New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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OOTOBEi which taoem In h«r iptdil Uyjw bifdr d^df- btt jBtMad —' p — -■ uuit— Ftnlai amoog p«>pl« who h»T* sra«lii|i seed to ■M oDt of atbMtae m nMnral enoogb; bai II U Dolofla tbMt wo bftTo to ohionlole kpuils sBiODg poople who ■» BtriT- Uu to aot IB. Tbon wu mieli In iMdi, San., on Btpt t. lit- tanen twelTouid one o'clock In th« dkjttaie.afewhuidTed KDl« MMmbM on (he itapa In (roDt of the Town-hall to r ui loitrnmenlil eonoeit Ihe bud had got thioaah one •iltetlon when 11 began to nln.aoda moTO we; ludo to the Tlotofia W*" ADifone to hear the nmalnder of the oonoart, the people niahed toward! the main entrance to the Town- ball- onlr one nanow door wm open, and, a» there w»i» Mona of people In front of It b«fore the m«h took plajo. the oTtmnce iaa "onliikly blocked hj a etmggUng maee of nen ud^to. For a Blnnto or two It eoaned certMn ^ a Mitotu panto woBldfoUow. The crowd below cpntinned to iSm foiw»rd,and one or two rougha eeaiied bent on cnattog mSSnef. The eonfnelon w»« gnat, •n*Jt ~ on'J;,*"" «: , SSS^oh the part of a few who "kept their hoade" and did ttSr hett to get tha people inalde the hell that the danger wae I5S5iOTe.V......ThrcMe of L;tton8oth>ra it aenntatlTt one He U nowitarrlng in IhU oonntr/i hot bU andleneaii «Mbnn looking for the mantle of hli Umented father that So one iMma to remember that Lrtton plafed hero 7eui mmt TlM aenertl inpreiflon among Iho playgoeia who hareeera blm traMllDg In hUfather'aahoeeUthat, It Edwarda mantle li reallr tbont the ihonlden of Ljtton, it mntttuTe been wdl worn ont before the dead comedian threw It oH; It le as thin W. 8. OUbert hae wilttan one of the London nanen denying that he hairefnied Uiia Uarr Andenon ptr- oJSon to play hie "Pygmalion and Oalatea" In that city, and aiplatnlng lhathewae applied to for that permlealon by an tmnt ot the lady, to whom he eipreaied a wlih to aee her on Iheinbject Tne lady nerer went to aee hlo. In brief, the la not to play Oalilca, for lack of that permleeion ahe applied for thnnigb her agent, who waa denied it There ie oonilder- ahle diatuiotlon Mtween a prlnolpal and hia agent—eome- tlmea. The diltrenoa In thla oiae eeenu to be that UUi An- denon haa been leqnlred to apply twloe for permiailon to do a oeitain thing, wnen once waa enongh "The Bomin- oS" ynm not played after SepL U. The management made IhU annonnoement: "Ulu Obarlotto Thompeon aoeepte the ▼enlletof IheVewTork preuwilh regard to her newpby; The BomaaoS,' and will wltbdraw It aftor Satnrday'a maUaee." The Terdlot bad icarcely been enoh u to neeeailata withdrawal. There waa a Tery general eon- enneooa on the part of the preaa that "The Bomm- otr wu Ten like Bardou'e 'Tedora," aa we elated laet week. Thai alone la retaon for Ita withdrawal. If Iknny DaToiport hie paid IwdTO Ihonnnd doUara tor the American righto to •tJon," ae it la alleged that ahe hae, and It Sardoa, ai ii alio ■Id, haaeontneted to bear the sipenie ot all legal meanuaa to pioteot her In tho enjoyment of what he clalnato have the power to give bar. The plot and the trattment ot "Fedora" may be unnly thoae ot lereral old plara; bat It le the '•wiSan" ot Btidon that haa madeaeneceae of what preTlonily voatkUtum Tnlton did not Invent the ateamboat, but he made the "Olaramont" go, all the earns. "The BonunolT' ooDld nol poealbly "go''^lf "Mora" were a failnrejud Ito prodaetton now wonld not hare been thonght of. There le something weighty in Ibie Tlaw In the daye when abeolgto originality In Ularatnta of any kind la iapotalble. At Ootmu'a yo uaiw r warmr lBBaTai;Oct 1 Uiee hnny DaTonporl began a aeaeon that promieee to be flnan- 1 attendance at thla homa, allhonah not now repreaenia money. It ie aueidy The play Introdtirlng Hlia DaTtnport "FMOT^" ieen on Ilonday night laat for the flnt time In America. Onr forHgn-drama depvtment nriawtd it at Ungib on the oecaaion of iU original prodnctlon In Aenoh by Baraa Bernhardt, and Iherafora it lanotneoae- aaiy at thla not ramoto dau to make any reference to a etory that ahnnld be freib in the minde of onr readeia. The caet la jftren to ehow the itn ngth of the oompany anpportlngthe etar: "Fiimtt.Tia'* wu preamti THmamiiBOAioaor thefUtk-aTenna Theatre, nndar the I ' "'* wni preaented to fair bnelneM at roMvV., managoaent ot John Blataon. U to be opened Oct. g with Ire, BL Lonli, laat week. "The Blaek Qrook" U the iuiJTi!^ HoofT," Obarlea Ooglan nu^tng hie reappeanaoa in America thla week; "Baohaitment" neit week. •wwion Deflriei.. Boroff M. RouTal. M. Ttrset.. Dr. Loreck, Oreub r.tiila>kl.. TIcblleg.... DInitn DMire CjrIUe iTta., R.l>. JIanlell ... Ea|t«D« McDooell ac Doboln .,. .Bpeaeer HerrmoD A. I>ICaiDpi Login R. Orlwel .,. Bunne O. Jeptoo ...fibeMon Kinneeom T. J. Uerodon MiM Lner Hiler BOvaid Warrtn W.J Horley L. R Andtrion Dr. Uulltr JiineaMIUer Zone O. M. Dunn Mona. DItctie U. Wllllama Aaalataot to Doctor. ..Ur. Detter Hatlle Mr. aamioQ Pnliita... .Waa Fanay OaTaapm noiinteaa Olsa... .Mlaa Ada Mrak Madame 0« Tourala, Hlaa Barie Sheldon BaronauOckar, Mlaa Helen Bertram Maraa Hlaa Annie White la Alfred Erelra, and Him Flofenee otrard bar Amariean debut aeCtarmbonglai. Aithaprieee at Ihia theatre have in Ibepeatflnetnatedin aeontnaed manner, the following loale wlU be rigidly adhered to: Oaaaml admlaeion, BO eente; til aeata on tbeoreheatra-loor, tl.BOeeoh; fliet two rowt of lower btloony, 11.10; olhen, |I; admiailon to aeeond baloony, at eento, with two front roaa r ee u i led at SO oente. TBI aomsY and properUet frem the Lioenm Theatre, Lon- don, to be need here by Eeory Irrlng, arriTed Oct. 1. Uax SnAioeoa unun ot trying tomaketheTwenty-thlrd- (treet Theatre a ancceei ao he aold ont Ooi. 1 to H. J. EaTea, the wall-known eoetnmtr, who will have the aafiatanoe of Wm. IfeOoy, formerly of the Ortnd Opera-honae, ta Irtaaurer. BiLUi BiBBT la back again from Enaland. CaBUnnfBNiuaoiiarriredintheaaUlaOotX ■ JDBAHATIC. ■WiuiMTiD,'* the new farcical-comedy by "E. d. lanket- | tar" of London, prodoced for the llret time on any attge by the ttock eomptny it the Boaton (Haat.) Unienm Bept M to a big honae, hai ilnce held the Unaeom boarde to a inooeaalon of Tery Itrge aadlencee, and will ondonbtedly bare a fairly long mn. Onr oorraapondant noted by telegmph laat week Ita enceeaa, caet, bita, eto. A' brief aynopela of the eomedy la now glTen: "Antnlai P. BUaa, aged 90, U the agent ot a Doneatla Felloity Ininranoe Compeny, in whoae oBoe the play opene, Bllia ind hie loheme are on the Terge of IniolT- enoy, tod It t>diooT«e the ostrlmonltl igent lo 'ralu the wind' by lomedeolalTe rentoie. In thla plight he engigee meat . . _ . . Bin. BUaa htttrUfy entera Inlo her hiuband'a plana, an'd aipeee, on her part, to get np fllrtaUoni with the mile ellsnti. Fiti- KiaoB li enohanted with hia podUon, hot la not OTcrbrlght, and tilla Into numeroiu emn, ii, for inatanee, beginning hla dntlee by maUna Ioto to hla amplojer'e mU», and a little later j to a lidy who talla in the oalsgory of 'eitia hanrdona,' and lonil nerrooan.™ Wholly IndependeBt of «^^<^S The play ii carefnlly and tiatofnlly monntad. Itligeoerally wall acted. Fedora la a moat ezlgeant role, and aotelytaxea the phyilcal powen of UIm DiTcnport, who, bealdee, in hiTlng grown renurkibly Ihin, whether beoinaeof lUneiaor a deilre to render heraelt better adapted In oontoor to a char- acter not limply aarocialed In the pnbllo mind with the akele- tonlah Bernhardt, hot alio reqnlring an nnoommon amount of action, nerroni force, bonla of energy, and quick tranaltlon from aimnlaled Ioto to Inlenie hatred—all inconalatent with an exceea of carbon In the hanun ayitom—haa mani- featly become phyalcilly weak, and leaa atnng and clear in Tolce, u if a congh were larking behind. Very few ot the lady'a many admlrera dared Tentnre the hope that in eo Mvete a part ahe wonld acqalt harielf at all la well la ahe did. 8Ue hae nerer done anything bettor, and hu dose bat few things 10 well, whloh le nyhig a gnat deal ot thii crowning encceaa in a profeaalonal career of many triampba. She waa called for at the oloM of her lint act, althangh anxiety and a per- Orlando Fiti-Krank, an iDpeoaoloiu poet, to make eameat love to arery lady applying for a bnaband at the afcenoy. ilaelt had plainly hampered the actieaa; and after eTeir anbeeqnent aot then were call and recall, and caU again. At the doaa of the lecond and third acta the de- nund for her pneenoe anonnted to a poeltlve enthtuliam in which ererybody aeemad to ihan. The aapporl wu worthy from lint to Uat Thoae among the malea who wen the mpre oonaplonooa from the natan of their aaalgnmenU were Meean. Uantell, McDowell, Daboia, Jepaoi, Hemdon, Barley, and the npreeentatlTo of the Talet in the Bnt aot, trhoae name (poaalbly Deein) we did not catch: while the liolee who were moat prominent were Ada Monk In her amaaiog por- traiture of tne Counteea and Ulia Lucy PUley, ilatarof Andle, ■a the pige, Ur. UantoU.wbo la ot the late Cbarlee B. Thome Jr. ichool of acting, pnred. a manly end ImpretalTo Lorii, and hla deacriptlon, aa the loTOr of Fedon, of the wrong that had led blm to >111 Falon'i huaband waa moat Tlridly given, and aeoured for blm a apeoial round of ipplaoie at ita eon- olaalon, and anotberwhcn heenbaeqnently led Hlaa Daven- Krt b^on the cartain. The blind rage of Lorli and hli tnd of Fedon when he Itame that ahe hie been the canae ot the death of hla mother and brother were alio elteollvely depicted. BIr. Uantell la of much Talae to a quite, effective cait At tbb Ut. UoBBia TBsaTix Oct 1 "The Diamond Uyatoy, or the Olrl I Love," vraa given with thle catt, which ahowi the company: Peter Gmmp, J. W. Barton; Folly Uellon, Dalay Ramadan; Uary Uanhill, Annie Barton; Ure. HUderbnhdt, kfn. Anthony; Jnliua Ellderbrandt, Harold J. Courtney; Jim Brandon, Mormin Campbell; Bland, 0. U. Roblee; Oharlei Sumner, Cyril ScoU: Bridget Uahone, Harry UUler; Booee, Frank Jiokeon; Ulohiel Seboggtnaloph, Andrew Jonee. Oct e, Boae Eytlnge in "A Wlnlere Tale every eveDlug except Saturday, when ehe will play Nancy Sykea in '■Ollvar TwUt" CaowsB are taking part In the feeUvllies of "The Ualllgaa- guard Plcnlo," while the manigen of the Theatre Comldiie, proHtlng therefrom, ire pallenlly waiting for the public- to Ure of the "Uulllgan" eerlea, ao that they can bring forward lomething different, bnt not leae enjoyible. It la the old etory la to Nlblo'i Garden. "Exodalor" atUl contlnaea to make the tlcket-epeonliton happy. Tbx bifobt from the LonJon Tbeitn li thit Hpn- day'i maUnee drew a crowded houie,and we aiw a goDd- aliad audience aaiembled there at night, The bill for the w«ek pieaente the nimee ot the following arUeti, and they Sre an entertainment qulto np to the good avenge demanded flnt-olau variety Ibeatiee: Needham and Kelly, comedlana, vocallata and daocera ot the rongU-and-tumble atyle; Alt, u M»= • joBXra a. emsr oegin a weex e engagement ai ue ree >e connected witb l Theitn Oot 1, appearing, eupporled by hli own com sow thathehaaa I ..p,iia in Ireland." Fritt la evidently aa popnii [ to break and pay I York, for on Ilonday night he drew the lugta CITY BDUJIARY, DUii*! TauTBB waa opened tor ita fifth regular aeaeon Taeediy, Oct 1, with a new comedy in threa icia entitled "Dollan and Benae." Aa TBI Ourrxn will have gone to prtaa before the performance tenninatea, a review la neceaaarlly de- taiMd nnlU our next ienie. UunoAL MoTU.—Ulle. Mlian, the new leading artlat ot aran'a Compeny, made her flnt appearanoe Sept <>( at the FlCth-avenue Theatre lo the tltle-nle ot Soppi'e opaia "Boeoaoolo." The newcomer la a very attractive per- former, and haa made a moat tavonbla Impreaalon. She ua a very pretty face, la of the bmnetto type, of medlam etatnre, and haa a graoef figure, and, bealde, ahe la young and an In- telligent actreaa. She lacki the asap and go made familiar to nitty Almae, bnt her penoiuUon la made none the leu pleaa- ing, aa her manner li graoefnl and expreaatve. Her voice ii a fairly good nuuo-aopiano of conildemble eompue, and ahe oiea It in ataitefol way, with very little ot the uaual Fleneb tremolo to merit For an opera-booffe ahiger ihe ti eioep- ttonilly good,' AnaBledldidmtnblyaaBeatrioe,andtheaame remarkappUu to Higri'e TromboU, UUe. Driprme'ePeroneUe I i„)|„ comedian; Pany and Lulu Byin In aoclety-Aetahu; and Quy and Ury'a Orlando and Lello, The opera waa re- 1 coUyer and E. D. Ooodlng in "The Modem School ot neiOed 37 and 3t. Almce upeared in "I* Kucotto" the ' ■■■ — . — netot the week, and u Oyprienne in Sardou'e comedy "DlToieoni" Oot. 1, with UeilerctM Dee Pmnellu At the Banday-nlght oonoart at the Oulno Bept DO Tllua D'Eneall, an Atuitriaii planiatand Ullei. Angele and Mlxanwere Ihe lololita HIg. Del Paento li announced aa connected with both the rival opera oompinlea. It appean sow oontraet with Uaplnon, which he la willing to b Ihe fine that be mayalng under Mr, Abbey'e management Mme. lAblaohe, who u claimed by both impreaaarioi, la pnb- ably la the aame poaltlon Uapleaon, faeeldea the above arUfts, annoanert hla Hat M embracing PattI, Ume. Papptn- helm, Ulle. Pattlnl, Ume. Vlanelll, Ume. DottI, HUi Vorke, Mile, Talaiga, Geiattr, Slgnon Bertlnl, Bello, FalettI, Blelelto, Vlolnli BetUnl, Peruglnl, Blnaldlnl, NIcollol, YiuelU, fllvori, Oalaeel, Oherablnl, Oaracololo, UouU, Vaechettl and Lombir^ delll. The Uat embncea qoito a number ot newcomen The Tballa Theatre opened Oct Iwlth the Oerman venlon ot "Tha<)aeen'i Laoe Uaudkerchlef." Big. Viaaul, the or- ehutra-bhlef at the new opera-houie, and Caponl arrived ben Oetl. "Tbb Bomaofr*'waa withdrawn after the matinee Bept 3t at the Twenty-third itreet Theatre, end "Jane ETie,''^wlth Charlotte Thompeon in the iiam»«haiacter, ww proaaoed that night A Fat Woiuii'i UiBBUai.—Blanche Oray, nid to b« 16 yMn old and to weigh over 800 ponnde, anil David Uoeea, aged 20, were married on the etage of the New Tork Uuaeum, 310 Bowery, Bept 30, by the Bev. Oharlea E. Berger, an ex-ohipliln ot the army. The father ot the bridegroom, who wu opposed to the miRiige, tried anaucceaatuHy to pnveut It. The offlolatlng "clergyman" wu Intoxloaiea, and the audience wu boiiteroni and dltorderly. ' Jima Alluok, an Auatrallan manager, arrived daring Ihe put week. AuavaTOi PnoTi, bailneai-maniger ot the Fltlh-ivenae The- atre, hu retumad Itam Europe, WoBi u iLowLT FBoauunio on the sew Bljon Theatn, and It will not be flnlahed for a month at leut, Tbb aTraioiioii at Ulnar h (Danary'a Elghth-avenne Theatre thla waek li the Bowird Athennum Star Spoclalty and Comedy Company, which opened on Monday evening, Oot 1. to i full houae. The entertainment oommenoed with Ihe Oeman oomedlani Walton and Edwarda in "Rudolph and nioker Kline," In which theMclever irtletaaffordedmtichimuument; foUowed by Ulu Olan Fnnklln In a uleotlon ot ■erlo-ooolo aongi, whloh pleued; Wood, Beuley and the Weaton Brothen In thatr mualul act. In the oouraa ot wblob they play on a va- ried ot iDitrumente; Oharlu Foitelle in femile impenona- tlonat the old favorltu Ulu May Ten Btoeck and John E. Henihiw In their muiioal aketeh "Deception;" Ulu Uiud Beverly, an eioellent eerio-oomlo vooallet from beyond Ihe Allantfo; Jimmy Kelly and Jerry Uurpby, flnt-nte glove* ■ nauK. -wuiw/ » wu, waui jur. f iumuw •» vain, uuiuo, nanlpalaton, In a boxing exhibition, which fairly aet Ihe | u to be played at the ^'edneaday matinee, and "EUeen Oge" la audlenoe "wild;" Ihe Ruaalan atbletea—Frederlcka, QJou underlined for 8, bat we think that "Facte" wlU nM be die andLaTaa-ln theirpedealal and baUnolog triok-ladder act; I placed. and "The Maoa" in a Terr amuaing act, the ehow conrlodlng "X-SiLTcn" wu produced by the San Franolieo Hinitrels the entertaining atterpieoe entitled "Un. PdrtlnutoD," Oot.'l, i .- . ... Acting;" Kelly and Byan,IrIahconedlana; Vaaaall, whogiyei aplrituiUatio manUeetetloni isd Introducu thouRht-readlng. Hallen and Bart in their muaical aketeh of "Lollypop;" and I Sandeii and Dean, negrocomedlana. JoBxra K. EnuT began a week'e esgajjement at the Peo com' ilir _ . _ I largeit audlenoe leen at tbte thutn alnce the opening, etandlng-room being urly In dimand. Be gave hla eongewlth themielty whloh li ao milked a ftitara ot hla ImpereohiUona when he te It hla but, ind hla ilnging voice wu dear and pleaunt to llaten to. TBI BruiniaD Tbbatu la atlll doing a good buelcen with "The Uerry Dueheea," On Uonday eveulog the houae wu I weU filled In the lower part, notwlthitandlng the miny it- tnctloni eluwhen, Pnor. BinTBOLOMiw'i "EqaiMi Fibasox" entorlalnnvent drew agood-elied audience to the Coemopolltan Theatre, where the Piofeiaor and bli honei began an engagement Oot 1, the lower part ot tbe bouie being completely flUed. The enter- tainment wu tullT u iutereitlng u before, and tbe idmlnbly trained horeeiina the Prof euor received niuohappbuae. The boreee appear to do everything bnt talk, Theyappearlna ■chool-ieene, a court-room eoene, have a mock battle and do numenns trioke that aeem really wonderful.. Nu icene ahowa their intelllgenoe mote plainly thin a military drill, in which ihelr movemente under the Proteaaor'a comminda are dpne qalokly and correctly, and In a way that li oertnln to utonlah tne epeotetor by Ite evidence ot ikllltul training. Thli eU' terialnmenl, tmder John D. Uiahler'i manigement, li an nounced for every evening, with mitlneu on wedneadaya and Satardaya. Tbe piloee an fixed at SSo., (Oo.«nd Ito. Tbb VuoMxetB began a aeawn in the Onnd Opera-honae, whloh wu oomfortebly filled, Oot 1, preaentlng their new oonedy '-Flcto," whloh wu received with approbation' to Philadelphia, Pa., the put weeK; when it wu originiUy loted. Judging oy tne laughter end appliuae, whloh wen 'ilmoat In- OMunt, It mnat be pronoanoed euooeiatul, ind no doubt It wlU prove a moat welcome addlUon to their nperlory. The atern rulu of oriUolam need not be appUcd to the farolcil-comedy, wbleh wu evidently written to order, the role pliyed by Ur, Florence having been built up from the oblef ohiraoter In Q. Fawoett Uowe'i "Bnu," while that Interpnted by Bin. Florence la reminiioent ot Un Qenl, Ollflory. Thau two cbaraoten monopoUie the atteU' tlon ot the audience, ind u both ire wpltaUy acted we ue no reuon why the piece ibould not prove to lie i worthy I anoceaaor ot "The UIghty Dollar," whloh did not achieve aaaured luoceu until after ite chief chancten had "grown" I under Ihe irtlaUo manipulation ot theae competent perform- en. BlmUir treatment ot"Fiote" win doiibtleu produce 1 like I reeult "Dombey & Son," with Ur. Flonnce u Oapt Cattle, lover. Jack Scumble, on aeoount of hU attenUoni to a Bin. Bulge, Uie wife ot a wealthy pork-dealer, and la determined to 'get even' by marrying a rich man- From thte point out the anther worka a lerin of very Indlcroni though Inoonitetent and Improbable adventuree of too alight a nitare tonqulra deecriptlon, to that they all land to one and—a bopeleu oon- fualon ot domeaUo attain for aU oonoemed, ont ot which aeemlng chaca the playwrtobt bringa a denonementot aaUatae- tlon and amity all round, ubepiece la eaaentlally a farce. Tbe action la npld and looae, the otalogne bright and vary wlUy, and the iltuatloni an decidedly comlcaL Theoneobjeot In the play la a laugb. The Uuseum aadlenoM guffaw at every Uoe; ao tbe piece mnat be conaldercd a aucoeu la the one mpcct tor which it wu intended. It may be added that Manager Field bolda the exolueive rigbia of 'Warranted,' and uveni New York and Chicago manigen an negoltetlng with him for eab-rlghto." MiaoBLLixT IBOK BoiTOB, tfui.—Billy Carroll the bin- jotet la happier than ever since lul week. It'a a boy, and Ohelata, Haei,, wu Ite blrthplice Mme. Janinuhek and 0. LuUe Allen wen In town Uat week Joe Hart, now irith Balrd'a Minatnli, le an £ut Bolton boy. Bte friende Kiunted him Uat week Mth an elegant banjo Byron ngliu ot thla d^, who went to Ban naaolioo.wlih Ihe Lln- garda, hu retamed to take a place itIth Edwin Booth'a Com- pany Prof. J. E. Uurdoch gara readlDgi at IheBoatoo Xheitn lut Bundiy evening, Bept 3t, to i fair hoiue T. James Monroe, formerly In the Box«ffloe ot the BoyUton Mu- Mum, te now treainrer ot the Boiton Dime HuMon, under AueUn k Btone'i ninigement Tbe Boiton Theitre World" Compiny la dolna big bnalneaa on the New England circuit ."Jalma" teto be played In Philadelphia before the end ot tbe pnunt aeaaon under the management of Nixon & Zimmerman Cbarlee Beymoar, tormarly at the Howard, te sow bualneea-manager of the Oyer EngUih Novelty Com- pany Fred UoAvoy tbe oomedlan, wu given a ronelng benefit Bept. 27 at Tume HiUe. CixvcuHD Nona,—The Park Theatre la to be opened Oot 22 with HUe. Rhea to ' The School for Scandal" u the attrac- tion Theodore Bendli, maslcal-dlreotor of Balihnry'a Tronbtdoun, to a Cleveland tioy, and a eon ot Prof. Bendii, formerly leader of tbe orehuttm at the Opem-hoEM -.... .Mr. Toomey ot the firm ot Noxgn AToomey, who hu been anperto' tending the palntlni ot the leenetT tor the new Park Thutn, left for hli£bome, Bt Lonii, Get 1 Don Bennlngu dow not Intend to nuke a'Eunpean trip, u wu reported, bat wlU be at the head of an opera company that loon btgtoa ite na- roD In thle eonntry Mlaa (Aan Loulae Kellogg to to give a concert In the Tkbemicle Oct 12, Exoonlona will be mn from the lurroundlng towni, Bun AMD Pat were to have opened at the Euelld-avehne Opera-honae, Cleveland, 0„ Oct 1, foroneweek, to be toUowed by LyIton Bothem 8. .Balabnry'a Troubadoun In their new Elece "My Chum" and "Oreenroom Fun" doaed a good week'e usineu Sept 29. They want tii Chicago Oot 1 for three weeka. BIagooi MiroBZLL openedOct 1 at the Park Theatre, Boa- ton, Hue., when eha wUl play two weeka. Annie Pliley de- parted Sept 2t, havtog played "Zan" a fortnight to exeelleot buslneu. Miniger Abbey ot tUa theaiae made a fiylag vlilt to Boaton lut week. At TBB Howabd ATBiKCVit, Boeten, Him., lut week, OUirer Dond Byron In "Aorou the Conttoent" played to a urlei ot verygood'ilzed audlenoei. TUa week S. F. Thorne'a "Black Flag'' Company te playing. Mextweok the Novelty Four Oom- binatlon. M. W. Hanley'a "UcBorley'i lofliUon" Company pUy II, ind Joieph Dowling In "Nobody'i Clilm" 23. "JautA," Ohu. Oayler'a spadaele, at the Boaton (BIiu.) Theitn hu dnwn orowdedhooiu, while a big advance book- ing te reported. In a flnanolil unae "Jilma" certainly hu thna fir inrpused all eipeotetlona; and the "Blandlng-room" ■Ign U getting to be a legolar featun of the lobbT. Entho- •Iwm nightly nlma when Ihe march of Prinoe Bealih'a illver irmy li it Ito belghl, and the gorgeoue ballet loeaea eome to for their ahan ot the plaadlta .alao, Tlate and Oormanl are dancing themaelvu Into great favor. Opbmbd fob tbb BBAeoM.—Oar Boaton oorTupondent writoa 'Tbe lut of the eight imuement hooMS In thla oily to open for the regnUr aeaaon te the Windsor, which, nndar tae leefee- ihlp ot George £. Lothrop, annonnoca thte week Bilrd'i Ulnitnb and Bellrlngen' Oombtoallon. Previous engage- mente at the Wtodior ot thte mlnilrel company have proved very proflteble, and a npetlUon et former eucoeiue b looked M. B. Onain did a fair bualneu at the Olymnio ThMb. o, Lonia, the jaal week. Be te to Clnclnnail tLlawnk-nt? bug next Deomin Thompaoa te drawtog erovrta 'iPtyl Olympio thte waek. on acoountot the Fair. The DnloD.Mti.~ Theatre Company foUow Oot 7. """D.^nire Oi ~ Btl cte fontalna Id, uroana ii, Jiioamoni] la, Dayton 13 ihe' s't^ Jamee Combination te at People'e thli wedk: "Th« vii^! 8py"Oombto»Uon7, rrencli LooiiB STiTwicBdnw only fair houau to Btendatd Th.. tre, St. Lonte, atUr the flnt sigbt'a preaenteUon of "a' Mountain Pink." Bbe wu innonnced to play U Little Il»v Oot 1, Hot Springs 3,Texarkana 3, Hbreveport I. Idi Bldd^J- Burleaqoe Comblnallon la at Standard Theatre thla vJl WInnett b Uiley'a TrUllty CombinaUon 7. '°'' AM BMTIBILT Miw FLAT rntitled "A Friend" wu nmeiiu.i at the Pickwick Theatre, St Loute, Bept 30, farther partcT Ian of which will be .fonnd to onr "latut Hewe bv Xt\i »ph." The oompany oonitett ot Flonnce U. Oenld Vu >nde Clarke, H. Unit Owcne, J. W. Bannden, W. Bags Hnoli' Xlrick, Frank Percy, Jennie Lewii and Nellie BlUlnJa u£r lande OUrke te miniger, W. B. Page treaaunr, H. Dolt Oweni atage-miniaer. and J- T. UUler advance-agent. Their rosu te Bannlbal, Mo., 2, Ufxico 3, Moberly 4, BoonvlUe 8 Beda^u 6, Brownsville S. Lexington 0, Rlcboond 10, ludependenu ii Harrts»iivllle 12. BiUer 13, Piote, Ku„ IB, Joplin 16 17 c.,' lhage IS^irard 1». ' '™ TBoe. W. Exm drai»from full to filr houwa to the Qrui Opera-hoau, St. Loato, lut week. He la In CInctonatI tbli week, and la die In Lexington, Ky., 6, Loutevllle 9,10 11 lo 13. Ur. Noblee te at the Grand thla week, to be foUowed br John T. Raymond 7. ' AnoDBTiN Dalx*! bxoosd coBrAaT, under Ihe management of Richard Dorney,' la bUled in Wuhington, D. 0„ Oct. 8 one week; Lynchburg, 'Vi., 15, Danville IS, Norfolk 17, Vetenban IB, Blohmond It, 30, Baltimore 32, one work. * At TBB OiAXD Onau-BODSi, Ulsneapolla, Minn,, Shook t Comer's "Ughto o'London" Combination ptefed to good buslneu for tbe week ending Bept 29. Uaigarot Uather opened Octl. Rhea te dueS'tortnefint partof themek. which will be doaedby Fay Templeton. At tbb Pxxci OrxBA-BotJix, Uinneapolte, Ulna., Berne and Boacoe were to have opened Oct 1. 0. P. Spauldtog, tormnli treuunr of thte bonu, will ocoapy that poaltlon at Col. Wood'a new bouu In St Paul. Mabix Zob retamed to the elage Sept. 34, opening i week'e engagement In "Tbe French Spy" la the Beni ioucl Ouden, Providence, B. I., whloh wu then reopened. Pxonx are wanted for Abbey'a "Un:Ie Tom'a Cabin" Com- pany, Addnii L. W, Wuhbum, u per idvertlaement, Dbahatio fiotle ire wanted by Thoa. Btntten for hla Standard Theatre Company. Addreu u per advertlaement A }uvcMiu-iiAX, an old-man ind in igent ire winted for Ford'i DnmaUd Compiny. Bee cird. All "W"""""'" Co. opened it Hicanley'e Theiire, Loili- vlUe, Ky., Oct 1, for one week.' Haolon Broa. closed Bept. 29 after aweek of bnalneu that wuUmlted only by Ihe size of the bonu. Bonto: Milwaukee Oct 1, Januville 6, Bockford 9, Dnbaqna 10. Davenport 11, Burlington 12,13. "Bamob 10" doeed at the Opera-honae, Loutevllle, Ky„ Bept, 38, ater a week of light bualneu. Rente: Cnwfordavllla Oct 2, Lafayette 3, Logansport 4, Wabuh 6, Peru 6, Chloago 8, one week. Tbb Obamt OPIBA-Bonax, Dnlntb, Uinn,, which wu dedi- cated by Emma Abbott'a Open Oo. Sept 2U, la located In the eeeond etory of a new building at the corner of Superior Btreet and Fourth avenue. The main rntnnco te from Fourth avenue by a broad and auy etalrway leading into a wide co^ ridor running around the entire luditoriom. Tbe mate etalrway ot the building, from the Buperioratrset eotruce, also opena Into thla corridor. From the conldor on the Fourth-avenue tide the entnnce Into tbe auditorium Is by two wldedoorwaya.wblch are to be kept open dutlnii perform- anoea, but are hung with heavy curtalca to riolude nolata from without The alee ot main floor te 62il03ti., ind the ex- treme height from floor to celUng 31ft Tbe ictual aealteg- capacl^ te—parquet, 610; fourboxu, 30; balcony, 320; dreaa- circle, 300; two Doxea, 12; two dreaaclrde etilte, 13; total, 1,001. The parouet and dreu-clrole have folding-chain. Tbe etage li 33ft wide, B3 deep and 81 high, with a proacenlam opening 30 by aOtt It hu four groovu and 13 aete of aoenety, two curtelna, one of lalto and in ict-drop presenttog i view ot 'Venice. .The houae te Ughti-d by gu. Uuoger It Uarkell an the proprlelon aed manigen. JoBN T. SauiVAM hu ncdved wirm pntee litely from many Weatarn Joomala for hie lmper*onaUou of Joieph Snrtloe, which be te pteying with Ulle. Rbea'e Oombteatlon. E. 0. BooxBS' "Umoli Toh" Co. la to cloae ite leuon of all monlbe on wheels about Oct. 30, and afterwards travel by rail- road for the Winter.. BivxBAL FXBTOBinBS in wanted tot a draouUo company. Bee F.UoNellla'Gird. Eninox OooDUCB'i Oomsiration opened in Lamar, Uo„ Oct. 3, for four nighto; thence to Fort Smith, Ark., 10,11,13,19, LltUe Book, Ark., 17,18. LzoMABD B, OtmuB te to be a member ot tbe company anp- porttog Marie Preacott In tbe new play ot "Belmont'a Bride," to be prodaced In Newark, M. J., Oot 4, Tbiodobz Haioltdii, who hu been atarring In "Unknown" for the put few weeks to England, aallod for thla olty eovt. 37. He hu purohaacd a dtmmanow auooeutally nmnlog then, en- titled "The Wagn ot 81ii," In which he wUl appear ihrongboiil tbte coontry. Tbb Haklohs commenced a week'e engagement at the Acad- emy otUaalc, Ullwaukee, Wte., Oot 1, Uanagar Deakln hu de- term toed to Inaugnrato a popular acile of prices. Btglnnteg with the Hanlona and continuing thronghoat tbe entire aeuon. the price for reserved aeato to the parquet and dreaa circle wlU be 80 oente, while admtedon to the balcony wlU be only 38 canU, todudlng reaened aeata. D, H. nrxrATBioE In "Shaan-a-Oow" te booked for Parson*, Ku., Oct 8, Emporia B, Junction Olty 10. Wamego 11, Topeka 13,13, Luvenworlh 18, Wyandotto 10, Atobleon 17, Beneca 18, HUwithal9,Ltoooln, Neb., 30, Beatrice 33, Crete 33. JBNHU Ybamams appeared Bept 31, 38 at Uuoulc Theitre, NuhvlUe, Tenn,, to Ught audloncu. Vzi\o Evaoa pl«od to fair bnalnui at ume place Bept 28, J9, In "Tom a Boute: BowLng Green, Ky., Oot 1. H*'""''"'''?*l?°;„*'?!i" week), 2,3,4,6, OalteUn 6, Huntavlllo (fal^woek) 8, 0, 10, tjo- lambla 11, UuntovlUe again 12,13, Little Rock, Ark, 16,18. for.' "Xext week Manager Lctbiop'a "Cantoe Paradox" li to be | ' i^g^ bbodlab axaiOHln Augua'te, Oa,, opened Bept 34 with teen for toe flnt Ume. 0. R. Gardner'a "Onlr a Farmer'a Daughter" CombinaUon o AT IB! OlOM TBiATMt, Boaton, Uaai., the MoCaull Opera .^.isndld house, xie'same play wu nwatod ^tomoon and Compiny dosed Bept 29 in nnproflteble two wuks aeuon In niBht 38 to a very poor ittendance, sod they took their de- "The Queen'a Lace Hindkercnlef." Thla week the regnlar g^are for Uicon Qi Oct 1,3, Oolnmbua 3. Eutanli, Ate., aeuon wu Inaugunted by Btoteon'a "HontoOrteto" Com- fBelmaB BlrmUigham''8, Uontgomery 8,0, Ponaacoli 10,11, piny, which, te toremiln uveralweeki. An ittrastlTO iddl- | uoblle I'i 13 New Orleans, La., H, for two weoki ''"'>"'» ______ — - - Jeonis Yeamans In "Uedto" wu" to have "pTiy'od Oot 1, SOln^ •« Bavannah 3, Uioon I, Columbua 4, Uontgomery, Ala., 8, Orteana 7. one week. . . , . ik. «ri '•TBI ItoMAnr Rxa" wu preuntedflve sighte of the put week at Library Hall tor the first Ume In Wltebiirg. Our carreepond«ntuya: "Bu*too«e wa. very >»f«»L"* »» fJX oeu wu unmteteiable. Uias Rose Osbomo, the Gertie Becxeii of the oompany, played the put on Uonday night only, ana eloeed her eDgigoment Her part wu taken by whoae name I could not learn. She proved mUafaotory, ana deaorvu credit for her charming acting ot the part Jteuie- Chlcsgo, two weeka: OlnolnnaU, three weeks. Tbe Ford open Co. oooaplu tho honae thla week, and wUl be followed • of Uande Granger In "ller Second Love." An elegant soaveiiu WM pnsented to each lady to attendance at Library Biu with In whloh Oharlu Foatolle impenonitu ttaa motherly old lady la a way thit greitly imuaed the audience. A Hooai BO weU filled tbit stindlag-room wu in demand oretted Tom Oinary's Amerioin Four OonsoUdated Show at Barry Miner's Bowery Thutn on the night ot Oot, 1, when they commenced a week's engagement then. The progniame opened with A. H. Sheldon and other memben of tne oom- pany In the taroloil-sketoh ot "Twenty UinntM in Ftebklll," and closed with Murray ind Hnrpby'a ahiardlty of "Cor Jrlih 71slton." Biudwiched In tietween ware the spectelUu ot PaaUne Bitobeller, vociltet; Oirdello and Van Aaken, mnute; Uurny and Unrpby, Irieh obiractoMritete; the arkcr BUtore, songs, dancn, eto,; Staepberd and Uiltem, Inilramentel solos; the Speclilty Trio-tbe Reeen and Irrin Bush-who ityle Uielr bualneua "oomloil, muiloi], DutohlDed eonoeption;" the Amerioin Four lo "That'a Whit I Thought;" Uorphy and Morton, aongi-and-dauoea and elog t waiter Btenton, imltotion ot animate) and ~ TOOtllSt TBI im-ATTBAOiivB hoiiepleoe "Uiisppa," with Fanny Lontee Baoklnghim and htr aleod Jimu UelvUle u the alar (wtores, te the prinoipil loadateno at the MaUonal Tbeitre this WMk, where a ffirly large audience auembled on Monday night to wltoeu the'-rery famiUar unfolding of Caiaimeie's wou and perite and an oUo entertelument given by tbe lol ,and wu hearUly enjoyed. "It teu brief iiwomin'a love" ind te a burlesque ot "Excelsior." The only Leon u Progrtu, the Queen ot Light, eummons from the urth to grtfty the curiosity ot Electricity (F. U, RIoirdo) ind other 'ddy tilriu. three promtoent oltlieus—Froaldent Arthur (O. . Com), John Xelly (A. 0. Moroland) and Beu Butler (F, Ouahmin). All wen well mide-up ind cordlaUy greeted. After a brief dialogue, brialUng with local puna and pollUoil bite, ihe "Imported billot troupe" utonteh the worldly (unte by thelt utonndlng choreognphlo movemente. Bu- y Birch u i premier wu received with ahouto ot teugh' ter; ind he denrved It tor he te without a rival in that Une. Luke Sohoolcnft trod oloaely on his heels -that Is, In a popular unse. Leon creditably Imitat- ed Mile, Hoffsohuler, and J. U. 'Wooda u the Amaxon looked liko a giant among plgmlu. Uuter Uartln diepliycd no UtUi igllltyu the iprito. The tormlniUon of the burlerque wu og t 'Walter I niarked by the sodden falling of Ihe ouriiln, whloh took,the Frank Lewli, topical I audlenoe completdy br surprise. The other novolUes Were I "Good-bye, Lua Jane,' sung by Lake Schoolcraft; "My Bhip'e My Home,'' by H. Boning; "Bob's Advice," by Bob Blavln; "Tidings ot Comfort snd Joy," by BlUy Blroh; and a medley byF. Ousbman. Ths houae wu woU flUed. "TBI Ladi Diniu" It tbe Utest ssnutlon innonnced it the Globe Dime Huseuo, where i good buelueu Is botog done. . , . . , Among the new people thte weekire Oharlu Uayee, Harry lowing artUtei Lucy Adams, TocaUsti Foreman and Ueradlth | Thompeon, John Denier, Eva Marsh, Booney and Thompson, In. Ihalr sketch of "DlTsniaoaUon;" Emery and RosieU In I Carrieounosn, P ~ ' ' ~ their maalcal medleys, oomet-soloe, eto.; the Twilight Quartet-Btoes, Hodgu, Oirrteon and Uartato—whoM vocal- Ism teot theoamp-meeettogand negro-hyma order; and the Star Fonr—Bnrke, Ullu and W, F. and T. B. Cooper—oome- dteai iDd danoen. The aanlTtnar* openlag tuUval tiku pUm iMn tMBOiTow (WeOnMday) gnamoiw ud ertalag. Prof. Angelo and Oharlu Uliler. Babbt Blntia hu pnrobueda fourflfths Interut in ths land upon whtoh the People's Thutn elands (or $136,000, i Tbb TBian-AVBiiui Tbbatbb on Oot. 1 pruented^ ^cKee' Bmkto to "Fqrty-ntoe." Tbe attendinoe wm Ihe Ughteet ainoe the tb«atr« o^ed, tbtt* being ifaioely men Dmd jult tBOWti ■.'I'I', Uon to the Qlobe'a Interior decontlons wm made lut wmK to the plulng et a bronse statue, "The Niutch Olrl," at the head ot the balcony slalroue, Ths slatae te valued at $1,000, and wupreientod toUanigerBteteonby Lieut-g'ov. Amu, ] Thohpsoh & Fnti, (he leasees snd minigan of Ihe new Uniontown (Pi.) Opera-house, are reported u having done an execUent bnslnesaslnoe Ite opentog, Dates an all illlsd nnlU, whsn a flnt-olau dnLfflaUo or specialty company te winted. At TBI GnASD OriiA-BoniK, Xcronto, Ont, Ihe Hirriion- Gonrlay Oo, opened to their new piece "Skipped by the Light I ot the Moon" Oct 1, for toree nighte aad WMouday maltoee. Ur. and Mm. Geo. B. Knight follow tor reat of week. Lvtton Sotbern cloaed a euooeutnl engaotment Bept 39, He pbyed it Bimllton, Ont, Oot 1,3, gotog to London 3, Detroit, Mloh,, 1,6,e,01evelind, 0.,8. '"TBiDAiiiTie"dnw asmall indlenoeit Bradford, Pa., 27. ■ -u.. u» «vui|.uj f..,.,.. ~ _ ——u n*. They wan In Buffalo Oot 1, 3,8,1. Bay City. Mtoh,, 8, Eut good housu at the Opera-house, Pltteburg, Pa., lut wed, Tos Saginaw 0. Port Huron 10, Baglnaw Olty 11, Bt Lonte 11,13< ' ' •^'^ " ' '-^ '-'" UAVWi 8' 'HoBoBin'a Iiin,ATiox' Co. wu dae In Bradford, Pa., Oct. 3, HoruoltevUle, N. Y., B, Ithaca 4, Byrteuu 6,6, Oswego 3, Auburn 9. Tbb "EsHUALDk" 0q„ Kg, 8, showed in Wagner's Optra- houie, Bradford, Pa-, Oot 2. Boute: Cony 8, TltusvlUe i. Oil miy B, Meadville 6, Akron, 0.,'8, Canton 9, Minifldd 10, Do- dinoe 11, Ft Wiyne, Ind., 11. Pern 18. Havebit'b "Silvu Knto" Oo., No. 3, pteyed to big bnslnsu at Wagner'a Opeta-bonu, Bradford, Pa., Bept 34,38. Route: Buffalo Oot 1, Montreal IS, eaoh one week. ' Tbb Btibumo Oomnx Coktakt hu the foUowIng perform' en In Its programmes: GeserleTe F. and Mn. J. U.'Biwtolle, Un. Elite ind Harry Buih, Annie Carlton, Carrie BlUler, Wm, Seymore, manager; A. H, Hamilton, W, H, Witloek and Oeo, Htelr. W. F. Wllion le agent and Thomu Cliir leader. They play In Hancock, N. Y., inte week, and In Honeidile^ Pa., Oct 8. A neponalble man and a respcnilbls woman are wanted. See advertisement - Trr TOB Tat.— Dr. 0. H. Drake ittompled to eolleet i blU I sgaliist E. F.Thome by tevylng on the eoenery and costumes I ot "The Black Flag" at Ihe Aroh-alrut Theatn, PhUaddpbte,. rcoenUy. It wu proved Ihit HXi. Thome owned the property.. Lut week BIr, Thorns began aanlt agalnitOr, DiTte tor dim-' •gu. Bon BuBTOH, a daughterof tte hte W. S, Barton floodtu), . tan lomite ot aa Insane aayluiP' ■FbOBA Moou'i "Bunoh ot Kays" Oompkay played to Dlxon, uL, Oot. 1, Tjreepqrta t tbasoa to Sahnqas 8, BeUaa 4, Cedar faxD Wabob and bte oompany played to a ■nM''*'°V! (lood housu at the Opera-house, Pltteburg, Pa., lut wea. ins entrance ind lobblei were handsomely decorated during uu week with i protuilon ot flne flowere, ptente and birds, lou week Edopln & Saoger'a "Bnnob of K«ya" Is tbe itlncllon, to be foUowed 8 by U. B. Oarili. Fred Wards pteya this week in Richmond, Vi., and Uie week ot 8 to Wuhtogton, D, 0. lUvmXiT'a "BitvBi Knio" Oo. held the hoards' at the »" Open-house, Eile, Pa., Bept. 36,37,38, 30, and matinee, te ei- cdlenl boalneu. Route: Buffalo. N. Y., Oot 1, Tonnte, Oni., 8, Montreal 18, one week esob. .. u v Wbitil»i'b "HiDDXit Hamd" Co. te due In Wollavllle, N. x.i Oot 3, Bradford, Pa., 1, DoUvar, N. Y., 6, Olean 0, Ui«d»llW Pi,, 9, Erie 0, Tltnavlllo 10, Jamutowo,N. Y., 11, OU Olty, F*-. 13. New Outio 13. Bt. LoVu lTHia.-0. 0. Matthews, the woU-known drew prrtormert b laid up here with ittaolnredirra, muatdoya tiU Ohu, Fox of Liuok ind Fox, high-bir Pe'fo™"''^; come to the oily totnln with btepartoer tor the toam*^ son In Enro^. Pierre Liuok hu been nnibto to do u7^l'>'°2,',<^ three monthi on looonnt ot having freotured hte right ^ >" StPetentBurg test Spring. They are both ptaoUoIng on u" suns ippanlus now that they sbartod with eight yun ago- Ohu. B. Cilbban bu purshued the pUy ot "li>V5,"°W'|L from FnnkE. Aiken, and propoau to noonslruot It tor*"" LlBXle Evans. BoLAmrRxxn opened at the Academy ot Ilualo, Clevtuno. 0., Oot. 1, for one week, to be toUowed by Edou n 8*°f,^; •"Banoh of Keys" Oompany 8. LUlte Brown's "JoUiiw K- ysd to bad bodneu Ihe flnt IhAe nighto of bst week, r* oney played to "eiandlng-room Only" the. oww,"^ nighte, Boatoi Pitlibnrg Oct 1, one wee*. BtottbjnvlJ*