New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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IBEB 6. THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 477 wTT. • '""^i.^ w«»» tt" li4 » pl«M«it Ume with «»^ ''nf'^ . iHitooto ther; Annto Onhun ^ retting ,1 bK •"■J'iJTB^gh" tt the OhMtont-itioet Op«i»-honie, eiowded ths week Logtni- ''tfl. HID ¥Bt HoKM BurtW oloeed an mgigempnt »t Hoo- ■JvniSbl cruogo. lU.. Bei-t.». going by (peol.1 tnln to "'/iSti* •■EKOSiimiDiT" aloMd a wy anceeMftil two JEfSLementatHiTerlj'eTheitre,Ohlc»go,lU-jSept M, SriBCiiidnii»tl,0.,W. *C rSST!".' iliiriig for a noteltr foi ""t .e-on if the JSii S» Uitt be intend* to engige Fannx Herring to pUy JSlXmsInrpinolMoto New«» iforrKi- 2»!£«d intown M.wealward bound The BUte-falr Slhddlnthl«clt7liiitwe«k,and all the placte ofamnie- HBtTroflled by the lerge nnniber of country tUttoiB...... £Sf B»lee and Barron. anthoM of "A Mountain Pink," kKl«Jld their play to CaptAndreai for IS.OOO Charles Mm Id advance of Balabury's Troubadonra, li here...... jfolil ft Uddltton innonnce a new programme at their mase- ' T^l^uDa FOU.T CoHnxT made Iti Int nppearance In Widiligtos, D. 0., Oct. 1. openlDB In "Motht" at Ford'i Oona-honM to a large andlence, and met with a favorable re- MDUon Bonte: Eaieretown, Md., 8, York, Pa., 9, Sanrllle 10 Bloomiborn 11, Beading 19, Tienlon, K. J., 13, Rondout, KT, IS, Schenectady 1(. Troy IT, 18, Saratoga 19, Oneida 90. Hto'EUilerlitoappearS. „ , „ ^ „ , UHatldc' Mew Tbkatbb, Olnolnnatl, Qeorge H. Adami' "Hmutr Dnmpty" Party did a good baalnesi laat week, JgtlM Bept». Minnie Uaddem opened 90 in 'Vnanlta." BounoN'i Onu-HODSi, Olnolnnatl, wai almoit packed at •Ttryperforminceof "A Bonob of Xayi." Bobert MoWade 11 1 ntw Inma, "Frana Hercbelle," opened Oct 1. m Miv Couiiuii Teutbb, Clnoliuiatl, wia to hare opened BnL 30 with M. B. Ourlls In "Bam'l of FoeeD," II m OaiawoLD OriBi-HODM, Troy, M. Y.. the attracUona liitYtek were "A Diamond Myatery" Sept, 34,9S, 36, "Fun on Uie Brlitol" 9a, 99, SO, BniloeM wis Tory good. John F. Wild In "Top 0' the Monlng" opened OcL 1,3,3. Billed: IMuer'i Toarlsts Specialty Oo. 4, <, 6. Little Corlnne and puti iiTe a second "sacred" concert Sept. 30. They In- ugnrato Wocd'a Opera-house. Hooslok Falls, 8. "Siberia" 8, (ore walk. ta HuiooH-OouBUT Cottfon brought out "Skipped by Ou Ufhl of the Hoon" at Band's Opera-house, Troy, M. Y., Stpt U. The piece is the portranl of the indlorous adven- tires of two hnsbands, peraonstad by Louli Harrison and John Goniby, who, giving their wlv^s to nndentand that they are (HmdhigaMeibodlet camp-meetlng, "skip" to Saratoga and eDgsp In a series of rackets. The wives make a plnaure-trip to Bintoga, and are brongbt face to face with tlielrhusbands after iimuoug escapades. , Of the company, Ulu Emma Bchnlts pioT*d an entertaining vocalist and dancer, and £d. Uorrls Dtkts oonslderablo tun sa a policeman. Alice Uanlson was Is town, but not in the piece, Annie Berleln and oompany ap- petnd in "Two Obrlstmss-evea'' 16 to a moderate house. A lUll tmaller audience assembled 37, which wsa dismlswd, and lha company bruke up and went to New York. Leavltt'a 01- jutetn Minstrels showed 28 to moderate business. "Her llontment" opened Oct. 1. for three nights, and Katharine Bonn comes 6,6, Huion JcHN SmtoN of the Firth-aranne Theatre, this dty, wxnls It known th#t the several organizations now tnvel- lim under the title of lbs Flfth-avenne Company from Mew York have no oonneoUou whatever with hia house. He pub- litkts a card of caution in another column, BnnvBov'i Jolly PaianiiDKBa play In Pontlae, Miob., Oct t, i, (, Ann Arbor 6, Chelaea 8, Mason 9, Eaton Baplde 10,11, Ibay sppear in their latest aaoocss "Six Peas In a Pod'' and in "Baips.' Kit. Mollh Bohabd, eooentrlo and oharteter old-women, alio ketvlet, advertise that she csn be engtged. At TBI NAnoMti. TBiaTU, Waiblng&n, D. 0.', "Siberia" na presented Oct. 1 to a well-fllled house. It will oonttnne to ba lha attraction during the remainder of the week, and will ba produced In Troy, N, Y,, 8. Daly's "7-20-8" is billed for 8. "wPininB" attracted isige audiences lo' the Academy of hiila, Chicago, Hi,, the week ending SepL 90, and opened in Mollaa, lU., Oct. 1, Doa Holnea,Ia„X Bonte from there Offliha, Keb., 3, Ktnssa Oltv 4,8, 6. ^UiooB MiroHux olotM a two weeks'engagement at the Oiud Opera-house, Olnolnnatl, Sept. 39, whichwsa fairly sno- asatDL BhswBsfoUowedaObyThos.W.Eeene. "Oii>on,"wlthAdahBlobmond and B. £, arabam,proved aUtaetion at Henck'a Open-house, Olncln- !)» •""''pa ^P*- tlolton and Annie Wanl nOuiy hi "Kentuok" opened 30. DiLttCoiiPiiiT In "Ihe Squire" drew a good-alzed aodl- w.^ki'".-*'" S".J Braok'jn, M. Y., Oot. 1. Bonle: v!SS?iS'''3 °-i'' linchbnrg H, Danville 16, w JL'' f«'«"bnrK IB, RIohmond 19, 20, Baltimore 92, one TO, Oharlet Wyndham and company open at the Park beat vi[^S*l?"F* Pl»y*4 U>« titls-role in "Itfcbel ftno at the Grand Opara-honse, Brooklyn, N; Y„ Col. 1, aulaess fiir. Meit week. Sate OUrton._ _ " tha No'Tdt>"B7' "°~ - v«»» J^Sf^^'i^ '° P'»»«l"'^n a Boarding- Wool In the WleUug Opera-house, Byrscnae, N, Y., Oct. 1,3. «. W,iunl6y's Co, in "MoSorley's InllaUon" Is due «, 6; and SSSf.^.* 9' Th« Knights played "Baiori Hu- M Sft^i:. J'. Ward in "fop O^lho Morning" 26, », sod the Hsrriion Oourlay Co. 38,29. 1 iifirV*^'" Muffett" opened for two nights Oot imrt, "•"iOpaia-houso, Byracuao, N. Y. l,aavltt's Olgan- S^vlS?'.'.?' f"* Wyman andLulu Wilson pUyed « Iskle" Sept 26,26, 27, 8- liiHonisHB appeared in ."The Man in the ■m at the Tabor Opera-house, Denver, Ool.. Bept 24, 26, 20, ■v.. T ""Ion-square Theatre Oo, opened Oot. 1. iai.ZJiS^ ?' I^"i»0M"waa produced tt the Lee-avenue J«r5!£l^ ""^Jl Bfooklyn, E. D., Oct, 1, by Shook It Col- sawr.?CI- " perfonnanoe of the present ifS-. J^y^i""*- Next week, "Fun on the Brlstol,'*^ . hid^JIP,' ^<"nu"». the jarty headed by Alf, MoDoweU, 41btJrw"*-5**.^P""'°B •» I«Iind Opera-house, AtobJm'JIi I 'lier,remain thm night*. "Her w.n l''.*?^'^.""'* »»the%ristol" did falriy. • ^' ^'^ "o"""" Merrymakan 37, 38, , j0B« t.^^ ,rtU be at MasioHall, Albany, N. Y.. Odt 4, the*BSS^7¥.*S'"'L''P»°"* hersetaon of one week at new to ih.v"A°*'''2P«"*'""" Oo^-l 'n VZIlUh," whIoU is ■^I'lt^rTmSept'M^^*"'*^'"'"*'* * ■'"^'"^ »Mtrt^J, ufn SS^'ViS^^'JU" buaineii amd a little girl are tiaA^^'^^'^^y>}^'7*rOooituiT. See card, the nlS 1'o * sentaUonal comedy-diama "In ih.^ill'^"-" P« »dverllaoment Cloi»55f"""O* Oo- 's diTln Louisville, Ky„ wogjBn«i o.,u, one week daoh. ^ Oo, lis . °!?'!K'?''1T"**™ "Hesxta of Oak' tUyeji-Pon^M*?? 'Vl'^S ^P*- B'"'' Sniprlse Party W« J,^i"2^' "»»ton Ideal Opera Oo.'U bflSed in "Th* • A Srr«f,. »"«n«>on and "Fra Diivolo" sight 0, 'mnii vnu^'^ * juvenUe-woman are wanted for the •»rt«!^wh^°''°'''"''*'°°.- AddieMOttoH.Kranse,aaper BbJJSu* aJJ^T*""' "PPOfted by a E, Baaye'a Standard *»«k I thai?. .S^^' 'PSf*" 'n Efllngham, Bi;, Oot 1, for one Mam u!l°«""»^« *''0'• Ae period, •a OhattM^' ™»»" SoiuvAK and their oomoany are due on , Oots, •Witad "«r. drawing etowda of pfaple at Id. ^"' •»* «i« Mw band ir» nry nttomSSi (Mt- At •WHinnni't Oppa-Hon»f, Detroit, Mich., Balabnry' Tioabadourt opened for three nights Oct. 1. Lytton Botbam U ttpojuiwil tor the rest of the week. Barney IfoAuley oloaed ^^i-^- F'ii^^Jli.'^ *>' Mr. Moinley torthe iliittlmelnthatoitybeforealargeaudience. Ooicorraspond- mt save: "Mr. UoAuley betrayed considerable oervoiuneaa throughout, which can be aeconnted for by the fact tbat the performance was the third oa any alage. The tnpport waa verywsak. Jmeph JelTsnoa illled out the week to lime busl- nesa." " Fapmcm WiapK waa to have opened a week's engagement Oct 1 at the Richmond (Vs.)Theatre. Route: Baltimore 8, Brooklyn 16, one week each, LUUan Spencer in "Article 47" P'S!? ^ bualneas Bept. 26. 'Route; Raltlgb, K,0„ Oct. 3. Wilmington 4, Savannah 6, 6, Augusta B, 9,10, Atlanta 11, Montgomery 12,13, 0, B. Bishop In "Strictly Boalness" oomea 8 for two nighta. Fbu(S Evms' CoKFAin in "The BUentUanT and "The Slave of Guilt" drew a good attendance all of the week ending Bept 99 to tlie Academy of Unslo, Now Orleans, La. A TODMo MiM for re sponsible bualneas Is wanted with the Kittle Rhoades Combination, as advertised, TBI UuiLTDM Tbouu la to occupy White's Orand Theatre, Detroit, Mich., all the present week. "Eentuck" oloeed every large three nlRhts' bnalnesa Sept 26, Remenyl wsa due 38,29, but poatponed hIa eningement a month. "The Patta&nders" gave a pnformauce 29 to a full bouao, Thb TavxsNiB OoutDT Co, closed a week's aeaaon at tbe Academy of Mnalo, Halifax, N, 8., B«pt. 90. They played "The Banker'a Danghtar," "Two Nighta In Rome," "The Danltes," "The Two Boaes" end "An Arabian NUht" The company Includes Albert Tavcmer, I. N. Beers, F. 0. Huebner, B. N. WUson, Ida Tan CourUand, Jestle Lee Randolph. Manager Olarke, our correspondent says, "lost money on the engage- ment, as the expenses were large and the audiences slim to- wards the close of the week," Ub. akd Mbs. Oio, 8, Ehiobt in "Buren Rudolph" closed a two nights' enstgement Bept 26 tt tbe Grand Opera-house, Roohester, M. Y. Business was moderate. Tbey went to Buf- falo 37. 98, 39, Toronto. Ont., Oot 1, 3,8, London 4,6, 6, De- troit, Mich., 7, 8, 9, Big Rapids 10, Orand Rapids 11, Muskegon 13, John F. Ward's Combination closed 99 to fair andlences. Route; Troy Oct 1, 3, 3, Albany 4, 6, 6, Wilmington, Del,, 9. Booked: Harrison and Gonrlay 1, 2, 3, Llssette sllanl 4, 6. 6, "Her Atonement" 8, 9,10. Colupsbd,— At the Corinthian Academy of Uuaio, Boches- ter, N. Y., Wing Is Peyser's Panorama and Concert Company oloaed a three nighta' engagement Bept. 29, having had light business. Onr correspondent says: "They Inform me tbat their venture has proved a failure, that they have canceled all dates ahead and snipped their panorama and people btck to New York." Onofrl s Pantomime Company are billed Oot. 1, 9,3,4, "Aoroii the Atlantic" S, 6, MiHins Maddibn's route Is Madlion, Ind„ Oct. 6, Princeton 9. Tlucennea 10,11,13, Evansvllle 13, Louisville, Ey., 15,16, 17, Richmond, Ky., IB, Charleston, W. Ta„ 19, OaUlpolls, 0,, 20, Oolnmbus 29, 23, BpringSeld 24. Eiya Er.iar.BB appeared to a fair andlence at Ford's Opera- house, Bsltlmore. lid., Oct. 1, in "Courage," She goes thence to Washington, D. 0., 8. Philadelphia, Pa,, 16, for one week esoh, Thatcher, Prlmroee k Weet'a Uinetrela closed a very proHtable week Bept 29, Fred Warde comee Oct 8. "Thb Fowib or Uonbi" was presented to a good honae at the Academy of Mualc, Baltimore, Hd., Oct, 1, Dates ahead: Oolnmbus, 0„ 8, Detroit, Mich,, IS, Cincinnati, O., 39, each one week. 0, B. Bishop drew but poorly laat week, dcalng Bept 99. Next week, HoCaull's Opera Oo, Biox'e "Fim on tbi Bbisiol" Co. amnaed a large andlence at the Holliday-atreet Theatre, Baltimore, Hd., Oct 1. "Si- beria" olosed Bept 29, having filled the house at every per- fonnanoe. At the matinee 39 a ttlse alarm of fir* was raised and the greater portion of the audience left, the honae, but returned at once, fortunately without accid^t Hess' Opera Oo. is due Oct 8, Silvbb to a large amount wis drawn to the Ohsstnut-ttreet Theatre, PhiUdelpbIs, Oct 1 by "The Silver King," which Is booked for three w< eke. It will be followed by Bice's Burprlse Party In "Pop" 23, Maud Granger cloaed Bept St. MonnsBa smote a large andlence very bard tt tbe Obeatnnt- atreet Opera-house, Fblladelphia, Oot 1, when she appeared aa Imogene in "Oymbellne," which will be repeated 9. The repertory for the remainder of the week is "As You Like It," "(imllle," "Fron-Frou," "Twelfth Night," "The Bajsh" Co. begini 8. Augnttln Daly pUyed two weeka to very large busi- ness, retiring Bept, 29, JoixPB JxrriBsoN opened at the Aroh-street Thestre, FhUa- delpbla, Oct. 1, as Caleb Flummer in "The Crluket on the Hearth" and Mr. GoUibtly In "Lend Me Five BbUlings," and the house was pacted. Same bill till 6, when "Rip Tan Winkle" will be put on for the remainder of .the week. Col- lier's "Lights o' London" will loom up 8. "MnoB Ado Adoot Noraina," ln,whloh LlUle HInton played Beatrice for the first time on any stage afternoon of Bept 29, drew nllsfaetorily afternoon and night of Oot 1. It la. an- nonnced Indefinitely, last week's businees was light AMNiEPiXLVTin "Zsra" gathered them in satlefactorlly at tbe Walnut.ttreet Thtatre, Philadelphia. Oot 8. 8ame etar piece till 16, when EtBe Ellsler begiiia. The Viorenoea olosed a light engagement Bept 29. F. 8. Oeahtbau drew an andlence that crowdod the National Theatre, Philadelphia, to Its utmost capacity Oot, 1, Be eon. Unues until 8, when Joe Dowling will appear in "Notiody'a Claim," "Onr Bunmer Boarders" Co. dosed Bept. 29. EiTB OLaXTOH and Charles A. Stevenson occupy the Provi- dence (B. I.) Opera-house the present week, "Young Mrs. Winthrop" Oct T, 8,9. Wit, J. SoAXiiiK and company In "Friend and Foe" occupied the Grand Opera-bouso, MUwankee, Wi^., Bept 17, 90,39,80, playing to fair business. ABBW FLIT by a, W. aodfrey, entlUed "The Millionaire," founded on Eduiund Yates' novel "Kissing the Bod," wis pror dnced in the Oourt Theatre, London, Eog , uept 37. We ex- tiBot the following from a cablegram Oct 1 to Tkt Ttltjp'am : "The play is full of human intereet being by turns pttbetio or humoroue. The dialogne, though not always grammatical, la Invariably clever and often umualog. Beveial of the situa- tions are aulBoIently moving to give us atbrlllthatlspleia- antly palnftal, and otuaee tome excitement! while, despite a very lame denouement, which Is not near eo- effective aa in Mr. Yatee' novel, the work on the whole is well put together and entertaining." Ax THE Gbimd Opxbi-bodbb, Newark, N. J., "The Power of Honey" waa preeented last week to large audlanoea. "Tbe Two Orabans''^wUI be produced Oot 3 by Harry Clark's Oom- nany. whettony&Bamirec'a"UisoiiryEiposed"Co. will open ue season 4, and remain 6,6. Faam Mato appeared In "Davy Crockett" at tbe Park Theatre, Newark, N. J„ Bept, 38, 29, to very large andlencea. "Haiel Elrke" was given Oct 1, 2. Uarie Presoott will appear 4,8,6, In her drama "Belmont's Pride." Oeab, McOunmiBS' Co, opened In Media fa., Oct 3, for four nighta; thence to Oheater 6, . HUBIOA£<. "Pbdbo IBS Mimbtbil" was prodnoed at the Lyceum, Philadelphia, Oct 1. The oast was: Pedro, Eugene Nice; Don Alphonso, Edward Dexter; Banoho, Frederick Oondlt; Don Flamingo, Uix Flgman; Harle, Lillian Bamsden; Princess, Edith Cavendish, Tbe plot turns upon the aneat of Pedro, a mlns'ChL in mistake for the Duke of Talen- tla, the Princess of that place having decided to arreet the Duke for a pretended miidemeinor in order tbat the may win bis love by inbteqnently giving him bis llberly. The Duke ditgultea Pedro to represent him, and the Princess vislU the supposed Duke In his prlaon and triea to win bis love. The real Duke, aeelng this, flndithatbeloves tbe Prinoeca, and deolsrea bis Identity and hi* love. She for- gives his little ruse and consent* to wed him, Pedro is lib- erated, and weds hIa sweetheart, Marie. The opera oontalns some bilgbt and catchy music, and the libretto is fairly clever. All of the various parts were well sung and acted, and tbe opera sesmed to make a sucoess. It will be sung all this week. "Yuamu" drew moderately at the Arch-street Opera-house, Philadelphia, Oot 1. Prior to the production of "Lieutenant He'ene '^"lolantha" will be given tor a week, commencing Oot 8, Amy Gordon and W, A. Morgan are engaged for the season at tbls bouse. The former is to play the ilUe-roIe in "Idtntonant Helene," Jioi Bdims, comet-iololst and band-leader, idvertlMs for an engagement, a, FsoBHBB, composer and arranger, pnbllshei his card in this issue. Ned BTBatoBT, ocmposer and''Mngand sketch writer, has moved to No. 11 Seventh alreet near Third avenue, ibis city. Bee card, "BuvxBT Wavxs," a tianjo number, la advertised by IM Farland, At tbb Bbookltb (N. Y,) Thiatbb McOanll't Comlo-opera Company opened Oct 1 In ' The Queen'a lace Htndkeroblef," Bnalnesa only fair. Bouto: Baltimore, Md„ 8, one week, Phil- adelphia, Pa,, It, two weeks, Gran's Vrsnoh-cpera (;ompany opens here 8. ' 0, P. Eilbubv, donblc-btss and tnba-player, advertliet in another column. UsnoiiKs are wanted for tbe Academy of Mnslo, Wheeling, W. Ta. Addmi Bhty k Thaokeray, proprietors. BDpra'a MKW OFUi "Afrika-Belse" has been well received at the Btadt Theatre, Baden, near YIesna,.- LioooQ'a mbwui wobx "Le Gnln d* Bable'^ Is to he flnrt prodnoed at the Theatre det Oalerles Bilnt Hnbeit, Biaasel*. A rtaxift U wasted for Bealtow*! 'Vollf rM^tadui" OotaptBTi BNlATi7t|itB<*Bt> Obkuoo Ohibtb.— Tbe Ohloago English-opera Oompany 1* now In proceta of formation nnaar the management of Messrs. Llassgang and Brodariok, Miu Utrr Beebe will probably be Monred for the troupe, and among those engaged thus far ara Emma Baker, AUoe Atwood, Battle Minkler, Genevieve Forbes, EltUe Baker, Charlee T. Barnes, Frank K. Reevea. Tbey have In rehearsal "Fatlnltta" and'"Ten Danghtara and Mo Hus- band," A. series of Dime Entortalnmenls will be com- menced in Methodist Church Block Oct. 0 by George H. Olasier A performance will be given at the opera-hnuae, Pullaas, IU,,Sby the Lyon k Healy Hand-bellilngen, Prof. Ennneman, Ida Zuoberman and Wm. BeuUy Visa Mar- garet Sperry and Miss Alice Atwood have been engaged by the Chicago OhurohKihoIr Oompany Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Levatt wlU give a plano-recltal at Webe^UusIc Ball 4 F. W. Weraohknl his gone to Sugar Grove, Ind., to conduct a mu- sical institute The Four C's Quartet, a new musical or- ginlxatlon, comprises 0. T. Barnes, Frank Root, Henry T. Hart and Webeter Norcroea Carl Wclfanhn, director of the Beethoven Society, has retnmed from his trip to Germany. PHiLADXLrBii TaiLLa—D. T. Morgan, formerly musical- director of tbe Lycenm, la to go on tbe road in the same capacity with Flockton k Edmunds' "Flying Dutchman" Comblnitlon The Heu Opera Company closed a moderaie engagement Bept 29. A MuiiBU of T. B. Harms k Co.'t song-pnblicatlons are mentioned elsewhere In this paper. Several of them are quito popular sitge^ongs. Fat TsHPLnoii's Opbba Oo. opened tb'e season at Priee'a New Opera-houae, Atolition, Eas., Bept 27, 38, VABIETT HAliLB. Habbt Mimeb's Coiuni Foub Co. proved a powerful magnet at tbe New Central Theatre, Pbllsdelphla, Oct 1, crowding the hoaee. Same company throughout the week. Tony Putor'a Troupe stepped down and ont Sept. 23, after a week of big buslneta. TBI Tbbatbb Coidqux, Providence, R. I,, Inclndtt in ito Srogianme this week Ferguson and Mack, Jennie Uiaco, [enry Tangbn, Torrettl ulnnle lAwton and Galvln and MayoD. Departures 39: Hsllen and Hart, Conroy and Demp- &Haggle Oline, Lamond Bros, and Jamee Marlln. abbt Lbvimi, Dutch oharacterirtlst, can be tddrttaed care of thie office, Prraii AMO Fish perform at the Howard Atbenrpum, Boston, Mass,, next week. These successful performers advertise that they an reedy to engage with a combination. Obablet Bbat's Academy of Music, Whoeling, W. Ta., ha* beeu redecorated and improved in various ways and is now open for oomblnatlons. Bharlng terms are offered. Bee card. Tbxhtboh AMD O'GoBiiAii, Irlsb-comedlsns, who are now at tbe London Theatre, this city, where they have been wall re- ceived, ire to appear next week at Keman's Thestre, Balti- more. A combination can secnio this attraction by applying as per card. EvxBT BiAT was oconplad in the Opera-house, Newark, N. J., Oot. 1, when J, J. Dowllng's "Nobody's Clslm" Co, opened, Mita Lou Banford made a bit, abo having asaumed the role of Madge ou short notice. Miss Hasson being 111, John W. Ban- tone s "Aorois the Atlantic" cloaed Bept 28, after a auccessfnl week. Tbe American Four Consolidation comee B. The baiabt-lisi at the Gem Ttaeatrr, Bradford, Pa,, cloaed Bept 29 for a season. During the next three weeks variety combinations will be the attraction, Elng'a Mammoth Wude- ville opened Oct. I to big business. Tbe oompany includes tbe Four Bpadea, Golden and Drayton and Gibson and Lee and the Three Bonaldos, Roscb and CasUeton, J, Arthur Doty, tbe Morrelio Brothers, Mullen and MUls, Lottie Forrest and Fan- nie Bernard. THB BBW raoBS at the Capitol Theatre, Hartford, Ct, Oot. 1 were the Haxwella, Bessie Beaoh, Dick Baker, Thomas and Heeney, Mack and Manton and Billy and Alice Payne, The "Two Johna" Comedy Co. oloaed aweeVs engagement Sept 29. A TBonpB or nooa and a nnmber of little people who can act are wanted by P. W, Bhrader, who advertise*. ExaBB ADD Boaoox, blsok-tace performers and grotaagne song-and-dance arllsta, who have been playing In the West for some time, are now returning Eaat, and advertise that they can be engaged. They have several strong features in their business, as annoiuioed, A combination can teoure them, Yabibtt fboplx are wanted at the Opera-hall, Bismarck, D^ota. W. H, Branch Is the proprietor, and W, L. Greene bntlneas-managsr. Bee card. At Ebbnaii's MoxmxmAi. Thxatbx, Baltimore, Md„ Bay- lies k Eenmdys' Bright Light* f umltbed a good entertain, ment Oct 1, which wai liberally attended. Tbe Glrard Oyer Oomblnatlon oloied Bept. 99, Bnslness wa* great the entire week, and at the three final performances, when the SulUvtn- Slade Combination appeared, the house waa packed to Ita ut- moet capacity, Thb bxw fboflb at the Odeon Thiatre, Baltimore, Ud., Oct 1 were the Three Franklins, Amy Arlington and Tony Ryan, Dniartnns Bept 99: Morton and Williams, Hsggle Healy, John H. Turner and Ophelia Starr. LBAViTr** ALirtTAB Bpxoialtt Co„ wbicb Incladas the Four Bbamrooki, Lottie Elliott, Walnratto, the Belblnl Family, Paddy end Ella Murphy, Qoldie and 8t Olair, Ed. and Alice Clark, Fred Matthews snd Weeton and Hanson, opened to a big house Oct. 1 at the Front-street Theatre, Baltimore, Md, Frank Evans, Lizsie Daly anii tbe Fonr Comet* olosed Bept. 29, A VBBT UBOB AUDixh'OB sssombled at tbe Club Theatre, Phllidelpbli, Oct 1, to wltaecs the performance of the Lon- don and Tienna Aerial Beauties, who gave a spicy entertain- ment which concluded with a langbable extravaganza called "Slattery's Spree, or Fun on the Hudson," In which elgbloan young ladles appeared In a burlesque bisebsll match. Thb xbw taobs at Winters' Grand Central, Trenton, N. J. Oot. 1 were Wayne and WUson, Loyd and Newton and May Hamilton, Haluctt Aim RAmoHn, acrobatic aong-and-danee perfoim- en, with Ftankie Howard, aong-and-danca and Jig priformer, have icoelved excellent nolloee for their attractlveneu. Man- ager Gable elaewhere leoommenda them aa drawing cards, HtniTXB's Oomsoudatxd Shows are due in Helena, Ark., Oot S, Poplar Grove 4. Palmer 6, Holly Grove t. Clarendon 8, De Yall's Bluff 9, Carlisle 11, Lonoke 19. The abbivau at the American Theatre, Hartford, Ot„ Oct, 1 were Mias St. Gearge Hussey, Dan Bully, Turner, Carter and Turner, Georgle MelnoUe, Ed. Kelly, Ida Bertha and Lew OoK J. J. Sullivan's "Malcney's Rafflo" Co, cloaed Sept. 29, xolBg to New Haven for one week; thencs to Albany 8, Troy 18, one week each. "TiK PAM" Field*' clever and original apecialty is highly leoommended by Manager J. 8. Edwards of the Fourth-street Opeia-honse, Bt Louis, 1* will be teen by his letter published In another column, Mr. Fields would like to engage with a combination. He can be addressed at the Park I'heatre, In- dlaiupolis, Ind, The abbivals at tbe Park Theatre, Detrolt^icb,, this week were Manning and Drew, Mntiesi Dale, Wade and Mack, Homer and Uigsrd, Slltle Woodson, May Amolt, Belle Emer- son, Ida Butt, Meirltt and Waring, Guatls Lsroux, Tlllle Wal- ton, Angle Drew and Pauline Beynoldt. Elng'a company closed Bept 29, Bualneas good. Good HODaxs and a flnt-olass bill marked last wsek's record at the Boylaton Museum, Boston, Mass. Deparinraa Bept 29: Alf, Barker, Alf, Foreman and Ida Meredith, Master Carey, Harry Bryant and the Isporto Sisten, New faces Oct, 1: Ohaa, and Bly HarrI*, Lottie and John Burton, Minnie Bel- mont, The*, Carter and Linle Anderson, Emma Harden, Belle Ouablng and Tony WllUtms. Fbid WntosB, violln-perfoimer, who make* a tpedaUy of Imitations of other Instrument*, adverllaea for an engagement Tbobbb akd WiIiLiaiib in their colored apecialtles open at the Park Theatre, IndianapoU*, Ind., Oot 8, Elaewhere they have a few worda to aay in regard to their acta and Mr. Thorae'a new songs, whloh they anhonnoe wiU amuae and entertain any audience. Ama Eabi ba* been reengaged with the Ginrd Oyer Com- pany for two weeka longer, she advartiiea her flrtt open date aa Oot 39. Olaba AKD Adbli, eqiUlbilslsand Jngglen, will dose witl) Forepaush'a Show Oct IS. They open In tbia dty shortly, and can be engaged through J, A. Brown's agency. PBBroBHBBS sre wanted at the Theatre Ocmlque, Rich- mond, Ta, Address W. W. Pntoam, manager, A Pabio AvBiTSD,—A calcium light In the gallery of the AoMlemy of Hualc, Fall River, Mass,, burst during the per- formance Bept 39, and a oty of fire waa raited. The speo- taton, nnmberlng about 3,000, at once made for the docra, and a panic wis prevented only by the coolness of the per- formers ai)d attaches. HABBiiDBept 31, in Silver City, N, M„ by Judge Oorbin, John West of Oallsgher and Weat and Llllle Gny of the Gray Bitten. Bob Watt, *ong and aketoh writer, advertises in this issue. Gbabt abd Oomwat, one-legged song-snd-dance performer*, are neat and toeompUabed danoen, eto., and have reoelved many good word* for tbeir olever performances. They would like to join a combination. They can be engtged for speclsl dates throngb Msgee k Leonard, wboseaddreuilDd elsewhere. Waldkabh's OrBBA-BousB, Newark, N. J., off*™ dates to variety artiste and oombinaUona. Apply to Fred Waldmann, mantger. ^ At SutTH's OpxBA-HoesB, Grand Baplds, the openlnn Oot. 1 were Geo. W. MllcbeU, the Everett*, Sheridan and Alten, Baker and Oardner, Belma Johnson, and Hay Hlteur. Oloa- ures Sept 39: Nellie De Bsr, Baynor Bmthen, Melds and Durdell, nynn and O'Brien, Jennie White, and Jen, and Georgle Powan. Busineat Immenss (falr-week). , , A wManiATioa sad variety people an waaieS at Abole'i Aiy«4« nNtrs, ^tnar (»t}. fi^ «ii4i Sxuoii abd Bdbxs, oomsdians, vocalliti and danoen, aad Haggis Buratl, tonhistte and spsdally artlil; «aa be togieed. Bee card. At Forbb's.Zoo, Leadvllls,Cel., nsdalty peopls eta And eDgigements. A long season it offend and a dronlt of ilxtaen wseks. Foster k Golilamith are the proprieton, and John J. Riley Is the amuaement-dlieotor. Bee ptrtlosIarB in earl elsewbera, Tbb "Two Johbi" Oombdt Oo. played In New londen, Ct, Oot. 1, Yonken, N, Y., 3; thence to Bridgeport, Ct, 8.New Bmniwlok, N. J,, 4, Wilmington, Dd„ S, Annipollt, Md.. t. Waehlngton.D.C, 8, oneweiSt, . . . Oaxlaobbb, Wbit ABDTBaOaaTBisiHiaolcfed ailv* weeka' engagement Bept. 39 at the Gem Theatre, Silver City, N. M., and opened In Taoson, A. T., Oct 1, for all weeks, nay are en nmle to San Franolsoo.- Tbb Jolly Patbtibdebs am to be in Ann Arbor, Uicb,, Oot C, Chelsea B, Hsson 9, Eaton Bapid* 10, Albion 11, Uar- shall 13, Kalamaioo IS. Fbabx Bimhbt publlshe* a notice to the effect that h* will payno blUa contracted in bit name without an order, Cumniiot ABD UolHTiaB wiU be at liberty after Oot 38. Tbey are now with the Bamum-London Show. Ihey tie aald to be exoellcnt performeia. Bee tdvertliemenlt, SFBCiALTT-ABTisTt ara wanted it the Lyceum Thtatra, Chi- cago, Ul,, for certain dates, at given In a card diawbtre in thli paper, Tbe TtaATBB COHiqn, Omaha, Neb., is reported u doing a good business. McKee and Collier have pUyed a tucossstui eogsgement then of four weeks, Perfcrmen are offered en- sagements, and Leonard and Flynn and Annie FeM* are asked to communicate with Lucas k Nugent, proprieton. BiiDLi k Pbdidlb's PLBAicnB pAHTT, wuo wsie in OaiUsle, M. Y., Oot 1, Sioansvllle 3, are blUed In Cential Bridge 3, Cobleskill 4, Sharon Springs 6, Cherry Yalley 0, Cocperatown 8, Springfield 9, RIchBeld Bpringi 10. A utADXB OF OBOUESTBA Is Wanted for Bultton Hall, Uaoon, Oa. Address A. Block, at per card. McNkil Fahilt and Sau K. Uododoh, who were In Bmllh- ville, O., Oct 1, Haiahalivllle 3, are billed In Dnlcntown 3, Rtndolph 4, Atwiter 6, Eileworth 6. HusioiAHS an wanted, also a female impenonaior and apcclilty people, for the Great American Ulnauelt. 8e« Man- tger'a card. Bexmbti & UoiTLTOB's OPKBA Co, ting in PUttabnrg, N. Y., Oot, 1, 3; thence to Kelnvllle 3, 4, Port Henry S, 6, Crown PolntB, 9, TIconderaaa 10,11, Poullney, Vt, 13,13. Xtlofbomes and ilthen csn be had of the minnftetonn and Importen, Uartmann Bros, k Belnhard, who adverilas their address, AooBBR-PLATaiswantedforBeedle k Prindle's Plessnre- Party, Bee card, BrAnu>n«a'* BxLLBmoBB* are reported aa meeting vrith sno- cess on Cape Cod, having turned people away every night last week, Georgle Dean Bpanldlng is evidently in the height of her popnlarity. They wen In Provlnoetown, Hat*,, Oct, 1, Harwlehport 3; thence to B, Yarmouth 3, Yarmouth 4, Hyas- nis 6, Bamstoble S, The Bt. QoTwrBi Opbba Oo. cloaed at Bpanlih Fort, nasr New Orleant, La., Sept 97. Bonle from then: Hoastan.Ttxa*, Oct. 1, 3, Galveeton 8,4, 6,6, Drenbam 7,8, AutUn 16, Waco 16, 17, Corsicana 18, Tyler 19, Palsstlna 30, Sbnveport, Ia, 33, 23, Uarshall, Texas, 34, Hlneola 26, Cleburne 26, Ft. Worth 37, Dallaa 20,80, 31. A baud and OBOHBsrsA can be engaged through WlUlam Reed, who advertlaes, Eabbt BABBMAin, planlat, Is engaged at the Dime Haisum, Kansas City, Ho, Bora, Gbau's Coiao.orsBA Oo. opened Bept 27 for three nights in the Blobmond (Ts.) Theatre, They had good audi- ences, and went to Danville Oct 1, Charlotte, K. 0., 3, Colum- bia, B. 0., 8, Charleston 4, 6, 6, Augnste, Ga., 8, Savannah 9, 10, Uacon 11,13, Amerioua 18, Oclumbna 16,16, AUanto 17,18, KnoxvlUe 19, 90. A DOUBLE-BASS ABD TUBA PLATBB iS Wanted. BSS L. A. Day's card. MiHOB Nona bboh Bostob, MAa*,— E, J. O'MakoBy is to setUe permanently in New York A. H. Famald, planlat, te In Boston again Tbe regalar company of the Bijou Theatre, with Rock k Backert as managers, wlU make a tour on the New England clrault during Obts, Wyndbam's engage- ment at the Bljon John Orth has ntnmed to Boston from Europe Georg Henachel will nllre from tbe direction of tbe symphony concerta after the coming season, ind will make an extended proreaslond tour The first entertalnmant in the Boberts Lyceum course at Music Hsll Oct, 3 wsa ^ven by HInnleHank and her concert oompany to a enwded house. For the flnt entertainment of the Bay Btite conne, at Unslo Hall 4, Tom Karl, Bone Olson, 0, E, Hay, W. H, Sher- wood, Oabrlella Boema and Bernard Listeminn an an- nounoed Uaater Allen B. Hunter, Hra. H, U, Smith, WuU Fries, B. J, Uolmberg and the Boston Instmoental Quartet, compoaing the Hunter Concert Compiuy, open their tour at the Dudley-etreet Opera-houee 4, going to Fltohbnn 6, WInohendon 0, Atbol 7, Drattleboro, Tt ,9. "Yiboimia" dnw good houiea to the Bljon Theatre, Boston, Uata., last week, and the company deserve much praise for the generally excellent manner in whloh tbey presented the opera. "Ylrglnia" Is to run to Oct. 16. Charles Wyndham opens 17, for six weeks, Tbb Wodoeiieb (Mass,) Uoooal Festival of Isst week wts a success fiuanolslly and srtlsUcally. Tbe oblef novelty wsa the production of Uax Bruob'a "Fair Ellen," a work wbidi the critics say mads a decided Impresalon, Carl Zeirabn waa tbe director. De SonUkl, De I«ve, Frant Bemneil, Amy 8tae^ win, Emma Howe and Hinnie Hauk mule the bite, LixuTXMAiiT AiXEM, veutrlloiinlst, reports tbit the figure* mide for hU entertainment by ilr. Yost are very aatlafaotory, and tbat hit exhibition of them In Bsn Frandaco with Robin- son's Show was given befon well-pleaied and crowded bouaes. JOBM Tbedbbh publishes a card in nferance to bis head-bal- anoing feats, and has something to say about "getting on bis eisr." JoBH ELon, acrobatic Juggler, who Is now traveling on the PadBo Slope with Robinson's Oirous, tus madt hia Joggling act quite a feature of tbe abow. He waote to Join a ooiiiDln«- Uon, and publisbee his addresa In ouradvertislngdepartment Mb, ABO Hbs, W, J. CoMWAT hive been engaged for one week longer at the Park Theatre, Chicago, 111,, becauae of their hit In one of their comedy aketohes, "A Lawyer In Beanh of Ollente." Lew Tdbneb, ventriloquist and Punch-and-Jndy performer, can be engaged after Oot. 33, See card, Boxo-amo-dahob feoplb, skeloh-artlsls and roogh Irish comedians are wanted at the Grand Central Tbeaire, Trenton, N. J. Bee advertisement UoLLBLLT AMD HoBXLABo havo received nnmerona tettl- monlalt aa to their profeaslouil ind private reputation. They publlah several In (heir card elaewhera, Upioialtieb an wanted at By'e k Bebman'a Tbeatre, Brook- lyn, N. Y., for Oot 39 and Nov. 6, aa advertised. A FBW 0000 tpzouiAiEs am wanted for certain data*, a* mentioned elaewhera, at Harry Wllllaaa' Academy of Music, Pitiiburg, Pa. ' BBtTOU-ABTiRS ud an Irlah eomsdian are wanted for Johanna Wertheim'a Comedy and Bpedalty Oomblnatlon. Apply to Prof. S. Weithelm, whose aodreas find in another column. A ROOE OoifBDuw aod a piano-player are wanted, for Levan- tine's Theatre, All>any. Boa advortlsement. Oasteb ABD Amobbsok, sketcb-arllala and wblsUlnB.dnet- tltte, can be engaged. Bee card. Tbey perform in iHtton, Haas., Oct 1, Bridgeport, Ct, 8, Hartford 18. At Esbbb a Alhambba, St, Louie, Ho,, Chrtels Momll, Hlles and Adama and Josle Martelle closed Sept 80. The Hoore Sisters, Uaster Fnnklln, Jennie White, Uit^e W<soott Hay Clark and Uiss Neeland began Oct 1. Dnalneea fair. At EDWABoa' OrEaA-HonaE, Bt. Lonte, Barjier Bros, and UUe. Fraud*, Billy Stamford, Frank and Ella Woodton, the Edwardsas, James Heime, Harry Marten, F, Waltan, Jobn Qerin, Jennte Blanche, Frankie Sidney, Jennie Hcntague, Christie Bros., Geo. Johnson and John A. Coldd an an- nounced for thli week. Heffemsn and HcDonald, Allan BIs- ten, "Tin-pan" Flelda, Olara Belmont Oonncn and XsUy, Thome and WiUlama and Harte Bro*. (no*ed Bept 80. At Uowabo k Altod'i Paviuob Tubatbb, Bt Louis, Ho, Little Jrsste Hull and Storm* and Edwards wen to hav* open- ed Oot 1. LixeUesndFnnk J. LeMonidosedBeptaO, Busi- ness good. At thb OBTiTii/-FALAaE Tbeatbe, Bt Lonl*, Hons. OhaTed, Hendel and Trent, Sherwood and Williams, Searles and Zeon- etU opened Oct 1. Uilie, Al. and LolUe Foatell, Frank Le Boy and Ella Leon dosed Sept, 80. Businees fair. AT THE Tbeatbe Oomiqdb, Hlnncapolit, Hlnn., Fred and Aii# Ooltlob doied Sept. 99. Ada Widton, LotUo Dyencort, Ada Elliott and Jessie Grant opened Oot 1. Tas ABBIVALS at the Bnoklngham Theatre, Louisville, Ky,, Oct 1, wen tbe Harmonic Quartet, Rosa Lonsdale, Hay Lewis, DevereandOakes, Ddmoroand Wilson,OorvellaaodConrtney, Frank Kennedy, Lottie Sinclair, Fienob and OUtk, Gallagher and Beynolds, Bryant and Kennedy, George Bon and Utggit NIoboIat, Clark fauiyer and AUle Balllager. Bavent'a Ho, open 8 for one week. Oaatle't Oetebritlet cloaed Bept, 80 after 1 week ct big bntliltst. Route: Indianapollt Oot 1, Bradford 8, Bnffato 16, one week each. The Faniioiin Pabx Thiatu, Betdlag, Fa,, will op«D under Oelsr k Bra.'s managi-mant OcL 8, Tbe Ltoioh Tbeatbb, Portland, He., Is to bt teopssad Oct. 8 with a atrong variety company. AM maLotrioB, a mnaictl team u4 a USf wto-toak •iBger Ht wuttd by a. B. Davit, who tdVMtlMa, . flM^^iaMi«4l3