New York Clipper (Apr 1856)

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4 JNEW YORK CLIPPER. BATTLES FOR tJ[E _ap*««i«^iyifSHIP. -mid ui Uit:(tatut bttVMn Oannt ud BaUt» Tni ibiid triti bttweni 9en Cadnt ana Beodlgo, for 41M«^3eiiuiilih( Obmplon ielt,ci<kted the moft lat«B|i ex«lt<mtnit ihronghont "All Eoglud.'*..Jg* fine «u pltohtd »t Sotlieia Green, Ozon, and Ig^gfe- foie the mui entend Ifae tnai, foil 10,000 penoixlitd «OD|i«|»t«d uoand it. At 30 mlnntea piit 3,'»« men nteied the rlDg,Ctnn» ittendtd by Jcm Kolynwux ■Bd VOmj Tnrnw, ■whU* Bendlgo hi* the ettAtt- sue of irfok ud Juk Hinfltf- Cannt iwb hnUj «hMMd, but (be lecapUoB of B«ndlg6 wa com- plete tntlon, nblle the Noltlngbj* woghe, IWhrfthlng ihtlr «tIoki, ud ncToondtog,-"* npn rtakei, •^otf «'q)lrit of paitlMlrf* •'•ry nniuud, and oe^ talalyVtry onbeeomlog ov^oh tn ooeulcn. At leoglb tttie centlemen retfrrf K^Iie rear of the. Inner cirole, •ad na will do (Ir^the Jaitlcsto say that Ibeykept tte o^ter ilog,/foprlied principally of conntry people Hbo lu^ no>^;#uohaaed . tbtlr ticketa, at a toltraUy le- DOe. Aflei the llrat ebaliltlcn bad rab- tUii/Oaai ud Bendlgo ibook hand*. The toai for gbtiM of ooraera iraa won by Cannt, who took ibe blgh- Mt ffrbuadiBBd left Sendy the oppotlte eomtr, wltb tbe in full In. Ua face, Spring, in compliance with tbe •^ tfelet, tbes pnidnoed tbt Chaoplon'a belt, wblob be kandeid to Biiiidlgib, ih order that he might be aalltfled M to l(|a Idefltlty. Bebdy buckled It round ble walit In A iort of braTado, and afleiwardehanded it to Jem Ward, io be held by bbn until tbe ftte of tbe day was decided Bendy offercil to lay an even ££0 he won tbe flgbt, which vu politely deoilnad by Cannt, and tbe men then pro- ceedtdtc tbelr toDettei. The qaeatlon of referee was BOW Motf|iiiu(&rwaid, and npon tble point tbtre wai, of Conne, gr^f^lacrepancy of opinion. A number of pe^ tons ware mentioned en botb aldea, but each name waa noelred wHayMae o^eotlon, until at last tbe name of « Tbe Old Sqoize" was proposed. Tbla gentleman had ntIted tohls^)^rriage, from apprebenelonB of personal danger, and itrfirit declined to act, bat on being told that unleiB lie did the match would not In all probability come otr^h« acceded to tbe wlihts of tbe multltne, and waa eieoiied to the dde of the ring, close to wblcb be tookuphia'podtloa. The ooloia were now tied to tbe •takes, .tbat oi Bendlgo being blue with a white spot, •nd thtt of Caunt a brigbt orange and blue border, with Ibe fl^UowIng iniorlptlon In a gaiter In tbe centre :— "Oaunti^asd Bendlgo, for £200 a aide, and the Gbam- plonaSip of England, 9tb September, IMS." This sui- ronnded amotto, "Vay (be best man win.". All being now In readiness tbe foienoct ranks of the spectators titber 'asf or knelt down, and (tils poiltlon they malii- taljied until tbe disorders to wblcb we bave already re- ftn^ gtandoally Inoreased, and confttalon became worse Oonftanded. On stripping, the eontreii iiei-«ren> tbe men was ez- tnordlnary; Cannt, as compared with Bendlgo, preient-' cd a glganllo atptot, while bis huge limbs, dlTceted of tbelrcwtomary covering of lleBb,bada mott alngnlar •ppearance. Els tlba were as palpable aa thoae of a gieybpnnd, and bis long anna, tbigbi, and legs, covered only'irltb maioles and slnew0,gave blin tbe appearance of peffeot DondltloB, Hla face, too, bad a most eztra- •rdinaiy e:ipressIon, offering plenty of bony subatanca tin yibm Bendlgo might crack bla krinoUes. Hla balr ^fUB evt tematkaUy thoti, and bla anolent scars atand- Ib^orth nhdlegnlsed gave a character to his mug far temoved fiomtbe poel'e description of Adonis. Still Ua eyes were bright, and there wae an ezpresslen of good bumor In bis lank and pale phiz that showed per- fect self-pouesslon, and internal oonfldence.-. His weight but little' ezoeeded 14 stone, and hie height; rendered more sMUng from bis dlnlsntlonlnbulk, waa ezactly 6 feet 2i. Bendlgo offered an aspect maob more agree- able, bis eomplezlon was dear and firesh colored, while blafiame generally ahowed perfect bealth; blawelgbt, we were Informed, waa llat. 101b. His grey eyes were brigbt and sparkling, and bla manner eccentrlo, but con- fident. There is a natoial restleaaness about him which iras by oo means dlmlnlabed on thia oocaalon, and be bad evidently made up bla mind, by every dodge of wblob he was maater, to tteal apon hla opponent, and to •loape from the eflbots of bis fearftil pbysleal superiority. He aawtbat be wu nomercnaly aupported by bis friends, •ad it .was dear that be was by no means dismayed by the odds In height and length to wblob he was about to be opposed. The odds, and there was a good deal of betting,: may be quoted at 6 to 4 on Caunt. ' ' . IHI nOBT. Botul 1' XIm aneli-dadnd nuDiit fcr the aommtDMotDt of th( Bniitl*i|Ui ut1t*4| praUoliuilnd V » •ImnltiaeoBii oir or"Svira,toin;likt(off," Ae. UoIUmms tnl TuDirlfd tbeir BU to thi untoh, KblU Nick Vtrd ud Ia«k Hubh Mrlbrmtl - tb*Ukicflc*rocB»dlgo. BtDdili»lDf titei eiouM.tb* MO- •Bdi TttlMd t9 tb*li eoiMii, tod liilBtM oommtBcad. Out tb«wbliinl(lBt«kitllDde, titettad UBlUggiitbll* BtBdlio *t oae* b«| pUr roiad btm, da4|lB| la bti nnitl rtilt, OtBBt lit ay bli ItR.bBt mliMd, B«Bdl|s.'telht od hfi ploi, ntmtod, •Bd dkaMiidlttt ud rifbt; ttlut bt <r«pt Id oloitr, thtn ost tgalB, till, vatablBt bb oraortiiBltf, ho (ot cloior, ud popptd la a auk with hli loft on CuBt'i rl|bt o;o. After a fiw IWtlT ea- pon, h* oaooMdtd In dBllrsilBg laotbu enok vlth his loft on Oiosva ekook, oMolB|tbo old o«tr loft hj Inuo7,ud dnwlBi Ifrt blood, u von u prodacigg u oltolrlo tIToct onOinBt'i optlo. SbOBta vgllmltol fh)m Bendlio'i m«ndi. Bondr got tvtr lugb- lag, ud •gtla pUyod lonnd bio min. Cunt got eloMr, Dluod u lnt*B4*d oluhir irltb bio loft, ud oloud fbr tbo fall. Btadj grap* plod with Ud, bat oonld not oioapo, ud Ctnnt, ij nporltt fttOBoUi, fcrood bin don In tbo oonoi. 8. OaOBt ID at th* etll <r 'tlnir,>blo o;o ud obook tootlhlni tht aflkot* or the TlolUtlosa In tbo latt rooBd; BoDdlgo dueing toBsd Um aBdwaltlsgfaraaoponlDg. Bll||hteiohugoorlgbtiB« laft, Oannt oloilog bio oppononi'a lead. fioadl|o, Id totioatloi to tbe lopei, allppod down, waa bd again In a memonl, and dubed to Ui aan. ' Wild aiobnieo, bnt no oppuont eieonlloa. Oaont bit eat TleloBalj loft ud rlfht, mloMd hli kind lattBtlona, ud Dood; got dowa uacatbid. . 8. CatLBt cam* np aulok, and dttocnInodoD ulnlbllatlon. Jlosdy again plajed aboni bin, bot Jld not got netr onoogb for eleoatlon. Aftotaaae wild paaeo, Oaont mlialng, Biodlgo, on the letioat, wao eang^t la the poworfnl graop of Cannt, who threw kim tciou the topooaad Ml onblm, hat no mlechlofdoDe. *• WBt earn* np blowing or wblatllog, when Dendlgo, aftar a llila doogug.poppod In hla left andor hla gaaid, and got waj. Oautt dotnato^J OD mliehlar. followod hla man, ud at Tart get. lBgteblB, lokgoUfteB4 rignt, utchlog Boidlio with the left ■lIsntiToa.tbi Boith.bBt nlnlig hli ilgbt. llendloo.andlpg blmaeiriB dimesVT,jntdowa,'(allliigont£o top*,andgrlnnlng fMollonilj at QollaK (1)1 sooond, who walked baek to hlicornor. v!r*' •?*/'"'^V> '•'^o'l*f»w »"•'I' "»•». BfBdIgore^ b"}*!''*?"? 10*1 leaobod tbo r«p«a,when Oanntblt eat left ud right, bla blovi puung hoimleidr over Bondr'a hotd J*!u*'"Sl''Z.'^'''»''"' Oannt'e delltei/not (oheae- ejanlid fcr, with bU oeppoitd aMonea. Beadlgo, who at«^ Htbitwlldltiiotdown. " ' ■J: SS!'} ■"».*?«"». walliag ,Hh hUbudi woU ap. l«lhMHst appntotaod bio, bnt be tetieaUd. Otant let Bf I^t •ad r'fbt, bnt Bendf dooked bij culiter, ud got down, withlnoro oreantloBtb>anllant>7. ^ 7, toft-baadtd ex'ohargoa on tbe aeba, h|t of d« moBut Oaut Biad* ooB* deopeitta longei right waa too high, ud Bon- Caut'a gnaid wllb hli choek. Caul nioeid bla Sug Urn aatoM the lopoo. ' he OTeibaluaed UmaolC ) opilbjj gglot BanJj with blm, amtdat foBua ' "■ plajad I Nolilngban aebool. f ooad bu Bu, wateblog thla at Uit offorad, ud catob- dackod hla hoad to btcM the le- I ilr nanaaTilog on Ibe part nf Bond7, who, after due- it aro'a laiglli, atalo a north, and canaht Caoat a itSng- with bio lofl en the right ebetk, drawleg Bore alaiot, afUr a fow dodge i, got left, ud gMo biB a piattT poi iMarB, bit lelilBg B«a<7 In hlo Here he haagbeaTll/ oa blm, til Ud fkll enr on hlo own - ' ' load aboala ud abnilTO . 9. Xoadj seme up fall of for lo opperlnoltj to leg Ouat'OB the eld tan, on4 dropped. la Bora Ingabonlat log iintek with , . - . . and glrlng tbo big'nn neie of the traiedy hno. Caant laalaatljr <loi4d.gaToBoad>theOornlab beg, lug bla hj nala atrangth, and fell on blm. IL Bin<7 puaaod hliaeeoDtrlogrraUoniaroand hUBiu,vbaB, wltb the owlttaoaa of llgbtalDg, he popped la hla left on the Jaw, and hla rlabt on the bod>, end fell. l)ia|t, otug hf thete Tlalta- tloni, followld blB, ud drevpid onhli^ooa dowtohla bu, bat, Inekllr. did not toeeb bin, ud Bond; vu pleked ap lenghlog ud ulojnral i In faot, np to tble tiae he learoe abowad tbe aea- hluco or a hli, bojond a illgbt coBtnilon oa tbo Up, ud ob tbo loflear, 13. fiondlgo tetreated Ittm Canat'a Tigoroaa charge right ud left, and allpped down, bat lulutlj Jnapod np ud tonowed tbe toud. Aftar eone wild Ightlag, hat ao eiecntlon worth neord- lag. Beidr wint dawa la bu eoreor, aaldit erloa of " foal, aaau- l7?>Ao, io. 11. Oaaat, on coming to the aorateh, let 47 with hla lofl,Jait graalog the top of Bend;'a acalp. A obaip rail; followed, aad eoanler-blta *llh the loft wore exehuged, Band; hittlxg Oaaat with rath tenllo ferae oa tbo old opot oa the right choek that he knocked bin eliu off hla Itn, tbia gaining tbe drat kaock-dowa blow, anldit Ibo diafoolag iboata of the Mottlagbam lojt. 8acb wu tbe.fofee of Boadlgo'a blow tbat be aotnall/ cahonndod hack agalait the attko, and laaat waa picked ap tlaeat atunod bj the aeTerlhroftbo tlaltatloa. 14. Boad/iibled with hlabudlworfclntbe liat reud.agafai daabed la with hie loft, bat aot boing laffloloatlr qnick laUon- treat, Oaaat canibtbln ronnd the nook with hla lift, lifted hla to' the ropea. ud tboft bug ea bin, 101 Baadlgo, la Irjlat tn cicape fkem Ui gnap, pallad blm forward ,thraw,udfUlhea tU j on bin, aaldat tbo tndlgaaat abonta of bla oppooonta It. Baadj oina ap u llvolj at a klitani whll^Caaat, udlama;- ed, eomo aalllng to the laratoh. Canat plnagtd In left aid tight, bat mloiod; he ihts aataod bla au for the threw, but Beadj dip- ped reaad, ud catehlag Oaut it the nock, pnllod bla down. le. Bend/ tried bla loft-baaded dodge, bnt mluod, ud retreated. Cannt followed blm to ble oornor, bitting ont loft aad right, bnt throwlnf ble buda toe high. Cannt grapnltd for tbe tall, bnt Bindjflot down, Oannt foUcwtnganlt, ud, aant aatontbegronad, beckonlag Eeadlio lo come to blm. IT. Beadrnado blDaoirBpformlreblof, and plajid rennd bla bu for a nw roeonda, when jotting within dlitante, bo dclWoied a terrlle h It with hli loft oa Cavot'o month, ud foil. Caut'i np- Mr Up wae compleloly apllt b; tbla blow, lod tbo blood flowed mm Ibe wonad Id tonanta, white ronewed cbMn of canltatlen bom the Notlloaham dif liloaarlncod tbelr delight. 15. Beadr aaain came the artfol dodge, pat In hli left en Caut'i Boalb, aad fAl. Cunt pointed athrB,Dnt Beady laughed ud neddod. le. Bendy, noro cutlone, kapt ont. Cannt raahad to bin, bit- tieg ont left and right, bat with little effoot Bcndf retreated. Oeut eengbt blm on tbe ropei, and hnng on him tUl he fell. Koto ikoallogaad pniiehlnB at Oaut. 30. Oaaat,uzloiu to oa at work.adTaBud, whileBiedr retreat- ed to the ropoL where be hit <p with hli left ud dropped. Caut wu rellrla(, wnea Bud; jamped op ud bad enolkor alap at him. Oaut toned roand ud eaagbtbim nodarhli anau haattompted to eaeapa, lifted him to the ropei, ud there held him tl'I be foil, asldit the lofhrlated orlei of Bcadj'a IMoada. 21. Cannt prompt to tbo call of time, bla baadi will op, hat Ben- dy again itole a aiareh, peppod la hla loft, and allpped down to arold a rotnni of tbo compllaont, Indignant eiproulone at tbla nnmulyvaj of tfrmlnatlng tbaroanda t2. Beady waa itlll free from pnalabmoat, and looked ea fteth u when ho intirod Ibe ring, while CaonI, although Ann and uUre OB hlo plu, ibowod haavy aarke of panlibmont on hla ttontlf ploeo. tepoated fall^ bogu to arlnee eymptoma of fatlne. The eonfa- iloD ronnd tbe ring eoatlaaod moit unoying, altbon|b tharopoo and atakoa wore atUl proeerred oatlre. Vuy peiaona, from the preeiBreof thoM beblad, wore cenplatily eihaaitad, ud happy to beet a ralroat. For onroolToe, we had repeatidljtobeartte weight of aoaa balf-dotea aolghbor(,to wblcb tbo bedloo of both Oaaat ud Bendlgo were occaaloaally addid aeibiy fell orer the lepea oa aa. Daring tbla tlaa tbe aomton of tbo lionlea BJag, wllb one or two exeeptloni (Vaadoaald and Jobuy Broeae m paitlcolarj wore perfoctly tioloicent, ud looked ea with medeit Umldlty, erldontly aiytld to Intorftre with the "elnb law" of tbe Nottingham bude, who were ngalarly oi gulaed, and obeyed Ibe ilgBab of tbelr liadera with a dlielpllae worthy of a bettor tnt», si. Baadlgo "JaBpedIlnOrow''^reud hie nua, tipped blm a loft hudod aaellcr, and dropped withnt a relarn tt. Cannt followld Bandy to the comer of the riif, fclttlag ont lift ud right, bnt wltbent precleloa, and corlalaly witboat doln* oioeallon. Bandy nalkd bla with bla loft in the old ity1e,anl dipped down, bat Inotully Jaaped ap to renew tbe roud. Oaaat, laatoad of ftopplag to fibV eonaldoriag tbe roud orer, ru aerooa the ring lo hli eomor. Beady after hla, till tbiy raaebid the repei, endafleraconfkMd eaaaUe. lo wblob Beady need hlo left ud right behind Caut'a hMk, both wore dowa, aaldrt ganoial oxproo- aloaa of dlalaito at tbla atyle of Ightlag, bat load applanae for Zeady. eo. Canat ao aooner ea bla lego thu to hla man, bit Beady ei' coped hli latendid coanltmeBta lift ud right, thiew bla left'on tbe aonlb, ond dropped, Oaaat fUllsg eror blm, 6t One boor ud twuty-bor alaatoo had new olapaod, h weteetUlno oyDptoBoof aa approecblag taralutloa to the bat- ON ud laat roud. The men wor» quickly at the aeratcb, aad Caant cemaoneed eperatlag left ud right, eatehlng Beady altgbtly on the forehead. Boadlgo wta fMcod Moh apoa the ropeo almoit la a reenmbeat pealUea. bat got ap, ud waa ogola kaoeked dowl^ ud Caaat tnreed ftea bla, coaaioeirlni the ronnd bad eoacladed. Beady, hewof or, awake to erory ehuco of adalnlatarlaa paaiib- aent, Jumped np, u ha had done before, and raabing after Canat, who wu hall tamed bom bin, wu aboat to lot ly, wkea Oaut dropped on hli nether ud, evidently dUnellaod to reaew or eon- tlaae that roud | ud now a flaal. aad, u It tnmod eat, a daoUra appeal wu aide to tbe refor«0'(aot by tbe oaplree, bat by Jem 'Ward, Baaaaa, ud othora,) who, with, reiy little heilUtleB, pio- nouecd the Iktal word "foaV'decleilBi tbatba eonddored Oaaat bad deliberately Tlolalod the nlea of the ring by aolng down wlth- ontablow,and bad therelbre lott tbo tght Tbla lerdletwu balled with the londart Toclfentlono by the roagha, aad Beady, withrnt farther delay, wu borne off troa Ibe icene of blauex- peeted trlampb by hla portlaanr, aad cairlod to hie earrlife aaldat reiterated ecelaaiatlona. Boanddiawu thli lieao to tbe afflUr, that thonaoBdawere for aoaa time oubla to dlicoter who wutha rwlrlctor.auy ImaglBlBg that tbe faal blow In tbo prerteaa roaad bed led to the doclaloa being igilnit Bendlgo, It wu only by thoie' Imaodlately cOBtlnenito tbo ring tbat the trw ataio of bla obeek wltb a gaplag wound, hlo Up apllt, and eye ud aooe erlnolBg the ooutqnoacei of Beady'o uy bat etlnglDgrlalUUona Canat, Impatlant at Bandj'a ont-lghtlng, roihad to bla laft aad right, hal Bindy, uviurnr to try the weight ot anporlor aelal, allppod down, and Cannt tell oTor hla, bnt not on him, aa hla tHeada ullelpated, ud u, perhapa, he latended. 33 Both freih. After a little dodging, adruoisg, ud retreat- ing, Bondr eialo Bailed Oanntwltb \i«lenunjil>dan»(^ klia. iv-tMr- Oaaiih cangat BID a alight nobbar on the biad with ua <-ft. end Baady got dowa. 34. Bmdr again playod roud bla au till within dlatuce, whin be poppedlna kaary nlow on the rlba wltb hla left, aad get down )Otarotara. There waau Imaodlatecry of ''foul," aad u appoal wao made to the rehroe. He boaltated, aaldat tnaaltnou cnei of " Ikir, blr," ud allulona to the alee of Oaut The aprou wu torrUe, and (be loaer eircle wu OTorwholaed by the rongho fkOB witbont raibirg In to enforco tboir aigaaeata lo faror of Beady. At lut the rarereo docMod " fair," and "lima" wucallid. 35. NIok Ward wu bora ra oiaieomo with hla oxeitlenL tbat he wutakOB oat of tbo ring, and h(a office waa filled by Nobby Clark The aomonl llmowpa oallod,ud Bandy reached the.eerttch, OoBut raibed to him laft aad light, ud after wild ud alight u diugoa.Wlth tbe Ion,BoBdy thrcwhlaielf dowa—cottalaly In' ondy, inti a 111 OB Oaul'e mng, ^ Oaut followed him with ao OB of^horaleeef fair dgbtlng. loady, inti a little bau»-p* hlo loft on Oaul'e mng, asd retrlatcd to tbe comer of tbo ring. w.pastey mucnrrlng, popped In nth Impetnoalty that he hltbla hud agalnat the otake. la tae eloie, and oeromhio for the &11, Beady aucoeodtdiD pnllltg Cannt down, falling wltb him. 37. Cinitoobli guard, hla hudiwellup. Bendy itopped lo. dolWered bla loft on tbo old ipot, ud dropped to arold; CannI abaklng hli Sogir at him ao ha retired to hlo eoraer. , 3S. Oaaat attomptedtoleadcrwith hla left, bnt Beady retreat^ ed to the ropoi, oeir wblob Oaut forced bla, ud aa ha lay upon bla, both itlll banging on the Icwer rope, Bandy bit np with hlo left. In tbla petition they lay, balf la ud half ont of the ring, till reletied by tbilr aocondi. 30. Canat lot ty left and right, bnt be waa ibott. Beady playing the ihlfty gane. Wild Sghtlng on both aldea, lUl Canntlel! on hla kaiel. Bendy looked at Blm, Ufled hli hud to otriko, bnt be pm dently withheld tbo blow, and walked to hla comer. 80. A ra^y, In which both foagbt wildly, Caut catching Bendy aorack OTOrlbo right brow,'from wblob the clarot Sowed, aad Boody rotnrnlna the aoapllment on Cannt'a omeller. In tbo ecd Bendy flipped down, and, on rialogiaamall black patch wu placid on the dimagod'tbatoh of hla peeper. II. Bendy roeimid hli hlttrag ud leltlag down ayitea, pop- plai In hie left oa Oaaat'a BBcale, ud ' . Ibe wno lame repeated Bpring, lolli dropping, ;,lndlgaant,appealtd to tbe referee; ard Hollnoaux, la like aoBaar, called ea the nmplrco for tbolr dccldon I they dliagreed, ud Uollaoaux ru to tbe referee. The rough! again bad iholrray. Ahlowwu aimed at Bprlag'a head with a bludgeon, which, foitnnntoly, only fell onbli iboul. der. It waa a opltelal rap, ud bo fell the elbet of It for ooao dura. Th« referoo doolarad, bowOTer, that he had not nen any- tblag anfalr, ud HoUnoaaz rotoraodto bla BaB,aBd brenibt him to the icratohat the call cf 1Ime,inldat tremendone confnalcn, atleka In oporatlon In all dlrtcUoae, ud auy eapieooing great dlaiatlihotloB at Bondy'a ufair BOdo of SgbUng, aad the rolaot' uoe of tbo rcforoo to decide agalnit blm. St. A ibortroud. In which Bendy retreated, and Oaut, follow. Inii caught bin at tbo lopci, ud tbrtwbla oror, falling on him. U. Bendy again popptd In bio Ir'fl, aad throw himiolf down. Tbio wu reputed In tbe Iwo laeciodlDg ronndi, bnt Bond;'a fHosdi at- tributed It lo ieeldint,and'noldeilgn, anl tboiewuno adTerie deolalon on tbo part of the roftroo,whoio pooltlOB. anldot the ta- nault that prOTtlled, wu fkr tiom onTlable. He mait bare beea poioeiaed of Bp enoll norro lo bare prenaed to docMe egalait the aignmula that were ao algalBoaatly abakea la the tlolnlty of bla knowledga.bex, end to tble moot be attrlbatod hla lelnatuce to glTO a candid opinion. ST. Bondr tried bla hit ud got down praotlcc, bnt Cannt oelzed hiB round tha:noek, throw, ud foil orer him. (8; A wild aid icrimbllag rally, In wblcb BIndlgo caught It on tba Bob. Alter a wild loranble, tl ey fall, Oannt within, and Ben- dlgo wllhont tbe ropea, when eachpntblatoigneontat the other, like angry boyi. 8S. A dlght exebiDge of Uta with Ibe left; when Bendy went dovDlangblag,, 40. Baady popped In hlo loft oa Oiont'i ancient wound, hla right on the rlba, and allpped down.'' 41. Bandy renevel bli loft-banded elillatlon, ind woo retreating, whoa Oannt raabid aftar bin, eaogbt him at tba ropea, orer which ho throw blm and foil on bin. . A blow wao bare aimed at Cannt'i head by one of tbo lOUgbo with a bladgoon, but it fell on Bendy'o ibonlder. d3. Xxehingia of blto Irftand light, whoa Bendy got down 43. BandTBicwnTied In klaold way,dellTOrod a imaihing hit with hla left on Oiant'a threat, and wont down wllhont a return. tie; each appoarod freih oa bla pine, andatroBg; ud allbongb Caant ibowod awfnl floih woude oa Ua dial, tbaie woi nothing to dlialnlih tbo.bopia of hla Mendo. Bendy exhibited bat a fow alTght coDtualona, and allbongb, ao doubt, ahakon by the filla, and hla own repeated proitratleno, be appeued u oatlre aad louy ao orer. Canal, aaxloni to le at work, rattled to bla au, hitting loft and right, bat Bondy retired, end fall back aeroB tbo ropea U Beady agala oo the retreat: Oaut after bla, hlttlsg wildly and wllhont pieclalon, loft ud right. Beady gare him aa apper Kpwilh bio laft, ud clipped down. Cautwu rotlring, when ndy Jaaped up again to renew acUre oporatlooa. but Ceut dropped 00 bla kneea, leaked np In Bendy'o face grlanlig, u aneh 01 to aiy " Wonld yon T" ud Bendy, dotahig dUeretlon the better port of valor, coatoatod blmielf wltb ihaklag hla flit ud rotlrlDg to hlo corner. Spring here lomtrkod that Jumping ap to hltaau after tbo ronnd wu OTOr, ud whin he wu nnprepaiod, wu u mnch foal u otrlklag a mu whoa dowB, ud la thli we perfectly eoDcar. t8. Cannt let ly left ud right, bnt alaaed hli blowa. Soth allp- pod down on their kneeo In the auatgle which followed, and laagh- od at each other. In Caut'a langn, bom the otate ef hla mug, there waa Utile of the eoalo (4. Baady leneved hla hukoy-paakoy trlcka,and totierad ronnd hla opponint Cannt nihad to hla, bnt ha lelreated to the ropea, hit np, and dropped, bnt Inatutly rou again to renew Ibe round. Oinntwuwitb him, but be ogolB got down, lUIlsg orer the bot- tom rope j and Canal narrowly oicaped dropping with Ua kaae on a lender part IS. Boady again dropped bla loft oa tbe ily on Oauat'a damaged phia, ud went down. Cannt fall oror blm, Jnaped Bp, ud retired to hli comer. te. Aollgbt rally. In which wild hita were excbongod, and Bendy recelred a pop la the month, which drew the alaret. Beady drop- ped on ono kneo, bnt altbongh Oaut talgbt hero hit Urn in tbla pciltloB, ho aerelr drew back hla bond, ud refnlaed. (T. Bondy come up eantlona, hooping a fa ddnamo for a fow oe- condi, whoa be elUy approuhod, pepped la a tromeadone body blow with hla loft, and dropped, u u Ikca tbe force ef Ua own de- llriry, bat eTldeaUy fkom a doaire to arold the retnm. Cannt winced under the e Act of thto bit, and want io hie cemir. 18. Oannt qnlekly adranced to hli work, bnt Bendy rotroatod to tba eoraer, walled for him, popped In a alight fkcer, ud, in a wild acranbla, got down. 10. Bendy threw lo another heavy body blow wllb bla left, ud wai golag dowa, when Caunt, with great adrollneia, caught blm roud tbo neck wltb hla left era, lifted bha coapletolyoff tbe ground, ud ho:dlig bla for a fow XMOadi, foil beanly on bin. TO, Tl,T3,udTa eeraabllar roaada, la which wild ixohangoa look place, ud Bendy allppod down u uaual lo avoid pualahaent. 14. Cannt to.the ehuge, end Baady on tbo retreat to the comer, whore ho aiccecded la illnglag lo hla left with torrlflo force on Caut'a damaged cheek, ud dropped. TI. Bendy ecaln on the retreat, till he caaa lo the repoi, over which bo woe forood, Caunt on hla. Tl. Cannt pluted hla loft on Bendy'o plaplo, ud be ollppod down. 17. A Hrambllng round. In which both hit wildly, and witbant effoot. Cannt In vain tried to ull Uo mu with hla rlfbl: be waa alwayo too high, and Bondy wont down. The uproar wllhont tbe ladlieilmlaately ;ht hearlly od 71. Oaaat lodoffwilbhlalalt; BeadydBckedtoavoid; ind In the olof a both were down. Beady wu too cnulig to allow bla epBonaot the cbinte of tbo throw. M. Boadr.pado hla favorite aly hit with hli loftoa Casnt'a ■mailer, ano allpped down wllhont the accout bolag balueed. Time" wai very inaccurately kept, a minate laatead of half that time, bebig fre^nently ellowed. 11. Bondy again dlopIeyedayBptOBiof fktlgna,ud wutendorly aaned. Oa coming to the leraloh,however, be pluted hla laft on Caut'a coreaae, ud allpped down. 83. Caut led off. Bandy retreated to the ropif, and fall back- woide itopplng, bnt Initantfy Jumped up to recoBBOaee hoatlllUea, when Caut lilorallr ru away urow the ring, wHb hla hoad down, Bcadlgo after bla, bitting him on the back ofthoaock. At length Oaiyit reachid hla corner, ud In the icraabla whldi followed, ud la which Cannt oeemodtobave loot hla praieaea of mind, both wont down, laldit contemptnona abonta at the iapsted psalllul- nity of tbe Obanplon. 8«. Beady, on the retreat, bit np; Oannt rotnraod tba oompll- Bent on Bcndj'a month with hlo left, and oa Beady atteaptlag to got down, be caught him roud the neck with nndlmlnlued alreogth, puUed bla np, threw bla over, ud fell heavily on bla. 84. Bendy, on being lifted on bla loeond'a knoo, ihowod blood bom the mentb,and wao coctolaly abakea by the lut fUl: etUl ha eimo np boldly, bat cantloualy. Canat rattled to bin loft ud right, bnt ho retreated towarda the itako, which Oaiut caught with bla right u bo let fly at blm, ud Bindy allpped down, racelrlag a body tap la be fell. 86. Cout rubcd to hlo nan, bnt Bendy, on bla attempting to oloao, got dowa, unwilling lo rlik another heavy fall. Be wu ob- vlonily getting fallgned from hla exettloaa ud tbe excoulvo boat of tbe inn. Tbe nproar wu now greater than over; the referee wai driven into tbe ring, end tbe roarlcg ud bawllcg In favor efBindIgo,ud In contempt of Caunt, wu neyoad deacilptloD. We were over- whelmed again and again, and wore with dlDcnlty oxtraclod boa a pyramid of onr fellow-aon by the woleoae all of Jack Uaedon- aid, onr tcgo torn, and onr tile quite ihooklng. The eieiUona of JenWardaod etbera enabled tnim to roitore tba referoo le ble pealtlon, bnt ho wu evldeatly In a twitter, and tba wblna and otiebi often leeched within en Inch of hla " cutor," while they fell boavllyon tbe aobioficne of hla nelgbboio. £eTe;al"Corln- thlanr," who endeavored to brava the itorm, were Inrolred In the geneial mihi. ond had infflolent ruien to be dligaited with the oondttct of the pirtlea towaida whom they are alvayo dti^iod to voucbufe their patronage, ud who, ai we have alraidy nid, wltb fewixrepllona, lookid oa'lautlre. ■ 86. Tbe Nottingham hoio come ap aothlag daanted, hat with u evident detotmlaatlon to contlnie to play the old loldler. Oaut, aa anal, erlneod a dooire to gel et hla opponent bnt tbo latter lamped aver, ud, waiting hla opportuHy, throw In hlolelt heart- y on the blg'u'o eye, and Ineioaping from tbo rotort,^pped down, !T. Caut, allhoB|b ao repeeledly hli, cane np u firoih ud ■trong aa over. He wao Incapable, however, ef ning dodgeaof Beady,wheal ' ring waa tionondou, ud whipo ud atloka woie lad! epplied. 78.- Botdr. ai'"*";* 'o^otot. delivered bin riib Vnnnva body, and got down. It wua Mamu tuxk. 41. Count una op, fyeih, ud rnihed to the ariaull, but Bendy Sot down. Oannt; Indlgnanl, Jnnped over htm. but luckily fell on lo kneea boyoad nln, without touching blm. Itwuaianmod that be meant tojompon him, and u nprorlona appeal of" foul" wu made to tbe rotoreo, wblob, after mneb conlbaloa, ha doolarad In Ibe negative. 49. Bendy raaeved bla morry-indrowcnrrettlngo, and tried hli berooi, who ibonlod moot vooireronily, dt. Canntagaln aacoeeded la eatoblng Bendy by tbe nook nudor bin powerftal aim,threw, Ud fbll heavily on hla, bnt i' ' time eama with great fbree agalait the ground hinuelf. ST. Oannt led off with the left, catching Beady oo the forehead. Bondy relteated, bit Cannt aa he rome In wfth hla lall on hla dla- torted pblx, dropped, and looked np In derlilon, Appeal hem tbla ipeeloB of geaeralihlpaeemed now to be Idle, udwu aet repeated. Tbe taoeaidlBg tea reuudawore fought In tbe aaao ityle. Utile worthy 6f nolo oe^atrel; Mchlatara ebtotnod noao trillngad- vutafo. in tbo bltltag or falllog,'bat ^althor exhlblted uy dTip*. ilUoh to.'iayanonibi'althoBgh we thotght that Boadlgo, Boo Ui ilnit Bendlgo, Itwuonljr the trw otaio of tEe cue wu known'i ud tCo morilflcallon'ud dlappolalBOnt of the (kloada of Caut, who atood np Immedlatalr afterwarde to re- Bow the fight, wore beyond deicriptloni Caut hlnuolf.u well u Bpring aad hlo oaconde, were Incrodnloni ao to tbo reralt, but pet- oonU eppUutlon lo the refereo.wbo Had eiuped from tbe rabble, loft ao doubt OB the aubjeot. He deolaiod bo bad aoen Oaut go dowa wtlhoat a blow, end that npon bli oonvloUon of the aalkjr- niuofncheoBduet,hahadproBoueeda|alaat blm. Bpring ro- iBukod that there had beea clearly u oxebaage ef blowo, that t« all appoarueo Uio roud had booa fialobod | and that whu Oaaat wont down ho did ao firom a dotomlnatlon not to he takea ly lar* prioe, or to renew the itmggle till" lino" wu oiala called. Tbo referee lald. In anawer, he wu not aware of tbla Cut, nor bad lack a lapreientatlon been node to him. Ho Judpd from what he uw In the overwhelming dlffleoltiii in which he wu placed, udb* bad glvaa bla deelfion acccrdlntly. Ho bad been choMn referoo by both partial, and be had acciptoi tbe oBoe agolnit hla own la- ellaatloa. la dlieharging hla duty be bad dene to Impartially ta the belt of hli ablllUei, and certainly bod no blaa In ftvcr of oao or the other. What ha had laid could not now be recalled, aad thorofore the bnalaau wei at u ead. We auat bore ripwt that the nmplroe were not eontalted, nor did they expnu uy dllkr- esce ef opinion. It woo the duty ef the referee to have withheld bla doclolon till propeily appealid to, not by the IntorKted nartl- uaa. bnt by the appointed efllolali, who war* on the other dde of the ring froa blm, ud conld bold no tmaodlate eoanaoleatlon with blm. He ought to have been placed between thoio noriona. He wu eleuly bullied and huirlod Into a piemalaro Jndgmont Had he been allowid lo releet, we are pemodod he wonld have hoillatod In proBOoacing a flat which the atate of Beodlgo rendered olmoit iBdlipoBiabla tohia neceu, Tbe time occupied by " the battle," ouch u it wao, aooordlagto oor watch, when wo could rontare to bare a poop at It, wao two houriand tea minntei. Wedonet Intend to ipeaktoominnto, nor lo a minnte more or leu Inportent on tble oeeodon, few beta having been aado on "time," and tboN cortalaly notbaviagre-' frroace to 10 lug a period aa Ihit reeoidod. We heud thatiOng odda wore taken that Oaaat won In half an hear, ud ot|ie>n that Bendy would not he Ueked. If at all, la one boar, ud tlroae are of conrae letllodbytbo lime of tbe fight, u well u the<;firat blood, and flrat knock-down blow, both of vhleb wore properly booked to Bendy. Oa Bendy reaching hla earrlige, wo are laronned he wu dreadfully exbauted from the repotlllon of heavy fallo to which be bad bean eipoied, uwell ae bla own eentlaued exerllona nader a Irolllag lun; hut hla panlihment bolni of conpoiatlTely a tri- fling doicrlptioD, be ooon recovired on tbe application ef proper reatoratlvoo. The only perceptible aaika of the vlallatlona ot Caut to hla crulna were a cot over hli right eye, a ibw coats- ilou of the cheek, aonth, ocalp, end forobead, and a Utile on- largeaent of hlo auricular crgua' Ho wia quickly couvowid from the ground to hla " qnartcn," bolh be and bla frlanda hlgbly elated at the roault of their operaUona. Cannt, on quitting the arena. apable, however, ef nrrylsg the cnn- agahi gave hla a itlaglng rap on the , fell, emldit crieo of " foal,"ud ep- he row; after whloh he dropped, asd Caut check, ud. otagterfng back, peala from Oannt'e .friondi to Ike lolbroe ; but in the din whloh prevailed ao deolilon waa obtained. 18. Two bonra bad now elapoed, ead otUl thoro wu no apparent approxlnation towaida a tormlnatlon ofthe coabat, whilo theeoa- milon wblcb prevailed rennd the ring prevented anything llhe a alipeialonate eritlolia of the operatlou wHhla. Bendy came ap ilowly, while Oannt waa evidently dlapoied to unlhllato hla, u Indaod hla foimldable Irta Indnoad oveiy one te boltove bo would bevedone long before, bet Bendy pndently kept ont of dietuco unlU a dlght opoalng In the gnaid of Cannt cnaoled hla te jump In and deliver bla left twice In luceeoilon, on bffeotlog which he dipped dowB,aad looked upwlthatrlaapbutleorattboinyftlfled ObamploD. it Bendy aealn made hlmaalf np for mlicblif, and derarly avoiding Caunt'i attempt'to roach him left ud right, doUraied a buvT bit with bli right on tbe Chimplon'a rlba, which waa dia. tlnotly heard amidatthi retired to the cotnor. to. A oloM, aad atinggla for the fall, whloh Oaiut aaxll; obtaU' ed, failing heavily on ble adToroaiy, and bli knee again happily ea coped praainri on a vital part. From Bendy'a abif ly taottci It wai Imponille for Oannt lo avoid fklllog aahe did. It, however, led to a beih appeal ly JTobnny Hauan on the put of Bendlgo, ud a (ontiidlollon by Hollnoaux on tbe part of Canal, The nnplrea diegrood, end tbo queetlon having beea put to tbo refono,amldit a horrible onlcry relied by both parllei, he decided " fall," dednr- Ing that there wu nothing Intentional on the pert of Oaul. 81. A icraobMng roud; a cloee, bi wblob, aftor having deliver- ed hie loft. Bendy oontrlved to got down, amidat freah erloa el' "foul," "fair." SI. Biohugei of Uta wllb the loft, when Bendy,- otooping to avoid tbe npeiltlen of Oannt'a blow, ai be wu going down atmok Caut cooddorablybelowthewalatbud,-'<d aiutha bottom ef hla atomach. Bendy fell on hla back at t moaut, while Oiut dropped hla bud* upon tba place effect. I, andlbUulf la great pain. Aa Indeaerlble leone or tnmoll eninod j ebonia ef " fool" ud "fair" ooeapod from "a theuaud leBgnoe—a tkooiud pair of Iroa lunge," auy evidently lafluenood by their doaliea aol aot tbelr convlotlona There le ao doubt tbat the blow, uoording lo tbe raleo of tbo dog, wu foul; but that It wu Intentional we can- not uy, u It WOI ariaek whan Bendy wm In the ul of folUng. At lut tbo uaplroe, dlaagreelag, Bade the oaatomaiy appeal to the lofbreo, who, daoit deafened by tbe rearing of tbo onllltode, fl- aolly nld he had act loen the blow, and oonaoqoeaUy eoald net pronouce It Ibil. The oeoonda immediately latamod to their pitnolpola, ud the latlerj time being called, esmmenoed the' althongb dlnlaylBgeaBvlnolagr'Darkiol tbe oererlty wltb whiph hla opponent conld oao hla aawleycwia atrong on bli lege, bat dreadfully mortlflod at having beu thao anddealyatilpped of hie linrele, end deprived of tbe proud dlitlnotloa which bo bad oo long held. Bpring, who bad throngbout acted u hhfiui .AcAalit, waa not loia aentolly depreiaed; be wu " dead teal," not ealy frcB hlo lacouut exerllona toprceure " fair play" throngbout tbe fight, and the cowudly aaaulta te which ho wu expoaod, but boa a pemol conviction that tbe deelrion igalBitblemanwuBotcnly premature, but atterly oppoiod io the rnlea of the ring. He loot / no time In retarning with Oannt to tbe Oock, at Btonv Bttatfor^f^ ud th e great event of the day harbig been condaded, the lameuo aaltltuda followed anit The iconei exhibited on the roulrhOBe wore of the aoit exliacrdlaaiy deierlptlon. Bvery houo of en- tertainment ^ao btaleged, ud tbo call foriwlad^io oontlnnoni tbat nuy «r «b« bail oned coiiaiiworo oibaualad; ud otob water at lut became u eccoptalle Inxnry to tboaewho nerer pretended Oole petronaof the hydropathic eyatom^^e have nellbertlao nor ipaca however to dweU on tbeie vJcfUtndea, and ahall proceed at once to o^ auch general obeenatloaa u tbe eventa of the day loom to warrut. ^ bevauks. Upon the character of " The Great Pigbt for the ChamplonablDofEngland," we have no doubt our read- en have fjumd tbelr own opinions. A more dlsgraoe* fbl BDd'disgnstIng ezhibltlon never itained'the annals of British boxing. Wltb regard to tbe pretensions of tbe two men who took ao prominent a part in tbe day's proceedings, few remarks are neoessary. Cannt, dtbongh a big man, and possessed of great physical strengtb, doei not possess tbe attribntei of an acoomplleihed boxer. He la defldent In science, and wants tbe art of nslngthe gUti of nature wltb that tact and precision wblob are calcu- lated to ensure eucceis. There wai a wlldnen and In- deolslon In bis deliveries wblfib prevented bis doing ex- eontlon. \nd the major part of bla blows either flew over Ben'.. ' bead, or were abort or wide of their destina- tion. Had be been steady asd seir-poaaessed, and bit- tbg at points, this wonld not have been the ease; and did he understand tbe perfect ait of telf-defenoe, four- flflbs of tbe punishment be received might have beea avoided, but be left himself open to attack, and thns his opponent wog enabled to plant on him wltb stinging severity. With a man of his own bulk the case might have been different; and perhaps tbereare few If any of tbe pr«.4ent day who wonld prove superior to blm in fair fighting. We deny, however, that Bendigo's style of assault Ii either fair or honorable; It'Is, on tbe con- trary, treacherons, and dlfTere irldely tnm our notion! of" a fair stand-up fight." It may be laid that so imaD a man as Bendlgo In oppoelUon to a mnn of OannVs inperloT height and weight was jastifled in having re- eoune'to stittagem, and that "all Is fair In war;" thla we deny; and the rnlea of Doglieh boxing are utterly opposed to snob practices. The greatest coward that ever breathed might conqnoi tbe bravest If be Is to be allowed to wait till be has a chance of administering punishment, and then throw himself down to avoid a letom'/and If so small a man can only compete with a ' bigger/man npon bucb tema, be ongbt not to make a match/ If be enters the Ring as a boxer be must abide by tbA rules of boxing, and,Tlolatlngtbem, he cnght to Baffin the penalty ofblti own conduct. That Bendlge is a«rave man, a bud hitter, and possesied of good aclnoe, we readily aoknpwiedge, and we know of no man of the Bune weight and age now In the fleldwhoconldenocesi- fuUy compete with blm. In ble ooniest with 0|imt, bAwever, these qualtleswere dimmed by tie adoption of tbe most objeotlonable tricks. Over and over.agaln.dld ^e creep on bis man with the^stealtb^ onnning of^^' 'tiger, deliver tbe most smsahing Uts. and then drop down and laugh at the success of his tactics. The termination of this battle created a bad feeling between tbe parties of the two men, and well nigh put an end^to prize fighting In England. It was owing to the dlsgraoeftal proceedings attached to this affair, that tbe PuglUitlo Benevolent Association was formed, tbe memben of which snperlntend the amngementi of battles, and see tbat fair play It meted ont .to all alike. b aman addicted to imoking marries a widow, dole Itfillow tbat be mnit lay down his pipe, became she gives up her weeds?