New York Clipper (Sep 1880)

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SEPTEMBER 1/1880. O 207 THE THZAT i^inftonnf or r Clohel , SLtsa.. «aT8 oar cor- ; nnt&voiable weather creucr pan ol The pm kireme hrat to the baneiT t tb« niltrlncM of Sept. 6 did Fftodlence from tMmbllo^ ti Vbte Jieo oprocd ita doora for tbe MmMo Stct«oo*ii nmvicnoeDt. Tb« de- _-tbr footta r^tcntlooH and LmirnyTenitnt^ made (crlption Of ^ujieriaateto ooot*^ an Idea of tbe fioc« Jao^ 'firhlcb ban b««ii created dorlDfc ibe raca- clefBDtLDiulobby.vttli rich carpet/^ ralrrnn, utin tion. Tben taUT onumeatatloii, fim aitncta at- nDbfrlfi?>?/dnitndoD: tben tb« «^a^. draped vltb tentlito a^atin oirtaip. bdadered vtth o)d-iro)d and iu cniB*Wb«deekadw^«ood.carTiiif|iaBdtiimme<l blae.tbeTof t>|^ aame color* aa tbft curtain, the wl;b ^bcvlde-walliiofthe baloonrwIUi dmUarma* pidrln^Ucr wUb the rood taa:e exhibited tbroocboat tert^jfoTm an ctuemblc net nrpuwd u any theatie tbe boAjtry. Althonjcb the eoloctaic la wmrm and bncbt, ofibe/tt J uitinja te Into uvditneai: tod U Xinacer I: '"^ffeiaon the ataoe of bla beaotlftil tbeatre half the ftetfgg udltoitnni orc«eDta,bUaacc«a9aboald be tsn^f^ ^a. tnooratlon la to be made the pren^nt oqfifliitncapaB adJofailiic apaitoeDr,leadlai^ rrom v^itfmT-lloar, to be need byth^atnna oftbe hoojie H^niokliisud ladlasnom. BeATUI be lonnd on >>],. ifiuhna namnddmnaile JeuBali of thliennotfT Btbe OU World, which can be penaed doiins the lir-mcv. vbOe at the aame ttme the reader can Macload. The iDlilalaaraetloa.wtilcbwill be cob- Sgi^ m wfond w«Ck, wmi 'Mj- Partner.' perfanned by TMuf AldrldL CharleaT. Paraloe and tbelr own oomblna- Ttie caat U cfTen U> *how the company for thU ^a- r^irr joe s»oDd> ra, Lonla Aldrich; Ked Blrfltleton, OUrer n Rarr- Vajor Henrr niajr BrUt. Ptaak Mordaant: Ifr. wanliew Bran<fon. 3. P. Dean; Je<lab Kciaoa. J. w. Ha-oe: Sam Bowler, W«:t<r Lennox Jr.; Xr. Welllaitoa n'ideerr. Chaa A. Scnncl*: Xc, Jim. Johnson, R.O. Ber- ntUf- 'Marr Brandon, Mlaa Dora Coldtbwolie: Gnce Bnrdoo, MlP' Uule <>oode: Mm Poale Peotland, u-t. LToica Moiae: Wlnic Lee, Charles T. Paralne. n« acnwa met with a warm welcome. The eetDnc at ibe Out act acored an Uftmt tilamph for the palnier, Onen BIfhiwto. Forrncmd beutyaad aitlacie ofcotarincaDd eiTntt It bai Mldom ticen NaaW. Hie <«en«fink Ptnnpenji fifteen performen^ tad wae plared In tbeir new poaltlnn, under the edge of Ibe Mur*. Boilnn* baa been excellent, ittrlhuubn In tmaikeddaireetotti* beantynt the bMte aadtbede- pi.r* to peraooallr Inrpert It. Mananer eteuwnv aRMat- antli for tbe leaaon arr: Bo^in^manaiter, Charlen Bum. tw, trearar^r. Uartin Orahe: Kenlc-artut. Orr^o RIcbarda: atact^eiTpenter, P. Eomera; gaK-eoElnecr, Wll- him Dixon; leads ol orchestra. John C. Mal/aly; adver- tlPlsz-Bceal^ Dan Bottoo: attaAea m andltorlnra. W. U. Bio^ara aad QnTtr w. Boberu; chlaf-doorkeeper, Fiaok D. Baker. Rise's ExtrsTaganza ComMoatlon win appear S la tbe new bnxlesqae "Callno.' Xatt. ^orvan win palot the new act.dTOp for thia theatre cest reason Incnadauaai; oar trpott ot the put wetlr. It was InadTBtsntly suted that the rerrton of •A Dancerrau-Oaise.' actrtf-at the Bsrtnn Moaenm, voAihework of iheUt^ A. W. Tonne We desire to cor- rKt the •tatemenL ta the one now naed la Irom the pen irfa ftentleman noknown to as and too modest to hare his juir.K m«de poblle. This piece haa been contluned a sec- ood week to * aood aTenwvattaidance. bat will be with- diawn tfter IS, tndglTe Tiaca 2D to *A Scrap of Paper' and tbenmnjIarceoI'fiirBnliDOar.* The coatomof fflTlhff THE GBAND Opcsa-hofee. CUca^jo. III.. U de- scribed and oiber maaets or diamatle Intereat are rvTiewed bv onr cAne^poodcnx. vntin:; Sepu II: "I hare remark^ on the Increasmc comfort, beanty and elefcanee oToarChieaco theatre for screral reaannspaat. ibare So speak now of the finest theatre m the West, and T donbt ir It 111 eonaled aoywbte ui the cflODtiT. I bare aeen notbliur to eqnal 1l. Xamelj, .the Grand Olier»-haaae, i-hleSuirew own Its doora to the pnbllc Sept. *. Archi- tect Adier and bis aaslsiant, Mr.SnlliTan.deserrethe (reat- eat credit for thla piece ot work. Itu eren fins In lis war than tnelr eonstrwctlon of tbe Ccntial Music HalL Bezlnnlnic at the mam entrance on Claik (trae*, we ilna '.a lamp with flrc claster-ltxhta, ahaded by band- flome oblonf ^obea aad marked 'Grand Opcra-loa£e* on each aide at the cnrb. Thirteen Jlshta. sbtded by globes, stnteh acfou the top of the main entrance. En- lerlni; t>ie outer Tmitmle, we find It floored with rarle- ffated enctostlc tiles, tbe wamscotlngTof marble, paneled In dlSnent shades, and tbe Wills frescoed in Tiucan led. tbe nllwtera In (tiM and bnf^ with flatinita of hiack and Kold. Tbe core Is In rteacnek-blue, and ttie cellinc ol a crmiltb bttlT The hox-3ifice. at the rich', nt tarred cberiT, whh black-walant trimming Is af Gothic tonn. Three pendent lanterns of aatbnie shape U^t this vestt- hnle, wklch la 361t. Tin. long and I5lt- wide- — „ flalnztUr-nlciit bills will soon be retired I' for which The Marble Heart,* tofetherwith seraral old oora- fdlff* itre belncprepvcd W« faare b«Ard the rumor ihac McKre RanklQ and The Dui1t«»* woold ftppur ftt ibU tanoTC npna ttae close of tbe'j- EasUab miioii. ^r. ^-'^ ^v*- 8. Kolcht uid cnmpnnr Mncladed tliclr eiic*c«tD«Dt «t tb« QAlfity Hi^Htre 11 hariD? appeawd tbrougn*".ac iHh work Jti 'Ono' ui Ihlr boelnes*. M- B. I^rltt'ii SpecUlty Compnoy «ppmr f'lr noc ve«k. eommeDCiog XL It In coiDpfwtil oi Hmnr BIoodfn>od (who sppean for tbe flm tiroo witU tblK o-'^lzAtlnn. ond vho ip eDg«ff«d fir the Miiiuin). Cbnrles and EILl Jerome, XlmiDle Reot. Mux And Win Morelto, Moonand^Loficlncer. Nellie L^rkelle. Sum. HoMnrrnh, Loinf:A LiodeD, LfSie Daly- Wood ua Beaaley. Donnelly and Dreir, Cwdeld ud Booker. Eufeom and Edounrd Oar4-tu and YooDK ApoUo. 20. A whoit ffiwrtn Of EnaUftb* cMra unrt prndaccioo or "Tbe Chime^or Nominndy'hy Hrnrr PeaVcfi^ new compaoy Clark k Marble's THe Clab commence a two weekn* eogagemeot O^'t. \ Tnn OQ the BrlrtoU an acted br Jarrett± RiceV CombtnattOD. bu been contlnoed a second Mod lUvCTreek u the Pu-k. Tbeatre to a fair mttendanc«. 13, the C- mlpy-Burton Com- pany moke their flrvt appcumoce In a, body, nnd p^rronn i^r the dxfct time on any stAge the new prciiilarlty in two seta, br B. £. Woolf. caated *Lawo Tennla.* They will b« Focceeded 20 by Clara Morris, whose-«n^Qeraont Ir for tvo weekm during which aba will piny 'Article 4r and *Allte.'opcoln^ iQ tbe former piece, with mppon from Xarfc J. Pendletoo- Joo P. SDttoo. A. I>. BUllDim. G. Raw- fAB Soptcoe. E. H. Stcphrss. Un. J. J. Prior and Coutance PambUa James A. Heme's *Hearui of Oak* con eluded ill three weeka* ran nt th» Bo«^n Theatre U. banog attracted only Ctlr-aUed audlencep, the season be* lor too proloDged. Tbe aadlence waa augmented 7 by thfaneodaocr of many Empire State exeuftinDiatP, who came rnin Kewburrport. Fmnk S. Ch&nlrAD Opeos vhat may be called the recular Reason 19 with 'Kit.* Annte rix^cy In *MMI««.» Tbi« thentre cvlcbraied Its twenty^Uth birthday 11 Napier Lothian and his orchestra hare returned from Samtotta, and will cccupv their old placea 13 For the coining ,npoctAc1e, The Vrtvaffem. or the Children of ruiotaln Grant/ the pric- c'lpal dancers vIU be Slgnora Elena Camalbn, fmtn La Seala, Mtlan; HUe. Rlfmantl ot tbe San Carlo^ Naples; Ttmr Seconds it<tx6 lA S^aj an<4 a corps ol twenty<four ftttm Pivnch and Italbin thMtrcs: with M. Mameta ballet- master* and Ariel tbe fly log-dancer. CoRtDm<>A hare been Imponed trom P.iri8, and Mr. Oetz and Mr. Prescott are already tusUr prepanoe scene r/sod mechanimn Cor Summer theatres are in their last tbroes* thoM bar- In;; already TOccumbetl bcloR the Oakland and Foref' Gardenn. At the former *The Chimes of Normnndy^ wf r cnniloiie'. sapplemented 8, for the beoeat of Manogei rboR. H. Rlclia. by a dUpIay of flreworkn. 10. for thp «>n' larspment of tlie fhnd oi the Hlcbland Mninal Aid So a?ty. between elcht and nine ihooRand tickets were sold by *'mpInycAOf Uie Ulablanil Railway, who are nembem oi tlie Doelety. **Pmarnre^* wPnt OQt In n blszfl of light 11, the good ship having been burned, aa wns that In use Ifi'^t T^ar..' A VRTlf^ty performaoce and the crib scene from *Totn and Jerry,' br local bo:terB. were announced at Forest Garden 7 and thereafter, and on 9 a tesilmonlnl was to bitre been ^r^n the condactoni and drtrera of the Metr.>polltan Hone Railroad: bur, the weather btlug on- farorvile. It waa - postponed till 15, when on InAtn mental concert'Wul b« alren by the Cadet Band, alter which tber« la to be fireworks, a.balloon ascen 6lon and dancing. Halteck'a Alhambra olfrred i straight Tarlev performacce, giren by Hovard L San lord's CombloatloDv made up of Bern.rJ McCreddle, Eomaand Josle D« Voy. Adah Castleton, Dolly Sharpe, the Four Comets—Hawley. Mannlntr and Cooper Brotherd —IsOla Wentwortb, 9am Laog. Mickey Thompfon. Ed- WaJdiT^nand Isarry Howanl and Prank S^lord. 13 and week. Brown's BrlAde Band z\x<i a series ot promenade concert.*, ending with a da- e • N. C. Goodwin Jr. spent a short time In Boston the part week, prerlnua to com- mending his work for the season....;.Mme. Janaoachek, bsrine sailed for her adopted couotry. will arrlre In thla city the ptnetttweek 3Ianager Field oftbe Boston XoMiun haa received a rotd^of thanks ikom Boston Lodce of Blka for the S4fi donated trom the amount re- ceived In premlnmn by the aactlon-nle ot seats for the «tpeDlne-n Labt of that boose. Bereral of the members will be fTes^nx-atthadedlcatlonijLAhe Elka* Re«t In Pl tlladelphla \ Tbu «MUT>.>,B«-Tae«aB9-.BMn rv^caHt^ATnin a'pair oT' antl(rr«ot the American elk byj. Fiuak and Charles II.' Darid^n, procured In Colorado, and pronounced the Isnrcn yet discovered J. B UacCormu-k. dramatic writer on Ttie CincinnaU fngiifrvr, nod John M. Pottt, manazlng editor of (Plilladelpbla) A'ortft Amrrican, hare been In the city daring the week P. R. Kelly write* from Naples that rereial American maosgers w<*re In negotiation with Kossi the tragedian for a tour In thU coantry Jamen H. Jonen, for two neaa'^ai* ra*t attached to the Boston MuKeom Compiuir. has been en- traced a^a member of Dal2lePs Bnrlefqae Company, vhortlr to Ktait «'*nt itom Ohlcun I*. J. Lxnini;. who lolos Fam Locas* *Renor^ Cnmbinatlod. will he tendered .-4 ''nmrllmentary beoeflt at Montinient Uall. Charlcston-n District, it is.repotted." OrR Califorkia letter, dafert San ■FranclB':o, Senr. 5. is aa under: "The good. oUl-fiishloDe'J melodrama 'Tree to the Core* faded to Impror^ th» Olivi- nes at Baldwin's TheatrA during the pan week, eren tbe caUt-rrpaironArtccUolnv to attend lt« perfonnancef^ nnd It will tber«iore be withdrawn, and tbe long-promised and clr-delerrpd sensatloDAl 'Ninon* will be prtHinced 6. Peter Rnbt050n''s new comedy of 'Fortnn^* In ortderhoed tor pro- duction 13. *A Fool and His Family' and tJie burlpsoue of *Aladdin* will donhtless soccecd 'Fomm'*,' which Is ex- pected to flJl out one week. A portion of th» B.-Udwln companr. of whIA Janes O-Xeil, Miss Adeline Stan- hope. Miss Annie ,4dama and M. A. Kenncily ar» th«> vHnclpal tnembom, will, onder the manai^mrnt of Charier Lord, proceed to Sacmmporo 20. and during fHir weVk anpear In *NInon,* 'ChlM of the State.* *Oor- alle'' aud *ForKet-me-not.* If the pnispecta warrant it, they will fill ont a wpe): In Stockton prior fo their «>tnm. when donbtlesa they will make their appearance in The Gslley Slare* and 'Kairfax.* b«h new ber* ThA Prince MethnMl(*m* has not been a rery d< dded sace'>'« at tbe Bosb-strcet Theatre, the manager ot which has been BO bosr of l&te In aaendlnKto theaflMim ol the Authors* Carnlmlan t.o almoat entirely neclect the business ol bis theatt«. 3Iax 7rf eman, the stace-manager, itan material- ly improred the caat aad atHCv lM]«in«^ and expecta a Tecogntrion from hla maor triendafl. when for htnbcneflr he ivrlres the rvconstmcted rer-lon of *TtieRoyal Middy,* In which MIM Emelle Melville, Helen Dlngeon. Fred BockeL Caaselli. Lafonwlne and other* will appear. "The Roral Middy.* raooess or no niccera, wDl remain the at- tmctloQ until the date of tbe Caxnir&l, woen tbe tbeatre will done 20. for two week* .Ihirlnirtheweek the Stand- ard has been nightly attended by large audiences. 'The Widow Sedntt* has been a great saccctui In thU dt.r, and It 1<< with ^Beings ot regret that her many thousands oi Irleods will bid her au rcrofr. Tlie company contemplate a two weeks* vacation, while Keil Borcesa Is away on his honermootL Ther will make rheir next op^ninv at San JoM Sept SO. lor trwo nlglita, Sacramento three night5. Stockton tvo nlgbta, and thenca pr^eewl direct to Sr. Louis to fnlflU eosagement, Mr. Blanchette de- cllolntc the po«t. Charles Schroder haa been tendered the position of adranre-agent by Mr. BorgesK, and la Iik^r to do credit to the ofBce. Be waa for many rears In tbe box-offlceof the California Theatre, and has been for the past two years eosaged aa aeent and bualness-manHger for Manager Lodte. who u io»htn nart wl»h thi* go«d and fajthtol serraDt The Grand. Opeia-bouse and tbe California Theatre still remain closed, although wblMpem am clrcnlatAd that J. H. Mack has an Idra of olaciog ati attraetlOD In the latter honae, can he but Induce the owners to abatcthenoreaaonablerenttbey demand.... J. B. Mack, declining lltloatloo for tlie present with Neil B^irgesa. goes East 6 Wm. Haydrn, now in ndrvnee for Cnle*s Circus, learea lor Chicago 10 to meet his the- atrical «nm>ilnMtlon. now nssembllng. Be, tbmnBb rh^a. Foutenstelnthe dimmatic acent. offered Fred De Bclle- rilleor Baldwin's a thirty weeka* engagement with the Tom Kceoe ComWoatlon. hut. owing to a rontr»ct which he sisned with Jianagcr Magnlrv, and which will not »r plrv nntU June. IFSlTDe BellaTlUe was compelled to de> eltne CoIe*s Clrcoa will «howber« tor one week, c^m- menclnx Oct. 20 C. B. Bbmrbeite. bem^ telegrmpbed for br Mr. Harerly, left for Chicago 1. O. W. rhlpman. Ia;e treasnror of Baldwin's, .and W. W. Kelley, Ute manager of Dr. Talmage, left on the aame data. Mr. Eelley accepted a temptlnc offer to act as adrmnce- finot tnr the Piercy •D^ntlon*. party, which be wili meet at Denver .Buainesi ^ngncemeota dehiyed the depaitnrB of Barton UlU ontll 6 Mrs. F. M. Bates, being disappointed Ln an engagement at Bald wInX wffl play m Tlt^lnLa CltT.........A MJss Calhoun, said toh^arelatlre of the Calhoons of Sooth <^n>1lBau vtn mak* h«r dcbat as Jollet at Abe Grand Opera-house la Tbe lady, wbohaa Cor ayear part been « nopii of Fred Lysur and Mlsa Emelle MelrMte. !■ yoonr, talented, and of remarkable bcaaty. Miss Leonnr* flimona is a magnet to the thousands who palrotuM Woodward's Garaena. The other atiCHCllnna areMona Loyal. Dyllyn. BoseJollen, and the dwmrf Qoeen KltHe. . Ba.'nness ban been aa Rood aa the ii^er Ht the Timi |. wher« Tho Llcbt Caralir* ^hare galloped Into th'' approbation of eathnalasUe andlences. Harry Gates and Battle 3Koore are tbe brlcht particular star* on whom tlie burden of the open derolrc^ and who well sustaiii their reKpcciIre rolea. 'Patlnltza* will be produced 9. wheiwn Jolm William's eipec** to arhleye a hit »od acon-jqnent iDcrc^ ofaaUryTNotwlthatBBdmg^the Inalznlflance of the- chaiMTer, the Imp-monatlon of Tom Follet py An- drew Mallon of the Kell Borgesa party stampa him aa an actor ofmuch prtnnls^ His >>«rinjr i. rwr and grace- rol, and his roice rldi and pleasant to listen to... Z. Little haa achiered a saccess »t the Adelphl, wh^ (or The wcood weekot bla enemgementha nmdnc«d •Sleuth the S^tftlre* with Ida VaTTMolUeWUUams and Charles new spedalUca la aa_ (treat a larnrite a* In da^ij of vorST^aad. with Ml» Emmie Yooog. Ford Md S^"bt =J?J'»iiS?a,^d'^S?'''<^.u'Je' VST!?- t'iSSf llama anltsSallr, soDg-and-dance arttsta. and Mies Neilr • rwermon.aaia.«>mle. wfll appear Onj*'* S^^^Hf lOadispUyof tho ecIcntWc ait J>o^^-f^««-'^»!} SkellSw Detwe*o Tommy MrCormlrt (mstched to flcht Dennr BacsCTtrTa^Barney Farley, bU trainer .^.Jhe midmtfl Baran LtUlSiager and CnnntBoaebud haje been fmiW sSoSStTrtSrSla Union, wbere alsohsre ap- peared dQriSt>»«DottleBmot Orarolpgsand Hai- ridgwn.Mln ZlteiU, JohnGllbert Js^wJ^ey^ol. mrra HoUoway, <:eerRe Thompson, Carrie ArmBirnn& Finny Toond othera not so well Known to fame. The Poorof XeirTork»winbeprodaced«.» _ The n w tilba tbk to be- opened in yewart, >_ J. Sept, 30^ raider tho mAnagement of Leonara Gray Is to be caDed the Park Theatre. It will ac- coDuuodate LOOO personfl. and tlie seats are very comfortably arranged. The alterations nave wen made nnder the enpcrrlfllon or Benaen Snerwooo- J. Thompson ofNew York la the ecenle-artlgt....At the Grand Obera-nonee. nnder the management 01 Geo. CaldweU, Mra. G. C. Howanl aa Top^y In "Un^ cle Tom" opena Sept. 14, and A«nea Leonard 24 In ''Woman'sTattiL or Life In Oregon." Giles A Potter'fl "Uncle Tom's-Cabin" Combination ap- eared In Library Han 10, U, to only Cftlr bOfilneBa. Ko Ttmte given. J ' 3IINNIB PALHkB*8 '(BOABDCCO-SGHOOL^ COMBI- KATiox Ifl doe* In Koirtotown. Pa-. Sept. 20, Allen, toirn 21, Pottsvllle 22, Beading 23. Lancaster 24, Jaorriabois £5, q|^T«4nd;0^^/one week. * FuKK-P&ATHB*B CoKBiHATio».m»y becxpect- ed inaenS^Clly.^X: Sapt ISi^K l*, Wereon . Id, AUentoSxTSi ITLWUmCgton, DCL, M, PWla- Jthia, Fa.. 20, one week. „ Pavslnff thr.>nsh hcary storiD-dnorB of carred ^eny, tnllt In six sectoas, we eome .to the Inner Teetlhdis (where the Heket-iaker acands). which Is tin. long and lt>t. Sin. wide. And papered m Ua^ and gold, with cnerry walnteidsg. Passing up three or four step* and throush doQW the coi int ei uart ot the flnt, we oiter tbe -fbrer. which U 9>x3NL The wmll at the Mt la eorvred with four large plate-mlrron; at the right extremity a pretty fireplace, with marble mantelpiece, is seen. The 'oyerlsdeoo:atedw;th reWet flock paper; tbe crlUne is In cold and mazpon. A orand staircase of cherry and black walnut l«>ads to the baleooy fbyer, and a stairway nnrferneath ihla leads to smoking and retiring rooms. Both foyesa. the stairway aad the aisles of the auditorium are corered with heavy Wllron carpet. At tbe hose of thts grand stairway la a mas^lre newel-pra*. of black wol- nnr. omament4Hl hy on» caa-i^t. A twelre-llght chan- delier hangs fhun the ceiling of this fbyer, and two single- litfit braekflta are nrer ttie manteL At the bead of theflntlaodlagofthe sttlrway cbe^ lean 61d>gold panel tea feet btcti. en which are painted a pcacockand Itamate (q DAtaral eolM . Tbe tvofoyen blend into each other by megBI of the graDd^ftalrcace, ending in a' blah arched dcvne ol exceedbig richneas. A twalre-bumer chandelier llghutbebaleooy-foyer. A Folte of rallrlnff-roomilsofr thla. Ucbted^by three-burner chandellem From the lo ^er lorer, passlnc Into tbe lob' y room tbroneb any one ol fire doorwaya. draped with heary rich cortuns, the heauty oftbe aoditoriom breaks npoo tbe rlew. This Is Tf! feet wide. 67 feet long, and 37 leet high from orchestra to dome. The'paniuet Is Illuminated by three six-lfght cbandellcTB. ten three-light brackets, and two two-light brackets. Two sao-borners are la the dome. The cell- iDir 01 tbe pantoetia of gold-around paper, with the cornice nf tints briffht«ned with gold. The oora la an Ezrptlan trieze. At each extremity is a Urge gold pinel, which Ir painted with Japanese i>ots and (lowera of oonrenilnnal form. The anditoritmi la treated in oldntold, with blue and gUdIng, which extends to tbe balcony<lrcle and ceiling. The main celling la done In tbe Moresque strie. the dirldlng beams and moldings belnc deoorated. The paper which oorers the wollsofthA auditorium la of old- cold, blended with brown and blue. Tbe aadltor:um Inienslbly blends into the boxes aad proaeenlom*areb, the boxea forming part of both audltorinm and pro»- cenlam-freot. Tbe proseenlnm-srcb proper Is treated m solid goldi with %■ rich mac of omnmenc extending all anmnd it. Thla blende Into on Immense son ud In?-board, which ts worked in a mat ot leares and rines In a cold ground. In thU sonndmc-board. formlnr its base, soto ■peak, are the boxes, (onr on ench »lde. In groupi nt two. Tbe lower are aeml-clrcalar In shape, drapei* u-ith Turkish ciirtalnR and lace, and faced with pollslicd bntFs rods, ibis lomilne the rtmsion or the iwq bone* in each tier. Tha upper K«xeit f-irm nn arnte fniagle. belcg In ilnA with the balcony. There nre Are pxlts rrtm the cauery. one at rear centre, one on each side, and one b«-. hind each sptorhnxpR. k1| running clean down ro the miiln door. From the balcony ilicre are hix exit», runnlnc down in same order. There are fire rentU if jdi In the roof, one 9xG feet orer the xuiKr. one over each Hnn-burner and iwoorarihegnllerr. Therei" a Mi>eclal ladles^ retir- iiur-room off from the p.irqaet. There are hot and com water on erery rt<ior. a nieatn eoulne and boiler. In closed In brick under the outer cniir:, supplies the boating and rentll.-uln? an-ancements, a hum fan distributing hot or cold air. In season, tbrooghoat rhe lower floor and - tbe balcony by means ot metal ducts, with grated openings under earh seat. In the balcony there are fourteen. tu*o llzht brackets. tbr«« one-Urht pendants and a slx-ilicht chandelier. There are fonrteea two-light brockeu in the gallerr; one double- bracket light and a slnsle-Uf:ht sprinir out of the centre of each mlrmr In erery box. There are 5W yeata on the first door and 436 in balenny of tbe patent illilnK-hack bat-rest patiem, uphnUtered In red plush: A6l upholstered leather benches In E^allery. The proscenium-arch U 3Sft. wide, 37ft. 2in. high. Tlie nape Cs 42ft. deep, TTTt, wide and fi.Slt fmm Atoge to fly-loft. Tbe drops nrp 4ti(t. wide, tbe flats 9>c26fl.. the wings 7x2Dft. The orchestra Is placed under thesraoe. the space under the footllshta being shaped an a soundlnc-boara. There U alanre snene-mom off from the left of the stage. There ars flre dresElDg-moms on the lerel of tbe sia^ and six beneatn. an eircxntiv (UmUhMi. Tlier» are fl*-»i seta of icroore*. with Dorder-lfirlitJi for e.ich, and improred footlights, witb patent fluted reflector. There are twu cimoloa. one draper>* of dnrif crim»-oo. n-lih Ro- man fringe flecked with gold, and tbe act-drop. by Ceorse W. Dayton, reorewntlng a pastoral scene In the centre, with the flcnres of Tr«g«ily and Comedr at each side holding back cnrtaltis ot daric mncoou. Th« •^^rj' ebti'ance Iq to the right of th«^ Tualn eniraDce. At^the bead of the Arst flight are fhe otfieea of ihe Borders, the owners of the building. Abore these ore those of the oOlcern of the the- atre. NoTwlthfltandine my fears, as laras the theatre was concerned, the opsolog. nicht of 6, was a compU- e kuc- ceea, a crowded ««"*'nhi!%'-*t h^tnir In attendance. Th<»«t- t-.acrlonwas the Hoey£ Hardle CombmatioD In *AChild of the State.* which waa well rendered. Goodwin'n FroUqoca In'Hobbles* come 13, and the Emma Abbott Openi Company follow 2D. fi>r two week):. Following is a roster ot tbe staff' of tbe Gmnd Opera-boniic: John A. Hamlin, manager; WlUlamJ. Darin, aanoclate manager; Ce*.. W. Dayton, aenlc-artlst; Geo. \7. Dayton Jr., assist- ant: Harry Harnlln, treasarer; Fred Hamlin, asbistanL trepsurer; Will P. Webster, advertLtlnr-asent: Oco. Irish. Chaa VThitty, O'Bneu and Dl\, assistants; Robi. Mitchell, doorkeeper; Frank Pir^nfi, aohlsianT; .lohn Faust, mnchlnUt; Jobn DoUn. master ot propertlrs; E. r. Smith, Janitor; John Radegan. olticcr; and Ar- mand Ruisstret, director of orchestra. The attendance ha.n been only Cnlr. hIucc the opening nluht At McVicker^s Dennian Thompson began a fire weeks* Keruuin 6 to an ovfrflowing hou«e At Itareriy's tlie Vsion-equare Company in 'Led Astray* bare drawn a r 'Kt ottentlnnee nil oi the week. Thpr prefent Tlie B-.v <>r'a Daughter* 13. Rice's Siirprl.«e Farty initow Whl tiker*sben«:fit waf> an Immense Kuccesri 5. Harr\- Fearson. Van Slcklen and Irish take a joint benefit Ihf te IS—At lIooley^A Hassle Mitchell bos nppeared lo goodlv- cizedand well-pleaseu asscmblnge.';. 'Fanchon^was rIyuu ' and matloco 11, 'Jane Eyit>* 7, 9. *Llitle Barefoot* matinee a. eranlnK II. 'Lfirlle* S. And *Pearl Of .^aroy* ll). R. Fulton Eussell. in place of William Hams, lent admirable support. The rest ot the company Is the same aa losi season. Rnhson and Crane come Tor two veeka 13 Buffalo Bill's Comblnstlou oomes to the Olympic the w*ek bev'lnnlnc 13- DalzlerABurlcjqueCom- IkanyfoUowa 20 J. Wlaston Hurray in 'High. Lorn*. • Tack and the Game* at tbe National 13 J. Jht Simms, recently with Katie Putnam in Montana, arrlr^d here 6, haxlnelaftJUf wife. MloDle Castle, at home fnrthe Win- ter... t. .elmen'<^iBiain"tie v Kq r iuj aw i .-pi-^. uw d Q w^. Charles Adams, i}enn» H. HasklDS of ChlCARO Lodge, B. P. O. E., left 9, aadelentea to a'tend the dsdicaiion ol ihe new cemeten-of the Fbllodelpbla Lodge 01 Elks MauHger Fciton of tbe Z'^, InOlanapolla, and Monager Wballen of tbe Enlckerbocker, Loulsrille. wert^ In mwn 9. Mrv. F. Edstrom left 11 to join the Adelle Paioe Combination In Cleveland Me*crs. W. n. Stutut and Louh Meredith lei% 11 to Join G. W. Stcrenson In Jackson. Mich." ou> Pop RrF.D. after bavlng offldatetl as gasman at tUe Walnut, Pbllatlclntila, lorneariy Hi.\tr jear^. bos left It to assume a like position at tbe yattonnl Tbeatre, that city. MasAGBR Geo. Ks Goodwis wfil (rive a iniind re- ception nnd bonsc-vnrmlnfrat the Cbestniit-strect Opera-house. Pblladclphla, Sept 17. when the nca* establishment will he lighted up for tbe Ursttlnic. E. £. Rice gives tbe route atoeail of bis Surprise Party as being Grand Opera-house. St. I.ouls, i^ept. 13, one week; Uaverly's Theatre, Chicago, Sept.-20, cn*o weeks. OcbGobuns,-* as presented byW. C. Mlt^tull's riea.*;ure Party. Old alight business at theChest- nn^strect Tbeatre^ Philade^bla, during tbe ^-eek ending Sept, 11. Jopx TuoMKOH plays In Buff&lo, K. Y.. Se^t. 13. 14, IS, Kochtetcr 16, IT, 18, Toronto, Canada, £0, one week. Regina Lton. responfCble buf:lness, wants an engagement with a trailing company. Sec ad Orfss elsewbere. ToKT desiee's "Hcmptt DrMPTT" Troupe Is ilae in Sr. Paal, Minn., Sept. 13, 14, Munkato 15, Ovratanna 16, Rocbesier IT, Winona l$, Madison. Wis., 20. John Wingfield ana bis troupe oT dogs are tTareUng witli lUal's "Hmupty Domi)!}'" CoiU' pany. W. E. LiKTARD, comedian, wlio liaa been In re. tlrement for Ave yeais past. Is llrlng 'in BrownS' Tllle. Tenn. He reappeani on tbe sutge occasion' ally for benefits or cbarltable purposes. DEDicATEn.—Mann's Opera-house, 'Brownsville, Tenn., was formally-opened Sept. 7, the Mabel Nor- ton Combination playlns "Under the Gaslight.'' Cspt. R. W. Haywood read a poem mitten for the occasion by hlmsell ■Woods t Loons' WEsrEBK Theatbe comtast are billed la AJedo. 111., Sept. 20, Avon 2T, one week each. Mlle. Harie Zob, now filling on eniragement with snccess ac Aberie's Theatre, tills city, adver- tises that she has a few open dates. Host & Habpie's "CBiLDOPTnE state" Com- BiSATiON is dne in Madison. Ind.. Sept. 13. Min- neapolis 14. 15, Stillwater, Mian., it, St. Paal it. 18; tbence tbrongh lown. SEVERAL DRAMATIC PEOPLE am wanted for the [lys of "Eileen Oge" and "The Shaughxaun. ee John Klnlan's card. The WoKCTKrm Corrrr Ucvical Asmcutios i« to boM lt« tr-liiy-uilrd unii>l tMlnl In MMhaola' Htll.*..comtDrncBrSfpt. SIM 9.30a. v. and tmraln.unc «<;tnriiis or2t K«M«<n«iu hire b««n oiMlf with Mij. E. AllQC Otzond. LllUao Bailer, JIti. J. c. Hon, Tin. Ed«T<nl P. BalT. F^dw LouIm Bwici. •opruwi: AoDls LoDiu Cut. it» Wcbh. eoatnlina: Cbtxia H Adami, Wlhktn C. Tovei^eodore J. iToldt. G. W. W.nt, tenon: Mnon W. Vr^tncy, CUrran E. Hit. D. M. Babonek, buioi; ihe Svnluih Vocal Qnaitet: Ibe Sehnhert CompaDT; Mme. Cbattenon . Bohrer. birpln; Rerr Tlmotble Adamowmcl, TloUnln: lime Tercn Carnno, planln; JqUu Elctabera and bia in. nrnmmtal ,ciiurt«t. cnntMlDC of the Mis^ Ulllan Sbatti^ LjUuii ChMdler, L«tle Lannden and AbU. Shepanlion; Wolf P. lea, Tlnloncaliut: and the Ger. mania Onbeitni of Bottoo. thlity-alx plecei. Carl ZerrahB jrtnccndQct, and ibe feiUval nlaoin and ornn- Isu are B. D-Allra. K. B. Storaj, and S. W. Samner. Tbe •monnt tealUed at the openlnjr sale at tlckeu 10 vaa ^iH>Ji?^f5?""^' »™oanm>» to fiJOO. the bigheo paid be ln»t3 a,maklnc Ow coat ot tlckeu »T.a e«i. BRCvma VBOH Bono!!.—Tbe UeUnaoo, a •ab.bal] ™ V'*5^2S1'™"J3Tfemont Temple, taaa been flnlibed and.occopM Walitr bmetm haa ncelred a praaent ofanelecutfonieclromJ.HIshBm.tba mannbe^^ !?hTi7*JS5'?S2,?i3''='*'S°l» " » ("erformer eih!w?M while with GUmore i Band dnrlns tbelr Ennpeaa tonr ..............The -«Joeen EnLer" Mnatcal Auoclatlan S; S'-'S-^Vi?"!!" ""W «"» reheiiS ™ J^'ro^Si!?? propoee (iTlDg two or more concena danns tbe oominc iin#on Pn- '^c^'^l^^-h^ kS^, oiSe EdmiSdi, 55?. T*Te retajved ts the city FOR SAJLxE CHLE^AT, DIS- SOLVING-VTEH' OUTFIT, nod aa new. Cka be wot*, ed with oU. bou*-n«, oxycaidnm, oxrhjdro or elMtrir llffbtA. Erery appUanee complete and all tbe \imt lm> prjTcmenia. A vplenCfd coUecdon o4 .lewa fiir a toor i«xound the world. Wairuted In perfect vorklororder. AddreMTrelmr, 2,111 Catwidelet aT-.,fe-i/mla, Mo. [if "WJkJSrCBiD—^ TCMRLEB FOB 8PBITB, for a aeaton'a encmaemeni. Addresa J. LEOX, Manaj|.r. IBO Bleecker nreeVN'ew Tort g-lt FOR SA_t,E>^ '■ Tbe Flout and Laiwoa HOT-AIR BAIX0O5 in the eons- tiT (nearly new). Bopet, PnUcn, Hoooa. Eleetmtypc Cnu and eremhlDi cooplete. rrloe, tlS. J. B. WAL- LACE, va stub arcoae. Sew VorK. as-u* from their Sammer Tacatlons.. .Herman P. Cbellna haa been CDnced aa oiRaalft and ma>leal.dlnaar'at the Tremonttemple anrch. He will taara a qaartet and a cbonia nf two handrad toum The Orpbeoa Miulcal Sodety bare re-ele«edCarl Plleoier aa thrifiiMaJ-di! rector.....^.A brau-land toanament wUl he held at Poreat Garten 1% it which twenty oreanlzatlons will c oiDpe taar prlrti. ...... i.Zl!f,!I.'!SFS^^5*"-'*=-°'™^ C«- »PP«»«»<> m the FTOTIdenee L) Opera-booac Btpt. & 7.8. In "Chlmet hS^.*J2!;iJ?S S?"""' PP*™ ^Jo- appeared 10,11, to ance. Thla company haa been ennnd br C D Hena for a anaon of thtrty-are weeka .TlFparkO Jde? cto«3 TT!? .V? 1°° » """Plav ot tireworka. Althoi<efa ««od attraction! have been otfered by the min.Beineot, ihe prcaent Kcaaon baa not bm wiceMiui.... .'The Ricky Point CpUieain <UoMd lu aearan 11. harln* been falrlr or:pSlnHii"T5' H^V^^.""" iFtwrirthwiS ^;^c?t?l^^d.d'i...^^,^^^^a% ^^^-^ .ub.tanuu BSSktoi°M£Sf4=;°,T'""'" D'OVLT Cartx's "Pirates or Pkszasce" Compact N. T. IT, 18, Burllpeton, Vt. 30, iaTOnce. xIuTn, Portland, M*.. 31, 2S. B'ocor 27 Sarad WixCKLtT orSilem, MaM., baa been ennsed by Sttakotch t am to alag ItdlanandEn(llahroloiritb their eomca-iy. "ic.iiu /^^.^'^^ifBSTUViSTfctimmtaeti aieenndaeaMm at the BlahlMd flooaa, Cincinnati, Bept 8. OwlnrtOMld weather, tbe attendance the opeoloz week waa alendar ALS.isKROF ORCHESTRA wanu AO ennwmenL. Sea "Leader'a" card. ocg ■TBa BERLis I.Apn.«* Orcrestsa entertained Urce amJIences in PhoenU HIU Park. Louisville, Ky., the pS Tbe Wersers Belirixoers. with Hand Sianler. to- ciill>t, .are dne In White PiceoD. Mich., SepL 11 Three RlreraK, i^hoolcralt 15, KaOamuoolG. Bulncas Is i? prirted cood. TheCokklu-Lacrest Opkra COMP.vNTbeean a fea- un Id uhrlc's Care Garden SepL 4, under tUe mannee- meot of Chrla. Nuny. The weather, huwcTcr, Im* bven tno cool lor outdoor amiicement*. and It la expected that tbln week nlU termlnaie the aearon. A LEADER OF URCBErtTRA wanta an engagement. See John Roulh'a card. Dr^ax Hortbr, muAlcal'dlrector and accompanist, adTertl5e8 for an eof^pemmt. LADY-siMim.'* RmuiTcnlvcd for. A COLORED I.ADT wUbea to Join a concert company to play brARB. Se< Jiia. M. Trotier'a card. • AnRAS»BANoof ten membeiv, all of the umefAmlly, de<lre an eDgagement. iiee adrertlsemeat or Daloy Band. Claiu LOTiiiB Kbllooc Ir to beclo an enitajremeDt In tbe Imperial Onera-bouKe, Vienna, Sept. 13. » La Torriam haa t>eeD enaH;:ed for Stniko«ch, and It la Raid tliat abe obtained a relefaae irom her c< n met at the San Carlo, Kaples, by payloR the director 92,(JD0 aa iq- d^mnlt.r. Marie VaxZandt la reported aa baring created a fbror lo CuDenhatran. T. B. Pl'OB announces a one week'a engagement at the Academy of Music. Philadelphia, with Jar- rott t Gullck's "Musical FhalaiLx," commencing Sent. 20. B. B. Dale offers a catalogue oflUustrated novel- ties to cornei'Player>'. See card. Oanitnuea on f^Qt 203, SEZVX) THE flOtJTE AJHIiAJD. If maoagva ot flrai-daaa tbcaxncal and amuvment com. panics that are Darelug will aesil tbelr datea for the aea- son to "PECK'S StrS," MILTACCEE. WM., a copy of tbe paper will be Bent them FSEE AT EACH PLACE. K-li "WA^TEr*—A LADT PARTNER, WITH a'SO- PRAXO VOICE, to doable Id aketebea and apecialtlea with male Impenuinator. Addreaa MAUO O. VaLFRE, M-lt* Rerere Houe, New Vork. SJE1KX> TEr<f CfcSTSi'FOR 8AMPLE- packaee ol new aad popular aonga to H. J. WBaXAK, 2C-Ut* W Chatham eL, New York. Catalogoe* bee. "CrrRXOSIX'X-XSSASDKOVfTtEaWANTBD for tbe Fall and Wlnur 8ea*on at the London Moieam, 10» Bowery. Induae photoa !»S-a«l C. A- BBADBUBCBO. CAJRX>. ■ _ WAVTED. A LEADER K BBABS. MCST ALSO BE ABLE TO PLAY B-FLAt CORSET » ORCHESTRA. Addreu J. e. LOKG. *-lt* Gaiety Theatre, DanTlUe. nt GBAND CENTRAL THEATRE, HAMILTON, OHIO. REVKXTH WEEK ol the aeaiun. The mie la PACKED HOCBBSj^rr nUthL PHIL. DIBraXBACH. Manajitr. II (Ladle* Gentlemeni .dnunaa of Rttlnic qpod tbe •tK* may addTMs PROP. WM. McFARLANo!! 2S-lt* IIS We»t Madison nraet, Chicago, Hi. ST. PAUL, MISS.. OPES' FOR THE FALL AND WIBTER CBABOX PIRST-CLA8S SPECIALTY aRTISTS can get toar weeka—two weeks In St. faal and two weeka in Mlnneapollp. dtlcii onir ten mUea'apart. Ko Faodar ahow or matloeea. LADY ARTISTS wanted at all tlmea All aitlata engaged please commnnkKte with Mr. Sblmer immediately. MB. PAT OOXLEY, Proprlrtor. N. B.saiMER, Manager. g-a ■WA.:sTEi>' xxatieDXA.'X'fiLiir POK A SEASUN OF FOETV WEEKll. RPECIALTY PEOPLE AKDMDSICIAK8. Addreaa J. UARRY MARKS, mana^r, CIsmmsnt Broa.' Concert Company Ko. T Interaatlfnal Hotel, Windaor, Ont., or aa per route. Dick Ocleabf, Mealy and Mackey. the Macreadya, the Leona and Billy reel, write a gain. (I' WiJW SO^GS.—"Lanlx^iab," "Bome Enla for Ireland," "Llltiu Uac^e Ann,1 "PInnegan and hia Plate," "N'o. Jobnoy," and "JIIh Balay Julyetia.'" Full mumc, 10c. each, iiend lor caialonl. ac-li* HAEDINO'A aa Bowenr. X. T. CUA.S. 1 .F.Mf»TT-v, can be eniniffPd for the followtbg speclalUM^^'^^* BAR, TL'MBUSn. . KLVISG-TRAEJZE TFTTn LEAP. aad ALTO IX BRA.<iS. A'IdrcM BOT MC. Wal^rt*orr. frt- 36-11* <:OLURED VINSTREL TALE.NT, allkloilii. Mu*t sUty BRA.S3. Moderate salary.lone sea- ton. «nd par aure. ALSO VTAlTfEOu GOOD ADVANCE- AGENT. One actinnutcd with Canadian rontea piererred. „ .^djresa ED REVKOLDS, W lt» 3S Bay street. Kocth. Hmolltop. Ont. l^UBEZC'Z'V XI^A^I^t, UUBOUM, N. V. Seailngcapacity, mo. Uall reiurnlslied. Good scenery and suge. Umy opera-ball is clir, ' ^Wl* WM. 9. ADAMS. Proprietor WA^rrflD (COIL.OREXDJ, A F11UT-L-1.AS1> TL>OtU .lSAliirO.Nti A.VD BASSO, CAPABLE OF SINGING SOLOS. Good ennsement tor tbe season. Write or telesTmpbto Olympic Theatre, nUeaco. CUAS. B. HICKS. ant« Manager 9pragoe'a Georgia Minytrrls. CM STATE BTBEET, CBICAUO, ILU JEBBY MONROE Sole Proprietor ED. A. WILSON Manacrr Anlata of reeognUed abUlV wUI write at ooe«. Only good people wanted. Addrt<.a ED. A WILSON, S-U Manager Mooioe'a Theatre. _TttE GREAT WESTERN HOTEL, 1,3U MARKET STREET, Eaitoflhe new poblle bnlldUiga, >a aeknowledg- ed to be the most popnlar hotel for profea&lonal peeple In PbUadelpblA. Special rates to trarellnf eombliiatlona a nd others. J. K. TRACCK. Propneior. M-m THE OBIOINAL JOE O.A.'SnJORI* THE ONLY Bnslnesa-manager and close Contractlnc Agent, can be encaged. 30 yeam'experlenee; thoronghly actioalntad with erery note North, Sooth, East and West, aod the ProTlseea or B. A- 1 alwara bare oreralla and paate- braab with ne. Addreaa ITa Jelfeiton street. Phlladel. phla.Pa. ».it« FOR SAiJE CtS-EULW- nSSOT'B AITOMATON nGl-RES A.VD RTAGE COMPLETE Also a PHONOGRAPH. OERIV BROS., aS-It Care ol CUPPER. WEBER'S GSRMA^'X^ OAJR- DEN, HOB0KE.V. N. J. Wanted, Dnt-claia talent at all time*. Salaiy am*. Direct at-lt* J. ALLWOBTH. Manager. TV.Al^'X'J:11>— Two icspotialble men. W. B. POR, TEB , Weet Tiey, X. Y.. Sept. U; then Stillwater ».l t» HEXjiiEii'f-* '^ECOJ^D SIGHT" Bythlas loraalerhsap. Bythlaaynei be read, aniTAKVTHLVO be described. name* aad nombera can .escribed. InstittcHona In person or by letter. Aodieaa «-:t' PLAYFAIR, care of CUPPEH. i:>eaj>£:r of orchestra at liberty; well known, flrst-elaaa leader, thonnghly op In all branchea. Good arranger (tiarellng or permanent). Addreaa »6- lt« LE ADER, 143 X. Tenth street. Ph Uadelp hla. >»AGICAJL. Mja.nXTFA.C'X'ORY. W. J. JCUD, IX RETL-RNING THANKS FOR TllE LIBERAL PATRONAGE BITBERTO RECEIVED. BEGS TO AXNOCXCB TELAT HE HAS REMOVED HIS REPOSITORV 9S John street, lence, orer his , Therefore, orders addreaa will And respecttnlly yonra. Jg-lt*! W. J. JL'DD. 99 John aL, Xew^'ork. MA.CiHJA_L< SOZ>" U i-^ A.OTO R V A variety of Tcry elegant IlluiiloDa. VentrllCMiulal and Pnnch.and.Jndy Flguiea always on hand. Also New Book on Panch.aod'Jody, MX pagea. 24 llloatratlona. Price. 25:. Send Sc. lor price-list, or 10c for illustrated Catalogue. Address a6-lt» W. J. JODD. W John streeL New York. A.T LIBEHTY, a competent Leader of Or cbestra. Variety or dramatic, pUys in Biass. Can fumlsb. Addreaa JOHN SOUTH. Mosician, Care of CLIPPER. U6-U« X>R. HO-AJC ilOHTER, Mnslchl.dlfvctor or Accompagneur, soUdtli fltfera of en- aacementa. Laie with Gen. Turn Thumb Troupe. Addreaa this week Seaside Aqoarlnm. Coney Jsland.* AMUSEMENTS. a.bbe:y'S :>ew i»a.rk. theatre, tue handsomest theatre in the metropolis, positively la.'jt tveek. " " positively last week, edgkwood folks, edgewood folks edge\rood folks. eocewood folks, gexerai. admission. wce.nt3. Erer.r creillnl: at 6 anil SAturOa*' nfatlnee at i. MOXD.VV . SEPT. TO. LAW.S TENN I S. GRAJNX> Or'EXtjV.-HOtJ.'SE:'^ „ ^. „ ^ avenue, comer ol Twenty-third street. POOLE k DONNELLY Lessees and Managers Retvrved seats (Orchestra Circle and Balrnnvi. 50r_ The distjn.nit*bed arlliite MISS ADA CAVENDISH In her grand uud reooivned lmpcr>oastlon of MF,Bi:V MERRICK in THE NEW MAGDALEN, suppotied by G. C. Boni lace and a creat can. MATINEE.^! WEDXE.SDAT AND S.VTURDAV. HALL XtOV AL. I»AJjA.CE. KO. 3« BOYAL STKEfT, NEW OHLEAXk LA. FEMALE TALENT WANTED; alsoasmaU nioponloooi Male Porfomem. Ladle* must be young and good rocal* l8u. Male performers alra good rocallBTa and eketch artlFta Serlo-corale preferred. 'EXCAOEMENT8 PROM SEPT lA lALAJHES LOW, BOT SURE. »-aet JOHN P. BECEER. IS travisi.iI3<o M-AJK'SEt home: _ conceded tie Gceat Western Ustel, 1JIS Market SL. Pliila. (lelnhla. RL^ppnaltA Wanamakers Grand D«>poL ll-ITi* OI»J3IlA-H on WE, scul-vlekviZle, n. t.. Largo, atago aad new scenerr. WUl ■eat wu.' .Manuiactvrlng loirn. Population, 3,(lU0. Ad- drefs 01ERA-I10i;SE. M-st IS'iJD STRAlCJECTi SKETCHES. EONOS. ETC . TO ORDER. 21-tt m Elizabeth street, New York. ^TORER'S opjbrA-hotjse:, MA- RENOO. Is. New hniise, good acenerr. sla^, dressing, rnomi, sod everything complete. C^mnty seat, owkI .. ,Kor-'— sUowtoirg M. W. STORER, Proprietor SlC->'OR X>E>102S'I0, EL RAY DEX FEL'liO. LIOON k TUORXDIRE. Agents. 26-U> 7*4 Broadway, Xew York. ED, BUIKER AND FLORA WELlS TOIiKS' THKATRE. SEE WHAT THE N'E\r YORK DAILY NEWS SAYS: "AmoDg tbe moBt latrrrHtloe cxhlbiiloos prtMntMl vaji the appmrmncf of Mr. Eil. H. Hanker, the ce1«bratf4l clmr&ctercumvillan. &Kii|(<te(l t>y iliif vuchIIk aod actr^M >1|»B Florcnct-Wrils. to th« fuony opvntlc Rketcli ent)- ilfHl 'LOST.* Mr. HANKEU <iD Die occaxloD pemmateU RILL JENKINS, the Ioki ocp. and Utile MIm Wells the chnracteroi SaXLIE SCROUtUNS. mKld or-Rll work. It wu iDt^ded A« a capital T«hlcle for tbe e.xbibltloD of tbe operatic ACcomplUUimeDtH of theu tvo clever arU•tJ^ of which they did not t&ll to ATsil ihemMlrea, and they took adTaatuffe 01 Uieopportonity to e.'^hiblt tbelr proflclencir Id moAlaU art Id a iierlea of vocal pertormaocea wblca werenkUh'ul npil amuitlng.'' Sft-It^ Dnvbii/iiiaA I^tr>tnrd> A*<a Bata^ 20-e.» >XAJDXSO?i-SQn.ARS STEELE MACKAVE. ilVlt THEATRE. Munsjer A euocesli leyond parallel or precedent. EinnTH MONTH EIlJHTII OF MONTH EIGHTH MONTH ^aceaye-s COMEDT-DBAMA 1IA2P.L KIRKE. HAZEL KIRKE. HAZEL KIRKE. 2«.lt "SlAVER Li'VfiJ FOl-RTEENTB-ST. THEATRE. Corner Fiiur;veoth street und SWih areoue. 4. H. HAVERLY PmDrle.tiir and .Mansaer EVERY EVENING, also at the .MATINEES WEDXES- D*V and RATfRDAV. Flr*t annoMrance In Amcrira of LEAVITT-R GRAND ENGLISH bPERA-BUKLESIorE CO. First crand production on ttie American staze nf CARXE.V. OR SOLDIERS AND SEVILLE-!ANS. This biiera-burle^iue will be prudnced on a scale ui mag- nlflcencti never befote attempted jn this co u^tr^-. g-it BOOTH'S "THU ATRE. IDEALS.' MONDAY EVENING. SEPT. 13. jCilhart i: SnlUrao's Latest Qpcni, PIRATES OF rE.\ZA\-CB, Cast to the entire strength of the BOSTON IDE.AL-OPERA COMPANY. Under the management ol D'OVLV CARTE GRAND ORCHESTRA. CIIOP.US OF CO VOICES. General admUs:on, .Ueeots. B ox-ofl lce op en fr«iiil S a. m. till lO P. «. 2t-U BlCSi CAJU. Jarrett & GULiCE's Musical PnAi.AN.x, a can- cert company namberliig Kventy-llTe people. In cludlnK on:bestTa, cborus, boy-cooir and twelve solo arTlets.aTe to commence a week's engagement in the Brooklyn Academy of Uoslc Sept. 13 An organization to be known as the De Leon Ital ian-opera Company is announced to appear aitbe Academy ol Mnsic one week, commencing 30. Tbe company Includes Slgnora Inez De Leon and Slg- inoia Anna De Berlan. prime-tlonne; Slgnora -An- neta VentarL meoo-soprano; Slgnora Clnseppinl Loganl, contralto: SIgnor C. Coda and Signer W. GallonL tenoTi; Slgnor Orlandlnl and SIgnor O. Oorblni. barltonl; Slgnor E. Sperl and Slgnor O FUippi, basal: and Slgnor S. Goerra, condnctor. THE Clemmbnt Brothers' Concert Compant 'So 2, nnder the management of J. Hany Marks, indndes Hariy Harks, comedian; the Sheldon Brotbera, specialty artL«Ts: ficcrgle Marks, operatic voeallst; Hal "Pewey, nttulal Uomtis; and AlUe HelllD, serio-comic atnger. Harry Moore Is the agent. Route: Essex Centre, Ont, Sept. 21, 'n-oo<lslee'SS, Comber 23. Blenblem M, Rldgetown 2S, Highgate 27, Rodney 48, wauacctown 2B, Flngal 80. Specialty people and musicians are wanted. Address as above. thb oaus Bbothebs' Concert Compant oi>ened a new opera-honse In Fulton. Mo.. Sept. 3, appearing before an andlenoe wblcb completely flued tbe andltDrlum trom fostllghts to entianee. X correspondent says: "An emr as s.3o o'clock in tbe erenlng the stairways and sidewalk In Uront of the balldlDg were thronged with people clamor- ing for admission, and many were turned away, unable to obtain even standing-room." Tbe SPACLDtxcs retnrce 1 to Boston, Uassi.fitim Long Pond. Plymontb. SepL I. and commenced tbelr fineenth annual tour 9. Tbe companr in- cludes Georgle Dean Spanlding, Kittle and Willie Snaaliling, Nl°s Emma WeBer, .Ume. LaTalne, Miss Lizzie Bateman. J. F. Holmes. C. w. Johnson, Frank Gale and W. P. Spanlding. K. D. Grlswold Is tbe asilatant agent, and w. B. Stanley bnainess- manaser. The route this season wiU be tbrongb tbe^ew England States, Xew Tork, Oblo, and Petmsylratila. Emma Abbott's Enolish-opeba Compa>~t sang In Cumberland. Md., Sept. «, Wheeling. W. Va., 7, 8, Zanesvllle, 0** e, CoInmbus lo, ll. and are dne In Bay City, Ulch., 14. East Sagloaw u. Grand Baplds 16, Milwaukee, Wis., 17, 18, Cbieago, 111., 20, for two weeks. At THE ILENKSBCHOB GABBES, Philadelphia. tbe season closed Sept. li. The last week was made specially attractive by tbe vocalization of tbe Fblladelpbla Quartet Clab-SepL 7, and by a Wagner night 8. SR. Hbtsoioeb. • well-known rbiiadeipbia .obTBlclani bas written a comlo open called "The Bankers," wblcb be contemplates navlng prnduceil gome time during the present aeaaoo. AtRidoewatPabk, PbUadelpblA, tbe evening concerts bave been dlsconUnued: bat concerts are 8tDl given ereiy anemooB, and U Is tbe present Intention to conttnne tbcm till Oct. 1. .. SiMa]!'A>i> Mabk Hassler, tbe well-known vlo- Hniara and arcuestial'conductors of Fblladelpbu, me former'Of wbom-'ls 'mnalcal-dlieetor oT tbe Gtestnnt«treet Tbiatre, are organliliia a larse mllltarr band and a targe orcbestra, eacE to con- aut of 11117 perlbrmerB, beaues s iWBt drum corps. " IXAJJiT'S TlIEA.TRli: THE RKGl'LAR SEASON at Tlieaire will li'cin on TCE.sDaV evening, Sept. 21. ttUIi the drst .T>r(^uc- tlon oo aar stase nl nn orialnni Inc.ll Comedy ent.'^led OUR F1R.ST FA-MTLn5.s, OLJl FIHST FA1IILIE>^, written cxpre«*l.r lor .Mr. Daly'sCompaoy by Mr. KPGAK FaWCETt.' There irlll be no perfoniinnccR Htif.iis imtiie diirinz tlie concurrent n'l-clc IncoOAL-iiuencc ot tbe pnp- turatlon5necei>Nir>-Tor theopenlnc. 2fr.ll " HCA.'VJERK-'Sr'S NIBLO'.^-GARDEN TIIEATIIE. Enibuniaitm THIRD WEEK. £\citelneDt unatiiited. SUCCESS. increasing. The Greatest Spectacle over Presented, OiStrlT^IInx tie Wonderlul "Clsck Croolc.'' < CIR\LFYBROS > KIRALFY BROa' AROUND CHE WORLD 1 IN 80 DAYS. IN «) DAyI New Scenery. Gnreeons-Conuines. Butntlful Balletl _ .MATINEES WEnNESI .AYS AND S ATURDAYS . " Sf'ts" FIKTH-AVkNCE TIIEAtiTd BROADWAY AND TWE.VTV-EIGHTH STREET. 1 J. U. HAVERLY I^pne:nr and Manacel LAST WEEK. LaK Matinees, 7HE TOURISTS) LAST WSEK. Wednesday THE TOURI.STS LAST WEEK. and Saturday. THE TOURISTS LAST WCEK. A BrUllant THE TOURISTS. LAST WEEK. Performance. THE TOURISTS.' Sept. 30. Tunny Davenport In Anna Dteklnson's new t>lu7 'An Afgarlcan GlrL"'produced alter weeks ol preparation. 'siSTFTRX5fcTScoTnSsi^iS~ofERA- nOUSE. BROADU'AY ana TtVENTY-NINTH CTREET. ELECTRIC SUCCESS. CROWDED HOUSES. THE GEEAT VOCAL SETTET. THE EOY CaOKISTEBSandUULLA'..Y'SORCHERTRA. MABBY KENNEDY and hU Funny Four. BIRCH, BACK- US. THATCHER. MORELANO, JUHKSO.N, POWERS, FRENCH, RICAROO. RccelTed with shouts o^ lanchter. Seats secDted. Matinee Saturday at 2. J«-lt» Barfewiuei, Ii««tun(, «K., written to oiiet. I WM. R. WATTS, 1- tl J 116 Hester str eet. New York. TAj.Lii:»SJ OClSItJk.-tiOXJ Wli, I SBREVEPOBT, LA. HYAMSA FORD MaoMera This hluse has been tlioroogbly renovAted, and wm be ready I'i opening about Sept. L isao. Sentlns; capacity, Cvd slion-.iowii. WUI rent on reasonable lenns, or sbare aab Qrtit-claas combinations. T. J. LEATON, BILLPOSTER. AdJt>s all communications to _1S-Il» IITAMS k FORD. ■\v3>- TEtij^ "— tR.MANENT SITUATION ... ^MTH PRIVILEGE, PLAnNG WITH BRASj BAND, llculiirs address T. D. VAN 03TEN. Leithox ta. WelUboro. TloKa County, P a. , I-iX:. SIAJXXE Zmii, the great Emo- tliml and Sensational Aetreaa, now putyina to crowded hou/s at AtMrle's New ThteM. and re-eaitaeed lor an- oth^ week, hjLSa foiv upea datea. Maoa^tere, please ad- dre/ her i>oiy autlMrlxed a^ent, J. Alexander Brown, cor. 41bf;- aod nt h St.. tr Mane Zcie, Hc-nlp»tead. L. I. 11« 'ESiJfTilA.JLi JHtj\.ljl_(. on Public Suuare, OX- LItv, Ohio—Lateitl remodeled and enlaraed. Full and 'pleieoutAtoI si-encrr by Harry J. Rihlet;Seatine ca- ly. 60O; lurire dressuui.roonis, gair, etc RpniareASou. For particulAni, addroa STOUT KELLY, ^ uuld like to hear from emnblnatlons. as-St* "FOR &>JE:.-llAGl(JIA^--S COMPLETE OUT- rr mr stN)ce or parlor; lo eompiete order. y Addtvaa Rot -i^ftll. - agfent WIIIIIED IMMEDIATELY. Must lie irell up In Rallr^ Business. ADDRESS CHARLES BENTON, HOtVARD ATtlEN.F.UM. BOSTON. MASS. -pq YMENlAL J£APP1NESS jg"APPlLY jy^ANDLED. HARRISES AUdrcsfl care or CLIPPER. BaQ.Io aoil Solo SoDRH, End and Alto In Bn!^ addrvv)) 21:! Third street. South Bunion. Mkcr. wanted; A SITUATION. A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY BRASS BAND of ten meitibcrs, a fjthcr, four broihers and flrc sisten. For partlcuUirs address OALBY BAND. 2f-IT* Havana. Kss. Address Boi St. Louis, Mo. pjL^£:R>f t;>x>js:RA--Kot;3£:, "TrLVF,SJtll.EtTEXAS, .imeroT Misk. Cirftmlly located, com :liiy ventilated, and well liplited with na. ':cmcnts trom all Urst-clasa traveUna ■ • A. C. PEERY, Galoesirllle. Tea. MOUSSE, opponte Opera- ... Population ol eliy. between ilx and sero thousand; Ibcated on the C. C. t;. A-1, anr. N. Y. I*. AOR. R'a Spleisdid show-town. Special ratfs to the prolsslon. J. V. MOn.V, Proprietor. _ 2Wt» >iAOIcr^hljij>-XJFA.CTtrRE5R OF Sts^and Parlor Appamtoa. AlsujufTitleis'T<foisoi su lienc nolsh. VL-ntVllo4|Ulal snd Miirliiuctce Fiqiirea. eti*. S-nJlOcii. for catalneue. THOS. W. YOST, 3i North Nintl street. PaUsdelpbia, Pa. u-13t iSlliimla s"' BMioui:. tL ) 0|»i for ^ trdliM. Ai ■"^i»it\1 houe. Gallon, p.^ ■jlLfcA;r»EMY "OJP" Mtjesic, ' m and I2t) Randolph street, Detroit, Mich. OPEN TUE YEAR BOUND. Artists can always All time, especially ladlea. by ad' arevsK JOHN P. LONG. 2S-I-. Proptletor._ ■WA>rTEr>. EKOAOEMETrS FOR MT'WBLL- knuivi^ (;osiume ReciURiona Nlabtlr, SU; weekly, SUU. oronriianes. Picturlsl prlntlne and a drst-clsss sbow. DfliiihllWI entertainments.—IRISH TI.MES (Dublin) Not. i.Vi. Permanent addressaire ttCLIPPER. llallwant- ed In N. V. City (Mhares). Dlseneaced for lead till Novem. ber. liS-if; JAS. OWEN O'CONOR. lis Bowery. New York. JOHN 8CHR0EDER Proprietor .lOHN MCVEIGH Bnslnes».manaffer OPEN ALL THE YEAR ROUND. First-c!ss ArtlsU al- «fj^*s -wanted, tjensider silence a ^llte negative. Phiv ties eniraffed at this bouse must send In business one week ahead, or consider themselves cance led. as-lt* tl4 BKO.<i>W.^i. HARRIOAN 4 HART Proprietors J9HN E. CA.NNON Manager MONDAY EVENING. SEPT. 1.1. 18ffl, At>D DURINt; THE WEEK. Vohime First of the MulUcan Series, reconstracied, f«- fiiseO. rewiltten by E'lward Ilarriean, and entitled « VOLUME eixcii. VOLl'ME SIXTH. VOLUME BLXTH. VOLUME SI.\TH. \-OLDUE SIXTH, TBE MCLLIOAS-GUABD PICNIC THE MULLIGAX-OUARD PICNIC. THE MULLIGAN.GDARO PICNIC. TBE MrLLIGAN GVABD PICNIC. TUE MULLIGAN GCABD PICNIC. THE MULLIGAN-GUARD PICNIC. _^ MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND BATORDAT. ttt: «0>~<4 —MIT**" JPOlt WEA.J-*<JuV ^£u-*al.~".My Own Peculiar Btrle,^* composed and suor by Chsa. Diamond, 4Uc.; "Sweet Mcy Bells,'' sonic.aad-dance, suna by Billy Emerson, 40c; "How Much Does the Baby Wt-iRhr' HMya. Booc-and<hon»s. sunfc by T. B.DIxon,'ne.; "Kenp In de Middle ob da BoaH,'' llaya, aooc-aod-ehorus, sunf'oy BlUy Keraands, 40a.; "Music, SweetMnilc"'senii- and«Cance, by E«l. C. Smltli,v9nDf br May Venon,'GSc; "JtAaaa Louisa McOulre." b; Chas. II. DuncKo, <i)c. ; "My Tjlttf e Treasore.*" son^-and-elnms, by Frank Dainont.a'lc.; '-CkUdbood's 'Roma." baUad. Perrlnr, iOc ; "I'seliiliiiln' Jacoh's'Lad der." PAlrehud.'3ac. ' OHC. D. NEWH ALL A OOL, Clnclnnall. O. lS-13t-eoi I?"IiiOWERir~»«SrR.S Ii^A., "S^vEET visioMe OP childhood." , "GENTLEMEN'COONS" PARADE." Snch S centa. Profession^ rlslting tbe dty are Innted lo call and examine apcclaltles In prepaiwtion. C-UI* FREDE RI CEBLCME. gal Broadway, ttewYorlt. \ COXJIUUXS' dAJJT-i, ADAMS, MASS., with l^nery, Gaa. Accommodates 6UU. Manu^acttutna town, a^uu Inhabltanta. TermKeaaonable. Addreaa Jl-ln^ ^tAC COLLINS. AdaM. Maaa. ■■w.A.ssa.'ALi'i-*— A 8TRUKG COMPANT TO OPEN THE BEACON AT 4IUNUMENTAI. HALL. SIDNEY, O., DCRIKC PAIR WEEK, lOA :an<l lOO J^ICHAEL HEOI.VN-S BILLT DE^'ERE. ROWER Y. .. .Proprietor and Maaaflc Stace.maincer WILL OPES FOE THE SEASON OF 18W AM> '81 OS OR ABOUT OCT. 4. w-A-CTTD—SPECIALTY ARTISTS ot reconued ability in^-i:IuSS«mmediaielym person or by letter. ai-lt» DICK PARKER'S AMERICAN THEATRE, Between 80th and 8l8t greets, Third arennc, Sew fork t Ity. VATIVEES TUESDAY. THCBSD-AV .OTD SATTBDAT. FiVrt-clMsirtUis wlshine enrafemeots. applr at once. iS/lt tl DICK PARKER. Proprietor and Manager. HARRY MDiER'S NEW THEATRE, Nos. 165,10* Bowcir, Sew York. Speetalty Artists, all uescilptlons, ad( 23-lt-tl Llnnff Cnrloffltlea aad Noreltles of Idriss HARRY MINER, Sole Propileior and Manager. THE LONDON, ^KTl^SoP AbElITT aad EEPUTAnO.V. '?R'L" '''tHOMAS DONALDSON, Manaaer. ?Jrt^;^ida5r AlwSaiDtooen dateaiccruodsoodauy SdSSt^SS^oBieiL AUlCTletaaaswerof AdS^la abore. — jtf/V>fcX>. Cj kRCPe* -AJRTIST^ .vlr^fbThooaedwliAmeto besure aodglra tuoelrno- }S?rfSiedStt?ttiTll»"ln- BOISSBTl8,CAaDEJ.U», ^^j. g» Bawty. May Yort. aSuiSoE^OLn-lUIl aDd • SOOBW^ 1.1. TONT PASTOR'S NEW GOfflPANT THE BEST THE WORLD CONTAINS. TONY PASTOR'S SPECIALTY COMPANY AJXX> THE BTTRLiESQUE GO W EST Oir TBE EMIORAITT TRAIV. ANOTHER "WONDERFUIj SUCCESS AT CHICAGK). StstrLdingr-xooaaQ. TTaa-stttain^Tole. CROWDS TURNED AWAY EVERY PERFORMANCE. Week of Sept 20, FORD'S OPERA-HOUSE. BALTDIORE MONDAY, SEPT. 27, Grand Opera-house^ New Tork. REXXEJLRSiAJCy, A. 3»JE1W COMIC PIsA.'T EaVTITXAEm TOIV Y TOR'S I»^XtTY, EojKPOlBtlly -written ft>r ttklu Company t>y JA_MJES RARZSTiS, Essq.^ H. S. SAyPKBSOS, Manager. itt-m JOHN A. DINGESS, BmiM88M««Bt. THEATRICAL EMPORIUM, 280 BOWEBT, NEW TOBE. ".■yal "iWlSiE. ■J5S.^!S!lS.^"''»««*t Parisian. London and Vienna Konltlee. embraclDc all the aevaliadeaal SILKS, 8ATIM&TEL\Bm PLV8HES. BROC.VOES. CTRlrED SATINS. GOLD AND SILVER CLOTHa. EMBBOID- BRIEH. PRINQBSgLACBS. EPANOLES, STARS, TASSELS. ILLUMINATED OAUZBS, etc. Tbe lanrnt asd moat mac- "oenc-nitetr ot Stage Je»eli7 In Cnwna, DIaileina Netklaees, Earrings, Bracelets, Stomacbcn, Pendaata, Al a i u l l i^ RHa, DaQer% and ararr st^le ot leveled ordera and dceoratlons. Onr aa«i<ttmcnt of Hoalctr. aaperlallj811k,(M- , W«teiL Llale Toreac. Fiencb Ootton Tlgnta and Paddlnea. ta nnequaled. Tbe moat charalaa varied la PUlm Color, Openwork aad FancT Embraldcied Silk and Llale Thread Uusa. Note onr Indneemeata Ibr tbe eomlns week: SILK TIGHTS, 96 Pf r pair. SILK 0PER4 HOSE, «S per pair. ENGLISH LISLE THBEA3 HUISTS AND TIGHTS. $2 each. ENULI&H nIaCK SHIETS AND TIGHTS, 93.S5 each. Tnmendoas snccess of onr OA.SH>fERE THEA-TRJEHi, propeoneedbreeanolseaius tbeaitslsat boon for waxiln>bo ercr Introdnced. Eqoal in aBpeaiaaee and wear to tbe finest ttfOMlcloth, all vooL and a l swl ulelr iDMb-pioof, and to be bad la all tbe ddleat* ahadea at tbe remarkablx lov price ot SS CEl^T^ Crr jard. Bole Aaent lor tlie Olebimted Prmeh Cotton TvihL The Wonderfbl Mechanical Demon (Nix) Heula. Tba lest Bnallsb norelij—THE JERSEV—In Silk and Worsted, tbe mtMit fsshlonsble and latest aameot fbr l^diea. To PATRONS ordeiinc material lor costumea or wardrobe we will present, fm of charge, eorrect and bcanilftaUr Colored Coatume Plates, represeDtlna asrperlod from Ihe Flnt to the Nineteenth Ceniorj. or wblcb we have laa laigeat and most complete aasortmentJN THE WORLD. SAMPLES AND PBICE-LIBT8 OH APPLICATION. Wit W. PAZIAJf, 280 Bowery. New York. MANAGERS WANTINfi NOVELTIES. ADELPHI THEATRE. BoSUo. ScpC I. CON'filDER PRnp. PILLARE AND MLLE. GEORGIA BIG CARDSp uid abaJl icire tfavm a ntam (Ut«.. Tb« ilrloBT of tbe cuinoD M pvrtormed by (bem cmo be done In sdj ttarMrv, f moke or DoUr ' -DU OOlniDCC. without LncoDTenl^nce of uiTklDil uto TSE KINO ANI> QUEEN OF THE CANNON, _ TTie prnorman-re or this female prodlj^ of atrength beggafa descrlptlOO, aad baa aalned lor her the lill. of "The Lad; Veronlea,'' with teetli ol adamant and Jawa of Iron. Thla wondrml THE WOMAN WITH THE IRON JAtV. artUt win apiiear Id bfr ninrrelbuii fearpi an'l •urreme iir«elftltr of bnldin^ m cannon Id ber t««tli wdchlnf 53Uft, which tt find whUe m that pojltlon. AJ\X» 'X^IIAi: WOXiraX>*S WOKDSIC Id bUfcreat European ranutiOD. catchtDir a ball flrrd from a eADDon loadnl witb powder Id ihepmence of tb« aa- dlence. Realcanooo: Real ballr Real Powder! No deception 1 >'o matter who atcempta tbu, uE DOES IT. YOTJJVO- ^THOL THE BONELE-SS MARVEL. TllE HUMAN SERPENT. IN HIS trONDERFCL AND PLEASINO (MNTORTION-ACr. Mile. Oeorvia the female Hercules aod PruC Plllare the male ordnance target prored tbe chief attrmcticma of tbe ramme. and tbelr tbrilllocacu lalrlr took IbeanOlence br storm-—Bt'FPALO tXICRIBR-JOORNAL, Sept. 8. 'ermanent addreu. am East Eervniy-tlgbUi street. New Vurk. |2a-it*l R- FITZOBRALO. BS Bowery. prof W-lt» MR. H. Be HAPOOOD takes Great pleaRore Ln aonounclDK to the pabUc ibat be baa iccurctl for the TOE BEAUTIFUL AND TAXE.VTED A.OT'IUSSS MISS EUNICE GOODRICH, LS* HER POWERFCL DBAMA (FROM TllE FRENCH) E.STTrLEO AV EMOTIONAL DRAMA OF rSk%tiif,t^%'SSL^ IN-TCILil'ER-iKD WITH firARKLIN'O (HIMEDV. trhlcU w£ be pS«nJed_"Alb •LV^alth Ol ?;E-\V A>-» BEAXJTH-'VrU WCTl-ilS-ERX- .AJMX* Maottfers. JiJ-lf _ _ s al . SlETR<»i»OX-.l'rA.i<( A.RTI.*<1'«. nil Uisplsy UI M AO.> IFICEKT I»RI3«T- »>'AJ<JI£:», eS.>'A.l£.E»S LnK:e and mld- dle-alzed. from 325 to S4U each: also Rare Birds and Mon- kej-a 117 roosbvelt stref.t. JOSEPH FRAZER, Proprietor. ' P. MOONY. Aaent. »s-«t» The advent 0( the compan.v will l>e ht-ruldf d a un-nd d r;yG, litiiochapiis. PiuiToriUAPlls andiia.miehs. S^-aaon will colunlfczice about OCI. ■*. Mnnai:erii mioriioc a nr^r-rUvfi atlractlop. addresa XI. 11. lIAJl><>OOX>. Manazer. care fnlon pUce Hotel, K»w York, as-ii* wsl I. i*<>m.'i..fc; jai.. a»M-<>i>r-loU»r. NILESANDIVMS THE GREATEST WITS AND PINSTERS OF TBE AGE, IX T'XIEIR X.1A.TEIST A>I> ^lOST SXJCCESSFtrij S1»JECI AXjA- Jt'a A COLORED LADY wishes a situation with a'flrB^class Concert Company, I colored, to play Brass only; la aj:ood .E-flat^AUo-player. For refetencea address M,lt« Jas. m. trotter. BoKton. Mars.. P. O. mmm hdutely, OLD.MAX, OLD WOMAN, WALKINO-LADV and TWO QOOD. U:>EFL'L PEOPLE. JOHN KINLAN, 2fi-ii* Webgrer avenue. PIttsbura. Pa. :s orrxcE. AM ACT BOIMFCL OF LEUITIMATE AND MERITORIOUS Bl'SIKEKS. MEETINO WITH VMBOUNPKD AD- MIRATKlN AND APPLAUSE EVERYWHERE. -.^ v .. , - "NILES AND'EVANR per form eO :a most orislDsl act. which sbow.d thi-ir tsUnls in a perfect battdj of naaf lllalnmeand dancing, elklllnff tho moM dealenlnir pIsoUl'-."—BOBTO.X UEBALD. Newapeeialuen always In preparation a nd ontlnnally belna produced. A. yEW MOJKE »I»ECIAI-.TIAi:fe# W-A^'TEii *'01* 2e-it> Buckingham Theatre ORRiN bros. & co.'S LOOISVILLE. KENTUCKY. ALL ARTISTS ENCAGED AT THIS HOUSE tnasi send In tbelr business one week m sdranc or tbelr I eoeacement will be canceled. J. H. IVHAI.LEN, Manager. Fim-GliSS ARTISTS DESIRING ENGAGEMENTS IX BOSrrOK. TBOY, HARTFORD. rBO\1SENCE. FCIILA- DELPEIA. BALCIMOKE- BL-PFALO, WAKHIMITON. PITT8BUR0, CLGVELA.\'D, DETaOrT.CHlCAUO. CIN- CINNATI. LOt:7<:\1LLE. INDIANAT<OLIS, DALLAS. 1 DEAFWOOD, G VLVESTON, SAN AKTOMO, ACISTIN , and .«thcr cltMa, addrew^ el.lac biu^neas, route, opto Lir— — dat. . LIGON A 1HORKDKE. 7*4 Broadway, New York. Address ie>it* SEPT. n. s, a>, OCT. i. mcoclloOgu a aminoton, Baf.tM.'6idney.O. '\VA3«"I'fc:X> IMMBUIATELY F<Oe >I9E BEA- SON. Ju.eule Man and Woman, WeJkliqt-Oent and Lady, and Lady and Gent for responsible bimDeaa. Must be good dressers. Also wanted, two «r "titiico Amateurs of some ability for chorcsee and smallMrts end to learn the profession. Address EDWIN BrCART, Manager, VlennSjalK TO Send photograpbs. All letserxsnswerwL * U.UJO FEET OF BILLBOARDS. Cnparalleled laclllllcs for adrerttdwc aimiaeoienu. A new ms£ in the deld. who ts d.lei iiiwi A u> snake firm irlendsof ttaeproiesakc HE KNOWS HOW. Reserreti- seat Tiekel-omce for tbe Theatre. Compamca played on ahares. .Send dAtes you can make tor Macoc and make no buMness arrangements nnul yon see, write or leam sometliing ot roe, and jKiu will nerer lejtrec it. No rronble to writejettera—infomulonapteasnre. Wanted—200 see- the brilliant sT'ODfC comcdleoMe and diancter'actresa. laiSS RZSIVA ha^ retiimaf from AuAtralla, -Ctflllomla. New Zealand, Un Bandwt^ Ii<1ande and a TOUB OF TUE WORLD::: iitxr compV^tlDfT an Sc the city of LcadTllIe, a,t two difTereut theairea. Ae- Jnowlediivl to b«i the raom eUCCESSF-tX STAR EfER (t^ES IN TUE CITY OF A TOrK4tP OOLORADe «fid ennrement Ln giwua* Ouy to -foUow. Strongeet repertoire nf any lady star trAvHln?. Her <nr-nlnr 1mDenonatl'*o t<ir thlt Muon wUl be chat of MOYA TUE FAITHFUL In "Bcs TO eartit; ■wltbODfcJCoabt oneorifae«t»oo^«t drmDeAOD the modem KtAue. Nut too loofc,' tout Jiint Iodr -frnouKh; not too., '"faeaT7,*> bat June h*s%v7 eDonsh; not too *^c<imlc," but ■ INTERNATIONAX COMBINATION. TeHxcxi oPEivei 131 wava^a octt. 4 at tme GRAN TEATRO AISISIT. e **larl«ai. aood eaeaffemeata. and flnt-cluA fare pftid nn flrivdau ■teamtn. Flrrt^Mt act wanted ttrt OBelDaI«rEe thmtre. and doen noc depend «n tlie EniUah lanyiage kv euc c eie. The abov* la uCOalS date for l^eoalt*.-.. Telegrapb.write. or apply imn^llately to ^^^^^ ^^^^^ B INCLOSE NO STAMP. Consider a week^ silence a polite neioitleo. ORRIN BROS.' MSTROPOIalTAN MUSEHU WILL OPEN IN NOVEMBER. FIBST-CLASfl RIDKiHOW COBIOHrTIBS WANTED: ALSO CIBCpB TALBIT FOR DECEMBER. »»-lt TUOinPSOnf'S TUEATBC:, D ALiLiA8, TKXAS J. W. THOMPSON Proprietor I BARRY P. 8BTHOUB....Bnltteaa and flUge MaaaiaT TM^: OKX.'V IjEOXTBJtf A-VE r*OVE:lL.TY TI1EA.TKB XXf TE3S-AJS. THE O.SLY MOTELTT THEATBE IN TEKAS EMPLU.VAVO A BTOfTK COMPA.S Y TO ROPPORT DBAMATIO fTARfl. Tbecnmnanreonaed will leare New Vork OefiL IS. aod open4a Oallaa HA.I^RnA.Y JS^Bn- ieiEPV. ao. Tbe-ioUowing le a list oi peoplavoeaaea ibr tbe aeaaoo: Uany P. Beymoor, 8am BoberU. AooK uraritt Jr., Hoas and Mack.-Jetio Moure, Paddy Suuewt. Eltt* Rbeppard. Uszie Uele, Anale Uoward, loae Laav. OllleAndlry, KaMe Soell.D, H.bel P.roy.AJule HarrN. AODle Nanland. Ida P'irMtr, Ploience Wllsbi, May Day. •SfuueCiadstoaeandothem. Flrdl rebas> to-day at Dramatic Hall, Eaas uoiutoo MreM. A (kaey danaaas* •lU a lew good specialty ladlea still warned for tke season. Ptcet^lus variety aad diaaatla uara caa play fromSio^ monthsJn ourcfcolt. Address tbe msna^ment aa altosa. or on r oiflr agenta. _ _ .2e.lcs . J^K<30X ^ 'rrEBOBUNrpUCJE:, tm Seowlway. New Tock. ITEW ELDOEASO THEATEE, 463 VINB STRXLBT, CINCINNATI, O., fVUiL <BEOP£N OCTOBER «. k. BEAUTIFUL TAUDETILLE tlMPLE, PHOQNIX THEATRE, 515 VINE STREBT. CINCINNATI. •^comlc,*' ^, hot Just bea^ enough; not too Inn comic enough; cot iim) *>seosatloiial,^' but lust seOL ugh. Patbaa.<omedy, scenic effect, strong alt-^ teTod r am a , Ugbt cnmedy, farce and spectacle GOOD flPECIALTV PEOPLE desired for abore oi^dIbx aad-a: allUiDeater bntk t b sat m . 2g.ii s. c»a.uu£e:l., - — Addreaa ^slo A'a«»i>rte*«r aamd 31 aanacAi*. ond.kandOpera-chalra. Addresa E. D. IBTINE, Billposter, Boot and Mnslc Dealer, la Second at., Macon, oa. 2a-lt and two Gymoasca. Addiesa aa per route. Sfllt* U W. WAflHBOM. desires a situation In good traTellog combination for re- sponalhle bualness. Address213 West Madisonetrcet. Cht- ciigo. lU . at-itf , FCIlB eiJA.IL<E— a complete set of M ABIONinTB FIODRES and SUE.VERT. Indadlnr TRANSFORMATION Ibr the play of ■'CINDERELLA." Addreaa E. H. TAM VECHTEN. S36 Elm street.'Albany. K, T. ant* TiT TT^ l .i=;-K.»M WI.STEK-GAlUJEM TUEaTHE, no. 722. TU and 7S Tine street, PbOadelpbla, Pa. , BE.NRV MILLER, Proprietor: BARRY CI/ION, BusiBSsa. manager. Leading VaadeTlUe Theatie«l aiMdlT. Art- lata of' ^Ulty, corooionlcate at once. None bar the best needapply. Balar1eaB>utberraaanable,a.noextortloi>- ate terms wlU be coiiiidis iiiL 811enoeapoUte«egatlTe. aat: _ egjELA-cow OJ* MLA^"A-T£at:, NEARLY NINE FEET LONG, . IN «0O0 HEALTH, FOR BAUE CHEAP. R. & CILLS. 911M. B«eood-ace*t, jo-lt* Philadelphia. Pa._ "AKTSiUK CA.WTAIORi'fSr'ENOR, rImM send yonr addreu to . A. B.<L 2*-2f care of CLIPPER. jRtjRAIE!e*C: EA-lEI»HA^T!&- A PAIR TO AERIVB SHORTLY. mC SALE AT A REAS«NAB>£ PRICE. NOTICE.—Itis itamp or Elepbant Is well kocvn aa be- iortbe brsi, costenduisbleand easiesttsoghttoferform. A broad and iJblck.aet animal. Same aa nippUedJiy me to ererr Circus aad Menagerie to Europe. In ta«, they will 4iuyiio otbera. My Elepbatts may bo seen in America, «uiDliedbyme. WM. OBOKS. Importer ol Eannese Elepk»ot», Wild Animals, ete^ Wi G. Earle atieet. i» M, U Blgby street. Llrerpoou je^t : TELEGRAMS—CB OSa , LljeipaoL "jEXng^HjCST, »«J»B«IESE,^ , , Imwrted. landsl In LlrerrKol July M. A Deanllllll miae,ni>nda9a.lln.. FORSALC ^ . , , tCM CBOSS. Importer of Elepbanu and other an i ma l a, nB. i,nv=o, atreet, QUhall street. LlreipooL TELEOBAMS-CBOBS. LIVEBPOOL. as-* LEADVILLB, COI- A. T. WELLS JB .....^ .Trtaaortr . p. O. Box 1,800. NOW OPEN FOR DATEa Will c«nt tbe boose or play combinations npon snaica. 8EATISC CAPACrrr. 800. UOBTBD BT OAS. Patent roldlng-chalrsand PmeOtjeuaij. Addraaiauemn- monicaoonsaa abore- ' KSUb OoSMAN^^S^O^DAKSiE MAH ASD also MISS LIZZIE BuVaBOB, . tbe»oiideTtul6Uek.wlrePwlii»mera;4Jo«fl«. Onr bnalaeM u flni-elaaa la eren respeCL Will be opea fbr en«a«eBenU lor iS" ""tS^S'iS nSdereanra* Dliectallletto™ LBWTBBbWAHOi "aSS^ Che«tftnli»a. CambruCo-PA ABBWAMTKD. _ ^ x-it* Applp to SZ Third areiuie, Xew Toik. tlonal ecoufl nation, md , ^ comblDeU. Scenes In England, oo tbe ocean and In' Amerldt. Wltb or vllhout comblnailsn. Spieodld print. 'I log. Mrjiagera of legtalasas^tbcmueo, balls and Hfst-classt novelty ibeairea. please addresa FRED G. MAEDER, Etajte-manager. 25-lt» Arco-atreet Tbeatre, Philadelphia. P a. TAtfi jaiiA't:' of* XXafl THE RE.VOWNEU, O'EQL'ALBD AND ORIGI.S'AL GREGORY & CRANSEL] fANTOMAlE TROUPE A]!ID:SPE€IALT¥ STAB COMBIXATfOy,. headdc by tbe Gnat ai^ Only GEO. L. CREGfJRV. the^ Oreaien ol Hodcra Clwwna, the man who looke like <i. L. \ Pox^the drolleiit of tlM-dniU. the Biar Bopreme of the 1 P^ntmnlme World, tbe destined fkrorlteof all partiea, aa- f «let«d br ble worthy cotDweer, FRANK CRANSSla, the 1 i^eeple«8 Pantalooa and BuIect'Comfldlao. WALTER J. IfOre; HXE. ZA5TBBTNO. .Tbe Apile Uarleqau. The EK((iuiite Commblne. . WM. A. IIOEFLEB, tbe Champion HeaTT-Welcht ClQb> ■ Kwinger. obIdc 10,40. goamI HOft clutfl. m wMch he deflei J the «rorM. CiD>4 DOW on nhlbltloD at John l*araeU>i!, oornerPrluctf and Thermp«<m ntrcvf a. J MILCd AND NATIIEWKp the 'pepolar eharacter and 1 sketch anUta: Master CLAfiS, the Umcd ppecialtyartUtl ■nd daoCtr; the 4 HEBREW MA^iNETS. the laat n^onm^ \ tkH»cicheBOTelC7a*.aic-t tfdehftc«vand brllUaot TMek^ raDtomloMi. eauUed ILCKOUV. DICCURY. DOCK, pre- \ tented with new Trlcka, Properties, Wardrobeis acccx- i soncK. <et£. j Refpoojiible manajcem dettriniJin eninm thlr* tl)« mo«t rnvel and rtroneert. auradWo of<te ■easoDpShpnld »d- drearafl eommnnlcatlnrs tn 2B-1C* OBECORY A CRAJIBEL. care ot CLIPPER. 1880 SEAJBON X3ES < 1881 ANDiBULLLANT COMEDT C01(PA.<rr VS HER OftlGRAL, araBKLOlS. MIKtCAl^OOMEOUTTA "THE JOTJTJ^ —arr^OTPTEItS.'* Fint-elaaObeatrea only. Manafen, addreaa ANOIB P CHgPT. 8111 Blaih aa«nua. .VewToc* . j» |i* ^ ^ ^TB EY SAID NilTs JUT WE ^ID. CONROy AND DALY AMD WEBSTER BROTHERS, BB-ENOAOED AKOTUEB WEEK AT THE HOWARD ATHEVfCM. BOBTOM. THE DIP OP TllE SHOW . «IT OP TUE SEASON. See If you can Hod my ere In itaaC mottar. "BOSTO.V. MADA. Sept X, I«M1—The « nusk toeka « do a eery fbnny spcelalty, and pleaaedTny auUencr greailx^-WILLI AH II ARBia" Addr*.* —> atl MYRTLE ATeaUE. BBOOKLV.f. N T KAjerX* 'MLA.GXKjA.'W. afICBU> wfllae»peDii>rtheaaaaa on Monday, BSfA V. nisi ilaas lilii n laasnnalileialaileaalways wanetl. Wanted—aB i ai swi a n a g efaodOreiMyral^y onawlio ema plar be—. aZ l«-ltl yABBEK BOKDWELL, East g^lB»r7«lefc NOTICE TO MANAGERS THE OmOUTAIi FLTme DMSEUSE LATS OP CAJtTEHBCHT. LONDON. AND EDE.V, BRUSSELS, WHERE SUB MADE THE OBEATE3T Et-'CCE-SH IK ALL ECBOPE. ASD PH ONOC NCED ONE OP THE WONDEB8 OF THE NLVETEE.NTH CB.NTL'BT. ASIEL ABBIVED IN AMERICA BY & 8. HECLA. ACCOMPANIED BY THE MA-VAOBB WHO FEBSONALLT ATTENDA TO HEB WHILE ON THE CTAfliE* THEBKBT FBETENTINC ACCIDENTS. ABI?L IS THE ONLY LADY IS EL'BOPE OB AMERI OA EKTrtLED TO THAT NAME. SHE 0AB LETTEBH PBOM HEB LATE MAMAOEBS. AMD WITSESaED BT L . a CONSUL AT UlRDON, TBEttEBT FBOVntO THAT SHE IS THE OBIOtNAU ARIEL IB UNDEB CONTRACT FOB SIX MONTHS TO OPEN IN A SPECfACCLAR DBAMA. APTEtt VaiCa SHE IB OPE.1I FOR E.NOAOEMENT8. PUB TERMlt kSB DATES APPLY TO HEB ACTHOBUED ACEST, J. ALEZA5DEB BBOWll, DRAMATIC AOB.ST. St-U M Cast Fomeantb street. New Teak, BROOKLTN'S NEW MUSEUM 424 and 420 Fdton ATenne, BKOOKI.'FNe N. T. I JCKEK A NATHA.VS ol Baronm's Mnteam Dlreeiors JAMES T. Jt'EES Sopertn-.endent m OCT. a M M Mi FIVE BALLS PILLED WTTB A WORLD OP CUltl- A fall deecriptlon or thla mote mafnlflcnt temple of art aad amuriDrnt vLll be clren faenotfier. WonJd like to hear Iron all Oru-class Urine cnrioettlea who are oov wltb traTelin|[oompasle«; also trom arttsta who can entertain cbUdno. Addreaa aa above. 3S-lt* "W-AJSTTED, riRST-ClASS STAGE-limiia llro Tarletr lUent, to opea Sept. 80. asa BCOTT LAIRS. Adelphl Tbeatft. Qnlaey. IIL RALSTON HALL, M-Acorr, ^' * - .nji 1. DOW ODWH aofaaaeoto tuwi^ m ^wa>BN. Ado Manafen BalftSQ Ball. MsMa. Ot. ihmaablyraaaiatad. and la novopaa to co- MMmenta. AsttltttioaBltf dateaiv mtlacoeaaa-*— uim?iaaK bJaSSsSSw TCRPlNjt?ODB.v, .tut - . - mum mmi 888 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. CCRLEY * BENKINCEB BROS ProorlMon SPEClALir ABTIfSTS. lADIEB AND b&TfLBSiK please wnie m>me4iately. Addreaa ^-^"^rnxj^. as abore. MW OLIHrK! Him, ALBANY, ir. T. Proprfetoe- Maaacer AUSTIN KCTiLEN , SPEOIALTT ABTUTH if ANTED at aU ti noa, waaauDr LDle i. S Flm-pan Ladlee Wanted. All tiSSnTS- ■ ''' . APBTiK Mcmr. at-it* ALHAMBRA, BUFFAXiOy nr. Y. JOHN J. HUMPHRIES... JOHNNY BABTLET ~ HiDam WANntD. OOOD PERPOBllEBa AT ALL THnfiT^ P. IL—3io vlaa-ioom, no mauaeea, and ao Iban —iim rice paid. • SUa THB IHM>rSll-DATK BBOTBSBK -' w.L iUBsr, i minim. TOCAUBT; KAXAOEBa. ROnCK, TIHEHLLEDCSTILSEPTEHBEBt 1890 e