New York Clipper (Jun 1855)

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1 M ealled'to mind « 'Shoir SM;^ote' 1 Tlie gantleinaB' htm his poe^ a apoa withfreen iak^. ha had haud, that no- 1^ of PH!''i. . fiMH-ponn&rabd tsmiaiicA finno* tlia'O'vfiacZ'' . - ulad noii^, rayUme le^yisnnF*'Iia«eadjiited. PoorUr. Straggles I He mgbt as well have \' |>Mn.4tked.for^Jthonsand.poiijid luuik-nota._^Aj>7z. ' tliii^ nke a licence could not be found; and, al- tbiagk lie called Joe as lood as h^ coidd,',and «xt -' pbltned that he ipias a friend of a neigUBoi'l'the g«n- - tljlgaa would not believe him. .Bot he toIdrUa - tomoi to take him' into onBtody; and ^between :-^im'lo^ Ui>) 6tiagdtck;-^ 9S jfirom the CQpaOitrndj-forlackw aroiiiid7hona^^^<^^id^ : (lezn^^B lioiiBe. .^id 'ao 'pasacid the' fint da;f of 'Mr. JiciBtipg«i^)edi&ni.- ' ' .'.' '•' ;'• Stnggia roitnitof Ts onr next 'irill be given a poitiut of John CUPPZR.' in the' mdae otSaekt we«tfa, tejAT. thu Mcflnnt of the great battle between ItwUtweU repay peioaal. Thobb who procnred the Clippkb of last weeh^ ti£i3:tb,iaMire'<UA:Ue^|Upi^;(i6n<^ aaiix's.^enea£4'tUe''iWbWid B<Dian"so' NEW TOKK CUPPER* fHK BScoonzKO njounii jeiiBHAL Wjuusicii 'WizH a weekly ctioal^aon'of' over 90.MO^aTOaa- lag-Bat oiflr over oarwhola oombT.'biit iiao tO'BigtB thencat lilting Arma-of the world. - ' Tua feTodte.AiBsiiqia'^poitliia Nevniqnria pnb- Udiad vmj Thimdsj- mooilnKr 10*7 M had of all Hews De^an thioQgfaonttlie united States. It contains nportsof ■ ' BsEctasBIsv, lba«iii4' Taati of StnosO. ~T ssMla r. CMkH gilBy, aaiBa■poTt^ 0j^a(BaII, BIfla Ihsattav, , In short, ftioits of evory dessilpUoa. / Henettly beUerlnir that'by eneoonging tm ince n t, ii««miifeij aiid innhr Rxsis, ve ate doing a raal sdcvlos Wns the- 'fCumsB." 'wilUn fhajaaeh.araTei7 maa In lbs united States; .we there:- ton p'omilrlt at the lowest jposalble lates at which' a good and thdioiigh'Sporting n^-canhij al^^ jpV Tiylt once, and we are qidte saie yon win nerar ^jR<rwwdado;wiihoiitIt. .. TEMM OF THE eueeERI ' sMavIa OapT.... ...S etb | IS ■■aatka.....'...41tSO • aaoaniKf .'..,.wtiOO| le moBUu SiOO Or WBuOavtea ^tfll »a aeiK «ne Tsair foatlMM Taaas. or Adtbtibiku. ' TanfTTTTTfT AnTmiamsjiB, Scenta per lino fbEone iBgegHnm i cants par Una for each,BihMqaent Inaartlon. BiniiMPBi Kornm, ISJ cents per line: written weekly by iha •dHor.-If dssbsd. ' To ttoaa adTotiilng by the iiauter; or year. a reaioft. aUkdadootiaaftomueaboTepdceewIIlbemade..: Obanmgea, V Notices of Sporting Erents of geneial Interest, Inaatied gmla FHAinC tJUiSEN', Pbofbobob, No. 109 Naman^^ree^ New-To^ NEW TORK CLIPPER. 1^. BATDBDATi JUHB 30^ 1865. j ; . Wkotosale Agssta BoB^joBta ft ToDRiT^ ids Huaaii^itii^t. jfiD HtiHiKf,^ AniHtieflt. A>U&7>iBiZ8BedbnBn^etaeet. ' ' ' AL'Tni<a,li6bhsslirat^^»et,niIad«^hIa.' ' ' Oa^.*Co,.lTj|nn_slf«t.''•;■ i 4 Co; l»a." »■ and IB boint^tieet, Boston. should not< ing Holineanx^s .likraeai^ ainnged a* Id reprftBe^t tjbe] men'M'Ubej^ inihw.battlaa.; ...r.., y. 1: i-.-vii i:,'.:- - lh-r'iW'> 1: -. :NoTwiraprijipnia.the"H.niitflTing:and>l)*«fflpido7. cia of thoae; prafeomg to be tcmperBlica lnel^^w» tiitoorely l«]kTO <li'«'4tb ofjnfy yn ^ ^.Mth; ont 'the Vsh'ediliiiig of<iaid|''/so,.oraiiBdmtf^ jiifr; (Vc(eiri|)]ceii|iNii'/ To be Buie.; ^aie. win.' ba iJeii^«f ihootisg, but it .'will be for amoM; mentonly. -Tha ^biigestUb^y''villi>elIie'mdtto on this 4i]i,; and woe betide^ fhbee 'who' ahbold at- tempt'tis ^iotjgjta^w eig^mani..J:TIi'Q.^ulI' taiy. \nSl^9^~ta'^lB^ti^r»iiii^9 day,; not to .shiopt down those wlio may see fit-to take'^^itan (^ iiagsr. Peace most prerrsiL -J m-^ •■< 1" : ; Kay of Vood'a FloolaBitloa - - ; In r^arditd the enforcemeatof thelifaoi^ Idiw In duB otj^, on the 4th bf Jnlj; "is bntl^ iufd is ai- tiicting .enbsdaatie' attain ' '"Ditf iSAjoilxm- tioDB.po^ii'officeia as to their daties in addng U- qnora, W^ms them Aot to attempt to seiae imported Eif&bjpr'.': If impoited liqiMiB are seized,' those tnakinjf m'Mizm -willlM'hetd' ameiiable to the IawB, aiia>jU bare to . "foot the bill" them- sdres.. .KqtA-Veiy.^easantpiMpeotforpolioMDeii. In fact the ■jiJVodjiinaitibi^ intimates- that in at- tempting t^eiifo^b' the^'Smliiihifo lie only fibmhay- forille^ handle or'Hall will tread tippn T(U7" deUcata? way for the policemen' to saTe thi in^ fines ailA^penalties inflicted npo: gal 8eiziiii:-, '<ftii, is to "tonch not, nbf th'e'niicteairthiDg:"' In BrooU; .iaides 'i^^eTent'view of the matter, and iiepipB. de-' tarin^utdi'.to^ have a ." moBs^. ofrsome -Jim We shall Bo<m'see. ■. •: '.'Seigiiel to Osa Blaclkirood.AAir, OUR ^ Ay^^^^ H ^li^^^^C^,^ y^yii^^ j I V -:>'7b» l —ri i STi Wonder.' ' ■ ■ ■ V-.' _ > M Wl -attended as had' 'b^'l 'ChWBOB-aKwamitfcai" American .Woaila^v"^- ^tai^^^P^m^'ihe folloiriiig challiii^? Seirard (the Amarioan Wonder) having nn tha atialf fKr mmwia tjmg i. otn^ftii. fc» ^ ahy, and ^ dz of ^ie.beBj^menin''^ales ip 40gii'yAir» ^00" i^Jds 'eaoh, and'ivn| esej|L fpt^ ~ 'rslely eVay{an'ininnta^fbr''£2S',thVmen'to' jBS a pieoe^ and SewanLto-da&at the ax or foifc the £25 ^ to mn at.Cardifi^ Qlunorguahinvin toj,^ weeb fiK>m the fM.depomt; !bi^&wardwil!^^| any man in W^es one mUe^ Jfor the.same snmlT^^ t Bmisdnajia^ Y .. ^ IThebe has been some interesting games plityed :at the room of Mr. Bird, In Exbhange street^ Fhifik delphia. Hie sport commenced on the evening of ^aie20th. lliefoll^vistheiesDlt: '' iFsnt Oame—ByJ^wiu^and White; around the wle; won by WhitC^SsMiid Qame—( ball caroi Fhelan and Wh!ta{7 -wo.n by Fhelan. Mme—^French 3 ball otmm game; won by Fforth Game—By White aiSSird: ^ ball- j^e; won by White. ^fSi^ O^Bttl^Br-Pfii >4dBird; aioond the table~; ^wtt'ijbgr.^Siid. 'Game—^By Phelan and Biid;'|^«E]iio]i-,giQne by Fhelan. Seventh Game—By Fhelan and whole game; won by Fhelan. JESgfath Gami Phelan and 'White4 b$Jl^cQm.;r^nl^ ~ The gama'-irai>'contla£ed~the Slst, -with Joking resnll: Pint game of two hnndredand fifty pointa the table, by Fhelan and White; won by ] Sboond game c^two hnndred and'fifly pointa aroi the table, by Fhdan.and White: won-by Fh<' TSuid game^ by Krdan-'aii'd .Btr^.-pne horn paints anrand the taiUe; won by Bird. Fo: game, a fonr-hand match; Mean; ;VniSte and Bl against Phelan and a gentleman of . Ruladdphia;'of P£Di:STIUL4]NIS]II. StetMn the Boaton Federtriu. W< VB extremely sorry to hear that our young Stetson, the Boston pedestrian, has been >naly' iU for the past two weeks. We are glad be abla^-to annonnce, however, that he is mnch at piaaoit, and, if possible, will compete for le pnrses to be ran for at Cambridge on the ^Oth. '"""'"J OS tbS I fniwii- [vxBAin^^inatcheB have been made once onr last, tha eT:jemng of the 21st, seveial inends of Qor- ond Williams, in Brooklyn, made a match for twoTunneiB to mn a mile the following day '#200, bat when the parties appeared on the >mid, owing to some difflonlties, the money 'was Inwn, and a fir^ match made as follows: *tJbrdon and WilB«rii« t^'.mn'^ajaatoh of four 'erent races, via: lOO^y^ds, 1-4 mile^ 1-2 mfle, id'l mile^ at fonr diffinent starts, for 950 each t^^md^STanllflfly Mfator^on b^^ *^ amoimt, «20(».: jlliis* match U to c=me Bird. Fifth game, by Phelpn and Whiter 4 bait P on the Union; Jtac© poma, p,J^ on Monday, caromgameof one hundred pointB; won by Whifi) loth of Joly. iThe following is the resnlt of the 'play^on tha I'Let these matches' be. t^axtiei-:<ri& in a manly, 22d: itmightforwud "maniier, and we, .ahall soon have First game, by Fhdan. and Biid, around thci iA ^ant; of pedestrian sports to notice. ble^ one hnndred poinls;-wtm'by Fhelan. 8e6bn< > ■'H- ? - - • . - —™ Xhe SlTd'Hlea FootBMe. rPhela ^''T??".'"'***T*t niiti4fr? T^' tlnlt Jim in ttr ^ '~~T ■ Ibr a B^tck wllb MA JtamcU/. yMJUfjMM OaniD^ZD ^iwv to a qma^l« ' ' ^ " ' - ^^--.Jj ii'ifii,, ^ - ■^ ■ t " '*"^^^— ' W«iii«««^ statement, ofiered to meet any of bjs eh^niiea,; ai^. ^* thns settle' who"'wa8 tha'^cnr.". We'nbw iWttn ' firom.a pbrrespondent in Bjieton,;tI^kt Blackwooll: .W{ant tojgyans' hpnae pn the isth, and ofiiued .to' d^t EyanB,.whb dech'ned,.bnt aaked Blackwood'if it Tom Davis. Blackwctbd'lepEed fight Davis' or any other, man.'. It that. Bl»^o<^^ companm -*--t dftTi '"''^ each shonld be so- aewee,V ifg^S^ same, by Phelan and. Bird, aronndithe table, <me hnndred points; won by Bird, Third gamei White' _ Ubair,/nl7«. and Bird,'aronnd .i£he''t^rvone hiiSBTpointoU- Teb nuAuh between DpK^ and.yTilliamfl, to run won by Bird. Fomth game, by White'. ahoBiid^ ive mileB, on the'Union :Coiin%^;bn Monday next, aibnnd the table, one hnndred points; won by ir -9300, is exciting .considerable attention in ''^^ portmgdi*de«rmorebieoially;;inBrooUy^^ and fifty points, around tiie table; won by White, t--^^ - -m^-" .v Sixth ^e, 3 ball carom game, by PhSan and to see the race ran White; won by "White. Seventh eamV-i ball oar? h ezcdl^t time; better^ perhaps, than has been lom game, one hundred points, Dy Phelan and made in a number of yeaia. Can leave the Sonih White; won by Phelan. Erfith game, fdnr-himi ferry, BrSiklya, at 2 o'clock, for the Conne, and I, will H labored that Bl«±wood, m hfa [a^an^ a^tleman of Pluladalphi,; won by, S .ll<*aaynert. J%2d. 7n the Union.Bac. :;.,f^!i^K^ppeT Ocean Telegraph, Capbun 'WiDi^.o^ '- 'BuBUmi arrived on Mondays - 26th, fibm 'Ci having made the shbrteat pasaage.bii record^ sailed'firom Callsio ^pn the 28lh of Aprg, nig.,tiie.rnn in fifty-mg^t'days.^.JjjffJc'T--si^iTji Oail'n»>ft^; Conr8e,'Loiig Islands - .'Sport''for S^day. SOt^ ■ m.ths.nubiUge Xntang jesik^'iiaari^oitaa. Xhd afiair, noticed in one lasti promisaa to be fiu II iiii] Mj^tojio^T tome eood time. - Hie yent.of the day tTITi ^ . ^ ^ be mile, for which, it Win ba'seeii;f»dow, I mile riuineiB, Barlow, of this dlj, .aad Stat'^ (n, of.BoBton, have entered. The foUowingis the "'' j'file ti "Wi ' 'a«^Mii'■ —« ■«»■■ .-i;'.i J . ;i.;.-.wilBW,l i:.'. ,'•'.Ji J j-;.; ..wutaitbiBiate'liiBlzaoivee^' i- '•.''i^'.'. Dar'-fast... l'-QB-P8 ' ,. KB&a*' K.BE4< ''Csstles'.i . * .QBkff4 KBJI^B:::.: KBxB.. . QH'QKIi(d) q£B7z BKKtS' ' -ESKBS I -■'-a.-.ii-r-intiitett I ..:3..K-Plil i:;.:r , .4.>K:B.F3 I 7..QKtB3 lju«<^Kt.'B5.->( 9.,K,9iPxP. ■ laaKRK '< ■■ ■ , ' 13..F.Q6iJ'..v. 11: ■ U..Q^i<^B 10..KKtxP Zl.-.KXB " . ' .' 'm..KtK* ■■>'■■ : lS..f :QT, wIas(e) M'^If TOa take FHwa with Kty hs ohaiuMsK'SUiK KB. and. thea checks wIihX;B B 6> in aiSt* to (bllow with QE 2c .. ■ ■.,..',,,, ' " (bVBcet'fllj'coaoaWed:'. (6) If beinove E P R 1,'yimiaheekwlthQaeenIn ple- paiaUonfOTE'EtB7; - ■ .-1 . :■ ,:-..,..,, ) •._ :. (d) Ul)e.t«k«KPwIth Qnaen,you o^tnre Boqk-with Qneen, having In view Kt K B 7 z. V .. . j - ■ (a) Haii«l«ln is one of tha moat biQUant playukbf the ■ '■ ' ■ . m , m m " ■■ ■ ■ tfABIB OF CHEQUEBB OR Da&UailTS. .; OBiinoaib FMiTiof ' ' .aBamber i.'.. White to Mfivt: and-Win. Oleifo (5 not oaia tap agauntUliu^opd after " ' "" frmghtJ ^.>itat:jjty Si^tta-. ^trtt a WtebTaaBrSiibbamT ttan^ pQ^H-dr 1,.T» -%^.."f^ mnXImtA to ■^'E^-ju'lu In , iiMwiilMtir'*'-: —l""',"""''" *-^*^ LCUdUlL—'^ntfsaa" vin aaawtr.TOar '•a* KCntn AWiiidav—"''"^'' '''*''**^*^™ i^mmttti^i^^ tWiia Wlttat« ««» *• to foar mtoola^ • i— n n,at«i<^ "™ ""^ pme,*sa; w» • MmanJl.^»—«■««»' .1^ , „^4'dtaalts,Uunih atfoardiO'titBt itnta. Tgar iCl^-2 .«Bon«.—"1. Iftwoi«ta«i«eo»tnui«ti1<^h»w ^^^gij'^itMrilibat taBlt oontr" l. ,Tn'polala 2^ ta^, '- iwOTia-—r'"'"!*J»«»<• •*>^ am^tibmt^VM ainni '/M^n. Toarent littww .«»srt'»*to«B«.«ara,',tBt •i;w»dj|d' BOt faaT* tt* nqnlnA bifMmatleD at onr'SBgtf ndi at tB«'11a«,a* m M^m m , r illMI M i l iIt.' ToBT Mftad ,Trrh lafff .g-J.* not g« to BgHa^ll^ mIImi'^iIWIi-. gJiBoitaa^-Ilattelncacopraf tha Kpeit'or HBt^ ■gtat,i« cmot jDmfjjy t»" ■ 1 1 ' . '■ I -,.-.'.': ^' -. - - a. g. T» o« »od ,—" I h»T»'h»« It »W Vu» Bt»tt»B,'-»b» 1^,1,4^ OitodaU Id lb> lata tas, an* be* .. a^^n^ to M tbit Iw'wm KU W ^Sto «n 4h« teek, TiiaiB a ' «Btt,«ad-iaatSriD^dr>«ia^' bit'aer" 'W<h«i4 Dvita^ las «t an ttav;—It floanet, ^0a«v^. . lji,»rTci»a,Hiirfi>Qis. %iii"r«liili took hl« Uk l«^--o'»»r Ui» nu ' ■ > »an^at trl ii l iirf« r ;'B»tHI^«i»f»n«|MliM-Uaa-iBpp<^<^ K tt^tTiTi Fo»i»..«J, harisf tht daatr, nl. tat ssa'to' tp, U' aat,'^A^ >a<l^ taa to fOk aataoiataollBs IB'bat tSo an ad >di, \am- .::-. . . : ■ ". . .- • WiaxB..n9ad'a.—1. Mu tao vQm laa tr iMrttiiaM^ toiS-mtoatMr. Z. Wfeatiatkafaltkfrttlaaamnlalaraialn 'kaif.amllar' Liila. X U& . - a'-'i K.F.j<-^Taa.(Ufe<MtoCafalIvbem IU> d^l^tOIiv oaaaf tta''wi ■< ■Viiiii aliiaa tatwM tmn arf Wiii»i.n >i-. ifa ' ttdakO^ iMtkaB thafcet ar Oate«i«t,BoithBtw Ton ■ -.aa'abnr laacb O^ Majbjndtraad tb.ran^tifhl^'tUiMa fa^' ■■ lOf, aAsr kir aitt Mih }M)er, WsttMaaaftrtrt HintoBhTlun .'aa eMt ■^wfcn* imjk W. 7 —Wa teUaia tha net to teni taaa a Ur oaa^ aatallMiri. • t> tka vBtray. ^ 'Wa.kafv aaUM«I< .«*»'!»- >ia'<4;nti|lnaacpfr«r Vta.mMOm^ . la^naa]asahaUmn«to^Ssao4|iBi^"fta'aBa vtta k'UUia' Ba4 Soaaa ttacfc hair a bIW maalt 9 t'titia igpltM tiBabf half aaOa lattli aoutn.aad br It" 1. BIT a, nb a> iiiiiuii l,tataai«Dj i .tl>atj|lrAaa*w ja<ae« M.^ 1-lf .aJla. a..Waa bat Wt i > aalwW a tlant.MI^ fa yt^ ^ tta ' J-X-lh ^*^ .'i'r''^'fy^r ■. a—ay^ •rTria^vmbmrdUtsjoBbra^ " . .^SnpWanrfa.-lif Balam tefs aa«ak tha~ilL,'ae- [ to U a afnanath Bofirth, It loBlai tha distaaaa ahma. it'- T» OsRoi^tiadaBtii ■ BkvnobMB akasnt fhintheelty fcraf^dsyswe have been unable to give the nsolalteatlat to thWde- ptrtBsat. Those aotansWwed this w8^wni >«!,i„ atteatioD la onr Msf, ' ' . i Tawnk. at fair. • . , jtS'Sfi^^'^e AnjuTsiaaty of ^''t!''''^Siii^JStSP^ain^^ tern- perancefcnaac. byStiK^^ iOowidl thoee-engagid ^'qjioaci^ opportunity o^jonung m the fiastiTities o(th»i^, ^ dufl ste onr.p^ CO Tueaday aftAnobn,.^ ^ Iibiir a wexim poBaibly insto it wmrmieit.; . jaDgements'will also be made,sb'ih8£'an'a«n>U' in'6t^Qtidiclni<A)taih tbeir vanid aiqiiiiiaajiM ^^7^^ ?*"^^ p4fli:oC Jii^rW wfflUBiTwt " : BLACK. (ILUTIK.) and dri^BT Qj ^leer ilames g. g. Hero....; , .di,t TIE') ofthe beat—qnarter, 84sec.; haU; 1:07; mile, 2a7i. ^A-^ireafemwd aaiaiiibIed"to'witaBBnii]irttstoh. Th»_fpeed,-«f-Herojns haown to many of the tnrf .the i^;iAuad^ tipV- regard to the mare, a a httle bothered. It was, however, a fixed fiwt^ that sha'-had^ever inade a'mlle heat iii pnblic less than (i» (9<n(y.«rai/'andiwhether she was able to peifonn -^it 'any^muer'Wu^ punier ^t<wi«ari)r: a11 nTmm i t,Mn.ijpi -ttieow uei an d his con-- fii^OTitlwl firlends . .'ITnmeioos wagers were made that .2:23 would ilbt bb ^e^^d on6 bet of 9l,d00 was tBbenjc^;2;26 jpot^bei^''peifinoa^ .Thoe rbibc wete-'talom jliinSpally on the''grbond that b^' steeds were goi^itb'-wagDos-'aach wttgfaing with' - ^ ' drivers two linnared -and-sixty-fiTe pounds. In " - .^iew of this. &ct it wav deemed beyond all posd- bili^ that they, woold pao«>J>dewi the7<i>B>(>>«, end' ' ji^U^-acqimpiiithfii, to the nttar aMtmiafameiitL.y < .9(the,entiwicjowrti;-j;-. i.r.j.-ii:.... .- i,-; ji,.,'' ;: {i;«u 4,9'ql<)«ki:the horsee Iweie. scored sevenLn .tiineain ayeiy^.qnietrjnanneri and .while piepannff to iec«iv«i:tMl word, some tE,QOO or 96,000 waa>'.> .ftakBd on..the.z^enIt,.with Pooahontis.tha&mrii«^';ii - at 9lOQ.t0 KeOi .whidb; it .will be observed, ehangedri' > hand* W'-dooWeqnicktim'eL**; The driven flnSlyii/i ;fnD9pn^„A«pD«elvea ready, and' taking.^a long^j i(tait:&Dm;^.<4caw gate at the oaniage^entitanocL.r^r ' .and, bi^,i^bP9t neck and neok," the jndge hold^^' )iiig,.th<i,nag gaveithe. word Hgo.".. /Hiey diMtd oS,i .to :the !gmi<^ 'Withont .; either guning or joeinKin o~ nraah,:„flbW«Yar,.the iig was up^ before "pas«dng-;^S' th^.tiAlf mfle pqle, aa Hero .made a bad e breakT '^/' #nd,ooted,yew wild andu^ ; MoMapn.Waa thei»;b:i- \ ,$>r«i not crowaed^in. the-.Ieast^and not satiaGed^jrith'^Rr^ having ^e. nee in his own handsg he seemed d»<->' r < tarmjned to show ^he pnblio.what kindiof blooded^:!*':; stoc^hewas nowpulliii^ the Tanaover. ii The nam -was. iMpt .dpwnjio.her,'work vrith great skill, and • ' die almost .semn^dt'to fly aroiud the trabk .ThU^. extnioidinaiy speed of Pocahontas made tha hone^ mop., open; .thai eyei^ and the contest was broagfat- to a bloee bj;her,distancing Heio on the fist auItLv,- which .aha performed in <i«o.«*(U(itt.jevm<«e».ati2c,.' d balfaeecmdf. . . Thia time is the £sst«t ever made ■ >y a pacer In'any part of the world. mile heah^'best' flreL in'harness;' '' ' ' 7^:'"'.' H..WoadiaffBsiiie<f'nin.''£Sd7-FtaiiklIn' ...1' 1^"'' G. Sptoer.nanedIL g. bantem;.;.. ..;.;2 2^<.< .5H»ie,^(HM6J(-ad6i, . ; . .jV: • Tdxsdat, Jime ,26.—Trotting match, .^1^004 1 niile beats, ii^:haRieBB^'iJ . . - Wiii..Whalan namad a. g. <Hd Spnps. .v. H. 'Wdcamir.named g. gl Active... TOne, 2*6^3-61 J. ' ..I day, Jane 26.—Trbt&ig majiph, in barneta: ■■".[ 'j^^.l-'"':' :' ' ', H. Wo'odiqff'namM i.'nil XaSy'FniiicIln: Ik. Fdftr named blk. m. SsiBtogbBelle; ^. .Tliiie;2:31—a:S4J^ ' Oalifinw"^ PiOKBSs.CoDBas,' SmiSi»rUay 2T, 188j Col. A. /. Gamhla (J. L. Eoff) ih. g. Prinoe B<*t^. ^ I " -snIkTfc....*.'•.•...*•••■•••*•*••.•*••.•«•'*I ft^* lir. Geo. Pei*dten*.'iJi: I*ay JIao, to Biittjr..j » - UrT JTnVi'Wtlsoii (D. OunpbsU) b. g. Jos WUsol ipnd,.but resorted to.tlie'Bed£go^ff^ down, for nine bf ten rennda .iiMn^ e deaf to the,a41j>£ taaMC and Bladt wood wonthe^battle in thirteeii nnnntei; tfe have also'rtcidved a letter'fitom-'BlaisinvbMl, ^Tipg 'an' aoponnt of' this afiair,' in' |^Iuet^ ltif| ^siaifp that.he wbid4 Iike"to'^tiy,^W: n^^^ whft called bim. Cnr,". hot above: all-, other - men; Ji»l WDnld praf^Tom^DaTia orBlU ETani.r'"'I1ieie-i^' 'doubtless be's'^tarn-iip'' or'twb'bdbi^ tUJi i^t i^iiettied: :2;ri;;^c^^ ■■■;.•.■;;"•■,' '■' tfidl^ijmnt); : Wa'always.s^d' Honce' <$ieeby w^ iii^dugdiMTT:npw,.w,9. .luiive,^;pipof^J)iiik ^TSntp, the.'dever concspondent'of the. New Yatt-Dafly limes, in speaking of a ball and snppw-'givtiit bk' J^aru^ aaya, "In ^le cai9-too)iii were tWo whI|H''U- ldei,'aiidT]6<tked in (o aaa '^At^ one.'was Horsbe .Greeley, 'with - onr ImDiant. Lady SfloretaiT, Va, Piatt, ibr a partner; Hidr adveiiiid^ i^ea'weie liIi£''>Eaaly-^mneh, too good' iiafali^ to be'"ahybbdy's'advenaJy^and a'geatlmian 'whoae joam.e I,did not Icanij A^. the partictilar. moment of .the game which fell nnder my.obserTation,.Ur. <]lteeley and his ftir mm-ms 'wtve in- the mnti'lisM '-iithelr' opppnekits'' eolmlirig - bnt' 'sfV. 'Piamoads'. were'tiomps, and'the'Im^ Wfu'M^^'Pi^ "j^.: aradey d^calt to^proceed aor tmMng to -Hbyle^ such was the "constant aaeoeasion -of'oM aopiaintance^ who wished to aak himliow he Jld.,'Biavnce played thiid hand'low in'tkmse- ienoe,'and, of course, Iciit the tri«^ Oreeley.lias since been, put in priaoi^ in Paiii^ at:thi sm't'of-^ exlulntor at the New York Ciys- tal Plslaoe. "Oild MoraUty^Wanis tobea'gi^ decwTOr."'',' '.'.. '.'.' '" ' ■•.. ..'.". '."!,'■ Dw Bostan J'iiliilM. ' A TAki oonoonne of pttB<»iis' will doubtlees viait 3aafbn;<m the 4th bf Jnly. tb^'witiieB the gnnd re- prtta,' under thb patniiiiige ';M^ nmrri^oii of the tnbjiiopal'iuiait)^des.'V.|J^l^^ be a moat' _ it 'a£lur,''an'd 'will'^ m particHiatad in by some of the'lnost eifpert' Vb^imen in tOa country^:' ' Tlielfew Tbrk bo^t, biiilt:to cbmpe^ the re- ittn, is nanied after a^tfMae)!< of 'tub . Hata!ldj|'J . K* Potman, and '. oil' ""Monday, thb'2d Inst,;win be tikah to Boiton, to be entered for the race.' Hie bott;,tvhicfi' is '35 feet in langtb^'wu bnilt by New- 'jnan.dc Bandel),of this city.' liis the longest fbniv bared bb&t ever euieibd for any laoa, and nas been pnnioonoed'by competent jndg^'to'be of ez<iiu«ata model and fimsh.' ulie crew, who call themselves thq New York Hallen' Amateur Club^ have alret^j won'well-mcntcd distinbtibn in many a hodj otni- tested nice:' Their names are," Stephen BobbHa, "WHliaiii D^iiker, H. Larson, and .J. MatheiBon. Mr. 9^0106 C. Newman will act aa.'cOiawiiui. JKi fin^ -will be Krfit^ nantalooni' >ltio' and Iwliite M^^.alijtr^ anr<>haBk^^^^ Thi^ "boat lias ftr;the fiifst rao4 whiii is W a poiae ^^rat'ltfsjSy-;^*^"— -bvor'ihe'Oeiitnl Boad, on Saturday. mbtiT'es 'weie employed'in Uie drawing 3pn nn Howard,. oqiaaSIiiglatOD,, ',. Jbmi Wfhchestar;-■■' -' -'— - .-w WuUa^'i>i»a.aii.Bj I TrnmiViB'now Iii Tol^o, a .mant,pi^aaBBrilfg.4A height.7.f<Mtj4.iiuJiea, a/ifd weighing..914: poundst .Hla.iamilyin BwitEerland.conast'''of hia<^pdcentsi tiiKee-^theM.i'aiid thfee''osteM;''.'Mioee°^rage W'itit ia'ii^jr1y'B<^v^fe^': ^athbri 63'yean'of ij^ 'fiet'lO,inches in b^|ht; mother, 40, .6 ft, in.; nidest brother, 36, 7 ft, 8 in^ second bn>theiv'20^ <i fb 3 1-2'in^ thiid biDther^ia,' 7'ft. 2 iD.;'l>Idttt .:. Hiu'lou ajLat r' ■. inillamSpenoer..: . ...v".. ..-.JatteaSmltb, . JqlpiE.:Taylor, Phllsd'a,, „,ia.r./U]taj, «. Y. , KoaiAox. ■ ,l^S. . .' < JsaesEbrgaity.,, ' ' Frennli^v' . ; WllUxiirTnSstb&e, tllaa Bniy Baillow; of New Yoik.' : JbUa'Stttaoa; Jr.;'' ' ■ ■■■■■ ■QtOTiji'Btoink '■ The ffaOjputibailaiB'of thi^ be'giveii'&i 'biir next, which-tnlt be issuM on Tuea- layafibniocrnv' '; ■■'■.. ■■• i ■;.•■■.: -. .•/ .,.! • ■■. sisief,-S'e^ 6 - ft'8' inu;' ubbnd' mster,' IB,^ fi' 6'i-2 fwork bnband," and miiBt bave a<v.nmnt»tert qmte a iii.|'iChird raste,^|'l(9^'d'ft,"4 in4 litwia^Vf^ '?j<>^ .f^ '1 inl I ;Tbib match.«ame off on the 22d, on theigipnnd .of the Bed Hb(ksai.-Hariem. Oodiam: «>t-A.gMat .Tigt<iTy,-iiia1riTig;tlteIt Slmiia, while their.adT<eiB»' ries .cmly.made 3. .Hie fbUowiqg is the: score t ?t^«>V-and the" will also ta^i^ .-rfnch .a' He#'.T<i4k';-B^ to be tanOle ADowB in a laoa. iliOISCLUB, , 0' .;.'.;...:b 0 ......>lK.-l I. .Hyattw.... 3..8tlith..:.':' 8..0Ibbes..... 4.;CoanQVii4-; li.^Plso«, .. .^LSabrJ .^HsirlBoii.- .0 Tottil....'.>,l...-.'...'.3 PUoh'er, Glhtw;' J<i3ge;, ICott.-' ' ." '''' Bahlnd'maa, Plaoe.' ^' Bnas—Ist Inning^ OlSi, S;8d,0;snd4ui..O. . Beferee—^pr..Adsms, Two lOffier matdies ;'are bing^ iniiii-Tbrla'rtp^jday: by; hia •Ibnnances in this State and the, Canadas. He ib 'itow matched to mn a race of 12 miles-^er die 'Oneida Connb at Uiiba, bii'.the-^dr-bf Jnly-.'- 'Wb wiapelitor&: BtjMp Bock; a Florida Ihdnibl'and the ^tine'ls'fSOO. -'Tliey are to-jump'lj20i>' huiiBea "diiring'theiacb. '■ '•■■• -'■■ '•"' ' ' By the following' annonnoementi whioir We' take: from" a SyribdAe-paper/it woUd appiiiT'SuitUibkby' :tiotHAM OLOii. i^- • f'is''£oming the' '^Samom dodge^'oviar'the 'good piSyerfSyrabtise't ■ ■•-.'";• ', : ~,'':' ' ...'.iA! UxarrFHSE.—This oeleiialed^e3eiafilah'Wl]l cieate' .'.i4 -aniM axcUament this afteraoiD'ana evailliig, by-hls p'er- 'fiinunoea. Abont alz o'oloolc this-afteinmHi, hs - wUl- paiade .the streets. socoiDpsnla^ hi7 a.haod of ^j^^uio. aad a company of Indian wftnlbre .In fliU owtome, paint, V.^'V^lIilf^than and all.' 'In'tha' aveillig, Hlbh^y. WO] glTe-iji 'an<«Msliuibat atHeohaalb's Han, wVea ha MU'paiAib a vsdMr of wottdeilU &ats, and the IvUans-wlU glvsTa l.,,T*.,Tan.Cptt 2;'.Baiiia.';;..., 3..ShetIdan.'... 4..17.'V'anCott 9..Taed.^..'.., 6. .Case., 7.'.VcFarlana'.. S.'.Oiidllp^.';':'.. 9;.Tsls;..'..i'.;.^ ....... •'.Total BOJIB—lit Iwwlpgg' 2d ♦:.Sd;-4; and 4th, iT ''^ ^ ' Pitohat, T; Van Cdtt; Be Jilnd man. Vale: Jitdae.G .VsnCott. , .. , • of tiie EnlokeriiMkex. ' falked!pfri^''j^eturn matelii,,Gbthaiii agidni^ gpinVjiflyyt.^^^ 'i^^'' T>iifJ iam'a,.^,Eairt BrooUyii, againAlA^oiu;.' tune.n<4 fixiai. ' J^ iiew'.Cliib IuU;;b<en bmmjqeid, mdjnl^ eveiv 'Mondiay'and'^ni^^y at the l^ed^^H^e Harlem, called the Baltio.' -J^rfaddaitl W..!fTay Ior; i"C;icb Keudoit, Ciiptl' J. "Varian ;. I^eaaniei Rob^ ,Q(uri(dl;" S^t^iy, O. ComelL ti'i.'i i Ci^-'Olilh.;'^-.; THk .ietBay City Base Ball CliiEL latblv omniiad ifcyed their flmtgainb cc^Sat^^S&iiSS;^ liDacTSbled Se' ^^^•^^^TS^S^^^ 'eet bl.h.' Thejiplayed'wellj aiid Jafiar tm .vojlhtle iprabtio will ba ablaitOLiBninpetw donbtleaB with any dobIi' Uui vicmityi ::'Thei Allowingia die ecore for tw< Joidan,..... VariA '..'...' DnSttBTaa • a' ■ Sondder..«. Boyeet.. ~ Bsohe,.. Jaidkii.. Tadak.. I'r ........*.i"ft' ,;;-,i;..;i:.M<l<.^,:^' i" ! -'-SBDmcn'bXiiiL' .^ti•i^■^*^ii••J^^ i * • « a « • * « A OMttok^ t*"*|* ••••••••• Hy itll *^'»fcA«»a»*a^>a»Aa ;fihfUt(f^«.« » • • • • a. • • • « k «a,«}3a,t. iCokoy Tno, tb» Iildi Fedatilaiir Odr Old';&i4nd-Ifibl^y a^ma'ttfybav^pienty of gnnd War Bapce, together with JmltatifHis.of the ctnet ties and Saysgcs, by .Joke F^er, and eight 'nthfir Twat»n«'''' jfi^'i-^^' perfonxianca will inalndo tba foUowtng iikta ifWjiOltj-, which wUl be ajecobspUihed irlihln one hoar: 1st, Toit 200 yaids; 2d, piok np 4e stones one vaid apart; 3d, walk ZOOyatds lackwaids; 4tli, ran a uoop SO yards; .£th, jainp SO hmdles ; 6th, nin 200 yards baiktrardej 7tb, walk 200 vaids; Sth.hop IflO'yans' cn one leg; Su,- jansp six oonble hnidles; loth, pick inp20 eggs,-one-7«idopart, -wtthont.toaoh- IngignondKUhililsknaea.' This la a combination. of foreign and uaiioe attnctlons that ought tp .satial^ all putlaa, and Ulchaj winiila 'op his bUla, annonnolng Ua' Crrarmahoe;-with'-the folMwInir trae Milesian'invlta^ Uea-: .''Cwneone, conle'all, and'trin; tie ladiet!i Hie foUbwing is the 'sequeL; It'will be Bben that ahhongfa KBcki^ Was allowed onb'honr'to jierfoim the feats,'he " got through theb" in 25'minntes: The feata advertiBed to be p^oniibd'bT''Mibfcex Free oa' Batnird^ '^yenin^ at Mechanics ;H^ ui' oniB hbnr, wera auaccbmpliahbd in in imiititbB.'an'di' iEcixf diead the ^^rKnbuise'by Jbteping'ik'hu^ dle'fi^e feet high.' We "are infbittra'tiCi^.^^^ tends to repeat IhejMifermonce' ai'Avety 'Bdl,'-iii' thellKt^aid, on Thtindsy eveidng^ueiC'; Ve will be aadBted by a buid'bf Onbndla^ 'Indi^'wiiD irin give some Ulastiralabiui o^ the pbcdliar iraib o •avagelile.' ' '■'"'^'i^'. ''"C-'l'.. ■ ■ •Ha^' -- ';;■••' -;. '''^ B<iii<bi*,'Jifnb 26;-'I«S5.'. •• I have a smaIl''dog thit 'SeVelr tuiJAil '^^'anj^T thmg, thatXwbnId'ul((>'^^ipiM aj^n^ ot 26 Iba.g>'(«'ot'^ I Iblf'fqmoo andbf^f^ fiirht to oome'bffwidiinten milesofBb^t^ Ihjt i£l n^bnaftaady ^ »t ll^'^F'bWfli'' strict, 8botit'Bi«t<^k;';=^^^ A.-&iL» itiat^h' tbc^'^^b'^ Mai^r<rb&s-bfl; Ote iit'st,' fbr iiti6;MiVwi^ f^Vj&mfim'o^^^ -" •'to'-M«Wbtt;"-at'2S'^''eiSb;'1i6jit7 W ifift ttnw hti'fiiBt^^in ii iBfi.aWT thb'j^eat'V 8ttbiid.hM;''woi^'1>j Mr^ .-1-.,.**;^-!* . .19 irsolky.: . of 9800. '(o)i1iI^«es]aWUte's^' Xd)iA°holpielaM effort:. . CltrCKBTe St. SmKe aadH^-l^k.:.. . ■ ...Jaaaai. Thb Recond elbyen bf St George .and New .York played thur first matoh of the season, en the S:lalj BtHobokbn."; '- '■^' inie fbnbvmjg is tha scoter ' ! *'' KBw'Toa*oiAa.-' -'^ •'-'-" ' 'Mnt^laiiinjia. - ' "- ""iBeeend lniibt^ ToiaL Castles0.VintonkTUtai KBall«7.f......'.i.lO SI Shoonard b. TIU........U \JBtavT.....,....t ^ V Soo^ h, BaUaj.—... f 0 , .{l Bailey.. IV'll. Cflvariy]i.:Ban«y.::..:ia cBagaXaidley... .0 '2L' Jatack'b.'BaUay.;.'^..l,'i'8 'Ik T1&.'*..:;'.'.'....'.=0 ' -S :Harriiond.BsIMyka?Utj4 bi Ball«y......;..;w ft »> Preston 0.Ylntonb. TUt 8 blt-wleketh.Tmir.^S .iM Porter o. Johnstn Ii. Bai- ley. iSseo** jHiot—At the second attempt ithw 'gbt' the wordy both I^ttpng mde'^ side to. the &1£ > mile-ftole^ Ui 1:46, -when ■ the Lady made'-a'*'ia3s"' VP,** &d McOiisthf came 'liome a winiier bv 'si^ leMUiAin'2aff r-2;'i'; • ■ ■• - ; .Tt"!. "■Tkird JYeaCHThe' Lady; sptead hendf md tiok" ^e'I«>d to;thi6^Kiafmfl» pole, wherbMcQlBlh'took it'-fiom her, -wiimh]^ tlie heat^'ond' laee'by two*< lengfts'ii 2:81.' "-y.-u'. • ■ '; ':>: -;•;;! .. ■-r :r).ii:< SpWey h. Bailey.'^..-• • Juucw«n not ont •. Rldbuds b. TUt.' Bysfle ••••«•»•'•«■■ wide bslI,,l;. no lun'outx'. K BaUay..< ■an oat..', not .-ont... .. .Byes.. .■.'.'J.-,'.-..'0 ball,!.;....;:,-.". 2 TotaL. •.r•...i...^^.9S' '. - sr. oaQxoxfa cvn,, j'Q) ' SuUlV^.. .r> ....... .. .2 UVonlaIjpi»"^^6obtL;. 9 Itoitt tt.< dssUealilaatt: 9 Siitlbw.. B.vllazw*U b. : ; Slohsrds............ 6 Ballsy Ik. .Soott.... ^.... 16" Bage e. Sidvey h.,Blblt.''.~ AtdBi'e • a • • • • a '• • • • • •' '.0 'Vmion it.aaatlsalkBlo'd 0 Tilt bu Blobaids.a E&loj o. Splvay b. Blob-,'. BrdSaa ••••aaaaeaaaeae 4 "Ltgbres..;". .^ota)....,.... . 2;;;4 i.n.;W _ c..:-.'-i« -' 6 Bt. 0dVl>.BlahaB3f:a'i ' .0 0. ^vay h, SMtt. ,;^S.,.SS e. ^Mslbn UBBdtt.'i -'6 I iBn.aBlik.Li...;i3 : 0:, ;b. Blohsria.r....7-*.'.A j rtlndhmtfi not eat.;. .<.: Daitoa .bi Blohafds...: >.. \'iWlde']ijL[]^,'. ■^Tbtativ, .U.-«T>i !iiitoiL^.'''V ^o.:'Piesl*ii^'b.i. '-' aida..*L«r..u.-^w)OI i'l .fc; JUdis<dr.™,„„,0,. 1»..•*.....• 4 11 ■--..(t:ir .-K .3i'iil ;:ir_iit:iii Total."...;.-jJ.-.J42 i]8»r J .. .ij.M.-r) ;m o.i; 1- ! - B«tnni«irtOh<: ; f,J llii i i'Tn TatqAiiiiatb)»ib(ltlTe^v^.8t..flf|^g^'#<opa jpldladdpUkrClnba wflirnot h0'p]^red:1fll>fi<^(aiiK '-''-'''',€tfakot-ia S«irtt«^(ttins<'' '2Jt^<:^itm'f^:-m^- !brgBnn<('& Ifitntiiwitw, N^S^^'A^laai^'w^^ n(emjiepk'r.,!^. <3!^^Mi^^ ^i^v^, -fW'f^^i'! twice. I each j amek^(Said<'Blr^a4y.: hitve - madlBi g^o s t j^^^iiJcPjgid' ibir tb^ make mtdjili^eH^',' 'We' bib' 'g]ai,io' M,tI^'g^''piifl^'''io^ h<^ the "MawlheB^lr!(^:*<^l >CIn^^^ aganin thcmiena into Oribket Olnbi. btM Wbr^ -word, the Lady cuti Irf twa lengths, Joe uid* with a sharp stlok for a lead. to the stand. The and jSS"Sfc^y ^Pfl5L?S'? ■ik^ >nl!7^>^d'up they toddibd f( ^ -B»-S-iwik\-. qnader pole Joe made one of-those intetiM^- "flar»^nT«,'' whidh gave him no ahow.' ' At'the ™.^ mile pilB the Lady was leading byra lengths, but before she loMlhed the;tfaTee-q[uatter poUMoGtatb wag bjr" her sid^ 'and*pnAhing her'So fiahl" that abb' "jnmped'the giuoe," which threw her bhancb 'out fin the: heat,.'Khlbh was woDi- by McQiitfa easr ln 2*4. Joe difcfcrf, ' . . cs. ,4' ,.4L.r6w4oat raiae'tbpk plaba on'theHndaoi^&pnL" the,. .Jpotnof ■ 8nMg;.»tr!8et, Wednesday. afUnnoon, ^Oth inst. The prize was a silver phche^ Valncd- at.fOOf.and duee,boats,-were enteied for the con*"' tebtf^inajp^yj\ 'O.XF. A., SsiQud Lbekwoo^ and. - !d;^e "Yani^ee. At 4 b'doci; the bosta started, cnMs- ing.'^t"e river neai 'Sybii'a Caveyst Hobbken, thence - down\thB..Jei8e^,"aEwi^1w . Hoboken'-anii. Jineji .fi^^ .ttBd ^en reproaeong "to "Spriiig streeL' ifie'bbata were rowed by four men in each^- and the distanob'.was peiformed as follows: ntlng.Tbhn Snillb, B.-Anthony; D. Williams, oozntab ••-^ nSnntbfc .. Live. Yankee, manned. bv-H. Byen, O,' Smith, Soothe, - —; , cob«b1b— 3S InIIl!l^a..: ' Thbipriie^waa awarded .to. the Q. U. A^ ii'Suiog street .b«at( by Jfasat*. :Mil]er..dc Walnut^ oflWeatl street. Theioihw.boata bel<»ged at th& foot o£i .Ohrist^ph«:StrBet:..i .• i . 1.: .;i' j Viii : Vfliijiiiw'iiitA A.aA91fcbetw!9Ut:th{f akiff WiU:Mor]^-iind.^ iwwibciat 1^|li<? bqth.;90.(i99t i^ l9i^.cama:off.^ bA4he-Jhiii9w«i*>oMhe Tkej started, fitom ■ a.dmy.-boAt*,) Z<»^:.-^y.: opp^te. Fhjla^, M^tna, at 9, o'clooic, A. it, aBd,'Bai]i|i in fixe.mnm b!i<)y.,4^.Cheater: Uand;. which. th^ TDnndedla-. ^>4bnm^ff^HktftftHoiTi9j^)pat8^n^^ ' iwhibh she increased by leaving the.^.kCat" one m3eilH(mw.pn43:>9«diing,: Point, ^when ^9,?Mi«tf; b^gan tb| wke play, aDd fiqaOv. ronnd-: e<l(tli0;tHioy.atP:oint Airy at 3:37, the Mist^aabhr., li^ ihie.samA. p4unt at- 3;3S l-2.ite<<:Mi«t'?..thua.> 'W^'liidti.:9Q.aeeopda. . . ThalMonis ,imm«diatB\y phalUgiyd the,?Miat?i for.anothf«K match, ^hot .th^. latter. R&aed..... -^.y . . 1 i ■■- \ .... .. i'-i. i.>;;-.oif" GArt.-jroHii.BBABi^<b>u'lUeIyiIiad.a fine boat: bnilt,.'whiah .is,^cboi«d:neaT.thj» Oamdoa-Poo^k't.... She'll«K.fine>vaH^' ;:.'T w/ !-j nv.-zif*' ( ill -tm -:-. ir ■ .' OpaitaBC-AlI. Tbb akiffftmiiiy Known BB:tSJbhii])iciaB9mi>( has been ta^sOMaed,' and> iii)fW.«|iIled |]w «^EM|9i boat on the DbUwaie, for llOOuV^