New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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OopTTlghtod, 188S, hj Bnaotu H, Qimr, Admlolatntrlz, NKW YORK, HA.TUR3D^Y, OCTOBER 6, 1883. I VOLVME XXXI-No. Stt. ) Prle« T«n Centa. AN A UTUMN MEM ORY. wmiTtW foi tn TO«K oiirpiR, ■ BT TAHPygB BROW N. I flo nol know i»h7, on ttili d»7, In meliow-hued October, • ily Ui«iigbt< BlionM toTDT^o i»h»t I mny— To tenclM ud anl iober. na world In In » merry mood. The iklua ue blue aboTa me, ne ill U wine end lUe li good, And (riendi I b>Te to lore me. iad bMdlng theee ftmlllsr wsys With Antomn'i gloiy ronnd me, Wbr li it Uut I eUll Dtik donlta that but confonnd me ? yiif ti It now, when'daj* leveal Har boiatloe wllhout meunra, I ^ OS ill, yet oannot feel ' Onit thrill of old-llme pleaenre? I lee wUh ejea that brighten not The wealth ot Antamn iplendor. Bit In my lool are now begot Ko looglngt (ond and tender. Tte mellow air, the aoniblne'a gold. The tieea with orimion bamlng— Ibete—(beae return, bnt for the old, Tdad hope there's no retnmlngl ih, wdlt what reolD It though we tiead The very flalda Elyalan, IT memoriae ot a lore that'* dead ' -BtUl flee before ouTTliIoiiT Mo heaven mb be where lore li not— 0 truth, how simply giTonI— And M with lOTC, the lowUekt oot lUy be a perfect heaven, lu sneh a almln I reasoned once, And Blin, vlin stood and llalantd, FIrat slRhed, then imlled, while I, poor duucf, Uelleveil the e) es thai allatenad I BelleTedlher when, In whlipere low, 8he|eald that loTS'a Tastlreaaurea Ware more to her than worldly show. Or wealth, or sonlleia pleaaorca. For loTe was deathlan If rotnmed— ,. Ah t well ihe knew the story I— And while she (poke bar fair faoe bnmad with mote than Atitamn'i gloiy I • Aad but a year haa paaaed since then— Where oan the Uma have tarried? ' A single year, yet she has been Three months, to-morrow, married I Twu here we stood, a year ago. In mellow'hued October. Ab I well—I tanoy now I know Why 'Us ny thongbts are aober. UNCLE JOHNNIE'S .CIRCUS. WUfm rCR THI MIW TOBE ourriR, BT DWIOHT BALDW IN. Ts^ ysiag man, you're called tbe turn. Tm Sam Hosklas, nl ra lk« oldest showman In Amerloa. I say this, knowing IDT veil that P. T. Bamnm, Dewltt Talmage and B. B. Hayea M m illn aad sotlTc In the ring. I folded my tent and atola my b«m the seduoUTt sawdsat flv^and-thlrty yean ago, so Wonly the oldest ot the old boya who lemembera "Sam Has- wOliwis." iBsaiayttartIn New England, bnt wtmt South in '84, and ■"••Hsrwirts ebowed north ot the Ohio. Those wera the JJlJJJ* To have seen the olrone in 111 glory, me boy, you we llTsd half a century sgo. They have what they •w "rtisaaimi now. and travel by tall, with the eleotrio "Wl fttta band and thre»aard-monto attaohmenU; but "^MBtmeetwllh the legal reoepUonaot the olden time. my oltous and menagerie struok a town forty l^^*"' " » hoUday-the same as a hanglng-to b!S*ri'*°'° echoolboy to the Judge on the ■"•■ rte known men to sell their oookstove, shobnm and **^iiy»famlly.tioket j^wtoj ta thoeetUjiwaa a har^and yet an eiclOog Ufa, «V« UTMiture and sport. Why, a book w big aa a family b2vu f; «' *«'>"7 aiperienoes, wouldn't mate a re- sideshow to the vaat numbaiw r.v» •noonnUred. '»°"«^»«»»'told, rve CwboT? '*' ""Uteand » ruined, bankrupted man; bnt jou shaU hear T2«««»toUsUn. tli~?' » ibowlng In New Orieans: I had a flnt- Win»T"' * ^* menagerie and a great aldeshow-I beg won, onwa u the modani word-and waa doing a roua- JJj^^^Mes. One day, between Ihe aftamecn and ereatng 1,™^, an old gentleman called on meatihe 8k Charles, Umi !f7 """dt M John Barker of Ooplah County, HlsiU- «««hhL'*'"**'^ "n'»~"<« «»^ *» U« boM r"'" milod with profeialonal pride and ••■T^' ' winning card, worth a fortune Notover K»«ds. h1 '••«bed leu than aU hundred i^w"'»n arrangementirithyon Tt^ lanUonii^''' •''°*^ • f»ll.»**.* I snaweied dlplomaUoaUyi "I'm pwtty rtt?bM J£ •"'•W'gl'ed, '1 don't often get down the >».—.* wbdr enough for buslna«, If you are. Ckn't , "w -y l ean,"!,,^,,^^ an abataelad aunn*; ■NklanuSS™. ^ * oMtomsry caoHon, rirvay- ^""■intbu^i^}'^ ^ ""W wiU »ny-» « "They will cost like sin," Ijniggeeted. ''Buppoee you make a propoelUon." "Well," said the old gentleman thoughtfully, "I'll toll yon what I'll do: 111 furnish grub and drink for eveiybody, from the white mice to the giant from Palestine, Including the Qneen of the Flaming Zone and the elephant bnU, and give yon one thousand dollars, spot oash, for one day'e perform- ance." "What!" exclaimed I, springing to my feet in great eidte- mont "From the Ume yon strike my place until yon leave It," he went on, not noUolng my astonishment, "averytblng, from a broiled woodcock to a rosstod ox, will be provided, aa free aaa runaway nigger in Canada, and yon can have your money t>e- fore yoQ elevato your tent." Hy blood ran cold an I realized the aaslnlne blonder I waa making; Ur. Barker was not seeking an engagement, bnt wished mo to give a perfcrmancaon bis plantotion. "Ton sea how It la, Ur. Showman," he went on, having caught hla second wind; "I've got eleren hundred niggers, big and little, and let me tell you right here that they're good niggers, snd the beat worken in Uieslsilppi. Now, what do you think of this t" Here the old gentleman rose slowly from Us ohalr and looked at me in a manner soggeatlng sometblog awful impending. "Mot a tarnation nigger cf 'em ever saw a olrous. niey've no idea of an elephant or a monkoy, and the Queen otHhe Flaming Zone," here Mr. Barker amaoked bis Ilpa, "wonld act 'em oiasy. I work 'em like Egyptian brick- makers, snd have 'am licked tolerably regular, bnt I'm net ao htxd-beartad, ao utterly depraved, sa to allow 'am to go down to their graves without aeelng a olrous and menagerie." One thousand dollars and fonnd—and snch jMliifi were not to be sneezed at; so I inqnirad whoie his place waa situ- aled. Hy route from Natohai to Jickeon lay within ton miles of it, and I hastoned to accept hla offer and to assure him that the morning of the second day of Hay wonld see ma at hla plantation. "Let thla be nnderatoad,"aald Ur. Barker, inmlngto leaT»- "Ihe show IS to go on all day and daring the evening. I don't mean the entire ahoy, bnt aomelhlng to amuse and entertain the people. lahiUtnvilsaU my trlendsof botheolon, and a nigger for that day la to have a front seat, sit at the first Isble, and be as good aa a white man." About funrise on the second day ot Hay vre reached the borden of Copiah County, where we found awaiting us aa enthusliaiio an escort aa ever welcomed the cgnqnolng aaglea back to Bome. It wm oompoaed of slaves from the Barker plantation. They ware over seveo' hundred slicng. and would have suggested a rabjeot for an artist. Fully a Hundred of them wen monnted on mules, wilhont saddles, ^hile their eommander and the general conductor of the ebtin party—a negro ct enormons afse^rode a handsome •wbito horse. Trn large wagons, each drawn by four yoke of eiien, followed, flllad with women and e&Udran, while ova* three huhdred man sad boye.on foot biAught up the raar. ill wen In their Bonday dnai, the man wearing whlta-jaaaa, the women Ilnaey-wolae^. Thnstaeorted, we leached th* plaataUon about nine o'clock aadree(lTadftrl^tnyalwalooBa..;ni» (la«a waa alive with ytopltk wkili andblMk, hiA Mon* Win etutatir HiHiatt many coming a day's Journey from adjoining eounUas. "UnrM Johnnie" aa Ur. Barker was called by all who knew him, had aent cut hundreds of Invltatlona to hla "circus and btxlieoue," and reolved very few "regrets,'- all well knowing tbst buoh an invitation meant a high old time. On the immense lawn fronting tbe mansion waa displayed such a collation ss wCuld have done credit to the bounty of a Prince and taxed Iho appetite ot a Saiobo Pania, Boores of cheeses, boiled hams, raastod fowls snd pigs, great piles of bread, plea, cahea and roasted yams ms<ls the heavy plank tables fkirly groan, while piled npon the grass won boxes of oranges and lemons, bunobea of bananas, snd oratea ot plno- apples in great nnmbera. Seven! woolen blanketa oovartd a large pile cf loe, which waa flanked by barrela of brandy and rum, and a great number of basketo ot champagne and other winea. To the left ot the Uwn aevenl beeves, eheep and hogs wan being barbecued in large trenchea. Alllghtlng from my oarrlage, I Inquired for Ur. Barker, and wu condnctod to ttie vennda of the maislon, when Uncle Johnnie, clad only in a loceo Unen gown and a pair ot slippers —the day wu very warm—wu aeated in an oaken rocking- ohalr ot ao)tath-Ilke proportions. Hla occupation wu u curious u bis dreee. Ho wu engaged la dispensing mm- punob, with a large, long-naoked gourd, from a huge tnb to throngs ot thlraty negroes, who presented teacups, tlnpans, oocoanut-shells and various other ntaneils for ita reception. Unole Johnnie, Inneterrisg the gourd lo a bright-eyed little darky, with an admonition to spill none of the pradons flnld aad a hearty enfl, aroaa.wilh some effort to hli feat. "I'm glad to aoe you," he said, giving ma a hearty ahake of the hand. "I feared you might miaa jotir way, and aent a few of my nlggen to bring you in. Bnt alt down and lute aomo- thlng." In two minutes men I had absorbed two glasses of strong brandy, and declined a third. Eionalng himself. Uncle Johnhfe waddled Into thehonse, and, ntnmlng a moment later, hand- ed me tan one-hundredMlollar banknotu. As I turned my head, already halt-turned by tbe generous brandy I had ImbilMd, and caught a glimpse of tbe lawn spread with a feut whleh would have brought water to tlie month of that ansient lady "who lived upon nothing but victuals and drink," and aa the bouquet of the liquor mioi^ed with the aavory oden arising from the enormous rouls In the tienohss, I bluahad, showman though I wu, u I leiMved-lhe money, ;, ' Breakfast waa next in order, and It wu an hour beton we again appeared npon the veranda. In the meantime my men wen not Idle, and multitudes of negroes, speeohleu Mth'as- tonlabmaal, watohed Ihd vut wUto canvu u It rou Uks an enohanted palaoe. At twelve o'olockeightlhonaandpeople, many of them whlto, wsn on the ponnda, Uncle Jonathan Edwarda, the moat powerful colored prucber Id Ooptab County, Invoked the Di- vine blsaalng, aad, amid inapirlng mualo ttom the band and ehasfs from Ihonauds ef duaky throats, Ihe dioos aad din- ner opened almnltaneonaly. And saoh '^s olieua I Sneb a dtnnail As wu (amarked by C«ldDr.Bas*dl,who earn* thirty Bllaa on hemabnck to, ,b«t ai)aat the day mlaMstina iodak itsMCha ud B«a4in« tenks* haiAii K tU b«l «i«-bMM «t4 Devil." Never beton did ahowmen perform In pnaenee' of snob an audience; and at no otbortimo In my twenty yaen' experience in the ring did I see eubh riding, vaulting, tumbling, and balaneing. Madame La Lunme never before or einoe ewept with endh daring through tbe SanUng acne, or caught with auch grace the swinging Irapese; Orimaldl the clown wu nlmply Mde-eplitUng In his anltoa and Wlttl- olama; Tinoe HIdget seemed to shrink to less lhanahand'a breadth; while the giant towered at least two heads above his boasted elgbt-foot-two. ' Even the anlnala seemed to - catch the enthnslum. For the flnt time in their Uvea thi monkeys in tbe dog-race need their whlpa with vigor, and were nwarded by acreama ot delight from the darklea, ydnng snd old. The camelopard elongated his gnoeful neck In conacloua pride. The black bear for ihe flrtt Ume essayed the hlgbland-fllng; whUe Julius Cmar, Ihe mammoth eU^hant, that no ship could contain—unlike Jumbo, ha wu imported in bis Iniknoy—bearing upon his broadbaok foU dve^nd- nvooty balf-naked colored urohlus, who evIdanUy ravivad within him pleasant memories of his faraway Afrioan home, marched majestically around the ring In excellent time to "See the conquering hero ocnus." For full two houn the olrous, the meDageria' and the slde- ehow wen tbe only attraoUone, and the anmptuoui feast re- mained almost untutsd. But when, at Uncle Johnnto's eng. geeUon. L annonnced that the show would oonilnns dnringi the enUn aftamocn and evening, a stampede oocnrred fn the dIreoUon of the lawn, and tbereaftarandlenoe snd perforaurs, like sbnlUes In a loom, vlbnled from canvu to tables and tta- blee to canvu. By tour o'clock victuals had become a drug, and drink alone, wu in aottve demand. The tbint produced by mm aad braa-' dy wu quenched In the Juice ot tbe gnpe, and tlic sparkling wines ot Burgundy and Obsmpagne glided k'mnet biasing down the dellgbtod throata ot Senegamblane whon higbut lilua ot earthly bllu had bllhertobe«n embodied In the "pine- top wbiehey" ot Ulaalsslppl. When, since the ark, with Ita nnpanUeled, nnpaUatibla at> tratlone, wu made tut at its Aist landing, and the "miujage. menl" vleiteU tbe wlne-vanlts in Noah's vineyard, did show*, mon drink In mod^ntlon? At four-tblrty, the Mlb-shot'ct tbo hetouleau oaunon-ball toisor became too drunk for tiM, and at five o'clok the clown alone wu able to present hlmiaelt Id Ifae ring, and be wu in a oondiUon to appear at hls,'fnh- iileet wltboutmaklng the sllKhtost exertion. In flftaen min' uica he, too, succumbed, and tbe uwdast passed Into tbe pois. Muiou ot tbe (eimsten and canvunien, who appeared thai role ot tmstonr lioien and tumblon. In tbe meantime my authority viu set at naught, and my oommanda, expoetnlaUone and threata—ihowmen in the olden llmeneverewore—wenlanghadatbythosescoutomedtoicbey, Uhe the phlloiophloal Diogenes, Uncle Johnnie wltitltU . bis- klngle garment abont blm sud reUrnd to bis tubs, when he re, earned control of tbe long-nocked gourd. From hls'.'c^lr ef .' stale he lookod benlgnantly down npou the drunken, eniroos- Ing malUtudo, and oonUnnwl, with a smile, to add fuel to tbe ' Ramos by ladUng ont with no sUutad hand his own favorite berenge—rum-punch. Under the influence of swwt wine, tbe monkeys cbattond and troUlokod u monkeya never did before outalde their native fonst. Jntins Coear, enlivened by Ave or six gallons ot cognao, broke bis obiin, and, too drunk to charge the crowd, slaggeitd about the lawn.iegallsg him- self with aaku and nnta. Beneath the unsocustomed excitement produced by heavy loads of strong drink, long-smouldering feud* belwaea dUbv ant pUntoUona wen nvivad, and flghtlng became the order of the day. "Hey, Bube 1" rang upon the sir. and the showman Joined In Ihe melee. The soene that ensued beggan all de- sorlpUon. Hy canvas wu torn down and xaduced lo abrtda. my wagona overturned and the animala released, and by nine o'olook barely a vestige of my msgnUeent olrous and menag- erie nmalned. Even Julius Osaar wu no more. Ha bad knocked over a IllUe darky, accidentally, no doubt, when ban- dreda of half-oiazcd negroea aet upon him with clnba aad rooka and actually beat and pelted Um to death, I wu a rained man. There wu a mortgage on my ahow, and I owed my people a month's salary. WIUi M>e sId of my Uoket-agant I hamesaad my bonce to m^trnvellng-carrlage an4 escaped In the darkness. Three days, later I sold them for a aong In Vlckabnrg and took a boat tor St. Louis, where I entored other buslneu. Never shall I forgot the parUng words ct UneH Johnnie, who saw me safely to the highway: "aocd-byo,".he said, ahaklng my hand. "The show didn't go on u long u you contracted it shonld, but I don't blsima you, and don't think my guesta can blame me. The enter, talnment oost me 193,000. and yon an out a right smart nmi but we can't complain, can we, alnce we've had the Uggaat blowout ever aeon in Ulaalsslppl r' JAMES DONALDSON Jr., wu bom In tbta dty Aug. 11. IMK. Be hu for some line been Uie successful proprietor and manager ef Ihe I«n- don Theetn. thta dty, u wall u pnpristor ot Ike ^Two Johns" Comedy Co,, now attraoUng favonbis patronag* Uirougbout the New England Statea, DiaiVATioM or Tmna.—Tbe dertvaUon ot the word "iw Die" aeems to have bothered the elymologlata. moat of whom tdl ns that it Is "from the French Una (laks), • word whlab the Frenob, who excel In tbis game, nu when thay hit the i ball." If tbUstatomantwutrua,whlob ltlanot,itwotiIdaot affoid any aatlsfactory expUnatlon ef ihe word, and the other derivaUona nsually given an even wider ct the mark.. Tennis. , however, is tbe old English form ot tens, the plnnl of tan, ' and u we have another dcsely.nUted gema eallsd t1ta,thm ; can, II seema to ma, be no donbt about theerigia ot the word. ' The game, I appraliand, want out of fuhlon about , the tUne - when the old plnnl tennia wu giving way to tbe modem pluni tona in popular apeeeh, and whan tbe game wunvived, some time, aay.ln the Afleanth still retained the old form, which In other eases had Islleacnt of uu,-^i/eUiaitH , QntrUt. . • • i Tn Ji^aneaa Department of AgitauUnn Is planting eyit^- bedi aaoi Totehau, The Japanaaa oysten are e o M l dateJ _ ameng tbe floest ta the world, U/t hopes aretatenalk*d.^'«|:.' potting them largely In* preserved state.. . w^i-:'. WBix ■io«l peepk elw by b«ttlk| I