New York Clipper (May 1856)

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1^ NEW YORK CLIPPER. TEE flAtfB OF CHE88. (M4 lU7«ni Mm NtaM, tfiintoi«,wk*n tar on* ^^Pf'? Mh«« to »IU> rn upon nm tonu, tkBlb«(ksBldBBB«th«a«BdltI«iit. UwmM«Bb«pp4Bt]utr>B jVBBdrvlU b*BbI« loc<r* o*)B to msr•■••wnwhom job ■Mil Wbn tU« U tlM (MM, 4T»M, If poiilW*. tt?"! •I raaaiB lUtlr to •coili* u IndoUnt, aicMotftl habit of pbr, vbfah It win b* T«i7 llfleiUt to tirow •« ^h" job CMrnt Jo- 4bm 1Mb pltTtiB to uMBtodili, vnpo- tt pl^ for a bbiU ltd*: •ad IboyvUI loonbtiUlto U>««1' tdTUtatMyoBofTw, B*BlwtyaemfQl,btroi* btgloiiliVBthitthtaitBOBboth M«(nicop«rljrtm«iad. ^ . . . ^» ■•T«r ptnalt Vobc h«ail to hOTtr OT«r th* baud, or lodfM to iiHimih It, datd TOB b*v* MBplatoly mtdi ip «obt mind vktt |tS* to BMT*: » WBtnir Mbit b«|«t« • fMUai of ladieliloB tb»t kfetkl to niiiiif ritr la**il>bljr Mconllof to ths Im of tbo j-n*. r*"*— '-'•'-f » »n<««« ;oaiHir, Dor (Uowlofjouop- BBMattoitwlloao Do aot«xkibltlD;atlaBO*wh*B7aartdTH< MIT Ii loiif la g*^^t biB noT*. nil ilowBtu la a tacit compll * to jearflUI, - - ill, aad uablu job to plaj with ptoportlosat* MltfeBM» •MtOMiWbUBholanMdlUtJDgOB hlj aait itopijoa au tatt'Mnatan of tha Una to ooullar what (hall ba /oar !•• lo|iM>{ bMMaa, It la abaolotalf sMtiuir for anrj aaadadroBa ar axaiiUBtat ehtH to pUfiloBlr. Hr. Lawla apUr ramaika: *B b BO dowbt dHlraWa to plar «all ud qalcklj, Ht I aotral/ •MrkaawBTarjfood pU/erwhow*i aot alio a alowooa; aad b dud , how eaa ft wall ba othtnlMt A Ooa plv*' oxaailaaa MMmnilly tnm in to twaitr or not* aiOTat ea aaah ilda, Oaa lUikadeiwlBaiBoiaaDtt ItbauyaaoBdhtoBlaTqalakafalnat to^llOT'pU/; bnt afaloul afatl aod jtij goM phyoaa caDBOt ■liv qabk wltbeBt toibg." ro IB ooatiBOio. lflwrolB,ABrlia\UM- .^T* ru Oaua Baitet—SIr: Poor Aittnth t ha waa lodaad iMffatdwhaaba Mt hlaiwlf down b*rof* tha OhaM-boaid aad toad hla "ObaUasia to'ioBla.'" Alaal tha aplrit of Hair ■alpaf (dtpaitad or 11?laf) waatoalj lalaad blm, pobtad Ua fla- fta <* IM phoaa, aod platid tham OB tbo fttal (liaana. ^if S'^yi Si tbaproblamwu intpablbkad la /IdkUa that latter ftaia"W«ftPolBt«Ti" that «U«h haaUtai p wprd to tho Taally of Btaaatoa mar ba tna, Vtat waaltBoeaa- MiyitihoaMbtbroBthtfomidt ItlaaaoooBsaotloawlUitha ^MUao of OhaaptoBtblp. It li qolto olaar that" Waat Polat«r>* fiUa thaJoaraaU of Mr. Btouatoa'a datncton, u ha leaau to ba van bataitntafl wHh Ihtb laafiac* towama hi':-. Yaa anmilr b fcw id aathatlfr.BUaatoB'a aotoitoaU gaiiM had aflolUd tha 'adialiaUoa of Obaa planra. "Wart PoUitor"thnwr omb ttaa tha fiMtaat coidaBjiatloD. Ara j»a aot at laraa with him tbaiat I iwpat tha deabla aolailoa to ay pnbtom wbloh' ttagubrly «a> aa)a4 «r oTb i happllj It It aaallj maadad br rapUcIii tha Bliak BaakeaKKUth^aBIaakSIahopotOsaaa. '.' ' ' TaarampootfbUf, "AaRia." A—I hara got aa <a/<ma/paa, >''|^ OanrBot lalatloai of Bo.1 bf tha fblloalac oonMpoodaBta:^ritMiAkaao.OoBa^aauOjj'-^-T-t ThraaS., aadPala- «o oOBBasranDiiHTi. ' AataaoTB, Oattklll.—W* wcBll prafhoa oar lamukairilli aa >«itn«l fton odo of 70U latlan: ,- • • •* OitlBilt, Haroh 91, '.8M, ^JTllira Qona-ToBria/amal/riflUf, llfTOBwUl owaaUaad ^AraaUiaAfAwaalrrfioMj Aatarota, haa " iaraad op" eoea aoi*, karlsc kaaa laid BpfoTthalaalalKwatkiwlthlBaaaoaaibalggao -fttnaoraiad aatobalhUMsgoforald aialhedof klUlagtlBa, lihoigbt tha asdoaad ptoblam voBld aot oalr iBlt70Brtaito,bBt vaali prora a " laaaar" for Iba gtnlU "Aaala," for wbem It ta m»- tUtt utaadad, aha balag, la ax oplBloB,tha bart eonoootor of tha ^Mt af 7aBr aamapopdaiito, la tha Ilaa of Chaaa, and far that laa- MB^ lofathar with tba piapar raipact dae tha ulr aai, jon haai- Mt Mmat baa aaaa flt (o aoaocct tbia for bar naelal btaalt la SMfaiaaoa to tha boat of ^eor mala ooireapoBdaau." Sow, /a/iiraai Abtaboth, la >iar prnau oplaloa, joa fun (U- laa la Mofr nfiana tbta a*ar. Tour Obaaa noa |T) haa iMahad , Hi ailalnatUig point, to tottar aad fait mora (au-lj thio ii ■bail Bi«a yoB aata laiamad. la tha fM«r<in,va dlroetthaat- taiUao of oar r«*dan to ■'AaalaV lalUr, pabllihad la thb vaak'a MM Do joBBot HaaaibaroarraBiaiki lathaOiirFBE ofHtreh Wh. aa tha pioUam lataadtd for "Aaala'a" basalt, (aad uafbrla aatoiT BBbUaliad la lait waak'a laiaa ai aa cWgiaal ooaaoetloa, an' tHIad'-ObaUaBr toAaale.'O tbalwa daoUsMl ItolaiartloDoatll wa haaid ftam 70B, aadonjBg Uie aama aa to lb orlglaaUlj 1 So ftm aot raaiambar that wa wait Kllllsg to aooapt joarapaloglM •a tha preblamof B.B, O., (ala» pabUihod la oar ahMtaayaw Hghul iMt4cllt».)taitotifit,%Uo,vtutipuraiut9t thatpla- ' it Tat7oahaTahadtbaba>a-l4oadaBdtoltr,iIooa,toaflz «M A bIbiiio to aaatkar auoa^-AofUf cilglnaf ueblam. aaaa ' dUN«.mf«f><0/ lodaadI ."i^wAnadir«mal loiQUttaiUi/»rlurif4elaltni^/hl" Offgbdiaad fluU fiHut I Did jroB not maatallf •afltr fItoB tobt aiaitleaa Ic Mptng that IdtatloalpioblaBi tiom Agnai'a work, antltlad "Obaaa fbririBUT BTaBlBp,''«itfa paga 4T4,aad which work wa bava ^SM pioaaiad oorMlTaa, to aacartaln bow Biach wa had boca Im- fOMd' BpoB bj a jMbrypllfararr Wby, rtaUy, lafaraal Ajtateth, VB pMfu b7 <u to iBurl tha hamblaaal BBpiataaUag eoatilba- Mmu (at baat, orlgloal,) of oar rooog ftlaod Alooao, tkaa to aab- '■ttoBn(lTaatoba''d«aaIred utoaa latartloa"or aa/ol jojuf tatt(I) whlohwaooatd aanr ooaTlooa 9ar readara, haiaaltjr, of 'tkatrelalmtoorigballtf.rlgbtlxaap^alDg that thay amaaatad .■fe«a tba lanu aawm, i 1., captovi axtraob from Obaaa booka If 'ftojtoriimbaaWMh polota, bold aad opea Pt(/Mi<n hu Mraaf '.-•aaa^ which aoaa bot doablfol oeaaolaBcaa caa wall b«ai. Allow aijUftnial Aitarolb.tonfa noiloil eipraialeoa to daflaa tha two. ''ITb ihoald a*7 that rtaHatim mufiat asd PV/ttim tAarp-aad to thb toitaaoa, acraatef vt^tttlyiniouni aawall aa tef^acl ifilo. ".vriU prm a'Mxn' fir Ikt ettU ^A^nW fn ukem il it -^patiaAf tatnuifd." Of tbIa wa arc oarlalo, tbat waoan aearaalj .Naoaella oniaalraa to bava plaaadyoBraaaa ilda b/ildawlth bar ' OWB. tha la aa orlgical acatrlbntor aad you ar< IMI, Of aoBfaa, . it'll oadantood that wa daalro no Ikrihar totorocana with yoB. WaoeaolBdabjrpnlilog—youraztnirica OboM llbrair^(OBBia IBITOB or IBB OurriB, i>'. J, P. 0., Tait Parau,—Tha ptablam that job ktodl/iaat bl aad .. Bd IBB lUto, have aaan la print bafoia, ooBtalai abortar aolailoDa " thaa'tha oaa latoatad by tha abthor. Two of tham an fenad la . tkiaa iBitaad ol foBT moraa, aa foUoTi; Whlto. Black. 1..PQB8 KQd a..QQB8 SKI,ora a..QKB8,Bato: ».. " PK« . a..<tKB«,Biata. ABOthar. Wbtta. XIaclk I Whlto. Blaak. XQ« I 8..BKKt6> KQ« ^. KKe,or» I «..QQBa,mata. • a'..' - ' ■. . , PKfl 8..0QBS,aiato. . ) Tea aia In an«r m to tha Mlottoa of B. S. BrawiUr't No. 88; th* ..Bwhtah/oBintoadBUok ahoald oaplara for hla boat'Itat moTB ^WaBlackoaa-haBca roaamlitaka. We hara b«w battar typa, r^dBhwlU brlag cat. In faint*, tba Flaoaa la tbair pnpar oolat. , mtf w* .B«t racalT* oilglDal ecntilbattoai from 70B t >''"t.'t. BlBWinB.—Vban aandlag caatilbatloaa we woold aak .,'tf*BT»atoflunUbaawltbdlagfaaia of tba aama.clmBlf daootla* tka Ilasai with WQ for Whlto Hcaaa, V B for Whlto Bock, BS ' 'tor Blaak Blabop, ato., ato. Another almila method b on* aingle ,,,Mtotdea<-tlBgtoe partlaaltr Place, with ihb diffareooa fcrDlack, ' Mat (loh Plee* b *oclrol*d la a rlig. Tear fln* ptoblam la two nan*. ;i,' Bb PBBvoarAiRi.—W* Intoad to psbllah, u aarlj u piactlca' ■1*, able aitlalaa npoo the orlgla and hittory of Obeia, aa well aa - lliutiodaetloa la Baiopa. They «111 eonDrlaa aitraoia fiam tba , qaa. Balaea Banlniton, 8b Piadarlck Maddaa, aad othan, wblcli ' ««NpBbll*h«dlathaObaMFlayaia'OhroBle]e. TbewordOalaiA . Ii only a modem darlratlr* from tha Latlo, laUaded by iBthcra MrayiateBt tha Qoddeu <r Uaao of Ohau la lalUtlonof Xpio yoatqr. Many bare baea lid lato arror aa to lU (Igaiaeatloa, aap' pealsgthat Oaiai;i waa tba name of a fbmil*, tno«d ba<ktor*- ■ato agaa. aa tha taraator of that aable ganie—Obeaa. Tbb nied- ,"«()• mytiaifcWaf lam haa aomawhat faDaa lato dtanaa. althonih .vahaT* baaa gallty of making free with It oeoaalcaiUy. Obm yo« kiM aad tpbltad lattai la daly appraelated. I :>> Ji.'BATeB.—Toar auBfeiUcoa en tka re-pablbhlag tha Toorna* Mtpt Obaaa Batch baiwaia Ifaana. Blauotoa aad Aoderaaan wUl ledblTB' dna ebnaldetatlca. It b probable that w* laay, la time, t tba whole of their gtmai. Atenao.—Bead est "Asawera to Oorreapoadaota," aodyoa may •a* that be b aet oaly t»t, bnt" «at off oar boeka." Wo airlTe at •Mrle th* aaaa eonoloaloo.wlth pt rhapa thb dIKinnc*, that anai/br JWaad koiiM A <* kin 10 Mat pubti)lud. We do aot, Maod Aloa. B», lUoa two aolatlooB to a Obaaa prublam, although we baea aaaa JJuj^eicag^aU* euaa, yat aoeb may happen la the " beat n|a< ' Z. y. Z.—Wa thiDk tfcatroB ir« In error uto the lath more of ;:|«ai*Ho.S<,bat»iaa "Aaala" aid Mr. Be—a, If Black, lor bb 11th aiOTe, paabai p. to Q. 8, While caa clay with liapBslty Kt to Cdl IT, th4B, fi. takae Xt., af cesHa p'tokee B | tkaa we Ihlak r=BlMk_* ** paiHd Pawa" ym mneh In daager from want «f a w» ■Miil hand. TcnrlSth move for Black b tba (oaw>ito-£a f*'*!!'Jl>^?^f^f' *o^-^<li bao«* •■riwaarkatoBoMAM ' • j^«HlM belrg, than, dairarooa. If Black, for bb S8d m«*k, "l^**^.'*^.'' :.?*''" •llVarpliya P. lo K. B. 8, ar B. 8* iC . BarlhCtkebaatoftbegaBwaadpiialUcn—btQiaee: < Black. Whlto. 18..KtKB ■ ■ Bol? '■ 18. .Ktlatorp. QEtb I wa do act laa hoir Bbcli eta gave hb game o; atold the tan- ^ faltirgBBM kilnto Mi B Mi w*lhty«iB*~taaBy i«Bark(toaat«, eaeaBt Hwa* a •*l|Uth*at.'* WBBlAthtiwdeaabatter,bat tbeXfaAaWwH hartUy plafW tfy beta abvtfi.' Oar«flal«ab,bavwtr,th*tv*«Bght tohaT* a i f Ili a d , for oar 18th BiOTe,tbe tbtto Pbaa* maatleaadla ear aetoa^whlchwaald bars oerlalaly been aete lhaa aa eqilnlMt far theQieM. OfyoorlaattoaBraaxt PiiaMnu.—Vail yea nay ity that wt ai* qalto IkTotad, for .whkhwafM Broad. Wkolb*''bb ABab"b,w*anatalo**to aay. Of tbliw* are eertal»-thatih*ba'*tow*r of ■tieatth.'' Bead bar lettor to thb waak'a base. OoBifrkTMAB.—lavoBraclBlloaolAorlaat yealaadvertoatly mak* BbcklmcTeoathe Ilaa of hb KatghVj laataad of tha Bbhop'i,otkeT«lio year aolBllca b abblly eerreat. Baad that gaiae aliadtd to, and we will ehearfklly aiaaabe It Tew tall BBMBBt of the aabecrlptki: autoh baa aably reaahad aa- Wa ar* ?baaed to kaow that yea htl perfectly aatbted cf o«r aaw *Mt 'oar pnblaB b a fUr bagla^bg, bat lalhar too obrbis fer la*ai< ttoa. WoesarooB, Md.— Ib B. S. Biwwitat'a PHUao, Ma. St, If lataiyeae B br Blaak'a bat mora, he b cbeakBated la two aerea, HeBi«M,hoiraTtr, nakethe beat aeraa ea the board ooaiaqBaatly oBraoIattoa b coiraeL Black mart pbyKtoQi forhto IftjCBd aerlalnly be eaaaetaaptai«bb ovaB eaQlla- itead. AreweaetaonectT Abbib.— Wawlahtobeftirlyaadaiatpod by ear aileaiMd eoa* Irlbator ea the mr^to or daaerlto of Mr. Btoaaton. la eir aa- (wer to-'WaatlolBtor," wa itiiylyoOadadto tba krlUlaBcyaad (aparlor a^to af play af Hf. AadaiaMB erar Mi. Btooatoa aad othara. If yoa laoeUcct aright, Ikii aaJy, haa bean *«r eeoleited pebt, aad ai we bar* BceTtoaaly atoted It to "Waat Pointer," ao^ leapoBdbf aaactly with oar owa aaatlnaata Wa ImI naiih la- dtblad to lOB for baHag datactcd "Aatanth'a" "<Jkallai«e to Aaab," aa tka pMdiotloo cf Ilerr Solper, a aatad Barcpean ee- tabrtty la lh« eoneeelloa af dlOcBlt Uhaaa problama. We bare bag baea aeqaabtad with hb baa, aad are aot awaia that ba b Itlll Urlsg. wa reaember, year* a(o, to bare poodaied ortr OBO of hb prooltma tor Iwo or tbre* baor*. uatll at lut wa dbcerefed the bay to Ito aolatlen. fair "Aaala" wU readily andantaad that a»a, abc, bars an i^fimal ysto, that oor aewly-dieaaad Our- BBB haa made Ito HAut with a <aaimd4a«d (raapecto to Heir KaJpait *r<f<uipiablea. It weald reqabe aaah time to pen am all tha laaraa af oor Obea Ilbrair to aicartato 8«i*a JUaeoa- trlbatleia fioa earreipondanta. Wa nape te ro aacb oeeatTenaa again. Saiuadliul Bomb PaBFEiBi— Hoi "oaaa down" "ifaaat" oa the aolatlon •fProbbmNo. L . "Bcae Paayklaa' » BoUtba. Whl**. Bb«k. I White.. 1..BQBB XB« Il..BaP' EB» .BQ8 P«a IS..BBS,aBto. .BK8 PaPoraJ-- • Onr'TadaUoa. 8.. > PQBB aad Whlto b eeitataly "flawed atf* aad "dao* trena" la the laa of either of the Ittie* Plaaaa^ aad b« auto aaaotad wilUa thaatlp- Blatod naabar cf BOTBt, WBtT PoiBTf B^Wo have aal beaa ahls to aiamla* year gaaaa layBi laaaraait ■OLSnOV OF FBOBUBH RO. 1. Whlto. Bbak. | WbMt. .B0B8 1 KB8 d..BBflx ~ KBt |B.,PQ»,dbe. .BK4 PbB ahaakaala. Bbck. KKB Vroblem Vo. a.-'S7 ^, U. Bnwater. BLACK. WHITB. VUt< to play ind mate In four moral. White, (klr.B a.) (TbeH<aMr.T.) l..QKtB8 L.KtKd 3.,KtEKt8a «..PK8 B..PQB4 8..KtzBPi T..KtXt8 8..PBP S..PQ4tl 19..KBQ8 ll.,QBIz« U..itlQ U..BKtea M..BbB U.,BKB8. I8..PqB8 ir..PxBz 18..BBKtP I»..BxP »..BStBi n..PBB8 ta..KtKl i4BB M..BBS U..BE8li M..KQa 3T..KBQR U,.BiBP 29..B1PX 80,.BXBTI BL.BxBs sa. .BI Xt M..KtB4x 84..Ktx B 88..KK8 88..Kl P{ n..BB4am PK4 P Qi PKB48 BQB PXB4 QKtd #PB8 PaP QXtS* QX8/ ««9 . tXt* Owae XVo. a.—ir«w leriM. UAETBBLT BPBOinH 01 THB -HON COirtB," BT H. BTAnnTOR,ORX OPtBB BTBOlfaBBT UnXO PLATBB8. Ml. BtaSBiail aagaMato Oheekaato bb aataaoaiit with a aai- UcBlarPawa laytheXXVaPiWhlahbaaaaUyaelaetad. ThaHeB. Ur.T—waahb oppoaeatlBthb tailaaca. Hr B. pieaerrea the paeelena pl*M throBgh thick aad thla, aad actoally aaooajlbbai cbeckaato with It, wlanlag an admirable rlctory; the atadeat win BBdaralaad that if ha wer* to loaa tha Pawn, rraa thOBgh be „onld giro chaakmato ea the aaat more, be woald, aceoidlu to the atlpalalton, loaa the (iae. Black, (Tha Hob. Mr. V) KtQBT P«4z PQB PQa Kt«8e P«,T xtqxte XQ8 XQB8 KlQBd KtQBB KtzP EtQBB XtB«z XQKti KtqXB XB4 EXtd KB4 xtqxa KB8 SEl XB8 xxtt KB KQl X xa KB8 XKta KB XKt K B XXt KB XKt KB Ba KKB KXtBS ' PKXt44 PKKtS PzP BaB XtB4 QXtBS Iks BKXt BB« Bxa KtXtt • XtzBP XIKtS XtQBB . XX8 BXt4 PxB BzB KKB XtzQP KtqBTx XtXabattarlBg caspadp 88,.0appedPKXt«|2QB3 NOTBB BT TBB 0BBS8 BBITOB OV THB CUPPBB. a TkaaatkreepreUalBaiymOT***!* itflaDyBaeeaaaiTtooeTer aad pretact tb* Paws. 6 " Oembg dowa " oa th* d*Taled acMbr c Whlto BBtt appuaaliy take tb* cflarad Pawn, althongb opaa' iBji alio* for Black'BE.B. 4 BaanllfBIiy play«d. a Th* atadaatwUI readily i«* that Blaak ccold aot tik* Kt wlthoat letlBg bb Qaeahi P. to B. (. attacking tha "Oappad Pawa," weald hare baea efnally aa (blal, for Wklto eeald isadUy take It with Kt, bearbg with two Pleea* apoa the Q, aad atnagth'- eeba bb ova Bcaitloo. / Wa abouM Bars prahned Q. to B. a t To rid hlmaalf Ma troableaoa*caitoB*r. h OrerlecUBf the btal dbargeat cheek ftoa the B. < The nrapuawrr nore ofP. to Q. B. 8 wa* eartalaly prtbrabb. > All Ibia b ledlr pratty, ahowloc a MehsBd kaawladg* of Ohatai ooc* aoi* brualiig aoothar Piaea 10 tha tateaa. k Kaeptot Ibe poor B. "la aatp«Bi*.* < Now eemm*o«*a a aarlaa af baaBllfbl men*, m Thb reaarted ohaok larea tha daeatad Paws Awa imawdiato oaptara. a nytiwfroatheb«aahateaaba,aB4baabga]lktaaad*afgia, a Wall pbyadi if Whit* saptOM Xt, Black 'poAM Qa"to Whlto, (Mr. a—-a 88..PXBd 40..PXBe d!..XBd 4a..BBa 48..BX8 44;,KX4 48..B:zP 4(..BX3 4r..xtxBe 48..PXB4 4«..PKBt eO..BKB4 BL.PBe Bt..PB7 8S..KXS B4:.XtK4 8t..PEa4BtaBa M..QqB8x r tr.;QKt8z 88..XIQB8 H..BDtz iO..QKt8z 81..qzXtz 81..QBBZ «..KK4 - 84..QB7 8B..qKtT «a..qQB8a «T..Baaz 8a..qxa »..qKTz la.'.Kiqs Tl..aappedPKta fa..0ipBadPXt8 n..KK8 T4..KtB8z Capped PXtr ' mat**. f Poiatag Blaak ft«a that MlataatU ba to eh*ik«*t*4, Blhto B.'auai7wllhl»e.!<J*«c6{r«." -rrTr-.w,-. BMWBBH I. BAMI AiB AIABtO. Whlt*-a Batch. 8..KBqB4 4.,0titlu Btoek-AIoBM. KBqB4 ktek ■BFl ' WM M rantBraWEOA MSIO TOBKi «AII1 nOORB.^ (BbOba 0^b«)„.„ WBitB-S.T. taaei-Phn'a. U..BqXtt ■ OaaUM ll..BBKt ■. PzB aAMBiDflr. (•aeteh SaaWt) Waita-PhUad'. Btjivi-R.T a..KtBP XtKl i»..Knq8 QKa td U..XtXd isa VABiAVioa ow a, no. u m Ma AMaaMlM «*•*, hUmm Jtaw>«.X T.C, Mm], Ml Jr. it, 4r<Ma M». i-W. Ut^ WWto-<X. T, ti Blaak u..Biqp t8..BzB 8I..KXa Bqa BzB a m u m J. Tm Oadat 4<CWMf*, «i4A 0.0. BmUk ifHtm ltii. Whlt*-fTaae4 Blaak-(Balth) at,.xtKBa KtqBB BBTWBBB P. V. AHD OODBIBniAB. WUto-OeaatiTaaaL Bbck-P.B. 8..KB0B4 PKB4 . 4..EtqB8 hjlvoh ejju, BBTWBBR '•ABHIB" ADD TBB BDSOB. Whtta-Aaab. ^ Bla«k-Mito>. 8..Pzq PKB8 a..PK4 ^ PaP S8 OB DBAVOETSa oKAoaavB. Wa th* aaetber Bae game boa And*iaea^w«rk thb week; aboagaaM batwaea "KaewBotklaa" aad "Hany"*! BaOalo, wL oh w* prcaoBBCo (wtthoat faar ai acDtndlotlao) to b* oaa af the aoft aeleatlBa wUah wa hare pabUahad. Wo gl?« tba game opto aeartatopobt; aad th* ead%amaa<aoiltleaI poaHloaln thbwaek'abaae. Look oat for aa weakly. OBAVOBTS FBOH THS BBBT AVTHORITIBB. Ftem AaimtonU IVnIb*. Albwef tbagamea and epaalagaaf thb work bare bag been kaawn to aoat Mcttbh pbyai*, by cartala nanei. Aa a bilaf hb- tory si their crlgln and famatlDa may b* Intoraatlng, w* (bUoIo tb«Maa. Laatwtok.wwgar* "OldhirtcaBlb." Thb weak, we paklbh the"Aynhlr*Uaale." W*Utoadglrlagthettaaka"of gaaaa, wlthoat the Tartottoaa, aatU nab cf oar leader* aa barq aot tha qppoitaBlty of rahrrlogto Aad*r(oa,BU7 become "poat- ad" la opanbg*. Tha "Ayiahhr* Laaale" b fbi aed by the flat toar aorea. Ander- aoB pbyed thb opealaf agabat Hr. Jamaa Wylb, tb* " Herd bed- dn," at tk*lr ■*cond aaatek, played at Bdlaiaif k, AagHt, IBta. WyUa, In tan, pl»ed it<*g*Iart Aadaraoa, b thab. match at loaark, and abce that ttaie It baa beaa daUagalahcd bytbU SO COBBBBFOBDBaiTa. Auarr.—Tea may obaaare that w* aaaUcB year wlaha* to xHetoUaa." Will ezaala* year sblatlcn of the poeltba, aad re- port aoeeidlaglj. Ambbo.— Then b aa arm In yoor Pealtlcn R*.a,wblah yaa will readily dbcoTBr by laMftlBg to It Pleaaa e«iie«t, a^ Ibr ward. HABCVC-Atolatlaato •■Matollaa'a" 38th haa bean forwarded by a ecrreafoadant Craa Albaay. Wa ahill eiaaalae, aad report to ear aeat Habbx akb Know MoTams.—Acoapt lha "blneat bow" that we eaa "mtBabctare" formal game. We pibuahfttbbwaak. Dea't flinet aa. Habit BaLT.—We toadaryon Ihaakafbrtke bener eoafarred by year cAr to play aa a aatoh, which, howarer natlfylag It m<(htbe,wa man for the praaat daoUacfroaatheaot uatve bar* act tha tlae. We fear Aadenaa^ work b oat af the market, bat ahall keep bytB(. W. B. A—Salattoaa ecrrect. 0. B. Mabbib.— We poblbh year poaKbo Hib w**k. Let aa bear Btea yea agala. S. W.S<—flead aleagtboaeprabbau. Tbaaka for hlad wbh**. Habov*— WIU be replied to to car aazt Kb«w BoTBiHa-So., AMniBf^WliiezaalaatliatPorittoa. Iict w bear Bob yaa agata. KAaTiB-WUl haarfrOB «* dataO," aozt wetk. Gaaaa reaelTtd. P. W.—f Coaobynaa" wtihta aj to Inlbra yoa that be hu fal' ailBd tha r*adlttoa ol the Batch oa hb pari J, D.—We ai* orerwhelaied wl h ptabaa byHoad to ysar Poet' tlon dadlaated to *' Know Nothing,* aad boa Ugh aathorlly, too. "Patthat to year pocket" vi HA>Bf.-ThaBka for that Podtien. Hukad^hk* OoBRTBTiiAR.—Hare laforaed P. I. Ambso.— Tea will ebetrrethUwe bare tstadBpoayaaraat- feottoa. Hare'aoarl^, Oom«t aelalbni of PoriUcaa He. 1 aad 3 hara baea for- wanbd by th* feUowtog oerrenoBdeala, tIb. :" Traztoa," ** Aloa. ao." "fi.W.a.'T^'XtewNotUag," "Algoiiaa," •■ Ocaabyaaa," " Marcai" and "J. H," ■oiivnoH <w FOsmoB bo. i._iraw laBiBiB. cfauM.aro. aii—wivw smim. a Atthbpotol,wecbaarT*agi«atiaaalfajtotlaBof aahoaaaad awadty. a Obaerretbeneatbaaaly cf ibaaaaMatthboalBt WaAaU (tra tha aad of ub g«taa aa a poalUoa to oor aait. BKateb damca, BBTWBBR HABTIN (BOSTON) AND DABBT HOLT (IBJLL) SUIDXB 0KB. Wblto-XarUn, 7. .34 » Bbck—HoH. a.. 7 10 WUt»-Hartln. a..ia M ia..38 14 Blaek-Holt. S;.0 0 BUHBBB TWO. tnnacB ti Black-Holt. WUta-KartlD. Brfak-Hoi't a n Whtie-Hutto, 18 as auTOH OAira. B*tw*«B "HanT," of BalUo, and "Hetellaa,'' of Bcatca BLACK, ("Harry.") BUtTOH SBJDB, Betweaa "HartU" aad H, OortlB. Black, CH. Oortla) wans, r'HctoUoB.") Whlto to play. WHITB, (Uaitla.) Bbek M BOTC. AMVBEBIERTS. Whlto. 1. .88 to SI) a..u 8 Black. Uto 4 4 U WUb. Blaak. s..iatoaa Utosa 4. .IS UiBBdwlaa. BoiimoH of fobitioh ho. a,-Rflw raisua. Wblta. Black. I Whlto. Bbok. 1.. ato 0 3to a|8..iatoii - 7toi8 l..a7 B4 .38 2ft 4.. 1 8 18 18 a 38 3T IS e..u u 7.. 0 81 aadwlaa. U FOamoB BOl 8. nw OBiM. Bye.B.Har<tn. "ToBBg America." BLACK. : FOSinOR BO. «, BBWBBBIM. Bad-Oaiaa b*tw**a " Bdo* Nothlcg" aad >• HaRy." BLACK. WHITB. Whlto to play aad wIb. WBITB. WUto to play aad draw. Oaaa We. A.->.Wew iaiiea, Ut«lr pby*d b*tw**a "Kaow R*tUng" aad "Bany," of BaBUo. THB ••OBBfla" Black, Whlto, Bbek, (Kaow Notblag4 1..11 to 18 1.. a U 8.. 4 4.. a 8.. B a. .18 7. .11 8.. 7 a., a a 14 M 18 U III 18 Wblto, ra 17 38 38 10 U 0 31 17 SS at IT 18 IB BA U a> If: 11. 11..14 u.. a 14.. a U..11 16,. -J n..u Nothlag.l 1 10 14 18 . a 1 a fl u u la s?^r«' SI 81 aa aa ' St ao u SB U ST aaddraiB.* a Btroaa, lal pnlbet)/aeoad. a A Baa ooBMaaUaB for aetaal pl^, « TblBBMBWoaMaeTerhaMliMBBadabyatyTe. BdeMaet •t Bnt eppear to b* aaasaal eal/aaaatarwoaU dlaarwi Ha * Bad-faa* (tna w a periUoa tUa wMk. HBTOH GAHH. BXTWiBN oovacaniAB abb p. i. B^.r . WhUaj^jMBb,^ .«...» . . ». ,,» ., .'■, ■■ 'xATotf 'aiiti;' ' ^'^^^ ^' BBTWaaa lattiLn'AitB'i.4 ■ ^ WUto-MoMUia Blaak-J. a J.-WtolB 10 to It a. .16 IS UieatilBalt-OIreuaea-BthlopliB MiuiMmj, In, Mr. Jaa. W. Wallaak, Jr, ptodacod "Leon, or tba boa UMk," all tbaNatlOBal,Waahlagtoo,OBHoad*yIaat. Uoaa. Moaplaldraril Uadaaa Oiocca aio tbara. I A Qenaan tbaatre, It b aaaonnccd, b to be erected at oaei(| the eonen cf Croaby aid Prlocc atraett. It la to be ao arnanil aa to be conTarted, with fkelllty, tnm a lhaatio Into a coacatt »l looB, a ball rocn, or a ball far public mcctlBga. Thare la acal hope for IkMt/ Uger la popnlar, aad wblla lagar b hi the eaaaiAl ant,aoytblngtbeatilca],lathe aerffltnway,aundaagoclaliuM| for emuaaee aad pnapailty. The aaaioa at the Onailaatoa theatt* doHd oa Bataiday a* and the beaaStef Mr Bleia,th* aanagar, tookptooeoaUoi bat Md'lle Barah rellz-aliter of Baahal-bu anrlrad bci* from i Boatb, and b to reealTa a ocmpllniaotaiy baai Bt oa Batardar a lag aait, at Nlblo'a. It la azpeotad thut a arlaa of Pleach at. operaa,TaBdaTlllea, dranaa aad ccmadlee will be glren at t aiUbllabment ABaadaypapar bai the folloirlag: "How ofton a trIB* ' color the eraata of a llfatlma! Th* father of Hr. Noitoa, c' ~ lack'* Theatre, waa a painter, aod Mr. Noitoa b blmaalf ao i~ Umaer. Whan Hr. Boatb wia In Bogland, the elder Hr. Ncil patotad hb portrait aa Blchard UL The draa* worn at the tU for that cbaracto^-a vary goad oae for tha acck Sake la I * HoBcyaooB,' by tha way—wea Mat to the artlat'a beuM to g hla to tha pernnaiiue of hb taak, and e«r Mr. Morton, th ahlld, waa permitted <« pot It on aa w*U aa be conld. ITob L Bomaat he dealrcd to be aa actor. On hla arrlral In thla ecnal^ M Biay yaaia aftorwaid, he rlalled Bccth'i reaMeaeei sear I aere^aad then aw—what he beat ezpacud to im egato . old pbtan. Bad that statoie aot baea palated, itb lapnbat that Mr. Hortoa woBld haTO aier tied the boarda. Who wlUa that It b wlaa to daarba triflaat" Ur*. f anay Kambia Ballar) annoanoeg nMrlca of nadbgit Loadoa, "prior to bar dapartan for AaerlCA." Hr. Oeerge Wild, eomedlaa, formerly manigtr of the Olynpl London, dj«l la Lciidan, Haroh IS. Be bad latoly beaa aea Baaager^Srary bae. LcaaaBede aiad to writ* pleoaa I him. A dtaghbr of Un. Uellnda Joaea made her Bnt oppearaiaa a any atage oa the Ittb alt, at the Paople'a Theatre, oinolaBaU, ■ Pjrtbaala,Ia"IngOBar." She waa ineceaalU. The Pyiie and Hanlaon Bnglbh Opera Trcape coBaeeoed 1 esgagameBt at the BollidayBtnet Theatre, BaltUnon, an lUtil, arealiig leat They hira mat with lae ncoaM at the tbeabMI Waabbgtoa aad Bichaioad, Broagh b atlU with thCBMi btagaat Ooorad Obrke b a mamber of the Albaay Theatr* eompaay.! opaned'the ataaoa with Sir Ollta Oraneaoh, aadbb pcrton of tbb dUBealt charaetar gaTO great aatbractloB. ' ToB Placlda hu ntomad to New Crleaaa. JobnBrcngbaraboffoaaatatrlagtoar. Ha had appeared el ti Obleago Tbaatie. The Bagallaant eostralto, BlgnoriaaVaatTall, la to tba l aad wlU probably appaar for a taw alghb at the AMdiiBy \ Maalc. Hr, Dcapater gar* • ballad aoir** In Prortdtae*, B. L, ( W*dB**day aYaalng lait. Hr. Ohaafran aad HlH Albertlse arrlred henontkeS8lh,lall ateaaar Bbrloa fron Obirleaton. lb. Obaarraa'a name la r~ tloaedlo eoncectloB with the manageaeat of tha Bowery Tha. and we know of ae aatcr bettor calculated to aaaag* Iti aaceaaa a*er« Jaailaaoa'a aewplay, *'ThePBgHlTtcfi*Vt,erth*( Tlot'a MIcoe," hu baen t*» ancocural at tboTfaSTT Tb* Brat Moor of th* Sheet Tbaatio, aaya tbaUadealWa dropped deadapoB th* atage, a fow day* iLie*, to th* alddbl th* parfoimana*. Ha bad foroed bbTcloe.aad bant a bier veaaL B«ra tb* Banday IHipatcb: " Hr. Bobeit Mlobolu Obai. Bed the dbtlagnlibed barpbt, eoBpoaar aad cendactor, died atk booroe, Anttralla, on the Tth tunary. Hr. Becba wu bonj 1TS8, at Mcnimeddl, la the department of tha MaBae,Iraaee. H flnt appcuanoe In pabllo wu at the age cf aerenyean,wbull parrormad a aonierto 00 the piano, at the eg* of ab*, b* 0 poaad a d**t aad a floto aynphoDy. At aliUen, be bacame t Ibr with the harp and ureial other Inatromaato, aad ma leea lato the ParliOoaiarratobe.whai^ ha took the blfhaat priae a bb Brat yaar'a atndy. lla thes Intredaccd maoy iBiproTaBaobl herp ccmpoaltloa, and wroM one hnndred and Itly ayspboalr cooeertoa, dko, &a. lor that Injttament He wu appclntad | the Bnperor Napoleon barplat to hla ixlrale coneeria and cat poaad for tha Opera Oomlfae ■ L'Hgiltlar da PalnpaU' an op In tbne ub. wUcb wu rcry aaoeaiarol. In 1S14, aRcr tko n ration of tba Boorbcu, ha compoaed, In a gnat berry,' Laa L tlan Htohtni.' It la itotod that tbli work wu all dona la a fl daya. aad that the oiartar* wae compond la two boon. He aflf ward eoBpoaad ' La Lettae de Ohange,' and aeranl othar cca open*. lo 1817, Baaba* want to London, when a few yaanaN he became director of the oratorloa, and a lift gOTcrnar of IL Boyal Aeadasy of Biwlc, pnfeaaor of th* barp, aad atcnbryl th* aaaleal dcpiitnant of the aam* toilllatrea. H* aaaa conpoaad aa aTCraga of elgheeaa or twenty plec** for the h Hr. Bochia aame to the United SUtea with Urn*. Anna BlaL abcat ton yaara ago. With tarytog laccaB they gare oparu 1 eonaerto roraereral yaan here. In 1813 they waat to Oallfor* and la 18(8 the toar waa exteaded to Aoalralla, where, at the li aceoaato, Uidame Blabop la llTlartoreUnmentBlth one of II deagtatai*. Br. Bocbaa wu abont aarenty yaara af tf, aad 1' rery aapiepoueuing appcaraaee." At the Boitca Ihaatre, tba anccau of "UldnaBar Hl| Daeam"proBlaaa lolajitforMTcnl weakatoeome. The BoUlday Btreet Tbaatn, Baltlmoie,wu aold at aaallooli weak, aad waiperobiaed by Mr. Qnacea 'or a83,CO0. ' Jolla Been Beyae and Ur. 0. Pope, bar mfeaalanal attatha,t eabark ban, abont tha 28ih of Uay, for Oallferala, AoitraUa « BaaUad. Hr. Haafle pbyed an engagement at tbe Rational Tbaatn, I toB, laat wofk, to rery alln beoaaa. He hu beaa re-eagaga^ < will pby thnegh Uila week. Tbedraaa Ib BIo da Janeiro ncalred a MTenblowlo that atraetlaa of the DegolBeeot theatre, whiah wu aboat the alM th* Aalor Houa, In thla oily. Thb theatre, kaowa aadar I Baaa of San Pedro da Alcantara, waa dbecT«r*d te beOBBna'~ a d'cloek oa the moinloKcf tb* !8th Janoiry. It wu balll th two yeara ago, aad, nnUl lb* bnlldbgof the ap*nhoBM|i Bre yean alaoe. It wm aaed both fer tbe drama aad Ik* ci Thbbthetbbd tine ttlathaain bu beaa baratyet tbei leaato uflrm uwfaea flnt bailt, balncfear fMt to ibbka Tha an wu, BO dOBbt, tba wark of aa Ineaadbry, aad b *« ' of legnt to the entire city, Joe OowelL the vatomn ocnudlu, haa prtMarted Eaneyt liana with thewlgund Icilber apron, worn to lb* chtrulerj Oiack, on hla Brat appauaaco In thla character forty-two r*" abce.