New York Clipper (Jan 1881)

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35Q OLI Januabt 22 ■fededootunfeclu t. Meant, perUna, thai __ tobem ooJr. AdVutlemicpta under the bod of ttewnrsperrlnw; mmtWirawimiid Sport- .atUHM"*—Y . JPBT of 9) par eat. odd the** taxes Bar a d i enlam entr when vmid far three ■ medTanesby UMUlmlte AdnrUslnr agents mond ittatur otrMdednctloB fmwarthan iSSanMi/CitiUl displayed type toed in nfi to be paid Tor .^-KrfS^pWL.^rpSS'BJi bat* jaaaakw iiwillij. AarrVuacioents Intended for theoat. ■is. -M■ »w»gj—rii m not later thangoonon Betnr- Saaftni ehsald rent* unrtroo Mooter to hSTlB lllMlllIB III Hilt ■! f" ^PS nsrrtsaatw rtuiaorT TT TT . lWH i P H wooldadrwoar petraisto ntKc their Letters or pro- - -""5-" - stake ell orders payable to — bona 1_1_L_ PSAXK QUEEf, Edito r ami rroprjexoTt THE NEW YORK ram mm IS NOW READY and can be had of all Newsdealers and Agents. Price. 15 Cents. It ayi—tu In the same "handsome colored litiKgraaltfd eororas before. In the Theatrical and'Bnoitlng Chronologies wQl be found a oon- denetdiat complete hlstoiy of events during the past year; the fastest-time record (now gen- erally accepted, as the standard authority for the deatolbn of disputed polnte) has been prepared wtthjoor nanal care: and the other oontents of the book are" made up of new and Interesting matter, ■ TABliE OF OOHTJEWTe. lusarminoiTB. Page Fronttsplece—A Tlalon. 1 ■ FwlllwUie Birds., 80 Mr Yankee Queen 14 AarBomaiaAij—EcUpses, Eras and Cycles, Movable Feasts, etc, etc 2 AdverUaernenta 61 to 73 A. Vision—Poem 1 AJaATBTTa ATHumcs—American Amateur. . Champion Athletes 24 English Amateur Champion Athletes. 24 ■ Winners of American Intercollegiate Ath- letic Sports. 25 <t«ii«ih»w Amateur Champion Athletes 26 Oxford vs. Cambridge Sports. 26 AariTwrnt DBTXNrnonB 29 Aquatic Pmbfobxamces —International. Match Baces 16 American Sculling championship 16 FmgHshB«BlllDg.Ctminplonfinlp 16 fliwinn^ In Australia..•*.......-.•«..-16 Centennial International Regatta 17 Harvard and Tale Universities it Boston City Begatra it -iratlOTiarAinatetn"A9soclaaon is Harlem Benntta Association is SohnylklU Navy Regatta.- 18 NorthwesternB? A. Regatta..... 19 Metropolitan An. R. Association..... M ~ " .K. Association 90 ■ «lal«Hml Vnllgj A. R. Association 90 Empire City Regatta 20 Lake George .Regatta 20 - Oxford ana Cambridge Universities 20 AnglQ^Anierlcan Regattas 91 Averages or Human Lire 99 Biw tf.T ■L.ThdTr Z m'^iw . ....... . ,. . 40 IndlvlSaal Batting ana Fielding pierages.. 40 jUitexoxthr Canleata . 41. jSmartS Sfe H tcahi4;¥erltarmap*ae3. '. .«2 ^Bialdrnjf Fitwts -. -- - - — .42 Casualties , 42 OMtnary..' 42 CALKfDABS.: 3 to 14 Carrying Trade of the United States 68 Change'ef Style 59 Champa gne.. 59 Colli u CUuillation.:.'r.v . ...... 22 Coinage. 22 Consumption or Food......... 38 Cost of toe War 27 Slstaneestn New Tars: City..'.. . ......'... 34 Experta'and Imports ol the United States 69 Pasnsr Bicurded Tuck, ktc— TBe Turi.-.. 48 -Bowing 1 : 47 Pedestrlanlam...' 47 to 52" Oo-as-yon-jplease S2. Bicycling 63 jumping 64 BIrelEnglnes, Hose Companies, etc M Swimming _ ss Railroading........... : ; 66 Rtne-BhoAringJ:...; se Heavy-weight Performances 56 Pigeon and Olass-ball SbooOng 56 Ocean Steamships 57 Prtse-rlng 47 Skatisg..... L„ «t Biver steamers .. as Sluing Yews... U Bflnart-playlng... 88 TftBkflD^*• • •>a• ••••••>■■••>••••■•■■■••■■•_.... A9 □tia -saoeRacing u - a 60 3» 34 j**•St**'.** Si' ■Ajtiexlciir va. • > Feeding the Birds—Poem Foreign Consols In New York.. Frost In Havana. Heavy jBtones.-.-. Hero ni Bagabont Alley;—Poem Imrplgrante.,.;......,..!........ iKTXBNaTIOKar. BlFLK 'MjOTl Ireland.^ ™ Oeruennlal Trophy.. _ _ Anierlca vs.'GreatBrttalri....". Y. ~. ...... 27 Interaal Revenue 34 Life-saving Service .' 23 Kan Time to Prominent Cities 22 Musical Events jg- My Yankee Queen—Poem ■. lfi NattonaJ Banks » . jt Notable Performances not Records.. .- i-.-JS -Origin at the Dollar-mark 2S PlerB.-2^i....r!T>;-, -^j....j....."r.-/.:s»- PnbUc Debt of the United States 22 Rata or Postage 21 Reoelpta and Expenditures of the United States Government 22 Resumption of Specie Payments 69 Six-day Competitions _ 43 Spoettmq Okbonoxoot. 28 to 34 Statistics of ReMglons....27 Statlatlcs of Population 61 Thxatbjoal Chbosoloot 35 to 38 The Eargest Ferry boat...... 61 Tobaeoo.w. 69 Turf Directory. ..: : 44 and 46 United States Patent Fees 38 Newsdeolera will -please order tbetr" Kopplles of fbelr' wlible* sale agents. ... <fOpte* inalled. from tJils offloe on receipt of price, ID cents. fsajstk: QXJEBisr, FTJBLISHEB AND FBOPBJJBTOB, 88 and 90 Centre street, New York. 1 P. O. Box 3,860. AMUSEMENTS. ACABBMY OF MUSIC, SANDUSKY, O. FRiNK B. HENRY • Sole Proprietor FBANK MARION - - Manager Houses Crowded Nightly. WANTED, AiUm In mrr brueh oftli« profualoo—«*1- arin ¥ntrr BB LOW. as WE PAY ThBMI LADrRi ALWAYS WAFTTBD Wrlla ud l*t a date Addw. ah lal«-»to FBAJig MABIOir.sma'iOTO. 44 It* MR. LEW EDWARDS, l\egro Comedian AND BONO-AND-DANCB MAN, ALSO RNDNAN, AND MISS LIZZTE EDWARDS in ber WaBdafal Blukwira and Janlia7 Performance*. • ARB OEBN FOR AN BKOAOKMBNT with aar tnTAUDC anbbilm Ihr UBL Dlmt all leuata to It* LEWiB BD WA BPg. Out*. BprtngA CunbnaO.. Fa. . stewabtS celb. I BBATBD BANJOS. BUOKS, MUSIC, BONOS, eta. BAmplsihetuofniiuie, totals banjo anniT*^* and pam phlet. aU seat lor tan ceDta. AdAraaS. - • B. B; BTBWART.' .. , : Ha.4Saorth BUhtb street. 4d4tP- ; • ■ ■* ■ ' riilladelpma.-Ji NEW OPERA-HOUSE, MSainlAN. MTBS, ;Trjoroa«Wy renanted. SeanmTca- paatr.TOO. Stixn.30x<0fL Berea larca dreailDS-rooma. Katta new ■toexot aeenery. Lit by taa and well beated. Bow open lot er i gammm ia tot balaoce of . ih l ; ra i um and ■null ill UalaDd^tB.. WUlnBtjw ahare wJUir)r»*-«l»a' aaractlona. For rortbefpartlcalara please addreaa MA RTnf , T.TT.HTgNffTEXN A'CO., aand-Manaaeea. .118 OPm- IULL, OaNAJOHaBIB. n. y. 4S9rK°Iest; -Opod Sceoerj; Seats 700. A. NELLJS * CO., Proprietora. ' ' ' : ! :. '.i'. ■,.:?■'»»*» TOMKINS OPERA - HOUSE, ■fftl.T.tnut, TEUtlN.. Jan aat of Meoerr and apm ehalra. OapaaUr. TOO. AA- rlmaiw B Tirni"** PropneioT. ... 41-Mf -PSIlMASlST-AWlBEKK,- , 3 ADBOBAXB. LBAFBRB AND TUKBLBBS. ^4»«» • — . Madham. Wla.. P. O. Box 1.6W. TBE DOUBLE-HEADED MB. UFPNSB. saw penBanentlr located In PI00ASIL1Y H1T.T,, London, with tJUnert American Mldavta, bai ■cored tbaaoUd^aocotiaieltb thaaoUdeet peopla m ebe aolldeBcUr toc taa aolldaat mooerla cbawtwld. PvAnm- S«d ta Iba Chiwa. Urn Prince aod rMncae ol wiiiia. the Dake and DooJieaa at Ediaborrh, iho Daka aad rjaebata ol OoDSanatiU and an tba Biiral lamUr. Called by ar«cml aomanand to Wlndaor Caatla and to the Piuoa of Walea> town. realdesee Mariboraati low. Carrlaaea ot tb* iMfcUitr line tin wayfrum the Bojal Aeademrto PlceadUlr HaU. Hnndradi onable to Din admlnton 10 tee the LITTLE AMBBICANB, tbeimallaat people on earth. Mr. Uffoer, h*T- rar achlered toll fnmraordlnarT London neceaa, an taa earlpairiea or the Old World ban been placed at tale dlapoaal, ana he hu mnxh nleaanr* In ■nnoancmar to hu old nienda and abowman In ceneral that be haa aaenrad the moat ex- SortlnarT frtmao phenomenon the world haa mr ra^tdnond. anllllad THH DOOBLE-HBADhD BOHBM1AN WOSDZS. A child won two head*, one "body, foor lean and tear anna: Are reara of mga. biafalj bttaUlarent. and a •MraaKbaantT enk;Tln«4l»eniottioboMheajth. TtntlsainaT Ti lm ilin Ten hmilnil rH|lnlii|ili illn lain rrt Bimnnll fZt*m m n A n i?r»K '« rattr.lamd Oirl are repnlaH» Inioomparlaon to this beanbail and excraordlnary hnnjan linaiiMlail aniiilai nf llin m franwajnllai'rn ■tranaaniiai nl fnmi anrthtnf «Tar Uifrrni airnnamil the moat extfaordliauyeiamplae/nanafa*a;warwfJdnflst ever known. Mr. Unner ti prepared to llii nn ili i miTiiTrr nf itiniiT Ira the framing; aniann alih iia i iiailMntimrmrn nnlr Wmldnae to hear from P. T. Barnam. W. C. Coop. Jamea Halrh of the London Show, Oeo. a Bannau, Juhn A- Porepangh, BaDa Brachen, 0«an Mlddleton, and the PrivUer* Manacer of Barnnm'a Great Show. N. a—Propoaala will ha re- earrad brran rasponxIM* partlea aolr. F. 8.—Oatalden can eare ibelr name* and atarjonery. - —'. Jtt. Vir ' lrH lailt, PBOPalBTOB OF AMBBlCaN MIPOgTB, PIccadlUT and in ■■■ulna th< neaoilafr aartEla. t to near trom p. T. 1 is-lt-a Addreaa rHan. Luadaa, W., Xna;. INSTANTANEOUS SUCCESS OF TBB YOUNG AMBBICAN ACTOB MR. E. T. GOODRICH AT THE ADELPHI THEATEE, SAN FBANCISOO, TN BIS THaSB-AOY BOBSBB-DBAXA GRIZZLY ADA IVES, THE GREAT SUCCESS OF WHICH HAS INDUCED THE MANAGEMENT TO PROLONti THE ENttAUEMEKT. Dnxlnfhla engaaement the three-act aeDtillonal comody JUfiT HIS LUCK will be produced. 43-A* TA.YLOB'S CABNIVAX, OF NOVELTIES. TTlVT"itF:CM)T^lNTED 8TJOOES8 EYERYWHSRE OP The World's Greatest IHnslonlst and Prestidlgitatenr, AfiSTBTBD BY THJt ACCOMPISHBD ABTIST (MRS. R. a TAYLOR), APFRABINO IN HBB Champion Egg Dance, Second Sight and Aerial Suspension. AFTER A MOST SUCCESSFUL TOUB THROUGH TUB OBBAT NORTHERN PACIFIC COAST State* and Terrl- torlea playtofr to CBOWDKD HOUSES NTQRTLY, left lor San Pranclaco. Cel.. to repair apparalaaaod.prepare lor another noeeurol earapalan. R. C. TAYLOR. Proprietor and Manager; VDL PELLkTBaAt, Oeneral-ueot. rermanent addreaa, care ot NEW TORE CLIFPBB 44-11 WHALLEN'S BUCKINGHAM CENTRALLY LOCATED, WITH ENTRANCES FROM TWO STREETS. THE LAEGEST AND HANDSOMEST VARIETY THE- ATRE IN THE SOUTHWEST. Plays Nothing But the Finest and the BEST SPECIALTY ARTISTS IN THE BUMNE8S. Good Vavrlety- and Burleaane Combinations, wltn Good Plotiorlal I*rlnt- lnp; Can Seouro 3>at«s. Flrcra-olaava .Specialty People r AreWanted at AllTuncs. 44.1t NOTICE ,TO MANAGERS. • H AVB LBFI MOHTO'W At, HOMER'S BIO- 4 MIJIISTRELS. e-OOOD, BBBPONBIBLR TB ATBUNa PABTT for aeaaoo of l&JL Woold alao like to hear Wjoald Ilka to hear fram from Harry Montague ot Bella Union Thf atre. Ran Frandaco, CaL P. 8. All lattara addreeeed care 01 CLIPPER. 44 It MANAGERS, TAKE NOTICE. miev Acrobats, ES !■ TONS ^B.. TKA2TK. AZ*D JOHN, lut utwii nith P. T. Bintnm , a Show u the LMt&nlm. will b« known bervaiUr aBder theabOTe Dime, toaroic mlsimderitending nniad by cwo putlea wrorktDg ondt-r the oame of Leotard*. w« tu« doing one ol tho nnesl acrobatic acU be for* ids public, auid ar« r»i*^ff to n^trotnte with Ant-cLua maxiairars onlr for the tonUea; -won of IfflL Addreaa ean of CLIPPBB7or R FITZ13KBALD7 Ag^nt. .^^^ 44 ]^ ADELPHI THEATRE, SAN FRANCISCO. C. W. BARRY'S ENGAGEMENT A TRIUMPHANT SUCCESS. Pint week OP ESCAPED FBOU BISO SING $300 nTiTMil of may wrBOk In the buUding. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, CHICAGO. HAIfDSOSLEST THE 4.TRB IW THB "WE 8TER EH CITIES. Dec* 27, first three nights "dead" in every Theatre in city. Thermometer SO deg. below zero. Rtmlpta notwlthattajidiDB; footed ap $(,300. 44-U* KowonUot ftMinBMlid to answer taA amall Un- Knin othatTiaedbj wliiSiriAn from rTilhit^hlaptva any- one wbobnrina a> contiof eiay In'aneh load to™ a* n« haa. and enda by calling uraea, wHL, withoot anjr poah Cram na, be accepted for what ha la worth: A email man at a amaller occupation. H»"'"f namea la not In oar line. We hAT* eomethinV «lae to do. We dealre -way mneh a Banjo eoupatlikm, bat It moat ooTox the whole abound and be lair, with NO PICAYUNE BUSINESS WE CLAIM TO MAKB THE BEST BANJOS IN AMERICA For $tjl«i WoitamnsHp, Fioish ud TIM, and onx Challena^ In No. 40 of THE CL1PPEB la the rock on which we stand. The braying cornea from S. S. Stewart. FAIRBANKS & COLE. MANUFACTURERA AND TEACHERS OF THE IM- PROVED .MODERN BANJO. 121 Court Street, Boston, Bass., lit* . -. . u. a. a. SIXTH MONTH. OVATIONS WELCOME WERNERS' Hffnsical Party a am ^ u lptti ** SHANNON, MILLER & CRANE, No. 46 MAIDEN LANE, New'fort. 0«UaBdBlriwl^aea,Frbajea,8paBajBaj Star*, Taaaela. Brocadea* eta., fete. TtRhtLShlrUt Faadin jjau. Wlga Btioeaaail Jewalrr Thaalrlcal, E^n aatrtai^ JlnizarT ud Cokmer'arjoeda Tb» larxeat aaaortneat and taearleet stock of theae iroodl to be fimad anywhere.-* ■ ■ - ' Send for areolar. Good, avnt C. 0. D. tMtt WILKE8BARRE, PA. J0HH R. LAMB LESSEE Artist, ot ability wanted at all tlmea Halarlea low. bat ton. WnU and get a date. JOHN R. LAN'S. 4Kt Collaeum. WUteabarre. Fa. PAREPA HALL ' BUbtT alxth atreet and Third arenne, NEW TOaUC STAGE, SCEMEEY, ETC bEATINO CAPACITY, 1,000. Addreaa JANTTOE on the premises, nr to 4M3f] OHAS. B. QPACKBNBD8H. g& Chamber, at, N. T. Showmen I RATE MORS PICTORIAL BTOCi-CDTB than all otaar 6nntan In t he United BUtea or In the world FOR RAM AS. M1NSTBEL8, VARIETIES, MAOIC. CIRCTfaBS MKNAGKBIEB, Eta, AT PRICES MUCH LESTTHAN USUAL. All kin da ol Show PrinUnjr. Whan onlera will warrant. HBW CUTS FREE OF CHaROB. Send stamp fcr eauiocoe and pnae-Ust. Qtaat American BasraTuur ai Noa. 43 and 04 Oold street. New Fork. S8» T. B. DAWLBF, Manaier, AmerlcanJEnaTaylmiand Printing Co., SCHMIDT tc FOOTHER, Qroadway, Wew Yorlt, NOW IB THE TIMS TO OBDBR Sbpw Paintings. We haTa Increased faculties for doing more and better work than over. To be sor* of having your patnansa In time, order Immediately. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. TUCKER BROS., 44-lt^ M Weat Houston atxaet. New Fork. A nnmber of attractlTe. good looking FEMALE SERIO- COMIC BINQBRS AND DAN0ER9. Reasonable aalanea paid, bat promptly and regularly. Most be good dresser, and In business. Addreaa, stailnar baslnes. sod lowest terms, JOHN P. BECKER, Proprietor Royal Palace, 4Mt» New Orleans. La. FLUTE' AND THEIR MQNIC BAN p. > . NOW atAimi ri a -rrvrrtt or YEXXnOCi: — 44-lt» EDWARD WERNER. Manager. THE ONLY PLACE OF AMUSEJBENT IS LOCkPOit, H. V. Remodeled. RepaiDtad. New Bcenery by FRBD STAN. FIRLD of Boffslo. New Appointment. New ererrthing. RIOI£MOIII>, KXr • •• ^ FUTiLT z<jurmu>. WAirmD—niti n—^TuiMp in addreaatortarma. A.O. QRBSN, Manager. aa-lBt* . ICLANTERNS AJXX> MTEBEOPT1COHS, 611001. Views Ulostratlng erery snblect, lor pnolle exnlbl- ,ona,«ta A profitable bnalnea. foramen with small cap- ital. AlaoMagio Lanterns forborne amusement. Send stamp tar lU-pe«e Catalogna . Mo ALL 1ST BR, «»— taringOpUdan, it Naasaa street. New York,. Silt" . •ya A lKT TbTm oeo - c - dobsob's ^3J%JJt 1M \J BsnloBooks: Star lostraetorJSr. ; Hew »eaooi,7oc.: Modem Method, $1: New System,*!; Complete lostraewduatooii, ai: New School Omtar,7ea; Slmpla-Method Goiter, Sc. RLBii ANT.IH9TRUMBKTB A SPBvIAXTT Rand tor new clrealAra,lust lsned. OBO. C. DOBSON. SO 8H AWMUT AV., BOSTON, MASS^ U.8 [it-U ajtd' Orchestra music for the million, bodgb for tba stag* with orchaatlal aaita aspadaltv. Pahllahusf'ToaBand joumaL >r a tnonthly paper. Bend tar complete csuloKue (orat ia>B-flat part*). J: W^PBFPBR, PjioUsber, 9th and PllWt sra. PhiU-.Pa. asmpl»copl»aotsontaeentrree.'.- uXow^ : CBAS. L ELDRIOfiE, &£jS OI1SQ. COTrt nOT ATS. jpgagedl for ata a»n. Permanent addross, care of CLIPPER. . 40-Ut calciuh mm Mannojotored bytbe IKDEPBNDBNT CALCIUM LIGHT CO.. B?B.Hlnta street. Near York. .■ tt-SV ) THEATRICAL EMPORIUM. 48 AND 60 W. I4TH STREET, FORMERLY OF 338 AND 340 BOWERY. Slnee our removal, our THEATRICAL DEPARTMENT Is like a traruforraatlon. It baa been bo materially changed, so much enlarged and embellished, that ire re- ceive the most flattering compliments from the Press on all sides, as well as the kind acknowledgment of many of the Leading Stars of the Profession. We hare paid snch particular attention to this SPECIAL DEPARTMENT that It IsnowtheO.tLT ONE OF IIS KIND IN THE COON TBI. It Is entirely bv Itself, seclnded from oil onr other departments. We hare two fl^'ag-rooms, brilliantly lighted by reflectors. Bhowing gaslight-colors to full adrantage. We hare flttlng- rooms for TIfJHTS, SHOES AND SYMJUETKICALS. We hare separate fltllne-rooins for COSTUMES. We hare greatly enlarged onr COSTUME MANUFACTDBING WOBK-BOOML!*. We have procured the very best talent in the country, and are pre- pared to FILL ALL OBDEUS IN THIS SPECIALTY WITH ACCURACY AND COR- KECrNEsS OF STVLES OF ALL ERAS, be it for Opera. Tragedy, Comedy or the Burlesque and Variety Stage $ while OUR PRICES WILL BE FOUND IN ALL CASES HOST BEASirNABLK. We niannlaotiife the most SUPERIOR QUALITY OF ALL SHADES AND STYLES OF TIGHTS, HOSIERY, etc. at the shortest notice. Our SYMMETRICAL PAD- DINGS are without rival. We are showing an endleos variety of SHADES AND STYLES OF SILKS, SATIN, VELVETS. PLUSHES. BROCADES, EMBROIDERED AND EMBOSSED MATERIALS, spetlaUy adapted for Stage wear. Samples, Estimates and Catalogues on application. 48 and 50 WEST 14th STREET, s-tt NEAR 8lh AVBWUE. NEW YORK. BELLA ONION 9 UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF HARRY MONTAGUE REOPENED SATURDAY, DEC. 11, 1880. WITH A URGE AND POWERFUL COMPANY OF BREAxtiiWG-TlOOM was at tv premium on tbe openlna nlcrlst, and the B>uslxie»>ai since Has been to irrcat tbntj tbe man. aRfjment bus dccd compelled to placard nlKbtly ttoo pleasant; announcement ot STANDING-ROOM ONLY This ^Cosnlfloexit Temple of Emotional Art has been entirely TorrqaJooed unci rcdeoorated throughout, and Is boosted by MONET, BRAINS, LIFE, ENERGY. FIRST-CLASS ARTISTS, PLEASE COMMUNICATE. especially those playlntJC lb St. X^oiils, Clnolnnntl and Chloa«o. DAZIAN'S THEATRICAL EMPORIUM, 23Q BOWERY, NEW YORE. Tba lantwt Tarletr ot Silks.Sstlas. V.lTata. Plushes, Slrlp.d Satins, Oold and StlVsrTrtmraliiia, Broeadaa. armor Clotba, nintnliiauil auin, Frlsgea, Lacos, Spaosloa, Stars, Tassels, Gold ud SllTer EmbroldenN, «tc7J«wel«l Crowns Dladams, Karslaraa. Baits, Pendants, Earringa, Broocbca.'Jewelad Sworns, Dararara, and ererr daacrlpllon ol lewslad ordan and daonrationii Bllsv OnUor, Winiad and LI.1. Thread Shins and Tirou. Lcotaroa, ata. Cloam. Harleqoln and Hontej Drassn. FADDrtiOB OK ALL DESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. Elegant Brjle. ot Fann Bualsrr, Embroidered, FU1D and Fancj Oolorlaas, In Silk and Lisle Thread. C1«s snd Shoe, of all deacnptlODS. Sole agent far the celebrated FBBKCH COTTON TIGHT, and the world-renowned CASHMERE THEATRE. BOLE MANUFACTURER OF THE PBBFBCTION PAD. tbe oolr correct snd srtlatlo pad mada, SAMPLES AND PKICS- L1BTH ON APPLICATION. lU-lStl W. ItAJ&lAJS, ilso Bowery, Hew York, FALL, AXJ> WINTER OPENING. AKNHEIM THE TAIXOR, 190 and 192 BOWERT, corner Spring street. Ho Connection .wltn amy otner Store on ine Bowery, 299 BROADWAY, betw'n Beade and Donne sts., NEW YORK. 157 SOUTH CLARK STREET, CHICAGO, ILL ELEGANT, STYLISH SUITS, Mads to Onb, $18. FINE IMPORTED CASHMERE PANTS, Mads b Oife, $5. ARTISTIC CUTTING. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS WILL BE MADE TO PROFESSIONALS. BAJMPZxEB, KABHIOrf-PLAXK AND RTJLK8 FOB. MEASUREMENT fr4g>T\t. on n-ppllco-tlop. tl-13t* Fleas, notice that the nnderabrned keen the lsrireat stock on hand of the .bore gooda: also of Bornt Cork, Greaae Paints. Carmine. Bouae, Colored rirea, staka-up Boxes. C1ok«, Sone-and-Dance Shoes. Slls. Wonted or Cotton Knit Goods, etc., or wul make to order st short notice. Our Catalogue of 192 page., 700 illustrations, with prices lor all conda belonging to the theatrical line, aent by mall for IS cents <« a PECK A. SJTTDER, iai snd 12S Nssssn street. New York. 154 8. BUST O, JOHN H. O. OP lilt OAKE8 BROS.' CONCERT CO. 154 154 WEEKS, OR 1,078 NIGHTS, UWS, CON8TAAT AMU UNWAVEBfflG SUCCESSES. All oarrespondenos please addreaa OAKE8 BROS., Decatnr, HI.. Lockbox 177. BED OR BXjTJE CLOGS, | U-lnchBor " J —— — - — Baton Clogs, SI; ls-lnch Song-and-dance Shoes, ay Utah Clogs, fUO: Fright Wigs, to Barat Oorfc, per boa, aOo.; False Mods. Bones, S9c: Tambo, tl Banra, «3; Triangle, «1 American Either, aLBO, flm netlnr Prepantloa, per pot, Ann : Megro Wlga, iLaeaah: Plsji JDo. Mad< - Minstrel's Oolde, So. Bad men Wlga, g3 eacK Bend rtamp al Minstrel and Magla Gooda, Mnalaal Inscro- a>r Prii ments, eta. Bjmlt br p. O. order or reariltered letter to ED. JAXE8, (nippeTBaUdljlg, tiB and 90 .Canfira attest, NewTork. LYTIBS OPERA-HOUSE, BRADDOCK, PA., epenarToT. 9, laSO: Mats 6TJD: gas, wen try, etc; stsge, 22ft.; proKenlmn apenlng, 20R. deep; two dresalDg-rooma, the most oomplete ana eomtortableontalde ol dtlee In Western Penasylraila. Bl'aated on line ot PennsvlTsnls B. B. and Balttmora an J Ohio, tan mile, east ol Pittsburg. Pa., and the location sf the Bessemer steel Product. Popnla- ,Hon, with eQtmrba.I4.Cm. For rent or sharing term, to . good trapes. Bo-Uf) JOHN R ALLRW. Manager. FOB STREET AITD TUBATBIOAL WIOB, Aim r.inivai HAIB OO0D8, go to SHINDHELM'S. . SO OBA1TD BTBEBT. KEW TOBI, Tl»o raawaaafawil in air*. S&ND FOB PHI0E-LI8T. aa-Ut* BANJO BANJOS In the U. a, and'challenge the world or banjo- makera to sell as good banjos for the moner as w, do. Send tor onr catalogue, and read it thoroughly before par- ch asiog. All gultar-puvfer. should aend for a circular of onr Banlo-gultars, the lateat and bee Instrument, oombln- lng tbe briiUsnt tone ol tbe baalo and the beaotlful hats mony ot the gnllar. CATALOOOES FREE. FAIRBANKS & COLE, Ul Conn atreet. Bosun, Mass, U.8. IaAMOS <fcCO^ 27 WAAHTHOTOK STHKHT. CHICAGO, rL>Ij. t HBASQU&BTBB3 FOB JEWELRY, Eto. New pirtenu lost out. Send Tor onr obbt T*nn Hiiunt 1 CHtrnt Ur. contilnlnn I u ijlhthfr nam ,ia tb* martieL ^~B« «ore ud -iwaptloa GoalMvDtin'^roQlAr -co 8tre«t-mon umS get bottom prlc^a- HENRY G. TRY OH", (SCP^(IC-ARTI8T. ^ Permsneot addreaa. can \ . 20 SOUTH DArTAL 8TKBBT, OHtOAOO, emm whloh all letters will be forwarded.. S-Bt« HAVERLTTS EOJFTC'IX-A.VErT U AS THBAT RK. N ew Vort _ _ . _ HAVEBLTO IIIBLO'S GAR- DEN THBATBB. New Tort J HAYERLyS FODRTEmTH- STBSBT THBATRK. New York. HATEHI,T<S THEATRE, BBOOK- LTW. HAYERL1 »S XHKATRB, CII- OAOO. rn. MAVERLiI'8 UNIXBD MASTO- UAVEm<T>S DOTT" COMEDV CO.. traTallna- . haterl™ o£iru] OBKO MIN8TBELB. traraUng. HAVERLT'd Z^EW DON MIN8TRBLR IraTaUng. HATEKLT'8 MlKIiro CHANOB. Cblcaca HAYEBLT'8 III V JLCe. C AsaX^B MILLING AND MINING CO., Boalta. Oat, HAVERLVS OOIiDBBI OBOUp DON MIKSTBBL8. London, Eng. MILLING AND MINING CO., 8an MinaL OoL Also oontrolUrur, at a>U tlmea, nv laxoro cadcUtlotia 1 number ot lnavdlxxsg « ansotfona, and always ready to joieacottato wltla Grand Opera Staxacwlih — vlthont aompanri, Comblnarlona, and Amusement Bnterprlaea Benerally. IM-lk I3V LOCATED IN LONDON USUI MBSTBffiT TU KlltH OF TBI MIT10F0US UNZTSD HAVERLY'S HAVERLY'S HAVERLY'S HAVERLY'S HAVERLY'S HAVERLY'S MINSTRELS MINSTREL8 MINSTREL8 MASTODONElHi J. H. HATEBLT, Proprietor. W3L FOOTE, Manager. THE GREATEST THEATRE IN LONDON FLOODED NI8HTLY WITH IRRESISTIBLE MASSES OF HUMANITY. Tti© Record of the Past trio Guarantee of trso Future. aO-ut THE LEADERS OF MINSTRELSY a.:nt> MOST SUCCESSFUL TROUPE IN AMERICA. OVER J. H. HAVERLY'S OVER watt NEW NEW NEW ttat/f UUiNBRED Mastodon Minstrels. HUNDRED J. H. HAVERLY, Proprietor. J. H. MACK, Manager. HOUSES PACKED WITH THE ELITE FROM THE DOME TO THE FOOTLIGHTS. Orchestra placed on the Sta^e to make room for the crowds. EVERYTHING A SURPRISE AND GREETED WITH RAPTUROUS APPLAUSE. HAVERLY'S THEATRE, Chicago, commencing; MONDAY, Jan. 17. «u Haverlys Colossal Colored Carnival AND GENUINE COLORED MINSTRELS. J. H. HAYERLY, Proprietor. W. H. BISHOP, Manager. Br>id«roT>ort, ) TURNED New Haven, \ AWAY I.. Mcnden, ) OF THESE D. B. HODQES, Heneral Agent. ptufj HOWARD SPEAR, Treasorer. i PEOPLE ( f.j»rinprflel«i, IN EACH \ Holyolte, »E TOWN8 1 Woroester. EVERYWHERE THE SAME STORY. "Br rarthelarftaataDdleneao! taa asaaoD aathera<t sttha SacnnlaT mailaea anal aranlaa performances, wblca ''SfiJJJfr ^'Sy'JSSff «naa»«mjrit ef H AVB ELY'S WIDOW BE DOTT CO.. with a B. BIsCop In tba UUs-rola." — C1j£, £l^An D HBRAIjD, Mona.7, Jan. 10. „, "Naabj'« sdaputloD of -Widow Badott," was presented by/. H.'HaTBrij'.CompanT, wlib tba popular C.B. Blahop. to tha maruleatlj- gnat deleetatiOD of ona of tho largaat aadranoaa ol the season.'*—BVFPAXO EKPBS3S. Tq eada y. Jan. 11. ■ HATEfiLT'8 FODRTEENTH-STKKET THEATBR. TWO WEEKS, OOaOfKNCItrO JAK. IT. FORD'S OFBBA- HOUSE, BALTUIORB, JAN Si. HATERLT, Proprietor. C. E. BLiAWt;HETT, AfaiiiaKer. SVWjPATJIj, General Asrent. J. : 43-Ut POSTER CUTS AND LITHOGRAPHS FOR THE NEW COMIC OPERA, THE ONLY GENUINE ^OPERATIC SUCCESS^ SINCE " PINAFORE." J: XL JACKSON, Care Ja*. Reillay, 12 414 Spruee Strut, N. Y. tstr the eaeapest and most tasbinnabla in America, calls tae paRlcnlar artantlon ot tha pnbuo to an laaaactlon of tbe ■Teal Tarlety of Foreaan and iV^nTrttr lmported for the Fall aeaaoo. Flnt-elaa. cattlaa; and sopexlar work- manship gnarantaad. Call and b* eonrlaosd. asa BOWERY, cor. Prince Btreot. Branch Stores, Berlin, Paris and London. Sanplea and mlea for aalf-maanramant aant on aoou- eatlon. UH par cant, discount to profiaaliinala OLYMPIC HALL, RICHMOND, MO., Over ~W. w. MOSBT A> SOU'S X>sru(r>«tore. Completed Deo. 1,1830. Good etags, baaatlral seenerr, snd weU Uahiad Sea tins; capacity, «N. Benu reaaon- aslr. Aprtly^tor sharing terras. AM St . A. klOSBT, Xiunr, Rkbmund. Bar Co.. Mo. TUB LATESTI THE IiATBST I I DOBBOITS NEW FATBMTOFRN-BACS: BEIX-BaMJOS For ton. or flush without an equal. Not tor sale In anr atnra la the United Bute.. Bend tor circular. HENRY O. DOBSON A SON, 1,87 Broadwaj, Hew York. Send lor new price list. Just out. 42 If GREAT SUCCESS OF BOWMAN'S CONCERT HJLL, MHRPHYSB0B0, ILL, ntosted on tbe Cairo and " St. Lools B.B., halfway between Cairo and St. Loola. OPEK THE 1TJS1AJB KOTJMS. Male and Female Talent wanted at all times. AVtf BOWMAN BROS, Fropnetora. XEICHSERjftXno*S PAM THEATRE, DENVER, COLORADO, WANTBD. eamplMe Stock Company fuapenlnr Jaao- arrZs. ; BTABSaoloato and from Califbrnla llbarallj dealt with. Aadieaa JAB. M. OILBBBT. Manager. TO OTBOU8 J_> SIDESHOW MAWAfTflBS JAMES MARTIN & SON, 'astarara of Onaa and Shew Oaanaaa. ata, lMOommerclsl suaet, Boston. WKICE-ULSr BANT FBXK <D-la.e.' 'WHEN, IN IKE COURSE Of HUMAN EVENTS,* aa m niai i ■ujraaa>a» eaaid Otab^T OQiUpaUllaaw) Cat aTaTtlavaS tlAltl profhMlonilly, monejr flnt» cotswftauaen mad oomloct uaU mn the oblecta KMLcfat. To mike moo cry It la mi i niij Tlalt the Ur g ottt auuj best bvulnen ctnxrm and plewrore reaorti; to hsw* tha ata«,■»hrtht bast balltand eo^pped road which u» i aia aa the beat wm i Ut , and onitas au raoh plaeaa aa an worth aiiythlaajf In thia line. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St, Paul Railway FILLS THE ABO VIS BILL DX BVZRY PABTTOTJliAB. TBAVRBfllM O TH E WHOLK BSABT OF TBB 0RKAT rtOBTHWBBT BY ITS YARI0D8 LINER ThaoorrNanbweaxen llaenumlna: Itaawnaleepln(r-cara, which are the eauala of the beat. Ita parior^ara bel eee u Chlcasoand Mllwaakes are tbe beat la the world, and la whole equipment of the best quality and.Break perfect. Bates as liberal as any other North western Una To aaaina all theae adnnu«e> apply to TIM E. CHAXDLKB, 6 Clark nmL Calcago, ILLjL A. SMITH, aUBraadwiy, New York: J B. HDtSO N. tOS Weshinjton rtreet, Boston: or A. V H^OABPKirrEB, Oeneral riaamnia Aceat,M]l- Chleaco Depot, eoroer Canal aad West In the heart of the etty. as-oat waakae, Wla Important to Managers. DENlSON,TEXAS,CffiCTJiT DBNISOK. TEXAS. Terminus four railroads. Popula- tion. 8.000: two dally papers, goad hotels, best show-tan ol It. else In Tessa. DUNN'S HALL. Capacity. 330; billboards, (as, etc DBNI80N TO GAINS- VILLE. lorty miles. Terminus ol Mo. Pac By. Popula- tion, 6,000; two dslly papers, good hotels, etc. PEERY'S OPERA-HOUSE. Just flnl a hcal . Capadty, BOO: erexr conveBjesoe. bill- boards eto. OAINBYIIXB TO SHERMAN. tIa DEXI- BON, any miles, ropulatloo, lo.uoo: comity asat; no dally papers. CUMMINS' HALL. Capadty, 450: billboards.- etc SHERMAN TO PARK, autymOas. PopnlaUon, 4,000; three weekly newspspera, ■ood hotels, etc . BABCOCK'S OPERA-HOUSE. Finest In State.. Just finished. Cancdty, M00; emy convenience, billboards, eto. AU theae na,'ls can be secured on ahajlnx terms or rent,' and all the bnslneas transacted by addressing FRED DUNN, *l*t Box H. Den Leon. Texaa MANAGERS ^AGENTS OF COMBINATIONS YISITENG TJSE WEST will and it to then? Interest to call on oraddraasa.L. RHODES. City Fiaai iiiajii Aaent CH30AOO. BOCK ISLAND AND PAOTFIO'B. B-TKo. m Boath Clark atnet, Chicago, tor reduced rates to Ban Pranclaeo, Denser, Chey- enne, Omaha. Council Bluffs. Atchison. Learecworth. Aansaa City, Dee Moines. Bocklaland, Peoria, or any point Wear. THK BOCS QLAND ROOTS has more good show town, on lta line than aay of It. com pee tors. PULLMAN PALAOB SLEEPINO CABS areattaehedte all Bxpi^ai Trains, and run through between Chicago and Feorta, Das Moines, OooneU BlaSs, Kansas City, Learen- worthand Afrhlam, THBODOHCABS also run between MUwankeeand Kansas City without ehannrla oh* "1U- waukeeand Bocklaland Short Line,** We also run tha finest dining aad reatanrwnt ear. need on a railroad, and .erre meal, from birPof-tara at .eTenry-flTeeenU each. Se other ronta can yiTa aa gntyt r*t*m mw.^ mf~nwnrj*tuma BAjmaL A. Basr, Joaa BaaAanAir, Paaar Oslttis, renn. Pass. Agent, City Pass Ageni, Bo. East Pass. Agt, H5 Market rL, tOS Main aT, IB) North RlgnB-, Philadelphia, Pa. Kansas City, Mo. Columbus, a OLnroa Joaaa, B. F. BioHAnnao.f, W. BL Jawrrr, gen'IT raT. A gent. Oea. Eastern Paav New England Past IJOwMtremiTat., Agent, Agent, Ban Frandsso^CaL 87 Broadway, MWaaSiBgua*' B. s. Biaaasa, New York. _ 0»4«ent, K. ST. JOHN, OoobcU Blnfls. Ia. Oen. TrL andPaaa. Agt-, Chlesro. l-47t SHOW PAINTINGS, BEST STYLE AND QUALITY, LEAST MONEY. Show Tents. Sand lor Price-list. .FLAGS, BAND UNIFORMS, ETC ,„ O. F. FOSTEB.SON A OO, a Market stra«. Chlcastt THEATRE GOMIQUE. CAIRO, TT.T. t ^ AND Broadway Operav-honse, Padneah, Kfi Both under the management of MR. HARRY WALKER, CAIRO, rr.r. pmt-claaa artists wanted. EngaaamenU good lor Cnwn tour to tlx weeks tut* . SAM K. HODGDON OAJtES BROS.' CONCERT 00. w-u BANJO. BI0KBTT8 BANJOS CAM ONLY BB hen oa the manafautuiea, joa suoaoert. ■ _ a,438 No r th Fifth street. Philadelphia, P»-, ACADEMY OF MU8IC, VALPARAISO, INDIANA. HEW 8CENEBY. : ■ LIQHTRD WITH OAS. BEATIHO CAPACITY. 800. «0-m J. M. MoOnA. Proprietor- _ , VAN FLEET.. 'New Xoork SZUlprxaau: Eliafldlrxsp,!