New York Clipper (Apr 1856)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. (MUbralih VjnoH CotniiB, Sm Fhahciico, Mwoh J8.— Tret- t|p|r-pon» I^Oi n>ll« bMU. but three k Ave, la htr 0, B. Ihtu iBtn* (■ (• Xlt Kanon, >. J.])*Bl«l*Bt*ri b.(.ntd«WtBd ... 1 S 1 1 4 _ _ _ .... 114 3 1 >'arcgkitaUnk(.P«wdtr J » * • J ,^ • Tint, iM)i i a.«« i M» i «^« I a-'M I •t»l«i)o^Ai»1fnlItrBMl»l'»w to UToW^Ohto, ipfl»r,»l2P.M.,rorW«»ili»-»i;«»rf«"- . ,. . Sr. tau unti Touf Antrioa (HoiftB coU), I jn. old. Ta FOBEIGN SPOETING INTELLIGENCE, Fram BiTt i^i, UarA BO, lUB, THE RING. riQHTB TO OOHE. Irau. 1—DiB Honb ud (Montr'i Norlc*— jGIS k ild*, L«ndoa. n.—T/lu Md BMoA—£ti t lilt, LoBdoa. IUt S^BraokM tad Hick*—£35 »ild*, LoDdoD. la—flMrgt Orockitt and Bab Tnrtn—ltO» ild*, London* 19.- Butt Sroom« ud Tom Paddock—i3N a ild*, London. JVH S,—Bam SlniDODli and Br«tUe—£200 » Mt, London. IT —Bakar tad Hatton—£30 to £U, Loadoo. ir—Iltjti tad Uiu«7—£100 a ilda, London. THE OBAMPIOSBHIP. End or Joirii aits thx SLAtHia's Hatch.— A letter fromAaroV. Jonee, etAtes tbtlhe ii antble to flabt on the i»y ntmtd, owing to tbe lojor; to his thumb lie re- •elTed bj • fall froia a horse, and, aa proof of tble, be laa forwarded the ^following medical oertiflcate:— <• Margate, Maroh SOtb, 1866.-1 hereby oerti^ that I Btttaded Ur. Airon Jones for a atTere laceration of the thnmb, prodnoed by a fall from a horae, and that I am of opiiilon that hia engaging in a pagillstto conteat lo early as the 4th of Jane next would be nnwlse and Tory detrimental to tbe lojared band.— David Fbicb. M. D , Fellow the Bo>al College of Snrgeons, and CoDtnltlog Surgeon to the Roytl Sea Satbhg Infirmary." Jonu ' wlihcs to know whether the Slasher will aotept of any nm to poBtpotie the fight for three months, and If he Hill, bega hiio to name bis terns. To whloh the Bliaber repUcB that he will sot agree to any poatpontment of bla aatoh with Jones, and, as tbe latter did not deposit his noner last week, be Hill claim forfeit. Ibe Slasher adds that he will fight the winner between Broome and Paddock, or make • fresh matoh with Jones for £200 a ■ids. The Slasher wUl therefore reoelTe forfeit. EABmrBBOOM^ add Pasdoce.— The lltk deposit, of £10 a side, between these men, was made good en . Tnesday. There la ngw X120 a elde down for this Batch, which will be for the Champion's Belt, as Jones , ud the Slather's natch Is off. ItwiU.inallprohablllty, as may be seen aboTe, lead to two £ghts, seeing that the Slasher intenda to dispute the title of the winner to the trophy in quesUos. UONXr OIVtN UF IN THX WaLKXB AND HaYXS Hatch.— No artanoenient having been oometo between these men, the atakea were, on Moaday last, handed OTer to the reeptetite haokere of the men. Walker now •taies that he is willing to make a fresh matcb, for jSSOO a side, to come off three nontba after his fight > irith Uassey. aad, as to a referee, he will oonaeatto tbe following terms—that etoh ebonld Dime a referee, and that we ahonld oame another; the three namea to be . plaeed In a hat. and tbe one first dram by an impartial ^person to be referee. Obhx AMD Bat(bi.— In answer to Tom Barera's ohallcBge, some time baok. Herry Ome pledged hunself V ta fiffht Tom as soon u he had arranged hie affairs, and Bkldiie woald have then tad tbtre tcoepted hbohaU lenge, ecnld Sayers bare been prepared with £200. '■9!om bege to say he has now eared np that anm, and 'tmtts Uiat the present state of affairs will enable Orme to keep his word. Sajera will, at any rate, giro liim . the opportunity of doing so, and Is prepared to make a natdh to fight him for £200 a side. To wlilch, Orme responds, by esking if Sayera la not aware that he (Orne) istngsged In a bneiDets from which arena alight absence wonld detract considerably; to snstaln, any farther, the pretensions of a lighting man. He oan> aot consent to break np his arrangements, when Tom Bayers, fights, says he;" I sbtll slwaTS be happy to see : Un, bnt other arooatloDs and other oabils now render llihtlogwiih me ontof theqneatJon; and I traatyon . irlll he. good enoogb, by sirlDg inecrtion to this letter, ■0 to express it onoe for all that neeless challenges may lie no more thrown ont in this direction. The time will . oone when I shall be fully prepared, meanwhile as we oaonot bare war, at least let ua hare peace." way a fall yard. Constable now made a deaperate ef- fort, and gradaally lessened the gap betwMa them, and when within abont fonr yardrfron home Jnst aanaged to show Us body in front, and after one of the beat raeea that hu been seen for sooe time, wu dedared the winner by a barefoot. . iM -IroDsidea, the pedes- trisD,started at fle^emlnnteeafter fear P.M., onFil- day, the "th lnst., for tha fifth milestone from Pen- lanoe on theHelitOB road and back, whloh he was to repeat thirteen times in 26 hours: be finished his vtr- foraanee at ten minates after fonr P.M., ontheBlh, thu aooompllshiag the dlstaaee, ISO miles, in 24 honra and fire minutes. Iar|te numbers of people assembled from time to time to witness the performance of this ex- traordlsaiy teat. TsN MiLB BAcx.-Tio match to run ten miles, for £10 a side, between JsmesBrookson of Qarratt and Oharles Oooke of Marylebone —the former recelting one minute start-came off on the 28th'at Qarratt-lane, and, from both men being well-known pedestrians, there were upwards of a thotisand periona present, who seemed highly delighted at the sport. Both msn had been in aotire tralnlDg for the event, and looked in the beet poelble condition. Brookson. who is abont thirty- two years of age. first appeared in pnbllo abont twelre years ago; he was then considered a runner of no mean preteaaiona. and pollahed off sereral good men. but In sbcnt 1SS2 his running seemed to have left him, and be has hardly bsen btard of sinoe. Oooke, who has been before the public abont two years, is about twenty-one Tears of age, and, althongh not a first-rate elipper, be has won many racea At half-paat fonr o'clock the men appeared at tbe soratob, in racing ooatntne, and at the signal giren, away Brookaon bounded, and covered up- wards of 800 yards In the given time. Cooke then set off at a raUllng page. 7 to 4 was now freely offered on Oooke, who did not gain much upon his opponent until the fourth mile bad been gone over, when he began to gain a little, and at the ninth mile was within 120 yards of Brookson, whose long lurching strides made him ap- pear to be running remarkably easy, and havlog hts man safe, he aUowed him to get within fifty yards of him at the flnlih. Brookson was declared the winner. Booompliahing tbe distance in S6 minutes 86 seconds. Fcdkitbian Fxatb.— On the 24th, at Falcon Lane, Battersea, a young Ud named James Onlnn, only nine- teen years of age, undertook to walk 40 miles In eight hours, for a bet of £13 to £10, bnt he broke down in the 22d mile, completely exhausted. A walking matcb of fonr miles, for a sUver watch, also cane off; ft waa won by Charles Westball, who stood at soritoh, giving New- man half a minute, Durham half a minute. Vigors one minute, and Woodstock a minnte-and a-half start. On the 23th, Westball undertook to walk 20 miles in three hours, bnt gave in, owing to the heavy state of tbe ground, after going 7| miles in 60 minutes 14 seconds. He started at three o'clock preoisely, and walked the distance he went as follows (lined by H. A. Beed) i 1st mile, 8mln. 4S8eo.; 2d, Smln. 26seo ; Bd, 8min. 47sec.; 4tb, Offlin. 28seo.; 5th, Smln. 58seo.; Sth, 8mln. e88eo.; 7th, Smin. 66mln.; and the three-quarters in 6 nlnntes 7 seoonds. All Enoland Half Mile Harbio'ap.— This affiiir came off at Garrett Lane, Wandsworth, on the 24tb For the first heat: 0. Watson, 26 yards sUrt; David Welsh, 80; J. Brookson, 40] a Fisher.6&4-W. Lgkes. 60; and J. Baldoek. Ofi—sttrfed at 86 minutes past three O'clock. Betting: 6 to 4 against Brookson, 2 to 1 agst Watson, and 9 to 1 against any one else. Wslsb ran In the winner, bnt by only half a yard, Brookaon se- cond, and WatsoBtnlrd; time, 2 minates. Second heat: Six started, vie.,. J. Fndney, 20 yards start: B. Bden, 27 ; 0. Cooke, 80 ; B, Lewis, 66; J. Wray,eO; F. Dia- mond, 85; bettiagMeat Padaey a«iBattheflaU:3 to 1 against any one else. They all kept pretty well in tbelr resneoUve places till coming np the back stretch, when Pudney made a tremendons raih, and ran in a winner by a ocunlecf yards, Eden lecond, Diamond third, and Oooke fonrth. It was a capital race—Time, 1 mlnnte 60 seoonds. Third best: For this H. Margete, 27 yards start; J. Stainor, 80; O. Gibbons, 40; and W. Preeton, 60—started. After a good raoe, this terminat- ed in a dead heat'between Hargetta and Stainor. Many considered that Stainor won by half a foot, bnt as there were neither nmplres nor a referee. It conld not be set- tled otherwise than by allowing them both to run in the decisive beat. Final heat: Tbe winners of tbe previous beats now toed thcEoratoh. Betting: 2 to 1 against the field. He had the race all his own way. They reached the winning crease as follows: Pudney first by four yards, Uargstts second, Welsh third, Stainor. fourth- time 2 minntee. t« shew in front. At the Skiaaer's-bura, which Is abont 100 yards further. Olasper took Us opponent's water, and at the foot of the new qnay he had inereased Us KUtion to betterthan a elearlenilh. At this point of e noe the banks of either aide of the rivet were liter ,. TfBXB Battlxb.— Tonng Riloy and Tonng Bken- , Wright, of Birmingham, met on the 17tb, to contend at ' ' Tst 21b, for £10 a side, at Eingsvood Wood Commons, ' Awo miles and a half Inriher on, where an excellent ring was pitched, and tbe men entered, attended by fonr old ;> and .wdl-known Birmingham seconds. Just as they were In the act of setting-to, the police put in an ap- .' pearance, and warned them off tbeground. They, hpw- - ever, retbed outside the riufr, and they did not again interfere. Both yontiis were in floe condition. Blley was 1^0 favorite, at 6 to 4; and after the first quarter of an hour had elapsed, 6 to 1 was laid on him, and taken. Tbe Shaver got tbe first blood from the potato •trap in the second round, and in the 20th round mansuged to get the knock-down blow. These were the only points during the fight that oonld be said to be in hu favor, fof ^ough he fought well, yet It was apparent to all I after a short tine that he had no chance wIthBUey, -whose superior science gave him every opportunity of ( letting well home on his oppooent, dosing np his left I pile, seriously dama^ng the right, and naterlaUy alter- \lBg the nasal organ After flghing 80 rounds in 66 - Viuiatta, tbe Shaver's friends seeing It was nseless to Slow him to go on, gave in for bim, although against e game little fellow's wish. B. Batee of Brlerley Hill and John Page of Brlttlo- lane met on Harob 8, to fight at catob weight, for £10 a side, at tbe Brownhills, near Lichfield, and, after a well-conteated battle of one hour and three-quarters, in . , whloh68 rounds were got throngb, Bates wu tbe winner. Jtmmy Williams and Pilot of Bristol, fpught on the ' 24th, near Bath, for £10 a side, at oatoh weight. It WBsalongatruggle, ccoupyiDg Sb 82sec, dnrlngwUoh 104 rounds were fought Pilot took tbe lead for the first two honra, but after that Williams seemed to rally, and nooeeded In throwing his opponent many times ' very heavily, and eventually, in4he last round, he gave Pilot aleavy baok faU, which rendered Urn deaf to the oilleftline. PEDESTRUNI8M. IootBacx or 100 TAiin».-Con«lable and Wheatler eonteetedinalOOyardsraoe, for £60, on the 17th, at Hyde Pirk. CcnsUble, who Is a powerfblly-bnUt yonne man, is'28 years of age, stands 3 feat 4 nohea, and weighs lOst. 71b. Wbtatley, who Is 92yeara of ace sUnds 6feet 1 Itch, and weighs Sat. 21b. About four o'clock both men made their apptarenoe on theoronnd and the iroress of unrobing having been gone through, ..they tce4 theieratb, bnt nearly an hour was cut to waste in dodging for tbe start; at length they bolted twav slmttltanei nelv, but T(heatley, who was quiokeet ca hie Ifgp, soon ebr.wcd in advance, and when little ^ Bore than half the distance hid beta covered, led tbe Walbino Matcb.— J. Jones, cf London, and J. Ashton, decided their four-mile walking match on the 26tb, for £20 a aide. On going away, iht favorite, Jones, led by a ooople of yards, bnt when a mile had been traversed, Ashton had aaeamed the premiership, and was a vard and a half In front. This position he kept until the final half-mile lap, when Jonea again took the lead, which he maintained, erentnally winning by 20 vards. The lime cccapled by Jones in tbe respect- ive half-nule laps was as rollows: 1st, 4mln. 16seo.; 2d, 4min. iOsec.; 8d, 4mln. 89seo.; 4tb, dmin. 88Bec.; Sth, 4min. 88sec.; 6th,4min. 2eseo ; 7th,4mln. 24seo-; and 8th, 24min. Sseo. AQUATICS. SouixxBs Hatob BxrwBiN H. Olaspxb and M. Tatlob.— This matoh, which has engrossed the atten- tion of the admlreie cf aquatic sports for the last two months,was brought to a conclusion on Hondav last, and, if we nay Jadge urotn the Immense number bfspectatois who assenDledon the banks of tbeTynCtWe wonld say that no slnllar event has created greater excitement since the four-oared natch be'tween Parish's crew and tbe Claspers, fifteen veers ago. The race was orlatnally made for ftSO a side, but there seemed to be alack of the " ciroulatuig medium" on the part of the -Taylon, ^d it was ultimately agreed to row for £80 a side Olasper's career extends over a long period of years, and he has rowed many a gallant raoe; and is now 46 years of age. Taylor Is 20 years of age, and has sonewhat suddenly sprung bto repute as a sculler. His trinmph over the Elswlok crew, and the London watermen at the Great National Regatta last year In tbe Manchester orew, and his snbaeqnent victory over Pattlnson, raised Um in the estimation of his friends, and hia prowess in aquatic circles has of late been the topic of oonversatlon; and many thought it wholly Inpracticable for any man on the Tyne to vie with him with any ohanoe of sucosss; hence the present match. For some time previous, to the race the betting was slightly In favor of OUsper; but on the day it veered round to 6 and S to 4 on Taylor. Shortly after five o'clock, Taylor was seen to enter his boat at the SUnner'a-bnm, and. was quickly followed by his opponent from the Mansion House Qnay. Eleven steamers, orammed fall of people, put off firom the va- rious quays and took np thehr posltious at the south side of the river. Both men had undergone a rigid course of training, and at the starting point Tavlor .preeented every attribute that even hts most sanguine supporteta could wish for; while, at tbe sane tint. It must be ad- mitted that Henry was in equally goodoonditlon. After a little mennuverlDR and two or three false starts, tbsy both daahed awar, Taylor getting the flnt hold of the water. Harry, acwever, was soon le vel with Us oppo- nent, and an oar-and-oar rate ensued natll thqr reeened Cooksoa's Qnay, when the " «ld>an" began gradually ally elad with ilvlBg masses, andlheshoutaof'Had away, Harry,** were perfwtly deafening. On the tope of the hllla a large number of the Mr sex were seen waving their handkenUefi, apparently delighted at the '• old-nn" leading kb youBg opponent. Opposite the shot tower, wUch was reached In 4mln 60tec, Cltsper was four leagths in adranoe; and. notwithstanding the frequent sports cf bis opponent, he still contlaaed to gala. At the foot of the Ueadows, Olasper was fifty or sUty yards ahead, pnlliog quite easy. From thia point it.was a guinea to a shllllBg ca him; and at the Uead- ows House, wUeh was'galned In llmin 42sec, Mt»i\^' creased Us lead to nearly a hundred yards. Here the steamboats pressed too closely upon Taylor, and, owing to the narrowness of the channel In that part of the river, he was caught by a heavy ripple, and obliged to pull CD shore, evldeatty fatigued. Olssper continued to the end, winning an easy victory. The diatanoe was rowed in 22mln 30seo. BowiNo Match at Pltmouth.— A boatraoe,whloh caused no little excitement in this neighborhood, came off on Friday, March 21. Oapt. EUiot,of H. M. S. James Watt, backed, for a small wager, one of the boats of that sUp, which he should name, against the Panl Hethnen, a cedar six-carad gig, built at Bermuda, belonging ta B. Trisoott, Esq, of the R. W. V. Yard. The raoe was to come off on Friday, whatever might be the state of the weather. Abont eleven o'clock on Friday the atom flag wu hoisted at Devonport, and tiie wind gradually in- creased, and we believe the backers of tbe gig began to be less eonfident than at flrsL The James watt's boat, a large pinnace, pulling 20 oars, was manned by 40men; the gig by six men from Saltuh. At ten minutes put one they were started from the Boyal William, by Capt. Klngcome; the course-round the Breakwater and baok to the starting point. The gig, from her lightness, as wu expected, took the lead, but afUr the pinnace got to her best speed she began to lose ground. Little, how- ever, could be gathered as to the ultimate success of either until they passed Devil's Point, and began to en- counter tbe sea. Many excellent judges (U tbe gig's qnellUu in a sea were quite unhnoim) were of opinion that the pinnace would pass her. TUs wu not, however the ease, and the orew of tbe gig were obliged to some- what Blacken thehr speed; yet she kept the le^, and In pnllingthe length of the Breakwater outside; gained 49 seconib on her antagonist. There was stiU-ft hope for the pinnace, u the (pg (only one foot four Inenes In depth) had, after ronndmi theeutern end^f the Break- water, to put her broadsloe to the sea, and this, it wu BuppoBed,would, if not entirely swamp, yet so fill her with water, that she would be obliged to relinquish the race. All the crew of the pinnace made the most prodi- gious exertions to overtake her. The gig, however, con- tinued to Increue her distance, and, contrary to the general expectation,' did not ship ranch water, and event- ually rounded tbe Royal William 3mln Msec before the pinnace. MISCELLANEOUS, The Tuar.- Latbst Statc or thb Odds.—Dbbbv. -Flybynlght, J. Scott, 7 to 1 (off); Polmoodle, J. Prince, SO to 1 (tk); Enchanter, J. Day, 60 to 1 (tk). WBiaTLino Match.— The Btateh, for £10 k tide, b*.^ tween Beecomb and Cox, came off on the 24th, at the Jollv Caulkers, Botherhllbe. At two o'clcek several admirers of the sport had usembled, and at three the men entered an excellent ring provided by the landlord, and both men appeared in first-rate condition. Buoomb especially wu the admiraUon of Usfrlenda,butOox ap- pMred to be the favorite, until after some little play, wbenBascoakheounethefcvOrlte, which position hekept througbont, and ultlmatelr won the match by throwing Oox three tines to being tBrown once. Time 2h'5UfflIn. So'severe a struggle hu not been witnessed for years. Thb Old Doo Jxit.-Thls wonderful dog gave anoth' er speelmen of his extraordinary killing powers on Tues' day last. Shaw had backed him to deetroy lOO large rats in Dine nlautes, giving bin thus a little extra time on ac- count of his growing infirmities and his want of con- dition, when, to the delight and amatement cf a large Oorlnthlan assemblage, among whom we noticed several familiar sporting faces from the Universities, he com- pleted Us task in the utonlshingly short time of 7mln 849ee. The rats were of tbe beet deseriptica, fresh in from the bams, and no small amusement wu created by tbe vlgoroua and fierce assaults made by them on Bhaw, who waa backing the dog hi tbe pit. Doctor fUnlibw tbabeat attltia ot Dyt »y*r lalnlat*dt«the pnUle aettg*. Ot court*, avtiy penan kaev* tf tha Isvalatble pnptrttta of the Veetot** etiakntad ItalUa Vsdicat** teap, wlilt]^u»biutUtr,buBa*4Batta«k*veiia«reaaa«tlM. AU cf tht aboT* nsr bt had ot Dr. Oouaid, R»; ST Wtikar stntt, Ant itoi* Droadwty; tbe, of T. &. OtUeader, Be. M loath IMrt itmt, Phlltdtlphla. LoTBRi or AtiUATio sroan. TBI TWaNTT-liaHTH e&ANS.ANIIUiL BOAT IXBIBI- ties oftb* Boat tad Oar Bttaar will open April It, and ecatl- aa« epta oat weak onlr. The aitaiilT* amsnoitala that hat* h««a Bid* for tbU BihlbtUoa tnaiaat** u It aarltf. that It wilt M Uitii^iit tntl ot lb* klad (Ttr ttttni to tht poUlo lathli or anr otbtt «oiatir- Thtt* will b* on •iblbUloa a campbtt ttt of BtftlU Bm«<, eoaalatlog of Bktltton BoaU taa U to IT fHt la ODgUi iBall Bbata, from 20 lo 14 fett la Itofth: ofPlMni* B«aU thti^ wlU bicoapiiu ttU of til kinda; lliiu*i lad aiaalac Bott^daifM, l>lakt7i,iniORl<c Bow tod WUUbaU Bottr tad BOmtrptu other eiwnt. Of Bblpi' BoaU, Ibti* wlU b* (iMUtad *v*rT Ituth otai|,piut aadSUro Boata, WuhboaidaadDeabto H«adtrDoali, TawU, Uo«m, Long, WhtU, Barf and Llh ittU, and Um tl|hUt«-in»WD>ln all neulj «noD(h to (Ualah *t*it *""L'?.'!?'5 T,"^ f of BoaU Addad to thli wlU b* Man PoUahad Uoda i, Qold tad BUvtr Hadali, Goblati, aad Dlplo- mu I tlM Oil FatntlB(( of wnt otth* calabrtMd B*|ittutht If l*nola h»»* Uk*B put In i Utt«n of.nonot from Scl*atUa Mta rBd loiUtatloni—tb« wholt fORBlof t Otblnat of ninouipltn- dor. Tb* In|oiM>lli en this oocttlon latana t* oBtcttlp lU fOraicr tfforla. Thty b*Tt takea tbcli itaad boldlt ob Ut p*d**tal of p«r- (*«l!on, and at* tht oolf olilmtBta to tha boaor. Oat Utadi aad tb* pnbllo at* lBTlt<d to attaad.' Admluica Int. l-lt-O 0. I>. INOBBBOLL A BON, ISO toatk Knct CODNTHT SPORTBUBN CAN OBTAIN OBIOKBT BATB, BALU, Ac, BOXtKa QU>\MB, Biaolag rolli, Bllti aod BtToWiita, BpoiUof Deft aad BMi^ Bpoitlas Pclata and Book*, and tk* eboltttt Impoitad Qlctn—kr lidr*ia!iig T. n. BUTTBa, S»Bro«oM81i*at,IC.T. iJo FCRIflBllIlfa DEPOT FOB THH 8P0BTIN6 OOMUDNITT THBOUaSOTII THl Ualtad Btitta. Tb* Baburlbar li aow prtnared to ftnUb, oa ■null oomaiMlaai, tar artlda piDsnitbl* la this ooiatval low rntci, noh ti Watobta, Jtwiirr, Hon**, Oariltf*!, Wateaii'Etr- B*i>, tall tndBowBoat*, ?liblnf Tackle, tIr*anna,BcilBgOl*v«^ Damb-Btlli, Sporting Print* and Bookt, Dot* and Fowl Of *r«iy br*«d, &o; alio Poaltr* for Bparrlog Bzhlbriloaa, aiad avtnr d*- lorlptlon of PtIntlDg, fbrnlihod top*itl*tlBaad ont ottUtcltr oa Ih* mott roatcaabl* t«rm*, br addranlag a nolo to oar* of PaaRK QutBir, Bii)., Bdltor of th* Hmw Ton OLirrei, or to th* oB** of L. .0. OBUIIS, S0> Bfoadwtj, cor. of Dou* BIrtIt, (8d doer, Booms.) 1-0 BOAT AND TAOUT aOILDHIO. SAIL BOATS AND PILOT BOATS BUILT AND EBPAIUD- In th* b*it mtnntr br OBOBOB W. niBtlD, who will an** to balld BaU T*u*:i that tbaU b*al aay »( a Ilk* dnerlpUoa, «r .-.-WaBorlBc* that fhall b* utiilhotorr to lb* partita. ^imi* of Buln«i>—I. itr**t, ai**n Point. 1-3 UOatO FOR THB THOOBANDB FBBB OOROEHT AND JDDOB AND JCBT BOOkL-WABH- INOTON BALL, M Oatbatlaa itnti, tmn Bmj, vhn* tbe loTcn of To«U Taltnt mar •ip*ct to bar* a tr*tt mtj Moadiir and Bktardar •T*BlBg. Wedntadaya, th* Mt* lad Juy Olib will hold tbtlr miBllag* t« tr/all caM* that auyconMvftkU, their Jnrlidlolioa. L B. JONBB b*g* ta iaforra bit Miadi aad th* pabUe. that be ha* on hand th* Ixat lapoitad Llqaor*, Wli**, Alt*, aad (Hftn, lad Itttaii himatif bjr thtt mttbod that bt wlU ootttaut l« I** o*1t* ftTon wtilch htv* b*ia to Ubaiallr bailovad IWtt-0 ■All, BOATS FOR BALB. TWO .BAIL BOATS, ONB St MBT. AtlD ORB » IBBt » ItBftb. 8aldBeataat*li>it>odoid*r,tad'«lUb*nldl**. AppI/ to NiwHAN k BAMDALL SMt-O ' BMIMBtittettHfevTetk. VAOUT FOR BALE. ABUALL 7A0HT, tl IBBT lONO, II IBBT BIAH, BBW lul ■anuB*r, I* w*U foaod. aad a rarr Ikst atUfr. laatlf* of U-at-0 AUOtSTDB PAOB, N*v Earoa, Otaa. JOBT PIIBLU11B», FRIOB lit OBNIB, DOOO^BAPBT; OB, THB LITB AND ADTBSniBkB OF th* ««l*brat*d Dog TIOBB | eonpriibiK a vu^ttjr of • BimTH ExTBAOannrART.—On the auspldoiu morn- ing of Sunday, the lOth, an Italian ^greyhound bitch (formerly the property of one of our Orimean herow), but now belonging to Mr. Walter Mace, Peal-street, Walsall, gave birth to three young pups of the respect- ive colors red, white and blue. ToBHUTo THB Tablks Bballt.— ThcrS wu a grand " row" lately at a lecture lo Paris. Police agents in plain clothes were present; they made a mark with chalk on the backs of the most uproarious of tbe students, so that they might be known and arrested when, they left the hall: the etndents detected the mancenvre, and slyly chalked the police agents; when tbe offleers left the place, the Sergens de rlllearrMled them, lodged them in prison, and kept them therefor a day and a night. Eroiivi Tbial.— Engine Obmjiany Ko. 8, of the Wes- tern District, Brooklyn, took boiae their engine from the painter's on the 26th, and on the foUowing day gave her a trial from the cistern in -front, of Uielr house in Henry strut, in preseoce of a large number of specta- tors. They played ytlth the following result :Trom suction with 60 feet Of hose, open but of 2(8 Inches, into tbe gutter of the Oitv Armcry—a hichtof 86 feet, and 02 feet on a level. Same hose, 11-6 inchooiiel, 161 feet; three stresms, 8-4 Inch nosile, ll7 feet horl- lontal. The engine has been in use about fonr yeus, and with a new coat of paint, presents a very handsome appearanoe. Tbs Gabi Of OlLUABii.—Thl* betatirnl tad MUlaat gams, b/whlohaaaa is enablti to. *Bjo]r hlau«lf *lth*r tt honitor tbroad, Uk* tU otbn loUBtlts apiu*m*Bt* I* tut galalag la pep- Bltrltf, iBd, u t aatoial e4ai*qi*ao*, tb* lnct*ti* la tb* dtatad for ttbl«i, etUa forth tb* lattntlr* fkonltlii of nun for th* Im- prortmnt of th* aam*. The* It U, Uiat Ur. Mleht*l Phtlaa, oa* of th* bHt pUrM* la Ih* world, bu latoly nc***d*d la pwAellag ta tatlrtljatw rtrl* of euhloa, ctlltd th* "Oembtattlea Oiab- Ib'a," foi which h* bu a*cuad t pat*nt It li prabtbt* that «■ Btj, lBonrntal,mfittothI* nbjiet, tipUlalag tb* difartac* b*tw*ta tb* old tad aaw *t7l«, tad llktirli* gtr* dligrimi t* nak* lb* autt*T itlU moi* dtar. Ur. Phcltn'* Btlsea tad Bhow Booau tn at Bo. 31 Obtaban iti«*l, wh«t* tbo** lat*i*it«d eta call aad t** for thimsslvii. Ooiaiirioi.—A* thtr* will Im thooauds of new itadsr* for thU tad'fclinqaaat aaabtn «f th* Ourraa, w* «Mild*r It eaTdaty U appilw thtm that If laj ti* tronblad wllb npiifltoai hair, Sr. flooraaCa axetUcat P«Bdi«i BabtiUawiU *fadl«aU It, aad that, too, witheat th*i*tit tnaU*. At tb* aam* t|a«, Ull la dttbabU to «ktB|* Ih* ««t«r of ea*'* fcilr, Ct*m a Ught; red, or gi*/, ih* and taatngtlT* •lanplu UlBitrtUv* of tha haMr*SM|a»f tb* ipproprlat* titlalBg tad adneatlon of Dtgi. Br tiaaeli BaUet, tiMtoa itiaat, Ntw Torkl li*iaav*d from BOS Watttii) Xk* Trad* ■BppU*d OB tb* nintl Uiaia. I. B. ha* eoaitaatlr oa baad all th* tbole* br«*d *( ttgl, beth for lal* aad atock. Proprlator of Bnllir'* Llolnaat, lalklllbl* Haag* Ualmtat aal lUalaUralaator. Pris*, SO «*bU p*r bAtUa. ; IMm-« tFOETa.-«IAII<B UALL, dBUADISON BT,, NBWTOBE. CHABLBI aiDDINOB ANNOUNOBrTO nW-SEOBTINI} World that ba baa tahoa tb* abor* wall-kaowa Heaae, Ittolr cccaplid bj Mr. Hanlatt, to whloh h* larlU* tb* alUatlaa •! Ih* raB«r, avulDg tbam alwtja a h*iitr w*I*cb*, flnl-itt* Ufoon, iBd Bport* anitaallad br anj ctbar hou* In the Slat**. Rata eoaalaatly oa hand and for aal*. MONET, mOMEV, lUOMEV. THB BBW TOBK LOAN AND BBAL BBTATB AnHOt, IB now la tall oparaUon at No, SOS Btoadwajr^ aerthvfit sernar ot aad ontraac* In Sua* air**!, wh*i* pattlM eaa at all HoM* be ftual*h*d with Oaab epon til UMrlptloaa of Pinoaal PiB p wtj, W»t«b**, DUnoad*, )*w*lr7, BAn*, Otnttg**, HtiaMO, Olstbk Bllkj, Ltcaa, Haidvai*, Palatlan, tad BoUnndo Appttatat, all of vhlcBwlllMlaantd epoa or boagtatat tight (orsaa. Ititl** traaaaatlDgbttalnauat thli oSea Bi*r r*(t aaiond thU th* Boat rigid eonld*ne* will b* obaorrtd. Frlvtt* Ofle*a for tha r*e*ptl»B of Ltdltt, or If r*tBlrad, Mn*M will b* wtlt*d ap«a at lhali nild****!. Oflo* bom ben s A. IL to e P. M. JOHN OOBBIOAN, trcfHttr. BOOBBI BOOKBII HOaBBOOKBItl TF you WANT ANY BOOK ADVERTISED IN X thJ* or any Other N«w York paper, a*sd n* th* adv*rtls*d price of th* Book yoa want, aad tie reiara nail wUl bilag yoa tb* BookwaaW ' * . - ». Ifkgtilne, I . lar. Befar to tb* Bdltor of this papar. EUB<7uNB9 k TOU8B7, 1«0 Naaita (trtet, ^•w Terk. Book waBi*d,'/V**</FtMf«. If yoa woat any Nawrnaparer twi as Uw iaMori||tloa pri** aod foa wUJ get it itg«> BOATB ABO VAOBTI. NEWMAN & RANDALL, 24A FRONT STitEBT, tv* do«ra «att of Ptck Blip, N«w fork, ■anafUtarsnaf aad d*al*rt to Boat* and Tachif of all diserlplloss, of lb* best. ssal*> rials aod work]iianahl> Also, the b«it qaalltr of Otn^ Bw**fS| *ndBetllB,amtU8pan,Ae.,*«. : ■ N.B.—Botuboaghtaadaoldon«OD<a]SBl«a. Bir*M**aalwan d*p*Dd ipon havlni th*lr boat* bollt by prastlitl Boat Balldan. IB A. FBUFBIOT BlliMBBO TABLBI AV IiAffV* ICHAEL PHELAN'S MODEL BILUABOTA. . blea, wllb Us atw combtDailon oublont, eompoiad of atv** tal aalciiala, ind <o ooattratted a* lo laaar* mtlhawailaal eo^ r*otB«M of taglta and Ih* rtnialt* (luUolir la ill t*a*oaa| ad^ ■IdeiaiBD long d*alr«d by BlfbllUard plapcii. Th* todartlgnad, from hia long uperlono* lo ih* WJliaid btil- na*a, withoat agollna, conttad* h* b eapahl* of Jidf lag what a Ubl* ahould bo, and h* pledge* bli rtpauilon that ua** aihlHI advantage* M«Mated by no olh*r),aBd op«ni ap a a«w,*n to bUlludt. Having op*D*d Uia tpacloBt Hall No. 8> Ohaiaasw sl» (apitaln), next loBtrtoD'aTbaatra, whir* acvtialot thaaa are Bp for*xblblUonandj>iacilo*,ht lovlle* g*Btl*a«al«atv*blaaa otU tad Mt tbtm. TbN« T*bl«* are prompilruaaafMlarad to order, and will b* aolit u eheap aa (he ordinary Tab *t of lb* day, 3S BUOUABL PUKLAN,No.8SVhtBbera(t.(tp|lalrs.) BILUABMI BIUUAAOBI BILUABOflf ( THE OLDEST AND BEST KSTABLIflUMENT InNtwTork. O'OOBBOft * OOLLBDBDBB* Maaartataitrs, lmp*n*n aad d*al*r* la *vtiTiblsg e*aB«*t«l with BllUatda. .Vllllard Table* lii avtry Myl*, of ih* bast w«rk- BUthlp and oalarlalt, with a Itig* atotk of TrbBBUgs antaya cabaa£ Ordiriby aaUor *apr**i piomettr exeeaied at Ifea liwesteaib prisu. 41 aad It ANN BTR^i li« N thai he I TBB UBAPBB UOTBI,, ^. 0. 17 CBOSBY STREET,—UR. THOUiU B. HTBWART r*«*ol/ally Inform* bU f(l*adaaai(jS>abU* j«|(pf*iir*dtoTaralib all who may^v* UhbIU], wllb Ih* ehoiseeiWhMS, lite*!*, OI(an,l(«. MeolMmM;*! all ^Veeal and Inatiameaul Basle «v*r7*v*a)m<jfiksisl enisle ''lmsms'u Ih* NeU* Aft of Sair Bttta»L^im U fivsa aveiy Taatday tadlhafsday ntaSap, fn>tf|:|aliy«M,b7l^UBir Bobiaioa. ' / ' todglagabythaalghtorwtok, PrImeBffoauAtraitl**, ■FOBTlBa-riFOBVIBCI. PANCr FOWLS. ITOa llALE—ALL £IN|>B OF PAN J? lot*lh*rwltt* .Naaj Miga»'eo «k>n of F» Pha»,. blaok aad taja^K^cUtary,«