New York Clipper (Oct 1883)

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OPTOBEbC^^ THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPEB ^ TOQI£.| G^RAND nSTAUGTOAL MONMT, NOT. 5, V;W^'^^&^«lRin! [nrlion Wimnrom flnanrl Dnlnnn |||[j|||np 483 Tickets •tfSoSte^iSes, Eoolett*, french. Pool, rl, and Needle Wheels, Faro and Poker Sg{ iy^ecks, Keno Toolj Monte Sort games of every description. A. BALL As BRO. 8S tf arkAt atreet, Chicago, Ul. IHR. fgnwrl r BTPBBM . QBOMHOLM * CO.. M H«r».t it Fabo Layouts. Hioa OABD at end or on fide. Alio a Uig* JJrtm«» o» "to"^ pnlntwl or italned. MASON A CO., Ohioago. Circus and Parisian GPRIHQFIEI HEADQUARTERS M ill utldM nwd In Ounei of ChtiiM, AdTtnUd* Cardg, Diet, ^.Tiiiti. Foktr Check! and Ctrda, KcoIetM Card Praaei, Cue n»di.ChKk-lioldera, FuroCuds, Cue Eeepera, Fijo Layouta uid ^ OompnaHd Irory CbMlia. Olotbi P»lnt^ to order for 107 SnTMcihllat end aemple-itaeet mailed frm. Addrau ' DAVIDSON <& CO., ^.U^i 18 NASSAU BTREBT, NEW TORI. faro. I CBSCZS | Foker. WBLUNO'S PAT. OOnPBBSSED IVOBT. 600 IK inch, plain, - $ 7 00. aOO 1^ inch, lined, - - 8 00. 600 IM inob.cnermved, 10 00. So axta* dunce for prlrits deelgne. Tema, net eaah with outer. Samples oa rocelpt of SB cents. Addrets, A. BALL U BBO.» 85 Market St., Cblcaso, III. »U ^ ^ Card Pboto OF ID BTACB BBAUTIES FOR IBeta. Addren frit* J. TAYLOR, W Wood itieet, PhUadelpUa, Pa. COLISEUM BTJILDmGS, Allegheny City, Pa. SEATING CAPACITY, 3,800. The Largest, Best Adapted, Hegantly Finished and Most Comfortable Place of Amusement in America. BRILLIANTLY ILLUMINATED WITH I nn EDISON'S LATEST IMPROVED ■ a A lUU INCANDESCENT ELECTRIC LIGHTS lUU Andltorlnm MoKolflcently Finished Throuprhont, and especially adapted to the Comfort of the Patrons. 1,600 PATENT FOLDING OPERA-CHAIRS 1,600 (Liateat Impxovofl Pa,ttom), i Hpectal Featnre, the Arrangement of Beceptlon-rooms and Fromcnade-foyer. AN ELEGANT STAGE, FIFTY BY FORTY-FIVE FEET, Bnilt irlUi all the latest mechanlral Improrements and accessories, especially adapted for the pro' dnotlon of all the latest sensational noTelUes of the day, upon a scale of grandeur never before attempted npon the American stage. Honey larlshly expended, and no pains spared to make thls the most complete and diversified entertainment in the world. Everything strictly In conformity with MOBAUTI, REFmEHENT and RESPECTiBILllT. An Enterprise Backed by Solid, Practical Business men of Unlimited Capital. A GOiPLETE CIRCUS AND HIPPOTHEATRON. All the Leading Arenlo 8t.ar8 of both Europe and America will be presented In rapid succession. For the proper prodnotlon of these features we have erected in the Amphitheatre a full size 4S FOR 1883, AMD FASTEST TIME RECORD PUBLISHED IN AMERICA, CuyilDOFllLLllEWSDEjILERSIlNDlleENIS RavideileiiwlU pleua order tbalrrappUaaof tlitliwhole- ■uamsti. O^faamaUed trom thli offloe on receipt otpIio^ IS cenli. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. RO.Boi8 7«8. ''P"*'*'*"*"'*'"*"*'^'. Sew Tort 4!2 FORTY-TWO FEET IS DIAMETEB. lian Wigwam Department. I Forty Ttorttx. American-Aliorlglnea. reprcsontlne trwenty dllTorent trl'bes. beaded \>-y the ureat War-oHlor "fTSE-AJI-IUIO-KISX:" Crhunder Cloud), preseiitlne "Fruo Sxbl'bltione of Indian Xiife In tbe Far West. kl Parisian Carnival and Ataian Golisenm Department. Under tlie dlrootlon of SIONOR GMA.COM:o ILiSOM'ARSI, preaentlns all tbe latest Parisian Carnival Features and Gladiatorial Sports of botli Anolent and Slodem T'lmos. FLEET, A MAGNIFICENT ENTERPRISE. Without a Precedent! Without a Peer! All Plnmy Institutions Fall Into Oblivion Before its mdal-wave of ' TowerlnB Btrengrtb. AMERICAN AMUSEMENT COMPANY Proprietors CHARLES SEELEY . w Manager M^AGERIAL STAFF: HORACE MALCOLH AssiManUmanager I JAMES HEWLETT Assistant-treasurer FRAIfK DREW .T7. .Treasurer I EDWIN McGBAW Secretary CARL HEBKASir, European-agent. Permanent address, CHAS. SEELEY, (Coliseum Bnlldings) it* American Amnsement Company, Allegheny City, Pa. The KCr^ (Kin^ Grotesques) After an Enormously Succesiiful Tour Through the West, HEKITE and ROSCOE AT nlMt and moBtg«nalDe net,, iDtrodaclBS tba "i toimi, iddrais (ptrminent), ... , . r. S.—Cu tiTugt with Combination, Irst-cleiB 0DI7, forseuon. t ud moatmnaloa In the ptofeaalon: and ttaeir NBWud ORiaiNAL OlBOnB-BURLESQVE "J.A rSRCH." 81 . iDUodaclBir tba "HBRRY mASOLOBOB" (their own ut), end tbelr Otlgliulltlai, mtklnr enothar ■Irons turn \t, iddrais (ptrminant), HEBNIi AMD ROSCOE, US Parry itrcet, C For detaa and CoTlngtoD^y^ PROVIDENCE MUSEti PALACE theatre; 236 WESTMINSTER STSEET, PROVIDENCE, R. I. FRANK DREW • Sole Proprietor and Manager This new and magnifloent amusement enletr prise Is Bltnated in the most central portion of the city, snrronnded by the fashionable stores and shopping resorts. In magdlfloenoe of ap^ polntments and roomy, well-lighted, comrortable Curiosity Halls and Theatre It surpasses any mnsenm In America. It Is all on the gronnd* floor, heated by steam, and lighted by the eleotrle Incandcseent light. THE (JBAND OPENING TAKES PLACE MONDAY, OCT. 22, 1883. Oct'sI'"'" elraady angaged raport on 8UNBAT, Tjntrlloqniil, Pnooh-and-Jody and two mora LWlng Curloaltlat for optnlBf. Open data, at li\ tlmai for good attracflona. Enganmaniii for enrloiltiM Ujic threa weeka. Addreai all correapondence to IT'It AIM It DREW. W it. PROVIDEWOB MUHEUM, ProTldenoeVli 1. E.M. HALL IN ENGLAND THE LEADING BIIIIJOIST OF TWO CONTINEIITS. RGAD. Tha ordlnarr Idea or the banjo la merely that or an InatraDeat adapted to nil ap wllli a fkw aimpla oborda tha pauaaa In a aoni fet chorui. and alto to guide tba ear ofilngera who hare not bad nnab Toeal training. That It waa poaalble to play dilllault and alibormle Mloa, aira with TarlatloBa. ata., few woold Imagine, bntHr. E. U. Hall appaara to, hare dlaoorared quite naw eapablUUaa In tba baiOo a* a aolo Inatrument. It la poaltlraly etait- llng to bear tha Taned and original affeou be piodgaee. ThebanJo Inbia bandala Ilka (ba Tlolln under tba flngera efe Panolo1,ortha plaoororta under the manlpnlatlon of BablnitelB or Von Bulow. we do not pretend It aenala tbaia InitnDeBta la the qualltr of tone, but the powara o( ekeoatlon on tbla ilmpli la. ■trumenttaaTa been wonderftiUy enlarged by tbeaklU or the per. former, whoaa aolna bare a certain artlatlo graee end denean of atylaoneeonldhardiTbare eipaeted. Weoan teatlty totbebnt llant aueceu Hr. Hall hae aobleTad In a parformanoa aa pleailag u Itlawondarftil. Amongthoaa to whom we Iiatenad ontbeeTenlag now refeired to none pleaaed ua better than Mr. E. M. Hall, wbo la deierlbed eg Ameriu'a leading ban^olat. We bate before alluded to tba ma? Taloua aklU with which tbla duaky gentleman manlpolatea tbe Btrlngaoftbe Inatrument mentioned; out we cannot nfralnlrom giTing him further commendation. Bach banjo playing be glees bu nerer before bean heard, and It ahould be aaid tbat a tborcagb mnilaanwbo eat next to ne waa moat entbualaatio Inbli preleeeu and that the andlenoe generally ware moradto aeelamatlon, and recalled tha olerer artut again and again. Thoie wbo llaten to l(^ Hall'a Imitation of a military band winwonder mneb at tha axtrMr- dlntry Tolnme of aound and at tha oomplateneae of tha bannoBy to be extracted Jtom the mnch'daaplaed banjo. m m HiiiT, STILL THE MME. GIRARD LITTLE NOW WITH GYER'S NOVELTY CHAMPION, COMPANY. RE ENOAOBD AFTER FIRST MIOHT LONGER FIRST OPRK DATE, OCT. 2>. HANAQBRS ADDRESS FOR TWO WBBKB ALL PIBST-OLABa MISS AjsKi'm BAiirr, ut Ohryatle atreet, Hew Toik. P. a—HaTobeenWeat. Like tba country. WlUgoacaln. Be- garda to Face Ollne. tt-lt FOB SALE. LIGHT BAND-WAGON haan uaad but two aaaaoDaJ W-foot Round-top Canraa,! eto. Addraaa aa par route, Two-horae Bill-wagon, Tlcket-wa|on> 1 lengtha of Beat*, Wardrobe, Banian, WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A Leading Juvenile Man and Juvenile Womeo. Hnat be aober, willing to work and reliable. Bend programma. State wbere lait engaged, experience, etc. Addrei. OTTO II. KRAUSB,' Manager Jennie Holman Combination, Oralg, Mo. Territory. Blsmarok, Dalcota. WH. H. BRANOU, Sola Proprietor. WH. L. OREENE, Soalneai-managar. OPEN THE YEAR ROUND. Flrat-claaa Variety Talent wanlvd atalltlmea. WRITE rOR DATEa m-Il* -SIREEI OPERA-HOUiiE, ST. LOUIS. Corlon.InTentlona, Specialty Artlataauluble for lady andlenoea. Wonid be plaaaad to bear (Mm OIAOOMO OALETTI, PROF. HDTOH- IH TILL, "THE INVISIBLE WOMAN." Will MLLB. OHRUTHIB kindly oommnnlcatar LongencuemenU for LUl- Addiea., glrlng open tima, terma for one to rour weeki, ^ * INOB, PROF. JOHN TILL, putlani with ipeclalUei. 28-4t -- . Deakln'i Academy of Mnalo, MUwankea, wla. lignres receired, and they glre great satlsfoctlon. I opened Trith them in San Francisco, Cal., John Boblnson's Menagerie, to 60,000 people during the ireek. Bespeetfully yours, In Deakln's Dime llliiseu] IHIIaWAnKZSB, WIS. (Oponlng HTot. I), u'i.'JSrs.'^srSi.'r^SllUVING CiraOSITIES OF ALL W FREAKS OF RATDEE, iMol Act done by Mr. Fields. The word origin- u la a common one npon the playbills, but this M Is the first one that I have seen in many I }(ws that (tally deserves the term ORIGINAL. H Bas cost Mr. Fields eight years of constant PiHtlee to accomplish this extremely dlfflonlt | '"iMnd he can feel secure In the possession tbT? ^**»" ** ^"^ot ^ stolen by the ECCEN- mc GENTLEMEN in onr Profession who earn »^ dally bread by stealing that which has ^ invented by Arttets of AbUlty. I consider itB-pui Fields' Specialty One of the Strongest «WlUes In the Profession. J. S. EDWABDS, . Manager and Proprietor. vHS^^ like to hear flrom some. First-class ^nutation. Address all communications to .au ^ PABK THfATB^ Indianapolis, Ind, B A Iff TA <3^os. RioKxiarr, mandpaoidbbb • ' " ^ tB-Ut?) I.«a WorUi rifth Btreet.rhlladalphla.Pa. MASTER FRAIfK EVMS,* LIEUTEHMT ftLLEH, Bo»al Ventriloqiiitl. GREAT SUCCESS. GRAND REOPENING OP PHILi MILiIiIGAN'S DIME MnSEUM. DETROIT. MICH. Opened Sept 17, entirely lamodeled and lellttad It Is pronounced by old mnianm people to be one of the OnHt mnaeumi In tbla ooon- ...Idlng, and will continue to mn hU place all the yaar around. Flr.t-olaia (Teake and The atage la large and commodloni. ItwIU be conreDlant for iTeakaahowwgonthe tiT. Mr. iiilUnnliuVflTe'Teiira' leaM ofThebulfd'lngT and will continue to run hli placeall the iiix around good apeelalty paopr — " " "'— '" ~ *"'' "" """" —' Weatem circuit to oi 3»-lt id apeelalty people are wantod at all tlmea. _ . , , . —!L ..-...',.r._ flumoB by arraoglni with Mllllgan'a Hoaaum^ Detroit la a eentralplaea. Addraaa leaajumpaoyat M« a iE»JdIt, MIurilTOAW, I»roprJetor, aa abore. N. Y. CALCIUM LIGHT CO. BOSTON BBiXOH, 83S WABHINaTON BIBKBP tu-at*tf] BANK and BLHBOEBB STBEKIB, RBW TOBK. ait> BOX MJBIBSISXUS'X. Addieu out ot OUFTBR. OP ALL KINDS THAT DOUBLE IN BBABfl AND BTBINO; alio PEMaLE IUPBBSONATOR AND BPEOmTT PEOPLE, rorty weeki, Man be lobar and reUable, Aadreaa HANAOEB Ortet American Minitrali, Box4S, Maaon City, Iowa. r.B.-VoUormi fonlibed CORNET-PLAYER WANTED ' AIEo lugbly competent Player " " To lead a Braaa Band of 13 men, tbat plaj an AIE or B dat In - . Kone but a tnorou "" band and B-flat In orcheatra. man i ' " braaa man need apply. Alao wanted, a Becond-Tlolln Write. ila|- ■ - - ayer who pltyg jiatlog aalaiT In fliat letter to sare time, BandalpD, Uaaa., Oot. 4, Canton t. North Attlaboro d, Attlaboro 8, Wood- ■ockeL R. I., i, BottthbrlJg 19-lt* BOBIN , Maaa.. 10, Webater II, Weatboroll DN A MoALLIBTER'S MINBTBBLR HARRY BAERMANN, the wall-known Planlat, la angigad at the Dime MoHom, Kaniaa Oity, where be would like to bear rrom hie numarooafrlandi. M-lt* FAIRVIEW PARK THEATRE, RS3AI>IZirO. PA., will open MONDAT. Oat. 8.1681. Addreaa OEIBB * BRO. 39-lte JUGGLER, LADY OR GENTLEMAN alab lady to pull agaluat boraaa, wanted Immediately to go South; at tbe falra. Telegraph loweat aalary to JOHN. PBRBBll, Mnaaum, Hamilton, O. . Bllti'a S-lt WANTED. A LADT for general bn.lnea., with Little OlrL BtaM loweet ail arr. Prederlektown, Ohio, nntll Oct. 8: Mlnerra, Ohio, until IX ».|t MANAOEB BONNIE MEVEB COMBINATION. A DOUBLE BA88 AND TUBA PLAYER wanta an engagement with aome reUable trrellog company. Addraaa L. A. DAY JB 39-lt* 389 BcOTllla arenue, Oletelandi O. CHAMPAIGN, ILL. EICHBERG'8 OPERA-HOUSE. Newly reltted, ererythlng naw and attraotlre, newly heaaoed, new (canary. laororadentrance. LocatlonotllllnolaBtateuDlTeralty. Rent, ilB. Pleaae addrew Max Elchberg, Beo'y, Opera-honea. lU-a* FOR LEASE OR RENT, THE NEW HASONIO OPEaA-HODSB at DeBote, Mo., a mllMaoutb orst. Lonla, on tbe Iron Mountain Railroad, aeatlng800. WIU be completed Oct. 18. For paitleolara addreaa UUB HaBel. . V-U A RARE CHANCE. A good SHOW for BALB dieap for owh. Soltable for ball or lent. With Tent, Organ, Dmmi and Palntlnga. All complete. Addrem, withatamp. J. 8. HOLLAND, EeoknkTiowa. —..r* »lt> TO oraOTTS AJXiy aiDESUOW MANAOKIia JAMES MARTIN & SON, Mannfaetoiaiiof Otnni and Bbow Oanyaaef, Bunting; rUM.eta, 110, lUandlM Oommefmalat. Beaton. Prioe-UateenTaee. tg-U t* HOUIeTON OPERA-HOnSE, Mox7r/rorr, bud. 77