New York Clipper (Jun 1855)

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Mom 26.— Pi and. ipna .■•J..T " >Wt« [when London. . '. .r ;:;'.:' '.V., A jwl"* wiKwnt pwdnorf the •ta>ih\^Sj^Jx^J^^.«?^J?^f''^ and Uiwiuni _,»^nnjflnd- pf Hei . ■• ■T < rJf^'''?r^^^'^^ to I London. '. '. , 'T^lflfS^t iA J?<>"« wrgwnt pwdnoad the -UUb . - ■ . . . ' ■•"if*»'?..™'.o'' tSe deceasetf'dMtwed limiMi£!!lt' Sidoidooffduiiiy' ffiiMae. Iwm a iMgeiamn^hnifengad in rfft MtiiWj .^.ni^TitJ This obw calebrUadipia&Babr of self-1"»'"'"» "nmW.iii -i.-'ikrf tto WAKn Tayarn,- BMad-wnrt,' DiijWrLUie. P cuttmg hia throat The partionlanof the^ta^' W- 'T'W'i.J^lw fi>™d datailed Mbw in the a«!i!>nnf m of Aa- mq™!^ Xhe imfortiinate feUow iraa iboni m on 0,9 1421 of March, 1818, and wak &9iaoi» in ^^the.SSth Tesr.ofhisage: •■ - . „ ^ £nin if we were so incUiiei], oar oimtnotecl' ^oe' ^onld prarant na firom'going at anjleiigth into the Wf ™'*<?7' ^ aibaorfinaiy iiiaii,^n^, we ingt iMr^*^r°^ «onlantoniBalT«B withibiirf;<atat6ene jerfonjuBices m the Pnza Blaa to whiiahTa^yl long aa he /eontinned an aotira member. th«eoi;.hei ^5:^J?*"*'' ftiaharjGalk, Diamora, Smaritair • *?i*g2 7^ W ^ l7% ir. hS anfVandt t wmtnat edhifl enttaniBe onIhnrtdajl"tet^ ix\f ^?'^'^''<>f >"?™fi'V ' ^-.'ithalaofa.- I Htwtai aid*«aayaiy;«r,tt'tuat;';" j5^ ^ "I^P^.two h^b made the flnal <}ep6«it'6n , . ., dkrlast. They«o lo ecaleon Miiday next at Mr: S??*;^^^^ dial ttlie'tj#(j H.iPa" t6 finl*h:i_ oni*ith.'ai«ligh't"lfead: to'lKb'^i leref^, }f not eamly; \>j halCsIeigth",: -Mhiag fsdip leotftha beUlnd the-aeo^ ilfi who paa^rQaiuoe.iB'the last Ienig;th8 from the-BaionV'hOne. '„'- ■ Jj.';, r left leg; whewin Mariow>mplained of-eieatlil rrmbll CfattDI i \yroKK ♦as driven so l«Ai£>6teaiightih« „ djoveiU^;into:h2:;;fd,V&^^^^ "WorPoQMBcSSgi je,;0&i.h^^..hen™^^ tpeingw"~»»»jMih.flTn — n I II II I I uiij 7 Inl PadlMk and'Aaraa jaBl» Thk ninth deposit: of flO, for^e altui~rlant|i^"»'i^^ *• oalii' mjawhletwflmihtoha^ lii^^X^SIt^^^^*^'''^^^'^^^^' 1hi*« o WB,"on Tnesday hM; The fr1*/?5?f»5?d:.«a«»nW hairfij ceiyo ■WS-Z? ^"jiT*""* " member. th«eoi^.hejs(Hisfb Eng^elwet Ifaw^Tnesday h5l^lhr^1*/l^?»?^:.*BMmbIed i^^ MartM^lana. tad k?!^iH2t t^ ialwa^a came wen to the portii-was neTar defeated Ifa» . v.' ■^'T^ -- - TSoTir,MA G6m,i^::t\^!^^ - — p«it^-was neyer defeated ^ j^Tf? ■ devarast tad gunest boxen V-I.rfhia day.^ He was a jiiative of Birminghiiiii, md J^aoinmeiioed hu jmgilMo career at a *aiy eariy age, .matanb »t Norttpod. Gemeteiyj .where ■«• mre -had Imb^ I "''S' pm«ha&^aQirtj;^e -. ^ t 3=— : —. - ..=.7 »«.jj.ojj»^| Tns'third depoait,'of iBlO a side^ between Ed^'i~« ""'ouvkmiuiuisi r TImtLis first peifor^ within the ropes JaiMlj.^aida of Cheltenham andflbpperBrDTm was made ~ Iriakaa were with Charles Spilsbniy, for £10 a side, r'',^*t^Sl>^'> on Taad«7 • -hTcni Sjmi». waa Iowa i»tteJ^thofJimna^, ^^1^^^ ^ ^- •- •■^^^Hr^^ = ^^^^^ Vi^-«CoVW^^hMh toot place at Sutton'^ • yl hone that thA^StL^*^!^^^!."^* I^NqvajtybeatOalJettm 6 ronhds, 36 minn^ ^ "ot siut WiTto^^SfcrS M """^J"? 1888; Charley J^cri«vf^ itoor^ &''*.7"^ for Boaman a stake'aB £lo?ndfc S^m^^ sent abroad to np«> the Tnr^.&OL, are so fiitile m not to b^ . ..Iprrbiimfgse^^^ be allowed weight in the" f L-t"Pt (Wt^P* .not ■ .the •BTiijne^pf "S*-^**^^ «f W» a^SSr^fSS ^A^' ^ ;^aP!>.nivi.d. of Uia^ -.Spnn^.waa lowejedrnto^eg^ve,^ lasi WiiCio/b^e, winner.; diseordrifdihattwbUaaiboaea^^wew bnkeii I Mi xenta j|4.Ae,llmb5niit!«:^^ y9Wmc9)raar^iiPW^*nd<Jtelow.w«8.b^^ —TPM8««.,m,ta. .it *^5>»l«lginp atMit MMdonaId'»(thcLwife o^T - tLT?*'^»^*'""**»^*<'™nn*«^^OToimda,P , <ai!K,QMgowi Jnly.l, 1840; and Joe BbstbeitI. TOr^^^nm^,.^" - ' ■'- -t.: ' 'iWi side, 47 minutes. 29 loilnd.^ W-rwS^S I^^STBUOTSM AT WAJTOSWORTa ■ OriolMtA 1840. Itwaaaftarthislastbattlatfirtr »«a■n««HtaUespiai^' tq^Icaidon friends, JSpniieaaonf tha mimA-L ^jF^ -f^^ '^''f'i'' <^-era '' ATmi/iaH T1111I him to ^dit •^ferowfiw JESOO s dde. ^Berjpac Farm, Oxfindshirei jmmary 2e.''i84T I " ■ - gifW* won with the. grntest ease, by jrrtnnV!IS?!''J^™*? U^V^ "P.*'<».vl>M'tliert^& onemmor, which. I ?. A ^' "nventedi. in order • malicionsly to l«t „.Ji!^**^1*^T>^*nst be thus pnbKcly Soo^^CTSr^en-indoeed^ . lMHI^-^.™. ^^r?If*^^e prizes eiyen for oomiMtitinT. JVi-iTlTiJii!!? I Sf'* between John Broomo^nd hishrotUer" Birds, Aaiiul^ «cv T L, BODB.-'TAXibSBM^. Jftf' aer,vweiha.:hi.^-^4:;;:;^7;^^^^ Wnej and attention; taffe nowimS-Seaw .ife^aa^^ «-.ta'5riM »;J^'Jf«tori:ihe*iigeon,of S^^^'feSH!^"*'^^^ s —-^—i.- to State, he was progreBe.1^-: ■ -"'^ ^ atthe^timeap-l Flfllibr TuiUiei Stfire. air^partig "' " ' ^ ^attenail |mloo<a Mr;C.'Thi Hr;!r. Mr..W.__ ICr. J. Far! Mr.Ooi' ■ iSSx 'Tho^giiji against lead was ' 5;Wemeiij_ gentlemen, and ^piofiasjenals oonriecled AuW.cfMU(ii.g^S«SSihSiSry^j Fl8Ui« TaeU e. J. B. . CROGK 4i -X?a, Na60 bMtaiai. bthe B given for competition by theT^Sri^lSrSmr^ street ^Aia ataertion the fhllest contradiction: ted thMT differaneea as all men iton,' to the ti^ I into the th' taring: the.( t ' AS ■ t- ^r^^^^M j5,to i; di(*:thPDnghont hia.teS^caiear.. absnM tale I "^"'^"^mIH «SL^nSS!^ box, ASartie first few strides, .the, hss got abtoid that MMlow. wne^dnil^nrf^ iS^Pf'.'tf^^^^ by B.tapl«^ who .n«de play ai a the hto».for theQak^:hnt ^7t^W^ZW<>^t-S^^^S^-i^^^^ >llRJf«d by Sanpeboi, The ClScken. state..thattheiek:aot. the slirft^^Sd^f?2lS^^ ui4. aol|avSliika!^.9vk ud HoUnrVES. j-J:^.,% Chicken, state, thattheieia.not-the Slight^'shad derrandlfo.^'tIie'«iBer named fotmdationfor.Bn<ih ahimor.;^.weon^»rfvS%!&'S^ he' Swinl^ey hilV when TnmbW rsa pear testimony to the feet that hie demetaonr b^ a^'pf.hS; OJf ai>-1 four honm Wn.a Tnl..>. ^rr, enlerthe Prize Biii bnthaVinir reoaiFSh^^*''Se'^ oompetitoiBoidVa^ilf^l^^^ fomBnngara^An^^^j^^^ iSiad. *aidvbethooffht ittoo goid ithhw.toh^ JmeePadn<y of,iaeBid,at^^^j|he wii,noit walL^lM .t *^^^^ d to sHn throng hi. fingSTtheTSch '?^^ i and firoome won^wMbSut a iratoh, in ■Wi^^an Priertley <rf Bermond^ OT«L^n5ort ttLtmo ,.>**^J>*«mhei riinng thal nof YnAMlv* lit « ^ ^ „ y?rds ;,Chari« CpPk | told Mh EUuTto bt hi,""bwti.o;'W i.ot merely ,1^-^ couM proonre; but to. Wl J ^t!o^ . larabtar of arinafltet; -TrS iS ^9^ y««to "When the menSl t^F^T^J^^'iT" - ' ^""'asticahodt Tl, ^toTf .Sl^th^'^^^ least ^J?^""^--" 'by 1842. ^ 9f.^^e.character of**pngflSt; "TRth te:he wi^i^^S a°^c^MiiiS'-|"id on the i^t^l^u^r^^JM^!!^ 15*^"^^'v"^- *^y^^ fiw mniites before his mon^ywbirrii:^^^^^^^^^^^ r proeee^ connected withjhe f<li»gbonndfag ijong weU togolhe? ~^ ?^.f* """der^'Yonra, d^ - ,tjm card ohe^ ««. inth the ins and tmta »»* I»S >>9f»'» C!«>* of ManEbone Liven; street Jmi'e a isKB *^™™<»; P™^- whuh onr readen mnstbe so fiuniEar: andr^>*J» ■"P*"*'^™'^^ ir w«B settled there is too much '**" ^-—3^ ,. I - ^5^ffte«m here%'^SM^K !^ *^ ther neVS'S dJSrv^^r^^ JW?oodBacaB, boMme.Ben ftatifiar affiSrf ™ «dmiiation of their ineaSt. CtiA^T, .>^(\tla\t}»^^ place; and wmamed-there .nnlll en- fowhand would not in the= aUehtatideirreo- .imtitv lmiIepoet;whenhebroke.dbwn,«nd soohanaasnmpeon^, .fu ^ : J""^ *-'aiBaoamelastof.eMBihing..",Upon|..; i -. .-. i "-■ ■ neoti-CWaton took^ia,place .next I 'I ■. .. ..ii -..ill •• flMbe*!:.::.. '- > '\ .jV frhom. he foUowedintoihe.sttaii^it, i*cowsPOT,x»»cJtBfcaT«im)T«a b»jteiiiqiM»tronth.t liSm.:..Drawing;npbni Bal^Jan in Dr. Gomand's oelsIn^iUalianKedlcatea Bonilnibt ot^t; hun .at:the.qtand,had|B»Tanflohandoure.of t|a!^o^ aitlole everolTend totlie inia(ew.Btri<iM|.andiw<>n:ih and -reaB^ Siminntaa 60 200 BOVB., ioo. — by twoTUnrfuvfii^ceb^ who-.iln- pnhlie. ,« <«n^tki^Bbol,Poilota>l>fBc)B(PiaB B<wla^SEa. -,, ^^^Pgwi^ Amy ^<»A and Bdcui^' J^OMloa Ol^ftoa lUHit ' . piUwM ud Blirti Kt Vt' ou wluUiiw. 'afKMtra iapU- ;,' afaai-fWUDgT*iui,A:a: Cbll'i Piiur ud Dtrlsnitr a*l»" UBdmofr"^"* ^---■ » » •PPeM»nM^tlwcomplexion: Dr^.Goarana; ~ □JomUer.i^l^.ni.,, Kim m WkU«> mei!esrtillyla6oaii«.diotbe.noH^ ' •v'P»»wp«A*ertioi*ofH«Ir:l)ye,TAIoli'ohfflgBsthehaU r<«p^on'of^rso°^S'^^^ ■ aU. ftwo.year oldslffl^tMvl iclnitlesp,^ rand snmves him, and -we are glad Cook, soon ^ '^''t l''^!!!!*?^ »«nvH6WtimanailMdyBay,*r«a 8M*|lirrmJSnl ice.. ffia wife,-, by whom he was ^?,'^5°[^a*J «t * twinging pace led the «n,-4yiB, s^t'eib.;..': l'yip,l9«t Tib. nparative comfort. • , nor was it long Wore the Mi tf iha^ i rHaronla j"4B Vttfll, whitih I and f retsdej r him, J 1 waa —- ...^*-*'f«toii».Toad, KmUco, 'fbe f^^^o depcaed .thai he hac( " jJPftr the last eight orninejT^ d) gave iip-.A«-jSuio:|x^ bnm- I ago, and for the week or tan A at thtf^Wreki*^ Bis (the de- ddence was at Birmmgham. On Satnr- , . ilness .meTthedeoeaaed in Covent^nrden ; :^ Hfl appeared then' in good heslthjlint in r nerrbos state. There were many caaacB to ,Jit for his nerronsneiB, a. his &uw ootwitk 1 IWily, .and oOier drotunstancaB,. 09. wa^noi I of anber habits, md latte^ he gave w^. f more freely. ' On'Saterday,'vuen witni J, he (witness^ eomplmned <n ;h^; (deceased) •fft^ to drinking, whan the deceased said 01*700 hand on my heart and feel how it WQd)|^ ' the n yo n would pi^ me, . I can't help it, I ' Witness had nndeiatbod there'waa a yi^t Qce between the deceased and hia wife, which principally oansed by his - 'wife's rdatives. The charges a^aftst' him relative to-Oie card cheat- ^case,'atBng^toii, and the snbaeonent proceed- X preyed heavily nppn hi. min". He always t that he 'was an injured man, and was also da- ted because heooold neverindnce people to re that he waa innocent of that fbaaaction, n fitct, that he 'waa en 'h^eat^muL^'Tlie de- 1 had a small ind^endentinoomej aomewhoe |>nt £6pT £e a wee^nt he (witMa) believed t he had been annoyed by a judgment summons he county conri^bMideB a large bnnt.' Mr. John Mitchell £Uu,'I>>>^ord of the pekin, deposed that he had known. the.decMsed jnany yaaia; he had bean residLog with -witness land off ainoB.Monday week.. Xha'deeeiaMd be on Monday week^' and aaked if he could have Md. Witnem aud. ■* Yea,'^ expeolii^: that-he b;soiDg to Epeom with him'; but upon Ipqun' 'OiB morning; t^'e deceased' 'waa -fboiid -at )fgii on the floo^ in a. very bad'st^^ ^He said, 'I am dying," and aaked for biaody; bntwitntas '''i^ted to give him ahy,.aiid sent for.somem^ B'imd (arbonato of soda,' which iiemed 'him^ I soon asthedeoeaaed was gotup, witnas walked "i.him towards Long^cre^ when he cpnthjinally ■Ku,^'' I>id you see - those five mot fiiUowiiig me \ ney ar^ continually wiitahing me over the bai^wuT ?^^;WitnoB» endeavored to eahn him, but the ^^Biabnon his mind continuedi .'Witness said' ' ]i<|ed that the decesed '.waa Minwrfhg under aena from the Thiiindaj aajaSiinday, 7 a.gentleman.having obma'.to'^.tha ■ that he was gomg-to Binningliain,' a^neueA. a- dnae to go- 'with' him to and believing Uiat he wonld'do so^ aiid -ions he should go, witness placed brandy in bis room. 'Witneaa..'want'with'flie; Ito theliondon and'North Weaterai Rafl- I . to see him, oS^ when ha'began .to qnar- ' I hia flsta at aereral penona^ aBd at a. the evening the deoeaied letnined to 'When he aaid he desired to.ev 1>j:fhe Item Bailwsj^ so' fliat ha might oA'at- . I Bristol and othar plaoea. , 'Wltneaa had a lieation 'with some fiioids'of tha deeeaaiBd, ' r requeit.'wiote a note to lIiB.'Br!eome '—ipf stating the unh^py Btato in -which wag^ and bagging - that , die'woi^ I and see him: to that letter he never re. any reply: Mr; David' Samuel Isaacs, of a stxeet, .Boho, 'depo«iiia,to ll^anng.aa alaon, ' manhadcnt- his throat; he laa -iiito the 1; tad saw the . deoaased'Heading' from the \ he placed a tab)e.«Io&.r(Riud.the ttiroat to aBOB'<^Uoad^:aiidj)dBed-£l)Bnk;i^^ tmderhai h««L Medk* ^^^-^^ },yjiitff«a. ^'^ffrortt;'Pii'iWT^-'''*'"*"lrf the match lay JfifflTkept running,yeti*->^^^ , , . Both &wtt anf;3K^,_^ ly: having capabil«<*«i had, prior to the rice, treated iSx. 'Wu-'|Q(,o^ „..%a!ta an ummporiant competitor, but he iv^-given them, a leaSon. that they: will not.-easily lorget,:: ."While running the seventh mile, Pndney and Levett, by making toemeadous efforts, ran right' up. to..their, man.All imagined'tbajty- baviiig achieved this much, they'wonlS, for the renudndei' of the il'°*i'"«», have the race entirely in thur own hands. This, however,'was not the csm ; for, after running for some few momenta together. Cook, to the inmvto' astonishment of those who had l^d 4 tp 1 against him, spurted from his compelitoTB with 'undiminished power, and'took a decided leadl... iSo. severe waa the pace, that I^gett) while mnning the Sdgilth mile, was 'o(»npeUe<rto fen more andjnoire in the Tear,.being to .aU intents' and ipu^raeear.dead beat, althflingfa he maintmned hi. pootion'of third man. Notwithstanding.'that Pndney . ag^ got close up to hie opponent, stiU he conld not paaa him; for Co6^onBnch'occaaoiia,Bpnrted iii aiLnir. tonidiing manner, and,at the finish, -wentin-a win-' nar by near 800 yards, doing the distance in'6Sini^ 208ec:; and that, too, witoout being imlch'dis.^' Messed. " creditable exmbitioii.. 'I a! moat "•siv" , ' , -lOOil' A:-Mr .wuis pthbr fo Uttlir' HaiT^, : thliw tbat-irin' proVe IW; ieast^ hurttia U i^d'in'thelf ■mnbftctDie.- Drl Qouiaa'd'a.•offlee'i at'Nb.-«#'Waltor Btteet.fliBt sto.te ftoni Broadyray. Also, for aUe'at i:' a OaUendm's;'te- Soiith Thiltd street,PlilladBli>hia, abai I ^< ?P.*«»,f /.??y. ^9 Vss limgto^ rtreet, Mrtan- ■ ■ ir FlfUiig. Abo^ t lano uonacu of Puw4ar Flukh £> Poubo, Ptnuilon Ciia^eu WtiM, *a. aUB<lel<iBaim(kaalcautkUM*bU<hau<>ra«ul«a'>n'' >atb.QltT.iuKti«iM«tthah>wtiai«W . 7^?/^/; Sportamen's' bepotl ' •- ■ - (r:j.DNS. PISTOLS, and; FISHINQ TACKLKI dmrwcMofWwlmi^du Sk PioKi Cli«rek,1M«Ta%' s!£?lS'^-*°' Inponwiiid daalsriSenNB.^ulOLSns aiPLEB. IimuiuiirrmMas fwaillii »^U«». 1-r a»klM«ofKiio] i,wl iloM»«li cffertnt «i tmt tow pitoM,, MBMTfwBAPVnrFuaBaBd poaTBa'flp»mft-?<#M.' T^^iiXh AmimB MnMBp UllsM*' Cga hla'preiabctf K<fMr.r*P«^ wIU. b* tv^- wllfcMl>...^ I wUhlii(. u> BT Ui^. d«n v^U ••w.rm - ■ ... ..,«plt.. ■at ons^; r anxious] b their 1 Joseph I^sAb and 2eha Sntoa. Teus match, to walk 20 inilei( for :£16..8 eide, came <xS on Tneads^ last, on Hr. Sadloi'si graond, in-presence of bat a small assambWe.-''Both'men, cmjoominjgf tothe soratch, appeared to.Ke.iii exi]^ lent condition, a thing meet necessaiy in a'waDc of eneh a (Stance. About four o'dock the men toed the scratch, yid on:r«crimig the Bgnal ;i^ent ata'good steady pace, md for the fiiat two miles kept welI'iogeihier,.'&r, although there .wa8:an oo^' cadonal epnit, yet no prominent advantage was ob- tained bv either, each leadW alt^at3y.. .'From the third np to the eighteenth mile .no; superiori^ wise gained .on^uther nde^ bat in tlie nineteoith mile the lasting poweo of Bnxtonbecsme.strikang; \j manifeBt, fat, liaving obtmned the - feaci, he be- esn. to leave his opponeiit a. long .way behind,, ynch being at the finish of that mile'foil 160 yard, in'the rea£ Bong now. oompletdy." used np" -Lynch lengned the contest^ fbcOng that he had not the remotest chance of winning. Bnxfam atill held on with nndimimshed speed, and oomplete^ the whole distance in three hoois and' Bzteen minr ntea. '..;'.':.!'.''.;'..; Ite Xiiiita 7Aanj BrooM. 'Wa'had intended to diivote a. few lines'thii week to the fimanl 'of poor Johnny Broome, who was binned on We£ieeday at Norwood. Conetieiy, bit we ^p^, dad to . have been spared 'the melaaahol^ diity,'^ Mn'Pi4idi of laveiy sheet,'Birmingham, has written'letter on .the sobjeet, which, comin^fijoni' an eyfc'witnea^- deseribes tne sad scene in 6r petter terma than.wa could do. The letter' waa brought to nS Hany Broome, who is almoet'heartbroken at tEe snddennMs of the.qabimili^- and who^iegged na,^ a last^fekvb^ to tlte deceased, to give it' m actam. Itia'a^foHows:.:''.,.,'.''! ° ;' " ■. i. "MsL EniTOB ; From the, kind notioe 'fthich aj^. peaied in'the le^ Bell's lafe rialaiiv«'to odr fiiaDd' tad townsman, the lato lamented John Breottei'I preeaine a few draumstanoea .oonneoted with, the last .Bad officee may not be nnacoeptable.."' O^e mc^. inent we lecaved a communication fcom hi. aiMto- ted brother, Htaiy Broome^ a«i. to the time, when the last tribute of reelect was Us be;'paid to him, William ABton,.hia long tried' and Valned'fiieiid^ inyMlC and a few more started for London^ . - We knew him. in boyhood, maiihood, aiid^niatarer d^a, ■nd did,not think'we were, deling;tp<o.ninch'f^ di^B gbne'^^inthus saai^eu^.?—' 'tar -f"fin-ifnWn iUTe r'andliTapoolhad Ane j br^ ^ but after the expmition timehe began c^me ont^ toOk'thdliiltfaUyB'^ and at the expiration of tw.o homa and Beyen.'minn. tea, durinr which 84 rounds were fought, he put the fini^Iung .stroke tio, his' jgiving' .Bay'a; heavy iUl, which prevented him from coming agun to'.the scratch.'.. .'. i'^f ■'..''.'. ■ ' Prise aiad Jen tr*^^^* of Bimiagluun; Thbsb men fon^htat cstoh weight, for'£6 a aide^ cm Monday'mianung, at Sheldon Common, on 'iChe 'Coventry-road^ five miles front Birmingham. Price is weltlmowiirm the mjdlahd dlBtoicta,having fought several batde. 'with yaHiad .sncceaa. Holland .has Sgnred bnt litile%i thiemng. HIb last encounter wa4 mdi PdHen'aome',ihrw,yaars book, 'Whom he defMted.- There -was a great .diBparil^ in theimae of the men on thei preaant occamon. Price eitadiiig asAj 6ft eiiL, whilst.H<j)and stands 8ft 1 liQin^-yet with this dirawback. Price waa'the &yprite.'ate to 4 at Btattjnj^i'endmg'.at 7^to i.' Soon after ten the men shied -their castoit in the ring, Price attended by JenikHo^4ii£'aiid Joe Warehsta,'ta'd Holland by Toddy ffiddleton ud Parkenson. They at once 'got to bnimea& ' .llie little one popped in. Bmartly on the ribe of hi. tall. entago.nist^'.\|ho in return did .little execution. '-Pricei Mt'. the'fliat bloe''I.;{r«tm. the nasal .pigan^.-and; uso - the knook'^owirblow, and had the fight decidedly in las fiiycir'.ali through.'.'.'jditer flrhting foe 'one no'nir sod- three-(jnartetB^ 'Price was tkolared the winner bv'knockingithis .itaU opponent ..out of timeiin .d6 jinadaT^'-.* - =• • •'• .'".loiisJay. Jaiia'i. '.'.'■...■,''. ' ' AS.qoT bukSb akd. pt^'yusB. , „.,,..,. Tag.'ABTot, Stakes 'bf-26 sovb. each, 16. fL^ianil 6 bnlj^'if'deiEtiiied; :the:aeoond':to'Teceire 60 eovB.<oiit of-the stskes^ andthe thirdito aaveliis stake; th^ 'winner of any faandiaap-^sibor-Ute weighta wMe de' Islandi 71bl extra; two miles.and a Y2 'Bub&,' 46 of-whon^ d'eciared. ' .' .'i .V'.' ' . '■^''^ ': . ...' '.r,' Hr. T.Pui'S'HtntlmST/lV'Flta Allai,'.6;yi8,' v TSt XDle ••«*ee*e*«eaeesee«ae*ee*oea •'a'C^SBBftOft' '1 Ur. f. H. StaBl(n'a>IIIahap,.4 vn, 6ct.'..'.:.-.V.'SUetf' Beion BothasUld's Hanaafotd, aged, Sit 71b.CharIton Loid .CUllbid'a cb. t Homl^, 9 7ra,,4st,eib,. . . ^ (cttried 4flt 101^)... y.....^ ■ ..rndlikm Betting:. 6 to 2 a^Inst IforCUOT, 6'to Tagai^ Ho^iodai^ 7. to 1 against''Oibiiii^ 'iaaoh: ag^nnt;..MiaI)ap .:taC'.'H^ni^^^^ 12 - u>; 1 each intat belandV %e imily,'.tad SO to. 1 against Sailiqr>. .'Uushap'.went to. ihe;^nt tiie instant';the 'flag-fell, and-cot'ont this .work' at 'a'atrong pace, followed piasilfhe' Stand il>j jl^ry.Caio'k'And htortlmer, Hospodar (p.ullingtte^ mesdoo^) lyinr fourth' and BIudwBM^fiftb, Van- dal .andr'yaiideiihofi^ sQcceedin^ them,'and. Homiljr. and Ireland's ^e, -who had- laid off .by themselves a lonj; way hetuhd the .rijck^ brin^ng up the rear. Pntting'on Ihe steam after rounding the top-tdtnj ' p'increased her. lead .to a dozens lengtna,la)id the effee^'of.the. j^KOl-tiius ^Ijr made itself .a;^ rentj.the^iSeld .bcong "ajpread.>eagled.'^ Buchi ah' extrap^dmi^ry'iu^ 'been lesa than a hundred 'yavls between the filnt horse'aioditholast.' . '.Dr^ Cooke . and')Giitin{itt'.laid. Idaaa. togetb^ 'at least sir lengths before Horoodar, hetween whom'and . ihe.^^ruck the' inUiral -waa aqiijUly.'wide^ 'In., .descending the Swmler.Bill,. Bluebeard and Vandenhoff were passed by Hui^iier- f(Hd,..Q(VnQ(it\yahd^'.ta4..S^b^^ thiq .rot' nm- nj«g in iTiiiBaii ffla,! alan gave HontodaT'the <go4iy. in. &'boticen,!QnL^<», and 'fiomify' still ^yiiuflast of eveiy^bing. ,,'With the ezoeption of ,Dr, Oooke and:Mor1a]xiei^ ohanging place a.onoe oy^tW^Q vraa ' no oth'drjaltecatiaweaul.lll . BjUiUunuig '.-until juiil ■ iiiil I Ill the Old ISIe Goaineu whsii imiig^^tiniyjmkVto: diyisita drew a httte oloaer to th»ftvMita;- '.•At4h« followed by - - ■ -■m them and Hbspodar.'Bri WilUani'Rdr Thefor^oing '.taiB'^oi' .by / ^ TAB Plillatfaipjila httnt eaVED IN NEW YbKS. J ^fnbe oetirei^ hnnd iogetheif -in the middle; 'light hand division, com]^ ler io'Little: Qutyi'Iraland^ jsye, .e'Early'Bird; and^Epaminondas. ^ in.k line 'wUchartendedacroea i ti^the-'diBtanee,'<where Ootavitt' was irsoi and ^Oh^cil^ the'former 'gmng'^ft TrsBaiaf)iat.. with'a'efiffhtMM until opposte the Qneen's'Stand,' When Obdlod 4ade her effort,'and,'after a splen^ race, -won-:'on 'Jp»'>pbBt' hy'a short .head/ Olron swerving - a littii' . to the .'right in -the.Iadt uree-or fpor strQes; IUsnd's''E]^ 'tad ''^iiago; who-Iud off with T^peej aiid Wilsford- in tihe eariji jpari Of ^e raoe,' cames'the-Stand; andfiiiished' third^and fbni^, 'itelandh Eye^ who -was beftten bdf a'lffllgi|i by-OnOn^ harfivan'advantage' of 'a 'head only ^over 'VuagOi'abont^itnngth from'whom was Fodlnnter fifttl} Odarla-Mlng:sixth, Btcther to Little-Huiy <even(hv- -tad-~^^^bdaiV''-'WilBfoid,-''aiid Herotiles n«ixty«n; close totetht^. |' What>toUowed we could not made ofnt;■Cardigan^'%h(> tntned -rbmid 'Mi staiKing'and' Bod»-meIi'WeKe:-tfae.1ast two. ^Faolk- ner we^hed for'loebuok, and hiB'numbei'>wsa put np^' but' the hon^d not go to the poet. Rmp in Imin.-43soc: '- QBckley^s lliBStntt;' ihdlREBB'liALLi^'eas BROADWAY; BUClC '--'-MdoBflSttta. Doon^tpenatr.—commenoettSo'dock. -BBr- itOpoml.- ud JUiieA.'U> doeUra Ihat we.Ttally Aohnom BDmotMaffs ud that "UtSSvB Bor>8: CLOTHUfd STOBK," It ibfleteneTot JohBudNtiuilrc«lf,laoii0drttobaii wiai)li«luq«Qt»iDN«^ Yorfc to gel ■ ooapleto» good, apd jBuh tonabU 6ijiitfop ou Jbv«- UPPLY AND 'DEMANb ARS I?!!! (^BEAT prlnelplw iha| tfoanml*! «ari^«Bd S- loi w«j« MTTT mora fallT duVBlosedttin In UiB aitanilTS OAB-, BTBTOKBorW.'aiJLBWlBiorpucliiini, tthmyfeub jOMB^r* ud obolee ■ r"T «f lorviTiblDc nacdf oltu raiiDU B btOH wtU u modeiiie pilM, lke^aTe esuled to ercMo ■ d« m>«>l fn tb«Ir mi rial ta Um eunol bs nipuMf bj uty bon 1b the jqitT. .!We«T,1:-: - .: '. . ■ ■ ' ■■■ ' i..:.: ..lOiojlKjna T..—Xhs OvpSir./ >:. Thb Oou» Odi value 300 sovb, by subeoription of 20 aova, -with' 00 added;--three yean olds est. lOlb, four Set Slq^Ta^^Sftjcix Aud^aged Oat Sib and geldun'allp'wed'^'slb^^ start at.Ui^c Onp.>>st .ajhSL^ Ince' tetiiid (about' two'miles' and LoW'7etIul&>tfKiKinip', by'Bariit<ini 9 yn,- Sal'lQIb ! AMlinall.:'.' '.'i..'. i^';; -. V1'Ji;;.. W. V i.-.. i' ■;'. ^ V l*.: Ur: .<h.TbeIUsmii*q lajN^iIiai; &:7is;'9at.... .Ji-naneei 2 S* Rosen* e^ • eV** ••••■••e«aaa^*a.eoejaeeeeaa^> 4 Mr. W. Falmet'e Th<MblQl!«iS.>S.7Ta,-6et 101b-;. Baron BothsoUld'sT^Hiuigerford, aged, 9st"ir9U>' f" ."•iW'WvJ? r.-f t V v ir.if\fit ti'S.'n^ I oBett>4gi:Ait9t4.;ag«t Bataplaii«:63toJ2;.e8ch ogBt Virago tad Ftadaqgo, and 7 to 1 agstHnngeifofi Bataplan cut out the work at -a-'wietched pace, fol- loTOfli bXc:yS«MWsiiW»d?pgft Hsffgariiqd. f»?|Be'5l^kan,,iiL;tl|e. orite nam^. tip: the„fic<iiwa, Pfiat l>nd^iii)9>|tie,|oj tutnj,whei^;WM j&rataman.pMM^ F6f^dui9D,:9ii< I'TwW.iTiJ^^HWW «»LblWd-.tnat..yeefe:wM:Obli» to^indulget wept^up ,tp KftapVan.and t^o:, at^ ade.down tSp ^^tfiif* *^«:Si'™^Wii«ttSP^"^>^ws Bajtaplan^iresimf^^ If^d^.l^l^jwithont imprpying !tbepi^ ;T^h.xiontopw4.,;Tratch^ thft.twn 4pta .tbfl,.oW. Wft-jmm:nWffa .-.yiWff" Hn|itBfflan,;flBd.befipe iW*WfltlM(jtMi»,cl<t ■wift: iB#p^lan,.^whp!:BO.w„!pid., rti/y-jjt^V ?^ft.Cai}?|can..and,BBMS«^^ "iMrpoai}mii<*M%:i menf FMd^igo, joined. Bjitgiljin^ drawing upoi^ iljii<^:mAre. at; W^jtiid headed ner below th.e.^stan«^ froni - „. irdniBPG C«d«>laHowMdinB »8bm a..Mf. 0/ C. Howud -nipuei ' ' THE ] HTBB. '1B6II ONB-htTfri I rBou '0BSD <^r^«llf^oirmrdJJEmU]H3.raltt HowtIO TBABS'HBNCE. ■Bit, a. I.. Fox I OtinBlD« IdM 1 Nf'THESB'kNOWilOTBING DAYS 'TiS DAN: OAI/r WATKB BA«a8« : . - . ' THE WARM WEATHBR HAS ARRIVED, AND .■w pradiM u-imaaiMnih to Onrrf BbII Waur Bwlmatai - ^th^^t^ FbI|0b P«rt, Braokl/n' -fir. Qnv Ib BBioitjwottB) deSlar ' '^ -^ ' Ida- Wot. _ rat both- BipobliB-. ai.ovas,-E|oaiB&v, AC. . J b. COTTRElil;'HAS NOW KEep>VBD_HI§ ImpotlBilfilui of SabuDcT HobIctt, GIoto, LadlesVasd OaUt«a*a*<J!dma«r U-fidar OuidiAti, a«.AO.,BBdoueoDB- oanUr BMBiB famltlm and oiban, that hlj ataak of tha tbongoodt end uibfir B'nUlci^'iB oaa of iba motl oompleta clUier In New /orb v,Bcai]klT>vaa<iha larlttaaeaadld BOd eanfn' 1—^—- 'Ui priMBW^tk that of BAT etlisr oublkbncni wl earofal icxajBlDiuoo oi ^ a«Bl wh uiw o mu i.;.OI>. ■aBTfog7a-yBlloa.ll.,'oppoaiia'n'Uiy,'Bcooklfn. " '9 j SB'WillO MACBIHBa. /SNiBtHQUqAlrti'DblXARS DAMAGES WERE. V/ cWaittt to %•-In Iba JVoIud Sulca CfiBalt CoBcl U Naw "Talk, UaT u, isw, •aalaacika.fxcclilar Bo«ii( ManMtw C«»< naar, far ufttBfinB inree of osr BBUUi-. All pamaa ara aaatlaii- Sdataiaat bBlinx or ulof anr of tke lafailor Sewing Ha^Boa ol dUur rtSBBftoCaijcBk aiMBat wbwk qamafvaa. anita flta oow eott* Seuad. aiNfiefiB SCWINO HACHIIIES, Btwan aoknowl' itWailti) Wi tka bMLh>t«'jBfl«acB*nBflrlapnTarao B>1b-r- T flbnit v*** ny* V"i 1**'* "'^ "iT j"'"" ''••<i"'*r "n-"*-'' ' fluiluirIbAitailaa B^TeaaallbcM-BflaehloaawlU pa-' ftaasfwoik.- callaadeaaUB^ihcmi - • foaiboT 'far: PEOPLE IN ANY PAaTo??^l^;gg5W" book; UAOAZIMB, MDSIO, FASHION McA-T3fS&' -^-■ a dmtU a uJ In ikia or.aar oikar papar, by leodlBr bs ttl •^-Jtiji ^■ raiattipriss. of tl|* work WBDtad. AU aawbooka formiea<«a aa. pabUibed. W« aopplr BOOItHCT.T.KllS AWD HHWBVIiNPM'a- ' WlU ovvTlblDg waatad a% ilia'l ' >'/ VACSBEB AED FOE^ABDEBB X\t AU,' ;;. DA1LY AND ; WEEKLY -PAPBRS, • ,W9N7Hi.7HA0BZiNBa,as.a«. . WaACTlS . OHNBRAIi AfiBNTC FOK -EVSniTHINS 'Aim XVBBT-' aaferio ibapab'fiVff o/''lSipaper^ I.- ' . ■ ••- BOBS. . . _ a : . ; -.1 I .... . .. ,^»o.^08Npa.a■aBaa^Naw.V««k.: No'BBBald.'isiunncttv , JONXS* TODSBr,. : ■ "'CHppe'r'Jig«H«y,»-'- .-.' i'- -'CTTBSCRIPTION %\:S/i PER ANNDU. '^SPORTS.' O BBBl Hall, ABBS A TATBa, PrepWitMB, VltM Batkwea- ■ NewB Aaania, alu Parkm BBd FanrardoB for lb* Ooaa* - of lU ibo DaUy and-- • " - . ^.CbaBBl>BbUeBtiaa>,.bTi . ^ , eaUfoad»,aiininnalaand Malla. .To tbaaawboareln lb«lf)ld^,.. -it- man, M««i SxpiM COB| vboareln lb« ny.nadaor all Books and. CbBi aaUraBda,Bl^ . ■ad aranppUaa by olkar Hobmb, ud do not nbilTo tbdr paetiuaa' - rffOlarlyBBd opnplata, and Uoaa In ditfan para of.tha tluaa: Oam Nav-Yoifc who oonlampble enabliiUiia af« eiaa, wo waeld iaviu ibair anantioD to ottr* crada lid. wbidi aBbnaea MittA aao IMaof Navuapen, MagBilna,. Ao, wbiah wawlU Mhaae.i itevafdtodaalenal IboisBrUeA haojof pnhlif ilnn, bbhI bi lha McBt WkalcMla piteoB. baobtainei Oar Ud can' ba obtainod 7a.rai, New* Agena, S> 1 : Convenieoee and PonctDslttr. vonal H«WB Agener. UAIUNCDEI ap pH ea t k»te)Aasa».; Now Tqik.. Abbs h> f Ataat Cbk PARTHENT.—We hare °ne w,|k.eiir eMdfBloMratloD.ln eonna^D wltboor wb«iaaia I^Ubllilii .... -PnUngl . (aavtkaJannatlB4kairBta>a«- It for all Ibo Aaarlsan aad FoidfB Nowf— , ModleabiL Btandaie! Btoka of aracy "•' OkBBaPablleaidoasor.aU.kisdatlB.faa. - ih^ed In thT Book, Migafftla, or *' Ihrwiid krwall, poap.paid *- vdMBpoa cecsl^ ' UntloniM^ I TtHE- GREATEST 8POidl}l»"" Li votlAr.' Alia,. IkO Plaid) Sabda- iRs^tCTasffifass*^ frtiOnlwa' hecame a.matehbetween i ;6ii' 'nat^¥v'.'ia' ■chlit?,"«Ken'l igjiaaiuIiVinol^e&in iflii^inlkbW'lof' lendthl'byHmif t(.t^,u>u Wa?,-criiV.i«a''ttSac''^ .^:-i.-..J; t-tl 'j^aadii, ba|piMn>editonibi44» OalB,-Stas-t>M:ofi