New York Clipper (Apr 1856)

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i6 NEW YORK CLIPPER. MJS OF CHE8B. 'DBvnnnon or TriB uoru JlIid fowiu op tbi OHnt-uir. jRt koTM U4 sttMUnf fowtn of tb* mrtttl fUti M nliuAby Um, dinatlon *ad limit ThaUoM of moTtaiBt sad tttMk to th« ObMt*B««d u* Uu**' L iUm of.iquni. X n* dli(«nui of launi. . S. Tk«VUi|«nil<off(allolommi oriIziqairM,<. '4*>7'-- TUdliMlloMofBonaunt tod iltMk lit f«orf|><~><>'**rai taekwird, bUnl, tnd dlifOuL Th* Uow efnonowat tod stuok ut thm-W 1. Wbta oogflMd l«'a4jMMt iqiuni. a. IztoadlBf OTor tha vhol* boud. - f 8. OoBliud ta the opfoilU uttnt of p<K»'y»|P^';3 Bf a. of moTomoat ud itluk ii»«oliiord««t for aU thi r tnoUon u on* iqun (oi- tttuk eu HBu* fonntd Tho'Uaoi PiMM oio«pl till Fkwiu, wboM Ub« Wkrt ktoof tho ildf, tnd thtlr Vaf,' ''iSJt'll'iUB^ofnoUon ft ^^^Ji* oatmtnInturjtl- nMoa'iUMof.Mw^i attiok an all aloog both tht ddM and tho dlifonitt p^iinarM In tTOij dliietloB, to tbo tali*- altr of lb* boud: UX'^'OBblnlof tboto oflko Book and Bljhop. luBMk'aJlBiff^U'BaBd attaoklialeoftk* ildti ofiiaini la OTOvd'xet^ilO Ibf oitrOBltr ofth* bond. tii Blak^M*''** of ootloB aad attaok lialoDg tho dbgoaal of uaanala^nr/dlnotloO] to tb* oztroialt/of tho boaid. Tb*KiI<bt'i lloa of DotlOQ and atttok li aloof tb* dlafonali of putUllainBi, 3 b7 a, la otmj dlmtlon, to tb* appatlt* iqgar*. ' : OAUB BUNOFOIiD, WBBBbUik tUi wttk a tam*, ftvolilud u tbraocb tb* kladoaii of T. Xotd, on* tb* nrovgtit sl*7*n of tb* Ntw York Obut 0Iab,4r&leb ba pUytd wltboK i*«rDg th* boud or mon, afalnat ontofblibraUuri,wba, b/ ib*war, an all on tb* road totht hlfh«*t Obin raDki. Tn*rongfnr brolbori alrtad/ raok wllb our b**t la'tk* eoaeotloh ofdldoall piobltni. Tb* fan* ItMlf li not UMb*ftrpMlffl*B of Ur. T, Loja'i •hlU, j<t ItiEould bonnfm* b*Rd' ibat a ' nani*," plajtd blindfold, Ii a talk of no oidliai; macaKad*, oalUof forth nic* jalcoUtlont and mental ionnnl^. pbIUd#r,S* la BoDrdoanala, Ton Bllfier, KJtMrlUj, iDd Uinrlu, bar* b**n igoit nicetisral In tbtt llni. W* pnnoM io pnbllih in «nr nsit a txinUfnl iMdaitB of th* ■'P<MMttr<"or''^niark<d Pavn," pUjtd b; H. Btaiaton, Xrq., ifaUut aaolbtr itroar plajtr. Tb* gam* U tb* onl/ oa« that wi •T*r kiT« •6*0 Id print, and will proT* loteraitlng to oar nadnt, u a Obai* onrloilt/. Laat onr Onaii toadan aboild b* lad Into •not u to (bit iHolu of (taa, w* woold Inroim thon that a ring oraUtofptHri* plioid apon a partloilar Pa • ' • - mart alono gir* mtM wltbont going to " Qatin," I plioid apon a partloilar Pavn, vhloh Pawn It* wltbont going to " Qatin," In th* *T*Dt-of ng eaitmd, tha Brat plajtt loan thatana; ibonldb* ehiek> maw Oil anUpblit with any otb«r plaeo, tb* na* paoaltx would b*th**onMqa*DO*. ' ltab*| STAVirrOR VBBSDa ANDKBflBBV. _ ' FaoviDBRCi, April 31, IBM. Sxf B Bib—Id laat waek'a Oiirpii, I notlead a eonraunlo.'-.llon fr«B MMktMo,"Jn r*ip*ot to tha olabna of SUutoa and AnlariMo for tb* Obamplonihlp of Baropa. Soaa Slanntea (orbai ho arar iloea.ib* Teanuuaaat and hla anbiaqaint aM»/<d oballaan)' «lalm that titl* I Wb*n at Bnuaala, la IBM, (wbara ha wu wora& *d br Dar Laia,) did ba naniraat 107 aulatf that tb* mttob ■honU b* plaT*d,' allbongb b* wu lo mnob nairer Aadanaan Ibin h*haf b*in for tbe.lut tbr** jeua? No, b* malntilntda noit baeoBlag alltBoa on tba matttr. Oin oay of Btaaoton'a gamii b* prod^otd Ibat will baar oomptrlaon with tb* ipl*ndld ipeolman* of Isdnaiin'i genlu wblob hir* 10 dallghtad tha wbola ehau-woild for th* lilt thr«* Tfiiht Atlh* tlm* of tb* Tonntnant, la mr ballaf, ba wai Andanaon'a (qnar: bdtltblok no on* will call him ao aoio. Frobi\U;,Ur. BUnnton'i Inlanao. acd cidlonlou Tinltj aa rtgirdi bta pvwara of bbiaa-plaj, ku dona almost aimoab toward lowarlag tha pablio oplolanof bimu aoj thing alio. Noooa can look thr<ii>gh th* ooloBu of. tb* Illaitntad N*wi withoat a imll* it ih* obildUk*, and onaa nogootlaniinlj agotlun tbar* diaplijad. iTarr oga U adrlsad to porohaa* "BtaDotoa'a tiandbook, pabllibad bj Bobo, nlca pt.," tba ragslir ttaraot/jiod anawar to ill ln(3ltan for ehau boou. Erarr prajar not balooglogto th*"Slangtoaolloo*," hu tba glsaiant iarma ar"(ihuUUn,"~' Impoitor," " fallovr,''^ ki., ap< pU*a tohlm, aod tba gotaatobla gimea smoi appegaN only iSr th* pnpoia of ihowlDg how groit a plajar b« la, tnd how oooa of bit aatagonUla arar nilte good nOTai; hot It la hr that mak*a bid onaa, aad for wblob b* reproaohea bimasir with a Tebta*nc* that aOBitlmsa-woud alnottmik* en* donbt bli aanltj. It la thla, donbtlaaa—althoogb It haa nothing to do with hla BUrlD iB a plajor^wtaloh baa obtalnad for him M moob rldlenl*; thli ooBtlsnil rlaglgg of bli own pralaa, and ibontlog cat n- ' ,".Non* bat Staaaton; Ohoa la StanntaD, ' ' St. Amant-dafaitlog BtinntoB— Honrltfioallng,BarrwltB-«eoBllng,. < ,. VPitav'pawn aad-two-mcT*8ta»ntoa." X'^if^^''**! . '. TfiatPoillilB. r. : , n: ; ••■ , ■■ ■ ■ ' vd'ooBREBFONDBiirra. " Aaaia.—V* r*crat ilnoaralf that 70a' bar* pitocd an " Injana- tiOB" apon tb* nnMlcatlan ol 7onr approprlat* litttr. it all •raat*, wa faal that w* bay* a right to oommant brla07 npoa It ETtow to pautag oar bill." Wa oan Infarm!' Uirlla" throigb ■ •aiwartbat "AtrAnnla" fQll7aulalsi bUi lo hlioploloa Of *i« thing w* art ot'rtalo, that tb. Btannton hu don* mnoh for <ni*aa,alae <• miiobI that hla notaa to all gam** bara allalltd tba •dmltatlen of Ibf Ohoia-plailDg fntainllr. We bop* bareaftar to am 7(AnlaatIn glring ni"tree leir*"to pabllah70tirrae7aotoa. Ton vlU ^|H«alT* that w* bar* mid* th* dlffer*nt *iobinpaln thi Aiwkio.—To« ua Improving In 7oar oogeootloai W* r*Ioot- ■atlF, haw*T*r, diollna Ita Iniartlon aa being too woik for our eol- BBBf. T*ri*Tar**nd 70a w>ll 7*t aneot*d. W*atriTa topabUab Boa» tat good and iBgonlooa Frablami, patUoalarlr for our oonlog atw tb**t Ibia la iito*a*ar7, to onabl* u to oonpato with others. W* hop* that onr ramarka will ba rlgbtl7 ttken. B. B.. BoitQ^—Wa ooHldar ronr Probltm too fiebl* ind ebTt> «aa tu; odi ab**!, the Blaok slog bolag panned oad daraaealiai. TrjK again, add a«nd nj lometblgg bf 1 dllToBlt and tight ailnra. Tnb.'—Tbi beat work on iObtia for baglnntra laBlaontob'aHind- Baokgfrflattda,' to ba proenrad at Bingi Brothan, Puk Bow, N. T. Ootirt>Ti(iii.,-«ara|i**twlU ba htr*iR*r«4paranngm. P. I., rabpitlng that tbira oonld not b* anr dlOaally raliad aa to th* ooadlUona of tba alr«id7 forwtid*d to na 13 on ao- «*Bn|. ioj^ p[oU*ia will laoalre dn* oooiId*ratlOR bi oar next. Z. T,'2.—Tba ikme 'ailnded to la '7oarUatwai a bulr aklr- BilahOMtlNaD HiHdta.B.and ouraaWaa. W* rgaah donbt 7oiir appall*tlon ot a ntviu, when oontoiUng. aiob a game u 70a bara foraiuurmontba baek. Jprop»i,wo daaira mnob to pnbliah tba whal* of that gtne, whan won b7 •ltb*r pirty, with our own notaa *n»nd*d. la It aooaptfdT. W* wlUr«pf7 to 70Uieniarka on our twa lut gamai. In onr iMit; D^BBito^iTAtNB.-^hanka for 70ir rri*ndl7 l*tUr. W* wlU *nd**iUrtO f*pl«, IB fbll. lb oar neat. WhataTar Informatloa we ••a glT*,lT*B «& thaoitgU'.of Oh*a(,aawall aa oath* aama— » OaGia "—w.lU b* pabllibtd tbnngh tL* madlna of oar abatt. ' Wl'Klr*' er*d|t''ror th* fo'Uowtsg aoliUon of "Aaali'*" Ko. M to »• J^JJJ»|l«orr*fpond*ata: "B. B. Bfawitari" ••OonntJTnan," .-...3::5?5t'.' |tK.iat*r, (**..) ; r fv.Q^B^i mat*. B. B; BlB.W(»B.-W* "glT* In," tbli tlm*, and Ind roar kat B0t«id7<^rl**d" aiid"lDpreTad," hitraillr biiaUBil iaddlB- , VABIATIOS OF, OAUB WO. T, fifteibig in lAa n»mtr-tUni wwe«, ttAram Mum.X. BtUM,,ofMtCitf BUok-(N.lL) WhIta-QC T. Z.) U..B44 BEKta U..Bz(lP aiATCH QAHK. SMim J. Van OidtltfCkUato, milt. B. 0. SmflA c/Ifnt 7orA. Wblt«-(T*nO.) Blaok-(8inltb) ai..KtQiq BEfia 2]..EtKBa BIATOH O&ISH. BBTWBBN P. P. AND OOUNTBTUAK. . Wblta—Ooantirman. Blaok—F, r a..vitaBi. rKBt BIATOB GAKB, BBTWBBN "ANNIS" AND THB BSnOB. Wbll*-Annl*. BUck-Edltor. 7..QxEt QxQ I..PzQ FEB3 w^'lMiP'i'""::?'* BF^* ">»•'» tuum. UediHMoala aiaellywIUi onr own aagtlmenU. Oartkaskafor ■ odlLniwd, partfeHlarJif, to si. It I* mar* tbaa l!?S!*.*'L'* *■ oppo'tanir7 of toeaptlng 7our kind brUBUoh.- Wawoafd allk* *itaB'd U* ew* InrltaVon l«7on »d IJS^'^.*!y*?i'!L!.**»"^»'^''^ •* «>• Obaai ,v <n«b; No.'UI Tenth Attt, wh*i« 70a will alwa;* mait th* bind ''^prMlmnUp. Wo wlU not bar* tM* to *iamln* 7oir na* oatU israait Aurtvairl QtCM tlo, I.—ITav lerioB. ■HliadOP PAWN ONB IH TEB SNianX'S OPBNINa, "'t*4'n0 WMk between Heeara T. Iie7a and J, 8. Lo7d, ft., both -t— w-.i. 01.— ^ j_ j^^j^j pU7ed withoat oltb l..P.Xt 9.:StXBk- a..FQk|. 4.;PKt4 Bt.PStt «..BtzF 7.:PQ4 ' t..|i8» i;j4..lliB8 Terk Ohai ' otrnto.' Olnb. ;)|fr.^.^«.I..,Jr. '■•-n'WBB .. BB4a., BKtB KtB.4; . (tKa< V. Put " .?ED» .... ' 4xFa : KkSl Oaatlai Btll4 QKlC . 8B4 tEBS Hr.T.Ii,- IL.KtQBBi lT,.KtB9/ ia,.qBaQ ■ lt..UaB 30,.BxEt 91..KaB a3;.BEB ltr.f,e.h.,h. .BsRF BzKtP EtiB EtzBPr OBK PEB8 ' a..KtEEt4 PEB4 ..KtzBPxA PzKt atr.BxBP BEB8< 34.,BKt8z EBB . aT..BKtrx KES: aa. .BKiqB':'-'Si bitnp^ {•■?•*• •t'osgMl moi* bar*. * "•'jBMtlon'fnpon tba einlnr* of KbI.I.L r'tiVBT'^ ^ 'M;SS°bJ5S'e*'-4iar»«i d q*tua^ ia(o<iui, q,ut*H mptratoiy to ftaadag Ua attaak;' a AH <b«* movit ai* aoeaiat* u tloak-woik. / n* *«M|t rtnabt of a eb**k«aU wooU han tbUaia* if t. ••»*!?1"*«F' i Wa do BOt *•* tha pnprlato of leibg tb* Blifctp Cor th* ;B^ iaif of amthtr Pawn wUek waa <b*B dafiaealaai . ATn7W*Upb7*d. , dB*tt«rtoh*T« tlT*a*piha"*uba9ga''aloae*. ' . J OoaiUtrliBg tba dlfloaltlo* to *a«eBnt*r la a bUadtild fuai, (h* BUt* her* forced, la r«all7 pittty, and bighir ai«4lhUa to Mr. T. L'ttkllL irUU. . BUik. 4..BXB4dlie.doab1* ■OLVnOB Otf nOBLBH BO. 40, Wblta. Blaok. l..llKiz EKB8(be*t) a..PzPz BsP S..4KBTS KiQ Vroblan ITo. X.—Meiw lAriei. OBALIBNOB TO !«AMnB,"BT ABTABOTH. BLACK. WHITE. WUte to piBj and mate In five moTeBi Match OaateB, BB9WEBB PUIIiAOBU>IIIA AHO BBW TOBK. OAUB BEOOim. QAUB PIB8T. (Saotoh Gambit) WBlTi-Phllad'. BUCE—N.T. I..F(iBS PzP CKtzP EtEB 10..SBQ8 .QE8 (SlotlliB Opanlng.) Waiia-B.T. BLaoK-FbU'a. EBQEtB OtotiM >..QEtE4 10..BqKtS IL.BzKt BlATOa OABtBi BBTWBBN B. HATOB AND ALONZO. Whit*—B. Hiteh. Blaok—AloBio. S..EBQB4 . ' EB«B4' CBEftPEBB OB Pit 6HT8* TO .OVB DHAVOBrr BBADBRS. Wi glf* brio'w, la addition to laaal mitt«n, a fig* game ftom Asd*non'amait*rl7Treatlm. W* do thli beoiaMof th* Ban7 ooBmanloitloBi wblob we ar* ooiiitaatl7 noelrlng, oalling for "AoderaononDranghta." Webanudartdannab*rof eopl*»— butthe7have.not 7*t"tarn*dap." Il(*r*roi«, w*.tnjt that* gam* now and than will proi* a wtnd-fall to anr Draogbl Pk7*ra. In oonolulonj w* b*g Itare to atal* that no *f ort ahall be wanting on oir part to road*r Ih* Dranght Dtpartmaat on* of th* moat in- tartitlBg r*atar«aotth* Cumi.-[iB.D&ivoBTSirAiTaaRT. VO OOBBBBPORDBHTB. HimTiR,—W* eordbdlr rablprooart* tb* kbd fMling* whleh 7on entertain toward na. Qamc* dnl/raoelred. Wo hare bnt one opinion both In rogardto year giBia and poalUona, and Ibit baa iMon *o f(*qaentl7 axpiemd that to noatloa It again wanld be anperflaona. Ton will obaerr* tbatw* Inaert onrganee andor their proper "opeBlnga"thli'week; we Intend to "kaepdoing that game thing." Joat now we mnit deallue the honor of playtag 70B a match, aot barbg th* time neoesiiry to derote to plajlog againat ao "toigb a oaitomar." Anon w* bit aooapt Alltlglit— thereqneitbianotba*nm*d*. OoBlnitoNowTork,eht Oome slogg. W* want to giro 70a oarpaa. Hfonwlll obiamwtgiT* tb* opinlnga in tb* two gamea inaerlad la tha Bnl of oar now aarlei. Mbiillv*.- W* ahali b* obllgad to deoUne jonr ehallang*, for auna 'ilallar to thou itat«d aboT*. Bi pitlant "7*1 a little whUe," aad we wlU eodaaror to ba ■•with Ton.'' Ton wUI roadllr ooneoiT* that it la naoauair te dtral* qalb a portloB rf time eioh' weektothe oiambutlbB or tb* matttr labmltMd to oar dlraotloo. Thli mutt b* doB*—th* otb*r atj, inoB. • Too ar* ooiraot In r*- gard to that poaltlon. OoTillTBTlfaii.-Thaaka fbr Toar aoggtatloai aa wall as kind label. We oenilder them aa "good ai tbra* for one, ind making a.klng." We'bare no ban of a aoarolt7 of good poiltloni and ganei: fiot Ii, w* know who to draw 00. Bolnttonioorraot B. Ouaiia.—Tonr meTaa-r*oelT*d,aBd dalr itglit«i«d. 8ola- tloB to 4t oomot W* eonaldertS rather "op'' for Andenon—bat If a birdl7 to be had, for " lore or nonajr." TbuUliI for 7oar pa- tronage. W* will laad the OLiriBi, llAicsa,—That game wu pli7ed ao' hairledl7, tliit the mora Moap*d oar obaemtlon. ToirrllweometiU alio lolatlonito PoalUona Noi. 44 and 4(. ALonio,—W* think nor poilUoni will do to nark In. Ton tTld*ntl7 lDpr*T*—In all axeept 7oor dlnnnu, which w* eon- older perhot. Tonrliat r*o*lTid, for which aooapt onr tbaoka. Toar PoaltloB No. 8 r«o*lT*d—It looki good—w* wUl oxaBln* It, anOB—thlnkltwIUdo. B«latlon oomot. E. A.XtiiotT.—TooobTiooa. Trjigala. DAifi^PoilUon laMmd for tataia oxamlBattoo. Stagtam baaaUfal. W. B. 0.-4lolaUoBa aotrect, J. D., of Boeton.—Tbanka for tbit game. W* hisart it la tbia weak'a liaae. "tlat*llna" la a&aid af jn In the aaoaplanc* of ■■Harr7BoI*l"'oballing*. Toar pMltloa dadloatadto "Snow Nothing," la a "tlp-toppar." Wa loaert It lhbw*«k. Solationito Noa 44 aod 48,0. K. W* wlih dlignmi tfl *0C0Bpin7 all poil- tlani. D*n'i neglect It. AoTiOB—W* bar* dNll*d boi to pnbUih th* "Ohronlolo." B**aon: labaorlptlon llat not axtaoalT* *aongh. Toor Utter OOO' taUIng itaBpancelTtd; It wlU ba forwirdid to jaar additia. OkxiBBolR.—W* i*pll*d lo 70B In oar laak Pliaianotto "hookni." Bolatlancorrcot ./ OABLoa.—BeaalT* ear profi>uidiatl>ow fbr that nBe: It aball appear. We aa7 land them aloig, and we will be *■ et«rBall7 in< debled." EauaT, of BoBilo.—That gune eball appear. Aedept oar beat tbanki. TBizToit —FoilHoni were raoilTid. Bolatlooi ooniol. B. BoLia.—Solatlon corraot. 3. H.—S«Iat!oni oonoct. NBWiririB —W* will pabllah thit Bolatlon atou •arllaat con' T*Bl*ne*—lBpo«lbla thla weak—not room. '. J.B.,Boaton.—FotltlOBpabllahrdIa oar Int Ro.of new'Tel.— eoiiderltcood. Tbaaki for that gun*. B* klal *aongb la fa- tal* to una dbfia^ of rbor podtlooi. la hot, w* auk* tUiaa 1. Mptelal eoBdItloa. WUl tob aaad 70« autoh itmea, al'fbr u ilnod, both with HaUUu and ». H.r Uae, w* ihall be prtparM to propeL I(ab««i.— H*. |oIall«aa •«n«ai ■ounriOB ov pon^oi to, *». WUU. Bluk.' I WUl*. L.uton JiBii. a.. T 9 " ,9. 11 Btaia. Blade, loaf*. White. I..81 to 9T a..n 18 4..ii 84 4..18 14 aoiiimoB ow rotmta wo. «t. wiiit*'' I.. 8 to 1 8.. 1 8 T.I 8 10,iad«lai. BUak. 84 to 81 19 IB 10 ar B 88 Blaok. IB t« ir IT aa FOBITIOB BOl I. niw laiizi. B77.P.Bwe*i OhiU*ng* to "Trazton." BLAOE. FOSmOB BO. ». ■iw alalia, B7 J. D., of Beaton. Dtdloatadto "Enow Nothing.'; BLAOE. WHITE. Whit* to pla7 and wiD. WEITB. White to plij and wis. Bsme Wo. l.'-XTev Beries. LATBLT FLATID BBTWBBN i. D. OP BOSTON, AND MB. 0. N. Irragolar opening. - Blick, (J.D.) 1..U lo 16 8 8.. e 4.. 8 8.. 4 8..It 7..10 8. .13 ».. 7 10. .10 11.. 1 U.. 8 IB.. 8 14..» ».. e 11 13 B B IBs IB 19 10 a 17 8d U 7 26 10 White, (Hr-CN) Si te 2a 37 34 28 8i 3r 34 33 31 IT 35 31 '3» 30 8« 81 18 3T 23 U IS 17 8 It 31 14 31 93 as aat Bluk, White, (Ur. a.S) 36 to 31 14 34/ IB 16 8 8 7 10 M 17 31 16 18 Drawn. a A Sne bnak, 6 W* bell*?* tall loaad. e BIi best repl7. d 0ampnlaor7. a Blrgint for aotaal p1a7. / 38 te IB wonld lore tha garni for white. Claae Xfo. 1.—From AnAergon't Work. OLD TOaBTIBNTH.* a It li nnn*oauar7 to inggwt to eld pla7ata tbit thU Is a Ter7 natnral optalng. 6 Darigg, bol perreott7 aonnd. r «ku _n«><u•k«s* «*• oslalon or7onogp1a7anaa rogarda bt«aklag thi ro7al Ibi*. i A fine gambit tn tIiw. a Birang* aa It mi7 ippiar, 9 to IS wonld be a "dead heat" for blaok. / Thla portion of th* gam* abonld b* eararollx obierrtd h7 tha •tndtat, aa It la T*r7 loitraetlT*. *,TbU opening (bilogtb* aimeaa "Sloigei' 14tb") takei Ite name Crom theBro Brat morea on both ildaa. SEsteb Oamei, BBTWBBN UABTIN (B08T0B) AND HABBT HOLT (PHILA) NUMBBB 0^ Blaok-Bolt. Wblt^-Harttg. 7. .31 20 Bliok—Holt. 8.. T 10 Whlt^Uartbi. 9..18 U 10..t8 14 Btaok-Solt, t..6 9 NDKSEB TWO. MDIfBIB TBBO. iimon Ton. Whlt«-Hartln. 36 33 Black-Beit ' 8 II White-Hartln. 38 38 BIATOH GAMB. BBTWBBN OODIIIBTIUN AND P. P. Btuk—P. P. Whlto—Oonntrrmia. 3..U aa 86 16 8.. 8 U 29 26 UATOB OABIB, BBTWBBN HBTELLVa AND J. B. Whlte-UOteUaa. l.,28 to 18 HATOU GAHB. Batwaen " Hirr7," ot BalTiIo, od"Met*llaa,'>ofBoitea. BLAOE, ("Ean7.><) Blaok-J.B. 10 te 14 BIATOB GABIB. Between "Martin" and H. OnrtU. Blaok, (S. OaxtU.) WfllTB, ("MatoUaa.") White to pla7. WEITB, (Harlln.) White to mOT*. AM VSEHERTSa Th* Maiah OhOdraa, at th* Breidwa7 TailatI**, ara dolag woa- d*n. .Btgbt»n*talghtlitb*IrlIttUbiBdboiofBpIaMiiawd*a. Th* parNmaaeai or thli •ompaa7ai« i«all7 "wBetUng saw ondlr tha no.** Mrlorrait li pla7lBg a Mosd of hiiootebiated ahanotan U th* ^alnat, PhtUdalphl^ Be will probablf aazt appaar at tha ■na nlghU7, at Walah'i, PhlladalphU t tii<»t» ... _(.^t la tha7hare been r«pi*iint*d to l«, tbau parformiscM are Mrtelnl7 Barrallsai. Oa* *T*nIag Iiat Breei WI7, la tbli el'.V. *lephiate ir* bilag ■ —. aBd.althoagh act u great u tha7bare been r«pr*iint*d to l«, tbau parformiscM are Mrtelnl7 Barrallsai. Oa* *T*nlac Iiat week, while p*rroniIng a feit on a plattrrm elerated loae Bmea ' f**tfrom th* groand,OBe of Iheae anlmala lest ite faoUag, aad came down "harwoUop." Btraag*toBa7,nol«Ju7wuniialB*a, and after a abort InUrmlaion the aame alephiat aaoeoMAiUx P**' foraid th* foat , _ Hr. B. /ohnaten li now p1i7log at the Tloterla Tboatie, Loadoa. Th* bllii aanoanc* bin a* ■* th* graat AB*rloan tngadlan, boa thorOTai Bow«r7 Tbnba, New Tork." Br. Bdd7,IIr. Darldgo, Br /OMph 0. Poster, and Mlw Jaul*. J Uolioan w*ra In town laat weak. . , „ ' V Ur. Eeller aad hli tronpe of arllatea, whoie',|Bltts«i," M-ealted, ' created eon* atlr at tba Braadwa7 Tbaitre, a abort tlm* alio*, eoDDeacM a larliaof exblbltloni at a loom in Broadwaj, oazi l!ooda7 evenlBg. Tom Tbnnb la abowlog hla " Uttliniu " at AeadaB7 BilL "OldJoaCowill," be la tarmed, leap for a banedt at th* Broadwi7, prtrloni to hla deputare for Xrglisd. . " D nde Tom'a.O ibia " hu bean nilTed at Bamnm'a Haeaaa, with Hr. UB ttn. Howard and Uttl* Cordelia In th* prlncl^ parte. HIaa BalllaStOUlr, alter recalrlnga coBnllmenaary beneBt it Mobile, went to New Orleaoa to p1i7 for the beaeflt of Mr. Jamci Drown, at the flilitr. Bhe wu lome 7ain sine* a diacar at Hlt- ohell's Ol7mplo. AMobllepaperei7i of ber: " 0olt«d with a high degree ofperaoaal beint7, she hi* tact Jodgtaent, giaoe, and, bolt of all, a Tery flae ipprtclatlon of the meintog of tba dramatiit. Xipeolall7 la tbli the cue lu Ibe aerloni wilki of the drami, tn- gad7 aad melodnna, and we nur add lagltlnate oonid7." Madama BIsoicoiaDtl, of Boiton—the 00I7 onadoltaratad Amtr- Idan prima donaa tbar* la—hu mad* a giait a*naatlon at tb* Itellaa Opera In Firta. Her d<tu( wu brilliant. Mr. UoTloker hu done a aplaodid baaloea at Ohlun, vtlh <h7ler'a.tral7 Amtrleu comed7 of '*Tiklog tho Ohancoa," E* la' now In St Lonli. The N. 0. Flot7gna U7a that green room mmor bith It, that ea bar latindad profeiilOBal rlilti to Oallfomla and BogUnd, Uii. JQII* D««D Ha7n« ll to b« aooompaaled b7 Mr. Obarlii Pope, to plar oppoilte ptrta with bir. . , , Ur. Walter 0*7;, known In literary and theatrleil clrolil, In tUl eltr. Is pelfoimlDg al the Boetea Uneeoo. ' ■ Mr. 0. B. Thoroe bu opaaod a ball for theatrical onterlainBente, In Mllaaokle. Ura.aad HIaa Tbomo,''LelBogwell, Meetoyer aad Boward (fron LauraE(ene'a),llr.BtU>r (from NewOrlaaaaliaal OroaU (ftom the Bower7l ua In the oompan7.. MluB. Thoiaa plara tba "Little Traunre," Girtrnde, In ■>Loin of alorar," ahl laeh ob-.noteri. Oar beiaty 1. onloglaod. .■■ Thi 8*cretar7 of the Drimatlo Fnod Aiaocl-.iIa*.li|oaBC«i tho receipt of tb* followlBg donitloBi, which did not Mm*'to bind *ul7 enoDgb to b* reported: Fmm J. Bice, Baq., Uinigir of tha Obleigo Thiatio, BlOO; fiom Inac T. Fowler. Xiq., KO; Oreo John A. Hagf*rt7, Brq., B30, making the amonnt donated at th* dinner aboattioo. Hr. B. I. Oareaport la tt the Paople'e Theitr*. Clnrlnnatl. Ea will abortir pU7, wllb Ulsa PaBn7 Tlnlng, it tbi Beaton Nitlonil. On the Bight nf Ura. Birrow'a bsneBl, it tba Boston Thiitn, a booqnat waa thrown to ber te which wu ittecbed a lolld gold bracelet and eagnTCd with a amill padlock " Ulonihiba." Ulu MiUldaJitroo wu r obbed of foar dia mond rlpga at tba Bt. Obirlai Hotel, New Orleina, Utilj. lib* was sapping with loma lUeddSi end Jeitligl7 palled off fonr that wore 00 ber.Jlogan, and Jiat them ander the edge of her plite. Bbortlr aflar Iho ratlnl eigttUog all aboBt them, and when aha mlasea them eome Sflaea Blaalea afterwarda and retaratd to the room, the two waJt«n were tb*te, and the Ughte ware pat ont u ahe entered. The7 wire not fonnd. Mill Mir7 Agnes Oameron and M|. Pilralongh annoanee a read- lag from Bbikapeue aad the Poets, it Hope Okipel, on Taaada7. UlH Loalaa Howard, who pli78 at Wallack'a, la ai praaaat ander tbp klad care of BacUaad, at wboM theatre at Beaten aha per- formed. Bhe la said to be engaged to an odicer of the 18tb Bigl- ment, Capt. Pratt, nepber of Baron Pratt, qnarterad In Ouuda. Tbe7 aall for In|laod on the 6th of next month. Ur*. 0. N. Sinclair bad 1 complimentary the UetropO' lltan Theatre, Ban Frsnolaco, on the Ittb Uanh. A oomplIm*ntir7 beneBt wu getting np for Mr. Tronoh, th* bnllder ud minsger of tbe Metropollten Theatre. The Ulsaea Ooggeabelm wen it Ibe 0nlon. Bin Pranelsco, Ur. W..W«id Ii, U U.iAlil,ae|otlatlag for the Baltimore Ua- •earn. u>. Olio Dresssll hu receWed tbe 8200 Brst prlu offered by the proprliteri of tha Unilcal Berlew, for tbe beit song. Thate Ii in oa dit In Boston that the miniger of <A« theitie If ibont to leid to tbe brmeneal alter, a yonag memb*r.of hli eom- pan7. The lad7'i Inltlili are said to be B. T. Ur. f oeeph Procter, tragediia, offers to diamatie anthora, the following prliea: 91,000 for a new tragedy, la Bro note, and |tO0 for a new drama, in three or fonr ute, of original and effoeUva conatractlon, that aball be approrad of b7 three appointed J ndgee —«ne thim Nlw Tork, one (rem Philadelphia, and one from BoF ten. Th* Jrotbira Hollenbaner, whoM performances oa the wlolln ware 10 maeh ipplaadad at Jollen'a Conoorta, are pli7teg In Bhll- lias OoBooite bFhlladelphla. <tijld'lle Tonmlire and a flae eqneitrlu oompan7wero exhiblttig In Baa Praaolaoo, Thanofot Boiten'a Theatre wu torn off dnrbig the itormof Uonda7 laat . Dnilng tbe blow on tbe Slit., M7en' GIroii tent, which hid been pitehad OB a lol on Oonrt atieet, Brooklyn, for erenlng perform- *u, wu vitthtd if llu wind ia qnlte a different looallt7, thereby ■topping In* ehsw. . At the Boeton Theatre, tbe magnldcent play of " MIdaaiaoir Nlgbt'aDraam" la being played with graat snoeeei: it li fbUof beiatlhl ecenoir, and Is pat npon tha ataga In raperb atyla. ' Mrs. Pamn, the Amarloia utreaa, li playing a nooeiifnl latac** mint It Elmbill's Mnienm, altbonih ihe wonld nleue a giait Biny It ihe wonld ipp*ar In cometbing baaldn ,tnea* wom-oat pisoea, lach aa "Pulo," "Lore," "TheStranger," •'lagonar," aBd"LBe«tlaBoili." • . -a 1 Hirr7 8a7moBr hu been pli7bigit the Niticnal, Beaton, the put week, with very Uttl* eicocaa, probabl7 oa aeoonat of lurtig neb a poor stock eompan7 to snpport him. He wu lacoetdsd by Ur, N*aa*, who appeared on Moadw eroBlng in the tngadir ot "Vlrglnioi" 0ra«i7'a Mhiatrela, on Wiahlnitoa-atrait, iwni to pleaae tha poblio better than anpthlag else A town. The Hall la crowded erarr night, and tbe Morria orothori kaep tbe andlenoe in a contl- nned roir of Iinghter when they ire npon the itige. Mite Pirodl, Uidimi Strikoacb, BIgnor Laonirdl, and Uinrle* Strakonh annonnce two concerta In Fhlladelpbla thla week. Biaford'i Btbloplaa Opera Tronpe are gtrlng a barleaqoi on th* trained alepheate, In FbUidelphli. Tbe Ladyotlh* Lik* hubaen prodaced at tb* Arch Street Thea- tre, Philadelphia, with W. Wbeatley u Elng Jamu, and P, B, Oon- wayuBoderlck Dhn. A beoeat In aid of the Widow and Orphan Pond of th* New Tork Fir* Dipartmeat, takaa place at NIblo'a, on tbe 38tb. At Wood k Obrlaty'a, "Nloarigna Stete 8eoi«te" ii being per- formed. Tbe Nstlonil Theatre, Pbllidelpbli, la to open oa the let of Ua7, wltb Ur. and Mra. Dion Bonroloaalt aa the atin of the erealng. THeattlBalB-OlroiuBtt-Sthloplu KioBtnlqr, Jko. Thi weather, the Irat part of the week, oattalled reoelpte at the Tarloaa plaou of amBeaaent, bat thu Ikr minigeri bare a* ooea- •lon to oomplala of patronag*. . TAiWaUiok haa ent«redapon bUBfthweek,aad laitill "in' dimaad," WalUek'a oosr little place li geninlly well Biled, end thoe* who Tlalt it «bI07 th* *Btortabimeats offsred, iauaioh al they ar* aud* to f*al parracUy "at bom*." i Liora K**a*'i Tirlctlea giuu te popalirltr, for th* filrdinot-) i*u la a boat, in biraelf. we do not think that tier of prlraU boxai aalBcIantlr nmaneratlTO, la a Bniaclal potet, altboagbjft mar add to the maty of the eitebllataBeot. Jordan " wu o4" for a few erenlnga Ian weak, Mr. Dioklnion attempting bb pum 1 bat the "lidr-Uller" liigaiaathli peit Oa BiinrdiT iranlng lilt, ea the eooulon of Mr, H. Hall'i bineBU a daaghter of th* btn^eiain made bir Brst appaaraaoe oa the stage, and, eoailjlar- lag all tbiaga, waa well leaiWed, Ur, Lloael aoldiBUa—no tela- tlon to Jenny LInd'i Qoldintd -made bladiiMi in " Ihe UndnUhod OenUoBan," * Mr*. WllUaoa (with bar hasband) te drawing exosllent honwi it tbe Broadway. Tbii lady noTar fella to aBu* aad delight b7 her p«enllar Bt;le ol aollnk. At finrlon'a—wber* pcopl* go to langh, whether tragady or Oomedy is tbe play—things go oa aboat la aanal. Cony aod ib* Dog* commoooad ao angagaaeat at th* National on Monday orenlng, Th* Bowor7 la picking op •Inwl7. Olagn, a hrorlte with tb* "Dowery bora," and Ur. J, 0, Dunn bare Jnit been added to tbe company, vntll the "Intemil dIii«nilona" it ihli hoai* in Ml- tl*d, tb* Binigiaint ef tb* Boweiy Theatre la ap-blll work, Tb* BareU are doing middling w«U at NIblo'a Hr. Nlblo Ii said to been his wiyhom*. ' > Ihe Lignng* Opera Company ir* at th* Acadaity ef .Moale. W* droppid In 1 lew nlghUilooe, lad wire maeh pl*ai*d with th* minair in which *U conutmd took their reapeoiire rotlr, i* oar gTMt orltlu bare It. Mad. Lagraaie'i toU went dews with g«ifa, wbateTar.tbat Is; aad, with a enp of Onitar'! •xcaUant ooffoe, ta* thing woyld hiTa bean complete. What aay the great erltlea abaat n«l*rtlng "eoBb* aai raUi" togithar t THE TUBF, tijttt and leoompta. By a telegraphic despatoh, dated New Orleans, April 18, we learn that Ptyor woo a three mile raoe agauBt Leoompte, on the Metarle Oonroe. IionlilasB. Ubtabii CoumiE, April 0.—Parse $300, two mile hMta, A.ii. Blngamin's (1, B, Polndixlar'a) h, t. Mary Bemud, if I lBp.01encoe, oatofMirletti—8 7«anold t 1 Bbu ind Hoore'i b. f. Poaa Virrla, by Wignar, oat of Argod- "' ' " , J 9 8 tile—47einoM. 1st Mile., 3d Mile .. Total. VlrrtHeat. 1:68 1:61 .TdT SieoadHeat 1:11 April 10.—For year olda. Forfdt 9100. SsolaraUon, ^0. Sweeptakef of ^SO*. One nile heatg. i Thomas 7. Willed g. f, b7 hop, BoTOnlgn, eat oIBmL,... . i^t 1 A. L, Blngaaan'* b, o., b7 Imp. SAT*i*lgn, «t of B*!*!*^ j Ooody i. a, Socond Bae*,—D. P. EtaaBr** b. a, by Imp, 0!*nt»*, *at I ' ofUInatnl 1.., 4 1 A. L, Blngamin's Byaiaaukl,! b. t Tlotoiln*, oat of Vletrvas,,.,. I 9 W. J, Ulanar'i br. f. Tarlatlon, by Ambasudor, ovt of lap Brtteanll •' 1 • John Toroknll's b, t. Boatbera Delle, by Imp. Yorksblra, cat of Bally ShanBon ' ' . , Tlmi,l:4Ti I:46J(1 I:WJ<i 1:", / APBa II.—Purse $800. Four mile heatf Batraaea per oent added, ./ OoL A. L, BlBgiBin's (B. Ten Droeok's) oh. OjRj'; br imp. 0100000, not of Oypsy, own slstv -.n,.. doo^y AisrliaitcUpso-lS y**r, aid./-' • • om. ioh to Btoond horse. Three/'^^itoOB ApbUi whiohto tea per oent added Ool. A. L. Bbuimio'i (B, Tan by lap,aienso*, ontof Q do«i by Aaierlean BollpM' / fe) oh, e/Pryor, >wo iliterorH*- • o>d.... waIkid*T«>