New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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OBER 6., THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 469 . •.. 4iii.ti It mere ailBoolt to umpire for Bufflnton thu 1*L^^. Voi of the N»w\oiki wia to tfa* eHy MtoMilW Bflriook iMda the Bortoni to bitUng, >" ."riiwiii' br Morrill ud Bntton. Th«r •« the llSS^S^otoO'^^^ "toPP^ to the b.tln the flnt W..;* ih« ffleTetand-Boiton game. Umpire UcLmld, to be- m MMdJ, praMDted him wlUi u S???Uy obSn • ohwa repreMntlDgln wlf. P'^liih th« fMtealBg pine pendant aigr»7«d on the In- ■^fiS^ttVtnioilptlon: •'p^nted to W B. Button by ifSSantiSai: Sept. OT, 1883." The men who here been SL"hS?rt4 now « Bardook. Homnng. Heokett. Sutton "■^iSSSl Bufflnton received e flnejpelr of ileeTe-buttone Sm KU Blw friend, while to feovldence. It le ni- SSa tut tte Md !■ not yet DanUp did not pUy to the S?Srion ioconntof • heeryoold „... .The Boatons won ft^5i7f their lut 18 oMnee. The BuflUoe were the only «-Sm dub to defeat them Bronthen made one of the iV-^ hiti of the leaaon on the Boston oronnda at the laet RXfrBofton game, Sept. M, drivtag the T>aU to the eiHeme 5jMWd»ra«".-••«»"'•»? only made U emn to the 2!on of M «»m« BmltB haa been ielfa»ed,and wlU •ntafalr be eagued by the Olevelanda for the leat ot the ginth, ud pomb lyfornexteyon. THB ATHIiETIO CI.VB'B RECEPTION. Tht vabllo demonebatlon Oot. 1 In Philadelphia, Fa., to iiMiflt of the Athlatlo Olob on ila retam from Uie Weat with Sit ehancloDghip of the American Aaioolatlon, wae remark- Sta not only lor the thonaandi who participated to the unda and the teni ot thonsanda who wltneiaed it, bnt for Kanoilaiielty of wtloome, which might be termed a veritable uibl-mTe of baaeball enthaalaam. The proceaslon wee a ^osa nnmbering nearly eight thonaand men In Une, and ntniade' np ot baaeball dobs and aoolal organizations on toot tnl In canlagea, with baunen and tiansparenoles on whlob m intoribed legends ot welcome, and scores ot devices and nriai aottumcs to add plctnresanenesa to the scene. The ifclorions Athletics, accompanied by the Uatropolitana ot th^dtj, arrived to Phlladdphia about 7.30 p. u., and headed the nnoeailon, which paased tbrongh a namber ot the prind- Gl sinets, which were lllaminaled with dectrio and ealclom liti gayly dacoiated with bonttog, and so denady packed wllh pMpls that ordtoaiy travel was entirely blooked. Oheat- lal itnat was sblaia with red Are, electric and calcium lighle ind tnnipsrendes. "Wdcome, Athletics," was the favorite motto tndevaiy banner bore It Many penonaan of the optolon Uutthapiooeailon wu witoassed by as many people as saw Um Onnt parade or the Bl-Centennlal pageant Standing an- larandaolric-Ughtto front of the City Hall, Mayor Etog re- edvad the conqnanra and bowed napectfoUy to the ocoa- peataof tach carriage. The vlctoriooa Athletics were cheered STdongthe tooto to a maimer whloh abundantly teatlfled the lictrtliMU ot the welcome. The Athletlo and Metropolitan H"" . with the invited gaeats, Aled ont ot the proceaslon on Bnadatreet, near Brown jmd, escorted by the marshals, drove to HercantUe Hdl, on Jranklto street bdow Poplar, when Iheymirohedtoto the banquet-hall. Flags droopeagnuetnlly tnrn the walls and posts, and tbe tables were adoraed artitUo- lilf by vases ot running plants and hot-house flowen. The tablMWtn sat tor one handled and sixty penona, and fully thtt muy aat down. One ot the organlzen ot the Athletlo Olab-Co'. Thomas Fltnerdd—presided. At the signal of "Be setttl, lantleman," a band of music placed on the stage la Ika bdl struck up a galop, and from the frantic man. ntr la which knlvea and forks were mttled the feaaton ware evidently trytog to keep time with the murlo. The bUl-ct-fire waa an ample one, and after full Jnatloe was done lolt, tha ohamplonahlp banner waa presented to the Athletic Irio by Vffl. B. Smith. Harry D. Stovey was made the re- cipient ct a handtome gold watch and chato. The distribu- tion ot handsome gold badges to the vloton was made by A. Helneman, After the tolenhange ot toaato and the delivery otieTanl Impromptu speeches the goaets withdraw, and the Cat baeeball reception was a thing ot the past In our next as wa wUl give a brief blatory of the Athletic Olub from the date of Its orgtnlxatlon, together with biographical sketches of the plajen compoatog Its obamplon team for 1883. THB VSION IiBAGCB. The meeting ot ddegates from profesdonal baseball clnbs not represented to the League or American Aoaoclatlons, which was hdd at Earle's Hotol In this dtr Sept IS, culmin- ated In the sncceasful organization ot toe union Baseball Uagne under auspices favonble to Its permanent exlatonee, ilda by dde with the senior professional aaaodatlons. Tlte work of Btuting the new aaaodatlon haa been in the bands ot able and enargetlo men, and aa there la ample room tor the new aaaodatlon there la nothing to prevent them from eatab- Uahlng Ihemaelves on a permanent bads. The leaden ot the movement hdd a private meeting to tha morning, and then had in open aeaaion at night. Belegatee from the Virginia Olub of Blohmond, National of Washington, Keystoneof Phlladdphia, AtiaoUe ot Brooklyn, Hartford of Hartford, and from a oswly organized club of Boston wen present aa also from the Act- Ires ot Beading, The dedgn of the new aaaoclatlon la to gov- ern adrcnit of professional dabs whichshall beglu In Boston •od extend to Blobmond, Va., and to embrace such baseball dUea en route u Sprtogfldd, Hartford, Brooklyn, Phlladdphia. Bdtlmore and waabtogton, and other tovrns on the line ot tnvd between the two extreme points. The convention did not lake long to tranaaot all the bnatoess nsceaaary to place it on Its feat and when the eleoUon for offloen was hdd It reaolt- odtolha choice ot the following ot&olals: Freddaot Sidney B.OUrke ot Hartford; rioe-preddent!<• Moxley ot Wsshlng- b», D. 0.; aeoretary, Francis 0. Blobter of Philadelphia; uieeton, Felix J. Moaea ot Richmond, Ya., H. H. Dlddlebock of FhiladdphU, WUllam Dooley of Brooklyn, and W. S. ■mar ot Bta-linig, Pa. Two dnba from Blohmond and three from Bdtlmonwere among the appUoants for membenhip, and the Aaaoclatlon made a wlie ohoioe to sdecttog the Vlr- llala Clob from the former dty, aa it has a flusly located and permanent ground, and evidently la to able handa. The application ot the Trenton Olub to be admitted waa declined, and the applioaUona of three dnba In Balti- more were Idd over. The Keyatone Olub of Philadelphia, the Virginia Qub ot Blohmond, the Atlantlo Olub ot Brooklyn am the Hartford Olub of Hartford wen admitted. The Boa- Ion dub, which is being organized, wUl be admitted at the neit meeting. The play tog rulee of the American Association wereadopled,wltha fewallght modlilcatlona. Thetoul-bound WIS aboUab- d. The soorlng-ralea were alao amended, and will Indndewild pitohes, passU bdla and basee on baUs in the anorocluDn, and wllladd aaoriBce-bits to the summary. The Bblbe bdl ot Phlladelpbla was adopted as the regulation-ball, nie (ollowtog Important resolntlon waa uoanlmoudy adopted at Ids eventog meettog: ^uolnd. That ihe Union League of profeaalond baseball duba, i?°|i>l>lo( tbe Importance of a nDiromlty ol action on the part ?''P*c>irereat baaeball aiMciatlona, and with a view n( promot- <°lipemt«re»tiorttas national game throughout the country, re- nniieithereaerve-cule of tbe League and American Aaaoclatlon aa Mnding aron this Aaaoclatlon, and that we atfillate with the uoreiald aaacelatlona in every manner and upon dl occnalcns whan in IS?" baaeball ean be rorthered or atreogthened tharabF. im transaction of considerable routtoe work ot mtoor wportance, the convention adjourned, to meetat the Bingham Honie, Phlladdphia, Jan. 8, lS8i. A rapreaenUUve oommittee. mm the new League will attend the December conventions of ue uagua and American Aaaodatlons, and present the reaolu> ncna and lolldt lecognlUon to the matter of dab oontncte, , , A LETTER FROM PQTTSVUiLB VMar data ot Sept. OT, on the subject of the Anthracite Olub, uAII* olob left ben wltb nine men, expeetlng to neetAnnIa and rAitV'm *" oot released. In Wilmington, On the road between ii^.-!:l*"d Reading Orady and UoLaogbbn completed negctla- (u?,S,!r"''*J'*ty'rom Ohambarabnrg.and theylart tbe club In iMk.?',.""' accompanied tbe Obadberaburg party home. Tba a£i um'^"- tbenrore. arrived in Wllnlngloa only oaveb atrong, J™ ■>»ar and Anola railed to neat them. Tbey round only three lB Pi,M''.*,°f'>dbraUb, MllllgaD and Blakely wrnt to tbalrb^maa will. Tbeae aeran, togetnerwlth two ormon new men, hi.ffri"anton In the mornloE, and unleia other nnrorraaan aM..iJ^V play there to-morrow and Ratnrday. Mh.iT.rki'' I'oLangblln wars blackllitad laa-. arenlnjc for tbeir rep- uiiu. i '.??J°di>ctlnrorealilD(Uiednb. Tbe caae of AnnU and ■luar la bald under advlaament. ..ji RBAOIRO CORRBaPOlfDENT Mder date Bent OTaays: .AjoMiIng ct the gentlemen who have anbaorlbed towarda tha OnSJj'n."?", »••''• Aotlvo flaaabdl Olub haa been called at tba uShliJPf "o??! '<" to night About thlrtj-Uve d fferent par- dil«lKl!'*"!"<' tbemidvet in tbe matter, and nearly ii.OOO haa JJ'StJ hMo aubaorlbad. Tba pnrpoaa of Ibia avenlna'a maetlni la Srr.takU.n'i!? matter of orgaoliatlcn. It la probable that the en- a£t. !L*"""pI*o»> >n thebanda cfa board ol directors, who will ttmi.if."'!"!!*?^"'' the dub, "Dicky" Pearce, new an loteretate auE..?'.?!'' Weaton D. fialer. late manager of tha Uarrltta. an eatad ?« k/£' tt' PP'ltlon, It la the daaire of tbe gentlemen Inter- anVrn\r_r** olub run on bualnaaa prlndplaa, and not tolerate the ttfiSS paiy them'"" »™ »l"tog to play good bdl for a«a^si?*J??'"'"**<'" between tha nine* of tbe eermti "aTwMity.lbirdBeglmanti-Tettim game of the teriea ot ^^*;]j^M plM« on Bfttoidar, Oot e; »t W««bli«t<»n ftik, , ^f^'l C<>""».one of the best-known ptofeaatoiialpuyera to the Soath, died Sept Slot malarial-fever, after a brief Ul- nen, at bis reddance in Nsw Orleans, La. He was bom about thirty yean ago to that dty, and to 1871 joined the B. E. Lae Olub and became Ite piteher, betog probably tha flnt In the South to lotrodnoe the onrr^ddlvery. Be achieved an exod. lent reputdion u a piteher, and in 1874,1876 and 1878 was oonnected in that capadty with aemt proteaalonal olabs otSt Louis, Mo. He also played in a tew games with the Chicago plnb in 1B7«, taktog the place as piteher of ZetUeto, who had been hit all over tbe Add. Els only appearance to this vlcto' jty was In the memonble game at the union Qronnds, Brook' lyn, June 18, 1874, when the Hntnds gave the Oblcagos a tu- rible defeat by a soon ot 38 to I. CoUtoa commenced pitehtog. bnt after five runs had been made by mtsenbls fleldtog off him In the flnt Inning Dave Force essayed that podUondu* tog the nmatoder ot the contest OolUns on his ntnm home to New Orleans aoaln Joined the Lees, and played In dillarent podtiona with them until laet season, when be Jotoed the Bemy Clarke Club, and waa a valuable member of the team at the time of his death. He left a wife and three obUnn to destitute clreumetanoes. and the baseball fraternity purpose arrangtog a benefit for his family. Thb ooHOLUDmo oHAHFioiisaip ooMmr between the Bdtl- more and Oolumbna Olnba wu commenced Sept 30 in Colum- bua, O. While the Bdtlmorea were at the bat in the last halt of the third Inning rain began talllDg in torrante, and the game was called, the acora than standing S to 0 in fkvor of the vldton. It was dedded not to play the game oS, as the result would not affect the relative rank of either dub to the oham- plonahip-race. ExBinrnoR-aAiaa were played Oct. 1 to Bocton, Providence and CInotonatI respectively. In Boeton the League champi. one defeated tbe Buffdoa by a scon ot 0 to 4, attoran exdtlng finish. In Providence the home-team defeated the Olevelanda by 13 to 1, and in Olndtmatl the Ohleagoa proved too much for the Olnclnnatla, tbe flguree at tbe ftnteh betog 7 to 1 in favor of the ex-champlons of the League. Thb MtTBoroLRaiis conduded tbdr Western trip Sept 30 to Glnolnnatl, 0., by defeating the Cinctonatl Olub to an ex- hibition-contest by a scon ot s to 4. Lynch pitched effective- ly tor the vrinnen. Tds Eoupsb Oldb at a meeting bald Sept. 24 unaoimoudy resolved to mdntato Ite protesalond team, and to ntato Its membenhip to the American Association for 1884. The Habtfobd Club defeated the Holyokaa Oct 1 to Hart- ford, Ot, by aacoreot 11 to 1. The Holyokea failed to make a ante hit off O'NeU'a pitehtog. Thb BXHBm-iUTOB given the Brooklyn team, which was to have been played on Tuesday, Oct. 3, wlu take place at Waab- togton Park Oct 8. The Boston obuipioks irtll vldt Steten Island on Oct B to play the Island nine before tbe lady memben ot the olub. Tnznx ARi Limiie In tbia ofilce lor the managera of tha Monitor and Female Baaebdl Olaba. CRICKET. CRICKET IN PHIIiAOBLPIlIA. Tbe Canadian oricketere combined together under tbe Utle otIZiDgarivldted Philadelphia, Ba.,Uatweek andwon their games with the Morion and Oermantown Clubs, while nin twice prevented a condnalon ot tbdr conteate with the Bd- monte. Tbe game with the Herion waa played Sept 38 at Aid- mora and 38, and resulted to a victory for ths vUlton by 48 mns. Tbe chief teatora was the eioeUent battiag of Ogden and effecUva bowling by Ferrie and ailleaple, the uat-named betog credited with ten wlckete at the coat of only 38 mns. First Inning. I ZmoiBL Second Inning. Vlckenb.I,aw 0 c. "8nb"b. Lowry )( Oilleaple b. Law 8 b. Lowry..,.. I Btretlctd c. Watte b. Law t o. Lewry b. Ln i Ogden b. Crslg St run out 10 Ray e. Ualnaa b. Lowry O e. Clay b. Law o Hornby b. Law to. Clay b. Lowry 10 Hayden b. Law... 10 b. Lowry I Pick c. Ratter b. Lowry 4 c Etting b. Law 8 Joneae. Hdnea b, Lowry 4 notont..,.. » Uerrltt, not ont * c. Craig b. Brdthwdte 0 Ferrleb. Law «b. Law... . ........... o Leg-byea 8 Byea, 8; leg-bye, 1 t Totd KiHl lanlDg. ^ _ , Hdnea c. Morphy b. Ogden, Watteb. Ollleapfa... Rraiibwdu b. Farrle Ettlogb. Ferrlo, . Ratter b. Olllaiple, ..101 Total... HsRioir. ... * b, auieiplec ... T not out ...8 c. Ray b. Oilleaple ...8 a and b. Ollloaple. 7 b. Farrle AsbbrldgscBUatrord b. Ferrie I b. Oilleaple Clay b. Oilleaple., Law b. Farrle Uralg, not out Wain b. Ferrie. Lowry b, Farrle............ Bye, I; leg-bye, 1; wide, t. Totd.. 1 b. Oilleaple 0 b. Oilleaple 4 b. Oilleaple 0 b. Ferrie 1 0. Farrle........ 5 Byea Btcond Inning. "!;!!!i6 8 0 U 0 e I 3 _ it Toul a The last game of the trip was played with the Oermantown Club Sept lis and 20, and was won by I Zingari to one inning, with 30 runs to spare. F. Stiattord and Morphy batted bril- liantly for tbdr respsotlve contributions of 84 and 44 to ths vldton'large total. Broadhead, Brown andWisterwen the chief sooten tor tbe home-team. Soore: I Zinoabi. Junea b. Contort 0 Pick L b w. b. Comfort t Korphy b. Comfort M VIckera b. Bromhead...... .... 0 Stratfiird c. Wlatet b. Comfort.M Olden c Fatteraonb.Brombaad j Rar a. ffelab b. Brombaau I OlUeaple b. Bromhead 4 Hayden, not out First Inning. Brombeadb. Ferrie... Patteraon b. OiUaapie Valdea b. Ferrie Rdaionb. Farrle......... ... Welsh e. Merrlu b. OlUaapla. Wlaurb. Oilleaple...ij.^.... Broadbead I b.w. I). Ferrie.. Comfort 0. and b. Oilleaple... Halnea b. Ollleapla Brown, not out Uawlay b. Ogden Byea, 4; leg-bya, 1 Totel. Merritt b. Brown 31 Ferries andb.Welsh 4 Byea, 14; leg-byaa, »; widee, 1.38 Totd in OiBBiNTOWK. Second Inning. 8 c Ray b. Ogden 10 I b. Ogd» 1 8 c. and b. Ollleapla 0 « c Merritt b. Ollleeple S 1 b. Ogiieu 0 17 b. Ogden 10 , 0 not out 17 4 b. Ojden 0 0 0. Xnrpby b. Oadan 0 38 c. niilrrple b. Ogden I 1 b. Ferrie 30 , 8 Byes,4; lag.bye, 1; wldea,3... 7 .„„ n Toul 88 The St. Oeorge ot Wllmtogtoo, Del., vlaited Phlladdphia Brat 39 and pUkyed the Qlrard. The vlalton wen gniatly overmatched, making only 48 rune, while the Olruda bad Bcored 188 runs for the loss of four wlckete In tbe flnt Inntog, when the stumps were dnwn. Oarvto complied 83 in line form, and R. Hargnve and H. Hargnve gave a fair sample of their ability by scoring 84, not out and 83, raspecllvely. The veterans of the Mcrion and Bdmont Olabe played on ths sams day at Ardmore, the result betog a victory for the former by 139 to 108, tbe totals ot Ihe lint Inntog. B. WIK liams, with 83, and Porter, with 88, ware tbe chief acoren for their respective ri des. A TIB'GAHIB waa recently played at Lee Park, Wlikeebarra, Pa., between the Hazleton Olub and the Olymplce of Plymouth, Pa. It waa to be the third and deddlng game between the two clnbs for the championship ot Luzerne County. The exdtement waa to-- tense towards the finish, eapeolaUy when the last man ot Ihe. Hadeton deven went to the bat with but two runs wanting in order to wto. The flnt ball he received he cut for a stools. Harrison, however,bowled Bymlllarwith the aeoond ballot Ibe next over, leaving the soore tied, as follows: Flret Inning. OlTHPio Second Inning. Lees c Tbnrlby b. SeUen 4 b. 8a ere Winfb atltehter lb. Sallera.... Wrenb BUtchter 0 o. Pleatb. Btltchter Bmmia c Rymlller b. Btltchter. I b. JUtditer. Jcnea, not out 13 o. and b. Bellera. RaAD. ran out a L b. w. 0. Bauera SSrwrnbTBaVleni.. Ob. BaUari nStfcwSon "siilchter. 0 b. BUUhter TraadwaU b. Ballan 1 not out Morris b. Bellera. 7 run out Rponslar b. Btltchter J fc,S*"»" Bye, 1; wide, 1 ^Wlde Toul Flrat Innlnr. BtltebUrb. Wing Rallerab.Jonea......... . sun a Harrison b. Jonas Flest b. Hsrrlaon Troutraso b. Wing.' Jso. Kay b. Wing Rodda b. Wing Tbnrlby b. Wing Hocking 1. b. w.l). Wing.. Jos. Kay, not ont,. , 88 Totd nasLaroir. . ^ Baoond Inning. Sc. BpoBSlsr b. TresdwsU 4 b. Harrison U ran out 13 b.Treadwall I b. Tieadwell..^. 13 0. Hpoaalecb. Tnadwell 3mnont 0 c anbstltnte b. Harrlaon...., 3 e. Jonaa b. Wing. 1 not ont . 0 9 .. 0 .. 3 ..It .. 0 .. 8 .. 0 .. 7 .. 3 .. 0 .. 1 ..a Joe. Kay, not ont 1 not ont 1 Rpralllsre.Bmlllleb. Harrlaon. 0 b. Harrison 8 Byes,8; leg byaa,!; widea, A..11 Wldea 1 Totd .48 Totd M ...10 ... 0 ,.. 0 I I . 1 . 8 1 Tea oBiiis uaau AiL-PBiuDBiniiA vb. Au,-0iiinii BTATBf, American vs. English, and Amatonn vs. Frofaaatoaala and Amatenn, takes place on the Oermantown Orouads ob Oot 4,8,8, and it premises to be Ihe American ericket event ot the season. The Phlladdphia twdve-that betog ths nam' bar of playen on eaoh alde-ar* to be 0. A. Newkall, B. S. HewbalirF. E. Breirder, K. W. Oark aad Howard HaoMutt M ■Onaa Aaenaa 0. 0.; 8. Iaw, J, B. Tbasrer it. and W. 0. SowiSof «heH*rtMO.O.i J. AL BeoM MP. f.Slomr of the BalkciDt a O.t L. W. Wtatai of ih« (isiinaatawp 0. 0.; •Dd /. f. Ouyta of 4116 (MiKd 0. 0. XU* to piotablr ths sirongsst American team, with one axceptlcn, that Phlladdphia can present, that exception. being D. B, Mew- hsll. who cannot get time to flMj three days. The oppoklng twdve wlU consist ct X. B. Ogden, Oblcago Cricket Club; Haaen Brown, Plttsbnrg; Oyrll Wilson and Harry Les- ter. Steten Island; andthefoUowtogprofesalonale, vto., Oeorge Wright Cleverly, Bromhead, Dale, Lmo and T;en, reepect- ivdy ot the Longwood, M., Uerion, Peninsular, Stkten laland and Qlrard Clubs. The matoh will be played on the Oermantown Cricket Club's gronnde at Nlcetown, via Wayne JnncUon. PhUaddphU and Readtog Bdlread, under tbe aui- plcea ot the Orioketrn' AssoolaUon of tbe United Slates. Flay will begin each day at ten i. M. and conttoaa ontll bdt-paat Ave r. v., with bait an hoar's adjournment tor dinner at halt- put oner. K. j^^THLETIC. COMXNO EVBHTB. Oct. 0,8-V. Dawaon'a All-Uulte<l ewiea l^yanls foot-handloap, Bcho Par«, Pblladelpblv Oct. 8-Boaten (MaM.) Blayde Club lOO-mlla road-race. Oct. 8—Canadian Amateur Obamploniblp meeting, Montreal. Oct. lO-New Haven nieydeClub'a Fall racea, Kaw Haven,Ct. Oct. 13-New York AtbleUe Olub Fdl gamea, Mott Haran, N.T. nty. Oct. 18-Blcycla tournament, 73 boura, eommancai. Chicago, IIL Nov. »-New York A. C. eroaa-eountry ebamplonablp ran. CLOBINQ OP ENTRIB8. Cnaa-ccuntry amateur championship race—Oct. 38, wltb WlUlam Wood, Secretary H. Y. A. 0., P. 0. Box S.I01, H. Y. City, THB WHEBI. IN PHII.ADEI.PHIA. TbeOemfkntown BlcydeClnb held a competitive meeting at the Oentlemen'e Driving Park, Philadelphia, on Saturday attomoon, Bept 39, vrith tba result herewith ahown, the weather bdng cool and cheerless and the tnok In poor condition. Be- sulte: Junior half-mile nee—J. O. FnUer, Phlladdphia, flnt. In Im. S»H*.; B. 0. HarUey, Philadelphia, aecond. One-mile race, novices—S. H. Onwford, PhlladelphU, flnt, in 3m. 20a.; N. P. Tyler, Mew Haven, Ot., second. Fennaylvanla Club race, one mile, members—H, W. Brinkman flnt in 3m. 3tMs.; B. B. Obamben aecond. Slow-race, ISOyds., handicap, 15yds. limit —W. A. Whltmon, Hammonton, Kyds., flnt no time being tsken; Bart Piessy, Hammonton, 18, second. Bandleap-race two mUes, SOOyda. ilmlt-M. P. Tyler, 40yde., Hew Haven, Ot., first, to 6m, 88>(s.; Obarles H. Chickuring, 10yds., Bmlth- vllle, M. J., second. Three-mile race, L. A. W. champion- ship—Osorge D. Oideon. Phlladdphia, flnt. In 9m. W)(t, ; Oharlea Frailer, Smithvllle, N. J., second, by alx Inchee only. Flve-mlle nee, Steto champlonahlp-John Oreen, PhUadd- phU, flnt in 19m. SSJ^a.; 8. H. Onwford, PblladdphU, fdl and broke hU machine. He atterwarda entered a proteet amlnst Oreen on the ground that the latter had ridden in a clrous, and waa thsntora Ineligible to compete as an amateur; malterheldlnabeyance. One-mile race,SteteohamplonBblP',- George D. Gideon, Phlladelpbia, flnt In 3m. IS^e.; LooU J. Kolb. PblladdphU, second; 8. U. Onwford, I:>hllsddphU,0; M. W. Brinkman, Pennsylvania Bl. C, 0. One-mile trioyde- raoe, handicap—A. Q. Fowdl, PhlladelphU, acntoh, flnit to 3m. 83s.; S. U. Onwford, PhlladelphU, 30a , second; Joseph Pennell, 18e., PblladdphU, third. The ancceeef nl oompetiton received gold and diver medaU. The cnamplonshlp trophloe have to oe won three tines before they oeoome penonal property. Beteiee, H. B. Hart mOHAM BBPI.IBB TO KBBn. The foUowlog commnnleatlon, aooompanled by a depodt of flfty dollan, has been received from H. W. HIgham In reply to the chjallenge of John Seen, tha ex-ohamplon bloyole-rider, whlcb waa pubUsbed laat week: WaSBiTOTOIc, D. C, Sept. 38,1189. EniTOB N. T. CLirpxR—Dear Sir; Fleaaa flud incloaad flity dollan to cover John Keen'a deposit of tba aame amouut; and In answer to bla cbdlenge in your laat iiuna, aa be la not aatlaflad wltb tbe Bprlngleld race, 1 will run him the aame dlatance.vla., a30mlla blcyde-raca. In Waabiniton City or New York City, tba fin>nam»d pnlarrad, and will give bim $38 to race ms la aald city, or he to give ma $35 te race talm In Mew York. If Keen will send fdrartlo1eeofagTe«Denttome, In care of Tbyaon Uonaa, Waablngtoo, D. 0., I will algo tba aame and aend them wltb nmdnder of the aukea te tbe editor of Tui Nbw Yoke CLtrPBB, whom I would nameaa autaboldrr, tba race to Uke place on any date prior to Oct. IB, 1883. Prior angagemenu nacaaaiute my Inalating upon a date, aa befon mentlonao. Aa I mean bnai- Bass, I hope Mr. Keen will forward artlclea at once for my algnature. Fnnee, Jamea or any o'.taer bicyclist In the world can enter wlifa my ennaent to make this a sweapitakes. The race to be for two hnndred and flay dollars a aide. Very reapectftiUy, U. W. Eiobim, Twenty-mile Champion of America. Keen called aron ua on (Nt. 3, and, upon being Informed recard- leg BIgham'a eouimuolcatlon, aald be would at ones forward artl- dea to Waablngton. I/ONDON CAItBDORIAR CI,VB. The annnd picnic and sports ot this London, Ont, olnb drew a great crowd of people on Bept 17. Beault ot athletic oompetltlona: PviUng hean-tune, Tlfe-L. RInddr, 38rt. IMIn.; J. MeCall, Lobo, 81ft 8ln.; A. Scott, Huron. 83(t. 8lo. JVinwln^ *eaiv./uimm«r-K. Kerr, 78R. 5ln.; A. Scott, 780. 8ln.; Arcb.' Oaoat, isn. tin. Aun- tUno hlth-Jump—V. M. Bolllvan, Aft. 7in.; A. Scott, A. Raid and H. Olbba, tie, tft. SKIu. Thnictng Iteht-tumnur—li. Kerr, Luoknow, 9t(t Bin.; D. (launt Lucknuw, Silt. 9ln.; A. ScoU, bruaaala, (Ift. Aimn(n;/tep-stn)-and-7Ufflji—O. J. Olbba, 4irt. 3ln.; H. McMillan, 40lt. (In.: U. M. Bulllvao, 40lt. Sin. Bunnlna Img- Jump-A. 0. Reld, 3lrt IKlD.: Olbb. mt. fKIn ; Boyd. 3gfc. 3tn. Toubio the cuber-D. 0. Rosa: B. W. Jolinatnn, 9lft. Sin.; D. Bmlth, M(t. Iln. Ulldt-ant-kui-O. M. SuUlvan, 8ft 8ln.; Boyd, 8fL 7ln. Standing Umg ■ Jimi>—D. M. Sullivan, 10ft. 8ln.; A. Rontt, lOO. SKIo.; E. W. Jnhnaten, lOft. SUi. Vault- Ina tutth BOU-D. M. SuUlTan, tWt. Aunnlnv /tlvA.Jump-E.'W. Jobnaton. tft. lOMin.; A. Scott, eit Mn.; MoRae, tit tin. Stand- ing A«p't(qp-anil-Junip—B. W. Jobnaton, Sift lOMIn.; D. M. Bulll- vao, 8lit. lAn.; W. F. Scott 37ft aianHna higk-Jump-W. Boott, D. M. Sullivan and A. Bcoti, tie. tft. Aunnin; /utp-icen anii^/unp- Olbb, 44tt; Boyd, 43lt 3Mlo.; MoMlllan, m. lOln. 17krauiln« tdlb- welfM-D. Smith, 33ft. IIMID.: D. O. Roaa. 33ft. 7ln.: E. W. John- ston, igft. sin. Throalna lltht-lutmmtr—D. Smith, lOnX. llln.; J. Bblelde, I03ft. tin.; D. U. Roaa, I03ft. 8ln. TArncln«rlloAMIone— L. Blndalr,44rt; 0.0. Boas, 43ft lOln.; John McCall, tSfi. tin. OLTMPIO ATHIiBTIO CI<UB» The annad Fall games of the 0,'ymplo Athlello Olnb of PlilladdphU will 'be hdd on tbe Young America Ortoket Orannda, Stenton, PblladdphU, Fa. (Wayne Junction stetlon, M, T., Fhila. and Bound Brook B. R.), on Saturday, Oct. 13, beainniog at 3 p. H. Ths followtog games ars open to all ama- teon: 100yds. run, 320jda. run, iMyda. run, one-mile mn, 130yds, hurdle-race, bloyde-race (3 miles), runntog broad* -Jump, running bigh-jamp, atandlng broad.Jnmp and pole- vanlung. Memben'handicap evente: 100yds. run and330ydB. run. A gold medd will be given as flnt prize to the vrinner, and a sliver medd as aeoond prlie, to each event whloh haa more that two atarten. EnlrBnce-fee, 80 oenia for each event. Entries will be recdved by the secntary, and wUl close Wednea- day, Oot 10. A olrouUr aays: "These games are held qo one ot the flneat grounds In the country. The track is ons ot the best to the united SUtas. Every arrangement will be made to make thU the moot attractive aeries ot athletic gamea ever given In PhlladelphU. Enlrioa from your club or from friends will sssUt In bringing abont this result" For farther sar- Uoulan address tne Beontary, aa directed imder bead of 'Qloalng ot Entrie s." PBTTDS TS. PITHAM. BROOKLYR, E. D., Bept 39, 18S1. BniTOB HEW YORE CLirrsa.—5ir: Uaarlngihat Hr. Pitman, Ixl- on U. 0.. la doing a RTaat dad of "blowing" about beating B. Pev tua, K. 0. W.I In tbe ball-mile bleycla-raee at the late Springfield tearnament, allow me, who tnlned and looked after Fattua lor the Bprlngfidd races, to ateU that on tbe Tuesday morning of tba Uq. mile race Fettua had a very seven Call from bis bloydo, and waa very much disabled from riding. Joat after be had ridden In the un.mlls race, the half-mile race (In whlcb Mr. Pitman aaya he mn dean away Irombim) waa edied. There wen. alxleeo aurtera In the race. Fattua waa No, It, away at toe outside of tbe track, Tbe fdl ha had received and hia poaltlon at the atert made hla ohanoe very amdl. Now, I will mauh Fattua to ride Pitman any diatanceha (Pitman) may oboow, at any time and place, at twelve boura' notice, for oot leaa tbaii a 838 gold medaL By eltder eallloE on me or appolntlnga place to meet me, I will inaure blm a match. Tblamaanabusloeaa, not wind. Voun reapectfully, JOBK HoMaSTlB,' Trainer W. A. 0. DARTBIOVTH COLIaBGB SPORTB. The annnd field-meattog of tbe Dartmouth Athletlo Aaeo- datlon wu held at Hanover, M, U., Sept 34, 37. with the fol- lowtog resnlt: One-bnndred-yards run—F; U. Ustoh first, In loiit. Bnnntog long-Jnmp-H. B. Hulbert Bnt, 17tt 8>iln. One-mlto mn-Hobert B.BoUe first In 8m. 17Xb. Hurdle- nee, M0yds.-B. A. Bsyloy flnt. In 18Vs. Bunntog high- Jump-Homer B. Bnlbert flnt, 4rt llto. Back-race, ll>Oyda.— JohnP. Brooks flnt to 88«s. (Jne-f nrlongnin-F. M. Uatoh flnt In 38Ms. Quarter-mlle run-F. H. >eaton and U. B. Hulbert nn a dead-heat In fl8Ks. Pde-vanlt-Henry O. Aiken flnt 8ft eto, Throwtag baaeballWohn M. Oonntogham flnt 334tl Patting the sho^F. B. Weston flnt 88tt Throwtog ths hammsr-;w. B, Bargont flntfl8ft 9ln. Twcmlle rnn- 0. A. batman flnt to flm. (8s. Boring-Ughtwelght John H. OnnningbsjBi bsavywdght W. E. Ohsflto. DM MoLiuaauir defeated Tbomaa Jagger, both mlnsn, In a half-mils race, tor two hnndred dollan, at FhUUpabnrg, S. J., Bept 38. Hewonqnlteeaaliy.toam.lSKB- M. J. Vamt ontrnoisd O. Orlffltbt in a ona-hnndrsd-yardt nee at Mahanoy Oltr, Pa.. Sapt 31, he earryUg away the upatwo yardalnsdvaaoacfQrifllihs. , TBOMi* B. PlBtuiBS sadly dafkstad M. J. Bappeiijr In a hdrolU PDERBunni n Lowbll.— On Batorday, Bept St, tha muoh-lalked of race between F. J. McQnIgin ot Cambridge, Mass., and Geo. A Carrntben of Toronto, Ont, took place on the Lowell falr-gronnds tor a pnrae annonnoed aa $100, a large number ot sporting man and other apecteton bttog present The race was a lOO-yards duh, mntud alart and (he tnek was In fdr ooidllion. After severd false starts tbemen got oO, and It was a good race, but Carrathea won by about a yard and a half. Thos, Dixon and Ttaoa. CorSlio hdd watohea and ai nounced the time as lOX sees., while a third party gave it u lO^aeos. Carrulhen, who belongs In Canada, waa brought to Lowell by Thoa. Dixon, who won npwarda ot $800 on nU man, the Boatoniant loatog ItcavUy. £, L. WlllUmsot Lowell was referee. Priob, pedaatrian, will please edl or eend for a letter la our care. THE TRIGQER. NATIORAIi RIFIiB ASSOCIATION. A atrong wtod blowtog In Ihe tacea of the markaman waa not cdcuUted to Improve the shooting by tha maml>en of tha Natlood Guard at Oreedmoor, L. I., Sept 38, the opeotog day ot tbe Fdl prize meettog. The attendance other than of those engaged to toe oompellUoiu waa not large on any day, d- though the weather thougbout waa pleasant. Improving after tbe flnt day. The meeting oloaed on Saturday, 39. Beault: Jutfil JftUcA, open u> alloimcra, 30O yarda, aavou abou—Louis Quanchl. 3U; B.J. Oram,SU; 0. A. peaks, SU; J. 11. Manning, SOt J. H. Walcott, SO; T. J. Webater, 23; 0. II. Eagle, 39: J. U. Brown. 23; W. J. Underwood,39: H. V. Warfield, S«Tw. B. Ovarbaugh, 39; U. A. Bennett, 39; P. M. Barnaa, 33; J, 8. Case, 38; R. U. Van Vllat 28; B. A. Andenoc, 38; W. H. l<adEera,3a; T. K. Byron, 38; John McKenala.a; 8. B. Blaokford, 28; J.J. MouaUoy.SS: R. MaoUllUn, 28; O. B.Tbomeaon, »; B. C. Rcynolda, 28: Wm. Hlmpaon.lB; P, B. fflllatt <8: Bergeauiran'Lothan, a; E. B. Chaae, 28; Oeorge Uoyle,28; O.L. Fos|l8; D. B. AUlnson,38; 0. Barrett 28: John Blaiter, 28; Thomu (kinnolly, 28; W. U. Wllaon. 28; J. E. Oreen, 37; J.Turner, 27; Benjamin Blue, 37: L. A. Van Tassel, 37; Benja- min O. Bush, 37; and J. M. Oodlnea, 37. Jtllllarv CAaniplaiuAlp Hatch, drat atage, 300, (00, 800 yards, seven ahota at aach-J. U. Bru«n.98out of a posalbla 108; John Kmlth, 93; Oeorge Jduer, 9U; T. E. Webster, WJ F. Btuart, 89; Oaorge Doyle, 89: U. T Lnokwood, 88: B. A. Day, 87; D. R. AtKln- ■on, 87; Fred Alder,a>; W. U. Wilson, 88-. T. 7. I)alan,8t: W. J. Underwood, SI: W. Ruberuon.O; and O. B. Wdcoit Si Second atage, 800, tOO, 1,000 yards, aavcn rounda—T. J. Uolan, 18 out of lut; J. a. Brown, 83: John Bmitli, 78; Frank Btuart 78; Oaorga Joiner, 73; 8. A. Day. (9: H. T. Lcckwood, «8; Fred Alder, N; 0. II. Wd- ccit, 18: O. N. Wblatler, it; B. O. Busb, 48. Hr. Dolao, tbe win. ner, was awarded tha cbamplooablp of toe Ddted Slatea for one year and agold medal vdued at 170. JfllKcrv nam JTorcA, uama of four men. (Tcm ^y regiment, company or oatuilon in tbe Second Division, 300 and tiw yarda, aeven rounda at each-Team B, Twenty-third Heglmant, aStoutol a poaslbia 18U: Team D, Twanty-toird Regt., 330; Team F, Twenty- tbird Regt., 3a): TsamO, Fourtsantta Kagt.,3lt ^ NIKIary Team Of-hani Match, open to uama of Ave from any company, troop or oaiury of tbe National auard,oror tba regular army, navy or marine corpa, aeven shots, SOU yarda-Compaur U, Eogineera' Battdlon, Itl cut of a possible 178; Uompany A, Thir- teenth I'enneylvania Beglmant aeoond; Company 0, TturdMldu. gan Regiment, tolrd. Armt and ^atw Jtumal Katth, open to teama ot twdva man from all regularly oriraniied military organlzatlona. Mil yarda— Seventh Regiment, N. U. S. N. Y., 370 out of a possible 430; United Hiatea EniTnaera, 8H; Tbirteanth Regiment Pannarlvania, 883; Twenty.third Regiment, N. O. 8. N. Y.,tS7; Fourteenth Regiment, N Q D. N Y 8l9 iharkUy Match, open to dl-eomera, 200,800 and 800 yarde-Prank Btuart, Riity-nlntb Beglmant, N, O, H. N. Y.,9J out of a posalbla 108, Jontt Match, open to teama of four Irem any regiment, company or battery, 2Ui and MO yarda, aeven rounda at eaou—Bevantb Hegi- ment team A, 31] out of a poatlble HO; Twenty.toird Bfglmanl team B. 390; Bavenih Regiment Company O, 338; Twenty.tlilrd Rtglmentuam A. 23t. , ' BtWrn Trofhy Match, open to teama of twelve, aeven rounda each, at each of tLe three dlauncaa-BW, tU) and 800 yaida-Hlchlgaa team, I.oet; New York team, 1,IS9; FennaylvanU team, l.ulA Talue of tropby, $1,000. ^ K. r. S. liatimal SuortI Match, for teama of twalve, five ronnds eadi at each of tha dlatencaa-SOD and tOO yarda-Twanty-thIrd Regiment, 4^7; Heventb Regiment, 498; Pourteentli Regiment, 4t7| Blxty.nlntb Regiment, 401. Prlie, a ailver trophy valurd at fu. Tbe Seventh HeRiment, New York, won tlia Firat Uivlalon Uateh and the firat priae, vdued at 8128. Tbe Second Division Match waa won by the Tweuty-lhird ReiTmant team. Interttau Zonf.range ifarcA—Won by Ihe nion RIBa Club, com* poaed of Hsarra. F. W. Bartia, R. Wlnnagao, W. Saxby and W. Bed- worth. The Michigan team won the InteraWte Military Match. Tbe prize waa a trophy valued at 84(JD. ITiiRtilcdon (7upj/a(cA-Wonby II. T. Rockwell byaacoreof 183 nut of a posalble Ito. The other competliora wen: F. W. Parlla, IJJ: W. Baxby, UO; L. Oelger, ISO; U. B. Quackenbush, 138; U. O'lJell. 119. For tha purpose of datermlslng tbe nUtlve raerlte of tbe two ayauma—loa military and special aporunc rlflea-Mecratery Bt^ bury Inatltutad a match and pneented a trophy, the military rifiea wvredlowed five polnteateaeb oltbetoreerangaa. Tha tup.aoorss were made by the sporilog rIBes. Tbe winners were: W. Saxby, 103; T. PsrtiB, 101; L. Oeiger, 100; II. 8. quaakenbuan, 100. dlauueaa abot were 800, 900 and 1,000 yarda, and the abors scons ware made out of a poaatbla 100. SPORTING NOTES. .... An Intenutlond Oongreas of Omlthologiate U to be held at Vienna, Anatria, In the Spring of 1884, under Ihe patronage of the Crown Prince Budolph, One of the mdo objecteof the Oongreea la to endeavor to aecnre nnivend legUlatlon for the protection ot songtten and tosect-destroy tog birds. .... A matoh at lacroase under the new time-limit of two houn wsa pUysd at Toronto, Ont, Bept. 93, by the Toronto team and the Cangtmawsga IndUua. The Torentoa got tbe fint game to 48a., the IndUna the second in 84m., the foron- tos toe third to 43m. and tbe Indiana the fourth in 4m. As ths limit tlms had then gone by, the game was declared a draw. .... Forty Scotoh mountdn ponies, Induding six stelllons and thirty-tour marc*, abont twdve hands high, arrived at Udlfax, M. B., Sept. 24. ..., A featoro of the fair at HIngham, Masa,, waa a firemen's muster on Sept 28, twelve sompanlss contosttog for toe Srlzes offered for pUyIng, Besult: Butcher Boy, South relntree, mti. SXIn.; King Philip, Bockland, SOOtl. 7^(ln.- Union, Eaat Brdnlree, 190ft 3to.; (Jonatltutlon, South Bing- bam, 107tt lO^to.; OenenI Putoam, South Weymouth, 197It, lOto.; Tomnt-Marlboro, 107tt VUlti, .... Tbeone-bundred-yards amatenr swlmmtogchampion- ship waa conteetedat the lAmbeto Baths, London, Eng., Sept 17, the final best bdng wou by toree-quarten ot a yard by W. Blew-Jones, Otter, S. 0., in Im. lis., which U ths beat am». teur performance on record, A. F. BetUnaon was sscosd and 0. Udlam third. .... Tbe mile swlmmlug-mateh between C. Beckwlth and W, Beaumont, for two hundred and fifty dollan, took place at the Lambeth Baths, Weatminster, London, Eng., Sept IB, and was won In filu style by tUo former, who tbowed great im- provement to atyle, Be won by 2m.lO)is., In 20m.44Ms. The winner Is in bis ntosteanth year, and on toe day of toe race acded 14801, Beaumont U twenty-dght years old, stands 8(t 8)ito„ and weighs 104lb. .... Uoyle A Aolon's 3U0yds. dog-handlcap, mn at Pastime Park, Philadelphia, Bept. 39, waa won by H. (Coleman's Vden- tine, ISKIt), 87yda. start he finUhIng ten yards In front of Dear-at^-aift,30tt, 44Xyds., second; Lot-me-Oo, 311b,48yds., bird. .... A tootball-matoh was played at Ottawa,Ont, Sept 33 by toe BriUnnlas ot Montrsal and the OlUwa (Hub, tba former wtonlng by one god and one try to nothing. .... Bill Ward, "The FlyloK Ouardaman," ogera through the Ena. llab to chop wood against Alired Flemior two or three days for 890 a side. .... Jane Johnaon, aged 84 years, known In tha Bdvatlon Army as tbe "champion druosard of tha world," and who haa been oon- vlcled of arunkaunasa in Yurbahira mure than two hundred tlniaa, waa recently aenlenood In Leeds, Eng., lo.tbiee montoa' Impriaon- ment for creating a dlalurnance. .... Paul Otto Kesaler of Darlen. Oa., baa patented aetrtrldas abellmade wltb lugsupon thelnneraurfacaof Itebaae, and angular ■loU In tha flange of tba cover, and provided wltb a apring catch, whereby toe cover will be held from beUg drawn off tba aball, an J will bo Inoked from inrnlog. „ „ ^ ....TbaMllwaukee(Wla.)CurllngOlnb are telklngolarectlnw a bandsome dut>.bouie,sometblna which they very much need and an well able to build. ^ ^ , . . . .... A ahord nosed shark abont nine feet long was brouaht to this port Sept 21 by the fishing araaek Fannis E. BeanoT Tba Osh, which waa eauilit off tha Banka, waa acid to Dan Burns, snd byblinablppedtetljeBtete-fslratWaverly, N. J. -uu ....The champion anacter has bean found to Baltbnon, Md.. Id the parson of John Ooabel, dnvar of a beer-wagon, wlio wills hitching np his team on Sepu 2U anteied so hard that he dislocated blaaboulder. .... The new Onion Line ateamer Oregon made a trid-trip on the Clyde River, Beotlud, Bept 31, and la »toted to have atuiued the uneioelled speed of twenty knote an honr. This should enable the nait' vasBsl to ouMlrlp bar fleet alaterthe Aisaka. Tbs Oreson aallafroro Liverpool tor tola port on Oot 8, under command of Commodore Jamea Pries. ui .... The total "umlwr ol doga drowned aincs tha eatebllshmant of the doi-ppundlu tlilaelty In 1877Is Ofm, ss follow: Firstyesr, 9,M ; second, 7,300; third, itOO: fourth, 8809; filth, 7.478; sixth, *,W; aavanth, 8,H7, Tbe smonnt of revenue darind Irom dec llcansea daring tbe aame ported waa over •tt.wa Tbe ponnd doses' Oct 1. ' .. In a ah4ap.dteaslng mateh for t2tO In Anitnlla reosntlr. Ilagan of BydiMy ddsatedKIng of Vlottirla, dressing flfty to lorty- alxln lb. lOm. lie. .... The iron ateam-yacht Freyja haa oeen aold to the Tenssnalan Ooveniman^ ^''Jj!'.4,**l.*!%/'*?°o?:0utter, Before calling '■Wavarlsy,