New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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4:74 THE NEW YORK CLIPPEH. OCTC ill 6. THB BBOOKIiTB CltVB'B OAMBB With the Aathnieltos. Aetlrca aad Bsirlabani* Th* Brookljn Olob bad two hum mtiilnl^l with tbe la- thndto Oab lii BroUn StpLM tad 91. {to tksMlbUic Aathndtca Mtigimpbod tut thar oonld not ooma on that day, batwoold Iha lUst On tti* iSlh lha BiooUtb nlii* wan on the AM at th* hour appolntad. with lha ngnlar nmplre in hla podUoD, and aftar waiting Itaa lefol tlma the unpin da- eland the (nma torfeltad by 9 to 0 to lha Bnokljiu, owlnc to the non-apptannoeof the Antbnclla team, not onlr uU, feat oodtr tha American lUlM the AnthnelU Olab IharalV fo^ feltedlU riembenhlpof the AaaooUtlon, and cannot tbrae- fon play any mon cbamplonahip ganiaa to oonnt In tnt raooiJL The BiooWji) taun pUyed the Aotlraaof Baadtpi Btut as at IhaWaablBgton Park Oronoda. PHal wia awin Md wild In bla daUran, and In tha thlid lnnln« Nlman had bla tbomb fraclorad tvlly, and he had to ntln (nm tha a«ld,0»rioUe«t*hin«dnrlngth8nDulndarpf ttemae. The homa-taam ootplayaJthtlr opponata allha In iba flald and at lha bat, aa tha appended aeon ihowa: ICTITB. HorrU.l.r..... Luklo, lit b.. OuT0ll,c. r.. Jtooby.ldb... HtlplB.Sdb... mnoay, i. •.. Frial, p HieBiu, a LaiMlla, r.r.... ... S ... i ... s ... s .. > 0 u 0 0 0 8 s 1 I I 0 1 t Dorla, r. OlHmllb.L I.. Snootm. 1. arfnvood. Id b. 4 BUIIW.I. raonall.', 9d b.. Walker, cf... HonMboMer, Oeer, aa Corconn, e... KImber, p ■.lB,ro.i.a. 13 8 10 10 1 0 I 0 I 0 1 in I 1 0 T 1 0 t«tali O 0 OU 011 Totila MIS 10II II I letlre OOOOOOOO-O Brnoklyn 1 S 1 7 0 I -U Baraad rani—Brooklyn, 8. Pint baw by anoft-AeUTa, t; Brooklyn.*. Btnick ont-Aetlra,4: Brooklyn,]. Ltftonbaaas- AetlTt. 7; Broeklrn, S. Baaai on btlla—AellTe, I; Brooklyn, «. Wild plUbaa-rrleL 7. Faatod balli-NlaiDaii, 8; Carroll, 1 Donbia- Stiya-LaBdli and Nliman; Jaaoby, Larklo and Hilpln. Vmpin, rIBIbi. Tlma, Ih. Hta. Theae olnba met (gain Sept. 37, when the play of tha AotlTe Dine waa In atrlklng and anparlor oontnat to tlikt tbay eihll>- Itad the day before. Uonla and Oarroll pllohad andoaiuhl (or tha AotlTea, and what with the foraaara dellTay and Car- raU'a line catohlng, traalher with the aplandld Infleld aapport olTeD, tha Brooklyna fonnd it Impoolble to ioora a ran In the nma. Tany'i alleotlTa pltchlOR and Saek'i good ealohlnff, \go, wan eqnally noteworthy, and tha Brooklyn leld-ropport waa admljBDla In ereiy poalUon, notably ao In the Umeld. Not nntU the eighth inning waa than a ran loored, and than tha AollTea got In on Terry'a pltohlng (or flre baaa^illa and twoaaned rani, thgy aeoring another ran throoghan error by Honaeholder and a {laaaed ball. Thla wia an Important ]aad, and whan the flnt akrlker of the Brooklyu retired on itrlkca in their half o( tha Inning thlnga looked bad lor Brooklyn.' Tbonoh It waa within tan mlnutaa of ton-down at the time, the light waa rarr had on tha Bald, the home-fleldan flndlog It dlffloolt to aee the ball well In the eighth inning. At any rata, the umpin callad the game, and it want faaok to the even aeTen-lnnlog icon, which waa 0 to 0, tha reanlt being a drawn game. Tha aeon AOTITI. Horrlt, p LarklD.Ut b.... OarroUi e Jaaoby, Id b IlalpiD,Bd b Tomniy. a.i PrIeLe. r. Landii, r. r Baualt,I.L.... B.lB.r0.iuI. 0 0 0 1 0 - 1 - 8 4 0 0 0 1 1 Totall.... AeUve Brooklyn.. BI0OU.TH. T. B.lB.rO.XB. Qreenwooo, 2d b. S Doyla, r. f S Bmllb.L r. a PanDallj.U b.... 9 Walker, a f 9 BooMtaoldar, lb. 9 Oeer, a a S Hack, 0 9 lerry, p 9 .a 0 8SI 7 I ToUla a 0 411 t > 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-( Flnt Dale by errort—AetlTe, I; Brooklyn, I. Siniek out—Actif e, (: BrooklTO, 7. Lett on baiei—AetlTe.t: Brooklyn, 4. Baie on balli-AetlTa, I, Vanied billii—Carroll, 1 nmplie, arlfflttai. The Brooilyna played their laat game bat one with the Her- rlabnrgs Bept. 38, when they (nitalned their flfth defeat of the nriea, ue reault being largely dna to poor fielding, Oeer and Doyle being the only plajen of the team not charged with erron, -Oew axcelled alike at the bat and In tha Held. The Hairlabntga won by their better batting and laperlor fleldlng, the tnpport of Bohapperfa Bwlft pitchlog iMlng eioellent, gneoladly Iwhind tbe Mt, whan UlUer did wonderful work. OiaBraiOBO, T. Ollna.ldb t Baoolai, 1. r 8 1 Myeri.i. • 8 I Bh(UUne,litb... 4 .1 Oiuey, r. f Bomi, 0.. f Bar, 8J b mfler, e Bebappert, p... 4 1 4 I 4 0 4 0 4 0 ILlB.ra.A.B. I 0 8 I I 0 8 1 U 8 0 0 0 1 I Si Bbooiltr, t. Oraenwood, 2d b. S 1 1 S 3 ~ Doyla, r.r. S 0 2 0 0 Bmltb.l. I B 0 0 4 0 Fannelly,8d b... 4 0 0 2 4 ^ Walker, 0 f. 4 0 10 0 OiHoniebaliter, lb. 4 1 0II 0 1 Oeer, a a 4 9 8 I 8 8 Corcortn, c 4 1 2 8 2 1 BImber, p 4 0 0 0 1 Totala W B (irillOl Totila 89 B 927 18 10 Harnabarg 0 2 0 2 8 0 0 1 S-8 Brooklyn 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2-8 Earned nine—Hirrlibun, I; Brooklyn, I. Pint ban on erron— Harrlibunt, 8; Brooklyn. (. Btruok oat—Uarrlibuig, 4;Brooklyn, 7. Lett on baies—HarTlibara, 4: Brooklyo, 7. Baae* on belli— narrlibBn, 1; Brnohlyn, 1. wild pllebee-Bcbupen, ]; KImber, B. Piuaed ball^Mlller, 8; Ooreorao, 1. Umpire, Qrlflltbi, TIrae, th, The laat game waa played between theae two olnba Bept. 29 nearly 8,000 people being preaent. The Brooklyn! fkoei, Barna' pltohlng op to the fonrth Inning, and they ponlabad hli BwlltdeUyary tor aoTen rana, fonr being eamad. In tha fifth the home-team got off in their fielding and allowed their oppooenta to aoon three rana on a aolilaiy lafe hlU In tha (oarth inning Bay went In to pitoh, and the Brooklyn! itopped nm-getttngantU the aaranth. In the ilith the Tliltor* added two mon rana to their eoon, and It began to look aeriooa for Braoklyn, bat they rallltd in theaerenth and ended theelghth' Inning with the eoon at II to 0 In their favor, and it waa then too dark to play farther. In the flrat inning Vmmw made a floe donbla-playby (orotng ontOline at homebiaa three men belDg on baeea—ind then patting oat ghetillne br a throw to flrat baae, Shetalina ran to flnt on the third atrika Inalaad of letting blfflialf be pntont to eaye the rnnnan, aa wai the point to play, andUyeNflned him 180 for the error. The eoon BROORITW. T. KlB.rO.A.B, areanwood, id b. 8821 10 Doyle, r. t. 6 1 Smith. I t ; 8 1 yennelly,8db.... 4 2 ' Walker, o.r. 4 I Hoaeeholder, lb. 4 1 Oeer, 1. a. Farrow, e... Terry,p ... TolBll... . 4 I 4 0 . 4 I 2 • 1 0 2 0 2 2 1 10 0 0 2 8 1 1 Brooklyn. EaaBUBDBO, T. II.1B.P0.1,B. Ollne,91b.. Racelne, L r. Myeri. i. • Shetillne. let h.. Cany,cr. Barai, p., Bdb.. gay.Ub..p miler, r. I. HcOloakey, e ooklyn..,, krrlionrg.. 89 Bills 8 . 0 8 l-ll 2 0 0-e C. E SWABTWOOD,. whoae portrait is given thla weak, la abent twan^-thiee yean of age, and hafli from Olareland, O. Be bean baU-pUTing aboat alz yaan ago with local amataar organlza- dooi, and aoon attained qnitaanp- otatjon aa a batsman, being eroi Ihmi a lamartablyliard bitter. Hla flrat profeaelenil engagement waa with Che DetMtOlnb in 18T9, when be tanked third in batting, Oroaa, now of tha Pblladelphlaa, leading In that reapeot He waa neit en- gaged by tha dab which npreient- ad Aknn, 0., In 1881, and inclndad in Iti nnka Hnllane, Vlee, Uc- Pbee, Uaakraj and Kemmler, who an all now wall known ta profea- alooala. The Akron twn aecarad seranl noteworthy Tictorlea orer Laiffoa oloba, and alao flgurad >rofnlBently In the game with the Ecllpae Clnb of LonllTllIe, Ky., Jnne 38,1881, lha moat remarkable and prolonged oonlaat of that aea- aon. Sarhneea eanaed a oeaaation of play attCT nineteen Inning* bad btan eomplelad, with the icon etlU itanding tied. Swartwood ao- oepted all of the aeren diflloalt onanoea oSand him at rlght-fleldln thla mme, and waa alao oredllad with two okfa hlla, on one of which in the laat half of the elghlaentb Inning themoitcrltical point In the oontaat waa reached. Swartwood, who waa oo aeeond baae^ attempted to aeon on a hard bit by Uallane, hot waa ont off at the home-plate by a wondarfal throw by nefliar frOm the exinme ontfleld. During the laat two Maaona Swartwood baaplayad with theAUeibeny Olab, and haa prayed himself to be the beat batter, eren, of that team of tiard bitten. The oflldal averagee ■bow that he mokad third in bat- Uni of the lUty-elght playen who tcok part in Amenoan Aaeoolation obamplonahlp eamea in 168X He baa been hitting harder and aafer thla leaaon than ever baton, and at preaent oconplea the leading po- litTon in tha profaialonal baltiDg avnagea. Swartwood la alao a fair fielder, and but year alternated aa right and eenfa« fielder for the Allashenyi. Thla eeaeon be hat creditably Iliad the po- alllon of flnt-baae In a niajoii^ of ohamplonablp gamaa. Hla forte, howerer, la batUng, and In that department ha lanka aeoond to none. BOSTOIT wa. BVPFAIiO. Tbe Boitone beat the BnSUoa Sept. 35 In Boaton, Keai., by Bopeilor batUng. The flrat inning vlttnally aettird the qnea- tlon of Tlotory, the home-team then making tear raoB off a iimllar nnmbar of aafe hlti and an error by 7one. OalTln waa batted very Creely, while Whitney waa eitectlva, etrlking ont aleyen men and holding hla oppionanta down to Are ■catiering aafe hita. The fielding of the Soatona waa poor, Wlie mailng aeme eo>tly erron. Hlnea waa injared in the fillh Inulng and Hackett took hla place. Blohardion reap- peared with the Bntfaloa, and took the lead both in fielding and batting for tliat dab. McLean ampired in excellent atyle. BDrfALO. T. O'Ronrke, l.r....» Howe, c 4 Rlcbardeon, !d b. 4 Broutberi, lit b. 4 .4 . 4 , 4 , 4 . 4 Wblu, Idb... SbiOfir, r. f.. Force, I. 1.... Enier,e.:f... aalTln, p Totala.. Bniralo... . BOttOB.. .Ml 8 824 18 ... 0 4 BOBTOB. Homnng, 1. f Button.U b 8 I Buido«k,2d b.... 8 1 Whitney, p 8 2 HonllJ, lit b..... 4 3 Wlie, L 1 BuIBdIod, r. r., [Iickett,e Hlnea, o Badford, c. t.... T. B.lB.rO.«.B. 8 0 2 1 0 0 4 0 4 0 2 0 2 0 4 1 I I 0 8 3 19 9 0 1 1 1 0 8 1 4 0 0 0 Total! 40 814 1711 7 0 0 2 1 0 1 1-8 U 0 0 1 2 0 Eamad raoa—Boalon, 8. Two-baaa bita—Marrlll (2), HornuBK, RIcbardUD. Flnt bane on en«i»—Boitoo, 4: BuffiJo, 4. Btmei out-Buir*lo, 11: Boiton, 8. Puwd Ixlli—Hloei, 2; Haokett, I. Wild pitoheii—Whitney, 9; OaUIn, I. Dopin, MoLean. Time, 3b. Tha oonolndlng game between theee olnba took place Siept. 26, and reanlted m tha aeventh ylotory tor the Boatoui, mak- ing a tie In their ehamplonahlp aarlea with tha Baflaloa. The conteat waa marked by hard hitting and looae fleldlng, tha Boalona winning by bunohing aeTen nfe hita in the third and fonrth inning!, when they loored lis rnna. The BnlUoa pre- aantad for the flnt time their new pitcher, Hagan, recently re- leaaed by the Phlladelphiaa, Tha ohlaf feattin waa Broathen* big batting, be being cindlted with four late hita, inolndlng a homa-nu. Two nmarkabla ranning-oalohee by O'Bonrke wen the fleldlng featarea. Scon: BorriLO. r. Bobiob. t. 6 2 1 2 0 0 Uomtiss, L 1 4 ■ 5 1 2 - • brtbnted to bring ont a mnoh larger attendance than on the two JinTionioooaalona. Tbeplayem onbothaldea wan prepared or a aeren atrnggla.and aeren ItnrOTed to be. "Jamplng Jaok" Jonaa preyed • terror to tha neayy bitten of the home- team, and the beat they conld do with him waa a total of eight hita. Big Browning waa tmabla to gat a ball oataide of the diamond, and the rest of the nine conld do little bet- ter, althongh Haakiay got In a two-btggac in the fifth inning, which bronght In two rana and tied the acore. Ouny aoeompllahed a nmaikabla play in the fonrth Inning, captar- Ing a hot liner with one hand, the ball with Ita great ipeed carrying him down baton it, and catiaing him to roll oyer and oyer, bnt be neTertheleai held on to the aphen, HoLaagblln tipped a tool lb lha algbth Inning, which knooked O'Brien down and bounded high In the air. While laying flat on hla baok be j net managed to reach the ball with bla left hand, and held It. For thla nmaikable play he waa greeted with load and prolonged cheen, and It waa fully fiye mlnutea baton the game conld BO on. Up lo thefoarth Inning, Beoker.who had been •ubaUtnted tor Weaver, aided byaomeveryabarp fielding, pre- vented the Athletics from (coring, while Jonea aucoeeded In tha aime manner in blanking the Ecllpae. Therun-getllngbManin tbe fonrth, when singles by Uoynahan and Cony and wild pltohlng by Hacker helped tbe Athletlca to two nma. The home-team tied the aeon in the fifth inning on erron by Uoy- nahan and Slovay and a two-bagger by Uaaney. In the sixth saecesalva slaglca by Uoynahan, O'Brien, Oony and Blaklaton allowed tha Athletlca to make three nua and regain the lead. Tha exdtemant waa intenaa In the seventh inning, when the Bellpse forged ahead of their opponents, fonr nma being then made on bum on called balls given I^tham and MolMghUn, aafe hita by-Haakrey and Wolf, and a wild throw by Strieker. An error by Oleaaon ln'-4ha eighth allowed the Athletlca to tie the aeon. Meilher ilde oonld then get a man acrasa the home- plate nntll the last haLlf of the lasth inning, when Stovey— the fint etrlkar—waa given his baae on balla, and on aacoaaalve alnglaa by Eslght and Uoynahan acored the winning run and the one which won tor the Athletlca tbe championship O'Boorka.I.L.,.. Howe, c.Id b..., RIghirdson, Id b. Broatbera, lit D.. White. 8d b.,e... Bhsffer.r.f. Poiee, s. s Kwler, c f. Utgan, p. 4 ButtonTSd b 4 Burdock,9d b... 4 Whitney, a t..... 4 Morrill, lit b 4 1 Wlee. as 4 Bufflnlon, p 4 Hackett. e 4 Badfoid. r. C... 4 2 9 1 8 2 I 2 I 0 11 0 8 1 0 1 4 1 9 TOtala 41 8 0 24 IS t Totals 88 7 11 1718 3 BnlTalo I 0021000 1-8 Boiton 00380010 -7 Earned rana—Boaton, 8; Bnffalo, S. Two-base blta-Bnrdoek, Broutbers. Three-baaa hit—Bowe. Homerun—Brontherii. First baiu on t>alle—Bulfalo, 2. First base on trrora—Boiton, 8: Buffalo, 4. Btrpck oat-BulTiIo, 8: Boston, 1 I>oable.plays—while and Broutbers; Klebanlsiin and Farce, tuti balls—Htekett, Ij White, 1. Wild pltchiB—BufilQton, 2; Usgan, 9. Umpire, MoLeao. Time, lb. 98 11 14 24 11 I Totala 1 2 9 0 0 0 0 10 8 • FaiTow ont for not nnnlng. Barnfd rans—Brooklyn, B. First btse on error*—Brooklyn, 8 IlaiTliburg, 7. Struck out—Biooklyn, 4; Harrlibnni, 7. Leit on bans—Brooklyn, 4; Darrlibunt, 9. Bases on billi—Brookljn, 8: Barrliboif, 3 Wild pitcbea—Terry, 1; Burns, 3; Bay, >. Pasied balla—Farrow, I; HcOiosker, 1. Double-plars—Ftrrow and Honie- boldar; Recclns and Bhetsilne. UmpIn, QrliBtb. TImt, lb. 8Sin, BAliTIMORB 1IOTB8. Uanager Bamle haa reaerved Emalle, Benderoon, Sweeny, Brooghton, Blnma, Uanning, Say, HoOormlok, Ollntcn ni l Gardner. Ha hu not signed or reserved Rows, bat that player will in all prababllity be hen ne^ season John ' B. Oahill and Arlhnr U. Pope, the former a sbortstcp and pitcher, and tha latter a sroond-haseman, an coming to thla dty from California, when they have bean playing on the Badington Olob of San Francisco. It Is highly pnbabto that ^ it these nan show good form of play when they get hen that they will form a part of the Baltunon Olub of IvSI The Providence Olnb will not play any exhibition games hen In . Ootober, Harry Wright aocepted the llth to play in this place, hot later ohanged bla mind, and will go to St. Loula, He wanted a later date hen, bat Barnle wouldn't play "FOz and Oeeae" with him, and ha won't oome hen at all. The Chicago Olnb won't play hen either, bnt we will have oU of tbe other Leagna leama Uanagef Bamie la nagotlaUng for a Leagae oatonar to handle Bendenon In the Ootober gamea, with fair proipeota of anooaaa The Paatlme Olnb, lately reorgan- lied, played a game with the WlUlanubtUB amatenn on 37, and wen defeated by a soon of 17 to 7. Then la some really good material In the Pastimes, and with pnper ooachlng it ought to ahow np well with any amatear dab that oomea along. BKORETART TOOlf O of the Hattnnal Leagae aenda ua the following eommanleatloB, whloh explains llwlf: « _ _ _ WiBBlBOTOir, D. 0., Sept. a, 18SS. BoiTOR HBwToaK OLirrBB-fiir; lo your Issue ol'tbe present WMk l Bud tbe following; 'JTbe new sMirelary of the Union Ban- ball AsioolatloB. Warren White of WuhlDnton. an old friend of Becntwy Young of the Katlonal League, loan Interview had wllh him at Fittebnn. «sld: ■! recenUy rwwlved what I oenilder as good as an offlolal deelaratlpn from aJLesgue oncer that at the Leamie meeting to be held at the RIam Houie It will be decided toBbai- S,'"'^!!?.?'*^^""""''?-," »have no meani or knowing towtaon Mr. White refers; Milal«lrnotU>me, as l have sever eaterUlnert or expressed tbe sllgbtett opinion In thtt dinutlon. Ibare tbe utmost oonfldence that the tripirtlte agmoentwill Im otrried ont to tbe letter by all the parties to It, rleuado me tbe hvor and Justice to give this tbe same prominence In yont columni that tbe notlee received to which Itnferi, and oblico, yours very truly, _ KB- VoDBO. Bitwt^. Thb Boa Bill jmn of St. John'a College, Fordham, who have raorganlced for Iho FkU campaign, an eager for lha fnr, and ready to polish oft tha Jaapen, flltUii liUndaortny o( tliB LOBg blud tetnu, or "peililt in tbtBttempt," BOIilPSK TB. ATHLBTIO. The elevenil) ohamplonihlp mme between the above-named oluba waa played Sept. 28 in Laalavllle. Ey., baton a very email asaembliHe. and teatUted in an nnexpsoted victory for the Eclipse. The boma-team found little dUBoulty in battlns Bradley, making fourteen safe hita off blm and earning five of their seven rnna. On the other baud. Waiver was only hit hard In the flf tb bming, when alnglea by Blaklaton, Blrohall and Stovey and a three-bagger by Uoynahan earned two rana, and wild Ibrowaby Litham aind Browning and a baae on balla given Strieker yielded three mon runs. The aeon waa EoLinB. Brownlngjl. f.... Oleaaon, Id !>..... Weaver, p Sullivan, 0 Latham, lit b.... Matkrey, a f..... Wolf, r. f. McLaugblln, i, i. Qethaidt, Job... Totala BcIIdn Athletic. T. a.lB.FO.A.B. 8 - - - - ■ 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 8 8 1 314 1 I 1 1 1 3 0 2 1 1 I I ATBIAia BIreball, L f..... Stovey, lit b..,. Knight, r. r Uoynahan, a. s. O'Brien, c Corey, Mb Blakleton, 0, f... Bradley, p Strieker, Id b... B.lB,r0.1.B. 1 1 I C 0 1 3 18 I 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 1 3 0 0 0 0 10 2 7 14 37 14 9 0 1 . 0 0 Totals. 2 I 0 1- ...98 8 82719 2 2 0 0 1-7 P 0 0 " Bum eamed-Eellpn, 8; Atbletio, t Two.base bit—Blaklston, Three.bwe bite—Latbam, MoyDslimn. Left on bans-Bcllpse, 7; Atliletlc «. Blnick out-AtbletIc, I. Bases on called ballt-Ecllpse, I; Atbletio, 4. FlrHbiaeonerrofs-Ecllpie,!; Aibletle,L Faind ball-O'Brien, I. Wild pltchei-Bradley, 4. Umpire, Danlela. Time. Ih, Mm. ThoEollpse defealed tbe Athletlca for the aixth tImeSepL 3T, after another bard-fonght game. Hooker and Uathewa wen BOballtated for Weaver and Bradley in the pltoher'a box. The vlallon tailed to bat Heokar at crlUoal momenta, while the home-team managed to bunoh their bile oO Hatbewa when most needed, The Bolipae took the lead In the fourth inning, when wild throws by Cony and Storey and two-baggan by Uktham and UoLaaghlln let in three runs, and heldltto the end ot the game, Orowains and Uoynahan led in batting for their lespeotlve duba. Waif made lomo remarkable rannlng- oatohea. Soon: r.,A.B. 4 3 « 8 0 0 BOLirBB. Browning,I. f.... Oleaaon, M b Hooker, p BuUlvan, e Lalham, lit b..,. Haikny.e. f..... Wolf, r. t MoLauahUn. 1.1. Oetharat, M b... 0 0 1 1 1 I 0.0 4 3 2 10 0 0 8 1 0 8 0 1 0 0 I 3 ATBLinO. Blrohall, L r Btovey, 1st b.... Knight, r.r..:... Xornahan, s. s.. O'Brlen.o Oorev, td b Blaklston, at... Strieker,ai b... Ustbews, p T. ILlB.rO.A.B. 4 118 10 ' 018 - " 0 0 0 0 0 8 3 2 0 4 " 0 0 3 3 nitals 88 e 81714 3l Totall 98 8 8 34 17 Athletic .- 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0-3 EdIpM 10011001 -« Eirusd runs—Eellpie, 1; Athletic, 1. T*e.l>ase hlU-Latbam (3), HoLangklin. Lsn on baMa—Atbletio, 4; Eollpse, 8k Btmckout- Eellpa*, L Baaea on baUs-AtbleUo, I; Bolipsa. 3. Flnt baae on errors--AthleUc 8: Bolipw, 4. Passed otlls-O'Brlsu, 9; Sulllvaa, 3. Wild pltohsa-necker, 1 Cmpira, Danlela.' Tlma. Ih. 48m. Tha .Athletlei won the American Aasoolatlon ohampioiuhip Bapt^ 38 by defeating the Ecllpae attar one of the moat exdHhg ana eloBeiy>conteBted gamea aver wltneaaed in'Lonlsvllle; Jones osouplid tho pltoWB poiltlon for the Atblettca in oan> Boquanee ot thefallnn otBndley and Ualhewi to oopa Buoecta- fully with the home-team, Tbefaot thaCnpoB ib* renltde* penlad to Mne utanttlM dlapedttoa ot tbe peniuat eonr T. It.lB.P0.A.B. 8 0 0 1 0 0 8 0 2 0 Oil 8 0 0 8 4 2 I II 8 1 3 0 2 13 1 3 0 0 1 ATnLXTia BIreball, I.f Btovey, 1st b Itnlgbt, r. r. 0 0 4 8 0 8 6 8 4 4 4 Strieker, 2d b.... 4 Jones, p 4 Moyuahan, a s. O'Brlsnj.e,. 0 OiCorer, 0 0 Blaklston. c. t. J , - ■ • 0 8 I 3 0 0 0 0 0 T. R.lB.n.l.B 8 0 1 3 0' 0 14 1 9 8 " 1 8 1 0 I 0 u ECLirSB. Browning, LI.... Oleaaon, 3d b Becker, p Sullivan, 0 Latham, Istb..,. Maskray.e. f..... Wolf.r. f. McLaughlin, s. i. aerbardt,3db.... Totals 40 8 8 37 17 4 Totals 40 7 II 80 19 Bcllpse 0O0020400O-8 Athletic 0 0 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 1-7 Buns earned—Atblttlii, 1; Eclipse, 1 Two-base bIta—Maskny, WolC Lenonbues-Alblitto 4; Ecllpn,2. Biruek out—Athletic, I; Bdlpse. 3. B«hs on called baUa-Atbletlc, 9; Eclipse, 1 First kase on enora-Atbletle, 3; EcUps^ 1 fassad ball-Sulllvan, 1 Wild Ditches—Htcker, X Umpire, Danleli. Time, th. The oonolndlng oonleat between theae oluba took place o>^ Sunday monlng, SepL 80, when the Eollpae nnexpeoledly aaoured their aeventh victory of the ohampionBhip aeriea. The viaiton did not preaent their tall atrength, Stovey bdng onable to play on aoooant of a apralned anUe, while Bradley and Bowen noted aa pitcher and catcher. The game waa oloMly oonteated and exoitlng up to the eighth Inning, when the home-team fell upon Bradley and potmded him for six safe blta, ladading a thnebaaar by Browning an J two-bamen by Uaakny and Qerhardt, which, with the aid of erron by Btrlokar, Uoynahan, Cony and Bowen, let In no fewer than nine rnna Tbe viaiton could not OTerccme this long lead, though they made a gallant effort to do ao in the ninth inning, two-biaen by Blaklaton and Bowen and alnglaa by Bradley and Btrlokar than earning three runs. The aeon waa EoursB. Brownlni, 1.1, Oleaaon, Sd b 8 Hecker, p 8 Latham,Istb ... 8 Wblting, c 8 Maskny.c. f..... 8 Well, r. r. 4 McLauiblln, a. s. 4 Qorbaidt,2d b... 4 T. .821100 0 1 I I I 1 0 8 0 0 1 I I 1 1 3 8 ToUls., Bcllpse Athletic... .42 10 13 37 14 4 0 0 1 0 ATBIBTIO. BIrebill. 1. f Blaklston, Istb. Knight, r. f...... Hqjrnshan, a a. O'Brien, e. f Oorey, 3d b Bowen, a Bradley, p Strieker, 2d b... Totals... 0 1 0 10 0 r. 1L1B.F0.A.B. 8 2 1 I 1 C ~ 310 0 0 2 3 0 0 9 3 0 0 0 a 1 3 .. .38 8 n 17 13 8 0 0 9 0-10 0 0 0 8-8 Rons earned—Athletic, 3; Eollpse. 2i Two-base blta—WblUng, Usakrey, Uerhardt, RUkliton, Howen. Thraa-baae blta—Rnwn- ing, Oleason, Hecker. Lett oo bases—Atbletio, 8; Eollpse, 8. Btraok out—Atbletio, 3; Edipw, 8- Baaea on called balla-AtbletIo, I: Eollpse, L First baae on emra—Atbletio. 3; Eclipse, 2. rsased balls—Bowen, X UmpIn, Danlela. Time, 3b. im. OHTROIT wa. RBW YORK. The Datrolt team, on tbe ocoaalon ot their twelfth game with Mew York Sept. 37 at the Polo aronnda, had almost a walk- over, and that, too. althongh the NewTorka bad Swing be- hind the bat and Welch In the box, with a good supporting team in the fldd. The viaiton got onto Weloh in the vary ontaet, and, aided by olaenbla fielding, in tha fonrth inning the aoon atood 8 to 0 in their favor. The home-team wen nnable to do anything wllh Wddman'a pltohlng in the entin game. They got in two mna by erron towaids the flniah. Every Mew-rorkar, except Troy and Bumphrlea, had flguna on the error-column, Hanklnaon eapeolally havtsg an oS^lay, DBTROIT wa. FHIIiADBL. The Datnlla defeated the Phlladelphiaa BepLlsT: m.. pbla. Pa., baton a fab-alied aaaemblaf e, ooSidrtS.^S??*- gneabla weather. Wem, Ute of IhTport hSS, 'a^t*^ liven a trial by the home-team, bnt failed tc^uk? F^'^l *« ioiTImpreadon. Ilucdtwas bit hard by thevlsit,,!!*'* daily by Bouck and PowalL Wddman was n J ^ Sollve in the pltdier'a position. Bridley^Jid uft^i?-"^ to nmpln the game, ao Onlnney of the Delnlla oflnurfi' Sbtboit. - • !• — . - » "moutod Weed, i.r...., Famil. id b.. Powell, 1st b. Hanlon.ld b. BanDettiC. I.. Honek, s, a... Tratt, e Weldnaa, p.. Bums, r.£„,. T. ,6 1 3 3 0 0 Totals.. Datrolt .47 8 14 27 14 7 0 0 . 0 3 warnar,Mb i ; , 'J • i "•"».•-1 1 0 0 11 { rblladelphla _ . . . Bsnieo_rnoi^I>etralt, S; Fbllsdelphia, 9. Totala... i « » 0 0 3 » I 6 Ulellad. tbree-bsse hlt^Hoock." Flrat baas' ca btiiv!!rw!h''''- Fblladelpbla, 4. Flnt taaaa oo oTTora-Detrolt, 4; piill£^S!''< Loft on basea-Dstrolt, 13; PhUsdslpbla, 7/R i^ m.!^,.^ delphia,4. Donble-plav-Hanlon and PuwelL PiwidiSL:^"^ Wild plUb-Purtell. Umpin, Onlnney. TlQw.lh tB^^°*^ Tbe last game of the championship serlea'b>tv>«. ,,. duba wu played Bept. 28, tha Detrolta then wSnuJfo?? eleventh time. Shaw'aIe(^bandedpltehlngproved for the PhlUdalphlaa, who made but wvea scMmS. ? blta. The DetroltadrovePuroell out of the pitcher? MiH* in the flfth inning, and earned five runa oSColemu akon* ceeded him, and one run off Ferguaon, who Dllchni i. vl^ eighth. Bennett did the best batting, msklng tonrUta i eluding two aucteadve two-baggen over the fence A ii» Ding-catch bv Coleman and a aplendid atop and tkm<K Houok wen the chief featarea of the fielding. Bcoie - Priudbubia. t, MaanUig,r. t..... 4 ColeBan,LI.,p,3b 4 Pnreell, p., L f... 4 Cross, e 4 Fairar, Istb 4 Warner, Sd b 4 Fenuion, lb., p. 3 M0lSle11an.c f.... S Plane, a a 8 B.lB.rO.A.B. 0 0 10 1 "3 I 4 8 I 3 4 I DBraoiT. Wood, If.... Famll.Sdb.. Powell, Isl b. Hanlon, e. f.. Bennett, c... Houck,s. I... Trott,3il b..., Weldman, r. Bbaw, p DCTBOIT. Wood, I. f..... Famfl, 8d b.. Powell, Istb... Hanlon,c (•••• Bonnatc Id b.. Houok,a s.... Trott, a Waldmaa,p... Baraa,r. f..... r. 1 2 I 1 I 0 0 Nbw Vobb. Swing, 0. Connor, 1st b,.,, OUlaspla, L r.... Caaklns, s. s Dorgan, c t. V. n.lB,ro.A.B. 4 0 0 0 0 u 4 I I B 0 4 0 3 3 0 4 0 0 9 8 4 0 I I 0 1 I,Welch, p 8 0 0 1 0 1 ~ Troy,Mb 9 0 0 4 3 0 Hanklnaon,Sdb.. 8 114 9 8 1 1 0 0 0 Humphries, r. f., 8 0 0 9 0 0 Total! 441013X4101 Totall olTMiol Detroit 1 0 3 8 0 0 0 1-10 NewTork 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0—3 Rnne earned—Detroit, 8. Fint base by errors—Detroit, 8; Hew York, 4. Btruok out-Ntw 'Fork, 3. Btaas on balls—Detroit, I; New York, 9. LeR on bases-Detroit, 10: Nsw York, 8. Thiae-base hit—OlUeiple. T*o-baae blta—WoM, Connor, Haaklnsoa Total baae-hlta—Detroit, Itl.Ntw York, (. Doable-plays-Caaklns, Troy and Connor; llenne(l-and FowaU. Wild pitch—Welch, raiaed ball—Trott. Umpire, l^eeker. Tina. lb. 40m. A PDnmLTAxu FBonaavui ABBOouTioa ii likely to beor- tfDitti for 1884, With a membenblp of olobi indoalng Eai^ riabnn, Unoaatar, Beadlsa, Botulon, Alloona, PottaTUb and Jehmiowii, all of wklob olUtiaad toifOB im good bMWball ecnstitiunolsai ...» 1 I ,J* ■' < 11 • I - • I 0 4 11 << 0 I: .» 0 0 0 • I I I on t Totall SI 9 7 34 0 10 Totala ttitUnB'; PhUadelpbIa 0 0 0 0 I) 0 0 | ui Detroit 0 3 0 t 1 8 0 J _il Earned mos-Fblltpelpbla.1; Detroit, 3. Tvo bue blu-Oin! (1), Usnlon, Powell, Bennett i3). First hsia on balli-PU]i^iii,i7 S: Datralt, 1. Flnt base on errors-Detroit, «. Ult oelaiuJ Phlladelpbla, 3; Detroit, 8. Btmck out-PhlladelphliL 8: DumiL 1. Double-plays—Bennett and Powell; Fsrnll, Bouck uhI Pniof Paand bsU-Bennett, I. WUl pltchM-Shiw, X Uopin, Bnli: ley. Time, 3b. ST. IiOVIS ta. AUiEQUBRT, The twelfth ehamplonahlp game between tbe above-umd oluba wu played BepL 38 in St. Lcnla, Uo. Neagle sUrttd U to pitch nr tha AUeghenys and waa hit ver; hird, thlilea runa, ten earned, being scored off hla ddlveiy In the Inlln innlnga. Taylor, who pitched during the renulniler ol ihi contest, fared but little better, seven robs, five etned.ldsi made oU him. The home-team, eepeclally Lewis, T. Hauil andDolan, did acme terrific batting, which wis the only t» tun of the game. Scon' AILIOEBMI. Taylor, r. f. H. MaossU,Lr. ., Hayes, e Cresner, 3d b.... Battlo, Sd b Uibkerx ii. c f... Mack, .hi • Morgan, i. s Nesgie, p Totals Allegheny Ht. Louli.. B.lB.raA.a. Br. Looia Oleaaon, s. a..... Comlsksy. 1st b. Lewis, c r..... Quest, 3d b Latham, Sc b... T. MauislM. f,.. Rtrlef, r.r. McOlnnIs, p Dolan, c V. B.lB.n.Ll 8 3 3 1 1 1 4 9 > g I 9 9 4 0 1 19 4 11 I 1 0 I I 9(011 113 0 1 9 9 I « t 1 I 1 I I 98 9 8 34 17 3 TOUla 8l»9tffll I 0 I OOOOIOKI 03 0B«094-a Rum esmed—St. Louis, 18. Two-base hlts-Strlef, Queit. Inli, Latham, Gomlskey, Mick, Hornn. Three-biM blu-0ltiu4 Comlakej, Lewis. Homs-ran-Dolao. Struck out—Alleckiif, t{ Bt. Louis, 3 Umpire, Hike Wtlah. Time, 3li. lOm. The Bt Lonia defeated the Allfgbenyaigiln ScptSIbjn- perlor batting and fielding. The hometeiu bit DrtieoU bid, and their oompantively amall aeon was due to the mod hid- ing of the viaiton. The Alleghenya failed to bat UulIiaiBliIi until tha ninth liming, when Swartwood and Tailor got li clean blta. A rnimlng left-handed catch by Lewii ns ihi fielding featun. The BCon waa Br,'XoDia. Cleiaon, s. s.... Lewis, e. r. (Jueit, Id b Latham, 3d b.... T. Hansell.1.1... Strlef, r. r. Hnllane, p Cutbbert, 1st b>'. Dolan, o..> T. ILlB.rO.A.B. 8 3 8 1 4 0 118 0 I I 1 3 0 I I I 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 8 AiLBOBBrr. T. Swartwood, r. f.. 1 I I t I I raylor, c 4 0 1 3 0 1 U. HannU, L f.. 4 U 0 9 I • Hare^l•tb 4 0 018 I t Dicieraou, c f... 9 I 0 3 10 Moiian.s B 3 0 0 1 I • Batfln. 9d b 3 0 0 1 1 1 Mack, 3d b 8 0 0 1 1 Drlseoll, p 3 0 0 0 11 Totals .38 811 37 18 I Totals 91 7 Srul Bt. Loula 8OO1300JM Allegheny 0 I 0 0 1 0 „ 0 0 M Buns earnsd-Bt. Louis, 1 Two-base blta-Quest. Strlef, Oiuwi (3). Tbres-bass hIt-Oleuon. Bases on calltd bail*-8t Look,! Struck out-Bt. Louli, I: Allegheny. 3. WiM pltchai-Drlieol^ Paaiedbilla—Dolan, 1;'Taylors. Umpire, Walih. Time,lb. Ml CINOIRIVATI TB, METROPOLITAH The Olndnnatia defeated the Uetmpolltans tor the foulh lime thla aeaaon BepL 38 in Cinoinnatr, 0. The weather n cold and the attendance amall. The Olnelnnttls won br uw auperior and timdy batting, Lynoh being hit hard, eajediUj by Bellly. Whlte'a pitching puitled the UetiopcUUiii, tko made only fonr Bcattaring aafe blta. The vliltori staiWon with the lead, bnt failed to aeon after the flnt lunlnij^ Bo» OiRoiBBari. Caroenter, 8d b. Rallly, let b Jones, 0. f. Snyder, e Rammer, I. f Corkhlll, r. t.... Pulmer, a a McPke^ 3db.... White, p T. MxTBorouTiB. T. it-( 0 0 0 3 SIS 1,3 S 0 0 8 8 1 1 0 I 0 0 0 0 2 2 4 1 1 0 Nelson, a a ' ! ! i i Braily,r.f........4 1130 Roseman, I. f.... » 2 S 15 Bitarbrook.Sd b 4 0 0 8 1 Orr, Istb. I Eeefe, c. I Reipaoblsger, e. ToUla.... Cincinnati... Metropolitan .37 8 10 37 14 3 0 0 3 0 Crsne, 3d b... ftitsls.-... 1 0 0 0 0 0. 4 0 110 0 4 0 0 4 0 3 0 13 1 .. 8 0 0 0 1 .. 9 0 0 4 1 . 51 "Ini 1 ' 5 ' 0 0 0 Sis'SiSid-ClndDuatl, \,.Toi^-b«'^'i'.^>S'™^;: Metropolllan, 4. Three-bise hlt--McPbee. Uome-rM DoobljKpUy-iFulmer, HcPhee and Rf."'!;,^iJ"?. "w.'Sooolluil' 1; Metropolitan. X rfsieson t''\'-y"*Ji?>3i.lH^jMb Wild pitches-White, I; Lrnch, . PMsed bdls-ReipstDuttr, Bnyder,!. UmpIn. MoNlcliol. Time, 3li. „ the above raaultwaa nvened ^P'-'fji'ilfSnSi for the second time Ible^seaaon blanking the Otado^ Eeefe pitched with wonderful effeoUwntaa, only ^ ina slnalea being made off him. The »«'«»I"'"^'J^ ^thu'JiJnTrSn on tthTte^-fg^l^y^lS/^j^^.^, to get h> two mon »nna, thanke to ^^V'^^^^'S^^^S^ A nmarkabla runnlng-oatoh by^<'<"""'J!?.?'i^SSf tura. The weather wa. pi,«ut f^^'^^^'^A^ ClNOlMJIATI Carpenter, Sd b Rein/, Istb.... Jones, 0. f Rommev, I. f.... Corkhlll, r. f... Traffley, o Folmer,a. a.... MoPbee, 91b... Whlt^ p Totals Cincinnati Metropolitan T. ILiB ro.A-X. 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 1 13 I 1 0 0 Nelson, a'a * > J j | §'ri'».?:'.."::|oUj I llolbsrt, 0 . - i 5 i j 1 0 Ralpschls<sr, <^ J ? ? • • Keare,p.... 5 1 I i Crane,3d b 9 0 1 Rin'earnod-Metropblltan, 1. Three-ban ''"r.?'&ul£l." basei-OlnclnnatI, 4; Jletropolltan, 3, St'uck ont--Cm«iB»»* Metrapolltan, S. iPaised baifi-Holbert. Umpire, McWthol- Ih. 4tm. ___.,i«rf OHIOAOO TB. PIUl.AI»BI*Hlj*- u, ^ The Ohioagoa defeated the PhlUddphlae for the «g» Sept. 97 in PUIaddphU, Pa., after a close an* tuvam ^ teat The bome-nlne waa reconalructod. HliW; ' m teur.flUlngthe pitohar's position,while Hu^«7;»'|y^ Providence Olab, took Wamer'a pl»o" •* *''J'*i^f%, lewtJ fumble gave the Ohioagoa one run and ihe lead 'J ".VJJ^ inning. ThePhihUtdphlaaearned tworonaln «hO four aafe hita, inoludlng a Iwo-baaer by "'-jtU Ht Ued the Boon In the slxtt inning, and it yiiil ninth, when a three-bagger by Pfeffer •nV^SSsSeeatu^ helped Ihe Ohioagoa to the winning r^^.* ""KSiob^ handed running-catch waa made by Uulvey, who sii" very well. The aoon: OaiOAOO, T. iLlB.rO.A.B. Dalrympla, Lf... 8 13 0 0 Con, a t. 8 I 0 8 0 .91 0 S 14 13 3 0 0 . I Kelly, r. f. 8 Anson, Istb 4 WUUamion, Sd b. 4 Burns, a a... P(bffer,3d b. Flint, e Corooran, p.. Totals Chloago..^ Philadelphia . Earned rans. irnpla, AnaoD, _„ btM OB arroia-ObleifOi lng.r.f-..-| J 5 5 1 SI a • 1 0 0 I • FBII-AOILrBll. Manning, ~ Colsmanj tMroeU, Ornn. Farrar, Hnlvey. Fargninn, Plem, a Hllsey, p ••"••lT.!?.fo" 1* o'-r-o "f j'T] roia-OUsifO, ll PhUaddphla, I l« "»