New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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TSE ISTEW YORE CLIPI^IIB. 4:73 !SSwaay»*°^»t«ffwort T«n Eyok linim»dlitaly fcSU"'fl?%?f..,«B«^leiM^nthe r«»r of Pridto^ At the J? i ttwTtongUii' Olstort bo»t hid mied oSSa Ui ''Sl.'fLitLidhe tow out PrJfldr 4W Ukewtae SS^jiJf'jJr'fte r»^^^ Tm Eyok lliild.«d th. jSt* Id Um. ll*: beoome lo toagb tint It wu •7, uili ^'"So nS«r»n(l tb« «»g WM lowered. At «-lb!«t»^«»»i'^^iLl^ed down ooilderBWy. and the J"*5"A'^?ta «Ufti)?Mrrf net, Hntuil, Celtic, Qneen City ]Si4»»«^ .M the «t»rt w»« mide, with the •""iSSfni^ri M even teme. the Mnlnitl In the i««r. At *?.i;S5SSbnVlho Boetoii led b» two length., Queen "^SS^Muhui third end ColUo In the re»r. At the tnm Cily •ow'^'iJHSee lengthj kbeid, bnt loot theirleid In lum- WB"'?,"!SmS!|0^S«i^hiaf4eigthto Thlidld ?.»7^nd it thelree-quirto bnoy theBoilonih^l re- «}Kf SSi iSw l«n«lh« to the g>p, winning In Ito. St.; JJ^-oTieSSjMn&.l third, Cemo fourth, Wt In the oon»ol»Uon-nc*WM odlad and '^Ivfcr-'"a5S5£d^^^^^ t««oi.M.n..^.^^ Moina r».. Oot l,-Wo»ther perfect and course imooth "STtSo 4n»l beat of the ireteran-race wu won by Fanlk- "•K?Mm«i7uebertiecond, Coulter third, Taylor fourth, f^uS' Ftaltaer won bj twelve lengUu. Luther did not rJf ^>'ih« final heat of the profeealonal race the Btorten '^r^ma Hainm, Conley, BoM and Hoemer. AmMnllloent SS VaTiMdo. •»'«" P""""* oven, A half.mUe down SUmlndCoiiliywent to the ftont, wllhBoaiand Teemer £SSiSi^ ThMO podUon. were kept nntU the three- l!liS%uorwai reached. At the turn Oooloy wu halt a SSr,hSd,w«h Teemer looond, Hamm thlrt, Boa. fourth Sffimuflflb. TbetnjmwuniadolnSm.W.. At the halt- Si bJwM to* "ta""''"''* '^•^ » XSixiMDM CoDleyandBou.wlthHonnepoutof lheraoe,hli £liZS^andiwamp«l. Halt a nUe from the flnleh Teemer j^alotKirontand fiolahedtour open lenfith. ahead In 20m iiT- Htmm eeoond, Oonley third and Bou fourth. Teemer l^'inwded oot of hU oonrae on down and up alrelcb. He «d11 bare made It in leu than 90m. If let alune. The race Moneot thellnMtever wltneieed. The final heat of eon- IjIiiMi-neewu not rowed, and money divided u follows : bokTlUi I'M. tlOO; and Urloeland and BUey, %K each. Mddyandnalited, $37,»eaob. BUMMABY. Locii, Rici-l'iirM, SKID; divided. nnihul-F PridOr 3l:«UiFourtb hett—T. Richard... 34:C0 SSobui-r.r. finniUy M:« Fifthheat-J. Fowen »;» Ibid but^yder UAil /tiMl BtaU , Mddr :IU|B. HoDlgtr : :i :18 oS« »l:n|l. Blebardi 3l:U uiu-aii-ifiTRiiaBTiWiY-Futae, laOi tlUOailde. t ruiiud (Dd Nick Laybereer. Won by tjwberger In I :U norusioxiL Bixaii-acFLLa-Pune, |2,lui; divided. «ril Mtat. IHuini »:>jO|> Ulley... SeamtBeat. 1 oooUi 21 :iWJ 9 UuDlgtr. iTMiMr. il-M\i Lee XtM IHomw. iuMjl TenEyek .904)7 Fifl'i Ueat. I Bou ai:grU l-ayberger 13:00 ITMiur i Conley — llUiua —U B***" VRERl.V RACI. nntbut-^.Tiylor iii'kiJThlnl beat-^. Oebert. UJO tmid betW^. Faulkner,. HM] rimu Btat. IFulkner 21:M|] Conlttr laittut... . ; I Taylor... C0580I.1TION-B1CI—nine, tUD; divided. nntbMt-RUry 31 A) I Second tae>t-Teu liyck B:31 rovR'OAHiDlUca-ruru, tliUOU; divided. rmthut-QuMnClty MM I Btcond bett-Ua.lon M-M .21:0* .31:31 IBoMon lOlMOCltV.c ... 10:0513 Vutntl U Celtic. HABLBM RieOATTA ASSOCIATION. Ihe eleventh annual Ptll regatta otthl.aacoolatlon wu held on tbe Harlem Blver on Saturday, Bept 39. The weather wu Kucdy favorable for outdoor .port, being raw and threaten- lt| itlD, while the etroog oonnter attraction, of the Jay-Eye- Be»8L Julian trot and the opening day at Jerome Park oon- dooed to render the attendance very light. Fortunately the thna'.ened rain held off and the oarimen were well utla&ed vllh the condition of the water, which wonld hardly admit of bDpnvemenL The trial heata were rowed in the morning, up- UniD wllh the tide, and the final heata and daah-racee down lilt liver In the afternoon, al.o with the tide eicept In the wUn part ot the afternoon, when the tide wu against the ouimen, The ooune waa the usual one-mile etialgbtsway, Mween the Columbia College boathonse and Hacomb'a Dam liUge, Init below whlob wu anchored the barge chartered for Iti occulon and frelnhtid largely with the lady friends of the Btabers of the auoolatlon. we present twlow the leeults of Uodiv'awork: JmStr rin;l<-itvIb-Flrat heat: Charles Wolford, Union Bat Olub, first. In Sm. iSa.; W.O.B. Kemp, New York Bow- hig dob, lecond; U. T. Hard, Kew York AthleUo.Olub, third. Buoiidhtit: B. r. Barnes, AlalanU Boat Olub, first. In Tm, h.; H. S. Bokenbough, New York Bowlnflanb.aeoond. Third Mt: N. Davl., MonpareU Bowtng OlnbTint, In Tm. ts.; A. F. DndttUll, New York AtbleUoClub, seoond; W. Uulcare, koapueU Bowing CInb, third. Final beat:j WoUord first. In w.97tia; Bavls Mcond, In 7m, SOt.; Barnes did not finish, lb. vlunsr led all the way, and the race wu without Inleieat. Salcr KsflMcuUi-Flnt heat: B. O. Horn, Naauu Boat Qib, ftnt, m am. 461.'..; Jamn Pllklngton, MelropoUtan Bowing Olub, aecond; J. U, O'Connell, HetropoUtan B, C, Beoond heat: £d. J.Blake, New York Athletio Club, Kvel over alone. Final heat: Horse first. In 7m. Us.; Pll- uigton Mcond, In 7m. KUt. The race wu well contested, tba men leading alternately, but Horse having most speed to aolib with. .f*'r-»««^rt«-Flrsth6at: NonpareU Rowing Club, Frank wuka, J. Oanavan (.troke), P. J. SoanneU (oouwaln), first, a lo, UHl; italanU Boat Club, a. H, Oould, B. H. Bryan VapU), 0. T. Holmes (ooiswalo), seoond. In 7m, a)is. Sec- ood hMt: New York AthleUo Olub, F. Bnokmao, M. T. Herd grata,E,Freeman (couwaln), first. In 7m. sana.; Union VMClDb, 0. B. Stephens, 8 Van Zsndt (stroke), J. 8. Harden ^maUil, Moond, in 7m. UHn. An eicellent laoe all tho u^'Bnokman, Hard and Freeman first. In 8m. VI,: Bahslks, Canavan and Scannell second. In 7m. Os, The wjleUcs were In front from signal to flnUb. fturoored j(j«-Unlon Boat Olub, V, Roby (bow), 0. S. «4knii, W. Bchnler, S. Van Zandt (stroke), J. T. Hardin gWfwiOn), firrt,ln 7m. 7..; HetropoUtan Boat Olub.W.E. i!S<. 1?^)' ^- SobUe, B, A. Jackaon, W. F. Banham V^>e),T. J. Mclntyie (oox.waln), .eoond. In Tm. lOe. The v^."*'"' to abow in the lead, being at one time a1- BMI hdf a length ahead, bnt the Unlona overhaaled and Wftwn, staying in front tUl the fintah. lwV°"'*-<^'«' «»e««-AtalanU Boat Olub. William H, £7?.'^"'Beely. B. Barnes, John E. EniUa (stroke), mila Ou, MonpareU Rowing Club, O. W, Johnson h iK' Hnlcare, Frank SaSulka (stroke), second, udTk'.v' ^t^ta four aunmedtheleadatUie start, •^ue Monpatells were never able to get on even terms wllh "SiS^B.flnally beaten quite eully. J.22rtfS^' «*««-MetropoUtan Boat Olub, W. B. Kent, (5nb B n S*'"" (•'«>ko), first. In dm. StKa.; AtalanU Boat li. Ji:,"\"'^*°' Qaylord (stroke), second, In em. 88.. oSiS? mI** nearly ao oloae aa the Ume *ould Indl- AU]'.!^! ll'tropoUlans qufokly wreaUng the lead from the "jnas and wInnUig with eau, alter waiUng for theii oppo- <i«»r/our.oar«<j i W/i-AtbleUo Boat Olub, Fred Fortmeyer tS, : u^^l^' ^' 'onklns, J. Hayes (stroke), first. In tm. ifu.' S'lSP^Itan Boat Olnb, T. 8. Uaboney (bow), 0. a. UvT". v. ^' B- D. BohUe (stroke), second, In 8m. H J n_ Bowing Olub, A. Biaun (bow), W, O. BaU, «m ay,"'.^- Oonlnan (stroke), third. Ilie Uetropolllana VutSS. sot into the iweU of a tug near iSSSHi'Tf'?'! "Wed them, BohSt7?,''^'il'''r''''''»> Boat Club, B. Van Zandt (bow), W. \r B i^l'^; Stephens, L. Waller, 0. faerger, Mai a Kaeaohe, Biit iTsS,' oJP; Sojmelder (stroke). J. T. Hardin (coxswain). BUtoSi. « ^*! ' ««l«)POlltan Boat Club, W. E, Cody. B. £n W iL » ^ Jaokeon, W. F. Banham, P. B. Nagle, N, WU- (ooiiimini Pllklngton (.Ucke), T. MTUoIntyre iort IClil' if^"?' *? to- aB^I Atalauta Bo4t Olub, D. A. Gay [, W, Boger, E. Barnes, . Enalis (Stroke), third, F. W. Fortmeyer Ibow), nan l{'al:^21^.°''"^'' Btevenson, U. T, Hard, F.Bnok- •»ali) foTiw^fV'' ?• "■'^»n Brunt (stroke), B. Freeman (ooi- 82d (,„^'V''S ?»• «>••! »«w York Bowing Olub, ll. O. TttJa.. 'j^n I\Bosslter. B. F. Bliby,H, Oonlllng,0,W. Omire (M.;-:.*f'?i.J*- Bradford, P. fi. Deflom (itroke), B, l«4 iOi^^^'' >° ^ palr-Oftnd shsUa COURTABV Tf. BOSi. The deooslt of two hundred and fifty doUsrs alluded toln our lut isme u havlsg been forwarded by Junu Keenan of Boaton,-on behalf of ObarlM E. Ooortoey, for a mstoh with Wallace Bou, aeoordlngto the term, ot the letter's ohaUenga ipaohed u. on Wedneeday, Sept 38, and since then we have received from Oonrtney artlolei ot ureement, to whloh the attention of Bon la called. Bokutlull NATT.-.The twenty-fltlh annlvtraary of the or- Mnlzatlon ot the BchuylkUl Navy wlU be oelebnted on Fri- day, Oct. 8. A general mu.ler ot aU the iKMta of the olubs wlU be held ou that day at iH r. m., puelng In review be- tween the commodore's barge and Turtle Rock, continuing up the eut Kide ot the river under Olnrd-avenne bridge, and there dismiss. A review of the btrgra of tbe clnba will be held immediately thereafter. The boats wiU form for the mu.tor along the breut of Falrmonnt Dam, with the stesm- boat-wbarf on the right The cbamvlon of the preunt year will be the leader in their reapeotlve olaasu. A bronze medil, designed and atruck at the u. B. Hint in commemoraUon of the event, will be presented lo each member of a olnb In uni- form in the prooeulon. Spobt at BiK Fbaxoisco.— On Sept. 18 serersl aqnaUo eTenli were decided at North Beach, San Fnndsco, reaultlng u fol- low: BwlmmlDg-raoe, l.OOOyda.—FM Cook Ant, in Imi.; U. E. Harris ucond, 8. Post 0, H, UoDonongh 0, J. M. Cutolar 0. Diving contest, various styles—A. Y. Hul first. Fred Welde-, mnller 0, t. McDevitt 0. Four-oared barges—Triton B. 0., Hariy Tucker, Charles Rudolph, Altred Tuohey. Adam Bchup- pert. B. Tnckey (coxswain), first. In Mm. 30s,; Oolden Gate B. U., T. Wation, J. 0. Crowley, J. G. HoCarty, T, F. Qnlnlan.Ed. Griffin (couwaln). second, Swimmlng.raoe, fcrboya,800yds,— W. O'Brien first, In 9m, SOs.; A. BahwylerO, B. BohllngheldO, 0. Dorsev 0. LiUBSiTE BioAna.-This event oocuned on the club's ooutae at Troy, N. Y., Sept 90. Tbe Vlnts won the senior single In 18m. 40s., over the Powers, whose lime wu 16m. 43s. A. E. Leckner won the Junior contcat Time, 18m 23s. Louis B. De Zonebe wu second, and £. R. Wllllam.on third and dla- tanced. E. L. Wnxiius defeated Joseph lambert In a two-mUe race, tor fifty dollars a side, on the Uerrlmtc River, LoweU, Uaaa. Sept 34. Time. 18m, Beterse. D. D. DriaooU, THE TURF. BRIGHTON BEACH BACEB. Sept. 39, Wbaincr cloudy, atteudasce good and track bad: Purse $'iEO, for non-wlnnus at Brlohton Beach, six furlonga— Bumham b Co,'s Baron Faverot(9l, Hlgga) flist, in 1:10; Lit- tle Phil (114, Boss, the favorite) second. By four lengths; Joe (111, Watkln.) third, by three lenelh. Bolilng-race, $2M>, a mile and a quarter—UarshaU (OO, Yarwood) first. In 3:18; FeUcla (87, Hlgg.) Kcond, by six length.; Henry B. (93, Hag- gin.) third, by a length Purse $3(6, for three-year-olds, a mUe and a furlong—Ackerman & Co.'s Pilot (107, Garrison) first, in 2:04; Lizzie Mack (107, Conklln) second, by a length; Centennial (100, Caldwell, the favorite) third, by tbe same dis- tance Furu $210, for three-year-olds and upwards, a mile and a quarter—Sexton & Co.'. DIzzie Blonde (100, CaldweU) first, IdaB. (98, H. WUliams) second, FareweU (109. Conklln. the favorite) third Pune 1360. for all agea, alx furlongs- Fred Boblnson's LltUe Phil (114, QoantraU, the favorite) first. In 1:18; BatUedore (93, Cowal) aeoond, by a neok; Utile Katie (01, Garrlaoni third, by three Imgths Parse f'itO, for aU ages, six furlongs—W. 0. Daly's Carrie Stewart (73, Uoran) firat, in 1:183^; Joe (113, Watklna) aeoond, Frank E. (96, CaldweU) third. ^ _ , Oct. 1, attendance good, but tisok very heavy: Purse $210, for two-year-oldi, six furlonga—W. 0. Daly's Ligan (07, Oanl- son, the favorite) first in 1:'^K; Bevolver-Mlnnle Long celt (100, Conklln) second, by two lengtha; Bonlctts (97, J. Cald- weU) third, by three lengths Selling-race, $360, of which $60 to second, six furlongs—Blobm t Co.'s Lena (77, Hlggs) first, in 1:19J<; Little Buttercup (06, Garrison) seoond, by a length; Boz Sedam (106, Crou) third, by two lengths. Hickory Jim wu the tavorlto SeUlng-race, $360, ot which $60 to second, sli furlongs—U. J. Daly's BatUedore (79, Oowal, the favorito) firat. In 1:1BX; Hontauk (86, Watklns) second, by four lengtbs; Ulgnon (73, Church) third, by a neck Purse $360, for maldena of aU ages, $60 to second, one mUe—Basse 4: Co.'a Henry B. (93, Hagglns) first in 1:49; Eros (73, Oowal) aecond, by a lenttb; Beaverwyek (106, Croaa) third, by nearly two lengths Purse $160, for aU age., 160 to second, a mUe apd a qnarter^Brannon Bros.' Centennial (96, OUdwell) first. In 3:17; PUot (93, Garrlaon, tbe tavorlie) seoond. by eight lengths; Joe Cooper (106, Quantrell) Uiird, by a dozen lengiha Weltar-wdght steeplechase, $260, ot which $60 to second, sell- ing aUowances, tail coane—John HamUton (130. Ford) fiist in4:30>i; Banger (121, J. Ueany) KCond, Btlbkra (124, EeUy) Uilrd. CONST ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB. The FaU meeting of tbia clubws. brouglitto an end onTae*day, Sept. 36, with an extra Jay', racing, cooslatlng nf elKbt eveuta, which drew an Immenae throng to die coume. Tbe woatlier wu dne and tbe track nulte heavy on the lunar aide. Reaulta: BalliDg- race, tm, all agea. alx lUrlonga-W. 0. Daly's King Fan (lUU, Uar- rlaoD) Bret, lo l:UH: Hickory Jim (M, Lo|ian)aeeonil,l.y a length; Bittludote (99, Cowii\nblrd,by twoleflglba. WesHldM, Hen(l«r- aoD) wu tbe favorite. Tbe winner wia bought In FuraettU), for tbree-year-olda and auwirda, malilen ellowancea, a mile end a aliMnthij. B. Kelly'a Bella (IM, Fliher) firat. In I-.U: Fare- well (115, Day) aecond, bv a lengtli: Oonlennlal (108, J. Cald. well) third, by a neck; Vintage (iOA, Uollowiy) wu the Is. vorlte.v!......BwMpaukeB for all agei, »9U each, p. p., $TU added. SIM to aecond, to carry lOolb, without allowenct., one mlle-P. Lorlllard'a Aranta (100, Ooley, the favorite) fine. In 1:43k; Strathipey (lui, W. Dunataae) second, by ten leogtbs; DuDlexdOO, Riley) third, by alx length Handlcip-aweep- aUkea. 860 each, fur two-yetr-olda,SI,Oll) added, $3C0 to aecond, ai7 Ibrloun-U. 0. Faoain A Co.'a itacoy Duck (IVT, HayDard)nrat in 1:17; Kiog Erne.i-Uyclone colt 181, M. Donahue, tbe favorllo) aeeond. bytwo lenaha: Himalaya (104, Bollcwiy) third, by the aame leoith Tiendloap aweepatska, for tbree-year-olda, 880 «ach,tl,MO added, $3)0 to Hconil, SIOI) 10 third, a rnlle and a fur- long-W. L. Bcott'B Referee (IDH, Lewla) Orat, lo l:6t3^; UaeLand- loe (»2, J. Caldwell) second, by three-quartera of a length: nrom- bcne lit, Haynard) tbird, by hall a lengib; Drake Carter (118, W. Uarward. tlie lavorite) fourth Ilauillcap-aweepatakea, for all each. $1,000 added, tno to aecond, $IUO to third, a mile and three furlunga—V. B. Jennlnga' Barney Aaron (lOJ, Croia) (IM? Crosa) Drat In 3:13; Dan K, (104, A. Walker, tbe favor- ite) second, by three-quarter, of a length; Colonel Bpraaue (108, Haynard) third, by three lengths Uaidlcap .teepleohsse-swojp- "tSe"$M each, <760 ad led, $100 to Mcona, fcp to third, the fhll eonrae-J. P. Dawes' Charlemagne (IM, Pope) 8rat, In 8:11 iJim McOowaa (18S, M. Lynch, the favorite) second, by four lengtha; Ohipola (lU, Qreen) third, by eight length.. JEROHE PARK RACES. The Fall meeting of the American JoekeyOlnb eommeneed'on flaturdar, Bept. 39, out, owing tu tbe matob-irot between Jay-Bre- Beoand at. Juilen belngUied for the same day, the sttsndanoe of apectatorH wu very muoh amalltrthan uaualat the rsce.ortbia oraanliatlon. The weather wae unrarorsble, altbough the threat- ened rain il.d not fall, and the truk was beavy tnm tlie down-ponr or the night preceding. Beanlta: Fume $M, for tbree-year-uW. and upwarda, entrance ($36 euh) to aecond, one mlle--P. Lorll- lard'a Aranaa 000, Bhsuer, the favorite) first. In 1:47; Dj. 6lex aiO, W. Douabu.i wconJ, by two length.; Brad (ID6, roas) thfrd, by a length Tbe Kuraory Bukes, for two- yesr-olda, $\0O uoh, hTf., BliOOO, added, l3»to second, aix for- Iong«-rr«aknoea BUbla's Ulmaleya (llll,^W- Donahue) firat, lnT;3); Leo (IIJ, Shatter) aecond, by a neck; Nonage (107. IJol- loway, the favor te) third, by two lengtha.... Joromu 8iake>, fortllA>e-year-olda.$10O eaefi, b. (., 1*J0 added, $300 to aecond, a mile and ilx furlonga—Dwyer Bro.'a Oeorge Klnnev (136, Fila- paulok,the lavorlte? firat, In 8:10; Euclid (116, Hayward) aecond, by six lenjths; Clonmel (118, Bsrhee) third, by a doaen lengtbs. -., ..The Nanhatton Ilandicap, aweepalakeBforsll agea, $10each, h- f.. a mile and aouarter—O. L. LorlUard's Aella (113, Brennan) firatl In 1:17; Breeze (108, Blianer, the favorlu) aecond. by two lengVa; JscV of Heart. (116, W.. Donahue) third, by a like dla- tance......Belllng-race, $U0, for tbree-year-olds and upward.,en- tranee-Doney ($16 each) to aecond, uau.l allowances, a rolls and a aixteenth-l: Ifeffaer'. Dan K, (lo4. Walker, the lavorlt.) fir.t, in l:6tK; KHg Fan (111. W. Donahue) aecond. by a abort bead; lieel- and?U)e (l(4K)'Uary) a neok..... .Tlandlcap-ateeplecbuo, for all agea7$600, o/whlch 4l» to aetond, fullcourae-W. Kavlll-a DUtarbaaee iltO, MoOntb, the favorite) firat. Id 4:18; Abrabam (167, r. Beany) seoond, by two lesgttaa. IiOUIHVILIiB JOOKKT OLUB. OOMTIMUID raoBi PlOS 471. Sept 39, weatb.r clear and warm, attendance very large, and traok good, hut dnaty, u Itbad been erer aince tbeopsnlbgday: BelllDg-rsce, $600, a mils and a alxieenth-Gua Hatbewa (109, Mar- by (iur lenglbe; Haniiou (118, Huval) thlrd,l>y hsUalength Uandleap^urM, $360, mile beaU-Bffls II. (100, Uarrla) firat. In 1:14,1:4IK; Boveraign fat aecond In each heat, by lour lengths; Kan.u in, Wllllsm.) third The Lorlllard Cbauplon BtsUlon Bukea, for tbree-year-olda, $110 eaeh. 810,676 added, a mile and a ite) first, in 1:37; Blocun (107. Rax> aecond, by a furlong, easily; Wandering (IU7, Murphy) third, eaally baaUn. The raee wu a perfect walk-over for HIaa Woodford,.....The Belle Meade Hiakea, for two-year.old oolta, alx farlooKa-B4t> HIlea (106, J, HoLaa|b. Iln, the favorite)first, In l:'eK; Rlchaid Loud Oorham) aee- d, byalengtb; LoftlD(lu6, liurphy) third, bytheaamedlaunee, ...rorae $aO. weight for age, six larlonge—Poroe (111, Mnr- phy. tbe lavorite) Drat In 1:IBX; Dudley Oaka (llA Baker) aeo^ ond, by a besd; Lillle B. (lit. Tully) third Puree $«W, for two. yuT-oIds, five fbrlongs-Lsora Oould (lU, Williams, the lavor- ite) first. In I lOt; TransltBan (108, Taylor) aeoond, by ten UngthSi BWB easiMI k poitpoBeMS* orthavaua tut ttf Oct, I, THE BTALLIOR TROTTMO BtEBTIItO. This evantwu held last week at Beioon Park, Boston, Hsaa,. wllh the lesulls here shown. Bent, 36: 01au3;30, poise $1,000 —Kentncky WUkea first, Haxy Oobb (won aecond and th<rd heats) aecond. Onawa third, and Romero fourth. Olsu 3i60. purse $1,000-Pllot Knox first, in IMH, 9:S1K, 3:80K; Uld- dleton Jr, seoond, Bept 98: Olasi 3:36, pnise $3,000—King Almont first, Denoalion (won first heat) seoond, Alltgheny Boy third, and Lem fourth. Time. iMH, 3:33, 2:13Ji, 1:33. Pacing-race, purse $3,000—RlchbaU first. Flora BeUe (won first and third bests) seoond, Weatmont (won second heat) third, and Gem fourth. Time, 3:17]^, 2:16K, 2:iej,', 3:17. Jay- Eye-See wu driven an exhlblUon mUe in 3:ie)i. Bept. 27: Olaaa 3:00, purse $1,000—J. H, Hay's Pilot Knox first, in 3:20, 2:36X, 2:»X: Cballeage eccond and Htddle- town Jr. third. Special purse, $J,0OO—Clemmle G. first, J. B. Thomu (won second heat) seoond, snd Wilson third, Time, 2:24X, 2:10,3:20,2:3U^, Free-fo^all race, purse $6,000-Vl- rector firtt, Fhallu (won fint and aecond heata) second; Sania Claus withdrawn after third heat. Time, 3:20, 2:31);, 2:11)(, 2:10, iMa. Purse $1,000, (or four-year-olds and under— Bayonno Prince first, Heander second, Uontgomery third, and Don Carlos fomlh. Time, 2:27K, 1:80. IMH, 3:31K. Tbe second heat wu dead between Bayonne Prince and Heander. JAT-ETE-BBB ts. BT. JUIilEBT. An imnenu crowd ot people gathered at the Gentlemen's Driving Park, Uorrlsanla. N, Y,, on Saturday altanoon, Sept. 29, to witneu the trot for a purse ot five thooaand dollaia by J. I. Oue's Utile black gddlng Jsy-Kye-Sse and Orrln Ulokok's blgbay St. JnUei. It wu a spcolal matoh, best three heats In five, and 8t Jnllen wu tbe tavorlto at odda ot about one hundred dollars to elgb^; bnt Jay-Kya-Bee won In three straight heals, trotted in IMJi, 2:18K, 2:19, lu the first heat he carried St Jnllen to a break near the flnlah, the latter run- nhig over tbe line In advance; the ucond wu won by a length and a half, and the third by three lengths. -The track had been rendered huvy by the rain which feU tbe night previ- ously, and the anUdpated tut time wu not made. John Hnrphy also drove Steve UaxweU and running-mate a mile In 3:34k, repealing In 2:16^, and tooled HajoUca over the ooufse lua:19, RACINO IN KltOLAND. The first Newmarket "October" Meeting oommeneed Sept-16, on which data 1 he Ureat Foal BUkee, for three-yesr-olda, $76 each, $10 forfeit, $3,790 added. $1,600 to second, $1,00 to third, and $900 to the breeder of tbe winner, a mile end 619 yardi, wuwon by the Duke of Uamllton'a Oaalan (1911b), wllh Ooldlleld aecond and Prince tlilid. Ooldfleld was the favorite. On the fnllowlng day tbe Welter Uandlcap wu won by W. M. R«drem>BVandarhum; Condor aecond and geene'a Bolero third. Same day, the Great Bsatern Railway Bandlcap wu won by Amy Melville firat, Marchiaa second and Execctrli third. Same dav, the Oraoby Btakes. for two-yesr- olda, wan won by Bavonr; Lorlllard'a Nirvana aecond and Oladeata third. On tbe 37th the principal event wuthe Orand Duke Michael BUkes, for three-year olda. $136 «uh, $760 added, one mile 613 yarda, which was won by L. be Rotbaehlld'a llamako, with Ladla- lu second and Kecne'a Bolero third. Bsme day, the Newmarket Oct<jb«r Handicap, all ag«>, 876 eaeh, $l,00D added, ume courae. waa won by LordZetland'a MoHahon, by ten length.; Viau aeoond and Bcobell third. ^.^m,^,—^— Tbs victorv of Barney Asron at Bheepafaead Bay on Bept. 16 en- tailed a heavy loaa on Appleby AJohnaoD. who had backed thair borae Jack ol HearU for over twenty-live tbouaand dollara. Ue loat by a head only. Mutual pool tleaeta on the winner paid more than $101 lor each $6 Inveited. BILIJ3:i\.Rr>8. THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. This organizaUon held Ita fifth annual meeting on Oot, 1, and In this city. As wu to have been expected, there wu a large delagaUon of PhUadelphIa members present The mus- ter-roU for this city vru also weU repreaented. The usual promises of aid from here were made, and they wlU probably not be carriMl out. u luual, Tbe projected eihlbiUon In Uor- Ucultoral Hall, Fblladelpbla. lut Spring, wu postponed In order to make aura ot the services of Vlgnaux; and the urr- ices ot Vlgnaux ue what it must now get along without Daly ult uf acme unguarded ulk 00 the pert of Schufsr. In a of a reporter of a dally and the editor of TAt SpaUing 1 JniuuiIck 4- ilolK illUlardtabK Watln, KchBefer said and Sexton at the meeting on Oct 1 were made a oommlttee to make airanitemsnta for the postponed exhibition at UorU- oultnnl Hall, It caimot be ovon except at the cost of great saorlfioea on tbe part of the FnUadelphla members. The play- ers wlU be lacking. Daly and Schaeter ull on Oct. lu on Daly's third experlmenlal trip to Europe, and are liable. If the thing pays, not to be back In many months. It Is not a mil- lion dollars to a copper that Sexton also doc* not go over, u in Luveswortb, Kanui. the other day. be asld he wu going. He is "under forfeit"—and an honest rortelt-of $360 to go to Chicago, at all eventa, and remain there untU Oct 34; and so Is Slosson, who la liable to remain there for a mnoh longer period, if not to settle at the Wut altogether, when It is Impracticable to give even one eiblbltlon, two are to be given. John D. O'Connor bu offered the Bralnitoua nu of his Madison HaU for one in this city, and the strong hope is held out that the rivalry be- tween Mew York and Philadelphia to Uberally patronize these sffeln will redound greaUy to the credit ot the usoolaUon financially. The New York divlelon must be giving the PhUa- delpblans "taffy," for they oannot bnt know that there wUl be no players to take part in the proposed exhlbiUona unless they are held before Oct 10. The affairs of tbe aaaoo allon are otherwlM In a quito enoonraging condition, Thd money either on band or invested for the oonUngent benefit of alck or crippled members amount* to $1,300, the saoretary inform us. At the meeting on Oot 1 aU the officers of lut year wir, rs-electod. H. W. CoUender piulded. What thl* usoolatlon needs Is a greater number ot member* from among that olus who can be dlrecUy benefited by it Then it wUl be Influen- tial enough to both project and carry through plana for lie perpetoaSon without having to rely upon the half dozen ex- Eerta. from filoason to Vlgnsiu and Dion, who are dlieoUy or idlieotly tmder the ecntrol of manufacturer*, and the serv- ices ot the balk ot whom are desired In eohemee that are ex- peeled to draw more money from European aasemblage* than can be hoped for In oonneoUon with ezhlblUons in this city and Phlladelpbla In aid ot the NaUonal BUllaid Assoolatlon, howsoevsr worthy Ita alms and urgent lU needs. x ei i CHICAGO'S CONCLUSION. ne BtralS ol Uut clly. In Ita Uans ot Sept 30, uys: UavlnBadtataaafedlitance from here, Bcbuler baa been In- dulBlOf In a big talk, aid la trying to make people believe that Bloaaonlaalraldof him and that bis propoaed inatcb waa a blutr. This la not tbe fact, and Bloaaon'iichalleniie to Bchuftr^n tbla dly wu the result ' ' -- .-•< —>■ the preaence houtuM end «. ^ If a match for 16,000 could be made between bim and Sloaaon he would forfeit to VIgcaux. The friends of Bloeaon no aooner heard thia then they at once Jumped at tbe offer, and depoalted $I,MI In the handk of Vaok Adsna. The money la atlll In the hand, of tbe paper which Mr. Adauia repreMota. and Bobaefer knowa It The fact ofthe maitor la thKt eltber Bchsarsr la afraid of Bluaoa or tbs Brunswick A Balks Compsny will not let him play. The oonolualon Is correct, but there, hu beon no "unguarded talk," Tbla paper in Its iesne ot Bept 33 took the Uoorty to Eublish a private letter from Slosson, in the eourse ot which e remsrked that he thought ttie probable upehot of hia chal- lenge would be tbat Schaeter would some to Chicago and offer to play blm for great pile* ot money, but not for the chsm- plonshlp, in wbloh event he (Slosson) would not give hip his table, but would make him loss. Farther West Sohaefer had published that Klchard Uoohe or bis own employers would bsck him tor $6,000, Schaeter got to Chicago on Bept 30, Tak Cupras got there on Bopt. 30 or 21, and on Sept 33 Bohaeter's proposition, whion is given on an out- side page, and which. It wUl be observed, makes no men- tion one way or the other ot th. obamplon.hlp, was published. He had counted confidently on a eountor-propoa lUon from Slos- son, fintaathe latter had aperteotrlghtto do when he had given no positive pledge, he obauged bla mind about the tou; and then and there the earth opened and swallowed aU who had had any hand in this $6,000 oiler. We give Bohaster a fHandly Up, Richard Boche hu no Inollnallon, ilnee the Bextos-Stedeker- Schaeter ouablon-oarom matohu were oonolnded, and aino* be saw BloaMU defeat VUnaux in Paris, to baok Bohaefer agalnat Slouon; and while Bohaoter's employer* would cheerfully back both him and Slouon, they wiU not back either alone against the other. Anyone who 1* curiou. to know why oan 'oohsnlt the file* ot Tkt Spirit Uu Tima of November, 1868, or TAe OkUago lima of the same period, if our memory Is of any aoooont ^ A ToDlKAUnn !■ BoaioH W, P, UarshaU, who bU done BO much for the game at "The Hub," Is discussing the prao- tloabUltyof InsUtuUng a tournament at his Budbury-street room this Winter. WIt not make it at the old round-lhe- Uble game, a form ot whloh la sUU popular In Boston T That game to pockets and caroms, limited to three UuM ptt the spot, on a six-pocket table. It teeme with variety, H^jusB TS, SLO»so».-At the room of the letter, onSept, M, he and Bandolph Heiur pUyed a praoUoo-game of 800 points, oushion-caroms, in whloh the younger Pl»7«'."**«/<?W«: figure runs of 13,13,16,19 and 31. Slouon made no mn ol SJvUwcBntbut be i,Uyed^wiU. '^^^^^.^'f^'l^ over Uie Uble, and moat have aveiaged at leait i>i, u h* ■cond his 800 when hlaanlagoniiI had but 201, W, H. PoHSBOT hu, tor its (lie, the handiomeet room lo town. II haa aU Uble*, four of whloh were for a year or so in hto room In Fourteenth atreeti th* oUier two ue new. Bohaefer and Bexton eiblbiUd^^ on the nlgbt of Bent. $8. Th* IsOlMtions are that Fomeioy wlU make iT -'ao/' altbongll $iT8nl oMMi b|iTt IttM (km Aoiliif lb* rartlwtn^ yatiB. Tn Obioam Pool TbtmAMBm.—Thlrtr-dx entrlea have already been made (or tbe fifteen-ball aerli* to begin on or about Oot 10 at the OoUender HaU, The management propota to uleot a doon, u thlrty-alz an nnmeroo* by three time* too many. It 1* u good u a eirens to hear Slouon "kick" agaliin cnahlon-oaroms while pracUeliB It la Uie daytime. At nl^l ha triu to keep mtim,bccanse of tbe people around the table, bnt the air la blue from bis hot breath. RimoLFBE hu not be<-u heard from In nrveral week*. Boms of hU trlcndH fear tbat be wu swallowed up by the recent earUiquake In Java. We do not sbare In that tear. There baa never neen uuoh money In billiards In Java. A Mxw BOOM with six U. S. Standard Oo. Ublu wu to have been opeuiMl In this city Oct. 1. It U "The KendaU," witti a change ot quarters. Geo. KUle In to be in charge. LiSLiK 8LOSSOM, u to the accident to whom there is refer- ence In the billiard department on an outalde page, had not been able to leave hie room up to Sept 39, John Obkahan ot Philadelphia oame to town on Oot. 1, and called at Tux Uuppeb office, u le hU wont Jams Piuiu and wife ware in thl* city from Philadelphia Oot 1. Datio Bub is sUlI in Chicago. STRAY SHOTS. Lealla R Bloeaon wu one ofthoae livjured on Bept 10 u the collialon, near the railroad depot at Long laland City, oetwean an incoming train irom Manhattan Beech and an outgoing North- shore Ualn. He waa coming (Tom Bheepabead Bay, wu hadiy ahtktn apart and baa not yet l>aan able to pull bimaell together, Ula iqlurlea were aucb, be cialina, ss to serlonaly Impair His eye- alRht sinosch snd lunga. He laat wMk entered ault agaisat the Long laland Railroad Co., clalulngdamsges to tbe extentol flity tliouaand dolUra. It would have cost the railroad company but five thousand duller, to have killed blm outright Perbapattaay will 81 lah blm up when tho next race-maeilng la held at Bhtepa- head Bay, meanwhile appealing bia ault In ctae be ahnuld Beta ver- dict, which la the more likely Inasmuch u It aeema to be undis- puted that there wrre hut two brakemen on the train of Bve or alx ceia, snd there la evidence that one of theae waa doing eondnotor's duly In collectlns tickets, althouili It bad been known u far bsok aa Eaat New Yurk that the alr-brskea were not working. It ma/ be mentioned that Frank Parker of Chicago, In the Summer of mi, over In New Jersey, attempted to croia a track when a locomotive waa In bUway, sued the company for the dainagea reaultlng, and the corapsny eventually ompromlaad with him. Bloawn aaems to have a moch atronier caae than Parker had. Ula lawyer la reter VltcheU, an old bllllardlat ha having kept a room on Broadway, tbla oity, aixteen or aetenteen year* ago. (leorga Hntlon and WUllam Walhwe, who had been pool- ing In PhUadelpbU, Lancutor, Beading, PitUburg and other places, arrived here on Sept. 30. A programme of one ot their entertalnmenU, In which they were announced to be aaaisled by Edward UcLaughUn of PhUadelphIa, sUtes that in one bout at pool, beat two in three, Wallaoe wu to pUy bUnd. That is very funny. _ On the night of Sept. 37, before starting for the West. Joseph Cuper, ex-ohaiuplon of Ohio, tested the mettte of (horge Bloeson at oushion-caroms, receiving the odda of a dU- count and twenty-five per cent Slosson won by 11, scorlna 161 to Casper's 86, exdnelva ot 36 polnU u odds. The best mo. were 27 aud 13 by winner and losrr mneeUvaly, and the averagu within one point of two for the loser and a point over five tor the winner. Slosson then double-dlsoounted an amateur who pUys about even with Ouper, and won by 20, scoring 248 to 74, tbe loser's average being eucUy 2 and his best run 14, and the winner's avsrsga 8,28-87 and beat run 31. Not having nraoUced since the tour- nsment began In thIa city In Hay lut, Slouon U "dead off ' u a player, aud he hu, bcaldes, yet to get into the pcouUar ousblon-carom stroke. He "gets on" quickly, however; and, aftor he "aetUes," bis high mn, whloh ae far hu not been above 81, wlU reach at Uiaat 88 or 84. It may be worthy of noto that bis b:at run on record at tbla style ot play U 33, msde in the New York tournament of 1881. In tbat touraament he made the beat grand-average, which wu 3.177-460 in 1,061 polnU, made up ot nlnagamuj and. If he U very lucky, be will do at leut u well u that in the Chicago matob. Sexton in tbe same tournament made a grand-averare ot 3.48S.U3 In 1.610 polnU. Ibis to the only tournament in whlob Sexton hu played the gsme on a 6x10 Uble, and Sloason bM at no other time played tbat game In public. - On a 4^x9, and under a rale (not oburved In 1881) fsclUUtIng oonntlng. Sexton In the tournament lut Spring made a grand-avarsgo of 6.187-607 in 3,731 poinU, made up of alx games. HI* best average in a maton U 4.8-148 (600 nolnU. 6x10 Uble). Daly alone bu done better, but not much bettor, t*. J, P. Donovan, manager ot tbe Uonarch HaU. St Lonli, hu projected a series ot gamos there among tbe leading pliy- era ot that city. The Intorest manifested by the pnbllo in theao oontesta Is of Itself tbe highest compliment tbat Hr, D. can deatre in reoognltton ot bis well-known enterpriu, Detroit Hlob.. hu in John Armstrong the counterpart ot tbe Itto U. U. HlUer. who for year* ran .omethlng Ilka fittr-flva tablea In New Orleana and St. Louis. Ur. A, con- trols flity-one In the. Arcade, Uanileld Harket and Jefferson- avenue rooma, Detroit ,% At the Billiard Exchange, San Franolsco, flept U, J, F, B. MoCleery ot tbat city and Harry Cole, who aeem* to have setUed there. pUyed a matoh announced u for $360 a aide. It wu at the straight three-baU game, and Cole wu beaUn by 600 to 398. Tbe wlnner'a beat run wu 98, and the lour'* 89. tht PaeiJU Lift Btataa that "UcCleerr cloud the game on the flfty-eeventh inning, and averaged a Utile over uven polnU to the ran." This Isaves the average In doubt Fifty-seven inn- ings would make it 8.44-67. or within 18 poInU of 0. «*a Joseph P. Henry is engaged at the Arcade room, Detroit, Ulch. He Is a nephew of the Ute Hlohsal Phalan, and a brother, we presume, of the young John Henry who about twenty-two yeara ago gave promise of becoming aslrong player, whloh promlu wu never fulfiUed, u we think he died not long afterwards. «% Joseph Casper, having flulshed his seaion at Coney laUud, wu to have sturtod for the Wut on Sept 38, there to looato onoe more, **« Ih. tournament at the CoUender BlUlard Hall, Ohloago. resulted In a tie between Ueesrs. Sul and Orlffltb, the former having l>een defeated in the final game by the Utiar, We aup- poie tuat by thU time the tie hu been played off, bnt we have not heard the ruult t*t In Philadelphia on Sept 36 Edward UcLaughUn made a mn ot 863 at the atralgbt Uirce.baU game. Itwu a prlvato game, played ih UoLaughlln'a own room, and henoe "doe* not oonnt;^' but it wu a credlUble performance tor HcLanghUn, neverlheleu. It waa made on the rail, the balU making tha tour ot the Uble Iwioe. The number of poInU wu 600, Ho- Laughlln averaged 80. Ul* opponent, ueorge B. Button ot thle city, did not make 100 polnU altogether. THE RinSTG. JIBI OUODE. Tbla Ensllah middleweight boxer arrived at Boatca,_ Hua,, on . Tueaday. Bvpt 36, on board the ateamer Iowa or the Warren line, and la ntopplog wltb bla frlead fsuy Bheppird at 71 Hsrrlaon avenue. Uonde's record ahowa him to he one of the beat of the lat- ur-day middleweight puulllats. Born In London thirty three years ego, he aisnda 6 feet 8X luchea In height, and In Condltlut^ weighs about one bnndted aud forty-eight pounds. He firat ume Into notice by bU fight wltb Denny Harrington at Dagenbsm Meadows In 1870, on which occaaloo he wu defeated, alter fighting fotty-aevcn round. In an hour snd twenty-ssven minutea. Uls next appurancs waa in a elove-conteat with Hugh Barns, ■nnonnced a. lor a cup or the value of $380, at Uoxton Muale Uall, London, Feb. 1, 1877, which engagement terminated In a draw, after they had fought two hours sod a quarter. Uls naxc ouatonier wu Mickey Heea, a very clever boxer, whom be fonght wllh Blorea, for 8ve hundred dollara, at Badlar'a Welle Theatre, London, Oct 30, 1677. Uoode made a:grand dia|>Uy of gamenas* on thiaoocaalou, sa Ilia right wrlat was hroksn In tho firat round, but lis plueklly kept on tfll tweniy-elabt rosnda had been fouBbl In one hour and fifty-two olnutaa, whan tbe police stoppi-d It, the stakes being aubaequently drawn. Ue wu one of tbe eon- teatants In the boxing tournament gotten up by BUly Mad- den In London, where he wu beaten by Dick Hoberta, who In tdrn loat to Clisrlea Mitchell lu tbe Ooal bout Babae- ouently Qoode put up flfir dollara In the oOlee of rAe A^ort- ina £1% ea an esroaat uf hIa deaire to engage In a ccmpetlUou lor that amount a corner with Mluball.Hoberu and Bat IIalUna,hat nothing came of It He also aocepled a challenge IkomblgTomp- kin Ulloert but no mateli rasulud, although Oood* wu very anxlooa for "a go." Ed. HoOLianESX, formerly John Leary's riglit-band man, now at Brracuae, N. Y., haa been onavlalt to the metropolis for sev.ral daya. lie Inlorma ua tbat Bennle Oteen 1. doing well In th* aalooa haalnea. there. _ i _ _ TUB JoUN L. BtruiTAH OOBBlKATiog appsucd at Kernan's The- atre, BsUlmore, Hd., to pecked houses on tbe evenings of Bent 88^ el. From tiiere they went to Hlohmond, Ta., where they drew a Ig houss on Mondsy eveoing, Oot I. CoRXBV MiMBT outronght Jim Downey In a mill for one ban. dred dollars near London, Bag,, during the week aloaloiBept IB. The battle luted an boor and Mn mlautea, during which thirty. one tounda were cofiteaud, Tom HoDoxald of HuhUs, He,, and more recently of Marga.tU and Oconto Fall., will hear ol aoDeihlng Important by addrssslng Bd. Jamea, care of this office. HiAL BTOOOASD and Owen HoHanus (who fonght Juk FUes nsat Cbleegn) ar* mstobad to engage In a aluve oonUat of four roands, ()aeenaberry raise, In Syraouae, N. T., Oct 16, Wk, Biio ABB "RosooB," colored, bad a apaitint matob la Weat Trey, N, Y., Bept 3) fur $10. Four rounds of this* nupateB eseh were fought, when tbe match wu declared a draw. Jm Mabb Is stated to have depoaltad one thousand dollar* with Harry H III u an esraa.t of hi. desire to taut J, Ii. adUlTaB In two glove eoBluU, each (br that aooant a.Ida. - - ■iToaBtL Aso BHBBairr louht ursn toonds. Quaeatbany tiU«$ i atTluibUig.lri., Ooi. 1, andlh. ladifw thea Uelded it a (tra~-' Wa BAvg utmu fbt Nik* (AkBHUthtBlMf^-