New York Clipper (Jun 1855)

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;').T.T.'>> lo.j^thoq a no/fg oJ lliff Jxoii il'o 'i» Bflini .<jj r^;in'j ? r r. -. - i •■ ■■:,h 1 .w:.7 : IKE, AjNd Kr~~-~- ■ P™"*» ani-'^liiB 'MnteBt wna immedi- "^ratdy dedded c y wBL> ;j iHdJK>thii>CihflM»Mn went in- ,-.a ;.- f:. >|;tdtnMiinfc fjili ) ■.•.••tattle i, at Famham BoysT, ^^f^^'^' to St<w«-Bw9,i35Bpk- .. ^i—0.; !'.- .' - ■■ 'OOUTIAUXUl; TaaBUok^^niiirtbevitrirrt •a'i'trtnWei^ ■ ^ . ii. « to«eri.Ti4 w«aghe4 «boTO »'BionVfc«fc»iofHhtn iW|nfehamdii|fct!*enty-fonr milea from I»4i^r»m- opponent. irw»sa-donbtWeY6nt'fti>Weog-ditb;f6iediatdTi^a4M Cabbage faiJ,\lp lS,w«Uptobabaity,'had-ilie«iiknlM*:tira5WA Ig^i^f^t betting was 2 to^^p9' f . inrih».Th>a and;wl«k~the:advant4^ £g,* ; CoopeKwimld haveimide »-Ao« r^jlnmijig'bf it | ■ ^On entejjiig A« M£^tte taUar lo<^o^ Uie iper Ilahdol^ Cooper »^Be3.j;oiii«; Th* BIabUfca»»«D; with hi*l(te!ff -win." ^.^^J « ■ tirf^aifewi8tlK>MfcitWt)dliliavSl«toa*e|aar cb»tiaB,mJackgot, »Ued th«n>J Sath,ji» -Tftiloi^iJSiaii being rathta fcn<aed^by«»mfe of tiaTatiatjng tHa/.amCjnnt of thSTras^ X^mtean pieaant, wJio nried that if he wto etoit|l«ioted forpittdinner. _ , : riffl^thead^ntagw bf ^nflgei^*1h»l*j)iW^ » ^Jf ^ o.;_?^iS^t i^U.' «aitt»:i«iildB^5fiat l^wi^^thOT^IJ^ ^pendmoe qnita pucded aU the8*dls ;.afid1he i matiD^"»goodBtand»galii«t>flW <^«'ofI^^ iSna he'had-ool- " *- with It: and than the estaBluhment became so di- MA^'"rsmiimtiS,it^ tiS^'j^juL ;«AUivr~'U;>-n'> j«;ii;of 1110 ■'"■'■i ot •moi \ uo6o' icil .ntlil-'M jsq iioJ^oJI Oil) ,no-!t-<' ^ j o'snm at oil Ji: JJ \irii^noi ,ci30iioiui^ I loVsloqinoo Ili /f .iWiaori 1i .bno . LttirCiUirj no oabhJmiiO J« lol ni| 1 , L-pf?^-.^^?^?t:nBi^?^r)^^ \vid^"t^^m^^ ftS&Ai, •mt'^'^'cbfei&'Hai^ M oilj no li':."::'ji>:ii:o • ;' <; ! :' .tr^ether it Vlas a theat re, a wine vault'iiibilUiMil : j; Hit! si sBiwolU c ilT 8 RV"^ » cqJa^opTTguimafi^^rot a Royal Acad- ) /Ik<i' ■n -. ll : jioi'ff^fllf no ^cisi •y ■ *HTim^.Tinmt ,inthou^findiig himself ,. ^i.' -Xi Xi^^. ^f«tjw<o'.tii« Modeto^Yenicevibanii^beed'eci oein- -•■ ''¥j«4«Sitft!p*y:*va»at«ly;!£br-lh6^w^ Ma: WijS'^* t(<t„or Mystfdoya I,adj«, ultipately, J i .i^g^ at alL ,But the. K^cailjJIly ^laby- _ epaning, „ „ . . Ereiy' eye was oD-the.8(i«toh, watching for .,Ihe Black;'althongh ' defeatefl/Zipmi^ fttenda; andx^niwof jC60wM,dki%d't6'be.giyem |p^ ; toJQoopet^aiid^'KBDdliofe^to hi^Wi'S-riDg''fl^t^ /biii^'hhe m O^^fanner-^pt^ut.'^tadi t»'tBl)' lin^^'tif the' tack ' smatoin, JecIineS nt,'ob8erraAg'VI'il'w#iM''b)i %f|xhat — '_sL«jitiiai»ic j vao iuo to him; it b^iM-hia jtni-aad intentioji. tp change of hito W88 tammj,Tffl"COoper went down fiifiWi boxerVf:6ome notoiJd<j%^^ Wow i.wUjd not.a^i toVhia. i^tatioih^blS^ •nswerJ oil lhftlpnoHiiriB)«e^r?^^ iMareTer^iiSinot .well'reoBiTwi:! it .b8iBg7*hon^(6Ter. |; The •jih6nl^^waB ttenwiwopB^' ^?ihe8^)Aie^lI^:tfi^i^^e£Mf^^^ i^i.^M:vmiiifitt^aeer :f%.,. . ..; ' :t Shdton'a benefit, at the F!vws(%>tii14<M'Taes^ Man pio^Tsl/elebM^ed thj^f^'iqtectataiBVU^ Jime-SS, lB19,'iheMUo Ebtfc^'Oclilp^Fr'anaj^ It iAmiU:CoopeK'«riti^ ^ Sia^LightMin'claim^.imiTBaal'i^^ fit^ science agailniVoquBdeq$« and. boringj or, I was <^{Ua changed'';:!!* seemSd;UDi£E7chpV^ ithaKwprda, sE^il^[v§jm»Hfg{iSi^..,19<'°C?|^ 'h hulthioat, and-he was coi^iieUed ipei'^^Jv^v^^raC^^jijaTiOsfim^f it oulvbntj^neverthjiM^ • o-^^^^b^^^^s'imlades-juaf nioiE^t,.(ieV Jjras ^miiig ia wtA ;^dl>wnngbt f^Jboity, CAo[ were pronoim^c«d.4)e^dii^!:JXhe:;iBfi^*^^^^ S*i?fSji>J m'i:piiu)^«iVM head.':lThis 'blow, ;j^it;^waBj;'Mtry made >)pi the- Bbltttiodq^iUsplayeid By Coope^tke Qp^Mamahoke hia head'tfkwa^^'#he^widi(jd '^e Vunbat, tbat'-tfae- minda^ the ama- t6 throw sdzoething 6Q''il; m'-Teoew^. t^e "* "'i*'f-Ty-|lfji fliM iita'^tr'^^tf^"'''"'". Bat attach,Si^kman slipped' down fromi'.a.elijifat'liit. ■ ■,^*»t^:.:<!»;/Faj*dMf.iM?r:^¥. I flicfananwaalakeji/or, ohoiceV p.or ; i'Mit ^!!^'jr.y:;j;r/si^*fe?> c<liJfi^«>if''i(fnr iiI >j-:i.i;)Ji:v(;'io-jr;ii.-;;Jii;'i elie. 'Th« diclrSf Klliard-bajUj. ,t«..,i|BpJ«r of i-.jV.'' bne m:\'jd^l vi /jU'.ci '. po»<» ptattigve$; the-4hwaobii% of Bm|U eticln r-M.^oijov":; !..i.<o». >^ crackug4£tifl^!md^tbafitaii)>i4|[(c^^i^^ ioi!^ v.; ,....l :< jV | ri t ! ^lsij i [ || I .tf[ mhigte yith:eadtL;j|Ey*;' am-jt ia ■t .:.u':it.; 'i^y ■ CTirtL,. _ .. ^ ... ^, • l;.K\ii-iiii'lK^>ii» * v?h'»tioii' find TepotieJ^ :'.la!r.' j»I)f!3 nfi!->H'l;i«t}j! 5! W.tPWthens waiB'(i-^iR>^ git1^<{^^ "' hHa fc^tbouit'ti flP ^ailroubler he at lasVl^imd^rhia:wajktoJ|^'i>' rq 9::); ! ill;.:.-': o-/-.^; ■ '-^^i^^ Jjl^ h-Asf'i 43 ;HE A^PEABC^:!^ " v.: II.-. eihanstied'to leave JijB;eaco]id'§_- man was Sacfei^iisUnUy jum; ddWiPJtft. one ipeariAi; to 1 ^Bbfib; .!qp|opv.=4^P>PjnrTiM. of .both the men, a^.gTiB^ ispei^ticlri and mosV elpil waa iexMbitcpd. ' ill, ,lnit nevertb'eieEB m)inn«', th«?^intrtte^oBB^to „pid thpTconwng either to protect Ttimafllf .0^' .e B3saxil]^.ajid- hia foiinjdahle ^itting^ at •^ cLiimed the admintip|^;caul'pnuae :CtF ery one present; and .nmch.aiitomdivnent.nwaai jreesed how. a novice .(^e'Sluic) apald-.hav|e> [gled him abont so maM;.ii>r:a;.'re(wnt;t>?r^^ tbout he had been>hgw,«^e.ypa|gp;iqill^i This «et-to waa a fineiOpporbmit^^^_.thj$: pnme tlbllo' I doopar eetihimsiBlf down, oh TBng.) 2 . jj-imidst the' BLdiiii-'3r& fiied<iL=<'^-hatMw^tiver short ^>aca of-FQOilTBENr lllNDl^: ANDi'j HAIiFI,■ ;r - ■ ■ ■ — — —^,jui'fi'.'.'Vr'. '."'li.ii' ii Mii ijniiiil ■ „,. to witnessed ;, hut; he waA'solil'l Wore -i.j tH6 liffi;, that some ;{^rB''i^ere' ent^Ujn^ Motw itfm t AT idmgJthe i>bo»g:itbt^y^nne»pectad ^neutral !4efaa^ Coojer M/irijert-ftia^ungteBBL^ J was .aa -good aa ■ hig^appeiibt. icir—' - ■— ^ {•i"l"iiuii Tl'Oui) tuB J 4 hne science olCooper^U^^;^van- ^ rpnnd. He planted aofii^Re^irate ^re with grBat sn&esa; and the nob ofch ie f tr gp- ;ex7 qent how'.blciil prbfiisely. In atrug^lii^-^fcr^e or. Jna t^row, boTli down, bnt Gaa undermost. Byi^aybf ie, thq p^Qulia^ a cordial? io Cooper, some of his fi^nda shojatiid, :HCooper;&r i^lOO." it <•. 'r : Sixthi-^Thia wa» a truly terrific' Taimd;-.iDid .Cooper ah^ef that he conld hit tr^mei^^oujj^' as ^ell as-Ilia opponent. Facer for':&ceT~jvas;ex- .<ihang<id -MlhMit any fear or delay';..and Coopei^got iymj froiii sonie heavy blow&'^^cloidfig, both down. I Seventh.—The qnalities'bf wCXj^li^ht 'llfan "iim so temble,that CooMfrin&;^'liiii me'%htr ':^g, could '"** ""^ tri^' l-i^ill—'* "'TTTLt:_iL-_: - _ , . f „, iMt-rednco hia^vcon^ufa.'' '!EQi$maii Irish Lad to show his pugilistic p««ltipw(. .Hk :*woald not be^enied. The lattet;gDt nobbecUjocH was now opposed to fitat-ml%tale|itB,aiid>.he. pm«l <|ig<<>ndy.~*Bd4i»^e»4r»oov«t«d^Ith~4ianUJ[n. himself a Nonpaiiel indeed. :In.>ju]dHion/ to Jh^ qtrugBlinf for 1tothswsSKMBeB|rat;hia^veisarr superior nfcUl of Cooper, JtandaB. hj^ alap thatof^ .down. - Wffll SoiiS^Qw!^' » •^^ - length against him. j Bandall, altj^og^ no^.,»» A Eighth. Tte oilaght Man now seemed to showy aad al^t as his oppq9uit>;^^,piQyei{ :commence tha'-jUM began cqoally effecfive; ha:rtoppe)l! .with miK^t Bdnnt- tojspar, asif forVind. :'"If^a spar" says Ran- sess, hit with his antagonuMndpnt. in* little one dall;'''y6uil ttfliciW;' Yoti'lnhitfe-S^^ now and then widi 4 nicely of ejflriUifl^iibcfffeA.lie Th'eiKtBi^on both sides was^dreadfiil?;-.afal> the.' lufferednot the slightest opening tp;e8pape,fci5i. OaaMan got Cooper on the ropes, an^.jpjmiah^d At the oloae of the last TTriind, Kanjall nahiKtmli him so terribly,that '~ ' ~ ' the ■«verily of hia pecalitt^oita^Sn^hMiig, when vocifeiated, till Coo] the combat cloud: iRituidOTs'on'-"*^—" .M!_iv mL_?«-. > compen- sated the combataats.fiBE^j^for ezertiona. S'nch an ezhibitioa of, the'art<«^'wf-defenoa ia npt often '«Tthe88ed ;' aD4.' bniy 'p1sciiig'''t[&li''of eimilwilttBat;agunjt each o'fienr,°thal ctb irendar itintereatiiifr:' . ' ■ . • ■ ';:.. i;.-.- _ : la; July,'1818, Cwpet; !Hi«;,<aMa'qr^^ iD'foiiired the'public, tltiait, in ;'e<]nsi^iii<^'c^^ c , 'binakly'upoii- ilto'<:iii^eB't,','«Bd''a«oMdfB^y^ . oara mig | "ui »' ii|ius w as B Bu Ooo^r .t<)pk; th(|(:in9ney at the doorf but his hiead .was ti^'!'j)^^i^i.( liandherctde^;ieuidj-;fu£ib^te^ lAarka of 1iemendda*'piuuabii|(ait;.'. It was now whispjued' .abop(,!that il 'was likely, In consequence-of thd-above defealythat'tham'atBii wonld be off'betw^n Cooper ahd'^heltdiili^'and' thfa £20 be fefeited: ,but as another proof that .Qf^tSP had japt'. li^B^" thia., loo^enca. • of ^M^'.^^t^e^' mlt moneyvJei(i|Q,,,^'iiuufe gp^ {iamty.:;.S^dtpn,hQw«^^^ t|ke&vbr0i^~gb\< ^'jto.<,;«iid an nmaaiiid degree .of mt^^tj.uf ' the event -was esdtad throughont txyti-.^Ktrt World.q^o be contianed..—- J^injlh.— made'Of atiaoh^j ppCToff-faaa^ -Foiil7,w,4r Fairr75«>,lojid|y ^.went darwA ^'iiits weak. yfrom..Iij|gjjo;petpoiiS L'as af dfltetmined ;t9..flnish he^latteT'liad -scarocly lieftj his ; and- siiniw iBtt^^'pii.i'gB to him;« pKhted a WisiiS: .umti';' ^cTappearmce of.C^ OB, HOW STBAOCIJ^K OOT <MFODK< 'ii-ll :^\iJu::__-.\.:.^. -A- ■.'■ ■•■■<'.-^.sa\ Itott: are-itp^rtaiii; .thipga,;, the, ..appsar^UifSi J^Wfit .on:,fte,, s^ge. pfi a th^er.dnni«.)'j»ii forniBpoe ofiy>|u\to.twne,,e5jMa^t^OT to total destmciion, in^nlt, or trdatmentof t^«j'^0|B| |de%nriplipn. ..;,A9 examplea, we may.mentiong'^ ' •he, nretf.ifte Jmpw^ will bp brpkein ^h at ;ita-"»fi^i ih« reckless attempts'of the'<^owii,to.obUi^^^^^^ j'^.*^ .W.right ;,.the second WiuWa,;:^ a i bot£om:lmookpd.ontin6nmrig.aspwM *?^"o-'?^'. v necklace fcr ,the .maltreatad . pantaloon'; thajwnfF*.o ,bjrds and .the non piieona; .'he.wafl quit«'ifeeVU:^ay, ^«U-li|i^ai1i!t^o»fe ' J-';'; ■■ r.-s--; "-.a^i^ ,^e^.-—in_ this rpopd Qotipisr' 'was'Iiit' ddiniv for a short fii^ previous toh-'s retiim'tir'Edin: ba'rgh. ■ pikcesi tfainking- it' imposaible for-G)Mcer agvn to _ . ....... n^eet his antagonist. ) Any oddsf'botno^takm;' A match now j.»oipb»D(l fet i:ioe''a' uder'b«- ; -El«mnth\—U the anxiety of the moment^'several twees Bbe^ior. and Oi.3p*r, l«.-»,'-»™g .-ti 'll>DM>it£,. i>r>.'aitf spectaioi* t&en^ht th» iuie Tathaz lonft bw- fling ohstaclea; it wcci e>»"'Of that'.jiarfjj^i^ ' " - ■• Cooper, in <:oiiipacT v'ilU 1. ^rjMlly, setvOot.oitVic sporting, tour u>. JJancLesJ^r, 2^veifiooli::In]aBd^ Ediobni;gE,'°^ —— -' .-Jiiio-.-.i .^tiib, ' Ilaiiy in tlie aptfng oriagO/ Ou brg a 'retbipeJTto Load'e'ii^ awl'h'»7<ist noiime iilicomidtiiitetiii^^UB intendbns:4»-'ih»'amistnre,-'<$f <mcb^'m«ie edtvN inp the prize ring. Xhersfbre, on'TMadkyt'iKahifL 7, Cooper appeared aTlhe Fti:«^iiit, at Shelton'a benefit, wSm^ sibjaieiFWiPse^afiM^ ad- diw'liiil'-anQimoe:—"•"6ttdemeg/r have^ome fore it was called.;:'Bi>di'.tp: their: great aatonish- 9«nt,0ooper, somd^pyf or other/waS'imn-tiiMgUt t^';tli|s jaoniCcb: ''^^'V<n^^ fn'a-.'jihpcUijptdrj^iq^e BtBte^ibnt'j&e'.newM>el«as ahbw<t^jSg^i'<u|)bje'm sent down. "Biavo, Cmper; TOiLarei«)'jiraira'U.'; Mm itfdtteP"."-' '•■■'?"'J ■■■ -^.i^r -l>if«il<th:—tUawtiva'(iomMe|4,Tafflain pB both. mdftM f3rh*»<?a9-I4gl firom Vthe^ gam^£l<t«#Jfib ■<aiaiplayed,- aiid^>4&<a-%i I'gran^ .<2»aMr.>ihad :'4h»^brow:he ^^--w ^ ^ " ■ ^ -^^^ £M>>a.shi« ifl' thre«'%iBekb SbUibd-imiMd^ wjlhithe.hlood. in hia throat. "ItVall, pp,-?jirM acMpted the'diaUei^-' ; '. i V- ;: -vi3:it <>,;: Jr-hrfl the cry, bnt Cooper fbmfhtin-themo^ nto inth the:aiA*l*i*i.i«a^««iliiiM«ilfA^ ' - tnttn«ii<l.KA;VI-t..>J^-«lt.'.'iJ./»-'t :^-Zj.'..Iiar--jJ.. > ■■ . .- . ~T~»^' —"?» .T TT, . . tha miite&^r _ ion at the digKeBt Kiii't,—a wantK>f fiiiidB bemg hia only stpmHingJJMt-.. ! It was a vary alow^ tim»>in f - U fejlan, ^.Jf^v^0^M su jfaaris ettaimrted to dnot ue nioonj'-at-whioh^ 'eommd9& '-leteivad 'BaB%:.'be)mi^thsvB UtivSo sat iha]e<.Tiiii'-liis:imind.te joto'a oting-^allery, thinking that after a dozen .-ahoti,' three lialf-pence eMo; 'he: ahonld be ready for town. The leaves 4y*^" l^Mday, Witf-W.'in BtWaHy-«orfeettin^r^fc:.d»- ,tft.|AM19n/lSN^«JB4d>»VHy W^li^^^^,'^\:^xToL^^&'I^^\'^ lanwood'a nee^^odsrr* popular exhibi- ^ feeS^^gh^^ppgs ^^z^^^:^:^^;^ flg&.fS,nj£sa.tfsideiia:thi«>rf8aka,^»rmaWi.liaB il«r?H*M6wfditb!j>w?tiU«>«»«iaaS^S^ \ ^^-^ ^A&<StcW^&,A \JS\M^ y^^^ terthehrt'"•^^Pf?;;,;^jRa WftisaW.fyt ^^^.ii^^^^^\h£C^^^\^ iI*->«bi.*»* <^t«*Hi meeting at ^iJ^giS^J!iAamB<*B^^ Cy. Davis's *p„vnn,,.jjAj<w%w^^ ^I'^.'C^i^ . jawwTAt that time ijittle Tljrk-pon^one-l ' th.ett,'*'' — —ri-.t-n" beoefil^'.dii .Tiieb^,,Mairii;:I4i'flickikiui;rsaidthe had^iibgeediukto itKpArrided,-:G4opeif didinot: ;tbii;WaHM;excBMWtf'tai'' ;^lgcsr/»feB^otfW^a^^^fa^a■ pt ^ ^rt^ srt SHOOTIN©/^ _ laat'at'dai at this seaion; m ;li ;ivni ':iJ <o :<i-ijIjLi 11!'^^ linn ,yne i ,.j r m .; ' ^ ' j..! ! ■ |> », ■ --^-t— i > ' i ' .l£J/S9IliJole of hai^ Was^iftit.ha^^ kpowing this, lie tumedf it off, s»yWftftM4if .t-^,^_ thing." . . J - . ^ ploughc^l ^8ms^'ild&«.i"'.d>ti.ngmft,DeWe5,;v AnftifriJgtMgjilfis/ paderatand the -* '— 1 - . - - • .» • ECe^had formed tio.jjplntnri _^ ^^^^ ^ ktid not'sOwDg'iliem Mpy'^'th^exMtiy, fieccqM^r*^^^ ally a^ve ilmaiAJkick o^V*flP ^if»m)^. '% that ittV certain '■«piirla,~tf at ^^j?^ daarea(. friend -Mrlii iBsnlt yon, Imif^o'ifliave iia''&i£r V:: pdaL W«y arid '^it^j^'.J&i^^\m^ whu>«-r-nDgofl^on*oCwhwJoe^en«raUy.lH^^^ dowii; butrif hoi<i5iiJtA%|riffltns^e»-waa'90--»o«r' " ' c<inf6rttfily; Ct<>^ii!Sw^' ha feltamaU. .rButjQ^'.'Has. ilHlI- tev-;odBMBstM>Bi^. wardly, and always said, " Ahi itbay^^nbetter n«t cioine ij loy Trnj^'iljjlthl'*' T ^^^<!3T rnr was jet, at hii«6:life Ih ti-iflbtftate of ton^tt with;~ and C ^';{^ag}ri!opriaied:tO'BhootiB|r!8^tn£t .thh.fin4«: 'A:gai>ti<wa^iii.eidit:sW.e^t 4as.p^sijed-iAk>qdiQf^#e^ms, rec^y< 'j3^.a8^e.«iitei^.'' • ' . ;° W-^aiit'to sh<»t,"'olKwVid Mr. Si 'aBBoined-indJfeSnice.^'-';^^^"' '^■■' ■ ' |'t:Xia{:Bi^mn;'Ui:!T>viud the assisteisi^^ --••f ^ ;p-te:T9^lllr.Wpli«* Mr..SlraggK ^w^m Mljr^.,Ue sitpp^^ >^g<ip notions of rifles, and game, and^i id(bd Uiio^ lirpiniMr. novels: B'uf "f%av^'insweTed''''ih^«^^ had tbe-mBD^i 'tntasket or a blondeirbuss. niXf"*^ Stop aminnte, sir," sakl-thevan.aahef wiwu as ^ DSlf IKaiU kUV lUtUJa'aU ) target intiLAhitffimlt.::!^* Ml^vcft's ;UC BCfSggleidtPokjlUe j '.i^the.mpgtappr) snd'aime4 le,. fHp,- d ISe : fpi^ttentiowuniMai ;''^i^«hiinted'^ni''jMim<.the-':c^ ^, ^ 85|!9il>'llBcijPn»o/,el!(mt;hoo<a,^i^ ^»;Ybn.hiven*;coclcBait;-elr,'* sald'th'e rSft:' ..tte .snmni;^;;eniiU^ «^Qh,V,i^Ueid:M#.-Btr»^eai:«'t<i be! Aybr, M ttejr were.:pail!^ ifl ■:.,.^\ ■ . ■ ,m '^ theif Capabi^tie^pfi^aWjoKte^ As the sightiof the gim.describiwl'.vai ^ itrwBs tioiwoTtb^vAfla nhes siklUttbA'^^ - - - .^tyi'ldyed .moreen; Midi trigw, acd'sfeWanVmlM^r-ap^Wlfred Ph-r egan vour dinner m jli«yBgRtrSr«*^n ^rt* ot^ts-iiig^i neutral gloom, and nmshed it'nith.caii2ia^ ^ ■ " ■ - t ,2LJ?" allvei^prf l,iot^. Odol tojiglMheinavia:;:^ ' ' ' M wiUi them boat the t>W»)t«f wtQ apliaters. Indaed, it seens' rfii:Smmatat>klifaetite«IV-«peiffing^tti*iUU' - ti9ns,V that fiopto-t'4ia^forth' ahi, 8aa8&.ra|jiit'* Forlf a mail' urb'yiiil iia'iin'^ipdi|:^wt:ihat!^^ bPdy,c(n>gbt.ti?eiji^.d{«sa Kadge«QisiirAviwni«dQMl'^' pitch the'day'.before^rbeisura-joat.wiH Afnir'«!»'>«!<.'.'•' bite; i;nbbitd''v:^iti^'^iAa'e^g|^bu^d,nlk^^^ warms b«fnre a lantern, at tlte.aiiDf(w&of4Lvi^tor:'' . nd one^had exprottWaVfed-'i^^feSM fo'^^ fojind'-'a-'hsL re' f- riar- ahoifld^lstnat ihat day's . Bubasfenos which - depended' UMir "afT th'e'fblnlif'^- <bik>u^l^otti<^%itaU| ^"^^iStW^^^^MtV „. ;Afier gcnag-M-for Romadme'Without v-dnnps^-'-^ jlurinc which He.StiBggtesiloji^ito'ahPPt atthe : famall l>irds, bat was not allowed, Joe came tp .thisTc cqnduaion that,41wy,Jhed:beon ^jghtlflpiq^^ iedv#iV^—' "There's a aha lak halted to._tike,,4^&ia know swarms wi£ them? \ tt 4 i_ in ji .»r_ ciL-' , as they at longs' — ; Aat'/ff: ' " Well,'' Qave [lem geliUl end eo Japp tlsen he added,—" Our lan^ eve a imId.dgar:and^ :The:7£»- ieiiCiS suggesteijL it:'wer^l>ett^r. to.stay..«t 1'werlL But everything l^ked' so chew- 9 cold twilight)'HuitTie .>fiia about to rash I 'svPijF dhihiiitceoY imtdmiia^^ eardth'tftttttWofa^'cfiffstot'ffifr6iit ofliiB . aad! t^o' inibutes ^sifter tle^rtef brought iip..thieejpattAi^Ba,! willi:<.ai aDte'liedMuiidi necks.....H^Tipe.yapent the nBH^,tiin(^ji)i;wa9r' ig. who <M^iU(I-have swnt, thepi,'hp. bfoka the w bioh ^>Pre' the imp'res^OA of a percusaon-oiip' thnfe'appllW,' sad read-Ha'felldiia iS-ii; ' ;'^9<^smtlr:yp9''willvr6ceiVe:.a:leaahii>tbtrdsrT^ itthree pajbridgea,' aa,^.know.yop will already., ivp caDed t^em. .' And nop ^hnmii^. ^' i^%re •-^'eame ieom 'there's''thani '^oa''am "h'ave k' p, s)r,'"SStdi the 'man- endUng, loadod-with-baU."- .' , . .: " dt'tci bo We' it is 1 .What a fipl 1 turteffBtfagglea.'^-•" '" ' ■''"'-'-■_ •flfesisir^Bdl'tliieiWani^)'"; .'■ Ur. Straggle%ifiredi-awaiy':<hiaiie9gat«en'^>enny- worth withf^af3jm.,sufM;ei)Sj .then.racom- tnended to try i ^i- nit' the awioiripjz'.bird,^hiph ... try [ahd-liit. the ai ^ A^flM^'yrire thS'iarget;:, „ cbiild' by -Db mbiUill' stiebmpliah; iai&d Hhe hTlUetB' jwenl into the floor; iind oailing;&nd.wair;'' and ev4(y-- vrlrfria„in, fact, but war iha^ wPod«a;pih:eoh,,.; !:. I. '-ilA'S "?4:vvI «JW^"ifmust be Mtoause T shut my eyes, to beep threap frpm ■ ■ ^ into them, whenj ouUthe trigger?' ery likely, slr^^^j^^^mj^ ** Gentlemen ition of—the'poulteiy-sh6p,a^thjpL.b6ltomof Hbl- >m Hill, if it wafWr&o atia-l^away wouldn't you an idetTtif Mr.ioeVeyA'^Sb.i^Iie^^vernor you'll come down''and have-aiBhykVthem^lii LfoTjyonEJ^ jeeiilg"abo6t int^ oom-i asionsiniidiid^j/ We«anfindiyim'^'jrooy.'^' a most .^ring every thing else. .Thb .Brighton Iway'a the:;neare8t line,' and get down alSey- 4rd'i( Heath. So. mipd TOO'coine, and " QoKa-ilBAiSijn; rT5iu»:n6; fti.d; 'fJ^/jji^; Dopa .put. Mr. Stngglaa'^to 4re often taken so,'4£jaii'Si^y^e°%dt use^'^r quite'iBdl^ut):*^lnit-I^^iieiVou&'''''I'n^^ will- biB cnihed afld comminuledto stPms >nth<t i ich perplexity. For,-in the first placet y""""!^ i^^prgia£i^a'on^)nritiftheI^^^ I t send a more; dltoeasii^;'Resent to.B.TD^^ •^ '^'fl^' f^^'&h aiiiimasv alwara cwnp itf qSmlj^i^^^ pnti.thm. al^ bifafc;"Jfe. ^ .'rly ;W:the laat^the^en<»lesa bli'iadf:^ <8w'not know what m.the world to do viththto ^ have' to -nndM^^'sil^h a-serite.'of'£nghts,''ill7' Uii^e^' even'.violrace,' m;'coittMu4B6n' with'' ier^ yeai^ .Uiaty:the.'exianV.<^..8^ heroiam.can .support .ander^^oertain: cironfflstanCB* is really maryeOons to Ci9ntoin'plate..:' Just'as'th'^. thiii^ we;pp$jit^e'tfiiAic a . . . i6st|ws,8<r '^-iJftl-^i Stn^gjgles; .upon With eveiy.good intention and eantioiiia theWprld, h».'vwii.' m>ns ' Mti dy in , <»r,?Wvinjf,a'Btffla'ip'rtl«;8K6fl"^^ the sedauTchair >hatiioiJy,lBdZtl>.the;:iiijliiyi^^o^ IWPn.'.he ^tiij^. tp; ai^eoor i.hp'jvjDtb^ fiying-pan tjM-7f«8,nifp,,..s<mflhpw.\qi::appthw^^ hMnper JhOM,;hiB.i«)wt«*dc-!*ith..:,;h(> ' .waa|. in. a row, .'the ?^J||ft.baiidW.that alwaye worst • .ani r.i?^!fl(i<l'',e»bpn. i? >he .clown'e.ver| felt'so wiiilciioly towuiT. tVpaa laii^ea, ,a^aid'flE(e, impudept boys in.. it|>* f/jvbii^;he pvot';7»?^^ first day he hangs them up to look at, ^nd ythUMme)body'mll caU tosep't^ 'P iii hii 'cpniieiaoii^;. On tb'e'second iie biegins; :^i^ink'''Whom .hiaahall present them tOjflBd the iry* pnzzlea him antil'ue tfairdi when he waveiii 'oen six .Mends'pf equal claiiiiu^'iipcrn'hiB _ Arguing tfi[e''ctiM'OC(him more, 1 jtil "St Iaiil~tli6y gkt vsiii^.high":' notliKviug '"' MrVt^t-io'i^i^^'oh'tUe ins^t; vfidi theiu;find '^•^■j ■othir medibda,'' he'(nves 'Usim to His w^o -sell^ thim;to, uie'poiilleier, and ey':go io Jsfter jthat,'Paljr Impwa; g3fE^;in.i5yV« ?K'«?.l»»^Jf«Jmty;;a^^ li|lit4e^e^c{ nppn'^iin j.m'deea Tbia '^rid 'one .cauise of distiea^ to Mr. tfg other-wais that his'.expekienoe.ih'"Bhpoting' was liiiited. Hei3Dew thal!tc> leV'bfira'i^''jr'ou jii^^ ' cussion-cap on jdemeath; and- ~ some:pawdec dbwiithel)arrel'w^'^ iii^jnade *«f.haiig! nd'^kichedl *g«^"A»AliA lder,!but .this -^aa^ ihiaK knowledgsnobtifijied:' bear.'ahytan^ cwttgidg before:my;eyab • That'hit ^ ft»wifc»r:-v>. ■■■■ v> ^^hU.-.-«.- ^iPhance i^ did. . By the^common-lawa.of mo: ihe:!)!!!!!^^ Was obmpelleii'to' .go E^mi^'wherd,'. .'and' tbatHimlsIt"w6nt tl^-tiii 'the binl.~''|n«)'inan tjo^pUmenteci Mr, Stra^gles'vaod be urns so pUased' withthidakill,:that he.vToteifo.Joo^rollit the next .mpnuDg.,acc^)tiDg .t^s 'invitatiotK;;aBjl,givipg.'ap 'dgarft lor the .jUme, .spent all his monejcfn. shpta 'imtn the'Say aiinved. '"\ , " • v : -In bneof dre'stmtsliel^rreen'ihe ^[nar^ 'taidl4noester;i-^Mr. StragJ^leS'tbund pot K^aluablfr '^iqi^i^lttQh 9»tsH* tor wtf-paasediitithe -.other ;dm,.^.]ff...,iras partica|aiiy,;(^ciilatai .tOj'pttapt in: ^^it qM>rtS|nen, 'for. the'windpvi waa^Ul^^ Ptfetylmplidiiiiiitl'dr.&i field, set fiirth ip the'most aUaring'lnttiin<w.^''-litero'weri guns^ pistdlS'j'flada^'oartiidgeai andoap'hol'deis;4PgptheT nti),pac^ta/>f .gimpowderi;ana,:in a'..«orner, such pUes of catherine,.wbeel4 and .pra^ei«^4jtui^.had4h^ house iakeii fii^e^, no linon^ wheia fl^ neighbors would haye'beeu' blowib.' to.' And to"ex- dte timid'sp>ittlbeii.there-ware labUa sudiis thesd Look ftmsted.UmtUy.patmtbrteekjMilmchige- tiqiirrand qU/or,,4LlO*.f fr f)X, " Tht nal.^k^- ant'otUmiaher — only Vdrly tJulUagtP and, to .Ml air-min was affixed,— !^Sane3/jtunniiu/do>m dlird vnA Mt, and no Jufmr^ke^iBtMr,^.t^re» gtiiiuasP'^ while a biwra.ofi^pis&la vr^'.lfa^ kw/f'iftu/'Oiae/driw^ Ur-fitx^lesiwaa PY(|n»me iiviiiis^&i^ i^tiire of.thqtecoramnp^ nphpn y la the , _ to-humr tatif-- be' sure; 'so' ' abthing: '"Ooi^ie'- ^, aey 8ta;tUia <*aj^djiLl»u'iw c^^^ "StuFtif^.lept Ceanbl^dts ;aroaif(l^them, :vf liu4hjj>(ove<f tiiera imiisttn^j^JiBvh'mwn^^ ' HtatiT^oe got despeiste, and,'cr7xiji(Bg the bor~ plunged iota.. M>« iajljaiM'ng propertjV.. W]W _ ->—to follow hiin,:aa.weli'ashe«onld, thiS^ ■] ""I »y; J<>e^!".a«;d'M».^tnigya^^^^ the ccntreofantatbush. " ' ■"■™ -' ^■'■'•OipL-i, ; « \YeU-=-*h4t^itr asked hi8""frieny: SfSS'^'.i; ((own in a (]uuij. . ' ■ ' •■ -iwii,;^.^ ' 'ls*»'P.I»*M^fi:^»ttj.s^ ■'.'■• • ".0£9piifla;''l»nt,p'nt;himppifli»tn', ! .'f Sq «an iiit :,him' better^:M-.-he-sta.. Hera. j fjoea." i.i'i'v;tiu..:-.,'. .: ■ ;■:■.! ,,a, „„j , I Mr. Straggles took his aim, ahU-'^puDlEft'ihV tt?^'^^ ^' .Badg^^Dgil-went both''I>at^'la'Titpt}-iSL <]aence ; and. We'lch'p*^. 6wriM Out ,the'sdiltfl' vMl" - Airblbnged'fuiiiGIe' l:ke'^l£imdw rbond-ihe' comw" %e^*iSf-'' 1' ''.•■'.•-■=''^'.^=' '■"' v:'^ • ,W'P.break.'oS':.'taereia nukoaoaaioBicstaia.whatu. r. Slinsgglea:said;be;-'waa: -->u <,» izi:.- '..^. p-n::: j .':■ >'i'V(r<U—f^what's.the matteri^iB({niMd''his£rialkd? " 'Why—^he'e sitdng there'jint the Utliie'-ai'eVtlr^'-' 4oteven firightenedin >':»- " '•' —• -''■■=1 ri' •:> ■< • \ ■Joe^eUmbed-itp^ai'^Mtf dfthiS^old'Ptia^;^^^ '^"'^^ „ .'■-•;'..,jl v'>-'J:---'''*W'!»'i*''-'Vyfl^^ ; «,-Why, 8trag8,''..he M3E*J**VR:.a,gwaw<jto4-^ I iy,.piit th^, tnp» the.ppachers. whi^tst pi^«» 't > haypj^jftpii.yojitip.W4jii<.an4 ^tflpQivit^ii .v.': iBTftKer .jpw^rwpliedJtfr. Str^ ;oes again,' aa.they say," and he waa-getting ahead-- ith the^^ecta k>£ ther^ale^ 'FU pwiie& ^.^m-ypt,"' ; v>! Hush wf/SBid'/oe, "I'thonght ;M(eatd'n>lo«t'»^ Ko," said Hr. StraggleB:" asHbeA.'^.lpe, ibdihiiigf^ • ~ 'And'heTenpon'jArimitdte^scb? tibi'ai'ir 'iBSi SiiJ iiliire I !U^t».itahi%^to.'aiml■tknythi6ff,'J^em^g^ cojH for any;tEm'|^'ui U^e. way:i>Taii I Aal.'toi! I £|faaT<9 I iitsi ea catibili^' uid'ha bb'ughV several. .acobuiiemcm^',^^^^ cln^'ff k pkckei' bf wbicE im I.:..-' :..5l."-i_t>:! i;j.-'.-.i»:_._ -u'A'—'—Ji'. Xisten.'' ijefr'a-flrtpn;'witi-ffi^^ 61'.''! 'au'd'Jwuteij^irljhp ° '{Bnjt.' tjiiprp .waa' ii6ne|L., I ~^7.t]^V,'n9U>nSi".)>e Baid. -f.Some -echoear ' 'only repeat voices, not notesb There f - ^hp'- PontiBr' - ''«ed)..aa1begTmthe finishing tamdowiLfs hia ohari V I should thtntthat would do it.'*-'-- •■■i-^ I " Fd rather keep awi^ &om you," said Mr. 'Til-''- Bt,"if you've ntf objection," ^■ •.•r t " i i^'NoiW'Wl/*«»8ewedStiyiggles; ' "•'■'^j'". ' ^riirfitliyr.'^llie^'if IMTa bird, we diBfl*" " sure about who's doneit,".... . ' ! ■;the'.|iMr,'acPp^ - ^eir.way. tl^.ngh the.-4Vps% nid'jrei&:naw nponcr ridgO: o£,iun»fieU' ihal sloped 'down iovatds aa^-> other shaw-iimilar-lo the one th^ had'-j^is^ be window* erj»5^i^, him n1gh'('iij'°dr88ectin'g,.<an'd'wondu^ -..yW^ blib^ 8ud,\' 'petrwork'wjure wi'&loii bi^ltpppnt' for.'': /And' when he .cpnsidpred thS llis'',biT)m^'iiient8 .were perfept^ he- piit himself in]tp 4>^''t£Sni.|ilasB bfa .dow train,iad-gpti.out.' at thls.fdtawn'ne^^ to'Brsm°bl^y, uatieveiiin'g. The ev^aiiib^ pa^sM in,chat with'his Sneiids, anid 4ibpiji(^ bat^fttt ten^fin.'whplMom cbnntr^. Tef. tiy^tb.'.bedl all.'ready'for Jbis. first ^peorancbi as ja' B& tfo f;Ybfa'pgita<trtn6rn,.on"ffie mprrip'w.'' .:i i - wy^v ' ^^i^ .l>eamB'.bf. the nung siiiir'Jpe Xollit! |iw &f;^hu'_l^9d]^^^ tui(^assbohaa']U^Stfag-. jj^^yjAs ,'dieaud,. pe'Mt.him to p'und^''^an',bld'h%^ Uu8 lnijsl|';<]is^^ for ^wa^4ing,,?rI^^-.bcG(^ •lw'!5>rwi"t-'Jop "was con.- ~?S$we,: of'.tliai he -waii^^are: ^77^*^' t^^-'sf^'i^ 1-^'^ dirpctioii , iCTil—-ail? U*-^. I«>l^ji)&^;..]bra|)^-thej • V.IIT... - W. Stragglot waVfiisQ'and ^aa'puAihgVfgbri^y'' '( When a pheasant rose;%Pmue 46r MhMr Uiiiii, and the same instant a'vbiSs 'etduiiiPd;'*'lI2rlflr^ i "Go oh Pitied 'JoPlret^Awflyi,;..^H^iirt ^toVerrcPiDDle'liere;' i6aii^'d6''yp'a^Vwrf^ - igo on 1" ; Tm'^a goiDg^£,it^4o^fjStmgles, miaunder- Btanding hin^^i.afpip^.&nri^^Tmi^/rweBt.both ; aiiB,bMfela,«»d.J4tflb)i4 iM .:-'<:.; ' JBlated.i^th.^ipciCfM he:i3^^ ^e conceived it nqlld be found..' He ^ttmiAtA m^.. the fern like a fitw u puuh e dUiiuu gh thefniza as if jhis legs had been 'adanMO(i;< Ad rushed throo gh tlg -jLi^i laaplinga Uke' a thanderbaltti-nntit h e i.JtM|fl iiJMBP^^ lolump^'ruf aiitttees. Jttttt whwhw^S^J tlmliLm. I *" Ve dfovjkftwe*****^ ■ ■ • . ~'"i>'v'J '\bf.x/'L ••;>'^jV;:.-..' V^at's It, IS It 1". said the gentlefflan: '•lid pray,'wr,''*fe'ar^yonr?;'^-^^ f - "••^''' '"= ;Mf. StragaW'wdi 'to '£tf'ghf«Ded-^thkt^lla'cDtild i^iaip^spl^. .^E«•h*l raid afli&ayB.»drp^ ejm, in ^p.j^wpf,afe^^r^d,niatig^^ '••T^eA is yoM hWia, sir }*cod^^ .0381 r. ni iTioUii ai-Irrud 9<1 »J