New York Clipper (May 1856)

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NEW YORK CLIPPER. ir SPABRIRO flriimo Olto.— We.are InformedtlutBMWCym- ■titla and Sparriog Olab baa Jaat 1>t«ii oiguilaed In :aSSfg Oaiden, FbUadelpblal, andei tbs nana of tbe SSntMataa Olnb, of Pklladelpbla. It la oompoatd of M man of tbe dlatriot, wbo bave aacorad » room In - Btraat Eatt of TtrelAb, which tbay Intend flttlna Un Hall, May 19. Some ol the beat aparrerahaTe Tolnn- toered for tbia eihlbltlon, and It la boped • liberal pa- tranage will be ertended tbe Club, in order that they nay perfect tbeir propoaM arraagementa whont de- Uy. We hope the eiample aet by thia Olab will be fol- lowed by yonng men In other cllle& la tbla way, many of the obJeetlonB to tbe condact of ou Sparring Exbfutlona maybe obviated. BBitariT or ^A&sa Ford —On Monday evmlDg, April 21. there wia a grand aparrlog aihlbltlon at tbe Madonal Yarletlcfl Hall, Beaton, being for the benefit of Baney F«rd. Althongb the night waa itry etormy the hall vaa orowded, and arery tblng passed off remarkably veil' The following la the order in whiob the aet-tos (took pUoe: f Iffj/.—Tilton and Bait. Thia was TCry fair, both / being ereoly matohed, and were well reeelTcd. Steond. —Toting Haley end Sparks—an exoellent dliplay—both were loudly applaud^; bntFonag Haley ihowed the moat eoience. TIrUd —OarelcsB Boy and Jobn Wood. Ihia Taa an esoiting affiir, aod at the third ronnd the former waa knocked aenaeleee, and did not "come to" for nearly three minntee, after wbloh be got the beat of Wood. Fnulh—Siaitb and MoDermott, Thia waa a Tery fhort trial, aa Smith <• loet his temper" In the third roDBd, when Price took bim oat. Jf!/2A.—Define and Maekle—a ehorl set-to, whioh didn't aaonnt to anything worth mentioslng. SixfA.—Qrey and the Wild Irishman." Thia boat oieated more merriment, among the audience, than any other dorlng the eTaniog, both showing snob " eolenoe In atopping each other's blows, and the attitndea thoy atmok, when defending tbemseWee. Old nroreisora of the naaly art might bave learnt new doagei, pasaaa, Ao., If the/had watched them closely. Seeenth. —Green and Kenny, (amatenra). Nctmnoh of any aocount, althongb they will, in tine, make good Utters. ' figUft—Oobnm and Tonng Oolbert This waa a very good thing, and bothreoeived ahonta of applanse; bat Oobora had the beat of it by all odds. ATnM.—Hobba and Seotty—a clever thing, althongh Sootty bad It nearly all his own way. Tenth, and /as(.—Barney Vord and Tonng Xd, Prloa qipeared for the wind-np. Before oommeoolngi B. re- turned hla thaoka to tbe andlence for the klndneea they had shown him in coming out fn such large nombera on svoh a bad night, and he likewise atated that Price wcnld take a benefit on Monday evening, 2Stb. They then commenced the wlnd-np, which waa trnly a master nleoe of seir-defenee> both doing their utmost. Barney is in bad condition, having beea slok the past three montba; Price, on theoontrary. ia In good oonaition, which may, possibly, acconnt for his getting a little the beat of Barney. Oebun took the first prlte and Tonng Haley the seeond. Somincx Bradlxt's BxHiBmoiv.—The Sparring Exhibition, previously announoed, for the benefit of Domiolck Bradley, took plaee inPhlladelpbla, at Fraok- Un Hall, on tbe 22d nit., and waa (A; exhibition of the atBson, not in regard to nnmbera, but in reference to the even manner in whioh the spairers were matohed. ne entire management of the exhibition waa of a dif- ferent eharaoter Irom that naually manifested In eparring exUbltlona, and everybody waa well pleased. The sparring commenced by a set-to betweea Can Dongherty and Tonng Barney Aaron The latterwas nnexpeoted. and his appearance took those present by surprise—he sparred well, and Dan remarked that It was rather " tight fiapera," for him. Davis, of Liverpool, and Johnny [asson next put on tho gloves—this set-to was warm vcrk, and " brcnght down tbe hoaee" by its excellence. Davla at one time fell headforemoat off the stage, and would have beeneerionely injured, had not Mr. Bradley caught him before he reached the floor. Hatson proved himself the better man in thia conteat. MoCnen and Tbompaon next played n <• hand out," when Pete Bradley and Jno. Trainer appeared—this was on " even thing." it being dlfflonlt to say wbo had tbe beet ol it. Martin and Jonnaon were next Introduced—this was more of a wreatling than eparring match—tbe former giving his opponent an ngly fall, whioh ahook the house again. .Aaron and Tonng Bendlgo then bad a lively time of it After this, oame Mike Bradley and Caywooo, the latter bavlngratber the beet of tbehlttlog. Two light weights, Pels Sradley and Morris, then took a tarn, and gave a olever aet-to. Tom O'Coanell nnd Mike Bradley had some aliup work—It was give and take, and no " let np." Tbe wind-up of the evening's eports was than annonhcedi between Phil Glare, of New Tork, and SoibiDick Bradley. Thia set-to waa anxlonsly looked . forward to, Phil Olare being known to be agood 'on, es well as bis opponent At It they went, and after a pretty severe tusele, in which eome blows were ad- nialstered soffleient to fell an ox, and In whioh neither eae gained an advantage, the men retired, and the ..audience dispersed. Jemmy Smith, the Belfast Barber, . noted Rs maater of serempnies. OaviLLii OARnitBR's EUHismoN.—Notwithstanding the prloe of admittance to Orvllle Gardner's iparrlngex* hibitlon, on Monday evening last, waa SO cents. Shake.' speare'Hall, a fine large room by tbe way, was eomfort- aely filled by a reapeccable audlenoe. At 8 o'clock, there were hnt few in attendanoa, bnt soon after tliat tbe plaee began to lU np, and by the time the aparriag oom- ineneed, tbe room waa fall, The aparrlng wai com- menoed by two of the Toung Oardaers, brothers of Orvllle—then came in rotation, Ward and Slewarf; . Andy Kelly and J. Gallagher ; Oharlay Lynch and Charley Eolmee; John MoUshon, and Pat FarroU: Hagh HcClaln and Con Kagan; Tonng Dwyer anl Tonng OalRry; W. Tovee and Jaok Adams. Where all waa good. It would be ont of placeto.partlcnlarlae. The eparring, aa a general thing, waa realy excellent, and mneh pieaaed thoae who witneastdlt. Old Tpvee and Adana appeared in fighting costune. The wind-np was given by Phil. Glare and Orvllle Qardner, and. al- thongb the latter seemed to be aonewha^ontof prtotice, he ocbvisotd the apectators that he itlUnnderateodthe delineation of the adenoe; he la a good atopper, and ao 'proved hlmseir on Monday evenBig, notwlthitanding Qlara la a dlfflonlt man to atop, his blows being sent in like a eledge hammer. The entire exhibition waa a com- plete ancoeas, and ehowa that a proper management of '■ eihlbitloDS in appreclaUd by lovers of the sport, no matter what (be price may be. There aeena to be a dls- poeiUon maalfeeted la aparrlng elreles to have exUbl- tlona condneted In a more atralghtlorwud and honest manner than they have heretofore been. Those giving exhlblHona are Mginning to sea tbe iUtfiTectofannoua- clog namea without first being oonvineed ihatanoh men intendtoset-to. TreatthepatrofuofsparrlngsxhlblUoBS in a fUr manner, and all will eveatnaUy aneoeed, and boxing at onee take a higher ataad. BoBikTS AND LATnarr'a Bxribitiom.— An tiUbl- tlonforthe Joint bentfit of John Rebtits, of Ohloigo, and J. Unttf, ot St. Loab, ta^k place at No. 22 While street, on Batnrday evening, 2Sth. The atteadanee wm fiat, and the aparrlng kooOl. Among these who aparred wereMesars. Mooney. Morris leonard,'. Kelly, Farrell, so. The wlnd-np between Roberts and Laverty was really excellent, and gave the greateet aatlsfaollon to the speeUtors. Mr. fovea cfiolated, as usual, and an- nonnoed OrviUe Garden's benefit for the following Monday. Tcowo BARirtT AARon's Ibt op Mat Biw arrr iw PnrLAnxLPHiA:—ToungBoTcey Aaron Ukea a benefit at Franklin Hall, Philadelphia, on Thnrsday evening, May let He liaa gained a boat of hearty friends and patrons during his short stay there, and is enaured a ronaing house. He Is to be assisted by all the flatlo talent there, by Warren the New Tork break down dancer, and the wInd-np, between himself and Mike Trainer, will be worth twice the admission money. PEDESTBIANISH. Foot Back in Buffalo —Tbe following report of a fbot race wbloh oame off In Bnffalo, should have reached us before, bntprobablv waa miscarried. A fireman'a foot raoe took plaee at Miller's Riding Qallery, on tbe 16tb April, the conditions of which were as follows i eaoh engine or hose company of the department to selcet a runner from their oompany, and each one to run sepa- rate—distance nine time around the gallery, (which tbe jndges enoneottaly put down la making one mile) the company winning to receive a set of fiaoed picturea, and the runner hinuelf to receive $S. There waa much excitement created among tbe firemen, and the home was crowded. Tbefollowinglaasummary oftheentrles, and the time made: Sanntr. Tint. OtouU 9:33 Vndirlapr. S:41 Blaek Hwk S:ie JlmB«U 1:30 JobaBwirt. 8:39 John HuUU aM P«l«r KlowB 8:U ..Tajler t.ll K. finok ftara oat The raoe waa deolded in favor of Blaok Hawk, (or rather Peter Orabam, wbloh is his real name) of Wash- ington, 6. By some mistake. No. 10*s runner only went around the oourae eight times. [The report gent us is signed by Messrs. John Aliten and Thomas Knowlton aajadge<. We would respeetfully snggcat to these gentlemen, or throngh them to the proprietor of the Oallery, the propriety ofeorrcctly measdring the aforeaaid ring, for la our opinion, nine dronlta, will make aoaroely two tbirda of a mUe,lnatead of a mile, as stated. We believe this is tbe same ringin whioh an Indian la aald to have ran five milea in Icaa than 20 minutes, a few weeks alnoe. Let us have a correct measniemeot, gentlemen.—So. Cup.] Oomptar. Ostuut, No. 1.... Kllmoi* a... Wuhlofton a... M Jacket 8.., Pfjij 7... OonjUt/ ^8.., Hm* ' a!.'.' 10... THB TVtF. Obbat Tbottdco Match, res #10,000.—On Tneaday, Hay eth, at 3 o'clock. P. ]L, a great trotting match la to take pTaoe on the Union Oonne. L. I., between the trot- ters BoBB and Lantern, for $10,000. the former entered KHlnm WoodmfiT, and the hitter by Geo. .Splcer. le heaia, beat 8 In 6, to bameea. This promlsei to be a most exolting natch, and will probably draw to the Union an immense aasemblage of those lond of a good trot. In order that onr Itlenda may be enabled to reach tbe Oonrte In good season, we would InforiU them that oars will leave tbe Sontb Ferry, Brooklyn, for the Oouae, at 1 o'olook, and return as aoon as tbe sport la over, the fare for the trip, there and return, 10 oenla. Stages also leave Wllllanabargb, and atop within a short dls- tanoeoftheOonise.. UiTOB OH TBI sent.—A trotting matoh for #200 a aide, oame off over tbe Union Comae, on tbe 26tb, be- tween J. Conway's sorrel Blilv, and Hanfleld's Blaek Hawk Maid. Tbe former won in two straight heats. Tlme-S.18:8.11. JJaim Oonrse, L. L—Bmudog. UoNDiT, April 21.—Banning matoh for $200, ten mllea ont, carrying oatoh welghta. Hr. Wliilan nmti br. n. Lilly Oat* 1 Hr. J. Bluv iismad gr. n. lanoT 9 nnn, IMO, Tan Tttnr m Indiana.— A correapondent, writing In Plymouth, Indiana, sanda ns ao acconnt ol a raoe that took place on the 19tb, between two horses, the prope^ ty of Mr. J. Tbompaon, of Plymonth, and Ur. Beck, of Elkhart, dlstanoe, a quarter ol^a mile, for a small atake. It was arranged for Thompson's horse to win, but tbe Plymonth boys knowing that tbe other waa tbe faateat, backed him quite Creely. On getting off, the boys gave auob an ontlandiah aoreeoh as to frighten Beok'a horse, and be was unable to hold him In, and Tbompaon wa^ therefore, beafen by aeveral yards. That's the way to fix them. Unioiv Jack, of Oambrldgeport, will run George Lamson, A. Ellis, or Jamea Cox a foot raoe for any amount, on May day. Han and money ready at tbe corner of Proepeot and Summer street. Charlxb a. Godoaiid, alias Tankee Jaok, having been challenged by John Williams, of Boaton, to ran any dlatanoe from one to five miles, for $6 to that ha will rnn Williams a ttvo tnile raoe for $6 a side on Saturday,May 8d. to start irom the Irving Bouse Boston. Foot Race and BnnDi.E Lbafjwo. —A match has been made between Ohloken Billy, Mlokey Free, and Matthew Oaseidy, to run n foot raoe of ten miles, and jnmjp lOO burdles, for $600; each oompetltor etakiuK. 9200; the first In to take all. This race is to oome off on Thursday, tbe 8th of May, on the Union Oobrae, long Island. Sixty dollars are now deposited, and the Dalance is to be made g^od on or before tbe day of tbe race. A FOOT raoe of one mile will oome off at the Irving House, Oambrldgeport, May morning, at half-paat 6 o'clook, A. M. Tbe prlie tOtni, by Mr. Sam Knight, of the Irving Hotise, is a sliver onp, valued at 926. and tbe race will be f^ee to all who ohooae to enter. Quick time may be expected. We ahallglvetbe result In our next Tsir MiiiB HuRBLa Baob.— Wallaoe Ferguaon and Hiokey Free are matched to run ten mllea ana Jump one thonaand bardies, thirty-two inobaa high, for 8290 a side and the Obamplonshlp. It will take place on tho Lynn (half mile) TrotUng Park, May 6tb. Both men are now In active tralnlog, Ferguaon at the Nanmkeag House, kept by Mr. J. B. Baelord, near South'Danvera, Mass.; Mickey, we don't know where. Foot Baob.— A race of one mile took plaoeon tbe llth at the Bed Honse. between Mat. Caasldy and McKeever, for 960 a side, McKeever receiving 60 yards start. Caasldy won with ease, in 6il9 Challbnoi to the Indiaiv Smith.— John Orlndell, haying reoovered from his late indlspoaltlon, will run the Indian Soilth, fonr separate raoes, of 6,10, IS and 90 miles, for f^m 9100 to 9600 eaoh raoe. If the In- dian does not accept, any other man in the United States oan have the privU^e of doing so. Akothbb Foot Raoe in CmOAOo.—A Foot Bace came off in Levi North's Amphitheatre, Obtoago, on tbe Mth April, between Hesars. Logan and Oahome, for 960 a aide—dlstanoe, 16 ciroults of vie ring. Oibome started fltat, aooompUshlng tbe dlatanoe In 1 mln. and 44 sec- onds, the tine made by Ottlgnon In his race with Logan a few weeks prevlons, ai the same place. Logan uen started, and atrange to lay bis time waa found (o be ezaotly like that of Oebome, viz.: i.44, thus making a tie. The match wae to have been deolded on the fol- lowing night, at tbe Amphitheatre, it being the last night of the aeason. CBICKET. ALBAirr OaicKBr Clvb. —This dnb at its annual meeting, elected tbe following oflioers for ths ensuing year t Wn. Laev, Prealdeati J. 0, Auitin, Vlce-Praal- dent;' T. R. OntJer, Treaanrer; F. Li 0. Oh^ln, Bene- retary. J. 0. Anatin chalman of matoh committee. The praaent Albany Orlcket Olnb wae organised in 1868, three or four of ita nenbera bdng among the founders of the old Albany Orloket Olab, eatabliahed in 1887. Wm. Laoy, Xaq., being in first prealdant, wbo also'prealdes over the new Olub. In 18m. one match, (Us flrat one) was played with the Utiea Olub on tbeir gronnd, and the next leaaen three more were- played with tbe first Olnbs of thecountry, and daring that short period it earned fbr Itself a reputation of woUh it may wellbepmd. OHAi,i.xiraB.—The Aihway, B. I,, Union Cricket Olnb win play a Hons and Home match with the Sham. reek Olab, of Blohmond, B. I., any day th^ think. (roper, In the month of May, for #50 a side, and ezpetuea. f they eannct bring forward afuU eleven, B. 8eott, T. Netberweod, and J. Haywood will play B.BraiT,B, Welfandea, and J. Ferryman for f26 ailde.—W. Blsh- ardBon,Beeretary, U. 0.0. Oia (heat Three Mile Baee. FRTOB, UOOMTB AND lONNOW—FBTOB TBI WDQinL Thb announoement that three saoh horaea as Lecomte, Prior and Minnow were to contend for the purse, three mile beata, over the Union Oourae, yeaterday, created a Seat deal ol exoltemebt, as may well be snpposed. Tbe y waa beautlfal—neither too hot nor too cold. The excitement which waa eauaed by tbe announoement ol the race wsa general; It pervaded " all aorta of people," and manlfeated Iteelf In many ways. The rain, which fell In torrents the evening prevlondy, bad made tbe coarse heavy, slow and nnelaatla Inapolsit waaaticky, aomnoh ao, that it showed plainly upon the boofis of ths contending nage, as one or two of them passed tbe ataod In a trot. This, however, waa mainly confined to the space between tbe drawgates; the remaining portlona ot tbe course, to the casual observer, looking remarka- bly weU. Tbe betting was aa varied aa betting' men oonld have wlthed. Pryor oloaelas the Ihvorite vs. the field, at 9600 to $400. Upon stripping the nags, Pryor looked the perleollon of elegance, "the glasa of faablon and ^be mould of form," and moat bave delighted hla backera bv hla ez- traptdtnaty apparent power and mascniar development, each mnaole and " each partlonlar bair" being exactly In the right place-bla coat betokened tbe fineat healthy and bis eagemets for the conteat was plainly manifest. Minnow looked vigorous and In good spirits, bat In one abert week abe had shrunk too mncb. To the eye ot a close observer abe aeemed to have lost In flesh at least ona hundred ponnda. Leconte waa not Lecomte, althongb hla many frlenda stood by him manfully in tbe betting circle, md loat tbeir money, dollar for dollar. He was greatly reduced In flesh—more ao than we have ever aeen bIm. Hla coat had not a healthy, gloasy look, and the new baIr peeping ont showed tooplainly that he had shed hla old coat prematurely. Hla eye beto- kened vigor, bnt bis step bad lost Its elasticity, and he looked like a brave old hero in the act of leading a " for- lorn hope," not for himself, bat bis posterity ; and al- thongb he had a remarkable turn of speed, when be wsa called upon, he could not, for want of strength, respond to it. The race requires no lengthened description, for al' though Pryor loat tbe first heat, it was very palpable that he did not rnn for It, Minnow bebg second and Le- comte .winning it, witbont a straggle, amidat deafening shouts. The aeoond heat Pryor took tbe lead, bnt re- algned it to Lecomte before they bad fiilriy got into Btralght work upon the backstretoh, and at tbe half mile post Lecomte was at least thirty feet In advance. Tbe pace aeemed regular and steady, and they ran half ol tbe second mile pretty mnob In the same position. Pry- or neared bin atonnd the torn of'the homestretob,'and a pretty sharp aonOe ensned down tbe home mn. Pryor led' bIm at the aland, and inet after puaUig It, Gil, on Lecomte, waa again In tbe lead; at tblrmoment the Joy of tbe Lecomte party was unbounded, and wasmanlleat- ed in tbe moat unearthly aounda that ever rent the air; tbeir Joy was, however, short-lived—Piyoi's rider had made a mistake, not, however, fatal, In thinking that the heat Was at an end; recovering himself, be lat sail, and catching Lecomte on tbe backetretob, he paseed hin like a dart, and from that moment all the intereet bl the raoe waa at an end. The third heat Minnow tried it on with Pryor, but. tone porpose, Leoomte content with taking bla place aa aecond, having won tbe flrit heat, and making no effort beyond getting in his dlatanoe. BDIUURT. Fbidat, April 18.—Pnrse 9600, three mile heats. OoL A. ti. BlaftBaa'i (R. Ttn BroetkV) th. a. Fiyor, hj lap. 61«B«M,oatoravM7—Sjairsold > 811 0*n Tliomu I. Waur «b. b. I«oonit«, by BoitoD, oat of BMl,eT««neIl 1>8 Hoi. D, r. Etinar'i b. f Uluiov, br Vostbar, ont of Dot- .. 1.' ExmAonnnvAnr QncxJPAetAoi—Bin Tiint Bbcobd.— We are aompalltd, al length, to 'f knock m- der," the Onaardateamar Perala, on her laat autavn trip oarota the Atlaatle, having aeeoopliahed Ihepaaiaiela nine daya, twelve honra, and forty minutes; beating tkt ' Oolllns steamer Baltlo'a beat pasaage, according t««nr r*. cord by SOmloutes. This la the best time aver made. W* expeet yet to hear of tha.dlstanoe being accompllabtd Iniide of nine days. Blnsa (he above wu In type, the Persia has arrived ai ' this port, having made another quick patiafe. She left Liverpool at 9 A. H., on the lOth, and arrived at New Tork a;t6 AM., April 29. 0Hii.LXN0B NOT Aooxmo.-Where la my NewbmT- port man that agreed to meet me at the Qranlte Honse, on Fast Day, and make a natoh to fight three oocka for 926 each Oght, and $60 the odd flgbt T As I bf ve Dol heard from him elnco he was at niy place and agreed te- make t^e matoh, I think he has baoked down. He most, not' talk fight nnlesa he means It, aa my cooka and noaej are ready any time with ten daya* noUoe. I wlah he wonid come to the seratob, or back down, and sot say anything about fighting. I abonld like a^oid firom tbe pbin, b; LarUtbsB, Sjtuiold. ■ IIMB. HntBtat, liiim .......uax SdHU* SiOOM 81 Mil*..... MlS Total. Baeoad Hnt. lH»w Orleaoa Pleaf dm, April IS. niidBMt sioe 1:88 aptiag Meeting at Haw Orlaans. The opening day of the new Union Jockey (Tlub was all t^t its warmest and moat entbualaallo friends, wbo, for the last .three months, have been Inde&tlgable In their'exertions for its snocess, coold have de^ed. We present a bumjiabt. ToBDAT, April 16.—A sweepstakes for two year olda ibecriptloB 980O—forfeit 910O—mile heata B. V. Kniar'a b. t Hloaa-taa-ba, b/ Hahomat, oat of XaU AnbN/ ........J......... 4 11 A. L. BloisaiAn'i IT. B. Polalaitar'i) b.o. by Torfcabln, ontorHarittU I. f. Holat, by Oaptala BIf M, ob' at Bil>y Uv «b. f br uap. OUmo*, «at of lUMj 0., <.. itbtin Balla...*............*.•**....,....*... Its 98 3 • 4<U p4.fb T.J. WtUi'b, JohaTwtboU' AIM b. tSegtbiin W. I. Hlaor'aeb. I. Uloae-ba Tlmi,l:tTJi| ItaXlMSX Sana Dat.— Porae, two year olds, 9IOO | nlle biale. W.J.BUD0t'Mb.r.llUiii«.h»4A,byBeiblBOD,eatofl(onB*.. 11 lao. Taisboll'i b. f. BeBlhara Ball*, by Inp. Totkibli*, oat of BallyBbaaaoa < . 11 nw,lJMV| 140. . Vrabic .CouBsi, Sunday, April 1&—Forae 92fi0, mild heats, three in fire. , 0. W.thtvet' b. CMttody, by ToBtbar, oat of Mliale, 8 ' yaaii....*..,.,.........•.#......1*...1...........I.Ill All. BlMaaAo'aoh.g.teB HeOaOikbyBaaiifeator La , I ' BmEiuiU 7i,;'.';......(B9 e. ■oprt'a eh. e. Omj Ball, bj yf»ga*t, Jam bf Is^^g- .< tara...,......(1.'..*.'.*......«..•........f.....I'.i'... 8BS «■*, iMHt Itlji huk. ■ „ [N*« OrlMM VlMijaM, ip>d 18, Newburyport man by tbe flrat maU. Your Dover, April 28,1860. L. B, Lioo. Gbbit LniFiNo.— a San Franolaco. correBpondeat. sends us an aoooimt of some tall Battonte Leaping thai, took place some lime slnca In that place. Hr. Thon^ King, the celebrated Gymnast and Battonte hugu, attached to Bowe A Oo.'s Pioneer OInns, aoade a le^,. on tiie lOlb of March, In the PavllUon of said Olroo^. over 10 horses, jtbr distance cleared' In the aoocmpllth-- ment of this feat being tMrly-four feet and flvt ineUtt Thlaia certainly extraordinary leaping, and We donhi if It oan be excelled. 'What say onr Olrons frienda. Wbutlino OHiLLENOB.—Wm. TrcgloBO will wresU» any man la tbe world, allp holds, best two ont of thra* back falls, for from 9100 to 9600—the match to taktt place In one month fltom the first depoalt. Orr TO Boston.- Old Bill Tovee leaves here on Um^ day next for Boston, where, we believe, he will abortly give an exhibition. . latast Farelfa Bpottlag Iteu Bt the Persia, wbloh arrived on Tuesday we are. enabled to atve an ontUoe of the lateit foreign aportbg Itema. the details of which will be given In our nex 1 A fight took place In Australia, on the 26th Dec., be- tween Jen Kelly and Jobnathan Smith, for X30O a aM» —17 rounds were fought, when tbe latter gave In. A battle between Qnndy and Taylor wm dmiiti, ' near Birmingham, on the 16th, in favor or Onndy. Barney Aaron had arrived la Bsglud, and speak*. well of hie treatment in the States. Jobn Howard was matohed to leap 27 feet, for £10— tbe fete was to be tried on the 17th AprlL W. Jackson, of London, waa also matched to clear 38- feetina fair running Jump, and 12 feet In n standing. Jump. The 700 yards race between Pudney and Afargett*. was won by the former. Tbe Great All England Handletp foot race of liO- ysrds, was won by J. Nelaoa, of Padiham. A match had been made between the celebrated . pedestrians, Henry Bead and H. Mairgstta, to mn SCO' yards. Tbe report of Robert Ooombes* death Is eontradlete d. Tbe Scullers race between Cannon and WatUnf w ae won by the rormer, Flybynlgbt, owing to some discovery, had deellaed la the betting for the Derby, and Wentworth t a " dark*' hone, had become the favorite.. At the Bpaom Spring Meeting Baoas, tbe Great Ma>; tropoliton Handicap was won 0/ Lord John Seoti'ai " Oaanoble." Tbe Olty and Bubnrban Handicap war won by Mr. Bldley's" Hoapltallly." ■ • - ' •• ' ' 'li ' How I S laa Iiaa.—Of all tbaaaaaonacf laa yaar, the pnita^. b tk« Boiit dtU|htfal; tai at this praeaat villiag, ve an la the; asjoynunt of Ui* moit baasllM vaathtr iaaflBiabl*.' It la owla^ In part, t« iUi fa<t, that ear fltlaod, Br. CkataaO, haa ie«aiif«4 raoh lait* uemtlaaa t« bl* paticsa of lata | for with pTOBtoaaaa, andtlltbatiortor(Uss,liane<UI«d thadaain t« app«arfoa4 lookbjr, "Mtt tad tfiD," In tb* «yaa of thote ■*** i^a«* ear iOf ijooj Of as." How, to eppsar fiaab ud loay, (ha bcotot'a ootaat- lea aia Jiut vhit IS'Bieda^. Balr Dya to ehu|« lka«y-e«]«rel' balr to a baaatlKal brcwo or Jat Weak | Poadra* tabtUas to anAK eat* iaptrfluna balr; IIaUso HsdlaatadSoaptoatautbsfaaaef plaplai, ftetUia, tas, 4m., Ltqald Hctgi iogire a roty tial. to th* ooBpIaaloB, *e. Th* Voetcr, at No. 8T Walkar atieat, oa» dmi tnm Bi«id«*y,wfll avpply tIi*.aboT*i and T, B. Oallandar^ at8daBdWal*Btati«tt4,Pbll*dalpbU,%m do tha sam* for *w fHaada of tH* Qoikar Oily. CARlllE Gbbat Bat Kiu.uva Matoh von 9100.—A Ibtm crowd of the faner aaaembled at Canine Hall,140 North street. Boeton, Fridav evening, April 2Sih, to wltBe» the natch between John B. Bonerts' slut, Jenny, an< Mr. Ladd's dog, PlBeher,f»kiUtwenty-fireratsapleee« the one making the qnlekeat time to win. Prolbsser Oram was chosen time keeper; Mr. Holland and—(wt- did'nt get the other man's name) were appointed re- ferets, and Moses B. Lakeman, umpire. Tbepltistwslre feet square, and considering tbe hot state of the rooB» the doga worked well. At the teas for choice Mr. B«W eria lost, and Mr. Ladd entered his dog last. Bnmmam Mr. Boberta' slot Jenny, killed twenty five rats u two minntea and flfty-aeven seconds. Mr. Ladd'a dog, Fmeher, killed tbe same nuober b ftiar nlnntea and forty-alx seeonds, thus taking him one minute and ferty-nlLo seconds longer than Jenny. Uf.. Ladd stated that bis dog bad been alck for the past weaK- and that may aooount in somemeasnre for hla not bitlog: any sharper. After the above matoh Mr. Wm. Evans' slat, Tinan . dibs, killed 8 rau In 1 mln. and 2 sec, and Hunting Jack, 91 lbs," laytd ont" 8 ratt in 84 se«. Boberts and Ladd have made another batch fer iHO a. aide, which ia to oome off May Sth, at the same plaee. Roberta aneea to have Jennv kill 2S rats In the sam*- time tfaatLadd'a Ploober kllla twenty. Mr. Jamea Lelen win flgbt bla dog Bosdoa, 29lbe,» againat the Philadelphia dog Frank, for 9100 or |90O a Bue—the fight to oome off in fonr or five weeks from tha flrat deposit. M oney ready at Mr. Leleif's Sondes Porter ■ House. Tbe fight that was to have taken plaee on tfaaSetb^ bt- tween MoHahon's slut Lilly, and MalbollanA'B dog' Boanoe, waa pescponed for one week, the latter pey lat 910 to have the matoh put off nutU tbe Sd of Maji whta rt will he decided at MoUnghlln'a. , ^ ., I will flgbt my alut Peaey" agalnit PhUadalphl* "Toudb," or any other 27 pound alnti la the anlted' Statea, fur the anm or9100 or 980a EaWAnD Biblt, TaiAl. or Bteabi Fibs EiraiMS.—Ajrlsl of stram fire engine will «>be plaee In the Ptf k, on fBaeday next. IwillmaUhmyMlb. dog Tlge, or BUI, 27 lbs., n or Paddy 10 Iba.pialnat atiy three dogs of their welgbt in the United 8tai3, for #100 each match. A nalob oan be made bjr.ulresslof Jamas MeLaoga* Un, 169 Kirst Avsaoa, N. 7. . A Qtand R<i( Match between, Mr. Kortla'd dog Jerry, and Mr« MoBwan's dog NImrod, at 60 rats aaah, fer i3». a aids, «m t*ke plaee at James MeLaa|faUn's, IfiOFlrai Avenot.'"