New York Clipper (Sep 1880)

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THE T<r E "VV tel. Kon So dedac ^ErSBTISEJiEJflS.. tt, InrlivllnT p icCioatooaMO exm. or^enU. tTpeiiiBUDn.Mlui<>tou „^n^"torIdTertifenienU when paid Ibr Uuw ^^^zfiSovtd^Uoraoy otber dedoellon ftutfiw thii co"«»^ dlwUTWl typeinmJ =„atthe«»nie iat»(w«p«eeoecnnW. '"o5Iteem3 JLfiE CASH.—Adrenuemtnii to be pihl ft* ^P££rt? lSld^thji^_TO TO PRM oS SAT- 2S?25JihiOT iwch ni «t later than MfiSSrw £r aja all timts aluwld reach ii» early oo Hoouay TO AVOID LOSS, when «=;i«5?^%Kni or pro- ml4 aa«i« oar pjttona to rtglrt^^^to aad FMt-ofliea onteta. Make all osoa ,tfda«AU com»iml«loo.^^ ODKES^__ <(HX CLIPIJRu for •g'^iS^SiliWCrtw. W. C AMUSEMENTS. XHB NEW YORK OIPiMillUC For 1880 «A» BE HID OK ALL ireWBDEALEBS AKD AOBiri& PRICE 15 CENTS. K SBOeais to the same handflomo oolored ^SJa^Bi oover as last yeei; nearly all the JffiSninOTrrlnaiechrono^iwlU be found A Modensed but complete hJitoiy of amnse- omSi In America daring the past yuar, ^ of <tel«adlnKerentB In spottingolroles; and tne laeapls oftesteBt time, eto., bam been prepared oar nsoal care. Newsdealers-will please order «j&elr supplies or tnelr wliol^ Male ascente* Copies mulled. Crom tills office .OB receipt of price, 15 cents. PUBLISHEB ABD PBOFEIETOB. 88 and so oenae nteet, New Tork. r .p.B0l3.MD. MJkJiYljAJM r> XWSTmjTE, BAL- lUfOKE. UD. Bndielr remodeled: new natie, hcenery, >oiiia.eic.; new lalied nonr. Very aiioceMtul WANTED, FAIR WEEK, A FIBST^ASS ATTBACnoN. a,. S> ASD Ml 6TAIB STKEBT. C™g*«$l„^^u,r ' ""open TfflE IBAB BOBHD. jSl1.V.Sr«;'W.'lt^w-£S';ji.8a»uday,^r AililnwaaeaboTe. lUTEOflllllUHlTICWlIT 1V> take the Bead About Oct. 1. B£AVT-XAX, JIJVKNUjB_ AND GOOD Burtis' Opera-iiouse DAVENPORT, lOWA-^^ Tbl.'^.b»«S'b^«b^i.nd"n^l"r'p^^ ,Sd tomlahed with handume openxhaln md new SnS«6p*rvhoiiaemtheSute: Jo'I'"»K«<" i»-^B«Ddaia^ either to rent or on aharln« tenna. Ad; dreaa £801013. Ki mball Home, Darenport, Iowa . »at ■ TltK uriaw Jb»XTTS±»Utt«* AKo T.awie EKIB LINE.—The only routa hanoe Sunday ' I be i aee n PUUbonc and develand, thereby enabllni; ' companlea and membeta to Oil eomcemenu <a flkitiliaiK SatuniaT nwtit and tsach Cioclnaau, Cbl' Toledo, Detroit, Bradford and Boflalo In time to olv Kanday eranliie: alao to play aame eltlea Batnrday oMt. and teach Plttibaitt In Ume to play Monday oiKht. 0B9BQE Im. REPFEBT. Ticket A«ent; A. D. SMRB. niaiie l Pmwicer Ajrent. Pltuhurg. Pa. Z2-IS* "ITBW OI»ERA--HO U KiJ, WJSWX' BBIOOEITATBB, Bearer Co., Pa Seated with 313 tllt- Aqpopeca.chalia; four uta o( accnea, drop^nrtaln, lour illiiiini rnrn Siaze, ZUt. by 30tt VeM~Biidgewat«ru 26 mile* below Pltubnri;, on the r. p. W. A C. K. S. and tne r. A E. B. R. S-Bte A-aHUBST. VOWJASO, >VO0D CO., W. TA. Centro of Weal Vuclola OIL REGIONS. In (he Bute. Beau SOL ' n-xtc Latse Stage and roomt. SceneiT, Piano. Fim floor. tiO LJCBNSE. Flnt-dart TrooyCT. Addreas Volcano, Wood Co., W. Ta. "j^AXiXC - ILiAJK'X'EX^MS AMD SUDEK -wantm Haclo-laocema and Slides fi>r aalo. nia«trat«d . UD pp.. and leetnre, inc. THEO. J. HARBACU. . PhlladdphlA, Fa. 14-26t' - OPERA-HOUSE, KESTOy, OHIO. Ky Open-booae bold* an people; la nioelyfteacoed; haa ~ eata^e, 4aii tttt wide by trfi feet deep; loatteen aeta ' eceoery, which nm on ahearea; new atafcocarpet, ~*)(e for all playa; two nie« dreaalnv-roonia, nicely ' Id; Itf ma-Uchta, 18 (botlicfata. two towa border- mitfMM. Opeia-boaM la heated by ateam-niniace. Two .^BtfEBDcea. PopolaHooL.* fiJUD. Two weekly nanera, both daawod on Tboraday. Bent reaaoaable. No Ifceoae. Flay ^Btf.tfaas troopea 00 aharlnr terma. For terma and open la HENBT QICKSOK, llanager and Froprlelor Opera-honae. J genton, O. .Alt'VAJlldZ-AaEISnrf^ md Hana«enTta. aunc FroTidene* will find It (or their Intercat to employ JAJIBff FroTidenca and Worc««er Railroad BaKBs;» ffpiiai Banaffecaretally bandied and promptly moTeU, >aar«r nliJit. OSes r. A W. B. R. Banaae Boom, Frorl. , B.L CM. JAMBS. Fropiletor. OP£»A^EtOX7SJE:, BBLLEPO.STAINB, O. TO BB OPBN'BD DEC. S, USD. : iplendld buildlnx la entirely new, and one of the kandaomeit In the Vett. Dtokvuon'a Qran<l.opera Cbalra, IS Scenes, 10 Dnaalng- anaam, Omj^ Hot-auv and all modem conrenleneea ■SulrSIL and li neat and cnmplete. Addrtaa GRAND OPEBA CO., ^ ts-«t BeUefoctalne, O. BKOOMS' THEATRICAL HEADQUARTERS IN AMERICA, 338 and 340 BOWEET, HEW TOEK, GOSIMnME? FOR MALES OR FEMALES MAT»m TTP IW THE MOST COKRECT STTfILiES. Oor mammotoSuSctloo of ANIIQDE and MOOEBN COST0MB-FLATE8 11 the only one ot Ita kind In the conn try We Import direct, and bare the latseat uaortment oi TAJRL.ETAJE<r<9. ^ ■ „ „„„„„ WE ARE SELUNO AIX TllESE GOODS LOWER THAN ANT OTHER HOUSE. Onr well-knoirn Perforated Tight?. To prove this ?re wOl qnote a few prices b luw; A PAIR. Cotton Tights, Flesh Color, h»Tj, $1,891 2 Cotton Shlrte, Flesh Color, h^ry, 1.29 ?. Cotton Tights, White, ht-avr- • - . 1.2» g Cotton Shbrts, White Color, ta^rT, 1.29 J » Snper. Stout Flesh Cotton Eng* nsh Tights $1.60 Snper. Stont Flesh Cotton Eng- lish Shirts 1.60 Snperflne Stoat Flesh Cotton Eng- Ibh Tights 1.76 Snpeiflne Stent Flesh Cotton Eng- lish Nhlrts 1.76 Fnglish Lisle llglits, Fleoh Color... 8.26 French Lisle Tights, pink shade— 8.76 English Worsted Tights (all colors), in fine or heavy grade 8.00 Black Worsted Tights 2.60 and np. Worsted Knee-tlghts ■ ■ 2.60 MINSTRELS CONCERT "^GOMPANY. SSusldann tbat can SIhk :^1Uu1s, U' desired, play Bitbsi* and String, aino l>oubIc SonB>and-dance nien or Dialect A.rtIstH. to BO on tlio 'Bnd, 11* re- <l.ulred. nSuAldans do not Slaolc. State AliL FARTICULABS and VERT LOWEST TERMS in flrat letter. Season ol twenty-foor mootha. Addreae BELI.7 ARUEKGTON, 3 8-11* 432 Mlehlnan arenne. Cbleago , III. 4th ANNUAL TOUR 4th OF THE Crane Comedy Company SUPPORTIXa THE EMISENT ACTOB £. M. CRANE THE SUCCESS OF LAST SEASON. WANTED, A FULL DRAMATIC COMPANY People wrltlns for encagementi, please state lowest sal- arlea and send phoioa. Must be good dresMre, both on and off tho ata««. ThoM who can ainar preleried. No dnnken or chronic klckeia wanted. No deception tol- erated. Ball-ownera and agenu In Michigan, Indiana and nllooli^ 'ploaM Mod tenxut and open dataa- AddrcAA CRANE i STUART, Manicem. an shades : . . $15.00 Span Silk Hose 1.66 Span Silk Opera Hose 2.60 French Spun SUk Opera Hose (82 inch long) 8.60 Pnre Silk Opera Hose (82 inch long). 7.00 Pare SOk Opera Hose (82 Inch long), extra heavy 8.00 Opera Tests eSets., 76ct8., adl 1.00 Colored Cotton Trunks ^Oets. English Worsted Tmnks.-. 1.60 Sann and Yelvet Tronks—8.00 ondnp. Unr syminnMoalf! arf>' gainlnr more fame than ew, and vre are still svlilng the same, vi«.j Calf Pads 8.60 Calf and ThlghPads 8.00 Calf'padded llrhts 6.00 Thigh-padded Ti7hts 6.00 Padded Shirts Trith Sleeves n.OO Canvas Slippert (all sizes) 76cts. FrenchSpanglffl 1.60 alb. Span Silk Tichts, Flrsh Color 4.60 l4iro Silk Tights (EDgUsh stock) - 8 & 9.00 I'nreSIlk Tights, Italian XX -. ... 10.00 THE JEItSE^, or Worsied, al! fashionable shades, oi) hand CATALOGUE AND PRICE-LISf SENT FRtB OS The latest noielty in Silli ILLUSTRATED made to order. 338 and 340 BOWERY, or APPL ICATIO.V. 9 f SEW TORK. p. a—p. w. aaRADEB, f lease wri Gowan'dv iTatiaraajcns Ca, N. Y. tk. TO THE FDBLIG. Hearing tbat certata onprlDClpled parties haTeclrcataled (alM reporu coocemlUK my Jaugbten, I wUb to Lnlona any INTERESTED PERSONS THAT THE m ST, FELIX mm WERE SISTERS, all belnff daagbtein ot mabahic: %t. fjblix who baa alwaya traveled witb tbem. Hoping tbat thia will uawer all qnentlnn. that may hare arisen In remrd in toia rabject, 1 remain rc^pectlnlly MADAME ST. PBLIZ. [* EaCKBSXtG'S OPEBA-HAJLU Ohampaiicn. U. Fopniatlon of Champaign. COUO: alao IlUnoia Indns. rM CntreiattywltliaD stndenta. Low rent, SU. $1ZU rCwoormaceent^natnmentA. Pleueaddreu -a-9f EICHBERn BB09.. Champaign. IIL MANAGERS OF FIRST-CUSS VARIETiES TAKE NOTICE. I have a aerfei of tbe beat SENSATIONAL DRAICAS ON THE BOAD- AKD DONT YOC POROF.T ITI THE .HERMIT, 3 ACTS; CUAJtLiE Y ROSS. * ACTS; THE CTJ^AJV SPT, Are thre« nnd Dramaa, with cood titles— AND DON'T YOU FORGET ITI Beeauae I want a date with yon. When with printer's Ink we wiU brew A potent charm ol (treat degne, And draw a crowd these plays to see. Address Ull Oct. 1 C. E. FOREMAN. tS U» St. FaKl. Minn. «realN.H.'V*^^ THE CHEAPEST ATO) MOST VASmONABIiE TAILOB IK A3IEBICA. 332 BO'WUltY, cor. Prince wt., Soa BOWJESt'S', opp. Rl-vlnarton at, BRANCH STORES IN ETTROP E: 3Ci02CX>OIC. rwrtlS A_ND BEIttiHV 1-1^ per cent. Dl?cnnnt to Frofpwional^ * i ROSHELLE THIS 9REAT CLASSIC TBAGEDIENNE - -.caoDortcd by a anlendld companv. among whom wilt be ' daiSdUR. H. VTMrTCIIELL. CIIaKLES KRONE, M. XT. 'JIAIiMBERO, AOELE BABTI.EY, clused one week In S ,.^aa. Mo., Sept. IL TBE MOST nBlf.riAVr WEEK' BOaNESS EVER KNOWN THERE. BSERTOIREi "Inaomar." "Hnnchback,'* "Love. 'Vanermoon," "Bradne," "Failo." Has the meet beau and expenslre wardrobe In America, aoabelle a. JuUa fiilly met tbe expvctatlon. of the andl ^nea. She is pollahed, beaotlltai. graceful, grand. Hei karate ot p.iaatan and eloquence thnll tlie aadlence, and bttr«ciln= i. «o douhcd and poKeet tbMt tlie fault.flnd[os ^•Tiil g I. n onplased and the audience delighted.—SEDA. ..xXA'srE.MKa NEWS. Manaeexa haTlnjr open datp.. one, two or six nighta. ad- -Jim EDWIN wionr. MRi-.gor. (COP YRIG-HTEU.) EMMER50N, CLARK A.IVI> THE DALY BROTHERS IX! A noticeable feature In tbe proceedlngn was the ap- neaiuce ot Emmemon, Clark and the Daly Brothers, a nesro quartet de«liroaied aa "America's Orpateai Team of Uiih-uckere and Breakneck Artists," and they went far to lustily the ttret part of this description by leaping irotn the CTound and kicking a hat held aloft by one of the carty standing upon a chair placed upon a table, wbiint the way in whiSi they knocked, kicked and "rencraUy malueated each other in a playlul manner sTldencod an Incbnation to warrant Itae final portion in results. In their oeenllar line these four perfoimers aro unqnostlonaoly rery derer.—LONDON OAII.r CHRONICI.E. CANTBBBDRT PAIACE.—The K. H. K ■»—Mussra. Em- merson. Clsrk and the Daly Biotheia—bare made a de- cided hit at this theatre. Their Tory ciererenteitaioment keepa the audience In oonttant roars of laughter. Should anyona dealre to know the meaning ol thoee mystic letters imm, mm & chane, No. 46 aiAIDEN LAKE, Kew Tork. Gold and SUrer Lace*. Fringes, Spangles, Stan, Tassels, BrnauJca. etc, esc. Tirhui. Sblita, Paddings, Hata, Wlqa, Shoe* and Jeweliy. Theatrical. Equestrian, MlUtaiy and Coetumer'a Goods. Tbe larcest aseoninent and heaTiest stock of these goods to he Coond anywhsre. Send for circular. Oooda sent C. O. P. l.<It» Burr Brown THE BOOXSELLEK, ACON. a A LOCAL XAKAeBB, RESEBTED-SEAT AttEHT, BAfjGABE EXPKE^iS AliD CUT BILLFOSTEB. FOUR CENTS PER SHEET. NO BOARD-BENT AND NO TICKETS FOR STANDS. Companies played on shares, as uausL SS-tl CARLL'S OPERA-HOUSE D£I.Pm. IND. KOW BEING COMPLETED AT A COST OF $25,000. WILL BE OPENED SEPT. 1 LATINO CAPACITY, tOD. Flue Stage. Scenery and Dresslng rooms. Mansgers ol Respectable ComhlnHilons will do well to apply at once will share nr rent. Address. f T-i. WEISErf STEIW. Manager. Septe^K^ 18, IS O, STANDING-ROOM M Throughout the South TO WXTIVESS ENGLISH'S NEW OPERA-HOUSE ^lih ^- PROPRIETOR AND MANAGER TDls grand bulldlncnow In enures of erection, Intbecen- Ire of the citv. will be completed br September 27, in mag- niocent style, and will be by far ilie Bnest tbeatrsTn Indiana, and one of the finest In the United SUtes. It will he on the ground-flonr, with elegant reUrIng rooms, spndous lobbies snd promenades, twelve proscenium b<ixv«. fourteen elegant dressing-rooms, six wide exits on All sides ol tho audltoriom, with comfortable seats fur 2,001 people, and all the most modem and perfect stage sppolntments and improTements. Managers of disuclass combinations only, address as A Marvel of .Musical Invention, and the Most Perfect Self-acting .Muslcsl Wonder msde. lt> Reeds are Double SIse. Magical Organette and 16 feel ofMusIc,only tS. btraMuslc.whIch Will Ht any Organelle, about 6ci«. I>er tool. Circulars and sec of t>eau. M, . tldil PKOcy Cards lor S-cent Stamp. a-il TUEO. J. nAitBACU. to Filbert sL, Flilla., Pa. SCHMIDT Se, FOOTXER, ■y^ie XSroad-waT-, We-w ITorlc, Tonpee andTheatncal Wigmakera. CharacterWig^ftom Tonpee _ _ S3.W; Beards from Si.90; ■ II; End. »I.r sent C. O. D. igm Hoi oustache*. Sic. to tOc.; Negro ^'Igs, pi., (I; End. $r.l>0; Gentlemen's Fine'Wigs Irom tl3. goods sent C. O. D. 1»-1S.» MORTON & HOMER'^ ORIGINAL AND ONLY BIG-FOUR MOW ON THEIR SOUTHERIT TOUR. [26-lt] J. S. SHEPPARI>, Business-manag^er. MONTGOMER-r, ALA.. CHANGE OF MANAGEMENT. First-class comotoailons comlog South will please ad- ores. J. TANNENBAI.'M, 2S-lt I.ewee WANTED--A FIRST-CLASS STRAIGHT-MAN. (K. H. E's) thrv would do wail to visit the atbra eatab lIshmenL—LONDON ERA. ^ ^ The K. H. K*.—Bmmeraon, Clark and the Dae Brothers ~foor Tfry clever Americana, have made a Aeuatlon nt the Canterbury Falaea. Their hlib-klcking a)d knock- about perfurmance 13 simply woDderlol. snd thiy sre tho beat performers In this line tbat Iiave yet visltedlhls couu' try.—SUNDAY REFEREE- I ' MIDDLESEX MUSIC iKlL, t London, W. C, Aug. 6, ISl. ) MR. HOLMES—DEAR SIR: I liave morb plV^ure In saying that the E. H. K's (Emmenon. Clark andihe Daly Brothers) are without exception the smartest tbope of negro comedians I have ever had engaged here, kid you know that I have had nearly ail the American arfcis who have visited this country. Their bsshing rkna<t-aboui) entertainment keepa my aadlence in roan of lauaier. Yours, tmly, J. W. ORAYOON, M 1"« > n ubivt. THE METROFOUTIN THEATRE tiomsviutiE, X.TC., Third street, nesr Cuhtom . house. Large capacity: has barroom. All well fitted up and ready to open. Apply to W. JUDAH, owner, 68 Jefferson st,, Louisville, Ky. lO-ti' FIRST-CLASS SPECIALTY PEOPLE. A.T>T>RS6e> TECE A.BO"VE THEATRE. 20-lt NOW FLilM AT THE CAIITERBDRT FALttE (under the patronage of royalty). illier. El 3POR The only American Artists who have ever received their sslary ^T Olf E TELEA.TItE rN l^piSDOrs".! WILL RETURN TO AMEHICft ABOUT THE MIDDLE OF SEPTEIl/^ER, In order to fulfill eDgnKemeoWmsdc belbre our depaiture for Europe. ATCHISON, KANSAS. ULLE. LOLA Maoai^ereitB SecoodaeuwD ol tbls cnny lltUo tbratra. Nov In Ifao loll ide ol succeJia. ArtlRtB dealrlDC eQcagemenu cao alwavH flU iQ time here. WrlM at odc«, and sccara a date. AU totters answered. Wanted— a Full Orcbestro. Moit also [ U/ tn braML Would Ii^e to bear from tbe Hale Broihert &nd all old tnenda. [a6-2l*l LOLA. A J EAKKETT. WM.HAYLEILONHAYLE HOWARD ATHEN>EUM, BOSTON.t BIG SUCCESS. OOTTXTRT COTTSUrs. COUNTRY COXTSKPrS. AND T. H. M. H. 26-11 SEND STAMP for NEW PAMPHLET and PBICB-LISTE OF STEWART'S celebrated Professional Bsojoa, Banjo Books and Music Heads. Strings, eto- New book, 'The Young Banloisc," SI. AiMreiw S. .<!. STEWART, 28- I3i» No- ta North Eighth street. Philsdelphla. Fa. FRANK WRIGHT, STAGE-MANAGER AND LEADING-MAN, Hfnr&Til Athenn-DTD, Bonon. Seiutnn lP9>-fll. GRID UriKA-UUlliil! '>Ataa on^ proper theatre m tbe c\iy). Now in cottrse I «t rivctloo. Win be leadj for tbe opening; ] DECEMBER 1, 1880. Aadltonnin on BTOond-floor. Seatinff capacity. 1,200 V^ixe stf^.u 01 KoeDcry. t»i*K«- SikVk. Size vi tIatH. ElexMit reilnoff antT drcMlLc-rDoma. All the aMdetn nnprorements In llgbtlsff, beatlog: andventiu- Civtt. SL<kboIden the principal ama^^mcnt-^'Dera ol tbe Wty.aDdail pavioff natrtma. WILL SHARE OR RENT. Vi rtvciuBaDdUatMadtlKeM J. B- fiPACtCllAN. am* Part Thgatre, Biooidya. or N. Y. Agencies. 7o Circus mieii. «aa REWARD wUl be paU tar neh Inlormatlon as win «aartct inv ptitlea making, selling or oslnff EIDD'S ArATEKTCnums LIOHTSOiegally. OEOBGE TAYLOR, Sole Agent and Mannftctiuer CIRCnS-UGHTS, ortoeated uce d. are the cheapest and most durable. !<o\9 .Agent. GEO. TAYLOR, M Gold street. New York. It-Ut* •Cluunplin's Liquid Pearl Eai -Co by A' " theDISTIN Singers, and Ladies ot Fashion . UB appearance so much admired w everyone. By its use the toughest skin is msde to rival <M pai«, radiant teituie of youthhil beanty. Dse the .tJQCnrD PBARL aooordme to directions, and yon need no nsnasi comiilalnofa ireckled. tanned or rustic oomplex- also. Bold by aU dniggins. Price. 90 cents a boiUe. Be- o< Imltatlona. CEAMPU.y a CO., £-IKeov Pnprieiois^BnAlo, N^T-_ MUSIC FOR THE MILLION. Songs for oie stage with orchestral aspeelalty. Fubllsherof"The JoumaL'_a monthly paper. parts Band Send ' Sor complete ouaJocne (over 100 E.flas parts). . PEPPER, Pnbllsher, 9th_and Fiibettsta., Pblia., Pa. lie eopleii ot songs sent itte. lu-eow-a -TO CmtCUS AJTD SrOBSSHO-W MANAOBBS. JAMES MARTIN & SON, 'VaDaMsturera ot circus and Show Csnvaaea, Bimtins, VlaA esfi. 114 Commercial racet, Boston. PRICE-LIST SENT FREE. l«-ISt» CALCIUM UOHTS 3(aaBlkeinRd br the INDEPFNDENT CALCIUlf LIOHT <0l. a» E. Ninth street. New York. PECK i mm, Mannffli'tiirpfi GURMTHOPiRA-HOUSi ONLT OPERA-HODSE IN THE CITT. Elegantly frescued. LlffbteO wltb Floe aiace and elecanc K«ner>-. PreMiDS-roAraa vitb all the moOern im- provements. Actual apacltyflOD: scaDdlDg*room for l.uuu. UrevoTllle la on the Atlanta aod Charlotte Air Line, and at the tenniiiuB ot the GreeDTlUe and Columbia R.R., the mala southern route. Firat-cISM oomDlnatloDS onlv. f<\- dress BELTON GILRfcATU. Maoafer. 22'l2t* MAB£N'S OPERA-HOUSE, II-.IOIS-, TS. -X. Fine auditorium, including golieriea; ample dreailng. rooms; stage, Sft. by eoll.: scenery complete; lighted with gmn; caiiuuy. 1,000. Tbts U a mantilacturlng town ou the K. T. C. t H. R. B. Popuistion, 4.000. Street-cars connect vlih Frankfort, Mohawk and Herkimer. Rem. ington work. In l^ll^eration. Pay cash. No scrip Issued. Fur terron spply to W. 9. MABEK, Manager. 24Jt« GUITAR sss -s "."I I>On.<U)S"R N.w. Cultju. SITS pagva. New music not lb any other book. Send stamp for price-list of l.tUO Guitar pieces, Inatrament^ strings; sisoelegant Banlos and eight different books lor tbe same. GEO. C. D OBSON, 1, 1 39 tvaahiogton mree t, Boeion. 21-U THE~HARRISONS, PHOTOS LV BY B. £. WOOLF, aoder the maoagemeDt of , nooley's. Chlcaffo, Aog. S3, one week; Grand Opera-, CinclDDatl, 30, ona week; Olj-mpic, Louis.Sept. 6. one week. 15 l2t« I24-126M-SL/ ITEWTORE. W. C. MITCHELt'S THEATRE COMIQUE, I^OTJlftS, MO. before. MSe1ipBoxeB.'i'c.'"ru»y"rio^ ofaU^ioodsin oSnewO pages, TOO Uiua-| tratlona, sent br dibU for 10 ceota. 23 ti CIRCUS PERFORMERS FOR AUSTRALIA. EAnestxlenDee, Enueiitrlans. Sf ale and Female OrmnastB, Acrobats, Leapere, Clowni and artlsu wlih novel perf<mn - ances. WUl sail on PacUc Hall Compaaj's steamer city ot Sidney, trom San Francbco. Saturday. Ocu 23, ISSO, op>n- Ins about Nnr. 23. Betumlog, leave Autralla Apnl 25. ibSl, arrlviDc at Sao Franclaeo and opeolne June 1 Tor recilar American tour. I wUI aasivepeople for both Auvtrallan and Amerlcao (ISSL) season, or Tor Au.«trsllaa 6ea50D aHne. I ta^e and return people to and from San Fraodsco with flrst-clasa psssase. Salary will commence with the opfilon performance and cea^e with the closing or the AaAtr^lian seatoo (aboat fire monthv. No deduction tor Imu of ttmc (Ir any) aft«r opening. I. of coarae. bear kll expenses (name a* tboush la America) from the time of leaving San Fran- cisco uotll the return. The fare beiweeo Om&ha and San Francisco la, flrst-clas^yiCP; second-class (uma crain).B7A: time, 4>i days. I allow $75 tor railroad fare for each person to Join company. As the tBe Is Jlmited, parties wll. to hQxten mattem, vute In tlrst communlcalions very lowest terms. I wlU answer by telegram. Silence a necatlvc be- tween both parties. Address as per rou;e. _ W. "W. OOLE, Proprietor Oolo^a Olrcua And >Ionae«ru>. MaiTKville. Cal.eSept. 1. OrovlUeZ, Ghlco 3. Ben Blulf 4. Sulsuo6. Napa 7, ValleloS. Woodland 9, Stcrnmonto II. H. off the R. R. 13, U. Loa Anceles 15, BakersQeld 16. ViRaUa 17. Fresno IS, Mereed 3), UodeKto 21, Stockton 22, Uver- more 23, Ollroy 24. UoUlster 25. Also wanted. Living Unman Cnrlosltles lor tbe Sldcihbow A ©Td W. H. SMITH Sole Manaeer THIS FAVORITE RESORT haa undergone E.XTEaS'SIVE IMPROVEMENTS diirinc the Summer, and will open lor tbe acAM>n of ISSC and 'SI September 12. witli an ENTIRE CHANGE IS E\*ERY DEPARTMENT. NO WLVEROOM. NO WINEBOXES. NO RESTAURANT ATT.^CIIED TO THIS THEATRE. Everytblng will be conducted In a flrdt-dass manner, and will be open every night and mHtlneee FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. N. B.—First-class combinations, Mosational dramatic Btar.-« and specialty artlsta of repniatlon (male and female) wiftblnE time, address as above. Conslder.alleDce a polite nesailve. 25-li-tt Ttio Sonutltul and. 'Xalcnted. Yo xmg EnsUsb A.ctx-osfi« 3Xi®s .^^^^gnes Leoixard? supported br a ixiwerftii company, composed of tbe following prominent and popular artists: MR. FRANR tTESTON, MR. CHAS. J. FYFFE. MR. O. T. ULMER. MR. EDWIN TARREY, MR- RALPH DELMORB, MR. C. T. MCH0L8, MR. OLIYER WHEN, In tbo original Rom.ocle Drama In four mew entitled MRS. J. W. BRUTONE. MISa LIZZIE MAT ULMBB, MR. W. n. HAMILTON. MR. E. C COYLE, snd MR. J, TUTTLE, WOMAN'S FAITH, OR OREGONIAN UFE IN BY WAI«TBR E. FITZHENBT. EW). N. B.—Mr. FranK M. CbapmaD. formerly bn»lDca»-nianBgcr tor Mr. Aujnutin Daly*a Fifth-avenue Company, Mi«a Fan- ny Davenport and MlSA Mary Anderson, and at present manager for HIas Agnes Leonard, assures tnanscem snd the public througnont th# United States that no labor nor expense wiu be sparea to make MISS AGNES LEONARD AND COMPANY one of the beat and mosimccessluiorganizationaoi tbe Beaann. MootattracttyeLltbocraphs ana Print log, entirely new and onglnaJ, nf latest deslgiu. PRANK M CHAPMAN. Sole Manager and Kroprletor. E. W. WOOLOOTT, Buslness mBnaser. 16-13f Address DBAMAflO AGENTS. New York City. VlSiil HMl OFEU-m YOSTKERS. Ki- Y. Population of city, saouo. Seating opadtr oi Hall, (O). Dimensions of stage, ISXZZ feet. Soenery, 14 pieces, nail heated by steam and lighted by electricity. VenUlatlon pertcct. For particulars address AGENT, autt Waabbutn Building, Tonkera, N. Y. RAND'S OPERA-HOUSE TROY. IV. Y., Man. for Rent or on Shares to Firet-class Combinations, ageit will please spply for daui lo 6. RANB, last* Proprietor, Lockbox 11, Troy. N. T. . SESiI> STAMI» FOR jpalCE-UST OF BOGAN'8. pbo- I PESSIONAL BaNJ(}3, and other ___ _ _ InstitinicnlA Best stringa, lltia Bonn's Simplified Banto Manual win enable any eMfsoB to play at a'ghi. Conrslns U tanea. Frtee, SL Dudnic Wflboat a Muter, comnrlsing Jig. doc, .-Irish J1jE,Sooir-aod.duea. Fnea,wcia. Banjo and stsae osnrtng -rfaa^fat. J. BOaAN, UDEattUoufltonM,. NawTock. [It* BANJO! «ach. Bowan's Simpl I FLATBiU. I MANUFAC- TDBBR OP BANJOS AND TAMBOURINES. AC.ZEIMES. IMPORTER OF . .MUSICAL INSTRITMBNTf^ STBQlaS. ETC., No. 9 6. Halsted street, Chicago, DL (Masonic BolMlng.) • ALL RINDS OF IX3TROMENTS BBPAIBBD. COIi:WET-T»ILiA.Y- EBS. send for illustrated cireu. lar ot nnveldea. Addraa BENJ. R. DAIiB, S» South Piltfa atnet, ».le». . Brooklyn. NT T. BAM lO BICKSrPS HAIU08 OAK DAIVelVa badotthemaBwladurac. ^OSNathlUth " ' ONI.T BB A.PPUCATIOKS HAVING BEEN RECEIVED FROM PERSONS DE.'^TRING TO FILL TBE VACANCY CAVSED BY THE DEMISE OP MISS LEONORE ST. FELIX, To prevent aoy disagreeable correspondence on tbe subject, ber mother aad alBteni, wish Co annoonee to all whom it may ooncvm tbat the remaining three sisters now wiui TONY PASTOR'S TBil.Tli)L.IIVe COMPANY wlU continue their professions! duties aa a TRIO, and Lave had new acts, songs, sketches, etc, written especially for them, and rmoest mansgern desiring to giva them time to address tbem in care of TONY PASTOR'S TnCATRB, BROADWAY, KEW TORIv- At bberty (Tom tbe first dfNovemlwr- |2S.|t*| alAX>A30!: ST. FELIA- THE ECCEKTKIC DELINEATORS OF ETHIOPIAN IDIUSTSCBASIES NAT I N li S BliOSSOnS After a ■■GAY LIFE" wltb THE GREAT LONDON SHOW, lor the past Sommer season, ABE NOW READ\ TO NEGOTIATE WITH XANAOEB8 OF TUEATBES OR COMBIKATIO.VS: Address „ - ae-lc* BUS 12 AJ>U RXjOSSOM, care of CLIPPER office. TIE mm um nm lu ued m tHTiiM. Ajo. Organ I hh tlon of Elxtawzne A-rtii-do ZlxeeUence. SIR. TflOS. C. SCOTTRON. Bort- 'Cone. Hnmorui »r:d Cnaracter Deimeaior. 3ICK. C.C JUCoKAK^TBY. Pliu^cit. OrsanlstSt. John's'Cbnreli. Washlnmon. V. C, snil MllTjOWJErPBl R. BRXZS\I>Xe^ Vlo- llja 'VtX'tuoMO. **Tlie Cutian Wonder.** late 01 ^Uaverly's OeorKia Minstrels. F. T. SrmrEIRKR..^;..- Mnslcsl-director •XTna REDP.A-'X'a. X^YCE^VTAI I3rjltEA.TJ, l>roj>r'lotors. Manaaos asd nthets desiring dates and terms shonld apply immediately to )L T. BEIFF, bosinesi-sgent, care ol RBDPATH LYCEDN BUREAU. X Broofield street, Boston. We wish to bear Dom ETiUOTLY FIBST-CLASS colored talent, vocal or instnanentaL 3-n aXISS EJETTifA- MJX.tL.Elt, Soi> jjesdlni Boprano St. Ancnsiuie's canich Cboir, Wuh- lOKton. D. C. MUSS AJLJCE J. JVttTNK:, Contralto, late ot SpiaKne's Undenraona K. K. Cu 3XR. WAI «F«ACJ3 Tenor, Che Ceieliraud Tenor oiT the Byen Sisters' Co. JI. T. BKIFF ^. Bnslneai-sgent GRACE GHIAJ>T» STJCOE^SS OF TBLE ClUPPELL SISTERS JEANE TKEUR AJEtTXSTXC Cl^CX* AO^TD M. ALLTN, iS West rw Muiaaerawialilng to ennge these artlsu will pleaae addraa CBAPPKLL SI3IEBS,caro B Fonrtoenth street. New York. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN.—The CBAPFELL SI8TBBS have played at my theatn, and never at any per foimasee tallad to make a decided BIT, BECBIVINO POUB ENOORB C s um etklng nnosnsl In any tbestre fur thi' style of perfovmanea. They are worthy ladiea, and their wardrobe is fine. Itgrns me greatplmsuntorecommend them aa artists tn every seowi oi the word. DICK FABKEB, Pxtiprtetor and uaager. American Theatre, w an.' 4tfThirdaT<Dn«hMewTodtCltr. , . 't...' aSli* FAI>L, AMD friNTBB OPENINCi. ARNHEIM THE TAII.OB, 190 and 192 BOWERf, corner Spring street. No Commectlon wltli any other Store on tbe Bowery, 299i BRO ADW AY, betw'n Beade and Dnane sts., NEW TORK. 157 SOUTH CLARK STREET, CHICAGO, TT.T. ELEBANT, SHUSH SUITS, Hade to Older, $IB. RNE IHPORe CASHMERE PANTS, Hade to Oids. $5. ARTISTIC CUTTING. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS WKL BE MADE TO PROFESSIONALS. SAJSPJLESy FASUIOIV-PI^TE: ARD RULiES fob. MBASVRESIEnT Son^ on aj>x>llcatlon« IS-Ut* ECCtNTBIC COaiEDIANS XSD SPECIALTT ABTISTS, MI» » GJ^ E <3 It ^ ^ T^M^, BAI.IsAI>IST ANI> JnVENH.E-I.AD'S', alter an absence of SIX MONTHS on the PACIFIC COAST, will arrive in DENVER, COL., on or about SETT. g. .MANAOEKS wishing to arrange timewlih this HKILLIaNT and ATTRACTIVE TRIO, for either the roaaorsuuon- ary theatres. wlU please address BOYD AND WADE. American House, Denver, CoL SB-It GBEAT DBaHATIC success fob FIBST-CL-4SS NOY£LTE THEATBES U^XT. FR£D'K ROSELLiE: ass Bick JLyncon, AD£L.AID£ ROS]i:ijLE as Blanche IHayne LiITTIiE JOSIE BRITTAI]V as Edith TaU, TN IIARLEY MERRY'S SUrrCESSFUL AMERICAN DRAMA TSE AMOOXJ^XJ'FS OF" •40. .MAii.NIKICENT SCENERY- Sl'LE.VOID PRINTINO. ArrangcmenU lor thi. SterlingDnmu can he by addiess- :ne J. ALEXANDER BROWN, M E. Fourteenth street. New York, or BARLEY MERRY, Flaibush, L. I. 26 lf OA-KKS BROS.' COIVCGBT CO. 135 U 135 WEEKS, OR ^45 NIGHTS, \Jrs^ COJTSTAJXT AJST> TJI«rWA.VURXNG SUCCESS*EW. All correspondence please address OAKES BBOS.. Decatnr, IIL, Lockbox 177. 135 a BUKT OAKEi JOHN U. OXKE 03? MANAGERS@A8ENTS COMBINATIONS I»EX> OR BLUE CLOGW, S3; l^lnchSong-and-dance ahoes,S3; ' Dutch Ologs, tLSO: Fright Wigs, V; Bunt Cork, per box, <Uc.; Fslse Mous- ..taches, 3Jc.: Rosewood Bones, aic: Tambo, >2; Banio, S3; Triangle, tl: Amerlam Zither, SI.SO; Flre-esting Prepsratlon, per box, aic.; Negro Wlr" •1.2}each: Plays, 20e. Negro Daocinir 3/ade Easy, 2Sc Minstrel's GiUde, JSC End men Wigs, S2 each. Send stamp for Prices ol Minstrel and Magic Goods, Muncal Instru- ments, etc. Bern It by P-O. order or reffleterud letter to ■"""^ ED. JAMES, CTipper^ulIdlng, 88 and 91 Centre ^^^e«^ New York. Sampson's Opera-house, RONDOUT, N. Y., for rent or oo shares to flrst.class Comblnationa. Man- agers will pleaso apply lor dates to PHIL. SAMPSON, Um.- PBOPHIETOR. will find It to their interest to call on or addreas J. B. M0I7NTAIN, City Paswnger Agent CBICAGO. BOCK ISLAND AND PACIFIC R. R., No. M South Clark street, Chicago, tor reduced rates to San Francisco, Denver, Cher* enne, Omaha. Council BlaflS, Atchison. Leavenworth. Kansas City, Des Molnee, Rock Island, Peoria, or any point WesL THE ROCK ISLAND ROUTE has mote good show towns 00 its line than any of iu competitors. PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPING CARS are attached to all Express Trains, and run through between Cbleago and Peoria, Dea Moines, Coundi Bioos, Eanssa City, Leaven- worth and Atchiun. THROUGH CARS also ran between Milwaukee and Kansas City without change via the ■■Mil. waukeeand Rock Island Short Line.*' we also ran tbe finest dining and restaurant cars used on a railroail, and serve meals trom hiU-of-tareatseventr-flvecenta each- No other route can give as good rates and acoommodationa Samuel a_ Ba-vr, JOH.t SxaumaM, Pkbkt Gums, Peon. Pass. Agent, City Pass. Agent, So. East Pass. Agt., 116 Market St., SOS Main St., UO North BighsL, PhUadelphIa, Pa Kansas City, Mo. Columbus, O. Clinton Jones. E. F. Ricbardsox, W. H. jBN:tBr, Geo'l Trar. Agent, Gen. Eastern Pass. New England Fasa. 2N'wM'tgom*rYBt., Agent, Agent, San Francisco.Cal. JSTBroadway, ZMWasblngtonit, 6. S. Stbvkns, New Yorlc Boei«jn. GeiL Agent, E. BT. JOHN, Council Bluffs, In. QeiLTkLandPaaa. AgL, Ctilea(a l-»7t WILiIjIAJIIS' OPERA - Hons ATTICA, N. Y. Fine Stage and Dres.^ing.rooms. heated by steam and llgllted by gsa. Scenes un fiau. snd all modero slaee Im. provements. For rent or on shsres te FIrst-elass combi' nations. MANAGERS wlU plesse apply for datea to 19-ut* C P- WILLIAMS, Proprietor. . £:atat>Iltilio<l 1848. TOCH BROS., 33 BOWERY,NEW YORIC CITT, OFFER TO MANAGERS AND Sl^.SK^ARTISTS, their well-seleeted STOCK OF COLOBB, BRDsdES. GLUES, Etc which caimot he surpassed in quality, at PncA-llrts on aopllcatton. n&-\ lowest market prlcea. Goods spot O. rl. D. f OR STREET A:97X> THEATRICAL WIUS, AND LADIES' HAIR GOODS, g o to SHINDHELM'S, S> ORAKD STREBT, NEW fOBK, Tho Manufkoturer. BEND FOR PBICB-LIBT. I».Ut« 'JCO RKNT, INDVSTBIAIi HALiI^ THE LARGEST AMUSEMENT HALL IS PnlLADBL. PHIA, CO Brwul street, near tbe PobUc Boilduiaa, and In theeen. trtotuS city. This hail la •tiluble for any kind ol exbl. hitlons, and wUI be rented on a aercentace or any way to SOIL I2«-M1 R. J- DOBBINS. Ledger Building. Fhlia. Empire ALLEGAN, Hall, MICH. For terms and dsles address C. H. ADAMS. It will alTord me pleasure to use my best < tfons in securing good hooMS lor t>srties hooking this town- ZMi» Glens Falls Opera-house. Best Show-town In Northern New Hotk. THE ONLY HOUSE hsving the public confldenoe. Gsa sod Aili Mc of Stock Scenery on dsiA On groupd-fiooT and SRAT3 l.JDU. On direct root* to Canada. Bpedal Ballnatf- rate. given to Combinjjion^.^ ^ ^^^^^^ Proprietor.. For dales tn siiare or rentaddress I»RiaSTO:<r ^O-WERS, Manj-erj Sorthen New TorW Clf^ult. at Tror. N. Y. g-Tat. mm MMTIC EIHIL TBANSAtiTINa AMUSEMENT BUSLSESS ol all kinds. IT-ISt* 197 w.„i./in atieeu Chicago, III. SAM K. HODGDON OASES BBOS.* CONCEBT CO. »u* OF TISITINO THE WEST THE GREAT BVBNT OF 1880 WILL ARRIVE FROM -WHEN, IN THE COURSE OF HUMAN EVENTS," Tlieatncal, Opera and other compaoiea of arusta txaTot proftMloDKlly. money flrat, convenience and comiortoext, are the oblects sought. To make money It ts Decetaory to n^it the larKest and best business ceotrea and pleasure rcfloru; to have the others traTel by th« beet balltand anipped road which ttaTersea the beat country, and unites ; such placei as are worth anything in this una. The Chicago, Mlwaukee and St. Paul FILLS THE ABOVE BILL IN EVERY PXRITCULAB, TRAVERSI NG TU B WHOLE HEABT OF TBE GREAT NORTHWEST BY ITS VARIOUS LINES. The only Northwestern line itmning its own sleeping-cars, which are the eouala of the beat. Its parior.cara between Chicago and Mllwankee ate the best in the world, and Ita whole equipment of the tMst quality and track perfect. Ratea as liberal ss any other Northwestern line- ~ all theae advantages ~ Clark street, Ctili orkfj- 7. BL C. 'snkee, WiA Madison ilreeta. In thebi Toaecnre apply to TIM B. CHANDLER. S9 aL;I. A. BMTTB, aS>Broadway, ..... .v,». «. ». uM.^N, sue Wasbington street. Boston; orA. V. SL CARPENTER. Genetal Pssaeugrr Agent^MU wankee, WiA Chieagti^De^o^ ooraer Canal and_W4 f tbe city. i-ac SYDNEY, NsSsWs, AUSTRALIA, IN San Fr«ancisco, California, 6er Pacific Mali Steamship Company's Steamer City ol ydney, ou ur about Oct- 7, lau, and wlU appear In the leading cities of the United Stales and ^".■<. McLEAN'S GRA.?.-r> AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH-COfflEDT AND COMIC - OFEHA (FROM TBE LEADING TIIEATCES OF AUSTRALIA). The Host Wonderful Organlzayon of the Kind on Earth. Managers of Flrst.eiaas Theatres (only) address J.OHN E. FULTON. Manaaer and Sole Prqpiietor, otre Palac« Hotel, Ban Fnadseo, CaJ. CFOB ONE TSAB), (33.4t i KO. 1 ADVANCE BUSINESS-MANAGER. Iffew Steele Gilts FOB BURLESQUE AND OPERA. The largest aiioitment at Tbn«.sIieaC CnU Ibr Comic ' - - United Stalea, lodnding "Sea I "Fatlnlixa," "Llttla Duke," himesof Normaniy," ■■Oirafle- Oirolv" "Madame Angot," "Lt Maijolalne,'>"LaFerl- chole.'* etc For Oeoieel and Sensatlooal Bnrlssone I bare U Female Flgnres andl Male Figures, each Ssneela; atsoaS-shcct and a tt-sUeet group uf Female Heads. Nearly all tbe above cats are new, having been made late last aeason, and were osed but little. Alao a number of Stock Litho. graphs for Opera and Bnrleaqne, Black and Colored. DO.<.'>TSEXD FOR SAMPLES. WUl fiU a small order C. O. D. or tend Prieo-iiit. Addreu J. E. JACKBON, 2I-tf care of A. 8. SEER,» Unlon-eqoare, New Tork- Showmen I BAVE MORE PICTORIAL STOCK-CUTS than aU other Bnnters In the Doited SUtes ur in the world FOR iRAMAS. MINSTRELa VARIETIES, MAGIC. (TIBCUREfl MENAGERIES, Etc, AT PRICES MUCH LESS TH.\N CSUAI^ ^a^'i'ii.".' Printing- When orders will wsrrant, NEW CUTS FREE OF CUABOE. Send stamp for catalogue and pnce-llsi. T. R. DAWLET, Manager, Cteat Amnion EoEravlng ud rrljillnc Co,," H-Mt Noa. 62 and gt Cold areet. New York. LAMOS &i CO., 2 7 WA BHUtCTON STBERT, Cure A. GO, X x> x^, HEADQL'ABTEBS FOE JEWELRY, Etc .Nev patterns Jnat ont. Bend Tor our new Coufldenilal Circo- inr, cuntalnloff ererTthlnic new in tbe ma>i£et. Be me and ■nendoD Confldentlal Ciicnlar to Btreetmen and (vt boCtoai< pncea. IfrUf BAND UNIFORMS Gilt Trimmed.Black or Blna'Indlgo Ooili. Oaat.e^lar ■ jnig and sleeve gflt-Iaee with Iyreanaj|IU' Panu, bothlmgiis-hnldad: ~ AS Air Nlne^lnlian._ Cam ZMieuw^'dTH. TOWNBEITD, MVeicy sL, Hew T«k. "WATTTED FOB TBE Eagle Palace Theatre, SnAEBSPEABE STREET, MEAB BBOADWAT. FBEDEBICE LOEBB Sole Proprijtor ALF. MILES Btage.manafer V-A.ierE5TY TAXsENT IN ALL BRANCHES OF TBE BUSINESS. None bo> fir st - rl ..a people need apply. Writ* at ona Addrev PREDBRICE LOBIIB. „^ X>-Ut*- Eagle Psiaee Theatre. Baltlmorm Md. Opera ChaiTS Perforated. opHoHter^ or Plaia: newest ttjies: «Hh Foot R«*t Tilling Back and Hat Best Send for Cat>- lofue. Hada enir by H.Andrews A Co., and U7 Wabah ATcaua. CHICAOO. * U Beod SL, Hew Tork. 19 Brnd n.. New Vorlt. BAKER, PRAn& CO. elS Arch.t, PUla-w- BISMARK OPERA-HOUSE BISSCJkJRK. r». T. SAM WHirHB l _..Sol«Pipptl« OSCAR WILLIS .-.■ ■v Ji*?? OPE!< AU. TBB YEAR BOUND. THB MODEL Til aTBE of THB FAR WEST. Wanted at aU times, fin olaas Specialty Artists. Good Seno-eomis and Songan '■^iles wante d Immediately. Apppiy aa ahore-iT-Li Dobeon'a New Patent Opea-ba^ ^ - o; also New Book by Mml- lod, d For dicnlaia addis BBiiBT C. DOBaON.lJWHloadway. New Tort. a>«f BANJO S VAN F LEET . JOB PRznrx&Ry TTersr York OUi>i>ar> B nlliling . M