irbcitenle en Au1ldeJ>'lBstudy- ing ber roifc-at'8abt> Geiaain, and U ttaa-same time 9w takes. Jongjplks as a stiisnlant .Mrs. e Tocalis^ whf^Biriral we chrenlcM last week, aeen snjpiml^Pn Philadelphia. Aiirr aiuElng getting points thereOiirteB all the meniof letarrs resid- ing there Miss Alice BurvUlo Is. so travel with y. C. Goodwin Jn and Miss Jennie woaihcnby this season Edward 'Barteg the tnnslo-publlsler has for- sworn nlcntlDS In s«ety torm, and In IJeiMr iftw soothing cigar be now takesiong— —'— — OogoodtbeToc-' — — has since been . _ „— , . , at the tostiral In- Wonaater. Mwa, slle wilt go back tt England ^ft«^ZonAn World aatrsof tbe new comic opera promised By SoUlvan and Gtlbait tkat tbe latter hasnotallneol'theveraas raady; and it adds, with rerer- cnce totbe new I n e n pa that la to give "Tbs Pirates ot Pen- eanca** In America,mat "tbat Is si| the nonlty tbe Amer-. leans will get oobof Saillvu this Wlbtjer." Probate of the wUl of Mtss Adelaide KeOson has been eranteO In Lon- don to Oeotge tewta. ber sola exeoutor. The estate wia» Fworn under £25,008. but It is nndArstood that in tbat hoc Cblimgo p ujy*! Ly i« not Included. QiaAoatetrlx figures k).It aa •■Lilian AdalaUe Lee, wile of Philip lAe;"BDd as to the asiiArtion tbat. being married, sh e-co uld not legally make a will, she obtained an order <n 1873 at the Marlboraiiali. iteeet Pollco-coort proteciinc bar earnings against bar husband and biscreditora. Tnis wm two years beloro-sbe tot her a)rore« from Lee In tlilacounlry. Eren had sucb an ordernot been granted by tie police-court, bsresra- Ings npw tbe sisca were- fnlly assnred to ber tvder tbe Married Woman's Property Ate Mr. and Mn. Icedrric Clay sailed (Torn here tor Liverpool on tbe llth Inst. As one result ol tbe pnbllelty given to J. K. Em- met's dlTersence from tbe somewhat monotnnoos path of "When TwUlght Dews are Falling Fast!" Gra- sobriety at tbe dose of Ancmt, he sallied forth an another plcalo last week- Were be banker or merchsnr. instead ol actor, be could enjoy picnics galore wisbont hav- ing to ondergo the snbae<t«ent bumlllstlag conscious- i I neitjoi—«-. _™tol!l*TeSear8cd, Mr. Jbaly de. »-f tWea » withdraw '•Hole" Sept, ii, anl So close tbe ttKStre until tbe^openlng of the regnlaif season Tuesday night. 21. , siikniE Gbakoer ami company cloaad fleir sea. Roniln the Cnlon-^uare Theatre Sept. llT "Two Nights In Rome" wM-pgesented 7 and therbafter In a leconstmcted coodltion. Maude GrBBg*>r acted Evelyn Aubrey In (tie place of Miss JullafStewart, Miss Laura Don supplied Maude Giangar's place a» Antonla, and Mr. Leonard, instead (of J. w. Thorpe, acted Gorge Seeley, Tbe ^benitions In the play have not Improved It, and the bri:|iglng-on •r BennldettI near the close somewhat vKkened !f. hitherto very strong situation. -1 ATTaEGBAKi>ap£BA-HocsETonyl>astor'ATraveI- ing.Omi>anv begin a week's season S^ be fol. Ip-wcd Oct. 3 by-ar;JUMl Mrs. George S. Knigbt; 18. I by Mabn's English-opera Company ; Nov. a. by Herr- mann, magician; and IS, by Joseph Jeflterson in "Bl') Van Xvinkle." Later, Maggte-MItchel], Annie PLxley, Gas Wiillams, Lawrence Barrett and others will appear. Miss Ada ea.'VESDiSB is to paodBce during the second week ot ber engagement in the Grand Opera-house "The Soul of an Actiess," written by A. C. Gunier.. "The McxLioAK-orARD Picsic" continues to crowd the Theatre Comique, anil most of the de^ Birable seats are sold two or three days ahead. The piece bids fair towecure as lon^a mn as any of in predecessors, and Ilarrlgan &■ Hart are to be coa- gratulaied for their succes-s. TnE oPEiiise PROGBAMMB given by tbe &n Francises Minstrels was fonndlto be sufflcleutly af. tractive to ran a second week to excellent bist- ness. B. Dixon's singing ot' Sally In Our Allay." Is a conspicuous feature. BE.VRV E. ABBEY and Thomas Magnlre matle arrangements to pzodnce Salml Mene's Wright, Albert Jelfenon Walson, 8. (of Thayer's Jinnsi (Zi3c. White, P. H. _ I^SS, wS'i^ 1 SSi^^i f^^VJ^i^^^^ 1 hJ.Sing°^om'S>ny:"Mi«M^-An7^r4^^^ I country. It is their intention to pcrlorm'lt herefo^ Waid,w. (01 Foi hopes to <I™w'ont our tot allies neMw to i«MK,ns in "Love" si our FUtharenue Theatre a time in Booth's Theatre, eommenclng Dec ft I «u> "Onr Flmt FsmllleB." nresented for tbe flpat I p)^y ^ which Miss Rose Eytlnge Is next month ' »• ■» ' • TL-— ._ to appear at tbe Park Theatre Is said to be founded npon a novel by Frank Laa Benedict. Tbe dramatist la Towiuena Percy Two new plays, together wltb "Tbe Reboot for Scandal," "The Honeymoon" and "As Vnu Award) Weeks, C. (of Ab- bott's Co.) West, Wm. (pan- tonumlai) WUllams, C-D. (of Biai's Ca) Waltcra A Wells ABHWIBBS ■KO COBB-BBPOBrDEKTS. iWUbavlBWorialiavlng tbe orassoia npon onr regnlai "ASSStSctmapondenta" aoHunji, w» propose to m- i!?^^£^Sai entamuia, and shonld be written on aapanie SJTbt uper tnm tbcae asking fiir in£>rmailon eoncern- SSramiuaaata- No answer at aU wdl be made, oially, tnTmatTeUlsnaBb, to anyoneatloa tbatve may bare iiJjSin tfci-g' invntvaa a tuspnia b a l aea u tndindnals. Aimb win Ds aniwwad pabitslyi thrangb our oalom BA- SS. CtnTBB.] ___ g^QugsnomTEATDOkOT BKAOH THIS omcs cmL XWIAV aOBSiaO will sot BB AKSWHaBD CSIU, IBS gouAwna wmox. X* Oar A.iatlu>Tlxe<t Coirespoiiileista. Ib tha nuare plaaaa giva an notea aSead ot cinnblna- I ttaaaaoissaaracs ptaos sf paper, laauadot •mbodfing ^^Tyonrl ' see "Our First Families." presented for the first time on any stage Sept^ 21 Reflect, we pray yoiu npon the aimonnced intention of Salvlnl, when he appears before ua next winter, of having I a company to support him in English, wblle he will support himaeli and family by spontlng Ita- lian ! After yon have reflected, read with fitting apptt>clatlon tbia ' BTT OF A MXCAROSL Kow this. In Booth, will be atUca Of Simon-pore variety. The which snonld lend sgreeabla spioa To tragedy's society. Tbe great tragedian will thus Hnil forth hu grave peniametan: "D tenta lol ml scanbns, n tnvstori lamatera ■"• "What now, my lord?" wUl then Inqnin Tbe Engbsb Dcsdamona; To which, with eyes emitting die, Bethundeis: "IlBapoiia, Mol sapiens forth ave nn n hoyle, 11 macaroni!'' And While onr heart-chords thus he thrills, Msy art do more and more lor him. And, spile Italian's numerous "lis," May ttaeiabeno ills in store Cvtilml U. B. LEAvrrr is to present, for the first time in America, tbe English Opera-burlesque Csnibina- tlon orgnnizcd by tilm In Loudon, Eng., the past _ _ _ Summer, Sept. 13, when they are to <Mnmenc« Llka1it,>>^'willcompHieMre. Scbti^^-iddoDs'l^^ engagement in Baverly's Fourteenth-street season E. A. sotbem's lunesa u no longer retarded I Theatre, acting "Carmen, or Soldiers and Serine- " ' lans." Kew scenery bas been painted, and tbe aa belnr orave enough to warrant tba alarm felt by bis sL'rtai; bnt there Is no prospect whatever of his being able to renew bis enEafceiueols lor tbe present season It is igbt likely that Joseph Ratton will give bis first read- ing In America In October next at thi Msdison-sqaare Theatre Miss May Croly, daughter of "Jennie Jnoe' and D. Cw. Croly, waa married In tbis city Isst week to Jessr M. Boper, U. S. N'avy Among the recent arrivals an Miss Bessie Bodlowand her hoaband, illcbael Giinu, tbe Dublin manager. It Is understood that he comes here to supervise, In behalf of bis oomsnsger, D'Oyley Carte, the performances of "The Pirates of Penzsnca,'' and tbat ha is anthorUed to make poaclble arrancements for the appearance in America of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warner. It Is to be hoped that Miss Eudlow trill re. appear befnre the N'ew York public, although It has not been intimated t'.f at she bas any such Intention Kow that Adelaide Neiison no longer holds the bunch of keys, the ptylqg correrpondents and other quasi journal- Isls are ransacking her bureau-dnwere for ibe secrets of ber childhood life, and as much of her mature Ufe ss they can lust seem and are tberelore certain to misinterpret. • Ibli Is homemtda Italian, Imt wairasted as rood as I It Is not yet decided whether Clara Morris will resp- le tapoited brSndA waixaniea as gooa as ^, ,^ November or m January next V D.—L Ton ahonld not bare. seen inoenue on an Ametlran abow-bUl. It bas no biuioeaa tsere. It was Bxnbablr used to dcBOCa an actress who plays the roles ot VDUUrand artless clllsk the word in«enH meanlnglnnk. aBnTloniiuoaa. Aa applied to Fleneb artref set wno play sbSi lolca, iaoemis Is perlectly proper, pronded Ue per- aM so nsliu 1£ Is locaklng or writing to tiie Fxencb toogae biSSelilirnomSijr^---'—■ ii»K voids than, than the We should like to ascertain whether "the young gentleman who, haviiig great talent In the theatrical profe^on, recommends himself to soire lady or gentleman of wealth to assist blm In his duties" has t>een waited npon by many of the wealthy ones. Should he sncceeil in finding the t»ckcrs sought lor, we wotild feel under obligation to call sock an octiesa I ■^J''*'l5SS."_hS^^!2ifS.l'ff'siJSE" to him if he wDl give ns parUcnlare, so tStX we Lthanwoald_^fte, whMap«aiungln FmcE - ^ • „„„,^._ or™ir{tiSJJiS octiaaa by tba frr^kl-T Amerlrsniim **a inatr>' /sgeHiie Is pfonoonced,as wjU as Itcui be In- ^"^^^'^^KSS2l!!fS^,S'I!251Salu I tJ>at more fine has'kUled'Wre'Mtora'tlianit'hM SSaSSn'SiSSRSSJIlS! S^Sa^; 'i?'; "J/"""?"" experience as a dere™ ~hen an abont one bandied thonsandmon supe has given blm this Impression, doubUesa. The sngiisb 'language'' now than then Is sny I lad also takes exception to the bad spelling of more ', apart from their tickling indlfldaal Ikney. I fine by the Ignorant French doctor Ames Bob- dlrated in print, olng-AAil-iMO-e: 1 Toa coold call yonr. self a Dait^^lnaer, or nndar certain dicumiancas a glee- alnger. Tbe bnafeat and flalnest asprasslons aiealwws uSoe^ SL Itcanbeasoi '' yon always yvn m^gh* - aaka don'tl TJ^ere an abont one bandied thonsand more mrds in Dm '' r nsa lor. may pnt other young gentlemen of great theatrical talent on tbe track of tbe bloated coupon-clippers, .An alleged Paris physician having said that Bsitley Campbell bas now tbiea comedies on tlie stocks, a'.most ready for launching. The wavs will be knocked Inm tinder as sntin as eom^ mansger sho? B tbe means.... TerasA (^oneDO, In town. Is preparing for a busy concert scvon SMWuel P. Warren bss become the conductor of the Xew York Vocal rnion Arbuckle Is to play solos at the American Institute Fsir this FaU. He will also, at other nmea, lead the Ninth Bagiment to glory tbtrmgh the mud of our streclg Towards ntiliilog C. W. West's gilt of 9l90,(n) Ibr an an mnscum m (Tln- donJSU, Jacob Longworth has coMriboied tlO,QO0. and tbe estate of James A. Fraier has snbsenbed SMOD. Other nuns help to make tba aggregate ^0,0(0. ....Pnne Rum- %^^iVm:'{^''3^^7''^^^^i^ is?s s.'UX«fifjSs"^':'.gf5uSffi3i-hii'?rnii dresses and appointments will, It Is ehonght, sar {lass all others hitherto exhibited here by bnr- e.<qae companies. A list of the laemben tt the troupe has already appeared in Toe Clippek Sol. Smith Rcssell's Combixatton are to play "Edgewood Folks" for the last time in Abkey's Park Theatre Sep.;. 18, making ■«tay Ibr.thc <>>iiiey- Barton Troupe in "Lawn Tennis" 20. Miss Aoa Cavenoisb in "The New Magdalei'' Is the current attraction at the Grand Opera-bouie.' "Hazel Kibse" is now in tlie eighth jnonOi of its run at the Madl!!on-square Theatre. H. J. Saroest goes to England In Ootober to prosecute bLs suit against Hod.le3ka lor brea(li of contract, and be is o-ssured by eminent conuul In London that there is no doubt that he wui be victorious. i.I "Pleasant COMPAKiON8."sa absurdity (Vointhe pen of Frank Dnmont, is to eeelve Its first pntllc representations the current ireek in'the San Fittn- clsco Minstrels' Opera-bonst. - Booth's Tbeatbe Is to beV)pened for the season, under the continued manlgement of Henry E. Abbey, Sept. 13, with theBoston Ideal Opera Com- panv singing '-The Pirates of Penzance." TiiiB troiipe Is under eugagenent to D'Oyly Carte. - "ABOUKD the Wobld^ Is In the third week of its snccessfui career in Nblo's Garden. SMrrn A Mestatsb's"Toi:bist8" are to close their season in Uaverlfs FIfth-avennb Ttaestrs Sept. IB, and Miss FannyDavenport and company are to produce there "Ai American Girl" for tbe Q. W.. Colmbttt.—L Anendnan isone who ploys aitner | Is' eng^memM I'^/'baliet-giri, ^^^L'^'S^S^^SSTt,^^ " I SS^'tS'tSsv^ofJ^uo^P" r railt,.maB matheatn tionewho lanqolnd^wplay pom lt?^m !w^?SS' "y."!' of whom variOBs miner nlaa, from those who speak hoc bttle to bAve lOUOWed fier irom England. It Is to them, iiiiiw iirr 1 11 ink 11 sii Tbere are twogndea—"re-1 probAldy,BherefbT9wbeii, in the play, she exclaims •with bitter sweetness: "Dinna ye hear this low gang?" A crMc on a daUvpaper, In reviewing the perfbrmances of tbe San Francisco Minstrels shows bis stupidity by saying that Birch and Backus are the sons of Uomns. A greater libel waa never uttered. In the first place, they are not children ol the same parents at aU. MexUy, Charles Is the son of his fkther, Mr. Backus, while William Is the proud olbpring of the elder Blrcti. We don't know bow tliBt critic got tbis tnmg eo terribly mixed np. Another lie nailed i we take In every burlesque party we come across, and we ap- plaud the pret^ young girls as if we bad been Iilred to do IL 'weenjoy the sF— ' , There) lie nlibty" and "general oilUty.' . sally s pe a kin g. Is either one who tlsnoes In tbe _Bd la conjunction with othera. and Is tbns distin- mm tbe premlera, who does tbe prindpal dsno- log, and from tbe eoirpheea, wno an tba ptamlere's im- Bigdlanaltls, or one who sings In tbe ehorns it no dancing totobadoaa.or|>oaealn groupa. Thalatterlstaimadtba oingmg-baUet. a. A sonbreua Is she who plays tba nlaa n«<i«*. .«pr-fc-'«irp*^'» call ehambeimalda. r. B, St. Looia.—we know of hei u a dancer meiely, and have cot aeen her name m months, to tne besc oroor nooUaclloil. Ton and otben address na aa U we coold Et our finger npon aveiT one Of a bondred thousand per- mMS, nromlnent and obaoue. In an branches oi the ■iBimaent pioieaalon, at a moment's notice. The pur- poae of this column Is not to point oat the whcieaboats ol Bvltannei& ^DOLOW BBa&, West Meridan.—We have not heard tbAt any aoodant ha s happened to YO QPg ^^ax. ^To ^our banpani ''iniy Is he n()t peifcnnlnit wltb i m nve mirais imsb^^Clrais" Charles H. Day mUbt kindly send iS"!?™.??!. umr.thnngta oar columns, in the coone 01 a lew days; comt>tnatlonB a|«» Mm JFniay answer. one show that -~ hTjZ Ambor*;^ Itwonlddopendtipositberootayoo " " ' - taittdadtataka. Ten menwomd ba anongbfoiamln- ■ tZSrSoua la aome placaa, vblla ban It woola loinin at WiSIhI^ I Mi wonld not ba efl^sgavo with ■ thaafar lBiUmnent% vis., B-flot coraat, E-fiat alto, ; m.Aat tanor cr bailtoaa, ana Don, H K-M.. Bloomlngtan.—L II tbapaitlealarLaaJaaDil- teied to is Maria Loolsa the actrus, aha lithe wUa ID DlUtm tba comedian. Tbac* mMj ba a young sOmcBwhaisblsdanghtar. % Uihoaldbaoorioo* ,_i that It wonld not baAnidai^ 10 agwcTB 4na*- rof this chonetv* — y ''\ —' L—W wonld ba better ler yon to maMrOBplUatlon at show they give with as mncb satisfaction as If we bad drawn an approximate Brize of ten dollars in a lottery. Last week we pnt 1 five nights and one matinee with these glorious " ions of loveliness and things. There was that nearly killed ns dea(L And as we listened totbe sweet strains of HannaliLlvezley's voice we could not relValn irom exclaiming: "Hark,! bear an angel slngl" She was (dadfii silken fiesblngs, and there was a double string of pearls around ber angrllc neck that might have •—. -V— j-f, We call Fernanda Tedeaoa, well known ben as a femsle violin. player. Is making a tour of Germany (Seorge Fawcei t Rowels In town Mme.Annal>aBeloocalsbsck again In Paris Von Bulow baa completed a new Bavonaa hymn Miss Eose Coghlan and Mlsa Maris Gordon ai- rfred ben from England on the llth This XewTork CV>nese of Mnale has pland tbe dlrectonhln of Its abonl and orchestral department la tbe wlUlng bands of TheodoreThomsa. Emnlatlng the euonplaof Thomas. Joeel^ has accepted tbe post of cblei piofeiaor t,t the piano with that Insritnlion James O. Hoe, widely known as a builder, and who aided in tbe construction of Kiblo's Osrden, died at East Mori, ebea. Ii. I., on thenlght of tba 12ib Inst. Hewaaboralu Engfand in 1313, and his psrcnts breusht blm to this cooniry two yean afterwards A banquet Is to tie given in honor of Marie Tan Zandt m (^pennsgen round, one of tbe oldest organists In this city, died h^m List week Tbemstlnee at Barty Miner's on the 7th in*t. was not only piodactlre of tbe largest receipts that house has ever known at an afternoon pertormanee. hut It alao ahowcd the creaiert number ol people tbat bava aver been congregated within tbe walla ol tbat bulding except at a mght enteruinmeut Tom Haghe*. the Engfuh author sod lesinlator. addressed tbe Children of the Hnzhes High School In cnnclnnatl on tbe 7tb Inst Frank Lawlor expects to sail from England on tbe isth In the steamer Canada Tlie Nebraska Lestslatnre has a fcented member who. besides being a telegraph operator, a short-hand writer, and a One periormer on the zither, nads aod writes Enellsb. French. Italian, German. Latin, Greek, Bohrmlan and Hebrew. W« speak of the bright one as scented l>ecause bis name is Botewater Bens Wagner has completed tba metituneatadonof bis new opera, "PerdraL" first time on any stage a. *Habt HABBIOAX a HABTal their succesEltil proi Iqne. ounce the contlnaanoo of ime at tbe Theatre Oom- DB F. P. Maceat and the Onnd Opera-bou; In "Onr Flirtations," correspondent says: only noticeable featni si;ene, which Is vei •■Bncle Tom's CabI tendance to Comsi and matinee." Tbb ikacoitbatio: EucUd-avenae Opei took place Sept. 8 w nation, was a coml tinned good tbmngi of Oak''13, and Coll ATIC. Sylvester appearid In Columbus, O., Sept. 9,io, moderate business. Our Is comedy Is weak, the In It belngthe De Rial & Draper's Company drew a large at- 's Opera-house Sept lo, ii, vniiabr ihaatra, and than yoa wfll fiad llUr^nb whom Foa can maks tb» The»te» .Ci^l!Pia.thH.«;«iynni<g<mtiola- ■-TfidJ.—■ton can getthanlayof "Anah- w... Oioa Boodcaaltviu anthor and owner, bat oalvfer pilvata Ctavolatlmwiihia the B. In othtrwccda, it ii piioKd, bat not ULur, Newton—Tba bolk of tha parfbrtnaaeeg It theaues la this dty fi>r the benefit of the - lata Oaoiga BoUonil irct* ItTVt SB Jao. U, ■VccuBMioMittbat cost at least three dollars at wholesale, tne bard ol song to o'or aid to describe WHAT SBE DID. Eha Rood before ns Uke a giant refreshed, _ . , bo to »piak: Her hair waa blonde oad ber ayes wete blur. She nng aboat love ard the vMenne^' _. ,. V. .V And the roses red; Then iha bent her gtie niwaid. and tamed afila fiap And Etood an her bttul With ber head on the groimd and her feet la the air _ ^. ^ Whatmoref Tke honis rang with cheai>-sbe lost her balanoa And leU—and swore: Komore......BlancbeDavenport is due In Kaples .this week. Is it the suicidal policy of Blanche to CITT aiTMwan'w- SoME cBAyaB3 made during the past week in i =l— .< —•< ^.w_^cj,v.v> The Tourists In a Pullman Palace-car" gave Itesb Warmstree, Gcof S. Robinson; Louis Beimldetti, f the sixth season of the lotise, Cleveland, 0-, which tbe '-All Tbe Rage" Combl- te snceess. Business con- t tbe week. Heme's-Hearts '» "Banker's Daughter" 20. - -The Acodemyt Mtulc was occupied the past (blr) week by a vaifT company, who drew Durly. The Stewart Famllppen la. EtrsicB GooDBicAn her starring tour tlils sea- son will make "Zif an emotional drama from the French, her spf ol attraction. The attantiott of maoagera Is dUted to her advertisement "Two-KiGHTS gJome:' la to be played tbrongh tbe country with if following cast: Evelyn Aubrey, Maude Graniier;ltoiilo, Laura Don; LlUy Dave- nant Katie Olll>|; Mme. De Montalan. Adelaide Thornton; Temajcuevleve Mills; Gerald Massey, Henry Crisp; A^Peabody, Charles Stanley: Capt zest to tbe. performances In the FUth -avenue I ^ J- Jordan; Theatre, and an Impetus to tbe bnBines.<!. Chlel tescue, Horry' among these waa the restoration of tbe Telegraph John Morgan. Messenger-boy, now capitally impersonated by ' »»™»""'>"- CarrieSwaln, who at the close ot ber aon^ aston- ished tbe spectators by turning a somersault, wbicb caused ber to be recalled two or three times. Tbe other changes consisted of fresh, bits of busi- ness songs, etc. all of which met with favor. Rice's "Kew etamoblike" combination closed their two weeks' season ot mirth and Jollity in Hsv- eily's Riurteentb-stteet Theatre Sept u, and start- ed on a tour of tbe connltT. ABOfND THE W0BiJ>,"<>nth its t>eautlftal scene- MdoiePai; TioN this seasoi Mayer. H. A. D'Arey, eical-diiector; mny—the ^ EllA Batton Ian, a. c, Nagle Jr. Das Shelb] petltoTB by '■see Kaples and die*"......Rice's'^nrprlse Party I ry.goigeons costumes, gracelbl ballets and other OMra-bouse,. it la stated I attractions, kept the auditorium of Xlblo'a Garden will present J eaimot be very refined in its tastes, for tliat tlie combination "Bevels" on '-Horrors!' I'JJ? .Seeley. ; Ferdie For- I Walters, H. B. Curtis; Beppo, Is "BOABDIXa-SCHOOL" CPHBINA- organlzed as under: Marcus R. George 0. Davenport, director: ness-manager; J. C. Kenny, mu- ll J'ectrepresentatlve: com- Mlnnle Palmer, Sadie Blgelow, llllan Tone, Mesan. W. J Scan- Iport, Matthew Holmes and J. £. triumphed over numerous com^ ting tbe opening of CarU's New iw Haven, ct.. Sept », when he crowded since our last report , Murray and Grace Cartland, sup- ported by thtfonstoble Hook" Combination. cess. When on?slS'DSSlftm?'' V'- ^ M''?':a| fororeson amiMi5%iiiil? lil^*"*- Thisofflclal ImmcdffiV^roSSSSS b--"^ "lUaln's game, andaltird&?SSSl^p.^'„*J.*,?'' V^"™?" succeeds in SocMnw «^ '°"'^"'°S «be real innr- derere of tbef^iiiSf-'«- discovers tbat B^"n wm u ttir^" "fa" «'•> friend, and ttie rlghtlSi heir t«^' wealth; and. In short SUas puts mattlii shape «bat villainy Is para- yzed and t^* curtain descends on tbe tianal tal>- leau—Tlrr^ trlnmphaat, etc- Tbere Is an nnder- plot w>-<^" serves fo Introduce sereral characters, nsD^";- Phiueas Flutter, young Feraclint, Charley P>ce, Sbsrlff Tlce, Sally Page and Mrs. Page. The ^mma contains but little that Is new or original, though after the first nfght It went prettr well, owing to Its having been revised and altered considerably. In Its present sbape It cannot be calletl a success: stlU.for a first attempt, it Is. to say the least.a credita* ble eiTort, and the antborshonld not be discouraged, bnt try again. Miss Leonard, who made ber first anpeaiance before an Albany audience, bardly re- alized expectations. She bas an abundance of good looks, hut her emotional powers seem lim- ited, while she labors under the dl.«advBntsge of having a weak voice. There Is one thing to say In ber favor, bowcvor,^anil that Is she strives to please, and this alAd her greatly, as she was tiicelved wltb kindness, and was tbe recipient during the evening of a number of floral od^rftiss- The supporting company Is com- posed of flrst-class people. Frank Weston as Bof- Ton Will acquitted himself exceedlnglv well, as did F. Mchnls ss John Redwood. Oliver Wren ss Flut- ters. G. T. Clmer as Oass.v Pngc, and Mra. Benton and Lizzie May Ulmer as Mrs. and Sally Page re- snectlvel.v. E. C. Coyle acted Sherld' Tice com- mendably, wWre Ralph Dclmore looked verrpic- turesque as the "Greaser." Edwfn 'N'arrev as Doc- llttle carried oir the honors of tbe cast. He bard a really good roff, and acted It for all it was wortb. Tbe aicndance after tbe opening night was rather slim. T, M. Blckey's 'Flock of Geese' will cackle during the week rommenclngis Col. J. Franklin Wjrner's ComblnJtlon appeared lu Martin Uall 10.11. In 'Snecnlotlon,' to light bust' ness. Bamng the-act of tne Irish F^sur—Wliiiani:», Scott, Miles and Murray—and a few other variety specialties, (here wa?lltle to commend. Alice Oatca' and company are d'cv 13,14, is, is." ACCOMPANIED BV soot. wEATnEB. Strong attmc- tions and a large afrendance, the opening of the regnlar season In Sf. Louis, Mo., week, was the most auspicious in many vears, Euys otu: cor- respondent, contlnulmr: '-The Harrisons In -Pho- tos,' at the Olympic Theatre, filled tUe house at (Itch Dcrformance auU! pleased their audiences. Photu.H' OS a play docs not harmonize -with the OiKslde baslness Introduced by the company, and wncre the plot predomlirates the action becomes tedlon.i. The gultar-pllitrlng and vocal selections of Carrie Daniels were- much admired, and R. E. Gtoliam's imitations of J. K. Emmet were often encored. Tlie HarrlsoDS'epen in Loulsviile 13, and will be followed here 'Ay the Mackay-Sylvester Comedy Company Hilton Nobles opened In tbo' Opera-house Sunday. 5. and Is to give an extra performance Sund5«, 12. Tbe -Phimlx'and 'A Man of the Peiiple' were acted. He plavs throuTh interior Missouri towns ne.\'r week, oponlug in Sedalla 13. iTIce's Surprise Party In 'Revels' open here that date At Pope S Thea- tre llie Stewart Family lb 'Rainbow Revels' drew falrlr; and mode an Impression, which angnrs well for their next visit. They open In Cleveland 13, John T. Raymond come:) 13. 'Dncle Tom*..: Cabin' 20. Wm. F. Dickson Is assl.itant-troasiirer st pope's, vice Hunter P.'jmlth, who Joius Jule Eeentys Combination.'* ABtSL, the fiylng danseu:ie. whose act ba? been one of'the sensations of Lomlnn and the continent of Europe, arrived here by .reamer llecla Sept. e. accnmfianled by ber manager. D. F. D. Tumerrvrho pcrsoaan.v illrcrtsall her ^tose pertominnces. Tiiey state with the precautions tN^t are taken there If* not tbe slightest po.olblllty tif an accident Ariel and her sl.itcr, .£nca. ore. Itl.i said, the onl.rper- Eons who have l>ecn successftal In produclnt; the eifcctfinownns the -'n.rlnzdanseuaes,-' and icrlhe past tbtcc .rears tbcy have made their nerfbrm- anre<> attractive features of London and Pans en- tertainmenti^ A statement f.Tim E. Vllllers, aan- accr nf i:tieCanterbnTy and London Pavilton, Lon- don, Ehg- addressed by the Cnlted States Consul at thatpl,ice, bos been shown ns. in which Aniirs performances are said to be fully as stanllng-und effective and as skillfully done as her claims set forth. She Is under contract to appear In a spec- taculardrnraa during the coming six month-i, tMa which inigsgements may be arranged. J. A. Brown Is her agent. AngiE Scdott Is now arranging time for the-ap- pearaiioe of ber comedy C0Bn>sBy in her musical comedrena "The Jolly Mariners," of which per- lormsuce she is the stellor attraction. He r sd- dreg.^iSpnMl3liii1lll IIiimm'h i i Fint-n ns his representative and treasurer in the Grlswoia Opera-house. Tbe season opens is. ivith MltchelPS "-Our Goblins" partr. which plavs ram- niclns.' Then comes Marv Anderson 17.18. Tire'"ALvis JosLi-N*' Ccxbtxation Is due in PIqna. 0_ Sept. 13. Davton M.'Delaware 15. Newark 18, Zanesvtne IT, Cbilllcotbe vs. Columbus -JO. 2i. CalldB 2S. aeveland 23, 24, ss.. Ar THE Grand OPERA-aorsB. Rochester, K. T.. Sept:Ji/tan McCuUongh (who played In Svracn.<« 7. 81 commenced a three nights' engagem'ent. ap- pearing In '-virainlus.'' '-Oiheilo** '-Jullufi Ctef-ar," niaiinee. and -'Rlchartl III.'' Sept 13, Annie Pix- Icyln-'-iniw)." for three nights AtCorinthtan Academy of Music 13. 14. 15.."The Galley Slave" will'be produced: IS, 17. IS, John Thompson-in "Around the World." AT Tnr cbanp OPERA-)n)csE. Syracuse, N_ T., the Wilkinsons played "Uixie Tom's Cabin" Sept: II (OR full bouse. Marv Andeison Is announced TnE Sr.W 1'ORK STANDARD TBBATBE COMPAST In ''Our Gentlemen Friends" played In Holvnke. M«s«.. Sept. 8. Korthampton 9. Springfield 10 "Wor- cester-II. and are to be in Norwich. Ct. 13 New London 14.15. Woonsoccet: R; I.. 18, PnwtucketlT 18. New Bedford, Mass.. 2(X, Chelsea 21, Milford 22, Atboi!24. North Adams jn. TnE AONES WALLACE-'ViLL.kCoMBiN-ATiON- t.t ad- vertised In New Castle; Ind;, Sent 13. Anderson 14 Muncle (fttir) 15,18,17.. Cbas. S. Rooebs and' Mattle Vlckers closed a week's engagement lit tbe St. PauliHinn ) opcm- honseSept. 11. presenting '-The Plavers," preceded by "Love In Livery."- Business was flrsi-jlass- Mr. Rogers and Tickers proceed to- New York to Join tbe Strategists. Macde Oswald's Dramatic Compast Is due In noga. Pa., Sept. ly, 14, Blessburg 15, l«, r,, Ar- B»t 18. JoHS T. Ra-tmokd's Dramatic Compksy Is t>ooked In Kansas- City. Mo.. Sept. 20, one- week Atchison. Kas., 27, St. Joseph, Mo., 28, 29, Lincoln. Neb.. 30. Oct. 1, Omaha 2. • . ■ . , "T,y Baskeb'sDauohteb'' CoMnis.mow plaved in Erio. Pa. Sepii Tj TItnsville 8, Oil City 9, New Castle 10. Akron, O., 11. Manager Bblton gilreath ollfers to ptayagood company on a certainty at the Gllreath Opera- house Greenville, ».. e., during isir week, begin- ning Oct 12. See card. -> o Thb Cciict-BLAiSDEii Gi:abantee» Attbac- ?'."5', ?f ?■ 1'^P'' D"'°b in "The Electric Light*' Is due In Omabe, Neb., Sept 23; -A, 2i, Lin- coln 2T, At:btson, Kas., 28. Topeka 30. A PCiL DRAMATIC COMPANT Is waBted by Man- agers Crane A Stuart for the E. M. Crane Comedv Company. See cord. P. W. Shrader fs requestetl to write. . Baker akbFabbos have scored a success with tbelr play ''Conrad end LIzette" fn their tour through England. The press have been liberal in their praise of th;se clever perfofmeis. "CINDERELLA" St the Hollldav-street Theatre, Baltimore. Md., the past week, drew a good at- tendance. The mounting and costumes were rich and handsome, and the acting mncb better than Is generally found in spectacular plays. J. K. Em- met is announced to open 13 "Our Boys at North Point" a patriotic drama, interspersed with music, Is billed for Ford's Opera-house 13. Sept 12 IS tbe anniversary of the Ebttle of Nortn Point from which the play Is drawn. The OPEyiNG of the regularseason at the Nation- al Theatre, Washington, D. C, occurred Sept «, Meade A Maglnley's Combination acting "Deacon Crankett" to only lair business. H. C. Jarrett's "CiudereUa" la underlined for 13 At Ford's Opera-house a light bnsineBg was done witti "Uncle Tom's cabin," which was poorly pre- sented. Mrs. Howard's Topay remains the name OS of yore. Barlow, Wilson. Primrose k West's Minstrels open 18. lor three nights. Outer Doud Btbon's Oombixatiom is to play in Kewburg. N. T.. Sept 20, Yonken n, Patenon, N. J., 22, Jersey City 23,84,25. Bdpfalo Bill is to play in Aurora, nt. Sept 20, Clinton, la., 21, Bock Island. Ul., 22. Davenport, lo. 23, Burlington 24, apringfleld, HI., 25. Jacksonville 27, Decatur 28, Bloomlngton 29, Peoria 3o, Keokuk, la., Oct 1, Qnlncy, ill., Oct i RosBBLLE, supported by a company includ- ing among others Messrs. Mitchell. Krone, and Ualmbnrg. and Adele Bsrtley, closed an engage- ment of one week In Sedalla, Mo., Sent, ll. Their repertoiy Inclndes "Ingomar," "The Hunchback," •'Love." "The Honeymoon," "Evadne" and "Fa- zio." Tills star and compajiy can be enaaged by applying as per card. tEX Obboobt a Cra»bel Faktomimb Tboitpz and Specialty Star Comhlnation. headed byjoeo. L. Gregory as clown, with Frank Cransel, Pantaloon and comedian: w. J. Hope, Harlequin: Mile. Zan- terino. Coliimbine; W. A,.Hoefier, dnb-swlnger; Miles and Hatfiews, cbaracter and sketcb artists. Master Clark, specialty performer; and tbe Fonr Hebrew Magnets, billed as a novelty, an to appear In "Hickory, DIckory. Dock." They are now ar ranging dates for a traveling tour, and con be ad- dressed care of this office. "U LTSS," with Annie Plxley as the star, -was presented in tlie Academy of Music. Buffalo, K. Y., tne past week. Our correspondent says: "Onr people had not forgotten the pleasure derived from Miss Plxley'B performances last season, and conse- quently the utile lady iras greeted with by Ikr the largest audiences of the season, the theatre l>elng In laot packed Irom pit to dome. She has tbe same charming presence, and her vocal efforts were re- peatedly encored. Tbe company gave excellent support They go to Rochester. N. Y., 13,14. la. Oswego 18, Utlca 1718. Johnny Thompson Is billed 1|,^14, IS, The Galley Slave' Combination 18,17, JoBEPE HtJBPBT AKP COMPAXT Bie to make a tour of Canada under the management of Aug. Plton, appearing In Kingston Sept 13, Montreal 14, for five nights, Ottawa 30, 21, Brockvllle 22, BellevlUe 23, Peterboro 24, Cobonrg 25, Hamilton 27.281,29, St Thomas so, London Oct L Chatham 2. MAOOiE Un<:BKLL's route is Danvllle, pi.. Sept 13, Lalsyette, Ind., 14, Fort Wayne 1», Indianapolis 18,17,18, Cinciimatl 20, one week, A soDBBETrz. a leadicg.'nan and an old-man are wanted by Saml, Hayes, who advertises. laoon of 9, in prej edifice and vestibule and over- pletely crowdea^,_ .j^^ serrtces were conduct^ "SV'n r Sanborn, ossistant rector of '-The %, ? tiV' V-rotmd the Comer," New York, and Little CDitfcjinresslve Episcopal form, and vocal weri; of tarnished by a double mate quartet, ac- mnslc tya on the organ by J. L. Gilbert. At the compnihe exercises the remains were exposed to clos»tnd presented a most llfe-like and natural ^arancc. Floral remembrances were niimer- ii and appropriate, a gUt from James Yalen- t'lnc Taylor being a pillow of white cama- tlnns, bnnleted witb white rosebuds, tbe name -'Harry '' in purple immortelles, occupying a place in the centre. C. H. Bovey, the fiorlst, Ed- win Steams, Mr. Da\-idson. and Andrew Bloine also sent lilies, bouquets, and a -wreath. Thepall- bearers were James Valentine Tavlor. J. F. Wake- field, John J. Uraham, and Nat D. Jones. The body was Interred in Mount Auburn. A letter aod a cable-despatch were sent Mr. Tavlor (who bad charge of the Itineral arrangements) by his batf- brother. Rev. G. C. LorlmerofChfcago, and Fanny Joseptis, of London, Eng.. expressing their grief, and desiring tbat every attention be paid tbe de- ceased, tbe reverend gentleman -writing that as soon as he procured a family butyfng-lot tbe body could l>e finally deposited therein. MiNO's OFERA-aorSE, Helena, M. T.. was dedi- cated Sent 2. Katie Putnam and cotapany plaving '■The Old Cnriosltv Sh' p." Tbe bnlldlrg. whliih is 158 feet deep by SO wide and three stories bigb. ironts on Jackson street. The aide and rear walls are of stone, and tbe front Is nf pri esed brick. The Opera- house prooer iaCSlMdeep by SO wide, and the height ?r< m tbe Hoor to the ceiling Is SD feet In flefront of the building are two large stores, sep* arated by a passage 14 feet wide, from which a broad s'Hlrwa.v on either side lends to tbe aadlto- rlum. The entrances are protected by iron folding- doors, which open outward. The parquet has foldlng-chalis, nphobcered tn red leather, and will seat 4U0 per-ons. Behind this and separateil by a railing Is the dres3.citcle. which seats 310 people. On tUree sides of the auditorium Is a galler>', sup- ported by Iron columns and supplied -ivith 2.50 Chairs, Access to It is Iiad by sta.riTays five feet wide cm either side of tbe- aiiditorluiu. Therr are foarprlvate boxestasteflillv fined up.and the build- ing Is lighted bvgas audlieate<1 by a large funmce. The floors of the gallery, dres.«-clrcle. parquet and the stairways are covered w1:h cocoa.uattlag. Tlie roof Is'of Iron, and all of the windows ctnd diiors are protected by Iron shutteni. The stage Is 30 feet deep hv SO wide. FROM CiscixXA-n, O., our correspondent -trrotc Sept. II: -B. Macnnley opened at the Grand 6 Sfi UanlelDartlettln 'AMe sengerltomJarvlsSectloiT/ The plav has been revised and Improved during tbe Summer, nnd. barring a slight 'talklnes:*' in places. It Is difficult to see irterc It could t)e bet- tered. Mr_ Mncauley met wltb a hearty reception, and his impevsonatlon croked* continued laughter and abpla'use. The supporting- cost was very I'.nle Palmer's ''Boarding - school-' Conihinailoa good. 'MIS.S Tlctorv Creese, while banllv equal to i'piayed l,n.<>t week to fair buslnes!^. Our cor- , -„ ,_ .....I 11 T^. — . —. „pj^ —attendance was smis was doubtless due to tho intense heat TheattrjJ- tton on the at>ove date and dnrlni the week -ais ■^^h ?,"v^'S-Jj^ri »P?«are!l af'evS^ Am! ance ns Mercy Merrick in "The New Magdalen •' dmmatlrad by wiikle CoUlns from birnovel of ihit name. Her acting -was cbamcterlzed br subttetv fi'"' »*re,m«'»> and abe succeeded in bringing her audience Into tfeerough svmnathv with her. George C. BonltSce looked ibe part of Juban Gray to perfection, and. thongta at times be sought to breathe a comedv spirit into passages where dignity aod earnestwsa would have been more in keeptng with iba character, he was. on the whole a most vk- l-fhctory lepreseutactve of the laige-heaned cheerful, loquacious, BeU<ontnUed, genero-js' Just, and manly clergyman. Sara Stevens gave ik very strong impersonation of Grace Roseberrv stowing tint she thoroughly nndeistood the mean' narro-w, selfish, nnforgivlng nature of the part y H. Miller was bard aud lifeless as Horace Rnlm- croft. Mrs. E. A. Etierle made Lady Janet Roy the dignified, motherly personage tbat the plav- wrlgbt Intended Iier to be. The lull ciot wa<:- Mercy Merrick, the New Magdalen. Miss Ada Cav- endisn; Frenca Captain, John Mathews: French Surgeon, Hugh Fuller: German Surgeon. E. \ Eberle; Max, his assistant, J. Dickens; Bonce Holmcroft, an EqpHah vrar correspondent, j. h Xlller: Grace Ro3et>erTy, Mlsa Sara Stevens: Ser- vant, Mr. Osgood: Omcer. Mr Hackett; Ladr.laoet Bay. Mrs. E. A. EbHIe. Business Improved some- what at tbe later performances of the week Joseph Jefferson begins a three weeks'engagement Sept. 13 as Bob .\cres in "The Rivals." Wood's Mcseihc. Pbiladelpliia, seems to Yixe strock that tide in its oflklrs which U to bear it on to fortune. It Is tbe only theatre In that city which has a stock company, and tills Diet seems to be Tuny appreciated, jtidglng by the large and steadily Increasing patronage accorded to the house. "Our Boys'' cItMed a scccessfol mn nf twcr weeks Sept. 11, and It Is simple Justice to say thai Its production could scdrccly l>e improved upon. In toe matter ol either acting or stage-setting, ConsldetBhle interest atlhclied to the Mondar. 'Tuesduv, Thursday and FridOty aftemnon bill of lai>c week ftom the iket that ir consisted of "The Isle of St. Tropez," n powerltil four-act dr-ima by F. C. Bumond and jiontocue Williams, which had not been plaved In FDilndelpbIa for several years, ami which old tlicatre-gocrs will rememlter as l>clng identified wltb the early career of the late Edwin Adams. It was wen played tbrontth- our, the fiill bcinic: Henri Ix>H.irt. Harry Wil- son: Antolire Lannay, C. W. WesseLs: Charlej D-Arvllle. C. D. Herman; Gcrram, Frank Hcnler; Dumcry, W. H. Smedlcv: Louis, Alex. r. Seoit: Amelle Desart. Esther -Wllllamii: Margnt Laiinav, Battle SapUore: Estelle Dumery, Relen Ottolennil. I.lllle Rinton Iwgins an engagcmcut Sipt. 13 as Camllle In the play ol that nam**. AT THE PaiCc Theatre, BrookHyn, N- Y.. Mln- ^Uiinle Maddern, played Clip- excellently. Ilusi ness large. An extra pcrfunnanceis to be given to-mnrrow (Sirnilav). The -All t£e Rage* Combina- tion follow 13. Maggie Mitchell 20.... The doors of Pike's wlllde-tbrown open 13.' Collier's 'Bank- er's Daughter' being tbe attraction. Roblnsou's likewise opens 13, with Ads Gray, supported by Frank Roche.— C. L. Davis ini'.tivin Joslln' opened at Heuck's 0, and the house-has been pack- eil each night since, and on some evenings people have been turned sway. Some of itie support are •ro*. brilliant. MVss Jessie De Randolph hns joined the company here, and will play tlie: ibadlng busi- ness, commencing 20, Miss Helen Florence closing on that date. John 0. Hovt leadenof orchestra, \na dropped berv. He bas sued Mr; l>a\is for damages. Frank Mayo follows 13. Barlow, Wil- son. Primrose A West's Minstrels •2S>\ Effle Jdi^s opened at the Coliseum 6 In '.\ Terrible Test,'which has ran all the week to-x moderate business. Miss Johns proved an actress of no mean ahllltv. and took well with ber audf-.'ncea a<< Maniaret Whetstone, and J. P. Winter was es- peclully strong as Martin Whetstone. Ogden Ste- vens* however, was clearly overweighted as Frank Selliv. Charles Howard follows 13 In 'Uncle Tom's Cab'rir.' and Maud ri>rTester and O. H;430>llhsS0 in Mazcppa.' Minnie Maddcrn Is located In the cUr, unending school." The-standabd Thkatbe Compast ofTNawTork cave "Our Gentlemen Friends" at the Opera-house. nartiJrd, Ct, Sept. r, with George Holland in the leading role, to light baslness "Cnclc Tom's Cabin," bv Anthony J! Ellis' Company. S^pt 3. with Kate Partington ns Tbpsy, was a fair representa- tion. 'The novelties pTeFented during theniB of the piece were the Miemphls rnlversirvStndcots, Sllicrlan bloodhounds and the trained donitev Pruno.- Sept 9, "The Galley Slave"'hem the boar'l.o. nnd, notwirhstandlnir the dlaagree;iblc weather, drew a sootirfiLcH aadtence- .w - PKncf.'s OpEBA'norsE. Minneapolis, tllnn.. The Two Orphans'- was the lilil Sept.«; 7, '-Streets of Now York'- S. -Hi'fe' Ilonanza'- 0.10; Crowded bouses were the rule; it being falr-weeK - "Rose dale" will be given 13.14.15 At the Academwof Music ronv Dcnierr with his newly-hatched Humptv Diimpty-'Mirf by the Inimitable Geoi.H, Adams, occupied tbe :<rage tbe entire week, pliry- Ins to Immense audiences and giving thorough satislactJiD. Ci.ABK ± Marble's TtLE CLm appear in Port- land. Me.. Sept. 18. Portsmouth, N. H., 20, Manches- ter 21. Lowell. Mass.. i', BIddeford, Mj.-_23. Port- land 24, ii. Haverhill. Mass., 27 Marlboro 28. Law- rence 29. Salem 30. Gloucester Oct l, Marbiehead'2. THE settbe sroBM of Sept. 29 washed awnytfie ftage anil Tbe fence sumrandlng tbe Revere (Mass.) Beach Theatre. ,. . -r •~u"«! KAT)LCLA^»»ot«»'««» tu Burlington, Vt.. Sept T«;-_^Mlfin IJ. llrattltboro 19. nolvoke;-Mas3.-, 20 Northampton 21. Worcester 22. Haftfoid.'Cr.', QT- ASTHO*!- Jt Ellis"'-Cncle Tom's Cabin" Coh- PANV are to play In- l-awrence. Mas.4.. Sept. rjL Haverhill 14. Pnrismootli, N. H., 15, Stamford CC. le. Drldoeport 17. J. y. Farrar's "UsciE Tom's CABnt-CoxPANT and HopCiUi' Colored Troutiadours appeared In Dacon Hall, Somervine-. Mass.. nftemn^nrand evan- luirnfSeptrll. Dalsle JTarkoe apnearlnc as Tnpiv; Little Lena Davenport. Eva; Tnm Dunn Uucfe Tom: C. B. Chrystol, Pnincas Metchersnd Gump- tion Cute: B. W. Reeo; I.egree aud Genrge Harris: Tom English. Marksrond Frank Howard, E..C. Murroy. H. M. Waiters, Grace Emerson. Nellie Bums. Bes'le Bradleynind Louise Wllatot In the re^ mnlning characters. Sam LrcAS. tbe cotared comedian. JS to appear In his ncw-playedl'-Rcstored-' In Lawrence, Mom.. Scpt24. AMY Stone In "Cigarette-' Is dudn New Loo- don, Ct. Sopt. 13. Waterburv 32. ALDRICHiA PaJISOOE'S (^OMBINATrON Is due tu Springfield, Mass.. Si.>pt. 20. Hartford. Ct. 21. Hrtl- yoke, Mas:!.. 22, Waterbnrv. ct, 23. Brldgeporrf*. REX.t.the .vonng-comedy actres", Js now com- pleting an eight weeks' starring engagemenrat Leadvllle, Col. She will play In Kansas CItv. Mn., next. Her partlcnlar plav Is '-Run to Earth In which her chataciertzatlon of Moya has met with a large measure or praise. Her aansger. r. G. Maeder. can lie addressed in regard toengagemeota as per advertisement. • Two REspoNsisLa-MES Ore wanted for the Porter Dramatic Alliance-.. See W. B. Porter's addrewr. MRS. Eli.a McCall was granted'a divorce ftom Joseph McCall'. late-of the '-M-Ilss'' Comblnaiton. Jnup 5, by the Conrt of Common Fleas of Peutwvl- vaniai. Jabbett ^ Rice-s Cox stNA-noN. plaving "Fun on the Bristol." are advertised in Manchester, N. H.. Sept 13. Lowell. Mass.. 14. Lawrence 15. provi- dence. R. X.. 18. 17.18, Brockton, Mass., 20; New Bedford 21, FBI! Kiver 22, Taunton 23, Woonsocket, R. I.. 24, New London. Ct., 25. Mb. and Mrs. George S. Knigbt and corapanv are to pfiiy in Fan River. Ma-ts.. Sept. 13, New Bed- ford 14t Newport R. I.. 15, nunton, Mass., 18, Brockton IT, Lynn. 18, Salem 20, Ponland, Me.. 21, 22. Laurence, Ma8.<i.. 23, Providence, R. I., 2U 25. IN New orlbanb. La., tbe sea-son at Bidweirs Acivieay oT Uislc la to be opened abont sept 19 witb tbe Barri.'ions In '-Photosi' as tbe attraction. ....^.TteSt Cbarles Theatre la to tm opened atioat Nov, I. and is bow lielng redecorated, the prevail- ing tints being blue and gold.. A new curtain is to be painted, and folding Iron otalrs ar) to De ni t in the tower part of the auditorium. It Is said that thirty-four hundred seats are tn be placed In this ttRatre, and if this Is done it wlM have tbe largest seating capacity of All tbe theatres In this eonntrv. The estimate is: Parquet,. 800; dreea-cArcle, 600; baleoBy-clrcle,. 600; au'I gallery, 1.400. This the- atre has been connected wltb tbe Academy of Music by a spacious vestibule, which will be used In common by tbe patrons of either theatre. Mabbied.— Nell Burgess and Miss H.irv stod- dart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George W. srod- dart. -were married In Trinity Churcli, San Fran- cisco, Cat, Sept 7. Only the members of -The WIdnw BeiTotl" Combination were nresent J. H. HtiNTLiT's CoscraNT may be looked for in Franklin, Tenn., Sept 20,21, Columbia £!, 23,24,25, Pulaski 27, ore (lairi week. * Jat rl4l's "HtniprT Dtnirrr" is due in Wa- tiash. Ind., Sept 20, Logansport 21,2!, Lafayette 23, Champlaln. Hi.. 24. Bloomlngton 25. WiLU AMS' Tbeatkb COMPA>-T, Which oueued the season Sept 1 In Windsor, Mo.. Inclndes Wilbur M. WUllams. proprietor and manager; Barry LovelL R. w.Bowen*. C. Adair, Parley Bull. Carrie Bowers, Mispes Mattle Williams, Allle Bowers and Belle Adair. Tbey are billed In Nevada Sept 13, Butler 20, Appleton City 2T, one week eacti. Fbank WBtoHT, stage-manager and leading-man, will be at tbe Howard Atbensnm, Boston, Mass., this season. Jat Rial's "UitCLB Tom Cabc<" COMXlSATloy, whopla.ved in Sbaroii,Pa.,Sept. 6, OreenylUeT. Ht Vernon, O., 8 Newark 9, Columbus 10, ll, are to be in CIrcleville 1^ Greenfield 14. Wasblnigton C. H. 13 Dayton 16, IT, 18, St Louis. Hsl, 20. one weet. Thb Cecelia Cbisp Combination, under the management or Edwin atnart,wlll t>eln Tietmo, IIL, Sept 13. one week. Business isreportedgood. A number of people ate wanted. See Manager Ed- -wln Stuart's card. A srrBOMO coMPAirr IS wanted fbrtair-week at Sidney, O.. to perform in Monumental Han. See McCullongb A Johnston's card. A KCMBER of dramatic people are wanted for a company to take the road atwnt Oct 1. See Louis Eagan's card. Pbaxk Boswobth retumeii to Helena, M. T., Aug. 30. alter an absence of seven we^ spent in Tisltlna tbe Geysers and tbe National Park. He was to have Joined Ulalsdell's Company Sept. s. THE GCltCK-BlAISOELL CrABAltTBED ATTBAC^ Tios, No. 2—Harry Webl>cr In "Nip and Tuck in Private Life"—is biUed in Monmouth. OL. Sept 20 Galesbnrg 21, Peotla 22, Bpringfleld 23, Lincoln 24' Bloomlngton 25, Cincinnati 27. tor one week. ■Tbe Golden Oaxb" Coxbination are to open in Pittsburg. Pa., Sept 13. waahlnston. D. O BalUmore 27, for one week ea^b. ' The Mvbbat-Obeb Comed-t Comtakt is due In Volcano, W. Va., Sept 13. At&ens, O., 14, Jackson 16, IT, IS. Tbe troupe InclnUes Ada C. MutTar Geom Ober. Maud Atkli&on>V Edith Williams K J. Johnston, Fred Williams, Fnank T.».|i^ing Edgar Bennu Whe«ler Ue Long, Phil Qrlener, Master Fred- die Power and FianK Earieyl Repertory: "Tbe Octoroon," "Our American I Cousin." "OUver Twist" and "Anab-na-Pogue.'*. -uuvor The OtrucK-BLAiSDEix Gv. TiON, Now 3—ttie musical com —may be looked for in Omal 22. St Joseph, Mo., 23, Atchle 27. Lawrence 28. Kansaa City, OHABLBS Hcdtsnm aad l Christmas Island, C. B., Sept T, >,. "Tee Oallbt Slate" Combin, In Buffalo, N. T., Sept 16.17, Oswego 29, Albany SS. 24. 25, _ ^ Newark 28. 29, Kew Bmnawtck Oct x,Tr<utonX.J..a respondent savsr "The piece was put rie stoge In i?nod stvlp. This week Miss .\(rnfs Leonard (well known in lirookl>-n fonr or five years ago as Miss Alice SInser, a focal artist of some repute) apprars in 'Woraaii<ti Faltli.' 20. Miss Mnry At?^«TSon At Havarlj's Theatre Oliver Doud Lirron and combination plavcil to iLdSe business ifist wtek In 'Across the Continent' Bis company this scdson Is good. J. H. Banks made a declde<I Llfas John O'Dwycr. and his ner- lormances in tbe eonvert-room scene mTe-recelved with enthusiasm. This week The New Evangel- ine^' 20, the -Deacon (^nkett' Combination. As tbe author. Mr. Hbliberton. Is an old' and well- known resident of Brooklyn, the production of this drama is awaiteil with Interest The attraction at'tUC'SKmlty Theatre (E&stem Dls> trIciVwas the Frank I. Frayne Combiuatlba in -$1 Slocum,' who played to fair business. The drama Is Interpreted tbis seafon by nn organizatinn quite capable of doing it-jtotlce. Mr. Frayne'e-'skill as 3 mark!<man Is well knotm. The authorities sent to the tbsatre to Inquire-as to tbe probability-of the occnmence of an accident, but investigation'-^tls- fied tbem that Mr. Fraync was tmIIv a -dead-shot.' and the performance was not inrerfercd -ivith. TbM week lulss Maude GiTLnger In 'Two Nilrhts In Rome:''20. Anthony dT EUls' -Uncle Tom-j'Com- bination." The season at the Detroit (Mich.) Opor^i-hnnsc was Inmicurated Sept; e bv Robson and Crane, with "feBarps and Fla1.<i'"as the att:acnoa.the at- tendance being large and' ^creasing ulebiir. Oor corTesi>i)Ddeut says: -The <wo comeillaris were admlrablv supported bv a strong companr. con- sisting of A. S. Llpman. R. J. Dillon, John M^irnle. F. M. nurbeck. F. Alne'rose, Agnes Proctur, Ali- rla Rntison. Mrs. Marv Mverx and Nellie liovil. The ladles displayed eiegnarwarJrotxs the uiM'ae- Msttliiiis -.rere nent. and tlie selections bv '.t-drn- chcstra. under Rudolph Spiel's dlrcctorsolp. wecc choice. TIic officers ol nie house are: Jo-H:pb Hrooks. proprietor: J. H.' Havlln. manager: C. ^V. Shaw, treasurer; John D'dviiLsnn. main duorkcvp- er: \. Sctmlte. assistant; Ft-ed Bllnu, chleT-usher: Geo. E.Anderson, programmer. ForSlate-fiilrw<>i-k, 11. John MtCullougb Is hooked, to be foKouM-on the 20th by-The Hearth-of Oak' Cora'iiuutlou. Joseph Brooks arriveil 8, and left 10 fnr St. Lnnl.t. His treasnrt>r of tbe Memphis Theatre. Frank Grav, left 9 R. E,' Stevens, .manager of Ijiwrence Barrett, arttved 8, and will remain to superintend the opening -of the Grand Opera-house 13. when Mr. Barrett will appear. Tbe electric light -trill be used in this theatre." GU9 Williams in "Onr 'Oerman Senator''-at- tracted a moderately-gcKMl atteniIanceiittheOr>er», bouse Plnate*^?:.'«fh4 pia7ls'S^!Sn-se?i5 ana there are scenes In it which shoaid ti .iiSS: lusted. Mr. Williams snstaln?d w5?2rt wifh ili"?" S?! «4>*cr hSlig cSSiSmlahl?' and bis songs and recitations were dese^idivWi planded. The "'"e the wuspan/SldTto go^^ b*.!H?1l,'L'*liJ2ff"°""'"''«'"- "A Cilden Ca'mV'wm ?in'cMs?i;ws*j,'^SIS fs'tl?2dffio?ri^.Th-aC^IJ?S^^^^ by some of tha theatres to teattSe^Set^^^^ fo?1h%=^*0"pr,-1fh«'S°k^^^^^^ 10.11. Business was™™ ^^2; T?,^"-.'*''"* *' which gave excelliSi wSW^tllfclnS^ ,ht"5,1!Sf' M. Lo<lu8kl TlOung, Jose'^WiJtae? Sid ii^f»"il?^ sou. Messrs.. Lfewls Ba-eJ: cSm S "^J" White, Cba.-tts ManleyjuffS"!.!}^??-.-^' hill. John Mnrphy. Jobn'VfL^i™'IS'i,^^',S*''??- G. Davis Is «b* buBlness-iniSSe? and'i^S/S; i^' advance-agt-nt.- HerrmannTSS'°2lf«?«'?V'*J- week ..-..fThe Paragon Coffil^SfJ,-"' ^"^'"^^ IIM Slave" at «be"S>.?Wn7.SSTA'! Pat RooN-ET-ecoHBiNAT«n',»--„ ,.„^, . ness at the National Theat,_iWW™'^^^ ■Jusj- week. The great Pat <'--S™S?i*L^V,?'4-''*I*** day eveningfifhen bt"^^.Wff'Li'" jy*"""" counsel to the efffect tWK 'iiiSSS?™ him waslnnperetlve. LittlSP^JiX oSTiu^JII'^f Uomlnick Murrey In ''InnoceMrS t^V'''Si'^^f- Crime," wlir be the attrtiotlou a,t ,i noon and night, and 15. Hs wlll\,Aii il' shire Bill itr."Escoped from:3lngSfU!f?i,l';J?;S; performances of the week. The «Sr,nrtin»,lIv? pany Inclndes Rose Lisle. Joseph •ffani?^. 22i hilly Can-oli: the last-named being tf2,Hnl-rrf the comblnartOn. "\mBn3ger tf MACArL-BVS TBEATBE, EOUlSVUle, E 1. h. opened Sept. 20. Instead of 13, as hKit^L^JS. nounced, with the "AU the Rage" Co31iftHoD The Opera-house opens 13, wltb tUv wifri; sons in "Photos." latbb—Sept. 11. 6 , £1 lED ATTBAC- J Ot "Hop Seotsb" , Nelk, Sept 20,21, Kas., 24. Topeka ,80andOcLL lanr played In , Baddeck 10,11. knoN is posted Syracuse 20,21, EMtoa. p»„ Opcra-lkwa off theii~liandsand mult durlngthcseacon. H is to manage bo!h Macaulev's Tteatre sivl tht Opera - bouse. Wm. a. Warner, n anager foi Brooks ft-Dickson, will remain with the new miu- «ger,.and all atiractlons aooked will play os'li tha cniineebnd not been made. Clarsi Morris begins a five nights' engagement Sept. 13 at the Chestnnt. Pbliadelpbla. aiipearlDg as Cora IB "Article 47" IX 14, and matineefsTand as Allxe In- 'The Countess de Somerlve" 15, Maud IT. For night of 18, when Miss Morris does not plav, a concerc by Le%-y Is annonnceO, RICE'S ScBPRisK Pabtt Continued t» revel lu "Revets^ at tbe Walmit-street Tbeatre. Philadel- phia, Sept. 8, T, 8—aSemoon and night—and f. They bad the '-Horrors" 10, and afternoon and n' 11. Business great Agnei Robertnon wlll;r8om np in "JMe Brown, or ae Sleze oi LnotBow," 13. .J'-^-J'Bi:^"^' Spectaltt company opened at the Park Theatre. Philadelphia, Sept *. and plaved throughout the week to a moderate eresdonce.'... MlnBie Palmer and company tiegin Sept 13. ALTHOUOBNO XA3BBIAL ALTREtATIONS have tXttl made to either tbe Park Theatre or rbe Grand Op- en-hon-ie, Indianapolis, Ind.. both bsve been pni? inexcellent condition In anttclpatloaofp I'velvM^ f'O. Ooroormiiondntu.ra: "Wltb ntaw ml. .'chaBCt* tha atAir of tbe Xroan. Dlekuo la (ba aama r - aeKto!uf& Tha veteran J. Maelntlra and ctiMM. BMkar eontmne aa doortMiwm. and Gao. Rlnfo-, W. H. Btoser and Will S. MMlntlra aa oahera, than irbon raon raoiteooa nnt:^ inao do not rrgeBie ia ibis lautnoat. Jeoa BilU ar ".r"5ft?'*"^.J"«.^ •*■!"• »«»'> tha 'Hi*™ the Nick Botierta Hnmpty DnmptV and Spedaltr ^S!!—ftI?.T*'°°^ J.?""'f"" ' bo'aMaacontinolng saila- HlTifJSTTS"!!?''?' aiSrbitlon mch erenlnson a rapa atratcbad mmm tha a<n«t In tmt of tin thcat:*. bot the dty aotborltiM Uitradletad tka performanea. and It !'1Si'*°5f''-i-'^?*\»'°»»W«*»blet«lk hareccBcero- SSi USSff £.'*J''?!rt"' o'tnlt "v tho aeaaon ol UMi-I: and oa Will E. Kngtlab, manaiier 01 the new opet^hoao In tbia aty, hu bora aollened to Join aacb a eomVbMiloD- thonxb ha adatta tha fret-with aoma iclactanea-ihrta l( arldently aumathlng formldabi* on loot Asuwz tha booaca namea In connection with tbe new drcnlj ue tbe Academj of Mnalc. Cievelamt: Pltlabonc Op»e».hon»: Comaiock'sOpera.hoaae,Colamboa, O.: CorlntManAcad- etny o- Moala. Bocbastar, H. Y.; Grand 6MT«-h<M>e. -V«ib- vUla: OimndOperm-hooia, HenphU; Ball'a Tht«lre.>-«w Orleans; Gnanwall'a Tbeatf«. Galvtatnn: Beock-a 0|>- ara-booM, Clncinnad: Pope'k Tbeairo. St Lwls: Harrr- ly'aorBoolar'aThaatra,iShltaco: Eosliah'aOf>»ra.hoaiv, Ind i a nap aUa; Wbaelar'a Opera honM. Toleao; Whlmej'a Opeta-hoaae, Detroit; two BBb-drvnita sr» aire m»t:oo«4 —one forTenncmee, Alabnaaaod Goonfi^ noder Mao- acer3b^ta,at Miiakvllle: tha other tor Bar City-Ann Arbor, Eaat Baglnaw, Battla Cmk, and Mhar MIcht ■wn cttlaa, under Xaaacer Wbltoer at nrnruit. It ia fikelj. that John T. Mecaoley. of Maianler'a Ih»«r tra. LoulEvOla, will enter Into the nropmfrl ro^- binatKni, bnt for the prMat be wta proksblr tuM Uaqea with Braoka A Dlakwin. owinc u> barlas ae- cared bla tbroua lata in tbe naanaL Mr. Eok""^ °' tbbi city ia of the opinion tbat bla nav venloR biah>to Bt&id alone, witb-^itt any enunsllng alliAncea. bu? elU n-tattdlaadvanlacauaaly tnlheTntanirtaol bla iriaoM. Tbaaeaaon nramlaeato baona of blnerwartkre •■n the nlcbt or 8 Iha acanle efiecU for tka 'Haatta ol Oak'- In pranarallon bar* for aomo moniha pail—wer»exluh- <t*d to rcpreacBiaUvtaor Iba preaa and a ie«- IbtIixI uneau. The aeaaeiT, which la all aav, 1» IWim the pm- ol of Da Witt Wmgb. tba CiaelnoatJ attut, and L< a inaatarplece ol Isieaidty and akUL The eatii*. pan; pharnalUwoaahlppHl to Clenland*. 'Hraiu of Oak' wUloonipy tha boardaol the Grand Opeta-bou'e donnx State fair comnenclBir tf (.eianl Dan Macanley laUrva Irom Ilia odict of Eenrral-mananref tbelndlunpoUaWatarWoakaCompanT OK. Land it Is aald bawUlgo to Naw York and aoperUitend the bulnM o< the Bnoka A Diekaoo Cirenlt at tbat tslnt pickaon. ivtaracd from Raw York baa booked Balvlal ana Frank Mayo. wm .-Wwher. anthor 01 tba new pUr 'ElanrlaUr'-racandy given a fltai »m- Moaaaea at Danvar. CoL—was kirmerly a atuts of Indlanapolii 0«o. A. Dlckaon haa >» pmad Ikom Coloimdo, vhise tho ibmllT hav* mlnlv intare^ Iha nstdir aeaasa at tba Own O »aa»-b ona« bcilna 16, wltb Ma«g1a Mitchell, for Aar paXbnnancea: ^A OenUemaB SSa Nevada' 3), eo* weak: attbaPukir. *AI1 tha Bait.' oaavedt The Gannonia Garden Tbaatreakwa itaaaaaon 12 cm Barges bad • awaU anlt atolan froea bla drcaMM-raom ai tba Park Thaaxre nlsbt ol 19.*-...F. O. Wklia u plonM at EdliUnrs, laA, thu week David Hanchatt. Um vetetw in-ir, Is on th» toUUcitnamp iRtUs Utata."